Eastern reflector, 31 May 1907

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u j i
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
As authorized for Daily, Wednesday a large number of
ed we take . our citizens in carriages, buggies
writing receipts for I wagons went out to
v B I mill pond, about three miles in
id arrears We hove a list I the country and enjoyed
their mail at picnic.
. a de-
There was a
. large with plenty of some-
take thing good to eat and ajar
to molest or disturb the pleasant-
. of the occasion. Our girls
all came back in town singing
U all who
this office.
b printing
l . j. a. re
missionary from
to be Done
aft r
night ; tare to the pub-
g ;. He has many
curios an r of that
country . which
Will the more
int All i to
F . is go
to l . . i they always
Misses Cox. of Winter-
at -1 o'clock in the
ladies, and and of
Greenville, have been visiting
Cox. of Goldsboro.
is i n a
E. G Cox has been at home
from Wilson for several days
with his family.
Mrs. Hosea. of Goldsboro, is
to the week with friends
if a
progress that the
t in th
only too sadly
us arc
mar. or
age is
nu . i
to I
worn i
of it
Go to E E- Ca's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
Mileage and fresh
In a game of ball yesterday at
between the
and V. teams there wore
only two innings played which
resulted in a score of to in
favor of Ayden Rain broke up
the game.
Merchandise carry
s Hue Meat, Lard and Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
The here we learn is
to be remodeled, newly painted
otherwise changed that will
make it a credit to the town.
If you any Paint be sure
see E. Co-
G. W. has been on a visit
to Vanceboro.
exchange corn
for or Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to GO pounds.
If preferred will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C
D G. Berry. J. T. Smith, Jr.,
E. G. Cox Robert Worthing-
ton attended the meeting of the
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at
Elizabeth this week
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed e.
Th i exercises
of the F Will Seminary will
take May
Cal , -14- Store
. of excellent
M. Sauls.
A of the
pad gone to their
Domes for vacation. They will
return about September tore-
their duties having
re-elected to the positions which
they occupied and which they so
acceptably nil .
The most will be
ed v. one of those
Pens at Call and
M. M the finest and
best supply of Fountain Pens
ever night to Ayden.
pens on sale at Saul's
drug store at from to
cons cotton
seed meal. F- Lilly Co-
Prof. J. A. left
for the commence-
at Winterville after which
he will go to his home to spend
the summer. He has been
Unanimously re-elected
pal of school here for
next He has by his gen-
courtesy and polite
conduct rendered himself very
popular with all classes of our
people. In manner he reminds
us very forcibly of Prof. Harry
Harding whom every one in.
Greenville knows as the very
quintessence of politeness and ,
fitness of a Chesterfield. Ayden
is fortunate in securing the
vices of this estimable gentleman
and teacher. She is indeed to
be congratulated and all will
hail with delight
Prof. next fall,
address during the summer will
be Fayetteville. N. C.
and relatives town.
Miss Taylor, from
is visiting Miss Nina Cannon.
Herbert Gary and Joe Rich-
left this morning for the
Jamestown exposition.
Miss treasurer
of the Christian Woman's Board
of Missions, lectured in the Dis-
church Sunday and Monday-
nights. We hear her lectures
very highly complimented
A little child of W. C- Smith
is. we regret to learn, so seriously
sick that grave apprehensions
are felt as to its condition. We
hope the little one may soon
Mrs R. C. Cannon spent Sat-
in Greenville
There was a heavy rainfall
yesterday accompanied with
much hail. We have rot heard
from the country yet. but we
fear the growing crops were
badly damaged.
With BO much rain grass is be-
coming king and the farmer is
its slave.
Josephus Gaskins is building
a nice residence on Main street
for his son-in-law, Ernest Smith.
The street force are at work
cleaning out sewer and other-
wise improving the streets.
Mrs. F. G. and W.
E- Hooks the
pal church of this place as
rates to the convocation in Kin-
last week.
Mayor J. F. went to
Greenville Monday.
John Pierre and W. L. Brown
both of whom have been
very sick, have Rotten well and I
all their friends are pleased these, Mr
Special to
Washington, D. C., My
A general movement is in
to redeem land from the
water by a wholesale drainage of
swamp lands, which in the
whole country amounts to a
very large acreage, it being es-
that ever fifty million
acres in the United States can
be redeemed and made fit for
farming. States as large as
Ohio, Indiana,, and Illinois com-
lie today under water,
and can be put into tillage by a
scientific, thorough drainage sys-
The swamp lands in the
continental United States, east
of the Rocky mountains,
reclamation by drainage,
have a total area just about that
of the three great middle st
named According to govern-
surveys and estimates
there are at least fifty million
acres of land which can be
drained and made for farm-
at a cost of about per
acre. This would increase the
value of the districts
more than and
would a id to the crop values of
this great nation may millions
annually. It is impossible to
treat of the subject of the
drainage of the wet and over
b the lake in the search.
In about two hours the body
was found, but by that time all
efforts to restore life were vain.
It was a distressing occurrence
and such a pity that one
drown so near the shore and in
good swimmers.
Or Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.
The opening service of this
will be held at the
Steamer T.
tonight at o'clock. Washington daily
As the president has not yet a m for leave
rived it is impossible to Sunday
exactly what the order will be, at
bat it will be open to all, and
doubtless also interesting to all
The business session will
held tomorrow at o'clock.
All of the services will be inter-
even when routine and
the public are invited
The address of welcome will
be delivered by Mrs. Wiley
Brown tomorrow night. Mrs.
N H- D. Wilson, formerly of
Greenville, now of Hertford, will
The Bullocks gave another
entertainment in the opera house
Tuesday night. Considering
that the company is composed
mainly of youths and children it
. is entitled to better patronage
flowed the United States; than was received here.
except to discuss it in millions
and billions dollars So tar. , , .
the government has spent about and sir.;
in irrigation work, excellently,
and the have given
approval to the project.
at with
Norfolk A- Ry. for
Norfolk, Baltimore. Philadelphia
New York. Boston and all other
points North and West
Shippers should order their
f eight via Norfolk, care
Southern Ry Co.
u -s subject to change
without notice.
. Agent,
H. C. General F
P. Vs.
M w. gap,.
Remains Taken to Gates.
The remains of Ruth, little
daughter of Rev. and Mrs- M. T.
who died Tuesday, were
A Runaway Marriage and a , taken on the morning train
Occur There. . Gates for interment. Rev. Mr.
In a private letter from Pan-, Plyler and Mr. A. B. Ellington
Springs we get an account accompanied the remains.
of two incidents that occurred j
there recently.
On Sunday evening about six I
o'clock a runaway couple, ac-,
companied by a minister, drove
up to the springs hotel. As no
one was about the hotel at the
time drove on to the
Of Mr A. I Kennedy to find I
witnesses to the marriage, j
buggy stopped in front of
the cottage, and while the
couple remained in the vehicle
the was performed by
Rev. Mr. Nicholson, the wit-
standing near in the road-
The couple were Mr. Rufus
Marks and Miss Neva Ball, but
their place of residence was not
stated After the ceremony
they went on their way
On Monday a number of Little-
ton people went out to the spring
picnic. Late in the after-
neon some young men went
the lake. One of
We have been making pianos
over half a century, and
all that time making them
as possible.
We to
have no that when
buy a no one can
have a better.
noted of selling
its in the usual way, we main-
our own and
sell to the people at wholesale
prices, on easy terms.
Let us tell you about it.
By virtue of a mortgage executed and
by General Dupree and wife,
Dupree, to Amos Williams on
t day of December, 1906, which
record in the office
the Register of Deeds of Pitt county.
the undersigned
will sell for cash, before the court house
door in Greenville, on Saturday, the 18th
day of May, 1907. the following described
or panel of land situate in the
county of Pitt and in Greenville town-
ship, on the south side of Tar river, be-
ginning at the gate post on the left side
of the road going from Greenville
to then running east wit
said road to the Mogul line, then with the
Mogul line to Creek, then up
said creek to and with the run thereof to
a lug corner, then
straight across the field to the beginning
containing about acres, more or
and being the same land sold to General
Dupree Amos Williams and said,
taken to secure the etc.
chase money. I
This April 18th, 1907.
Meet at
Special to Reflector.
Jamestown, Va, May
The second of the gen-
convention of the Baptists
of North America today in
the convention hall of the James-
town exposition, and will con-
T- of Piano.
Our factory tuner, Mr. A- L.
Henderson, will be in Green-
ville or. Monday, May the 27th
and will remain several days.
Any one wishing to have their
pianos tuned will please send in
their written order to our Mr
box 1325,. this
office Do not phone or leave
word at hotel, but write; mes-
sages are sometimes delayed.
Very respectfully,
Wrong Signal Causes Wreck.
to Reflector.
New York. May, 22-A mis-
take in signals sent a Brooklyn
Rapid Transit train crashing into-
a car early this morning,
fifty passengers were injured,
three or them fatally.
Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char-
N. C . will be in Green
ville at Hotel Bertha on Thurs-
day and Friday June and
7th for the purpose of treating
diseases of Eye. Ear. Nose and
Throat, and fitting Glasses On
this visit the doctor's fees for
testing eyes for glares will be
reduced ore half.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods. No-
Light and Heavy
P. G. James, Attorney.
Prices to suit the times.
Hart Co
N. C.-
f, owe of Mar. 22nd, 1906.
and discounts
i Overdrafts secured
; Furniture and Fixtures
i Due from banks an J bankers
I Cash items
i Gold coin
Silver coin
Nut. 2,100.00
Capital stock
Surplus fund o
Undivided profits less expenses
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check
Cashier s checks outstanding
R. Cashier
th i-
Raymond Clark,
of Greenville, in deep water was either
.;. named
to hf i
here Monday.
The commencement exercises
at the Free Will Seminary will
be held week, 27th, 28th,
29th 30th.
There is talk of another bank
seized with cramp or became
frightened and cried for help.
Two professors of the high
school were sitting on a ruck
overlooking the lake, at
though; the boys were only
here. In fact we are informed a frolic. They soon realized
the stock has already however, that young Clark was
boon subscribed.
Two full blooded Chickasaw
Indian girl, now at
Indian have written
to the Agricultural and
cal College here asking President
Winston to aid them in securing
as husbands a couple of the col-
cadets. Those girls are
worth from to
each and are well educated and
their photographs show them to
be good looking. They write
Dr. Winston that the educated
Chickasaw have banded to-
for the purpose of
white husbands and prefer
students of Agricultural and
Mechanical Colleges, who are ed-
agriculture and me-
This tribe of Indians,
next to the Osages, is the richest
in the world. No doubt the,
the return of I girls can easily finds suitors a i
their Char-search for body of Clark,
Observer. several of the men diving to the
in distress and hurried
down to render assistance. Prof.
threw oil his coat
and plugged into the l
thinking it an easy
matter to save his pupil. He
swam out to Clark who was
the boat house, but Clark
g ed his arms and rendered
him unable to swim- They
sank, when Prof Browning see- i
their predicament sprang
assist them. He was a good
swimmer, but his heavy
impeded him, and he
reached the other two Clark j
grabbed his wrists and
drowned him.
Freeing himself from Clark,
the latter sank and did not rise
again. Prof. was
exhausted f om his struggle with
Clark, and Prof. Browning
his efforts to save him-
With the assistance of those on
shore he succeeded in rescuing
Prof. but he was in
a serious condition and was
after hard effort-
A party in boats went to
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
aid to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
D. Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
W. F. ft
In Session at Memorial Church.
