Eastern reflector, 12 July 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Savory Roaster.
Is far superior to any other
Roaster made, not an ounce of
substance lost Other roasters
waste from to per cent.
The Savory seamless roaster
needs no water, grease or
of any kind. It simply asks
to be let alone. us all j
and flavors, renews the youth of
the toughest fowl. One great
feature of the Savory roaster
the oval bottom, with the
nary flat bottom roaster the
moisture brought out of the meat
by cooking has no chance to ac-
cumulate and is burned and dried
up in the bottom of the pan. In
the oval this meat juice
flows continuously to the lowest
point of the bottom, where it is
turned into steam and condensed
on the surface of the meat This
condensation continues until the
roast has become heated through
to the temperature of the
in the roaster, when the
condensation stops and the brown
of the roast begins.
The Savory roaster is self bast-
and self browning. The
bottom is raised off oven
by the outside heat-retaining
jacket, which applies a uniform
heat to the roast from all sides
The Savory roaster i sin a class
to itself. Is guaranteed to give
satisfaction when used accord-
to directions. Buy one. take
it home, go by the directions, use
it thirty days, if not all we claim
forth, return it to us and we will
give you back your money, pro-
the roaster when return-
ed, is in good condition.
See our window display of the
Savory roasters. We will be
glad to show you. Call and see
1793 1908
i l-
i I and f. I
, SCHOOL Ideal's .
I other schools received Vicious soon II
limited Kales reason-
able. K. K F l. K. N C.
PLACE fifty different
makes of Womens shoes to-
Ask ten women to
make Nine of them
will pick the
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this. There
must be a reason why
all other women's shoes in
the world.
This department is in charge of W. Parker who is author-
to represent The Reflector in Farmville and vicinity.
Farmville. N- C July
Crops are whooping up and
our farmers are to
The Primitive Baptists held
their union meeting on Sunday
at Tyson's church with a large
crowd. Rev. P. D. Gold, of
Wilson, and Mr. preach-
ed Sunday
Mrs. Mary R. Thigpen. wife of
W. of Hassel, Martin
county, died Saturday, June 29th.
She had been sick two weeks
with typhoid fever. -She was
hurried in the family burial
grounds near Farmville. Elder
Forbes conducted the services
Mrs. was sister of Dr.
C. C, O. L., and
She leaves six children, oldest
years of age, youngest
months, husband one sister with
a host of. f to mourn her
death. Our heart goes out in
sympathy with the bereaved
There has been some excite-
in our neighborhood a few
days a mad dog making his
appearance last Saturday even-
lighting and biting nearly all
the dogs around. W. R. Home
killed one that he fought on his
farm. One at Mrs. Mollie Ty-
son's was killed, two at W. H.
Wilkerson's. It was thought
the mad dog came from Green
ville and left on the Wilson road,
but we hope some one has been
Sticky shot at him
is the law about killing
logs that have been bitten by
mad dogs
Last Tuesday 25th, I found
myself to the picnic at
Green Spring. Arriving there
about eleven o'clock I found the
grounds well strewn with a
crowd of good looking social and
jovial crowd of friends and
some strangers. Best of all
one seemed in fine spirits,
and a gala day was in view for
all The spring water was in
great demand, the weather being
and the water extra tine.
and refreshing. A generous sup-
ply was constantly on the ground
supplied by Mr. Watt
of the picnic and also
i the spring. In his usual gracious
manner he welcomed, waited on
land talked to every one, and
made every one glad they had
j visited his picnic and tasted his
life saving mineral water. I
think this one day has won for
I him a lasting remembrance by
present. There was many
other enjoyable features of the
Among them were the
music rendered by the Farmville
string band which was
by old and young, but those
who tripped the light fantastic
i toe enjoyed it best. About p.
lunch was and every
, one seemed to think the mineral
; water or something had quite an
appetizing effect. The
of friends all over the
grounds seemed to enjoy eating
j and chatting, and being gathered
together on the delightful
ion. a needed rest the
music reminded the crowd that
the musicians were feeling better
prepared for their duties and
dancing again began on the pa-
and every one there
seemed interested and enjoyed
the hours as they slipped by so
swiftly. About
Painter and Designer.
All guaranteed.
Prompt attention to orders.
Farmville N. C.
Manufacturer of
Slop Brick-
Th- best clay an the est burn-
ed on ti e market. Orders
filled on short notice.
I have four cows, mist-
from years old. average to
per day, calves to months
Sold under guarantee.
n. c.
Farmville N. C.
We will buy or sell your real
Parker's Old
Farmville, N. C.
All of n pairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Dr. G. E. Weeks,
Office over Harden Bros, new
Farmville, N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
Farmville, N, C,
Comfortable chairs, lights,
sharp and expert bar-
cleaned and
. L. IAN
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eyes free.
All watch and clock work
Listen Listen
For days you can get
cute little Photos for cents at
Taylor's Gallery-
Big Store
offering a complete of
Dry Goods, Shoes Hats,
and Millinery -3
to-wrong by inspecting our Good for you will certain
be pleased with the pike.
Senator Willis R. Williams at once to
announced to make a brief speech j and get
and I feel that all present felt I Photos that
honored by having such a I Price
staunch, deep, well read man to
entertain them- His speech was
based upon facts of personal
experiences associated with the
spring and surroundings and
friends who had passed away.
Oh I just thought how glad that
I had come, to hear these brief
sketches by one tried and
trusted. Hope he may live to
make many more just such.
the speech a base ball game
between and Green
Spring teams, decided in favor
of old Green Springs, and
course most all present were glad
to raise three cheers for our
boys, but we equally
with the others. Come
over again boys and try to get
even- After the game of ball all
gathered around the pa to
enjoy the dancing, until the
sun began to remind us we were a
little distance from home and
that we had only a short time to
bid our friends adieu, and ex-
press our hearty thanks to all
who had been so royal in making
this day just the day that it was.
one to be
of those cute little
Taylor is making.
PIANO You will get the
most satisfaction and
pleasure if you a
PIANO Because, in ad-
its being a fine,
high grade upright piano
to be played in the
nary way, it has in its
that which
when desired, enables
any member of the
without any musical
education, to play any-
thing from popular song
to grand opera. These
wonderful instruments
are told from maker to
on easy terms.
Send your name and ad-
dress for to.
L. C. Street, Mgr.,
St Norfolk Va.
The Piano with the
Sweet Official
Piano Jamestown Expo-
Wilson Streets, M. C
General Merchandise,
For Cash or on Time
Queen Quality Shoes for Women and King Quality for
Cotton, Shuck and Fit s.
Complete line of ever -thing in the way of Goods, Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware, feed sniff
r Second
Lang Building, Main Street, Farmville, N. C
New Firm. New Store. New Goods.
My Merchandise ab
Close I Vices.
Gents Fine a
You make no mistake in trading with us, for you get
the best goods at lowest price.
Perfection Quality and shoes for Ladies and gentlemen
at their cut price, Ladies fancy goods,
General Merchants
Main and Farmville, N.
Dry Clothing, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, Fur-
Stock and Fertilizer.
Complete line of Carpets, Mattings and Rugs- Agents for
Guns, Pistols and Rifles.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade. Call
and see o i
s with pr
i. lock.
Davis Old Stand, Main Street, Farmville, N. C.
Complete stock Merchandise-
or time trade solicited
Buyers of Cotton and Country Produce.
Meat. Hay, Corn, Oats and Fertilizer in carload lots.
Everything in Dry Cods and Groceries.
Distributors of celebrated Shoes for Men and Women.
A fronts Colors and each.
Horton Hotel
Farmville, N. C.
lated. Up-to-date furnishings.
Polite servants. Best table the
market at all seasons.
Rates Reasonable.
Buss meets all trains.
First livery gold rigs
and horses.
B. S. Smith,
located n corner
and permanent,
rates and prompt
Wilson and
j L Thorne,
Main Street.
N. ,
Everything found in an
Drug Store. Good lino Oils and
Paints. All kinds of
Ice through the season.
Open a. m. to fl
day to a. in.
p. m. Sun
Farmville. N. C.
years in
Enlarging a
Tonsorial Emporium.
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
z repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
Jeweler and Estate Agent.
Watches and Clocks repaired on short
notice. Work guaranteed.
Farmville, A. C.
Fresh Meats. Beef, Fish.
Local and Richmond Products,
h .-
v. a
D. J. and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
The Levy License Ft fie j or
The board of aldermen met in; On Sunday afternoon the
adjourned Monday night people and children of
the present. Memorial Baptist church and
License tax vi d school organized a Sun-
Society There
attendance and the
of members for
as very
follows, in r
the y
Traveling min-
showing s t-t at
hall, per day.
Public auctioneers
Butchers and fresh meat deal
Wood and coal dealers
Photographers per year
Junk dealers per month.
Livery stables
Hotels charging per day
charging per day
boarding houses This
i. Ms-a. B. E.
Pr t Lillian Burch,
Recording Secretary Miss
Annie Leonard Tyson.
Milton Pugh
Treasurer Miss Mattie Law-
following committees
were also
not to apply to houses not taking Alexander Harper, Misses
Mary Lucy ard Myrtle
more than two boarders.
rinks per month.
in pistols, etc., per
Exhibitions of wax works,
per day.
Merry-go-round or stand for
any game per day
Drays, one two
horses three or more horses
Dogs, males females
of m or other
articles selling on foot, stand or
vehicle or house rented
per day.
in works
Dealers in second hand
per day.
Circus, one per
two or more rings each side
Oil storage tank exceeding
a lions capacity
Itinerant or optician
Street of lemonade, etc
Gypsies, palmist. fortune
tellers etc-. per day-
Feather renovators
All license are for one year ex-
otherwise stated.
for license
for pool tables and
were granted. Two applications
for pool table license in second
story of buildings were denied.
The board held a meeting Mon-
day afternoon, of the
present, in regard to these
of the sewerage
The to in-
the system reported that
they found it in good condition
and it was accepted.
An order was drawn for the
Burt Construction to
complete payment
This company also presented
an bill for which
they had charged against the
town for lost time arising from
delay in getting material. As
the town was not responsible tor
this, bill was not allowed but re-
to a committee-
Payment was also made with
Mr. Ludlow in settlement of his
cervices. Mr. Ludlow's bill con-
an extra charge of
being per cent on the
the sewerage system cost over
the original estimate of
There was some discussion over
the matter but the bill was
lowed, Aldermen Carr, Wood
ward. Bowen, Mooring and
Forbes voting for it and Alder-
man Flanagan voting against it
Absentees Misses Jessie
Inez Pittman, Ethel
Bowling and Maggie Norman.
Music-Misses Forbes,
and Helen
The will meet the first
and third afternoon in
each month-
of Mr. T. H. Fleming.
N. C, July 8th. 1907
There is a spirit of gloom re-
over our
y the death of one of best
men. On Friday evening, July
15th, the spirit of Mr. T.
took its flight after
illness nearly four weeks. The
Mr. Fleming is especial-
Sid as he and his little girl
were both taken down about
time with typhoid fever,
and both been nursed
of time in room,
Mr. Fleming became s very
low, then the little girl was re-
moved to another room. It was
i battle between death, and tie
we had hoped the
nurse but
fate it seems had d creel other-
wise at exactly o'clock his
life parsed out as gently as the
railing leaves autumn tide.
M Fleming's death removes
from midst one of our lead-
men in everything which
to material pro-
In the Sunday school,
and as a citizen of
he was
ready to assist and take part in
any work that would in any way
redound to the good of the com-
He came into our
hood about years ago and soon
after purchased the Spencer
Wooten place where he has since
built a nice home just
entering upon that period of
man's lice when he need not de-
vote all his time to the pursuits
of worldly but may take
a day when he will to with
his -or family. de-
ceased was about old
and leaves a wife and four
The little girl not
been considered dangerously
at any time, and we hope
for her speedy recovery. To
his family we our
sympathy, their loss is
Rain Has Cussed
Mr R. W. King, chairman of
the board of county
spent a portion of last
week at his farm over the line in
Craven county. While away he
passed through much of the
south-eastern portion of the
county, and says that in the
twenty five years he baa been
going over the he had
never observed poorer
prospects- He says that begin
about miles southeast of
Greenville and on to Maple Cy-
press, then though the Center-
ville section to Grifton, then on
Ayden and half way back to
Greenville from the latter place
the rains have been so excessive
that it does not look like more
than per cent of a cotton crop
will be made. The com
has also s greatly.
The as Wilson
on e of assaulting Mrs
Scott, not identified at the
The Hebrew citizens of New
Bern have purchased a lot on
which synagogue.
E. C. of Granville
pounds or. exhibition the
town exposition, the
largest hog in the world
The remains of Dr. James
Dinwiddie, who recently died in
California, were to
Raleigh for interment
J. T. Wood, a man of
Clayton, committed suicide in a
boarding house at
h was He shot him-
self in head with a pistol.
Free Trip to
sot of Mr. S,
M. Schultz. was made very happy
Saturday night. And it was ail
brought about by a ticket he held.
At the beginning of the big
special sale at C. T
it was announced that on
day night somebody would be
given a tr p to the James-
town Every person
spending a d was
given a number l a cu
of it bearing same number
being kept in the store, and any
one could get as many tick
he spent dollars
Saturday night all the coupons
were placed in a sack and
a disinterested party was
called in and to draw a
coupon from the sack. The
number was announce and
the crowd in store
to looking over their tick-
et j cried a
triumphantly and all eyes turned
to Alfred Schultz as he pulled
the right number out of his
bunch of fourteen tickets and
held it up. He was
winner of the free trip and will
go to the exposition as the truest
of Mr.
The special will go on
this week and next Sat-
night a free railroad
to the exposition and re-
turn will be awarded to some
holder of a ticket. Every dollar
spent at this week
entitles the a chance
at free railroad ticket. The
special cut prices on all goods at
store will be the same
this week as last
Hint on Dressing and Serving Salads
Domestic Notes. I
Most salads he dressed
before erring, whether
in wing or Col-
cry or wilts if in oil and
vinegar. Celery ltd not be
Ion before as it
is no exception to the
take up large of m
What Ails You.
The idle BUD is no man's idoL
A man sense
own an
Some people envy a on
it's a job.
