Eastern reflector, 27 March 1906

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Falkland, K. C March 1906.
Edit, k
A. A. Forbes, county organ
S. inherit
. of Falk-
land y. 17th at p. in.
Alter getting together
he tit- i an address which was
for phoning
the i r-
i U a Every
d. lay
downtrodden by
trusts and or will be
arise d a minimum price
I i Which will you
The i
build the towns sod cities, feeds
a recent issue of the Prince
ton, Ind Tribune we find th
this issue will be found a
rather lengthy article with ref-
to newspapers and
whole truth We dedicate it
especially to some of our citizens
who are always asking us to
somebody or wanting to
know why we don't
person or why we
don't all the about
some particular case in which
. of to feel some person-
We will say
that in the years we have been
engaged in newspaper work we
have yet been asked by any
one to we
could not retail to mind a time in
; the . f would be roaster
where there was an occasion to
and clothes v and
filing in price of hi through the wrong
made r- doing or mi-fortune of himself.
this n. Kit family or friends, a dose of the
same medicine that he asks us
g i some one else We often
wonder how these roasters would
nice left-handed golden rule
applied to themselves, for there
is Family that does at
sometime have some sorrow,
misfortune over which
they may have no control, but
I t . com- join u- the
1-t Be ill A pi ii at . it-,
lei u- ;. it and per if we
ca ,; r. m
Aft T the i pi ; es made A
A, F i ., II. ad
F. rest in was
the ensuing
I J H. Smith,
i P. ; Dupree, secretary which would s them deepest
and , delegates to confer
pain if given to the public in
print, and frequently some very
interesting stories are passed up
for this reason. Do not get the
idea that we shall cease to
but in those matters newspapers
must rely on their own
though we may some-
times or give publicity
unjustly, it is never intentionally
malicious desire to
make trouble or pain for any per-
This is one of the many ills
newspaper is heir to. The
ii an who wants a puff of himself,
some member of his family or a
, friend, the advertiser who wants
Harris, of Ayden. F. . B. T, , , .- . , ,
a free reading notice which calls
spent night ,. , , ,
. for as much space a his ml and
and Sunday Mies ., , , , . ,
. . , , a
May inks spent
Sunday with
with Win. Smith
Executive M
JohnS. and
Smith. F. G.
Sec. Tress.
E is attending
in Greenville eek.
II in Vesta is
away for a visit with her sister in
Hisses .--n Mayo and Lizzie
A Frost and Miss Ina John-
eon. of Ayden, was this
Mini Delia s lent Sunday
with Miss Allie
Van-I and Nora
spin at Lev
I I. Furl went
Bum h
i .;
id. near Farm-
piece of news suppressed all be
same category. We
can never get rid of them. The
important question is how best
to manage them.
We printed recently in The
American Press a paper read be
J fore a press association which
I contained an excellent suggestion
on this point. We don't
the editor's name or where
it was read, but the fact sticks
in our memory. This editor said
when a man comes to his
i lib I i
. .
office and wants
one he says
him to roast
Mi- hands him paper and pencil,
asking him to write and sign
R i bin,
. . what he wants published,
and child, tided ins .
, cures tin- would be roaster, and
at . . . , .
he cannot take offense.
Sin day,
by hi- Ai.
; If- Cheek
relatives near
this i-
Mai -I
pert B
. J in this
i afternoon,
Mr. a rid Mil Fred Beaman, of
spent Saturday and
with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Eli
The editor run down to ton
Wednesday and mat's at
for a news service from that
town. is a good town, sit-
one the best sections of
a i has a of as
fl good bus e in as can be found
i- a part in The
will helpful in betting
forth i i . of i ,
town aid . he out world
know bi i l on there. It
is too In oil a town to keep ii-
I'll m In I n r
. -i. r. r
I. i I r , t lo fix- in
i j ii In Hip
will nil ; i.-1 vii claim
. i ,
for ii I it day
ii will III
r. ,
Ii. U
N. W
i l ii i f U o.
f he is
not willing to resume the
be cannot expect the
tor, who has no interest in the
matter, to do BO.
Of course there are affairs of
public interest which require
fer M n but, as The
Tribune says, in such matters
newspapers must rely on their
own American Press.
And now tin-re's mi
else new. They are n to
abolish the old house,
Where We to hang
meat, a i re smothered with
Corn Cobs and hickory chips,
close the door, and leave the
good country i an I
shoulders to in whole.
some -i. A
of the Progressive r wrote
p ho
could sf for
meat that it will not have to
be bung up to smoke the old
way And our contemporary
was progressive i i to tell
the correspondent where he
could get the
What in the world is lie extract
of smoke, how is it used, and
what are we coming to anyway.
most serious objection to an
old maid's past is I here is gen-
too much of it.
Greenville, North
W. E. of
was to town today.
Davis ft moved
their stock of general
in store next door the
steeple to
is about
to appearance of
building. .,,
Miss Wat-on, the popular
J. F. Joyner, MS re-
from the northern markets
with latest styles.
popular merchant tailor of
was taking orders for
suits Tuesday and
Perkins at home
Mrs. J. Stanley Smith, on ed-
a most delightful program
very cute
a contest was then
given to each, with a little story n
Lie of the most popular books
these wore an-
of each book.
Mis, winning or getting
greatest number, a dainty fan
awarded her by the president.
Mrs. Sm.-b, cute little speech-
Dainty refreshments were served
by Miss Perkins and Mrs.
Harper and Moore were
invited guests.
On Wednesday at eight
o'clock, at hi late borne two mil
P-ace, Mr. Be. Tyson's
deputed this life, Wm
at three
friend and
of the family met in large number
to pay re-p-t to one
. has lived age-land
and we believe is
of eternal life for He had
been in health -h. last few
was don. by the doctors and h
dear ones could be done, bu
best saw
, take him borne. He leaves a
wife and mourn
their with a host of friends.
by Log Train.
March 23.-While
hands were loading a log train
Dear late this
man named Belly Howell at
tempted to jump on one of the cars
as train was shifting.
missed bis bold and Ml under the
ear the wheels running over bin.
and killing him instantly. An ex-
showed that neck
was broken. body of
was brought to Bethel turned
to his people.
Will Close May 24-25.
The third session of the Green-
Graded school will close
the evenings of the
sud twenty fifth of May. The
on he first evening
will be given by the primary
and will consist of drills,
marches, recitations, songs, Ac.
The on the second even-
will include the
senior theses the rs of
the graduating class. He
Happenings of Interest in North
A Town in its Presses-
N. Mae.
A Men was
at Snow Hill this week.
Salisbury, V. March S
Enough Shares Taken to Assure
i. ,
We are now in the of a a young man,
dying March, and it is very sad I g at a railroad
indeed we cannot well
of visit to us. But hat
gad t. u in the dying freeze of old
March, we will look for more
pleasant memories in May.
say that a windy March makes a
. a instantly at a railroad
crossing about two miles west of,
Salisbury this His
was also was drag-
rd h
. in ire
the graduating class. most as
and the aH ye editor's it tons lat week
the diplomas. It is not MM , j honored with
. 1.1. . t
makes a
I, is worthy to note that all the
educational in the State are
noW working
and country schools, the
male colleges and the State schools
accord working there
i. plenty for all to
our Our
awakened have recognized
opportunity and the leaders.,
education. thought and action will
be here at the State Assembly
and summer school to confer, to
plan, and to act.
Let all rejoice at the era of good
feeling, of bright hopes and of the
vigorous determination to
the greatest good
Id. of
News Observer.
I Ml with
visit from my latch string
bangs on the outside for
him whoever he visits our town.
to give Ml coin
bill shall
try to have two
some real merit, .
keeping with the standard of the
graduating numbers
three, as Ames Brown,
Lee Brown and Nellie
These people will be the
first graduates the has had.
well prepared, and on
the merits of the first
diplomas f school will rest in
Neck on the and
enter any college or
Carolina next fall.
Winston K.
Mr. C.
i today a pub-
ill several papers
that be would likely enter th-
he visit- town. .
Our is very i , ,,, N IV., U. sue
very of the com- j W. W. KM
pa, W politically . .
and , would he be
extends within two
Pitt and
divided by the placid waters of Wilmington. H.
known U
creek, which is spanned
county s bridge, at which
With the break-neck speed m
business arid the
for money today, people do not
take time to hold converse With
their friends in epistolary
Even the
letters are often written .
a hurry and nothing is consider-
ed them but the financial
of the proposition they
contain or the answers they con-
How much better it would
be people, would take . hour
or two now and then and
friendly letters to each
other, like our fore parent.
a century ago Life of the pres-
day is literally robbed of
much of its sweetness joy
in the mad rush for pleasure or
the -yea, almost
greed for money. Some
the most charming books that
one can real books which con-
much be-
tween friends or relatives in the
long ago. Stop, you
business man. and think up soot
good and Intimate friend
boy write him the
beat letter can. and see how
you will enjoy the
land Commonwealth.
