Eastern reflector, 6 April 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Get work Get work Be sure
better work than what you
work to get. While this advice
might have been that of any wise
man to youth in our own
words are Carlyle's U the youth
of all time his
young man who loses
his appreciation of the fact that
the work which develops his
mind, his will, his power of
and persistence of
is in itself worthy of
his love, and will some day come
to be. according to loyalty of dis-
to it. either his happiest
memory or his most dreaded
rec does not know real
mines. The fare cornea to eve-
man to whom business has
been a carder and not mere
bread-and-butter affair, when the
enjoyments incident to his work
and not the nattered plums
h he to secure
of his work.
are the Jaw. Is of his
fun of the mere
playing the
such as one can make sure
of as he works, and to fail to
it because of the common
misconception that happiness
dwells apart from the paths of
the worker and must be reached
only at the end of a long climb,
is in the nature of tragedy.
It was well back in the last
century says Tin- Bulletin of the
American Institute of Bank-
Clerks, when the socialism of to-
day took on a somewhat different
phase, and the doctrine of state
and of
ands was openly preached. All
your work in accumulating acres
is wasted. What do you think
of the redistribution scheme,
The old man
was prompt with his
glory. just wish they would do
It; I'd like no better fun in this
world than to get the land all
away from the fools No
one could accuse the old man of
not playing the game to the limit
from pure of the game-
New York Commercial.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch
given the definition of the duty of
the State in its exercise of the power
to the State undertakes
to assess against citizens
and compel them to pay the sum so
then becomes the bounden
duty of the State to employ every
means at hand to make the assess-
fair and equitable, so that the
burden of tax shall fall
each and every citizen according to
his ability In pay. Our protest is
against l. taxation and unjust
taxation in all its forms; against any
system which discriminates against
some and in favor of others The
system should be so as lo
make the and fall
equitably upon The Times
Dispatch is right. There is no
greater abuse of the power of govern-
that the inequality of taxation
which, by one device or another, is
enforce in some many
parts, of this
Notice to Creditors.
ceased, node
immediate pa
aid estate
present tin
e 24th iv
i will i
This March
of En
y e the
of Pitt
is hereby driven to all
el to the estate to make
is having claims against
notified must
for payment before
March, 1907, or this.
in bar of recover
Black weight pound,
to swallow
lo i.-. .- i
-11 reward for inform
leading to J A.
It. K. D. No
The firm of A Co
III of H. f;. O. Cot, B Y.
D haw this
and all who arc
i i ii will come
and with el-her of the above
unwed parties.
R i
J, D. COX.
the the
stork ii f It. U Chapman
it general
ax K O. And solicit a
of y r vii
Date Set For Organization April
I It Ii a
the people m up the mind- it
he done,
j sad I Ii
i hail
taking While specified
tn as
. with nil shares.
Test number U near
i i- retrain the balance will
l -lib in n few days. There
fore it h-. decided to proceed
with button, awl lot that
purpose h meting will be in
office on Monday
every one has subscribed fur
wants shares present
Ht tint tin e -in- to have h voice
in ion f.-r
. rigs Solomon.
-1 A penny
yon to Ii n
dollar i
When he man say
others they do look out
for In in tie .- one f the evil rs
When yon an take knocks
with, Hal when u gel
an again u- y
with inti reel
Dove . N ii .
by i r. The
is 1200, i
in city
. superior
Court Clerk P I
nil ,
I K.
mill ml i mom h w lb
r to
or the II
or Le Head
is a product as
near capable of coring the
majority of diseases as it is
possible for Modern Science
to produce. The use of
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
but simply the result of the
chemists of the
present century. At the
first of fatigue
headache or backache, which
are, often the. forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will, but, if
you take you may
rind that by the time he has
red your call, that the
symptoms have disappear-
as direct-
ed. Live a temperate life.
If yon become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor's bill on de-
and proof of illness.
We don't want you to invest
a cent, however, until we
have bought the first bottle
for you. Fill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and v. ail ii to us, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we Will
send you without any cost
to you whatever n full size
package to try. No matter
what your trouble is, write
to us con-
i 100111-
Co., New York.
will give his
ii-i guarantee that you
receive an order on
your nearest druggist fur a
free bottle if you send us
in Be sure to write
y name and a Id
Name .
My Dearest dealer is st. .
think you need Bro-
at once, or if you have
used it. it Is to be had
class druggists,
Exclusive Wholesale Agents
for Greenville, N
I , , , . . I
C. T.
Greenville, AortA
J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Lease on tech-
Tenor Judge Long's
I Opinion Seems Favorable to
The decision of Judge B F.
in Hill et vs. A. N. O.
and Howland Improve-
lent Company, for the
of the lease of A. N-
Railroad, was filed with the
of Superior Court at
lit in, yesterday evening,
decision In sealed envelope,
as placed in charge of Mr. June
local agent of
Express Company, Sud-
morning, and taken to New
by Mi. Stephenson personal-
d to the clerk of
Upon request of and in
of counsel, the
II was read last The
union is construed to be a
for both sides and BUS-
lining the lease on a technicality
whole tenor of document
ems to be favorable to plaintiffs
counsel are
with the opinion and express
as preferring the
opinion lo a decision them
In technicalities. matter was
referred to the Supreme
of Carolina for
and will probably
lest with the State court's
in, an plaintiffs would have no
to remove to federal court
the opinion be against them
the only grounds for defend-
to remove the case from
court is that stockholders in
he corporation are res
handed down by
is a lengthy one and
lie bolds the pivotal point to be
he clause in A. N. C. Rail-
charter, as to the State's
right to lease, which is held to be
Ho cites court decisions
statutes and refers frequently
the allegations made in plain-
riffs complaint.
The case will go up on appeal to
Supreme Kins ton
free Press,
county matters.
Light House Diamond
The lighthouse which Captain
has contracted to place on the
is to be a ten-story
the floors of which are to
as The first
with three
with a crane for hoisting or lower-
ling on the outside. The second
l will he divided into four rooms,
land contain the fog-signaling
and two oil engines. The third
will the hoisting en-
for operating the crane, two
rooms and a bedroom.
J The fourth and fifth floors will each
have two bedrooms, a writing room
laud a bathroom. One-half of the
floor will devoted to the
the other half to the
pantry and refrigerator.
The seventh floor will have a double
or library, and a
laundry- On this floor also will ho a
gallon of fresh
water The floor will he
properly equipped for the lighthouse
service. ninth floor will con-
the and it will have
a gallery all the way
J around it. The floor shove this will
f contain the light itself, visible in
or for about twenty
Men's Wear.
Frank Wilson is displaying an
Attractive line of spring
mer men's ft
will pay to keep up with his
as bis store news is
Proceedings of the Commission
The of county commission-
were session the first
Monday, all the present.
The following sinus were paid
out of For paupers
county home
superintendent health coroner
936.10; court costs and officers
bridges and ferries
record books and stationery 951.-
jail court
conveying prisoners and insane
118.40; roads register of
deeds clerk jurors
road-i Greenville roads
county stock law
stock law
law 90.40.
The treasurer, sheriff sup-
of health filed their
monthly reports.
A was presented for a
public road Falkland township
from a point the Center
and road to a point
nearly opposite Walter
residence the upper
public road Beaver Dam
township petitioned for at March
was ordered laid out.
A counter petition having been
filed a public road in
township for
at March meeting, action was
deferred to the May
An illegitimate child at the
county home was ordered bound
OUt to J. A.
J. R. Davenport was authorized
to purchase pulleys for the
T. B. King was authorized to
purchase certain tiling for Farm-
The following appointed
list in town-
ships to list taxes for
Beaver Dam, J. W. Smith.
J. A. Thigpen.
Bethel, A.
Carolina, H. G. Nobles.
W. M. Moore.
C. J, Tucker.
Falkland, F. G. Dupree.
R. L. Joyner.
Greenville, K. Hy man.
Swift Creek, R. F. Johnson.
His Cartel Ended.
Information reached here
that Mr. John W. Carson died
Tuesday at his home in
There are man v people in Pitt,
and counties
who knew him, as he was one of
the most notorious operators
blind tigers we have ever known.
It seemed second nature with the
old man to sell Few-
courts come that he was not indict-
ed. Time and again he served
ti nus jail and lost a leg
while hauling a barrel of whiskey
to a meeting Sunday, but none
of these seemed to stop him.
At court he was
to jail and was released only a few
days ago. The county never had
a whose influence was worse.
Got Six Years.
The who a few ago
robbed a store of
county mid was ran down by Mr.
W. C blood has
been convicted and sent to
penitentiary for six years. Judge
B. F. Long held court at Tree
ton which the was tried
convicted, said the blood
did good work he was
glad had been found that
could truck so well
This week Mr. Mines has been over
in county running
with the hounds
Tells of Things as
He Sees Them.
N. C. April 4th.
Last was a gala day for
the visitors at Your
respondent took a short walk upon
the street, and the fir-t be ran up
against was Mr. David Moore with
a pulpit in hie cart for church
at Live Oak.
Spot cotton we found all
the way from to HI which
shows the great ion
our buyers.
The n Manufacturing Co.
have a grist null tie plant
and art i-is can
come get your till of corn
dodgers most any
is nU In bloom.
One of esteemed not
was told had two
babies, one old baby,
young baby, oldest too old to
cut the other too young
to cut teeth, therefore neither had
teeth. Someone was
about it and be said a
case that kind would be
no danger of their
in the world to come. But
they could have a good time gum-
ming it like
now there is something I
to call the attention of the
Democrats to. The are
going lo make a raid on the Dem-
party. If straws indicate
the way the wind
am to do
why How you know
by jess case you see de
have quit taking Bum publican and
n -pendant papers, and scribing
for de Greenville
Free Pres, livening
Times, Ac, all Democratic papers.
Well, now, how is that for high,
Some one asked old man Sam
the other day, how it was fixed
that a cent stamp would carry a
letter here, there and every where
in the United a one
cent stamp only to one Me
said one cent carries it to one place
the other cent jest took it all
over country until it
one it was looking for.
Now look here I am here
to tell you all something don't
you forget it, was struck
with a mighty whirl wind
cyclone la-i Everything
had the bark torn from top
to the roots, jess did leave life
Kev. Walker, state
list for the of Not lb Caro-
preached this town last
evening one of the best sermons
ever fell from the lips of man. He
unloaded bis artillery of eloquent
thunder the congregation
and literally peeled the form oil
our poor souls, we didn't feel
like we had ever Christian
at all. Our going out to hear him
was like a certain low who bad
stole a sheep before the war, went
up to New Bern court I . answer for
his sin, got through his case
and was the man back home.
