Eastern reflector, 2 August 1907

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Factories Must be Built
tor Greenville
Manufacturers are Invited
to Investigate the Advantages Offered
in a score of progressive and rapidly-growing towns along the lines of the
The plants now located here are making money, but there's room and
raw material for more. Let us tell you about our advantages.
H F. L. Land and Industrial Agent, Norfolk Ry., Norfolk, Va.
A tobacco factory is needed, and if it cannot
he had Greenville should at least be able to
secure the location of one of the proposed
Tobacco Storage Warehouses. The
town's importance as a tobacco center is too
great and the necessity for permanently hold-
its tobacco trade too vital a matter for
Greenville to longer overlook the necessity for
guaranteeing its permanency. This can best
be done, as has been demonstrated in the his-
of other tobacco towns, such as Durham,
and Danville, by the establish
of tobacco-manufacturing plants.
The principle further applied that the place
to locate a manufacturing enterprise is where
raw material can be had at small cost suggests
Greenville as an ideal place for the location of
wood-working plants of all kinds. That a
furniture factory would pay handsomely has
been demonstrated in of similar
enterprises in this section of the State. For
instance, a town not many miles away has a
factory that was established less than fifteen
years ago on a capital of Since its
establishment it has paid an annual cash
to its stockholders of twenty-five per
cent., and in addition has from time to time
declared stock dividends until the capital stock
has been increased from the original
to without the expenditure of a single
cent on the part of the stockholders. There
is no reason why this experience should not be
repeated in Greenville, since Greenville has
quite as good, if not superior, advantages for
a furniture factory.
The supply of gum timber in Pitt and ad-
joining counties also presents advantages for
WITH the completion of a new line of
railway and the establishment of the
Eastern Training School, Greenville has en-
upon a new era and must now for
the building of
The first effect of the new railway will be a
readjustment of transportation facilities, and
that in turn means a wider distribution of
merchandise over the territory contiguous to
the town.
The coming the Training School must
add materially to the population, and will be
an advertisement of the city and its
Of course, the great thing is the enlarge-
of trade and the establishment of new
lines of business, but in connection with this
must come the building of new factories if
Greenville is to the city that it ought
to be and that it will be, if its advantages and
resources are properly exploited.
Hut outside capital is not enough. The
people of a town must show their faith in it
by themselves investing. There are many
enterprises that are needed in Greenville and
the success of which would assured from
the start. Many of these could lie established
by local capital. It is well known that smaller
industries are comparatively more profitable
to a town than large ones. Why should not
more enterprises lie started on local capital
There is nothing so reassuring to the outside
investor as to find the people of a town put-
ting money into enterprises themselves at the
same time that they invite outside capital to
come in and invest.
Greenville needs a cotton factory. Its knit-
ting mill is Hooded with orders and has
in the yarn with which to
its products. A local market is there-
fore at hand for a considerable part of the out-
put of a cotton mill. This condition has ex-
for a long time. In the meantime there
is capital enough in Greenville and county
seeking investment to readily build the much-
needed mill. Why should not a movement be
started to bring about the desired result A
properly conducted mill would net a handsome
profit to those owning stock in it, would give
employment to a large number of people,
would distribute a great amount of money
among the merchants and business men and
add largely to the population and commercial
importance of town.
the location in Greenville of factories using
the gum timber, such as plants for making
pie-plates, butter-dishes, trays, roller-
pins, bowls, wooden scoops, box and
other articles which can made of gum at
much smaller cost than they are now being
manufactured in the North, of maple, beech
and birch. It is claimed for the gum product
that it is not only very much cheaper than
that made of other timbers, but that it is
in quality. The time is not far distant
when wood working plants of all sorts will
have to move South, since the recent intro-
of gum into the manufacture of a
great number of articles has directed
to the enormous supply of the raw mate-
rial in this section. Here is an opportunity,
not only for Greenville, but for all the towns
in eastern North Carolina, either to start
of this sort on local capital or to interest
outside capital in their establishment.
Then there are a number of other enter-
prises suited to this section that might be
such as cotton-seed oil mills, fertilizer
factories, canning factories and the like. The
raw material for all such plants is easily ob-
here at low pi ices, and transportation
to the northern markets are good, with favor-
able freight rates.
In these days of sharp competition the
manufacturer must look for his profit in cheap
raw material, low transportation rates and the
ability to turn out the manufactured product
at a lower cost than his competitors, without
affecting its quality. Conditions in this sec-
favor such a result. Factory sites may
be had in Greenville at little or no cost, the
raw material is practically at the factory door
and the labor supply is adequate; labor
troubles are unknown, and competing rail-
roads, together with water transportation, in-
a low freight rate for all time.
Eastern North Carolina not only has rich
and varied resources, it has many towns that
possess unusual advantages for the location of
manufacturing enterprises. But no town in
the South possesses advantages superior to
those offered by Greenville for such enterprises
as are above named.
Anyone desiring to locate a factory or
change their place of residence will be fur-
with any information concerning the
advantages of Greenville by the editor of this
paper ; the Secretary of Greenville Chamber
of Commerce, or by F. I,. Merritt, Land and
Industrial Agent, Norfolk Southern Rail-
way Co., Norfolk, Va.
The Richest Land; The Finest Climate.
There is no better real estate investment anywhere to-day, barring; none, than
good farm property on
Though land values are rapidly are far below the price of similar
lands elsewhere. Why not boy while they are low Let us send you descriptive
pamphlet. . i j j . ,
F. L. MERRITT, Land and Industrial Agent, Norfolk Ry. Norfolk, Va.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference Fiction.
VOL. No.
Filed for Reference.
S. De
The foundation for the Raleigh letter to the editor from
Railroad depot a
paragraph which we take
liberty of
i to
I Passenger Agent C- H.
The agreement made yesterday afternoon in the office of the the Seaboard Air Idaho, July In the
Governor of North Carolina by Governor Glenn for the State, and that to a bright a beautiful
counsel of the Southern and Z
wish to congratulate you,;, on behalf of their roads, by which the cent rate y finds it to take w
upon your edition descriptions
Barnes and Spring streets has at
last been finished the general counsel . , . . ., n,
of the building. upon your edition descriptions effect by and by which a procedure of an Nos b the
point to Greater Greenville, which I by the all present indict Ch and
brick structure, have read a to end. is a complete vindication of the position and demands ton this effect Frank
appointments pleasure have tor menu, t surrender of the railroads to August. Only yesterday the
the first day of July. The full text of the important by s -f Judge
which the sovereignty of Sate is acknowledged h a. Mb , reason. Th impression
I The railroad puts the 21-cent rate into effect not later than I that it I to to l
But the in
was fraught v.
to the possibility of securing a
New York. July M.
Carter, the who betrayed
Chester the paying
teller of the Windsor Trust com-
stole to the
has been indicted re-
wiving stolen goods.
says he gave he, the
in cash and she
took when he was not
The officers of
Greenville Encampment No.
I. O. O. F. were installed at
1907. . , . a tow, weeks I of the laws
Th State to appeal from the order of Judge order w for d ,
. . . . . f i continuance of the ,.;
R C. Flanagan Scribe; U. w. The Southern Railway appeal to the Supreme Court of North ,
High D D. Over- . County case, and if the case is there deeded
ton. Senior Warden; L. H. j ft to J the by writ of error the Supreme court
Scribe; J. R.
Kansas City. July
Ida and Lidia Conley,
Indians, has begun an arm-
ed guard over the graves of their
ancestors in Huron in
Kansas City. Kan., recently or-
sold by the
The sisters threaten to shoot the
first person who may attempt to
remove bodies.
Congress the sale
of the cemetery, set aside for
many years as a tribal burying
ground, n-d a division of the
money among the remaining
members of the
first removing the bodies The
Conley sisters say they will not
permit the graves to be touched,
and today they began the erect-
ion of a shanty near the
Goldsboro, July 29.- An
rule has been served upon
the several railroads entering
here, by the corporation
commission, notifying them that
the union passenger station tor
Goldsboro must be completed ac-
cording to the plans submitted
by the railroads and approval by
the commission last January, by
November under penalty.
United States Senator Pettus
of Alabama died last night at
o'clock at Hot Springs from the
effects of a fit of apoplexy, with
which he was seized while at
the breakfast yesterday
morning. His entire body was
paralyzed, and he never recover-
ed consciousness since that time.
Asheville Citizen.
A. C. J. W; H.
R. Harris, I. S; James Brown.
S; D. C Moore. 1st watch; J.
J. Cherry, 2nd watch; E. A
3rd watch; S. T. White,
4th watch; Griffin, Guide;
W. J- and F. J- Forbes.
Guards to the tent.
the United States.
League if d.
j The Eastern ball league
For Wife.
ed and argue together and determined. . has disbanded for
The State at its option to indict the Coast Line m one
played Saturday.
; All and prosecutions mow pending to be dismiss ,
ed and no other indictments or prosecutions to be for any,
alleged violation the law. up to the time the new rate is
. . ;. can
. of
circumstantial evidence and
the corroboration of a confessed
It was also freely
predicted that, in the event
Haywood's acquittal, the State
would abandon
of his associates Charles
H Moyer, president of the Fed-
and George A Pettibone.
of Denver from
counsel and from Governor
Gooding, issued today, dispel
this view of the situation-
Clarion, July 29.-After
wearing a heavy beard forty
. .
suits pending final determination of the questions involved
o'clock in her home at the
Glenn for President.
Washington, D. C . July
An editorial in the New York
mentioning Governor
was that he was taken for a
tramp and landed in the cooler
by the city marshal.
first asked for a hand-
out, but was refused. He
sought to embrace his wife, and
the screams of the latter result-
ed in his for two
hours before the family could be
convinced that it was really
says it is his last joke.
wearing a heavy beard forty to a in this arrangement
years, Stephen pending before Judge Pritchard
.-. v ,. for a signed
Counsel for the Southern Railway Company.
Messrs Thorn and Humphrey also as counsel for the Southern
Railway Company undertake that the Southern Railway no
proceedings because
done by any the State officers in connection with the rate
and will do what it canto prevent the of an
such contempt proceedings.
This arrangement between the Southern Railway and R- P.
is also assent., to by George bob
for A Nelson Buckley and complainant,.
Helton General Counsel for the Atlantic Line Railroad
except that they do not consent that the
shall be indicted in one case U a at
leaving the State at liberty to do as its sense of duty may
-News and Observer.
Raleigh, July 29.-Judge R. B-
Peebles was here today in con-
with Gov. Glenn, regard-
the trial of the Anson
that the judge has
just concluded at Monroe. He
says the juries in both cases
were throughly justified in re-
turning verdicts of not guilty
and that several of the most -m.
witnesses for the state
succeeded in making
of in the course they
corner of Morehead street and
the Southern Railway. Mr.
Powers, her husband was
found in an unconscious state on
the floor near her, and both had
been shot through the head with
a pistol. It is thought
that Powers will not survive
The news of the double i rime
shocked the community this
morning. It is said, and there
is every evidence that the fact
is true, that Powers murdered
his wife and then shot himself, j
The woman was shot through the j
forehead, the bullet entering just
at th right of the media line.
Powers shot himself below the
right ear, aid when picked up,
was barely breathing.
is attention
here. A gentleman from the
State announced today that a
Glenn Democratic Presidential
club has already organized
the scene
of the birthplace of the Governor.
The organizers of this club have
taken initiative in a move-
to recognize the Governor's
efforts in behalf of the fight for
at the
Jamestown exposition, Va.
July 29.-One of the
which the
will see in curly August
, ill i. Knights of Columbus and
posed that the which on
about o'clock last night.
29.-After suffering agonizing
College Sold.
I North Week, which is
C- July I from August 12th to 19th,
I find the largest attendance of
e the year at the Ex
Knock Hi. BUck Off.
Mass., July
a man followed my wife and I
was big enough, I would knock
his block remarked Judge
Abbott this morning, during the
trail of David Meister. of Water-
town, charged with using profane
language to Mrs. Louisa Cross-
man, of the same town-
Mrs. stated that the
defendant annoyed her more or
less for the last two years by
following her on the street.
The court asked her if she
told her husband, that Meister.
had been and she
replied that she had several
large a man is your
asked the judge-
replied Mrs.
