Eastern reflector, 20 September 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

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Colored for
Has Dripped Low in
Scale of
is in char of R Pa,, is
p e-.-. . ; n
ft T-;
III v.,
lay. A vary .
present at usual at
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T. M. I. wren i
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Ai the conclusion of
ti . I
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. , . art . lit
He was
en th
h -suiting in a bunch
of lines in; from a penny to
T e m
I r ii- p
ins to a barrel of whiskey
c near the Ai
; pot S
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, ill
we him in I
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i of .
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h ;
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stolen r.
Tl .-.
. . . . j
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. I
11,1907.1 I
The past week a ideal
roar farmers port
best crop of fad saved, in .
years. Peanuts,
I es and rutabagas arc look-
fine. Cotton is op slow-
lb ice be selling
v.-r- satisfactory, in I
general Beams lo
a. CL
steadily on eke boom.
The health of cure m is
good, so our
report and it whispered
that the chimes of wed I hi ii.-,
will Boon
next Monday,
v. ; . Prof. E. of
a .
one of the
m has Ii w
Ii n
in a . he
years in
. lily.
S ton Clark, Proprietor.
. .- Bar-
. loin ow-
. bee . I p
H h and work will be I
;. r n I .,
. .,
. . , C.
I I Km in
Li ;
. it to Monday to ; mp any on
with I A. Weddell Co.
Maud Beatty,
v w
t .
Ci. 11- -I
i .
. i.
. . .
. ii ,
. h
. r
y V; e Inter-
. f re,
Among the many I v v .
left the poet . not help.
expo were .
. Jr.
. i Falkland .
M r and
C iv. Had man
. ., j
S ;. ;. Ma I u
. . . r. ., ,, fr
; r
r of Di--n tor
. . p us ,
I . r A. M
. Sale.
I ill C
; . . I, .
I I .
1907, of Pitt
not of . ;
-Hi. . i e Y . .
co lining . t. I c on, ml . I ,
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. . . LIRE A .
I.-. . . . us ti .
. I i ; p
. , . n Allen i i
the st
ions. I
C. T.
. D
. V Oil
ton . C. . I'll in
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en undo
. . . ,.
. , .
. Co
. N.
;. J,
Deputy Co .
more or less.
ale .
d i
iiD. O
of North Carolina.
Deputy IA
N. C. Aug
W. J. . for
him the Internal
n. v. I Revenue laws, I the fol-
I lowing personal property
I i; One
Mules and This
; r warrant, at ti
of Manning N. C
I on the A day of Sept. 1907
, m. to the highest bidder
of Women's Fashion , Greenville, N. C. I i
B of.
, lo i mortgage, from C.
e E, Fair hi . ;.
t D. O.
day of October,
corded in
register of ii.- of
in book P, pa Monday, the I
at the court house
Pitt county twelve
noon, offer for Bale at public
auction the following described
Beginning at
southwest corner on
St., and runs easterly with J.
onus Cox's line to his other
with St., yards,
tin parallel with
line to Academy St-, thence
Academy St. to the begin-
i containing ore-half acre
more or less. Terms of sale cash.
This of September, 1907.
E. R.
D- O. Moore,
old from to u r
.,. , no or t pro
c, i t,. .-.
St., . V
lot .If you .
life man and b
t. i
b; the i . state . i
. i. he
Society the I
States. Paul Morton, President
For full particulars, apply to the
undersigned. Jr.
District, a lie, N.
C. Win. A. Dinner, General
Agent Richmond
. On Po . three
. Any
can to
Com on Your
Remember you make a
guess for the Parker Fountain
Pen at Reflector Store after
Sept. on with your
guess. Anybody woo wants to
do so, in or
try, can take a guess. See the
announcement on page.
I, I well burred
. n.
i. 1907.
. . and the
. U
. . ; . . I . in
, . take notice
n co in
. c
I action
, . , . t. canal n
. in
.,, . i on real e
. . it forth Carolina
a. in will further
,. ,, ,,. arc to
appear the
, Pitt county, hi be held on the
,,. I in
September, it being 19th lay of Au-
i . 1907, at House in said
county, in . North Carolina.
and answer or demur to the complaint
in said Action, or the will
ply to the court the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
D. c, Moore,
clerk court, Pitt count
P. Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
The term of Pitt
prime court this
morning with C. C
presiding and Solicitor I Ab-
representing S it.-.
The grand jury was drawn
and II. U.
Carr, foreman, . D. Tucker.
J. P. P. Cobb.
M- T -l A Davis.
B. G. R S Wan-en.
D. Horton. J. T. Carroll. J. A.
Thigpen. E T B.
King. Claude H B.
Smith. W J.
C E. Fleming sworn as
officer of the grand jury and
W Lawrence c crier.
Judge Lyon's to
grand jury was
clearly points as
necessary to call DO the;
attention of the body of inquest, j
He told them man could be
put unless the grand jury
had first found a true hill against j
him. hence it was in the power
of grand jury to let guilty I
persons unpunished or to mo-
lest and humiliate good citizens
who were innocent of crime- A
strict regard their oaths will
prevent grand jurors from either j
of these extremes.
Upon the illegal sale of liquor.
Judge Lyon said fully
of the crimes committed can be I
traced directly to liquor. He was
solicitor set oral years lief, ire coin-
to the bench and can verify
this. A man who will sell liquor
illegally, the judge said, will sell
It to anybody, regardless of age
or condition
Judge Lyon read t he statute of
the last legislature in regard
to bawdy houses, and s that
ties law it I like any
of them could be reached and
no community should allow a
house of such character to exist
The fol lowing cases have been
disposed of;
weapon, pleads guilty.
fined and
Charlie Boyd, carrying con-
weapon, guilty.
Ed. Staton, concealed
pi-ads guilty fined costs.
Atkinson and Fred Hall,
carrying concealed weapon,
guilty, Atkinson fined
costs, hall and costs
Alonso Boyd, injury to stock,
pleads judgment
pended upon payment of
Dan false pretense.
Simon Thigpen, fornication,
Shade Smith, false pretense,
pleads guilty, judgment
pended on payment of
R J. Lang, assault, pleads
guilty, fined and costs.
The following cases have been
disposed since last
Orange Williams, appeal from
Mayor's court on violation town
ordinance, guilty; lined and
W. C. Purser H. Stokes
assault with deadly weapon,
guilty. Purser fined and half
the costs. Stokes fined and
half the costs.
W. H- Haddock, not
Henry White, resisting officer,
pleads guilty, judgment suspend-
ed upon payment of costs.
Will Jenkins, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
Sam Brown, Henry and
Joe Foreman plead guilty of
and were fined and
costs each.
D. M. Johnson and E. F. Cox,
assault with deadly weapon,
guilty, Johnson fined and
H-- likes Pitt Com nod likes
Mr. David A. Jamie, a young
man was in
Monday, and i was
our pleasure t. meet him. Mr.
Jamie is a graduate of the Col-
in and the last,
year ii.,.,. the
study of medicine. Untold
reporter that having decided to
spend his vacation in hut the range is so wide
studying came North late years
i his i f .,., ,
ago Ho came to ,, ., . .
Carolina and Mr. T K. these a very
of the State value. North I
agriculture, and sift r nearly all Smith Carolina and the
with neater part of the states of
whom he may expect killing
He says he i of frost between
his rent tin 1st November 15th.
i Northern Northern
Mr. us .,.he is highly pk-as d with the , ,
young Scotchman and hopes he Kansas and a good the
can he induced to remain here. are similarly situated-
Secretary was re- the northern fractions of
in number of the Alabama, Mississippi
special industrial edition of the, , . , . ,
Reflector were sent him for dis- and Arkansas the time is a little
Mr. tells US his earlier. In southern Georgia and
father received one of the all along the upper gulf
and wrote that he was much 1st or a little earlier is the
pressed with the advantages this , B , u , , ,.
sect ion ,
The Reflector would rejoice to an crop season
see a large number of the sturdy factor that he can be dismissed
Scotch people come l i with little consideration even this
1907 bi
When will damaging frosts
begin to occur in the cotton belt he has Large and Interesting Pro-1
With a crop two to four
weeks late, this is the of
prime importance at present.
No man. however, can do more
than state the probabilities.
Average dates when Jack Frost
his first onslaught
at points are well
and Pray d While in a
Hypnotic Trance.
Statesville, Sept. Here is
Anything that has to do with
children always awakens the
of older, people,
heard of and tins man is not , was a large audience
ion exhibition with some Baptist chi
I And as
rs To-
Ci is a new
, crowd is astonishing.
Sunday night to wit
The story by Mr. E. by I ,;. Greenville
Flicks, of Statesville, travels
for the Ray State Whip Com been admirably train
of Massachusetts. J K- B. E
for a and Miss
high r cord for itself this season.
ii ranch is more
n ting
of the
child i . ; . ii.;. .; ;. i n full
S. 1st.
I These data
Department of Justice Takes Down
show that the
present crop has nothing much
to fear if only the killer does not
come ahead of time; if an
the peonage cases I early frost does not smite
in Pitt county has been reached. late crop This
i ii i , i . crop though belated thus
as the unite J States department . ,, . c- .-.
more than a fair chance
of Justice takes down its Russian . to any serious
witness and quits. Going simply has a diminished mar-
ease as a roaring lion it gin of probable safety. Char-
as meek as a lamb.
Judge T. R. Purnell, of the
Eastern District, has received a
written motion from District
Marriage Licenses
Register of Deed R.
Attorney Harry Skinner issued the following licenses
that at the instance of the Unit-
ed Stater, Department of Justice
the release of the eleven Russian
witnesses in prison at
unable to give bond, was asked.
; The motion was granted and the
Russian laborers are now free.
was the ease, or rather,
these were the cases against
E. A. Kline, of Pitt, in
charge was peonage, the Russian
laborers, later the witnesses, be-
the alleged peons. The
strongest case against Mr. Kline
win tried at Beaufort some weeks
ago and he was promptly acquit-
The United States Depart-
J. A. Rawls and Annie L.
Clayton and Clara
Walter Evans Sarah Cobb.
Minister Had to Leave
Rev. E. B. Barnes, of Nobles-
ville, Indiana, who arrived here
Saturday to hold a series of
meetings Christian church,
had to leave this morning for his
Western home holding only
two services, preaching to large
congregations Sunday morning
and night. Mr. Barnes received
Will amount to nothing, a evening
sponge, lets his mother was
witnesses go and quits the d . h to start
contest. Raleigh News and Ob- home this morning. Just before
server. the departure of the. train this
morning he received another
message stating that his mother
was dead. Our people are sorry
both for the bereavement of the
evangelist and that the meeting
could not go on as contemplated.
of Justice, seeing that the
Moving Picture Show.
We understand that parties
have engaged a building here
for a moving picture show or
gem to run for sometime.
The building will be remodeled
and the show ready to open
Oct. 1st.
costs Cox fined and costs.
Thomas Grimes, resisting
pleads guilty, imprisoned
four months to work roads.
Jenkins, assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
James Williams, abandonment,
not guilty.
David Hope and Cherry Bell,
guilty, Hope sen-
six months to work roads,
Bell to pay all costs and give
bond for good behavior
Frank Jenkins, carrying con-
weapon, guilty-
Tom Gaddy, carrying conceal-
ed weapon, pleads guilty, sen-
three to work
Visiting Minister.
Rev. W. II- Davis, of Winston,
preached in the Memorial Baptist
church here Sunday morning and
his sermon was much enjoyed-
Mr. Davis will do missionary
work in this section of the State.
Eight hogs, flesh mark, black
and white spotted, blue, white
and black, ear mark, hole and
smooth crop in right, and under-
slit and smooth crop in left,
strayed away from my
pen Wednesday Sept 11th,
1907. Any one informing me
where same can be found will be
rewarded. Weight or
pounds gross.
This 16th day of Sept. 1907.
T. E. Langley, Greenville, N, C.
Hicks is now at heme
short stay. This unusual case
fell under his observation while
in-was in South Carolina about
three weeks ago and although
many know of it nothing ha
been said in the papers about it.
Six miles from
lives a farmer about
years old. who every night con-
regular religious service
while he is in some sort of a
state, and the
the story is that the
has been doing this regularly for
twenty seven years. The case
has attracted much attention and
Mr. Hicks drove out to the
home one night to hear
him. The man goes to bed about
o'clock and soon after he goes
to sleep the performance begins
and he cannot be awakened until
he has completed.
Mr. Hicks says the night he
was there the sang two
songs, prayed a long prayer and
then preached what he says was
a good, sensible sermon. During
the preaching he was seized with
some kind of convulsion, some-
thing like a but his wife
rubbed his and neck with
some camphor and he went on
with the sermon, starting in the
middle of the sentence where he
had left off when the convulsion
came. He never preaches th
same sermon over twice and
ways announces when he begins
that he is going to repeat a
he has heard preached.
Mr. Hicks says that physicians
have studied the case
and have tried to wake him
the performance, but in vain.
They say he is in a hypnotic
but just why or how it
comes on him at these regular
periods and affects him in the
same way, they cannot under-
The is just a plain, hard-
working and ignorant farmer and
charges no admittance fee to his
home during the strange
He can't read when he
awake and breaks down when
he attempts to pray in public or
make any sort of talk. So far as
Mr. Hicks learned, his rest is not
broken or his health affected by
his nightly performances. Char
, as the splendid manner
This y i at r n
great of i it lion both
horn and n r n
which every number was this. ,
gave evidence. The pro- in Monday
gram was as
by the Sunbeams.
m . his man told as
that when the Consolidated Co.
was organized, he, like many
; ;. did not think much of it.
and refused to take stock or
to do with t. He
watch d company and
methods has gone on all
I the sales here and on some of
White Dais-
by eight
Recitation by
Annie Leonard Tyson.
Clocks Have
by ten little Sunbeams.
You Would the other markets, and he now is
Happy by Jessie Brinkley. need that it is time or him
Makes a Good Sale of Tobacco.
