Eastern reflector, 13 September 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

. . i
i lye in
. ii Pare Palm
i Superb quality.
L; W. who i; author-
teed to sent the Reflector in Farmville and vicinity.
; item of For Um
t a
i of salutes, the
which if insisted upon
i The following
idea of its
t i
. LILAC, French
and G i JO- the
i- VENETIAN SB It Violet ope, Rose and
;. ., the cake, special, the box.
It our thoroughly toilet
supplies f a are aware
J. R. J. G.
Off York
Then i
i v i-
ii. mi
plea ;
i in
WK-n enters a strange port
ii Hug of that
with salute of twenty-one guns,
which is answered immediately from
the usually by
or by u special shore battery.
I When foreign warships lie in the
or tin national Hog a i i-
by the incoming steamer,
and the salute is returned by 11-
ship When high
r chance to be on the i
warships port they, re
their salute above
but the of an admiral is twin
by a foreign warship only once in a
marine etiquette is nor ,
shooting. When a war-
ship enters a harbor immediately
upon its arrival it makes a visit,
through its guard or pilot officer,
on oilier warships already I vim;
in harbor or on native squadron
During the entire sojourn in the
harbor the strictest attention must
be raid to marine etiquette. When
an admirals ship lies in the harbor
all the other warships adjust their
is, at even-
with music, drumbeat n
military honors, they lower
their after the admiral's ship
has set the example. Likewise
in the morning they to raise
their Bags until the admiral's ship
has hoisted its flag.
Even in the national hymns which
the orchestras of the ships ploy
etiquette rules must lie
For instance, when a German
ship enter strange i i ; i
oilier ships are lying it- music at
noon, m to ll old in-
nil the hip or-
are on
decks, with
hymn of one of those states
arc hi the
The order in which these
are depend on
the degree and rank of the oldest
Presence cf la Foes of
A r -mar instance of
The Outfitter
Is now in New York purchasing new Fall and
Winter Goods
Watch space for his
with lots of new goods
the season's latest
ions. Both quality and
C. T.
N. C
f i. in the face of dealt
occurred on the steam I
Queen o on the T i
at on a recent
night. Th boat, on which
was a party about eighty,
n Windsor
utter a trip up the river when
engine used
The captain below and there
found Francis Butt.
lying 1.- died -lie
It is believed
Butt, feeling
the presence of mind to shut o
steam before lie fell. Ho thus pro
A China Do u Vole.
Viet i. the of
Co urn mm
p who
dog I is entitled vote to
a and i
The 1.1- to abuses,
has . n d that
women i led on
strength of a dog,
to pet .; r t me qua
. a fur
op. Hurt
i rm i I I
a ii i
ti. . ; .- m
Place in a quart bottle a pint of
best kerosene oil, add as much earn
yum as will dissolve in same
putting in a cake at a time
baking well for three or four day-
When the kerosene has absorbed all
the camphor gum it will take add a
half pint of sweet oil, shake vigor-
and it is ready for use. Tin
odor of kerosene is not noticeable.
For Hair.
A simple hair and one
that is often very effective is made
by combining ounces of
do Cologne two ounces of pure
oil. Part the hair with a
comb and rub in the liquid with the
finger ends, parting the hair over
and over again until
has been distributed eves tin
Bethel Items.
Bethel, N. C. Sept 1907.
M. Blount, who has been on
a tour to Baltimore and New-
York for the purpose of buying
fall goods, returned a few days
Miss Emily Nelson, of Flor-
S. C. who has been visiting
relatives here, left Monday.
Mattie and Minnie
Whichard and brother. Walter,
returned home today from a visit
to the exposition.
Miss Estelle Jones left
Monday for Richmond where
she will take a position as steno-
W. J. Smith has been very
sick for a few days.
Miss Sieves, of
Norfolk, who been visiting
Miss Effie Grimes, left for home
this morning.
Miss Addie Rollins, who is
at Darden. came in
Friday evening to visit
Misses Emmie and Blanche Carr,
of Ayden, who have been visiting
Ora Carson, returned home
hist Wednesday.
Effie Grimes went to Tar-
today to spend a few days.
For Sale.
One house and lot, on the
of Ward and Latham Streets
in the town of five
room and kitchen, good smoke
house, wood house, chicken
stable, back lot and gar-
den, water works and electric
lights. Terms reasonable with
good time for deferred payments-
Apply to F. C. Harding.
North Carolina, Pitt county
In the superior court August term 1907.
J. I Bland and a Bland.
E. R. Cracker, A. u. and the
Bank I i
The defendants, E. It. Croaker, A. ft.
and the in
entitled action
that an action has been Commenced in
the Pitt county,
led as which action is
by the plaintiffs to a
Mortgage, which will ho
stout and described in the complains.
situate in the state of North Carolina
And the Skid defendants will further
take notice that they are requested to
appear at the next term of the superior
court of Pitt county, to lie held on the
2nd Monday before the 1st Monday in
September, it being the 19th of Au-
gust 1907, at the court House in said
County, in Greenville. North Carolina,
and answer or demur complaint
in raid Action, or the plaintiff will
ply court the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
the day of 1907
CT-4 P- c. Moore.
clerk Pitt count
The New England Conservatory of
at Boston has eighty pianos
and they would not be there if
they were not of the highest
grade. The Bureau of Music of
Jamestown Exposition, after
investigation of pianos of the
highest grade, recommend the
for he Piano of the
Exposition, All the
and best hotels in Norfolk use
pianos exclusively, and all
musicians recommend them
their action, tone an I quality.
Sold from Maker to saving
yon one or two profits.
Write for particulars to
Lu C. Street, Manager
Granny Va
Farmville, N- C. Sept. 1907.
The past week has been a little
dry and dusty for pedestrians
or road inspectors but our far-
could not have had a more
ideal week for saving their
On their way home from
church at Mays chapel last Sun-
day, Mrs. Turner and Mr.
R. E. horse became
and began running
and it was soon found they
General Merchants
Main and Wilson Farmville, N. C
Dry Clothing, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries. Hardware, Fur-
Stock Feed, and Fertilizer.
Agents for
Complete line of Carpets, Mattings and Rugs
Guns, Pistols and Rifles.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade
and see our stock.
not manage or check him, Mr.
John Rouse and wife were in
road just ahead. Rouse seeing
the horse coming, and the ladies
screaming for help, stopped his
horse and tried to catch the
frightened one but failed and
he ran upon his buggy and threw
both the ladies out into a ditch,
hurting them right much, the
doctor had to be summoned.
hope they may soon recover,
Wild horses are like some wild
men they are subject to get in
that are too gentle to
handle them.
Quite a crowd of our people
went on the excursion to More-
head over the N. S. R. R.
Chas Cobb, of Greenville, has
been giving us a few days of his
valuable time.
On last Friday morning near
Green county, two
by the name of Ward
and Smith met on the road.
Smith had Wards wife with him
when they exchange a few words
and began shooting at each other
Ward jumped behind a and
snapped his pistol and peeping
out or, looking around to see if
he had shot Smith, took a fair
crack at his forehead ghosting
his out at once after wait-
a few minutes to be sure he
was Head he slowly walked away
in woods His wife is in jail.
Keel, of Wilson,
returned to her home today after
a pleasant visit to Mesdames
Frank Davis, and John T.
Misses Ada and Eva Royal and
their mother have returned to
their home in Wilson after
days visit to relatives and
friends here.
Misses Reid Lang and Lady
Turnage have entered the
tic Christian College at
Marvin Horton, Hal Turnage.
and John Pollard, enter Homers
Military school this week
Mrs. J. Stanley Smith will re-
turn from her summering on the
coast of Maine in time for all
desiring to take to
begin the first of October.
Quite a number of our towns-
men took in the exposition last
W. M. Lang, W. J. Turnage.
J. H Harriss, Ben Joyner and
G. E- have returned
from the Northern markets
where they purchased their stock
of fall and winter goods.
Mrs. J. F. Joyner has just re-
turned from the North where she
purchased a select line of
dress goods and millinery
Wells is in the North now
selecting her fall stock of Milli-
Miss Mary Lee Smith is visit-
friends and relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. John T.
entertained a number of their
friends on Friday evening com-
to their
Keel, of Wilson, and of
Tarboro. Among those present
were Misses Ada and Ellen Ty-
son, Beulah Keel, Frankie
Agnes Moore, Lillian
lings and Minnie Bryan, Messrs
John Davis, Ed Darden, T. L.
T. W. Lang. R. 0-
Lang, Hyde, F. A. Moore and
John S. Smith. After delightful
conversation and musical treats
delicious cream and cake was
served. The guest departed at
eleven o'clock declaring Mrs.
a charming hostess.
Farmville. N. C.
and Fancy
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging n
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville. N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
Worts Clot bin repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
tAt Parker's Old Stand.;
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eyes free.
All watch and clock work
Company will insure any on
any trace of
Kidney Trouble
Every trace of kidney trouble is
will be paid by the Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Mil., for any case of kidney
trouble SOL will not
A word to the wise.
For sale by
Farmville. N. C.
Having qualified as Executor
of the estate of Laura A.
gown, deceased, late of Pitt
county, this is to notify all per-
sons having claims against the
estate said deceased to exhibit
to the undersigned within
twelve months from this date or
this notice will be plead in bar
of their All persons in-
to d will please
make payment.
This the day of July. 1907
F. G. Jam s, J. L. Sugg.
For Sale One Pony,
years old, kind and gentle.
Lady can drive Apply to
J, L. Flanagan,
J Farmville, N. C.
Miss Alice Lang, of Greenville,
is visiting relatives here.
Miss Annie Perkins, of Green-
ville, spent several days the past
week visiting Mrs. W. M. Lang.
Misses Addie and Lillie Free-
man, of Washington, returned to
their home Friday after a pleas-
ant visit to the Misses Lang.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
j .
VOL. No.
