Eastern reflector, 9 August 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Savory Seamless Roaster
superior to any other
Roaster made, not an ounce of
lost. Other roasters
waste from to per cent.
The Savory seamless roaster
needs no water, grease
of any kind. It simply asks
to be let alone. Retains all juices
and flavors, renews the
the toughest fowl. One great
feature of the Savory roaster is
the oval bottom, with the
flat bottom roaster the
moisture brought out of the meat
by cooking has no chance to ac-
cumulate and is burned and dried
up in the bottom of the pan.
the oval this meat juice
flows continuously to the lowest
point of the bottom, where it is
turned into steam and condensed
on the surface of the meat. This
condensation continues until the
roast has become heated through
to the temperature of the
in the roaster
condensation stops and the brow n
of the roast begins.
The Savory roaster is Mil bast-
and self browning. The
bottom is off the oven
by the outside heat-retaining
jacket, which applies a uniform
heat to the roast from all sides
The Savory roaster sin a class
to itself. Is guaranteed to give
satisfaction when used accord-
to directions. Buy one, take
it home, the
it thirty days, if not all we claim
forth, return it to us we will
give you back your money, pro-
the roaster when return-
ed, is in good condition.
See our window display of the
Savory roasters. We will be
glad to show you. Call and see
This department is in charge of W. who is author-
to represent the Reflector in and vicinity.
N. C , July 30th, 1907.
Among the events of the past
week we find crops, rains and
steadily moving onward. Visit
sporting and courting like-
wise, judging from general
principles or outward appear-
churches. Sunday schools,
societies and lodges seem to be
quietly, but earnestly adding
strength and confidence to their
N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
We have a number of very
lots in the town
various creeds and noble ville. for sale at a very reason-
pies, and best of all our able price.
J. R. J. G.
Littleton Female College.
Splendid location. resort- Hot water heat. Electric
and other modern improvements boarding pupils last
High standard of scholarship, culture and social life. Con-
advantages in Music Advanced courses in Art and
Elocution. Business College. Bible, and Normal course.
record not surpassed. Close persona attention to the
health and social
occasions- V
Session will begin
address REV- J- M. RHODES.
1793 1908
b v to be
HI I I 1.1 H. a.
kill I lot
K K. i N I .
is enjoying exceptional good
We are waiting for the com-
of the N. S- R R.
and training school, as we have
several graduates from our
school now ready to
enter just such an institution.
M. T. Horton sold his livery
business to B S. Sheppard who
will conduct the business at the
same stand.
Miss Maggie Darden, of Or-
Miss Willie Harper,
of Snow Hill. Miss Carson, of
Bethel and Miss Carr. of Or-
spent the week in
visiting Mrs. G. A.
Mr and Mr. Havens returned
Saturday from their wedding
Misses Nannie and Reed
Ling returned today from Kin-
where they had been visit-
their aunt. Mrs. James
Miss Fannie Hyde, of Speed,
is visiting her brother,
Miss Lillian Beatty. of Tar-
is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Miss Lena King, of Greenville,
is her many friends and
Miss Kirk, of Norfolk, is visit-
the Misses at
Mrs. S A
John Ivy Smith, of Greenville,
came up today to accept a
with warehouse as
Clifton Rountree. of Green-
ville, is spending the week with
W. Parker, near Green spring.
W- Turnage and of
Greenville, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Martha Joyner, proprietress
of Green Spring.
Miss Eva Gainer, of William-
and Nannie Moore.
of were the
guests of Miss Mary Joyner, the
past week.
Well, we of course took in the
picnic over in Smithtown lust
Thursday, and that don't mean
We also have a beautiful farm
near the town
For other information apply
N. C
We frequently take other
makes of pianos el part
payment for
In some cases we have
our expert factory men
thoroughly overhaul and
put them in fine
on. We then sell them
at very low prices on ea-
payments If you
that you don't wish to
pay the price for a new
Piano, let us tell
you about what we have
hi these instruments. If
later, you wish a new
we will take the
old one back.
Write us about it
L. C. Street. Mgr.
Norfolk Va.
Piano with the
Sweet Official
Piano Jamestown Expo-
Wilton Streets, N. C.
For Cash or on Time
Queen Quality Shoes for Women and King Quality for
Cotton, Shuck and
Complete line of ever-thing in the way of Of, Goods, Clothing,.
Groceries, Hardware, Feed stuff and
Lang Building, Main Street, N. C,
New Firm. New Store. New Goods.
Couplet of ab
Close Prices.
Gents Fine Clothing a
Ton make no mistake in trading with us, for you get
the best goods at lowest price.
Perfection Quality and shoes for Ladies and gentlemen
at their cut price, Ladies fancy goods,
General Merchants
Main and Wilson N. C
Dry Clothing, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, Fur-
Stock and Fertilizer.
Knapp Burnett. R- O. Bar-
G. L- Lang,
and Killebrew Stalling will
leave tomorrow for the James-
town Expositor. All are
and popular young men of
our town. We hope they may
have a good time and return safe
R. L. Davis returned Saturday
from the Exposition and reports
an interesting trip,
in the various industries
and resources of commerce,
manufacture and in-
Complete line of Carpets, Mattings and Rugs Agents for
Guns, Pistols and Rifles. . . A r- a
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade. Call
and see our stock.
The Baptist University For Women, Raleigh,
school Thirty-four officer teachers. Diplomas
riven in the Arts, Sciences, and Philosophy. in Music. Art, expression, mid
Business. Excellent equipment for teaching and illustrating the
Distinct school of the Bible. Full business school, in charge of a competent
instructor. Art school, including Oil, Applied and China ranting.
Regular Normal Course, elective for A. R. degree, special short course for
Public School teachers, school of Music, with ten teachers and giving
Voice, and Pipe Organ. of students looked after
by lady physician, nurse, lady principal, and matron. Board. room
tuition, baths, and fees for physician, nurse, gymnasium,
library. 1194.00 a in the Club, to less. Next session opens
Fur and all information, address
Vila of
Has it ever struck you a
of life lies in a few
works of appreciation and en-
How few of us take
to stop a few mo-
and praise a servant for
work well done, or even MUM
Old Stand, Main N. C,
Complete stock Merchandise-
Cash o time
Buyers of Cotton and Country Produce.
Meat, Hay, Corn, Oats and Fertilizer in carload lots.
Everything in Dry Goods and Groceries.
Distributors of celebrated Shoes for Men and Women.
Agents for Mn i each
Horton Hotel
.---------,, i to tell our and dearest
any small either, because , how we ail the daily
services which we have
these big-hearted and congenial
Smiths and their whole-soul
neighbors know just how to make
a hungry man feel good, not only
at their hospitable homes but
likewise when give their
annual neighborhood dinners.
Your correspondent never saw
a more quiet a better
R. T. VANN, Pres.
never noticed.
When our friends die we hast-
en to send beautiful as
a last appreciation of Mr love for
them- But would it not be better
if we. had helped by a little
praise when they were working
or if we had cheered them in the
Farmville, N. C.
Main Street.
Farmville N. C
I Everything found la an
Centrally located. All kinds of soft s.
lated. Up-to-date . ,
v lie through the season.
Polite servants. Best table the
Open a p. m. Sun
Jamestown Exposition
Rates from Greenville N. C as Follows. Season Ticket 6.15 Sold v
ii Dav Ticket S
limit days- En-
Not in parlor or keeping
Write for a illustrated maps,
matter, list of Hotels, etc.
For or any information, Address-
a or II e m w
dinner put before dark days they were
The program for the day and
all go ard have a good dinner . a few words
and a social time, stay nothing but the
see that there was no mistake beyond price Let
about it, and nobody left either tell his wife how
tired or hungry nor disappointed, much he prizes her love for him,
except some the Green Diamond, and th wife tell her husband
fellows got only
put in five.
values her children s affection,
r. values s
while child says to its
as white as pearls, mother, you for all your
That love; rewarded her
be if you use our antiseptic tooth far under
at Coward A a Life
market-, affords at all seasons.
. Reasonable.Buss all trains,
First class good
B. S. Smith
located on corner
and permanent. Reasonable
, rates and
Last Auction Sale of Real Estate
On Tuesday, August at o'clock, I will offer for sale at
public auction to the highest bidder a number of very desirable
Building en the property known as Waverly Heights in North-
east Farmville. This is a beautiful plot of land, high and we
drained, with nicely graded and shade trees on all
sides, and will go to the highest bidderRemember also that August is the third annual opening A
the tobacco market here. For information apply to
day to a. m.
N. C.
Staton Proprietor.
. N. C.
guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
x repaired,
ed end,
i At Parker's Old L.
. N. C.
. of
face an-y of work
iron. ,
J. H
Real Estate Agent.
N. C
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging a
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eye free.
All and stock
it b
WHICH Owner.
Truth to Fiction
VOL. No.
by f County.
. f t-iAUG,
Rebates fro-.,
the Standard
.- fin
Oil In-
from railroad The fin,
is the largest
any individuals or any
corporation in the
criminal jurisprudence
and is Blight more than I SI
times as great as the re-
by the company
its i
case will I.--;. i,, ,,,
courts by th com.
The penalty Imposed upon
maximum permit
under tho law, it
announced at th. of a on
opinion in which the methods
and practices the Standard Oil
company were mercilessly scored, i
The in fact, declared in
Standard Oil Company who wen
responsible for Mi-- practices of
which the corporation was found
guilty were no better than conn-
and thieves, Ills exact
as well look at this
situation The men
who thus deliberately violate
law wound society more deep y
than does he who counterfeits
the com. or letters from
county, was railed
court house
L Fleming,
was under the
auspices of th Greenville
lance was I
from every town and township
In the county. Those present,
history t a lively
to m
And Some Other
and a trip Down
,., be,
are here
the ,,,;, .,,,.,,
court, which .-
by District Judge Thomas R.
was primarily to
hp peonage case against R
A. Mm. gent up from
county, but son other minor
i. ed. Two of
her resources, needs and
Pox and others. The though,
awakened by the speakers
oped enthusiasm as Is rare
M industrial meetings.
A resolution was passed
I ho chairman to appoint
a committee of fifty, which com-
to meet as
and effect a
opinion, that the officials of organization the
. I industrial development of Pitt
were and P
fully dwelt W H
others from
Mr a Mr the --el
trial interest in which is ,,
Court will convene this
morning; the f
being mainly the selection .
grand jury and s
We had a very t ,
from Greenville Io
ti,.At the latter town
people about the
School, and
Sm, Cf
note that
of the
cotton industry i the South
From a the town
, ,;
Si K L . the
the .
Railroad, Decide h's
Good, Hate
Va. ;.
Shortly before .
official,, in
office in
received a
The millions of V,
the e ; th I
condition that the
. , .
in where
to the
c-Urn factory ran by decision as t
Power south of the Potomac
, ,,.,
branch east
, a
county, by ejecting a
eleven as
and treasurer. The commit had
to represent every township for
the county. The following com- made
pose the committee. , ft Pitt
J L J L Wooten. S T W
w are r presented v
m were
today i-
surprise. PoP . ,
only been
was first. but
, program has
, for the Farmers
at Greenville,
j Soil by W. J.
culture. u. ,, p
Director of
, and
P . S ,,,.
rs and
by R, j.
any of special
Every m. meets
s i and
X h place to
I which our former, bring
j and help
purchased in
of the mill may l.
Atlanta. July
bill, passed by
Georgia Senate Rome
adopted by the Hobs
vote of
added to Hie
hill by the House will make
for the measure to
to the Senate for concur.
wine, there , no doubt
the will go to Cover,.
Hoke for c S
and prohibition will
law m Georgia.
The amendments today permit
White. King. Which-
ard P U Wooten. R L Davis. W
M Crisp- Dr- J
nil S H M O Blount H A
Perkins, RB Fleming,
r. CM Jones. Dr. L E Kicks,
L Tucker, J R
Smith, Dr. Joseph Dixon A G
law. and were
free their opinion that
lawyers had a legal right
I to sod service to any client
the,,,, it was, to say
the leas, of it, very unbecoming
n lawyers to be
a hand in this matter. The it.
were that
the description of
w to build for it;
machine with
with three sets of
the tack set to be of wood, the
other two to be of the
machine to
two ,,
with two sets of
c ,,. .
wide, with a pick
R Spear. Ivey Smith, BL Joyner,
ft K cotton. O L Joyner.
y Holland, Wade. R J
H B Proctor, Jackson, J R
John B Harvey
W a Bowen
Coming down the road ,,
not but notice the improved
service of the old A. N c
since it las passed under
too management of the No, folk
; a
they are as
those a.
on prescription
reputable physician and also
mow wholesale druggist to carry
are alcohol in for
e bill prohibits the
or keeping on hand in any
. of business, the sale, or
induce business
the State, of any liquor
may produce intoxication
be new law is to become
Ive January
been vastly improver
A resolution adopted
ring the effort of m. This evidence of
advancing th action
through which it pas-,.,, j
keeping with the spirit of th.
nail an
faring the of the
and to publish, at an
early date, an industrial edition
The Ta
W Do It.
