Eastern reflector, 10 May 1907

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mil in i ii
J. M. I LOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
Gov. Jarvis and Hon. J. L.
Fleming of Greenville, addressed
our people Saturday on the bond
issue. Already a very material
change in the sentiment of the
people is perceptible and it is
even almost an admitted fact
that a favorable vote will be
condition of
At in the State of North
Carolina, at clove of
Mar. 1907.
. ,, for DAILY I Cam Nobles. Jr. is home from i or of the issue. Roth
Norfolk on a short visit to his Mr Hem;
for I Daren a.
. i we
writing receipts
Wanted car
cotton Seed for which
. el
I is go
. always
acquitted themselves in a
cons cotton moat commendable and
. Co fly away many of
Miss Humbler the heretofore held by
of Mr James Humbles, has
miles from Ayden, who been an incalculable good to the
of their
ed a
foil dead-
was about years of
most excellent young
Sauls has the finest and
of Fountain Pens
to Ayden.
Call the Drug
cure one of those
. lain M. M. Sauls.
i, F. Do you wish to buy a house
and lot in Ayden, or a valuable
expo farm, near y Have you
Boyd laugh either We will buy or
the death of his brother-in-
law, Mr. A. T Jones, in Pamlico
W. J. Kittrell and Miss
Kilpatrick, of Grifton, came up
Friday evening to attend the
The Grand Hake Alexis
Edward Hooks b very high-
esteemed is at I
home on a from Wilson
A. L. Edwards, of
been hare during the week
Overdrafts secured
IT S. Bonds to
and fixture 2,304.1 .-
Duo from National Beak
reserve 17,181.02
Our tr in Slaw Hanks
tor 876.80
i. . i. . and cons
Lawful money
Legal-leader 38.80
Redemption with I . .-.
I o,
Special to Reflector.
Brooklyn, N. Y. April
The Regular Democracy of the
Sixth Assembly District is
to-night in its head-
quarters over the large number
accessions it has had. There
will be a brilliant entertainment
and a number of speeches. The
crowd is expected to be .
Looks like April tried to make
a by befog as pretty as
possible in departing,
Bell. Ii your life Insured, is
your house insured If Dot you ling real estate.
we will gee us and have it in- The who the
bis highest cash price, Don t sored at once. We make an , . . ., ,, .
i v. , In -i.- district meeting of the
seeing us to in collecting ac
Counts, Place them with us. at Newborn last week
Ayden Loan and Insurance Co. have returned and report a
Capitol Stock paid m
Undivided prom. s,
p. and paid S,
Individual deposits
Time of
deposit 8,471.88
Cashier's checks out-
Notes and n anted
Reserved for unearned interest
virtue mortgage execute
delivered by Gem Dupree and wife
Victoria Dupree, to Williams on
the 18th day of December,
appear of record in the o
Deeds of
in page the under
will sell for cash, before the house
door in Greenville, on ,
piece or parcel of land i. the
county Pit and In . i i-
on the side of Tar i . be
ginning the gate post on the left side
of the main road going from Greenville
to ind, then running east wit.,
to the Mogul line, then with the
line to Creek. n up
creek to and with the run thereof to
i corner, the-i
containing about acres, more or less,
and being the same land sold to General
and I
mortgage taken to secure the
ch m
This April h,
F. G. JAMBS, Attorney.
Bran at P. V. Johnston's.
The is having dirt
hauled to raise the lawn around
the court house.
bushels best Oats at F.
V. Johnston's.
There will be every-
day at some point county
from now until the election on
Dr Joseph Dixon
lit Ml
N. C.
t suit
N. C.
Dealers in Dry Goods, No-
Light Heavy
Prices t suit the times.
serve. F.
Manning, of Win- will time They ire jubilant
I is been visiting Mrs pleased with one of those over the treatment received
lain Pens at Saul's. the hands of the Newborn
E ,,,,, and especially the grand
market tor beet, store at from to in which they were en-
and fresh by the brotherhood of
Mrs. Dr. Blount in Green- business of J, Taylor that city. The banquet they say
villa Thursday on business and respectfully solicit the pat- was just immense, there being
Merchandise Broker -I carry P c K-1 at least ladies present, and
full line of Meat, Lard and Can , all work I
Don't buy before giving . to care to give entire worth I
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co. Try me. C B. Spier, and true of manhood the
Little Emma Baker, two years I solicit the patronage of the of the
cf age. was taken sick Ayden and, j be excelled,
day and died Thursday.
If you need any Paint be sure trial C. E Spier,
and see E. E. Co- a messenger from
to Greenville Wednesday
Total 1188,240.481
of North Carolina
County of Pitt, It.
W. Cashier of the
named bank, do
meat is true to best;
of my knowledge and
and sworn Q mi
thin 27th Of Mar., 1907
M. L
J. E.
G. E
in everything pertaining to Those of our citizens who at-
a tho Jamestown exposition I
gave a glowing account of the I
t the Swift S Tl
. impressed with both the army
bad found dead in two side by side the line extend-
ed more than two and one-half
for or Lean. Healthy Shoats
weighing from to pounds.
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden.
ltd Ayden, N. C-
Peter . and Misses
her bed early that morning. It
Mr, and Mrs. Moore re-
tired Wednesday night at th
hour and in their usual
health. Sometime about
B. Pierce has come from New
Bern While in Newborn
stopped at the best hotel.
Lena and Hines were all
during the what but after a little
It is a delight
to of q morn-
Ce in i;. a class big about o'clock Mr Moore, as
Pen, Call at was his custom, arose and went
Store and secure this much to attend to his stock
duties, after lie re-
Happening s in North Carolina.
Mrs. Ore Edwards, wife of
Dr. W. Edwards, of Durham,
committed by drinking
ll. C. C is building an
annex iii- residence on
Tin n n books tor
No L in town-
hip, town of Ayden, are In the
hands o J Blow, Those
desiring to vote on the school
bonds will have to be-
tween now and
J. J. Hines, D S. Moore. W-
J. Drowning. Frank and
J. B. Pierce are attending the
district meeting of the
now at Newborn.
The graded school boys and
the seminary boys played a
game of ball yesterday, the re
suit to in favor of
seminary. The seminary boys
calling the game off in the
seventh inning threw the hon-
ors to the graded thereby,
so we are informed.
Jolly old Ralph Johnson was
up from Kinston this week to
see us. W- are always glad to see
him, for he carries life and
wherever he He
says Kinston is bound to have
the industrial and normal, but
we offered him one better on
Greenville and he couldn't take
turned to the house for break
r . M . i. i around a saw null at
fast. Not seeing his wife be Rag, fell on the saw and was
at once to her room and instantly killed.
found her dead. At what ., .,,,,. ,, u i , Wake Forest a
she expired no one knows. It hung in one of the street drain;
was a severe shock to the pipes and the street had be
band and the entire family, as dug up to release the dog.
well as those who heard of the Fonville, who
sad occurrence. The remains charged with being an
were laid to rest in the family of Franc H. Jones in
burying ground today. Mrs. robbery of the Charlotte back.
Moore was the mother of C. has
Moore and Mrs. L. H. Wither- , An effort was made to wreck
and Mrs. Frank a e Southern railway.
Lilly of this town, all of
i i a i m, OH the track- The engineer
attended the funeral The an approaching train saw the
all friends are extended obstruction just in time to step
the bereaved in their sorrow train and wreck.
I will be in on Wed- . A ,
the first day cf May. I. Vanceboro Real
1807. for the purpose o r
all the qualified in
that vicinity of I S White and J.,
township, for
election to be held on May 14th. W
Please take this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
we will expect, yen during
the Exposition if not be-
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from maker
to user,
Piano with the
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
just received a new supply of furnishings and material
in their undertaking department
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve the This is a long needed
want in this section and they promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.
manufacturing Co.
It the of Mar. 1908.
Loans discounts
Overdrafts secured
Furniture Fixtures
Hue from hanks and bunkers
Silver coin
MB, 888.50
, Nat. other 0.08
Capital stock 118,800.00
tuna 8,700.00
subject to check 61,888.86
ashier 710.04
NO ill t -1; .
T R. Smith, f . ,.
to inf.
mt. 27th day of Mar, in
if my and be-
I. K.
on the bond issue.
J. M. Blow.
The closes Friday J
week. The address will be de-
livered by Prof. Carlyle, of
Wake Forest.
object is to conduct a general
Free Press.
Another Woman Writes.
Saturday Winterville crossed
bats with our boys and it was a
game too even if did
win by a score of to There
was the best behavior and every-
thing passed pleasantly, even
that wagon load of pretty girls
who passed our office cheering
their victors. Come again, we'll
beat next time
H- E. Ellis
The excellent letter of Miss
Evangelist Hamlin will preach Olivia Cox, published here,
a sermon next Sunday at o'clock I shows how the teachers regard
tor the Masons in the Disciple the movement to secure the
church. AH are invited- tern training school. They
A Johnston, of Winter-
was here yesterday.
The series of meetings which
have been in progress since
Tuesday night in the Disciple
church still continues. The con-
are large and
While there nave been but
few professions yet an unusual
spirit is manifested. We sin-
. hope much good may be
M derived from these
certainly in position to see
feel the need of such a
such expressions as these from
Miss Cox, who is one of our best
teachers, ought to have weight
with every voter in the county
and cause him to favor the bond
issue t secure the school- We
do not see how any man o
will give it serious reflection can
hesitate a moment on a matter
that means so much to the
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
D. J. W RD, Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
For and Hones.
the time for fun.
At a of the South Car-
Live Stock Association And w can make it honestly,
at Columbia, S C, on Feb. 8th i
and an address full of We've learned and lessons,
, , , . , , , We've nut our hooks away.
advice, backed by scientific
knowledge, was delivered by the
eminent Dr. Tait Butler, of
N. C, on
Feeding in the Dr.
is a authority
on feeds and feeding and what
he says have a special
weight and influence throughout
the entire South and that part of
his touching the feed-
of horses, mules and colts is
of special importance to the
n breeder
In the official report of the
general discussion which fol-
school's out of session
Tis just the time to ride in
time to row.
Tis just for any thine
That's fair and right to do.
So bring the hat ball, boys,
the very kind of play.
And Iota ho off together,
For it is our holiday.
I- the first hour, of the first
day the week, when a
Sunday had just closed for-
ever its claims on earth, the
spirit of Mis Martha Ida Teel
lowed Dr. Butler's address, this I took its flight, went to live
occurs. Dr. Butler was i in the paradise of Cod.
speak of feeding horses; Her death occurred at the
on cotton seed meal What home of her brother, Mr. Joseph
about muscular forming I fowls, on Pitt street, after a
properties of cotton seed meal, period of long suffering which
on the animal, compared to she bore with Christian fortitude
and oats without murmuring or com-
Dr. is plaint. She leaves a mother,
known about feeding horses cot-1 brother and nephew. Her little
ton seed meal for me to stale Louie, to whom she had
that if you hail a horse that you so devoted and motherly,
were feeding. 1-1 pound of corn an his life; feels his great loss
daily, that you take a sensitive keenness in-
four of that corn and put
in two pounds of cotton seed
She was a and
meal mid get better results. Not member of the Methodist church
because corn is not the best feed j of Greenville. The interment
we have for supplying heart and took place at o'clock p. m.
energy, but there is in Cherry Hill cemetery,
thing needed. When that the Rev. M. T. pastor of
supplies you muscular energy he the Jarvis Memorial church, con
is burning up his muscles just as J ducting the services,
you burn coal in a furnace to The sympathy of tho
supply energy to run the i is extended to the
in your factories, and he has members of her home and
Special to Reflector.
Forty the, Ga., May
Virginia to Congregational
Methodists have bent their way
to county, Georgia,
where today is being held one of
tho notable conventions in the
history of the church since its
on May 8th, 1852.
A delegation of about fifty
comes from Atlanta, headed
by Dr. Hunt, D. D., of the Bible
school. The convention is being
held in Zion church on the site
where the denomination
into existence and in the oldest
building now standing in
the denomination. Several for-
ward movements of tho church
will be announced before the
close of the convention
Masonic Temple
Special to Reflector.
Atlanta, Ga. May
thousand Masons are present
in this city today at the most ex-
tensive Masonic meeting ever
held in tho South The corner
stone of new Masonic
was laid nil due Masonic
ceremony. Grand Master
ton, of Chicago, delivering the
oration. Five thousand white-
aproned Masons and one thou-
sand uniformed Knights
formed a mammoth parade at
the old Masonic temple, and
march, d to the site of the new
I Hear M
for Year-all CH
Shan't and Won't are two little
I I hers,
meeting of So angry,
The first
Prayer meeting in churches
the of the Home
Building and n
held Monday n
the mayor's office A large
lie stockholder were
present and considerably more
than a majority of the shares
In calling the meeting to order
President A. White referred
to the splendid the
had made in its Bret year
and expressed gratification at
bad been
The association
in force, has m w will y-
Try and ill are two little listen,
we love
Shan't and Won't are d aid
i i .
i d they
Tr. and Will learn something
And are
Editor Reflector.
