Eastern reflector, 23 August 1907

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, 11.1. D J I
The Savory Seamless Roaster. I
Is far superior to any other
Roaster made, not an ounce of
substance lost. Other roasters
waste from to per cent.
The Savory seamless roaster
water, grease or
of y kind. It simply asks
to be let alone Retains all juices
and flavors, renews the youth of
the toughest fowl. Ore great
feature of the Savory roaster is
the oval bottom, with the
nary flat bottom roaster the
moisture brought out of the meat
by cooking has no to ac-
cumulate and is burned and dried
up in the bottom of the pan. In
the oval this meat juice
flows continuously to the lowest
point of the bottom, where it is
turned and
on the surface of the meat- This
condensation continues until the
roast has become heated through
to the temperature of the
in the roaster, When the
condensation stops and the brown
of the roast begins.
The Savory roaster is bast-
and .--elf browning. The
bottom is raised off tee oven
by the outside heat-retaining
jacket, which applies a uniform
heat to the roast from all sides
The Savory roaster i sin a class
to itself. Is guaranteed to give
satisfaction when used accord-
to directions. Buy one, take
it home, go by the directions.
it thirty days, if not all we claim
forth, return it to us and we will
give you back your money, pro-
the roaster when return-
ed, is in good condition.
See our display of the
Savory roasters. We will be
glad to show you. Call and see
This department is in charge of W. who is author
to represent in
Traffic ft.
Admit Higher Rates it N. C. institutes include in th
rd St
road through its general traffic was very large, not less
than five hundred farmers being
present, and were so well
pleased and profited that they
requested that an another
for this county should be
held. It was decided to request
the county commissioners to
have an experimental mile of
sand clay road built under the
supervision of government ex-
perts, the county to pay for ma-
and labor and the govern-
to charge nothing for the
services of its expert road build-
J. R. J. G.
PLACE fifty different
makes of Womens to-
Ask ten women to
make Nine of them
will pick the
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this. There
must be a reason
ail other women's shoes in
he world.
manager, Mr. T. S.
heard plainly yesterday the
ion of discriminations in freight
rates against North Carolina in
favor of Virginia from business
men who get shipments over its
This was at a conference held
in the office of the North Carolina
Corporation Commission between
Mr. the Commission,
and the men who are
at the freight rates. General
Julian S. Carr, of Durham, told
of a rate on flour cents in ex-
of Lynchburg. for a haul
nearly one-fourth of the distance
for which Lynchburg pays
cents. His son Mr. J. S. Carr. j Pin top,
t Mr. that hi road
was pooled with the on
rates, Mr. A. L. James, of Dur-
ham, told of an arbitrary ad-
of six cents on
while no change was made in
Virginia towns. Mr. J. S- Man-
pointed out the injustice
done North Carolina by the road
and Mr A. A. Thompson, of
stated that co
would be filed with the Inter-
state Commerce Commission.
Mr. took it all in the
best of nature and was, as Mr.
Thompson said, as frank as could
be in admitting that higher rates
were charged by the Norfolk
and Western in North Carolina
than in Virginia, though
urged that this was because of .
Main and He, N. C
Dry Heavy and
Fancy Groceries. Hardware, Fur-
Stock Feed, and Fertilizer
Agents for
fr trade.
Empire County of East.
A Will Ham,
Wilson, N. C. -On
the plantation of Mr. Oats, near
In Edgecombe county,
last Saturday a
named Will Harris, about thirty
years old, shot another
name unknown. The disturb-
was about a woman.
After shooting his victim twice
Harris made his escape. It is
l bought that Harris is the same
who startled and terrified
city of Charlotte a short
while ago, the name being the
these typical farmers
l I ,, , from sections of the county, some
m the Shadow. of J-
If the Greenville, I made invest
though the shadows are so .
darkest hour of trouble e tent of their farming in-
one's help is always near alone, to give an
; The world's a world of beauty an the, gent idea Of the class of men
present at the meeting.
Farmville, N. C.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Imp o
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
was the most ad- L . , .
educational in the guaranteed. Strict-
Mr. Andrew Joyner. writing
to the News and Observer about
the Educational Meet-
held here Friday,
can be no question of
the sincerity of
Small, who said, after the
was called to order by
J. j.
who presided, that was proud
to introduce the government ex-
perts, noted for in
their various lines, to such a rep-
class of progressive
North Carolina farmers. He
said that Pitt county was
as the Empire farming
county of this section but next i
to Guilford
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
competitive roads to places in
Virginia, and that on branch
lines the charges were higher
than on the main lines, this be-
cause the territory were sparsely
populated He was frankness
itself again in acknowledging
that the freight rates were not
made on a basis of earnings and
profits, the inference being that
the roads got all they could get,
Mid this even if they were
a percentage on their invest- j
beyond twenty-five per-1
the lightning shakes its dust
Lookup where morn is breaking, hear
the bluebird sound note.
Take the task and do the duty,
a lump is in the throat.
Far beyond the darkest shadows and
below the deepest gloom
the sunlight of God's glory over
valleys sweet with
F. L. Stanton.
Death Hear
Wilson. N. C, Aug. -Last
three miles from here,
Clyde Hoyle, twenty, the
To Jamestown Exposition
t T Jamestown Railroad
at C. T. nature, Saturday int, July 7th
We at our expert
Mr. first filed for his
road an answer to the complaints
made against i I as to higher rates
to and
other points in North Carolina
in excess of those charged in,
Virginia, and this answer admit-
except as to a
freight on lumber, with which, he
was not familiar that the rate
were as set out in the complaint
and that for a shorter haul from
Roanoke to Winston, from
Lynchburg to Durham, the rates
we re in
than these given Virginia towns
for a longer haul. This answer
having been rend, Mr.
went on the gridiron of
answering questions
making statements that clearly
showed that there is great dis-
North Caro-
towns.- News Observer.
son of Dr. Hoyle, of Dunn, N.
C, fell between two f.-eight cars
on a moving train sustained
such serious injuries that he died
just as he was taken in to the
hospital here Both I.-rs were
cut Off and the body was other-
Having qualified as Executor
estate of Laura A.
deceased, late of Pitt
county, this is to notify all per-
ons having claims against the
state said deceased to exhibit
hem to the undersigned within
twelve months from this date or
this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons in-
to said will plea e
make immediate payment,
the 22nd day of July, 1907
IS the number which
drew the ticket last
Saturday night
-way another Saturday A.,.
C T.
Young Man Abandons Young Lady
aid to Shore.
Wrightsville, N. C . Aug.
Miss Riley of Birmingham had a
narrow escape from drowning at
Wrightsville, going down the
third time, when Freeman Yopp,
the lifesaver, swam three
yards and saved her. The
man with her abandoned her to
save himself.
The Hotel people
and all Wilmington are much
over his cowardly act.
Mr. Yopp was presented with
a purse of one hundred dollars
and a gold watch. The
condition is still critical.
F. G. -fames,
L. Sugg.
The following list represents a
fair specimen, not only of the
highness of fanning in the east,
but of the of
these, who do not to
know it all but are continually
seeking light.
The men are selected from
sections of the county, as
representatives of each locality.
W- H. Harrington. Greenville,
cultivates acres, owns
J. P.
acres, owns
A. G. Cox,
acres, owns 1.200.
J- R. Davenport,
1,580 acres, owns
R. R Fleming,
acres, s 3.000.
J. O. Proctor and W. E.
tor. Grin cultivates
acres, owns
R. R. Cotton, Falkland,
acres, owns
Alston Crimes, Grimesland,
cultivates 1,400 acres, owns 3.000.
J- J. Green-
ville, cultivates owns
R. J Cobb, Greenville,
acres, owns
R L Davis, Farmville,
acres, owns
W. H- White, Greenville,
acres, owns
Parker's Old Stand, i
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
In fact any kind of worn in
wood and iron.
All work
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eyes free.
All watch clock work
Publication of
North Carolina, Pitt county
in the term 1907.
J. I. A. Band.
E. K.
N. C, August 10-
A strange crime was committed
here night when some one
the residence of J. A.
Wild, on Hill street, administer-
ed chloroform to Mr.
r, threw a lighted match
in the bed clothing where the
A. H. and th
II ii K. R. A ft slePt. watch, opened
and the Bank of in all doors and made his escape.
; n
the entitled will take
I In
the superior court of Pitt county
led as said action is
brought to canal a
which nil. be Really
in the
to be in said action, on real
situate in the state f North Carolina
will further
notice that they are requested to
appear next term of the superior
cum of county, to b held on the
2nd Monday before the 1st Monday in
September, it being the 19th of Au-
gust 1907, at too court House in
county, in Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in Action, or the plaintiff will
ply to the court the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
Farmville, N. c. Aug.
The little sight year old son of
Mi. Ed. Warren painfully
hurt by the of a gun
shall Sunday five
o'clock, it seems h had extract-
ed the shot from the and
was trying to get to the powder
with knife. But making
rather slow progress
to try a match and by apply
tho flash flew at once to
his face and badly burned it
nearly all over completely burn-
off the eye lashes. Dr.
Joyner was called in to treat him
and says he will soon be all right.
Loaded shells and matches are
rather dangerous things for
to play with.
Our mayor had before him the
following for trial during the
past week.
James Bennett and Harvey
Dupree, col, affray, Dupree
fined and cost Ben-
nett released under promise of
good behavior.
Jesse Wade, col. stealing pint
Whitney from James Hardy, fine-
and cost
J. A- one of Snow
day of July
the burglar paid his visit
time between midnight and day-
light is certain.
at Light Sentence.
New York, Aug. 13.-Heavier
for lawbreakers is the
remedy suggested cardinal
Gibbons to stop the wave of
crime against, women and child-
in New York. The sentencing
of half a dozen men including a
who pleaded guilty, to
only a few months in jail, has
aroused indignation generally.
The crime was not i,
until the family arose at the a most talented lawyers and
time this morning. That L- A- were in our town to-
day looking after business mat-
We are to have another drug
torn in town just Farmville
and the war path to Increase in
all other business for
we will challenge any town in
n. c. with the same number of
inhabitants an business and
A large force of hands began
work on the Snow Hill branch
theN AS- this week.
D. J. WHICHARD, Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
List we.-k. North Carolina
week, at the Jamestown
was acknowledged by th
officers to be the great st in the
history of th- exposition up to
that time, Those net already
aware of tho greatness of North
Carolina, were more than con-
when they the
throng of Tar Heels as-
th Thursday, the
15th, was North day
proper, and it was a day that
made history for the State.
to North Carolina and
her splendid people were heard
on every hand. Governor
and staff and other State officers
were there and were the
of many ovations. The
great large as it is.
would not begin to hold the crowd
that t attend the
and hear the speeches of
Governor Glenn and Lieutenant
Governor Winston. Governor
Swanson, of Virginia, also spoke
and gave a cordial greeting to
the North Carolinians
North Carolina has no cause to
feel the lea bit ashamed of her
part in the exposition. Her
State building is among the
handsomest on the grounds, and
her exhibits in the various build-
are not surpassed. The
North Carolina Society, of Nor-
folk, was proud to see so many
in the city and
cordially welcomed them. The
society tendered Governor Glenn
and other State officers a brilliant
Something that caught the eye
of the thousands of Tar Heels
visiting Norfolk was the
of the store of the Which-
ard Co. on Main street.
The store of these enterprising
North Carolinians who are doing
a large wholesale business in
Norfolk was beautifully decor-
with North flags
and colors, and was admired by
every passer from the piers up
town, and at times a crowd would
collect in front of the store. A
squad of soldiers were so
pressed by the decorations that
they stopped in front of the
store, sang and
other State songs and gave three
cheers for the Old North State.
There was another impressive
in the auditorium in
the midst of the North Carolina
exercises on Thursday- Just
Lieutenant Governor Winston
had spoken and before Governor
Glenn spoke, the band and or-
played When
the chorus was reached a rich
soprano voice was heard to take
up the words of the song and
thousands of others joined in the
seeming to catch the in-
from the clear, sweet
voice whose lead swelled distinct-
above all the others and the
combined volume of band and
orchestra. Anyone familiar with
her could rapidly recognize it as
voice of Mrs. J. B. Cherry,
of Greenville.
We started out to this
article about the exposition, but
appear to be making it all of
North Carolina. That pardon-
able, however, nothing th. re
was bigger than the Old North
State The exposition is really
immense; far surpassing what
we expected to find. The
grounds are superb in design,
the buildings models of
beauty, and the
along the shores of Hampton
Roads make a picture never co be
forgotten. It is worth a trip
there just to see these, even if
the visitors could not go inside
A Marry a Bo as Struck War
Carolina took Norfolk
and the Jamestown Exposition
by storm last week and were
there in great They
went in couples, in
lies and in The Old
State was well represented
and the were in
evidence everywhere.
editor of The Reflector
has in his time occupied many
positions, but never before had
he served as chaperon for a party
of girls on such a trip as to a big
exposition. And it would not be
an ea-y matter to collect a jollier
bunch of girls a
bf time than The Reflector
party. If the whole show had
been theirs they could not have
it. than limy
did. They d about in a
and a North Carolina Hag
was their standard. The girls
he old man on a run most
of t.-e time, but nothing was lost
except sleep. They were out for
a good time, and they had it.
party in our charge were
Misses Essie Which-
ard, Lillian Burch, Mattie
j King, Nannie Bowling and Mary
Lucy Dupree, of Greenville and
I Miss Susie Perry, of Kinston,
j while D. J. Whichard, Jr , was
taken along to help keep t hem
straight. They were all
at the residence of A r. C
L. Whichard. in Norfolk,
was turned over to the use of the
The Reflector party had
courtesies shown them on
the trip. Many of the
amusements were open to
them, and there as hardly any-
thing around the that
they failed to see. One evening
were the guests of the Hip-
and had the pleasure of
witnessing superb pie
of occupy-
special seats just in front of
the box decorated for Governor
Glenn and other North Carolina
the Atlantic Amusement Co.,
at Virginia Beach, of which Mr.
