Eastern reflector, 27 October 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Sh i ons t the ha is to buy
and the store fan to bay from for the coming
general largely Hi of his
clothe, and U
ClOT J the nit Avoid
those who deal in shoddy and pin tout faith
v that you should
with more care than all others A poor fitting suit is a poor
piece of property But it not how tall yon art, now
slim how stoat yon how short you w have
to fit form has the of
being distinctly stylish
All the new things are here. At any price from to
We w make it very interesting to
shoulders with
Man's Outfitter
i id Cur Life
. . . . h
i h pare
i t,
. I
Every is a day wit a us. Don't wait a minute, There Is
reason all thing. a Good Reason why I can s-ii you the
for 1-3 less than you can any elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which i i has you.
We have now In full blast a most ,;. which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and i . tin y trade
of recent years.
The Money-Saving Proposition
I .-;,. .,. k i the
Greenville ill . . Pi . Com in
i-. North Carolina.
The i i Magi t will to v . IT i
; I re you lit the that j
J on i.
; t what you I .
m r
And Yours Very
i l i ii . or pi
ill pa ill. . I
. i it I inc i
r . i lbs k-
e earth and will van i u
when barns, core,
, ; In eaten. Only
J. I. Drug
. I
I , II . I
pi ii o. V
End i .
A ii that a
A mi
ii Ii pi lie suicide
. Ii m that
pin no it
II lbs i. v. Ii U one
r the I
. pi HO . l Ii t .
i. -i i
Party willing ii lose over n
dollar time,
lo C i or W, A.
X. C.
, i i
I i
x r tried prevent which
. . the ii i
I , . lake
mi my .- great
ionic i. i . . . I
Tl en I he system.
hi, i , ind re liver and
in lei
. , d
. i i ii- i,
u . Sit-
. mi. L.
W r in is when
. at less
J . . White.
If. Johnson m
D. J.
and Friday.
Murphy and
cal built foe
will its annual
ht Masonic Temple
opera on Friday night
The patrons of this favorite th-at
will be surprised to set tbs
in its new dress of
embellishments and
This is the splendid
company broke all
last season on its fourth trip kettle
Pacific Headed as it is
the original Irish
Murphy and the dancing
girl, If sad too, little
bit of the will
have the satisfaction
David foreman, the owner of the
everlasting he
promises a company of singing and
dancing boys ht would
do credit hi production of much
more pretentious proportions.
Breaks Chain While All are
. Sam the
brothers who have of late been
their escapades, in
again at large, the September
of court
the brothers, was sent to the
While Sam was given a
sentence of twelve months on the
roads. Sometime Saturday night
Sam made his escape from the
where the gang is located
near Falkland. The c were
all shackled and fastened ti s long,
chain when they and in some
Way Sam loose and carried
the shackles off with him. It is
thought he bad outside
assistance. Sam and are I he
two who helped their brother
in a ii escape lie
the it to he taken to New
To The v
With the . enterprise
side at old
home, we can in the
of the id
was col told
The mammoth and
great market is a
in day of surprise h d
to the will power
of the county people always to the
front. While the beautiful
deuces the town proclaim, the
churches the graded
And let us drop a tear fur old
Greenville and its land-
marks that are fast disappearing
with sacred associations and
hallowed memories
who to drink forgetfulness a prey
This anxious being
the warm precinct of
lingering look
T. O. Davis, Wilson,
Big Dance to be Id Here Nov.
One of the swellest dances i
held in the state will lie held
will begin promptly at
o'clock in opera
a hop will be until
the young men will
a until one-thirty.
Prof. L tin's of ten
bars for
the event and frost all reports, we
nut have better
Handsome engraved
have b-on ordered, and
will be here in a few days.
the banquet will be a
German which will
o'clock. Let all come together and
hare tho dance ever held
in the state.
H. A.
Harry Skinner,
F. W. R J. Cobb, Mark
Williams, J. L
Fleming, J. J. S
Chan. Skinner,
Dall, Blow. H.
J. L Geo J.
Woodward, R. C. Flanagan, P
Banquet H. A
While, manager Mesdames u. J.
Williams, M. H Misses
Nina James, HiggS, Bessie
Patrick, Irma
to the expense of
the men, and the limited
-eating of the house
admission will be charged, IS and
and their husbands
will ticket-,
and .- I lie business men of
the town who have contributed
towards getting orchestra.
It is Going lo Great
There has been a great ma
lately but none
has created such a furore in
circles as the one that is going
take place at house;
Friday, Oct. 27th. On this occasion j
millionaire mine
owner Dan will lead the
coy and darling widow, Mrs.
to the altar It premise
to be one of the notable events
the season. There are several
invitations oat and there
expected to be a gathering cf
noted celebrities as
Mack, Button.
and a large crowd of ringing and i
dancing girls and boys. This
lakes great pleasure in ;
t you and all your friends an is-
The company carry their own band
and orchestra.
On Sunday evening Oct. 22nd at
p. iii. at the residence Mr.
T. K near Winter-
ville, Ids daughter, Miss Bertha,
was united in to Mr
Benjamin Forest, one of the
popular salesmen of
the writer
ants were J. Nichols with Mrs.
S null Taylor and Jerome
born with Hattie
i bride was attired
blue silk. After the
c of the friends
relatives several
nice presents, the happy
left for where they
will make their future home.