John W. Hall, a colored man
who is a good farmer and
successful as a tobacco
grower, brought in about
pounds of his crop Monday, and
sold it with the Con-
Tobacco Co, at the
warehouse. He was well
pleased with the prices obtained
which as
pounds at at
at at a
at at 922.50,
at at at
at making an average of
taking everything as it
came. Besides being a good
farmer, John has his own mail
box on one of the several mail
routes and is a regular reader of
The Daily Reflector.
y Sunbeams.
Baby Song, by William Tyson
only years
by six boys.
by Forbes.
Remarks by W. H.
Up Col-
by David Whichard.
a by
by eight girls.
Essie Whichard.
by class-
Benediction by Rev. Mr. Davis.
The baby song William
Tyson, a little year old tot was
of the cutest things our
have ever witnessed.
to his mind- tie had
therefore applied for in
the company is lo do
as much toward making it as he
has done in the past to discourage
it He also said toe Consolidated
is a thing for the
grow r and he believes in push-
it. along.
Cat a
Mr. S. K. of
duke. talk, us that he has a
that i; caring for several kitten,
but all died and about the
time the last one died his
found a bed of young rats
and thinking that the cat
enjoy eating them, brought
them to the old mother cat, but
instead of devouring them be-
gen to nurse aid care for them.
This action on the mother
cat is Record
Dr. on The
Dr. Swindell, the pastor of tie
Methodist church of this
Purnell Orders Discharge Be-1 said yesterday morning just bi
cause Two Enough to Testify in fore beginning his sermon tint
Peonage Case. j there wan a matter to
Raleigh. N. C. Sept. 16.-
Judge Purnell. of the United interest from a moral
States court, made an order for standpoint. It was the drink
the discharge of nine of the mixing places of Wilson. He
eleven Russians held in jail at
witnesses in the case ,. . i. f ,, . .,
of the government against Con-
tractor Kline, charging m bar
The reason given for the release now in the places
is that the other two can furnish j w-e ii the same as the bar
all the evidence that could be t ,
gotten from the
eleven. Some
contend this action on the part
of the government is a
admission that it is considered
there is very little in the case.
New Bern Sun.
Shot His Wife.
Ivy Slade, colored, a resident
of street in New Town,
has for some time been making
trouble with or for his wife,
so the story goes. Saturday i know.
is believed that liquor is Bold in
tin in. V man told me he
could go in on-- of them and get
all the liquor he wanted in live
minutes. Another that
while standing h front of cue of
these place, he saw a man go in
and heard him say. got
anything in here The
tor of the establishment said.
I'll After
night he had a with her be-
cause she cooked for a white
and failing to make her
promise to quit her job he pulled
a pistol and fired at her. The
ball struck the woman in the
thigh, making a painful but not
very serious wound. After the
shooting Ivy run and has not yet
been captured.
Notice to Public.
The Atlantic Coast having
also tendered us their platform
as a cotton yard, we as cotton
of the town of Greenville
hereby designate and constitute
said platform, as a cotton
for the town of Greenville, as
well as the Norfolk and Southern
depot, and any public town
weigher must weigh the cotton,
in either platform, as requested,
Moseley Bros.
Fleming Mooring.
W. H. Kilpatrick.
waiting on other customers he
took an Libeled bottle and
furnished the man a drink.
With this condition of affairs the
object of the dispensary is being
The moral sentiment of Wilson
is strong enough when once
aroused to shut these places up
good and tight. Let our people
jointly put their shoulders to the
wheel, and see that it is done.
The good of this city demands
it. Times.
Swallowed a Knife.
Mr. John S Davis us a
knife Saturday that his son.
John Cary, swallowed. The knife
had two blades and was 3-4
inches long. It took the knife
hours to pass through the little
fellow's stomach. He suffered no
inconvenience during this time.
Warren Record.

How Jim Adkins Went to War, Got
Talking shout war said
the old colonel, any of you
ever heat Jim
I'm surprised. Everybody
the settlement know it. Jim was
a n of H fellow, and the
old man was anxious gel rid of
him. so when the war broke out and
were looking around for men
the old man gave him
Jim was in the hayloft,
and were to have with-
out him when the old man winked
and to the ham.
was enough, and they got
him and man him to the front.
old man sorry after
Jim n. gone, and hi
hurt him had. he hoped for
the until one day he a mes-
sage that told him Jim had been
killed and buried on the battlefield.
Then he packed his grip and
started right off to bring Jim's body
home if possible, for I be grief
en her would have nothing else
life miserable for him
with her
went to Virginia and was
there informed it would W
possible lo remove the body. So he
the spot where it was
buried and for three days.
Then lie went sadly home.
In and behold, the first
man he met us he his
was sound right aide
up with
was some time before the old
man could say a word, hut when he
found it was really flesh
and had Jim
mixed up with some other Adkins.
and he hadn't been killed at all. the
old man was hot He divest-
himself of his coat, then rolled
up hid sleeves and made him
It was the liveliest scrap you ever
old man on top the
two of wallowing in the dust
took the old lady and the
three girls and two stout to
pull the old man off.
never did explain why he did
it, and Jim didn't ask any questions,
but the next morning he told his
mother that while his furlough
wasn't out. still he knew his country
needed him and he couldn't stand to
stay at home under those
stances, so he left his blessings for
the old man and took the first train
for the
Why Do Scotsmen
said the visitor.
John Ma. Turk turned around,
while the family cat the op-
of her tail from
his grubby
that you're going to
continued the visitor,
want to a-k you a little question,
Ho many marbles would you get
if I gave yon twenty to be divided
between and Andrew
thoughtfully rubbed the
point of nose where the cat had
Scratched him.
he said.
said his elder.
said Johnny,
sen it's u c If ye pie me
when we're both hire we'd hue
ton apiece, If Andrew was here
I I'd only shout five.
Hut if I were to get when An-
drew here l ken
he'd hue at Ad-
Cashier Will to Rocky
Mr. J. W. Aycock, who has
been cashier of the National
Bank of Greenville since that
institution began business in
April of last year, has
to accept a similar position with
the Planter's Bank of Rocky
Mount, and will enter upon the
duties of his new position the
first of October. Mr. Aycock
I as h id many years experience
in the banking business and has
made many friends here during
his stay in Greenville.
The directors of the National
Bank of Greenville have elected
Mr. P. J. Forbes, who has here-
fore been assistant cashier, as
cashier to succeed Mr. Aycock.
While a young man Mr. Forbes
i is had good banking experience
and has splendid business
Mr. M. L. Turnage,
who has for sometime been with
he Bank of has been
assistant cashier of the
National. He also is a young
man of good experience and
The changes will take place
Revenue Service.
4th, District of North Carolina,
Collector's Office,
Littleton. N. C. 10th 1907.
virtue of authority Riven in sec-
K. S. and acting under war-
rant of issued thereunder
W. Manning for
him under the Internal Rev-
laws. I have seized one tract of
land belonging to said Manning and
known as the Buck tract and contain
acres more or less, the
some tract of land which h
and upon which he is now oil
a crop. of will
he offered sale to the
for cash on Monday Sept. 1907 at
Vi o'clock in. -t the Court House door
in the town of Greenville N. C.
R. J. Lewis.
Deputy Collector.
Divorced Couple From North Carolina
City Married Danville After
After a separation of four
years following a decree of
a Greensboro, N. C-,
couple decided to again attempt
the journey through life as man
and wife, and for the second time
the bonds of holy wedlock were
tied. The ceremony was per-
formed in this city to-day,
the contracting parties being Mr.
Samuel G. Brown and Mrs-
en G. Brown. It is suffice to say
that the records show that the
is some younger than
her husband. Mr. Brown and
his divorced wife and bride
rived in the city early this morn-
from Greensboro. N. C. They
were unaccompanied and pro-
to the Burton Hotel. The
ceremony was performed at
o'clock in the parlors of the hotel
by Rev. W. R Laird pastor of
the First Presbyterian church.
Immediately after the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Brown a
train for a honeymoon to the
Jamestown exposition About
four years ago the parties were
divorced after living many years
together. They have grown
children residing in North Car-
The causes leading up to
the divorce are not known here.
Mr. Brown is a prominent real
estate agent of Greensboro and
stands high in the estimation of
those with whom he is associated.
Vacation for Mothers, Tee.
People who work for them-
selves, especially mothers,
glory in not taking a vacation,
in staying forever at home, in
sticking solidly to what they be-
to duty. To you, my
conservative reader, a vacation
is just as as it is to
the tired teacher or the faithful
clerk; and for the same reason,
that you may do more work when
you do work, and do it more
The duty which holds
you will be better performed, the
home that you are guarding will
be better kept, and the
and courage, and optimism
which you need will be more
readily summoned, if you take
next year, but in the
remaining weeks of this very
drink in the
of new faces, new landscapes
and new experiences Woman's
Home Companion.
is a blessing. Have you trot it
If not, you should wear glasses
Loans and Discounts Stock paid in
profits 3.5
of Deposit 3.71
Overdrafts Secured
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin.
Silver Coin
State f, North Carolina,
. f Pitt.
J. It. Davis, Cashier of the show-named so
the above statement is I rue lo th It- o
belief. J. R. DAVIS,
and sworn to b
f f -his day of Aug.
Notary Public
B. L.
F. M.
Let me fir and give the
desired relief
At the o. of MayRESOURCES. I
C. E. Rountree
Optician and
Graduate Philadelphia College
of Horology and Optics
Dim from Hank and
j coin.
U. S.
I Deposits chuck
Collier's check
His wife is a woman of culture In these days when men talk
and refinement and has a large of making money by the millions
circle of friends in
town.- Danville Bee.
her home
The American earn-
are a thousand million
greater this year than last.
according to a preliminary report
on crops, which will be published
in the the American
Agriculturist. This big gain will
be entirely due f the increased
prices of farm products, as the
production in general be
ten per cent. Less in quantity
than in 1906, which was the
bumper year.
farmer was never in so
healthy position as he is
financially, socially, politically
and says the report
increase in the value of
his real estate has been
less money than
ever before. He has as-
sets than ever. Again, the far
wants are greater. He is
in the market for more and better
breeding stock, farm implements,
household goods and other mer-
New York Dispatch.
Bethel, N. C. Sept.
Prof. J. B. Martin and wife,
of Fork Union, Va. arrived last
Wednesday and will begin teach-
in the graded school here
next Monday. He will be as-
by Misses Lucy Manning,
Elizabeth Jones and Christine
Miss Hyde Stancill, of Hill.
spent Friday and Saturday
Bethel, and joined the Bethel
people in attending the yearly
meeting at Cross Roads Sunday
Judson Blount left Monday
morning for Chapel Hill, where
he will attend
Miss Mildred Arnold, of
more, arrived afternoon
to take charge of the millinery
department of Blount
Miss Minnie Sparks is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Thigpen.
Our town witnessed a great
game of ball Tuesday played
between the graded school team
the boy on the farm begins to
think that his chances in are
circumscribed. True, there are
few men who ever become mil-
by following the
but there is, to the intelligent
farmer, more than millions in his
is health,
and plenty. While we
not speak from the standpoint of
a millionaire we are inclined to
believe that he who has plenty
of hog and hominy at home and
sufficient material to keep him
I warm, with a few of the luxuries
life thrown in for good meas-
must be the happier.
S C. Ledger.
Slate of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. W H lard of the above m
swear the above statement is-true to the best of my
.-. and belief. W. E
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, this 27th day of May
Valuable Farm For Rent.
On account of ill health I shall
rent or lease for a term of five-
years my farm containing
acres of cleared land with,
all necessary out houses,
good state of cultivation. Pro
Slice corn, cotton, tobacco and
all other crops grown in this
county, Man with team prefer-
red. Apply to F. M. Smith.
Celebrates a Birthday.
Miss Sue a good
man known and esteemed by
everybody in the community,
celebrated a We
are not betraying confidence by
telling how old she is, but she
looks fully ten years younger
than she claims and bids fair to
be a young lady several years
yet. May she many
mere birthdays.
en Line.
Thursday afternoon a freight
train was wrecked on the
tic Coast. Line between Bethel
and Several cars left
the track and were broken up,
but injury was done to the
crew- Passenger trains had to
at the wreck, causing
about an hour's delay.
A Homemade Curfew.
r family should have a
should positively
and the clerks. The school team
was beaten in the score, but the deeds of county,
few which should positively
and every nigh if needed.
arc inexpensive and
can homemade. Take piece of
aiding feet long and whittle one
end to a handle. Then take
the child needs the curfew and
bend over a barrel, take
the piece siding in the hand and
use II for a Put it on hot
Divide tho evenly and see
that mine miss, or a boy or
girl up to the ago of sixteen, and
applications arc warranted to cure
the most ed case f street
loafing exists. The music this
curfew makes is Oner than sinking
Is My Wandering Boy To-
An Outlook.
It ban been the cry of the
since criticism began
that his own generation produced
nothing. It's a try that hate
deny. When the die s has been
cleared at i cad
comes I are i winced it
will admitted that in the
gate, In philosophy and significant
literature, in architecture, painting
and scientific research, in engineer-
industrial Invention,
statecraft, and valiant
deeds, the lust thirty of i
endeavors will bear comparison with
Colored Church Row.
Justice of the Peace ti. Hard-
had a church wrangle
before him for trial today- The
trouble started at English chapel,
miles town. Last
month the time came to elect
officers of the church and call a
pastor. When about to proceed
to call a pa.- or one of the
cons said he- had something
against the present pastor and
advised the church to go slow,
not elect a then but let
him i appoint a pas-
tor until another could be chosen.
work up a row and a
in the church and re-
sorted to the law to settle
By virtue of H mortgage executed
to J. Smith Company
by C the 2nd day of
March 1907, which mortgage was re-
corded In the of the register of
in hook E-H page
1213, tho undersigned will sell for cash
clerks were out done physically j n Ayden on Saturday
as they have sore ever September the follow-
i , j i articles of property, to
John Sherrod. of wagons
was a caller in our town last one cart, four sets of harness, one
. , one buggy being
j the purchased oil. w.
