Eastern reflector, 11 October 1907

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. .- . I. I .
Complete In All Details.
Come In and examine my
. . . . ONE
Showing on What a
Ha.- f at, May Han.
if .
A Dreamland to Visitor.
In tho Matter of Features
Jamestown Leads Ail Other
and Navy Display,
Never before in the history of
baa there been I.-, an
with c. v nines
Jamestown Tercentennial now
In on the historic whiten of
Hampton Road. The Tercentennial la
now ill all f Its and
to the visitor a veritable
he Immense exhibit pal-
aces, and E building,
all or
m I off with the most
trees foliage, to this
an distinct from
all of
ii n h ii ; e by either boat
or t ire v.
where to the
-.-m; army, and Jamestown la-
in v- if v, ;.,,.
now . the of
rob across
t I m are I at-
. Una-
we roost
tar-l -y II , Atlantic
v , . .,. .-.,,
of most pi -tic.
,. .-i in
if trio Ii lore it
f. to the
in. it
orate, -ii- anniversary
of i i.
Ins . the most
h. t n tin o of mod-
beg leave to an that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints
and an
v. Ready nixed Paints.
f .
I .
v. T tills
n .; spec-
r the i hi ml of
-will n In
. -st
I.,. in There
.- Hi rummer
in of-v i III
I'm mi . Is well
i y Ii of
i I be on
one of the and
i In
. . on a
ii I .
of Mate Infantry,
so.- of Twelfth Unit-
ed Stub s cavalry and battery of
Id artillery. Several
nail of
i i- s military
organizations, are on-
t from time to
of them
own which, lo-
s a continual
There is no line in the world better
e n lire. It has behind it a century
for honorable wares and
use the Harrison Paints you need
worry quality.
i- you favor us with your
whenever you want good paint tor any
i-. Have a car load and
will give Special Price.
Baker Hart
one i
and .
I i
v. the
. Tho I housed In
four sir- mi water
from of Hit- exposition, i one
of n .-i
. of ii., f
arm of II i-
ever The Individual
. in for i
lie i in and
co-. . and have
to at
he I while
every stale Is represented exhibit
e industrial
Tl. I on
n . from
the i . v. . rest
in be of n might
Hi front
u treat . a of
and K-ho.
North Carolina, Pitt county
the r court term 1907.
J. L. A.
K. K. A. H. and the
Bank of
The K. K.
i r i the Bank of Lauderdale, in
action will take notice
n in
led . action is
brought by a
which will
set out and described In the complain
on real
in the stale North Carolina
And defendant will further
take notice that they are requested to
next torn, superior
Pitt county, to b- on the
2nd Monday before the 1st Monday
r, it being the 19th of Au-
in court House in said
county, in Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in . id Action, or tin plaintiff will
ply court the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
the day of 1907.
D. C, Moore,
superior fount
A Which Failed.
is i r.;. .
not realize it.
of a
net. who strong
t raj yellow streak
felt one day about twenty years ago
n Pan Francisco.
stood outside of a restaurant
without a dime, but was
hi an optical toast, gazing at the
of good things, garnished
ind altogether lovely, in the win-
low of shop. The song.
r. rather, its refrain, Art So
Hear and So was whisper
J to me the gaunt brownie of
lunger. Then a prosperous
who was flipping a half
in his hand dropped the coin, which
an iron grate and
fell into tho below.
man g i o an almost
in direction the
coin had then walked
hamming popular tune.
was determined to have
Tho occasion was one of those
spoken of as a
hog case. I was out of meat, also
bread, needed that half dollar
in my business,
spoke lo proprietor of the j
place, told him that had dropped
five dollar through the
and naked if might go and
j retrieve i.
I he raid, and he gave
me a with which might re-
move a wooden bar that had been
nailed across a door leading from
tho basement lo tho opening under
the grate.
was much litter and dust
down there, and. scratching for the
lost coin. I found many others that
had been in a similar way. Thus
cleaned up from the prospect
amount supplied mo
With o ll I could
my also I
gave mo entry to a clean shirt I
ind a proportionate supply of self
respect . reliance. visited
of and ion e that
I had been
lo in the immediate
I have not been
I insolvent that dale.
Thus yo i may see on what Blender
thread oft hangs a chance in
New York Tribune,
This Department is in charge R. Parker who is
in mix
e r.
ti mi-
ages e
they had
and I
rights of
d lo for the dam-
by his deer to the turnip
f nor n ,
broken. The bar
that tie wore wild
could not he
for them. The
made short
work of his pica. before tho
cast- came on he must need-
one of the deer shot by a keeper
a haunch to judge who
was to try the issue. Of lie
gift ;. with a
said Chief ice whoa
the judge told him of tho
affair, Ii mid have taken the
scoundrel's haunch, eaten it and
him t for contempt of
j Standard.
. Making Money.
It is a curious coincidence that
mo-; of money flashed
var in am
by villains in melodramas and for
which there is so much blood letting j
and in sensational plays is in
made in Washington almost ,
the shadow of the of j,
priming. The demand for
it has caused it develop into quite
is widely
The of Wind on Lakes.
Attention l-u.- called to tho
remarkable i reel of the wind
n little Ii
for dramatic i yon
and also for
ills. It green
of water.
r tho
of lakes to
. provided
lg i on-
l the . ii I ix
of . hi f. e .
A story told in the National
Magazine of Senator Nelson,
; who some of his early
i in a logging camp, lie there
the of certain em-
in order to make
mules move. of
tongues wore in demand in that
Italian- none of the words
, used seemed to have the explosive
, force to adjust tempo of tho
I mule lo the pace. Alon-
a Irishman,
used some popular usual-
indicate I print blank.
blank, or mil lea
moved I in i nil
males the Irish-
man. t. i me mother
N. C. Oct. 1st,
The of the cotton pin is
lending enchantment to the active
element of our community at
present, but many of farmer
friends continue to pull in an
occasional load of tobacco
Mrs. W. B. Burnett is slowly
M. is
not so favorable as
R Lang, one of
energetic young men. has gone
to Greenville to take a position
with the Bunk of Greenville. J.
F Joyner has taken the
with J. H. Harris vacated
by Mr. Lang.
thing must be doing
among our young men. as we
see an occasional new f rubber
buggy on the streets. Well,
boys, don't forget procure
strong halt r, for . horses
get very impatient on those long
night stands.
W. H. Wilkinson gave a bar-
dinner last Saturday at
home, complimentary to his
and invited friends
To and a
happy band they were.
Our town baa been exception-
ally quiet the past week. The
major only one before
him Monday. Richard Knight.
for being drunk and disorderly
repeatedly, was sent to the roads
for thirty days.
Messrs. and Murphy
have returned from Baltimore Every trace
where they went to treated eliminated
for mad dog bites. Both are
looking well.
Constable Smith, of Falkland
township, Was in town
r some
N. G.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Clark, Proprietor.
N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Resort, Clean Tow-
; repaired,
ed pressed,
Parker's Old Stand, j
N. C.
All kinds of Carts
and Wagons.
Ill fact any kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Company will insure any on
any trace of
Kidney Trouble
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in a certain deed
of mortgage from Mack Man-
and wife, Manning
and dated 15th day of October
el duly recorded in the office of
the Register of Deeds Pitt
county in book P, a page
we will on Monday Mill, day of
at the Court house
door of Pitt county at twelve
o'clock noon, offer tor sale at
public auction following de-
Adjoining the lands of L D.
Jim Griffin, Hen
Allen and Where and
which he
his v.
s of
leaving it
n one in . iv.-;. -f
o. r re . . i,
sloop- paper, use , ,.; , ;.
I . A mt of money i v
l r
. we so- , who-it financial i . i ,. . . ,
; tin th road, toward , . I
Tobie. IS I ,. .,. I Hie J
with salt tide of i bases,, , . .;. ., -a-
may I the city of News, mil and tho pinch of I . ,, . . j . ;. f ,
greatest shipyards the I tho team was at bat. I on
Kr Vi-
A la or in a
lied row ii.;. i
the order.
. lied upon
to might
made n for the or-
j.- hat he-
lore act. i
r i ired lo
know if the ,. i;
f I ,
ii,,. woman in as-1
. never done
lo church
will he paid by I Inter-
state Chemical Co. of Baltimore,
Md. for case of kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word t- tho wise.
For sale by
N. C.
For Sal-One three
years old, kind and gentle. Any
j Lady can drive Apply to
J. L.
lied its on the north
by L. on the
east by J. A. Griffin, on the
south by L. on
the west by Ben Allen Jones;
containing twenty one acres
or less.
Terms of sale cash. This 6th
day of
K. R.
John Dennis.
O. Moore
to b
may i
saw, toward
mingles its
tide of
in the city of News, WOK full and tho pinch hitter of
greatest shipyards the tho team was at bat.
the right the broad- Tho umpire had three balls I ,
a., ; and two strikes.
to broad mighty At-
between the capes of Charles
and Henry.
The dilation at is a set
In Itself a journey of a thou
to witness, and, with ail
outlines of the buildings aglow,
the paths of i rail and
Lane twinkling the myriads
of little the War Path a i
of electricity, the many powerful ,
playing the with
messages and fifty
miles of shore lines dotted with lbs I
of n cities mid nestling
towns, what spectacle more sublime
beautiful could be Imagined f
On section of the ex- j
position, tho War Path, there j
Is every conceivable amusement and
diversion, where the visitor to the e-
position, after n long day of
can relax and let drift
with the pleasure from one
amusement to next on this
While where the light ever
twinkle and the noise of tho oriental
la ever In the air.
; .
rock- re
no feel cm
too ill for words, and when the
pitcher began to wind himself g. x
preparatory to ball v. -V. . ;
was painful, .
It was broken by a loud, , d true, hut
, J., r . In dig
i for had
voice, wise u
bag of this justly-r him at m c to
After the house in had ex-
voice in the grand
of the
He Wasn't Afraid
Little Tommy up
sinter were g.
i light. The-
bottom r. ached the
after e hen Tommy.
to pierce
to are, a lady when they have
replied the mother,
should always take the
I thought said do-
Revenue Service 4th
of North Carolina
N C-, Sept. 3rd 1007.1
virtue of authority given in sec-
and acting under
of issued thereunder against
John for taxes assessed
against him under the Internal
law a have TWO and one half
town in the town of Grifton
N. C. being the same lots or parcel of
land upon which is situated n store
house occupied by Thompson ant
a, in which they conduct a
This lot or parcel of lend
will be offered for to the highest
bidder for cash on Tuesday the 1st tiny
of October 1907 at o'clock m at
Court house door in the town of Green-
lie K. Lewis
Deputy Collector
well burned
brick my factory now
ready for at reasonable
prices. V
I have returned from the
northern trunk, is. where I
chased a superb and complete
line of millinery, notions, sick
wear, dress trimmings,
and fins. Am prepared to suit all
in quality and price- Will
my same milliner, Miss
Ella who can trim to
suit the- The
public invited to call
and inspect my store.
Mrs. J. F Joyner
Opposite R. L. Davis and Bros
lib him aid to th
abrasion not
I is u think there
of the
Then, the patient, he
asked do
An Indian
in Canada tho Q n-
have some queer Indians
delirium. in regard to
chief a mo it day Cree
rested Norway no man were
for the House, think.
to the of a squaw. Accord- Pat. a win-
woman torn of the tribe, thought doctor.
suffering t while she words out of my
idea of ram delirium, with the mouth. That's just what I was
preventing the evil spirit j to Weekly.
Not one man in BOO pictures
future wife in the surroundings of
ordinary girl. Where is the Ad-
am who dreams of meeting his Eve,
of skirt and strong arm, in
the hockey Held or striding over the
turf with a golf ball or plunging
madly after a ball On the
contrary, he pictures her clad in
and a be-
more than woman, who
as a daily companion
prove the most withering
bore a man could be- cursed with.
London Throne.
Internal Revenue Service.
District of North Carolina.
Deputy Collector's Office.
Littleton. N. C. Aug. 10th 1907
By virtue of n warrant of
J. Manning for taxes as-
against him under the Internal
laws, I have seized the fol
owing belonging to
aid One horse,
Mules and This property will
i e sold under said at the farm
f said Manning near Greenville N. C
n the day of Sept. 1907
t o'clock m. to the highest bidder
or Cash.
R. J. Lewis,
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in a certain deed
mortgage from C. A.
Nellie E, Fair- his wife, to b K.
and D. O. Moore dated
18th day of October, 1906. and
recorded in the office of the
of county
page I will on
1907. at the court house door of
Pitt county twelve o clock
noon, offer for sale at public
Son the following
southwest corner on Academy
St and runs easterly with Jose-
Cox's lino to his other
with Academy St.,
parallel with
cox s line to Academy St, thence
with Academy. St. to the
containing one-half acre
Sow or less. Terms of sale cash.
D- O. Moore,
D. J. Editor an i Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Taken From the Tarboro Southerner.
It would be more accurate to
state that Tarboro has a citizen
who a hobo, or one who
most enacted that
role- His name is John
Hearing that the Southwest air
cure i from which
he was a sufferer, he determined
to try it without, on hi.
parents for the usual wherewith.
He made the trip even to Los
Angeles, and to San
his way, doing odd
jobs at places when hunger
forced him to stop over. His
experiences ware varied, exciting
and caused him to see life and
scenes in varying phases from
the Atlantic to the Pacific in the
moist verdure producing sections
as well as in the arid homo of the
cactus, the Llano
Upon his return, hi- health
much improved Mr. Peele has
written and had published a very
graphic, interesting and
narration of his experiences
embodied a book of
pages with appropriate illus-
It is well written and
also well printed because Ed-
wards Broughton, of Raleigh.
the typographic artificers
It is very readable book from
to finis and can be read
with profit. Price cents at all
Drug Stores
Mr. Peele was in Greenville
Tuesday arranging to put his
book on here. He is an in-
talker as well as
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Heeds R. Williams
has issued the following licenses
Jesse Haddock and Annie
Hannis Taylor Latham and
Lorena Harding.
John B. Hardy and Addie
W. H. Sutton and Hattie Ed-
Allie Davis ind Annie May.
Shot Man; Killed
A n Onslow cent who was
in this city last night Informed
that a shooting scrape
at Verona, Onslow
county, yesterday in which the
of Ed Blake was
of shot intended for Blake
A row started bet wee
the two men in a field where
was being mowed, when
threw his gun up to his
shot, evidently intending the
load for Blake.
Shot did not reach Blake, bin
Blake's horse instead,
killing the Bern
There good attendance
of business at the meeting
of the Chamber C in
mayor's office Monday night
The meeting was presided over
by Vice-President S T. White,
and it being the annual meeting
the election of a boar of
tors, was gone into after routine
business had been completed.
constitution requires that
three directors be elected to
serve for two years and three for
one year. The following were
elected by
For E. A.
V, M. Woolen II. A.
For one C.
Dr- D. L. James a a D. J.
The officers of the chamber
will be elected by the board o;
The meeting-was then thrown
op for suggestions and discus-
and several s
were made. One matter discuss-
ed was Greenville as a cotton
market and to a central
place where bidders shall
to cotton instead of it
being sold up and down the
street. The question had
and opponents
The question that
greatest interest was street
All were agreed that
Greenville should be at work in
this direction. The following
resolution was offered by H. A.
and unanimously
That it is the sense
of the of Commerce of
Greenville that the board of Ai-
use every effort to renew
the present town loan of
mu if successful, immediately
after the of the bond to
take steps towards paving Evans
Street and Dickinson Avenue, or
street, to the railroad
The meeting adjourned subject
to the call of the beard of
d Man from the New. Observer.