They is one man we look
in the man who owes us
a snorer
r it i. who does
. I
m . I of
be serve, i. cold. Tail-
I It's inks the bull by
or cold cooked left over
are well in its,
are best mixed
and should be placed in
an hour r so before
Meats for should freed
from skill e it into
in stand with
-hit before combining
I the horns, ii it remember
I i.
Some e ,,. who up a
rainy till a
flood x
A travels a Ions
are v. . i in different way.-.
i bread and Idling,
to instance,
, i and but
both Side.-,
deviled or
hen press
Spread layer
firmly together.
king thin ribbon-
or alternate
Trial in August.
In that the in
p lac-- begun
here, in which the defendant was
hound over to term of
court in New Burn in October,
may not held so in
ordered a term of court
to h held at Beaufort on August
6th for th trial or en . A
peonage from
will also be tried at the same
special term.
i is once a Vale
i-l alt his A
tie lie pit a
lie ml for the s
file his took of
no trunk was on II
a In r
ticket lie
must have
Hi's . -T M the
I In
., om
also bail
i i; on
a leave
did .
Engineer J. L. L.
Two Boats Collide.
was representative of
town in th matter of the
tern of sewerage that was
completed, spent Monday
here going over the system and
the final account between the
aldermen and the contractors.
The system was turned over to
the town by the contractors and
accepted. Engineer Ludlow says
Grenville has an excellent sys-
of modern sewerage.
Everybody wants a fan
h hot
Washington. N- C, July
The gas boat Victor and the Al-
had a collision about o'clock
afternoon while on
Pamlico river near this city. The
Victor is owned by Mr. R. H.
Lane, of Aurora, and had brought
excursion of colored people to
this city. There were about
on board when the
dent The which
runs between this city and Green-
yule, caused the collision by run-
into the Victor. The Victor
had one side smashed in, but was
run aground before she could
sink. The was apparently
Wreck on
Sunday -afternoon two Pull-
man cars on the Seaboard train
turned over near Kittrell, and
Mrs. C. E. of Alabama,
was crushed to death. Col.
Harry Skinner, of Greenville,
was a on train,
to Raleigh, but had gone
in one of forward cars be-
fore the accident
people were hurt in the two
cars that over.
Mr. J. J. Tucker Dead.
Tuesday Morning Mr. J.
Tucker died at his home in
township. For some years he
had been in poor health. Mr.
was about years of
a mast excellent citizen.
He it survived several
all of wham are grown.
Kissed Her Dog.
A Solomon came to
in St- Louis the other day in the
person of a police captain, who
determined the proper ownership
of a dog disputed by two women
by lady that kiss-
es the dog can have The
real owner was on the spot with
the goods. ,
Work has commenced
the Star warehouse for the
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco
Co. The house will be made
and on her feet wider and when completed
. . V i
After Many Trials
lie was a sail raced American
in lie him-elf in n London
lie v.
two the
can. one side one on
Is that tin- as
Two fried on one side
cue on the
The nailer
when ha returned his lace
as a study.
you please roar
Mid very two one
on one side and the
and then a
time he was and
when ho he said
It . ;
repeal I
think I It sir.
said sad;,
and on one
and one on die
oppressive and
ft Inter
Tills lime he was still longer.
When in- returned Ma collar us
his half and
face and
over waiting patron lie asked be
irking boiled
hens, sir I've with
the Home
Kissing Girls.
Senator Vance once North
In Joint
Settle, I lie for
am All the white Dew
turned out to hear Vance, and
to hear Settle.
At Hie of the one
day, was told number of
women had expressed a desire
to kiss the
down from Die platform
a or of the pretty
women, when he stopped
to turn bis
tor shout, my girls.
Settle; you kiss
wafer of white
brown braid, a Idling of cream
chopped nuts or olives.
Fry thin slices bacon until
crisp, then take up and pat into the
hot fat left in the pan kid-
that have been soaked in sail
then dried, split and rolled
flour. Cook five minutes, mid a
couple of of but
or stock and season with
Worcestershire sauce and a
to catchup.
Kitchen Walls.
If tiles are out of question oil
paint is the only available wall
for a kitchen m should be
with a coal of enamel.
The walls will require
washing as much and almost
as frequently as the floor. While
tun finest possible cover-
not Only because show
can lie
Finger on Paint.
For ling black marks on
doors or without injury to
i in j basics paint . rub
a cl dipped in
i- is also
for I ho after
doing well, which stain
oil makes I hem soft and t v.
Washing Flannels.
The best way to wash kind
of garments, to keep
mil woolly as sew, is to
iii a of liquid am-
in tin wilier when washing,
and again in the warm rinsing
ibis be done flannel any
kind will never gel hard Spoiled
Us. one sees it.
Ivory Knife Handles.
When the blades of knives re-
washing standing in water,
it should be in a pitcher with
water to cover the blades
but to the handles,
the no hotter than is
Soaking the
in mater makes them crack.
Wash Pongee
Plain may be washed in
warm and ironed when
quite dry. Ii on the wrong
side the mew will be retained,
if the 1-. in
colors it should b washed
line. It is Mall, tis
with first.
When Is Too Salt.
When too has been put
in the soup little and
sugar carefully will often
remedy the fault. If discovered in
time pivot ct potato
in it will the
should he before tho
soup is , ed.
ion travels jet
fur en office tr
he'll till
d all
aid u who
fur mi
it's ill
I . . Ids f ire on
. i make
the same.
the foot
the cradle is the same foot
sends the young man front
doorsteps hex come
rob cradle.
Father Hi.- it is
said he tell a lie.
all he's like the
rest . i. be would her
told one cf ho
to It.
said Rivet, went to u
j o'clock tea with wife fetter-
it nearly drive you .-
no. didn't it
own boiler shop, a
Philadelphia Press.
Mr. B, Till That's a beautiful
diamond Mini bought
.- i in ; . I
Ii i-. but it i if
I ho Ii-.
t in n . it S
that Ii old fellow who's courting
Aland is a curmudgeon to
live with, but shell kinds
of ;
I; She will indeed, in-
Manager road
you think you are qualified to b-j
come an actor, do you Ever had
any experience if
Applicant sir. I used to he
a professional
cat any
laid the clerk.
asked tho second
if I do I won't hare a
time for my regular after dint
Linen nil kinds should
t as much fresh air a possible
and should be ironed while damp.
use of hot, heavy irons and
in out dump are two of
the ; point to
I home
in mind r. ironing
Patience does it moan I
being married at
you know
yes. It means
a In chance. Yonkers
said the pr. f.,.
strength of the hum . m
of ,

th of Con-
,, .,. ,. h Suit- s
mi ire. the
i,,.,,. , training the
, v, ,.,.,.
ii. v
i . w n
and plans .; making tor th
creation of a to
in legislation looking to the re-
to of the
large tract of exceedingly fertile
lands v covered with water
and ; u and value-
less, except for the timber upon
them. . . ,.
At the instance r M-
Mr. Wright and an engineer
the department. Mr. Kipp. t- is
spring it time in
the the State,
, x and
ma and surveys of the
lands .-.- pi to
drainage with the view t In-mg
prepared id th time to
make an demon-
is to the value of the
work proposed. Mr.
among r Cher-
in Washington county, and
an examination of
there, also making an ad-
dress to the people on the
of improving Scupper-
river and reclaiming the
large amount of over-flowed and
swamp lands surrounding,
county. Mr. Kipp.
of the remained at
Cherry and ran levels and has
since prepared maps of the
has, also, since
visited New Bern where he spent
ks in the work ex-
ii the in that
running levels.
Both Mr and Mr.
over the
tor drainage In the
and in tn a letter of Chief
Mr Wright also
to write and
could be toward draining
some of now worthless
lands and making them fit for
crops and truck farming.
Possibly next season an
meat be whereby
the c l-op
with the m it
localities, and make o
an actual example
drained land
produce in that locality.
In the meantime.
of get
ling the next State legislature to
a general in
to the laws of Iowa Ark-
or Illinois, so that the
work can be carried on without
becoming a to the people.
Without such a law no material
will be made and only
having money will
be able to join in the movement.
In talking over the drainage
and its on the
i ire of the State. Chief
Clark pointed out that there
is now in North Carolina an urea
of land capable of drainage
amounting to ire miles
as much as is comprised
hi England, Scotland a. d W lies.
The Government, he said, had
taken very in-
;. the work of
. both by and
and had I
areas, the North and West
especially In Indiana and
and ill other large
portions of their swamp lands
have been successfully drained,
the State and county laws having
proven very effective and
able to the entire States interest-
The result of intelligent dram-
North Carolina, h
I The Rosa a Easier.
The Norfolk Southern rail-
way i the only line reaching
North Carolina's famous seashore
resorts. Morehead City and Beau-
fort owns and Operates the
Atlantic M m-l. Morehead City.
where the the North
kins Press Association will
held July 17th aid 18th, which
be attended by represents-
of all the news
of the Stats of North
The Norfolk Southern rail-
way has greatly improved the
Atlantic and North Carolina rail-
mad, now its Beaufort division,
between M
City, and recently constructed
and opened for traffic a mag-
bridge between More
h City and
m in length, affording Beau-
fort, one of the oldest towns of
the State, its first railroad I
It has also recent I v ; -tied its i
new Una between New and
Washington, N. C. and between J
Washington and Greenville and
N. C, thereby eon-
some of the most
towns of Eastern North
Carolina, which before, while
geographically near together.
have been comparatively
and most difficult to
reach for want of direct railway
communication. All these
are now overcome, and
with the permanent passenger
service in effect on its i Id lines
established on the new lines, the
service of the Norfolk South-
will be be unsurpassed in
cheers chewers more than
other sort of chewing tobacco,
will also show you why there
more pounds of
population in
more chewers, and
tobacco chewed, to
those States where
was first sold, than there are In the
States where has not yet
been offered to the trade.
age work in North Carolina. state.
said, would be to open up vast In addition to these new lines,
tracts of fertile land to the Norfolk Southern is now
a line reaching from
lying along the
coven d
with water and susceptible of be-
Season both these
express their willing-
to visit sections of the Suite
may be interested in the
of lands from the watt r
,, . en us
m m i M
I n paring the maps
f. r the promotion of work.
f t
nil I
G mi.
i i l
is in
I . in Mr-
red with
c f Agriculture
I . in the of
; lied to the now
profitless lands In Ea.-t.
In .; the
in in Raleigh Mi
11.11 t i Me i
i of i n
C ii i ii th Carolina Ii,
f r of i Claiming vi
. i lards
t can be made fit for
t and in same time
on s- y condition i i
State so as to huh .
to come in occupy these
lanes Much w. of tins kind
has been done in Indiana
Iowa, Minnesota,
Louisiana and South
The work has paid a handsome
fit on the money expended
and farm values
of the lend in these
States that was formerly worth
to an now for
The soil, said Mr.
Wright, is just as fertile and the
climate more In East-
North Carolina, and there is
no reason why much of this Land
should not be reclaimed
into cultivation,
In order to carry out reform of
this kind, he said, the first
is create a sentiment In favor
doing the work. This tan
be done by calling attention
Io what has been done in other
es, establishing a few object
i's. showing the people
benefits that must
p. partly come from the policy
of drainage. T is next is to
w the people the character cf
damage i how it can he
and what it will
cost. The third step is to then
and would make the
section wonderfully prosperous.
Applied to Eastern North Caro-
the drainage system would
only in nearly
doubling the caps city of the land
cultivation, but would also render
ire entire section more
healthful by eliminating the
mosquito and. consequently, the
prevalence of malaria which in
some sections is malignant as
to render in. in almost
able by win,
through long inoculation with
the poison, have become
Owing to its water
its i to
soil and the
renders licking a great
profitable Industry, Eastern
North C; Clark
m to become the u st
thickly section
Stat The first step is to n ale
it he. and the step i.
its is ti
In with the general i a
of lards capable of
n. is
I y the i i f
Tie Swamp, of which i
I n
Curiously the of
h I it d and unhealthy, sixteen
I than l the
rounding It there-
fore he drained and
Its that las been becoming
ruler and richer through COn-
can be its
now unavailable timber market
ed. With the completion of tie
inland waterway
of e Dismal Swamp tin
will be opened to the world a
great and long i lated section
of the st fertile and
lands in the Slate.
News and Observer.
The regular examination for
the teachers will be held
in on next Thursday,
and for the colored teachers
on 12th-
N. C, through
and Farmville and
Wilson, through to Raleigh,
placing the capital of the
in closer relation with its hither-
to inaccessible Eastern portion
than was some ago thought
possible, on Recount of the many
i f that section. The
completion of this new main lire
will establish another
route between Raleigh and Ml
folk, and with the con
its proposed bridge, over
miles in length, across Alb
sound between
Ferry C,
train are now transferred on
i lie r em i
one of the greatest
and add development
of Eastern N. Car, Una
p i, . i m ,.,
This new will
-ii I- i ii Norfolk, Suffolk.
; Edenton. Wash
ill, . v I., Morehead
cit; Beaufort, Kin-
; i as well as
Farmville, Wilson
and Raleigh, and also to and
from Bayboro, and Oriental, N.
which for years have only
been reached by river
of uncertain and
factory character.
A study of the great work
being done and the enormous
capital to perfect tins
m will prove of value to all
those interested in the welfare
State and Its
for business activity of
is Of note to say
tin. this company has accepted
new passenger rate law of
the N ii re, as
ed by the corporation
and is now charging
cents per mile, first class.
Over its new and those
in construction, and two and
one-fourth cents per mile over
its old lines, although its entire
system is under construction and
completed to perfect its
service and business and provide
the people of the Eastern part
w. II. of the State a through railway
Co. Supt. Schools, lime reaching all accessible see-
P, S. The examination for at a great cost
the A. A M. College will be held least a sacrifice
Nun In
W i. in w, .-ton.
II. I. w
Herbert I
in Us j Overdraft
I I'll I, ,,
th. , ,.
May. 1807,
I on the from tanks
. Ii ii,. it
Ci 1907
Loans and Discounts Stock paid In
public wile ,,
.-mill. in
II. M.
and f
u-1 . l
Una mill
iii in
Woolen, hi
mill c
This vi
Deposit 2,662.51
subject 83,849.46
1,320 980,1.32.41
This tin-1 in day of May
K. C.
of North Carolina, I
County Pitt.
I, J. R. of lie above-named bank, do
ab is true to th- best of
w d; and J. k. DAVIS,
th , iv
the same day.
