Eastern reflector, 7 August 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

In the tithe, X. I
Advertising rates made upon
A correspondent desired at--very port and adjoining counties
in U fiction
Cut She Would Stay Fin-
Greenville is an old town.
Many, many years it has nestled
here on the batiks of Tar river,
much longer than the y -f
oldest person now living
back to.
ration has come up in the s
of its space
in the niche of time and passed
on. One characteristic of these
I what could mad
this town
There s-mi- change other s, however, as the
years rolled by and another gen
on. The idea
conceive I of having the business
M concentrated,
ind this vii-i f by; the
no tint portion of
Evans street between Third am-
fifth st r with busbies-
houses So
hands iii hi at the
and as n business bar rooms have gone, and though
Greenville is yet sleepy in
ways she is anything else but a
i . more In In
rear tin n the cotton crop
generation's is of rent -ring the bores
they seem to regard, ft ancestors buried in the old
a. finished town.
words lived, in
their immediate
the town as large enough
them mid gs.
and little or no thought
as to the needs of the g
to come after
In spite of
has o g
her cords, extending
and increasing her population.
and if no away
longer than
in th- In-art this
but the idea f advancement
prevailed d that locution
a block of
In thee time an more
people in i hf town there
a around to extend
the limits and have
sections Some
ii s wore in
few houses were out
of the folks with
th finished
what i- heir head- the thought of the
here th. Ir woo ever getting oat then.-,
v They lived to see it differently.
when I . his Ion was known us
sleep an on the tram-fur- Clark field tin the market
him in their j But the .-d town bobbed up
day they th the town was again and a large section of this
and would never be property o i Fin street and back
what is now called
In the in went to colored
Tor in live years
And so things the
f. always
in with their Id-a
them butted
who that
men m i to- far
hid lb times and have
works, elect re mid
to the
mind. Going Iii tax us to death
with bonds. Don't need any
public i
era traveled the by the
smoky kerosene
and good enough for u.
Our children are entitled to no
than we had If a house gets on
tire bring water from the
in buckets, and if you can't
it out lit it burn up Away
with your bonds and improve
But they did not
at their bidding the I-
and improvements are both
Once more Along with phys-
must given the in and
safety of both the present and
coming generations, and
movement started t rid
town of the numerous breeder
intemperance, poverty and
open saloons.
was the finishing blow to kill the
town for sure never to be
brought to life again But tin
dead ti
The story b. carried
bit this is enough to
only the point Is t a
by or the imaginations
Nit at all. Lisa
of c-in i
existed that
h s been taken for the improve
and of the town
as in -t i's It has
been all t s past gen-
and will mi to
in this Greenville
gradually and steadily, and some
of these days will be aroused t i
the reality of her possibilities.
Other thins.- are needed and will
come in their course. The
finished town had us
make up their minds to
the way and cease
their efforts to block the wheels
if progress.
But The will not try
mi write about it all in one
and Owner.
and Friday.
John I is i .
sheriff did nil
Very few men have use for a Vest these hot
we find the most attractive Suits in our store
now. are composed of Coats and Trousers.
. but The fabrics are Series, crashed, fancy cheviots
land- in ii ht dark shad sThey make the coolest clothes that a man can wear
and look well.
. i-iii , v don't realize hot a vest is until you have
one without one.
Two piece Suits are so Popular
Report assault mid to I
it is tot
a hemp handy.
ft, ON ALL
the civil
co a
comprised ab mi
blocks. Ton is were five
Streets the river
crossed other
running nm Even
in this are i
to be such an
people and good location
for residences in later years was
Then in
and some residences go
up over there, to be met
with that same town
prophecy that the town
. room I would never get far in that d
i far between rectum. Bit it went
a as scattered. until South Greenville be-
There ii t street came a big part of the town. Yet
top of Mi lull approaching I while this us building another
the river bridge, another about j section wet of Pitt street, by
the en -in in filled up with cabins and
Fourth set- shanties was lost to future de
Second streets, I purposes. If
a store and coach shops at the and the Clark property had
corner of Pitt and Third st been held w ill view ii would
one or two stores ab mt the have brought good prices for
We are now selling our
ladies oxfords, figured lawns,
and embroideries at
of and Fifth, a few
stores here and tin on Evans
street and the old hotel on Co.
street years known
as Mac-m. These were
thought to be enough for all time
and to the people of U good
old days the town was
So well satisfied were the
of that day and time the
of room and the size
of the town, that one of the
section--, all between Front
nice s
the at intervals
aft r the win- would come
ink of a f- Green-
There i. always
of a railroad, while on the
other hand there
the latter bringing up
th same overworked finished
idea that the town was big
enough and need a rail-
road no how But along in the
latter the railroad and
on Dry Goods and
Notion will be down low.
Pulley Bowen
3.00 r
Shoes at
Shoes at
Lawn at
Lawn at
1-2 cent
Percale at
A. F. C.
hams at
street and the river, the town kept right on growing
to In most And when the movement start
towns today lying a- a ed to have a tobacco market in
the river foot is looked upon as Greenville, even that met with
a most desirable location, The finished town
for residence and business, but adherents wanted the farmers
not so in Greenville. W
m beautiful than n re- i
on an elevation c
view of the .
has never
ville and no o s , . a .
to ,. .
us to plant only
cotton as a money crop,
i i ix i; would ruin the town and
county both if the farmers
rant to raising tobacco. Des
e , to the of this class
iii- market right
Jas F Davenport
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting on display the newest
ideas to lie show;, in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST
, to call at our establishment and feast
I eyes. Very yours,
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty
fief Job Printing Office
Ba i Ball August 7th, at
I .;. game of ball scheduled
o be played August has been
postponed August 7th.
good team, read
the line Turner J. P. J. J
R. d, James
s 2nd,
h. F. Center.
Blow K, F. Jim Turner will pitch
the game for and
Lassiter Snow Hill hold first
Proctors boat has been
and a good crowd will go.
Fare round cents.
Ask your friends to go on your Bond when you can get it a small cos
We can sign Judicial Bonds for Guardians, Administrators etc., in FIVE MINUTES
after you apply Any Bond to be filed in the Court Issued at once
Gal on or write
S. FIDELITY and GUARANTY CO , Baltimore Md.
H. A. WHITE, General Agent, or
H W. Attorney
Suggestions From Judge
To The Charlotte Observer.
Under the la as now exists
in this Stale when a person i
charged with commission of a
capital and i
placed on trial he may challenge
and the
challenge From an
experience in the practice of law
and five years work on the
bench it mind
the statute to lie changed so
that in the trial the offenses of
arson, rape, minder and
the U the Stale
ought to have the same of
challenges as Hie prisoner. It is
my deliberate opinion that thin
will help solve the pro-
the State and
young boys for the commission of
crime I become more and
pressed with the
for the establishment of a
reformatory to which youthful
criminals I would not
suggest in its inception the outlay
of a large sum of money by the
bat one just large enough to
we can't save bad boys and
make out of them good
I am sure we can
bring good out of this and think
we to make the
Very many times have bad my
heart to bleed when as a n
became my duty to send boys In
jail and the
Id, good looking boys; boys
bad too much promise of good
them to be sent off with thieves
and murderers hardened
yet were so bad
ideas that they ought rot to
have been loose on society
and the I have made up
toy mind to make an effort, con-
ducted on honorable bases, to
have these two statutes written in
the laws of my s
do not ex ct to fail f am
addressing this to yon to fir
co-operation. The
I will ask at your it you
agree me, is that at the pro-
per yon advocate two
laws your paper, and
will secure signatures
I will send yon forward Hie
same lo your me of th-- Gen-
assembly. I expect to Of
this movement in
ibis state, while undertaking fur one
Win to who is buy
holding court every I
have undertaken the and
am win. shall not be
able to off-r you any pay for
or space and
we shall be able to gather will lie
the conscious of having help-
ed our folio v
yon iii advance your ply, I
Yours very
Audits S.
From one point of view it is not
strange that the revised version of
the Scriptures have not replaced the
authorized version, the old King
text. are the
of not a life time, but
of generations and even centuries
connected with the form. Its
rich, sonorous sentence and phrases
are in the profane and the
religious literature of the English-
speaking people. They live in the
hymns, in the prayers, in the
s. in the books and in the
thought and memories of millions
of l people ; and
alike are devoted to the old.
plays important Van
in the life and habits of all mankind
it as if it will be a long.
long time before will prefer the
new, for they say old is
And this, too, in the face of the fact
that the authorized version is full of
inaccuracies, abounds in words which
have become obsolete and whose
only the well educated
know. Scholars and critics and
teachers and leaders in religious
thought continue to point out the
unwisdom of not discarding the old
and accepting the new,
their words are unheeded, and their
exhortation disregarded. It is true
that increasing numbers use the re-
vised versions for references and
study and comparison, but the old
some how stands its ground and re-
mains conqueror over all comers and
apparently will continue such for a
long while
Rev. L. S. Etheridge, of
M, E. Church.
Rev. L. pastor in
charge of the Methodist church hi
for the year, died in
the Robert
hospital at o'clock
morning of cancer of the liver, from
which be been a for
bi ears. Mr.
had been in
idly and his
voted him a Vacation iii which to
lo re, tin bis health and upon
consulting iii-. physician at
it d to bring turn to the
. ex-
o by fie
N. August,
Mini Warren, of Washing-
ton, is visiting in
Arm. Mary Manning and Mrs.
Boss Tucker spent a or two
with friends in last
v k.
Walter in Greenville
. F. Dickens
fir where he will spend
Chief of Police H. II.
in the vicinity of
It. T. Pulley spent Thursday In
Washington on business for the
. r.-,
upon that l
nope of recovery
Mr. K lo-ii-liTe
II e entire ex -in-l
if the
possible hope of
doing, to to in ii.-r
but when she extent of me unifier
ban ac-
a position with the
Lumber Co., and now
with Ins family at No.
