Eastern reflector, 17 May 1907

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J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
A agent for Daily
d we take
an I receipts for
o arrears We have a list
to all who receive their mail at
. Be. We also orders
Mrs. E. L Middleton,
who has bet a visit re-
i o me week.
If i treated in Cook
Stove rs will pay
. a prices
that Tyson are making
Greene county
Pan . . ,
. , y and the
d Ormond.
cheap goods go
CoE. . Co., they always
the bes .
Mi- W. Tucker, of
iv. visiting Mrs. Dr.
Wanted Puts car loads of
Cotton Seed for which we will
highest cash price. Don't
before seeing us- Yours to
serve. F. Lilly Co.
Little Miss Lancaster of Cone-
toe h little Miss Thelma
Go to E E
market for beef, meats.
and fresh fish.
Mrs. Frank Carr, of Willow
Green, has been visiting Mrs.
Blount during the week.
Daisy Lancaster, of
Edgecombe, is here on a visit
her sister, Mrs. H. G. Burton.
Merchandise Broker-I carry
a full line of Meat, 1-ard and Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
Mrs- Lafayette Cox spent
Wednesday night in Ayden with
If you need any Paint be sure
see E. E. Co.
The books of registration close
tomorrow is a full
registration h prospects very
bond.--. Public
cons cotton
seed meal. F Lilly Co
There were people here last
Sunday almost from everywhere.
Grifton and Winterville both had
I all work entrusted
to my care to give entire
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier.
I solicit the patronage of the
Ayden and community
in everything pertaining to the
jewelry business Give me a Craige may be counted upon as
U A --.-.
Look Oat For The East
The Salisbury Post in an
thus speaks of the
outlook for next
news that the Hon. Locke
Mrs. and lit-
a gubernatorial candidate moans
that some spice is to be thrown
tie son. Mack, have returned into the next
from a to Va. j to be that R
Miss Clarance who A. of Alleghany. will
has been school the race, and his following
i is here visiting relatives, j is not to be underestimated if
The Knights of Pythias one wishes to make an accurate
and from every pace an ice cream supper forecast. It be as
point of the compass they Thursday m honor of their for,
wives and sweethearts. , W. W. Kitchin has
Sams has finest and Mrs. B. S of now the strongest hand.
Accidental at Far
On Monday two young men,
one named Riggan and the other
were in a store at
Farmville examining some
pistols. No one had an idea that
either of the weapons was
but suddenly there was a report
and a ball from the pistol Mr.
was looking at struck
Mr. on the nose and
lodged in his cheek, giving him
a severe wound.
The dry goods, clothing, hard-
ware and furniture merchants of
the town have signed an agree-
to close their stores early in
the evening, except Saturdays,
during the summer. This
give both merchant; and
the evenings for rest.
Dr Joseph Dixon
A , . , , ill
ever bought is -on a to the Mr. Craige
Prof T. A Carlyle. of Wake OAKLEY ITEMS. j will deli act most from the fifth
Forest, delivers the address at j district statesman or the Alle-
the closing exercises of the; Oakley. N. C. May 7th. 1907- county representative is a
graded school here next Friday, John Brown and Miss Lula happens to
10th There feast of t
in store for our people and all Mr- and Mrs. J. O grooming for the job there
are cordially invited to attend. Items here j be something doing, poi
Misses Rosa Quinnerly J. K- Barnhill and wife, of speaking, in
vi- Winterville visited Mrs. Barn- t. creek, then up
last week
By virtue of a mortgage executed and
delivered by Dupree and wife
Victoria Dupree. to on
the day of which
mortgage appears record in the office
of the Register of of Pitt co ml i
f-. page the
will sell for cash, before the court h
door in Greenville, on the 18th
day of May, 1907, the following described
piece or parcel of land situate in the
county I'm and in Greenville town-
ship, on the south side of Tar river, be-
ginning at the gate post on the left
will on left side
f Greenville
to then running east
M road to the Mogul line, then with the
Bessie Spier, of Grifton. are
the Misses Blount at
Everybody look out for
new ails.
Call at the Drug Store
Sales Feed and LIVERY
Nice Convey a
rices to suit
C. R.
ahead just as if the
t know that It is Us acres,
TO J. H.
Healers in Dry No-
Dupree Ly Amos
our Mrs. Belcher, the j to have the Governor.
spent j written and precedent of
day and Sunday hero with her party in North
; the
much in favor
sentiment is daily
ward this en I.
Mrs A. and
of left here
Tuesday on the train for a visit
up the read.
exchange corn
I Li i, Healthy Shoals
. ii to pounds.
f pay cash mark-
et m Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C
Mi Delia Smith has come
. to friends.
Mi . oohS, of Grifton,
is here on a
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need
Mi after visit-
Miss May Smith has returned
to her home in Winterville.
There was a large delegation
form here to attend the Masonic
celebration at Kinston
The books for
No. L in town-
ship, town of Ayden, are in the
hands of J. M. Blow. Those
desiring vote on the school
bonds have to be-
tween now and May 4th.
Yesterday the citizens in con-
assembled nominated the
following gentlemen to be voted
for next Monday as officers of
the town for the ensuing
Mayor, J. F.
J. K. Turnage, H. C.
Ormond, W. J. Boyd, R. C. Can-
non and Stancil
J. R. Smith,
Frank Lilly and J. J. Stokes.
The protracted meet in the
Disciple church still and
there are large crowds in
cure one of daughter. Mrs. S. G. Williams,
,,; p, m vi .- iii to take turn about in .
Tobacco setting and back the candidate for
l he protracted meeting in the bending is now popular in or- Both sections of the State
Disciple church will close Wed- parts. have scores of men by
night with a T F Nelson went to
tern entertainment by ville Thursday. men of
Mr. Doherty.; H. A. went to Plymouth
There has been continuous Thursday. Men good and true
preaching every night for the Rev. Mr. Bryant filled his will be out in time, and
past two weeks and while only appointment to we are thinking that when
s-x have united themselves crowd.
t. i i j- i , Raleigh he will like a man
the church we feel assured very has opened an from the East
much good has been exchange stable at his home
and visit of these j Good many from
two gentlemen and their earnest Lille, Stokes. Bethel
efforts in behalf of the Christian. attended church here Sun-1
religion yet manifest itself jay.
among our people. Several from Greenville were
Do you wish to buy a us Monday looking after,
W J. Whitehurst, of
and said I
mortgage was taken to secure the ,
Prices-to suit the times.
Tripp Hart Co
t. G.
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing have
just received a new supply of furnishings and material
in undertaking department
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to servo the This is a long needed
this section and they promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.
Keep your eye on the East.
Wilmington Star.
and lot in Ayden, or a valuable
farm, near I y Have you
either for We will buy or
sell, is your life insured, is
your house insured If not you
should see us and have it in-
sured at once. We make an
extra effort in collecting ac-
counts. Place them with us.
Ayden Loan and Insurance Co.
That Evangelist Hamlin did
spent Monday night
Train Held Up.
Special to Reflector.
Butte. Mon. May
North coast limited train of the
Northern Pacific road was held
his subject justice last Sunday by bandits miles east of this
afternoon admits of no question, city- The engineer of the train
II grand. Naturally a
forcible and powerful speaker,
at times
That he is
city- The engineer of the
was killed by the bandits.
Longshoremen Strike.
simply superb.
Special to Reflector.
Norfolk, May, thous-
Master his enunciation of and longshoremen in Hoboken
the beautiful truths of and this city are reported on
and its beneficial influences u Question I
would have the most
skeptic mind- That he has made ship men say they will have
it a careful study the logical strike breakers to carry
convincing manner of its secret through.
as well as open conduct showed Local Op ion Election at Ky.
I plainly even to those not
n ed i i -Masonic love, that he w Rector.
was walking and talking along , K-v- May
paths that were not strange to
him. The effect upon the shall have liquor selling or
brotherhood who were present is under way today with
was beneficial and we feel sure I side lighting vigorously. I
All the ministers
Please take this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
we will expect yen during
the Exposition if not be
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from maker
to user-
Piano with the
. discounts
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from banks an I banker
Cold coin
Silver coin
Nat. bk
Surplus fund
profits less expenses 2,894.12
anding 710.04
28.92 subject to check
I; Cashier's checks
I J. K.
the above
and I el
n. 27th of Mar., -7.
to heat of my be-
l. It. SMITH
will tend toward making them
and church i
emulation of Masonic virtues and lief from the presence of saloons
the practice of its and liquor selling.
There were about Masons New l.
present as well as a very large j
audience. After the Special to Reflector.
Brother Hamlin fell and
marched with us to our hall
whore again ho made some time-
remarks that were highly
appreciated. We feel his coming
has been of great benefit
in and around Ayden
and the influence of his words con-
between two
tries in so far as it effects the
transmission of newspapers and
periodicals known as second-1
class matter, between the two
Washington, C. May
Today there noes into effect the
new arrangements to postage on
second-class matter, negotiated
by Postmaster General Mover
Postmaster General
of Canada. The agreement as
and advice will long live
us after he has gone.
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
J. Benjamin Higgs, of Green-
ville, was here Monday.
pens on sale at Saul's
drug store at from to
Miss Earl Tucker, of Grifton
was a visitor in our town.
have the
J. W. Taylor
and solicit the pat-
of c g
Miss Annabel Kittrell spent
J. R. Harvey, J. J. Smith and from Saturday until Sunday
S. o. of
were here
t noon with
in Winter-
For Twenty-one Years
Confederate Veterans Cony regale at
Special to Reflector.
Columbia, S. C, May
Confederate reunion gathered in
this city today for a three day's i
stay. Gen. commend-
the South Carolina Division
of the U. C. V. Is. in command.
There is a general of
the veterans and their families,
and they are receiving the mos
generous hospitality at the hands
of the Columbia
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco in the South
because great care is used in the
election of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
J. W Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
far in
Monday afternoon there was
a week at u I t deck, a mile
below the depot, t th
where Beaufort
Lumber . inters i
fer- in t, All m i L i
Ar- l V- tram ind
come in and in for a
loaded train t c
the dock in the u; ii .
quite clear
tore the loaded train reached
the switch the was.
warned of danger behind
brakes were applied, but
the and two or three
cars loaded with crashed
into the empty cars at the
The collision piled up seven
cars in a heap and almost de-
them. The wreck
blocked the main line so that
trains could not pass. The north
bound passenger train from Kin-
came up to th wreck and
took a and the south
bound freight train was at the
depot hero. The engine of the
log went to work on one
end of the wreck and the en-
of the freight on the
other, and in two hours the logs
and broken cars were cleared
from the track No damage of
consequence was done to the
track and trains could pass as
soon as the wreckage was re-
A number of people went to
the wreck and lent a hand to-
ward the track. Capt.
J. S. Barr, of the waiting pas-
train, was a gen-
in the work.
The Exposition Not Completed.
Special to
Jamestown, Va, May 15-This
was the day when the
was to be but it is
far from that. There are those
who say it won't be completed
until July, and some even De-
that it won't be complete
at all Certainly everything is
an air of incompleteness that is
very painful. The loading to
the exposition of the
sum asked by the managers, by
Thomas J has helped its
Launching of Cap. Ola
yacht Eagle, Capt. Ola
Forbes, of Greenville, owner,
was launched on the
of the 7th of from
Wade's ship yard. This is th;
that has ever been
it by this excellent firm
and contractors, and
they the reputation from
to Florida, of doing
This yacht is
feet feet beam, and is
twin screw, with horse
engines. When the inside
work is completed she will in-
deed be thing of beauty and
without question the handsomest
boat ever built in the State.
Capt. Forbes informs us that
this yacht will be in service as a
passenger boat, plying between
and the exposition
ground i during the exposition,
making regular trips from
wharf, Norfolk,
to said grounds. It was a sight
to see this boat taking the water
gracefully, with the owner in
the bow, waving an American
flag. Cant Forbes is a clever
gentleman and we are sure that
those who patronize this boat
will never regret it Mr. Forbes
would be glad for all North Car-
attending the exposition
to come and look at and over
this yacht while at Norfolk and
see what work can be turned out
by a City Tar Heel.
Morehead City Chaster,
Southern Railway Cots Office Force.
Recognize Their
We have known for years that
the Parker fountain pen was
best made, but no idea that
them so highly. Recently a
shipment of about three of
excellent pens, with some
inks and ocher goods was made
from the factory at Janesville,
Wis. for the Reflector Book
Store, and when that shipment
reached Greenville there were
exactly two pens left, all the
others having been extracted
from the box in transit. Doubt-
less the railroad who
got them had heard the praises
of the Parker fountain pen, and
wanted to join in the
they get off to themselves where
no one can hear them. The cir-
under which they
procured the pens forestalls the
hope of getting a testimonial of
their me-its- but they have get a
good thing.
Special to Reflector.
Atlanta Ga., May
the Southern railway made a
general cut of its office It has
not been announced whether this
is done in accordance with the
policy of economy or is simply
the usual reduction that comes
every spring preparatory to the
lighter business depart-
throughout the Southern
and western divisions, of which
Atlanta is the headquarters, and
the northern and eastern, of
which Washington is the head-
will feel the effect of
reduction. Just how many
men will be laid off or lose a
progress to a marked degree, wageR is not
but there has been too much to; b , the probability is
be done, and its completeness i . . , . still remains in the far distant from
vista- The managers, however, men.
consider that they have made
good progress and assure the
that the exposition is to-
day in a good condition.
They Were in Time Vote.
There was cheering around the
court house just before
Indexing the Records.
Some interesting work is now the polls closed Tuesday
in progress in the register curt clerk D. C.
s sf then j
Register of Williams has I and Mr. J. J. Harrington m
the best system of in- Stores Both were coming home
that could be found and
Messrs. G. J. Woodard and W.
