Eastern reflector, 18 May 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Washington. May ;
Rather late bit U tune to be ; .
with the drug , . ,
She. . ; I L .
foreigners claim, there is no N U.
practice, in which they .
invoked. Of then, M, ate. . Hi I I
extending over the I.
Sob country. there b the .,. will
of manufacturers who. him f. i.
Then there are
who dispense these med nm
to the retail rode and again
is an n of retailers
the public Ev-
tho including ll
,. with whom you and laud
men fr . house,
know, mi hie love
II tr e. II. that
,.,., It
and i. prohibited u. In
I. . . die- K
,,.,,,; and medicine a. of d and M M.
I, .,,, . refuse to supply him-
A Short
i in
therein is meal of tho am i
I lie Department
has enough i
Nation to proceed against the three
under the Sherman nU-
; a conspiracy In re- favor Mr .--
. I of which it That
he first case is to election and no
up for a speedy hearing gr ,,, m,
much more than
e .;,. logical to ; of ought
, to have n
on . eon.
sand is. But it to have c . . t-
he ft i that in dis-
t u from common white or
i-. . Band, it is
B sh i
heavy sandy
left after the lighter sand
an soil carried off in hydraulic .
mining. There are many natural
deposits of sand also in the
river beds and on the sea o sat
is spotted with
them and he are many deposits
inland also w the practical val-
of the sand, which was
guessed at years that
it is made up almost wholly of min-
And some of them are very
Wee., it he it will
for With c aid f a--
what is
N- d M u-
Baker is critically at,
h- mile In the country. I
II- . of
Our town passed off
la Monday, Ff.
B B.
and J. ;
, of
City, was here I
B. B. and
spent Washington, j
K. H. Flaming to Washing-
Ion Friday.
Mr. Mis. i Moore and
little son, Wesley f Grimes-1
land, were visiting here
Fernando Ward J. J. Batter
church Sunday to T. H.
Lawrence, of Hamilton, preach.
The aid cold nights the
past we k did aide dam-
i., In section.
D. R. Willis, of Washington,
was Id
L. to Greenville
G. . Gable, f
Register of f B. Williams
since last
William and
and Baster
Ellison. ,
and Tail.
Southerner says that in link-
wells at Tarboro, overflow
water was at the depth of
or feet.
is a product as
near capable of curing the
majority of It is
possible for Modern Science
in produce The
pure blood.
is a miracle
but simply tho result of tho
of the
century. At the
. symptoms of fatigue
i headache or backache, which
are often the forerunners
of disease, solid I'm- your
physician if you will, but, if
you take you may
that by time he has
answered your call, that tho
symptoms have disappear
Use as
ed. Live a life.
while so
doing, we any
doctor's bill on de
and proof of illness.
We don't you to invest
a I until we
have the bottle
you Pill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and mail to as, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we will
send you without any cost
m whatever a full size
package to try No matter
what your trouble is, write
tn us C i eon
Co . Sew York.
L. will give his
that you
will i. an order on
your druggist for
free If y m -end us
coupon sure i i write
your name and address
My i is
v t. .
you need Bro
at once, or if you have
used it. It is to be had
at all first
j. L
Exclusive Agent
or Greenville, N
Nothing too GOOD
we are always looking for better; always
working to secure values and styles superior
to other stores, when
began to sell paper patterns we began to investigate, we
said to ourselves,
the Magazine
Home Journal added a
mote than
any oilier Guide Chan with
each pattern. This shows exactly how the fern is
to he put get her. comprehensive a d ran
understand it. a boon to ladies who are
In garment and making. Mothers advise us
that by the aid with each
train their daughters to own sewing
But there is still another point to consider. The pat-
terns are all new, no old styles, no ancient creations; all
new, all up-to-date and perfect in fit and style, and so
much more easily understood than other patterns that
one trial will convince you and make you a regular
Free At Our Store. Come And Get One.
We are leaders In Dress Goods Silks and
Trimmings, Etc.
J. R. J.
J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Annual Meeting of Stockholders
and Election of Officers.
The meeting of the
holders of Bank of Greenville
was held on the 15th office
v of the stockholders
were well pleased with the
of the cashier the
the business of
past year. paying out the
usual dividend, was left in
profits from
inns of the year. The surplus and
undivided profits now mote
than one and a half times as
as capital stock.
The following officers were re-
elected for the
R. L. Davit, president.
J. A. Andrews, vice president.
James L. Little, cashier.
Waiter G. Ward, assistant
and teller.
M. L. bookkeeper.
Robert Ii. collection
A. Andrews R. W
King, T. Hooker, J. G. Move,
R. L. Davis, O. Hooker, J. R.
W. B. J. L. Little.
The Bank of is the
oldest here, is admirably managed,
and stands high in the emulation
of the people.
Valuable Suggestions How
Pack and Sell the Crop.
May. 16th.
Bishop Strange preached to one
largest congregations ever
assembled in
Sunday night, and all enjoyed the
We only wish inch
a man be with us every San-
day to awaken town to a duty
they are all so careless in. The
bishop was by Dr-
. Merrill while in town.
Miss Sophia Hart, of Tarboro,
who has been visiting Mrs. J.
Stanley Smith, returned home
Rev. A. F. filled Mr.
Moore's appointment in the Chris-
church Sunday morning, and
at night all went out to the
Mrs. Lucy Moore left today for
the Christian college commence-
at Wilson to be present at
the graduation of her daughter,
Rosa, one of
brightest and most lovable
Lawrence Morrill, of Snow Hill,
came over and Sunday
his mother, Mrs. Sam Morrill.
The on Friday night by
music class was high-
by ad. Everyone
jg part could i have done more
credit to themselves and their ex-
i ban was done.
Governor Francis D.
Winston will deliver the address
for school o. this place
on the opera house.
All attend.
A. J. l it today for Wilson
to be present.; i lie graduation of Ids
J Ml-- Mary, who
finished a literary
A. C.
Mrs. John T
class gave a
Monday night to an
audience The recitations by
Misses and Lila Fields
were especially enjoyed.
A informed in the
business of growing and
gives the following timely
When a crop is matured and ready
for market, just half tie work is
done. remaining half is to
house, pack, sell and receive
for them a fair sum of money, which
is due every farmer that com-
his part of work, and give
value received. While many men
grow a crop others
make e failure in grading their
stock which is very important
Herein the secret between
success and failure, profit and lose,
so your potatoes close, as it
always pays to do so, put your
twos in a package to themselves
and the number in a package
separate and apart from the cull
and twos. If it pays t do a thing,
it pays to do it well. If tho market
is grade them, if it is low and
weak be sure and grade them, for
without being packed as they should
have an elephant on your hands.
You do not want any potatoes in
your barrel of number ones that is
mailer than a turkey egg, for if you
put smaller ones in with the larger
ones, do not fill up very fast
damage the sale of the better
goods. inferior goods may be
sold though it is not advisable to
put on the market as it has a
tendency to lower the market on
the better all means do
not allow them to sun burn as they
are very hard to sell at all and bring
a very low price on tho market.
In order to have your barrels well
filled when the consumer receives
you must fill well at
lie sure that they are well filled be
fore letting them go. Fill your
barrel half or two-thirds full and
then shake well, fill up am
Pastor Will Bring Bride Back
With Him.
Rev. J. E. pastor of
Memorial Baptist church, left
this morning to be absent until
1st. He will spend the re-
of Ibis week with
near Henderson. On Monday,
21st, he will deliver the alumni
address at the closing exercises of
Institute. Next week be
will also attend the commencement
at Wake College and from
there will go to Henderson
to spend a few more at his
old home. Wednesday evening,
30th, he will wed Miss Anna Belle
Hoyle, of Wakefield. and will re-
turn to with his bride
on Friday, 1st.
Foreign Contributions to Sin Francisco
In declining to accept aid for San
from foreign countries
President Roosevelt seems to have
got the worst of it. The empress
of China sent her mite
to her representatives in the
coast city, Canada sent to
the mayor and the Cross found
its way to taking in the
by Japan. This goes to show
that President Roosevelt does not in
least in the way, and that all
countries desiring to send
money to San Francisco can do
The bond issue election in
county Saturday
for for macadamizing
roads was defeated by a very
small majority. Tho good
advocates express determination
to push the measure again as
soon as the law will permit. The
change in favor of the bond is
sue the past few weeks was
wonderful and its friends had
hoped to give Rockingham the
It is doubtful if the average
annual income of lawyers, in-
all members of the pro-
-good, bad, and
13.000. While a
few are able to command large
fees and pile up comfortable for-
tunes, the majority are far less
fortunate. And the lower strata
of the profession contain an
number who live from
hand to mouth, and many of
whim are undeserving of any
sort of a living in that
although they might be
worthy of respect if engaged in
for which they were
fitted by nature and attainments.
In all professions is
ways room on and by the
same token there is always a
crowd at or near the bottom.
Among the may thousands of
lawyers, doctors, and clergymen
whom the schools grind out eve-
year there are not a few who
have mistaken their calling. As
mechanics or laborers they might
have lived useful lives, and all
lives that are useful, in that they
contribute to the welfare of com-
are honorable. There
is no way of rendering any
service to the Creator. Tl e
only way to serve Him is to serve
His creatures. Therefore, the
truest and most acceptable man-
of showing one's love to the
Father of All is to live tho kind
of life and, in right spirit, to do
that kind of work for which one
is best fitted. It is infinitely
more creditable to assist in feed-
clothing, or housing one's
by honest toil on
the farm, in the factory, or in
I distinction of being the first
m, end then fill up the third county in the South to vote
time and round it up on so it bonds for; this purpose on its
will show up full and be full when
first Sentinel.
the destination is reached. Now do
not fill the barrel and give it one
bounce from edge to edge and stop
at that, be take hold of the top of j
the and shake it thoroughly
until the potatoes stop rattling;
which can be detected by a close ob- j
while you are doing the
work, for these potatoes are to be
marketed in the far North and
West, are thoroughly shaken before
delivery, so you see it is very
that the package be well
Fellow Voters of Pitt
We are about to select a man
the office of register of deeds M
our county for term, a
man who cu will serve e
people of the
and for that very office
there is not this county a better
man than J. C. Lamer, of
He is a man, who-
life we know. We know him to I
Industrious, r com
ail his
Twenty-five years of his life
has been close touch with all
the people of He h-
for years a
f. r . I
and in office he
has proven be has all good
qualities which a public servant
have. At all he has been
willing and prompt in rendering
service to the public to the
his ability, when the opportunity
itself. He has on every
occasion given of his time,
his means to the support
of the Democratic party,
constantly for white supremacy
and good government. For
deeds Pitt can elect
no man than J. C. Lanier.