F. L. spent yesterday
in Greenville.
J. Ii. of Greenville,
the of n . p- Thursday at the Hotel
of Sympathy.
The will lie bailed as a
lie benefactor who will salve
problem that exists In every
en h-re. Half of us have no coots
and the other half have cooks by
a some
not live up to the title,
are few women of this
or will, a de-
will traipse into
mi's I. lichen anywhere after
their work in the most
manner slip away
I about
with them what they can for
the in who a In de white
man's Domestic service
the e days is a farce j and it is
for results attained;
help in South Is more
than the white servant
o the Hill
per formed to remove the
He was accompanied by his
during bis stay in the hospital,
she remain inn by his side the
end. Preparations are being made
to lake the body to for
interment at his home and the
sad leaves on this evening's
o'clock train.
Mr. ridge was
years of age and leaves a widow
and six small children. He a
Godly man
bis lily infirmities labored earn-
u the ministry for the uplift
and gave unsparingly
; to benefit others. It is
ii I . -i I nil that
to the
mil recent at
id mi
W a year null
lake this method
mending t I he
f Pitt a man for r
S career
be a man we all know
t be I. true t his C
affairs Tutsi . in U James V. I.-
mer. Let go to the front with
a whoop.
A. Voter.
Drink and the gang drinks with
you. swear off and you go it alone,
for tin-bar room hum who drinks
your rum a
Ins own. Feast and your friends
arc many, fast and yon
cold They'd pot pet mad if yon
I rent bad if
they can hold. Steal if yon
ran get a million, fur you can
furnish bail it is u great big thief
who leave while lit
tie lines go to jail,
tin- will come, quit
fail to arrive, for how mi
have money to spend to know yon
H. Johnson, of
of eye, ear, nose and throat, will
be at the Dis.
house for n
ginning August 18th. W l a .
The candidates will all be in
evidence between now and the
primaries next
Why is it that no want In
live in the Cities
full of people who live from
lemon whose total
by the
log they have on. Teats go by st d
these persons never have a e,
ii that
the proud ow in .-f n has.
there is one
r cities.- .
The Norfolk call at-
to tin- done
men teachers the
graduating of pay in the
schools of Male
it is staled, now receive
a year on entering the set-
vice of the public schools of Nor-
folk. The in year they receive
an increase cf and for each
year thereafter they in-
until they reach
till Vein after
receive miking final
salary Hie
C. D. r, alter a lengthy
visit Id Washington
has returned home is
his old position with
the Beaufort County Lumber Co.
Mrs. Butler, sister es-
townsman, Dr. L.
K. Ricks, who been spending
several days here, has returned to
her home in Pantego. We hope
that she will again gladden
hearts with her presence in the
near future.
Mr. Kinston, was
in -he last week. Ha reports
along the route
from Ii e to
A-i list baa in with our
i Wednesday
ditto Thursday, a big shower
Emmett Stanley and Chief
Henry Stanley were in
Several of the young -people at-
tended preaching last Sunday at
Hancock's church.
Eight years ago,
, J. C. to
Register of Deeds -for our counts,
but he found that the want
ed some one else in that
he did not let his name fie
the convention. Four years ago.
with the tame
among the people to learn
wishes and attain be
be was not the
the office Us wan and
is in-
I i in ii eat
H stint six veins j dropped before
at the i h in-
a begin in I
after. i
I H r, HP I .
-I j-. it i .
no wonder that The
in an in h i the
Township, Aug.
We are glad to learn Mr. R R.
Cotton's name will be presented to
the convention on the
for of the of the Leg-
This township has wanted
Mr. the Legislature for
some time. We know to be
with every
of the up to date in
all of process. Hi bit had
much experience in State
is well known
over the State, all of which would
b of use to him in
He is conservative, and we feel
in saying no would come
nearer watching over the
of all than Mr. Gotten, and that
Pitt will serve her best
in sending him to
Legislature. Respectfully,
D. J. Holland.
Aug. 4th.
Having seen letters from
and Bethel townships, endorsing
Julius Brown for Representative
to our General Assembly, we the
citizens and Democrats of
Carolina do hereby
and agree with and Bethel
townships in the endorsement of
Mr. Brown, and we feel sure he will
get the hearty support of Carolina
township, and we ask the Democrats
of the south side of the river to
unite with us in his nomination.
James H.
H. A. Gray,
Eli Rogers,
J. E. I
T. K. Nelson,
W. H. Wynne,
J. I. James,
J. S. Warren,
N. L Gray,
J. I. Jenkins.
on lit mis mil. ii no
t N u i. I
N In I i-u.,. -i Oft
. ii .-, many r .
i ii- s men ; i in ire c I
. limn
In i Ii Hull II
be ii men. ti.
I lac.
tie i
i .,
Thursday Mack
ins, a colored led about years old
living with his lather,
Mia. M. Weathers
bee's farm in No township,
handling u pistol which he thought
was not loaded accidentally dis-
charged it. The ball his
Bis year old
I Ami now .
j ,
for m
Ht lit i
. . . l
worthy L t
elect him. A
notice that several of the
counties in this State have laws
abolishes the System and
places the county officers upon a fix
ed salary., it has proven
to the people. In the recent
urinary election in Wake we be
every candidate for tho
pledged himself to have
a law enacted for that county. Those
provide that the officers shall
charge the mine fees us are allowed
by law, but they are required to pay
till- i line into the county treasury,
W after paying the salaries of Mm
officers whatever excess there may
is applied to the repair and con-
of public roads.
county is a large county and
tile fees paid to the pub-
. in
Reflector begins pub
Ills for the fiscal
statement will appear
fast us the
printers then
a whole in
as amount Jakes energy lo get
i a
old . i i
g the intestines
money in conducing
I the town.
affairs of
is considerable, in fact
no what is. Of course
and salary should
he mid i i the several officers We
fee nine such a law would not
d tin- crop of candidates, bill
odd greatly to the fund for
the public
This suggestion is made at this time
prayerful and careful consider.-
the delegates to the Demo-
t. hold ill
on Wednesday, August
Alex I. Blow.
If ever angels weep over what
mortals do in this world, they
must have over what took
place Lincoln county on last
We are informed that Mr. John
Keener and Traver started
t and got some brandy
on the way. The little seven-year-
old boy of Mr Lawing died from
the effects of what he drank.
countrymen, think of a child
seven years old going into eternity
a victim of strong drink.
We cannot save some men who
are set in their are salves
of strong drink, in the name
of humanity, let every man who is
a man raise his voice and use his
vote and his influence to save the
mothers and from the
cures of strong
The extent of the
lug industry South is not
generally its
interests attracting most at-
Yet in 1905 there was
more than a billion and a hall of
capital invested in manufacturing,
producing goods worth two
lions. The increase in capital in-
vested and in products shows a
larger percentage i in the rest
of the country us increase in
capital in the five panes with
1905 was per cent, against
per cent, in thee at large,
and the increase of product was
41.4 per cent, per
cent, in the t
South is no me of
promise, but per-
S in.
Buy Now.
So long as babies are born into
the world long will the world
continues to advance, and so long
will real estate continue to
advance in Now is the time
for the young people to buy real es-
It will never cheaper. If
you haven't the money take stock
in the building and loan association
and borrow tho money. It will
prove a good
Entire Family Drowned,
N. Y., August
family was drowned by the
capsizing of a boat on Lake Neap-
near Fulton, The vie
were Mr. and
and their two
girl of twelve years and
a boy, about nine years, a six-
infant daughter
t; Lo en to
ii . I the day ales
i current so fans can be
As an oft ii the Methodist
Sunday mo u -i, Miss
is visiting Mi- J. Aycock,
sang to It was
beautifully rendered, with Miss
Helen For be., i and
delighted c c
Miss his a
Without m
in icing the machinery, 8-
I. thinks h.
n turn on day
in ml m
will I e
in i

C L Wilkinson Co.
J- i
Still doing On-
The Seen
J ,,;
waggish a
Hat a five trial of i
f promise case, the
. land averred that a
. I J id u unfortunate, I i.-. . .-
for uncomfortable n.
hare passed, but have a circuit
term to bold in New York which
cannot take longer than a for
when return to receive
verdict, if by thus you have
lea one. Meanwhile I shall
the sheriff to nuke
a- circumstances will
Lawyer Brat the Judge In a
of Wits.
Supreme t Justice Dickey of
enlivens the proceedings
of hi. court with more jocular
remark- in lawyers
than mo-i judges in vi-
tin New York Sub.
Usually i on the wit-
or Inn or. a young law-
The foreman glared at his
fellows, and they glared at him, but
the foreman, recovering his presence
of mix . ii up and down the
row of doable sixes and in a few
minutes d a verdict for
But tho fair plaintiff
from the appellate court a
the navel ground that
had the jury.
The foundation of success in a
way is ECONOMY. There is
nothing helps i like
keeping your in a Do
not wait until you h a deposit.
We accept small as We
pay interest Tim; Deposits.
you do not carry a account, corns
In or write us.
y i
An. net.
C ,
P part in I
.-. n ,. i
be fays, had la
d I . to a I
named Dew for a sec
an. and n
t v, u .;
ton . id d how he
Loans Discounts
Hue from Banks 18,885.52
Cash Items 9.39
coin 496.00
Silver coin 1,170.11
NaT, notes 1,489.00
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 1.986.64
Depot, sub to check
of North Carolina, BO
County of Pitt.
J. It. Davis of the. hank, do solemn-
the is to th of my
and belief. j. R. DAVis,
and sworn he-
me, this of June
Notary Public.
At the close of June 18th, 1906.
i.- .
said Davy.
