Eastern reflector, 3 May 1907

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J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
As for a. l. Blow, of Greenville, was
Md we take was here Wednesday on
and receipts for business,
nose . m ,. Fa a list Sale-75 cons cotton
, . . seed meal. r Lilly Co
Cf all who receive their mail at .
L. L. Kittrell, of Winterville,
We also take w here a snort
day afternoon.
bonds. First has the finest and
Is, and I t. You can't best supply of Fountain Pens
telL , ever brought to Ayden.
f you are in Cook There have been rumors of
. it Mill pay and giving in marriage
to and prices i ii i around our town some
i i are making length of time, but
Mrs. Georgia Baker has open-
ed an establishment for the sale
of ladies
J. F. and family came
home Monday from a visit to
Miss Norma M. has
returned to her home after a
pleasant visit to Miss May Smith.
Beginning tonight Evangelist
Hamlin and his singer, Mr.
from Texas, will be-
gin a series of meetings to con-
three week.-. They have
just closed a very
meeting in Kinston and
Rico New
here recommended-
We regret very much to learn
T. . hie daughter.
Mi.- .-. I of Edward, is
. J. Boyd-
cheap goods go
to E i . Co., they always
The . of the graded
u II give an
opera house tonight
for I of raising funds
to the library of the
Every one should at-
a tie up We hate to
ha our friends disappointed
am i maybe if the low will
there will be something
we sincerely hope they
Wanted car loads of
Cotton Seed for which we will
nay highest cash price. Don't
sell before seeing us. Yours to
serve. F. Co.
W G. Smith, a member of the
J. Ii. Sn Mercantile Co., we
regret to know is very sick with
typhoid fever at his home on
Main street. Mr.
friends sympathize with and
Uriah for him a speedy recovery.
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
aid fresh Cab.
A sick being
taken from the train Wednesday
morning caused some little com-
as she seemed to be in a
hopeless and pitiful condition.
Our citizens soon made up a
and sent her to Green-
ville on train from
she will betaken to the
home for the aged and infirm.
Merchandise carry
full line of Meat, Lard Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
M. Ormond and C. L liar-
of spent the
day yesterday with J. It- and
Leslie Turnage.
If you need any Paint be sure
and see E. E. Co.
Graham Jackson visiting his
grandmother In the country-
exchange corn
or I Lean, Healthy Shoats
g m to pounds.
f preferred pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Harden,
ltd Ayden, N. C.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to of the
g- This way of everybody
stay single has grown
s and there must be a change.
Ca U at the Drug Store
cure one of excellent
M. M, Sauls.
Mr i- B. F. Early left Saturday
for a visit to Ahoskie.
Do you wish to buy a house
and lo tin Ayden, or a valuable
farm. near Have you
either for sale We will buy or
sell. is your life insured, is
your h insured If not you
should see us and have it in-
sured at once. We make an
extra i in collecting ac-
counts. Place them with us.
Ayden Loan and Insurance Co.
s Annie and Jesse Law-
i the Winterville High
School, were here visiting
Saturday and Sunday,
lost will be
one of those
ts at Saul's. and
The n
Mr. an
near As
visit to
T J. S
I drug store
J. B. Pi.
Federal co
of the death of the father of Miss
Brown one of the graded
school teachers. We wrote in
last items of his having a
stroke of paralysis which since
has proved fatal. We all
Miss who
s greatly beloved by all In our
Unknown Negro Dead When
Reached Elm City.
Mr. David C. Jame-, of Green-
ville, who arrived in the city last
night on the midnight train from
the East reported a most
usual killing of an unknown
by an A. C L. train, the
tragedy having occurred in the
early part of the night between
Sharpsburg and Elm City
was struck by the
train, on which Mr James was a
passenger from Rocky Mount to
Selma the train being No.
Nothing was known of the
dent until the train stopped at
Elm City, when Lie body of an
unknown was found dead
on the The
body was t off there. This
was I he information of the
affair that Mi. James had op-
News and Observer, 20th.
for Court
Special to Reflector. Monday Neal instructed
Washington, April Sheriff Tucker to send out and
Regis Henri Pose, of the purchase a dozen spittoons to be
Rican government placed in the bar of the
former secretary took possession room, and then he ordered that
of the government of that island any one found spitting on the
today as governor. He is one of door be ejected from the bar.
the younger well-to-do New The judge remarked that the
Yorkers, who have entered spittoons were cheaper
life. Mr. lost is a than the carpet, and latter
of that Post who was should not be ruined, and
numb, red among the settlers of floor ought to be kept tidy as
tame Southampton, Long Island, n possible.
He was born in
L. I. January 1870. In 1891
he was graduated from
Dr Joseph Dixon
Kl tH
Ayden, N. C
Feed and
By virtue of it executed and
liar- delivered by General Dupree and wife,
Victoria to Amos Williams or.
university, and then the day of December. which
Studied law at the university of record ill the office
,, . . . . the Register of Pitt county,
New York. He early main j i book J-8. page the undersigned
an in the political for cash before the court house
r r. ii door in Greenville, on the 18th
affairs county, serving of May, described
several years as a member of the piece or parcel of in the
. I county Pitt and In town-
county committee, ship, on the south rids of Tar river, be-
After serving a year in the New ginning at the gate v
York Assembly, he became
tor of the Rican govern
He next became
and now is governor He
is a p friend of President
Nice Conveyances-.
rises t, suit the
Register of Deeds R. William-;
has issued the following licenses
since last
C Skinner and Nina C.
J. S Pinning and Laura L-
Alonzo Tripp and Effie Stocks.
Will Ross and Dean Mills.
Walter Davis and Spell.
Of main road going
to Grimesland, then running east wit-
said road to the Mogul line, with the
Mogul line to Croak, then up
creek to and with too run thereof to
a big cypress. corner, then
straight across the Bold to the
containing about seres, more or less,
and being the same land sold to General
Dupree Ly Amos Williams and said
mortgage was taken to secure the
chase money.
This April 18th,
AMOS Mortgagee.
G. J auks, Attorney.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods, No-
Light and Heavy
Prices to suit the times.
Tripp Hurt Co
First Class Work and Reasonable
Prices. Iron Fencing Sold.
Greenville, North Carolina.
d Mrs. Braswell, from
are here on a
numerous relatives
left for Norfolk
i pens on sale at Saul's
at from to
See F. V. Johnston
buying your hay.
lit at.
An Aged Citizen Dead.
Mr. John L. died a little
past midnight, Monday night, at
his home on the corner of Wash-i
and Third streets. He
was years old, and his life had
been that of an upright citizen.
While feeble from age, he had
been in his usual health until last j
I Friday taken sick. J
any and ,,
lay, but grew worse after
a juror in the
New Bern this
Fountain Pens With
, o, grow worse
Sauls Drug i j
The entertainment last Friday supper and soon passed
Bight In the opera house under was a little over six months;
the management of Misses that his aged wife preceded
and Whitaker, lo the better world-
hear spoken as a perfect sue- , , f
The children a II acquitted . , . i
in i he farm and moved his
themselves and
large audience t showed on Greenville in 1885. He
their appreciation by their Ire-1 family B as a
in Having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
The registration books for
No. in town-
hip, town of Ayden, are in the
ft. Blow,
desiring to vote on the school
bonds will have to re
tween now and May 4th.
Wednesday afternoon in the
town of Kinston R. H.
Jones, of Ayden, Mr. C. L.
Cannon, of Morehead City and
Miss Ida of Kinston,
were united in marriage- Those
of the bridal party who attended
from here were Misses Nina
Cannon, Olivia Berry, Jimmie
Davis and Messrs. D- Moore,
Elmer Gardner and J. N. Alex-
Mr. and Mrs Cannon
were formerly of Ayden, the
groom being a son of Jesse Can-
non, a wealthy and prominent
gentleman of our town and the
bride a daughter of E. S. Ed-
wards recently moved to Green-
ville. They were very popular
here and all join us in
hearty congratulations and best
wishes for a long and happy life
bursts of applause and en-1 served RU
The receipts of night police
the evening were and n
too, was very grain to the
have bought the
business of J. Taylor
and respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. L.
Mrs- W- E. Hooks and
spent from Saturday until
Monday afternoon Grifton.
I all work entrusted
to my care to give entire
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier.
W. J- Kittrell and Charlie Gas-1
kins, of Grifton, came up Friday
afternoon presumably to
the entertainment and be
otherwise amused.
I solicit the patronage of the
Ayden and community
his advancing
m to give up the
years ago,
work about tin by
He is survived Hammond and
Mrs Maggie f Greenville,
Miss Lo vie Daniel o Virginia, j
Mrs. J-L
and leaves seven t.
He also leaves one
T. H. Langley, p of the
was a consistent
Methodist churchThe funeral will take pi.
o'clock this afternoon in L
Hill cemetery.
Encampment of the Army.
Special to Reflector.
Please take this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
we will expect during
the Exposition if
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from maker
to user-
Piano with the
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
just d a now supply of furnishings and material
in their department.
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve the This is a long needed
want in this section and they promise the best when
anything In this line is needed.
of business WOO.
I, and
and Fixtures
from banks bankers
Capital stock
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits less expenses 2,894.12
Dividends unpaid 60.00
Deposits subject to check 51,886.85
Cashier's checks outstanding 710.04
I J. R. h, of the
i true to the
i the above
I and to h tan
mi. tin- 27th day of Mar,
and be-
. ii.
in everything pertaining to
jewelry business me a
trial. C E Spier.
W. C. Smith, who has been
confined at his home for some
time with typhoid fever, we are
pleased to see at his place
I will be in on Wed-
the first day Of May,
for the purpose of
all the qualified voters in
that vicinity of Precinct No.
township, for the
election to be held on May 14th,
on the bond issue.
J. M. Blow.
Miss Earle Tucker, after a vis-
it of several days with
Blount at the hotel, returned to
her home in Grifton Sunday even-
Miss Annabel Kittrell spent
from Saturday Monday with
her father in Grifton-
E. G. Cox is home for a few
days from Wilson.
Miss Janie Kittrell has been
here on a visit from Winterville.
Dallas, Texas, April 23.-The
annual State encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic,
and the Woman's Relief Corps
convened in this city, and will
continue its meeting until and
including tomorrow. The an-
camp fire will be held to-
night the fair grounds Dis-
speakers are here
from the entire bounds of old
Texas, and besides, numbers
from other states.
Teachers for the
San Francisco, April One
hundred and twenty teachers
for the Philippines will sail be-
fore the first of June. The first
of these sailed today upon the
Korea; another party will
leave the city upon the
America, May 2nd. and the third
party of teachers will sail on the
Siberia on May
sale cheap
sale Co.
All kinds of stock
V. Johnston's
damaged meal for
Greenville Whole-
feed at F.
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
election of materials.
Ask your dealer for Roy filer's
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
in Y c r to notion .
VOL. No.
b Anniversary of Older.
A large number of Odd
low., y from neighboring
lodges, with members of their
families invited guests, as-
i , M Temple
u to the
Celebration Covenant Lodge j
No. c-f the 88th anniversary
of the Independent Order if Odd
After going through the
exercises by officers of
lodge, Dr. L. James was in-
and delivered an inter-
address on the
Old He
spoke of the history of the order
and the record it had made, and
said that while the order cannot
boast of the antiquity of it or-
it can point with pride to
the record of its deeds of charity
and the noble work it has done
for mankind. The order was
born to m to human
regardless of rank or
He paid an
to Thorn Wiley, the
of the order in America in
Baltimore on April 26th, 1819.
Ex-Gov- T. J. Jarvis was then
introduced and spoke on the
of Odd
like all of this great-
est living an in North
Carolina, his address abounded
in earnest admonition, especially
to the young. He ail through
the ages there had a on
between evil and good. Be-
ind the good is God from whom
springs every attribute of
and goodness. Back
of evil is the Prince of Darkness
from whom springs everything
base, vile and degrading. Then;
is no mutual in this con-
are on the side of God
working in with
Him in uplifting humanity
the aide of evil help-
to drag men strew-
their pathway with wretch-
No man can a true
Odd Fellow who is not on God's
side in conflict. first
groat of the order is
service, and no man who is
willing to serve his fellowman is
worthy to be received in its
After the exercises a banquet
of cream and cake was served
the direction of the ladies
of the Christian church. The
tables were appropriately deco-
rated Id the colors of the order
and the souvenirs were paper
discs on which were painted
links and looped with
tiny red, white and blue ribbons.
At the conclusion of the ban-
Mrs. T- E. Hooker favored
the assembly with a beautiful
vocal solo- Italian
was present and rendered de-
music during the
Covenant Lodge i one of the
strongest benevolent orders in
our midst, and its work for good
has been great.
Mast Submit to Today.
. Off for
Parkers Chapel,
San F. April -The Formers are busy in this section
congressional that will planting cotton and plowing up
visit Hawaii o invitation of corn and platting it over.
legislature of that territory We were all glad to have an-
today on the other pretty Sunday evening, as
Buford. which after
at go onto
China with for the
e if C
party is in in charge of George
B. the
delegates from and
consists or H
Piles, of Washington,
P. Hepburn, of Iowa,
with A and
we haven't had many of late,
J. O. Johnston, of BlacK Jack,
spent apart of last week with
his L Little.