Through the columns of your
paper, permit me to say to the
people of Greenville that tie
fourth session of the graded
school will come to a close on the
Public entertainments
got to have something to build
up those wasted muscle j, and
corn does not contain it in
quantity A little cotton
in Jesus, blessed sleep,
which none ever wakes to weep
The pal bearers D. C.
seed meal Is better than an ad- H- A. White, J D. Gar-
amount of corn. J- N. Hart, -i If R.
you are already feeding your i Williams, J. L Fleming. Frank
horse stow t- ten pounds of Wilson, Dr. D L. James, Julius
corn, would rather have two j Brown, C W. Harvey and R C.
pounds of cotton seed meal ad I Flanagan.
dad than four pounds of corn. I for t
would rather have two pounds of,
cotton seed meal added The following with reference
pounds of oats. Corn is to a former resident of
horse feed, but we are county is from the Louisville
wasting two million dollars a Herald of April
year in South Carolina feeding R. Cox, to whom much
an all-Corn of the great success of
what proportion would ville May music is due,
you feed corn and cotton seed was unknown to Louisville two
years ago, and until four months
Dr- will ago. when elected conductor of
pend upon your i the Musical Club, was known to
of only a few, knew him as
Dr. average choir director of the First Chris-
ration for a thousand-pound horse church, but bis almost mi-
doing real hard work, is work in so short a time
pounds of grain and to in building up and perfecting so
pounds of hay. Instead of large a chorus as was at
pounds of fodder and pounds the festival has given him a
of corn. would take 5-pounds i and distinction that
of hay and to pounds; , , , of stover, and then add comes to few men of his
and pounds but the best
cotton seed meal, and get better I training could have brought the
results. If I had oats to feed and up such a degree of
had some hay or clover
hay. do not think I would feed
any cotton seed meal at all, be-
cause it is bad to feed unless you
perfection as was evidenced by
the work done in the festival.
When Mr. came to
last month to conduct
It is strange what statements people will sometimes make in
their eagerness to turn sentiment. It reached tho cars of The R e
Hector that some people were trying so hard to defeat the proposed
bond issue to secure the Eastern training school in Pitt county.
they have been telling that Greenville did not propose to apply any
of the town bonds toward the school but was going to use them all
for town improvements, and would depend upon the county bonds
the school. Of course such a statement is absurd, and that
no one might be deceived by it we addressed a letter to the board
of county commissioners while that body was in session Monday
to get an expression from the members that will settle the matter-
The letter and reply are published
Greenville. N. C , May
To the Board of County Commissioners
It is reported that if the County issue passes that the
town of Greenville will not pay towards Inciting the Eastern
Training School in Pitt County- Will you please say for publication
what you, as representatives of the county, will din issuing these
county should you be authorized by the vote of the people
on tho 14th., to do so
Edit of Daily Rib
Greenville, C, May
J. Whichard, Editor Reflector.
Your letter received. In reply will say that we will see to it
that the County does not pay one dollar more for th.- purpose of
locating the Eastern Training School in Pitt County than the town
of Greenville pays
R. W. KING, Chairman
. in the Masonic t p-
loaned to its stockholders, and I era house on the evenings of
security for these loans is the 16th and at
tint class in every respect. On the evening o. the
The of N. G. White, after some ills by the lower
secretary and treasurer of tho
association was read.
H. C Moore and D. J.
ard, the examining committee
from the board of directors, re-
ported that they had carefully
exam the books of the sec-
and treasurer and found
also some
games, and music by Miss Pat-
rick's class, a debate will be
given on the query, Resolved,
That foreign immigration
be beneficial to North Carolina.
The speakers on the affirmative
are Conrad Lanier, Alfred
them correct. The work and Harry White. On
both the president and secretary
and treasurer was commended.
The entire board of directors
re-elected acclamation,
H. A- White, D. Moore, S. T.
White, R O R. J
Cobb, D- J. Whichard, R. C.
Flanagan, H. W. Whedbee. B.
W. Moseley, C T. and
G. S Prichard.
After completing the business,
the negative, James Evans, Ben
Taylor and Charles Haskett.
This will be the first public de-
bate the boys of the graded
school have given, and we hope
it will be enjoyed. A very fine
gold medal will be awarded to
tie speaker who renders the best
On the evening of the 17th,
Lieutenant Governor Francis D.
short and enthusiastic addresses Winston will deliver th; annual
were made by Senator J. L.
Fleming, Dr C, Laughing-
house. Col. F. G James, Post-
master R. C, Flanagan and ox-
Mayor J G M yo
After the adjournment of the
stockholders the board of
tors held a meeting and
elected the old
President H. A- White.
Secretary a id
G. White.
Greenville has reason feel I
proud of the Home Building and Hanging I Caused Ii S.
Loan Association and what it Sheriff.
doing to develop tho town. Its I I
. r. , , It. of
organization a year ago marked died today
the beginning of an era of unity following a general collapse, iii-
among the men of the I upon tho hanging of Joe
Judge W in
reputation of being one of the
at public in the state,
and feel that a treat is in
sine for these who hear him.
In addition to the address,
members of the graduating
Will read their th e
this year is of Miss-
es Abbe Smith,
Mr. J. I. ho music
will be riv by T. E.
Ho -I
public has a cordial
. B S . th, S
it with else. a rehearsal of the chorus, he was
I; I not have any or with Mr. Cox's
clover hay. I would certainly that he
some cotton seed meal in the not change a single thing
ration of a hard working horse. fl congratulated Mr. Cox for
unless had plenty of oats, and ,. work and urged him
they conduct some of the in
is t testimony h f j b t the con.
the highest M declined as Mr.
had been engaged to do. some of
they were cheap
This is important
should .
horse owner in the South We, u .- , preferred to
send thousands of dollars mo. .,, tho
the Northwest every year for
corn- We send into the North-
east every year thousands of
worth of our Cotton Seed
Meal. Nobody is benefited by
remain with the chorus-
Mr- Cox is a North
and from his boyhood has
been devoting his entire time to
music. He is a valuable
m , , i this but the railroads. If to the music contingent in
keep our cotton seed meal Sentinel.
;. b . -it
Out of Registered
for Bonds.
voted Tuesday on
the q of the town issuing
bonds to help secure the
location of the training
school in Pitt county, out of
registered votes. were
cast for bonds, and not a single
vote in the entire town was cast
against bonds Of the
registered who did not vote, two
were sick arid were out of
town. The vote by wards was
Reg. Voters- For Bonds.
First ward
Second ward
Third ward
Fifth ward
was truly a remarkable
election and we believe it is with-
out precedent that out of a reg-
vote this large not a
negative vote was cast. It shows
. ;.
i. ii n t
Serious Trouble Feared at the
Haywood Trial.
Special to
Washington, May S. Tho
trial of Mover and in
Idaho, is set for today, and
trouble is feared, so that
martial law is by no means
probable. murderers of ex-
governor are de-
and act as though they are
trying all law-abiding citizens,
instead of being under indict-
themselves- Senator Bo-
rah, who is an attorney for the
State in the prosecution of labor
leader, sends word that there is
noticeable in Boise a great in-
of unattached men, whose
presence is taken as a menace,
and it is expected that as the
trial progresses they will make
some demonstration intended to
intimidate the town and
the result of the trial.
The editor lives in the fifth ward
and is proud of it, but don't
hp was lorn
in .
town that means much for ad-
and progress. It
merits the confidence and sup-
port of every citizen of town.
United Daughters of Confederacy
Meet in Jackson. Miss.
Special to Reflector.
Jackson. Miss May
Daughters of the Confederacy
close their convention that has
been here since May 6th.
row. The attendance has
very large. The opening ex-
were held on Monday
Evans, a rapist.
Evans was the man ever
to hang in Greenwood county
and his crime was particularly
He assaulted his brother's
wife and then shot his brother
to death when his act was dis-
As the time for the hanging
approached the sheriff, usually a
man of splendid nerve, began to
snow of physical collapse
and when the day of the
approached he dragged
been himself from his bed and palled
the trap chat sent Evans into
After the man had been pro-
evening, when addresses dead by the
come were delivered, and the sheriff went back to
to. Business sessions Ms bed and died this morning
were held on Tuesday, than three weeks the
day and today, both mornings Charlotte News,
afternoons. Expects Very Dear Pig-iron.
Paul to be Married. to I r.
A telegram was received today Pa. May The
from Paul from unexpected jump in pig-iron last
Ohio, stating that he would be j week caused some interesting
married there today. From the speculation as to business for the
contents of the telegram it
would be inferred that he has
settled in and will make
that place his future home.
Speaking at
There will be speaking on the
school and bond issue
at o'clock Saturday afternoon
Names of speak-
of the year. There
seem o be little cause to
any falling off in rates m
this time until the end.
really point toward
higher pig than has been seen
for years There are those who
assert that before the en I of this
year pig iron will iv be
common- This was the high
water mark reached in
i I

u i
Fig of Mill Patrick to Mr-
hospitable wills
of her home at the Hotel Bertha
Mrs. C. C V Rather J about
seventy five of her friends on
The halls were beautifully
d in red and the
parlors in pink. The graceful
potted and profusion of
n here and the pretty
j,. . I. .-into swell, and puff up against
ladies lent TM the inter-
art by If you
little too much, or if you are subject to
of Indigestion, you have no doubt
had shortness of breath, rapid heart
heartburn or palpitation cf heart
Indigestion causes the stomach to
About Home
Do You Contemplate
u the suit with its action, in the of
, . ,, , ; the heart becomes diseased.
a even-
Dyspepsia Cure
ii Pal what you eat takes the strain off
I at th the contributes
um ; health to every organ cf the
Mil. y. Cures I- Sour
Inflammation of the
membranes lining the Stomach and
Tract, Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh
; , . , ,, . ,.,, . f the
in. A
n of Miss
. Mayo was made
a ind I would n-o
Finally I bottle
After using a few bow . am
a I
v. i .,.
Digests What You Eat
I ,
or cent all
and I -h-
H A-
. iii-ally truth I
to the
i and j
toil were given by
Mr i Jams and
Hisses Cobb. Winnie;
Mrs. and Miss
Col i r prizes in the
i; contest, which
pres bride-elect.
In Canada to Help out Short-
aye in Goods. i
I of u
R Ii or.
New York. May 4--Man
Owning One
if so the first thing to consider, is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
Sam White Property.
The man who Insure his life is
wise for his family.
The man who Insures his health
U wise both his family and
You may health by guard-
It. It la worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
itself in innumerable ways
And save your health.
Not Quite
Hoar often you can gut a
thin.- not
or son w driver or
lacking. Have a
fool and be prepared for
lino of tools
is n desire, and
we lee that your tool
box noes not lack a single
useful article.
but s of. and not
We of I .
ii ; ,.
i r Dried Dr.
i i.
. ,,, dime
buyers have questioned the- ,
statements made this season by S,
and jobbers
the shortage of staple
cotton goo Is. and the fad
it is in. to make the de-
liveries called for. That these
statesmen have not
in fact, have been under
rattier than overdrawn, is
by the position in which one of
the largest concerns, namely,
the Richmond Underwear Co.,
with New Yuri, offices in Woos-1
street, and factories at Rich-
Va . and Scranton Pa.,
manufacturing muslin r-
wear. now finds itself. This
concern which does an enormous
business, has been unable to
obtain since e year opened,
sufficient plies of cambrics
and other with which to
tern out ;, now on their
boo; , he rd for goods were
plat i , early. Failing
to i . from
can tun rs, selling
age or retailers, an
effort . n ad to obtain sup-
plies i . from Can-
these efforts were
was reveal. by
rs fro . all parts of Can
stating that cotton goods
could in t be furnished. Some
of the firms stat that the mills
are behind. Some firms submit
a few samples to the
fact the may he sou
out before the New York con-
final order may reach
Successor Sails Jamaica.
Cable to Reflector
London May I.
until r. principal clerk
of the West African department
of the colonial office, and ex
secretary of. Jamaica,
and acting governor of the
Island in and 1904,
who was appointed to succeed
Sir Alexander ex-
governor of Jamaica sails for
Jamaica today, on the steamer
Port Kingston, in order to take
over the govern of the
No proper v surpasses tins for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms.
is every indication that property around
is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the Jot the
it will cost.
This properly is located only minutes
walk from the business part or the town.
See Sam White and let him
and terms.
Of Course
t get Harness,
Horse Goods,
D. W.
And Provisions
Ties always on
Fresh kept con-
in stuck. Country
ill Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
h Carol
Richard Sails For Europe.
New York, May
Mansfield sailed today for
on the Atlantic Transport line
steamer. While Mr. Mansfield
has been pronounced improved
from his illness, he has released
his which would
that he does not expect to
resume acting for a considerable
period. He is accompanied by
his family, and will spend a con-
time abroad.
When you want good Work send
you orders to
Offers advantages
for ft public.
Who retail
iv Dealer. aid tor
ton Redd, Ba
etc. Bo
steads, Oak
Italy Par
suits Tables. Safes
and a Ax Snuff,
high Life Tobacco Key West
George Cigars,
Cherries, Peaches,
Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Meat Flour, sugar, Coffee, Meal
Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges,
Nuts Apples,
Peaches, Prunes, currants, Kai-
Glass china ware Tip
wooden ware, and
crackers, Macaroni, Best
Butter, New Sewing
mid numerous goods
Quality and for
S. M. Schultz.
V. Lou
N. C
Norfolk, Va,
Buyers and Brokers la
cocks, Grain and
n. to
Chicago and Orleans
R. L.
At close of business March 1907.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
unsecured 2,861.19
All other Stocks, Bonds
and 1,000.00
Furniture 2,683.89
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin 335.00
Silver Coin 701.84
National bank notes and
U. S. notes
Capital Stock
Surplus funds
Undivided Profit less
Expenses paid
Time 25,242.64
sub 121,161.90
Due to
Cashier's checks
Tried and True Heroes of the War
Clasp Hands and Renew Their
When the case of
He Would Not Try a Case Between
Father and Son.
