Eastern reflector, 4 October 1907

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Publication of
North Carolina. Pitt c
the superior court August term 1907.
J. A Bland.
accord- the of it found a way
i ink. ii . i
we reference to the
of eastern or western At-
has not got the epithet of
for The bird
appears revel
w ail
mo for a good and reason, bearing on the length of a
is its -up, very the time day no
more the is given of how this
is done. A is told of o
nothing. The
in a of the
i . d
through pt and Greece. Herod-
says that the Greeks learned
from the the art of
dials and dividing the day into
twelve ports, and many
found in Greek literature
, shallow
, than a
; rel has a
habit of following ships, which
re i do with
n. it socks
. or lone-
-i y a e sh p a t-
ti e rs. V likely a; it
follows a rm n i r. up, and
turn who Invited to dine when
t shadow was twenty feet long,
which was about the hour of in
afternoon, according to the
host's re but the
guest mistook the invitation to
read according to morning shadow
and arrived before the feast was
,., n- the bird so served.
r supers Jack This finds a parallel in the
,;,. .;, who have visited
mo into n ts
i in t. the
. ;. the shadows that
the ,.,,.,. . .; summit. The
lo .
-i them,
f in n com
It is
small fry of id from the
land by
. , v, ,. ,.
v I. and the
duo to some entitled action will take
it I
. em on
i i I
I a s
. ,, . is
. ii i
.-. and a-
the bird such
. i of n to
I . left us a
f the .
. i, poet ems to c
here. It Arab- r very Gr t to intro-
. . . a the hours of
,. The oldest now in ex-
fine p
the of
mi ; ; as i tin m How-
ever. id ii n
on in old hr e or tales of the ., ,
. j-. .-.,; ., ;,., of Cleopatra's
. . , Ti i . most
.,;,. ; of s is in
.; Tern of the Winds, in reality
n , . ., with a dial
.,. , of the eight Many
, were in
.-,.,,;. those of the
s tons vertical or
s;. a. introduced the
, . into and
i in Eng-
. r ala over the
, . . England and
n. found
i i n while the
es having been lift-
tor and carried over
what is popularly
known as a waterspout. When two
. of air traveling in
site directions meet, the resulting
d if on a
small scale, is a whirlwind
and on a large a tornado,
the of which are
Hon. Ralph defines
i whirlwind . s mass of air whose
is n n sly greater than
its width, rotating rapidly round a
more or vertical The
mass might be. for instance,
cot high and only ten feet in diam-
i -i r. his whirlwind column has a
; i . Mike and may travel
if thirty miles an hour in
I . phenomenon is usually
in the sky a descending col-
on. This i- owing to the
of a loud within the circuit
. v. air. Should
reach of the
hat an action has been commenced
the superior court of Pitt county
led as above, which said action is
Mortgage, which will be
set out in the
filed in said action, on real
situate in the State cf North Carolina
And defendants will
take notice that they are requested to
appear at the next term of the superior
Pitt county, to i held on the
2nd Monday before the Monday In
September, it being the of Au-
gust at the court House In said
county, in Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in id Action, or the plaintiff will
ply to the Court the relief
ed in said complaint.
D. c. Moore,
clerk superior Court, Pitt count
One is found ground dust, mud and all kinds
This Department is in charge of W R Parker who is authorized to
represent The Reflector in Farmville and vicinity.
Farmville, N. C. 1907.
for the Pitt county
hospital Let's have it, and why
Because we need not only the
mediate benefits and
but the honorable
would give lo our
young, energetic girls to become j
Farmville. X. C.
era. In f these it is I en or
sailors, icing tin herald , ,, ,. In time the- I cat e
f join the ship too near land, ;,,. ; princes made of
ma SUp on and re- ; they, wore considered
to proceed. Forest ,,,, ,. to tin
Stream. and more handsome
and in d-i-n. A fine
mt i- that at
. h eighty-four
. .- ; i- that
k of i one with a dial
There is an enterprising Liver;,
tailor who has never been
Down to acknowledge that he did .
mot have anything a possible
m a-; for.
One a customer entered the
shop id if he had any
i. for one legged
replied the hut-
chant. kind do you
said the man.
The 1-st you've
Hurrying into the rear of the
tore. the enterprising merchant
Batched up a pair of trousers and
nipped off the right leg with a pail , ., ,,;. , .;. . and mo I careful-
of scissors. Hastily turning under i . death. The ancient
the edges, he presented them to the . .,.; the heart t- be
f in as well as the
debris are sucked up into the col-
.,, ,. v along. path
. f o axis of the disturbance crosses
c or a river, the surface
is whirled up into the funnel
mingles with the whirling col-
of vapor. This is
the effect known as a waterspout
When the motion ceases
the moisture descends NOTICE OF
in cloudburst or as heavy
The small surface living fry
of fish in the sea. herring or
even heavy from
.;, inland water.-, ore frequent-
thus carried over dry land and
the pedestrian by descend-
on his umbrella.
Many canes are reported from
they are common n
India. In the species
fish that thus full usually
to the neighborhood, which
dhows that their involuntary
through the air is never very
ts an i other Ii-
; have also been known
internal Revenue
District of North Carolina.
Deputy Collector's Office,
Littleton, N. C. Aug.
virtue of a warrant of
J. tuxes us-
him under the
Revenue laws, have seized fol
lowing personal property belonging; to
said Via. One bay horse.
Mules and This property will
e sold under Bead warrant at the farm
of said near Greenville N. C
on Thursday tho day of Sept.
it in. to the highest ladder
for Cash.
R. J. Lew-
and sell-supporting years in
Miss Mary left last Mon-
day for S. C, where
she has accepted a position as
vocal music teacher in the Harts-
ville College. Miss is a
graduate of the A. C. of
on, N. C. and has taken i p
vocal music in
Artistic work
Staton Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
S i n I Strict
Kl- . . ,
. , . r is i Iv
to best New ,,
Tl r
craved up m it and t
-1 . . piece, which
I v its i the hoar of the
i The wot i or
is fancifully a derivation
the ow man or of a
Hal, II shadow whereof
out th City Star.
, , ; . thus through the
Internal Revenue Service 4th
District of North Carolina
Littleton, N. C , Sept. 3rd 1907.
By virtue of authority in sec-
I; S and under warrant
of issued thereunder against
for taxes
him under Internal
laws I have Two and on.- hall
town lots in the town of
v C. being the or
u upon which is situated a store
house occupied by and Bro.
r i v they conduct a mere an-
Else business. Thia lot or parcel of land
he to the highest
bidder for cash on Tuesday the 1st
October o'clock m at the
Court house door in the town of Green
ville K. J. Lewis
. en the
. i. an of worship
W. Would Not Tell.
i i ruble and worthy
man. M. He,
.,., j,., ,,,. enough to at By q a f
a supper party some satirical verses . , .
,, hid heard Mine, do
Pompadour and M. de Bart nice, the
chief of police. Warned that De
had filled in his en
de cachet, II. do He
called at tho police and asked
to what prison he should betake
himself. said
tho kind I
the pr
me n with the
lat mt was
-1 and on
Ii i Pear-
. of . i c record
was ;. L y I of Si
. i I and n red l is or-
when o en In process
tool; , mod of toe
; I e- There
are i varieties of this t red
i ; in
lie was r
of both men and women
I and v. as .-. ti to pr
i From hi r
i kc attract ire,
v,. ones were used for
end turquoise matrix.
. thy it, . v i . re ,,. .
. .;. . . , in I
. ., ,, ;,.
realm. id with
l- ; n in old ti a
tin. . a
at t
ii .
ti en
is i.
i I
; Tin re is that
Ii s pi rs of II May
. not a
y-three R I P month
the which they
I their cannon is large
lid ill
it aw.
repeated St.
to his coachman, sad
arrived at the dungeon before t .
order for his detention.
a year made a
formal to and once
a punctually ho demanded of
do tho name of the
author of the verses. knew, I
not loll was the
able reply, as a matter of fuel
I never heard it in my II,
died in a
old of
. i i j
W i-
. ;
i i It-
the n , it I by John
ind one pr on a
ii I king In-
ho in p
I tho sea in I
dim I I re n a lively dis-
. n h -a d the other
the accuracy of his
; Ho . his
. no n at ho
to religion, ad to this
is called
tarn th out on the h to
-41 whoa winter I eat
i .
.-; , . ,
. t queen
such a on
lie prolate,
Net L--r.
A ;. pea tint having
to i bu a pair
of now . by the
on his w ind was
ed I d by a
light I
across His t sh
his leg out
arouse i
Mr be
hi mil an
. rite to him con
. t n in .- I
I mu n. Mr. Spur on at
. seal id inn, but
he soon lean to lo them.
. Le lid
the . lo d tor hi weekly
with much interest.
I Ii I had
two or three ,
he would same ex-
in d h a
Mr; on, like eve
cl e, had . quo ion, lie
u i this line, in my
I r r her frequent .
his wrote .
in I f d of tho
of your
of mortgage from Mack Han-
ring a wife.
dated of October 1906.
and duly in
the Register of Deeds tor Phi
county in book P. at page
we will on y 14th. day of
Court house
door Pict. county at twelve
o'clock neon, offer for sale at
public auction following de
Adjoining the lands of L. D
Jim Bin
Alien Jones and others am
bounded as follows; on tho
by L. D. m, on the
es i by J. A. Griffin, on th
south by L. D. on
west by Hen Allen
containing twenty one
more or less.
ins sale cash. This
of r, 1807.
but his sleep
a pa ling I
a v
Tin- fir I thing an orthodox Sin-
ii . -e in is to
are -n- family I who
red he old
in night Letting of
an n in
tho CW ghost ion.-
trooping I their former
For three days they have their fun
At tho end of the the
their k re gun; n C
other devices for getting rid
them. A Siamese is coffined
downward, so that the ghost may
not sneak back through the d
man's month. Tim coffin
out through a hole the wall d
carried several times round the
in order that the ghost tin;.
he put off the scent and not
to vex his family.
By virtue of a power of salt
in a certain deed of
. from C. A. Fair
E. Fair, his wife, to E. B.
D. O. Moore, dated
of October, 1806,
duly corded in the of
r of of Pit
book P, page will n
Monday, the October.
1907, at the court house
Pitt county at twelve o'clock
noon, t for t public
the following described
Beginning Jo pi us Cox's
corner on Academy
St., and runs easterly with
Cox's line his other
thence parallel
Academy St. yards,
thence parallel with
line to Academy St-, thence
with Academy St. to the begin-
containing acre
more or less. of cash.
this of s- 1907.
E. R.
D. O. Moore,
e ill -res. We hope her a pleasant
while in the old Palmetto
T. Joyner left on this
train for t;
en.-r his son Roland in the
Mm. Mary Tyson lost a
mule last Friday night from
acute indigestion.
J. Flanagan lost a fine drive
last Monday
One of the most satisfactory
revivals that has been held
in our community for some time
close l Sunday at Marlboro Free-
Will Baptist Church with thirteen
new additions to the roll. On
Sunday there was a joint
ti. m at Middle Swamp with
converts, the others
being from Friendship church in
Greene county. Rev. Mr.
of Ayden, conducted
services at Marlboro and Rev,
Mr. Corbett at Friendship.
Misses Alice Lang, Helen and
Glenn Forbes of spent
Wednesday in Farmville.
the guests of Mrs. J. F. Joyner.
The young men gave them a c m-
hay ride over to tin
Green Spring with a four mule
team. The was shining
brightly, the boys were happy
o we heard say.
trying to catch arum way
horse Sunday night -n the
near the Christian
S ran in contact with
in iron o-t a
sprain -r hurt in bis l ft
kin. We stand the horse
belonged to one of our courting
vi men and it is d he
I become tied his
o broke his halter
w making his
full speed We did not lei
the owner arrived,
was well to
his pathway while
his two mile homeward march
Lizzie Caraway, Wash-
i-; visiting Miss Blanche
Miss Bessie Jonas returned
Saturday to her home in Oakley,
after spending a very pleasant
visit with the Gay near
Mrs. B. quite
sick with fever, arc
to she may
Savage, of Speed
and Mrs. Peebles of
field, are visiting Mr. and
Edgar n.
is quite
k at her fathers home in th
country. A. C.
Tobacco is Belling very
factory on our market, so our
farmers say. Cotton is opening
very rapidly although there- has
been but little brought in yet.
Sharp Razors,
J. G.
Parker's Old
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact fin of work in
wood and iron.
All guaranteed.
Company will insure any on
any trace of
Kidney Trouble
Every trace of kidney is
will be paid by the Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Md. for any case of Kidney
trouble will not help.
A word to the wise.
For by
Farmville, N. C.
Having qualified a-. Executor
if the estate of A.
gown, of Pitt
this notify all per-
ons having Maims against the
slate said to exhibit
hem to undersigned within
twelve months from date or
this notice plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons in-
to said will please
ma payment
the 22nd day of July. 1907
F. Q.
L. Sugg,
have the I've
Harried on account of a
sir- every kind of treat-
men , tried Hunk
Salve; healed the era
mo happy J I n
if North Mills, N. C.
for I'll etc., John. L
The Home Building and Loan
Association has not been in
a year and a half, yet have
you taken a look around town to
see how many houses have been
built its aid. Look into
it and see if you don't think it is
w while.
For Sate three
years old, kind and gentle. Any
Lady can drive Apply to
J, L. Flanagan,
Id J N- C.
thou, and well burned
slop brick at my factory now
ready for sale at reasonable
Prices, R. E
Farmville N C
I just returned from the
northern markets, where I
chased a superb and complete
line of millinery, notions, sick
wear, dress trimmings,
and furs. Am pared to suit a
in quality and price. Will
have my milliner, Miss
Ella can trim to
suit tho The
public invited to call
and inspect my wore.
Mrs J. F-
Dropped Dead.
Jane Moore, a colored woman
who worked for the Imperial To-
Company, dropped dead in
the factory this morning, her
death being due to heart disease.
She had been afflicted sometime
with this trouble, and recently
had several
. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
the Fowl
Monday afternoon Will Barrett
a colored boy who has lately been
errand and delivery boy for Mr.
S. M. Schultz, went to the back
door of the residence of J.