Mrs Emma spent this
evening with Mrs. John
Mrs. Dixon and mother
spent Sunday with Mrs
. . .Norfolk the i fa.-
Every 11- an
briny the r boodle,
And they
Lots loin
a like,
AH will fee. at
yon can far
v. ill be there
of Oakley,
the State that l.-e its
and Willis Whitehurst, of Grin- bl, you
w Inland, E U. were in our vicinity Sunday. familiar with
an wife, Michigan, Misses Fannie and so near,
A. L, and wife, a while at A. R. And
J. V. Graff, wife Illinois, i House's todayCharley L and wife. I Misses Fannie, Eva and Min- And there on both
Maine, E. F. Acheson and wife, attended Miss M
Pennsylvania, J. Warren party yes-
Ohio, K. Cole, a nice time.
V. W. j Mrs John Jones
J ., at H. It.
near Branch, w. re
callers in our neighborhood i-
day evening.
Miss Minnie Lee House is
son, Illinois,
Georg.- L,
wife, . Arthur L
Bates, Pa., D. r, a id
wife. New Y Benjamin F.
Howell and wife. . w I
John P. Fitzgerald, N. Y. this week with
P Conner, and wife. Iowa, E. Lizzie near Stokes.
Ellis an wife, Mo. George People report they are catch-
W. Neb. F. P. Campbell, lots of shad at Bed Banks, i
Kan, Fred One man caught eight in set;
Wesley Jones and wife, nets.
and James C Needham, Cal.; M. B. who had the
The party to San misfortune to get his foot badly
Francisco early in June. j hurl on his i some
days ago, is improving.
Fifty Thousand
i i
I ;
day f M y.
T -J. Jarvis.
prepared and
to give the old
i 10th
d by
A dinner will be
boys wore
-but trey are not in our section,
Special to Reflector-. the small was.
Denver. Col. April But j, all now
the annual meeting of the Amer- .Smelting and Refining Com- LOOKING BACKWARD
today a amount of
bonus money distributed. Greenville, N. C, April 29.1922.
In the company
in bonuses in this State. Last j You know that my greatest
year the bonus fund for Colorado h, was be a teacher After
amounted to
the gray a good time. All the
old soldiers and their wives are
cordially invited to come and
partake with us of the festivities
Well, the measles are all round occasion
H. Harding, Camp.
R. W. King, Citizen Com.
An Interesting Crowd
The annual A the
Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society of North Carolina
Methodist Conference that will
meet in Greenville. May 23rd
to a most in-
More than
it will be more, because the
. meeting.
This year learning at the hundred representative women
school I entered the Eastern
Special to
Chicago, May. This is the
last day on which Zion City j
mu lender their submission
to If they do not by
today, he will take radical ac-. Special to
himself. denounced W.
business the company school at Greenville,
the fiscal year has been school in sub-
It is estimate that the It
net earnings will be close to story brick It
is on a hill called
Bryan At Me.
ton's hill. The are
large, with beautiful trees upon
them. After spending three
i at this thorough school I
Me- April 30.-The well prepared for teaching,
everybody who has opposed are high glee in H. ii. who has
taking the occasion for his of the glad time been in the Greenville
an anniversary of have this in, school seventeen years, ottered i
ejection of the late John listening to the great orator, me a accepted it, and
from the church. The Williams J. Bryan. He the third grade,
oversee.-declared he had made for Colby college in children are very bad.
Zion City what it was, and
dieted that he would make the
community the wonder of the
age, and get it on its feet fin-
the fifteen hundred
when he made
is declaration, twelve hundred
said they would follow
t, J. . u ,.
church. His subject is
Value of an
C in Fog.
New York. April 30.-The
have to keep them in the
almost all the time. They
have to go to Mr
Smith. I enjoy teaching very
much. I wonder if I will always
be a teacher
Your true friend,
Pattie B. Wooten.
from every section of the State
east of Greensboro expected
to be present. A committee of
ladies with Mrs. H. L. Carr as
chairman is at work securing
homes the delegates and are
busy getting everything in read-
by May 23rd
Rev. J. K. Moose, of
will preach sermon.
It is hoped that the entire com-
will enjoy these meetings
the presence of so fine a
company of elect women.
Pitt County Boy Wins.
In the sophomore debate in the
Literary Society
of Wake College,
day the medal was won
by Mr. C J. Jackson, of Pitt
county There were a number
of contestants. The medal will
be awarded commencement day,
May 24th.
We in the articles on
hut i is time
f ti I in the county
who are .--
s. I hope you will
allow me the pace, for w
we, as teachers, do realize more
than any one els . the n
of such school, and if we were
allow Pitt county
would be certain
Having had exp in
the rural and graded schools of
this county for a few years, i feel
that am in a position to know
of hindrances to e
progress of many public school
children. Even the interested
patron not aware of them of-
t .-n and believe my sister teach-
will bear me out in saying
face whit h
have never occurred to the pa-
rents as problems at all. The
graded school has solved one of
i these problems so we see that a
pupil there has a decided
over the one in
I school
We do feel proud of the five
graded schools already in our
county, but there are several
of the
left who can't reach a graded
i school. Then a rural
must be established and patron-
But why, the country
patron says, is it so much better
me to send my child to the
graded school anyway Simply
because there you find a class
system which continues from
year to there is a definite
outline of study, a clearly
ranged plan of action, and a
of method which
noticeably lacking Id many of
I the rural schools.
U a school, teachers
change of course, but new ones
are shown they must fall
in as the thread is taken up
I and the work of the predecessor
is d There is the
principal who always to
advise and suggest, and he in-
there must concerted
i action.
But how do we often find it in
the rural school One teacher
comes in and gets the children
fairly launched into phonics and
the wordy truth.; of
grammar and Usury's
Next year another teacher holds
sway, and the word method is
combined with phonic and
is discarded as too hard
and Maury as too old. So it
goes and no wonder the parents I
are heard to exclaim. suppose,
we'd better keep Miss So-and-
So another year, even
isn't such a good teacher. The
children can go on without
to learn the ways of a new i
Now is there no possible
chance to make the
our teachers more nearly
How shall we get them all to be
more uniform in their methods
Our summer school helps of
course, but the work of a week
or two will not suffice.
It is a question of training,
and if a teacher has no normal
training, no matter how many
suggestions are given, or how
much is gathered by reading,
she has after all to depend upon
hero Am native ability in impart-
her knowledge to her
She may have much of that
ability, or she may have little,
but let us always remember that
she is faithful in using that lit-
How may her knowledge of
iShe enters a school,
and there finds and her
teach rs imbibing the
same ideas, and studying
same well defined plan for ii e
ling and enlightenment i f
pupils. In other
they see the entire school course
. and they arc- taught
lead their pupil i by con-
steps to the end of it
N patrons, would yo i n it
rather have a teacher who is
to do this, rather one
. rs from one book to
another with no definite aim in
Do you not your
child s time is at .-take as well
as his wind Then, for -our
child's sake do give him ii at
teacher possible. But we cannot
be the best teachers unless you
give us an opportunity.
Would you call in a doctor to
dross a wound if he never
been taught how to handle his
instruments Would you
inside a dentist's office
if you were not sure he knew
how to treat your aching tooth
The minister must have
theological training because he
to nave the charge of precious
souls. Do you not think
mind is closely enough . to
the soul to need a wise guide
Possibly you will say that
your teacher has a thorough know
ledge of the branches which she
is to teach, therefore she is wise
enough. But I say that she has j
her ready, she needs
normal training to teach her
how to use tools wisely.
This normal training must be
gotten somehow, if you would
have the best teachers for your
Now I hear someone quoting
to me the immortal Shakespeare
to do were as easy as to
know what were best to do,
chapels had been churches and
poor men's prince's
Of thin
that is to i is cur
on . Greensboro, but
. ave we not seen is too far
away for the mass of teach-
to reach it What we would
spend for a -id trip
Greensboro would pay our board
for two months in a Pitt county
training school. n
Out of the teachers in our
county at present, less than
have had the means to
normal training which Greens-
affords. But if the Greens-
normal had been in Green-
ville, more than three times
of those teachers would have
taken advantage of it, and your
schools would be reaping the
benefit now.
Here lies and
ours. Surely you would not
the best help that can come
to you and your county because
you had rather shirk than do
your part.
Remember, may friends,
great is won,
Nothing won is lost
Every good nobly done,
Will repay the
If you have any pride in your
State, in your county, in your
home, in your children, give
them an opportunity to rise. It
is for them that I appeal to you,
give them a chance and will
rise up to call you blessed some
day. G. Cox.
Firs stricken City.
Special to Reflector.
Union City, Pa., April
The entire town was in peril of
destruction by fire last night,
during the burning of r i
factory of the Union t hair
Company. Flames spread in
every direction from the
the fire was not checked
early this morning,

m -t-w-r-f-
A Girl Should Never Marry
Without Business Habits.
Term a Short One.
The April term of Pitt Super
court, to Which two You must
carve out your own way i
Young man. go to work There
allotted, t up wit
criminal and completed
its work in four days. These
four days w ore busy ones a
large of work
as the record shows. Having
successfully carved. You must
seek your fortune through
try, perseverance, and pluck.
r is honorable and are
J those who will not work.
the ca .-, a field
that were tor trial, no
cases being
adjourned this aft moon.
This was
Heal has held in I
of the i
is one
judge Stat
Mr. C. I. M
tide a spit
to live ti
on of
and plant it. and gather
around you the comforts of a
And when you have mad
character industry and
ask some lady to share
with you We
Id say to every young
lady. mark these men
a lounging around at-
Great Naval Parade and Brilliant Pa-
geant. President Presto the
Jamestown. Ya. April
exposition opened its doors
and welcomed the public to its
celebration of the centennial
of the landing at Jamestown,
with everything in a state of
and an ability to
receive and provide for the
guests drawn from the whole
continent and the outside world.
They have come in thousands.
officially and individually from
ever State it the union, and
from nearly every nation on the
globe. The president of the
United States arrived in ample
his first o hen
arc II plea
Th cases w
John Kit e
d on pi costs
and i
at once to l ; Jesse Fleming, larceny.
K. Burney. Jr., assault with
weapon, not guilty
Joe Jones, John Jones and
James Britt. assault with deadly
weapon. John Jones guilty, sen-
G months to roads, other
defendants not guilty.
John Jones, carrying con-
weapon, plead guilty.
judgment suspended.
James Dickens, carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty,
sentenced months to roads-
Judgment was suspended in
another case of assault with,
deadly weapon against same
Tony Baptist, plead guilty of
assault with deadly weapon
carrying concealed weapon,
judgment suspended on payment
costs in each case.
Will Dupree. assault with
on payment of co-its-
time on the Mayflower, which he
their established as his headquarters.
and when they ask you to share
an aimless life, pass j States are
for you cannot afford personally
for you
to marry a man without prosper-
habits, unless
you wish to sell for a
mess of pottage. Again we
reiterate, man go
to while ten men watch for
chance one
of the several
on Hand, and have
inspected the build
that have been erected for
their separate States. The
crowds were early at work in-
the buildings, with
special interest in those from
their own and in wander-
through the erected
by the exposition authorities.
Salutes from Admiral
while ten men wait for
. something to turn up one turns
something up; while ten men fail.
one succeeds and is called the fleet of warships to the foreign
man of luck, the favorite of f r- fleets which a grand
tune. Luck and fortune are the; spectacle in the broad waters of
result of honest endeavor, work I Roads awoke the
and toil, and if you would
goto work
This man bought a supply of tobacco with-
out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste
of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering
qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at
less expense than cheap tobacco.
SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this
paper so that every chewer has had en
opportunity get acquainted with the
facts and know that drugs are not used
to produce the cheering quality found in
the famous Piedmont country flue-cured
tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he
ought to chew. Still there are
who accept other cheaper tobaccos
that do not give the same pleasure.
Some day they'll get . taste of the real
realize enjoyment
they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS
long they'll feel like kicking
SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in
cent cuts, and and plugs. Be
sure you get the genuine,
echoes at an early hour. The,
consisted of the battleships; r
Connecticut and Texas, and
cruisers Washington.
Whereas, it has pleased God in and Brooklyn, with the Maine.
His providence to remove from i Indiana. Ohio. New Jersey,
to the rewards of Heaven, Louisiana, Missouri. Georgia
the spirit of our young sister,, Rh-de
e spirit
And whereas, our sister Iowa- The salutes of the
member of our church j vessels were to the fleets of
Winterville Methodist British.
Overman for Senate Leader.
The talk of Senator Overman
for Democratic leader in the
senate is bound to be highly
to all North
therefore be it re-
which requires just such a high
order of tact as Mr-
Swedish. Italian, Germany.
of his fine general
doubtful if any other man
Due from Banks
day school,
That in her death we have I Austria, ., g Cash
lust a member who loved the Chill Portugal. Never which impresses those with Gold Coin
presence we I fore has Hampton Roads. l he , f
Cashiers 366.05
Lord, whose
shall great miss. admirably to accommodate
That while we feel o loss. navies of the world, had such
to R and display.
the fine vessels being all
Virginia Male ding
all things well.
That we extend our
to the bereaved family and very
rial to Reflector,
Norfolk Va. April 27th.-
is manifested in
Norfolk and elsewhere about the
formal opening of the Virginia
building at the ex-
n, which will take place
this i
and will
be assisted by a lumber of her
friends among th leading so-
women Norfolk. The
exception will be one of
the most brilliant society events
f the exposition.
