Eastern reflector, 16 August 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Savory Seamless Roaster
far r y other
R tern e. in i
e Other roasters
from lo percent.
The seamless roaster
needs no water, grease or
of any kind. lake
i n raws the youth of
the to treat fowl. Om great
r of the Savory roaster is
val bottom, with the
nary fat bottom roaster the
mi re brought out of the meat
by king has no chance
and is burned and dried
up bottom of the pan. In
; n juice
c to the lowest
am and
i o n continues
r . -1 I
tot U the
-n .-
i if
by mitt d hen
is which i
roast from all e
Savory n aster i; a class
If, .- U i d to e
. h n used accord-
h directions. Buy one, take
me, the directions.
it days, if not all we claim
f return it to we will
; beck money, pro
r the roaster when return-
re., is in
See our window display of the
roasters. We will be
glad to show you. Call and see
This is in charge of W. who is author-
and vicinity.
The Federal Court.
. L. W. J.
I work of the Jay
grand jury and I
r called on
grand jury was W. L Tucker
of Pitt county.
Judge Purnell
by saying
N. C August
Tin mas
special term of Fed- Three and and v.
court Gum Lady bash. Sect. . , , . . H. C
Clothing. Heavy and
A h. ad on collision between
passenger train Mo, and Stock and
Ma on the Southern g- g Carpel Halting, and for
ft one from Coupons with , for dollar in c I r n
last night resulted in the death stock. in trade Call
of three men and the , .
p i om The the ,
it is to be re
that so m people
mis United Si it
courts and are I . tie to
them Tiny that these
court are of foreign
and tor revenue
The o is alive by
b rs an I rested
editors, United States i
h id their origin in 1787.
have been In existence for
y i . With a
ii this State they have
presided over N
i i and I'd by
North Th i
of Sc I courts is ti
AR of the train
who th m to
t In at I
is to Conductor
C If. Oakley Engineer Stand. Main Street
or time -i,
Buyers of an I Country p, ,.
Corn. ; and r ., Iota
u. . . Dry Goods T
Unrated and
I w the
i i . .;,. ., ,.
i n i.
at the
d r C I s and
I In the
fireman on the passenger
after affairs controlled by th
Injured was Miss
Anderson, of
who received
State court i to look
officers controlled
There is .
between them, but ., In
on H face,
of tin i in- par
M. Au .
A;, the turn . i time are
slowly rotating in -i m. so
arc we, sonic com I
some tilling and . bile
seem to be willing the
summer days at II gore,
without a or care, and
with the favorable of
J. R. J. G.
makes of Women s
Ask ten women to
make Nine of them
will pick
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this. There
mu be a reason why
QUEEN outsells
all other women's shoes in
it world.
. ii re the low. in
some of
call to attention of the
fury, dwelling at length or
age He had t bi en I
.- a crime until Aug. 0-
the three Sine., be The of the aeries of
had been charging
o ,. hie had WM At
. es
able In continue their journey
on a train
three who were
in Raleigh.
r i. i-i and
-rt farmers present from
issue with him Any in of
servitude for H . n a
iv- or of citizens who
should be m
One man i takes a with R- N. . we
him supplies, farmer I. There were
the debtor jumps contract, . ,,,, , ,.
the past week our es-
all seem to wear bright
countenances, and of course it is
understood by toe
r symbolism suggested by the
name of our town,
that when our are hap-
so are we.
in Marlboro, about
o'clock this morning the little
of Mr. and Mr. o j.
th. burial II be
the family v near
Falkland, R, Will-
Tobacco open with
Horton Hotel
N. C.
Beat table the
market all season.
Rates Reasonable,
icy go d rigs
N. C.
t . i ; n
To Jamestown Exposition
Joe Jackson drew Tuesday's Railroad
ticket at C. T. Store, Saturday night, July 7th
We want all oar friends to go at our expense
IS the number which
drew the ticket
Saturday night
3rd I
the creditor goes before m
bind, the debtor I
work out the debt This
I the deb or in and is pa
i is
y n statute tin
the landlord and ti act.
I . I then
a few tr . and
his charge n p ill
d l e
of both . . t; on .
laying on . red i r
the r If
for the American
He expected m i
of the grand
with iii. opinion, but he
favored for i
the it of
agriculture, and also
Pratt, geologist.
He also warned the grand jury j
bills f
New Cm
This is the old man
the y
William long n.
ii,,. i.,,.,,,,, ,
hi . he mule I've wore
i think f I could
v him with some s
word he'd the plow
letter. Help me out, William
, me out
for petty of
and said he went home
States court He brought smiles Washington, N. C,
to the audience in saying are expected to
a n,
days begin the work of
prices, average
Queen quality shoes .-t,
wear easier, and
than any h es
ever used i i y,
Is th. sentiment of a k years In
customer of M. Lang,
The our I
mayor's of j
Robert col v.
on wife with with threats
kill- Bound over to
under bond, being to
it was sent to j ill.
II, col, drunk and
disorderly lined cost
Albert Ward, col, Indecency,
lined and cost,
II. C Moore, drunk and
orderly, fined and cost,
J, II. drunk and dis-
orderly, lined and coat,
J, If. Nichols, drunk and down,
failed to appear,
work guaranteed
Enlarging n
State, Proprietor.
Satisfaction guaranteed, Strict
Exp Par-
repairs I,
On last Wednesday evening
Shout o'clock, Moore,
pastor of Christian
The Big Store will give away another ticket Saturday night Aug.
Each dollar purchase entitles you to a draw for this ticket and
you get ten dimes value for every cents you spend here.
awful dry and a man who knows
the ropes gets you a pint, it is
mighty hard to see him indicted the lines and making
for it. D-J. W. the surveys for the
soon Church and Miss Mabel
in this city It Is
the purpose of th- company to
Having qualified as i nm the car line out to cow Head
of the estate of A. mineral
gown, deceased, late of Pitt from and from there en
county, this is to notify all per-
sons having against the
estate said deceased to exhibit
horn to the undersigned within B
twelve months from this date or I , , . .-, ,
this notice will he plead in i
of their recovery. All persons in I
s l
make immediate payment. many v. ill happen before
C. T.
N. C
Parker's Old
N. C.
AH kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work In
wood and iron.
Ail work guaranteed,
This the 22nd day of July. 1907
F. G. lames, J. Sugg,
Atty. Executor.
have had several reports
of the Reflector carrier boys be-
interfered with and papers
taken from them and destroyed
during the past few days. We
would much rather this practice
would atop without trouble, but
must b in way.
This i-i the only direct
public or private, that
John O. Rockefeller is known to
have made on the
fine since it was imposed last
Saturday. Such as it is, it in-
the attitude of the oil
king toward the federal judge
and it forecasts the determined
fight that is to be made to upset
the Landis decision.
of wire married at
the home of Mr Eugene Stan
field by Elder J. T. and
left early morning for
son and will some time
with friends.
D Thorns lost B valuable,
horse today, it was supposed to Optician ant
have had the blind staggers, i Glasses Fitted.
This makes three horses . , eyes
lost th-. year. Mr. All work
Walter Barret also lost one last
Mr. Woolen, member
and Watch-maker.
Examination of
eyes free.
Mrs. W. H. Wilkinson returned
of the law firm of Women ft from Norfolk and the
Wooten, of came . , last Friday and will
branch office here, we learn-
appeared in a case in our mayor's
court this morning. extend
him a hearty reception and no
doubt of us at times need
legal advice, which heretofore
has been very inconvenient in
cases of emergency.
ant and quite interesting .
Says if there was nothing to be
seen the breeze of the sea would
well pay one for going-
Mrs. Sarah Walsh and
Miss Sadie, of Tex.
came m last Wednesday and will
spend days Capt.
Stamper and mother, who is a
sister Walsh.
D. J. Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Walkout of AH Union Men b
Expected Unless Demands are
New York. Aug
of telegraphers which
originated last in Lev
Angeles whore it war,
No Has More Loyal
Its School
The and Observer yes-
issued a handsome 48-page
Edition, which con-
the following about Green-
Few towns anywhere furnish a
letter concrete example of the
remits of the
against the Western Union Con. over Carolina in
spread east recent Greenville,
and today reached
where three
New York
The town is old, having been
founded in the trying days of
followed in but the Idea of public
succession. These were
against the Western Union, he
Telegraph Company and
the Associated Press. In the
latter instance tho strike was
the against the news organ-
and was fairly general
throughout c wintry, except
in New England. With tie
stopping of work by a majority
of union operators here, the
graph though by no means being
tied up, was seriously
Unexpectedly, and when it had
beer, generally supposed that no
action would be locally
pending a conference of Labor
Neill with
labor representatives in
Chicago, the union operators de-
a strike in the office of
the Union. In
it was stated a
understanding was reached Sun-
day, through which authority,
was given to the local
of the two telegraph companies
to go out any time that their in-
seemed to demand
New York. Aug Melville
cation supported by taxation
never became popular to any
considerable extent until the
throughout the State. The pop-
public education in
North Carolina brought the
Greenville graded school into
existence, and it has been entire-
to the people since
the proposition to issue
bonds for the erection of the
building was submitted to the
people, there was considerable
opposition. However, the meas-
carried b a small majority,
the school was established, and
today no town in the State has a
people supporting ifs public
school system more loyally.
Like so many other good things
in Greenville, and throughout
North Carolina, the establish-
of the graded school was
due to Greenville's grand old
man, ex Governor Thomas J-
Jarvis In doing so, he was very
materially aided by Mr. R J.
Cobb, president of the Green-
ville Banking and Trust Com
The bonds were
on a technicality; Mr
E. Stone, general manager of j Cobb bought them and made it
the Associated Press, replied possible to get the necessary
and the present super
intend- was chosen, Mr. H. B.
Prof. Smith was in charge
of the Department of English in
the high school of the Reidsville
public schools to his cum-
ins to Greenville. He graduated
Institute in 1900. and
then went to Davidson College,
where he finished his college
course. He attended two en-
tire sessions of the Summer
School of the South at Knoxville,
and feels that he has been great-
helped by having done so.
Supt. Smith has succeeded in
making the school depart-
of the school a very
feature, and the s
are readily admitted to the col-
of examination. Tie
school is on the approved list of
schools of the State
It is the Intention of the
and the board of trustees
to lay to the requests of the
employed by the
Pres. These requests
funds with which to erect the
to the organization of
Day work-Six the school in 1902, there were
hours daily per week and from three to nine schools in
over time and extra at the rate j Greenville. They
of sixty cents per hour. .; national, Masonic, private non-
an for boys,
time and extra at the rate of a private school foe girls, etc.
to make the school a sort of
where the young
men and women of Greenville
can get the necessary training
for college or for a successful ca
in whatsoever vocation they
may choose.
The school has ten grades. It
makes a special effort to com-
the entrance requirements
in a manner satisfactory to the
colleges. A department of music
will be established this It
will be in charge of a teacher
who is a graduate of the music
department of Syracuse
New York. In addition to
the department of music, a teach-
of drawing will be employed
hereafter, and one modern
French, will be taught.
Tobacco Statistics.
seventy cents per hour.
The vacation to remain as a
present A prop increase
for chiefs and opera-
Mrs. Stanford White to Wed.
New York. Auk. Mrs
Stanford White, widow of the
architect whom Harry Thaw
killed a year ago, is reported
today to be engaged to her late
husband's partner. Chas
The report which is credited in
social circles, says that the mar-
is to take place after the
trial of Thaw.
The Pistol Toter.
Judge Ferguson in his charge to
the grand jury in a
few days
T will start at by saying that I governor
and the town was at a
at all times In those
as now, people instinctively
turned to the place the
advantage of a good public
school system.
Governor Jarvis had been
away a long time. He had
served as Governor of the State,
as United States Minister to
Brazil, and as United States
Senator to fill out the unexpired
term of Vance. When he retired
to private life, he began to try
to help the people of his own
community. He the
establishment of a graded school
in Greenville with the same zeal
with which he had supported the
State University while he was
and with the same
the man who carries a pistol is
either a very bad man or he is a
coward, one of the two. You
have heard it said that good
men ought to pistols and
men, but after looking
into this subject I am
courage and enthusiasm with
which he supported the State
Normal college at Greensboro
and the Eastern Training School.
Supported by the progressive,
sturdy citizens Greenville,
that this is all wrong, and soon
and the school was a
Because they are good, and th
bad men ought not to be allowed
to carry a pistol
You cannot conquer an aims-
people, but this does not
mean that we are to carry
ons about with us. And so in 1879
the Legislature passed a
making it a misdemeanor to
carry concealed weapons.
Almost every day the news-
papers give us accounts of
caused by concealed
ons, and about per cent of
the tragedies read about are
caused in this way per
cent this number by the use
and drinking of
In the fall of 1903, the school
ready to be opened. The
Board of Trustees chose as their
first superintendent Prof W. B.
Dove, who was at that time sup-
of the Reidsville pub-
schools The choice was a
wise the school was man-
To the Members of the Greenville
Tobacco Board of
In accordance with the usual
custom your President desires to
submit his annual report for the
tobacco year of 1906 ending
August 1907.
First. That recording to the
report of the Secretary and
Treasurer of this Board of Trade,
there was sold upon various ware-
house floors in Greenville during
pounds of tobacco for the sum
of an average of
for the entire crop of the
past year. When compared
with the sales on this
for the year 1905 during
which year there was sold
pounds of tobacco, there
is shown a decrease in the
of pounds, but a decided in-
crease the price per pound.
