Eastern reflector, 1 December 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

a n r
T. ., ., , van male In years. For months and years capital, and enterprise hare con-
tend every a trade triumph that knows no parallel in the annals of commerce. We now lay before you
e rich remit of this long rel i effort.
We balk at no quantity if the quality is standard. A World Marvel Twentieth Retailing
Has n or n i
-i I
not in i
Sensational Clothing.
strong .
V .,.,. , in ., and
shales of brown n I r
tam Infill mi n
e certainly the gravies fa i
g i
ii i, n . . its i -.-. Eta strength is inspected. We near of and get the newest things first.
Carnival of Under
I l ll print-1 are neutral I on patient paper. Our achievements are in our Store
. .,.,;.,,, ,,,. mil . awl . a. h in come early.
Youth and
pr want space these.
hive hand an of patterns, style-
an qualities please the m st las we
guarantee you a and a o bargain.
have now a lot fen pint
suit, worth in allot planed
before yon. A
Surpassing Values,
Mens Extra Pants.
We have now attractive line
ranging in price mid to per pair.
These bargains, every
fine salts, comprising
double i l
tweed mixtures in ill n av
p. ;. I
a sell for Mn
., ,,. Overcoats, Storm Coats, Rain Coats.
till- snits, m
This season's latent mi best BARGAINS, BARGAINS.
Worsted, o in ; We can fit yon in so c yon
t-W. lb;
in North V- ; . vi-a r iv nil my
will enjoy bad weather like sleeping under a tin
roof a rainy night, for per cent less thin
Mens heavy underwear at.
Boys heavy underwear at .
garments on the market. V-are n .
We have pat on sale i -i an sill
They cm. SHOES-for men,
clothing y i ; i
good Calico, per yard
y g i I
Yard wide whits
as- i Outings
ills n- west ll
Best Apron this sale .
Flannel at
Best be i Tick at
Dress Goods.
Best Flannel Waisting now
Best i l Br u w
I n w .
all wool now .
Ladies Goods,
o a lorn Int wit
i .
,. ;
is 511.60
Come in and ask to s-e on
I o an
are tired h i a i
. ,
we is that you sea our new line
buying and you will i talking
advertisement tor
Listen-Mens 1.25 Brogan, now .
Mens patent dress sh ,; 91.98
La lit tips .
v fr, , . styles.
styles j now
good sty es Corsets going now
Ladies lined Underwear
A. i of frank an I Bags at a saving per cents.
The price is only half the story, quality is the rest.
TO CEILING and give wholesale prices.
,. Came to see as take your time and look yon win find what you want
, I and be exchanged or money
and Friday.
Very Interesting Exercises
at Christian Church
Rally Day.
Reported for Reflector,
At church ,
night, a large crowd assembled to I
witness- th exercises of the
tea of the Sunday school, for t
of Belly
This is set apart for the
raising Of money for Home Mis-
y children of the
Sunday school, and it wan
here for the first lime Sunday.
At the close of the Methodist
School Sunday Nov. the
Secretary read the report
for the conference year;
Number officers and teachers
Number on cradle roll
Number on roll Home De-
Total on tolls
Average attendance during the
year .
While this is the largest the
hoot huh over leached, it is but
A Splendid Report of the Church for the Past
Two Years. One Hundred and Sixteen
Have Been Added to the Church
During the Past Two Years
Sunday Not. 26th. 1889 the net gain has been
last in the year j more than three times as large as
for the Methodist church, at the any like period for twenty yens.
stone of the evening service the The total net gain reported In
pastor read the following statistical membership during the years
report, for the past two year.-; next proceeding my pastorate was
Of Those Going and Com-
j One of the Best Telephone
w. k. went to Exchanges in North
B. Barrett, of pent
were net to say it been
and reflect still bat for the fact that
not only anon those who took part epidemics of whooping and
In but also upon diphtheria cot off the attendance
untiring energy and skill molded In i
When I came to this charge as an average of a little more
pastor two years ago, I the than each period
names of members on the years during the IS years. The
net gain in membership during the
past two years has been nearly fix
limes a large as this average. Bat
for two periods of I years each
church register. We now have
members, a net gain of
the past two years.
my two years pastorate
the small human units into grace-
and pleasing combinations of
location, drill and song.
there were those who
surpassed in their roles; hut the
majority was so large that it would
be difficult to single oat any one of
the for special
so well did they sustain
their parts as a whole. Beyond
doubt the strongest individual
feature was the Interpretation of
hymns by Miss Nancy Coward.
Her pantomime work is of the
highest order, and needs only to be
seen lo be fully appreciated.
Special attention was given to a
proper background for the
mime portion of the program, and
the convenience and utility of
electric lights was demonstrated
in the most beautiful effects. The
local manager of the light
system. Mr. Dunlap. is herewith
given full credit for his
suggestions valued assistance
the lighting for the
Prizes were awarded to those
raising the largest amounts in the
mite boxes, as First prise
Bible. Miss Mary John-
sou-, second solid gold
Miss third
Those who rained one dollar .-r
over were awarded a badge from
the American Christian Missionary
society. These go on the roll
honor and get Ada Tripp,
Latham, Evelyn Ling,
lone May Hooker; Spain,
Hairy Lucy
midge, Agnes Spain. Mary John-
sou, Mamie Ruth Willie
Gray Lang.
The children were trained for
the exercises by Mrs-
Mrs. T. King; assisted
by Miss Minnie Tunstall, as
Mrs. Moore and Mrs.
King h both had experience in
public school work, and are
exceptionally qualified for the
result do them credit.
The amount raised by the child
was total amount
three months. We are, however,
recovering from this to some
extent, the average attendance
i- about
the year we have had
The following amounts of money
have been raised by the school;
Methodist Orphanage,
On Day
For other purposes
thee of General
Manager F. C. , we
were through local
offices of the It Telephoned
Co., and details of
plant Slid working of the
J. B. left this morning for I exchange were explained, Alter
a trip on the road. going through it we most say that
Sunday here.
F. M. returned
day evening.
W. G. Allen
Sunday evening.
of the charge persons the years under review
this church, of this number
have moved by and
has died, leaving on roll who
have come into the church under
my pastorate, but deaths and re-
of those who were members
when I came to the leaves
a net gain of only
net losses were reported amounting
to This number subtracted
from the total gains reported
would leave a net gain of for
years, or average net gain of
for each period of two years
during the years. The net gain
for the past two years has been
looking over the Journal of times as largo as this
our conference for the past
that period of
time into two years each, we find
the following facts as to net gain
net gain of
N. . Nov.
T. F. and family spent
Sunday In Bethel.
Tim Cherry, of was
here Sun day.
Page and Lewis
of Stokes, was here business
this week,
Mrs W. H. Mizell and children
left for then home at Watertown
Fla. Saturday.
Geo. Taylor, of was
here on business last week.
of United States
Army, visited his brother here
this week.
Mack Cherry, of Hamilton, was
here last week.
Tom of
spent Sun lay with his broth-
Z. V.
W. M. Skinner, J,
k J. K. went to Green-
,. B formerly of
Ira now i Jacksonville,
Flo., i days here last week
Messrs and Wynn
are now a livery stable on
Not Hi Street.
No, we haven't moved to Win
our items came out in
that department one lime. We
feel complimented as e like good
The many Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. will be
1804 1906
net loss of
The net gain for the past two
years is larger by than has been
reported for any other period of
two years past twenty
years, and excepting the years
My object these statements of
facts is not to boast over anything
I have done, or anything that has
been done my pastorate, but
yon may be
by the progress made
blessing of God, and redouble your
that results for the next
two years may be far greater than
those of the two.
have not all the figures at
hand to financial
report at present, but this much I
may say; every claim against the
has been met lull, and
the church sends up a financial
report in keeping with the
report just
left this morning for
Clifton Forge, Va.
F. M. Whichard returned from
Tarboro Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. and
child went to Conetoe Sunday.
Mrs. J. S. Barr, of Kinston,
spent Sunday here with relatives.
M. L. Shu key came In Sunday
evening from Wilmington to visit
his parents.
J. J. Turnage went to
evening returned ibis
Miss Chadwick, of Kin-
spent Sunday here with Miss
Lena Matthew.
