Eastern reflector, 30 October 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Black Jack, N. C. 23-06. Oakley, N. C, Get. 23rd,
Rev. W. filled his reg-j j R n made
appointment here Saturday calls in this city Saturday.
flight and Sunday I S. A. Congleton is now build-
Misses Bettie and Janie a nice residence on his home
per returned from a visit to farm from
is ,
. a
r I to . Thurs-
. .
airs. M i of ch-
ard .
Cannon and
P .
S r a visit here
. i . II
P. i-
Bi went to I
i , v. lo
Mi Jones, who has
taught school at Elks school
for the last ears,
tatted a school at
n UM not very far from
Abram Dixon went to Green-
ville y.
Miss i. Ivor and Pansie Dixon
of . lie, spent
night and Sunday with Mrs. J.
S. Smith.
Hon. John H. Small, Democrat
candidate for Congress, will
address the people here Saturday
th third of November at noon.
All are invited to come and hear
. . i.
from this . u
Highsmith is
ding a few days with her
d literal
R of
It i a n of
interest to over the various
fields in the use of cotton
or cotton being extend
ed. Formerly flour was .-lipped
In barrels flour barrel in
the supply room was one of the
most familiar objects in the d;
household. Now
bags are almost exclusively used
for handling flour. The great
development of e cement
has brought a demand for
cotton bags for handling cement
It is same v. c see i
h i. . are
hipped in With
ail . i has ii m
bag i as
i this i ire o
A , I
I ml
bi.. i a a f I or
it a cover
be i jute b
If so el could devise a
cotton bagging for
the . . this alone would
very n a ally increase the de-
for i W cotton. There are
ma. d directions in
of cotton and cot-
ton g being extended.
many industries being
est; I I the
South, a hi h are yet drawing
Mb Cotton Held.
Tin. i s em to
pro. a i period of pros-
i it last w k with
. Gray Got y.
and ml .
t of t Capt
o. . . mi
b in .- an i s call in
; .
r. B . ; his
Mr. . I. I
. I
visited relatives i. .,
and Sunday.
John Fleming, of Stokes, i .
a caller here Sunday.
I from here attend, a
. at
Robersonville on the 17th.
J. E. Hines came in Saturday
from Norfolk to spend Sunday
With his family.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Over n
and little daughters, Ruby
Jessie, of Everetts, visited in
town and Tuesday.
. i
Every ard grace i.
Stolen by Gypsies.
A thrilling
is the subject of one of
tie most interesting picture
dramas ever presented to the
public. The story founded on
fact, has many details of general
interest relative to such proceed-
is a story finely told and
clearly pictured. A train of
highly climaxes
carefully graded, are rounded
a sensational finish of startling
proportions. The picture is one
that will please and only one of
a great series of high-class sub-
that go to make an
This and the big Sin Fran-
are only two
vine fee were find
this see- m
shoes. No fr of
. n text
footwear, are not woman's
credentials to refinement signed
by her shoes and passport
therefore should be the
thy Dodd
try one pair.
will work weed tie c, ks your hue el. arming sh
can id a and sizes.
op ire
U . . ;
The cloaks and furs are e
styles and prices. We l
styles and yon i i them
in greet abundance of
. i ,
-W .
lending. They
I rt ,
stockings for Winter.
A Range on
re of Ha
oil . n an i
n of the Majestic range T
h is sole. ts
here Mr. s. J. a
from the factor;
n St. Louis, is here conducting
and or come down as hey fasten securely
at the waist. They are made of the
her Hue if
to o i
. Journal.
the good qualities of the Ma-
Mr. is a heavy
man and he walks over the
range to show how strong a d
well built it is without h
b test fear of breaking
p .-. of it. for it is k
be I
e range is in operation in
re with a good cool in
charge and hit coffee and bis-
are served while the
is in progress. Hake-
and are more
yarns and
are use d In their construe-
We Si-11
No. ;, to price only
No. I'll size- price only
No. in price only
We hear
price only
lily recommend
at y
gm; Fay Stockings a
. K UP.
.- hi., weigh-
If fat, red
i, soil- ear.
by proving
, N.
I i
I I I.
Of I
II I. II Ob . ii, f
i -t . of
K of
. r. i s if rho
aM . K
. . I i
ii I MM
ran in i i
V J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
the by
Oct -The
President issued a
naming November 29th
as a day of thanksgiving.
The text of the proclamation
is as
A Proclamation.
The time of year has come
when, in accordance with the
wise custom of oUr forefathers,
it becomes my duty to set aside
a special day of thanksgiving
and praise to the Almighty be-
cause of the we have
received, and W prayer that
these blessings may be
another year of wide-
spread well-being has past
Never re in our history or i i
the history of any other nation
has a people enjoyed more
abounding material prosperity
than is ours, a prosperity
great that it should arouse in us
no spirit of reckless pride, and
least of all a spirit of heedless
disregard of our
a sober sense of cur
many blessings, and a
purpose; under providence, not
to forfeit them by any action of
our own.
sable, though it can never be
anything but the foundation of
true national greatness and
If we
upon this foundation, then OUT
national LB will be as meaning-
less and as a house where
only the foundation has be
laid. Upon our well
being must be built a super-
of individual and n .-
life lived in accordance
with the laws of the highest
morality, or else our prosperity
itself will in long run turn
out a instead or a blessing.
We should be both reverently
thankful for what we have re-
and earnestly bent upon
turning it into a means of grace
and not of destruction.
Accordingly hereby set apart
Thursday, the twenty-ninth day
of next, as a day o
ii r and supplication,
on v. i i shall i
in th ii i. r their churches
i pledge all that
s mi ten them and to
pray f i th y may in addition
power to use those
gifts i v
In witness thereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and
ed the real the United Suites
Done at i he City of Washing-
ton 22nd day of October, in
in the year of our Lord, one
thousand, nine hundred and six
and the independence of the
Tinted States the one hundred
and thirty-first
By the president, Elihu Root,
Secretary of State.
Event Will Emphasize;
the Charm of the Great
All Signs
lo This Fact, Say the
Persons who are wise in
knowledge of the weather that is
to come predict that the coming
whiter will be a severe one. re-
marks the Richmond News-Lead-
Norfolk, Va., Oct 24-The
resort for the year 1907
be the site and environment
f the Jamestown
Exposition. Situated on
of Hampton Roads in
view of the scene where the
first fight between ironclads
took place, that historic
between the Monitor an the
Merrimac will give an interest
the location. A of
across Hampton Roads
with the lain
Fortress Monroe, while a
slightly oblique direction will
terminate with Newport
The intervening space of water
always occupied with ships of
all countries, either in transit or
u anchor, and this phase of tutu-
Meal life will be enlivened to an
unusual degree during the expo- a big crop of holly berries is
is Settle by the
North C-i-. S .-.-- tin
of an Ex-Fireman.
A number of opinions were
by the Supreme court yes-
y of which that of most
Literary Societies at i. c
d K ft t -r.
Quiet Afternoon How
Friday at t v.
of the bride in South Cr.
Ten days -r two weeks ago Mr. James J Gilbert and
teachers of the upper grades Georgia An. wore married
in the graded school organized by Rev. J. ;. Hornaday. The
the boys of grades re a one. only
of State vs. Cantwell. in which in , M and the few
the rather vexed question of who . a the friends being pres-
is and who is not liable jury
prophets, but it is possible that, duty h court
be for .,, . . t. .,. i
which adds that they are e
the wishbone school of weather,. ml ,.,, . known m
Society. The of- The couple left on the after-
the organization Washington City
their predictions on signs which that a . New n,,
they say have never failed them
in the past-
are as
sons except those who are ex- President.
i in section are
there are many signs that i summoned.
winter, unlike winter, The persons
will be unusually severe. In th section an pi
there are thick-155255
bushes in all the parks
by every variety of craft
from the formidable battleship
to the winsome yacht.
The enclosure within the
grounds will be a charming ad-
mixture of park, boulevard,
stately edifice, rustic retreat ant
military encampment. Here In
this miniature world of the beau-
social functions will find an
idyllic resort and the tedium of
life will find an ever present
There is not a resort
anywhere in the id that will
be able to compare in attraction
with the Jamestown
Exposition and its environ-
Sea food is plentifully obtain-
ed and this fact is unquestionably
accepted when it is known that
Bay, with its famous
i who are in the n
employ of any I
i in the surrounding country. company, train dis-
This is said to be nature's way of catchers who av r ,
providing food for the birds, and handling of freight or
. r mini I
and New York from the lat-
Chas. Haskett; city will I Panama
vice-president, John Mr. Gil rt has a govern-
or position is in-
s r. He s of Kin-
vice-president, Abbi
and was lately
the Canal Zone,
a long and severe winter.
officers or
licensed pilot
of the gospel,
prediction is supported by the a, State hospital for the insane,
statement from the West that or active members of a fire com-
the are much
this year than th-y have been for The defendant was relying
a long time, while news comes an old act exempting
from the mountain section that I members of a fire company
who had
for five
been active members
he not being an
oysters, is just around the point .
from the grounds. addition attention to the building
to this sort of cheer to tr inner, winter homes, but this year
man the markets, in close not only beginning to build
unusually but are
giving remarkable attention and
To Increase Express Service.