The crop of 1905 averaging
Der hundred, and the crop
of 1906 averaging per
hundred, making a difference of
nor hundred in 1906
over 1905
Sec It gives pleasure
to report that there was less f
between the buyers and the
and more gen-
satisfaction among the plan-
in respect to conduct of
the tobacco sales during the past
year, than in the history of this
market, so far as your President
is informed and has observed.
Third. There seems to
among a great many
of the Board of Trade the
idea that it is the duty of the of-
to ferret out and prosecute
till violations and infractions of
the rules and regulations of the
Board of Trade. This is a mis-
taken idea. It is as much the
duty of each and every member
of this Board of Trade to report
the alleged offending member
can be and I assure you
that ho long as I may be connect-
ed with the tobacco Board of
Trade when a member has been
duly convicted of an infraction of
its rules. I will see that the fines
imposed are d. or the other
punishment prescribed by the
Board of Trade is carried into
effect. I desire to ask the earn-
and support of
every member of the Board of
Trade In seeing that the rules
and regulations are fully com-
plied with and out.
Fourth. I desire to thank the
of the Board
of Trade for their unvarying
courtesy to me as President of
the Board, and to assure them
that, without courtesy and sup-
port, the past tobacco year could
not possibly have been made as
successful as it was.
Fifth. The coming pa-
on fair to be i re of the. if
not, the best seasons in the his-
of the Greenville
and the only thing necessary to
mike it a complete and
to make Greenville the first to-
market in eastern North
Carolina, is that the
men and their stop
fighting other so much, and
and every member of this
Board of Trade put his shoulder
to the and work for the
of the Greenville market,
and then n those ware-
housemen and associates will
reap a reward than they
in the past.
Sixth. It is with sincere regret
that I am called upon to
the since our last meeting
of a very valuable, honest, in-
and useful member of
Board of Trade. Mr- R. S.
Evans. The members of this
Board of Trade will indeed miss
him during our coming years
work, and I respectfully suggest
that a committee of three
of this board be appointed
to ft resolutions in
respect to his death, and i
copy of the be spread upon
the minutes cf this board, a cop.
mailed to the widow of the de-
ceased, and a copy published in
The Daily Reflector.
This 1907.
Respectfully Sub
R. O.
Board Trade.
by Me b
III., Aug. 12.-The
situation as regards the
strike is not materially
c here this morning. The
strikers assert the Western
ion Companies are
-till in the same con-
as during
few recruits have
companies, through their local
soon be in shape to handle
almost amount of
bat this i
it mad. the manner in
which the board f trade
is being taken care of
At an early hour this morning
the Postal men U Denver. Pu
and Colorado Springs joined
their fellow worker of the
Union, who have been
out since and thus
practically rendered
with those points .
aged conservatively and of its rules and
and soon every one was in I
. . . u i its officers to do so, in fact, the
harmony with the graded school I officers of g of
and its access was assured. cannot take any steps unless the
In December, Prof. Dove charges of violation of its rules
resigned his position as are put in proper form, so that
No. on Southern Saved
by a Work Train Preceding It to
the Obstruction on Track
An attempt a as made this
to No pas-
r train on the Norfolk
S three miles west
of this city Davis, while,
who was yesterday refused a
ride on the train, has be. n
a- I a issued
with the crime.
Ins f the passenger train
being wrecked it is said
would have been the result, an
work train had been sent
out and coming see
obstruction on the track,
w die going west it not
have been detected until too late
as it was at the en I of a curve.
However, there were several
places obstructed covering
a distance, ends of telegraph
poles being jammed in between
the rails, spikes driven down,
pi ice, a Io chain
wound around the rail.
The warrant was sworn out
The famous engine, Texas,
which on April 1862, carried
Capt, W. A. Fuller and Anthony
Murphy from Ga-,
to three miles beyond
a distance of miles, and made
in one hour and five
minutes, has been ordered sold j by B. J.
for by the W. A- -ho is connected with the
I railroad, and who says evidence
Raiders had
ed another engine and set out to
burn the bridges behind General
Johnson's army, but Capt.
who was conductor on the
train from which they took the
engine, secured the Texas and
started in pursuit, making the
fastest record ever made over
the road and succeeded in thwart-
the raiders, four of whom he
About three years the first
engine by the and
North Carolina Railroad was
torn tr pieces at the company's
hop. in New Rem and sold for
i-on. This No
very small compared to
those in us today, but when it
Mas put into service in i
locked upon at a giant, it
was used during the war of
and as shifter in New Bern
until a short while before it was
Tobacco to pieces.
These old engines with so
much history attach d to them
the man D is
Davis will be given a or Mm-
hearing tomorrow
at o'clock-
There would doubtless have
been a serious wreck had the ob-
not been found before
the passenger train cam up.
Resolutions of K -p ct.
Whereas, God in wisdom
has removed from our midst by
death our beloved sister, Mrs.
Bettie Sutton. a faithful and
devoted member of our Aid So-
Whereas, we desire to express
and record our feelings and
row in respect to her death,
Resolved 1st. That we
that in her death the s
lores an earnest, consecrated,
and devoted member, that we
shall miss her association ard
sympathy in our work and that
have and
placed in and while in
i both cases there was talk of buy-
the old engines by
talk was all
she has ever been faithful and in one sermon than I have
on Habeas
As the columns of
Fr- Press, in the ease of
Sugg, committed
by ice J S of Con-
tent Neck township, on the
charge i f burglary, the a tor-
ii the case, Messrs. Shaw
y . procured a
writ corpus
II Mien, which w i.
heard at the court house on Sit-
afternoon. His honor after
hearing the evidence, decided
that there was no of
burglary- as the element of
breaking lacking, but
thought that there
cause of s having
been and. in his
judgment required the defendant
to give bond in the of sum
for his appearance at the next
term of criminal court to be held
here on the 19th of August, for
grand jury.
Inasmuch as the m-tor is t
go before grand jury. The
I Fr-1 Press refrains
the dispensary. the account of the
certainly missed his calling for order to prevent prejudice.
he should be a preacher, as he
more people in War-
Prohibition in Warrenton.
Warrenton, N. C. Aug.
The people voted out the
in Warrenton today. The
vote was for dispensary and
for prohibition. All credit is
due to Governor n. as the
i election would have or
the dispensary up until
Sunday morning, when Gov.
Glenn preached his sermon
Kinston Free Press.
her church
know converted at a revival.
I hope he will come back
occasionally and preach against
Soon be Ready for
The Norfolk and Southern
true to her society,
and her Saviour-
Resolved 2nd. That, although
looking at her death fr
human stand point we j
mourn her departure, j et we Governor Glenn, as all the credit on street, while the track-
and again-t the people are getting their
i I g hT
would bow in humble submission
to the will of our Master who
ail things well and in love
Resolved 3rd- That we extend
our sympathy to her relatives
who ore saddened her death
praying that there may come to
them the consoling and comfort-
love of her their Saviour.
Resolved 4th. That copy of
these resolutions be spread upon
the minutes of the society and a
copy to the Daily Reflector
with the request to publish the
Mrs. R. L
is his.
Railroads fur
laying force is completing the
i rail-laying out on the road. This
work, we understand, is about,
I completed and trains will at an
I early date be running through to
The surface and grade force
are engaged in ballasting the
track, and have this in fair shape
some distance this side of Stan-
Mrs. Ola Forbes,
Miss Maggie i
Page Morris, in the United
States district court, this after-
noon fined the Wisconsin Central
Railway Company for
rebating, of which it was con-
last April. Burton John-
son and G. T- Huey, freight of-
of the road, were lined
I and respectively.
Com or to the ship-
Telegraph operators at Wilson,
Raleigh, Wilmington and r
eastern towns have joined the

B this
Beaufort. N. C. At.
w III n with
as glass,
and today very warm even
for a the day
revived and
t more dis-
court at
o'clock District Attorney
stated tint
that only
ii had been
summon--d I and as
on- Ii; h- nailed
the court to the
marshal to summon other
jurors an. th-m in
and the marshal was so
announced that
of th jury
had returned a true bill t r neon-
ice E. A- Kline.
for the
stated it he understood there
were counts in the bill, and
asked permission of the court for
himself and associate to examine;
the bill and have time to prepare
their defense While this ex-
was the case
Thomas for moon-
shining was up. Ross
entered a plea of and was
sentenced to one year in the
United States prison at Atlanta
and fined and
Ti case of retailing, out of the
Wore the peonage case,
was also taken up. After
several witnesses and
resting Judge
n II stat that there was no
Outfitted by
Major of the Carat.
. or the German
,. . . i.
. . so ill
the a ;
the maneuver
n lured
mm nil
i i lain
. in
of North Carolina Pitt County
In the Court.
Hamilton Mfg. Co. A. I.
Jackson Bro
By of execution directed t
the from
court of Pitt, in the above d
titled action. I will, on Monday, the I.
day of 1907, at o'clock M a
court v. sell i.
tin bidder for to
execution ail the right, title and int-rs
the said A. L.
has In the following described real
A certain tract of land in Pitt
and bounded follows Cm
township, adjoining the I mil
R. H
Jackson and ethers lying on the I
Little creek, contain-
more or ard known as
the Allen Jackson Parker
Also one lot situate in town .
Grifton and bounded as , in
at a at S. B. its come
and running with Ma lino S.
rules, thence N. E. ft loan ,
thence N W. pules t-tin- i
nil th. with then t
St. W. ft.
recorded in book I., panes.
Also one other Io in the to
of and half inter-1
in following land
Beginning a or s
and ram
a ft. A. I.
line, with said A. I Jack n In
a, a distance of ft, thence i
K. ; ft. to Pitt st. I hem
i;. E. low to the
lot as livery stable Io
recorded In L. s
Also or-1 other lot situate in the to-
at a -take, corn-
known as alley
-it. ii V. a distance of
U. thence N. E. ft. to a
hence W ft. to Brooks
tin with id alley s. w.
I he known as
J. Z Brooks stable lot.
This 11th . I July 1907.
w. Tucker
d- Of
and ordered the
clerk enter a verdict of
case E.
A was then called,
the of the and
the hill of indictment
consumed the
day's session. The taking of
Southern has shipped
work on the double-track north
of the city. It is
good authority that the company
has ordered double
work on the lines of the road to
pending the rate
that is now the
rounds of the higher court-.
Yesterday Robert M.
served on the
company forbidding them to
Udder to mount and needed the
Mine to dismount; hence during re-
cent lie concocted a
scheme to him
without the auxiliary.
When the was sit
I he k., -i seal word the
major he must dismount
all horses Inch by the
The major received the mes-
sage with a broad i-mile.
on That
made the kaiser and he rode
in o -1 n r.
in.; from
., t i t your
.- I .
i I lino d i rim i b;
.-i mine i the hi
i our i ;.
I I.
I ,
ti ill
The Teat.
ti. I, m . -Clef
tell a m. , aim
there a
recruiting in n town hall
he pal
well dressed en-
are one with a,
he began,
interrupted the busy re-
voting man flushed and hes-
Then, with a
he stripped.
over that raid
two or three balks the
made the jump.
For Sale by M. Wooten,
tee of the estate of I
of order of the u
hie James R. in bank-
in the court of the
i,, Eastern District of Nor
Una. re in the matter
Ricks, bankrupts, the
trustee will the HI
day of August 1907. -t M.
in the town
Greenville to the highest bidder
the described real estate
estate of t Ricks,
rants. Described bi
A certain tr-ct of land in Chi-
township, Pitt co d a-
I A tract of lard in i tow-
in a around the Burnt
at a d knot a
t am
, runs with . R. Janie- A
I ten and Mills North
Fa-i i thence No--h Wei
Mil i oles to coiner of Samuel Elks
thence with that line
I is now I Smith's line North a
, pine on the edge of
said Smith's corner an
is r a division corner
en said end J. H. V.
thence with an agreed line,
said Mills mid said line
I across the South
West to some chopped trees
run of Wall branch b
Calvin Mills line, thence with his
and the run of Well t-
some chi said Mil's
thence w another of his lines north
451-4 weal to the
hundred and sixty six
and one half acres more or less. The
right is reset to reject any and all
k If. Woolen.
Trustee in
ALE t id
it t.
. i F Vim .-,, . . on . , ii, .
ii Ki
v M r T. 1907
ii Ill-tS
I Secured
I- I
grin r ,
-i V
, . .,
v. . i
Stock in
Fund 1,000.08
a bunk, -In
it the
id .
r -hi is
John Pierce, notice is he el
. I
estate to file the same
and Pee Ii-
trespass upon th property you can put it over your
ed to lie part of that owned
by the widow of the late
Dick, for whom he is attorney-
One m in said that as
soon as they received the
workmen threw up their hands
and declared that all was over
for the present.
Each Other Half.
El Paso, Tex.,
of a man's body by
the authorities of one state and
the other half held by another
state and each state refusing to
give up that it holds, is the
now existing in Mexico.