His asked him how he
managed to get back so quick
He said well, he just took
lashes and got off clear. had
the whipping post then. So when
I was asked bow I liked sermon
told them first class, that t tie
more of my hide the preacher took
the better liked him, I
would to God we could have just
such g all over whole
world, some people would
think Saint had risen from
the dead.
Officers Came Near Getting His
Brother, Newman, Also.
Two that the officers
here have been very anxious to get
their band on were Sam and New-
man Slaughter. There are three
of these brothers, Ham and
Newman, all pretty tough
Newman Slaughter, it will be
remembered, was serving a term
f imprisonment la New Jersey.
He made his came here
where his brothers, Sam and
tying. After some watch-
a good bit of work officers
berg captured
New Jersey authorities were
An officer from that state
came for the prisoner, and while
it I he passenger depot here wait-
for the Main and Ham cut
the rope which Newman was
humid helped him to escape.
For Ham was sent to
the for IS months and
Sam was sentenced to roads for
Sam had only served about one
month of bis road sentence when
he made bis escape and could not be
found. This was several mouths
Recently Superintendent Joe
horn, who has charge of
county camp, received
formation from of Oxford
that Sam Newman
bad been living that town
since Christmas were a terror
to the
companied Officers G. A. Clark
and J. J. Harrington, went lo Ox-
ford a few days ago to investigate.
They first called officers
there learned that the
occupied a log house about a mile
and a from the town.
They were also advised by the
officers there that it would be
to try to arrest
as they were heavily armed and
somebody be killed. Sup-
was -not
daunted by this, and after some
persuasion induced the deputy
sheriff and two others to
the officers who went from
here to the scene. A scout was
sent on ahead as he passed
close lo the house one of the
shot at him. Later
officers sin ma the house when
Newman made a break for
Several shots were fired but he got
away. There was better success
at to Sam and he was captured.
reached here with Sam
Wednesday evening.
Try Your Hand in This Prize Con-
As will be seen from advertise-
in this paper the Home
phone and Company
oilers several prizes for the live
best descriptive articles giving
reasons why every residence
should have a The
first prise will be a long distance
telephone and in coupons, the
second a telephone
in coupons,
telephone and coupons,
the and fifth residence
phones. The articles are limited
to words and the cont-st
will close May 1st. Bead the ad-
Saturday. April 14th, 1906.
F. D.
a. call; and read-
of minutes.
a. m. Paper, The Social
Life of the Alice
a. Future of the
and her W.
B Smith.
a. m. The
lion of the Agues
We H.
will lie seen
for the next
We want every in the
present at this meeting.
Your will show your in-
in the work that you
have not attending just
to draw your salary. A large
number of schools will have
closed before the meeting. This
should not keep you away. Your
opportunity to come will be better,
your greater. I shall
disappointed if the meeting is
not largely attended. There
things I iii to say to all of
you and I hope to do so this day.
I will make Ibis proposition to yon.
teacher who will attend the
next meeting will be excused
any further next
fail. Those who do not
less satisfactory is tendered,
will be notified to at lend a special
held for them and for
them alone May. Teachers,
show your interest in work
by being
here on Saturday, April
14th. W. H.
Co. Supt. Schools.
V. April 1906,
After mining every day for
past week, the sun is shining
Miss Bertha Stokes spent a few-
days the past week with her pa-
rents neat
Miss Alma W. C.
Cannon -pent Saturday and Sun-
day at N. R. Corey's.
J. U. Stokes went to Ayden
H. B. Phillips and son, Fred,
the day in Washington Wed-
P. H. Harrington returned Wed-
night from
where he to attend the burial
bis sitter.
Geo. of Washington, was
in town Monday.
J. F. Stokes, of was
in Tuesday the
Mr. Moms, of
was in t.-n mis week.
Mr. Bateman, of P was
Mrs. Fred Von
l lighter, from Washington.
-i-iii Tuesday Mm, U
ill on Pine Her
no-id, are glad t e. Mrs, Hull
out again.
Mr. and Mrs. F O. Whaley
spent Saturday
Mrs. L K Rinks mil daughter,
Miss Mary Belle, t i few days
in this .
C D. Baker and P. Alford
spent Sunday afternoon Cox-
J. Q. and J. P. Alford
pent with near
Dr. L. B Kicks, Wm. Sledge
J, B. Jacob want t.
Monday to id the Mason-
The Carolina, while doing some
yard work evening ran
killed the tie pet log of
Miss Marv Belle Kicks.
Miss returned
borne after an
extended visit to relatives and
friends in Baltimore, Suffolk and
Rev. R. I. Corbitt, Kenneth
and E L. Denton, of Or
were the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. H. H Saturday
Rev. R. preached in
the M. E. church Sunday morning
Both were
strong and forceful. Rev. Mr.
Corbitt is an able expounder of
Christianity and is a minister of
gnat spiritual fervor He is an
eloquent We hope
will come see us
It Pay.
One of the best business men in
Greenville says be uses
liberally lie believes
it pays him. He has built a
large a man who knows
I the value of a dollar, and he would
i not be putting Hi-, money in ad
Miss Sunday unless lie see the
J. C. a of
Beaufort was found dead
a well the croup of the
Lumber Co.
Dr. W. II. will be in
Greenville at Hold Bertha, Tues-
day April for one day only.
His practice is limited to Eye, Ear
Nose Throat, and fitting
Rowan county has a law suit in
which derived from the Bale
of an acre of land is to be divided
among heirs. If the action has
not progressed too far we respect-
fully suggest that acre be retained
and used as a family
a tier noon at L. B. lie
Miss Julia school
ed Friday. Shu taught
ville school and was
There is some talk among the
citizens of this of
pulling up an independent
phone line to extend from
Now Its Op
to you if yon want a phone of your
own at a very little expense.
Miss Vera returned to
her home Sunday near
the regret of
many friends
1- Baker, J. Alford. S. P.
Alford and
were callers lo the
Miss school closed
Corey and Hugh Corey Fri-
day Greenville.
a large crowd attended
Church at Timothy.
J. and Hugh Corey
were callers at W. H.
Pay Up.
The delinquent tax lists are get-
ting in shape to tall in the hands
of the printers. Those who have
not paid may expect to see their
names in unless they
benefit of it Advertising is no
longer a sentiment, ii is a
cal proposition, the
man who uses reap-
la- one now and
who get along it, but it is
just because he to fail in
tide of the
progressive man creates,
Mr. Stephen V. Woolen, who
for several moot
lining law here, left today for Bay-
bum where he locate and con-
his We regret
Ins leaving ion with
bun e I in new home. He is
n young man as
will win success.
p thanks
to Ed II f ; of
aprons nun nun,. They are
made of mid have
printed In
the front. We can
now have our washed
The new subscribers the mails
are bringing The shows
that people are working to
op the business of the rural free
delivery routes.
Capt. T. N. Anderson, agent of
t he Seaboard Air at Weldon,
was nut over by a passenger train
instantly killed;

Department Store.
We should like to tell you about all the pretty new goods
we are showing, but for want of space can only
mention a few, you must come in and see
them in order to appreciate their richness and beauty.
The K
I variety. Flowered
Tissue in exquisite gs and
designs, in blue and
green from to with
to match.
Sheer Cotton
in Persian designs, lovely for
dresses, in leading shades at yd,
with drop linings to match.
Wool Finished Batiste
All sheer and dainty, ideal for
shirt waist suits, for to yd.
Thin Sheer Lawns
Batiste, Swiss and Muslins,
in flowered designs, dots and figured,
from to yd.
Woolen Dress Goods
in Batiste, Mohairs and Panama, from
to yd, in black and cream.
Goods Linens
Thin, fluffy, sheer, dainty materials
in white, suitable for all occasions are
here shown. Fine dotted Swiss, in
dots and flowers, French Lawn,
Persian Lawn, India Linen, Wash
Chiffon, Sheer Linen Lawn, Brussels
I Net in white and colors, Embroidery
r, Heavy Sheeting Linen, Irish
Linen, and which closely re-
real linen.
Mew Silks
Dress Silks in pin stripes
clucks in dress patterns. in.
Chiffon Taffeta in the leading shades.
Special value in in. taffeta Silks
In black and colors.
Embroideries S Laces
We have been accorded many words
of praise for the gathering
of w dainty novelties we are show-
in this department. We have
Baby Irish Lacs in all overs, bands
and edges Maltese and Val. Laces in
match sets. Round thread and Ger-
man match sets. Dainty French
Embroideries in match sets and
Baby Irish and Batiste combined in
lovely patterns which form the new-
est creation in the Embroidery line.
Silk Warp
inch wide, at yd, in perfect
shades cf lavender and old rose
Black Wash Goods
are liberally provided for ladies wear-
black, our stock is large and the
variety great, showing materials for
separate waists, skirts and dresses.
Dainty wash Collars in Lawn, Pique
and linen, in all white, all black and
some with colored embroidered dots
and figured. Lace stocks, Lace Scarfs,
Lace and Batiste combination Collars,
Turn Overs, and Collar and Cuff Sets
in dainty French Embroidery.
in t new lace and embroidery
combinations. Long Crepe Scarfs in
Persian designs.
Fancy Goods, Notions
The variety great and styles beautiful
Bead Necklace, Bracelets,
Gilt Belt Buckles, Ribbons,
Fans, Dog Collars, in great variety of
styles and grades. Dainty Gauze and
Lace Hosiery. Stamped Linens in
Centerpieces, Shirt Waists and Tray
Cloths. Hand Drawn Linens, Ready
to use in Bureau Scarfs, Wash stand
Scarfs, Table Covers and Tray Cloths.
.- Ill -M.
i . I
Our SHOE contains the best makes and styles.
. lea White Canvas Court Ties and Pumps, sizes 1-2 to from to a pair; Misses
and sizes from to
CI . . Kid Button Shoes, spring heels, sizes to at pair.
. ts Oxfords in all id and patent leathers, sizes to at 1-2 to st
lea Patent Leather t Tits, sizes 1-2 to from to ; all kid, same style, to
., Patent Leather Oxfords at and
an Tennis Oxfords from to
We never shown a more complete stock and we cordially invite call.
of dissolution.
The firm of R. L. Bros.,
business at Fountain. N. C.
and composed f R. J.
J. G. W. and J. H. Jefferson, has been
by mutual consent,
by the withdrawal of H. T. and J. Ii.
Jefferson from said firm. The re-
four brothers will continue toe
old firm of R. L. Jefferson Bros.,
with -m all business of that firm
will be settled, the two retiring having
no further connection or responsibility
in business of said firm.
This March 5th, 1806.