Miss Anne Irvine went to Kin-
Saturday evening
ed this morning.
lire. L. I. Moore and children
returned Sunday evening from a
to Washington City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hudson left
for They
will probably locate there.
While returning to their homes
from a party near Gibsonville,
night, L. B. Hornaday
was slabbed to death by his
brother, D. K. Hornaday.
Oscar Johnson, a while man
was run over and killed by a train
near Wilmington.
The appointed to
select a permanent site tor
of the stale guard decided
in favor of
for their in
Near boy put a
nut on the road track the
engine to crack it. The engine
was thrown the track and n
bad wreck narrowly missed.
Big Sal.
The Farmers warehouse had a
record breaking sale today. The
piles of tobacco reached from wall
to wall of the bu there
floor. It was a
very lively sale, and some
good pi ices wen had.
J. P. editor of
u know their
Fannie. b from her Tom hi- recent severe
recent illness. j much to the doUgh.
Tbs tournament here Dec. friends throughout the
, will be a lively day. Some good;
i riders and nice horses are ready. Service
raised, Tbs largest sum
was raised the list Sara Is ahead I
Johnson, to Whom up to this
the first prise.
ran the yards in seconds-
l. A. has bought the town
property of J. I. We are
glad to know that Mr. James will
n leave town. hear he will
creel H Bi
main with us.
The Baptist,
dist and congregations
will worship together in a I
me Baptist church on
Thanksgiving day. The sermon
K v. pas
, in, . c
re- the
day those who this
Copy Misplaced.
an oversight in
copy gating
I Sunday's
vies m lbs church
not in Saturday's One night last week J. O. service may
We K Hi .- we e driving music.
on a. A
ii being N , at
see the Friday 15th
both rigs only. practice is
Interesting children
fr the
i, is a pleasure to state the
completely the
church, sad all enjoyed the.
Mr. Ml i
met, the fright and ran to eye, ear, and throat
nod harness. Mr. Williams and
young i painfully
not seriously hurt.
Mrs. Fannie Moore went St it in
The the M. F, Church
will open Dec. continue
the 15th. will be
the usual fancy articles at reason
able prices, and delicious refresh-
served. The managers are
all In their power to
it a great success.
Cotton and Labor.
N. C, Nov.
special from Halifax
Senator F. M. Simmons addressed
the Herman of
county at the house
ore The house was
an enthusiastic
representative gathering of
who seemed to appreciate the
stand the state association baa
liken, and resolved to stand by it.
Senator Simmons made one of
in- ablest speeches, delighting lbs
audience with his oratory and
more one hour, lie
not debated the cotton
t on, but id to picture to
remedy the labor situation In
which has become one
the i
farmers have had to I
for many ear-.
Mrs. Bettie Harrison and little
James, returned
Iron Washington Sunday evening.
S. P. of Washington,
D. C, came evening lo
visit bis brother, K. B.
L. B Charleston,
who has been spendings
days here, left this morning.
Will Proctor, who has been
a few weeks his
father, returned to Norfolk today.
K. L. Smith returned Saturday
evening from West where lie
purchased several ear loads of
horses and mules.
went to
Warren, Jr.,
Tarboro today.
J. W. Hi went the road
this morning.
Greenville is in be
I upon having c m i
phone system a- one recently
installed. The circuit ale full
and the wires
throughout the town.
The offices of the exchange are
on the upper Boor building
in rear the -u Third
street and the equipment there is
modern. In one room
are the dynamo, motor and storage
batteries that supply the current,
lightning arresters the
frame through which the
of wires are distributed
from the cables operating
room. The operating room is
large well arranged. In this
i. the board, central energy
multiple pattern, large enough to
accommodate with
for three operators. The
calls are made by means of a self
restoring signal.
There are two other rooms, one
used as the manager's office
the other as storage room for
supplies. The whole make a
convenient and well arranged suite
rooms for the exchange.
A marked contrast with old
plant is that each subscriber's
station is now equipped with a
telephone that does
away with the old style of crank
turning, all that is necessary to
signal central office to
the receiver and place
it to when the
is through there is no
but simply hanging the
receiver back in place notifies
the central operator the
conversation is finished.
Another great convenience in
the new plant is that now there
are out town points
to which subscribers of the Green-
have In
These places ate .
land, ville.
Farmville, Falkland.
Bruce, Black
F. C, of Henderson, Gardner's X Bonds, Parker's X
spent here. Heads. House, W Oakley,
Monday evening from Bethel.
Mr. Mrs. O. of
New Bern, came in this morning.
Miss Bessie II returned
Monday from Washington.
Stokes, Chapman's,
Willow Green,
Smith's mill, Smith's store and
The named
have local exchange.-. Free
communication to this points is a
great advantage convenience,
. . the business men
Draper, ,
. ., I To new
sou, is the .
toils high stands
, , . .
represents an
J. A. to about and gives
Monday evening returned this a system
morning. equal to the best city service, the
D, D. . plant being as modern can be
evening returned anywhere. Mans i
morning I n
, . ,, . In it e I i-
M l.
vision h great r part i
Ii mi.- ion, came in . mug
to Mr-. J. Smith, . ,
I he Ion m i e o I
Rev. J. A. . i .
. ti W ion today to
I at tend the i cot i
Strayed or Stolen.
Pointer dog, white with
spots, of tail cut
Answers to the name
Anyone knowing anything
a dog will please notify,
D. L. James.
Business Change, Hand.
Jenkins has purchased the
ice business of Kennedy
and will run it in connection
bis wood yard. He will also make
any kind or of picture frames.
in S. B i;
l I b, i
Maud and
, o
Moore, operator.
There are sub
i to the exchange, A
to the exchange offices will be
Interesting to any one and every
will be shown those who
Wish inspect the work.

Ml I
i .
Don't Miss This Chance
Big Reduction In Prices.
Big Bargains to Those
Who Come First.
Straws Tell
Which way the wind blows, but it takes QUEEN QUALITY Shoes
to which way tho
What do You Pay for
Perhaps Do you stop to think for more yon can wear
the famous
Queen Quality
We have a splendid collection of Dress Goods of this season's purchases
and have decided to reduce our stock, and In order to do so
quickly, we make the following reduction In
Extra fine Chiffon Broadcloth, regular value 2.00 to 1.25
Fine Chiffon Broadcloth, regular value 1.50 reduced to
in All Wool regular value 1.50 reduced to
Silk Dot black only, regular value 1.50 reduced to 1.10.
All Wool Novelty Suitings, regular value reduced to
in Satin black only, regular value reduced to
All Wool Chiffon Broadcloths, in black and all colors, regular value
fl, reduced to
All Wool Panamas, in Black, Navy Blue, Brown and Green, regular
value reduced to
in All Wool Cheviots, in black and navy blue, regular value re-
Gilbert Flannels, all wool, regular value reduced to
All Wool Pebble Cloth, in black, regular value reduced to
in All Wool Fancy Panama Suitings, regular value reduced to
Novelty Voile, choice patterns, regular value reduced to
Novelty Voile, choice patterns, value reduced to Q
All Wool Crepe Cloth, black only, regular value reduced to
All Wool Henrietta, all colors, regular value reduced to
Also Wool regular value reduced to
Also a splendid collection of Black Dress Good, including the fewest and
prettiest values not in the above number at greatly reduces prices.
Come and be surprised at the Bargains we have in store for you.
Shoes For Women
Perhaps you pay it's the Queen Quality price. Do you get
Queen Quality shape, style and comfort When a shoe has grown
so popular pairs are made a day, there must be some
advantage gained in buying that shoe.
Perhaps you pay to for your shoes. All we to
say is to sac ONE of the many styles we are showing this season
you'll never pay more than for any shoe.
Queen Quality Price is Always
Made in
The Man's Outfitter
A Puzzled
Patient a
make for her
he live with her and leaves
What can do
for support.
she run
heavily into debt lit; can't sup-
port her, because his creditors
penny as quick as lie gets
any be fails to pay
her the amount ordered, will
sent to jail for contempt f
she drives him out
the house with a and he's
afraid to go
can bub him for
don't tat anything for
me to do but go hang
against the law to commit
suicide, and if you are caught at-
;. you'll be imprisoned.