Miguel Martinez, a Mexican
Central brakeman, went to sleep
under one of the cars of his;
train it was on a at
Santo, The
train started up and cut him
squarely in two at the belt. Half
the body rolled to the side of the
track and the other half,
tangled in the brake beam,
was carried to Salinas, San Luis
The coroner in each
young man put up the
weight, with much punting and
grunting, about fifty times.
officer made an entry in a
run around the room as
hard . you he said,
you to
the uttered a loud,
an oath and began hurriedly to
I put his
shouted. hang-
ed if I will I'd rather stay single
nil the of hit
ht h
was in the
Samuel Colt of the
United State company
in New York the
trade agreement that has been
made hi firm and the In-
i-i lie com-
agree to be fair and hon-
i v ii; and
agreement of ours i- a fair and Ii -n-
cl one. It is not like those whore-
in two i pretending to be
fair, -it knife one another
i Such hypocritical
remind me of two
two little hoy. know.
v lunching, Billy and
and u n the r
with the
months from the dale of this entire
I hi notice will be pleaded in bar of been g in woods
All indebted . ,.
said eta will ease make
to me.
This June 17th. 1907.
L-vs in a Cave-
The has not seen the
man nor I is abode, hut he has
so. n them He i a v r-
hermit if half tiny u-ll
of this strange man is true. So
only of his own
-h, seen him,
six months an
of the most h.-s,
the j H
V -Ii
W. -t
W. M. Lang
R. L. Davis
i I
V. lift
I- U-
i I
s 5-w
. Undivided profits
coroner in . , Moritz nose
state took Portion of half the a.
body and each refuses to tun,
that of it it has over to the other, boy, up a loud bawling.
r. i what's the an id
No official investigation can pro
until a whole corpse is had g J
as a basis, hence the .
great swords points and the roll-1 o. an. there's
of the dead man are able
to do anything.
Billy answered,
no orange for
Administrator of John Pierce deceased.
Notice to
of la-i will and t of J
inker deceased, having this l-e-
me clerk
of I ere
by given to ail persons holding
estate of the
Tucker to present th. m Io for a
duly authenticated, on or
the of July. S, or
will plead in bar their
recovery II i s ii dented to
estate are notified and t-i
immediate payment t-i me,
This the of
John i
Executor of the last will and
of I. J. Tucker, deceased,
m Jarvis a id Blow,
Oil Tries to Get Out
Chicago, Aug. A motion for
a hearing on a writ of error has-,
been made before Circuit Judo
by attorneys for
Standard Oil in e- c
with the fine imposed upon
that company by Judge
In decision recent I v
promised Io
UP the matter as soon
The motion for the hearing
n writ of error was filed by At-
court of n
mean- opening
off- bat-
It s r
tin f
Company make
its through its
press t that it will not pay
he fine of
11- lives
A Pierce j the in it is a
s. old
the major part,
I ; l; of Oil. j
Oil d J
inn and
Hold in, j
i Nat I bank
North Carolina, I
d id
Deposits subj. to check
checks out-
fall kin
i v other Ar
m bis hole in
I. W II W lard i of the above named
v. r mt the above is true to the best of
es. those who have
dwelling do nil
r i r-
e is
I rat
.- Near hi
ii v
only one
.-, and belief.
and sworn to be-
. ii., day of May-
, S. T. Carson
Votary Public
W. H.
Ti r.
N. f. 7-Fol-
-on-, i- f .; the open
b in. of
last nip hi to
i i point. Cry At mi .
i ti day
he red t . in i
The board
i to put the lid n
i ard the
. pinion was asked for in
polio mi n be i
The fight has icon on
w and has boon a hard
fought battle on both
The Magic No.
three is a wonderful mascot
II of r Grove, Me., p of
Ion loiter which reads
with liver
and U-c-ming Other
failure to I
Her . and us a result am a
el in. I. day. The first
bi -I tile
. best for
curry and
I J. U druggist.
a bottle d if
it cure we will rand
your money. We say
mil free bottle
and if it benefits
us.- A SOL until
I., H at
a number
given away. Don't op
I will to prove
samples me
Bo-ll on either The
Heart or The vs. of the
Stomach. are men-
y ii ailment. I-n t
make the common of
is the result of
not the cause. Weak
inside nerves- Mo
ma-h And the
Heart, and s have their
or inside Weaken .
nerve, ind you
weak Mere is h n
Restorative has in its fame
Mo other even to
the f -r
had or m
Write for Hook
Dr. Shop. Racine. The
i SI r
The wise man looked not at the
thermometer July and
f.- i I if i-ill
Ml, safe pill. I t.
You can never
noise with en
been ex plod d.
; r tint hi
A prompt, ideas ant. for
and col Is. i. K i i I Jill
Conch It i
rood for every of
It contains no opiate- -m I c-.-i-
in I and
Marie as fool
Children like it.
s ire
Gets free of Mr.
store. If real
coffee Stomach,
Heart or Kidneys, then try thin cl
Coffee imitation. Pr.
Iv matched Old Java and
in flavor and taste, vet it ha not i
in Or.
Health Coffee Imitation
from pure toasted I or cereals,
with Malt. Mills, etc. Mel in a mi-i
w lit. s
Iv like it. Soil T. R. -r
Politics sometime
AH stomach are re-
leaved a little after
each meal. goes to the
seat of the trouble. the
supplies natural
digestive and
eat. It is a clean,
Take a little alter ea -h
meal and see how it you j
feel. Money ha-k if it Sold
Conventional Emblem of
as an
few even among
idea of the hum-
I.- that
of sanctity in nil
artistic n- .-. said n web
know ii mi j t rel d from
a in ;. i-
iii-- l. e r tin . in
ii pro . . Tl old
used ii ;. . . hall of
a re Iv a a-
by lion v.- ; . the fuel
Hie i ; ii of
in-i re , i ii e.
. i o lily v. -m
lent ii i . all
i . ii. re. I in u
. ; disk, at
I Vis
lie well. i
.-l. o
i .
rich in i r
. and . tin re
, . . t , , f
I lie hi n i . ; e- of i lie
In length the build-
. for the put
t In time Hie
; h
I of
. i from the rains
. in i
l u i
. I i I
. in . hen ii ; re
a I i Hi- ii ed tile
a- of
ii ; hen his
i;. n el -a i what nil
like e I- of ;. barrel.
I i. into a
dark ill List, but
with each pro-
his artistic v nil
he circle of Unit
has down
of the
of sanctity. An artist would as
soon think of leaving the rays of
light from the picture of n
sun as the halo from the I cad of a
concluded the man of col-
ors, celestial sign, emblematic
of all that is supernal, began
merely as an
Washington Post.
I n of. not
In . v, of j.-m.
I-, II. s -i- .
m. Pr
ii-m .,.,
t- ,
I and et .
nil I .,
. -i .-inn s -.-v.-r i. .
I try Pr. Sim .,
h or ;
i It i.-ii mid do ;, II
Nil- I. . I
ed ilia I
the -I
lie e
on r
If you re too fat it i .
j f too th
vii -i
too i
all th i .
in a s
i and v, r ti
to and foods
is not a v
but it is a
of Me .
ill it
What You Ea
the a-h.
and s firm
About home
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
the first thing to consider is a
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better rated in a lot than the
am White.
M L-
proper surpasses for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now a
reasonable pries and on easy terms,
s indication that prop around
is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the Jot the
it will cost.
This property is located
walk from the business part or the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
rd terms.
s task
Barber, of Win.,
fan do of
Pills mil
for me than other
I am still f
the pills as I a
Mr. refers to ll-U
and Pills, are
for weak
of the bladder an. I
A for
I. I. Store.
The is the
cation enjoyed-
There is no no
matter how r-r how obstinate
will not speedily relieved
the of The main factor in
the stomach of any disorder is and
the is to actually
food for the it-elf.
will do it. It la a
of acids contain
the very pap e
stomach. It In the Pure F oil
and Drugs Law. Sold by I,. W g l.-n
The pies are just as as
is out of
For scratches, bums, cuts,
bites and the many little hurls common
to every family,
Witch Hazel Salve is the beat remedy.
It is soothing, cooling, clean and heal-
Be sure you get Sold
by J. L. Woo ten's Drug Store.
The vacation we miss is the
one we would have enjoyed the
Piles get quick certain relief
from Dr. Magic Ointment,
note it is made alone for Piles,
and its action is positive and
Itching, painful, protruding or blind
piles disappear like magic by its use.
Large glass jars
Sold by Bryana Drug Store.
Astronomy a Girl.
They were a quiet stroll
out under the star strewn veil of
he. bashful youth,
grasped opportunity
to keep alive the languishing
Miss that star
m is the planet
they is shout
mile, i the
hi red t is Mai's,
j it. t i- only e r
iv. It's a
question l.
or not are it. tit on
paid I.-i i r f
ii-f ; i. en
i, i Io i
i i us
a evening like this, even
though looking this
L W r
Worry causes more
than the heat of the sun.
Mothers who their children Ken
Laxative Cough Syrup i .
it. Children like it because
taste is so pleasant. Contains .
tar. It is original
cough syrup and is unrivaled for th,. v
lief of croup. Drives
through the bowels. Conforms re-
Food and Drug Law. Sold out
I.- i . a
w. ii.
t -a t w,
h. c
In India.
There U a widespread prejudice
in India against birth of twins
or triplets, is supposed to be
net it ml animals, not
Dundee Ad-
former limes such
children killed, though in
some e- this avoided by
making then over to wander-
fakir in disciples. an In-
is the hence
the of
is specially worshiped. This i-
curious when taken with the
that tell as that this is
just the period Infantile lock-
jaw, caused want f cure and
cleanliness, is to attack the
child, this night a lire is kept
burning light room, and
infant's bed is surrounded with
and other which to
scare evil spirits.
The cf Fear.
Great the action of
the salivary viands, this fuel
is utilized for the detection of
by the of the law in
India. When a is suspected
having committed n crime In is
obliged to chew dry rice in the pres-
of the court. So o is
influence of fear the glands
the mouth throat if the
person is guilty there is no flow
saliva, mastication is
Such culprits usually confess.
Oh the other hand, if the
innocent there is no fear, and th
salivary glands secrete enough
to soften die he.
to Keep abreast with the times must
to judiciously he must have space i a a paper
the people read.
fills the for it your announcement direct to
people and brings result,
when you warn good
Send your orders to The Reflector.

at e class matter Jan. 1907 at the post at
Act of congress of Maul.
,. i, . ii . . i
in Hit am utilities
, ,
a has
been on in Charlotte for
the part two throe weeks over
i far as it to
soft drinks etc. Which
had th following
has been hard t- AM but
the and the
hoard have again
lid on
of the towns in
State laws, but
th-v right and just, or
whether interfere with per-
liberty, is to
Greenville vs
and is no kick
A Thought far a Tear
The salary of the public
j has been raised, but it it
. ill much too low. Some people
As you move along on entrust their children to whom
scatter a h tie sunshine , than th
bouquets of sweet, ma who J
scented flowers along the Are doing their
way of your fellowman. Do not
The sudden turn in affairs in
brings the suggestion
that the railroads have decided to
obey the laws of the land. to the
contribute to the downfall of
your to lift him
up. Cheer him when he's sad
and despondent, laugh with him
when he's If you would
increase your own happiness
make someone else happy.
your neighbor's finite; forget all
the slander you have heard be-
fore you repeat, it; forget the
fault-finding and give little
is good news We are not much yoked it; forget the peculiarities
given to the idea of jumping on and mistakes of your
with both feet every and remember only the good
time we disagree them; which made your
friends and which mike you
The Post and the
Star are terribly
upset the that the State
is about own some more rail-
road in view of the fact
that convicts re to be furnished
the building a road
in Hyde county and stock in the
is disputed that they have
b en the greatest factors in th
and development of
the country, and for many other
thing they merit
Th conductors, an some of the
W of the Coast Lire
es are alert to the
convenience of pas-
sen and they are a clever.
venial set of men.
The in Alabama is differ
from that in North Carolina.
The former State has a statute
wherein the penalty for a
removing a case from
the State to the Federal court is
the revoking of the
charter to do business within the
State. The Southern Railways
charter was canceled several
days ago. but now that their
bluff is wearing out, the news
comes that will l-e
done in
proud of them. If you hear
something of your friends, do
not it unless you know-
it to bet rue, and then not unless
it will do them good. Forget all
personal quarrels you may
heard by accident, and
w if repeated will a
times worse than they
r- are. Obliterate from your
yesterday all is terrible, all
that is impute, all out the noblest
impulses, out with a clean
sheet today, and record upon it,
for sweet mercury's sake, only
those things which are lovely
and Thus you will make
life worth living.
With the completion of the
Raleigh Pamlico branch of the
Norfolk Southern, we will be
about forty miles nearer the
capital city.
children right-News and Ob-
And the southern Farm
if young men
called teachers w re as
qualified for their tasks as are
section handy on railroads for
theirs, they would paid better
wares than the section
But where is the consistency
of through preparation for a
Says the Charlotte Observer
Southern rate cares,
especially that of North
are of interest to the
Northern press, which is still
to write column after
about them H re the
has subsided and the
The institutes under
the direction of Congressman
in seven counties of East-
North will result in
lasting benefit to the farmers of
this section of the state. It is
lucky that Pitt county was
as one in which to hold
the and it is gratifying
that the meeting here last Fri-
day such a success and was
so largely attended by farmers
from every section of the county,
even from other counties.
The subjects discussed those
of vita importance to every
man i raises a crop, and those
who did not attend the meeting
an the speeches made I y
these men missed
a great deal.
Such meetings as these cannot
be conducted often, but Con-
Small has agreed to
The newest thing is
boys at the exposition.