C. Cobb, is one of the officers,
tendered us the courtesies of their
amusements and bath houses at
the beach and a delightful after-
noon spent at mat popular
THee was also an invitation
for a boat trip to historic old
Jamestown and Yorktown. In
fact there was no scarcity of
good things for The Reflector
party to enjoy, and they did not
fail to enjoy them, all returning
home delighted with the trip.
As to the exposition itself and
numerous attractions connected
with it, we will have to speak
later in different articles.
the Forties.
Written for Reflector
Did you ever hear of Captain
Isaac Lastly With the
of my brother and Lewis
Lawrence, I believe I am the
only person who ever
v him- Yet ho was Vi
denizen of the a
Trail from Raleigh to
Made the Yesterday.
Yesterday the first train to run
from to Washington over
the Norfolk Southern road was
that of a special carrying some
of the officers of the road. In
the party Vice-President
of James P-
Eagle Rock Wendell Zeb-
in Nash county Middle
sex Bailey in
the buildings. At night under
the blaze of thousands of electric
lights, with the electric fountain
casting many colored sprays in
the midst, the scene is one of
magnificent, splendor.
Yet the visitor does not have to
stop with only seeing what is on
the outside. These buildings
are there for a purpose and are
carrying out their mission. They
contain exhibits of agricultural,
mechanical and manufactured
products from the different
government that do
both the States and the Nation
proud, while the educational,
historical and art exhibits show
the wonderful progress our
have made. There have
been great expositions before but
none that excelled Jamestown.
Then there are so many enter-
and amusements going
on that there is never a dull mo-
from the opening of the
gates in the morning until they
close at night. But of these we
will wait until another time to
and borough of A J. H. law-
man property and a I ranee, ant chief clerk in the of-
but h quaint at best. of the
Would you believe it, he illy ion, J P. Johnson,
wore goggles that almost hid train eastward bound
face and eyes. He had a great Greenville o'clock
antipathy to small boys, seldom and we learn the w
spoke to one and it was even re- very successfully and without
ported that he carried a pistol mishap.
for them- j The principal stops and th.
Uncle Isaac lived years ago in I distances from Raleigh to each o
a small house near the internee tho Norfolk and
of Gorham lot and j between Raleigh and Wash-
avenue. I remember there were are; in Wake county-
some cedar trees on the place
and usually a. number of guinea
chickens roosted and roamed
about without let or hindrance
on the
He was a huntsman and
used his rifle skillfully, took
rambles in the woods to kill
keys was possibly his
nary means of
But he invariably wherever
and whenever seen word what
was called a round about or short
green baize with oblong
square pattern of black leather
either shoulder to protect,
To any one curious to know
more, with this statement con-1
corning him perhaps some
prising youth of
proclivities might possibly
desire to call the attention of
the and business men of
to the announcement
if Editor Whichard in Tuesday's
issue The Reflector.
Mr- Whichard announces that
to declining
I .
Ma t n-. Ho Alt j
Old Week.
Md., Aug
Maryland is sending invitations
her sons and daughters sea t-
every where to come to a
feeble physical strength, his duty reunion- l
him-if and to give
to retire from the manage
f The Reflector. The-
is now offered for sale,
and at SB early date will
into other hands.
more than a quarter of a
century The Reflector has been a
potent factor in the progress aid
of the county and
town, and has been closely
of public interest to ts
citizens of Pitt county. The be
derived from this source can-
be estimated m dollars d
certs. In return the and
Wilson town have been liberal support-
in Greene county- Walston
in Pitt
Crawford Greenville
Grimesland in
and Washington
of the paper, an I under
management of Mr. Whichard A
has been a financial success.
Mr. chard States in
announcement the
was never
rounded with brighter
than it is
opportunity to develop a
I Greenville and Pitt county go
Wilson of Had- forward was
dock's X Road is spending this I This is true in every sense of e
Cox Mills, N. C. Aug. 1907.
week with Miss Helen
neat- there.
is spending
some time with her sister
M. B. Haddock went to Shel
to undertake the further.
investigation of the life and char-j Mr. and Albert Moore
of Capt. Jack for the now
fit of posterity and a satisfactory We have had tobacco
pecuniary reward. now it i. collard worms. I
Haddock; word. Not only is
developing with quickened ,
but the entire is
growing into an era of increased
prosperity. Never was there a
in the history of th county
or town when a good, strong,
vigorous newspaper was more
needed than now.
At an early date The Reflector
will pass into other hands. Shall
But changing the subject, who J we will have a plenty of he into the hands of the
would suppose that I was a prize
fighter, or an apologist Do I
look like one With all the
of a life I am a
maker. But on this subject pro
and con it is simply a case of
amiable toleration when we re-
member the old times and the
venial vices of our ancestors who
fought is a pastime like wild
men a hundred years ago
with the loss of an eye
or ear.
And who has not heard of the
great fight between John Stanley
Smith and Paul Nichols that took
place at Greenville in the forties,
the result of a contention f the
championship of the county or
whatever that may be
The meeting of the belligerents
on this occasion was accidental,
and took place in front of the
hotel Bell's
the scene of many scrim-
when the battle royal of
other days has degenerated into
a fisticuff. Then big Jim Vincent
was in his glory-
But here the gentry of the
town as well as the country had
hurriedly gathered together be-
a was imminent,
which the crowd already
advised of the situation, massed
at once to the favorable point of
observation, the long to
witness the engrossing spectacle.
The boys were already in wait-
and the with old
Clements, Jim Evans
and Ben Pearce were on their
good behavior.
It was to be a battle of giants,
not remarkable for size as in
fabled days, bat men of activity,
strength and endurance.
They had already tested each
other. The was
simple, and the conflict began at
once with a blow, and now the
blows on either aide fell thick
m until frost. men of Pitt county, or into
J. B. Evans on the of strangers At
this week. j present the opportunity is open
all have got a fine crop of the of Pitt to
cotton around here- a stock company to own
There will be church at Rock paper and
Hill every night this ll whatever they it to
every day and night
week. We hope every body will
Oscar Evans said he lost a fin
calf this week. I hope they
wont lose any for I love
beef myself.
and heavy as the surging combat
waxed or waned.
Both men were dead game,
Smith the taller and heavier,
while Nichols was the most, ac
and original. They seemed
equally matched. And here
drop the sickening story.
Nichols from the effect of a
sudden and deadening blow
shrank and staggered into the
arms of a friend.
fight lasted twenty
it is said, and the time was
unprecedented for an affair of
the kind, and doubtless appeared
be. This is an opportunity that
should not be lost. A
bold, fearless newspaper and
printing establishment in Pitt
county will count for more in the
progress of her people and in
financial return as an investment
than any business
in the county. Let the
and business men of the
county think over this matter and
act in time while the opportunity
is at hand-
t i . right royal en-
when they come.
Homo Week covers the
i to, October to and
there net be a moment of
ti tho i i ill ii m thrill with
th of hospitality fir
i rid ., State is fa-
be celebration will include a
j of spectacular features
.,., . as an electrical
I military and
a gathering cf
a parade and
Mil by i; rs, a
concert, cm m ,
f i re Will t i i
e A p
day. lulls 1.1 Old
II m k
Hie visitors to th capita will
opp to i.
the ill n a of
h . ii y
a the M hot
of historic
new Baltimore, which has
sprung the ashes of
a ti-.-o; i, rot be
His f attires that will
wilt surprise
i i sons daughter
of the Sta.-.
The will have the
-y and
steamboat companies, and
are on foot to secure
or the visitors of a
E- i y a Marylander of
who i the Maryland Home Com-
a secures
receive a special
to attend
These invitations are be sent
by Governor Edwin War-
in the name of the State
who have
mer are to
forward names
and addresses . are in
to tho Secretary of
the Association, Fidelity
Baltimore, Md.
R. Building and
of Tobacco.
On Sunday morning Mr Rich-
ard Wingate, of
township, lost his and
about pounds of tobacco
an age to the combatants and a by fire. Mr. Wingate and some
proof that the men of that day
had arms and nerves of iron.
Neither was seriously damaged
but wisely concluded not to re-
peat a trial for the championship.
Yet it is said Nichols never re-
covered from the chagrin of his
defeat, but afterwards to relieve
himself of undesirable
ions at home moved to South
Carolina and afterwards to Cum-
county in this State,
where in his old business
he made a fortune, mar-
a second time over
ninety years of age, and died
only five years ago, a centenarian.
Mr. Smith, a most excellent
citizen, died many years ago. I
know both men. T C. Davis.
of his family had gone to church,
leaving his wife and one son at
home, and when the fire was dis-
covered they were unable to
check it. No idea can be given
as to bow the fire originated.
Mr Wingate had cured his to-
crop and had it stored in
the pack house. Some farming
implements and a quantity of
shelled corn in sacks was, also in
the building. The loss is
mated at about with no
insurance whatever on the
and only a small amount on the
building. It is a heavy loss on
Mr. Wingate.
and Mrs. Robert
Gotten have announced tie
of th Elba
to Air. Douglas
Wesson, of Springfield, Mass.
The announcement was made by
Miss sister. Mis.
sell B. at a delightful
dinner and house dance given at
her home in
Winchester, Mass
The wedding will take place
early in the fall,
the country home of the Cottons
in North Caroline.
Sow Crimson Seed
I for sale by J. R. J. G.
Wilson, N.
Things got lively out on the
tobacco market today and prices
went bounding upward with
strong bidding at the advance.
Many sales were made today at
prices ranging from to
higher than last week, and prices
are now better than they were
last season. Greenville is the
place to sell tobacco.
Some one took a straw hat be-
longing to me from the court
house today. It was marked
with my name inside. No gen-
would be guilty of s
conduct knowingly and I us r
the hat to be returned. Franc
Wilson will identify it
I. A, Sugg.

Mr. ard Mr.
of near spent Sun-
day in this vicinity.
Elijah Mills sister. Miss
spent at W. I.
Mrs. W I. dark is on the rick
Mrs.- It
dine. visiting Mrs. A. R. Gal
afro E. S. A is quite sick.
We h.-. ho will improve
Mrs . Mil-;, of
Cup, i b
P W Arnold.
Ge and Abram
r I i raccoons
I his
Quite a rump- r of farmers
finish, d in today.
Mrs. II. J. spent
day and Sunday Mary
I. Tucker, of
Miss Smith left
A yd. visiting relatives.
Railway Telegraphers Will be Ask
ed to the Rescue of Western
Union Men.
B sad Court.
The man, h Davis,
who was or
the of to
a Norfolk Southern
train. given a In Tore
Esq this n
hum r to court in
of verified herd which
he failed to Several wit-
re examined who
threats made by
N-w York, Aug. 14- If the
members of the Order of
Railway Telegraphers join the
strike of the Commercial Tel-
it will paralyze all the
transportation as well
as the commercial lines which
y the Com-
Th's crisis may come when
either the Western
try to force the
operator to hand the
s of
Western Union and Postal
arc out in every big city in
thee and today it is
Mi. i heir tie-up of the tel-
In New York City scores of
m u women among the strikers
were today doing wonderful
k as pickets, non
I union operators Lo stay away
from the offices and inducing
breakers to join the.
Cannot Sue in State Courts far Pea-
alt Provided in the New
Rate Act
The of hundreds of
offices in the city and the
to keep open connection.-
with the re.-t of the world great-
hampered the stock markets.
I he brokers being without
I r. St. Tonight.
Or. F. S. Stevens of the
cultural Mechanical
Asheville, N. C. August 14.-
In the United States Circuit
court today Judge Pi con-
the injunction retaining
B. C. of and
others from bringing penalty
Southern Rail-
way until the final in the
railway rate
This i the ease wherein tie
Southern to the United
States Circuit court for an order
A. Spence. Elijah
of theirs who
had brought suits in Randolph
county for penalties provided by
section the new rate law.
company also applied for an
injunction restraining B. C.
with, a lawyer, who is I
alleged to have stated that
would advise clients lo sue for
penalties. tiled an an-
denying the of
the court.
Judge Pritchard held that
jurisdiction of the
and subject matter of the
it was the duty of the court
to prevent harassing litigation in
any other court pending the final
settlement, and that the
had jurisdiction arising out of the
t he w. even with at Raleigh, arrived in the city
it-- Passenger his morning from Kinston,
train had r fused to
a ride. No one
the man. Davis
pi-.- obstruct on
his stat
h hi ma to the court was
rs he f
threat against the
r hut denim the
Words language attributed
to him.
stated that he came
the yesterday morn-
r on
tie threw them off.
The court there was
evidence to hold
ard he was remanded to jail.
will tonight at give an illus-
lecture in the courthouse
on subject of
culture and its
Tins lecture of and
illustrate as
in pro
pans f country; r c tit
m em ployed in
improving an ct
breeding plants, methods f re-
pressing diseases of many kinds,
improvement and many other
phases of practical
A collection of lantern
Rig Mill Capture.