L- Hall are assisting in the
work- The old records are care-
fully searched for arranging the
index, and as all entries are
three times it looks
almost impossible to make an
error. The new index will be
valuable to the county.
Odd Fellows Meet in
Special to Reflector.
Ala., May. 14.-The
Grand Lodge of the Independent
order of Odd Fellows meet in
this city today. They will stay
for The attendance
is about six hundred. In many
respects this will be the mot
important meeting in many
years, as many new laws are
expected to be enacted.
Mrs. Warren's Father Dead.
A telegram from Salisbury
this morning announced the
death of Mr. N. L- James,
father of Mrs. O. E. Warren, of
Greenville Mr. James suffered
a stroke of a few
days ago gradually grew
worse to the end. Mrs. Warren
i . . .,. I
on the evening train to vote.
When the train was bulletined
fifty minutes late there were
fears among the of the
two gentlemen that they would
not get here in time to vote.
Vehicles were sent to the
so that no time would be lost
after the train got here. The
train pulled in at and there
was a race for the court
In just five minutes their ballots
were in the box and a shout went
up from the crowd on the square.
as we Make it
Sometimes it would seem as
if marriages that are not made
for love hold better than those
which are; since the mutual ex-
are less, so also are
the disappointments
People must but if
they cannot change together, if
the love they had when they
were young does not mellow into
a habit of warm affection as
they grow older, then at least
I let them consider first their ob-
ligations to one another and
bring all the pity, all the for-
j all the kindness
I to the contemplation of their
i compact before they break it.
If it were so worth while
is it
now Is there
I not something to be built on a
j foundation that promised
Since people cannot in gen-
be induced to think
they enter the married
-state, they might at least be
I brought up to make the best of
lit afterward. Boys and girls
might easily be educated more
than are now with the
view of making them better
bands and wives, better house-
keepers, better fathers and
mothers, better comrades to one
another. Then, if love struck
like a bolt from the blue,
they would still be able to go
about their business with some
faint idea of what those
were going to be, and if
they had made mistakes, to
bear the consequence of those
mistakes just as long as there
was dignity in
perhaps a little longer
line in The f r
M. J. May 14th.
Rufus Whichard and
Barnhill of Greenville were
W Cherry, of
was here Sunday.
Miss Lydia Carson, of
spent week here
visiting Miss Pearl Jenkins.
F. L. of Enfield, was
here last w k.
Joseph William.-- in-
Kins visited at AI wood Sunday
Z. V. and Miss
Reba Corey spent
night and Sunday at Stokes
Several attended church at
Swamp Sunday All re-
port hearing a good sermon and
enjoyed a good dinner.
Potato crop in this section is
fine; a plenty of bugs have at-
rived to house them.
S. G. Williams went to Everett
Carson, of Bethel, visited
his sister, Mrs. T. F. Nelson,
here and Sunday.
We are now ready . for
Eastern training school,
have a of chewing
and a thumb paper.
A few attend the speaking
at Stokes on the 11th
short but appropriate of
E. B. Whichard. of
met the approval of the people in
this and the Stokes section.
Well, what next one election
to get taxes down and then one
to get taxes up.
Carried by a good Majority.
Pitt county voted Tuesday on
the question of
bonds for the purpose of
the I cation of the Eastern
training school this county.
Friends of the measure worked
valiantly at the polls, and the
result is a majority in
of the bonds.
A peculiar feature
, election is that the had
i receive a majority of nil the j
I registered voters of county,
those not voting a all counting
I the same as if they had voted
against bonds- The unofficial
returns that have come In from
tin several show that
considerably more than a
, of the registered voters of i h
I county voted for Is.
The official returns which will
j be canvassed by the boar f
commissioners and de-
will show the registered
vote in each township, the
of votes cast for bonds, the
number of votes cast against
and the number not
As soon as these official
are given out The Re-
will publish them.
Today we can give only the
returns, which are believed
to be substantially correct, and
are as
Precinct. Reg. Voters.
His Birthday.
good friend. Mr. S. M.
Schultz. today celebrated his
62nd He is one of
Greenville's progressive citizens
and numbers friends by the
hundreds. All extend
and wish Dim many hap-
returns of the day.
special to Reflector.
Washington. May
M. Bradley, the slayer of
I former Senator Brown, of Silt
I Lake, at the Raleigh Hotel last
will be put on trial on
the indictment for murder today
Mr attorneys have been urging
an early trial on account of the
frail health of the prisoner.
Young men who get turned
down by the girl they are stuck
on shouldn't themselves
away Think of it Four girls
jilted George Washington, but
turned around and married
belle of Virginia and became
president of the greatest country
on earth. Don't be less of a
mollycoddle than the father of
his Star.
For Bonds.
Beaver Dam
Swift Creek
Total . 1680
We have net learned yet the
of votes against bond.;
and number not voting in
i the different precincts, but will
as soon as the
county commissioners declare the
official returns.
Come to New York.
Special to Reflector.
New York, May A portion
of the fleet of battleships and
armored cruisers recently in
Hampton Roads, will arrive here
today under command of Rear
Admiral Evans. The first
ion of the fleet, which includes
the Ne Con-
Island, Virginia,
Georgia. Main and Missouri,
new ships will all be here for
ten days to give their crews lib-
Thy will then return to
Roads and the second
Cox Mill, N. C, May 1907.
John Jones caught a half gal-
of cut worms in rows of
of tobacco.
J M- Cox grinds corn every
Amos largest boy drank
lye for water. He is in a bad
We have a concert about three
times a week. Oscar Evans and
H. A. Moore work their way in,
they say it is nice.
Miss Moore spent last
week at J- A. Moore's near Rose
John Evans says he is going to
get married, as he needs help on
the farm.
We are having plenty of rain
and the farmers are getting
Special to Reflector.
Chicago, 14.--Enormous
to ts
It is a spectacle to see ex-Gov-
Russell criticizing Judge
Purnell in a way that constitutes
of Editor Josephus Dan-
but here is one of the charge-
es he makes against Judge
issued a contempt ruling
and adjudged a man guilty of
contempt for criticizing his
official conduct- This man was
deprived of his liberty, made a
prisoner for doing what any
American citizen has a
right to do, a right with-
out which this government would
degenerate into an out and out
It is delightful to see Russell
mad enough with Purnell to do
Josephus Daniels justice.
was always brave but most
Charles Edwards, a farmer,
was run over by a train on the
branch of
the Norfolk Southern railroad.
His body was cut in two and
j y. a
But a lustful Brute in Human Form.
Hamlet, N. C, May
yesterday afternoon J. M Crow-
. son. aged years, attempted to
outrage the six-year-old child of
Mrs Will Henderson, and but
for the screams of the child the
I fiend would have accomplished
his purpose. The little girl is
Mrs niece. With
her mother she was visiting at
the home. Mrs. Crow,
son and Mrs. Henderson stepped
out of the room and left
child. In a short while
them other heard the cry of her
child, and ran to her
exclaimed, me a
stick and I kill the
not a dog, but
exclaimed the child;
the brute fled and has not been
The child is not seriously hurt.
But for the appearance of its
mother the probabilities are that
the miscreant would have killed
her or accomplished his purpose.
is now. and has been
for several years, a township
constable for Mark's Creek
township, Richmond county.
Officers are now after him and
the probabilities are he will be
taken within a few hours. Sen-
is very much against him.
Mr. Henderson says that he will
kill him on sight and he has the
courage to do what he says.
News and Observer.
of Gels
to Choose.
The Baltimore College of Den-
Surgery, the oldest institution
of its kind in existence,
the close of another year of
C achievement by its
eighth annual commencement
last night at the
the graduates there
in the class only from
Maryland, the others being
many Slates and a few from
foreign countries, where the
repute of the institution is also
Besides getting their diplomas
and their prizes and the applause
of many feminine hands ts will
as numerous bouquets from the
same admirers, the new doc-
tors received some thoughtful
advice from Rev. Or. Robert P-
Kerr, the pastor of
Presbyterian church.
Among the other things he ad
it hem to do was to get
married. First he
ed the class upon its handsome
appearance and after telling the
young men that they had a good
opportunity to make a success in
life he gave them advice on mat-
T advise you to attempt mat-
I would not dare to
give advice against it. nor no
other married man would, for
fear of the consequences that he
might meet when he went
Keir designated the fol-
lowing kinds of girls as those
not to
Girls who write novels.
Girls who spend all their money
for tickets and picture
Girls who ride astride on horse-
These are kind if girls he
I the young men to
Girls who know how to Keep
I house
Girls who know how to sew
on buttons.
Girls who know how to dim
Girls who will Veep hos-
bands tidy, i l hat other
will want them
Girls who love their mother,
father, h and their
Girls v.; h true hearts who
mean something besides
Opera ruse Monday Night-
On Monday night May 20th
he Bullock Family Com-
Co , will open a two night
engagements, in the Masonic
opera house. The company has
been here before and gave
faction. The bill for Monday
night will be a comedy sketch of
half an hour followed by a strong
line of singing and dancing
specialties, closing with another
farce comedy of about half an
hour The singing and dancing
of the Bullock sisters. Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Leo Green-
wood. Baby Bertha. Guss
lock and the ; year-old Victor
Bullock is well worth the price
of admission. Seats on sale
Saturday morning. May
Misses Maggie Edwards and
Fannie Forbes, of Fountain,
Tuesday with Mrs. Chas.
The New York Legislature Cannot
Adjoin Today.
to Reflector
Albany, N. Y. May 15--The
legislature had fixed today, May
as the day on which it would
adjourn, but it cannot be done.
Governor Hughes seems to have
the upper hand, and won't, let
the body adjourn until it has
passed a public utility bill
table to public opinion, which
has been sufficiently powerful to
halt the Kitchen cabinet
in its work of opposing the gov-
of the State.
Commencing seven-
the library will be open
from five to seven p. m.

l r f . S Who Forgo
What Mo Forgot.
II ii man who
n mate.
. . i tough.
; w. yon see
to n member
at forget
it my
I to
I had for-
. . t. I can't
ten to
. but that
Id . forgot-
, along,
near the
. of that
. nm
It was
. . t V e forgot
r And I re-
got too.
Chi go Journal.
re caused by If you t a
little too much, or if are subject
attacks of Indigestion, you have no doubt
had shortness of breath, rapid heart beats,
heartburn or palpitation cf heart
Indigestion causes the stomach
expand swell, and puff up against tho
heart This crowds the heart and inter-
with its action, and in the course of
tune the heart becomes diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat takes the strain off
of heart, and contributes nourishment
strength health to every organ of
Curl Dyspepsia. Sour
Stomach. Inflammation of mucous
membranes lining the Stomach and
Tract r is Dyspepsia and Catarrh
of the Stomach.
citing, my food mo by
tit and I w com wk,
. I am cured.
I has stomach ti a I
lit. etc
loaf month u I
D, Nevada. O.
Digests What You Eat
About Horn
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
if so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
Sam White
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton and
Ties on
Fresh Goods kept ton-
i In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
N or t h Carolina.
i cf all.
i regrets my
our enslavement be
de trouble now
-Mi ma won't leave mo weal
more, it makes ma
fin-or black.- Weekly.
b bat ft symptom of. not
think of
i- real
only u
Br-H Shoos
i -t now popular
Kern Dr. r. Going direct
favor to Pr K
that vital principle, no
m b- hurt.
i i. or I ace yon
oil II can and will do. and
No proper surpasses for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms.
is indication that property around
is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the lot the
it will cost
This property is located only minutes
walk from the business part ox the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
Par nit. re Dealer.
Fur, Cotton Seed,
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Be
Tables. Lounges, Safes
and Gail i Ax Snuff,
i Life Tobacco Key West
t George Cigars,
Cherries, Peaches,
Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Meat Flour, sugar, Coffee, Meat
Soup, Lye Mario Food, Matches
Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes,
Glass chi. a ware Tip
wooden ware, cakes and
crackers. Macaroni, Best
Butler, New Sewing Ma
and numerous other goods
Quality and for
come see me.
S. M. Schultz.
I'm late,
began i. .
me an
; his wife.
you take the brick out
of hat them with
lard and Times.
said tho
In . but a
nit . man o
her fee .
v tie than
cue i i Post.
tell mo tin
. luring from a brain
El is Calm yourself,
my . have some
the inapt . the conditions
arc Tran-
Infallible Sign.
Th the de-
. a
d think
the i rd
to form
on the b mi if ex-
the G. News.
i . ii give that man en-
t in offering you to
tilings I want to
tar o want to lot him
I get good open-
Coming Scandal.
Potato Masher Look out for a
big week.
T. that right
Pot to tho broom
going make some swooping
charges, I Louis
is our peerless young so-
jilted by a duke, you
L- ft our-.
W. H. Long
N. C
Buyer ind In
. . i
i. i i V C-i Art
their children
Laxative Cough Syrup invariably
it. Children like it because the
taste is so pleasant. Contains
tar. It is original laxative
cough syrup and is unrivaled for the re-
lief of croup. Drives cold out
t the bowels. Conforms to the
Pure rod Drug Law. Sold by
L. Wooten.
You can afford it
A Partnership Affair.
and his partner arc of
the s; no mind about
ell, I never thought that either
of them had a mind of his
Detroit Free Press.
When you Work send
orders to
for the public.
cents per week
pays for a
at your
r .
It's a to our readers
about a Cough Cure like Dr. Dr. s.