A delightful service, attended
by many and vis t-
ors. was held in Jarvis Wen rial
church. ming.
to o ;
i a
th-a North r
n w i i . i
In the the p
Rev. M. T.
service was conducted by R-v.
N. H. D. Wilson, a former pas-
Mr. Wilson read a selection
from John's gospel, 16th chapter,
and made an earnest talk from
the words of is
for you that go away, for
if I go not away the Comforter
will come unto you At the
conclusion of his talk there was
after which the meet- have an important relation to I presence. heart And shall we not up
adjourned until o'clock p. m. human life. The truth is, We take especial pleasure m through our tears, and with re-
SESSION good is always beautiful, and the i being to have such newed trust in our Heavenly
really beautiful is always good. I of so noble, cultured, ; Father, take up tN work which
Devotional services at highest beauty- and honored a company, and she has laid down, and make
d Just so fast as God's will is done know that there shall come with new year the best in the
on earth as it is done in I you that gracious spirit which I history of society God
heaven, just so fast is his king- j has been promised to rest upon j help us, my
coming. Jesus laid down the church to the end of time and thus to the memory
by R iv. N. H. D. Wilson.
of welcome was
Mrs. Wiley Brown
. Mrs
for the kingdom of God three I to further all its plans and
fundamental social laws. Those all its
a OF welcome. laws a -e, the law of service, ors , ,, the spread the king-
much pleasure sacrifice aw of God.
a representative of our auxiliary
The solution of the social prob-
to bid you welcome to our town
this evening. If I were a Mad-
am do Stael, I bid you
welcome in words more fitting
your station, but in the language
which I might do is
made hopeless through my want
of however, in be-
half of our town, our church, and
our auxiliary, I give you a most
is absolute abnegation to
the service of God in humanity.
A life ex consecration to God and
humanity is dull and meaning
e when from with
out; but enter and with the love
of Christ streaming it
it is glorified a beauty and
blessedness beyond all human
a moment of silent prayer for
the and guidance of hearty
the convention, welcome, and we open our
doors, open our hearts, and open
our homes for your reception.
Only eleven years ago, our
beloved who is
now wearing a crown in the
great celestial city, accepted an
i we
i Shah we not heed that others die
Shall we not give of means d
The hungry to feed, the to
of her who was for so many
years our leader.
Jesus was sit-
ting in th house of Simon this
from a full Leper, Mary, who war to
show him love
him who had done so much
for her, brought a box of
very precious, which was
secretary, Mrs. Swindell was
then read, . the fol-
loving is
In the conference society there
are adult auxiliaries
members, Golden Links,
Number of Juvenile
total members adult,
n Links and Juvenile
No life members Honorary
e members life patrons 6-
Number of scholarships support-
ed Number of missionaries sup
ported The Bright Jewels
.-;. a the Mary
B k . h China.
TI e society pledged to support
ii the foreign
for you
and for me,
Not only from nations for over
the sea,
her great treasure. Breaking it and promised to rail for
she poured it over his head, and this purpose, amount i was
overrun, We
hope to raise support
this year. One
new missionary candidate has
letting it run his feet,
she numbly knelt and wiped his
I with her hair. She gave
host, her greatest possession
Every woman who has it comes from the lands that to her master, showing such for the field, Miss
followed by brief petitions from
several of the delegate.
After the benediction the
committee of the society
held a session, and while this
was in progress the delegates
spent time mingling together
and getting acquainted with
ocher and also with the
people of the town who were
The first business session of
the society I at o'clock
with the president, Mrs. R. A-
Willis, in the chair.
This twenty ninth annual con-
was organized by calling
the roll of and enrolling
the delegates. Officers present
President, Mrs. R. A. Willis.
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs.
F- D. Swindell.
Recording Secretary, Miss
Blanche Fentress.
Superintendent of
els. Mrs. L. M. Henderson, Mrs
J. secretary of Wash-
district, and Mrs. m. J.
Simpson, secretary of
e district,
not but inspiration and groat en-
more are expected today.
After the bar of the The year Mrs, H. L.
was fixed the pi trident Carr was elected and,
brought into the joy of a new
life is a debtor to every other
woman for whom Christ died-
In no other way than by the dis-
charge of this can she
fill her true in the church
of God. Providence has put
this work almost exclusively in
her hands. She has access
lie at our feet.
It comes to
we go-
devotion that the
Story Clegg, who desires to
It comes from the homes of want is as a missionary. Tis
and woe, j memory of her unto this day. that the young
our ears wherever what have we i people's missionary societies take
show our love for as their special work for 1907-08,
Has he not done as much for us
hear The is
invitation from our pastor's wife w her who
Mrs. M. H. D. Wilson, to visit must inevitably perish if she re-,
Greenville, for the purpose of to hear their it is
organizing an auxiliary. The j appeal. She is under the high- j pleasure that
of members then en est obligations to enter upon
Dear sisters of the Greenville
respond to this
welcome so h given
as he did for Mary And yet
we are still playing at missions
It has been nearly nineteen
hundred years since he gave us
the great commission to go into
all the world and preach the
gospel to every creature, and
millions of heathen women
rolled exceeded the officers this work. If she cannot give tonight. Eleven years ago my ye
by six. However, we plodded j herself, she can give money and I band and I spent one brief year children stretch their hands
along in the face of difficulties, her prayers-
fall of 1807, when you,
dear- Mrs. Home, came to our
so to you we owe more
than we can ever repay for your
constant help in every way-
During the first year of our
organization, we had only one
subscriber to the Woman's Mis-
Advocate, during the
second increase reached
five, while now have twelve, j
we made one j
more that of electing
Mrs G. B,
Now, some believe
in home, but not in foreign mis-
ought ye to have
done and not to have left the
other undone. Go ye into all
the world, and preach the gospel
to every creature
The but are
called to brighten
Some little corner, some in such
Somewhere a burden rests that
you may lighten
And thus reflect the Master's
love for men.
Is there a sister drifting
in Greenville, but it was long I to us, calling on us to give them
enough to test the hearts of the the bread of
people. Sickness and
came into our home while we I and our dime
were here, and during that while
felt the sympathy loving thous
of a people
the medical education of
missionary candidate.
The age limit of missionaries
has b changed from to
mentioned the gift to the o-
man's Foreign Missionary
of 247.50 by the late Rev,
J. A. Cunningham, D. D.
missionaries accented by the
if you hearts
her address.
In this address
the splendid
work of the society in the past
year was referred to, and duties
were pointed out by which the
work of carrying the gospel to
Woman's Foreign Missionary
Conference. She returned with; J
but peak a r
The testing of devotion is our
duty's call is
The silent leaven of Christian
whose hearts are large and ten-
and who Know how to shew
helpful way
that the influence of that love
has lingered with us all these
years. Tim place you won in
our hearts then is your.-, brevet.
Since that time, some who
s still in
woman's band and are go to the
trouble carelessly doling out our pennies foreign
The annual Statement of the
society was next read by Airs.
Adams, treasurer This report
showed total collections for the
year from dues, pledges, etc , of
a gain over the past
year of New Bern
district I with a total
218.65. district
second with 1,202 Mis.
Adams stated that Raleigh dis-
have led, but
have been called o v
s house but; i.
hope to have the
. . -hi. n ting
for this great
throw sway
on our own comfort
and adornment.
Dear Greenville sisters, we
meet in your beautiful new
church together for this
work, which is so dear to us ail
Let us be in earnest about our
Master's work. Woman's work
for woman is a great work.
Who can reach the woman in
h lands the Christian
w m armed with the sword of of the Contribution was re-
I Spirit, which is the Word cf her report had been
i . When our missionaries compiled.
j eave homo and loved ones to go Another d resort was
unto the ends of the earth, tho work, r ad by
iv.-;. the glad tiding of a Savior's Hendren, superintendent of
glad welcome as they love, they trust all into our
she They look
national thought and to personally a great picas-and clothing. They expect us
a privilege, to pray daily for their protection
her zeal us, that we have
since been unable to dispel it.
Perhaps the wisest step of all,
was the election of Mrs. Carr in
foreign lands in the next year 1904 to the presidency. Through
might be enlarged. The love and faithfulness, our
was much enjoyed.
The rules were then read, fol-
lowed by interesting reports
from the district secretaries
Miss Dixon made a brief but
interesting talk about the
Lucy and her depart-
in the Christian Advocate
Several were asked
by different delegates which
were answered by the
Rev. N. H D. Wilson, Mr.
Wiley Brown, the convention
pages Misses Sadie Exum and
Mary Brown were formally in-
to the convention
After benediction the meeting
adjourned until o'clock p. m.
conference opened Thurs-
afternoon with devotional
exercises led by Mrs- M. J.
The roll was then called by the
recording secretary, followed by
the reading of the minutes of
the morning session-
Rev. M. T. Plyler was then
introduced to conference and
made a short but appropriate
Some of the district secretaries
were absent at the morning
and the reports omitted
o.auxiliary has increased in
and attendance, more
money has been raised, and a
greater improvement in every-
way has settled upon us
During her presidency our
certificate of life member-
ship presented to our eldest
impossible to trace to any single
I and to all human
most insurmountable.
present day message of
foreign missions to the church
is, go
If once the divine music of the
gospel peals upon the inner ear
of the soul, how the very nature
to be ht re once more and to look
into the faces that have been
and care. look to us as
, God's instrument, to supply
dear to me these eleven years, as an their needs. As you know
we have who have gone
well as to meet new friends and
in our Master's vine-
The Woman's Foreign Mis-
Society of Greenville is
is melted in tears of only eleven years old. I remember
What inexpressible em j very well when it was born, for
the gospel sweeps through j during the first year of its life,
the soul Its streams of pathos j I was with you and had the
from our own conference who
are depending on us for support.
Are we as true to them as we
ought to be We must go or
send. We who cannot go, are
we doing our duty about send-
Alas, I am afraid not
Sisters, as we plan our work
Mrs B D Evans this Stir us to the depths, its rills of honor of helping j nourish its for another year, let us not only
being soon followed by another unite us
Mrs. F. A. Bishop; in close j weapons of strength
followed those of Mes-U into spiritual gladiators, its
dames Alfred Forbes, Jack messages of hope make us buoy
White, and J. B. Cherry.
do not claim that we have
done all that we ought to have
done in advancement, tut with
ant in hours of sorrow, and its
paeans of praise mount the sou
toward God The dewdrop m r-
great sun as truly as the
such a record behind us and with I ocean. If we cannot be too
a set purpose to improve for God, neither can the
it, and increase the vigor, j very things that we can do
and success of our past years I be too small tor him to ac-
in time to come, we are glad to as the work of good and
greet you amongst us We ex- j faithful servants.
to get a new inspiration We who believe in missions
from your presence and feel our- j stand therefore, on an
Pound more closely than j rock. re fighting tin
ever to this great organization the flag, we are working
with which we are connected. the Great Charter of the
The fact that God church. This thought should
everything beautiful in its give us inspiration and hope,
certainly that Ho him The promise is to I am
self is not indifferent to beauty, with With all boldness we
and the further fact that, accord- may challenge men to deny our
to the n
I J .