Stray No; Up.
it has also placed in effect the
twenty-live percent reduction in
joint freight rates, in accordance
the net of the last
marked square and apparently in every
bit in left ear and slit in is trying to harmonize its
ear, taken up with my hogs and interest with the people of the
been by nu- since February State, and, as is well known, is
It seems that Mrs. Hoke
Smith, wife of the present Gov-J
en or of and Mrs. Tor-
re, wife of the Governor who
W out of Saturday, do
not love each other. When Mr.
Bryan Atlanta sons time
ago Mrs. Smith the
for his reception at d
Mrs. Terrell ignored. Bat
when Mr. Smith was in-
governor Mrs Smith
p a reception to take lute
immediately after the
and notified Mrs Terrell
that she wished to for
the reception. Then Mrs.
got even. She notified Mrs.
Smith I hut she could have the
mansion at I o'clock
and not a moment earlier- Mrs.
Smith got her Stuff all ready for
the reception and had the
lined up on the walk
at the mansion when the clock
struck Promptly at the
hour Mrs. Terrell surrendered
the keys and walked out and
Mrs. Smith and force went in
and for the reception.
Which is evidence that folks in
high life are lot petty
jealousies and small things Fact
is society folks are more subject
to such things than Other folks
J. V.
Notary r
AT I N. V-
At the of business May. 18th, 1907-
1st. 1907. Owner can get hog now furnishing probably the best
by for feed and care and freight and service
Identifying same. Hog weighs and more satisfaction to its net-
about pounds, r ms than was thought
C. W. Scott w congestion which
the means for the g ltd Greenville N C on other
V ill these ends in view, said I , , ,. It has also Inaugurated s new
end of F. M ten and I
Loans and discounts
Due from Hanks and
Gold inn. j
iv Nat I bank V
mil other U s. notes
, stock
profits 1,043.65
Time certificates of
deposit a. 758-14
Deposits subj. to k
cheeks out-
Slate of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. W H lard Cashier of above named
and b
Subscribed ad sworn lo be-
this 27th of May
1907. T. Orson
Votary Public
is true to the best of my
W. H Cashier
Stray Up.
The No.
Number three a wonderful
II. Me.,
to a loiter which reads
much with liver
by failure Hi relief, I tried
Bittern, and as a result I a
well man to-day. The first re-
and three the
beat on for
I and kidney by
the j
boar hog.
I have taken up
stock farm, one
color blue, marked hole In
right ear, swallow fork left ear. i
Owner can get the hog by
same and paying costs and
r. King s
Ir. Wright, the . w, t e w
tarted out to he for e-r, . v . f
n North as to th. I- , ,., . ,
of drain, . .,., c v ,,. , all I
of th. ; m ,.,.,. ,., MOWS.
wimp a,.,,. . v. L V,
, l. . . . St V M I,. . M. . u i
To sufferers of Liver or
Bladder troubles. Other
say a bottle and if
it l cure will refund
your money. say a
full 11.01 free bottle of
SOL and if it then
use until
This entitles yea
to a bottle
I Inly d unrulier
given this op
It isn't always the
man v--ho d ks most cheer
I mail lo
f Or.
s-m h Bo-k on
or The KM Tr
. mer.
is I he HI
and Sin n-
infill- Si-
. And
and you
Here la when-
Si., live h mi
the i-.-M- A r
n K-;
Writ- t i ,.
P, K-v, It
K Dual P. .-tn Two Roi
Is lie
What i i Ho an
. . i t match t. an
r it I m en tire c
I i .
ran, . i
will i I . i-
. or I hi , .
. n .
can i . Sap
ii .-1 ll I
., an. i
ii ; I he i t. i-
. ,
In v its
Many i
t of Hi ;
i, i peats
. an,
Mi-n iii ;
for an hut
for of
It no and eon-
honey an tr
taste, as as
like it. Sid
Star. mi-
Drivers deli are
always there with the
free sample of
at our store. If
your Stomach, your
or then try this cl v-r
Imitation. Dr.
Iv and Mocha
in it has not a
In it,
from or
etc. Made in n min-
wait. You will sure-
like it. Sold by T. K. A Co.
It's a pity that lives
on food for reflection.
All stomach trouble are re-
b a little after
to the
of the trouble. the
and what yo-j
eat. It is a clean, pure,
Taken little after
meal and H makes you
feel. Money back if it Soil by
John I. Woolen.
We would bow
mod some people -r if
tell us.
Bert Barber, Wis. ,
have only of
Bladder Pills and have
done for me other mod. i
seine has ever done, I am j
the pills I want a
Mr. to
Bladder Pills, which
for weak
of all
A for
Sold by J. I. Store.
A man's of a friend
is who will
There is no
matter how irritable or how
will not be speedily relieved by
the of The neon factor in
the stomach of any is rest, and
I he only way to net rest is to actually
the food for the stomach
will do it. It is a scientific
he very i ii healthy
It conform I to the Pure
and Law. Sold L. W ten.
When you want a letter badly,
It's a sure sign it won't com.
For scratches, burns, cuts,
bites and the many little hurts common
to family.
Witch Hazel Salve is the best remedy.
It is cooling, clean and heal-
Be sure you DeWitt's. Sold
by J. I. Store.
A pawnshop where we could
hock our troubles would fill a
long-felt want.
Piles quick and certain relict
from Dr. Snoop Ointment.
note it is mule alone for Piles,
and its action is positive and
painful, or blind
disappear like by its use.
Sold Iv Store.
Music in the
try where houses are a mile
hive their children
Laxative Couch invariably
it. Children like it because the
taste is so pleasant. Contains
and tar. It is original laxative
syrup and is unrivaled for the re-
lief of croup. Drives the cold out
through the bowels. to the
Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by
need of a
DeWitt's Little Early Riser.
-e in r.-n c,. i-u
. I
ilia ii . I. ti all law
ii i . I lie
I ,.
r ,
, . lit U . II V not
. . . v .
; a I
it. Inside fence is
M-at f pit. In the
n r- of
They bring their
them under i
them t bottom outside
ring. one tells of His virtue
of i s ii foul
plains ,. it would be
to a
Mad arc the
are all vocal
accented or
i I ho en-e be. If
lo pit his
; Valencia's
ho Va .-. and,
u inc. a crier an lo the
n has b-en
d. All cocks wear a sail about
three tons and us sharp us n
needle. When the cock is ma light-
a ii kept the
to prevent him from committing
by on his feet.
After the match has been arranged
and nil are placed the ring
cleared, scabbards era returned from
the arc held in the
by their owners and teased a little
to make angry. they
are ea.-i oilier and let
free, Sometimes on stroke of tin-
miff the a-i
hour before either cock de-
liver ii fatal thrust, but the i-
to the death. Neither fowl
is taken from tin- pit until one of
them i ml.
When I el- is over bets are
collected, porter from hotel
on the Ii I for the dead
he i- he was
and another i
ed. each
a mid its interestedly us
you Jim tin Burks when he
up in the with his cap
milled ii mer Ilia eyes, on
the score a tie in
the the ninth inning.
And if fur tn
under th. e no on-
is than follows
a in n in
n I. our true Mex-
will miss Sunday
and lute lo supper on busy day
at pit. Kansas v Star.
Cur mil. of
Of outside of the
and salaried
Investors is tho great army of men
who, while actively engaged in
embracing even lino of
endeavor, develop
often of great value and just as
often altogether out of their lino of
regular work.
An inquiry into tho personalities
u few dozen inventors, to whom
boon grunted during
last year, shows
fuels. Among them B sea cap-
has patented ii steering gear
for automobiles, while a
builder has invented a ship's cap-
A blacksmith papers for a fish-
reel, a shoemaker for u
writer, a physician for a door
and an undertaker for a hoisting
derrick, and many others show just
as strange deviation from their
walks of life. Engineering
Whooping Cough Microbe
The list of microbes continues to
grow steadily. That of whooping
COUgh added to tin-
list. Dr. II. of tho
helm hospital the other night
on the before tho Vienna
Medical society, declaring that hi
had discovered tho agent
that the complaint.
had for some time been I suspicion
that a kind of bacillus was at tin
but Dr. felt him
self able to assert that the whoop
cough was identical
with that of The doctor
was able also to a number of
interesting details of Ins
Slid their results, which seem
to be on lines with work
done by and
.- by It
too you . to
of ha no
. or . of hit.
tho to
and puff up .-, i tho
II. heart
rot with it tattoo, and in
Dyspepsia Cure
I CU what you Ml, U r I
t ii . n-
to . f
I r . ;
th St-
,, .,
and v- . ti a i
b a- i
Sot i I .
MRS. I inn N
had . a t y I
. lOUt .
a O.
at You Eat
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
T. r,., -.- I
I, I I
j mi.,. p.
John L.
Weak Women
To woman, there Is st oh
lo help. with war. two
must be combined. ti oil la roost ti
both are
. an
the ail
and all blood
work U Mid
heal local and
build up waited about
energy Dr.
to sum For local help. a wail
Night Cure
J. W.
f so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
Sam White Property.
No proper surpasses for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms.
is every indication that property around
is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the lot the
it will cost.
This property is located minute
walk from the business part ox the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
to keep abreast times must
to advertise judiciously he must have space in a paper
the people read.
fills the bill, for it your announcement direct to
people and brings result,
When you warn good
Send your orders to The Reflector.

1907 at the poet office at
,. claw .,
I i . et Act of f March . IS.
desired port in Pit. and
If the railroads want a centime to inquire what peonage is. no warrant issued and
fare, as is claimed Perhaps interest is the judgment entered, and such
contest against the cent because case refer- person is induced by such fraud-
law. why did they go about the. first means to submit to
the occurring in the Eastern of his liberty, the per-
district of North Carolina. sons so concerned are guilty of
One of the dictionary causing the accused to be held to
in to
a week to wait to that the
know the disposition of the
Eastern training school, unless
there is another reopening of the
Since the State Board of
cation decided to reopen the bids
Goldsboro is whooping up for the
have killed
bill in the legislature two years j
ago that fixed the fare at
cents The railroads might have of peonage is of
then that tho next time J his creditor in a form of
the matter came to the j work AND AGENTS INDICT-
Charlotte observer takes its
like a good fellow.
is hope for have heard anything else about
fare reductions.
While this is more or
tare the would be .
lower rate And if this matter Mexico, it is rare
goes back to the legislature th. J
to fight will beta a check it wherever is the
rate If the cent fare bill had the government
been allowed to become a law ting persons charged with it,
two years you would not
his error and confesses it No
in this.
Mayor of San Fran-
still claimed that he was
mayor of the city after being
giving him a chase again and been given five years the
will not let him stop long enough
to rest-
he may feel that he has
lost his job-
But congress thinks more of
In weather like this a the does of the
can truthfully say he wears now papers and the people, so it
is not likely that such a bill will
be introduced.
Some people hesitate about
By the time the fighting rail-
roads get the courts in every few to the
county which exposition, because
suits against them,
will wish they hadn't. it not to be complete.
but there is already more there
than can in nth.
They had war on the
the Jamestown
sure enough, the other day.
The Kentucky and South Caro-
guardsmen were encamped
there, and several hundred of
the soldiers went out roughing
it. They run over door keepers
to the shows and generally took
possession whenever they
When officers undertook
to make them keep order a riot
ensued Usually the State
organizations contain
tough characters.
In June there were some cases
Florida, ala-
similar to the one that has
arisen lure. United States
Judge James W. Locke, of that
State, before whom the was
tried, gives the following
Judge B. F. Long's charge to
the grand jury of Wake county
Superior court that began in
Raleigh Monday, those
railroads that are defying the
North Carolina passenger rate
law something to think over,
and shows that the position they
have taken is only piling up
of peonage, that we publish We for and their
believing it will be of interest to . .,
K . judge Long
Reflector readers. ,
Peonage is a of the fact that no Federal
compulsory service based upon j injunction can stop the
an indebtedness claimed to the criminal law of the
due from the peon. Hi State, and charged the grand
is enforced unless the debt that ft wag duty
North Carolina now has
counties, the el ion to establish
Lee county out of portions of
Moore and m passing by a
large majority. Sanford is the
county site of the new county.
coercion of any kind, or by fraud.
A threat to subject a peon to a
The Charlotte Observer has criminal prosecution unless he
is said not to be complete. been delving through ancient pay the debt or work it out
and modern history and disco v. is coerced into
performing the service, is as
paid. The peon can release him-
self therefrom by the payment
of the but otherwise the
service is enforced- The service
of the peon may he enforced by
indict every railroad and agent
of a railroad charging more than
1-4 cents mile for passenger
fare since the first day of
force arms or by intimidation or. when the law went into effect.
authority for many
clearly a case of peonage as
in use that it thought the had been
t r day origin, saying surrounded with armed
it thought until Friday guards, and thus compelled to
that the was bran work out
We don't want to
Two of the leading railroads cf
the State applied to the Federal
or an injunction against the
reduced passenger fare law going
into effect, and the court grant-
ed a restraining order until the
matter comes up regularly for a
hearing But the law as passed
by the last legislature makes it a
misdemeanor for any railroad
How is this for a slap Book-
lease of a house
at Oyster Bay has
by the owner because he found
out that Booker is a
Perhaps the best thing in con thought
with Raleigh, anywhere
that people
who the city fall to
attend State fair will not be;
d double fare on the street The State Board of Education
cars. certainly has no excuse for get
over a thing as
clear and explicit as the bid
has entered the race Greenville and Pitt county made against his will, and any agree- enacted by the State are proper-
for th- Eastern training school t-T the Eastern training school we would direct mot whether written or other- enforced.
attention phase the
a res of land 86.000 for it. have that bid published and U h such servitude is invalid wag
. law, and treated n . . ,
made involuntarily, and to the attention of the I
grand jury, and duty in
e of peonage,
lag or returning of a subject the law
hitting a fellow he is J cents per mill after the
but for the sake little further by Revised Statutes., of part of the
would like to ask Section is a condition tn
The Observer what servitude, by ,,.
servitor is restrained of
, . its criminal laws
liberty and compelled to labor in
has for saying a thing is
Federal court
In the enforcement
the State;
In th. Deadly of Famous
If ever you happen to be for-
IS take the
west of Africa you'll sure to
hour of the famous old Wart India-
King U
backed up the records of the
British admiralty, of course it is
true. She was In the year
during n that
the coast of Cuba and
West Indies generally. Every man.
woman child of her was
lost, and ship was strip-
i her top hamper, masts and
spars and went drifting, a
wreck, to
She was reported by a ship
if tie same company some
miles north of lite point whore the
to have
I or. Men were sent, aboard her
from her and
that she was sinking
After that she was
I Mt to light for the part of live
when ho vanished in a
a i the Canaries. In that
she had upward of
miles and had been Hie
of least v-.-i
indirect of three more.