E. lives on Fourth
street, and knocked. The minis-
answered the knock, when
the boy stated that be was on
Makes at September
Tobacco Sale.
A month ago the Reflector
Book Store offered a Parker
Fountain Pen to the person who j
could guess or nearest
to the number of pounds of to-
on the Greenville mar-
during the month
bar. The time of closed
20th, and during the
his way to deliver a chicken few days if
package to one of Mr Schultz's there s me lively guessing
Greenville Market Sold Lb.
Mr C. W. Harvey, secretary
of the Greenville-Tobacco Board
of Trade, reports the sales for
this market the month of j
at pound.
the average price being
For September last year the j
sales were pounds at an ;
average of For the two
months season since the mar-
opened the total sales were
customers, and when passing in
front of the minister's home he
chicken got from him and
run under the house, and asked
permission to go the house
after the fowl.
The boy went under the
and out a hen. which gave
some color of truth to what he
had told the preacher. After
seeing the boy make a
successful turns around the yard
after the hen, Mr. went
out to help The hen was
captured and the boy went on his
way with the fowl package.
The package he delivered to a
customer, but took the chicken
into another part of the town
and sold it.
A little later it was found that
one of the from the yard of
Mr B F. Patrick, adjoining the
parsonage was missing, and it
developed, that the one the boy-
had carried off and sold was that
particular hen. As the boy was
passing along the street he saw
the hen go from Mr yard
by those who had been keeping
tab on th sales. That some
good guessing was done is shown
ii. the result
Monday evening Mr. C. W. j
H secretary the j
ville Tobacco of Trade, j
keeps official record of the;
sales as reported by the
warehouses, gave the figures for
the month at pounds.
A look over the list of guesses
showed that Mr. A. A. Andrews
had come nearest the number,
his guess being The
prize Mr. Andrews gets is well
worth having, for the Parker
Fountain Pen is the best nude
nothing writes better
Some other good guesses were
also made-Miss Lottie Blow
8,569.400, Mr. J. H. Keel
Mr. G. J. Woodward
The two guesses that miss-
ed it were made by
Master Ben Bryan and
Mr F G. Smith These
were the lowest and highest
respectively. There a
number of guesses between three
millions, but only two
and run under Mr. s
house and right there he planned
to get that chicken and worked ; number.
the trick above noted.
The boy was found and made
to go bring th chicken back to
its owner, and this morning May-
or bound him over U-
Superior c for larceny
The marriage of Mr.
Latham to Miss
Harding will consummated
Wednesday October
2nd, at o'clock, in the
Memorial No cards are
sent in town, but all friends are
invited to be present
A dispatch from
Cone a farmer
living near there and eight
children ire unconscious as the
result in which
condensed milk had been
Register of Deeds K. Williams
Good Description.
Sometimes a writer describes
himself and his own surroundings
in attempting to describe his
adversaries. For instance. Then-1
if Ins life of Ben
ton, political machine
can only be brought to a state cf
perfection in a party con-
many ignorant and
uneducated voters. Besides i
such an organization
in order that it. may do its most.
effective wort, to have as its
leader and figure head a man o
really has a great, hold en the
people at largo, and who yet cm
be managed by such s
at possess requisite adroit-
No better description of
the party and its
present leader could be written.
Greensboro Record-
Mr. J, W- Aycock, former
cashier of the National Bank, left
Sunday for Rocky Mount to take
a similar position with a bank
there. Mr. M. R. Turnage,
formerly with the Bank of
Greenville, has taken a
with the National Bank, Mr.
Roland Lang, of Farmville, has
him at the Bank of
is a widower.
by Switch
Norfolk, Va., S.-pt. Mrs
He Holmes and Mrs U. G.
of Springfield, Mass.,
delegates to the convention
Bible students of America in
here, were run down by a
Norfolk Western switch engine
in this city tonight almost within
sight of their husbands, and in-
killed. No headlight was
on the tender of the engine, nor
was there a flagman on the run-
as the train backed
out of the Merchants Miners
warehouse across Main street
The crew declare they heard no
screams and saw no one. although
eye witnesses say the
shrieked for help at the top of
their voices. Caught by the
has issued the following licenses
since last
Franklin L. Cox and Isabel
W. D. Ruth Joyner.
Lewis H. Smith and Mary
William Hardy and
Hay wood Williams and Mattie
I Rev. re,
op of the Hi- h so.
visited Si Paul here
Sunday, and was heard large
congregations at both morning
and evening services At the
a beau mt-
window to the
memory of ire Dr. and Mrs
W. M. B. Brown, were
placed in the church by their
were dedicated by Bishop
A new station opened on the
Norfolk railway, in
Beaver Dam about half
I way between Greenville and
Farmville, is called
j Tickets can now be purchased to
station. The people of
j Beaver Dam are delighted at
j a railroad station in their
I midst, and it a great
to them.
My son, James H. Blount,
colored, having left home with-
out my permission. I hereby
warn all persons against
or harboring under pen-
of the law. He is years
old. hi about feet, weight
about pounds.
ES. D. Blount.
Pays to
Of course everything lost is
not found, but the reader does
not realize how many lost articles
get back to the owners through
the means of a few lines in The
Reflector. It happens frequent-
Mere Millions
In these day when men talk of
making money by the millions
brake the their the boy on the farm begins to
clothing became entangled in the j think that his chances in life are
rods and they were dragged for circumscribed, there are
several hundred yards. . men ewer become million.
bodies were found a few feet
was a pathetic sight Re-
the body as that of his
by following the
but there is to the far-
mer, more than millions in his
is health,
wife, Mr. gave a groan and plenty. While we can-
and then ran to tell his friend,
Mr. Holmes, of the accident-
not speak from the standpoint of
a millionaire we are inclined to
Passing the body of Mrs. Holmes believe that he who has plenty of
he hurried toward the foot j hog and hominy at home and
Jackson street, where he met Mr. material to keep him
Holmes. The latter was greatly a few of the
life thrown in for good
jumping into the dock by the must be the happier.-
v Gaff Ledger.
R. Tyler, Old Soldier
Benjamin years
old, a Confederate soldier, died in
the homo yesterday. Mr.
Tyler was a member of Company
C, Twenty-sixth Virginia
and enlisted in Richmond.
After the war he moved to North
Carolina, where he remained
nu entered the home in April,
The funeral took place this
morning at eleven o'clock from
the Home chapel, Rev. Or
George R. pastor of
Asbury Place Methodist church,
conducted the services. The bur-
was made in
It is said that the best glass-eyes
are sold for but we see that
some specialist is offering a good
quality of for We
should say that any old glass-eye
worth cents is good enough for
the man who lets the Republican
party pull the wool over his eyes
with the that the pro-
tariff If for the benefit of
labor and not for the
Popular Couple Wed Morning
At a quarter to eight
this morning in Jarvis
Methodist church, was per-
formed the beautiful ceremony
that united in marriage Mr.
Hannis Taylor Latham, of Wash-
and Miss Harding,
o; Rev. M. T. Plyler
being the officiating minister.
The church was tastefully
with evergreens, the altar
and platform being a pyramid of
palms and ferns.
Miss Olive Gaston presided
at the organ, playing the wed-
ding march as the bridal party
entered and r tired, and a soft
melody during the ceremony.
The tubers were Messrs. W.
F and F- C Harding, brothers of
tho bride, the dame of honor
Mrs. J. L Carper, and the maid
of honor Miss Bessie Harding,
sister of the bride. These passed
up the left aisle followed by the
bride with her father, Maj.
Henry Harding- The groom
with his best man, Mr. W- B-
Harding, of Washington, enter-
ed through the pastor's study and
mot the bride at the altar.
The bride wore a handsome blue
suit and carried
la bouquet of bride roses. Th-
j dress of the dame of honor was
i white radium crepe with black
bat and she carried white
The maid of honor wore
j yellow point with white
hat and carried yellow dahlias-
The guests of honor at the
marriage were Mrs- W. F. Hard-
Charlotte, F
C. . Ricks, Josiah
p Charles
I house, m Greenville, Misses
lien Parker, Annie and
I Bright and Mrs. Thomas Latham.
of Washington, Mr-. Ken-
I Beth Henry d Miss Carrie
j Hughes, of Chocowinity, Miss
j Martha Harding, of
Miss Charlotte Ireland, of
land Miss Eliza Harding, of
Other of town attendants
were Mrs. Latham and
Misses and Kathleen
Latham, Washington, mother
and sisters of the groom, and
Master William of
Immediately after the
the bridal couple were
driven to the A. C. L. depot
j where they took the morning
train for a trip to Washington
I City and New York, and will stop
I at the Jamestown exposition en
their return. They will make
their home in Washington.
A pretty incident occurred at
the depot just before the train
loft, The bride and groom stand-
on the rear platform the
car had been given the prover-
shower of lice from the
guests of Honor grouped by,
and as the train moved away the
bride tossed out her bouquet
which was caught by Miss Char-
The bride and groom received
I a large number of beautiful and
serviceable presents. Among
those were checks amounting to
Tuesday evening preceding the
marriage the of the
families of the bride and groom
were entertained at tea by Major
and Mrs. Henry Harding, pa-
rents of the bride, and the guests
of honor were entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Harding.
Hay Ride.
Several young men of the town
gave a hay ride Tuesday night
complimentary to the house party
guests of Misses Glenn and Helen
Forbes. There was a merry
party of young people
in the ride and they made the
air ring with songs, laughter and
Home Burned
We learn that a Mr. Cannon,
in the section
of township, lost a
tobacco pack house by lire. Tues-
day night, supposed to be the
work in
contained about lour of
Sh Leg.
Mr. W. B. who
ates the ginning plant near the
market house,
shot in the this morning.
When he retired last night he put
his and a pistol under his
pillow. Upon getting up this
morning he pulled his pants out
from under the pillow when the
pistol fell on the floor and fired,
the ball striking him in the leg
above the ankle.
Cotton Report.
The government report from
the was issued today
the number of bales cotton
dinned up to September 25th at
The infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J- S. Mooring died Tues
day night and was buried at
o'clock this afternoon in Cherry
Hill cemetery. The young pa-
rents have the sympathy of many
Laving duly
tho court of
county us administrator of the
estate of M- I. de
notice is hereby given ti
all persons indebted
to make immediate payment to
the mid
having against said st lo
are notified that they must pr.-
on or e
do . October, 1908, no
tie plead bar of
This 1st day of or.
of M. D. t.
North Pitt
Dennis wife
Iv K K Jones L. O.
The It. pi
and O above i
will u. u that an
been com mu need
o -in t fill county by
the defendants
the enjoining
the Said s
from foreclosing
and tho notes set oat
and described in the
tiled in this can e and tor th
pose having the same de.
elided fraudulent and null
void, and the said defendants K.
U. and l, O . Moore
will farther take notice that they
are required to at
November of t e
Superior of county,
to no bold on the 9th Monday
after the 1st in
bar, it being the 4th day of Nov
ember, at court
in said in N
to answer or demur to the com
plaint of tho in said
or the plaintiffs will apply
the court for the relief
ed in said complaint.
tho day of
. c superior
of Pitt county
Machine Cue.
There was a washing machine
right case tried here Monday be-
fore Justice H. Harding. It was
a suit to collect a note given for
the purchase of one of the rights.
Justice Harding's decision was
that as the note was obtained
fraudulently it was
and the case was dismissed.
Curious are observed in
tree trunks, the inquiry
begun in suggest the
conclusion that they are
produced by the earth's
the twists of storms and the whirls
Belgian geologist, points out
i of growth were
tho cause the torsion should follow
the sun's path. In at least
out of trees the reverse
is true, and it be that the twist
i the I in On- northern
hemisphere and to the right, or with
clock, in the southern
like turn of the
storms and water This
is due to earth's rota-
Jean notes that it
was shown years ago that-tho
winds due to earth's million
steadily n season when veg-
i.- active and sensitive, and
bending and
turning would be likely to
the tree New
Orleans Time -I rat.
Growth of Rural
It is now only fourteen years
since an appropriation of
was mode for experiments with the
project of rural free delivery. As
recently as ten years ago the
for this new service
to only lost year
it was than while
this year rural delivery will
route proposed must be
inspected before it i- accepted by
department, more than
mu-t i -11 ll
paid, and all tho mill
of the and
enforced. at
and we in cities
should bear with some patience the
shortcomings of tho service which
gel while this necessity of rural
development, boon to the toil
millions on tho farms, receives
the attention it so well deserves.
AH the improvements needed will
in good time. Boston
A Chimney
M. chimney
sweeper of i.- probably
unique in his profession.
His mornings days generally
devotes to the
ways of the r I tin. Id,
lies of the region ii i . r
years it hits i
i I .- I
dime, to vi r
arts, i.
-I i .
C . cola.
A-a I.i in . on re-
ii in Ins
; i-
, i he ml,
. i a great of
sheep to pull the
row CO ml . I halted Illy ear
and ; I with interest the pas-
i the the intelligent
docs the
-1 had u sh it talk with the
herd about his odd difficult
I said, do you
do, driving sheep like this on a
row road, when yea meet another
dock coming from the opposite
said tho
just drive straight on, both of yo,
and the one that has the t dogs
gets tho most
the stovepipe
inquired the lint humorist.
didn't have tho nerve to take
it down this responded tin
of the
working on tho new model
tin bathing suit joke V
abbreviated than ever this
about the appendix
cut it

Hew the C
Tan 1.1. c Rice.
i fas-
fin. iv
From the i -1
;. i inn
I hill
. . . .
I; I.
router ii, I
i 1.1 ins i
i sue,
. I
I r.
Com a R cord
Tin largest average that we
h heard of in recent was
ii today at the Gum Ware
. . everything
. u i the floor, scrap and quite
i d deal. damaged ,
the average for the entire break
I . while a number
h with tine tobacco sold bin
. .- away up in
. . tier, having
h direction and management f
i re of me Farm.
ii y personal charge tut
i sat the Gum
. in North Caro-
k better hi w to sell to-
he. a very
. man with the many duties
to look per
. i i
i i
t i
that tn
and I i i
. , .
t nil I
Vt Hi.
pin o ; turkeys
time i
Mr .,.,. T i .-. i
the i . ,. . .
tripped .
which . r I I
re net . In-
I. at the i I the
. Ii ii I.;.
d s us
of Tl.- ho ran lo look
i, i lie i pees that -I by the
mill toward them.