I Winston- Salem has got one of
composed of A. L- Blow, W I
Brown. T B. w. Mose-
A. White,
ed to co-operate with Messrs.
Joyner Moore in getting out
h's very interesting edition.
I county is now entering
WM is in keeping with th
spirit the most
men of North Carolina.;
Norfolk Southern The build
mg of the bridge across
sound from to Beau
fort over which trains run here
new life into the
business interest of Beaufort
and greatly advanced the com-
importance of th town.
has also largely , the
e most practical and up-to date Aurora.
In the a d-
and that association has
that the most effective
to fight the devil is with
. mother words the best
J meet the Northern and Wes.
m mail order houses is to
in their local paper
think it useless to complain
out of town merchants taking
sir trade them when
neglecting to use the
offered them for
it. Of course
f don t pay the merchant that
Ivor uses Times-
. a
trip. The district officers
chosen were as
Hooker, Aurora, vice-
The next district meeting will
beheld in Greenville the first
Thursday in December.
the f
ling over on this aide as shown
by all the hotels and boarding
houses being full. The move-
already on foot to build a
, modern here. This
Quiet a number of Odd , such a and
went from here to J be before if Is a
Miss Sarah Davis, who Hi
for years kept the best house
here, and who is so well k, own
through the State. been
I overrun with guests this season
By arriving Monday fore-
noon we were fortunate in g-t.
a room at her excellent
house, which in itself insures a
pleasant sojourn here.
D. J.
machine to be to
w as
l to the
machine; one rolling
with four heads. All
to be completed m .
workmanlike . . ., .
These final
be seenneat and ,
the present day.
The factory on ;
prospered, and
unpretentious, its
. it
Hike, a
a 1-artier ,. j,.,
persons came ow
miles to buy
N C. Aug.
Alford left Mond-y for
his home in Nash county.
night from a most delightful
and other northern
Monday night in town I
or- t-- Ricks and
Mary made a
trip to Monday.
is delighting hit
many Wends with car rides on
Chief Police H. H.
rec.-iv.,, a telegram
hat Anderson and lie,,
who murdered
inland about two years ,,,
ft I captured at DeWitt,
u. mid h waiting for
before going
and placed i j;.
Raleigh, N. C, Aug 3.-Tie
outcome of present move
for an election in
of whether the
that the
will give way to
This e
case for Up . .
of j; .
th-, a.
f which
he at th,
The hope
dispensary d.-;,.,., on
of ,.
to Washington and
f, the
wand trip of miles i about
element which
I has been dividing big , be
class of th-
R- R. pastor of
the Baptist church .
Kansas who is spending
with his people i this
occupied the pulpit f
Baptist church Sunday
morning and night and preached
two excellent, sermons Two
-ion from college, he supplied the,
here for a month
man Tn L time.
and it is a to
hear Mm Pitt county is
proud young men as he
Messrs, Troy and,
r, were in town Tuesday.
Barber, a former
County Lumber
Wednesday night and
will resume his here.
Mrs. H B. Phillips and family
some time in Shel
Miss of Washing-
ton. a niece of Dr L.
Miss Mary Bell
on lane.
P. G. went to
on business.
. Miss Olive Woodard is
former home
competitive basis ,,
Forest, on. from St Man's -mi
the stale g
am -t-
Tonight midnight or to L
exact, at 1201 tomorrow mom-
mg- the cent passenger rate
will be put into operation by
railroad in the Macs of
The many friends of Wiley J.
to Reconstructed fuT
home with fever will be glad to III ft . mU time
learn that he is much better. Provided in the bill M a trip ,
i he Jamestown
F. ;. Mrs. H.
B. and Mitt Margaret
i spent Wednesday after-
noon very pleasantly In Green
the week with Miss Venters.
Arthur Carroll Jones- of
more, reading the
with his aunt, Mrs. G. Cal
Ogle Minton is off on a
He spend
Mr. II B.
he known as the
Jarvis of ,
Graded s t
man f . , .--,
rs truly
School on Wednesday
I a detailed account our
for the coming year. I am VS
I optimistic over the outlook, as
I sure we are going to have
Very truly,
H. B. Smith

t f Interest Things to be
Seen There
Nothing so pleases the public at
s Exposition as the collection of
strange and interesting
; which at and
was called the Midway.
; St. the Pike at Portland
i Trail and the Jamestown ex-
is known as the
f the most expensive
enterprises on the
is the reproduction of
famous battle between the
; ironclads, the Merrimac and
The building housing
presenting th first settlers, and
Indians walk and talk and trade
them as they did three
hundred years ago. An excellent
idea has been carried out here in
having the true dependents of
of that tribe of Indians with
which John Smith and his follow-
had to deal, the
in this reproduction of the old
settlement. These
twenty in number, also enact a
drama which they themselves
have written from the story
handed down to them of the in
of John Smith's rescue
b Pocahontas, and an
maid, a descendant of Powhatan
the father of the original
whose name is
enacts the part of that noble
. attraction and the scene
anting required an expenditure
i Large ship, real is
-aimer are ed n the most
his it is
D he to
piling the
Ere The electrical effects pro-
e- .- finest
hi-. engagement and
eye witnesses declare this
me a true and realistic
of the battle.
There are two other
ions of battles of importance in
he history of the civil war.
and Both
without doubt
all amuse-
Intents devices it takes at
j first by gliding boat and
. n gradually increases to a
whirl through dark
and mysterious caverns
. about
. flame, and
where his Satanic majesty, and
his imps disport-
Hale's tours of the world give
an opportunity to visit far dis-
countries and return within
a dime will pay
Spanish bull fights and cock
fights are also a part of the pro-
Colonial Virginia offers an
opportunity to gain a true idea
of the life of the Old Dominion
of long ago. The marriage of
Pocahontas and John Rolfe and
the first ball at the capital are
among the historical incidents
The Florida ostrich farm has
been moved for the time being
from Jacksonville to the
and daily on the War Path
may be witnessed both harness
and riding races between these
giant birds.
Aside from these attractions,
there is another like number of
shows all well worth the time
required to see them.
Jamestown Exposition, Va,
for North Carolina week at the
exposition has been arranged
and features have been provided
for nearly everyday in the week
There will be daily ex-
by the North Carolina
military band. The detailed pro-
gram for the week is as
August 13- Glenn,
and official party will arrive
via Seaboard Air Line railway,
at Portsmouth, p. m
They will be met at the station
by a from the North
Carolina Society of Norfolk, who
will escort them to their hotel in
Norfolk, where they will be the
of the North Carolina
August 14-At a. m. the
Governor and party will be
en over the city of Norfolk in
automobiles, bearing the colors
of the State of North Carolina.
p. m. Upon the arrival of
East Carolina Profits
Greensboro, N. C. A
Baltimore Shoe drummer, who
was at a hotel here last night,
was profuse in his comments on
the great development of East-
North Carolina. Ho said, the of North Carolina
that at even- cross roads store, at the exposition ground he will
he found trade brisk and deter- be received at the gates by a re-
. committee consisting or
ruination to ahead broker. L
In the larger towns, he declared Company, and
ho had never seen such enter- to the
prise anywhere. Old thing. State building, whore ho will re-
wore fast passing away, be said North Carolina
and the people were imbued with v
the spirit of moving forward.
p. m.--The Governor and
official party will visit the North
Carolina exhibits in the various
exhibit palaces, where they will
be received members of the that baa ore and
,. , ,. . . i me a nappy man,
North Carolina commission.
A pone U a
makes a light parse.
The LIVER Is the seat nine
of disease,
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Do Not Neglect the Children
At this season of the year the first
unnatural looseness of a child's bowels
should have immediate The
that can be Riven is
cholera and a
Remedy followed by oil as direct-
ed with each bottle of the remedy.
all Druggist
Remarkable Rf sew .
That truth i. stranger than Action
has once more been demonstrated in
the little town of Tern, the
r. C. V. lie
was in bed, entirely disabled with
of th lungs throat.
Doctors la ; to I all hope
had lie I n Dr.
New Discovery. instant rebel
cam.-. The ceased;
bleeding and
three weeks I in goto
cure and cold
and at AM
store. Trial bottle fine.
He Fired the
have fired the I've
carried over on f a
sore that ever.- kind treat-
until tried
traveling expenses- The cars
very much resemble these of
any other railroad, are
these productions are housed I the sounds of bells and
fine buildings, and they add additional touch of
tat the very best work of The Congress of National, or I Speaking of the wealth of that
painter-1 he realism of the the beauty show, contains j b he s lid the railroad de-
reproductions of these young women from there only prove.
is added to by a plastic the several civilized countries In v. hat he had known all Carolina commission.
meet the fact an effort was made to i i. at the residents At the teed for by John.
painting in such a way cure most beautiful not realized
a, to and to cause of young womanhood to be well off as the,. . . . o.
the observer to really imagine found in America and the Eu- capitalists North had who were
Ems, If a looker-on to these countries. always on the lookout for fields
struggles. The famous fainting, of investment, and
leave the North Carolina State
accompanied by his
members of North
Carolina commission and a
. , cue
Col wild and trained Shadow of the Cross, which has. chosen the and railroad of the North
animal show offers to the lover and mystified, not only field present as arriving
this sort of amusement the world at large, but the of investing expecting. auditorium at a.
lute satisfaction. There is a large tic id. for a number of years, greater things in I i. v
where men and women is on exhibition on the War Path.
their lives in their hands, It is a painting which has the
I walk into a steel cage and min- most peculiar effect upon he who
I with the blue blood of animal looks upon it, and stamps upon
kingdom giants of the mind an impression which
, tigers, lions,
I and bears, and cause The village con-
I them go through various man- a number of these
oeuvres for of the it lie men and women from the
audience. The most remarkable frozen arctic, and their daily
here shown of trained lives are pictured faithfully. The
wild animals performing is oat building itself represents ice-
of a company of seals and sea bergs and mountains of snow,
animals generally supposed with here and there the snow
to be of a low order of houses of the inhabitants.
but which here prove Princess the horse with
themselves on a par with many a human brain, crossed the ocean
of Animals considered from London, to amuse the vis
El . ,. i.- at the Jamestown
agree every f pure white
Colonel troupe is Arabian mare does
without rival among but speak, and this she does by
lions of signs, almost as intelligently as
seem endowed any dumb
m-, where the following
by local
later. He was
Notice of Sale.
The partnership heretofore existing
between. H. Taft and W. H. Ricks
in the torn of Greenville under the firm
A. H. Taft and Company is
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
A. H. Taft will continue to do business
in the store next to Taft and VanDyke
H. Ricks in the store next to
Fleming and Mooring. Those indebted
to the will make their payments
according to their contracts with the
firm and a prompt settlement is request-
ed. Bach debtor will be notified at
which store to make his payment but
no one need wait for notice to
make his payments. He may ca at
either store and e of us will be
to hi in a Mil all other friends to whom
we return thanks for their patronage
and of we continuance.
Greenville. N. C. July 1st. 1907
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
J c
R A Dawson and Ella
By Virtue of a decree of the superior
court of Pitt county, made by i. C.
Moore, Clerk of the Superior court of
said county on the bid
in a certain proceeding
J. C. wife Maggie
are plaintiffs and R. A.
and Dawson are defendants, th
Commissioner, will on Mon-
day the 5th day of August 1907. expose
to public sale before the curt none
complimentary Opening prayer by the Rev.
the spirit of in
county, and remarked that every
where he went in that
of about towns he found
, , and master of Situate in the county of and
chant in good we l Stated and In Swift I,
cultivated, and everybody united George kT hip , , , f
, president of the James-1 Major Allen Adams. W. a. C.
for progress. town Exposition Co
will deliver the address of
. LO .
Hon. G. S. Powell, president in Greenville, to the highest bid-
Of the North Carolina for cash. tractor
fifty Acres
This sale is to lie ma
Went Over Precipice
with almost perception
I Helene's leopards are
less remarkable in their
work. Pauline, the an-
queen, too, bends these
habitants of the jungle to her
wish Captain
mixed group in feats astonishing
and amusing, attract
ion. vie
for a first e favor and
Captain Dick Bass, with his per-
bear. keep
interest on the vive every
Add to these the dog
and monkey circus, a show
which eclipses the best that has
One or the most instructive
r and novel concessions on the War
Path is the baby incubator. This
practically recent invention
means more to the scientific and
medical world than any dis-
of the present century,
and one should not fail to see the
machine their tiny
of humanity,
been placed there to be
nursed into strong life.