In a row between at the
j of Southern Western
I railway company, near
man was killed and three others
seriously wounded.
A colored man
while using a
In putting up a wire
fence, was instantly killed by a
Pulp And Paper Mill
It Va, May
a pi j in i lie establish at
Rapids, a hunt miles I
fun. N. the
live, and mi Wild
a large fol
I lie paper
The property a. the point,
which has
water power. home
, t company are o be in I
i, ., is
. i
f -i
ii a
k i.
maximum of
a in of and It
is said has
been A charter i-
d for.
To By 1907
Pamlico Sound Railroad was let a
few days mo to Northern parties
who will building of
same, are under to
same by May 1st year.
The eighteen miles already built
were done iv the railroad company
bu. moved too slowly
so win.
men . ho make .
Vi Times.
N. May
J. W. Dawson, of Washington,
visited our town Tuesday.
Misses M i n me I and Jan
Tyson, o. Greenville, spent several
days with Mrs. L. E. Ricks last
Jay Scott, City,
11- ii Tuesday night in town and
a of Mr. and Mrs. J.
O. Bobbitt.
Mr. of Greenville,
pent a in
i bis
Mis. A. L. Jones daughter,
ii are visiting her
O. O.
In. L. E Kicks and Mr. Maj
in Greenville.
Mi. of Hamilton,
peat Tuesday night u
E. filled his
at the
. church Sunday
H. B. Phillips
Z. P. Vandyke,
M town Tuesday.
Jack left Wednesday for
nil home mi t of
There was quite a number vis
at Hotel Tuesday
had the night in
private homes
Black Jack, H, C. May
Quite a number cf the people;
from here attended church a. Red
Banks Sunday.
Miss Mollie Walter
the store than to pocket Washington
ed millions in stock operations. Mrs. R. J. returned Sun-
But let us go back to our text, j day from where she
fees. The Now York has visiting friends.
World in its evening edition of j A good many our people
the 11th instant states that it is to on the tenth. They
understood that Mr. a time,
fees as counsel for the Arm-1 Many of the farmers ire plowing
strong committee in the up
investigation will be it like the cotton
And the World submits;
that six arduous
work of incalculable benefit j, , .,
., ,,., . Miss Forbes, of
to the public this is certainly r, ,, .
r , . , were here a while
not excessive. The World m ,
Tuesday evening.
Miss Maud left
day to spend week with Miss
near Haddock X
A O. Clark aid R. M. Elks, of
crop will lie short this year.
Mrs. Proctor, of Grimes-
further submits that this tee I
decidedly modest by contract
with the charges of the eminent
counsel arrayed against Mr.
and our contemporary I
adds those interesting items. , ,
,,. ,, ., . spent Sunday evening
Hornblower's bill for
services in the
controversy was Mr-
Cohen charged for mi.
covering a period of
five months. Mr Joline's
bill was for Mr. Root's
was of like amount. Mr. lip-
pew's yearly retainer was
cannot bu
truthfully alleged against any of
these able attorneys. The Man-
Fire Insurance Company
receivership developed another
Interesting instance of large
gal foes, a Her the law-
bill was paid
a. H J.
B. F. D. carrier from
says while serving his yes-
an old stopped him
asked if he were a church
member, and if so, to pray for it
to lain. He said the over
are so it
Mrs. Susan Green-
ville, spent a few days here last
W, H Wynne, of re-
turned home yesterday.
The Girls Returned.
was left to the creditors. The n tn ,
,. .-,, j Mr. W. J, limes, who left hero
estate William paid nut ,. .
in fees, which with nil bloodhound to
was alleged to have been re- help for two colored
by Mr. Hornblower's girls who bad lost a week in
. ., , Jones county, returned Tuesday
Everything considered, Mr . , ,, , it
would have Ho the
been cheap at The
State U Still in his debt. It is
under a new obligation to him
for bis example of moderation
and honesty in legal charges.
There are thousands of men
bid was met by a message
advising him that the
lost girls bad shown up at their
borne. They had reappeared as
suddenly as they had disappeared,
Congressional Convention.
we have seen no
of it yet, but learn ability In
yet living and in the enjoyment leading to the supposition that in
of adequate fortunes who can formation had reached them that
member when great lawyers bounds were to be put on
worked for less than a tenth of j their trail and they decided to re-
the average fee lawyers of
,. , veil, i r i
ii-ti Ci lit
the twentieth
century. Has the upward tend
fees been accompanied by a
corresponding increase of
for useful
turn rather than be run down.
dead Ins I. Inc
if fell
while dressing
Items Around
G ii. n, N. Cl May 1900.
I know how it I th the
have car
bur can of -v
i i i as any the
States fact they are
second to none. They are lull of
aid explode,
keep us all humor,
earlier No. particularly. You
would if you could hear
tell bi- p ting water
seed that came mil of a
Inn. is as far
is I can yon will have to get
him tell now be raised them.
J. B. Jones, of
i of meetings at
the Disciple place
limit,, his opening
subject was, for each one, saint
examine themselves,
and see rotten places
were, and to take for
their standard to measure them-
selves by sod t in being
whatever, as human nature is so
frail that if were to ;. that
for our standard we find
that our idol would be lacking in
the so for a
good pattern.
Ground was broken for
a line to be erected for
R. Harvey, one of our
i ii I business man of firm
It. Harvey Co.
K. L. Blow, of Granger, was in
meeting con-
ducted by Mr. Jones, who is
getting his coal fire in the
forge preparatory to take a weld-
beat it.
night, as an-
night, his text
was of He
set out his stakes, in God
Bible which
a very
manner He shewed we
bow to gel faith increase it,
also how great of us
lo.-e by trashy
works of u en-
He told con-
that DO mutter what the
believed it made
no difference God's plan of
salvation, for all those who believe
and put their trust
the Son of h
writ n looms
upon the lei's vision they will
Mud that ii is everlastingly too
too late too late Brother
Jones winning
which men to b i
he is in
in -ave souls by
and narrow way r at
leads on to glory and to God.
it call f. om Dr W .
today. The doc t
I looking the picture of d
he a
We are proud to say W. J.
Pope is much improved, but still
Hope he will entirely it-
cover his health and strength.
Light on
William auditor of the
Carl was test-
ed he. e last uh
theft cf iron ticket
wagon of the
in October, 1901, he was
treasurer of that e The
robbery, it is occurred at
N. C. arrest was
made by Sheriff Earn and Deputy
seized while at work the ticket
wagon, handcuffed, hustled into a
waiting automobile and taken to a
railroad station miles away.
From there he was taken to Co-
Extradition papers have
been prepared and he will be
taken to North Carolina for trial.

Terrapin Alive in
f strangest incident-
g was Hi-
a live in
ill m g Hi Corner t
lone Estes, 1729 Laguna
mil Miss Plowman, of Syd
wont to the ruins
W-S a I t W
ii ig In i Iie Miss K is
ii w II Ii-1 t lie -ill
debris f In.- I
u I I l
near mil lulu i
ll and away.
t. is annual bail
through and
in ill.-
in WHICH It was filled.
Friend. Tail u Worth Heading
Suppose You Stop See
i., March ,
Mrs J take id.
men, stating that your Remedy
has entirely cared our little girl of
vim case of eczema, which
of her
She bad eczema
no Mi,,.
I -i
i- i
ii In
ix She
. i I feel
h-i i ii of
i i. j in of
I .
Hi f -f -ill-r in
run- mil ,
. i. om a on r Ii
. r-a in K r
I . , . mi-.- North Carol.
. MM J I
In e, f-r l- ill-
huh -I l I-hi.
I. I A r-
on r ml mug In
i.- of
Inn tin III
. f v ill. I mi known ID loll No
U. Ii. UM
l ill
. r r Ii ml fill mill
; -4
f-t, l 1-1 rt no
reel s i lo
on III feet to
Ml wore or
I Peed.
The Millinery Opening.
We will on sale during the two opening days an immense line of smart, up-to-date hand
ready-to-wear Hats. Possibly one of the greatest selections Hats ever shown in this city.
Court Clerk of county
of H. ii. notice In
to all to to
nuke payment to the
and all the
estate the name to the
for payment on or before day
March. or notice Kill he plead
of recovery. , . n.
The Big Store long since established an enviable reputation i rimmed and Untrimmed con-
showing the latest and newest effects. In Imported Hats, we show the latest ideas, while the de-
signs our own of trimmers will equal them in beauty and excellence. Our hie. has
passed even her previous record-breaking achievements. Remember the Opening dates
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10th and 1906.
I Not Quite
How often you can a
nail or screw driver or
i lacking- Have a good
X; tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. line of tools
Is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
pi-, c, on Lick patent
whereby we
can re-face old Bi ass Col
n ii H-ad Rules,
t. make
fully as ii- now
. v -i Inly
Refacing Column and Head
regular lengths
Refacing L. S. and
Head inches in
and over per lb
A sample of refaced
Rule, wife full
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
Manufactures of Type mil
High Grade Printing Miter
N. p
v. S.
