Eastern reflector, 21 June 1907

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. .,
This department is in charge of W. Parker who is author-
to represent The Reflector in Farmville and vicinity.
President Leaves For Oyster Bay.
Special to
Washington, June
dent Roosevelt left town this
for Oyster Bay. the
summer capital, where he will
spend a quiet summer, and on
the 29th of September leaves
Oyster Bay for Canton, Ohio,
where he will participate in the
dedication of the monument to
The summer
will be located as usual on
the second over the grocery
store of at the corner of
Main th streets.
this year will
be the pretty E. N.
cottage up the cove road near
Chris- Episcopal church where
the and his family at-
tend weekly worship. The pres-
Hill, is
three lea and a half from
the and in order
to keep the president in touch
with work of the
as well as to secure the
very necessary presidential
nature to commissions, orders,
and important letters, the sec-
will make trips to
and from the Roosevelt
Won the Hopping Bet
Captain bet an athlete
that he could not hop up a
long flight of steps two at a
time. The athlete took the bet
end made trial. But there were
forty-one stops to the flight, and
therefore after making twenty
hops the man found that he had
lost. He paid up. but accused
Captain of sharp
I'll make the
same bet with you that I can do
other, expecting to win
his money back, assented.
Captain then hopped
up forty steps in twenty hops,
and. hopping back one, finished
in the prescribed manner and
won the bet
Farmville. N. C June 11th.
in Raleigh.
Senator F. M. Simmons, chair-
man of the Democratic State
executive committee, has issued
a call for a meeting of the com-
in Raleigh on Monday
night July the eighth.
As is known. Senator Sim-
mons gave notice some time ago
that resign the chair-
and this meeting called
by him is that he may tender his
resignation and that his
may be elected.
The official notice for
meeting reads as follows
Democratic state executive
committee is hereby called to
meet in the senate chamber in
Raleigh on Monday night. July
1907, at o'clock, for the
purpose of selecting a chairman
in place of the present chairman,
who will at this meeting tender
his resignation.
F. M. Simmons,
A. J. Field, Secretary.
Weather very changeable,
cool, warm, rainy and somewhat
windy. Crops looking very
favorable especially corn and
cotton, with right much com-
plaint lice around the roots and
causing cotton dying very badly.
Committee is to Meet Tobacco seems to have a tend-
ency of running up and
Apples and pears are shed-
ding very bad, while plums and
peaches seem to be holding their
own very well.
J. J. Hearne. of Old Sparta,
informs us he and the most of
his neighbors in the hail stricken
section had planted their crops
over We hope they may get
good stands and quick growth.
On last Tuesday night about
o'clocK, P. T. Atkinson's barn
and stables were burned, also
a mule and all his feed, with n
narrow escape of another mule
the and calf were in the stalls.
The calf jumped through the
flames to save its life and was
badly singed The mule that
was rescued was burned right
much on one side of his head-
Mr Atkinson's loss is over three
hundred dollars. We surely
sympathize with him and will
Our neighbor W. R.
Home opens his heart and barn
gives a barrel of corn. R.
I. Davis, cash Jason
Joyner, cash
We had the pleasure of greet-
in x our old friend J. L. Smith,
from Maple Cypress, today in
Farmville. He will spend a few
days in our midst visiting his
son, who is with R. L.
Davis Bros., and his daughter,
Mrs. Walter Barrett. Dr Bynum
and others.
Walter Sheppard of Trinity
college is home among his friends
and relatives for a short while,
Walter is a good boy, and is
a wise step, and we hope him
much success in his ministerial
W Y- Swain, of Rocky Mount,
has been in our neighborhood
since List Friday, returning this
Several of our young people
went down to Blue Banks on the
old Tar Sunday, just to try their
luck fishing, sporting or courting.
Any way they went and report a
good time sure enough, with
only one exception, and that was
the day was most too short
suppose it had been the 9th of
December, they would not have
had time to have baited their
hooks, much less to have got a
At our spring last Sunday we
had one and thirty six
visitors taking gallons of
water away with them, and we
could not miss one drop. All
seemed to enjoy the cool spark-
j ling water very much and com-
of the various springs
they had visited but the greatest
attraction seemed to be the many
Indian mounds and other
mens of smaller articles that re-
minds us of the departed Red-
Miss Mable Barrett will give a
birthday party on Wednesday
evening at her home
B. T. Thigpen, of Saratoga,
spent Sunday and Sunday night
in Farmville, the guest of Mrs.
Letha Burnett.
Floyd Bryant came in to visit
his sister, Mrs F. M. Davis,
Monday. Mr. Bryant has recently
returned from Baltimore where
he has been attending the
J. W Parker and wife spent
Sunday in Snow Hill visiting his
wife's people.
Dr. D. S. Morrill left Monday
for Morehead City where he will
spend several days
A C Monk and Miss Vivian
Parker spent Sunday in Snow
Hill visiting friends.
A class of orphans from Ox-
ford will give an entertainment
at the opera house on Saturday
be a picnic on the
Green spring grounds Tuesday,
June the 25th- Everybody n-
Bring your dinner or
your cash. We will have plenty
of barbecue and other refresh-
for sale so you can buy
what you choose to eat when you
get ready, or bring you
please and invite who you please
to help you eat it There will be
no regular tables nor baskets
solicited on the grounds. The
ladies will serve cream and cake-
Senator Willis R Williams will
make a short speech. There will
he two match games of ball, the
juniors of Farmville and Snow
Hill at a- m. The Green
spring and at p.
m. A band of good music and
dancing on the during
the day and evening.
The order of the day will be
strictly under the of
township constable T. Bundy
by J. H. Smith, chief
police of Farmville.
Painter and Designer.
All work guaranteed.
Prompt attention to orders.
Farmville N. C.
Manufacturer of
Slop Brick-
best clay and the burn-
ed on the market. Orders
tilled on short notice.
to W. G.
Maia and Wilson Streets,
General Merchandise,
For Cash or on Time
Second Floor.
Cotton, Shuck and Fit Matt es s.
Complete line of everything in the way of Dry, Goods, Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware, Feed stuff and
Farmville, N. C.
Select Millinery.
Fancy Laces, Caps
Trimmings and Ornaments.
Millinery and Dress Goods.
Full line the latest styles
and novelties of the sea-
son. Expert trimmers
from Baltimore.
I have four gentle cows, good milk-
from -1 old. average to
gallons per day, calves to months
old. Sold under guarantee.
Jeweler and Real Estate Agent.
and Clocks repaired on short
notice. Work guaranteed.
N. C.
Will buy sell your real
Manufacturers of lumber, turned
and grill work. Any kind of
work in wood or iron.
ion guaranteed-
J. B.
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Dr. G. L Weeks,
Office over Darden Bros, new
Farmville, N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
prove it by donating one dollar.
Who is the next neighbor that
will prove his sympathy Now
this is no request of Mr
son and I only mentioned this by
being prompted by the pathetic
words, ye another's-
A. C.
Fresh Meats. Beef. Fish.
and Richmond Product.
Architect and Builder.
Long Building, Main Street, Farmville, N. Cr
New Firm. New Store. New Goods.
of General ab
Close cut Cal; Prices.
Gents Fine Clothing; a
make no mistake in trading with us, for you get
the test goods at lowest price.
General Merchants
Main and Wilson Farmville, N. C
Dry Clothing, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, M. Fur-
tare. Stock Feed, and Fertilizer.
Complete line of of Carpets, Mattings and Rugs. Agents for
Guns, Pistols and Rifles.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade. Call
and i
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Clothing Hats and Caps.
Heavy And Fancy Groceries
Tailor made Clothing and International Walk Over Shoes are
among our specialties. Goods right and Prices Right.
Davis Old Stand, Main Street, Farmville. N. C
Complete stock Merchandise-
Cash or time trade solicited
Buyers of Cotton and County Produce.
Meat, Hay, Corn, Oats and Fertilizer in car load lots.
Everything in Dry Goods and Groceries.
Distributors of celebrated Shoes for Men and Women.
Horton Hotel J. J
Tonsorial Artist.
Farmville, N, C,
Comfortable chairs, good light,
sharp tools and expert bar-
Farmville, N. C.
market affords
Best table the
at all season.
Buss meets all trains.
livery wits rigs
and horses.
B. S. Smith,
located on corner Wilson and
I u u
u-1 mi A
Main Street.
Farmville N. C
Everything found in an
Drug Store. Good line Oils and
All kinds of soft drink s.
Ice through the season.
Open a m to p. m. Sun
day to a. in.
Tonsorial Emporium.
Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
. w, sea-
and , i .-. -V. I
D. J. RD, and Owner.
In Pref to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Good From the Department Money to Speculate in
Rural Free Delivery
a Charlotte. N- C. June
since that the defendant serve six
postal clerks -I m a Federal prison, th.-
on the first of nu. This
order ha-, now i pronounced
the assistant I ii. Boyd this
general to the tint t o'clock upon Frank
rural mail carriers rill . n. -I i.-. the self-confessed de-
raise on the first, i;
being greater in proportion
that the postal clerks ft was
There are a few instances whore I crowded
the raise will not
Carriers that have been
per year will be raised to
those receiving from
to will get and
class is raised to
class to and class to
It. can be seen that the
highest salaried men will
the largest increase, the great-
est raise b
Movement of Truck
The moving of freight
in this city occur-
red this afternoon when the Nor-
folk and Southern railway's
double-header track passed
through from New Bern with
car loads of truck for the nor-
It gave the appearance of pros-
and progress, seeing the
products of the fertile fields of
eastern North Carolina shipped
in such enormous quantities by
quick dispatch to the cities that
anxious for them ac a good
The country being developed
by this railroad is rich in natural
resources and the
facilities will place it in
touch with the outside world,
which will bring it to the notice
of capital, home seekers and
It has become necessary for
the Norfolk and S to in-
crease its depot accommodations
on account of the constantly in-
creasing volume of business and
this work is done as rapid-
as possible Mes
to Reflector.
Mass., June 18.-
The greatest ever
mid.; by the Catholic residents
day i
tend the graduation exorcises at
Holy Cross college- The streets
were filled at an early hour with
earnest Catholics. The demon-
was made by Catholics
without regard to racial differ-
as none were known as
French or Irish Catholics, but
simply as Catholics. The
carriage was surrounded
by a body-guard of horsemen,
representing the Catholics in the
State militia. This is Cardinal
first visit to
and it is feared that it will be
his last, owing to his advanced
a hushed scene in the
court room when the
presiding judge pronounced sen-
after expressing much
feeling for the widowed mother
and the faithful wife of the con-
man. The defendant
himself heard the sentence with-
out a tremor, having his
trying ordeal with ail the
that a man can command
after fully determining to meet
his fate regardless of the con-
As soon as the sentence was
pronounced large crowd be-
to disperse But a number
of people tor a long time friends
of the man who is now a prisoner
remained behind to take by
the hand and express to him
their sympathy in his giving
way to a temptation over which
it was shown in his confession
that he had no control.
Jones in his confession said
that sickness of his father and
in his own family made such
demand on him for money that
he could not meet it out of his
salary. He resorted to
in cotton futures, won on
his first venture, but lost always
afterward and became an em-
May Make Brown
Special to Reflector.
Providence, R I., June
At the meeting of the associated
alumni of Brown university to-
day an effort will made to
petition the general assembly of
Island for permission to
amend i ho charter of the
so as to mike the
non sectarian, instead of
Baptist. At present the chatter
of the institution provides that a
n number of board of
fellows shall members of the
Baptist denomination and the
chatter also that the
majority shall always be of the
Baptist Those in favor of
Oakley, N. C 1907.
Miss Pennie of Golds
and Miss Lucy Manning,
of Bethel, were here Saturday.
T. H. Williams, of Bethel, was
hero Friday.
J. K. Barnhill and wife visited
here Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Martha and
Sallie Williams visited at Has-
sells last week.
Mrs J M. Lynch, of
a as here last week.
Two of the section laborers at
on this section had a bat-
Saturday in which W. C.
Jenkins, white, struck Frank
Staton, colored, with a jack
lever, cutting a bad gash The
difficulty arose from a difference
in belief of the unknown tongue
T. A. Manning visited at Oak
C Sunday.
W. J. Manning, of Bethel, was
in this city Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Warren, of Oak
City, came down Sunday to visit
her parents for a few
A F. of Ore
visited his sister. Mrs. John
Jenkins, here Sunday.
James L. and family, of
Greenville, spent Sunday here
with J. H. Little and family.
Several continue to attend
church at Parmele from here.
The services have been going on
for two months.
J. O- Williams and wife went
to Parmele Sunday and returned
same day.
Rev. W- O. Winfield will
preach in the C. B. H. hall next
Sunday at p m.
J. S. Cherry and family, of
Stokes, visited here Saturday.
Miss Fannie of Hamil-
ton, was here last week
James of Oak
Grove, was here last week.
E. and J. E. Hines
went to Robersonville last week.
id by the Catholic residents
u. v . i,. t. the proposed change claim that
students are de-
to at from attending the
who . me in
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Patrick
invite you to be present
at St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Greenville, North Carolina
on Wednesday morning,
July the third
at half r seven o'clock
to witness the marriage of their
Mr. Ca.-y Bur well Mayo.
No cards issued in town.
Is there a woman in the moon
as well as man in the
moon The circumstantial
is strong that the woman
is right there. The man in the
moon wouldn't make such a good
appearance if there weren't a
woman to put him up to it, and
every man knows that no man
would stay in the moon so long
unless there was a woman in it.