But it is no longer an
infant 1.1 has grown to be one
the strongest and best of our
auxiliaries. We all
with pride and pleasure. And
it shall grow to yet greater
things; for who can measure the
good which it shall do
This society was organized
our sainted president, our be-
loved Aunt Lucy, and is one of
the many monuments that
speak to us of her sweet and
useful life, so nobly spent in
work for our Master. Since our
last meeting she has left us to
enter into her We shall
miss her sadly. We all loved
her so, and looked to her for
counsel and help. We feel that
we can hardly carry on our
work without her- But I feel
that her spirit must be with us
tonight, and I can aim
words of encouragement as
. -as . j i
be in earnest, but let us be often
in prayer. We must go to our
King for orders.
up your eyes and
the Bright Jewels. The
part of her report was as
Number of bands added
Total number of bands
Number of i u H i
Number life i
Total number . . .;
Subscribers Little Worker
Dues conference ex-
fund pledge
scholarship total
After benediction adjournment
was had to o'clock this
exercises were led
en he says Hendren
see the
fields already white to harvest, by reading minutes
when he bids send forth more Thursday afternoon session
laborers into my harvest, we can Rev. J R missionary
but make every effort to send. w Korea, and B. E -n-
Like Mary, let us love him so field, of Ayden, were
truly, so intensely, that to the conference and each re-
will be too precious to be poured with a few words
forth in his service. Kev M T. t
we would thank our the conference a cordial
Greenville friends for their from the members of Caro-
warm welcome. We pray t Club to visit the club rooms
our slay among you may themselves at home
blessing to you as we feel sure j there at time desired
it will be to us. We know Reports of district secretaries
will be able to go about
Father's business with great
joy and pleasure because of the
loving sympathy you give us.
May his peace which
understanding remain with us
during this annual meeting.
our I omitted in previous sessions were
read at this time.
Mrs, H L. Carr read a
paper on the missionary
spirit, prepared by M. t
made some remain. re-
to the beauty of tie

arrived at
. o'clock p. m.
and U New Boat
at th
Mrs- Carpenter and little
r with our neigh-
is . greeting then- ;
; Washington Sn k
supper we had , n took
the hi
. at th
i thin
Capt. t
las t
I To
, c
pi .
let and an
Up i
trip i. a
m r
while Capt.
. the n
said he .
had ,
at, trim
some in
r was very pi
i more
We were told he
boat in these
. .
i but is
end an
i i W
. Ci pi P WM
I, I, did not seem
f, the result.
I sure enough
, win or low.
the situation,
moving up
our speed
. . Lunch with its
I, i, and turned
Eagle wins her first
., a time I
sort of hewing
alee show you why
chewers, and more pot
chewed, to the
i where
t sod, than there are in the
passed Wanted-Tobacco cure
if well recommend
taken its
, world. p. No.
,,, i, desperately
I trade.
A. Darden,
us from th;
good I
It was our
gist the ho
very soon
saloon a;
one on I
we i
been a
So ill
; , cheering
v days. Every on.
. I boat wen,
a d with I
. inn i
e family
Her de
;. . . all.
i . is on
Forbes and his ,
. feel that we
the Eagle to all
them very
some on I
I .
satisfied p .
good, it
meet in;
i i
lip .
an to
get .
one. i
her i . i
With ten
eve a tin
to eat- Our
hail., v
. II .
man and
a. Mrs.
, . infant.
i r. King's
and Discounts
Overdrafts Secured
i ired
, ,, ram Banks
Cash Items
. j . B,
. , ,
F. E
F. Patrick and
Keeled of
Old faculty.
J. ind M C
I . . ,,,
. in
i M V.-
lb . .
IV a. Ran I
. r. .
. C, M
. n
l ii i
this day of
. lion ill Lit v. I. Ml II .
Notary F
rt, Rev.
also re-elected; . I
ton, A
to c r
. Cox,
. Bessie Hard-
I . m
to have a
higher de-
ion and one other
. ill i, selected at a
ingoing over the
of the past
i that all hills
Mr. and
will in i
and discounts
l i
Banks and
. In,
. other C. S. notes
id and no
I F. No May
flowers are in
bow Pilot
. I;
. i .
i. heavy
say soon i , i i .
still, warn d J
supper. have heard of
time, rather crops are very backward, es-
an and cotton, To-
m out. the. is a more
a good stand and a
of u h n
, . will i
,. ,.,,
cent, finning to i it- ,
th in all n e,
where n new ,
to higher schedule. 30.000
Mr. D Tunstall hands are ; Fall
mill circles stated that
every cotton mill in k
will increase wages
or a week later. Th
the Island mill
will affect about em ;
in that state, torn
. S i C
The of u- presence
At Home after June the
North Caro-
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, this 28th Jay of Mar,
S. T. Carson
Votary Public
hail last Mon-
damage as
Carnegie to
I in half ad
villages where I
tone are . w
mill interest i.
captain, tin I, and
little sea Bid., I to call I
We have n i able to under-
how h
m t
time we
him ii a hat, he
i. his state
i In acreage, while
,,,. f,
,,,;,,. . before
are quite
h has been -aid the darkest
London, May Andrew Bill Before
Carnegie has
the return to Scotland of all her
sons who are-indigent in
land, lie will pension them i B
their former homes,
toMs state room a silvery and
Mr. Ben should
over hoard to , .,.,. as
Judge Loving Trial Today.
Friday morning Capt.
Forbes announced the wind and
water were alright, so we i
b and started ash-
m. The trip up
very pleasant
land interesting. Capt
many places
Richmond, Va. May
trial of Judge L
today in Nelson
engaged lawyers John
and K. of
Y-, May.
public utilities bill is i i
considered by Mayor Met
his approval
cause it tins u ion tor
a local public commission I
New York. It is expected t
Fire in Rochester.
R, Chester, N. Y. May
Fir started at six o'clock this
in the millinery store of
Sax Calhoun, on Main street,
and Already
damage exceeding has
halt and raise his hat to a thing
of beauty; But. girls, you must
remember this is a busy season, ., . f u additional to
are born Theodore
U, thought will he
la-t Sunday we had several necessary to summon a jury from
friends in our midst- county or
Dr. ft family also
will veto the
hurry it back to
Judge Loving Albany, and it can
the Legislature tomorrow.
and be in hands of Governor
Hughes the same day
Gone West
Two good citizens. G.
F Evans and T- F. Christman,
. u this morning for San Diego,
Cal , to he gone quite a
and may locate
regret to lose such men.
Cashiers 866.05
At the close bus
184.200,38 134,280.88
North Carolina, County of Pitt,
l. II Cashier of the ab iv id
. i- that the above statement is bra
arid belief.
W. II w
M. O.
Director. I
sufferers of Kidney Liver or
bladder troubles. Other maim
I,,, lines say a bottle and if
i cure we will refund
your say a
full tree bottle of
sot, nod if benefits you,
ova SOL
This m entities you
SOL at
Only a limited number -r bottles
given away. Don't miss this op
j to test
have bee,. West I
for the people of the before, and after a bit a longing
slate, is almost certain, there- for n.
fore, to be a law this . .
y Broker-
ice that a
Court of
h summons
mi's in
County on
first Mon-
at a warrant
Mid court
ho National
warrant is
lit lit term
demur to the
Pitt County
township, Pitt
on south side
at ii black
Hind formerly
and runs
, ,., Hart
,. ,.bounded by the
w. ii i
is . . 10-
i in
. t
Mrs. Swindell made a
short talk about Mrs.
and her work.
After benediction recess
Devotional exercises wen led
by Mrs. Adams-
All remaining reports of dis-
secretaries were read, o
reports of committees.
Swindell read a
from Mrs. Lamb, one the
to Brazil,
Miss Cornelia
good ac.
Yo can the climax bless your
soul, they actually showed what I T V
a young man was dreaming, and
I did want to young
. ill t
teachers, did well their part
in leaching the young mind how
to shoot out the best of ail they
learned at school, good music
good recitations,
cap the climax.
would p
. around me.
N . I'd n
missionary. . . . , . in
v. Mr.
, and from. tell
or a t
continued from
paper just read and
an exceed.
int. resting talk, in which
there was not some
young lady in the
offer herself as a
In t.
Scott, of Gold i
offered her daughter,
that the latter desired to be a
missionary. solemn
impressive m m at ; y
a lengthy
the lime the next
be held, and the
week in April, 1908,
finally named as the
Goldsboro was selected as
next place of meeting.
following officers were
elected; .,
Mrs. R. A. Willis, president.
Mrs. T. A. Person, vice
dent . ,
Mrs. F. D.
ponding secretary.
Miss Blanch
I cording secretary
i Mrs B. B. Adams,
Mrs- L. M. Hendren,
and treasurer of juvenile
Sunday morning Rev. J.
Moose, missionary to Korea,
preached to a large
and gave an account his
Sunday afternoon the Green-
ville band of Bright Jewel
their regular meeting and
Sunday night the
. the conference
i ;. , at which letters
Of all the fruits that are in the
grow on bush or tree.
I would give up the choicest In
For Rocky Mountain
Drug Co.
You can afford it
of Edenton i
v- -N
led by. n F. Dixon.
There r . I reports
of district
made and these were read.
Mrs. T. i. died on
for a talk on missionaries in
Brazil and
When i had finish-
ed extended her a
vote of thanks.
Mrs. Burton, t Rocky Mount,
paper on
of the and was
also given a vote of thanks by,
the conference
After benediction by
R. Moose,
p. m.
Rev. M T. Plyler conducted
the devotional at the
evening and assisted by
R. Moo. administered
the v communion.
Following this an
memorial service wash d. Mrs.
Hendren read u list I
of the
since the It
Lucy A. Cu
cents per week
; . Dill
pays for a
at your
i rt
I. Turnkey job
have plotted,
, am
I.-.-., e .
. , purse Is heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER is the seat
tenths ail disease.
. i
. r .
a K
cite an
. w
-o to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
ER to normal condition.
tone to the system d
flesh to the body.
o No Substitute.
II. W.
U art N C
Practice in
cosmetics A Specialty.
Hot and
woman of
appreciates a radiant, i -y
complexion, which is so much
admired by men. Such corn-
come o all us
Rocky Mountain
Tea or Tablets
n's Drug Store.
,., o the stow
. i the . i
. , ., , are
. Then, too,
. , . for .;
,. r. it
. f-i
, i
M .
weaker, t
have opened on Fifth op-
Hotel Bertha, ;. pi
th t
n of
to a. ;
I .;
i, he
th .
--I, Rev. M, Moose . ,
Miss May Anna of of thanks to the j . ,,,.,,.
Wilmington; Elizabeth Del- , were a,.,,,
Among those who had passed Fr-m the South
away was Mrs. Lucy Cunning-
u mm AT for
, . . ., . ox --.---
dent of the society. Mrs. Hen-. j N c May 25.1907- . j. v ; , Sold
an interesting M Editor, l .
and paid a beautiful , , ,
tribute to th. memory o. ,.,; h. to ,.,
The pr
Willis, the s
I .
re I
it bus
Poor chairs in
mi .
tho use of opium, el 1- r
similar line .
have had a .-.
opium ,
He I
. i
Dr. Cur-- bow
. . . .- .
I ,. , . a
when I looked at for.
tress . ;
Mrs. Swindell, and Los. J, k. P; often
of . every
Cunningham, declining the love
I ard look d so-.
hard to Well, I
around end found
all held for this noble
whose life as one of sell act
in the Master's .
B. F, Dixon, of
spoke beautifully inn, i y
Mrs Rachael Hill and Mrs
service was v
i., i am
. . .,, in .---
w Cast,
every time I . ,, Stark Fur, I
so of . Turkeys, etc.