Wonderful of tho
A noted entomologist who
been Writing on tho wonderful feats
as exhibited in beetle
family lolls tho following so-
ii common beetle
Weighing and found
he was lo carry I load of shot
in u small bug, whole weighing
or times tho
of i bug. u man weigh-
j i could carry as much
be could a;
forty-live ion locomotive and then
chain ii train of can and.
take the lot the
a a mile an hour
mid 0141,409.61
Banking House
I from Banks
Cash Heir
silver Coin
Capitol Stock paid
Undivided less
Paid m
Hills Payable
I, James L. Little, the bank, do
wear the statement above la lo the in hi of
and sworn to before
nut, this Mb of Nov.,
Notary Public,
J. A
Two Change.
A difference has
been made the lime of the
the morning
train, W it now tomes at B
Instead of
Deeds B, Williams
u the
and Annie
Marshall mid
Lee Hopkins
sad Pennie
It is better to be a little court-
o is than lo be a rude.
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
At close of business November 9th, 1905.
Capital paid in
Undivided 5,837.11
Hills payable 6,000.00
Time 16,808.70
i rt
Loans and
Bit urea
Due from
and S
State of North Carolina, County of lilt,
I, It. of tho above bank, do solemnly
swear tho above is true to the heat of my knowledge
and belief. R, ,. court, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn la
me, this day of Nov., V
H A.
It. o
How th, mi th Ruling
In a plain of the liars mountains,
a few miles distant from the quaint
old town of
lies the of The
history of and its people
for hundreds of years been
with the game of chess. It
is a veritable the
Magazine, a nursery garden
for that ancient game.
from earliest childhood the boys
and girls are made familiar with
hoard and men. At school chess
treated as an obligatory subject and
is systematically. As soon
us pupils have mastered the moves
and the rules of the game they are
encouraged to undertake the
of chess problems and to in-
vent new ones, just as an English
schoolboy is set to making Latin
At Master there are chess
and tournaments among the
School children. Three u wards of
honor of the shape of chessboards
bearing the inscription, He-
of are given by
village community. These
are attended by lovers of
chess from far near. During
the last hair century several chess
congresses of i interest have also
been at
From a very early time the
have had tho privilege of
challenging to a game of cheat
prime or nobleman or exalted per-
who happens to through
their village. In the year the
great elector of Brandenburg was
in this way and in
of the event presented to the
villagers a carved board and a set
of silver chessmen, still preserved.
Mow chess the ruling pas-
of has never been as-
but the legend most gen-
believed sets forth that in tho
eleventh century a famous political
confined in an ancient
toner which still stands in the center
of the village. Time bung heavy on
his a lover of chess,
he begged for a set of men. None
Was to be had. Then the prisoner
carved a set for himself.
ho must have antagonists.
One by one his warders learned the
The peasants of village
were taking turns to guard him.
Boon I hex- all knew bow to play, and
all became enthusiasts.
defendant above will take
notice an action entitled a above
I been in the
Court of Flu Count obtain a
from of matrimony
heretofore solemnized between plain-
tiff and defendant, on the ground of
adultery, and the defendant will
further take notice he la required
appear at the next term of
Court of said county, to be held
on the seventh Monday before the first
Monday in March, it the 15th
day of January. and answer or
demur to the complaint in said action,
or the plaintiff will to the court
for relief demanded in
This 26th day of October,
D. C MOORE, Clerk superior Court.
I. A. SUGG. Mix. for
A Effort
A celebrated continental special-
to whom lime was literally
and who was possessed of a
temper, made it a rule that patients
should undress before entering his
consulting room so at not to waste
of his valuable lime. One day
a meek looking little man entered
with all his clothes on. do
you mean by coming in like that
the doctor in a rage. and
strip at
faltered the man.
you I've no lime to
yelled the doctor, and the poor man
room in haste, when bis
turn he re-entered tho room.
said the doctor,
better. What can do for
called to collect your
for the benevolent
The epigrams of Voltaire, the
French philosopher, wore often
ruthlessly sarcastic and severe, lie
could, however, exorcise tact and
gentleness, and, as is usually the ease
with brilliant persons, those
ties became him wonderfully well.
lie famous statesman
and cordially inquired about
his health.
is a replied
I am tormented with gout. can
hardly drag my feet
remind of the statue of
assented tho invalid sad-
arc right, poet; statue
had feel of
u head of cried Vol-
warmly; that, a
head of
What She Saw.
de went to
lose court, when
M. do and M. do
very young, had been
pointed ministers, saw them
as well as Mine, who
then grown old. When she re-
turned to Paris, some one asked
what remarkable things sh had
have said,
expected see I
have love in it- tomb and the
ministry in
It is well known
has a beneficial effect on the growth
of children, and in countries where
tho drinking water i.-. impregnated
With sails of lime the men are apt
to lie toll. An medical
that for a perfect
diet alkaline water is needed
for every person who cats heavily of
and this means nearly every
one excepting the vegetarian.
of James C
been Issued to Um by
Clerk of Superior Court of
county, and duly qualified an
executors of last will and testament
of the said James C. notice is
hereby riven all persons holding
claims against said estate to present
to fur
duly authenticated, on or the
20th of or this no
will be plead In liar of re-
a persons Indebted
estate are requested lo immediate
to us.
. This the of
it. J nil.
H. com.
of J n- . 0- a as
Jarvis Blow, s.
By virtue of a decree of Superior
court of Pitt made in case
of R I May and K H May R
and wife,
the undersigned commissioner sell for
cash before the court house door in
Greenville on Saturday December
the following described tract of
land situate in the county of Pitt and in
Farmville Township adjoining the
lands of Mrs. Arthur Jerry
Fields, the Ben, land and the
and known as More
laud is tor
this Nov.
James commissioner.
II day as executor
of the last will and testament of Moses
deceased, before Moore,
notice is hereby i to all
indebted to the estate of Moses
. . u make immediate
lo I tin executor, no-
is hereby given to all persona.
claims said estate U
Hie same the
. . j in y within
from Hie or Ibis
be in bar
This 21st day
K. . Tyson,
f Moses Tyson,
V. Hard
virtue of the power Of
ed in
and delivered by J. K. and wife
Y. G, James, one
April 11th, and recorded in
X page Hi; the dated day
may and duly recorded In the
Deeds of
Carolina, in K page
will expire lb public
-alt, before the court door in
Greenville, lo the highest bidder on
SATURDAY, 2nd 1906, a
tract or parcel lying and
ID the COUnt of Pitt
and as follows, to
That tract of land in town-
ship linen which James Hr.,
of the said J. It Elks resides,
adjoining the lands of Jesse Haddock,
Smith, Harden Smith's heirs
and others, to satisfy said mortgage
deed. Terms of sale cash. This 1st
lay Nov. 1905.
P. O. Mortgagee
North Carolina, I ,
Pitt County.
Mary Cousins i
Ill Cousins.
The defendant above named will
lake notice that an action entitled
has in the
I divorce from bonds of
and defendant, on tin- grounds
of adultery, and the said defendant
will further take notice In- is re-
quired to appear at
Court of said county, to
be held on seventh before
she first In March,
Um day mil
demur lo in
said action, or the will
ply to the court for relief de-
In said
This 24th day October,
I. a. six;
of the Superior of
Pitt county, hewing Issued of
Administration to me, the undersigned
on the day of on the
estate of Minnie
Notice i hereby given to all
Indebted tn the to make
payment to undersigned, and
to of said lo
sent their claims
ti d. In Twelve
Monti after th data of this Notice.
or this Notice will be in sow of
their recovery T s 10th day Oat.
-I. Atty.
North Carolina,
n. executor the lest will
notice is hereby tn all persons
Indebted to the state to make
payment and
all claims against said
estate same fee pay-
on or before tin- day of
1900, or this notice will l plead
bar of .
This 31st day of Oft
Executor Elisabeth
One three horse farm
good dwellings,
and . . i . . t
of on
ton Via Wise Fork Price 2.500.
also to rent or lease
horse farm, or will decide to suit tho
renter in smaller containing;
eight tenant live tobacco barns
and pack house all under
rounded ten thousand seres of
line stock ranges for sheep and
cattle. Situated on the Dover Rich-
lauds K. It. live miles of Dover
a healthy section and good water
Apply to C H. N. C
Harry Skinner. Jr
H. W.
j Temple Building.