The Clerk of the Court of
county, having issued letters of
administration to me, the undersign-
ed, on the day of January,
on the estate of W. J.
ed. NOTICE is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersign-
ed, to all creditors of said estate I
to present their claims properly
to the undersigned
within twelve after the
date of this untie, or this notice will
be in bar i their recovery.
This the of
K. E
on the estate if W. j.
I. A. Buff, Attorney.
Friend, This ii Worth Reading
Suppose You Stop and See
Isn't it Wonderful
Greensboro, N. C. March 1903.
Mrs Joe take
me in stating that your Remedy
has entirely cured our little girl of
a very bad case of eczema, which
covered a great part of her body.
She had eczema from
the time she was three weeks old,
until she was six years old. She-
is now perfectly well and I feel
that I cannot speak too highly of
it She has not had a symptom of
it for six years. Respectfully,
i -i
In i
urn I will
not . .
Tim n
answer in
. I
The of it. successful
mid Ir reasons will appear In
the c mi ii I i per rood as
I 1st.
Ad ii to
para a Telegraph
F. C.
D. W.
Ami Provisions
Tics always on hand
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Not Quite
How often you can a Amt
thins; -not
nail or screw or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
useful article.
Of Course
g You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Residence Telephones.
For the purpose f securing from
the public Ilia reasons why every
residence should have a we
will for the live best descriptive
articles. Five Distance Resilience
Telephones, and ins, for
one year from June 1906, as
First Prize-One
and 415.00 in Coupons.
Second Residence
Third Prize-One Residence
Telephone and 35.09 in Coupons.
Fourth Residence
Fifth Prize One Residence
Subject these
The article must limited to
words. for the
prizes mum ho residents of the county
in which tills paper Is and
toll I . in within
the ii of the
towns .;, which
ates hail . i in North Carolina or
The -till status, If living
I he n n can loot
the person to whom telephone and
coupons shall
lie . i . made by three
hi or on-
To Publishers
and Printers
Wit have an entirely new
on which patents
pending, whereby we
can reface Brass Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thinker, and make
them fully as good as now
and unsightly
or the hot-
Column and Head
L. S. and
Head inches in
A sample refaced
will be cheerfully
tent on application.
Pointers Supply Co
Manufactures of Type and
High Grade Printing Mater
N. Ninth Street. p
Steamboat Service.
L. leaves
Washington daily
at n. in. for Greenville; leaves-
Greenville daily
at in. for ton
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, and all other
North. a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K. B,
Sailing hours subject to change
without notice.
J. J. Agent,
N. O.
H. C. General T. and
I. Agent, Norfolk. Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. M.
You Must
you cannot, it is due to an
irritated or congested state of
the brain, which will Boon
into nervous prostration.
Nature demands sleep, and
it is as important as it
is a part of her building and
sustaining process. This period
of unconsciousness relaxes the
mental and physical rain, and
allows to restore ex-
Dr. brings
refreshing sleep, because it
soothes the irritation and re-
moves the congestion.
It is also nerve builders
nourishes and strengthens
nerve in your body, and
creates energy in nil tin organs.
Nothing will give strength
vitality as and
quickly as
past i I
. I I lift III
V v. ill, III ft I
. . i i ,. My
Wife, r ii I In r ill
fur ii
out. ii neighbor Dr.
Ni i .- -.-. unit s ii
a I not slept for
h Palm in no
r .
i w is not so p
nil pi. am now t
v.-f i ii. i
U. in. i
Dr. It told your
who will th
v. ii your money.
Miles Medical Co., Ind
ways of th
Little Animal
A of the Clover
k. Haunts.
morning rhea
in the writes a
-J mS early to go
bast lushing.
before we had taught
three bass and three
put in u pond out on
edge of the point in order to keep
them fresh until needed. As
rod my
attracted to B in
direction of of fish.
I hat
usual was place,
ed the cautiously and saw the
long, brown body of mink gliding
away with one of my fish in bis
was greatly interested in
eight of u live mink operating in his
own haunts and decided I
would rather sec him work than
eat the While he was
concealing the flab in some nearby
but unseen nook walked full
closer, until was within twenty
of pond, where remained
motionless, awaiting developments.
a moment the energetic little
animal reappeared at the pond, gave
a quick dive into the water, like a
and came up with another fish.
jOUncing about him with his little,
black, beady eyes, he hurried off
without noticing my presence.
stood motionless and
ed and watched him every
one of my fish to his secret store-
house. Alter all my were safe-
away the little worker
nipped in nervous haste back to-
ward the woods to tell his family of
the and invite them all down
to dinner.
in the afternoon of that
tame this successful little fisher-
man led colony of four other
minks out of the wood- and down
to Becky point. The dinner party
had to pass to our hotel ill or-
to reach point where the
were stored. To do so
ed must travel under a Ion
Lots Fop Sale.
Near Five Points on Easy Terms.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
All persons hereby forbid
den under penalty of
hire, contract tie,, employ-
to or shelter our sons,
Amos Stocks and Allen
Stocks, without our consent.
I up .
my r-
nM K. A i-k. V K. . . .
Hi Wt
H. A.
qualified the
Court of Pitt county as
administrator of the estate of Mrs. M.
K. Peal, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all to Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
estate to make immediate payment I Headache, Biliousness
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
This popular remedy never falls to
effectually cure
board walk. In doing this one little
innocent not knowing the
pay of man. came up through a
in tin walk. A city boy saw
him, and before we could stop him
he seized u club and bettered him to
this tragedy was being en-
acted all Hie minks under the
board walk set up a chattering wail,
which sounded like a dozen rats
caught in a trap. An Adirondack
guide old trapper who happen-
ed near called to us to stand by and
watch the curry off their
dead. After we had scolded severely
the of little mink
did us the guide suggested.
a few minutes oat popped
three little brown heads from
points in their dead, and then
one brave little fellow ran out and.
the dead mink in bis mouth,
him bark under the walk.
little dead mink doubtless
had a burial, with all the
pomp known to these
creatures of the
great wood . It was intention to
to make pets of the minks which
I had seen lime to time around
the of our premises, but the
touchier one of their number
resulted in driving all of them
during the remainder of
A and a
Mark i ii was once talking
about hi- boyhood in Hannibal,
hated work in those lie
said, morning my father led
Into the and pointed
a bed of v bud u
nun f weeds in it.
warn y said my father,
weed oil
I the ahead of
me, and the i I looked It the
bigger ii i Certainly
had never n U so weeds In
my life.
I i father, flower
out the VI V
the and all per u
in the estate must
present them to the undersigned on or
before the 17th, day of January. 1907,
or this notice will be plead in bar of
This 17th, day of Jan.,
W. Peal.
if Mrs. M K. peal.
All Ar Superstitious and Believe
Signs and Omens.
Habitual criminals are very super-
No pickpocket would dream
of unless he bad in his
pocket or somewhere about his per-
son either a small piece of coal,
chalk or us a talisman
against misfortune, according to an
English writer, liven if the amulet
fails them they are captured
with it in their possession they ac-
count for the fact by remembering
that they have disregarded some
other warning was given them
earlier in the day. Tor instance,
should thief be riding on lop of an
The natural result Is
and solid flesh. Dose small; elegant-
sugarcoated and easy to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
Th Credit Is Given to a Chinaman of
the First Century.
Paper was invented by a China-
man who was contemporaneous with
Christ. He was a secretary at court
during the reign of a
prince who reigned A. . 25-68. In
early ages when the Chinese bad no
written language bad no special
need of paper. Heal estate transfers
were certified by means of a piece of
cord, in which knot.- were tied, ac-
cording to the number of acres sold
or the price paid. But as
definite than the cord
bus re- I needed, the art of writing came
Having consolidated two stocks of H. A. Para tors and John A. Ricks in
store we are prepared to furnish our anything needed in
-r--n . We will carry n up-to-date line
Dress Goods, Notions,
In Groceries we have at all times a fall line of the very best goods, not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds of
Canned Goods, the finest brands.
to the number of acres sold
r the paid. But as We can supply you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest
ion increased and business transfers COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
more frequent something I
lore definite than the cord was ft k W D I H
ceded, art of writing j I B t j S . I I I M I U I
prices for
it as a warning
i in
join- i el
. Mr, ii ;. . i
. My daughter
i .
I Mil .
you to
Bank r
probably i hum d
stand me.
The fed the maple is provided
with n like of a
or i lie of a ship. When
this seed i n hi rated from lite
if the i- blowing,
rudder imparts to seed a re-
motion, similar
to I ho propeller of a ship,
and the future tree Is
often hundreds of
feet from me stock.
that lie must
no work that day. All habitual
criminals regard the Bible with awe.
To a mini almost will lie with-
out motive, but when in the witness
box they will do anything to evade
kissing the book. A mode
of getting out of the difficulty is to
kiss the thumb that is helping to
hold the Bible instead of the actual
Should a pickpocket steal a purse
containing foreign money lie regards
it us certain that before lbs year is
out he will have traveled ill Strange
lands. To gold ill a purse stolen
at a wedding is a sure of good
luck, while it is equally bad to
at a funeral, even class
of criminal- funerals are regarded
as tokens of ill luck. To meet one
while Oil the way to a house where
a burglary is to lie carried out means
Unit death or Imprisonment awaits
attempt. There is an old man
named Cowper, now in an English
prison serving his
term of imprisonment, who is a per-
encyclopedia on
He believes that
lie can never be sentenced again
after his present term has expired,
because bus
been a lucky with him.
If a burglar meet.- s sleeping dog,
he regards us n mire sign trial be
will be lucky lime. To m-o
a Mag Hying over n private is
taken as an crack the
Women who squint are
from attentions of
criminal . . No burglar would
break into n house if knew a
ho was kepi
ilium Kim Ii s pickpocket
have nothing to do with the .
of ii v n cast in her
eve. A in the of passing
counterfeit coin never attempt
to gel rid of any to a woman who
Th of It.
shouted depot
do you mean by throw in
those around like
The gasped in
and travelers
themselves In make sure that it
real. Then the official spoke again
to the baggageman, yon see
that you're making big dents Una for worse,
concrete i
into use. Al that time the deed
of purchase consisted of a few let-
on a bit of bamboo. As
edge increased and literature began
to be cultivated, legal and historical
records became more numerous.
These bamboo strip- were then
found to be heavy and
and the need of a lighter and less
bulky material was felt.
The secretary,
gun his experiment in paper
How long lie worked before lie met.
with success is known; but, at
any rate, materials with which
be experimented and of which paper
was formed ore, with oil the
which has since gained,
found best fur the
pose. Though the Chinese have
since substituted other materials
for the formation of the pulp from
which their paper is j
for economical ;
bud satisfaction of accomplish-1
Washington Hospital for the Treatment
of Ail Medical and Surgical Cases
that for which be bad worked.