Probably you can get the papers
you ant that day, which is the
If the acknowledge
discrimination in freight
among North Carlina and
towns, may be they'll
want to remedy it by raising the
e in Vii ghats.
people hi decomposed
wait the final word, which hold in Greenville next
will come from the Supreme
And just above this item
Observer column
culture will
be tonic discussed. The
will be held primarily
f of
Mr. W. W Kitchen. Demo-
for a-
honors h fallen h
some of the newspapers that
and the New Bern Sun
hasn't a
newspaper as right to
a candidate for a Demo-
nomination as the
date has to on a Democratic
newspaper is friendly to
If an individual thought he
could disregard the law he
try it. Of course, lie would
be brought to count st as the
Southern Railway was.
road as pay. The Post
While e is now real-
from its inter-
e-t in the W th railroad
it i doubtful if the
been w-th candle But in the matter of the rail-
V th- is fate reduction by
why is it not worth in several S-ates.
while i any rate, we officials f
to I the railroads have made a
The ordinary individual
-a , county to obey the laws regardless of
to hardships and
r w big should
Small, under whose no more consideration than
I lie meetings are con- individuals. If the railroads
and who is himself an j would treat the people decently,
the laws of the land.
there will be five would be no trouble- But
the United of some of the rail
Department of Agriculture, who roads, people be
arc specialists in their respective criticism and enmity, and
lines of work. Valuable makes of their very
t ions will be given the ,
of improvement cf Let the and the goiter Wade Harris, of the
the farm and farm life which Pie c-me cloSer together, and all Charlotte Chronicle, takes time
Will he of benefit to, and which will be well. bring out the good points n
should be heard by every farmer
about the rate who week
their crop and not
The Industrial News the Friday.
It almost universal custom The question of of
among the writers of farm land ably discussed by one
no less than among the experts, was an Important
makers of political speeches to ,,, t. , ,
. i . , . . part of the meeting. The farmer
claim as absolutely certain the
success of their candidate
of the chances the drainage of lands, and the mod-
date may really have. and most practical ways and
Yes, this is the universal mans- This is a necessary part
torn, and it is also the custom of of crop raising, and the
the candidate to be certain of made were aid
his election long after the other timely.
fellow gets it.
The is
widening out com-
the W- Union and
the are . .-.
capped in Hi-
service. As a result, of
the newspapers coming t
look a little
are the treatment
received at the hands of the
The strike
of the in Charlotte
, hour and they
w back to work.
Up at High Point they have
discovered a quantity of
which is will cure any
case of snake-bite. With With equal rapidity,
prohibition is sure to come-
The News seems to
know the cause of the alarming
death rate the in
Chicago. women are
What will we do when the
Standard Oil company and the
Southern go out of
Half of
who are talking about
never saw one in their
in Pitt county.
A man has been arrested in
Washington for Sun-
day. It is safe to that the
same man would be arrested if
he did no work on Monday and
the other days of the week.
them week days for
vagrancy, a-l on Sunday for not
being a vagrant.
I the Southern w which is
Half of North Carolina will be alright and proper.
in No-folk next week.
half will stay at home to keep
This dale is important for two
reasons it is the Reflector
tor's natal and also marks
the going int fleet of the
cent passenger fa on all the
railroads of the State.
The only objection we have to
the fine imposed on
the Standard Oil Company h
that it means the price of oil
will go up.
North Carolina
asks an exchange in a headline.
Never in this world She's
ways in the lead.
Tell the Charlotte Chronicle
we said the
is the thing you vent-
Now those papers who were
flinging at Governor about
that Boston trip can take it all
The attending the
Exposition for th past few
has averaged about a day,
but North
will be this week.
Polite Robs
Bayonne. N. J. Aug. IS.-An
extremely polite thief, with
plenty of nerve, visited the home
of Daniel W. Smith, No.
In the course of his remarks Avenue F. in the absence of the
Small made the he was forcing
that the government
. , . who resides next door, came
a mile of sand-clay out, The
road as an experiment in Pitt and remarked it was a
if the county will pay the beautiful day. Mrs. Clayton
in imagined he was a guest of the
it. This from ransacking the
strange. Merely the be-n accept-
survival of the . , , . the jewelry, the thief was going
ed in winy of the conn- ,,. . Car
Invariably resulted Frederick Schmidt
The Commoner is in receipt of in the of efforts with mail for the family,
the information the portrait the line of building, letters,
of first treasurer of the and th of more of the the letters in
Unit. States. Michael mad than the one and departed.
adorns the new ten dollar bill, mile built by the government
Some of the papers are
Mi; i Tr. for Railroad.
Colombia, C. Aug. 13.-
Lin-, official are again in
throwing mud at the with the Railroad Commission
because of the passenger fare for violating a rule.
when more of the dent Porter and others will be
conservative people think it is summoned here to show cause
time to call a halt. The railroad
. , . . i up all night at the union
There are no in this fight much to station hero with the promise
and the man who perhaps regrets constantly renewed that the
it more than any other is Cover- C. N L. would arrive in
nor Glen i, who led the fight. twenty minutes; the train due to
An exchange, realizing that I a law, voiced here at p. m. being finally
hasn't it been on them
a I the rim
We seen it.
of this country
prefer the
The Pennsylvania Railroad
will provide their trains and
We should hate to see Or. i depots with bandages and other
duty to
it was
Broughton and Mrs. Nation on
different sides-
The crime wave in New York
been attributed to
surgical This will
perhaps prevent as does
an policy.
Governor Glenn paved the way.
speaks of of
They are alike, per-
Up . in some ways, but there's , ,., , ,., The Columbia State
Bob .,,, ., ,. , .
The Carolina
annulled, in spite of Chairman
order to
Porter to the contrary
at o'clock Wednesday
The rule requires that passengers
be informed of the cause of do
Fever Army.
Washington. Aug.
All this talk about the
able immigrants. This may be of trains because of de-
true. At any rate there are no crease in revenue owing to
such crime waves in the South reduced passenger far.-1
. I comes from than railroad
Chicago is wrought up over the headquarters,
death rate of men in proportion
to women, and the big city may The race riot at Va.
become an proportions that it
p------- necessary to send troop.;
Here is one for Col. Fair-1 from Norfolk to quell the dis-
and other military
it comes from the Washington c are being held in
Herald. for a hurried call. But
the more clement
Now the railroads wish, are takings
that th-y Had and little more trouble is
L j anticipated.
its face again
one thing that is responsible did not to common
fur the election of John Slurp asked for bet
.,, ; v . . , instead of lower rates, n poor
is the that s in j . t
,, . service. And that 1-going to be following cablegram was to-day
.-North sits at the final judgment of the south j received at the Bureau of Insular
id of the And the Charlotte Observer. Affairs, War department, from
copying the above, re- Governor at Havana,
Th-- fact that William pot in .,.
u wry email majority shows on is diseases,
also the strength of the other v
extract from our con- yellow fever Pi vale
ow j basis of the re- j Funk Hospital Corps, who
to what it says of, left Columbia. Havana,
There will be no dull times the South Carolina July arrived
year. As soon as dog days, are congratulate that -body July 27th, taken 4th; also
comes the Thaw keeping its head when in-1 as suspicious of
-sanity was rampant-on all fever case of Private Met-
The recent horrible wreck on
Wesley, months resident
the Southern might be attributed j That to in
the laws we made ourselves,
to in revenue.
to the men we have
fudge now probably, with the b-st we had-
The tobacco sales were
than for
wishes he had heard are alright now the la a are. with
from side- let's call a halt. prices.
t his department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory
i. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
Picture frames made to order mi paint, varnish, stains,
by Eastern Carolina Supply Co , coloring etc, at Harrington, Bar-
Quite a
Winterville N. C.
Mrs. L. L. Kittrell left Mon-
day en the noon train for the
Robert Bruce Hospital at Kinston
to undergo an operation. Her
many friends wish her a speedy
Th e famous mower
with reaper attachment is the
thing to harvest your oats with
Get on at Harrington Banter A
Miss left Tuesday
for Mo City.
We sell Eclipse and
fountain pens.
B. T. Cox Bro.
O. W Rollins and B. n. For
rest returned Thursday evening
from the Jamestown Exposition,
and report an excellent trip.
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price
Our B. T. Cox
A Bro.
Mrs-A. C. Cox went
attended the
organization of the Pitt y
Association and the
opening of the tobacco market in
Greenville Monday.
Remember that the A. G. Cox
Manufacturing Co. are still
paring to make their up-to-date
Pitt Co. school desk. No school
should be with out them.
Rev. Mr. Duncan filled his
and returned horn. Monday,
from at
Reedy Branch
A large line of umbrellas and
parasols just received at
Nina and Dora Cox spent
afternoon in Ayden at
home of Jessie Cannon.
Our merchants have realized
the comfort in good level side
walks made of cement.
F- C. Nye let Tuesday morn-
House where he will spend
s me time canvassing for W. H.
You are going to
need some new carts and wagons
to house your crops and haul
your cotton and etc to the Mar-
Now the A. G. Cox
Co. are in position to
furnish with the Tar Heel
carts and wagons, which are
the most durable on the market.
Paul Harrington, Tarn Tucker
and Jesse Rollins left
morning for the Jamestown
Guaranteed all Rubber, feather
weight rain coats at B. F. Man-
Miss Kate Chapman went to
yesterday morning and
returned on the afternoon train.
When you are in need of over
carters, remember that B. F.
Manning Co. have in a new
complete stock.
L L. Kittrell went to
Monday to see Mrs.
who is in the hospital there and
returned Tuesday W
are glad to learn that Mrs. Kit-
laces, He reports that he finds the is still improving fast,
g t n ., at Ho-
Par f
Mr. and Mi P W Tuck,
went i
attend the funeral. f his moth
Hamilton rifles thin
or shooting en gun noting trip specialty.
reputation of this school growing
all the tine. He is meeting with
much success i securing pupil--,
Carolina Milling ft
factoring Co. are prepared to
first meal for you at
Wood work also a
fishing, etc. this
Barber Co.
Miss Helen Galloway spent
Sunday night with Miss Lib
Chapman, and left Monday
Tobacco twine, lanterns,
etc , at W. Ange Co.
Miss Kate Chapman returned
home Friday after spending
time with her near Shel-
Bring your chickens and eggs
to Harrington. Co.
Highest paid for them.
Chapman came in
day and spent the night his
people and returned Saturday
cool these hot days. Gel
palmetto fans at B F Man-
s Kittrell and Fran-
we- i to
T-e famous Hawks glass.-s Miss Francis Parker, of
B. T Cox Bro. neglect field, is Misses Emma
your eyes. Kittrell.
Miss Jessie of Try a ti-c socket knife.
returned home under
. . . n are kept by u,
some to-e with Miss resale ft. v
Miss Mollie Bryan, M. B.
O. W. Rollins and B. D
left Tuesday morning for
Latest and of um
at B. F. Manning
Mrs. J. H. C. left lion
day evening to spend some
With her people near
must go. We make
inn our immense stock of j
n-w goods now coming g,
the next forty days we will make
special prices lo all our
on our box papers-
D. T. Cox Bro.
A. Jack.-on and wife, of
j are visiting relatives
T. W Worn Sons 1907
nips and seed can now
e had at the drug store of Dr
B, r. Cox Bro.
Kittrell rear here.
For Sale-The Nichols house
and lot on corner near Winter-
school grounds House
is new. roomy, and conveniently
Terms easy.
A. Kittrell
Winterville, N. C
Miss Emily of Wilson,
s visiting and
Evelyn Stubbs.
carry your repair work both
wood and iron to the Carolina
Milling Mfg Co. Work done
promptly and
Quite a crowd attended the
Institute in Greenville
A new line of fancy ties and
suspenders jut opened at
Barber Co.
Dr. J. H. Hudson having re-
of Virginia at has I y
located here to practice medicine, i Co.
A nice line of j
of rings, brooches, watch
charms etc. at B. F. Manning
Misses Elizabeth, Mattie and
Corine Bright, of Washington,
came in yesterday afternoon to
visit Miss Olive Butt near here.
Tobacco twine, lanterns,
handles, thermometers are need-
ed in curing tobacco. Get
them at R F. Manning Co.
R. II Hunsucker is all smiles
now It's a boy.
Mrs left
for Robert Bruce
hospital Kinston, to undergo a
operation. We hope her a speedy
the troublesome out
of your house. They carry
Window screens are the things.
A. W. Ange has them.
Keep your lamps and lanterns
in trim. Get your shades
at Barber Co.
Now is n great season for
traveling. Go F- Manning
A Co for trunKS.
Bring wheat to the Caro-
Mfg. Co- They
are now prepared to make first,
class flour-
Blacksmith work done prompt-
Milling Mfg.
Have all your wood turning
work done at the Carolina Milling
Mfg. First class work
Mrs. J. H. Dixon returned
Saturday morning after spending
time with her people near
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Elliott left
Saturday for Fort Barnwell,
N. where will spend
C. T Cox left Thursday for
in the int rest of
the Eastern Carolina Co.
Leon Smith of Greenville, was
a caller in town Saturday night
Miss Mollie Bryan and M- B.
Bryan returned from the James-
town Friday evening
accompanied by Mr. J. C. Fox
Randleman, N. C.
J. C. Fox, of Randleman,
returned to his home Sunday
A New lot of nice pants have
just been received at
Barber Co.
W. dry goods drum-
mer was in town yesterday.
Barber Co- have
a complete stock of ready made
see him before you get
y air next suit.
Misses Maggie Smith of
and Minnie Buck
to Ayden yesterday
ft. r spending sometime with
Mr. and Mrs. J- W Harper.