Whereas it bath pleased Al-
God. in
to visit our beloved
member. MM P-or. with
bereavement in the death of her
Be it
That St. Paul's Junior
in meeting assembled, express its
de-p tor the bereaved
That we regret her
removal from Greenville for m
her departure we lose a faithful
friend and member of this Guild.
That a copy of these
be sent to Ellen, a copy be
spread upon of this
Guild, and a copy published in
Neck on the and
, Swift Creek and No.
Carolina next fall. L Pitt county o t o
address this year will be first and
delivered N. M. Watson. judicial districts,
of the churches in
Wilmington. Kev. Watson seems
to very in the
people of Greenville,
and I am sure those who
me to invite did not make a
The session is now
Us close has Wen satisfactory and
encouraging to the management of
the school. More than three-
fourths of the children of
in the town are in the graded
Out an enrollment of
hundred and an aver
Be of between
ninety-five n-
made the year.
the past three weeks we
been seriously
Mi. Horace M. Emerson, general
traffic manager of Atlantic
Coast Line Railroad Company,
died tonight at at hi.
home in this city of heart
trouble Mr. Emerson was born
in Ohio, was
the year of his age. He
. had been in the
In f-. vice of Atlantic Coast for
all sorts of a the thirty yaw.
town for the size of the,
place you ever saw
Saturday was a
day with very
but some mote names
added to the of shares in
The list ha grown some more to-
day, the e Mowing BOO
shares As yet
there been no the
voluntarily from
he snides day to
day The or. T is shows
I the Interest i in the move-
may he done if enough
name do an
ti hare- want-
th The sooner
i- the a
called f i r
the is
with the
of share already taken
would not s -c inning. Yet
are wanted.
We have two steam mill plants
In operation, one manufacturing
plant making buggies, carts and
repair worK of all thirteen
stores. t milliner's, pool
room, skating and a
All our
men era genteel gentlemen,
will treat all their customers
B . c ever manner. We have a
hotel operated by our big he,.,
landlord, and Ms
m Error.
was In error Bat
In saying the jury in the
in the suit of R M. White-
against the Atlantic Coast
Line had returned a verdict award-
tug the plaintiff
made through
this confused with another,
the juries on hath being out at the
a time. It was the jury In the
other oms th returned the
for and the Inform., o
W. q w the
very amiable daughters, he
Florence, and a had not
with by measles. Over half hone after shaking
hands with old friend Blount. Ami
then again we have several board
houses and a dispensary, too.
S. Carr,
Lee Brown, J torn.
Her A Gold Watch,
C, March 22-
A special from
This afternoon at o'clock the
young me,, of the city
to the home of Miss Mae Peeler i
presented her with a gold
as a token of their
of her attention to
Sheridan and Bishop just alter the
of Messrs. Davids.
Bennett by George Hasty, and
during the trial Hasty, when
the two young ladies were stops
ping as witnesses.
Judgment Against
children in lower grades,
together with several in the upper
grades, have been out on
of the disease.
In an addition to the measles
epidemic, the skating rink has
contributed a liberal share of dis-
many of children
so much that they feel dull
stupid in the school
school poorly prepared for the
day's work and hence accomplish
little. fear that
many of these can not promoted-
and will another
year in this year's grade. t I
purpose to grade the school
car.-fully and do thorough,
work. It would be
fill up next year's grade-
prepared .
; want their children to do Mel
m the Whitehurst case had not
reached a verdict and was still out.
We did not learn of the error
the was out and attention
called It. We the
of cases and error occurred.
The jury on the case
was out until this morning when
being unable to agree,
was made.
It is a com moil thing to hear
people in almost any town or
community say that things are
dull are hard. And
some people seem to take de-
light in telling others, that they
think their town is dull and
But talk and such fooling
will never improve conditions.
The way to improve dull
is to stir up something now
and bring something to pass.
What would you think of a
man who should take it upon
himself to go to every cemetery
lie could find and place a eon-
notice on every tomb
stone saying, corpse was bu-
There would just as much
sense in it as there is for a man
to stop every one ho on the
streets and say, town is
If tho town is dull everybody
who ought to know it will find it
out in time. Neck
the ball I here
this season are line.
of about
cut the that into
the college spring
Among number are several
well known in local
Turner brothers who at
and box here last sum-
mer who played c.-n-
and John Ivey Smith
local third The
A Babe Born In With Four Teeth
When a thing happens in
ham, even to the there
are many people who will say.
told yon or they
it But a event gets awe
with them, and it puts Durham
ahead of the procession in the In-
We are reliably informed that .
baby was in ham,
ten days or two week- ago
Advertising Among
A duck, who had
stuck to bind, during
mer laid several t
she was not
that old Inn
eggs a- I b
has h
Slight Wu Too Much.
old What
made him
He took it to because
they did not deem it necessary to
The that was longest before
the court this week was the suit
M- against
Cats. Line. The sun
was because of damage about a
sear ego when sparks from the
engine freight train
Brownie destroyed some build
farm. The
jury awarded
H A J. A.
both of Whom were in
here, have their .
under the name
Kicks- The
has been moved to the Kick.
store, will occupy the
lessons .
otherwise we are
seriously handicapped.
H. K.
Marriage License
Deeds B.
issued license
couples since last
Burton Joyner and
May and Myrtle
and Henrietta
Harris and Laura
Simon and
Daniel. Jr. and Maggie
about men played.
The P
W. catch
Turner, i-1
2nd b.
Benton, I
Smith, baud captain.
o f.
Holding, r f.
Turner, B. P-
White, K. p.
Couch. p.
seine r
A person
for staying in doors .

U- Li
We and guarantee FAY STOCKINGS
per pair. We are not agents, but are
Sole Agents and therefore
We were the first to ever have t FAY STOCKINGS
shipped to Greenville.
Come In and examine my
Yours to serve,
The Hardware Man.
i in st
in i y
S. ii
w ,
an I
sail Hulls, in car lots m
. i .-, Co ii or exchange for Sen
I I--1 on hand.
; and Feed Oats to arrive, also White
R RuM Proof
IV- u i
to a of nice Groceries
cum i Bros.,
to the stomach. Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous
Stomach and catarrh of tho stomach. A guaranteed cure.
Mates Beat
Ate a
Sold by L. Wooten.
Dollar Is holds
times as u the
ire hereby forbid
of t law to
give employ
f , mi s. tie,
baton the Sh-
county as
f Mrs. M. i
r. i- hereby
given to the
make V i payment ti
What Is known as the
occasioned by actual exist-
external conditions, but in the
majority of by a C.
ordered LIVER,
which may be
by trying a course of
. mail
W-J on or
. i.
Av I.
v ,. .
i. a
M K. pea
to the body.
An Old Time Who
too Sharp for a Newspaper
There is no comparison be-
tween an old time and the
of the present day; the
new man is not in it; tho old
lows lived tight next to the
white mail and imbibed a
deal of was either good
bad. most of which he has never
forgotten, though only a very
few of these old fellows are
There is one, however, at
Jackson Springs, where Press
Correspondent Joyner a
week recently. Now Mr. Joy-
has traveled; his
been wide and he has no doubt
felt that the man who could
work a game on him did
not live. the sharpest get
caught when least expecting it.
It was so with Mr.
Quite a bevy of ladies were there,
among them Mrs. Ransom, wife
of the late Senator and
several other ladies from the
eastern part of the State, from
which section Mr. Joyner comes;
lie prides himself on being a
down caster; he talks like one.
One pretty day some of the
who were posted, told
Mr. Joyner that an old
by name, who was
to be seen around tho place eve-
day, was from down east and
could yet give the so
common among the of
that section in the days before
the war. A man who has ever
heard this will never
forget it; it is only novel, but
has music in it and to hear a
coming home from
the at eventide giving it
in unison raises a man's hair on
end. And so it was that Mr.
Joyner was soiled with a moving
desire to hear it once more. He
was told that did
not like to give it and would have
in be but Mr. Joy-
said he was equal to the task
and inviting Mrs. and
the other ladies to remain at the
spring, be tackled the old fellow;
he told him where ho came from,
how he loved to hear the old
sound and so on and so on.
was modest and
did not want to then
the newspaper man gave him a
quarter and the old
lowed up a little, but still he
would not seeing be
was not exactly in the notion,
Mr. Joyner gave him another
quarter, making DO cents in all.
Then scratched
his bead and to his
friends that tho tangled
at the Springs did not
relish the sound and had a habit
of making fun of him, so ho
would just down do road
a and when out of sight,
would let her go. lie
off and Mr. Joyner hastened to
the ladles and told them to just
wait for tho music which was
coming. The went
on and on, but no ever
came back, nor did
The truth finally dawned on
the wide man that he
had been The old
was a Moore county
and hearing Mr. Joyner's
appeal, saw a chance to make i
few cents and he did.
never heard the down
easier in his life, but
he made a down caster holler.
Mr. Joyner declares he is go-
to Springs and
kill that, old if he lives
Keep up your links g
Remember the one who in
the in name- by April will
lie yen choice of a
i pen or year's to
magazine club.
jealousy is a bad thing
and at lime prosperity.