In may be
seen a replica the old
tower, and other landmarks of
. English settlement in this
The Philippine reservation,
where one hundred and forty
one little brown men and women
from their far-away island home
live and labor just as they do
there is always interesting. Re-
presented here are both the
and uncivilized tribes, in
, eluding a Prince San
; the ruler over the pro-
i of valley and its
inhabitants An exhibit
hall is maintained where the
various agricultural produces and
articles of industry are shown.
Paul Revere, the revolutionary
hero makes his famous midnight
ride every in the day This
not simply o panoramic
but real men and a real
horse are used, and a splendid
idea may be had of this ride of
far-reaching importance
is an
illusion show which perplexes
its thousands. Beautiful
women are used in this
founded upon Sacred His-
and the la of such a
character as to please the most
The streets of Seville and La
are typical of the
Spanish dancing girls, brought
N. C. July 31.-A
young couple, whose names could
not be learned, had a thrilling
experience and withal a narrow
escape from serious injury
sunset mountain Sunday after-1
noon by overturning of a
buggy in which they were
The accident occurred at a
point in the road where tin
mountain rises high on one side
with almost B precipice of 7-i to,
feet on the other. The hone,
buggy and occupants wont over
this and rolled part,
of the way down the mountain
side. The couple escaped injury.
however, as also the horse,
. . . for partition
come on behalf of the exposition. I the in This
r. Harding,
Not Quite I
Row often you can get a
nail or driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is a yo i could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of I
You get s
Morse Goods c c .
J. P.
Address by Lieutenant Gov-
Francis D. Winston, of
North Carolina.
Address by the Hon Robert
Governor of North,
will be furnished by
the North Carolina Third
Reviewing Stands p. m. Re-
view by Governor Glenn of
North Carolina, by the
J. D Cox enters and claims
about acres, more or less, of
vacant lying in
Pitt county, N C, on
, w F side of Creeping
and CURE adjoining the lards of Jesse
Guaranteed nil and
. lite I
but the buggy was considerably j Governor of Virginia, Governor
damaged. of Massachusetts, Major General
The accident almost at j P. P. Grant, Admiral
or near the same place where ton and other army and navy
horse and buggy with an
ville gentleman a rid his wife and Review will consist of the sold
child went over wee at
J ton, G. Cox. J. B.
and others.
i This June
J. Cox.
Any person or persons claiming
to or interest in the fore-
going described land must file
; their protest in Waiting with me
within the next thirty days,
they will be barred by law.
R. Williams.
Entry taker
Stray Hog Taken Up.
resulting in gainful
to the husband and wife an
damage to the vehicle.
Go Abroad
A supply of recent
trial edition of ; toner
have been sent abroad for
in foreign countries
with a view of attract
grants to ion Mr T,
K. will distribute a
r. of these papers on hi
the North Carolina
and other military
encamped at expos-
f- to p. m, to
the govern r of North Carolina
by the Carolina State com-
mission at the North Carolina
There is a hog, marked square
bit in left ear and slit in right
ear, taken up with my hogs and
been fed by me since February
1907. Owner can get hog
paying for feed and care and
identifying same. Hog weighs
about pounds,
C W. Scott.
Greenville N.
without traveling forty from the royal opera house of
Bite up the James river. go through those bewilder
Through the streets of this novel ugly movements so
walk men and re- peculiar to race. Genuine
Assistant Buyer
Mr- W. R. buyer for
A. T. Co. on market,
informs us that he will have Mr.
E. B as assistant
buyer. Mr. has been
assistant buyer for the A. T Co.
in Wilson for the past two yeas
He here well recommended
Aged Lady Suicides.
N. C, July
Mrs. Mary Sykes. mother of two
prominent druggists here,
sixty years, committed
this afternoon by shooting her-
self through the head with a
pistol. Despondency over the
death of a son a year ago is sup-
posed to have caused the deed.
She had been deed two hours
when found stretched the bed
her son died on, lifeless with the
pistol lying beside her. The m
e l
slate of North i Pitt county
J i iS v T A Carson,
virtue of directed to
the undersigned f rum the Court
County in the above entitled
I will on Monday, the day of
Au MOT at o'clock M at the
Curt House door of said County,
hid 1.1 fur cash to satisfy
raid execution, all tin title and
int. rest .-aid I, A. Carson,
int. has in the described
A certain tract of in I County
Bethel Township, adj the
J. J. and the Grey Blount lands,
at the four prong
thence with J. J. Carson line to the
Mount line, thence with the Grey
line to the B. F. Ward line,
thence with B. F. line to a canal
in Creak, down the
said creek to the G. W. An-
line, thence with the said An-
line to the beginning, containing
by one bundled and fifty
acres more or The said T. A.
Carson owning a one half interest in
Having duly qualified before the
. clerk of Pitt county as
executors of the Last Will and
of Pattie K. deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
persons having any claims against said
estate must present the same,
authenticated, to the undersigned for
payment on or before 26th day of
June. or this notice will be plead
bar of
This 25th day of June, 1907.
T. E. Hooker.
T. M. Hooker,
W. E. Hooker.
Executors of Pattie R. Hooker.
Canon owning a one half interest
both as a gentleman and as a will be at the old home the land. 8th.
tobacco buyer. in Fayetteville. u w. Tucker, sheriff
Not Through With Railroad.
Raleigh, N. C, July 31.-
Governor Glenn today spoke of a
letter he had mailed to the freight
traffic management and other
officials of the various railway
In this letter he invited
rail p. to send
to Raleigh who are
ed to confer with him and the
corporation commission concern-
the matter of the better ad-
of freight rates and
Governor Glenn said that
he would fix a date soon for the
examination to begin into the
freight discriminations against
North Carolina points and in
favor of Virginia cities.
The of Greenville
The Eastern School,
the coveted his ton
awarded to Pitt We
hope that there ac other
things in stoic us. and we
tender the services this bank
and its resources for the up-
building; of legitimate
enterprise o. our town and
secured and
All other Blocks,
Furniture mid Fixture
Demand Lour
Due from
Cash Items
Silver Coin
National bank notes and
U. S. notes
t May
Undivided Profit less
Expenses paid
Bills Payable
Time 27.1681.0
Cashier's checks
C. i
Come in and examine my
M Will V J
t Mi e,
J A l
Ibis op
beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints.
Colors, and
Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better
ft lire. It has it a
reputation for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
ever worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
-an give you Special
Baker Hart
G N. C
Transactions of the Meet-
Thursday Night.
The board of aldermen met in
regular monthly session, Thurs-
day night, all the members
The finance committee report-
ed that it was not yet prepared
to make recommendations for
the tax levy, and this was de-
to an adjourned meeting-.
The street committee reported
that much work had been done
cleaning out etc.
The committee
stepping stones be placed
at principal street crossings, but
no action as taken on it.
The purchase of a mowing ma-
chine to cut weeds and grass on
the streets was discussed and the
natter referred to the street
The cemetery re-
ported that contract had been
made for cleaning out both white
colored cemeteries.
The ordinance committee made
report on the ordinances
for the government of the town.
There were several changes in
old ordinances which will be
published later.
The mayor was instructed to
draft an requiring
scales to be used on ice delivery
The placing of an incandescent
light on Seventh street between
Evans and was referred
to the water and light committee
The clerk was instructed to
prepare financial statement for
past fiscal year and have same
Screens were allowed to re-
main in front of doors at pool
The board don to
Rough Ready fire company
and to Hope fire company to
defray expenses of delegates to
j State conventions.
A committee consisting of Al-
Johnson and Flanagan
j and Mayor Wooten appoint-
ed to confer with the water and
commission relative to
governing sewerage.
All officers of whom bonds
were required tendered their
which were accepted. Two
policemen were added to
force and M Fleming and J. W
Tucker were elected to Jill the
Aldermen Mooring and
were appointed a
to have bodies removed from the
old grave yard on east side of
town and place the property in
condition to be sold-
Salaries of officers were
Mayor, per year
Clerk. per month.
Treasurer, per year.
Chief Police, first assistant
lice and night police, each
per month, two assistant police,
each per month.
F- h of Mistrial Edition
N. C. Aug.
Mr. D. J.
Greenville, N. C.
My dear
I have been too busy and it
has been too hot for the past
two weeks for me to get the
time and the resolution to write
you how much I was rejoiced to
read your splendid special
Pitt county edition of
the Reflector of last week.
It not only showed great enter-
prise on your part but fine me-
mental execution.
Of course I enjoyed best of
the valuable historical matter,
so well collated, of my
native and beloved county.
But considering this is the
twentieth century, and era of
doing things in the material
world, the evidence of enterprise
and progress on the part of the
spirited citizens and
men of the town and
which made such an edition
possible by the axles
of your was most
cause for my satisfaction and
admiration. Not only will those
business men reap material re-
ward for their venture in a
ways they wot not of, but
they will find as the years go
by, that step will
many more, for as the Train-
school grows, their
will grow, and they will feel that
they must reach for other than
local elements to conqueror to
influence. I notice you are to
have a meeting next Monday of
leading citizens the county
to devise means for con-
of making the scope
and plans of the Normal College
broader, and to let the outside
world, especially the territory
which will have to support the
and give it strength
as the years go by, know more
of the location and its environ-
That is a capital idea,
allow me to state, and I certainly
hope the same spirit which
mated the whole county as w-ll
as the town, and which really
secured the of the
law, and later the location of the
college will continue to animate
your people and that there will
be a large and enthusiastic
dance Monday. Permit me fur-
to suggest, that it will not
do to get idle or indifferent, any-
more than to feel too well
at having won the first two
battles The real solid, united
effort, in order to make the col-
what it should be. has yet
to come I trust the meeting
will be a success in every respect,
and at your Chamber of Com-
together with the co-op-
aid of the many other
towns in the county, will con-
manfully to pursue the
work of the past,
and keep the iron hot. I
. be able to be in Green-
ville Monday, if I can possibly
Teamster, per month, arrange my business here, for I
Dispensary commissioner,
per year each, manager
per month, assistant per
month, laborer per month.
then by a short absence
from home, see so many of my
dear old friends and relatives in
a bunch from all over the
Alderman Flanagan moved to a pleasure indeed, especially
sell the pair of fire horses and to see them engaged in this
purchase others if necessary, great movement
A committee was appointed take
this in hand.
Orders were drawn on the
treasurer to .
The board to meet
August 16th.
With kind regards,
Yours truly,
All Help Oat.
A Word
The editor of The R
will be at Beaufort wk
the peonage lie-
During the dull summer is a I fore the Federal court
time to make collections the paper
owing to the scarcity of money, charge of Mr. G. B. Craver. who
and for that reason The R fl c
tor has had little to say to
subscribers about paying But
with the opening of the tobacco
season money ought to be more
been with us for some time,
any items of news sent in
will be appreciated. The bu. i
in office down stairs will be
The Men Who Will Talk-All Are Spec-
C. AugYour correspondent sought in-
formation today from Hon. John
H. Small regarding the
series of agricultural meetings to
be held to the county-seats of
seven counties in the First Con-
District Mr- Small
was enthusiastic over the meet-
and was exceedingly
at the cordial response upon
the part of the people of the
counties, the
more intelligent class of farmers.
He said he had received a great
letters expressing
approval of the
and the outlook was for a large
Mr. A. I. who will
discuss plant culture generally,
and particularly the culture of
corn and tobacco- is a native of-
Illinois; he is a graduate of the
Agricultural College of State
and for a number of years was
identified in the work of
the corn crop of the
west Mr. has done much
valuable work in this connection
and has published many
papers. For the past two or
three years he has been engaged
in the important work of
tobacco, his principal work
in this connection having been
with wrapper leaf tobacco but he
is now in charge of ail the to-
work of the Bureau of
Plant Industry.
Mr- E. B Boykin. another re
from the Bureau of
Plant Industry is a Southern
man and a graduate of the South
Carolina Agricultural college.
He has for a number s
been directly interested in
questions relating to the
improvement of cotton- He
the needs of the South
in this respect and is conducting
valuable investigations relating
to better cultural methods, better
methods of farm management,
systems of crop rotations, the
utilization of better machinery,
improvement of cotton by seed
selection and other important
phases of this great crop.