, For years Dr. has fought against
the use of opium, chloroform or other
unsafe ingredients commonly found in
I cough Dr. it
Pure Food Drug Law
recently enacted, for he has worked
along similar lines for many years. For
nearly years Dr, Sheep's Cough
containers have had a warning printed
on them against opium
mid it
.-.,.; hi i
. having
and if
s yon
At business March
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes and
U. S. notes
Capital Stock
Surplus funds
Undivided Profit less
Due to A
Cashier's checks
I Total
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
ii statement is
ii I belief.
to before
st Mar
Deputy S. C-
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture 3,872.32
Banking Houses
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes
and U. S. notes
Capital Stock
Surplus funds 25,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid 16.926.67
Cashier's checks
County of Pitt. I . b e named bank, do
I, James L. Little, to the best of knowledge
swear that the above statement is true LittLE, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before
me. this 28th day of March, 1907.
Notary Public.
Come in and examine my
It may be safely estimated that
between and set-
have been attracted to the I
South, and that between
and acres of land
have been bought by them
the past months. This es-
is based upon reports furn-1
by representatives of lead-
railroads operating
pally in the South, and they re-
veal most gratifying results of
the practical work which the-
are doing in the cause
of immigration to the South.
These results are, to a large
extent, cumulative, flowing from
persistent work carried on in
some instances for years
and promising even greater,
records in the near future.
They have been gained through
following different policies
Some railroads have lands of
their own which have been dis-
posed of to settlers of their own
seeking or to agents working in
co-operation with them, Other
not landholders,
the newcomers to available
homes within their territory,
and vet other toads have com-
industrial with
agricultural development. They
have carried on a campaign in
this country and in foreign parts
by means of the widespread cir-
of literature
of the advantages of the South
and its opportunities for the in-
and thrifty, of exhibits
of Southern agricultural and
mineral and of personal
contact with heads of families
who would better their condition
in life. Estimating the value of
a man to fie community at at
least the additions to the,
South's wealth in one year
through the energies of
agents of the railroads
may be safely placed at
or about one-thud of
the increase of its wealth in
goods and during the
same period. These additions
mean a much greater rate
increase for the South in material
things in the future and an ac-
of the movement of
population from other parts of
the country to the South. From
Record, May
r is going to off r
There is no in buying real estate, and especially Washington. N. C.
its a sure winner.
biggest opportunities you ever saw, on
now own lots in this property Every lot m ;.
is worth double it was one year ago, and every condition favorable for a ti I
one large Mattress Factory on this property, and a Sand-Cement Brie
now making efforts to locate a cotton mill here, ,
think they are too busy to leave home at this season. If y
If you have only a small amount of ready money you can maRe
dollars to come, so throw everything down and come
and 1-3 twelve months after date with
all cash per cent. off.
Society Entertain.
On Thursday evening in the
chapel of the graded school
building, the Minerva Literary
Society, composed of a number
of girls of the school, held the;
Public Utilities Bill To Go To Mayor
to Reflector.
Albany, N- Y. May is
not unlikely that the Legislature
may be kept until the first of
June and the public ill
be passed this week. It will
of girls of the school then have go to the mayor of
closing meeting of the sent
school term to the governor. The
many of the members were Republicans are glad of the
present and the boys the Legislature in ad-
Henry Grady Debating Society as it gives them a
were guests honor- much needed period in which to
Smith is preside upon apportionment, which
of the literary society and is b n of
most graceful presiding officer
while Miss Lillie Tucker the
efficient secretary.
Cheap Knit Goods Lines Are
Special to
i i
. as
owing the i m it of
carder. -t Comes an
other tow Th
restricted output of line
of underwear has been keenly
felt since the spring
opened, and it is in
liable quarters that the
in the output in women's
ribbed goods in New York Sta
i The subject of the evening was
members of the syndicate that
We beg leave to announce that are
Wholesale and Retail
. White Lead, Paints.
Colors, and an
Ready mixed Paints
Thrilling Prof. Carlyle.
The closing exercises of Ayden
graded school took place Friday
night in the Disciple church at
that place. The large auditorium
was filled to overflowing I y
friends and patrons of the school
and the exercises were interest-
and impressive.
Th; speaker of the evening,
I Prof. J. B. Carlyle, of Wake
Forest college, was appropriately
introduced by Rev. E. T. Phillips.
Prof. Carlyle delivered a most
excellent address on Man
of the He is a fluent
speaker, and his brilliant oratory
and eloquence thrilled his heat-
The State has few such
men as Prof. Carlyle.
After the address Prof. W. H.
presented diplomas to
the graduating class. The class
consisted of Miss Aylmer Cannon,
I Harold and
I j made
T some timely remarks in which he
expressed appreciation of the sup-
port the people of
had give the It can be
truly said of Ayden that no town
or community in the county gives
its school more earnest support.
In the direction of the school
Superintendent is as-
by an able faculty of six
teachers and they are giving
Ayden a fine he enroll-
was the past
dozen par day. Some
are reported to
entirely abandoned the
tare of cent ribbed goods
the coming fall season, and I
now looks as if retail buyers
Daughter.-, of the Confederacy nave to eliminate the
Celebrates in Philadelphia. goods from their fall lines.
The subject even, w defeat
Longfellow, and as the roll was .
called each member arose and nor on p
gave a quotation from the
of this famous poet. Then
this program
his life
and Miss Ethel Skin- Reflector.
Philadelphia, May
the auspices of the Philadelphia
Miss Essie Whichard. Chapter of the United to
Begins Sentence Today.
New York, May Willis
Essie the a
Song Song of the bummer to-night at the Bel-,
chorus. entertain- Murphy, whose conviction on I
Synopsis of Longfellow, Miss committee is composed of charge of bribery has been c.
Lillie Tucker. I the most prominent Southern la- firmed the Supreme coy
Recitation in concert in Philadelphia, and the enter today upon Ins a
I will be composed of the . of one year l n the house-
Old Sweet i best that Philadelphia has of Under the r
heart of Miss Lillian
Burch. Piano accompaniment
by Miss Ethel Skinner.
Every number on the program
was excellent and reflected credit
on those taking part and on the
work of the society.
Fallowing the the
ladies and gentleman.
Strike Growing.
Special to Reflector.
New York, May The strike
among the longshoremen has
spread to the sound and
men are now in it. Police
massed at danger points to try
governing Supreme com
the papers were I
filed for thirty days after I
decision was rendered, and
are filed they do not
come effective It is not
; that a rehearing will be
and the sentence will, accord
take full effect.
There is no line in the world better
th; Harrison line. It his it a
reputation for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison Paints you
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special
Baker Hart
N. C.
Local Mill Behind.
I he special in Friday's
tor about the shortage of knit
goods in the Northern mills,
brought Mr. L. D. Wade,
of the Commercial Knitting
in to tell us
I something of the condition here.
He says this mill is now
literary society entertained the i to prevent trouble, but the
debating society, ice cream and made an attack. Italian
cake being served. There was I ships in harbor arc unable to
also an original contest arranged unload and will have to carry
by the teachers, the answers their cargoes back.
being twenty counties in
Carolina So filled OUt the Carolina In Superior
that the prizes were, Pitt County, i
drawn for. Miss Tucker , F. V. Johnston
the girl's prize v.
the boy's. These Tho Dabney Brokerage
were presented Smith. Th, National
Another event was I The defendant. Tho
amusement. said
day of April, U. C.
Idaho People No. Over F-1 r
dent's Letter on Meyer and
he IS
leave, the
Hay wood.
F, in recover
f 063.20 the amount claimed
lid plaintiff against the said defend
i account due fur damages
, in shipments, which summons
jg before the Superior Court
First Steamer for Nome.
to Reflector.
Seattle. Wash., May
steamer owned
L. N. Gray Steamship
left this port today for the ii.-
mining towns She i
vi to make the
son. Although
the first boat to
son will practically open
the sailing of the
Ohio, Victoria.
Senator, which depart on
1st. The is the
that does not
passengers, and all avail
space on other steamer
already been engaged.
has the
having been the first vessel
Nome every season for the
six years. The first v
arrive at Nome is always
with great enthusiasm.
On May 23rd. the
Philadelphia, May The, Co. will
annual diocesan . silo of lots on
met today in Holy property at Washington,
in city, aid will advertise-
continue tomorrow. Seven other
dioceses are represented.
Bishop Coleman is present.
He had charge of the
nary service.
in this paper and you will
see s in- interesting information
about I he lots and the
for making money on an
April, 1807
then in the
of Mi. it. The
Bank of which warrant is
said Court at
time oat next.
and r fen the
Dabney Brokerage is require I
appear and or demur to the
complaint to be said cause or the
relief demanded will be granted.
under my hand seal of
Court this the 1st Ma,
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County,
Earthquake in Siberia.
Cable to Reflector.
Irkutsk, Siberia, May
severe earth was felt I
The one-year-old child
and Mrs. John living
miles from Salisbury,
ed in three inches of
The mother left the
returned to find it lying
downward in the tub, dew

l HI
O. J. . Editor and
Entered as second class Jan. 1907 at the post office at i
N C, antler Act gross of March
Advertising made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
h Jo fiction
The ballots tell their own tale. Over in South Carolina, as we
learn from the Ledger,
When Pitt county makes up yet working that old
mind the thing is done. hunting joke.
Pitt did he. self Nothing is truer than the in-
in the vote for junction sure your sins will
find you Jones could not
The thing lo strain, so came in and
is the town
for aldermen.
soaring so high in price
at this time of year is not
Durham pulls off a daily fight
to . the municipal cam-
that city
T . .-city treasurer of Char-
turned out to be an
the wind his
of i a shortage of
some r
Ii don't make her,
people stop using money that
does not belong to them, b. will
Ice rank as having the largest
ha r be poking out a P of any town in the
ling lot in Greenville.
fifty odd
bear fruit in occasional suicides
and more frequent murders.
Settle the differences of
ion now join
hands in Pitt to
the front.
Being at they are both Re-
publicans, the balance of we
fellows can afford to let ex-
Governor Russell and Judge
Purnell fight it out
If the railroads knew when to
let well enough alone they
It is now up between stop lighting the rat
county and the State board of flaws If the matter has to
education for the E stern train- before another legislature the
school. cut will be cheaper.
man in Pitt county who Durham is trying to get ahead
for bonds Tuesday will Charlotte in reducing
to it as The difference is Char-
est vote of his life. has candidates for the
while Durham kills
The fifth district combine them
is about to give the Greensboro
Industrial News an attack cf Adams says the
cm party in North Carolina will
not be respectable until it gets
The Marlon Butler and Marion Butler. Right
Spent Atlanta are swapping Rouse cleaning will
compliment afford some amuse- have further than that.
to the outsiders . , . , .
. Raleigh is making extensive
All honor to the men o Preparation for the on
valiantly through the of the to
for bonds. Pitt Worth the first
of gratitude. be killed in with
a It will be a memorable
If Pitt county does some
now, it is because she has a The Bible is very clear on the
right to- That vote for bonds to. that no man shall know
g t the Eastern training school when the end of time shall be,
hows where our people stand, j therefore even the Montana man
who predicted that the affairs of
We fail to see that it makes; this world would be wound up
any difference whether May 13th, 1907, will not be
dent favored Senator prised at seeing things going
Overman for Democrat leader right as before.
or not. The president is not
hot in the county
was in favor of the bonds. That
was not expected. But those
against the measure were so
from a mistake of judgment ard
not because they desired to hind-
the progress of the county.
All will yet realize that carrying
the bonds Tuesday was the best
day's work the county has ever
It is scarcely in the history of
town as large or as small as
Greenville, that a matter so
much the minds of the
whole people as the training
school now engrossing every-
body, should meet with such
unanimity as was shown last
Tuesday- There were
voters and votes were
cast, every one of them for
bonds, and of those not voting
only three were in the
Truly the millennium of
thought and spirit is among our
people. There never has been
such union among them before.
When a Doubting Thomas
fully what the
meant and what great benefits
were to be derived from the
school by the boys and girls of
and the generations that
follow, there could be but
one sentiment and that was to
nave the school in Pitt
Pitt county will be the center
attraction and all eyes will be
turned towards this great
commonwealth. It is
to estimate the great and
continuous good that will result.
counties are looking on
and surely they
are and feel deeply
the effect the great institution
will have on the immediate com-
in which it is located.
There has never been in the
history, and fro a the present
viewpoint cover will be again,
such a opportunity for the
development and advancement
of the county. We do sincerely,
hope the good people of the I
county will rise up as one man
and forward this
of ail measures ever before
and the generations of
boys and girl . some will
i hem blessed.
f Editor Clark, of the States-
v succeed-; in finding the
whale swallowed Jonah,
he will have
A Montana man has hit upon
the idea that the world will come
to an end on May 13th. Oh,
that unlucky But the fun-1
part about it is that the
man sold several thousand
worth of property he posses-
for in order that he
might have no when
the end comes. Wonder what
he thinks of doing with that
when he is translated
It will be a pity if that Mon-
man brings the world to an
end on the 13th, just one- day
before Pitt county has set to
show the world how big a ma-
j she can cast for bonds.
If the railroads are really
money carrying passengers
what a lot of it they must make
hauling freight.
Cable to Reflector.
Dublin, May
are actively hostile to the
Irish bill now before parliament.
Some Raleigh ministers com-
plained at the way the News and
Observer wrote up the
college base ball games.
Tl at paper called the Davidson
team Presbyterians, the Trinity
team Methodists and the Wake
Forest team Baptists, using the;
terms pouring, sprinkling and;
immersing in expressing what
the boys did for each other in I
their games. Such
as these were regarded by the
complaining ministers as sac-
religious and paper
ed to do so any If
the denominational colleges
stop sending out ball teams
to advertise their respective in-
the secular press
not have occasion to mix them
up in the sporting field phrases
in reporting
It now looks as though Mayor
of San Francisco, would
have been glad of the little dis-
traction from local affairs a war
with Japan would have produced.