Wilmington Star.
I, V w is r . . . r.
and that in several in-
stance in college has been
able to participate in valuable
bequests owing to the
clause in its charter.
The Plan.
The Landmark de,
dares with conviction that is
infinitely better to have property
assessed at its true
only because the law requires it
but as a matter of policy-and
have a low tar. rate, than to
have a low valuation of property
and a high tax The
Landmark holds that an actual-
value assessment would make a
difference only to the large tax-
payer, who as it truly says-
does not bear his proportion of
the burden under the system
now generally prevailing and
would consequently have no just
cause for complaint
We do not believe that these
propositions regarding the assess-
of property can be success-
fully controverted. Charlotte
Record of
year is not yet half gone,
yet statistics compiled by the
Chicago Tribune shows that its
record of casualties already ex-
that of 1906. Two
and seventy-three persons
hive been killed and injured
in thirty-eight railroad wrecks,
and lives have been lost in
twenty-three steamer wrecks
There have been thirteen mine
accidents in which persons
have perished. Tidal waves
have claimed 2.240 victims,
., I
. . lie r .
Whereas, The Great Spirit in
His wisdom has seen fit to remove
from our midst our good brother.
Joseph Riggs.
Therefore, be it resolved by
Shawnee No. I. O. R.
M. in council assembled.
1st. f That in the death of
Brother Riggs this council has
lost a and faithful member,
and his family a kind husband
and father.
2nd. That we extend to the
family of Brother Riggs our
generous and fraternal sympathy
due from every Red Man to the
widow and children of our de-
ceased bro her, ad beg to as-
sure that the Great Spirit,
who keeps the happy hunting
grounds, dot-th all things well.
3rd. That a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon our
records and a copy sent to the
family of our brother,
and one be sent to the Daily
Reflector for publication-
Dr. C. M. Jones,
L. Y. Holliday, Com.
A. O. Clark.
Bank Increase Capital.
Special to
New June The
stockholders of the New York
County National bank met today
and passed a motion to increase
the capital stock from
to They also
ed the directors to declare a spec-
dividend of out of
the surplus to be used in paying
tor the new stock. The stock of
the New York County National
bank is quoted at bid In
1906 the bank paid per cent,
dividends, in 1905 dividends
amounting to per cent, were
Which Are You
This from an exchange
to mind cases
have come under your own ob-
We recently saw one of our
citizens going home with a small
basket fruit. A few evenings
later wt passed him again and
hail a package of candy
Oil both occasions we were walk-
with the -rime gentleman
who remarked us t he man
with the candy was a
low, but blew in what he made
so foolishly. We merely smiled
in reply, but could not help, in
our own mind as we walked
along, drawing a contrast be-
tween the two men. One was
smoking a cigar that cost as
as the candy. Burning
ashes and blowing out into
mo air the money other spent
for that brought a
Mails of happiness to the check
lie once thought so rosy, and
eyes that still sparkled
like a thousand with
their tell-tale love fur curry-
home, one by ore. the sweet-
est memories life; building
evening after evening an image
in a little heart of Sweet
that no time, even into
eternity. would destroy
Nourishing and kindling a new
love that would in old age look
back to those happy home com-
and bless his memory as the
dearest papa that
But what of your friend, the
critic Yes, what of him Which
of the two had you rather have
been Which of the two are
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the g
since last report
J. E. Hopkins and Minnie L.
Battle of Hill.
Special to Reflector.
, July 17.-This
u the anniversary of the
battle of Bunker Hill, and is-et
in the new schedule issued
by the of Sons of the
Revolution State of New
York as one of dates on
which the United States ft
should be displayed in honor.
other when the
flag-should be displayed in honor
and prominence are as
Lincoln's birthday. F
Washington's birthday, Feb.
Battle of Lexington, April
Memorial day. May Flag
June Independence day. July
Saratoga, October
Surrender of Yorktown,
Evacuation Day No-
On Memorial Day.
May the flag should fly at
half-staff from sunrise to noon
and full staff from noon to sun-
By Mrs. W. G. Williams.
Over the hills the daisies white
Where the birds sing low and sweet,
Where falls the shadows of the night
And blue skies with the waters
Over the hills the stars are shining.
To light the earth below
And far away in the distance
The fairy-winds blow.
Over the hills in dreamland roam
And all the world is mine,
Where in the silent gleaming
I worship at Nature's shrine.
North Carolina and the Railroads
The North Carolina business
men do not simply want to know
North Carolina is
against in freight rates,
but they want a stop put to it. It
is results and not talk they are
after. When goods are hauled
through the State to a point be-
for less than the rate would
have been to stop them in the
State, there is good ground for a
kick North Carolina wants her
rights. She needs every cent of
money, f r education, for
ion and for industrial advance-
and it is but right that our
people should seek to get justice
for the old North State in the
matter of freight rates.
Charles Cheek, of Burlington,
was found dead Tuesday morning
k- . ft .MAN.
Ml. Man Hunter Tor-
Trail tar Seven s in
Suspect hi n
Jim Harrington, of
county, was arrested at hum
and token to Beaufort, tried and
held under bond to c to
answer to the charge of i. as
a result of Mr. of Green-
dog-; trailing -n the re if
of Mr. Graham's store, which
was burned at Saturday
night. The dogs were not put oil
the track until at least hours
after and it was feared that e
trail was too cold, but they fol-
lowed from immediately back of
the burned store a track made
across a field by a running man,
and taking I his through a
I. s miles, to where
Harrington was plowing in a held
near his home. Mr. Hines was
accompanied by the deputy sher-
of Carteret and Mr. Pratt, of
the Dixie Company, at
whose instance the dogs were
brought, and Harrington nude
no resistance when the dogs point
ed him out as the man.
A Winchester rifle
was found in Harrington's
house and this the officer took
charge of. He was taken to
Beaufort and given a
nary hearing at which some
other evidence was be-
sides the trailing him, and
bound over to court in the sum
of Harrington mortgaged
for his bond. It de-
at the trial that there
was feeling on his part against
Mr. Graham, store was
burned, and witnesses swore
that they saw two men, one re-
Harrington, crossing
the river at the point the dogs
trailed to The tracking lasted
three and a half hours; winding
through tortuous bypaths twice
the distance it was by a direct
road from Harrington's to
ham's store.
The fire occurred about
o'clock Sunday morning and Mr
Graham, a saw mill man and
merchant at lost his
, entire stock and in
burned, with only in-
making a to him of
2.500, at Inset The money
was chiefly in silver and this
melted and all run in- iT
The insurance people paid Mr
Hines and expenses for his
dog's work, and were highly
pleased at the result. Kinston
Free Press.
Dr. D. S. and wife
of Raleigh, have both been con.
to jail without bail, on
the charge of m his
wife s first husband.
Edward Ashby, a white man
of Cabarrus county, on Sunday
I morning shot and killed his
brother-in-law, Dan
j Ashby also killed his father a
few ago
The Masonic fraternity of
Tarboro the contract for
a temple to cost
Mrs. Hooker Dead.
At o'clock Sunday afternoon
Mrs. Pattie R. Hooker died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs-
E. G. Flanagan, with whom she
lived, in South Greenville. She
had sick for some weeks,
and for some several days her
condition was such that death
was almost expected at any mo-
Mrs Hooker was years of
age, and the widow of the late
Mr. Travis Hooker, of Greene
county, who died about twenty
years ago- Some of her married
children having made
homes in Greenville, she moved
to this to Am about ten years ago
and made her residence here the
rem her life She was r
member of the Christian church
and her life was marked by
devotion to the service of
The community held her in h
est esteem, for her life was
as at win the friendship of i
Three daughters and
sons survive her- Those
H U Coward. Mrs. J. L. V
Mrs E G Flanagan.
T E. T. M. and W. E. I
They have the sympathy
circle of friends in the
loss in the death of
The funeral service,
by Rev, D. W. Arnold;
J. Harper, of Wilson
this in th
church. The interim
in Cherry Hill
bearers being
Sr., D. C- I
Latham. R. C. Fla
Carr, W. T.
. W. V.
The Modern Country Girl.
The old-fashioned country girl
of fiction, the girl with
rustic woodland of poetry,
the girl the
imagination of sophisticated city
has disappeared, and in
her place is a highly intellectual
maiden to whom rusticity is a
matter of psychological analysis
and unsophistication a
cal problem. As the country girl
is in so many cases a college girl.
a new value has been given to
county life To her mean-
est flower that can give
not only thoughts that lie too
deep for tears, but can also
ford opportunity for the
use of a of botany.
She understands the
cal value of sunburn and the
chemical constituents of fresh
air. She talks learnedly about
soils and and has ideas
about the rotation of She
may be discovered
through the but ten to one,
her inter st is in the quality of
the rye rather than in any
wayfarer, and should she
meet the song hero is likely
that she would ask his opinion
upon some agricultural question
rather than his sympathy for
her loveless state.
There is no doubt that in the
future one must look in the old
songs and romances for the
old-time country girl, but in real
would anyone dare to prefer
the blushes of unsophistication
t the pale c st of thought
Seven Bodies Found.
Newport News, Va. June
Clad in full naval uniform and
with faces and hands fearfully
mutilated, the bodies of Mid-
shipmen W. C. Ulrich, of Wis-
class W. H. Steven-
son, of North Carolina class
1906. and F. P. Hole n
Delaware, class 1907. re f i
in Chesapeake Bay
The bodies, after b.-h ;
and identified, were taken
by the naval hospital at Ports-
Newport News, Va., June
Today the waters of Hampton
Roads gave up the bodies of four
more victims of the Minnesota's
launch disaster, two dead mid-
shipmen and two bluejackets
being picked up about a mile off
Fort Wool within half
a mile of where the launch was
sunk. The corpses were those
of Midshipmen Walter Carl
and Herbert Leander
Ordinary Seaman H. L.
n and Coal Passer

of the Ct and
of I
-of Science bad under
discussion the very in-
docs a cat
it shall
break I did not serve in
investigation. Member of
r of ascertain-
but the-
i.-e . cut, when
dropped feet, manages to
turn over in the air. with
no itself in I
order lo procure tho muscular
Hint necessary
for tie
To trio
members of the academy
cf its
ft you tit
little too much, or if you are subject to
attack of Indigestion, you have no
had f breath, rapid heart beats,
heartburn or palpitation of to heart
Indigestion the stomach to
expand and puff up against the
heart. This crowds the heart and inter-
with its action, and in the course
tone the heart become diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
Owning One
f. .;,.
. totally unable t i
so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
The man who Insure I
wise for his family.
The who Insure his
U both for his lamely
You may Insure health by
in It. It Is worth
At t he first attack of
which generally approach
through the LIVER and ma
itself in Innumerable
mi i I.
v . i
be men
. . o,
I a,
I . f
I leg I . I
N r-m. Y
i ft
t . i
l s D. NM.-J.
You Eat
I .
. . , . ;.
;, I i . t m
I ; A In l-ow I
if. n
v- did
I- to ,
toward tho I
next n-t
pro iv .
j,;. V pen
My- o
-r. i ; a., way n-
i I n i
into e and
situ-s on certificate.
Ii. Faculty of experienced coll
K. Scholarships from leading Bats
or college.
X. Home influence.
. library.
No Saloons.
TUB to Sept.
address. p.
ii a
No surpasses for a desirable
lots can be bought there now at
prices w mM,
that property around
to be higher, and the
buying the lot the
Ski i Into m
HI i; ; . IN
II Will
. W
to i
that at
I vB
y operators.
push as it,, ill
b ii ,
-I. I Hoy it;
, , -fact
T i when Here
i . lo
downward,, which cut
at ;.
all; part the town
See him explain prices
And Provisions
. i
RiV. n J
ii . In .,. ii . .
M . n
trait, an.; a
. To
wore reason
. ,;.
hf. his artistic career.
said, a
Manse if I
a stables with
him day. You
. of
forth so
I'll said the
ii , .
. for
a ,. , . ,
n eM
i I
i . . I i
Ties always on
kept mm
in stuck. Country
Produce end
j e
II North Carol In
to advertise have in a pap
the people read.
i n
the bill, for it your announcement direct
the people results
When you want good
, ;
I ,,;
o ,,
Mil n r
J ;.,
i i ;. II
i -i
Send orders to The Reflector.
; ;
North Carolina. In the superior
Pitt county. Before C
J. C Rasberry and wife
h. A.
The defendant Ella
hereby take notice that a
n instituted in
court of Pitt Bounty entitled
and vile Maggie
U. A. m .,
of side of a M
tract of land situated in swift
Township Pitt
tenants in and the
one of the defendants i
proceeding, will further
notice that she is required
I he office of the clerk of the
court of Pitt county, at
the 20th day of June, 1907,
the complaint
the relief
ad will
This the May,
i. c. Mi,
superior court Pitt
Not Quite
How often you can get
nail or screw driver or
per lacking. Have a goo
tool box and be prepared
emergencies. Our line of too
Is a yo i could desire, an
we will see that your lot
box does not lack a
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harries-
Horse Goods,
I Core
taut PAT,
. My
n in,. I. for
t close of May 18th 1907.
Resources. Liabilities.
and Discounts
Overdrafts secured
ind 1,400.88
I Sticks. Bonds
from Banks
and U. S. notes
And save your healthTotal
V. 810.77
Capital Stock
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid
Notes and bills
Bills Payable
up A
Cashier's checks
for Interest
ate H-tH ,.,.