It was at this point that Judge
Abbott nude the remark referred
Claremont Female College at
Hickory, which has been under
the control of individuals, has
passed to the Reformed Synod of
North Carolina and will fas the
future be under the control of
this body. Rev. Dr. W. B.
of Salisbury, becomes
president, and
of the faculty of Bit
Seminary, dean of the new
under the new order of
things. Professor will
continue at Mt. for the
year, however, in of
a contract, and will not formally
become the head of Claremont
until the fall of 1908.
for days from year at the own EX-
effects of a quantity of carbolic position Tho estimate of
acid, taken with the of i North Carolinians for the week
self destruction. Thomas according to
dings, an aged white man who are m closest touch
to the Grim Monster of the situation. August 15th
Death at o'clock yesterday. Governor's Day, and this will
morning- The end came at the attendance the days
Twin City Hospital, where he when President was
was taken Tuesday morning Expositor. Georgia
few hours after it was will almost
that he had taken the There will Le special
Failed to Make Tax
Raleigh N C July 29.-The
North Corporation
Commission today issued a war-
rant against the South and
Western railway it with
failing to make returns of its
for assessment for
taxes The penalty for violation
of this law is with for
every day's delay. The South
and Western is the railroad be-
from Johnson City,
Tenn., to Marion. N. and is
backed by Thomas F. Ryan and
other Northern capitalists.
Partly cloudy weather,
tonight or Wednesday.
Thus the law has been prevented trains from all
from meting out justice to one; North, points, and the
who, if the accusations, are true, capacity of the railroads
richly deserved the full limit of the week is over
punishment. Every North Carolinian who can
go should take advantage this
Dr Improving.
High Up i- World.
Yesterday we made mention of
Mr. G H Jones, Warrenton,
Stole From Corpse.
, Little Rock. Ark-. July 29.-
the of the
from John Parnell. a
dead man, and burying in
the scanty whit undershirt
furnished by the hospital,
despite claim that they
had bought the shroud, Bud
Jackson, an undertaker was
denied the charge, fined and sentenced to
but was found guilty and fined months m jail.
. The many friends of Rev. R.
H. Whitaker, D D. has
been ill. during the
past few weeks, will be we a train Sunday
learn he is much improved, with The Free
pie assurance from his doctor
that-he will soon on our, Upon the reporter
street if there is no serious that Mr. Jones measures
Dr. has been feet and nine inches, in his
a great but his feet, weighs
age he. ha Ms afflictions
Shot at One, Killed
In an Saturday
night, six miles of
Wilson, on Williams and Howard
near Mr. John
ho. Will shot and
killed Riley Faison.
and another
named Robert it seems,
because involved in a dispute
over barbecue which
was selling and
to pay for the amount
chased by him.
walked about twenty
steps the hi.-1
readers his
letters lately may expect to see
him out Boon.-News and
is years old and still growing.
Mr. Jones has two brothers
The national convention f
Knights of Columbus meet
at the exposition August
and it is expected that the at-
will be the the
order has known in recent years.
trains will be run
from South and West.
from Chicago and the-
N will make the
v on
w Chicago at
a. m., Saturday. August 3rd. and
will make a stop at Plymouth.
Indiana, and Fort Wayne.
and will at Pitts-
burg, Pa . at in the evening.
The party will arrive in Wash-
at o'clock morn-
will at once board a
palatial steamer, City of
for n delightful trip
down the famous Potomac river,
stopping at Mt. and Old
Point Comfort, also passing the
of warships, and will arrive
in Norfolk at on Sun-
day evening 4th-
will be offered on the boat on
Sunday morning by per-
mission of His Eminence, the
Cardinal Gibbons will be the
guest-of honor on this special
day, tho manage-
has taken particular care
in preparing a program befitting
lbs occasion, as follows
and tired at Upon the of
pullet missing its mark and en- the gates
of the exposition he Will be met
by a fifty and es-
to the auditorium build
pat-1 his right arm. stood
reporters personal a.-d quivered for a moment, fall-
four and in his tracks.
Earnest Times.
where the of
will take place at

. i
The Clash between State and Fed-
Courts will Likely be
Washington, July 24.-
Constitutional lawyers hero, and
some of legal con-
with the Department of
Justice, believe that Judge
Pritchard has gone entirely be-
his authority in the South-
Railway case.
It was announced that no con
had been reached by the
conference, in the
office here, and that there was
nothing to give out, as the Gov-
had received a message
from Asheville that the United
Stat s Assistant Attorney-Gen-
Stuart F. desired to
confer with him with regard to
the rate and with regard the
State and Federal positions in the
matter. At; agreement was
reached to hold the conference
with Mr. Sanford. and until this
conference is over Governor
Glenn declines to make any
Statement as to the status
affairs-- News Observer-
N. u, July 24---The
propositions submitted by
Assistant Attorney General San
u Governor Glenn are as
the injunction
suit should be expedited and got-
ten ready for hearing at
once. , ,
-Second--That the habeas
corpus cases decided here should
be at once carried to the
The Great American Evil That ii Gathered Here, There
Charles of Yancey
county, a white boy just seven-
teen years of age, convicted of
the killing of his brother, was
yesterday granted a pardon by
Glenn, this being con-
on good t News
and Observer.
says Cardinal
Gibbons, in the July
every serious-minded
Christian must now bring every
effort into service to combat
deplorable condition of American
society. . ,
reckless facility with
which divorce is procured in this
country is an evil scarcely B publish the
deplorable than Mormonism- m commission's two-;
deed, it is in some respects f.
dangerous than the- latter, Federal Court injunction,,
divorce has the sanction then inuring the Federal
evil law, which Mormonism has to arrest violators
governor B not ls not the divorce .; f rate aw
virtual toleration of i
in a modified form Mormonism Point, N C, July
consists in a simultaneous a Valley Railroad
while th law of divorce Company has made a
Richmond. Va. July The
Cox Mills. N C, July
Albert Moore is quite sick with
typhoid fever.
L. F. Everette says he has the
finest crop of tobacco he ever
raised- He is one of our lucky-
We lost a fine horse this week
that cost
Miss Letha Moore, daughter of
Albert Moore, died last
day morning, after an illness of
days with typhoid fever. She
was years of age.
Oscar Evans went to Greenville
John Moore is right sick now-
practically leads to successive
Each State has on its
move in the of building an
electric line connecting
Point with and Thomas-
books a hit of causes Point and later
pretexts-which are d; Greensboro, several
car loads tics arrived and ten
kept busy hauling
as sufficient ground for divorce.
There are in all twenty-one or
more causes, most of them of a
trifling character, and in some
States, as in Illinois and Maine.
th power of granting a divorce
is left to the discretion of the
is plainly manifest that the
cancer of divorce is rapidly
spreading over the community
ad poisoning the fountains of
nation- Unless the evil is
by some speedy ard
heroic remedy the existence of
family is imperiled. How
can we call B Christian
violate a
teams were
them along North Alain street in
the direction of Winston Hails
are also in the order and
will be followed in a few days
by all the ties and rails that are
needed as fast as the work pro-
N- C, July
Giddings, an old
man who was arrested about ten
days ago on the serious charge
of attempting a criminal assault
upon his oldest daughter. Jennie,
who is a cripple and sixteen
of age, a tern lo kill her
early today at their home
north Winston, and her hie was
only the rusty pistol,
in the hands of the
to fire. Giddings, who claims
sixty-nine years old,
fessed to the officers that it was;
social calls for a ms intention lo kill Jennie
company to the Supreme court cure and the remedy can
the State at it that De found only in the abolition of I
our mischievous legislation re-
divorce and in an honest
application of the teachings of the
persons contemplating
marriage were persuaded
once united they were legally
The Eclipse
The eclipse of the moon came
along on schedule time
day night, and many people were
out watching it. The shadow
first on the east side of
the moon and passed slowly
across its face. The eclipse was
not total, a portion of the moon
being visible all the time.
A torpid liver deranges the
system, mod produces
Dyspepsia, Costiveness,
Sallow Shin and Piles.
Then Is no better remedy
common diseases than DR.
LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove.
No Substitute.
. No ice of Dissolution of Partnership
hi- partnership heretofore existing
between A. II. and W. H.
in the town of Greenville under the
name of A H. Taft and-Company is
this day by mutual consent.
A. H Taft will continue to do business
in the store next to Taft and VanDyke
and w. H. Kicks in the store next to
r turning and Mooring. Those indebted
Arm will make their payments
according to their contracts with the
and a prompt settlement is request-
ed, debtor will U- notified at
which store to make his but
no one need wait for such notice to
make his payments. Ho may ca at
either store and e ch of us will glad
to see him an. all other to whom
thanks their patronage
and of whom we continuance.
Greenville. N. C. July 1st. 1907
W. H. KS.
Do Not Neglect the Children
At this season of the year the first
unnatural looseness of a child's bowels
should have immediate attention. The
best thing that can be given is
Colic, cholera and
Remedy followed by oil as direct-
ed with each bottle of the remedy.
all Druggist and Dealers in
people if we violate a
mental law of Christianity And
court of the United States and
Dy appeal-
-That the
at Raleigh, in
the South-
marriage does not constitute
n cardinal principle of the Chris-
religion am at a loss to
railway was fined know what foes,
be carried by the railway;
v e,
court should affirm the judgment
of the Superior court the rail-
way company should sue out a
writ of error from the Supreme
court of the United States
case to the latter court.
These three cases present every
intention lo
u once tin.
feature of the debarred from entering u.
has arisen and is now agitating second wedlock, they would be
the public mind with regard to more before mar-
the public mind with regard to before mar
the recent rate law the in the choice of a life part-
and would be more patient
That all future pro- in bearing the yoke
under the rate law in and
.,. Vi.
the State courts shall be suspend-
ed until the Supreme court the
United States can render final
judgment settling the
The State advocates stated
tonight that the Federal court
cannot escape a violation of the
Federal statute which prohibits a
Federal court from anting an
injunction against a State court.
say that it is too clear now
to ad it of question that what
Judge Pritchard has already
done amounts to a violation of
the F statute
Protest Against Editorial.
Rocky Mount, N. C, 24-The
following were adopt-
ed at a mass meeting of the
of Rocky
the citizens of Rocky
Mount here assembled do hereby
enter our protest against an
of the Mes-
of the 18th which in
an uncalled for manner so exits
Governor Glenn's course
in the Rate
do hereby enter
into the following resolutions;
Governor Glenn in
the discharge of his duty
needs no defense in his attempt
to uphold the laws of our good
Old Commonwealth.
when a subsidized
attempts to the
air name and actions of our
worthy Governor that its petard
will be bound to the source from
whence it comes and cause the
thrower of the bomb infinitely
more harm than to him at whom
it was hurled.
we fully endorse
the course of the News and Ob-
server in its manful fight for the
rights of the long
may its able standard bearer,
Josephus Daniels, stand at its
prow as the Palladium of North
Carolina that we in
common with the people of North
Carolina so long an our Governor
stands for our rights-will ever
uphold his hands.
A to Do Negro.
Seeing New Year Womble on
the street yesterday reminded us
of the fact that he is one of the
best off in the Slate It
h is not been many years since
he a telephone n in
this city, and during that time
and since he has accumulated a
, me great deal of property- He has
n tolerating each other's a good bank account, and among
other possessions A,
large tract of land in Florida, a
fine farm in Randolph consisting,
of acres, a farm on the
side the Cape Fear in Flea Hill
township. acres land in j
Pearce's Mill township, and two
building lots on street in I
this city.
He has this y planted
fruit trees on his Randolph
and is about to set out
pecan trees.
His success is due in a large
measure to his sobriety, industry
and his attitude towards his
white employers-
Norfolk Va. July
Your industrial edition was a
most creditable and I am
sere it will in great good
to Greenville. Already one
manufacturing enterprise is
making further inquiries regard-
town as result of
your work. want to
thank for the manner in
which you our
and the amount of space
you have given us.
Viv can use to advantage any
number of copies you may care
to send us for distribution.
best wines.
Your very truly,
Fred L Merritt.
and Industrial Agent N.
a K. U
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth stranger than Action
once been demonstrated in
the little town of the
residence of C. V. Pepper. He
I was in bed, entirely disabled with
hemorrhage of the lungs ard throat.