Raleigh, four-
teen mile, of Raleigh this
morning Deputy collectors C.
Downing and J. P. H. Adams
roved a large blockade dis-
fourteen and
gallons of bear-
The ill was s x miles
north of Cary, and was ready to
begin operation for the day.
St l
A. I.
f North Carolina I'm
In the
Hamilton rant a vi
Jackson A Bra
Hy of an execution directed to
the from the
court of Pitt, county in en
I will, on Monday, the
cheers chewers more than a
sort of chewing tobacco. I
will show you why there are
more chewers, and more pounds off
tobacco chewed, to the population in
those States where
co was first sold, than there are in the
States where has not yet
been offered to the trade.
Killing Two.
C. Aug.
Minuting that he is of
tin d women in Cues-
C, last i I aw-
V hi It'll i. ii i
i. . ; OF
hi. if ,
v St paid in
. day of August, at o'clock M hi
slides will be used to illustrate I court door of said county, soil In
the lecture. This is an
Lady D owed.
City. N. Aug.
I isl night about
while a sailing party were return-
i to the city in a launch, the
was rammed a
a young woman
lecture given under the
direction of the State Depart-
of Agriculture and should
receive the co-operation and at
of all public spirited cit
execution all the title and Intent
which the said A. L. Jackson defendant
has in the following described es
A certain tract of land in Pitt county
i ii hi i Silver
men. i. i
d he lot Were I
nil hie occur- ,
I red ho run and never j
d ft suit- of the shots i ,
Eluding he . rifted
to North Carolina and for some
time had been working with
double tracking force. It was Md.
i and
Due Hanks
Cash I ems
I I profits 8,422.66
I V I bank,
, In t i- i b
p i
Tits on Track.
Fayetteville, C. Aug. 14.-
was an attempt to wreck
the train bet weep
the river, in- ton Columbia Sun
woman Miss
bee. i r d i f city, hook-
keep, r tar the F. Hard
ware She was sitting
on bin. The launch was
Struck by the sloop,
bowsprit of the pas
over tie cabin, where
she sat The young men on each
side of in r received serious in-
No one saw the young woman
disappear, it is supposed that
she impaled on
across the cabin of the
launch and into the
Searching parties have con-
dragged the river for
her b all day. ard at six
o'clock this evening were
The body was near the
Channel of the in plain view
from the harbor, and
Coming i State
he took the Walker I lei
is a man of powerful build,
weighs nearly two hundred
pounds and is five feet eleven
day morning. Attached the
train was Anderson's, private car.
in which he and his private
Mr were en route
Mr. seem-
ed very much worried over the
bold attempt to wreck train
He stated that when a point two
Tiles south of Marion was reach-
ed the engineer noticed several
cross ties piled across track
in such a way that a disastrous
smash-up would inevitably have IS w an
happened had the engineer not
noticed it in time to stop
Handle Broke
and hounded as follows in Con-
township, adjoining the land of
Hardy J. J. Jackson R. K.
others lying on the East
ride of Little creek, contain-
s or and known as
Also one in the town of
and hounded as
nine at a -it S. Ii. Woods corner
and with hi- line S. 181-8
rot i. N. Ill E. ft. take,
thence N W. 181-2 poles to the mid-
i with the
I t s It. I deed
in hook I.
Also one other In in the town
of Grifton; and being one half
in the following land to-wit.
Beginning at a stake on Pitt s Fl
from Pitt n st and N.
of I.
lino, the m with m d A. L.
s. W a distance of It. theme
B. a H It. to Pitt at.
th to the beginning, la special
said lot known livery th
in L linage i-
Also lot situate in t ho town lit
st. of adopted house requesting
w the Miles to set the
. W ft, to .
thence with said alley s. w. to j farmer
and being known as the ,,, v.
J. It.
I w of
i be
W. . Turnage
W. M. Lang
R. L.
Atlanta, Aug a
g or I ho committee on
rule of the lower house of
Monday night
the re for an
V i .
May. 18th
Loan- mil
of the alleged own-
of th- Central by
pending i d
Duo from Hanks and
s in I bank
other U S
Surplus fund
l eel of
to chock
J. Z lot
This 11th day of July
I. w. Tucker sheriff e
by which th-j
Total 38.154.88
State North Carolina., County of Pitt,
W H lard t of tho above named ,
is a special;
it there has been the is true lo The boat of my
in the matter and belief.
N. C. Aug
Mr Davis James Baldwin, an
old Federal pensioner, died sud-
at the home of his sister,
Mrs Kate Holmes near
mill Saturday afternoon.
As pallbearers were carry-
was, remains from the house.
Having qualified as holdings to a
deceased, notice is v firm, income
given lo all holding claims
against the said to lite same
with the undersigned within twelve
months from the date this notice en .
this notice will be pleaded In bar of their the
recovery. All persons indebted o the a. o protect
bond hold-
he Central two
fire I ire In winch the
sworn to be-
27th day of May
H. T. Carson
Votary Public
M. O.
Magic No.
la a wonderful
ashore, where Coroner one of coffin
broke, and it fell to the brick
pavement with a crash, but for-
it did not break open.
The young lady was of lovable
character and was loved by all
who knew her.
Love For
loves a woman for
her looks he will love her for five
years. If he loves her mind he
said estate will make immediate;
. to .
This June 17th.
H. A Pierre
Administrator of John decease.
Notice lo Creditor.
I testamentary, executer
f last will and testament of J.
out which
i- c
Lift milt's
r To sufferers of Liver or
no I
much liver and kidney
and looming troubles.
-I to relief, I tried
buy a bottle and if
Ki-cine I t-r and a result I am a
rules man The
producing strong
belief that interesting develop
be in
I id U completed the it t
c re ; heat on for
all. I . I v by your money.
J. I.
New York, Aug. 14.-The
second trial of Harry K. Thaw,
charged with the murder of me
Stanford White, is not to
place until January term i-e i
deceased, having his day matter at of the
me c ck of the
court of Pitt ice is here- ,
to Fight.
New York Aug. Fifteen
will love her for ten If he of court This information was
loves her ways he will love her developed today at a conference
her lover loves her way for Thaw,
change. Jerome,.
by given to all person-holding claims
the of th I. J.
on or before
day of July. or
e in u r of their .,
I a Indebted to said a operators are out all
estate are d ad to part, country, of
m mi t Ml me, . , , .
-f them in New York city alone,
v. . land they are backed by a fund
Executor . f the will and . . , , . ,
Tucker, with which to
a id Blow. make t heir fight
will refund
We say
full free of
if it then
use SOL until
This ad vi out yo
ti. , b at
a halted number -f
this up
v to
I mil fr. lo
Or Sh .
end mT R-k either
Heart The Cm of Arm. On Pair of Left
Stomach. re and To Men.
The experience of Captain Rob-
common .
It of
and not the
Heart, and as wit.
r inside nerves. oaken
weak vital Men- is
Restorative has
No other even claims U teat
had breath
Write for fr-
Dr. Snoop. Racine. The
alive i- I
The wise man looked no it
o- I
i-ll, pill, sue
in 1778 is
in the history of
warfare. The author -f
Ohio Riven a
, through
the line of Indiana during a battle,
by s musket ball in both
. near th reached
alien tr.-e, crawled
it lay through the
Ill and the next day in
c n
On vi the
I m i tree near
,. in; b to
Al in. U r hi
i n out human voice
In the
Li that control
Dr It
To doctor the alone.
Is lull. It it a time, mun.-
II bark or ts weak. If th
or foil
Of or or k V
n-y try Pr month
ti or what It ran U
do tell
. n I
noise lint
been exploded.
hr i
A ant. for
ail K-- I
It i
for an hot
for every member of f-e
It no
mil and
Children like B-11
art .
free of
at our If
your Stomach,
or then Irv thin cl
imitation. Dr.
Iv matched Old and
In and taste, it h not a
of real Coffee in it. Dr.
Health Imitation made
from pure or
with etc. M-i in a min
ate. No to Ho h w lit. .,,,.
Iv like It. T R A Co
Politics sometime
All trouble are re-
taking a little after
each meal. a I a to the
of the trouble, the
the natural
die-cut I and what
eat. It clean, pure,
Take a little ea h
meal and how it you
fed. if it tail., old
John t,.
r I
to the I I
tho lie-
. . inc. And
at the a Ii
th into tight.
id, Ii In fur
i r n v had u pair
and n of and
life and
A- heal lie
all the no and proceeded
in i
,. ,
hum I, i r. and firing
i . i
, b i i hi- feet
; . v into river
.-. lb- drove v
i to to
, . .
i. , i ; the,
lo until
were within
the lie kepi Inn
I with J.
the healed and
tho men travel limy
at of river in
the hope of lei- if a
ii t.
n win I rd.
it tools lime In
they wen not a
their op indicated, they
re.-o taken on board and to
Do You Contemplate
f so the first thing to consider is a
lot in a desirable location and you can-
be better in a lot than the
If you too fat it u foul
to ft instead of
that I If you are too loan the fat produce
thin, do not
Pepsin tho i
pop have too much
Dyspepsia Cure
all j
in a J
d-d c
and all i
n not only a
but it i a v.
Sam t
Digest You
the stun a h. the
and Arm
M ac L M
at the .
a q a
Sam White Property.
No surpasses for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there how a
reasonable pries and on terms.
is indication that prop around
is going to be higher, and the
longer defer buying the let the
it will cost.
This properly is located minute
walk from business part or the town.
See Sam White and let him explain priest
and terms.
Worry never completed a task,
worth while.
Th. Well For Food
If tho traveler Mar
I by water, he will rewarded
Bert Barber, of , a pageant o folk,
have only taken four I j
and and , . . ,
done for me more than nth -r mi- for and a
ever done. I am still of
the pin I want a in ill
Mr. Barber refer-I. Kidney . in t . f
and Bladder which I
for weak kidney-.,
of the and all
A treatment for
Sold I. Store.
The earned is the
cation enjoyed-
There is no no
how or how I n
will not he relieved
of The main factor in
the of any disorder rest, and
the only to trot rest is to
the for the
will do it. It is n
of acids containing
the very juices found
It to
limns Sold by
The just as
is out
For burns, cuts,
bites and the many little hurts common
to every family.
Witch Hazel Salve is the best
It clean and
Be you DeWitt's. Sold
by J. L Store.
The vacation w e miss is
one we would have enjoyed
Cannot be Cored
by local applications,
reach the diseased port on of the ear.
There only one way to cure deafness,
and that by constitutional remedies.
is cause I by an inflamed con-
of the mucous of the
Tube. When this tube is in-
flamed you have n or
imperfect and when it is en-
closed. Deafness is the result,
and unless the inflammation can be
ken out and this restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be de-
forever; nine cases of ten
are caused by la nothing
but an condition of the mucous
will Rive One hundred Dollars for
any of ca-
that cannot be cured
Catarrh cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Toledo, O.
like o
again-1 e-
of . In the
i m ti e
mark of cit. Tin- re
with either Inn n. r
I Ii. The i-
I ore illy in
he want
I r I h
; . which ill in
in; are piled high with every var
of i food, an- i n few hull's
although there is
no fanning or
to lire up supply, And
are in
all parts of the city mid am
independent d the street sellers
with their
in tho
found here for sale
h it would seem from their
end o ho
to the are as fond.
A of with its long
one of the
and, range lo say, tho
are the moil delicate
and the Huge
known iii either Havana
or in the along tin-
are hero in quantity. Be
ard other not generally
iii America, although are
found in port, are on deploy,
and to be much in de-
Mediterranean are
more brilliant in color than and
in other
of Atlantic. Their
flavor by
ii of sail iii tho water,
which iii the is
rent, lie
M n I. V
to Keep abreast with times must
to advertise judiciously he must have space in a paper
people read.
fills the for it direct to
people and brings result,
Take Family
On one
officer ,
l -i
I Ti .
when you want good
Send your orders to The Reflector
me I-1
meaning if
ad, the lad,
ed. it nobody h
t lion t
bow to make

Enter.-I as m ti at at N.
C, r Act of I of March 1819
in in
Nearly thirty years ago, or,
to be exact, in 1878.
I began my newspaper career in
Greenville. was then a mere
T Star credits
this to the New Orleans Picayune
h of August is gen-
as most
Needed Remedy. j
The reformatory is again j
o to surface, and some j
papers are urging its
with as Mute
A couple of columns in the
News and Observer draws While at the Jamestown expo-
comparison of crimes in i last we frequently
possible. There is for it; to the crimes of the hoard the question asked, what
it w the practical way of solving W that is timely and
the solution. and the sooner it A while ago in one
To place of our exchanges, we found
a mere boy in th chain to
associate bin with older
criminals of
dens him, and paves the way to
greater s when he is out
again- The sad fate of Han-
non the little Concord girl, sent
Rich won an, kleptomania.
Rich man, shortage.
Poor man, stealing.
is to become of these splendid
after the exposition is
over. We but say
boy. without capital or business the row
experience, yet willing to work as far as the crop con- to the penitentiary far six years.
and possessing ambition and the month of the is in the minds of the,
determination to succeed. This highest temperatures, and p of North Carolina, and; Rich man, legitimate
venture was made on the the rainfall is deficient, the , , within
sea of journalism that was undergoes rapid u.
Rich man, debility or heart .,. .