J, T Grubbs.
Majestic Range Exhibit.
u. w . special
the manufacturers of the
Majestic range, is here conducting
the demonstration this
range that is in progress at I he
store of Baker Hart this week.
Mr. native
a clever gentleman. He
has a mighty good thing to talk
about when it comes to the
tic range, he knows how lo do
Shooting Turkeys.
Some parties went out Monday
and killed three fine wild turkeys.
The most remarkable thing about
this is that people will go do
what they know is contrary to law.
The open season for shooting
keys does not begin Nov. 1st,
and it is just as much a violation
of law to shoot them a week ahead
of the legal date as it is a month
Card Thanks.
We desire to express our
to the people of Greenville
for during the ill-
and death of our little babe.
Mr. Mrs. E.
Savings Bank Incident.
A little newsboy entered
a bank one day and
boldly invaded the private of
said, I
put some money in this bank
yon the
dent answered ; much do
yon want to deposit
quarter exclaimed
youngster, pulling a handful of
pennies and nickels out of bis
pocket. The banker took him
over to the receiving teller ad
introduced him with all the I
he would have shown
a millionaire.
The boy left the cit I
opening the account, bill be kepi
adding to his deposit from time to
and as he was
and everything he
undertook prospered. He is back
in now, the head a
successful manufacturing
and one of the hank's most ii
Sixty Weeks For
The subscriber lo The
Youth's Companion
lat once semi- subscription
price To, will re free all th
j remaining issues of the paper for
The-e issues III contain
nearly complete stores, besides
the ope of Grace
Richmond's aerial,
natch a sequel to
story o Second
which appeared in the early week-
of tin-- year. Madame
will contribute an article on
I Have Sung and
there will be three stores by May
Roberts Clark under the title,
of a Pawnee
These will a foretaste of the
good things in for full
illustrated announcement of which
will be sent to any address free
with sample copies of the paper.
NeW ill also receive
a gift of The Companion's
Calendar for
lithographed in twelve colors
The Youth's Companion.
Berkley Street, Boston, Mass
Mr. and B. Parham
Tenth Anniversary of Marriage.
On evening from la
o'clock, -t home on
corner of Greene and Fourth
streets, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Parham celebrated their t in
wedding, it being the tenth an. i-
of marriage.
was long to be
for the it
many who called t
the and extend
for many more
The front if the residence was
richly with colored
lanterns, .-, id within the color
scheme, green and white, was
prominent In each room, and in
each there were ten lighted candies.
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wood-
ward received the in
front hall and gave each a cordial
welcome. In the was a tin
scroll on which i guests register.
their names.
In Mr. and
Parham stood beneath an arch
made of tin on which was
in green B. E. P.
Coder I en lighted tapers
Mrs Parham wore a
dress of spa over
diamond and
mid a large cluster bride
id in receiving by
Mr. and Asa Parham and Mr.
Ira. II A
Mrs. and Mi-
A were
d lo i by Misses
Mattie i . and
These were tin spoons hand painted
in green with the initial P. and
dates 1805-1005. I i this room
ii i so a a. . splay of preset
every imaginable
A i and
I i. invited the if nests into
loom here were
ii; ill Junes
mil i . a
i in line were served by
. and Mrs. S. M
Sc lilts. The r also
Ii me color
the iv- being i i n and white
ind bi . noted caterer
in N-i. k
served the guests
returned to parlor where they
were favored vocal
solo.- by Tyson
Nina James.
In bidding the bust hostess
adieu good wishes formally
years nappy married life were
Lost in Sight Home.
It you don't believe Greenville is
what do you
think of The other day n
young lady got lost within two
blocks of home and was some little
time Ii the house.
Preparing to Burn Coal.
The way people around are
putting in coal stoves grates
looks like they have set out not to
worry to death
the coming winter trying to get
wood and hunting for Homebody to
cut it. the wood cutlers will
have fewer jobs.
Fair Receipts Over
Raleigh, Oct. election
of E. L. of Edge-
county as the
State Agricultural Society and the
state fair at the annual meeting
last night, gives very general sat-
Great pressure was
brought to bear on Mr. Ashley
Home to hold over for another
year, but he declined. The
re-election of Secretary E.
and Treasurer C. B. Denson
is alike gratifying. Glowing
were paid to the management
of the present fair, the success of
which is phenomenal. It is
mated that the receipts will be
more than
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
Issued licenses to the following
couples since last
G. M Shirley and Hannah C.
B. Forest Bertha L.
Joe Minnie Blount.
K. L. and Naoma
Wilson Wright and Jane Brown.
James Gardner Martha Cox.
Hose Evans and Carrie Dupree
Since cold weather came
new eases of have
developed In tow n.
You see ghosts ghost at
the old opera house on night of
the 81st.
Revival at Bethel.
A revival meeting in the Baptist
church at Bethel will begin on next
Sunday. There will be preaching
twice each day during the meeting
at o'clock, a. and
o'clock p. m. by Di. A. B.
way, Oxford,
Mond y.
Rev. W. its ii. Hamil-
Miss I. Brown to
Ton Sunday
in Parmele.
Miss Nellie spent San
day Bethel.
Solicitor I,. I. Moore left
day evening for
Will hit supply of
potatoes and went Sooth Saturday.