Steamboat Service.
i-ii i I. L. leaves
h-iii g ii daily
ii for leaves
ii in.
at with
Southern for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
all other
Ninth. a Norfolk
order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K. B.
bailing hours subject to change
without notice.
J. J. Agent, Green-
B. C. General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
M. K. KING, V. G. M.
Come in and take a look, whether you buy or not. its always a pleasure to show ;.;.
C. T.
N. C.
It The Moon Inhabited.
Science has proven that the moon has
an atmosphere, which makes life in
form possible on that satellite,
lull no-for human beings, who have a
hard enough time on ours,
Electric Hitters cure Headache, Bilious
Malaria, Chills, and
Dyspepsia, Torpid
Liver, Kidney complaints. General
Debility and Female In-,
as Tonic and All-,
for weak persons nil especially ,
for aged. sleep
Fully guaranteed by J. I- Woolen-1
list- Price only
D. W.
I And Provisions
W i
i Ties always on hand
Goods kept con-
In stock. Country-
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
ins in
there i- every
to that even the
, .; i . can be
. t
b- u
a. to many
who the blessing of
after rears of hopeless
. I of
r -i i-la f
r. m I. f
I . . II . . i, h
f r in.
I r.-. i
. I
iii. t we
I I-
. I .
i I .-11
i bed;
to try
i. .f ;
i u
ii . i i It to
i . I
i. v . . i, .
i i. i oilier
v t cu n
ran I B on
ii i lo ii i i -i
I II I rt i i inLie -n. Ind.
Dr. t- It cold by your
that th
first will benefit. II It fills,
will j money-
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Woman's Trials.
The Utter In a Is to
be Who till how hard the
been ere sue to
resign to her lot The
of this link lit marital life
together, the of this one
to Is n
Many unfortunate
become estranged Even If they
do not drift a part, one inn read the hole
extent of their in the eyes
of such a couple II lieu rest
on the of others. To them the
largest seem numerous.
In many cases or child-
the obstacle in l
easily by the cure
the part of the woman. Dr. Pierre's Fa-
Prescription has been the means of
restoring health to many
a barren woman, to the joy of the
household. In Other, but rare cases, the
obstruction to the bearing of children has
been found to tie of a surgical character,
but easily removable by operative
treatment the
Hotel and
N. y. over which
Pierce of the
fame presides. In cases where
are desired and are absent, an effort
should be made to out the real cause,
since It Is gem-rally so easily removed by
proper treatment.
In all the various weaknesses, displace-
and de-
drains and all
cases of nervousness and debility. Dr.
Pierre's Favorite Prescription Is the most
efficient remedy possibly be used.
It has to its credit hundreds of thousands
of cures more in fact than any other
remedy put up for sale through druggists.
especially fur woman's use. Tin-
of which
is composed have received the most
positive endorsement from the leading
medical writers on of all
the several schools of practice. All the
Ingredients are printed in
on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, so
that any woman making use of this
famous medicine may know exactly what
she Is taking. Pierce takes his pa-
into his full confidence, which he
can afford to do as the formula after
which the is
will the most careful exam-
Dr. Pleasant Pellets are the
best and safest laxative for women.
I have taken u, mid that
were with Owner cad
properly and ex-
K A. K. K. B, No. H,
Lots For Sale.
Near Five Points on Easy Terms
Call on or address
SAM Greenville, N. C.
Such are the frequent utter-
concerning the men who
are to be nominated for the
State and county
to be rilled in North this
year. There seems to be a set
determination with the people to
bring to the front only good men
for the offices. And this is
A public office is a public
trust, truly; and it is
for any unfit man to ask the
support of the people. And a
man's intellectual attainments
are not the only qualifications to
consider in his for office.
While the public interest should
not be to who
not the intellectual ability to
discharge the duty imposed on
him by virtue and power of the
office; it is not always the most
brilliant men intellectually who
is best fitted servo the
Interest in office. Some of
the world's brightest men
have had faults and
failings which made them
for The people de-
sire to place in office men of
good common sense backed up
by convictions of right and
excellence will give as-
of conscientious service
to the best interest of all. Hut
with all the care that may be ex-
When you write a letter, why
don't you date Why don't
you name your Why
don't you properly sign your
name to it in plain English
Why don't you properly direct
it, stamp it, and mail
When you wish the address of
your paper changed from one
office to another, why don't you
simply write us a postal card
giving name of office from which,
and the office to which you wish
sure to
It is very important that the
name and proper address should
always appear in every letter to
lie Was in Such a I
A who has resided in
told this as an of
the ways of
gentle a
Vine to be in his
for the us., his little hoy, aged
pix. He and waited, but
the hiring arrived. due
of that op to
became himself
a little hoy. When
bis. emu was six years old he
iii- d how his owl lather had
made- And then be I swing to be for
write your own name So on the trades-
man, who lived at his gate, and
asked to send up ti e swing
that hail In en
I years before. The man agreed to
insure prompt, proper and ,, Tue boy
factory attention. The average
reader would be astonished to I
know the number of important. ,,, w,,,,. A,.,,,,,, as ,
letters we receive but cannot at-1
tend to properly because the real
writer failed to observe the above
H. A.
linden t-l any who
was in such a
Fell Bridge.
On Saturday evening Willie is
it is probable that here j credit misses no
and there some who are not the to preach clean man-
best man in every sense may
ask to be honored with public
points of great importance.
Many dollars now await entry to
the credit of sender because he
failed to sign his name, or name Bank
bis Why blame us putting in of a plate
for your gives tin- of
Farmer. a much improved
lance, have also been
The Need Clean Men. , made Hie building that add
If one were to go to the its
dent of the United States and ask
to name country's greatest
need he would reply quick,
Smart men there are a little of Mr. and
W. was Walking Hit
railing i n tin- bridge
the river her
i e ground about W
she was inn
seriously hurt, hut it Was a narrow
Ill the of
given Mis. Vines and Mrs.
sent The Kill
Bilker and and Miss Alice
BloW We
ii quested call in
the as it was an overnight,
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. Ricks in
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
We will carry an up-to-date line of as
Hats, Shoes, Dress Notions,
In Groceries we will have at all times a full line of the very best goods, not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds of
Canned and Package Goods, the finest brands
by the thousands; men abound
more than in any other age of the
world; able are found in every
State and township, but even from
a population of eighty millions the feet Km innately
chief executive has difficulty in
finding of
character a post which require-
a square and flawless morality. It
hood. But nor
teachers do the work of fathers
office, It has been so before and n their own f unities. We
doubtless will be so again; not mean underestimate the
let us have as few such cases as influence of the mother
Neck Com- j most men i leach
give their mother-i the credit
that I am I owe to my
Lincoln. was you
, who taught me to write so.
really did, dear m the
crabbed Carlyle. We gel
Closing the School at
pi,,. hi
i by
mi fl, mothers.
mental from our fathers, say
if, splendid and as we look
we find this maternal
the loveliest thing on
Bat isn't there down
deep our souls that we should
have done much better if our
We can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices for
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
n. c.
I Mi
I -ii- consisted
drill-, if . K
ml in-t
. done fine the, time trouble
pal I'll work share our confidences in the
i d years that counted
. ii. i .
fire to
did men in c- i i I'll., May
they are it wile and seven
children shall have the best were Incinerated their
vantages. The teachers in he Mt night. There
school have line k and the , ,. ,. . ,,,.,.,
,.,. , me that were n BI
entertainment was a luting
an I- -mo., o. -.- o.
A la, i- Hid nil ii I hie I
in t i hem
the -I. the f H H
lb i , had l . lie ,, , ,
Hi. Blew that will
. -he
Northern papers continue to
prim with commendation the shrewd
statement of the North Carolina
who prefaced the pass-
of the collection plate with this
remark; free,
salvation bee It don't cost
Hut we have to pay the
on it- We will now pass
around the hat collect the
the freight
Come in and examine my
On the absence of Rev
F. II. at the funeral of his
brother-in-law in Maryland, there
will In- no prayer me-ting in the
church tonight, nor
services nett Sunday unless
notice is given.
Yours to
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
Hit father Dead
Mi . W n p. i.
years, in his nil
L, per, i
hi id i i a hi bride, went In
alter bis I here
three i k ago, visit his people,
and Was when his father
i paralysis
Notice tn
We P-- Hies will get no
i to . i iii.-y are now, but there
i telling.
Mi h
ill Hie
.-lint ll I I; v II
r-. mil fir M
I will lilt for
iii i , iii. Hi-
ii . i -I I nut lie In Hi
. in i I. in
ii f i I. i.
-1- . i -I
All e III. Ill
heirs e i. n.
i . I r,,. III
I Superior Court Clerk o Pitt
I administrator I t tie- lo
i. notice is h
. i. i i.,We believe in the am
than attitude on the
part an Individual or
However, it must he a of
lo the southern men to
know that, in spite the foot
in public positions
ramp, in some localities and some
hi I. up in life
have been convinced a-d
i ed, southern men, in ill
m it instance, have kept their
clean and unstained from
in public office. Very little I
f the i iii we bear of can be traced
in men and the south
i r than ever
to all
persons Indebted to
immediate the regard lithe nation because
all persons as w-11 i other things.-m
payment before
1907, or Is
in bar recovery Ice Plant Building.
, I i ii is at work on
,,, ,,,.,
l, it I ii I lie as
., , .,,. The
is on Fifth street be
e ti

v second class matter.
la the office Greenville. V
Advertising rates application
desired at every post Id Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
The hail, tie t prints the
a bloodhound's successful
chase Point. Possibly the
Observer will now have a toiler
of the bloodhound. Green-
ville has one that has made severs
successful runs after criminal
NORTH MAY. 18.1900
The President b
to mat-j
When the pr.
i limn n an
use money ibe trouble ibis l
Si many L . re p
I large lo
n. II , , . , .
