Eastern reflector, 20 July 1906

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i i up
B. Parker, of
tin North Co-ton
be now
newly alt the retorts of; cotton
growing e Slate mil of
made a study- It may be
muted, OB th strength these re-
that it looks
the crop or
cent, of that year. we
June did at, deal damage
Cotton has bin a n time tin
year, between the Moonlit, the
cold widespread
and rains, which
imam sections day
nod caused a
growth of weeds in M'S when
the rainfall hi en greets and in
some Slate her.-
an I wards the Beat, the ear
bell faring better than tin
other The. increase in the
of Id to
, , Mid railways, bas become
mm re crave end story of
from . y report
. , Cotton deal-
h-v they
war of them, it is true,
v pet good reports. The wet
of the tap root, the root
of tie plant, Urns affected the
The outlook there
fore In fart, it is not
what seemed to I a lo
In the selection of men to
office f our
we should tie to select men
who are well qualified in every
particular to execute the duties of
the offices.
We want not only good men,
but ho are thoroughly cam-
to handle the affairs of our
We, ed citizens of
take pleasure
to Pitt county
for of a young
man who la been a hearty sup-
porter el tin D party
all has life, aid whose past
Robert L. Little,
of Greenville township. He is a
young h moral character,
ability, and sound
Having been educated at one
of the leading Institutions of our
State. V be
is ell any
office of honor or trust th; t the
people of bis county might
no give turn.
We commend him to the
as a man for the place.
I. K.
W. B. Wingate.
P. T.
W. L. House.
H. Hunsucker,
F. Harrington,
W. O. Vincent.
Growth of
thirty years ago was the
first telephone operated at Phil-
Its growth has boon
wonderful. People had had the
believe, only a
little mow than thirty years
then ; and when the first words
wore heard over the telephone
cm- thought that
this Sim- people would be to
talk to other In
-voice known and recognized,
from lakes to from sea
to a. We wonder no
longer at the strides
science and human effort are
and we need not try to
foretell the limit of these things.
Captain Have Narrow
A schooner
which plied
Washington and was
lost in sound Thursday
night in heavy weather.
mate was at the wheel called
to the captain, ho was in the
cabin, that was
the craft. The hurried on
deck and aw that the
was badly listed. He told the mate
to lower the sail but before this
could I e done the schooner turned
Only captain and mate
were on board. look the
boat kept on the schooner and
were seven hours getting ashore.
An effort will be made to raise the
report of the condition of
Recently a man wiled abbot.
Washington. a, THE U N T I R k A I
chine M ease and I ML
it with as certainty
M a man can drive a gentle bug E L L i I
horse over the beat roads in
county. Hush up that
prophecy we have about
reached the limit achieve-
We have com.
I l end is far out of
Sight, hid the hills
the Neck
In of North
i at the oh e
Loans and Discount
Overdraft bad
r s. to
Why Milk.
s the
In a thin is n
Ye- whole process
like other
n if
milk en i in a day or two,
, e ii would
Canst II to n it are peculiar-
I city.
it rules
lb m Coin I, cocaine
o, Ht , . h men. Under
i to
l in-
i to
ii in . o v at
k a hall an hi
. h tut the in a atom
Hi, in- . i is the
,; vi ll dot It. W
R , ,. Ii I on
the i p i. to sour the
milk. strong
excite-- the as
in a few
do a job under ordinary
c would e them a couple
of Orleans
U. H. ponds
from National Bank
not reserve
fr stun-
; rs
e from approved
and i item
No other National
i r.-set
Specie I
. I ;
fut l U B.
i p . neat
Capital 50,000.00
hied I i
. .
National bank ti u
Individual ts subject
Tin, i deposit ii ;
Cashier's k outstanding Total
State North
County is.
W, t the above
. i . w .
the above to the
of e and belief.
J. W. AYCOCK, Cashier
and before
t Attest
ll, W.
K. A.
V e n July a busy
ii a
AH Summer Goods
to make for the new fall Stock. Th
include i
Slack Lawns,
Ready-made Shirt Waists,
Ladies Belts and
Ladies, Children
and Infants Slippers.
An early call will saving to you.
J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Uncle Sam Will Build a Colonial
City and an
at the Jamestown
Exposition Next
Norfolk. Va., July 17-Of the
oms appropriated by the United
States govern in aid of
Jamestown to be held
next year near Norfolk, fire
fifty thousand dollars are
specifically -pi the con-
o buildings sol
of exhibits. Of this
amount larger part is the
It baa I ii the purpose of
exposition from its
very to create a colonial
city on of Hampton
the policy of the Unit
Sit.- i to further
this end by the erection of build-
all of will belong to
Dun i-t type of
line ard there along the
miles of
the with Norfolk
Ii. e examples of colonial
and in the city of
Norfolk mere are some
ate perfect specimens of
that type.
None of exposition
will be reproductions of Greek or
temples nothing
win shown in the outdoor deco-
rations- or adornments.
i buildings will b
chaste, ad the gardens
cent seventeenth
To and ready
in between ships of
the Unit will assemble in
m nil and the
and in order to
a safe ample harbor for
small boats and launches, the gov-
has appropriated four
hundred thousand dollars for the
ruction of two mammoth
pi en- eighteen
feel into Hampton Roads connect-
ed at the by a third
piers will lie two
bundled Ii et wide, and the lateral
piers will be eight hundred feet
spat t, forming a basin eight
lit eighteen hunched t-t
will be unique
sights. It will
lie In- In. lighted at night, and
e will have two tall
for Reflector
William Patrick
most royally at bis borne Tuesday
evening in honor of the visiting
j ladies.
ball and parlor were the
scenes of much merriment as
were ushered in. They were
by Bertha Patrick
sad Walter Patrick. From this
time on the guests were highly en-
This was one of the
most enjoyable social
ever held in this city.
A very contest
bad The by Pie-
ton who gave it to Mis-
Oakley, N. C-, July 1906.
H. A. Gray made business calls
in Monday.
Mrs. Eli Rogers improves very
Mis. C. H. Ross returned from
Bethel Sunday where she spent a
few days with her sister, Mrs.
K. of Williamston,
was a caller in town Monday.
J. K. Roberson, of Everett, spent
Sunday in this section.
Mies Mary Taylor left Friday to
visit near for
a few days.
Smith, who in turn L, the we
it to Miss Mabel Craft, of
Wilmington, The consolation
prize was to Mis Mary J
Smith. also presented her
prize to visiting ladies.
were cut, Miss Willie
Hill, was the win-
Thurman Moore the
prizes in a very appropriate ma
Delightful refreshments wen
served to the enjoyment of all.
Misses and Bryan
favored the guests with a few in-
selections, which were
thoroughly enjoyed.
Those present were; Miss Li
with William Patrick
Miss Sue of Wilson, with
Ames Brown, Miss Mabel Craft, of
Wilmington, with Bascom Wilson,
Mis Pearl of Rich-
mend, with Charles Home, Mica
Willie Grimsley, of Snow Bill with
Alex Blow, Miss Mae with
Luther Bowling, Miss an
with Frank Wilson, Miss
with Will Lipscomb, Miss
Lee Brown with Thurman Moore,
Miss Ethel Skinner with Blount
Pearce, Miss Mary with
Burney Warren. Miss Mary J.
Smith with Wiley Mi--
Mary with Cecil
Miss Katie Tunstall with John
Miss Smith
with Tyson, Miss L.
smith with Lee Miss
Bertha Patrick with Gary Mayo.
At a hour the guests de-
patted, congratulating Mr. Pat-
rick on the pleasures of the
declaring him an ideal
nave seen. He had some here last
that tipped the at
No trouble to a shower bath
these days. A bad wind that
helps no one.
Several cases in court the past
Mies Lassie Overton left here
Friday for Mt. Olive.
Lucy Manning, of
Mis Myrtle Harris, of Washing-
ton, and Miss Grimes, of
Speed, were here Monday.
Miss Minnie Moore returned
Monday from Tarboro where she
has been spending a few days.
J. E. and family, of
came over on the after-
noon train to spend a few day here
on business.
Messrs, Whitehurst and Wynn,
of the Oakley Iron x Milling Co.,
are bus putting in new machinery
for their already well equipped
Miss Minnie re-
turned Sunday from a visit to
Washington, N. C 1900.
Editor Reflector.
I am informed by the Navy De-
that a vacancy for a
midshipman from the First Con-
district, will exist at
Naval Academy in June next,
am directed to nominate a
and three alternate.
The in i in ii in is sixteen
years the age
The mental
nation Mill he held on mini
in April,
State Loans Money to Various
Counties for Improving
Public School Buildings.
Raleigh, July State
Board of Education has just
loans from the State public
school loan building fund
to lie expended in
twenty-seven counties for building
new school houses and improving
old ones. By the making of these
loans the State board assures the
expenditure of not less than
as loans are made to some-
thing less than half of the total
to be expended in the
building or Up to
date the State has loaned
the loans began three
years ago. It is a notable fa- that
not a single district that
has iv. i cl money has ever failed
o meet a payment of either In-
tel est or principal when due. Four
per cent, interest is charged. The
counties have just been
ed loans for districts within
border are as foil Cherokee,
Sampson, Pitt,
Sampson, Washington,
ton, Columbus,
Dare, Wilkes, Ran-
It is a notable fact loan-
in,; the to the town of
Washington town will erect
buildings aggregating in
What the Southern Cotton
Has Done for the
An interesting bulletin ha
been issued from the office Mr
president of the
I i in Cotton Association,
headquarters at Atlanta, Ga,
concerning the value of the South-
Cotton Association to the cot-
ton planters of the South.