H. W. Sunday
evening to attend Federal court at
New Bern.
Ex-Gov. Mrs. T, J.
Sunday evening
C. S. Carr to Sun
and returned this
Mi-s Clyde C x wit Ayden
t morning
Mary of
i visiting Mis-e- Susie
and Evelyn Barnhill.
Rev. J. i n this
morning Henderson to his
hit tier who i-
Harry Skinner
evening New
end Federal court.
Ir. L. M. i.
who have been visit
mg Mr d B. H. ; I
r in i.-d nine t ins morning
Mrs. a D
Sunday here
with Mrs.
VI. I. ;.; of
Sunday to
Ins parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonidas
Mr . Ii. Hudson t t
K. i Sail .- e to spend
lime Mr, Hudson is in
K i. He led for that state
Sunday morning.
Mrs Denmark, of Kin-
who is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mis. R. M.
returned home Sunday
evening. Mr. Denmark came
i pent Sunday here,
Mrs F. G. in
evening to visit Mrs. J.
b. Fleming, and to j tin her
band who came a few days ahead,
From here Rev. and Mrs.
will Southern Alabama where
he is to a pastoral charge.
Tuesday, Oct.
R. E. Smith went to Norfolk to
W. J. Smith went to Roberson-
ville today.
O. L. Wilkinson returned from
Tarboro Monday evening.
Rev. J. A. returned
Monday evening from Raleigh.
F. M. Hornaday returned Mon-
day evening from Greensboro.
W. If, Wilkinson went to Tar-
this morning.
Miss Pattie Skinner returned
this morning from a visit
A. R. Forbes, one of the
of the Southern Express Co.,
is spending a few days with his
mother near town.
Misses Lillie and Carrie Stewart,
of Petersburg, who have been vis-
their sister, Mrs. J. A. Webb,
returned home today.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. King, Mrs.
J. S. Tunstall Mrs. A. V.
Newton left Monday evening for
LaGrange to the North
Carolina Christian Missionary
Be, a . Sirs. H H.
airs. M
I ft d
. i to .
c i .
i -1
Capt John K .
In. tram ere
a i . to Little-
J. J. -p id
Adrian w
don ti
S. J. ii.
evening from
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Bland I
this morning for We do a and
B. C. -f -n
has been here a I ft this
Mrs. W. P. Edward- child-
and Miss But i I i Is return-
ed l.- .
Warren county.
i m nine
day evening from . n
lie been h
and came home
Dr. J. K. N. hi i
ii g f Norfolk, .
there for treat . . .
pi has e
ti w soon in- i . restored
in heal In.
Centenary d church at
Ne- was
Sum . .
There is talk of the Atlantic
Line extending its road from
Spring Hope to Ki and
i- Wist.
The suit of against L
the Raleigh N an I
has been compromised by
in favor o plaintiff being
withdrawn d
the costs.
be Stales, I;
reports a y i o
picked p ii u Is o i a
day and his j ad
Tn- Hie
county home in . has
lieu indicted for me
inmates. He is l it Ii
old woman,
The sheriff of Greene county
says the report of a being
lynched tout county last week
is escaped
while officers were on the way to
jail with him.
Pick pockets reaped a harvest
at the fair last week.
c. R. Abbott, of Greensboro,
while suffering tooth
an overdose of laudanum from
which he died,
Trains Missed.
Owing to failure in connection of
trains at Weldon, Rev. J. A.
could not jet back home
Saturday and there was
no preaching in the Methodist
church Sunday.
Visiting Preacher.
Rev. George Spruill, of Branson,
S. who with his wife is visiting
the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Moore, preached in the
church Sunday night. A large
heard him and his
sermon was good.
The first oyster boat of the sea
eon came up Saturday.

H. B. will do all they A full e if valise, tel.
can to grips, hand . ,
their new line of heavy and snits n R South rt Bro
a lull In i f lard and
good. before
me a trial. Wt Lilly.
Charles Manning,
has i- here.
Bay your Felt Mattress at
nor St they bare beat.
i i long Joints
and pipe at J. R. Smith at Bro
Ku; the best for
. T
A. was pleas n I
. Frank Li
always keep hand full
Hue ii i s i
prices Barn as . oats,
. , . I . ii i tall I i by Can
,. ,. , and ii-i brand
.;, i u.
. i. i i
.- all country pro lice
,; .
I , , , Not Consistent.
ii d i
styles in cloak wrap j j, Hid The president is not quite con-
pen for and Ladies W j. H. Tripp Bro. in defending the dismissal
y p. . p
tor- R-
i ii and
, Frank
Hart A . I ;
Worst Exhibit Yet Made
The fact that the In
Company of New York hag
maintained a house at Albany for its
legislative agent, with all the
sea thereof apparently paid by the
company, is simply
There was no sort of need of thus
the money of the
holders It is the worst exhibit no
far made of the way money wan
thrown away childish fear
of hostile legislation. It looks more
and more as if the overpaid officials
of the great insurance companies
were first of all bent on protecting
their own graft. Such revelations
regarding the great company w
has claimed to be least open to attack
arc profoundly discouraging
Springfield Republican
Steamboat Service.
Old Fashion Hand-wade Paw
t Paw Bread Trays at J.