We hereby that we have
associated with us. in the practice of
Law, Mr. Skinner, Jr.
name will continue here-
January 2nd, Won.
H. XV.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
for- s
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and Town and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
lucre is Una in the rial better than
the Harrison Line. It has it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison you need
never worry quality.
We trust that yon will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Prices.
Ba Hart
N. C,
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
We an very fortunate In be-
able to arrange with the pub-
of these well known mag
to offer a subscription for
coming year at this
price. We have decided
to let our readers have full
advantage of the reduction in
order to get quickly a large body
of paid in advance subscribers
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
Don't Neglect This Wonderful Offer
Reviews of Reviews
Many publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
this or prefer that Action and
art publication, hut tho Review
of Reviews Is Sub
men to keep u- with
the times and they are going to
take the which is
the Review of
The Cosmopolitan Woman's Home Companion
A leading for If years
With the recent change of owner
ship it has been improved, is
fur better in every and
aims to be the best In the Bold.
year or so there's one
notable advance in the forward
movement among the many mag
This year ll is the Com
The Woman's Home Companion
is for every member of the
Km- our bright,
cultured, home loving American
woman it Is ideal entertainer
helper in a thousand
ways; hut the fathers and
brothers suns join in it
perusal by tho children
eagerly turn to the pages that
are written for them,
For Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, and
In fact
in Hardware come to
Livery, Sale g Feed Stables
The is the leading Agricultural paper the country, and pertains
hi fuming, live stock and poultry raising. Every tanner should have it
you get all tour these papers with The Daily a year for or; all
a year tor
Near Five
Greenville, N. C.
FIST CLASS TEAMS tor pleasure drives, or to take pa's
to nearby points.
Good Drive Work Horses and Mules for sale. I
them in large numbers and can sell as low as any dealer,
for Cash or on Time.
yon an in town and want your horse and
properly cared for, pill up at my stables.

l V .
Entered in post office at Greenville, N. C, as class matter,
Advertising made upon application.
A correspondent desired at port in Pitt adjoining counties.
in Id
ll .
,. racket
the orphans thin week.
ain't in ii with the rise in
After all talk about the canal
ii is Hind it be neat before
begin throwing
money part it m as lie is get-
ting plenty of advertising,
Wonder what Mr- Bryan
have don.- with stool
had he
n error
.,. chanced from the near side of
.,.,, i. He now that the
or if not to come to h
Representative J.
makes a wise suggestion in a
communication in paper when
he attention to the need of an
asylum for insane at con-
point in Eastern North Car
This would be far better
than increasing the size of tho pres-
asylums, even if they could be
made large enough to provide room
for all patients I lie state. It
is better that there should be more
asylums and not so many patients
collected at one place, dust think
of one thousand patients already in
one asylum under one
dent, It stands U reason that only
the number there could receive
better attention. Laughing
house's suggestion that there should
a farm connected with each
is timely. Those matters should
be agitated from now on and acted
upon by the next legislature.
v are told that Hyde
was lead astray. The only
tiling ah it is that he was not
lead far enough so that lie could not
have strayed back again.
If it cost Mr. Hears eighty thous-
and dollars simply to run for
mayor in New York, what do you
reckon it will cost him to really get
the office
Marriage opens a few eyes
many purses.
Pennsylvania bike to
stand a statue of the late Senator
Quay. They think it bad taste to
honor the memory of a man whose
lire touched the depths of proud and
Mexico Learning from State
The study of English is
in the Mexican public schools.
Every year Mexico sends to the
States a number of school teach-
to study American pedagogic
methods. A great many Mexican
children are being educated in the
and colleges of this country,
where they were sent to
The number Mexican
visitors to the United States and
number of American visitors to
is increasing every year. It is
said that know New-
York better than the city of Mexico,
and that Mexicans are
more at home in San Francisco than
in their own capital city. Thus,
each year the American way of
is taking a deeper hold on the
Mexican people.
The vice president of Mexico and
announced of President
is very much Americanized
his idea I fact, lie might
be mistaken fur o plain
American business man
IV m Ids appearance, manner and
He has always ex
ins. As ;, the i late
raged them to
in enterprises in his state and to
hi. lie no in
, i their lives, property,
News and Observer rights were protected, lie
A Catholic bishop, of Richmond,
has issued an order prohibiting wed-
dings after p. m. Those
have to be ruled by the
will go on getting married
when they get ready.
We notice that a veteran in
has fused a pension and
back pay amounting to upwards of
,, . f was i
Una J be m -1
says the Carolina Conference
is going to have Wilson of n
is well informed about the United
-re-. and is u student of English.
He has three daughters school at
this week That is it meets in
San and is educating all
son, Will be presided over by i
bishop named Wilson, and of Americanization
the secret tries is named Wilson.
Genius i merely another name
for unrecognized
Even a while lie is never
whits as it i- whitewashed.
Have -r and
others will respect yon.
by II in
the Monthly Reviews of
for December,
There are more suckers dry
land than in Tie water.
SHOULD HAVE AN ASYLUM. Every one seeks to escape pain.
seem to think that suffering is the
Editor greatest of all misfortunes and we
While the governor and the press bail with rejoicing the man who
of the state are taking steps to see to
what extent the law is being violated
promises deliverance from its power.
Indeed, the charlatan has but to
in regard to the care of the insane make his promises big enough and
the state, why not the people of he can depend of possessing the
Eastern North Carolina begin t
their demand upon the slate
for an asylum for whites in the East
cm action We have one at M r
purses of the people. We are
cowards Seeing to potions instead
i i enduring the answering assault of
nerves. So ready are we
for the West with resort any means to deaden
have another at their stings we ate in danger of
sigh that will accommodate when becoming a race f drug dependents,
completed. These asylums ought To the average in in nothing could
not to be enlarged, they are large
enough one at Greenville or
Washington, Edenton, New Bern
or Elizabeth City. Then build an-
other for the benefit of the insane
who have property to take care of
lie more desirable than a painless
world. That is all that heaven
means to many. Yet no one knows
whether such a world would as
good as our own. Pleasure
d might be pleasure
and remove from Certainly the higher go in the
present asylums all who are not
strictly classed as law Specifies.
Then we will no longer hear of lbs
disgrace of insane people being
fined the county jails.
Ii is estimated that per cent,
our population are crazy. In the
older countries it will run as high as
per cent. As tho percentage of
urban population increases the per-
of insane will increase,
the natural increase of U
scale of being the greater is the
susceptibility suffering. What-
ever the future may bold, pain re-
mains one of our great problems in
the present. And we wonder why it
should necessary in the order of
We cannot content ourselves with
saying that it is only a consequence
of sin. That may suffice as a super
final solution of another man's prob
But we know there is pain in
will make another asylum the world that does not come from
ins few years. To enlarge u r j wrongdoing, and that you cannot
of two we have will ho i measure a man's sin by bis suffering.
One should be built in the Eastern if yon could, then the Saviour of
part of the state. men was the moat sinful of all. Some
of white people in I of tho best people have certainly
North Carolina. Upon the basis of known the worst suffering. Perhaps
per cent, there are now j in the place of pain in their lives
pie who ought to be in an insane I lies some explanation of its purr
asylum cared for by the state. Th sol in all lives. It has its part in the
who are able to pay should be mud development of character. It is an
to pay, but there should be room for indication of tho disciplinary intent
them to be treated in North Caroline existence. If the best of must
All asylums should have large I be made perfect through
farms attached to them where much more do need its
patients could work, as I schooling
has taught that average patients Remember the pains of childhood,
make good hand, they can be of school life. Were not days
much quicker when they cat
have occupation in the open air
sunshine. This idea has been
adopted by the leading hospitals in
the United States with very much
increased success in treatment of
patients. The hospital or asylum
should be at an accessible point to
railroad, but should not be at a Large
city where land will cost hundreds
of dollars per acre. With a large
farm attached the patients could do
some work, there cure would be ex-
their health would be better,
and what they raised would go a
long ways towards making these in
self sustaining.