Hey dress i , ., ,, , ,
sweet on de; ,. , v,. Drag- t .
I- Ii i audience.
morning session
big opened with d
Miss Lillian Carr delivered the
address of welcome to the Bright
Jewels, the resp being
Miss Carrie of
Both were
and ate words.
Mrs. Hendren,
of the juvenile work, read the
annual report which snowed a
meat advance ever previous
year- She also made an
talk to young people.
Two little omen were intro-,
Miss Mildred Carr
Renting and Miss Margaret
Mil's Tables. ,
the governor. me
First Class Work and Seasonal
Trices. Iron
. in
canal b d
dug the
Mi I e
i . coatS
than if made by nae.
. . ,. . i
M. White mate
,. . ii n I J
n gallons o
Oil per pat
tee tor
, v II.
after t
apple pie order,
. i
fun sticking out all over ms w
and for about one c, , Mac i
audience , .
elaborate oratorical , S P
. corneas
a b
on coo.
Gov Winston seemed to he very
conversant with his subject, and
handled It well, very well
indeed for one of his years
speech would have done credit to
orators and I dare say i
any of the older fellows had been
in debate with on his sub-
they certainly would have
The exercises at this
were magnificent,
,,, the musical in and
. ,.
. . u
. M Attorneys-aM
. .-
Snow, ii- . , i s
El a I do It
hut .,
r . Korea
, i
rial mi-
the chi
Emily i
the and had
, to the borders in
to glory land.
T,,. entertainment
. ,,.,,,,.,
Bl inK the part the
Which is one of the missionary
. ,, inn
I, , ., laxative
and Drug
and I . , ,
the many I h tin my own ca
others I have personally
Send oilers u. Gee. S. Prichard. N. C.

Editor and
Entered b second matter Jan. 1907 at the post office at
K. ., Act of of Match
Advertising rates made upon
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and counties.
in to
Greenville could offend to pass It is stated that
up one or two to; man F. A. Woodard, of Wilson,
the list. ill be entered in the race for
nomination for
Governor Glenn seems the
man for any occasion He is
much in demand as a j
and accepts invitations whenever
other duties do not him.
And when he speaks he says the
Ir. the midst of so many stir- The convention is certainly college, a large school at
prises it is hardly worth while to to have a list of able men Salisbury for colored people. In
be surprised at th
from which to select the the audience were
Below we publish an extract Greenville has made a fine
from the Kinston
reasons why Kinston I test for the training school. She
get the training school. Practically
,.,,., , unanimously for the purpose of
W e do this that our people may i making some town improvements
see and know what some other and for locating the school. Not
right things at the right time in people think in reference to this I county for a
the right place. Whether he school that you have shown such locate the school in or near her
speaks or South, to commendable z in setting. In this,
, tow has shown commendable
white people or colored people.; We appreciate the prominence it push and hustle. She
he is equal to the occasion, the Greenville in this the value of the school, and pro-
man of the hour. A few days j Why Kinston Should Have the Train-
ago he delivered an address at j School. whether there are any
Because it is the best town. town not;
it worth not find their
because it is worth II . to the registration
an advertisement to have it during the bond contest.
officially determined that it is, But simply because
the commencement of Living-
Full r do i e
thing for the EU
i i id the
ruin it.
Either one named so far
v. -i r governor.
a cordial
we to the of the
stole if the North I
i a st of only This town
f i the. is big pay tin ,. .-. t entertained
for his time. bod. none were received
m iv than c
many colored the g,. town in Eastern or any other community comes
preachers who occupied seats on
widow of the
late President William
did afternoon at her
home in Canton. Ohio.
The Rowland case now puts
Raleigh back in the lime light
and some other towns
chance to get a rest spell
No man has any more right to
an office than some other mar,
but man who wants one has
a try it.
The Observer has
brought on quite an agitation
over the u n beg things to eat.
We could make a right good din-
of any list mentioned if there
was a at them.
composing this society.
We hope their stay may be ex-
and their
deliberations be advancing to the
noble cause in which they are
We clip from the Durham Sun
a letter written by Judge R. W.
Winston everybody who
out a fire insurance policy
on property can read with profit.
Fire companies are
enough to take premiums
a policy, and they are equally
ready to take advantage of
technicality to avoid paying a
lot.- when one occurs. This letter
of Judge Winston gives
that if heeded will help per-
sons insured in protecting
We do not know who they will
be, but it is getting time for the
folks to about to see
who they for aldermen of
the town.
The Supreme court has given
an opinion express com-
are for damage
caused delayed shipments-
Now it would be well for
express companies to move up
up and qualifies to enter the con-
M. Turning to these preach- Because, this training school is
era concluding his address going to be a great State into the race. There seems to
Governor Glenn gave them these remember in be no doubt but that we will do
. . . . that the started out very but some few
wise words to think training school whether from
have not the power of it now-a meat W they re too
and cannot tell the j J. if short-sighted to appreciate th.
of your race. But if you advertising Greensboro, in every value of the ententes, are
answer my questions lean, home in the State and bringing an effort to place this coin
Ar- women pure and your
men Are you
Then your race is
cure. let me appeal to you
ministers to teach these things
to you-young and
what you preach. Don't
declaim against impurity when resources me h,
have a wives w, ,, ,, do that; so I won't
scattered over the State. Don't J are Where shall about it The pint is not to
preach against dishonesty when it grow and develop and fee and merely carry bonds but to carry
stole a chicken the night foster a community by a big vote and
before. Don't preach against or Which do you say Press
when you have Because, everybody in Kinston I
torn that would . r . LODGE
n down. a H
and their children a first class
not superstition, without having to pay the
., higher than expenses of board, etc., at; Monday morning W. H.
mental strength and that distance. District Deputy, came in
Because, this school is not in
to every in work of a
the I i the same class with the of the Woodmen of the
if it . of you. school; and will not hurt but World. He succeeded
thousands upon thousands of in the list of has boons,
dollars to Greensboro's mer-
. , , . . , whose citizens live only in the
chants, doctors, dentists, dray- present with no thought or
men, every class- of their future welfare.
Because, this school is going to Men will say, well, the
grow and become a great bond election will certainly be
carried. It doesn't require my
of the
Farmville, N. C. May. 28th.
This has been quite a busy
week, especially with our far-
chopping cotton, plowing
corn, tobacco, etc, but as
yet General Green has not
troubled us much. Cut worms
are cutting our tobacco
however, it is looking
very well, considering its age,
with exceptional standing.
We seem to be having more
rain in our neighborhood than
some distant sections. While
we are full wet I hear that
around Fountain and Falkland
it is rather dry. Crops in gen-
are considered quite back-
ward for the time of year.
Work on our spring house pa-
and ball ground is slowly
progressing, however we expect
to be ready for our proposed
and match game of soon.
We heard R A. Smith, manage
of the Green Spring team say
the other day, he soon
have on his and would be
ready to cross bats with most
any non-professional that
would meet him on the
for a good time.
Rev. W. A. Forbes, pastor in
charge of Methodist on
Farmville circuit, has announced
the following changes in his
fourth Sunday appointments; at
Bethlehem the hour is changed
from a. m. to p. m , and
at Shady Grove from p. m. to
a m.
Mr. A- Watkins, whose sick-
was previously noted, died
Saturday morning and was buried
Monday, J. E. of
conducting the
service. Mr. Watkins was
years old and leaves a wife and
one child.
the hall of the Red Men.
That much is true, but in our
time people not have such
abundant opportunity to
from being sold by an old joke
that the newspapers have print-
ed thousands of times And
then, the boys of this age ought
to be smart enough to get up
something new and not have to
back on the jokes of their
dishes cultivates no farm.
Some you some day t.
the by. and gins who the
from this Cling to , C. h. Bradley,
and perpetual return. W. P. Edwards, Adviser; U. T.
Because, the bonds will Forest, Watchman; C. A. Jones
unusual the tr; W- S Escort;
, , , they own Isn't tint right William Fountain, Camp
followed Kinston cannot Woolen, J W-
and t
ton- th
for ten minutes after the
Carolina, Georgia ard
Alabama are all having lace
In Georgia several
have been lynched the
past week, two women among
Citizens Finalized on Account
To the Durham Daily
As soon as a fire occurs in Dur-
ham, if ore will note, there is a
stranger in town, a tall, gaunt,
sleek individual, called a fire in-
adjuster. He does not
live hero, indeed he does not
live anywhere. His business is
to flit from place to place on the
The pranks of the days when K,.,, ., n and t the
you and I were young arc i ., records to find out if it can
i as dear to the boys of today es heal policy holders cut of his
Over in South i, as we
learn from the Ledger,
they are yet that old
snipe hunting
Because, we can get the school following were Aaron Tyson is is
cheap. Think of it, only D. Ward,
Mrs. Howell Cobb is visiting
her daughter at Fountain.
Misses Lee and Nannie Nichols
and Lena Owens, of Ayden, are
visiting Miss Agnes Smith,
The famous old Green Spring
is on a boom Mr. Watt Parker
has it rented and is
improvements It can be made
one of the most popular springs
in th i State as analysis shows
it is excellent mineral water.
There i never a day but
crowds visit there, often as high
as twenty five buggies drive
down. The water is delivered in
large in Farmville, and
will be shipped to various points
the new railroad is com-
Mr. Parker is preparing
have a base ball ground near
the spring.
i Ir H. G Rodgers, Managers;
IS fight It will Grand Chaplain;
never do to let a town of half J. E. Stokes, Clerk,
our size, right at our door, cap-; Woodcraft is new to most
this school. She would j people of Greenville, but is sure
take precedence over us. The a-s Paces
effect against us would be
in the whole world
tremendous- She would tell
more tobacco, would
move to Greenville instead of
Kinston There would be no
homes to rent in Greenville.
The sound of the saw
mer and the song of the well
paid carpenter and mechanic
would be heard in
But Kinston, well, she would be
left in the lurch.
Because, we cannot afford to
be short sighted.
Because, need outside cap-
They all, at least nearly all,
looking to Greenville as the
of the Eastern training
school for teachers. One or two
other towns are yet holding out
as if they thought they had a
they were to us Led- lIe does not work to help us Just now. Had
a agent, but he thought of it all of our home
works above him, and really .
scorns him. He goes to the capital is pretty well employed
Register of office and if n the different enterprises here
he finds any defect in your title
and has the largest and best in-
feature of any of the
orders now in existence.
Its worth and merit were seen
at the Jamestown exposition,
14th inst, where about
thousand Woodmen met in an-
Magnolia camp will remain
busy in the future to show th-
object of Woodcraft, girding
up our loins for a nip and tuck
any nearby camp
that an opinion of bigness
and a slippery conceit that it can
stay the biggest when we too the
chalk line and jump at the bang
of pistol. J. F. Stokes,
We hear but little said about
candidates for aldermen in the
different wards, still the people
should not be unmindful of the
feet that good business men are
needed in such positions.
Most of good sense are
glad to take stock in J whatever
his company then refuses to pay
the loss, or else it does what is
would call and get some of the state capital
yields good returns. the attention of the public for investment here.
and yet we are standing still
at present. Let us pull together
And the enterprise politeness
yields a thousand fold for every
item invested in it. Nothing
costs less, and
A polite a civil answer, or
anything that indicate good
breeding and due consideration
for others costs nothing at all,
but yields a wonderful return.
And this kind of investment is
Because, the school will pay
us better than any factory we
have many times over.