You want a buggy and we
have them. When you sell that
load of tobacco come by Winter-
see Hunsucker. Don't
hat buggy until you see
He ran make it to your
interest and he will do it,
Mrs. G. L. Moore of is
School children cannot get the
proper brain training unless they
are physically comfortable. The
county school desks
by the A. G. Cox
Co- are especially noted
for their comfort. Every
school house in North
should be furnished with
T. A- Nobles is here this morn
with the less lamb.
Th L. Wilkinson A Co.
W on this by
W. B, Brown the
interest of L. and Charles
in the business. All
of th.- is assumed by W. B.
and accounts due the firm pay-
able to him.
This, August 9th, 1807.
c, Wilkinson
W. B. Brown,
Having sold our interest and good
will to W. B. Brown, we ask for him
a continuance of the that
bus been given the
C. L. Wilkinson,
to Hoke Smith.
so well once when Joe
were the same
. Senator I. was
during II
nod had a good deal of
trying to of
to a certain
bad been sent t. talk
to tin- plan In
lad. whole cabinet had
to dent with. When Joe came
back of us were
lie room, among n Sena
it. v. ho was sunk dejectedly Into
depths an
Jno. did
ho Then be be-
tan t up down,
and fuming, finally he broke
nil tin-
shape of u l I ever el
countered, commend me t-i
Morton Pent yon i
U i
t c .
to Hoke
4- for Daily
and writing for
d arrears We have a lint
all who receive their at
la office. We also order
The automatic e
rived and our city fathers are
having them placed in position.
Soon, very soon, it will be fare-
the-well goats, hogs, gee e, cat-
and the delightful flea.
For fresh and cheap goods go
w E. E. Co., they always
nave the best.
At the regular meeting of the
town commissioners Tuesday
Edwin Tripp was appointed cot-
ton weigher and J. M, Blow
collector for the fiscal year 1907.
J. R. Smith Co. have Just re-
a car load of lime.
Stolen A. red Thursday evening at
bull, six years old this o'clock Mina Nina
heavy duck left
a has a hole in it bored with
white spot in flank weighs
one thousand p mods. Five
dollars reward to any
bringing same to me. This June
18th, 1907. John S. Hart.
Ayden. N. C
1819 ticket gets the box of
candy at Saul's drug
If you wish something nice
buy a box of candy from
Seal's at the drug store.
Call at the Drug Store
cure one of those excellent
Pens.-M. M. Sauls.
Miss Minnie Brown, of Kin-
is visiting Mrs. T Hart-
Lost, Liberal Reward -Gold
brooch, piece, with clasp
pin, lost on main street of
tickets being the largest and RS
non Mrs. Agnes
John Nobles got number
i c to report t ;
The i el
ed lie look b
task about it and him ;
four hour house in I The
seeing that v.-n-
spurn, made a It.
well, icy
four for
held by any one person
received the one of those
did fountain pens at Saul's drug
store Tuesday.
candy direct from
factory at Saul's store.
Misses and Henrietta
Wesson are Mrs. W.
E Hooks.
Co to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh
There was attendance
Saturday upon the meeting of
th board of supervisors.
Merchandise Broker I carry
full line of Meat, Lard and can
Don't before giving
a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
Miss Jimmie Davis is away on
a visit to friends in Pamlico
If you need Paint be sure
ind see E. E. Co-
Miss Florence Blount has been
to Grifton during the week.
for or Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to pounds.
I will n cash mark
t price for same A. Darden,
Ayden, N. C.
Mrs. Agnes Blount has return-
ed from Morehead.
It is a delight a pleasure
to say of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store secure this much need-
ed article.
Miss Minnie is visit-
friends at Darden.
If you can not be
dated and fully satisfied at Saul's
drug your's must be a
road to travel.
Miss of Farm-
ville, who has been visiting
friends here has returned to her
home accompanied by Miss
Ross and Master Leslie,
who will spend sometime with
Turnip cabbage and seed only
the best verities at J- R. Smith
Mrs. H. Q. Burton and little
niece, Selma. have come home
from a visit in
Mass. May
Messrs J. R- Turnage Co.
Ayden, N. C.
For fear that there
may be a slight misunderstand-
on the part of some of our
customers regarding the
tee upon our patent Dull
shoes, we wish to
emphasize the fact chat same
exists and has not with-
We our
all wearers men's in
know that we will lo
as we have done in the pi st vi--.
guarantee the vamps of the
Patent and Bull not
to break through before the first
sole is worn out.
In the event of a Burt Pad
ard shoe
contrary to this guarantee.
t he fr m whom the
shoes were purchased, is author-
replace with a pair.
Yours very truly,
and Field.
We have just received a ship-
which drew the ticket for a
to Jamestown and
The ladies and the girls all
like candy. The kind
at Saul's drug store.
H- Biggs, of Grifton, was here
Thursday prospecting.
A specialty of stationery at
Saul's drug store.
Misses Irene and
Rosa Lee Holmes, of Snow Hill.
are visiting Mrs. . W. Smith.
For mowers, rakes,
and shredders, come to see us.
J. R Turnage Co
Rev. J. R. Tingle, formerly of
Ayden. is here from Williamston.
on business.
The very best and cheapest
hair brushes, combs, and pow-
at Saul's drug store,
W C. Jackson went to Win-
Big lot of calico, best grade
per yard at J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs John Tripp and child,
from Greenville, ere visiting re-
in town.
Bring us your beeswax, wool,
hams, shoulders, chickens
eggs to J. R. Smith Co.
E of Greenville,
a prominent dealer, was
here ye
Sauls guarantees all he sells,
especially candy.
J. W. Smith, one of Beaver
Dam's most popular citizens was
here Thursday shaking hands
with friends.
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
Best tobacco twine lanterns
and at J. R- Smith
Dr Joseph Dixon
nice i t
N. C.
at the home of her father, Mr.
Jesse Cannon, in this place, after
a serious of four
typhoid fever. Nina
was an exceptional young lady.
that tended to render her
and beloved by all who knew
her. Naturally gentle her .
disposition. Kindly and friendly
ard her circle of friend-
ship was v. large one end many-
are the sad hearts throughout
township that
mourn her death. She realized
her position, and often spoke to
those about her faking them not
to grieve for she was to
rest. Especially was she solicit
as regard her father and
mother expressing by word and
act her since-e and deep love for
them and seeming to fear they
were troubled and sorrowful as
to her end. Miss Nina died a
happy death, having no fear and
seemingly willing to go. She
leaves a rich heritage behind to
who loved her, in the real-
of which they too may
enjoy the same meet
her in the great beyond- To the
bereaved we would point them to
Him who all things
and blesses and takes care of
those who love Him. The fun-
services were conducted by
Rev. J. R- Tingle, or Williams-
ton The pall bearers M.
M Sauls. J. J. J. R. Turn-
W J. J J. Stokes and
Big lot cots latest styles, very-
comfortable at J. R. Smith Co
Misses Nancy Coward, of
and Kate Wood, of
LaGrange, two charming
and delightful young ladies are
visiting at the home of Dr.
Bring us your Huckleberries
will pay you lie quart i. R. Smith
Mrs. Stella Gardner, of Gard-
X Roads, is here on a visit
to her mother, Mrs. J. F. Dixon.
Everybody hat is
and buys candy from
drug store.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods. Notions,
Light and Heavy Groceries etc.
Prices to suit the times.
Miss Nina from the
country, is visiting Liz-
and Lorene Dixon.
J. F. Dixon is at Morehead
Miss J, F Edwards, of Vance-
and her sister, Mrs. Vin-
son, of Greenville, are visiting-
Mrs. Frank Lilly.
tine Groom two story
at One four room cottage
at One nine room two
dwelling at Six vacant
lots all In the town of N
thirty-seven acre form
just outside corporation at
All will be sold on easy terms.
Ayden Ins.
Take Warning.
My son Edwards has
left my house without cause and
without my consent. This is to
notify all persons not to give em-
to. house or feed said
Edwards. Those so doing
will be prosecuted according to
law. He is of dark complexion,
tall about years of age, and
has a tooth missing in front.
This July 5th. 1907.
m w Elias Edwards-
At the of Way, 8th, 1906.
Overdrafts secured 1,227.88
and 610.69
banks and hankers 9,882.42
Silver 1.728,18
Nat. bk roles A other 1,838
Ill-plus fund
profits less expense 270.88
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to 39,380.07
Cashier's cheeks outstanding
T J. K. r of above- Hack, d
of mowers above is true to the best of ray be-
rakes. Terms
J. R- Turnage Co.
We have for sale one I. H. C.
hp gasoline Will ell
for cash or on time, s
J. R- Turnage Co.
me, 27th day of May.
Notary Public

Talks on the Farm by Dis-
Hon. John H. Small,
by Messrs. F. G.
mer, L- Spoon, A B. Boy-
kins. A. D. of the
United States Department of
Agriculture, and Prof. Pratt,
State Geologist for North Caro-
who have been holding a
series of Educational
tings in a number of the
town.; of Eastern Carolina, held
a similar institute in this city
The Institute was
held in Masonic Temple in the
morning and was largely attend
ed by numbers of the most in-
and representative far
of Pitt and the adjoining
The above mentioned
experts each made formal
talks on the following sub-
W. F. Plummer, re-
presenting the Forest Survey,
a very interesting address
on the forests in the different
parts of the United States ex-
g the different methods
employed for the preservation of
these forests from unnecessary
waste in lumbering, means em-
ployed for preventing forest
fires, methods of raising the
trees from seeds in nurseries,
and the setting out of these i
plants on the mountain sides and i
in arid wastes, also methods of j
Mr W. L. Spoon next address-1
ed the institute on the subject of
Public Roads. He contrasted
good and bad roads, drew com-
between the old Roman
roads in use ago and
the present macadam roads. He
also discussed shell roads and
sandy clay roads, setting forth
their advantages and
the proper methods
employed for repairing building
and draining these roads.
Mr. E. B. next ad-
God Bless the Old North State
N. C. July. 1907.
MR. JOHN F. STOKES. Manager Office.
Allow me to thank you and the North State Mutual Life Insurance Company for check of
in full settlement of claim nude against you on account of the recent death f my dear mother, who
only seven months prior to her death took a policy of in your While my mother
carried insurance in several Companies, yet yours was the first to pay. For promptness and
I unhesitatingly commend your agency and the North State Mutual Life to all desiring the best
best Again thanking you for kindness and assuring you of esteem and good
wishes, I am. Faithfully yours,
Our endeavor is to give a square deal to every No special contracts. The best policy con-
at the least cost. Our determination is to prove it to you if you will give us a chance to in-
sure your life before its everlastingly too late. To take care of you when you are disabled. To
take care of your loved ones when you are gone-if you will let us. Now do delay but see i.
WORD that
It refers to Dr. Pills and
Are you constipated
Troubled with
Si. k
ANY of these symptom, and others
Indicate Inaction of the LIVER.
Take No Substitute.
Do Not Neglect the Children
At this f
f u bowels
immediate attention. The
nest thing can be given is
Colic, cholera and
followed oil as direct-
ed each bottle of the remedy,
all Druggist and Dealers in
Remarkable Rescue
That truth u
once more
stranger than Action
been in
the mi,, tow,, of Fedora, th
c. V. lie
i m I.-,, entirely with
ht age t lungs throat
Doc-ton. railed to hi -i.-. and all hope
had Led la n I Dr.
New Discovery. Then relies
came. The coughing
bleeding diminished rapidly, and
three week I was able to goto work, u
ed cure r an cold
and 11.00, at L a
store. Trial hot tie free.
j text
The partnership heretofore
between A. II Tail d W. II. Kicks
in the town of Greenville under the firm
A. H. Taft and Company
I mutual consent,
A. H Taft will c. to do business
in the store next to Taft and VanDyke
H. Ricks in the store next to
Morning and Mooring. Those indebted
will make their payments
according to their contracts with the
and a prompt settlement is request-
ed, r ch debtor will he at
which atom, to make his payment but
no one need wait for Mich notice to
either store and c- ch of us will be glad
friends to WOOD
we return thanks for their patronage
and whom w
D. W.
Ami Provisions
Those Who Raise Tobacco Should
Fix The
dressed the meeting on the sub- John s. Cunningham, of Person
cotton generally L was here return.
the best methods of cot- from and will
ton culture, seed selection, Friday Pilot Mountain to
Si i
. , , to politics,
of said;
some hip hints . . . . .
man James M. of the
Democratic congressional com-
was in Washington vaster
Speaking of De-
politics, the committee
Association. This
t , i ,. I association is composed of to-
Mr A. C. of farmers of the State and a
then addressed the meeting on be
the subject of corn and tobacco present. the
culture showing from a practical Cunningham
as scientific standpoint the ht
the best means of to ice of tobacco
suits Mr. also gave manufacturer price
some very valuable product , furnish nominee
Next Prof. Pratt State W do and their excellent and
to ch
State ant other ah wonder- from, among whom are Senator
Bryan will be our can
wants the
The west and south will
be for him, and even though the
east may ct. those sections
would be enough in the
convention to overcome its
Should Bryan con-
elude not to be a candidate again.
I think the south will probably
the Super.