Farmville, N. Sept
On Thursday evening from , evening
An editor of reputable paper to the e- of Mr
believes he is rig t and thrown open t i number of then
ins confidence in ins cure he
on of
Cirri his p wot if he just
keeps hammering -v at it.
id of th it-
Miss V Marj
of and tin
Cleveland Springs a Total late He bat
Fired by
N C. Sept. ,
land Springs Betel was destroyed r Mrs. J
by fire last during a
electric storm I i; the i
Of Mr. O. L. M nil.
lessee, that the was
struck by lightning and on
fire in that way. He wag
by n which
shook the structure to its
Running out ho found
the kitchen a mas-, of flamed s
within a few moments the
building was on lire.
spread with such that
the fire was paralyzing in its
Mr. ma to
I of
Re id
under the
at the
friend Miss
On the porch
Cobb, of
.- soft and i
first, but it that con as the g i m . pr
his labors win i the r
in the i
.,all ,. ,
in ferns, i ,
rooms by ard
r I b ;
r t
Con ;
. I ;
dent, .
i .- th pi i
B- S
re if
, .
ii- the time
this been accomplished at
Was . . ,
.-D- bi
. . f ,
to the nor or of the
and y
all had , p i brought
the fact that the
i ks was the t pyre i
three unfortunate b i,
women perished in the i .
Th, charred .
. . . ,
blackened bey n I
These . ,
were Mary and Annie ,
colored chambermaids, of Soul i
Carolina, ping i the attic
floor of the burned Tut
other victim . i a
Miss Cora
of who was pi
on I nm .-. an. Id
.; in . h
he . by Mi
is of the body were found in
public in th
course. He pals and no
what be has d
but h hi the
a id lie knows he has
for his
.- pap m in l
II race i v us to
it, but they do a deal
Ii s for which .
or exp
in or oven empty of
from the p
. on Mi
. ,
i I .
pan .
m of t
Miss is
c . . ;,.,. I,
too re or ;, .,
i , i ,,
a. . i .
. I
Ii W
. .
i e
will soon have a bank.
around u ,
ill ho a week or two t
the debris of h T
also in chi n i is,
into n shapeless mass
Ah the i i g
without injury, but .
value was saved. The loss i
furniture was complete .
dosed for the summer. Ami . who I to Baltimore E
n Miss Annie , , I days, ago
any heard here in tome
with a number of comic
Mary Mo, ., y, .
N. C, Sent . . Alic
Rid b Hoy
. is M Baltimore Va
r i
. ., . . ,
i i; .
; Gr and L i
s. -1 X. C,
Messrs T L
. ;.,. i .
finding of the skeleton is the fact
from ii in found, i
i hi i
will h
Ca t
i They .- in
. Mr, E II V a Julia
wife, of t S. C; . try of
a. t. ; Fire, n ,
ft Grace, D
rice of Chariot as if Grifton is
town every i
me . and
our i
Mi d, of .; n,
Bi Helen last
has lie n
Augustus and Pearl
F. A. Bright and Alice
Smith Kite Mitch
Isaiah Peyton and
it i Laura
way and
Joyner. In
i i in
Eliza Brooks
. C. J. Tucker i p
i InC v
ill is i g and .
iv . i
f r a
. . of Kin-
h i broth r, J.;.
A, L.
ion i t I.
Miss Rosa one of
. far thee g
to h Id at R ;.
. h,
i, will the
. Am m i
r i than n-
fill all inti .
b . m. Ti e
I try, a i,
. I S, etc, . . i
a loan Is and the
I n .
i of Iv man;
ago, i. I .
. .
en e I
. .
; . ha
-s Talk.
i co on th
mm Id i .- ;
try, is b
re I run a i .,
.i; . .- n
.- h bi i.
S .
. ,
. I
i . ; ,
d and uncoil
i not ah
. . . i -.-
i Norfolk.
our v i n .
en iring
was in
.,;. for even
chant to advertise. The r , ;
chant who does not advertise his
because his
did not. ought to wear knee- .
,, Of Ayden,
he tried i and failed, ,, ., . , ,
should throw away his cigar I
he doesn't know himself,
ought to stop eating because
cant cook. The , who
does not advertise because some-
body said it did not pay, ,
Die brick hotel will son he
is a Be
i ck
J n, Raj.
ii i
turn . , , is Bland has .
to pi . ed sol
go Is
Mrs. Laura is vi
Mis. Jack n.
la a is in the
fa I stock
Miss la in
way hand for
not believe that the world is I
round, because said
proud of this hotel. H. T. Best went to A. and M.
it Journal.
R has
College last
b list y. The l
of t
to ;.
n idea of i
, to the i am i
ion, idly on
y t. There w r three
I to read are .
i ;
i the
. her
p , .
. to h o such
tiled week
on the r
i i again and B
train . I to ,;, , , , ;,,,
Seventy Id v j . a the Star, one of the
V h -vs been
Pit long time.

Richmond, October
Everybody is looking forward to it. The wonderful success of last year ha led to
plan for a greater Fair year. Nothing like it. The beet in all department.
Chewers who read
the information
given in this space
in next week's paper
will then know why
SCHNAPPS and other of
the shown
by Internal Revenue statistics
for a fiscal year, made the
i g last
Tl,. board of aldermen mot
T.; nothing out of the
the reports of
L a
What do you think f ;
iv right in regular month-
iii with FIX the
i The and Knocker
We like to bear any one speak
; for n big tobacco sales well of bis town It. shows that
day premium kind of enthusiasm which does
the farmer who to market much to build up flu- town. Men
from t to the Public spirit It U the i-. e
a ho the large-1 sort of loyalty which a
his sales, to the .,. forth a-my in which he
v the highest price for H M As the success of a battle
single lot. and soon. The upon the loyalty of the
Hoard of Trade and the so the success of town
c i co
i r Commerce might confer depends upon the loyalty of th
that together about this- n It
arable work had been on, tor believes our mer- Loyally to one a town reaches
the streets and it was still would readily donate the further, too. than well
necessary premiums, and Not only should
plaint made
street, the mayor and street;
committee were instructed to I
investigate matter and report at Judge
next of the board. Boyd sentenced the nine
The several made town to terms in the
reports for the past month. j penitentiary ranging from
, j to fourteen months with
James Brown permission ;
to move a up Dickinson . . business, reflects on
of the
of ;
lot near the bring ,
n It was n r.-d
in the court room when
is in it For. as the links
of a chain make the of
a chain, so does the well being
and prosperity of every business
interest in a town make for its
Accordingly, he who
by Mender and
Other of an
wonderful gain of six and one-
fourth million pounds, or a net
gain of one-third of the entire
increased consumption of
chewing and smoking
tobacco in the United
business is
there is much along
street to the tobacco market and
the sentence was passed. Judge
place I which such
There is no more dangerous or
worthless man than he who con-
goes about with a chip on
depots, v. not grant hrs shoulders, running down the
ed for the present. I J Prejudice is a
. that be had made up Ins mind to
There was considerable exterminate the lawlessness it
lo work up such
, and
of at and would be can ho
a meeting In two J to so heavy penalty
ore was
thought The mat-
i- and no
action was . n.
The water and
the guilty parties as an example
The bale of row
for this season was brought
reported that they had gone today by Tom Little, a
over new territory taken who is a tenant or. the
by the last extension of e town Mr W. J. Manning- The bale
limits and were bought
,. , . . . .
light in the new territory; p,, ,,,,,
as fast as
the work could be
in the best condition of
first bale that has
r, , . . ,,,, , I been sold on this market for
E. L. petitioned , dry
for permission to sell barbecue cut. Tom
in his restaurant This was Little has brought in the first
granted and subsequently an or-1 bale each year for the last four
was placing
On Sunday g.
The Greenville and Pitt
of the Raleigh News and
Observer will appear tomorrow
and will on sale by Tom Blow
after the arrival of the evening
train. to do so
I can engage copies in advance.
license tax of per month on all
places where barbecue is sold
outside of the stalls of the
An application of William
Freeman for license to run a
pool table in a building on Fifth
street was refused.
Plunk Foreman was j GOOD EYESIGHT
license to run a restaurant in it
tobacco town. not, you wear glasses
The tax list for the year was
turned over to the board by the
list taker and was in turn de-
livered to the collector with in-
to proceed to collect
the same.
were allowed and
orders drawn on the treasurer
The board adjourned to
in special session on the night of
the 16th.
Let me fir and give the
desired relict
i- n I Jeweler
Graduate College
f and
traced to I his
evil. It should be the habit of
every man of integrity to turn
the cold shoulder on men of this
Even one
the same political or other
in he should make it a
principle to hit
in the forehead. For.
after all. the town is but a large
family, every member of which
is dependent to a greater or
degree, upon every other
r Where is the man to be
found who does not recent ill-
spoken words against his family
Men are quick to call slanderers
this kind to personal account,
or the family honor must b
A man will fight for
his, although he may not be in
accord with member of his
family. The same attitude
should be maintained by every
citizen with regard to every bus-
or other interest of a town.
The may be found
in awry community. We should
nor think it possible that any
busy town could be entirely freed
of them But at least they can be
made of no effect if the bone
and sinew and brain which make
for the success of the town treat
the and all of his ilk
w the contempt he so richly
The A-.
The Star warehouse s-Kl this
week pounds of
for averaging
for every thing sold, scrap in-
for five
leads them all in high average
and prices and challenges any I
warehouse in North to
show as high average for live I
consecutive days- talk is
but figures never lie. Look at
W. Lewis sold pounds at
at at. j
at at at aver-
Jesse B Hardy sold
at at at
at at average
lilt BANK h MAR c.
I Hi -i . , u 1907
paid in
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts Secured
I Unsecured
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
125.4 Undivided pronto
Out the Ordinary.
Suffolk, Va., Sept 6.-A case
said to be without precedent in
any court ha Instituted
here, when Mrs. Rosa Stone,
white, entered suit for
damages against the Norfolk
Western Railroad for being com-
to ride in a
car among the
After being forced into the
apartment Mrs Stone
sought to return, hut was re-
strained. Mrs Stone has a thin
skin, and, being badly tanned,
was taken for a
Build a House.
i. J. K. Davis,
y Mar
of V o- it
I . ,
ml, m
j I I lie i H n
R. Ma VIS,
ii. i
F. L. Davis
F- M. Davis
at ti.-.