May 7th-
and 8th Senator Overman to deliver j
the Address. Fayetteville, N- C. May 2.-In
Bethel, N. C. May 1907. a way that does great credit to. does not give this i r
State vs. The closing exercises of the Beth-1 his big heart and broad mind. I connection in their i in
A Need for
We arc at a loss to understand
why the Atlantic Coast Line
court of Onslow county a few
days ago, there came forward an
old man plainly dressed, white
hair and flowing beard, but in
bearing every inch a man,
in the person of of the de
S of the b-e do
t u u w. true to the best of my
C. S. CARE, Cashier.
and to before
me of Mar 1907. ,
Deputy C. S. C-
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture Fixtures 3,872.32
Banking Houses f 100.00
Due from Banks
Cash Items MM
Gold Coin 219-50
Silver Coin 3,082.71
National bank notes
and U. S. notes
March 22nd 1907.
Capital Stock 425,000.00
Surplus funds 25,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid 16,926.67
. Q ,
Sub 127,351.89 149,309.94
Cashier's checks
outstanding 583.78
Capps was called to the Superior j el graded school will begin Judge Webb disposed of a j Norfolk I way.
Tuesday night with a case in the Superior court There are at pr
the consisting yesterday. Pope against Pope, daily p;
instrumental and vocal says the Observer, in reporting Norfolk i -Rocky M ;
several recitations in the disposition of the case, in of these trains lei
contest for the medal offerer, one form or another, one at I
by the s drills and i a place on the docket of Cum- one at p. the
The defendant's two short one-act plays, making Superior court for many noon trains being
counsel not being present, the a very interesting evening's en-; years, and if for a term or so it two-and-a-half hour-
professional services of Hon. escapes the calendar, like the Neither of these n
Frank Thompson and Hon. E. M-1 Wednesday morn the cat it is sure to Hobgood v
of the bar, will consist of music theses I later on. A brilliant of on the
proffered him by these gentle- by Misses Barnhill, Rollins and drawn from both the
men, and accepted, of the Dunn and bars, and people w. to-
trial proceeded. The charge was class and the address by Hon on both sides, and bright I come from Norfolk to int
assault and battery upon one P. Overman. Diplomas will lights shone in the offices of the on the V,
be awarded to the fol- lawyers way into last night, or Kinston branches are cons-
lowing Misses I where tiny were busy on Pope to leave Norfolk a
Maude Barnhill, Pope. of Fay stop over four hour . lob-
Rollins and Ruth Whitehurst and I ville lawyers, it is slid, reckon good or Tarboro and
to Paul E. Jones and Willis Jones. and mark events in their their destination I ti or
In the afternoon at the at the bar from the evening,
re its contest for the debaters medal Pope vs Pope first went When these three branches of
Russ, the latter being the State's
only witness. He, bearing the
marks of old age, but yet vigor-
came upon the stand and
told how he and his old neighbor
had had a falling out and came
to blows. The State
case and the defendant will take place, the being
state of North Carolina
I Little, Cashier of the above named bank, do
swear that the above statement is true to best
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me. this 28th day of March, 1907.
Notary Public.
J. G.
Come in and examine my
upon the stand and gave his
of the fight, which was sub-
as told by the prose-
witness. In his charge
Judge Long told the jury if they
believed the evidence of the
defendant himself they should
find their verdict guilty, which
was promptly done by the jury.
that the government
should own and operate the rail-
roads of this The
B Bryan, Marvin Blount, Paul
Jones Negative Willie White-
Willie Jones.
The final concert will be on
Wednesday evening,
Then came the climax. I at o'clock- The is
Judge Long called both of interesting and a pleasing
on the docket. It may there-J the Coast Line below Pamela
fore be justly termed a had only one daily passenger.
train it was important to the
old men up in front of him
within the bar, and speaking to
the defendant, are
an old soldier,
said he, am sixty-four
years old. I was a member of
the 3rd N. C State troops
the civil war. I was at the
battle Chancellorsville. I
remember the charge made on
that memorable
said Judge Long,
killed in that
slid the old his
eye kindling as he seemed to
one consisting of musical select-
drills and plays-
We are more than fortunate in
having Senator Overman as our
commencement orator He is a
man of versatile talents, pol-
and courtly gentleman, an
eloquent and convincing speaker.
When the case was called this
morning Judge Webb soon
discovered that it was a suit be-
tween father and sons.
his Honor had a few words to
say, and what he was
and proper, if it was not
technically legal. He said in
substance that he had never
tried a case between father and
son, and never intended to that
the parties should get together
settle their difficulties out of
that they should shake
hands and be friends, for is
short at best, and friendship be-
tween father and son is of more
value than the land in dispute.
had rather pay part of the
a strong friend of education, amount myself than have the
and will charm and concluded the big-
his hearers. Everyone is
and Bethel hopes that all and , a
friends of education in difference were
county will come over on the 8th j and the costs divided between
and help us give our senator and them. and thus ended Pope vs.
j hearted judge. Immediately
I there was a consultation between
business interests of the towns
served by them that the one
train arrive as early in the even-
as possible. But now all three
of the blanches have double daily
passenger service, the midday
train bringing the bulk of the
mails, i y evening
train is importance as
. Hob-
firs. . f
. be a
c towns
train .
on these
Train N
and Kinston leaves at
p. m., making very close
connection at Weldon with the
Seaboard train from Raleigh, and
if the latter is late the connection
is missed. his train
live over again the events of champion a reception. ope-
that terrible onslaught.
Hon. H. W. Whedbee and
I remember the young soldier, Julius Brown, Esq., of
We beg leave to that we are
t for
falling with the battle flag in
his hands at the foot of the
breastworks which we
mediately captured- I was one
of the soldiers that bore the training
body of the wounded Stonewall
Jackson off the field, where he
was shot down by mistake by
his own
you in the asked
Judge Long of the prosecuting
witness The old veteran stood
at and promptly re-
was a member of the
old 18th old
are asked His Honor.
am years said he.
Judge Long then, with voice
ville, and Prof. G. E. Lineberry,
of Winterville, addressed a fair
sized crowd here Saturday on
the bond issue and the Eastern
school The question
was ably and eloquently
by each of the speakers
and the speeches did much good-
Department Quickly Puts it Out.
About one thirty o'clock this
afternoon there cams near being
a big fire in the row of
buildings on Fifth street
the market house The row of
buildings is occupied by colored
people and used as shoe shops,
barber shops, restaurants, etc-
Bethel township will try to do One kept a clothes clean-
lier duty on the 14th and roll up
a good majority for the bonds.
We feel the need of this school
mi wish to have it it our
D. W- Coley, of Me.,
is here today on business
Miss Effie Grimes returned
tremulous with emotion, yesterday morning from a visit
veterans, the war is over, j to her sister, Mrs. E T. Mayo,
You should fight each, other.
White Lead, Paints.
Colors, and
Country Ready nixed Paints
There is no line in the world better
Harrison line. It has it a u
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
trust that you will favor us with your
order whenever you want Rood paint for any
Have just a car load and
Special Prices.
One in this case is just as guilty
as the other. one, however,
is Turning to the
defendant, Judge Long
and pressing establishment
in which he used a gasoline tank
holding about five gallons. In
some way he set this tank on lire
and almost instantly there was a
big blaze that found plenty of
material to work on
The alarm A-as given, and a
crowd of people hurried in the
direction of the dense smoke. A
hose reel station and hydrant
j were right to the fire, and
i the firemen had a stream on and
a I the tire put out in a few
Prof. made a flying x a
visit to Bethel yesterday. It for a ,
has been so long since his last the fire was too quick
shall suspend no J visit and his stay was so brief for it.
over you. hen you leave; this, that him seemed The alarm came just as rain
a bit of sunshine after falling, in torrents and many
world to join your comrade on
the other side, not at. my
of who went to the fire
shake hands and be
For a moment, like
two old prime game cocks, they
faced each other, but for only a
moment; the spirit of
set in motion by the kindly
words of the judge stole over
and wreathed those old battle-
starred, wrinkled faces with the
Twenty Millions Starving.
Special to Reflector,
Shanghai. China, May 2.-This
is the day when the supplies on
the ground are expected to c
exhausted. They have been pit-
and brother-1 insufficient all the while.
hood; in of deep silence
and with a mighty hand grasp,
these heroes looked
in the face of each other, while
tears trickled down the faces of
the immense throng in the court
received a day or two ago.
because the name of
th writer did not come with it.
A hard lesson for people to learn,
though it ought to be an easy
one, is newspapers do not
print articles unless
knows who sends them. Tin-
name of the writer should be
but now there
to feed the poor wretches
who are literally starving before
the eyes of those who would
them if they could.
will be needed en hand to last
until the end of July, when the
harvest will bring relief. The
commissioner especially appeals
i for. id milk, and says there
children in
province who have no milk and
are forced to eat coarse
and resulting in thous-
ands of and much
Th commissioner to the
i-i two millions,
live hundred thousands dollars to
save twenty millions of human
beings who are dying lingering.
The Brokerage
I The National Bank of Greenville,
The defendant. The Broker-
age Company, will lake notice a
summons in the above entitled action
against Mid defendant on
day of April, by It. c.
Mo. Clerk of the Superior Court of
r North Carolina in favor of
,. K. V. Johnston to recover
. of the amount claimed
by plaintiff against the said
ant i ac due for damages and
is before the Superior Court and
and-a-half hours before the
arrival of train leaving Nor-
folk at o'clock, and at Parmele
usually has a long wait for the
train from Rocky Mount. It is
scheduled to reach Greenville at
p. m , but owing to the de
lay at it is a rare
when it comes on time.
The Reflector offers this
as a remedy for the
trouble and at the same time give
this section connection at Hob-
good with one of the trains com-
out from Let the
o'clock train from Norfolk move
up half an hour and leave there
at Then let train No. be
moved back enough in leaving
Weldon to connect with this
Norfolk train at Hobgood. This
would always insure
with the Seaboard train
don, would give connection
the Norfolk train at Hobgood
would give ample lime
the Rocky Mount train to read
Parmele before the arrival of No
oil and avoid delay there.
True this arrangement
put the evening trains at
hour and a half later in react
Plymouth, Washington, am
Greenville, but it would
all important connections am
enable trains to arrive on time
scheduled, which is of far
importance and convenient
than the present service.
Charges Norfolk.
Sp vial to Reflector.
Norfolk, Va. May
M. general freight am
shipments, which summons passenger agent of the St
. Grand Island rail
of . convenes in the, , , , ,, .,
Town i Greenville in said on road, who has the new
before the first Mon- v position of genera
in . ,
August, he deft d- freight and passenger agent a
intake i a Railway at
v by said court . . , , i
arrived here yesterday and tool
sent with every letter, not for
publication but as an evidence k h from
of faith. I
on April, against
the of defendant, which
an as I, i in the
of i Ian;. he
I Bank of warrant i
Wood returnable said at term
time on said . i next,
when where the the
e Com is required
to appear and answer or demur to the
complaint to be in said cause or the
relief demanded will he granted.
Given under hand and seal of
this the 1st day May, 1807.
C. Moore,
Clerk Superior Court, County.
charge of his new position. II
is about forty years of age, an
began railroad work as a clerk
t years ago.
barrels good ear corn at I
V. Johnston's.
When it fairs off it don't
way long.
As nice hay as you have
seen, at P. V. Johnston's

Entered as second mutter Jan. 1907 at the post office at U
N C, .
Advertising rate, made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every pest office in PM and adjoining counties
in to fiction
The rain has made a sea-
s n for setting t tobacco plants.
Do not block the progress of
your county. Vote
next Tuesday.
for bonds
Tl e ed i of the
ham Herald looks just now like
Kin has gone a-fishing.
Greenville is doing her part in
t election for bonds to secure
the Eastern training school Let
the county do as well as the
town does and Pitt will get the
If accounts in the papers are
North Carolina men
who t., light he buying a
bank building in Norfolk is not
the only
Mr. Bryan grows in as j t
well as in popularity. He now;
pulls the team f poi t be hard to get a man
The time is drawing near for
the elections on the question of
issuing bonds to secure the East-
school. The town
election will be held on Tuesday.
7th, and the county election on
Tuesday, 14th. The vote in the
town election is going to be almost
unanimous for bonds Through a
misunderstanding of the question
there was at first much
If the bond issue to secure the
Eastern training school is defeat
ed in the election on the 14th. it
will be the worst day's work Pitt
county has ever done. It will be
a blow to the educational and
material progress of the county
that will require years to over-
Greenville and Pitt county are
one and the same people, but
it seems right hard for some
folks to realize it
come. It will be deliberately
over the county to the bond spurning and throwing aside the
issue proposed for the county, for development
The way Greenville and the
entire county stand together is
going to work wonders in the
progress old Pitt Look what
Greenville did in the town bond
election Tuesday, and then
watch for the big majority the
county is going to in
but as the people have become j and progress the county has ever county bond election next
informed they have taken an opportunity that will day.
view of it and favor the never come again It is not a
bonds. A great change of
in this particular has taken
place in the last ten days, and
by the time the comes
the majority for bonds will be
Vote for bonds Tuesday
matter that can be treated with
indifference now and expect to
have another chance at it when
the mistake is discovered. It is
now or never, and to lose means
that the opportunity is gone for-
To lose this training school
That man is indeed short will check the educational
I who cannot see that the of the county that in the
training school in Pitt few years has become the
would the greatest up- of our citizens and given
of the county,
Some must
want the i One man has
sued an th r there over a three
inch sir pr-
Push Pitt county ahead as the
foremost county in North Caro-
The way to do this is to
vote for b next Tuesday.