.- prince, with a pole to which
lie could to urge them for-
First escaped and,
, -elf to a pendant limb,
.- . . k. ., .
he gives
ion to his sales than any-
else, and the salt
he mad
of what he is
Keep your eye on the
Mr. F. I t
i- i between his home and
frost Building.
N C, Sept Tl;.
hi Knitting Mills
this and it if pleas
t ho Fr
to hands will be given em-
I but the will he
as possible.
Salisbury. Sept. -John
the son of Mr. K. P. died
about noon today after a
suffering from a horrible
dent of
doing business on the main Ii
Southern, and about
was adjusting
i; I down V his .
than ,,. i a belt that runs the machinery
The young man was
the Furniture Company. they
Taking the
Grifton. N C . Sept
Whoopee, Mr. Editor, we are
having hot times in the o to
now, with all these pretty la I
who have charge of the tutorship
of young minds at our graded
school here. tell you it is
to break the heart of an
old widower, if ; made of
rock fresh from the North Pole,
to just be- in their
just all over in streaks when
i out to tile meet-
at the sea-
You lire. K. was
to talk tor the l
ad who speaK, and
time tell you, think he did
well under
being as how be was a
too. And don't
sat there and
myself n bad a
position nice to have
visaing an
county and see
are getting la
use old Satan a.-
hung up o. a
far as
for he Would be sing-
i to Angel
upon in
don L Want bu a. gal i
lo be all Hit
come see
on. but it-L me tell
ii candy treat
on sail It
. me,
pretty my
white the u
other established itself in a
manner. Barley scattered along the
read did not aid in the least. The
turkeys had concluded Unit it was
time turn in. and turn in or turn
out tiny did. In u few minutes all
of the twenty wore roosting in trees,
from which it was impossible to
drive them. Meanwhile the geese
came lumbering on. They slowly
passed their competitors.
The race with the geese
first and the
in Metropolitan
and enter so large-
into the structure of the
and determine its characteristics
it undergoes little perceptible
change, as a rule, with the lapse f
year-. The brow becomes wrinkled,
and crow's feel gather round the
eye-, which themselves gradually
grow dim as time rolls on. Checks
lose the bloom which can-
not replace and their fullness
and color. The chin, dimpled in
youth, develops angularities or
as the case may
Ilia eyebrows become heavy
the crop of many
growth. The shows no mark
comparable to these familiar facial
indications of tho approach of old
age ind practically enjoys
from ravages which time
makes on the other features of the
face. Neat to the probably
the ears, 11- u rule, show the fewest
and least obvious signs of old a
stick which he
was caught up by the wheels and
jerked him into the
most of
injuries resulted, and so badly
ha err d was he that he
of his misfortune.
Wilmington, Sept, 28-1.
Powell. years old, had
his legs mashed off up to the knee
this morning at the plant
the Whiteville Lumber Company,
at Whiteville, Columbus
where he was employed. He
was brought to the hospital here
for treatment, but died within
an hour after reaching the in-
Statesville, Sept 28.- The re-
t got abroad in Statesville
to-night that the at
Taylorsville was robbed last night
of and that the robbers
had stolen a horse and buggy
from a livery stable there and
left town, coming
Sept 28.-
which was of two
the cause given for
the suicide this morning of
It be utmost,
to nun
view big
hum wan an the
grace With they
WU Mr. Editor, from the
you may have come to
conclusion that is
very In
of and
to N. C.
The Norfolk Souther- Rail
way announce the the
extension to Wilson. N. C, en
and freight
and this be .
news to tin m y who h
anxious for the developing of
this new ten and wished
to have the
expansion in that action
There has been some slight
change In the schedule of trail
the morning now
Washington at lo, i-
Farmville p. m.
burg arriving at Wilson
p. tn- The train Wilson
US p. m.,
Farmville 3-86, he
5.50, an arrives in
Washington at 6.20 r m
n. will be
with both and
bound trains to in
points to New
virtue of tho . t . It- con
i in ix.-
; . . -hi-
v to
iv 11-
July in II.-
f Pitt
in i. i tin- ill , lie .-.
II. lull.
ii.-i-t .
n i--- pare I of
in the county of tin
iii ii de-
as foil to wit;
Iii township and
i fol Situate
known the tract of land and
lands of Cost,
Frank Cox rind ,
containing in re or less, Ami
tin- formerly owned
the in Aaron
or i M. and tho late
Jackson land, to satisfy
iii mortgage Terms of
B. It,
e. Attorneys,
Newspapers Do Not Make Time Tables.
It is a rule with newspapers to
pay no attention to
when it is not known from
whom they come. But The Re-
.-tor received one Saturday
from that even while
not accompanied by the name of
the person sending it, can be
It is th lime table of th-
Southern railroad
paper, and on
the margin of it is written th.
if we do not know
i is at Then
the time table i drawn a
showing that is be.
tween and Green
from which we infer that
sender would like for u
to i in the
table, as it does not appear
Hut Reflector has no
tor such a
time table being printed jest
as it comes to us from the
officials Yet if the
who sent it to us will take
matter up with the railroad
we feel sure they will
he change and mention
in tho time table. At tie
ante time we would
to give the railroad
officials his name so they cat
who is making the
. i r v k of
S i i- hero
to t
the all having
said slate
to t e same to the
t r i on or before the
of 1908, or this
in of recovery.
his Hay of September,
of M.
WORD that word U
it refers to Dr. Liver lit and
Are MM
Troubled with
many others
i tithe
Take No
iD. W.
Ami PrOV
p o,
R. enters and
claims acres, more or
of vacant land in Par-
Pitt county. N.
C. on north side of Tar river, in
and or. the east Pea
will bay I am the
lands of J. It.
and place, tho John Ward
Robt J.
heirs, White-
ii Herman. I head,. Walter
fellow into,
one time- asked mm
w name and he
of th.
The oceans three-fourths
of the of the earth. A mile
in the sea the water has a
pressure f a ton to every square
inch. If a box six feet deep WU
filled With sea water, which was
then allowed to evaporate, there
would be two inches of suit left in
the bottom of tho bin. Taking the
average depth of the ocean to be
three miles, there he a layer
of salt feet thick covering the
bottom in case all the water should
evaporate. In many places,
in the far north, the water
freezes from the bottom upward.
Church, son of Mr- T. L
Church, a prosper merchant
of Ready Branch, IS miles from
The suicide lived in
the same neighborhood. The
lifeless body Church was
found about clock this
from a rope
suspended from in his
barn. The family missed him
about o'clock began a
search for him. He was cold in
death when found Church leaves
a wife and children.
a guild boy,
s--id, am And
as old man pap to say
am L think I met
if not
run u my late,
is on boom
since the school has be-
come a reality. The
district is built up anew,
and three new. stares beside. A
brick hotel is of
and will, be open in thirty
days, if Lord is willing and I
reckon He is if. Bro.
holds out that long- suppose it
will hold out, U he
all the time.
Cousin Bill went
the Jamestown exposition this
week and expects to see the dive
in hell while there. He promises
all we poor sinners a
of the place he gets
back, so you see if any of our
folks should be so as to go
there they will be posted a to
what will be seen in that part of
tho country. But we folks at, in
and around Grifton are not going
to the hell, or
either, we now have two b
day schools and will start the
third one shortly. don't think
the devil can net us all, even if he
does take a few.
F. Davenport
for J. R. Davenport.
person or persons
title-to or interest in the fore-
going land must file
iii with me
within next days, or
thy will, be burred by law.
Friday at their home
Evans street Dr. Mrs.
Ii. A. gave a delightful re-
complimentary to the
guests of Misses Glenn and Helen
Forbes, sisters of Mrs.
As the guests arrived they were
cordially greeted by Dr. and Mrs.
and Mr. Mrs C S.
Forbes at the front door.
In the in the par-
were Miss Glenn Forbes with
Mr. Harry Skinner, Jr., Miss
Helen Forbes with Mr. Frank
of Kinston, Miss Nan
of Kinston with Mayor
F. M. Woe ten, Miss Sophia Sad-
of Baltimore with Mr
In the silting room was
served by Miss Margaret Skinner
with Mr. E. B. and
in the dining room Pattie
Wooten and Ruth Cobb served
The color scheme-
room was red, the
Fresh ii
S kepi ton-
y i . i i
C it r o I i a
the Farmers Con-
Company at
the Star w sold
tobacco at the fine
right d every pile and
Sell Star or and you
always et the tic. t had.
Charge Against Woman
m has sworn warrant
again it Belle Anthony, a white
n, charging her with the
of his thirteen
laughter, Jessie Coleman.
alleged that the Anthony
an held tho Coleman girl in
house and it is charged that
atmosphere there is not a
and moral character.
It is
never see down hero
any the artist as be-
took a in tho most
chair. Ii it It used to ha
that I never down but
here. If he wasn't
hero, a knock at the door, and
came n not Ion;
she aid ho v.-.-
hard up. I offered him hat and
he took it. That's t that he was. i
five, and
New Veil
Mr. Gordon Wooten, a
ville young man who recently
went to Des Iowa, to
accept a position instructor,
found, after arriving there, that
the school received students of
both races When this fact
dawned upon him, he picked up
that not
suited to that kind of work
Reidsville Review.
duly the
per or court clerk of Pitt county a nil-
of the estate of
son, deceased, notice in
a persona indebted to the to
make immediate payment to the
signed, and all persons having; claims
I cm ale are
sent the same to the
I on or before the 28th day of
1908, or this be
plead in
h September, 1907.
J, M. Ii,
Sugar in
The average of
in coffee is a study
become so much of a
fascination to a young man who
frequents restaurants pretty con-
that he has taken to go-
to different places for each
in order to enlarge the
of his observations among
different classes of people, says
the Philadelphia Record.
people, he says,
more sugar than rich people, and
it's a pretty constant rule that
men drink sweeter coffee than
women and that old men have
the sweetest tooth of all
comes to coffee It u
too. that drinkers of after dinner
coffee make it very much sweat-
than that which they take
in the morning. I know a raid-
die aged man who takes just two
lumps to a cup in the mowing
which is below the average but
into the little cup he takes after
dinner he puts six full sized
lumps. This makes a sort of
syrup of the drink, which. I sup-
pose, takes the place of after
other portions of the house
There were many young
present and the reception
an much pleasure to
Sow often you gel a
or screw or
lacking. Hi,. a good
tool box and
U a desire, and
we will see your tool
mix does ii.
Of Course
You get
Horse Goods i c
A. small black mule with white
nose, weighs about pounds.
Reward for information leading
to recovery. J. R. Tucker.
of Jessie Nelson, R. D No. Greenville, N. C
J. P-
W. H.
Office in National Bank Building
. L. Will Devote All Hi
Time to Consolidated To-
Mr. 0- L. Joyner, who for a
lumber of years has been con-
ducting a stock farm about two
miles west of Greenville, and who
developed one of the best
farms in K-T Carolina has
leased it for a term n to
Mr. of
Bertie the latter will
take charge at the close of the
present y
While the farm Mr.
Joyner baa also been engaged
warehouse business
in and since its organ-
has been president of the
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco
Company. This company has
so rapidly under wise
that its large and in-
creasing business make such de-
i upon him that he could
not judiciously continue to look
after his farming operations,
hence gives up the latter so as to
devote all of bis time to the in-
of the company. This
means still greater development
for the Consolidated To-
Company, for no man Is
more capable of pushing such a
business to the highest success
than Mr. Joyner.
He is also fortunate in securing
such a man for his farm as Mr.
and Pitt county is to be
congratulated upon getting a
man of his standing. He cornea
highly recommended as a man
of character and industry, and a
farmer of broad experience.
Va., Sept. 1907.
will Fay
for Richmond. Va . and
Wholesale dealers in dry goods
and Ii how-
ever, the fall trade is practically
all in and travelers preparing
samples for the spring ordering.
In the produce et the de-
h and receipts
light, causing price generally to
be high. In North Carolina to-
is being marketed in large
quantities pries
good. In Virginia this crop w
being cured.
through the district an- busy,
and while in some lines crop
is well used up will be
adequate until the new crop is
available. The peanut crop,
though late, is in excellent
and growers now expect, a
full crop. Prices high
for all grades of the old crop
Labor Generally plentiful
than at any time. Retail
trade is at i's between season
dullness, Rome dealers are dis-
playing fall stocks, bit are
as yet Collections con-
through misrepresentation d
The matter had quiet
until recently advertisements be-
appearing offering certain
tracts of land for sale under
pi of ; claims- This
got ,
doing- A
the recent term of court here the
grand jury found several bills of
indictment against
false pretense and fraud. It was
learned that was opera-
ting in the western part of the
State and instanter were
sent for his arrest to the
of several counties where he was
supposed to or had
been. With these in-
were Sent to arrest
if and to
Pitt County to answer tie in
him. It that of
Caldwell county ignored
instructions, for he wired he
hid arrested r and had
taken a .-i
trim, and that bad left
there to come to Pill county
but n to
Pitt county, as ever body
expected would be to. ho
was released hood. cash
has a cornfield, where he
raises choice popcorn.
been the heat Term Adjourned
of the sun that the kernels day Evening,
exploded on the cob into The September term of Pitt
flakes. i Superior court came to a close
the sun creeps Wednesday evening, the
p heard through docket being practically
the corn patch. com pie id.
is now eating, popcorn In the trial for murder against
An ear of the corn Hen and Anderson Peebles, a
may be seen in a Stole verdict of not guilty was taken
to Anderson Peebles. The
piping corn the sun other defendant. Ben Peebles ,
hatching chickens cut of crates offered submission to a verdict of
of fresh Washington of murder in the second degree , C
New York World. and was sentenced to State
. tense had been used in lit g
on twenty years. ,, ,. , . , . ,
o,. t ,. . i a right to t.
cite way and Joe ,.,, . . .