I one loves mi III
I I he lie i HUH
one who In
have been i
good Tills some
time vet into o
the , in in in.
hen it In
we one ever mindful ill
hut Den iv of the
good name, social Standing and
me In- v.
so long as concern mine one
who stands in the way or hold
desired to lie
I-a field of n.
nil, only I he slothful do mil
yourself up the
individuality and merit you stamp
upon your work o-
own yourself sphere
assigned to or
relations all,
should be as be-
tween men and Women who live in
open have limiting to
e and good will His
to shoulder, all working, e .
in bu led
us i Heel
Help any
lie I- who well d ml
lo and la
seek to by
ruin he would upon
Call in or drop us a line.
tine and forty millions is
B large amount of mousy, and yet
at sum voled by the Senate in
less than twenty minutes Tuesday.
I was no way of getting
it and it just well that it be
quickly disposed of. The pension
bill is one of the greatest burdens
government has to hear, and
there is no relief in
In Hands of Receiver.
was to the
on i n t ii- let in . receiver
L. L.
a- such receiver to cos
up the business of the company
He advertises the entire plant for
and it offers a
in the manufacturing business.
The recovery of Kenneth
jet of Interest lo the
II f
of his tn severe
lion tin Lungs, the. e
to die, us resort, I
loin lie. New
I inn happy to say,
n tn the
and Colds, Bronchitis,
-tore. and 11.00. Trial
A Trite Saying.
It I trite that no man Ii
than his stomach.
pan, rich the liver am
Kidney to tho from
and thus liver kid-
It take ibis natural
blond tonic you will
your system in manufacturing
a rich, is
to the and nerves. Tho
rendition which many
from, i- the n.-ct in
tile it is often
no tho skin, the
Dr. all
humors a- will as la-inK a tonic
Ii In only medicine up
for like purposes
neither alcohol nor harmful
habit-forming drugs, the only one,
every which hit the
the leading medical
writers country. Home of these
endorsements are In a little
from standard medical
works ill to any
free, mi receipt of therefor
letter or postal tn U.
V. N. V. It tells
what medicines sis made if.
The of r, r the several
which Hr.
are by In all Ins
several of practice,
them for the
for which lie- Medical
i should have fur
more with the afflicted
than any amount of the so-called
so before
tile by those Who are afraid t. let
the of which their medicines
Is. mind
that the Medical Discovery has
m a full list of Its
Dr, son con-
the liver and
late and
Pierre's great Illus-
will suit paper-hound, for on
sumps, or for
Dr. above.
the bank of n. c.
at the close of business, 29th,
Loans Discounts 199.616
Due from Banks 15,478.17
Cash Items 80.00
Gold coin 608.60
Silver coin
Nat. notes 9,068.00
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 007.04
Depot, sub to
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named do solemn-
swear that the above statement is true to best of my
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS.
Subscribed sworn to be-
fore me, this Sill day of Feb.
Notary Public.
W. M. LA NO,
resources we offer, for of
our customers and the encouragement of every
mate enterprise.
WALTER G. WARD, Cashier.
At tho close of business 29th, 1900,
Duo from Banks
Hold nod silver
National bank
other U. s.
Capital stock
Undivided profits
deposit 15.00
Deposits sub, to check
checks out-
Certified 600.00
StatS of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. II. H. Taylor, Cashier of tho above hunk, do solemnly
wear that statement is true to the best of my
belief. H. H. Taylor, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
ons me, this day of
Notary Public
J. It.
M. O.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
-.-. . C. j
and we take
treat pleasure receiving
writing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who their mail at
tale We also take orders
for job printing.
Our art squares are
finer than the finest,
J. J. Edwards a Son have just
received mother oar load of BU
wood wire
Mr. of Fremont, has
been a of W. E. Hooks this
your buildings by
them with
To., sad County lead
lull line colors, kept at J.
K. Smith A
Buy your Mattress at Can-
A they have the best.
is here on business.
V. and paper roofing,
with or short joints
pipe at J. K. Smith Bro.
Dress Broad cloth,
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
lining and white
goods at J B it Bro
J. J. Edwards is
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
and double, rockers, dining
and split-bottom wash stands
dressers tables at J K Smith
Calico cents
per ard, great in white
Slippers and summer goods, at J.
K. Smith Bro.
J. H. Smith have
received a ear load of ground alum
Also a car load Lee's
cultural lime for peanut., etc.,
J. A. and Constable
W. J- Hem by are perambulating
and around Farmville
E. E. Co. do all they
possible can I please you with
their new of heavy fancy
load for by Can
and Tyson.
F. T. of Willow Green,
spent the day yesterday.
P. B. tho
I can now be found on east side
of railroad between office of Dr
Dixon and Tripp Bro shops.
I have a full supply of general
and fancy groceries, confection-
and tobacco. Fresh
Oysters and fish every night on
arrival of train, call and I will
you fair. P. S Cannon.
spent a short
here put week on his
. way to ton.
Hay corn, meal, hull-, lime
windows nails Cross
saws and mechanic tools at J
Hi i
Fr ma apples, com
M to E. E
day tins week there were
of same
coin, town.
We have the grocery
A lull supply of Trunks,
Suit Cases, at J. U. Smith A Bro.
Marshal Tripp been to Ken
Barnwell on
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw.
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. It.
is here on a visit to her sister,
Mrs. H. C.
Cannon and Tyson invites your
at lent ion to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
We call your attention to out
line harness,
and Tyson.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
Tyson, they have the best
Latest styles in wrap
pelt for Mises and Ladies
a nice line of Zephyr
ton at J. H. Smith Bro.
Cannon and Tyson have the
strongest line of dress goods and
shoes lo town.
For a nice present buy a novel-
clock W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
W M. Edwards and family have
been visiting in
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J R Smith Bro
Get the Cox cotton planter the
beat on the market at J. R. Smith
V. Crimped in
I t
eh i an , bare
in in-h eh m per I
very l. at
K. Bro.
Mb Ida
mil-, returned In
v mi.
When y . iv
J. W,
, N C the
ll you lo In
Ann Coward is
It is sometimes considered
good taste to get too unless
it is spooning over that delicious hot
Chocolate at P. O. Co's
V. Col is in upon
in K in-ton.
Only a few weeks before
bow about letting make
sprint suit while you can secure
your choice of
ft Brown, per F Q, A Co.
here to be k now h
The firm i-
of D. S. W, J
Thigpen and W. J. all
Hell known men of good
business They will
handle at wholesale and
will occupy In the White
Yew Eye.
hI four
e. line-, i
I t- mil m inn
II your i-ill
. N. t , n. lire y.
.-. never t.
-I. five Inn .
Pill tin .
lies In In his .
. your eye
My sin William Jenkins, col,
left and
without and said
William Col., a
this la to warn any and
she food or em-
In him and doing
mi will p on. according lo
law. This J mil 19th
William Sr., col.
It Keeps Growing.
Ti e hi shares in the building
loan did
I i-l but it went
over fit Then
in. who
hey want and there la no
in n few days more the
i I Those wanting
hi mes not it they
wish to lie In the first series.
Pure Plymouth Rock Chicken
for sale at per setting of
Apply to Mrs. W. J. Mum-
ford, Ayden, N. C
We have moved in the brick
store of J. H. Bynum on West
Railroad street just of the
Carolina Our goods are
all as our entire old stock was
burned in the recent fire. We will
be pleased to have our friends as
well the general call and
see us. We know we can please
yon as to price and quality.
W. C. Jackson Co
Mrs. Wooten and Mrs.
came upon the train Kinston
yesterday to visit Mrs. F. T. Carr,
at Willow Green.
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, hand
and suits cases at J R Smith Bro
I always keep on hand H
feed at lowest cash
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and hulls, brand
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly Co.
Monday morning there came to
my house bay mules and
one black mule, three of them
horse mules and mare mule.
The owner can have same by com-
forward and proving properly
and This
J. M. Harris.
Rev S. B. Stephens and family
left here Wednesday for Columbia.
, where they will make their
a lull line of meat, lard OS
The fact that the people in
purls of the State continue to
invite Governor Glenn to deliver
speeches shows that they do not
want him to slay on the Raleigh base
all the Star.
Beginning with Monday, January
lot Ii, we will conduct a special sale
on all drew dry goods cloth-
and bats. These prices
will prevail till 1st. This is
the month you should buy. It is
the month we should sell. All
our elate will be reduced
from ten In twenty to per
Our spring and summer goods
will soon arrive and In order to
make room our stock, we have
decided to conduct this sale.
opportunity is a mutual one,
we trust you will take advantage
of the many bargains we will offer.
Come to see be convinced
for yourself.
J. R. Turnage Co.
Anniversary Service.
I'll. Mi mortal church
will hold it- anniversary service
on Sunday In April
ii program for
by the choir o. music
f r that lb s
will lie excellent. The
be made In have every of
the church who can ml present
that day, giving the service the
n -it a
Happenings o Interest in North
C ml ma.
ex c died Wed ill-a-
. T. Morels, a prominent mer-
Bab-tub, h been
. h cir. of et I
belonging to his wife ii
. lip
; Glenn has
to the war department, at Wish
, for a of
not than a
assist in the great celebration which
will he held in Charlotte for the
observance of the twentieth
Mount Olive, N , March
A movement is under way
The i
the In i -ii .
of In
a mill with an in
and one
X. C -ll
is believed that sharp
f. iv
I.-1 the crop H
and dam,
the small fruits and Tb-
mil I far
Peach tree were in
In many sections of tie
Ready For Delivery.
