Eastern reflector, 24 May 1907

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mm j i
J. M. bLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
By a
Storer is to summer
I at Back ray. Quite appropriate
for a back number.
Hope wont have his
finger under the Ohio lid when
Taft sits down on it. It will be
-75 cons cotton bad for the finger.
F- Co
. . take meal. In other days, the stories of
receipts for There were people here last divorce suits were
We ii-t Sunday from everywhere expurgated Now they seem to
mi it Grifton and both had be
BOd v find Anna-
a beautiful and alluring ex-
of his long-cherish-
Everybody look out for our theory of and
new ails
i an
tile. I
. I
point of the
to come.
v i I, meeting has
since rely
.,,, I on
i and not T.
A. . . my
last the
. , It night
p, i go
to E E. they always
the b
. has gone to
Soot d her sister.
I i . and II- W.
rue lay i
Go to L V. new
market for beef fresh meats,
and fresh fish.
Hiss Minnie Dawson, of Maple
Cypress, been here for
days attending the
Merchandise Broker-J carry
a full line Meat, Lard and Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly A; Co.
Miss Carrie Smith, of Green-
ville, is visiting relatives in
V. s. Blount, assisted by his
excellent daughters, Misses
Florence and Lizzie, are con-
ducting a splendid hotel here.
The public speak o.
them in the highest terms.
If you need any Paint be sure
and see E. E. Co.
W B. Wilson, of Greenville,
was here Thursday.
The of registration close
tomorrow bight There is a full
registration wit prospects very
much in favor Public
sentiment is increasing to-
ward this end.
The direct i E the graded
have the same
leathers for session as had
for the past
for or i Le . Healthy Shoats
weighing to pounds
I I pay cash mark-
d l W. A. Harden.
ltd Ayden. N. C.
good sized crowd
F. on sale at Saul's Secretary mother does
us. however poor and
., sec
W in
J, P.
l and a pleasure
in having a class
Pen. Call at
Store and sec ire this much need-
ed article.
C. K. Johnson returned
from a trip to Hamilton.
Th registration books for
No. in town
ship, town of Ayden, are in the
hands of J. M. Blow Those
desiring to vote on the school
bonds will have to be-
tween now and May 4th.
f. Cecil has opened a
school here and we learn he
has met with much encourage-
L Browning and J. B.
Pierce, who sick,
are rapidly getting well,
following gentlemen were
duly inducted into office
day to which they were last
Monday elected for the next
Mayor. F.
or R Turnage,
Stancill Hodges,
VI Ai. J. Boyd, J- R.
Stancill Hodges,
C. Ormond, clerk;
of t excellent
Pens. Sauls.
will be
pd with f those
the finest and
. Pens
presidential campaign.
might be the making of the boy.
us. however poor and Peary should not lose heart-
afflicted, have blessings which Subscriptions for the
forget to number; we canal- fund may be, expected to
ways someone who has less
of earth's good things than we But if Taft does take the pres-
have. chair, they'll
answer to his have to knock off the arms, and
lining wife, in this little bolster up the framework.
c from The Interior,
Texas leaves the contention
that he had the secret of for recognition as the
true contentment so of the country, to other
hard to be contented with the stales. It is content to be the
things said watermelon of the world.
woman dolefully. Republican party
COntented with the things we ways tolls the says Sena-
that's for the
know about that; I He has actually perpetrated
said Uncle Silas, a real sure enough joke at last.
When we begin to look at the is much interest in
. ,, , trilling things mused Dr-
things our neighbors and pastor.
we haven t. we always pick cut Dr. has been reading what
just the things we want. They the New York newspapers said
live in a nice house, we say. about him.
and we have only a little Mr Bryan's declaration that
one. They have there sh be no rel among
and we need to count people with a purpose
, , in life encourage Mr.
every penny. They have an ; m
easy life, and we have to work-
We never had the . ., , ,.
, . , . . . . Prof. Alex Bell says
typhoid lever, but it did not we have airships
come to us. They have a son in the Atlantic in
the insane asylum, but our less than twenty hours. Dinner.
brains are sound. b. had in America and
feet go into their grand door, breakfast in Europe.
but nothing worse than Once mere Mr. Bryan has
ones come home to ours at night been hurled out of a vehicle
You see when we begin to call
The experiences of
Talbot, long the
but now bishop of central
have been many
and varied, and his book, recent-
published. people of the
gives a fascinating
of life in the earlier days of
the west.
Miners, loved
I him, and they still tell a host of
stories him.
, while the bishop of
j Wyoming and Idaho, he went to
Paul to attend a meeting of
j dignitaries of the church. There-
one noon, on the porch of the
i hotel, a tramp approached a
group of bishops and asked for
one of the churchmen
replied, don't think we can
. do anything. But down there
is the youngest bishop of us
Bishop and
, he's a very generous
The tramp went to Bishop
bot and the others watched with
I interest. They saw a of
surprise come over the tramps
saw that the bishop
talking eagerly, earnestly
they saw the tramp look per-
they finally saw
J that something passed from
hand to hand.
The tramp tried get away
without those of the
group, but the former spokes-
man to him.
did you get something
from our young
The tramp grinned sheepishly.
I gave him a dollar his
blamed new cathedral at Lara
Strikers Stubborn.
i Did Swallow die While
The Statesville Landmark and
various correspondents have
devoting much time to a
research of the Bible in a
logical discussion provoked by a
doubt as whether a
real whale swallowed .
I We have never doubted the lit-
statement of the Scriptures,
but if we had entertained
views the following
poem from Frank L. Stanton
would settle matter
for all time and we commend it
to the Landmark and its con-
whale Jonah
I know de why
Jonah a in de
pone by.
He tell de whale,
De whale he fer
Port Chance pit he'll him.
he'd talk no
En he my
He up sea
Kn him on en
too much fer
Special to Reflector.
New York. May
striking longshoremen continue
firm in their contention and say
they will never give up.
la Life.
It is not every man who knows
his position in life Some aspire
to govern who are able to
serve, and cases we find
those serving who are well
to govern or A man
who can direct and who is yet
content to folio leadership
of others is doing himself, his
family and his associates a great
in regaining in obscurity.
On the hand, a man who
cannot direct and who aspires to
the management of affairs is
doing the business community a
great wrong on account of the
c Mt of his and the
loss from plans which miscarry.
National Banker.
Raleigh News Observer.
Pretty for
the river is too high.
Providence to account for the
It doesn't seem to make any
to him ii is a
things that don't come to up. it's carriage or a band wagon, he
only fair to take in all kinds of always lands right side up.
Sure Way to Get Bait.
The boy wanted some worms
for bait he had selected a
promising spot, a shady and low-
lying dell, but through he had
be n digging now for fifteen
Congressman J.
of New York, cannot
see any way for the president to
escape being renominated next
Is the president looking
very diligently for a way to es-
Bernard Shaw makes a
not a single worm had protest against
his spade turned up assertion that there
Here, said an old are no great dramatists or poets
r, this chunk of soap nowadays. It may be added
am make me a quart or two of that Mr Shaw considers
self the greatest modern drama-;
he boy brought the suds, the
d man sprinkled them over the . , . ., ,. , i
ground and then he in turn be-1 At a meeting of the New York
to dig. It was amazing. City club the other
where the before had evening, one of the members
a single worm said reality we are the silent
man now discovered them in We would hate to argue
point with her
can find objection to those
anywhere, sonny. said the old to Europe win
man, it you wet the; ground ring from the fact that pas-
with soapsuds lust The not able lo boast
suds draws them, the same as of seen a sea serpent on
molasses draws Hies. A weak he w-iv over
mixture of blue vitriol and y
water a ill do the same on the cowcatcher
Journal. locomotive will cure
says a Russian doctor.
Couldn't Accommodate Rest and quiet is secured if the
Both Legislature and the Elks. I patient falls off while the train is
running at full speed
We have been making pianos
over half a century, and
all that time making them
a perfect
We to proof-
have no that when
buy a no one can
have n better.
of selling them
in the way. we main-
own and
tell to the wholesale
prices, on terms.
Let us tell you about it.
L. C. MGR.
By virtue of a executed and
delivered by General Dupree and wife.
Victoria Dupree. to Amos Williams on
the day of December, 1905. which
record in the office
of the Register of Deeds of Pitt county,
in book J-S, page the undersigned
will sell for cash, before the court house
door in Greenville. the 18th
day of May.
piece or parcel of land situate in the
county Pitt and in Greenville town-
ship, on the south side of Tar river, be-
ginning at the pate post on the left aside
of the main road going from Greenville
to Grimesland. then running east wit.,
said road to the Mogul line, with the
Mogul line to Creek, then up
said creek to and with the run thereof to
a big cypress. corner, then
straight across the Held to the beginning,
containing about M acres, more or less,
and being the same land sold to General
Dupree Amos Williams and said
mortgage was taken to secure the
This April 18th. 1807.
F. G. James. Attorney.
to Nominate a
nor of New Jersey.
Trenton, N. J. May
Socialists of the State of New
j Jersey are planning to run a man
fishing but for governor of the State, and to
that end have called a state con-
to gather In this city to-
I There is a large
of the Sue settlement
from all parts of State-
Dr Joseph Dixon
.-i t S
M. C.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods. No-
Light and Heavy
Prices-to suit the times.
a- AYDEN, N.
the of business 1906.
and discounts
. Overdrafts secured 209.58
Furniture and Fixtures 610.59
Due from banks an J bankers
, Cash it.-ms
Gold coin 160.00
j Silver coin 1.752.
Nat. bk notes other 2,100.00
Capital stock
Surplus fund 2,700.00-
Undivided less expenses
Dividends unpaid 00.00-
subject to cheek 51,386.85
Cashier's checks
s outstanding
I J. K. do v f-wear
flint the above is true to t-e best of my and be-
J. K.
and to R. SMITH
me, 27th day Mar,
T II i ii n. v. CANNON
Special to Reflector,
Harrisburg, May
Hot weather has not yet come
convention of the Pennsylvania No one is over anxious for its
Association of Elks was to advent, but the statement that
have convened here but j the watermelon crop amounts to
the date has been postponed until will make the
June. The reason is, that the j mate prospect a great deal more
Legislature is still in session, i bearable.
and this uses up all the hotel ac- j A at one of the Lake
that would be j Michigan resorts has
for the caring for give Tuft a suit of
who required a great . lL . t .,
quired a great many
rooms. The Knights of the
Eagle are also here, still
more restricting the supply of
Getting Slow.
rial to Reflector.
Boise, Idaho, May
have so far passed ex-
and been selected
the Hay wood trial. It is ex-
tn get the full by the
end of the week. L
clothes if he will he one of the
attractions at the
this summer- This is a liberal
offer, when one the
amount of cloth.
has overworked Judge
Taft as a man of all work, made
him too much of a and-
and thinks that Mr.
Roosevelt's enemies may see
deep design in Perhaps
Mr. Roosevelt is merely assisting
friend to ard train
down for the
For Twenty-one Years
P. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
A Word cf Tint be
IA Crops Damaged,
and Blood Cot Oat of Man's Head.
Ever no
great task lira been undertaken
or a reform, big or little, in-
I It it
mediately n by
the man who sneered.
He is older than . II
sneered at H
sneered at Socrates and made
the at Wat He-
sneered at and his great
discoveries. He has attacked
every form of religion. He has
decried every effort to purify
politics and improve conditions
of government.
He does even more He sees
incompetence and insincerity and
hypocrisy in every phase of life.
When we say that we have faith
in the great throbbing heart of
the human race, he sneers at us
because we want to believe in
best things. All around us
is the man who sneers-
You know him. He is in every
office, every store, every depart-
He sneers at the way the
business is conducted, at the
views of his employer, at the
Stock, at the buyers, at the book-
keeper and at you because
are contented and trying to do
-our full duty. is in the
the bank, the school, the
hospital, the city hall, the church.
You will find him in politics, in
the professions, in literature, in
art- He has no confidence in
any motive, anything or any-
body He at morality, at
sentiment, at charity at kind
words and deeds, at love, even
at the sacredness of the home.
A considerable hail and wind
struck the section around
in Falkland township,
i afternoon. Crops being
in they did not Buffer as
as i they had been
tun about in places the damage
i. On Mr.
a .- farm portions of
I lard planted cotton was swept
clean of growth, and there was
damage on the King farm.
In the track of the wind ma y
trees were blown down. A prize
house which Mr. W. H. Moore
was building and about half com-
was leveled to ground
and demolished.
Mr. C. Rea who had driven
a team to the river at Center
Bluff, was caught out in the
storm. His team became fright-
and while trying to man-
age them his hat blew off. The
hailstones pelted down on his
bare head and drew in
several places.
Preachers Samoa at Consecration of
and Their
Homes While
Following is a lift of the
St. Mary's Episcopal church at agates to the Woman's Foreign
Kinston consented ; Missionary Society convention
the annual ,, ,
of the diocese of East hero Memorial church,
Th-sermon was preached the homes to which they
Is This a Square Deal
Rev. W. E. Cox, of Greenville,
and commenting upon it the free
Following the consecration the
sermon was preached
by Rev W. E. Cox, of Green
ville. The subject chosen was
consciousness of as
applied to individual experience
The development of the theme
was masterly; it was clearly
thought out and delivered in an
attractive style. He
that the consciousness of God's
presence is the Christian's main-
stay and that the church of God
is the place divinely intended to
be set apart for the special
of God's presence and
for the special realization of that
Rev. Mr. Cox is a young
clergyman, but his zeal and
ability give premise of a bright
future in store for
Major Henry Harding and Mr.
It. R Cotton attended the
as delegates from St.
are assigned while here;
Mr- B. B. Adams, Four Oaks,
Mrs. C. J. Forbes.