The Pasting the Common People. were guilty of T
the that had
Pitt people will no doubt
be interested in what some of
the Western North Carolina pa-
are saying about the wash-
machine frauds up that way.
j In the Hickory Democrat of
19th appeared the
Mr. Will Kennedy had a war-
, i ii;
Thar t no and sentenced two, . , ,
i am i, no sums out of
on road
they've all got rich or ., . he had in one ban
was the case of stealing a barrel .,, ; n
become are
hired by the trusts, some are
insurance, some are
sick chickens rancid
butter. Them that stay on the
farm know a lot more about cow-
tics than they once did. Take
all all, up one side
down the other, under
for good luck, they got
the sense that
had. They're more pro
whiskey from a freight car at
the A. C L. depot here a few
Saturday nights ago.
A. Vick, J M. and T. E.
Butler were tried for affray,
they're more highly
to show slight here and
was waited for until the
ibis; day of the Court, but no
showed up. The bond i ,
thereupon declared forfeited l
i and the sheriff of Caldwell
I was amerced in the sum f
for failure to hold the party
saying that had mad this en-
i tire amount in a very short while.
This too much for Mr.
Mrs Kennedy to withstand
was found not the U signed .
other two was cured b
lined f, and hall the cost, in o a
payment hall the costs. had
Leon was found guilty ,
carrying concealed weapons in
two cases and sentenced to work
roads for four months-
MACHINE IN WEST. . n th officers.
A bench warrant
Some Doing in other for from Pitt county on
I w is sent
of It is
, r. c o
. . . . .
lave been h I from .-
It K lie ., I, . . ,.,.
m -hi .-
. i. But
ab i i not,. r
not be i n .;.
K and Michael do not
i law-
i e n How the corn-
ea be m -and no one
; mystery.
i , Crook r
ii here again
ca . . a back
Ii iv. No one u . us t
Hi except the Pit
and in another
pulled out a of Mils
Pitt Can Over It.
Most of Reflector readers after as he had been in.
remember that several months B not again caught
big down, do they
mean i
Mack Davis for carrying con-
weapon and assault with
Why Jes that they
When you talk John Johnson and Ben John
about lit-1 son for assault with deadly
tie things like that, all eyes are weapon were sent to roads for
four months.
in cash, and that there were
only in the two
stead of the
The case was tried before
Whitener and the
defendant was bound over under
a bond.
Later Bush and
ago a man named was in and brought
this county selling washing taken I on the board, for to see the
chine rights. Th paper at. him in is fall.
the frauds in this j gent has e'en about Eastern Train
county. made his appearance, his School bonds have been declared
been took by the feller valid. This is a matter
that drives a We never did
Sun Pops A Popcorn Field. a new in think anything else would be the
county. have passed final outcome, We the
Hart chief of the new have hove m whole question will soon beset-
Division of the the pirate flag a But- tied and that no
Office, is in Indian Territory, as- to the four will be placed in tho
time tried to warn people
the fraud, but there were
several bit. at the game
repented of it afterwards The
atmosphere here got rather warm
for the id and
his helpers pulled out for other
fields of operations, Some of
.--. f Wit
of Mr.
m id
birth lay anniversary
ti a.- event. II i i good to
show good men how much they
; pi while they are in
active life- One today is
v. i-th a chaplet of flowers on the
i ave. Observer.
Man Out f
n the Hickory Mercury of th i city attending a mooting of the
of the following also appears; Fe-
is hard to tell how is mentioned
machine business now stand.
those who wore the
sharper have since bean at work-
stop payment of notes and m taking the census. He Chandler Harris in Uncle Re- of the school as
Magazine for October,
other claims obtained by them reports
j Free Press-
any really knows, ti.-y
are in a condition not to tell. N iv mm that. Mr. Lo .,
One thing certain, they iii ii. r I . id . ,
appear at tho set hero Fri- w air.
, . , . , , a farmer, and
day at o clock. And no one m in
to care, or in the least
b 11-
We have just received and are now placing on
stock of Men's Fine Shoes, Hats and Furnishing
invite you to call see the new models for the
tractive that we know it will be worth your while to see them
You are safeguarded in purchasing your Clothing here by known
reliability of the establishment. You always gel what you pay for
Often more, but never less. You find variety, quality and the
right prices. We handle nothing but goods of the highest repute and
by reason of our splendid connections and buying power, our prices
are unusually low. The position of this as a clothes market as-
you the greatest value for your money.
The man who is really looking for smart cloth .-something different from the ordinary products will find in our distinctive of Clothes for
a style and pattern sure to strike his fancy.
We extend a cordial invitation to every man and boy in Pitt
and count es to visit our store.
Prices ranging from O TO

P J-
Editor and
Entered M clan
C. I.
at the at Greenville. N.
Act of of March ;. 1879
in -Pinion
Some of these days Greenville
will get down street
i i f sh t.
Since the schools in Greens-
have opened and drawn con-
numbers from else-
where in the Slate, it might Ii. t
be out of order to taKe
census of the city and count all of
strike of
mill in Char
days ago, and this
There are folks in P t by a small strike
mill operatives in Gastonia.
who would like to get hands on
one of washing machine
right fame.
certainly strike the
Greensboro is p n paring
a big banquet in honor of Mr.
Bryan on the occasion of his visit
to that Tickets to the ban
ire quoted at It ought h hard enough time of it.
By a contributor. j
Ohio, charges
Tom Johnson with the loss of the
baseball pennant, it will all
with him in the race for the
And Fairbanks ha been
in an accident He
has too mu-h consideration for
the railroads to let them hurt
him, however
As if the n were not
Vladimir de the Rn-
to be a good layout at that figure.
Come to think about it, have
you noticed how people have
tumbled over each other to ex-
press approval of the hospital
on account racial prejudice,
one of them has just invented a
piano that whistles.
When the mechanical
picker gets, to work, it will be
hard for the to make a
between the going out of the
watermelons and the coming in
Ha Only Serving Tan Years
; pianist, the fa-
The standard of morals is not the composer, met in front
same all the world over. In Monte-
article that appeared in The Re- of back
The Raleigh limes says
closed season red-heads will
than usual
k them.
a few weeks ago
don't they want a hospital bad
,. . the books seems to
popular th so d;
everybody except Southern
railway and com-
and their
Both were m easily
settled as to sustain the
t there was no need for either
n matters are down,
it will be found that the South-
mill managers
n cause for a strike. In
two cases cited, the operatives
found that their demands could j Those western towns now
have been secured by the working earnestly to secure j
course of a conference with the location State reform j
school, can realize something of
how Greenville felt when she
was after the teachers training
are tearing their linen in the
forts to each other on fast
Judging from the disclosures
made in the Government suit
against the Standard Oil Co.,
once a man got on the inside of
that concern, all he had to do was
, linen . i i mo
Black Mountain as to crime in that most conceit, a
little oat of the way country of Eu- .
rope, rho author the only for at hi.
prison of the land. expense.
three men were chained, and
rod of these one remained from
Mated, staring on the ground before backward
him. He formed a contrast to y, Moulder and said,
Ins follow prisoners smiling faces will be signally
that we observed him more day after you
and noticed that Ins clothes were j ,.
such us the and better class
Mashing with pleasure.
continued De
will it with a tab-
pray, what do you suppose
is I asked.
government clerk
of was the answer.
weeks in chains is his sen-
on the tablet after I
what have the other the composer ca-
done was our next queryOh, they have mostly quarreled.
reply as lie across tho
robbers in Montenegro. This
among themselves. They are not
criminals. We have very few thieves .
mill men and that the spec-
display of a was
unnecessary. This
should teach the Southern cotton
No Changes In
Some I
pleasant and who grinned with
A contract tor carrying trans- noticed the attention with , a. leg
continental mail is to in which we favored him, a ten
West and the railroad presidents sentence for
. .-,., f we repeated,
time. Yet the railroad presidents
beep known to complain
mill operatives to think twice be- school. They might profit by
fore being influenced by adopting some of Greenville's
trike agitator. He never
but those who follow h m that can the mails was a breaking in upon us, mean
The strike agitator is an , . w I murder They are all
Drewry has made a losing game. ;, came
In case of Mr. Rogers, l response laud
it punishable to
Too many lives are
was the laconic reply.
we exclaimed, a light
We are the music
of the t on the buildings
en f
o .,.,, i; . lo be statement and confesses to gel
lO , is . from murder n any other
on their pan-Our. ting the from the South men do have in the world. No one kills to rob or
railway, out through a hurt steal in Montenegro. But we just
conscience he returned I u is another inter.
The strike agitator or walking Tho affair placed i yacht race, it is to be shoot t The
to improve
there is room for improve-
which we strenuously
say conservatives. us wait
until the language-is officially adopt-
ed and sanctioned by the govern-
of world, and let them
appoint revisers. At present
shall touch as Or.
has given it to We will
not even allow Or. him-
self to do so if he should want to.
If we make changes now we shall
sink to a surety before reach tho
The u is u
delegate is simply a parasite and Mr hoped they will race with yachts i
th people who work lie gets a of the Raleigh freak machines. I London paused in
all his and m j reached a record road and
in Cincinnati, last week. Per-
Now effort is to put a stop
pockets of those the lines, could not stand his thing nowadays. ; will pleas
lines in very unenviable position
lives in luxury, and it all com. s t Mr, Ratter, editor
row is beginning, and
developments are likely, for tho
would he reformers stubborn
and some of their suggestions are
logical.-New York Sun.
attorneys are digging up too pay week for and his married
much out of them But people in the unions It is ; of he other day, will
all branches of labor which are . find it no picnic keeping their
ft-d by walking delegates . . heads above it settle
Maybe we will have rainbow j down to housekeeping.
I money after awhile, if
of the American Bankers
for themselves, caring nothing
for the
w . ti-e investigation to
the bottom.
sign that was
e not
while talk-
It a. null candidates
did the canvassing after
had been made. New when
a man makes up his mind that
be wants an office takes the
stump and goes to the
at .
be ashamed to
see others do.
New Bern Sun
way to put
do which
they would be among first to
denounce other people for doing.
we would occupy
Senator and Manager
Crater's position for the six
thousand. Those gentlemen owe
the public a statement that
states something, and not mere-
denying what is imagined has
been said when it has not been
Now we can draw the
around the Raleigh Times affair
and wait for something else to
tarn up.
what is being said in ad-
of the prospective length
of the president's next message
to congress, those who
plate reading it have to plan
ti take a day ofF.
and incited to strikes by the ac
who ire looking out
stand over this grating
The more Londoner read the
sign the more ho was mystified.
Finally he summoned up his
age and the shop, Story went the rounds of
he greeted .
How H Would Go.
In connection with its account of
the international convention of
Zionists at The Hague a writer in a
German paper national
sentiment was by
in Prague in 1835 and
Moses Hess in Prance. In the
is adopted by th
limes who support them, i , ,, ,
ll secretary the treasury T.
. . l icy have an them during;
ion recommends bank y, , . . i
Eighty persons were different colors
climbing ti-e Alps ho denomination, one
but then, beyond the , ,
Alps notes. years for a crime he drop h's,
green; tens, blue; twenties, committed.
, not been
July and August.
V man
i- a ii such a state if it were founded, and
Can, replied th .-i- sous
my good man
but only as
re leased after having served i f of France.
Not a
As the striking operators ate
the cause of the delay in ones
ling messages, it looks e but we have
officials of South Carolina stop calling then, greenbacks
showing poor judgment in want- when we struck a
to revoke the charters of the
telegraph companies This is the fair month, and
them out of business entirely, i Raleigh and Richmond will both j
One thing is certain, there are spend a week Vising with the
many lines of business would Jamestown exposition in catch-
get in mighty poof shape the crowds, while several
without the advantage of counties will also pull off smaller
graph service. Instead of ones.
and wanting to punish the
telegraph companies for a strike, fairs in this State
there should be some measure I and
If all reports we have are true,
Greenville is likely to secure
more very desirable citizens with
coming of another year.
is room for them and they
a cordial welcome-
While the dear women lock
forward with pleasant
to millinery openings, the
other side of the house
more or less alarm.
Hat bills have been the cause of
many a night mare.
enacted that would prevent col-
between Operators in walk-
out over an imaginary
and making the business of
the entire country suffer in con-
If Senator Drewry can explain
it he is mighty slow about it.
If they be searched, we
if railway
money could not be found on
Whether it is n tilt with a Fed-
judge, a State or
whit not. the News and
to have the luck of
coming out on top
The farmers must be firm in
the holding proposition if they
erect to cover the difference
between the present price ard
fifteen cents-
secured W. J. as
Salisbury did net want he
done in the way of
and has invited W. R.
North Carolina has room for a.
the big gum and our people will
be glad to hear them.
by the experience, but, at any
rate, he should not be expected
to regard it as a joke.
cold winds of November
and March cannot chill the sum-
mer in the says the
more Possibly not
bat December, January and Feb-
will take a fall out of you.
Nobody will blame H. H. Rog-
for finding Mark Twain bet- night's rest,
company than people who
want to ask questions about
Mr. Bryan should be pleased to
see the Democratic party sitting
up and taking notice of
possibilities, especially
looking for
And the from London walk-
ed away after remarking that Amer-
was a queer
Brooklyn Citizen.
Did Not Fit Him.
Not Fit Him. on
The were ; draper k
distant relative, a man of ponder- twenty- .
Amusing In Japan.
Major Bond, who was
the Australian officer attached t
the Japanese army during the war
with Russia, saw some amusing
signs in Tokyo
a barber's, of
an egg seller's and
on the in front of a
had a memorable
lours railway
i a compartment crammed with.
men, women and children, lo
, made a resolution not to fall
after his arrival he
physical attainments,
weighed nearly pounds. On tho
down ,, , little
looking as if ho not had a good
not feeling well this j on shoulder
Mr. ask . Mixed
I think readers may be in-
inn mixed metaphor which
morning. you,
H with some anxiety.
thorniest. have appeared in the
is ,,. j the paper of
whispered Bobby, . That
member of the family, . Whig element were dropped
loudly enough to be heard by tho ; J , liberal
in the end is pretty certain visitor, can a man as big as he ; out
If Wellman does decide to go
on a lecture tour, about all he
can tell his hearers is how he
started and fell d The
low who can give a moving
show of scenes around the
North Pole is the one the
is waiting for.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch
finds that the high cost of living
in the cities and towns is ha
a serious effect upon Southern
hospitality. prices
says Times-Dispatch,
people in moderate
stances will be compelled to adopt
the Yankee fashion of telling the
guests how long they are expect-
ed to Prosperity, have
to settle on him.