Coon o mi. f f. above named bank, do
and sworn to before
me. this 28th day of May,
Notary Public.
J. G.
The New Year
Finds me at. lie name old stand, one door north of Man
i i complete line
thank every customer for his patronage during the
past year and ask that it may be continued.
It will pay you to visit my store and see my stock.
J. B. Johnston.
Come in and examine my
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and
Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealingsIf you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C.
a a
Greensboro, N. ,
The question, it
ore time teemed
automatic solution by
dist- of .
of them North,
be a live one Mg s
the South had
I to the
the conviction; that this
migration A
as bucked. M is.
getting as of the as
that section him.
of the usual fever
among the mire
here at this the
year to go into
northern city,
previous years v,
to come. An old
who was a notable cook all
round good
friend, who left
here three years is now
happy with folk,
a d their
happy too. rt hers
family will return as,, soon
they can work out of
woman says
work dare and-
friendly word
son no
much as
in laps and best,
while day white and black
and not lowed Sunday s for
She also-
that where
don't notice
when in debt they
to work it or de
Only yesterday one of the most
prominent merchants De-
the following
pathetic ad
from a colored
and highly regarded here, before
he left. Upon reading letter
the merchant wrote his former
faithful and
to come back and take his old
job. Enclosed was a check for
railroad letter
Dear -I thought
I would wright and asK you
if you think .
living for myself in
j for cannot
Nobody cares tor you
and there is
one here that
in Greensboro
greatest of
Women's W. C T., U. an in th
and Kigali r
folks, both rd
as you know, hive
la Mr. Mr.
and, come ,
Frisbee were at the and . ,
4th. and after Wan acre of
it hive turned Kr
head and My
tome. Sat
week I have J Hays
all that time, go a Sunday
off so you sea-1 a m.-j
than ray
am coming give
that I
me know and
to stay in South,
the North is for a
Christian colored
son, hoping that this
and your and friends en-
joying the best of health, I
Most Humble friend.
a bridal tour to New York, ML
and Norfolk, reached
Greenville Thursday evening.
There were , many callers, to
congratulations lo tho
happy couple The guests were
m arrival by Mr. and
Mrs J. S, and given a
welcome. In the hall
wok by Mr.
Anthony and
SmithMr. K. R.
with Miss Minnie re-
the guests in the parlor
presented the in to the bride-
groom and bride.
Ices and served in
Mattie Phillips
A Suite of -1 beautiful
The and various rooms
decorated with
out . ,
musical selections
by Misses Jame Tyson
and Francis Bagwell.
; Mr and., K. R.
r Mr. and Mi. W.
Tunstall. of Snow Hill, and,
Olive of
v f i. v
New of Music.
., .;. ,. ,
Special .
Lillian busily engaged
in. Europe in
plans for of
net great project., a
festival on the shores Of the
Hudson. location
of this realm of music is on the
Hudson between the re-
and the Hudson river
where a Bf twenty-.-.
has be n the sing-
Mm can furnish a
large share of the funds
p in the
in aid other or
America to the
of a million.
he expended and
ibis endowment will be
lo Raise a Minor lo
lb Tint Soldier
Killed in Civil War.
IS, -Th-re was a
called meeting of th .
U, P. q.
this place, which was
W and vi-
ab the deed
of who raj
of t
lid a A.
ail v pk
hive house worship
in the
convene meet at s
when convenient t
Lord by etc; we
members of the-
profess the
lowing principles, viz- of three
equal in the God head,
eternal election, original sin.
particular redemption, free
by the righteousness
Christ imparted, and the
saints in grace,
c., of the State and county
have thought propel
to constitute and appoint o
brother, viz., James
and Bond, commission-
and in trust for the r
if the Baptist church who pm-
principles, to
y gift or secure in any
lawful manner, on of land
in the county aforesaid on the
waters of Swift Creek
for the purpose, of building out
or houses thereon at
time when it shall be. deemed and
necessary . by the
as aforesaid for the
and use of the people
profess and hold the above men-.
principles as
Then follows the deed convey-
acre -to the
church Lorn Sr,
the being
shillings. The boundaries set
in the deed show it- to be
the site on
is heated. The deed
Civil War. In
subject she
By Mr John A.
of aM the, ppm-
on by
of the
having been in-
,, n on
ti which he did.
fusing especially the
ii raiding the money, in-
renting other chapter. also
first with
his personal aid. It. was moved
and carried that this chapter
pledge one
hundred and fifty dollars, and
hat an appeal. be made to all
chapters of sons and daughters
and every camp of Confederate
in. this take
prompt action in matter, and
t everybody to give
for this cause. A special
three was appointed
funds and to solicit
support and influence
other like organizations of this
State as all patriotic
The meeting
Was interest and
and it was decided to raise
at once and have the
the tenth
of his death.
Will be Later.
In f at
Thursday, Franc H. Jones
a plea of guilty to tho
various brought against
him by the
j the National
some months ago-j
As soon as this plea was made
September, 1798, and the record Bank some months ago,
shows that it was exhibited in As soon as this plea w.
open court at January term. Mr. accompanied by Mrs.
and proven of
The order
for to be registered is signed
by George Evans, of the
.,.,,.,. ,, ,.,.,. ,, .
Freed Today.
J ,
Lehman ind Emile Hart-
the, enterprise on in St.
in a beer, In
foe re- the . penitentiary,
Bradstreet to-morrow will say
for Richmond, Va., and
dealers in and job-
shoes continue active; in
some localities ales-show a fall-
but on the whole business
shows ah increase. Wholesale
dealers in dry goods a good
ordering has been very
due to unseasonable
Stocks in the hands of,
in practically every line are
than usual at this
The crop of tobacco of I has
practically all
prices continuing high through
the season. Tobacco are
scarce, and with continued
favorable weather conditions tho
crop this year will be light. Pi-
crop are not good, stand is
not good and considerable re-
planting has been necessary. The.
cotton crop in most sections p
North Carolina is Continued
unseasonable depresses,
retail trade, and- has resulted in
backward in
i v
the i i
dent to Charlotte
is remarkable, but that
there is a mile of navigable water
in for every
of railway in, operation,
some 3.500, but of course a great
deal of the water not kept in
proper For the failure
to properly develop the water-
ways Senator Simmons most
severely arraigned in his speech
the United States Senate, and
he said that he and the other
members of Congress in this
State would demand that some-
thing he done. For himself he
favored a five-hundred-million-
dollar bond issue for improve-
of waterways- Eastern
Id their sentences
the court room.
The f
Jones is tried. Dis-
morning would
judgment in the until the
end of the case has been
r for Monday i
, ,
The following are tag
First-r-That Franc Jones,
being teller and assistant
been for seven years, Hart-
for Jive years. They
Were given the benefit of the
three-fourths rule so that the
actual time served by them is
Only three years- They received
the heaviest sentences meted
out to any of the
The court was
severe on Lehman because
it was at his house in North St.
Louis that the party
was held at which the boodle to
be used in connection with the
lighting deal was distributed
among the members of i he House
of Delegates combine. Much
sympathy was aroused in behalf
of Lehman because his wife lost
her mind since his
and the cares of the house-
hold fell upon his daughter.
North has been This young woman has been
the lack of these
to Reflector.
The Hague, June
second peace conference opened
here this with a full
representation of the nations
invited to send The
date was fixed at this day be-
cause the government of the
Netherlands stated that it could
most conveniently entertain the
delegates at this season. Baron
Rosen was charged with the
duty by. his government of
for the adherence of the
South American States to
the conference, and, has used
freely the of
States government to bring
It is
untiring in her-efforts to obtain
her father's release.
Mrs. G. Williams.
Life, tell me what in best
Why art filled with unrest
Why All In breast
Is this but mockery
Is thy
with of golden
with the shades of night
Is tho future untrue
Where I must travel cm -with you
Than, oh, life lead me through.
t of tho .
the Chariot
Second--That Franc H. Jones
on the 14th of -March did make
entries in that he raised a
check on the Merchants and
this sum
Third.-That K ,
did on the 15th of
false entries in that he a
cheek on the Commercial Nation-
Bank and appropriated
th- same to his own use.
Fourth That Franc H. Jones
did on the 11th of March make
false entries in that he raised a
check on the First National
Bank of Charlotte and
the same to his own
Silver Service for
. Potatoes are. dropping off in
price. That is the way
get ready to ship.
Philadelphia. June
large party of Kansas p e,
headed by Gov. Kansas,
came to town today, and
seated to the battleship K.
the beautiful silver
was secured for the big snip.
The f one large,
handsomely engraved -punch
bowl and two bowls, a
set of silver candelabra,
dishes and other
. .
Another As
to Reflector.
of the harbor i
shot dead this
murderer was arrested,
i i h

a. J.
i lend w-rd -i. at the post at
C . order of i of March ;.
made upon
A correspondent desired at every in
in preference to fiction
Sailors a way of There an always doubtless
bottoms tint leak. The who think it is too good to
might from
Astronomer e
earthquakes being caused by
of h How-
p,., r ow to rem-
, . allege will display
o.-v for as
i . r. school.
The enterprise and progressive
spirit shown by Greenville and
Pitt county in the willingness to
put Eastern Caro-
Teachers school,
together with the valuable sites
offered for the same, has already
brought forth even d
results. Never before in the
history of the town and county
been such a prospect
of wonderful development.
The United Development
composed of Richmond
There are bigger things yet to and has ,
e ready purchased a tract of land
in and adjoining the town, and
is about the only , . ., . . .
,. this has been la-d in lots with
. can call a liar; . .on the river front
or and he is . ,.
gr ilks
All the same we keep up
the advice to watch Greenville.
n to apply it range.
i was mo
who. he
epithet to the tor.
close to
used th t
snots and
of causing this freakish
never too to marry.
Bays exchange. Yes it is.
are late the
old man them and car-
The many an-
i i so f; r
i ad have a i to ti it.
In lie meantime of them
up their minds
m can be made at something
e.- than running for Gee.
T. G. Cobb, editor of the
Herald, announces him-
are con-
on this property the tots
will offered for sale. This
beautiful property, . known as
will ere
long be dotted with handsome
An enterprise is now being
projected that will result in the
establishment here of a
plant costing from
to 1200.000.
lists for stock in this enter-
prise have already been opened
and met with gratifying en-
If a candidate for nomination
as commissioner of art
an by the next D. n
A Greensboro has granted a
f the
to eighteen months,
red from that n
t- Poi-t ma- be
Suite in. lour
newspaper men one now seeking
he for this office
When talking about
Greenville This town has n.
c become greater in bound-
s, greater in railroad
ties and greater in State
reputation. Now we must be
greater in population and
greater in business and
work to this end and lets have
the greatest town in
and says he didn't say it. from Carolina.
.- has
o the
will no find any of them on
worry in this
quarter over the
. ling with a
; another large
enterprise that will mean
the investment of thousands and
thousands dollars.
By a Contributor.
a world this
would the Baltimore
American, the business man
could banish care like the boys
and girls roller Of-
ten it is the youngsters on roller
who make it impossible for
him to banish care.
The distribution of
wealth in this country, is re-
ported to be The fact
that John D- Rockefeller has
cornered the vast majority of the
per caps, somewhat detracts from
the exceeding joy that this item
might be expected to arouse.
Among other things, California
now comes forward with the
meanest man in the country. A
bridegroom of that State is ac-
of forcing his bride to
all the biscuits she bakes.
says a headline in the Baltimore
Sun. It has been a
since were however
Now that Mr. Roosevelt has
i . i role of critic,
lit would be well for Mr. Cleve-
i to look over revises
the writes anything on fishing,
A girl at got out of
bed, took a slat from her bed,
and smashed a mouse that was
annoying her. You don't have
to believe it unless wart to
Those fellows anxious to know
if the newly elected board of
aldermen have an eye on them,
have but two weeks
wait before knowing That is
not as bad as those who will
V to wait to see what the
next State convention will do
with them. i
If Mr. Boo ever has any-j
to say the
me know of a
Princeton wan who will
call on Webster's dictionary for
an overwhelming reply.
A man inserted an for a
. wife in the Chattanooga Star
this community because he secured one the
next day, the paper announces
a great that
h an f raw ma-
to meet their demands.
And so it goes on, awry d y
and brig r r
prospects of Greenville's growth
and . . i
him could that Conner
Pa- T
firm office. The
a fellow's of many
to permit his to
be use v no
j originated h's asking his
friends to do the
what Greenville needs and must
The people inter
coo or.
Th Record has
th out of
tho pt is followed
by and advises people
to run for shelter when they see
sprinkler coming.
Hughes, of New
York, vetoed the bill passed by
h legislature of that
n cent passenger fare
on more than miles
In length.
It would not he wise
expecting nomination by the
tin to give up their
this ahead.
of them are not to land.
Th- Norfolk
has announced that it
will submit to the law passed by
last legislature putting
passenger fare rate in
effect July 1st. That is the
common sense view to take of it,
and should have been the policy
of all the other roads in the
The Greensboro
than he wanted when
he discovered that one of
prisoners, a hobo, had a
blooming case of measles. The
possessor of the dis-
ease was turned out and to
skip the town in short order.
in these things shows
they are becoming along
right line Then st men-
n of b d i
tarts them to many
express themselves us ready to
take hold and co-operate with a Heart Co A. 3rd N. C
the movement. For years the Plowed Up in Maryland.
town has been losing, or rather Last week a farmer near
failing to go forward as fart burg, on Antietam creek
might have been the case, for
want of manufacturing
prises, but now tat we are
while plowing in
I- field plowed up human bones,
u a further investigation the
e. ire of a man was up
and with it a sword bear-
up this important need the inscription W.
greater things may be expected-
is not a better location for
factories, nor one that offers
better for investors.