The bulletin shows that in the
two years ending September 1st,
1906, two crops of cotton,
gating practically bales
will have been marketed at an
average pi ice to Southern pro-
nearly cents per
In two ending
1st, 18.18, bales of
i in produced and market
ed at an average price of cents.
This in price is an
of and
is very the work of the
Southern Cotton
Charlotte News.
Pointedly Pleasant
J. R. Moe Tuesday
from k.
Mayer K v. went to
Miss Alice Lang returned
morning Kinston.
A. returned Tuesday
evening from Greensboro,
B. J. Pulley returned
from Beaufort.
Joseph returned Tuesday
evening from Virginia Beach.
Mrs. W. B. James and children
went to
F. W. Clare returned Tuesday
evening from Tate Tenn.
Miss Hattie retained
Tuesday evening Virginia
Miss Annie Hemby,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rick
For Cent Ti
Mr. It. J. Reynold of Winston
totters, one for the lighthouse set-
vice, and ii e j buys practically all of the
pier will crop of tobacco
high to permit at the price by
all the small craft to enter the bat at the price fixed by
sis. will be planted
all along and booths will
be erected at intervals.
Besides us use a- a harbor, the
will serve as an
for spoils,
matches, polo and such
games, d possibly for the
of models of
dim of this enormous
i be comprehended
at comparisons. The
is about nine
y city connecting
pier at .-ml is six becks
and the width of each of the plan
is the u of the average block
two bundled feet.
Mr. C. V. York, who is the gov-
river at thin point
uh the rainfall of Green-
ville for month of July up t
this date been 4-5 inches.
This is a greater rainfall by nearly
two inches limn has any one
month in the past fourteen months.
The rainfall for duly 1905, was 9-
far both July and
August of that year was in-
be made
ii the principal alternates
y have for
no. H. Small.
I central office New York,
says this ho it is
would gladly pay the farmers
more far their tobacco but I did
j would go wild and raise U
much and the c ion m
Reynolds may e thus kind
and for our in-
but he will have a bard lime
making them believe it. Most of
us prefer the idea that lie is pay-in.
the cents tun-
Wen all substantial
lion from the markets, he doesn't
hate to pay more, and he would
take the crop at a still less
but the knows it his
reached the danger line and to cm
the price further would mean that
I here would he none raised
No, the Trust is not going to kill , Grifton,
the goose that lays the golden was on the creek in a small bout
Due to pay you afternoon and had a gun
believe I ,,, ,, was
A Mob Proof Jail.
Mecklenburg county jail has a
of being mob proof, not
structurally, but managerially
recent years three mobs have
gathered there to see about
prospects of getting out a prisoner
and fun ml it bad. Two of these at-
tempts were serious, notably
gathering one Sunday night to
lynch of n
old Italian, John At its
height the mob embraced at least
two thousand people, but their
will be bud been anticipated and
at a later dale. they found the jail like a
Candidates be physically j Soldiers surrounded it and
I bayonets gleamed from every win-
ail for The mob led by Colonel
win or request far. re-
general memory. One day while
of Judge was holding court a
who had outraged a white
woman was brought in and jailed.
By nightfall of the
mob heard, but when it
reached jail the solders were
oil guard.
deal I mil lug hi
stamping of fee , but no one
jail gate, which was
line. In Ibis county sher-
and not tin- mob, is in
, , .-, habit of Once
to Have Shot . ., ,.
ii ii Is In lie
Accidentally. is j far ti-
William em oner, I house.
lit- mini to j
There is no place on
says an exchange, better than
a country newspaper to find out
how many kinds of people their are.
Some get huffy if a statement is
sent, others will not pay until they
get a statement. Sum- will pay-
without a statement, and others
won't pay whether a statement is
sent or not. Some thought they
owed more, and some thought they
didn't owe so much. Some say
they get along without the
paper, others say it don't amount to
much. But meanest scrubbiest
in the world is the man who takes
it until he is shut off for
and then spends his explain-
how he used to take
but stopped it it was no
, lull Ion as to
ii examination. It
I lint l nominal
inter than e
Mrs. Nan a Brown and J. K
White went to Hamilton today to
visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fleming and
children returned Tuesday after-
noon from Morehead.
W. T. Burton and J. B. Ran-
went down the road on the
forenoon train.
E. of Mt. Olive,
been visiting in this sec-
left Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wooten and
daughter, Miss Pattie, returned
Tuesday evening from Morehead,
Miss Louise Stain,
who was visiting Mrs. F. C. Hard
to Tuesday
Miss Dora Rouse, of
Springs, who has been
Mrs. R. R. Rouse, left Tn day
W. R. Parker, Harry din-
Jr. Jessie Ned
and B. Mayo it
Virginia Beach today.
Mrs. W. B. Wilson returned
Don't be afraid of u little fun
at homo. Don't shut your house
lost the sun should your
carpets; and your hearts, lest a
hearty laugh shake down some
of the old dusty cobwebs there evening from
If you want to ruin your sons. He sister, Miss Fannie
let them think that nil mirth home tor a
social enjoyment must be loft on i
the threshold when they come Mrs. C. C. Vines and Misses
home at night. When once a Bessie Patrick, Helen Forbes and
house regarded as only a place Home left this morning
to eat, drink and sleep in, the j for Virginia Beach,
work is begun that ends in
ling houses and
Young people must
fun and relaxation some
whore. If they do not find it at
their own it will
be sought Other less
Therefore let the fire bunt
brightly at night and make the
homestead delightful with those
little arts that parents so
understand. Don't, re-
press the buoyant spirits of
your chili
Miss Maggie or
more, who has been visiting the
family of her uncle, R. L. Hum-
In i. left this morning for Hobgood.
Mrs. Kate Fry and Miss
of Wilson, who has
j visiting Mrs. I. Gardner, left
Tuesday afternoon for
L. B. who some years
ago went n ii Bethel Nashville
Tenn., when he a
prominent business man, was in
an hours mer today. The Reflector
bold an inquest over body of
a white man, named
It seem that Mr. who
a short Die
creek at a place known us
seven cents, and you win
enough and that the j to ,, ,
after he was
d dead the by bis wife.
There was a gun shot wound his
breast and tie empty gun was
iii-iii the body in the boat. It
is supposed that Mr. shot
himself accidentally. He leaves a
wife and six children.
is the best friends
to sleep dream
dreams. Danbury Reporter.
matter getting is
a problem, yet you can see
of them streets.
Apples on
One bide
r i t c
mind I lit lamp and lire-
side of home out tin- re-
of a care and
annoyance during the day, and
was glad to t a call from him.
A farmer from near the Martin
the of n
line in the city t. day
that on bis farm he has an apple
tree containing six limbs,
three of which are on the north
side of the three the
addition to this freak
of nature, the limbs on the north
side are burdened with a crop of I from between here and
line, juicy, mellow apples, was large. The excursion
the limbs on the South side are, train was behind the morning pas-
Messenger. I train.
Those citizens other sections
country who every now aid
the in sale guard they say something about the in-
take into the world is North Carolina in
ting illiterate whites to vote and
barring may be
There was so much rain this
morning that not many people
went from here on the Norfolk ex-
and the crowd
Interested to know that after the
rather January 1st fol-
lowing neither white nor hi
who is nimble to read and
will be able to vote. In other
white men years of
ii i the same
requirement a toted
Charlotte Ob- i. .

The time for Clearance Sales has moved up a month or more. Formerly September, then August, now July. The factory
are even out selling fall goods before the selling of Summer Stuff began, even now solicitations are made for next
delivery. The wheels commerce are spinning. To keep pace with this progressive age, Clearance Sales, swift and
fast, is now the order. Nothing is to be carried over. So profitless is this sale to us that no goods
can charged or sent out to see at July Clearance Sale prices. We have planned to sell all Summer Goods, have taken
into due consideration the great loss of profit at such reduction as we are making means. We take the loss cheerfully, wisely.
believing it to be the best kind of to clean up all similar goads at it while fie wiring is at its height.
A I the He ind Lawns have
it reduced to and lie yard.
and Lawns are to
sell for 1- yard.
The Lawns we to
soil at Me i yard.
reductions in tho Wool
Dress Goods.
lot Ribbons to close at
greatly prices.
Graft reduction Corsets.
All the Millinery Goods to be
dosed at half price.
White India linens, worth
to close yard.
and Insertions
worth Se In to close at yd.
Fine Chins Silk worth yd
to sell for yard.
36-in Taffeta, guaranteed all
colors, worth 11.28 yard, sell
st yard.
Best Bleaching at yard.
Best Ginghams So yard.
Ladies White Belt, worth
to sell for
Ladies and child tan's Fans,
worth and So sail for
Ladies Ready-to-wear Hat
worth 1.25 and 1.50, to
sell for piece
All the Hosiery to sell at great-
reduced prices.