Mies has accepted i. ,
a position to teach Stokes
Hers ii Worth Quick Attention.
I,. .,
,. K
We .
. T
to .
i ,
h Try
Can a
P i- ,
. I, I
era ea
i- i have I e
. i
. . . V
I . .
. .
; . I. i.
i II
i ,
e at
man fit to lie in cabinet would
abuse the power conferred. But
very next day he order
forbidding the cabinet officers to
news o r correspond
or to he seen con
them; hereafter all news cabin t
meetings will be given out by the
That looks as if the
president felt lie could not trust
his I rs t. t . W
ill tie. t-
the faces upon
Y .
.; i-i .
D . Ml .
B. l. S ekes el
spent S. i l.
On of the
b n broken last
. hi . s of liquor
. ere
in Ayden during the
few A-
department a reward
was offered the board
manager, for th-apprehension
and evidence sufficient to
the guilty parties. Friday
K. IS. MeT, Dick-
called at boarding n
Blow, two o'clock and
requested war to
the premises of iii
The result of their a
was the pr- I I
full with brand on
The further brought two
liquor, pronounced be
Corn, four packs of
flower and twelve packages i-f
H ad preparation, said
r., nave i t from
at th. time produced
. .
nun iii l., . I when
ins attorney, B. V. Cox,
bes-kid I continuance
morning winch .
g id bond bi
bu sat quired .
in in ii g the
p examination
, -1 .-. us
i- . If
. i
v. s. c, o
The dance the C II hall
here was
i. leaves
at a. ii i ; iv. s
rilled. ice
in. for
at Washington .,
Norfolk for
Norfolk. m,
New York, all
North. Count, a Norfolk
with poi is West.
freight via Norfolk, Norfolk
Southern K. K. . .
without notice.
T. II. Agent, w an log-1
ton, I I
J. J.
N. V.
H. C. T. and
. N Va.,
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
f lei's it skip a beat
Do ; hi of
h, or hungry spells,
ring or choking
, I fluttering,
the heart, in side
or hurt when
left side
If any of these
your heart is weak
or and cannot get
it assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
Si weak hearts, and
fails to cure heart
. Try it, and sec how
We t that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and Town and
v Ready nixed Paints.
. find relief.
Several fr mi here a
.,. Raleigh fair on the
tea Moses
. before Moore,
clerk ii or I
Even to a
estate of s
deceased, to payment
to i and no-
to all persons
. II id to
tile lame with the signed ex-
. within
L- in ate bi of. this
. of
I . cf. I MM.
. .
One two
it , t b . miles
ad V ;
Have to ease .
burst fa or w to . ,
.-. . . .
. live i bar is
mi. . .-. . I fence Mir-
ii a n
. i .,,. . ifs, -hi pp and
d i. r h-
five of
m a -mi
Ai . . to C . K X. r
. of sale con-
V Hi It A Ha . . .
. no
I . X page
i . I will on Saturday, the
M., expo, bite sale the
C .
b, fol
to he
parcel . land .
p. .-. Carolina,
. on
Mirth by la a AI en
Adi , u . . by I a
, the wt a of
. . is
K a
th In a
to L
. .
. .
. .
J. . .
Marion Johnson, of
caller here Saturday and Sunday.
There was no at Oak
Grove Sunday-
Most of our people attended the
K conference Sunday at
All reported a time.
Oscar of
and Edward Whitehurst, Bethel,
were callers J. E Sunday.
Miss Eva Latham and brother,
visited Mrs Ran
J. E. and family, of
Greenville, are spending a few clays
here with his father, i White-
Miss Pearl Jenkins birth
day party Friday evening, ii being
her eighteenth birthday I lure
a hue specimen of old
a and young n,
At o'clocK supper was .
that to supper
K with Miss White
Carson with Miss
Mary Taylor, W J. Jenkins with
Miss Annie Grady, J. O
with Miss cry, K I j
Pearl Jenkins,
Whitehurst Miss Ia i arson.
The dining room was with
The table an ob
of beauty, laden with en
to suit the taste. The remainder
the evening was spent in
gain s The , n -1 were both
mid useful. At .
led r mi i . ,
I. n r hopes lo nil
v i
and a-
I . ,,.,
I I my
v J
. l. up i- die. My
.-. I.--. to one-
l I in normal
v around my
had to sit
from i-
Cure, and b I
r id I . r all wax
urea. I butter than I have for
twenty years, and I am to do
any kind en my farm. My
I . I to k
told m If it
n for Ir. Cure
I now be la my
L T. Ky.
Or. Cure la sold by
will that
th bottle rill If It falls
tie will your money.
Wilts Co. Elkhart, Ind
And Provisions
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor with your
orders whenever you wan good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Sped; I Prices.
N. C,
f low Many People
Reach J
i your own office v
Telephone Line
Can Afford U
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Pr h kept con-
in stuck. Country I
Produce Sold
IX W. j
North in a.
. . .
F Rates
I. . and
i Company,
. N. C.
i null.
I.-. V ill a . I
How you can a
or driver op
lacking. Have a good
box Ht prepared for
Our line
U all you desire, and
we will see
box not luck a tingle
You get Harness,
J P.
latest its in Hie famous
pen ii-
style They can be He-
ll Boob Start,
;,. end they
vigor, mill pains.