North Car
North Carolina Bay ibis
in I, I years to succeed, falls upon
of discipline as hard to bear as art
our later days of pain Tho con
linemen in the dull room when
fields and streams and beasts wore
calling, tho tasks, failures, and
were each so overwhelm-
as to seem to blot out joy forever
Yet we could not afford to miss one
of them. They warned of derange
meats in ourselves; they spurred to
right adjustment to our social order;
they taught application to
ant tasks; they bred sympathy with
our fellows.
e pains make our present
pleasures. Vol are still at the
school desk, and if we but knew
it, in the division. The
as, no more welcome now than
then, have all to be learned. Tempt
ed to ii--i normal pain, one
in remember that no man
lent i I ms or becomes
1905 BY.
OF .
Get your Sack Suit, get your Cutaway, your
Prince Albert, your Swallowtail, your Tux-
Get your Worsted Suit, your your
Cheviot Suit, your Black Suit, your plain
Suit, your fancy Suit here. Get your rain-
coat, your extra Trousers, your White or
Fancy Vest Here. Get your new Fall Hat,
your Haberdashery and of all
kinds Here.
Whatever you need you can get Here,
and get it better than you could elsewhere.
Our inducement Tho Best.
.- Moderate Prices that's what
made keeps us going.
the last Friday before Christmas, graduation by playing
time The annul I
any of I . recitations
Every exert an
Ought to Be a Pleasure to Pay
As the year drawn to its close,
honest people have constant thought
the settling time is here
They are looking after their so
counts and paying them up so
that they may begin the New Year
with a clean and a clear eon-
science. Tin re cannot be too much
this debt-paying sort of honesty.
book containing the ,.,; , , ,,;,,
ex. be observed by all the ,, , ,,,., . ,.,.
schools in the Slate has
runs all through life.
and yield to it constantly. It
is a painful thing to acquire an
cation, to achieve distinction. The
office and the store scenes
suffering. We are so used to their
pain that we think nothing of it.
Success is a costly thing. Now.
reward is i up on the street,
the best thing
cost iii st. we pay for them
and tears anguish of soul.
Labor and weariness are but
for pain. These endure
with joy the rewards id
home and social pleasures, and dis-
If a man will thus endure
for the bread that perishes, bow
much more will be endure for
which is eternal, the sustenance of
Iron; the office of the Superintend
of Public Instruction, and doe real
credit to its compiler. M -i of the
space is given this y,
landers upper i e bear n g-
ion. Highlanders at Home,
Coming of the
Highlanders in Their New
Moore's Creek the
Capo Visit t,,
Distinguished Mm
of the Upper Cape arc the
readings and declamations
to the Scotch and
their par in the State's history.
This is supplemented by a read-
the Upper Cape
null before i-. ,
Pitt ll l
d I, n of estate of postponements and empty
A, Parker, is , , , , ,
hereby Wen to all per. his that tool nobody and help DO-
body, of the biggest delights
an honest man has is in paying bis
by this sign one
know whether he is honest ho en-
joys paying up pay tune, he'll
to an
to pay
men; to undersigned, sod all per
Son-. estate
are to present under-
signed from this
or this Kill In- in
bur f Nov.
II. W. N
John A. Parker,
If are willing to pay
SO high a price often too high-
l-car, tin- concluding song in business, how much more
for we gladly pay for success in
Among other things on the pro
gramme is the Wiley Memorial Fund, out tribulation comes our
which should be dear to the heart man
I Bowen
New Shirt Waist Silks, Ladies Woolen Goods in all
he latest styles and weaves.
Boys and and
Novelty Suits.
Yon want style i i Ultra shoes have just as much
iii them a. nay fain i- shoe, and our own design
rs i rs all t-i ti ii h which are later copied by
over the country. Style la the consideration, but
if the shoe does not lit, you will not buy it for the style alone.
Tho Fitting qualities what is necessary to a shoe, and in
this the
Our pattern mid last makers are undoubtedly the best In their
U bra Wear.
every school child. Five cents u
in ad is d from tin to com
ST f.
Our light which is but for
a for us a far more
and exec ding eternal weight of
glory. Cot.
th. life trod by the man of
sorrows do not walk alone
who walk that way; he goes before
them. Be leads into life. The All
Wise may permit lower para
sites to come to perfection without
pain, but he loves man too well to
allow to loose his crown of life
by refusing to taste a little of the
bitterness of
Is Mead By Everybody in as I
people n to pay what, they want.
v n . I , ill i i
, . i
This is in charge of J. H. FRY, is t rep-
resent the Reflector in Winterville and territory.
I HI I I I 1.1,1
Just by H. O. Chapman I we are m., f
for there are plenty of pd
a car load lime
they will very
Best hosier for children at if.
tax books are
open store of R.
all and pay
Our of Call sad
goods are is. See oar lice he
fore yon peers to please A.
W. Co.
cent-, shoes, boots, at A
For nice apples. Bandies,
oranges bananas and mils go to
H. I, Johnson's
The A. U. Co.
getting u many orders for biggies
-eats end bodies, they have
new plant for the persons
Another large shoes nice line of fresh groceries
styles and and prices very
Black spec
ways on band Barber
Any one in need of a good cart
that -ill last and render
newest style ;
franks and valise- at
ton Barber a- Co.
The A. Mtg On. are still
wheels and s
by car load.
Shoes are arriving at A.
W. Ange sure to get
their prices you buy else-
,. ,,
tally recommended for the service to or the
family, fine for perfectly
For sale by
B. T. Bro.
A. O. Cox Co.
For nice meat, salt small or
large bags, OW C, and
get their prices before yon boy.
Last Saturday night the mail
Don't forget the nice furniture
White's Colic and Kidney Cure, a at this for
combination kidney medicine books to the school
library, There were two wagon
for stock and a sure colic cure.
at the Drug Store
loads of them. This is a very
valuable selection books and Is
Fur hay, eon and oats, go to quite an addition to the school
Harrington Barber Co. J library which contains at present
u . boot 1800 volumes. This last
We b the best assortment of ., , t
Stationary ever brought to Win-
B T A Br,. s
j congressman who is generally
Another load of school desk were I considered lobe the states best
shipped of A. G. x Mfg representative.
yesterday. u .,
All colors of paint, and yellow about
Barber your downs in the
i- . a you want the
Don't be on bad Hour
when can get at A W
ft Co
Nicest and cheapest of men's
Hes Barber Co.
highest try market here. One
day this week B. F. Manning
Co., paid 170.86 for one hale, and
it wasn't an unusual day either,
just sold on a high market and to
International stock food a who believes in paying the
horses and cattle at cotton.
J H. Harms J- L. Harris, j.
Special fr John Forbes,
wit days L. House. Barber, Harry Louis
Nice lie of suits at H. L. , .
Johnson's. i Braxton, Avon T. W.
u John Crawford,
yards at John A very, of
per yard, Barber Ore down Monday
Cl- i evening . attend s meeting
Floor oil dot h at A W tribe of Bed Men.
Co see Hi stock yon buy. again.
More desk and better expect to exchange
school ate being made and l tor meal can time
sold the Cos i by meal far seed when
Nice bu R be i t
PUt Co. Oil Mill.
If van want a bargain in
W. they
selling our at IO per cent now.
If you want a Tar Heel yo
had better see netting it at
the A. Mfg Go will
ship them elsewhere.
Miss Spence, of Seven
Springs, visiting in town this
T. IT. King preached one
of bis excellent sermons
church here last Sunday.
The A G. Cox Co.
a of their
fence Io one our
yesterday. They have some fence
tor you if you need it.
Bin line of hats and caps just
received, latest styles. Harrington.
Barber ft Co.
A Dice lot of hats and caps just
received at A. W. Ange Co.
are nice be sure w. see them
Go to Harrington Bather Co
for Rubber jackets.
Be sure In to see nice
of new furniture A. W. Ange
Co. has received before you
buy elsewhere
Just received ear load floor,
and Harrington Barber
For special prices on healers see
W. L House,
Just received R. G. Chapman
a Co., a ear load of salt. Be sure
to get their prices at once.
Miss i-
On Monday Dee. Masonic
I loose
Opera Co., their
a comic opera
mg-laughing and
In way
per i rec ha
such a in
,;. ; I v
hO h IS .-.-. . , ,, ,;,,
-en ml
i is to i. r .;,.
present i-
tin-, his Is i nth eon-
scout iv ii. a the in i
it as in the pis; the m
in the West.