Mr. Henry Sheppard, agent of
the Southern Express Company,
advises us that beginning No-
i the company
express matter on the
. . This will
b ,. of express
daily, instead of one as hereto-
fore, and prove a great
to business men of the
Able to Come Oat.
Mr. J. Cherry, who
ed a stroke of four
ago, was able to be out on
a rolling chair today. His friends
glad to know that he
to improve
are abundantly
. every variety of and
reign product while the steady
coming of ships from foreign
brings as part of their
en the refreshing wines of
-e, Germany, Italy and
As i the grounds of
th. will be
I. boulevard in
t of . from Nor
u, .
Tl. . mil.
, i p
m. lined
of architecture
o the mind back to C
period of our history. Speed
i long past these structures of a
former age and a heroic time,
parade will be reached, the
largest military parade ground
in the world.
All social aspirations will con-
verge at the Jamestown
during its continuant.
Modern society in the flower of
three hundred years of life may
trace its history and its grow in
back by means of the entertain-
and instructive phases of life
there on exhibition, and it will
be one of the most solicitous cares
of the management to provide
every entertaining diversion
which the culture of the country-
Good Crowds Out.
The county Democratic can-
spoke at Johnston Mills
Wednesday, and at Winterville
Wednesday night. About
people were out to hear them at
Johnston's Mills and
at Winterville,
Cat's Bite Kills.
New Bern. N. C. Oct. 24.-
The one year old child of Asa W.
there will be an enormous
of acorns, beechnuts, fits
and other fruits of the foes active fireman at the time he
upon which birds and . summoned to serve upon
depend for food during the win-
months. A at
Still another sign of a long a popular impression as
and cruel is found in the to the competency of lawyers as
activity of the barn mica These to jurors. Although they are
little animals have already not exempt from service no law-
gun the work of building their would have one on the jury,
nests and observers agree t j -News and Observer,
they are making thorn this year REMARKABlE GOOD
unusually cozy and warm. Last,
year they seemed to give little
Press Agent Tells a Snake and Hawk
fry to Equal.
, A.
who hi., raged to give an
are to their construction. Ai i exhibition of shooting
of which sign, points to a severe here, on the grounds or the
winter, are man-- p v-1 Greensboro Gun Club, I
., . s m Royce Tucker,
the circle, ml
I the pot
. first meetings were a native of Green-
, day afternoon. The d a v charming young
the question, She is once on The Re-
. Pitt county should Hector tore , which, position.
law requiring all the children in resign d to accept a clerkship in
the county between the ages of the It was in the
and to attend school four latter position that she first met
months each Consider- Mr. Gilbert while he washers
the fact that it was the inspecting the it
maiden effort of nearly all the seems to have been a mutual case
speakers, the debate was very love at first sight,
good indeed. The young men
seem to be enthusiastic over this
new phase of work, and the
management of the school is
greatly pleased with the results.
The girls devoted the after-
of Salsa to October title
Low that of Last Year-
Given by State.
Washington, Oct
noon to the study of Longfellow, I bulletin issued to day by
each member responding to the the census bureau there had been
roll call with a quotation from j up to October 4.910-
in the e
M much
reports of
. October 2.5 Mere is a i going
., around i a credit to th
press agent.
The i goes, that
ti Haw a
. Oct.
. m re larding
f poet changer
S c . t.
retirement of
and Attorney
Mi fr the cabinet the fol-
lowing changes will be
of the
Hon. George B.
. Von Meyer.
Charles J. Bonaparte
of the Hon.
Victor H.
. their
rt. in i.
. I to the
that had
Bad was
owing to the
at a
of .
,. .
snake's activity.
The hawk was making for a
large dead tree and its course
took it towards the shooting.
When about directly overhead
Hon Mr reached for his
automatic rifle ; shot oil
toes of the hawk one y c, i n
it dropped the snake. Then
with one well directed shot killed
the hawk, and with the balance
the famous poet.
The program was as
Sketch of Life.
Margaret Blow.
Recitation The
Essie Whichard.
Story of John Alden and Pris-
Ev Harris.
. of
Florence Blow.
Estimate of Lon
Misses v,. Cox. th
teachers ave work
, I
bales of cotton of
of counting round bales a
th same period
last y bales were
ginned. T number of active
amount of cot-
ton led, by states, is as
, .- of
i v an
and of the loads in the gun shot the
Secretary of and snake before it
Labor- Hon. Oscar S. d amid the
The appointment of Mr. I o.
caused considerable surprise as it,
will be the first case where a
citizen of the Hebrew faith has
been made a member of the
president's cabinet. He was
born December 1880, and is
well known a a merchant,
mat and author. He represent-
United States as minister
Mrs. W. H. her
While Temporarily Insane.
Louisburg, N. C-, Oct
Mrs W- II Waddell committed
suicide this aft r i on by cutting
her throat with n butcher knife
M , on two different Temporary insanity, due to pro-
New Bern. N. U,, Oct. H.- ions was appointed by is assigned
The one year old child Asa W. ; the as the cause. She leaves a de-
vacancy caused by the death of three child-
tie one was innocently playing
with a pet cat and had been do-
so for quite a long time,
when the animal turned and
scratched and bit furiously, show
every sign of rabies. Treat-
was given the child, but
injuries were severe and dis-
ease spread rapidly, death en-
suing in twenty-four hours.
arbitration at The Hague.
Attack of Vertigo.
Mr. J. R. Davenport, a large
by the community.
Card of Thanks.
I desire to return the sincere
and family to
merchant and farmer reported much better today.
J. L. Daniel.
charge, were g
is their intent;
the girls
I's heel
with th
of i. of cl
f nu l
i in audition,
i an ii of culture to
gained in this way that i
cult to; . otherwise. The man-
age e of the school
firm the organization will
prov. benefit to the
Let the Negro Make Distinction.
We are glad to see that some
of preachers and
; getting on the hi
track with reference to the
worthless class among their own
The in the past made the
serious mistake of sympathizing
with and taking the part of the
one of his race, no matter how
grievous the crime he c I-
They have not made any
in the social or moral con-
of the individual.
The must make a dis-
and condemn the worth
less their race St in
by and uphold those who try to
live right t be somebody.
long as uphold on
of their number who a
or moral just so long
the race will be without the
and interest of the whit.
people which they so much need.
Catawba County News.
The Reflector force is again in-
to Jimmie for a
feast of Cream Puffs on
day. The funny thing to us is.
how Jimmie can strike the exact
time of day when we are hungry.
But he does it all right and has
our hearty thanks.
; S
Georgi i -J,
Indian T.
. ;
TI i. Nil i. L ts
Ash N. C,
Hark Y a I n-
year- bride of four d
The a i
i searching for the young
undeterred by shots
ready fired at him. it is said, by
the groom. German Souther is
h jail in default of bind
he secured a
s. the bride, A Lee
Warn was nineteen years of
a Warrants are out for
Young for both seduction and
for assault with a deadly
weapon W. Warren, the
father is said to be considering
suit against Register of
A . because a lice
was issued to his daughter with-
out his consent. This in brief
is the status of affairs brought
about by the elopement
of Harli y .-; n.
A Writ i i.
U c
dates poke at Friday
the Republican county can-
were at Stokes. The
Democrats had an unusually
while at
Stokes the Republicans did not
have as many as can be counted
with the .
These reports cone Re-
from persons
present at each place.

dis French Pattern hats
What la known the
la occasioned by actual
but In the
great majority of by a
which may be
by trying a course
They hope and to the
mind. They bring health and elastic-
to the body.
i r
clerk superior court of
letters of
II th of ed
. f bah in i . .
to gives
a, .
. i. . r , .
What Joaquin Said.
It is related that when Joaquin
Miller was asked to go to the
he poetically Pi-
As no din accompanies
the puzzle, we are forced to put our
own construction on the poet's
remark. It may be that
Joaquin lo the idea
that ;
h n
y the
I. he may
e the lyre
e goes.
i an
lo have the
ll invitation
the female
tor let it go at
Hi I- all
Lent Teel ,
Ida Tee
. . f.
Hint mi i .
been need in
Pin com . e
ear . XI t.
of t
day of No., nil
,. . . w
ll. -t M
;. , l,
S ,
I. r
ll I
f r I'm.
P. t II .-
Clerk r
Julius Ir
It. for
Is iDS .
By f r e n f
of t y
i, n . -i.
Ex. Hi. m
l-i 1.1.