I i .
but I
Ii . Ai end t
lo he In d .
his and said-
doll ink now.
fed like Did jet
a lion. man. a
that's you
J who
lie I enough .
years was
the and so
e ill .;. c ;. t
; .
m ; and discounts
through an Fixtures 989.68
from Banks and
Hankers 10,617.63
rash items
, coin.
Silver coin National bank
and S. notes
Greenville. N. c. I
. ., .
SI ; .- a
. , .
. n lid
I ,
. ;
t 25.000.00
pay Interest on Time Certificates
or on for a
stipulated time
Accounts merchants, far-
and individuals solicited
R. L. Davis. L. Cashier.
One H. P. Boiler
Center Crank
No. Saw mill
saw and C.
sly Power Press.
is months old be cheap.
d as new, purchaser or tool,
. .
I . n I
ii . . i . ho
I into my
the jury turned
; iv
lit it a said Judge Dicker
at the
hi like a crab.
don't lid
don't like
ed the not bit
the tilt, rim a
matter . don't like am
; -um- your honor has
opened t mote say
that I don't like
tally dislike them a
The trial to a
reference to
. the .-
A dog- ;. din n s
gen upon t
bank master's
lend at .-. a for it.
monkey. ,. a jacket
an . at, . th
. that the deg
Bolted will of it to
I In took a
i. but the dog Will
from hit
at to make a spring
the the
Capital stock . 6,600.00
Surplus fund
Undivided 1,174.30
Bill 6.000,00
Time certificates of
deposit 2.309.50
Deposits to check
chucks out-
standing 72.67
Certified 2.20
i f North Can lira, Ci inly of Pitt,
Taylor Cashier of tho above named solemnly
car that the above statement
edge and belief.
is true to tho best, of my
II. H. Taylor Cashier
Subscribed and sworn;., be- Correct
ore thin day of April j
Bum. A, Gardner
M. O.
hit p.
h., hat.
.-. . i I
a and
. opinion.
01-t .-.
u and
. the house,
but I
Alfred I;.
ct. to on ti
i-h lay while .
in lodes in
urn he
I i
to t
ho invented explanations .-
certain to rule.
it is now believed the
is quite that
lay egg
in and
I in
. .-. would I
en and he in
being overrun by bird when
neat and broken or vi
when the apace
in of . . from
bird and .-. fa to oh
fa Hit rays of
. the nest an .-.
by the white shell, and
no eggs escape attention of
Momenta With
Many an interesting tour be
spent in the of u good die-
It should tell you
king were in the earlier times mere
meant ill or
Ai. earl war an a, the
lame and czar and kaiser
both meant i, the
a respectable housewife, knave
was simply a boy and meant
a captive. Fran the name of the
laborer on the villa of an j time
Raman gentleman we get the name
A pagan was originally
a countryman, while varlet is the
same word as Our student
should n lit
tie more ;. ,
-1 after tin
bit had he
. I j
I answered . some j
. papers have j
to out,
. and not. has evolved
r. ed. however, . t-
plan that I- why the
short that
die had been used in
its .- Chicago Tribune.
lb. clothes overnight
utter and next
Wash in suds; then j
mi tin boiler with
water of white
soap and n of
borax. for twenty minutes,
rinse immediately and leave
for another night in
to little powdered
has added.
We bog leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail.
s for
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
To Cleanse
It it generally known to
a leather
other polishing
pose i to wash it
lukewarm water and to leave
plenty m; n tho last rinsing
. ; the wash
Si lo as wheat To
mt will it
in the if pee- j
Wanted to Know.
, you
a eagle
h wing was
understand, Bobbie.
it make him sore when yon
shot him,
no. Bobbie. The eagle woe
in the a long
eat lone flies,
child to Cleveland
There is no line in the world better thaw
Harrison line. It has behind it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just relieved a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
It is sure to pry
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
anent for Daily
and we take
that pleasure In receiving sub-
and writing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a lint
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, etc, apply to E. E.
A Co.
When your eyes need attention
J. W. Taylor,
Ayden, N. C. is the man to do
your work if yon want to be
Merchandise carry
a lull line of meat, lard and can
goods. Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co,
A full line of trunks, tel-
grips, satchels,
and suits cases at J R Smith Bro
I always keep on hand a
line feed stuff at lowest cash
prices Such as hay, oats, com,
cotton eel meal hulls, brand
Ship Stuff. Flunk Lilly Co.
You win Wheeler and vi ii-
sou and Singer hewing
Prices way way H.
Tripp bro. next Hotel.
full supply of hay. grain, hulls,
c. ton seed meal, bran, ship stuff,
always on hand, Cannon Tyson
For Carpenter tools, grind stones
i rope pulleys, at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Our slippers must go, tho season
well advanced. The prices now
will interest the most economic buy-
Cannon and Tyson.
To any who are in need of a cook
stove can make it lo his interest
to see us as we have bought a solid
car load, and expect them to arrive
next week. Cannon Tyson.
V. Crimps and paper
Pomps with short joints
and pipe at J. It. Smith
Nice North Car-
Cut Herrings at J. K. Smith
In older to educe large
stink preparatory to we
will make prospective buyers ex-
low prices. J. K. Smith ft
Pair and Rain Too.
Maybe the weather man can
claim that he hit it in the
sent out Thursday Of
tonight and II was fan
up to tho middle last
the moon beautiful-
for hours. But lat-
part of night was sum
thing else, giving one or two
gains that extended well int e
By o'clock to
was fair again, but there a
telling how many Wore
will come this is
On to E. E. Co's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sane, and fresh fishA beaut i line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J K Smith Bro
A full supply of Trunks,
Grips, Satchels and
Suit Cases, at J. K. Smith Bro.
We want to make room for other
stocks and in order to do so we are
offering very cheap bargains in sum-
mer goods- We must move them
out of th price
on them that will be sure t get
them off. Now is the time to get
big value for your money. Cannon
Car load V. Crimped roofing
sir. lengths to cover residences
churches, school houses, burns
shelters, stables much cheaper
shingles and very little at J.
Ii. Smith Bro.
Bessie Smith, of Fremont
is here a visit Miss Nina
For a nice present buy a novel-
y clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
Core, Hay
at J. K. Smith a
If you are troubled with your
eyes or have a difficulty obtain-
suitable glasses, it matters not
how difficult your case, call on J.
an expert
Ayden, N. C, who has live years
experience with some of the most
obstinate cases. He never fails to
give patients satisfaction or their
money refunded. hundred
of Pitt Greene and
best people to testily to bis
and ability. Give him your eye
work if yon satisfaction.
large nice new
story brick stores located no
An en in the Town of
den can five tenant possession
August loin.
J. B. Smith Bro.
I have taken up one black bar
weight about CO pounds,
no ear marks. Owner can get same
by paying charges.
K. F. I. No. Greenville.
d aw
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
C ti--e
N. C.
Increase Shown.
The corporation commission an-
i's assessment of the r
railways other com an n
ca. The
amount is which i an
increase of over last
The railways aggregate
Atlantic Line, ;
S Air
for owned lines,
and for leased lines, SI,
miscellaneous railway.,
The telegraph emu-
phone. express,
light and pis,
railways, water work,
f steamboats,
bridge and canal companies,
refrigerator companies,
the total of such companies
Just as us you can spare
a let tho newspaper man
have it. Tho last few months
have been bard and about
print shop and collections
would help the situation.
time try I
It makes everything
new. re
looking or
in where won-
is used. No
or necessary.
is nut a but
food and cleaner no the
original finish ever.
It instantly the
finish llanos, re,
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors all
varnished or enameled surface. Re-
dirt and
A can apply Nothing
Inn a piece cloth is
there is no drying lo wait for.
Trial els.
N n.
General Giving
About Reunion at More,
head on the and
of August
if. C U
Confederate Veteran.
ham, N. C,
General Order- No.
Paragraph The Major
commanding hereby et
t lie neat annual reunion -i n.
North Division cf b
United Confederate Veterans
be held at Morehead City on tin
22nd and 23rd days of August 1906
The railroad e i-
have given low
one cent a mile, tickets to be tn
sale on the and 22nd,
final limit August Inquire o
the local agent the price of a t
from any station. priced a
ticket from will
The rate of will be
given by the Atlantic Hotel to
those Veterans who wish o stay
there. The Governor has offer d
the use of the tents and camp
of the National Guard
to the Veterans
oat. Those who en
mast provide own
bedding and rations, but i
have the use of the cooking
sliest the camp. This is called to
attention the Veto-
so that may be to
provide their own rations while in
camp. For further Information as
to quarters, etc., at the camp,
t-i Colonel E Coy,
Morehead City, N. C, who is
assistant quartet-master General
the National Guard
there. will be ready
for Tuesday, the 21st
day of August, and the Veterans
can have the use of it ill the week
if they desire.
Paragraph The annual election
of division and brigade
era will be held on the afternoon of
Thursday, the day of August.
Only those camps who have paid
their to Gen. W. K. Mickle
at New Orleans will be entitled to
vote in the said election. Com-
of camps arc urged to
carry as many as possible to this
reunion and all Vet
in State invited to
attend, whether or not they belong
j to any camp of the I . C. V. To
this will be the last
to attend a reunion and
meet their old comrades.
By order General.
Gen. and f of
There is a touching story told of
a little girl who was undergoing
an operation. said
her he was about to place
upon the operating table,
fore we can make yon well, we
must put you The little
girl looked and smiling, said,
if you are going to put me
sleep. I must say my s
Then she knelt down be
Hie table and
w I lay me down to sleep,
i Lord, my soul t
It I die before I wake,
my soul t
The surgeon said afterwards at
e pray et I that night for the
t years. This
was only about her
as Christ when hi
was ii-
No one is small he can
tend lo the of prayer.
Thank Cod that there little
prayers, little burdens, little
deeds and songs adapt. to
little children shall they not
lead of
Christian Work.
General end Merchandise Brokers.