Her v ere
that time, the lo-
the ocean
but at by most
and from
the gulf of to the
isles and I en. n In ; i
to the iall that .
r. y of
which sent nil d At
last the h dis-
u her,
. Wow In r up. In-
stead ran on r.
was wrecked. the Daphne,
was then sent hut she
a dhow and was sunk
in the ensuing fight.
this time the whole English
speaking seafaring world was agog
over the mystery. When a third
warship dispatched and in her
run high and dry on the
had its way,
George mis allowed to pro -l
on her ghostly path in pea v.
reported a r at
by passing merchantmen, i i
appeared for good and all in
that destroyed .-e
derelict. Hut her name is a.
liquidation of some debt or supreme, and it is the duty of thing to in son parts
either real or every officer to see that the laws of the York
for it. have that bid published
is a offer fur a town the people of the State size of Vanceboro. ambiguity at out it
p. u
A Charlotte man W ; ears old The alderman of New Born
went excursion to threw out a drag net
m Ii st w k is nun to
have d a as special and u
the i. passenger. An ever.-
-4 years near ., . , .,. ,
oiler ha cut The price the privilege is
shirks of wheat and oats this pretty steep. We do n. t see how
many people can to do
business there. High , ,.
. stead of encouraging them to
We are a long ways from then , the business
arc may e told to mind our own, o. a
business making the
late m tune of th. aldermen.
New l. inn
note this, and we
r in
. . , . to compel a person to render
the city in a
Hello Got It
Is ii-.-
asked the man
II is,
will afford a defendant no pro-
or threats
service to another in liquidation
of an obligation amounts to co-
if effective.
What would Dr. Osier
this Clarkton Express.
new way. It has always struck
us that so many cities such
towns a to
; tax out business enterprises in-
would render the service
and create a c
of peonage, must be determined
I by taking into consideration in
I come in. We never could see the each cage the inferiority
reason privilege taxes on the person contracting to per-
One enthusiast J Ionian went regular business enterprises the service of the person
to j are the mainstay of a town, the exercising the force or
nut. Mr. B. C for the and ab-; enterprises that make the town,
Superior court clerk of the new pence of ambiguity of the when such are levied
county of Lee. made by and i
county for the training
r all that the papers have
said about Governor
he comes out and
says the report is an error.
Guess some of the boys feel fun-
over their criticisms.
school, but in her zeal got
phrase mixed when she
exclaimed fool.
person who falsely
tends to another that he is ac-
of crime, or can be prose-
crime, and his
i good offices to prevent his con-
The North Carolina prosecution if he will
though a man. can understand ; will beheld money, or will re-
t the A M. College Raleigh Aug. j turn and work to pay the
and An interesting and i ton, and thus induces such party
It be a good thing if the
trust on white newspaper could
De haled to court and made to
Mars must he far ahead of this stop its gouging. We are told
that an advance of per cent.
helpful program will he arranged
and several specialists on
to sign a contract, obligating
himself to work to reimburse the
the matter is very plain. The
interference of Federal judges
with the execution of the State
laws has become a sore subject
in North Carolina, and it is
time the supremacy of the State
in such matters was being assert-
ed. Every criminal court of the
State should follow the lead of
Judge Long in the performance
of by prosecuting every
violation of this law.
woman ; other ca
yo-i i- Henry
kins, who i- t to
mo up this
sir. Who t I lie to r
-D. B.
phases of a amount paid out or pretended to
knowledge will take part, among
them Mr. North, of the United
mundane sphere, as astronomers
H by the i in the price of
claim to have discovered a new I pulp, is due July lath This I States Bureau of Hon.
canal on that planet. It will take thing cannot last To show the Ashley Home is of the
many years digging before our C Dr. Tait Butler
new one can be counted. in December, removing the duty secretary.
j on wood pulp and in two days
, . the price of paper will take a
New Orleans is planning some- tumble. That's how much
time In the future, which, to say there is in
the least, is very uncertain. That Record
wants to hold an
in to commemorate the com-1 As Chairman Simmons of the
of the Panama State Democratic executive com-
be paid for this purpose, and
submit to restraint and
of his liberty while he is
performing the contract, is
of holding such person, or
causing him to be held, to a con-
of peonage, whenever
such person, having so entered
Ion the performance of the con-
In recent months reference to to but is
Just like anybody thought the
canal will be finished by that
time- Better wait awhile and
The State executive
committee meets in Raleigh to-
night to a
successor tn mons,
we believe will be
left for the next but convention.
That is what should be i-ad a better one-
insisted on his
being accepted, the com-
at a meeting in Raleigh,
Monday night, accepted his res-
and elected Mr. Hugh
Surry runty, a-
peonage has from time to time
appeared in the newspapers and
of the country, due
perhaps to the fact that the gov-
had been looking into
the matter and making
wherever the charge of
peonage arose. It was a new
compelled to remain and perform
it because he hat, subdued his
freedom of will.
one person carries another,
or causes him to be arrested and
carried before a magistrate, in-
forming him that he is accused
Too Hungry For
i, i IV. later
or l. irked lo listen to
win ii was iv
Into -i -Ii. One day after
traveled hoots u
he r, m lied the fates a
town and
Hen- the kins was received by the of-
mill began a
When stood the gates
probably as I
am. Come, my burgomaster, net
Into my carriage be my
Tho at
of Persia won on a
he wanted
executed their criminals-
The of t
a lie went Ii
Grout disappoint-
cent lies lug the rope
ed i How-
lie ft up in seeing bow the
n the got-
f prison t
to ascents n ; on the snot, it
was to that tier.- were
no under of dot th
just then. He was about to lose hit
tamper when, recollecting himself, he
no I let
have or or
question to the of Eastern j crime, or can be prosecuted
North Carolina within the for a crime, and the magistrate
but a warrant the accused, w.-- is in-
for a resident of intelligence to the de-
an of the on this end he to believe that be
., to Federal prison lined,
not a few when, in fact, no offense was
c i
T. i were In
i of a train
Ilia Hie liver lit .
, -ii .
i lie i
re; l y nm-
some II . tr-u
what's matter with
n. ii.
Can't you i i.
it A, B. C, l-set
hi It ti t
All t him to
up. He'll know what it
When returned to
hotel lie received
fining, call MrI. A. B. P. K. IO-
The rural population of
Canada i unlike that any other
country. The habitant is the result
of peculiar conditions. Transplant-
ed originally from the north of
France, the stock has been modified
and transformed by the environ-
of new world. It retains
tho simplicity and poetic tempera-
of old stock, combined
with u measure of the vigor and
reliance of pioneer life. Ana
with it all, remarks a correspondent
en the Nation, in an appreciative
tribute to the patois story of the
late Dr. William Henry Drummond,
habitant remains to this day
most the influences of
modern civilization, living his life
in his own sufficient way, oblivious
of many things the rest of us
Two fishermen visiting a Scotch
village asked one of the
kind of fishing v to had
i in a small hike near by and were
I informed there as much fishing
there as anybody could wish for.
i When anglers had departed u
the villager
. could ye toll the gen-
that Here was plenty fish-
when ere tun Ash in the
was the canny
Si reply, the harm
The scarce- the fish the
for Times
department is in H. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory
Picture frames made to order
by Eastern Carolina Supply Co.,
Winterville N. C.
The A. G. ox o. ha r
still on hand a full
their Tar Heel Cart
Send us your order we
prompt shipments.
The famous mower
with reaper attachment is the
thin to harvest your oats with.
Get one at Harrington Barber
We sell Laughlin, Eclipse and
Parker fountain pens.
B. T. Bro.
We have on hand a copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price 11.50.
Our price, B. T. Cox
A Bro.
Now is a great season for
traveling. Go F- Manning
Co for
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up to-date
Hunsucker buggies being turned
out almost almost day by
the A. G- ox to.
Jennings of Green-
ville, is visiting at the home of
A G. Cox.
Requests for of
High School came in
students, GO music
pupils, and about boarders
is the record for last year. The
prospects are bright for the com-
Bring your wheat to the Caro-
Milling Mfg. Co- They
are now prepared to make first
class flour-
B- T. Cox Bro. have just re-
a nice lot of Teacher's
Bibles, flexible binding.
Blacksmith work done prompt-
at Milling Mfg.
Good meal is a luxury. Bring
our corn to the Carolina Mil-
and Manufacturing Com-
They grind at any time
during the week.
A full line of fresh at B
F. Manning Co.
Those in need of tobacco sticks
will do well to see L. L Kit-
who will be prepared to fill
We have just opened a nice
lot of beautiful rugs. A- W.
Ange Co.
Lawns, organdies, ham-
bergs going at a at
Barber Co.
Dainty ties of all at B
F. Manning Co.
See our new assortment of
hamburgs, laces etc at B. f,
Manning Co.
The A. G- Cox Mfg. Co. are
still manufacturing their nice
Pitt County School desks.
Hamilton rifles are the thing
for shooting on gun outing trips
fishing, etc. this
Barber Co.
belts and umbrellas
summer use at B. F- Man-
The A G Cox Mfg. Co are in
I to fill
for the Handy Tobacco Trucks.
bend us your orders at once be-
fore the rush comes.
Miss Hulda Cox and Mrs. Mag-
Butt and children left Friday
or Seven Springs where they
will spend some time with rel-
A. W. Ange Co. have a
large assortment of trunks,
valises, suit cases and telescopes
that they will at reduced
J rices for the next thirty days.
them, they are beautiful.
Miss Janie Kittrell returned
from Grifton Friday, where she
had been visiting relatives-
Carload of hay, just in A. W-
Ange Cc
Tobacco twine, lanterns,
etc , at W. Ange Co.
A large lot of chairs and other
furniture just arrived at A. W.
Bring chickens and
Highest paid for
Keep cool these hot Get
your R P. Min-
e famous hawks glasses
B. Cox Bro Don't neglect
your y
Miss left Thurs-
day inc., for Greenville and
Norfolk. spent several days
Mi-s Olivia Cox.
Tobacco twine, lanterns,
handles, thermometers are need-
ed in curing your tobacco. Get
them at B. F. Manning Co,
R. H. Hunsucker, our excellent
undertaker, has just made a beau-
hearse. It would do credit
to any town many times the size
of Winterville.
Mr. and Mrs. A- G. Cox spent
Friday in Greenville.
Pants for the next sixty days
must be cleared out for fall stock
at greatly reduced prices,
A. W. Ange Co.
Keep the troublesome flies
of your house. They carry germ.
Window screens are the things.
A. W. Ange has them.
Our farmers must be getting
ready for curing tobacco from
the number of trucks and flues
being carried out daily.
Keep your lamps and lanterns
in good trim. Get your shades
at Harrington, Barber Co-
Miss Hattie Lou Whitfield re-
turned to her home in Kinston
Friday, after having spent some
time with Miss Olivia Cox.
Root paint, varnish, stains,
coloring etc, at Harrington, Bar-
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
went to Kinston Friday to visit
relatives and
Remember that the A. G. Cox
Manufacturing Co. are still
paring to make their up-co-date
Pitt Co. school desk. No school
should be with out them.
George Kittrell spent the 4th
of July in Richmond, Va.
Misses Maggie Brown and
Mabel Petty, of Simpson, spent
Friday night with Misses Carrie
and Henrietta Wesson.
The A. G Manufacturing
Co. are still preparing and doing
all in their power to fill their
order for Handy tobacco trunks,
even though the demand for
them is greater this season than
ever before.
Mrs. H. M. of Nor-
folk, came in last night to spend
some time with relatives here.
M. G. Bryan and L. F. Elliott
went to Greenville Friday.
Mrs- R. G. Chapman aid
daughter Clyde spent Friday
at the home of J.
Look for a moment at the nice
Tobacco Flues being almost
turned out by The A- G- Cox
Mfg Co. We guarantee good
goods at lowest prices-
Mrs. Martha L. Cox, who Ii
been visiting relatives i l
r.-turned home Tuesday
Mis. Mack
who is visiting Misses
Carrie and Henrietta
Get your wood work done at
the Carolina Milling
Theodore Cox and M. B. Bryan
are at home again, after having
spent several days at Seven
Springs with relatives and
friends and taking advantage of
that most excellent water.
A large line of umbrellas and
parasols just received at
Our merchants have realized
the comfort in good level side
walks made of cement.
Nice assortment of glass ware
just arrived. Harrington, Bar-
Rowan Cooper is f u
the walk in front of his store
Mrs H. M of Norfolk,
who is spending some time here
with her sister, Mrs. B. W.
Tucker went to Kinston Tuesday
B. F. Manning Co, have
opened up a nice line of Canned
J. K. Barnhill. manager of the
oil mill, is putting In morel ma-
and a dynamo.
the Milling
Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for you at
any time- Wood work also a
Misses Mimic and Dora Cox
spent Sunday with Miss Daisy
near Ayden
who want lime for
furnaces or buildings can
find the best quality at A- W.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
we returned from a visit to
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., are
shipping out the best to-
flues at the lowest price,
S us your orders.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Ci., ship-
two solid car loads of their
Handy tobacco trucks Tuesday
morning. The farmers all over
State are beg o see
the necessity for these,
Miss Cox spent today in i
In Earning Hit Money He Did Just
What He Sail He Would.
Tho other noon, on a
street whore a crowd of men
along the sunny walk after their.
trips tn nearby
there was a little scene
Which vividly the
of and let which is
the mark current of the ordinary-
New Yorker.
A young, smooth faced, sharp
eyed chap climbed up on an
box where the crowd of idlers from
the shops offices was thickest
and began in a perfectly calm way
to harangue those who would stop
to listen to him. lie gathered a
number to him with hi.- feW
friends, I ask you to pause.,
for a moment and listen to my
I am a poor hut honest man.
My motto is with accent
on the second syllable. My parents
are dead, and I am a lone orphan.
personal facts are not re-
lated here to arouse your charitable
instincts. do not ask for charity.