Julius Brown, J. F. Stokes Hart; also one small bay mare bough.
e . . J. one other bay mare an,.
and Forbes of, ; ,.,,, open buggies, one ton
were here today. I buggy, dray wagon, five sets of
in l i ii I harness, the last let the same of
Miss Blanche Mayo, who has
been visiting in the western part j
To sufferers of
say a bots
it cure we
your money. sat
full A free
SOL if it benefits v
use SOL
This ad vi out
to a bottle all
Only a limited i
given away.
port unity to test
Any Time of
You will find me ready to supply all your needs i
Notice to the Public.
The platform at the Norfolk
Southern depot having been
tendered me I hereby designate
constitute the said platform
a public cotton yard for the town
of Greenville until further notice.
This Sept 14th 1907-
W. U Brown
of the state for several weeks,
returned today.
C- W. Bailey, one of our
farmers, the first new
bale of cotton here today He
sold the first bale here each
the last three years and always
has a good crop. The prospects
now in thin vicinity are for a
good yield, and the Bethel Man-
Co., to meet the de-
arc increasing their gin
capacity to or bales
per day. They are putting in more
new machinery and will be in
position to handle the crop to the
satisfaction of the cotton grow-
of this section
J. K. stable manure
now in the stables rented by the said
C ii. Williams from
E. said said Is to satisfy
said mortgage. This September 1907.
J. K
By K. James Atty.
My stock is new and fresh at all times and I
best brands. Anything wanted in staple
Canned Goods, Pickles, etc. can be
at my store, and prices are right. All kinds of
om Mil;.
sting the result of your ailment,
the cause. Weak Stomach
inside nerves- -mean
always. And the
t, and well, have their
or inside nerves. Weaken
i nerves, you have
; organs. Here is where Dr.
Restorative has made its fame,
remedy even claims to treat
Also for bloat-
biliousness, bad breath or corn-
use Dr. Restorative.
i to-day for sample and free Book.
Racine, Wis. The
moM Drug
be wise man looked not at the
during July and
need of a pill .
Early Riser.
safe pill, sure to
and effective. Drives away
Sold by John
I store
can never make another
with the cracker that has
Rood remedy for
and colds, Syrup. It is re-
ended for babies and children, but
every of the family,
no opiates and does not eon-
Contain honey and tar and
i nearly as as maple syrup
and win a
fleetest r .
Pens, absolutely free. k w
r nearest to the pounds .
house floor, o, the O
u ,
with which to write your name and Th,. b
Saturday. Sept will
. When Mr. C W. of t h ti
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
If so the first thing to consider is a
t and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the I
en like it.
I Store.
me bargains are expensive.
free of Dr.
at our If real
disturbs your Stomach, your
; or Kidneys, then try this
I imitation. Dr. has
Old Java and Mocha Coffee
and taste, yet it has not a
i of real Coffee in it. Dr.
Health Coffee Imitation is made
pure toasted grains or cereals,
Nuts. etc. Made in a
You will sure
it Sold by T. E. Hooker Co
exactly person
fleeter Book Store and take his at Re-
The prices of are fro L
For the informal ion of l .
us figures of the tobacco
September 1903
September 1904
September 1905
September 1906
Now get to guessing how much tobacco will be
and win a
stomach trouble are quickly re-
II by a little after
to the
of the trouble, the
live supplies the natural
live juices and digests what you
It is simple, clean, pure, harm-
Don't your
take a little each
MM see how it makes you
if it talL by
Parker Fountain Pen
completed a task
Barber, of Wis., say
taken four of your
and Bladder arM they have
tot me more than any other
ever done. I am still taking
SM as I want a perfect
Pills, which are
weak kidneys,
r the bladder and all urinary
A weeks treatment for
J. I. Wooten's Store.
Cough Caution
Put it on i.,
Sam White Property.
reasonable pries and on easy terms
is every indication that
Greenville is going to be higher
the TUft
from the business part or the town i
White and
and terms.
vacation earned is the
sis no indigestion, no
f how Irritable or how obstinate
V relieved by
The main factor in curing
disorder is rest,
way rest is to actually
for the stomach itself.
do It is a scientific pro-
of vegetable acids containing
sane juices found
in. It to the Pure
gs Law. Sold by I hon L. W ton.
Cough Cure
To keep abreast with the times must
pies are just
as good
is out
burns, cuts,
I the many little hurts common
Intel Salve is the best remedy,
cooling, clean and heal-
rare you get DeWitt's. Sold
Drug Store.
vacation we miss is the
I would have enjoyed the
Cannot be Cared
i diseased port on of the ear.
I only one way to cure deafness,
is by constitutional remedies.
a is caused by an inflamed con-
the mucous lining of the
When this tube is in-
have a rumbling sound or
ct hearing, when it is
Deafness is the result,
i the can be
and this tube restored to its
rendition, hearing will de-
forever; nine cases out of ten
I by catarrh, which is nothing
condition of mucous
III give One hundred Dollars for
of Deafness by ca-
at cannot be cured by Hall's
I cure. Send for circulars, free
I. Toledo O
Ill's Family
, g f fat it is am. your food
turns to fat of
f you are too loan the fat foods
Loan. thin, stringy do net
enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat
have too and not
Dyspepsia Cure
Pills for
all the digestive Juices that .
found in stomach,
the and
to digest and assimilate foods that may
Dr. Murphy Dead.
Dr. P. L. Murphy, who since
. Get Ready for the Big State Fair.
Richmond, October
Everybody is looking forward to it. The wonderful success of last year has led
plans for a greater Fair this year. Nothing like it he best in all
N. C.
and m
and organs
all foods that may
be eaten. is not only a perfect
but it i. . tit-
MM building tonic as welL cures
Dyspepsia. Sour
Palpitation of the Heart and
constipation. You will like It
Digests What You Eat
Rests the stem on, rebuilds the
and s Bin ash.
Fills The Bill For It Carries Your Announcement Direct
to People and brings the best Results
John L. Woo ten

D J. amp
nit nil matter Jan. I. 1907 at the at
C, under of Cm March
i; to
NURSES. the rind looks like it is having a
time floating along down
Pit county had Ami then you a
i. v. would be in position g everywhere that
to i Urn want anything. Toll them
c to a-many young ladies t we are to have a fin.
it. who will. prove .,.,.,, will cure son
themselves fined to take up c ,, . we will have it rubbed
work. Can you think of ;,,.,, thoroughly by a
more useful good looking trained nurse
women than a knowledge will only come and help us
They are not only put along.
in position to make a living, but, Seriously, now everybody, it
when get married and wont cost much. We could, if we
this knowledge stands would, raise enough by private
steads. subscription to build the
A would pay for not even feel it. Sup-
In this one thing, to say farmer in the
nothing of tho groat good give fifty pounds of t-
would do all classes of people in
all the county. Let
i i .-. i w . much will give,
us have a hospital. We need it ;
The has eon;, for US to have
it. Let us have one operated on That was a disgusting
Son-in-law Nick is having; An observant business man
something to say law- m irked to The Reflector,
Teddy, but we expect the latter with as much money as there is
will use his own stick and not j around he is unable to understand
leave it for Nick to carry. j why Pitt county does not have
several cotton mills. It does
The aldermen of Greensboro strange that our people
the financial backing of Well-
man's North pole project may
get tired of the fun before, the
is found
are preparing to make war on
bill board. They are unsightly
things in any town and mar the
looks of streets or. which they
are placed
Greensboro will lie one hundred
years old next year and is plait-
to hold a centennial
in May. If the directory
maker gets busy about that time
the city can give out some more
p figures.
The Chamber of Commerce has
taken enough summer vacation
now to be up and doing. There
are numerous things worthwhile
that should be looked after this
fall, and in no particular docs
Greenville want to lag.
have never became
area ed on the question of cotton
factories. Pitt county makes an
abundance of the raw material,
every advantage fur
is here, and dividends
can tie made out of such i-
Aside f this factories
increase population and
demand for all other products
and help build up wherever they
When you get point that
you cannot for town it
is time to keep your mouth shut.
If doe's not get the
well head sure enough it h
a wonder. The claim is now
made for city that it has
more miles of paved than
any city in the State, more
than Charlotte and Wilmington
put together.
we would have enough to
wild it by
the plan of the greatest good the New Orleans defaulting
the greatest number. Let us collector made, that he had
have one in which the rich man j squandered on a
can in and have his l woman.
room for which he pays a good
round lee. which Roes to
help the
The railroads berate North
Carolina for being poor
yet they cannot furnish
enough equipment to handle the
b this State gives thorn-
Must be a lie out somewhere
Tho Republican factions in
this State have buried the
and seem to have buried
with it,
Wilmington has begun making
such mutterings over her saloon
evils that we expect ere long the
pity will rise up and thrust them
out It is not easy for a bar
o so finish.
Th ban has been put on
dusters in New York school I I
to help themselves. Let us have rooms, on the ground that they
one that the poor man cm come spread disease germs.
to also get his private room
for a nominal sum. Let us have
one where tramp can
find mutt free of charge in his
hour of ring
Th doctors of the will
look after it tor us. may
rest a sured they will do to VS who in s
part. The medical profession
has never fallen short yet when
it comes to helping mankind, and
th profession
it do look like Secretary
stop lying about
The ladies who are in m contributions,
i from the country now to do their I when the country has become
shopping would appreciate that Judge Parker toM
i real room. about them.
The navy department of tie
bar. a
Iran to can decided to
see what they missed.
of the
Come now, folk, get to ether
did re- i-e and to
procure hospital. You
n men ii v u in
county, what do you think
Co you not owe it to
yourselves, your families and
your friends to give this r
a hand You farmers. the tobacco
much tor your-1 patches there
is opportunity left to get
up an, wood choppers.
is about to
up his expedition to hunt for
the North Pole Perhaps it l
well enough for him to do so.
The blue back speller been
to prestige in the
graded schools of Wilson. The
Id blue hack beats anything else
when it to spelling.
You are not going to lose
Greensboro. The fair to held
there Oct. nth to 18th is also to
have W. J. Bryan as an
get buy and make
that it must come at all
hazards. You patriotic men and
women, who are always saying
hat you would give your life for
dear old Pitt, how about you
Arc you going to take it all out yon.
in talk You good Christian
people, that build churches and Turning loose nearly one
support them, are you doing your d.-ed thousand dollars in a week
duty to let such an pay for tobacco is what the
You ministers banks of Greenville are doing
of the Gospel, don't you believe now. That is something to
an institution will think about.
people nearer to God If,
you believe it. would Sir Thomas I not
t world any better, get fled over hi defeats in
busy and help it along. And you races with Ar. i n yachts and
how about you It has sent challenge to
will be a line thing for any of
you to be seen in the push
hospital. Get busy,
late educate the people by
lining it to them. Of course
you will r-n-1 who
New York club.
just have to him.
We will
When son p pie say en
tire country they do not mean all
of it. For the assertion
it. Some folk, you Roosevelt will not
know, are so selfish that they candidate again unless the
would not eat a melon near a entire country demands it. only-
don the proposed cruise by the
battleships of the Pacific.
is as it should be, as there was
never any reason for
such a cruise
Better be careful how yen as-
the knotty
watermelons that represent the
frazzled end of the crop. The
things carry chills many times
their size and are bad to fool
The suggestion of
Everything for the
z i of a conservative party in
North Carolina calls to mind that
The automobile is getting it-
self bad A little
girl was recently run over and
killed by one on the street in
Durham, and a day or two ago a
little girl in Charlotte while on
her way to school was run down
and badly hurt. The auto
to go.
the State a
You can't lose Atlanta, down
In tho State of Georgia, That
city ha com forward with an
hunter in imitation of
Artist H The News
Observer strikes it right, in
we find that kind of
in N Carolina call
him what be
of at In
the Seventeenth Century.
The three
the chief meal
taken when the work of
supper was taken just
bedtime. The dined at
the old breakfast time or a
little later supped at p. m.
In times the higher classes
dined at sapped at o'clock,
inn I lie merchants seldom took
their meals and ;
The chief meals, dinner and sup-
per, were taken in the hull both by
the tho
for the did into use
until the reign of
fa l did a meal
until quite lately, mid Dr. Murray
in the Oxford Dictionary gave 1643
the date the earliest
Tie king of Siam must like
dogs, K Wilhelm sent four-
teen for the king to select a pair
from as a birthday present, an
if the man who
a letter a cu at some
body else, but is lacking in
he king liked em so well that to disclose his name.
very generously
thing terrible, and the one
curring Sunday morning on tin
does feel awful mean when
he h at his real self. How
much better at heart is he than
the man who stabs in the dark
Statistics that are not
Tho meal did not become
until Is hi in the
century, for look
hi- draft a f Rhenish
wine r a waters in
place of a Dinner
was away great of the
day. and i of
n- lo Hie death of
i -n is
and i n . i
now served.
Carving then a fine art. Bach
brought his own knife and
spoon, for Hie .-mull fork was not
introduced H until
of pub-
his in
Pepys hi and fork
him to I lie mayor's in
ah i of forks led to
much strew laid upon net
of v. the hands before
and meal, and tn the
that the left hand alone he
dipped into i dish, tho
hand being with the
The dinner at the best
time of cooker.-
of three co h in
itself, and a subtlety
or device. whole being rounded
off with Hie
guests red into room,
where an. fruit
with wines.