Here to Hospital.
A man the name or
was brought to the
Washington Hospital yesterday
m a critical condition, from
been shot through the
by his brother-in-law.
who lives at Stokes.
a small station on the Coast Line
in Pitt county, had some
with his wife last Saturday
night, and she left toe house, go-
to her brother's, a short dis-
Chauncey shortly afterward
followed, and it is presumed had
trouble with the man, with
result that he was shot in
the the ball passing through
intestines three times.
condition of wounded
is very serious-
Th particulars of the affair
are very meager, and
is unable to talk t -day-Wash-
Extensive Children
Peter in Southern Farm
of Baltimore, for
Considerable dis has
the announcement of a
lecturer that it costs
about to raise a child to
j of independence in this
and the subsequent
statement abroad that it
costs to do the same thing
for a child in England, of
the itemized account of child-
England clearly proves
that a comparatively small results Where
children are being raised once or twice a week they do not
KM ounCeS j a
And even if they rave free ac-
Raleigh N. C.
His on North
Carolina to Southern California
without a Ticket and How I Did
John Peele a man of
has written a book en
titled North Carolina to
Southern California without a
ticket and how I did The
book is now sale at cents
a copy, at all drug stores.
Mr. Peele, who is nineteen
years old, and in order to cure
he started a trip
America, beginning his
journey with five dollars and his
nerve. He made the trip, but
there were trials and tribulations,
and there were all kinds of ad
ventures. He gives facts and
figures about his trip, with names
of towns and jails in which he
stopped, and the book has in it
many interest things that hap-
to this Tarboro lad, thou-
home with-
out money and with no trade
except the ability to
He did all kinds of things but
neither stole or starved, and his
story is an interesting one of
western life as he saw it in a trip
was full of hardship and ad-
Train Wrecked at South Rocky by Greenville Lodge, No.
Rocky Mount, N. C, Oct G.-
The Atlantic Coast Line north
bound train No. which
es through here at
o'clock in the morning, was
wrecked on the lower part of th
yard at South Rocky Mount ear-
Sunday morning-. The shift
engine was running up and
down the yard as usual when
head-on collision occurred lie
tween it and The
engine was smashed and the en
No was derailed
badly torn up. Five mail clerks
had barely escaped by
when car in which
were at work was crushed into n
thousand pieces. The engine-u
on train, however,
was not so fortunate, and his
body was severely crushed and
mangled, death occurring in
His name is George
and he is well known in
Mount. His colored fire
man was injured so that he died
in a few h With the
of these two deaths and
Slight bruises to the mail clerks
and a few of the passengers no
other injuries were received
Amount of Salt for Cows.
Experiments go to show that
average sized cow ought to
have about two ounces of salt a
day. Now am convinced that
the average farmer does not feed
his cows silt enough for the best
are salted
National Bank Declares Dividend.
The directors of the National
of Greenville met this
morning and declared a semi-
annual dividend of per cent
which was carried to the surplus
fund. This makes a total of
per cent this bank has added to
the surplus since it began bus.
in April of last year. In the
past month the deposits have in-
creased per cent, This is a
fine record for new bank and
shows that it is well managed
and has the confidence of tie
Keep if Up.
Paved streets really reached
the point of enthusiasm at the
meeting of the Chamber of Com-
night. Keep this
lick,, up, gentlemen, and you
will soon see wonderful changes
on Greenville's streets.
The millinery today
fine en far us displays .,
the t as
as is r-I on such
Mr. L Griffin Co.,
Pulley and C T.
had an
which were
m ch admired by all who visited
era are always up with th
expensively either in England
w In this country. Further con-
of the subject suggests
that, judged by the in
of cases, a deal
f money spent in child raising
s worse than wasted, and that if
less attention was paid to the coot
cannot be put into figures,
the cost of developing good man-
and common sense, the
children of the present
j far more
and desirable members of society
than they are.
Bank of Grifton.
A charter Has been issued for
the Bank of Grifton,
to begin business. This
will make eight banks in
Grifton is
town and the bank there
will Drove a great convenience.
A boat
A father, talking to his careless
wan to to you of
your mother It may be that you
a care worn look upon
her face. Of course it has not
been brought there by act of
still it is your duty to
chase it away.
want you to get up tomorrow
morning and When
your mother comes and begins to
express her surprise go up
her and kiss her on the
You can't imagine how will
brighten her dear face. Brides,
yon owe her a kiss or two
long while ago when you
were a girl she kissed you.
You were not as attractive then
a i you are now
years of childish
sunshine and shadows she was
rays ready to cure, by the
of a mother's kiss, the
little chubby hands when-
they were injured
with the
rough old Exchange
Waking Up
night's meeting of the
Chamber of shows
what en be done when the
men attend and take inter
in what is going on, or
to be going on, in the town. It
much not result from
in that meeting
Reflector will be very much
to salt I do not believe the
eat as as that. i.
only way to get cows to eat
ounces of salt a day is to mix it
with their ensilage and other feed
then they will eat it and relish
it. Now the need for so much
salt in the ration is simply mat
it assists in the assimilation of
the food. After the food is
it is held in solution by the
digestive fluids and has to pass
from the digestive tract the
circulation. This absorption can-
not take place regularly unless
the solution is salty or saline.
Some people claim that
ought to have more two
ounces salt a day. but I think
two ounces is sufficient and the
best way to feed it is to give an
ounce at night. This is better
than giving two ounces at one
feed. Exchange.
f. a M.
We. the undersigned commit-
tee, appointed draw suitable
resolutions of aspect to the
memory of our departed brother,
J L. Sugg, beg have to report as
Whereas, it has pleased the
Supreme Architect of the
from labor to rest
our beloved brother, J. l Sugg
Oct 4th. 1907, therefore be
it resolved.
First. That we most humbly
bow in submission to will and
more firmly trust in the hand
that leads where we -an neither
foresee nor prevent danger along
the path of life.
Second, that we strive to em
u ate the example of our beloved
b -other in dis fidelity and h-
that, though dead, yet
shall he aid to the ennobling f
our character as men and
Th rd. That we extend to his
bereaved family our profound
sympathy and deepest regret in
t loss they have sustained, and
to and His
infinite wisdom and grace.
That a copy these
re-solutions be spread upon the
minutes of this lodge, a cony .
Board at Directors Elects Officers.
The board of directors the
Chamber of Commerce of Green-
ville met Tuesday night in the
office of Dr. D. L. James and
elected following officers of
President- D. J. Whichard,
H. W. Whedbee.
E. Bradley.
Treasurer-J. L. Little,
F. M. Wooten and L.
A. Bowen was elected a
member of the board to fill a
in the one year term.
Well I am grinding at Forbes
water mill Tuesday and Fridays
All who want bread come
by o'clock if you can. I have
plenty of water for grinding.
J. E. Elks
Having duly before
the court clerk of Pitt
county administrator of
estate of M-D, do-
ceased, notice is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the estate
to immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all
having claims against st
notified that they must
sent tho same to the undersigned
for payment on or before the 1st
day of October, tins no-
will in bar of
This 1st day of October,
J. H.
of M. D.
Carolina Pitt
and wife
R. J. E Jones D. O.
Tho E. R.
and D. O. Moore above named
ill u. o notice that an
its been commenced in the
court of Pitt county by th
plan tiffs above named again-i
th above
of lining
rest i the said
foreclosing the
collecting the notes Bet out
and described in the comp
tiled in this cause and for th
of having the
ed fraudulent and null and
void, and the sued defendants E.
R. and O. Moon
will further take notice that they
required to at
ton-, of t
Superior of Pi t county,
to held on the
lot y
her, it being the day Nov-
ember. the court
in c Greenville, N c
answer or to com
plaint f the in
a or plaintiffs
t the court for the relief
ed in sud complaint.
Tins day of
I C Moore
c tun of county.
Sent to his bereaved
The Daily Reflector
p ans Friend for
R. m .,
J- M.
r Com.
Public Laws.
Superior Court Clerk D. C
Moore has received the public
laws of 1907. Justices of the
Peace of the county can get
copies by calling on the clerk
The Commerce and receipting for same,
should have the interest and co- .
of every business man R Johnston's-
in the town to properly fill its I Meal at Johnston's.
Having duly qualified before Oh
c of nil-
of the M
Smith, deceased, noticed i
Riven to all persons Indebted to
estate to make immediate payment t
the undersigned, and all persons
claims against said estate -re
to present the same to the
for payment on or before the 2-th tins
of S- 1908, or this notice
be plead in bur of recovery.
This 28th of September, 1907.
Jesse Cannon,
Administrator of Cicero Al. smith.
The Jamestown Reproduction
Company gave a good moving
picture show in the opera house
Tuesday night. It was the best
of its kind that has been her.-.
A fair size audience witnessed it
and all were pleased.
Having decided to go out
the stock business. have
number of fine milk cows, which
I will sell at reasonable prices
Those interested better mi
soon as I am going to sell
stock before cold
L. Joyner.
R cent statistic i of
no little attn.
the financial world. Lia-
insolvents during the
summer twice
great as in either of the last
summers, and now Dun's
figures for September show an
even worse situation. For
three quarters of this
year totals are the worst in a de-
It is happily true, how-
that the number of
vent-- shows little and
the in
a chi fly from the failure
of more manufacturing
concerns th i Owing to
in money market.
these s were
to accommodations upon
n were accustomed to
rely, and hence wen
further damage the y
protracted money
before departing the
question at present. Bountiful
crops reasonable assurance
for the time but the course
f things later Hoes not yet
If the c will only
h j e for the best and prepare for
something not quite so good,
doubtless the present financial
strain will disappear without
working serious
lotto Observer.
More Peach Blossoms.
A few days ago The Reflector
d of peach blossoms on a tree
in the yard of Senator J. L.
Fleming, but Mr. W. H. Ricks
c in go ahead of this. He tells
us that he has several peach
trees that are in bloom in
and one of the trees has
peaches, young peaches and
blooms all on it at the same time.
We have a wonderful climate
this way.
Wanted-A few boarders.
location, nice rooms
electric lights and bath
Apply Reflector office. r,
Do not fail to go to c ope
tonight and see the gr
Jamestown show.

Greensboro, N. c. Oct.
time this morn ,.
between two highly m d
i e s. C
RanKin and Major W. Vi. Allen.
The two re neighbors for .- m
month. Major Allen renting
I to the
by Capt. Kan on
Allen had a
place an., was . ii in
Cant Rank
over and informed the
that several chickens, which
were in the coop to be moved,
were his. Major Allen denied
this declaring that it would
law to get them from him.
raised Capt. ire o
he told in major that he
rather fight it out, than to go o
law . v. r e chickens Tl
two v it ;.
first knock, bite. Berate
and . n the
of the
male i.
separate contestants
men very bloody their face-
looked the hens had had a
Scratching b. e on and tin e
are on foreheads as big s
an egg.
Mr D. II. an excel
citizen of th; Staton mill
about miles from
died morning of
fever. He leaves a will
two children, both f th
r grown. One of then
i Mrs. S. I. Dudley, of
. In his death the
a and upright
A l other Hen at the Age Mouth
Mr. J- H. Guyer, who live
four miles of
Elkin, tills m that son e
chick- rs hatched out in Ai
and that some of the pullets
began laying the earl
of August. After laying
about a dozen eggs one of there
decided to hitch out a brood of
her own- She went about the
work as as
About the of September
h is a brood of eight
after. Being a mother hen at h
than four
beats Timer.
The Only Vt Confederate Veteran
Jamestown Tercentennial Expo-
In All
A Veritable Dreamland to the Visitor.
In the Matter of Interesting Feature
Jamestown Leads All Other
and Navy Display.
New r Before In the history of the
ban there been hold an
so man;, attractive feature
as the Jamestown Tercentennial, now
u roll historic waters of
Beads. The i
complete in all of it and
to the visitor a veritable
The Immense exhibit pal-
aces, state and
all of a permanent or
set off with the most
trees and foliage, to this
exposition an distinct from
all of Its predecessors.
Within tin hour's ride by either boat
or train suck places as York town,
where surrendered to the
army, and Jamestown Is-
lam, the where
now remain only the mine of the
first church In America. -lust across
waters of Hampton Bonds are
ed Old Comfort and Fort Mon-
roe, the strongest and most
artillery station on the Atlantic
whose prim walls and winding
most make It one of the most
spots In the These and
many other of historic interest
give an appropriate setting to the
Jamestown exposition,
orates the three hundredth anniversary
of the first permanent English speak
settlement in America, the most
Important in the history of mod-
to the fact that the James
town Tercentennial Is the first
on deep In this
country, there has been going on
most continually n grand naval spec
fade, of a such as America has
never, seen The entire North
Atlantic fleet, under the command of
Hear Admiral P. Brans, squad
by squadron, will rendezvous In
Hampton Bonds from time time
the visitor to the
ample opportunity to see the
fleet of battleships In the world. The,
will oil times the
be at least six the 1-
well as the navy is well
.-,; .- the Tercentennial, an.
daily by crack regiments
United States troops are to be seen on
Lee's Parade, one of the largest I
best equipped drill plains In the conn
try. Stationed at the exposition ground
at present are the entire Twenty-third
regiment Of States Infantry, the
Second squadron of the Twelfth Unit
ed States I buttery of the
Third Held artillery. Several
of the national guard of
states, besides numerous
and are en
camped at the exposition from time t.
time. Each of these military
lions brings Its own band, which, to
with the exposition orchestra.
gives u ant
varied musical
The government exhibits, housed In
four handsome structures en the waste
front of the exposition, comprise one
of the most complete and
displays of the work of tin
various departments of the government
ever assembled. The individual states,
have also come forward at this
With their heartiest support
twenty of then
Greeted buildings to represent them
the Tercentennial, while
very state is represented exhibits
historical, or industrial
These state buildings are located on
Boulevard, a grand avenue
the water front, and from
the broad piazzas of the state
visitors may rest and view
magnificent and historical
whereon the vessels of the world
rest at anchor. In the Immediate from
appear the great white men-of-war
our own and a foreign
and yachts, sloops, schooners
and vessels of every kind
Beyond are the frowning walls
Fort Monroe the beautiful so-
retreat of the Old Point
Comfort. To the left be seen the
noted Industrial school Hampton.
and still further up to roads, toward
where the mighty Its
waters with the suit tide of the Bea.
may be seen the city of Newport News,
with the greatest shipyards In the
world. To the right appears the broad-
Channel iron, roads to nay and
from buy to broad and mighty At-
out between the of
and Henry.
The Illumination night Is a
in Itself worthy a journey of a thou
solid miles to and. with nil
the outlines of the buildings aglow,
the paths of the Canoe Trail and
Lane twinkling with the myriads
of little lights, the War Path a
of electricity, the many powerful
President Moore Calls This for Raleigh
Wednesday State Fair.
A great meeting of cotton
farmers of North Carolina is t
he held in Raleigh on
day, October this in the
State Fair Week. Rail-
road rates are especially low
The meeting is to be an
one and it should be attend-
ed, by all cotton farmers who can
come The Southern Cotton As-
recently set cents a
pound as price for cotton and
it is now selling for less
twelve cents This will be one
matter and President
C. C. Moore of the Southern Cot-
ton Association in his call for the
c invention, published below, says
will sell at cents before
next crop is made.
is a blessing. Have you it
If not, you should wear glasses
Let me lit your eyes and the
C. E. Rountree
Optician and Jeweler
Graduate Philadelphia College
of Horology and Optics
only woman who is a
member of a Confederate
Camp, and who march .
for miles the camp at
ions, joining them also in
solemn funeral processions, i
Miss Mary A. Hall of Augusta.