At the rate immigrants are
in this country it looks
like-it take many
y -s to depopulate
Pitt county the reputation of
to admit that he is
th a d y c there are some
to get an education tiny will not vote for
and pay a little interest in . morally and financial- pressing to the front
to locate in Pitt the the county ever ally and financially. It means
school in the State- has had or ever have- i depriving the boys and girls of
idea should not be entertained a county of the facilities for
The changing is all one moment by any thinking advancement and
In one year's time after its
organization. The Home Build-
and Loan Association has
made loans amounting to
All this money is invested right
here in helping people to own
th Mr homes. This is an excel-
lent record for a young
and shows what people can
accomplish when they come to-
to help each other. This
association is the most
institution the town has.
Not a man who started out in fa- man of voting against a meas- themselves for the highest use-
that means so much for his in life. It will stamp w
county. If the school should as being a people indifferent to
kept out of by the vote of higher ideals and aspirations,
her citizen, of Pitt, the destiny of the
. on us as a people j hands and you
who love ignorance more than decide by your ballot
intelligence, who love inactivity Think on these things
than progress who would and beware how you vote
of bonds to secure the Eastern
training school has been reported
as changing to oppose them, but
many who were at first opposed
to bonds have charged to favor-
If every voter in Pitt county
c such a school j rather be led by others than be
in as took place at leaders themselves. Are the
decision of the United
Friday night, he county ready for states S court establish-
see the advantage coming to be said of than Your the authority of the North
Wilmington cut out , trained teachers in charge vote on the 14th will decide the Carolina corporation commission money. With the training
. are -haw of the haw trial. of schools and be ready to question. matters pertaining school the teachers would all be
f-r bonds to secure the
Some people complain that the
bonds to secure the Eastern
training school would put a little
; more tax on the bonds. If they
would think about it a little such
a school in the county would
save them enough every year on
the item of school books alone to
more than pay their part of the
interest, to say nothing of the
other advantages. Under the
present condition of the rural
schools having to take such teach-
as they can get, every tine
there is a change of teachers
there is a change more or less in
boo s, and this
Not a bad idea, ts that is one of
the things that should be
There is always something in
being on the winning side.
Those who to be on that
side should vote for the bonds
to secure the Eastern training
training school.
railroads in the State, trained practically along the
Some towns are patting in for not be everybody, same lines, and when they went
Two of the most prominent the Eastern training school act- commission with i out to take charge of schools
gentlemen of Greensboro had don't know what to call it. requests for unreasonable re- there would be system in teach-
street fight growing out Of a dis-1 They to it as of the railroads. On j system in work and system
about the greatness of school, normal and industrial the contrary let the commission, in used. This in itself
Butler, and Spencer j and almost every other
Adams, each siding for one right way. all of
claiming superiority for his which to -how that they
And such a subject to fight over , not have inter
We have i o i lea that the eke- A scrap over a copper cent it at first to ow what I ind of a;
will go bonds hue been about as reasonable.
cure the Eastern training school, I
be the
Pitt county has ever done
the-East was after.
is to
and the railroads come together
in a business way and work such
reforms in traffics and schedule
as are just both to the public and
the transportation companies.
. Let the railroads stop contesting
and fighting when orders for re-
would be a big saving.
It is conceded all over
is to get n, i. . ,
. , . forms are sent them by the
alter awhile she will send
be the worst day's th-it the efforts of the at- the others to come
Pitt county secured over to Pitt and the Eastern
of the by the training school for teachers.
laboring under a spell
establishing the
the cashier a tr lining school. It is also con-
bank imagined that this school will be
he could corner the cotton mar- j i if the
When the storm blew over j pie want it. Do they want it
it was found that of will by their
mission, and let no unreasonable
made of the rail-
While the railroads are
servants of the public and should
j be under State regulation, they
the bank's had gone up in
tie wind.
President Roosevelt has re-
votes on May 11th.
It was not expected that every
person in the county would
By a Contributor.
All roads lead to Jamestown-
No one has suggested that
Mr- nominate M
Andrew Carnegie is the first
man who has won a medal for
spending money.
It must b s admitted that Mr.
The whiskey business in are at the same time promoters Taft has a handicap in having to
I Carolina, and in other States as of progress and of Nick-
I to that, has dealt another State. Let differences Why was not the Ananias club
blow Where prohibition has the railroads and the public be j the,
been e in towns or adjusted on a common sense
counties in the State, basis and put a stop to the dis- j
of whiskey in border j position to take advantage of j
additional fame. Two j favor a bond issue to secure the
gentlemen recently returned Eastern training school, as some
from a abroad tell him that oppose any and every
in their travels through Egypt
they found at least ten thousand
named after him. Cam-
els were always to be
beasts of burden, hence may be
able to carry this additional
thing regardless of how good it
may be But it would certainly
reflect more credit on any who do b
oppose it if they would stop
making false statements in the
hope of making sentiment
against bonds.
The Reflector believes there
are enough men in Pitt county
who realize the incalculable
the Eastern training school
will be county, to vote
bonds and carry the election next
Tuesday in their favor. Not to
do this would a disastrous
blow to the future of the county.
Every citizen should desire to
seethe county prosper and Ad-
will vote for bonds.
States have been securing agents
to take orders for whiskey which
the manufacturer would ship in-
to the prohibition territory.
This was done under the claim of
being allowed under the inter-
State commerce law, and a large
has been
carried on between Virginia dis-
tillers and several North Caro-
towns. A recent decision
of the United States Supreme
c on a case from South Ea-
each other.
at Jamestown
President Roosevelt's James-
town speech was a surprise be-
cause there was nothing
A big majority of the large tax
payers of the county favor the
bonds to secure the Eastern train-
school. This being so, it
looks like every man who has lit-
or no property to be taxed
should also favor it In fact we
do not see how any man who
wants to sec the children
Tuesday's vote in Greenville
on the question of issuing bonds,
shows plainly to the county what
the town of Greenville proposes
to do toward securing the East-
training school in Pitt county.
in it
If the railroads are really
money carrying passengers
what a lot of it they must make
hauling freight
The salary of the of
wants to give him with the
millions left off.
Reporters are kept away from
the white house in the evening.
Maybe the president is taking
lessons in bridge.
Mr. Bryan apparently has the
Democracy so well tamed that it
doesn't shy even at
the initiative and referendum.
A John Hopkins professor
claims to have taught a starfish
turn somersaults. No telling
where a fish story is going to
break out.
rarely meet an American
says Count
He probably would never meet
one, if the American gentleman
saw him coming.
busy and do is
the advice of mayor of
Chicago. Shucks, anybody who
gets a year, as
does, can do things.
Lament of t. Fish.
Tm n Io n a brook
Ah. the day
And I'm of a hook
A hook mas-
Bo n o
Thai I can't .-.
wishing that worm to eat.
That hook may be
The me will turn to meat
A Joy.
A Ti I am treat
email boy.
Ah. Woe U Is a
Ami live h. brook
And know every boy does
You on
that skilled in
th an r-tn
it will Th
v when
in a r on
ticking the ground.
The Measure of Hie Success.
friend tell
me pot his wife pretty
trained now.
he's her
co he make her do
nearly anything she wants to do.
Catholic Standard and Times.
Heard In tho Greenroom.
old I have been married
ten years today to one woman.
Second nothing
I've been married twice to my
wife In live
is always
his children
admire those children.
They are the only people I know
who can make keep quiet
and let some one else
This has been said before, but
will bear repeating, and every
voter in the county should stamp
it on bis mind. The Eastern
knocks out this business, school for teachers is going to be j
The decision is in effect that the located in one of these
place of delivery is the place of
counties. It matters not where j
it goes, every man in Pitt county
must pay his part of the taxes to
keep the school going. No get-
ting around that. Then it is the
sale and the party securing the
order is the seller, and where
such deliveries are made in pro-
territory it is a viola-
of the law and is not part of wisdom for every man
under com- to vote for bonds so the
him have better educational regulations. The school can be brought to Pitt
vantages and the county be j tiller, the agent and the Think seriously over
more prosperous, can be connected with such sales all this when go to vote on
posed to the bonds. liable to indictment. 114th.
Mississippi Episcopal Council.
City, Miss- May
annual of the Episcopal
Diocesan Council of Mississippi
is in session here today, and will
for three days- The
clergy held a preliminary
Protect yourself from the sun tie Nobles, Belle Aldridge conference yesterday, at
This department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Special to Reflector.
Prof- G. E Lineberry went to hat at and Blanche Cox.
day night to . A f . -t
speak on the bond issue.
The A. G. Co. has
still on hand a full supply of
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
Miss Maud Mooring, who spent
several days visiting schoolmates
at the dormitory, returned
to her home near Stokes Friday
A new lot of nice spring and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Dr. Walter Dawson, of Grifton,
was lure a little while Friday
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
Janie Kit
went to Greenville Friday
Fancy negligee and shirts at
B. F. Manning Co.
A. G. Cox has procured a stump
puller. This is a much needed
machine in this part of the
Call and let ma take your order
for a tailor made suit from the
Progress Tailoring Or. Chicago
a fit guarantee. J. D. Smith
B F. Manning Co
Miss Annabel Kittrell, of
den, is visiting t the home of
Chas. Kittrell near here
We nave plenty of time on
hand, A. W. Ange Co.
Prof. Lineberry attended the
at Robersonville
Fresh corned herrings just
opened at Harrington, Barber
Our farmer are busy setting
out tobacco plants now. These
rains made it an ideal season for
We sell Laughlin, Eclipse and
Parker fountain pens.
B. T.
Prof G. E. Lineberry returned I
from Centerville this morning,
where he made a last
nigH at the school
The A. G. Cox Co. has
on hand a full supply of buggy
bodies and seat in the most pop-
Baker and Ed Nelson
went to today,
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price
Our price, B. T. Cox
A Bra
We will sell you a Webster's
Unabridged Dictionary, d
in sheep, for They are
B. T. Cox Bro.
Miss Olivia Cox went to
Greenville Thursday.
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up
being turned
Harrington, Barber Co.
The A. G- Cox MTg Co- will
make flues for the sea-
at the same old price as
Miss Laura Cox, who had
teaching in the graded
school for the past session, came
home Saturday evening to
the vacation.
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort, style
and durability- They have just
opened their large line of line
Misses Elizabeth
Effie Barker spent Sunday with
Miss Norma
Pitt county Oil Co-, is
to enlarge their plant- The
new machinery is arriving daily.
The town off
quietly here Monday. There
was but little division, there
being only one independent can-
who received only six
votes. officers elected are
among our best citizens, and we
have no doubt about the per-
of their duty in a most
excellent manner. The new
officers will take up their re-
duties Thursday night
B. T Cox Bro. have garden
seeds and flower seeds ail
kinds at the drug store.
Quite a number of people at-
tended services at Reedy Branch
Sunday. Rev. Mr. Corbett the
pastor preached an excellent
We have just received a large
of best roofing. See us for
pi ice before buying. A. W.
Mrs. G Taylor and mother,
Mrs L. L Kittrell, went to
Greenville Tuesday evening-
Have you seen new
Recitation Two Offer-
a little
Misses Blanche Cox and Myrtle
Come Over and
Help Belle Al-
Clara Braxton.
child's s
Blanche Cox.
Extra line of white goods just
opened at B. F. Manning Co.
Knitting thread already
pared at Harrington, Barber
and men's fancy silk
hose for summer wear at B F.
Manning Co.
See our new assortment of
hamburgs, laces etc at B. r,
Manning Co.
A new line of tin ware just re-
at Harrington
There will be speakings at the
following times and places on the
the bond Issue and Eastern train-
Stokes Saturday, May 11th at
p. m. F. G. James and b- E.
King's X Roads, Thursday,
9th, p. m. Gov. T. J. Jarvis.
Farmville, Thursday 9th, p
m. J L Fleming and A L. Blow.
School house,
Thursday night,
May 9th at o'clock. F. C.
Gum Swamp school house,
Swift Friday night May
10th at F. C- Hard-
Saturday May 11th, at
p. m. H. W. Whedbee and
A- L Blow.
School House near M A.
at Harrington I Bethel J L. Flem-
V-. i e o i. u . mg and D. C. Moore Thursday
Barber Co It will take you. May m p
Jas. King, the excellent livery
man of Greenville, was here
which the State of the church
was The woman's
auxiliary also held its session.
The most important matter to be
brought up at the council session
will be the movement to raise
funds to establish two diocesan
colleges, one for boys and one for
girls. A fund of nearly
has been raised through the
efforts of Bishop and
members of the special commit-
tee on education, and it is
probable that the site for one of
the institutions will be selected
during the meeting of the
Big Land Sale.