The Reflector want to make a
suggestion is regards the North
Carolina building. That build-
is too beautiful to be torn
Poor man. delirium
In Wall Street
Leas, than no street
lighting was by the very
heft men of the day on theological
ground being a
thwarting of the intentions of prov-
which hail appointed
for the hours if night It
further opposed the that
it was authentic, that most cf It
it tn on mod-
the were to be I ground, an gnu and nil were do-
served, and the exposition; the
. piled that it a bad ii ii-
be converted into a to
park. That would be ideal, and n
philosophic ground it held
that the moral standard
would In- lowered by street
as drunkard would
This year, owing to the bad-
crop the low
u o; unbroken high temperature
in i insufficient ruin ranging
already marked by numerous
newspaper wrecks. The first
seven years of labors, or until I the Pant
April. 1885. were associated with the grow
an older brother, but from that spells
date, now more than years. I have
have managed The Reflector more usual
single handed and alone. All of j
these years have been filled with I i. s been a per
hard work and close attention
to business, and the success with
which the business met has been
gratifying. Never being very
strong physically, the increasing
business year year natural-
greater effort and
harder work, has b -en h a
tax upon my strength as to
affect my health and warn-
ed me that I cannot
such a Strain. Therefore
m a sense of duty to myself
and fain I have decided to
off r The Reflector for sale.
conclusion has not been
r. h . but has been
c for
again I have
i s ii e thought from
mil but the knowledge that I
under the strain
not he The
painful ought in connection
with ti is parting with a business
that I have spent years of effort
in a business I have
from beginning and
seemed I part of my
life. with this was the
that The Reflector might
fall Into the hands of those who
not it as I have loved
it, Hence it has been all the
to reach this conclusion,
and it is only arrived at through
a growing sense c f duty to my-
en i mm .
Of what b. n fit The r
has he-n to m
r his of a
tery I need not speak, as
are known to all who know
me. I would regret to see the i
paper be of less service in the
says it is all wrong. Could sh
hive sent to a reformatory
r Christian influence,
th criminal instinct would have
been h from her little soul
and sh would have walked for-
iv i girl and would
better life-
The need, the necessity of the
em ti demonstrated in
day. The
down and It should
j stand right there as a monument .
Well-to-do man. dabbling in N Carolina. This was that the
Stocks. I t j . , . I would make thieve alert
not do more act On patriotic ground, it con-
was no to o and late
would be
whereas black night
home early, thus them
from a multitude of On police
That's a pretty
of the trend of things in this
j than to turn over the building, to
the North of
day of rapid and in as their
there is more truth than p
The crimes in high places an;
own meeting place and Kept open
at all times as a rendezvous for
white boys
excused by when
a more truthful abortion is.
I Mews an Observer s ed-
i m showers in the
belt to insufficient moisture
a central ii.-l; and no rain
it all west o the Mississippi I years out to speak of starts off like
committed to the county jail
Went worth wee charged i . with breaking into three stores commit
at Stray on- night last week. by a millionaire w
me of these boys is a brother man in the slums Gambling
In the dry spell has
the character of a
the t ff. ct of which
has been aggravated the very
temperature from boy. one of whom whether in the gilded
the Lone Si cotton to the chair i t week by .,
wealth or by
And this from the Sunday. Drinking
; drunkenness steal away the
brains and tend to debauchery,
to be no steps whether at the Dominion can and
, taken to cars oat the provisions the time souths, planter; think of
of the act of the last legislature ,. . ., , I
seems that he weather m is the start to be mad
has commenced to show Judge Moore for a similar
this combination
conditions, as it tub ceased
grow and shedding,
u Us opening prematurely.
And the Star
the many North Carolinians who
visit Norfolk. Of course the
State could sell the but
not no for what it cost. It has
already been paid for out of an
and to turn hack the treasury
the ding wild sell for
will hardly he noticeable. Far
bettor is it to donate the building
to the North Carolina Society, as
suggested, and let it be a
id ice where our sons
who have gone over the
-r to help make the Old
tended that national
would lose their stimulating effect
if there was a street illumination
S. Water
that cried
the physician.
The young lady obediently gulped
it down, hut hitter taste threw
her pretty into hid oils
lie Ma. leaching her to float,
and die lay on her hack the look-
ed up him
d d ;.
a th.
a, it;
politician or in the saloon or i
in the Western that act Those who
of the cotton belt and interested in the It is we have been
. at least a part if not all the of institution w like to of and re-
eastern portion of the bell arc what is done. to excess
exactly Over here in
North Carolin and other eastern
Build the reformatory by all gambling by men of
means, maintain it in the proper and standing as vices
sections we have had hot I way, and the results soon be treated their
plenty if not too mac and be pleasing. sins as if they were really to be
put above the virtues of the toil-
man. so many young m a suit here the
The reports current in differ- of the y i,, about in bonds.
In the Western belt they
have had hot weather and
of the cotton crop
h been seriously d
owing to unfavorable
the country lover- Ideally, tin
crops well. R e
in Pitt county, the i
. not been such a
e desired but will I-
Some others to know a great
deal more about what is going on
in Greenville than the people
know. It was published in
the Kinston Free Press and also
wired from that town to the
papers, that complaint had been
he t r-el
for is- .-I
and Louie-
or any oilier
s tell me to
rid. I
I for
aid la of
parts of the State the j to fill the drunkard's grave and
railroads discontinuing certain lured to ruin by the music
trains because of reduction of of the dice. Just so long a i we
passenger f ires has been denied
officials of th- roads in every
was made.
The m disgusting press dis-
patch Lines is I hat
talk about drinKing and gambling
engaged in by men of position as
just that
long will young men of ambition
Mr f, H. informs the be lured into thinking
hat Seaboard had been to drink if they are in the com-
discontinuance of those who belong to
leading families and
tans on the Ham-1 J their ahead of
-t lino long before the first of if the who sit ,,
r I around. the gaming with them are
and that a great deal of feeling
exists on both sides of the case.
Such a thing does not seem to be
mentioned a id it i not even
heard discussed, and as to feel-
over it is able to find
future than it has been in two men
past. ring wives lawfully. And it
Having reached the conclusion brings to, memory a case near
stated above, I have engaged the City a few years ago
service of Mr. F. C. Harding to
negotiate the sale, so as not to
have the time necessary for this
taken from my other duties Any
may be interested in it may
confer with him.
The Reflector was never i
rounded with brighter business
prospects than it is today, and
opportunity to develop as
Greenville and Pitt county go
of the when ask- d favorites in polite society,
about the a train We been of
would be taken off between but it is all wrong
Greensboro and Win-ton, replied, is no more
when two men swapped he had heard nothing of WM ever made. The
one giving a shot gun to-boot. such move crimes in high places are bad
those who like to see examples for the ordinary
reports out and to stir, and they should be dealt with
The is brought out in the
ion in New York the
it ii more expensive to operate a herald the
railroad in North Carolina than
in other states. Sounds fishy
Cast Line has cut down the;
local freight Weldon and
Kinston to a week instead
Dr. C. H state health
Tice- of has
North went so far
n matter
of State day observance at the
Jamestown i, that the
Old Dominion wants to make an-
other State day trial. That is
all right, and if you go ahead of
what we have already done,
forth Carolina will just come
Boat Blow Up-
N. C, Aug 17.-The
Edna May, a gasoline boat be-
longing to the Eastern Carolina
Transportation Company,
I ed at nine o'clock last night be-
Wei N r
According lit.
man, an traveler
many a home
know only the
of the torch or the dim
flame of a tiny lump consisting of a
pan of tallow with a wick of
thread is now with a
number of eight candlepower
lights at a rental of or so
a year for each lamp. and
have never been burned in
these villages; they gone
from the ancient to the very
modern. The abundant water pow-
is the cause of the cheapness of
I in man- of th
lights are not switched
in the daytime.
Warm lieu I c
thirst. I . I he Lit .
pure, drinksmade i- I . ;
best. i- exec .
lire a j . . I
the j lice of fruits i
with writer and .
water i a whole . . .
drink and safe.
drinking -f pure water i helpful
keeping the system in goad running
order. Children
aged to drink freely, preferably,
however, between meals. A drink
is in order the first thing in
morning and the last thing night.
Good Health.
A headline in the News and
Observer. Cat's
calls u to t
the editor of the
s something like The Tobacco
or Company moved their factory
drummer of Elizabeth city, and
There's an V in the latter Miss Fulford. of Manteo. who
from Wilson to Norfolk. A firm part of September, but in the Party are
out making flour in Charlotte picked the oysters will come in with the recover.
astounding fact that kissing
up their factory and went to first the month.
been away for two weeks and the but Richmond. Charles J. Parker,
office has been in the hands The men don't
like freckles.
. large school and church furniture
dealer in Raleigh, had to open a
ranch warehouse and in
If people would let alone the, An exchange Richmond. All for the same
and mistakes of others and into the world without his con- on. Freight rate
try to rise themselves the world and goes out against his are building up the Old
would hi made better, but often Poor man is never Dominion at the expense of
people who haven't North Carolina,
to be in anything e's;
try to emphasize their We are surprised that the If Judge shook get
Information is that a pipe of
the engine was leaking gasoline
and a lantern ignited the gas
If the Standard Oil Company, thus forming in the engine room.
pays the fine, the money might Men women and children leaped
be used to pay the difference in overboard. The boat was almost
the price of oil. destroyed.
A in a passing sloop,
If the telegraph operators get. rescued the survivors. The en-
are asking tor arc reported
e l i fatally burned- All the rescued
be satisfied for a whole
by an affection of son Times would credit such a pay per injunction we should
to somebody better a it think his would be con-
to Edgecombe county,
The pretty part of it about the
growth of Greenville is that it
keeps on growing.
persons were some of
them seriously.
Typically American.
A German after having spent one
week in New York received letter
from home asking him to send back
something typically American as a
souvenir of the land of the free.
Being a conscientious man, he
studied conditions about town for
another week before attempting to
decide upon any one commodity
representative of American culture
and habits. Finally he made up
mind. sent six packages of
chewing York Sun.
Concrete telegraph poles are com-
into very general use in sections
where those of wood are not so read-
accessible, and in some localities
they arc very economical. A metal
framework is built an and the con-
formed around it. the pole be-
octagonal and slightly tapering.
At the op mortises ore provided
for the cross are
cured by metal There are
also mortises for the use of the line-
Saved by Hit
A voting Inker, who v.
a companion an as-
cent Plan rear
-.-i- en ht
the a tree after felling
nearly h-M
his . , la of
If the Southern Railway elect-1
J f.- f-
ed Governor Glenn they now ;,
probably wish they hadn't
in Ins bod i
department is in C. who is authorized to rep-
the Eastern Reflector in and territory
Picture frames made to order Root paint, varnish, stains.
Carolina Supply Co., coloring etc, at Harrington, Bar-
Winterville N. C. Co-
,, Remember that the A. G. Cox
Miss and Dora Cox and Manufacturing Co. are still
little Miss Hunsucker to make their
visiting relatives near Pitt school desk No school
should be with out them.
Greenville. A line of umbrellas and
The famous receded at
with is the Co-
thin r to harvest your oats with. have realized
one at Harrington Barber the comfort level side
Co walks made of cement
S C. Carroll went t- Green- , he Carolina Milling
ville Saturday evening on Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for you at
We sell Eclipse and any fine- Wood work also a
fountain I specialty.
R T. Cox Bro. and best styles of urn
Prof G E left at B. F. Manning Co
evening Notice-Our o station
. . . . must go. We must
be canvass for immense
the Winterville High School. ; new goods now coming
We have on band conies the next forty days we will make
-of the history of the , special prices to all our customers
co disaster. Usual l on our box papers
Our price. ct. B T. Cox B. T. Cox Bro.
i a I T. W. Wood A Sons 1907
Lawns, laces es and
bergs going at a tart n at , e had at store of Dr
J. M. BLOW, . Manager and Authorized Agent.
An am lull I
we take
writing for
m limn We have a list
H who receive mail at
also orders
If you wish something nice R- Smith. H- C. Ormond,
buy a box of candy from Miss May Smith and Miss Ella
Tall What Ha Knows About
bare is won of the most fa-
it found inn man-
The common
lives on the lie
the poler hare lives on ice.
Bares can lie lo A
man saw a bare
awl hares real badly.
Barber Co
A. went
So wen lie a bare inn
he fed. think this is
then lie waited with the hare
the man teA, n line
mixer, hold to The
bare but
on The man got
he the hare
then fell a
the bare struck
the mail struck on the hare. Then
the man
without to sir-
Saul's at the drug store.
Greenville court is an
for many of our citizens just
Call at the Drug Store
cure one of those excellent
Pens. M. M. Sauls.
Mr. Hart, the tombstone drum-
mer, has been in town.
The ladies and the girls all
like candy. The kind
at Saul's drug store.
Leslie Turnage, J. A. Davis
For fresh and cheap goods go and a host of others from here
to E. E. they been to and returned from
have the best. i the exposition.
Miss Daisy Tucker, from near L A specialty of stationery at
Black Jack, has been drug store.
Misses Lee and Nannie Nichols Capt J. M. Dixon has been to
during the past week- Richmond and since
Saturday evening a little son
of Mr- Tobe was out
when horse became
frightened, ran away and threw
the little fellow out of the buggy
but not
U seriously.
May left today for the James-
town exposition and Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. W. c- Jackson
spent Sunday in the country with
The Seminary opens on the
26th of August We sincerely
hope there may be a large at-
This school has an
able corps of teachers and de-
rifle thing
-i n trips
etc. bis
r. Pa Co.
A W Tuesday
f 1-. He will also visit e
Tobacco twine, lanterns,
etc , W. Ange Co.
r. Cox Pro.