Ladies White Duck Sailors,
with feathers, worth to sell
Ladies Lace Collars that even
sold at and to sell for
A big lot of R. G. C-B and
W. B. Corsets, that are worth
1.00, 1.25, 1.60 and to sell
for This is your Corset
BAA Embroidery Silks, also
the worth the skein, to
sell for
Ziegler Bros. Slippers for
ladies, misses and children re-
a third.
Tie a Shoe
as as its name, worth 2.00
and 2.50, to close at and 2.00
We also carry the Irving
Shoes and Slippers for
and misses. None better
The Slippers for 1-16
2.60 2.00
3.50 8.00
A big o Silk Umbrellas for
men women. and 28-inch
1.25 to close
at This is a great
la chance. Ask to see them
The All America Slippers in
Tan. Pat. Gun Metal
for men, the best 3.50 and
Shoes made, ts sell at 2.75.
The Slippers in Pat.
Leather and Gun Metal, the fa-
Shoe for men and boys,
and the best Shoe on earth, to
close at worth and 5.50.
Just a few sizes ft or you would
not hear of this price for the
Mens Negligee Shirts that
were and 1.50, to close
at All the now patterns
just receivedMens Panama Hats that are
worth 7.50 to close at We
tit you if you come early.
Young Hats in the Sailor
shape, the newest things aid
best quality. The 2.50
to sell at 2.00, the 2.00
to sell at 1.50. Other makes
that were -60 to close, at
The Serge has
been reduced from 15.00 and
18.00 to 12.00 Suit. This is
your Serge
The two piece suits in serges
and in Flannels the much
suits these days have been re-
from 9.00, 10.00, to
low price of 7.30. This is a
great suit chance.
The 7.50 and suits
have been reduced to SO. You
should see these suits to really
know their real value
Men's S and H. Suspenders
worth to sell for pair.
A big lot of Trunks and suit
cases to sell at greatly reduced
prices. This has always been a
great and has
grown greatly in months-
Every item is of the wanted
ties, while the lots last re-
prices will hold good but
try and get the first The
reductions will last until sum
mer goods are sold We never
goods from season to it-
e. l. Wilkinson
N. C.
At the meeting of the North
Carolina Press Association in
session at Chase City, Va.
Thursday and Friday of last
week, the following officers were
Hardy, of the Wat rent n Record.
Second w . B.
of the Troy
Third Vice-Pi II. R.
Kinlaw, of the Mount
E -ho.
Secretary and
B Sherrill, of the
Historian M L. of
the Hustler.
O. Atkinson,
D. I., of the Christian Sun
us II. a. London, W. C.
Dowd, J. A. as. Zeb
Delegates to National
O. Atkinson.
Daniels, J. A Robinson.
bald Johnson, M L Shipman,
O. L Stevens, H. P. J.
A. Thomas, II K Kinlaw. U. M.
Phillips. J T Britt, Thad. R,
Manning, w. B Thompson, W.
Cl, Hammer, W. O. Dowd. J. D.
Bivins, J. W. Bailey, O. H. Poe,
R F. J G. J. P.
Caldwell, Clyde R W. K.
Johnson, H. A. London, W. F.
Marshall, Norman H. Johnson, J.
EX I r-x- T It
President Roosevelt in one of
his speeches made d urine his
famous trip across the country
in 1905 at the expense of Pres-
dent Cassatt of the
railway said; have in
our scheme of government no
room for the man who does not
wish to pay his way through life
by what ho does
Yet the most prominent feature
of our present scheme of govern-
as administered the
Republican party, is
so called. Under this
scheme of plunder and
ism, like
a year is
rod from the pockets of the
I masses to the pockets of the
I protected classes. Nothing is
given in return for this billion
dollars, except some transparent
sophistry and to
observe the display of wealth on
the part of the protected barons,
I who remain in this country or
who leave philanthropic
behind them. The protected
, barons do nothing to pay their
way. except, that they assume
of the government whose
edicts their pockets with
unearned and undeserved tar-
our scheme of
by protection is one of. for and by
Fifth no is lined
, with these drone.
Their mansions line all the finest
streets of our The
world before such
wealth as this privileged
claims title Tl is rather
that R
a .
not observed this fact.
their way
They no more pay way
than did poor tramp v
.- of Cm-
Presidential train a
just Roosevelt made
that speech. to think of it
were all those on the inside A that
gorgeous train paying their
Not one, was paying Ilium
way return for millions stolen
from the through extortion
ate railroad rates, rebating to
Tris favored
by railroad
Boylan, a
on W. M. Boylan, of Raleigh,
fell from an upper window of the
A at Morehead City,
V Li.
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
w -k t-Xv, . C.
As for Daily
and we take
pleasure in receiving sub-
writing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job pi in. h.
There to be an immense
amount of traveling at this time.
The trains are crowded every trip
almost daily. has
money, it ain't us.
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, apply in K.
ft Co.
Miss Wayne left yesterday
to visit in Grifton and
When your eyes attention
J. W. Taylor, expert optician,
Ayden, N is the man to do
your work if you want to be
We have got us a new set
false teeth. Brickbats,
Hint rock and cold steel, but what
a time. Its cross-legged, box
ankled and pair-teed
mouth all he time. It is the best
we can do, we do want to be
so bed,
Merchandise carry
at line of meat, lard can
goods. Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co
Sunday evening Mrs trues s.
Hint's received a telegram an-
me of her
sister, Mrs. P. E. Braswell. at
borne in
day accompanied by her daughter.
Miss Lizzie, Mrs. Hines left for
Hendersonville. We sincerely
nope her arrival she will
Braswell very much
proved, re. Braswell bas a host
of relatives this section, among
whom is Elder C. C. old
of the a brother, all of
whom very much interest in
welfare of this most estimable
A. full Hue of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, baud
and suits cases at J K Smith Bro
J. II. Manning and wife spent
in Greenville
Gene Morrison has on
a visit of some length to her old
home in Hyde county.
return she will visit the northern
Markets to purchase her sup-
ply of millinery.
I keep on band a
due of sniff at lowest
prices as hay, oats, corn,
seed meal and brand
ship stuff. Flank Lilly A Co.
Mrs. Dr. Pitt, of a,
ii visiting relatives in
the country near here. She
lived in yearn
ago. husband, Dr. Put
doubt well
among the
we presume by J. T.
an old
Yon win nod Wheeler and
son and l- sewing
Prices way way down H.
Tripp lo Early Hotel.
Mrs. of Washington,
JO I. been
ban returned to
supply hay, grain, hulls.
,,, in . meal, bran, stuff,
always on and Tyson
A. A
Go to E. E. Go's
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
We were pleased to see A. B
Holton in town Mr.
Holton has very much improved
and begins to resemble his old sell.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and
at J B Smith Bro
Harry White, of Greenville,
spent Friday night
Overseers of
ship meet in Ayden first Saturday
in August.
A full supply of Trunks.
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
Suit Cases, at J. B. Smith Bro.
Mrs. Crawford, of Win
bas been visiting in
We want to make room for other
stocks and in order to do so we are
offering very cheap bargains in sum-
mer goods- We must move them
out of the way and have put a price
on them that will be sure t get
them off Now is the time to get
big value for your money. Cannon
a Tyson.
Lil went somewhere
down the road Sunday and came
back yesterday morning.
Car load V. Crimped roofing in
suitable lengths to cover residences
churches, school barns
shelters, stables much cheaper than
shingles and very little labor, at J.
it Smith Bro.
W. E. Hooks and W. J. Boyd
are in Grimesland, having
been called there by phone on
strictly their line. They
Mr. pastor of the
Presbyterian church in
preached a very Interesting and
highly appreciated sermon in
Baptist church here
Sunday evening.
For a nice present boy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
any occasion.
Corn, Hay Lima always
on at J. B. Smith a Bro.
In order to our large
stock preparatory to we
will make prospective buyers ex-
low prices. J. B.
Nice new repacked North Car-
Cut Herrings at J. K. Smith
FOR large nice new
story brick located on
Avenue tie Town of
can tenant possession
J. If. Smith a Bf.
v. paper tooling,
with or short joints
pipe at J, B. Smith
The summer sale
the stoles gives the
hunters. x
Let us all bear this fact in
all subsidies, potty or
great, are paid out of the
collected by taxation from
the pockets of the people. The
idea that this government is
rich is a false idea. It has
but what it takes from the
poor man's pocket. The rich
pay Federal taxes only in the
proportion of the number of the
rich to the number of the poor
and that is an insignificant pro-
and even that
is offset by the special
or advantage, which
the tariff gives the rich the
Democracy and A New Deal.
The disclosures made in the
divorce cases of Corey and
and the murder case of
Thaw have shown us samples of
the kind of men tainted
breeds in the
Their wealth is duo to the tariff
or other special privileges, which
gave them a monopoly, and their
morals are due to the ill gotten
wealth. The last, worst curse of
the earth is the adulterated pros
polity of ours. We need a new
deal and a square deal; but we
can get only one through a I em-
administration and an
honest tariff for revenue
night Mr J. B. Baker
lost somewhere between
store on Five Points and
the market house. He remember-
ed the money in the store
and thought he put ii his pock-
et, hut when he felt for it it
was gone. The money one
bill bills.