; made in special
ill;. Mrs J. D. Hyman. in-
and Mrs J. n Hyman,
commissioner will -e for cash
the Court door in Greenville at
public auction on the 2nd. day
of sept. the foil lot
of of Greenville
and part of lot N in plot
said town, known old house
lot. on the corner of Green
North with
in, thence para lied
st. Tout thence
parallel with Green i-t. ill i
west with second st. f- t
it for division
Tins the 2nd. a,
He Fired the Stick.
have fired the king-stick I've
cat over year, on account of u
sore that resisted every kind of treat-
men . until tried
Salve; that has healed the ore and
Bade me a happy writes John
Garrett, of North Mills, N. C.
teed Piles, Burns, etc. by John. I.,
Wooten druggist.
Ties always on
kept con-
In stock. Country
l Bought and Sold
Good to Eat
Notice of Sale.
C and wife
R A Dawson and Ella Damon
By Virtue of a decree of the superior
court of Pitt county, made by D. C
Moore, Clerk of court of
said county on II . 2nd day of
in i. certain proceeding wherein
J. C. and wife Maggie
berry are R. A.
and are defendants
d Commissioner, will on Mon-
day day August 1907, expose
to public before the c house
door in Greenville, to the highest bid-
for cash, the following tractor per
eel of land to wit.
Situate in the county of Pitt and
and In Swift
creek adjoining the lands of
Major Allen W. A. C.
and Creek, con-
fifty Acres or less.
This sale is t. la- ma e for
among the in common. This
day of July,
K O. Harding.
a w
y everyone likes
deposits in this State and other
similar investigations now
made his office.
After Mr. address Hon.
J. H. Small made a brief talk and
Culberson of Tc
who attended were highly
pleased and feel that they have
been greatly by the
different practical aim scientific
hints given them by the
From here the party went to
to hold a similar
is the tobacco crop over Daniel of Virginia and
the State this Colonel John Sharp Williams of
Cunningham was asked. ; Mississippi, it seems tome
He tobacco; that on account of his standing
with the democrats of the north
Mr. Culberson might be regard-
ed as about the most
. in
the last days and with a late
fall we shall have an average
Blame Placed.
Raleigh, X. C, Aug.
oner baa subpoenaed a
number of persons connected
with the Southern railway wreck
at Auburn to appear here
day morning when the taking of
evidence begins.
An affidavit is made to the
oner that the collision which
cost three lives was due to the
criminal act or default of some
persons This is directly aimed at
the conductor and engineer of
the passenger train which
should have obeyed orders and
stopped at the station-
The station agent is
but the coroner tells me
that this agent was not wired
that the trains were to meet, the
being merely a nag station.
Farmville Market.
Aug. -The
Farmville tobacco market opened
Tuesday under flattering
with a good, lot of
tobacco. This market has made
the average in State
on the 1907 crop, the average be-
With house, steam
pant aid the new railroad,
active backed by
a strong corps of buyers, the
Farmville market will sell three
times the tobacco it sold last
year. All the farmers were
pleased with prices aid spoke
very complimentary of the hard
working and lib-
of the buyers. w.
baaing water mid let
Strawberry, Pea. h.
per package, enough Urge
windy, at all
Recipe Book
Highest award t
all Expositions.
j New Discovery
Guaranteed for all THROAT and
r. tat Cs.
The new track between Wilson
and Raleigh en the Norfolk
Southern was joined last night.
and trains will now commence
running between those point
There i o f a . ,, PM your home If
. of as
track to be laid between Green- much h- ought to
Wilson, and when this not.
through trains will
Um R F.
Stray Hog Taken Up
There is a hog, marked square
bit in left ear and in right
ear, taken up with my hogs and
been fed by me since February
1907. Owner can get hog
paying for feed and care and
identifying same. Hog weighs
about pounds,
w Greenville N.
your; Ex
if you can t state of Pitt county
lake another In
D. W.
N or t h C a r o I i n a.
Not Quite I
How often you can get a
X thing
nail or screw driver or
. lacking. Have a
tool box and be prepared for
Z Our line of tools
I n JO i could desire, and
; we will that tool
box does not lack a
I Of .
You get Ham.- s ft
Horse Goods c c
I Corey,
J. D Cox enters and claims I
about acres, more or less,
vacant lying in
township. Pitt county. N-C , on
west side Creeping swamp J
adjoining the lards of Jesse
ton, Sr., A. Cox, J. B.
and others.
This June 20th,
I. Cox. ,
Any person or persons claiming
title to or interest in the fore-l
going described land must I
their protest in with
within the next thirty days,
they will be barred by law.
K. Williams. ,
Entry taker
The Said
know what the Gov-
of North Carolina said to
the Governor of South
do. But that ain't a cir-
to what he said to the
it list, vim will in the above entitled
up your t the I on Monday, the day of
standard. I 1907 at o'clock M at the
The M T r- i House door of said County, sell tr
N. T. . the highest cash to satisfy
have appeared as a member of the I Ar-. tied in right, title and
A T- . . interest which the said I. A. Carson.
,,,, .,,,, n . I defendant, has in the following describe,
organize a permanent
Pit . . brought here to- I A certain of land in Pitt County
for Pitt day county. Va Township, the lands
were a
error a j we gladly make this days ago for the murder of thence with J. j. Carson line to the
reference to the fact. Mr. i j- Blount line, thence with the Grey
i , w u ox near Blount line to the b. f. Ward line
is from a township that than two years ago It B- F- a eST
of process and is an excellent fessed the crime but the other with the An-
deniM any
commissioners. He will always with it. They were placed T. A
be ready to advance n Pitt i owning a one interest in
and every Lin i J to land. This 8th.
every i of Superior 1907.
Having duly qualified before the
. clerk of
executors of the Last Will and
of It. Hooker, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and
persons having any claims against
Mate must the same,
to the foil
payment on or before 25th
June, or this notice will be pie
in bar of recovery.
25th day of June, 1907.
T. E. Hooker.
T. M. Hooker,
W. E. Hooker.
Executors of R. Hooker
I- W. Tusker, sheriff
Littleton High
Entrance into and
on certificate.
Faculty of experienced
Scholarships from leading colleges
Expenses extras.
Health conditions unsurpassed
6- Prepares for life or college.
Thorough instruction.
Home influence.
Good library.
No Saloons.
Time Sept S
For f u t her information and
address. Z, P. Supt,
Littleton, H. d
The Bank of
The Eastern
the coveted
awarded to
Training School.
prize, beta
hope there arc other
thirds in store for us. and we.
tender the this
and it- the up-
very legitimate
entire rise o. our town and
N C.
W. A. West a former resident
of hut now of
S. C . is spending some time
H. Ricks, of Greenville,
spent Wednesday in town.
Mr. and Mr. Johnson,
Washington, were in town
business May
i me to
Loans and
All other
and Fixtures
Due from Hanks
Cash Items
Silver Coin
National bank notes and
U. S. notes
. I
North y of n;
Twenty of
Court Yesterday.
Beaufort, N. C., Auk. 7- One
days session of the Federal court
and in the small court
house, with so a crowd
authored in it, caused hunt for
more comfortable quarters,
i court moved to Wednesday.
Davis hall, on the water front. Mrs. F. G. Whaley spent Tues-
i hat is large, airy comfort-j day in Greenville the guest of
able. i Mrs
Carteret county, by the II Mrs. H. B. Phillips and Miss
now having a court j Margaret Phillips left Tuesday
built at coal a ard it for the mountains at
will boa well j Va.
ed building. A stroll around
Beaufort unite a number
of improvements going on,
V e have found some people
known in
ed bore H. H. Clark,
a merchant, is
conducting a large dry goods
business. S. W. Chamberlain.
who some years was connect-
with the Greenville
market, i conducting a drug
store here. Benjamin May, of
Farmville is a partner in
large hardware establishment-
It was when court met
this morning- After being call-
ed to order District Attorney
Harry Skinner announced that
upon authority of the Attorney
Ex. Gov. T. J- Jarvis
would appear with counsel for
the government in the peonage
case Attorney W. W. Clark, of
counsel for the defense,
that Attorney F. G. James
would appear with counsel for
defense, and as he had not been
sworn before the Federal court
desired that the oath be
to him.
Judge Purnell then stated to
f. , .-
On in Foil Blast Comer in Alabama and am
not in Sight. 1-2 cent Rate.
Montgomery, Ala.
Beat fort N. C Aug. 10.- Governor Comer and the
While the Greenville folks here of the Southern railway reached
attending the peonage ease in up agreement late this afternoon
Federal court can far see no and the license of the railroad in
prospect of but are long- Alabama will be restored.
for the time when they can Beginning September the
The taking railroad and its allied lines will
of testimony began morning put into effect the two and a hall
cent passenger rate a-id the
Mrs. E. Kicks and children,
left Wednesday for Beaufort,
where they will time
With friends and relatives. Dr.
Ricks accompanied as far
Miss stable Kicks who has
barn visiting here has returned
to her home in Washington.
Miss Cox spent the day in
Greenville this week.
Herbert was in n Wed-
but only three witnesses were
examined. It was really a battle
between the lawyers on contend-
sides, nearly
from one side bringing
from the other, followed
argument of points by c in-
overruling or sustaining ob-
y court noting
exceptions. It went that way
through the entire days session.
Henry Harding was the
witness and as to
his issuing the warrants I
laborers at the instance f Kline,
that he gave th warrants to
Kline the latter
to the Sheriff. At on
measure of reducing freight rates
on commodities.
The agreement was r
ed without concession being
; sides, but . i the
main it is a victory for the State.
No Coin
T, C. S. Carr, C of above named haul, do , grand jury that he had heard
mi., to
-t of my
S. Cashier
and sworn K before
of May H A-WHIT
O, S. C
J. I,.
n M Come in and
a i ox
X t.
beg leave to announce that we are
and Retail
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and an,,
Country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better
the hi line. It has it e ctn
reputation for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
ever worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
give you Special
Baker Hart
N. C.
that it was circulated around
Beaufort Tuesday afternoon and
night that he had on yesterday
charged the grand jury not to
find a true bill in the
ease. Ho had made no such
charge but did say that
formerly the peonage
statute had construed
to apply only to New Mexico
the Western States, where
peonage existed, and that a de-
of the United States Sup-
court three years ago
made it apply to every State
under control of the United
States Sufficient notice had
been given through the courts
ind the press that peonage
is a crime and must be stopped.
He could i fay whether these
reports that had reached him
were circulated for the purpose
of influencing jury in
favor of any particular
If this grand jury failed
to find a true bill it would not
end matter, but will be taken
up by the grand jury of
the next regular term of court in
New Bern. He then instructed
the grand jury to retire and pass
upon the bill.
Washington, Aug. The
Treasury Department is not en-
way the
them Exposition is meting
time in its payments of the million dollar
I he cross examination of Maj. loan
intent at the time of applying 15th-but at
for the w and asked the General up and had a
Bring Roses Back to Your
The following appeared re-
the Progressive Farmer
over the signature of some gen-
in county, who,
evidently, has taken a
view of
to say.
ago the exquisite punish-
excruciating pain
which could be studied out by
the minds of men and Inflicted on
their prisoners was to bare their
heads and cause water to drip on
them, one drop at a time. Not
fast, mind you, but just drip
conference with secretary
Mr. agreed to
extend the time for the payment.
of this installment of one
thousand dollars until Aug.
with the understanding that
witness what past between them
at the time. Counsel for the
government strongly objected to
this but Judge Purnell said that
what passed between them at the
but nothing
subsequent. He stated further.
that if defense was on it j he met at time
. a nullity by the Federal statute every fifteen days thereafter,
sensible CoUnsel replied they were no i Acting Secretary Reynolds
depending on the landlord and said yesterday that he has as yet
tenant act but on section of n, from
of 1905 which was read. , ,, . -.- , u
Mai. Harding then answered had he heard its voice. He
the question by saying Kline that he has received no ad-
went to him and asked him if vices as to when the payment is
there was any law in North Car- going to be forthcoming, but
to punish persons for stick be drawn
breaking contract, section . . .was read to him and the war- Just yet to force it out.
rants were applied for- Kline j Under the law the Treasury
states he did not want the men Department is empowered to
to return to work for him but take charge of the exposition
drip-drip drip incessantly.-day
and night until it became the
most intense torture imaginable. interpreter who was taken are defaulted, but this will
Yes, it amounted to what modern ; to Greenville by special Agent be done only as a matter of last
people call the Hoyt to translate the
so bad for awhile at the of. the foreigners held in jail as, ,
start, but it invariably up. Wife
of the most raging. He learned the names I killed my
raving type. j of the alleged peons and Hie before o'clock Mon-
history is repeating it- .
self and great
mossy-backed farmers
scales over our eyes as thick as the warrants being carried to
walnut hulls are subjecting our him by Kline, bis going to the
wives to a similar torture to that Wrap with arresting
. , , ,, . i nineteen of the ten
employed by our old whom interpreter Joe,
grand-daddies in punishing their exposed., preference to return
cook the breakfast New I t was battle of
and the
they worked this agonized cry rang
hordes of out from the bed room of H. B.
Sheriff L. W. Tucker was the home, at South
who testified about forth street-
Neighbors rushed in and found
who is a Pole and
runs a barber shop in the base-
of the Gould building, No.
lit Decatur street, bending over
a young woman about years
old, his wife. Wood was spurt-
from a wound in her head.
had heard burglars in the
the husband explained.
thought she was beside me
when I tired. Then I got up and
looked and found her over
there in the Atlanta
, all through the day.