English re i meat
Boston Maine road In Vermont, are worthless, and that Is eaters, and it was tho
in which twenty people the condition of
killed, is the worst
Greensboro business men are
complaining that so many auto-
mobiles run out on the good roads
surrounding that city as to stop
farmers from in with
their teams, hence trade is being
hurt That is a
good roads.
its extraordinary
sales August as recently pub- J popularity. Indeed the first
in the New and on padding in the menus of
r., m, . . the at St. Bartholomew's
Observer. The law requires i,
did not occur until 1710,
t Kit all tobacco warehouses and in 1712 is an item of shillings
make weekly report of sales. As for
lo Greenville, there are Knew It All.
wan-houses here and only one of I, .
following; school es-
these made any report of sales of his young
w kick air ii,,, for August, hence this P o
,.,.,. . den Jump lo its front legs and then
was only credited with that little
report. It simply shows that the
are not comply-
with the law.
Lots of people don't think so,
but we believe that the Demo
has several men that
could be elected President if they
were nominated. Clarkton Ex-
Lets have their and see
how they look.
The people are not taking as
much interest In the year-all. ad
campaign for governor as the
candidates themselves are taking. Not All Alike.
The candidates are much on the Prosperity never strikes two
go speaking, but thus far have the same way. Let some
aroused little enthusiasm. become prosperous and
the days of their usefulness have
The San Francisco lecturer well-nigh departed. This is es-
for life is I true of tho who is
the greatest crime that can I e wages
committed in the should
above his necessities- You not
in frequently hear it said that
That's a good joke. But then
be denied the privilege of teach- high wages have ruined him. He
such a principle in public, i makes enough in a week to keep
The teachings of the Bible as going a month and he is
regards marriage ought to govern consequently inclined to loaf.
Then what seems to be pros-
gets on hind legs.
drinks by patting
month in the and sucks
duck picks up the food by
bill, then If ions his head back.
leaves to
about the 1st of May
locomotive while going around
a corner bends very much to the in-j
passenger train about
stop the of the locomotive
top revolving and slides along tin
has to be
much heavier than tho train
overcome the weight of the trail
against it, Because a
gets ii has a tendency
keep York
Amateur Doctors.
was an ominous stillness i
the house a.- physician en
and made his way lo his
room. Hastily he made hit
Editor Daniels is
the bed. He comes out in deviation from it Is Ian- to man l look
and and . way to another. One his eves showing Hi
IT T , V u i will see the country in a prosper- U- he felt.
what he believes to be right. himself up to teach tilings condition when the -big fish I
t down ., . , . to see in .-11. a
the Bible should not are eating up the h,
but there s no back-door about be countenanced. The assertion Another can't see any prosper- been run over In a motor car
the News and Observer. f . i., i in it unless the With and
are feeding on the vines pain the patient he
President the , think
i ,, nave Written of is when is .,. , . , ., ,
Southern railway, in an address , ,, money it,
., . . .,,. position adds no weight to it. circulating, crops are good, pro-l In and
recently in Chicago, Um i i . i i i . i r i i i i
here are perhaps as many ducts are in demand or labor is to by
said that the railroads should
be frank with the Press and
the newspapers correct
in regard to railroad matters
and policies. He also said that
t he railroads should be ready to
co-operate with shippers That
is good doctrine, and if these
two principals had been in
cranks in tho country
there are men cranks-
Some cartoonist is to
make fun at the schools because
they are all claiming to have the
largest attendance on record at
this opening. Nothing at
till wrong about such a claim as
high. This is probably the view studying to the
of tho man; but pros Then ho great
. , , ., ,, . out Ills notebook entered II
pen for fear the hogs would get a majority the the railroads there would There are more people In
the rinds They go to a river convention. Of course the
eat their melons so they is not going to
throw their rinds in de it, and he is going to be
have been a different feeling
toward them on the part of the
people, and less need for
and then go away sorry, candidate just tho regulating traffic.
the country as each year
around, and there
should he more pupils In the
doesn't strike all alike
Kinston Free Press-
CURE the
tor oil
, I
use in I lie
London Telegraph.
Had Something
old In Richmond
experienced considerable
in securing tho sum due him
business man whose
lie the had
One afternoon as old
pa up the walk
the Hie master thereof calf
to him from the
matter, Mow
came in respect
tones from got de
This department is in F. r. NYE, who is authorized to
the Eastern Reflector in Winterville territory
J. Manager
Miss of Bel- Root paint, varnish, Ward-robe, tables, safes etc
cross, N- C. Friday here at Harrington, Bar- made to order. Carolina Milling
with Elizabeth Boushall Co
and Cora She is on her Robert Strange, of Bast
where she will Carolina Diocese, mil preach at
teach in the public school there.
Th c
with attachment is the
thine to harvest your
Get one at Harrington Barber
We are pained to announce
that Miss of Rose
now a pupil of Winterville
School, had severe attack
of appendicitis Tuesday. She has
had several attacks before this
She Friday
by her sister for the
Robert Bruce hospital
in Kinston. where she will under-
go operation
sell Eclipse ard
fountain pens.
B. T. Cox Bro.
Rev. T- H. King, of
was here and
conducted morning exercises at
W. H- S-
We have on few copies
of the history of the San
Our price, els. B T. Cox
J. F. cur excellent
railroad left for the ex
Thursday morning.
Bring your chickens and eggs
to Barber Co.
Highest prices paid for them.
Mrs left Fri-
for Chapel Hill after
visiting her Mrs. F.
C. for several drys,
The famous Hawks at
B. T. Cox Bro Don't neglect
your eye.-.
The Mothers. of Winter-
ville held a public meeting in
the Methodist church last
Rev. B. E. was pros
and delivered a most excel
lent s. These meetings
of untold value
young mothers who rot the
of older mothers.
, A line of j
of rings, brooches, watch
charms etc. at B. P. Manning
The enrollment of Winterville
High School has reached the
mark. Several more are expected
next week. The work Is moving
along nicely,
A New lot of nice pants have
been received at
Barber Co.
Rev. N. F. Watson, of Port
mouth, came
a short but excellent ad-
dress to the pupils of the school.
His subject was tho three
in success as Char-
capacity, and consecration
It is this that enables us to
stand for what is right and just
even before kings. Capacity is
what we can do. It is God given,
and not acquired- We should
never be content to remain on
one level but always strive to
rise. Consecration is the devotion
of one's powers to whatever he-
undertakes in life, We should
concentrate our whole energies on
whatever calling we take up in
life, without these there is no
hope of success in life.
Harrington Barber Co. have
a stock of ready made
clothing see him before you get
your next suit.
Brother Watson is an excellent
speaker and his own hacks up
what he says. He has the thanks
of the entire school for this ex-
You want a buggy and we
have them. When you sell that
load of tobacco come by Winter-
ville and see Hunsucker.
buy that buggy until you see
him. He can make it to your
interest and he will do it,
Mrs. E. A has re-
turned home after having spent
the Episcopal church here Friday-
night and Saturday morning be-
fore Sept.
J P. has
the northern markets to e
his falls goods.
Rev. N- C. Duncan left this
morning to till his regular
at Farmville Sunday
i he Carolina Milling
Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for yen at
any time Wood a
Elder Fred
this morning to till his regular
appointment at Hickory Grove
today and tomorrow.
stock of station-
must go. We must make
room our immense stock of
new goods now coming During
the next forty days we will make
special prices to all our customers
on our box papers
B. T. Cox Bro.
Prof. Lineberry and children
went to this
T. W. Wood Sons
nips and rut a bags seed can now
he had at the drug of Di-
T. Cox Bro.
Mrs. E. E. Cox left Monday
evening to visit relatives at
Seven Springs.
School iron cannot get the
proper brain training unless they
are physically comfortable. The
county school desks
Hired by the A. Cox
luring Co. are especially noted
for their comfort. Every
ch no house in Carolina
be furnished with
Rev. W. II vs, of
spent Monday here looking
some mission work. He left r
have tried the rest, now
try the the Hunsucker bug-
sold by the A. Q. Cox Mfg.
Prof. J. A super-
of Ayden graded
school, was here yesterday
of all Kinds prepared
at the Carolina Milling mfg.
The so
organized for the fall term
Mfg. co.
from an extended visit to
Monday evening.
i .
k, i i , if
W-i- buy a box of Lo.
nail --i at the store.
. iii i Call at the Drug Store I
, i these in
M.-M. S
,. . W. Smith and W.
Armstrong is home have bought the beach
e i again after an ab several
dry goods For and cheap
are now open for R. F. Co., they alway
A ard Co. have the best.
Cox Mis Mrs. Sack Jones and two
the I , of
A cordial
idles to come and examine our
11-. dry
went to Black Jack Sunday
t. attend the quarterly
of Elizabeth City, came Wed-
evening to visit Cam-
School children cannot g t the M. Dixon, broth-
proper trail unless they are
physically comfortable. The
Pitt school de k
by the A. G. Cox Mfg
Co. especially noted for their
com fort, besides being
-t desk on the market. Every
public school house in N. C.
should not be without them.
I Mrs. Dixon, Mady
Dixon, Dixon, Pan-
Little, Minnie
Crawford, Murrell Tucker,
L L. J. D. Smith,
Mrs. Jones.
All indebted to the
town of Ayden for taxes for
the year 1907 will please call at
the office of J. M. Blow, collector,
and pay same.
AI J. II and wife an
C. Keel have come home from
Seven Springs
J. R. Smith Co. have just re-
a car load of lime,
Saturday Mrs.
a Severe of
sis. This being the second at-
to locate here might rent I
residences as they et to
move to the beach of
They expect to make great
as they are men of
much me ins.
large runs during
Reason and are open to
for the sale of fish at n aw
The ladies and the girls all
candy. The ; ind
at Saul's drug store.
extracted a
.-.- .
e of
i . a
thine, i n it a I -u
the little d
Dir-mus left for tack a very short while grave
exposition yesterday. as her y
Try a tree brand pocket knife, j Buck with his
under guarantee. have moved to Snow Hill. Mr.
are kept in stock by B. T. j Buck ha- accepted a position as
j print-r on a in that place.
candy direct from
factory at Sail's store.
J. L. Fleming, of
was here yesterday in attendance
upon a trial before a magistrate,
as an attorney.
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh
Roy Turnage left Wednesday
morning to enter
If you need any Paint be sure
ind see E. E. Co
B. A. Joyner and Walter Gay.
two of Farmville most prominent
business men, were in town Sun-
Clearance sale for stock.
reduced prices for
next thirty days. B. F. Man-
Showers o goods including
notions, hose, underwear,
ties, shirts and over-
alls are arriving daily at liar
Barber Co.
Lookout for our immense fall
stock which will be here in a
few days.
Have your carts, wagons and
put In good trim for the
fall use. All of repair
work done promptly. Carolina
Milling Mfg. Co.
Have all your wood turning
work done at the Carolina Milling
t Mfg. First class work
Mrs. W. J. Boyd and Miss Liz-
Dixon. of Ayden, spent Tues-
day with Mrs. E. F. Tucker.
A specialty of
drug store.
Rev, T. H. King, wife and
child, of LaGrange. are spending
the week here with friends. Mr.
King is conducting a series of
meetings Missionary
That is manifesting s
spirit of enterprise and thrift is
evident from the fact of the
many changes and additions
constantly arising in and among
us. The handsome and
livery stable almost complete.
belonging to J E Winslow, of
Greenville, built on the most
modern plan with brick walls and
these lined on the outside
slats of steel, present a very
handsome appearance, with large
windows and all necessary
for the comfort of stock,
spacious storage for feed,
driveways and shelters for
protection of carriages and other
vehicles is by no means a small
affair. This fall he will handle
many thousands dollars in horses
land mules, and at an early date
he anticipates building a huge
brick store feet in which
next season to conduct a mer
business. And then a
mercantile firm from a neigh-
boring sister town hat rented a
store and will commence
It is a delight and a pleasure business here at
to say nothing of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store secure this much need-
ed article.
Miss Rosa Randolph came In
Thursday to visit Mrs. Stancill
Hassell House went to Hickory,
Grove near Sunday to a i Ana after a
quarterly meeting. to w- c-
J. B. Carroll and L. L. to her home at
Saturday night with the follow- are at this House.
Miss Lizzie Combs,
N. Pros., Miss Mag
Cox Winterville, N- C, , , .,
. . ,, . Your Best.
Sec , Miss Ives, Bayboro, i
N. C. Trees., Miss Cora it is Bald that so many of us
N. C We are content with our second best.
predict a fine years work for this We are always going to do better,
Guaranteed all Rubber, feather
weight rain coats at B. F. Man
hat. is
buys candy from
has returned
from tho northern markets.
Big lot cots latest stylos, very
I comfortable at J. R, Smith Co.
Mrs. Susan Jackson is visiting
We have vague ideas as to the son w q.
Miss Mollie Bryan left for
Stokes last Thursday, she
will teach the public school of
that district.
A car load of lime just arrived
at A. W. Ange Co.
Another large shipment of
stove of all sizes just received
at A. W. Co-
A large and handsome soda
fountain with all the fixtures for
sale cheap. Kittrell Taylor
Co. Winterville, N. C.
great things we will do, but that
is as far as we get-
Before you go to bed at night
think over your day. If you had
it to live over again, would you
spend it just as you have done
Most of us would not-
we still have tomorrow.
No matter how well you do
anything, try to do it better.
Don't be satisfied with anything
but the very best that you arc-
capable of.
Remember that this is your
chance. Don't lose your golden
Miss Roberson, of Rob
spent Monday night
with her sister, Mi-s Vivian,
the girls dormitory. Auto. Fatally Child-
Rev. S. E. Stanfield, of Ayden Mar- Tuesday for
J. Edwards Son have just
a car load of
wire fence. Can furnish any
Col. Gordon, of Richmond, a
vary prominent insurance man,
Well Wednesday,
Big lot of calico, best grade
per yard at R. Smith Co.
J. J. May, a prosperous farmer
and one of our prominent
was here Thursday.
Miss Betsey Case is very sick
at the home of her son-in-law,
John Dennis.