No matter where she goes.
Miss Hall invariably wears some-
where about but never ob
a tiny
flag. For a long time the
she affected was sill.
which rolled in her hair,
tastefully arranged in her hat.
Now it is worn in a Confederate
Miss Hall recognized c is-
of the Confederate fl if.
She has personally placed no
than of the emblem
on the gr of i
Dressed in her walking
and wearing the plain coat
its brass and the cam
with her close-cuter
curls, the only woman veteran
looks unlike her veteran
Record searchlights, playing the heavens with
their mysterious messages and fifty
of shore lines dotted with the
lights of a dozen cities an nestling
towns, what spectacle more sublime
beautiful could be Imagined
On the amusement section of the ex
position, called the War there
Is every conceivable amusement and
diversion, where the visitor to the ex-
position, after a long day of
can relax let drift
with the pleasure seeking from one
amusement to the next on this
White where the lights ever
twinkle end the of the oriental
is ever in the sit.
Call the Convention
The call for convention is as
The cotton farmers of North
Carolina will hold the fall con-
at Raleigh, on
President Jordan will
i resent and will address the
on matters that will
of interest to every man in the
A call for from far-
in every township where
cotton is grown and from every
town and city where cotton is
marketed. Every section of the
state where cotton is grown or
marketed should at once select
de . gates to represent their sec-
at important meeting.
Farmers, merchants, hold your
it. hi from market when price is
declining, do not depress price
b; on market
is worth cents cum-
in and will sell for
another crop is
Pres. N. C. Division S. C. A.
Charlotte, N C
The Beautiful
If you love, love more. If you
hate, hate less. Life is too short
o in hating any one.
Why war against a mortal who
is going the same road with us
not expand the flower of
life and happiness by teaching
those who are near and dear the
beautiful Your hands
may be hard, but your heart need
not be. Your form may be bent
r ugly, but do you not know
tat the most beautiful flowers
grow in the most rugged,
places The palace for
care, the cottage for love. Not
that there is no love in a man-
but somehow if we are not
very careful, business will crowd
all there is of beauty out of the
hart. This is why God has
given the Sabbaths and Saturday
nights, that we may leave
and have a little heart-clean
Internal Revenue Service.
4th. District of Norm Carolina.
Collector's Office.
Littleton, N. C. Aug.
virtue of authority given in sec-
R. S. and under war-
rant of issued thereunder,
W. J. Manning for taxes assess-
ed against him under the Internal Rev-
laws. I have seized one tract of
land belonging to said Manning and
known as the tract and contain
acres more or less, the
same tract of h
and upon which he is now
a crop. This t-act of land
be sale to the highest bidder
for cash on Monday Sept. at
o'clock m. t the Court House door
in the town of N. C.
k. J. Lewis.
Deputy Collector.
Loans and-Discounts
Due from. Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
125.-41 Undivided
Deposits m i lint- i.
Stat of
y ii i
n and .
. of.
J. V.
sit 4737.51
ck 23,075.62
, lit
At o. bus
By i a the
Court Pitt county i. Special
No J. K.
the underpinned com-,
mis loner -ill sell tor before
court house door in Greenville
t. the wing
sir bed estate. Ii
town of Heth the lot now
J. If. Bu ting aid the.
buildings said said lot
the north by St. on
east by lot owned M J
Co. on the by Mack s
and c- on the wet
Blount store and hotel,
that convened
to cherry
deeds, one from M I. T
other deed f- nm Blount
One in bounded on
north by street, on east by rs
W H Bullocks, on south Is the lot own-
ed by co G
and on b. J R
A e or of tend
bounded on north by
and the Nelson on the est
the property, o south the
James, Alack
on th.- west
street, containing
or F. G.
a and
Vat bank
1,032.86, H .
its ,
. v
sine of County op s-
I. W s-o
Use above in. ,. my
me, May
M- C. B
This tight for is-
a good time for every one to La
helpful by
money is it is
for one to his ob
but money
lit is very
one pays his little debts, his
big ones if he can
paid out in a
debt may pay a dozen- in a
day and so ease tile situation
with as many persona- The truth
is, no one has a moral to
hold on t money if he owes it to
some one Neck
of or
Troubles. Other
y i if
it w will refund
full size bottle
ant if it then
use SOL. until
This entitles yo
to a at
a limited number bottles
given away. Don't this op
to test
Rev. E. Cox returned W.-
from a trip over in Ma--
tin county and a e
bunch of squirrels with
He and a friend went
near Roanoke river,
afternoon, and between
and sunset they killed
This Boy Starts Right.
The youngest stock holder in
The Home Building and Loan
Association is Master Rogers
Whichard, of Norfolk. Shares
were taken for him at the organ-
of association when he
was but little more than three
years old, and his payments of
have come along regularly
every month. He is now four-
and a-half years and today
Secretary N. G. White received a
check from him by the
little fellow The
is all in capital letters with
made but it
is a good bit work for such a
small boy. By the time Rogers
is ten years old his building and
ban stock will be matured and he
will draw a good sum to add to
his bank account.- This is a good
way for a boy to start and lay the
foundation for a successful
Good Farm
For rent, lease or sale on
terms- the Latham farm, miles
from Greenville on north side
Tar river. Contains about
six horse crop cleared.
J. A. Andrews.
Lee's Daughter Marries.
Alexandria. Va., Sept. 25.-
Miss Virginia Lee, daughter f
the late General Lee
was married here today to Lieu-
tenant John Carter Montgomery,
Seventh United States cavalry.
The ceremony took place in
Christ church and was
by Rev. Dr. Morton, pastor of
the church Miss Lee was given
in marriage by her brother, Capt.
Lee, U. S. A.
Any Time of Year
You will find me ready to supply all your needs in
My stock is new and fresh at all times and I handle the
best brands. Anything wanted in staple Groceries,
Canned Goods, Pickles, etc. found
at my store, and prices are right All kinds Fruits in
Greenville N
Everybody is looking forward to it. The wonderful of last year has led to
plans for a greater Fair this year. Nothing like it. The best in all departments.
By virtue mortgage execute-
deliver d to J. R. Smith Company
C R. W the 2nd day o
March I, which was ref
he office of the register of
deeds of F in book k-8 page
the t will Bell for
in the tot -n on Saturday the
f the follow-
s at personal property, to-
bay mares, two dray
one harness,
one top buggy-,
the sue purchased T. wT
Hart; -also one small bay mare bough.
J. Bit one other hay ant
open buggies, one- top
on dray wagon, five sets of
last lot the same bought of
J. E. the stable manure
now in thus stables rented by the said
C. It. Lorenzo
E. said is satisfy
said mortgage. This September 1907,
J, R
aw mi Arts
at the
e and ion-
in the of
u m
October 15th, as
lib. arts
The attendance in the
history of the exposition is ex-
as ten thousand
worth c f prizes, inducing sh,
will be away to -holders of
ticket purchased on
that y.
mo to a
; inaugurated
days and in twenty
Suffer a word in defense the
town pastor. We have seen them
outrageously imposed upon by
people, usually young
men at school, who to town
bocks or
i i i them
selves in the pastor's
home, because he was a guest in
the neighborhood last fall when
he held a meeting there. Now of
course cannot say a
word, and no preacher ever
opened in complaint to
we have seen a
few we jot down as
we go We felt
sorry for pastors who treat with
decency people with no manners
Quarter Ending Sept 30th. 1907.
To amount sales this quarter
By inventor 4,704.76
purchases, whiskey, beer, etc., quarter
Express, freight
Tax, proportionate paid
General expenses
Paid town
Balance profits on hand
for the
of prize were received by one occasion a pastor's wife
Wheeler , director of tie man and all his
and liberal arts one of vis-
at the and
in, set
his down and up his
rut to day or And
he bat
pointed chairman, am H. P.
Webster, cashier of the Atlantic
Safe and Trust Company,
treasurer, of this occasion.
There be by wanted. ad was seriously in
bands and the Tyrolean and Fiske the
W. L Hall
Warren Jr
J C Lanier
jubilee singers. The soft, drink
and -restaurant concessionaire
will their wares Pt price
on day. while the purchaser
of the souvenir tickets will re-
cards which will admit
them u all shows on the war
just half the regular
price. The of these ticket-
will receive cards the
grand ball, which will be held in
convention hall the following
Every souvenir ticket will bear
the general's signature.
showing, ii at the holder was a
visitor b the
These will bear a hand-
Borne design on one while tin
other will bear an advert
This r will b
bid th firm or person
, highest bid
East India exhibitors, in
addition to donating several
prizes, will give each and every
visitor a cup of tea.
Some of principal prizes
rec to dale two
valued at
Roth and
York gate,
have mots per-
to thus obtrude
upon a family, ought
to be step
over to the tut nine out of,
ten of our suffer
injustice and save the dead beat a
dollar a day. A who is
business that will
feed him to quit and try
and if his
w ill pay his board he ought not
i make the preacher do it. I
Sometime these are pet pie who
thoughtlessly upon the
pat tor who lives in town, we
have no hope of reaching
r class than these, dead
has neither conscience j
taste It is a very Ides
when one goes to town to spend
the to take money enough
to pay his expenses.
Charily and Children.
Th Quarrel of Dandy
What Cams of It.
Dandy and Laddie were collie
and brothers, and they were
owned by brothers, too, farmers up
in New Hampshire. The farms ad-
joined, and the farmers
their stock in common. The dogs
visited other frequently and
were great friends. One day when
was gnawing Lone Dan-
a pet kitten be aging to Dan-
family came near, and Laddie
snapped at her. Dandy
flew at his throat, and they hod a
hot fight before they could be
It is said that neither dog ever
crossed the boundary line between
tin- two after thatdaily drove his flock sheep down
the lane until he reached th.-
wall, where Dandy solemnly
took charge and drove them to pas-
night Dandy brought back
the and Laddie would be
waiting for them at the regular
place. once after their fight
did they take the slightest notice of
AT N. C.
An Interesting Experiment.
. con posed ,;
and hydrogen, hi
two . unite when c
of the , n o f
. the oxygen of the air
prove this a simple
Hold n cool
i r over a burr
an I inner of i
I soon .
All the newest designs in
Mil l
And Ladies are Especially Invited
N. f.
. ll
I . .
v will .-. ; eel on it,
and it were to I
i. nil the time you i
. Ii . to trick, t it is n
f nature. Tin j
I into
co act
a Goo.-c.
his Killed by Thomas
Information reached here today
TIME E i 1507
wood Jefferson was killed
sewing machine one dozen
ho.-. amber neck-
lace, and jewelry, laces,
from Japan,
Never in the history of
ti-n or fair had an array of
prizes been e
of cost.
a Coe I Run.
On Saturday one of Winter
s good citizens, who is
I that he is as high
as he is up, came to
Greenville to of the
He wanted home
-on midday train end on his
the depot stopped to talk
a friend. He apparent
that time was slipping by
until the whistle of the
train far the station him
there was yet considerable
him and the
depot, and he must be moving if
he covered it in time. Not
standing on ceremony he struck
out at a gait, and his fat
figure made a picture as he flew
through the street. Everybody
gave him right of way and he
made it just in time to swing on
the train as it started to pull out.
Sunday night by his brother.
Thomas Jefferson, at their home
near Fountain in the western
portion, of the county. The
brothers were well to do men and
lived on the Bynum
plantation which they purchased
Tn- of the tragedy
are the report being
while supposed
to iv; without warning
made an assault upon his brother
Thomas, and latter killed
James in self
Our informant also stated that
insanity was in the
family. The far.- of these men
sprint several an asylum
and another went insane last
Ii if
Norfolk Ar .
K. City 3.15
Hertford 2.41
Mack Kerry 12.45 in
New Bern Kinston SOU
New Bern Ar V
M. City
Ar Beaufort
A M p
Washington Ar
Ar Farmville
P, M P M
; I .
I ;
or . r, .
ed th i
on in
i he following was issued
the United States
that toe proposed lo-
of a over Content-
Creek. Is. built by
the commissioners of counts
. C, would offer an
obstruction to the free
of said Content Creek
a account of proximity to a
in said Creek
it is proposed to hold a public
order to give you an op-
to be heard a.-- required
-v the Act of Congress approved,
-larch 1899, you are hereby,
n that said public hear,
be had before me. at
in Lang's Hall
1907. where and
an op.
to be heard
the papers will
before-th. secretary of war for
it ,,.
authority of th secretary
,. . . ,. Brown.
i; Star.
A, R i Men
. be
O. Lin
Fur fir. Sat
nil Mr. L S
yon I;, , . K i
s ,.;. -.- ,
at his ., e by Kev. m.
T. and at the grave in
cemetery by the
Mason-c fraternity. More than
sixty Masons took pin in tie
service, and the attendance upon
the was very large.
except Sunday other than between
which art daily.
R. U. L. H. C.
Manager General Gen. Pass. Agent
Chamber cf Meeting.
There will be an annual meeting
of the Chamber of Commerce
night, Oct. 8th. at the
mayor's office. This meeting
should have the attention of
every member and business man
In Greenville. At this meeting
your board cf directors elects
president, vice president,
and treasurer. Much de-
pends on the action taken at
Monday night's meeting for the
working of the Chamber for the
Do not overlook this
A boy at seventeen can
determine for himself
whether he will be a simple bur-
den bearer for others as long as
lives, a leech on society or
he will be a broad-minded,
useful and successful man. If the
boy at this age has no ambition
to be anybody and is content to
simply let things nicker and take
his chance with others just like
him, frittering away his
to acquire knowledge and
caring for the trivialities of life,
he can make up his mind to carry
a hod, ride the brake beam of a
freight car or dodge the police as
he lives, or he can resolve to be a
man in the highest sense seek
every means for physical, mental
moral growth and develop-
and must graduate into a I
ever-widening field of utility and
success. It matters little what
his boyhood environment may be.
cf Aug 1907.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
unsecured 11,018.35
All her Stocks, Bonds
Furniture and Fixtures 2,688.64
Demand 10,000.00
Due from Banks 8.488,62
Cash Items 817.61
fold Coin
Silver Coin 612.37
National bank notes and
U. S. notes
Capital Stock
Undivided Profit less
Expenses Mid
Bills 85,000.00
Time 82,291.06 I.
Due to a
Cashier's checks
outstanding 891.71
North of Pitt,
I, C. S. Carr, Cashier of the above named b do
swear that the above is true to the bot of my
Subscribed and sworn to
me, this 31st day of Aug 1907. f
Notary Public
C. S. CARR, Cashier
ext year, am
meeting and remember the has the ambition and
eight o'clock, p. m. grounded purpose he will
C. E- Bradley, climb out of Press.
Taft Vandyke
House Furnishings,
lucky r k-it his um-
this. It makes a nice
of Air.