Because, it isn't altogether a
1- If the deed to your house
and lot stands in the of
your wife and is assured in your
nothing yields name, you cannot recover one
better returns than ; penny under your fire insurance j school we are after. This is a
i business proposition as well. It
If you have a mortgage or j is the the hundreds of
deed of trust upon your house students will bring here and
and lot and you fail to disclose spend. Did you ever a boy
this to the Insurance Company off to If yo,,
you cannot recover one penny in j you know how much money
the event of a fire. we would have spent here
If you have no deed to your
house and lot and a fire occurs
We have plotted, planned and
figured, working from morning
till night, for a medicine
that take the place of
Rocky Mountain Tea, but
we can't find it. Tea or Tab-
lets, cents. Drug
President Guarded at Funeral.
Special to
Canton, Ohio. May
Roosevelt reached here
from Washington at noon today
to attend the funeral of Mrs.
William at p. m.
He will leave for Washington,
at It is reported that
sympathizers are here
at the funeral, and a strong
guard was established for the
safety of the president-
Scissors and Shears are
fully warranted, by J. R- J.
G. 29-1 wk.
Big Store
That man reaches a low in
public estimation when he gets
to the point that nobody confined to the rich- The
the least confidence in what he poor man has Just as
says. A man gets to that point of stock as the rich you cannot recover under your
. , , j and sometimes the face value of, policy,
sometime and what is more certificate is at a greater I The above is sufficient to put
amazing he will plod along in premium in the actions of public on guard with respect
apparent ignorance or poor than in the actions of the their insurance policies, ind
Really such a can r too j I wish publish
may be as much of in stock i so the danger
as of censure. f politeness. Scotland mi. known to all.
RThis May 23rd, 1907.
Because, there is no reason
why we should not have it
Plato Collins,
Sec. Com. of Fifteen
Our sympathies have
been with Kinston. but are
afraid Greenville has the
best r it i he for the
pastern normal
offering a complete of
Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats,
You can't go wrong r-y yen will certainly
be pleated price.
This department is in P. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
rent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
UM n
The A. G. Cox Co. has The A. G- Cox M will
still on hand a full supply of flues for the sea-
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
Miss Chapman
Greenville Thursday morning.
A new lot of nice spring and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Clyde has recently
moved into his new home on
Academy street.
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
C J Jackson, who has been
attending Wake Forest College.
returned to his home here today,
Fancy negligee and shirts at
B. F. Manning Co.
Mr. and Mrs J. K. Barnhill
left Friday evening for Oakley
to visit their parents.
We nave plenty of time on
band, A. W. Co.
Joe Buck went to Kinston Fri-
day to visit his wife, who is in
the hospital there,
Fresh corned herrings just
opened at Harrington, Barber
Little Miss Irma Bell Dawson.
who has been visiting relatives
e, returned to her home
in Ayden Friday.
We sell Laughlin, Eclipse and
Parker fountain pens.
B. T.
Dr. B- T. Cox went to Nor-
folk Tuesday and returned
The A. G. Cox Co. has
on hand a full supply of buggy
bodies and seat in the most pop-
Miss Mabel Kittrell, who has
been spending some time with
Miss returned to
House Wednesday.
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price
Our price, B- T. Cox
A Bro.
Mrs. Buck went to
Ayden Friday-
During the absence of the
cashier of the bank of Winter-
ville, Frank A- Edmundson is
filling his vacancy.
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up to-date
Hunsucker being turned
out almost almost every day by
the A. G- Cox Co.
J. L. Jackson, who has been
attending the
at re-
turned today.
B T. Cox Bro. have just re-
a nice lot of Teacher's
Bibles, flexible binding. Pr cos
from to each.
Miss Roach, of
who been spending some
time with Misses Kate and Leia
Chapman, returned to her home
The season is now almost at
when most of the farmers
M likely need trucks to haul
. to and from the barn.
V -A. G. Co. are
i. v preparing to make good
season and would be glad to
V ply your needs.
Herman who has
attending Homer's military
; Oxford, home
Friday evening.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
now making shipment of their
handy tobacco trucks almost
every day. We are expecting a
large run of these goods this
season and would therefore,
to our customers to place
orders as early as possible.
Miss Lena Dawson, who has
been visiting friends and
in our town, returned to
Ayden Wednesday evening.
June 4th and 5th are the days
A. K Hawes, the celebrated op
of Atlanta, Ga., will be at
drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox
Bro., for the fitting
your eyes with glasses free.
This is an excellent opportunity
having your eyes looked after
before Come all.
very much to learn
that G- ii.
the A. G. Cox Co. has
u. went to
Farmville V. evening to
attend th graded com-
Nice of glass wire
just arrived. Harrington, Bur
at the same old price as
Keel, of Greenville
is visiting Misses Evelyn and
Pattie Sutton.,
straw hats at a bar-
s-aim B. P. Co.
Several from here went t
den Thursday to hear the
Mrs M. G Bryan left this
morning for Bethel where she
will hi r mother.
L. L. went to Green-
ville Monday.
Sheriff L. W. Tucker was in
our town Tuesday.
We arc very sorry to learn
the infant child of Mr. and Mrs
to Korea lecture.
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort, style
and They have just
opened their large, line line
Misses Laura and Olivia Cox
visited in Thursday.
sewing ma-
chines on easy terms. A. W.
Mrs. J. B. Jackson and child-
of are visiting rel-
Henry Langston and brother
Ernest, who have been attend;
school at Whitsett, have re
turned home.
Arden Tucker's very sick- We
wish it a recovery
Frank A. who is
a traveling for the A.
V. Cox Mfg. Co.- left here this
morning for Tarboro and other
Mrs. Susan Jackson, who has
been spending a week or two
with her daughter. Mrs. Jack
Smith, of Hanrahan, returned
The Oxford Orphanage singing
class will give a concert in the
auditorium f Winterville High
school J at p. m
Rev- B W. one cf
the leading Sunday school work-
of the South, will take his
class of the Kinston
Baptist Sunday school on an
Thirty Two States Represented to-
day in Chicago
Special to Reflector.
Chicago, Ills., May 28.-At
least thirty-two states are rep-
resented today at the conference
in this city which has met to dis-
cuss trusts and combinations
The conference is held under
the auspices of the National
Civic Federation. The general
idea is to bring about a better
interstate understanding as to
corporations. The delegates em-
brace some of the brightest and
most prominent men in the
states, and all are actively en-
listed in the work of the con-
This conference will
discuss governmental power
over corporations engaged in I
interstate the
ion of power under the
between the nation and the j
state; power concurrent in
and state,
TH E i
and similar sub- price.
lot. They have more style than other Hats sold re
We have just received a large outing trip Thursday and Friday
i. no the of i.
Oakley, N- C. May 1907.
J. K. Barnhill, of Greenville,
spent one night here last week.
Mrs. J. H. Highsmith returned
Friday from
Jenkins, of
was a caller here last week.
A dozen or more went from
here to attend church at Parmele
Thy are finished superior to
3rd. They wear longer better than any
on he market.
other Hat
best roofing. See us for to
prices before buying. A. W.
Ange Co.
Those in need of tobacco sticks
will do well to see L. L- Kit-
who will be prepared to fill
Have you seen new
proved coffee-mill at Harrington
Barber Co It will take your
Lawns, laces, organdies, ham-
bergs going at a at
Barber Co.
the beautiful grounds of
Winterville High School. They
will be entertained at the
while here. This shows
the wide that our
campus has obtained for beauty
F- C. Nye, who has been
for a week visiting relatives i
Roberson, returned Tuesday
Opened Ker Eyes in Coffin.
I On Tuesday of last week Mrs.
Extra line of white goods just j. L. of Cape Fear town-
opened at B. F. Manning Co. j ship, was supposed to have died
Knitting already Next day she was carried across
pared at Harrington, Barber Cape Fear river for bur
and men's fancy silk
hose for summer wear at B F.
See our new assortment of
hamburgs, laces etc at B. .-,
Manning Co.
The A- G. Cox Co. has
and before burial the casket was
opened for her relatives and
friends to take their last look at
her. They were to find
her eyes open and some moisture
on the inside of the glass on the
casket and her body limp Dr.
. L. was at once
sent for, but he decided on ex-
Potato farmers are well pleased
with the prospects of a good
Ben Jenkins went courting
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Barnhill,
of Winterville, over
day Mrs. Barnhill will spend a
few days at her old home, while
Mr Barnhill goes to Raleigh on
Messrs. Whitehurst and Wynn
lost a fine horse last week.
Mr. and Mrs -T. M Highsmith
have a very sick child.
Mrs. T F. Nelson and children
went to Bethel Monday.
Miss Bessie Corry returned to
her home Monday after spend-
several days here with Miss
Minnie Whitehurst.
We are glad to say Miss Pearl
Jenkins is much better.
you the satisfaction of
knowing it Is the latest
for the past sold over animation chat she was dead and
of their Simplex Guano Sowers she was accordingly buried
without a single complaint being j Chatham Record.
reported. The demand f r their I
Economic Back band has been Girls.
great for this season as they
have over cf them. That happiness is a matter of
The wise n an begins not
build a reputation at his home j That is possible only when
bank. Regular and steadily con-1 every the household
even though
they be will establish a
record on the banker's
books and in the banker's mind
will be of greater value to
in later years than all the
endorsements and testimonials
his friends can give him.
J. L Jackson Cashier Bank of
A. W. Ange Co., have a
nice line pants. Cheap too.
is considered.
That to be in her own place,
wherever that may be, a
homemaker is the loveliest
ambition any woman can have.
That the one indispensable
quality in a home is happiness;
every home, no matter how
beautiful which misses that is a
failure, but no home.
Lumber Men in
Norfolk. Va. May 28.--What
bids fair to be one of the most
important gatherings of lumber-
men of the year is the regular
annual meeting of the National
lumber manufacturing
throughout the country, as-
here today and will
continue tomorrow. The James-
town exposition has contributed
very largely to drawing here so
many delegates and persons con-
with the business.
North Carolina and Virginia are
very largely represented by
their most prominent
The seasons are delightful j That it is better to be a
cotton i homemaker than a fine house-
All who want lime for repair-1 says Home Chat,
or buildings can
find best at A W.
Ange Co.
Carolina Hilling
Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for you at
any time- Wood work also a
Poultry wire all heights at A.
W. Ange Co.
B. F. Manning Co. have s
opened up a nice line of Canned
W. H. Worthington our
ling barber wishes to extend to
all the school boys and the
of the town and community
his many thanks for their pat-
for past year- He is
still at the same old stand ready
to first class work.
There was a r union at the
Baptist church bore Saturday
The pastor, Rev. T. H. King,
preached a sermon at the special
service which was held at
o'clock. After the services din-
was spread on the grounds.
a to who
Rev. B of Ash-
N. Ci who on a visit to
his relatives and friends here,
the Baptist church
Sunday morning at o'clock.
Mrs. B G wont to the
hospital at Kinston Monday lo
have m operation performed.
Her I Mr. B. G. Taylor,
accompanied her.
North Carolina I In the Superior Court.
County. I Before D. C Moore.
Sidney Wooten and Charles
Shade H. Woolen, J. F. Wooten and
Herbert R. Wooten.
By Virtue of an Order made in the
above Special Proceeding, by C.