Mad Dos in
Monday a dog supplied to e
mad run in the door and on
up stairs the home Mr. J.
Parham, on Third street. When
Mrs. Parham saw the dog the
h she was so badly frightened
that she hunted. Harry e
passing. He followed the dig
stairs and knocked the canine
in I he head.
C, HIT I I'm
will, win A. Parker, St.
U, I r. Is nil
in. f. I,. Ditto
mm I
I 1-1 W
h. iii it. will in tin- Oil in
I . h i-f Ho, Oils
I r I f
Ann . Ml to A r
to upon each
in lodge,
, the hi
I Hie
it will
very licit their to at-
tools, grind stones
i e pulleys, m J. B.
go, the
well advanced. The prices
will the buy-
Cannon Tyson.
To any who are in need of S cool.
we can it his
see us we have a solid
oar load, and enact to arrive.
week. Tyson.
you are troubled with join
yes or have a difficulty in obtain-
suitable glasses, it matters not
tow difficult your case, can on J.
ray an expert
N. C, who bat five years
with some of most
cases. He tails t-i
or then
people i. his nones; v
n-y In hi your e;
work if you want m
I bare taken up one black bar
no car marls. Owner can get same
u;. charges,
U No. Greenville.
For Spring Housecleaning
time try Liquid
X Veneer. It
look new. be no
dull furniture t
in where this
worker is used, No
Veneer is not a h, hut a
and cleaner build- up
and it brig
than ever.
Ii instantly i the i u I
i. Furniture,
Mi a .
led or i airfares. Kr-
moves , and
A ran
but a needed
and time n to wait I
General Insurance and Merchandise Brokers.
We wish to we have associated our-
selves together for the purpose of conducting a gen-
Insurance and Merchandise Brokerage
in the Town of Ayden and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any part of your business you may see fit to
favor us with we will thank you for and feel very
At the of business June 18th, 1906.11
Loans and Discounts,
Overdrafts Secured
Furniture and
line from Banks,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Hank notes
other U. S. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 2.700.00
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid . 222.00
Deposits subject to check, 37,342.36
Cashier's 630.72
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to best of my and be-
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, tin. 22nd day 1900.
Capital stock pd in
Undivided 1.986.54
sub to check 40.233
Due from Banks 18,885.52
Cash Items 9.39
Gold coin 495.00
Silver coin 1,179.11
Nat, notes 1,432.00
State of North Carolina, co
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, solemn.
swear the above Statement is true to the best of my
knowledge mid belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 33rd day of June
s , N C ,
party at
i. week.
. A. Fair, of
week here.
L. Y. wen Wash-
Bruce lei I
a position.
Miss spent
put of with Mrs. Bob
Miss Julia Harriss, who has been
spending time with Miss
Ward Tuesday.
Miss Moore spent some
time in last week.
B. G. Mayo A. O. Clark
out driving Friday
watermelons. Ask Mr. Maj.
where he was while Mr. Clark
was the field with the old
Hon J. J.
in our town Thursday.
Miss Helen Galloway was in
shopping Thursday.
Misses Myrtie and Ward
Moore went to Washington
Mies Boushall, one of the Misses
Moore's school friends, Is visiting
this week.
Raymond Moore, of Greenville,
was Monday.
R. A. Fleming went to Ayden
to see his best girl. ,
Paul Davenport, Arthur Daven-
port and Fleming were
town Sunday.
Miss Verna of Dover,
is visiting her Mrs. W. B.
Carson, of this place.
Dr. M. Jones and family
went to Sunday.
W. S. Galloway and family
to Winterville Sunday and
returned Monday.
Miss Myrtle Proctor spent Sat-
night Miss Helen Gal-
At close n
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts 631.12
Duo from Hanks and
nab ii. ins II I
Id ct in. .--.
S. in
Capital stock ft
Deposits cheek
t checks out-
C. d
Black Jack, N. O. July 1906,
Mrs. Kinston.
a part last week vista
Elder C B. Jones conducted
services here Saturday night
Miss Dora K. Cm, rear
Hanks, spent
and Sunday with Miss Julia x,
W. H.
will preach Sunday ht
if nothing prevents.
Miss Adams R
night and here
J her sister, Mrs.
Miss Fannie House and Miss
Whichard. who bus been.
.-pending some time here
relatives and friends, left today
for i heir home near House.
A. O. Clark and K. M.
. i Grimesland, were here Sunday
Miss Linnie Buck,
is Hie guest of Mi-s Maggie Smith
Miss neat
who bin visiting,
left for to-
J- l-
i ii and
. mad -t cows
. i
i. n .
I Subscribed and sworn
ore ibis day t
i , I i i i . i
i. t ii i . i , i. . .,
i i . . i . i i iii v
II. I T. i
i i mi be There
118,883.78 h e been killed and
, and mart.
v Public
Corn Al
J. B. VI
I. O
hi. tors
Ur. Joseph Dixon,
Ayden, N. C.
ML-is Lillian Carr was
Si a mill
a vessel of hot-chocolate, when
sister, nut seeing started
i limn ,.; i .
Mia Lillian to
in her
were burned.
handed is tn The
Tl of .
I. i I Mai
. ll
.- i . well,
. . mil on .
. I tn call p tn
tins- u.
On tin- way It. I
to i vi i .
It is sure to pay you.
Miss Helen I
, . r. . I
i key,
tbs sir.
It purse
n i
m. m
. .

in the post office at N. C, as second matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every port office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
is idle
Greenville, but it seems afraid to
turn and do to help
the business of the town.
The losing of by a
night is evidence
that people ought to keep their
money in the banks A wad of bills
tack in the pocket is not much safer
than hid about the house
The first half of 1906 inaugurated
o national bank a
building loan association in
Greenville. That shows what can
be done when the people come to.
to establish an enterprise.
It remains to be seen what the last
half of the year i- going to bring.
Mr. who is secretary to
President says
president meant exactly what he
on the of bis election,
that he would not be a candidate
again for the office. That state-
is Looks like
that ought to settle it, but you can't
always tell.
The American Company
has made an departure from
the methods pursued by large
in issuing a circular to
all announcing that here-
after the company will pay death
benefits to the beneficiary of all em-
ho receive a salary of less
than a week and who have been
in the service of the company as
long as one year previous to death
The amount of such is to be
equal to the wages received by such
during the last year of
vice, provided the sum shall in no
case 1300, that being
set the maximum.
At first this plan looks
very plausible, and no doubt it will
prove attractive to the o
the the statement having
been sent out that they received the
proposition with great enthusiasm.
It will certainly be e help to the
beneficiary of any dead
On the other hand the company had
a motive in such a depart-
and a is forced to
the conclusion the underlying
motive is desire to
further its own interests and to
make friends of many hitherto op-
posed to trust methods. The hold-
out of -u. u a benefit will
The Raleigh and PamlicO Sound
that rapidly building from
the capital of the State to the coast,
is going to want its shops
located at some point along the line.-
Such shops will mean considerable
in population and the paying out rally attract a good class of employ-
large sums of money for wages-1 es that will want to stay in the
Greenville might stand as good the hence the Be-
chance of getting the railroad such is made
as any other town, but if and the company ctn afford to
would like to see them here the when it needs to
to secure them, they are maintain a for of reach-
town draw up in the of thousands,
this prize- The statement is also made in con-
j with the matter that no em-
more than a Green- will he called upon to
has nestled on the directly or indirectly, a single
hanks of Tat river with penny to the fund out of which the
crating the benefit -H hf- paid. Certainly not,
and comfort that might be had from is no need Air such
is now taking a turn
the Southern railway for looting
mm in re
mi If.
We have not yet seen the an-
that a present be-
made up Greensboro
hotel waitress who shied the plate
the guest's lined.
latest is to distinguish
himself Ht. tennis.
is one thing, but
Even shoW Greenville's
Governor has ordered a
special term of court in Rowan
county, beginning the 80th, to
try the the Lyerly
family is i to
down the mob spirit.
Thai insane or not,
they are trying to make it appear
Unit he is.
When lie con lion is
over there ill be number
dates in the aim ran
People who have visited
this season say dutch nits are ruin-
the fishing in sound.
This calls to grind that
tried to remedy
this trouble in the Legislature
but his bill was defeated.
When the mi lea shine out be-
tween the cloudbursts, the warmth
of its is something to put the
The United States is taking the
roll of in the trouble
between Guatemala and Salvador,
we have nor seen any statement
yet that Sam is taking steps
to the butchery of the Jews in
The Greensboro remarks
that if there is no joint canvass in
the eighth district the Democrats
will know the reason why.
they will. They already
know it is because de-
the challenge to come out in
the open and face
Georgia is something of a peach .
estimate I made the crop
this year will reach something like
ha broken out in a neT
place He an that he will
run as an independent candidate for
governor of York.
We can fit yon with a suit.
As a general thin J, a very
thin man or a very fat man
pays the penalty of his size
when buying clothes.