All T desire is a fair show to make
my way in life, having walked
these pavements for several days
of work, have come to this
to try to do something
never yet done since Adam first
wore trousers. I am going to pass
among you with my hat and ask you
to chip in a nickel apiece, and then,
friends. shall attempt
wonderful feat. I shall try to turn
n quadruple somersault in the
lie jumped down from the box,
gravely hat around, pay-
no attention to the chaff ad-
dressed to him, and actually col-
a score or more of nickels.
When he was confident that no more
were to he obtained he returned to
the box, put it aside, carefully but-
toned his coat, spat on his hands
and turned u pretty fair somersault.
He turned another and another, and
then remounted the box and again
friends, have tried to
turn a quadruple somersault, as I
laid, but cannot do it. Thanking
you one and all, I remain yours
And not a man in the crowd
a complaint as he faded swift-
from their York
In Doubt.
A certain young man who. ac-
cording to all the accepted notions,
should he very happy this time,
was found by a friend the other day
with a somewhat troubled look upon
his face.
the matter, old man
Haven't had a tilt, have tho
friend Inquired.
was tho reply,
by a sigh. ho con-
in a burst of confidence,
been thinking over a little re-
mark Alice made last
perhaps you
the friend suggested, encouragingly.
hope was reply,
see, were talking how
things would be, you know, and
won't it just too sweet;
you will come home all tired out
from your hard day's work, and
hold me on your lap for hours, and
read to me. and drive all my cares
away, and dry tear.-, rub my
it will he just like a
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
What Johnny Had.
As a reward for good behavior
Johnny was allowed to come to the
dinner table when company was ex-
lie wanted to appear big,
too, so he chose a low chair, which
brought his mouth just to the top
of the table, he didn't mind
this, because it was on a line with
his plate, and ho was not so likely
to drop anything while eating, lie
o eve-
nothing to say to the , o h;
mother I lo re
t it
then- . i the i
you can't
I've i. I
in;. , -i
with an ;,.
i en lire
id J
i. writing receipts for
. We have a list
-i all who receive then mail at
otter. We also orders
ob i rioting
The Masons Held a very inter-
meeting yesterday.
Miss Pattie Norris. of
villa is visiting Miss Annie Ross.
For fresh and cheap goods go
to E. E. Co., they always
have the best.
If the training school is to lie
between Greenville and Kinston,
why not let Ayden have it e
will take care of it all right.
candy direct from I
factory at Saul's store.
Janie Kittrell, of Win-
and Kittrell,
Grifton, spent Tuesday and Wed j
in Ayden with friends.
Go to E- E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sausage and fresh
The Free Press force are all
in the Jamestown exposition
from the editor down We wish
them a time. They work
get out a clean, newsy
paper ever and a little
; it creation and sightseeing will
do them good.
Joyner in a mansion, Joyner
principal a ten strike surely, with
a spare to throw away What
per acre. That's cheap.
Miss Agnes left for
Jamestown Tuesday morning.
Merchandise Broker--1 carry
t full line of Meat, and can
Don't buy before giving I
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
Miss Annie Dixon spent Tues-
day in Greenville.
If you need any Paint be sure;
ind see E. E. Co-
Archie Tripp has returned to
exchange corn
for or Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to pounds.
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C
Mrs. Dora Lee and two little
children came over from Kin-
Friday to visit the family of
her father, Elder C. C. Bland.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
Cobb, of
had a special here Sunday
afternoon and remained over
until Monday morning.
Call at the Drug Store
cure one I hose excellent
Pen.;. M. M. Sauls.
Miss Fannie is here on
a visit to friends.
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
We are indebted to our
Mrs. W. J Mumford for a box
of luscious peaches- They were
fine and we enjoyed them.
Many thanks.
Mass., May
Messrs J. R Co.
Ayden, N. C.
For fear that there
may be a slight misunderstand-
on the part of some of our
customers regarding the
tee upon our patent and Dull
shoes, we wish to
emphasize the fact chat same
exists and has not been with-
Daisy Tucker, of Or
ville, and Short of are visiting the
Nichols at Mrs. Agnes
We our customers
all wearers men's shoes to
know that we will continue to do
as we have done in the past vis.
guarantee the vamps of the
Patent and Bull not
to break through before the
sole i- worn out.
In the event of a Butt Pack-
aid shoo
contrary to this guarantee,
the i tailor,
hoes were purchased, Is
hied to replace with a pair.
Yours very truly,
The Red Spring and the C C.
bands, colored, made the air
lively with music of various notes
before arrival of train yesterday
pens on sale at Saul
drug store at from to
cons cotton
horn a hole in it bored with
a bit. white spot in dank weighs
about one thousand pounds. Five
dollars reward to any person
bringing same to me. This June
18th, 1907. John S. Hart,
Ayden, N. C
it If you wish something nice
buy a box of candy from
Saul's at the drug store.
E- G. Cox and family will leave
here Wednesday to make their
home in Ayden
hates to give them up.
Rev. J. T. Moore, of Wilson,
preached in the Disciple church
here Sunday.
Everybody that is anybody
buys candy Saul s
drug store.
Ayden is the best drained town
of its size in the State- No mat-
how hard a rain fall in a w
hours one cannot find a mud
Lost, Liberal Reward Gold
brooch, gold piece, with clasp
pin, lost on main street of Ayden
between railroad and K C. Can-
Mrs. A-.
The ladies and he girls all
like candy. The kind
at Saul's drug store.
An epidemic seems to prevail
among the cattle in this com-
Last week a bull be-
to Nehemiah
mad and injured quite as
number of cattle, some of them
seriously, goring them in a fear-
manner, He was caught at
last and chained to a carry log
wheel where in hours he-
died foaming mouth just
like a mad dug. There is
just out of in the
condition confined in an old stable-
A specialty of stationery at
Saul's drug store.
Dr. L. C. Skinner and Dr.
a partner-
ship for the practice of
cine in and around Ayden. Dr.
Skinner has been located here for
several years and has built up a
handsome practice. Dr.
is a recent graduate and we
feel sure he will take well with
our people- He stood high in
his examination and no
will succeed in his noble
We wish them success.
The very best and cheapest
hair brushes, combs, and pow-
at Saul's drug store,
As an to the State
Board of Education to locate the
training school in Ayden, we
oiler the gift of a beautiful site
of one acre and the munificent
sum of one hundred dollars.
Don't slight us, gentlemen.
If you can not be
dated and fully satisfied at Saul's
drug store, your's must be a
hard road to travel.
D Berry and wife are visit-
in Scotland Neck.
Goto Co. for
grain, cotton seed meal and hulls.
Nitrate of Soda, for
your crops when you lay it by at
J. R. Smith Co
R. W. King, of Greenville, was
ere Sunday
Wednesday morning there
a surprise party around at the
home of Mrs. Sack Smith.
daughter, Miss Nora, was happily
united in marriage to Mr. W H.
Davenport, of Kinston. No one
had heard a whisper and knew
nothing until the happy couple
drove to the depot U leave on the
train for their home. Many.
however, were the friends there
. r. sent to tender congratulations
and wish them a pleasant
and happy life. Daven-
port is truly to be congratulated
he has won as a bride one of
best and young
loan s. Rev. R. H. per-
d the ceremony.
Best tobacco twine lanterns
and at J. R- Smith
William of Grifton, is
i his father, W
Bring us your Huckleberries
will pay you do I R. Smith
R and R. W- Smith, with
Miss May Smith left y
to spend the with an aunt,
near whom they have
not seen for i years.
Bier lot cots latest styles, very
comfortable at J. R. Smith Co.
A of bail
to e played here ,
tween the Bulls and
den. But the Bears
grateful. The following is the line
up of team.
Gibb. D Tucker. W. L. cf.
Ross, J. S. ;.
Dixon, J. M., -j . J. it.
Cannon, R. C. if.,
J. W., lb., Templeton, j. A , p.
I. J. so. Hodges,
S cf., Perry, D. G. Horton,
A., Burton. H. G. c. Dixon,
Dr. Brown, S. L. If.,
Williams, C. R. lb., Blew. M.
Umpire, W. Sharpe
corned N. C. Herring,
at J. R. Smith Co.
Smith R. W. Jackson W. C.
S- Harrington J, A
Rooters everybody.
The public will be notified
the day game is played J. A.
Davis captain.
Turnip cabbage and seed only
the best at J- R. Smith
Miss Nettie of
who r
R- for quite a long.
to home
left lure
lay for
can. . .-. to celebrate.
Every Eureka
No. K- of P. is requested to
be present at the meeting next
Wednesday night as important
business ,. . id their
i, John Cow-
ard, Elmer Gardner
and W. E i went to see the
game of ball i, New Bern
and Kinston Thursday.
In a game of ball hero
day between Grifton and a team
composed of Greenville and
Ayden, all former
wiped up the earth with the lat-
the score being
favor of Grifton.
Take Warning.
My son Edwards has
left my house without cause and
without my consent. This is to
notify all persons not to give em-
to. house or feed said
Edwards. Those so doing
will be prosecuted according to
law. He ii of dark complexion,
tall about years of age, and.
has a tooth missing in front.
This July 5th. 1907.
m w. Elias Edwards.
Sauls guarantees all he sells,
especially candy.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions,
Light and Heavy Groceries etc
Prices to suit the times.
Tripp, Hart Co.
Dr Joseph Dixon
R. C.
Is it
state Carolina,
In the superior
I, J ii to, T a
By virtue of directed t
the undersigned from the Superior Court
of County in the above entitled
action, I will on Monday, the
at o'clock It, at the
Court of said County, sell ti-
the highest bidder fur oath to satisfy
said execution, all the right, title and
interest which the said T. A. Carson,
defendant, has In e following described
real estate,
A certain tract of land in County
Bethel Township, of
-I. J. ears
at the four prong
thence with I. line to the
V line, theme with the
line to the H. K. Ward line
thence P. Ward line to a canal
Grind , k tn,
said creek to the W. An-
line, thence with the said An-
line to the beginning,
by one hundred lift
acres more or The said T. A
owning a one half interest In
the above described land. This
of July,
L. W. Tucker,

For Twenty-one Years
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
BROS, t a
n. P
, end Broken
Orate- d
me Go Ne oil
I'll st your pus two. To show;. cu
first-before you spend -what
my Pink Pain Tablets oar; do, I
J past in. Dr. Headache Table
f kills pain by coaxing away th-
pressure. That is ale
Dr. Snoop Racine. Wis
Contractor. Builder, Tile
Plans submitted estimates fur-
on application. All work
Turn key job when ever
AH kinds of all kinds of choice cut flow-
season Special attention given
to Wedding d Funeral Decorations
Bulb stock, Pol plants for Winter
Rosebushes, Hedge
plants, . trees
great variety.
Raleigh. X. C. Phone
He Fired the Slick.
I have fired the king-stick I've
carried over on account a
tore that resisted kind of treat-
men . until I
Salve; th it has healed the
me a happy writes John
Cam North Mills. X.
teed Burns, etc. by John. I.
Wooten druggist,
If Ice
Sharp Razor's clean
work guaranteed
Cosmetics A Specialty.
Hot and Cold Baths
Thanking one and all you pas
and hoping for your
I remain,
Tours to serve,
S. J. NOBLES. Prop.
p. K. L.
Greenville, N G
Central Barbe. Shop
Edmond Fleming, Props.
in main Motion
the town.
chairs in operation and
one presided over by a
place la inviting, razors
We thank you for past patronage
art auk you to
nod i wanted
Dealer in Fancy, Heavy Staple
Groceries. Provisions, Prices
for country Produce, call or. me when
u wont fresh go us.
Cotton and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
m and shipments
Barry Skinner. Skinner. Jr.
LAWYERS. Greenville, N C
Practice in all the courts.
Wholesale and retail
Dealer. Cash tor
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed,
Turkeys, Egg, etc.
steads. Mattresses. Oak Softs
suits Tables. Lounges, Safes j
and Gail Ax
high Life Tobacco Key West
George Cigars,
Cherries, Peaches,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Meat Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat
Magic Food, Matches
Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges,
Nuts Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes,
Glass ware Tip
wooden ware, and
crackers, Macaroni, Best
Butter, New Sewing Ma
shines and numerous other goods
Quality and for
come me.
S. M. Schultz.
W. II.
I is not a narcotic or dope but removes
lie cause. Get a bottle try it r
sour stomach,
or colds, liquid affect
plea, at to take. Sold at
drag stores.
Do Not Neglect the Children.
At this of the year the
unnatural looseness of a child's bowen
should have immediate attention,
best thing that can be given is
Colic Cholera and lea
Remedy followed by oil as direct-
ed with each bottle of the remedy.
tale by all Druggist and Dealers in Pat-
, i ms
That truth is stranger than fiction
has once more been demonstrated ill
the little town of Fedora. the
C. V. Pepper. Ho
was in bed. entirely disabled with
hemorrhages of the lungs and throat.
failed to and nil nope
had fled when I began Or.
New Discovery. Then instant
The .-0011
bleeding diminished rapidly, and
three weeks I able ti goto Work. U
cure for coughs and cold
and at -i. I.,
.-tore. Trial bottle free.
Notice of Sale.
i and wife
K A and
By Virtue of a decree of the superior
of Pitt county, made by l. C.
Moore, Clerk of the Superior court of
said county on the 2nd day
in a certain special proceeding in
J. C. wife Maggie
berry are plaint and K. A. DaWson
and Dawson are defendants,
d Commissioner, will on Mon-
day the day of August 1907, expose
to public sale before the court house
door in Greenville, to the highest bid-
for cash, the following tractor per-
eel of land to wit.
Situate in the county of Pitt and
State of Nor; Carolina, and in Swift
creek Township, adjoining the lands of
Major Allen Adam-. A. C
and Creek, con-
fifty Acres more or less,
This sale is to made for partition
among the tenants in common This
the 2nd day of July, 1907.
F. C. Harding.
r Why
You can afford it
cents per week
pays for a
a our
In Earning His Money He
What He Said He Would.
he other noon, Oil a downtown
street where a crowd of men gather
long the sonny walk after the r
trips tn nearby
there was a little -ere enacted
which illustrates the
of and lei which u
the mark current the ordinary
A smooth faced,
eyed up on an empty
box where the crowd of idlers from
the shops and was thickest
began in u perfectly aim way
to those who would
to listen to him. lie gathered .
number to him with his few
I ask you to pause
for a moment and listen to my
a poor but honest man.
motto with accent
on tin- syllable. My parents
are dead, and J Sill a lone orphan.
personal are not
lated here t arouse your charitable
I ask for charity.