In on lull. tin
h n in. th k
. -f in W
Th tr tH -i 11-- c
Kit n v. H.
on 1- M lot
r. th-
U mp
to the of John
In two linnets, me k . v
d th c inn i
the -ts in t
virtue n by B, m
v.- ill Mint or
r- In the
th. r
Si. will eel;
. r I Ill-- C. III
,. ,. of
Iran, of In
n- M hone
i, , , a. of
T HI d I h. tract
,.,. ii , ; . .-. s ll or
B V. At ma
I have trip n it
the y
measures If any have
and will
ville on the first Monday in N
I test them here on
con i
; i hen
the n-
i of o. Pitt
i Carolina an
of B.
Mr. E. i- o will continue
under the same name
and I place, and
the Bl
vile. H
Th i
fur him and his
most liberal patron-
Mil present the
. E. Pick en, Green
at once.
24th day of
E. B. Fiction,
J. G. Penn.
O. W. Dudley,
J. P. Taylor,
f t PI . I l
III; .
the n
of It. a .
i-lo I. all
to make
the Bi Kit of
to the
of no
will lie plead In bar of r.
day of Oct.
D Jame
F. O.
Friend, This is Worth
Suppose You Stop and See
ii. N. C. March
Mrs take
fluting that your Remedy
entirely cured our little girl of
i very bad case of eczema,
covered a part of her body,
She bad eczema from
the time i-lit- was three old,
until sis years old. She
s now perfectly well I feel
hat I -leak in. highly of
t She has no i. -in
t for six years. -i
To Publishers
and Printers
have an entirely new
process, on which patents
-ire fending, whereby we
old Cl
I . i HI d make
i in-in i y as good a now
en i without it y
knobs or on the I in
Column and Head
Rules regular lengths
Refacing L. S. and
Head inches In
and over per
A sample of
Rule, full
will be cheerfully
Printers Iv Ca
of Type end
High Grade Printing Mater
n you can get a
v.- river or
u good
Our Hi tools
D. W.
a single
Yon get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R,
And Provisions
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept buB
in stock. Country
; Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
our to call at oar store
xx ill w c v are d
of well
tillable and
Iron Ranges.
If;. .
y. i
i,, is used
I S it
. b ., . B ,,
is y
o net m
the n ,
L in r
an range as
formerly turned out by
the M people has
considered throughout
the entire country par
excellence, and tar
of any other
range made. But with
the new Charcoal Iron
body in of Steel
mating it double its
and the
the only range in
existence made Mall
able and Charcoal Iron
can readily see
that it quality is con-
the M
-ids a
CALL at oar
week, and let us
explain this new
us explain why it is
best material for
rads and
d ally, why it is not
other range.
you to call it
intend to buy
not, tn the
gained will genre you
Hot Coffee and Biscuits Free.
Come any day during this week and have buttered hot and hot coffee. Biscuits baked on a Majestic in minutes while you wait
Handsome Set of Ware Free
every ranee sold during this Demonstration we will give absolutely set Majestic ware worth every cent
our lore. Everything ornamental and durable, come in and see it. and you will agree with us that t
cannot a cent less than and it cheap at that.
n any day, you are welcome you INTEND to BUY or not.
Li ; B
Al THE OF SEPT. 4th,
W. Main. St.
N. C
Loans ft l j
Gold coin 476-00
Silver coin
Nat, L. . to
pi profits 2.053,
payable ,
At close of business Sept 4th, 1908.
B of the diligent
N ;
over before the pro
of the celebrated Mi
and nearly re months bi I rep
n . if
met PI p J
renounced the or tit
Yet as far k
1776, n e of m
assembled the name
of and announced in
of bold and certain terms
their determined to any
encroachments of British authority
.- , govern th selves
t the British crown.
TI .-,. people did not de-
their independence,
their wish to b
subjects of Ring George III. They
merely declared mil
be no taxation without
Among the pr linen
S V. rt T
n W . or.
. r.
, M
I I fol
I Into
nil I
en . torn i ,
, tin
O.-. w J
known to ll
we in- -l
i n n
T Of .
pr. with ruin I i r
the mi .
f. i i I
, . I
ii; I
H . . C
lord i III.
,, in., la-, i
; and I w at it-
B mo of and ability support ,
f i i- ml .-. red person,
and . snail always he
Hi ii upon to as-
W n hi with our lives and for-
to defend Ma j right and
U Resolved, will by
i and m which
has put Int. hands
full W
violate In I
, ell i ah Bi b
F of lazed only by
f lives of ti. crooning and of ,
by but n Jury their peers.
that II we . submit n-a
execution of the so lamp act all out
claims to civil liberty will I lot
and our subjects in America are deprives
of the Invaluable privilege
Resolved. That a committee be appoint-
ed shall In such manner they
think proper go necessary business
and make public the above resolution
and that they correspond shall
occasion with the Associated Sons
Friends to Liberty In the other
In America.
As a result of the adoption
these resolutions Lord
who commanded the British fleet oil
Norfolk, made a demonstration be-
fore the city, and several shots were
fired from the frigate Liverpool.
Birmingham Age-Herald.
State of . ; . ,
I J. It. v.-iii r i f named do
I swear i true to the best of my
knowledge and J- B. DAVIS,
Bonds, 1,0011.00
Y 2,451.09
From Ban 20,880.05
items 2,596.82
. Coin 893.17
ti notes
Capital stock paid in
Bills payable
line I Ml
i . i -t i
Due to A
Brief History of the President's Official j
When President Roosevelt as-
I v I'd office he had the old and fa-
name White House
for executive mansion on his
nil stationery, and his ml was
generally commended, says t Chi-
News. The house was finished
in least it was
in that year. It was l
Hint to the Governor.
Years ago, when John
was governor of New a
named Barr came down from
Coos county laden with a of
butter and ii few yards of homespun I
cloth as a gift to the governor ,
.,;,. fr an appointment as I
t; of the peace.
received Mr.
lei inquired from how
I he had come.
is or.; one other mi n my-
he, ho is no more
the office than the
ti .-
., . v. some
for his to go, which ho
m inclined to do. The
r finally inquired if there
v else he do furl
him, whereupon Mr.
when I pet home, my neigh
h it ask me me
I what shall tell
v., Herald.
Subscribed and sworn to
fore me, this day o Sept.
T. L.
State of North Carolina. County of Pitt,
I, C. S. Carr, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. O S. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before Correct
me, this 1900. V B. O.
Notary KG.
ii stone and was pail
When the British captured Wash
in. in they burned the
dent's house, with other pub-
. buildings, leaving a blackened
ruin. It win rebuilt, the same walls
used, hut they were so much
ti by smoke that General
Jackson suggested they be
painted white, not only to improve
their appearance, but in token of
the successful defiance of the Brit-
the American republic. And
so the residence of the president
has been familiarly known ever
since by the unpretending name of
the White House.
Bill Was Capable of .
Juke about Secret
. In up and
i seal lo three ladles in a
same familiar that
; Phillips Th
of It la story i n
when a lady i i reS th
car and politely pi., I,
nm .- ion to give th
.- . d of the joke
. rs he due to the
i ii Nye to say that, so tar as at
. the famous American
. father. As he told
, in u crowded Long
j h when a stout woman got
id remained standing. B II
ed that he would
men to lady a i
e point of the joke, as
that none of the occupants
roach had any remote
of the
a J

v-v- HI W I ill
J. I
red known
ind i Although, the editor devotee
he himself frequently a very
glee d man. Ho may
devote columns of space to fair
mention of other
but if he comes in for any
ti i all i is mi ;
la, n. second
. office in and adjoining, s
, f lo
to hi connect in
y c
bee; ., .
G . i-i
Since Seer I -u ,
them .
in Cuba have w r
they once had.
students enrolled now i
University, the Lu
number ever
T .
i .
etc., on
There is n; gift o.
m i ard making one
beloved than art
kindness, to be kind, in
; word and deed is the
. sf pow. r
I imp
n i.
n It; . l
. usually ill
the fa t that has id envy ; .
v in the I
just as some other v thin the
person thought it ought to n
been done. Did you ever no person
o . for in as to be
From what we hear, o
must be working a .
gelling washing machine right
There seems to be a Kind i.-
less chain scheme to it.
Senator Simmons says i M-
Butler were to say any J inc
good about him he would
he -had done something wrong.
Great is Butler's
if u Democratic congress is
elected, and every ind
that way, the president
will not enjoy ;.
writing .
In a re blind cigar I i
Durham, wealthy woman e
Lt her vs
among th parties arrest . ; e
must have been very anxious to
Pennsylvania started oat t
build a State .
Above has been
on it and the building is not yet
That gives a go
of the work of grafters.