Due from Ranks and
I May. 18th, 1907.
j Time of
subj. to check
chocks out
As lumber is not BO Cold coin,
is a time to see Sam bank
and purchase a lot, then go to the Hid other U. S. notes
building and loan association and
borrow money to build house on T
I. You can almost do this with North County of Pitt,
what rent cost youI. W of tho above named
Chaste a Lifetime.
V- Defect-
Dr. J. W. Taylor, of Greens-
who makes a specialty of
will be in Ayden, his for-
mer home, at old office, from
Tuesday, Sept. to Saturday,
Bryan Don't Wier.
The Wilmington Star says
special dispatch from
on Wednesday to the
Washington Post says
still as to whether he
will be a candidate for the Dem-
nomination for the Pres-
next year. Must be some
mistake about that, for Colonel
Bryan doubtless stands where he
Sept. inclusive
pose of examining eyes fit
ting glasses. If you have eye a rare opportunity to learn short
I swear that the above statement to tho beat of my
For the next thirty days we
are going to reduce prices on I Subscribed and sworn to be-
China and Crockery. I his is an
opportunity that you do not have me, this 27th day of May.
often- We need the money and T.
the goods must go. I
A. B. Ellington Co.
.,,. . , BALK,
Miss Myrtle Harris, of e tho j
villa, is visiting Mrs A W. Ange of Pitt
entitled J. K. Bunting vb
the undersigned com-
Red Mfr.
All Red men are hereby
that tribe. No.
of Winterville, M. has
ed its time of meeting from Fri-
day to Wednesday nights. Visit-
brethren cordially invited to
attend. O. W. Rollins, S-
It J. A. Manning.
One house and lot, on the
of Ward and Latham Streets
in the town of five
rooms and kitchen, good smoke
house, wood house, chicken
house, stable, back lot and
den, water works and electric
troubles and want them properly hand at home. of Mrs.
corrected, don't fail to see him. for particulars before lights. Terms reasonable
s g Phone
e 3-j
Apply to F. C.
To sufferers of Live
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a bottle an
it will
your money. say
full free bottle
Hi and if it i
will Hell for before
court house door in on
1907, tho
teal One lot in the
town of Hath being the lot now
--hi.-. by J. H. tint; the
on lot. said lot
on the north by t., n the
the lot owned by M Crimes
CO. OH the by hack
and ft and on the wet by
and hotel,
tho name that conveyed
to cherry by two until our
one from M I. T and the
oilier deed Blount
One other lot in Bethel bounded On
north by Railroad street, on lira
W H on south by the lot own-
ed by Knox co
and on weal by J K
Also one or parcel land
bounded on the north by
and the property, on the by
the property, on south tie the
canon. Mack
a T canon, and on the
es. F. G. James,
out entitles
to a bottle
Only a number
given away.
I will man you free. o prove
of my Ur.
and my Book on either The
Heart or The K Trouble of the
Heart are mere-
f . a ailment. Don t
. . , -M
treating the result of your
and not the cause. Weak
Heart, and as well, haw
or Weaken
nerves, and you
weak Here where
Restorative has made it fame.
even claims to neat
the Also
breath or com
In ion, Or
Write fr sample and
Dr. Snoop. Win. Th
N la Or i St r
The wise man looked not
thermometer and
. Little
Sold by I.
You can never make another
noise with his
been exploded.
A pleas ant, for
and i K.-in
It i re-
commended for babies an I children, but
wood for f t e
ft i opiates data rail con-
and win a
The k Store, which is sole agent in Greenville for
the Fountain IV. is to give away one of these
famous Pena. to the who
sold n
lie during the month of
contest is you come to
and write your name and guess
a list prepared for the guesses If
your own one will be loaned
the guessing will close
Some bargains are expensive.
house floors of the Gr
The only condition in th
the Book Store
you have not a -c per,
with which to write your nine guess
at o'clock . m. .-pt
When Mr. C Harv. v. of the Tobacco Board of Trade
rives out th figures of he tales for September, the person who
has guessed exactly or newest to the right figure can call at Re
fleeter Store and hie choice of pens from the
these pens are from to SC and
the lucky guesser can take his absolutely free
For the information of Secretary Harvey has furnished
us figures of the tobacco sales for the month of Somber for
the last four years, which are as follows
fr of Dr. Stump's
at our store. If real
coffee disturbs your your
Heart or then try this el
Coffee imitation,
matched and Coif.
in flavor I taste, vet it has not
of real in it.
Health Coffee Imitation is made
from pure toasted or
with Malt. etc. Made in a mm
No Yon will
Iv like it. Sold T. V, V
stomach trouble re-
leaved. a after
to th.
of the trouble, the
digestive and
Oat. It simple. pure,
Take a little e. h
meal and how
feel. Money hack if it by
September 1903
September 1904
September 1905
Now get to guessing how much tobacco will be said this
and win a
Parker Fountain Pen
Worry never completed a
worth while.
Bert Barber, of Wis. lava
have only four of your
and Bladder Pill-. Mid have
done for me more Hum oilier natal-
ever done. I u still
the pills as I want a i
Mr. in Kidney
and which are unequaled
for weak
of the bladder and all urinary Iron
A weeks treatment for
Bold by J. I. nine Store.
The vacation earned is I he
cation enjoyed
About home
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
f so the first thing to consider is a
lot in a desirable location and yon can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
No proper surpasses this for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now a
reasonable pries and on easy terms. Then
is every indication that prop around
Greenville is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the lot the
it will cost.
This property is located
walk from the business part or the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
There no no
matter how irritable or how
will not la relieved by
the of The main
any disorder is rest. an.
the only way to get i- to
the it. i If
will do it. It a pr.
vegetable acids
the very pan e I
It the Cure K
and Law. Sold by wt.
The pies are just as good a
is out
For cuts,
bites and the many little hurts
to every family,
Witch Hazel Salve i- the beat remedy,
It clean and heal-
Be you get Sold
by J. I. Plug- Store.
The vacation miss is the
one we would have enjoyed the
Cannot be Cared
by local applications, they
reach the port on of the ear.
There only one way
and that by constitutional
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con-
of tho of the
When this tube la in-
flamed you have a or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
closed, is the result,
and unless tho
ken out and this to its
normal condition, will be
forever; nine Maw out of ten
ore by which la nothing
but an condition of
W. will give One hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness by ca-
that cannot be cured Hall's
Catarrh cure. Send for free,
F. J. Toledo. O.
Take Hall's Family I'll Is for
Cough Caution
from av
soothe. mm the
it with
or Opium,
or HOW tittle
ff in our
laving I
on Dr.
. And not only but ft
t- u. be by beat, a truly re-
Take then.
with children.
It. th
Pr. other end note the
No there Yon cu
he on the tide by
Cough Cure
1.- a ow
in. 0.1
If you are too fat it because your food
turns to fat instead of
If you are too lean the fat producing foods
that you eat are not properly digested
I n, thin, people do not have
enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat
have too and mi
Dyspepsia Cure
all the digestive Juices that an
I a and
e proportions to
the and organs
n and .-. foods that may
is not only a
but it In a tie-
building tonic Hi
he Heart and
Constipation. You v it
What Eat
the atom eh the
and a film ash.
to Keep abreast with the times must
to advertise judiciously he must have space in a paper
the people read.
fills the for it your announcement direct to
people and brings result.
when you want good
Send your orders to The Reflector.
I .
j Mi I I
John Li V

I example of the benefits of i cod
road. That county already has
miles of ads
By h Contributor,
Of tree the farmers want
. . . the pout i t N
i k. t.
. an election has been they can get
i i
to vote the issuing I their But if W
bonds fat to for and it goes to
, ,., cents, and they raise the
t t re u fee
Wilmington wants to , ,, ,
pat does not want to.
the Charlotte
Monday morning when th;
suffered of by fire.
the material
ed by insurance, but that cannot
compensate for inconveniences,
of business and destruction of
tings that money cannot replace.
out lie . .However, the Observer knows
i . . rib Caro-
. v .
pay ft t down ,.,,,. . and
would i acquiesce to and we expect to
in .-. .
re is too
the price to if they
thought it got th a r
. .
draw .
i the
r v fa r p in th r would not
ti railroad higher pi ice.
B he N -th i id
the last mis-
I rune batter than ever.
. . . a-.- .
j an as a d i . ca
any of
lick at the
., . , because its colored
No n a ii to stop . , ,, , janitor been
Green lie and Pitt county m the i,
. . . a blind tiger.
m It just car, l
f pm
v k .- . e r
tern, u hat do
. i
b Y there are some
i would like lo bl i.;
th ion.
i . to
. to to The
i i X. v York by P. P
wife, i i
that f- i ;
h ; .
. . win Doubtless the
same i ii w of
. his ;
. . y it, , r t
to make i n i sup- . -i rat.
. . . k they
-j LIFE.
Mr. Puck who
i employed at the electric light
and w works i, is
i ii among the living is
U the . mi e mind an
aid to the
by Mr. Matthew who
is at the
was and
S i.
in .
out C .
b. .
b. .
D ii .
. .
it, .
.; .
. .- . it, .
as Lia . . led;
. t.
I r
. ; it'll
i . i i i i . i . -urea
. icon I P h r nil . b .-.
if she i o i n. Mr E ac
ht c imp. r and th
believe she will.; year oh 0.1 board the steam-
he two was as completely i I n
,,.;. r j him a
i is v; r i.
. C to I'll U I,
n v i . i
Mr. ice id
.- h m
fell i out of the back
A no i i i t to
i was
tor t was busy.
; Fie ex-
it . i
ltd be to tee him
ti r . bore
Mr. i iI con
, n
. ,; ,,
to you i ;
the hour, do not Ten .
shall he the I-
to , i
o'clock. V vi mi I c lien , .
r i
he .
I in
ho .
make .
with i
to sec
I fixed
re .
r. J u
lo work.