Mrs. Mattie Alston, Siler
City. Mr-. W. R. Smith.
Miss Fannie B. Allen, Frank-
Mrs. Parham.
Mrs K P. Black. Littleton,
Mrs. E. A
Mrs. M- O. Bethel,
Misses Manning.
Mrs. J. W. Boney, Wallace,
Mrs- A. S. Barbee. Chapel Hill
and Mrs. E Raleigh,
Mrs. C. J.
Mrs. and Miss
Etta Berry, Swan Quarter, Mrs.
He would sneer at the great
blue sky if the blue sky would
pay any to
not. It just
It is related that Mr. Charles
A. Keene, on independent
dealer, bought in London an
American watch for This,
watch was sold own
for and the manufacturers
will not permit it to be sold for
less Trade Opens More Slowly.
Mr. Keene had these facts en-.
graved on the watch and offered
it to the president, but he re- i Special to Reflector;
fused to receive it. The .
is, nevertheless, alto New York, May or-
relevant smaller- and f he
relevant. opened, so far as store
It has been known that is concerned quietly,
protected goods are sold abroad There is no doubt that warmer
for much less than our people weather was very necessary to
pay for them. The stimulate trade. May proved to
bitterly denied this for a
long time, but the evidence was It is hoped that the latter
being and cheerful and
and looks down at an
atom, which you ow is even
smaller than a molecule, and
molecule is so small that we can-
not tell how small it is.
so conclusive that they finally part of the
admit it, and now they productive o
but seek to justify it, at the same
on; time saying that difference
month will be
weather conditions, and afford an
opportunity of moving goods
now on hand. In a measure the
is not much. This or- backwardness of the spring and
has been the summer season has been
public for time, and many to jobbers, as it has afford-
assertions about the price -d them an opportunity secure
abroad have been denied. Mr.
There is one thing to do lesson, showing our
late from the mills.
A continuance of present con-
Keene has presented an object however, will
with the man who sneers, throw
out. You may not be able
to throw him out of the store or
the factory or the office, but you
can throw out of your life.
Don't listen to him. Ignore him.
He is going around with his lips
tainted with poison, to disturb
you, to upset you, to ill you
with suspicion and discontent.
He is only tearing down, never
building up. His poor little pit-
soul is warped and he will
never know that there is such
as big. beautiful pulsing
life, full of duty faith and
Throw him out of your life.-Ex
Train Wrecked.
Special to Reflector.
Utica. N. Y., May
Buffalo fast special east-
bound train on the New York
Central railroad, struck a derail-
ed freight train early this morn-
The locomotive and all
cars except four sleepers were
hurled from the track. Many
passengers were injured, ten of
them Baggageman
Finley was killed.
Newspaper Publishers.
Special to Reflector.
Richmond, Va. May 21.--The
fifth annual convention of the
Association convened here today
for a two days session. Frank
P. Glass, of the Montgomery
Advertiser, is president of the
association. About one
and fifty publishers are in at-
and are Miter
W-r-1 v- .- .--
U . Jam . .-
disastrous to retail
and many small houses are
on account feeling the lack of de-
of that tariff.
Is this a square
ville Courier-Journal.
nearly par cent, more
very Keenly. It is true
that orders are placed by large
retail establishments, but the
smaller firms make up the bulk
of the business placed. Reports
from the South are to the effect
that cold has greatly de-
laved and cut down summer
The South has now business, while in the West and
miles of railroad, exclusive of i East advices from the various
double-track, side-rack and towns and cities are decidedly
duplications. Since 1880 gloomy.
there have been built in the
miles of new rail-
roads or extensions of existing
lines, the rate of increase in that OAKLEY ITEM
period having been per cent,
in the South, against per
cent, in the rest of the country,
the South's added mileage
alone is greater than the total I
mileage in the whole country
1860. The mileage in the South
has been increased during the
past years at the rate of
nearly 1600 miles annually, and
during past five years at the
rate of more than miles an
The cost of this build
inn and these improvements
the years has
a total of more than
As in other parts
of the country, this investment
cash and the coincident en-
Oakley. N May 1907.
James Whitehurst and family,
of Everetts, Sunday here.
Jim Taylor spent a part of last
week at Winterville-
Preaching at T. F. Nelson's
Friday night last
Good many from here attended
church at Hickory Grove Sunday.
Potato crop is looking fine in
this section.
We note that the Oakley items
were headed Stokes last week
We that as a compliment, as
company like the
have not been sufficient to
meet the calls of the South for
internal transportation, or to
allay the growth at times of a
public sentiment, more often
reasoning than reasonable, find-
expressing in legislation,
national and State, tending to
cripple still further the efforts of
the railroads to serve the section
in whose they are
vitally interested
Stokes people.
Miss Currie, of Hobgood, is
visiting Miss Minnie Whitehurst
Oakley will be behind. It
will open a training school in a
few days without bonds.
Preaching in the unknown
tongue, whooping cough and
measles, potato bugs fol-
lowing, is keeping us company-
J. E and Geo.
Smith, of Robersonville, were
here a short while Monday
Frank James and family, of
., . . r . .
W. R Smith,
Mrs. B W- Bailey, Sanford,
Mrs. Henry Harding.
Mrs. S. T. Troy, Mrs.
Mrs. W H. Goldsboro,
Mrs J. W- cock.
Miss Lizzie Hertford,
Mrs. Joe Dixon.
Miss Annie Blanchard,
ford and Mrs. W. P. Constable,
Goldsboro. Mrs- Jack White.
Mrs- M Cherry, Washington.
Mrs. E E Griffin.
Mrs. M. F Washing-
ton, Mrs. J. F. Brinkley.
Miss Minnie Cedar
Creek, Mrs. Z. P-
Mrs It. C. Craven, Henderson,
Mrs- J. R.
Mrs. Wanes.
Mis; Margaret Cotten, Fayette-
Miss Carrie Dasher, South-
port, Mrs. Skinner.
Mrs. C P Beaufort,
Mrs- R. L.
Mrs B. F. Dixon, Raleigh,
Mrs. J, L.
Mr.- A. Darden, Wilson,
Mrs. H. L. Carr.
Mrs. H. M. Carthage,
Mrs Jack White.
Miss Blanche
son, Mrs. C. J. Forbes.
Miss Fannie Fisher, Cedar
Creek. Mrs. Z. P. Vandyke.
Mrs. Margaret Griffin.
Mrs. Henry Harding.
Miss Eunice Gibbs, Fayette-
ville, Mrs. Chas. Skinner.
Mrs. L. M. New
Bern, Mrs. Ada Cherry-
Mrs. S. S- Hardison, Elizabeth
City, Mrs. J. L. Little.
Mrs. J. L- Home- Rocky
Mount, Mrs. E. A- Jr.
Mrs- J. M. Hardison, Littleton,
Mrs- Charles Skinner.
Miss Ora Jenkins, Franklinton,
Mrs J. A- Lang.
Mrs. Mary Johnson, Faison,
Mrs. R.
Mrs. J. M- Lloyd, Bethel, Mrs.
Mellie Harris.
Mrs. R. H. Latham, Weldon.
Mrs. Joe Dixon.
Miss Bettie Lentz, Beaufort,
Mrs- Wiley Brown-
Mrs W. H Durham.
Mrs- J L. Little.
Miss Mary Goldsboro,
Mrs. Whichard-
Mrs George Major, Hertford,
Mrs. Ada Cherry.
Mrs Henry Martin, Bethel,
Mrs. Hunter.
Mrs. W. J. Martin, Bethel,
Mrs. Whichard.
Miss Carrie Medlin, Weldon,
Mrs. A. B. Ellington
Miss Kinston.
Mrs. Warren-
Mrs Goldsboro,
v r- Jumps.
.-,. , . . ., . J.
Mrs. A- Malone. Louisburg,
Mrs. Sam Parham-
Mrs. William Sunbury,
Mrs H. L. Carr.
Mrs- A A. Overman, Eureka,
Mrs. J. W. Aycock.
Miss Emma Aberdeen,
Mrs. Wiley Brown-
Miss Annie Page, Henderson,
Mrs. S. C Pugh,
Mrs. Chas. Cobb.
Mrs Tom Person. Richmond,
Mrs. Chas. Skinner.
Miss Laura Powers. Weldon,
Mrs. A ;
Miss Margaret Parker, Gales
Co , Mrs Wiley Brown.
Mrs. A- Person. Franklinton,
Mrs. Chas. Skinner.
MU-; Carrie
Elizabeth City, Mrs. Chas. Skin-
Mrs. Margaret Powell, No
Bern. Mrs. J L. Little.
Miss Helen Palmer, Hooker-
Miss Louise Rod well,
Mrs. G. E.
Miss Anna Smith. Goldsboro,
Mrs. A. B. Ellington.
Mrs. F. U Swindell, Wilson.
Mrs T J
Mrs M J Simpson,
R. L. Humber.
Mrs. E. W. Smith, Rocky
Mount Miss Nannie Wilson.
Mrs. Spencer, Wash
Mrs. J N. Norman.
Miss Franklin
ton, Mrs J. A- Lang.
Miss Susie Shaw, Macon, Mrs.
G-E. Harris.
Miss Jennie Simms. Pantego,
Mrs- A. H. Taft-
Miss Simpson,
Mrs. Chas. Cobb,
Miss E. M Snipes, Burlington,
Mrs. R. m.
Miss H h Snow, Durham,
Miss Nannie Wilson.
Master Richard Snow, Dur-
ham. Mrs. R. M. Hearne
Mrs. Scoggins.
Mrs. J. L. Wooten
Mrs R W. Mrs.
R. W. Hertford. Mrs.
Cl as. Skinner.
Mis R. A.
Mrs. Ada Cherry.
Mr. and Mrs N. H- D Wilson,
Hertford, Mrs. F. G. James.
Miss Lizzie Walton,
Mix. M. T. Plyler
Mrs George Woodward, Dur-
ham, Mrs. Chas. Rountree.
Miss Kate Whitfield, Franklin-
Ernest Parham.
Miss Mary Williams and Mrs.
J. F. Willey, Mrs C C
Mrs, Fred Woodward, Wilson
Mrs T, J, Jar vis
Charged With Poisoning His to
Secure Insurance Money
Raleigh, N. C. May
D. G Rowland, a prominent
physician of city, was
rested on the charge of poison-
his own son to secure the
money. The boy was
attending school at Kittrell.
He suddenly died a visit
from his father. Rowland re-
fuses to talk. When arrested
today he produced a marriage
certificate to wed the widow of
an engineer who recently died
here, thinking that ho being
arrested a charge of unlawful
cohabitation. He will I a taken
to Henderson for trial.
The wife of Dr was
also arrested this afternoon
The charge against her is con-
piracy with Dr. Rowland in the
murder of her husband. C. B.
Strange, who died suddenly in
Raleigh soon after Dr. Rowland
had left him. after having been
called to attend Strange. Dr.
Rowland will b- charged with
poisoning Strange, whose widow
he a few days after
death. Strange and
his wife were Western people,
he being a i engineer,
and had lived hero only a short
time. An officer from Vance
county, who came here for Row-
land today, is said to have stated
that are suspicious
Stances connected with the
death Rowland's first wife.
Rowland is widely and
his arrest caused a groat
Their Child Dead.
Ruth, aged three-and-a-half
years, little daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. M. Plyler, died this
morning about o'clock after an
illness of three weeks with
The one suffered
greatly during these three weeks,
her condition being critical
through most of sickness,
and dip was done
for her relief and of death
could not be stayed
The remains will be taken to
Gates Wednesday morning
interment there The sorrowing
parents have sympathy of
the entire community in their
The Money Power.
Jesse James, the noted out-
law's son, is at the age of
one of the most talented and res-
lawyers Kansas City.
In a claim case that he recent-
won Mr. James told an
was a he
said, was
killed in a railroad The
railroad to suit gave her
sum satisfied the woman,
but a month or two afterwards,
she read about a man who had
lost his leg in the same accident,
and behold this man was given
by the company damages to the
amount of
made the woman mad.
She hastened at once to the
office of the railway's claim
juster. She said bitterly;
is this Here you give
a man for the loss of his
leg, while you only gave me
for the loss of my
The claim smiled
amiably and said in a soothing
the reason is quite
plain. The won't provide
the poor man with a new leg,
whereas with your you
a new husband
Cable to Reflector,
Paris, May appeal of
Count de against
the decision of the court which
on November granted a
to the Countess de
lane, formerly Anna Gould, is
listed for today.
Steadier Burned on
Special to Reflector.
Detroit, Mich , May The
steamer was burned in
mid lake about one o'clock this
morning, four of the crew per-
in the flames, and several
passengers being injured. Fifty
of the were taken off
the burning steamer by the
steamer Kansas that went to the
Justice Fitzgerald on th;
to Reflector,
New York, May 21--The
judge of the New York courts
seem determined to bring
re the
division of the Supreme
court in Brooklyn, to show cause
why he should not be disbarred.
Justice Tompkins also fixed to-
day as the day for Justice Fitz-
to appear before him in
White to show
he should not be examined as to
his handling of the funds of
Margaret who
v has of
a-; longing to

China Borers offer to Sell
Good Here.
Special to Reflectors
New York, May -The China
It the Lie to Annual Meeting of Stockholders and
Tell it on Them. of Officers.
There is no mistaking the The annual meeting of the;
that Lieut -Governor P. D. m-, stockholders of he Bank of the tables on the
loves a joke, and he lets pass, Greenville was held on he 15th. J-J offering
no good opportunity to make or The following officers and fa American
tell one. On his Visit to Pitt I rectors were re-elected for now offered
county last week he made one; ensuing year. fa china for
that is too good to let pass with- R. L Davis,
out telling. I J.-n. Andrews, vice-president.