The very best and cheapest
hair brushes, combs, and
tiers at Saul's drug store,
Another large crowd left here
the exposition
filled his regular appointment at B twelve years old- all Ayden has been pt
the Methodist church Sunday w ls seriously and Dr. Sauls, Mr-Bin Nobles and
afternoon, possibly fatally injured by an j Mr. Joe Blow. These three have
Hudson went to Black automobile on the streets a good time and if they don't
this morning. The machine was BO. it will be the some one
in charge of J. A. years from now, only we
prominent firm from a still larger
town is negotiating for the rent-
of two stores in which to do
a wholesale and retail hardware
business. These and many r
evidences in sight are truly
gratifying and evinces a prospect
not imaginary but realistic, that
destiny has in store for cm- beau-
little city, things that are
and indications that
point to a large and a prosperous
One room two story dwelling
at SHOO. One four room cottage
at One nine room two story
dwelling at Six vacant
lots all in the of N
One thirty-seven acre form
outside corporation at
A n be -in
Ayden a In.
J, Mines has com
purchase his fall stock. Look
Co., on
his return, Mrs. Hines and Mrs.
L. Brown accompanied him.
The parties will visit
places of interest, before their
vi g
r the s or bi in
whore all
v ll have i go
W yr -r, ., .; j . ,. ,
at R. Smith ;
Mr. L--e
fever. This was their only child
and they have the sympathy of
the entire community.
Bring us your beeswax, wool,
hams, shoulders and
eggs lo J Smith Co
Mr. Watson, of Portsmouth
closed the me -ting at the Baptist
church Sunday night. He
some sermons.
There were no additions to the
Sauls guarantees all he sells,
especially candy.
I. C. Tripp, of Greenville, is
here to see his sister Mrs
C. B. Tripp, who is very sick
fruit jars, taps and rub-
at J. R. Smith co
Mr. and Mrs. S. L
who have been visit-
relatives returned
Sunday night.
Keen cutlery and hard-
ware at J. R. Smith co-
Misses Pattie aim Evelyn
in, of Winterville, spent Sun-
day with May Smith.
Royal Hour, always good and
good always at J. R. Smith co.
Dr. J. W. Taylor, formerly of
Ayden but new of Greensboro,
is here for u few days- We are
all glad have him
salt at J.
Mrs. Ora and Julia
Taylor of Greene county, left here
Thursday for Richmond.
There will be n picnic n; Maple
Cypress Wednesday. A large
crowd is expected. We re-
quested to announce that every-
body is invited.
J. P. and Noah B-J of
Black Jack, were here Saturday
to see their sister, Mrs. Caleb
Tripp, who is seriously ill-
G W. Cox, of Greenville, has
been a visitor to Our town.
Rt Rev. Robert Strange, D.
D. bishop of tin- diocese of East
Carolina, will his annual
visitation to St- church,
Ayden, on Thursday, September
There will be
both Thursday night and Friday
north to morning, at which bishop
will officiate.
Again a
with us
R. Smith
Dr Joseph Dixon
Hit O H I I K
N. C
At the of business 1906.
Several new pupils, have enter
ed W. H. S. week.
The boys are enjoying base
ball every afternoon. Most of
the old team are-back and there
is a good number of now boys
from which to select recruits.
sometime with her parents at j Our fall stock of dry goods.
FOR two horse
wagon and a die harrow- Mrs.
J. L. Butt, one mile from Win-
Boy's suits must co to make
room for fall B. P. Man-
hoes, are open for in-
Come and see us be-
fore buying elsewhere. We are
prepared to give you bargains.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Heaters of all grades and sizes
just received at A, W. Ange
I J, i be
I ii i
and lake the
i. N c
hope not so hot.
hams and shoulders
at J. R. Smith co.
Charlie Ross left Tuesday to
resume his studies at the
Pneumonia Cure at J. It. Smith
The first bale of new cut ton was
here Wednesday at by
Calvin to J. R.
Co. It weighed
pounds and amounted to
and Fixtures
hue from banks and bankers
i Items
Silver coin
Nut. 1,385
Total sT
Capital i
mils 10,010.00
Deposits to
cashier's 1,023.48
1.1. U. Smith, of the swear
ii the statement tree to the best of my and be-
lief. B. SMITH,
I r
. d
II ,

i. l . .-1- f
st addition to the long list of weird
lots which have figured in auction
ale i in recent your. Not
long ago the head, little larger
hen's egg, f a central Mexican
in offer, earlier we.
read of a.- a
face of the skin of a notorious
rate, a hook bound in i
kin and a strip of labeled
with Jeremy A,
hangman's rope, a donkey's skin in,
relics prison and criminal have
all in re purchaser, while a
few ago a colonial official
., London auction room just
in time to bi ho i ad been so dis-
posed i for the of a Maori
chieftain who had on dined as a
at In.- in
of in we lit e
In Japan, know i I its i us-
is the
pie in. I
. see till
great, heavy,
I hate n in
other purl of the i They are
not d to kill other, hut
are I to do i
damage. It in for
few ml h a; o I paw live or
ix of being I the
streets on their buck from the
fight, and they were snorting
looked so fierce that I got out
of the street they J. I was
perfectly willing to give them com-
if York
Paganini's Violin.
Writing to a Herman paper from
Genoa, a correspondent fays that
the reports us to
are too can be
Bo he says, this price-
less of is
but surely disintegrating The
is the property of the municipal-
hut the wood worm has taken
must be removed to
prevent total loss. There are
of decay on
surface, and muster of the violin
maker's say that remedies
are applied soon the r lie, valuable
in itself and doubly so be-
cause it was once property of
will fall to pieces.
These also nay that when
the violin has been restored it will
be more easily if it is
played upon
Hair Charm.
in Memphis there is a man
who says he went all through the
civil war and n l of the
M hat ties, bill lie a
scroll I.
of Meridian, Miss., Hart man's.
old n . luck
by telling II i coon hair
worn around his neck during the
battle. Hi- said old
an told him that lit wearing a bull
of raccoon hair around his neck on
a copper wire h would never get
hurt or hi I I
told d ii; i
at tin mid that
it proved lie he
has nor has
he m Ii am kind of
dent, and i e give ail the credit to
tho raccoon's Ten-
Judicial of
In tho recent case of State
. Hep. the Ne-
supreme a
of tho slang phrase
The came up in connection
with tie- admission in evidence of a
dying declaration, the
later he was be-
relied on to show that he was
under sense of impending death.
The said, expression
am all is on.- frequently
use of in this country, and
when used under the circumstances
in question may. we think, he taken
to have meant that the speaker eon
his life was. practically at an
Shadows That Sing.
At the recent exposition of the
French Society of Physics
were given of an ingenious
combination of the phonograph
with the whereby
the figures upon the screen were
caused to go through all the motions
of singing, while the sounds, issue
from the phonograph,
CO the illusion was astonishing-
complete. Similar combinations
have been made before, but seldom
so much attention to details.
Tho apparatus employed is called
the Youth Com-
. v r r t
tea tuft.-.
First, the water should lie fresh-
drawn. use water
for its life is gone.
Second, the teapot should be made
hot dry if possible or else
with boiling water.
The best sort of teapot is that
made of clay. The
make one of a dark red clay,
often procurable at the ten cent
store-. the host are made by
the Chinese of a reddish brown clay
from the banks of the
river. It is famous for drawing out
all the sweetness from the leaves.
There is no objection to a out-
side the pot, the inside, when
to have some chem-
action on the brewing of tea
which adds to its bouquet.
TI rd, the makes or
mars your pot of tea. Do not let
the Laves lie aimlessly in the pot to
t the flavor at their own
will. Hut procure a deep
receiver or strainer full
. . . h as comes
i i Put
r tea e i trainer and
. the; will
I with a rise in
and tn I do rose
ti miner in the
it. If it not use your
; ii it make a handle
of cord. lei metal come in
h h a in the making.
At the moment the water
mi it on the leaves. Put the
cover on for one-half minute, then
pour out a cup of the tea. Empty
lack over the leaves.
times. Then souse the
of leaves up and down
once or twice or until from the
ma you can detect the real tea
In this way the strength of
the tea is forced out before the tan-
acid can mingle with it. you
have gained in less than two
i a bouquet obtainable in no
Take any unmixed black tea. Try
the directions given, following the
three conditions accurately, and you
will find that you can make tea at
.-ii cents a pound taste like
while most only succeed in
making tea taste like cents.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
When Big.
anything up into parts and
you magnify it. A wise man
took tint; way to give his wife an
idea of how much is. She
had no idea of money. Her
chase- enormous. It happened
one day that her eye fell upon a
magnificent ring, and she coveted it.
It cost Hut what was fl
mill to her in comparison with the
rim; Of course her husband con-
to the purchase. What else
co Id ii husband
do But he tried this method of
educating his wife concerning the
price of the ring. Ho instruct-
ed his In r to send her the
small dimes and
rs. I n came the money, bag-
f bagful. She never had
Ii an idea of before. When
tin money was piled before her it
alarmed her. The price of tho ring
went up ii hundredfold and was con-
at once an extravagance
. die of her own option
For Nature
William Archer, the English
said at of the meetings of
the ref spelling board in
have been rather surprised,
here in the States, at the general
what we spoiling re-
formers are trying to do. Our aims
are not at nil understood. We have
o of going to such ludicrous
not as many people think. In
fact, the average man idea of re-
formed spelling is a good deal like
the two women's idea of
part of the animal does
the chop come said the first.
Is it the
not at said the other,
laughing, leg How
It is. of course, tho jawbone.
you never heard of
licking their
Tho Groat Violin
Antonio Stradivari, the famous
i of lived
lie was the pupil of
Nicholas Amati and curried the
type of violin to its high-
est perfect ion. The Amati,
and his sons, and An-
rank next to Stradivari if not
with The makers,
Jakob 1681-83, and Mat-
and his sons made
that stand very high in the es-
of connoisseurs,
of Pans is the most celebrated mod-
maker. A genuine-
in good condition is worth almost
any price that be for it.
been for than
At e
Wei a i f t.
his clothes w re all torn and he did
not own a word. He had to borrow
one, and the lay following his sue
he had get a quantity of
cloth from state to have a
uniform From this mo-
however, he paid great
to his t and took a certain
pride in decorated clothes.
At Man he wore a uniform
covered I embroidery, a
form to winch lie attached a fort of
superstitious reverence. When he
went to M an, for instance, to be
crowned k , of Italy he attend
a review- field of batHe in the
old fashioned and much tarnished
suit he had on the memorable
18th of June,
He never parted with this old
coat, lie brought it with him to
St. Helena, and when he was dead
his com pan ions put it over him.
When Napoleon became consul he
still took great care of bis toilet,
but he affected simplicity all the
more, as he wished his generals and
suit to be gorgeous in gold uniforms
and plumed helmets.
It was then he took to wearing
the gray and the hat
which, as well as the uniform, has
been decreed Io the Eu-
genie. At the hat was low
crowned with a wide border, but lit
tie by little it trot higher and higher
until it became the hat every one
knows. The hat was of long hairy
felt, what hatters called
and it had a lining of
grayish green silk. Napoleon wore
his hats for a long time and sent
them to be repaired again and
P. T.
The Leaf Cutler Bee.
A writer describes the interesting
operations of the bee called the
This insect drills in
a sand hank a hole ten inches deep
and half an inch in diameter and
divides it into about a dozen com-
or cells. cell is
composed of pieces of leaf, cut into
proper shapes and carefully fitted
together. Hose leaves and sweet
pea leaves are among the favorites
of the bees. The cutting is done
with the jaws, while the six legs
hold the leaf in position and enable
the insect to turn itself about with
the precision of a of compasses
Some of the cut pieces are perfect
circles. Others are oblong figures
of varying proportions. Having cut
out the segment of leaf, an opera-
requiring about twenty seconds,
the bee carries it to the sand bank
and then returns for more materials.
When a piece has been nearly cut
off the bee, ill order to prevent tear-
poises itself in the air with its
wings and completes the operation
with a clean cut.
J. V -1 i
pounds at at
at at at
L. F Mills sold at
at at at at
at average
Jesse B. Hardy sold at
at at
at at at
at at
Sales for week ending 14th at
Star pounds for
average Foxhall says
come right en and he will get
you every dollar possible to be
had for your tobacco.
Profit in Advertising.
In Cincinnati recently a house
owned by the city was to be re-
moved from the lot it occupied
to make room for a now hospital.
A dozen bids for the old building
were submitted, and the author-
decided to accept the high-
est But the City
Auditor refused to approve the
transaction because the property
had not been advertised for sale
in the newspapers, in accordance
with the law. Thereupon an ad-
was inserted, at a
cost of several new bidders
appeared, and offered
for the house which was to have
been sold for less than half that
amount without publicity. The
City's return on the advertising
investment was per cent.
Is it worth while to point the
The Statesville Landmark
learns that Marion r is no
making large fees at least
a year as a lobbyist before the
Washington. The
Landmark observes that his legal
attainments count for little; he
North Carolina takes first rank
among all the states engaged in
the manufacture of chewing and
smoking tobacco, according to a
bulletin on the manufacture of
tobacco in the United States,
which has just been issued by
the census bureau.
There were only establish-
engaged in the
of smoking and chewing
tobacco in the state in as com-
pared with such establishment
in 1900, but there was a notable
increase in the value of the pro-
This increase during the five
years mentioned was
or 87.1 per cent
The total value of the
product of smoking and
chewing tobacco in North Caro-
1905 was
Rather unusual is the fact that
the of
decreased by half during the
period mentioned. This
is attributed to the prevail-
centralization methods in
most all branches i f the business
There was a big increase in the
amount of capital employed in
these manufacturing enterprises,
which jumped from six and a
half to more than thirty million
dollars in the five years named.
The number of wage earners
was practically the same in both
years, but wages increased from
in 1900 to in
1905. The cost of materials used
doubled during the five years-
The jump was from
in 1900 to in 1905.
Asheville News.
ill And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on
Fresh floods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Did Not Know Signs.