. .
n . lag
in the i -1 ; i, . ling, knowing something was
and w is hiss; . and wrong, and found e lying
and i and body
With a knowledge of the
.b confess ,.,
. ;. in the
there is
. h,
i i
. w . may
n give id is much
it as l y are . r en-
. ill they
j n c
. .
a t
; i . i I
i ; If he
hi .
t . f those who are
I that in
s i ,
v. i
i II
following an electric shock
re for the mar
shoal I
to off Africa. Ii is disgust-
an . and far b t-
M , .- n
Mr. quickly op a
ab. mouth and i is
ed hand to back the
of the electrocuted man,
was away down his throat
After several unsuccessful at-
, tempts he finally got t tongue
; would were the South i, to its proper place, and
Kw. or lack of law, r iterative methods sue-j
made relieving
------.-. in a short while
Mr Italian to the
V. a it i i to p . th an a full real-
ii i c r s
i Jul I, th I I Mr. ;. told how it
The in this as
with . , , ,. . ;.,;
Was I ll
a most . on
. m ., r
In is Ch N is I died n t
The Revn tor. who
i-l i. ;. re-
de I
was p-r with William
.- , id the Georgia
c yon feel the heat
re the
Mr. el . was
., ,
mi .
. ;. .-Till
v. . . iel
i-. d
. ill
i to kick me the
mo company.
re now, what
i .- me to
How a
F. II. a
i. i dinner mt
. . .
That i. the t . met
i I himself
. .rt . The Re
i in
i i
against th
. . . of
dead l a i.- r
ed to
I rd, and
. , , ought the i
i knew , . , . ,
as . .
. .
gone .
city, been
pit. assault
ville, S. C.
i. i ; . . i
. . -1 .
of Th re G
. .
I , filled ions and
a I r
r r
i paper
I ; Ir .- Joyner,
b I i
. i . i M V. Moon
inn, n I.-
Ni . a I
IF. work me
. bear I .
t, i grand t county. It can
hut fill our people with pride to
. ,. i .
o at this i I at, I to the load, and
an i el f i
,,,.,. I h w ; .
to d . SO .
. id
. , to death.
.,.,. arena class of people Durham Sun.
r i the ties i A
than i e n Indiana editor who
i i. it i nod I . t time, ti his
much may ex b n alder of p n
p in the . if
t- rial in the year.
. of
I . o , ; .
i unity befall I i I times
-i to . ti es.
n in
. . pr
ill 1.1
i .
id in of a
v. idle
,. end
. .
. profit,
o in b
the ,
.; I .; . .
a good case o
ll m an I e n .
. i- a .
if the Coy
i i Louisville, was I by
I other
offered th i
; until th i b
of the
Courier Journal h
making n . a
later instance i. not d near
home, r . Br partially
destroyed the plant
Observer Monday morning
I of , ;
tendered the use of plant by
w h the Ob it . enabled
to miss an issue.
Told ; s
Told the t time.
Mi ting
B .;.
R . hers . limes,
. towel tones.
. for capitalist
To baths times.
. . Is who paid
Th who did not ray
i i . o
i .
I rs
Cash on band
Cash on hand ending c
Sovereign Visitor.
. WAT.
. can-
i I . arms.
it it . . pet
hole in
ll i as
ion . i boot
. about
I . . I i us
, ml
of deep
. to last
his department is in charge of r. C. who is authorized to
the tern Reflector in Winterville and territory
The famous . varnish, W tables
wit i reaper a c, I Harri . , , ,.,,,,
thing to harvest your oats Co
Get one at Barber A a
Br is ,,
J. Manager . ho
. If you wish
v .
town .
i i
. B
in; .
and. lame.
i have re- n during
load of iii . . . ,, ,
Mrs. i . a . B. Mr ale of fish
went b . under Masons Id t
afternoon on a i TaCo .,. . . in stock B. m ting her
I at each i Oxford orphan
; went to Rob .-
. . I . t ,,.,;. u . . . ,, ,
. r , . . . .
A. C. L. . .- an pint . -M .,, .
form at i i
A nice Iii j , ,
mg of rings, i . ,
etc. at B.
I n vi,.
. a I the . .
ca candyr store. ,
j . Cox, lib N
i i Gr . . H- b-
. , .
. I . . -n . . r.
this a d . ,; I get . h
. tin training unless I j deli i D. C.
A New lot of I v
k school desks I ;
Barber u . I i. Call .
an especially L for our immense fall Store seen i need- j
hi comfort Every pub c will be here
. . ii in Carolina . .-. largo crowd . Jay .
hearts oft who hi t; have tried rest, now . after
;. v-j- .,
have training in th . . I to the Caro-
when they, . . ,. C . u
-i I zed a young M-n's Chris- . , . Jo
to college I
far superior . ,. , v- Will i , , , .
those who have as follows W. . . ; ,,,,, .
j. . . .See
i .
, .,,,.;. ,., n .,. i and
who have as follows W. . nil ;. our wood mi ion havoc . , .
I . ; . st ca, ,
A. ; id Lawrence Harri, . I . Ti ,; very
whom, c ii . . . j , . . . ,
Cox, v. .
tho i,
C el. . ready made
Stokes . you gel . .a. . l .
, t
A. i.
. i- . an
Bee .
berry i . . . .,. . i. , ., . ,. ; n ,;,
.- b . . ,. church
y a I
the; I
mi . i .
. i.
at r. J.
A IN .
. . .-.
y until
. j t .
i .
i .
The all i
K. O. lb- turn.
down going to
. . . . I wagon
prospect .show
Between . t I the market,
a I r i ., . , A
rooms are . ; ;
A. ires has I
arranged fort ear, . , ,,
some of tho I i Iii
en in
risk .
I cot m i
. . .
N. .
;. K
; I . it
. , . , . ; ;
i ,
i have u. op tho market, f .
, i
fa . . i f . ,.
i .-. . as, ratio . i ,
. i
though lives.
. I ton
see Man y, for i U ex-
popular where i
i j

A special to the Charlotte Ob-
server from Spartan burg, S.
that William Fraser,
traveled from Providence.
R. L, to his former homo in
county, a distance of
nine hundred miles, to lie
ed. The old hod many
opportunities to be immersed in
Hartford, but he refitted to be
baptized in the North and came
all the way to his old home in
m th Carolina, which he declares
e dearest spot on earth.
was a slave of Robert
H. He served through
the Civil War, and after
went North. His career
ha- n a checkered one.
he was a cook on a
vessel, and he has. visited
. n I
. Mi .
nearly every country in
Poi fifteen year.- he has been
Providence, R. I . sen
driver in private
Some time he
R change of heart,
and feeling that he had not
y in which to live he
desired i o join the Baptist church
and be immersed. He saved
officiant funds to make the trip
to his old home that he might be
baptized in the same pool where
his mother was baptized. He
will return to Providence in
about a weak
Night Restored Stale.
injured at Buckhorn Falls
day afternoon, but a full report
of the horrible affair could
not be learned until this after-
noon, as all of the wires were
down and communication was
impossible. Lightning struck a
tree only a few feet from a
cement house in which were
between fifty and sixty men and
glanced from the tree to the
building. All in the building
were either killed, injured or
severely shocked.
The killed at Buckhorn were,
Eugene Mack, white of
Thomas C. Gunter, white, of
Talley colored;
Mark Douglass, Rufus
colored; Alfred Bertha,
colored, and William
i ed.
Ed. white,
Tudor, white; W. J. Kelly, white;
Aaron Austin,
colored; Luther Hook-
S. B. Faison, colored;
Daniel Cole, colored; Darling
Austin, colored, and Lanier.
The two white who were killed
went to work for the
nix Construction Company yes-
morning. They lived at
and the bodies were
carried there yesterday evening.
The white men who were injured
in the vicinity of the falls
and were carried to their homes.
Raleigh Times.
f Mi .
Scot j
He Gets
A day or two ago the Southern
Bell Telephone and Telegraph
Co., announced that its night
rates for what is known as long
distance messages had been
and that day rates would
thereafter apply to all messages,
whether sent in the day or night.
Manager Woodruff, of the
Greensboro Exchange, was
notified yesterday by Di-
vision M.
Spier that the above mentioned
order had been annulled so far as
night service inside the state is
concerned and that the
half rates for night messages
the state has been re-
For service outside the state,
however, the rates will be the
day and night, the rate
being the equivalent of the for-
N. I;
Southern Railway Company has
again hot-footed it to the
Court tit Judge
ard to grant an injunction re-
straining certain persons
in Alamance county from
suits against the
North Company, the
road control of the South-
of a
year lease Col Rodman, of
Counsel for the Southern Rail-
way, to Judge
Pritchard these persons in
Alamance county have brought
suits against the North Carolina
Railroad to enforce certain pen-
growing out of the new
passenger rate law. also that one
suit is brought against the South-
Railway direct-
In the papers filed by Col.
Rodman it is set forth that unless
such order is granted the South-
will be deprived of the
of the interlocutory order of
injunction, issued heretofore,
arid that the road will suffer an
irremediable injury, as the road
can get no relief except in a court
of equity, where matters of this
nature are properly cognizable.
Judge Pritchard has announced
that the persons concerned will
be given a hearing September
when it will he determined
whether the restraining order
will granted.
Nev an.
Penny Earle, the artist, who sent
his wife to France, her old home
to secure a divorce so that he
might marry another woman,
received a sorry welcome when
he returned to his home in Mon-
roe, N. Y., last night after bid-
ding his wife farewell at the
Earle was met by a crowd of
villagers as he stepped from the
train, who at first insulted and
hooted him and then pulled him
from his carriage and dragged
him through the mud of the
Earle courageously faced his
tormentor, exhorted the
in an attempt to vindicate him-
self, and then, goaded tor an
instant by insults of the people,
he seized his carriage whip and
slashed at the crowd. A man
the whip from his hand,
and bystanders state, struck the
artist a stinging blow.
Further trouble was prevented
by the appearance officers who
forced Earle to drive to his home,
though he persistently tried to
explain his views to the angry
Cox's Mill. N. C. Sept. 4th.
Miss Hollie Page is spending
in Greenville with her
Mr. Mrs. Charlie Coward
have a very sick child.