Years morning. I hey wash j y
the dishes and tidy up the houseThey the dinner New
day, wash the dishes and tidy up .
the house. They cook the sup- Lecture.
per, wash the dishes and tidy up J Dr. F. L. Stevens, of the A- Journal,
the house. Next day the M-college, will deliver an illus-
same. Three times a lecture or. Modern
I if. Begins Business.
day three hundred and sixty-five m the court house in Today the Jefferson Standard
days a year, the old on Thursday, August Insurance Company which
routine of drip-drip
drip-drip It is any wonder
the insane asylum
m- under the
The witnesses for the govern-1 such a preponderating percent
called and sworn. of wives among their
of St j inmates
was sworn as inter- ashamed
15th, at p
of the Institute
shows state Department of
of our
t, r, and through him the oath
we be
We get
Our work is varied.
was administered to the several We get a jay and then
foreigners, the alleged peons, and rest on Sunday, but those
faithful tireless uncomplaining
wives ours go
This lecture will treat of and
illustrate as practiced
is said to be the biggest corpora-
ever launched in North
Carolina, will begin actual
Its license was signed by
Insurance Commissioner James
R. Young late yesterday after-
noon at his he being
who been held the gov-
Today's session of the court
occupied only about minutes,
adjournment being taken until
o'clock tomorrow morning
waiting t he action of the grand
D J- W.
Mr. T. W. Bickett. of Louis-
burg, of the foremost law-
of the State, tells a joke
which happened somewhere
sometime A boy in school was
asked to write a composition on
the Here is what he
spine is the
The spine is the long bone run-
down a man's back. His
head on one end and he sits
on the
The Whistle Blowing.
To The Reflector.
It has been suggested i y some-
one who seems more fortunate
than others who have to work
a go at it early tat it is up o the
Ordinance of the
Hoard of Aldermen to a
much whistle
from to o'clock in the
It strikes me that if the Board
of Aldermen could offer some in-
for others to come to
Greenville and start a few more
whistles to blowing, and wake
up the sleepers, instead if trying
in the most parts of on account a ac
the country. recent improve-, at his office a
in agricultural practices, I number of soliciting
the methods employed in appointed in advance and
cotton and corn, cross-breed- they were evening apprised
by telegram of the readiness of
the company for News
and Observer.
j of ours go from year to j in methods of repressing
many other
phases practical agriculture.
A choice collection of lantern
slides will be used to abundantly
illustrate this lecture.
The lecture will be free,
everybody is invite.
to stop the few that she already hail stones. The corn crop,
has. it would be a great deal b-t- though not so badly damaged, in
for the people of the town. many places had fodder cut
An in shreds.
Aged Man His Wit--.
N. C, Aug. This
Ransom Godwin, aged
years, near Kenly, N. C,
, following a quarrel with his wife.
Storm Damage in Durham County. shot dead in her tracks He
Durham, N. C.
reports of the
wrought by the storm which
passed over this section Tuesday The old man is
afternoon show that in many with a Winchester fine
farmers crops are a which the crime
total wreck. Tobacco, for the
most part, was beaten off the
stalk, and those leaves that were
left, were punctured by the large
took to the woods soon after the
murder and has not been
him with
was corn-
Good prices are holding out in
the tobacco market but the sales
are small. The farmers a-e all
I curing the weed and
not bringing much to market-

, 11.1. D J I
The Savory Seamless Roaster. I
Is far superior to any other
Roaster made, not an ounce of
substance lost. Other roasters
waste from to per cent.
The Savory seamless roaster
water, grease or
of y kind. It simply asks
to be let alone Retains all juices
and flavors, renews the youth of
the toughest fowl. Ore great
feature of the Savory roaster is
the oval bottom, with the
nary flat bottom roaster the
moisture brought out of the meat
by cooking has no to ac-
cumulate and is burned and dried
up in the bottom of the pan. In
the oval this meat juice
flows continuously to the lowest
point of the bottom, where it is
turned and
on the surface of the meat- This
condensation continues until the
roast has become heated through
to the temperature of the
in the roaster, When the
condensation stops and the brown
of the roast begins.
The Savory roaster is bast-
and .--elf browning. The
bottom is raised off tee oven
by the outside heat-retaining
jacket, which applies a uniform
heat to the roast from all sides
The Savory roaster i sin a class
to itself. Is guaranteed to give
satisfaction when used accord-
to directions. Buy one, take
it home, go by the directions.
it thirty days, if not all we claim
forth, return it to us and we will
give you back your money, pro-
the roaster when return-
ed, is in good condition.
See our display of the
Savory roasters. We will be
glad to show you. Call and see
This department is in charge of W. who is author
to represent in
Traffic ft.
Admit Higher Rates it N. C. institutes include in th
rd St
road through its general traffic was very large, not less
than five hundred farmers being
present, and were so well
pleased and profited that they
requested that an another
for this county should be
held. It was decided to request
the county commissioners to
have an experimental mile of
sand clay road built under the
supervision of government ex-
perts, the county to pay for ma-
and labor and the govern-
to charge nothing for the
services of its expert road build-
J. R. J. G.
PLACE fifty different
makes of Womens to-
Ask ten women to
make Nine of them
will pick the
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this. There
must be a reason
ail other women's shoes in
he world.
manager, Mr. T. S.
heard plainly yesterday the
ion of discriminations in freight
rates against North Carolina in
favor of Virginia from business
men who get shipments over its
This was at a conference held
in the office of the North Carolina
Corporation Commission between
Mr. the Commission,
and the men who are
at the freight rates. General
Julian S. Carr, of Durham, told
of a rate on flour cents in ex-
of Lynchburg. for a haul
nearly one-fourth of the distance
for which Lynchburg pays
cents. His son Mr. J. S. Carr. j Pin top,
t Mr. that hi road
was pooled with the on
rates, Mr. A. L. James, of Dur-
ham, told of an arbitrary ad-
of six cents on
while no change was made in
Virginia towns. Mr. J. S- Man-
pointed out the injustice
done North Carolina by the road
and Mr A. A. Thompson, of
stated that co
would be filed with the Inter-
state Commerce Commission.
Mr. took it all in the
best of nature and was, as Mr.
Thompson said, as frank as could
be in admitting that higher rates
were charged by the Norfolk
and Western in North Carolina
than in Virginia, though
urged that this was because of .
Main and He, N. C
Dry Heavy and
Fancy Groceries. Hardware, Fur-
Stock Feed, and Fertilizer
Agents for
fr trade.
Empire County of East.
A Will Ham,
Wilson, N. C. -On
the plantation of Mr. Oats, near
In Edgecombe county,
last Saturday a
named Will Harris, about thirty
years old, shot another
name unknown. The disturb-
was about a woman.
After shooting his victim twice
Harris made his escape. It is
l bought that Harris is the same
who startled and terrified
city of Charlotte a short
while ago, the name being the
these typical farmers
l I ,, , from sections of the county, some
m the Shadow. of J-
If the Greenville, I made invest
though the shadows are so .
darkest hour of trouble e tent of their farming in-
one's help is always near alone, to give an
; The world's a world of beauty an the, gent idea Of the class of men
present at the meeting.
Farmville, N. C.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Imp o
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
was the most ad- L . , .
educational in the guaranteed. Strict-
Mr. Andrew Joyner. writing
to the News and Observer about
the Educational Meet-
held here Friday,
can be no question of
the sincerity of
Small, who said, after the
was called to order by
J. j.
who presided, that was proud
to introduce the government ex-
perts, noted for in
their various lines, to such a rep-
class of progressive
North Carolina farmers. He
said that Pitt county was
as the Empire farming
county of this section but next i
to Guilford
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
competitive roads to places in
Virginia, and that on branch
lines the charges were higher
than on the main lines, this be-
cause the territory were sparsely
populated He was frankness
itself again in acknowledging
that the freight rates were not
made on a basis of earnings and
profits, the inference being that
the roads got all they could get,
Mid this even if they were
a percentage on their invest- j
beyond twenty-five per-1
the lightning shakes its dust
Lookup where morn is breaking, hear
the bluebird sound note.
Take the task and do the duty,
a lump is in the throat.
Far beyond the darkest shadows and
below the deepest gloom
the sunlight of God's glory over
valleys sweet with
F. L. Stanton.
Death Hear
Wilson. N. C, Aug. -Last
three miles from here,
Clyde Hoyle, twenty, the
To Jamestown Exposition
t T Jamestown Railroad
at C. T. nature, Saturday int, July 7th
We at our expert
Mr. first filed for his
road an answer to the complaints
made against i I as to higher rates
to and
other points in North Carolina
in excess of those charged in,
Virginia, and this answer admit-
except as to a
freight on lumber, with which, he
was not familiar that the rate
were as set out in the complaint
and that for a shorter haul from
Roanoke to Winston, from
Lynchburg to Durham, the rates
we re in
than these given Virginia towns
for a longer haul. This answer
having been rend, Mr.
went on the gridiron of
answering questions
making statements that clearly
showed that there is great dis-
North Caro-
towns.- News Observer.
son of Dr. Hoyle, of Dunn, N.
C, fell between two f.-eight cars
on a moving train sustained
such serious injuries that he died
just as he was taken in to the
hospital here Both I.-rs were
cut Off and the body was other-
Having qualified as Executor
estate of Laura A.
deceased, late of Pitt
county, this is to notify all per-
ons having claims against the
state said deceased to exhibit
hem to the undersigned within
twelve months from this date or
this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons in-
to said will plea e
make immediate payment,
the 22nd day of July, 1907
IS the number which
drew the ticket last
Saturday night
-way another Saturday A.,.
C T.
Young Man Abandons Young Lady
aid to Shore.
Wrightsville, N. C . Aug.
Miss Riley of Birmingham had a
narrow escape from drowning at
Wrightsville, going down the
third time, when Freeman Yopp,
the lifesaver, swam three
yards and saved her. The
man with her abandoned her to
save himself.
The Hotel people
and all Wilmington are much
over his cowardly act.
Mr. Yopp was presented with
a purse of one hundred dollars
and a gold watch. The
condition is still critical.
F. G. -fames,
L. Sugg.
The following list represents a
fair specimen, not only of the
highness of fanning in the east,
but of the of
these, who do not to
know it all but are continually
seeking light.
The men are selected from
sections of the county, as
representatives of each locality.
W- H. Harrington. Greenville,
cultivates acres, owns
J. P.
acres, owns
A. G. Cox,
acres, owns 1.200.
J- R. Davenport,
1,580 acres, owns
R. R Fleming,
acres, s 3.000.
J. O. Proctor and W. E.
tor. Grin cultivates
acres, owns
R. R. Cotton, Falkland,
acres, owns
Alston Crimes, Grimesland,
cultivates 1,400 acres, owns 3.000.
J- J. Green-
ville, cultivates owns
R. J Cobb, Greenville,
acres, owns
R L Davis, Farmville,
acres, owns
W. H- White, Greenville,
acres, owns
Parker's Old Stand, i
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
In fact any kind of worn in
wood and iron.
All work
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eyes free.
All watch clock work
Publication of
North Carolina, Pitt county
in the term 1907.
J. I. A. Band.
E. K.
N. C, August 10-
A strange crime was committed
here night when some one
the residence of J. A.
Wild, on Hill street, administer-
ed chloroform to Mr.
r, threw a lighted match
in the bed clothing where the
A. H. and th
II ii K. R. A ft slePt. watch, opened
and the Bank of in all doors and made his escape.
; n
the entitled will take
I In
the superior court of Pitt county
led as said action is
brought to canal a
which nil. be Really
in the
to be in said action, on real
situate in the state f North Carolina
will further
notice that they are requested to
appear next term of the superior
cum of county, to b held on the
2nd Monday before the 1st Monday in
September, it being the 19th of Au-
gust 1907, at too court House in
county, in Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in Action, or the plaintiff will
ply to the court the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
Farmville, N. c. Aug.
The little sight year old son of
Mi. Ed. Warren painfully
hurt by the of a gun
shall Sunday five
o'clock, it seems h had extract-
ed the shot from the and
was trying to get to the powder
with knife. But making
rather slow progress
to try a match and by apply
tho flash flew at once to
his face and badly burned it
nearly all over completely burn-
off the eye lashes. Dr.
Joyner was called in to treat him
and says he will soon be all right.
Loaded shells and matches are
rather dangerous things for
to play with.
Our mayor had before him the
following for trial during the
past week.
James Bennett and Harvey
Dupree, col, affray, Dupree
fined and cost Ben-
nett released under promise of
good behavior.
Jesse Wade, col. stealing pint
Whitney from James Hardy, fine-
and cost
J. A- one of Snow
day of July
the burglar paid his visit
time between midnight and day-
light is certain.
at Light Sentence.
New York, Aug. 13.-Heavier
for lawbreakers is the
remedy suggested cardinal
Gibbons to stop the wave of
crime against, women and child-
in New York. The sentencing
of half a dozen men including a
who pleaded guilty, to
only a few months in jail, has
aroused indignation generally.
The crime was not i,
until the family arose at the a most talented lawyers and
time this morning. That L- A- were in our town to-
day looking after business mat-
We are to have another drug
torn in town just Farmville
and the war path to Increase in
all other business for
we will challenge any town in
n. c. with the same number of
inhabitants an business and
A large force of hands began
work on the Snow Hill branch
theN AS- this week.