Try a tree pocket
under .
are kept in stock B T
O X Bro.
Carry repair work bot
h iron to the
Co Work done
and guaranteed.;
Now is a season for
traveling. Go to R g
A Co
I ring to
Una A Mfg. Co Try
Bring your eggs now prepared to make I
to Barber class flour.
Highest prices paid for them I work done
Mr. and Mrs . Rf Milling Mfg.
the Robert at I
Kinston. where Mrs. Have all ye-r wood
underwent- an done at th Carolina
are to lean, of her speedy la
Keep cool hot Cot.
Guaranteed all P
your B. F Man-1 r-in coats at B. F. Man
Vis Jennie farm. who of
been Miss Eva Lang-tor. ff B. F.
near, re, Monday eve-j have ,
to at Bethel. , , stock
The famous Hawks glasses at
B. T. Cox Bro Don't neglect a New lot of nice pants have
your eye- ; been received at
Janie returned Barber A. Co.
from Kinston evening Barber Co. have
after spending some with a complete of made
her mother who is at the Robert clothing sea him before you get
Bruce hospital next suit
You want a and we
n long time ago h
cox he
dent hare. then
bares out of the woods
then every
IT on the boys, but
they'd bee hi this
Paris can inn n good faster
than it like they Mi
Hick a man to
a hare's cub It a big
cub. the man had awl he do
to holed fast to it. the
ban came after
and hollered, the
clawed the cote off the
man sum of the skin got
away ran to the
hare. the mother bare licked
the cub awl over, then she start-
ed out to man.
the in a grate
got Plain
Dealer. J
A Mai's
Mrs. Meek her next door
What was that awful
heard over at your house
hist evening Weren't having a
political debate or putting out a
w ere you
Mrs. Oh, no That
only Mr. Foghorn reasoning
with on the subject of
J. R. Smith Co. have just re-
a car load of lime.
Sunday morning Mr. Richard
Wingate, who lives a short dis-
in the country from Ayden
had the misfortune to lose by
fire his tobacco pack house in
which was stored about twenty I hams, shoulders, chickens
thousand pounds of his very best eggs to J- R. Smith Co.
For mowers, rakes, huskers
and shredders, come to see us.
J. R. Turnage Co-
The very best and cheapest
hair brushes, combs, and pow-
at Saul's drug store.
Bring us your beeswax, wool,
tobacco This falls very heavily
on Mr. Wingate, being for the
better part of his entire crop, of
r this year. He had about
insurance on the building.
Lo candy direct from
factory at Saul's store.
Sauls guarantees all he sells,
especially candy.
Mason fruit jars, taps and rub-
at I. R. Smith co-
Keen cutlery and hard-
ware at J. R. Smith co-
Royal flour, always good and
Miss Maggie Dixon, of Black, good always at J. R. Smith co.
Jack, has here on a visit to
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sausage and fresh fish.
W. L. Browning, book keep-
fur J. R. Co., has re-
turned from his summer vacation
and is at his stand.
If you need any Paint be sure
and see E. E. Co.
We are informed J. E. Wins-
the Pride of a Settlement Worker
Received a Hard Jolt.
Bar. Anna Shaw, president of
American Woman Suffrage
said in in Chicago
excellent cure fr false pride
is a little college work.
By false pride I me. the belief
that the poor regard one as noble
and fine one happens to
rich. Servants and dependents
have to encourage this false
in us, but a little settlement work
soon undoes the mischief.
know a Philadelphia woman.
She is proud because her great-
Ice cream salt at J. R. Smith
Pneumonia Cure at J. R. Smith
hams and shoulders
at J. R. Smith co-
patterns at J. R. Smith
Washing machines and wring
at J. R. Smith co.
little man You
always do your father tolls you
Young much I'd
For Nichols house ,,,., . . ,
and corner W have them. you soil that get whacked by mummy it
school grounds- House tobacco come by Win
is new roomy, and see Hunsucker.
located. Terms easy. that buggy until you
He t to your
Mrs. J ti. C. Dixon, Mrs- R.
G Chapman. Misses Mamie and
left Monday for
to visit friends and
A new line of fancy ties and
opened at
Barber Co.
A line of consist,
of brooches, watch
Charms etc. at B. F. Manning
Tobacco twine, lanterns,
handles, thermometers are need-
interest and he will it,
You are going to
ed some new carts and wagons
to house your crops and haul
your cotton and etc to the Mar-
Now the A. G. Cox
during Co. are in position to
furnish with the Tar Heel
carts and wagons, which are
the most durable on the market.
School cannot get the
proper brain training unless they
are physically comfortable. The
Dannie, are .
ed in I tared by the A. G. Cox
them at B. F. Co. especially noted
Keep the troublesome flies out their comfort
of your house. They carry germ. , North Carlina
Window screens are the things.; be furnished with
Kind occupation do
you two poor men follow
Gritty mum, we
are nature fakirs.
Gritty play do
elephant in do show. Sandy is de
head and am de
the absolutely
. can be
replied the
dear replied the tricky
dealer, wouldn't hurl a hair of
hairs of vow
Pitiful Fact.
Mild the
A. W. has them.
Miss Minnie Cox returned from
Morehead City Saturday evening.
Keep your lamps and lanterns
in good trim. Get your shades
at Barber Co-
Now for a cheap
Summer sale. slip-
at and up; shoes at
collars now
pints at
1.66; pant-rt pants
at umbrellas at
umbrellas at umbrellas at
Also a bis reduction in
waist This sale is
to make room for fall goods and
will last days, so
come and be convinced. A. W.
Ange Co.
T. A. Nobles is here this morn-
with the less lamb.
The firm L. Wilkinson Co.
on this date dissolved by mutual
consent, W. B. Brown purchasing the
interest of C. L. Wilkinson Charles
in the business. All indebtedness
of the firm is assumed by W. B. Brown,
and all accounts due the firm re pay-
able to him.
This, August 9th, 1917.
C. Wilkinson
W. B. Brown.
Having sold our interest and good
will to W. B. Brown, we ask for him
n continuance of the patronage that
has been given the firm.
C. L. Wilkinson.
know it,
Her Education.
many my ;
until education is
her education be com-
until after she la-
York Life.
Mr. is a-t eighty
now. and he really seems brighter
than for some years past.
precocity Baltimore
low has bought the Coward lot
and will erect at once Third
street livery stable by feet
and a store on Lee street by
feet, both made iron and of
the latest improvements We
will gladly welcome Mr. Winslow
in Ayden and sincerely wish him
the very best success in his
Such men are much
desired in every community and
always add to the growth and
development of any community
in they may live, and
are sure he will prove no
to the rule.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store secure this much need-
ed article.
Rev. V. presiding
elder of Washington district,
will hold special services in the
Methodist church here Friday
If you can not be
dated and fully satisfied at Saul's
store, your's must be a
hard road to travel.
Mrs. Sack Smith and family,
who have been spending some
time in the country have come
Turnip and cabbage seed only
the best at J. R. Smith
J Griffin went to and returned
from Kinston Thursday.
Everybody hat
buys candy from
Mrs. G. L. Hodges and
Mis Marion, of Kinston,
are here on a visit to Mrs- R- C.
Big lot cots latest styles,
comfortable at J. K. Co
Prof. A. J. who
lived in Ayden for several years
and was at one time mt of
the Carolina College when
ed here, is on a visit to I
He preached in the
church last Sunday and his
was highly appreciated as
he is considered a very able man.
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
J. Higgs, of Greenville,
was a pleasant caller to us yes-
Mrs. Willie Prince came Sun-
day from Point to spend
several days here with her
The Primitive Baptists had
meeting at Sunday.
Elders C. C. Bland and Stokes
conducted services- There was
a tremendous crowd present, an
just as the people were leaving
a heavy rain came up and many
were the Sunday-go-to meeting
clothes that were spoiled and the
ladies are still a sighing over
those beautiful hats.
H. C. Ormond spent Sunday in
Greene county.
Mrs. George Tucker, of Whit-
is visiting her sister,
Mrs. H. C- Ormond.
grandfather, a carpenter, happened
to own land that is now worth mil-
lions. In her haughty way did
some settlement work during Lei
was an old woman whom
she visited every few days. Sin
carried the old woman jellies, tea
olive such like Ami
pleased with the.
lie all rafted as she
down the Barrow, squalid
Dr Joseph Dixon
Block, Bl t
N. C.
up and
I-; at me a
.; i
.-r th
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions,
Light and Heavy Groceries etc.
Prices to suit the times.
they question you.
about . dual
Indeed they do,
smiled again.
what do you u-11 them
she asked sweetly.
the old woman. just
say mi dressmaker, and let it
One two story dwelling
at One four room cottage
at One nine room two story
dwelling at Six vacant
lots all in the town of Ayden. N
One thirty-seven acre form
just outside corporation at
All will be sold on easy terms.
Ayden a Ins. Co
N. w.-a-
At the of business May. 18th, 1906.
J. J. Edwards Son have just
received a car load of Ellwood
wire fence. Can furnish any
Big lot of calico, best grade
per yard at J. R. Smith Co.
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and Fixtures 610.59
from banks and bankers
Gold 290.00
Silver coin 1.728,15
profits less expenses
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to 39,360.07
Cashier's checks outstanding 607.84
Nat. bk notes other notes 1,538
I J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above-named solemnly
the above statement is to the beat of my be-
lief- J. R. SMITH,
Subscribed sworn to before I
me, this 27th of May., 1907. I , JOSEPH DIXON
Notary Public I L, C. SKINNER

Letter from Superintendent Smith
to Patron.
Through the
esteemed paper, I wish to trans- j
grams and blue prints, and it is
our duty to educate the coming
citizens in this direction.
French will be substituted for
physics this year, and will here-
i after be made a permanent part
Through the your j of A
are required to take Latin in the
nit some information to the there
pie of the Greenville graded Rood why they not
school district concerning the
next session of the graded school.
By order of the Board of take r
After the eighth grade is finished
pupils may. with the consent of
French. Whichever language is
the white school will open
Wednesday, Sept. 25th. The lust pursued
following is the corps of
all but two of whom were
ed at the June and July may do so provided they get the
Miss I consent of their parents and
first grade. Miss; teachers In the age.
second. Miss seems to M
third. Miss fourth. much more than
Mu Payne; Mis. Bennett; to rood
eight end tenth for the mind as the
Mis s W right. ard Latin our
Cox. Miss will adding it to our course.
drawing and assist m the third vacation I have
grade Miss B.
Id Mew York, will have
department of, the State I and Trinity
Jury Return Verdict of Not Direct Communication Between
After Two Hours Raleigh and the East will soon
Deliberation be Established
Beaufort, N. C. Aug 16.-
30-minute's charge the
jury took the Kline peonage
Greenville is now connected by
steel with Wilson and
The new line of the Nor-
ease, and in two hours returned folk Southern was joined yes-l
a verdict not guilty. and Greenville now has a
Another bill having been found direct line to the capital city, as I
peonage, he well as to Washington and the
against Kline for
was held to New Bern court
two years. Pupils one thousand
In default of
No announcement has been
made as to when trains will
WORD that word U
it Dr.
Are you constipated
Troubled with
Sick headache
ANY of these y end many others
Indicate Inaction the LIVES.
I . ,
Take No Substitute.
Do Not Neglect the n
vacation I
in permanent
scholarship for our school from
of Business is Increasing
The better grades of tobacco
have advanced from two to ten
shall very probably per on en.
, ville market in last two days, i
equivalent has been g
as- they the Poteat.
has written me that we is a crop of around
members of our faculty be able to secure one to Converse
hear the college, and the equivalent
of n successful experience one
which he gave.
three hundred dollar running on regular schedule,
eleven foreigners were ordered but it is understood that by Sept
in Carteret jail as j 15th regular trains between
to that court to testify against and Washington will At f the year the first
, Will of a child's
making the trip daily have immediate The
With these connections Green-
, , not heretofore enjoyed, and with
Prices Prevailing and Vol- the progressive spirit which has
j seized the people of this
will forge to the front.
Watch Greenville grow
between. H. Taft and W. H. s
in the town of Greenville Under the firm
A Company
this dissolved by mutual consent.
A. H aft will continue to do business
in the next to Taft and VanDyke
H. Ricks in the store next to
Fleming and Those indebted
to the firm will make payments
according to their contracts with the
firm and a prompt settlement request-
ed. debtor will lie notified at
whirl, store to make his payment but
no one need wait for such notice to
make lie ca at
store and e of will be lad
to see him and all other friends to whom
and of whom continuance
Greenville, N. C. July 1907
W. II. Kit KS.
Hors and if one applied too late for a scholarship and from all
judge by educations at that college but we can in all
beat thing that can be given is
Colic, cholera and
followed by oil as direct-
ed with each bottle of the remedy. For
all Druggist and Dealers in Pat-
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth is stranger than fiction
once more been demonstrated in
the little of F. Tend., the
residence of C. V. Pepper. He writes-
was in bed, entirely disabled with
M. -I T I l f I of the lungs throat
Its Doctor failed to help all
Claim to Be Gaining Ground. Dr. King-
New Discovery. n relies
August. order
for a general strike of all union and l
D. W.
o in
And Provisions j
telegraphers Which President cure for rough and cold
Small, of the telegraphers organ- Me- at I.
next year L if I would be
need ask for get a good average price for out ten after his arrival
. ,, . their crop. in Chicago, did not make its
ST The has prance Mr Small ., ,.