We will on Thursday the 13th
day of June offer at public
a large number of very de-
building lots. This is a
good opportunity for a profitable
investment, as Farmville real
estate will advance per cent
after the completion of the Nor-
folk and Southern R. R. Sale
starts properly at
Townsend Windham.
They have more than other Hats sold
2nd. They are finished superior to
They wear longer better than other
on the market.
The Strikers.
New k, may, Ten
thousand longshoremen are now
on a strike here. The docks are
piled up with foreign freight,
unable to load or unload the
ocean going steamer.
you have the satisfaction of
knowing it Is the latest
French Transport Wrecked.
By cable to
Ayres, May 8.--The
French transport was
wrecked off the coast of
this morning. Hundreds of lives
C. S.
condition of
and carried away a new Blow.
Mills, Thursday May
9th at o'clock G. E.
Lineberry, F. G. James and A.
buggy made by the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
the Carolina Milling
out, almost almost every, day by, a p,
f A. G- Cox Co a
Co. are prepared to
first meal for you at
t me. Wood work also a
Prof. G. E. Lineberry took in
the commencement of
graded school
A new arrival of trunks,
and hand grips at A. W
School House near J. W. Smiths
in Braver Dam Thursday night,
May 9th at H. W,
and F. G. James.
Friday night May 9th
at o'clock H. W. Whedbee
and C.
Thursday night
May 9th at o'clock, C. O. H.
Mills, Thursday May
9th at p. m., G. E. Lineberry,
A- L. Blow and F. G. James.
Sunbeams of the
will give an entertain-
Sunday night, May 5th.
re cordially invited
, P, Cox Bro. have just re-
i a nice lot of Teacher's
flexible binding. recitations, etc. church
packed to its full capacity, and
all speak in
lay night the LaND FOR
Sunbeam society under the
of Miss Minnie E. Cox
assisted by Miss Hattie Kittrell.
rendered a most excellent pro-
gramme consisting songs,
went to
i. to each.
1.1 i Pattie Sutton
The season is now almost at
J when most of the farmers
will likely need trucks to haul
Tobacco to and from the barn.
The A. G. Cox Co. are
now preparing to make good
many their
his season and would be glad to
supply your needs.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
now making shipment of their
handy tobacco trucks almost
every day. We are expecting a
large run of these goods this
season and would therefore,
to customers to place
orders as early as possible.
The A- G. Cox Co. has
for the past son sold over
of their Simplex Guano Sowers
without a single complaint being
reported- The demand fur their
Economic Back band has been
great for this season as they
have sold if
deposit is too small to
be welcomed at the bank, it if
the frequency, deposits that
show oh r Tins
tor every young
man to adopt
in life. Don't be afraid
in the cashier by these little
That is business
J. L. Jackson Cashier Bank
terms of the excellent manner in
which each child performed his
part. These ladies are to be
most highly commended for the
great care with which they
have trained these children
There is no work of greater
Prof. Lineberry de-
livered a short address on the
importance of child training
with that tenderness that only a
man, whose heart and soul is in
this kind of work, could.
was as
Song Happy Band of
Prayer, led by Mr. J. D. Cox.
Scripture lesson 12th of
read by Mr. Roy Cox.
Little Mis-
Circle. Master Wilbur Kit
How to Save the
given by four sunbeams.
Little Brown
Leon Kittrell.
Recitation- Silver
Master Joe Kittrell.
Song- I a Bird,
Flower and
North Carolina I In the Superior Court.
Pitt County. I Before D. C Moore,
Sidney Woolen and Charles Wooten.
Shade H. Wooten, J. F. Wooten and
Herbert E. Wooten.
By Virtue of an Order made in the
above Proceeding, by C
of Superior Court, on
the 7th day of May, the undersign-
ed commissioner will on Saturday the
9th day of June, 1907, at noon,
expose to public sale before the court
Greenville, to the highest
bidder for cash the following tract of
land to
in the county of Pitt and
State of North Carolina and in Swift
Crook township, adjoining the lands of
T. Fleming. J. M. Wooten, the
lands and others, and containing
acres more or less, and being the
lands formerly known as the Charles
Wooten Home place. This sale will be
made partition.
This the 7th day of May, 1907,
F. C. Harding,
At Greenville, the State of North
Carolina, at the elope business,
Mar. 26th. 1907.
Loans Discounts
Overdrafts secured and
cured 1,250.46
U. S. Bonds to
Premiums on S. Bonds 476.56
Ranking- house, furniture,
Due from National Banks,,
reserve 17,181.02
Due from State Hanks
Bank, rs 6,920.32
tor house
Notes of National
Hanks 475.00
and cents 51.42
Lawful money reserve i
Specie 68.10
Legal-tender notes 10,490.00
fund with U. S.
Treasurer per cent
. 625.00
Capital Stock paid in 50,000.00
Undivided less ex-
and taxes paid 3,009.01
National bank out-
standing 12.500.00
to check 89,1.94.79
Time of
deposit 8,171.80
cheeks out-
standing 16.59 98,513.18
Notes and bills 18,868.30
Reserved for unearned interest 850.00
State of North Carolina
County of
J. W. Aycock, the above
bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to best
of my knowledge and belief.
J. W. AYCOCK, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 27th day Of Mar.
M. L
Correct Attest
New Year
door north of
o line
0.1 E, I EA, CAKES. I
customer for patronage during
fast and it be
It i to visit my e and see my stock.
J. B. Johnston.
. j
of Women's Fashions, Greenville, N. C.

The School Should be in Pitt County.
Suppose the Eastern training
school should be located at some
Closing May and
The closing exercises of Win
High school will
i Friday town in this section of the Sate
place on Thursday and M
Proceeding of the
The board of aldermen met
regular monthly n
day night, all the members being
The regular committees had no
reports to make The street
committee stated that the em
on Fourth street
situated miles from Pict
May 10th and county and you sent your
Wednesday evening at S o'clock daughter there for a term of
annual will be preach-, four years. Of course you
ed Key J E. of would want her home with the
ed t J. r- . family during the Christmas
holidays, and this would mean,
Friday at a m. the liter the of four railroad was being
address will be delivered by times each year, or sixteen times widened and the cemetery is
Congressman W W. Kitchen, of during the four After being cleaned out.
July the fare will bag u was ordered that persons
At o'clock p. m. the Vance rate the total fare already doing business in tat
Literary Society will debate the amount to This portion of the town taken in by
that North money would pay the taxes boundary extension may
m carry on their
tax required up to
. should have a law pro- man listing property valued t continue to can
the children under four-
age from -o-king years, and for a man listing of license
in the mills and factor
At p. m. n
direction of Literary
Those who these n
exercises I
very interesting-
u. .
d i
or ti
. me school lo-
your county Vote
twenty four years- June 30th.
you see the chief of the fire depart-
was ordered have
the fire how in town tested
the month of May, and chat
hereafter the hose at two
of the reel stations be
tested month.
The mayor reported that
15.000 previously arranged
h id bee from the j
three banks of the town. The
ck was placed to
y e.
on ad,
this w.
if you believe
was money. Let
his money
sing, and perhaps in
v soon i
Fix his el
SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this
paper so that every chewer has had an
opportunity get acquainted with the
facts and know that drugs are not used
to produce the cheering quality found in
the famous Piedmont country flue-cured
tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he
ought to chew. Still there are chewers
who accept other and cheaper tobaccos
that do not give the same pleasure.
Mr. A
the ard light plants
and who connected with out ;,.
since hey were installed, back of the sewerage fund,
has. his resignation, when you see him j The coupons on bonds;
order th it he might accept t for am, town
a offered hint rt his Once was a from
town m Virginia. think his last to January 1st, WOT,
the j was Wanamaker, or may had been paid and
water and light c at-, it was Moneymaker, anyhow were in the
d his resignation, express- his was John with some w h w r
regret at so doing. In tins sort attached to Ms An was ordered to
regret the commissioners ex- name. owned yards of I be in the several wards of moth waters
press he sentiment of the en-1 three pairs of bOt He tho .,, required by visions of good
tire town. f r all are sorry that called this a dry store and charter on Monday June he cannot
Mr. and his excellent offered to sell a pair of socks for aldermen by the committee of
wife are u- i--- us. They The don't-believe-in; The registrars, poll among whom ii Dr.
have made a host mends advertising merchants laughed, holders and g es were B- once lived m
during in spent with for said el ion- Pitt, reads in part are rt-
ville. Philadelphia Lodger to w r-, E requested to attend
just one time and had less Judge,, J. R and fish fry at
Cradle Roll Day. worth of goods. v landing, near Fort
The Memorial Baptist jury in court house, well. May 24th. aside your
observed cradle roll ll didn't It L troubles and cares for one
I was through sympathy that they Lawrence; . and come join us on the banks
Offered him advice. But John and L. place of the historic Neuse river-
didn't listen to and went a on can watch from the refreshing
This man bought a supply of tobacco with-
out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste
of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering
qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at
less expense than cheap tobacco.
Some day they'll get a taste of the real
realize what enjoyment
they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS
long they'll feel like kicking
SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in
cent cuts, and and IS cent plugs. Be
sure you get the genuine.
is hies
whose names arc on the cradle
roll of school were brought
out morning. It was a red
Utter for the school, the
and blew his money in foolishly; street.
and today poor John sees the re-1 ward-Registrar, R A
attendance reaching l Judges, and
babies were thee-big goods c. place the
fat babies and I that he can hardly find time to
not so fat babies, boy
and girl babies, pretty babies
but not a single Ugly
baby T toe is r-
to as r. of and
the group pi city scene.
N. C. -May, 6th.
are glad to say that J. H
Sr., who bad the mis-
fortune of losing one of
arms in his saw mill a short
ago, h Improving
The convicts came in last Fri-
day to put a dam across
A crowd from here attended
the closing exercise of the
graded school last
W. S. Williams, of
was with us Sunday visiting
R, Whichard came in from
Norfolk last night to be
his family.
C Moore spent Sunday
in Oakley.
Miss Ida Mooring spent Sun-
day afternoon with her sister,
O. Congleton.
his Sunday School lesson.
B lid win Bulletin,
A t Slip-Up
A New Haven dispatch to The
Baltimore Sun tells of how, at,
Jamestown, Governor Woodruff.
A Judges, T R.
D. S.
shade on the banks of the river
a fine swimming contest, and
after dinner can a game
of baseball between two first
class And don't we
wish we could. these
are so hard
to lay aside even for a short
tho same we return
tor the invitation.
Loans and Discounts Stock paid in
Overdrafts Secured
Duo from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Stat of Carolina,
County of Pitt.
U Registrar,
of Connecticut, introduced
Judges, H.
pad Warren,
place King's
gov of North to
tho governor of South
and ii suggested
old gag. Governor Woodruff Orders were drown on
while talking to r-1 treasurer amounting M
Building and Loan.
A new series of stock, e
third, The Home Building ard
Loan Association was opened
Saturday and started off
nearly one hundred shares,
bringing the total number above
thirteen hundred. The annual
meeting of the stockholders of
the association will be held in
the mayor's office Tuesday night
at o'clock when the report t f
the year's work will be read d
directors for the next
elected. A majority of the stock
must be represented at this
meeting in order to transact
and all should um
and learn what the
has accomplished.
nor Hi that th latter had
never met Governor Glenn, who
passing by at that time, was
stopped the Connecticut gov-
Glenn, I want
to meet the governor of South
Glenn's smiling acquiescence. I
turned to the other man and
lie, ward, I want to
make you with the
of North
high admirals of two
; ships of State shook
with true Southern
I was surprised, and I
guess looked it. There was the
governor of South Carolina and
i lie governor of North Carolina.
but where, oh, where, was the
usual greeting I coughed,
and then
T expected the usual
when the
be broke in Gov-
Glenn, T should like to
you. but I am a
I, too, would be deeply
honored to live up to
said Governor bowing
deeply, I, like brother Gov-
am a prohibitionist and a
All of which may be very
funny and true, except that
does not happen to be
the of the man who is
Governor of South Carolina.
Nearly everybody who is subject
tacks from from a
morbid dread of a treatment fur
relief, that is three-fourths in,
and one-fourth milk and toast. On the
hand you can eat as you
and digest the food by the of a good
equally is much rest. you
please and take a little for
K after your meals. It
he officers mad; their reports what you eat; Sold by Jno. L Woman,
of collections during the past
stables near Five
Got. t Tomorrow
, to
ton, Del May Miss
Mary Lea, daughter of Gov. and
Mrs. Lea, will be married to
William Corbit Jr.,
tomorrow. The will
be performed at
near Delaware City, the
summer home. Mr.
is a son of Judge
of the state court, and
a graduate of Princeton j
Written for The
Redactor by Mrs. W.
G. A. R. Monument at
Salem Church.
If I were a little raindrop
And you did pass my way
I'd fall upon your cheek
And there I'd DO to stay,
if I were a crimson rose
I'd nod to you.
And let you pluck me for your own
To rest on thy breast so true.
If I were one bright
I'd watch o'er thee from above
thee in light.
And teach thee faith and love,
if I were I am
And you were lone and poor,
I'd give to thee my all, my love,
And trust thee evermore.
I, J. K. Davis. of th bank, do
y above statement is to th of
and j. r. DAVIS, C
Subscribed ad t be-
me, this Any of Mar.