A white man giving his name
and address as R. B. Hayes, of
New Bern, was arrested Friday
for being drunk and disorderly
on th. streets. He declared to
Officer that he was a
Mason and produced a button.
When the officer gave him the
is the type of man who succeeds gig he failed to respond, so
The Gulden
It was on Jan. 1490, in the
ancient city of that Philip
the flood, duke of Burgundy
set the climax upon the
scene of indescribable splendor that
formed the of his nuptials
with Isabel of Portugal by issuing
the proclamation which called into
being tho Order of the
for the most cowl-
ed distinction for the mighty of this
earth, tho reward for stainless
and deed- of heroism and prow-
at the least deviation
from the strictest code of knightly
honor. The conduct of tho
himself, chief of the order,
was sullied Io investigation and
tho chapter, and many
are the occasions when the
bled knights availed themselves of
their dangerous privilege.
A certain king once required a
charioteer. There were many can-
for the honor, and one by
one they were brought before the
king, lie inquired of each, you
were driving my chariot near a
precipice how near could you steer
without falling Tho first
said two feet, tho next that ho could
go safely within a foot of the brink,
a third tint a few inches would he
quite Tor him. A fourth
came and, hearing the question, said
at once, were driving the
king's chariot I should consider it
my duty to keep as fur as
from the The king
felt that he win the safest and
he was at once engaged.
Pain of a
Au attorney, speaking of
witnesses who desire to
their evidence as strong as possible
by tho of qualifying adjectives,
said that their efforts were
amusing. He then referred
to a case in which a woman, who
had met with an and was
suing for damages, testified that
she had suffered severely from
pain. She was injured
th left side testified that when
he- sat down she to sit
on tho right
by craftiness and unscrupulous
He belongs to that
class of men who have ridden
into power on the backs of the
farmers and after attaining his
in the world, he does not.
care a rap for those who elevated
him to power. He belongs to
i bat class of the legal profession
who attain their ends not by the
of law. There are too
many of that class They some
other Masons were called in and
yet no response. Hayes was
fined and on failing to pay
the amount, he was sent to the
roads by Mayor Brock- It will
take him about twenty days to
get even with the town for his
disorders. He has been in here
for several days and it is not his
first offense. He claims to be an
agent for stoves and ranges and
limes make money, but when it has developed that his plan is
they die the will be better
off, and the legacy they leave to
their children will not be of that
kind more honorable men, though
as successful in a way, would
prefer to leave to their children,
have not enough friends to
bury them when they die. Ashe-
Cox's Mill. N. C. Sept.
Oscar Evans and Miss
Page spent Sunday in Greenville
with Mr. and Mrs. II. L.
Miss Helen Haddock, who has
been near Haddock's X
Roads, returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs- Zeno Edwards
spent Sunday in our section.
Cotton picking started in
and we are sorry for all the old
backs, and the young ones, too.
There was a large crowd at the
meeting at Red Banks last Sun-
W. A. Tyson and L. A. Stocks
are spending some days around
Mrs. W. S. Cox is on the sick
list this
Dr. J. H. Hudson, of Winter-
ville, was in this section Friday
the same old boy.
to see the lady of the house and
show her a regular stove
He offer, a very fancy
range for and agrees to
have the same shipped at once
provided the lady pays him the
sum of one dollar with the under-
standing that she will settle with
the agent when the stove reaches
the station. Several women in
town have paid their dollar to
him, but have not received any
range up to date. Wadesboro
Not Quite I
How often you pet a
nail or driver or
per Have a good
tool box be prepared for
emergencies. Our
is a i could desire, and
A we see that your tool
j box does lack a single
useful article.
I Of Course
You get
Horse c c
J. P.
Fight at House.
There was trouble between
some of the occupants of the
house on Friday after-
noon that resulted in a fight be-
tween Messrs. J. B- Baker and
E. M. The former
lost some skin from his face and
the back was hurt in be-
thrown to the floor.
By virtue of the power of sale con
tallied in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by John
wife Sarah Dennis to E. K.
the day of September 1906, and
duly recorded in the Register of deeds
office of Pitt county. North Carolina,
in book P S, page So, the undersigned
will expose to public sale, before the
courthouse door in Greenville, to the
highest bidder on Saturday; October
1907, a tract or panel of land
lying and being in the county of Pitt
and state of North Carolina de-
scribed as to wit;
In township and
ed as follows; Situate near
known as the tract of land and
formerly owned by Dennis, and
the lands of Cox,
Frank Hart. John Cox Joe
containing acres more or less. And
3-7 of the acres formerly owned b
the Jordan Cox heirs and Aaron
horn heirs, J. M. and the late
John James Jackson land, to satisfy
said mortgage deed. Terms of sale,
his 4th day
E. It.
Whedbee. Attorneys.
Greenville. N C.
Don't forget to come in court
week and pay your n
to The
Dr. King's
New Discovery
Guaranteed for all and
, LUNG or
WORD that word Is
It refers to Dr. Liver Pills and
Art you constipated
Troubled with
Sick headache
ANY of these and many ethers
Indicate Inaction the LIVES.
Take No Substitute.
Littleton high
Entrance into and
on certificate.
Faculty of experienced college
I. Scholarships from leading colleges.
I. extras.
f. Health conditions unsurpassed.
i. for life or college.
ti. Home
Hood library.
In. No Saloons
Time to Sept.
For information and
address. Z. Supt.
Littleton, N. C
He Fired the Stick.
have fired the walking-stick I've
carried over s, on account of a
ore that resisted every kind of treat-
men, until I tried
Salve; that has healed the fore and
me a writes John
Garrett, of North Mills, N. C.
teed for Piles, Burns, etc., by John. L.
Wooten druggist.
J. R. Davenport enters and
claims about acres, more or
less, of vacant land lying in
township. Pitt county, N.
C., on north side of Tar river,
and on the east side of Pea
Branch adjoining the
lands of J. R. Davenport's
and Tucker place, the John Ward
Robt. J. J. Sat-
heirs, Unwell White-
head, deceased, Walter
This August 1907.
F. Davenport
for J. R. Davenport.
Any person or persons claiming
title to or interest in the fore-
going described land must file
their protest in with me
within the next thirty days, or
hey will be barred by law.
R. Williams.
Entry taker
At close of business Aug 1907.
Overdrafts secured and
AU other Stocks. Bonds
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from
Cash Items
. Coin
Silver Coin .
National bank notes and
U. S. notes
North C Molina. C Pitt,
I C. S. Carr, Cashier the above named bank, do
that the above b. true to the beat of my d
Capital Stock
Surplus funds
Undivided Profit less
Expenses paid
Due to a
Cashier's checks
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, of Aug 1907. J
Notary Public
C. S. Cashier.
J L .
Potatoes awl Tobacco.
Washington, Sept. 10.-The
crop reporting board of the bu-
of statistics of the depart-
of agriculture in its report
today finds as
Condition corn on
1st, was 80-2 as compared
with 82.8 last month; on
September 1st, 1906. and a
year average of
The average ion of spring
wheat when harvested was 17.1
as compared with 79-4 last month
and 83.4 for 1906 at the time of
The average condition of
on September was 80.2
against one month ago. 85.3
on September 1906, 80.9 on
September 1906 and a ten year
average of 79.4.
The average condition of to-
on September was
against 82.8 one month ago, 86.2
en September on
1905, and a five year
average of 82.8.
School Ma Called to Ii e I It Out of I'm. j N ally in Cm Dy.
Act to Elder H. H. Tucker tells n After therein Wednesday it i
that some wanton persons expects that r. i
been causing considerable trouble i t ii .; .-ale
to the well at Red to lay than g ; he
lie Schools.
B. L. Davis,
J. A. Andrews,
Vice President
James L.
Bank of Greenville
strength of a financial institution is in its capital and
surplus, its resources, its honorable record the ability.
character and standing of the men who conduct its affairs.
Calling attention to the figures below, we cordially your
The Paper Trust.
In referring to the greatly in-
creased cost of getting out news-
papers and magazines within the
last five or six years the Concord
truth of the matter is
that the papers are standing for
an enormous increase in every-
thing that enters into the count
in their making, and it is a fact
that present prices are not going
to leave the publisher enough to
settle with the sheriff in many
cases. The only thing for them
to do is being to raise the price of
subscription and advertising. It
is unfair to ask or expect the
Surplus and Profits
State Superintendent Joyner is
sending to the superintendents
and teachers of North Carolina
a leaflet containing the act of
tile last Legislature relating to
scientific temperance instruction
in the public schools. In the leaf-
let U also printed a letter from
superintendents teachers and
officers, which, among
other he says;
I beg to call the attention of
county and city
dents of schools, all school officers
and all teachers to the following
act of the Genera Assembly of
1907, relating to
instruction in the public
school, and to upon
and compliance with
the provisions of this law. I re-
in the growth of temper-
sentiment in North
in the of drunk-
and the increase of so-
among our people The
surest means of promoting
in all its forms among
the present and future genera-
is to teach the children, in
school and home, the truth, de-
by science and
in regard to the nature and
effect of alcoholic drinks
Let the truth, without
be taught to the
about this subject as about
other subjects. This question is
one of reason and judgment, not
of mere sentimentality, and the
appeal should be made to reason
and judgment It is not the
pose of the law, as I understand
it, to make a fad of scientific
four miles from town. An old
fashioned sweep was first used
at the well, but somebody
this down. Then a wheel with
chain and bucket was provided,
but the chain was carried
away. Recently a pump was
rut in the well, in less
week this was broken and
.- Quired Th we v.
. convenient for people to
get water passing, it
in use as a matter
public convenience Why any one
be so wanton as to keep
injuring the well we are unable
to see. people are very
thoughtless of the comfort and
convenience of others.
t. nut
that way.
some cooler, tobacco in
l was
and been few such I
in the history u the market.
the the lent ware-
he S I
. I
h C Brick
a total
sounds like
Shows that Greenville the b it;
market in the State.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Come In and examine my
Yours o V
papers under dollar conditions to temperance instruction, not to
print and distribute a j displace other important subjects
To increase per cent would i in the curriculum of tho public
not be out of proportion to the schools, but simply to
increase in everything else with- this important subject to be
in the past six years. It would given its relative share of time
be interesting, and no doubt as- and
if the readers of this
papers, for instance, could see
the difference in cost of various
items into the making
of the Tribune, the increase of
today over six years age when
we got a year for the Even-
So this time it is the luckless
newspaper publisher that has to
tribute to the trusts. So far
as the publisher is concerned the
paper trust is perhaps the great-
est offender. Recently practically
all grades of paper have ad-
and in some cases this
advance has been very
Not only the news-papers
but every branch of the paper
stationery business is effected.
The publishers are forced to
stand these advanced prices
and still their output will not
command a higher price than it
did formerly.
Verily the paper trust is a hard
master-K i
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and
White Lead, Paints
rotors, and an
Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better titan
Pennsylvania Two Cent Rate De-
to Be Unconstitutional.
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept 10.-
Judges Wilson and
in common pleas court, decided
unconstitutional the two cent
railroad fare law passed by the
last Legislature. The case upon
which the decision was made will
i be at once taken to the State
The two cent fare law was
passed by the Legislature as a
result of agitation during the last
political campaign, all parties
pledging themselves in favor of
such legislation. The railroads,
led by the Pennsylvania and
Reading, made a strong light
against the enactment of the
law, bill both branches of the
Legislature passed the bill with
practically a unanimous vote.
The law was to go into off jet
1st. The decision of
ten pages- After reviewing its
Glenn in Washington.
Washington, D C. Sept.
Governor Robert B. Glenn of
North Carolina, who arrived in
Washington today to At-
City, confidently predicts
his state's victory in the rate
hearing now in progress in the
case of the vs. The South-
shall not go upon the
nor take any active part in the
hearing, other than to
what you might call a
general supervision.
reports to hand at this
time I have every reason to be
satisfied with the showing the
state has made.
I see continued the
governor, railroad company j
has lost its own case. The show-
the company itself has made
so that can
well afford to put the rate
into effect.
our witnesses go upon
the stand we shall prove con-
that the volume of
business is increasing in the State
of North Carolina with wonder-
regularity and the
tales, such as the railway com-
is now telling, will
, Ii. A.-
Raleigh. K. C.
has been a
of the fourth-class post
masters of North Carolina to be i
held here and and
plans are also maturing for a
of the presidential
postmasters in the state to
here at the same time. Post-
master Willis G. of
j Raleigh office, being
active in the preliminary wort
for caking together the
postmasters and also for tin
successful termination of th
fourth class Th
official call for the
postmasters to meet will be is
within the next few days i
by all of
During the storm Wednesday
lightning struck
the residence of Mr. T. E- Lang-
about miles from town. A
horse in the yard was killed.
Mrs. Langley was on the pore
at the time and was seriously
Trade Report.
Bradstreet's Saturday will say
for Richmond. Va., and
Wholesale dealers in dry goods
and notions have fall
well under way and some filling-
in orders are noted, which swell
the amount of business which
already exceeds the average.
Local jobbers of railway and
machinists supplies are active
and through the season business
made a greater average than
usual. The price of lumber con-
about the same as last
week. Continued favorable re-
ports regarding cotton and to-
crops in Virginia and North
Carolina are being received.
Retail is at the usual
dullness Collections show no
A Winston newspaper
got interested in the law bearing
on suicide and
questioning many lawyers fount
that attempted suicide is a mis
demeanor. That is to say, r
man who attempts to take
own life is as liable, legally,
punishment as if he had as;.
another person. Man;
people do not know.
that an attempt on one's life i
an under our law.-
Good Talker.
Mr. J- S- Farmer,
representative of
By virtue of a tho X; ,., ,. i
Court of Pitt county Special Proceed- j the court takes up II
No. entitled J. K. Bunting
I limitations in the present case
house door in Greenville on declaring the
i Railroad Company is not vested
town of Bethel being the store lot now i from th
by J. . K. Bunting and the . ,
buildings On said lot, said lot bounded
on the north Railroad Rt. on tho
Recorder of Raleigh, came
Wednesday evening and
today here in the interest of th
it . . ., rt V
paper .
talk in the prayer meeting at
Baptist church last night
gave much pleasure to
the lire. It it a
for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
ever worry quality.