President Roosevelt is
speeches, and Mr. Bryan
he knows the authority he
on for the
Is have a little
Companion. s. of the
introduction of a ho
might moan
of justice for
It Wouldn't Work.
wise old doctor was
and the
rule bill fry
pressing neon his little patient the I idea of a wind being a go. .
is an example of mixed n. J-
ii will hard to beat.- .
of mastication.
he matter
What cat, always chew each London Spectator.
mouthful thirty ,,,,.
shook his head Ho ,. ,.
. Frau widow of the Ito-
wouldn't at our historian, great his-
Of whom
twelve, six sou. six daughters,
re still living. himself
not, my
,,. tr. he
of those put in the
said cannot
toll a lie. I have I'm touched
Smith eyed wrath fully
he plunged his into tho
I of his drew forth
stone-, which had
each ones been enshrined Ins-
of a peach, but which
now staring in all their horrid
how is said parent,
I found these peach in discussing your age
your bedroom, there is only other day, and of
left in the claimed that you were W J i ; re.
laid as he but I insisted you There,
but swiftly left the room and riot more than thirty-three. sorts as in
placed a chair in such a position glad you were tie
. .
ant burst into the study of the
j great man with the aim
and there is lit
ct of fashion is
in favor of Holland.
that Mr. Smith would fall over it if o kind. Of course you men- setting
lie too quickly, Won the fact that you were ready to Holland is th.
that is the one I never touched leave tho grammar grade The. , .,.,
was in primary at school, it in either hemisphere.-
did f
This is in of P. C. who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
i mower Root paint, varnish. Stains, Mr and Mrs Clyde
with reaper attachment is the coloring etc, at Harrington, Bar- spent Sunday and Monday visit-
. With. r
wren v.,.
thin f to oats with, Co
Get one at Harrington Barber
The students that board in the
dormitories were the
of nice basket of grape Friday
afternoon from Mr- and Mrs. A
G. Cox. The students always
have a tender place in their
hearts. When the good things
are passing Mr Cox never tor-
gets the students and teachers.
We sell Laughlin. Eclipse and
fountain pens.
B. T. COX Bro.
Bishop Robt. Strange held
vice in the Episcopal church last
night, assisted by the rector.
Rev. W. E. Cox.
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the baa
disaster. Usual price
Our price, B T. Cox
A. Bro.
Bryan, Gordon John-
son. Jeanette Cox and Esther
Johnson were confirmed,
Bryan received the ordinance of
baptism. There was
ion service this morning at
Bring your chickens and eggs
to Harrington, Co.
Highest paid for them.
Mrs. E. E. Cox has returned
from Seven Springs, she
spent some time with her
The famous Hawks glasses at
B. T. Cox Bro Don't neglect
Mr and Mrs. A. G. Cox re-
pot, that one of the sweetest
things on earth is to have a crowd
of nice sweet girls like we have
here in Winterville visit
y. or homo with such quiet step
that you know are
there until the sweet singing be- j
gins and as they sing the
songs such as Ages
others with their sweet voices it
completely drives away the
weighty cares of life and makes
us feel that we are in the batter
land. Such was
last night after they had retired
and they say God bless such,
A New lot of nice pants have
received at
Barber Co.
Prof. G. E. and
Misses and
Vivian Roberson left Friday
morning to attend tho
school convention of the Neuse
associations at Morehead
beginning Friday and continuing
till Sunday night.
Harrington Barber Co- have
a complete stock of ready made
clothing see him before you get
your next suit.
Miss Selma of Hugo,
spent Friday visiting the school.
She is an old pupil and we were
glad indeed to see her.
You want a buggy and
have them. When you sell that
load of tobacco come by Winter-
ville Hunsucker. Don
buy that buggy until you see
him. He can make it to your
interest he will do it,
Mrs. H- C. Dixon has
turned from a visit to Darden s.
FOR two horse
wagon and a disc harrow- Mrs.
J. L. one mile from Win-
The base ball team of W. H. b.
will cross bats with Green
team this afternoon.
Another tie shipment of
of all sizes just received
W. Co-
at L. Carr, of Greenville,
Dr. . here examining
spent We the students
the trustees have
Carr say
the Carolina Milling
Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for y u at
any time Wood work a
Notice-Our stock of station-
must go. We must make
room for our immense Stock
new goods now coming During
the next forty days we will make
special prices to all our customers
on our box papers
B. T. Cox Bro.
T. W. Wood Sons 1907
nips and seed can now
be had at the drug store of Dr
B. T. Cox Bro.
Guaranteed all Rubber, feather
weight rain coats at B. F. Man
Lookout for our immense fall
stock which will be here in a
few days.
Have your carts, wagons and
J. BLOW, Manager and Agent.
i. E. I
relatives at
Prof Lineberry, W B Wingate
and Misses Elizabeth Boushall
and Vivian Roberson return-d
from Morehead Monday morning.
Miss Novella Bunting, of Beth-
el, arrived Monday morning to
take charge as assistant music
teacher in W H S. She has her
class organized and is moving
along nicely with her work Win-
High School now has as
I fine a music department as any
I high school in the state. Miss
Hunting comes highly
mended. The director of the Dur-
ham conservatory of music says
that she was of his brightest
The enrollment of Winterville
High School has reached
Several others have rooms and
a- authorial i.,,., One two dwelling
w take at One four room cottage e dance on a meeting at Nash-
and writing for j at One nine room vine, Tenn., the National Free
lit I dwelling at Six i;,
, i lots all in the town of N
at C.
Have your carts wagons board that be
put in good trim the fa All kinds of repair
fall use.
work done promptly.
Milling Mfg. Co.
Have all your wood turning
work done at the Carolina Milling
Mfg. First class work
In arrears We
who receive their
office. We also take
for printing
Around town the men have put
on their collars ties, donned
their costs and vests, have
out in pretty and it
looks like we are-going to preach-
every day- All owing to that
snow, we suppose
For fresh an cheap goods
to E. E. they alway
have the best.
J. S. Hines and wife left yes-
to visit their daughter,
Mrs. Harris, at
J. R. Smith Go. have just re-
a car load of lime.
Mrs. G W- store was
the center of attraction with the
ladies yesterday.
candy direct from
factory at Saul's drug store.
There are an abundance of
grapes on
Sunday Capt. J- M-
Dixon while walking out near the
old livery stables, heard a noise
up in the loft an i upon
discovered three boys
gambling. He at once reported
the matter to the police who
swore out a warrant and arrest-
ed them. The oldest boy .
years old and a stranger
re and had been loafing around J. P. W
tor several days.
Rev Mr. will preach
soon. Several new ones entered
Monday morning.
Rubber shoes of all sizes and the market day.
coats at B. F Manning Go to E. E. new
Co. j market for fresh meats,
Men's fancy silk mufflers for
done cold winter wind at B. F. j Cotton is not coming in so fa-t.
School children cannot get M ming Co. owing to the recent decline.
When in need of nice kid It is a delight and a-pleasure
are physically comfortable. he j to m of the
county school desks c. in first class
by the A. . Cox see B F. Manning At Co.
Wring Co- are especially noted Dress
for their comfort. Every B. F. Manning Lo.
h u in Men's fancy ties of all sizes at j from
should be furnished with these n p. Manning been
, , A. W- Ange Go's here have re-
have tried the rest, now i sewing machine turned
try the the advertisement in next issue. Everybody hat is c.
sold by the A- O- Cox A new lot of best flour at;
,,. , ,. , i Barber Co. drugstore.
of all kinds prepared
at the Carolina Milling
two smaller were about and
years of age respectively. At
the trial Mayor Ba, wick ordered
t parents of the two last to
administer a genteel thrashing,
and the former be sent to jail to
await action of the grand jury at
next term cf court.
One thirty-seven
outside corporation at
A ho on -v
a Ins. Co-
yesterday to sos his stater,
Mrs. Davenport, who is q
sick. Their mother. Mrs.
Smith, has been with her
several days.
patterns at J. R. Smith
Misses Kittrell and
Maggie of Greenville,
have been visiting the
of Charles Smith, near here.
Wishing machines and wring-
at J. R. Smith co.
Mis Gene Morrison Mon-
day her home in Hyde county
Bring your beeswax, wool,
hams, should chickens and
Smith Co.
third Sunday in October at
o invited.
Coward and her
i. Mi s M . .-
i at v-i
Dix -1.
wore in
the washing
ion was i I red the
fore a i
today. In is
in the m
tho Not
In t.
I r
fish is
is n
It undo tut- to
fry -if . been
i-i from the water u carried ever
try I-.,
known a When two
of air in
direction meet, the resulting
pi if on
small i a whirlwind
if ii tornado,
I the destructive power are
I Hon. Ralph
I, j- r than
ii. width, i I
Nice dress shoes for ladies and
gentlemen just in at the A- G-
We happened to go around to,
i -v. u j Of
sacks of salt at Harrington I Miss of
has. accepted a. as with
l aM he sens.
Cox candy.
place today and found that, at j. ft. Smith Co Eda
Put your money in the bank had shipped almost a
load of their Tar Heel Cart I
wheels will always sell
and receive a double
pay interest on
time deposits and at the
time you are perfectly safe
against burglars. Then again
y put your money where it can
put into circulation and
fit your neighbors. -1- L. Jack-
son, Cashier of Hank of Win-
Now is the time lo purchase
Box Body Carts while they
are cheap. The A. Cox Man-
Co., have plenty
them on hand. Call and see them.
Remember that the A. O. Cox
Manufacturing Co. are still
the well known Tar Heel
wagons at their usual low price-
Hunsucker buggies
if you want a nice up-to-
date runabout buggy you had
better give him an early call-
Ward-robe, tables, safes etc
made to order. Carolina Milling
Mfg. co.
School children cannot get the
proper training unless they are
physically comfortable. The
Pitt school desk
by the A. G. Cox Mfg-
Co. are especially noted for their
comfort, besides being the cheap-
est desk on the market. Every
public school house in N. C.
should not be without them.
Try a tree brand pocket knife-
They are under guarantee.
The trustees Free Will
Tar Heel Cart Baptist anticipate
bodies today. Good not less than
. . , . .,.
1200 students during, the present
i Alice
of Rountree. left here ore
on the train Monday for a visit
up the road
or vertical The
might lie, for instance
foot and only ten feet in diam-
. Thin I mm I as
funnel-like center and travel
a t as thirty miles on hoar in
particular c ; . ii usually
n a
, the whirlwind air.
i serf
around mud
and carried along. If the pad
, u or a river, the surface W-
Mason fruit jars, taps and rub- k into t
., . ,. j. . it may receive- We
Whereas, Almighty Cod in His would De see it reach
infinite wisdom has s en fit to ,
take from us our Sunday the mark.
school scholar. e Harper. o. K.
Be it resolved, co.
That we, the F Rev. W. has been here
. Sunday School, extend to Strange in the
. ,
K S J. R. Smith c
bereaved parents our deepest
sympathy in this th hour of
sorrow and trial.
That a copy this be- sent
to The Reflector for publication.
E. V. Burroughs. Storage conducted
services at the Episcopal church.
Pneumonia Suite at R. Smith
B- Martin.
Effie Grimes.
I will attend at. following
times and places the purpose
of collecting tax es due the State ,,,.;
and county of F for the year villa Tuesday on
vices in the Episcopal church last
evening and this morning.
J. J. Edwards Son have just
received a. car load of Ellwood
wire fence. Can furnish any
J. A. Griffin went to Green-
Stokes, Caro Una township, Sat-
Oct. th, KW.
Falkland, township,
Saturday, t. HOT.
Ayden, O township,
Saturday, C-ct- 19th, 1907.
Bells X town-
ship, Tues day, Oct. 22nd. 1907.
Dam town-
Cox Bro, township, Sat-
We are glad indeed to learn Oct. 26th, 1907.
that Robert G. who township,
an operation at the Rob- Saturday. 26th. 1907.
Big lot of calico, best grade
done each. year. great
that he ha-1 of
,. We
been instituted.
Our fall stock
shoes, notions are
Come an.
fore buying
prepared to give you .
Heaters of all s t
just received at A. W, A
Bruce hospital last
week, is doing well.
Mrs. Agnes Mount, of Ayden,
was here Tuesday.
Dr B T Cox and wife,
Cox, Annie Carroll, Maggie
Alma Cox and
wife and Bennett left
for the exposition Tuesday morn-
Creek town-
ship. Saturday, Oct. 1907.
Farmville township,
Saturday, Oct. 26th, 1907.
Wednesday. Oct. 30th. 1907.
AH parties owing taxes are re-
quested to meet me at these
L. W- Tucker. Sheriff.
per yard at J. R. Smith Co.
Mister Carroll Hooks and Miss
Hooks are visiting e
The very best and cheapest
hair brushes, combs, and
at Saul's drug store,
B. E. was here Wed-
having been called by to
make special bids on tobacco for
some, of our prominent farmers.
If you wish
buy u box of
Saul's at the drug store.
Keen cutlery hard-
ware at J. R- Smith co-
flour, always good and
good always at co.
There is complaint concerning
the bridge on Lee street, south
of J. A. Harrington's residence
It should he attended to.
Cleve Williams, a popular young
salesman tor the firm R
J of Greenville, came
down on Sunday evening's train
and returned home
J. S. wife have come
home from their visit to
Mrs W- L. o; Jones
after several days visit
to her son here, has returned to
her home. Miss Laura Cox. one of
teachers in the graded school,
left Friday to attend the Sunday
school convention at Morehead
City and returned Monday morn- q r
Miss Pattie of
is visiting Miss May smith, j
the country, came Friday to
spend some time with her
Mrs. J. R. Smith.
Ii i.-.,.
the effect known a
en the ml r-
the t ;
in a or .-
rain. The
by descend.
. ; ii V I
. . ch
ii ;
. i Ii
I to
i j,, ; . I
l-e r
I i
N. C.-r
At the of business WOO.
dry goods. I Miss Kate Chapman
open for in- from Hardens last night.