Glass Close.
Special to Reflector.
Hertford City. Ind-.
As a result of a cut in prices by
the American Window Glass
Company, which uses machines.
every window glass factory in
the country, with the possible
exception of one non-union plant
at Lancaster, close today.
The National Com-
representing the of
ninety per cent, of the hand-
blower plants, refused to meet
the cut.
agreeably. That his Washing-
ton popularity and personal pres-
are not confined to the sen
ate but extend into all circles,
white is a
I Silver Coin
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
commend them to Him. who hath appearance. The public were
said, grace is sufficient for greatly interested in and
ed the spectacle of so many VThat copies of these
be sent to the family, to
the Raleigh Christian Advocate
and Greenville Reflector, and one
I spread on the minutes of our
Sunday school.
Mollie R. Bryan.
Kate Chapman.
Jesse L Rollins.
sworn r
day of
Notary P.
Southern Memorial Day.
; in attire and presenting a ,
and attractive . ,,., . . ;,
I fact of the capital city s social
official life which is well known
e if any State and belief.
and so line a lot of war vessels
England's fleet was the largest,
and was under the command of
Rear Admirable Neville.
able Dewey was one of the dis-
naval men present
and took great pride in the looks
of the American ships.
President Roosevelt reached
the exposition grounds;
about 11.30, the May-,
flower through the col-j
of saluting foreign and Bond Growing.
American warships in Hampton You could hear the bond issue
Roads. He was escorted to the j to secure the location of the Bas-
generally dis-
I, J, R. Davis, of th bank, do sol-run-
y swear the statement is true to the best of my
J. It. DAVIS, Cashier.
has a
tor; one who does it more credit
in more ways and discredit in I
none. This leadership be-
fore the close of his first term,
shows how rapidly he has,
grown. If anybody can per-.
form the difficult task of leading
the Democratic senators accept-
ably Senator Overman is the
man. Charlotte Observer.
Special to Reflector.
Mobile. Ala. April Me-
Day was observed
throughout Alabama today with
the customary exercises. In this
city the principal feature was.
the decoration of the graves of I reviewing stand on Lee s parade tern
both the Confederate and Fed-1 in the rear of the auditorium cussed on the street today by the
era dead who are buried in Mag- building. The speech making
feature of the celebration began
At o'clock Wednesday
evening at the home of Mr.
H- C Edwards. in South
Greenville, Mr. Oscar Tucker and
Miss Sallie Cox were married by
Rev. M. T. Plyler. It was a
quiet home marriage, only a few
relatives being present to wit
the ceremony.
The School is Coming.
onus cemetery.
Atlanta. Ga., April Me-
Day was today
in Atlanta with an elaborate
parade to Oakland cemetery.
where the oration of the day was
delivered by Hon. John F.
Macon. A novel
feature of the parade, of which
Capt Joseph F- Burke was grand
marshal, was the participation
of school children bearing red,
white and blue streamers.
Jackson. Miss., April -All
the chief cities and towns of
Mississippi observed Memorial
Day today. In most places the
exercises were held under the
auspices of the Daughters of the
Confederacy in with
other Confederate
Crosses of honor were presented
to many of the veterans by the
I of the Confederacy.
large crowd in town. Sentiment
in favor of the is growing
at once An invocation was I every day. People have only to
made by the Right Rev. Alfred j understand it to be In favor of it.
Rand Bishop of the
Diocese of Southern Virginia,
and a brief address by Hairy
St. George Tucker, president of
the exposition company,
the president's address.
President Roosevelt delivered a
lengthy address, at its close
button, and
the machinery of the
great show as in motion, a thous-
sand were unfurled on the
exposition buildings, and a
lute to the nation was fired by
the combined American and for-
in the roads, and by
the garrison at Fortress Monroe.
At the conclusion of the salute
the exposition b
Fish are Curious.
The finest fixing don't always
land the fish. A man and some
went out to try their luck
fishing. The man was
i with a jointed bamboo rod, pat-
There are goo I things we hear painted float, feet
that are very assuring that Pitt
will get the Eastern
training school for teachers. At
the same time everybody should
work earnestly from now until
the election to make the major-
for bonds as large as
of line and hook. One
of the boys cut a crooked
for a pole, tied on a string with
an ugly bottle stopper for a
cork and a common hook- They
cast in. and the man sat by and
saw the boy pull in all the fish.
And as yet he is wondering how
Nearly everybody who is subject
tacks from the stomach sutlers from a
morbid dread of a treatment for
relief, that is three-fourths starvation,
and one-fourth milk and On the
you can eat as you please
and digest the food by the aid of a got d
equally as much rest. Eat what you
please and take a little for
lion after your meals, ll digest
what you by Jno. L. Woolen.
At the close of Mar- 22nd,
Loans and discounts
Due from Banks and
Silver rain bank
other U. S. notes
to stock
Time certificates of
deposit 3.426.1-1
Deposits subj. to check 21.532,88
checks out-
standing 724.22
Certified Cheeks
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. W H Cashier of the above named solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. w. H.
Subscribed and sworn to be-j
me, this 28th day of Mar-1 O. BLOUNT,
S. T.
Notary Public
let t my bed and board and
absented herself from home, all Steamer J,.
persons are hereby warned Washington daily
tier penalty cf the law not to
played the employ her or to in any way
. I . , ,.
Spangled the
troops presented arms, and the
great concourse stood with
covered heads. The parade of
the soldiers and sailors of the
United States, under Major-
Fred D. Grant was the
next feature. The president
reviewed the defend-
of the country from a grand
stand, where were the
honored guests of the occasion,
including the diplomatic corns,
the official committees of the
senate and house of
and the governors of
States, the day closes with a
reception to Roosevelt
between and
harbor or shekel- her-
This 13th day of April. 1907.
at am for
daily Sundays
at Washington.
Connecting at Washington
Norfolk Ky. Co. for
Norfolk, Philadelphia
New York, Boston and nil other
points North. Connects at Nor-
folk all point West.
Shippers should order
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
A Southern Ky. Co.
subject to change
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C- General F and
P. Agent,
sufferers of Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a bottle and if
it cure will refund
your We say a
full 11.00 size free bottle of
SOL and if it benefits you, then
use SOL until
This entitles yon
to u bottle SOL at
Only a limited number -f bottles
given away- Don't miss this op
to test
r, k.
I Lone
Notice is hereby given that I have
on, and will on the 6th
day of May. sell at the court house
door in Greenville. I ho following de-
real estate for taxes due the
State of North Carolina and county of
Bryant Andrews,
Home, tax and cost, .
Home, tax and cost.
John Carney, lots, tax
cost. 5.99.
J L Rouse, acres, h Int.
and cost,
J Briley, acres,
tax and cost. 1.31.
Mrs. W A Hammond. acres.
Everett, tax and cost. 2.11.
Knight, lucre- Hill, tax
and cost. 2.51.
J L Elks, acres, tax
cost, 6-62.
Ada Hemby, 1-8 acres, Shep
tax and cost, 2.21.
Hopkins. 1-4
and cost, 3.70.
B J Jenkins, lot, Evans St,
tax and cost, 3.15-
H F Keel, acres. Home,
acres, Stokes, tax and cost, 16.68.
Robert King. lot
Clark, tax and cost,
William Lilly. lot, Gorham.
and cost. 5.84
Donnie 1-4 lot,
tax and cost, 1-85-
Samuel Obey, lot. Brown,
tax and cost,
Whitman Price 1-4 lot, Mill- tax
and cost,
A Sugg, I lot, dark tax
and cost.
B F 1-4 lot. Patrick
lot lot Hodges.
Hot Peyton, tax and cost,
t lit.
Stat Ohio, City Of
where is my wandering
Frank J. that
is senior the I-.
t boy Take a walk down, Co., doing- business City
Chief marshal. J. R. Rountree, , . t of Toledo, County and
Assistants W S about ten or and that said pay the sum
Kinston- Assistants Notice the signs being one
Greer, T-W. Kinston. over-turned that cannot be by
W L. Brown, Greenville; boxes mer the of Hall's Cur
Ransom Mobley. acres,
and 4.34.
J H tax and
William Tucker, 1-4 lot, Hes-
tax and cost, 1.77. Turner, Pleasant Hi
Caesar Vines 1-2 lot Patrick
tax and cost,
B A Foreman. lot, and
cost, 1.88
Ed acres,
Robert Mitchell, lot, and
I Brown, hurled through
open. Who are,.
J. H. H K . , , in my presence,
New L V.; th, types of x-,, B
lie What, you ex-1
boy We
do not say so, but since he is
not at home suppose you look
and ascertain, and it is possible
you may be surprised. Some-1
body's boys are there and we
ask whither is the tendency and
ultimate result of night
ling ind such doing A few
words will suffice as an answer.
They are in the training school
of vice from which ere
hoodlums, loafers, gamblers,
ii i sneak thieves, burglars, and in
Hardy, died about I . m
J M.
Joe Kinsey,
Grange; J S. Abbott.
L. A. Edwards,
C. J. Tucker.
W Taylor. Ayden; E- W.
ton. Winterville; J.
W- H- Proctor,
Grimesland; Geo II Cole Shel-
L T.
Sworn to before me i;
this day
Catarrh Curs take
and acts directly on the blood and ma-
of the system.
testimonials free-
K. Toledo,
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family
to stop ;.
safer than lo let it r cure it
at stage's
will hes all
and perhaps you
Pneumonia or Bronchitis.
are lit ill toothsome cold tablet
n cent an w
you are chilly, to
try They will Mire y eh
the cold, and you. Sold by
Brian's Drug More
W H Boyd, acres, W Clark.
tax and cost,
J W Campbell. acres. N-
H-X Roads, tax and cost
and cost
J t Hill. acres. Tar River,
tax and cost,
A D cox, Winterville.
tax and cost,
P S cannon. lot. Ayden, tax
and cost,
Will Forbes, acres, tax and
J E J lot. N Grifton,
tax and cost. 4.60.
J A Griffin. lots. acres,
Ayden, acres, near Ayden, tax
and cost
W P lot, Ayden, tax
and cost, 5.62-
A L Jackson. acres, c creek.
lot, Grifton. tax and cost.
A L Jackson Bro, lots,
Grifton, tax and cost.
A C Manning. lot
ville, tax and cost, 6.18.
Ben Morriss acres, tax and
Cost, 3.49. , ,.
lot, Grifton,
tax rod 2.86.
Augustus Smith, acres, cox,
tax and cost.
B F acres, tax and
cost, 6.61.
Mrs Turnage, lot,
Grifton, tax and cost,
John lots, Winter-
ville, tax and cost,
W F Edwards. es, Par
acres, Matthews, tax
W H Harrington, acres, tax
and cost, 1.77.
B N Owens, acres, tax and
Abram lots,
W P Taylor. acres,
tax and cost, 3.45
J J Redding. acres,
tax and cost,
Lucretia Wooten, acres,
Home tax cost, 6-22-
Dudley Williams, acre R R F,
J R Bu-k Sr. acres, tax and
8.75L L Cox, acres, tax and
Mrs. Isaac D ad.
Mrs. Hardy, wife
o'clock Saturday
at their home just west of
town. The interment took
place at o'clock Sunday-
evening in the family grave-
yard, near the home, funeral
services being conducted by
Rev. M- T Plyler.
Mrs. Hardy was years old
and is survived by her husband
and five daughters. Mrs. J. C.
Mrs Charles Baker,
Mrs. R. T. Evans. Mrs. W. E
J. L.
All In I of all kinds choice
season Special
Wedding and Funeral D .
Bulb stock, Pot plants
Raleigh. N. C.
tClark acres, tax and I Nichols and Miss Emma Hardy
cost. 4.67
A L Jackson.
acres, tat and
lot, tax
cost. 10.36
Bill King,
cost, 1.69 .
Vines. acres, tax
cost, 8.39 ,
Henry White, acres, tax and
cost. 2.75-
Food don't because the
lacks some one of the essential
the digestive juices are nos
balanced. Then, too.
vested food that causes sourness and I
painful indigestion, for
Eon should be used for relief, it
a solution of vegetable acids.
what you eat, and corrects the
conforms to
the National Pure Food and Drug Law. I
Sold here by f Woolen
She also leaves one brother, Mr.
C. L- Patrick, of Ayden and one
sister. Mrs. A. J.
of Greenville.
society, and yet parents and
guardians will
permit those whose
future well being is in their
hands, to run night after night
ill and unrestrained
companionship with those whose
example and influence is
in the direction of evil.
To this laxity of home restraint,
more than ail other causes is due
the appalling increase of crimes
throughout the nation. No boy
is safe who is allowed access to
the streets at night. Parents
William T. Robinson.
Doe . Pro
an v it i try Mr
nuts. Not a lain r ii e,
;. . Mo i , .-v. e. ;. . .-
heart or
. It .
safe even
Sold I K A-
i i kc in
; i Shoe at
; . . or .
Ir. it
i i I.
., i ;,.;. i. h MO
along Similar lines for many ye F.
nearly years Dr. Cough Cu
containers have had s warning
on ti opium n.
c tie poisons. He has .- made
possible mothers t
i i iron by y -i on
i m Cure. l
Thee like the taste as well as in rile
what one mother wrote
Laxative Cough Syrup. I his
modem cough syrup is
any opiate or narcotics. Contains
Honey Tar. conforms to the National.