Prof. J- O. Wright is the
Drainage Engineer of
the United States Experiment
Stations and is a native of North
Carolina He began the practice
of engineering in Indiana and
soon became identified with the
drainage work. Since 1832, he
has been connected with large
drainage enterprises in various
capacities He has been
supervisor and director in
nearly all of the States whore
drainage has been carried on and
is one of the best authorities on
dredge boats and excavating ma-
in this country.
The subject of Forestry will be
discussed by Mr. F G. Plummer.
who is a civil engineer and forest
expert of much experience. His
principal field of work has been
in the western states, although
he has visited all the states in
the Union. He has been an in-
in two educational
He is the author of a
of professional papers
and books dealing with scientific
and forestry subjects. Mr.
Plummet began making a spec-
of forest work in 1805. At
present he is supervising the
compilation of a forest atlas for
the Forestry Service. He is a
student of conditions in Eastern
North Carolina and can tell our
how may well adopt
methods which will preserve our
i timber.
Another Story of Freak Comes
Mount Airy. C. Au,
A. child was born to John .
and wife in Virginia, some
from this city, which is
deed an odd creature. It has t
elbows on each arm. Other
the fellow is very m
like other babies, except on
right hand there is no
where a thumb ought to be,
at the root of the
there la a well developed
The child is one mouth old,
is doing well.
home of the Soots is
in three miles place
the babe was born that
immediately alter its birth
This strange freak of
no but a
of the best people in the
vouching for every
of it
Greenville Gains.
The Wilson people regret
departure from the city of Mess
E B. Ferguson and Arthur .
representatives of t
American and Imperial
Companies, respectively. t,
goes to Greenville
Mr- Fulghum to Kinston.
Mr. Ferguson, during his
residence in Wilson, h
made friends which are
and lasting who see him lea
the city with the deepest
Mr. Fulghum is an old
boy, who has friends galore, I
of whom are sorry to see h
make his departure.
Best wishes and success
both. Wilson Times.
Another Probable Candidate-
N. C, Aug
Will Prof. J. Allen Holt, o-
of the principles of Oak Rid
Institute, be in the race for t
Democratic nomination for cc
in the Fifth district T .
information reaches here
Professor Holt is being imp.
tuned by many of his friends
run, and that he has the
under serious consideration.
Holt represented
county in the last legislature, a
was recognized as one of i
leaders in the senate.
Take His Breath.
The editor of the Winston Ra-
Guide is urging his
subscribers to come 6-
ward and pay up, so he can
a trip to Europe this
My goodness What next MS
ever heard of a ed
being able to go to Europe I
want our subscribers to pay
what they owe so that our en
tors permit us to stay in
Rate Law Hardship.
Greensboro, Aug. 2- It is I
that the management of I
Aberdeen iv. Asheboro
are seriously discussing
question of discontinuing I
passenger trains on the
Asked the matter,
dent J. R- Page is quoted as a
that his company had-
desire to go out of the
business, but as it costs five
a mile to carry passengers,
new rate increases consider
the loss on business
plentiful and we make the re- charge of Mr- C B. Whichard, j
of every subscriber to pay who would like for collections to
for the paper just as soon as he be large h for him to make
can. not wait for a or to a good report and keep the
be notified by a blue cross mark wheels moving. If our friends
on your paper. It has been a will help out in news items and
hard summer on the paper and collections the editor will hardly
we need all that is due us. be missed.
There ought not be many loaf- The government report places
after the tobacco market the condition of the cotton crop
To Outlaw The Southern.
Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 2--A
bulletin received this morning
from Montgomery says as a re-
of the litigation brought by
the Southern against the New
laws the franchise of
Southern Railway will
be formally revoked today under
the outlaw statutes
Kinston Tobacco Market.
Though there was not so
tobacco on the market to
each warehouse seemed to
its full share. The prices
as good and as high as yest
The Kinston tobacco
certainly humming and it p
to continue so. There
not been a single
the prices. The Imperial
went on the floor
bought some little tobacco
has been customary for
wait for some time after
opening break before
the Press.

i it'll i
M eh.-. matter . I. 1907 the office at
i Ai-I ;. I, . t I P HI I
-in. in Pitt and
in to
is good, but it
thing too far it ten
has North Can-; blessing which have sprung
one bettor in dealing their
Southern Railway. In The war-worn veteran is hon-
the Southern has been and is dear to the heart of
and its charter The indeed and
I is not dying down, only that year I suppressed will work disastrously
Whether they yielded because by year the of these in our courts of Since
they were scared or because they
I were beaten at their own came
makes but little difference, just
m w of
the powder Wouldn't
that you
Moyer has released on
bond which to say that
his chances are good.
May b- lie fewer
wrecks if oil the railroads take
off a train or two apiece.
hoping the W
will at least one
r to lake with
Mr;. Thaw has
an noun will not re-
turn to ii- Th public
can give s relief.
Some of the papers have taken
Some people must have money
seriously the statement that they lawyers
Pages may discontinue bring suits in where
battle-scarred heroes is growing these pleas of defense have come
and with a few more to light they have caused many
roll calls the last will have passed flagrant of
I Rut to keep the death of
Estes and th crime ho was
haw committed in the
minds of the people is d
to the world-
time ago, hi sentencing
more to produce
We refuse. It's law and public opinion are both mm for horse ,
like the fellow who wanted to .
move his farm into town and sell
for t lots.
of W.
and the
u mi ;
body as f. -1 and drink, it
is impossible In maintain pi
health without it. it mil
taken in moderation, -i
this respect is . harmful in it-.;.
and sometimes in the way n
excess in outing.
I is to in-
the ti changes in
body. The we de
ed and replaced by I Iron r
the nutrition i. in t i
the waste prod are off.
If the oxen in carried to
lengths, i; may happen
waste are f,
people generally
for to set excited
man .,,
for the governorship, J while the crew was at
b n. it will at least give the pipers was tampered with by someone Ly,,. n deliberately
s to talk about until the j on mischief bent and the him-
ball season
several thousand dollars
caused by run-away
line of the of
Messenger in a recent, issue say-- ,.,. ., , . t ,
. I our and the chastity
few days a .
the home is dearer to every
man was sent to Hi-,. ,
chain for whipping h's life itself, but it
The the p
of the prohibit inn law In
nil the w y to Maine.
he was
Adam, but the authorities locked
1-i-ti n- fore be bad a
to raise Cain.
Govern r the
is not for n
b for
mention of
his W the place does no
Th Herald wants the
one rate for all to
ride, everybody made to pay
r r at so much a
roads t u children free.
Why not to
weigh and
gage, with lunch, babies
and t the,
whole at so much per
pound per you ire after
m w of t, as
well co the
lie no right to say a
word towns
accept profits d-fin a
Mr. has two fair dates
for North Carolina this fall, at
d Greensboro. He
will th ear of the people.
in on the water
in rood shape. Both
branches of the legislature in
. passed the prohibition
bill and Smith prompt-
; .
Southern may pull out engine crashing through id
is a headline in building. And at Durham
Yes. the week there being wife. How much in bettor ways.
it In been could ho have
will pull oat just as they
have been pulling out.
i- inn to have a
patrol wagon for police.
are also figuring on a new
a wreck of a train by
an engine that hid left
in away
. one
hi t
lashes across
iv Inn
a v
if .
comes that the
Southern Railway will probably
lit Alabama. They won't do
getting so serious tint the rail
vent it. Engines with steam on
rot to left alone, or else
-re should be some arrange
by which the machinery or
con I be securely locked
when the crew leave it.
tenet of
only the evil.
It has r cs-
to life, attain-
of ii c is seldom the lot of
the laboring the fact is
often that
I mi 1.1
Of .-
tampering with is being sentenced to Town
the next most pleasing
thing in recent days to North
If Its n-. sent court
line or to in
to the chain gang wish
victory over the rail-
k up longer th -re
roads, is Congressman an immense shrinkage in ac
beat Southern Railway
States h
Ayden. C. c
h whipping post was a Cicero an old ox C -it-
mode of in this federate soldier. years
The opponents of j lied at his home near here
mod of n it i j a day anS vote.-
robe of barbarism If tint b so day. Mr. Smith was highly
are than and well regarded by
who would receive the all who knew him.
for their Curtis a very excel-
better way can there be to lent farmer lives near
punish a barbarian than by d.-n and who is
I he dreads th-
will lie
t. t pt
I.i labor,
i in wielding a
. it in throwing
running or
of inn
re one part
f f III
. . I
I'd ; lion
,. ; i-i . fr-
ill I .
A contemporary
now that
settled, wt can go b .
work. The people of
have enjoyed the scrap as mud
is any people, and they never
quit rut up
every day for Green-
been I money in the pockets
of the railroad hive obeyed
the i and saved what i d
for one lobbyists and la v-
fee i
lashes is
nine too -r th man
who whips his wife, and the
whipping to In
this criminals
if for no more
with being bent
nearly d came hon- from
the it Fri-
nil dote i
r it i.- e
in an I I hi
Ti. r f
I .- at, which are apt
the -1.
The In i; pail.
n is up . it it
i mid its .- .
to meet the long an
i em it . along
n . 1.11 upon is
Nora Smith . the man
I. bride, of Gill
boo. are here on a vi it to the
Mr. Smith.
Dike a
dry, cut the water supply , ,
-u been
a mill and stopped
Having won such a victory in
the fare matter,
Governor Glenn is now turning
his efforts to secure a n
of the discrimination in freight
Carolina is the only
cotton State manufactures
more cotton than it producer,
says the Wilmington Star. And
it's the only State that doe a
lot of things, and the only State
that don't do a lot of thing's, that
other States do do.
While the board of aldermen
has under consideration the mat-
of levying taxes, we hope the
decision will be to make the rate
just as low as possible. The
effect of high taxes is shown
the difference of property listed
this year and last, if all
e, true
the work of a thousand hands for
I. to get a
flow of water in the fountains
lakes on Ids New Jersey
please his new I ride.
There is an example of what a
magnate can do with his
just for a bit of amuse-
Of course he will not
mind such a small thing as pay
i damage for stepping the
r-h things we for-
it, but the Put-ham Herald
to us- The Herald i
giving credit to Gov-
ad Judge Lon
the New and Observer should
In-- all
the champion of
rates was the
visit to h .
by liar children.
A North Carolinian, former mother. Mr-. i
Governor -lo F. for her home Friday.
her . r,
The are plenty men ready
to help whoop up a thing with
voices, who are not willing
to go down in their pockets and
pay the price to net it.
Enterprises can rot be secured
. to. .-,. is
all right, but there must be
something behind it.
inly has dubbed
died Saturday, us United States the dispensary as life
Senator from Alabama. North station.
Carolina is heard from r
it a
uppish about the m S n-
Johnston has family
to suggest that the superior I connections in Salisbury and u
a , who under the that hi
violated the rate law. was born in a county
f the stand taken by the federal
The News and Observer also
the h.-id of the
Tilt soldier.
if Post,
The Reidsville
f the Charlotte Observer
Col. Upton I. Gwynn, of this
Mrs -i n
d from . visit in
the country.
R. W. A D. Williams,
R L Cox I .
home v
had b--
in of
Rev. R. II. Monday
; to begin a protracted m on
one of
Herman Smith has gone in the
country to his father who is
on a at th mid to t
i ; its muscular
; lie.;, i- train a i and win ii the ion-
. ti
. inn th.
lo ha
i I'm
1-.He r-,
. a.
W had hoped and though; reported quite sick
. . . . , , ,, , ,.
-f the sectional , C. L.
The governor of North Caro-
is the man who carries the
stick now, and he Knows how
to it.
ind wife, of
among we of all Estes. In an are with
c had died out Were it said to The Observer's
see that the women of
county, Ya. are intent on
summation of s act
of a
in-; of
. w is lain by Judge
it would be the way
the Nov.- York
a din. st
dying out of the
their sister, Mis.--. Nina.
Miss's May of Or-
and Sallie Dixon, of
Greene county returned
Friday evening from a visit to
to 1-
. ii.-. ; M ,.
I a i .