Court D. C.
the Orel of
the of of
the can git a copy by call-
at his office signing
for Maine.
en be spring
is good lime to leave home.
J. I
A Scientific Wonder
to its credit
Salve a
E. f. Mulford,
it tor the Husbandry,
Pa., of a distressing
heals the worst Hums,
. Wounds,
Salt Only
drag store.
business of and Don't buy before giving
horn and Will conduct the same
the store.
We public to call and
leans, We ill sell as cheap as
be en d always the best.
Give us a B. Williams.
H. J. and wife spent
one day shopping
this week-
Go to ft. B. Co's new
market lot b.-el, fresh meats,
sage, fresh
B. V. Manning h ft here
day for Fort to see
family who arc thereon a visit,
but when he arrived at to
take the boat the captain in a very
unceremonious him.
was a shame.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Brick Block, M.
Ayden, N. C.
Torture By Savage.
of the torture to which ,
some of the savage tribes in the
pines subject their captives, reminds j
me of tho intense I endured ,
for three months from in c f
the says W. M Sherman, of;
me until;
I tried Electric Bitter. bottles Of j
which completely timed
Liver Dyspepsia,
and Malaria the
weak and nervous to robust health.
Guaranteed by J. L Wooten druggist.
Price Mo.
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co
For carpenters grind stun s
i hemp pulleys, at J. It.
A Bro.
Why exhaust your patience with
that kicking cow when can buy
fresh Cream and
denied Milk St
Hew Livery, Feed and
N. well cared for.
carried to any and all
available points. The best and
most comfortable conveyances.
Prices reasonable. At service
the public at nil times and bouts.
Try Moore and Jones, lively,
feed and exchange Ayden,
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
HORTON Greenville, N. G.
tin will,
v Jr
p. R. L. C.
N. J.
At the of business Jan. 29th, 1906.
Col., An
norm u snow down
at i-v, i i Wind Id and
Creek milling VIII-
Ht lea-t a dozen
dent d n
House a
passed by for the
of a new division of th
judicial ct of Texas.
Cincinnati, -The
of Y.
-lone, who died la-t was
here yesterday. The
of estate at
In all was
. in-
i. L- .
I,. .- H fr in
Hip cold
plane lee was
of an i cot
and jut planted have
killed. peach
l t. .
W. Va. Match
An the mine of
ho st
miles south -f here on
and the
Baltimore and Ohio,
afternoon at least
miners many or whom
believed to dead.
a. Mu-ch
Henry H Thomas, former
railroad r, m found
dead in a field on his firm neat
field evening,
had b absent from the house
since morning and a searching
party found his had
been dead several hours. The
cause of his death heart dis-
ease from he, suffered for
some time. No inquest was held.
Knoxville, Match
J. R United
States district attorney today re-
an in
which was severely
for he the
lynching Johnson st
Chattanooga was n. t and
that the sheriff if Hamilton county
had been negligent. The letter
was mailed in city, and is
well written. The district
is warned proceeding
in the the government.
Miss., March
A a shoe st re here
was this morning about to pitch
the sweepings of the store be
tear alley Nor-
wood reached down Into the pile of
and picked out an
ope which he
sail other lie-
. ate s I. of
it Dr. J a. B.
i t ii j, v.
lie n y week here
and M I i X.
he that
an envelope,
The Only Requisite for
A Perfect
arc your and n jar
.- i m i- n
kin the nap. Ii
Hut i lot Hi ii a
ii II
Pita SO
For Sale at
Loans and Discounts.
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Loans
Due from Banks,
Cold Coin,
Silver Coin.
Hank notes and
other notes
Capital stock paid in,
Sui plus fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits leas
expenses, 1,881
Dividends unpaid . Oil
Deposits subject lo check. 48,601.01
Would Travel.
l-i t . . I i O
; on la
Atlantic ti the
connection with th
from n Rob
good, thereby jiving gets an
,, Norfolk
y, having seven
i o i in part we
e mi. Line has
not done it it would ctr-
promote travel be u
great to the public.
Kin-Ion Free Press.
I J R Cashier of the bank, do solemnly
the above is true to the best of my and be-
f J. K.
and before
me, this 5th of V
A Lb Tussle
with that of the race, Con-
often ends in
To avoid trouble
Liver Dr.
New Life Pills. perfectly regulate
these organs, without pain
ion. J. L. druggist.

O. J.
N . as second class mailer,
in to
A V not long since made
hie home, says be finds
t anything elM but. a dead town
an., sees a great future for it. And
he right. Greenville is making
great and will yet show
developments to make you look
almost with
-a- a n
Col. Ground Hog II
That Moscow bank robbery reads
like a big fake.
they will say next is
the matter with Rockefeller.
The Raleigh Sews and Observer
i. not all talk. There is some
Not, the grave end. the gov-
pen-on lit.
larger all the time.
think his
is worth advertising what can
he expect public to think of U
If an advertisement, accomplished
nothing else tor him, it would make
people he was doing some
Somebody wants to know
The Reflector will be working for
next when the building and loan
association gets
mind about that now. Lets get the
building and loan association on
and we will not be long
something else the ton needs,
and all other plays rep
the whit and black races
in conflict are hereafter barred by
law in Kentucky. Governor
has signed the bill making it
unlawful to present anywhere in the
State plays calculated to inspire race
When they have a tight in the
Durban, rink the contest-
ants use skates for weapons.
The action of cotton since the gin-
The building and loan association
is coming, and those who
plate building had as well be look-
after the purchase of a lot.
The action of cotton sine- . mg alter we
. report came out gives further can be bought cheaper now than a
it , no
The fight is moving to
Durham. Strange that so many
folks v. ant to get on a government
II any man tow. hi. vote through
can not
My did not have
The majority rule,. If mean
things remain in a town it is be-
cause a majority of the people
them to stay-
i. the fruits
of lawlessness- Having pulled off a
other things might be ex-
to follow.
The fruit crop t. have only
cut reaches oil hall as a result of
recent cold spell. But we may
eat as a.
,. Wage earner will find
building and loan association
bank in which he can
afford to lay each week apart
of his salary.
Every young man who can spare
something Of hi. each
week can find no better to in-
vest it f,,., in a building and loan
year hence There is no
that property in Greenville will
ever be any cheaper than at present.
We wish to announce the arrival of our New
Come to See ,
Buy at Your Convenience. f
We ere, certainly, showing the choicest
t. There's a world of Shoe here.
Carolina bonds to that State on con
that Michigan would let its
be used in bringing suit
against North Caroline to recover
the bonds The governor of
refused to let his State be
party to such
U Washington doe. not want the
Pamlico Sound railroad,
look, like the road might do as well
to go somewhere else for its deep
water terminal.
K Judge Parker had named the
man there would not be so mud.
puling as what Southerner
should lead the next Democratic
National ticket.
You pay rent month after month
and are no better off at the end of
years. In the same time you
can pay for the house in a building
and loan
willing Put
price, therefore no kick should he
coming from other towns because
she secured and has made
an engagement with
The Washington offers a
that a permanent exposition
be established in that city, all
States and territories to have
buildings in which to exhibit
This suggestion may be all right
but it the idea in establish-
this great central exposition is
to eliminate those held from time to
time in other cities throughout the
country, then we do not agree with
it. While the benefit arising from
these expositions is in a sense gen-
of course the greatest benefit
goes to the city holding it, and one
city is no entitled to have all
this benefit than another. Wash-
is already getting its bare
of maintenance at the expense of the
entire country without giving it a
monopoly of expositions.
Because Washington is visited by
practically everybody in the country
L no reason that city should be the
place in which people can go to
attend an exposition. Such a
I would become monotonous.
The people know something
about other cities and their
and in no other way can they
get this knowledge so well as by a
to these cities. How many
people went to Philadelphia,
Chicago, Atlanta, Charleston, St
Louie, Portland, and other cities
who would never have gone there
but for the expositions held in them
And there will he thousands to at-
tend the Jamestown exposition next
seat who would never see Norfolk
but for this attraction. all
should Know more of our vast
try and we learn more by traveling
through all part, of it.
Every city and every State con-
tributes its share to support of
the government; and it is the duty
of the government to help out every
section whose people have the enter-
prise to inaugurate and hold an ex
position. All should have a square
deal in this particular.
Wonder how it makes the
dent feel to know that the country
is cognizant of the fact that his
election was bought with the big
campaign contributions pumped out
of insurance companies and corpora
And to think that when
Judge Parker made this charge just
before the last election, the
dent himself came out in a signed
card of denial. Truth will come to
the surface when the spirit of
form take hold of the people.