Pure Food and Drug Law. S old by . Joy
Jno. L. Frank
Register of deeds R. Williams
issued the following licenses
since last
Oscar Tucker and Sallie E.
Walter W. Moore and Maude
E. Moore.
Jno. J. Moore and
Simon Smith and Fannie A-
You can afford it
King and Hattie L.
Darden and Kate
Counsel the South
When the cold winds dry and crack the
the skin a box of salve can save more
discomfort. In buying salve look for
name on the box to avoid any
and be sure you get the original
Witch Basel Salve. Sold
Jno. L. Wooten
Neighbors Got fooled.
was literally coughing myself to
death, and had become to wear; to leave
bed; neighbors predicted that
never leave it alive; but they got
for thanks be to I was in-
to Ir. King's New Discovery.
It too just four one dollar i
Window completely cure the cough and restore
, Mrs.
Eva of StarK
Lam Whitehurst acres, Co., ind. King cough and cow
Ricks, tax and cost. 4-41- High Point's
Pi i
Sim lot. tax
Pat acres, tax and
; A Stamper. lot, tax and
Brown. lot, Corey, lot.
tax and cost,
W Brown, acres. B W
tax and cost, 11.90- ,
john Brown, Jr. i lot, Patrick,
i lot, Eaton, tax and cost, 4.94
J c lot, tax and cost,
Redding 1-4 acre, Mill,
tax and cost,
Stephen Davis. 1-4 acres. Mill,
tax and costs, 44-
Dawson, 1-4 acre,
Higgs, tax and cost, 3.45
B Evans, lot,
tax and cost, 3.12.
Jas L Elks, acres, H M,
tax and cost, 10.79-
Joseph Forbes, lot, Reed St,
tax and cost, 3.29
gist. and bottle free. , , success.
Thousand Shares of New Concern Al-
ready Subscribed-
High Point, N. C, April
Building and Loan
Association has been organized
I here by H. A and J. H. Mills and
others and will be formally
opened for business on May
Over shares have already
been subscribed the concern,
which will start off with bright
I prospects. High Point's belief
in building and loan
to be one of the
Clear up the complexion, the
Yo i best , people are also
pills with a The pills that today this town has one
Jno. L. Woolen.
1200 bushels nice white oats
for sale at F. V. Johnston's.
bushels ear corn for sale at
F. V. Johnston's.
Riling From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, Win. A.
of N. C. relates a
most remarkable experience. He say
-After taking less than three bottles
Electric Hitters. feel like one rising
from the grave. My troubles is Bright
disease, in the Diabetes Stage-
believe Electric Bitters will cure me
permanently, for it has already
the liver and bladder complications
which have troubled me for years
. Price only
Dall enters and claims
about H acres, more or less, of vacant
land lying in township,
county, North Carolina, on south side
Fleming, lot, Reed St, v
tax and COSt, lot Tar Beginning at a black
J Frank Greene, 1-5 acre, a corner of the land formerly
-t RA owned by runs
tax and COSt. d ; Becca line
F. lot, tax thence east with
and cost. line about Xi yards
W H Harrington, acres,
Moore, aces, i
acres, Dudley, acres,
of the best associations in the
State. It is accomplishing much
good in our town. The
here i not quite a year old
but has over 1200 shares in force.
The third series will be opened
next Saturday, May 4th., and all
our citizens who are not already
shareholders should buy in this
Register for Bond Elections.
What is done in the way of
registering for the coming bond
elections must be done this week.
The registration for the county
election which takes place on
Tuesday, May 14th, will close
next Saturday, May 14th. Reg-
books for the town
to he held on Tuesday. May
7th, will be open three days only,
and those days are Wednesday.
Thursday and Friday, of this
week May 2nd o-i
There will be speakings at the
following times and places on the
the bond issue and Eastern train-
Tuesday, April 30th, p.
m-, M. T. and H B,
Mill. Tuesday. April
p. m. H. B. Smith and
F. C. Harding-
Wednesday. May
1st. p- D. W. Arnold. G.
E- Lineberry. and W- E. Cox.
Gardner's Cross Roads. Wed-
1st, p. m., F. G.
James and F. C. Harding.
Fountain, Friday, May 3rd,
J. L. Fleming and J- H.
Bell's Cross Roads, Friday,
May 3rd. p- m. A. L Blow,
Julius Brown and F. C. Harding.
Friday, May 3rd, p.
m. H. W- Whedbee and F. G.
Black Jack. Saturday May 4th,
p. m. W- H J J-
Laughinghouse and J. L. Flem-
Stokes, Saturday, May 4th p.
m- F. G. James. T. H- Barnhill
and H. W.
Oak Grove. Monday.
6th, P m. Rev. D. W-
Arnold and A- L. Blow-
May p.
m- T. H. Barnhill and J. L
King's X Roads. Thursday,
p. m. T. J. Jarvis.
Thursday 9th, p
m. J. L- Fleming and A- L. Blow.
Bold Robbery-
cents per
pays for a
at your
Telephone an
Dr. King's
New Discovery
J Notice is given to the
of Pitt county that the board of cur
; commissioners, at their meeting on l
first day of April. 1907, it being
first Hay of said in nth. ordered that
ion be held the various
in said county on Tuesday. B
j l iT. purpose of taking
; tense of the qualified voters of a
I county on the to confer
I the hoard of county o
I said county the .
sell interest bearing coupon bonds,
said county, not to exceed the sun-,
fifty thousand dollars to run for
years and to bear interest at a rate L
to exceed six percent. The proceed
the sale of said bonds to be used In i
in erecting suitable at
point in Pitt county for a training sch
for white and the excess,
any. of the fund arising from the kg
if said bonds, after the
of said school in the county, to
used In the purchase of machinery I
the of the convicts in working
roads and to aid building and
pairing bridges in the county of Pitt.
A new reg of the voters
been ordered for said election, so
may he definitely and accurately .
who are qualified voters at ;
election. law -j
election requires those favoring
issuing of said bonds to vote a writ.
or printed with the words
and those opposed to v
a written or printed ballot with
words thereon
registration books will open on Th
April 1907, and close at
on Saturday. May 4th. 1907.
who register can vote.
By order of board of county c I
missioners of Pitt county.
This the 1st day of
R. W. King, Chairman,
Richard Williams. Clerk. Id
tor all
and other
es are supposed to be caused;
an acid stomach A simple n I
and one that is very
is Rocky Mm
Tea. cents, Teal
Tablets. Drug Co.
yards to a e. thence west to black
i- i at the beginning. Bounded by the
Home, acres, Langley. Sermons and others.
acres, I B J,
Martha 1-4 acre, Pat-
rick, tax and 1.77-
John acres, Harriss,
tax and 3.06.
Freeman 1-4 acres,
tax and 2.21.
This April 27th. 1907
Theophilus Dall.
Pay Your Vol. Tax.
If you are delinquent in your
taxes, one thing hoar in mind
I is that if your p-ll x is not
I paid by the first Monday in
Any person or persons claiming title you will he debarred
interest in the foregoing not disfranchise
land must file their in , ,, , ,
writing with me within the next thirty Eu non
or will be barred law. I .
or . g. for es w-i
Entry Taker I take place next Monday.
Sp, to
New York, April
John Of Bronx, was
awakened last night by a cold
steel muzzle against her head
The weapon was held by a
masked burglar who had entered
her sleeping apartment. She
was robbed of which was
hid under her pillow. The
burglar made his escape with
Waterway's Commission Meeting.
Washington, April
initial meeting of the .
commission is being held today-
Chairman and W H.
of the bureau o
who is a member of the
commission, had a talk with the
president about the proposed
of the bony. Mr. Burton
expects the commission will
make at least one trip down
from Paul the Mis-
to New Orleans
visits to places alt
the stream.
Read one among a hundreds of such testimonials.
have Buffered with NERVOUS for past y
and have received more beneficial and lasting results from the
PANACEA MINERAL WATER than any other reined
the main I have had prescribed for me. It gives me great pi
to testify to its marvelous results in my own case and m
others I have personally wed. p
Newport News, V
Send orders to G-.-e. S. Prichard, Greenville, N. C.
N. C.
miles from Greenville on R. P. K. R. We will sell a
limited number of building or store lots- Those wishing to
purchase a home or a place for business can get one cheap
now. . ,
is located in a good community, with a nice
school convenient and store, saw mill and brick
plant close by.
or C G
Female hog, weight about
pounds, red color with some
fork in both
mi.-, Suitable reward for in-
formation leading to recovery.
G. A Moore.
Stokes. N. C.
A Little Farm Well Tilled
j Will Make You
But too
You want to some of yours, you, and cultivate
the rest of it better Y got the land, we'll find
buyer Just send a description of your land and tell us
to sell it. We'll do the rest. . ,
r i

j . I
AND Proprietor
Entered as second class Jan. 1907 at the post office at Greenville
K. C under Act of Congress of March 1879.
Advertising rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and counties
in preference
Pitt county going to lead
East watch her.
The Jamestown exposition is
row a reality and people are flock-
one of the headlines we sec in
exchange. No, not every-
body. a few of a i please.
Is there a m i . in Pitt county
who can look at his girls who
need an . and then vote
against bonds. u secure the East-
Some of the papers are talk-
about a milking machine
that has been invented out in
Kansas- Wonder if it is not an
infringement on the yard pump.
We thought that machine had
Whoop it up, good people, and
see that Pitt county gets the
Eastern training school.
The war path will be changed
to Greensboro this week with
the Red Men the State there.
Just think the hello raised
Butler must be looking for the
the president to pass something
up to him.
Greensboro is having the time
of its life in the present
To use an old saying, before a
Reports from the speakings IN
throughout the county on . T-------
. . , Get by
of bonds tO secure the . Third Class.
Eastern school, are The stranger cannot perhaps
large numbers of people a of
. . and ancient Spain than by ac-
and when they the the traveling third
explained they favor the bonds.
The Supremo of the
The seats indeed arc hard,
but the company is usually excel-
lent, charming in its manners and
every day. There ere over three man makes up his mind to vote j gt h rendered a de. i pensive to any sense. Here a
constant series of novel pictures if
upholding the corporation; presented to the traveler, who may
commission of North Carolina in them at leisure,
telephones in use in the against the bonds to secure the
United States, Eastern training school he should
Marion Butler i.- getting at top
Of column again in I is efforts to The Durham Herald puts it
push President Roosevelt right in saying
third term schools and good roads are the
only benefits receive
To vote against bonds to from taxation. Pitt county
the matter of compelling the rail- is, a
their way to a festival, packed tight-
roads to maintain connection at
Selma This settles the
of the corporation commission
having authority to regulate
such matters.
been in use for years as a milk cure the Eastern training school, folks should have this in mind a lid Nature.
T t .- may be backward
e but big hail stones
the papers
as V usual.
Pitt loses the East-
training it will miss
an y that never while
the world stands will come to it
None of crop prophets
have pas d up a word about the
so we guess at
has d and will come along
at usual time.
The Southerner tells
of man in that town
wired from Greensboro to go
there to bid on a lot of
bales of cotton, and refers to it
as evidence of
as a cotton market It
striKes us that in this case
was the market
A Catholic priest at Lowell
Moss . did not Ike the way the
ti his church left a
he was holding to go
is by J.
He told his flock
had i listen to him,
stead cf going to the opera
house to near that blathers
a man with as small brain as
should not expect to draw a
like Bryan.
will show that you prefer and vote for bonus to secure the
ant neighbors to ones. Eastern training school.
case father near
Lynchburg, Va., who learning
man ha drugged
his daughter and assaulted
while in and who
shot yo man dead on first
lit. is one to the
written should apply No
jury mid ever convict him fir
such a
important thing for every
vote to consider in connects n
with the Eastern training school
is that the school is going to
somewhere. That much
is a settled fact- And it rs
not where it may go, it is also a
that every man in Pitt
county must pay his part of the
tax to maintain the school. This
being so, it is the part of wisdom
for every man to do his utmost
locate this in Pitt
The pie of the county e
it to themselves to turn out ard
hear the speeches on the bond
issue and training school. Those
who want information on the
subject get it by hearing the
There is no question
that voting the bonds to secure
the training school will be the
best day's work Pitt county has
ever done. If viewed from- a
financial standpoint only, the
county could not make a better
investment. But that is a small
consideration compared with the
advantage it will be to the
educationally. Pitt
cannot afford to iris.-
to get this school.
It speaks well for a large
like Pitt that a term of
court to which two weeks is
allotted should complete its
work and adjourn in four days.
The entire docket was gone over
and all new matters reported by
tie grand jury that could be
heard at the same m of
were disposed of. The
conclusion arrived at from this
is that crime in the county has
greatly diminished, and it is a
condition that may be considered
with pride. We hope such a
record may be maintained, and
there is reason to think that it
will be. The Reflector is of the
belief that one of the reasons for
a remarkable falling off of
rime is the eloping of bar rooms
nearly all over the county.