Miss Bertie Savage,
Heck, came in evening
visit Mrs. K. B. Riggs.
M. f,. Starkey, who has been
here on a visit i,, bis parents,
returned to Wilmington today.
Mr. and Mrs.
Bern, spent
here, left this
Mr. Mrs. If. A. White. K
O. James and daughters, Miss,,.
VIM and Mary, Misses Aila
Woolen, Alice White Noll Skin-
Mary Riggs,
H. B. Phillips, J. F.
Brinkley, I. I H w.
Whedbee, A. J. and T. J. Moore,
Harry Skinner. Jr. W. B,
Jr., It. A. Tyson, Jr., K,.
Skinner, F. M. Hornaday, Hi, .
Milton White, ;
Hashed and C.
. r
S i I
lug in chapel
Sal and Sunday in town.
Misses ii y Tucker Helen
Galloway, of
Saturday night Sunday
Miss Cox.
was town
Pitt County
J. M. Williams R. Williams,
Williams, . Mar
Allen, -i s ,
smith nun
In Swill
to In
with me in
Kiev will ho by
This r r
is hereby that I shall
the of
Put county to the board
of th town of b, ti-i j,
to retail and mall liquors
in of live . . ,.
In At town of Bethel, in
story tram.- bulling on the soul
of railroad i.
Bus n to lA
run the R ,,.,
This of Nov. lens,
. K.
North Carolina In B
I Count, i Before the l-lei
V. M-,.,.,,,. .,,., M., ,. ,. ,
It, ,,. K,
us set you straight on the matter of
Overcoats. The most successful process for water-
proofing a garment is that of Priestley's, and every
treated to their process bears their name,
and when in addition to Priestley's stamp
n overcoat is identified with the label of Wilkinson the
combination is one that insures not only a waterproof
overcoat, but also an overcoat of fine fabric, with all the
knocks of and style that distinguish the
Clothing people from the ordinary sort.
A New Line Just Received,
They have nice cheap.
Go to II. I,. shops,
he has nice received,
they are nice.
Call at II. L. Johnson's and ex.-.
his line of Hosiery last long lake it to K L ,
I'll pill Tills III
Misses Ladles and Gents. Johnson represents the November,
and trimmings into A at is o'clock
m . . ,, . . eat tho Court House
they us- In Greenville, to the bidder i i-
sort meat. parcel of laud to
I nu Ming and being In Greenville
Nice Silk waist at Car
,,.,. . ., ,, adjoining th. lands of
l. ,. and others and the
land upon which the M. G. Move Mill
want your to look was formerly located
B L T wife
B. . .
I Carolina,
Wen .; . ; rat. than other
Wade William, A . , , . . ,, . ,,, .-,.,
, . .
ward. John T i
A W. Ange ft Co., have just
received a new lot of shoes, Be want all winter
sure to v.,. them and his price- get sue of those good beaten m A. North Carolina,
before yon boy elsewhere. W. Co. s-e Cheap, .
International poultry a- I , ,. ,., , . ,
Harrington ft Co. , ,;,.,
sale stables. VIM, House. e Sup
line o.
f re H
B, Q. A mu,. hid,.
ward, John r , ,,.,.
i M I r-N. .
Hammond, w j Jan., w
u n. t. T
. . Ir Greenville of hem
For bargains in pants go to ll.
L. Johnson's,
B. T. Bro. hue i full line
school hooks, paper-, I
pea day
ledgers, h
straps, C , i .
they before
N if Iii- it fr r.
Sis i ha i I i M
es, at . ,,,,.
Matthew wife I is K
I Insurance. on your BOND.
Manning, ll K
Ms will,
i -i last, ; v , . .-
in, D. I
s, who is a defends I
cause, will
N N. C
Hi., following parcel to w
the . In
nip. I North .-- I
. A
Allen. ,,
and others, , T
or lest, and known ,. to th
. .
mi hand
Ships., of Bay ,
bodies are
m This the of n c
it A V
We will
Ind of or horse.
R- L CO.

Lawyer Will Do and What
They Don't to Do.
That it take a smart man to
a will is an adage the respect
for which in the legal fraternity is
by the fact that few law-
pan want to furnish visible evidence
of their part in drawing up
It is perfectly easy for a man to hire
lawyer to his testament, of
coarse, no matter how complicated
provisions may be. It is quit
another thing to get the lawyer to
witness it. lie will not even allow
clerks in his office to do so, except
perhaps the client old
or regular one. He wants him to go
elsewhere to get the necessary at-
There are exceptions to
this unwritten rule, it is true, but
it is pretty generally
will not i a
said one of them, the true
son is they don't care to
with the instrument. t is about
as difficult an undertaking us a law-
can to draw up will her
the bequests are surrounded with
conditions that will close up all
loopholes to a contest. M
tow know how they want to
of their but it ex
hard to express in a
way that will leave no i i
disappointed call
it into question. teem
with Instances lit
smart men, some of I d
lawyers, to ill that
will stand l I t. Law-
naturally want to be as-
with a in that may
be pronounced bad, they are
unwilling to .-i-.-n as witnesses or
let their employees do i p-
it to some extent a lock
of confidence in their Any-
how, the precaution i- of little use,
for the who drew
it i in I
Colon. r was distress-
ad. St. host had asserted
that Missouri was the garden spot of
America for the production of
Being a Georgian, Colo-
could not allow such
a statement to puss
be exclaimed. of
the abundance of watermelons iii
in the facility fob eating them. Can
you show me, a man in Missouri
who has yet ii.
Georgia demanded
the is
grind. uh, is the
ability to feed a continuous and
broken line of . . on
aide of the mouth while
continuous and unbroken I.
Wed, the Tl
mere development of ant,
is beyond doubt that
rain tho most watermelons,
a Puff of an Engine,
The tram was starling. I he n
of the at slow, .
faster and faster, and
to cease in the roar of the train.
is the emission of the
steam through the
causes the locomotive's
coughing said.
the speed .
putTs increase in I . .
ten a second are em ear
can't distinguish th .
any hears a con-
roar. A
on this account, think I
only ii r.
all ; i a,
too rapid to be e. A
train going a mile in . gives
twenty per
A Full Answer.
An r Sunday
preached from I lie , art
After reading it, he male
a pause for . he . . n . re-
upon the words, a man in
a military d . Ii i t
was mar thing r up the
middle aisle of the
it . question .
am, an n i ;
foot, nil
In , and having
me. I am
I wished to be acquainted with the
n I
As the
e burning
of r became the old
h i p and Bra-
arms look their places. The first of
id was a gun I fas-
ten to long pole and fired with a
match. Shot stones, balls of
and set
Ire were propelled with
this Only a short distance
could be shot with primitive
guns. The old and clumsy siege ma-
chine which threw heavy stones by
means of a spring rope
ed into siege guns.
Sermon to Juniors.
Tat Jr. O. U. A. M. attended
service tar church,
Sunday morning- It
many n day since e heard
a so able us the one
delivered by Kev. J. K.
this subject
of the Mi in
he showed our be
first to then
our man,
make the of moment
in the service of G-1 mi, 11111.111-
Liberal Collection.
As he will be away at
week, Rev. J. A.
preached u sen.
in the Methodist Sunday
morning. A was take
tor tie denomination
which amounted so
You cannot in men
yon work other Binaries
those of the
Mm. of
Mount, who has been hr
parents, Ml. and Mrs. V. M.
King, returned home i g
Mill ,
Si . I
U N .,. . to
on h r way home
t . th in
H She LaT
Hannah of
A , the relief I
Salve. It cared
my fearful running sore, which
not else would heal, and from
which I had suffered
It is a marvelous healer for for
cuts, burns and wounds.
a J L drug store.
a Mir up
ally tumble into it it is fairly
boiling over.
A Disastrous Calamity
It is a calamity, when
you h health . because
mi and have sap
it away. Prompt relief
be had in New lite
they up your
in , cure headache,
Guarani at J l-
It is easy bi leave your
purse in
you go to inert
A fight purse a heavy
i of
I . . m
. . ; w
let, .
.-. . the
ER to
la often as great is woman's, but
Tho. the
publican, of
was when h-
refused lo allow the doctors op
on Ins wile, for
be says
eluded to try Electric Bitters, My
wife was then so sick, she could
hardly leave her bed. live
physicians bad tailed to
her. Alter taking
she cured, and can
now perform all her household
by J. L.