He'll Not Do It
We can fit any man with a
Suit and fit him correctly
be he ever so
We'll charge him no more
than if he were a regular
shape. Now, I sir, If you
have been troubled in get-
ting clothes to fit you
we ask you to
The bicycle did not run the horse
out of business, much as it looked
for a time like it would, nor will the
automobile be able to do so.
The man who was struck on the
head with a plate by waitress in a
Greensboro Hotel, was a
postmaster who there at-
tending tho convention The blow
ought to kill him officially.
that might be from this
stream. Little little this
changing In the last year or two
a few pleasure have
red, and are expect v-1 to see the
The who raise the
handled be the trust are the
ones who the fund
prices at the farmers are
forced to their tobacco
and bath houses The to make the trust
tor has been trying to up rich awl it to pay tho
these Greenville will stipulated missing the
wake up to her but just
think how much we are missing
while going through the Rip
All the talk on the subject recent-
has not yet induced the business
men of Greenville to come together
and organize a chamber of commerce
or business men's association. As
good individual business men a the
town has, it does seem a
that be content
to lot the town jog with the
every man for himself spirit. As
long as that spirit prevails, other
towns by co-operative efforts will
s enterprises that Greenville
Ought to get, and the trade area of
this town will continue small. A
of commerce like one
. to be would be constantly on
money. White taking such interest
in rm to which no one can
object, if the trust also show
enough for the toiling
men who she tobacco as to pay
hem a fair price for
it would be more commendable. If
the tobacco treat wants to benefit
people the growers of their product
are the ones who need it most.
Tuft waits the Solid South broken
bat we doubt his living to see it.
Greensboro does not know when
she has had enough. She is calling
for more conventions.
Chicago all ms one saloon to every
population. That ought to be
enough to keep them from getting
must have money o
spare it goes about erecting a
to That is not
as however, as the town
we will begin Monday July
23rd, selling our Ladies ox-
fords, figured lawns, laces
and embroideries at cost.
The price on all Dry Goods and
Notions will be marked down low.
Shoes at
Shoes at
Lawn at
Lawn at
1-2 cent
Percale at
A. F. C.
hams at
Jas F Davenport
We have suits made for the extra large
slim short, stout man and a suit u,
whatever may be.
Frank Wilson,
a Co.,
Pulley Bowen
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting an display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Bale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and
eyes. Very truly yours,
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office
ranted erect lo
Her Brother Dead.
Mm. D. ft Moore left
for Bethel in response to
a the death of
her brother, Mr.
sod, of count.,
Mi. Moore and two of bis can for etc., in FIVE
Any Bond to be filed in the Court at one-
or write
a. . U. S. CO , Md.
friends to go your Bond when you can gel it furnished at a t g all cost
sail nun v ii
I , . fl .
. e
F. A. Agent, or
H Attorney
N. C.
This department Is in charge of F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Great fortunes ore not usually
in a day. It is only by care-
and constant saving that they
are accumulated. To save your
M. B. Bryan from Nor-
folk to spend the
remainder of the at his
home here. He taking n business
money deposit it in the savings de- course there,
of the Bank of Winter-J a car load of received
at Harrington, Co.,
line of dress shirts ever Harrington Barbers and Co in the
in Winterville at place to et your Spring Boat
Harrington, Barber Co. goods. They just what
Mrs. J. D. Cox and Miss lo suit all.
spent Monday afternoon in I W. H. Hamilton, one of old-
visiting relatives. went to Fort
B. D. and t today to visit his son,
moved to their new
last week. Joe Had
dock m we J into the cottage form-
occupied by Albert Cox.
Nice Robes at Harrington
Prof. G. E.
by with hie family here.
Tobacco farmers in need of
clocks and to
A. W. Co. to get bargains
Mr. Frank Carr
from Morehead Saturday
afternoon and went to their home
in Greene county.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Harrington Barber
A Co.
Miss Clyde Dawson, of
more, was visiting relatives here
Sunday. is studying to be
a trained nurse and is off on a
If yon want a nice shirt or tie
go to Harrington, Barber Co.
Mrs. Smith little sons
returned a visit near Dover
Satin day afternoon.
No need of not having good
pants when Harrington, Barber
Co., have just received anew lot,
that they will sell cheap.
Mrs. A. V. Johnson and child-
ten, who had been visiting
lives near returned Sat-
For fruit jars and rubbers go
to Harrington, Barber Co.
Ed Nelson is There
la a painter making
at his borne.
Straws tell which way the wind
blows, jut notice the stream of
customers in and out from
Harrington, ft
Messrs. Fair and
two hustling men, of
Ayden, were in town Monday eve-
If you want go
to A. M. Ange Co-, They
it at cents per yard.
Mis. F. M. Crawford has return-
ed from Ayden visiting rate-
for several days there.
All colors of and yellow
at Barber Co.
Alfred and sons
acrid eighteen bales of cotton here
last Friday at ct. They are
Wide awake farmers and take ad-
vantage of the highest market
Tooth and Disk Harrow at
Barber Co.
and fresh, at lowest price.
Barber A Co.
Rev. B. E. Stanfield filled his
regular appointment at the
church Sunday night,
lug an excellent sermon.
The A. G. Cox manufacturing
have sold over of their
Tobacco this season,
are rapidly
A nice lot new summer Bug-
at Harrington, Barber
A Co.
For hay, corn oats go to
Barber Co.
Kittrell, had
Men visiting school at
Stokes, returned Sunday evening.
Farming implements of all kinds
at Barber ft Co.
are needing new
o flues or repairs for your
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways on hand Barber
Mollie Bryan and Mag-
Cox left Monday to spend
same time at Seven Springs.
It is a little out of season to
carts and but the Tar Heel
carts and wagons seem to sell at all
seasons of the year.
The A. G. Cox,
Co. have recently received a
car load of the famous
burg Electrically weld-
ed Poultry and Farm Fence, and
can furnish any height you de-
You are
ed to call and examine their
stock and get prices. They en
also furnish barbed wire and
s poems, regular
price our price
Tennyson's poems, regular
price our price
regular price our price
Longfellow's Birthday books,
regular price price
Josephus complete works, reg
price 1.00
In His Steps, regular price
our price
Pilgrims progress our
New Testaments, regular
price our price
Bill Nye's Remarks, regular
price 1.00 our price
In addition to the above named
books we offer others at greatly
reduced prices for the next
Call and examine them
before the expiration of that
Yours to Serve,
B. T. COX, ft
Mr. and Drew
have been
the home of J. R. for
several days. The left
morning for ll where they will
pend several days.
Big lire of hats and caps
received, latest styles.
Bather Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson,
from the Sunday at
the home of A. I
Mr. one
oldest and nit I d ti j
died this morning about
o'clock at his home about to
miles from He was
sixty-five years and was of
our formers. He leaves a
large family to mourn their loss.
He will be sadly missed
A Ange ft Co are selling 1.00
umbrellas at umbrellas
at cents.
G. J. Wallace, of Sylvester,
is visiting relatives friends in
this county. Ho has been living
Georgia fifty
to Pitt once before
F. C. Nye the
Institute at Tarboro Tuesday.
To room for new goods
we have made the low
Waist goods now
The Rio Valley In Seismic U i- .
Fa, N, M , July .
i shocks f J
. an as El
re a
from track
a . Refugees from .
and towns in the Rio
valley are y to t F i
All night one
another over the lower
Valley, keeping the .
it the tension. But f- j
have slept in houses for pa
thin spirals of smoke the ,
in the direction of Alamo J
Gordo, probably from hot
or other volcanic
A drenching rain passed over t-c,
valley during the adding to
the discomfort of the campers.
A M. Taft IV. H. Rick,
A. H. Taft Co
. i
The law firm of Fleming ft
and Mr. Moore has formed a c
with Mr. W.
under the firm Moore
Lone. The new firm has
at the office the rear
where Mr. O. S.
was located, the latter
moved to the office vacated by Mr.
Loop. ,.
I myself a
for the nomination Tor
Roister of Deeds of Pitt county,
to the action of the Demo-
county convention, and will
the support any friends
may give me. J. C. Lanier.
Lawns now
Lice now
Lace now o.
A lot of nice for d-
A reduction on lots of
other goods and be
A. W. Ange A So.
How It Change.
It Tuesday
i, r- , i , aT therewith, and to hear and determine
night in a few mi after B and tho
la hereby given that a special
the stockholders the Pitt
County Oil Mill Company, will I be
held i i the office, at Win-
at one o'clock P. M., for the
purpose of considering
and determining what shall be done in
to the indebted-
against said to near
and pass upon the reports the
company, to and
determine the manner and whom
the of said company shall be
conducted coming year, or oil
mills season, and for the purpose of
transacting and all
or desirable in connection
We sell for cash or j,
easy terms
You will find a complete
line at all times
. We are sole agents
Enameled Beds
i ours to please
A. H.
Pictures Framed to Order
it was over every cloud
and stars were
brightly. Then a little while later
the rain was again falling in tor-
properly come before or be
determined at an annual
said k
the of Directors.
This the day July
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings you
discomfort without to it by worrying what t.
by bra tapper. With such a stock of
Groceries. Canned Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Tea. Cakes, Candies, Fruits, Ac as I carry, the selecting and bay-
are easy and the all saved. It will take no argument to
you of if you visit my store and see what I carry.