Doctors to help me. and all hope
had lied w n I lug i -r. Kb
New Discovery. instant
cam-. The roughing soon I;
bleeding idly, aid
three weeks I able lo
cure for cold
and at I. I.
Trial bottle free.
And Provisions
Ties always on j
He Fired Stick.
have fired the walking-stick I've
carried over -ill on account of a
sore resisted every kind of treat-
men , until tried
Salve; Hint has healed the -ore and
me n happy writes John
of North Mills, N. C.
teed for s, Bums, etc., by John. I.
Wooten druggist,
Fresh Hood kept con-
-t.-i in stock. Country
Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Social Life in Troy Queered.
It is said that dancing makes
git large. It is also said
that ice cream freckles. Doctors
are of the opinion that
on the front gate produces
A few more opinions
like these and the girls of Troy
won't have any fun left them.
Notice of Sale.
Not Quite If
A Definition of Success.
Ho have the hypothetical
scientists and the exponents of
unbelief benefited themselves or
humanity at large by sowing the
seeds of doubt broadcast in the
world The real scientists do
not fall in this category, for they
are believers in the real sense of
the word; they know too much,
they have seen too many mys-
manifestations of the
divine creative power Now,
those who have disposed of the
Bible and all evidences
have written a great many
books, and some of them have
won what the at large
lightly calls fame. According
to the measures
are applied in such cases; they
have been extremely successful,
but real success means the
fit of humanity in some form or
other. If no such benefits can
be shown as the result of their
labors, their success is not equal
to that achieved by the direct
and the deepest
Joel Chandler Harris is in
Uncle Remus's Magazine.
. D. W. W. Miller.
J. C. W. A. Brown, Stead-
mm Sparkman, T- E- and
many others-
Mr. L. D Wade tried to
a warn proportion. Wednesday
w. had
heard that a Man had found that theory, rat
to death down the have Arm la
The reporter care York Du.
Jeweler Attract Burglars.
The owner of the combination
store and flat building in
bus avenue considered himself in
luck when he rented one of his
stores to a jeweler Jewelers,
he fancied were a profitable in-
vestment, in as much as they
paid a high rental, and followed
a calling supposed not to grate
on the sensibilities of refined
families upstairs To his
prise, however, he soon received
notice of removal.
the explained
the agent o the perplexed land-
lord. folk, are afraid of
him-not of him personally, of
course, but of the burglars he
apt to attract Somehow the
impression prevails that robber-
are much more likely to take
place in a building where a
is located than anywhere
else. The jewels lure thieves in-
to that neighborhood, so the
runs, and while there
they think they might well
make a dean job of it and loot
the flats I do not know
whether or not statistics support
that theory, but fiat dwellers
Rowland's go Back to Jail.
Raleigh, July
Court Justice Connor at o'clock
this afternoon rendered his de-
in the Rowland case, under
the writ of habeas corpus.
Connor refused bond
to either prisoner, and directed
the sheriff to and keep
in the common jail until the next
sitting of the Superior court,
and instructed the clerk to tax
the costs of the special habeas
corpus hearing in the general
bill of costs to follow the final
determination of the case.
The poison purchased
from the wholesale druggist
here, as shown in evidence, is
believed to have done the
for the prisoners, and their
case looks blacker today than it
ever has.
Remarkable Case of Dumb Brute's
Instinct of Preservation.
The mule has never been
having u great deal of
sense, but the instinct of self
preservation as evidenced by one
in this city yesterday was so
pronounced as to give to
the belief that he is endowed
with at least.
Hitched to a dray, the mule was
thrown ground in a collision
at South Front and
Hancock streets. His head fell
across the railroad track and
being pinioned by the shafts he
could not release himself, and
an approaching train made it
dangerous for the man to do any-
thing for him. The cars came
on and the mule lifted his head,
bent his neck double and
let the wheels pass without
him. This is vouched for by
reliable eye
Bern Sun.
K A Damon and Ella Dawson
By Virtue of a decree of the superior
court of county, made by n. C.
Moore, of the Superior court
said county on
in i. certain specie proceeding wherein j
J. C, wife Maggie
berry are and R. A.
and Ella Dawson are defendants,
Commissioner, will on Mon-
day the 5th day of August
to public before the court house
door in Greenville, to the highest bid-
for cash, the following tractor
eel of land to wit.
Situate in the county of and
State and ill Swift
creek Township, adjoining lands of
Major Catkins, Allen W. A. C.
and Creak, eon-
lining fifty Acres more less.
This sale is to be
among the in common. This
F. C. Harding.
How often you can pet a
nail screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. line of tools
Is a to i could desire, and
we that your tool
box does not a single
j You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
w Dr. King's
New Discovery
OS Trial.
for nil THROAT and
Girl Fatally
Morehead City. N. C. July
While a kitchen
with kerosene oil Mary Guthrie.
thirteen-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs- Elijah Guthrie,
was burned to death here
day. The young- lady poured
oil on the wood, and after
a stood with the can
over the Are- An explosion re-
and her clothing caught
fire. She ran, screaming, into
the and
cam, but her injuries were
such that aha died in a few
Thus did the big fat man pine
this morning on the
steps as he mopped great big
translucent drops of sweat from
his large round bald head. He
had walked up the sunny side of
West Trade from the Southern
station- would give the big-
five dollar bill I ever saw
right now to have my teeth chat-
so hard that half of them
would be knocked out of their
he added, as he wiped
his moist with a soaked
handkerchief say that
the don't leave for
Wilmington o'clock
Maj Jo Deal
Roanoke. Va., July A
message from Va,
announces the sudden death at
Hickory. N. C, of
the Virginian giant.
aide show name was
and he had traveled
extensively. Ha was a of
county, U years of
He weighed
Stray Hot Taken Up-
There is a hog, marked square
bit in left ear and slit in right;
ear, taken up with my hogs and
fed by me since February
1st. 1907. Owner can get hog
by paying for feed and care and
identifying same. Hog weighs
about pounds,
ltd w Greenville N.
J. Cox enters and claims
about acres, more or loss, of
vacant in
township, Pitt county, N C-, on
west side of Creeping swamp
adjoining the lards of Jesse
ton. Sr. A. G. Cox, J. B. Milk
and others.
This June 20th, 1907.
J. Cox.
Any person or persons claiming
title to or interest in the fore-
going described land must file
their protest in with me
within the next thirty days, or
they will be barred by law.
R. Williams.
Entry taker ex-officio.
Not it el
state of North Carolina, Pitt county
in the superior
I. J . vs T A Carson,
By virtue of an execution directed to
the undersigned from the Court
of County in the above entitled
will on Monday, the day of
Au rust. Ht o'clock If. at the
Court House door of said County, sell to
the highest r for to satisfy
aid execution, all the right, title and
interest which the said I. A. Carson,
defendant, has in the following described
real estate, to
A certain tract of land in Pitt County
Bethel Township, adj the lands of
J. J. Carson Blount lands,
at the four prong
thence with J. Canon line to the
Grey Blount line, thence with the Grey
Blount line to the B. T. Ward line,
with II. F. Ward a canal
in Creek, down the
said creek to the G. W. An-
thence with the said An-
line to the beginning, containing
by one fifty
seres Theses T. A.
arson a half Interest
the above described lead. This
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county as
executors of the Last Will and
of Pattie R. Hooker, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
persons having any claims against
estate must preset same,
authenticated, to the undersigned for
on or before the 25th day of
1908, or this notice will be plead
in bar of recovery.
This 26th day of June. 1907.
T. E. Hooker.
T. M, Hooker.
W. E. Hooker.
Executors of Pattie R. Hooker.
Littleton High School
Entrance into colleges and
on certificate.
Faculty I experienced college
Scholarships from leading colleges.
Expenses extras.
. Health conditions unsurpassed.
. Prepares tor life or college.
Thorough instruction.
. Good library.
No Saloons.
to eater Sept I
For father and
At close of business
Loans and
Overdrafts secured
All other Stocks,
Furniture and
Due from
National hank notes
U. S.
May 1907.
Surplus funds 16.000.00
Undivided Profit less
Bills Payable
Time 27.1581.0
Due to a
i checks
Total 197,685.07
t r lift, i
I, C. S. Carr. Costlier of s-l bank, lo
i to v- i to the boat -f my kiwis
C. CARR, Cashier
e. of May c H A. WHITE
C. S. C- J-
The Bank of Greenville
The Eastern School,
the coveted prize, has been
to Pitt We
hop; that there are other
things in store us,
tender the services of this bank
and resources the up-
building of legitimate
enterprise o. our town and
Game of the Season Will be
Played Today
of one of
illness of
others ind still others returning
home with the hotly of
has in such a
hole in the situation as
to make it for that
town to continue the season out.
The officials of the. Eastern
Carolina League held a
last at Rocky Mount
was to disband the
league unless another city was
willing to in and take the
The Messenger wired
Mr. Joseph I. Ramsey, at Rocky
Mount, and received the follow-
circumstance i
ore that team will dis-
band. Unless city will
take franchise, league
will end
The breaking up of the base-
ball season is to be
Washington is willing to finish
the season, but unless another
city comes forward by Saturday,
the Eastern Carolina
be disbanded for this
i b
in and examine my
Your t
Deputy Mai shall.
Greensboro, July it
s not generally known, the West-
District of North Carolina
one of the few the
deputy marshal
in the United States. is
nothing to prevent a marshal
pointing one, but it is not gen-
rally considered the place for a
woman. The woman who holds
hat position in this district is
Miss Nessie a niece of
Marshal Miss
ck went to Salisbury yesterday
afternoon to serve a restraining
order upon the Hon.
Clement, assistant attorney gen-
for the State cf North Car-
The order is one of the
many processes that have been
issued since the beginning of the
litigation relative to the enforce-
of the State's new rate
law. Miss recently
ed the papers in in the
case of Jas. P. Richardson Co.,
against the American Tobacco
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and
country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better
i n line. It has behind it n ten
reputation for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
ever worry quality.
We trust that you wilt favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have a car load and
yin give you Special
Baker Hart
R. C.
An Opinion.
Greensboro, N. C. July 1807.
Dear Mr.
The town and county owe you
a lasting debt for the excellent
special edition of The Reflector
which you issued recently. It is
a splendid piece of work, and
i he good that it will do Green-
ville and Pitt county is difficult
to estimate. The time was most
opportune for the special edition
because the whole State is want-
to know who we are and
what sort of place Greenville is,
and the paper has been widely
With good wishes,
I am Very truly Yours,
H. B. Smith.
Fayette ville, N. C, July 26-
Nat and Charles
boys, ten and eleven years old,
were tried in magistrate court
this afternoon and are now in jail
charged with attempt to wreck
train No. south-bound mail
and passenger at Parkton. N. C,
by placing a heavy cross tie on
track. The engine struck the
tie before it could be stopped
and the track was torn up for
twenty feet.
elastic seam drawers,
worth to sell at pair-
C L. Co.
C. A. Dickens, of South
ton, Va, has located here to en-
gage in the plumbing business.
His card will be found
in this paper.
Experts Front U. S. Department of
Will Discuss Crop
Culture Public Roads, Drain-
age, And Forestry.
Washington, N. C. July 24th,
There will be a most
educational v for the
farmers and other citizens,
in Greenville, Friday,
This meeting will be addressed
by experts from the
States department of
There will be two experts from
the bureau of plant industry, on
of whom will dismiss corn
tobacco, th- other will
cuss cotton. There will ox
pert on drainage, who will dis-
cuss the important subject of
our farm lands. An
expert from the bureau of for
will tell us how to cut
yet at the same
pr-.-s it the future. There
. ill be an expert on. public roods.
u ho will discuss the question of
he best roads for Eastern
Carolina, and how to construct
and maintain same. In addition
Prof. Joseph Hyde Pratt, our
geologist, will be present
will talk on the value of our
peat deposit and other subjects.
All of these are of
paramount importance. I have
known for some time that our
people were not availing them-
selves fully of the benefits from
the of the United
States department of agriculture
It is our department and we are
entitled to share in the results of
all Hie valuable investigations,
which are conducted by its
experts. I feel .-hat there is no
better way of acquainting our
with the work of this depart-
and of disseminating
able information than by holding
these series of meetings.