All desire is a fair show to make
my , and, having walked
for several days in
sear It work, have come to this
e in to do
e I e Si
wore trow.-. I r to pass
v. my hat and ask you
i in . mi ml . a ll
shall Irv to
a i null in the
11- n from i I .
h ii hat around, pay-
tin lion to the ml-
e. a -i or more of nickels.
on hat no
i . i I i-i turned
the put it aside, carefully but-
. i coat, spat on ins hands
and turned a pretty fair somersault,
lie turn I ; her and and
the mid again
friend-. I have tried to
turn n quadruple somersault, as J
hut do it. Thanking
you one and all, remain yours
And not a man in the crowd
n complaint a- be
from their York
In Doubt.
A certain young man who, ac-
cording to all the accepted notions,
should be very happy at this time,
was found by friend the other day
with a somewhat troubled look upon
his lace.
the matter, old man
Haven't a tilt, have the
friend inquired.
was the reply,
by a sigh. he con-
in ii burst of confidence,
been out a little re-
mark Alice made last
perhaps you
friend suggested, encouragingly.
hope the reply.
see. We were of well, how
thing- would yon know, and
won't it be just too sweet;
you will come home all tired out
from your hard din's work, and
hold mi- on your lap for and
read to me, drive all my cares
and dry my tears, and rub my
it will be like a
Harper's Weekly.
What Johnny Had.
As a n ward for good behavior
Johnny was allowed to corns to the
dinner table when company was ex-
He wanted to appear big.
too, ho chose a low chair, which
brought his mouth just to the top
of the table, lint he didn't mind
this, because it was u line with
his plate, and he Wat not so likely
to drop anything while eating. Ho
ravenously of everything, having
nothing to sin to the guests, M his
mother had told him to remember
good children arc seen, not
heard. Finally after dessert, when
there was a lull in the conversation,
he exclaimed
pop, you can't what
I've got iii the table.
i . rill ; i f
with m indulgent glance, is
shouted Johnny
Th Eclipse.
An .- bad heard
a Mi i talk ab nil
i .
Land pr her i
glass opened,
but I I III to it;, as it grew
papa, the sun's going
assured on that point, she
the -fur- that got up to see
have to get up again to-
Being day what she
thought of eclipse, she replied
didn't amount
to much. It was only u bole in tin
Mr. W. C. in Letter to Free
Tells About the Way His Do i
in Case.
In a letter to The Free Press
C. of Greenville,
. comes to the rescue of his blood
i employed in the
j ton-Graham case. He writes.
j Now, I will tell the only
I deuce they had against
ton On or about June i
j Mr. Graham's store and i
j were burned. The insurance
company that carried the policy
on it wired me to proceed to the
with I did so at once
and when I arrived there
shown a trick trying from I
burned stored directly from I
the rear end- This track led
across to a field that had just
been plowed up and rained on
which made it very plain- This
track had a peculiar turn to one
of the heels, was running,
stepping on a hill of corn about
knee high once in a while show-
he went at night,
put the dogs on this and
ran it for two or three miles,
came to a place of water about
half mile wide
We carried them over and cir-
around a landing and the
dogs picked up the track
it still had that peculiar shape
to the heel I right at the
store. They ran a mile or so
and came to a house, circled
around in the yard, then to a gate
and howled, and I let them
through when they along
a path a few hundred yards,
turned off down to where
was plowing. Here I
wish to correct some of the
tic assertions of the attorney
i by the said
ton, When the dogs pot in
about ten she s of Harrington he
remarked guess i am man
you are and then said
I had not been so darned scared
Would have run
to tar as his up
dogs that afterwards and
When they lay down it when
t carried them hack to the road.
This was made by a No.;
ten eleven slot, and
about that number.
told the that he
not convict without other
as court had de
that . o evidence of a dog
not e taken without be-
con obi rated by other
Now. I haven't the least feel-
against the said Harrington,
but will give you the address,
of the man who lost the store
and if like you can ask him
what lie thinks of the case and
who he thinks burned the store.
Mr. C. Graham, also Mr. H. T.
Pratt, N. As to
the alibi, this man Harrington
proved that his wife mm
pen his at or about cloven
o'clock on Saturday night and
the store was burned about one
o'clock Sunday morning, which
gave him one and a half or two
hours to have gotten there-
I have only dropped this in so
others can see that there was
something to justify an
Now the readers of this
will remember that I got my
fee out of case, and would
have gotten just as much if there
had been no arrest mads or had
the dogs run a trail.- Kin-
Free Press.
The man who hit Is
wise tor his family.
The who health
la wise both tor his family and
You may Insure health by
It. It Is worth guarding.
At the rt of disease,
which generally approaches
through the l K and
i In Innumerable way
J save your health.
D. W.
And Provisions
I Cotton
Ties always on
I Fresh kept ton-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
III North Carolina.
Not Quite
w. How often you can eel a Sm-
nail or screw driver or
lacking. a food
tool box be prepared tor
. m i
-i yo i desire, and
ail. that your tool
box noes not lack a single
W. useful article.
I Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P.
The Orphanage.
Mr. Archibald Johnson, in
Charity and Children, this week,
gives a good report of the con-
of the Thomasville Orphan-
age, an institution which he well
says will not suffer by
with the best. In a review
of the Thomasville institution, he
says it stands among the fore-
most of its kind in the land. It
is behind some of them in some
respects and ahead in others; but
on an average he does not know
an orphanage anywhere that
passes it. orphanage,
Charity and Children,
ways been blessed with a
that cannot be matched
at all. The Baptist people of
North Carolina are as fine white
folks as can be found in the world.
Dr. Jacobs accuses us of stepping
a little too high at this point, but
will hack on the facts and let
the speak. Where on the face
of the earth can a denomination
of a single State be found who
freely and joyfully gave is
their orphanage work in a single
It is, indeed, a fine rec-
The Baptists of North Car-
have made the orphanage
at Thomasville a denominational
pride. They have been fortunate
in the character of the men
for its management and in
the summing up of the good con-
count r
J. Cos claims
about acres, more or less, of
vacant land tying in
township. Pitt county.-N C, on
west side of Creeping swamp,
adjoining the lards of Jesse
ton, Sr., A. G. Cox. J. B. Mill
and others.
This June 20th, 1907.
J. Cox.
Any person or persons
title to or interest in the fore-
going described land must file
their protest in wilting with me
within the next thirty days, or
they will be barred by law.
K. Williams.
Entry taker
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of county as
executors of the Lust Will arid
of R. deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persona in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
person having any claims against said
estate must preset the same,
to the undersigned for
payment on or before 25th
June, or this notice will be plead
in bar of recovery.
This 25th day of June. 1907.
T. E. Hooker.
T. M. Hooker,
W. E. Hooker.
Executors of K. Hooker.
Littleton High School.
Entrance into and
on certificate.
Faculty of experienced college
Scholarships from leading colleges.
Expenses extras.
Health conditions unsurpassed.
Prepares for life or college.
Thorough instruction,
g. Home influence.
Good library.
No Saloons.
, Time to enter Sept.
Z ; . . . M,
I. I i, N. C
At of business May 1907.
Capital Stock
. surplus funds
Undivided Profit
uses paid
N. C, July 3rd
schools and aid society.
are conducted by trans-
stationed ministers.
Loans discounts
Overdrafts secured and
All other Stocks,
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Ranks
Cash items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes and
U. S. rotes
6,010.39 i
A brief sketch of our little
of Farmville may not be
out of order, so for the benefit of
this may concern, I will
., give the following
North L t of Pitt,
I, l . of the Lank, do n
that the above true to the of my
belief. i.
and to before I
me, of May 1907. II A WHITE
S. C- J. L.
At the close of May 18th 1907.
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 1,400.88
All other Stocks, Bonds
Sand 2,400.00
Furniture Fixtures 3,872.32
Banking Houses 4.100.00
Demand Loans
Due from Banks 16,994.69
Cash Items 1,031.52
Gold Coin 71.00
Silver Coin 1,085.02
National bank notes
and U. S. notes 9,755.00
Capital Stock
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid
Notes and bills
Farmville is on
south side of Little
creek, being In the pan
of Pitt county and latitude
i the end
nearly I miles from the
and county line, flatten
miles west of Greenville, miles
west of Snow Hill, miles
Hookerton, from Wilson,
m Tarboro, H miles fr in
Falkland and Tar river he
t Cap a railroad touches it
on the in and the Rah
branch of the Norfolk
Southern on the southwest.
As Farmville is not a
town, being about or
old, we will linger long v
the memory of the earlier d;
except to say that in the tin e
there was
here save forest with a red
spot here and there, nor was
there anything to indicate any
change in name's ruling, for
only away was the pros-
lit lie town of Marlboro
on the plank rued from Wilson
to Greenville. But alas what
was its destiny Well it died,
and died a suicidal death. And
KW pounds leaf tobacco
,. T and is ,.
progress in increasing its
country re-
very best
bales of
-by saving a great deal-
were was I
Led by our as w , ,, ,
by M d Ga.,
increased . , .
year its business at a
The Bank
of Con
The board of county e
met in m
on on Monday, all
outside paupers was
orders drawn on th treas-
was as follow
alto . . and
W; tax I.
. . prisoner i me
eh i .
court house coral
and printing
Bills Payable
why one may ask. Simply
because the town and all the
adjacent, land was practically
owned by two men. They wen-
of course rich nabobs, so-called
r.Sub 107,400.07 , u,,,,
Cashier's checks
for Interest
r j of slaves at their
I and
i i j
Little Cashier of the above named bank, do
B statement is
State of North I
County of Pitt.
I, James
swear that
Subscribed and sworn to before
me. this 28th day of May, 1907.
Notary Public.
Come in and examine my
It I it II V I
four c Ml
Y. L
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
. for
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and
Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better
th Harrison line. It has behind it a r
reputation for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
ever worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with
order whenever you want good paint
Have a car lo.-d aim
n Special
baker Hart
. bidding
I or command and black
scarlet or white livery as the
chose, and carriages and horses
ready for all their out door pleas
tires and recreation. Of
1200,596.59 people came to Marlboro to buy
land or lots to build houses to
live in, as they go to other
places for the same purpose; but
these men said no, we will build
you a and rent it to you
but we you a deed
any of our land. This did
I not suit the spirit of the people
I so the home seekers wended
their way northward a little and
I commenced to hew down the
forest Here they round land
for sale, and from that time to
the present the little town of
Farmville has never gone back-
ward, and while its growth,
progress, and development is
slow it seems to be on a firm
basis and it is the intention of
those who live here to see that
it does in the future at least keep
pace with its past record.
Before leaving the subject of
out earlier days it is but fair co
say a word in grateful
those who have lived
before us, some of whom have
long since while, others have
recently laid down their life work
and gone to their last resting
and while the material
body is dead and consecrated to
the earth the example and deeds
of them, our parents and teach-
are still alive among us, and
though we do not set their faces
nor hear their voices, the spirit-
man is still alive and among
us and exciting in our minds a
desire for better and more
citizenship, work and pros-
Twenty years ago the town of
Farmville was small and poor
to even indulge in the
of regular police Km c, and the
town with its small revet tie could
afford to employ police only on
Saturday's or on other occasion
of political nature. The revenue
at that time was less than
the treasurer's report of last
year shows a revenue
from town taxes and now with a
new ordered, and
increase in corporation the
amount will be considerably in-
The brick building in the
town began years ago. Since
largo buildings
have been erected, consuming in
their brick
and laborers.
The drug business was begun
here years ago on a small
scale with a capital of
and after changing
times, however growing
all the time, u was finally
chased by Mr. J T.
years ago who is doing a rush
business, employing three
The fountain which Mr
tuns now cost more I ban
the stock and fixtures at
time the business
and the receipts from his
cold drink department more
than doubles the entire receipt.-
the original or embryonic
Among our
find the well known
of R, L Davis Bro. who
for stability and of
purpose stands like a mighty
against the increasing
waves of the great sea with
a business steadily increasing
for the past years, we dare
Rot what the magnitude
of the in the f may be.
W- M. Lang is another Our
pioneer merchants with over
years experience and being a son
of the well known and highly
esteemed W. Lang, who com-
controlled the entire
mercantile business for many
years in our town. Mr. Lang's
building and complete stock of
general merchandise will well
compete with almost any to be
found in our larger towns or
even cities, especially in variety
and selection.
Who can tell
on, and . . hat
time our
Ai . la but least we have
, ad m to v, bat
all d me in this
. that for tin b merit of those
w It to attend this
gigantic, ; rice c sale to
continue same for another week,
i July 8th and
ending July during which
lime good v. i be i r.
of cost.
In order to give those who
have not attended this sale the
benefit as
who already
tickets for
Jo i,.
June i H i
county for . ch
Randal i; i
month and Carrie I
added pauper
per month
Eleven . i retail
i . licenses J.
drawn for August term of
week II E n, W S
Hudson, Richard Wingate, K L
its Davis, W It Fields, It Lang. J
in possession of IT Lewis, R
tickets for the lucky
will beginning Monday, I ton, C E Fleming, W B Wilson,
July 8th, to issue with every W Ii Wilson, Jr., L H Worthing-
purchase a ticket the draw- ton. A
ink's of which will pi ice i
Saturday night. July 13th, and to
the lucky person will give a free i
ticket to the great Jamestown
Remember what this means,
one stands as good show as the
other and by making your J I
chase tomorrow before the draw
takes place still entitles you
to chances for first trip.
Why not take both chances,
C T. Mini ford.
. K Cobb, L L
, ;. J W
i, i S Bid, V. n J
x.-ii. N M E
v. ; ; Harvey,
. n, A J Jefferson,
, J L Flanagan. B at
I Parker C L
Dr James
The news of th
James Dinwiddie
Off the II
will be heard with deep regret. I present
The w board of alder held
the regular bus less
of the new year Th
but one of the n being
to n-
h. C.
But while we tall your
to these tacts, we would
have you nut to overlook the fact
that we are all aware that there
are lots of other things we are
distressingly in need of; such,
for example, as lighting
ties, as we arc in the dark save
the light of the and rs
land a s
lantern here and t. ere.
fairly well
the side m places
I considerable improvement
. e Ard ,,
j the finest lots in the heart i n
town now used for fa ming
poses be utilized for build-
sites. Farmville has
churches all of which have bee.