. . I Id if
. .- . . if . I., d ind
if I the r-
; your eye. One day i. I v.
and could make hint move
tn old
man i ill and supplied a
to the tide the
road, lie pulled of
fennel weed. Taking ho rub-
bed ii under the horse's nose. The
an his head once
twice, tail and started
down road in trot
over That treatment of
j tonne I the of
in--. Ii- made another
Misses Lille and Alma Tucker
from near Greenville were visit.
that tie m in of I he South is Ir ;
of all an American and not men
a once
testified to by the great
number of camp; of
he Wadesboro confederate i.
a half-column
four hundred such c;
Mid the cause f r
along the line of Li hi-j .
k- is credited t general
to Governor Glenn and apathy. Against this
Robinson the credited only new charters
against the Anson county or a little more than ten
testimonial of their w- J- Boyd last week.
in the innocence of young j J. F. spent
. the crime which Greenville,
There could he The condition of Miss Nina
emphatic rebuke lo Cannon we regret to learn Is but
r sore of the In changed Miss Nina i-
-J by a false one of our most popular and
to young ladies and the
c blood, but, strange to say, interest manifest as to her
the same time is general among all
life of the murderer by such
There is
record extant where women
people. Everyone feels a
I p interest and sincerely hope
her recovery may be soon and
charged with the lynching of tic per cant of tho number of camps to the of a
man Johnson be r at reputation charged with Lynn Jenkins came
will hem- S ,. . T tram a visit to
i u, j ; . that in Grifton
an appeal with deaf ears. Let . to m reputation was perjured away
those men, prominent or . J rs -ti the by a woman, but it took the
what not. receive the penalty memory of a sex to vindicate his character Th only white marriage
he law, or else prove their in hi h and wipe out the false impress-1 licenses issued during the past
Cut Johnson didn't T- may trills-week were Benjamin Price to
himself t to Id. w
An actor was Claude
lo i to such an
in th one lie makes
love lo the
imaginary the lake of Coma
tho ; to
come to and recite tin
whole in loud voice.
. I LT, I r.
to Ii bi Tell in-
;. it, the
. i f considers
; I . nap
tins a a
less the camp fires and more the
Susie Edwards; W. c- Gas-
This is ail wrong. The kins to Miss Maude
His Idea.
The misguided man in th
check suit had disturbed tho
by snickering audibly while tin.
gifted was playing the part
of queen of Scots, and
big policeman was leading him
by the ear. I
for ad out.
the young man. laugh
land the world laughs with the biggest lie that ever was pub-
department is F. C. who is authorized to rep-
resent the Reflector in and territory
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized
B P. Manning returned from a midsummer OUTING. Quiet a number attended the
Norfolk Thursday evening- Thursday afternoon is of the Pitt y
i Strayed or Stolen .-.
take hull, six years old this Nitrate of for
writing for
We h
who receive mall at Five
dollars reward to
homer, heavy duck legged, left your when you lay it at
a has a hole, in it bored with p
white spot in weighs
tour for W. H. nm for then it was land returned
have that Dora
from the will he. took a
mailed out at of children off for the
Th famous mower midsummer out
Get one at. Barber wagons covered with hay were
Co j filed With light-hearted youths
Prof. W. H- of land in a short time all were
spent Wednesday a large, beautiful grove about
night at the home a., i Cox, miles from the village.
home Monday,
meeting at
and Mr down into the Soon after reaching the do-
lower part of Thurs-
day looking after a site
We sell Eclipse and
B. T. Bro.
A. D. end M. C Bryan
went to Ayden
have on
of history of
On- . H
v.- copies
T. C
Nina am
Sunday afternoon in Ayden
the home of Jessie Cannon.
W. R. Harris, of
i.; here on a
No. got the box of candy
at Saul's store Saturday
Hinging same to me. June
18th. 1907. John S. Hart.
Ayden. N. C
Hiss Bunting of
Bethel, who has been visiting
Miss Blanche Cannon, has re-
turned to her home.
If you wish something
buy a box of candy from
Mrs. C. C. Jenkins, of he drug st
ton. has spending the week
sired spot, various out-do.
gamer and sports were
feasted on watermelon
and. fruit. The afternoon passed
only too quickly. Just as the
sun disappeared behind the tree
tops, a delightful luncheon
served, which thought
wire tuned toward the home-
of Summons.
North Carolina, county
In the August term
J. L, A Bland.
E. A I. Crocker and the
Bunk of
The defendants, R.
and the Bank in
th. entitled action will notice
has boon in
Pitt county
above, which said action ii-
will he
in the
to be fib-din mid action, on real
in North
And will
ward which was indeed
pleasant- the way, in
a Hie
her .
. I-
f their d
brick They
j spite f tie. noise of the
I wagons, be hoard merry
occupy th-
use for a tine store.
Mrs. J I,. Butt and children,
time at Seven Sprints, lave
turned home.
Lawns, laces, organdies,
Barber Ce.
Mi-- I.
w with Mid
and Carroll t
Hamilton rifles are thin-
tor n
ibis II-
M-. and R. G ;
and little Miss Clyde arc
near Vanceboro.
Miss Emily i-f
s Mi
Evelyn Stubbs.
When the party reached
town. already past
he bed time
Good were
exchanged and the
time was a t him- of the past .-
to be cherished
with her children here.
J. R. Smith have just re-
a car load of lime.
The Masons held their regular
meeting Thursday.
candy direct, from
factory at Paul's store.
There was a bis entertainment
Spring Branch last
Ice and other delicacies
were served.
lo E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sausage and fresh
Every married man who owns
a horse or a buggy should see
patent back buggy
Mis-- Olivia Berry came home
Wednesday from
Call at the Store
cure one of those excellent
Pens.-M. M. Sauls.
Henry Staton. of Bethel, has
Lost, Liberal
brooch, with clasp
pin, lost on main street Ayden
between railroad and R Can-
Mrs. A Blount.
The hogs, tho goats, the cow
and the geese are still in
Ms Nina Cannon, who has
fever, is much worse am I grave
felt as her
recovery. Mrs Jesse Hart, .-
. r. also, i a
Mason jars, pints quarts and
gallon a J. R Smith Ce.
K r Phillips, wife of the
associate editor of the Free Will
Vi evening
to enter a Kinston for
sincerely open may
prow s and that she
return en-
n stored to health.
Th are r. i cases of
fever in Ayden, otherwise the
he town is
While John Cash and wife,
who live in the Swift Crock sec-
from home last
Sunday church, their
.-111 i 1- , .
those gates was mire-
The ladies and the
Pitt county, to b- held on th
2nd Monday before the 1st in
; y of Au-,
If W, at court Home in said J seats gotten up by Capt. J. M-
Greenville, North Carolina, arc of great con-
d or demur to the complaint
in mi id Action, or the plaintiff will
court the relief
This the 6th day of July
D. c. Moore,
Clerk superior court, Count
it 11-
Tobacco twine.
. rs
ed in curing your tobacco. Gt
them at B. F. Manning C-i,
A W. A C.
Keep the troublesome Hie.- out
house. carry
screens the
Bring your i-j--
to Co.
t f p . m.
Miss T. of Ki
field, is es Emma
and Bonner
Keep cool hot days. Get
fans at B. F- Man-
J. Harrington and J. K
returned from tho
Jamestown exposition Friday
and report an excellent
F. C. Nye left Tuesday morn-
for House where he will spend
time canvassing for W. H.
S. reports that he finds the
reputation of t his school growing
all tho i meeting with
. securing pupils.
famous Hawks glasses at
B. T Cox Bro. Don't neglect
your eye,
alias M Bryan. M. B.
an, W. Rollins and B.
left Tuesday morning for
the m Exposition.
For Sale -The Nichols house
and lot on corner near Winter-
High school grounds. I louse
is new. roomy, and conveniently
located Tc easy.
C. A. Kittrell
Mrs, J. left Mon-
day eve ling to spend some, time
with her people near
A new line of fancy ties and
suspenders just at
Barber Co.
A nice line of of rings, brooches, watch
Charms etc at B. F. Manning
G. A. Jackson and wife, of
Greenville, are visiting
i your limps tied ; lit. r
go rim you shad
H Barber Co
H paint, v
at Harrington,
Remember that A. G. Cox
Co, are still pr
pi ring lo make their
Pitt Co, school desk No school
be with out them.
A large line of umbrellas and
just received at
Oar hive
the good level
made of cement.
he Carolina Milting
Co. are prepared to
first meal for you at
any tine Wool work also a
and heal of um-
at B. F. M tuning
Notice Our stock of station-
go. We must
room our immense stock of
new goods now coming During
the next forty we will make
special, prices to our customers
our box
B. T. Cox Bro.
T. W. Wood Sons 1907
nips and ruts seed can now
be had at the drug store Dr
B. T. Cox Bro.
Try a tree brand pocket knife.
They under
They are kept in stock by B. T.
Cox Bro.
carry your repair work both
wood and iron to the Carolina
Milling Mfg o- Work
promptly and
Now is great season for
Go F- Manning
Sr. Co for s
You just ought to come down
and see up to-date
Hunsucker turned
out almost almost every
the A. G. OX
Bring your wheel to the
Mfg. Co They
arc now prepared to make first
class Hour.
Blacksmith work done prompt-
at Milling Mfg.
Have all your wood turning
work done at the Carolina Milling
Mfg. First class work
Is a Place
Things Are
writes of lie mi i-
lime customs
n.- in Guernsey, one
; found in everything
i Unit to
. Men of a twenty; the
. . day i on
; iv iii smaller than
; . reduce
, ii-. one multiply
divide hi thirty-two,
one 1-
or every English shilling.
ii paving day quartet
day Behold line of island
era and oilier islanders
plunders, for of
and are payable in wheat
corn, in butter eggs and chick-
and eels, contracts
for likely to
the length of
n man wish to sell or
s real not a
agent. Tho eldest son the right
indefeasible lo tho house and
part of tho land, and tho other
have tho right to remain-
If there are no children and
the makes a deed of sale, it
be publicly announced, and
any one of as near as the
degree may Hie Iran ac-
and purchase tho land n elf.
One easily understands why land re
mains in the s
-A man die-, ,
I-., i is divided into as
tho original division,
ii.--. having been by
who, perforce,
hare that is filially
and benefit to the man
of family who has children.
Merchandise Broker I carry
full line of Meat, Lard v an
Don't buy before giving
me n trial. Frank Lilly Co.
When John Cheek conies to
town Will Hemby puts mule
on ice as to until John
gets to leave
If you Paint be sure
ind E. .;
At home Thomas Gas-
kins, grandfather of the bride,
near Vanceboro, Mr. W B. Ty-
son, an of the
I tile firm of J. W- of
I this town and Miss
j caster on Wednesday evening.
July 1907 wen- united in
marriage, Rev. B. E. Stanfield
officiating. Immediately after
the ceremony the bridal couple
left for Ayden where they will
make their home. We extend
congratulations and welcome
them in our midst and wish for
then a long and a happy life.
Wonted-To exchange com
for or Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from -10 to pounds.
erred I will pay cash mark-
et price for A. Darden,
Ayden, N. C
Mis Charles Skinner and Miss
Skinner, of Greenville,
spent Wednesday here with Dr.
L C Skinner
It is a delight a pleasure
say of the
in having a first class
lain Pen. Call at Drug-
store secure this much need-
ed article.
If you can not be
dated and fully at Saul's
drug store, your's must be a
hard road to travel.
Turnip see. only
the lest verities J. V- Smith
as there ore
eldest ton
,. tho other
one each order of ago,
consumed. It is thought the
girls an building caught from a stove is
like candy. The kind the kitchen. The loss was about
at Saul's drug store. j fully covered by insurance.
C. L. Tyson and family Miss Letha of Farm-
come home from Seven . ville. who has been visiting Mrs.
and report themselves very much W. J. left bore Monday
improved in health that they o visit friends in Greenville
had a good time while away.
A specialty of stationery pleased with one of those
Saul s drug store. Pens at Saul's. Call and
Misses Helen
Blanche Cannon and Leslie Turn- lot latest styles, very
age, Clarence Cannon and John- at J. R. Smith Co-
Coward attended a house Bring us your Huckleberries
party at Joshua L. Tucker's you quart T. R. Smith
Wednesday evening ton.
For mowers, rakes, huskers tobacco twine
and shredders, cone to see us. and at J. R- Smith
J. R- Turnage Co Co.
Jarvis, Greenville,; hat is
has been here during L
The very best and cheapest drugstore.
hair brushes, combs and pow-
at Saul's drug store,
Mrs. Harrington
up Tuesday from Kinston to visit
her father, W. F. Hart
Big lot of calico. grade
per yard at J. R. Smith Co.
F. Lilly and wife have gone to
Washington to friends and
will be away several days.
Bring us your beeswax, wool,
hams, shoulders, and
eggs to J- R. Smith Co.
Mr Martin, an
at the depot left Wed-
to accept a
in Greenville.
Sauls guarantees all he sells,
especially candy.
to learn Editor J.
M. Barfield is confined at his home
with rheumatism.
Everett and family
have gone to Seven Springs.
One room two story dwelling
ft One four room cottage
at On nine room two story
dwelling Six vacant
lots in the of N
One thirty-seven acre
outside corporation
All will be sold on easy terms.