The cultivation of
aid popularity in life will
have a great deal to do with
advancement, tort and
It is a mortifying thin to have
a kindly feeling in the depths of
I one's heart, and yet not be ab e
to express it, to repel
rocks a few ago, I when once has just the opposite
If you to. an educated of in feeling toward them. To
would better neighbors cased in an icy exterior with a
end citizen, than an uneducated really warm is a most
v, the n vole bonds to , ,, . u . i
As President Roosevelt
secure Eastern training
Que-r world this. la one part Guatemala wist be fishing for
of ii store houses and barns are a sap from Uncle Sam and
., plenty, while in both. The United d
par; people are starving consulates in Guatemala
death for want of bread. were stoned with mud and I.
ready his eligibility
to membership in the
It is remarkable that in thee cub- he not mind so
times of d prosperity there to back down from his positive
are move and that under no cir-
those would he be a can-
of ruse than d date again,
when t. was less pros-j
Governor Glenn expresses
pleasure over the prospects of
North building aid
the Jamestown expo-
The Old X I.
will hive Cause to be ashamed
of her showing .
This is the only chance Pit
county will ever have
school. I we lose now
it will And
lose it would check both the ed-
material progress
of the county, a condition that
no n an who pride in h's
county should want to see.
Every day makes now
for the bond to secure
training for
teachers. By the time the 11th
of May the man who i
against it in a
small minority.
The chief of the fire depart-
of Raleigh has been dis
missed for graft. He is charged
with padding the pay roll, selling
old apparatus turning in
the money and city-
team for his personal benefit.
The chief denies the char, e and
demands investigation.
The in. ton Star thinks
that awry North
mill t. Hie bank
in sounds fishy,
aids money is too hard to
off a Neil n Carolinian for
a story to be true.
There are people who
throw a slur at churches and
religion because a good man
sometimes falls into
These same do not con-
sider the number of men who
live upright lives and never fall.
Two cases recently occurring in
this the Charlotte
bank cashier and Nelson, the
Wilmington postal
men of good character
and it is said of both that they
stood high socially and were
prominent in church work in
their respective towns. Because
these two men went wrong is no
more reflection upon the churches
of which they were
cants than upon the entire social
circles of the towns in which
they lived. Of course it is re
grafted when a former good man
goes wrong, but all good men are
not condemned for it. By the
reasoning if a member of a
church falls it is no occasion for
a slur at the church or the cause
of religion. The large number
whom the influence of the
church hi i to lead upright
lives r- b criterion,
not the occasional one who falls.
In th-i other important
things that engross attention
just now, do not overlook the re-
A correspondent of the
Observer suggests that
Democrat be nominated as a
, mate with Roosevelt on the
ticket so as t for. e
i Democrats to vote the ticket. In
I Other words the correspondent
wants the Democratic national
convention to meet first and
Roosevelt for president and
a tariff reform Democrat for vice-
and thin look the
an convention to endorse
it. That is a great scheme, in
the aforesaid correspondent's
eye, but it is one he will not see
carried out.
Some people have a repelling
expression in their faces and
manner which is a em-
to them; but
do not seem able to it.
This is largely due to . lack of
early training, or to fact
that sometimes these people have
been reared in the country away
from the great centers of civil-
where they do not have
the advantages of inter-
course, and in consequence be-
come cold and appear
when they are really tie
It is a very difficult to
overcome these handicaps; but
the cultivation will, of a
spirit and feeling
toward everybody, will go far to
open up the hard exterior so that
the soul can express
For fine Jersey Fed
Boar one year
Dr J. Mon N- C.
See F. V-
buying your
In county is among
union of the Confederate largest in the State, and
ans the county on May 10th. j n it comes to she has
be the best in the world. While
crime, to give the old a good people have in the past
slowly in the way
of enterprises, the last
few years, have brought about
remarkable changes. The
prime cause of this change
is education, for along with
cation comes everything else, and
without education there is little
progress, county has lead
the State in public school
in the last five years,
and out of this has
arisen the desire for more
The people are
their eyes to the possibilities of
the future, and realize that
Pitt can be made the greatest
county in the State. This
creates in them the desire to
secure the Eastern training
school for teachers, and they will
leave nothing undone to locate
that county. They
are going to vote for bonds by a
large majority, and when the
school gets in operation you will
see old Pitt go forward and flour-
as never before-
township recently held
on the question of is-
suing bonds for to
macadamize the roads of the
township. Out of registered
voters only were against the
bonds. That shows how Wilson
stands for progress. When it
comes to a vote in Pitt county to
issue bonds to secure the Eastern
training school, can this county
show the world it is against
progress by defeating it.
It is h rd to understand how
any man should not want to see
his county stand in the front
rank of progress and education,
yet that is what a vote against
bonds to secure the training
school means. To locate the
Eastern training school in Pitt
county would place it ahead of
Eastern counties ard
make it the leader in wealth and
education Can any man be
to Pitt county coming to
ouch a position
to Live Well.
Be courteous to all, but intimate
with few, and let I hose few be well
tried before yon give them con-
e. The friendship is a plant
of slow growth aid
and withstand the shark of
lit before it is to -i-
Let feel for
tie of
one, and lei hand give in
proportion to whit
the the
widow's it i r
ii l;.; , r.
and laden with packages.
of more sedate among
them wear mantillas, some bright
handkerchiefs on their heads or go
with hair uncovered; but, however
they are dressed, to whatever
they belong, they are all clean and
Or perhaps it is a less crowded
carriage one enters. There are two
middle class Spaniards and a peas-
ant group of fut, jolly mid-
aged man in a peasant's cos-
but clean and new, almost
stylish; a woman of like age, one
those free, kindly women
whom Spain produces so often, and
a pretty, bareheaded girl, evidently
her daughter, though the man
a friend or relative who is escorting
them on their journey. By and by,
when we have been some hours on
our journey, he lifts from the seat
in front of him large, heavy em-
Sancho Panza was always so
to keep well it and
draws out one of the great, flat, deli-
Spanish loaves and throws it
on the woman's lap. Then a dish
of stewed meat appears, and the
bread is cut into slices, which serve
as plates for the meat. But before
the meal is begun the peasant
round with a hearty It the invitation to share in the feast,
which every polite Spaniard must
make even to who happen
to be present, and it is as a
of course politely refused,
Before long the black
leather wine bottle is produced from
the wallet, and the meal proceeds.
At its final stage some kind of sweet-
meat appears, and small fragments
arc offered to two middle
Spaniards and then, with a slight
half movement, expressing a
courtesy restrained by the fear of
offering any offensive attention, to
the foreign also. It is not
improper to accept this time, and
now the leather bottle is handed
round, and the middle class Span-
avail themselves of it, though
with awkward
Hit Way of Pairing.
A number years ago at a small
town in Maine an important local
election was to take place, and there
was strong rivalry between the Re-
publicans and Democrats. Old Hi-
the blacksmith, was a
strong Democrat, but many of the
farmers were Republicans. On the
morning of the election a farmer
to have his horse shod. The
blacksmith said lo both
busy. You're a Republican, I'm
i Democrat. Let's pair off. We'll
neither of us vote, and it will
amount to the same as if both went
to the This was agreed upon.
After election it was found out
Morse had paired off with five Re-
publican farmers.
i el
A lady was reproaching a
friend for never having mar
when her husband, a little
bored perhaps, said
suffer. Ho not conceive
clothes make any more
than fine feathers fine birds
A plain, genteel is more ad-
mired and obtains more I than
lace embroidery in I lie eyes of
the judicious and
Washington in n letter to H
ow, 1783, in
Scrap Book.
soys he could have cut mo
out married you if he had want-
The lady started.
she cried. didn't
he do it,
says he owed me a
the husband explained, with a
C. T.
This department is In F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
The A. G. Cox Co. has
still on hand a
their Tar Heel C
Send us your we assure
prompt shipments.
Misses Annie and Daisy Mun-
ford, of Ayden, are visiting re-
and friends here this
A new lot of nice spring and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
The revival services at the
Methodist church closed Wed-
night. There were four
additions to the church.
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
Rev. Thomas Barnhill, from
over the river is visiting, Mr. and
Mrs. J. K Barnhill.
Fancy negligee and shirts at
B. F. Manning Co.
A little boy is abiding at the
home of Clyde Daughtry.
Call and let ma take your order
for a tailor made suit from the
Progress Tailoring Chicago
a fit guarantee. J. D. Smith
B F. Manning Co-
Through some misunderstand-
E. A and bride,
who were married Wednesday
evening, missed their train at
Rocky Mount, so the reception
that was to have been
day evening was postponed until
Thursday at noon. Quite a
were present.
We nave plenty of time on
band, A. W. Ange Co.
Fresh corned herrings just
opened at Harrington, Barber
Several of our people attended
services at the Disciple church
in Ayden Friday night
We s Laughlin, Eclipse and
Parker fountain pens.
B. T.
The A. G. Cox Co. has
on hand a full supply of buggy
bodies and seat in the most pop-
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price
Our price, B T. Cox
The W. H. S. boys will cross
bats with the graded school boys
of Ayden this afternoon on the
latter's grounds.
We will sell you a Webster's
Unabridged Dictionary, bound
in sheep, for They are
new. B. T. Cox Bro.
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up to-date
Hunsucker buggies being turned
out almost almost every day by
tho A. G. Cox Co.
B T. Cox Bro. have just re-
a nice lot of Teacher's
binding. Frees
l to each.
.- D. Johnston is taking in
t. exposition this
season is now almost at
hi when most of the farmers
likely need trucks to haul
To. and from the barn.
G. Cox Co. are
preparing to make good
many their
his season and w be glad to
supply your needs.
Mrs A- D- Johnston spent
Thursday in Greenville shopping.
Vincent is wearing
smiles these days. It is a boy.
Larry Edmundson and Law-
went to
this morning.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are now in position to fill
your orders reasonable prompt
for their Economic Back Bands.
Do not hesitate to send them in;
we are always glad to supply
The sales for the old reliable
Cox Cotton Planter and
Sowers has been very
great this reason. However,
the A. G Cox Co. are still
in position to your orders the
same received
Protect yourself from the sun Extra line of white goods just
of by getting a large straw hat at opened at B. F. Manning Co.
Bart wheels. Harrington, Barber Co.
The A. G. Cox will
make flues for the coming sea-
at the same old price as
List of those who are in
rears for taxes in the town of
Winterville for the year 1906
Miss Jennie Bennett, of Oak
City, spent Saturday and Sunday
here with her brother a
pupil of W. H- S.
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort, style
and durability. They have just
opened their large line of line
Miss Maud Mooring, of Stokes,
old pupil of W. H. S. spent
Sunday at the
visiting her school mates.
Pitt county Oil Co , is
to enlarge their plant- The
new machinery is arriving daily.
Several of our young people
attended the revival at
Monday night
B. T Cox Bro. have garden
seeds and flower seeds ail
kinds at the drug store.
The city fathers held their
regular convention Monday
night for the purpose of
candidates for the
offices for the coming
year, which resulted as
Mayor, J. S Ross; aldermen, J.
A. Manning, B. G Taylor and E.
F. Tucker; constable, L. F.
We have just received a large
of best roofing. See us for
pi ices before buying. A. W.
Ange Co.
Miss Bessie gave her
class in music a most delightful
outing trip to the ball game Sat-
afternoon at Ayden. On
their way back home they served
lunch old Antioch school
house, having invited the ball
team. all report a most,
excellent trip.
Have you seen new
proved coffee-mill at Harrington
Barber Co It will take your
Braxton. W J
Braxton. A B
Braxton, E W
Cooper, Rowan
Cooper, Rowan
Cooper, J 3-
Coward, Warren
Cox. A D
Dal, Calvin
Evans, D B
Electric Light Co
Elliott. L F
Forest, B D
Fair. C A
Grimes, Oscar
Harrison, Wm H
House, W L
Johnson, J R
Johnson, Mrs H L
Kittrell, G
Langley, Joe
Lane, Henry
Little. J B
Locust, F L
Ma O C
Manning, J A
Manning, E C
May, J R E H
Morris, Madison
Nelson, H D
Smith, M M
Sparks. J W
Tyson, Frank
Tucker, E F
Vincent, W C
Winterville Canning Co
Yancey, Albert
CHAS. SMITH, Collector.
Deaf Mote Marriage at
In the Baptist church at
Kenly, Wednesday afternoon,
Mr E. A. of Winter-
ville, this county and
Spivey, daughter of Mr. A- G.
Spivey, of were mar-
Both the young people are
deaf and Prof. John E.
Ray, principal of the school for
the deaf at Raleigh, acted as in-
for the ceremony, Rev.
T. H. King being the officiating
minister. Mr. and Mrs,
to Winterville on the
evening train and a reception
was held at
Mr. is an industrious
in spite of his
of hearing and speaking
has made a success in life- He
is he'd in high esteem. His
1.37 bride is an attractive and
1.17 young woman. They
have our best wishes in their
married life.
Driven on Strike.
Special to
New May
truck drivers laid down
their rains today and refuse to
return to work until Police Com-
missioner Bingham withdraws
the present traffic regulation.
Not a wholesaler has received a
barrel of goods today.
They have more style than other Hats sold
2nd. They are finished superior to other makes
3rd. They wear longer and look better any other
on the market.
Oakley, 30th.
T. A, Manning and
spent Sunday at Parmele.
i Mrs. J. O. Williams and Mrs.
J. E. Hines visited Bethel
For Thursday.
good as new East Carolina
ply Co. Winterville, N. C.
By Council No. Jr.
U. A. M.
Whereas, it has pleased the
Divine Councilor that the angel
C. J. Jackson an old W. visit the home of our
student, who is now at brother, Buck, and take
Forest college, won a beautiful therefrom his loving daughter,
gold medal there Saturday night be it resolved. I
for the best speech in the j Th b h b,
contest in the . Li.
submission to the will
you have the satisfaction of
knowing it Is the latest
While John family Manning Co.
were attending Follows
celebration, unknown parties en-
and ransacked their farm-
house near Parkland, Okla , and
his Switz.-r.