Notary u h
W. M
At the close of Mar- 22nd,
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
R in Payable
certificates of
subj. to check
checks out-
Loans and discounts
Due from and
Cash items
Silver bank
other U. S. notes
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt, ,
I. W H Cashier of the above named
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
W. H Cashier
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 28th day of Mar-
T. Carson
Votary Public
The Railroad Hulling.
Since the trestle across the mill
run near Mr. L. C. Arthur's has
Steamer L. Meyers leave
Special to Reflector.
Vi May 3-
veiled at Salem church. Norfolk Southern railroad at It
county. A large has been earned over
number New Jersey old pushed on rapidly toward Ky-Co. for
and new ones as well. Officials of the
tended, great many men road were here , few
Saturday afternoon Mr. J. H
Corey brought to the Retie-tor
like Lunch of day oats
by the first of
This is unusually
early for them to be headed.
prominent in that State.
hint e Off ken due Today.
and say they want trains to all
running from Greenville to Mappers order
folK by the middle of June. f
i u i l. j ., y o.
Work has started on
The platform
Special to Reflector.
San Francisco. Or
Siberia, life i deport here.
are several is up
Chinese who have car loads of material for
detailed by their government to
attend the
passenger depot have
for the purpose of a hand-
military and naval matters
some brick structure-
Soling to e
x t not-c
j Agent,
ville, N. C.
H. C- F and
P Na.
M. W.
To sufferers of Kidney, Liv
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a bottle
it cure will
your We say
full 11.00 size free bottle of
SOL and if it you,
use SOL until curl
This adv entitles
to a bottle SOL at
u d number
to lead
School Third
Presented With Gold Watch.
I has come to recognized
I Pitt county is leading the
with her public schools,
tie school at
stands at the head of
I schools in the county. This
disparagement of other
for there are a number
schools in oar borders
are the pride of tin
A Stare Broken Into
Thur-day night the store of
Mr. W. G- Stokes, at Stokes
was into and robbed of a
lot of clothing and various
of merchandise. The post-
j was also broken into, the
same ties supposed to have
committed both robberies. Mr.
W. C. Mines went over to Stokes
with his blood Friday
morning, and tracked the rob-
up to near Bethel. Word
I had sent ahead to the police
and the communities m far th
th they are located, but if
was thrown down to; am chi n.
State to show a their home,
that would surpass into Bethel a little ahead
at Quinnerly not be-; d pursuing
it could be met.
be third session of I
c. em
were immediately
They had in
d Friday night with possession two suits of new
exercises, which were
in. the splendid new
takes the place of the
burned some over a year
In planning for the
exercises it was hoped to
i Governor Glenn to deliver
address, but as the time drew
it was found that he could
Nor is it any reflection
able governor to say that
lace was excellently filled, for
; county is resourceful in men
i even on short notice are
to any occasion, so instead
having one speech by the
large audience at
heard three as good
as any one could wish
exercises the school
the direction of the
Lily Pair and
highly creditable
I both themselves and their
The speeches inter-
the n numbers of
program. The speaker
Pro. G. E
d of the Winterville High
who is always eloquent
W. E. Cox was the next
By request his ad-
related to the bond issue
the Eastern training school
teachers. His argument
the school and bonds was
best we have heard during
entire campaign. The el-
and force of his words
the v him.
i do not see how any man
hear him and not favor the
Minty Superintendent W. H.
who is always ready
good word, spoke of the
Irk of school, and
to the hearty co-opera-
the school, the teachers, the
and the community
d given himself and the
of education in pushing
work of the county.
climax came at the
of the program in an
so unusual as to be pro-
impressive, G
Lineberry again arose and
all to attend the com-
of Winterville High
on the and 17th
flowing this the audience
covered that he was making
speech, and his subject
of such a nature as to
keenest interest. He
to Superintendent Rags-
lie and his work in Pitt county
d paid him as beautiful a
as ever fell from the lips of
e man for another. In coll-
he drew a handsome
bid watch and fob fr m his
which he presented to
as a token of
e-ii from school
id um people of the
I Prof. was taken com
unawares, as was
in his looks and words in
His embarrassment under
lie surprise really made it more
for the presentation
as the spontaneous expression
f the good people of that com-
it was intended to
like him by surprise. That a
school should manifest Its
of the services of
public official in so valuable o
is indeed out of the
bu the act speaks
clothing, several pairs of shoes
and various other articles of
and some money.
The were Riven a
trial before
Roberson at Bethel who bound
them over to court. As the
could not bond they
were turned over to Mr. Hines
who brought to Greenville
on the evening train and they
were placed in jail. Mr.
also took a lot of keys oil
that had been filed in
different and used for
don't digest
lacks some one of the essential
tile digestive juices are nos
properly balanced. Then, it is
food that causes sourness and
painful indigestion. for
should lie used for relief.
of vegetable acids. It
what you eat, and corrects the
the National Pure and Drug Law.
Sold here by Jno. L.
They like the taste at well as maple
is what one mother wrote of
Laxative Cough Syrup. This
modern cough is free
from any opiate or narcotics, contains
Honey Tar. conforms to the National
Pure food and Drug Law. S old by
Jno. I.
Five Tailors.
Mike returned today
from New YorK bringing with
him Leopold and
who are to work in the
tailoring establishment of
young men have
built up a large trade in their
line, making it to em
ploy additional workmen. There
are now five in the
The two new arrivals are
Hungarians and cannot speak
English, but they s on learn
Wise Counsel bit
When the cold winds dry and crack
the skin a box of salvo can save more
discomfort. In baying salve look
the name on box to avoid any
and be sure you the
Witch Hazel Salve. Sold
Jno. L. Woo ten
Neighbors Got fooled.
was literally coughing to
death, and had become to weak to leave
my bed; and neighbors predicted that ;
would never leave it alive; but they got
foiled, for thanks be to I was in
to try Dr. King's New
It took just four one dollar bottles to
completely cure the cough and
me Co sound writes
Eva of stark
Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold
and healer of throat and lungs,
Is guaranteed by J. L Drug-
gist. SOc. and Trial bottle free.
Clear up the complexion, cleanse the
tone the astern. can
do a dose or two of Do Wills
Little Early Risers, Safe Reliable little
pills with a The pills that
everyone knows. Recommended by
Jno. I.
Rising From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, A.
of N. C., relates o
most remarkable experience. He
taking less than three bottles of
Electric I feel like one rising
from the grave. My troubles is Bright's
disease, in the Diabetes I
believe Electric Bitters cure me
permanently, for it has already stopped
the liver and bladder complications
which have troubled me for
Guaranteed at J, L. Wooten Druggist.
Price only
enters and claims
t S acres, more or less, of vacant
lying Pin
county. North Carolina, on south side
of Tar Beginning at a black
gum. a c inter of the land formerly
owned by and run
north with said Becca line
IN I yards, thence east with
line about yards
line ditch on Hart place
thane I nearly south with said ditch I
a bridge, thence west to Mac
gum at the beginning, bounded the
Ian Is of Chas.
Sermons and others
I In-, April 27th. 1907.
Theophilus Dall.
persons claiming title
to or Interest In the foregoing de-
scribed land must their protest in
. . . . i
Market the Natural Abed of
The unpolished phraseology,
though not peculiar to this
quarter of London, given rise
to the proverbial use of the name
Billingsgate. may term this
tho gate of says
old Fuller. one may hear
references to
or obscene language of
the market are frequent, and hence
foul language itself is railed
iii-. In too.
Thackeray tells up how Mr. Osborne
with an
sis worthy of the place.
It is curious how markets are the
of strong language,
rim.- the equivalent for
are no better than a Hilling
irate is
ire like those of the Mail-
the Place being not-
ed for its market.
In the good old days tho
gate porters seem to have thorough-
enjoyed themselves, for one Bang-
ford, writing in 1715,
being tn mind another
custom been omitted of
late years. It seems that in former
times the porters that plied at Bil-
used civilly to entreat
desire every man passed
way to salute u post that stood there
in n vacant If he refused to
do they forthwith laid hold of
him and by main force bumped him
against the post. But if ho quietly
submitted to kiss I lie same paid
down they pave him i
name and chose some one of the
gang for his godfather. I believe
this was done in memory of some
old image that formerly stood there,
perhaps or
The original porters of Billings-
gate to one of the
labor guilds in the country, the
of Porters, and at one time
the carrying work both at Billings-
gate and from the wharfs to tie
warehouses of the city within
radius was entirely performed
by them. London Globe.
A null i r of military men in n
Washington hotel were giving
an account of an incident of the
civil war. A quiet man who stood,
by last
I happened to be
there and might be able to refresh
your memory a- to what took place
in reference to the event just
The hotel keeper said to
what might have been your
I a
Next day tho quiet man
was about to depart asked for hi
a not n
. ,,, the an
the ever
PI, , i
Th-- F.-i I
. ; -i i of
, f for
his which from
-build Ii . very bill
it was not so.
co and toward Hie
. of I e sued the Ir could re
-train no longer, He call-
ed up and
I order n ;. toil and w
have I for some
i dish. The soup was n fail-
the n
uneatable, and I am sorry
to tell you during tho
dinner there nothing v,, h
looking waiter looked
bled for an instant ard then, bright-
up, said, wail a mo-
sir, will bring you
Breathing Plants
Plants give off carbon dioxide
as a man dies when breathing.
Professor J. It. A. Davis describes
experiment in which a growing
plant is placed in glass jar
largo enough to cover it. the jar be-
sealed with a greased glass plate.
The jar is then put in a dark place
for a lime. When opened a lighted
match plunged therein will lie ex-
showing that tho plant
has used up the oxygen in the jar.
I been left in
tho jar. it will be found to have
i d milky, which shows that carbon
dioxide has been given oil by
Hit Logic.
in northern Hampshire
there lived a good woman who was
an ardent Second One
night in winter she was awaken-
ed a loud noise, caused by the
tumbling over of the woodpile in the
shed connected with tho house. Sit-
ting up bed, she shook her
band, who was sound asleep, and
wake up. old Gabriel
is coming. hear his chariot wheels
John, half awake, lie
i , ,
The origin of the slang
or cant Well, I guess that's a thing
that's buried in the mists of an-
as the scholars say. But
Once read up on subject, and
they the I are responsible
at Ii for its introduction our
language. There used to men
who traveled the roads of England
know n as Irish tinkers.
They wire traveling machinists
and did all sorts of repair work.
They wire a canny of a
labor were the wisest
men in England in their way. It
was worth man's life to break into
their organization irregularly.
Along about the Romany
I've people -gypsies, they call them
v from the
The; wanderers like the
i ii id naturally the two
classes came together. The tinkers
picked up a words of the gypsy
, t took to the jargon,
added new words to it, and it be-
ante the language in a way of their
class. Finally it drifted to the
clement, and thus was burn
patter, flash, lingo, jargon
or whale, r call it.
Tho origin of many of the words
quite plain when one stops ti
for n moment. Now, take the
which is to dis-
a policeman in plain
clothes. In the early days the
of London carried bulls-
eve lantern. of the
ed condition of the streets.
could tell the approach of
the or constables by
their lantern-. comes a bulls-
was lite natural cry.
This was contracted to
and the appellation still sticks.
Take word which thieves
use as the slang term for a watch.
Years ago only the very rich could
afford a watch because of the
and those who could not own
a watch and therefore did not real-
their usefulness called them
as the rich were not sup-
posed to purchase useful.
The to distinguish
a pocketbook, comes from the fact
that the Bible is the most respected
of all books, and as thieves respect
a well tilled pocketbook above
things they designate it as a
So it is with most of the
American thieves are constantly
inventing new slang terms and
abandoning old expressions. Many
cant have been adopted as
good English. often have a
pat quality that appeals to the mind
and by constant usage are coined
into the language of the realm.
Chicago Tribune.
Stat Ohio, City Toledo,
LUCAS County.
Frank J. makes oath that he
is senior partner of the of K J.
Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said sum
ONE DOLLARS for each
and every case that cannot be cure I
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure
Sworn to before me and
in my presence, is 6th Ii
A. U.
SeaL A. W.
Notary Public.
Hall's is taken
acts directly on the blood and mu-
surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J. CO. Toledo, O
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family
Tho Unattached Woman.
Nowhere else in the world is
woman who has the
life so thoroughly her own s,
so illy arbiter of her n
destiny, so completely at t-
create the atmosphere that shall
make for her happiness as in X .-.-
York. In Paris she is
object of suspicion, because
she has not openly annexed a bread
winner. In London she becomes the
mother by prow of her
or some distant
In the lesser cities of the
United a writer in Woman
believes, of tho old prejudice
remains against the woman who has
missed or declined matrimony. She
is to a degree tho superfluous
an and as such is tolerated or pitied,
but never approved. York
W.-isn't All.
A young man not regarded a
very desirable suitor had called upon
a young lady n number of times,
each lime to be told by tho maid
that Florence is not well to-
Ore day iii response to his card
the mother, who was a
recent accession to tho newly rich
ran-- and whose education was not
sure as it might be, appeared and
explained once more to the young
mini the daughter was not well.
am very sorry, said
the young man he rose to go.
daughter is so
sniffed the mother.
at all.
Why, she N indelicate girl
yon i
Hi Worked All
It Ii related that a certain man
was recently very sad because his
wife bad gone out of town on a
visit, which she would not shorten
in of bis appeals to her to
come home, lie finally hit upon a
plan to induce her to return. He
sent her n copy of each of the local
papers with one item clipped out,
and when she wrote to find out what
it was he had dipped out he refused
to tell her.
scheme worked admirably.