A. C. of Greenville,
visited this section Sunday.
The farmers of this section are
about through pulling fodder.
Mr. Albert Moore, son of Mr.
John Moore, died recently after
a long illness with typhoid fever.
He was a member of the Free
Will Baptist church at Rose Hill.
Be leaves a wife and one
The Russian empire deserves
to be blotted off the earth. The
civilized had little
thy with it when it was drubbed
by Japan nor more recently
when it was rent in all its parts
by fury and fierce civil
ties have been renewed with
more than the usual ferocity and
the recitals of rapine and
are to make the blood
run cold. If there was reason
for American intervention in
Cuba to stay the murderous
Lands of the Spaniards, there is
better reason for die world's in-
in Russia to avert the
cruel extermination of the Jews.
Charlotte Observer.
Trade Report
Richmond, Va., Sept. 1907-
to-morrow will
say for Richmond, Va. and
Conditions generally have
changed but little during the
week, but there are in some lines
evidences of improvement. A
beginning of fall activity is noted
in the produce market, there be-
a better demand in that line
than for several weeks past and
receipts have increased to some
extent. Jobbers of dry goods
report sales slightly in excess
of same period of last year and
prices are fair- In milling there
has been a good, early trade and
a favorable prospect for a
factory season. Dealers in shoes,
hats and clothing have made
their preparation for the
next spring season and will ex-
tend the territory covered. They
are now closing a favorable sea-
son, with sales equal to expect-
Building is less active
than for several months past and
building material has declined in
price. Retail trade is at the
usual end-season dullness. Some
are displaying fall styles, but
sales are only nominal- Reports
in regard to the cotton crop in
eastern North Carolina continue
favorable and the same is true of
tobacco though the latter crop in
some sections will be short Col-
are backward and show
no improvement over the past
few weeks.
No News in the Paper.
following from an ex
change will bear reading
you pick up one
of the local papers, and a
glancing at the headlines wearily
thrust it aside, remarking,
in the paper
Did you ever stop to think what
the in the
paper It means
that in the day or week just pas-
ed that no misfortune has
any one in our city, that no
fire has wiped out a neighbor's
worldly that the grim an-,
gel of death has crossed no Wilson,
Saloon and Dispensaries.
The chairman of the State
. anti-saloon league, Mr. John A.
Oats, will at once take up the
work that was so long actively
carried on by J. William Bailey,
who retired from the chairman-
ship last evening at the meeting
of tho executive committee. Mr.
Bailey's report is of special value
and its most salient features are
given below in condensed from,
for the public There
are sixteen counties in the State
in which saloons are licensed,
Beaufort, New Hanover, Wayne,
Lenoir, Greene, Pitt,
hold of a friend; that no Hertford, Edgecombe,
driven by liquor, or fear I Halifax. Caswell,
has taken the lite of a fellow-1 Forsyth, Rowan and
human; that no poor devil, haunt-
ed by the pastor the misdeeds of
some other, has crossed the great
be-11 of these being in the east.
Eight counties, Wayne, Beaufort,
Wilson, Lenoir, Pitt, Hertford,
divide by his own hand. So the Caswell and Rockingham. have
next time you pick up a paper dispensaries and saloons,
that doesn't announce a tragedy. are dispensaries, in the
give a little thanks instead of counties of Hertford, Bertie,
grunting because there is no j craven, Beaufort, Jones, Lenoir.
Wayne, Harnett, Pitt, Vance,
I Franklin, Granville. Person,
The Leading Market.
Today the tobacco market had
the largest break of the season so
far. Every warehouse had an
immense quantity and prices
went through satisfactorily.
There is much enthusiasm on the
market, every warehouseman
and buyer being determined that
Greenville shall lead- Farmers
are well phased with sales made
Builds Her Own Funeral Pyre
and Dies Upon It.
Ottawa, Out., Sept
that the Lord had com-
her to share the fate of
Joan of Arc, Mrs.
of St. Lazare, a small French
Canadian village near
burned herself to death on a
pyre of her own making.
While her relatives were at high
mass she built a pyre from fence
logs, undressed herself entirely
and climbed unto
which she set fire.
Caswell, Rockingham, Alamance,
Wake and Pitt leads
with five dispensaries. Johnston
county by vote at Pine Level
August 27th returns to the
ties having dispensaries,
Bethel Items.
Bethel. N. Sept. 1907.
Mother Holds Daughter Prisoner.
Norfolk, Sept she
married against her mother's
wishes Mrs. Leslie M. Newton, a
Jewess, it is alleged, is held a
prisoner in the home of her moth-
Mrs. Sallie
Church street, this city. Newton,
a clerk in a store here, and Miss
were married at
ville, N. C. hat Monday by the
Rev John of the
Baptist church. They spent one
day in the home
there and came to Norfolk.
The bride's mother took charge
of the bride on her arrival and
has her ever since. She is per-
to go on the streets
but never
by member of the family.
Mrs. that New-
ton must embrace the Jewish
faith before she will give up her
daughter. He is considering the
The bridegroom is and the
bride is old.
out of church saw smoke and
the woman's clothes hanging on
the branches of nearby trees.
Her body, partly consumed, had
fallen from the pyre She left
letters explaining why she com-
the terrible deed.
Misses Alice and Wynne,
of Rocky Mount, who have been
visiting relatives here, to our
very deep are to return
home in a few days. The Misses
Wynne have made a great
the pile, to her of friends during their stay
People com- here.
There will be a of base
ball between Washington and
Bethel, here Friday at p. m.
We hope to have a large
assure the people a good
House parties are getting to
a great thing in this country. We
think it is a fine way for young
Union Iron and Steel Company Goes to enjoy themselves to-
New York, Sept. 4--The
Union Iron Steel Company,
competitor of the billion dollar
steel trust, failed today and a
receiver was appointed.
Announcement of the failure
had a bad effect in Wall street,
sending prices lower and causing
an ominous fear to pervade the
stock market. It was believed
that other failures might be an-
at any time.
While the Union Company was
capitalized at only its
assets were far excess of this
amount and it was predicted
Horrible Fate of Two White Me. at
Three are under arrest
here whom the Champaign police
believe to have murdered and
robbed two white men on an
Illinois Central and to have
thrown them under the wheels,
where the bodies were ground to
The victims of the double
tragedy were found near Clifton,
a small town south of Kankakee,
and when the fast train, which
Chicago o'clock at night
arrived here early today the
suspects were at once arrested.
All deny their guilt, but one of
them had considerable money,
and it is the belief of the police
that it may have been obtained
from the- two who were
killed. The three men under
arrest show the effects of a
fight, for they arc marked
with scratches and bruises which
may have been inflicted by the
victims of the tragedy. All
show marks of a desperate
We have had a short summer-
Spring and cool weather extend-
ed far into June, and the fall
feeling has come w September.
fuse CURE the LUNGS
Dr. King's
New Discovery
for all THROAT and
TE or If
By decree of the Super-
Court, made in th- special proceed-
entitled, Mrs. J. D. Hyman. in-
Mrs J. D.
Guardian, The undersigned
commissioner will sell for cash before
the Court house door in Greenville at
public auction on Monday the 2nd. day
of Sept. 1907 the described lot
of land situate in the town of Greenville,
and part f lot No. in plot of
said iv. n. known as the old house
lot. on the corner of Green
and Second North with
Green St. thence East paraded
with second st. feet, thence south
parallel with Green st. feet, thence
west with second st. feet to the begin-
Slid lot I ling sold for division
This the 2nd. day of August
Internal Revenue Service.
District of North Carolina.
Deputy Office.
Littleton, N. C. Aug.
By virtue of a warrant of
J. Manning for taxes as-
against him under the Internal
Revenue laws. I have the fol-
personal property belonging to
aid Manning Viz. One bay none,
Mules and This property will
be sold under said warrant, at the farm
of said Manning near Greenville N. C
on Thursday the day of Sept.
at m. to the highest bidder
for Cash.
R. J.
Do Not Neglect the Children
At this season of the year the first
unnatural looseness of a child's bowels
should have immediate attention. The
best thing that ran be given is
Colic, cholera and
Remedy followed by oil a.- direct-
ed with each bottle of the For
sale I y all Druggist and Dealers in Pat-
I. W.
m .
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold ll
D. W.
I North Carolina.
Not Quite
How often yon can get a
thing done a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is a To J could desire, and
we will your tool
box does not look a single
It saves trouble for
parents, and helps to get you out
in society. It is much better
than having one at a time.
Miss Olivia Hodges, of Wash-
spent Saturday night
with Miss Elizabeth Jones.
John A. is at Baltimore
buying fall goods for Staton
Bethel has been a very lively
place this summer and has had
her share of visiting girls, there
being at one time about from
different parts of the State. But
we regret to say that it is about
that the failure would be accord- j to get doll before school opens.
great. We like to u in to
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth stranger than fiction
has once more been demonstrated in
the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the
residence of C. V. Pepper. He
was in bed. entirely disabled with
hemorrhages of the lungs and throat.
Doctors failed to help me, and all hope
had lied when I began tar Dr.
New Discovery. Then instant relies
came. The coughing soon ceased;
bleeding diminished rapidly,
three weeks I was able to goto work, u
rue teed cure for coughs and cold
and at J. U
store. Trial bottle free.
I Of I
You get s
Horse Goods C c
J. P.
WORD that word to
It refers to Dr. Liver Pill j an
Are you constipated
Troubled with
Sick headache
ANY of these symptoms and
Indicate Inaction the LIVES.
Take No Substitute.
Littleton high
Entrance into and
on certificate.
Faculty of experienced college
Scholarships from leading colleges.
Expenses extras.
Health conditions unsurpassed,
ll. for life or college.
Thorough instruction.
S. Home influence.
. Good library.
No Saloons.
For information and
address. Z. P. Supt,
Littleton, N. C
He Fired the Stick.
have fired the walking-stick I've
carried over years, on account of a
sore that resisted every kind of treat-
until I tried
Salve; that has healed the and
me a happy writes John
Garrett, of North Mills, N. C.
teed for Piles, Burns, etc., by John, L.