Those Indians out in
had best go bask to their
warns and behave
Th T.- of
. of getting
i i
. i is n i q about
t i
is a .
as Ev Den
l . ills . r
p i i . Editor . P.
if Obs
in -ii i- -s mother,
Am . ill, which
red -it h r home in Stale. i i
T District
so.-- county
i of schools ad
a resolution requesting
J. Y. Joy i
ho I r sent
. th presidency of
I In Coll e
to Le tor
which is like
Let i r mind
different Democrats, if then e
such in Pitt county, that it
their duty to go to the polls on
election day and vote. The lie-
publicans are omitting no t
to make their vote as i
to stay at Home that
i ms who i th star-
f thugs had
for a cargo of booze an
who had no f r u .
And the
is precise y right when it
police u a
of their duty. Ever.
son of them should u
the bars and
any delay.
Such a kick with
from Wadesboro while
town its
keeps a standing
to th odiums of neighbor-
to visit them.
i.,.; i I to be terror-
zed by visits as long as
permit the saloons to r.
and a i .
rs, lawyers.
. . else. But d
ever Is. editors incl i
list mentions l s t
throne of grace We have
ii. just one time in a span
yes-rs ago, during
he a. the lite and la-
R. . Dr. And
that prayer, in so far as it re-
to co Listed of on-
four very short words.
nevertheless it a prayer for
and was the first and
to say, the only time we
ever heard editors remembered
at a throne of grace and mercy,
and we must confer that some-
how from that very moment we
thought more of the man who
made the prayer. In the
of his m truing petition from the
the Table pastor said.
God bless our
haw Enter; i
to get them.
Ii they bid for the
they may expect
If you the Republicans
ire cutting any figure in the cam
in Pitt county, you have
ht to note the attendance at
t their to get this
out of your mind. They
hive not had anything like a
crowd hut one
at Ayden, t en they
people, from, ail parts
county to and them out.
The President wired sympathy
Mrs. Hayes on account of the
th of her mother, Mrs.
Davis. That was
and perhaps it is
s well to let bygones be by
ones, but when one recalls
i and cruel c false thins
i out J Person Davis in m
r Mr. D, vis I en
d Roosevelt a
courteous n e ; ting . is
mi t at Mr. Roosevelt re-
by paying that
wished to
. . with
. .
s i. ca Mrs.
Dav death.
are Immortal.
Ii was North Carolina's favor-
son. Senator Vance, who
u the words.
aid cannot And no
greater truth was
for if we measure .
which underlie t;
years and d
immortal. These principles were
when they were
first the founder
of on system o government.
They were in
of fire when the morning stars
first shone together in glory,
and they came to man bearing
the approval of the Eternal God.
incorporated these
in the and they
out in tie
that ever fell on human
sermon that awoke the
echoes of the hills of Palestine.
Puritan held them to
heart, and the cavalier car-
; led them with his
seas. For our
forefathers, then, remained
to do but to take firm hole
of these eternal principles
them in the structure
of their new government.
yd for the best there was in
i; in all his dealings with his
fellow creatures; they stool for
he government of people
and by the people, collectively
a id individually. We find th
e principles voiced in
d old pledges of liberty-
declaration of i
h Constitute o . ;
principles of I is j
them to
kindness. The . is one
. . in any soil and be-
or r. . snow
r r, u. It has l .
., grow .
like . . . j . of
the is of.
but peasant j j
by Lake of Galilee of upon ;
hills of Judea instantly
discern and understand his
kindness, for Kindness is the
universal language.
Mt-n i
tier -1
not it
if they
So we've all sorts
good to
suit and Hit many
Men, of minds minds
All cotton. Cotton
and mixed
good t hat
is for i cod
and colors, me
grade and
We fit all people.
What is a A kiss is, as
it were, a seal expressing our
sincere the pledge
of union; a dumb, but
at the same lime audible,
of a o pres-
which at same it is
given it from us; the
impression ardent attach-
on an ivory coral press;
the striking of two flints against
another; a crimson balsam
or a love wounded heart; a
sweet bite of the lip; an affection
pinching of the mouth; a de-
which is eaten with
spoons; a sweet
does not satisfy hunger;
a fruit which is planted and
at the same the quick
est exchange of question; and
answers of two lovers; the
fourth degree of love.
to 2.50 per GARMENT.
It would take pages to de-
scribe our different
and styles, so we'll
sum it all up by saying-
come here for the best of
f he Kin
It is customary youthful
v .
n the stand
by way of
. c m the
h . to i.
. i to
I i
. Of till
all ii it. In
;. h Superior Court a
. r ii boy
on .; id and S
., i a nun the usu
in, . i
. v , . you will H i
. . i I B
. i . ; .
, i r
, you .
answer that question.
than y u can't i
that n. There's lots of
u between thinking i
knowing a thing, and this court
want to hear a witness
tell anything not
to think of it, if
, d i . right.
after the storm
b, upon u and worn it-
self out in the assault, they stand
out clearly defined in God's
Does not waving of your
country's flag your heart
, . faster and our blood quick-
Look closer and on every
, i you will
. in the blood of free
truths of De-
Heavy .;. It ,
c i u men
,. i week was of th
i ii.,, . this sea-
i, ;. . it to
,, hi and day i p up.
re id to
to co through the
weather and rushed it market.
Pierce Moving Pictures.
The railway postal clerks are; . -r
r. ported to be agitating the pas-
age of legislation requiring the
railroads to equip their lines with
what they term
cars. By this they mean a
heavy steel car, similar to
which is in use on one two
railroads. This kind of a car
they say, has been severely tested
and not found wanting, and that
its use were made compulsory
number of injuries to
would be greatly lessened
hey say, too, that it frequently
happens that enough valuable
mail is destroyed in one wreck i
to pay for a thoroughly mod
steel mail car. A.-; to one thing
public in general will
the railway postal clerks are
among th most faithful
public servants,
entitled to more adequate pro
death and than at present . v i
hem. than any other
on on the train they at t
of accident. The . r
often jump and
i us escape danger, The postal
are not In a position
to see or to escape from dang
and the frail car which en-
cases them affords no protection.
We can it for you.
L ea
There was only a small
at the opera hone.
night, to witness
picture enter, I. but
those present pronounced it the.
best of the kind that has been; the public.
Sam Was Wealthy.
Rev. Sam P. Jones, who died
left an estate valued
He owned valuable
properties in Atlanta, Carters-
his home town, and in
t her places. He sold out a fine
estate he
could not give it
in. Property belonging to
Mrs. Jones was sold some years
Atlanta, for His
income annually from lecturing
and evangelistic work was be-
. . and He
annually gave away about two-
thirds of this sum charities.
His benefactions were so
varied and widely scattered
that family did not
now of them. He rarely spoke
of what he gave away and sought
j to keep the knowledge
His life was insured
Sale Competition is Brisk and
Furniture Sale are and
decide There is but one
test. That sale is jest and
that offers you
Lowest Prices on the Furniture You Want
Come convinced. Yours to
Framed to Order.
Neat Job
Job Printing
department is in c P. C. whit is .
Eastern and
i. . . . i
i . Hunters in n blooded
receiving i la- shells can gel B. Car-
i i.-. . to roll Co,
direct to
As the fall of the year has come
and money is in greater circulation.
and on the
routes leading out from here,
who are ii arrears on subscription
We i n
ti the d Ii deflector thing we .-. .
will a groat upon us
by the amount me
your earliest convenience. Receipts
will lie Subscriptions
also solicited
Winterville Dept.
Mrs. Ernest Manning, of
Greenville, is some
time with relatives and friends
Call and see the large line of
shoes daily arriving at B. F.
Manning Co. They will give
you bargains.
Miss Jennie Wilson, of Smith's
store, was here Friday shopping.
lubes place ft C.
We It,
B. T. Bro,
Rev. C. A. Campbell, of
spent several days
here this week selling Bibles and
other literature. We learn that
he is preparing to be a mission-
We I i I .
of m
trade a i.-.,
B. A r .
M. G. who had been
attending the Federal court at
New Bern, returned Friday.
Nice sun dried apples fresh
and bright at J. B. Carroll Co.
A. G. Cox and R. Croom re-
Friday morning from the
Baptist association -which con-
at Goldsboro this week.
FOR SALE.-One-half acre
corner lot with three room dwell-
conveniently located to school
and part of town- For
particular.; see
J. A. Manning.
Winterville. N. C.
Mrs. John Cheek, and Miss An-
were here Friday
John. Blokes, of Greenville,
washer Friday night in the in-
of insurance,
IO HI . P. T,
A T VT. W I .,
b turnip
J. B. i
All l-J,
arrived f
ville t
Hill, c.
take c.
see i
ton, v
N .
at .-
the r
After I
date f.
lent a
and .
r III.
in . I Vi
T .
ti be v. i
mi i r .
Lad es in r. a i ii i
mM Iiat B. F
It was the
the stud . . W
viii . , . o
of the lectures ever
in the and of W. H.