He at Grifton Friday at James L Little, cashier.
the closing of the graded school, M. L. teller and
in that town, and several gentle- bookkeeper,
men went down, both for the Robt I Howard, collection
purpose of attending the com- clerk and assistant bookkeeper.
exercises there and L. Davis. J. A.
to escort Judge Winston back R. W. King. S. T.
Greenville where he was to was seen during the
speak that night Tr-est, gentle- Hooker. J. R. Move, W. B. Chin., who
men were Senator son, L Little. had goods a
tag, per cent their con.
for delivery at a hand-
in this market. Now.
the trade is facing a
market quotations
I here. This is the first time in
history of the trade that
I goods shipped to China have
j been actually offered for resale
and reshipment to-this market,
and at less than the goods are
now selling here. The nearest
approach to this condition of
W K n r,
i . .-
C. D.
n ;
ll a
a- U
i ii this
a inquired,
of the
the stockholders out of
r's earnings and the
i in undivided profit
on Tobacco
. in u t
. i in, i in-
I wit i
. i .
i-. lie w going to have
Ti i . and undivided profits
. o
. at i
i affairs. Ti
of .
esteem in
and these
as i the
the is of the bank .
n of affairs where the
offers to and
lay down in this market
can goods for less money than
the American manufacturers can
sell in the domestic
. o
formed a conspiracy t
my vote for the location
Merger of Theologies
The county
Special to
Cincinnati, , May -A
merger Presbyterian
properties aggregating millions
o. and if
can on you I shall
all for attempted present. of dollar, is to be brought up in
Senator, explain General assembly of the Mr. W H. Dead.
he demanded. the returns of the bond church of the Mrs Emma Harrington, wife
No. governor, om and in Co- f ex-sheriff W H. I
declare sail election today. The just before n-.-r. Thursday
Three ways are used by farmers
for curing and preparing their to-
for the market; namely sun
cured, air cured and flue cured.
The old and cheap way is called air
cured; the later discovery and
proved way is called flue cured.
In flue curing the tobacco is taken
from the fields and racked in barns
especially built to retain heat and
there subjected to a continuous high
temperature, produced by the direct
heat of flame heated flues, which
brings out in the tobacco that
stimulating taste and aroma that-
expert roasting develops in green
coffee. These similar processes give
to both tobacco and coffee the cheer-
and stimulating quality that pop-
their use.
The of tobacco depends
much on the curing process and the
kind of soil that produces it, as ex-
pert tests prove that this flue cured
tobacco, grown in the famous Pied-
region, requires and takes less
sweetening than tobacco grown in
any section of the United States
and has a wholesome, stimulating,
juicy, full tobacco taste that satisfies
tobacco hunger. That's why chewers
prefer Schnapps, because Schnapps
cheers more than any other chewing
tobacco, and that's why chewers of
Schnapps pass the good thing along
one chewer makes other chewers,
until the fact is established that
there are more chewers and more
pounds of tobacco chewed to the
population in states where Schnapps
tobacco is sold than there are in
those states where Schnapps not
yet been offered to the trade.
A plug of Schnapps is more
economical than a much larger
Z of cheap
tobacco. Sold at
per pound in cuts. Strictly
is cent
he demanded.
is not today. Tn
mission. Doubtless recall Th , of the on is me consolidation of the j honK in
oar hap -y meet together different Lane Theological Seminary, the Mrs had teen
the r was as follows; Theological Semi- poor health
Re. For Against in Chicago, i i the West- was formerly Miss Emma
in ,.,.,. of Rocky
to Mr Harrington in the
; ab
. ice sake
down to greet you and
d with
th r
bid you
Beaver Dam
the counts Bethel
in the Carolina
excuse and
id ti- j
A-hat plea he said turn-
judge, you know I am
superintendent of public schools
of the e as this
at my
ion it was fitting that I should
down to see that the
carried out with
credit to and
honor t . . distinguish d
is on
condition you is well
and I don't h you
the he
replied. you, this
addressing Mr. Arthur.
governor, I have
the honor i f being a member of
the I card of education of this
grand county, and having
deep interest in the welfare of
our school.-; I around to some
of them occasionally to see hew
they getting
slips through the
meshes. Now, Hick, it is your
referring to Mr. King.
know, judge, its
tor of business with me.
is urge
graduate the of th.
ll. i
Swift Creek
The returns show that
registered voters of th
county not vote at ail, and
these to th voting
against, bonds in 1323 of tin
registered vote stand
bonds and 1680 for bonds, a
majority of for bonds In
the actual the number
cast fr bonds was r the
number cast against bond
fall of
two children
mi w i n n
The remains of Mr W H.
who died y
w re interred at o'clock this
s in Cherry Hill
tery, being conducted
New York May 21-The by Rev M. T.
was to
transferred curer for
In one thoroughly
trice with rules a barber Ci man-
, . it well
I w
R. F. D. No. den. N. C.
and Discounts Stock paid in
Overdrafts Secured
Furniture and
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Fund 1.000.08
profits 2,935.46
of Deposit 2,437.70
Deposit subject
tare of North Carolina,
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier -if the above-named bank, do
statement is true to best of
;. r the
and belief.
this day of
to Jacks
S to
Nashville, Tenn., May 20.-
The Hermitage, Gen. JacKSOn's
old home is the scene today of a
pilgrimage from St. Louis- The
Jefferson Club, one of the
notable organizations of St.
Louis, conducts the pilgrimage.
Gov. Joseph Folk, of Missouri.
William Jennings Bryan, of .
several hundreds f
of and two
were blown to pieces and I
I seven others seriously wounded
by an infernal machine which
was morning deposited in
the central police bureau by two
men and a girl.
J WITH ii At the Mar 22nd.
I Hi Sir,, ,
for B
Nearly everybody is subject to at-
tack s from from n
dread of treatment for
, St. Louis Democrats are with
a club. of
am I made speeches and Gov.
of th board of county I Patterson, of Tennessee, also
commissioners and had to come
down to look after a triage
are going to build across the
that's slim, yet it may
have to pass- But if you don't
get to looking after that bridge
pretty I shall think you
By this time all had run the
gauntlet but Rountree,
bad bravely faced all kinds
of battles in the war, but was
a little nervous under this
char. e. His eyes were blinking,
speed of his teeth had quick-
en his quid, and he was
punching the ground with the
end of his cane
Charles, they have all
escaped but you. I know you
have no excuse and will not let
make up one. Somebody
must bear the sins of this bunch,
so you can consider yours. If sent
to the roads for thirty
was only going to
added the
down to marry
with one accord they all,
laughed long and loud
an address. is
not the first pilgrimage of the
Jefferson Club. Two years ago
its members made a similar
to Monticello, the home
Nashville Io Have a New Hostelry.
Special to Reflector.
Nashville, Tenn,. May
This city is to have a new hotel
to be built Mr. S. Hartman
that be six in
and will front fifty Broad-
and will run back feet,
and contain rooms, half of
them with It
cost between and
It will have a restaurant, and be
run on the European plan- It
be hotel in the
That Wasn't Math.
A man was writing the
today and put it May 1905
attention v. is called to
re aid ain't much,
o out of way
mil . their cumulations
Tom Dupree reached home
from Bingham
at where he
made fine record He brought
-I , , 111- U
medal which he relief, that is three fourths
won for oratory and a diploma and one-fourth nil and On the
hand you can sat as you pleats
and digest tho food by the aid of a
as rest. Eat what you
please and take a little for
after your meals. It digest
what you eat; Sold by Jno. L. Wooten.
r in the
course of
The Bagley Statue.
Special to Reflector.
Raleigh, N. C, The Worth-
Bagley monument was unveiled
today in capitol square. The
ceremonies were very interest-
and the attendance was very
large, coming from every part
of the State.
At the
Loans and discounts
Ivor drafts
Furniture ft Fixtures
Duo from Banks and
ash Items
Gold coin,
.-; vi bank
other U. notes
Mar 22nd. 1907.
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
I of
I Deposits subj. to chock
checks out-
i standing 724.22
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
W H r of tho above named Solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief.
To of Pianos.
Our factory tuner, Mr. A- L.
Henderson, will be in Green-
ville on Monday, May the 27th
and will remain several
Any one wishing to have their
pianos tuned will please send in
their written order to our Mr.
North Carolina. In the superior court n
county. Before D. Moore U box this
J. C and wife Maggie Has- Office. Do not phone or leave
berry. word at hotel, but write; mes-
sages are sometimes delayed.
Very respectfully,
hereby take notice that a special pro- Chas- M.
Heeding has been instituted in the
court of Pitt county entitled J. c. ,
end Maggie Rasberry vs
R. A. sin and Ella Dawson,
purpose f sale of a certain
tract of situated in swift creek
W. H.
Votary Public I Directors.
Subscribed and be-
this 28th day of Mar.
R. A. and Ella Dawson.
The defendant Ella Dawson, will
special pr weeding, will further take
notice that she is required to appear at.
the office of the of
court Pitt -in--, at N
c. on tau June, and an-
IV t or
plaintiffs or the relief therein
of May,
D. C,
clerk superior Court Pitt county.
Probably Coming.
Last week local talent of Wash-
Pitt county for division . , . , .
tenants in and the said Ella presented in that town
opera Pinafore, with Miss
Lottie Blow in the leading role.
It said to the host
ion ha; la a
time. manager hie. written
and will.
probably here
n net
will give them a good house-
Simmer L. leave sufferers of Kidney; Liver or
Ion daily Bladder Troubles. Other
I say a bottle and if
at Washington. , it cure we refund
at your We say a
Norfolk Co. for j w free f
Norfolk, Baltimore. Philadelphia
New York, and all other and if it benefits then
points North. at Nor-
folk all point West. I
should eat
f eight vi i care Nor a at
., . i a limited number f
J J. Agent, law Cut op
ville, N, C- to t.
H, C- , Genera P d
oven in
fought to it. and that ft wan
matter, but
Williamston Harshly
Chairman of Board of Com-
missioners and
On the first Monday in this,
month the chamber of com
of the town of Washing-
ton tried to get the of
commissioners of Martin county
t adopt a resolution endorsing
Washington for the location
the Gas tern draining school- The
The vestry and congregation
unanimous vote. Then was
when he remarked that I was
trying to run the board, and con-
to talk upon the subject.
ma from my duties.
Instead me trying to run the
it looked very much like
Fudge Hobbs to run
it It was very that
designs. Part of the in is
already on hand this building,
and the vestry purpose to push
the work to an early
Williamston gave with the work
following account of what trans- to clear it up day.
in the
was h warm
aider and dis the
the Eastern training
the in
those i-i
of the
chairman of
in favor of was taken u decide
should be
. i,
, this I not do as
Henna continued to make re-
marks about the alter,
an to con-
been laid aside I
n d Mr. Hobbs to stop talking
. ave I remarked
. that I would not
office and
him from his
of our regular
. it had in connection, to
I draw the jurors to the
ting of the sanitary board,
i to
led and numerous things.
j o
Special to Reflector.
New York. May -The
strikers an th doc ; i appear to
tho ii if the situ.-
bat th ; con
The on and White
Star y cm easily fill
places of i . I j
J-W. CO.
Cotton and handlers of
Bagging. Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
t This
and two of the three com-
the chairman voting for
ville The warm time mentioned
came when the chairman refused was not
to sign the order of the take an insult without
Judge I regret the
I have
that the to him t
voting upon, but it interested, , f . , ,
the people of Martin county, ,
I what I thought was right for the
interest of the and I
I trust they will see this matter in
if I
be condemned for it I
Burners. Judge modus, who w as , it
in the office at
time, reminded the
.-t. . ways a g
is extended all Southerners to
and J 11-0 booth at the
Jam vs town , in
food products building on-
trance to horticultural court.
We have provided a spacious
rest it e n . illy for your con
re you m meet
rs, re d your
will glad to
ice ere
First Class Work and Reasonable
Prices. Iron Fencing Sold.
Greenville, North Carolina.
H Skinner. Skinner, Ir.
H. W.
. i
. ll,
a representative of the
pie it was his duty to sin the
order. At this the chairman be-
very indignant and so
much that he
the clerk of the court to leave i
I would away with ail offices,
J must sit be dictated to
and stop interfering
business. The very right-
cold him to him out. There
war, of course, no effort made to
put the clerk out.
a and still the chair-
man had not signed the order
endorsing Washington as the
location desired by the people of
Martin for the
by any one. R. II.
A for
Delivery After July
Washington, D. C, May
friends, write
rt. and
ice c- am
free, and explain bower.
be for i
Pure P
r. made
., table,
M. C.
Contractor, Builder,
and estimates fur-
on All work
Turn key job when
t i a
lite, t
it toot,
hip. T o
v I
.;. r
not, and l .
plod I .
added to
. ; . ,. have fool
i in Hi first place. A curable
., curable,
, i i ., ; again
liable t ill d
sure. , j
Any which tends to
i, muse power of j
foot may co foot. A i
in in
foot may cause it.
The in weight may be
actual, such u o in
who put on a deal of fat, or it
may be t Ii e,
i i t- i
by far the common
g the it, bro i ill
-i of this Hot,
,.,,. i . i to the i
fool i- i
. . i i I
. i
. .; I
new I
State- army I
is an a
neither looks like I
like it no-
i I
now one
thus i
b i I. v. . ;
. I urn i
bin of ti b t
and the mi n v
b re bi t one I
I of the mils
man I i
I.- i
for the
b if
I i la-
in the same paper was
board, his refusal to concur
in the resolution, and in the next
issue of the was pub
the following card from
Mr. in explanation of
his action.