, Ike
tin- of this district in not ,. , ,
kind of price
If keep C j j
. . i t,, district, cine .
in it will to hard to Water and O
gel to lake their place.
on- whiskey on the
docket formal at Superior
Court week record oat
to envied.
and rolled for Be-
for a share of valuable
The inland a
in. upon be expend-
mm i labor, will prove
. lit f 11.-
region of hie ideas are put
into n.
The chamber of commerce of Wit
doing more figuring
day electric current proposition
the can their way
figure it in o
another good for
In tie meantime who wen
j day current, ether It
The Dressy
Swell Tail
Ors of New
York arc
up for their
trace this sea-
sen more Blue
Nothing so
might keep the fOr
held its I , , .
some member of the
late committee. and an . , -i or the know n
at on the our i-
by the
may drag along at snail
pace on other thing, hills
which a ad pie I the
not immediate n
we are to I
pills rd Small for
in welfare Mid for
. . I
i dead aM n.
ibis is in place-
well at all
times as the
Blue serge
Oar Serges are tried and
true, and we guarantee
them to be fast Colors.
tee our serges
to be right in
every way-cut
fabric tailor-
and price.
a. c.
President is
and Hying pat it on
; pitchfork
I Ida him where the public can at
, nth
f ,. , ready in great
three day celebration of the
next week
It is going to to the must
of May ti. n on record.
I n. ii lining with
the m the light
the in Raleigh is
go. d evidence hope
by defeating the w
their saloons open
Secretary Tuft that be
The time is to stir up
more alarmist
lo us- Mr Small
thoroughly lo the ex-
of water-way ex are the best of
which the project hour-,
now I. fore the public mind, and
hi designs would to
most far reaching in their in
which Wilmington could not fail to
receive most substantial benefit
To the obligation Wilmington
due ibis gent Ionian was added
of the visit of the Congressional i
party of yesterday, and we desire to j ye that j the following delegate
convey to Mr. Small this formal ex-
of our of
office., and the
hope that the opportunity will W
for us to reciprocate the favors of i
valuable of rules of
I is that not Bet e
The Kin Clothier.
to the convention based
the doctors were behind the govern- , .
d. upon its vote for Governor for
the patent i
j Beaver Dam
and day electric current ire three
thing have to make
the town grow
this we are
it ought to. In
The Water and Light Commission President. be really begins I
baa not seen et. airing his opinions of ex-Senators,
Greenville lo have a you hardly want M violate it either,
elect lie current. Everything I
will promise the establishment j Die paper trout In dissolved j
new to be pro- want will happen
No. l .
So. .
If day electric wan I It is quite
provided a of small that the trust
We will Our Spring
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
The old man's continues t.
be mentioned in connection with MOW and then, bill
not, under
will he again
Tb defeat m county
the proposition issue bonds fol
the good r.-a .
hi shews n
people will sometime vote
against bl
factoring would soon
follow, to say nothing of the many
application for fans in residence
ville holds out such inducements as
will show this is a good place to
locate and do the town
can not hope to gain many new
comer. They will seek the
that offer best advantage-
San is Betting a
dent u is worthy of notice
the late it . wide
, f r us and the city was full of
When lie earthquake and
The eight of the fire came all the saloon not
change were ordered until I
Roger, of Durham, who kill-d subsided the
Ilia wife and city started hack toward normal
crime, saying Through the severe or
that he to hang, I Ideal the order good and tie
tune n th time hi of crime so marked to
plate entering n
U is announced
that this will make no
suggestion tor the reduction of
during the Hague
present hold,
that there never has been much
e in the Senate over the fa's
It has appeared to us
there were serious differences am
th Republican members as
K-ate the
Creek. .
It hoped that nil
each township will I at I
primary mealing to
to the out
in with tie
lion of
By order of the
L. I. Mo BK,
W. L Sec'y.
a we
we will have the latest and best things that f
were obtainable in the American markets
the Ladies that are
and feast then t.
f yours,
Pulley Bowen.
j and we invite the Ladies that are
to call at our establish
f eyes. truly
He i putting lip a
be wain to hang at all
comment. Mayor
attributed this to the rigid
of the rule against the sale
I Now the idea has taken
hold if liquor la a bad thing
sell in a nine of trouble and die-
to sell it in
of aid
I cine by vote of the
board all saloon license in
I city have beau revoked. Some
, nu ill and w In- nation will
.,, tie
there are . ml nil,
who Inroad
in those ban .
The c man
nearly in in
burning id his home and
i. iii i h ink , a i
i ii in toy r
ding we have good
s in ii.- and on . . i in
ma. -1,.,
of ibis
s las
by in or bur. la.
. h miners
. i to pay minter prices
will be at toe c-
m Greenville at
A M. Thursday,
the purpose of selecting dole-
el mill
h.- i in ire
ii- id cm;
will lie
. it the various voting
iii the respective
of Tilt county on
June, 1906. P.
H, pi m me. i. I .
the county convention to
on the h June
H ill lie
A . I . . A MILT
. home
. find
-e it.
. . . entirely
Don't . here until
n. that
Will I. . a better
. ii I the Lest goods, lose when you soy other
i but toe b when it com to
MM just anything on our a it . Th
mote, my store will get the best V be bad. ave just m a
Canned Goods, Package Goods,
Butt Cheese, I a. d Sour Pickles and
also I keep the l In Clears I
Just try me for best the
door to T. Mun ford's
Our Specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office.
This department is in J. H. FRY, who i authorized to rep-,
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
Sill I M
A deposit at h bank will
make you more
Make a with what you
have hidden away for safe keeping
the next time y.-u come to the
Bank They can
keep it safer than you can.
Otha Bowling, of Greenville,
came down Tuesday the
and returned Wed-
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways on hood
Mills, of Ayden, was in
Tuesday on
Frank Carr, of GreeD county,
in town a few days ago, aDd was
lots of trading with our
We are to see the.
farmers from adjoining
counties come o our town to trade.
Any one Deed of a good cart
one that will last and render good
service just all to or the
Mice Olivia Cox, who has been
teaching back
home since her closed. We
are glad to have her back among
If you to exchange your
seed for meal you OH same time
by taking meal far your seed when
you have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
W. B. went, to Green-
morning on
If yon want good seed Irish
potatoes go to Harrington, Barber
Miss Brit, of LaGrange,
came up Tuesday evening to spend
some time with Miss Cox
and to be present at the commence-
The A. G. Cox Mtg. Co. are still
hipping cotton planters and guano
by the car load, and if you
need any you had write or
gee them
Miss Mabel Kittrell, of Bed
Banks, is spending this week
Miss Kittrell.
All farmers sow-
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders
at Harrington, Barber Co.
Oscar went to Greenville
Monday evening.
Be sure not to forget the
those iron bedsteads at
A. W.
The people are coming in from
every direction to attend the com-
We are glad to see
all who come, and will do our beat
to make them enjoy themselves.
We offer our silver table ware
vents guarantee at a bargain.
Bee us, B. T. Box Bro.
G. G. was in town
Tuesday on business.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
to ship cotton and
guano sowers by the car load.
Miss Annie Fleming came down
Tuesday morning to be at the
Buy a pipe from J. II. C. Dixon
at the drag store.
I crowd came down
from Greenville
Nice Robes at
Prof u. K. went
Greenville y on
Tooth and Di-k Harrow at the at
l On. , Barber
if a -I shipping i
ii e
For now made
r heat material p, far
I see L
It you a j
at A. W. Ante A- OH
get tie, and .
Miss Spain, buy elsewhere
i be commencement
Farmers make by
their cotton seed
meal at Pitt Oil Co.
Misses Ida Mooring. Ross
and Dora Fleming came
down Tuesday evening to
the commencement. They are
former students of the W. H.
Our meal analyzes Pitt Co.
Oil company.
Miss Ward Moore, of Grimes-
land, came up Tuesday evening to
Furnishings for house we are
Lew ready for business, and extend
an invitation to all, to visit our
store, and s-e the beautiful line of
which we have planed
to deal out on easy
that even the poorest shall have no
excuse for their homes not being
furnished. Thanking you in
suite you in MM price.
one in a will
do well to A. Ange
net one of th
ed the best
the market.
Farming all kind
t Ba-. Co
A nice lot of Bug
Robes at Harrington,.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. On. is
shipping cit ton by the
car load. The people know a-good
thing they see-it. Therefore
they are Cox cotton planters
Woods high grade- garden seed
have years been the most
at the drug
store of B. T.
It yon want h
yon any- i
with indigestion, A. W .
and t-t i
he Has that is made o . n
i,,, ,,,., j.,,.,
-l own in om t
at A. W. Ange Co, i-.-et
your pick they go
If any tie in m I o
or Bald peas W ting
vet them A.
Co at the lowest prises.
large nice show rooms the Dispensary. . Jg
i The Old Furniture Wan of Greenville has sold j
H. an interest in this exclusive Furniture and House
business. Our stocks
Mattings, Royal
If yon need any tut
go to A. W. Ange ilk C
bed Room
go lo A. w Ange I .
He has .
and Art Squares
Buy your
for patronage, we are yours
to serve, Eastern Carolina Supply ; J
Co., N. C. at th store
Quite a large crowd were charm-
entertained Saturday night
tell which way
I hi. s, just notice tile stream
going in and out from
I; m in-. .
Try a or a Tan
Rumen Dixon at the
rt-s will
If anything in the home is
Oats I
The A. G C-n Mfg. Co. is
If you are wise preserve in H In.
, houses by with. fr j,,,,, am
the home of Mrs. Guy Taylor,
in honor of her friend, Miss Silt, u a
Moore, of Hugo.
Car load of flour just received,
nice and fresh, at price.