S. Friday at o'clock,
by Dr. J. F. Parrott. of
He is not one of the
physician., the stale but he i.-
one of the most speak
and he fully sustained that
reputation Friday morning here.
Ho spoke from a physicist's
standpoint, dealing with the
three greatest diseases prevalent
in our country, typhoid
consumption, and
He spoke of the great
numbers of people each
ear these diseases when
it not to be so; that it is
possible for these diseases to be
stamped out as it has been done
even in some of our great cities
to a great extent.
He dwelt upon the evils of
alcohol from a scientific stand-
point, stating that it was no long-
considered a stimulant in the
treatment of diseases and that
he had abandoned it in all cases
in his practice.
He gave two ways in which
this evil should be Let
ii alone. Have higher ideals
than to stoop to such.
We never heard a more earnest
and eloquent appeal than he
made to the students as he point-
ed out the great danger in tamp-
with the vile stuff.
We were glad also to have
several of the citizens of the
town and community present to
enjoy the lecture.
Yon -j., well to see Rm g -ck-
A. O. Cos
r Her a- nicest and
line ever in
to See Mm and
i ya and
t ft price.-.
A full Una of,
and Fruit at B. ft u
in i-
great b-
i i I . . ; .
v . , , ,
r .
ires . ., ,. t
. Cox, I .
TheA. iV Co., ire
shipments of their
Improved cart to differ-
parts if the slate.
Why use that old sew
of when you
can get a i . in J new d. l-
for from
at CO.
. Sale.
Hall, th
on Mr W ii farm
Dam township, who
r. such a fine sate
tobacco at St
brought in another load
day, and a check
am to for it.
Mr. says John is an
industrious tenant and makes
good crops. Think what a col-
man can do an the
he is held in when he tries
to make something of himself.
Friday evening the literary
and social department of the
j League, under the wise
management of Miss Bessie
Harding, gave a most delightful
entertainment at the home of
Rev. J. A. Hornaday, in
Greenville. A good crowd
present, and all felt grateful
Miss Harding and to those who
took part on the literary pro-
gram for an evening's pleasure,
around which must ever cluster
happy memories.
The program was a inter-
and helpful one. After
the Scripture lesson and th
Prayer, those present joined in
Bulging An ex-
paper on the and
Works of Sidney was
read by Wiley J. Brown. This
paper showed extensive research
deep thought- Those pres
saw Sidney Lanier as a
man among men, and felt with
him the strong emotions
his soul.
Marshes was
read and interpreted by Prof. H.
Smith. by the
aid ids urns ti
humanity i literature, was
enabled to reader and
this beautiful poem, in a man-
that may be emulated but
not excelled; he gave to this,
the masterpiece of Lanier, a new
beauty and charm.
was sung, after
which the i
was said in
The social
was then
and J. B. Little These in need nice
country on see H. P.
it ii.
candies, just;
Here is a minister who
the editor. At a in a most pleasing
editorial convention he offered I way. were enjoyed
the following toast. save for sometime.
was then played, but all
the solemnity of the
was utterly destroyed
by the spontaneous and hearty
laughter of Prof. Smith-Behold,
how was the mighty fallen
Prof. Smith, tho embodiment of
dignity, and the one upon whom
lavished the respect and ad-
of older people of our
town, as well as of the lads and
lassies over whose mental pow-
he sways the lordly scepter,
was the first to take his lowly
seat in the middle of the floor
At about ten o'clock the party
disbanded, each one feeling that
life is not all toil, and in their
souls blessing those who had
contributed toward making the
evening a time when dull care
was forgotten in the ecstatic en-
of wholesome, healthful
an editor from starvation, take
his paper and pay for it
To save him from
advertise in his ,
per To save him from
despair, send him every item of
news of which you can get hold.
To save him from profanity
write your correspondence
plainly on one side of the sheet
and send in as early as possible.
To save him from mistakes, bury
him. Dead people are the only
ones who never make
No Hurry.
the little boys and girls
who want to go to
said the Sunday school
All rose but Tommy Twaddles.
doesn't this little boy
want to go to
B. Can-oil Co.
went to Green-
; shopping.
E Mars
day night to
. depart-
so in the
bats Friday
education in
I well i
I . before
. v
f V
just B
.About forty per cent of the
people in this world do all that is
done. The other sixty per cent
live off the results and
the way the workers
Charlotte Chronicle.
am ii will h your in
them buying
hi . i v.,
now J mods nos
.,. , , . i stray sandy color,
others same w y. about or pounds. Owner
In can get same by proving property
fr paying .
F Davenport,
N r, latest, and up-to-date and Winter
Silks, Woolens. Dress trimmings and
Cloaks, we only to give you a few price
but have lots goods and take pleasure 1.1
showing you
Make our stop y j
Dress goods in colors,
Plaids and mixed,
newest things at
1.00,1.25, per yaM.
shoes t m mi
for Ladles the Noblest
. . the made at 3.00
3.50 and 4.00
Percales and for
school dresses in figures ind
I and cent
our underwear is complete.
.-- Barber and n v
die, N. C.
now h line of
In and we
. Cox Mfg Co ,
new revolving daily orders for
order s.
complete line of Fall and
r goo is
i iii for Inspection nine
n morning Oct.
r I. are Invited to call
it our w J.
. id Company.
mes Morrison,
Ayden V C
i them,
h; I The deposits of the Bank of
Winterville have, increased over
of during the past two
i ii.
; i Club was
. for the
first meeting f season n
Friday evening o'clock,
. a Jam i Bryan, the
call d t
; id the
call and . if
Reading Li by
Lillian C-
III Willie
in Bf.
Apply to W.
K. O,
Notice of ,
We, the undersigned, have by j
mutual consent dissolved -1
partnership and offer the i
stock of consisting
merchandise at cost. A
discount offered. For
terms and particulars address R
J. Little Co. Conetoe. N. C
it. J. Little,
J. H. Clark.
We will pay the highest mar .
price for chickens, eggs,
corn, peas or anything in
X, G
II j I
ii y
s, thus making the excellent
Farmers, bring your
Ex n on to We have rent
then the money to pay you. s add
i oil quiet-
Th House Farm for
The entire n
Kl I, lived
Station, will
v 1807
. ,
i k . M . ii i i . Not r . r . . ,. . Inn II , . n Save the
The hot weather brings yo
r W -ii i h of
Canned u,
Pickles, Butte Ch
. Candies, S I . . and buy.
easy and the i I .
you if you visit my u id what I
find me one do I
J. B
i for Ilia
. i
i Ii
. r
J. L. JACKSON, James L. Little, Greenville, N. C. , .

i u inn i mil
Remarkable Values In and
Mens Suits and Overcoats.
most inexpensive Suit or to
F production on our Clothing
they are better values than obtainable else where. The
same care is taken to give our customers the best. There is
not the equal suits or Overeats in Pitt f unity. It will
pay you a short while to over this line Clothing. It
means more Mr you and values you don't
where. It is not possible to describe th- elegance of our
Clothing. You must s-e the line to appreciate it.
re x
Big Sale Now Going
RAIN COATS 12.50 TO 25.00
The A Guaranteed
t lie
and view . Rain s line of
i ii.,.,. i l I I V
.; in
u . . X
a Bl
. ,. above L value
pin l
form o loose finest coat on th in
Mr. C. C. Jenkins came up
yesterday morning
to visit her son, S A. Jenkins.
I. Go's new
b.-pi, -an
Tuesday evening at the home
Richard father of the
Mr. John Phillips and Miss
lb Bail were united in the
bonds of matrimony by
J. J. Stokes. We are shopping Thursday.
A nice one farm
u e or less
Good well
and out Land in
i Apply lo
N. O.
W. Jackson is in attend-
upon the Federal court at
New Bern as a juror.
H. Kilpatrick, a very
cotton buyer from Grifton has
been on our market during the
Rev. C. G. Armstrong, a for-
mer student and graduate of the
seminary has moved his family
here from Columbia, N. C.
W. G. Smith, a prosperous far-
mer of Greene county, with
his two daughters were here
. . . L-
. the I
i Slave Holding
; . ;
bar., l .
. . .
of east mid see to ,
i in
Mun marked
to it The;, live chiefly by fish-
and one of the first things to
strike a is certain fish
are reserved for t men, others for
the women and yet i for
laves by for the r
debts. well treated, and
island on
oil who ire
of to by
T .
in i I j to
I, ,
.; . .
hi n
. his i pay
. to
. fa
r i not
of tho
deeper than the Surface
Mai- n careful of and
. i- .,. i do -he
null inn., i.-
V,, t in quality of materials
a- in cut and Hi. they the costliest
st half their yon
. . it . . . 1.- i v r r r -Pit r
v. r
a I, or all have heard i
f. c is true.
. hi-
. what
. i,
. skin
. and stupid.