The scientists tell that
procure at sea level is
teen pounds to the square Es-
that the earth's
miles up
into it may extend a
deal higher
square inch that air, reaching
from the earth's surface to the top
of the atmosphere, weighs therefore
about fifteen pounds. Now, if we
could gather up all that atmosphere
put it into a balance,
we should have to put into the op-
a solid globe of lead
sixty in diameter to equalize
tho weight. Air is not so light as
some persons tiling it is, you, sec-
Chicago Newt,
The Rainbow Road.
followed tho mad
tho atom had crumbled by.
rainbow ,,, y
A. nil sky.
r.-t and
doc curly
And a fr b,
A and a now tin rail.
was th. I In command,
won, I Sunday evening.
down to tho ground.
told u .
s told how n pot of
hid at and tho bow.
hurried a-row,
R.-ally V. and
I lot next cam riot.
tho early tailed dos behind.
Pot was a In
or danger, I tier
Oil. we almost there.
And ire would been rich, no doubt.
Put tho wind by with a
And OUt.
Whee tea ed look about
The .-. d irk had come,
rim feat that lost
And the dun KM tho Drat
And the om and the
But Do end th. and I-
All pare
under penally of the
hunting or dog, or in
upon our
lands, kn as the J-
J. B Cherry.
J. Cherry.
Minister Dead.
Dr. A. H. Moment, pastor of
the First . c.
Raleigh, died in that city
day, lie was well known
throughout the State.
hose Who Come aid Go Knew
You Know.
E. B. went to Williams-
ton today.
L. P. Lawrence left this morn-
for Panacea Springs.
Miss Lula Taylor returned to-
day from a visit to Snow Hill.
Mrs- Nana Brown returned
Sunday evening from Norfolk.
F. M. Hodges went to Kinston
T. L. Bland, of Rocky Mount,
came in Sunday evening.
Miss Virgie Hart, of Virginia,
is visiting her brother, J. N
Miss Eliza Harding returned
to Grifton Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Johnson,
of Winterville, spent; Sunday
here. I
this a
Snow Hill.

J. v.
M cU. r t the at Greenville. N
C March 1879
will in la
n p men only get their m
in papers by
An want to know
what this world be with
out girls It would be a stag-
riv Clarkton says that
if the Republicans do nominate
a third term, there
are Democrats can
him. IVe hoy the is
This has been B line
fall f.
hay, but we feel quit,
-re are many farmers in
Pitt who will continue
paying their money for th.
Wee urn product. There
not U a bale hi hay snipped
The Raleigh N and
owes to its enemies
the liberal advertising they give
may be a success ran-
a railroad, but he is not a
in a newspaper
numerous or her interest-
topics i in
of lite, the
for governor have been lost
sight of for time being. They
could not attention with
A town dots not as much
by comp neighboring
as it do,. through lack cf
public i pint among its own
pie. town that sits still ad
just w alts t to come its
way does not much coming.
while the town that gets up and
after things finds them.
Every business man in Green-
ville should feel an in the
a meeting of the Chamber
of Commerce to be held Monday
night, and should manifest that
interest by his presence. While
the organization has not been as
active as it might have been
since it started a year ago, yet it
has done much good. It did a
work in helping to secure
the training school, and there
other things in which it has been
beneficial- In fact it should be
alive at all times with an eye
constantly looking to those things
that mean development and
progress. Going after a thing
with an organization behind you
will be much more fruitful of re-
than individual effort. Come
out Monday night.
They are making a
of that Rowland trial at Raleigh.
If there was a game warden it
Pitt county he could
thing to
county has more cotton
factories than any county
in North Carolina, and the Gas
Gazette recently issued a
handsome page illustrated
telling these forty-odd
and the other advantages
i county.
file Charlotte News says that
rive time there will not
ya whiskey in North
and we believe the News
a safe prediction. At
time it is noticeable
yet engaged in the saloon
fail to see the growth
against the traffic and
not get out of the business
are driven out.
The course of the Raleigh Times
is redacting no credit upon
Croat paper, be Times is certain-
in no position to be
at others.
w .
for street and other improve
shows mat
there believe progress.
may not find any
bears in the hut he
rind without looking far.
Civilization is certainly c
when the college get
to passing against
The newspapers that are not
going to be caught by a show-
of the books have no uneasy
feelings about the investigation.
Let it go on
Sentiment expressed in the
meeting of the Chamber of Com-
Monday was wry
much against the demands k
by property owners along Di. k
avenue for payment
little strips across the front
the lots to straighten and beau-
that street. The question
was brought up some years
and has at intervals since been
more or less discussed in meet-
of the aldermen, but every
to do anything toward
proving Dickinson avenue has
en by the attitude i
the property owners It is be-
argument that the properly
owners themselves would be the
greatest beneficiaries, by many
fold, for this street to be straight-
and paved, but people of all
other sections of the
see the justness of having to pay
large sums for the little strips of
property in question and then
improving the street mainly
the benefit of those living on it
Another point that does not
need arguing now to convince
anybody, is that Greenville is
going to begin paving Th t
seem to be a settled
It is certain that the g
will begin on the business section
of Evans street and then go to
the Atlantic Coast Line depot.
Toe thing that brings Did
into any
whatever as the route to
follow from street to the
depot is it is a little shorter
ranee than to go by way I
street Evans and Ninth
ore already the standard
width of streets of the town,
i here be no property to
pay for on this route, and
cost of paving the small differ-
in distance will be
as compared with what the
of property on Dickinson
want for sufficient front-
age to make that street the prop
r width.
The situation is just
things being the people
had rather see Dickinson avenue
made the route to the depot, but
unless the attitude of the prop-
owners is changed the other
route will be selected.
B- a
As long as ft typewriter is
h- oily weapon by
. . in their fight, -.-Hi t. necessary to all the
i he
With the of pie n-. the
cost of is again ad-
if continues it will
won be so that no one can
to have it.
Mr. Win. R. Hearst is making
en's nominate
himself for president.
Reforming Tammany from the
is another one of
cent in politics.
Mr. and Mrs William E. Corey
seem determined to shed both
Senator thinks the
try has enough of Roosevelt-
A; whom else, did he say
Lillian Russell denies at she
is h r face was
but has had
money, fr r years
No doubt Brother Fairbanks
never dreamed they had put so
much in his cocktail.
Mexico is getting enthusiastic
Secretary Root, even if he
isn't a hot
A has sued the city
of Parkersburg, W. V. for
tor a monkey bite. If the
been nit-size,
night the damages nave ban-
i city.
Mrs. Carrie N had to I
Ii. before sh i genin
. t o it nil
another h e Wu
to th.-
S picking up, u
few ovations himself in old
Some folks can't sleep when
they get the chance, and
folks can hardly get a chance to
sleep. And it is a matter in
which they can neither swap
places nor divide.
Did they try to lose the
dent in the Louisiana hunting
a decided dry
look. The prohibitionists carried
the election in that city Tuesday
by about a thousand majority
and Wilmington should
sit up and take notice.
There are a lot of good things
in store for Greenville, that is if
we go right down ; them-
Keep street paving in your
mind and it will be no great while
before Greenville into the
paving business,
The General Convention of th
Episcopal Church, in
Richmond, is having trouble
the race question. The South-
bishops want a separation so
that each race have
churches and its own bishop,
while th Northern and Western
bishops oppose such division.
A Problem For
of the most serious
problem that confronts
newspaper publishers of she
country, those of the
smaller dailies and is
the impending increase in the
price of print paper, which will
be double what it
now is. There l-e
few outside the strongest of the
minor publications that will, be
able to weather the storm and
continue the present price-
The greatest to
Suffer will undoubtedly be
weeklies whose several
years ago injudiciously reduced,
price of subscription from
and 91.80 to says
This unfortunate cut in price
occurred when the country was
in the clutches of hard, times.
and the people were not able to,
pay their bills. When
struck the country, and prices
f commodities naturally
op, the price of the country
weekly was kept at one dollar,
and now every subscription
en at that price well-nigh a
financial It will be at a loss
when the new price of paper
goes into effect.
There is but one thins for
small publishers to d and that is
to increase the price of their pa-
They should not expect to
make the advance less than fifty
cent on subscriptions, and
the same amount on rates.
No man can publish a decent
weekly newspaper nowadays at
and no subscriber ought to
expect to get a paper for that
th. Trick by NUS
It m in that Thoma.
Gregory joined the London metro-
force. In hit time Gregory
arrested many notorious criminals.
He captured a gang who were
known as the of
and under whose guidance all big
robberies were carried out. Gregory
was gifted with a faculty for
and he appeared in many
characters. In order to enter and
raid a club in Soho lie was given the
task of gaining admittance to the
At an appointed time,
dressed as a poor old man, he
lurching up against the door
with a basket of The
doorkeeper, a pugilist, knocked him
over into the road, but this gave the
waiting an opportunity for
getting inside and effecting their
One summer for weeks he might
have been seen daily outside the
general as a boot cleaner,
and eventually he brought off the
arrest of a pang.
Obtaining the position of valet to
a wealthy who kept a man-
in Gregory, with
other officers, a big coup,
four confederates being sent to
penal servitude.
An emoting story is told of one
of Gregory adventures. He was
keeping on the corner
of Dean street west and had adopt-
ed the plan of selling matches, lie
had only two a large and a
small one. A Scotchman went tip
to and offered halfpenny
the largo box, at the same lime
officer penny. Gregory
said could not let him have that
one, would try to get one for
him. at Ibis moment the man
he was watching by, and
Gregory went after and located I
Some forty minutes i
afterward Gregory returned to the
conn r of Dean street and found the
Scotchman awaiting for his
matches and change
A Bond street capture is quite a
dramatic little story. One morning
Gregory noticed in Bond street a
landau stop outside Jeweler's shop.
A woman dressed in the height of
fashion slighted into the .
window. She somehow attracted
the detective's and was i
teen to drop her parasol through
the grating under the window.
The shop assistants noticed her
trouble and out to help her
recover the article. No sooner had
they left the shop than two
entered and proceeded to
fill their pockets with jewelry. The
detective got assistance and j
ed all three, out to
old Weekly.
Th life a n man is
often far from being a bed of
roses. Pittman. of the
Dunn Weekly Guide, was
rested other day for having
four cords of wood sawed on a
sidewalk of a back street in
town, and was fined He
took an appeal to the Superior
court. It. does look like if ;
newspaper man is fortunate
enough to own four cords of wood
at one time, he should be d
to have it sawed almost anywhere
he Sun.
With the Drewry matter
and the Rowland
trial of band, Raleigh can
take a tiny rest before
pulling off the fair.
The city Bern held an
on the question
of issuing bonds for
street improvements, and the
was overwhelming in favor
of bonds. Good for New P
Next Week.
Those favorites with Greenville
the Four
will begin a three engage-
in Masonic opera
next Monday night The com-
this season is stronger and
better than ever, and pres
notices show trey are playing to
large houses. All who witness
their performances are well
Food For
The best of food for young
is hard boiled egg mixed with a
little wheat bread. Cut up the egg
fine and add ti it ft part of a roll
that has been soaked in water for a
few minutes and then squeeze dry.
Great care must be taken that the
food fresh, for if it be the least
sour it will kill the birds. The
young ones are nearly always fed by
male bird, but in about two
weeks they will food themselves,
When they are a month old put
them in a cage by themselves, Feed
them mi the and bread mixed
with some of the seed that you give
the old birds, and, having continued
this diet for four or live weeks, you
may treat them as yon do the old
ones. Keep your cage perfectly
clean, give the birds plenty of light
and fresh air and keep them out of
drafts. Sudden changes of temper-
will be to make them
church is earnestly requested to
be present at the meeting
eastern towns are taking service tonight. Important
in front of the to be attended to- Let
J. N, H.
Friends throughout the State
will s with Rev.
I N. H. and Mrs.
Summers, of Norfolk, because
if an injury to their son. who is
i nephew of Mrs. J- R.
of this city. Of the
accident the Norfolk Landmark
of Sunday the result
n injuries sustained by being
struck on the head by a piece of
timber, while he was at play at
Atlantic City school No. How-
Important Business. ard son of Rev. J.
member of N painfully
injured. The boy
for probably half an hour
um-. of progress.
every one be there.
but rallied an was much o
yesterday afternoon
News and Observer.
Here are a few Irish bulls; An
Irish member of the
board some years ago
ed that St. Boniface down should
be planted with some line old
Horace Walpole records one
which he pronounces the best he
ever met with. hate that
said a gentleman, looking at a
person who had been his nurse.
her, for when I was a child
changed me at
This was a perplexing assertion,
but a similar instance is recorded
in the autobiography of an Irish-
man, who gravely informs us that
he sway early in life from his
father on discovering he was only
his Telegraph.
Try This.
Without any preliminary ask a
number of persons to kindly draw
from memory the figure which
G o'clock exactly as it appears
on the dials of their watches. Now
ask them to take out their
and look at them. Most of thorn
will discover that the character
they saw so clearly the foot of
the imaginary watch floating before
their mind's eye no
at all on the dial of the real
where its place is taken by the small
seconds hand
f Um Who
by Um Sward.
St. and his brother, Cris.
associated together
in the were two native
of who, having become con-
to Christianity, set out for
to preach the faith about the
middle of the third century along
with St. Quintin and others. The
brothers fettled at where,
in imitation of the apostle Paul,
they publicly in the day-
time and worked with their hands
at night, earning their own sub-
by making shoes,
nobly born. They supplied the poor
at a low price, and u tells us
that an supplied them with,
leather. Th heathen listened to
their instructions and were
at the charity, disinterested-
piety and contempt of glory
displayed in their lives, and many
were converted to the Christian
After they been thus engaged
for several years the Emperor Max-
fame into
and a complaint was mode to
the brothers. He, de-
siring to gratify their accusers as
well as to indulge his own savage
gave, onion- tin t t
should be brought be;
the most in -humble enemy
of the Christians of time. The
saints bore with patience and con-
the most cruel torments and
at length finished their course by
beheaded with the sword
A. D.
According to n tradition,
their remains, being east into the
sea, were washed
marsh. In the sixth century n
greet church was built in their hon-
or at a nil St. richly
ornamented the shrine.
from their martyrdom to the
present time they have been re-
as the patron faints of shoe-
makers, who were accustomed to
honor their day are yet in
some by great festivity. One
special ceremony was a procession
of the brethren of the craft with
banners and music, while various
characters representing King Cris-
pin and his court were sustained by
different Ga-
Th Laurel and
The laurel and the sunflower
have been found, according to
Country Life, to be of the greatest
use in damp situations. People who
live in such spots, especially near
undrained land, think there is no
help for them but by removal.
experiments have shown
that it is possible materially to
prove the atmosphere in such neigh-
by the planting of laurels
and sunflowers. The former
off an abundance of ozone, while the
latter in destroying the
malarial conditions. These two, if
planted even on the most restricted
teals in a garden or any ground
close to the house, will be found to
increase speedily the
salubrity of the atmosphere.
There was a young maiden of
Leigh. A talented Lady was
She baked some mince pies as a
pleasant surprise for her bough,
who was coming to
But when the youth tasted her
dough ho groaned out a terrible
In anguish bawled.
Then the doctor was to
what Mabel's bough.
Said the doctor in accents most
gruff, afraid this man's
hod it
Cried my had
only one
Quoth the off
That's Answers.
A Financial
An old gentleman who had dis-
mo from his horse walked into
a wayside inn at
dale and left the animal in charge
of a scantily clad urchin. On re-
turning he found another poverty
stricken boy holding the horse. Ex-
the little lad through his
not the boy I left with
replied the boy; just
and bought him from
t other lad for a
For his candor the boy received
sixpence. London Penny
Domestic Courtesy.