We wish to that we have associated
selves together for the purpose of conducting a gen-
Insurance and Merchandise Brokerage
in the Town of Ayden and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any part of may see fit
favor us with we will thank you for and feel very
AYDEN, N. C.-s
At the of business June 18th, 1900.
Loans and Discounts, stock paid in.
Surplus fund
Overdrafts Secured
Furniture and Fixtures
Duo from Banks, 10,952.87
Cash Items, 11.18
Gold Coin, 185.00
Silver Coin. 907.32
National Dank notes and
other U. S. notes
Undivided profits less,
Dividends unpaid .
Deposits subject to check.
I. J. It. Smith. above-named bank, do solemnly invest
that the above true to the best of my and be-
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cash i-i.
It. C. CAN
Subscribed sworn to before
me, 22nd day of June 1900.
Notary Public.
The Corporation Commission in
a sort of uncertain way made a
report on the wreck near Hamlet
Sunday, July when more than
twenty persons were killed and
wounded. The report laid
blame on railroad fast-
it on no one in particular,
but the train dispatcher at Raleigh
was thought to be in fault. By
overwork and long strain on his
ea he forget to tell the Hamlet
trail wait until Recking-
ban. should pass. If the
train dispatcher was rendered in-
capable of duty by reason of over-
work, the blame should rest on
the railroad authorities. It looks
like railroad are
overworked, and doubtless
that causes some wrecks.
We believe that the legislature
ought to pass a law that train db-
A Clever Son Here Also.
One of our greatest pleasures on
our trip to Whitakers this
Business Transacted-Tax Levy
But Deferred
I Wall
hoard of n met
regular monthly
seven being
I lie finance s
approximating . needs of
town for the d year
and recommended i, Mowing
tax law levy r the year;
For gem cents on
each v. real and per
party and on each polL,
Interest improvement bonds
., valuation
o cents on each poll.
Maintenance of cents
on each valuation and J on.
This makes a total of 81.15 on
each valuation and on
each poll, and a reduction of
cents and cents respectively
the levy of last pear.
The returns to tho list taker f
taxes the year shows real aid
personal property to the amount of
and polls. The re-
of tho finance Com-
was not acted on at present
bill motion was deferred for con-
at an adjourned
i .,. several committees bad
The chairman of the water and
light commission reported that the
plant was running very
and that the new dynamo for
operating day current had arrived.
He also made some statements rel-
tn the contemplated sewerage
several officers made
for the past month.
The dispensary report
i during past
and cash sales
As exchange cays, do
ever d a competitor who
didn't advertise. It is the one who
advertises a little mote aggressive-
i you do who gives you In
Hi vi duly before
c .-
mill Of StOCk
Is to all
to in. rM.
i I,,
i .
nil day he
In recovery.
Tills day
t ft
was lo meet talk with Elder
A. J. an old resident of
that place, and one of the best
loved and revered of
community. He being the father of
our young Mr. Moore, of the A. C.
L. company at
made him all more interesting
to a Wilson man. He is one of the
finest and most congenial spirit-
we have met in a long time. He i-
known in
son and in all the surrounding
The foregoing is by Rev. J. T.
Jenkins, pastor of the Baptist
church in Wilson and editor of Tin
Messenger. Mr. Moore's man;
lends in this
appreciate these good and
w- glad to tell our neighbor,
shall be kept on ,,
duty for only so many j .,., a is
i i 1.1 . till
would the situation to
of the water
ad i plant reported seven
. water customers and two new
. customers during the mouth
income about
at h special- meeting
the matter of damage
. B. from the winning
i -ii of a brick wall on his
having referred
ti a c of arbitration, that
fee decided that the
should the wall rebuilt
u, before and so reported t.
It was ordered that
made with C. V.
-I the wall for the sum
to conduct s
were granted to W. G. i.
an L.
of t-nu
manager v were
some degree at least.-
Keck Commonwealth.
U son
f Mr Moore at presented accepted.
Some months ago Dr. H O.
who lived in Km-
and lint point
several of tie Eastern towns treat-
distinguished sons o
Hi is excellent man do not end with
t e two mentioned above. Green-
ville also has one the person
Hon. L. I. Moore a leading law-
who baa already served
eight years as solicitor and
of eye, ear, and other
a permanent I bus been for
In and stopped mere, is president of the National
This was Bank of Greenville, an active
promoter of the .-
Sound road. He is chair-
man the
committee Of the county a
leader in politics and business
ii a of section.
held its annual
meeting Thursday and
elected the following
D. C. Moore president,
R, c. Flanagan, vice president.
i. Ai secret try.
T. Moore, treasurer.
D. K. Williams. K. O.
W. II.
being c i
is in in
con d reach him.
lie writes ii-iii n
ell lid. both III
a u ii--. is ml a . ,.
hie mil lei t HI
hi .
Carrier. Get Vacation.
Postmaster R. Flanagan
i notice f om the
meat In the begin-
July 1st, carriers on He
rural free delivery routes will be
fifteen days vacation with
full pay. When tho vacation
, F , . . , i earn A. White,
taken a substitute
. I of
to carry I be mailsThe club now has
and is good
An physician
long of will cure
Accounts were allowed amount
A was taken to Tuesday
tight, to consider deferred
Popular Girl;.
likes girls
their to ho pleasant and
times, who do not e
ks m do . w
spare penny, always-
look neat end nice; who
with smiles, and re
when they are obliged to
look out day for the
things of life; who to
all the ridges
are happy because
see the
who always have a good tor
everybody; and who appreciate the
world was not
for them alone, and do
expect the heel Magazine.
led .-
women of The trouble
is there are few of them willing lo
lake the
A nice thing being bald-
headed is yon don't have to
money on things to keep t
from gray. J Mo
i i.

e. J.
Entered in the Or N
Advertising rates made
A correspondent desired in Pitt am
in to
Thaw handles the lie
just like a man.
month will mark the be-
ginning of yearly meetings and
candidates be in their glory.
The State
tire committee meets in
Mild I street
fur two blocks northward from
street would ideal
few days ago The Reflector locations for houses,
discussed at some length with the court house about in
disposition manifested by the center.
to it a that is wore idle talk, the
town Folks may be ready
s y .-, is not
i n ;
., i i Ire I ;
I'll is ,.
Monday night. Senator Sim-
mons likely himself
as chairman of the committee.
As long M Russia's troubles
are nil confined to herself there
need be no great concern about
the outcome, as anything that
may result ill be better than
present conditions in that
Unique Relic of Old Virginia Col.
Days Found in Okla-
That is that m
of every generation in the
took the idea the town v i
large enough, did rot n
any and c i
v enough without
The. . at this .
that r
of the
When n Reductive drink, called
Jamestown punch, in honor the
grant Jamestown arm
prepared for a a---
few a Norfolk,
it not known n
punch i A
letter ha just received by
l. chief A special
events the fr ml on
who i a punch a
la history, a old
relic three centuries, and the on
from the old
home of Edward Ambler i n
Jamestown i-land, which was burn-
ed by the British during the war i I
I punch h rein a
link ween the j
f prominence i n u is-
i during pay ii . i f
s I ii I i . i
of pay in ; old ti
a i
The Durham reported
to fa Ion I fit to a fortune
of s millions left by a rich
i in Sail is not
I to I e t pugilist
hen sets th
he ill a much bigger
it, a
coo .
out yo
i i . i
rs of
; wit i
, you
. for
one of tin
ii For a tin
Been no vacancies a i
only i i tor a new . u
was to bu o it, or go in
with, see e already es-
population of the town
cannot increase very rapidly
less there are opportunities for
engaging in business. Some
will argue that factories would
bring a solution of this problem.
That is true to a certain degree.
Factories would help wonderful-
but they are the result of
Corporations or companies. The
individual must also have
for engaging in
Then where are the business
houses is a
good location for them. To
go further southward o i Evans
street is out of the question
is it to think
of going either way on the cross
streets, for business houses
there would not rent to
advantage because they would
less desirable than those out
on Evans street.
To our mind the only real ad.
opening for more
business houses is northward
from the court house and Third
street. To make this more de-
the wharf should be
from its present
he end of Evans street.
easily be done by in-
government in
river so steam-
the wharf at all
uses, and
s s
t i .
be ;.
Then the rage be on-
and the e u v
only be taxed interest on
the bonds.
Why place all burden of
permanent improve-
is on the present generation
for the benefit of the
Lot be provided for
with Then tie present
can get the benefit of
thorn and have the interest
to pay, and the next generation
can take hold whore we leave off.
the town grows and develops
the bonds can be readily taken
re of and the burden will not
fall heavily on any genera
There is already much com
i o it that taxes an too high in
it is burdensome
the people and disparaging to
prospectors who V come in
and take part with us. Low taxes
are as good an as
a town can have. Levy only
direct taxes to meet the
general expenses of the town
and keep all the money possible
in the pockets of the people.
i d f r
I h I
. Tim giro
Pin ti t i w Is and i . d
i .
i -2 1-2 cents i
and mile tick
at Si. ii railroads A
i I only thing a which
will do the sumo thing relic will be exhibit
I . t the l
would save many exposition. is now the
a daughter of Col. Edward Ambler,
who resides at Oklahoma.
state legislatures and
commissions. They will a
have to reduce rates sooner or
It looks like The Reflector has
lately suggested enough things a
chamber of commerce could do,
to business men of the
town tumble over each
other to organize one and go
those things. But they have
not tumbled. Yet we have not
given up hope. The Reflector
belongs to the optimistic class
and believes things will come to
The chamber of com-
A Dispatch man met Mr. W
ll. Walker, secretary and
of the Dixie Com-
on his way to the factory
last Saturday afternoon, with a
grip full of money to pay off the
Dixie's hands. you
afraid somebody will hold you
shouted the
Mr. Walker,
I've got enough here to be held
up showing his grip, h
appeared to be heavy. And
those grips on Saturday after-
noons, to the various
factories, hold the secret of Lex-
rousing business and
prosperity. make
Lexington owes a great
deal to the manufacturers of the
place. Lexington Dispatch.