The of manufacture soon
became generally known, and paper
factories were established in all
parts if the kingdom. With the
spread of learning, which received
n impetus from tin facilities
forded by this
for paper soon exceeded the
supply. Old were plentiful j
nor cheap enough of paper .
being sold as Cheaply
necessary or desirable, Accord-
row mode with
other substances mid proved success-1
York Herald.
The first
After repeated r
u was
little soldier tin
baud of Josephine a. devoted in-
matrimonial ix-iii-is v
of others. No v A
from a To bin
that he could not a
my be v
evening the after
i . The received
the emperor man led sol-
mat once. are,
were obliged en
to find or
I ,
It contains mud
and cold
leadening rubber treads and
m appliances . .
and .
; I
,, i-
and pa lights, water, hot
call -i each room; sound
operating second to
machine, giving fa-
of the cases, combined with a home and training schooL
Well corps of trained nurses. Private upon application. A
to meet patients at stations. further Dr. D. T. Tayloe, Burgeon in
Joshua or E. M. Brown, assistant

i. J.
In the om Greenville. N. C, a class
Ad ii n u- rt-N upon application.
at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to fiction
L A had a Rood
man has been convicted of murder of works for nearly a
in Wake fir ranee continue just a
as before the works were
When farmers are satisfied at pet-
eleven it is hard to pet
bold for fifteen
established. the
Association feel that it is doing it
duty in not taking a hand in mat-
era of this kind
Hearst docs not nave the
paper men on his aide, and can The resolution adopted by the
hope to win without County of the Sooth
Cotton Association at least
The call strike business how they feel about it. Tit
is not troubling the minds of people i a little strange that those who look
near so much as it would if there i to the farmers take so little inters
he is a firm believer in the rate
bill he has preprint. The same
opinion ix
Newland. and all
the rest of Congressional
in regard their bills.
Mr Perkins had better tell Dis-
Attorney Jerome all about those
and then
The Heed Smoot Prosecution has
cost the but
has more than paid for in the
amount of amusement it has fur-
was snow on the ground
i in this movement for better price
The colleges have started in on
their ball games. will
in for little more attention till
remainder the session.
We see that the decision
of Judge in the Atlantic A
North Carolina railroad lease matter
gives the plaintiff much comfort.
Greenville is going to a
building loan association with
something like a shares.
Who says this town can't do thing
. A few loud mouthed fellows may
think they are the whole thing and
can sateen a ton in favor of
loons, but shorted
The Maryland Legislature has
passed a bill reducing railroad fans
in that State to two cents a mile
like that is going to hap
pen in Carolina
Legislature adjourns, unless the
people a lot more corporation
to the Senate. The Raleigh
News and Observer says that tile
railroads are going to be sorry that
they had the Laughinghouse bill
killed, which called for a two and a
half cent rate. The fight next time
will very be for a bigger cut.
a public building.
but usually there is wailing for
the fulfillment of such desires.
Speaking in time is the way to get
there, however
ii ran
We doff our hat to Wilson. That
town held a dispensary election a
few ago and carried it I y
twenty-odd majority. antis
have been trying ever since to
ate opposition to it, and because
I bey succeeded in getting another
election trailed on the question
thought they had turned over the
sentiment of the town for saloons,
out building I That election was held Monday, and
and loan association week, and
be at the for organization
a majority of for
should be enough to satisfy the
time come.
to beheld in mayor's office on for a
Monday night,
Si RM of these days you will hear
The saloon advocates in j Baking Uncle Sam for a
town that were watching Wilson to public building. In particular
ate how it came oat, can follow the I The Reflector holds to the idea that
example of the ground back would do so much
in their bole and stay there. I better to give every town having a
I presidential a building to
If the ground hog wants to or instead
us enjoy tie he can come
out and frisk with his shadow all
he warns to Hut don't rut any-
more capers until next February.
Want of r is usually the
but some of the fellows who are
working against O as the
place for holding the
claim that ball there is lo i
Where is another town that tan,
make such a as Greenville
has made on her national bank
Watch us and will the build-
and loan association
Any clerk or wage earner who can
spare a small amount each week,
even if not over rents, should be
in the building and loan association.
It is better than a savings bank.
Payments of a week will
carry stock.
sums for
buildings in the big places. The
small towns do their share in sup-
porting the government and ought
to be considered. the
saving of rents would justify the
government in erecting such build-
General of Mis-
he got all he wanted out
of the Standard Oil Company. Mr.
Hadley is like the average citizen,
satisfied with getting mighty little
out of the Standard
The Court of seemed to
hold that the Chicago packers es
caped through contributory
on part of the
Mr. declares
that he will be the Nemesis u the
Panama Canal Commission. Ban-
ghost, the Old Man of the Sea
and the King's Evil might also be
suggested if Mr- feels him-
self short on metaphor.
The mill at the Sheppard mill
which is now run A-
after the 20th of April.
will be every eek Tuesday and Fri-
day. All carried there will be
ground at quick notice, as we are well
equipped for grinding. We hope our
customers will realize it not
pay to have a miller to sit at the mill
house and no corn to grind.
that we alway.- make as good meal
as anyone. us and we believe you
will be pleased. Do not be afraid you
will not get your corn ground because
of mill days for we have increased
m i-i and capacity, therefore we know
that you can gel your meal. We have
three mills in operation.
we tender our thanks to our
for past patronage and hope
you will continue the lame by
increasing your corn and we will in-
crease meal, for we are workers
at the mill.
Yours Truly,
It's dressing uptime again.
Old Winter has received hi
death blow and is
far off.
Welcome Spring with a glad
smile and a new suit.
Fashion demands many
changes with the new season.
Last Springs Clothes are now out date. The wider and longer the lapel, the cling-
back-with the slightest suggestion of the a skirt are some the dis
unctions between the new and
Every Kink and Every Turn of Fashion
has been honored in the making of Spring Suits. Single and Double Breasted Cuts
or to
The King Clothier.
As will be from large
. C. L. Wilkinson
Co. will have their opening
of spring summer millinery
and goods tomorrow, Tl
display will be worth going to see
all the ladies are invited.
Pulley Bowen
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
People must think this a mighty
world when they shoot them-
selves or some other short route
to get out of it. Life is largely
what make it, and the
mania is ii for
illy mi Contributor.
From provisional sketches, it
seems that the new monster battle-
ship projected for the American
navy is j about twice as large in
every respect as the old Texas. She
throws about six times as much
metal as the Texas, and it would not
be surprising if the old second-class
battleship would he requisitioned to
act as a tug at the launching.
An esteemed contemporary has an
editorial on Telegraphy at
Have not road it, but it pro
refers to Mr. Marconi's failure
to another company.
That Iowa who wants the
President to absolve him from his
oath of citizenship probably
dreading another outbreak the
J White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no in the world better
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality .
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that t
I were obtainable in the American market i
we cordially invite the Ladies that are I
desirous seeing the NEWEST t
to call at our establishment and feast their i
eyes. Very truly yours,
save when you buy the best goods, you lose when buy an v other
kind. His poor policy to buy any but especially when it
just anything your table food e-i
same money at my store will gut the best to lie ha I. I have just put a fresh
Canned Goods, Package Goods,
Coffee, Sweet and Sour and articles in this Ii
also Fruits and Confections. And I keep the best in Clears an
Just try mo for the best of everything in Grocer's line,
Next door to T.
n . . mil g
This department is in of J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Nice line of groceries
ways on band
J. B. Little
oat again at work.
Any one in of a good cart
one that will last and good
service just sail lo see or the
If you expect to exchange your
seed for meal you can same time
by meal far your seed when
you have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
For special prices on heaters see
W. L. House.
Quite a large number from Win-
attended services at Reedy
Branch Sunday.
If yon want good seed Irish
potatoes go to Harrington, Barber
Mumford was in t
The A. G. Cox Co. are still
Try a bottle of Kid- Woods high grade seed
a sure cure for nil Kid-1 have been the must
troubles at southern .-. .
If you nave cotton seed to sell or
exchange write or phone Pitt On.
Oil prices are the
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. spent
night and Sunday visit-
relatives near
Men's and youth's pants,
sizes, at Co
The demand for Tar Heel cart
wheels great now, and any
in need of same will flu ell to
write or the A G. Cox Mfg Co.
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
The Pitt Oil Co. will pay
highest price seed cotton.
Big line of bats and caps just
latest styles. Harrington.
Tooth and Disk Harrow at
y I. r
make by
changing their cotton seed
meal at Pitt County Oil Co.
Our meal analyzes Pitt Co.
Oil company
one in need of a plow will
-shipping planters and guano Co.
sowers by the car load, and if you
need any you had write or
see them
J. D. Cox went
All farmers sow-
and wheat can tie supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders
at Harrington, Barber k Co.
Miss Olivia Cox, who it teach-
at spent Sunday with
mother, Mrs. E. E. Cox.
Be sure not to forget the
those iron bedsteads at
A. W.
We offer our silver table ware
guarantee at a bargain,
flee n. B. T. Box
Buy a pipe from J. H. C. Dixon
the drug store.
Nice Robes at Harrington
Barber f. Co.
Misses Chapman and Lela
Roach spent Saturday night and
in i- Carolina. V
store of B. T. Cox t
Try a Dan
Jim Dixon at the
will show to
J. F. Broke went to
dine Monday on
If you need a nice Rug just call
at A. W. Co and you can
get one, and cheap too-
If you want good t hat
you can eat without any trouble
with indigestion, go to A. W. Ange
Co., get some of that flour
he that is made out of pure
For hay, corn and oats go to
Prof. G. E. Lineberry. R. H.
Hunsucker, T. K. Taylor and the
reporter services at the
c church
When come to
at the bank. The Cashier would
be glad to see you. He would also
like lo show you how an a count
with the bank of
Fa no
Bankers and Brokers,
Norfolk. V.
New York
May lit
Liverpool Future.
Jan. Feb.
De helpful to you.
want a sew-
do well logo to A. W. Ange Co., machine for 116.00, or any
and get one of those j kind of house furnishing goods
ed They are the best cheap go to A. W. Ange Co.
the market. The gentleman, who left town
Farming implements of all kinds last week lost his clothes would
at Barber Co. have had bad lock If be
had bought one of those nice
The Pitt Co. Oil Co. is
night and day, and
ii or suit cases at A. W.
Ange Co.
May Wheat
May Corn
May Lard
July Lard
J. R. J. G
Then a. H. TAFT is the man to
deal with.