Harrington, Barber A Co.
evening on business. to bum -y-,
The Pitt Oil Company is I goods. They have what
shipping cotton seed meal by the you j u
car load. Men's, and
to please
need of not having
into when Vt
i Co., have just received a tot, and to your eye, mob only
that they a visit to our Furniture
We-especially the at-
ah Curtails,.
M. G. we, t to Barber C. Spreads, Toilet Sets, Lace
Tuesday. ,.,., Window Shades, Mat-
dress ,, e, tings. Floor Oil
A. Ha Taft Co
Pictures Framed to Order.
shown in at
Harrington, Barber C.
Miss of
is spending this week visiting her
uncle, M. G. Bryan,
Hew furniture is arriving daily
in some will do well to
writs or see the A G. Cox Mfg Co.
Trunks and valises
ton Barber Co.
The Pitt Oil Co. will pay
it A, W. Ange Come and lo- Price be
get the best at lowest prices. Big line of bats and caps , Carolina
Holland, of Pollocks- received, latest styles.
Parlor Suits, Bed room Suits,
Hall Racks and Baby Carriages
We believe in a position
to satisfy the taste of the most
fastidious with anything in our
line. However, chances for a
ville, came up Tuesday morning lo
attend the commencement.
A new line of and dress
just received at A, W. Ange
Co. Be sure to see them and
gt your pick.
The of Winter-
ville High school is now in pros
The first exercises took
place last a concert by the
primary and intermediate depart-
The program consisted of
songs, and tali-
Barber Co.
Supply Co.
Wash Goods S
We have received our full line of WASH GOODS
consisting of
Overdrafts, unsecured
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks and
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Nat. Ilk and other U. S.
Capital Stock paid in 4,900.00
Deposits subject to ck. 8,385.57
Cashier's Checks out-
State of North Carolina,
At the Close of Business. April 6th, 1906.
the large audience was Loans and Discounts
The annual sermon will be
preached tonight by Rev, C. W.
Thursday morning
the literary address will be
e ed by Hon. B K. Billiard.
Thursday afternoon debate by I paid
the Vance Literary Society, and
Thursday evening the conceit
u tho direction of the
Society. County of
If you want a nice Slip. I, L. Jackson, Cashier of bunk, do solemnly
go to A. W. the best of
Co and you can get them. He L Cashier,
has the nicest lot ever shown in j Subscribed ard sworn to before
this 16th day of April,
If you want a nice shirt or JAMES R JOHNSON,
go to Harrington, Barber Co. Notary Public.
For hay, corn go
Harrington, Barber j
A G. Mfg. Co., For sale one and lot .-
making on Main street in
an and guano Sower, have C being next to the residence
will be on sale Monday Everybody cordially
these goods,
Jan. F.
of paint, and yellow shipped oat about of of Taylor, the lot J I
k Co Any one of the I acre land the house In i good I
I roomed and well
wild a
I and Roland old reliable Cox planter simple
Of tail- down U t
to spend with
their sister, Mrs. L. Jackson. Nice line of boys U L.
Try a bottle of Kid-
In the Window at REFLECTOR
m n m
a sure cure for all Kid-
Another large
if shoes
troubles at Harrington pi ices very
. f-t reasonable.
Ii ton nave col seed to sell or
mi. .- Pill
e y, t.-u prices are
one I will sell cash
further particulars see or
N r.
Policeman Boney, of e,
reasonable. Harrington shot and killed a desperate
j In self d The officer
i in .- i arr-s. was
i kidney and the latter began
; a -me a pistol him, when the
Drug Store shot the dead.
This is the much talked of Income Policy issued by
Over Sold since JANUARY 1st 1906 H
H. A.

We are sole agents for
None Made
We dealers m fine Dress
Hoods, Milliner, and Clothing .
N. C
A National Hank
Is under the supervision of
the United States govern-
They are required to submit to the government a sworn
I statement Five times a year. The
for Double the amount of their stock, which
has to be paid in. in CASH, and held intact for the
-t the depositors. Further., the Bank has to add to its
account each year before declaring a dividend. This
adds more to the depositors security.
v w
the above advantages and solicits your account,
o retired i start an account.
L. I. ire, Pres. J. P. Vice-Pres.
J. W. Aycock, Cashier.
op the condition op
N. C
. ,, . his In i II
. .-,. i
i Profits
., j i Deposit subject to check .
nm checks out-
ii it J
. i
iii, I'm, i
L Cashier if . above-named hank, do
if ii above me the beet of
sworn -o o.
on -M I. K
u ward. w. it
wry I
Its Graduates Prepared for
School Feature
Recently I wrote to Dr F. P
president of
of North Maine I So
in kind and hi
which An n
n -eh i
that our he ll.
enter the ll
institution without the usual em-
and difficult
examinations. To my
be agreed to do so, Hum
making the system public
cation complete, o far as Greet
ville is concerned. The den mi
national colleges will honor u- I
the same way, I am sure.
hi the -r a ii will
glad to
el oil into their
giving lull credit
done then
After an existence r.-e
school hi- t ii hi in
the tank of Hie mil r grail.
in sue.
Kooky Mount,
ton, etc. It me
may veil
her ell on what her .
accomplished in so abort a
Few t State have been
lo make such . splendid
allowing a period tine.
J ears.
c lining here, I nave
wry hard to the high
school department of the school.
No graded school c ii have a
strong high school during the
two or years it- existence
The time when tins de
can he mule
ii. ii. hi it w no, and I
am very haul obtain
a remit.
The high school department
every grade school ought to
pare young men the
class of the State University, and
young women for the same class at
the and
The of
is then complete.
m the leading
c take up the work at Hi-
same place as the Slate
there Is no deficiency to be
if tie high school
some of these
in to State schools.
pea of education-
i their parts of
the great system of an
correlated, there is
no from
the time I he enters the hist
trade until he takes Ph. D., de-
in the best colleges and
la America and
Or if he should choose to
c at some mechanical,
cultural or commercial college,
there are no deficiencies the
preparation of the pro-
he has finished bis high
school course, a thing every should by all means do.
If there tin be built up in II e
schools a
nit school iii-iii,
h have
ii Hie need of p
schools, academies.
Oakley, N C, May
Mis Nash
hI with
C. H. Hum f I u
Carolina, arc s g u w
H. A. Grey c family
In Martin .-.
You Pay For it
In airier when buy Goods on Credit, as the
mat mi; up his out of some-
n lam t up and put the
at -1 H Pay a id the
or s you. sell any
thing you want in th way of
Hay, Co i, Oats Bran, Stuff, Li and Groceries.
I pie who r
j daughters to the seminaries
will 1.1,11 ,
j them a
is saved, and in addition, quite a
sum of
girls who d.
expect tn
in mi department,
will find that it is a kind of
Hi ill , hi,, them
with at lea-an I
h of in
over the mm.
I am very see a good,
sound l sentiment
is a luau is
a young or
six, seven, or
of ho, education
deliberately gives it ail up
Mrs. h
quite f -i-v.-S. fl U H 1111- 11.1
Miss n
l, i- f.-w Gil TO,
Loans Discounts 197.186
from -21
Silver 9.090
Nat. o, U S.
Capital stock pd in 110,000.01
sub to check 34.018
K. I hill if
It'll. Mil V i I , wen- I . ii- S.
. hi d e i en
heir e
wait. Mile. a
r with M's.
out here Sunday at It
ii . inn response of
Kept it
Mi. -I Mi-. r.
V- l. III t .
. , them, hut
mi J v t Hie
to- ill.
J. K I i- g a few
. r h Ins family,
s I s- i now shipping
in. He has h
1.1111 Hid i the
of lb s s
The frost did no damage last
ilk as of crops
I saw one of our
eek with a pitchfork d hat off.
He said be was not mad bin
lo king for a customer.
Oakley is little city.
r reports no cases for pas
w.-k. Only a general with
who come to
town to light, but found no
to light, went out one mile
and bed a general mix up making
black a few eyes and slicing a few
Well, that other marriage is not
off. He lo ks very kit d
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemn-
-wear the above statement is trim to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this day of
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent-
. O. t
At the close of business April 6th, 1906.
Loans and discounts
Due from Banks
Gold and silver
National bank
other U. S.
Capital 5,300.00
Time certificates
Deposits to check
Valuer's checks
of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. of the above named
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. M. O. President.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
ore me, this 12th day of April
H. Taylor,
Notary Public
Run For Success.
The excuses some people make
for their stolidity and failure are
like the old woman's excuse for
her idle clock. said that as
lung as it Wasn't running it was
right twice in hours, while if
she ii going it might
People may be right one in
while by standing still. lint it is
no credit lo them
to make a run for it,
though there be many missteps.
The failures, who have never
tried, always have a lot
t. say bid luck. They for-
those who have tried and
succeeded might also sat
summoned a horde of
hindrances, but had bet
to think about, and stepped
out and ill lit ahead.
The is he who
way is and
ave no light mountains ate in
lie ad there is no path;
to be Mini
bridge. No, I will not attempt
tin-j I am safe where I
the one he said.
and .
loiter purposes than
when seem- tube
some slight
the entire situation.
that we
become helps,
lug s
accept kind for a
mere pittance, or for other
reason. Of i
know some buys and
to but these
few is
a will is a is a true
adage, and if young people and
parents will do a little
Is en
Win the of
tint girls in this town cannot be
increased within the
years II. B. Smith.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
l for
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready
There is no line in the world
the It has I it a
reputation for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison Paints need
never worry quality.
We that yon favor us h your
orders whenever you want good pallor any
Have just a cad and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker H
Reflector Job
N. May 1906.
As for Daily
we take
Meat in receiving sub-
and writing receipts for
in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
Mises Clyde and
of the Winterville
school, nave been visiting
Miss Ida W. Edwards.
your buildings by
painting them with
and full line of colors, kept at J.