Ayden Ins. Co
My son Edwards has
left my house without cause and
my c This is to
notify all persons to em-
to, house or feed said
Edwards. Those so doing
will be prosecuted according to
law. He is of dark complexion,
tall about years of and
ha a tooth missing in front.
This July 1907.
in Is-
N. C
Mi Rosabella Taylor,
near Grifton, has been
the s Nichols.
Miss of Kinston,
is spending the week with Miss
R . . id.
Mi- Sallie Edwards, of H
Goods, Notions, is her-i on a visit to Misses
Light and Heavy Groceries Annie Edwards-
TO J. If.
Price to suit the times.
when ore makes
blunder which
known ii- -i it i.;
lay it.
only a bud mat
Not I
of n ind
m h i ;
.-.- p for
and it She
pi, ,
to lier i
he to .
in her
tho to ii-T I
tell mo about I
Mass. May
Messrs l. R Turnage Co.
Ayden, N. C.
fear that there
may be a plight sunder
on part of come of our
I custom r.- . the
tee upon our patent and Dull
shoes, wish
the fact that same
j exists and has not been with-
We our
wearers men's to
I know that we will do
as we have done in the
vamps , ,.,,,, . ind Bull -101 . ,
through before the ,
sole worn out , Fixture
In event of a Burt Du . .-
to this guarantee,
the from whom the Nut. bk notes other
shoes were purchased, is author
Miss Lucy Brook.--, came
t.- pend sometime with W ;.
N, N.
I 227.88 urn . 7,526.01
; . , outstanding
i u .- tun
. en,
i .
speak for i.
-I try n d
I I w And
, r . ., -.- in
with a pair.
and Field.
We have just received a ship
of mowers and
rakes. Terms easy
J. R Turnage Co,
We have for sale one I. II. C.
hp gasoline
lid tho other, with some for cash or on time,
J. R. Turnage Co.
,., ,
R. Smith, of the allow. t
t. the beat f -d be-
aura u .

Will at
Central Car Fir.
whereby William
an address on of
the Fair week
The t ; and the ten
mailed by Garland
will the new
n fact that
an w h
fair will s i- fit in
mind if all and
to the a resolution
by thousands
to in
October to see
Wilhelm Outwitted by
of the
or e the German war
rho dared defy
i First guards
r too pound
bad i man us
i i declares certain
i the w
head- of
M ad-jot M pi in of
h Iv
an a of them were
then Miss
Baker, to as
clerk in office. At
was that her of
service would he of short
that of local
politician- the
However. Ms Biker
his n so
that she will probably eon-
to hold it for a p
Aside from Po Joyce,
sh h the most lucrative gov-
position and in
some it is preferable
even to hi.
Peonage Case Falls
In II. S
C- R. Hill, at New
of the
in which Mr. I. H.
of was defendant.
it. developed that Vi, had
failed o f r the
of a debt and not a criminal
action, so
through. Fr-e
Things That Disturb.
monster recently reported to be
in could
If to
develop such a case of it
that could not blow,
would Up some glad
Tho warehouse bells will now
be joining the company early
Thy Keep Going-
Today a number of the
recent industrial edition of The
Reflector were shipped to Mr.
F. L land and industrial
agent of the Norfolk Southern
railroad at Norfolk. These will
be am me visitors at
the exposition and else-
where to attract the attention of
people to this section.
Instead of no a
Goldsboro. in the future the
Norfolk Southern will carry
the Southern trains from Greens-
through to Beaufort. The
only being in crew and
This will
a benefit to the t public.
Kinston Free Press.
in The
tor count. A Bold watch and a i
gold pin were both to
their owners In the last days
means of paper.
Before winter come;
to be looking for that
wood sawing outfit. It is not
going to be an matter to
get wood out.
to mount and the
to dismount; hence re-
cent he n
to see him Ins hone
without the auxiliary.
When the was at i;
word to the
major that he
horses shot by
The major received the nu--
with a broad smile, hut con-
on That
made the kaiser furious, he rode
in tin- shout-
to that
t-i he
i p do you mean lit
I ii i the i
i i t
r. that I
in v reserve
State of North Carolina Pitt
In the Court.
Hamilton Co. vs A. I
By of an execution directed I
the from the Sup
court of lilt, county in the above i-i
titled action, will, on tho
of August. 1907. at M a
court house door of said county, sell i
the highest bidder for cash to n,
execution, all the right, title and
which the said A. L. Jackson
has in the following real
A certain tract of land in Pitt
and bounded as follows in Con
the land
Hardy K. i
and others lying on the
Little creek,
more or and known ;.
the Alli-n Jackson Parker
Also one lot in the town .
and bounded as
at a stake at S. II. W.-iN era
and running with his line S.
i thence N. E. ft
thence N W. nob's to th- i----
oil-of thence with the
s. ft.
recorded in book 1-. page
Also one other situate in the i
of and being one inter
in the following land
at stake on Pitts I
from Pitt and Queen and
a distance of ft.
line, the with A. L. Jackson hi i
B. W a distance of-10 ft. A
E. a distance of ft. to thou.
K. th Pitt st.
said lot known as livery stable
recorded in L. K
Also one other lot situate in the to
of cons
fan alley known as Brooks alley
iii-. I- and s K. a distance
It. thence N. E. ft. to a
hence W ft. to Brooks
thence with said alley S. W. I
the known as tin
J. stable lot.
This 11th July 1907.
L, w. Tucker
I, man. once heard
V. D. tell a
said was a i
r office in a tow n hall
l a
i i
dressed young man en-
i i place one morning with n
he began.
interrupted the busy re-
young man flushed and hes-
Then, with a
mile, he stripped.
said th
over that i
r two
n an mi de the jump.
sail the officer, take this
p weight see how
many tin. you can put it over your
young man put up the
weight, with much panting and
maiming, about fifty tunes.
officer made an entry in a
run around the room
hard as you ho said, I tell
you lo
the youth uttered a loud,
oath and began hurriedly to
mil i n his i lot lies.
he hang-
ed if I rather stay single
all the rest of my
lie was in the mar-
For Sale by Frank M. Wooten,
the estate f s
of a i order of the
Jane R. referee in
the district court of the
for the Eastern District of
a, in the matter i
re Ricks, bankrupts, the
trustee will
day of August 1907, t M. ;
in the town .
Greenville to the highest bidder for cot I
tho following real estate
Of Ricks, I
Described as follows to-wit.
A certain tr-ct of land in Chico
Pitt county
low A tract of land tow i
in and around the Burnt 1-
ginning at a knot a corner
t B. and an-1-,
runs . B. s A
Mills and Mills North
last thence North W.
ides t. corner of Samuel Elks
with that line
is n. w Leon Smith's line North Fast
pine on the edge of tin
Runt said Smith's corner
is made a division corner
and J. H.
with an agreed line.
said Mills and lino
the Burnt South
West some trees
the run of Well branch i
Calvin Mills line; thence with hi- lint
and the run of said Wall I.
some chopped gums said Mills
thence w th of his lines north
151-4 west to the beginning
contain two hundred and six
and one half acres more or less. Th-
right is to reject any and all
This 18th. day of July
Frank M Wooten.
Trustee in Bankruptcy.
Having as
John Pierce, notice
given to all persons holding
against the said estate to the I
with tin- undersigned Within i
months from the date this notice I
will pleaded in bar of Hi. n
recovery. All indebted to tin
said estate
payment to me.
This June 17th.
H. A
Administrator of John Pierce
North Carolina I In the Superior Court.
U.-for. D. C Moore,
. Wooten,
t .
r -.-it E. Wooten.
Virtue o. tin Order i in the
Proceeding by D. C.
court, on
. h
day of June. a
e to a re the roar
House door in to the highest
fir cash the I tract of
. to
i j.-- i. t and
i North can a a- o it Swift
k township the In of
T. II. i VI. Wool-ii, the
eon i
ii rs more i-r aid the
known as the
Hi me place will be
in for .
day of May.
C. Pending.
i. ism e
tit tie
In f
W. y J- II.
v in in. --ii i xi
i. lo in d f-. n
peril i of it
i- . i,, vi
day. it of An
M ; M
l-i- or of s-
v . I
i ash tn
.- eh f M.
hits in
bank of
Loans and Discounts .-;
Furniture and
Duo from lit
i in
Stock paid in
t ,
I. J.
Viet Ii
lilt y i I
Ii, -Ii-
i n
is true I.
J. K. i
Subscribed and sworn to
m day ,
W. J.
W. M.
R. L.
m t fiNKING
Our I and
President P. Colt of the
lulled State was
in Sew York the
hie ti agreement that has been
mode en hit and tho In-
I Rubber company.
he said, com-
to fair and
t-t with one another, and this
of is a fair and lion-
-t one. It is not like those win----
rivals, while to
fair, yet knife one another
in the Such
remind ma of two -H
two little I know,
were lunching. Hilly
Jack, and when the butler
on the it seen that iii.--i-
was only on in tho fruit
basket. Instantly Hilly, the
boy, set u a loud bawling.
the said
the are you cry-
Billy answered,
there's no orange for
Notice to
of the last will and testament of .
Tucker deceased, having this day I--
me by the clerk the i. i
court of county notice is lite
to all persons holding
estate of the
Tucker to present them to nu-
authenticated, on or ii .-.
the day of July, or
will he plead in if
recovery. All -s indebted to .; i
are notified and d to
make immediate payment to mo.
This the of July.
John H
Executor of the last will and
ant of J. J. Tucker, deceased,
in Jarvis a id Blow. .-
I. W f laid of named
wear that the above is true to the best of
in Town- Gold
ship Pitt county beginning -r j v Nat. I
stake on the Greenville road, i s
Mrs R F. corner,;
I. -is. Total
N. S E. 571-2 to state of North Carolina.
lie run of k. tin.
up the run of said creek to the
county bridge at the
road, thence down the road to
mi i- , n res
mi ea. Also one other tract
of id in said county town-
lie i i Hill
thence N. E.
; i a in hi. n-
, . fund
Ii II-
lime certificates of
I subj. to
checks out-
and belief.
sworn to be-
nu-. May
ft T.
Votary Public
W. H C
c an
Rainfall For July.
Mr. C. V. York, who
the government record of lain-
here, gives us the-
report for
Total rainfall during month
-ll inches, number of rainy
rainfall in hour.
11.48 on 27th.
r. i total
f r 16.32
i bis. number of rail y s
in hours
e. -I-;.
in .-
i. in
C, i
of W
, h Magic No.
v- it
i- o. it. Me.
r lo. which reads
If it in- i-h with liver and hid-
to find I
a-t a result
t day The I re-
. i-. completed the
c i- t- d heat on for
-it'll, . a-i I kidney trouble,
J. I,. n
Thaw, i
published here today,
the intends to return to the
V in a deliberate and
Did she said.
lo of
say a
full bot
if it
This ad vi a
lo ii in hi.-
Only a limited
away. r-
free to merit.
I Qr.
or mere-
u deeper ailment. t
error of
cause. Weak
net., And
as -II. have
and you g
Here where
native made its fame
U even claim to
Al fr Wat
Sm Had
man look
id i
he cracker that has
pleas ant, remedy for
Syrup It ii re
I for babies an children, hut
member of
no opiates and eon-
I as
store. If r.
your Stomach,
then try this cl
Dr. has close
Java and Mocha
taste, yet it has not a
real in Or.
Imitation is made
or cereals,
i. etc. Made in a min
wait. You wilt
I Sold by T. E. Hooker A Co
sometime makes
eh trouble are re-
a little after
directly to the
trouble, the
the natural
and what
clean, pure, harm-
Don't your atom-
little ea-h
how it you
i back
ever a task
of Wis. nays
ken four doses of
Bladder and they have
more any other
done. I am at ill
want a perfect
refers to Witt's Kidney
Pills, which are
he, weak kidney
bladder and all urinary
treatment for
By Wit and ah
It m -ii; how
n pursuit from
livid I The kilt
j rial .- . 1.1 in.-.
i u to I R
i-ti -1 I i
i Inf . . lie i
. . .-. . -.-.hit.- i ti i .- Ir,
i starving and
A reward m-
i for t would lead to
of Many
Knew where he-a. hut no
i-u-r reached the camp of the
-on vector, the H-e is-
sued th midst of vigilant
; pot away safely to
Tie if the
were . .-. This is how a
dairymaid her After
the they went through
country King
friends their lauds. A captain
with a band of soldiers sent to
take possession of
land. They surrounded the house
and would not let any persons out
without them. There was
a there culled Christine
Sinclair, who washing the house
at the time.