A ten-mil i ion-bale crop of cot-
ton ought to bring cents a
pound. This would yield to the
Co. A 3rd N C. Reg.
C S. This find was on the
battle field known as Sharps-
burg, or Antietam, where Lee
and fought one of the
great battles of the Civil
Sept. 17th, 1862.
Lieutenant Arch W-
a son of Abner of
Bridge township, this
county, was killed this battle
and buried upon the battle field,
receiving a soldier's burial, being
We shall await
he statement of the
rendering final
The vote of fare bill
by Gov. Hughes, was a grant
shock to the people cf the Em-
Dire State. It was fondly
and believed that he was free
from But
his veto of bill to give 2-cent
t to passengers within the
State of New that
he is a
as Mr. Hearst declared last fall.
i he n that the governor
for his veto is the veriest
He says that the matter
had no legislative inquiry or
investigation. Has not Ohio and
great States been enjoying
such h. law for years, and the
of and the other
States show no signs of going
into bankruptcy. If Gov.
Hughes ever h id the presidential
be; buzzing in his bonnet, he
might as well bid him a
A man was trying
support three families
been declared a bankrupt. In
view of the cost of living, it is a
wonder he was not also declared
dollar wheat makes
asks the St Mes-
does the great
public benefit come Why
the public has less get-
ting rid its money of course.
Ask us another.
farmers of the cotton
a and thrown in a hole He was a
We hope will
dry before Friday.
A fifteen million
bale crop will bring cents a
pound which would yield
000.000. It looks as though the
cotton farmer had the world
bonded for about
whether the crop is a big
one or a little one. It is up to
the individual farmer not to
get left on his
member of Co- A, 3rd N. C. Reg-
which holds its re union
here every 10th of April. We
understand that some of his
relatives are talking of having
his remains removed to some
cemetery. His request when he
left for the war, if slain on the
battle field, was that his remains
be allowed to remain where
first Hill Stand-
With this view of the matter.
it would be money in the pockets i
of the farmers if they would I . T
keep the crop cut down. If An incoming ship recently
Dr. Kincaid, in the First Pres-
church of Charlotte, on
Sunday administered the
of baptism to a baby girl,
and concluded the ceremony
imprinting a resounding kiss on
the baby's lips. The Charlotte
News says was the most
unique baptismal service ever
witnessed in the staid old First
Presbyterian Now
that Dr. Kincaid has started it
he may have to kiss all the babies
as a part of the baptismal service,
or run the risk of making some
parents feel that their little one
ten million bale crop will I loaded ten of has been
is much money as in San
crop it weld better . . . ,,. , The system about
fifty different
makes of Womens shoes to-
Ask ten women to
make a choice. Nine of them
will pick the
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this. There
must a reason why
all other women's shoes in
the world.
C S.
Big Store
offering a complete of
Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats,
and Millinery
You can't go wrong by inspecting our Goods for you will certain
be pleased with the price.
million bales and
city in the
c mp
ready o be turn
. any
the by the to the
of the expense of ,,,. ,.,
, .,, . . ,
daily noticeable, that is the
T p
V .
I his department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Will III
The A. G. M f Co. has
still on hand a full supply of
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order we assure
prompt sh
The listers for
township were hero Thursday
We understand that will be
here Monday again.
We sell Laughlin,
Parker fountain pens.
B. T.
Miss Irma Cannon, of Ayden
who spent Thursday and Friday
with Misses Carrie and
Wesson, returned home Friday
All kinds of turned work done
by Milling Mfg. Co.
Picture made to order
by Eastern Carolina Supply Co.,
Winterville N. C.
M. G. Bryan spent Sunday
with relatives near Stokes and
returned Monday accompanied
by Mrs Bryan who had been
Eclipse and spending some time with her
We have on hard a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price H
Our price, B- T. Cox
A party of our young people
went out to mill pond
Friday on a fishing tour They
reported a delightful trip.
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up
Hunsucker buggies being turned
out almost almost every day by
the A. G Cox MTg Co.
Requests for of
High School came in
students, music
pupils, and about boarders
is the record for last year. The
prospects are bright for the
B T. Cox Bro. have just re-
a nice lot of Teacher's
Bibles, flexible binding.
from to each.
A- G. Cox and F. C. Nye at
tended services at the Baptist
church in Greenville Friday.
They are having an excellent
Good meal is a luxury. Bring
corn to the Carolina Mil-
and Manufacturing Com-
They grind at any time
during the week.
Frank Craft who has been away
in the U. S. army for the past
five years is at home on a fur
for a few days.
We have just received a large
lot of best roofing. See us for
pi ices before buying. A. W.
Ange Co.
J. A. Manning went to Kinston
Those in need of tobacco sticks
will do well to see L L Kit-
who will be prepared to fill
S. D. Chapman, who graduated
in pharmacy at Chapel Hill
year, has just passed the state,
successfully. He is or-
of our very best boys aid ha
our sincere and
best wishes. For the next few
days h will be here with his
Lawns. organdies, ham-
bergs at a at
Barber Co.
Mrs. Blount Miss
Nannie Nichols, of were
in town yesterday.
See our new assortment of
hamburgs. laces etc at B. r,
M inning Co.
Dr. John H. Hudson, an old
W. H S. has our hearty
in successfully
passing the state beard at More-
head a few days ago. We hope
Pitt county will capture him and
that he may serve his home
with honor and
A Kentucky merchant drew
from the bank and went
to St. to buy a stock of
goods. On the train he was
robbed of the entire sum. He
should have had his banker give
him is or a letter of credit
instead of cash. J. L. Jackson
cashier of bank of Winterville.
Miss Fannie Rollins, of Stokes,
is visiting Miss Mollie Bryan.
Hamilton rifles are the thing
for shooting on gun outing trips
fishing, etc. this summer.
Barber Co.
Purnell Tripp went to Green-
ville today-
The A- G Cox Mfg. Co- are in
position to fill
the Handy Tobacco Trucks.
rd y orders at once be-
fore comer.
Elder Fred went
A. Co. have a
cases and telescopes
. y v ill greatly reduced
pries next thirty days.
See t n . are beautiful.
Carload hay, just in A. W-
The tax listers and
will be here again the 24th
Robt . book-keeper for
the Pitt County Oil Co . is spend-
some time at his home near
Mrs. B. G. Taylor, who had
been at the hospital in Kinston,
was able to return home Sunday
morning. She stood the trip all
right and is improving rapidly.
A. G. Cox and J. L. Jackson
attended services at the Baptist
church in Greenville Sunday
Miss Cox returned
home from Greenville Sunday
afternoon after having spent
several days with Miss H
Rev. B E. Stanfield filled his
regular appointment at the Me.
church Sunday night
Quite a number of our people
services at Bethany
Mi. and Mrs. J. K. Barnhill
spent Sunday with relatives near
F. C. Nye spent Sunday in
Goldsboro and Monday
Theodore Cox went to
Tuesday on business.
The new gates are up, to our
delight and convenience.
The people of Winterville were
delightfully entertained at the
Methodist church last Sunday
afternoon by the Bright Jewels . v ,
a children's day Co
the program of which
The A G. Cox Mfg. Co. ship-
two solid car loads of their
Handy tobacco trucks Tuesday
morning. The farmers all over
the State are beginning to see
the necessity for these
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., arc
daily shipping out the best to-
flues at the lowest price,
Si us your orders
lime for repair-
furnaces or can
find the best quality at A. W.
Ange Co.
the Milling
Co. are prepared to
grind first class meal for you at
any time Wood work also a
B. F. Manning Co. have
opened up a nice line of Canned
Nice assortment of glass ware
just arrived. Harrington, Bar-
A large line of umbrellas and
parasols just received at
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
A for Daily
writing receipts for
in arrears list
-i all who receive their mail at
on sale at Saul's
drug store at from to
cons cotton
meal. F Lilly Co
I and
Dr. E. A Move, of Greenville,
was here Tuesday morning on
professional business and H. A-
White was here working from
These two gentlemen
have been here
visit to her brother, but
returned to their home in
Irish pot are being
here in
considering the
vice, pros i i m . , i was
Opening song, by the school-
Prayer by the pastor.
R Bible reading.
Creed and Lord's prayer.
Bible reading, Jesse Rollins.
Song. praise thee O
I school
Introductory Mamie
Chapman Cox.
Song, Harps are
by th
Children's five little
by smaller children.
Recitation, Jeanette
Jasper Corey.
Song, the Sabbath
by school.
Song. Open Bible for the
by school.
Recitation, children's
Clyde Chapman.
Cox and Myrtle
Recitation. Leon Kittrell and
Carrie Manning
Song, by
larger children.
Recitation, and
Children's Nelson.
Chorus, by school.
Recitation, Lillie Morris, Leta
Manning, Belle Aldridge.
Song, Hosanna, by school.
Song, Farewell, by school.
The society has right name
for during the entire service the
eyes of each girl and boy spar-
like the precious jewels of
old mother earth. These were
not all who had sparkling eyes
for you could from the
of Bryan and
Chapman, directors, that they
were very much pleased by the
success their many anxious hours
had achieved.
The program was followed
a short talk from our much be
loved B E- Stanfield
which was very instructive and
much appreciated.
The third quarterly meeting of
Grimesland and cir-
will be held in Winterville
on Friday, June 7th, Rev.
A. the presiding elder
will preach at o'clock a. m.
did at Every one is
Get your wood work done at
the Carolina Milling
fact iring Co.
The regular mission meeting
of the Baptist church was held
Sunday night.
Look for a moment at the nice
Tobacco Flues being almost
turned out by The A. G- Cox
Mfg Co. We guarantee good
goods at lowest prices-
The A. G- Cox Mfg Co. are
manufacturing their nice
Pitt County School desks.
belts and umbrellas
for summer use at B. F. Man-
Bring your wheat to the Caro-
are now prepared to make first
class flour.
Blacksmith work done prompt-
at Milling Mfg.
Watch the neatly displayed
windows of B- F. Manning
Co's store. They are tidy.
Fresh flour at Harrington
Barber Co.
A full line of fresh drugs at B
F. Manning Co.
We have just opened a nice
lot of beautiful rug. A. W.
Dr. J. A Turner, Alexander,
Ky , had which he foolish-
kept in his smoke house in-
stead of depositing it in a bank
as he ought to have done Rob-
learned of the doctor's treas-
and inevitable happened.
Hereafter he will put. his money
in bank, but the lesson cost him
Deposit yours in the
Bank of Winterville. It will not
cost you any thing
Dainty ties of all styles at B.
F. Manning Co.
Special to
New York, June 17.-The
hope for in their
troubles on account of the
dent's action in trying to bring
about an adjustment. The
dents of the local unions were
instructed to take no action until
further orders, but hold them-
selves in constant readiness to
Telegraphers in Session.
Special to Reflector.
Atlantic N. J., June
Knights of the key from near-
every State of the union as-
in Atlantic City today
for the twenty-sixth annual con-
of the of rail-
way superintendents.
Tho sessions will extend through
tomorrow and a large number u
to railroad
i i vice will be
ed by experts. One of the ;. .
no for discussion
pf by experts.
The famous mower
thin r to harvest your
Get one at Harrington concrete r
telegraph poles.
and engineers, manufacturers
Now is a great season for and representatives of lending
traveling. Go F- Manning telegraph and telephone com
Co for trunKS. reports,
For fresh and cheap goods go
to E. E. Co., they always
have the best
Mrs W. M- Mumford spent
Tuesday in Winterville visiting
her sister. Miss Laura Cox.
Go to E- E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sausage and fresh
Arthur and wife,
after a visit to his parents here
have returned to their home in
Merchandise Broker-I carry
full line of Meat, Lard and Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
Grover has gone
back to Florence. S. C. His
broken leg being nearly well he
left at the earliest convenient
If you need any Paint be sure
ind see E. E. Co.
Mrs. has returned to
her home in New Bern.
exchange corn
for or Lean, Healthy ShoatS
weighing from to pounds-
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Harden,
ltd Ayden. N. C
We learn from the Baptist here
that Rev. W. A. and
wife, of Ohio, former pupils at
the seminary anticipate return-
to Ayden and making this
their permanent home. We will
gladly welcome them when they
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
John Randolph, of
was here yesterday.
Call at the Drag Store
cure one of those excellent
M, Sauls.
W. M. Edward has been to
and come back from Kinston
during week. Oh, it i not
like the rest he's married
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
That wagon load of pretty
girls Capt. Dixon had cut
yesterday was just awful and
he an old hog wouldn't let us
join the band- The girls wanted
us we know. We could tell by
their eyes. It was mean and
we don't like it
Mrs. W. E Hooks and children
are spending the weeK in the
country with her father during
the absence of her husband and
Mr. Joe Blow is helping Mr.
Sharp Blount eat some of those
dollar and a half chicken. The
week is slipping away fast
Prof. Peden, principal of the
Free Will Seminary here and
Miss Lillian Munn, one of the
teachers have gone to their
homes in Ohio to spend
the summer months.