We trust that you wilt favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
an give you Special Prices.
Baker Hat
N. C.
by the lot by M . Grimes
Co. the south by Q Rogers
ft and on the west by
Bros, and hotel, being
the same propel that was conveyed
to cherry Bunting by two
OB from II L T and tho
other deed from
One other lot in Bethel hounded on
north by street, on east by Mrs
Bullocks, on south by the lot own-1
by Knox en Mack G Rogers I
and on west by R Nelson property.
Also one or pan-el of land I
bounded on the north by Railroad street
and the Nelson property, on the east by i
the Nelson property, on south the
or James,
and on the west
containing lit acres more
r F. G. commissioner
of the power of the
to regulate the
court takes up tho contention of
the company that the cent
fare is unreasonable, sustains
the contention, and grants I he
injunction asked for.
Come on With Your
Remember you make a
guess for the Parker Fountain
Pen at Reflector Book
Sept. 20th. Come on with your
guess. Anybody woo wants to
do so, whether in town or
try, can take a guess. See the
announcement on third page.
that Protects
If you decide to insure your
life demand the best, and be con- j
tent with nothing but the best- j
Policy prescribed
by the New York state law is-
sued by the Equitable Life As-
Society of the United
States. Paul Morton, President
For full particulars, apply to the
undersigned- Warren Jr.
District, Agent, Greenville, N.
C. Wm. A. Danner, General
e Agent Richmond
Fire in Charlotte Depot.
Charlotte. N C Sept 11.-
The Southern passenger station
was the a fire this
which threatened for a
few minutes to involve the whole
building, the blaze destroying a
number of valuable records in
the tile room connected with the
office of the
records that it may be impossible
to restore
The fire occurred while the
clerks in the tile room were ab-
sent at dinner and was first dis
j covered by the stenographer in
the superintendent's office. The
damage to the building will
, proximate about
Back From Missouri.
Mr. Richard Wingate, of Con
township, who recent;
on a prospecting trip t.
Missouri, returned a few
ago. He says Missouri is a rich;.
productive state, but that
and wages are both so then
tint a farmer has much
prospects of making money
here in Pitt county.
A Good Suggestion.
The Courier insists
We once heard l successful bust
man say that there
three things essential to
highest J
nail on the head. A
may be sport on
inherited, but no man has eves
out i in life wit
that North Carolina farmers I an empty head. Capacity is
should raise enough beef cattle I necessary to a man as to a
to supply the state, yet it Then when to capacity is
of farmers who go to town and I honesty and to honesty,
carry western beef home after I he becomes full and it
paying cents a pound for it-1 out of the question for a man HI
The price indicates that there I this to fail. The failures in
would be money in the cattle are due to the lacking of one
business, and the Courier is right I more of these three
about Star. Durham Herald.

. r-f
BOOK LIST. 1907-08.
Public Schools.
. , .
U be
Grad d School during the
year who hold promo
will please
the for their i
graft Pupils who
i ti n c will please i
fen i next or next
Mi assign-
of the s.
does m ; ply to i
II. B. Smith, Supt.
i J's Rational First
P. Double-ruled tablet
a i r First Read-
A. D . .;
i .
. r to Li i r
n--y .-.
i n's lib Book
Mi Pr r
tic. B
Sp is P
tic. Bk. Evans.
Harrington's Spelling Rook-
Allen's N C- History
Stepping to Literature
Maury's Elementary
Hyde's Grammar, Bk.
Heath's N .
t.-- t
Milne's Progressive
tic. Bk. Evans.
Harrington's Spelling Book.
Maury's Elementary
Grammar. Bk. I.
Famous men of Rome.
Heath's No.
Little P. Edition
and Duke's Arithmetic,
Tr N. Amer-
in English, Bk. El-
Harrington's Spelling Rook
Broiling Pencil.
Heath's Copy hook. No.
Step-; in En Bk.
you-- p C.
I n, m.
Col and s Ad-
Maury's Manual of Geography,
Spelling tablet. Pencil.
Montgomery's History of Eng-
land, Evans.
Steps in English, bk.
and Ellwood's adv.
Manual of
spelling book.
Spelling tablet
Montgomery's History of
land. Evans.
Maxwell and Smith's Writing
in English. Evans.
Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.
and Harley's First
year of
and Ellwood's adv.
Maury's Manual of Geography.
of English
Dickens's Christmas
P. Co.
General History, Re-
vise I. van--.
Wentworth's Plane Geometry.
. . .- .
., . .
Complete French
Note, Ml books listed above
. U in the school
, .,. ore except Men
i i; me, young History
f N. ft. and the principal tenth
trade texts Practically no tenth
if- I have yet been used
N Drawing i
an experienced
in all the grades this
y. After the opening of
school, announcement will be
mad as to the draw-
No e i s
had at a c d
it is . . that all children
the fourth grade be sup-
; these I
Note ;. ; ti nth
d . on. w
a on he H ;. fore
bu books, sure that
y do not already them.
list is not com-
j; . to for i year. Toward
; the season a
ad ; -e
for s of he grades.
The name following
the d- tier
who has been asked to buy the
book-. no name occurs,
book may he bad from either
of the dealers mentioned,
Note looks are listed
for in the beginning
of the first
bushels of good corn for
F. Y. Johnston.
Quick as a Wink
it . i i n
For a Bum
i . .-, i With
I .- iv
i .
i ill I
I. l.-.-i.
. .,
. book
i , Ir
An Tooth.
i I ha
to i. in l . never or
any food ; tearing
. In teeth are nil they
mill In-low on each
side, . us wide
n i d nit two inches
k. u . . or fodder i
u -l
Pitt county
a 1907
I . A Bland.
n W. who is to
it I .
v . . I.wild by ill he and overwork at
his law One in n small
town he ill broke up a
lynching party.
A r had man
he was kn n to dislike having
ii n thought
it was a put up and with all the
if a budding lawyer or-
. ins
to , it i. i
the ill
the above entitled action will
that on action baa been commenced in
the superior court of Pitt county
led above, which said action is
which will be
on real
situate in l he state North Carolina
Ami defendants further
lake notice they are requested to
appear at the term of the superior
court of Pitt county, to in- held on
2nd Monday before the 1st in
September, it the 19th
at the court House in laid
county, in Greenville, North Carolina,
J am . n con plaint
m said Action, or the plaintiff Mill
ply in the court the. relief demand
ill. of 1907.
U. c,
clerk superior court,
one word . in
When he pointed mil, moreover.
that the evidence of the accuser
was of his dis-
like the the crowd .-aw
the mint, and lite lynching was
call i r.
The ii on
r n and started to ; i a
rel i re. Finally
singe driver gun.
re ml r i nil his eyes, wait-
fur the bullet that
down In- fair young life. But for
some reason the was
finally led to
open hi- and lie discovered
that would he murderer had
in-,, another man ha
the drop on him. A cut-
throat and round bad man
nursed through
a serious bad inter
in t me the
S ales senate from deprived
one of ornaments.
Internal Re i i Sen ice
District North
ii . r's
Littleton. N. C. Aug. i
By virtue of a of
. for taxes a
him under
laws, i have .-e; the fol
property to
said Ma t in Viz, ll i horse,
t . ho i his will
sold in . ii n i he in
of said Manning N, C
en Thursday tea Si, i
at m. to the highest bidder
for Cash
Lev is.
Internal Revenue Service
District of North Carolina
Littleton, N- C , Sept, 3rd 1907.
By authority in sec-
and acting under warrant
of issued thereunder
John Thompson for taxes
against him under Internal
l have seized Two and om half
town lots in tile town of
N. C. same or of
land upon which is situated a store
house occupied by and Bro
and in which conduct a
business. This lot or parcel of land
will be offered for to highest
bidder for cash on Tin the 1st
of October HOT at o'clock m at the
Court house of Green-
ville N. C. It. . Lewis
Deputy Collector
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in B certain deed
of mortgage Mack Man-
and wife,
I t king-
m, n I hung
both . i i or
i i In, middle,
win re t . forth from
to an the I
roof of i no like on
r. . I pink
Mrs. regarded
the hi o I ho id
i and then remarked to
hat die bad meant to
ii i
lid . he asked.
Her ban could not unite con-
smile, and Mrs.
Perry m on know
ire thinking, I
dot my own mind. But I
can prove I do.
-i you -i-r know me to go ton
grocery and bring a can of
instead of a bar of
no concluded
mill's Companion.
Figure Won't Lie.
came home from school
one nay with pinned across
Ins rt front.
that mean,
his mother asked.
don't know- no more I
The Retort Courteous,
Paul Morton, president of the
Equitable Life Assurance society,
was on about
London i
or a four v, is
in i in
Mr. Morton -aid. let the
o re Ann in In go
about one of tin in alter day,
and at the ad the size of his
expenditure w ill -i-o, k Kim.
course, it i- in to
in a I. my only the
of .
Try rid liberal I
ping, and e will a- ail you
with i most brilliant and witty
know a lawyer who. through
ignorance, rode from the
museum to i h in
only . bis driver tho
hilling law.
I at this
and bit hi lip. Tin n, in lie most
co lie n to
the I to gel n again.
lie i I. step in
i, sir. i on d drew ye a
yard or two . f
dated 15th day of October 1906,
rec in I he of
the Register Deeds Pitt
county in P, at page 1-T.
we will on Monday day
I the Court house
door of Put county at twelve
o'clock offer for sale at
public auction following de-
Adjoining the lands of L. D
. Ben
Alien and others and
hounded on the north
by L. on the
by J. A. Griffin, on the
south by L. D. on
the west by Ben Allen
containing twenty one i acres
more or less.
Terms of sale cash. This
day of September,
K. R.
0- Moore
N. C. Sept
On last Saturday and Sunday
the Primitive Baptists hold their
yearly the Tyson's
church about four and a hall
miles from Farmville. The
vices were conducted by Elder
and Corbet. There was
much business attended to on
and Sunday the com-
services wore held after
the usual preaching, both
speaking a short while. The
audience ms large and quite
attentive. There were many
present from adjoining counties,
Wilson. Greene,
Lenoir and being well
represented. Also Greenville
and Farmville and yet have
heard of some complaint among
the neighbors of having
cue and beef hash for breakfast
day morning.
The Methodists held i heir
meeting in Farmville Sat
and Sunday, the
elder Conducting services,
assisted by Elder Forbes, pastor
in charge
P. T. Atkinson, U. L. Joyner,
Miss Carr, Mrs Elias
Turnage and Miss Ellen Tyson
left the exposition today.
Mrs, L. C. King returned last
Mr. and Mrs. J E. King. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Harris returned
Saturday from
led school opened
day morning with pupils.
The folks seem to be as
cheerful and happy as when they
left last spring.
Miss Olive of Snow
is visiting her grandmother.
Mrs. S- K.
Alonzo is quite sick with
John Carpenter, for
the East Carolina railroad, was
taken sick Saturday with
rial fever
Miss Watson, of
more, has accepted a position
with Mr J. F. again and
will be glad to see her old pat-
Mr. former conductor
for the East Carolina railroad,
is slightly improving from a
three week, attack of
pneumonia and jaundice.
breaker for
sales of tobacco
pounds, tut
new Dale of n was
brought in Satin day sob
for cents.
N. C.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville. X.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
ed pressed.
Farm For
On account of ill health I shall
rent or lease for a term of live
farm containing
acres of cleared land with,
all out houses, in
good state n. Pro-
corn, cotton, tobacco and
all other crops in this
county. Man with team prefer-
red. Apply to F. M, Smith.
she wanted to
what it mean,
his mother.
the lit-
man proudly, for the
an editor.
me over S
I u inn, In- I estate
in Vermont. him
on tho abundance of tame at Shel-
and he me an
a story about a young
He looked up from bis
mail one morning and
is I lie one
is an the
man. a chap who
lie wants me to go wild boar shoot
why don't you said
young mun hesitated.
haven't got the ire. tor one thing,
hare to find your own
bears for another. So I
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in a certain deed of
mortgage from A. Fair and
Nellie E. Fair, his wife, to E. It.
and D, Moore, dated
18th day of October, 1906, and
duly recorded in the office of the
register of deeds of Pitt county j a department of n
in book PR page and vocal,
Monday, day of October.
1907, at the court house door of
Pitt county at twelve o'clock
noon, offer for sale at public
auction the following
Music at the Graded School
The board of trustees of tho
Greenville Graded schools will
Miss teacher, is a
graduate of school of music
of Syracuse University. Now
fork, and conies to us very high-
We shall in position to give
Parker's Old
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Cans
In fact any kind of work in
and iron.
All Work
Company will insure any on
any of
Kidney Trouble
Every trace of kidney trouble is
will he paid by Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Mil., for any ease of kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word i the wise.
For sale by
Farmville C.
qualified Executor
of the estate of A. Me-
gown, deceased, late of Pitt
county, this is tn notify all per-
sons having claims against the
estate said to exhibit
to the undersigned within
twelvemonths from date or
this notice will hi plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons in-
to said estate will please
make immediate payment.
This th- 22nd day of July.
F. G. lame. I, Sugg,
Atty. Executor.
For Sale One three
year; old, kind and gentle. Any
Lady can drive Apply to
J. L. Flanagan,
l Farmville, N- C.
Beginning at Cox s the people the best of advantages,
southwest corner on Academy Rates will be the some
M., and runs easterly with those usually charged in
s to other
thence parallel enrolling music
with Academy St yards. would
thence parallel with g H R
me to Academy St, thence Ant,, r,
with Academy St. to the begin- at an early date.
containing ore-half acre
more or less. Terms of sale cash.
this day of September, 1907.