At a Lambeth and of-
dinner Mr. Frank Bryant told
a story of a Lambeth lad who
questioned by his schoolteacher as.
to his father's Christian name.
your name
our father's name
his other
What does your moth-
call him r
fat London
press. j
it Is In F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
sell Eclipse and
fountain pens.
B. T.
We on hand copies
of the history of are p to
PB T Cox rind first meal f u at
Root paint, varnish, stain. Rubber shoes of all sizes
etc, at Harrington, Bar- coats at B. F Manning
Carolina Milling
Our price,
Bring your chickens and eggs
to Harrington, Co.
Highest prices paid for them.
The famous Hawks glasses at
B. T. Cox Bro Don't neglect
your eye.--
. Mrs. W. M- Moore, of Grime s
land, spent Thursday night here.
She came Up with her daughter,
Miss Ward, who has entered
school again.
Harrington have
a complete stock of ready made-
clothing see him before you get
your next suit.
Miss Laura Cox. who is Reach-
in the graded school of
den, came in Friday evening to
spend Saturday at home.
You want a buggy and we
have them. When you
load of tobacco come by Winter
buy that buggy until you see
him. He can make it to your
interest and he do it,
FOR two
wagon and a disc harrow- Mrs.
J. L. Butt, one mile from Win-
Dr. Cox and family, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Cox, Bennett
and daughter. Miss Alma, Misses
Maggie Hudson, Annie Carroll
and Chapman
from the exposition last
Another large shipment of
of all sizes just received
at A. W. Co
There- will be a moving picture
entertainment Monday night at
th j academy. This company has
given several entertainments
her of a high order.
They an entirely
st of pictures.
Our fall stock cf dry good,
shoes, notions are for in-
Come and see us be-
fore buying elsewhere. W are
prepared to give you
Harrington, Barber Co.
Rowan Cooper Son
tie recently vacated
by Taylor Co.
Heaters of all grades and
just received at A. W. v.
Wild grapes are
and the are getting
fat- In of this, the
sound of the horn and
the glad yelp of the hound
familiar sounds to our ears of
late. Last night Prof. Li
and a crowd of the school boys
went out on an expedition this
kind. We have not heard the
extent, of the catch. The last we
saw of them they were put tin
with great expectations. We
hope they were
The residence being erected
by Miss Alice Tripp is going
L. L. and Miss Rosa
Smith Louise Satterthwaite
went to Greenville today-
We regret very much to lose
B- G. Taylor and Frank
White, who have gone to Ayden
to mercantile business
We never met two more clever
and straight forward young men,
and our loss is gain.
Our best wishes for their success
go with them.
have tried the rest, now
try the best, tho Hunsucker bug-
sold by the A- G- Cox Mfg.
of all kinds prepared
at the Carolina Milling mfg.
Nice dress shoes for ladies and
gentlemen just in at Harrington,
Now is the time to purchase
any time- Wood also a
stock of static-i
must go. We must make
room for our immense stock of
new goods now coming During
the next forty days we will make
special prices to all our customers
on our box papers
B. T. Cox Bro.
T. W. Wood Sons 1907
nips and can now
be had at the drug store of Dr
T. Cox Bro.
Guaranteed Rubber,
weight rain coats at B. F. Man-
Look-out for our immense fall
which will be here in s
few days.
Have all your wood turning
work done at Carolina Milling
Mfg. cg- First class work
Mrs. J. H. Mitchell, of New
Bern, came in Friday afternoon
visit her son, who is in .
Remember that the A Q-s
Manufacturing Co. are still
the well known Tar
wagons at their usual low price
Hunsucker buggies are still g
if you want a nice up to
date you had
better give him an early call
Ward-robe, tables, safes
made to order. Carolina Milling
Mfg. co.
School children cannot get th
proper training unless
Pitt school k
by the A. G. Cox Mfg
are especially noted for
comfort, besides being the
et desk on the market. Every
school house in N. C.
should not be without them.
Try a tree brand pocket knife.
under guarantor.
They are kept in stock B T
The ladies and the girls all
candy. The kind
at Saul's drug store.
hams and shoulders
at J. R. Smith co.
A specialty of stationery at
Saul's drug store.
Will Not Miss Vanderbilt
Unless She Catholic Church
A New York dispatch
Gladys Vanderbilt must change
her religion when she becomes
the bride of Count
or the Austrian autocracy
will not the marriage.
The so-called
of Vienna has become
scandalized of the engagement
and unless the young woman be-
comes a Catholic the marriage
will not be legally recognized in
Austria. The Count being a
Catholic, Miss will
continue to remain Miss Vander-
in Austria unless she changes
her religion, although in the
country, proper, the
marriage will be considered per-
legal and the young
man's name will be as
a full-fledged countess in the
roster of Hungarian nobility.
Issue of the marriage of the
would be looked upon
as illegal in Austria. Hence the
is convinced
that Miss Vanderbilt, in order to
gain a standing in Austria, as
well as in Hungary must em-
brace the Catholic faith, as Anna
Gould did when she married
Men's fancy silk mufflers for
the cold winter wind at B. F
Mi n ling Co.
When in need of rice kid
driving and work
gloves, see B. F Co.
Dress a specialty, at
B. F. Manning Co
Men's fancy all sizes at
B. F. Manning Co.
A new lot of beat Hour at
sacks of salt at Harrington
Barber Co.
We happened to go around to
the A G. Cox manufacturing
Co's place today and found that
they had shipped almost a car
load of their Tar Heel Cart
bodies today. Good
There Trouble at Home.
odd a client as you can
imagine said Jerome K. Jerome
at a dinner,
m a legal friend of mine
Rye one morning.
was an extremely pretty
but her clear, soft eyes
ere red with Indeed,
-he was in tears as she entered
my friend's office. Her little
form shook with sobs.
my said he
I should explain that this
client hardly more than
seven or eight years well,
dear, what can I do for
sir, said the child,
want to get
a divorce from my papa and
mama Home Com-
J. M.-BLOW, Manager and
Urn take
two story derailing
at One four room
an-1 for ; at One nine r, two story
m- n h list j dwelling at Six vacant
all who receive m the town N
for i
Tuesday night sometime after
and Mrs of
i are visiting the latter's
mother, Mrs. SacS .
In a trial here Saturday before
turned to her homo in the
Asheville, N. C, Oct.
Asheville has gone and
the prohibitionists are tonight
wildly enthusiastic The
of the people today was rendered
in language plain- They literally
swept the city clean and sent the
saloon to its death beneath an
avalanche of votes The
carried every voting
precinct in the city and won by
of eight hundred and
While the voting continued all
this afternoon the tale
practically told at noon. In fact
before o'clock this morning
the saloon advocates saw the
on the wall and
realized that the tide had set
against them. After the first
four hours of balloting was
simply a question of majority.
The total number of votes polled
was 1,700.
The A G. Cox Manufacturing
Co have just received a car
of the Pittsburgh welded
fence of the most popular heights.
Prices are nothing but rock bot-
tom- Call and see them before
you buy.
Nice juniper tubs of all sizes
at Harrington Barber Co.
Bagging and ties at Harrington,
Barber Co.
Money is a burden when it has
to be carried around in a purpose
if we do not have immediate use
o'clock someone set fire to and
up the large tobacco pack-
house of Mr, Caleb Cannon, who
lives about seven mile
Ayden. The loss was several
thousand dollars and there was
no insurance.
For fresh and cheap goods co
to E. E. Co., they
have the best.
C. G. Moore has been elected
chief of police of Ayden in place
of J. W. Alexander.
J. R. Smith Co. have just re-
a ear load of lime.
J. N. Alexander has gone north
to purchase his fall goods-
Mrs. Betsy Case died at the
home of her son-in-law, John
Dennis, who lives near here, last
Tuesday and was buried the fol-
lowing afternoon.
direct from
factory at Saul's drug s tore.
W. J. Boyd is at Richmond on
Go to E E. new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh
Miss Arab Davis has accepted
a position as teacher in a school
at Old Ford. Beaufort county.
Tuesday was a courting
The wash tub men
a case before Esquire
and a jury down at the rink as-
by Senator Fleming, who
delivered himself of much Black-
stone and declared he was a
hater of all things
of any and all who treated
the poor farmer, whom he the
Senator loved so truly and so
well, as to sell him. the farmers,
something the Senator declared a
fraud and so decided the jury.
At Squire Blows there were
proceedings but no jury,
however, a plain, simple old
try break down with Judge Blow
in the chair and Col. F. G. James
on the floor narrating the needs
and wherefores why a poor devil
of a tenant shouldn't quit his
crop when he wanted to. The
colonel and the senator both won
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say nothing of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store secure this much need-
ed article.
Mrs. B. F. Early has returned
from her visit to Norfolk,
Everybody hat
buys candy from
drug store.
Rev. Marvin Ormond will
in the Methodist church
here Sunday night, Oct. 6th. All
are invited to attend-
Big lot cots latest styles, very
comfortable at J. R. Smith Co
Ice cream salt at J. R. Smith
Pneumonia Cure at J. R. Smith
J. J. Edwards Son have just
received a car load of Ellwood
wire fence. Can furnish any
Big lot of calico, best grade
cents per yard at J. R. Smith Co.
The very best and cheapest
hair brushes, combs, and
at Saul's drug store,
If you wish something nice
r two kind friends i
aid, one by pull- and
One thirty-seven acre f. rm
outside corporation at
nM n Ms .,.,,
Ayden Loan a Ins. Co.
This scribe went out in the
country Monday and in walking
across the fields fell in a
about ton feet deep, and
not been for
who lent their aid, one by
and the other by pushing,
the probability is he would have
been in that ditch right now
a ramble across the field
and a fall in a ditch w sincerely
hope we may always hereafter
be delivered. Those kind
who so greatly aided us will live-
in our memory so long as
shall last and
ditches are never
patterns at J. R. Smith
Mrs. F. Lilly left Tuesday to
visit friends at Maple Cypress.
Washing machines and wring-
at J. R. Smith co.
The whole generation
were here from
in attendance upon a
Bring us your beeswax, woo,
hams, shoulders, chickens and
eggs to J. K. Smith Co.
J. T. Smith. Sr., has been con
fined at his home several days
with sickness. He is very much
improved at this time.
Sauls guarantees all he sells,
especially candy.
Mason fruit jars, taps and rub-
at I. R. Smith co.
Keen cutlery and hard-
ware at J. R. Smith co-
Riyal flour, always good and
good always at J. R. Smith co.
Two prominent families firm
Winterville have moved to Ayden
and will make this their home.
We extend them a hearty
We h the sermon of Rev.
Marvin Ormond, in the
dist church last Sunday night,
very highly complimented.
Many say he is destined to fill a
high place in his noble calling.
The last quarterly meeting of
the Baptist Association of this
section will be held in the church
at this place next Saturday and
Sunday. All members are es-
invited to be present at
the Saturday meeting as much
important business is to be trans
There were several families
from to leave
Tuesday for the exposition.
George and Fred Worthington
are at Scotland filling a
large contract for tinning.
Their's is good work and is
meeting a steady demand.
last week of
ii i
in a ii.-,.; ; , ,
v of court
same party was given a hear
for . .,, ,. ,; t
i bond ;
to . i
up . ,
; to
i n a id
at a bargain HI.
just S. our ;, .
fore you buy. J. R
Now for a neW s
to see before y
Bay r. of r
leather shoes for
, .,.,,,. j
R. Turnage and Company.
Our line Haw's Hat
Guaranteed. J. R,
l.-f. iv yon bu J.
R. Turn-i em I
If you want a fall ;
have them, Latest sty
prices r j j ,
and company
Overcoats and rain coat
bargains Don't fail to s
R and
n . SALE.
virtue of., ,.,,,.,.,,,
Pitt county i. . ,
No 1488, J. It.
will sail for cash
court house door in Greenville on Mon-
t. the
estate. One lot i the
town of Beth I being tho store lot now
Mowed b; J. R. Bu ting and the
on said lot. it h mod
tho north by I -i., on
east the owned by M
Co., the south by Mack G R ran
and Bros, an I on the wed
mount s-. r and h I
prone that was
to cherry
rid the
other a
One other I a in Beth I bounded
on , Mrs
Bullocks, on
ed by K c-. .-, ,. m
Also one piece or pan-el at land
bounded on the by Railroad
e on the east
the Nelson property, on south the
Orson, Mm
S an th-
, -i .-. ,
P. G. commission
Office in
Dr Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
the of business 1900.
for it. Then you run a risk of j buy a box of candy from
losing u while if it was in the at store.
bank it. would be perfectly sale.
J. L. Jackson cashier of the
Bank of Winterville.
your Box Carts while they
are cheap The A. G. Cox Man-
Co. have plenty It is understood, however, that
them on hand. Call and see them. I Emperor I Joseph not
Have your carts, wagons and share in the extreme the . i in v
buggies put in good trim for the j on marriage,
fall use. All kinds of repair j and that as long as he lives he
work done promptly. Carolina I will insist that the American
Milling Mfg. Co.
i in ho
in have hi.-i
Smith marrying n
maker got to do with h F
his mind spurs
. and make it over
woman gets full recognition of
i laws notwithstanding.
Call at the Drug Store
cure one of those excellent
Pens. M. M, Sauls.
The Woman's Foreign Mission-
Society will hold a public
meeting in the Methodist church
in Ayden the third Sunday after-
noon in October, at o'clock All
are invited and a warm welcome
will be extended.
R. W. Smith W. F. Hart
went to Grifton Thursday en
i business.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured 11.1
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from banks and bankers I
items 9.80
coin 120.00
coin 1.872,06
Nat. bk notes other 1,386
Capital stock f
surplus fund
i profits
Deposits subject to
Cashier's checks outstanding
I J. It. Smith, Cashier of the above-named Co v ,
the above statement is true to the beet of my an
Bribed and to
27th of,, Aug
in ,
J. B. SMITH, Cashier.
Notary Public

year In the
history of county,
there has no more
factor i our
t an
now a history
years duration Last year
bast of the six. Too
entire was m re than
with In the
c u
i on Oct.
to for
year's work There will
be no regular program.
the prominent citizens of tin
will he present shew
their interest in us and in
w few words of
n training
school Boon to be
t . midst, with life
, la in.
. v,c i with the best c ;
, I ; in th
South., with the ; cop i .
i,. . .; . on
to f i ml of every u ,
teacher i patriotic cit i .-
in i g that
our go
e i
. r with
. . . . , y
fails in the same month and only
a day apart, hence they had a
joint observance of their
Quite a number of
their friends were with
them to enjoy the afternoon.
The cotton now
gathered is likely to be
than the last, notwithstanding
all the handicaps under which
war grown; but the demand for
it u b i hilly greater than
fur the crop of year, and
the price be higher-not
low hi is reason
the v. for the rec
o; cent a Ob
I ;. i ,. , ,,
Mai ii i i tie,
M. mine
pi Moore.
i i Or. n i-. . l
Arc you
ANY of these and other
I of the LIVER.
Take No Substitute.
r I .
iv nor
that n
By virtue the power of sale con
.-lined ill n certain deed
and delivered John Dennis and
wife Sarah Dennis to E. K.
the day of September 1906, and
duly recorded in the Register of deeds
office of Pitt county. North Carolina.
in P s, page the undersign, d
will expose to public sale, before the
door in Greenville, to lie
highest bidder on Saturday; October P.