The rain Saturday evening
vented the game of ball between
our school boys d the Green
j L Jackson spent Tuesday in
Millinery Opening.
You are cordially invited to at-
tend our Fall opening Tuesday
and Wednesday, October the
eighth and ninth, nineteen
The Home of Woman's
Greenville, N. C.
J. F. Edwards, postmaster a
been here during
the weak.
Call at tho Drug Store
cure one of those excellent
M. M, Sauls.
Dr. Taylor, of Greens-
who has been here on pro-
business and also visit-
ha returned to his home.
The ladies and the girls all
like candy. The kind
at Saul's drug store.
hams and shoulders
at J. H. Smith co.
A specialty of stationery at
Saul's drug store.
I discounts
and Fixtures
from banks and hankers
oil items
Silver coin
Nat 1,886.001
surplus fund
Bills Payable
I subject to
cashier's checks outstanding
I l
and sworn to
I this 27th day of. 1807.
ii . .

Guard of tho Herd Arc Shot,
Rest Killed With
is a blessing. Have you cot it
If not. you should wear glasses
. I , . . , I . . . .- .
another I i i w n
i inter-
to ii . in I .
a- tr u . of
. I .
i n I,
In one re
S . I
. ian and to
great fault
. conceit, a
hi friends
mi hit
O . class
of I
, .-.
an I
i a; i r.
. II be i
after vwithin t
barrier. A a
. i
-i-t was
Men ; on the Alas-
shore in ml left to watch
for the . haul up on the Gradual Philadelphia College
beach at According Horology and Optics
to the reports, the
deep. When a herd
two old bulls SALE.
they V y H t ., ,.
limits of --.- , j
of Loans and
I I r Vii Let me fit give the Overdrafts Secured
ind A- desired
r c D
t. t. Due from Banks
Optician and l r Cash Items
Silver Coin
Stock paid in
Undivided pro
I profits
on the ice i
is well a- . r
T e In -i
en o
now , e is
i n lab-
I .
i nil
. ;
rifle i r
r tun Oil
ft ii Ii,
.- the lard.
i defective hear-
the noise mad the rifle does
after n . PI i gun then put
-it ea-
.e for i
. . . ten
.-- Iv.
in upon i i
n are
have o n came
re- . land
fro n any
n i s to rob or
n . D we j i i
We are
and sh it that
English H t.
Tl from i. paused in
I read and
I the ii at was
. will no
pr this i ; u. e h c-
more I ho Londoner read
.-,. i.
n he
j;. i. me why you
ha.- that out there which
reads, will please not
Stand over this while talk-
ran. replied the shop-
why, my
see, they stood there
; they would drop their h's,
an. t p would have to lo-o
down in
ii z for
And the from London walk-
ed y r it Amer-
.; a r
aside and i hunter, armed with
p sharp i Iii- I sleeping
ii and the spines of as
in as p I fore the
other me med and
or I . and
Tin make
f am . lint the two long,
d i .- a Hie animal
by . . ii am
i ;. Is to the
ii prove- time I . pr,
f the K
. shore. V-
pair. If
I i . To many
especially on Hie
walrus almost a
mid Hie
v. roil I among e herds by
the in i is the
i a ii p of I i i; and death
many of i at
Ii is men and
dogs, The oil i i-o is used for food
we for and heating the
reach the hoe.-. The skin when I mined and
oiled makes a d cover for the
. The p
p i lot i. ;. window
covers at II its. Tin tusks are
for lance or points or
carved into a i of I
and . . . and
Ha V. i make for
addition in an the
a writer in a the whalers also
national chase from Hie the
. I
Ai one
ran to n Dr.
. We ill
I Id to.
Internal Revenue Service.
4th, District of North Carolina.
Littleton. N. C. Aug. 10th 1807.
virtue of authority in
S. i i
rant of issued thereunder
W. taxes assess-
him under tho Internal Rev-
laws. have seized one of
belonging to said
tract and contain
more or less, the
tract of land h I
which he i now
a crop. This tract of
sale to the highest bidder
for rash on Monday Sept. 1907
o'clock m. i the Court House door
of Greenville N. C.
U. Lewis.
Deputy Collector.
if North Carolina, .
f pi-
I. K. Davis. Ci-hi-p of ii,
iV iv mail
i- i i i
. I i
-hi- I iv of An
J. v.
f. M.
l. i-n.
i i my
. . are
U S.
in in and
France. In the
wont the rounds of
I to
or ivory, they
New York s in.
I . had In
Net Infallible.
Harriot Hi.
author, res shrewd practical
a convert the Jewish state move-J had what men are pleased to
lie asked one day by call a But f-he
III. if he would o was not always correct in her de-
a -I It if it More founded, and a fa I by Hie
h. your following told in her
. the accredited Sir Charles
Did Not Fit Kim.
were i in
a i la. ;. man of p
all ail m
w. Is. On the
morning after hit val ho
down ti n r late .
o. ting as if he had . I had u good
t are not f well this
r ire yo i ask-
ed I , with iv.
Signs In
Till who was
the A n attached to
the ii e army during the war
with II -in. saw some amusing
ii . ad
a barb r's, of over
an e ; i mid Furnish-
ed on i in front of a
r's. had a memorable
i r rail way
in a crammed with
for omen and children, lie
a not to fall asleep,
he woke up in the to
find little
lady had supporting bis head
on her
who Was tin a the eon-
general in
One met at the
villa of old friend, S. W. Lark-
on the . tho
canal. In the o of oat
stroll ; the we came
to a email the pattern I
which was new to Miss
who was in front.
She slopped and, looking at tho
gate in an of ad-
i lain
In h won-
those easterners have
SI.- went on. and as Larking and
I followed through the I e
whispered to me, got it out last
week from
By r a
i of county i- Special
entitled J. R. Bunting
Robert undersigned com-
ill jell tor rash before
court on Mon-
t. 1907. the following
sir bed tea estate. Ono lot in the
town of being the store lot now
. by J. It. Hunting and the
. said lot, said lot bounded
. the north by Railroad st., on the
by the lot owned by M Crimes
. Co., on the south by Mark G Rogers
Bros, and on tho west
and hotel, being
ii. -is
u cherry Banting by
in,, . I, David and th.-
i i . i
One other lit in bounded on
by Railroad street, on east by Mrs
W II Bullocks, on south by the lot own-
by Km x Si co G Rogers
by I r Nelson
Also one i r of land
bounded on the north by Railroad street
and tho property, mi east
the Nelson property, on south the
s. W Marl.
and on west
i . Main street,
r . r. G, James, commissioner
of business May
and discounts
Km M Fixtures
s. i,
I I . I i
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
subj. t.
. .-.
I. . lit a
cold. I lint .
ml r i the
j i to . by tho
. . can a n in as b a- hi
is have a little Youth's
I k your readers may lie in-
in a mixed metaphor which
Standard, l lie r
., .
Jr That paper says that the other a
if the Whig element were dropped .
It Wouldn't
wise old doctor was
up n his little patient the
out of the cabinet truly
fl i might the
of the foreign oilier, and the
introduction of a home rule bill for
r I mean the beginning
Queer Ideas of
The i of Moorish
en strikes no greatly, writes an
Englishwoman in Morocco in tho
National Review. i some
ml More full
t. liked
One old crone suggested bow lovely
I would be wen- I to paint my
cheeks a brilliant red, dam
lids coal black, adding three
of in- re for I think the.
of a wind a guiding light and
e.- f
he ed.
is on pie
which it
eat, always chew each in London Spectator,
Jimmy shook bis bead
wouldn't do at our house,
why not. son
I'd always U; hungry
Tin rest of tho kids would clean
the table oh before I got through
with that one
City Independent.
f mixed metaphor;
hard to
Harking Back.
Mrs. don't want to ho
impertinent, but bow old are you
anyway Some of the ladies were
discussing your ago at the club
other day, and several of them
that you were at least
but I insisted that you were
kM than thirty-three.
Mrs. glad you were
kind. Of course you didn't men-
the fact that you were ready to
leave the grammar grade when
was in the primary class at school.
Pratt widow of the laughed
lines mi forehead
of my chin;
in with walnut
juice, hands with henna I I
therefore rubbed cheeks with
my handkerchief till they turned
crimson. That amused them high-
and said I
man historian, bore the great bis- no paint, but did hen-
sixteen children, of whom Another woman
six sons and six at my waist and groaned, ex-
are still living. himself he would be ill had she a
was so self centered and engrossed I as M
with his ideas ., often passed
his offspring in the street without
recognizing t em. One day a
ant burst lo the study of the
great man with the announcement
of the birth of his fourteenth.
is a boy, Tho pro-
turned, annoyed. him
to he replied.
Holiday Fashions.
There is a fashion in holiday re-
sorts as in apparel, and there is lit-
doubt the tide of fashion is
setting strongly in favor of Holland.
Holland is the land of eye
There is nothing quit
like it in either
Bail way Times.
No Benefit.
A well known actor. Tying on his
deathbed, according to the
was approached by a brother
Thespian, who old
man, you are long for this world
yet. We arc going to get up a
The dying man of tragedy
lifted himself up by his left elbow
and, shaking his long index finger
of the right band in the visitor's
face, I Benefit
Benefit Oh, Shakespeare Now
indeed do I know that death is at
hand. My time is come. A
fit old boy. See that I
nm decently buried But
fit-- -St York View.
Help Another.
tight for money is
a good time every one to c
helpful by paying When
money is plentiful it is not so hard
for one to discharge hi.-; ob
but who , money is scarce.
it is very Imports ill that every
one pays his little deb.-, hi-.
if he con. A dollar
p till out in settlement a little
deb may pay a dozen debts in a
day and so ease the situation
with as many persons truth
is, no las a moral to
h Id on to money if he owes it. to
some one Nick
i North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. r the above-named
that the above is t-. ,, ,;,,.,., ,.
edge and belief. II
M. o.
and sworn to be-
I hot
this 27th day May
Notary Public.
To sufferers of
Bladder I Other
fin lures a
your money.
lull 01.110 size
an.; if it I
t i.
and .;.
Io- V u .
March I which
This ad w
in n h
it .
V to I
lit entitles
o e
it Smith
the 2nd day o
m was ref
register of
i I ill county I., i;
the will el cash
in town of en l-iv the
-f hit the foil
o r
one buggy being
. . is W.
r n . hay mare bough
f W. hay mare ant
two top
on-dray m. . five of
, lust I h. a hop bought of
r. th. manure
r i said
. to
said mortgage. This September find
I. Smith Co.
Lee's IV
Alexandria, Va Sept
Miss daughter of
tho late General Lee
was married here today U Lieu-
tenant John Carter Montgomery,
Seventh United States cavalry. I
The ceremony took place in
Christ church was
by Rev. Dr. Morton, pastor of
the church- Miss Lea was given
in marriage by her brother, Capt.
Lee, II. S. A.
You will find ready to all your needs in
stock in new and fresh at all time-, and I the
brands. Anything wanted in staple Groceries,
Canned Goods, Pickles, etc. can found
at my store, and prices are rigid- All kinds of Fruits in
is looking forward to it The wonderful success of last year has led to
plans a greater Fair this year. Nothing like it. The best in all departments.
i --T
To be disposed
days at unheard Prices.
To disposed of within
unheard of Prices
i number manufacturers who were in need of the ready money large stocks Furnish Dry Goods. Ladies Wear Apparel, Etc
We have immediate clearance at Prices that have no precedent in Greenville. Savings Proportions await thrifty and
ling distance. This is the most important and greatest sale in the history of the entire ottering the prod the
Prominent the
r within reading ice. us j. wise Economy. Wise to anticipate their wants fur months to . is a chance for big
Prominent . hi e per cent saved on all you buy is a estimate. 15.- tree to in iris.
this presents no parallel. We had to do some pretty sharp merchandising to get -u a juice that
mine tor rue r.
would enable to dispose of same within days
Clothing Department
The p it lest
stY e- will at tho best m
and but
what i is
Men's H
patterns. id . tub
ricks in
Men b Fine
b PO
ere. w val-
u Sal . rice 4.58.
and Style,
fancy black
her. tweed
pi .
of boat
all h
calf, made tn
and P
lot men's
in the es e
i. I ill-
soil I
and CO. i 1.98.
rial, the the
pro sell
have your tr
We have ah of oar
best suits, ranging
They i tn
highest grade the
all the latest peal
smoke blue
single and double
ed They will all go at tins
sale for will all be
sold without
Youths Suits
suits. Regular Sale
price 2.8
Youth suits, sines ranging
from age to years.
price to
Youths suits, ind double
breasted, of tine fabric, all colors
best styles, price
to Sale price
boy's suits, Scotch
black and blue fancy
worth to
Sale price 1.49,
This lot of suits is as
on assortment of boy's two piece
suits as can be
pr- of boy's pan's, worth
and up. Sale price,
Shoe Department
p s. Men's Strong Walk
shoe-, men's
line shoos, ail the latest
shapes, worth Sale price
cf line box calf satin Oil
kit pa is of
i hi. in if the
I Sine
One fine Dull
solid leather soles
in and widths
i. he beat My lea can
lo sell at 2.50
price l
u e want to take
n ice this lino, for ti
will you have tho
III y cf
in you.- e. These
me II hey
are of the best, e ,
b x and gun
medal I hat are produced.
are made to sell II
U J I X U ill f
hose, rib
f hose worth
line half I
sale pi ice
sale price
M h line
sale price
Men's white handkerchiefs,
worth sale price -1
v skirts ii,
i this in .,
to Min
in i
Boys Shoes
One lot boys heavy school
shoes worth to sizes
to alt warranted. Sale price
A lot consisting of of
boy's sic es. solid leather toles
and counters box calf and satin
oil calf; sizes to
D 1-2, worth from to
Sale price
Misses shoes
One lot of Mutes
value, sizes all
leather. Sale price
One lot consisting of pairs
of strong, heavy walk-
shoes, made of box with
soles, accounted
good at sizes 1-2 to
to 1-2. Sale price
Mens Pants
Men's pants or good durable
neat and
well made, to sell for
Men's pants, hand twisted
and fancy
worsteds, patterns,
values. Sale price 1.39
Men's tine worsted pants
colors- and patterns
sowed, stylishly cut; 3.50 values.
price 2.10
Remainder of the high grade
goods will be sold at cost.