I music teach, Wake Forest. Trinity. st f b rived in Chicago early in the
; ; of and the State m c u i and an hour later in con- that restated kind of treat-
market in North Carolina and with Samuel Gompers.
Trial fret
He Fired the Slick.
New York, and is a graduates can enter any of these
that State. Prof, institutions without the usual
White. of the entrance examination. I
of Music of Syracuse, assures me rather pleased with this stamp,
is one cf approval which the State's
best prepared and most best colleges have placed upon
you can rest assured that you. president f the American Fed-
as any place m;
our work- A graduate of the are equipped to handle a million
best colleges have
musicians that
has ever graduated
has had the best of instruction
from American a-d in-
She is an experienced circles.
Salve; that has healed the ore and
can get as much for your tobacco of Labor; George W. -f r.
president the Cigar- Burns, etc, by John. .
Union, and Wesley Pus- Wooten druggist.
sell, nation secretary the c
union. Labor ,,. Ru,
; Neil will leave for Wash-
tomorrow afternoon. He R A
Tics always on
sh kepi
in Country
Flu gin old
D. W.
O R V v.
There is no danger of blocking
market as they
school has a I and a quarter per week, f taking no part tonights con- virtue of
in to avoid keeping the
Greenville Graded
farmers so long in town the
i Tobacco Board of
teacher of the finest type, Last year we admitted begin- U-L j h
. , . trade decided to put on double
K to the first grade in this season, so as to enable
and in January. The plan was I the farmers to sell their tobacco
not satisfactory, those entering i early in the day, giving
cu- school-
I advised the Board of
a . I January being something of a them ample time to do at at
tee. M the department hind the of Pin and return the same at average
of in with to progress the Mills-
because I believe it to be This year we shall no
and because a number be able to accept any beginners
of in Greenville to the first grade except during
to We have adopted,,,, . r r u I
., . , the month of October. I wish
tho plan used at Rocky
Mount and in a large number
the Carolina day was observed nth at ID
and believe th. best to start them in October. If ion. average
r-f opportunities can M child is six years old before Dec. dresses were made by Entire sale averaged
we and Governor This that
a decree of the superior
county, made D. C,
make no effort to do so until a Moore, Clerk of the Superior court of
request for such action had been on the 2nd day of
made. wherein
J. C. wife Maggie
are plaintiffs and K. A.
and Ella Dawson are defendants, the
Fin at d will on Mon-
day the 5th August MOT. expose
Jas. before the court house
them ample time to do shop-l at at at
eel of land to wit;
Situate in the count v of and
State aid in Swift
at at J, GO at Township, the lands of
, ., ,, Major Allen Adams, W. A, C.
at wt, average Gaskins and con-
Isaac i
i for
in common. This
at k average 10.50-
p. C. Harding.
Not Quite it
N. C. Day at Exposition-
Isaac , Vi-
Norfolk. Aug. 15.-With the J at at I. HI at
urge people having children surpassing all other, 1-i
to enter school for the first
people in this way
ins-the music at school, we
please do n-t send children Winston, of North Carolina, j the highest market in the State
Si d that Know, how to
T , a them land President Tucker, of the ex- get prices anytime,
. ard them. The military review
tot, it Is I shall
place at the book .-tores for dis- Tonight the
was a feature of the afternoon.
Kings I
New Discovery
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
Is a yo i could desire, and
we that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
I You get a
. c
J P.
Ir order t. the the to Gov-
-i printed lists of all the I Glenn at the North
v ill r-ed the rates of books Children will need at building was main
in Green of school. I very
We propose to make the
first class in
and we hope to have Mt. Airy. Aug Hi.
rUn I and
I f,.
for nil
hope parents will call at
j the stores, get a copy of
Stray Hog Taken Up
liberal share of the p
know more of this of the
school will do well to co
of the Muse
Dr. R. Mr. F. C- Hard-
ma or r D. C or my-
best schools in the
-r-w sight-singing
taught as t part of
th course We shall add
. work in
In this way we hope to
develop the propensities
the children and bring them
into a keener appreciation of
good singing, also
voices as muck as possible.
Drawing will be taught rep-u-
in all the grades this year.
Did you ever hear of n man
widow of his son
There is a min in th
who m his deceased son's
Widow and is the stepfather of
his own grandchildren. Such S mu
A gentle- a lyre is a hog, marked square
., , Of mixed kinship For and slit in right
, the children of such a up with my hogs and
he an. the uncles and aunts of their Since
trust blockaders are imprisoned, gives half-brothers and st 107- can get hog
on that interesting account of a con- Record , paying for feed and care and
vis-. he had with the twelve W
of as, as j man who
desiring to with books before day,
the opening. I trust this will .-. ;
all feel
music to
Miss Haskins is an and S thus
capable teacher of drawing; the institutes and semi-
President of the around over the
State Normal School, b all ad-
. . twelve
t Their ages range from
The fr the corning to about RA years. They
year is such that I think we may had a great deal to say about
over it We, what th.-y proposed doing after
drawing. French and sentence is passed and they all
the course of study. I go to the They
and have otherwise improved I have each selected an occupation
the curriculum, having raised j-some one thing and some an-
We have what other. One old man said
believed to be a strong corps of As proposed to bottom chairs, as
teachers, and I am confident that ho that kind of
continued hearty sup- j men seem to be
port of the people, we shall be, taking the thing easy-making
able to make this the best year the best of it they possibly can.
in the history of the school. My When they get out this scrape
they will probably, at least some
of them, let the liquor
ambition has been to make the
high school department a sort of
me that we are fortunate
in being able to engage her. I
am that drawing
is one of the most important sub-
taught in the schools of to-
day, and I am resolved that the
children of Greenville shall have
some training in this direction.
vantage at home. I trust I shall
see my ambitions realized this
Hoping that the school children
are already yearning anxiously
for Sept- 25th,
I am very truly,
H. B. Smith, Supt.
Oars baa age
August 1907.
Elmo Beds
A woman in a nearby town an-
a elephant par-
Each guest was told to
bring something for which she
had no use, but which was too
good to throw away.
Eleven of the nineteen guests
j present brought their husbands.
Notes From
N. C-. Aug j
G. E. B. and I
R. Carroll attended farmer-
institute in Thursday-
Mr. and Mrs E. A.
left Saturday morning for
Mr.-. will spend
sometime with her people.
L. F an I wife
from For, Thursday.
aft-r spending some time with
their s-n
L. left
morning for Nashville,
Andrew Joyner, V. C.
Moore Edwin L. Conn, rep.
of News and
Observer, spent Wednesday night
in our town on business.
Quite a number of our young
people attended a festival given
out to Mr. Alfred
last Thursday night. Ail
to report an excellent
Greenville N
dame of the Super-
Court in In
Mm J. In-
Mr J. D
ex undersigned
will e fur cash
I- u-e in
public I 2nd
described lot
of n th town Greenville,
ling part of lot No f-2 in plot f
In -in n us old n
lot. the of Green
Seconder- North with
lei-n St. lid feet thence East
hI. feet, thence south
pr III I feet,
w-t with feet to the begin-
S id I- told fur division
2nd. . August 1907.
F. James,
D Cox n claims
or less, of
,. . ;,.
township, e . N C , on
lb d
ton. Sr., A G. J H. Mill
land others.
This June h
I J. Cox.
Any person or persons claiming
title to or interest in the fore-
going described land must file
their protest in with me
within the next thirty days, or
they will be barred law.
R. Williams.
Entry taker ex-officio.
Daily Freights Again.
The Kinston Free Press is
for the
The local office of the Atlantic
coast Line railroad announces
the reinstatement, today, of the
daily freight service. It was
found, after several days trial,
that three trains a week could not
m handle all the freight It's well
that they have done .
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of county us
executors of the Last
of R. deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
persons hiving any claims against said
estate must preset the same, i
authenticated, to the undersigned for
payment on or before 25th day of
June, 1903. or this notice will be plead
in bar of recovery.
This 25th day of June,
T. E. Hooker.
T. M. Hooker,
W. E. Hooker.
Executors of Pattie R Hooker.
Entrance into es and
on certificate.
Faculty of experienced college
Scholarships from leading
Expenses extras.
conditions unsurpassed.
Prepares for life or college.
Thorough instruction.
Home influence.
Good library.
No Saloons.
Time to. enter Sept.
For information and
address. Z. P. Supt,
Littleton, N. C
The Bank of Greenville
hr has
award d to Pitt bounty.
hope that there arc other
things in store for us, and we
Under the of this
and resources for the up
town and
B. L DAViS Pars.-
N- C
if business M-y
Hon W. W.
Hon. W. W. Kitchen is making
vigorous canvass in his
for governorship. last week
at he made a speech
n which he said among other
people are entitled
to know where men who aspire
to public office stand on the
of the He regretted
that certain news papers in the
State hurl the Democratic
party into
He scored trusts and railroads
then stated that if any
or friend of an opponent
challenged any he
made he challenged him to a
He stated that he the
railroads to live and earn just
compensation, but they should be
rt strained by law to earn only
is a just and fair
satin; that it was self evident
that we must leave it
dial fairly with the
railroads or the railroads to deal
with the people, and that
for a the people
left it to the railroads to deal
fairly, and that they had failed
o do justice; therefore the
must control and see
He stated that the Southern
Evans and Miss Helen
Haddock were in our section Sun-
Mr- and Mrs- Albert Moore
both have typhoid fever- We
hope for them speedy recovery.
Mr. John Moore is on the sick
A title Politic Story.
A correspondent of the Char-
Observer sends in
And here is another story. A
few days I met an old friend
of mine who was born and
brought up in Cornwall, England,
but is now a naturalized
said he. although
Will Moore, son of John Moore is my name the
is I
so much talk for
I nor
Sunday night He leaves a wile
and two children, five brothers
and three sisters to mourn his
Everett caught three
From The Capital City.
Commissioner James R.
paid into the state treasury today
representing the re-
the department for July.
This is en especially food
month's business- The
also paid into the treasury
representing a part of
the insurance that was carried
mi the. dissecting hail
burned at the state .
In the work of compiling and
,. t
U. S.
Time n
The road is not yet open
and it will be borne time
before all is in readiness for this,
but a-5 the date is on
which business will be begun no
was against him for definite day for the first schedule
governor and that every salaried
is a farmer, a auditing the roll of confederate
a merchant in Johnston pensioners M just approved by
I answered; been pension board it is discover d
and president in the state treasury Hut U.
of the State S. Dollar is a pensioner in Ashe
hon the liquor
I don't know. As far as that
In direct connection an- now heard has no, ton, father of Dr. Lea O.
and Wilson, and far . Broughton, paster of Tabernacle
first railroad direct was made a Baptist church. Atlanta, is
Ii won't vote for Hi want ill with no for bis
recovery. In fact death ii expect-
ed at any time- Dr
ton is on his way h from
Northfield- Another et n. Dr.
Joseph Broughton, has b sen here
from Atlanta for a week or
This was on the Norfolk of halt now and
Southern Railway, the line u,,,,
which between Raleigh and that let a
son has just been completed, and man ave when -e wants t
the trip was made by Vice Pres- and needs it ye know.
C. O. of this road. .-when
I. C S
S. C
shove primed hark do
. t th- of
. HA
Come In and examine my
attorney except two or three of
his personal friends were against
him. but he stated further that
railroad employees, con-
and were for h'm.
He claimed that the Charlotte
Observer favored the election of
his opponent when he was the
of his party for
Congressman, and the further,
very Democratic paper in the
which favored the subsidy
which he opposed in Congress
; i against his for
nor. He stated the railroads
rather have any candidate
now before the people than him,
i lift they may not want the other
candidates, but wanted him not
great combine against
Mr. Kitchen is the American To
If our readers doubt
mark th efforts of
those friendly to trust.
Watch their conversation and
you'll soon be convinced. What
i does Mr Kitchen need further
to recommend him to the people
of this State- record in Con-
i in which has valiantly.
many times successfully, de-
fended the rights of the people
trusts and and special
interests and two of the most
powerful aggregations of capital
now the life blond of the
l people of this State in open op-
position to him.
train has been made.
Vice President was ex-
pleased with the work
of the road and
he enjoyed the trip to Wilson. He
left Raleigh and went through
to Wilson direct, a trip that will
soon be for all
It a matter of rejoicing to
that it is now tied to Wilson
with steel rails, and the friend-
ship that exists between the two
places is apt to grow t he closer.
It is that when the
line is formerly opened that there
will be a celebration in Wilson
and later one in Raleigh.
In the meantime, the work of
the Norfolk and South-
beyond Wilson is being push-
ed, and before long there will be
trains in operation from Raleigh
to Washington by way of Wilson,
and Eastern Carolina will have a
new Observer.
English friend asked.
November a I
Well, wot are these in
of a
could not answer this.
Farmers Institute
Quiet a crowd gathered in the
court house this morning to hear
on farms and farming.
A most interesting talk was
made by col. Redding,
Experiment station. He ad-
vises the farmers not to raise so
much cotton but good cotton and
more per
down the road from
said Col. Redding,
saw some cotton fields that
would not yield more than a bale
to acres. The excuse given
was too much rain, but I told
them it was too much
Then he quarters
of a bale should be the least
average per acre, and a bale per
acre is
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
f White Lead, Paints
Colors, and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There Is no line in the world better
Id Up. It ii t n
reputation for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
ever worry quality. a
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C.