Put it in the Dank and
this risk J. L Jackson cashier
of Bank of Winterville.
Carolina Milling
Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for you at
any time. Wood work also a
Misses Annie Daisy Mum-
returned to their home at
Ayden Monday after spending
several days here with relatives
and friends.
A new arrival of trunks,
and hand grips at A. W
Ange Co
T. H King his reg-
appointment here Sunday
morning and night, having large
congregations at each service.
He gave us excellent sermons-
Monday afternoon there was a
baptismal service, at which the
ordinance was administered to
Knitting thread already
pared at Barber
Mumford, of Ayden and
Miss Hattie Kittrell spent Sun-
day with Miss Nannie House.
have our deepest sympathy in
the loss of their baby which died
Saturday evening. It lived to
be about three days old. The
funeral exercises were con-
ducted Sunday afternoon by
Rev. T. H. after which its
remains were to rest in the
new cemetery.
Rev. W. E. and Hon. J. L.
Fleming, of Greenville, delivered
two most excellent speeches to
a good sized crowd here
day night, in behalf the East-
training school- These gen-
took up every argument
against the issuing of bonds and
answered it wit argument that
cannot be set aside.
and men's fancy silk
hose for summer wear at B- F.
of our
whom no
Highsmith, of
was here Saturday.
Miss Bessie Gray, one of
most charming young
ladies, spent last week here vis-
her brother, H- A. Gray.
Good many attended church at
Parmele last week.
Eli of Williamston,
spent a few days last week vis-
friends in this section-
J. I. James is all smiles- It
is a big boy three days old-
J. E- Hines is at home for a
few days.
Mrs. IN H- Martin, of Tar-
returned to her home last
Sunday spending a week
here with her parents-
J. E. Whitehurst and family,
of Greenville, spent Sunday
Heavenly Father from
secrets are hid,
2nd, That we extend to the
dear brother and family our sin-
sympathy, assuring
that beyond this shadow there is J. B.
a life eternal of which Jesus Jenkins Bethel
Himself is the light that
forever in glory. is on a The
3rd, That a copy of these res- hammer and brush
spread upon our mm- are changing the appearance of
a copy be sent the bereaved
family and a copy be sent the g Lewis
Reflector for publication. j L will Overton,
J. A. Manning, Com. of stokes in Oak-
. , Sunday.
Reals Go Home, and what comes The expo.
. and the bonds for the
to Reflector. j j a on
New York, May, is at once. Either calls for cash,
the great moving day of New the two combined is tough-
York, as it is in most cities of the
State. All leases are made to The Home B L Annual
begin and expire on the first day , Meeting,
of May, so terms of renting be- i annual meeting of The
gin and end with this day. In Home B L. Association will be
consequence the streets are full held on Tuesday evening May
of people who are moving at in the mayor's
effects from one residence or office. At that time twelve
store to another. Rents general-1 rectors will be elected to serve
have gone up, and there is for the ensuing year, and the
much groaning on the part statement
full-view of the year's
both their wants and their pock- will be read by the secretary and
See our new
hamburgs, laces
etc at B.
A new
i d
of tin ware just re-
The New Year
Finds mo at ha same old one d-or north of
wit ti u o of
hi.; during the
pa year and may be continued.
It will pay you store and see my stock.
J, B. Johnston.
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville, N. C.

Ms to Biography
Wrong Way.
In read in lives of men who
played ii great in life we SM
often by the fact that those
null in
dieted to certain lint
would be well young to re-
ii i in . the peal of
. .- . . not because of
bad i- they nay bad,
in of To gel the groat-
. ii from reading
i, we should make an
fort emulate great in their
. . awl
in their or Then
i.- unworthy to be found
in ran i all men, human
i m ins perfect. But
is to be i op
The young nun spoken of in
the I little seems to
n id ii ; I
lingered mar ; . I
wail an op-
i mi the re . staff,
you -mil the man-
a lei the young I -.-
low down easy,
n the man.
dill Alexander the
you ore a glancing
at the youth's
i a to I
id you arc a
you swear
i liable lo
write ii fearful i
Li Horace
Mid the r.
i In of t,
Ii need u. You won't
Tl p i i n i mad son
i nil v. o I i ho
laid, fallow in
In inn trail
a, ill. men from
to i . bi en I a
on a ii.-. The
.-. row too for
caused by Indigestion. If you tat a
too much, or if you to
of Indigestion, you have no doubt
had shortness of breath, rapid heart beau,
or palpitation of heart
Indigestion causes the stomach to
expand -swell, and puff up against the
heart. This crowds the heart and inter-
with its action, and in the course of
Una the heart becomes diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat, takes the strain off
of the heart, and contributes nourishment,
strength and health organ of the
Dyspepsia, Sour
Inflammation cf the mucous
membranes Ii the Stomach and -.-
Tract, I Catarrh
ensAfter Stunt, l-y i
m it . d I
I . . . I I
i I
I Mi . In a
. , . , i v ii H K.
i . sand u t i.
i f. I La
trial, it u air.
. -I
ii iii.
interrupted he
had i far,
i old
going i wait,
I'm . at the. and so
a he urged, hut-
two nearest.
Won't take n
They and then
I In lie went on,
that I a little boy home
who never laid i bright thing in In
Ins with
find no
in i Ami then lie
too i i. I Io toll
G own-
I i. i v I
c n . i in
for . h i i
p. pan h if ii . ire
P I I .
I . I .
A. in . .p I i . -in
ii , . in
i lie Ii . -I .,
I. . . I Of
II II . I . I I- Ill- I II
Tl i In l i
Ii i- hi i i.
The length of leg I
the mid . I-
d, mi lie other
lint ft of
If ,. Wu of v
i v
are of .-. . . In
It . Our. la. I hr-l Dr.
In cm I foil of time now very H. in. r. . i
la i . -i . I . . f .--.- .
favor to Pr
out vital ma
tut . i
try f.
In or KM for
m If II mi I
About Home
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
i f so thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
Sam White Property.
No proper v surpasses for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms.
indication that property around
Cr is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the lot the highs
it will cost
This properly is located only minutes
walk from business part of the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
The man who M
for hie family.
The man who Insure his
la both for fan
You may health by p
Ids It. It la worth
At the first attack of dial
which generally
through the and a
feats Itself In innumerable i
And save your health
Not Quite
How you get
or screw driver or
lacking. Have a go
tool box and be prepared
emergencies. line
at. Ii a yo i could desire, a
X we see your u
box not lack a
lid useful article.
i You get Harriet
Horse Goods,
J. P.
Cotton Bagging a
Ties always on
in ii i- i . I way i pro
where the original Brougham
came from, the name
in a
in also and
In London society made it
or u long
mill III
few make but
i- by tho
Tho one really pro-
pun i nil i-
Vary of the
o in in
lo Revue
Internationale, In feet, the
are hi in extent
they equal entire
Europe, in-
Belgium, Italy.
and Spain. PI .
next to
is the in
When want Work
Fresh kept c
In stock.
Produce Bought and Sc
D. W.
North Carolin
re Dealer. Cash
Hides, Fur, Co ton
Tables. Lounges, S
and Gail A Ax
l Ii Life Tobacco Key
pies, Syrup,
Meat Flour,
Food, M
Seed Mead
Garden Seeds, Oranges, j
Nuts Dried ,
Ponchos, Prunes,
sins Glass
ware, cake
crackers. Macaroni,
Butler, New
Quality and
come see me.
S. M.
I and Bro
to No
f is
for reaching the public.
p. K. L. k
N. C.
cl of March
2,861.19 Profit
Expenses paid 7,648.51
I Time j
I to a 290.50
i Cashier's checks .-.
Total 192,303.28
land dis
are and
i Coin
bank notes and
U. S.
L i . -o-
I. G. S. Carr, of the bank,
t- -t the above is true lo the beat of my I
, , ,. f P. S. CARR,
d u sworn O
of Mar 1907. H-A
S. C-
close of March 22nd 1907.
and Discounts
. unsecured 1,694
Stocks. Bonds
king Houses
I from Banks
i Items
lid U. S. notes
I Total
Capital Stock
funds 25,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid 16,926.67
Cashier's checks
outstanding 585-78
of North Carolina
of the above named bank,
and sworn to M
this 28th day of March. 1907.
Notary Public.
Come In and examine my
L-J. L,.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints
Ready nixed Paints-
There is no line in the world better
th I line. It has behind it a can u
for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
Took Mora Than Coaxing t Main
Shortly after Mrs. Frances
son Burnett's book,
she went
bar I . lo a
The a great
and there a
In room next
lo occupied by Mr. Burnett
rather overdressed
v i a rod laired, bullet
d about seven, who
the of the hotel.
the of tho i-
the mother had purchased
complete and elaborate
;. with which -he proceeded
out her and re
content outward
the woman desired to
the caricature by
her precious child to address her a
after the manner of
hero of the hook, instead of
or, more frequently,
as been his previous
Mrs. Burnett arrived no sooner
than she had been expected, hut
before little Johnny had
entirely his course of in-
in filial courtesy, as
evident by the founds which
the thin lath and plaster par-
between the rooms. if
what Mrs. Burnett
do you hear
you call me or
shall make
can't make
I can. Call mi-
no way to speak to me.
a good sight you
want me to
isn't. Call mo f
you want me to use the trunk
all right, then, dearest.
see here. If you don't re-
member to rail me at din-
tonight wallop you within
an inch of life, you ungrateful
. a Rabat.
That there is a startling
between the temper of tho r
generation and that of
youth whose young ideas shot u;
according to the teachings of Mm
Hannah More and Sanford and
m ha- been proved
by a little seven-year-old girl, who
was I; spelling her way
u -Ii a i ailing lesson.
the she
aid. your parents.
penile and
.- t lie do shout scream
. . m h
i eat slowly, not in
a like a
Suddenly the little girl shut the
look with a portentous hang and
announced with firmness and
not going to let any old
Third Header boss me like
X Road N C Apr
Editor Reflector.
Kindly allow me a little
in your paper to speak a word
for the r school. I have
some few speak against
the b issue. They claimed
that our teachers would cost us
a lot more after going to tho
training school. We have to
pay at present thirty five or forty
dollars. I wish to know
many there are in the county that
had not rather pay forty-rive
or fifty dollars a month and have
a trained teacher to care for
their children than pay a small
salary and have i. competent
teachers. I I rather a my
children to a three months
school than six months
school, and if the patents
Id just reflect for a moment
and think how often their
are sent home day a fur
day for them to do the teaching,
and to receive the
credit and the pay, it seems to
me that every father and mother
can plainly see the need of bet-
teachers and better schools.
I do hope that every voter of
Pitt county will be present on
day of May aid vote for the
b ind issue.
Mrs. C. T. Savage.
Dodging the Question.
It is to possess a rep-
for superior knowledge or
wisdom. It Ii hard to live up to it.
in importance to knowing
perhaps is to ranked
the ability to conceal one's
Raid Jones,
here have had a dispute and have
to leave the decision to you.
Which IS right. is Fri-
or will be Fri
Saturday, isn't
said after some reflection.
neither one of you if
And he waved them aside.
A Swindle.
Old Farmer I don't
any more your labor saving ma-
ii I've tried enough on
Look in there. There's u
the missus spent
In r egg and butter money on to
buy for me I ain't so over
handy with the pen. Just look
the swindle.
the matter with
Old Why, you
Boston to Led After Southern
Special to Reflector.
Boston, Mass. April
Aroused by the opening of the
Massachusetts building today,
at the Jamestown
Boston merchants are looking
into the matter of Southern
trade. The matter has been
brought to the attention of
ton by Alvin E. Pope,
special commissioner of the
vision of exhibits of the
who is now in Boston with
a special view to interesting
B men in a plan f
the same kind already d
upon by the mercantile interests
of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New-
York and Washington, all of
whom propose to a strong
bid for trade by this
means. of Baltimore
has made rapid inroads rue ml
years on the Southern
f held by Philadelphia,
the merchants city
carrying on an organized
through their
a id association.
Southern beys have been
brought to to school
sent back into the South
to represent interests;
the association has paid the
expenses of merchants
coming to Baltimore to buy
goods, and other means of the
same kind have been adopted,
marked success-
more will make liberal use of the
exposition, but Philadelphia in-
have also given
to the matter, and by a con-
effort will try to get back
some of their lost patronage.
Washington is also planning a
campaign, and New York mer
have taken an active in-
in the matter. The riv-
which will take place offers
apparently a good chance for
Boston business interests.
Height of the In
of Louis XIV.
The oldest . I
museums and among the
are button d
Mycenae at the turn
the tomb of Child, r. I The
e exhibited at the re f Sou. as.
of and of I
imitating garnet. i
I from copes and rel
i of middle ages and i I
renaissance have also been disco
r cl i -t things of the i
b ;. a doubt are those
worn Louis XIV. M.
i r in the of I
Presents to the
i in the f
i n oil i
of the buttons of at
i a. It i as
sen I to king eight
buttons, Ii
May r, i and
by Sir six diamond
. II; out
. . seventy-five
button-. lures.
Two diamond
buttons, res.
is, .