J. R. and W- B.
Hooks are in attendance upon
the meeting the Grand lodge
of the domain of North Carolina
now in session at Elizabeth City-
Mass., May
Messrs J. R Turnage Co.
Ayden, N. C.
For fear Hut
may be a slight . d-
on the part of some our
customers regarding the
upon our patent and I
shoes, we wish
emphasize the fact chat same
exists and has not been with
We our customers and
all wearers men's shoes
know that, will continue to
as we have done iii the past vis.
guarantee the vamps of the;
Patent and Bull not j
through before the first
is worn out.
I In the event of a t Pack-
ard shoe
o this guarantee,
the whom the
I shoes were purchased, is author-
to replace with a pair.
Yours very truly,
and Field.
on a
. sea-
ways receive a warm welcome in son. They are quoted from 5-
to per barrel
Mrs. Joe Long and children, of
have been here on a
recent visit to friends-
G- W. and wife are taking
in the Jamestown exposition.
Mrs. S M- Smith, of Fort
BarnwelL is here on a visit to
her daughters, Mrs. B. F. Man-
Jr., and Mrs. J. A.
M. M has finest and
best supply of Fountain Pens
ever brought to Ayden.
Sunday night the wife of Big
Six, a colored living
died Yesterday Big Six,
in company with a friend, came
here for a coffin. Before leaving
he visited the store of J. J. Hines
and made some purchases. Upon
being politely asked if there s
any news, he replied with loud
ha my old woman died last
The clerk expressing
s Big Six said God
Miss Tucker, of Kinston,
visiting Miss Florence Blount as
the hotel
Mrs. E G. Cox and Mrs. W. J.
spent j in Green-
ville with friends.
A telegram was received
morning from Fremont
the death of Jesse Sauls,
which occurred last He
was father of our druggist. Dr.
M. M. who was in Fremont
at the time. Mr- Sauls was a
prominent farmer and highly
esteemed man. All here express
sympathy for the ones.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods, No-
Light and Heavy
Prices to suit the times.
she did and the box
am going to put her away
Yet they say ignorance is bliss.
D. moved to the inresidence recently built by R. h
Garris on Third street.
M. M. Sauls is on a visit to
friends in Fremont.
J. J. Smith told us Saturday
he had last week sold a bale of
cotton in Norfolk for cents
per pound, the amount received
for the bale being
Miss Lizzie Blount came up
Sunday Grifton and spent
the day with her brother, W- S.
J B. Pierce has come home
from Seven Springs where he
has been for some time
He looks very much bet-
Mrs. W. E. Hooks has come
home from a week's visit in the
Miss Lula smith who has been
away for a week visiting, re-
turned home Sunday.
Irish potatoes are being
shipped in large quantities- The
price for them is much
The farmers are shipping too
Lost, Strayed or red
Jersey bull, six years old this
spring, heavy duck legged, left
horn has a hole in it bored with
a bit. white spot in flank weighs
about one thousand pounds. Five
dollars reward to any person
bringing same to me. This June
18th, 1907. John S. Hart,
Ayden, N. C
Tripp Hart Co
Dr Joseph Dixon
h it
i investigation of the
f and dumb school at
by a firmer
. no- In institution, con-
i d several days, cost the
Star a pretty penny, and re-
as all who knew him be-
in the complete
vindication of Prof. Goodwin.
Now comes W. A. Self. of
Hickory, w ho charges that Miss
Jessie Ball, a teacher, whose
testimony at the investigation
was unfavorable to the
tender t, was persecuted until
she was driven to
We believe that
Mr. Self has permitted his
zeal to get the better of his
in this matter. We would
not attribute any unworthy
motive to his request for another
investigation but we are forced
to conclude that there are
spirits behind the proposition
other than our Hickory friend.
In fact it looks like Professor
Goodwin is the victim of
That he should have
permitted a young woman to be
hounded and tormented to her
death to vent a spite is
If Glenn will first
trace the of these charges
he may find another
N. J.-e-
At the. of business May. 18th, 1906.
Loans and discounts
s- cured
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from banks and bankers
Cash items
Cold coin
Silver coin
Nat. bk 1,688.00
Capital stuck
1,227.831 Surplus
610.591 Undivided profits less expenses 270.08
9,862.42 , Dividends unpaid 27.00
29.80 . Deposits subject to check 39,360.07
checks outstanding; 007.84
certified checks 4.00
OF f.
I J. It. Smith, if t swear
that tho statement Is true to beat of my and be-
Subscribed kid , Ii-f
this 27th day May.
R. SMITH, r.
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
received a new supply of furnishings and material
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve This is a long needed
this section and they promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.

Periodical Gets Opinions
Leading Men on the
In view of the setting apart
June as day
in the Sunday-schools of Amer-
The Sunday School limes
asked a of prominent bus-
be s men i d and others
for opinions on the cigarette.
The vigorous replies, including
letters from William Jennings
Bryan Hon. Hen B. Lu
of Juvenile Court.
Orison editor of
P. W. Aver, N
j Sen Advertising
in he
S Times of June
,, the most striking
feat the symposium i
Get i
m John Murphy.
of the to which n
Speech d
Jamestown Exposition.
June Glenn
captured the National Editorial
Association today when once
his and again
at i is
given a
has not been accorded any
speaker the association
its history. He wan at his
best and speaking to the sub-
Power of the
he handled it in a
fashion. The ovation
that was him came firm
men from all sections of the
United States when the
nor departed from subject
and told the story of the New
Greenville Should be Interested in
President T. A. Taylor, of the
Chamber of Commerce, ex-officio
chairman of the Transportation
Committee of that body, to
was recently referring
the matter of inducing the At
in the
Pitts K Company,
in explanation of an order,
post -A forbidding i m-
i liquor or cigar-
an officer a
ind course is
or the
In d and twenty
five million per year, it
n and Ural as
veil a p duty to use
oM .; I means to protect
their and further the com-
fort of this large number of
rs. Having for some
time a k noticed that our
dents w increasing, upon
; the cause I
that the standard
of our men who did not use
liquor or t latter In
the . was
hove those who
; I therefore deemed
it my to abate the evil so
far as lay in my power to do so,
and tried to it and cast it
put through discipline, but found
this method inadequate and in-
effectual I then went further,
and concluded desired end
could, be attained only by re-
graving from the or re-
from employing all men
to the
habits alluded to
It is my aim and intention to
pursue this policy without abate-
since have by it proved
beyond all doubt that it has
raised the standard of our men.
I have been criticized for the
stringency of the especially
the prohibition of the use of
but on the other hand I
have the assurance of our
ion superintendents which
we have aided by my
own that persons
to the use of
especially young men are the
most careless in their duties and
less able to perform them than
men liquor in moderation.
I may also mention that in seven-
teen experience as
of public utility corporations
have had to promote
many of our men from the rank
of conductors and motormen to
officers, d in no case has a
man whiskey come up to
John Murphy,
G Superintendent.
conclusion he Coast Line to run the Nor-
demonstration such as I train through
Goldsboro to Wilmington
on a schedule about like that
which now obtains on the
Columbia and
division, addressed a
letter Fourth Vice President
John R. Kenly. asking for a con-
with him on the subject.
It is expected that this will be
granted at and that the
c, will appear before
Mr. this week. In view
of the compromise on the recent
efforts to secure a union depot
for Wilmington, it is hoped that
the railroad will readily accede
t. the request and it is believed
by the public, which has taken
interest in the matter, that
The request will not be denied.
I Wilmington Star.
While this question is at
. might be a good
time Greenville to take fur-
action toward getting con-
this way from Norfolk
To extend this tram
on from Goldsboro to Warning
people of the latter
city desire, may necessitate
some change in the time that
train leaves Norfolk in the
If a change in this re-
is to be made it might be
so arranged that connection can
be made at Hobgood with the
train coming to Greenville. Such
a change in schedule would en-
able people to leave Norfolk in
the afternoon and make
for any point east or south
of Parmele on either the Ply-
mouth, Washington or Winston
branches of the Coast Line. It
people down this way want such
a schedule now is the time to act
so as to work in conjunction
with the people of Wilmington
i of this ration
welcomed his bear-
, is and to which some, he said,
reason which he
Ht explained con-
South by
painted the true
of this section as iv is today.
He tore the barriers be-
tween the people of the various
sections of th great nation, and
in a burs, of oratory revealing
the conditions during
and comparing them with
today, b tears to the
eyes of half his hearers and in
the midst of his speech
applause lasting
for sever; minutes, during
which the entire audience came
to their feet cheering wildly and
with handkerchiefs and hats
waving in the air. By members
who have attended every
of the association for
twenty years, it was declared
the great st speech ever de-
livered before the National or-
Before Governor Glenn con-
I eluded bis speech, in widen he
had paid tribute to nation and
section, he brought to the
of the editors the good
old North Taking up
each industry separately he
drove home the facts regarding
progress, he quoted
figures, showing the
of the State and among
the editors it was commonly
remarked that they had received
a liberal education to
North Carolina. The speech
did great good-
The North Carolina delegation
were the happiest and proudest
people here today
on account of the brilliant
of Governor Glenn and the ova-
given News
and Observer.
New Discovery
IS 1.00
Guarantied for all THROAT and i
Still Holding Knit Goods.
special to
New York. June is j
very little in the way of change
in the knit goods market to com-
upon for the past week
except that have July license t
continued to show an upward I liquor far six n
tendency with sellers refusing to of
1.1 A HI
Loans and Discounts Stock paid in 90.000.00
2-1 Fund 1.000. Ob
nib profits 8,422.66
j in Deposit 2,652.51
Si 63,846.45
Overdraft Secured
Furniture and
Due from Banks
Cash items
Gold Coin
j Silver Coin
Notice is hereby given that
ply to the Board of County
. I,. fit
months in the town
Wed Boyhood Sweetheart.
i. a r attached to
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur L. Kenna, of Charleston.
W. Va. a bide and bridegroom
a few days, who a.-e staying
at the
Mr. Kenna is a son of the late,
United Slates Senator Kenna. of
West Virginia- He married Mis
Gertrude Higgins in St. Joseph's
church, in Washington, on Wed-
They have come here
on their to the Jamestown
exposition for their honeymoon
The wedding grew out of a
romance, which
began soon before the death of
Senator Kenna several years ago.
when young- Kenna was but
years old. When the Senator
died his son pat on overalls and
went to work to learn the rail-
road business, with which his
father had connected. He
worked hard and he worked
long, and in the meantime he
kept in touch with his child
sweetheart, who encouraged him
in his work After five years of
work he felt in a position to ask
her to marry him.
Mr and Mrs. Kenna will leave
for York
is completing a revision of
the Sunday laws. The Boston
Post notes that in this
work, venerable traditions
are rudely shaken up For about
years, or ever since civil
government began in New Eng-
land, the first day of the U
has been called Lord's
Day Even in the latest re-
vision of th laws, which was
made in 1902, only five years ago,
there is mention of
I; is always Lord's
and it is even declared in
a special section that Lord's
shall include the time
from midnight to midnight.
But our Boston namesake de
that proposed meas-
starts out with a repudiation
of the term. on
is the opening phrase
of the prohibitions in its first
section. And it closes with the
usual provision that acts in-
consistent herewith arc hereby-
With the enactment
of this bill, the Bay State will
part authoritatively from the
designation of Lord's
After nearly three
it will disappear from the
statutes of Massachusetts.
There is no doubt that our con-
temporary speaks by the card
when it says that the old
nation of the day will not be
yielded up without a pang of
sentimental regret. To a good
many old-fashioned people.
will never be just the
same as Lord's
Washington Post.
hook orders for 1908 lines
the situation clears up somewhat.
Underwear manufacturers who
opened their 1908 lines a week or
more ago have alarmed
over the situation in the raw ma-
market, notably the with-
of yarn prices Then it is
taken into consideration that
many of the new lines were
opened and prices named without
the manufacturers having
re on yarns, the
anxiety displayed by
over the present situation
is not to be wondered at. Prom-
manufacturers who are
handling well-known lines of
underwear, refined to name
prices and are Still holding back,
are now congratulating them-
selves much on having followed
this policy K looks at the
present t me as if a very much
sharp r advance than was ex-
will he named on these
lines when they are opened on
the 15th of this month. Every-
thing points to higher raw ma-
and also to difficulty in
getting sufficient supplies even
agency's in this market
to withdraw all prices.
This May 30th. 1907.
1st; t w
M. U. Pane.
North Carolina, .
bounty of Pitt.
I, J. K.
and belief.
hank, do solemn-
is to of my
J. B. DAVIS, Cashier.
Steamer i. . leave
Washington doily
a in for leave
at noon A
Connecting at Washing mu with
Norfolk By. for
Norfolk, Baltimore. Philadelphia
New York. Boston and nil other
points North
Shippers should order their
f eight via Norfolk, care Nor
Sailing h u-s subject to change
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N, C-
H. C- HUDGIN, General P and
P. Agent, Norfolk. Va.
M w. Supt.
and l
this day ft TURN AGE.
J V. H . s.
the close
May. 18th, 1907.
I Loans and discounts
Duo from Banks
Gold coin.
Silver bank
ind other U. notes
Not What He Meant.
Special to Reflector.
St Paul, June
Taft's condition is better today,
at he will rest a few days he-
re completing his trip.
A gentleman was chiding his .,
son for staying out late at night,, commonwealth,
and When I was
your age my father would not
allow me to go out of the house
after dark you had a
nice sort of father, you
said the young profligate.