On- of myths entertained by
the Kongo and
lb many tributaries were
the tears of the tribe weeping for i
favorite chief long ago. The moon
Is supposed to be an ship
in conveying the souls of i
the dead to and the
the eyes of the dead, who sleep
Baring the
of of
a wide as i t exclusive weaves,
The e finches lo
back an I pressed side seams;
Kain to
A i
well as
tall U m
be I w d here n a profusion of
all tastes tor day, nor
to nil;
Tobacco Company
Is humping things this year. Every farmer
BECAUSE they sell To-
higher and it is a
working to organize the
. J U
the was gotten
p in the and best style for
he and cut a
indeed. The
ions extended him for his happy
end off ware almost as
us and profuse as those received
y the pair. We offer our;
wishes all around.
Merchandise mm
lull line of lard and sen
buy before
trial Prank On
Wednesday evening Dr. M. M-
received a telegram an-
the death of his sister
t the home of her father, near
Creek. Mr. Sauls left
to be present at the
The many friends of
r. the corn-
unity deeply sympathize with
in his sorrow.
I i on
of feed sniff at lowest
rices an hay, oats, corn,
weed and brand
Lilly ft flu
mint go, the Benson
I well advanced. The prices now
rill interest the most economic buy
r Cannon and Tyson.
Quite a crowd from here on the
rain Tuesday for Greenville.
and wife
have been away on a visit
i friends came home Tuesday
Mr. is
he among the few old time far-
ten left aw us and the pres
and company of all such
is not only a blessing but to
e appreciated.
H. C. Ormond is preparing to
a residence on Main
near graded school.
. A. wt to Kinston
and returned
J. H. Tripp Bro. have
the dry goods stock of
E Move, and will hereafter
Farmers move
Greenville Livery and
Om nice horses car
by iv, week
r th.
C. L. Wilkinson L Co.
will in.
Court K
the M,
or In
v of town
lilt, town of
111- lands of R II a
on the mid- of the road,
then runs a feet to
r. ft a
line o feel to a an
easterly with fleet line tin
lo a slake on we roil,
a f-et to
tho I if an acre
mere or lea, and l the mime land
t M th
SB i money the
Si attorney i
Come in and examine my
Tours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
Elias Turnage and wife, of
have been visiting
their children here this week.
Rev. W. L. of
ton, is here to spend a short
while with his son, W. O.
Unusual Interest in of
Wilmington, N, C, October
odd business houses,
including several down town
loons, were closed for an hour
between and o'clock at the
request of Dr. Hamilton and his
associates, who are holding a
big revival at the First Baptist
church. Yesterday the
tors of business houses were
waited upon by active church
workers and asked to give this
hour to themselves and their em-
that they might attend a
special service at the church.
The saloons were visited also and
all who would to close for
the hour were given a placard to
display in their windows stating
that the store would be closed the
following day between the hours
named. The cards appeared in
several saloon windows during
the afternoon and were the sub-
of much interest.
a store in the
formerly occupied by
Miss Nina of Wash-
who has been visiting
he family of J. T.
here, returned to her
Mrs. Will is off on a
to friends and relatives-
Another shot Saturday,
bought to be a turkey, a brother
fired, the result a pretty
coon and as usual
that terrible accident.
a pity
Exum went in Wilson
Sunday, and came home
w, Mr. G. W. Prescott
a rat trap of J. R.
c Co. and Saturday
caught large rats. He
had them on exhibition on
street Sunday morning,
here are more at same place.
Walter a prominent
and farmer of Swift
Another Merger.
A bit of April
a little June,
A little bit of August
When the day approaches noon
A little bit winter
As the sky gets cold and gray;
A little bit of everything
In one October day
with the sunshine
And a with the storm
its chilly now,
And then because its warm;
it kt pa us all a in
A most uncertain state
makes a feller feel like
A weather syndicate
Washington Star.
A Buggy Sixty Years Old.
The buggy in which Joseph E-
Brown. Georgia's civil war gov-
drove his bride, in 1848,
from South Carolina to his home
at Canton, Ga., has been
ed to the citizens of Canton by
Mrs E. L Connally, who had
purchased the old vehicle for
The Joseph E. Brown estate
a formal presentation to
the town of Canton Friday of
the old Brown homestead and
four acres of ground, to be used
as a park. At this time Mrs.
Connally also gave the town the
old buggy in which Gov. Brown
and his bride rode all the way
from South Carolina. The
is very valuable as a me-
and will be placed in the
kitchen of the old-fashioned
country mansion, where it can
be carefully preserved from the
The buggy, though almost sixty
died suddenly in his office years old, has suffered but little
He was an excellent from the attacks of time, and is
He leaves a wife still sound and strong. It is
looking, and has
w i j i . great tall wheels that rise high
W. J. Mumford and wife left p the sides. It was built
to attend the Baptist
Suicide is becoming a national
grievance. Human life is held
so cheap some places that men
and women take their lives for
frivolous causes.
It common in Oriental
countries that persons take their
lives frequently in mere sport.
In last week's record a case is
given of the suicide of a woman
because she could not procure a
servant maid, two other cases
are given of women because
their cooks had left without
The case of a man who com-
suicide because his wife
not allow him to eat on-
ions at the table is recorded.
But the queerest of all is the
case of an old physician seventy-
five years old who committed
suicide because he was tired of
He left a paper writing
in which he stated that he regret-
to take his own life and thus
become a murderer and an in-
grate and suggested that each
community should have an
for suicides whose duty it
would he to furnish a speedy
painless death for those who
desired to leave the world and
go hence.
It was a serious subject with
which he dealt and he met it de-
He said that he ab-
death by murder upon
which God had placed his signet
of infamy, and he was unwilling
to back in the face of the
a gift which he had
meant as a benediction
Suicide is r very serious thing.
Legislation has failed to correct
it. Religious bodies have de-
it. In some countries
respectful burial have denied
B. in Eliza-
beth City
About the dearest thing on
earth is a cheap man.
Don't allow your dogs, your;
children, or your troubles to
trouble your neighbors.
When a widower marries a
widow, they are both unselfish;
neither of them thinks of No.
When a married woman
throws a hint it is sure to strike
her husband's pocketbook.
A charitable gives accord-
to his insane a miser
gives . .; to his meanness.
And no realizes what a
valuable . is until he
i to put his property
n her name. j
FALL, 1906
We are receiving daily our fall line of
m us-.
and it us pleasure to say four
stock th s fall is as complete as cm
make it. Our line of and boy's
clothing is exceptionally good m
and if you call and its our line,
we will convince yon that s es re
the latest and prices as as can
be made. We have striven hard to give
our good valuer; for the least
celebrated c
money possible and with the
We think we can serve you.
Our line of dress goods is more complete this fall than and we think
We pay special attention to this part of cur
latest styles, with prices right. In our shoe department
shoes women. Even
and shoes for men, bone better
our furniture and are in position to sell
you at the lowest possible prices. See our of suits and roll foot We
f Some very rockers at very low prices. Buy our
elastic mattresses,
. if come to see us we mil ass
treatment. at our store or your
s CO
Leader in Low Prices.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
tut road St,
N. C.
Sunday th
Ki and
set Kith i-. mill i.
in ii,.
Vivian N. G.
November the
em 1-8 years
Entrance f e, per share
payments at
ii cost and
invest I
Now is your lo save
money by coming to us for
children's s
tablets, pens, pi era-
we have also a great assort-
note aper for use
all tints plain or hem stitch-
The mainstay of social
SAULS, Druggist.
To of Kidney, Liver or
I Other
say a bottle and it cure we will refund
your We say a
full size free bottle of
and if it benefits you, then
use SOL until
entitles you
to a bottle SOL at
Only a limited number of s
given away. Don't miss this op
to test
At the of business 4-f,,
The above
here else can you
plus funds to earn so
are paid by the Association
lee, paid once
of dues, at
payments of interest at
Total outlay
Less rent for weeks, at per month
Net cost of home
Value of not counting
Loss cost above rental
lea- train
Entrance lee
T tut interest paid
Loss interest earned
mini n n n
or month v
a taxes on above
Loans and I mils, if
Furniture and
Due from Hanks,
Coin, Bank notes and other U. S. 5,045.00
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 8,700.00
Undivided profits less
expenses, 720.80
Dividends unpaid .
Thus of for 61-8 years ban cot
02- or less than w cm. par annum.
N. G
now Sale
Save Your
And they will come in handy tor a Day.
to 41,002.48 no better way saving than to buy goods when
There is
you can
Cashier's 577.87
I, J. R. Smith, swear
that the above is true to the beet of my knowing and be-
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and to before
e, this 8th day of Sept, 1906.