Wooten druggist,
town and invite them to come
often, we will do our very best to
entertain anybody who will come
in the most pleasant way
We are expecting our school to
open Sept 16th and hope to have
a large number present at the
opening. The
will arrive to-night
J. R- Davenport enters and
claims about more or
less, of Ian lying in
township, Pitt county, N.
C., on north bide of Tar river, in
and on the east side of Pea
Branch adjoining the
lands of J. R. Davenport's
and Tucker place, the John Ward
Robt. J. J. Sat-
heirs, Howell White-
head, deceased, Walter
This August 1907.
F. Davenport
for J. R. Davenport
Any person or persons claiming
title to or interest in the fore-
going described land must file
their protest in writing with me
within the next thirty days, or
they will be barred by law.
R. Williams.
Entry taker
At close of business Aug 1907
Capital Stock
Loans and discounts Surplus funds
Overdrafts secured and
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Silver Coin
national bank notes and
V. S. notes
Undivided Profit less
Expenses paid
Bills Payable
Due to
Cashier's checks
From the Capital of
the Old North State
Raleigh, September 6- Sheriff
Julian and other citizens
of Rowan county were here
last night conferring with State
Insurance Commissioner Young,
relative to the formation of a
new insurance company for
bury. The charter is to be issued
within the next few days.
State Auditor B. F. Dixon says
all the banks in State and
about all the corporations that
are really in active business have
i now in their annual re-
sources for tax assessment. It
I was about two weeks ago that
he sent out final notices that if
North Carolina. y of
I C S Carr Cashier of th above named ban, out , .
, . that above if true to the best of my these were not in within
that wort fl fl .
and sworn u-
me. tin-31st day of WOT. t
Notary Public
R. O.
At the close of Aug 1907.
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture Fixtures
Banking Houses 4,100.00
Demand Loans
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes
and U. S. notes
days those delinquent would
I have fines of fifty dollars assess-
ed against them. The reports
I have poured in by every mail,
I and some even took the
to telegraph that the reports
were coming
Auditor Dixon says the tax re-
l turns on property throughout the
j State will show a great increase
in assessment values this year,
I the greatest in fact in the history
I of the State. He is advised that
increase in assessment in
Cumberland county alone will be
about two million dollars. This
is one of the really prosperous
25.000.00 aunties in the State in which the
, tax assessments heretofore have
been as to make the county
10.000.00 really a burden to the State in
55,000.001 that more money was paid into
the county for public schools,
other purposes than
C was paid to the State Treasury
Reserved for Interest 166.11 j from the county in State taxes
Number of the other counties in
Capital Stock
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid
Notes and bills
Bills Payable
State of North Carolina
T Little, Cashier of the above named bank, do
Subscribed and sworn to before Correct-Attest
me. this day of Sept.
M. L.
Notary Public
Come in and examine my
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
the same category with Cumber-
land in the past have advanced
assessments much as Cumber-
land has-
State Auditor Dixon will go to
Elm City Saturday and deliver
an educational address there
Sunday night. He will go from
there to Nashville, Nash
county, to deliver the principal
address Tuesday afternoon for a
big educational rally-
There are now Confederate
soldiers in the North Carolina
Home and about 1,600
pensioners on the State pension
The Baptist University for
Women here opened for the fall
term today with the largest en-
in its history. Students
will be arriving for the next
week or later. The capacity of
the institution will be taxed to
that extent that the trustees re-
he necessity of
dormitory and recitation rooms.
The program for the
monies attending the laying of
the corner stone of the Masonic
temple on October
day of fair week, are being out-
lined by Grand Master Francis
D. Winston and Grand Secretary
John C. Drewry. Hon.
D. Richardson, head of the
Masonic order in the United
States has been extended an in-
to deliver an address.
Representatives of the Grand
Lodges of Virginia, Maryland,
and a number of the other States
will be specially invited to attend
the ceremonies.
Happenings of About
the Union.
At Salisbury, N. C , Thursday.
Engineer J. G.
was convicted of manslaughter
given the minimum sentence
of four months in jail, to be hired
o it, for Robt. Owen,
superintendent of the county hos
On account of adverse
by States, the Southern R
way has suspended double
tracking of its line from
Junction into Chattanooga,
the North Carolina
the Southern has over
improvements on
foot in Tennessee alone.
Ten thousand members of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles par-
in a parade at
The New York Stock market
was temporarily depressed Thurs-
day by the failure of a Stock
Exchange house but there was a
buoyant recovery.
At Mount Holly, N. J.,
day because his wife refused to
remove with him to another n
Harry Tomlinson hacked his
wife terribly with a shoe knife.
Governor Floyd, of New
shire and a large delegation from
that State participated in the
celebration of New Hampshire
Day at the Jamestown
William Macintosh, a
who fought at San Juan Hill in
Cuba, in 1898, was hanged in
Norfolk for murder.
W. J. Oliver, of Knoxville,
Tenn., been awarded the
contract to furnish dump carts
for the Panama Canal, the
amount being over half million
At Washington,
the white working men have
en, and with the police power-
less, they have beaten and driven
out several hundred Hindus from
the numerous mills where the
cheap coolie labor had been
several hundred badly frighten-
ed, almost naked and starving
Hindus are making for British
It is said that President
is not satisfied with The
Hague Peace Conference and
will call one of his own in
The government has taken
prompt steps to suppress the
plague, some cases of which
have broken out in San Francisco.
The failure of the Union Iron
and Steel Corporation promises
to develop a sensation in New
Ask That En-
arc a
rm- kind, of
Hun fell
the word of the
lion, is fellow ho moots you on
, car m an
on private
. i. I've for year .
. ii i n. it.
We'll, fir, if I
I in
When Senator was
the White- not long
n with the
sore asked him a
about Bro
and I'm
there was
-1 told pros
tired of-tin
to horn.
else that
. rim-
Th i
and I.
exec .
him I
. Latin would
Collided Lilts
i lie i
lion. I w
father and e
., , j ms
Hunk this e
of the
overstocked with
i another
oho runs I i .
chap to you out i
tr-r-t or any place win
a people within t.
Makes wish would get a
stroke of heart failure and re-
I hadn't seen tins bow ,,,
for a of years until h,
when I Though he
Hie tenth
i He got in from the
second floor and about the
car for a victim. pulled a news-
from m pocket and Was B-
to hide my features, but,
by if he didn't recognize
me anyway. the came was up
and my hand. t
wen in about two years, I
wishing my floor would
recognize mer
the he re- j
plied, smiling warmly.
course that put everybody
next to the fact that I had won,
the nine for two I
could have strangled that fellow
without the least compunction. But
flour finally, and I stepped
into the hallway.
arc doing
bawled ray friend as the
elevator slowly upward.
I Bred hack almost
Bell i of
large of its-
military at
Jamestown exposition. One after-
noon the Chinese
to pay his n-
had previously
presented u. him, he could not
for the of him remember
name. He had guarded against tins,
contingency keeping the
of the various foreigners in
desk. He surreptitiously
his hard down, up a cars
from what he thought was the
rack and read, Long
Chinaman gracefully
submitted to being called Loaf
Winn, though an instant too late-
I General Bell remembered
Long Winn a United Stats
officer is military
ant General Arthur M
look came
Kansas City
Court in
Wilson, N. C,
Court of Wilson county is
in session this week, Judge
Neal presiding This term is
only for one week, but will be
quite an important one sis there
are several murder cases to be
tried. Court will take up these
cases tomorrow. All the parties
held for this are
except Ab Moore, who is
charged with beating his seven-
teen-year-old son to death. Moore
is in jail with the others as the
magistrate refused to allow bond.
Meanings of
has even more divergent
meanings than ditch in Lincoln-
shire and bank in Holland In
Scotland it means a low wall or
fence of turf or stone,
and in some parts of northern Eng-
land n is a Yet there
are other northern districts when it
is a pond. Originally, in English,
at rate, or and
both mean what ditch still
means to Hut at the digging
out of a ditch involves
the raising of a mound with
dug out earth the words came to
signify ditch and mound together
eventually in some cases the
mound alone. An even more i
instance of a word that has
oped s sense apparently op-
posed to it- original one is of
a the An-
f. i- the down, or
beanie and this was
into our modern adverb
which certainly has no
hilly sense
Curious Personalities of Inventors.
Of course outside of the
pendent and salaried professional
investors is the great army of Ml
who. while actively engaged in
embracing every line of
man endeavor, develop new ideas,
often of great value and just as
s I often altogether out of their line of
Colors. and Town an
Country Ready nixed Paints,
There is no line In the world better
the It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and
dealingsIf you use the Harrison Paints you need
ever worry Quality,
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
an give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C.
who run seaside and
ever a n
The mountain I
excuse or
never n where urn nor-
nuisances. They have
special It has
too or or the wind has
regular work.
An inquiry into the
of a few dozen inventors, to
patents have granted during
the last year, shows some
facts. Among them a sea cap-
has patented a steering gear
for automobiles, while a
builder has invented a ship's cap-
, A blacksmith has papers for a
reel, a shoemaker for a type-
writer, u physician for a door lock
and an undertaker for a hoisting
derrick, and many others show
as deviation from their reg-
walks of life. Engineering
Whooping Cough Microbe.
The lit of
prow That of whooping
be added to CM
list. Dr. II. of the
helm hospital the other night spoke
on the subject before the Vienna,
declaring that he
had discovered the specific agent
that caused the complaint. There
had for time a
that a kind of bacillus was at urn
bottom, but Dr. felt him-
assert that the whoop-
cough bacillus was identical
with of influenza. The
able also to a number of
interesting details of
and their results, which
to be on lines with worst
done by and el
the Brussels
An Editor's Polite Hint.
said a patron
one day to the man of types, j
is it you never call on me
to pay for your
we never ask a gentleman for
the patron
replied. do you manage
to pet along when they don't
said Mr. Editor,
a time we con-
he is not a gentleman and
we ask
Topeka Kans , Sept- The
board of railroad commissioners
yesterday afternoon ordered
the railroad to put in a Hat two-
cent rate fare on or before
The railroads have not
made any definite announcement
of their hut
it is understood will not
recognize the order till the
is settled in some of the other
states in which it is
Music at the Graded School.