There will really be little
about the deportation of the
when a place for them
can be found where the water-
melons ripen all the year.
The government is going to
feed molasses to some New Or-
leans convicts to test its
purity. Might as well try to
punish by giving him
few towns in the State elect-
ed local tickets without
and all was unity and
If every neighbor were
to keep his chickens tied up so
couldn't scratch up their
gardens we would
have more harmony, or words to
that Star
running the Democratic party,
a id his counsel will hardly be
sought when the party goes
about selecting a leader.
The Southern railway has
cured an injunction against the
State corporation restraining the
latter from putting in effect the
and freight regulation
passed by the last legislature.
Right there the Southern rail-
way has made a big mistake.
The formal announcement has
been made of the candidacy of
Hon, Locke Craig, of
for the Democratic nomination
for governor in the next cam-
Giving up the money did not
make the case go as light with
Nelson, the Wilmington postal
clerk who stole a
package, as had been an-
by some. He was con
in the Federal court
The Asheville Citizen
says Mr. Craig well Lo the fr
for the high office ard eighteen But that is a
make a governor , sentence for the size of h-s
would be proud
Beyond question, the most
comprehensive review ever pub
of the industrial and
cultural advance of the South
since 1880, and of the material
resources on which Southern pro-
and prosperity are based,
is given in the
Record of May 9th. This
rate review must for all time
the final authority in
fact i figures about the South, j
We believe that it should i
with force than anything
ever is or likely to be j
issued for years to to every
intelligent man in the South,
It is a story of the South, past
and present, and a forecast, of
the future. It deals with the
facts of antebellum days and
the last quarter- of a century,
and covers the foundation on
which the South is building for
the future
This great story, covering
nearly pages of the
Record; and this
issue of that paper as a
whole, are good examples of
what the Manufacturer's Record
is doing every week. We do
not believe that any thoughtful
man in the South can be other-
wise than interested in a close
is doing and what it may
accomplish. The facts bearing
on these questions teach the,
life of i very man and woman in
the South, and never before
were they so comprehensively
presented as in this
If we wanted to win and keep I
the favor of a man we certainly
would not be continually
him. Looks like the
railroads might profit by a rule
like that They cannot expect
to win and hold the favor of the
people, on whom they depend for
patronage, when they
people s interest
antagonize the laws the people j
pass. The people believe the;
railroads can handle both
and freight at a lower rate
than they have been charging, and
passed laws compelling them to
make certain reductions One
of the three large railroad sys-
in North Carolina is
these laws That just
means the fight will continue
until the it submit to the
laws and give the matter a fair
test. The people do not want to
cripple the railroads, but are
determined that the
shall be just and fair.
Thomas Dixon said in his Nor-
folk speech that ships that
landed at Jamestown brought
with them the slaves
Some ships did, but not those
whose landing is being
orated by the exposition. It was
a that in 1620
b -ought the first cargo of human
c to Virginia, and the
C y protested then and there-
after against the burden of
Virginia Pilot.
New Life on the Farm.
Public schools, telephones,
good roads and rural free
of mail are four conveniences
which now go to make life on the
farm a great deal pleasanter
than it was before they were
put in of the rural
Farmers, families are not
now nearly so isolated as they
were a few years ago when their
only means of communication
with each other and with the
towns was over roads deep in
mud in winter and disagreeable
because of the dust in summer.
Life on the farm now is not only
but is made pleasant
in sections where these
have been provided. A
farmer living miles from his
to which formerly
came a weekly or semiweekly
mail can now have his letters
and his daily newspaper delivered
daily at his door. His wife and
daughters can have intercourse
at will without house
with friends on other farms.
Good schools are near enough
for the children to attend with-
out Good roads
make driving a pleasure and
minimize the labor cf getting
products to market.
As these four aids to comfort
of farm life are extended in
area that life will become more
popular and there will be less of
the migration from country to
town, which has been so notice-
in the past. The rural dis-
will no longer be drained
of their best people, seeking
towns because of the
comforts and conveniences pf
the latter. Life on the i arm will
become a different thing, and
we look for the tide to turn and
to see the town people seeking
the pleasures and
of life on the farm
Wilmington Messenger.
In recent years it has become
a fad for college students, at
their graduation, to wear caps
and gowns The custom has
been adopted some of the col-
in this State and we note
with interest that even at de-
and conservative Wake
Forest the cap and gown will be
in evidence at this year's com-
So long as the col-
students are clothed and in
their right minds conduct
sometimes leaves one in doubt
about the we suppose we
have no right to object to any-
thing they do. Anyway the cap
and gown comes along with the
affected among all classes
of wearing glasses which are not
only of no service but are often
absolutely hurtful to the eyes,
and of spending about per
cent, of the time developing
by playing foot ball ard
baseball instead of cultivating
their rather in
physical instead of mental
cultivation the chief aim. But
after all these things do the Gen-
tiles seek the cap and Moth-
Hubbard might as well come
along with the rest. The old-
times Would probably not object
to some of the new fangled ways
they have in college if those who
arc turned out by these
only knew something that
v. while when they are
-out. but very often they don't.
It is said that Mrs. Thaw has
b en compelled to curtail her
on account of the
expense entailed on by
h t son's trial. This is one of
those illustrations, always
curring in real life, which dis-
pose of he amiable theory of
a weak sinner's being nobody's
enemy but his own. Wrongdoing
invariably commands a heavy
price, and it is not the guilty ex-
who are called upon
to pay American
Old Susan was working a block
away from her home, and, being
urged to stay to do some extra
work, she called to her
who was playing in front of
her house. All in one breath,
without pause or stop, she shout-
ed in a hi
to-my-house- and- go-in-de- front-
and- go back-to-de -kitchen
and-shut de-
it- and- set a cheer- -it -and
and-hang-de- key- u s-
hangs it- and- Mary- Jane
I ting
you thunderbolt de
for June.
Some Candidates Next Year.
Though two terms has for a
number of years been the rule
for State
nor, who is limited the con-
to one of
the present officers who will
have had two terms will, it
pears, offer again next year-
Treasurer Lacy will be a
date for a third term and so will
Auditor Dixon- Both of these
gentlemen suit us. Secretary of
State Grimes has made n public
announcement of his
and Superintendent of Public In-
will not have
had two terms by next year-
Attorney General is in
wretched health and there is no
likelihood of his being in the
We are not advised
of the plans of Mr. Varner, Com-
missioner of Labor and Printing,
nor of those of Corporation Com-
missioner whose
successor will be elected next
year. For the governorship, Mr.
W. W. Kitchen and Mr. Locke
Craig are now and with
or without authority the
of ex-Lieutenant Governor
is announced. There
will doubtless be a sufficient
number of candidates for all the
places to make the next
All Singers Invited.
All who will assist in the
during the missionary
conference to be held in the
Jarvis Memorial church here
next week, are requested to
meet at the church tonight after
prayer meeting.
This department Is In charge of F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Mrs. Alle n Crawford, of Green-
ville, spent several days at the
home of P. H. Kittrell.
The A. G. Cox Co. has
still on hand a full supply of
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
Quite a number of our citizens
attended the reunion of
veterans at Greenville Fri-
day and report an excellent pro-
A new lot of nice spring and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mrs. W L. House went to
Greenville Friday shopping-
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington. Barber Co.
Miss Kittrell, who has
been attending the Normal and
Industrial college at Greens-
returned home Wednesday.
Fancy negligee and shirts at
B. F. Manning Co.
Prof. Lineberry went to John-
son's Mill Thursday evening to
speak on the bond issue.
Call and let ma take your order
for a tailor made suit from the
Progress Tailoring O. Chicago
111-a fit guarantee. J. D. Smith
B F. Manning Co-
Protect yourself from the sun
by getting a large straw hat at
Harrington, Barber Co.
We are having
weather for cotton planting and
tobacco setting. Farmers may
be on the lockout for grass if
the weather continues wet.
We nave plenty of time on
hand, A. W. Ange Co.
Fresh corned herrings just
opened at Harrington, Barber
We sell Laughlin, Eclipse and
Parker fountain pens.
The A. G. Cox Co. has
on hand a full supply of buggy
bodies and seat in the most pop-
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price
Our price, B. T. Cox
We will sell you a Webster's
Unabridged Dictionary, bound
in sheep, for They are
B. T. Cox Bro.
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up to-date
Hunsucker buggies being turned
out almost almost every day by
the A. G-Cox
B T. Cox Bro. have just re-
a nice lot of Teacher's
Bibles, binding. Prices
from to each.
Rev. W. E. Cox filled his
appointment at the
pal church Friday night instead
of next Monday night, on account
of commencement of W. H. S.
next week-
The season is now almost at
hand when most of the farmers
will likely need trucks
and from the barn.
Q. Cox Co. are
preparing to make good Friday
n v their
., and would be glad to
in and Kate Chap-
m went to Greenville Thurs-
Tl G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
making shipment of their
tobacco trucks almost
We are expecting a
large run of these goods this
season and would therefore,
to our customers to
orders as early as possible.
L. L. Kittrell and Purnell Tripp
went to Greenville today-
The A. G. Cox Co. has
for the past son sold over
of their Simplex Guano Sowers
without a single complaint being
reported. The demand far their
Economic Back band has been
great for this season as they
have sold over cf them.
deposit is too small to
be welcomed at the bank, it is
the frequency, of deposits that
show character. This is an ex
motto for every young
man to adopt when starting out
in life. Don't, be afraid of word-
the car-bier by these little
amounts. That is his business-
J. L. Jackson Cashier of
Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for you at
any Wood work also a
A new arrival of trunks,
and hand grips at A. W
St Co-
The A. G- Cox Co. will
make flues for the
at the same old price as
Augustus Haddock and broth-
of Georgetown, S. C, who
have been visiting relatives h ore
for several days, returned to
their home this morning.
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort,
and They have just
opened their large lino of fine
Miss Lela Roach is visiting
Misses and Kate
B. T Cox Bro. have garden
and flower seeds- ail
kinds at the drug store.
G. E- Lineberry filled
Rev. J. E. at
Greenville Sunday.
We have just received a large
of best roofing. See us for
prices before A. W.
Ange Co.
R. H- Hunsucker went to
Greenville Tuesday.
Have you seen new
proved coffee-mill at Harrington
Barber Co It will take your
W. H- S gave a rehearsal; last
night of the Friday con-
cert for the benefit of the citizens
of the town and community
Rev- J- E. of Greenville
the annual sermon
tonight in the auditorium. All
are most cordially invited to
hear him.
Extra line of white goods just
opened at B. F. Manning Co.
Miss Mabel Kittrell
Miss Kittrell.
Knitting already
pared at Harrington, Barber
There were regular services at
the Free Will Baptist church last
and men's fancy silk
hose for summer wear at B. F.
Manning Co.
The election passed off quietly
Mrs. Croom, of Kinston, is
visiting her son, Rudolph, here
this week.
See our new assortment of
hamburgs, laces etc at B. V,
Manning Co.
G. A. Kittrell, our hustling
pony dealer, is expecting
ell three today.
a now line of tin ware n
at Harrington
Origin of Custom of
tors at
The name of godfather and god-
mother me from the
and they are applied to those who
stand speak for a Child in the rite
of baptism. The Latin
name fir the lame
having been incorporated in the
A is being told at th
yard concerning
a contractor, who
nil the old obsolete cannon
which were sold the local yard
sonic ago. The cannon wore
all r kind, and in
order that they might be easily
bundled for shipment to tho city
ill .- of schemes were in
an o- to break them with
and blasting powder, b
they wore unsuccessful. An electric
machine was oven set up the
the cannon were drilled
fall of holes in order to weaken
thorn breaking open with
wedges, hut this was also
foL The cannon wore then taken
and tho last heard of them
TH E i
English language, i more of- . , ,.
ten used than the in the
Point whore an effort
It signifies a bondsman or
The first appointment of sponsors
in tho church occurred about
A. D-, and the selection was the
act of a Roman bishop, whose ob-
was to provide for the Chris-
uprearing of a child, both of
whose parents had in
From that time on the
tom of having sponsors at the
of children grew on the plea
that their parents might be cut off
by fierce attack on the small
company of Christian believers,
it came tn lie retained after tho
period of as a part of
the baptismal rite.
A rule adopted by a church
in A. D-, forbidding parents
to act as sponsors for a child is sup-
posed have for its purpose the
curing for a child a Christian
should one or both of the par-
die, for it was held that the
parents were, per BO, the child's
sponsors and bound, by their
very act bringing him to the
font, to rear him in the faith.
Another church rule adopted b
the council of Trent in limit-
the number of sponsors to two
for child, is said to have owed
its In fact that the choice
of bad come to he made
largely to gifts and favor.-, a
or more friends, present or
recorded sponsors
in a custom that
office into a
of o sponsor as defined
catechism are to
child a
of the evil work- of the
world, flesh and tho devil;
in the Christian
third, to n life lived in accord-
with holy will and com-
An in
the child's Christian welfare was at
I time of its godparents.
looked for now beyond
i ii more or less
his well being.
was made to break them open
with dynamite again. The cannon
which to be so strong were
among tho armament of tho war
craft which in
San Francisco Chronicle.
What can I do
H B Mumford- of Ayden, was .
young society women were
hi outbound Sutler street car.
It stopped at
there Tom Ed I
they've had luncheon at the
Palace. They've got on the front
end. I don't want to speak to Ed.
if ho should come
visiting here Sunday evening.
The I of Winterville
up and played a of
hall with the Greenville
afternoon. game
was interesting and
in a score of to in favor of
shouted the
as the ear sped along,
the matter
him any
cover did. but I expected he'd
auk o to the m to ho
pretended I wasn't going, and I
knew there. What do
North Carolina I In the Superior
Pitt County. I Before D. C Moore,
Sidney Wooten and Charles Woolen,
Shade H. Wooten, J. F. and
Herbert E.