No v .- iii.- k.
Sold by
Co., Ohio.
Sold J. W. Bryan.
i IV.
Men . Li tie Here Below
But T Li
rule l ,
lino of i
c. t or I
. ire
Our ; Six
Oil .
I at I
I v.
i II .
Th-. .
I , i . i. .
, i.
L. W. ii. a. their team.
She County,
Greenville, N. C.
bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We will always work for your interest
and guarantee price.
The following
Constitute our
Force who are
Always glad
to see
D. S. Spain
B. T. Bailey
H. S. Hardy
Clip Calculator.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and A-.,
-s . C.
As tr
i . .
and writing for
those in hare a
their mail t
take orders
S i
M, Grips, H
. at J R.
i v i
L C Fl-
Mr. is
a is
Of Crockery,
lo see uh,
f J K.
as a
re r
it .-
nil Phi
Bl i
b a t-rs.
t- then stoves
to ,
. ; in .
id i
. i
J. or
back Us
Optical College,
ii i-
t is
i bi ever Before
n i ,. ii-.
and in
H of i ii
ii lie
I a,
i- Is . .
p , , I i t. .
. a. hi ; i f in
for the money on the market rags and art squares
It. Si,,, h f; H-.
y i of
the of business August
i c. .- -i
, i quite sick last
, e e.- i
her r. to
. i
the and Fixtures
Due from
Calico at
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
Bank u
IT. S in.
,. i in wane
goods, b J.
A f
ware, fancy In ma
t J K Smith
lire. For ,
j rope. at J.
B. Allen, Mt in the I Smith a
country, near I Miss Brown, of the
Go to B. E. k Co's new
market beef, as. aM
and fresh fish.
c, B. Dill
j. W k
road last week. Well,
looking fellow, not
.- R
Ali h went
Shoes are
pair sold
C. ft
line fer
are . he v-
a i
in went
to . , o Us
She a
t-., bu . i. ii
. a you u. i style
at J
just from the
in a on
eye, in
of option, I It-r and
pared u f error
that BUT other
can with I win
wave weak or eye
strain, flail hurting, aching, burn
e c.-, r
.-I Tyson.
your by
p . tin. them ii-i
and line f kept at J.
A Bro.
buy your Cannon
Tyson, have beet
W. C. Jackson s showing
Che complete line of
SM loB if. I .
to relieve i e a u
Bod give entire pi you a style
Charge one cent
lo check, 23,755.22
I. J. B. Cashier of bank, do swear
above statement true to the bet of toy and be-
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and to
Molar Public
J. B.
H. F Brook , G
beau Here u lo
en, Km. B, T
C. I. dial
I. Grange
pp.- cent, all
from of
Is i
f so, your eyes
a . the
f errors .
e-k j a. . I. i. 1.1
w. dent ltd. A B
n art- in the
line of sud
s i- a.
j as I. ; i ; ma
T fairer Hi.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Brick Block, Ra are aid
N. C.
J. W, Taylor, D.
Wear tor j j m daughter,
cent. J. B-
John wife nil r ltd and i
H. C, Cannon left us Dre-s goods,
i cigars delegates from Mohair, alb
in Christian eon silks,
this Week. J U Smith
everything kept
J. H. Tripp Bro.
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel Fencing
iV. C
Thy lock, they land, save neighbors,
save worry, save time, they are guaranteed,
they are beet steel, they Lave the only perfect hinge
joint, easy to build, DO expense for repairing, last a
The American is the best square mesh on
market, car load just received. Come to us
The Pioneer Life Insurance Company
Closed It's Fourth Year with Over
of Insurance In Force in North Carolina
One and Quarter
Of insurance in force. No other Company has ever made such Record in North Carolina
,. and won victory the cause of life in the State and the South, The laurels belong alike to the Officer.

N. C, as i
I. . . . in Pitt
B, ., N. C, Friday,
. , . Davidson Coll.-,
we I experience to
whether die el Lie manage I
by faculty or the students
lie sentiment favors the side of
,; Ill-
f , i . i are no f bra .
the visit.
When it to diversion Char-
there bare gone to killing each other
said th reception
given at Mobile if
all H North Carolina
nut feel bad
The bridle Roosevelt
members of the c bin
may be responsible far the rum s
of more
Jerry Stops in, the noted Kansas
more familiarly known as
S died Monday
morning, lie was originally n Re-
publican but later became a Green-
backer and Populist, lie served
l years in congress, the last term
being nominated by both Demo-
stats and Populists of bis district.
v. tin-
home I in
to write bis I
,, b -.-
in. South
lain at the cordial
i .
i . .-.;. .
the country
Without a is the
era of prosperity and plenty
known. Never be-
is history have tillers of
been so
Mortgages and lieu are
fewer today than ever before. It is
nothing if not a very common thin;.
scores of farmers with snug
or oat at
interest. The time accounts are
smaller. The staple,
e n. is bringing go d j rices, and
to be better. These are
conditions and as one man
v b. p. In see such e ion
i- He lain of this week the
slate scale down to ab-
until Thanksgiving, u
else I US
, feel the
corded them by the
arrangements for the s re
Reporters were left to b k
out for themselves.