The board of trustees of the
Greenville Graded schools will
maintain a department of music,
instrumental and vocal, this year.
Miss Gaston, the teacher, is a
graduate of the school of music
of Syracuse University, New
York, and comes to us very high-
We shall be in position to give
the people the best of advantages
Rates of tuition will be the same
as those usually charged In
We are now enrolling music
pupils. Persons interested would
do well to see Supt. B. Smith
at an early date.
The the different
banks of Greenville and Pitt
county, appearing in recent
issues of The Reflector, give a
good idea of the ding and
solidity of these splendid
They are worthy the full-
est confidence of the public.
carried thorn from other place.
And one or
the Brat one of tho
hotel keeper at a certain
offered to treat any guest who
would show a mosquito on
premises. A couple of guests
caught a them in n
glass and thorn to
him. you are. they said m
triumph. a look of
contempt offered to
treat if would me one. I
didn't a dozen.
A southern politician told of an
incident in connection with
earthquake that visited one of the
states not so many ego.
The shaking of the earth die-
foil all over the state, but
especially In the state capital. The
legislature was in at
time, and nearly every member
thereof ran out of the slat,
when that structure began to I
ii disposition to turn Itself o'er,
course there was an end to
proceedings for that
When body had reconvened it
was found that some member of a
grimly humorous turn had made all
on the journal of the
these motion
of the house, the ad-
r Dyeing Cm.
art cf dyeing,
doth. One afternoon, so
years ego that the date is of small
consequence, a noted man and hi
sweetheart went for a walk along,
the sands of the seashore in a
country. A I Jon trailed along
at their heels and. Becoming weary
of much love making, finally
and went fishing among Use
One particular shellfish;
which he captured devoured e-
a fluid which dyed the
about hi i a pretty
Investigation of this found-
ed the . of dyeing
which es ii happy
world urn flaunting
oh In its attire
Th Origin r Fir.
pr, far as actual knowledge go
we find tho possession of hi
and the an of making it, by one
method or another, have
to the vast majority of mankind
far back as trace. A
race ha- been found.
original method of making
v the simple friction
of two pie. of wood rubbed to-
V. ; and groove
tho Tahitian can pro-
I , , h

r- f
Colored for
Has Dripped Low in
Scale of
is in char of R Pa,, is
p e-.-. . ; n
ft T-;
III v.,
lay. A vary .
present at usual at
it J
T. M. I. wren i
who re
I of i.
Ai the conclusion of
ti . I
. . .;.
. , . art . lit
He was
en th
h -suiting in a bunch
of lines in; from a penny to
T e m
I r ii- p
ins to a barrel of whiskey
c near the Ai
; pot S
id the II
r i
ears. The , on
, ill
we him in I
. .
i of .
i; th
h ;
I .
stolen r.
Tl .-.
. . . . j
. .
. I
11,1907.1 I
The past week a ideal
roar farmers port
best crop of fad saved, in .
years. Peanuts,
I es and rutabagas arc look-
fine. Cotton is op slow-
lb ice be selling
v.-r- satisfactory, in I
general Beams lo
a. CL
steadily on eke boom.
The health of cure m is
good, so our
report and it whispered
that the chimes of wed I hi ii.-,
will Boon
next Monday,
v. ; . Prof. E. of
a .
one of the
m has Ii w
Ii n
in a . he
years in
. lily.
S ton Clark, Proprietor.
. .- Bar-
. loin ow-
. bee . I p
H h and work will be I
;. r n I .,
. .,
. . , C.
I I Km in
Li ;
. it to Monday to ; mp any on
with I A. Weddell Co.
Maud Beatty,
v w
t .
Ci. 11- -I
i .
. i.
. . .
. ii ,
. h
. r
y V; e Inter-
. f re,
Among the many I v v .
left the poet . not help.
expo were .
. Jr.
. i Falkland .
M r and
C iv. Had man
. ., j
S ;. ;. Ma I u
. . . r. ., ,, fr
; r
r of Di--n tor
. . p us ,
I . r A. M
. Sale.
I ill C
; . . I, .
I I .
1907, of Pitt
not of . ;
-Hi. . i e Y . .
co lining . t. I c on, ml . I ,
. .
. . . LIRE A .
I.-. . . . us ti .
. I i ; p
. , . n Allen i i
the st
ions. I
C. T.
. D
. V Oil
ton . C. . I'll in
w r
en undo
. . . ,.
. , .
. Co
. N.
;. J,
Deputy Co .
more or less.
ale .
d i
iiD. O
of North Carolina.
Deputy IA
N. C. Aug
W. J. . for
him the Internal
n. v. I Revenue laws, I the fol-
I lowing personal property
I i; One
Mules and This
; r warrant, at ti
of Manning N. C
I on the A day of Sept. 1907
, m. to the highest bidder
of Women's Fashion , Greenville, N. C. I i
B of.
, lo i mortgage, from C.
e E, Fair hi . ;.
t D. O.
day of October,
corded in
register of ii.- of
in book P, pa Monday, the I
at the court house
Pitt county twelve
noon, offer for Bale at public
auction the following described
Beginning at
southwest corner on
St., and runs easterly with J.
onus Cox's line to his other
with St., yards,
tin parallel with
line to Academy St-, thence
Academy St. to the begin-
i containing ore-half acre
more or less. Terms of sale cash.
This of September, 1907.
E. R.
D- O. Moore,
old from to u r
.,. , no or t pro
c, i t,. .-.
St., . V
lot .If you .
life man and b
t. i
b; the i . state . i
. i. he
Society the I
States. Paul Morton, President
For full particulars, apply to the
undersigned. Jr.
District, a lie, N.
C. Win. A. Dinner, General
Agent Richmond
. On Po . three
. Any
can to
Com on Your
Remember you make a
guess for the Parker Fountain
Pen at Reflector Store after
Sept. on with your
guess. Anybody woo wants to
do so, in or
try, can take a guess. See the
announcement on page.
I, I well burred
. n.
i. 1907.
. . and the
. U
. . ; . . I . in
, . take notice
n co in
. c
I action
, . , . t. canal n
. in
.,, . i on real e
. . it forth Carolina
a. in will further
,. ,, ,,. arc to
appear the
, Pitt county, hi be held on the
,,. I in
September, it being 19th lay of Au-
i . 1907, at House in said
county, in . North Carolina.
and answer or demur to the complaint
in said Action, or the will
ply to the court the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
D. c, Moore,
clerk court, Pitt count
P. Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
The term of Pitt
prime court this
morning with C. C
presiding and Solicitor I Ab-
representing S it.-.
The grand jury was drawn
and II. U.
Carr, foreman, . D. Tucker.
J. P. P. Cobb.
M- T -l A Davis.
B. G. R S Wan-en.
D. Horton. J. T. Carroll. J. A.
Thigpen. E T B.
King. Claude H B.
Smith. W J.
C E. Fleming sworn as
officer of the grand jury and
W Lawrence c crier.
Judge Lyon's to
grand jury was
clearly points as
necessary to call DO the;
attention of the body of inquest, j
He told them man could be
put unless the grand jury
had first found a true hill against j
him. hence it was in the power
of grand jury to let guilty I
persons unpunished or to mo-
lest and humiliate good citizens
who were innocent of crime- A
strict regard their oaths will
prevent grand jurors from either j
of these extremes.
Upon the illegal sale of liquor.
Judge Lyon said fully
of the crimes committed can be I
traced directly to liquor. He was
solicitor set oral years lief, ire coin-
to the bench and can verify
this. A man who will sell liquor
illegally, the judge said, will sell
It to anybody, regardless of age
or condition
Judge Lyon read t he statute of
the last legislature in regard
to bawdy houses, and s that
ties law it I like any
of them could be reached and
no community should allow a
house of such character to exist
The fol lowing cases have been
disposed of;
weapon, pleads guilty.
fined and
Charlie Boyd, carrying con-
weapon, guilty.
Ed. Staton, concealed
pi-ads guilty fined costs.
Atkinson and Fred Hall,
carrying concealed weapon,
guilty, Atkinson fined
costs, hall and costs
Alonso Boyd, injury to stock,
pleads judgment
pended upon payment of
Dan false pretense.
Simon Thigpen, fornication,
Shade Smith, false pretense,
pleads guilty, judgment
pended on payment of
R J. Lang, assault, pleads
guilty, fined and costs.
The following cases have been
disposed since last
Orange Williams, appeal from
Mayor's court on violation town
ordinance, guilty; lined and
W. C. Purser H. Stokes
assault with deadly weapon,
guilty. Purser fined and half
the costs. Stokes fined and
half the costs.
W. H- Haddock, not
Henry White, resisting officer,
pleads guilty, judgment suspend-
ed upon payment of costs.
Will Jenkins, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
Sam Brown, Henry and
Joe Foreman plead guilty of
and were fined and
costs each.
D. M. Johnson and E. F. Cox,
assault with deadly weapon,
guilty, Johnson fined and
H-- likes Pitt Com nod likes
Mr. David A. Jamie, a young
man was in
Monday, and i was
our pleasure t. meet him. Mr.
Jamie is a graduate of the Col-
in and the last,
year ii.,.,. the
study of medicine. Untold
reporter that having decided to
spend his vacation in hut the range is so wide
studying came North late years
i his i f .,., ,
ago Ho came to ,, ., . .
Carolina and Mr. T K. these a very
of the State value. North I
agriculture, and sift r nearly all Smith Carolina and the
with neater part of the states of
whom he may expect killing
He says he i of frost between
his rent tin 1st November 15th.
i Northern Northern
Mr. us .,.he is highly pk-as d with the , ,
young Scotchman and hopes he Kansas and a good the
can he induced to remain here. are similarly situated-
Secretary was re- the northern fractions of
in number of the Alabama, Mississippi
special industrial edition of the, , . , . ,
Reflector were sent him for dis- and Arkansas the time is a little
Mr. tells US his earlier. In southern Georgia and
father received one of the all along the upper gulf
and wrote that he was much 1st or a little earlier is the
pressed with the advantages this , B , u , , ,.
sect ion ,
The Reflector would rejoice to an crop season
see a large number of the sturdy factor that he can be dismissed
Scotch people come l i with little consideration even this
1907 bi
When will damaging frosts
begin to occur in the cotton belt he has Large and Interesting Pro-1
With a crop two to four
weeks late, this is the of
prime importance at present.