Mr. been
very much misrepresented in
the last issue of paper and
misunderstood as to my
and actions at our lab
meeting of the board of
ton, N. C. as the place for the
Eastern training school, I desire
to herewith state the facts, in
order that the of Martin
may understand my position.
accused of becoming very
at Judge Hobos, simply
because he reminded me hat it
was not a master
which the board
The facts of is, the
editor is which
he does not thereby
placing me before my people in a
special delivery
stamps will be needed after the
first of next July to insure
mediate of a letter
as act of the
of Congress, Postmaster
General Meyer issued an
order that on ad after July
next, if there to any
letter of package of mail matter
tn cents worm of stamps,
denomination with the
words, writ-
printed en envelope
a, in addition to the D.
county ,
bi regard to the will be
i tamp-
It tho
Spirit to from our
of our brother
E. we the
bus of Tribe No.
86,1- R. A--
1st. That we have heard of
the of the oldest son of
wrong light. I to remind brother W- E. Proctor with
the editor that was a per-
matter in sense, and
that each commissioner was
his own personal opinion,
as a member of the board, there
having been nothing to
ascertain the sentiments of the
people. Therefore, the editor
should think and understand
things more fully before placing
any citizen in a light. I
did not think that I had a right
to vote for it as a representative
of the people, but as an
member of the board. As
long as I remain in office I shall
never vote away the rights of
the people, before ascertaining
their sentiments. Too much of
this kind of thing has already
been done by public officers.
Some seem to think as Vander-
does people be
but I think that their
rights be carefully
I wish to state that
did not become indignant At
Judge Hobbs because he re-
minded me that this was not
but I did
much sorrow.
2nd. That our hearts go
to him and his family with gen
and sincere brotherly and
paternal sympathy, and that
we commend them to Him who
does all things well for their
guidance and in this
thee- hour of grief-
3rd. That a copy of these
resolutions be sent to brother
W. E. Proctor, a copy be spread
upon our minutes a copy be
handed to The Reflector with re-
quest to publish.
Roy C- Flanagan,
Sam T. White.
Wash P. Edwards.
A light purse Is a heavy
Sickness makes a purse.
The LIVER Is the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely,
and restore the action of the-
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
I No Substitute.
don't because the
lacks some ore of essential
tho juice are nos
y I Then, too,
causes sourness i
. C. . .
ii of
i the
u. u. the conforms m
I. Woo tor.
N. C.
;. of
V- borne by the j fr mi the Mexican
pr too .-u-. for e Mexico
go t to resist, tho
sum n the
of the minister of war, be
used in sup for a
. nation
The mini Dial
trill o t the r
ell of
ha t. ti m the U
in the v is
meet exactly the is of
Bo n r.
r-.--.- a
the en.
. it
No bud
On stale in
Come to my store
you in.; bud article every
The w.
; .- an re no Ion
of the
h rT,
the simply a
r rm. With
footplate a sin be
the nor mil I c of tho
year tho writer
was from N
on an excursion train over the
board Air ho was
the conductor train, one who
had evidently spent his youth in
keeping away from anything that
pertained to education and who pro-
. following ex-j
I declare. can ask
Checking 1-.;.
. urn
. I M I
; tel. i
nor .
reeded to
ample of
re y
They r as . maple
is what on wrote of
rood and Dr.; i
, by
Counsel From
When coo winds dry and crack the
a Lt. salve can save more
in buying look
and you .-of the
Sold b
Jno. L. Woo tan
Four Legged
There is now at the drug store
of Hackney Bros., a curiosity in
the shape of a yo duck. This
fowl was hatched by W- G. Crab-
tree-, Jackson street, and lived
for some days. It has four well
only one body
but only one
and one head. The young duck
be- died and was then taken to the
come indignant when he store ed and now
that I was trying to run the being preserved in alcohol. Dur-
board We had discussed this ham Herald,
matter pro and con for some
time, giving his views.
Judge Hobbs continually in-
that I did not look at the
matter in the right way. I con-
tended and still contend that
Greenville is the most central
point and a more healthful place,
and that we should take a broad
view and try to it in the
interest of all the Eastern
ties. After the vote had been
taken, and I had instructed our
clerk to draw up a set of
j i. how -u
, .;.,
. .
w I
m, or w
ti .- k ob to
literally myself to
and become weak to leave
my anti neighbors n that
would never leave it alive; out they got
tooled, thanks be to Cod, I was in-
I doted to try King's Discovery,
ll took just four one dollar bottles to
completely cure the cough and restore
me la go-id writes Mrs.
Eva of Stark
Co., This Kins of and cold
cures, healer throat and lungs,
Is guaranteed by J. L. Drug-
gist, SI. Trial free.
Rising From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, A.
N C, relates a
most remarkable experience. Ho
A f taking leas than three bottles
Electric Bitters. I feel like rising
from the My troubles i Bright
disease, in the Diabetes I
believe Electric Bitters will me
permanently, far it already stopped
the liver and complications
which have troubled me for
Guaranteed at Wooten Druggist.
Theophilus enters and claims
about acres, more or of vacant
land lying in township, Pitt
county, North Carolina, on south side
of Tar Beginning at a black
a corner of the land formerly
owned by and runs
north with said Becca line
about yards, thence east with
men's line about yard to Chas.
lino ditch on Hart place
, thence nearly south with said ditch
yards to a bridge, thence west to black
gum at the beginning, bounded by the
lands of Chas. Henry
Sermons and others
This April 27th, 1907.
Theophilus Dall.
Any person or persons claiming title
to or interest In the foregoing de-
h tn.
-ii. It. n
ft w l
North Carolina ; In The Superior Court
Pitt County.
F. V. Johns-tin
The National. Bank
The d The Dabney Broker-
age . will that a
summons in above action
was issued
the 84th day April. 19-7 by D. C.
Moore, Clerk of he Court
Pitt County, In favor of
the plaintiff. F. V. Johnston to recover
the sum of the amount
said plaint defend
ant on i.-r nu
shorts shipments, which summons
is returnable before the Superior Court
of Pitt County, which s in the
Town of Greenville ill said County on
the second Monday before Mon-
day in September next, it the
day of August, 1907. The said defend-
ant will also take that a warrant
of attachment was nerved by said court
on of April, Unit against
property of said defendant, which
was an as alleged, then in the posses-
of the defendant, The National
Bank of Greenville, which warrant is
returnable before said Court at term
time on said 19th day of August next,
when and where the said defendant, the
Dabney Brokerage Company is required
to appear and answer or demur to t
complaint to be tiled in or
relief demanded will be granted.
under my hand and seat of
Court this the 1st day of May, 1907.
D. C. Moore,
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County
I over
lit- i i
the most In-
see. at
man asked me now
I replied Urn I was
and him t-.
en me. tie to tell
his In in foil
I was p through n
peel i ii keel fir r
-re om m. I r
c -i a
or the
began .
borne fresh stopped me an
wouldn't mo
interrupted his wile.
you take the brick out
of your hat and bit thorn with
Catholic Standard and Times.
D. W.
And Provisions
Fresh kept in-
In ti -k. Country
I i old
North Ca in a.
the complexion, cleanse the
tone the You can best
do this b a dose or two of Me
Risers, Safe little
pills with a The that
everyone knows. Recommended by
Jno. L.
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
a to i could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Corey m
Read one among a hundreds of such
suffered with NERVOUS for past years
and have received more beneficial and lasting results from the use
of PANACEA MINERAL WATER than from any other remedy of
the many I have had prescribed for me. It gives me great pleas-
to testify to marvelous results in my own case and many
others I have personally observed-
Mrs. Martha P. Taylor.
Newport Va.
Send Geo. S. Prichard. Greenville, N. C.
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville, N. C.
F. i

a. J.
It seems that the board of
commissioners of Martin county,
Entered as second class matter Jan. 1907 at the port office at
M C HI Act I f of March
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and counties, neighboring Of Washington
A. f. D. Carriers.
On Thursday. May 30th, the
Pitt County Association of Rural
at their meeting the first Monday Free Carriers will meet
in May, undertook to endorse our in the court house in Greenville.
Mr. L. Carr, of Greene
to preference to
as the proper for the
county. and others will address
By a Contributor.
Alfonzo thinks that's just the
greatest baby that ever arrived.
What will we eat when dollar
wheat sends flour so high we
cannot buy
Begins to look as if you might
have some use for that spring
suit, after all
The lion and the t
Greensboro has decided to boil
before taking-
of the Eastern training I the meeting, and a cordial
school. It also seems that i is extended the carriers
board was seriously divided and of neighboring counties and the
, that some unpleasantness public to be present. lamb have changed their minds
Ashley Home, of Johnston curred between the chairman of The people generally should j about lying down together-
is announced among the the board and the of the i show an interest in the R F. D. j
candidates for nomination for
Having found out where ho
court who e for Washington, carriers and their meetings-1 stands. Senator refuge
i chickens can dress governor by the next Democratic i followed in the are the ones who day j to sit down and keep quiet.
Enterprise which Mr. after day, in all kinds of Naturally all the newspapers
the chairman of the weather, serve the rural routes claim some of the credit for
S me are so insensible .,,. i , . , . . . hurrying the stork up r.
ore thinks does him an justice and take mail directly to the i little.
in fine feathers
State convention.
A v. man wearing a sailor hat
i indication that to the fact that they are set and ho replied- the people. They are
ton down on. that they would net We take in publishing the agents of civilization and wants to use for awhile, the
know if an elephant stepped on Hector today, enlightenment, the vehicle of j before he tries t.
Gov. of New York.
U i s not look like Mr
wants it so I ad, as he ha i. com
re ill be plenty I Smith, of
date- for ; C e tine as the Democrat
f that i
i re, too.
tun down another.
The boards of county communication that brings the,
created bylaw and people of the country in touch
enables i a restful pose
the all in.
May be the way lie his; When Greenville
do with his going
they hay jurisdiction over such with the world and
matters as are set out in the laws them to enjoy the same ad van-
and no other. The as the populous centers,
of the Eastern training Encourage the boys with your
. school is one of the matters presence on the 30th and show
which the county that you are interested in them-
of Martin and Hyde have They will appreciate it
name, Franc, had something to the midst of the cam
lets try and not do
ether towns in the State kind undertake to
may have been slow stirring up a lot of bad feeling. thins over
enough in the past, but she is no jurisdiction, their action is
for it in the Pi, t county does not fail to and effect
i good over the result of the bond therefore follows that the
election which makes it almost the board commissioners of
Of course Pitt is the greatest j certain that the county will get Martin i personal and
county in the State. Everybody the training school for can . and treated
going to make up
portrayed him in a sound sleep.
Daily bulletins from Madrid
indicate that King Alfonzo i
getting along as well as could b
A London professor declares
that English girls wink the left
eye. They probably consider
that one of their rights.
The experts may succeed in
getting a photograph of the
Twenty thousand people in Mars, but they can't
the unveiling of any Photo of the canal in
Worth Bagley monument in
The man with a vegetable
patch is a prince these days.
Monday. It was a memo-
will that after a while-
Adams is apparently just find-
as the opinion and
. preference of the three excellent
of commerce gentlemen who the
The chamber
out the kind of man keep craft in good Mr. was ever-
is. The balance of us knew j trim. There is more sailing luting right when ho said that
it ah along. ahead, and future voyages the action cf the board was not
lid be as as the last official but purely miL We
m, feel confident the State
The assessors and list takers
will soon be at their work, as
A KentucKy dairyman has
bee., caught selling milk with
minnows in it. He should be
more particular about his water
If the date line is Charlotte,
gone is
looked for- Durham
There to born
things interesting the country
now, so the president is do-
nothing of the ordinary.
board i i education will attach
Some South Carolina papers same to the action
keep digging up Andrew Jack- the Martin county board that
I son to find out where he was will to the recommendation
they did not any other rood citizens of
The proposition to amalgamate
the Central American republics
June Is toe month in which a strong protectorate
list property for taxation. A would be all right if they could
. c u i get one strong enough to hold
new re-assessment of all real es- B
will be made this year. to a local Politician,
a Nebraska paper says, We
will not call him an ass, we will
Every now and then print his speech
fellow scare that
V hen so e men play a thing
for p in l s-et the props ail
get knocked firm under
if the fall don't make
them feel Lad.
know, or ought to know, he was that old county, and no
in North Carolina. more,
V idle Greenville will
any good word spoken
t hundred dollar bills, or bill.-; corps.
fellow with the didn't-
c Most of us need know-it-was-loaded-gun has laid
. i aside for a season and gone to
not lose any sleep over it, the boat The
is not much danger i fool killers seems inadequate- tO
j being caught with bill. I the suppl.
an Indiana town, n
Major Powell-Cotton has found
strange people in Africa. They
their whole time on the water
of Lake Albert Edward. Their
homes all built on floating plat-
forms anchored to Long poles. The
main floating village of
thirty huts, while two other com-
prise ten and seven respectively.
Sonic of huts arc
a square platform
about twenty-five feet by ton feet.
This forms the common back yard
practically the world of the
Birds of all
gOes, pelicans and
around regardless of the presence of
man, while groups of women, girls
and children cluster on the edges
their homes. The people
are healthy, well fed and good look-
and rarely marry outside their
own community, for they say a land
woman would be useless and
if compelled to live in their lake
Development In Surgery.
Surreal grafting, still in its in-
fancy, has extended with the de-
cf antiseptic methods
and now includes tissues of all
kinds, parts of organs and even en-
organs. Professor cites
the successful transplanting of
pieces of skin as largo as the palm
of the hand, of the tip of a too upon
a maimed linger, of a fatty tumor to
replace an amputated breast, of
pieces and arteries and of
kidneys. Bone grafting has become
of great importance. The thyroid
gland of a woman was transplanted
upon the spleen of her four-ye
idiot child, and the astonishing re-
was that nine months later
child was developing mentally and
learning to walk and talk. Muscle
sinew, nerve and teeth grafting
have Orleans Times-
Th Got tho Ticket.