By Virtue of an Order made in the
above Special Proceeding, by
of the Superior court, on
the 7th clay of May, the undersign-
ed commissioner will on Saturday tho
9th day of June, 1907, at noon,
expose to public sale before -the court
House Greenville, to the highest
bidder for cash the following tract of
land to
in the county of Pitt
State of North Carolina and in Swift
Creek township, of
T. H. Fleming J- M. Wooten,
lands and others, and
acres more or and befog the
lands formerly known the Charles
Wooten Home place. This sale will be
made fir partition.
This the 7th day of May, 1907,
V. C. Harding.
i I
lining by his
whir if
at the
cord ltd
water a
In i Dag.
i- water for
hole and ;
some n pap
at n Bank.
A full blood Indian squaw attired
in tho regulation i of swell
bred society woman in Indian life
brightly colored blanket and skirt
with beaded leggings and
with the approved
coiffure, which is the same
have been wearing the
bundled recently seen to
walk into the Reno State bank
and fill a check in a full round
band, which she at the
proper window and re d her
money, supposedly. The officials at
tho ti y it is a common occur-
but to average it
corned o proceeding--El
Reno American.
When Ohio
In the mid.-l of
lecture on the other
night at the Young Men's Christian
association ho quite a little
time on the Incident of the princely
sum of which be brought
with him to this country and gave
to congress.
Lafayette returned to the
United States forty-two years
later congress voted him
for the which ho
gave to us in that time of great
need. When the vole was taken
state in the Union voted for it
us mention it
exception of Columbus
One of tho curiosities of modern
forestry is the c are of beautiful old
shade The amputation of
diseased or dead limbs is as careful-
performed to prevent further de-
cay from tho elements as in
operations on human beings.
Decaying cavities are cleaned and
filled with a preserving cement, as is
done the modem dentist.
the latest advance is to build a tin
roof the upper of wide
spreading branches, where little
hollows might hold dampness and
promote decay. Some handsome
patriarchs well it.
His Way of
A number of years ago at a
town in Maine an important local
election was to take place, and there
was strong rivalry between the Re-
publicans and Democrats. Old Hi-
ram Morse, tho blacksmith, was a
strong Democrat, but many of the
farmers were Republicans. On the
of the election a farmer
came to have his shod. The
blacksmith said to We're both
You're a Republican, and Pin
i Democrat. pair off. We'll
neither us vote, and it will
amount to, the same an if both went
to tho pol agreed
After election out
Morse had pain with live Re-
publican i
-t. They have more style than other Hats sold regardless
2nd. They to other makes
3rd. They wear longer and look better than any other Haft
on the market.
you have the satisfaction of
knowing it Is
j- i 1- MAN'S
I i W
Main Line.
Upon the completion of the
It It. which will give
quick transportation, tow
freight rates a fast mail service,
places before the
world and opportunities
development which has
before presented itself is now
attracting attention from pros-
investors from all sides.
Don't miss the sales of Jun;
13th Townsend Windham
with hold it over a n
flame o- n ;. The water ho
paper doesn't bur
Local ii is wet, and wet paper i
a time have
jot an
,,. ., ,.,; . hot water for
shaving, not i hod
A lady i. i reproaching a
friend for r having mar
when her husband, a little-
bored said
, i
i you
he had
she cued.
he do
say.; lie owed me a
the husband explained, with
New Year
one door north f Mn
Kinds me at tho old -tend,
tor his during
past year and ask that it may be continued.
It will pay you to visit store
J. B. Johnston.
Homo of Women's Fashions, Greenville, N. C.

Under the law of this State it
is a common occurrence for a
man arrested for carrying a con-
weapon to be fined, the
weapon restored to his keeping
and he be to sally-
forth with the pistol again
on his person- What a
farce But one equally as silly-
has developed in New
since the beginning of the
against concealed weapons.
It seems that the public depart-
collects all the deadly
Naval Men Japanese Battle-
Social to Reflector.
Norfolk, Va., May
naval officers are watching
with great interest the appear-
and movements of the
armored cruiser
Their interest is explained by
the first, that this ship
with a speed on natural
of about knots, which is bet-
than any of our own cruisers
can do, was turned out from a
Japanese shipyard workmen
weapons that are seized --knives. arc just beginning
pistols and dirks -and once each
year disposes of them at public
auction. These weapons are
bought by the pawnbrokers by
they are sold for
the police
If guilt of arming the
p it is arresting on r. res of
carrying concealed arm.- This
h; t brought
the that ;
law be passed all con-
a-ms o ho
aid this reform probably w II b
so n ace
Jr . Dead
E Praetor, 15-year-old
of Mr. Mrs. W. E. Proctor,
of died
i r ling o'clock of
construction; yet. according to
naval experts, the ship is per-
in every detail; second, that
was under
and on the high seas within
keel w.
No sue
the time her
mi in Japan
i speed of construction
. ever been attain, d in
at i
. i work was c
an the best Bi
in the c of
the i . is only
better I i n t tat made by the
Japan -j in the
building f -he
Bad Condition of Malta.
Special to
The young man as May 9.-The pres-
school at Chocowinity of the premiers
was taken sick Saturday from all quarters of the globe
night On Monday he was car-
r id t a hospital in Washington
where an operation was per-
formed Tuesday night. He did
not survive the operation and
passed at the time stated
The parents have sympathy
of many in their
On Bethel chained
v if colored citizens to-
the leg and sent them
lie ledge
h a Sheriff Tucker n t ;
c. house, and later
to beg. n lessons in road
g under the direction of
has set some of them thinking
that Great has one colony
that is in rather a bad way.
Nobody stops, generally to
think about it, even when the
King and Queen have been
some time there We
have a very vague idea of Va-
and also of the existence
of problems arising out of the
mixed of the population
of the little island that is all.
To Maltese, Malta must have a
rather sad appearance. An in-
creasing population find its
area continually reduced
for purpose of Port
These Said is now the coaling station for
of Graded School.
There are several excellent
schools in Pitt county, and
el possesses one of them in her
graded school, the
exercises of which took place
on the and 8th.
H. is
dent of the school and the
numbers six teachers. The
enrollment the past session was
The closing exercises began
Tuesday night with a concert in
which a most interesting pro-
gram was rendered. A feature
of this concert was recitations
by nine in competition for
a gold modal. Each girl acquit-
herself with marked credit.
j bu Miss Cherry excelled
others and was awarded the
i s. judges.
lay morning Hon. Lee
S. in, of Salisbury, junior
senator for North
delivered the annual
on in-
. by Hon. J. L. Flem-
St. senator- Senator
address charmed the
Urge audience. His subject was
d against Socialism
but he said he
was not ti confine himself
strictly to the subject. He said
he was once a school teacher and
readily see the difference
in communities where the people
were t be taxed for
schools and where they were
not w. ; In one there
is enterprise
and while in the
other there is illiteracy,
and poverty of mind d
Good school louses and
good roads indicate ; it
Individualism, he said, is the
j grow of men. the growth of
men makes the State, the growth
the Mate makes I he country.
No country can be greater
the aggregation of its poop .
Education, grit
and t
Three ways are used by farmers
for curing and preparing their to-
for the market; namely sun
cured, air cured and flue cured.
The old and cheap way is called air
cured; the later discovery and
proved way is called flue cured.
In flue curing the tobacco is taken
from the fields and racked in barns
especially built to retain heat and
there subjected to a continuous high
temperature, produced by the direct
heat of flame heated flues, which
brings out in the tobacco that
stimulating taste and aroma that
expert roasting develops in green
coffee. These similar processes give
to both tobacco and coffee the cheer-
and stimulating quality that pop-
their use.
The quality of tobacco depends
much on the curing process and the
kind of soil that produces it, as ex-
pert tests prove that this flue cured
tobacco, grown in the famous F
region, requires and takes
sweetening than tobacco
any other section of the United S
and has a wholesome,
juicy, full tobacco taste that
tobacco hunger. That's why
prefer Schnapps, because
cheers more than any other
tobacco, and that's why chewer;
Schnapps pass the good thing a
one chewer makes other chew
until the fact is established
there are more chewers and n
pounds of tobacco chewed to
population in states where
tobacco is sold than there arc
those states where Schnapps has
yet been offered to the trade.
A plug of Schnapps is n
economical than a much larger
plug of cheap tobacco. Sold at-j
per pound in cuts,
and cent
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company N.
A Merited Rebuke.
That was a neat
that Ambassador White-
law Reid gave Mr. Austin, the
British poet laureate, the other
day. given by the
ambassador Mr Austin, who was
a guest, in responding to a toast
had the ill manners to
unfortunate that America,
which has produced so many
n aging largely in the
y and other articles.
It lope th it they been
stores in Bethel
and these articles.
Three Carter
Jim La we-e
arrested by Tuesday
on the charge of burning the
Stables and as of T. L
of Farmville, about
a mom a ago. made a
all vessels home through
the and only vessels from
the Black Sea and Asia Minor
need coal at Malta; and more-
over, an fiscal
policy encourages corn-growing
in an island th it should be
voted u other things
Knights of Pythias in a Big
to It. II
Philadelphia, May 9-I-
in, and implicated the The one lodges of Knights of
interested in the ink;
which will be held at the
tonight. The entire
were given a j
nary hearing at Farmville.
before Justices
Eason Belcher
was committed to jail without
bail and the two
placed under bond for
at the next term of
Pitt Superior court.
The Sans Book Club was
very charmingly entertained, by
form Rank of the city have
accepted invitations to parade
tonight. A largo number of
lodges have also sent word that
they will the numbers of
marching Knights by sending
delegations of members. The
and the Christian religion
away and we have socialism and
anarchy lei t.
Senator covered a
in ma His
to to be
reach the pinnacle of
and let no obstacle dis-
courage them was inspiring.
Following the address inter-
essays were read by the
young ladies of graduating
class. A fountain pen was of-
as a prize for the best
essay and this was to
Miss Maud
Diplomas were then presented
to the graduating class by
W. H. Rags-
was composed of
Loans and Discounts Stock paid in
Overdrafts Secured Fund
so many , Unsecured profits
millionaires, has not Furniture and of Deposit
a poet in recent years i Due from Banks
This produced consternation Cash Items Cashiers ding
among the guests, followed by a Gold Coin
period of embarrassment Silver Coin 855.70
until Mr. Reid and replied,
consoles her- .-----
self with the thought that even
England has periods. ., .
Such a period, has supervened
I, It. Davis, Cashier of the bank, do
I be SOU is t to bent.
end J. R. DAVIS,
age. patience, toil, these are
mark- of individuality that bring since Tennyson's death
Success- There is no real Whit made the all the ,
toil. Take educ-
class invitation is
under the
to be given
under the auspices of the corn-
Mrs . . . , , , ,.
day afternoon. Quite a number j lodges of the Order
of visitors were present at this
meeting. Misses Skin-
and Sushis Whedbee added
very much to the enjoyment of
the meeting by most delightful
reading, after which Mrs Wood-
ward served delicious refresh-
The meeting adjourned
to meet next with the Misses
Knights of Pythias of
and the counties of Dela-
wane, Chester, Montgomery and
Bucks, Knights of Pythias in
state lodges have also asked
permission to parade.
Divorce Publicity.
Child Brought Here for Burial.
Mr. L. B. Barn hill, now of
Hickory, Va, came in
day evening on a sad
He ht the remains of his
infant child for burial, the little
one having died Tuesday. Mr.
wife was Miss Nannie
Daniel, of Greenville.
as poet laureate for purely
political reasons. The appoint-
it is said, would have gone
to or Swinburne but for
the fact that both had been
severe in their criticisms of
Russia, and the British govern-
did not want to give that
nation cause for offense by
pointing om- of them It was
well understood at the time that
Mr. Austin was not qualified for
the position, and his appoint-
was the subject of general
ridicule in England and in this
Hereafter when Mr. Austin
feels like making a particularly
rude speech he will probably
hunt up some one besides Mr.
Reid on whom to vent his spleen.
Addle Messenger.
P. and Paul
F. Jones Willis R- Jones.
In the afternoon there was a
the query
that the government should own
and operate the railroads this
The affirmative was
Thomas B. Bryan.
Marvin K. Blount and E.
Jones, the by Willis It.
Jones and Willie C. Whitehurst,
each of the young men
himself with much credit. A
gold medal for the best
was awarded to Willis R Jones-
Medals and prizes were then
presented as follows;
Nearly every la subject
tacks from the stomach suffers from a
morbid dread of a treatment for
relief, that is Hirer starvation,
and one-fourth mill, and toast. On the
hand you can eat as you please
digest the food by the aid of a good
thus giving stomach
equally as much rest. Eat what you
please and take u little for
after your meals. It digest
what you eat; Sold by Jno. L. Wooten.
Subscribed and t be-
me, this day of Mar.
J. V.
Notary Pa
W. vi
Loans and discounts
Furniture Fixtures
Due from Banks and
Cash items
Gold coin.
At the close of Mar 22nd.
Capital stock i.
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Rill Payable
I certificates of
Deposits subj. to check
checks out-
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. W- H Cashier of the named sol
statement is true to the best of my
W. H Cash
swear that the above
edge and belief.
memories of the past
established a beautiful
bringing together
ll reunion the surviving
, of the Confederacy. Ail
south today the 10th of
is observed as Memorial
It brings together the old
rs in greetings to each
and also the younger gen
Ions who love to honor them
their deeds of valor and
more of his courage and patriot-
ism in repairing the devastation
caused by the war in the years
following it The world had not
produce men more noble, more
patriotic more self-sacrificing
than these.