Whereupon the father very
rashly vociferated. had a
confounded better one than
you have, young
Boy's Life.
Through Rail Trains Be-
tween Norfolk and New Bern
The Norfolk Southern Rail-
way announcement that
train No- from Norfolk at
a. m. Monday. June 17th,
the through rail passenger
vice was inaugurated to New
will be welcome news to the
people of Eastern North Caro
and to those having business
interests in that growing section
of the State. The express
trains will make stops at all the
stations between Washington,
N. C ard New Bern, N. C.
facilities of travel to the res-
of this rich portion of the
The steamer
line between New Bern and
Belhaven will be continued and
can enjoy the
Capital stock
Undivided profits
Time of
Deposits subj. lo cheek
checks out-
North Carolina I In the Superior Court.
Pitt County. I Before D. C Moon-,
Sidney Wooten and
Shade H. Wooten. J. Wooten and
Herbert E. Wooten.
By Virtue of an Order mad- in the
above Special Proceeding, by C.
Moore, clerk of the Superior court, on
the 7th day of May. the undersign-
ed commissioner will on Saturday the
day of June, at
expose to public sale before the court
House door in Greenville, to the highest
bidder for cash the following tract of
land to
in the county of Pitt and
State of North Carolina and ill Swift
township, adjoining the lands of
T. II. Fleming. J. If. Wooten. the
lands and others, and containing
acres more or lees, and being the
lands formerly known m the
Wooten Home place. This sale will be
made for partition.
This the 7th day of May. 1907.
K C. Harding,
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, W H Cashier of the above-named solemnly
wear that the above statement is true to the best of my know 1-
W. H. Cashier
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
this 27th day May.
S. T. Carson I
Votary Public
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth stranger than fiction,
once more been demonstrated in
the little-town of Fedora, Tenn., the
C. V. Pepper. He
was In entirely disabled with
hemorrhage of the lungs and throat.
Doctors failed to help and all hope
had fled when I began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery. Then instant relief
The coughing soon the
bleeding diminished rapidly, and in
three weeks I able to goto
cure for coughs and colds.
and at J. L drug
store. Trial free.
trip if desired. The train from
Norfolk arrives at New Bern
p m- and the northbound
train leaving New Bern at
a. m arrives in Norfolk
p. m. The through rail
is except Sunday.
Stray Hogs Take Up.
I have taken up at the Frank
Johnston farm four sows and Fix
shoats that swam across the river
and were in the field Owner of
these hogs can get them
The Magic No.
Number three is a wonderful mascot
H. of Ceder Grove. Me.,
according to a which reeds
suffering much with liver and kidney
trouble, end becoming greatly
aged by failure to find relief. I tried
Electric Bitters, and as a I am a
well man to-day. The first bottle re-
and three bottles completed the
Guaranteed best on for
hr and kidney troubles, by
I L. druggist. SOc.
proving same and paying J-
charges. J. B. Johnston, I
To sufferers of Kidney Liver or
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a bottle and if
cure will refund
your We say a
full size free bottle of
MIL and if it then
use SOL until
This advertisement entitles yon
a bottle
Only a limited number bottles
given Don't miss this op
to teat
K I. n.
The Gates bid Been
too Soon
I once heard from the
a beloved pastor, a
illustration. day
was studying a COCoon in which a
butterfly was to be tree
He heard it beating against the
sides of the prison, and his
heart went out for the helpless
creature Taking a tiny lancet
he cut away the fragile walls
and released the little captive.
But to his amazement it was not
the beautiful creature he bad
expected to see. It lay
upon the table unable to
fly, a helpless unlovely object.
In place of the gorgeously
covered wings he
to Pee were weak, shriveled
members. What was the mat
with this which
should have been so fair The
prison gates hod been opened
too soon; the obstacle had been
removed before the smuggler
had sufficiently
through the struggling to
ready for its glorious night into
the sunshiny skies and among
the perfumed
when the seem to be close
about us, when we struggle and
to be free, when thou
dost not cut away the is
it not because in thy infinite
thou dost see that we are
weak, and dost want us to be-
come strong Then, at last,
when the is finished, like
the butterfly, we may come forth,
not perhaps in glorious robes
colors as it is, but in the
everlasting robes of the right-
Jesse Sutton, Sr., claims
bout acres, more or less, of
land lying in Chic town hip
county. Booth of
river and on well branch, be
ginning in the John Haddock patent
in the north side of Round
then north with said Haddock r line to
his corner on south side of
glade thence n
with the Wm Haddock Patent one to
the Bryant Dixon line, thence up
swamp to Hills pat-
line to
with the Mi I. line across
cornering on Mills line near
tar kiln bed on south of SI.- branch,
then south to Jesse on the
north Bide of Round
with the Sutton line to the beginning.
This June
Common many
of our social and industrial
and political ills would disappear
of themselves in a regime of
universal honesty How little
legislation would be needed in a
world of honest men, if fair
dealing, in Washington's phrase,
or the square deal, in
were everywhere
lent Why is dishonesty a great
national sin, and what influences
its commission Mr.
Cleveland traces it to cupidity,
t I IV
I selfishness and ii sordid
or persons claiming .
tom interest in the foregoing de- some
land must file their thirty-five years ago. laid his
writing with me within the net thirty
or they will barred trouble when
of the morals of
I trade, he asked why commercial
morality was so low, by what
j potent agency it was that the
of education, of law
Tar Elected President e.
For Twenty-one Years
and of in was almost
in of
answered that it
today chose as its lent Mr.
H. B. Varner, of North Carolina,
editor of the Lexington Dispatch
and commissioner of labor and
printing. The first was a
tie, but on the second b
was elected a v of 1-81
the intense desire of wealth,
from the indiscriminate
respect paid to the moneyed
We are all implicated, as
said, in this evil. It is
to for j rooted deep in human nature,
elected were, j admiration of wealth and
First Vice-President. W. H. the adoration of success are not
Hayes, modern birth. As for rem-
Vice-President, A. j syS the English
Pomeroy, of Chambersburg. Pa., oner there is none save a
Third K. Iv Dowd-
well, of North
What it f and its Chi. f
Time was when the republican
party in North Carolina was a
power for the good of the stale.
but not so now. The party does
not stand for the application
republican policies to the govern-
of North Carolina; it does
not stand for the upholding
the republican national
by sending
to congress. As the party is
now constituted in this state, it
stands for more than a pie
dispensing machine, w
the ranks are many men char-
and ability but under
present management there is
nothing for them to do. Then
is nothing to demand
and ability. The one thing
is pull and favor with
those who distribute patronage
Within the last months w
have seen the leaders the
party hurling epithets at each
other, intimating t there K
something powerfully
in Denmark and the Indian
we have seen the only re-
publican congressmen dragged
through the courts, and later
defeated at the polls We have
seen struggle and charge upon
charge within t lie rinks of the
for what Was
some of gov-
difference of opinion as a
great struggle supremacy
against the opposing party.
Was a governorship, a
; or the election of any
take Was there a single
l of changing
from a democratic to
r publican state No, it was a
for the crumbs from th.
p. j Tar Heel.
ponding Secretary W. F. Parrot,
of Iowa; Recording
Secretary, J. W.
Oakland City, Ind-, Treasurer,
lied public opinion. To
opinion, we fear, is
more difficult than it first seems.
For even the molding of public
land City, Ind-, treasurer, become
W A Steel, Seattle, Washing- I.
she association
d it
Every Man His Own D
The average man cannot
employ a physician for every slight
that In
nor can he to lie;
them, as ., alight an injury
of a pin has been known t
cause the of a Hence
man oust from be hi- own
m prompt treatment
Nothing is more pro-
nowadays than the
and condemnation of
wronging in high places
Fortunes are being made out of
the rich and the exposure of
their folly and wickedness. Our
modern Jeremiahs are clothed in
purple and fine line. They in-
against the evils of the
time from the vantage ground
f luxury and pride of life- It
pays to to point the
croup and
sou b.
sept-c barns.
Plains, u d
in pint.
. ham n's Stomach a-d lab
I. s for ion,
ch I
. f-r disease-
Due bottle of each of these live r.-p-
. and Dealers in Patent Me-I
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
You can afford it
Farmville OB the Boom.
We desire to call your attention
in the strongest manner possible
to our of a large number of
very desirable and valuable build-
lots, the situation of
lots near the business center
Farmville, and as a natural con-
sequence they will grow very
in value.
We have made terms on these
lots such that will nut no one to
inconvenience and in reach of
everybody. The manner of pay-
will be left optional with
the buyer. Upon the completion
of the Norfolk and Southern
road Farmville real estate
advance per cent. You can-
not afford to miss this golder
for a most
Sale starts at
o'clock Thursday, June
For other Information see o
J Windham,
Farmville. N. C
often u
I accusatory finger, to lay bare the
Iain's Remedial have in the I sore in our organic life
k-it for many years enjoy a practical effect is
Colic, Cholera and I this commercialized preaching;
for , morals-for-money pro-
lam's , i-
of press and periodical
Washington Herald.
Farmville, June 15th.
On the ninth of June there
was just such another crowd of
lads and lassies met at Blue
Banks, on the famous old Tar,
as did one year ago The day
was all one could ask for on such
occasion. But we must confess
Do Not Neglect the j we had more fun. as Stew
At this season of the year the Brit art WM With US th S lea
unnatural looseness of a child's bowel, he is full of wit. He caught
should have immediate attention. The I ,.,. which caused much tun with
beat thing that can be given Com-1 with the
and did not expect any
me remedy, for but one of the
sale by all and Dealers in Pat-1 boy g got a good ducking and
another overslept himself and
A Tex in.
Mr. EL W. of St Louis
St., Dallas, Tex. says; the past year
I have become acquainted with Dr.
King's New Life and no laxative
l ever before tried so
W of malaria and They
don't grind nor gripe, at John u
Woolens Store.
cents per week
pays for a
at -your
All stomach trouble are quickly i
leaved by taking a after
each meal. to tin
seat of the trouble, strengthens the
digestive the natural
digestive juices and digests what yo-i
eat. It simple, pure, harm-
Don't stow
a little Kohl after ea
and see how good it makes yon
fed. Money back if it Sold
John L.
no indigestion, no
matter how or how
will not be e by
t-e of The main factor in
the stomach of any disorder i rest, and
the only way to gel rest to actually
digest the food for the itself
will do it. It is a scientific
of vegetable acids containing
the same juices found in a healthy
stomach. conform to the Pure Pi oil
and Drugs Law. Sold by L. Wooten
men are so nice to their
wives that it arouses the
of the neighbors.
Mothers who
Court Syrup invariably
it. Children Ilka it because the
taste is so pleasant. Contain
and tar It is original laxative
syrup and is unrivaled for the re-
lief of croup. Drives cold out
through the bowels, to the
Pure Food and Drug Law. Sol I by
L. Wooten.
I vice Proper Care of the
Hi Hints.
on the hands of nearly;
all as v II for
sorts of household
n a of of
which is invaluable foe
fro cleansing of or
for the removal dis
colorations on the finger mils.
u few drops of lo a
on of the peroxide vim
you use it for removing stains.
Lemon and sail also
effective for this. Some housekeep-
never throw away the rind of a
squeezed lemon, but keep all such
for rubbing on their hands to
whiten them, says an exchange,
wider is another good mid
harmless bleach, especially
for ink and fruit
ant odors clinging to the hands
may be put to by mustard
either rubbed dry or applied in
mustard bath.
He Fired the Stick.
have fired the walking-stick I've
carried over years, on account of a
sore that resisted every kind of treat-
. until tried
Salve; that has healed the lore and
me a happy writes John
of North Mills, N.
teed for Piles, Bums, etc., by John. L.
Wooten druggist.
and retail Grocer Love is apt to make a fool of a
Dealer. tor but moat men are willing
Hides. 0.1 tort Seed, Rat to take chances.
Turkeys, etc.
I lit
National Convention of The T. P. A
Special to
Jamestown, Va. June 17.-
Governor Swanson today
coined members of the
national convention of the T- P A.
which has assembled at the expo-
two thousand
visitors Mayor of
Norfolk, for the exposition
Colonel L. on t
the T P. A's of the i
was too late for his Th.-y
looked so sleepy we didn't think
we would tell on them, but it is
too to keep Poor Burnett,
we wonder if he has gotten dry
yet- .
And the next was dinner
Oh the goodies we did have
We had all kinds of good things,
plenty for and plenty left,
We had no grabbers so our din
was a home like meal.
Those that liked rowing spent
the afternoon on the water, and
others lounging on the bank.
The following couples were
present; J- B- Stewart, of
Greenville, with Miss Annie
Hearne, J. A. Burnett with Miss
Pattie Henry Hyde with
Miss Lillian Stallings, R. A-
Smith with Miss Bell
Wilkinson, Knapp Burnett
Miss Joyner, Robert Bar-
with Miss Ella Hearne. Tom
with Miss Gay.
Hardy Sugg, of Snow Hill, with
Miss Eva Wilkinson, Aaron Turn-
age with Miss Rosa Smith. Jen
Smith with Miss Ellen
Smith. T A
Miss Agnes Smith,
Smith with M Mar
Mr. and Mrs
Smith and ll large bundle
stags. Each . carried a
s Loans-x,
Life Tobacco Key
Cherries, Peaches,
A Jelly,
Meat Sugar, Coffee, Meat
Sown Lye Mat -lies At season of year the
Seed SAW and Hulls, preserve is a
Harden Sends,
Piles get quick I certain relief
from Dr. Obit lent,
Phrase n it is m i mo for Piles,
m I it action is positive and
protruding or blind
nil-- like by its use.