A. building and loan association
will create a desire for house own
by giving the opportunity to
cure a home on easy weekly pay-
This will make bus-
for the man who has lots to
sell, business for the man who sells
building material, business for the
man who sells house furnishings,
business for the man who sells food
and slothing for the family, in fact
business for everybody who is in
business. Hence everybody should
be interested in the building and
loan association that Greenville will
soon organize. Come to The Re-
office and enroll your name
for some shares.
The King Clothier.
B. Duke admits that he is worth
Well that is enough
to keep him out of the poor house
without hi. to bleed the to-
tanner, to death to add a few
ore millions to his pile.
Blackburn has been deposed as
dispenser of a part of the govern-
pie, and will have to content
himself with sitting in the corner
and nibbling his own little piece
He will lose even that when the next
election comes.
A good deal has recently been
said of the insufficiency of tin-
President's salary of
There are many who believe
he should have at least twice as
much, in view of the demands
made upon him financially. This
idea is by the state-
inert that is any
American citizen has a license to
spend even in the White
and in the course of the
debate investigator has en-
tho world on all forms
of appropriations
devoted to the Executive Man-
The President is paid
a year into his private purse,
and the following, who may be
classed as the clerical force em-
ployed in executive work, are
paid by the
secretary, assistant
private secretary,
1,800; live
each, four other
clerks at salaries ranging from
to telegraph
two ushers, each,
night usher,
a WOO. These em-
perform government
ties, in addition to the
for this purpose, the
government furnishes a man to
lake care of the tires at a
year; a Stewart at and
lows two special funds of
and a year. Of tho
largest sums, is for re-
pairs and for re-furnishing the
White House; is for fuel;
for the greenhouse;
for gas, matches, th
of the stable and various
matters. The is
for stationery, carpets, the care
of the stable as distinguished
from expenditures for feed
equipage and the like. Alto-
therefore, it is figured
that the President gets about
a year. The President
of the French Republic receives
a salary of probably
the smallest paid highest
in any European country,
for expenses, and be-
sides he is furnished a palace or
two. The President of the
States has many expenses
be must entertain a great deal
merely as President, and the
present salary of not
enough-he should get all cast
twice as
You save when you buy the best goods, you lose b any
kind. poor policy to buy any but especially when It comes to
Don't put just anything on four table and think it on
at my store will get the be had. I have put in
On.; must conic down with the
coin in order to pay up.
Canned Goods, Package Goods,
Butter, Cheese, Coffee, Sweet and Sour Pickles and other
Fruits and Confection. And I keep the best la Clears an I
Just try me for the best in the Grocer s line.
Next door to T.
No man accomplishes much who
is with the hungry habit.
The trees were covered with a
coating of ice Sunday morning.
If Andy Hamilton will only tell
all he knows about it.
Pulley Bow
. N. u
Tile Setter.
Plans submitted and estimate.
furnished on application. All
work guaranteed Turn key job
nu when desired.
Staple and Fancy
Cigars, Tobaccos
Ml Goods purchased hers are
Pure and Fresh
Greenville, N. C.
I We will inaugurate Our Spring Season
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stun but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets J
x and we cordially J. . ,
t desirous seeing the NEWER
X to call at our establishment and feast their
Very truly yours, J
Pulley Bowen.
department is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
I resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
line of fresh groceries
ways on hand Barber
Any one in need of a good cart
that will last and render good
Try a bottle of Kid- Wood grade seed
a W for all Kid-1 have fair most
troubles at Barber true--.-
Carolina. You
. the
If yon nave cotton seed to sell or
exchange or Co.
nu their are the
A. G. Cox Co.
Miss Nannie who is
student of
House Friday to spend
Saturday and
parents, who live near there. She
also b
to exchange your
for meal you can same time
seed u. j when
by meal you
you have you. cotton ginned at the
Oil Mill.
Q C Buck and Leroy Bock
Friday evening
For special prices see
W. L. House.
Misses Lillian Thomas and
students of he
Winterville High school, went to
Souse Friday evening to spend
rents, who live near there.
yon want good seed W
Oil company, their prices are the
store of B. T. Cox Bro.
Try it--, or a Dan
. KT
J. W.
drug store will to you.
b student of the j Black Jack.
W. H. went to Kinston ,
night to Sunday with
mother. If Deed a
Men's and youth's all
at Barber Co.
i U
Then A. H. is the to
at A. W. Ange Co and you can
get one, and cheap too
bushels of seed Oats at
demands for Tar Heel f
wheels la urea no, and e
in need of same will do well to If you want good Hour, some that
write or see the A O. Cox Mfg Co. y can eat without any trouble
Our store is at all times open to those who want good I
and at low prices. We can your house from
Firm bk the kUchen to the parlor in Furniture at prices that will
suit your puree. SATISFIED ARE OUR
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
with Indigestion, goto A. W.
Co. and yet e of that Hour
he that is made out pure
A. Einstein, of who
the progressive
Einstein Bros , was i tows J S
doing business it h our merchants.,
i went home
The Pitt Oil HI
j Friday evening t . spend
I and Sunday.
Big line of hats and caps just
potatoes go to Harrington, Barber Harrington.
Kev T. H. King, LaGrange,
in town evening.
M G Bryan and Oscar
Saturday and Sunday visit-
relatives over the river.
The A. G. Cox Co. are still
dipping cotton planters and guano
by the ear load, and if you
need any you had best write or
highest price seed
The A G. Cox C., are,
shipping cotton blaster,
the car load. glad yon, He would also
Bankers and Brokers,
Norfolk. Va.
New York
July M
Liverpool Futures.
Jan. Feb.
Kay Wheat
May Rib. S
May Lard t
July Laid S
d TO
carrot Market,
ft J. G
Tooth and Di-k Harrow
Mrs. J. B. her two I kind of house furnishing goods
little girls went to House Lump go to A. W. Ange
evening to
like to show you an a
with the balk of
want a nice sew-
machine, for 115.00. an.
The is at
time- prepared to fill for
wedding invitations, either printed
Well we you in Price, Quality and Workman
ship, our are up-to-date, our is con- r
our prices are right. Give u a call
when in need of anything the Furniture
or Picture line. Orders taken for
traits, likeness guaranteed,
Yours Truly,
A. H. Taft
Farmers make in by ex
changing their seed
meal at Pitt Count v Oil
Miss Ida Wynne went to he.
Pa evening
to spend Saturday and Sunday
with her parents. She was
by Miss Mattie
All farmers sow-
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders
at Harrington, Barber Co.
Be sure not to forget the
those iron bedsteads at
A. W.
We offer our silver table ware
guarantee at a bargain.
See us. R T. Box
Buy a pipe from
at the drug store.
Nice boggle Robes at Harrington
Barber Co.
All colors and yellow
at Barber Co.
Nice line of boys suits at H. L.
Guy Taylor and O. C.
went over in Lenoir county Thurs-
day to Bee Mr. Taylor's brother,
who is very sick.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles sizes and prices very
reasonable. Barbel
White's Colic and Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock and a sure colic cure.
at the Drug Store
Buy Candies, Apples,
C. Dixon at drug Store.
Miss Frankie Seven
Springs, is visiting her cousin, B.
H. this week.
If went nice shirt or tie
go to Harrington, Barber Co.
J. F. Stokes went to
Friday on
The gentleman, who left town
have bad such bad luck If he
t-mI bought one of those nice
trunks, or Canes A. W.
Ange Co.
Pitt Co.
Oil company.
Any one in need a plow will
do well to go to A. W. Ange Co.,
and get one of those Chill- j start your Bank account with
ed are best on j Bank of today
the market. i deposit is the hardest to
i . kinds make tho others come easily,
Fanning implements an i .
,, I then watch account grow.
at Co.
i to Miss Nellie Ward, who In a
Tim went .
. , ,.,, of High school
l spend Sal
e i . her home near
and Sunday with his sister, Mrs.
Furnishings house wean-
new ready for business, and extend
an to all, to visit our
store, and the beautiful line
furniture, which we have planed
to deal OUt on easy
even poorest shall have no
excuse for their homes not being
this morning to spend Sunday with
her parents.
The nicest lot of men's pants ever
shown in Winterville can now be
at A. W. Co. Gel
your pick while they going.
If yon are wise preserve your
town and country for
sale by A. W. Ange
No seed of not having good
pants when Harrington, Barber
Co., have just received anew lot,
that they will sell cheap.
Archie House, of House, is
spending a few day here with bis
Ton. H u i,
of tie
furnished. Thanking you in ad-
for patronage, we arc yours
to serve, Carolina Supply
Co., Winterville, N
Quite a large crowd from Win
attended the
at Ayden Friday night and report
a hue time.
Car load of Hour just
nice and fresh, at lowest price.
The Pitt County Oil is
shipping cotton seed meal by
ear load.
Nicest line of dress shirts
Harrington, Barber Co.
Sew furniture is arriving daily
at A.
get the best at lowest price.
A new line of and dies-
received sit A. W.
Be sine them
get pick.
Prof, K. went out
in count, v Friday lo
deli add s tho closing
of B school He was also
by T. F.
student of the W. H. B.
f you want nice pair of Slip,
pars go to A. W.