Moore, clerk of Superior
the 7th day of May, the undersign-
ed Commissioner will on Saturday the
day of June, 1907, at noon,
expose to public sale before the court
House door in Greenville, to the highest
bidder for cash the following tract of
land to
in the county of and
Slate of North Carolina and in Swift
Creek township, adjoining the lands of
T. Fleming. J. M. Wooten, the
Gram lands others, and containing
acres more or less, and being the
lands formerly known as the
Wooten place. This tale will be
made tor partition.
This the 7th day of May. 1907,
F. C. Harding.
Red Men Time in Birmingham.
Special to Reflector.
Birmingham, Ala., May 28-
The Twentieth annual Great Sun
Council of the Red Men is in
progress in this city today, and
they have painted the town red
so far and promise to put on
more coloring before the day and
night are done
To of Pianos.
Our factory tuner, Mr. A- L
the Superior court, on Henderson, will be in Green-
ville on Monday, May the 27th
and will remain several
Any one wishing to have their
pianos tuned will please send in
their written order to our Mr.
G. G- box this
office Do not phone or leave
word at hotel, but write; mes-
sages are sometimes delayed,
Very respectfully,
Field Peas at F. V.
New Year
Finds at he
Id laid,
f S
I ti Bill I I III I i L
TS, Etc
during the
past yea. aid ask it maybe continued.
It will pay you to visit my store and see my stock.
J. B. Johnston.
the cheapest place the
racket; store of
books pictures, novelties, etc.
. m . II B
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville, N. C.

hi mm
a little
He Instructions, According
the I L
Jinx f
. e
I I i
ifi. . i e. j
i i n I
i cam . the n
, up .
I art . d
heart be- .
i i
, . . . . r,. . .,, th off
t fl
About Home
Do You Contemplate
Dyspepsia Cure
Owning On
r f
ill I
i i
l i
Uses of .
.- .
A to Hi-n.
If i
hi- d f so the first thing to consider is a good
let in a desirable and you can-
net be better in a let than the
. t-
Pair. In the anywhere
Fain blood mm
be usual At I .--I- SO Dr.
pro he In it a little tablet. Thai
v from pain c
v fa it blood
W lira.
,; with MOM
II ; .--. it's Wood
t I That Is a
It in It
i; . pi
and U get red.
ii aim it dot It's con-
. .-- You'll find
, . .;.;.
D. W.
Ties always on
i N or t h C a r o I
Carolina. In the
Pitt county. Before D.
J. c. and wife
, berry.
vs ,
u. A. and
The defendant Elk II
hereby notice
r.-. n int-t
Till county o
Rasberry and
K. A. Dawson
purpose of making sale
tract of land in ,
Township Pitt county
tenant in and
one of the
special will
notice that i required
the office of U Clerk off
court of Pitt county, at
c. on the
or demur tn
or the relief
will L
This the
clerk superior court Pi
surpasses tor a desirable
can be bought there now at
FAIN prices and on easy terms.
indication that property around
is to be higher, and the
you defer buying the lot the ; Not
it will cost.
W is located d
Well,. lie business part the town.
v a and let him explain prices
i thing
yo i
re will that y
. not lack
and for n m i
. to e bu
y- I An I
j tin . -i
t i i if it U
Vb, M
Ill .
i, T
i i
i e
. lien
, r rend m; i
. ,. . n tit.
Cat o have
.; writing
r i What You
w . i. i
. . to i
from i
. . too m ii I-. I
A Memory.
worst kind o a mi nor
in the world. i his small
anything he considers h
ton Mar.
song that John
soul marching on.
I'll Let weigh
than mi
I- You Hi
a Horse Goods
J Pi
North . In ha I
Pitt county. I
F. V. Johns
National Bank of G
The defendant, The
a re will
summons in the above
was Issued against
the day of April, I
Moore, Cl. of the Surl
Pitt North
the r. V.
the nun u he r
by said plaintiff against
ant on account duo
i. r la the
of Pitt Co inly, which
Town of ville
day in S
i. of A . T
ant will in i
of attach i .
on 24th of
the aid J
was i . id,
of the u.
Bank of . j
i; b fro
time on said 19th day
when and where the
Brokerage Col
to appear and answer
plaint be
relief demanded
Given under my h.
this the 1st
lark Superior
ltd t w.
When Work c .
Offers orders to
caching the public THE REFLECTOR
about acres, o
county, North i
of Tar
Rum. i of th
owned by Becca
mirth wit h said
about yard,
l. .
. i ginning
I hums of
lie A l
tn . i i
scribed land mu Up
writing with i W
y i -i bi
of condition or
I At close of business March 1907.
, N C P
issue of the
had to tip-, j--;
fl ell.--.
i Banks
County Superintendent to
Prepare Their For Guidance
of County
. t pear my explanation w
State Superintendent of Pub- .,. f the
i out of the
Joy nor is- P by
Ml l Profit M to the county
i ; and the
-ti ins that
. of
appeared in
bank no
editorial m-
. baas.
. . s, o my
. mo be needed for m . in
next year for run
h, to
u the
D n
at the July
a formal demand
. it for the
i U
ruin 1885 the sup.
; l i . . a
r rel
o i
,. ,. I. to
. .
. of the State held
Capital Stock
Undivided Profitless
Expenses paid
of Busings,
and Discounts
T unsecured
her Stocks, Bonds
J Mortals
I Items
. Coin
bank notes
i U. S. not. i
H the Si .
takes the p . Iced to i
that conditions have so
Chang this is a mi
and be has at
e supreme court of the
25,000.00 would now so rule if Use
; were presented to that
done because such
was not. re
. tn . .
room U H.
i i i
; of Old N
. the E-
, wear
I i
Tina-t i conservative and think- phase of industrial
s-o-men never used which is to follow the
. . , . ,, . of
the for
. . . e n
r mo
of North
r that the statement is W c.,,, ;,.,. General
sworn to before
of March. 1907.
Notary Public.
583.78 .
. of the problem la yet throughout he mount m n
future; they that as the the Carolinas and
old-time who were Alabama of i
reared under toe discipline of prises tor
slavery, pass away, the goods in cotton .,
acute. Some- Hoes work. Ii th
us man- climate
it tor giving
-TAMES L t General Assembly workmen th Mate
JAMES u n. Birmingham this week when the life for ill a
question of found- In some the
J. G. l Judge W. C. of the high m there are
disc's- ideal con. ions far to
J. A. in the race question at length the
h predicted highest -.- c ton go la.
---------i that within the next Pi.
,.,;., i door of the
. was -I by
,. , i
ether i I
t f
., ; , tin bi
cast i
. i -V.
., . i ll Q
The steps which so u
in.-u u, l I
g, . i round . i
I u
d B it.
. .
Come in and examine my
i b i ace war
world t nit
grace G
may be
but is i
At the sat
the Bible i
d intervened. I
orating climate a I.
mountains . la .
there can b found on
veins ago
ion, the groat v- t
a Bun so-
that the I i n
ma I
tin II
inquiry to out if
I. the
I .
, i id i
n ;
f . of red
r mot. The
ball lied with
meet , a its to brought to t
Dr. Egbert Mr. Winn .
Smith, a North for- r . an
nor at Greensboro and e energy now
, man, said that tin; there mus
mild no more be C d
. l P I
the the tin
which is likely roof ma iring,
South is standing on
J A v
I j .
at any moment. In i v
After this the Ii nine
a resolution on Northern it
ministers to M. .- y-
each mo
f VI a, .
t-v ii r K colored the .,. ala; 13.1
me art designed to pro- ,,,
Bar.-.-. . Ii
i I
I. f
., .
ministers of each rue-, i
for the same and .- . . ,
they are Jame
incite proper spirit,, I
To the Land home h re.
race Miss Martha return-
. . ion is distasteful, but we ed i from a
to inform visit to Miss Alice Hudson
our readers of the trend of and Hudson
We beg to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
, , to call attention to
I possibilities of evil which may be
B averted if taken in
Statesville Landmark.
season. I
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and
There is no line in the world better
for honorable wares and notable
If Cu use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
A few days ago the
Mrs. U. S. Johnston is over
the river spending some time
I with her people.
S- Dixon, who has been at-
tending school at Ayden, return-
ltd to his home a few
A. O. Clark, of
,. spent Sunday afternoon near
. i
A P n. lilts
or t houses I I
S, York.
I the , for o
Ill I
the In or an-
. sip i I
and In th
, Fifth i In the h-
is i h i- .
. on tin
I c .
,. i
re. i
. t
Hodges. here
.; was destroyed by lire, j Mills returned to
together with a greater part of home Saturday from Winter
contents of the building. High school to take a long
i The fire in supposed to started j needed rest .
ling on the roof, near Oakley after a
and Mr.
Hodges had no insurance at all.
vicinity of
,,. ,
Indian Philosophy.
Tho other day Ki-i. the eldest
living Indian, was
in one our hard
stores, and i in
sailed her i
. of t
bad I i.
of j
id .
Ill in;
,. v
Six Days of Roller Skating.
Hon John War.
Susie Moore, Ada Ward and wash. I
.;. of attended
would make
l I chine,
gin . i
iv, for
, error I f
I. T
i, . . nil
sen w hi re Sunday.
Washington . Buffered a
stroke pi
ago but Mon lay, h
I . j m i n ill in
Pal all time to
race on roller the first
event of its kind ever given in
this city, began today In tho
spacious avenue rink.
The management of the
rink, of Manhattan, which
also conducts and controls the
rink, conducts the
fair and has received many
j applicants from skaters of Boa-
ton, St. Louis, and
Cincinnati- The contestants
are glad to e .
J. Johnston went to Green
ville today. , , ,,. ;
S Porter and Walter Mills
the com at
lie last week.
w l
. nor in n
ii Wreck on Southern Pacific.
Spec to Reflector.
Angels, May The
So it hem was
wrecked near West
. one
A C con's Bedchamber.
I rose
h I
i i i i
h x
, f i-. in
i , . i . i,
to tho goose at-
of white satin,
by tho
.-ire of i
, I i
. tho i inc in ; o
. Hen mis la Ir-,
i i
, . O
. mu
, . . i He slipped
. r -in i a u
ii as -i i
I struck and c i d
Hie o i that if it had bee i n. d
i re broken a bone or

J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
A Daily
u. Ki take
, We hare list
u all who wail at
I . ethers be-1
cents each is
on. of
the training
to E Co., they always.
be doesn't
seem t the
. i when I
c new
nu. I meats,
The J. R Smith Co. the pop-
merchants of den. N. C.
have just received a new and
complete line of the famous
spectacles and eye
MS, and will be assisted for,
four days. May 30th. 31st, June
by one of A. K- Haw k
Company's opticians. All in
Ayden and vicinity ho wish to
have glasses scientifically fitted,
lid call at the store of
Co, on the above mentioned j
Mass. May j
Messrs K Turnage Co.
Ayden, N. C.
For fear that there
may be a slight misunderstand-
on the part of some of our
customers regarding the
tee upon our patent and Dull
shoes, we wish to
emphasize the fact that sauce
not been with-
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
just received a new supply of furnishings and material
in their department.
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve the This is a long needed
want in this section and they promise the host when
anything in this line is needed.
Joseph Dixon
ea the Mail
completion of the
Upon the
; quick transportation, low
m , freight rates a fa--r mail service.
-H . i I ;
N. C.
places fore the
world and opportunities for
development which has never
before its. T is now
n pros-
II sides.