New York, August The
dispute between the authorities
of North Carolina and the Fed-
courts over observance of a
cent rate law reached another
today when former Judge
Montgomery, of North Carolina,
who was appointed by Judge
of the Federal court,
as special master to take
sat here today and heard
the testimony of several wit-
General Counsel Alfred
P. Thorn, of the Southern rail-
way company, of Washington,
represented his company's in-
at the session The
was taken behind closed
doors at the office of the South
in this city.
Counsel representing the
North Carolina Corporation Com-
mission at today's hearing in-
former Judge James
Shepherd. Walter Daniel and
F. A. Woodard, Former
nor Charles B- Aycock, North
Carolina, and Speaker K. J.
of the State house of
were also present.
Make It Hot For
Washington. P. c, Aug- 14.-
The department of justice has
taken legal steps to cure E. H-
of his habit of
to answer questions put
to h'm while on the witness
stand, and will, if possible, com-
him to tell more about the
now famous Chicago Alton
deal However, the railway
magnate will secure criminal
proceedings under the Sherman
law. The department announced
this intention in the following
will be a proceeding to
compel Mr- to answer
some question which he refused
answer to the Interstate Com-
commission in New York
last winter. No other proceed-
against him and no particular
proceeding against the Union
Pacific is now under
of the department of
President Takes No
Oyster Hay. L I. August
President Roosevelt will not con-
himself personally with the
striKe. according
to the best information obtain-
able here tonight.
Appeals to the President to
take some action looking to a
settlement of the strike were
received at the executive
today, from boards of
and commercial bodies of a large
number of cities. The
were similar in character
to those formulated yesterday
by the Chicago Hoard of Trade.
Each emphasized the importance
of direct action by the President.
Governor Advise.
Va., Aug.
Governor Swanson arrived here learned that he gets hi
this morning from Richmond and
during the day delivered an ad-
dress to the white citizens urging
them to exercise care in dealing
with the race conflict and to pro-
in an orderly manner in the
attempt to rid the of
He announced
he would send one military
company here to prevent further
trouble, but comparative quiet
has been restored, and there is
no danger of another
Pig's Tails at Barometers.
The secret of
Waring's ability to the
weather has out. Re-
he has been able with an
exactitude not equaled by
best barometers to tell his neigh-
and sometimes
ahead what weather to expect.
His predictions have been of
great benefit to farmers. Now it
from his two pigs.
In dry weather the of the
pigs have one curl, in
two curls, and just before a
tails hang limp. Ex-
Mu. Eddy Insane.
Concord, N. H., August 16.-
Information from a reliable
source slates that Mrs. Mary
Baker G. Eddy, head of the Chris-
A Thought for Each Day
Monday Mountains of
always appear steeper at a
a mar build ;
castles in the air he out
the trouble.
Wednesday Life without love
is like nurtured without
Thursday Success in war, like
charity in religion, covers a
of sins.
fortune some-
times comes to us in a very
by looking carriage.
Saturday Modesty seldom re-
sides in a breast that is not en-
Sunday Not education, but
character, is man's greatest need
Two Cent Rate in Wisconsin
Chicago, III.
night midnight the
two cents a passenger rate
became effective and another re-
in rates between Chicago
and points in Wisconsin. Minne-
and the upper peninsula of
Michigan mad-, the second
in less than thirty
In compiling the rates effective
on July railroads figured
on the basis of two and half cent
a mile within the state of Wis-
A few days after the
tariffs were made public, the leg-
passed the two cent rate
law and the railroads changed to
a flat two cents basis.
An Unjust Report
The Fayetteville Observer of
appeared in this paper
Slid several her State papers a
report, from Wrightsville Beach
in regard to what termed
Cowardly in a gentle-
man, whose name was not
in connection with the
rescue from drowning of a Miss
This arrived
in Fayetteville yesterday, and in
an interview with an Observer
reporter he clearly that
the report cruelly unjust,
and that he did just exactly as
he should have done. For ob-
reasons, we refrain from
giving the name of the gentle-
man, but lake pleasure in
a false
Science Church, is
from senile dementia, and is in and man's greatest safeguard,
an incurable condition. New York Evening Telegram.
A Tongue Twister.
Rotter bought some butter;
she said, butter's
If I in my
It would make the batter
But a bit of better butter
Will make batter
So she bought a bit butter
Better than the bitter butter,
And made her bitter batter
So better Betty t
a bit of better butter.-
Hurl in Troll y I.
an accident to an exposition
-bound car, at Norfolk
day, Mr. E- R. Lewis, of this
city, was pretty badly injured,
his left jaw being dislocated and
chin and nose cut The car, on
the Atlantic Terminal division
of the Norfolk Portsmouth
lines, was thrown off the track
by the wheels splitting a switch.
Although the car was crowded
there were but two persona in-
These were Mr. Lewis
and a Mr L. R. East, of Greens-
Mr. Lewis was carried by
Surgeon Winston to the North
Carolina State Guard camp at
the exposition. Kinston Free

We are now offering the tine toilet
displayed in ranging from t
Pure Palm and Lath, flakes to box,
I. VIOLET French milled.
perfumed, and packed a cakes to special be
Violet. Hose and
Lilac, the cake, special. cake box.
Visit our f quipped toilet department get
your u are aware they could be
This department is in charge of w. who is author-
to sent the Reflector in and vicinity.
the War
War Fall
have already spoken
a thrill about them and
Path would not be
without them.
And how girls do love that General Merchants
the immensity of the Jamestown Whirl. This is a double Main and Wilson ts, N. C
exposition, the superb exhibits constructed Ferris wheel that a.
in the government and general keeps you j two and
buddings and the beauty of the You are first up
State buildings and grounds- To
of these one admission to the then down- all the time going
ground takes the visitor, and round, and the more you turn
there are numerous free the more you want to.
like band concert, spec- But this is not all of
parades, menU for there is the Ranch
airship flights, automobile typical Western life, the wild
gap leap, drills of infantry ard show, the Divers, the
J. G.
PLACE different
makes of Womens to-
Ask ten women to
make Nine of them
will pick the
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this. There
must be a reason why
all other women's shoes in
he world.
To Jamestown Exposition
K. drew Tuesday's Jamestown Railroad
ticket at C. T. Big Store, Saturday night, Aug. 17th
We want all oar friends to go at our expense
IS the number which
drew the ticket last
Saturday night
The Big Store will give away another ticket Saturday eight
Each dollar purchase entitles you to a draw for this ticket, and
you get ten dimes value for every cents you spend here.
N. C.
C. T.
-v .
Streets of Seville, the Streets of
Cairo where you ride the camel,
Daughter, shooting
galleries, fortune telling booths
and enough other things to cover
a week nights if you try to see
But do not think of going to
the exposition and returning
home without visiting the Hip-
and seeing
presentation of Pocahontas.
This is not a part of the
but is at the old horse show
grounds in the suburbs of Nor-
folk. It is the grandest
production America has
seen and covers our from
the sailing of Capt- John Smith
from England and his landing on
Virginia's shore down to the
present time. When you think
being expended in scene-
costumes, electrical and me-
effects in preparation for
as its beauty car. only be realized
through witnessing it
And the end is not yet.
calvary drills and fireworks
In addition to these the War
Path has numerous attractions
and amusements where the ex-
tent of enjoyment if limited only
by the size of the book.
Evenings after the main build-
close and at night the War
Path is thronged with people on
pleasure bent. Of course some
of these amusements are merely
fun or excitement, while others
are of real interest.
The reservation is a
small exposition in itself, show-
several tribes of those far
Eastern people with the habits,
customs and occupations in
their native land.
The village
shows how these little brown
people live in the frozen regions
of the far North. The Indians,
Egyptians, Japanese and other
nationalities arc also represent-
The visitor does not want to
miss the battle of the
and Monitor, the reproduction of
the famous conflict in Hampton
Roads in the civil war. The
panoramas of Gettysburg and
are also good
Another of real is
the destruction of San Francisco,
showing the city before, during
and after the terrible earthquake
and lire that visited it a little
than a year ago. It is
The baby incubator is a
wonder and shows to what
extent ingenuity can take the
place of natural means in
serving life. How the babes are
taken from one stage of develop-
to another is
Something else the visitor
should not miss seeing is
Trixie, the smartest horse in t e
world. Trixie can do things
that makes her seem almost
human instead of mere animal.
Paul Revere's ride next door and
under the same management is
very interesting.
A through the Old Mill is
well worth while and the price.
The race takes you through dark
and winding pas-
sages where beautiful scenes
frequently come into view, the
splashing water making merry
music as your boat speeds along.
The trip through Hell Gate is
excitement all the way. Your
boat floats around awhile in the n
view of spectators then with this U deep no, and
into regions of darkness in- hollow which it
habited by devils and hob-gob-
One only has to keep
his nerve and he comes out again
in good shape.
Then for a laugh just go
to the Temple of Mirth and your
sides will ache before you get
through. The first mirror you
look in starts the risibilities and
the countenance lengthens or
shortens a move on. Then
for a climb over fences and bump-
up a dark stairway and you
get back by sliding out
The Mirror also keeps
you going and guessing, and
when you think you are going
right you are sure to be going
Screams of delight are con
heard from who
shoot the chute or ride the scenic
These are old time
amusements, but is
Fancy Groceries. Hardware,
Stock Feed, and Fertilizer.
Complete line of Carpets, Mattings and Rugs Agents for
Guns, Pistols and Rifles.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade. Call
and see our stock.
The New England Conservatory el
at Boston has eighty pianos
and they would not be there if
they were not of the highest
grade. The Bureau of Music of
the Jamestown after
investigation i of the
highest the
for Piano
All the t
and best in Norfolk us-
pianos exclusively, and all
musicians mm tho in
Sold from Maker tons
one or two
Write particulars to
N. C.
and Fancy
years experience in
Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging s
r, saving
L, C. Street, Manager
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
1.4 St., Norfolk, Ya SharP Clean Tow-
Tar River Navigation.
In a
of Washing
this production, something of and Beaufort county, Mr.
grandeur may be imagined. We Joyner in j
will no undertake to describe it, I News and Observer
repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
It i- i of K Frederick
of traveling
through Jutland one ho entered
a found
f i and
unite l-i
. -t ho
ii v i -i I lie
kins I
With on 11-i cried
u little girl, to whom
the i for had
i; ii link n oil
net per
Why Do
ran lie doubt that
i yawning the x-
f have
long time and i ho
of lilt
tor a
the flow blood and
lymph, which have in
of sluggish;
tot sonic time in the
lien example, when
This ft
souse of
Hence in
i apt tn intend
dun one ca-
lei to a dull
;. Ii i-
ix apt A- in the
of . th deep
which net yawn-
in.; .- for shallow
I i apt I i lie it
The Th and l- Seine
a-s as the
crook- that wander .;
every In America, while the
of in
ch. its col-
ors it
What have never wen the
in deed
your trip e
your own country fir-t. for of
the inspiring id
greater even than the roar-
of Niagara, is to watch the
There is a great future for the
county and for Washington,
less the greed the railroads in i
trying to destroy the immense;
water privilege of I
Washington is prevented by the
citizens of the city and the up
country on Tar river, at Green-
ville, Tarboro and other
rising their financial might and
keeping this waterway open to
J. G.
Parker's Old
N. C.
AH kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work in
wood mid iron
All work
water transportation
n stopped on
of freight has been
Tar river Washington the
owners of the new railroad being
owners of the steamboats.
Passengers can I ride on
lovely river on regular daily
schedule, from to
Washington, by taking
Ola splendid
launch, but all freight has
to go by rail. Should Washing
ton allow its regular
vessels and steamers to be taken
out, it will rue the day of the
coming of the Norfolk and
Two cars corn just arrived.
F. V. Johnston.
Examination of
eyes free.
All watch clock work
Company will ii sure on
any of
Kidney Trouble
Every trace of kidney trouble is
Having qualified as Executor
of the estate of Laura A.
gown, deceased, late of Pitt j
county, this is to notify all per-
having claims against
estate of said deceased to exhibit
to the undersigned within I
twelve months from this date or
this notice will i plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons in-
to said will
make immediate payment.
This the 22nd day of July. 1907
F. G. dames, J. L. Sugg.
Atty. Executor.
will be paid by the Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Md. for any case of kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word to the wise.
For sale by
N. C.
If you decide to insure your
life demand the befit, and be con
tent with nothing but the best-
The S Policy prescribe.
by the New York state law is-
sued by the Equitable Life As-
Society of the United
States. Paul Morton, President
For full particulars, apply to the
undersigned- Warren Jr.
District, Agent, Greenville, N.
C. Wm. A. Danner, General
Agent Richmond
Publication of
North Caroline, county
In the August 1907.
J. Bland and wife M. A Bland.
E. R. beaker. A. B. and the
Hank of
The defendants; K R-
and the Bunk of in
t he above entitled action will take notice
I that notion has been commenced in
i the court of county,
led as above, which said . ion
j brought by the a
which will be specifically
set out in tho
to be in said action, on real
situate in the state North Carolina
And defendants will further
take notice that they are requested to
appear at the next term of the superior
court of Pitt county, to b held on th
2nd Monday before the 1st Monday In
September, it being the 19th Au-
at court House in said
county, in Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
to the court the relief
in said Action, or the plaintiff will
earn said complaint.
day of July
dork superior court. Pitt Count
HARD, Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Joshua Harrison in Supreme
Court To-Day.