Every time we see an
like this in an exchange it puts
us to wondering when
will wake up to the need of
and start to work to
secure thorn. Such enterprises
with large weekly pay rolls are
what this town needs to make
business for the merchants
everybody else If the business
men would in a
chamber of or some
similar they could
sot plans on foot to secure the
location of factories here.
V is interesting to note that this old
punch howl has traveled from the
oldest of the American to
youngest, and that the lusty infant
commonwealth of ma will
end it back to old
is one of the coming
Every home in this land, where
are growing up, should be
a n f y, f parents
discharge their full duty by their
children, the home would be about
the reformatory needed. All
this talk about State reformatories
is calculated to make parents
tired, so long old slip-
and pencil tr
Mr. J. L. a former
and who for
awhile it Dover, died in
the latter t afternoon,
lie wits about years old.
remains were brought here on
evening's train and the
burial took Cherry Hill
conducted by
Rev. J. AMr. Bullard died
day afternoon at bis home near
store, Beaver
He was about W years
and leaves a and child.
He was a brother of Mrs. J. S.
of Greenville. Mr.
Hull was an industrious farmer
am also engaged the mercantile
business, being member of
II of C. D. Co, He was
a member of Ayden Masonic
Lodge, was burled Sunday
with Masonic honors.
Several from Greenville attended
the funeral.
So wen
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by I
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and feast
eyes. Very truly yours.
It is sure to pay you
Ask your friends to go on your Bond when you can it furnished at a small cos
We can Judicial Bonds for Guardians, Administrators etc., in FIVE. MINUTES
after you apply , Any Bond to be filed in the Court issued at once
r Cal on or write
S. CO , Baltimore Md.
H. A. rT
Mm i i
ii in ch F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
I . i .
. ., i
as true mi a
the one son in in heavens.
An idle in h dead dollar
for as its use in world of
is The Bank of
Winterville nukes a specialty of
dead where
it has a . along
with those that you and let
us take them. U will pay you
tar the privilege, if you w let
keep them enough.
Greenville, Mr. Lou Ward,
of Bethel, evening
to spend some time with the y
of G. Bryan.
We 11-1
Misses Bo-a Taylor
old pupil- i i
W. H. Tuesday
is Clyde We
are always clad to see them.
Miss Matilda
Greenville, who has lie mi
here, returned bone i.
Nice line of fresh it-
ways on
For hay, corn oats i
Hailing, Barber Co.
cleared off the way
the nil I
ad Is mi nine i to the .
of the town.
F. Nye R i I
I i be
MiST v
Coming i;
J. K. Cooper, v. eat
H is
A. M v.,. Io
-i ti
cm Sun lay
r f m 1.- vi s
. ins i Sn y
It i i .
B. t. Cox, cc i; i.
Mr-. who had today on business.
i at the Toe
it, Shelby, i in
borne. I.
Co. th u ed a
. v
i i-ti, v., . . .
i . .- ere
i . . .
. . . .
iii . i
; .
iii . . win .
I .-
;. .
. i r .
.-. ind,
ind pr
, j. moral
. 1-.
. J
i . received
n hid aunt.
Cal ll
ii a I
A H. Taft W. H. Rick.
A H Co
Greenville's greatest Furn
we To r ca or on
all times
. .
,.,, thin
i , , and mi
i, of
. .; Barbel
Kthe .school
pupils i
a- n
new i i
A i
A On
If you . or lie
to Co.
S. U. A. ill J re-
lag i ii A.
No Dead f o it good
pants when II barber ft
Co., received a new lot,
that they fell
For jars and rubber go
to On.
Straws lull which way the wind
blows, nonce me stream of
ill a id out from
Harrington, II ft
Miss -i-i- of
is visiting her J. L.
delight of her
All colors paint, yellow
A. W. Ange Co. are clean-
out summer goods cheap.
1.50 pants tor cents
,, 2.19
qualities of calico at
Good at
cent rated Mineral Water.
blood dues
trouble, Liver com-
plaint, weakness, cuts
sores etc. For at the drug
B. T. Cox,
Dora Cox returned from
H Wednesday evening.
Contractors of wood and brick
buildings. See for lowest
prices. Prompt attention given.
J. B. C
W H. Nobles.
. . I of lime just received
., ii. Co.,
, room i
b ad -i
o day.
re Ins I .
, i
I i .
this i
. ,.
i i
el i
, . Io
Send M
letters .;
ties for bu u Mu-
led by the to pay I I
have been received by
tor in the lust d iv.
of these letters take
this as the reason for i heir i a
peering In print. V of
ill a is for
printing such letters.
Gates of Exposition Not to Open on the
Norfolk, Va.- Aug. The usu
vexations problem i f Sunday i pa
i the has bee
curly in the case of S-
Va., which will open on the
of next April The gates will be
closed on Sundays.
Pitt y Boys.
Our boys are always
themselves heard wherever
they We see from the Kins-
ton Free that Barrett
has been elected president of the
association in that
Elmer moved from Greenville to
Kinston and is taking rank among
tho leading merchants there.
I'm County
T. W a White
a and Shelly Swain
guardian t
in the above cause, will take
a special en-
titled as above, ; i-, commenced
In the Superior of Pitt county,
before tho Clerk, to a
of way for the plaintiff's railway
across a tract of laud In
township, Pitt In which tho
said defendant interest. And the
defendant will further take notice
that he Is required to at the
Clerk of Superior
said county on Friday the list day Of
in the Greenville,
and answer or d to tho petition
and in laid proceeding, or
. i. .
id , of Scotland X
a. t vi i
I. E. and S if,
Sunday even in
from a visit to Durham.
John and Willie Clark, of Tar
who ha vi hem vi-ming here,
attuned home this morning.
MUs of
who bat been visiting Mi-a
Vise returned
Wise left, tin
u; for an extended visit In
Mr and Mrs. L. of
milt-in, dine in Sunday
to visit Mr. and Mi.
A. and child,
i f Scotland came Sunday
evening visit father, A. J.
Mr-. O. King and ,
Washington came
day to visit parents.
Mr. and Mrs W. M. King.
Mr. Mrs. R. B. Rinse
moved luck to Kinston from
and will make this
home. Kinston Free Press.
Miss Mattie Phillips, of Kinston,
who has been visiting Mis
returned homo
accompanied by Mist
Special Term.
Governor Glenn has ordered a
special term of court for Pitt conn
for one week August
27th. Judge T. J. will
side and tho special term will
be for the trial of criminal canes
before Superior
Court lurk i f Put u of
the will and of
It i. to All
gout to the estate to make
ate to and all
the estate
the plaintiff will apply to tho court for t,, mot
he relief therein demanded, will l
July UM, HaS In
y r n a a., me,
Clerk Ct at
. i
. I
. i I ,
Mi it i
I h
,. . i . , in I I
. . . . herself
Iii I . i n i. i however,
mid i i fell in dally will-
i I of
of her
when she suddenly pr some
crusts of from her handbag
and stuffed them into her mouth.
When she'd put in enough to
her lips and checks out she ex-
plained to me lather thickly that
the crusts would do just as well as
false teeth. And the thing
was that did do very and I
cot a good
Wood's Seeds
have a copy of our
New Fall
It gives best methods
mil information about
Crimson Clover
Vetches, Alfalfa
Seed Oats, Rye
Barley, Seed Wheat
Grasses and Clovers
mailed free, and prices
quoted request.
T. W. ft Sons,
Richmond, Va.
Our Mark Brand arc tho
boat obtainable.
now our
c i lawns.
laces and embroideries at
The price on Dry Goods and
Notions will be marked down low.
Shoes at
Shoes at
a at
Lawn at
1-2 cent
a. r. c.
hams at
l C
To of Liver or
Bladder Other
a in end if
full 11.00 bottle o
POL and ii it you, then
SOL until
This advertisement yon
Only a United number of bottles
given away. Don't miss op
to test
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings you
enough discomfort without it by over what to
by for breakfast, dinner or supper. With such i ; f
Groceries. Canned Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee.
Tea, Cakes, Fruits, us l carry, the ; and buy-
are easy and tho all ; C will i argument to
you of if you and what I carry.
You can find mo one door of
J. B
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty
fief Job Printing Office

Good all
lengths no v.
Still Offering Sale
Doz, Ladies
to g i
v. i
.Come and bu convinced.
Four March of
i will rot ii aims with a baa l business is buying the lust for the money Do i
buy until you tee complete fine Men's youths and boys Clothing. Tiny tit and have
Best granulated Sugar Ladies Summer
Good Apron ginghams
Reduction mILLINERY
ii help Soon Mad it Re
h Hi r m not
. o c
like II hail put u
it f Foreman Bill
v the water and Hit hi
proved a friend
ii this lime of need. He was i
office heard the
rattling of gears when act idem
occurred In
what the trouble. A
inspection disclosed the
the mishap, and about two
good k by the clever
and Billie put the In
rowing in n trued a-, ever.
It a big relief to have
men in reach In lime of
Ladies Fans quality
m Hurry
Shoe to fit all classes Prices man or
women who know the earned dollar. A
will convince you try a will j there none
better, Kid going Men's
all Patent leather Oxfords 1.00. Men's
leather Button 2.40. Boy's 2.50
Ono yard
Ladies Handkerchiefs hem-
stitched last
Dress Ginghams. Best
hams 1-2 cents.
to cent quality now cents.
This July Larger than June,
July and August of Last Year
Mr. V. who keeps
here for
fives as some
The total rainfall here for last
July, wan 16.32 Inches,
while the lust
year was inches.