No man. however, can do more
than state the probabilities.
Average dates when Jack Frost
his first onslaught
at points are well
and Pray d While in a
Hypnotic Trance.
Statesville, Sept. Here is
Anything that has to do with
children always awakens the
of older, people,
heard of and tins man is not , was a large audience
ion exhibition with some Baptist chi
I And as
rs To-
Ci is a new
, crowd is astonishing.
Sunday night to wit
The story by Mr. E. by I ,;. Greenville
Flicks, of Statesville, travels
for the Ray State Whip Com been admirably train
of Massachusetts. J K- B. E
for a and Miss
high r cord for itself this season.
ii ranch is more
n ting
of the
child i . ; . ii.;. .; ;. i n full
S. 1st.
I These data
Department of Justice Takes Down
show that the
present crop has nothing much
to fear if only the killer does not
come ahead of time; if an
the peonage cases I early frost does not smite
in Pitt county has been reached. late crop This
i ii i , i . crop though belated thus
as the unite J States department . ,, . c- .-.
more than a fair chance
of Justice takes down its Russian . to any serious
witness and quits. Going simply has a diminished mar-
ease as a roaring lion it gin of probable safety. Char-
as meek as a lamb.
Judge T. R. Purnell, of the
Eastern District, has received a
written motion from District
Marriage Licenses
Register of Deed R.
Attorney Harry Skinner issued the following licenses
that at the instance of the Unit-
ed Stater, Department of Justice
the release of the eleven Russian
witnesses in prison at
unable to give bond, was asked.
; The motion was granted and the
Russian laborers are now free.
was the ease, or rather,
these were the cases against
E. A. Kline, of Pitt, in
charge was peonage, the Russian
laborers, later the witnesses, be-
the alleged peons. The
strongest case against Mr. Kline
win tried at Beaufort some weeks
ago and he was promptly acquit-
The United States Depart-
J. A. Rawls and Annie L.
Clayton and Clara
Walter Evans Sarah Cobb.
Minister Had to Leave
Rev. E. B. Barnes, of Nobles-
ville, Indiana, who arrived here
Saturday to hold a series of
meetings Christian church,
had to leave this morning for his
Western home holding only
two services, preaching to large
congregations Sunday morning
and night. Mr. Barnes received
Will amount to nothing, a evening
sponge, lets his mother was
witnesses go and quits the d . h to start
contest. Raleigh News and Ob- home this morning. Just before
server. the departure of the. train this
morning he received another
message stating that his mother
was dead. Our people are sorry
both for the bereavement of the
evangelist and that the meeting
could not go on as contemplated.
of Justice, seeing that the
Moving Picture Show.
We understand that parties
have engaged a building here
for a moving picture show or
gem to run for sometime.
The building will be remodeled
and the show ready to open
Oct. 1st.
costs Cox fined and costs.
Thomas Grimes, resisting
pleads guilty, imprisoned
four months to work roads.
Jenkins, assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
James Williams, abandonment,
not guilty.
David Hope and Cherry Bell,
guilty, Hope sen-
six months to work roads,
Bell to pay all costs and give
bond for good behavior
Frank Jenkins, carrying con-
weapon, guilty-
Tom Gaddy, carrying conceal-
ed weapon, pleads guilty, sen-
three to work
Visiting Minister.
Rev. W. II- Davis, of Winston,
preached in the Memorial Baptist
church here Sunday morning and
his sermon was much enjoyed-
Mr. Davis will do missionary
work in this section of the State.
Eight hogs, flesh mark, black
and white spotted, blue, white
and black, ear mark, hole and
smooth crop in right, and under-
slit and smooth crop in left,
strayed away from my
pen Wednesday Sept 11th,
1907. Any one informing me
where same can be found will be
rewarded. Weight or
pounds gross.
This 16th day of Sept. 1907.
T. E. Langley, Greenville, N, C.
Hicks is now at heme
short stay. This unusual case
fell under his observation while
in-was in South Carolina about
three weeks ago and although
many know of it nothing ha
been said in the papers about it.
Six miles from
lives a farmer about
years old. who every night con-
regular religious service
while he is in some sort of a
state, and the
the story is that the
has been doing this regularly for
twenty seven years. The case
has attracted much attention and
Mr. Hicks drove out to the
home one night to hear
him. The man goes to bed about
o'clock and soon after he goes
to sleep the performance begins
and he cannot be awakened until
he has completed.
Mr. Hicks says the night he
was there the sang two
songs, prayed a long prayer and
then preached what he says was
a good, sensible sermon. During
the preaching he was seized with
some kind of convulsion, some-
thing like a but his wife
rubbed his and neck with
some camphor and he went on
with the sermon, starting in the
middle of the sentence where he
had left off when the convulsion
came. He never preaches th
same sermon over twice and
ways announces when he begins
that he is going to repeat a
he has heard preached.
Mr. Hicks says that physicians
have studied the case
and have tried to wake him
the performance, but in vain.
They say he is in a hypnotic
but just why or how it
comes on him at these regular
periods and affects him in the
same way, they cannot under-
The is just a plain, hard-
working and ignorant farmer and
charges no admittance fee to his
home during the strange
He can't read when he
awake and breaks down when
he attempts to pray in public or
make any sort of talk. So far as
Mr. Hicks learned, his rest is not
broken or his health affected by
his nightly performances. Char
, as the splendid manner
This y i at r n
great of i it lion both
horn and n r n
which every number was this. ,
gave evidence. The pro- in Monday
gram was as
by the Sunbeams.
m . his man told as
that when the Consolidated Co.
was organized, he, like many
; ;. did not think much of it.
and refused to take stock or
to do with t. He
watch d company and
methods has gone on all
I the sales here and on some of
White Dais-
by eight
Recitation by
Annie Leonard Tyson.
Clocks Have
by ten little Sunbeams.
You Would the other markets, and he now is
Happy by Jessie Brinkley. need that it is time or him
Makes a Good Sale of Tobacco.
John W. Hall, a colored man
who is a good farmer and
successful as a tobacco
grower, brought in about
pounds of his crop Monday, and
sold it with the Con-
Tobacco Co, at the
warehouse. He was well
pleased with the prices obtained
which as
pounds at at
at at a
at at 922.50,
at at at
at making an average of
taking everything as it
came. Besides being a good
farmer, John has his own mail
box on one of the several mail
routes and is a regular reader of
The Daily Reflector.
y Sunbeams.
Baby Song, by William Tyson
only years
by six boys.
by Forbes.
Remarks by W. H.
Up Col-
by David Whichard.
a by
by eight girls.
Essie Whichard.
by class-
Benediction by Rev. Mr. Davis.
The baby song William
Tyson, a little year old tot was
of the cutest things our
have ever witnessed.
to his mind- tie had
therefore applied for in
the company is lo do
as much toward making it as he
has done in the past to discourage
it He also said toe Consolidated
is a thing for the
grow r and he believes in push-
it. along.
Cat a
Mr. S. K. of
duke. talk, us that he has a
that i; caring for several kitten,
but all died and about the
time the last one died his
found a bed of young rats
and thinking that the cat
enjoy eating them, brought
them to the old mother cat, but
instead of devouring them be-
gen to nurse aid care for them.
This action on the mother
cat is Record
Dr. on The
Dr. Swindell, the pastor of tie
Methodist church of this
Purnell Orders Discharge Be-1 said yesterday morning just bi
cause Two Enough to Testify in fore beginning his sermon tint
Peonage Case. j there wan a matter to
Raleigh. N. C. Sept. 16.-
Judge Purnell. of the United interest from a moral
States court, made an order for standpoint. It was the drink
the discharge of nine of the mixing places of Wilson. He
eleven Russians held in jail at
witnesses in the case ,. . i. f ,, . .,
of the government against Con-
tractor Kline, charging m bar
The reason given for the release now in the places
is that the other two can furnish j w-e ii the same as the bar
all the evidence that could be t ,
gotten from the
eleven. Some
contend this action on the part
of the government is a
admission that it is considered
there is very little in the case.
New Bern Sun.
Shot His Wife.
Ivy Slade, colored, a resident
of street in New Town,
has for some time been making
trouble with or for his wife,
so the story goes. Saturday i know.
is believed that liquor is Bold in
tin in. V man told me he
could go in on-- of them and get
all the liquor he wanted in live
minutes. Another that
while standing h front of cue of
these place, he saw a man go in
and heard him say. got
anything in here The
tor of the establishment said.
I'll After
night he had a with her be-
cause she cooked for a white
and failing to make her
promise to quit her job he pulled
a pistol and fired at her. The
ball struck the woman in the
thigh, making a painful but not
very serious wound. After the
shooting Ivy run and has not yet
been captured.
Notice to Public.
The Atlantic Coast having
also tendered us their platform
as a cotton yard, we as cotton
of the town of Greenville
hereby designate and constitute
said platform, as a cotton
for the town of Greenville, as
well as the Norfolk and Southern
depot, and any public town
weigher must weigh the cotton,
in either platform, as requested,
Moseley Bros.
Fleming Mooring.
W. H. Kilpatrick.
waiting on other customers he
took an Libeled bottle and
furnished the man a drink.
With this condition of affairs the
object of the dispensary is being
The moral sentiment of Wilson
is strong enough when once
aroused to shut these places up
good and tight. Let our people
jointly put their shoulders to the
wheel, and see that it is done.
The good of this city demands
it. Times.
Swallowed a Knife.
Mr. John S Davis us a
knife Saturday that his son.
John Cary, swallowed. The knife
had two blades and was 3-4
inches long. It took the knife
hours to pass through the little
fellow's stomach. He suffered no
inconvenience during this time.
Warren Record.

Eastern reflector, 13 September 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 13, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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