R. Smith A
V. C. left Saturday
for Norfolk. ,
are agents for ready
, These paints are
Daisy Tucker, of
has been visiting
friends in Ayden.
Our White Goods, Silks and
are pretty. We
most cordially invite the ladies
to call. Cannon Tyson.
Hiss Lillian Whitehead, of Con
Miss Savage, Scotland
spent several days with Miss
Mary Long the past
J. R. Smith have
received a car load of alum
salt. Also a car load Lee's
cultural lime for peanuts, etc,,
Charlie Ross left for Richmond
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their line of heavy fancy
Prof. Covington, of the
graded school, has gone to his
home in South Carolina. We
hope professor will return next
He is a clever
very much admired by our
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws and mechanic tools at J
R Smith
J. S. Hart and J. A. Griffin left
Monday for Florida. will
combine business with pleasure
will be gone a week or ten
corned herrings at J. R.
Smith Bro.
were a little lively in
Saturday and our chief
was kept busy. He is a whole
wheelbarrow. He gets them there.
The two big looses of
For peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to K. K.
ft On.
Spier Co. away on
streets Outside of a
few band mashed
arid a of badly
people the slight.
Cotton seed hulls, meal, wheat
bran, ship stuff, hay and grain
always on hand at lowest market
prices. Tyson.
Mis A C. of Winterville,
address of
e d.
Rev K A yen
Hike ii is Lu
ill ,
1.1 I. I. I
II. II. I ,
II . . M
11.- ii. g
t h
I Prof, Bag-dale presented
d spoke tin h moment
to Hi- e. pie them tend
In which i-
evening a- delightfully up
hi enough
hi building, many not
t aide In s . if
who w
f, I
, of
I m
us- v. de-
a A
i- of study in this
II i in life
me Rev
i. . unit and hI-o t
A i
ii d
i n i
Hie . Apply to
en, N. C
I ate
have a v
it matters not
I ca-e, on J
I , ex I
ii. N ho five yearn
; i
cam.- in
P. I Curly-1
at K Hunt i
ct glass
and . in win i-
A full supply of Trunks
Telescopes, Gripe, Satchels am;
Suit Cases, at J. R. Smith Bro.
Something like bales of Cot-
ton have bought and
this within the
three Price paid
Go to E. a Co's m
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
night a tenant house on
the farm of Jesse Hart was burned
The house was occupied by a col-
man, who with his
barely escaped. The entire con-
tents of the were destroyed,
except one mattress two quilts.
When your eyes n
J. W. Taylor, expert optician,
N. C. is the man to do
your work if yon want to be
Miss Florence Hardy hi-s
been relatives re-11
turned to Greenville Saturday.
Old Fashion Hand-made
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. K.;
Smith Bro.
Mrs- J. H. Savage and
are visiting her parents Green
Latest styles in and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
Smith Bro.
Last night out on tin j
Cannon place about two H fails to
from John Lewis Williams or their
shot Harris with a Over five
ranged downward and has not yet
extracted. The wounded ma,
is at this time in a very serious
condition. The defendant
is held in a one thousand
dollar bond for his
court in September and to await
further developments the i
man's condition.
was unable to give bond and is now j
behind iron bars.
the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. K. Smith
J. J. B. Cox of was
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank A Co.
Mis. A. W.
ville, was visiting friends here
last week.
Miss Mamie
Matthews, of Grifton, with
Mis. F. G.
graded school closing exercise-i.
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, hand bar,
and suits cases at J R Smith Bro
I always keep on baud a
line feed at lowest cash;
prices Such as bay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal hulls, brand
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly V
Funerals Tied Up.
. ,
c is
a t use of ii.
i e of
and a like to
tomorrow, while 1.10 were p
from b
linen- has to ask
he aid the police
hi preventing if fun-
One has eD-
light see K
s funeral today the use of
mourners, and remains will be
carried in a business wagon.
H, Crimped rooting in
to cover
houses, barns
. cheaper than
y at J.
nit ii. hi
reductions ill while
-u miner goods,
H Bro.
For Spring Housecleaning
Cannon Tyson's new
for Ladies Misses Children
have arrived. We carry a high
grade class of footwear.
We sell and Wheeler
Wilson sewing in For cash
or on easy term- J. H. Tripp
Bro, West Railroad st, Ayden, N.
j For a nice present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
You will find Wheeler and
son and Singer sewing machine.
Prices way way down at J. H.
t Tripp Bro. next lo Fatly Hotel.
oil, band and repair for
sewing machines at
Tripp Bro. Ayden, N. C.
a lull line of meat, lard and can
goods. Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co
For tools, grind s
i , rope and pulleys, at I;
A Bro.
Bed Steads, Suits, Dress;
Center Tables, Chairs Cradle--,
Bed Springs, Mattresses
Lounges, Cook Stoves and
great many other things
kept upstairs. Cannon A Tyson.
Dre-s goods, Broad cloth,
re in, Mohair, cashmere,
silks, trimmings, lining and who,
goods at J B Bro
Bedsteads, mattresses,
single and double, rockers,
and split-bottom chairs wash stand-
dressers tables at J K
ft Bro
V. and paper
Pumps with long or short
and pipe at J. R. Smith
For bushels,
peas, bushels peanuts.
J. O. Proctor A Bro.
N. C.
housecleaning time try Liquid
Veneer. It makes everything
look new. There will be no
old, dull looking furniture or dingy
woodwork in homes where this won-
is used. No
or necessary. Liquid
Veneer is not a varnish, but a surface
food and cleaner that builds up the
original finish and makes it brighter
than ever.
It instantly restores the brilliant
newness and finish of Pianos, Furniture,
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors and all polished,
varnished or enameled surfaces. Re-
moves scratches, stains, din and
A child can apply it. Nothing
but a piece of cheese cloth is needed
and there is no drying to wait for.
Trial dot ct.
Regular ct.
W. C.
Selby, two boatmen Wash-
were arrested in ibis city
the police upon of
a message from the chief of
police of Washington, Friday
and eked up on the
murder, pending the
Washington .
I'm- murder committed on a
b at at the dock in Washington
Wednesday night, victim,
thrown in the
will be a memorable
day with Henry the
and as he thinks
ii i in most men in
Walnut Creek township. On that
day tail house was burned and so
was bis barn all his corn, and
even some chickens. The content
f the house were also
Among these were money,
which N B. bad urged
him mote than once to
deposit South-
How's This
We offer One Hollar.,, Reward fur
Catarrh cannot be cared by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
CO., Toledo, O.
We, the known K. j
for the last ii years, believe
honorable In all business
by firm.
Wholesale Toledo o.
Hall's Catarrh lira Is taken Internally, act-
Inn directly and mucous
face, of the Testimonials sent fr. claim his presence. Think over
by he brethren, and see if
We are going to make a plea
for our n that we hope and
trust will be in tie
spirit in Mb it is g. en,
if We good
will be accomplished. Not long
ago it was suggested to us by a
woman that we write an article
on the habit that so many men
of getting up from the sup-
per table and marching off down
town to spend the hours
in the company of their men
friends, instead of the
time with their wives and
It is a timely topic and
one that deserves serious con-
The men who do
this mean no harm, of course.
They do not remember that it is
a plain preference for the
of others to those they love
best. The little woman left at
home is compelled to feel this
way about it, anyhow. She will
never say so in words; she too
proud for that, but in her heart
she is bound to believe that the
attraction down town is stronger
than that at home, for everybody
knows that a man will where
he enjoys himself most. Various
excuses are offered. The mail
must be looked over. Business
engagements must be met.
Conferences of various kinds
must be held. This that and
the other must be done; but
all, the man who never fails
to spend from seven to ten
o'clock every night away from
his family, can not convince the
wife that her company is as con-
genial or as pleasant as that of
the gentlemen he meets in the
grocery, drug store, and other
popular places for the nightly
In his place of
all day, with a glimpse of
him at the three meals, it is hard
that the wife and the children
must remain alone through the
three hours from supper until
bedtime, and there can be no
business reason strong enough
to justify his leaving them. Now
and then, cf course, he is com-
to meet emergencies, but
we are not talking about that.
We are referring to the daily
habit some men have, as regular
as the coming of the night, of
leaving their families at the
time they have every right to
claim his
Take Hall- Family I'll a
R. L. Caw,
Greenville, N. G.
you have done the right thing; by
your dear ones. It will not do
to say that you cannot help it.
You know you can help it if you
will. We beg your pardon for
making these suggestions, but
they are made now; and we trust
they will do no
Johnson, in Charity and
General Insurance and Merchandise Brokers,
We wish to that we have associated our-
selves together for the purpose of conducting a gen-
Insurance and Merchandise Brokerage
In of Ayden and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any part of your business you may see fit to
favor us with we will thank you for and feel very
Tendency Toward Changes.
Verily, re passing
away i I i g- re
new. are
now bi-i-u i way to
like his i
and it M I'm list
conference w -ruing
to break I n -.-
on repute. .,, ,., r
eh l
from lour to sis years, a i
is said be a strong . for
removing the limit altogether and
placing the whole matter
hands of the bishop. This is an
extreme view and it is
that it will not meet with en-
the It
is again probable that the
conference will rot he moved by
the extending the
hue limit, bur it naturally be-
comes that, if
nut settled no, will call for settle-
at h future time. Ir would
. t lie if, end,
the six-ear advocates carry the
day, for changing and
change with them.--
The Lying Bear.
cotton said Col. Peg
Leg Graham ton number of friends
yesterday, get by this frost
all light, you can't lone the bear.
He will argue like
that frost was not so bad all
it will thin the cotton and kill
the grass, the thing farm-
would do himself. No, no the
cotton planter will be by
it, as labor is so
. .