Another item in the same
for the king's vest, forty-
eight gold buttons, each set with a
diamond, and ninety-six clasps, for-
of which were composed of
five diamonds each and forty-eight
of one diamond each,
clasps for the doublet
of the king, of which were
formed of live diamonds each
of one diamond each,
addition there were seven or
clasps of three diamond;
presents, thirty-three or-
clasps, 57-1,366
That loots up a total of about
for the buttons
the for the single year
1685. The preceding year Louis
XIV, received a lot of buttons that
were valued at In
these enumerations there is no men-
of the diamonds for the shoes,
the garters, the culTs and hats
of monarch.
Vi are obliged to admit, with oar
coats and overcoats garnished with
miserable little cloth and bone
fairs, we ii poor in the
button business compared to
the dudes of days of Louis XIV.
Public Debate by and
Special to
Chapel Hill. N. C. April
Debate between Chapel Hill and
Virginia tonight, the subject is
that the street railroad systems
throughout the United States
should be owned and operated
y the municipal government.
Carolina's representatives have
much training in debates, both
having represents. the college
in other intercollegiate debates,
and their side of the subject, the
affirmative, will be ably upheld.
Carolina has three
debates this spring,
Where Arc Hungry.
How would a bride in this conn-
try care to fast her
until after the sacred ceremony,
mi after the hardships o
a farewell party given the day be-
Yet this is what a Russian
girl is supposed to do. As the
e, to be should not
o . until evening, it may easily
be imagined in what an exhausted
state -he i- to commence her new
period life. Besides bridesmaids,
there are those latter be-
obliged present the brides-
maids with sweetmeats. A person-
age follows the procession bearing
an elegantly mounted picture of
Christ in gold and silver, which is
stationed against the altar. The
bridesmaids do not all dress alike,
their number is unlimited.
London Answers.
Way Pairing.
A number of years ago at a small
town in Maine an important local
election was to take place, there
was strong rivalry between the Re-
publicans and Democrats. Old Hi
ram Morse, the blacksmith, was a
strong Democrat, but many of the
farmers were Republicans. On the
morning of the election a
came to have his horse shod. The
blacksmith said both
busy. You're a Republican, and I'm
i Democrat, Let's pair off. We'd
neither of us vote, and it will
amount to e as both went
to the This was agreed upon.
After election it found out
Morse had paired with live Re-
publican farmers.
A lady was reproaching a
friend for never having mar
when her husband, a little
bored perhaps, said
says he could have cut
out and married if ho had want
The lady started.
I o. .,. I.;.ii.,
the ad-
f making k
possibilities of
r state, hi.
t the new t
n map. makers
in ad
The c I
field, to
and new
ii i-
for this mat -r. In the
state i ; Washing was
a i
I for
are but single
There are ma
new rt Ber
other cities and
i enter upon ii cam-
el advertising, or be like
i v ho thinks
la will sell themselves, with-
; advertising, they will be be-
struggle of progress,
i tin advertising cam-
;. things may be
by every u n n unity,
i ii v. ii prove of i
is advertising the that
lit i a enjoy,
first is a low tax rate, which
s really bated second,
n a administration,
men aim
in charge of the
interests, as officials, mayor.
aim the heads of de-
It is the well man-
that becomes
to outsiders, attracts
and capital. And it will be found
that municipality which is
wisely and economically
is the one that will spend
money to advertise itself. It
goods to advertise, and
ants the public to know
Mary Anderson Leaves En-
gland For This Country.
Special to Reflector.
New York,
from London state that Mrs.
she who was Anderson, a
beautiful and accomplished ac-
tress, sailed yesterday this
country, to pay her first visit in
many years. She and her
stay for a number of
weeks in New York, and will be
the guests of Mr. par-
in Forty-third street. Miss
Anderson retired from the stage
in 1888, two years later she
Mr. de were m
ed, in don. Since th sir
marriage tiny have lived in
. in the
ii .-i . c o children, son
daughter, born
i them.
Boston off for Hems.
pedal tn r.
Huston. There will
eave to-day the specially char-
steamer Romania with
foremost in-
duding many to at
end the fifth Sunday
convention in Rome. Italy.
The convention will be held from
May to May and at it
he delegates from Boston, noted
for the efficiency of its Sunday
schools, will take an important
part in the proceedings. Del-
from all over the country
were invited by the heads of the
various Sunday schools.
Right Arm.
Mr. J. II. of Caro-
township, lost his right arm
He was at work
about his saw mill and n
way fell on the log carriage, and
his arm coming in contact with
the saw was cut above
the elbow. Mr is
about bU years old and e lost
of his right arm is most
He has the sympathy of a
of friends in his misfortune.
A new and serious charge is
brought against the increase.
cost of living by Bishop Law
ranee, of the Diocese
It is
much of the immorality of
day is caused by the difficulty of
meeting expenses. Young men
and women, he says do
wrong because it affords them
practically the only means of
procuring what they
the necessaries of life. Pros
therefore, is not with
i, i u Savannah

mil in i ii
J. M. I LOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
Gov. Jarvis and Hon. J. L.
Fleming of Greenville, addressed
our people Saturday on the bond
issue. Already a very material
change in the sentiment of the
people is perceptible and it is
even almost an admitted fact
that a favorable vote will be
condition of
At in the State of North
Carolina, at clove of
Mar. 1907.
. ,, for DAILY I Cam Nobles. Jr. is home from i or of the issue. Roth
Norfolk on a short visit to his Mr Hem;
for I Daren a.
. i we
writing receipts
Wanted car
cotton Seed for which
. el
I is go
. always
acquitted themselves in a
cons cotton moat commendable and
. Co fly away many of
Miss Humbler the heretofore held by
of Mr James Humbles, has
miles from Ayden, who been an incalculable good to the
of their
ed a
foil dead-
was about years of
most excellent young
Sauls has the finest and
of Fountain Pens
to Ayden.
Call the Drug
cure one of those
. lain M. M. Sauls.
i, F. Do you wish to buy a house
and lot in Ayden, or a valuable
expo farm, near y Have you
Boyd laugh either We will buy or
the death of his brother-in-
law, Mr. A. T Jones, in Pamlico
W. J. Kittrell and Miss
Kilpatrick, of Grifton, came up
Friday evening to attend the
The Grand Hake Alexis
Edward Hooks b very high-
esteemed is at I
home on a from Wilson
A. L. Edwards, of
been hare during the week
Overdrafts secured
IT S. Bonds to
and fixture 2,304.1 .-
Duo from National Beak
reserve 17,181.02
Our tr in Slaw Hanks
tor 876.80
i. . i. . and cons
Lawful money
Legal-leader 38.80
Redemption with I . .-.
I o,
Special to Reflector.
Brooklyn, N. Y. April
The Regular Democracy of the
Sixth Assembly District is
to-night in its head-
quarters over the large number
accessions it has had. There
will be a brilliant entertainment
and a number of speeches. The
crowd is expected to be .
Looks like April tried to make
a by befog as pretty as
possible in departing,
Bell. Ii your life Insured, is
your house insured If Dot you ling real estate.
we will gee us and have it in- The who the
bis highest cash price, Don t sored at once. We make an , . . ., ,, .
i v. , In -i.- district meeting of the
seeing us to in collecting ac
Counts, Place them with us. at Newborn last week
Ayden Loan and Insurance Co. have returned and report a
Capitol Stock paid m
Undivided prom. s,
p. and paid S,
Individual deposits
Time of
deposit 8,471.88
Cashier's checks out-
Notes and n anted
Reserved for unearned interest
virtue mortgage execute
delivered by Gem Dupree and wife
Victoria Dupree, to Williams on
the 18th day of December,
appear of record in the o
Deeds of
in page the under
will sell for cash, before the house
door in Greenville, on ,
piece or parcel of land i. the
county Pit and In . i i-
on the side of Tar i . be
ginning the gate post on the left side
of the main road going from Greenville
to ind, then running east wit.,
to the Mogul line, then with the
line to Creek. n up
creek to and with the run thereof to
i corner, the-i
containing about acres, more or less,
and being the same land sold to General
and I
mortgage taken to secure the
ch m
This April h,
F. G. JAMBS, Attorney.
Bran at P. V. Johnston's.
The is having dirt
hauled to raise the lawn around
the court house.
bushels best Oats at F.
V. Johnston's.
There will be every-
day at some point county
from now until the election on
Dr Joseph Dixon
lit Ml
N. C.
t suit
N. C.
Dealers in Dry Goods, No-
Light Heavy
Prices t suit the times.
serve. F.
Manning, of Win- will time They ire jubilant
I is been visiting Mrs pleased with one of those over the treatment received
lain Pens at Saul's. the hands of the Newborn
E ,,,,, and especially the grand
market tor beet, store at from to in which they were en-
and fresh by the brotherhood of
Mrs. Dr. Blount in Green- business of J, Taylor that city. The banquet they say
villa Thursday on business and respectfully solicit the pat- was just immense, there being
Merchandise Broker -I carry P c K-1 at least ladies present, and
full line of Meat, Lard and Can , all work I
Don't buy before giving . to care to give entire worth I
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co. Try me. C B. Spier, and true of manhood the
Little Emma Baker, two years I solicit the patronage of the of the
cf age. was taken sick Ayden and, j be excelled,
day and died Thursday.
If you need any Paint be sure trial C. E Spier,
and see E. E. Co- a messenger from
to Greenville Wednesday
Total 1188,240.481
of North Carolina
County of Pitt, It.
W. Cashier of the
named bank, do
meat is true to best;
of my knowledge and
and sworn Q mi
thin 27th Of Mar., 1907
M. L
J. E.
G. E
in everything pertaining to Those of our citizens who at-
a tho Jamestown exposition I
gave a glowing account of the I
t the Swift S Tl
. impressed with both the army
bad found dead in two side by side the line extend-
ed more than two and one-half
for or Lean. Healthy Shoats
weighing from to pounds.
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden.
ltd Ayden, N. C-
Peter . and Misses
her bed early that morning. It
Mr, and Mrs. Moore re-
tired Wednesday night at th
hour and in their usual
health. Sometime about
B. Pierce has come from New
Bern While in Newborn
stopped at the best hotel.
Lena and Hines were all
during the what but after a little
It is a delight
to of q morn-
Ce in i;. a class big about o'clock Mr Moore, as
Pen, Call at was his custom, arose and went
Store and secure this much to attend to his stock
duties, after lie re-
Happening s in North Carolina.
Mrs. Ore Edwards, wife of
Dr. W. Edwards, of Durham,
committed by drinking
ll. C. C is building an
annex iii- residence on
Tin n n books tor
No L in town-
hip, town of Ayden, are In the
hands o J Blow, Those
desiring to vote on the school
bonds will have to be-
tween now and
J. J. Hines, D S. Moore. W-
J. Drowning. Frank and
J. B. Pierce are attending the
district meeting of the
now at Newborn.
The graded school boys and
the seminary boys played a
game of ball yesterday, the re
suit to in favor of
seminary. The seminary boys
calling the game off in the
seventh inning threw the hon-
ors to the graded thereby,
so we are informed.
Jolly old Ralph Johnson was
up from Kinston this week to
see us. W- are always glad to see
him, for he carries life and
wherever he He
says Kinston is bound to have
the industrial and normal, but
we offered him one better on
Greenville and he couldn't take
turned to the house for break
r . M . i. i around a saw null at
fast. Not seeing his wife be Rag, fell on the saw and was
at once to her room and instantly killed.
found her dead. At what ., .,,,,. ,, u i , Wake Forest a
she expired no one knows. It hung in one of the street drain;
was a severe shock to the pipes and the street had be
band and the entire family, as dug up to release the dog.
well as those who heard of the Fonville, who
sad occurrence. The remains charged with being an
were laid to rest in the family of Franc H. Jones in
burying ground today. Mrs. robbery of the Charlotte back.
Moore was the mother of C. has
Moore and Mrs. L. H. Wither- , An effort was made to wreck
and Mrs. Frank a e Southern railway.
Lilly of this town, all of
i i a i m, OH the track- The engineer
attended the funeral The an approaching train saw the
all friends are extended obstruction just in time to step
the bereaved in their sorrow train and wreck.
I will be in on Wed- . A ,
the first day cf May. I. Vanceboro Real
1807. for the purpose o r
all the qualified in
that vicinity of I S White and J.,
township, for
election to be held on May 14th. W
Please take this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
we will expect, yen during
the Exposition if not be-
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from maker
to user,
Piano with the
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
just received a new supply of furnishings and material
in their undertaking department
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve the This is a long needed
want in this section and they promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.
manufacturing Co.
It the of Mar. 1908.
Loans discounts
Overdrafts secured
Furniture Fixtures
Hue from hanks and bunkers
Silver coin
MB, 888.50
, Nat. other 0.08
Capital stock 118,800.00
tuna 8,700.00
subject to check 61,888.86
ashier 710.04
NO ill t -1; .
T R. Smith, f . ,.
to inf.
mt. 27th day of Mar, in
if my and be-
I. K.
on the bond issue.
J. M. Blow.
The closes Friday J
week. The address will be de-
livered by Prof. Carlyle, of
Wake Forest.
object is to conduct a general
Free Press.
Another Woman Writes.