Invites Them to Come Over at Corner
of Training School.
The Bed Men had a big in
New on the 4th. Among
the features of the day was a
parade of the order in Indian
costume. The procession drew
in front of the court house
where an address of welcome
response were delivered.
From the New Bern Sun we take
his account the
A. Bryan made
the of welcome in a hap-
vein in which ho gave the
visitors the the classic
and historic city of New
and expressed Ins pleasure that
so many were here, lie was
followed by Dr. D L James, of
Greenville, who responded for
the visiting Red Mm. He spoke
eloquently of and
paid a tribute to the beautiful
city which was acting the
table host on the occasion. In
concluding the speaker, in a
spirit of badinage, extended a
cordial invitation to the New
Red Men and citizens to
come over to Greenville to the
of the corner stone of the
Eastern Training school for
teachers. The humor was well
appreciated by the crowd, who
applauded generously as they
did, only more so, when Mr.
Henderson, who arose to
duce the next counter-
ed neatly on Mr- J by ex-
tending a similar invitation
th. laying of the corner stone
the Eastern
school which the State of h .
Carolina is going to establish here
Failing health caused
retire from th
of Peace Institute and with his
son he had gone to the Pacific
hoping to find health.
Dr- Dinwiddie was a brave
Confederate soldier. Like his
hero and leader, General Lee,
when the war was ended Dr.
Dinwiddie entered the school-
room. Ho had was
a man of affairs, and his success
was such as to i him to re
tire with a competence. He was
a fine type of teacher,
educator and scores of
his old pupils will be grieved at
his death.-
The Hoard of Commissioners
of Pitt county will meet on Mon-
the 8th day of July,
it bring the second Monday, and
revise the tax-list for
hear complaints as to
and allow any person to list t
who has not already done so. All
persons interested should be
sent on that day.
By order of the Board of Com-
R. Williams. Clerk.
Mayor Wooten . the
for the
Woodward and Bowen.
Streets Aldermen Johnson,
Forbes and Moore.
Cemetery Aldermen Flanagan,
Mooring and Moore.
Market -Aldermen Bowen,
Johnson and
S Forbes,
. Flanagan and Woodard-
Lights and
Woodward, Carr and Flanagan.
The levying of special license
taxes aim the fixing of salaries
News of officers was deferred to a sub
sequent meeting.
J. H. Moore and B. Wilson,
whoso terms as trustees of the
graded school had expired, were
re-elect to succeed t
T. M. Hooker, had been
elected one of the dispensary
commissioners, declined to ac-
the year, and Warren Jr.,
elected to fill the
The annual report of the dis-
was filled.
The board will meet again on
day 8th.
Death of Lecturer,
A Point That Brings Success
Tile -awake country mer-
chant is rapidly coming to the
conclusion that the best way to
meet the competition of the city
merchant, the department stores
Mr. B W. Hatcher,
had been a Masonic I and mail order houses fight
Grand Lecturer for North Car-; them with their own
and was
Jack Drowned.
A message from
brings the sad
Hence that Mr. Jack 17-
year son of Mr. Frank Pitt-
man, formerly of this county,
was drowned there about I
o'clock n.
n with f
iii the river when
accident place. He
was a brother Miss Inez Pitt-
mail u nephew R-
of Greenville.
repainted or otherwise improved
past three years, most
them have Sunday
The day when a man can put in
a stock of goods and sit down
wait for business is past.
He has to hustle for it, and ad-
his goods. In order that
people may know that he his
What they want. A merchant
knows how to advertise
never complains of cull limes.
The board of education When things quiet down, be ad-
met Monday and organ I a little more, and in this
. by re-electing A. Cox way keeps things moving all
, W- H. was I time.
i superintendent of
of the county.
The held another
well known in
the State, died at bis home in
Monday afternoon at
o'clock, Mr. Hatcher had been
in had health for some months
but his death was unexpected.
Boy Again.
today to receive the treas-
.--. report, to apportion the
fund for the year,
men for
Tie Ladies Society of the
party on the CO
lawn Tuesday night
everybody is invited.
and cake will be told
have a
art louse
to which
Ice cream
Thirty-two dentists successful-
passed the examination for
licenses before the board at
head City last week, in
the list we seethe name of Ed-
Greenville boy and
hear that he is
doing well in his
First Cotton Blossom.
Frank tenant on the
farm of Mr. J Q. today
I brought in the first cotton
s i reported here this season. ,.

The Savory Roaster
Is far superior to any other
Roaster made, not an ounce of
substance lost. Other roasters
waste from to per cent
The Savory seamless roaster
needs no water, grease or
of any kind. It simply, asks
to be let alone. Retains all juices
and flavors, renews the youth of
the toughest fowl. One great
feature of the Savory roaster is
the oval bottom, with the
nary flat bottom roaster the
moisture brought out of the meat
cooking has no chance to ac-
cumulate and is burned and dried
up in the bottom of the pan. In
the oval this meat juice
flows continuously to the lowest
point of the bottom, where it is
turned into steam and condensed
on the surface of the meat. I his
condensation continues until the
roast lies become heated through
to the temperature of the
in the roaster, the
condensation stops and the brown
ingot the roast begins.
The Savory roaster is sell bast-
and self browning. The
bottom is raised oil the oven
by the outside
jacket, which uniform
heat to the roast from all sides.
The Savory roaster i sin a class
to itself. Is guaranteed to give
satisfaction when used accord-
to directions. Buy one, take
it home, the directions,
it thirty days, if not all we claim
forth, return it to us we will
lack your money, pro-
the roaster when return-
ed, is in good condition.
See our window display of the
Savory roasters. We will be
glad to show you. Call and
J. G.
This is in charge of W. Parker who is author-
to to and vicinity-
Farmville. N. C. July,
On last Tuesday right about
o'clock John J. Baker lost his i
barn and stables. The fire
discovered by the night police,
R. A. Smith, who promptly gave
the alarm by firing his pistol
three times and ringing the town
bell- Soon there was quite a
crowd of amateur fireman as-
around the scene that
gave the ferocious dames a hot
tight, especially in preventing
then spreading as there was
several buildings nearby.
Mr. Baker's loss was quite heavy,
amounting to over one thousand
J dollars with about four hundred
I insurance lathe tire he lost a
I valuable horse that cost turn
barrels of corn, one
buggy, three sets harness, a
good riding saddle- It is sup-
posed to be
, , .
W. M. Wilkinson has taken a
relapse during the past week,
but his condition was somewhat
favorable at last report.
Barrett, colored, Unit-
ed and tell in Mr V. H
son's field while oats last
Monday evening, overcome by j
Painter and Designer.
All work guaranteed.
Prompt attention to octet.
F. F.
Farmville N. C.
Manufacturer of
Mop Brick-
best clay an i the best burn-
ed Brick on market. Orders
tilled on short notice,
Corner Main and Wilson Streets, Far.-. N. C.
General Merchandise,
For Cash or on Time
Queen Quality Shoes for Women and Kin Quality Shoes for
Cotton, Shack and F II lift
Complete line of ever in the way of Or. Goods, Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware, Feed s
PLACE fifty different
makes of Womens shoes to-
Ask ten women to
make Nine of them
will pick the
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this There
must be a reason why
all other women's shoes in
the world.
Big Store
complete of
Shoes hats,
and millinery
You can't go inspecting for will certain
be pleased with the price.
Putting in tobacco is in order
this week among our ablate,
and many of them are
stuck as it were, but guess
about as good us any is
and our farmers
have it .
Miss Olive Morrill, of Snow
Hui, spent the past week With
Miss Parker.
Miss Vet Smith, of Green-
ville, returned home today after
a pleasant visit to relatives here.
Mrs. P. S. Smith spent several
days in Greenville the past week
visiting family of
Mrs E. Lang has re-
turned home after quite a visit to
relatives in Greenville and
Dr. Nash. State evangelist for
the M. E church, today after
Conducting a week's meeting for
the church at this place Dr.
Nash is a broad minded Christian
gentleman and did some fine
preaching which was greatly
enjoyed by all Christians at this
place and we were sorry to have
him leave so soon.
Mrs. M. E. Shaw for her
home in Tuesday,
a pleasant visit to her daughter,
John Smith.
On Thursday night at eight
, at the home of Mrs. Ida
May was of the
most beautiful home weddings
; ever witnessed in this community
when Miss Olga May became the
; wife of Mr. Dwight of
Newark. N. J. The bridal party
in the parlor which was
j decorated in palms and
cut flowers, In the following
l Misses May and la-
Misses Lady
Turnage and Gay.
I Next the ring bearer, little
Miss Grace and fol-
came the bride tastily
gowned in white silk mull with
laces and pearl trimmings, lean-
on the arm of her brother-in-
law. Mr. W. A. They
Were met at the rear of the room
by Mr. Adolph May as best man
and the groom. Here they
pledged their betrothal as Kev.
W. united them in the
holy bonds of wedlock with that
most beautiful and impressive
service of the Episcopal church.
Mr. and Mrs. left on
the north bound train far
Jamestown exposition and from
there they expect to visit New
York and several points from
that place.
Will be at home after Aug.
Newark, N. J.
Out of town guests, Mis. W. P.
Ainslie, of Norfolk, sister of the
groom, Mrs Whitakers, of En-
field. Mr. and Mrs. Robert May,
of Greenville.
Best wishes from a host of
friends follow her to her new
home and through life. Quite a
number of beautiful and valuable
presents were received as a token
of friendship and esteem the
young couple bore.
I have four gentle cow, good milk-
from years old, average to
gallons t months
old. Bold under guarantee.
Farmville N. C.
We will buy Bell your real
Parker's Old
M. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind cf k
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Lang Building, Main Farmville, N. C
New Firm. New Store. New Goods.
Close Cal; Prices.
Gents Fine a
You make no mistake in trading with us, for you get
the best goods at lowest price.
Perfection Quality and shoes for Ladies and gentlemen
at their cut price. Ladies fancy goods.
Dr. G. E. Weeks,
over Garden Bros, new
Farmville, N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
Optician and Watch-maker,
Fitted. Examination of
eyes free.
All watch and clock work
General Merchants
Main and Wilson t ts, Farmville, N. C-
Dry Clothing, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, hardware, Fur-
Stock and Fertilizer.
Agents for
Complete line of Carpets. Mattings and Rugs
Guns, Pistols and Rifles.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade,
and see stock.
List n Listen
For days you can get 2-1
cute little Photos for cents at
at once to Farmville
and get of those cute little
Photos that Taylor is making.
Davis Old Stand, Main Street, Farmville, N. CL
Complete stock Merchandise
Cash or time solicited
buyers of Cotton and Country Produce.
Meat. Hay, Corn. Oats and Fertilizer in lots.
Everything in Dry Goods and Groceries,
Distributors celebrated Shoes for Men and Women.
for and i i.
Since the beginning of the
schedule between Washington
and Farmville on the N. S.
it. is just grand to us Farmville
people to see so many of our
Greenville and Washington
friends on our streets for about
three hours every day, and es-
about noonday when
trade and business is somewhat
dull. Hope to soon have the mail
so we can get an eastern daily
before it is three days old.
Horton Hotel
Farmville, N. C.
located. Well
Polite servants. Bast table the
market affords at all season.
Rates Reasonable.
Bass meets all trains.
First class livery with gold rigs
and horses.
Main Street,
Farmville C.
Everything found an
Drugstore. Good lino Oils and
Paints. All kinds of soft drinks,
Ice through the season.
Open a to
day to a. in.
p. m. u
Stray Hog Taken Up.
I have taken up at the Ingle-
stock farm, one boar hog,
color blue, marked hole in
right ear, swallow fork ear.
Owner can get the hog by
same and paying costs and
expenses. W. S. Dickinson,
Write and tell us what
make it is and about how
long you have had it,
and we will tell you how
much we will allow you
for it in exchange for a
The greatest musical in-
the the
piano that can
no music lessons
Every home ought to
have one of these wonder
instruments Let us
tell you all about it, and
how we will trade.
L. C. Street. Mgr.,
Norfolk Va
B. S. Smith,
located corner and
and permanent. Reasonable
rates and prompt attention.
Tonsorial Emporium.
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville. N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict
y Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
repaired, clean
ed and pressed.
Farmville. N. G.
years in
Artistic work
Enlarging a
Jeweler and Real Estate Agent.
Watches and Clocks repaired on short
notice. Work guaranteed.
A. C.
Fresh Meats, Beef, Fish.
Local and Richmond Products.
J M.
work a
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Grimesland. N. C. July
Tuesday at
o'clock the death angel visited
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Moore and took from their
midst Maggie
Pittman Moore
She had brightened the home
with her sweet and life
only eleven years and fifteen
and with warning of only
a few days wan to her
heavenly home.
The funeral was held at two
o'clock Wednesday afternoon at.
the family burial five
mile-; from Greenville. Services
were conducted at the home and
at the grave by Rev. J. E.
baptist minister from Green-
The pall bearers Messrs John
Warren. A. O. Clark. I. S. Flem-
J. Y. Holliday, R. M. Elks
and Sam Holliday.
She was born June
Her mother died and left her an
infant of only a few weeks, and
the youngest of three children.
The oldest, one. a was drown-
ed and the youngest call-
ed on Tuesday.
taken by her aunt,
Mrs M. Moore and grand-
mother, Mrs. Susan A. Moore,
the having died three years
With love and affection she
grew m our hearts as she was
reared in our home, for to as she
was our little baby sister.
Wren God in His wisdom and
power broke our family circle, it
cast a gloom and shadow over
the hone that had never been
We ire thankful for the few
short ears she was given us.
her has so often
the IVes and hearts of her loved
ones, who watched over hr day
by The entire ti immunity
loss for she was always
cheerful and happy, spreading
where ever she went,
she lever met a stranger and
had a word for every
why should we for
the tear little soul, that has boon
transplanted in a brighter, hap-
pier home
Mr. and Mrs. Moore deeply
feel the of their little baby
girl, for they were always to her
mama and papa- She leaves
four sisters. Miss Inez Pittman
of Misses
Susie an Ward Moore, of
May God bless the family in
their s and be-
Mr. Joe J. Tucker died at
h me of his son. Mr S. D Turk- El
near Grimesland, July 9th,
1907. He was born January
14th, and had therefore
mile Mist.