Don't miss of June
13th Towns ml
are requested to be
in the lodge room Wednesday
evening, as the goat will butt the
Misses Helen Cox and Anna
Nichols bare come home from
their recent in the country.
m for leave Mr R. of
lie N. C died o'clock
. He
the history of North Carolina as.
a great of the a By for
great industrial and com- Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia
development in Eastern Now York. Boston and all other
North Carolina.
was a
Of all the fruits that are in the
That grow on bush or tree.
would give up the choicest
For Rocky Mountain Tea
Drug Co.
at washing sun citizen and influential in
his community.
His wife was formerly
Eva Williams, of Greenville and
I main friend hero sympathize
order with in her It
Here I carry
if.; Lard and Can
s. before giving
me . . I rank Co
Mrs. . H- C. Dixon and Miss
Clyde Chi cam from
. to spend a
few days with the family of
Capt. J. M. Dixon.
If you need any Paint be sure
see E. E. Co.
Mrs -1 B. Jackson and
of it, are visiting
the family W. C. Jackson.
Wanted r. exchange corn
far or Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to pounds-
If preferred will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden,
ltd Ayden. N. C.
C. A- Fair baa a bright young
man at hi- house and the little
fellow is on the square.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
Miss Julia Brady, accompanied
by her little niece and nephew
Let ha and Edgar Fair, left for
her home lid.,
to spend the summer.
Call at the Drug Store
cure one of those excellent
Pens. M. M, Sauls.
The remains of Mrs Elizabeth
Wilson, wife of Mr- Samuel
son, were brought here on the
train Tuesday from
There were several friends here
to hum the corpse and friends
who a com it, allot whom
left the old home of
Mrs, A n she was that
after laid to rest in the
The I will be
pleas ii with one of those
Saul's, Call and
E . W. M. King and
Bentley spent a short
while with us Wednesday.
M. M has the finest and
best supply of Fountain Pens
ever brought to Ayden.
Ti. re are more well dressed
in Ayden than any town
of its size in the State, but we
keep the market mighty
Fountain pens on sale at Saul's
drug sure at from to
cons cotton
Misses Cox and
Nichols are visiting out on the
farm of Mrs. Blount.
Exam has been to Wash-
on business during the
Mrs. of Falk-
land, is here on a visit to Miss
Olivia Berry.
Capt. D. Berry, Mrs- Berry
and Miss Olivia, who have
away sometime taking in the
grand lodge Odd Fellows, at
Elizabeth City and the James-
town exposition arrived home
safely Tuesday.
One person united himself with
the Disciple church during the
Leslie Turnage has been
spending a few at the home
of his father in
The singing class from the
Oxford Orphan Asylum will be
here June 5th. Let us all turn
out and give them a rousing
time as well as a great big fat
exists and has
We our customers and
all wearers of men's shoes to
knew that we will continue to do
as we have done in the past vis.
guarantee the vamps of the
Patent and Bull not
to break through before the first
sole i worn out.
In the event Pack-
ard shoe
contrary to this guarantee,
the from whom the
shoes were purchased, is author-
to replace with a pair.
Yours very truly.
Mrs. Kate Richardson and
Mrs. Maggie Griffin came up
from New Bern Monday and left
at once for to
spend sometime with the family
of Marvin Ormond.
in from
Florence. S. C, yesterday ac-
companied by his son, Grover.
who had the misfortune to break
his leg last Friday while at-
tempting to a train at
Miss Maggie Brown, of Green-
ville and Miss Mabel Petty, of
Durham, are visiting Miss
Corey in South Ayden-
Tom Tyson, an old Greenville
boy. been here during the
Mrs Miss Lillie Cox,
of Goldsboro, who are visiting
friends here, spent a day or so
with R- H. Garris last week.
Hon F A. Woodard. of
son, will deliver the literary ad-
dress Thursday afternoon at
at the Five Will Seminary in this
Mrs. little son, of
Scotland Neck, are visiting the
of In r father, Capt. D.
Miss Edwards came
home Friday from Greensboro
Female college to spend the
bate and family, of
are visiting the family
of H- C Ormond.
A. Forrest and wife,
Goldsboro. have been in Ayden
for the past few days with their
Miss Annabelle Kittrell. of
Grifton. spent Sunday with Mrs-
W. E. Hooks.
Charlie Ross has come home
from Chapel Hill.
Miss Arab Davis returned Sat-
evening from the Caro-
Christian college at Wilson.
Mrs. Ellen Harris and children,
who been g her
father, J. S- Hines. near here,
left for their home Monday.
Clifton Edwards, of Greenville,
spent from Saturday until Mon-
day here with friends.
Lila the little four-
year-old daughter of W- J. Boyd.
while playing on the counter in
her r's store fell into a show-
case and cut quite a gash across
her chest She bled very pro-
and it was at first thought
she was seriously hurt. It proved
however, we are glad to say,
only a flesh arid the young
lady is now getting along
The Bullock family played
here to a sized house Sal
day evening. The play was
very good, the singing especially
so- The of
was highly appreciated by
all present.
M. G. Bryan, of Winterville,
pleasant call
will be an election of
officers in the Masonic lodge here
June 1907, after which re-
will served at
Hotel Blount. Members of
and Winterville lodges
are cordially invited to be pres-
Completion of N S. Railroad.
of Beaufort do not
behave in doing things
halves. They are preparing on a D i fa
mammoth scale for the
From 5.000 to GREENVILLE N C
visitors are expected on I
that date. All the railroads have Contractor. Builder, tie Setter.
made greatly reduced rates, and submitted and estimate fur
the public cordially invited to All work
attend this celebration Of the Turnkey job when ever
completion of the Norfolk and
Southern railway into that town.;
It bids fair to be the greatest
f eight in Norfolk, care Nor
Southern Ry Co
J. J. Agent,
N. C
H. C- Genera P ml
P. Agent, Va.
was but a ho while ago that
she lost a
That No.-tS
M Supt.
occasion of its kind ever pulled
in North Carolina. It is,
however, only in keeping with
rs in season Special attention riv
to Wadding and Funeral
Bulb stuck. Pot plants for Winter
H- .
plants, trees
great variety.
Phone K;
We have boon making pianos
over half a century, and
all that time making them
as perfect as possible.
We claim-subject to
have no that when
buy no one can
have better.
sealing them to due
en in the usual way, we
our own and
sell to the wholesale
prices, on easy terms.
us tell you about it.
the hospitality of the good All kinds of all kinds choice cut flow-
pie of Beaufort
The elaborate program is here-
Master of ceremonies. Mr- N.
W. Taylor.
Prayer. Rev- J. H-
Address of welcome. Hon.
Charles L. solicitor
of third judicial district.
The Norfolk and
railway and Beaufort. Mr. F. S.
Cannon, president of the Norfolk
Southern railway
Our Material Resources, Our
Duty in their Hon.
R B. Glenn, governor of North,
Relation of Railroad Construe-,
to Development of Beaufort
Harbor. Hon. F. M
United States senator
Commercial of
Eastern North Carolina, Hon.
Charles R. Thomas, member of
congress third North Carolina
What Development of
Beaufort Harbor Means for Wes-I
tern North Carolina. Hon.
S Overman, United States
Railway and Waterway Trans-
Hon. John Small.
member of congress first
Carolina district.
Short addresses by other dis-
North Carolinians.
Fish fry, barbecue and picnic
Goldsboro. Kinston and Wash ,
military companies
New Bern and Beaufort naval
Judges of competitive
Gen. A. Woodruff. U. S.
army of Raleigh; Gen.
J. F. of Statesville;
Adjutant General T. R. Robert-
son, of Gen. F. A. j
of Hi Col-
George L. Peterson, of Clinton;
Capt. of revenue cut-
Capt. of I
revenue cutter Seminole.
Presentation of Hags to sue
contestants in
drills; Major F- Dixon,
Music by regiment,
band, of Kinston, N- C. and K.
of P band. New Bern- N. C.
Chief Mr- Thomas
The Honorable B.
secretary of the treasury I
has ordered the revenue curl-v ,
now stationed at t
to be present on
occasion and to carry the
nor. State officers and North
Carolina delegation congress
over the harbor and channel
and out t
and as far as Cape Lookout-
All the State officials,
the Supreme court, have
been invited to attend. The
governors and adjutant
stiff will be present in full
regimentals. This will be a
great r .
The Fast Carolina
training school going to sit on
one of the eminences that run
along the northern border of the
city of which one we
don't know.- Plato Collins in
Kinston Free Press.
It gives us pleasure to furnish
By a mortgage executed and the gentleman the information.
the 18th day of which one here in Green-
record in ., office ville. North
Register of I county, of happens to run
In book page the undersigned
will sell for cash, before the court house Hie.
door in on Saturday, the
i r, t i
piece or parcel of land in the Remember F. V. Johnston
county Pitt and in Greenville town- when SOU Oats Or hay.
ship, on the south side of river, be-
the gate on the left side
of the main road going from Greenville
to then east wit.
said road lot he Mogul line, turn with the
Mogul line to Hartley's Creek, then
said creek to and with the run thereof to
a big cypress, corner, then
straight across the field to the heir inning.
containing about acres, more or less,
ail I being the same land sold to General
Amos and rail
mortgage was taken to secure the
chase money.
18th. 1907.
K. G. James. Attorney.
TO J. B,
Dealers in Dry No-
Light and Heavy
to suit c times.
N. C.--
the business 18th, 1906.
Loam and discounts
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and Fixtures
from banks an bunkers
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin
7.511 Capital stock
1,227.881 Surplus fund 7,688.00
610.50 I Undivided profits 270.09
9.063.421 unpaid 27.00
1.80 subject to check 39,360.07
10.00 607.84
K. , Cashier n now
th lie orient is
lad swear
M. Cashier.
ad -worn to
m. hi 27th May,
SB pros
S d
Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
m of
Noble Grand, and broths of I f
I Covenant No, . O O-1
F. Your appointed The thing that kills effective
at a special meeting to res-, work worry. Don't worry
of our in The way to kill worry is the way
the death of Past to kill weeds. No two object-
Grand W. the same space at
death, has
poised over our
circle, and taken from us
our beloved brother Therefore
be ft resolved,
1st that while we bow in
bumble submission to the will of
Sim all things well,
we cannot deplore the
Untimely death of Brother Burch.
Of his death we may say, para-
phrasing; terms used a thousand
times before, that the sudden-
of his passing in the very
prime this manhood, should be
a to all of us
that the day or
the hoar when his account shall
close fives as we stand on the
bank bidding our adieus to our
good friend and brother who has
recently passed over to
other aide, the spray
dark river may be falling
noticed upon own brows.
The passing of a man like this
should be a lesson to us all to
strive well for humanity while
Would That Rori Will be BoUt b,
Have Doomed As this is the month for list- ,
. N. C, June
Business was dull in the West and also the year months
It Will be a Great Occasion.
The people of Beaufort
making great preparations
Side Police Court which a re-assessment of all real I it was
and Magistrate Cornell , , . . that a railway was to be built
estate must be made,
i the on th
the same lime. If you indulge
in you fan the
a fury-
As a proof that you can
moments in which worry
is absent just mark present
moment You are thinking
about what you are reading,
worry is absent, for two
things can occupy the same
When you worry everything is
distorted. Nothing appears
natural. The world dark
to us. Our friends not seem
near us.
There is no hard luck in the
world except sickness. All other
hard luck is temporary.
you lose your money, do not
worry, make some more. If you
lose a friend, do not worry, show
him he was mistaken. If you
lose an do not
a-y, be ready for the next one.