.;. of nine
of .
to the root v. the v.
i-.-s tho I of the
LIVER to normal
m to Ire and
solid the body,
No Substitute.
N. v.-e-
At the of business April 0th,
Human Blood Marks
. i . . in ii . nilI 1.1 ii I- I
v I ; w i i i I s p O
. n ; n,
u. I.- hi ii i I
hr N very, it com-
i i i C in I
v. i -iii -in-. id ii-. ii en fur
,. j i, .
Lou us and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Overdrafts Secured
Due from Hanks,
Cash ems,
Hold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National I lank notes and
other U. S. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 2,000.00
Undivided profits less
expenses, i'S HI
Dividends unpaid .
Deposits subject to check, 45,097.61
Cashier's 100.58
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
Always have your
seed oil at barrel pries. Don't let
them pay a fur cam
oil, which ought to cost but Hit
gallon. Ready-mixed
half oil and half paint,
oil fresh from the barrel, and
add it f. X M. which
is mixed, and you then a
full gallon of paint at the Invest
A Grower's
i i i.
S Torture.
ii . win than the terrible ease of
in i me Then
. . i -hi a
i i i ii e I. s N- of
nit w. Burns end
J . I., drug-
I, J. K. Smith, Cashier of above-named do solemnly swear
that above statement is true to best of my and be-
and sworn to before
me, this urn of April 1900.
J. K. SMITH, Cashier.
if A
ii a
J v.-i.-t
be to
he it must
at least
Hi M ,,,,
t I- I or
ii., I
I SI., N. IT, at

Tar Heel Baptists Moving Up-
Livingston Johnson return
ed yesterday afternoon from th-
which it session at Chat-
Monday night
In speaking of the convention Mr
Johnson it was the largest be
ha- ever attended. There were
over two thousand delegate en-
rolled, and hundred visitors
who were not delegates, making
number in attendance
between four
M i.
were more from North
for many years.
toe-, ever made; for-
and a Inge i
of converts year than in any
previous year. The home board
and four thou-
more tin- year than
d. liar de the board,
the home board reported no
j,., . debt the foreign
bond was b en-
A of new mis-
were sent out last year.
to urgent calls for more
workers, will
In- made because of indebted-
less. On the other hand the
ordered to its opera-
. , ;., by per cent
Ins St Fourteen new
i. appointment, and
m expressed them-
ready to go an as the visit over near Old Fold,
way opens. The greatest meeting
Sunday after noon when
t. of was
I. A Committee on
Drought in B
I-. that the home
of one man, or
m e, if thought best,
meetings where
m t in the South. There
considerable opposition at first
the meeting Sunday afternoon,
removed practically all this from
the minds of those who understood
the way in which this work is to
on. Perhaps a meeting
Ct spiritual power as of
Sunday afternoon, was never
known in the history
It was keyed up to the
blab, the of
and of
Unusual power were made by
rt-e and J. B.
F. C, of
City, and Len G.
ton, of Atlanta.
. ,,,, l ,. t ;
. n u
A. O Clerk bad
S h
p to
mi A o- S I. .
spent Sunday
Secretary of , Bryan
Grime-was in town
are always glad to see him come
Quite a number of our people
attended the reunion at Greenville
the but poor for-
got the day and lost ail.
The farmers report much softer-
f the wan- lain. Tobacco
com and all very bad
Eon, Miss Ada
Ward ere out e Kind y.
I. J Gibson and Sun-
day in
W. E. Tucker and family spent
Sunday with . S. Galloway and
B. G. May home Sunday
and played a while
Levi services at
Parker's Sunday.
sou spent Sunday I T. F.
tor and wife.
Mr. Einstein, attend-
ed the rink here Friday
Mrs. I. O. with her com-
Forbes, has
got home a several day
Whit the Hen Does.
North Carolina's Part.
is gratifying to North
to know that our State has
gone up from seventh to fourth in
the list of States in contribution
to foreign i, But she has
made a richer contribution in men
and women. The preach-
in the country, George W.
born in North Caro-
and of lending pas
tori in other State are from North
Carolina. J. P. Love, assistant
secretary the Home Board, is
from North Carol inn, When it
became necessary to a
dent of the Woman's Missionary
Union, auxiliary to the Southern
Baptist convention, eyes turned
to Fannie B. S. Heck,
next convention goes to
but Greensboro made
plucky for it and will get it
day before
News and Observer.
We are frequently -too frequently
told of the great things men do;
how they dig into the earth or build
upon the earth or dam up the
and irrigate the earth, but the great
of win h we boast so
much into insignificance
compared to the records achieved by
the ordinary lien
The cackle of hen that has
laid an egg is modest and
com paired mans noisy
bluster about their business.
in the noise
made, the hen the far more gen-
In two months lays more value
than the annual production of all the
gold mines of the States
Every three months she produces
more than the year's production of
pig iron.
Her eggs for six months are worth
more the capital stock of
all the banks ill New charing
In less than two years could
pay off the national debt.
The annual report the
of agriculture shows last
year the eggs of the United States
Were worth more than the cotton or j
he wheat, inert- than all the potatoes
the barley, the the sugar
cane and the rice practical-
equal the dairy produce and are
by the corn crop of a
bumper corn year.
u And the hen made a new record
last week On one day there were
in New York over
cases containing eggs.
The hens business for one day in
one city amounted lo
we are always looking for better; always
working to secure values and styles superior
to other stores, when
The town of Kinston and the
Western Union Telegraph
are at outs over the question
removing poles from the
pal business street. For to
comply with
removal of the poles the telegraph
company has been indicted by the
Fun and Serial Stories.
An slimier lit Hector
writing l. out
wherever and signing a
name than his own, though
we think lbs are
detected, be it
more if it wood print sum
a of tun right here
be and be III
to long he
will be Borne Inn
A- t
began to sell paper patterns we began to investigate.
said to ourselves,
Is the leading Womans Magazine. It is first class and has never done anything in a second class way.
knew that its reputation was at stake. Our investigation convinced us that the patterns are as high grade as
the Magazine
Furthermore the Ladies Home Journal added a new
which makes these patterns much more desirable than
any other pattern. They furnish a Guide Chart free with
each pattern. This Chart shows exactly how the pattern is
to be put together. It is so comprehensive that a child can
understand it. It's a boon to ladies who are inexperienced
in garment cutting and garment making. Mothers advise us
that by the aid of the Guard Chart furnished with each
hey train their daughters to do their own sewing
But there is still another point to consider. The pat-
terns are all new, no old styles, no ancient creations; all
new. up-to-date and perfect in fit and style, and so
much more easily understood than other patterns that
one trial will convince you and make you a regular
Free At Our Store. Come And Get One.
We are leaders In Dress Goods Silks and
Trimmings, Etc.
The cotton States produced In
gallons of cotton
seed oil. North Carolina pro-
pint i
a l-i. , . .
i i
no; . i
i i .
.ll t
D J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Delightful Program and Delicious
The League of the
church held their
monthly literary meeting Friday
which a reception to
the membership f the
church was The program
was rendered in the church, and
was followed the reception on
the church
The exercises of the
were and
instructive, subject being,
His Life and Works.
favorite quotations were
members of
the league, much was
in the subject. A
carefully prepared paper was read
by Harry White, the subject
Courtship of Miles Bland-
This was followed by a
by Miss Helen Laughinghouse,
who all
The address of the evening as
delivered by Prof. H. B. Smith,
who spoke forcibly on the subject
of the evening. Prof. Smith spoke
toe pure, clean
Longfellow, contrasting it
lives of other poets of this
other holding
life up as something real In history
to be emulated by others.
At close of the literary pro-
gram was
e I lo t grounds, where
a delightful reception give l
large grove
light by with seats
tastefully about
if. The were
by a of
ladies Hie who gave
every to the
The was very much
by all until the lateness
of hour compelled them to
leave their homes.
Too much cannot be said in
praise of those who had in charge
the making of arrangements for
this occasion.
Register of Deeds It. Williams
issued to
couples since last
Manning and Ella
H. M. and Fannie
Alex. a id Debby Man-
Harper and Mamie
Win Kittrell
Representative Small has in-
a bill which may be of
great importance in the drain
age and reclamation of the swamp
lands, particularly of Eastern
North Carolina. Recently Rep-
of Min-
introduced a bill
the receipts from the
sale of public lands in certain
States to the drainage of swamp
lands in those States. The
of States which now have
public lands is comparatively
small. Mr. Small has redrafted
this bill, making
changes, the principal of
which is that the funds can be
used for draining swamp lands
in any State whether having
public lands or not. The bill
provides that the United States j
shall be reimbursed by easy pay-
for the expenditure re-
quired in the reclamation.
bill of Mr. Small further pro-
that lairds located in the
State and susceptible of
may also drained under
provision of the act at the option
of said State.
As North Carolina still owns
large bodies of swamp lands
which are after the tic
has been removed, unless
they can be reclaimed, it will
seen how the State could utilize
this act for its benefit. These
swamp lands in North Carolina
are owned by the State Board of
Education, and any improvement
or enhancement in value would
increase the assets of our public
Mr. Small states that the idea
is not at all impracticable,
that really conditions may be
such in the near future as to re-
in the passage of the bill.
Texas, which has no public
lands as well as the delegations
from other influential State.-, is
actively favoring this legislation.
And why not We are utilizing
the proceeds of sale of public
lands, and there is no possible
reason why should not use
part of the same funds for
the surplus water from
swamp lands and, thereby, open
up to settlement lands which will
be infinitely more fertile and
News and
Thursday evening at her home
on Washington street Mis Mary
L-e Smith charmingly
a number of her friends in honor
of her birthday.
The met at the door
by Smith who
received them and i in
the parlor.
After the guests arrived
all went out on the lawn where a
number of games were
After of that
hack to the parlor when- tune
passed away by
both vocal and instrumental.