1907. ii tract or parcH of land
lying and being in the county of Pitt
and state of North and de-
scribed as foil to
In township and
ed follow; Situate near
known as e Bowen tract of I mil and
owned by Dennis, and
the lands of Cox,
Frank Hart, John Cox and Joe
Containing acres more or less.
it-7 of the acres formerly owned
I the Jordan heirs and Aaron
horn heirs, Dixon and th
. . Jackson land, to
n the
y I---. in, ,,.
Mil. la
. h e.
vile. N C.
t; is i tea
the . ,
. not,
i. .w on Si
ear. I
c iv-, en .-.;. . r.
the v iv I fails to
i i . . .
. i .
; a
nil teach in the co i
with the number .
they a tend so that th
may o. .-. to are bearing the bur-1
den of l hi- work in this county I
hall make to e Board of
cation some recommendation as
to y next year based
upon your record of attendance
The Woman's Betterment As-
i will also have a meeting
the same day and organize for
tin- year's Last year their
efforts resulted in raising and
pending in the improvement of
school grounds and school houses
the sun
a step higher this
We cordially invite the people
of the county, whether you live
in town or country, to meet with
gatherings. We are
doing this as a mere matter
of courtesy, but we real-
want you with us.
I beg you to show
your interest in the work, and
what you propose to do in your
school chis year by present
at this first meeting We desire
to meet at a- m , and ad-
at p. m Let's show to
the i. f the county that we
are In earnest in our work and
our profession by this
meeting the largest and best that
the ass has ever held.
You know my faith in you and
I shall surely look for-
ward with pleasure to meeting
ea ii and every one of you on
Saturday, Oct. 12th.
W. H.
Co. Supt Schools.
r, vi M
the do I end
. e j
. i
tin i
I .
i ,.
I . i .
i . .
W i . . i
I. HI i Ill p
r .This Ii u
c M oh-,
or . i I'd I Co.
J, enters
more i r
. u land yin.- in
I -.-. Pitt
C, on north side of I. r,
tin .
o J. K. I e
-Villi i . i-
. well
F. i i I.
i r
pi i
title to or in the fore
going described inns; ;
their protest in writing with me
within the next thirty days, or
they will be barred v law.
R. Williams.
I. b. v w,
present, two absent.
The street committee
that much was being
made on work on the streets,
especially in the part of the town
last taken in the corporate limits.
The street committee was to proceed to open a new
street from Dickinson avenue to
Eighth street the Corey
and Sutton property.
The cemetery was reported in
bed condition from weeds and
grass and a man was employed
to clean it out. It was also or
a house for keeping
tools be built in cemetery at
a cost not exceeding
The clerk was instructed to
notify the two white com
of the town to appoint a
committee of two members from
each company to confer with the
lire committee of the board
to consolidating into one
. The board decided to dispense
the services of one police-
man after the of November,
ranking the force
W. H. Johnson was refunded
paid for dray license tax, Iv
being liable
The superintendent of the
and light plants was in-
to place
on in the new
pan of the to. e deemed
Mr R. W. King, chairman of
the board of county commission-
returned today from his
f . J ,. i U- l ll . -ill
one day squirrel hunting
over there and killed
N. C , Oct. 3.-At
a special meeting of the board of
directors at N.
Dr. John was
elected superintendent of the
State Hospital for the
succeed Dr. P L Murphy, the
noted alienist, died ten days
ago Dr. was first
assistant physician of
Peach Blossoms.
In Senator
near the Baptist church, is a
peach tree a number of
blooms on it. Who ever saw
peach in October before
Mere Houses
are seldom
reason being that it is so
unusual in
Greenville,, i,. h. i The
town as it
might because of the difficulty to
get houses want to
.-. lie.
By a
Burton is still
i T i m ii is; a job in is worth
two in the bush.
oil octopus should have
fined says a
contemporary. Still, if it would
come up with that
all would be forgiven.
Perhaps they might at it
easier in Kentucky, by to
who didn't
czar certainly has a hard
time of it He went out yachting
one day and his Rot stuck in
the mud; he went out again, and
Emperor William met him and
preached a sermon.
what you advises
the Philadelphia Inquirer. And
so we should if the butcher, the
baker and the candle-stick maker
did not show such an ugly and
vulgar disposition to haggle over
the price of things.
woman, decided she his
a thought
it over and remarried And
still, people talk about a Woman's
predilection for changing her
General, says the
United States dies too much on
its The General doesn't
understand; our fleet not of the
style he has been used to.
The Glided i
In one alter the opening
the graded school has reached an enrollment of and there are
others yet to come in.
music department, which is a
no a- this session, is prov-
a decided success.
good reliable white
to and live ii. home
family. Address Re-
ii . and
. C ard u I
e to
purchase i . uniforms for i c
i salary of the c . of p
ii d . p. i
month from Sept first.
the chairman
was increased to
per year
J. was i
to barbecue in a building in
front of the warehouse.
The several officers made
reports for the past month-
Accounts allowed and or
paid amounting to
How you rail get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and he prepared for
emergencies. Our
is a foil could desire, and
we will your
box dues not lack a tingle
toads for Sale.
For Sale acres wood land,
on outer edge of ad-
joining lands Parker,
Tyson and
tenant house. Now owned
by Fulford. Terms
Apply to C. S. Carr.
Greenville, N. C.
Cox Mill, Oct. 3rd, 1907.
Oscar Evans and H. A- Moore
returned from Norfolk Monday.
Miss Kizzie, who has been sick
with typhoid fever at the home
of S. S. Wilson, has recovered
and returned home.
We have something new here
some of our people claiming to
have the Holy Ghost I don't
know what they will get next
J. W. Porter died Sunday,
was a member of the Will
I Of
You get s
g Horse Goods c
I Corey
D. W.
At the meeting of the board BaPtist church a Jack.
Aldermen Thursday night it Miss Hollie Page, who has been
bonds by the election
held in May. Of these bonds
will apply to the Eastern
Carolina Training
School and to public
November 4th has
been set as the date for receiving
and opening the bonds-
in Greenville, has returned
Misses Jennie and Allie Cox,
of Haddock's X. Roods, spent last
week with Miss Bessie Moore
Charlie Evans has bought a
new buggy. j
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on
I Fresh kept con
I In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
y North Carolina.
Death of an Citizen
Friday night the at n
few minutes after o'clock, Mr,
Jesse Lemuel Sugg passed
at his residence on Filth street
He had been sick some months
and the end was not unexpected,
yet his death brings great son ow
to many hearts.
Mr Sugg was some past
years of age, having been born
in Greene county April 1850.
He moved to Greenville
and engaged in the insurance
business here, conducting a
agency for twenty-live
He was popular as an
agent, and enjoyed the highest
esteem and confidence of our p o-
November 14th, 1894, he
Miss Minnie Exum, and is
survived by the wife and three
little daughters He also leaves
two brothers. Col. I- A. Sugg, of
Greenville and Mr. B. F. Sugg,
of Washington, and one sister,
Mrs. Henry Harding, of Green-
Mr. Sugg made Greenville a
useful citizen, and once served
as a member of the board of
aldermen. He was public spirit-
ed, generous, a good
and a warm friend,
He was a member of the
Methodist church and also of the
Masonic fraternity, and was
faithful in his duties to both.
The funeral will take place Sun-
day afternoon, the remains
his late residence at o'clock.
Services will be held at the
church and at Cherry Hill
the interment being
with Masonic honors.
W. H.
Office in Hank. Building
North The Standard Oil Company is
Superior preparing to exploit the oil fields
A Fair Japan, After a while,
and ill be permitted to
aside and
l, . rum
v i that, the
h s been
I The argument
purpose . warm, too.
,. ; , Mr
i ; , ,. a
. the i
n. In Well,
in this j t . it touch up
purpose or de from nature
no, the tariff.
u, and. he -I ,, . K K an. D o. . . Mp-
will take, .-.
to t the
re nib r up
.-I to he
i l Monday m
it being the day
at he
louse in said n y In Green-
11-. N. G., t on
in end action, the plaintiff-.
i ply tn o f-r Una
re i--i in Said com-
he of
C. M. cue.
that he should die on
old of ; but he
doesn't seem to care particularly
to have the tax
got there.
A number of people so dis-
tressed g the business
morals Mr. John D.
that they actually would do
those things themselves if they
had the chance, just to keep the
old fellow in the straight
narrow path.
Attorney Genera Bonaparte
will now try to the shingle
to the r ii oh.
Company to
United States. Dr. To one fine
Please Uncle
Some vaudeville
isn't Make Money
Did you know there was only a
supply of
bills in the United Slates paid a minute,
only a two supply of, The managers must want them
two-dollar bills, and only a ten j to it
supply of five dollar hills double
. ,, ., . , ,, . , of ours, stirred up the
Well. it s a and United
Treat announced
that, in spite of every-
thing he can do, ho can't make
enough small bills to keep pace
with the demand.
The treasurer fears that in the
course of the next three or four
weeks the supply of ones, twos
and fives will run out and the
trading at stores with ten
twenty and fifty dollar bids will
in change.
Mr. Treat says that the cause
of the scarcity is his inability to
hire enough skilled laborers at
government wages to make the
notes N w York American.
Governor Glenn Coming
Governor R. B. Glenn will
speak in the Jarvis Memorial
church Sunday, November 24th-
both morning and He
will discuss themes appropriate to
the day, looking to the welfare
of the people. town is for-
in securing the governor
for two addresses. Doubtless he
will have a great hearing.
pi until it felt like bid times on
the river.
A large steel plant has been
located in China, and that
try is destined to discover that
for ways that are dark, and tricks
that are vain, a large steel plant
is peculiar.
Tuesday morning, while Guss-
Sears and his wife, Ella, colored,
who lived on Mr. George West's
farm, in Sand Hill township,
were picking cotton in the field
some their home,
their house caught on fire and
burned to the ground. Their two-
youngest children, a boy and a
girl, who were in the house, both
died from suffocation and burns
before any one could reach the
get them out. every
thing in the house was destroyed
The cause of the fire is unknown-
Kinston Free Press.
few boarders.
Convenient location, nice rooms,
electric lights and bath room.
Apply Reflector office.
The Whole Wilkinson Co Stock
Of Grade Dry Goods, Clothing,
Will be on the market
At Cost for Days
The few articles added to this stock will be sold at a small advance
Stetson 1.50 Mens and Hats IS cents
Was Only Serving Tn r
The of morals is not the
same all the world over. In
for conduct in seen
from another point i
among lends inter-
est to a report in Lend of the
k as to in that
little iii of the . ;. airy of Eu-
rope. The author visited the
prison of the land.
Only three nun chained,
f remained moodily
to d. Flaring on the ground before
formed n to
his . i .
v. observed him
H . that hi- Io
as the officials class,
wear. i
is I asked.
government clerk convicted
of was the answer.
weeks in chains is his sen-
what have the other
was oar next query.
they have most;
themselves. They arc net
criminals. We have v few thieves
and robber in Montenegro. This
went on informant,
pointing to a young man with a
pleasant face grinned with
he noticed-the attention with
which we favored him. a ton
sentence for
we repeated,
it punishable to quarrel
Too many lives are
was the- laconic reply.
we exclaimed, a light
breaking in upon mean
murder They arc all
We no tunic
the indignant response. land
is safe from murder as any other
in the world. one kills rob or
steal in Montenegro. But we just
quarrel among ourselves. We
hot blooded and shoot quickly, that
For the Vies Pi . , i . f
Few lave i closer to be-
than i
ruff of .-.
backing for a
i in I lie
of but .
I . a .
rider hat, A . an
ii was nil off with W ., lib. ,
ti m Had it I n . hat
it, V ,
. . ,
ha h -lie
, ., ii a . . . .-v
was shot.
Senator Marl; . . was ,
then . i
publican did f.
When They Know It All.
The proud father includes among
his boasts the following school es-
say of his young
horse gets up by giving a sud-
Hen jump to its front legs and then
gets on its hind low.
cow drinks by putting its
mouth in the bucket and sucks the
duck picks up the food by its
bill, then throws his back.
leaves begin to bloom
about the 1st of Slav,
locomotive while going around
corner bends very much to the in-
passenger train when about to
stop too wheels of the locomotive
stop revolving and slides along
locomotive has to be very
much heavier than the train to
overcome the weight of the train
against it. when a body
gets n-moving it has a tendency h
keep York Post.
Every lovely, kindly grace is
worth will add much
to your happiness and usefulness
when you are older. A rude, ill
mannered person is shunned and
disliked in every circle, and unless
the opposite habits are formed
early life they are seldom formed
at all.
Keeping Potted.
To Butter.
If the butter loses its flavor, put
it in a bowl or water, salt and stir
with a wooden it
for about five minutes
two or three may
add a little baking soda.
Stuff dales with fresh cream
dip in n thin sugar
and roll in freshly grated
and you have a wholesome
suitable for a dessert with
crackers and
A Hint.
Try dinning stale cake in milk
and it in a moderate oven.
It is said to taste as if newly baked.
Emery paper, if tacked upon
is for smoothing
slightly broken edges of thin turn-
New, By carefully rubbing the
back and forth, a smooth
face is but not if the
Even- day, n a
I grown up no you
r reads
Quit,, h.-a not
or ii. that grow,
Nor the of th
a if it ruin or mow.
it can but be. to me.
s- or two.
n n
or.- to
i i I i-v notion,
Hie i Dial jun
her I
the stovepipe
inquired the first
didn't have the nerve to
it down responded i i
second mi i r.
hat of mobile
working on the new n
i the
. in than ever i
cut it
An Idea.
said a fat man,
the makers of underwear, of socks,
drawers and shirts. Why do they
put the thick seams and and
roughness inside, next to the
skin, instead of outside, where
they would not be felt
you not often had your
underwear prick you, the knots
bruise you, the seams set up an
itching Well, all that could be
abolished. The inside of underwear
should be turned outside.
is the only possible ob-,
to my idea. But, after all,
underwear, which is invisible,
comfort means more than
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
The of
Much controversy has taken place
on the question of the sense of hear-
in fish, and many
have been tried with view of set-
it. Some of the latest of these
are those of which M. Mirage has
given an account in the Paris
The fish
with were carp, tench,
eel and Others, and the author finds
no evidence of a sense of hearing.
Sounds were transmitted into the
waler close to the with an en-
capable of affecting deaf
mutes. effect was produced on
the and Si ream.
Carrie Nation, the smasher, did;
tome smashing in Washington not
long ago and was arrested and taken I
the police station.
said the desk
is your
Mrs. Ration assumed a dramatic
and am a
of the
the unemotional
sergeant. take
Troubles a of One of
Public c
A principal of one of the Detroit
public bus sitting at
desk, talking to a friend, the other
The telephone bill interrupted
the conversation, the principal
took down the
After a few minutes of iron
talk over the wire he slammed down
the reviver and turned to his
with a scowl.
the queried the
the repeated
the principal. it's just
of those loving mothers.
make mo p , ailing
up nil day long and treat
though I were the boy or
did this one want
the friend.
do-you asked the
principal, breaking into n
em the reply.
explained the
n daughter in the fourth
grade, and she rails me i , least
once a tiny. This time she o, me
at length with much led-
her little daughter had
gone to without her rubbers
on and mo if would please,
go down and feel of her feet
send her home if they wen- wet.
how, what do you think of
Harper's Weekly.
The English
The man from London paused in
front of the little shop and read and
reread the mysterious sign that was
suspended from the wall. It
will please not
stand over this grating while talk
The more the Londoner read the
sign the more he was mystified.