His rehearsal of scenes follow
ins the war. and the
through which the people of the
South passed, was vivid and
thrilling. Coming on to
Call Awaken Poetic Reverie.
Great Editor, here
I am again as one who from
the Ever since you Dem-
buried me so deep last
November, I have been lying in
my peaceful grave wondering if
would not happen to
the present he expressed me up life again, and
the era of peace and L, God when the Como
prosperity us today gallant
Henry Harding, for old
this his devotion to duty, to rise up and put on
his love of country and the school
houses he has to educate
each year thesis children. His tribute to the
lie of and
tog in
i. day,
gall they E r
and honor of h -m
rare away.
o'clock Bryan Grim
hp of Confederate Veterans
in the court house to trans-
its routine business. The
hp was called U order by
H. Harding, who
addressed his comrades
I outlined the program for the
women of the South touch-
the of and
for we boys all t meet at Greet.-
ville on the 10th. there was a
rattling of the old dry bones that
brought us to life again, and
i heart, and he said that
., which the heroes
eh id by our women is far I now Vanderbilt is himself again.
; I That spirit of patriotism that
a conclusion of the speech i should permeate the breast
in If of f has found a lodge
in my soul that no storm of
the was
with and the follow-
officers were re-elected for
f ensuing
The following names of
Va who had died during the
1st year were James Elks,
Daniel, J. L. Daniel, B.
W. James, J. Q-
M. Fulford, J. F- Parker.
Leggett, Asa Garris,
Godwin, Louis Hudson, Sam-
Mumford, Richy Moore,
R- L. Johnson,
A. S H- Spain, E. D.
large list shows how rap-
time is thinning the ranks
the brave boys who wore the
j C. D. Rountree, G F. Evans
Ind S. V. Laughinghouse were
a committee to draft
to the
of the departed comrades
have them published in the
The line was then formed in
C .
the Daughters of the
presented Governor Jarvis
a handsome bouquet His re-
marks in presenting this were
beautiful, referring to Governor
Jarvis as a double hero, one
most gallant in battle, and one
vet among us devoting his best
efforts to our progress and
The children of the graded
then sang which
was so much that
was given by
the veteran in return, much to the
delight of the large crowd that
Piled the opera house
After the exercises in the
opera house dinner was served
on the court house lawn.
These annual reunion days are
looked forward to with much
pleasure, and today will be long
remembered by the veterans and
all who participated with them
in the exercises.
Stat Ohio, City Toledo,
Lucas County.
Frank J. makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of r. J.
Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid
and that Paid pay the sum
and every case that cannot be cured by
Sworn to and subscribed
in my presence, this 0th day of
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh is taken
and acts directly on the blood and mu-
surfaces of the system. Sana w
free. .,.
F. J. CO., Toledo, O
Sold by all
Take Hall's Family
of the house and the Register Deeds R- Williams
amp, followed by a large con-, is- licenses to
of people, marched
Hill cemetery It was J .
that a
older solders who hid
or otherwise can
from my system. Instead
blotting out patriotism my
dictionary, I have written it in
loud letters so a blind man can
see it. I have made it a rule
my future conduct in life let
pale into insignificance
in the presence of patriotism,
and as Pat said when everybody
had given him up for dead,
good toddy arid
put it his nose and if be
did not rise up and accept the
you could give a
of So it is with
me when you blow the bugle
c tiling forth all men who class
themselves and if you
do not see me in the ranks and
answer to the ell you may know
I am dead.
Well, I went to our reunion to
meet the boys and have one day
more of enjoyment in their com
and enjoyed the same
hugely There was only one
shadow, one cloud, to mar the
of our happiness for
this one day and that was to miss
the presence of all those
brothers who had gone
to their reward and are
sitting around the camp
light purse a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The is the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Food don't digest Because
lacks some the essential
the digestive are nos
properly I Then, too.
should be used for relief. it
solution of it
what you eat, and correct
Ides of the conforms to
the National Pure and Law.
Sold here by Jno. L. Wooten
Panama Canal Erie Carat
Machinery is digging Panama
canal a thousand times quicker than
the shovel dug the Erie.
Machinery produces the L- M
paint at times less cost for labor,
than if made by
The L, M. gives the best job in the
world, because L, M. Zinc hardens
He Bond.
The happened yes-
morning when Mr. Franc
H. Junes
of the Charlotte i., m. .
i. i . White makes L. M.
Bank, suddenly appeared in the for years.
city and V ed I It only requires gallons of this
into th of and gallons of Linseed
into oil at per paint a mod-
United States officers to answer I crate sized
the charge preferred against him.
They like the taste well as maple
is what one mother wrote of
Kennedy Laxative Cough Syrup. Tins
syrup is tree
opiate or narcotics. Contain
i the
Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by
Jno. L. Wooten.
Wise MM the South
When the cold winds dry and era k the
the akin a box of salve can save mote
discomfort. In buying look for
the name on the box to ; any
and I a . you the i
Wit. i Hazel Sold b;
L. Wooten
of embezzlement Mr.
Jo. e-; arrived on Southern pas-
train No II. which came
in a few
Be was . d by bis wife
his attorney, Mr. C. D Ben-
nett Immediately upon their
arrival. Mrs Jones was driven
home and Mr. Jones and Mr.
called upon United
i es Commissioner J. W.
States District Attorney
A. E. Holton was summoned
from Winston by and the
preliminary hearing was held in
Mr Bennett's office in the Pied-
building last Mr.
Jones waived examination and
was bound over on a
b This bail he gave with the
f as sureties,
Messrs. B. D. Springs. F. H.
Andrews, Jeremiah Golf and
George W.
ax sized
If any defect exists in L. M. Paint,
will repaint house nothing.
Sold by H. I. Carr. Ore
Or- K. L.
Green ville, G
in 1866.
J-W. GO.
Cotton and handlers of
Bagging. Ties aim Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Got Foaled.
was literally coughing myself to
and had to
my bed; predicted that I
would never leave bit they pot
fooled, for thanks be was in-
to try Or. New Discovery.
It just four one dollar bottles to
completely cure the cough and restore
me to good sound writes Mrs.
Eva of Stare
Co. Ind. This King of COUgh and cold
cures, and throat and lung,
i guaranteed by J. L- Wooten Drug-
gist. and Trial bottle free.
Clear up the com lemon,
tone c in b
do this b a dose or two of Do
Little Early Sale Reliable little
with a The pills that
everyone knows. by
Jno. L. Woolen.
null .--
Anderson and
to march like in the day s
long gone.
At the cemetery the line
J. W.
with age had to drop out j COLORED.
line, as they were not strong Melvin Lee and Clarissa Smith.
Will Brown and Lula
Jesse Anderson and Bessie
Andrew James and Cornelia
by the Daughters of the
Confederacy who had flowers to ---------1
decorate the graves of departed I Colored Man Killed.
soldiers A circle was first Smith a colored
formed around the Confederate
monument and after
this and the
I were placed on
old cannon beside it the
line moved to different graves
I and stood at rest while the flow-
were being placed. It was
with solemn tread the gallant
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, day of Mar-
1907. S. T. Carson
Votary Public
Good Hotel.
S. M.
. Jones,
who the first of this year moved
his family to Bethel to take
charge of the hotel there, is con-
ducting a splendid hostelry in
that town. He has made the
reputation of setting an excel-
lent table and looking well to c-
comfort of his guest . aw that it should be openly
love to with him and
in high of his hotel.
Special to Reflector.
Wilmington, Del., May
The legislature of has
amended the laws on divorce so
as to forbid chamber pro-
divorce cases and to
require that all argument that
publicity will prove one of the
most effective means of prevent
collision between the parties
and will also act as a deterrent
against the permanent
of married couples who
would shrink from the publicity
of a trial and probably be led on
second thought to comp m
The correct
as . ,. ,
Gold medal for best debate, to a murder case in which one of
Willis H Jones by Hon. Lee S. the witnesses was a porter
Enviable Speed.
The quickest action ever noted
by a Cincinnati newspaper writer.
was illustrated when he reported SOUTHERN RY CO.
Cold medal for best recitation,
to Miss Cherry by Prof.
W. H.
Fountain pen for most improve-
in penmanship, to Walter
by Prof. J. D. Everett.
Fountain pen for best
Miss Maud Barnhill by G
The exercises dosed with
another delightful concert Wed-
Bethel is proud of her graded
and has just cause to be.
I The people there
I cat by all
hi of the own closing Wed-
while the exercises were
No wonder
i administered.
in the hotel that was the scene
of the killing The was
asked how many shots he heard
shots, he replied.
far apart were
like ex-
plained the clapping his
hands twice, with an interval of
u second between.
were you when the
first shot was
a shoes in
duh basement of
d of such t in
education are progressive.
Steamer L. leave
Washington daily
at am for
Greenville daily Sundays
at m Washington.
Connecting at lib
Norfolk Ry. Co. for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia
New York. Boston and all other
points North. Connects at Nor-
folk all
shippers should order
f eight via Norfolk, care Nor
subject to e
ville, N. C.
Where you w,,.,. Agent,
second shot was q
was duh Big General F
P Agent,
W, Supt.
To sufferers of Kidney, I
Bladder I
say a
it cure we will
your We say
full size free bottle i
and if it benefits
use SOL until
to a at
Only a limited f
given miss
to test
A. B
Congleton, for whom he worked,
several from the farm going to-
on a wagon. As they
were getting ready to return
home Crandall was last to get on
the wagon, and by some mis-
step he fell over the front across
he tell over
old heroes moved through the single tree. This frightened
and paused silently as
the decorations were placed
mark of esteem on the graves of
their departed comrades. Doubt-
less many of them realized that
the summons must soon come to
them and they too. be called to
join the ranks the
The line then returned to Ma-
temple opera house where
the mules and they run away,
breaking neck and
crushing the back of his head
Color, do Observing the Landing at
special to Reflector.
Denver, Colo, May 13--The
legislature having passed a res-
for the observance the
anniversary of the landing
at Jamestown, the event is being
the program shed i observed in every
is carried out. The members th, State, and specially
of the camp occupied front scats
and they fully enjoyed the songs
and other exercises of the day
The introduction by Col F. G.
James of ex-Gov. Jarvis, the
orator of the was a master
stroke cf eloquence Gov. Jar-
vis greeted with applause
as he arose. Though somewhat
recent sickness his
but briefly to the
. . n. r
wanted . , i
and in Colorado Springs.
The Colonial Dames,
Branch, asked the
of the resolution
feeble from
speech was
He referred
. w
photo or fur
i on I
I m to
the bivouac of the dead.
no but gone before, who are
now, in the grand army of the
Lord, exercising the same valor
and in the celestial
regions, only multiplied beyond
numeration, under th smiles of
a loving and Savior
Who leads them in the green pas
lures beside the still waters of
eternal bliss. And all these who
are bereft of blessed pres-
in this world should console
themselves by realizing that our
loss is their eternal gain, and to
those who were
them in this mundane sphere,
we would refer them to the
words in that blessed Book which
say that the good Lord
wind to the lambs.
Therefore, let them trust in God
and Hi will be a friend to the
widow and a father to the father-
We were sorry to see so many
of our brothers in such feeble
condition as to be unable to
make the full march in the
of the day, and then that
strong old warhorse, Gov. Jarvis,
we were sorry to see so feeble,
and it made our hearts melt to
see the attention and devotion of
his good wife this occasion
It to us all that we are
passing away and rapidly,
and we all hope some sweet day
to assemble in the great camp
around the great white throne
the Great Commander of the
universe where instead of grow-
weaker we will grow stronger
and stronger, where age will
strength to our immortal frames
in the great beyond where we
all can sing th everlasting
Now a word to the good ladies
for our enjoy-
upon that occasion. May
the Lord forever bless, protect,
and defend them from all harm.
May nil their morning be calm and fair,
Full of and balmy air;
Their noonday sun all pleasantly bright.
With verdure and loveliness still in
their sight; .
Their evening fair and their night
serene, . ,
Riling From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, A.
of Lucama, N C, relate a
most remarkable experience. He
fires ml taking law than
American Convention.
Special to Reflector.
Philadelphia, May
American Cotton
Association convened in this city
today, the National body coming
in all its strength. This
convention has brought together
the most representative body of
America textile merchants ever
gathered, the committee expend-
thousands of dollars in enter-
the delegates and their
wives- A night, an
trip, and a
excursion with planked
dinner have pleased the delegates
Celebration the Landing at
First Class Work and Reasonable
Prices. Iron Fencing Sold.
North Carolina.
; ,
Guaranteed tut all and
. the nil
lie. It
Keel lite one rising
My troubles is Bright a
Electric Hitters will cure me
permanently, W it has already stopped
the liver and complication
which have troubled mo for
Price only
about acre, more or lean,
land lying p.
county, North on aide
of Tar ft a
CU-ii. a of the land form
by I and run
north Mecca line
about yard, with Ber
lino about yards to
line ditch on place
thence nearly south with d ditch
a thence to
cum at the beginning, bounded tin
lands of Chas. Henry
Sermons and others
This April 27th, 1907.
Theophilus I hill.
person or persons claiming title
to interest in the foregoing de-
scribed land must file their protest in
writing with me within the next thirty
days, or they will be barred by law.
R. Williams.
Entry Taker
Special to
Somerville, Mass., May ,
Somerville is celebrating today
the hundredth anniversary of,
the landing at
Mayor Charles A.
sided at anniversary meet
in Broadway Congregational
church City Librarian Sam
Walters Foes, the well known
t read an original poem on
the event. Rev. R W. Wallace
made the address on The
National the
of Jamestown.
at Swamp S
Eider M. T Lawrence
the ordinance of
to three candidates and re-
them into the member-,
ship of the Primitive Baptist LAWYERS,
church at Swamp, Sunday practice
morning. j
Contractor, Builder, tile
submitted and estimates f Jr-
on application. All work
Turn key job when ever
N. C.
Harry Skinner. Man., Skinner, Jr.
the courts.