Co and you can get them. He
has the nicest lot over shown in
A nice new summer Bug-
Form the habit of saving he
making small deposits with thy
of Winterville. From small
grow. Be-
gin now.
M. O Bryan went to Greenville
i his morning on business.
Tripp wont to
this morning.
Ling Boost, a student of the
W. II. S. went in Greenville this
morning to Sunday with his
R. I,, Smith Company vs.
By virtue an execution to
the under f.-om Superior
Court of Pitt county in the above
action. will, on Monday,
Of March. at o'clock
M, at the Court House door of said
county, sell to the highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said execution, ail the
title and interest which the said
Bull Dixon, defendant, has in the
following real estate,
one undivided one eighth Inter-
Basil Dixon, subject the life
of bis father, S. In
hid to the lands which descended
lost from hi. mother, Henrietta Dix-
on. Henrietta and
described as
lauds of L. A. B. P.
and wife, Ed
John and others, and con-
three hundred and acres,
more or less, and being the entire in-
of the said Basil in and
to the lands of which his mother, the
late Dixon, Henri-
died seized and possessed,
situated on north side of Tar river,
Greenville township,
to the life estate of S. Dix-
on. the father said Basil Dix-
on. ,
This day of February, won.
L. W. Tucker, sheriff.
The arm of Mar-
chants at N. ;. ha. this
by mutual consent, an
Indebted to said will
to T. who Will
continue business at the old stand,
and will settle ll Indebtedness against
said 16th,, MOB.
T. I. Proctor.
J. L. Gibson.
We have received our full line of
consisting of
will be on sale Monday. Everybody cordially,
to these goods,
If you need any peanut, for
go A Co.
He has both and small,
till order any lime.
Straws tell way the wit
notice if
co i going in ad out from
Plant For Sale
The entire plant
I. offered
Including one acre of land
same and
list mill. Hour mill compete,
and any kind
l complete
for Immediate work and
ran gel possession at once.
further apply to
. i.
Notice to Creditors.
Court Clerk of Pitt county as
of Emily n-
,,.,, notice is hereby given to all
Indebted to the estate
payment to
and all claims again
MM estate
same for payment
day of March, is
will plead in bar y
This March 24th.
of Emily Joyner.
. I., .
Will I- I
But should you become incapacitated by either accident or sickness j
help bear the burden additional expense incurred, the
provides complete protection. It insures against all accidents and
every kind. THE
is insured for YOUR benefit when traveling. Secure a Policy NOW.
insurance H. A. WHITE Greenville,

i j
Our New Spring
For Your Inspection
Our line was never prettier or more complete and we shall be pleased to have you see the
many beautiful things we are showing. We will not hold anything in reserve for opening
day, but will place the stock on display as fast as they arrive as
Will Have No Special Opening Day
Come in and look at your leisure and we thing you find many lovely things to interest
you our buyers have spared no pains to secure the newest and best of the season's styles.
j. G.
CM Cm.
There is not ma oh of
on in court.
have Id some
suit that settled by
compromise. Only case has.
so fir pone to the jury that re-
in a mistrial.
The arm of R. L. Jefferson Bros.,
doing at Fountain. N. C,
composed of K. L. H. T. J. W., A.
J. G. and J. It Jefferson, has been
mutual consent,
by the withdrawal of H. T. and J. K.
Jefferson from said firm. The re-
Tour brothers will continue toe
old firm of R. L. A Bi s.,
with whim all business of that firm
will be the two retiring having
no further connection or responsibility
in the business of firm.
This March 1906.
Suppose You Stop and Set
Isn't it Wonderful
Greensboro, N. C. March 1903.
Mrs Joe take pleas-
in stating that your Remedy
has entirely cured little girl
a very bad case of eczema, which
covered a great part of her body.
She had eczema from
the time she wan three weeks old,
she was i years old.
is now perfectly well and I
that I speak too highly
it She has not hail a symptom of
it for six yearn. Respectfully,
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pill county, having issued letters of
administration to the in
ed, on the day of January,
on the estate of J.
ed NOTICE is hereby given all
persons indebted to the to mike
payment to the undersign-
ed, to all creditors of said estate
to present their claims properly
to the undersigned
within twelve months after the
this notice, or this
be plead in bar if their recovery.
This the day
on the f j.
I. A. Sugg, Attorney.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
cC is all you could desire,
A we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
L useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R,
Is to-day admitted Business
At Your House
It's at once a Convenience and a Ne-
that you cannot measure
by any money value.
One Emergency Call, In
One Year, Pays the Rent.
For Rates
Home Telephone and
N. C.
D. W.
III And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
on which patents
i ending, whereby we
can old Brass Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
fully as good a now
nu l without any
knobs or feet on the Dot
Column and
Rule regular lengths sac
L. S. and
Head Ruled inches Id
over per
A sample of refaced
Rule, full
will be cheerfully
pent on application.
Printers Supply Co
Manufactures of Type and
High Grade Printing Mater
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia. i
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L. leaves
Washington daily Sunday
at ti a. for Greenville; leaves-
at in. for
Connecting at Washington
Norfolk Southern road for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all
North. Connects a Norfolk
with nil West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern R. R.
Sailing hours subject to change
without notice.
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk. Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. O. M.
Dr. Anti-rain Pill
are a most remarkable remedy
for the relief of periodic pains,
backache, nervous or sick head-
ache, or any of the distress-
aches pains that cause
women so much suffering.
As pain is weakening, and
leaves the system in an ex-
condition, it is wrong
to suffer a moment longer than
necessary, and you should take
the Anti-Pain Pills on in-
of an attack.
If taken as direct I you may
have entire in their
effectiveness, as well as in the
fact that they will leave no dis-
agreeable after-effects,
They contain no morphine,
opium, chloral, cocaine or other
dangerous drugs.
ii lime I i
with spells of
I m
r, .
two r I
nevi r been to gel that
would ma . i , I be-
and always m in a
time. My lister who suffers
way, has aunt them with
S. St. South
Dr. f i ire sold by
your druggist, who will .,,. that
the . i,. t. If It
falls he will return your
closes, Never In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
-A Plan Might
Many Tragedies.
tell you, you are mistaken; it
Divorce court.
Which is a terse way of putting
the history man; n marriage
over the tilings mine
and thine and tho domestic misery
that follows.
The way to settle such a disagree-
is both parties to say,
Because of the struggle for mine
and thine the records of history are
rolled in blood, nations have fallen,
barriers of hatred have been raised,
brother has fought brother.
dissension and division have conic
men have for
that which is not theirs, but
Organized selfishness in our day
has manifested itself in the great
corporation spiders that have spread
their webs far and wide, controlling
the avenues of approach, watching
victims with their many faceted
eyes, gathering to themselves what
is not theirs, but
The world is ours.
Sky and
Sunshine and
Flowers and
Fruits and fertile
And the Master of all taught
-us to pray.
Ladies and gentlemen, everywhere
is needed this doctrine of
in the family, city, state, nation,
The solution of all earth's prob-
is wrapped up in the one say-
In the home of a New England
farmer there arc two small heirs,
bright little follows, sis and seven
years old, named Will and
Like most other lads, both of them
dislike work,
when these small services are re-
quired each frequently evinces a de-
sire to have the other take the la-
boring our. Once the family
was calling at the in at-
on the her. As he was
putting on his gloves go he
Tan a professional glance over the
two youngsters.
he remarked,
younger of your two boys, Eugene,
Is more robust than Will, has
greater vitality. His blood is bet-
About an hour later, as dusk was
falling, the mother you
must fill the wood box for morning.
Fetch in four
don't want whined Will.
go. His blond's bet-
tern Companion.
Human Hair Market.
The human hair industry is a very
active one in Franco, the depart-
mental most frequently visited by
the hair merchant- being those of
Crease. Allier, Cher,
and The av-
price given for a full, long
head of hair is from shillings to
shillings for the very best quality
and color. The girls of the districts
mentioned above, which are exceed-
poor, stipulate Unit their hair
shall not lie cut short in front mid
conceal the appearance at the
back by a draped colored
chief. The shades of light and
blond hair arc obtained from Ger-
many and and for these
high prices Mail.
A I i y who re-
with m iii favor by tr-o Folk-
lore rather
tin of her warm re-
she supposed, like
the French ; . the English
III i was the protest
of a London need
consider it p for an English
person to And then she
gave an instance. Some one looking
at a painting said to the artist whose
it so bad, you
I in
was the . m Herald.
Wilson I i Mining Expert.
A man u i n . Hi Wilson
owned the i. . mine in
Park ml, Wilson was vis-
cine one day,
v ii , . i of I he
i p ;. one who kn n all
n. i i; a deal i
r .; in his own opinion.