Our store is at all times open to those who want good
goods at low prices. We can furnish your house from
the kitchen to the parlor in prices that will
Well we suit you in Price, Quality and Workman-
ship, our are up-to-date, our is con-
our prices are right. Give us. a call
when in need of anything in the Furniture
or Picture line. Orders taken for
traits, likeness guaranteed,
of and oil.
., i The nicest lot of men's pants ever
now be
on his new residence in South
Furnishings for house we are
HI ready for business, and extend
an invitation to all, to our
Ange Co.
your pick
If any ire in need
peanuts or Held peas planting
yon can get them A. W. Anne
Nice line of boys suits at H. L.
store, and See the beautiful line of
furniture, which we have planed
to deal out on easy j There is ways of raving
Sunday Tn the country with Miss I that even the poorest shall have no money, lint th best way is to start
Norma I excuse for their homes not an account with the Bank Win-
All colors of paint, and yellow I furnished. Thanking you and you will soon find that
at Harrington Barber Co. for patronage, we are yours j you have a neat little sun. your
to serve Eastern Carolina Supply credit and you will hardly know
Co., Winterville, N- C. I why it is so large.
Car load of flour just received, Do not forget the opening day
A. of Greenville, was nice at lowest price. en Saturday, April 1906. As
Harrington, Co. my of goods
and more complete, I
The Pitt County Oil Company is I be m
shipping cotton seed meal by the. j
ear load. in and look I
J. D. and J. S. Cox attended think you will many lovely
services at Greenville to interest as I have
the newest best of the
styles. Thanking you
County. Court.
It. L. Smith St Company vs. Baal
By virtue of an execution directed to
the from the Superior
Court of Pitt county in the above e
action. I will, on
19th of March. at IS o'clock
M, at the Court House door of said
county, sell to the highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said ail the
title and interest which the said
Basil Dixon, defendant, has in the
following described real estate,
one undivided one eighth Inter-
est of Basil Dixon, subject to th- life
of hit father, S. S, Dillon, in
hid to the lands which descended to
his mother, Henrietta Dix-
on. Henrietta and
described as
lands of L. A. E. H.
Fleming and wife. Laughinghouse,
John and others, and con-
three hundred and fifty acres,
more or less, and being the entire in-
of the said Basil and
to the lands of which his mother,
late Dixon,
died and possessed,
situated on the north side of Tar river,
Greenville township, county,
subject to the life estate of i. S. Dix-
on, the father of-the Basil Dix-
This 15th day of February, I.
L. w.
Yours Truly,
A. H.
in town Tuesday on
Rev. W. E. C-ox, of
preached an excellent here
Monday night in the Episcopal
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles and prices j
reasonable. Barbel
White's Colic and Kidney Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock and a sure colic cure,
at the Drug Store
Bay your Candies, Apples,
and Bananas from J.
C Dixon at the ding store.
Do not forget the date April 6th
for it is on that date that Prof. N.
Y. Wake Forest college,
will lecture in the chapel of the
Winterville High school.
Nicest line of dress ever
in a. l
Harrington, Barber Co. ; yours to serve
B Mrs. L. A. Sparks.
New furniture is arriving daily
at A. W.
get the best at lowest prices.
A new line of and dress
no. just received at A. W. Ange
If you need any peanut
I planting got A. W. Ange Co.
He has both and
and can fill your order any lime.
Straws tell which way the wind
them and
If you want a nice shirt or tin
Co. Be sure to see
get your pick.
Joshua Manning made a business
trip this week to and
surrounding vicinity.
If you want a nice pair of Slip
The firm of Proctor n, Mer-
chants at N. has this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
persons indebted to said will make
payment to T. who will
continue business at the old
and will settle all indebtedness
said This 1-Vb. 16th ,
T. F, Proctor.
J. L. Gibson.
We have received our full line of WASH GOODS
consisting of
Mows, jut notice the of
in a-d out from
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., are still
making shipments of Cotton Plant-
and guano Sowers. They have
c. shipped out about of
go to Barter Co. go to A. W. Ange A. f q
If you are wise preserve your Co and you old reliable planter and simple
houses by painting them with Hats has the nicest lot ever shown In
town and country paint, tor, Winterville.
sale by A. W. Ange Co. A nice lot of new summer Bug
, , , . Robes at Harrington, Barber
N- need not having
when Harrington, v A
Co., received a new lot, Cox went to
they Mil cheap. j Monday on
F. Nye went out Mrs. F. C. Nye and
Reedy Branch Tuesday night to I Cox vent to Greenville
deliver the address at the shopping.
exercises of the school there which a. G. Cox ML;. Co. is t-till
has been taught by Miss Delia shipping cotton planters by the
Smith. carload. The people know a good
Quite a number from Win- n they see it. Therefore
went out to Reedy Branch Cos cotton planter
Tuesday night to the closing went to
of the there u Tuesday hop-J styles be
good entertainment.
Court fin i
ii. to nil I'M
I His IO f ,
hi.- lo the ml
e Hi fol
Hi.-17th March,
win ii. recovery
Ula.-k W
to f
c la-. tor
II. K, n. I,
be on Site Monday.
to goods,
tower had bet write or
see them at once.
bushels of seed Oats at
barber iV Co.
THE office is at all
lime- prepared to fill Ii r
either printed
The opening days of C. T. Mun-
lord's display spring and sum-
mer millinery set for Tuesday
and Wednesday of next week,
11th. His stock is
ed aid the ladies will be delighted
But should you become incapacitated by either accident or sickness it
help bear the burden of additional expense incurred, the
provides complete protection. It insures against, accidents and sickness of
kind THE
is insured for YOUR benefit when traveling. Secure a Policy NOW.
Insurance H. A. WHITE Greenville, N. C
r i

We have just returned from the Northern Markets where
we bought the most up-to-date line of
Dress Goods, Silks, Clothing
and Millinery
that we have ever shown. The prices will be O K. We
bought these goods paying Cash therefore we
shall be able to sell them cheaper than other stores.
N. C.
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
The Hardware Man.
i mi wring -ii- highest market price for Cotton Heed
in any
I ii Meal and Hulls, in car lots or
less i kit or suit or exchange for Seed
at Will
and Kin is constantly on hand.
far v-d and Feed Oats also Black
Oat. Red But Oats.
I lust Ii id built a I live near tile depot
for line.
I will coin inn- car
Ready For The Organization.
If to shares in
the building
not it i ff. mi
I Hill Ill i D
fill n if mill
hi Hie tr
In- held in
next Monday nit ht. Do t
wan molly hi
i Of
series ll hen in m-m
rise, win- have lie
first shares will lie
The Hie
of shares the
the better it caw in
L-t every one win ha pal
down hi- name, all who
may want shares, b.- Hie v
on the 9th. No elite
prise ever stinted in Greenville
town as a
Towns Can Make a
the most remarkable
things in connection with Green,
enterprises la the
Hank that i in a
days. The capital stuck the
is and when the
books were the w
d in a few hours, and
some people were more i r
because they
gel stock. Organization soon
followed and taken to git the
bank to begin A
call was fur the first fifty
of the stuck to be In
on 2nd, on that
W. Aycock was kepi
busy receiving the payment aid
writing temporary
Beery stockholder, without an
exception, responded to the call,
quite a number of I hem not ship-
ping at fifty but paying
up full. This ti e
all have in the enterprise.
The bunk certainly makes a most
favorable b
IN it;
Man Shot Standing on the
Railroad Platform at Lake
A Mr. an engineer
this airy, wan shot at Lake
maw la-t night by
Mr. went to the
t-i Ii train W I
and v don the
fir . shirt, In I
ill- light leg j II t
knee. I'll ii bin
not at it inferno. He tot on
the train and came in
lb-lore the
was mil i ml i v , i
in Hi a in I ml ,., fall-
hi d he was carried
where I he won ml was
He has n I who
that -hot him than
t nukes Hi,
p l In His
in a ii similar inner
ii g the past few days
-i re brought hi u
midnight train. r
shot at the I u did inn
While no initials
engineer referred hi in die
may be Mr. Joyner, r i
from t position with
railroad. While hi- ha
nets are i- n
run often take- Mm hi Winnie,
of good service is Constant
The Greenville Banking
S Trust Company
January 1902
January 1903
January 1904
January 1905
Total Resources
This bank not only provides a safe place the pro-
money but is always ready to assist with its re-
sources any legitimate enterprise. Call and see us we can
serve you.
R. J. COBB, President, J. R. Vice President,
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Familiar Cry.
same stand id I by
r Dr. J. dropped in
The Reflector office to shake
and pass a few word-, ti
the midst of it a voice called
end of the chute.
familiar that cry remark-
ed doctor reminiscently
, I followed for thirteen yearn
a Una nice Groceries at about The
was an for many ens,
us as was to he
A Surprise Afternoon Wedding.
at U. I, I. A
in . Ins
Miss Jessie
mil William Austin
Rev. J. K.
Miss at
a d i Was Unit
Mr. Clark t mi I in line
aid ii ed
her -1 nun I In- c la-t sh.
not buck i
On Wed e d.,
came and
of his taking his home
with Dim. The the
d II c bride he
but alarms rule id Idem d
el i-i.
is e file k
of Blade enmity,
Is The Moon Inhabited.
For Twenty-
proven moon has
an atmosphere, which make life in
some on
since of the but for human beings, a
his letters
. . ;
sketches have given hi chills, and
of Torpid
equaled as a
fur weak especially
the aged. It Induces sound sleep,
Pally guaranteed J, L, Woolen-
Price only Me.
it. E. K A
y; ,.
Norfolk, Va.
have standard Cotton and
T the South
because eat care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
and don't take substitutes
said to lie as See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
II T k .
Are You Tired, Nervous
and Sleepless
sleeplessness are US-
tn furl dial ill-- nerves are
nut fed properly
they nerves,
law, mill thereby the nerves are
properly and all
tin- are run a-
run- in nil. In this way yon
i-lean, strong unit are
tuned up inn Invigorated, Rial
fur a In if 1.1 Meal it
work. of all. lite strength In-
in are rusting.
most tonics and men
which have a ale
fur a short lime, Ii, they are largely
composed of alcohol the drugs in
solution, alcohol shrinks up the red
In the run
Injures the one may feel
fur the lime
In weakened and vitality
decreased. Pierces Medical
Discovery contains no Every
it bears its Inf
a full list i, all Its
several ingredients. Fur tho druggist
offer you something he i- j u-t as
is to iii-ult your Intelligence.
Every ingredient entering into the
has tin- unanimous approval and endorse-
tin- leading
all the several of practice, No
other medicine through druggists fur
like purposes ban any lush endorsement.