In his early life and
manhood, ho was energetic, in-
economical. And by
dint of hard labor and strict
he had accumulated some
property and capital He was a
strict business man and knew
how to invest money.
But during his latter days he
was a at sufferer from
in its worst So
much so that he had not walked
a step or used his hands e a
very little in six or seven years.
In April. he married Miss
Galloway. She died
years ago. There are now
eight living children as
Mrs. Fred Edwards, Mr. S O.
Tucker, Mrs. H. J- Carey, Mr.
W. Tucker. Mrs. John Ed-
wards. Mrs. S. Smith, of
Greenville; Mrs. J. Galloway,
Mrs. Jesse Wilson.
Brother Tucker was one of the
first members of Salem
dist church. He was a member
for thirty-two years and a
great deal toward the building of
it. For a long time he was stew-
ard and trustee, but afflictions
necessitated his giving these up-
May the Comforter be with
the sorrowing children and
other relatives who mourn, and
may we all meet again over the
river. B. E Stanfield
and White Stockings-
The discover that army
thriving places for mos-
because these insects
breed h old cannon ard in the
piles o old cannon balls may be
by another dis-
cover; which women attached to
made in the Philip-
pines with regard to mosquitoes.
An wife at Fort Slocum
told about it the other evening
men visitors wearing
sloes and black hose were
lipping their shins.
you were here long you
would notice she said,
woman around here wears
white hose. It isn't because it is
the fashion, but because
toes rarely bite through white
We learned that in
the Black hose seem
to these pests. There is
about white that re-
Tel your women folks that
when they visit an army post in
mosquito time and expect to be
out of doors to be sure to put on
white stockings. It will save
them I good deal of annoyance
rubbing her ankles to-
because of the misery of
bites is not altogether
York Sun.
t i
Masters George Collier, James
Spicer Holmes and
lie gave a picnic last
out at the County Club,
in of Miss Mattie
King. Those who attended
Emma Jeffreys, Mabel
King. Annie King,
Ethel Pool, Blanche King
and Alice Newton.
Pitt County Annual Institute,
Greenville, Thursday, Aug.
The annual Farmers Institute
for Pitt county will be held at
Greenville, Thursday, Aug.
There will be two or three
speakers present from the State
department of agriculture in
addition to the local speakers.
institutes are for a free
and informal discussion f every
day farm problems and farm-
can attend and take part in
these discussions without
more than enough benefit to
pay for the time spent.
No attempt will be made at
this meeting to lay down hard
and fast rules by which any man
run his farm, but
proved farming methods will be
discussed and the reasons why
these methods are better than
many of those now practiced will
be given. We are assured that
no speaker will recommend any-
thing he has not done
and that dozens of farmers in
this part of the State are not also
doing at this time.
Do not forget the date of this
meeting, Thursday,
Aug and see that your
neighbors know of it and attend.
Enjoy a Evening
With Mabel King.
Miss Mabel King entertained
at a delightful at
her home on James street, com-
to her visiting
cousins, Misses Mattie and
King, of Greenville, N- C.
The house and lawn were
brilliantly illuminated with
There was
music and singing, and the even-
was spent in playing games
of various description, that young
people delight in, and not a dull
moment was passed.
At ten o'clock- delicious re-
were served on the
Those present were Misses
Mary Slaughter, Martha Hines,
of Kinston, Mattie and
King, of Greenville,
Almeda Carr, Annie Smith.
Eunice Taylor, Mildred Edmond-
son, Maggie Powell, Alva Brown,
Eleanor Crabtree, Mattie Par-
Carol Collier, Emma
Blanche King, Alice New
ton, of Falkland, Masters George
Collier, James Jeffreys.
Jenkins, Spicer Holmes, Tom
Holmes. Kenneth Royall,
borne Royall, Carr and
town Exposition.
Jamestown Exposition, Va.,
July -Among the thirty
land Elks who will come down
Philadelphia July to ob-
serve Day at the James-
town exposition there will prob-
ably be no delegation attract
more attention than the El Paso
Elks, of El
Paso, Texas.
Its members, attired to
sent every type of tin- pictures-
costume., in sister
of Mexico, the
Club will go east to the national
convention in Philadelphia this
wear with a collect-
ion of garments, educative and
instructive, to people
to the manners dress
of the Mexicans, picturesque
indeed in their beautiful blend-
of the soft blended shades at
which the Mexicans and Indians
are adepts.
Again the will
make the trip in a special train
all the way from the border of
sunny Mexico to the borders of
picturesque Canady on the north,
through Canada an i
thence down south to the
city of Brotherly Love and
on to the Jamestown exposition
Two years ago the same
made the trip to Buffalo,
N. . and was awarded the first
prize for traveling longest
distance of any organization at
the meeting. This time they
will travel much further.
For the second the will
also take the famous
band. This is the personal
band of the governor of the Mex-
state of miles
from Mexico and is tendered
again to the club as a compliment
from the big. six-foot governor
Miguel who is an hon-
member of the El Paso
Elks and the only foreigner who
has such a distinction in the en-
tire membership of the order.
This band, composed of sixty-two
pieces, under the leadership of
Augusto son of a noble
Italian family won first prize in
competition with bands from
over the United States at Buffalo
in 1905 and is entered for the
Philadelphia contest under the
leadership of the same man.
to the convention the
train made numerous stops at
Kansas City, Davenport and To
Moline and Rock Island.
Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo,
Falls and elsewhere
to Philadelphia and after the
close of the national convention
in Philadelphia, in their
Mexican costumes, and
by their Mexican band,
will visit Jamestown exposition
on Paso
Among the pilgrims of the
special train, every costume from
the gay of the with
its gold and silver braid and but-
tons, down to the bright hued at-
tire of the peasant use the
Mexican word--peon--will be rep-
resented- Even the bull fighter
will not be neglected and the
gaudy colors of scarlet and gold
and green and purple of the gay
and gallant matadors, picadors
and will be worn.
The gaudy capes carried by the
bull fighters to lure Mr. to
his death and the beautiful
rapes, the wonder of eastern-
will adorn many shoulders.
It will be one of the
aggregations ever sent to a
national reunion of Elks, and will
be educational in that it will
represent the dress of all
classes of citizens of Mexico. The
Mexican government not
recognize the organization and
permit the use of its band if the
costumes were not correct.
the fourteenth of July 1907,
our dear father and husband,
Andrew J. Moire, passed from
tins earth and entered the bet-
home above where he had so
often wished to be. He had of-
ten expressed himself ready and
willing to die. Although his
loved ones had prepared for
the worst it came them with a
sudden realization of what it
meant to give him up who had so
loved and eared for his dear ones
while yet he was herewith us on
Andrew J. Mi ore was born in
Wilson county, was married to
Delia A. of Edgecombe
county, on Feb. 3rd 1839. Their
marriage was blessed with seven
children of which five still
vive, also a devoted wife, who
has tenderly nursed and cared
for him all through the dark
days of affliction when
seemed of no avail.
His living children are Mrs.
T. C Bryan, of . R.
Moore, of Pa. W. Ii.
Moore, of Falkland. F. C.
of Newport News, Va. and Mrs.
W. G. Williams, of
Three of these were with him at
the time of his death.
He was seventy-five years old
on the third day of June.
He has twenty three grand
children and thirteen great
grand children.
As a citizen he was highly es-
teemed by all, and counted his
friends by the score, that
in death a good man is gone
who always upheld the right and
bore ill will to no mart. As a
husband he was true and self-
sacrificing. As a father he was
generous and kind, looking not
for the pleasures the world con-
for him self, but made
other's joys his own
His afflictions were great for
the past three or four years, but
he always said God's was
best, and his Christian spirit and
trust in God gave strength
him to bear his burdens. He was
willing and ready to obey the
summons when it came and fell
in Jesus peaceful
sleep, from which none ever
wake to
He was a faithful member of
the Methodist church for a
of years. The took
place at Falkland last Monday at
o'clock, the service being con-
ducted by Kev M. T. Plyler.
His Daughter.
Leaves Wife and One Child.
Mr. John Whit a young
married man who lived in the
house on Third street, was
drowned in river, Tuesday
afternoon, about miles above
Washington. Mr. had
been to Washington with Mr. Joe
Mayo, on the gas boat to
tow a raft, of logs
The only that can
be learned of the drowning are
that the two men loft Washing-
ton with the boat to come to
Greenville. When at
the boat grounded and Whitley
got out to push it off. He gave
the boat a shove and as it moved
away from him he fell in deeper
water and was drowned, the
body had not been recovered at
Mr. Whitley leaves a wife and
one child. Mrs. Whitley's father
came here today to take her and
the child back to his home at
Schools The
Mashing on, July
Small, of the first
North Carolina district, is going
to institute an itinerary school
for farmers throughout his dis-
He has been in
with Capt. Richmond
Pearson Hobson, of Alabama,
who has just recently completed
a most successful institute in
Alabama, and Mr. Small's under-
taking will be after the
order. Mr. Small has been
thinking of this institute for
several years, but has been
inspired now by the
of Captain Hobson. Begin-
Monday, July 25th. or Mon-
day, August 5th, Mr Small will
take with him a number of ex-
perts on plant culture,
road building, forestry, etc, and
will spend a week at each of
seven county seats in his district,
Postponed to Friday 19th.
A meeting of the Chamber of
Commerce was called for
o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, in
the mayor's but at that
hour there were not enough of
the and business men
present for the meeting to be
held. This was disappointing to
these who did for
had been
for consideration at that
As not a quo um was present
it was d to another
meeting of for Fri-
day nigh, 19th, o'clock.
The R- doctor wants to urge
every member, and business
men who are not members, to
be present at that time. The
Chamber of Commerce is design-
ed to promote the inter-
of the town, but it will
take men behind mike it
accomplish anything.
for Re Hector.
The young men of Greenville
gave a on the yacht
to Miss Marie Manning,
of Henderson, the charming
guest of Miss Helen Forbes.
They left the wharf prompt-
at nine with a party on
board. After listening to
strains of music as well as
enjoying the beauty of i his-
Tar the anchor was
ed and an elegant was
served. Those present
Misses Helen
Forbes, Janie Janie
Brown, Lot Blow. Mary Medea-
of Winston, Lottie White of
Bertha Patrick, Glenn
Forbes. Mary Smith, Sadie
of Baltimore
A young lady school teacher,
who delighted to tease a young
country lad who sat next to her
at the boarding house table,
asked him one day to write in
her autograph album. He
blushed and stammered, but
life, may nothing vex it
Thy years be not a few,
And at thy final exit.
May the devil miss his
The name was John G.
The Governor and the Federal
N. C, July 16--Fol-
lowing the arrest here yesterday
of J. H. Wood, district passenger
agent of the Southern, on the
charge of having violated the
new rate law by charging more
than the cents per mile as
provided, and the arraignment in
police court this morning when
the cases were continued. Judge
in the United States
Circuit Court, issued writs of ha-
corpus commanding the
chief of police to produce the
prisoners before him.
Police Judge Reynolds com-
with Governor Glenn,
instructed him to proceed
with the cases and have the
solicitor resist the release of the
defendants under the writ of
habeas corpus.
Governor Glenn denounced the
action of Judge Pritchard in
the enforcement of the
laws of the State out of the
hands of State officers, and de-
that it was a high handed
A. H. Taft Co.,
dealers, made an assign, mt
Tuesday afternoon, A. L B ow
and F. C. Harding being
as assignees. The liabilities
the firm are stated at about
and the stock, exclusive of
accounts, will inventory about
We hope their financial
troubles can soon be adjusted and
they can return to business.
e, Jennie
giving lectures and entertain-
for the benefit of
especially the farmers.
The Alliance especially
be asked to co-operate, but
all the people will be invited-
The counties in which
will be held
tank, Gates, Hertford, Pitt.
Beaufort. Martin and Washing-
ton. Mr Small has been in
several days
the details with
Department. If these in-
prove successful, and the
people show interest in
them, Mr. Small will start
institutes in the seven re-
counties of his district
some time in September or
Mr. Small is very much
pressed with the excellence of
the Jamestown Exposition,
which he has visited gov-
exhibits are very
he says- exhibits in the
several buildings are all good,
the State buildings being
creditable to the various
States- I was especially pleased
with the North Carolina and
Georgia buildings, which are
most attractive and creditable to
these Continuing, he
said that the exposition is now
substantially complete, except
the government pier, and that
Secretary had
ed that the forces of his depart-
would be concentrated
upon the completion of this pier
until it
Cobb and Mary Burt
James, Frank Wilson, Bob
Howard, Wilson, Lurch
Hall. Ben Higgs, Walter Wilson,
Alex Bill Patrick. Sim
Chapman. Willis Atkins. Chas.
Royce Tucker, Norman
Warren and John
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. William
has issued the licenses
since last
J. F. Smith and Mattie E. Cox.
John James and Lizzie Bullock-
R. E. Fulford and Victoria
Robert Hanrahan and Letha
Evans Forbes and Lula Joyner.
John Burney and Pattie Ellis-
David Howard and Lena Roe.
Killed on Battleship.
Boston, Mass., July By
the explosion of a case of powder
In the hands of a gunner in the
after superimposed turret of the
battleship Georgia in
setts Bay today, eighteen men
were killed and thirteen injured-
Not one of the persons in the
turret t injury.
Big Paper Weight to Jamestown
Mt. Airy. N. C-, July 16-The-
Southern railway and Mt. Airy
Granite Corporation sent out
from the granite quarries at this
place on Saturday a solid granite
column, called the paper
weighing fifty-eight
tons, and seven long and
about four by five feet square.
This fine specimen of granite will
be placed on exhibition at the
Jamestown fair, and will no-
doubt attract much attention. It
is a remarkable fact that this fine
can be cut to almost any
shape and size, and can be safely
transported by rail to any point
of the compass.
The rock was nicely dressed
and a pretty banner erected over
it on the car giving a full de-
and telling all about its
size, weight, etc.
The information comes to The
Reflector, though unofficially.
that trains will be running from
to Wilson within 6-
We have seen the temperature Of the miles,
higher, but the heat today seem- bud with track, and the
ed to have steam in it ha a capacity of a mile a day

Eastern reflector, 12 July 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 12, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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