S ll I by Drug Store
Nuts, Candies
Glass and warn disturbs
Wooden Ware, rakes and Heart or Kidneys, then try this cl
Macaroni, st
Butter, Now Sowing m.
numerous other go
Quality and
c see me.
S. M. Schultz
imitation. Dr. w
-n-it 1.1 iv. I M hi
in flavor an I taste, II his i
single In it. Dr.
Health Coffee
from I grain or cereals,
with Malt, Nuts, M -1 In a min-
No wait, will lure.
W it. Sold by T. K. Co,
When some people tell the
truth others are unable co re-
I w
to i- the
.-loan Towels Heart or . are mere-
A Specialty.
. Hi
ma you free, to prove merit,
. my DrIt U on either The
Te Kidneys, the
i.-. I.
and we
New Seeds.
Planting at Cow-
H. Howe, national president of
the T- P. A's. The
continues its session days.
The delegates are accommodated
at th Norfolk hotels.
blue banks.
Te people drove
the Indian Green spring and en-
joyed a drink. one
was heard saying we
another such day soon. E.
of treating
only. treatment
result of your ailment.
Weak Stomach
nerves- -mean
An I the
Heart, and ; as w have th
controlling or Weaken
an I j ave
weak vital organs. Hero is wren Dr.
Restorative its fame.
even to
the nerve.-biliousness bad breath or aim
ass Dr Restorative.
Writ.- for and free
And the good article every Dr. e, Wis. he
is sold
On ale goods In warm
weather. Come to my store
Lemon For the Toilet.
On washstand a lemon or
two be kept, Nothing i
better for the toil than the juice
of this . ft i freshing to
tho taste, 1- to the
Hie art
I in ping
ll. i mi thou . hat it
mi and
. on Ii tool
Bids ill
I used v.-ill
n move . when applied
to the ; i em.
In uteri for
, nu
left pieces
. a . of kind Dill
i, ll j .; or it in
a unrolling or
petting i get any small
piece i r by cutting
it oil the pi
r time lost,
no time wrapping up doing up
again. All the rest are in place.
Washing Fluid.
For a good trashing Quid take
pound of borax, one pound of
Ive, one I of washing
. I ammonia. Mix
in an
pan with live quart
water. When cold
and pour into earthen
Ab ml half a cupful of this
i enough in the water of
o wash.
Restoring Matting.
slatting that begins to show
so that little stick up may b
rendered quite as good as new a
coat of thin white shellac
taking up the matting cleans
it as Usual relay it on the
side and then go over it with
shellac, using two quarts to
room of the ordinary size.

Speaking. the
the Truth.
Doctor Told
Two or three ago Dr.
was one of the
physicians of His;
practice many pa-
tho city limits, and
these ho in a
One day he now horse,
ho wan much pleased
mill be discovered that tho animal
an Insurmountable objection to
of kind and could not
lie made to one.
this period it was
to bridge in order
lo b any one of the surrounding
town, the doctor d to sell the
Ho did not think r
mention the animal's peculiarity,
iii .- much too honest to n
went him. and after n e thought
lie advert
which he inserted in a
bay horse, warranted sound
obi. kind only reason for selling is
tin- owner Is obliged to
How a Actor Overcame, an
E. H. a few days before
he Bet out on his London venture
talked at a farewell about
tun presence of mind.
a dilemma unexpectedly
crops he said, manage, in an
awkward to master it some-
how. Hut I never acquit myself
with tho brilliance that marks the
typical anecdotes of stage presence
of mind.
tell of a really remarkable
ease that in Cincinnati.
It was a melodrama. The hero in
the second act stood in the bow of a
soliloquizing love, while
the waves and rocked.
waves were made in this
Blue canvas was spread loose-
This department is in charge of W. Parker who is author-
to represent The Reflector in Farmville and vicinity.
Practical did
it necessary, Elinor, to
the baby nurse
Hygienic I actual-
caught her giving h bath in
water a third of a degree holier
than the physician had ordered. We
can't afford to risk baby's life in
that reckless manner. Bohemian
the alimony was a
lion V
the p r
he paid it without a gram
in the world did she ever
quarrel with Filch a man
ran LOOKED is A
over the and under the can-
tome twenty or thirty supers
la n their ks, kicking and roll-
and I with their anus.
Di d that at per-
there was a e hole in
h canvas. the I Bi
r talk id passionately m
the head f u super suddenly
The head looked
I. scared way, and quick us his many customers.
Everything has been very
quiet the past week except the
weather which has been running
its 1907 schedule. General green
even seems slow in making
annual June charge on our far-
Tobacco continues to button,
cotton still suffering from the
nights, corn is looking a
little stronger.
Our merchants seem to be
taking life easy, while our me-
are steadily hammering
their time away The railroad
forces have passed us by, both
Norfolk and Southern and East
Carolina, and now we arc patient-
waiting for a regular
Some of our
remarked today, we might soon
look out for a palace car, for
Assistant Vice-President Sunder
land, of Raleigh passed though
on horse hack inspecting our
depot and line.
Ed. Edwards is in our town
placing and curbing on
some our streets.
Maybe the light man
will some day put in his appear-
or the water man may stroll
along to quench our thirst. Our I
brick manufacturer opined his
of 100.000 last
morning and Tuesday-
night had sold and delivered the
last load. He says he could Have
more if he had had them
Mr. Belcher knows exactly how
to make and burn them to please
Painter and Designer.
All work
Prompt attention to orders.
Farmville N. C.
Manufacturer of
-lop Brick-
Tile best clay and the burn-
ed Brick on t; Orders
tilled on short notice.
I have four gentle good milk-
gallons per day, calves to months
old. Sold under guarantee,
and Wilson Streets, N. C.
General Merchandise,
For Cash or on Time
King Quality Shoes to
and Felt Mattresses.
Complete line of everything in the of Dry, Goods, Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware, Feed and
Furniture Second Floor.
Queen Quality Shoes for Women
Farmville N. C.
will buy sell your reel
Building, Main Street-
New Firm. New Store.
of General
Farmville, N. C.
New Goods.
Close Cal; Prices.
Cents Fine Clothing a
You make no mistake in trading with us, for you get
the at lowest price.
tho actor shout
hon tho head d
In- radii;
the ; of the deep
Ai r poor soul gone to la.-t
Views of It.
Rivera- yo ; tired of
IV. a telling hie
wonderful of adventure in
Hit person
Brooks I . mind that
h as hi always tel em to
toe r-i , I,. . . to meet
Tl, .; . very ex-
V. indeed. Why, they
van have on their
door- and window their
can't get and associate with the
of their
But For the Poor.
remarked the good
without saying that
is the best
replied the wise man,
you get prominent enough to
and start playing the
Blaine and the Bore.
A notorious Kore came to see
;. when he was
of state. Mr. Rhine was
Still, he was polite. lie was ex-
bis engagements made
it impossible to talk to tho
would be glad to see him the
next day.
asked the bore.
Mr. Blaine made an elaborate con-
of his engagement book.
at o'clock tomorrow
ho said. I glad
to ice then. You understand
the hour, do yon not Ten o'clock
shall be said the bore.
cautioned Mr.
I say o'clock I mean
o'clock. You must be here on the
; minute. Promptly at
replied the bore. And
he vi away jubilant.
asked William E. Chan-
who was present, did you
a precise appointment
With that You do not want
to see
know replied
I fixed the hour with exactness and
impressed it on him so I shall know
when to
no nun so
Hot Weather
The Rev. K. W. Webber, a Maine
Press, minister, who was located for awhile
in a Georgia town as pastor of a
A Law Nature.
The rain was
Somebody had made an
to this conversation
you ever know of a rain
didn't asked a querulous
York Times.
Safer Behind the
man with fifteen wives was
sentenced to a year in the
wager something handsome
that he dreads the when they
let him Plain Deal-
enjoy writing
answered the youthful
enable you to lay tho
for your uncertainties in
and punctuation on some
not all written rotten.
not all la rotten written.
not be
We the of
all la written rotten-
la. an the rotten not
vet wot be written
W re a
church, occasionally re-
late; this
lie was talking with William
Dodson, ex-president of the Georgia
you feel the heat
greatly down here in the summer,
l Mr. Webber of
the southern
it doe. get pretty warm
here Mr. Do I-
on, time I feel too warm
think of ; vi-it I on e made I
Boston, and it tends the cold
all over
en Chivalry.
Senator Tillman
at a dinner in Washington,
thing abhor. Mime, though,
in untidiness pluck, and I hope
the will never come when a
conversation as was recently
overheard in a New York club will
be typical of American chivalry.
York approach-
ed n friend and whispered
to kick
next time he see me company.
lie in here now, what
would ran me to
The sale of lots on last Thurs-
day was very satisfactory, there
some over twenty lots sold
to some of the most prominent
farmers in our community.
Townsend and Windham
just what to do with real estate
placed in their hands, and they
have quite a number of vacant
lots that will be on the
market, so any one wishing to
purchase can get all necessary
information by addressing or
calling on the above named
Our friend Bill Jr.,
who was so severely stricken
with paralysis a few days ago,
was brought home last Friday.
He is slowly improving, we are
glad to note, and hope he will
soon get en his feet again.
will tell it anyhow, the sun
is shining
The children of the late Mrs.
P. R Hooker wish to extend
their sincere thanks for the many
expressions of sympathy shown
during the illness and death of
their beloved mother.
J. B.
tAt Parker's Old
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Dr. G. E. Weeks,
Office over Bros, new
Farmville, N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
General Merchants
and Wilson Farmville, N. a
Dry Heavy and
Groceries, U Fur-
lure. Stock Feed, and Fertilizer.
Carpets, Mattings and Rugs- Agents for
Complete line of
Guns, Pistols and Rifles.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade.
and see our tack.
Davis Old Stand, Main Street, Farmville. N. C,
Complete stock Merchandise-
Cash or
of Cotton and Produce.
Meat. Ha, Corn. Oat and Fertilizer in car load lots.
Everything in Dry Goods and
Distributors of Shoes for Men and Women.
C i -it each.
to the
If you live within
miles of Norfolk you can
Cut out
this advertisement and
present it to us at our
store in Norfolk, not la-
than August 1907,
we will give you
credit for the total cost
of your railroad or steam-
boat fare to Norfolk and
return on your purchase
at that time, of a
or a Player-
Only one credit on any
one instrument.
are sold
from maker to user,
the dealer's profit
write for particulars.
to save this ad-
L. C. Street Mgr.
St. Norfolk Va.
Piano with the
Sweet Official
Piano Jamestown Expo-
Tonsorial Artist.
Farmville, N, C,
Comfortable chairs, lights,
sharp tools and expert bar-
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eyes free.
All watch and clock work
H. C. Turnage, of Turnage,
was the guest of his sister, Mrs
Martha Joyner, Sunday. He in
forms us his loss by the hail
storm quite heavy. He had
one hundred acres of cotton that
had been chopped over ard
twice when the hail
struck it. He now has a good
stand since planting over.
We heard today several car-
of Farmville would give
I the class of orphans expected in
Farmville next Saturday night
a drive out in the country Sun-
day evening to visit the Green
Spring. at the spring
were during the week and
everybody we hear of is
coming to the picnic next Tues-
The junior of Farmville, wen
on the ball grounds practicing
this afternoon. They say they
are going to just beat the socks
off the Snow
Horton Hotel
Farmville. N. C.
Centrally located.
lated. Up-to-date
Polite servants. Best table the
market affords at all seasons.
Rates Reasonable.
Buss meets all trains.
First class livery with good rigs
and horses.
B. S. Smith,
located m corner and
and permanent. Reasonable
rates and prompt attention.
Farmville. N. C.
years in
j T.
Main Street.
Farmville N. C.
Everything found in an
Drug Store. Good line Oils and
Paints. All kinds of soft drink s.
Ice through the season.
Open a. to p. m. Sun
day to a. m.
Tonsorial Emporium.
Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
t repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
Jeweler and Real Estate Agent.
Watches and Clocks repaired on short
notice. Work
Farmville, C.
Fresh Meats, Beef, Fish.
Local and Richmond Products.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Officials Pan on
The Norfolk rail-
road has its line of
new road between
and Washington,
train was run over it
This train
the who .
tour of inspection. Th's.- j
F. S. Gannon, president; C. O
vice president. M.
dent, and R. E. L Bunch, traffic
manager. W P. Marshall,
dent engineer, accompanied the
officials on the trip.