A journal tells tbs story
of the murderer of General
prefect of St. Petersburg,
obtained to the
party at which the deed was
committed. After the crime all till
guests were detained and their tick-
were examined. There was one
ticket the rightful holder of
was not present. It was no
than that of Premier
self. The murder had been com-
under cover of the invitation
ticket of no less a personage than
prime minister. The premier
had not been able to go, and hit
ticket fell into the of n
of the secret police named
He retold it to the
If the other towns a r by any citizen of Martin or
the race for the Eastern any other county, she Las
training school would do the to c for help save
graceful and fair
would withdraw in favor of Pitt is a part. School
county and make the of cannot be erected on resolutions
It is not the price wheat the school here i. It is and recommendations. It takes
bringing row that interests the I generally conceded by all, except something more substantial, and
farmers down this way. as they the contesting points, that with help of her own
have to s--ell. But the price county is going to get the school., is r to offer
The whole State is now looking
to Pit; county and talking
women attacked one man, and
whipped him because he per
in brutally beating his
about it as the proper location I Anybody find fault with
K the asks Bryan s
for the Eastern training school I The ratio is perhaps a
thing, they, her own great county of which teachers The old-fashioned, but the
not disclose an
bad state of affairs in Indiana.
pay for giving them
In this day and time people
to hear more sermons like t e
one delivered by
in the Memorial Baptist church
Sunday morning. His text was
are the light of the
from this he pointed out
several things practiced by some
church members -social drink-
card parties, punch bowl
entertainments, dancing, etc.
that dim their Christian light
and sap their lives of spiritual
influence and usefulness in
Christ's service. It was a well
applied sermon and struck deep-
at evils that largely exist to-
day. That the practice of these
things has crippled the churches
of Greenville in their high mis-
leading people to Christ
is evidenced by the long time it
has been since there was a con-
version in any church in the
community. If such things go
condition of society in
the next generation can be well
imagined. Church members
to shining In
vS their Christian bucket.
It is recognized that was the that.
county before the
that secured the That China can buy in
passage of the law and shiP
the school. It is known also that then back to America
county has laid well the st here at a lower
foundation and herself American
to put in a bid that will insure the home people,
the school coming within evidence of how our tariff
borders. Pitt is entitled to it system robs American con-
and should receive the
vote in locating it.
from the beginning of the
Pitt has made a
square, earnest contest for it
and that this county deserves to
have the school. It is evident
also that with the educational in-
here Pitt county will do
more toward making the school
a great success than any other
The Raleigh and
Charlotte has a new brass
band. The first tune they
on Wednesday began a be Charlotte
must have that
song now is
is my wandering boy
new volume, and the paper that
d-y was printed on a new press
in its new office building. The
News and Observer has just com-
an ideal building in
and will have a house
on the 27th. The
growth of the paper has been re-
markable and it has the largest
circulation of any daily paper in
hat state.
Some people are yet losing
If some of those eastern
ties would dig down into their
pockets just u little deeper they
would be able t establish a nor-
school without the aid or
Sanction of the
You overlook the fact that the
State's aid and sanction will be
the most valuable asset of the
school. That Is What is wanted
to make it go after being
Damages to the amount of
have just been assessed
against the New York Central
railroad by a New York jury for
the of lower
a That is said to
be the largest verdict ever given
for a like injury. What would
it have been, had the middle or
upper third been the portion
Our Kind.
Greenville voted the
proposed bond issued to secure
the Eastern training school with-
out a dissenting vote, Tuesday.
May and every man registered
voted except
That's a citizen-
sleep over the result of the re-1 ship to be proud of There are
bond election in this view is obscured
They us of, can see-no
of th. woman who the contribution and not
k into a millstone in a responsible I
a Greenville is to be congratulated I to manage other people's,
Snow Hill Laconic. I mess for
Our Home does not believe in
distributing public offices that
carry with them the
of with the public
in a way, es slices of
charity. To be plainer we do
not believe in putting a man in
office to manage other people's
business just because he has
to manage his own private
successfully and puts up a
pitiful plea to be fed out of the
public crib. If a man is anon-,
feet of .-.-.-, deserves
by ell means help him by I
A Russian in New Or-
leans told the
that cows in Russia wear
glasses. That's nothing.
from the price of milk and
butter in this country, any old
cow could
if she wanted to.-
Wilmington Star.
Wood Pulp Silk.
Natural silk is soon to lie entirely
replaced by wood u madder
and indigo have been by
artificial products, in the opinion of
the Association of
Industry. A new Belgian that
of Dr. is among the latest
advances. In this a thread of
filaments is substituted for that of
eight or nine in natural silk, and the
thread is less tubular, more pliant
and of cohering power than
artificial silks with fewer strands.
This like others, is
adapted for making artificial horse-
Orleans Times-Demo-
In the Chinese Army.
The pay of n private soldier in
General Mi's army is about seven
Mexican dollars a month. That gen-
oral is supposed to have entirely
done away with the of
the pay. In order to do
it was necessary to behead or
officers. There is some doubt,
recent is
the Metropolitan Magazine, whether
or no evil is entirely done away
with, soldier was asked if he
would fight if China pot into trouble
with the Russians. my
for a he replied.
Big Store
complete of
Goods, Shoes, Hats,
You i
can t go by i
rich a.
This department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
The A. G. Lox Co. has Protect yourself from the sun
still on hand a full supply of by getting a large straw hat at
Tar Heel Cart wheels. Harrington, Barber Co.
Cox M Co- will
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
Misses Florence and Rowland
Cobb, of Conetoe, are spending
some e with Mrs. J. L. Jack-
A new lot of nice spring and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Miss Elizabeth Boushall,
teacher of W. H. S , left
Monday morning to visit her
sister, Mrs. J. O. Bobbitt, of
The children are
delighted to know that she in-
tends to be with us again next
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
ate teacher, left Sunday morn-
be present at the com-
at Oxford Seminary.
She also expects to return next
year to the delight of her pupils
And friends here.
Fancy negligee and shirts at
B. F. Manning Co.
F F. Cox, has attended
Wake Forest college during the
past session is at home for
We nave plenty of time on
hand, A. W. Ange Co.
Miss after
spending several days with Miss
Cox. returned to her
home in Greenville Monday
Fresh corned herrings
opened at Harrington, Barber
F. C. Nye left Tuesday morn-
to spend a few days with
relatives in Roberson
We sell Laughlin, Eclipse and
Parker fountain pens.
B. f. Cox Bro.
The seventh session of Winter-
ville High school baa closed.
The closing exercises were
among the i u the history of
the school, faculty
trustees g ratified at the
work n. The
dents have all departed to their
respective hemes and the campus
and buildings wear a look of
loneliness. We do not
realize what the students add to
life of toe town and
until they are gone
The A. G. Cox Co. has
on hand a full supply of buggy
bodies and seat in the most pop-
Prof G. E,
from Morehead City Monday
evening where he filled the
of Kev. K. L Cross
Sunday morning and night.
We have on hand a copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price
Our price, B. T. Cox
Kev. B E. Stanfield filled his
appointment at
Sunday even-
and at night preaching two
t excellent sermons. We rt-
o much that this is Broth-
last year on this
The A.
make flues for the sea-
at the same old price as
Augustus Haddock and broth
of Georgetown, S. C.
have been visiting relatives here
for several to
their home this morning.
straw hats at a bar-
gain. B. F. Co-
A. H, Co. know how-
to buy shoes for comfort,
and durability They have just
opened their large; line of fine
sewing ma-
chines on easy terms-. A.
B. T Cox Bro. have
seeds and flower seeds ail
kinds at the drug store.
her car load of hay just
arrived. A. W. Ange Co.
We have just received a large
b. of best roof See us for
pi ices before buying. A. W.
Ange Co.
Those in need of tobacco sticks
will do well to see L. L. Kit-
who will be prepared to fill
Have you seen new
proved coffee-mill at Harrington
Barber Cot It will take your
Lawns, laces, organdies, ham-
bergs at a at
Barber Co.
Extra of white goods just
opened at B. F. Manning Co.
Knitting thread already
pared at Barber
and men's fancy silk
hose for summer wear at B F.
Manning Co.
See our new assortment of
hamburgs, laces etc at B. r,
Manning Co.
The A- G. Cox Co. has
the part sold over
of their Simplex Guano Sowers
without a single complaint being
reported- demand f r their
Economic Back band has been
great for this season as they
have sold over cf them.
Miss Lela Roach is spending
sometime with Misses and
Kate Chapman
deposit is too small to
The seventh session of Win- j
High school closed with
exercises held
on the Hid. and 17th.
Wednesday the annual
sermon ma by Rev- J.
EL of in Win-
Baptist church.
Thursday evening was a
concert by the primary and in-
grades, in which the
little folks showed
talent and splendid training.
Friday was the big day cf the
commencement, large
filled the school chapel
morning, afternoon and even
The address and
awarding of diplomas took
place in the morning, inter-
by delightful musical
Representative J- J. Laugh-
introduced Congress-
man W. W Kitchen who de-
livered th i annual address. He
spoke of his acquaintance with
Mr. Kitchen since boyhood, re-
to his splendid record in
public life, and closed by
he would be the next
governor Carolina.
This reference met with the
hearty approval of the audience.
The subject of Mi. Kitchen's
address was As the
elements of success he men-
honesty, temperance, ed-
aid friendship. Under
f divisions he
Device to Prevent Their
From Evaporating.
rare to
them said a wholesale-
cigar dealer the other day.
an kept in warehouses
if heat on bound to dry
out they may
be virtually air in the
individual boxes. Steam heat is the
hardest on cigars. If left i
dry out very quickly and
of their flavor. In the
, luge
t ea of the job-
here bum They
ire simply containers of
style or another arranged so that
is own to the air or
oration. The of the water
prevents the air from fretting too
for the in the b;
his subject masterfully,
showing what real success in
life is His admonition to young
men to live honest, temperate
and pure lives was superb.
Throughout his address there
was such eloquence and force in
his utterances as to rivet the
.- if the jobbers
i f c i to
rent the from out,
made by placing
pads in ed
placed in the
with the boxes of cigars. The
i- just as
hie and a
or of moistener in
it with his goods.
brick thoroughly water
is food i put in a with
Tho brick is so porous that
it will up nearly it- own bulk
in water. When a looked brick is
placed in a showcase the water with-
in it just enough
to keep the cigars soft.
cigars ere pocked in good.
tight boxes they will retain their
flavor, and the flavor of cigars
from tho alone. It is
a mistake to think anything
else is used to enhance or qualify
the flavor of first
It's only the poor cigars that arc
Well, with drugs or
The poor qualities of tobacco
used in making cigars haven't
much flavor, very the man-
provide an artificial flu-
with various drugs. They treat
them so they forth the odor of
tobacco too. If you're a
smoker you've probably picked up
an inexpensive i implied
if it were made from the best of to-
When yon smoked it you
found it contained short and
est attention and make a profound the qualities
repression upon every hearer.
It was an address that uplifts
the standard of righteous living
will bear fruit for good through
years to come.
Following the address Kev. T.
I King presented diplomas to
of a cigar made from good tobacco.
That was a doctored cigar.
cheap cigars look as if they a
glaze on the wrapper, when
placed in the mouth the smoker de-
a sweetish flavor. These are
evidences of drugs. As far as I over
two young lady graduates, are n
Rosabel Bell Newton. harmless.
afternoon the annual
debate took place. The query
was that North Caro-
should have a law prohibit-
children under fourteen
of ago from working in
be welcomed at the is, mills and
the frequency, of deposits represented by J. D.
show This , an ex i Rogers, F. C. Perry and D. R
motto for every young Jackson, and the negative By W.
man to adopt when starting A. G-G Dixon and
all cheap cigars are made
of short is, the inside of
the cigars is composed of broken
hits of tobacco leaves. Only the
wrapper and binder ore of large,
perfect leaves. In the cheap grades
of Spanish Cuban made cigars
there is no binder. The small bits
are simply in S single out-
Bide Star.
fie .
i will sell you a Webster's
ridged Dictionary, bound
in for They are
n . B. T. Cox Bro.
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up to-date
Hunsucker buggies being turned
out almost almost every day by
the A. G Cox Co.
B T. Cox Bro. have just re-
a nice lot of Teacher's
Bibles, flexible binding. Prices
from to if 2.50 each.
The season is now almost at
hand when most of the farmers
will likely need trucks to haul
Tobacco to and from the barn.
The A. G, Cox Co. are
now preparing to make good
many or their
his season and would be glad to
supply your needs.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
now making shipment of their
handy tobacco trucks almost
every day. We are expecting a
large run
our rs to
orders as possible
A. K ,
Dr- B. T. Cox
ft Bro purpose
your eyes, wan glasses free.
Tins an excellent
having your eyes looked
t o Come all-
in life. Don't be afraid pf
cashier by these little
amounts. That is his
J. L. Jackson Cashier of
The seasons are delightful for I
cotton and tobacco
J. L. Jackson, our efficient
cashier of the Ban of Winter-
ville, left evening for
the Banker's Association which
convene i this week at Winston-
Salem. On his return he will
take in Wake Forest commence-
the Carolina Milling
Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for you at
any time. Wood work also a
W. H. Worthington our
ling barber wishes to expend to
all the school boys and the
of the town and community
his many thanks for their pat-
for past year- He is
still at the same old stand ready
first class work.
North Carolina I In the Superior Court.
Pitt County. I Before H C Moore,
Sidney Wooten and
Shade H. Wooten, J. F. and
Herbert E. Wooten.