Delicious dainties were served
by the hostess assisted by Miss
Lilian Carr and Bar-corn i tun
and Cecil
At a late hour the
declaring Miss
ideal hostess.
Those were Mi-sen Mar
Smith, Lillian Can, Mary
Lillian Lillian Whit-
Whichard, Margaret
Lucille Cobb. Mattie
King, Susie Warren Allie
Greene, Carl
Cecil Cobb, Wilson, Nor-
man Warren, Oscar Greene, Willie
Wilson Tom
Farmville C, May
Misses i and Mary
have returned from A. C. approval-
college at Wilson.
A. J.
Willie Barrett returned yesterday
from A. C. college
closing exercises of the
graded school were held
in opera house last night.
school marched up in a burly,
C, May
The tariff has come up in another
guise or rather in an old disguise.
A few months ago it will be
there was a threat on the part
of the Secretary of War by
the administration to buy ships and
material for the Panama canal with
the world as a market. All the in-
industries of the States
Bet up a lusty squalling at this
business. idea of
buying any where for cheapness when
paying a double price the infant
could be fed. Well in some
the agitation was silenced. The
brave words of the Secretary of War
proved to be an idle threat.
can ships and American goods were
bought and thousands of dollars
were paid than if they had been
in tire open markets the
world Now it appears that some
steam dredges needed for the canal
he bought in Scotland for sixty or
seventy thousand dollars less per
dredge than in the United States
and Secretary Taft who has a frugal
mind is after foreign machines
and is arguing that the Panama ca-
is not in the United States
is not affected by tariff restrictions
and that the manufacturers of this
country have no claims that the
government in an enterprise like
this need respect. The President in
a letter to Congress states the
course of Secretary Tuft has his full
The Pure Food bill which passed
the Senate some time ago and which
it was supposed would go through
the lower House without opposition
is in reality opposed by a powerful
lobby working night and day. All
of the which will be in-
affected by the a
lull adulteration of nave
West V. C. May 1906.
The base ball learn has elected
Thompson, for next
The ball team will play the la-it
game of season today with the
Audi-tie team.
In of set back to
early in season, it has made
quite a creditable showing, having
a game with three State
during season.
has been suspended for
this year and the time for i-
up by cadets in target
practice, which is quired by the
government. An excellent target
range has been provided by Lieut,
the commandant of the
cadets. Some of the cadets have
made excel lent shots at long range
All the classes literary o-
I ave elected their officers
next year. The work of all
literary societies has
bad unusually good attendance and
much more interest has been shown
in the society work than during
any year before
final examination will close
on the Commencement
27th nod closes on the
morning Gov. Glenn
is to deliver the this year
to the graduating class of
wiling men.
and alter singing combined in fight the measure and
lead in prayer . Prof.
Then followed of
Mr. Henry Jackson.
Out of the pupils
six were winners of
which were awarded for
I These six, Misses
I Darden, Lang, Pa
Hal Turnage, Jack Lira
and Harvey Turnage have not been
; or during the school
so far their light appears
While tho movement against the
drug trust H Inch unlawfully controls
influences the price of drugs
mid medicines has its
in Indiana, Attorney General Moody
and others in
here are really back of it I In drug
trust it is alleged have been guilty
of violations Sherman anti-
year. Those who made the and the to
et average were allowed the break up the monopoly is me of the
being ushers on this most movements of this
Casino and wore school colors.
F. D. in was
then u i induced by Prof.
This week has been one of
lions in the Serial s in which Sena-
Railroad for Snow Hill.
Hon. Larry I. Moore and Mr
i of tho and Pamlico
Sound Company were
town last week. It is their intention
to give Snow Hill a branch lino lo
connecting with the inc-
line now They
ask that Snow ill and vicinity give
f and right of way to Farm-
ville and they will the
at water on tho north
side of the creek, or for they
guarantee to cross the creek and lo-
the depot in town. Mr. W. J.
Jordan is endeavoring to raise the
amount by subscription and at pres-
has more than raised.
Snow Hill Laconic.
Charlotte will occupy the band
wagon this week and there is no
fear but what she will acquit herself
Happenings of Interest in North
Dr. Atkins, of the Wes-
tern N Carolina Conference.
was ed -as one of three
the general conference
of the Methodist at
The man who so brutal-
killed his wife at was
convicted of murder in the
degree and sentenced to be bunged
Little Gibbs, aged
tears, wee accidentally shot in the
head by
old y. afternoon, i ear
this City. She was killed instant
is said were
and that buy didn't know the
gun w s Coast-
who spike of him in none o I Bailey, of Texas of
terms. South Carolina, and Lodge, of Mas-
J urine Winston gave us a strong
and able speech on
I Every man the county should
; have heard it. Iris to be
to the Farmville
people will sink deep into their
that they will go for-
ward the enterprise, give
their every advantage,
the President of the I
Stales, the Attorney and
were the principal figures.
in his disgust and over
the alleged desertion
dent in an alleged legislative deal or
conspiracy by which it was
the Southern Senators would have
improving the school and making I the prestige of passing a drastic
it possible for every child to at- railroad rate hill accused
Prof then added a few
dent of double dealing, bad faith,
and mendacity and let out h
words, the had told his plenipotentiary
people to persevere in the good Chandler some ugly things
and thanking the faculty about the senatorial constitutional
their good work during the year, as represented in that heavy
Miss Annie Perkins, one of our legal triumvirate of Ohio,
Fine Shoe Exhibit.
ninth window of C. S.
store is an attractive ex-
the famous
shoe. shoes are displayed
on glass shelves, behind then
is a handsome picture of the facto
in which shoes are made
display and picture aw
under the effect of
lights at night.
graded left for
home in Greenville Saturday.
The Pickets Comedy On. of
Vow York, will give nights
performance in the
opera this week beginning
Thursday night. Those who were
present, during -their last trip
Farmville only to be re-
of Wisconsin, and of
Pennsylvania. Senator Lodge was
not in the Senate chamber during
tho Senator
but the echoes reached him from
afar and rushing to the
phone he got no less a person
Theodore at the other end
it. Hastening back to the Senate
minded of coming. For Senator Lodge took
entire n have never en- floor and amid great excitement,
seeing any company so much said that the President had told
as Pickets that the alleged lo have
Co. j been reported by
Mrs gave a very enjoy- I was unqualifiedly false The
aide porch party to her been to be
Happenings of Interest Over the
Selma, Ala., May A shock,
supposed by some to be an earth-
quake shock, occurred in
wood, county, early to
day. The tremor lasted about
a minute and woke
dents of the town. No damage
was done.
New York, May
I was report-
ed today as greatly improved, and
it was said that she had the
most comfortable night since her
Condition became serious. The
family are now hopeful of a com-
Norfolk, Va , May
Tucker, president of the Saving
Bank of Newport News, Va , com-
suicide in his room over
the bank Newport News today
just as Chief Police Reynolds,
of that city, open his door to arrest
him upon a warrant charging
defaulting in the sum of
Washington, D. C , May
House day killed the bill
making it a crime for any one
giving out advance information of
the official reports of the
and ether executive depart
to stop crop re-
ports. bill was tabled by a
vole of to rejecting the
conference report.
son of Mr. A. L.
Potter, who is carrier of the mail
on H. F. No. I, died Sunday
morning at Ins home about a mile
west el Greenville. The burial
tuck place today.
in a very awkward position for eve-
believed that ho said
what Chandler said what he said
about and
In short ho took no pains to
conceal his thoughts. Tho
dent is nothing if not talkative and
when he opens his mouth to talk
discretion goes to the winds. His
discreet friends do not report even
the purport of half they hear him
say less do they repeal bis
Devil to on the Re-
publican Ship aid
Boss Caught No
trouble, toil and
trouble burn
and this might be
Shakespeare's description of tho
Republican situation, wore he
waited back to this world again.
The Radical is turbulent,
national and sensational.
Judge Prichard refuses to say
morning to the
mer Mary Ann
thinks hard thoughts about the
and in turn the
has his pack
hard on the trail of the
and father I
weary of the chase, is look-
for some friendly tree to
climb. Mr. insists
on calling a State convention
and Romulus Zig Zag Linney
conies along saying that there is
grave danger if such one is
held it will be inside walls of
the penitentiary. Then comes
that staunch old Republican
brave, Judge Bynum, calling
many of the leaders of the party
cut throats and rascals, always
in war, never at peace and
ways with their hands in tho
pockets of the
But not only does tho turmoil
and the strife exist in this State
but it extends into national
realms, and the immaculate bell
Teddy, is in the toils.
He is in divers straights. Sen-
Bailey says he is and
Tery common clay at that Mr.
has him fast on one
prong of his pitchfork, and ex-
Senator Chandler accuses him of
double In bis traits he
i to a point of order. Sphinx
like, and in tones stentorian de-
Angus thou bast
notwithstanding proof
is there in black and white
against him. Like Nero who got
his inspiration to write a poem
from sight of burning so
this state of Radical upheaval
had like effect upon one of
our townsmen, who is sometimes
visited by Muses, and this
morning gives us the follow-
sample of his musings.
The poem is an heroic with
pin fairly the chaotic state of
fairs in Republican circles. It
is entitled, ode to
and goes as
lie- but Teddy.
And is a mall of clay,
He his out steady,
Hut lie cannot make them stay.
Chandler he takes up taking
And so does Till man
Everybody lies in bunch
Hut our Big Man.
and Aid rich fall out
They fuss and fuss all day
Tiny cuss a while and then pout,
No one cares what they
George is keeping quiet
Behaving like a man.
Everybody scraps this bunch
But Mary Ann.
In tones of mirthful glee. says, rascal,
dare lo speak to
Moody takes to joking,
does Till man
Everybody jokes this bunch
Hut our
Charlotte Observer.

Eastern reflector, 18 May 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 18, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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