Two Handsome New Sewing
Machines will be given away
Free. One of them will be
given to the person making
the largest purchase
Men's suspenders worth
Men's worth
sale pr
Boy's s worth
sale price
tine dress shirts worth
sale price
Men's e reinforced work
shirts, sale
Mens Boys Hat Department ,
Men's and bin's hat depart-
About soft and stiff
ha worth and up. Sale
Men's and young men's tine
Up-to-date oft hats, worth
sale price
men's and boy's
caps worth Sale price
Straw hats be sold for less
than 1-2 actual cost
A lot of hats, made
by the best straw hat in
in the United States to be
sold Sale price
-t; i . i black t
silk, v i 2-j sale
vi- -if; ck silk
worth s; la
One lot of fancy corsets worth
sale pr e
especially fop
u . i , regular v
IO j, lie price . go-
bags worth to
tin lace
not a yard made to sell
up to we will sell be-
tween hours lay at
Mile price
Fall and Winter Millinery
Machine given to the
person holding the lucky
number at the end this
price cutting sale. We
present a handsome new Sew-
Machine. A coupon with
every fl. purchase.
Trunks and Bags
Trunks, bags and valises.
must soil every one of
these The prices we quote are
per cent of
inch trunks,
40-inch trunks, worth
sale price
Ladies Department
of suit cases, steel
frame, water proof, worth
p ice
of new leather, not one
than price
Ladies skirts, a variety of now
fall and mixtures, about
in lot fr m which to select
value, price
One lot of stylish skirts, de-
fabrics, excellent quality
I Me-ton, plain and mixtures,
values, sale price
me ins
The newest shapes and Parisian
fashions at which
great saving to you.
One lot of ladies fall and
winter hats. Made in all the
latest shapes, a color desirable
for any occasion, Over two
bundle lot worth to
L t No, of ladies hats
consists of of
ladies They are
by th best up to-date milliners
In business. Not one made
to sell less and as
high as sale price
sale price,
cotton was
U was
yard lie. Bleached
sale price Flannel
sale price Towel
was price
Dress ginghams was sale
price Dress gingham was
price yd Percales
was sale price a yd
Apron ginghams was sale
price yd Toweling was
We pay your Railroad Fare. No matter how Far or near you live it Is no expanse to you.
Ali buyers will be paid railroad fare for miles. Buy tickets from your agent
fare will be paid to all buyers of 25.00 or more
C. T.
We pay your
and get cash receipt.
Fare. Sale begins Tuesday Oct. 1st at a.
this receipt on entering building

. .- . I. I .
Complete In All Details.
Come In and examine my
. . . . ONE
Showing on What a
Ha.- f at, May Han.
if .
A Dreamland to Visitor.
In tho Matter of Features
Jamestown Leads Ail Other
and Navy Display,
Never before in the history of
baa there been I.-, an
with c. v nines
Jamestown Tercentennial now
In on the historic whiten of
Hampton Road. The Tercentennial la
now ill all f Its and
to the visitor a veritable
he Immense exhibit pal-
aces, and E building,
all or
m I off with the most
trees foliage, to this
an distinct from
all of
ii n h ii ; e by either boat
or t ire v.
where to the
-.-m; army, and Jamestown la-
in v- if v, ;.,,.
now . the of
rob across
t I m are I at-
. Una-
we roost
tar-l -y II , Atlantic
v , . .,. .-.,,
of most pi -tic.
,. .-i in
if trio Ii lore it
f. to the
in. it
orate, -ii- anniversary
of i i.
Ins . the most
h. t n tin o of mod-
beg leave to an that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints
and an
v. Ready nixed Paints.
f .
I .
v. T tills
n .; spec-
r the i hi ml of
-will n In
. -st
I.,. in There
.- Hi rummer
in of-v i III
I'm mi . Is well
i y Ii of
i I be on
one of the and
i In
. . on a
ii I .
of Mate Infantry,
so.- of Twelfth Unit-
ed Stub s cavalry and battery of
Id artillery. Several
nail of
i i- s military
organizations, are on-
t from time to
of them
own which, lo-
s a continual
There is no line in the world better
e n lire. It has behind it a century
for honorable wares and
use the Harrison Paints you need
worry quality.
i- you favor us with your
whenever you want good paint tor any
i-. Have a car load and
will give Special Price.
Baker Hart
one i
and .
I i
v. the
. Tho I housed In
four sir- mi water
from of Hit- exposition, i one
of n .-i
. of ii., f
arm of II i-
ever The Individual
. in for i
lie i in and
co-. . and have
to at
he I while
every stale Is represented exhibit
e industrial
Tl. I on
n . from
the i . v. . rest
in be of n might
Hi front
u treat . a of
and K-ho.
North Carolina, Pitt county
the r court term 1907.
J. L. A.
K. K. A. H. and the
Bank of
The K. K.
i r i the Bank of Lauderdale, in
action will take notice
n in
led . action is
brought by a
which will
set out and described In the complain
on real
in the stale North Carolina
And defendant will further
take notice that they are requested to
next torn, superior
Pitt county, to b- on the
2nd Monday before the 1st Monday
r, it being the 19th of Au-
in court House in said
county, in Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in . id Action, or tin plaintiff will
ply court the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
the day of 1907.
D. C, Moore,
superior fount
A Which Failed.
is i r.;. .
not realize it.
of a
net. who strong
t raj yellow streak
felt one day about twenty years ago
n Pan Francisco.
stood outside of a restaurant
without a dime, but was
hi an optical toast, gazing at the
of good things, garnished
ind altogether lovely, in the win-
low of shop. The song.
r. rather, its refrain, Art So
Hear and So was whisper
J to me the gaunt brownie of
lunger. Then a prosperous
who was flipping a half
in his hand dropped the coin, which
an iron grate and
fell into tho below.
man g i o an almost
in direction the
coin had then walked
hamming popular tune.
was determined to have
Tho occasion was one of those
spoken of as a
hog case. I was out of meat, also
bread, needed that half dollar
in my business,
spoke lo proprietor of the j
place, told him that had dropped
five dollar through the
and naked if might go and
j retrieve i.
I he raid, and he gave
me a with which might re-
move a wooden bar that had been
nailed across a door leading from
tho basement lo tho opening under
the grate.
was much litter and dust
down there, and. scratching for the
lost coin. I found many others that
had been in a similar way. Thus
cleaned up from the prospect
amount supplied mo
With o ll I could
my also I
gave mo entry to a clean shirt I
ind a proportionate supply of self
respect . reliance. visited
of and ion e that
I had been
lo in the immediate
I have not been
I insolvent that dale.
Thus yo i may see on what Blender
thread oft hangs a chance in
New York Tribune,
This Department is in charge R. Parker who is
in mix
e r.
ti mi-
ages e
they had
and I
rights of
d lo for the dam-
by his deer to the turnip
f nor n ,
broken. The bar
that tie wore wild
could not he
for them. The
made short
work of his pica. before tho
cast- came on he must need-
one of the deer shot by a keeper
a haunch to judge who
was to try the issue. Of lie
gift ;. with a
said Chief ice whoa
the judge told him of tho
affair, Ii mid have taken the
scoundrel's haunch, eaten it and
him t for contempt of
j Standard.
. Making Money.
It is a curious coincidence that
mo-; of money flashed
var in am
by villains in melodramas and for
which there is so much blood letting j
and in sensational plays is in
made in Washington almost ,
the shadow of the of j,
priming. The demand for
it has caused it develop into quite
is widely
The of Wind on Lakes.
Attention l-u.- called to tho
remarkable i reel of the wind
n little Ii
for dramatic i yon
and also for
ills. It green
of water.
r tho
of lakes to
. provided
lg i on-
l the . ii I ix
of . hi f. e .
A story told in the National
Magazine of Senator Nelson,
; who some of his early
i in a logging camp, lie there
the of certain em-
in order to make
mules move. of
tongues wore in demand in that
Italian- none of the words
, used seemed to have the explosive
, force to adjust tempo of tho
I mule lo the pace. Alon-
a Irishman,
used some popular usual-
indicate I print blank.
blank, or mil lea
moved I in i nil
males the Irish-
man. t. i me mother
N. C. Oct. 1st,
The of the cotton pin is
lending enchantment to the active
element of our community at
present, but many of farmer
friends continue to pull in an
occasional load of tobacco
Mrs. W. B. Burnett is slowly
M. is
not so favorable as
R Lang, one of
energetic young men. has gone
to Greenville to take a position
with the Bunk of Greenville. J.
F Joyner has taken the
with J. H. Harris vacated
by Mr. Lang.
thing must be doing
among our young men. as we
see an occasional new f rubber
buggy on the streets. Well,
boys, don't forget procure
strong halt r, for . horses
get very impatient on those long
night stands.
W. H. Wilkinson gave a bar-
dinner last Saturday at
home, complimentary to his
and invited friends
To and a
happy band they were.
Our town baa been exception-
ally quiet the past week. The
major only one before
him Monday. Richard Knight.
for being drunk and disorderly
repeatedly, was sent to the roads
for thirty days.
Messrs. and Murphy
have returned from Baltimore Every trace
where they went to treated eliminated
for mad dog bites. Both are
looking well.
Constable Smith, of Falkland
township, Was in town
r some
N. G.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Clark, Proprietor.
N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Resort, Clean Tow-
; repaired,
ed pressed,
Parker's Old Stand, j
N. C.
All kinds of Carts
and Wagons.
Ill fact any kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Company will insure any on
any trace of
Kidney Trouble
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in a certain deed
of mortgage from Mack Man-
and wife, Manning
and dated 15th day of October
el duly recorded in the office of
the Register of Deeds Pitt
county in book P, a page
we will on Monday Mill, day of
at the Court house
door of Pitt county at twelve
o'clock noon, offer tor sale at
public auction following de-
Adjoining the lands of L D.
Jim Griffin, Hen
Allen and Where and
which he
his v.
s of
leaving it
n one in . iv.-;. -f
o. r re . . i,
sloop- paper, use , ,.; , ;.
I . A mt of money i v
l r
. we so- , who-it financial i . i ,. . . ,
; tin th road, toward , . I
Tobie. IS I ,. .,. I Hie J
with salt tide of i bases,, , . .;. ., -a-
may I the city of News, mil and tho pinch of I . ,, . . j . ;. f ,
greatest shipyards the I tho team was at bat. I on
Kr Vi-
A la or in a
lied row ii.;. i
the order.
. lied upon
to might
made n for the or-
j.- hat he-
lore act. i
r i ired lo
know if the ,. i;
f I ,
ii,,. woman in as-1
. never done
lo church
will he paid by I Inter-
state Chemical Co. of Baltimore,
Md. for case of kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word t- tho wise.
For sale by
N. C.
For Sal-One three
years old, kind and gentle. Any
j Lady can drive Apply to
J. L.
lied its on the north
by L. on the
east by J. A. Griffin, on the
south by L. on
the west by Ben Allen Jones;
containing twenty one acres
or less.
Terms of sale cash. This 6th
day of
K. R.
John Dennis.
O. Moore
to b
may i
saw, toward
mingles its
tide of
in the city of News, WOK full and tho pinch hitter of
greatest shipyards the tho team was at bat.
the right the broad- Tho umpire had three balls I ,
a., ; and two strikes.
to broad mighty At-
between the capes of Charles
and Henry.
The dilation at is a set
In Itself a journey of a thou
to witness, and, with ail
outlines of the buildings aglow,
the paths of i rail and
Lane twinkling the myriads
of little the War Path a i
of electricity, the many powerful ,
playing the with
messages and fifty
miles of shore lines dotted with lbs I
of n cities mid nestling
towns, what spectacle more sublime
beautiful could be Imagined f
On section of the ex- j
position, tho War Path, there j
Is every conceivable amusement and
diversion, where the visitor to the e-
position, after n long day of
can relax and let drift
with the pleasure from one
amusement to next on this
While where the light ever
twinkle and the noise of tho oriental
la ever In the air.
; .
rock- re
no feel cm
too ill for words, and when the
pitcher began to wind himself g. x
preparatory to ball v. -V. . ;
was painful, .
It was broken by a loud, , d true, hut
, J., r . In dig
i for had
voice, wise u
bag of this justly-r him at m c to
After the house in had ex-
voice in the grand
of the
He Wasn't Afraid
Little Tommy up
sinter were g.
i light. The-
bottom r. ached the
after e hen Tommy.
to pierce
to are, a lady when they have
replied the mother,
should always take the
I thought said do-
Revenue Service 4th
of North Carolina
N C-, Sept. 3rd 1007.1
virtue of authority given in sec-
and acting under
of issued thereunder against
John for taxes assessed
against him under the Internal
law a have TWO and one half
town in the town of Grifton
N. C. being the same lots or parcel of
land upon which is situated n store
house occupied by Thompson ant
a, in which they conduct a
This lot or parcel of lend
will be offered for to the highest
bidder for cash on Tuesday the 1st tiny
of October 1907 at o'clock m at
Court house door in the town of Green-
lie K. Lewis
Deputy Collector
well burned
brick my factory now
ready for at reasonable
prices. V
I have returned from the
northern trunk, is. where I
chased a superb and complete
line of millinery, notions, sick
wear, dress trimmings,
and fins. Am prepared to suit all
in quality and price- Will
my same milliner, Miss
Ella who can trim to
suit the- The
public invited to call
and inspect my store.
Mrs. J. F Joyner
Opposite R. L. Davis and Bros
lib him aid to th
abrasion not
I is u think there
of the
Then, the patient, he
asked do
An Indian
in Canada tho Q n-
have some queer Indians
delirium. in regard to
chief a mo it day Cree
rested Norway no man were
for the House, think.
to the of a squaw. Accord- Pat. a win-
woman torn of the tribe, thought doctor.
suffering t while she words out of my
idea of ram delirium, with the mouth. That's just what I was
preventing the evil spirit j to Weekly.