. ill i i some an
gold, i i led
tine co ii r
i hill i pronoun
the youthful expert after a critical
examination. I
am a graduate of the English
of Mines, know gold when
see it, you know. That is
Wilson didn't say much. He
leaned over an i the alleged ex-
pert by the shoulder.
it i he said, don't
go and give n to those fellows
down the Denver mint, for I
have been soil in ; this stuff to
II . . . i
I have purchased the entire stock, the store fixture;, A. E. Tucker's business. I A
and do not intend to stay in the bast J. But tills it v. i,
Is on sale regardless of the wholesale Money sale. ail i.
of Greenville
for gold all
Lots For
Near Five
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville,
I .
and retail hi .
furniture Dealer, n
Fur. Cotton Oil Bi-
Kip., Bed
y Carriages,
ft Ax .
h .,
roots, Henry
Cherries, Peach,
Pine Jelly,
Ly, Magic Food,
Seed Meal Hull-.,
den Oranges, Apple-,
Dried Apples,
and China Wart-, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Ci
Beat Rot
Royal pd
other goods. and
for cash.
S. m.
inn mm Mb,
all the year round, and the
place to get them is of
J. J.
The Five Point Grocer.
staple and shell goods
handles tho to be had,
the cheap
in the run. besides tho
satisfaction of knowing you buy
P tn addition to
the best of in
w lino, ho pays the
highest us
, member tho
Phone Five Points.
Sale I haven tobacco trans-
planter almost at. good us in w that
will sell at It of
improved two horse
O. L.

v V
Mar. 88.1900
The war department has just
delivered itself of B long M-
the Mt
fight or massacre, whichever one
chooses i. call it in the Philip-
pines. It is not written by any
of the officers who were on the
at the time of the fight hot
was t the cabled
i of Wood by Maj.
the 14th one
time . of and now
it U
Granted this week. Reported by
Snow Co. Patent Attorneys,
et, Forest City, tire shrinking
in; Albert L. Craver, Linwood,
brake; John L. Floyd. seed
planter; C.
traveler's grip cat; Columbus
If. Martin, Forest City, wire chain
Line; Lemuel L. Poplin,
For copy any of
ab. e ; a tents send ten cents, in I
postal amps with date of
paper to C. A. Snow Co.,
real ac-
.,. that the report
lighten the
tn I
traditions previous
j point out by inference
,. Mores who wore the
,,,. the battle that had
all was to
,. ; i,
from the fact that
u advance for
. Gen. Wood who is
r the darling of the ad-
Cam is
om f the Presidency.
This i wonder to those
who the versatility and the
. the present speaker.
The boom is a parlor growth as
M were and has not Net gotten
extensively into print. But the
fact that it la more than
, d makes U all the mere
this stage of the
Your Daughter.
Teach her that cents make
Teach h-t how to wear a simple
muslin dress and wear it
Teach her how button
and mend gloves.
c,,., nor to arrange park.
reach her to love and
iv.-i. her to have n for
and to put everything
h -r have nothing to
with Intemperate men.
her t. regard the
with . not to now much
significant at
It appears from
Interstate Commerce
this week that there is more
trouble or. the railroad
The set for hearing
York of March acorn-
affecting a number of the
big eastern roads, it is that
they have been granting rebates
t shipper under a new
They have been billing
freight carried at a lower
than the merchandise war-
ranted and in effect paying
are to the shippers while
sacking to the pub-
schedule. This is a new
dodge in the railway world, but
it is f course not unexpected.
attention need be paid
to the rumors that the Supreme I
Intends to proceed against
the who lynched the
,;. Chattanooga
y,,.; , . the
the protection of the
ti i ,. rattled when
the us impatient at
the d law
their own hands. course the
of the Supreme Court
were very indignant and there
was talk of direct proceedings
for , . . -I But
it .; that while the De-
of Justice has been
i to
will to the local courts to
pun the rs of the
Music Hath Charms.
There is nothing like a
neighbor. in the gloomiest j
part f our neighbor, Brad-
the took down h.-
violin and drove the blues away.
A re
I it
. i
n year I a rid to the
bush it;
,; . 11.000 are in the
i I I n
in the other departments
They divide in salaries
; yen The remainder
. i the city goes
for public v mi the main-
of build-
the i and the
, m n -t on the bonded
i is indeed a great
than a number
of the
is a product as
near capable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
possible for Modern Science
to produce.
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
but simply the result of the
chemists of the
present century. At the
symptoms of fatigue
headache or backache, which
are often the forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will but, if
you take you may
find that by the time ho has
answered your call, that the
symptoms have disappear-
ed . ,. ,
Use as direct-
ed. Live a temperate life,
f m u become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor's bill on de-
and proof of illness.
We don't want you to invest
a however, until we
have bought the first bottle
for you. Fill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and mail it to us, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we will
send you without any cost
to you whatever a full size
package to try. No matter
what your trouble is. write
to us. Correspondence con-
Co., New York.
L. Wooten will give his
personal yon
will receive an r on
nearest for i.
if you send us
coupon Be to
i and
Most towns wink the houses of
fame, claiming they a
necessary evil, but if this is the cats
why not be honest about it and re
peal all laws aimed at their sup
Durham Bun.
Coal mines Stokes county are
to be developed by a company.
dealer is M.
f you think d Bro
at once, or if you have
it is to be I ad
class ill
e Wholesale A ts
for Greenville, N. C.
D J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Eastern North Carolina Affected.
entire properties of the Norfolk
Norfolk through North
Carolina, and the Virginia Caro-
which recently
began the construction of a new
railway line from Norfolk to Beau
fort, N. C, and their lumber inter-
are to be merged with an
authorized capital of 125,000.000
in bonds and in stock.
The railroad merger will give a
trackage of GOO miles and the
lumber merger will make a total
of IS mites an output of
feel annually. There will
be acres of timber land
owned in fee and a timber
page of four feet.
The railroad merger means
taking of the Suffolk Carolina,
running between Suffolk, Va.,
Elizabeth N. C. and
N. the Pamlico, Oriental
Western, running from New Bern
to Bayboro. N. C, all of the Nor-
folk branch linen
between Norfolk and Edenton,
together with its Pamlico
through Ferry to Bel-
haven and thence on to Plymouth
and and the leases of
the Atlantic North Carolina
railroad, running between
Morehead City and Golds-
your story of today, you
say that David Bennett Hill is a
man without a wife, without a
vice and without a
said the observant citizen to an
Observer reporter yesterday.
that is his present con-
that is
the citizen. work and
no play makes Jack a dull
is as old as the hills. So many
men know how to labor and, while
young, they think little of rest,
but there will come a day when
the toiling slaves must rest, or
die long before their allotted
tine. I have heard it said that
John Sharpe Williams, one of
I the most brilliant men of the
I age. has no pastime, no way of
recreation. A friend asked him
one day, why such a fine fellow,
SO much drink
get on tears, and his
frank reply was that he had no
Other way to rest. That may
seem absurd to pure water
but I have seen many
such men. The greatest of men
should learn to rest as well as
pork Take Grover Cleveland,
Mr John Bur-
men of
man of the century who
turned out more good work than
and he has hunted
Mid romped with men of all
man should ha -e a
pastime, and diversion
are conducive to good habits
and Ob-
Happenings of Interest Over the
Milton, March
Davidson, Jr., a well-known
aim popular deliberately
laid his head cm the rail just as
the Louisville
v if passenger train pulled out
from the station last night, and
was decapitated. No cause is
known for the rash act.
Everett, Mass., March
than tine-, hours before the time
for wedding today, Pansy E.
was shot and mortally
wounded by her father, Joseph P.
Townsend, in their home in this
city. ended his
own life with a bullet. Miss Town-
send was to have been married to
Francis E. Perry, of Fort Myers,
Fla., at t; o'clock t might at the
People's Temple, Boston.
Jefferson, Texas, Mar. R.
aged years, was shot
and killed and his sou,
fatally wounded by Jeff
rs, a merchant, on the de-
pot platform here this afternoon.
A previous disagreement, it is told
was revived when the men met.
The younger Bennett was shot first
and while bis father stepped over
to assist him he was killed, four
bullets entering his body. The
parties are well to do reside at
near Jefferson, Tex.
Tex, March
eight miles south of here,
a Mexican named Ramon overtook
a vehicle containing two young
women and a little boy yesterday.
Ramon climbed into the
rear of the buggy and cut
the throat of one of the women,
causing instant death. The horse
became frightened and began to
run, whereupon Ramon drew a
revolver and shot the other woman
dead. Jealousy prompted the
Ga., March
was received here to day of the
death of John Brant, years old,
at bis home at Nashville,
as the result of injuries
inflicted by his son, Bob
aged years. The report says
that the younger man, the
influence of liquor, Saturday
night, attacked and abused his
father, left him for dead. Bob
Brant defied arrest, but finally
was overpowered and lodged
jail, with the charge minder
against him.
Memorial Baptist Church Next
Neat programs have been print-
ed of the anniversary exercises of
Greenville Baptist
church to be held next Sunday.
The first Sunday in April comes
nearest to the date of the
of the church in 1827,
hence the selection of that date
for the anniversary
This is the first am i
to be held by the but it i-
to hold them mutually
hereafter. The program fir next
Sunday shows that I.
a man greatly beloved in
Greenville, will deliver the his-
t address. The part
of the program also much
of interest to all present.