The meetings will be b
a. m. and there will be
miming and afternoon sessions.
Each speaker is an expert in his
line, and will talk about twenty-
five minutes. views
will be used wherever night
meetings can be held-
Meetings will be at the fol-
lowing times and
Plymouth. Wednesday August
Washington, Thursday, Aug.
Friday, Aug 9th.
Williamston, Saturday, Aug.
Gatesville. Monday, Aug, 12th.
Winton, Tuesday, Aug. 13th.
If the meetings at these six
county seats shall meet with the
of the people, then
series of meetings will be held
in the remaining counties of the
district curing the early fall.
Jno. H. Small.
Indicted Far Peonage.
Through Special
Agent Hoyt a warrant was sworn
out before U. S. Commissioner
C. B. Hill against Mr. I. H. Bar-
a prominent business man
and of ville.
Mr Harms is in
the city and the hearing is set
for morning before the
The alleged peonage charge is
based on an action by Mr. Harms
against a who had con-
to do some work for Mr.
for supplies advanced,
and jumped his contract, where-
upon Mr had the
indicted under the act of
the North Carolina legislature,
and tried before a
The justice found the
under the act of the North
Carolina general assembly and he
was forced to return to Mr.
employ to work out
amount. This, according to
federal authorities, is a violation
of United States statute of 1867
in direct violation of the
The case will be watched with
interest, as it involves the
of the constitutionality of
the act, and may occasion
another of irate and
federal courts, as the state will
probably contend for its
-r ow Bern Sun.
Biscuits Are Rolls In Great Britain and
Crackers Arc
In the term user fur
A then
i- u I
ii t-
is I
An is u
pan ; Ii
. a
hat is a
i oat i- q a
i an en
imp ; mot w i .-
n in
lie; bet r is
ii i- a public; mush is
i are I I
i . . I I
i i-
i; con u r.
and n is a turkey-
i- a . r a I in a I I
r a n el. thread
i i is print; cotton
-in-- i I i horse is u
horse; a lap role is a rail-
. . r i. and a trunk i- a
A fruit store i- a fruiterer's; a
hardware store an ironmonger's; a
store a draper's or
a u tobacco-
a furnishing store a hosier's;
n vegetable, store a greengrocer's.
A is an antimacassar; stub
a check book is a counterfoil,
and sleeve buttons arc cult links.
A railroad ticket office is a book-
office, and buying a ticket is
booking; a locomotive i.- an
an engineer, driver; a driver
is a coachman; a fireman a stoker,
a freight train a goods train.
Driving is riding; a wagon is ;.
carriage; a balky horse jibbing
and a a bearing
A vine is a creeper; lumber
kindling wood, fagots,
white pine, deal.
A muffler is a comforter, n
comforter is a
Slick is neat; is comical,
is smart is clever,
and clever is Post
Railroad Need Not See
Governor Glenn has announced
that it is needless for the South-
en officials to see him
unless they are willing, as a con-
precedent to any
to immediately, put the
cent rate into effect, and
rate law mu-t be
ed before I will consider any ad-
The governor also instructs
the solicitors to indict the higher
i and not the agents.
An extra session of the gen-
assembly is probable unless
railroads put into operation
the cent rate.
His Profession.
The father of a family presented
himself at an emigration office and
asked for tickets.
many are inquired
wife and
age and profession went
on the clerk.
just turned thirty; prof
carpenter; my wife, a needle-
of you, you in
quired the man. about the
child-ex and
The eyebrows were raised
much formed
arches his
profession, I repeated
The astonished father paused
just a moment
where ml tape would stop; then us
if inspired he
In a little town a score of year
there was a shiftless colored boy
Jones who after being
caught in a number of petty
was at last sentenced to a
short term in the penitentiary,
where he was set to learn a trade.
On the day of his return home he
met a friendly white acquaintance
what did they put you at in
the prison.
started in to make an hon-
est boy me,
good. Bill, and I hope
how did they teach you to
lie Bill
done put me in de shoe
shoes sole-, rail.
A Touch of Nature.
I hear u child crying like
said the sleepless unman as
they sat still and listened, wish
could too. Hear the sobs, the
shrieks There is probably nothing
the matter with her. She has loll
her doll or her too hurts. That's
ill. hut she'll feel a whole lot better
she lets up. If could scream
and like that for awhile at night
when I up. I could go
right hat k to sleep
A man married recently a young
wife who takes everything quite lit-
He cam home and he
would take her to the theater and
presently he found her stuffing all
sorts of eatables into a couple
black bags. are you
he asked, she replied meekly.
provisions because I ha.
Just read in th that six weeks
will between the first tad
From Orr Hulling Neighbor.
Winterville, N. C-. July
Cox went to
Friday evening on business-
J. E. Greene, our excellent
railroad agent, is taking a few
days visiting relatives in New
Bern. Mr Clarence
of Bethel is his place.
J G E. who
had been away during the past
six weeks a special course
at Chicago University, returned
home Thursday evening. He
left this morning for Rocky
Mount where he will meet Mrs.
and children who have
been away during the summer
in county. They are
expected tonight.
section had a delightful
rain yesterday afternoon which
was very much needed.
Chas Smith, who charge
of the school grounds, is plant-
corn, turnips, etc., for fall
use at the dormitories. His
gardens are fine
There are two excellent tennis
courts and the ball ground has
been put in good shape having
had many improvements put in
since commencement The
maples are growing beautifully
and the lawn looks fresh and
The time is near at
hand when the grounds will at-
tract and outing parties
from a distance to come and en-
joy its comforts. A party from
Kinston came here on an outing
tour last spring and expressed
themselves as have had a most
delightful trip.
We deeply sympathize with
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Whichard in
their sad bereavement in
death of Mrs. Sutton-
Mrs. Sarah Jones who spent
some time here visiting her
Miss Susan, returned to
her home in Ayden Friday.
Mrs Martha Cobb and
Miss Lena of Conetoe, have
been visiting Mrs. J. L. Jackson.
Mrs. Cobb returned home this
The reputation of Winterville
High school is growing all the
time Thursday Prof. Lineberry
received a letter from a gentle-
man of Pender county wishing to
enter three children, the young-
est being seven years old. There
were two very young ones here
last year from but
are younger.
Mrs. Lou Hicks returned to
her home near Conetoe after
having spent some time with her
sister, Mrs. J L. Jackson.
New York State
Will Haw la Time.
New York, July
B. former teller of
Windsor Trust Company, from
which he stole today
plead guilty to grand larceny in
the first degree, the maximum
penalty for which is ten
imprisonment Sentence
postponed to allow to
clear up his financial affairs.
The man was turned over to the
police by Mrs. Laura Carter on
whom he is supposed to have
squandered some of the money

T u Small is one Democrat At Scotland n.
i The railroads saw the hand to see remain in j The tor spent a pleasant f-.
wall when We hope he will con- day in Scotland Neck Tuesday
KN made up his mm to co-operate with .
, legislature m
w . the rate fight could not be settled
TS way. If the
had come together on the matter who are try-
to do things in a maternal way.
in preference
the passage rate would have
been cut to cents- The Re-
has believed from the
cents would
If too hot here for you,
it maybe hereafter-
could perhaps
get out on brain
But what do you suppose Judge
Pritchard thinks of Governor
The warmest question
the Georgia legislature is pro-
The home seekers could not
look in a better than
The Bull shut the door in Car-
face, but she kept on talking
just the same.
There is nothing like having a
governor with back bone.
Wilson has taken the palm
from Durham for the record of
murders and sch like.
have been low
the gubernatorial
dates come out and give th
papers something o say.
About the biggest thing The
Reflector can talk about is Green-
ville Keep your eye on her.
They are hard to convict these
days Even the Haywood trial
resulted in acquittal-
The Durham Herald thinks
that anyway you look at it the
waned to see the Laughinghouse
bill in the legislature of 1905 for
that rate become a law. But the
railroad succeeded in getting
that bill killed, and a lower rate
being forced upon hem is merely
come of their not letting
well enough alone. The fight the
railroad have the
will of the people has debarred
the any right sympathy
Tar Heel.
We fully agree with what the
a Tar Heel says about Congress-
enough, and man Small. At the same time
. ran r
are curious to that paper
would support him if it was B
Mr. Small's district.
day in Scotland Neck Tuesday. There and
We were sorry, however, to find D. r. Williams, the
Editor E E. Hilliard. of convict whose pardon from t
Commonwealth, quite sick with I chain
la terrible boil under his arm -a
Scotland Neck is a nice town and
Editor has one of the
cleanest and best family news
in the i The tow.
has many handsome stores
large business is
yesterday taken out to the road
to serve until October
1907. News and Observer
The business men of Green-
ville should bear in mind that an
imported meeting of the
of Commerce, is to be held
o . the night of the 30th to con-
the resignation of the
and elect his successor.
The best man to be found is
for this position. The
Chamber of Commerce has ac-
much good for the
and there is
It is said that dancing makes
have big feet, that ice
cream makes freckles, and now
comes along a doctor who, s, y
that hanging on the
rives With
few more opinions what fun will
there be left for girls anyway
you've heard t a
kissing is dangerous.
Five prisoners, won
and a in
workhouse, incensed Decaf
they were aroused before
shell beans, made their
up Ice Trust cutting through a barb
Mr. t- H. Ab. of Rocky fence with a
Mount, of the very best men Norwood, N C,
f North has
West circus was rot
of all the cash in sight by
seller, who fled to
woods. He made way
North Carolina has won the
victory over the railroads in pas
fare., but the wafer
should end there.
really more
and the fight should e
Has I If the Seaboard off two
I interest in the organization
not be allowed to fall
The Tarboro Southerner has trough organization
right on until -rt
the railroad service is put on a
I his goodness is handling
a . ice proposition in hi town
Mr. Ricks is largely interested in
at Rocky Mount and where board
of the ice he is j escape,
dent The other day. the pat- m night at
of the ice company received
that the price of would
be advanced from cent to i
cent per pound- Mr. Ricks look
the matter in charge, and
the manager unless he put ice
down to it regular price he
would withdraw from the com-
and if he did have to with-
draw he would build him a plant
of his own; Rocky
Mount W
way, ice went down in t
next red head line.
Don't let the hot weather melt
yoUr ardor for Greenville. Keep
taking for the town-
Thaw-you have heard of
Thaw-has now contracted the
very bad habit of smoking.
like Pritchard
may have to back peddle to keep
his wheel from throwing nun.
The thing to do is make
up your mind to come to Green-
ville, don't be slow about it
was arrested last at
Several small boy
a lemonade on
William Company's
ed in getting about
into the
on street, and
from that place a M
i roll of strike tickets.-
Urge Number of Delegate
Each town, village and locality
Th-industrial edition of county hereby requested
Greenville Reflector is a hand- of its
discovered that
land is missing from
acres of
It like the n have
decided to be good. They had
make minds to
stay that y.
The more we see and hear
other States, the better satisfied
are we with our home here in
North Carolina.
earnest co-operation
can do anything it sets its
hard but without this the
effect of what has been done will
be lost. The duty of every
man is
on wen .taste and judgment all through.
It is a credit to the paper an-
the town, and is a
that will bring re
suits.-New Bern Sun.
as comfortable to
sit up all such nights as
these as these as it is to go to
bed. ,
We nobody will apply to
Judge Pritchard a habeas
pus writ the who said
there would be no summer this
A dog that barks all night
should be declared a
nuisance and not allowed to stay
in town.
Now the candidates
nor and commissioner of labor
and printing can have another
chance at public ear.
of those papers who exit
Governor Glenn and other
State officers now wish they had
been on the side that won.
Now comes along another
crank, Prof. Frederick Starr, who
children should go nude
until years old. Where -is Dr.