Life is short. The end of life
is death. What's the use of
worrying Worry is like drink;
the more you give in to it, the
i more it fastens on you.
telling Magistrate Harris,
recently elected, about the of The Reflector has en
man in front of the desk and I of farm lands that have hereto
old a much excited
woman to step on the bridge.
here done come
to my house dis noon time
when he went away
left of the
said the woman, when
she had become sufficiently com-
While the woman was talking
prisoner was trying to catch
the eye of the court, and then he
began to give a high sign.
Magistrate Cornell arose from
his chair and leaned over the
you a he-asked
the prisoner-
The prisoner grinned and said
that he was
thought said the Mag-
the last dive min-
you have been trying to
give me some sort of sign of d s-
tress. Now I am not a Mason,
and you have made a Hg mis-
take. If I were and you tried
that game on nu I'd send you
up to Hart's Island dig graves
for a York Sun.
fore prevailed in the several
townships of Pitt county. We
confess some surprise at the
showing the figures make, and
expect t will also be a revelation
to of our readers.
The assessment of the last four
farming lands by
white pimple, not including any
property in the towns, taking
township through has
ad as follows per
Dam GO
we are here, for best our days cheerful Mix
are but a span
2nd That we extend to the
family of Burch our
heartfelt sympathy in hour
of bereavement, and assure them
that among Odd Fellows they
will always find friends.
3rd. these resolutions
be spread upon the minutes, a
copy be sent to the family of our
diseased brother, and a copy be
sent to Eastern
to and
Orphan with a re-
quest to publish.
Respectfully submitted,
D. James.
J. J. Cherry
C. D. Rountree.
with people who are
learn to look at the bright side of
things. Do not allow the garden
of your mind to grow up with
worry weeds.
Occupation kills worry- If
your mind is occupied with up-
lifting work or you
can't worry.
if t
from here to Durham or some
other p int on the N
and Western railway to
give the latter a coast con
Some sort
survey is DOW being mad
stakes have been set west
here The last legislature chart-
over railways and
them the and Win-
It is now stated
that this line will be by the
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Co., which is already
The distance between Win-
Salem and Raleigh is ninety
miles. The connection would
give coal to Beaufort, which is to
become of importance as
a coaling station.
The Norfolk and an
Norfolk and Western are very
The Carolina and
Northwestern railway
served a complaint on the at-
general and corporation
commission to prevent the re-
passenger and rate
from being put into effect.
Judge Pritchard will hear the
matter June
Whereas. An All Wise
in his dealings with us has
seen fit to remove from among
us by death the wife of our be-
loved brother, J. N- Hart, and
whereas, we desire to express
the feelings exist in our
Factory for
Special to Reflector.
Memphis. June
Co. of this city, have organized
I the Shoe Manufacturing Co.,
i and propose the establishment of
a large shoe factory at
I moth Sprint;, Ark., a on
j the Frisco system about
; mile.; from Memphis. A deal
I has been closed with Memphis
capitalists for a building by
feet, and it is planned to
We, the teachers of the infant have the plant in operation
about the middle of this month
A representation of the com-
is now in the Hast looking
after the purchase of the
lodge in respect to ships.
These figures the
a. per acre of
s. lip taken as a whole, and it
s hows that there is too much
Take the lowest, and
the highest example
we can see-no reason why lands
in township should be
valued at little more than half
what they are in
township. much
other town-
class of the Methodist
school, tender our deepest
to our dear pastor and his
wife in their deep bereavement.
We miss our little from our
ranks, but we feel comforted
when we think that another
flower has been gathered and
now blooms in the blessed sun-
light of the eternal city. So
while we morn together here and
our eyes are with
tears, we can still be joyous as
we wait the resurrection morn
when we shall all gather with
our loved ones in a blessed peace
Ruth has bound us with the
invisible cords of love and hope
to a higher and better life and
she is not dead but lives the per-
life of the redeemed, and
with her angel face all wreathed
in heavenly grace she beckons to
us from the golden shore with
such a of Ruth can we
be sad for long or shall we not
just wait and in waiting meet
Mrs. R. M.
Mrs J. B. Cherry,
Mrs. E. A Jr.
Street Car Bureau.
Special to
Birmingham, Ala., June
Early this morning a trolley car
truck a train loaded with pots of
molten metal, which set the car
on I
1- . ,
equipment and
Return to Road.
Special to Reflector.
New York. June
Cruisers George and
sailed today on their re-
turn to Hampton Roads t take
part in the review of combined
fleets the United States and
foreign countries by the
dent. Soon after they will re-
turn to European waters
event, therefore,
1st, That, we the members of
Greenville Lodge No- A- F
A. M., the hand of
our Master in the decease of
brother s wife, we know hat
He well and we
bow in humble submission to His
2nd. That we extend to our
in this, the
saddest affliction of his life, our
sincere and heartfelt sympathy
and assure him that we realize
far as we can share
his sorrows with . May the
Father of us all . him and
his little ones in their hour
of bereavement, the, comfort and
consolation that can
from Him.
3rd. That these resolutions be
spread upon the. of this
lodge, a copy be sent Lo our be-
loved brother and a espy be sent
to The Daily Reflector with the
request to publish
W. L.
R- L. Carr,
W. H.
Of course th are individual
tracts of that are worth
much more than others should
be assessed h; It is also
true that lands lying near a town
are worth than in .-sections
further away a these
be valued But the
point we are discussing is
townships as a and
the different e Between these is
too great. Tin ire is good land
and poor i, every township.
It would not be a bad idea for
the new rs of all the town-
ships come U and
this matter.
Three That Really Weep
Among the historical
ties to be seen at
House, the residence of the Duke
of Devonshire, is a willow tree
that weeps, very often to the
personal discomfort of those be-
neath it.
To the casual observer it
Sears just an ordinary willow,
closer inspection it is seen
to be artfully artificial- It is
made from a metal to closely re
living tree, and each of
its branches is covered with in-
numerable holes. In fact, the
whole tree is a monster
being connected to a water main
near by
The key for turning on and off
if close at hand, and many a
visiting party has enticed be-
neath its branches by practical
London Times.
Conference Held at Cape
The weather has been doing
w W
. w
Special to Reflector.
Cape Henry, June 4.---The
Methodist Episcopal conference
for the Norfolk district convened
here today, and will continue in
session all the week, adjusting
the appointment of preachers for
the ensuing ad attending
to all the routine work of the
church The work of the Sun-
day school, the league,
and education are reviewed, and
reports made through regular
channels of the work of all the
societies of the church The
will be read on the
last day of the conference
Carolina had more men
at the Re-union than any other
State. It contracted that habit
in and seems not to be
How it Monday.
The election ti or aldermen was
held Monday, in th e several wards
of the town. Only the regular
nominees and the
election was quiet.
two thirds of
was polled.
The candidate
First J.
ward, C Carr. W,
W wen,
Third ward, G.
P. M. Johnson
Fourth ward. E. G.
T. R. Moore
Fifth ward. F. J. Forbes
The new board will take charge
the first of July.
Oakley, N. C. June 4th, 1907.
Miss Annie Gradey, of Mount
Olive, arrived here last week to
take chat of the Oakley school.
I. H. Little returned Saturday
from Richmond. He reports a
pleasant time at the reunion,
Ed Whichard, of Whichard,
was here Saturday shaking hands
with his many friends
Miss Minnie Whitehurst spent
a few days at Stokes last week
Gray Carson, of Bethel, made
business calls here Friday.
W. C. Jenkins and Laden
son attended at Parmele
last week.
W. G. Bryant, of Newport
News, is spending a few days
with fr ends around Oakley. He
left here years ago and this
is his first visit beck to his old
The community extend
sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. J M
Highsmith the loss of their
little child which occurred Fri-
Jim Keel, of Rocky Mount,
spent Saturday here.
Mrs- W. J- and child-
of came over
Saturday to visit her mother,
Mrs- J. H. Highsmith
James Oak Grove,
was here Saturday-
Only one case came up before
Mayor Williams last week.
Tom Gray and family
Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Overton and sister, Miss
Lessie. of Stokes, visited in Oak-
We had no preaching Sunday,
minister did not come.
Z- V. Whitehurst made
calls in Greenville Monday.
J. E Congleton and wife, of
Robersonville, spent Monday in
. J Miss Rosa Skinner, a charming
young lady of Ayden, is visiting
8th of June- There will be a.
least from five to ten
visitors present on that date ; n
it bids fair to be the greatest
of its kind ever pulled off
in North Carolina. There will
be plenty to eat for all who
Arrangements have
been made for great s
of fish to be fried on that
and barbecue to be
and in addition thereto there
will be picnic baskets furnished
by the ladies of Beaufort.
The committee on invitation,
composed of M. Leslie Davis,
chairman, J- F Duncan.
min May, J. S. Duncan H. L
Potter and B J. Bell authorize
the announcement that the pub-
are cordially invited to be
present and to participate in the
All railroads in the State have
greatly reduced rates for this
The governor, United States
senators, th entire North Caro-
congressional delegation will
be in attendance and all the
State officers and in all
the Supreme court. There
has never been such a notable
gathering of distinguished men
in North Carolina as will be pres-
on this occasion on the 8th.
The Honorable George B Cr-
secretary of the treasury,
has been invited to be present.
He has not signified his
as yet, but has ordered
the revenue cutter Seminole,
stationed at Wilmington, to be
present at the celebration, to
carry the and State
out and around the harbor
and to sea as far as Cape Look-
This great day will go down
in history as the celebration of
the beginning of the great in-
in Beaufort
and in Eastern Carolina.
by Memorial Church
As it it has pleased Almighty
in His providence to i move
by death from our midst Brother
W. F. Burch, resolved
we bow in humble
submission to His divine ruling,,
although we shall miss him
our church, Sunday school and-
choir in which he was always a
willing and cheerful member, and.
that while we sympathize with
we commend his loving wife
and children to Him who alone
can give the comfort they most
need in their affliction.
2nd. That a copy j
resolutions be spread . .
records of this church, and a
copy furnished to the bereaved
family, and a copy u The Daily
Reflector with request to pub-
W. P. Edwards.
C. D. Rountree, Com.
M. M. Pugh,
Parry at
A violin teacher in the Wash-
College of Music has been
dismissed for kissing of
the prettiest and most talented
young ladies in Washington so-
a pupil of his. When
arraigned before the indignant
principal fessed right
to his declined to
repent, and gave the principal to
understand that his recollection
of the kiss was such that he
would repeat the offense if faced
. Lit .
Character Alone Count, in tho Ling
An Arkansas paper mourns
fact that paper that
conies square out in the open
and supports or opposes any
measure treads on toes some-
where and loses That
is in large measure true, but it
is also true that the paper that
fears to tread on toes somewhere
and is therefore mushy, loses
more money The papers that
have strength and influence are
those that have the confidence
and respect of the people,
and confidence and respect
are only won by coming
in the when
London, Well-
man's party assembled at Spits-
bergen today, to make prep.-
to start for the North p
which will be made
July and August Mr.
Wellman hasn't expressed much
confidence of reaching the pole
in recent interviews.
first endeavor will be to
reach the North pole. Once
there, we shall return by what-
ever route is most favorable.
You must we
confident of being successful.
Far from it know so much
about the nature of our
that I am almost afraid of
Major of the
United State meteorological de-
will be one of
three men who will accompany
Wellman. Mr. two
daughters will arrive at
bergen at the end or y a

Eastern reflector, 31 May 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 31, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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