The Baptists hope to make
Sunday a great day for the
here it is expected that
every member who can do so will
will be present, ft will be a day
devoted entirely to praise
worship, there being no other
object connected with the services.
A cordial invitation is extended
to everybody.
Retorted tor
N. C. Mar.
Last Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mr. Mm. Elmer Gar-
little Alice Susan Wingate, of
Winterville, her elev-
From the hours of
to were pleasant ones for the
attendants. At the hour of S they
were invited into the dining room
where an elegant sapper awaited
them. was of
beauty, with and
white, and lad n with fruits and
other seed delicious to the
Mi-s Myrtle Garris most success-
fully the party for the
little folks. the hour of
arrived all left for their
homes, expressing much gratitude ; , t required
to Mr. Mrs. for pieces of mail handled,
kindness the j none will if the people
We cordially invite little Susan routes themselves in it.
The Daily Reflector goes out six
times a week every daily sub-
Have You Pieces a Month
Beginning on the first mail day
in April, which is next Monday,
the rural carriers will begin to
count the pieces cf mail they carry.
This count is made under
from the department will
cover the three of April,
May and June. carriers
who average pieces or more
a will l
who fall u
may have the f on their
routes reduced three a
week or some routes,
where the set is not
may be cut om altogether.
We hope a sin rout
In Pitt have be cit
clown or Ill
A Quiet Home Marriage,
At o'clock Wednesday
evening at the home of the bride
in South Greenville, two of our
popular people were mar
Rev. J. A. Hornaday of the
Methodist clinch officiating. It
being a quiet home wedding only
a few were present.
As the soft strains of Mendel-
iv march were
Miss Rosa Hooker, Mr.
Forbes and Miss
Lena A demon entered the parlor
and were made in wife a
mo-t solemn and man-
The bride was tastefully
gowned spotless w lire silk j
A Inn. i of wish the
If you cant speak the truth,
keep a stiff upper jaw.
The day worker acquires more
coin than the day dreamer.
When you are in a hurry for a
thing how slow it travels.
An excuse never accomplishes
all it is expected to accomplish.
A good joke on a friend
wouldn't be worth a smile if on
Often coming has a
little bill he would like to col-
Ever notice this If one thing
goes right you something
else goes wrong.
In speaking of troubles,
the railroads can truly say that
these things came to pass.
When you see two who
dislike you whispering together,
doesn't it give you a funny feel-
There are lots of people in the
world who feel every time they
part with a dollar as though they
were having an operation per-
to visit our town again.
Two Fall Out of a Trap in Street.
Mrs J. G. had her mother.
Mis. J. T. Howard, of Conetoe,
P, House the latter's
Mrs. Mayo,
out for a drive in her
trap. Mrs. was driving and
Mm. House occupied the front sett.
with her, while their mothers
occupied the rear seat. As they
were driving along S. id street
the rear seat of the trap broke
from its fastenings and began slip-
ping backward. One of the ladies
on the seat screamed those
in front reached back in an effort to
prevent them tailing out. Th-
timely aid of Mm. and Mrs.
House did break the force of the
fall, but Mrs. Howard and Mrs.
Mil j n both fell out the sand.
Fortunately they escaped with
no worse injury than a few bruiser,
but for the time being it was a
badly frightened of
scriber on a route means pieces
of mail a month. the
began one country route has
increased from four to twenty daily
other routes have
had good increase.
While i lie carriers are counting
the pieces of handled let every
patron of every route do his
to get his neighbors to take a ore
papers. Pour new subscribers to
The Reflector the person
sending them in to his own paper
free, and addition to that there
will he a prize to the one sending
the most names by April
High Skill of a Young Jeweler.
Rome days ago a Swiss watch was
taken to the jewelry store of
ft Stewart to be repaired. An
showed some
parts of the watch
the firm sent oW
fir the missing parts to both
York and Philadelphia only ti
learn that such parts of a Swiss
watch could not be had in this
Country, but would have to be
Determined to be
outdone In I he mutter, Mr. Lee
the junior member of the
lit in, went to work under the
R entered the store of J.
T. 8-Ml, at the Hoskins
Mill, four west of Charlotte, I direction of Opt. i and made j ,
early yesterday morning, the misting ports. The ports
open tin steel safe in the I nude fitted the
office with and and it w now us good at a one.
says he never saw a
better piece of work done by a
jeweler. It speaks for the
escaped their booty which
Io in pennies and an
old gold reward of
has beta offered by Mr
the and con fiction of the
guilty party or
. em county
J ,. i it, nil i to
all j. in h
You do not want to miss reading
the huge ad of Ricks
skill of Mr.
A disastrous lire occurred in the
business section of
Monday night, the worst In the
history of the city. The loss was
Herald Square Company.
The Herald Square Opera Com-
made a hit the
home in this city Saturday
and Saturday
This improves each year
by the introduction of new snugs
and the newest
phenomenal singers.
Miss Watson,
Martin Wilbur
i Cox and Frank comedians,
j aid Gibson, one of the lead-
ladies, all came lot their
full of tho generous applause
Sunday, morning at the First
bang My God,
which was very much appreciated
all Sunday night,
to an appreciative
Mr am Cox remained over
yesterday with friends and
this city joined the
company last night at
Athens, Ga., Banner, March
The Herald Square Opera Com-
will appear here April 18th
and 14th.
Amusing Answer of Character
During the progress of a suit in
court the defense was offering
testimony to show the of
the plaintiff.
you know the general char-
and reputation of the plain-
asked counsel for the defense
of a witness.
replied the witness.
is it
was the positive answer
may stand said
the counsel, that he was
on interrupted
for the plaintiff as the
witness was about to leave the
is bad
he is said to be a law
was the answer.
There were no
One seldom realizes how much
worse the world is growing until he
hears two old settlers exchanging
Cotton Association.
The Pitt County Branch the
Southern Cotton Association will
hold its monthly meeting Green-
ville next The farmers
and business men of the county can
their Interest in the move-
by attending this meeting.
Salisbury, N. C. March
Walter a half Indian
fourteen-year old, was
instantly killed at his home
near this city this afternoon by a
brother. The two boys
were playing with a revolver when
it was discharged and
the ball went through the heart of
No have
was a very disagreeable
day and many were disappointed
as it prevented them from attend-
Mrs. C. A. Tucker, who lives
near Greenville, has been down on
a visit to her father, Arch Cox.
Mies Wilson, of Center-
ville, is spending time with
Mis. C. C. Cox.
Miss Eva Stokes, of
is visiting her brother, C. L.
Miss Kate Chapman, who has
been teaching at X
has returned to her home
in Winterville. Her school closed
Misses Lydia
Chapman spent night
with Miss Lillie
C. L. and J. G. Stokes went to
A. L. Tripp, of Ayden, passed
through this section Friday, rep-
resenting the Singer Sewing Ma
chine Co.
Miss Causey, of Vance-
is spending the week with
Miss Li Hie Corey.
The Lumber Co. have
hauling right much fertilizers
the past week for the farmers of
Miss Annie Henderson, of Cam-
county, is spending sometime
with her sister, Mrs. at
the camps
Frank and Marshall An.
were visitors at X. K.
Bin Herbert Corey
went to today.
O. L. Stokes is having phone
I put in his stole.
A while
away from home on a trip
met married a lady who,
though famed for
heart, would be spoken of even by
her friends as The man
believed that she would be a kind
mother to his two how.
ever, as she was also possessed
of a fair amount of this world's
goods, was not inclined to expect
the beauty of the peach a potato.
after his telegraph
ed to the
won a prize. Am mar-
lied. Will be
When the bride and groom
rived the children were watching
at the door, and at sight of their
future mother gave a little gasp of
The second child, a by, nudged
his sister
Nell, that must have been
the c insulation, prize that pa
Harper's Weekly.
Almost Ready to Organize
Though the weather has been
bad this week a few names have
been added day to the list of
shares for a but loan as.
Greenville. There are
already enough snares taken to
organize a good but a
few more are wanted, enough to
swell the list to one thousand
shares. This will make an
strong enough to loan
month, and that will
mean a for Greenville in
the way of building homes.
A meeting will be called at an
and it is desired to have as many
shares p by that time.
The is a r office.
Change the Schedule.
A petition is being signed by
nearly all our men with
those HI
other points, nuking the
Line to change the schedule
of train No. t it will make
connection with the
from for This would
people from and
all points to go to
Norfolk other joints this side
aid return the y
this would a advantage
we i u will be
Prof. To Respond.
Prof, W. H.
tended of public schools Pitt,
has accepted an invitation to do
liver the to the address
of welcome to the
meets in June
12-15th, the welcome address to
be made by Mr. Joseph
Mr. is an eloquent speak-
and his reply to Mr. Brown's
which is sine to be a gem,
will a bright and happy one.
Raleigh News and
J. B. Whits has purchased the
southern half of the Methodist
church lot, Greene street, and
will a residence there.
Raeford, N. C, March
Mayo, a school
attending the institute from near
died of the measles
heart failure.

Eastern reflector, 27 March 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 27, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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