Notary Public-1
get them cheapest. have
Cotton Seed, Meal And Hulls
and can sell same at very lowest also carry a
and can save money on these. See me before

your home an
place for your
Dr. at the Far-
Institute Monday. We
would like to sound these words
in every community in the
Along with the
of the farm must go
her and vastly more.
cork of the
of the children
the farm. Attractive
in the way of
well kept
Kill . . in this r
; it also your
, oven though it be
to remain on the
far-. farm i
r before
i I i n I and the
bead. Financially speaking, a
n of the right kind p
but ten-fold
the ; is i e b l
j; . report published
. the number of .
of c. i this season up
i at This
is the same as last
Poets a id students of
e far away look.
Nature probably backed the
camel up to win the animal race.
Occasionally the first to pro-
pose a is the last to ac-
m Vast Difference Between
end Mere
v. comes from a
Latin word which means is law-
or it is permitted, or it is
lowed, and, therefore, by leisure e
not mean idleness, but a space of
nine during which or a condition in
v are at liberty to do as we
. i come
t the which we
are the of pro
i . business r occupation
which we t our pleasure
devote to something other than that
which is regarded a in
life It is token for granted that
,. .-, should have some work
in f. lie duty or
v Ii it to k illy to
if a
Hind upon his e
if he ire v fa I
. i ii life, it
s to call him wan
in this sense, is one
. most i
to u
.,. in sec
. loin J Ii in v
. self cont v d an I
it we of them as
Tl. to
, . The; om-
., r work
tin i time
. . r the
. s well lone. trust I i
. re mm i work e I
mid , n o isl; . who cannot
the interruption and who
regard with impatience everything
u doe immediately fall in
with a in hand. The former
, to be called the of
r and the fashionable name
the do i changed into
w sh to emphasize the fact that j
leisure something to do with
On Thursday, 1st.
1906. Hon. J. Crimea, H.
Whedbee, F. G. James, the
county candidates and ether
. pa will
the peon l th; political y -s-
of the day.
Let everybody attend on th
field day and hear prominent Pitt
county D discuss the
issues of
Brass . arm features
will make the occasion enjoyable.
F. C. Harding,
Chm. Dam. Ex, C m.
W. L. Brown, Secretary.
in a n r
I . i i-
Ii , . I , r. i t
l- III .- l
. . i . i i
i- r i
on. u.
I. . h i
U i
If I w
. Elliott.
J. S. Ross.
law and rule. It implies a right to I
command ourselves and is the
of that tyrant which does
more to ruin life any
h . man to aim at
i ; his daily duty in a .
Servant Problem Solved.
have solved the servant prefer ,
said the woman with the com-1
pressed lips and the determined
eves. I
asked the other per- ,
have. When things get to such
a pass that the hired
three days out in the week, want the
use of the parlor every Other
and Sunday afternoon, want me to
play soft love songs while tiny are I
entertaining their beaus in the j
on other evenings. t
the privilege of dictating I .
cedes and meats I shall buy, i
the right to wear my clot and
bonnets, dictate whether or no I
shall keep a dog or a i
in having house d or I
furn . to ac or I
i , ell, hen s are rs they
than it.
V I-. N UP.
, 1.1 i .
, I .
r. vi
in Vocabulary. is t he mini use-
hi mill
ex of
la avoid
in he-
t in lie
U- i
In Etymologies. are com.
e mill the i-t
iE. In
by with the
I lie, I ill
u ii i,
In They are
,,,.,,, and re In the
or., r in ii boa us
In in A;
is a Dictionary. No
I muck In-
i Is In the
The International has
to illustrations,
new words, revised Gazetteer of the
World, and a revised Biographical
Dictionary, etc. . It received
at th
Fair, St Louis.
REE Test IS in-
for the family. Also
I of An . i C
i.- lie can
mi e, i
, . n
have a
. . ,
Am steam should
and the imprisoned genius,
once let loose, prove as difficult to
as the fabled one of the
bra s bottle in the
I say this without re-
ape to the admirably q u
ors who direct our
and operas, mot i f our I
and tin; majority of our iHer Turn
A teacher in one of
school-, lays
of young children in
before her. The i
were in addition, I she
I lay four egg- on the
pointing to n c
boy at the head of e
three, i-- many would
The had boy, who
of the class, bad be i
take her tin
. if
Three C
During the mil e
rs of at then
coronation won- three
crown as king of
the iron crown of Lombardy as king
of Italy and crown M
kaiser-of the holy empire.
The first was at
the at and
the third at Rome, but Karl V. was
the hit who received
the imperial crown at the pope
heads. -n
IT is only by reason of the ultimate, thorough
knowledge of women's las and th
other that D Shoes m achieved
y the eye and
to the foot. S they fit
as only Dodd can fit- Thirdly,
their large sale permits them to be sold at a moderate
price. This store secured and controls the sale of M
splendid shoes, because it believes them to offer the
wearer more real value and satisfaction than any others
to procure. New styles now ready. Clad to
show even though you do not care to buy.
J Editor and Owner.
e f I I ill b. Give.
Streets. If you have anything SchooL
to do. do it promptly, then go; Bethel, N. C. Oct. 1906.
home. Home is the place for On Friday evening the
boys. About the street corners hers of the Athenian Literary
and rooms they learn to society of Bethel graded school
talk slang, and they learn, to. rill give a party for
swear, to smoke tobacco and to the benefit of the literary fund.
do marry other things which they There will a varied and interest-
Might do.
Attend to your
warily the peers try ti evade
decisive issue, the collision
com a between th two
of hereditary legislation and pop-
representative government.
that time arrives, and it
may be nearer at hand than v
imagine, we may look forward to
Train A City.
N J.,
wrecking of a three-coach,
business and
, musical program, a number
of entertaining contests and a gradual transformation of the
then go home. If your business games, and several special hereditary chamber a senate
is play, play and make a features, making quite a The liberals arc
We to see more or less pledged not to
play good, earnest, healthy The charge for admission will b; create new hereditary peerages
games. If we were the town cents. The public is But by a judicious selection of
council we would give the boys a I Refreshments will be served. bachelors and childless men. a
spacious play-ground. It would I Ail the work of the school is life have been
have plenty of green grass moving on well; the I introduced who will if steadily
trees and fountains, and broad being the largest in its history increased permeate the upper
spaces to run and jump and play this period of the school year,; house with a liberal element.
suitable games in. We would and the attendance very fair. j At present we have practically
make it pleasant, as lovely as it I The literary society has been j no chamber of
be. and we would tell them doing very good work. vision.
to go home.-Ex. I , The society holds a monthly
for Race Troubles.
White people in the North are
no considerate people
against whom they may have a
grievance or a prejudice than
are white people in the South.
The problem of adjusting the
relations of two so totally
different as the white race and j Trusts are productive of
the race where they hive
to together in the same com-
is difficult under any
circumstances, and it becomes
increasingly so where the
r co Li present in large
an where many of its
ill-disciplined, idle.
and of instincts. Yet,
while Sou, people can know
it, it true that Northern
to have a majority . which not
United for October.
that North automatically V to to
should have a compulsory measure V
The next debate will
be held on November the 10th.
on the question that
harm than of good results
by the House of ; n us when
their Liberals an i a
ant. What i
j able men representing all j
of the who
a compete t and
senate. II j one i
the ending of the
But of its mending, and ;
drastic fashion, th .
The Jr. . club which
has disbanded through the
summer months was reorganized ; indeed most urgent
Saturday afternoon, October House of Lords, Part,
27th, at the home of Miss Ruth Present and by W.
Cobb, who with her usual Stead, in the American
opinion ii not to be dismissed as entertained the members Review of Review, for I
worthless. Tie subject is in- to their joy.
not First, then.
Forty-Two Will Hold
Next Tuesday there will be
the West Jersey elections in forty two states and
Railroad this after- three territories. Oregon. e
i. . at least passengers per- d Vermont have-already
and the list may reach the ed l officers and of
of when all is known. t;. sixtieth congress. In
While crossing a draw- three of the states a governor
bridge spanning the waterway ether state officers
as of them, a
which Atlantic City in ten, minor state officers or
from the mail land, the train left- of the supreme i-
the track and plunged into the two, congressmen and a
water. The passengers in the lure, and in seven congress
first two with one or only, elected.
two exceptions, were drowned, ma is to vote on a state
Up to mid-night bodies have and Arizona and New Mex-
been recovered and it is believed ten i joint
that at least and possibly The terms of thirty United
morel., still are in th sub- States senators-fifteen Demo-
S th, that
terrible 1907.
Meadow wreck I Louisiana, Mississippi. Kentucky
d at, half-past and Arkansas have
The train, mads luted Democrats, and Georgia
i in carried at least pas- while Maine and Oregon
a. number of tick-have legislatures which insure
hold by the conductor. the return of Republicans Of
That is uncertain, how- the twenty-two states in which
;. . how ti u x- i
the train, end until all a
helm have been taken from will elect d
cars, it will not senators, fourteen are
p to give the true now represented in the senate
the I Republicans and eight by Demo-
A national house of
List of W Shall Not is to elected-
congress with members.