The three, months
June, July and August, 1905, was
Inches, while for two mouths
this year, June and July, It
22.77 inches.
In the month of July year it
was Inches more than for the
three months, June, July and
August last year,
A v oil I- boot Boston -ill
will r. rally pest
of is ear-old
pupil i ;. private school at She
of something or
the teacher quoted the lino
the bright lexicon of
there's no cues word At
this point the lad mentioned i rose
politely made known his
to offer in observation with refer
lo the maxim, occurs b
me, said he, each I
the . ii might lie advisable a
.- Reading
mi I You Stop and See
it Wonderful
N. March 1901.
I i- i I take
e in that your Remedy
is entirely cured our little girl
very had case of eczema,
treat part her body.
She had enema front
he time the was three weeks old,
until she was years- old. She.
is now perfectly well and I feeL
I cannot speak too highly of
it She has not had a symptom of
it for six years. Respectfully,
To Publishers
We have-an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can old Brass
and Head Kales,
lit. and thicker, and make-
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Column and Head
defacing L. S. and
Head in
and over per
A sample of refaced
Rule, wile full
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
Printers Co
Manufactures of Type
High Grade Printing Mater
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia, p
N. S.
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L. leaves
Washington daily
at G a. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
at for
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
y . p., f New York, all other
Mens M it full
Mess 10.60 Suit, full spring
for 6.98
Men's 12.00 suit full spring
style for
Mens M and Kim
Men's 10.50 suit full sum
piece suits .- to it
Breasted two
cc ii suit h
Boys Breasted
Toys Double Breasted
Blue suit,
Men's 17.50 suit full
pants OH
piece suit
Come while our sizes are good.
It costs u to look.
Mixed Theology.
A group of email
their tent ion from their dolls
a few to comment upon the
religious of their change
North, Connects h Norfolk
with all West.
should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
A R. J.
J. Agent,
N. C.
represented, recording to the
and the narrowed down
I to the daughter of I W. T. and
I active of the lending P. Agent. Norfolk, Va
I Presbyterian church in the district, i K. KING V. p. ti.
church does your papa and ,,,
go to, asked tho
most inquisitive of the members
the company. Ethel T go to any Oil
Ho ain't rot any l U L
a ., ,
How often you can gel a
thing done
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies, Our
. la i could desire, and
a. win ma that your tool
box a luck a single
the .
the and are
wittily th-
. . ; In
i i i r.
I Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
D. W.
And Provisions
j Tics always on hand
In stick. Country
Produce and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina. ,
Is The Moon Inhabited.
proven that has
which life in
form possible on that satellite,
i who have a
. bard enough on earth of ours,
Dyspepsia, Torpid
J, and weaknesses,
. ii Tonic
r weak
i is aged. It Induces I sleep,
Pally guaranteed by J. I.
Having made U to
to Ti and t sell
a win be pleased to
in in i d same. Apply to
J. A. N.
A Trite Saying.
la a man Ii
than his
the It In u
tin- liver and
to panel the
body and thus runs liver and kid-
If you tin- natural
and ionic, Will
your stem In manufacturing each day
rich, is
from, poisons In
e it l pimples
or SHU tin face
as a I it; a Ilia.
one vigorous.
t i. the only medicine
for Ilk.-
. . alcohol harmful
ii-. of which has the
of leading medical
this country. Some of these
endorsements are in a little
will l- any
on of therefor
or postal w
V. N. V. Ii just
what Pierre's made of.
The for the several ,
ingredient which
are by leaders in all tho .
several and i
for cur., of the j
diseases for which the I
Is Should have far
more weight with the sick and afflicted i
than any amount of the so-called j
menial- so
to let
the Ingredients of which their medicines
are be Hear i-.
that the ,
hi a full list of it-
Dr. Pellets r. on-
Invigorate the liver and
Dr. great thousand-page
Sense Medical
will be sent free
cont or
Dr. Pierce as
the way the
thing was told to me; but, of
there's always more than om side
to a story.
course, there are
always as many sides to a story
there arc people to
ton Post
Starting tho
you know when you
ask your little girl ti it
makes Lice going
Then why do you do
That's Star.
An Theory.
you believe all men
equal, Mr.
by o long Why.
baby of mine knows more now,
ho is only three days old,
come people ever
Houston Post.
Not Always
School Child
had ;
shop work teacher in ;
schools, was
out order Una it
to adopt strong
form him
to o.-
knowledge m hi .
ii. was wanted
large, and job .
i- ms .-
if to
, cal
vies . I had
., p. . u ill
heart heart t i
I w ,. in repeat
. c. and
h lie .
ii- I
i .; v
raising hi f
those N ;
A Buffalo
a street car u Mexican
half dollar in t It as
If ought to bit much as
American fifty cent , e, but its
actual poi is little
mere than young
woman h point . .;
tack into coffer, of t
tar company. She tendered
the conductor of the ca.
looked . . i
your tors
He in
levity, must be mow
what u
It Steps US
To keep but it a,
J.- it i.- i
Th moment
ti cry tic lier
its not-e
It cannot
t. free
should i make use
unity t-. again t . how it is
et once i; tho tame way.
This is repeated baby ii;
that the stoppage o
breath caused by it own
t to and u t
1- the house wants
to l re on roll call that
did hear either by reason of
or absence from the
house i; i.- tint
to to ascertain
ii present and
lion. theory is that ii a man
it he u not entitled to
Adam wanted to be re-
the gentleman in the
asked the speaker. With-
out waiting for an answer Mr. Can-
non asked, the gentleman
was giving said
Bade. Then as a of after
he added, he was not
In the Hut he got
Importance Children
Parent; even in a humble cottage
home sin attention to tho
and manners of their
at mealtime They cannot tell
what position they will in after
life, and a man or woman who is i-
of tho most simple laws of
table etiquette is terribly handicap-
the parents to reprove
child who conveys its food to its
mouth with n knife, who drinks its;
tea from the n or w ho ks its
elbows out at angles the It mi
so taught never forgotten.
There is it certain amount of free-
at the family table, where one
scarcely expects to the
deportment of a set
hut even in tin there
are minor and
which should always b-i followed,
save Woman's Life.
; m . t
H. A.
ft M
, lit in tin
. How
w. H
J didn't .
id .
pi . i
iV. . It w I
.- . ;
l I
re I Hi
. r
A . . ;
;. N- -i.
a Little
i- r.rut
. u-l
sent . letter
Follow a
t. ten
for ladies .;
; r.
sexes i
ton kn .
I soldier
on ;
i v. 11- the reply,
point of . cont-
. J
you . tins r dug
hand v In th
you and tho
I I hi b
canned is not what
might began I v
. ; et
for ti
r. in .;. bright and
lie C
It Have worse.
just as mad as r
be II. kissed
right before all girls.
isn't that
than ii he had kissed nil girls
before For
Almond Ms
i i a pound of
coffee cup full of r.
tho i of t
almonds and p
at to them the -1 .
en bites of the
. together
hi . n
n H, it
almonds, a
sugar and
s; tho
them a
t . . of a
; in ; our
of a
the t j and
if r
. .-,
r Wit
f nil . famous
E- , of a century
and his . . who
, . b b Hi ion id
the. ii . . -ii;, and
lime ii In
then., mi .
there u . . it ringing at
door, Mi , 0.1 th
you to hunting or
now. Mr. one t
them up, us when you
ling bill. Vast
u and will you ;
will the of suit
raid the creditor.
We'll all i p t busy m day.
said Fox,
than put you to any
we'll make it the day
. ,.
. good
turn f tho
, co.
. . mi
i with
. . , then tho
ore . th fairly
o shaking the
.,. I h
rubbing it in.
fie Didn't Go
more and trims
ming to wish
into Sale i and
get it
. smart
me .-e. I know. That's the
shop who; they ii re my
; t.
r blond
girl the ti c knows
your h select
Just the yon want
the golden
hair, eyes
t little
a of I
c mind, dear,
and a
Th n
novel, i .
. I- .
d f
London Tin to
. . ii at-
1.1 an
v iii, h, v.,
. ., It was
issued ; . v n
on it
-i lO II
I . o I . ,
. i the . Me put
ii the entire
. . id a to
-i hip
I r. Ii. are
seven n . Meal contrivance and
appliance bis own invention.
The working of these had
to be demonstrated and
to him. Kelvin under In
lite theoretical of the
mechanism, had never
hem st
J II . T
Ones I .
in t
Toe , o ho
icon cam ion and
to his feel the
ah. to ho
whooped, dancing around like
demanded the
only policeman in town. do
you mean by cheering when the
clone has earned away your officer
it. friend. I have
been complaining twenty years
the circulation of my sheet
v, limited, and now there's a
t being circulated in
four states and twenty counties.
Wouldn't he surprised one copy
doesn't blow clean to
Mrs. you
give that woman ft
Mrs. me I can't
to spare a cent. As it is, I
don't see how we're ever going to
Say for dress I had to or-
for the charity York
In a Bottle.
If an egg opt In strong vine-
gar for tho shell will
become n ore or and tho
can then rolled out sausage-
until it of small enough
ti pro with ease in at the
if beer bottle. If cold
in poured in the bottle, the
of has been
r, will harden
its on mill shape.
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. Rick.,
store we are prepared furnish our customers anything needed i i
Dry goods and groceries
J an up-to-date line
Hats, Shoes, dress goods. Notions, lie.
In Groceries we will have a. all full th; best , not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar coffee, but all kinds of
canned goods, the finest b rands
We can supply anything you need-to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices for
CC PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods Hill please you
Origin of
, used con-
and yet low know the quaint
of its . the time of
was of bis followers, and
valuable lands at Hook Norton, in
Mere granted him upon
ti curious condition. Each year at
of S;. Michael he to
lender of n linen
worth English As they
went royalty, the ladies of the
family took great pride in
embroidering the
as they were termed, and in
tin collection
of great beauty was
these tribute They did
service for state ions in
the household
were called
In the neighborhood his Mis-
John Sharp
is always called That
is because the family of the con-
mother the Sharps
the great people of I lint section.