People of all parts of
are asked to meet in Green-
v He on Monday. August 5th, to
the Chan her of
relative to
u of I good things,
steps to promote the progress
the county. This is a matter in
Greenville is
talked from one end of the State
to the or. and even far beyond
our borders. Nothing is too good
this an is
to have her share of the
citizens during this week and
select at least ten or dozen
gate to come to the meeting in
Greenville Aug. 5th, for the
of the further
action of Pitt county u-less this
ii done The town or
failing to do so will not re-
that benefit intended by
this movement ,,
section of Pitt rally related solely to the i.
at once and send many situation. It was out o
citizens to the unfortunate
which citizen is interested,
whether he lives in the town or
in the country Pitt count is
going and to devise
moans for bringing her
A Decisive Battle.
Since some of our
arc under a slight
in matter we
that North Carolina's
the tote law contest lacks I
what of
Any contrary impression I
ed upon the fact that
controversy goes up
States Supreme
final adjudication is
erroneous. There was
least desire
the State to do other
the questions at
of Com
Old North is making
and just now is the
g t Prate in the in the
of the people. It is also
of note in passing that Green-
moans for bringing her wt the
cages to the attentions of home v
investors is the
pose for which this meeting is
By order Chamber
July 29th. 1907.
L. Wooten,
C. E. Bradley Set
ca i
the Wilmington Messenger
For the man who says it is
The is putting
up a good fight for Sunday ob-
in that city. And the
News is right-
something else happens
the newspapers may have a few
dull days. But such exciting
time as the last two weeks
would not do a regular thing.
If the railroad rate controversy
I ad gone on far enough to have
good grounds for the State
to annul the lease of the North
Carolina railroad to the Southern
railway, there would have been
pleased people throughout
the State. While it may be too
late to talk about it, that last
lease of the road is one that
This rate law controversy is
en also increase
talk for government owner-
to the State,
State law before it had
dared guilty and while
was a matter of i
among reasonably
that the entire
But for this this
could never have been
tons talk of clashing I
Federal at
tier- was no clash even
The Reflector bad a
up supplement to
regular edition one day last week
Sing the kind of a town
secured the eastern training
on Pitchfork, i Killed.
July 90.-A dis-
tressing occurred .
day afternoon i No process of
south of this place in s a moment
Creek township that caused the
death of Marshall the
seventeen year-old son r.
Marshall, a farmer of that sec- .
The young man was haul- prove a
wheat straw and chaff from American con
the thresh yard, where the crop The victory
with a
It was in
proper and orderly
North Carolina won
which some able
Some of the papers have
ease of the road is one that the sex of
should not have bee., made and j American Haven't
it would be a good day for North North
Since the passenger bate fight it would be a good day for North North
has been settled, the Charlotte if the opportunity arises J
back to to set it aside I
The railroads express them-
of wheat had recently been
threshed, and from some cause
the load slipped off. throwing
the ground
In falling he struck a pitchfork
that was on wagon with him,
the tines Piercing his body I
through from the right side.
Ho lived an hour after the
The victory
complete and fairly
Carolina has achieved
of which may
Observer has drifted back to
in quoting poetry and got to talking
such old things as
In another column is a letter M over it
form Congressman J- H. in The lawyers fees they had to pay
. ., sore.
to make them sore.
We wonder what can be the
opinion of the people of the State
as to those who fought
so hard in favor of the railroads
to break down the sovereignty
of the State. Of lawyer
has a legal right to accept a fee
railroads took a paring
as they run off from the
ht, but like
all their other
There is one thing .
bank Glenn is go-
to have that cent rate put
on before he submits to a com
sort of a man does
the average woman
asks the Baltimore Sun. There
is no average woman, everyone
of are different.
courts will f
Powers trying him, cant he deli,,. in arranging
him on a He U,
now running the
the fourth time J
reference to the education
meeting for farmers to be held
in Greenville on August 9th- This
is a meeting that farmer
jct of great will be News an
discussed by men sent out by
has a legal right to accept a fee discussed by men sent out by telling it in
work on either side of a case , government Congressman L Lay it on, Josephus.
tut how any citizen small is doing much for the even it
Lie of in arranging. . J
Girl Murdered.
Asheville, N. C. July
News was received here this
morning of the murder
night in the Little Ivy section
Madison county of Miss
Phillips, a young woman twenty
years of age- Complete mystery
surrounds the crime- The life-
less body of the young woman
was found morning in
Paint Fork Branch with bullet
hole in her head.
The bullet had entered the
back of the head and penetrating
the brain lodged against the
forehead. Indications are, it l
destroy me
A, North Carolina came her sovereign v
in the fight with executing lawsa is V Virginia is taking To
do the same heart men,, we do not
h . may can b regarded, w
Pulled Hair,
Ala., Jul.
the weal
operator it
dead because he d
his wife as to the
adopt in dressing her
expressed his
her tresses.
According to Mrs.
husband came horn
influence of liquor,
had just finished
hair a la
told you never t
hair that I
says her husband
he caught me by the
to my knees, and a
going to kill me- I
and ran but he folk
for my life, I P
gun and fired, and
dead- had to
to do same g,
may be expected I how they can be regarded, M
on that side of the line-
it up Ask
said, that the crime was com
Governor some time
. invited Mi Km waS
no motive
the crime .
the scene Mrs. is
book and and a member o
has I been arrested, and
an not be prosecuted.
they want them.
who is authorized to rep-
U i , an, territory
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
we take
and Tiling receipt for
in arrears We have a
,, cotton seed meal and hulls.
cons cotton of for
meal. F- Lilly Co when you it by at
Strayed or Stolen-A red
Emily Jenkins, of Win-
is spending some time your tobacco Get
S M- Pattie end Evelyn
, I the troublesome flies out
Winterville N. t. a W bas
A-V d lantern
filled his appointment at . trim. Co-
the Sunday stains,
Sand night He Harrington, Bar-
most excellent sermons to large
Congregations. He always com,
with a message and the people evening
A Cr. Will
Many are annoyed
t r
, , heavy duck legged,
a who receive a hole in it with
office. hit white u
ob printing
Miss May Smith has returned
from an extended visit to her
grand father, Elder Fred
For fresh and cheap goods go
E- Co., they always
have the best
one thou sand pounds, f
dollars reward to any person
bringing same to me. June
18th. 1907.
If you wish something nice
buy a box of candy from
Saul's at the drug store.
Mrs. died in this town
son went Tuesday at the home of her sister
Mrs. Sack Smith. Mrs,
gallon a J. R- Smith Co.
There are several cases of
fever in Ayden. otherwise the
general, health of the town is
The most will
with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call
lot cots latest styles very
j. iv.
thorn into I Mrs. Sack Smith. Mrs. us your
box of candy Las quite an lady and had you , quart I R. Smith
H suffered intensely for some time Co
l have just re- demise. She was a. ,
So on paper on a car load of lime. woman and a Christian- an.
Smith, Jr. and was buried out in the Co.
on it, rub . relatives , Beaver a few from I
She was Best tobacco twine lantern
Christian- and at J.
one at Harrington ------r e Sparing and
, Kate Chapman is visiting Cf to their
Sr this order for Handy tobacco trunks
relatives near this
Eclipse and
fountain pens.
committee of
The executive .
Winterville High held a
Work will beg,, at once on
this season f
ever before.
Harrington left Tues-
Ty morning for the
A large line of umbrellas and
received st
have realized
buildings and J-
in excellent tor the open- of cement
fall term Sept. 2nd g
The bi
this yea fey time Wood work also a
We have on h a
of the history of th
co disaster. Usual
Our price,
p. ice l-50-
B- T. Cox
I L. and daughter
went to Greenville
to n mat
until it thicken.
afternoon. I drug store.
One two story
sausage and fresh
factory at Saul's store.
Miss Bunting, of Bethel, has
beer, visiting Miss Blanche Can-
non. She left yesterday for a
visit to Kinston.
their home
Usage and fresh by Annie Mumford. easy terms.
John was Reward-Gold Ayden k Ins. Co.
trial. Frank Co. Miss Hodges, of
L. W. Smith spent Thursday
in v.
If you need any Paint be sure
ind see E. E. Co
Mrs W. A. Darden and son
this week with her
Robert Coward
; at-
Isa your
e. away .
I up the
t to save-
I baa
accompanied Mrs.
Cox, left for Jamesville
to spend awhile
returned home f m K
stand and A. .-
H. B. of Aden,
spent Sunday in town.
Lawns, laces, organdies ham
bergs going at a at
Barber Co. ,
j E Greene returned
New Bern Saturday
where he attended the funeral
of his little niece who was ac-
drowned while out
Thursday evening.
Hamilton rifles thing
shooting on gun outing trips
fishing, etc. this summer.
Barber Co.
Herman Bell, of Kinston, and
Oscar White, of Tennessee are
Siting Frank White this week
Tobacco twine lanterns,
T W Wood Sons
B. T. Ox Bro.
a tree brand pocket
They are kept in stock by B.
Cox Bro,
repair work both
promptly and guaranteed
Nor F Manning
You just ought down
the and up
the A. G- ox M f g Co.
your the Caro
are now prepared to m
class flour-
When yon have peeled orange,
M, I it boil in th- lit
touch each other.
To Out
T rid the WOrn
Miss Ida Tripp is out in the
country rusticating-
It ha delight and a pleasure
in having a rD
ed article.
is visiting
The ladies aim the girls all
like candy. The
at Saul's drug store.
Leslie Smith, of Farmville
finds attractive features that
call him to Ayden occasionally.
He left Wednesday.
Take Warning.
Miss consent This is b
notify all em
notify an
to, house or feed saw.
or Edwards. Those so
be prosecuted according t
a v. He is of dark complexion
tall about years of age. an.
has a tooth missing in front.
This July 5th.
Elias Edwards. ,,
heat it hot
Calvin Tucker came upon the
train Wednesday and spent the
If you can not he
fully Sauls
your s must be
hard road to travel.
accompanied by her little cousin, I
Master Joshua L. Tucker.
I Turnip cabbage and only
the best verities at J. R-
A specialty of stationery at
Saul's drug store.
H A White, Greenville,
among our people m
the interest of insurance
mowers, rakes, huskers
and shredders, come to see us-
I j. to-
We regret to learn Miss Nina
Cannon who is seriously sick with
typhoid fever is no better
The very best and cheapest
combs- and pow-
at Saul's drug store
Go to F. Lily Co for hay
Big lot of best grade
per yard at J. R. Smith Co. ,
Bring us your beeswax wool the
hams, shoulders, chickens and . made
R- Smith Co defendant at the
Sauls guarantees all he sens, tn The motion and
Fourth Trial of Power.
Georgetown, Ky., July
The fourth trial of Caleb Poi
formerly secretary of stat
for alleged complicity in the
of seven yea
ago, was called at a special
of the superior court of See
before Judge James
Bobbins, at o'clock
James C
of Bowling Green, Ky, l
counsel for Powers, I
ed a formal motion, supported .
affidavit, that Judge
Mass., May
Messrs R Turnage Co.
Ayden, N. t.
Gentleman h
class huh
at Carolina Milling
-f Carroll passed
Rosa Tucker. She was done
by Miss Lille Tucker.
Dr Joseph
allowed to be filed,
affidavits sets forth specific
and rulings which the
claims show partiality for .
Arthur a brother,
William a cousin of ,.
late William are i
at the trial.
. i
Keep cool these days. Get
your palmetto fans at B. r. Man
famous Hawks glasses at
Don't neglect
TIES our people
The u G. Cox Manufacturing
K. f
nation to
not been with-
school grounds
Vs t
j and the
j .
j, J.
. VS. .
these afternoons about sunset.
.-in- Rile I . the
emphasize the
exists and has
Uncle Joshua Tripp. of Green
has been with us this week
in him.
we our customers and
all wearers men's, shoes to
know that we will continue to do
have done in the past vis.
Hand Hurt.
Otho Bowling, one
Reflector force, got his S
hand caught in one of th
presses. Tuesday night, i
badly mashed two fingers.
OF .
At the
III e-w-.
Prices to suit the times.
. .--
tie enjoy ard
-in- the youthful
you to
to break through w
sole is worn out. . Furniture
E. A. Cooper and i.
on business. ,,.
is I guarantee. COUNTY OF mT,
in were,
on to replace with
I Yours very t
unpaid. . ,
subject to
contrary to u , of
a. new
-.-. w
liq -i
. i
Renders just Hat-
--.-- II, -ft, T
-.- if . , ;., .