Yo find me one door North of M tin ford's.
We take this opportunity of aid patron, thanks for the
upon us the past season
Upon US pan
M three M .
basis. Our business has increased with the years, and we trust o
Each Customer, as well as each Pile of Tobacco shall have our
Personal Attention, and we shall endeavor, as in the
past, to make The Brick headquarters for
High Fair and honorable treatment.
i announce in this connection that
It affords
, .th. A.
O. Co.
make prompt
MR. W. T.
be associated with us the TiS
to need any at an force,
friend for their Tobacco. When you come to always
Always make the RICK your headquarters,
and when to sell, bring it experienced will sell it to
for your liberal our A T C O i
. and Successors,

Go d
Cot sets, all
Still Offering Goods at Sale
Doz Ladies
1-2 to , 1-7
value going at c certs will
Come and b. convinced.
stimulate the TORPID LIVER,
strengthen the digestive organs,
regulate the bowels, and arc
equaled as an
In malarial districts their virtues
are widely recognized, as they
peculiar properties In freeing
the system from that poison.
sugar coated.
Take No Substitute
Keep Your Eye on he March of
lute's will i c i lock anus with a been business is buying the best tor the
Do not
I i y suit until line of Men's youths
boys Clothing. They tit and have
Ladies Summer
Good Apron ginghams
Keep Cool, j
o Ladies quality
to fit all ages. Prices to suit the man or
v who knew the worth a aid earned dollar. A look
j will convince you and to try a will there is none
Check i
Linen in
one l-c- while they litter. going at 1.69.
last 1-58 and cent
lo inch
, a few
Ono v i
Patent leather Oxfords 1.99. Men's
Button 2.49. Hoy's 2.00 Patent s
I ;
. black
. ;.
liefs hem-
Reported for
At mi informal given last even-
at their home in West Bad in
honor of their guest, Mies Lillie
of Misses
Helen and Mamie enter.
most Ti f
decorated with
The were
MiSC Minnie and Katie
Christian, Helen and Mamie
Walter and Wilson, Frank
Skinner, Preston Tyson, W I,
Hall, John
Ben and Barney
HIM Christian i i very
lady and is a highly
musician, greatly pleasing
those present with her
playing, which
refreshments were served, the
ch being -l over
by Mamie Ruth d Jes-
b Worth
Suppose You Stop and
Isn't it
Greensboro, N. C. March 1908.
Mrs Joe take pleas.
in stating that your Remedy
has entirely cured our little girl of
a very bad case of eczema, which
covered a great part of her hotly.
She bad eczema from
the time she was weeks oM.
until she was six years old. She
is now perfectly well and I feel
that I cannot speak too highly of
it has not had a symptom . f
it for six years. Respectfully,
A young man slept so
church, night, that th
did not wake him.
and at close of the service the
young whom be had
out and e
him to finish his nap.
Not Quite I
How often you can get K
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool and be prepared for
emergences. Our Hue of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box lack a single
useful article.
Of course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
. It
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an an tire v
on which patent
an pending, whereby w
can old Brass Col-
limn and
T, and thinker, and
tin-in fully as good as
and without any
or on the hot
Column and Head
Rules regular lengths
L. S
Head Ruled inches In
and over per
A sample f refaced
will he cheerfully
Printers I, Co
of Type and
High Printing Mater
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia, p
Is The Moor. Inhabited.
science ha, proven that the moon has
in, atmosphere, which makes Ufa in
some form possible mi that satellite,
I but inn human beings, who have a
hard enough time on Ibis earth of
Hitters cure Headache, Bilious
Malaria, and
dice, Torpid
diver, General
Debility and Female weaknesses,
as a general
for weak persons and especially
for aged. It Induces sound
Fully guaranteed by J. L.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging; and II
Ties always on hand
I kept on-
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
h Carolina.
Greenville, N. G.
Steamboat Service.
L. leaves
a. in. for Greenville; leave
Greenville dally
at VI in, for Washington.
Connecting Washington with
Norfolk Railroad for
N. k. Baltimore, Philadelphia,
Net York, all other
North. Connects a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern R. R.
Sailing hours subject to change
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. add
Agent, Norfolk, Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. G. M.
Tie Pole.
How of can tell
barber h n while
a it he lime
were a
Fins in i lie
of i H.-i-i op-
ii ii for the
ii staff, bar-
kept one well
of cloth the
arm. When the staff ;
not in use bandage was tied to
ii they might ho together
and barber usual-
them iii hi door a a
In the course of time, however, a
pole teak the place at
of the one used in the opera
pa tin
A Ta Projectile.
Perhaps t , might smile with in-
. r one should tell you
bin to Are a tallow
n h
H a . a tint it i-
The re U
when the reaches the
state of
Vt the i m i ml u t
if matter en
I ho h in n rest,
i the candle multi-
l;. I ii- Velocity i- greater than
the i rest tho
greater . -1 tho
;, I i II
breaks through
Having made to
i sell
H to in n
in nerd of Apply
J. A. Griffin. N. C;
That the medical writers and
of nil IV schools of
endorse and n-commend, in the
terms possible, each and every
the composition
f Dr. Pierce's u Discovery
the cure of
liver, or chronic bowel
and diseases of
name or nature. It Is
also s specific tor all such chronic
or cases of
and their resultants, as
throat and
coughs. It
so acute cold- and
for or chronic cases k It
In producing per-
Seal root. Stone rout.
root and Queen's of
are highly praised as remedies for
above mentioned by such
writers and teachers at
of Col-
b; of the Univ. of Pa.;
If. of Ken-
nett Med. College. Prof. John
M. late of
John M. M. law of
Prof. Edwin If. Hale. If. D. of
Med. College. Chicago, and
of equally in their
schools of
Medical laths
Oily put up for sale through
for purposes, that has any
than any number of ordinary
Open publicity of Its formula
on the bottle Is the best
v of Its merits. A at this
formula will show
or harmful agents no alcohol
Ming used instead, is entirely
unobjectionable and is a most
Jul Ingredient In the cure of all atom-
Pointedly Printed of Pleasant
Daily Reflector July
Jam to to-
J B. Johnston went Virginia
E. A. Coward went to Ayden
returned today
to Rocky
as well as bronchial, throat and lung
for its use in all such cases.
There is the highest
native, roots
c extract
e Discovery is a concentrated
., of n
and is safe and reliable.
A booklet of extracts from eminent,
medical authorities, endorsing Its
mailed free on Address
Dr. E. V. Pierce, N. Y.
From the best in I can
gather the coming Dem-
convention there will be
the names of many honorable gen-
for nomination
for the office of Register el Deeds
of Pitt In times
when the old Democracy was
at its very f it ion, when
and ruin presented to
its gaze a most aspect,
when conditions were de-
old town-hip
never wavered in her allegiance,
nor was she ever lacking in her
devotion only to its principles
but at each and every election as
long as tins writer can remember
her majorities and have
magnanimous and spontaneous
as to bring pa ice out of chaos and
thrill the stir the soul of
the of this
grand Never at any
time in her history bus been
recorded to her credit a vole other
than in the interest of the
to which she has
lance and to which she has ad-
with a loyalty i
And in ad the time done
only ho h-r duty,
asking hi honors and
none. Every
for her suffrages has received a
spontaneous support, without a
without, a blur, even
thorn h no f
consequence should be laid her
door, she will lie found in all com
of yore, battling fir
that she believes to be right
for that she knows to be
Lu the coming convention she
rill for this
the name of one of her most
honored citizens. A. man
a of
honor, capability and fully
to discharge the onerous
Of the minor lorn, we all
him esteem him and we can
-truly in
the god old county of Pitt if they
will accede to him the honor
we sincerely crave we will furn-
them an officer who will prove a
credit to himself and a credit to
w honor him their
will not
now, tn-u we will
and when done we feel all will
join us In all we said of a
noble man.
Joseph M. Blow.
J. J. Cherry
S. J.
Mount today.
left this morning
for Scotland Neck.
Miss Evans went to
Beach today-
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brady left
this morning tor
Rev. F. D. left
evening for Norfolk.
C. L. Wilkinson went U Win-
Monday evening.
C. G. of Baltimore,
came in Monday evening.
J. Higgs Monday
evening from a trip up the road.
Mr. Annie Evan returned this
morning from a visit to Tarboro.
W. H. Ward retarded Monday
from Aulander.
Mrs. Charles Skinner and Mrs.
E. B. went to Ayden this
Mr. and Mr. C. returned
Monday from
S. A. of Kinston,
brought a party of friends over in
his automobile. They are going
to Norfolk.
Mrs. J. J. Corey and child re-
tun Monday evening
Seven Springs.
F. G. James and sons Charlie
and Larry, came home Monday i
evening from Morehead.
T. H. Walker returned
from His,
Miss Walker, with him
for a visit here.
Lon bis two little
sister. Allie Minnie,
returned Monday evening from
Mrs. H. C. Walker, Ports-
month, Monday evening
to visit her sister, Mrs. Z. T. Vin-
or in to have
of of them w in in.