I Not Quite
. How you can get a
or screw driver or
i lacking. Have a good
X tool box and be prepared
in emergencies. Our line of tools
. is b you could desire, and
I we will see that your tool
K box does not lack a single
useful article.
i Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
I J P.
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville, N. C.
A. B.
All kinds of all kind choice cut How-
in season Special attention given
Wedding and Funeral Decorations
I nth stock. Pot plants for Winter
. . Read
and have receive

mm j i
J. M. bLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
By a
Storer is to summer
I at Back ray. Quite appropriate
for a back number.
Hope wont have his
finger under the Ohio lid when
Taft sits down on it. It will be
-75 cons cotton bad for the finger.
F- Co
. . take meal. In other days, the stories of
receipts for There were people here last divorce suits were
We ii-t Sunday from everywhere expurgated Now they seem to
mi it Grifton and both had be
BOd v find Anna-
a beautiful and alluring ex-
of his long-cherish-
Everybody look out for our theory of and
new ails
i an
tile. I
. I
point of the
to come.
v i I, meeting has
since rely
.,,, I on
i and not T.
A. . . my
last the
. , It night
p, i go
to E E. they always
the b
. has gone to
Soot d her sister.
I i . and II- W.
rue lay i
Go to L V. new
market for beef fresh meats,
and fresh fish.
Hiss Minnie Dawson, of Maple
Cypress, been here for
days attending the
Merchandise Broker-J carry
a full line Meat, Lard and Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly A; Co.
Miss Carrie Smith, of Green-
ville, is visiting relatives in
V. s. Blount, assisted by his
excellent daughters, Misses
Florence and Lizzie, are con-
ducting a splendid hotel here.
The public speak o.
them in the highest terms.
If you need any Paint be sure
and see E. E. Co.
W B. Wilson, of Greenville,
was here Thursday.
The of registration close
tomorrow bight There is a full
registration wit prospects very
much in favor Public
sentiment is increasing to-
ward this end.
The direct i E the graded
have the same
leathers for session as had
for the past
for or i Le . Healthy Shoats
weighing to pounds
I I pay cash mark-
d l W. A. Harden.
ltd Ayden. N. C.
good sized crowd
F. on sale at Saul's Secretary mother does
us. however poor and
., sec
W in
J, P.
l and a pleasure
in having a class
Pen. Call at
Store and sec ire this much need-
ed article.
C. K. Johnson returned
from a trip to Hamilton.
Th registration books for
No. in town
ship, town of Ayden, are in the
hands of J. M. Blow Those
desiring to vote on the school
bonds will have to be-
tween now and May 4th.
f. Cecil has opened a
school here and we learn he
has met with much encourage-
L Browning and J. B.
Pierce, who sick,
are rapidly getting well,
following gentlemen were
duly inducted into office
day to which they were last
Monday elected for the next
Mayor. F.
or R Turnage,
Stancill Hodges,
VI Ai. J. Boyd, J- R.
Stancill Hodges,
C. Ormond, clerk;
of t excellent
Pens. Sauls.
will be
pd with f those
the finest and
. Pens
presidential campaign.
might be the making of the boy.
us. however poor and Peary should not lose heart-
afflicted, have blessings which Subscriptions for the
forget to number; we canal- fund may be, expected to
ways someone who has less
of earth's good things than we But if Taft does take the pres-
have. chair, they'll
answer to his have to knock off the arms, and
lining wife, in this little bolster up the framework.
c from The Interior,
Texas leaves the contention
that he had the secret of for recognition as the
true contentment so of the country, to other
hard to be contented with the stales. It is content to be the
things said watermelon of the world.
woman dolefully. Republican party
COntented with the things we ways tolls the says Sena-
that's for the
know about that; I He has actually perpetrated
said Uncle Silas, a real sure enough joke at last.
When we begin to look at the is much interest in
. ,, , trilling things mused Dr-
things our neighbors and pastor.
we haven t. we always pick cut Dr. has been reading what
just the things we want. They the New York newspapers said
live in a nice house, we say. about him.
and we have only a little Mr Bryan's declaration that
one. They have there sh be no rel among
and we need to count people with a purpose
, , in life encourage Mr.
every penny. They have an ; m
easy life, and we have to work-
We never had the . ., , ,.
, . , . . . . Prof. Alex Bell says
typhoid lever, but it did not we have airships
come to us. They have a son in the Atlantic in
the insane asylum, but our less than twenty hours. Dinner.
brains are sound. b. had in America and
feet go into their grand door, breakfast in Europe.
but nothing worse than Once mere Mr. Bryan has
ones come home to ours at night been hurled out of a vehicle
You see when we begin to call
The experiences of
Talbot, long the
but now bishop of central
have been many
and varied, and his book, recent-
published. people of the
gives a fascinating
of life in the earlier days of
the west.
Miners, loved
I him, and they still tell a host of
stories him.
, while the bishop of
j Wyoming and Idaho, he went to
Paul to attend a meeting of
j dignitaries of the church. There-
one noon, on the porch of the
i hotel, a tramp approached a
group of bishops and asked for
one of the churchmen
replied, don't think we can
. do anything. But down there
is the youngest bishop of us
Bishop and
, he's a very generous
The tramp went to Bishop
bot and the others watched with
I interest. They saw a of
surprise come over the tramps
saw that the bishop
talking eagerly, earnestly
they saw the tramp look per-
they finally saw
J that something passed from
hand to hand.
The tramp tried get away
without those of the
group, but the former spokes-
man to him.
did you get something
from our young
The tramp grinned sheepishly.
I gave him a dollar his
blamed new cathedral at Lara
Strikers Stubborn.
i Did Swallow die While
The Statesville Landmark and
various correspondents have
devoting much time to a
research of the Bible in a
logical discussion provoked by a
doubt as whether a
real whale swallowed .
I We have never doubted the lit-
statement of the Scriptures,
but if we had entertained
views the following
poem from Frank L. Stanton
would settle matter
for all time and we commend it
to the Landmark and its con-
whale Jonah
I know de why
Jonah a in de
pone by.
He tell de whale,
De whale he fer
Port Chance pit he'll him.
he'd talk no
En he my
He up sea
Kn him on en
too much fer
Special to Reflector.
New York. May
striking longshoremen continue
firm in their contention and say
they will never give up.
la Life.
It is not every man who knows
his position in life Some aspire
to govern who are able to
serve, and cases we find
those serving who are well
to govern or A man
who can direct and who is yet
content to folio leadership
of others is doing himself, his
family and his associates a great
in regaining in obscurity.
On the hand, a man who
cannot direct and who aspires to
the management of affairs is
doing the business community a
great wrong on account of the
c Mt of his and the
loss from plans which miscarry.
National Banker.
Raleigh News Observer.
Pretty for
the river is too high.
Providence to account for the
It doesn't seem to make any
to him ii is a
things that don't come to up. it's carriage or a band wagon, he
only fair to take in all kinds of always lands right side up.
Sure Way to Get Bait.
The boy wanted some worms
for bait he had selected a
promising spot, a shady and low-
lying dell, but through he had
be n digging now for fifteen
Congressman J.
of New York, cannot
see any way for the president to
escape being renominated next
Is the president looking
very diligently for a way to es-
Bernard Shaw makes a
not a single worm had protest against
his spade turned up assertion that there
Here, said an old are no great dramatists or poets
r, this chunk of soap nowadays. It may be added
am make me a quart or two of that Mr Shaw considers
self the greatest modern drama-;
he boy brought the suds, the
d man sprinkled them over the . , . ., ,. , i
ground and then he in turn be-1 At a meeting of the New York
to dig. It was amazing. City club the other
where the before had evening, one of the members
a single worm said reality we are the silent
man now discovered them in We would hate to argue
point with her
can find objection to those
anywhere, sonny. said the old to Europe win
man, it you wet the; ground ring from the fact that pas-
with soapsuds lust The not able lo boast
suds draws them, the same as of seen a sea serpent on
molasses draws Hies. A weak he w-iv over
mixture of blue vitriol and y
water a ill do the same on the cowcatcher
Journal. locomotive will cure
says a Russian doctor.
Couldn't Accommodate Rest and quiet is secured if the
Both Legislature and the Elks. I patient falls off while the train is
running at full speed
We have been making pianos
over half a century, and
all that time making them
a perfect
We to proof-
have no that when
buy a no one can
have n better.
of selling them
in the way. we main-
own and
tell to the wholesale
prices, on terms.
Let us tell you about it.
L. C. MGR.
By virtue of a executed and
delivered by General Dupree and wife.
Victoria Dupree. to Amos Williams on
the day of December, 1905. which
record in the office
of the Register of Deeds of Pitt county,
in book J-S, page the undersigned
will sell for cash, before the court house
door in Greenville. the 18th
day of May.
piece or parcel of land situate in the
county Pitt and in Greenville town-
ship, on the south side of Tar river, be-
ginning at the pate post on the left aside
of the main road going from Greenville
to Grimesland. then running east wit.,
said road to the Mogul line, with the
Mogul line to Creek, then up
said creek to and with the run thereof to
a big cypress. corner, then
straight across the Held to the beginning,
containing about M acres, more or less,
and being the same land sold to General
Dupree Amos Williams and said
mortgage was taken to secure the
This April 18th. 1807.
F. G. James. Attorney.
to Nominate a
nor of New Jersey.
Trenton, N. J. May
Socialists of the State of New
j Jersey are planning to run a man
fishing but for governor of the State, and to
that end have called a state con-
to gather In this city to-
I There is a large
of the Sue settlement
from all parts of State-
Dr Joseph Dixon
.-i t S
M. C.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods. No-
Light and Heavy
Prices-to suit the times.
a- AYDEN, N.
the of business 1906.
and discounts
. Overdrafts secured 209.58
Furniture and Fixtures 610.59
Due from banks an J bankers
, Cash it.-ms
Gold coin 160.00
j Silver coin 1.752.
Nat. bk notes other 2,100.00
Capital stock
Surplus fund 2,700.00-
Undivided less expenses
Dividends unpaid 00.00-
subject to cheek 51,386.85
Cashier's checks
s outstanding
I J. K. do v f-wear
flint the above is true to t-e best of my and be-
J. K.
and to R. SMITH
me, 27th day Mar,
T II i ii n. v. CANNON
Special to Reflector,
Harrisburg, May
Hot weather has not yet come
convention of the Pennsylvania No one is over anxious for its
Association of Elks was to advent, but the statement that
have convened here but j the watermelon crop amounts to
the date has been postponed until will make the
June. The reason is, that the j mate prospect a great deal more
Legislature is still in session, i bearable.
and this uses up all the hotel ac- j A at one of the Lake
that would be j Michigan resorts has
for the caring for give Tuft a suit of
who required a great . lL . t .,
quired a great many
rooms. The Knights of the
Eagle are also here, still
more restricting the supply of
Getting Slow.
rial to Reflector.
Boise, Idaho, May
have so far passed ex-
and been selected
the Hay wood trial. It is ex-
tn get the full by the
end of the week. L
clothes if he will he one of the
attractions at the
this summer- This is a liberal
offer, when one the
amount of cloth.
has overworked Judge
Taft as a man of all work, made
him too much of a and-
and thinks that Mr.
Roosevelt's enemies may see
deep design in Perhaps
Mr. Roosevelt is merely assisting
friend to ard train
down for the
For Twenty-one Years
P. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
A Word cf Tint be
IA Crops Damaged,
and Blood Cot Oat of Man's Head.
Ever no
great task lira been undertaken
or a reform, big or little, in-
I It it
mediately n by
the man who sneered.
He is older than . II
sneered at H
sneered at Socrates and made
the at Wat He-
sneered at and his great
discoveries. He has attacked
every form of religion. He has
decried every effort to purify
politics and improve conditions
of government.
He does even more He sees
incompetence and insincerity and
hypocrisy in every phase of life.
When we say that we have faith
in the great throbbing heart of
the human race, he sneers at us
because we want to believe in
best things. All around us
is the man who sneers-
You know him. He is in every
office, every store, every depart-
He sneers at the way the
business is conducted, at the
views of his employer, at the
Stock, at the buyers, at the book-
keeper and at you because
are contented and trying to do
-our full duty. is in the
the bank, the school, the
hospital, the city hall, the church.
You will find him in politics, in
the professions, in literature, in
art- He has no confidence in
any motive, anything or any-
body He at morality, at
sentiment, at charity at kind
words and deeds, at love, even
at the sacredness of the home.
A considerable hail and wind
struck the section around
in Falkland township,
i afternoon. Crops being
in they did not Buffer as
as i they had been
tun about in places the damage
i. On Mr.
a .- farm portions of
I lard planted cotton was swept
clean of growth, and there was
damage on the King farm.
In the track of the wind ma y
trees were blown down. A prize
house which Mr. W. H. Moore
was building and about half com-
was leveled to ground
and demolished.
Mr. C. Rea who had driven
a team to the river at Center
Bluff, was caught out in the
storm. His team became fright-
and while trying to man-
age them his hat blew off. The
hailstones pelted down on his
bare head and drew in
several places.
Preachers Samoa at Consecration of
and Their
Homes While
Following is a lift of the
St. Mary's Episcopal church at agates to the Woman's Foreign
Kinston consented ; Missionary Society convention
the annual ,, ,
of the diocese of East hero Memorial church,
Th-sermon was preached the homes to which they
Is This a Square Deal
Rev. W. E. Cox, of Greenville,
and commenting upon it the free
Following the consecration the
sermon was preached
by Rev W. E. Cox, of Green
ville. The subject chosen was
consciousness of as
applied to individual experience
The development of the theme
was masterly; it was clearly
thought out and delivered in an
attractive style. He
that the consciousness of God's
presence is the Christian's main-
stay and that the church of God
is the place divinely intended to
be set apart for the special
of God's presence and
for the special realization of that
Rev. Mr. Cox is a young
clergyman, but his zeal and
ability give premise of a bright
future in store for
Major Henry Harding and Mr.