, a new pair
Yours very truly.
and Field
We have ship-
of mowers and
rakes. Terms easy
Turnage Co,
We have for sale one I.
for cash or on time, p
J. R Turnage t o.
Hi- 27th any May;
H lie-it-to, ,
S; . Notary
i my
J. K.

A bright young woman who at-
tend the snows to
u that she believed many
suffering from diseased
by restlessness and other
of On
the subject consideration one is
led to the conviction that this is
only but that there i
i for much improvement in
About the only
by the
nary veterinarian and sometimes
by the coachman or
pin, is or filing the
i hi have become worn down
on one fide and leave the higher
and sometimes pegged.
I ear anything about
feet It, or otherwise treat-
them, especially if they or the
l ; rated, beyond pulling
out. As the young woman re
to also remarked, ex-
lain It must he to have
a cold bit put on a sensitive
tooth, or possibly on a nerve ex-
There are reasons
or a horse's misbehavior, adds the
Rider and Driver, aside from his
Spider's Web as a Negative.
By one on a vacation and inter-
acted in photography, the good part
of a day may be spent in collecting
and printing cobwebs. The process
is easy. Let him got the farmer's
potato sprayer, put in it some
thinned with turpentine
and colored from a tube.
Then let him take tome old window
glass or a few cleaned photo plates,
and go in quest of a clear web with
a good center, lie will find it in an
outbuilding or fence in the open.
When found, let him spray it, then
bring up a dry plate of glass behind
it and lift it from its moorings. In
about two hours the web will be dry
and so hard that the plate can be
washed without any injury to the
web. From plates thus secured he
may make prints to his heart's con-
tent. To make combination
put the plate over any clear
negative and print through both of
them. For printing the webs them-
selves blue print paper may be used
to advantage, inasmuch as it
Rocky Stand.
A well dressed man. gen-
appearance and hand baggage
indicate. his recent arrival in this
country, stood in the ticket line at
the Grand station. When
lie reached window be for
one ticket to
next he was
told, and. gathering up his belong-
lie took his place at the
of In r i c.
said n hell Ii I urn came.
the clerk asked, to the of a
string of people who had just
a min i . i h their train.
and ticket a
the officer outside tr show
the man v. here he could got a ticket
for Island, and for the third
time became the last man m a
long line,
said the officer.
lane three time for
Rocky New York Tribune.
Mrs. Sutton Dead.
Mrs. Hettie Perkins Sutton,
widow of the late Mr. Hugh A.
Sutton, died very suddenly
Thursday evening, a little past
o'clock, at the homo of her
daughter, Mrs. D. J Whichard.
with whom she lived. She was
in hi r year, a while
she bad been in feeble health for
some lime was the
mediate cause of her death. Up
a minutes of her
l he seemed as well as for
but only lived a short
while after being stricken. Her
death was a to
her relatives and host of friends.
Mrs. Sutton was a woman of
strong; character, and as a friend
mine was more or devoted.
She was ready to do an
act of a and her
life is -i lo record of good
ill eds. For many was
a member of the Baptist church,
and was faithful
Cl By her relatives,
an. her church she will
be sadly missed.
Her only surviving child is
Mrs. D. J. Whichard. but she
leaves a number of grand child-
and one great grand child.
brother, Mr. Per-
kins an lone sister, Miss A M.
The funeral took place at
o'clock Friday afternoon in
Cherry Hill service
conducted by Rev J K.
The pall bearers were
Messrs. W. B- Wilson, F. G.
James. K. Williams. D L. James,
R. A. Tyson. C. T. J
G. Bowling, J- C Tyson. J. C,
Move, B. C. Flanagan and J. N
There were many beautiful
tributes from sympathetic
The Spirit India.
A revolutionist who
aroused the fanatics of the
to great excitement by circulating
the fantastic statement that the
plague epidemic did not exist and
that the deaths weekly at-
to it were really caused by
the poisoning of drinking wells by
government emissaries was
ed the other day to two rig-
imprisonment. An
who dropped harmless bails
Into the wells, alleging that he did
o by order of the government, was
condemned to eighteen
Killed Timber.
Government of fire killed
timber hare demonstrated that this
wood is good and should be
thoroughly timber
as far as use is concerned. Fire
killed timber cheeks badly hen left
standing for any length of time,
and this is an obstacle in the u. of
its use for some purpose. Timber
which been killed by should
be used within one year
after it has been killed, let
factory railroad ties hare nude
front killed fifty year be-
Private en Drill.
Enrico Caruso, the far famed ten-
or, when be was a youth of nine-
teen was drafted into the Italian
army. IIi drill sergeant reported
him to Major for singing.
but the major discovered something
in his voice and. after
reprimanding the. drill sergeant,
promptly private Caruso
it spend all the leisure that his mil-
allowed in study with
of the regimental basal
As you know after a sharp eon
t. we ill
r tie Eastern School,
There are now great
ii s for the county and there-
fore for yon. There is now an
absolute necessity for a forward
movement along lines. W.
world know the
n sources and r-f the
county. We need to consult with
each other and plan together
that this may be done We can
move if we will. The only
is will we do it now
have a great institution of learn-
in our very midst from which
there will go out an influence,
enthusiasm, and spirit that will
stir this old county from center
Coming with
this will he development
in every portion and section of
county. With these things in
the Chamber of Commerce
f has decided to re-
the citizens of Pitt to meet
in Greenville on Monday, August
the 5th. at o'clock m. for the
purpose of discussing ways and
means and for planning for the
further advertisement and ad-
of the county. We
especially that each town
and village unite with the country
surrounding it and have a large
delegation present on the above
named day If we will come to-
we can accomplish some
thing. Whatever is done for our
progress we may expect to be
instrumental in its being done.
We shall hope for a great meet-
on Monday, August 5th, and
that results far reaching in their
power and tendency towards a
greater uplift along all lines will
speedily come
By order Chamber Commerce
19th. 1907
C. E. Bradley Sec.
J. L. Wooten, President.
State of North Carolina Pitt County.
In the Superior Court.
Hamilton Pants Co. vs A. L.
Jackson Bro
By of an execution directed to
the undersigned from the
court of Pitt, county in the above en-
titled action. I will, on Monday, the
day of August, 1907. at o'clock M
court house door of said county, sell to
the highest bidder for cash to entity said
execution all the right, title and intent
which the said A. L. Jackson defendant
has in the following described real en
t to
A certain tract of land in Pitt
and bounded as follows in Con-
township, adjoining the land of
Hardy J. J. Jackson R. K.
Jackson others lying on the East
aide of Little creek, contain-
acres more or and known as
the Allen Jackson Parker
Also one lot situate in the town of
Grifton and bounded as
a stake at S. It. Woods corner
and running with his line S. K. 131-1
N. E. ions lake,
thence N W. 181-2 poles to the mid-
die of tin --t. thence w
M. s. W, ft. to the deed
recorded in book I., page
Abo one other lo situate in the town
of Grifton; and being one half interest
in the following described land to-wit.
at a stake on Pitt S Ft.
from and
a distance of A. I. Jackson
line, the with A. I,. Jackson lino
s. a distance of ft. thence
K. a distance of K ft. to Pitt thence
E. Pitt st. to the beginning,
said lot bairn known as livery stable lot.
recorded in book L. g page
Also lot town
beginning corner
of an alley known Brooks alley and
it. and s K. a distance of
ft. N. E. ft, to a stake,
thence W ft. to Brooks alley,
with said alley B. W. to
the beginning, and being known as the
J. Z Brooks stable lot.
is day of July 1907.
L. w. Tucker sheriff
For Sale by Frank M. Wooten,
tee the estate of ft Ricks
By of order of the
James R. Gaskill referee in bank-
in the district court of the Unites
s ate for the Eastern District of North
re In the matter of
Ricks, bankrupts, the
trustee will the 14th,
day of 1907, -t M. at
the court in the town of
the following described real estate of
estate of Ricks, bank-
Described as follows to-wit.
A certain tr-rt of land in
township, Pitt county described
A tract of lard in township
in and around the Burnt be-
ginning at a knot a corner of
theW. R. and Calvin Mills lands,
runs with W, B. James Al-
Mills and Mills North 1-2.
poles; thence North West
In poles to corner of Samuel Ellis
thence with that line which
I Smith's line North I
pine on the of the
Smith's comer and
la this a division corner be-
tween said and J. If. Mill-,
thence with an agreed line, between
said Mills and said line runs
across the South
West poles to some chopped trees in
the run of Well in
Mills line; thence with his line
and the run of said Well to
some chopped gums said Mills corner;
thence with another of his lines north
1-1 west poles to the beginning
hundred and sixty six
and one half acres more or less. The
right is reset to reject any and all
of July 1907.
Frank M. Wooten,
Trustee in Bankruptcy.
Chewers who read
the information
in this space
in next week's paper
will then know why
SCHNAPPS and other of
the as shown
by Internal Revenue statistics
for a fiscal year, made the
Having qualified as of
John Pierce, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
against the said estate to file the same
with the undersigned within twelve
months from the date this notice or
this notice will be pleaded in bar of their
recovery. All persons indebted to the
said estate will please make immediate
to me.
this June 17th. 1907.
H. A
Administrator of John Pierce deceased.
wonderful gain of six and one-
fourth million pounds, or a net
gain of one-third of the entire
increased consumption of
chewing and smoking
tobacco in the United
N. C.
North i In die
Pitt County. . f elk,
Sidney V mU i. l r W
N. t.
M Y.
bade J.
Herbert K.
Vino.- in
Special Ii, .
Pu , III
the 7th iii. . L-
of . . -.-.,.
expos. to
for en-1 i -0,111.
to v
ii U
State of .; ,.
T. H. 111-
H.-res more ell U 111.-
Woolen lion . p This .- e will
This the
tints Stock paid in
profits 3,422.66
e of 2,652.61
f iSi v r
ii .
hank, do solemn-
t of my
K. Cashier.
M v.
letters executor
f the last will and testament of J J
baring slay I
.; to ma clerk of the
court of Pitt county notice is bare-
given to ail
the of the J.
Tucker to them to me for pay
n authenticated, on r b.
w. day of July, or
. plead in bar
are notified and to
immediate payment U me.
Thia the July.
John II
Executor of last will and
of J. J. Tucker.
S. M.
re Dealer aid tor
Hides, Fur. tin ton
steads, Mattresses, Oak
Carriages, Par j
suits Tables. Lounges, ,
and Ax
Life Tobacco Key
Cherries, Peaches,
pies. Pine up,
Meet Flour Coffee,
Snip, Lye
Seed and
Nun l-.
Peaches, Prunes, Kai-
aid chink Warn Tip
wooden ware, and
Macaroni, -o, He,
I Hutu r, New hoy ma
and d-
and f r
S. M. Schultz.
State of North
In the Superior
H. W. vs J
By virtue of an execution
to the from
the Superior of P
in the entitled action, will.
on Monday. day if An
1907 at o'clock M
the Court House door of
county, sell lo the bidder .
for cash
all the right, title an. interest, ,,,,, and
which the f aid
defendant, in cs,
state. t. v om,. I
in Town- ; ,.,. ,, Nail bank v
ship Pitt beginning at t;stake on Greenville road,
Mrs. R F.
R. pol-s.
W. J. Turnage
W. II. Lang
R. L. Davis
May. 18th. 1907.
. I bank V
certificates of
deposit 5.758.14
Deposits to check 23.753,09
checks out-
thence N. E. 571-2 County of
the run of Otter thence W H sH a- in r of the named
swear Hint is to best of my
worn to be-
. day May.
up the run said creek
county bridge at the
road, down the road
. r I . Also one tract
of n town-
beginning at w Hill
at a take Mrs P
thence N. R.
l poles to a stake in it. M.
the mill road,
said mill road to the
. thence down
road to f;.
II. Hill P. which reads -Alter
the raid Snow Hill l with liver and kidney
beginning containing s
Subject to the Ufa of j e r.
Willis R. Williams fat h
Willie ms
W. H Cashier
sufferers of Liver or
a lot to I tried
I as I am a
of ill veil man The re-
i completed the
. the life- estate lest on M
Williams J M y
. Thus ii, i a,
I. W. Tucker
Mr. D. D Haskett is
ahead of his form, r r c-rd as a
tomato raiser. Today n sent a
basket of fine ones to The
or. of them filling a peek
measure and weighing pounds.