Woolen, Druggist.
Steamer L. leaves
Washington daily
at a. m. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
at m. for
Connecting at Washington
Norfolk Southern Railroad tor
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Bobbin and all oilier
joints North. a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, Norfolk
Southern K. R.
Sailing Hours subject to change
without notice.
T. H. MYERS, Agent. Washing-
ton, N. G.
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
Agent, Norfolk,
Norfolk, Vs.
Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York
Chicago and Orleans.
917- R. L.
N. C.
Son Lost Mother
I . I r
runs in our
and through it I lost my Moth
write- K. I. Bold, of
Me. For the past years,
however, the slightest stun of
a Cough cold or cold, I have taken
Dr. King's Few Discovery for cm
which has saved me
from serious lung His
mother's death was a sad loss for
Mr. but lie that lung
trouble must not be neglected,
and how to cure ii. thickest re
and cure for and colds
Price and guaranteed at
J. L. Wooten, Druggist. Trial
bottle free.
To the Cotton Growers and Business
Men .-I Pitt County.
You are hereby requested to bold
a meeting in each township
first Saturday December at i,
P. M. to organize and name from
two to live delegates to
meeting to be held at the
House Greenville the Second
Saturday December, Uh at
This meeting is called for the
purpose of organizing the cotton
in Pitt county and to
select delegates to the North
Association which
meets in Raleigh the first
day in January, the 3rd. County
and township organizations bi-
as outlined by Southern Cotton
Association. Each will elect a
The Cotton Association
is now as a prominent
factor in protecting the cotton
growers interest keeping
prices of the staple on a paying
basis, and I trust all who are
will meet and give us
their cooperation.
R. R. Cotten,
Vice First District,
North Carolina Cotton Association.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely
on patents
pending, whereby we
an reface old Brans Col-
and Had
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
My Mend. This Is Worth
Yea Stop Sec
Greensboro, N. March 1903.
Mrs take pleas-
stating that your Remedy
has entirely caret our little girl of
a very bad case of eczema, which
covered a great part of her body.
She bad from
the time she was three weeks old,
until she was six years old. She
is now perfectly well and I feel
that I speak too highly of
it. She he had a of
it for years.
Roles regular lengths each
r,. s
Head Inches
and over lie
A sample of refaced
Rule, full
will he cheerfully
sent on application.
P-inters Supply Co
of Type and
High Material
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
January I took
down with weakness and
and gradually grew worse. I told
by my family that my
hopeless. My
had me to die. My
limbs and body were swollen to one-
larger normal size, and
water had collected around my heart.
For at least three I had to sit
propped up In bed to keep from
I sent for five, of Dr.
Mil. Heart Cure, and by the time I
had taken them all I was entirely
cured. feel better than I have for
twenty years, and am able to do
any kind of work on my farm. My
attending physician told me that If it
hadn't been for Dr. Heart Cure
would now be In my
L. T. CURD, Ky.
Dr. Heart Cur la told by
who will guarantee that
he first bottle will benefit. If It
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Buy a pair of Trousers at
or For every button that
comes off during the first two months of wear
we will pay you Ten Cents. If they rip at wait
band, we will pay you Fifty Cents. If they rip
in the seat or elsewhere, we will pay you One
We stand back of every pair of TROUSERS.
with this and makers are back of us.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
The King Clothier.
L an
1.08 l
Pi I
Due from Banks 99.014
N.-u. 0,967.00
pita k in
led 802.42
; sail to 48.984
f i People
Reach Without W
D leaving your own
If you an too fat it la your food
tum to fat instead of
If you too lean tho fat producing food
that you tat and
thin, do not
in the stomach, while fat
people have too much Pepsin and not
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all the juices that art
found in a healthy and in
exactly those proportions to
enable the stomach and digestive organs
to digest and assimilate all foods that may
be eaten is not only a perfect
but it is a reconstructs, tis-
sue building tonic a well. cure
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Palpitation of the Heart and
Constipation. You will like it.
Digests What You Eat
Rest th stomach, rebuilds th
tissue and firm flesh.
Not Quite
How you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be for
Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
M i Q a
After July 1st I will lie
pared to private con-
to and n i mi fur
persons in town at for
each person The will
then only run hotels to
depot and wharf fare on
that will also lie phone ab
w. j.
St i-f of North Carolina,
i r
I. U. the bank, do o
. h t the to best of m.
knowledge and J- B. DAVIS,
sworn to
for me, 0th day of Nov-
J. V.
W. M.
W. J
R. L.
A Telephone Line
IS Q I ill
Can You ft
tux. you
For Rates
Grey Granite,
Iron Vase.,
Work and Cemetery
All Work Pneumatic Tools.
J. n. Agent
a W. .
Saturday night there was a A fall supply
runaway jut around the corner on ; Satchels and
Main street a horse hitched to at J. It. A
There no damage ft rt.
of only a badly
up buggy, harness the
to shreds and a crowd t hat scatter- i.
to the winds and every other I
available place of safety. The loaf bread
Mis Annie came up the at
Friday a visit down the road.
Mrs. Forrest and her mother are
in Winterville.
and BASH w lake
treat pleasure
those In arrears. We hare a list
of all who receive mail at
this We lake aiders
for job
shoes the beat. Every
pair sold wader a
W. C. Co. control this
line for
Oar rugs and art squares are
finer than the finest, Cannon and
Amos Tyson went to return-
ed from Kinston last week.
T. C Wooten, of Kinston,
passed through town Saturday
his way on legal
Herring has
attending the seminary has
gone to her home in LaGrange.
There are several we are told who
longingly watch the place which
once knew her so well but now a
vacant stare is all they have to
J. our optician is
now back again the
Optical College, where he
graduated t a special in
the science of optic, ready to
better sen-ice than ever before
thine suffer from weak eyes
and in of glasses.
For carpenters grind stones
hemp pulleys, at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows hinders nails Cross
and mechanic tools at J
K Bro
If need the way
of Tin ware
H see us, Hart Jenkins.
A of glass
ware, tinware
at B A Bro
ft. H. new
far Beef, meats,
m, U . R.
Oar of sale by
hatter is
J. ft. Smith . Bro.
is M took at.
Ive do reward will
paid for the of
Slaughter ti L. W, Tucker,
mi weigh or
all good made
years old, when last seen
wore low. slouch bro. n hat,
hair middle, lips tolerably
thick; talk and like
b from where he
came, specially fond of the ladies.
He escaped from convict camp
21st. The above
reward will be promptly
for his return
horn, Pi
N. O.
.- ., . an .
Our specialties are, staple and
Fancy Fruits and
Dry goods, Notions
Shoes. for Wanamaker
Brown Clothing, made to
dual measurement. for
will also be called for and deliver-
ed free. Thanking for past
and hoping to serve
you the future. F. G.
ft Co.
Cannon and Tyson invitee your
attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
We call your attention to our
line of harness, Cannon
and Tyson.
Wear Corliss Coon-Collars. for
cents. J. R.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the best and
W. C. Jackson Sc showing
the most complete line of
and suit's ever
a, the of Ayden. Give
and if yon a trial. They sure
a hoar they can pi use you as the style
Cannon and Tyson have the
to see
We New HI utter Sew
lag easy terms, J. strongest line of dress
Bx. shoes in town.
A big of Overalls, ; Calico and Gingham at
and the best line of pants j per yard, great reductions in white
for the on the market and summer goods, at J.
We are receiving daily heavy J. R. Smith Bro; R. Smith A Bro.
Get the Cox the E. Dull ft Co, wilt do all they
on the market at J. R. to please yon with
Bro. , new Hue of heavy and fancy
apples, banana and all i
fruits kept by tarry
horn. of meat, lard and can
goods. before giving
old Fashion Paw- men trial. Frank Lilly.
Gum Bread Trays at J, It. Hart Jenkins
F. G. Co., will have from a w i O
Wagon. Those . . ore. will
same delivered Free of Charge their homes in
part of Ayden or natural suburbs.
F. Q Company,
At the of business Nov. 19th, 1905.
hi and
Ban ha, M 1,808.00
Bank ad
D. S. notes
Capital stock U.