. Lat the chair-
man of this township the
chairman me next as to when
they will in- his
We toads are
being of
e that
can lie more win
the same cost, e think we have
some road n e in township
this t a
greater advantage at the
sent. We one will
prove on plan, and get it in
operation. from those
interested for road- need
proving . Our overs, and J.
do late much interest
in public i. stem
to each set of . ml lee to lie a
home i i-i . ti
lake more they do at
H. A.
consolidated the two stack of H. A. and John A. is
store wt are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
We will carry an up-to-date line
Hats, Shoes, dress Goods,
Bethel. N
, as i- d awing close to
the Den c of Pitt
county, w I he
shall ask
the to nominate Julius
Brown for to
Ge feral Assembly.
Mr. Brown is a young man who
was born and lotted on the north
side of Tar and we
will get the support of
that part of and we I
ask the south side of the river t
unite with us in the nomination of J
Mi. Br J
Mr. It own as we do
would make us n We can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices lot
Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
In Groceries we will have at all a full line of the very best goods, not
the staples like
i .
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds of
Canned and Package Goods, the finest brands
G. Bullock
R Grimes
R. Bunting
W. G. Little
M. A. James
F. C. Martin
W. R. Ford
G. W. Edmondson
J. T. Nelson
A. J. Simons.
Having Ml
roan Hilt s a
Elo tons to
th to to the
I in -mi. all
tobacco market
. . at W i
two weeks he . . on.
b, , i
far i Mn.
When the new
season opens
will be a
bones and a shaking together
A plan to work labor,
and to take some responsibility off
of our county commissioners, and
be less trouble to them, and get
more benefit and put the work
Hie most appropriate place, Vie,
Let He commissioners make a
calendar, the road gang
from o township to
Keep in the county paper so
everybody will know where I bey
will go Then let the
appoint a of X
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
Y i battle is h won if pi t-
going tn d . when it conn to b tying
to , where to bay, and whit you are to pay is where the
faring cm s in.
My will you this is the place to
buy in quantity.
Hay, Oats Stuff, and
you la line it ts to interest to
I i Prices Cash.
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office
the at night going to
LU a short distance In the
It is thought the
tier w
of ,.
tO I I'll
LOts For Sale
Near Five Points on Terms.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville. N. C.

of Interest in North
Mrs. Nancy aired
and old-- woman
Bow an dud
The a train at the
comity was
-d this mailer of a
goes over to another court
an bill.
prisoners in
came near making their
escape ending nut of the steel
cages and brick wall.
the plot in
tn of the prison-
The t has appointed two
Carolinians, William
a as ;
I en the world
the bet
to n
A correspondent of
York Sun. after attending the
recent Republican State
paper that Republicans in
North Carolina will enter the
coining campaign united for the
Brat time in years, and they ex-
tn send two Congress can-
adds that they
predict with great confidence
that two years from now North
Carolina will cast its electoral
the Republican candid,
ate for One is
about as to be realized as
the other. The is, however,
that this fall the Republicans
will in all probability lose even
one Congressman they now
have and as to the vote
of North Carolina in it will
go to the Democratic candidate,
whoever he n
J. Moore, of this
her daughter, listen to Mr.
Daniel The wedding
is to take place tome time in
Moore one of
Washington's young ladies,
and is a of toe late
r. Edmund . Hove. Mr. Fowls
promising layer lure and a
son of the late Got. Daniel
Conditions Under Which
May Become Govern-
Washington, July sec-
of the treasury authorizes
the following statement.
A large number of banks have
asked to be designated depositories
of public money. To these the
secretary has made the universal
to leave with bank one
third of the proceeds of why
ma hind sit nay buy under bid
the government,
purchased bonds at par as
These offers have
been in the u , to email banks.
He now offer general,
but limits such deposits- to any
one heal to 11,000.000.
secretary calls attention to
the circular invitation for bids
wherein the government reserves
tie right to permit bidders offer-1
tog the highest prices to increase I
the amount of their purchases.
This reservation, the secretary
lays, was made to avoid the
a between
bidders and will be exercised to
anyone who has
bid above
A g i f on a clay road
is a thing, but the more this
ii to gravel the better.
Good gravel would be far superior.
The exact amount of Band to use
will generally have to be deter-
mined by experiment in each
locality. Apply the Band when
the road ii wet but not rutted. It
will not be of much value- till it
becomes mixed with the clay
thus forms sort of artificial hard
pan. On the other band, if sand
is applied to hard dry clay it will
be a positive nuisance until wet
comes and allows it to
become mix d with the clay, It
is only suitable for roads of com-
light traffic.
Dram Drinker's Argument.
The dram is apt at say-
lea and c flee are stimulants,
and those who use them are
on par with the liquor consumer.
But, did coffee or tea ever make a
husband beat his wile, stain his
bands with blood, or dishonor his
own Docs the mayor have
to issue a proclamation on election
day, closing th coffee
fear of Horn.
Forgiving and Forgetting.
people have a habit
seems to have been
of making the remembrance of
man s sin more severe
than His punishment, hence
what they mete to him in
remembering and constantly
harder to bear
that what they him to
fer from the punishment. Now
when yon forgive a person
do subject him
to the or linger-
torture of louver reviving
Some men seem to carry not
record of a man good parts.
lint the chronicled
of every evil deed he has
One said well when
i that there is an
nil forgiveness in this
-a kind of hedgehog tor.
shot out like quills,
who has offended
him before the
their indignation
scorch bin burn Ins,
into and when they
have d Ii i sufficiently
ii fiery fists
him. E
Report of the condition of
At In the Stats of North
Carolina, at the close r business,
June pith, 1908,
and Discounts
r s. Honda to
24,197.07 I
If there is any one change
needed as far as elections to con-
are concerned it is an
to the constitution
the terms of
the of represents-
Under present conditions
baldly has time to get SC-
to bis seat In the house
before he has to begin
plans to get there
Sentinel. ,
L. s. Bonds
Banking house, furniture,
Due from National Hank
Due from Slate Banks and
approved reserve
Chi and other items
Notes of other
money reserve in
notes 3,45.00 1,234.96
Redemption rum with S.
p r cent of.
Total 114,619.81
stock paid In
less ex-
and paid
National bank
Individual deposits subject
to check
Time of deposit
checks outstanding 15.19
State of North
county of Pitt.-
J. w,
named do solemnly swear
statement is true to the beat
of my knowledge and belief.
AYCOCK, Cashier I
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 21st day Of
Correct Attest
E. A. Jr.
e making July a busy month Dy
it a Bargain month.
AH Summer Goods
; to make room for the new fall stock. The
Reduction includes
Colored Lawns.
Black Lawns,
Dress Ginghams,
Ready-made Shirt Waists.
Ladies Belts and
Ladies, Children
and Infants Slippers.
An early call will saving to you.
i awl Owner.
and Friday.
At a Porch Party in Honor of
Her Miss Mabel
Craft, of Wilmington
and Miss Sue
of Wilson.
R. ported for
One of affairs
of the n the porch party
by Miss
Can, to her guests,
f and
Corbett, of Wilson.
and Mies Lil-
Can at the hall en-
and ushered the guests to
rte parlor where were re-
Wilson and Miss
Jamie Bryan, and introduced to
the guests of honor, Misses
to the rear end
the where fruit punch
and Alex, The porch was
entirely covered with
vines, lighted by
The color scheme bring pink and
white, was carried out
with many -oils paper
from the to the
The yard which very large
was tilled with rustic seats of all
and lighted by
and it a a moat b sight
to see i lie young ladies on the lawn
telling jokes, pk; sing-
good time.
At o'clock the
in parlor were given
questions Hit Revolutionary
war. with different objects in the
room i
Comparison Shown in Report
of Department of Commerce
and Labor.
That more Is being taken
to the Sooth for investment in
than to the New England
States is shown in the startling
comparison just made by the De-
of Commerce and Labor,
which states that four times as
much capital was invested in the
Southern States since 1900 than in
New England.
In North Carolina, where
was invested in 1900,
is now engaged in
the State the sum
of in-
crease of cent. The
amount of wages paid out mM in-
creased and where the
cost of materials used in 1900 was
last year it amounted
to Same figures are
given of Connecticut, and show
that her in capital
ed is only per cent. New
shire shows only an per cent,
increase. on the other
hand, shows her capital to have
In the five years by
per cent. Virginia is below her
Southern States-with an in-
crease only per cent. South-
Carolina shows increase
cent. These figures
significant in showing that the
trend U working its
South and at a rate which indicates
that a few the Southern
Slates will rank with New Eng-
land in manufactures. Factories
for common goods rank in the
Several tied for the prise it south, second;
was finally Miss
and was given a very
won by , resented
. M Miss Craft. Then to the
where a was
suspended from above, forty
stars the for-
tunes, your past and future,
alter dainty refresh-
served carrying out
the colors of pink Mis
Lillian Can was dieted
colors, and never
prettier this v.
This was rather a
a it was the first of
it kind ever held here, about
and it wax
by all.
her and timber products third,
with flour and grist mill products
They Cot Skinned.
No, Postmaster has
not been in a scrap. He has just
been to where he went
fishing with the and it was
the Mm that took the peeling off
cf him. Paul and Bob
are about badly skinned
And they fish wouldn't
Hindi Up I
Under Shed Where Men
Are faring Tobacco.