The train reached Greenville
little past noon, and after spend
a few minutes here went on
to Farmville. It returned to
Greenville a little before
o'clock, and after looking over
the depot site here the officials
left for via Washington-
The editor had the pleasure of
meeting the while here
and talking briefly with
President Gannon expressed
himself as pleased with
as he found them along
the road and gratified at the
prospect of business for the road
from the section through which
it passes. He the track
laying is now finished miles
above Farmville, and the remain-
miles to Wilson ought to
be completed in twenty days
When asked as to the probable
time it will be before the regular
train service can begin over this
road. President Gannon said he
thought this could be safely
counted on by the middle of
Work is progressing on
a temporary building on the south
aide of Ninth street to be used
until the handsome depot between
Ninth street and Dickinson ave-
can be erected. Much of
the material for the depot is
ready on the
This Parse
said the railway claim
agent, come across queer
things The
thing in my experience was the
case of a minister.
man was hurt in a rear
end and gave
damages. At the end of
the year we got a letter from
that ran like this
salary and the
accident caused me to lose it for
a twelve month My medical
expenses were My board
at a mountain sanitarium for six
months was Other ex-
due to this accident were,
in round numbers, total
Now I am back in the
pulpit again, as well and strong
as ever, and I have of your
money on my hands. Not being
entitled to that sum I do what
any other minister would do in
my return the money to
you as per
was that for
said the claim agent. min-
are a wonderful lot We
the back to this honest
minister and he gave it to char-
in our name. Ex-
Resolved 1st That as God in
His goodness ha seen best to
take our beloved sister, Mrs.
Pattie Hooker, may we resolve
anew to endeavor more strongly
to follow Him so closely that we
may meet in the glorious morn
the beloved face we miss so
Resolved 2nd That in
the loss of our dear sister the
Ladies Aid Society of the Chris-
chorea suffered the loss
of one of its most faithful
Resulted 3rd. That a
copy of these be sent
to the Carolina and the
Greenville Reflector for
also a copy be to
member of the family and one
be spread upon the minutes of
this society.
Committee from the Ladies
Ail Society of the Christian
Mrs. D. W- Arnold,
Mrs. J. L. Carper,
Miss Alice Lang.
System of Water
Works the Factory.
this morning
of the Building
Company was burn-
ed, and entire plant narrow-
destruction. The
it located on the Atlantic
Line just north of the
tobacco factory.
The fireman of the lumber
plant went to the boiler room to
replenish the fires In readiness for
the work of the day- He had
thrown one load of shavings into
the furnace, and while gone out
to get another load some of the
the burning shavings fell out and
set fire to things around the boil-
In a few moments the room
was enveloped in flames.
At such an hour the
town deep slumber, and
not people in other sec-
of the were awakened
when the factory whistle sound-
ed an alarm. In fact there is so
much blowing of whistles here
in the early morning hours that
people are less liable to observe
a whistle alarm at such an hour.
The fire alarm gone at the mar
house was also rung, but
even this did not awaken people
far from it Still fire-
men and citizens heard the
alarm to hurry to the scene and
do effective work. A line of
hose was quickly run from the
nearest and the fire
was confined to the boiler house.
The main body of the factory
caught fire several times but by
good worK was put out and the
valuable plant saved.
The damage to the boiler house
is estimated at about which
is covered by insurance
The effectiveness of
system of water works
was practically demonstrated at
this fire. But for the abundant
and convenient water supply,
only a heap of ruins and ashes
would now mark the site of a
factory. In this one in-
stance more than was
saved. Greenville was wise in
putting in her water works sys-
Wife Child for
S. C. June
greatest sensation that has ever
stirred this town reached a
max yesterday when the
of the Baptist church, at
a conference called for that
pose, excluded its pastor, Rev.
C. M Billings, from the church
ard dismissed him from the
pastorate. This action
came as the result of a report
which had been circulated about
conduct with his
a neat colored girl,
who had been in his employ for
several years. The story v. as
get on the min-
but the
proof of the charges was not
cured till letters by the preacher, I
Oakley N. C. May 1907.
J. T. and J. R. Jenkins visited
Mount last week.
Mrs. S. A. Congleton and baby
are right sick.
Mr. W. J. Whitehurst and
children are visiting here.
Rev. W. Winfield filled his
appointment hero Sunday p. m.
and preached an eloquent sermon
to a large crowd.
Lewis of Winter-
ville, spent Sunday here.
Jim Overton and sister. Miss
Lessie, of Stokes, visited here
lira. Matilda Taylor and little
Miss Bell Warren, return-
ed Monday from Winterville,
where they had been visiting
her daughter, Mrs- J K.
were read at the church i M- Mahala Highsmith left
conference yesterday, to the to-visit
girl who had fled to
berg, S. C, cleared away the
Bi, on toe Streets of
C T-
day sale opened this morning
at o'clock. The
minute the doors Were opened
the store was packed with
buyers taking advantage of this
never-to be-forgotten bargain
carnival The price on every
piece of merchandise been
cut and slashed beyond
Service N. S. Between
On Monday, July 1st. the Nor-
folk A Southern railway will be-
gin train service on the new line
from Washington to Greenville
and Farmville For the present
there will be one mixed train
way daily except
Train will leave Washington
at a m reach Greenville at
Everything in this, the a. m., arrive Farmville
store p. m. Returning will leave
gone Farmville at m. Greenville
over and remarked at that at p m. arrive Washington
most up-to-date mercantile
in this county, has been
can but tempt the eager shopper j
Besides the numerous bargains
given, last but not least, is the
free trip to the Jamestown ex-
position, with all
road fare hotel bill and all that
I; is with a sense of
profound sorrow that we
the death of our much be-
loved sister and co-worker, Mrs.
Pattie Hooker, therefore be it
First, That we bow in
n and resignation to this dis-
of divine will and pray
God's blessing upon all those who
sorrow in this separation.
Second, In the death of our
beloved sister th C. W. B. M.
has lost one of its oldest and
most faithful members. We miss
her sweet face and kindly
We extend our sympathy
to her loved ones May they fol-
low in her footsteps and ever
look to Jesus for comfort in their
Third, That a copy of these re-
solutions be sent to the Mission-
Tidings, one to the Carolina
and the Watch Tower
publication. Also a copy be
upon the minutes of this
society and one be sent to each
member of the family.
Committee from the C. W. B.
If. of the Greenville church.
Mrs. D. W. Arnold,
Mrs- H- T. King,
Miss Minnie Tunstall.
least vestige of doubt and made
those who had teen the preach-
friends shudder with the
horror and of his con-
duct, the like of was never
before known in this community.
These letters addressed to the
girl at berg told, in
many terms of endearment, of
the love the minister bore for
her, that he could not live with-
out her presence, and that in
order to be with her at all times
he would leave his borne, his wife
and all his go with
even to death.
Before coming to
Billings preached at Waynesville,
N, C, and
S. C, and other places.
Reported trouble of a nature
similar to that here was circulated
on the man at Waynesville.
Billings married an invalid wife
in North Carolina and to them
was born a boy. who is still quite
The pi condition of
his wife and the youth of the
child greatly the
of the offense against society
and the church
Billings has wisely left for
parts unknown as the
is considerably aroused
Some years ago Mr. Billings
was for a while pastor of the
Memorial Baptist church in
Greenville. He made some
friends here who learn with re-
of his disgraceful fall.
her daughter, Mrs. W- J. Madly.
S. A. Congleton went to
Master Wilmer Nelson fell
Saturday afternoon and sprained
his knee. He has not been able
to walk any since. We hope he
will soon be himself again.
Master Elbert Andrews, of
Rocky Mount, is visiting his
grand parents, Mr and Mrs. J.
T. Jenkins.
Levi Whitehead, of
Winterville, was in our town
J. E. Hines went to Rocky
Mount Sunday-
Mrs. Jenkins and sister
visited Mrs. F. F. Nelson Mon-
You miss the chance of a life
time if you do not take
of the special price sale now
going on at C. T-
p. m. These trains make
close connection at Chocowinity
with trains New Bern
and Norfolk.
The Myers running
on between Washington
will make the trip Greenville will be
en away free through the gen-
of Mr C. T.
Every buyer of or over gets a
coupon and the on holding the
lucky number on the last day of
the sale will go lo the exposition
as the truest or f.
after Saturday. June 29th.
Two car loads trunks, valises,
suit cases and hand bags, being
sacrificed at C, T.
special sale.
A. M.
Examinations for admission to
the North Carolina College of
Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
will be held at the county court
house on Thursday, July 11th at
o'clock a. m., in the office of
the superintendent of instruction.
These examinations are required
by law, and are intended to save
the expense of a trip to Raleigh,
Young men industrial
education should be on hand
C. T. is going to give
one free trip to the Jamestown
exposition. Attend his big sale
now on learn about it.
Glad Tidings.
Mr- E. U. N. general
manager of the Merchants
Stock Liquidating Co., of
who is here conducting the
special sale for, Mr. C- T. Mun-
ford, received a telegram this
morning announcing the arrival
of a fine girl at his home. It
makes him wear big smiles.
boards, bed steads, trees,
chairs, center tables, baby car-
go your own
price. Must be closed out in
days. special sale.
The Bolt Know.
Attorney General Jackson, of
N w York, was in Al-
a certain that had
been offered him.
was a slim he
said. reminds me of the ex-
of the rod agent.
the days when ill world
swore by lightning rods, a far-
mer had two costly ones put on a
new barn. But only a week or
two later there came a violent
thunder storm, the barn was
struck, and in a few hours all
that remained of it was a heap of
charred refuse.
day the farmer sought
out the lightning rod agent.
lightning rod you sold
he shouted. Here's my
new barn been struck and burn-
ed to
said the agent.
sir; by
the day
at night. Last night.
The agent's puzzled frown re-
a little.
he said was a dark
night, wasn't
course it said the
farmer. was pitch dark.
the lanterns
The agent looked amazed in-
he said, you don't
mean to tell me that you didn't
run up lanterns on the rods on
dark Ga-
Go to the Jamestown
as the guest of C
The lucky number at his special
sale win a free trip.
Greenville managed its cam-
for the location of the
Eastern Training School provided
for by the last Legislature with
promptly. who are slight- decency and order- A good guess
drummer's samples of
straw hats, all styles, are being
sold at special sale at
less than cost of production.
tJ I O
White ants ere eating out the
wooden rafters in the Smithson-
Institute at Washington and
a force of men is now trying to
exterminate them with kerosene.
The government is also carrying
on a campaign again rats. Be-
tween ants, rats, and
railroad magnates the govern-
This floating item is credited to
the Lamar
a man was a bootblack or
janitor before he rose to success
and local eminence he never fails
to refer to it He boasts of it
He's proud of It indicates that
he has in him the stuff to rise
under circumstances that were
unfavorable and discouraging.
But suppose a woman who now
belongs to the leading set in town
has one time worked in some
one's kitchen, do you suppose she
would ever refer to it Really,
what would she do to one
who would refer to it in her
presence The man glories in
work. The woman is
e of hers once she gets beyond
i . She is an economic factor
Then she has to be, but never
from choice.
Fact, isn't it We hadn't
thought of it before, but one's
own experience confirms it. The
average man who attains a little
prominence or accumulates a
little property likes to boast of
his success. It is to his credit
that he has accumulated some-
thing and he the most of
it. In fact it takes a very little
rise to set some men boasting and
the best of them will sometimes
magnify their difficulties and
their success. But did you ever
hear a woman boast if she has
attained prominence in the social
circle, or even thinks she has,
that she has cooked or washed or
any other sort of labor
Not one in Sometimes you
will strike a candid soul, but
they're extremely rare. To hear
them they have got-
ten up a little ways, and some
times when they
think they were born with silver
spoons in their that for
I everything had always been
ready to hand- In fact when
you know they've been reared in
poverty, and everybody knows it,
some of them will pretend they
don't know how to do house-
work, sewing or anything, and
act as if they had been reared
in fairyland. Strange, but a
Hotel an j Stands Destroyed.
to Reflector.
Jamestown Exposition, June
A destructive fire early this
morning swept a large territory
of hotels and lunch stands
around the gates of the
grounds. The fire start-
ed at o'clock m me third story
of Berkley hotel. This with
other hotels and hundred
lunch counter's and soft drink
stands were destroyed. The
Inside Inn just inside the grounds
from the fire was saved by
work Five people lost th. r
lives in the fire ard
were injured.
Laces and embroideries mark-
ed down to cents, less than
half price, at special
Follow the crowd to
special sale, Every purchaser
to the amount gets a coupon
trip the j
Robin's Appreciation.
About six weeks ago Hugh
of Lock Haven noticed an
old robin fluttering in the
in front of his home as if it had
been injured Mr. caught
the bird after some little effort.
He discovered that one of the
robin's legs was which
rendered it almost helpless.
Taking the redbreast into the
house he washed the bones,
plied splints an I en. fully band-
aged the leg and k the robin
a prisoner. To Mr
prise the grew r,
and a few weeks the leg was-
to be us as ever.
The robin was en i's freedom,,
but in appreciation of the
performed by Mr;
the robin comes about the
house many times every day and
ht s become so tame that it
eat crumbs from Mr
The bird has a nest in a near
by tree and on called by
Mr. invariably flies to
him and perches on the vines, a
fence or some other object near
where Mr. may happen
to Record.
They have had a big
the treasury department over
the installation of a
the white
men and women of that office.
The white men always remove
their hats in respect to the
women, but the walked
about in an manner
with his hat on and when request-
ed to remove it, told the man
who had made the request to
mind his own business. Later
in the day another white man
took an insult from him, but
toward the close of business,
emboldened by these successes.
he shoved a white man away
from the water cool rand then
he found that he had a
mistake. He was hammered all
over the room and to
finally escape with his life. It is
a mistake on part of the depart-
officials to try to force
gross on their white in
the manner they have been
doing. It invariably stirs up
hard feeling, demoralizes the
service for the time-being and is
of results to the colored
Ladies muslin
ready made garments, m k d
down half price, less than . i of
i the cloth in then, at C- T. Mun-

Eastern reflector, 21 June 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 21, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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