E. R.
D- O. Moore,
It matters not the failure of
others to relieve your eye
A visit to Dr. Taylor, of
Greensboro, at his old office in
If you are going to guess this week, will
the Parker Fountain Pen I you of his efficiency. If you
at Reflector Book Store you I want expert service at a mini-
should do so before the close of mum price, relief or no pay,
the 20th. No guessing after that don't fail to see him. This week
date. only. d
thou, and well burned
slop brick at my factory now
ready for sale at reasonable
prices, R, E Belcher
Farmville N C
I have just returned from the
northern markets, where I
chased a superb and complete
lino of millinery, notions, sick
wear, dress trimmings,
and furs. Am prepared to suit all
both in quality and price. Will
have my same milliner, Miss
Ella who can trim to
suit tho The
public invited to call
and inspect my store.
Mrs. J. F Joyner
Opposite R. L. Davis and Bros
My son, James
colored, having run away from
home, hereby warn any person
from employing or harboring
him in any way, under penalty
of the law. He is years old,
height about feet inches,
about pounds.
This Sept. 10th. 1907.
R. F. D. No, Grifton, N. a
r. J Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Branch Holmes. larceny,
pleads guilty judgment suspend
W. A- Blount, contempt of
Robert Hanrahan, assault th court, respondent files
deadly weapon, guilty, any intent, adjudged
suspended upon payment guilty, fined and costs.
of cost. i Poss Cannon, false pretense.
David Sharpe, carrying con-not guilty.
weapon, in one Silas Williams and. Abram
charged, not in another. Newton, affray,
David assault with
Judge Lyon to Holds and White Man Strikes Negro and Loses to Talk or Make Her
Injunction. Fingers.
C- I no joke about a
rendered his judgment in
deadly weapon, guilty.
suspended up n payment
of cost
Ernest Young and
Young, larceny and house break-
guilty, sentenced two years
to work on roads.
Ed Fleming, dead-
weapon, not guilty.
T. A. Manning, assault, guilty
Mack Briley, assault with
deadly weapon,
fined and cost.
James White, carrying conceal-
ed weapon, pleads sen-
three months to work
Cornelius Joyner, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
Abram Pitt, with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, lined
and costs.
Thomas pleads
guilty, t suspended
upon payment of costs.
Leon Patrick and Redmond
Price, plead guilty,
Patrick fined and costs
suspended as to P. ice.
Richard carrying
concealed weapon, rot guilty
Henry resisting
office, not guilty.
Frank Jenkins, not
WillOUghby, failing to
work public guilty,
Davis, attempt to wreck
train, jury found that Davis
was insane at the time of com-
the act, and the court
ordered that in e
State hospital for dangerous in
Henry Leggett and J. J. Gray,
affray, Leggett, guilty judgment
suspended upon payment of half
costs. Gray not guilty-
Guilford false
tense, enters plea of
judgment suspended
payment of costs-
The grand jury returned a true
bill for murder against Ben
Peebles and Anderson Peebles,
charged with killing Dillard Cope-
land in 1905. The defendants
were arraigned in court and the
case set for Tuesday, 24th, a
special of twenty five
being ordered summoned.
The following cases have be n
disposed of report.
Walter Smith, larceny, pleads
guilty in two cases, judgment
Branch Holmes, larceny, guilty
sentenced three years to work
Langley, larceny, pleads
guilty, sentenced eight months
to work roads
Allen Gray, larceny, guilty,
sentence two years to work-
Willie larceny, guilty.
William Johnson, larceny,
guilty, sentenced six months, to
work roads.
Carter burning stables,
guilty, sentenced ten years in
State prison.
Arthur Price, guilty,
sentenced four months to work
Daniel James, abandonment,
pleads guilty, judgment suspend-
ed upon payment of costs-
Cos Avery and C. Con
non, indecent exposure, guilty.
red people were in
divorces given.
Glenn Per.
Teel. Rosa
Way, Annie May,
Peter Atkinson
of as to
Peter Atkinson.
coaled weapon, p
and the
r Atkinson,
pi ad guilty
i up pay-
roll ITS-
z conceal
of A. D. Cox and others against
the board of county commission
in which they were seeking
to restrain the board
and selling the in
bonds voted for by a majority of
th-e qualified voters of the county
at an election held on the 14th
day of May, last. Judge Lyon
holds that the act of the General
Assembly authorizing the
of the bonds and under which
Elizabeth City, N- C. Sept.
head being said a News from Camden County
from a neighboring village. has just in this
asked the reporter. I city of the finding on Sunday
that was tested in my in section of that
town the other day. when a mer-i known a
chant flew into a passion at a young white woman
picked up a two-pound,
round weight, gripped it in his
fingers and struck the on
who, on account of starvation
exposure, is now in a most
pitiable plight, having so lost
tie top of the head. Everybody her mind that she i
looked to see the African fall but
instead the ends of of the
either talk or make her
known. The of
the election was held, is white dropped to this place today.
Shew cf
It be generally conceded
d people that the
laws in many ff tic
t States f the Federal Union are
bad, what i are
j often It
I cannot be doubted that easy
is a menace to family,
Jo and that it threatens the
home, say--,
for I o r. It will, more-
ed weapon, pleads guilty, p
for judgment continued.
The following cases have b.-en
disposed of since last
tense, not Prosecuting
witness taxed cost.
Tip Person, assault with
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
and costs.
Richard Smith and Billy
affray, not guilty.
The case against Ben Peebles
and Anderson Peebles tor murder
was started Tuesday afternoon
and is still in progress at this
and valid. Tine the
election held on the 14th of May
was regularly and lawfully held,
and that said election was in all
respects according to law. That
when issued under said
will be valid obligations of
the of Pitt. That the
motion for injunction restraining
the board is denied and tho ac-
The plaintiffs gave notice of
appeal and it is d that
the case will immediately be sent
up to the Supreme court for final
the ground. You never saw a
fellow so taken back. The blow
never even jarred the
folded up his fist to strike back,
when the merchant broke out
crying with pain from ids mash-
ed Charlotte Observer.
ad j
generally agreed that
something would be done toward
as l checking the evil if young people
were more scrupulously trained
During the severs cays in to tho ,,,,,,,,,
residing near this ls-
reliable person
been in that is
of married
Bid Debt Agencies Needed
in Every County.
There ought to more
There should be at least
in every county to get after
the dead beats and give them the
publicity that their
deserves. There isn't a dead
beat on earth who wants his
advertise To give him
publicity hurts his business,
when you hurt his
business you benefit in the
same proportion legitimate
business interests and help to
bring about conditions under
which no margin is needed for
as dead beats, and the honest
man who pays his debts would
therefore not required to pay
profit enough on his purchases
to pay the accounts of the dead
bests. Bad debts should be col-
if possible, but if they
can't be collected they should be
sold at public auction, after be-
advertised in such a way as
to give the the kind of
publicity that they deserve. We
are glad to note that the press
and. business men of this State
are getting right square in be-
hind the deadbeats and are
them squirm as the light is
turned on and their
exposed. Marshville Home.
Only forty five persons sat
down to dinner at John Arm-
home near
Sunday. There was no special
attraction or occasion, and
unusual about it. that as
high as sixty persons have been
to the Armstrong home for din-
at one table. There are
teen persons at the Armstrong
home who are there all the time
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong,
en children and two hired
of those that were
present Sunday at dinner were
kin who dropped in without no
to spend the day. Nothing
was said about the large crowd
and to those present it seemed as
ordinary as a family gathering of
a or less. Mrs. Armstrong
has a great reputation as a cook
and it is said that anyone eats if
her cooking is never satisfied
until be is
Music and
After the rehearsal last night
the members of th Second
Band marched the corner
of Queen and
and serenaded Mr. and Mrs.
A. Jordan. Mr. Jordan has been
a member of the band sine its
organization and to express their
appreciation for his zealous work
in the interest of the band the
members decided to give him a
little surprise last night. After
playing for a while they called
for Mr. Jordan and his bride and
presented them a set of silver
knives, and spoons- Mr.
H. W. Cummings, Jr., presented
he silver on behalf of the band
in a cleverly prepared speech,
which was accented by a
response from Mr.
Free Press,
This is the couple who came
over to Greenville last Friday
afternoon and were here.
residents residing near
land have been hearing a pet u-
liar cry, m resembled
of a o than a t
out not to lend their
formation of
regard as
eds argument to show th
many of infelicities of
Marriage Licenses
Three Campaigns for
Mr. Bryan, it is reported, will
in a few days announce his will
to be the Democratic
candidate for President in 1908.
If Mr. Bryan takes such a stand,
his hold upon the i. most
of the sections of the country
will be such us to make it exceed-
to organize a
movement him.
I f M r Bryan as for President
in 1908, it will be his third con-
test for tint will then
be the fourth man to make three
campaigns for toe presidency.
His predecessors in that
were Jackson, who ran three
times, being elected twice and
once defeated; Van who
ran three times, was elected once
Register of Deeds R Williams
has issued the following license-
since last rep rt.
Andrew Shackelford and Bes-
John and Tripp.
Winnie A- Jordan and A.
Chad wick.
This. Copland and Martha
Alonzo Corey and House
Henry Edwards and Ella Wood
Herbert Moore and Annie Bill
Moore and
Charles and Lang-
Fair in west, showers east
tonight. Cooler
and if start ed
to investigate. Armed with guns
and axes the men the
entire territory, which is about
six acres in size, but nothing
seen of the which i ad
had been making the peculiar
. About this time someone
suggested to set up a yell,
suggestion was acted upon, an
i p. few a response w.
heard i the distance. The me-i
then divided themselves so as to
form a circle and the spot
which the came was closed
Preparing to Are upon the ob
which all hands thought to
be a panther, the men dashed
upon the poor demented
lying upon the ground, with only
a scant supply of clothing. An
attempt was to hold a con-
with her, but only a
few moments sufficed to impress
upon the men that reason Did
vanished. The woman was
carried to the home of a
residing at u
the woods from which she had
been rescued, where everything
is being done to restore her min
Those who have seen are able
to identity who she is. The noise
which caused the search had
. heard about ten days-
Some are of the opinion that
the woman had been c to
this lo spot for the
of doing away with her. It
reported that she appears to be
about eighteen years old and is
so that
nasty and ill-advised unions
might be avoided; and if minis
re of religion were ire care-
unions which
improper. It
life would be patiently borne
the way to an annulment of.
the marriage were not k sown to
b so easy, and that would be
hotter for society a few
should lead unhappy lives than
th s of the family
should be undermined by making
d i of th i
The Greenville graded
f r the white opened this
morning for the fail session with
an attendance made all
hearts glad Tim i were
present at tie opening,
was fully ten percent more
at my former session, and
are n t all in yet. The only
of the first d assign-
the t t
less to begin
work Thursday-
The faculty is a
is made up as
Prof, B.
Miss Annie L. Irvine, first
Fitzgerald is a town in
settled chiefly by Northern
Carolina Day.
State Superintendent Joyner
has arranged part of the pro-
gramme for North Carolina day
in tho public schools of the state.
The subject this year will be the
settlements in North
Carolina, these
Guilford, Orange, Rowan
and various other counties in that
part of the State. The date fixed
by law is October but it is
always varied to suit the con-
of the schools. Private
schools observe the day to quite
a large extent.
Buy a lot in Greenville Height
or. a saving of cents per day.
Office Fourth street. Green
ville, N. C. d
Girl of the
As sweet as Magnolia blossoms
and as pure as driven snow is the
story of the latest of successful
romances Girl of the Sunny
There is a
that is moat refreshing to
in witnessing a of
such merit. The play is
interspersed with many new and
up-to-date specialties and
I plantation revels by the
I Cotton Blossom are a
feature themselves. The
scenery is most and
very picturesque. At tho Opera
House Friday, Sept.
r-;. gr.
trade. it i ad . B. in
and defeated twice; and, Clove- people, most whom an
land, who ran three times, was
elected twice and defeated once, pensions. They were
Clay ran twice, being defeated by the the el
both times, and was a candidate mate And yet. strange to say.
nominating conventions in. they do not any colored
other mars, and Blaine made in their
or three unsuccessful efforts for . they made an organ-
toe nomination, but only one effort to drive out of the
campaign before the -J
If Mr Bryan should be W
next year be would be
only person in the political his- j posse. So great was the feel-
of the country to have been against the col red people
nominated for President for the that the local militia was held in
third time having been to aid the civil officers,
if necessary, and the Governor
of the State was notified that the
militia might be needed.
Lost- Gold medal with This reminds us that Southern
on bangle L. on pin, j Pines, in this State, a town set- .
on back of bangle tied almost exclusively by resign because of ins campaign
. I . . , , . m Mr.
There is every indication of
food work during the session,
and Greenville has to be
proud of Our cit
it their
ed support.
div id-
defeated in two elections. -Wall
Street Journal.
I have at my home on Pitt
st.-. et, cattle that strayed into
lot on the night; of Friday
Aug. which I've had ad-
since that time. The
owner having not called for them
I shall oiler them at public
at the court house door on
Wednesday, Oct. 1907, own-
recover same by calling
for them and paying feeding
expenses, etc II. C Foreman-
The New York World insists
that Secretary should
name Pattie Langley. Finder will j people,
be liberally rewarded by return- j very
to this office. I Pittsboro Record.
has no, or at
J. has a
large picture representing the
buildings for tho Eastern Train-
School. If the trustees adopt
the plans represented in this
the buildings arc going
to be
Protection Protects,
If you decide to insure your life
demand the best, and be content
nothing but the best, The
Standard Policy prescribed by
the New state law issued by the
Equitable Life Assurance So-
of the United States. Paul
Morton, President. For full
apply to the
signed- Warren. Jr Lin
or at u is too thinking Agent, Greenville, K.
few, colored residents. next year to Wm. A. Danner, General Agent,
I be disturbed by ancient scandals Richmond,

Eastern reflector, 20 September 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 20, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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