D. J. WHICHARD, Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
List we.-k. North Carolina
week, at the Jamestown
was acknowledged by th
officers to be the great st in the
history of th- exposition up to
that time, Those net already
aware of tho greatness of North
Carolina, were more than con-
when they the
throng of Tar Heels as-
th Thursday, the
15th, was North day
proper, and it was a day that
made history for the State.
to North Carolina and
her splendid people were heard
on every hand. Governor
and staff and other State officers
were there and were the
of many ovations. The
great large as it is.
would not begin to hold the crowd
that t attend the
and hear the speeches of
Governor Glenn and Lieutenant
Governor Winston. Governor
Swanson, of Virginia, also spoke
and gave a cordial greeting to
the North Carolinians
North Carolina has no cause to
feel the lea bit ashamed of her
part in the exposition. Her
State building is among the
handsomest on the grounds, and
her exhibits in the various build-
are not surpassed. The
North Carolina Society, of Nor-
folk, was proud to see so many
in the city and
cordially welcomed them. The
society tendered Governor Glenn
and other State officers a brilliant
Something that caught the eye
of the thousands of Tar Heels
visiting Norfolk was the
of the store of the Which-
ard Co. on Main street.
The store of these enterprising
North Carolinians who are doing
a large wholesale business in
Norfolk was beautifully decor-
with North flags
and colors, and was admired by
every passer from the piers up
town, and at times a crowd would
collect in front of the store. A
squad of soldiers were so
pressed by the decorations that
they stopped in front of the
store, sang and
other State songs and gave three
cheers for the Old North State.
There was another impressive
in the auditorium in
the midst of the North Carolina
exercises on Thursday- Just
Lieutenant Governor Winston
had spoken and before Governor
Glenn spoke, the band and or-
played When
the chorus was reached a rich
soprano voice was heard to take
up the words of the song and
thousands of others joined in the
seeming to catch the in-
from the clear, sweet
voice whose lead swelled distinct-
above all the others and the
combined volume of band and
orchestra. Anyone familiar with
her could rapidly recognize it as
voice of Mrs. J. B. Cherry,
of Greenville.
We started out to this
article about the exposition, but
appear to be making it all of
North Carolina. That pardon-
able, however, nothing th. re
was bigger than the Old North
State The exposition is really
immense; far surpassing what
we expected to find. The
grounds are superb in design,
the buildings models of
beauty, and the
along the shores of Hampton
Roads make a picture never co be
forgotten. It is worth a trip
there just to see these, even if
the visitors could not go inside
A Marry a Bo as Struck War
Carolina took Norfolk
and the Jamestown Exposition
by storm last week and were
there in great They
went in couples, in
lies and in The Old
State was well represented
and the were in
evidence everywhere.
editor of The Reflector
has in his time occupied many
positions, but never before had
he served as chaperon for a party
of girls on such a trip as to a big
exposition. And it would not be
an ea-y matter to collect a jollier
bunch of girls a
bf time than The Reflector
party. If the whole show had
been theirs they could not have
it. than limy
did. They d about in a
and a North Carolina Hag
was their standard. The girls
he old man on a run most
of t.-e time, but nothing was lost
except sleep. They were out for
a good time, and they had it.
party in our charge were
Misses Essie Which-
ard, Lillian Burch, Mattie
j King, Nannie Bowling and Mary
Lucy Dupree, of Greenville and
I Miss Susie Perry, of Kinston,
j while D. J. Whichard, Jr , was
taken along to help keep t hem
straight. They were all
at the residence of A r. C
L. Whichard. in Norfolk,
was turned over to the use of the
The Reflector party had
courtesies shown them on
the trip. Many of the
amusements were open to
them, and there as hardly any-
thing around the that
they failed to see. One evening
were the guests of the Hip-
and had the pleasure of
witnessing superb pie
of occupy-
special seats just in front of
the box decorated for Governor
Glenn and other North Carolina
the Atlantic Amusement Co.,
at Virginia Beach, of which Mr.
C. Cobb, is one of the officers,
tendered us the courtesies of their
amusements and bath houses at
the beach and a delightful after-
noon spent at mat popular
THee was also an invitation
for a boat trip to historic old
Jamestown and Yorktown. In
fact there was no scarcity of
good things for The Reflector
party to enjoy, and they did not
fail to enjoy them, all returning
home delighted with the trip.
As to the exposition itself and
numerous attractions connected
with it, we will have to speak
later in different articles.
the Forties.
Written for Reflector
Did you ever hear of Captain
Isaac Lastly With the
of my brother and Lewis
Lawrence, I believe I am the
only person who ever
v him- Yet ho was Vi
denizen of the a
Trail from Raleigh to
Made the Yesterday.
Yesterday the first train to run
from to Washington over
the Norfolk Southern road was
that of a special carrying some
of the officers of the road. In
the party Vice-President
of James P-
Eagle Rock Wendell Zeb-
in Nash county Middle
sex Bailey in
the buildings. At night under
the blaze of thousands of electric
lights, with the electric fountain
casting many colored sprays in
the midst, the scene is one of
magnificent, splendor.
Yet the visitor does not have to
stop with only seeing what is on
the outside. These buildings
are there for a purpose and are
carrying out their mission. They
contain exhibits of agricultural,
mechanical and manufactured
products from the different
government that do
both the States and the Nation
proud, while the educational,
historical and art exhibits show
the wonderful progress our
have made. There have
been great expositions before but
none that excelled Jamestown.
Then there are so many enter-
and amusements going
on that there is never a dull mo-
from the opening of the
gates in the morning until they
close at night. But of these we
will wait until another time to
and borough of A J. H. law-
man property and a I ranee, ant chief clerk in the of-
but h quaint at best. of the
Would you believe it, he illy ion, J P. Johnson,
wore goggles that almost hid train eastward bound
face and eyes. He had a great Greenville o'clock
antipathy to small boys, seldom and we learn the w
spoke to one and it was even re- very successfully and without
ported that he carried a pistol mishap.
for them- j The principal stops and th.
Uncle Isaac lived years ago in I distances from Raleigh to each o
a small house near the internee tho Norfolk and
of Gorham lot and j between Raleigh and Wash-
avenue. I remember there were are; in Wake county-
some cedar trees on the place
and usually a. number of guinea
chickens roosted and roamed
about without let or hindrance
on the
He was a huntsman and
used his rifle skillfully, took
rambles in the woods to kill
keys was possibly his
nary means of
But he invariably wherever
and whenever seen word what
was called a round about or short
green baize with oblong
square pattern of black leather
either shoulder to protect,
To any one curious to know
more, with this statement con-1
corning him perhaps some
prising youth of
proclivities might possibly
desire to call the attention of
the and business men of
to the announcement
if Editor Whichard in Tuesday's
issue The Reflector.
Mr- Whichard announces that
to declining
I .
Ma t n-. Ho Alt j
Old Week.
Md., Aug
Maryland is sending invitations
her sons and daughters sea t-
every where to come to a
feeble physical strength, his duty reunion- l
him-if and to give
to retire from the manage
f The Reflector. The-
is now offered for sale,
and at SB early date will
into other hands.
more than a quarter of a
century The Reflector has been a
potent factor in the progress aid
of the county and
town, and has been closely
of public interest to ts
citizens of Pitt county. The be
derived from this source can-
be estimated m dollars d
certs. In return the and
Wilson town have been liberal support-
in Greene county- Walston
in Pitt
Crawford Greenville
Grimesland in
and Washington
of the paper, an I under
management of Mr. Whichard A
has been a financial success.
Mr. chard States in
announcement the
was never
rounded with brighter
than it is
opportunity to develop a
I Greenville and Pitt county go
Wilson of Had- forward was
dock's X Road is spending this I This is true in every sense of e
Cox Mills, N. C. Aug. 1907.
week with Miss Helen
neat- there.
is spending
some time with her sister
M. B. Haddock went to Shel
to undertake the further.
investigation of the life and char-j Mr. and Albert Moore
of Capt. Jack for the now
fit of posterity and a satisfactory We have had tobacco
pecuniary reward. now it i. collard worms. I
Haddock; word. Not only is
developing with quickened ,
but the entire is
growing into an era of increased
prosperity. Never was there a
in the history of th county
or town when a good, strong,
vigorous newspaper was more
needed than now.
At an early date The Reflector
will pass into other hands. Shall
But changing the subject, who J we will have a plenty of he into the hands of the
would suppose that I was a prize
fighter, or an apologist Do I
look like one With all the
of a life I am a
maker. But on this subject pro
and con it is simply a case of
amiable toleration when we re-
member the old times and the
venial vices of our ancestors who
fought is a pastime like wild
men a hundred years ago
with the loss of an eye
or ear.
And who has not heard of the
great fight between John Stanley
Smith and Paul Nichols that took
place at Greenville in the forties,
the result of a contention f the
championship of the county or
whatever that may be
The meeting of the belligerents
on this occasion was accidental,
and took place in front of the
hotel Bell's
the scene of many scrim-
when the battle royal of
other days has degenerated into
a fisticuff. Then big Jim Vincent
was in his glory-
But here the gentry of the
town as well as the country had
hurriedly gathered together be-
a was imminent,
which the crowd already
advised of the situation, massed
at once to the favorable point of
observation, the long to
witness the engrossing spectacle.
The boys were already in wait-
and the with old
Clements, Jim Evans
and Ben Pearce were on their
good behavior.
It was to be a battle of giants,
not remarkable for size as in
fabled days, bat men of activity,
strength and endurance.
They had already tested each
other. The was
simple, and the conflict began at
once with a blow, and now the
blows on either aide fell thick
m until frost. men of Pitt county, or into
J. B. Evans on the of strangers At
this week. j present the opportunity is open
all have got a fine crop of the of Pitt to
cotton around here- a stock company to own
There will be church at Rock paper and
Hill every night this ll whatever they it to
every day and night
week. We hope every body will
Oscar Evans said he lost a fin
calf this week. I hope they
wont lose any for I love
beef myself.
and heavy as the surging combat
waxed or waned.
Both men were dead game,
Smith the taller and heavier,
while Nichols was the most, ac
and original. They seemed
equally matched. And here
drop the sickening story.
Nichols from the effect of a
sudden and deadening blow
shrank and staggered into the
arms of a friend.
fight lasted twenty
it is said, and the time was
unprecedented for an affair of
the kind, and doubtless appeared
be. This is an opportunity that
should not be lost. A
bold, fearless newspaper and
printing establishment in Pitt
county will count for more in the
progress of her people and in
financial return as an investment
than any business
in the county. Let the
and business men of the
county think over this matter and
act in time while the opportunity
is at hand-
t i . right royal en-
when they come.
Homo Week covers the
i to, October to and
there net be a moment of
ti tho i i ill ii m thrill with
th of hospitality fir
i rid ., State is fa-
be celebration will include a
j of spectacular features
.,., . as an electrical
I military and
a gathering cf
a parade and
Mil by i; rs, a
concert, cm m ,
f i re Will t i i
e A p
day. lulls 1.1 Old
II m k
Hie visitors to th capita will
opp to i.
the ill n a of
h . ii y
a the M hot
of historic
new Baltimore, which has
sprung the ashes of
a ti-.-o; i, rot be
His f attires that will
wilt surprise
i i sons daughter
of the Sta.-.
The will have the
-y and
steamboat companies, and
are on foot to secure
or the visitors of a
E- i y a Marylander of
who i the Maryland Home Com-
a secures
receive a special
to attend
These invitations are be sent
by Governor Edwin War-
in the name of the State
who have
mer are to
forward names
and addresses . are in
to tho Secretary of
the Association, Fidelity
Baltimore, Md.
R. Building and
of Tobacco.
On Sunday morning Mr Rich-
ard Wingate, of
township, lost his and
about pounds of tobacco
an age to the combatants and a by fire. Mr. Wingate and some
proof that the men of that day
had arms and nerves of iron.
Neither was seriously damaged
but wisely concluded not to re-
peat a trial for the championship.
Yet it is said Nichols never re-
covered from the chagrin of his
defeat, but afterwards to relieve
himself of undesirable
ions at home moved to South
Carolina and afterwards to Cum-
county in this State,
where in his old business
he made a fortune, mar-
a second time over
ninety years of age, and died
only five years ago, a centenarian.
Mr. Smith, a most excellent
citizen, died many years ago. I
know both men. T C. Davis.
of his family had gone to church,
leaving his wife and one son at
home, and when the fire was dis-
covered they were unable to
check it. No idea can be given
as to bow the fire originated.
Mr Wingate had cured his to-
crop and had it stored in
the pack house. Some farming
implements and a quantity of
shelled corn in sacks was, also in
the building. The loss is
mated at about with no
insurance whatever on the
and only a small amount on the
building. It is a heavy loss on
Mr. Wingate.
and Mrs. Robert
Gotten have announced tie
of th Elba
to Air. Douglas
Wesson, of Springfield, Mass.
The announcement was made by
Miss sister. Mis.
sell B. at a delightful
dinner and house dance given at
her home in
Winchester, Mass
The wedding will take place
early in the fall,
the country home of the Cottons
in North Caroline.
Sow Crimson Seed
I for sale by J. R. J. G.
Wilson, N.
Things got lively out on the
tobacco market today and prices
went bounding upward with
strong bidding at the advance.
Many sales were made today at
prices ranging from to
higher than last week, and prices
are now better than they were
last season. Greenville is the
place to sell tobacco.
Some one took a straw hat be-
longing to me from the court
house today. It was marked
with my name inside. No gen-
would be guilty of s
conduct knowingly and I us r
the hat to be returned. Franc
Wilson will identify it
I. A, Sugg.

Eastern reflector, 16 August 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 16, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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