T- t week she was home to
AH kinds of all kinds of choice cut .,
era in Special attention
Wedding Funeral
Bulb stock. Pot p ants for Winter
plants, a id trees .
great variety.
N. C
Machinery is digging the Panama
a thousand times quicker than
novel dug the Erie.
Machinery produces the L- U
punt at So limes less cost for labor,
than made by
The L. If. gives the best job in the
world, because L, M. Zinc hardens
L. M. White makes L. M.
paint wear like iron for to years.
It only gallons of this
paint and gallons of Linseed
atoll ct per paint a mod-
any defect exists in L. M. Paint.
will repaint house tor nothing.
Sold by II. L.
R. L. Johnson,
Contractor, Builder, tile Setter.
and estimates fur-
on application. All work
. Turn key job when ever
N. C.
i . Why
You can afford it I
cents per week
pays for a
at your
For -1
Ham Telephone ant
S coital
Raw the
. L
; .-I B ard .
for all c
Harry Skinner. Skinner, Jr
II. W.
Practice in the courts.
Established in
Cotton and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Rags.
Correspondence and shipments
Notice id tho voters
at their I on the
i it . the
i Paid m nth. ordered that an
ion be
i in aid county on Tuesday.
or t lie , taking the
the q. i of said
c Linty on the to confer upon
the of county commissioners of
county the authority to issue and
i bearing coupon bonds, of
said county, not to exceed the sum of
fifty thousand dollars to run for thirty
years to bear Interest at a rate not
to exceed six percent The proceeds of
the salt- of bald bonds to be used in aid-
county for a training school
white teachers, and the excess, If
any, i the fund from the sale
of said bonds, after securing the
of said school in the county, to on
used in purchase of machinery for
the use of the convicts in working the
public re-
pairing bridges in the county Pitt,
A new registration of the voters has
been ordered said election, so that it
may be definitely and accurately
who are qualified voters at said
election, The law
election requires those favoring the
issuing of said bonds to vote a written
or printed with the words thereon,
and those to vote
a Written or printed ballot with the
words thereon The
registration books will open on Thurs-
day, April and sunset
on Saturday, May 4th, 1907,
who register can vote.
By order of the board of county
missioners of Pitt county.
the 1st day i 1907,
R, w, King, Chairman,
Richard Williams. Clerk.
W. L. u
Country i and Sold.
First Class and Reasonable
Prices. Iron Fencing Sold.
Greenville, North Carolina
C Sweet to Eat
A Cindy
. . w.- . i PATENTS I
i. . . m .
Bond photo or tot FREE
Book on
Read one among a hundreds of such
have suffered with NERVOUS for past years
and have more beneficial and lasting results from the use
PANACEA MINERAL WATER than from any other remedy of
the many I have had prescribed for me. It gives me great pleas-
to testify to its marvelous results in my own case and many
others I have personally
Mrs. Martha P. Taylor,
Newport News, Va.
Send to Gee. S. Greenville. N.
miles from on R. P. R. R. We will sell a
limited number of building or store lots- Those wishing to
purchase a home or a place for business can get one cheap
by now.
Simpson is located in a good community, with a nice
saw and brick making

J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
A agent for Daily
d we take
an I receipts for
o arrears We have a list
to all who receive their mail at
. Be. We also orders
Mrs. E. L Middleton,
who has bet a visit re-
i o me week.
If i treated in Cook
Stove rs will pay
. a prices
that Tyson are making
Greene county
Pan . . ,
. , y and the
d Ormond.
cheap goods go
CoE. . Co., they always
the bes .
Mi- W. Tucker, of
iv. visiting Mrs. Dr.
Wanted Puts car loads of
Cotton Seed for which we will
highest cash price. Don't
before seeing us- Yours to
serve. F. Lilly Co.
Little Miss Lancaster of Cone-
toe h little Miss Thelma
Go to E E
market for beef, meats.
and fresh fish.
Mrs. Frank Carr, of Willow
Green, has been visiting Mrs.
Blount during the week.
Daisy Lancaster, of
Edgecombe, is here on a visit
her sister, Mrs. H. G. Burton.
Merchandise Broker-I carry
a full line of Meat, 1-ard and Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
Mrs- Lafayette Cox spent
Wednesday night in Ayden with
If you need any Paint be sure
see E. E. Co.
The books of registration close
tomorrow is a full
registration h prospects very
bond.--. Public
cons cotton
seed meal. F Lilly Co
There were people here last
Sunday almost from everywhere.
Grifton and Winterville both had
I all work entrusted
to my care to give entire
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier.
I solicit the patronage of the
Ayden and community
in everything pertaining to the
jewelry business Give me a Craige may be counted upon as
U A --.-.
Look Oat For The East
The Salisbury Post in an
thus speaks of the
outlook for next
news that the Hon. Locke
Mrs. and lit-
a gubernatorial candidate moans
that some spice is to be thrown
tie son. Mack, have returned into the next
from a to Va. j to be that R
Miss Clarance who A. of Alleghany. will
has been school the race, and his following
i is here visiting relatives, j is not to be underestimated if
The Knights of Pythias one wishes to make an accurate
and from every pace an ice cream supper forecast. It be as
point of the compass they Thursday m honor of their for,
wives and sweethearts. , W. W. Kitchin has
Sams has finest and Mrs. B. S of now the strongest hand.
Accidental at Far
On Monday two young men,
one named Riggan and the other
were in a store at
Farmville examining some
pistols. No one had an idea that
either of the weapons was
but suddenly there was a report
and a ball from the pistol Mr.
was looking at struck
Mr. on the nose and
lodged in his cheek, giving him
a severe wound.
The dry goods, clothing, hard-
ware and furniture merchants of
the town have signed an agree-
to close their stores early in
the evening, except Saturdays,
during the summer. This
give both merchant; and
the evenings for rest.
Dr Joseph Dixon
A , . , , ill
ever bought is -on a to the Mr. Craige
Prof T. A Carlyle. of Wake OAKLEY ITEMS. j will deli act most from the fifth
Forest, delivers the address at j district statesman or the Alle-
the closing exercises of the; Oakley. N. C. May 7th. 1907- county representative is a
graded school here next Friday, John Brown and Miss Lula happens to
10th There feast of t
in store for our people and all Mr- and Mrs. J. O grooming for the job there
are cordially invited to attend. Items here j be something doing, poi
Misses Rosa Quinnerly J. K- Barnhill and wife, of speaking, in
vi- Winterville visited Mrs. Barn- t. creek, then up
last week
By virtue of a mortgage executed and
delivered by Dupree and wife
Victoria Dupree. to on
the day of which
mortgage appears record in the office
of the Register of of Pitt co ml i
f-. page the
will sell for cash, before the court h
door in Greenville, on the 18th
day of May, 1907, the following described
piece or parcel of land situate in the
county I'm and in Greenville town-
ship, on the south side of Tar river, be-
ginning at the gate post on the left
will on left side
f Greenville
to then running east
M road to the Mogul line, then with the
Bessie Spier, of Grifton. are
the Misses Blount at
Everybody look out for
new ails.
Call at the Drug Store
Sales Feed and LIVERY
Nice Convey a
rices to suit
C. R.
ahead just as if the
t know that It is Us acres,
TO J. H.
Healers in Dry No-
Dupree Ly Amos
our Mrs. Belcher, the j to have the Governor.
spent j written and precedent of
day and Sunday hero with her party in North
; the
much in favor
sentiment is daily
ward this en I.
Mrs A. and
of left here
Tuesday on the train for a visit
up the read.
exchange corn
I Li i, Healthy Shoals
. ii to pounds.
f pay cash mark-
et m Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C
Mi Delia Smith has come
. to friends.
Mi . oohS, of Grifton,
is here on a
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need
Mi after visit-
Miss May Smith has returned
to her home in Winterville.
There was a large delegation
form here to attend the Masonic
celebration at Kinston
The books for
No. L in town-
ship, town of Ayden, are in the
hands of J. M. Blow. Those
desiring vote on the school
bonds have to be-
tween now and May 4th.
Yesterday the citizens in con-
assembled nominated the
following gentlemen to be voted
for next Monday as officers of
the town for the ensuing
Mayor, J. F.
J. K. Turnage, H. C.
Ormond, W. J. Boyd, R. C. Can-
non and Stancil
J. R. Smith,
Frank Lilly and J. J. Stokes.
The protracted meet in the
Disciple church still and
there are large crowds in
cure one of daughter. Mrs. S. G. Williams,
,,; p, m vi .- iii to take turn about in .
Tobacco setting and back the candidate for
l he protracted meeting in the bending is now popular in or- Both sections of the State
Disciple church will close Wed- parts. have scores of men by
night with a T F Nelson went to
tern entertainment by ville Thursday. men of
Mr. Doherty.; H. A. went to Plymouth
There has been continuous Thursday. Men good and true
preaching every night for the Rev. Mr. Bryant filled his will be out in time, and
past two weeks and while only appointment to we are thinking that when
s-x have united themselves crowd.
t. i i j- i , Raleigh he will like a man
the church we feel assured very has opened an from the East
much good has been exchange stable at his home
and visit of these j Good many from
two gentlemen and their earnest Lille, Stokes. Bethel
efforts in behalf of the Christian. attended church here Sun-1
religion yet manifest itself jay.
among our people. Several from Greenville were
Do you wish to buy a us Monday looking after,
W J. Whitehurst, of
and said I
mortgage was taken to secure the ,
Prices-to suit the times.
Tripp Hart Co
t. G.
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing have
just received a new supply of furnishings and material
in undertaking department
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to servo the This is a long needed
this section and they promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.
Keep your eye on the East.
Wilmington Star.
and lot in Ayden, or a valuable
farm, near I y Have you
either for We will buy or
sell, is your life insured, is
your house insured If not you
should see us and have it in-
sured at once. We make an
extra effort in collecting ac-
counts. Place them with us.
Ayden Loan and Insurance Co.
That Evangelist Hamlin did
spent Monday night
Train Held Up.
Special to Reflector.
Butte. Mon. May
North coast limited train of the
Northern Pacific road was held
his subject justice last Sunday by bandits miles east of this
afternoon admits of no question, city- The engineer of the train
II grand. Naturally a
forcible and powerful speaker,
at times
That he is
city- The engineer of the
was killed by the bandits.
Longshoremen Strike.
simply superb.
Special to Reflector.
Norfolk, May, thous-
Master his enunciation of and longshoremen in Hoboken
the beautiful truths of and this city are reported on
and its beneficial influences u Question I
would have the most
skeptic mind- That he has made ship men say they will have
it a careful study the logical strike breakers to carry
convincing manner of its secret through.
as well as open conduct showed Local Op ion Election at Ky.
I plainly even to those not
n ed i i -Masonic love, that he w Rector.
was walking and talking along , K-v- May
paths that were not strange to
him. The effect upon the shall have liquor selling or
brotherhood who were present is under way today with
was beneficial and we feel sure I side lighting vigorously. I
All the ministers
Please take this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
we will expect yen during
the Exposition if not be
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from maker
to user-
Piano with the
. discounts
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from banks an I banker
Cold coin
Silver coin
Nat. bk
Surplus fund
profits less expenses 2,894.12
anding 710.04
28.92 subject to check
I; Cashier's checks
I J. K.
the above
and I el
n. 27th of Mar., -7.
to heat of my be-
l. It. SMITH
will tend toward making them
and church i
emulation of Masonic virtues and lief from the presence of saloons
the practice of its and liquor selling.
There were about Masons New l.
present as well as a very large j
audience. After the Special to Reflector.
Brother Hamlin fell and
marched with us to our hall
whore again ho made some time-
remarks that were highly
appreciated. We feel his coming
has been of great benefit
in and around Ayden
and the influence of his words con-
between two
tries in so far as it effects the
transmission of newspapers and
periodicals known as second-1
class matter, between the two
Washington, C. May
Today there noes into effect the
new arrangements to postage on
second-class matter, negotiated
by Postmaster General Mover
Postmaster General
of Canada. The agreement as
and advice will long live
us after he has gone.
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
J. Benjamin Higgs, of Green-
ville, was here Monday.
pens on sale at Saul's
drug store at from to
Miss Earl Tucker, of Grifton
was a visitor in our town.
have the
J. W. Taylor
and solicit the pat-
of c g
Miss Annabel Kittrell spent
J. R. Harvey, J. J. Smith and from Saturday until Sunday
S. o. of
were here
t noon with
in Winter-
For Twenty-one Years
Confederate Veterans Cony regale at
Special to Reflector.
Columbia, S. C, May
Confederate reunion gathered in
this city today for a three day's i
stay. Gen. commend-
the South Carolina Division
of the U. C. V. Is. in command.
There is a general of
the veterans and their families,
and they are receiving the mos
generous hospitality at the hands
of the Columbia
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco in the South
because great care is used in the
election of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
J. W Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
far in
Monday afternoon there was
a week at u I t deck, a mile
below the depot, t th
where Beaufort
Lumber . inters i
fer- in t, All m i L i
Ar- l V- tram ind
come in and in for a
loaded train t c
the dock in the u; ii .
quite clear
tore the loaded train reached
the switch the was.
warned of danger behind
brakes were applied, but
the and two or three
cars loaded with crashed
into the empty cars at the
The collision piled up seven
cars in a heap and almost de-
them. The wreck
blocked the main line so that
trains could not pass. The north
bound passenger train from Kin-
came up to th wreck and
took a and the south
bound freight train was at the
depot hero. The engine of the
log went to work on one
end of the wreck and the en-
of the freight on the
other, and in two hours the logs
and broken cars were cleared
from the track No damage of
consequence was done to the
track and trains could pass as
soon as the wreckage was re-
A number of people went to
the wreck and lent a hand to-
ward the track. Capt.