The Medical mil
only produces all the effects in lie
obtained the use Golden Seal
in all liver
as in dyspepsia, biliousness, con-
bowels ailments, tint the
root used in Its compound-
is In Its curative ac-
other ingredients a-
root, Man-
drake runt and lain,
Sense Medical
will in paper covers on receipt
one-cent -lamps pay the oust of mail-
will W sent. Address It. V,
Buffalo. N. Y.
Pleasant cum con-
Loan Discounts 122.616.63
Due from Banks
Items OS
Gold coin 602.00
Silver coin 1,401.63
Nat, US. notes 2,068.00
Capital pd in
Undivided profits 1,607.04
sub to check
State of North Carolina, I
County f Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the bank, do solemn-
the above is true to best of my
knowledge and belief. J- R- DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this It day of Feb.
Notary Public.
W. J
. 39,350.00
The above resources we offer for the accommodation of
our customers and the encouragement of every
mate enterprise.
R. L. DAVIS, President, JAMES L. LITTLE, Cashier
J. A. President,
At tho of business Jan. 89th, 1900.
Loans 5,800.00
Overdrafts fund
Furniture profits 815.87
Due from Hanks certificates of
Gold and silver checks out-
National bank 1172.0 i
other U. S. 800.04
Stat of North Carolina, County Pitt,
I II If. Taylor, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
wear that the above statement true to the beat of my
doe and belief. Taylor,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
mo, this
1900. SAMUEL
Notary Public
M. t
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
A agent for Daily
and we take
treat pleasure In receiving sub-
and receipts for
those arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job prim
W. B barren, of Dunn, spent
Saturday Sunday with hie
brother-in-law, J. W. Taylor.
J. J. Edwards Son have just
received another oar load of Ell
wood wire fencing.
The with ex-
great joy is beautiful
weather is nut only invigorating,
but inspiring as well, as it means
work with a
they are at the hoe and tho
plow. If last
now the coin will shoot and cotton
will sprout and mud, mighty mud
will disappear. All will
join the his the
bright anticipations of a bountiful
harvest will be
Reserve your buildings by
painting with
Town County lead
and full line colors, kept at J.
K. Smith Bro.
Those who have not registered t
a previous election and are entitled
the election to tie held
on the Monday in May, 1900,
for officers of the town
are requested to call at my office
and as the law require
J. M. Blow,
Our White Goods, Bilks and
trimmings are We
most cordially the ladies
to call. Cannon Tyson.
A protracted meeting i pro-
in the Disciple church here,
by the pastor who is
assisted his brother, Kev. Mr.
Brown, of Wilson.
see mud, we wade in
mud, we of mud, we feel as
if it is mud null if it mud you
may name us mud, indeed It Is
mud, not our name but the
V. and paper rooting,
with or
and pipe J, K. Smith Bro.
Die-n goods, Broad cloth,
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
Bilks, white
goods at J H Smith Bro
Miss Lulu Taylor,
after a Visit to her brother
has returned home.
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and rockers, dining
split chairs wash stands
at J It Smith
Calico and at cents
per yard, great iii white
summer goods, at J.
J, It. Smith A have just
a load of ground alum
Hilt. Also near load Lee's
lime etc.,
1-;. K. Dull Co. will do all they
ea. iii please you with
Hum Una heavy fancy
Al a mini of the town
J. M. Blow was
B, as
judges of the election for
town i I to held rot
Monday in May, 1900.
Hay torn, meal, hulls, lime
windows k blown nails Cross
cut saws mechanic tools at J
It id t
apples, com
tomatoes, , apply to K. E. Dall
business and
tho same
Hue of at the same store.
me public to call and
pee us. will sell as cheap as
he i t and the best.
Give us u K. Williams.
Miss Cos was her
here Sunday.
Go to E. E. Co's new
fresh meats,
A lull of Trunks.
Telescopes, Grips, Satchel and
at J. K. A Bro.
Only a few weeks before Easter
how about letting us make that
suit while you can secure
your choice of goods. Wanamaker
Brown, per F. G. A Co.
The little son of W. J. is
very sick with pi
your eyes need attention
J. W. Taylor, optician,
N. C. is the man to do
work if yon to be
old Fashion Hand-made Paw-
Gum Bread Trays at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Miss Mary Long White-head
spent from Friday until Sunday
afternoon with friends
Latest styles cloaks and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. Ii. Smith c Bro.
For a present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
Miss Brown and Mrs. J.
visiting in Scotland
A beautiful line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J K Smith Bro
the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. B. Smith
Brr .
Pure Plymouth Rock
for sale at per of
Apply to Mrs. W. J. Mum-
ford, O.
Miss I the day
in Greenville Saturday.
We have moved the brick
store of J. H. on West
street just of the
House. Our goods are
ail new as our entire old stock was
burned the recent fire. We will
lie pleased to have our friends as
well as the general call and
see us. We know we can please
you Doth as quality.
W. C. Jackson Co
Mrs. home
day from a up the road.
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price,
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
A full Hue of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, bag,
and suits cases at J R Smith A Bro
I always keep baud u
Hue Muff at lowest cash
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and hulls, brand
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly Co.
Miss of Green-
ville, is Miss Ed-
Dr. Dixon, in to a
telegram, left yesterday Wash-
line of meat, lard and can
Don't buy before giving
ii trial. Frank Lilly
For carpenters tools, grind s
rope pulleys, at It.
A Bro.
Why exhaust your With
that kicking DOW When you can buy
fresh Evaporated and
-Milk F. A
Many are expected
here today from
Greenville to participate in the
i of The Kin
team will do the work. Ain't
we going to have a Surely
New Livery, Feed and Exchange
and Jones,
N. c. Haul well oared for. Fat
curried to any and all
available points. The best
most comfortable conveyances.
es reasonable Al of
the public at all times and hours.
Try them Moore Jones, livery,
feed exchange stables,
Whooping cough has struck this
with a North, south,
ea-i soil west, go you will
you can heir the yell.
Carload V. Crimped roofing
lengths to
dimmer, houses,
t tiles much cheaper
shingles very little labor, at J.
R. Bro
are hereby
forbidden harbor, em-
ploy r give to my sou, Ai-
ouzo Braxton, under age.
Anyone doing so will be subject
to the law. John Braxton,
Ayden, N. C. K. F. D. No
Cotton seed hulls, meal, wheat
bran, ship stuff, hay and grain
always on hand at lowest market
prices. Cannon Tyson.
Mr. Skid Heath, while hauling
from here one day last
week stumbled lei .
he get
You will find
son Singer
Prices way way H.
Tripp Bro. next Hotel.
Bed Steads, Suit-,
Center Tables, Chairs, Cradles,
I ii u Springs, Mattresses
Lounges, Cook Stoves and a
great many other things are
kept up stairs. Cannon Tyson.
Kev. W. Cox, of Greenville,
filled bis appointment the
Sunday night,
oil, band and repair for
all makes of machines, at
J. H. Tripp Bro. Ayden, N. C.
Cannon Tyson's new Oxfords
for Ladies Misses and Children
have arrived. We carry a high
grade c ass of footwear.
U-v. J. A. of
ville, pas-ed through yesterday
his way to to hold a
protracted meeting.
We sell Singer and Wheeler
Wilson sewing machine. For cash
or on easy term- J. H. Tripp
Bro, West st, N.
E. T. Phillips, editor the
Baptist, is the sick
Mrs. of Snow
Hill, and Mrs. George Hart, of
are relatives
Lumber is being placed on the
lot for the notion of the two large
stores for J. It. Smith Bro.
We are agents for ready
mixed These are
old reliable.
Cannon Tyson.
No doubt l lie b l solely
n stringency of the
ion law; but the paramount object
of the movement is to raise the Chi-
people to an equal footing with
any other people relation with the
United Slates, and not for securing
the actual advantage of ex-
porting laborers to America. It is
for national right and dignity rather
than for anything else. There are,
however, more points re-
this question that should be
carefully examined; that
the boycott has never been author-
by the government; second, the
boycott never been carried out
with any forcible or violent means.
The government has done nothing
toward promoting the boycott. On
the contrary, the authorities
have tiled hard to advise the mer-
chants their disposition.
But no government in the world,
however absolute it may be, has
power to compel subjects to buy
goods from a country unless
they are willing to do so. No doubt
this disagreeable movement has been
by those who had personally
suffered under the ex-
law, or, rather, under the
regulations of the Chinese
Service Office. But there has
been not the least sign of violence
or force as the boycott has spread
through several It is
purely a voluntary action of
So long as there is no dis-
of peace, con-
a movement by
any civilized country of the world.
It is a commercial design, and not a
warlike scheme. It is an individual
action, and not it national policy.
There is, therefore, no good ground
anon which the recent alarming
news could be supposed to have
been Chinaman
on the Chinese by T. Y
Chang, in the American Monthly
Review of Reviews for April.
to th Farm.
It is often in news-
Lien are adv.-t-
tor positions stores office,
etc , but you rarely ever see
where a young a
ti hi farm.
young man who has no trade
should desert the farm coop
himself up a store or office in
the city we cannot understand,
lull we guess they it is
t M t Oil II
II w- not -i- t.
But a f
Thai at we.
easier life one they can
wear better clothes than could
were they to remain the farm.
Of course this may be true, but in
our mind we a mistake
is being made by the
who leaven the parental root and
goes to toe gay city
Neither Dead Nor Sleeping.
Mr. J F. of
was in to see u-1 ii-- g Flu
-a s he -ml
ere am In- came to
investigate tearing
up his tobacco and quitting
the business. But since reaching
be had found not that
rumor was false, an I he i-
going back home and . his
tobacco bed his .
death of wine-cup
He the
And my boy want down.
Down fr. tin the of manhood
To the depth, of and
II to a
From the of what hare been.
the brand beaut
lie bantered hie
Through of
My weak boy down.
the name old
That mother so often tell.
With accent -f Infinite
the tone, of a funeral bell;
But I newer once, I hear. If,
learn all
he'd be true to hie mother.
thought he'd be himself.
But my all
who ere when
la on every aide
Oh. can thin
Mn bar in pathway b- thrown.
To f-.-n the terrible
he Hi of k
county road
and Bethel a lady's cold
watch, year
Finder will be suitably re-
warded by returning same to
A G. hard,
U. F. D No. , X. C
A, lucky Postmistress.
is Mrs. Alexander, of , who
Dr. New Pills
he the best remedy she ever tried for
keeping the stomach. Liver and Bowell
in perfect order. You'll agree her
if you try these painless purifiers
infuse new life. Guaranteed
woolen druggist, price
If you are troubled with your
eyes or have a difficulty in obtain-
suitable glasses, it matters not
how difficult your case, call on J.
an expert
Ayden, N. C, who ha- live years
experience with some of the most
cases. He never fails to
give patients satisfaction or their
money refunded. Over five hundred
of Pitt Greene and Lenoir
best people to testify to bis honesty
and ability. Give him your eye
work want satisfaction.