,.,. . , . , I The present house is composed of
he open season in which game; .-, u, ., . i ion n .
. , , Republicans and
iv . . . crate. Maine has elect-
District to
Meet President a Confer-
there car. be no immediate or
wholesale remedy for these
race troubles. Improvement
must come through a great man.
channel.;, there must I .
patience and
best of bot. races n
do everything in their now r to
restrain i men,
or white. Eve i ti
there mist be i re com
police , rural a
well as an.
must bee for.-ed w h the
most s IV
rices must Le
mad to give an a count of them-
selves, and where worthless and
vicious are the
and must be
and rewarded. Mobs,
riots, and lynch law, whatever
the remedy no evil-.
and make a bad situation
worse. i j penal systems of
the S States must be
greatly improved. Temporary
servitude of vicious in
The officers
Miss Ruth Cobb,
Miss Myrtle Warren.
elected as
maybe killed begins Thursday.
November and continues to
Below is given a list of birds
which y killed and those
not .
, it; Miss Florence Blow,
Pattie Wooten. treas. Leon N. V
Va. Oct. -As-
ed four Republicans. Oregon two
and Vermont two.
-e is fusion in only on
Nebraska- where th
he birds. of the
Mocking birds, thrushes, though in other
to t.
the business part of
mi . . was over, a contest was ,.,
, j i
feature the after-, at
n n. A;
. is C the lucky. t
re a beautiful
b j as a pr
work of the little cooks j first suspected suicide, but this
W s next shown by the dainty was exploded to the mind of the
refreshments which wore coroners jury at Last which
after returned a
verdict of asphyxia-
r s,
. a
JO vi
N Ca
dead in .
i i re
-of Mr.-.
. i. Charlotte
morning. Both win-
and the gas jet unlighted was
turned on full force. Some at
p ired by them.
The club will be entertained
by Miss Marguerite Higgs at
next meetingI peckers, yellow rs,
native red birds, o.
chine swift;, ;
warblers; s,
i gull- of all species,
or strikes,
h and
corn- pelicans, w;.
es or and all
wild non-game . ; also
nests and
The following are by
statue . cl-red game birds and
may L i tie open
at Methodist Church.
Mr Mrs. Leon F. Evans,
and John F. Evans and J. D.
on the
escape from
Greenville and
chain gangs under the Southern j hanging to him.
system only makes these men
the more dangerous when turned
loose again. If they are a men-
ace to society, they should be
kept under restraint. If there is
a chance to make decent and
law-abiding men out of them, it
from the country, united
vii t, serving a three the Sunday morning
roads, made his service and gave music that
camp near Shel- pleased and inspired the
came to Ration. Mr. John F. Evans with
was seen here skill manipulated his
morning with which added much to the
the chain of the occasion. Such
An effort music prepares a preacher for
slates R i r Demo-
candidates for
have been -d or en-
by one of m. t of the
or parties.
As usual, there is one stale
ticket the South
Carolina leads
this year i
tie.-, are tho
tickets in . field e Ind
L ague,
Jefferson, American. Anti-Ad-
Jon. Republican,
season and in manner and Lincoln
prescribed by law in the various of them, how-
are confined to
to catch him but he got out preaching and a congregation
of the way
and could not be
A Card.
It is rumored that I have ac-
the nomination to run on
the Republican ticket for justice
should be carefully provided that the peace of my township, and
AM I Uriah I'm
I wish to say that I'm a Demo-
and will vote a Democratic
ticket, and not a word of the
rumor is true.
This Oct. 27th,
J. J. Moore.
N. C
their serving shorter or longer
terms f r police offenses or for
crimes should make for their re-
formation rather than for their
hopeless debasement. Further-
it must be better under
stood in the South that educated
are not the dangerous Rev. Mr. Eubanks, the faithful
ones. quite thee loved pastor of the First
it hurts the to be educated B church preached his
there must be something ,
with the school.-From farewell sermon on Sunday
Progress of the in the night the subject being
American Monthly Review of Two Ways of
Reviews for November.
The Republicans of this
district have out
Theophilus Edwards, u
county, as a candidate for
We are pleased to not that
above named parties have
agreed to be present next Sun-
day to aid in the singing.
Wrecking Train W-
Trains A-ere all hung up Sun-
day on the main lire of the At-
Coast Line- A wreck
curred Pear ville, between
Goldsboro and Wilson. The
wrecking train went down and
cleared this wreck, and on the
way back to Rocky Mount that
train was also wrecked. All
trains then had to stop until a
track could be built around the
wrecked train.
Plant Destroyed.
N. C Oct. 27th.-This
morning about o'clock the
with his family this week for his plant was totally de-
home in Virginia. Eubanks -d by lire. The plant was
is a true servant of the living in operation till o'clock when
God and he will be greatly miss-it was shut down. The Are was
ed. good wishes of all started by shavings in the boiler
respective of d; nomination go room catching
counties, Loons, grebes,
swans, geese, ducks, rails
or marsh hens, coots,
plovers, shore or beach birds.
snipe, woodcock, sandpiper.;, mists or in f
wild Independence League
turkey, grouse, partridge,
ant bob-white, dove, robin b in the
meadow lark. different states is; South
The following birds are Carolina; Alabama, Florida.
The Socialists have tickets in
states, the Prohibitionists in
Socialist Labor in seven, Pop-
not protected by law, viz Eng-
sparrows, owls, hawks,
crows, blackbirds, jackdaws and
A non-resident must secure a
hunter's license from county
clerk before hunting in the State.
It is illegal to ship from the
State the bob-white or partridge,
grouse or wild tor-key,
snipe, woodcock, or any protect-
ed non-game birds.
The Rev. R. Hicks 1907 Almanacs
The Rev. R. Hicks has been
compelled by the popular demand
to resume the publication of his
well known and popular Almanac
for 1907. This splendid almanac
North Carolina,
S, Delaware. Mon-
Nevada. North Dakota,
cut, Colorado. Idaho, Michigan.
Minnesota, Missouri. Nebraska.
New Hampshire, South Dakota.
Wisconsin, o, Illinois.
Iowa. Kansas. New York.
G. Indiana, Massachusetts,
Methodist Church at New
Bern Gives
New N. C, Oct.
The missionary
ever made in this city was
subscribed Sunday at the
Methodist church, when
Wilmington. N. C. Oct.
II Esq.,
counsel with George L.
for the mutineers in
t sentence of
. with Judge
Thomas in the Unit-
ed C h re today, the
m -is is now be-
to e
Court of the States in
Washing ion. Attorney
Harry is in receipt of a
letter from Department of
Justice at Washington suggest-
that tie President would like
to talk over the case him
and making an appointment for
him to call rt the white House
on .-5th.
Cos m
line of least
the down-hill haul
ti the the ever-growing
commerce of country is more
and m seeking an
through Southern Our
reign now
a year, will double
as w ill our coast-
wise trade, bit the number of
our ports can be very slightly in-
en used even if
be expended. Nature ha fixed
I the location of our available
ports and forever tot t limit
their number As com-
expands, Southern
must grow in and
must naturally follow, and the
, vast commerce, of which we
hive seen only the beginning.
I which, will soon through the
South, will be a mighty factor in
the building of railroads, the
growth of cities the
if .-. from other
tries a other sections. There
an few countries on earth which
have h a . relation
I to th -r- of productive
. n the one side and the
the other
as The human mind
it fully grasp wonders
the coming in this
Heaven-favored section.
Record, i m
Matthews Must Serve
Raleigh, N. C. Oct. The
I supreme court finds no error in
the conviction and sentence of
Dr. J. Matthews. Greens-
to twenty years in the pen-
for poisoning. The
peal was made on the ground
that the law in this state does
not admit of the conviction and
sentence for .
in the case of by pois-
that there is on y first de-
and a l be hanged
However, the S int court,
Chief Justice Clark the
opinion, holds the -71
and of the
construed to . in
a prisoner is guilty ; t
second degree leT, nu.
whether the kill. is by pois-
or other means.
is now ready. For sale by was donated to the cans a of
t postpaid for foreign missions The pastor,
dealers, or sent ,
cents, by Word and Worts Pub-
Company. Locust
I street, St. Louis. Mo., publishers
of Word and Works, one of the
best dollar monthly magazine's
in America. One almanac goes
with every subscription.
Rev. ti. T, stated that
no particular had been
made to ii the
The had been
in way and
the church had
been met.
Register of Deeds, R. Williams,
license to tho following
couples since last report,
G. and Dot a
John Phillips and Sarah
J. Gilbert and Georgia A.
S. Sutton and Rosa Cannon.
A. D, Rose Viol I Ma
Geo. Bernard and
John H. Moore Jennie

Eastern reflector, 30 October 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 30, 1906
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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