She knew- the soldiers would try
to take the Mile deed of the hinds
and. her mistress, said she
could pave em.
you do.
-aid her mistress. will pat a
sword through ; on if they find you
null the
lint dairymaid insisted that
wore I lie given to her she
could el through the
or I
In i in
Ml. It to .
U nil m fault
Till- or
and liar.-, inTroom
Y. that th- Heart mud
to tall, th- and
why. at a Hr
ti In trip past bum-
i wk Dr
I to
ink and wasting It build;
it It real,
If you hare H arts tH-
At laid
earned is the
I no no
or how
hot lie by
pi. The main factor in
any disorder is rest, an.
to rest is to
food for the stomach it-elf.
i it. It is a scientific
vegetable acids containing
it it. s ii healthy
; conforms to the
aw. Sold by I hon I.
i are just
as good
is out
niches, cuts,
he many little hurts common
el Salve the best remedy.
cooling, clean and heal-
you get Sold
Drug Store.
miss is
t quick certain relict
I it made alone for Piles,
lion is positive and certain.
protruding or
tar like magic by its use.
glass jars
of the
I lie lady to
the in one f the with
ho the A dry
or was selected mid
tin- papers a-rapped up in tin.-. Silo
lit dry inside one of the
she ha. used n u
it to it look like the She
then put nil the .-louts in a basket
and out I spread then to dry
on ii green.
When she cot to the dour a hos-
tile with a stand-
there. Hi. stopped her and ask-
ed. have you in your
She let down the basket at his feet
and said to him, it for
He took his bayonet and pushed
the clouts backward and forward
with it. When ho what lie
thought was nothing but a lot of
wet clouts with the water
out of them he may lift
them away with
Christine went to the green and
spread the there, but took
the title deeds and,
them in her them.
The solders searched the
and made the lady take an Oath
what she said about o of
them was the truth. She could
this with a j -mil eon .-.
k- i
to them, so the fillet ; . i .- .-.-.-;.
oil the
her brave .
too or you i--
of you no d
of th.
welt puff u .
Thia crowd- tho ht r r d
with it and in t-.
tun th dis
Dyspepsia Cure
what cat, th
of th heart, and
and health to every organ of
body. Cures Sour
Stomach, of the
membranes lining in Digit-
live Tract Nervous and Catarrh
the Stomach.
Alter we
tit I
got a Kc
I had trouble a
heart trouble it,
o You Contemplate
Owning One
f so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
rot be better suited in a lot than the
am White
o proper surpasses for a desirable
Lots can be bought there now a
pi s and on terms.
every indication that prep around
r is going to be higher, and the
you defer buying the Jot the h
it will cost
This properly is located S
walk from the business part or the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
causes more
i the heat of the sun.
t Ive their Ken
Children like
it bee
i pleasant. Contain
It original
unrivaled for th
up. Drives the cold
and Drug
o the
Women in . wen the
from their trade with
though we I mention of the r
having them in ii f
in tho f
V., at the end the game
century, mentions a folding
fun. Pun lit less Catherine do Medici,
with her knowledge and love of
the luxuries of Italy, introduced
fans to her sisters in France. The
many wives of Henry VIII. of Eng-
land and their court ladies were
used to holding fans, and Queen
Elizabeth had as many as twenty-
in her elaborate wardrobe.
grew into general use about
in Italy, France and
Spain. A regular code of signals
was arranged, so ladies and their
admirers were able to carry on n
regular Record-
Auction Sales.
Sales by auction, so far from he-
an invention late years, were
as far back as the time of
the It was supposed by
some that they chiefly used the plan
to dispose of the spoils taken in war.
As these were said to take
plate under the spear, it fair to
conclude that a
spear in the ground to tin
where the sale would lied,
t was lone; the custom in England
to mark the time which bid
might be offered by burning an inch
of candle, the last before the
light went out being of course the
one that took the article on sale.
This custom led many to make no
bid until the candle nearly out,
and many oil en delayed so long
that the end of tho flame found
them silent
to Keep with the times must
judiciously he must have space in
the people read.
fills the bill, for it your announcement direct to
people and brings result,
when you want good
Send your orders to The Reflector.

The Savory Seamless Roaster
far r y other
R tern e. in i
e Other roasters
from lo percent.
The seamless roaster
needs no water, grease or
of any kind. lake
i n raws the youth of
the to treat fowl. Om great
r of the Savory roaster is
val bottom, with the
nary fat bottom roaster the
mi re brought out of the meat
by king has no chance
and is burned and dried
up bottom of the pan. In
; n juice
c to the lowest
am and
i o n continues
r . -1 I
tot U the
-n .-
i if
by mitt d hen
is which i
roast from all e
Savory n aster i; a class
If, .- U i d to e
. h n used accord-
h directions. Buy one, take
me, the directions.
it days, if not all we claim
f return it to we will
; beck money, pro
r the roaster when return-
re., is in
See our window display of the
roasters. We will be
glad to show you. Call and see
This is in charge of W. who is author-
and vicinity.
The Federal Court.
. L. W. J.
I work of the Jay
grand jury and I
r called on
grand jury was W. L Tucker
of Pitt county.
Judge Purnell
by saying
N. C August
Tin mas
special term of Fed- Three and and v.
court Gum Lady bash. Sect. . , , . . H. C
Clothing. Heavy and
A h. ad on collision between
passenger train Mo, and Stock and
Ma on the Southern g- g Carpel Halting, and for
ft one from Coupons with , for dollar in c I r n
last night resulted in the death stock. in trade Call
of three men and the , .
p i om The the ,
it is to be re
that so m people
mis United Si it
courts and are I . tie to
them Tiny that these
court are of foreign
and tor revenue
The o is alive by
b rs an I rested
editors, United States i
h id their origin in 1787.
have been In existence for
y i . With a
ii this State they have
presided over N
i i and I'd by
North Th i
of Sc I courts is ti
AR of the train
who th m to
t In at I
is to Conductor
C If. Oakley Engineer Stand. Main Street
or time -i,
Buyers of an I Country p, ,.
Corn. ; and r ., Iota
u. . . Dry Goods T
Unrated and
I w the
i i . .;,. ., ,.
i n i.
at the
d r C I s and
I In the
fireman on the passenger
after affairs controlled by th
Injured was Miss
Anderson, of
who received
State court i to look
officers controlled
There is .
between them, but ., In
on H face,
of tin i in- par
M. Au .
A;, the turn . i time are
slowly rotating in -i m. so
arc we, sonic com I
some tilling and . bile
seem to be willing the
summer days at II gore,
without a or care, and
with the favorable of
J. R. J. G.
makes of Women s
Ask ten women to
make Nine of them
will pick
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this. There
mu be a reason why
QUEEN outsells
all other women's shoes in
it world.
. ii re the low. in
some of
call to attention of the
fury, dwelling at length or
age He had t bi en I
.- a crime until Aug. 0-
the three Sine., be The of the aeries of
had been charging
o ,. hie had WM At
. es
able In continue their journey
on a train
three who were
in Raleigh.
r i. i-i and
-rt farmers present from
issue with him Any in of
servitude for H . n a
iv- or of citizens who
should be m
One man i takes a with R- N. . we
him supplies, farmer I. There were
the debtor jumps contract, . ,,,, , ,.
the past week our es-
all seem to wear bright
countenances, and of course it is
understood by toe
r symbolism suggested by the
name of our town,
that when our are hap-
so are we.
in Marlboro, about
o'clock this morning the little
of Mr. and Mr. o j.
th. burial II be
the family v near
Falkland, R, Will-
Tobacco open with
Horton Hotel
N. C.
Beat table the
market all season.
Rates Reasonable,
icy go d rigs
N. C.
t . i ; n
To Jamestown Exposition
Joe Jackson drew Tuesday's Railroad
ticket at C. T. Store, Saturday night, July 7th
We want all oar friends to go at our expense
IS the number which
drew the ticket
Saturday night
3rd I
the creditor goes before m
bind, the debtor I
work out the debt This
I the deb or in and is pa
i is
y n statute tin
the landlord and ti act.
I . I then
a few tr . and
his charge n p ill
d l e
of both . . t; on .
laying on . red i r
the r If
for the American
He expected m i
of the grand
with iii. opinion, but he
favored for i
the it of
agriculture, and also
Pratt, geologist.
He also warned the grand jury j
bills f
New Cm
This is the old man
the y
William long n.
ii,,. i.,,.,,,,, ,
hi . he mule I've wore
i think f I could
v him with some s
word he'd the plow
letter. Help me out, William
, me out
for petty of
and said he went home
States court He brought smiles Washington, N. C,
to the audience in saying are expected to
a n,
days begin the work of
prices, average
Queen quality shoes .-t,
wear easier, and
than any h es
ever used i i y,
Is th. sentiment of a k years In
customer of M. Lang,
The our I
mayor's of j
Robert col v.
on wife with with threats
kill- Bound over to
under bond, being to
it was sent to j ill.
II, col, drunk and
disorderly lined cost
Albert Ward, col, Indecency,
lined and cost,
II. C Moore, drunk and
orderly, fined and cost,
J, II. drunk and dis-
orderly, lined and coat,
J, If. Nichols, drunk and down,
failed to appear,
work guaranteed
Enlarging n
State, Proprietor.
Satisfaction guaranteed, Strict
Exp Par-
repairs I,
On last Wednesday evening
Shout o'clock, Moore,
pastor of Christian
The Big Store will give away another ticket Saturday night Aug.
Each dollar purchase entitles you to a draw for this ticket and
you get ten dimes value for every cents you spend here.
awful dry and a man who knows
the ropes gets you a pint, it is
mighty hard to see him indicted the lines and making
for it. D-J. W. the surveys for the
soon Church and Miss Mabel
in this city It Is
the purpose of th- company to
Having qualified as i nm the car line out to cow Head
of the estate of A. mineral
gown, deceased, late of Pitt from and from there en
county, this is to notify all per-
sons having against the
estate said deceased to exhibit
horn to the undersigned within B
twelve months from this date or I , , . .-, ,
this notice will he plead in i
of their recovery. All persons in I
s l
make immediate payment. many v. ill happen before
C. T.
N. C
Parker's Old
N. C.
AH kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work In
wood and iron.
Ail work guaranteed,
This the 22nd day of July. 1907
F. G. lames, J. Sugg,
Atty. Executor.
have had several reports
of the Reflector carrier boys be-
interfered with and papers
taken from them and destroyed
during the past few days. We
would much rather this practice
would atop without trouble, but
must b in way.
This i-i the only direct
public or private, that
John O. Rockefeller is known to
have made on the
fine since it was imposed last
Saturday. Such as it is, it in-
the attitude of the oil
king toward the federal judge
and it forecasts the determined
fight that is to be made to upset
the Landis decision.
of wire married at
the home of Mr Eugene Stan
field by Elder J. T. and
left early morning for
son and will some time
with friends.
D Thorns lost B valuable,
horse today, it was supposed to Optician ant
have had the blind staggers, i Glasses Fitted.
This makes three horses . , eyes
lost th-. year. Mr. All work
Walter Barret also lost one last
Mr. Woolen, member
and Watch-maker.
Examination of
eyes free.
Mrs. W. H. Wilkinson returned
of the law firm of Women ft from Norfolk and the
Wooten, of came . , last Friday and will
branch office here, we learn-
appeared in a case in our mayor's
court this morning. extend
him a hearty reception and no
doubt of us at times need
legal advice, which heretofore
has been very inconvenient in
cases of emergency.
ant and quite interesting .
Says if there was nothing to be
seen the breeze of the sea would
well pay one for going-
Mrs. Sarah Walsh and
Miss Sadie, of Tex.
came m last Wednesday and will
spend days Capt.
Stamper and mother, who is a
sister Walsh.
D. J. Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Walkout of AH Union Men b
Expected Unless Demands are
New York. Aug
of telegraphers which
originated last in Lev
Angeles whore it war,
No Has More Loyal
Its School
The and Observer yes-
issued a handsome 48-page
Edition, which con-
the following about Green-
Few towns anywhere furnish a
letter concrete example of the
remits of the
against the Western Union Con. over Carolina in
spread east recent Greenville,
and today reached
where three
New York
The town is old, having been
founded in the trying days of
followed in but the Idea of public
succession. These were
against the Western Union, he
Telegraph Company and
the Associated Press. In the
latter instance tho strike was
the against the news organ-
and was fairly general
throughout c wintry, except
in New England. With tie
stopping of work by a majority
of union operators here, the
graph though by no means being
tied up, was seriously
Unexpectedly, and when it had
beer, generally supposed that no
action would be locally
pending a conference of Labor
Neill with
labor representatives in
Chicago, the union operators de-
a strike in the office of
the Union. In
it was stated a
understanding was reached Sun-
day, through which authority,
was given to the local
of the two telegraph companies
to go out any time that their in-
seemed to demand
New York. Aug Melville
cation supported by taxation
never became popular to any
considerable extent until the
throughout the State. The pop-
public education in
North Carolina brought the
Greenville graded school into
existence, and it has been entire-
to the people since
the proposition to issue
bonds for the erection of the
building was submitted to the
people, there was considerable
opposition. However, the meas-
carried b a small majority,
the school was established, and
today no town in the State has a
people supporting ifs public
school system more loyally.