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
Human Blood Marks.
A tale of horror was told murks
human blood in home of J .
a well known merchant of
Ky., He years ago i
had severe hemorrhages of the
and was near death when l began
Or, King's New Discovery. It com-
cured me and I have remained
well ever Hemorrhages,
chronic cough., settled colds and
and is the only cure for
J. I. Woolen Druggist. BOO 11.00
Trial bottle free.
Devil'S Island Torture.
is no worse than the terrible case
Piles me years. Then f
was advised to apply
salve, and less than a box permanently
cured me write of
Ky. nil wounds, and Sores
at J. I. Woolen drug-
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Block, East
Ayden, N. C.
ff. R. L.
Greenville, N. G.
A Tobacco Grower's Profit
dependent upon properly
The Women in Country Homes Deserves
a Better Showing.
Women in the do not
home and children
half enough. Nobody lives so
I n and a life the wife
i f farmer. There
ii-e exception, t- he
only prove The
the tale More
wive- My off into the
darkness of insanity than any
other class. This ought not to l
so. It would not l-r-o if a little
light were let into the lives
of these martyrs to house-
holds. The is not that the
labor is so I and haul, it
is the monotony, the
grind and unending care th-st
dethrone the
wreck the e
and women.
A little break now and then
this dreary and desolate monotony
would to the
and lighten the load. An evening
each week spent in the company
of other toilers, and a in
Of experiences would
work In the lives of these
women. We rejoice to heir of the
of hook club, in-
in a community,
or a missionary Society, or a
or. anything the
world that to the
current of a woman's life;
aid shame be t-i man
would say them nay,
at a cold or talk about
neglected children, when his wife
is her task
all too heavy at and
so easily
tobacco. The
be and to
be it
o actual
It one
Ill, f
KALI M SI. N. Y. f
it b.
Trust the preparing of your
medicines to us. Only the
best quality fresh drugs
will be used and the work
will be done by a qualified
The to
us. It will not be too high
that's sure.
Saul's Pharmacy,
At the. of business Jan. 29th, 1906.
All towns have a class of
who never see any but the
dark side of every picture. They
are known us chronic
and well named they are. If
they wore transported u the
world of eternal light they would
And fault with the management
of that realm before they bad
been there twenty-four hours.
Hero they complain of their
neighbors, friend, town, and in
of everything exec
I it. the
Loans Discounts, 17.57
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
Hold Com,
Silver Coin, ;
National Hank notes and
other S. notes 8,717.00
Capital paid in.
Surplus fund
Undivided profits less
I subject to
Total. 01,098.0
thing in fault themselves. Life
i indeed a but
the light occupies more ground
than the shadows, We often
have our sun obscured by Inter-
clouds lie soon bursts
through them and transmits the
shining rays. No one passes
through life in tho constant
gloom of moat of us
number more s of health and
ease than and sickness,
more than while we
I show a disposition to be friend-
y, more success than disappoint-
48,601.01 will us in the prose-
01,751 cut ion of lawful ends.
I, J. H. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bunk, do solemnly
that the above statement is true to the best of my and be-
. J. B. SMITH, Cashier.
and to before J. B. SMITH,
me, this h of 1906. DIXON,
Notary Public
Mr. Austin Clarke bis bride
passed through yesterday
to Mi.
Clarke is clerk of tho court of
Linden ad was married
several days ago to Jessie Lee
of Greenville, N.
Not long now before talk of ear-
j at will begin
L t

Our weekly
Home, of Marshville, recently
cited an observant citizen of that
progressive town as saying
the world is wade bigger when
; men die. At first thought,
it seems a heartless thing say
If not an untruth. Yet the ob-
servant citizen stated a truth
proved it, and there is hard-
too harsh to say of
that of people m be de-
scribes, those who selfishly
stand in the way of improve-
or who lire continually
knocking at step toward
or mi
The gentleman in question
n an BO v
selfish and have so much hog
ion about them much
of at that they
stand the way of progress.
They lots in a
grow i. am i. fuse to
pi i v. . reasonable
pi ice. They buy large farms
and refuse to II unless it is to
s d can use con-
it their own interest. There
re plenty of per pie who would
a fair and take the
1111.1 and c v, it. tin
either refuses u- sell or
places a prohibitive price on it.
hen such r land miser dies it
rally property
t it ii go into th hands
The gentleman has proved his
ca; tor we all know of just such
people. Perhaps though they
serve some purpose
In the world, for all they area
misfit, a break in the chain of
material Charlotte
Miss Carr Draws
Cruel Met Twenty Year's
ii .;
here today after u
h. v inn riled in i
ii rime
the i i f
U hi
M . h
f n t t i e
-I I I
I -T-e
en she
h en t t I
b d i
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Notice to Creditors.
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March . .
Ada r
The skating costume carnival in
night drew good attendance,
for skating and looking on. A
prize of a pair of skates was award-
ed for representation
costume of title of any Bong or
book. All skaters present did
nil enter t lie contest, but
did as
of the author in
. a her dress.
Miss Kiwi Harris,
Leagues Under the
She wore a
letter under which
, being covered
i-i League.
Miss White, Lam;.
die-s covered
i red
of Two
two cities
peacock hers.
Adrian Brown,
Ii bis jacket
i her waist war.
Bryce Brown. He
held one up and said an
George Pilchard, of a
Thousand represented
by the picture -f a house,
ii a hunch candles.
Miss Lillian Carr, Wiggs
Cabbage Quaint
die-s and I apron rilled with
James Brown,
Pictures e real article pinned
Allen Little
they he
aid as he held nut a of
x i
i v
La. Grass.
Tr I tin for
Si th; s pared
to i
i i a award
ti i year
Sp ll l- II
bow to pi mil i
fr r
Di i
you hi . i to
hi ii n free. Write
Ear It.
N lbs mud m ml.
with five hut broke my string and
Us, o
E Whichard,
a suspended from
her neck, name the
Mrs. H. Honker,
h bearing in, no,
a broad the
represented by two
F W Clare, Like
And the wasn't.
Ore white sin e and one black shoe,
other garment equally mismatch
id. hair no Such side and the back
head done up in a different
Style made her very much unlike
anybody or everybody else.
Mi-s May Whitfield,
a pretty
Charles suit
in-de by him-elf all off to
it-present song and he
carried a big stick of candy.
Miss Lillian
die-s in blue with a girdle
picture of a little girl ready to re-
Mi-, n. L. Carr, Mis. Wiley
I Brown and were
I to decide which was the
is and representation
mil award the prize accordingly.
I This wast be
of all and the committee just could
I until nearly time to
home they agreed that the five
hi -t n for the in z .
These Mi. Glare,
ii Nina i
i. Inn i i r and I Hank oil,
mid Mi i i
The in the building got
s were so poor that at
iii-.- f carnival Mr. Pi
that he
in lights and Invite them all
to come out again and have
evening fun without charge.
lO i
I q, , ii. i In j
I g . . H II .
i i i r-ii-i.-
d i i
III in. I In I I
f, i fur iii ii It'll
r win be i
a. O. Co, it. r.
by u r nit who r
to i win eon fur
either of lb
K O.
J, D. COX.
A f. in
will a
an H. o a solicit a
Alice Of v- i-l .
R. H.
T. Big Store
The Millinery Opening.
We will place on sale during the two opening days an immense line of smart, hand made
ready-to-wear Hats. Possibly one of the greatest selections Of Hats ever shown in this city,
APRIL 10th and 11th, 1906.
The Big Store long since established an enviable reputation tor Trimmed and Millinery, con-
showing the latest and newest effects. In Imported Hats, we show the latest ideas, while the de-
signs our own staff of trimmers will equal them in beauty and excellence. Our Chief has
passed even her previous record-breaking achievements. Remember the Opening dates
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10th and 11th, 1906.
are unsurpassed. Come in and take a look, whether you buy or not. its always a pleasure to show goods.
ID J WHICHARD. Editor ind Owner.
and Friday.
Grifton, N. C, April 5th
Wednesday evening at Lang
Hall the of Lodge,
No. gave a very nice shad
which wan highly appreciated
by all present. The managers, C.
J. Tucker, J. C. Griffin and W. J.
Kittrell, knew only too well how
to make the entertainment
in all departments. The table
was up from one end to the
other with good things that are
necessary to tickle the f of
the fastidious epicure. The
Culinary department was complete
in all ii. offices and second to
artists of the
nary art not barred.
There were several visiting
present, Van
man, W. G. Morrow, with the
fruit book and Drummer
who enjoyed
hugely swapping jokes, etc. A
great many friends not Masons
were invited to partake of this
glorious good old Tar Heel
God speed the fraternity
at Grifton. May its shadow never
grow less. Shad are selling today
cents and over.
Proceedings of the Aldermen,
The of aldermen met in
monthly session Friday night, all
the members present.
The several standing committees
had no regular reports to make.
A donation of was made to
the Confederate veterans to aid in
their reunion on May 10th.
The to
be made with water main
as to provide water for use in
Cherry Hill cemetery.
J. Corbett was released from
graded school poll tax.
Bridgett Lit am was refunded
taxes charged against
The chief of fire department was
ordered to the cost and
efficiency of fire alarm systems and
report at next meeting of the
A parcel of land adjoining Cher
Hill cemetery was purchased of
B. G. Flanagan for This
will add enough land for about
twelve lots to the cemetery.
The several officers made their
report for the past month. The
report of the superintendent of the
and light plant showed tour
new light customers and six new
water customers during
Income for the month
dispensary report showed
sales for quarter ending March
to be and the
profits amounted to
The the general
fund drawn nu the treasurer
amounted to 1,007.07.
Over Ten
Secretary O. W. Harvey, of
the Greenville Hoard of
Trade, us the
. of sales of leaf tobacco on
this market.
Sales for the month of March
pounds at an average price
of per
Sales for season, August
to March 31st,
an average price of
Sales for same mouths of
previous season pounds
at an average price of
Farmville, N. C , Apr.
Miss Harper, who had
been substituting in the graded
school here for Miss Ada Tyson,
left for her borne in Dunn today.
Dr. C. A. Whitehead, of
is spending the week in town doing
denial work.