Finally he summoned up his
age and entered the shop.
he greeted
you tell me why you
have that sign out there which
reads, will please not
stand over this grating while talk-
why, my good man
you see, if stood there
talking they would drop their h's,
and the porter would have to lose
time going down in the basement
looking for
And the man from London walk-
ed away after remarking that Amer-
was a queer
Brooklyn Citizen.
replied the shop-
it Did Not Fit
The were entertaining
a distant relative, a man of ponder-
physical attainments,
weighed nearly pounds. On the
morning after his arrival he came
down to breakfast rather late and
looking as if he had not bad a good
night's rest.
are not feeling well this
morning, are Mr. ii.
ed his host, with some anxiety.
it's nothing said
the guest. have u little
cold, that is
whispered Bobby, the
youngest member of the family,
loudly enough to he bend by the
visitor, can a men as big as he
is have a little Youth's
for vice . did he
on the nomination of Cornelius N.
One day. Hie eon-
Woodruff r.-i
ton, and sent for
hear, said the Ohio son-
want to lice
my friend.- been
of me for the
plied the New Yorker.
you're too young, Tim; e
you carry that of
yours into the senate chamber,
would take you for a
Woodruff pointed out that be was
several month older than Governor
Roosevelt and also that he was old
enough to have a son- in the
class at Yale.
I J Man-
if we were to put you to
the job of bossing those
old senators one of them would be
sure to turn you across his knee and
A Pertinent Query.
pardon, began the beg-
gar, stopping a at the
ferry. you spare a few cents
to help me across the
you any money at
inquired the pedestrian.
a replied the beggar.
equated the pedestrian.
What difference does it make
which side of the river you're
It Wouldn't Work.
The old doctor was
pressing upon bis little patient the
of mastication.
he advised, matter
what, you eat, always chew each
mouthful thirty
But Jimmy shook bis bend
wouldn't do at our
why not.
I'd always be hungry
The rest of the kids would clean
Vie table off before got through
with that one
City Independent.
Harking Back.
Mrs. don't want to be
Impertinent, but how old are you
anyway Some of the ladies were
discussing your ago at the club the
other day. and several of them
claimed that yon were least
but I insisted that you were
hot more than
Mrs. glad you were
so kind. Of course you didn't men-
the fact that you were ready to
leave the grammar grade when
was in the primary class at school,
did you
Grammar and Glory.
lb K. Hedges was one of the
students at Princeton.
Mayor Strong's secretary he was
compelled to prepare in a jiffy a
mayor's -message to the board of es-
and apportionment. In th
rush and tear one glaring
and two or ex-
of doubtful V ac-
curacy appeared in ,. ,. . , .,,
The following day a New York city
newspaper severely
his incoherent use the
language. The mayor and Mr.
Hedges were rather chagrined.
here, Mr. said Mr.
Hedges, know can write and
speak grammatical English, mid I
know you can, I want you to let
me tell the newspaper boys that I
was the villain in this ease. I don't
want you he the victim for my
replied Strong,
this newspaper had said
that that message was the most
brilliant message ever issued by a
officer, do you . ,. . Yd
come nut say ;
Not by . , Hp.
all the keep
York Sun.
Castro's Conceit.
Many stories have been told of
Castro, president of
and of his monumental con-
During the
war the full of Port Arthur was be-
explained Io him.
he exclaimed.
1500 could have taken
it in four
a thousand in one
your said the diplomat
representative of a Europe
Castro was so pleased
was intended to be sari n that, it
is said, the diplomat . next
day in securing , a of
claim that his govern,,,, , bad been
vainly pressing for

in nil I sue,
A Dreamland to the
the of Feature
Leads All
and Navy
Never before In history of the
been bolt u
with so many attractive features
AM the
SB, full swing on the historic of
Hamilton The is
ow complete in ail of its detail, and
to the visitor
The exhibit
state mil
of a permanent or
constriction, set off with tin most
trees and to this
an distinct from
all of predecessors.
hour's ride either
ear a-. places Yorktown,
C to the
land, of where
now the old rains of the
first church In America. Just across
he of Hampton are
ed Point Comfort and.
me. t strongest and moat
taut station on the Atlantic
whose prim walls and winding .
make It one of riot
In the country. These and
Other places of historic Interest
to the
rates tho hundredth
of the English speak-
tap settlement la America, the roost
the history of
f- the fact that the James-
town Tercentennial is the first j
Don c hold on deep waler this
there has been going ea
t a grand naval spec- ,
tart. of a kind such as America has
seen before. The entire North
fleet, under the command of
Rear Admiral p. squad-
by in. will rendezvous in
Hampton from time to time,
the visitor to Use exposition
simple opportunity to see the strongest
sleet of battleships In the world. There
will at all times during the summer
be at least six men-of-war roads.
The army as well tho navy la well
at the Tercentennial, and
parades by crack regiments of
United States troops are to be seen on
one of the largest and
equipped drill plains In the
try at the ex position
t present are toe entire Twenty-third
of United the
Second squadron of the Twelfth
States cavalry and D battery of the
Held artillery. Several
of the national guard of
states, besides numerous military
and are en-
at exposition from time
time. of these military organize
brings Its own band, which, to-
with the exposition orchestras
and bands, a continual and
government exhibits, housed In
four h structures en tho water
front of the exposition, one
of the most complete and
displays of the work of the
Various departments of he government
ewer .- The Individual states
forward at
with their heartiest support and
and twenty of them have
to represent them at
the Tercentennial, while practically
very state Is represented in exhibits
historical, or Industrial
These slate buildings are located on
Boulevard, a grand avenue
paralleling the water from, and from
tile . id of the State
visitors may rest and view the
whereon vessels of the world might
rest at anchor. In the immediate front
appear tilt great white men-of-war of
our own and a foreign
and yachts, sloops, schooners
and merchant of every kind.
Beyond are the walls of
Port Monroe and the beautiful so-
retreat of coast. Old Point
Comfort. To left may be seen the
Come In and examine my
Your; c
beg leave that we are
and Retail
for N
Ready Paints.
is no line in the world better
vie line. It has behind it a century
for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison
worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
will ice.
Paints you need
Guards of Arc
to is c.
e r-t par
every there i-
to they
arm r. A a l tile
July An-
Men would landed on
lea Juno and left to watch
for tho animals to haul up on the
beach at certain points,
to the government
1st come or
the ice sleep.
is well one or two
are rally h.
The Ne-t
now creeps up and n
r He or two kills th.;
Owing to their very defective hear-
mode the rifle
not then. The pat
aside each hunter, united with
sharp ax, approaches the Bleeping
cuts the f as
That Calls For tho
of Much Tact.
there's one said the
man reflectively calls
for the of infinite tact it i.-
giving of reproof.;. There are of
course some occasion when the
manner of rebuking have to
he taken into
when reprimand should
lie as decisive and -harp as you can
But there are other times
plenty of a quick
is the worst possible medicine
to administer. An employer or a
superintendent owe it to his
to nothing of what ho owe-
to tho men him, to take into
consideration the kind of man to
whom ho Personally
don't believe in but
know that imitation in reproof
give weight to those I want to
one or another, think it's
only fair to he charitable to the cm-
who errs through zeal or as
result of ignorance. If a man
is trying to do his heat know it
By virtue of a power of
contained in a certain deed
f from Mack Man-
duly in.
the r of
county in book P, at page
we will on Monday 14th. day of
1907, at the Court house
door of Pict county at twelve
o'clock noon, offer for sale at
public auction following de-
Adjoining the lands of L. D.
, Mo Law horn, Jim Griffin, Ben
Allen Jones and others and
bounded as fallows; on the north
by L. D. on the
east by J. A. Griffin, on th
south by L. on
the west by Ben Allen Jones;
containing twenty one acres
more or less.
Terms of sale cash. This 6th
cay September, 1907.
E. R.
John Dennis,
O. Moore
North Carolina, Pitt
the court August torn 1907.
J. L, Bland and wife M. A. Bland.
E. R. A. B. and the
Bank of
The defendants, E. K.
and the Bank of in
the above entitled action will take notice
that action has been commenced in
the superior Court of Pitt county
led us above, which said action is
the a
which will be specifically
set out and described in the
tiled in said action, on real
situate in the state of North Carolina
defendants will further
take notice that they are requested to
appear at the next term of the superior
court of Pitt county, to b- held on the
2nd Monday before the 1st Monday in
September, it being the 19th of Au-
gust 1907, at the court House in said
County, in Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in said Action, or the plaintiff will
ply to the court tho relief demand-
d in said complaint.
This the of July 1907.
D. c. Moore,
clerk superior court. Pitt count
many of then as possible before the or you to and such a man in-
become alarmed and
for the water escape.
The while hunters rarely make
use of anything but the two long,;
curved tusks with which the-
us interest in his
work when h- is subjected to any-
thing that looks to him like
is equipped and which average
about live pounds to the pair. If
time permits, however, tho flesh is
boiled and the oil saved. To many
of the Eskimos, especially on the
arctic shore, the walrus is almost a
necessity of life, and the
wrought among the herds by
the whalers has been is vet the
cause of fearful suffering and death
i to many of the natives.
The flesh is fond for men am
dogs. The oil is used for
for lighting and heating lite
noted school Hampton, houses. skin when
ant tardier op the roods, toward oiled makes n durable cover the
the might; mingles its
Hi- salt tide of the sea,
may be city of Newport News,
includes one or two by whom
been employed
the greatest shipyards la the
To tin- right appears the broad-
channel r. to bay and
from bay to bread and mighty At
out between Hie of Charles
and Henry.
Tie- I at is a scone
in worthy a or u thou
sand miles to with nil
the of the aglow,
the of the Canoe Trail mid
Lane lug the myriads
of War Path a
of electricity, the powerful
playing with
miles of shore dotted with the
of a dozen cities and nestling
towns, what spectacle men sublime or
could be Imagined
the amusement section of the ex-
the War Path, there
la every amusement
diversion, where visitor to the ex-
position, after a long day of sightsee-
eon relax let drift
with the pleasure seeking from one
amusement to the next on this
White where the lights ever
and the noise of the oriental
Is ever in the sir.
skin boats. The .
make water roof clothing, window
covers and floats. Tho tusks
used for or spear points or ire
carved into a great variety of useful
and ornamental objects, and the
bones are used to make heads for
spears and for other purposes.
In addition to hunting the
j ms themselves the whalers
. chase from the Eskimos the tusks,
or ivory, that they have secured.
New York Sun.
Renowned for caution in
for bis
of the
a walked
n Senator
e day lot
. . .-,
seem to realize that feelings aren't
entirely eliminated in business deal-
They are hard taskmasters;
their method of riding is roughshod.
They'd get more help on the way if
they used different tactics.
the of co-operation
that I'm trying to hold up as an
ideal. The moment the head of an
establishment gets his associates to
tho fact that they are all pull-
oil her for a common end ho
has Ions way toward
That needn't detract
from position as director, ruler
whatever you want to call
th least. insistence on
ploy, and it is by team play
. n and commercial
Pi the youngest grand
mother of we have record
n Lady Child of Shropshire
She had married at
of ago and a child
her thirteenth year was completed
child in turn married
very with the
that was a
at The most
cases of
of Mrs. Honey wood of Char
Kent, Temple
Stow. the former died, of
May aged ninety-three
he as her descendants six
teen children, grandchildren.
great-grandchildren and nine
case was even remarkable
Lady Temple, who died in
had given birth to four sons and
nine daughters and lived to see
more than descendants.
Reporters Gallery
It was my privilege once to wit-
statesmen absolutely refusing
to allow the great machinery of par-
to be put in motion in the
absence of the reporters. It was
Dec. 1902, when the education
bill was before the house of lords.
Tho Marquis of Londonderry, pres-
of the council of education,
refused to address the house until
the arrived. What an ab-
solute change in the point of view
of statesmen since William Wood-
fall sat in the gallery of
tho house of commons with
eyes, endeavoring to fix on his
the points of the
later still Charles Dickens stood
for hours with tired feet among the
crowd at the bar of the house of
lords furtively
Air Hoes.
hog is tho epithet applied by
tho author of one of the typical
growls the English send to the ed-
of the London Times. The
respondent was sitting reading in
his garden, he says, when he no-
a balloon pass overhead and
pretty soon after received a
of the ballast that was nothing
or less than dirt. He goes on
work up indignation against tin
time when air travel becomes a fad
of the vulgar rich. I am
peacefully tracking a to its
lair and I am suddenly assailed with
the tea slops and heel taps of a mil-
tea party. Multiply the
instance and you have a country
oppressed as if under tho
of the Boston
Bo Not Afraid.
He has not learned the lesson of
his life who docs not every day
mount a fear. If you have no faith
in a beneficent power above yon,
but see only on
coiling its folds about nature and
man, then reflect that the best use
of fate is to teach us courage. If
you have no confidence In any for-
mind, then be bravo because
there is always one opinion
which must always of importance
to your
Waldo Emerson.
my said the old gentle
man solemnly, you know it h
a brier in my side every time I
you smoking that pipe Do
chuckled tho
youth, it is
happens to be a brier
This Department is in charge of W. R. Parker who is
to It CM lit I lit-
Advice to a
kind of views would
advise mo to set forth in my
lecture tour inquired the habitual
answered the
theorist, I were I'd gel
Farmville, N. C. Oct 1907
W R. Home and W M. Lang
to Kinston on a business
trip last Thursday and returned
Reid and Lady
who are attending
school at Atlantic Christian Col-
at Wilson, came home Sat-
on a visit to their parents
and returned Monday. They re-
port a very full school.
The Woman's Betterment As-
of the graded school had
a rummage sale Saturday after-
noon and cleared for the
of the building and
grounds of the school-
Mrs;. John Barrett departed
this life last Saturday morning.
had been in poor health
months and went to the
hospital in Tarboro hoping to be
but the grim
death, who calls the fairest
called her
child died only a
minutes previous and was
bin led with her.
She was a faithful of
the A- E church and her friends
numbered by her acquaint-
am small- children to
we extend our deepest
The youngest child of Mrs.
who died a few
weeks ago, died last Sunday.
Farmville, N. C. Oct. 3rd,
Mrs. J. T. Joyner's
with all the latest stylos
for the fall and winter was great-
admired by the fair sex on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. J. Stanley Smith enter-
the Woman's Magazine
Club on Wednesday evening at
her home on street.
A most enjoyable program was
carried out and all enjoyed the
evening very much, this being
the first meeting they have had
with their president, Mrs. Smith
present for some time Those
present were Mesdames W. C
Askew. W. R. J. F. Joy-
W. M. Lang, Edgar Warren,
S M. Hard. Sue M.
Misses Annie Perkins.
Mollie E. Rouse.
The men save a
on in Turnage
hall that was most highly enjoyed
by those dancing. Quite a
out of town were present.
W. M. Lang's fall opening is
and surpasses any of the
ever here before.
Internal Revenue Service 4th
District of North Carolina
N C-, Sept. 3rd 1907.
By virtue of authority given in sec-
RS and acting under warrant
issued thereunder against
John Thompson for tuxes assessed
him under the Internal
laws I have seized Two and one half
town in the town of Grifton
N. C. being the same lots or parcel of
land upon which is situated a store
house occupied by and Bro.
which they conduct a
business. This lot or parcel of
will be to the highest
bidder for cash on Tuesday the 1st day
of October at o'clock m at
Court door in town of
N. C R. J. Lewis
Deputy Collector
Internal Revenue Service.
4th Carolina.
Deputy Collector's Office.
Littleton, N. C. Aug. 10th 1907.