Not one man in BOO pictures
future wife in the surroundings of
ordinary girl. Where is the Ad-
am who dreams of meeting his Eve,
of skirt and strong arm, in
the hockey Held or striding over the
turf with a golf ball or plunging
madly after a ball On the
contrary, he pictures her clad in
and a be-
more than woman, who
as a daily companion
prove the most withering
bore a man could be- cursed with.
London Throne.
Internal Revenue Service.
District of North Carolina.
Deputy Collector's Office.
Littleton. N. C. Aug. 10th 1907
By virtue of n warrant of
J. Manning for taxes as-
against him under the Internal
laws, I have seized the fol
owing belonging to
aid One horse,
Mules and This property will
i e sold under said at the farm
f said Manning near Greenville N. C
n the day of Sept. 1907
t o'clock m. to the highest bidder
or Cash.
R. J. Lewis,
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in a certain deed
mortgage from C. A.
Nellie E, Fair- his wife, to b K.
and D. O. Moore dated
18th day of October, 1906. and
recorded in the office of the
of county
page I will on
1907. at the court house door of
Pitt county twelve o clock
noon, offer for sale at public
Son the following
southwest corner on Academy
St and runs easterly with Jose-
Cox's lino to his other
with Academy St.,
parallel with
cox s line to Academy St, thence
with Academy. St. to the
containing one-half acre
Sow or less. Terms of sale cash.
D- O. Moore,
D. J. Editor an i Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Taken From the Tarboro Southerner.
It would be more accurate to
state that Tarboro has a citizen
who a hobo, or one who
most enacted that
role- His name is John
Hearing that the Southwest air
cure i from which
he was a sufferer, he determined
to try it without, on hi.
parents for the usual wherewith.
He made the trip even to Los
Angeles, and to San
his way, doing odd
jobs at places when hunger
forced him to stop over. His
experiences ware varied, exciting
and caused him to see life and
scenes in varying phases from
the Atlantic to the Pacific in the
moist verdure producing sections
as well as in the arid homo of the
cactus, the Llano
Upon his return, hi- health
much improved Mr. Peele has
written and had published a very
graphic, interesting and
narration of his experiences
embodied a book of
pages with appropriate illus-
It is well written and
also well printed because Ed-
wards Broughton, of Raleigh.
the typographic artificers
It is very readable book from
to finis and can be read
with profit. Price cents at all
Drug Stores
Mr. Peele was in Greenville
Tuesday arranging to put his
book on here. He is an in-
talker as well as
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Heeds R. Williams
has issued the following licenses
Jesse Haddock and Annie
Hannis Taylor Latham and
Lorena Harding.
John B. Hardy and Addie
W. H. Sutton and Hattie Ed-
Allie Davis ind Annie May.
Shot Man; Killed
A n Onslow cent who was
in this city last night Informed
that a shooting scrape
at Verona, Onslow
county, yesterday in which the
of Ed Blake was
of shot intended for Blake
A row started bet wee
the two men in a field where
was being mowed, when
threw his gun up to his
shot, evidently intending the
load for Blake.
Shot did not reach Blake, bin
Blake's horse instead,
killing the Bern
There good attendance
of business at the meeting
of the Chamber C in
mayor's office Monday night
The meeting was presided over
by Vice-President S T. White,
and it being the annual meeting
the election of a boar of
tors, was gone into after routine
business had been completed.
constitution requires that
three directors be elected to
serve for two years and three for
one year. The following were
elected by
For E. A.
V, M. Woolen II. A.
For one C.
Dr- D. L. James a a D. J.
The officers of the chamber
will be elected by the board o;
The meeting-was then thrown
op for suggestions and discus-
and several s
were made. One matter discuss-
ed was Greenville as a cotton
market and to a central
place where bidders shall
to cotton instead of it
being sold up and down the
street. The question had
and opponents
The question that
greatest interest was street
All were agreed that
Greenville should be at work in
this direction. The following
resolution was offered by H. A.
and unanimously
That it is the sense
of the of Commerce of
Greenville that the board of Ai-
use every effort to renew
the present town loan of
mu if successful, immediately
after the of the bond to
take steps towards paving Evans
Street and Dickinson Avenue, or
street, to the railroad
The meeting adjourned subject
to the call of the beard of
d Man from the New. Observer.
Here to Hospital.
A man the name or
was brought to the
Washington Hospital yesterday
m a critical condition, from
been shot through the
by his brother-in-law.
who lives at Stokes.
a small station on the Coast Line
in Pitt county, had some
with his wife last Saturday
night, and she left toe house, go-
to her brother's, a short dis-
Chauncey shortly afterward
followed, and it is presumed had
trouble with the man, with
result that he was shot in
the the ball passing through
intestines three times.
condition of wounded
is very serious-
Th particulars of the affair
are very meager, and
is unable to talk t -day-Wash-
Extensive Children
Peter in Southern Farm
of Baltimore, for
Considerable dis has
the announcement of a
lecturer that it costs
about to raise a child to
j of independence in this
and the subsequent
statement abroad that it
costs to do the same thing
for a child in England, of
the itemized account of child-
England clearly proves
that a comparatively small results Where
children are being raised once or twice a week they do not
KM ounCeS j a
And even if they rave free ac-
Raleigh N. C.
His on North
Carolina to Southern California
without a Ticket and How I Did
John Peele a man of
has written a book en
titled North Carolina to
Southern California without a
ticket and how I did The
book is now sale at cents
a copy, at all drug stores.
Mr. Peele, who is nineteen
years old, and in order to cure
he started a trip
America, beginning his
journey with five dollars and his
nerve. He made the trip, but
there were trials and tribulations,
and there were all kinds of ad
ventures. He gives facts and
figures about his trip, with names
of towns and jails in which he
stopped, and the book has in it
many interest things that hap-
to this Tarboro lad, thou-
home with-
out money and with no trade
except the ability to
He did all kinds of things but
neither stole or starved, and his
story is an interesting one of
western life as he saw it in a trip
was full of hardship and ad-
Train Wrecked at South Rocky by Greenville Lodge, No.
Rocky Mount, N. C, Oct G.-
The Atlantic Coast Line north
bound train No. which
es through here at
o'clock in the morning, was
wrecked on the lower part of th
yard at South Rocky Mount ear-
Sunday morning-. The shift
engine was running up and
down the yard as usual when
head-on collision occurred lie
tween it and The
engine was smashed and the en
No was derailed
badly torn up. Five mail clerks
had barely escaped by
when car in which
were at work was crushed into n
thousand pieces. The engine-u
on train, however,
was not so fortunate, and his
body was severely crushed and
mangled, death occurring in
His name is George
and he is well known in
Mount. His colored fire
man was injured so that he died
in a few h With the
of these two deaths and
Slight bruises to the mail clerks
and a few of the passengers no
other injuries were received
Amount of Salt for Cows.
Experiments go to show that
average sized cow ought to
have about two ounces of salt a
day. Now am convinced that
the average farmer does not feed
his cows silt enough for the best
are salted
National Bank Declares Dividend.
The directors of the National
of Greenville met this
morning and declared a semi-
annual dividend of per cent
which was carried to the surplus
fund. This makes a total of
per cent this bank has added to
the surplus since it began bus.
in April of last year. In the
past month the deposits have in-
creased per cent, This is a
fine record for new bank and
shows that it is well managed
and has the confidence of tie
Keep if Up.
Paved streets really reached
the point of enthusiasm at the
meeting of the Chamber of Com-
night. Keep this
lick,, up, gentlemen, and you
will soon see wonderful changes
on Greenville's streets.
The millinery today
fine en far us displays .,
the t as
as is r-I on such
Mr. L Griffin Co.,
Pulley and C T.
had an
which were
m ch admired by all who visited
era are always up with th
expensively either in England
w In this country. Further con-
of the subject suggests
that, judged by the in
of cases, a deal
f money spent in child raising
s worse than wasted, and that if
less attention was paid to the coot
cannot be put into figures,
the cost of developing good man-
and common sense, the
children of the present
j far more
and desirable members of society
than they are.
Bank of Grifton.
A charter Has been issued for
the Bank of Grifton,
to begin business. This
will make eight banks in
Grifton is
town and the bank there
will Drove a great convenience.
A boat
A father, talking to his careless
wan to to you of
your mother It may be that you
a care worn look upon
her face. Of course it has not
been brought there by act of
still it is your duty to
chase it away.
want you to get up tomorrow
morning and When
your mother comes and begins to
express her surprise go up
her and kiss her on the
You can't imagine how will
brighten her dear face. Brides,
yon owe her a kiss or two
long while ago when you
were a girl she kissed you.
You were not as attractive then
a i you are now
years of childish
sunshine and shadows she was
rays ready to cure, by the
of a mother's kiss, the
little chubby hands when-
they were injured
with the
rough old Exchange
Waking Up
night's meeting of the
Chamber of shows
what en be done when the
men attend and take inter
in what is going on, or
to be going on, in the town. It
much not result from
in that meeting
Reflector will be very much
to salt I do not believe the
eat as as that. i.
only way to get cows to eat
ounces of salt a day is to mix it
with their ensilage and other feed
then they will eat it and relish
it. Now the need for so much
salt in the ration is simply mat
it assists in the assimilation of
the food. After the food is
it is held in solution by the
digestive fluids and has to pass
from the digestive tract the
circulation. This absorption can-
not take place regularly unless
the solution is salty or saline.
Some people claim that
ought to have more two
ounces salt a day. but I think
two ounces is sufficient and the
best way to feed it is to give an
ounce at night. This is better
than giving two ounces at one
feed. Exchange.
f. a M.
We. the undersigned commit-
tee, appointed draw suitable
resolutions of aspect to the
memory of our departed brother,
J L. Sugg, beg have to report as
Whereas, it has pleased the
Supreme Architect of the
from labor to rest
our beloved brother, J. l Sugg
Oct 4th. 1907, therefore be
it resolved.
First. That we most humbly
bow in submission to will and
more firmly trust in the hand
that leads where we -an neither
foresee nor prevent danger along
the path of life.
Second, that we strive to em
u ate the example of our beloved
b -other in dis fidelity and h-
that, though dead, yet
shall he aid to the ennobling f
our character as men and
Th rd. That we extend to his
bereaved family our profound
sympathy and deepest regret in
t loss they have sustained, and
to and His
infinite wisdom and grace.
That a copy these
re-solutions be spread upon the
minutes of this lodge, a cony .
Board at Directors Elects Officers.
The board of directors the
Chamber of Commerce of Green-
ville met Tuesday night in the
office of Dr. D. L. James and
elected following officers of
President- D. J. Whichard,
H. W. Whedbee.
E. Bradley.
Treasurer-J. L. Little,
F. M. Wooten and L.
A. Bowen was elected a
member of the board to fill a
in the one year term.
Well I am grinding at Forbes
water mill Tuesday and Fridays
All who want bread come
by o'clock if you can. I have
plenty of water for grinding.
J. E. Elks
Having duly before
the court clerk of Pitt
county administrator of
estate of M-D, do-
ceased, notice is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the estate
to immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all
having claims against st
notified that they must
sent tho same to the undersigned
for payment on or before the 1st
day of October, tins no-
will in bar of
This 1st day of October,
J. H.
of M. D.
Carolina Pitt
and wife
R. J. E Jones D. O.
Tho E. R.
and D. O. Moore above named
ill u. o notice that an
its been commenced in the
court of Pitt county by th
plan tiffs above named again-i
th above
of lining
rest i the said
foreclosing the
collecting the notes Bet out
and described in the comp
tiled in this cause and for th
of having the
ed fraudulent and null and
void, and the sued defendants E.
R. and O. Moon
will further take notice that they
required to at
ton-, of t
Superior of Pi t county,
to held on the
lot y
her, it being the day Nov-
ember. the court
in c Greenville, N c
answer or to com
plaint f the in
a or plaintiffs
t the court for the relief
ed in sud complaint.
Tins day of
I C Moore
c tun of county.
Sent to his bereaved
The Daily Reflector
p ans Friend for
R. m .,
J- M.
r Com.
Public Laws.
Superior Court Clerk D. C
Moore has received the public
laws of 1907. Justices of the
Peace of the county can get
copies by calling on the clerk
The Commerce and receipting for same,
should have the interest and co- .
of every business man R Johnston's-
in the town to properly fill its I Meal at Johnston's.
Having duly qualified before Oh
c of nil-
of the M
Smith, deceased, noticed i
Riven to all persons Indebted to
estate to make immediate payment t
the undersigned, and all persons
claims against said estate -re
to present the same to the
for payment on or before the 2-th tins
of S- 1908, or this notice
be plead in bur of recovery.
This 28th of September, 1907.
Jesse Cannon,
Administrator of Cicero Al. smith.
The Jamestown Reproduction
Company gave a good moving
picture show in the opera house
Tuesday night. It was the best
of its kind that has been her.-.
A fair size audience witnessed it
and all were pleased.
Having decided to go out
the stock business. have
number of fine milk cows, which
I will sell at reasonable prices
Those interested better mi
soon as I am going to sell
stock before cold
L. Joyner.
R cent statistic i of
no little attn.
the financial world. Lia-
insolvents during the
summer twice
great as in either of the last
summers, and now Dun's
figures for September show an
even worse situation. For
three quarters of this
year totals are the worst in a de-
It is happily true, how-
that the number of
vent-- shows little and
the in
a chi fly from the failure
of more manufacturing
concerns th i Owing to
in money market.
these s were
to accommodations upon
n were accustomed to
rely, and hence wen
further damage the y
protracted money
before departing the
question at present. Bountiful
crops reasonable assurance
for the time but the course
f things later Hoes not yet
If the c will only
h j e for the best and prepare for
something not quite so good,
doubtless the present financial
strain will disappear without
working serious
lotto Observer.
More Peach Blossoms.
A few days ago The Reflector
d of peach blossoms on a tree
in the yard of Senator J. L.
Fleming, but Mr. W. H. Ricks
c in go ahead of this. He tells
us that he has several peach
trees that are in bloom in
and one of the trees has
peaches, young peaches and
blooms all on it at the same time.
We have a wonderful climate
this way.
Wanted-A few boarders.
location, nice rooms
electric lights and bath
Apply Reflector office. r,
Do not fail to go to c ope
tonight and see the gr
Jamestown show.

Eastern reflector, 4 October 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 04, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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