Mrs. H. H. Shaw, who has been
spending sometime with her
Mrs. J. Smith,
returned to her home
L. E. Vick, of Tarboro, came
down and spent Saturday
f with here.
Kev. T. L Baptist
minister for this place, came
Saturday night.
Mrs. D. V. Walton, of
field, spent several days with
Miss Joyner's remain
were laid to in the old Joyner
cemetery on Saturday evening.
She had lived with her niece, Mrs-
in Jones county for several
Mrs, John Smith's large music
class is preparation for
their closing concert on May 11th,
which will be
opera house.
The Ladies Magazine war
charmingly entertained by Miss
Mollie this evening in her
art studio. A most enjoyable pro-
gram was carried out subject for
discussion being the Sister,
and Extracts from
the life of the Cary Sisters, by
Morrill, Phoebe Wit, Mrs.
Smith. Influence of Home,
Mrs. Kate
Mr. Askew. Nearer Hon. e, Mrs.
Home. After the program a de-
salad course was served by
W. C. Askew has been quite
sick for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith spent
Thursday in Greenville.
W. E of Kinston, is
tow n.
Mrs. John L. and Mrs
Williams, of Tarboro,
rived on the new on
E, C. railroad today. They were
the guests Mrs. J. Stanley Smith
while in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lang were
made happy by arrival of their
fourth sou a few days ago, and Mr.
and Mrs. Puryear by arrival of
Miss House is making
for her to be given
April 18th, in Turnage opera
house. Don't miss seeing
beautiful of her talented
young lades, and enjoying the
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Bold have
chased upper Wilson street
will begin the erection of a
residence soon.
Our town gas lights are working
beautifully. During the moon-
light nights now we don't need
A i hand is very much
needed to open up some
before spring give
home of our back lots a good
before its too late. Cleanliness is
to good health and
this we Haven't got at
The fever is striking our
but they haven't taken it on
full yet. The Carolina House
is a line place to enjoy a skate
Mr. Joe Parker, has been
quite ill for the past days, but
am glad to learn that he is better
The Masquerade a
You may call it a skating
but people of Greenville are
certainly getting a vast amount of
pleasure out of rink at the
Brick warehouse. All were
looking forward with much pleas-
to masquerade Friday night
and were not disappointed.
The rink was filled
skaters in all kind- of m-tomes,
seats and lobby
a of spectators. of
the representation were
as good as could be ed
It was r. get a
list of all tin- masquer-
Weather Reports to be Furnished
by Telephone.
General Manager F. C.
man, of the Home Telephone
Telegraph Company, advisee The
Ht Hector that his company has
the Unite States
Bureau of Agriculture to furnish
the weather forecasts each morn
These forecasts are to be
over U
if the e company for the
benefit .-f lie the pub-
lie. Display cards giving this
service will beat all exchanges I nearby building-, it being
Large Plant of R. R. Fleming
C. April
large null plant of Mr. B. E. Flem-
located here, together with
between one and two million feet
of lumber, was burned Sunday eve-
The fire was discovered
about o'clock and in a friends are glad to learn that he is
the entire plant was a
mass of flames.
A i
arrived on ; with buckets
and worked save
Mis. Cheek has been
list the past few days.
Miss Vesta return-
ed last week after several days
visit to relatives Fountain.
H. J. Langston has been
ed to his room for the past few
days with pneumonia. His many
and toll and subscribers
can also get the forecasts by calling
By isolated
districts and rural communities
but as far as lie
. ., get the forecast, and the
ed the characters represented were I
Miss Maud Nixon, of
lo save j the mill.
gin of the tire is unknown. The
Mis. T. R. Allen went to Nor-
folk and returned
Mis- left
to visit relatives i-i
Joe Sydney returned la-t week
mill closed down Friday aid the several visit to
Miss May Whitefield,
Miss Mary Higgs,
Miss Ethel Skinner,
Miss Mary Jaine, Riding
Miss Essie Whichard,
Mies Whitefield,
Miss Nina Harris,
Miss Jamie Bryan,
Miss Margaret Blow,
Miss Lillian Car, Bo
Miss Nina James,
Miss Irma Cobb,
Mrs. H. C. Hooker, Cross
Mies Alice Lang, boy's
Miss Lillian
Miss Allie Estelle Greene,
Mi Mary Smith,
Miss Lucille Cobb.
J. D. Garden,
Will Proctor,
B. L. Tyson,
W. G. Ward,
Will Lipscomb,
C. D.
W. J.
Adrian Brown,
The judges were Messrs. R. L.
Can, P. W. Clare. W. L. Brown,
V. D. L. H. Pender, Mes-
J. L. Little and R. J. Cobb
Mis Sallie Cotton. They
awarded the lady's prize to Miss
Irma Cobb, the gentleman's to B.
L. Tyson, and Io Miss
The managers of the link say
the next big event will be catching
the pig.
Buyers of Easter suits and cos-
will make this a busy week
for the merchants.
Farmers are dust
these tunny and are
beginning to look green. a
Dr. W. II. will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha, Tues-
day April 17th, for one day only.
His practice is limited to Lye, Ear
Nose and Throat, titling
Hi to tanners and truckers
be overestimated. This in
keeping with the progressive spirit
of the telephone company. The
will bk-gin about 16th.
Marriage License
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last
D. L. Driver and Laura
Charlotte Al-
Williams Cilia
J. D. and Mary S. Fore-
Cannon and Brown.
and Lucy
Win. Webb and Sally Aim
fire iii the boiler
The loss is fully with m
Insurance. is not a-
home, having gone to
Work For Your Route.
People living along the
free delivery routes should take
interest having their routes
continued. Just now the govern-
is having a count made of
the pieces of mail handled on each
route with a view of cutting down
or discontinuing routes that fall
below a certain number. The
carriers of the routes are not per-
to solicit business for the
routes, but patrons of -such
routes can do so, and there is no
better way to help than getting
their neighbors to subscribe for
Every subscriber for
Daily Reflector means
pieces of mail a mouth.
Notice to
Sonic of our correspondents when
sending items write both
of the paper. This causes
trouble to the printers we ask
the to write only on
one side of each sheet of paper, be
careful to write all names distinct
leave plenty of space between
terns and always sign your name.
The Raleigh Times says that a re-
port comes from New Item that
of Craven county will bring
suit against of board
of county commissioners for spend
of the peoples money in
trying to annul the lease of the At
and North Carolina Railroad.
suit will be, it is said, against
Mr. C. E. Foy, chairman of the
board, who was behind the Hill suit
and tin- county
to pay three lawyers
each and one out of the county
funds to break up the lease made by
the State The report slates that
suit will brought to have the
county reimbursed the chairman
of I he board for it will be contended
that there was no legal authority for
making the appropriation.
Will Proctor, of Norfolk,
had been visiting relatives
left Sunday morning.
Another large congregation m
the Baptist church
delighted morning with an
excellent by Dr. J. D.
grand old man
preaches the Gospel with
earnestness he Christ's
love with such pathos as causes tis
hearers to listen gladly. He has
promised to visit again
summer ends.
An unsolved mystery surrounds
the death of J. C. which
occurred Sunday night. The
is was It a case suicide
was it That question
may never be solved, but there are
some who will never believe it was
a case of suicide.
The facts as we have them from
the corner and other sources are
that on Sunday evening about
nightfall his mother called
informed him supper was ready,
tie answered from out about the
gate that lie would be in.
He din not come. Next morning
his younger brother started out in
search of him, he met a hoy
him his brother's
were on a fence which was
around a well at a log camp some
distance away in the woods. This
was found to be true. Dr. Joshua
Tayloe, the was sent for.
He went lo the scene, which is in
direction of from here,
and about nine miles. A jury was
summons and body taken from
the well and viewed. The well
was only a hole dug the ground
about eight or ten feet deep and
water two of the top of
the ground; the body was stand-
up with head shoulders
bent forward. head in this
Condition was within a foot of the
surface. Poles had in time been
thrown in the old well and with
small effort be might have rescued
himself, if able to make an
The jury returned a verdict that
lie came to death by causes
known to them.
He was in perfect health, the
best of spirits and nothing unusual
observed about him.
As far as known he had had no
trouble with e. some
time ago he had tumble with sonic
parties under the charge of having
ruined a under promise of
marriage. It is said that on one
occasion some one burned some
stacks of hay d fodder tor him.
Some think there was play
and tint he was unconscious when
put in well as an
evidence that he moved. X i
signs could be d at
or near the well. We are the
opinion that a post ex-
ought lo be held
order to establish the cause of his
death if possible. This would be
best as it would relieve in
case do evidence of foul play could
be as there was none to be
from an external
in Virginia.
J. A. Sunday in
Jessie ha- .- a
position with V-
Mrs. T. R. Alle-i this morn-
to enter the Sanitarium at
son for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs-
gave their daughter, Lame, a
party to celebrate i e seventh
birthday at their
day evening from to lo p. m.
They all played games for awhile
and then they were ushered into
the dinning room where delicious
supper was awaiting . At
each one's plate was placed a little
bouquet. This party was
enjoyed by all, and will long be
remembered by those present.
Miss Allie to be
present at the closing of Reedy
Branch school, by Mies
Delia Smith, and returned Wed-
Quite a number from here at-
tended church at Reedy Branch
Sunday, also many attended
the closing exercises of the school
their Tuesday evening.
school, taught by Miss
May Brooks, closes the 13th of
this mouth. An address will be
delivered by Green-
ville, at a. in., exercises that
evening, beginning at The
public cordially invited.
farmers have been quite
busy since the pretty weather.
Mrs E. D Miss
Allie went to
R. T. Evans, the photographer,
of Greenville, came out
d and made some of the
Got a Strapping.
The introduction to a leather
strap that Sam Slaughter is said to
have received since getting back in
the road gang, will be apt to make
him think twice before he runs
away from Superintendent
Law horn again.
We Suppose we are as much of
a prophet as anybody, so here
I. The Democrats will elect a
large majority of the house of re-
in Congress this fall,
John Sharps Williams
will be speaker The
majority in senate will be
greatly reduced.
2- William J will
nominated and president of
United States in Hearst
cm lie vice it he wants to.
The nominee for
president will In G. Cannon
of Illinois- nominee for vice
president lie anybody who can
to accept the honor.
t. Senator Tillman of South
can have any place ho wants
in Bryan's cabinet and will be the
man in it.
William II now secretary
of war, will become a justice of the
United States supremo court.
Root, now secretary of
state, will become United States sen-
from Now York, succeeding De-
If you wish any further
ask Journal.
Wheat Biscuits, Grape Nut, Force,
Oat Flakes, at S. M.

Eastern reflector, 6 April 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 06, 1906
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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