It seems that the
could not end without a tragedy
There was a row in the waiting room
at the fakers who were
about to leave the city- Several
ware exchanged and a bystander
Was killed. Raleigh would do her-
self more credit if faker were de-
the privilege of operating at
she suits fairs.
iV ii
I i i on
increase me d-
Mere ii an Worth Quick Attention.
by K e can
v the c have been
The i
lie C
. A mi i i .
I Kl
fur Look
1- and
ii i, w j can get for mis
price. Better decide at once
i there Is chance at
cotton by n in
Hold your cotton for the new mills-
In-ard of a the other
day who his cotton town
i d was offered ii for it II
refused because be said he could not
a traitor to bis association and sell
for less than eleven That's
II all the farmers will
display the spirit of this man
their demands easily.
Charlotte News.
an is hi
t ids on vi
pie often i
upon the slightest pit text
ii t I I
r i om thing the
ed to do it is ti
live up to their obligations lo
lie Ii. y be required
the failure.
Las week, I r ii the Atlantic
; to k money from people
a nothing less than
i. n. The ad took
the to Raleigh to
run an excursion there It used the
fact of the president's being there as
an inducement for people to go. ad
put them in Raleigh at
m., knowing
the president would leave that city
at p. in. On the
of getting there in time to see
the president and bear speak
people paid their fare and went on
the excursion train to Raleigh
Instead of keeping its obligation the
did not put these people in
Raleigh until more than two hours
later than the time advertised so they
bad no opportunity at all of
the president the purpose for which
they went.
Now the point we is that the
railroad should be made to refund
person the amount, of fare
paid to go on the The
railroad advertised do a special,
ii. to sun
for certain price and failed ,, ,,
to keep it obligation, and those in pets. over ti B
paid the price have a right to demand l s
Not only in this instance, but in j Five Mi lion Bales Ginned.
even- instance where a railroad fails
to keep its obligation in putting I
pl -it a point the lime
advertised, they should be required
to refund every fare paid in good . . . , ,. . .
For HI. Skill
faith on this expectancy, if the fail i-and scalp diseases, lie Witt's Witch
Roosevelt at last
Thursday. Thousands went to the
fail to see Theodore. A great many
disappointed by not seeing Teddy,
fair display good. Dr.
look in toe and the Nor
show, and saw Dick
jump Heat her the
horse the world,
jumped feel, Inches, over the
and then ride under it with
bead erect. Dr. Odom ha photo,
and account of satin. see
It at hotel. He bus returned aid
Hotel repairing eye-,
fitting In suit
and changing that wear
a d suit you.
lids, headache and all other de-
of your eyes cursed. Your
ears, nose throat repaired
anew, and In takes ail your
and saw n ills out of your ears
Office closed here N v.
at n in., for this year
hour to a. in., to S,
The Last Thing rs The World a-
Should of Buying Is
wear can
not guarantee.
We have excellent
lines. Fleece Lined,
no Camel's Hair,
Pure Soft Wool,
Lambs Wool, etc
Underwear at
l eT up to
. . k report
i. toil pi , rho of
I of cotton ginned far this
ti. million
lira worked to tie inconvenience of
the passenger If this done the
railroads would have more regard for
keeping the schedules
Dana is going to
Europe to study says the Hal
ti no Sun wasting time, lie
. to come lo North Can
beat, seeing she has done
much fur these artful North Carolina
girls a
in to a . ,;. . . .
whom she was in love. Mays holding
of Buffalo, cashier of the Sew York
branch of the Company of
at in a written confession
in court ill New York that she bad
been stealing from her m ploy era
for over two years Her confession
admitted thefts ts the amount of at
least but her manager E U
May testified that be believed the
amount stole was about f
The Atlantic Coast Line declared
an extra dividend of twenty-five per
cent year and the Southern
named over twenty four p -r cent on
the North Carolina road And yet
freight passenger rates remain
no high as to impose an unjust bur-
den on all and consumers.
Raleigh News and Observer.
People in the towns the
branches of the A Coast Line
in the Roanoke and Tar river sections
of the slate, are treated very unjust-
by the railroad. This week, just
for the n of a few
chiefly in one county, to attend
a little county fair, a single
tram is required to do excursion
work mid the trains on three branch
roads are held up two or e hours
each day wailing for it. The rail-
road has plenty of Special trains that
o I do this work to
date tbs few fair goers, without
seriously inconveniencing the thou
sands of people in the towns along
the branch lines I y delaying their
mail and several hours. Ii is
on example of picayune
on the part of the railroad that the
patrons who as r by it should not
tolerate. It is hard to understand
how the railroad San expect to hold
the will and of
subjected to such treatment.
W. M. Smith, former president of
the Western National Bank, of
Louisville, Ky , has been indicted
by the Federal grand jury on
counts, charging him
miking false entries and the
misappropriate i of fine's of the
hank. The total ms charged
in the indictments is
Smith is said to be in
and it it alleged a cablegram has
been received from bun raying he
will return to Louisville on October
Halve mis no ml, I a
cute for blind, bleeding,
and protruding piles. It
-ill ; be c mil a
i ii boll I u
Boils, old sores,
cured by Hi.
Accept an
hi . l .;
-i Bold Job L
. . 1st.