In Supreme there
will he heard today as the second
case an the docket of Pint Dis-
appeals tho ease of the
State against Joshua
who being found guilty of the
kidnapping of the lad. Kenneth
Beasley, in county,
February was
ed to twenty in the
State's prison.
This is one has ex-
cited the deepest interest though
out the State, for from that day
to this the missing boy has not
been found, there have been
rumors of his appearance
at one place or another. In the
appeal hearing today
will be represented by
nor C. B- Aycock and Mr. K. F.
of City, while
for the State will appear Mr.
Hayden assistant to
the attorney general, and Mr.
W. M. Bond, Of
News and Observer.
No Occasion For It.
There is no occasion rail-
way engineers and others in like
work flaring up about the. indict
of the train crew for the
Auburn accident. We all know
that they did not conspire to
cause the on the con
we know they regret it
more than any one else. The oh
of the indictment is not re-
or even it is
for the purpose of
body more careful less liable
to forget- It may be that not a
single one will be convicted of
any offense; it is limn not, but
the example, the good to come
from taking notice of such
dents, will have good effect on
all others. We understand that
Engineer is one the
most careful men on the
where he been running for
thirty years or more but that on
occasion he was not ml all
well and condition
he asked his fireman to help him
remember his duties. It might
be said of course that if he was
sick he should not gone out en
his run; no doubt he would BO
have gone had he been sick at.
the time, but he was seized with
cholera after the train
started like a faithful man
, did the best he could
It is reported that the Brother
i hood of Engineers will take up
case, which is proper and
right, but along with this report
others that My tho
feel aggrieved that he
should be arrested for it. This
U ail wrong, for as stated above.
L not the desire to punish so
mu Q as it is that by this action
others will be made more careful
and the lives of the
and trait men bettor pro-
Immunity from
dent.-, is liable to make one
or careless, but when the
enormity of the result fully
shown it is sure to have a good
effect-- Greensboro Record.
One Not Sate to
A white man who bad taken
on too much liquor, caused boom
excitement early Saturday night
by visiting several residences in
South Greenville. The man
claimed to be a defective and
that he was hunting for some-
body. The police wined of
his capers and went to look
the man, but lie had disappeared.
Though several saw the, basin,
man and talked with nun. it
seems that no one could describe
water surface, which has a depth
of from ten to fifteen feet.
Over a mile of sea wall is
in the sides of the piers.
The total cost was some
which is seen to be moderate
when it is realized that
piles were driven into the harbor
bottom, some square
yards of earth filled in around
the inner walls, while over
square yards of earth were
removed from the bottom of the
Filled With Buckshot.
him sufficiently to be recognized, i
did a risky going a
to-houses as he did. it is a Brought to
wonder lie did not -jive the 000-1---, Agnes Hos-
tors a job of lead hunting. repairs-
This morning a man named Saturday night he entered
Troy May, claiming be from j he home of Mr. Louis P. Wood.
Rocky Mount, was arrested for in Now township, and
vagrancy and taken before Mayor daughter when
It developed that Miss at
was the same man who thought It washer brother
Runaway Couple Married
Sunday evening's train brought
from Norfolk to Greenville Mr.
Leslie M. and Miss Helen
and this morning the
couple were married at the
parsonage, on Fourth street,
by Rev. J. E. The
couple had runaway from Nor-
The bride is a Jewess and n
beautiful young woman. Mr.
Newton is ;, native of this county
and a son of Mr. C. V. Newton.
Of Falkland. After the
the couple drove out U
Falkland to visit his parents
Mr. Newton is by
the trip through South
Saturday night. The man put
up a pitiful plea, saying-he was
drunk and did not know what he-
was doing. The mayor suspend-
ed a road sentence over
May and let him out on parole on
the promise that he would go to
work, show good behavior and
pay the- costs in the case.
of Government Pier and
Basin Jamestown
Centennial Exposition.
Jamestown Exposition. Va.
The pier at the
Jamestown Exposition will be
Completed and turned over to j
the I
The ceremonies
I called to him. This fright-
the and ho jumped
out of tho window and larded
among some chairs, Miss Wood-
lief culled her father, who ran out
after the His wife hand-
ed him the gun through the win-
and he shot the twice.
The gun was loaded with buck-
shot and though the
gone some distance from the
house both loads took effect, and
the will probably die.
was in clothes,
but before he was discovered in
the house he had put on some of
Mr. to hide
his Even-
Young Man a Suicide.
dent to the dedication of this
stupendous engineering feat
take place at night beginning at
about o'clock, and will include
one of the most beautiful
ever given in the Harry
United States, . ,; for the eastern district of North
rain, the wizard
Durham, N. C. Aug. News
reached here last night of the
suicide of Thomas G. Skinner.
Jr., of Henderson, son of ex Con-
Skinner and nephew
lights, has been put in charge of
Carolina- Tho young man. who
Sere Jones
Co., of Nor-
Broad Injunction.
Raleigh, N. C. Aug. In
the noted case of United
Machine Company vs.
Wright, involving transactions of
Wright as the company
in the sale of in Japan.
other foreign
tries pending in the court for
several years. Judge R.
Purnell. of. the United States
court here makes a ruling that he
will in no wise vacate or modify
the injunction that he issued
sometime ago restraining Wright
from instituting a suit in England
involving matters concerning the
the Cigarette Co. This
matter was argued before the
judge several days ago by F. II.
and ex-Judge W. P- By-
for the defendant J. H.
contra. The court holds
that, having jurisdiction of the
parties subject matter of the
suit, and matters growing out of
the original contract and agency
are a part of the suit in this
At the State Normal and Industrial
College-Ha Daughters of the
Confederacy Establish Two.
The Daughters of the
of Western North
have decided to offer at the State
Normal and Industrial college
to deserving descendants of Con-
federate Veterans, resident in
th counties west of Greensboro,
two scholarships at the State
Industrial College,
Any descendant of a Confederate
Veteran who wishes to secure
those scholarships should
apply at once to President
Foust. Greensboro, N. On
two will b
selected from among the
cant s.
Mrs. J.
Western Section U. D. C.
that Protects
If you decide to insure your
life demand the best, and be con
tent with nothing but the best.
The Policy prescribed
by the New York state law is-
sued by the Equitable Life As-
Society of the United
Suites. Paul Morton, President
For full particulars, apply to the
undersigned- Warren Jr.
District. Agent, Greenville, N.
C Wm. A. Danner, General
Agent Richmond
I was about years old. fired a
the spectacular part of the
monies, and the program No mM ,,
for the rash deed.
shows an elaborate arrangement
of special devices.
of the features of the
will be a reproduction in
j grand basin of the famous bat-
between the and
I the Monitor, both ships being
outlined in fire.
The water in grand basin will i the following stated-
he transformed into liquid flash- yesterday to a newspaper
ii ,. , i . man relative to death of Mr.
light, while all known
, pi . , inner.
laws of nature Hying and ,.,. , ., . ,
My brother-in-law, T.
Young Skinner was a student at
the University.
Henderson, N. C, Aug.
Charles H. Turner, of this city.
brother-in-law of T. Skinner,
diving will gambol hither
and thither through the wave.
Another interesting device will
be old side wheeler the
While the set figures are being
shown hundreds of fiery geysers,
throwing golden spray hundreds
of feet Into the air will up
in various parts of the basin, and
Skinner. Jr., of Hertford. N. C,
was examining a revolver
day, when it went off accident
ally and wounded him
It went out over the State Sat-
night that young Skinner
had committed suicide.
all there is a good deal
in more places gardens of talk. Let a man talk dull times
lilies will appear, the tropical and it is infectious, everybody
of to Begin Sept.
In Christian Church.
Rev. K B. Barnes, of
ville, Ind. will begin a series of
meetings hero In the Christian
church, on Sept. 15th. Mr.
Barnes comet here highly
mended as able evangelist.
He held a four meeting in
Washington, C . in June with
additions to the church, aim
has just closed a four
meeting at with
added to the church. He is not
Original Observations
Orange. Va. Observer.
Tho more some men talk the
they know.
one touch of love that
I makes the whole soft.
A great many marriages are
merely blind bridal affairs.
It is certainly mean to tan a
dog's hide with its own bark.
The farmer often makes hay
while the son shines -in society.
The difference between men is
that you know some better than
The prayers of the truly right-
go to Heaven on the
phone of sincerity.
The average man heaps enough
coals of fire on his enemy's head
to burn him up.
When you want to keep a
it half dozen
Ms They'll keep
t rounds.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of deeds R, Williams
has issued the following licenses
Frank B Manning and
Ransom Boyd and Marcy
John H. Moore and Sallie
Henry Brown and Gallic Flem-
dark and Mary Gardner.
Mill Hands at Charlotte Strike.
Charlotte. N. c. August
Several hundred operatives of
Highland Park Mill No. struck
today, demanding shorter hours.
The strikers ask that they get
same hours as are maintained in
other mills. President Johnson
says he will not yield-
Better Wait Awhile.
Under law it is not yet
time to shoot squirrels. Those
people who are violating this law-
may safe in doing so, but they
are running a risk.
Rev. Arnold, pastor of
the Christian church, administer-
ed the ordinance of baptism to
one candidate this afternoon. The
took place at the rive r
Runs Trains in North Carolina at a Lots
to Serve The People Perhaps.
Washington. C, August
-The hearing of the North Caro-
rate case before Special
Master Walter Montgomery was
resumed at the Southern
offices today and
Plant of the Southern Rail-
way, occupied the witness stand
throughout the day The
dealt mainly with the high
or cost of operation in North
Carolina than In other States.
Mr. slated the total
cost of operating intra-State pas-
Bang r traffic for the year ended
June was and
the total earnings in North Caro-
were a not loss
of about The average
passenger revenue per
train mile, he said, was cents,
while the earnings, including
and inter-State and mail
and express were per mile.
minimum cost of opera-
in earning dollar on the
intra-State ho said,
That represents
the cost of earning one dollar on
intra-State business in -North
for the fiscal year of
1906 exclusive of taxes or better-
or Interest on invest-
Mr. Plant said that so far as
he had been able to determine by
a careful examination the cost of
operation had been greater thus
far in 1907 that in in both
freight and passenger business.
said he,
that to earn one
dollar of local revenue in the
State of North Carolina is twice
as expensive as it is to earn a
dollar on
figures I use are of mini-
mum expenses and a very low
minimum at that. The average
cost of handling a ton per mile
in North Carolina u not less
than three times as great, as it is
on the system
Mr- Plant stated that tho val-
of the Southern Railway
property in North Carolina for
1908 was
there been a recent in-
crease in that
have been so re-
plied Mr. Plant. is now
Tree Known by its
In a man named
Jeffreys has in his yard a
remarkable curiosity in the shape
of a grape vine that is bearing
Tho Government pier at the
j exposition is composed of two
wings over two thousand feet in
length extending out into waters
Hampton Road Immediately
and will come close . , ., ,
that meeting.
color ever min-1 talks dull times. Instead of
rustling around to take care of
Perhaps the most striking what business there is, they all
effect will be that known is go sit down and mope over dull
of the This in stores. If a customer
by represented by a draped figure I does happen to drop into of
of heroic SIM standing over the these he actually this year. There is a
an frightened out of one half can tree two years old young
with arms outstretched. As the u as i. expected to buy.
falls gathers force, a heavy because things look so blue. He
rises in the whiteness of which; catches the spirit of the store and
the figure gradually disappears. I resolves to hang on to his money
about TUG pi a death grip, even if his
business goes to pieces on ac-
count, of running short of goods
to fill up the empty shelves. The
bug-bear of hard times should be
sat down upon. It is doing more
to kill business than anything
else. Tell a man he is sick, keep
at their outer end b, a tool arch, I you will
the arch the two arms
over square feet of
hound him to death. William-
to and close behind it a
grape vino planted last year,
the roots of the two being inter-1 or some out of
Every newspaper wants to pub-
the news. Tho hotter the
paper the more prosperous it will
be. Local news items
hard to run down. How
many times have you. dear read-
been approached by the news-
paper man for an item of news
and you told him you knew
of interest Probably at the
time j our family were away on a
mingled. On the grape vine are
five well developed pecans. The
remarkable plants are attracting
much attention. Exchange.
High Average.
The Star warehouse sold
pounds of tobacco Monday at an
average of That shows
what good work on a warehouse
Gaynor Goes to Springs.
Ga., Aug.
States Circuit Court of
Appeals has ordered Col. John
F. Gaynor. under sentence for
the harbor frauds and
in jail here ponding appeal, to
be allowed to visit Indian Springs
for the benefit of his health
which is failing under
colonel Gaynor will be
accompanied to the springs by
two deputy sheriffs and will boar
tho expense of the trip. The
Change is necessary, Colonel
Gaynor's physicians say, to
serve his life.
Colonel Gaynor will leave for
the springs at o'clock
row morning. The order of the
court is with the concurrence of
Attorney General
town was visiting at .-our home.
Of course you didn't mean to de-
the scribe, yet when you
received your paper you wonder
why your family or friends were
not mentioned. A good way to
avoid all of this is to kindly drop
a note in the to the pa-
per. The one item may not
amount to much, but several
columns of such news is the life
a local paper
; change.
Hither run a town with a vim,
or just sell out and loaf One
thine must be done-run a town
for all it is worth, get up steam
and keep it up- Do you want
trade Rid for it. Do you want
business to come to your town.
Encourage what you have. Do
you want a prosperous town
Then never permit the jealousies
to rule your actions, but work
together for common prosperity
and mutual

Eastern reflector, 23 August 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 23, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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