By Virtue of an made in the
above Special Proceeding, by D. O.
Moore, of the Superior Court, on
the 7th day of May, the undersign
ed commissioner on Saturday tho
expose to public sole court
in to the hi;, lie t
bidder tract
. to
i th. county
North Carolina and
v.-. tho lands of
l II. J. M. I'm
lands and and
. i. .-. or It nil tin
lands formerly known the
Wooten Home place, Hole will be
made f-r
This the 7th day of May,
g. Hording,
Cox. The young men
the question ably and the
contest was a very close one.
The decision of the judges was
for the negative.
Friday night the commence-
cloned with a concert under
the direction of the
Society that was especially en-
The session just closed has
been the best In the history of
the school, the enrollment
Prof. Lineberry and
his faithful corps of assistants
to be congratulated upon the
splendid work done, and Pitt
county is to be congratulated
upon having a school of such ex- the
within her borders.
Pupils attend this school from
about twenty of the Eastern
was a broiling hot day in the
park, walking therein
were well nigh exhausted when a
very stout old lady bustling
along one of the paths, closely fol-
lowed by a looking tramp.
commanded him to leave
still he followed behind.
At last the old quite disgusted,
turned angrily around and mid,
lure. men, if yon don't go
away I .-hull call a
The poor fellow looked up her
with a in Ilia eye mid then re-
marked, sake, mum,
have and don't call police-
man, for tho shady pot in
i TH E i
1st They have more style Hats I
t price.
are finished superior to-other makes-
3rd. They better than any other Had
n the market.
you have the satisfaction of
knowing it Is the latest -j
Farmville on
Upon the completion of the
new R K. which will give Farm-
quick transportation, low
freight rates a fast mail service,
places Farmville before the
world and opportunities for
development which has never
before presented itself is now
attracting attention from pros-
investors from all sides.
Don't miss the sales of June
13th Townsend A Windham.
Homeless M
A melancholy reel i In New
York, relatively to tho of the
population, fewer homes
than in other of tho world.
There dwell on tho of Man-
; only
of whom hold title to houses
they out. of
I pay rent. Ono
of n-.
Were i Ii poi pill in j
i.; i i of tho Aim
in a
i i fashion than any
New Year
d or
i f Mi
Kinds me hi old ill
IV ill inn r
. v-
f r I.
past ;
w p-y you to visit my and see
h Be Johnston.
Home of Greenville, N. C.
S F.

Insure Your Insurance. About Home
The North State Mutual Life Insurance Company.,
Do You Contemplate
IN ill Insure your Insurance and do it for actual coat The time boon when
against lire it had to be TOTALLY destroyed or the Insured got nothing. If a
. i the roof d by lire there was no liability- It is not so now. You insure
. . against total loss, but any kind of loss. If the house is val-j y
., and it is damaged you get indemnity.
Insurance Policies issued by other companies are like the tire insurance
y, ,, , e. . totally before your policy becomes a chum in any
the modern fire policy, insures against PARTIAL DESTRUCTION. Your salary
or other income is GUARANTEED. For each life insurance, you are guaranteed per
week indemnity for loss of time caused by accident or illness. A policy carries with pi r week for such loss of time.
i policy takes your place in providing for you, your family and pays your
premium on your life policy when you are not able to do so It is a common expression often heard
by Li. . . e Agents. I would take a policy if I knew I would be able to keep the
might got sick or have an accident and lose my The COMPLETE
policy issue, by NORTH MUTUAL does away this excuse entirely. You get this
valuable protection AT COST.
the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
No surpasses this for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms. There
is every indication that property around
is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the Jot the h
it will cost.
This properly is located only minutes
walk from the business part the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
Offers advantages
for caching the public
by If eat a
too much, or i you Mil la
of you no
hid re;. I heart
heartburn or cf hear.
Indigestion the stomach to
swell, and puff up
heart. This crowds the inter-
; with its action, and in Vi of
time the heart becomes diseasedDyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat, takes the strain off
of the heart, and contributes nourishment,
strength and to every of the
body. Cures Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Sour
Stomach, Inflammation cf tho mucous
lining tho Stomach and
Tract, Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh
the Stomach.
After eating, my food would distress me by making
my heart palpitate and I would become very weak.
Finally I got a of end It ma
relief. Alter using bottles I em cured.
MRS. NICHOLS, Perm Yen. N. Y.
. had stomach sod was In a bad state as I
heart trouble with h. I took Dyspepsia
Care for about four months and It cured me.
a Nevada, O.
Digests What You Eat
a la.
When you want good Work send
you orders to
At n r in an English.
city tho i at navy
unusual terms. In submit-j
tho tho nM
b a toast which require
t eat from me, as ml-
is one with which you all fa-
The navy have
boon drank for very many
forces have now been
for something over twenty
as tee
mat, w
i. W. BRYAN.
Stomach Ii but m of. and not
In It- a w of
and a real rat
thy only of a certain
Herr um.
I; Snoop
in.-. ilia now
and favor Ir.
and highly vital no
won to had.
For bad
and try Dr. I
or aw for tout-
SI what It and will do.
IThe Ace of Fishes.
The normal length of life of
common small minnows rarely ex-
four or I've and may be
much shorter, but there are few sat-
observations on this point.
No general rule can be laid down re-
tho ape of fishes or the re-
between and size. It is
known that the salmons of tho Pa-
coast, which enter the rivers in
such immense shoals, live to four
or five years old and then invariably
die after once laving their eggs.
One Japanese fish died when one
year old. On the west coast of Eu-
rope there occurs a small fish which
is like an annual is, all
the individuals die each year and
only the t., tho
main to produce the next season's-
Couldn't Go the Lest.
An Irishman had just come over
and, being hungry, wont to of
the hotels in New York.
When the waiter appeared to take
his order ho raid, me the
best you
After being gone a few minutes
the waiter returned with a glass of
water, a bunch of celery and a lob-
When about time to check
him up the waiter returned to the
customer, asking him why he had
not eaten his meal.
replied the man, drank
the water and smelled the bouquet,
but I'll darned if I could go th
An Improvement,
said Ml Newly-wed,
her face flushed with the excitement
of her afternoon in the kitchen,
want you to be perfectly frank with
me now. What would you suggest
to improve these I made
replied Mr. Newlywed,
lifting one with a slight effort,
, Times-
At close jot business March
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
All other Stocks. Bonds
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Silver Coin
National bank notes and
U. S. note
Capital Stock
Surplus funds
Undivided Profit less
Expenses paid
SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT th other towns wanting the
school had heard that applause
they would conclude they had
already lost and then told
the story if you would
cook a rabbit catch
the The effect of
The a Great
An immense throng gathered
opera house Thursday
Time 25,242.64
sub 121,161.90
Hue to a
Cashier's checks
in the opera house
SuS I to witness the first enter
of the closing exercises j tins was another minute
of Greenville graded school of applause-
. , . . . Judge Winston then took for
The building was filled to over-
tho exercises were
entertaining to a High degree.
Of everybody feels a keen
in little children the
;, O wider o the do
w to the be-t of my
I part the first grade took in Bongs,
drills and kindergarten games
was much enjoyed. The child-
acquitted themselves meat
-1 ,. K
. t sworn to before
Deputy S. C-
H- A-
J. L.
I his subject and in
a charming address of forty-five
I minutes told of what she was in
past, what she is in the
present and what she is to be in
the future. His tributes to
woman were in such beautiful
language that applause
greeted his utterances
I He could not have more
Carr's Call Reunion at
Richmond, Mir
Durham, N. C., May 11.-The
seventeenth annual reunion
the United Confederate Veter-
ans will be held in the city of
Richmond, beginning on Thurs-
day, May. and ending
1907. As North Carolina sent
Hew Up-the-State People Feel
ward Greenville.
The following comment on the
recent bond elections in
and Pitt com shows what
an impression ha been made all
over the State by
.-tic of our lie to
ether ;
to Richmond during war and portends an early reward
between the states more soldiers for our first great effort in co-
than any other state, We
Virginia, so at this reunion at the
Virginia, so at this reunion at the
the former capital of the correspondence And
confederacy, North Carolina Joyner. He lives w
n r delighted the audience.
The feature of was.
the debate by the Grady J
mg Society. The query Smith and L. Evans
should send more veterans than
any other state. It is earnestly
therefore, that there will
be a grand outpouring of
old at this great re-
At the close of Business
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
All other Stocks, Bonds
Banking Houses
Due from Dunks 51.40
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes
and U. S. notes
Capital Stock
funds 25,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid 16,920.67
Cashier's checks
of North Carolina
Cot of Pitt.
at I gS
t Cashier of the above named bank, do
is to the Pest of my know edge
swear that the above statement
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before Correct-Attest
me. this 28th day of March, 1907.
Notary Public;
that foreign
would be beneficial to
North Tho
was repented by Conrad
lamer, A Ha .
and the advanced to the front of the
Taylor and Evans One or
of the speakers i or the f
Charles Haskett, was and I m
not bf present. enthusiastically expressed its
Each Of the boys made excel-1 Harding in fitting
speeches and sustained,
his side of the debate and re-
liberal A gold, a purchase a
medal to the one who,
made the best debate the con-
583.78 , present it as a token of their
White the committee selected ; of the
to decide the contest as to which ,
won the debate and which g. H B.
speakers was entitled to the
m out the L in number who had
. Smith g .
. during the eight months of
society offered a term .
to the member making the most; . Wk
improvement in debate . work of
the past session. school and expressed
contest for the united support of the
strong it was deeded by a j
vote of the society and had seen j following the
awarded to Bruce Hooker- He in the house a
rid thin
Stat as
If built up a ex-
.-1, . . hen-
inter i i a at he
or he -s, it is in re-
Smith and L. Evans . i sees or u is re-
were presented by i veterans of this division stuff,
Directors--. I
Come in and examine my
C t
words of are requested on their arrival at
commendation and wise counsel. Richmond, report and
at the headquarters selected
North Carolina, at Sanger Hill,
on Seventh street, between Clay
and Broad streets- They can
there meet each other and their
visitors from each other states,
and make themselves at home.
The hospitable and public-spirited
citizens Richmond have made
arrangements to feed and lodge
all veterans who are unable to
pay, but they must notify at
once the chairman of the enter-
committee, Capt. D. A.
Brown, Jr., of Richmond, and
secure their quarters in ad-
and not wait until they
arrive at Richmond. This is
very important, and unless such
is done veterans need not expect
to be entertained free.
Special trains as may be de-
sired will be run by the South-
and the Atlantic Coast Line
and the rate on all will be one
cent a mile each way. The ex-
act fare front every station can
be learned by application to
local railroad agents
It is suggested that every vet-
from this state wear on the
lapel of his coat a sprig of long
leaf pine, as an appropriate
badge for
The veterans of this division
will have the honor of having as I
their sponsor the granddaughter
of Miss Julia
reception was tendered
called the winner to the stage
and presented him with the
The committee then rendered
its decision on the debate of the
evening, that the negative
won the contest, and awarded
the medal for best debate
James Evans The medal was
presented by Mayor Woolen the reception was I Jackson Christian.
While the committee in increased vocal solos by By order of
Judge Winston in the parlors of
Carolina Club. In the receiving
line with Judge Winston were
and Mrs. T. J. Jarvis.
and Mrs F. G. James, Dr.
and Mrs C Laughinghouse.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Moore, Mr.
land Mrs. J- L- The
g the real points of debate and T E and
James Burton Cherry.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints.
Colors, and an
Country Ready Paints-,
A. f j language used decided that Mr.
Evans speech was best, the sen-
of the audience was
N C E largely with Ben Taylor. His
. U I speech them than
any other and he received the
great-st ovation Many
were heard at the of
the exercises that he also should
be given a medal, as he richly
deserves one.
Another large audience
bled in the opera house Friday
evening to witness the finale of
the closing exercises of the
graded school- There was some
variation from the program as
published, but the interest was
in no way detracted from-
Misses Mao and Abbie
Smith read their graduating es-
says, both being excellent papers
and charmingly presented. At
the conclusion of these essays
the six young lady
filed upon the stage, their arms
laden with flowers which i be-
Mrs Maj. Gen. J. S. Carr.
Graded School Closes. j
The closing exercises of . ind f
or F. D. -ton made the com- Other Equipment
address there today.
We hope will send
us a report of the school i
Elizabeth City, May
o'clock this morning another dis-
closing, as the editor could not conflagration occurred in
divide himself up and be at three
commencements today.
There is no line In the world better
Harrison line. It has behind it a -vi
reputation for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your I
orders whenever you paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C.
this The fire started in
ii Armstrong's
before the
Like I was discovered the buildings
The bond election in Pitt and their contents, consisting of
to vote to the Beseem about horse, buggies, car-
State Industrial school carried by and livery equip-
a good majority. Greenville j were doomed to the
voted for the same The quickly
pose a ago all of in every On the left
makes Greenville. Pitt county, Stokes Commander and Davis
loom up very large en the map together with a number
as being an especially available of small stores, were burned to
place for the school -New Bern the ground- The horses of these
half of the Minerva Literary
Society and friends Maj. Henry session of the North
Harding in a beautiful speech Teachers Assembly that v.
presented to Misses Schultz and nave held in Durham
Smith. year is on account,,
Musical selections were j the burning of Hotel
by Misses Carrie Gay and J The secretary states that
A recitation was
splendidly rendered by Miss
Essie Whichard.