; in--
; lb. i a.- I I. a
I- I Wilt's HaZel
i in i SUCH re
i I It d .
i ., . heals ml ell.-.,
burns bruises. A sure cure
i P. e- skin diseases
Be ware of
I hey are dangerous, Sold
U , druggist,
It is nothing less than fair to
Governor Glenn to say that the
he had intended to give to
the president and party at the man-
was bis own personal affair, to
be paid for out of his own pocket;
hence the criticism that was
the governor's failure to turn the
function over to other hands and let
ii proceed, after the death of his
brother, was hardly fair to him. Had
it been s public function to be paid
for of public moneys, it would
have made a
Cant Protects a Lady
gallantry of Captain Charlie
Hancock, one of the clever
ore on the A N C railroad, is
proverbial along the line and t has
won for him a high place the
, i-l. III if the lady patrons of tin
So, consequently, bis quick
action in behalf of a lady
Sunday night was not surprising but
is worthy of mention
As the passengers were boarding
the at Newborn, returning
home from the dedication, the gal
captain was assisting Mrs C P
Harrow, of on the train,
when n man tried to force
himself ahead of the lady the
captain pulled him back,
still persisted in going on the train
first pressed Moral suasion
proving of no avail Captain Hancock
used different means and knocked
the back with his fist
The attempted to draw his
gun, but did not get it out. Later
the was seen on the and
put under arrest by officer and
searched, with the result that a very
large and ugly looking pistol was
taken from bis
Free Press.
Its a rare lies i i- worth lbs
Wasted on it.
i tie pills as tunic, and
etc. Burly Biters
ii. and easy to
i. Sold Woolen,
See the great big line of Popular
priced Underwear we are selling
It's The Best Value In
The Land for the
Ask to see what interests yon, and you'll
soon discover that this is the Store for
Men's Underwear and Furnishing, all sorts
Frank Wilson,
H. A. White,
Insurance. Greenville, N. C
i- no way to maintain the
health -lie gill n. I nil mill
i by
is no way lo sh
through the
be kepi pure an
i or me strength ill lei do i
mil will set Up No
sour lilting,
all troubles
that curable are
by the use of Dyspepsia
Cure, bold by John Ii. Woolen,
A Busy fur People.
Health Vigor.
t i
. . a. Breath, ,
II Ta In
Id i
All kinds of Dress Goods,
Laces, Embroideries,
i 7-r-
i I i
This depart
. X l .
For loaf i i ad
International food
horses and cattle Harrington
Barber Co.
see my line of
before buying elsewhere II. It.
Miss Tessie was in town
Special prices on guns far the
next days L. House.
Trunks and valises at
ton B Co.
Nice line of suits at E. L.
I, . l
H . . ,,, . .- h an
If, .,. -i . nil When you . nice dress
heaters v. trim n to go to
, ; I . . . i i W
,, t mi . in at
Barber Co.
When in town call lo see me I
um a class livery feed and
s stables. W L. House.
Kittrell went h
ii evening returned
G, A. re went to n
of Bogs
bodies and e I e Bin
by a. ;. c is Mfg. Co.
pants, all
Sunday, ill II n i
to m, . pr,
for meal re
Br ti i
prey, i I
lo. bad more like
like n.
the pro
But only i
iii- teeth and
the bound , ball
and bold, I
safety beside
v. I in stir-
ring them to i how the pt-
town f
Fay C i. kings
Who you buy from y of course you
y taking meal far V.
A. O. B.
returned fair Friday
as here
yards at
to per yard, Harrington, Barber A
Just by R. Q.
load of
they will sell very cheap.
For Boll time alarm
and sec B. O.
a Co.
Frank and John
Nichols went today.
The tux are new
open at the store of B. G-
Co. Let all and pay
Our line of fall and Winter,
goods are now in. our lice be
fore you buy. to A
W. Co.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
ft Co
Pin Co. Oil Mill.
II it slams snows we s-e all
right far there are plenty of
her coats, shoes, and boots,
W Co
L. J Frank
and were pleasant
in Sunday
The A. G. Cox Mfg
s for u
Mats and they
Mailed a new plant
of making nests and they
Cora and Sadie O roll
a-d Eva u
Mir Kate a
line of
, hand
R O.
are g pries
i i
in-i-i sold bin i
order wake i mi u Ii hen I
re , u p mi coup
in in l-i-
We b p. a long and
happy life.
Go to it Co.
Kn in- an j jackets.
A new line of re-
by R. G. Chapman A- Co.
Ni and line of men's
ti. u- Co.
L. Kittrell v to
N it ii
Tie A. Cox Co. has
a lead of wire
of grade and
th ., . .
lion f monkey bad
and when the place where as
chained a second time nearly r j
Solo Agents and can sell them for
This is to warrant you where
toward it, m j
serve you best.
Pa Lib Bi III
gaining top of to
bad Our
so a M eat ff
K II. went to Wei-
don in attend
White's Black Liniment,
tally recommended for the
family, fine for perfectly
balanced, com
For by
B T. Cox
Don't forgot the nice
at A A age Co
Colin Kidney Cure,
the kidney medicine
for stuck and a sure colic owe,
at the Drug
Henry Dixon, of Black
In ii Monday.
i. y, corn and oats, go to
t mi Barber A Co.
We the best assortment f
ever brought to Win-
If the of
mean- A. G On
Co making id
wagons, and Haggles,
they have been
late special prices on hard
ware supplies for ext So
day e W. L. House.