, to
Cm I
I, J. Sum, the swear
the , i line I lie my ad be-
and l
this of v
k n.
and of
Ti.-.- and
If Cigar
is the best cent in town.
them . Book
and also a nice
line of cigars
kept in a
grocery. J. H. Tripp Bro.
Bed steads,
single double, rockers.
and stands
dressers tables at J R Smith
ft Bro
AT K. C.
business. Not. nth, 1806.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured
Farmer's Due from Banks and
Walter has gone
to Na folk.
John Alexander left yes
Dora Mr.
Nelson bare bean visiting
the Tripp.
There are
the graded school. Of this
are in Hie and
Surely to many for one teacher.
buildings by
them with
Town lead
and full line of colors, kept at J.
U. Smith A Bro.
Two persons In
the pool at Sunday
afternoon and joined
Baptist at tills place
D Ii K. I
On Jan. 1st I will
to be
and see tho
J. F.
f North Carolina, County
i . i bank, do
of my
Several parties from Ayden went
oat lo
Our Una of aim ton- Gold and coin,
is con. and la and must, national bank and
sec us. J. H. Tripp Bro. mi of other U. holes
notions, shoe-,
chickens boys and pants I Total
and eggs and all produce m- etc. I thing I
by J. H. Tripp A Bro .- All I ask la to come and
hat swear that the
of Columbia PI. i o. I t edge and
to .
styles cloaks and
also a nice line of Zephyr law A fall lint- of trunks, tel-
tors at J. K. Smith Bro. gripe, bag.
See our line of ladies and i- n at J It Smith A Bro
cloaks It. Turnage. Bay Pelt at
Buy one of our I Tyson, have the beet.
Hals. under a guarantee. Oar attorney added
i mi n
e the same.
Surplus fund
Undivided profits 158.04
i certificates of
deposit 1,7.10
Deposits subj to check
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
When you gel
pen it is a Parker. assort-
at Book Store.
Dr. Dixon,
k H.
den, i. c.
Subscribed and worn lie
fore mo, this IS day i.
It. J.
M. o.
J, R. Turnage,
quantities of turkeys need to dies, I always m, band ,. fall
have been from point feet, we can save you feed stuff at lowest
during past four T
Miss Lillian ha. return- e T Z
school Try a -1 .,. stuff. Lilly,
. I pair be ears seed,
Miss Lillian Mo.,, la drilling a Draw goods, Bread cloth, l
Mohair, cashmere,
next Saturday tight at Bethany
church near
You should see of late
curtains before buy log J, It.
Holton, a of
Spring, hundred
bales of cotton Iron point
V. and roofing,
class of children preparatory to
giving a temperance entertainment trimmings, lining white
goods at J B Smith a Bro
J, Tripp A Bro will sell at
public auction second band sew-
in to tile highest bider
at their store December
gad o'clock p. la. J. II, I
Bro. Ayden
II fail to to our big
.-ill teed until you see me,
P. Lilly.
Poi rue-, carpeting, malting
ii id see our It
i -Anyone desiring to
valuable tract of land
partly in the town of Ayden will
do well to sec the undersigned at
o J, A. Harrington
we will sell at auction
sale I hand, Singer Davis,
m Home, Domestic to tho bide
with long or i a bl h machine
pipe B a Bro, Saturday Saturday December
Delia . i I J a Bro, at p. J. H.
With hi i bare,
a. M Bro,
Truths that Strike Home
a .
Your grocer la ha cues to do toll
you that he knows very about the coffee he
sells you. How can be know, it originally came from,
how it was or with what
or w If buy your
coffee loose by the pound, how can
you expect purity and uniform quality t
necessity In quality,
strength flavor. For A
has been standard In
bl .- In
bone, ha. m
or la w dual.
SUrl. or
In each package of you get on full
of Coffee. Insist upon getting the genuine.
Lion head on
th lion-heads tor
SPICE CO., Toledo, Oslo.
V. C,
N ti ; k i.
By of a i ,
in a M r i
M A i J
ii . i , i, , a ,,
. IN
if i j.
he . at ., .
. . I , . . ii . .
Mo i pi to i hi . tale ti i
door in .
i for in. h, , v . .
real property u,
i ii- land in r-
township, North I . .,
as follow o
on north by th of a; en
Adam, on east by Coal tn. a
i . k. mi tin- wist by the of W,
A ti. containing in
r let and batter known as u
. in in a
laud former aging
to sale is made
to satisfy term of
23rd of October,
Jr. Assignee.
II ii of the power a lo a
. a d
d i i only E. to E.
ii 24th day of March n i,
and n in ill of
In Hook i i.- Hit, u.
in ii i in , n,
th of
a folio ii . That lot or
i on mm ,
Mai street, lb Ian
ii, . an a,
south, W. w.
mi Mail street north,
a. or to satisfy said
Tail no. of Mo, mot.
ii n. R
V. ail jam

i I
Read -very word of this. It will prove the most profitable investment you have made in years. For mouths and years capital, brains, genius and enterprise have con-
planned and carried out to a successful culmination a tremendous trade triumph that knows no in the annals of commerce. We now lay before you
e rich result of this long tireless effort.
We balk at no quantity if the quality is standard. A World of Twentieth Retail
The Buying Organization
. i m i-i p i . ting. I; I . s a I Its Strength is respected. We hear of tumult things
A Carnival of Under
will sweep offerings of ail opposition with Type is tame. All print- I prices are neutralize on patient pap it. in oaf Store
not in., n T lo t ii a tall u-re in per JO early.
Sensational Sale of Mens Clothing.
Vow eh of salts male of good
6-; . . id Sale price 1.61
A -sensation in MM so mixed Cheviots and
medium shades of I mix-
in small an i plaids aid These
are certainly grandest values in the State it this price 3.49
Mess suit, comprising a grand assortment an d
double eh suits, bu, and brown.
tweed mixtures In all the newest and most desirable
shades, all superbly tailored, coats finished. A
fir that ire i d in t
that sell for 10.00,0. T. special price 5.38.
Men's line suits, tine, equal in every to
work. This season's latest styles and bet attar.
Worsted, Cheviots. Scotch mixture and reliable
made garments have by any
in North Carolina, claim the a to of any
garments on th- market. We are now telling at
pat on sale at 1.6 i a th HI others can sell
for h more. They c I i single I I i breast el socks.
-High clothing mil by to in black and
and the latest i of g drove and mist and tail
a into suit of style. Others consider
go d values at Oar special is 111.60
Come in and ask see our clothing. We are always
glad to show It costs ti . you
are tired we have i warn i an for y i to rest,
Youth and
For want of space we cannot quote these. We
have on band an immense line of patterns, styles
and qualities to please the most We
guarantee you a fit and a convincing
We have on hand now a lot of boys pants
suits worth up to all of which will be placed
before you. Age to your 1.48
Mens Extra Pants.
now and attractive line
ranging in price from Mo. to per pair.
These are bargains, every pair.
Overcoats, Storm Coats, Rain Coats.
We can fit you up in these so comfortable you
will enjoy bad weather like sleeping under a tin
roof a rainy night, for per cent than
Mens heavy fleece underwear at.
Boys heavy fleece underwear at
men, women, children.
All we ark in that you see our new line
buying you frill go away u walking, talking
advertisement for us.
now .
Men patent dress . 11.98
Ladies tips . .
fresh stock and styles
Surpassing Values.
good Calico, per yard
god thick Homespuns
yards best grade ,
Yard wide white Homespun
bolts assorted colors Outings
bolts lie
Best Apron in this sale .
Heavy Canton Flannel at
Best Feather bed Tick at
Dress Goods.
Best Flannel Waisting now
Best 1.00 Broadcloth now
Big line 11.00 colored Taffetas now .
pieces all wool now .
Ladies Goods,
new styles Corset now .
good styles Corset going now , . .
Ladies fleece lined Underwear now .
A big line of Trunk and Bags at a saving f per cents.
The price Is only half the story, quality is the rest.
TO CEILING and give you wholesale prices.
You i. INTER CLOTH you can. C see u, take time and through you will find exactly what want
price, I WE YOU DOLLARS. guaranteed and will exchanged or money refund

Eastern reflector, 1 December 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 01, 1905
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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