By virtue of a warrant of
against W. J. Manning for taxes as-
him under the Internal
Revenue laws, have seized the fol-
Farmville. N. C.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging a
Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razor, Clean Tow-
ts repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
Parker's Old
Farmville. N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Company will insure any on
any trace of
Kidney T rube
Every trace of kidney trouble I is
will be paid by Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Md., for any case of kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word to the wise.
For sale by
Farmville, N. C.
For three
years old, kind and gentle. Any
Lady can drive Apply to
J. L. Flanagan,
J Farmville, N. C.
thousand well burned
slop brick at my factory now
ready for -ale at reasonable
prices, P. E
Farmville N C
I have just r d from the
northern markets, where I
chased a superb and complete
line of millinery, notions, sick
wear, dress trimmings,
and furs. Am prepared to suit all
in quality and price- Will
my same milliner, Miss
Ella Watson; who can trim to
suit th. The
public invited to call
and Inspect my store.
Mrs J. F Joyner
Opposite R. L. Davis Bros
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in a certain deed of
mortgage from C. A. Fair and
Nellie E, Fair his wife, to E. R.
D. Moore, dated
13th day of October, 1906, and
duly recorded in the office of the
register of of Pitt, county
k P. page I will on
Monday, Men day October,
1907, the court house door of
Pitt at twelve o'clock
noon, offer for at public
auction the following described
Beginning at Cox's
southwest corner on Academy
St., and runs easterly with Jose-
Cox's line to his other
thence parallel
with Academy St. yards,
thence parallel with Josephus
line to Academy St., thence
with Academy St. to begin-
containing ore-half acre
lowing personal property belonging to
said Manning Viz. One bay horse,
Mules and This property will .
he sold under said warrant, at the farm more or less. I of sale Cash.
of Manning near Greenville N. C 1907
on Thursday the day of Sept. 1907 A
at m. to the highest bidder
B. J. Lewis,
E. R.
D O. Moore,
D J. Editor and Owner.
Truth In s I
w i
VOL. No.
Red Men
Closes With
The district meeting of
fourth district of the Great
of North Carolina I. O. R
M. was held in the Masonic Torn
pie in Greenville on Thursday
evening b ginning at o'clock
The supervisor of the district
Great Junior S. T.
White acting called the
meeting to order filled the
stumps as follows.
S. M- Pollard, of Farmville,
W. H- Moore, of Falkland,
Rev. J. E. of Green-
ville, Prophet.
W. Ben Goodwin, of Elizabeth
City, Chief of Records
E. A Beaman, 1st
J R. Cooper, of Winterville,
Guy V. Smith, of Falkland, 3rd
E Moore, 4th
Willis Dix n, of
Guard of Wigwam-
W. J. of Saratoga,
Guard of Forest.
Past Sachem, Roy C. Flanagan
of Tribe No.
delivered the address of welcome
which was to by Dr.
Morrill on behalf of the
Under the head of roll call of
Tribes the following brothers re-
Saratoga No. of Saratoga,
by D. A. Windham-
No. of
Greenville, by S. T. White.
No. of Falkland,
by W. H- Moore.
No. of Farm-
ville, by C.
No. of Winterville,
by O. W. Rollins.
Shawnee No. Grimesland,
D. Tucker.
No. of
ville, by Willis Dixon.
No of Snow
Hill, by J. Ashley
The following Tribes of the
district mt represented
No. of Hookerton.
Nahunta No- of Rocky
of Tarboro.
This was followed by an ex-
of the unwritten
work by Great Chief of Records,
W. Ben Goodwin, of Elizabeth
Under of the
Dr. D. L. James delivered the
of the evening which
was received by deafening
The degree staff of
Tribe No. of Green-
e, conferred the adoption de-
in a very meritorious man-
The election of District chiefs
for the next meeting resulted as
J. A. Hill,
District Sachem.
Roy Flanagan, Greenville,
District Senior
Morrill, Falkland, Dis-
J N. Edwards,
District Chief of Records.
Farmville was selected as the
next place of meeting t such
time as may be arranged by the
executive committee.
A unanimous vote of thanks
was tender d the Masons, Odd
Fellows Knight of Pythias
for the us of tails.
A vote of thanks was tendered
by the visiting to
Tribe No. if
u the district meeting
i temple a delightful
banquet was given in
opera house, which was an en-
finale to the
True to their nature the Red
Men were hungry at this lute
hour after returning from their
hunt, and the way the good
things disappeared before them
was pleasant to behold- The
menu consisted of sliced turkey,
chicken salad, ham
cheese straws, beaten biscuits,
crackers, coffee
with whipped cream, cream,
cake and cigars.
The menu was prepared by the
Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist
church, and the ladies received
many compliments upon its ex
There were Red
Men in
The I. O R. M is a flourishing
order and the largest in this sec-
It is accomplishing much
good for humanity.
Its many friends will be
to learn that Littleton Col-
an advertisement of which
appeared in this paper during
the summer, has bad the largest
opening in its history. The
growth of this school has been
almost phenomenal, the total en-
last year showing an
increase about per cent over
the previous year.
This institution is doing a most
for the young
women of the South and richly
merits the esteem in which i
is held by the public.
Any parent having a daughter
to send off to school would do
well to correspond with the man-
of Littleton college-
List cf Jurors for November Court
The following is the list of
Jurors for November term of
Pitt Superior court as drawn by
the bard of county
First A. White, J i
Brown. J. B. Little, Ed. H.
burn, Oscar Tucker, D S
J If Cox, Jr. C M fucker, W C
Moore, H E Ellis, J S Allen, J L
Henry Hardy, J ML
J L lay
L Cox, C A Tucker
Second J Lang, D N
Nobles J F Ira J
J D Smith, Frank Wilson,
it J Cobb, C G Moore, R L John
son, T E Langley, J B White
Eugene J B Pat
rick, F V Johnston, W R Smith,
W T Forest, J S Rollins,
List of Jurors for December Court.
The following is the list of
for December term of Pitt
Superior court as drawn by
board of county commissioners
First, week. -I N J
G M Shirley, J R
H P Brown, Adrian
age, James Long, John E King,
D E House, J L R- L
Bomber, F J R Turn-
age, W I W B Greene,
Alfred Moore, John S Smith, C L
Second week W D White-
N G White, J D Jones R
II Keel, W j Sermons. W H
Jenkins. W H Smith, E C
Tims, J G Taylor, W E Moore,
E Boyce, J E Cannon, H C
Cannon, J H Hardy, R A
M L R C Cannon,
L Joyner.
Mrs, G. M. Mooring
invite you to be
at the marriage of their daughter
Ida Gertrude
Mr. Ernest Bryant
Tuesday October 22nd
nineteen hundred and seven
at three o'clock
at home
near N. C.
Weighing El
Two men entered a
restaurant and alter putting a
to the head waiter went
did they asked
a customer.
wanted to know if we
have scales here so they could
Weigh themselves before begin-
to eat. That seems to be a fad
nowadays with
concerned as much with the
quantity as well as the quality of
the food
solves a certain number of
es each me . not con-
tent with v. th food, but
jump in u
before tor to make
sure ;, n i ; overdo or
of feeding.
s ells-
they went on to
New V k Sim.
not prepared
j th
I, f. r
S Lay Up.
About August 1st there took
up h my stock a main hog.
weighing or GO pounds,
marked, white with black
rump and head. I now have this
hug up and held for owner
who can got same by proving
property and paying charges.
This Oct. 10th, 1907.
B. T.
R. F. D. Greenville, N. C.
links to th.- of
Divine Providence bestows no
greater blessing on man than the
Life without women is not
worth living, or a home without
on is no home at all. The world
without them would not be com-
The perfect lady is next
in the universe to the angels of
God The sweet, char-
of a gentle, loving, and
kind-hearted, woman is a mag-
that draws the love and
sympathy of all men. What a
wonderful blessing they are
The men of are
wonderfully blessed along this
lire. They have a host of charm-
w men. Even the smiles are
enough to check the dreadful
march of Sherman or Napoleon,
or soften the heart the worst
but such women as those who
co faithfully prepared the ban-
supper at the district meet-
of the Improved Order of Red
Men when they met with Green-
ville Tribe, have done the good
put and will occupy a special
place in our wherever
we go,
Without hesitating I the
authority of speaking for th
meeting at large. No woman
can surpass the women of Green-
The meeting was a good one
but the part most enjoyed, as is
alway- the case, part in
which the women assisted
After the meeting was over
and thought the pleasure for
the night was ended, realized
the of joy was just
We were escorted from tie
ball to a large banquet room
where we enjoyed the
blessing prepared by the
I of Greenville.
Sun we enjoy d our visit t
I Greenville, but a good per cent
of our moat sincere thanks are
extended to the good women for
their during the
Rev L. A Windham.
N- C-
pi. Church,
sortie days to the jet
E- Cox, of Greenville.
. had accepted the call to
parish of St. John's
Church in this city, were
confirmed yesterday by
f the vestry upon receipt of a
of acceptance from the
reverend gentleman. Mr. Cox is
to arrive in the city to
up his duties as rector of the
on the first of November.
He is one of the ablest of the
younger members of the
ind the parish accounts it sell .
He will be given a cordial
welcome to Wilmington, where
is already well known and
popular. Wilmington
All that The Star soys about
Mr- C x is true, and
will with him very
yet wishes him
in larger field of labor
He is a Pitt county hoy of whom
his county justly proud, and
will make his mark anywhere.
The old lady has struck it
and struck it right, at last Mrs.
Carrie Nation is now the
of a theatrical com-
touring the West in a play
Nights in a Bar
and that was first put on
when Noah found a spot of
ground dry enough to
date the play and the audience.
The star gets a week which
is no sufficient to over-
come her prejudices against the
wickedness of the stage. But
we must give her her due With
the money she makes she pro-
poses to establish a shop
in Washington where the
may be made over a
small Chronicle.
The oldest living brother and
we are Mr
Oliver and hi; sister
Nancey the widow of
the late William T. Mr
will be years old next
December and Mrs.
be next May. Both of them
arc well preserved,
and we hope may live several
years longer. Mrs. is
the mother of our good old friend
Manly who la over
years Record.
Cox Mill, N. C, Oct
II. A Moore Bro.
a dry goods and grocery store
here. We hope they will have
Carroll and W. F. Car-
roll and little son left today for
the exposition at Norfolk.
of our people who claim
to hive received the Holy Ghost,
passed through Sunday going to
their meeting near Simpson.
J. D and A. E. Evans and F
L. spent Saturday night
and Mrs. H L Forties, of
spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Guilford Page-
Mrs. W- S. Cox is on the sick
this week.
Evans went to
Avery sold tobacco in
Greenville Monday at an average
of and returned home
all smiles-
Harvey Stokes has bought a
new buggy.
We were glad to see John
Moore out Sunday
Oakley, N. C. Oct.
School has again opened at
Piney Green with Miss Everett as
capt. Frank Warren, of Tillery,
is f pending a few days in this
section with friends.
Mrs. T- F. Nelson visited in
Bethel last week.
Yearly meetings are over, so
we have settled down on every
day rations once more.
Good many attended church at
Swamp Sunday
fine sermon and good dinner.
Most of the farmers from
section are selling tobacco
North Carolina Pitt county
Dennis wife
J. E Jones D.
The defendants E. R.
and D Moore above named
will notice that an action
has been commenced in the
court of Pitt county by the
above name I against
the defendants above a I for
the of enjoining and
the said milts
from foreclosing the montage
and tho notes bet
and described in the complaint
tiled in this and for the
of having the
ed fraudulent and and
void, and the defendants E.
K. and , Moo it
w II further take notion that they
are required i at
November of t
Superior of county,
to be held on the Monday
after the 1st in
It being the day Nov
amber. 1907, t be court
in said e in Greenville, N
or demur to com-
plain, f the mitt's in
Hie plaintiffs will apply
l the court relief
ed in
the Both day of
II Moo c k superior
o Pitt
Forty fifty of our at-
tended church at Parmele Sun-
day evening.
Frost came on the 14th, one
day later than last year, it came
on Oct 18th last year,
J. Williams made business
in Saturday.
J. S. I family, of
Stoke, visited in this section
J. E. Hines, of Wilmington,
spent a few days here this week.
Took Friends By Surprise-
Mr, Adrian and Miss
Lacy White took their friends by
surprise Monday, by making it
known that they were married.
They were both in last
week attending the exposition,
and were married in that city
evening came
Sunday as fir as
from re th-y drove to the
home of Mr.
miles from town. They came
over to Monday and
informed the bride's mother,
Mrs. M. A White, of the par
By vi tie of mortgage
ard delivered to J. a. Smith
by C B. the End day
M which mortgage
curded in of the m
county in book k-
will Bell r cash
in the town Ayden v i.
I i -1-1 His follow-
articles of u r property,
writ. Throe two dray
earl four sot
he same based . T. w.
id n; small bay
J. one other an
buggy, iv . i-t
h bought
i. e, j . manure
now hi by said
K. Pall, mi if In
By F. G. James Atty.
-t i
The senior class of the graded,
elected for the year.
president is Conrad Lanier;
vice-president Miss Lucille Cob,.
secretary. Miss Lillie
Committees were appointed to
select class colors, also to choose
a suitable class pin. The class
colors are yellow and the
class pin will be diamond shaped
of geld, and will have a black
l front with engraved
upon it, very handsome
The graduating class of this
year is a most excellent one. both
in preparation and in numbers,
should all graduate, they will
number fifteen, the largest class
by far in the history of the school.
The names of the members are
Conrad Lanier. Wiley Brown,
Bruce Hooker,. John Bagwell,
George Jr.,
Tucker, David Watson; t Cecil
Cobb, Ethel Skinner, Jamie
an, Margaret Blow, Lillie Tucker,
Lillian Burch, Essie
and Lucille Cobb.
A number of the class will
compete for the scholarships to
University and to Trinity college.
Both scholarships are quite
able, and the of them
may feel with certainty that they
have something of which they
may justly feel gratified Supt.
Smith hopes to be able to capture
one or two more scholarships at
an early date.
The literary societies
last Friday for the year be-
fore them. The boys chose of-
as President,
Wiley J. vice-president,
Bruce Ho ; secretary, Royce
The first debate will be
h one week from next Friday,
the query being That
Abraham Lincoln was a friend
to the The boys are
ready at work on their speeches,
and doubt they will have a
lively discussion.
The chose officers for the
first term as follows President
Miss Jamb Bryan ; .
dent Miss Ethel -Skinner;
Miss Essie It is
the purpose of the girls to spend
time studying tho history
and literature of North Carolina.
At some time during the year
the societies of the school hope to
have Dr- Alphonso Smith of the
State University, and some of the
other leading professors and ed-
to speak before them and
their friends. It is confidently
that this will a most
excellent feature of school life,
it will also be a valuable con-
to the refinement and
culture of ti e community.
virtue the power of sale
in a mortgage deed and
ox and delivered by
Everett to Webb
White on the day of
i, and duly recorded in
1.-1 r of office of
county, North Carolina, in
N S, page the under-
ed will expose to public sale,
before t he court house door in
Greenville, for cash, to the-
highest id on the
lorn of November
owing real property to wit;
A or parcel of land lying
in Pitt county
N h Carolina, containing one
d acres more or less,
and the lands of A-
B. Harry
an rs being a part of
J. C Keel land, to satisfy
mo deed.
14th day of October 1907.
J L Fleming,

Eastern reflector, 11 October 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 11, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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