J. S. Barr, of the waiting pas-
train, was a gen-
in the work.
The Exposition Not Completed.
Special to
Jamestown, Va, May 15-This
was the day when the
was to be but it is
far from that. There are those
who say it won't be completed
until July, and some even De-
that it won't be complete
at all Certainly everything is
an air of incompleteness that is
very painful. The loading to
the exposition of the
sum asked by the managers, by
Thomas J has helped its
Launching of Cap. Ola
yacht Eagle, Capt. Ola
Forbes, of Greenville, owner,
was launched on the
of the 7th of from
Wade's ship yard. This is th;
that has ever been
it by this excellent firm
and contractors, and
they the reputation from
to Florida, of doing
This yacht is
feet feet beam, and is
twin screw, with horse
engines. When the inside
work is completed she will in-
deed be thing of beauty and
without question the handsomest
boat ever built in the State.
Capt. Forbes informs us that
this yacht will be in service as a
passenger boat, plying between
and the exposition
ground i during the exposition,
making regular trips from
wharf, Norfolk,
to said grounds. It was a sight
to see this boat taking the water
gracefully, with the owner in
the bow, waving an American
flag. Cant Forbes is a clever
gentleman and we are sure that
those who patronize this boat
will never regret it Mr. Forbes
would be glad for all North Car-
attending the exposition
to come and look at and over
this yacht while at Norfolk and
see what work can be turned out
by a City Tar Heel.
Morehead City Chaster,
Southern Railway Cots Office Force.
Recognize Their
We have known for years that
the Parker fountain pen was
best made, but no idea that
them so highly. Recently a
shipment of about three of
excellent pens, with some
inks and ocher goods was made
from the factory at Janesville,
Wis. for the Reflector Book
Store, and when that shipment
reached Greenville there were
exactly two pens left, all the
others having been extracted
from the box in transit. Doubt-
less the railroad who
got them had heard the praises
of the Parker fountain pen, and
wanted to join in the
they get off to themselves where
no one can hear them. The cir-
under which they
procured the pens forestalls the
hope of getting a testimonial of
their me-its- but they have get a
good thing.
Special to Reflector.
Atlanta Ga., May
the Southern railway made a
general cut of its office It has
not been announced whether this
is done in accordance with the
policy of economy or is simply
the usual reduction that comes
every spring preparatory to the
lighter business depart-
throughout the Southern
and western divisions, of which
Atlanta is the headquarters, and
the northern and eastern, of
which Washington is the head-
will feel the effect of
reduction. Just how many
men will be laid off or lose a
progress to a marked degree, wageR is not
but there has been too much to; b , the probability is
be done, and its completeness i . . , . still remains in the far distant from
vista- The managers, however, men.
consider that they have made
good progress and assure the
that the exposition is to-
day in a good condition.
They Were in Time Vote.
There was cheering around the
court house just before
Indexing the Records.
Some interesting work is now the polls closed Tuesday
in progress in the register curt clerk D. C.
s sf then j
Register of Williams has I and Mr. J. J. Harrington m
the best system of in- Stores Both were coming home
that could be found and
Messrs. G. J. Woodard and W.
L- Hall are assisting in the
work- The old records are care-
fully searched for arranging the
index, and as all entries are
three times it looks
almost impossible to make an
error. The new index will be
valuable to the county.
Odd Fellows Meet in
Special to Reflector.
Ala., May. 14.-The
Grand Lodge of the Independent
order of Odd Fellows meet in
this city today. They will stay
for The attendance
is about six hundred. In many
respects this will be the mot
important meeting in many
years, as many new laws are
expected to be enacted.
Mrs. Warren's Father Dead.
A telegram from Salisbury
this morning announced the
death of Mr. N. L- James,
father of Mrs. O. E. Warren, of
Greenville Mr. James suffered
a stroke of a few
days ago gradually grew
worse to the end. Mrs. Warren
i . . .,. I
on the evening train to vote.
When the train was bulletined
fifty minutes late there were
fears among the of the
two gentlemen that they would
not get here in time to vote.
Vehicles were sent to the
so that no time would be lost
after the train got here. The
train pulled in at and there
was a race for the court
In just five minutes their ballots
were in the box and a shout went
up from the crowd on the square.
as we Make it
Sometimes it would seem as
if marriages that are not made
for love hold better than those
which are; since the mutual ex-
are less, so also are
the disappointments
People must but if
they cannot change together, if
the love they had when they
were young does not mellow into
a habit of warm affection as
they grow older, then at least
I let them consider first their ob-
ligations to one another and
bring all the pity, all the for-
j all the kindness
I to the contemplation of their
i compact before they break it.
If it were so worth while
is it
now Is there
I not something to be built on a
j foundation that promised
Since people cannot in gen-
be induced to think
they enter the married
-state, they might at least be
I brought up to make the best of
lit afterward. Boys and girls
might easily be educated more
than are now with the
view of making them better
bands and wives, better house-
keepers, better fathers and
mothers, better comrades to one
another. Then, if love struck
like a bolt from the blue,
they would still be able to go
about their business with some
faint idea of what those
were going to be, and if
they had made mistakes, to
bear the consequence of those
mistakes just as long as there
was dignity in
perhaps a little longer
line in The f r
M. J. May 14th.
Rufus Whichard and
Barnhill of Greenville were
W Cherry, of
was here Sunday.
Miss Lydia Carson, of
spent week here
visiting Miss Pearl Jenkins.
F. L. of Enfield, was
here last w k.
Joseph William.-- in-
Kins visited at AI wood Sunday
Z. V. and Miss
Reba Corey spent
night and Sunday at Stokes
Several attended church at
Swamp Sunday All re-
port hearing a good sermon and
enjoyed a good dinner.
Potato crop in this section is
fine; a plenty of bugs have at-
rived to house them.
S. G. Williams went to Everett
Carson, of Bethel, visited
his sister, Mrs. T. F. Nelson,
here and Sunday.
We are now ready . for
Eastern training school,
have a of chewing
and a thumb paper.
A few attend the speaking
at Stokes on the 11th
short but appropriate of
E. B. Whichard. of
met the approval of the people in
this and the Stokes section.
Well, what next one election
to get taxes down and then one
to get taxes up.
Carried by a good Majority.
Pitt county voted Tuesday on
the question of
bonds for the purpose of
the I cation of the Eastern
training school this county.
Friends of the measure worked
valiantly at the polls, and the
result is a majority in
of the bonds.
A peculiar feature
, election is that the had
i receive a majority of nil the j
I registered voters of county,
those not voting a all counting
I the same as if they had voted
against bonds- The unofficial
returns that have come In from
tin several show that
considerably more than a
, of the registered voters of i h
I county voted for Is.
The official returns which will
j be canvassed by the boar f
commissioners and de-
will show the registered
vote in each township, the
of votes cast for bonds, the
number of votes cast against
and the number not
As soon as these official
are given out The Re-
will publish them.
Today we can give only the
returns, which are believed
to be substantially correct, and
are as
Precinct. Reg. Voters.
His Birthday.
good friend. Mr. S. M.
Schultz. today celebrated his
62nd He is one of
Greenville's progressive citizens
and numbers friends by the
hundreds. All extend
and wish Dim many hap-
returns of the day.
special to Reflector.
Washington. May
M. Bradley, the slayer of
I former Senator Brown, of Silt
I Lake, at the Raleigh Hotel last
will be put on trial on
the indictment for murder today
Mr attorneys have been urging
an early trial on account of the
frail health of the prisoner.
Young men who get turned
down by the girl they are stuck
on shouldn't themselves
away Think of it Four girls
jilted George Washington, but
turned around and married
belle of Virginia and became
president of the greatest country
on earth. Don't be less of a
mollycoddle than the father of
his Star.
For Bonds.
Beaver Dam
Swift Creek
Total . 1680
We have net learned yet the
of votes against bond.;
and number not voting in
i the different precincts, but will
as soon as the
county commissioners declare the
official returns.
Come to New York.
Special to Reflector.
New York, May A portion
of the fleet of battleships and
armored cruisers recently in
Hampton Roads, will arrive here
today under command of Rear
Admiral Evans. The first
ion of the fleet, which includes
the Ne Con-
Island, Virginia,
Georgia. Main and Missouri,
new ships will all be here for
ten days to give their crews lib-
Thy will then return to
Roads and the second
Cox Mill, N. C, May 1907.
John Jones caught a half gal-
of cut worms in rows of
of tobacco.
J M- Cox grinds corn every
Amos largest boy drank
lye for water. He is in a bad
We have a concert about three
times a week. Oscar Evans and
H. A. Moore work their way in,
they say it is nice.
Miss Moore spent last
week at J- A. Moore's near Rose
John Evans says he is going to
get married, as he needs help on
the farm.
We are having plenty of rain
and the farmers are getting
Special to Reflector.
Chicago, 14.--Enormous
to ts
It is a spectacle to see ex-Gov-
Russell criticizing Judge
Purnell in a way that constitutes
of Editor Josephus Dan-
but here is one of the charge-
es he makes against Judge
issued a contempt ruling
and adjudged a man guilty of
contempt for criticizing his
official conduct- This man was
deprived of his liberty, made a
prisoner for doing what any
American citizen has a
right to do, a right with-
out which this government would
degenerate into an out and out
It is delightful to see Russell
mad enough with Purnell to do
Josephus Daniels justice.
was always brave but most
Charles Edwards, a farmer,
was run over by a train on the
branch of
the Norfolk Southern railroad.
His body was cut in two and
j y. a
But a lustful Brute in Human Form.
Hamlet, N. C, May
yesterday afternoon J. M Crow-
. son. aged years, attempted to
outrage the six-year-old child of
Mrs Will Henderson, and but
for the screams of the child the
I fiend would have accomplished
his purpose. The little girl is
Mrs niece. With
her mother she was visiting at
the home. Mrs. Crow,
son and Mrs. Henderson stepped
out of the room and left
child. In a short while
them other heard the cry of her
child, and ran to her
exclaimed, me a
stick and I kill the
not a dog, but
exclaimed the child;
the brute fled and has not been
The child is not seriously hurt.
But for the appearance of its
mother the probabilities are that
the miscreant would have killed
her or accomplished his purpose.
is now. and has been
for several years, a township
constable for Mark's Creek
township, Richmond county.
Officers are now after him and
the probabilities are he will be
taken within a few hours. Sen-
is very much against him.
Mr. Henderson says that he will
kill him on sight and he has the
courage to do what he says.
News and Observer.
of Gels
to Choose.
The Baltimore College of Den-
Surgery, the oldest institution
of its kind in existence,
the close of another year of
C achievement by its
eighth annual commencement
last night at the
the graduates there
in the class only from
Maryland, the others being
many Slates and a few from
foreign countries, where the
repute of the institution is also
Besides getting their diplomas
and their prizes and the applause
of many feminine hands ts will
as numerous bouquets from the
same admirers, the new doc-
tors received some thoughtful
advice from Rev. Or. Robert P-
Kerr, the pastor of
Presbyterian church.
Among the other things he ad
it hem to do was to get
married. First he
ed the class upon its handsome
appearance and after telling the
young men that they had a good
opportunity to make a success in
life he gave them advice on mat-
T advise you to attempt mat-
I would not dare to
give advice against it. nor no
other married man would, for
fear of the consequences that he
might meet when he went
Keir designated the fol-
lowing kinds of girls as those
not to
Girls who write novels.
Girls who spend all their money
for tickets and picture
Girls who ride astride on horse-
These are kind if girls he
I the young men to
Girls who know how to Keep
I house
Girls who know how to sew
on buttons.
Girls who know how to dim
Girls who will Veep hos-
bands tidy, i l hat other
will want them
Girls who love their mother,
father, h and their
Girls v.; h true hearts who
mean something besides
Opera ruse Monday Night-
On Monday night May 20th
he Bullock Family Com-
Co , will open a two night
engagements, in the Masonic
opera house. The company has
been here before and gave
faction. The bill for Monday
night will be a comedy sketch of
half an hour followed by a strong
line of singing and dancing
specialties, closing with another
farce comedy of about half an
hour The singing and dancing
of the Bullock sisters. Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Leo Green-
wood. Baby Bertha. Guss
lock and the ; year-old Victor
Bullock is well worth the price
of admission. Seats on sale
Saturday morning. May
Misses Maggie Edwards and
Fannie Forbes, of Fountain,
Tuesday with Mrs. Chas.
The New York Legislature Cannot
Adjoin Today.
to Reflector
Albany, N. Y. May 15--The
legislature had fixed today, May
as the day on which it would
adjourn, but it cannot be done.
Governor Hughes seems to have
the upper hand, and won't, let
the body adjourn until it has
passed a public utility bill
table to public opinion, which
has been sufficiently powerful to
halt the Kitchen cabinet
in its work of opposing the gov-
of the State.
Commencing seven-
the library will be open
from five to seven p. m.

Eastern reflector, 10 May 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 10, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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