It will be hard to produce any to
boat but there I no
what Mr. Hastes
D. c.
Bladder Other
say a bottle and If
it t cure we will refund
your money. We say a
full size free bottle of
j M and if it then
use SOL until
I ad v. entitles yo
lo HI.
Only a limited number f
given away. this op
to u
m if
prove merit,
I will mail you free, to
of Dr.
and my on either
Heart or The
Stomach, Heart or are mere.
e-T n . II
make the common of
only. Symptom treatment
treating the f
and not the cause. We.,
inside nerves-
alway. And
Heart, and well, have their
controlling or inside servos.
these and you invent ave
weak vital Here is Dr.
has made its fame.
even ms to treat
the Also
u e Hr
Write for .
is 1-
d Ii t
I I , i.,
The wise not at the
thermometer during and
n I
i-ll, ill.
Sold by -In I
a pill
ii S i
IS la ;
I. Wooten
You can never an
noise with tho cracker
been d.
. i
, ,,. ,,.
and is ; t
for every
i i
i ,.
, In
I l I el .
It Ki; I . j IT
I-1 a l-i- i n-- ii i-
for of
and and rim k-
have a tried for
of t nor
tO flesh u
I now the of
In with Chemist In the of
found the last
which , was mad
that last Inured in it, I
many of but now, at List. It tin.
curable of this
sand-Ilk- granular
And away action of this as
does whoa added o pure
pass from and the of
i- r There Is now no
real actual excuse to suffer r with-
Mil, and
Rheumatic Remedy
Do Y
. t i. t it-it.-
lire in
Ill .
en, efor likely to
length of
re i , .- ; ., r,. I
A prompt, pleas good remedy
and colds, is Ken
Syrup. It is re-
commended babies
food for every of t e Ii
t contains no opiates mid not -o-
Contains honey and to and
tastes nearly as a maple
Children like it. S-11
Some expensive.
your Stomach, your
Heart or Kidneys, this el
Coffee imitation. Dr. Via ,
Java and
In flavor and taste, vet has t
single rain of real Coffer in it Dr
Health Coffee Imitation i made
from pure or cereals
with Malt, etc. Made in a min
wail. You will sure
it. Sold T. Hooker A Co
Politics sometime
All stomach trouble are quickly re-
leaved a little after
meal. to th
seat of the trouble, th.
digestive supplies the
digestive juices and what yo i
eat. It is a simple, clean, harm-
less remedy. Don't your
Take a Mile alter ea h
meal and see now it makes you
feel. Money back if it fail by
John I. Woolen
Worry never s task
worth while,.,
Bert Barber, of Wis.,
have taken four doses of your
Kidney and Bladder Pills and hey have
done for me more than any other
has ever done. I am still
the pills as I want a
Mr. Barber refer, lo Hewitt's Kidney
and Pills, which are
for Backache, weak kidney.
of the bladder and all urinary
treatment for
Sold I. Drug Store.
The vacation earned is the
cation enjoyed.
There no case of indigestion, no
matter irritable or how obstinate
will not be relieved by
the of The main
the of any disorder is rest, and
the only way to get rest to actually
digest the food for the stomach itself.
will do it. It a scientific
vegetable acids containing
the very II
It to the Pure Food
and Drugs Law. Sold by Hum L. W g ten.
The pies are just as
out of
For burns, cuts,
bites and the many little hurts common
to every family,
Witch Salve the best remedy.
It soothing, cooling, clean and heal-
Be sure you get Sold
by J. L. Drug Store.
lie not free
eldest son lute the right
indefeasible to the house and to
part of tho land, tho other
tho right to the remain-
If there are m
the man makes u deed of sale, it
must ho publicly announced, and
one of kin .; near as the
may .-ti. the
i I ,. the land
i why land re
families for en-
i v, leaving personal
It is divided into us
. in are
son Select two
the other children
no e e order of
R lull ii been pi, by the
share that i- left
when one makes that
conversational blunder which is
known us a it is best to
say nothing whatever about it.
only renders a bad matter
long ago a lady visiting
the studio of a portrait painter and
trying to make herself us
as in return for a J
and afternoon ten. She enjoyed tho I
pictures, although in each ease they
seemed to her much idealized,
went from one to another, civil-
expressing her approbation.
by If you .
too much, or i you subject i
of i you no
or of
the t
and puff th
crowds t-
far with . and in ma n
tuna heart
Dyspepsia Cure
what you eat. the e
of the heart, and nourishment
strength and health to every of th
body. Cures Dyspepsia.
Stomach. ion of the
membrane lining tho and
live Tract Dyspepsia and i
it the
ma Cr
Jr Heart . i I l ,. ,
I f M a .
i.- ., .
MRS LORIN-J N CHOUI had trout . i . hi . j a
a I took .,
Sara lour moral a and a .
D. u .
Digests at Ea
f so the first thing to
lot in a desirable
net be
Ail i i
a can-
Dollar it,
. . a.
m H t
fr-p el at ,
, C
p T . V r,.
o proper surpasses This fee
home. Lots can be bought ow a
reasonable prices and on easy terms. Then
is eve indication that property around
is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the Jot the
it will costThis property is located minute
walk from the business part ox the town
See Jam White and let him explain
and terms.
The vacation we is
one we would have enjoyed
Piles get quick and certain relief
from Dr. Magic Ointment.
Please note it is made alone for Piles,
and action and
Itching, painful, protruding or blind
disappear like magic by use.
Large glass jars
by Bryan Drug Store.
Worry causes more
than the heat of the sun.
who children
Cough Syrup invariably
it. Children like it because the
is so pleasant. Contains
and tar. It original laxative
syrup and la far the re-
of croup. Drives cold out
through the bowels. to th.-
Drug Law. Sold by
i, i. a owe w. u.
she said to her hostess,
must tell me about them Who
don't know her; charming, but
of I sneak for the like-
try to lie faithful, said the
know I know And
who is the very pretty lady id
sold other, with some
Why For
A saw that
who. v t, word as-
with v. hack to
lime when named At tali
of Mo. n . later oil.
a in
was of silk cotton, which
material was tho eleventh
century. The Moors
this which was and so
in time became com-
in in low Latin
in in
French and in German
tolls of waist-
coats with gold and in the
eighteenth century there are many
references to worn by
great ladies. Today in the south
tabby means a striped stuff.
sunder Modern
The early of geology con-
of two schools, the one in-
on doctrine of
the other on the doctrine of
uniformity. The former regarded
those changes which have manifest-
taken place in the history of the
planet as having occurred at epochs
abruptly, while the other school,
on the principle of the in-
variability of the laws of nature,
insisted that affairs have always
gone ob at the same rate and in
the same way as they do now. Of
this Utter school Sir Charles Lyell
1797, died was ere-
York American.
l While.
A passer by was at seeing
poking a dollar bill
a board walk.
under the sun are you do-
he asked.
sTay, y see, the
looking up from
W t ft am.
to keep abreast times must
judiciously he must have space in a paper
the people read.
fills the bill, for it your announcement
people and brings result.
hen you warn good
Send your orders to The Reflector.
direct to

The Savory Seamless Roaster
superior to any other
Roaster made, not an ounce of
lost. Other roasters
waste from to per cent.
The Savory seamless roaster
needs no water, grease
of any kind. It simply asks
to be let alone. Retains all juices
and flavors, renews the
the toughest fowl. One great
feature of the Savory roaster is
the oval bottom, with the
flat bottom roaster the
moisture brought out of the meat
by cooking has no chance to ac-
cumulate and is burned and dried
up in the bottom of the pan.
the oval this meat juice
flows continuously to the lowest
point of the bottom, where it is
turned into steam and condensed
on the surface of the meat. This
condensation continues until the
roast has become heated through
to the temperature of the
in the roaster
condensation stops and the brow n
of the roast begins.
The Savory roaster is Mil bast-
and self browning. The
bottom is off the oven
by the outside heat-retaining
jacket, which applies a uniform
heat to the roast from all sides
The Savory roaster sin a class
to itself. Is guaranteed to give
satisfaction when used accord-
to directions. Buy one, take
it home, the
it thirty days, if not all we claim
forth, return it to us we will
give you back your money, pro-
the roaster when return-
ed, is in good condition.
See our window display of the
Savory roasters. We will be
glad to show you. Call and see
This department is in charge of W. who is author-
to represent the Reflector in and vicinity.
N. C , July 30th, 1907.
Among the events of the past
week we find crops, rains and
steadily moving onward. Visit
sporting and courting like-
wise, judging from general
principles or outward appear-
churches. Sunday schools,
societies and lodges seem to be
quietly, but earnestly adding
strength and confidence to their
N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
We have a number of very
lots in the town
various creeds and noble ville. for sale at a very reason-
pies, and best of all our able price.
J. R. J. G.
Littleton Female College.
Splendid location. resort- Hot water heat. Electric
and other modern improvements boarding pupils last
High standard of scholarship, culture and social life. Con-
advantages in Music Advanced courses in Art and
Elocution. Business College. Bible, and Normal course.
record not surpassed. Close persona attention to the
health and social
occasions- V
Session will begin
address REV- J- M. RHODES.
1793 1908
b v to be
HI I I 1.1 H. a.
kill I lot
K K. i N I .
is enjoying exceptional good
We are waiting for the com-
of the N. S- R R.
and training school, as we have
several graduates from our
school now ready to
enter just such an institution.
M. T. Horton sold his livery
business to B S. Sheppard who
will conduct the business at the
same stand.
Miss Maggie Darden, of Or-
Miss Willie Harper,
of Snow Hill. Miss Carson, of
Bethel and Miss Carr. of Or-
spent the week in
visiting Mrs. G. A.
Mr and Mr. Havens returned
Saturday from their wedding
Misses Nannie and Reed
Ling returned today from Kin-
where they had been visit-
their aunt. Mrs. James
Miss Fannie Hyde, of Speed,
is visiting her brother,
Miss Lillian Beatty. of Tar-
is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Miss Lena King, of Greenville,
is her many friends and
Miss Kirk, of Norfolk, is visit-
the Misses at
Mrs. S A
John Ivy Smith, of Greenville,
came up today to accept a
with warehouse as
Clifton Rountree. of Green-
ville, is spending the week with
W. Parker, near Green spring.
W- Turnage and of
Greenville, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Martha Joyner, proprietress
of Green Spring.
Miss Eva Gainer, of William-
and Nannie Moore.
of were the
guests of Miss Mary Joyner, the
past week.
Well, we of course took in the
picnic over in Smithtown lust
Thursday, and that don't mean
We also have a beautiful farm
near the town
For other information apply
N. C
We frequently take other
makes of pianos el part
payment for
In some cases we have
our expert factory men
thoroughly overhaul and
put them in fine
on. We then sell them
at very low prices on ea-
payments If you
that you don't wish to
pay the price for a new
Piano, let us tell
you about what we have
hi these instruments. If
later, you wish a new
we will take the
old one back.
Write us about it
L. C. Street. Mgr.
Norfolk Va.
Piano with the
Sweet Official
Piano Jamestown Expo-
Wilton Streets, N. C.
For Cash or on Time
Queen Quality Shoes for Women and King Quality for
Cotton, Shuck and
Complete line of ever-thing in the way of Of, Goods, Clothing,.
Groceries, Hardware, Feed stuff and
Lang Building, Main Street, N. C,
New Firm. New Store. New Goods.
Couplet of ab
Close Prices.
Gents Fine Clothing a
Ton make no mistake in trading with us, for you get
the best goods at lowest price.
Perfection Quality and shoes for Ladies and gentlemen
at their cut price, Ladies fancy goods,
General Merchants
Main and Wilson N. C
Dry Clothing, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, Fur-
Stock and Fertilizer.
Knapp Burnett. R- O. Bar-
G. L- Lang,
and Killebrew Stalling will
leave tomorrow for the James-
town Expositor. All are
and popular young men of
our town. We hope they may
have a good time and return safe
R. L. Davis returned Saturday
from the Exposition and reports
an interesting trip,
in the various industries
and resources of commerce,
manufacture and in-
Complete line of Carpets, Mattings and Rugs Agents for
Guns, Pistols and Rifles. . . A r- a
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade. Call
and see our stock.