Col. F. G. James in a
cent speech introduced
ant Governor F. D. Winston, the
orator Of the evening. In hi
stables were liberated and es
On the right
Secrete W. Connor has Mr. H. Nash's residence-was
issued an official notice that the j badly damaged, and Mr. Wiley
Gregory's residence was burned
with several other smaller
. In the of the
stables the sash and door factory
t Kramer Bros, was burned,
. I it was only by the most he-
would be impossible to arrange ire efforts of the fire depart-
the assembly at that their large planing
other point this year and loss of I mills, wore raved.
the financial aid that Durham
was to have given would make it
for the assembly to
meet this year now without the
Ion of several hundred
All these things make it the part
n idea that one of the duties to
be required of him was a Vote on
the location of the Eastern train-
school. This was greeted
with a storm of applause, and
when it subsided he added, State.
rest summer in the his-
of the assembly. It will be
the twenty-fifth anniversary
among them
longing to D.
L. H. White
always artistically
ten up The news Mr. Joyner
sends out this time t
ville and Pitt county, besides
being readable and Halt ring, is
in our humble judgment, noes
the less prophetic.
Greensboro, May A
many Greensboro citizens,
of Eastern North Carolina
. been watching with inter-
est i he campaign in that section,
for the location of the Eastern
training school. Nine, out of
every ten, were in thorough
with movement to
school for
the of teachers and
.--m. approved the
--.-it. Naturally
. hi i to see the
aw., lit of interest in
and industrial de-
in that section, which
has been so evident for the
few years. truth is many
Greensboro people are be-
cause they had to leave a sec-
ago where growing
children were not provide-
facilities, for one where
such provision had been made.
But this year they are locking to
the same old East with interest-
ed, if not longing, eyes The
record for the first Jew months
is something great. Rocky
Mount providing by legislative
act with the approval of all for
a ten mile public road bond issue.
Nearly the whole of Wilson
county by popular vote author-
a good roads bond
Greenville voting a
bond issue for public improve-
and the training school and
the whole county of Pitt Tues-
day voting a bond issue for the
Eastern training school.
Public school
have been provided in the
last few years, new railroads are
permeating every see ion of the
Last, and with the enthusiasm
for the training school evident
at this distance from sections,
people have at last
the great l modern
and development,
and. zealous to
A gentleman from on extreme
tern county in attendance on
i present Masonic
here. When inf rm hi
morning the result
eh in Pitt declared
that he considered this as
settling the question
nation of the training school at
Greenville He said that it
would be perfectly natural for
t he State b ard to consider
influences in coming to a
ion. They would that
were simply ideal in Pitt county.
He said a citizen of
had donated acres land on
commanding eminence adjoin-
town, the town itself had
unanimously voted a
issue partly for that
pose. This remarkable
enthusiasm both of town and
country, he said, was something
he, as an Eastern man himself.
felt proud of, although living in
a town that was seeking the
in a county remote from
From the fact that Pitt county
not only outdid all others in ad-
of and pressure for the
bill that school in
. the East, it does as if
and the Misses Greenville has the call for the
The of property in
last fire is estimated at
about in-
a doz-i of the horses
and the purpose is to make it an Some of the school, unless other
of the than
development of
-.-. v--., ,
epoch in the history of the , . . t towns a ad counties do more than
the were ac to done in practical

u j i
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
As authorized for Daily, Wednesday a large number of
ed we take . our citizens in carriages, buggies
writing receipts for I wagons went out to
v B I mill pond, about three miles in
id arrears We hove a list I the country and enjoyed
their mail at picnic.
. a de-
There was a
. large with plenty of some-
take thing good to eat and ajar
to molest or disturb the pleasant-
. of the occasion. Our girls
all came back in town singing
U all who
this office.
b printing
l . j. a. re
missionary from
to be Done
aft r
night ; tare to the pub-
g ;. He has many
curios an r of that
country . which
Will the more
int All i to
F . is go
to l . . i they always
Misses Cox. of Winter-
at -1 o'clock in the
ladies, and and of
Greenville, have been visiting
Cox. of Goldsboro.
is i n a
E. G Cox has been at home
from Wilson for several days
with his family.
Mrs. Hosea. of Goldsboro, is
to the week with friends
if a
progress that the
t in th
only too sadly
us arc
mar. or
age is
nu . i
to I
worn i
of it
Go to E E- Ca's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
Mileage and fresh
In a game of ball yesterday at
between the
and V. teams there wore
only two innings played which
resulted in a score of to in
favor of Ayden Rain broke up
the game.
Merchandise carry
s Hue Meat, Lard and Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
The here we learn is
to be remodeled, newly painted
otherwise changed that will
make it a credit to the town.
If you any Paint be sure
see E. Co-
G. W. has been on a visit
to Vanceboro.
exchange corn
for or Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to GO pounds.
If preferred will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C
D G. Berry. J. T. Smith, Jr.,
E. G. Cox Robert Worthing-
ton attended the meeting of the
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at
Elizabeth this week
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed e.
Th i exercises
of the F Will Seminary will
take May
Cal , -14- Store
. of excellent
M. Sauls.
A of the
pad gone to their
Domes for vacation. They will
return about September tore-
their duties having
re-elected to the positions which
they occupied and which they so
acceptably nil .
The most will be
ed v. one of those
Pens at Call and
M. M the finest and
best supply of Fountain Pens
ever night to Ayden.
pens on sale at Saul's
drug store at from to
cons cotton
seed meal. F- Lilly Co-
Prof. J. A. left
for the commence-
at Winterville after which
he will go to his home to spend
the summer. He has been
Unanimously re-elected
pal of school here for
next He has by his gen-
courtesy and polite
conduct rendered himself very
popular with all classes of our
people. In manner he reminds
us very forcibly of Prof. Harry
Harding whom every one in.
Greenville knows as the very
quintessence of politeness and ,
fitness of a Chesterfield. Ayden
is fortunate in securing the
vices of this estimable gentleman
and teacher. She is indeed to
be congratulated and all will
hail with delight
Prof. next fall,
address during the summer will
be Fayetteville. N. C.
and relatives town.
Miss Taylor, from
is visiting Miss Nina Cannon.
Herbert Gary and Joe Rich-
left this morning for the
Jamestown exposition.
Miss treasurer
of the Christian Woman's Board
of Missions, lectured in the Dis-
church Sunday and Monday-
nights. We hear her lectures
very highly complimented
A little child of W. C- Smith
is. we regret to learn, so seriously
sick that grave apprehensions
are felt as to its condition. We
hope the little one may soon
Mrs R. C. Cannon spent Sat-
in Greenville
There was a heavy rainfall
yesterday accompanied with
much hail. We have rot heard
from the country yet. but we
fear the growing crops were
badly damaged.
With BO much rain grass is be-
coming king and the farmer is
its slave.
Josephus Gaskins is building
a nice residence on Main street
for his son-in-law, Ernest Smith.
The street force are at work
cleaning out sewer and other-
wise improving the streets.
Mrs. F. G. and W.
E- Hooks the
pal church of this place as
rates to the convocation in Kin-
last week.
Mayor J. F. went to
Greenville Monday.
John Pierre and W. L. Brown
both of whom have been
very sick, have Rotten well and I
all their friends are pleased these, Mr
Special to
Washington, D. C., My
A general movement is in
to redeem land from the
water by a wholesale drainage of
swamp lands, which in the
whole country amounts to a
very large acreage, it being es-
that ever fifty million
acres in the United States can
be redeemed and made fit for
farming. States as large as
Ohio, Indiana,, and Illinois com-
lie today under water,
and can be put into tillage by a
scientific, thorough drainage sys-
The swamp lands in the
continental United States, east
of the Rocky mountains,
reclamation by drainage,
have a total area just about that
of the three great middle st
named According to govern-
surveys and estimates
there are at least fifty million
acres of land which can be
drained and made for farm-
at a cost of about per
acre. This would increase the
value of the districts
more than and
would a id to the crop values of
this great nation may millions
annually. It is impossible to
treat of the subject of the
drainage of the wet and over
b the lake in the search.
In about two hours the body
was found, but by that time all
efforts to restore life were vain.
It was a distressing occurrence
and such a pity that one
drown so near the shore and in
good swimmers.
Or Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.
The opening service of this
will be held at the
Steamer T.
tonight at o'clock. Washington daily
As the president has not yet a m for leave
rived it is impossible to Sunday
exactly what the order will be, at
bat it will be open to all, and
doubtless also interesting to all
The business session will
held tomorrow at o'clock.
All of the services will be inter-
even when routine and
the public are invited
The address of welcome will
be delivered by Mrs. Wiley
Brown tomorrow night. Mrs.
N H- D. Wilson, formerly of
Greenville, now of Hertford, will
The Bullocks gave another
entertainment in the opera house
Tuesday night. Considering
that the company is composed
mainly of youths and children it
. is entitled to better patronage
flowed the United States; than was received here.
except to discuss it in millions
and billions dollars So tar. , , .
the government has spent about and sir.;
in irrigation work, excellently,
and the have given
approval to the project.
at with
Norfolk A- Ry. for
Norfolk, Baltimore. Philadelphia
New York. Boston and all other
points North and West
Shippers should order their
f eight via Norfolk, care
Southern Ry Co.
u -s subject to change
without notice.
. Agent,
H. C. General F
P. Vs.
M w. gap,.
Remains Taken to Gates.
The remains of Ruth, little
daughter of Rev. and Mrs- M. T.
who died Tuesday, were
A Runaway Marriage and a , taken on the morning train
Occur There. . Gates for interment. Rev. Mr.
In a private letter from Pan-, Plyler and Mr. A. B. Ellington
Springs we get an account accompanied the remains.
of two incidents that occurred j
there recently.
On Sunday evening about six I
o'clock a runaway couple, ac-,
companied by a minister, drove
up to the springs hotel. As no
one was about the hotel at the
time drove on to the
Of Mr A. I Kennedy to find I
witnesses to the marriage, j
buggy stopped in front of
the cottage, and while the
couple remained in the vehicle
the was performed by
Rev. Mr. Nicholson, the wit-
standing near in the road-
The couple were Mr. Rufus
Marks and Miss Neva Ball, but
their place of residence was not
stated After the ceremony
they went on their way
On Monday a number of Little-
ton people went out to the spring
picnic. Late in the after-
neon some young men went
the lake. One of
We have been making pianos
over half a century, and
all that time making them
as possible.
We to
have no that when
buy a no one can
have a better.
noted of selling
its in the usual way, we main-
our own and
sell to the people at wholesale
prices, on easy terms.
Let us tell you about it.
By virtue of a mortgage executed and
by General Dupree and wife,
Dupree, to Amos Williams on
t day of December, 1906, which
record in the office
the Register of Deeds of Pitt county.
the undersigned
will sell for cash, before the court house
door in Greenville, on Saturday, the 18th
day of May, 1907. the following described
or panel of land situate in the
county of Pitt and in Greenville town-
ship, on the south side of Tar river, be-
ginning at the gate post on the left side
of the road going from Greenville
to then running east wit
said road to the Mogul line, then with the
Mogul line to Creek, then up
said creek to and with the run thereof to
a lug corner, then
straight across the field to the beginning
containing about acres, more or
and being the same land sold to General
Dupree Amos Williams and said,
taken to secure the etc.
chase money. I
This April 18th, 1907.
Meet at
Special to Reflector.
Jamestown, Va, May
The second of the gen-
convention of the Baptists
of North America today in
the convention hall of the James-
town exposition, and will con-
T- of Piano.
Our factory tuner, Mr. A- L.
Henderson, will be in Green-
ville or. Monday, May the 27th
and will remain several days.
Any one wishing to have their
pianos tuned will please send in
their written order to our Mr
box 1325,. this
office Do not phone or leave
word at hotel, but write; mes-
sages are sometimes delayed.
Very respectfully,
Wrong Signal Causes Wreck.
to Reflector.
New York. May, 22-A mis-
take in signals sent a Brooklyn
Rapid Transit train crashing into-
a car early this morning,
fifty passengers were injured,
three or them fatally.
Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char-
N. C . will be in Green
ville at Hotel Bertha on Thurs-
day and Friday June and
7th for the purpose of treating
diseases of Eye. Ear. Nose and
Throat, and fitting Glasses On
this visit the doctor's fees for
testing eyes for glares will be
reduced ore half.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods. No-
Light and Heavy
P. G. James, Attorney.
Prices to suit the times.
Hart Co
N. C.-
f, owe of Mar. 22nd, 1906.
and discounts
i Overdrafts secured
; Furniture and Fixtures
i Due from banks an J bankers
I Cash items
i Gold coin
Silver coin
Nut. 2,100.00
Capital stock
Surplus fund o
Undivided profits less expenses
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check
Cashier s checks outstanding
R. Cashier
th i-
Raymond Clark,
of Greenville, in deep water was either
.;. named
to hf i
here Monday.
The commencement exercises
at the Free Will Seminary will
be held week, 27th, 28th,
29th 30th.
There is talk of another bank
seized with cramp or became
frightened and cried for help.
Two professors of the high
school were sitting on a ruck
overlooking the lake, at
though; the boys were only
here. In fact we are informed a frolic. They soon realized
the stock has already however, that young Clark was
boon subscribed.
Two full blooded Chickasaw
Indian girl, now at
Indian have written
to the Agricultural and
cal College here asking President
Winston to aid them in securing
as husbands a couple of the col-
cadets. Those girls are
worth from to
each and are well educated and
their photographs show them to
be good looking. They write
Dr. Winston that the educated
Chickasaw have banded to-
for the purpose of
white husbands and prefer
students of Agricultural and
Mechanical Colleges, who are ed-
agriculture and me-
This tribe of Indians,
next to the Osages, is the richest
in the world. No doubt the,
the return of I girls can easily finds suitors a i
their Char-search for body of Clark,
Observer. several of the men diving to the
in distress and hurried
down to render assistance. Prof.
threw oil his coat
and plugged into the l
thinking it an easy
matter to save his pupil. He
swam out to Clark who was
the boat house, but Clark
g ed his arms and rendered
him unable to swim- They
sank, when Prof Browning see- i
their predicament sprang
assist them. He was a good
swimmer, but his heavy
impeded him, and he
reached the other two Clark j
grabbed his wrists and
drowned him.