Like so many other good things
in Greenville, and throughout
North Carolina, the establish-
of the graded school was
due to Greenville's grand old
man, ex Governor Thomas J-
Jarvis In doing so, he was very
materially aided by Mr. R J.
Cobb, president of the Green-
ville Banking and Trust Com
The bonds were
on a technicality; Mr
E. Stone, general manager of j Cobb bought them and made it
the Associated Press, replied possible to get the necessary
and the present super
intend- was chosen, Mr. H. B.
Prof. Smith was in charge
of the Department of English in
the high school of the Reidsville
public schools to his cum-
ins to Greenville. He graduated
Institute in 1900. and
then went to Davidson College,
where he finished his college
course. He attended two en-
tire sessions of the Summer
School of the South at Knoxville,
and feels that he has been great-
helped by having done so.
Supt. Smith has succeeded in
making the school depart-
of the school a very
feature, and the s
are readily admitted to the col-
of examination. Tie
school is on the approved list of
schools of the State
It is the Intention of the
and the board of trustees
to lay to the requests of the
employed by the
Pres. These requests
funds with which to erect the
to the organization of
Day work-Six the school in 1902, there were
hours daily per week and from three to nine schools in
over time and extra at the rate j Greenville. They
of sixty cents per hour. .; national, Masonic, private non-
an for boys,
time and extra at the rate of a private school foe girls, etc.
to make the school a sort of
where the young
men and women of Greenville
can get the necessary training
for college or for a successful ca
in whatsoever vocation they
may choose.
The school has ten grades. It
makes a special effort to com-
the entrance requirements
in a manner satisfactory to the
colleges. A department of music
will be established this It
will be in charge of a teacher
who is a graduate of the music
department of Syracuse
New York. In addition to
the department of music, a teach-
of drawing will be employed
hereafter, and one modern
French, will be taught.
Tobacco Statistics.
seventy cents per hour.
The vacation to remain as a
present A prop increase
for chiefs and opera-
Mrs. Stanford White to Wed.
New York. Auk. Mrs
Stanford White, widow of the
architect whom Harry Thaw
killed a year ago, is reported
today to be engaged to her late
husband's partner. Chas
The report which is credited in
social circles, says that the mar-
is to take place after the
trial of Thaw.
The Pistol Toter.
Judge Ferguson in his charge to
the grand jury in a
few days
T will start at by saying that I governor
and the town was at a
at all times In those
as now, people instinctively
turned to the place the
advantage of a good public
school system.
Governor Jarvis had been
away a long time. He had
served as Governor of the State,
as United States Minister to
Brazil, and as United States
Senator to fill out the unexpired
term of Vance. When he retired
to private life, he began to try
to help the people of his own
community. He the
establishment of a graded school
in Greenville with the same zeal
with which he had supported the
State University while he was
and with the same
the man who carries a pistol is
either a very bad man or he is a
coward, one of the two. You
have heard it said that good
men ought to pistols and
men, but after looking
into this subject I am
courage and enthusiasm with
which he supported the State
Normal college at Greensboro
and the Eastern Training School.
Supported by the progressive,
sturdy citizens Greenville,
that this is all wrong, and soon
and the school was a
Because they are good, and th
bad men ought not to be allowed
to carry a pistol
You cannot conquer an aims-
people, but this does not
mean that we are to carry
ons about with us. And so in 1879
the Legislature passed a
making it a misdemeanor to
carry concealed weapons.
Almost every day the news-
papers give us accounts of
caused by concealed
ons, and about per cent of
the tragedies read about are
caused in this way per
cent this number by the use
and drinking of
In the fall of 1903, the school
ready to be opened. The
Board of Trustees chose as their
first superintendent Prof W. B.
Dove, who was at that time sup-
of the Reidsville pub-
schools The choice was a
wise the school was man-
To the Members of the Greenville
Tobacco Board of
In accordance with the usual
custom your President desires to
submit his annual report for the
tobacco year of 1906 ending
August 1907.
First. That recording to the
report of the Secretary and
Treasurer of this Board of Trade,
there was sold upon various ware-
house floors in Greenville during
pounds of tobacco for the sum
of an average of
for the entire crop of the
past year. When compared
with the sales on this
for the year 1905 during
which year there was sold
pounds of tobacco, there
is shown a decrease in the
of pounds, but a decided in-
crease the price per pound.
The crop of 1905 averaging
Der hundred, and the crop
of 1906 averaging per
hundred, making a difference of
nor hundred in 1906
over 1905
Sec It gives pleasure
to report that there was less f
between the buyers and the
and more gen-
satisfaction among the plan-
in respect to conduct of
the tobacco sales during the past
year, than in the history of this
market, so far as your President
is informed and has observed.
Third. There seems to
among a great many
of the Board of Trade the
idea that it is the duty of the of-
to ferret out and prosecute
till violations and infractions of
the rules and regulations of the
Board of Trade. This is a mis-
taken idea. It is as much the
duty of each and every member
of this Board of Trade to report
the alleged offending member
can be and I assure you
that ho long as I may be connect-
ed with the tobacco Board of
Trade when a member has been
duly convicted of an infraction of
its rules. I will see that the fines
imposed are d. or the other
punishment prescribed by the
Board of Trade is carried into
effect. I desire to ask the earn-
and support of
every member of the Board of
Trade In seeing that the rules
and regulations are fully com-
plied with and out.
Fourth. I desire to thank the
of the Board
of Trade for their unvarying
courtesy to me as President of
the Board, and to assure them
that, without courtesy and sup-
port, the past tobacco year could
not possibly have been made as
successful as it was.
Fifth. The coming pa-
on fair to be i re of the. if
not, the best seasons in the his-
of the Greenville
and the only thing necessary to
mike it a complete and
to make Greenville the first to-
market in eastern North
Carolina, is that the
men and their stop
fighting other so much, and
and every member of this
Board of Trade put his shoulder
to the and work for the
of the Greenville market,
and then n those ware-
housemen and associates will
reap a reward than they
in the past.
Sixth. It is with sincere regret
that I am called upon to
the since our last meeting
of a very valuable, honest, in-
and useful member of
Board of Trade. Mr- R. S.
Evans. The members of this
Board of Trade will indeed miss
him during our coming years
work, and I respectfully suggest
that a committee of three
of this board be appointed
to ft resolutions in
respect to his death, and i
copy of the be spread upon
the minutes cf this board, a cop.
mailed to the widow of the de-
ceased, and a copy published in
The Daily Reflector.
This 1907.
Respectfully Sub
R. O.
Board Trade.
by Me b
III., Aug. 12.-The
situation as regards the
strike is not materially
c here this morning. The
strikers assert the Western
ion Companies are
-till in the same con-
as during
few recruits have
companies, through their local
soon be in shape to handle
almost amount of
bat this i
it mad. the manner in
which the board f trade
is being taken care of
At an early hour this morning
the Postal men U Denver. Pu
and Colorado Springs joined
their fellow worker of the
Union, who have been
out since and thus
practically rendered
with those points .
aged conservatively and of its rules and
and soon every one was in I
. . . u i its officers to do so, in fact, the
harmony with the graded school I officers of g of
and its access was assured. cannot take any steps unless the
In December, Prof. Dove charges of violation of its rules
resigned his position as are put in proper form, so that
No. on Southern Saved
by a Work Train Preceding It to
the Obstruction on Track
An attempt a as made this
to No pas-
r train on the Norfolk
S three miles west
of this city Davis, while,
who was yesterday refused a
ride on the train, has be. n
a- I a issued
with the crime.
Ins f the passenger train
being wrecked it is said
would have been the result, an
work train had been sent
out and coming see
obstruction on the track,
w die going west it not
have been detected until too late
as it was at the en I of a curve.
However, there were several
places obstructed covering
a distance, ends of telegraph
poles being jammed in between
the rails, spikes driven down,
pi ice, a Io chain
wound around the rail.
The warrant was sworn out
The famous engine, Texas,
which on April 1862, carried
Capt, W. A. Fuller and Anthony
Murphy from Ga-,
to three miles beyond
a distance of miles, and made
in one hour and five
minutes, has been ordered sold j by B. J.
for by the W. A- -ho is connected with the
I railroad, and who says evidence
Raiders had
ed another engine and set out to
burn the bridges behind General
Johnson's army, but Capt.
who was conductor on the
train from which they took the
engine, secured the Texas and
started in pursuit, making the
fastest record ever made over
the road and succeeded in thwart-
the raiders, four of whom he
About three years the first
engine by the and
North Carolina Railroad was
torn tr pieces at the company's
hop. in New Rem and sold for
i-on. This No
very small compared to
those in us today, but when it
Mas put into service in i
locked upon at a giant, it
was used during the war of
and as shifter in New Bern
until a short while before it was
Tobacco to pieces.
These old engines with so
much history attach d to them
the man D is
Davis will be given a or Mm-
hearing tomorrow
at o'clock-
There would doubtless have
been a serious wreck had the ob-
not been found before
the passenger train cam up.
Resolutions of K -p ct.
Whereas, God in wisdom
has removed from our midst by
death our beloved sister, Mrs.
Bettie Sutton. a faithful and
devoted member of our Aid So-
Whereas, we desire to express
and record our feelings and
row in respect to her death,
Resolved 1st. That we
that in her death the s
lores an earnest, consecrated,
and devoted member, that we
shall miss her association ard
sympathy in our work and that
have and
placed in and while in
i both cases there was talk of buy-
the old engines by
talk was all
she has ever been faithful and in one sermon than I have
on Habeas
As the columns of
Fr- Press, in the ease of
Sugg, committed
by ice J S of Con-
tent Neck township, on the
charge i f burglary, the a tor-
ii the case, Messrs. Shaw
y . procured a
writ corpus
II Mien, which w i.
heard at the court house on Sit-
afternoon. His honor after
hearing the evidence, decided
that there was no of
burglary- as the element of
breaking lacking, but
thought that there
cause of s having
been and. in his
judgment required the defendant
to give bond in the of sum
for his appearance at the next
term of criminal court to be held
here on the 19th of August, for
grand jury.
Inasmuch as the m-tor is t
go before grand jury. The
I Fr-1 Press refrains
the dispensary. the account of the
certainly missed his calling for order to prevent prejudice.
he should be a preacher, as he
more people in War-
Prohibition in Warrenton.
Warrenton, N. C. Aug.
The people voted out the
in Warrenton today. The
vote was for dispensary and
for prohibition. All credit is
due to Governor n. as the
i election would have or
the dispensary up until
Sunday morning, when Gov.
Glenn preached his sermon
Kinston Free Press.
her church
know converted at a revival.
I hope he will come back
occasionally and preach against
Soon be Ready for
The Norfolk and Southern
true to her society,
and her Saviour-
Resolved 2nd. That, although
looking at her death fr
human stand point we j
mourn her departure, j et we Governor Glenn, as all the credit on street, while the track-
and again-t the people are getting their
i I g hT
would bow in humble submission
to the will of our Master who
ail things well and in love
Resolved 3rd- That we extend
our sympathy to her relatives
who ore saddened her death
praying that there may come to
them the consoling and comfort-
love of her their Saviour.
Resolved 4th. That copy of
these resolutions be spread upon
the minutes of the society and a
copy to the Daily Reflector
with the request to publish the
Mrs. R. L
is his.
Railroads fur
laying force is completing the
i rail-laying out on the road. This
work, we understand, is about,
I completed and trains will at an
I early date be running through to
The surface and grade force
are engaged in ballasting the
track, and have this in fair shape
some distance this side of Stan-
Mrs. Ola Forbes,
Miss Maggie i
Page Morris, in the United
States district court, this after-
noon fined the Wisconsin Central
Railway Company for
rebating, of which it was con-
last April. Burton John-
son and G. T- Huey, freight of-
of the road, were lined
I and respectively.
Com or to the ship-
Telegraph operators at Wilson,
Raleigh, Wilmington and r
eastern towns have joined the

Eastern reflector, 9 August 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 09, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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