According to bis own confession
notion of earthly hap-
i to sir on his veranda at
in lie company of good hooks
and watch the cotton grow, only
one vote was cast against him
hist elect of one of his
seven children as a joke, of his
close friends said
writes poetry for recreation. At
least, he it's poetry, and that;
he recreation in committing it
Fluid Lenses.
Fluid are the invention;
of a Hungarian Each
cot o. a fluid . distance
between two unusually hard
surfaces, similar to watch crystals.
The lenses are achromatic. The
fluid does not evaporate. The new
lenses are said to be good as
nil of glass and can made much
more and for a fraction of
the price of the nil glass lenses. It
ii, expected that the new lenses will
especially useful for grout
Tin man prone upon the
Blood trickled from
ragged sash in hi- throat and form
a little pool m his head.
There were no murks of violence
nothing to show how the man
come by the accident For n min-
the great detective baffled.
a strange light shone in
his keen gray eve-, while a of
satisfaction played about hie lips.
you discovered how the
man's throat they asked.
he's wearing n collar that's
beet to
re .
, Come In and examine my-
Yours to serve,
The Hardware Man.
. . v iV a-9
to tiling i; . He. goods-knowing
w at to to buy, and n are to pay is whore the
My prices will you-that this is to
in quantity.
Hay, Corn, Lime Groceries.
ti you want aim hi u a it will to j our Interest to
L-i I In h
The fuel in Japan is charcoal,
woo i, coal, coke and kerosene oil.
The 0-0 cooking apparatus is
of two of the
a small portable construction
of or earthenware, costing
from cents to and heated
by of the other
a kind stationary fur-
built k mortar, tho
price varying from to and
burning wood fuel. Tho
ore heated by charcoal bra-
i from cents to
Foreigners tin re use cooking
of son e are imported from
England France, but
the greater number are of Japanese
make, while r. and of-
fices are heated grates and
stoves, of which are of
manufacture, those
houses built foreigners are usual-
fitted with American o- Eng-
grates. Only a few furnaces
and steam heating plants
Fur Dealer. paid for
r. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Egg, etc. Bed
Oak Suits, Ba
fables, Lounges, Bates, P
and Gall Ax
Key We it Che-
Henry George Can-
. Cherries, Peaches,
Pine Jelly, Mill
Flour Sugar, Coffee,
Lye, Magic Food, Oil,
Seed Meal
den Seeds, Apples,
Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents, C-. v-j
and China Ware, Tin i-d
Wart., Cakes and Crackers,
Sewing and
Quality an
quantityS. M. SCHULTZ

Mew Celebrated
Treated to a
men arc sometimes
en in the ores of
to . . if . a
. . I hi
with her and was much
fresh vivacious
When the train was entering Boa-
Ami he determined to give her u
surprise and so said bland-
like to know
who it is with whom have
answered tho girl, up-
her banning face.
The statesman smiled
I am Mr. Edward
The girl stared at him vacantly.
He again, for the mortify-
that his nine could lie
to her had yet
in his
The pause oppressive.
the girl h tut herself.
to.-, lire
After i had
i r a
,, ,. .
I a t a
and without a
explanation lie atop;
fat down. The r. hardly
knew what Jo do. After awhile
tome one more bold t real
got strode down and
went out Some . nod,
and in a few minutes the I. . was
empty. good lecture, Mr.
laid a local dignitary,
who trying to l- polite.
mean the half of the
reply. second hall has not
shrieked the local dignitary.
Twain, his composure j
mot in the tact disturbed, while till
usual merry twinkle i a his
ye, have tie money for
who-. and don't see why we
need t worry lake
W y i
v to .
j .
If .
of the Old
. i renowned
in Larch-
. . number and
. i A i, I
a of ,.
i to
v id ;
hi rd
it t ill IO .- .
v it hi
; i
. ail . .
i it ion.
. ;
by the French minister of public
instruction to examine the claims
of candidate for the Na-
de Voyages and
award the traveling scholarship,
worth has unearthed a new
poet. He is M. Abel aged
twenty-one, concerning whom the
committee opines world will
M. won the scholarship
by his volume of verse,
life and animals. The new poet has
bracketed Abbe
a vi-r r. who translated
id with
the of fables.
lie f-is also deal in common
ii ck, the singer
of la who died a
ago i iris. The com-
which hi the new
poet had to with
in prose verse. One
of p lie by
M. he receive hi.-
u i.
group men who
come Sew York every
from N. C.,
I partly on pleas-
i . . the Bumble-
bee a
sol jute iii the Tar Heel Stare.
N ; ago of the friends C
meeting him at .
hotel, a trip
tho grounds to a ball gun .
are the a-
quired the North
One Hundred and i
was the reply.
you don't mean to tell me
this town has grown to a Ma
as that the visitor ex
been coming here every ten
months for ten years, and only l-t
year everything was. woods north
It developed that the lieutenant
had taken n walk up Seventh avenue
and upon seeing the trees of
park had decided he was at the end
of York Post,
A Remarkable Spring.
of the most remarkable
springs in the world, J, A. Ed-
the Mining
Journal, has recently been
in Mexico. It is literally
iring with
. Distill.
and one-third
water weighs eight
per gallon;
tho of this weighs tan
two-thirds pounds. The
of tho spring is a little over
II degrees As saturated
and it forms
a . mass like which in
the course of ages has spread
reports, is inhabited by a minute
shrimp-like organism, a species
of plant is found growing in the dry
tie course of ages has spread
snow white hod of solid sodium
mile in and us level as j
lake. Tho warm brine, Mr. Eddy Si
Forrester, living northwesT
of Moran, boasts of the fact
he lived fifty-five and
in Kansas since yet
never on a train.
not have any
fear riding on a train, but
never had to ride,
limes his children have made
purse hat him in i mo
of Sunday but as his
religious are a
ii i 11.1 train on . has
time refused t.
re is a woman who.- . r.
was d,
o of
i left a b . of H. n
r which
i -in r. n; .-
i in add
on a
the of
tori d r i
i . Hit hour.
Bus- V
it acme e t
and . i be
, ; .
To it. Mr. ;
l I never get
A of one purl d J n
Ca r i o two
a glycerin is one for
freckles. Am
. i , r
of i
ion juice
c r. . tan, one
juice in i. hall
pint of row
For Clowning.
. if
m I t
soap . . and grease will
oil . an I A
., T-
The w i of a shoe is the only true test.
and you will be
surprised at their sung faultless fit, at the
they to your daft, at their handsome
j y and style. You
no -r to your step, that
lead ; .;
here is r. tide of dress that can thwart
i j. with her pleasure, or
. shoe, wear
i i your troubles
J. B. S Move,
, I . i .
. . ill
. . . . . I
. II
Or oil iv
kerosene for
V j Editor Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Salisbury Under
N. C,
Francis a well
citizen of Salisbury, arrested
to-day the charge
the mot M lynches
night at the hands of which three
i, mi;
court here, which he was
i without
In view of threats U
liberate Hall and others
for the
Monday night,
were called out to the
two now here from
at the
The city is now
martial law, one in
lowed to either the; jail or
fro it of the court house by
authority. The order was issued
b-j J. F of
in charge the troops
Later General was
held up by his owe order.
The ling guns soot here
are-still at vantage points
the jail property and the troops
grounds constantly.
There is little prospect -t this
hour of -serious trouble
thou ah the day has one of
every is to
tension and a
follow the slightest
Don't Go Home At
The day mother sent to
home at recess, think-
-school out. I haw
grown that a whole lot
of people the same thing,
the part of. the affair that too
many of never went back,
life be careful that you don't go
home at If you start
trade or profession, stay by it and
master it chase away at re-
If you have a business, at-
tend to it. go home at recess.
This going recess has
a man into bankruptcy, lit
has mother's tears to flow
and mother hearts to ache. It has
made crusty old bachelors and sour
old maids. It worlds with
ignorance and made barren deserts
of fertile plains home at
recess means that have fallen
at the and your
until school
At the primaries Saturday every
mail ho wants to vote for the
men whom the people wish to
represent in the
should vote for Sol. Jones
the north of the river, and
J. J- and J. L.
Fleming the south side.
Sol. Jones in by all odds the
choice of this-side the river, and
we ask your. people to stand by
him your-side. It will be well
at this for Pitt county to
n two farmers for the
House of Representatives. There
is danger in the next legislature
if great care not exercised in
the selection of the members. W
cannot J to ignore the
claim of the north side of the river
for member of the House. He
must live on this side and not be
a former resident.
We mast have men not
i he com or of any man,
or set of men. We have them
us. the result Sat-
see if the people are
still looking after their inter-
These men stand for toe
beat there is in politics and we
should all for
Greenville, Aug. 8th,
A county is judged I y the idea
it sends to the legislature. If any
one doubts Mis let him stand in
the lobbies and listen when the
legislature to the
comments of the
the different members and the
of the people who sent
t heat there, such will not
Washington Had Luck With Her
Our put up a good fight
Tuesday, hut the game was played
a little farther the Tar, so
Greenville was it the lead until
the inning, with the score
i to in out favor, our rivals lit
in on Tamer aid hit out seven
kits which tallied
, more the score to
It then behooves the
went to bat in tin- tuning, but
Traveling Mas Speaks.
Years ago drummers were not re-
as a class of who took
much interest in religion or church
i as, But day and time some
of the best men met up with are
among the salesmen.
One of these is Mr. L. J. Wright,
of Norfolk, who came in Wednesday
evening and at night made a talk at
the prayer meeting the
church that delighted all whose
good fortune it was to be present.