Freeing himself from Clark,
the latter sank and did not rise
again. Prof. was
exhausted f om his struggle with
Clark, and Prof. Browning
his efforts to save him-
With the assistance of those on
shore he succeeded in rescuing
Prof. but he was in
a serious condition and was
after hard effort-
A party in boats went to
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
aid to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
D. Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
W. F. ft
In Session at Memorial Church.
A delightful service, attended
by many and vis t-
ors. was held in Jarvis Wen rial
church. ming.
to o ;
i a
th-a North r
n w i i . i
In the the p
Rev. M. T.
service was conducted by R-v.
N. H. D. Wilson, a former pas-
Mr. Wilson read a selection
from John's gospel, 16th chapter,
and made an earnest talk from
the words of is
for you that go away, for
if I go not away the Comforter
will come unto you At the
conclusion of his talk there was
after which the meet- have an important relation to I presence. heart And shall we not up
adjourned until o'clock p. m. human life. The truth is, We take especial pleasure m through our tears, and with re-
SESSION good is always beautiful, and the i being to have such newed trust in our Heavenly
really beautiful is always good. I of so noble, cultured, ; Father, take up tN work which
Devotional services at highest beauty- and honored a company, and she has laid down, and make
d Just so fast as God's will is done know that there shall come with new year the best in the
on earth as it is done in I you that gracious spirit which I history of society God
heaven, just so fast is his king- j has been promised to rest upon j help us, my
coming. Jesus laid down the church to the end of time and thus to the memory
by R iv. N. H. D. Wilson.
of welcome was
Mrs. Wiley Brown
. Mrs
for the kingdom of God three I to further all its plans and
fundamental social laws. Those all its
a OF welcome. laws a -e, the law of service, ors , ,, the spread the king-
much pleasure sacrifice aw of God.
a representative of our auxiliary
The solution of the social prob-
to bid you welcome to our town
this evening. If I were a Mad-
am do Stael, I bid you
welcome in words more fitting
your station, but in the language
which I might do is
made hopeless through my want
of however, in be-
half of our town, our church, and
our auxiliary, I give you a most
is absolute abnegation to
the service of God in humanity.
A life ex consecration to God and
humanity is dull and meaning
e when from with
out; but enter and with the love
of Christ streaming it
it is glorified a beauty and
blessedness beyond all human
a moment of silent prayer for
the and guidance of hearty
the convention, welcome, and we open our
doors, open our hearts, and open
our homes for your reception.
Only eleven years ago, our
beloved who is
now wearing a crown in the
great celestial city, accepted an
i we
i Shah we not heed that others die
Shall we not give of means d
The hungry to feed, the to
of her who was for so many
years our leader.
Jesus was sit-
ting in th house of Simon this
from a full Leper, Mary, who war to
show him love
him who had done so much
for her, brought a box of
very precious, which was
secretary, Mrs. Swindell was
then read, . the fol-
loving is
In the conference society there
are adult auxiliaries
members, Golden Links,
Number of Juvenile
total members adult,
n Links and Juvenile
No life members Honorary
e members life patrons 6-
Number of scholarships support-
ed Number of missionaries sup
ported The Bright Jewels
.-;. a the Mary
B k . h China.
TI e society pledged to support
ii the foreign
for you
and for me,
Not only from nations for over
the sea,
her great treasure. Breaking it and promised to rail for
she poured it over his head, and this purpose, amount i was
overrun, We
hope to raise support
this year. One
new missionary candidate has
letting it run his feet,
she numbly knelt and wiped his
I with her hair. She gave
host, her greatest possession
Every woman who has it comes from the lands that to her master, showing such for the field, Miss
followed by brief petitions from
several of the delegate.
After the benediction the
committee of the society
held a session, and while this
was in progress the delegates
spent time mingling together
and getting acquainted with
ocher and also with the
people of the town who were
The first business session of
the society I at o'clock
with the president, Mrs. R. A-
Willis, in the chair.
This twenty ninth annual con-
was organized by calling
the roll of and enrolling
the delegates. Officers present
President, Mrs. R. A. Willis.
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs.
F- D. Swindell.
Recording Secretary, Miss
Blanche Fentress.
Superintendent of
els. Mrs. L. M. Henderson, Mrs
J. secretary of Wash-
district, and Mrs. m. J.
Simpson, secretary of
e district,
not but inspiration and groat en-
more are expected today.
After the bar of the The year Mrs, H. L.
was fixed the pi trident Carr was elected and,
brought into the joy of a new
life is a debtor to every other
woman for whom Christ died-
In no other way than by the dis-
charge of this can she
fill her true in the church
of God. Providence has put
this work almost exclusively in
her hands. She has access
lie at our feet.
It comes to
we go-
devotion that the
Story Clegg, who desires to
It comes from the homes of want is as a missionary. Tis
and woe, j memory of her unto this day. that the young
our ears wherever what have we i people's missionary societies take
show our love for as their special work for 1907-08,
Has he not done as much for us
hear The is
invitation from our pastor's wife w her who
Mrs. M. H. D. Wilson, to visit must inevitably perish if she re-,
Greenville, for the purpose of to hear their it is
organizing an auxiliary. The j appeal. She is under the high- j pleasure that
of members then en est obligations to enter upon
Dear sisters of the Greenville
respond to this
welcome so h given
as he did for Mary And yet
we are still playing at missions
It has been nearly nineteen
hundred years since he gave us
the great commission to go into
all the world and preach the
gospel to every creature, and
millions of heathen women
rolled exceeded the officers this work. If she cannot give tonight. Eleven years ago my ye
by six. However, we plodded j herself, she can give money and I band and I spent one brief year children stretch their hands
along in the face of difficulties, her prayers-
fall of 1807, when you,
dear- Mrs. Home, came to our
so to you we owe more
than we can ever repay for your
constant help in every way-
During the first year of our
organization, we had only one
subscriber to the Woman's Mis-
Advocate, during the
second increase reached
five, while now have twelve, j
we made one j
more that of electing
Mrs G. B,
Now, some believe
in home, but not in foreign mis-
ought ye to have
done and not to have left the
other undone. Go ye into all
the world, and preach the gospel
to every creature
The but are
called to brighten
Some little corner, some in such
Somewhere a burden rests that
you may lighten
And thus reflect the Master's
love for men.
Is there a sister drifting
in Greenville, but it was long I to us, calling on us to give them
enough to test the hearts of the the bread of
people. Sickness and
came into our home while we I and our dime
were here, and during that while
felt the sympathy loving thous
of a people
the medical education of
missionary candidate.
The age limit of missionaries
has b changed from to
mentioned the gift to the o-
man's Foreign Missionary
of 247.50 by the late Rev,
J. A. Cunningham, D. D.
missionaries accented by the
if you hearts
her address.
In this address
the splendid
work of the society in the past
year was referred to, and duties
were pointed out by which the
work of carrying the gospel to
Woman's Foreign Missionary
Conference. She returned with; J
but peak a r
The testing of devotion is our
duty's call is
The silent leaven of Christian
whose hearts are large and ten-
and who Know how to shew
helpful way
that the influence of that love
has lingered with us all these
years. Tim place you won in
our hearts then is your.-, brevet.
Since that time, some who
s still in
woman's band and are go to the
trouble carelessly doling out our pennies foreign
The annual Statement of the
society was next read by Airs.
Adams, treasurer This report
showed total collections for the
year from dues, pledges, etc , of
a gain over the past
year of New Bern
district I with a total
218.65. district
second with 1,202 Mis.
Adams stated that Raleigh dis-
have led, but
have been called o v
s house but; i.
hope to have the
. . -hi. n ting
for this great
throw sway
on our own comfort
and adornment.
Dear Greenville sisters, we
meet in your beautiful new
church together for this
work, which is so dear to us ail
Let us be in earnest about our
Master's work. Woman's work
for woman is a great work.
Who can reach the woman in
h lands the Christian
w m armed with the sword of of the Contribution was re-
I Spirit, which is the Word cf her report had been
i . When our missionaries compiled.
j eave homo and loved ones to go Another d resort was
unto the ends of the earth, tho work, r ad by
iv.-;. the glad tiding of a Savior's Hendren, superintendent of
glad welcome as they love, they trust all into our
she They look
national thought and to personally a great picas-and clothing. They expect us
a privilege, to pray daily for their protection
her zeal us, that we have
since been unable to dispel it.
Perhaps the wisest step of all,
was the election of Mrs. Carr in
foreign lands in the next year 1904 to the presidency. Through
might be enlarged. The love and faithfulness, our
was much enjoyed.
The rules were then read, fol-
lowed by interesting reports
from the district secretaries
Miss Dixon made a brief but
interesting talk about the
Lucy and her depart-
in the Christian Advocate
Several were asked
by different delegates which
were answered by the
Rev. N. H D. Wilson, Mr.
Wiley Brown, the convention
pages Misses Sadie Exum and
Mary Brown were formally in-
to the convention
After benediction the meeting
adjourned until o'clock p. m.
conference opened Thurs-
afternoon with devotional
exercises led by Mrs- M. J.
The roll was then called by the
recording secretary, followed by
the reading of the minutes of
the morning session-
Rev. M. T. Plyler was then
introduced to conference and
made a short but appropriate
Some of the district secretaries
were absent at the morning
and the reports omitted
o.auxiliary has increased in
and attendance, more
money has been raised, and a
greater improvement in every-
way has settled upon us
During her presidency our
certificate of life member-
ship presented to our eldest
impossible to trace to any single
I and to all human
most insurmountable.
present day message of
foreign missions to the church
is, go
If once the divine music of the
gospel peals upon the inner ear
of the soul, how the very nature
to be ht re once more and to look
into the faces that have been
and care. look to us as
, God's instrument, to supply
dear to me these eleven years, as an their needs. As you know
we have who have gone
well as to meet new friends and
in our Master's vine-
The Woman's Foreign Mis-
Society of Greenville is
is melted in tears of only eleven years old. I remember
What inexpressible em j very well when it was born, for
the gospel sweeps through j during the first year of its life,
the soul Its streams of pathos j I was with you and had the
from our own conference who
are depending on us for support.
Are we as true to them as we
ought to be We must go or
send. We who cannot go, are
we doing our duty about send-
Alas, I am afraid not
Sisters, as we plan our work
Mrs B D Evans this Stir us to the depths, its rills of honor of helping j nourish its for another year, let us not only
being soon followed by another unite us
Mrs. F. A. Bishop; in close j weapons of strength
followed those of Mes-U into spiritual gladiators, its
dames Alfred Forbes, Jack messages of hope make us buoy
White, and J. B. Cherry.
do not claim that we have
done all that we ought to have
done in advancement, tut with
ant in hours of sorrow, and its
paeans of praise mount the sou
toward God The dewdrop m r-
great sun as truly as the
such a record behind us and with I ocean. If we cannot be too
a set purpose to improve for God, neither can the
it, and increase the vigor, j very things that we can do
and success of our past years I be too small tor him to ac-
in time to come, we are glad to as the work of good and
greet you amongst us We ex- j faithful servants.
to get a new inspiration We who believe in missions
from your presence and feel our- j stand therefore, on an
Pound more closely than j rock. re fighting tin
ever to this great organization the flag, we are working
with which we are connected. the Great Charter of the
The fact that God church. This thought should
everything beautiful in its give us inspiration and hope,
certainly that Ho him The promise is to I am
self is not indifferent to beauty, with With all boldness we
and the further fact that, accord- may challenge men to deny our
to the n
I J .
But it is no longer an
infant 1.1 has grown to be one
the strongest and best of our
auxiliaries. We all
with pride and pleasure. And
it shall grow to yet greater
things; for who can measure the
good which it shall do
This society was organized
our sainted president, our be-
loved Aunt Lucy, and is one of
the many monuments that
speak to us of her sweet and
useful life, so nobly spent in
work for our Master. Since our
last meeting she has left us to
enter into her We shall
miss her sadly. We all loved
her so, and looked to her for
counsel and help. We feel that
we can hardly carry on our
work without her- But I feel
that her spirit must be with us
tonight, and I can aim
words of encouragement as
. -as . j i
be in earnest, but let us be often
in prayer. We must go to our
King for orders.
up your eyes and
the Bright Jewels. The
part of her report was as
Number of bands added
Total number of bands
Number of i u H i
Number life i
Total number . . .;
Subscribers Little Worker
Dues conference ex-
fund pledge
scholarship total
After benediction adjournment
was had to o'clock this
exercises were led
en he says Hendren
see the
fields already white to harvest, by reading minutes
when he bids send forth more Thursday afternoon session
laborers into my harvest, we can Rev. J R missionary
but make every effort to send. w Korea, and B. E -n-
Like Mary, let us love him so field, of Ayden, were
truly, so intensely, that to the conference and each re-
will be too precious to be poured with a few words
forth in his service. Kev M T. t
we would thank our the conference a cordial
Greenville friends for their from the members of Caro-
warm welcome. We pray t Club to visit the club rooms
our slay among you may themselves at home
blessing to you as we feel sure j there at time desired
it will be to us. We know Reports of district secretaries
will be able to go about
Father's business with great
joy and pleasure because of the
loving sympathy you give us.
May his peace which
understanding remain with us
during this annual meeting.
our I omitted in previous sessions were
read at this time.
Mrs, H L. Carr read a
paper on the missionary
spirit, prepared by M. t
made some remain. re-
to the beauty of tie

Eastern reflector, 24 May 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 24, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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