The Baptist University For Women, Raleigh,
school Thirty-four officer teachers. Diplomas
riven in the Arts, Sciences, and Philosophy. in Music. Art, expression, mid
Business. Excellent equipment for teaching and illustrating the
Distinct school of the Bible. Full business school, in charge of a competent
instructor. Art school, including Oil, Applied and China ranting.
Regular Normal Course, elective for A. R. degree, special short course for
Public School teachers, school of Music, with ten teachers and giving
Voice, and Pipe Organ. of students looked after
by lady physician, nurse, lady principal, and matron. Board. room
tuition, baths, and fees for physician, nurse, gymnasium,
library. 1194.00 a in the Club, to less. Next session opens
Fur and all information, address
Vila of
Has it ever struck you a
of life lies in a few
works of appreciation and en-
How few of us take
to stop a few mo-
and praise a servant for
work well done, or even MUM
Old Stand, Main N. C,
Complete stock Merchandise-
Cash o time
Buyers of Cotton and Country Produce.
Meat, Hay, Corn, Oats and Fertilizer in carload lots.
Everything in Dry Goods and Groceries.
Distributors of celebrated Shoes for Men and Women.
Agents for Mn i each
Horton Hotel
.---------,, i to tell our and dearest
any small either, because , how we ail the daily
services which we have
these big-hearted and congenial
Smiths and their whole-soul
neighbors know just how to make
a hungry man feel good, not only
at their hospitable homes but
likewise when give their
annual neighborhood dinners.
Your correspondent never saw
a more quiet a better
R. T. VANN, Pres.
never noticed.
When our friends die we hast-
en to send beautiful as
a last appreciation of Mr love for
them- But would it not be better
if we. had helped by a little
praise when they were working
or if we had cheered them in the
Farmville, N. C.
Main Street.
Farmville N. C
I Everything found la an
Centrally located. All kinds of soft s.
lated. Up-to-date . ,
v lie through the season.
Polite servants. Best table the
Open a p. m. Sun
Jamestown Exposition
Rates from Greenville N. C as Follows. Season Ticket 6.15 Sold v
ii Dav Ticket S
limit days- En-
Not in parlor or keeping
Write for a illustrated maps,
matter, list of Hotels, etc.
For or any information, Address-
a or II e m w
dinner put before dark days they were
The program for the day and
all go ard have a good dinner . a few words
and a social time, stay nothing but the
see that there was no mistake beyond price Let
about it, and nobody left either tell his wife how
tired or hungry nor disappointed, much he prizes her love for him,
except some the Green Diamond, and th wife tell her husband
fellows got only
put in five.
values her children s affection,
r. values s
while child says to its
as white as pearls, mother, you for all your
That love; rewarded her
be if you use our antiseptic tooth far under
at Coward A a Life
market-, affords at all seasons.
. Reasonable.Buss all trains,
First class good
B. S. Smith
located on corner
and permanent. Reasonable
, rates and
Last Auction Sale of Real Estate
On Tuesday, August at o'clock, I will offer for sale at
public auction to the highest bidder a number of very desirable
Building en the property known as Waverly Heights in North-
east Farmville. This is a beautiful plot of land, high and we
drained, with nicely graded and shade trees on all
sides, and will go to the highest bidderRemember also that August is the third annual opening A
the tobacco market here. For information apply to
day to a. m.
N. C.
Staton Proprietor.
. N. C.
guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
x repaired,
ed end,
i At Parker's Old L.
. N. C.
. of
face an-y of work
iron. ,
J. H
Real Estate Agent.
N. C
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging a
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eye free.
All and stock
it b
WHICH Owner.
Truth to Fiction
VOL. No.
by f County.
. f t-iAUG,
Rebates fro-.,
the Standard
.- fin
Oil In-
from railroad The fin,
is the largest
any individuals or any
corporation in the
criminal jurisprudence
and is Blight more than I SI
times as great as the re-
by the company
its i
case will I.--;. i,, ,,,
courts by th com.
The penalty Imposed upon
maximum permit
under tho law, it
announced at th. of a on
opinion in which the methods
and practices the Standard Oil
company were mercilessly scored, i
The in fact, declared in
Standard Oil Company who wen
responsible for Mi-- practices of
which the corporation was found
guilty were no better than conn-
and thieves, Ills exact
as well look at this
situation The men
who thus deliberately violate
law wound society more deep y
than does he who counterfeits
the com. or letters from
county, was railed
court house
L Fleming,
was under the
auspices of th Greenville
lance was I
from every town and township
In the county. Those present,
history t a lively
to m
And Some Other
and a trip Down
,., be,
are here
the ,,,;, .,,,.,,
court, which .-
by District Judge Thomas R.
was primarily to
hp peonage case against R
A. Mm. gent up from
county, but son other minor
i. ed. Two of
her resources, needs and
Pox and others. The though,
awakened by the speakers
oped enthusiasm as Is rare
M industrial meetings.
A resolution was passed
I ho chairman to appoint
a committee of fifty, which com-
to meet as
and effect a
opinion, that the officials of organization the
. I industrial development of Pitt
were and P
fully dwelt W H
others from
Mr a Mr the --el
trial interest in which is ,,
Court will convene this
morning; the f
being mainly the selection .
grand jury and s
We had a very t ,
from Greenville Io
ti,.At the latter town
people about the
School, and
Sm, Cf
note that
of the
cotton industry i the South
From a the town
, ,;
Si K L . the
the .
Railroad, Decide h's
Good, Hate
Va. ;.
Shortly before .
official,, in
office in
received a
The millions of V,
the e ; th I
condition that the
. , .
in where
to the
c-Urn factory ran by decision as t
Power south of the Potomac
, ,,.,
branch east
, a
county, by ejecting a
eleven as
and treasurer. The commit had
to represent every township for
the county. The following com- made
pose the committee. , ft Pitt
J L J L Wooten. S T W
w are r presented v
m were
today i-
surprise. PoP . ,
only been
was first. but
, program has
, for the Farmers
at Greenville,
j Soil by W. J.
culture. u. ,, p
Director of
, and
P . S ,,,.
rs and
by R, j.
any of special
Every m. meets
s i and
X h place to
I which our former, bring
j and help
purchased in
of the mill may l.
Atlanta. July
bill, passed by
Georgia Senate Rome
adopted by the Hobs
vote of
added to Hie
hill by the House will make
for the measure to
to the Senate for concur.
wine, there , no doubt
the will go to Cover,.
Hoke for c S
and prohibition will
law m Georgia.
The amendments today permit
White. King. Which-
ard P U Wooten. R L Davis. W
M Crisp- Dr- J
nil S H M O Blount H A
Perkins, RB Fleming,
r. CM Jones. Dr. L E Kicks,
L Tucker, J R
Smith, Dr. Joseph Dixon A G
law. and were
free their opinion that
lawyers had a legal right
I to sod service to any client
the,,,, it was, to say
the leas, of it, very unbecoming
n lawyers to be
a hand in this matter. The it.
were that
the description of
w to build for it;
machine with
with three sets of
the tack set to be of wood, the
other two to be of the
machine to
two ,,
with two sets of
c ,,. .
wide, with a pick
R Spear. Ivey Smith, BL Joyner,
ft K cotton. O L Joyner.
y Holland, Wade. R J
H B Proctor, Jackson, J R
John B Harvey
W a Bowen
Coming down the road ,,
not but notice the improved
service of the old A. N c
since it las passed under
too management of the No, folk
; a
they are as
those a.
on prescription
reputable physician and also
mow wholesale druggist to carry
are alcohol in for
e bill prohibits the
or keeping on hand in any
. of business, the sale, or
induce business
the State, of any liquor
may produce intoxication
be new law is to become
Ive January
been vastly improver
A resolution adopted
ring the effort of m. This evidence of
advancing th action
through which it pas-,.,, j
keeping with the spirit of th.
nail an
faring the of the
and to publish, at an
early date, an industrial edition
The Ta
W Do It.
I Winston- Salem has got one of
composed of A. L- Blow, W I
Brown. T B. w. Mose-
A. White,
ed to co-operate with Messrs.
Joyner Moore in getting out
h's very interesting edition.
I county is now entering
WM is in keeping with th
spirit the most
men of North Carolina.;
Norfolk Southern The build
mg of the bridge across
sound from to Beau
fort over which trains run here
new life into the
business interest of Beaufort
and greatly advanced the com-
importance of th town.
has also largely , the
e most practical and up-to date Aurora.
In the a d-
and that association has
that the most effective
to fight the devil is with
. mother words the best
J meet the Northern and Wes.
m mail order houses is to
in their local paper
think it useless to complain
out of town merchants taking
sir trade them when
neglecting to use the
offered them for
it. Of course
f don t pay the merchant that
Ivor uses Times-
. a
trip. The district officers
chosen were as
Hooker, Aurora, vice-
The next district meeting will
beheld in Greenville the first
Thursday in December.
the f
ling over on this aide as shown
by all the hotels and boarding
houses being full. The move-
already on foot to build a
, modern here. This
Quiet a number of Odd , such a and
went from here to J be before if Is a
Miss Sarah Davis, who Hi
for years kept the best house
here, and who is so well k, own
through the State. been
I overrun with guests this season
By arriving Monday fore-
noon we were fortunate in g-t.
a room at her excellent
house, which in itself insures a
pleasant sojourn here.
D. J.
machine to be to
w as
l to the
machine; one rolling
with four heads. All
to be completed m .
workmanlike . . ., .
These final
be seenneat and ,
the present day.
The factory on ;
prospered, and
unpretentious, its
. it
Hike, a
a 1-artier ,. j,.,
persons came ow
miles to buy
N C. Aug.
Alford left Mond-y for
his home in Nash county.
night from a most delightful
and other northern
Monday night in town I
or- t-- Ricks and
Mary made a
trip to Monday.
is delighting hit
many Wends with car rides on
Chief Police H. H.
rec.-iv.,, a telegram
hat Anderson and lie,,
who murdered
inland about two years ,,,
ft I captured at DeWitt,
u. mid h waiting for
before going
and placed i j;.
Raleigh, N. C, Aug 3.-Tie
outcome of present move
for an election in
of whether the
that the
will give way to
This e
case for Up . .
of j; .
th-, a.
f which
he at th,
The hope
dispensary d.-;,.,., on
of ,.
to Washington and
f, the
wand trip of miles i about
element which
I has been dividing big , be
class of th-
R- R. pastor of
the Baptist church .
Kansas who is spending
with his people i this
occupied the pulpit f
Baptist church Sunday
morning and night and preached
two excellent, sermons Two
-ion from college, he supplied the,
here for a month
man Tn L time.
and it is a to
hear Mm Pitt county is
proud young men as he
Messrs, Troy and,
r, were in town Tuesday.
Barber, a former
County Lumber
Wednesday night and
will resume his here.
Mrs. H B. Phillips and family
some time in Shel
Miss of Washing-
ton. a niece of Dr L.
Miss Mary Bell
on lane.
P. G. went to
on business.
. Miss Olive Woodard is
former home
competitive basis ,,
Forest, on. from St Man's -mi
the stale g
am -t-
Tonight midnight or to L
exact, at 1201 tomorrow mom-
mg- the cent passenger rate
will be put into operation by
railroad in the Macs of
The many friends of Wiley J.
to Reconstructed fuT
home with fever will be glad to III ft . mU time
learn that he is much better. Provided in the bill M a trip ,
i he Jamestown
F. ;. Mrs. H.
B. and Mitt Margaret
i spent Wednesday after-
noon very pleasantly In Green
the week with Miss Venters.
Arthur Carroll Jones- of
more, reading the
with his aunt, Mrs. G. Cal
Ogle Minton is off on a
He spend
Mr. II B.
he known as the
Jarvis of ,
Graded s t
man f . , .--,
rs truly
School on Wednesday
I a detailed account our
for the coming year. I am VS
I optimistic over the outlook, as
I sure we are going to have
Very truly,
H. B. Smith

Eastern reflector, 2 August 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 02, 1907
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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