He is perfectly home before a con-
in church,
That is a good bluff Jim Sher-
man is putting up, when he in-
81.00 subscriptions to the
campaign fund of tho
can congressional committee.
But tho trust mid tariff protect
ed combine that does not come
down with usual check may
expect to be investigated, if
prosecuted. pat and
pass the is tho plan on
which the campaign will run
according to Speaker Cannon,
after consulting with the
Below We Mm. H. C. Coop-
i Why Every
paper was awarded 1st
prize in the of
the Home Telephone Telegraph
The reasons why every home
have a telephone may be
arranged under heads,
Economic and Social.
Frequently business matters
of the day involving large sums of
money are not closed before the
close of hours in which event
the head of the house may be
reached from any distant point and
the matter adjusted before the
opening of
It is often important that the
head of the house takes an early
mining train to meet an engage-
and in the smaller towns
the telegraph offices close early,
the telephone is the only
method of quick communication.
For the buying or selling of
stocks, bonds and
can be giver with more
detail and dispatch by telephone
than, otherwise,
Should one of the
to v accident or be sud-
taken ill, the can
be immediately reached by
The household shopping
marketing be done successful-
by telephone, saving time
If is preparing for a
journey or expecting friends by
rail, the telephone gives you the
arrival and departure of all
It is satisfactory when
giving a dinner, card party or
other entertainment, to invite
your by and
out immediately it is their pleas-
to attend upon the
A few words o f choice gos-
sip, neighborhood news, to
very best friend over the
helps so much to get
through the day.
We can our friends
at a distance over the telephone.
Pitt to in selecting their
i e since are to be
judges him.
With these observations I
attention to the fact
nave an
select a representative of
Kiev will be proud by whom
they should be willing i. be
I to Mr. K. It. who
has his willingness to
serve the of bis county
House of Representative if
they shall desire. Mr.
is a man of pleasing address
of While he
positive of his
still he has respect tor the honest
conviction of men who differ with
speaks with clearness
doing. We outclassed
them in the field, only two
scratch errors.
Washington, Woolen, At-
and Springs.
line up was Jame
Smith Turner e,
I If,
of, Blow rt Blank
In no activity has there been
progress during the last
twenty years than that of the
There are
bat not with bitterness. He is hundreds
and deeply
the work of the farm but he con-
cedes that honest true
way he found in other vocations.
The interest of the farmer, the
the mechanic, the doctor
the lawyer will be safe in his
He will not legislate for
or against but be ill seek
to promote the beet Interests of
all conditions.
Mr. is well and
the State. He was a
member of Board of Directors
of the Asylum during Gov.
Carr's administration. He was for
i number of years a member of the
State Committee and
usually attended its meetings. He
has thus been in close
with the leader- of the
and of the best of the
state. He has lusts of friend-
among the leaders and can have
great at the if
the people of Pitt shall choose him
as of representatives,
ca mot believe the people will let
this opportunity to be fitly
go by, and I confidently
look for his nomination.
which editorial ability, me-
appearance, and all that
to respect
and attention are fully
abreast of their metropolitan
in moral tone,
and editorials they
pass moat of the great dailies.
In times past the country editor
generally regarded
with a pi tying contempt as
a but chicken-
hearted of
Allot this has
changed. Country newspapers
as a class, the mightiest
influence in the nation. The ed-
are men of character and
enterprise, doing more for the
community for less money than
any other body of workers.
Showers since Wednesday after-
noon the temperature some-
More Hooks Needed.
While Greenville a finish-
ed town, it grow falter in
population if more houses were
available. Twice in one day re
The Reflector was
by men who to
get houses so they could move
their families here Wit were
able to find them. And both the
families would be worth much to
the town. True building material
has been too high recent months
to encourage much building, but
more houses must be provided
th population is to increase.
District Meeting.
A. number of Odd Fellow of
and loft this
morning on g is boat to at-
tend a meeting of Odd
lows at Aurora. The boat left at
o'clock, and a few others who in-
tended going slept themselves
and were left.
Greenville mis this
wit i a number of charming
and the none
ha- been more thin Miss
Nell . who is
the guest of A.
in her other at-
tractions Mi-s is especially
in music. She has
an exceedingly rich voice and her
is delightful.
Observe th Law.
The town have sent
around notices calling attention to
c prohibiting throw-
of or trash of any kind
on the streets, and stating that the
law will be enforced against any
who violate the ordinance.
Tobacco to be
light, as expected for the
sent, but the good price is what
pleases the farmers.
What the editors leave in
their ink bottles, and pigeon-
boles, and waste would
make u big bunk and a powerful
readable one. If what they print
of their own stuff and of the con-
should occasionally give offense,
tho offended persona should con
aider he would have boon a
grout deal madder if he had
known bow much the editor loft
in his ink bottle or cut out of the
offending correspondence. As
the Concord or some one
else, so w ill says, tho man who
gets mad what the newspaper
says about him should give
thanks three times a day for
what tho newspaper knows
about him and say.
Those Coming and Going
Daily Reflector, Aug.
F. G. James went to
to Jay.
E. H. Thomas went to
Bert James went to Tarboro
today to play ball.
Miss Lula Taylor returned from
E. K to
Wednesday evening.
H. C. t this
K. c. returned tins
Edward wont t
today to visit relatives.
Ir. Charles went
tO tills
L A. left
for Ga.
Dr. J. i. rt-turned Wed-
tee in Norfolk,
evening Norfolk.
Misses Lucy
left this for a visit near
Mi-. J. S. .
this for to
v it
Mrs- W. T. Godwin and Mrs. E.
William- are spending some
days at Seven
J. Z. and little
from county.
Misses Mary
from a visit to Ayden.
Misses Addie of Kin-
Powell, of Golds-
are visiting Mrs. D.
held a
sometime with the
imperial Tobacco Co. here, has
been Tied to the office of
same at Rocky
The Library of an Emperor.
In formed the
idea of having a traveling library
in order to make hi- hour- of
recreation independent of
the exigencies of a campaign or tho
delays of a courier. The proposed
library to form about a thou-
sand volumes, hooks were to
he of size, printed
in good typo and without margins
in order to save space. They
to be in morocco, with flex-
covers and limp backs. The
boxes for conveyance were to
he covered with leather and lined
with green velvet and were to av-
sixty volumes apiece in two
rows like the shelves in a library.
X was to accompany them
-o arranged that tho could
readily And any desired volume.
The of wan as
volumes on religion,
forty of epic poetry, forty of tho
drama, sixty volumes of other
sixty volumes of history and
a hundred novel-. order to
complete the run the in-
up of historical
nines West fall Thompson in At-
In and Out of Cork.
The museum England
contains a cork model of tho
This Ma- probably acquired
by Sir John chiefly because
cork is to cut. Mr.
ion tells in a
story with it. The late
keeper, Mr. Birch, showing a
of American visitor over tho
museum and mentioned that this
said one of ladies.
arc just going to some friends
mean. he ex-
plained, this model was made
out of -That is still more
she replied. friends
live just ii little way out of
The committee recently
by the French minister of public
instruction to examine the claims
of candidates for the. Hoarse Na-
do and
the traveling lull
worth ha- unearthed i new
poet. He M. Abel aged
twenty-one, concerning whom the
committee opines world will
M. won the scholarship
by hi volume of
descriptive of nature, pastoral
life and animals. The new poet has
bracketed with
a famous who translated
Virgil and Milton, with
the author of the fable.
lie has also ii deal in common
with tho singer
of In who died a
few ago in Paris. Tho com-
which ha- chosen the new
poet had to grapple with tUt pro-
in prose and verso.
of The places to be visited by
M. when he
Seeing New York.
Among tho group of men who
come to New York every few
months from Charlotte, X. C, part-
on business and partly on pleas-
is a lieutenant of the Humble-
bee rifles, a militia organization of
some repute in tho Tar State.
Not long ago one of the friends of
the lieutenant, meeting him at a
Broadway hotel, proposed a trip to
the polo grounds to see a ball game.
arc the in-
quired the North Carolinian.
One Hundred and
the reply.
you mean to tell me
this town bus grown to as big
us the visitor exclaimed.
been coming here every few
for tea years, and only last
year everything woods north of
It developed that the lieutenant
had taken it avenue
upon the frees of Central
park had decided he the cud
of York Post.
A Remarkable Spring.
One of the most remarkable
springs the world, says J. A. Ed-
in the Engineering and Mining
Journal, has recently been
in New Mexico. It is literally
a spring saturated with sodium
Distilled water weighs eight
one-third pounds per gallon;
tho water of this spring weighs ten
two-thirds pound. The
of tho spring is u little over
degrees F. the saturated
liquid overflows and cools it forms
a crystalline muss like ice, which in
the course of ages has spread into
a snow white lied of solid sodium
salts miles ill extent and as level as
a hike. The warm brine, Mr. Eddy
reports, is by a minute
shrimp-like i -in, and u specie
of plant is found growing in the dry
expanse of sodium sulphate.
His Rare Resolve.
John Forrester, northwest
of boasts of the fact that
he has lived fifty-five years and re-
sided in Kansas since 1800 and yet
has never been on a train. Mr.
does not have any
fear of riding on a train, but
has never had occasion to ride.
times his children have
up a purse to have him take in some
of the Sunday excursions, but as
religious principles j rid-
on the train on Sundays be line
each time refused to take the
Kan.-as Journal.
Hero is a woman whose of
gratitude i mi T c
I . I of
a I. of Io a
to m
a lifelong r. Her will i
directed Unit in
I.- on a sumptuous
the of tin
r should be
. the will
reads, ii. many pleasant hours
spent its humorous col-
Not Art, but Salesmanship.
paintings self very
well, don't remarked
1-, wouldn't say i should
sells his
Houston Post,

Eastern reflector, 7 August 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 07, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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