S. M. R. H
together, had a close
tell from n mad dog a few
. It was Mr turn U
Mr. Harris
asleep. dog came under the
ham r and fell in i. lit in front
mid near
t in and when
lie called Harris to
wake him. When
Mow many women can
these questions without
Do wear any articles of cloth-
which makes you feel
Do you eat food y know
with you
Do you give yourself little time
to dress that you have to rush
through lift appoint
Is your bath a pleasure and a rec-
real ion
Do you keep your dry and
Do you drink plenty of pure
Make Their Mark Everywhere.
We print here the report of the
ordination of one of North
choicest men, recently
entered upon in
was held yesterday in the
church in which R.
pastor of the church. waR ordained
to the lull work of the Goer-el min-
silting in the
were Bond. C
W. Marion; O R
Theodore Hansen,
G. Canton; S. W
Cassidy and C H of
Wichita; Dr. I. If. and
W. A. I Elliott, of Kenton. Tl-
deacons present were Messrs. John-
son, Dexter man. Me
and The
met at Rev W.
waR election chairman and Rev.
H Bond clerk. After the roll-
call of delegates and formal
of the council. Kin-
introduced the candidate,
R. Fleming, Jr. and the ex-
fly the council was be-
gun. The candidate was asked to
relate bis Christian experience, call
the ministry and of
lief. The by the
was and
his finished, the went into
executive it expressed
its unanimous of the can-
b fitness he
council was very favorably
ed with his keenness of mind and
excellent preparation for Vis work.
At o'clock the
were conducted by W.
ion sermon,
Vision of by A. J. Finch;
prayer or ordination. C W.
band of fellowship, O
charge to the candidate, Dr. I. M.
Clark; charge to the church, Theo-
The choir sang mi
anthem and Gertrude
an a solo, Pilgrims of the
The services were very
throughout and the time spent
was very profitable. members
of the council were unusually
ed with the and tie
church burs is to be
in having such able young
as their pastor
Be Ii. L s a MM
boy, a young man
brains, and character
ts a son of Mr. Ii R I Jen of
Chicken Rode from Wilmington
N. C. to Point
Without Paying Fare-
Conductor Hart
Claims Bird.
To hundred fifty miles
the truck of a car, run-
at of about forty-five
miles an hour, is experience yet
unheard of, bat it chickens could
talk, there's one in i his city today
could furnish enough leading
ii, fill columns
That chicken reached
Point last night on the truck
of mail ear on passenger
Mo. over the Lies
from N. C It is
in hen and it is no the
its trip. venturesome fowl
a now the property of
Hut, who brought the
to this lie for
this story.
Hi-mi after train pulled of
Wilmington lit the morning,
was called In
the h-i-,
on the of the mail
ear. It wan a sort of and as
there was no chance of collecting
n fare from the -handler,
generous hearted conductor
t-i far hen would ride,
it every stop u was taken
under the car and I here still sat
I be bill. got our to
look at her and station agents noted
the novel but the tramp
chicken was not
when Point was reached
Captain Hart lo lift her
her seemingly
the Captain, I am
this hobo luck to
on u ex pens
Grenville, July 23-1.
We, the undersigned of
Greenville, Lodge So. A.- F.
A. M., regret to learn that a re-
port is in various
sections of the county, that certain
who are with
violating the criminal law of the
State, will not be convicted because
they are Masons. This is absolutely
and without foundation.
Masonry upholds no man In he
violation of the law, but on the
enjoins and require a
strict and
to the law of
Every man, when he Ian-noes a
Mason, receives the
charge to wit;
you are to be a
quiet and peaceful citizen, true to
your and to
not t
disloyally, but patiently
to authority and conform
cheerfulness to the govern
of the country in which you
live. In your demeanor,
be particularly careful to avoid
censure and
We embrace opportunity to
the idea that any good
Mason will suborn himself to pro-
a guilty brother.
K. B. Griffin,
L. Brows,
Junior Warden.
of Interest in
Carol ,
few at
min ton,
H. M. a fireman on the
bunch of the Southern
railway, Was in a wreck near
Saturday night.
After having the twenty four
hours, the jury T.
of Raleigh, charged with
burning a house to get the
was not guilty.
A charter has been granted
the Mount and Wilson
way company, that proposes to
an electric road between the two
While playing in a . f base-
ball at Durham. Saturday afternoon
John Redmond, a young married
man. was lightning and
killed., Several others were shock-
Do you take plenty of in -which Congress mad
the open expenses h
Do you do todays work only,
leaving tomorrow's burden until
tomorrow is today
Will Pay
It has gone out through at
least some of the Republican
press that President Roosevelt
has said ho will pay his own
traveling expenses,
standing Congress has made an
appropriation of for that
purpose. If Mr,
sticks to his proposition and re-
fuses to accept the appropriation
for his
expenses he will call
appreciation of many a tax
Big Meeting Expected in
on July
There that the
counties this section of the
State will be well represented at
fie special Suite meeting of the
North in-
Association, sailed by President
John Cunningham for July
in this city. The work
and several neigh-
boring is rapidly
prosecuted by energetic sub
branch Mr. K. J.
Delegates will attend the
meeting from all the newly firmed
associations. It is
probable that there will
gates from the
The realize their
only effective weapon
oppression of trust A young fellow who had
t the op
for in a
a to put a
no; take whit
trust is pleased
payer in this country. Win
Do you plan work and it is right or wrong for Congress
to save time and steps, or I to pay the
fell on dog be was
and do you dip first one thing and , expenses the people will applaud
and was later n,,,, another blindly
. Do try to be cheerful,
or do you fuss and fret and worry
bays an
couple met, courted, and
within an hour. In New
York they might also have
and parted in the same
-period, Md still have had enough
time to tell their troubles to the
That is rapid transit,
but then in these days the th-
court is of
honeymoon. In Charlotte on
Tuesday a trial
by cluck.
about everything and everybody--.
Savannah Press.
It would be amiss for the
men likewise to ask themselves most
of these question and see how hon-
est answers can be given.
The Right Way.
Tc Chatham
postmasters should be elected
by the people. Such a method of
choice would be vastly preferable
to that now
him when refuses to accept
it. Many of the pain people
think of a Hilary
a man can his own travel
expenses, and so he can.
Scotland Neck Commonwealth. I
The catches l
going and coming. Ho baa to
or the meat inspection, thanks to u
congress, and has to pay
the Beef what it seal lit lo
charge to make up
by the packers in
of the meat
on h- bright
best friend ad-
it, ii this cm,
but t e
crop, will be
, mi wet in about two
be at the mercy the
. to be
. i .
The Orphanage.
The annual report the
Orphanage at Thomasville,
published in and
by General Manager M. L.
shows some interesting
facts. During the year
fatherless ones were cared for ;
received into the institution,
discharged. Although the
orphanage community passed
through epidemics of whooping-
cough, and pneumonia,
only two children died.
The farm of the orphanage,
like the farms or the world, is
the of the institution.
The orphanage farmers serve all
the departments, look after their
own business and help feed the
hundreds of little ones.
The shoo shop pays most, we
are told, in training it gives
the boys, and e wood-working
department pays expenses, and
save the institution by pump-
water. Boys receive
able training here, also, but
there is great need of an endow-
to strengthen the
and make it a first-rate
wherein the hands of
youth may be taught to do
The fiscal year began with a
debt of but the actual
debt now is and it would
have been only about half as
much had not several thousands
been spent on needed improve-
nun , and only await t
the called meet
y 26th i to put efficient
active y to
Lo at there will
II, the i .
., . Colin lei
a ;, v an
, , .
Of county.
Old is
Lewis the
old man
be was away about years,
old, h beaver
I today. i-l three
j-s well be
but ii- dis one's
good for dis wedder I put it
on The old man he is
feeling and may not
r much Any way he is
are man for his age and
a i . than most
i. lie bad his shovel
while . .; the
into the habit of spend
evenings away from was
brought to his sense in i be
One afternoon his father r-nm-
to him and asked him if had
any engagement for the
The young man had not.
I'd like to have you
go somewhere with
The young man himself tells
what followed.
I said.
shall I meet
suggested the Columbia
Hotel at half-past seven; I
was there. When he
he said he wanted me to call with
him on a lady. One I knew
quite well when I was a
he explained.
went and started
straight for home.
is staying at our
he said.
thought it strange lie
should have mt de the appoint-
for the Columbia
those circumstances. I said,
we went in, and I
introduced with all due formality
to my mother an I sister.
situation struck me as
funny, and I started to laugh,
but the laugh away. None
of the three even smiled. My
mother and sister shook hands
with me and my mother said
that she remembered me as a
boy, but hadn't seen much of me
lately. Then invited me to
a bit funny then,
although I sat down, and she
told mo one or two anecdotes of
my boyhood, at which we all
laughed for u little. Then We
four played games for a while,
When finally retired, I was in-
to call again, I went up
stairs feeling pretty small,
doing a good deal of thinking.
asked his
I made my
that my mother was
woman, and my
going to call ago
enjoy their company and
to cultivate their
Register of Deeds R.
issued . to
couples l

Eastern reflector, 20 July 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 20, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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