It. R Cotton attended the
as delegates from St.
are assigned while here;
Mr- B. B. Adams, Four Oaks,
Mrs. C. J. Forbes.
Mrs. Mattie Alston, Siler
City. Mr-. W. R. Smith.
Miss Fannie B. Allen, Frank-
Mrs. Parham.
Mrs K P. Black. Littleton,
Mrs. E. A
Mrs. M- O. Bethel,
Misses Manning.
Mrs. J. W. Boney, Wallace,
Mrs- A. S. Barbee. Chapel Hill
and Mrs. E Raleigh,
Mrs. C. J.
Mrs. and Miss
Etta Berry, Swan Quarter, Mrs.
He would sneer at the great
blue sky if the blue sky would
pay any to
not. It just
It is related that Mr. Charles
A. Keene, on independent
dealer, bought in London an
American watch for This,
watch was sold own
for and the manufacturers
will not permit it to be sold for
less Trade Opens More Slowly.
Mr. Keene had these facts en-.
graved on the watch and offered
it to the president, but he re- i Special to Reflector;
fused to receive it. The .
is, nevertheless, alto New York, May or-
relevant smaller- and f he
relevant. opened, so far as store
It has been known that is concerned quietly,
protected goods are sold abroad There is no doubt that warmer
for much less than our people weather was very necessary to
pay for them. The stimulate trade. May proved to
bitterly denied this for a
long time, but the evidence was It is hoped that the latter
being and cheerful and
and looks down at an
atom, which you ow is even
smaller than a molecule, and
molecule is so small that we can-
not tell how small it is.
so conclusive that they finally part of the
admit it, and now they productive o
but seek to justify it, at the same
on; time saying that difference
month will be
weather conditions, and afford an
opportunity of moving goods
now on hand. In a measure the
is not much. This or- backwardness of the spring and
has been the summer season has been
public for time, and many to jobbers, as it has afford-
assertions about the price -d them an opportunity secure
abroad have been denied. Mr.
There is one thing to do lesson, showing our
late from the mills.
A continuance of present con-
Keene has presented an object however, will
with the man who sneers, throw
out. You may not be able
to throw him out of the store or
the factory or the office, but you
can throw out of your life.
Don't listen to him. Ignore him.
He is going around with his lips
tainted with poison, to disturb
you, to upset you, to ill you
with suspicion and discontent.
He is only tearing down, never
building up. His poor little pit-
soul is warped and he will
never know that there is such
as big. beautiful pulsing
life, full of duty faith and
Throw him out of your life.-Ex
Train Wrecked.
Special to Reflector.
Utica. N. Y., May
Buffalo fast special east-
bound train on the New York
Central railroad, struck a derail-
ed freight train early this morn-
The locomotive and all
cars except four sleepers were
hurled from the track. Many
passengers were injured, ten of
them Baggageman
Finley was killed.
Newspaper Publishers.
Special to Reflector.
Richmond, Va. May 21.--The
fifth annual convention of the
Association convened here today
for a two days session. Frank
P. Glass, of the Montgomery
Advertiser, is president of the
association. About one
and fifty publishers are in at-
and are Miter
W-r-1 v- .- .--
U . Jam . .-
disastrous to retail
and many small houses are
on account feeling the lack of de-
of that tariff.
Is this a square
ville Courier-Journal.
nearly par cent, more
very Keenly. It is true
that orders are placed by large
retail establishments, but the
smaller firms make up the bulk
of the business placed. Reports
from the South are to the effect
that cold has greatly de-
laved and cut down summer
The South has now business, while in the West and
miles of railroad, exclusive of i East advices from the various
double-track, side-rack and towns and cities are decidedly
duplications. Since 1880 gloomy.
there have been built in the
miles of new rail-
roads or extensions of existing
lines, the rate of increase in that OAKLEY ITEM
period having been per cent,
in the South, against per
cent, in the rest of the country,
the South's added mileage
alone is greater than the total I
mileage in the whole country
1860. The mileage in the South
has been increased during the
past years at the rate of
nearly 1600 miles annually, and
during past five years at the
rate of more than miles an
The cost of this build
inn and these improvements
the years has
a total of more than
As in other parts
of the country, this investment
cash and the coincident en-
Oakley. N May 1907.
James Whitehurst and family,
of Everetts, Sunday here.
Jim Taylor spent a part of last
week at Winterville-
Preaching at T. F. Nelson's
Friday night last
Good many from here attended
church at Hickory Grove Sunday.
Potato crop is looking fine in
this section.
We note that the Oakley items
were headed Stokes last week
We that as a compliment, as
company like the
have not been sufficient to
meet the calls of the South for
internal transportation, or to
allay the growth at times of a
public sentiment, more often
reasoning than reasonable, find-
expressing in legislation,
national and State, tending to
cripple still further the efforts of
the railroads to serve the section
in whose they are
vitally interested
Stokes people.
Miss Currie, of Hobgood, is
visiting Miss Minnie Whitehurst
Oakley will be behind. It
will open a training school in a
few days without bonds.
Preaching in the unknown
tongue, whooping cough and
measles, potato bugs fol-
lowing, is keeping us company-
J. E and Geo.
Smith, of Robersonville, were
here a short while Monday
Frank James and family, of
., . . r . .
W. R Smith,
Mrs. B W- Bailey, Sanford,
Mrs. Henry Harding.
Mrs. S. T. Troy, Mrs.
Mrs. W H. Goldsboro,
Mrs J. W- cock.
Miss Lizzie Hertford,
Mrs. Joe Dixon.
Miss Annie Blanchard,
ford and Mrs. W. P. Constable,
Goldsboro. Mrs- Jack White.
Mrs- M Cherry, Washington.
Mrs. E E Griffin.
Mrs. M. F Washing-
ton, Mrs. J. F. Brinkley.
Miss Minnie Cedar
Creek, Mrs. Z. P-
Mrs It. C. Craven, Henderson,
Mrs- J. R.
Mrs. Wanes.
Mis; Margaret Cotten, Fayette-
Miss Carrie Dasher, South-
port, Mrs. Skinner.
Mrs. C P Beaufort,
Mrs- R. L.
Mrs B. F. Dixon, Raleigh,
Mrs. J, L.
Mr.- A. Darden, Wilson,
Mrs. H. L. Carr.
Mrs. H. M. Carthage,
Mrs Jack White.
Miss Blanche
son, Mrs. C. J. Forbes.
Miss Fannie Fisher, Cedar
Creek. Mrs. Z. P. Vandyke.
Mrs. Margaret Griffin.
Mrs. Henry Harding.
Miss Eunice Gibbs, Fayette-
ville, Mrs. Chas. Skinner.
Mrs. L. M. New
Bern, Mrs. Ada Cherry-
Mrs. S. S- Hardison, Elizabeth
City, Mrs. J. L. Little.
Mrs. J. L- Home- Rocky
Mount, Mrs. E. A- Jr.
Mrs- J. M. Hardison, Littleton,
Mrs- Charles Skinner.
Miss Ora Jenkins, Franklinton,
Mrs J. A- Lang.
Mrs. Mary Johnson, Faison,
Mrs. R.
Mrs. J. M- Lloyd, Bethel, Mrs.
Mellie Harris.
Mrs. R. H. Latham, Weldon.
Mrs. Joe Dixon.
Miss Bettie Lentz, Beaufort,
Mrs- Wiley Brown-
Mrs W. H Durham.
Mrs- J L. Little.
Miss Mary Goldsboro,
Mrs. Whichard-
Mrs George Major, Hertford,
Mrs. Ada Cherry.
Mrs Henry Martin, Bethel,
Mrs. Hunter.
Mrs. W. J. Martin, Bethel,
Mrs. Whichard.
Miss Carrie Medlin, Weldon,
Mrs. A. B. Ellington
Miss Kinston.
Mrs. Warren-
Mrs Goldsboro,
v r- Jumps.
.-,. , . . ., . J.
Mrs. A- Malone. Louisburg,
Mrs. Sam Parham-
Mrs. William Sunbury,
Mrs H. L. Carr.
Mrs- A A. Overman, Eureka,
Mrs. J. W. Aycock.
Miss Emma Aberdeen,
Mrs. Wiley Brown-
Miss Annie Page, Henderson,
Mrs. S. C Pugh,
Mrs. Chas. Cobb.
Mrs Tom Person. Richmond,
Mrs. Chas. Skinner.
Miss Laura Powers. Weldon,
Mrs. A ;
Miss Margaret Parker, Gales
Co , Mrs Wiley Brown.
Mrs. A- Person. Franklinton,
Mrs. Chas. Skinner.
MU-; Carrie
Elizabeth City, Mrs. Chas. Skin-
Mrs. Margaret Powell, No
Bern. Mrs. J L. Little.
Miss Helen Palmer, Hooker-
Miss Louise Rod well,
Mrs. G. E.
Miss Anna Smith. Goldsboro,
Mrs. A. B. Ellington.
Mrs. F. U Swindell, Wilson.
Mrs T J
Mrs M J Simpson,
R. L. Humber.
Mrs. E. W. Smith, Rocky
Mount Miss Nannie Wilson.
Mrs. Spencer, Wash
Mrs. J N. Norman.
Miss Franklin
ton, Mrs J. A- Lang.
Miss Susie Shaw, Macon, Mrs.
G-E. Harris.
Miss Jennie Simms. Pantego,
Mrs- A. H. Taft-
Miss Simpson,
Mrs. Chas. Cobb,
Miss E. M Snipes, Burlington,
Mrs. R. m.
Miss H h Snow, Durham,
Miss Nannie Wilson.
Master Richard Snow, Dur-
ham. Mrs. R. M. Hearne
Mrs. Scoggins.
Mrs. J. L. Wooten
Mrs R W. Mrs.
R. W. Hertford. Mrs.
Cl as. Skinner.
Mis R. A.
Mrs. Ada Cherry.
Mr. and Mrs N. H- D Wilson,
Hertford, Mrs. F. G. James.
Miss Lizzie Walton,
Mix. M. T. Plyler
Mrs George Woodward, Dur-
ham, Mrs. Chas. Rountree.
Miss Kate Whitfield, Franklin-
Ernest Parham.
Miss Mary Williams and Mrs.
J. F. Willey, Mrs C C
Mrs, Fred Woodward, Wilson
Mrs T, J, Jar vis
Charged With Poisoning His to
Secure Insurance Money
Raleigh, N. C. May
D. G Rowland, a prominent
physician of city, was
rested on the charge of poison-
his own son to secure the
money. The boy was
attending school at Kittrell.
He suddenly died a visit
from his father. Rowland re-
fuses to talk. When arrested
today he produced a marriage
certificate to wed the widow of
an engineer who recently died
here, thinking that ho being
arrested a charge of unlawful
cohabitation. He will I a taken
to Henderson for trial.
The wife of Dr was
also arrested this afternoon
The charge against her is con-
piracy with Dr. Rowland in the
murder of her husband. C. B.
Strange, who died suddenly in
Raleigh soon after Dr. Rowland
had left him. after having been
called to attend Strange. Dr.
Rowland will b- charged with
poisoning Strange, whose widow
he a few days after
death. Strange and
his wife were Western people,
he being a i engineer,
and had lived hero only a short
time. An officer from Vance
county, who came here for Row-
land today, is said to have stated
that are suspicious
Stances connected with the
death Rowland's first wife.
Rowland is widely and
his arrest caused a groat
Their Child Dead.
Ruth, aged three-and-a-half
years, little daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. M. Plyler, died this
morning about o'clock after an
illness of three weeks with
The one suffered
greatly during these three weeks,
her condition being critical
through most of sickness,
and dip was done
for her relief and of death
could not be stayed
The remains will be taken to
Gates Wednesday morning
interment there The sorrowing
parents have sympathy of
the entire community in their
The Money Power.
Jesse James, the noted out-
law's son, is at the age of
one of the most talented and res-
lawyers Kansas City.
In a claim case that he recent-
won Mr. James told an
was a he
said, was
killed in a railroad The
railroad to suit gave her
sum satisfied the woman,
but a month or two afterwards,
she read about a man who had
lost his leg in the same accident,
and behold this man was given
by the company damages to the
amount of
made the woman mad.
She hastened at once to the
office of the railway's claim
juster. She said bitterly;
is this Here you give
a man for the loss of his
leg, while you only gave me
for the loss of my
The claim smiled
amiably and said in a soothing
the reason is quite
plain. The won't provide
the poor man with a new leg,
whereas with your you
a new husband
Cable to Reflector,
Paris, May appeal of
Count de against
the decision of the court which
on November granted a
to the Countess de
lane, formerly Anna Gould, is
listed for today.
Steadier Burned on
Special to Reflector.
Detroit, Mich , May The
steamer was burned in
mid lake about one o'clock this
morning, four of the crew per-
in the flames, and several
passengers being injured. Fifty
of the were taken off
the burning steamer by the
steamer Kansas that went to the
Justice Fitzgerald on th;
to Reflector,
New York, May 21--The
judge of the New York courts
seem determined to bring
re the
division of the Supreme
court in Brooklyn, to show cause
why he should not be disbarred.
Justice Tompkins also fixed to-
day as the day for Justice Fitz-
to appear before him in
White to show
he should not be examined as to
his handling of the funds of
Margaret who
v has of
a-; longing to

Eastern reflector, 17 May 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 17, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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