Saturday Winterville crossed
bats with our boys and it was a
game too even if did
win by a score of to There
was the best behavior and every-
thing passed pleasantly, even
that wagon load of pretty girls
who passed our office cheering
their victors. Come again, we'll
beat next time
H- E. Ellis
The excellent letter of Miss
Evangelist Hamlin will preach Olivia Cox, published here,
a sermon next Sunday at o'clock I shows how the teachers regard
tor the Masons in the Disciple the movement to secure the
church. AH are invited- tern training school. They
A Johnston, of Winter-
was here yesterday.
The series of meetings which
have been in progress since
Tuesday night in the Disciple
church still continues. The con-
are large and
While there nave been but
few professions yet an unusual
spirit is manifested. We sin-
. hope much good may be
M derived from these
certainly in position to see
feel the need of such a
such expressions as these from
Miss Cox, who is one of our best
teachers, ought to have weight
with every voter in the county
and cause him to favor the bond
issue t secure the school- We
do not see how any man o
will give it serious reflection can
hesitate a moment on a matter
that means so much to the
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
D. J. W RD, Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
For and Hones.
the time for fun.
At a of the South Car-
Live Stock Association And w can make it honestly,
at Columbia, S C, on Feb. 8th i
and an address full of We've learned and lessons,
, , , . , , , We've nut our hooks away.
advice, backed by scientific
knowledge, was delivered by the
eminent Dr. Tait Butler, of
N. C, on
Feeding in the Dr.
is a authority
on feeds and feeding and what
he says have a special
weight and influence throughout
the entire South and that part of
his touching the feed-
of horses, mules and colts is
of special importance to the
n breeder
In the official report of the
general discussion which fol-
school's out of session
Tis just the time to ride in
time to row.
Tis just for any thine
That's fair and right to do.
So bring the hat ball, boys,
the very kind of play.
And Iota ho off together,
For it is our holiday.
I- the first hour, of the first
day the week, when a
Sunday had just closed for-
ever its claims on earth, the
spirit of Mis Martha Ida Teel
lowed Dr. Butler's address, this I took its flight, went to live
occurs. Dr. Butler was i in the paradise of Cod.
speak of feeding horses; Her death occurred at the
on cotton seed meal What home of her brother, Mr. Joseph
about muscular forming I fowls, on Pitt street, after a
properties of cotton seed meal, period of long suffering which
on the animal, compared to she bore with Christian fortitude
and oats without murmuring or com-
Dr. is plaint. She leaves a mother,
known about feeding horses cot-1 brother and nephew. Her little
ton seed meal for me to stale Louie, to whom she had
that if you hail a horse that you so devoted and motherly,
were feeding. 1-1 pound of corn an his life; feels his great loss
daily, that you take a sensitive keenness in-
four of that corn and put
in two pounds of cotton seed
She was a and
meal mid get better results. Not member of the Methodist church
because corn is not the best feed j of Greenville. The interment
we have for supplying heart and took place at o'clock p. m.
energy, but there is in Cherry Hill cemetery,
thing needed. When that the Rev. M. T. pastor of
supplies you muscular energy he the Jarvis Memorial church, con
is burning up his muscles just as J ducting the services,
you burn coal in a furnace to The sympathy of tho
supply energy to run the i is extended to the
in your factories, and he has members of her home and
Special to Reflector.
Forty the, Ga., May
Virginia to Congregational
Methodists have bent their way
to county, Georgia,
where today is being held one of
tho notable conventions in the
history of the church since its
on May 8th, 1852.
A delegation of about fifty
comes from Atlanta, headed
by Dr. Hunt, D. D., of the Bible
school. The convention is being
held in Zion church on the site
where the denomination
into existence and in the oldest
building now standing in
the denomination. Several for-
ward movements of tho church
will be announced before the
close of the convention
Masonic Temple
Special to Reflector.
Atlanta, Ga. May
thousand Masons are present
in this city today at the most ex-
tensive Masonic meeting ever
held in tho South The corner
stone of new Masonic
was laid nil due Masonic
ceremony. Grand Master
ton, of Chicago, delivering the
oration. Five thousand white-
aproned Masons and one thou-
sand uniformed Knights
formed a mammoth parade at
the old Masonic temple, and
march, d to the site of the new
I Hear M
for Year-all CH
Shan't and Won't are two little
I I hers,
meeting of So angry,
The first
Prayer meeting in churches
the of the Home
Building and n
held Monday n
the mayor's office A large
lie stockholder were
present and considerably more
than a majority of the shares
In calling the meeting to order
President A. White referred
to the splendid the
had made in its Bret year
and expressed gratification at
bad been
The association
in force, has m w will y-
Try and ill are two little listen,
we love
Shan't and Won't are d aid
i i .
i d they
Tr. and Will learn something
And are
Editor Reflector.
Through the columns of your
paper, permit me to say to the
people of Greenville that tie
fourth session of the graded
school will come to a close on the
Public entertainments
got to have something to build
up those wasted muscle j, and
corn does not contain it in
quantity A little cotton
in Jesus, blessed sleep,
which none ever wakes to weep
The pal bearers D. C.
seed meal Is better than an ad- H- A. White, J D. Gar-
amount of corn. J- N. Hart, -i If R.
you are already feeding your i Williams, J. L Fleming. Frank
horse stow t- ten pounds of Wilson, Dr. D L. James, Julius
corn, would rather have two j Brown, C W. Harvey and R C.
pounds of cotton seed meal ad I Flanagan.
dad than four pounds of corn. I for t
would rather have two pounds of,
cotton seed meal added The following with reference
pounds of oats. Corn is to a former resident of
horse feed, but we are county is from the Louisville
wasting two million dollars a Herald of April
year in South Carolina feeding R. Cox, to whom much
an all-Corn of the great success of
what proportion would ville May music is due,
you feed corn and cotton seed was unknown to Louisville two
years ago, and until four months
Dr- will ago. when elected conductor of
pend upon your i the Musical Club, was known to
of only a few, knew him as
Dr. average choir director of the First Chris-
ration for a thousand-pound horse church, but bis almost mi-
doing real hard work, is work in so short a time
pounds of grain and to in building up and perfecting so
pounds of hay. Instead of large a chorus as was at
pounds of fodder and pounds the festival has given him a
of corn. would take 5-pounds i and distinction that
of hay and to pounds; , , , of stover, and then add comes to few men of his
and pounds but the best
cotton seed meal, and get better I training could have brought the
results. If I had oats to feed and up such a degree of
had some hay or clover
hay. do not think I would feed
any cotton seed meal at all, be-
cause it is bad to feed unless you
perfection as was evidenced by
the work done in the festival.
When Mr. came to
last month to conduct
It is strange what statements people will sometimes make in
their eagerness to turn sentiment. It reached tho cars of The R e
Hector that some people were trying so hard to defeat the proposed
bond issue to secure the Eastern training school in Pitt county.
they have been telling that Greenville did not propose to apply any
of the town bonds toward the school but was going to use them all
for town improvements, and would depend upon the county bonds
the school. Of course such a statement is absurd, and that
no one might be deceived by it we addressed a letter to the board
of county commissioners while that body was in session Monday
to get an expression from the members that will settle the matter-
The letter and reply are published
Greenville. N. C , May
To the Board of County Commissioners
It is reported that if the County issue passes that the
town of Greenville will not pay towards Inciting the Eastern
Training School in Pitt County- Will you please say for publication
what you, as representatives of the county, will din issuing these
county should you be authorized by the vote of the people
on tho 14th., to do so
Edit of Daily Rib
Greenville, C, May
J. Whichard, Editor Reflector.
Your letter received. In reply will say that we will see to it
that the County does not pay one dollar more for th.- purpose of
locating the Eastern Training School in Pitt County than the town
of Greenville pays
R. W. KING, Chairman
. in the Masonic t p-
loaned to its stockholders, and I era house on the evenings of
security for these loans is the 16th and at
tint class in every respect. On the evening o. the
The of N. G. White, after some ills by the lower
secretary and treasurer of tho
association was read.
H. C Moore and D. J.
ard, the examining committee
from the board of directors, re-
ported that they had carefully
exam the books of the sec-
and treasurer and found
also some
games, and music by Miss Pat-
rick's class, a debate will be
given on the query, Resolved,
That foreign immigration
be beneficial to North Carolina.
The speakers on the affirmative
are Conrad Lanier, Alfred
them correct. The work and Harry White. On
both the president and secretary
and treasurer was commended.
The entire board of directors
re-elected acclamation,
H. A- White, D. Moore, S. T.
White, R O R. J
Cobb, D- J. Whichard, R. C.
Flanagan, H. W. Whedbee. B.
W. Moseley, C T. and
G. S Prichard.
After completing the business,
the negative, James Evans, Ben
Taylor and Charles Haskett.
This will be the first public de-
bate the boys of the graded
school have given, and we hope
it will be enjoyed. A very fine
gold medal will be awarded to
tie speaker who renders the best
On the evening of the 17th,
Lieutenant Governor Francis D.
short and enthusiastic addresses Winston will deliver th; annual
were made by Senator J. L.
Fleming, Dr C, Laughing-
house. Col. F. G James, Post-
master R. C, Flanagan and ox-
Mayor J G M yo
After the adjournment of the
stockholders the board of
tors held a meeting and
elected the old
President H. A- White.
Secretary a id
G. White.
Greenville has reason feel I
proud of the Home Building and Hanging I Caused Ii S.
Loan Association and what it Sheriff.
doing to develop tho town. Its I I
. r. , , It. of
organization a year ago marked died today
the beginning of an era of unity following a general collapse, iii-
among the men of the I upon tho hanging of Joe
Judge W in
reputation of being one of the
at public in the state,
and feel that a treat is in
sine for these who hear him.
In addition to the address,
members of the graduating
Will read their th e
this year is of Miss-
es Abbe Smith,
Mr. J. I. ho music
will be riv by T. E.
Ho -I
public has a cordial
. B S . th, S
it with else. a rehearsal of the chorus, he was
I; I not have any or with Mr. Cox's
clover hay. I would certainly that he
some cotton seed meal in the not change a single thing
ration of a hard working horse. fl congratulated Mr. Cox for
unless had plenty of oats, and ,. work and urged him
they conduct some of the in
is t testimony h f j b t the con.
the highest M declined as Mr.
had been engaged to do. some of
they were cheap
This is important
should .
horse owner in the South We, u .- , preferred to
send thousands of dollars mo. .,, tho
the Northwest every year for
corn- We send into the North-
east every year thousands of
worth of our Cotton Seed
Meal. Nobody is benefited by
remain with the chorus-
Mr- Cox is a North
and from his boyhood has
been devoting his entire time to
music. He is a valuable
m , , i this but the railroads. If to the music contingent in
keep our cotton seed meal Sentinel.
;. b . -it
Out of Registered
for Bonds.
voted Tuesday on
the q of the town issuing
bonds to help secure the
location of the training
school in Pitt county, out of
registered votes. were
cast for bonds, and not a single
vote in the entire town was cast
against bonds Of the
registered who did not vote, two
were sick arid were out of
town. The vote by wards was
Reg. Voters- For Bonds.
First ward
Second ward
Third ward
Fifth ward
was truly a remarkable
election and we believe it is with-
out precedent that out of a reg-
vote this large not a
negative vote was cast. It shows
. ;.
i. ii n t
Serious Trouble Feared at the
Haywood Trial.
Special to
Washington, May S. Tho
trial of Mover and in
Idaho, is set for today, and
trouble is feared, so that
martial law is by no means
probable. murderers of ex-
governor are de-
and act as though they are
trying all law-abiding citizens,
instead of being under indict-
themselves- Senator Bo-
rah, who is an attorney for the
State in the prosecution of labor
leader, sends word that there is
noticeable in Boise a great in-
of unattached men, whose
presence is taken as a menace,
and it is expected that as the
trial progresses they will make
some demonstration intended to
intimidate the town and
the result of the trial.
The editor lives in the fifth ward
and is proud of it, but don't
hp was lorn
in .
town that means much for ad-
and progress. It
merits the confidence and sup-
port of every citizen of town.
United Daughters of Confederacy
Meet in Jackson. Miss.
Special to Reflector.
Jackson. Miss May
Daughters of the Confederacy
close their convention that has
been here since May 6th.
row. The attendance has
very large. The opening ex-
were held on Monday
Evans, a rapist.
Evans was the man ever
to hang in Greenwood county
and his crime was particularly
He assaulted his brother's
wife and then shot his brother
to death when his act was dis-
As the time for the hanging
approached the sheriff, usually a
man of splendid nerve, began to
snow of physical collapse
and when the day of the
approached he dragged
been himself from his bed and palled
the trap chat sent Evans into
After the man had been pro-
evening, when addresses dead by the
come were delivered, and the sheriff went back to
to. Business sessions Ms bed and died this morning
were held on Tuesday, than three weeks the
day and today, both mornings Charlotte News,
afternoons. Expects Very Dear Pig-iron.
Paul to be Married. to I r.
A telegram was received today Pa. May The
from Paul from unexpected jump in pig-iron last
Ohio, stating that he would be j week caused some interesting
married there today. From the speculation as to business for the
contents of the telegram it
would be inferred that he has
settled in and will make
that place his future home.
Speaking at
There will be speaking on the
school and bond issue
at o'clock Saturday afternoon
Names of speak-
of the year. There
seem o be little cause to
any falling off in rates m
this time until the end.
really point toward
higher pig than has been seen
for years There are those who
assert that before the en I of this
year pig iron will iv be
common- This was the high
water mark reached in
i I

Eastern reflector, 3 May 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 03, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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