Miss Georgie Joyner
from Monday
of school desk were
shipped lint of A. G. Mfg Co
All of paint, and yellow
V Inn in need nice candies
banana oranges apples
of call on II. L,
he on bad flour
. a cm get at A W
ft Co
desks and better
desks me being made and
sold by lie A. G. Cox Mfg. Oft
We are pleased to announce
the two little boys, Sparks
and Smith returned home
Mrs. Ii. A. Sparks opened
her c it line of drew
goods, trimmings and notions
one of the new concrete
is ready, willing and waiting
to any order that may come to
her. has a well selected line
of eve ., thing needed in the
and price to suit
The Pitt Co. Oil Mill
soon b-
receive I, I styles. II
Bather it
X.,.,. m
a. . c.
and Mrs
Mrs, Taylor baa her
line of goods open n ,
and also a sped and
invited many
Her is well selected
prices always right.
Call at I. Johnson's and ex
bis line of Hosiery
Misses nod
International poultry food a
Harrington Barber Co.
B. T. A Bro, a full line
of per, inks,
t pen tablets, day Loots
led stales.
crayons, school bigs awl
straps. Come and see What
they have before bringing else-
ft, O.
i Ab your
,, i out
i insider
. i ,
I . i- p I
i d e. an Hay
. , i buy
. . I i ii
they it-
was not to be.
in Us- asset or pacing to
us, m stepped
the of the locks
the Betraying th
slightest fear, them
that like
the rook,
up the baby monkey
the and tie
to n
the earl of the
the of the troop
performed this brave
deed other
crowded on the uttered
h had never before from and .-
Old mid young, j ., . ,
roared, snarled I end
and all so to-
bees Unit they Furniture ft
were art Banking House
of the condition of
. less
lenses i-aid
It oil for a yen ;
i m ; La
i i one
I., U g Isn't all, The
i i k i d-
i i , t e id of I
i from and
good paint lo do
bad are sold
e price or O
no by the pi with
the bus i to
do with i
me worse ye ,
sheriff in for
But the that i
who panes will con
on top.
Y i truly,
p if. our . n
loamed bier Unit was the j Cash
ed as and the
was sash
Silver Coin
. to check 152,890.69
S t
L-Little, Cashier the above-named bank, U
offer and net a above is true to the beat of my
good at half price.; 1-iii
Take advantage of The
North j Superior Court.
County i
Grimes William
The shove named will take
notice action entitled h above
has been in the
Court, of Pitt County, against him tor
an divorce, and Hie defendant
will notice tint he Is re-
quired to appear at the next term
the Court or to
held on the Monday after the
1st in it being the day
of I ii the Court House
of in i, N .
and answer or demur to th
in aid action, or the
ply to the Court e I
In the complaint.
Q. C. Moore,
tor plaintiff. s.
The Clerk of the Superior Court,
county, having Issued Letter of
Administration to me, the led
on the 18th day of Oat. the
estate of Minnie
Notice is hereby given to all persons
Indebted to the Estate to make
i payment to the and
to creditors of said to
b. their claims properly
t t within
Months after the date of Una Notice,
or this Notion will lie plead bar or
the r recovery. Oct.
S. M
Isaac A. Atty.
Subscribed and sworn to before P W.
this av of Sept., 1905
A Shoe tor
By virtue of Hie power sale con-
in a u ex-
and delivered by Fred
and wire, . to
on the day
duly In Hie Register
in Hook K u, Page
will expose public sale
before the house door In Green-
ville, to th highest bidder on
day, Nov. a certain tract
or of land lying and in
the county of and slate of North
Carolina and described follows, to
wit parcel of land in Beaver
Dam t adjoining the
place and others, acres
more or less deeded
and wife an I lies mortgage taken to
purchase money, satisfy
I . . u .
man for year
run one re prop,
n-e leisure Mine
-aw mill, also to manage
lo toll Host have knowledge
If. Smith,
B. F. No. N .
virtue of the power of sale run-
in a mortgage
, and vend v.
mid wife to t. B
Jenkins on day
and duly recorded In the
. s e of Pitt No Car-
W. the under,
sign will expose i sale,
before the Court House door In Green.
to the highest bidder on Thurs-
day No. two certain lots or
par of bind lying being the
of Pitt and stat. North Car
and described us follows, to
lots being town of
ion, N. ii. First
a feet from
St., running N IS K
with first line to Queen St., up
St. the beginning,
t tea that
aid runs S. K. down in a healthy. and in
fa Set lo Bridge St., exactly proportion, to
SHOE tor women
is careful reference
to tho most details and
so perfected i its numerous
styles there is no other
man's shoo on the market soiling
at tho price tho Ultra its
superior, if its equal.
If you too fat It is your food
turns to fat of
If you are too lean the foods
that you eat are not properly and
assimilated. .
Lean, thin, people do
Pepsin in the while fat
people have too and not
Dyspepsia Cure
Here is the fundamental basis
of a perfect shoo. We employ
our own expert designers, and
every Ultra is made over
u last scientifically constructed
to meet the closest variations
of width size- in woman's
The Ultra Shoe meets every
requirement of the many
whims of
We carry SHOE, for men, in Oxfords, Tans, etc
Pulley Bowen-.
said mortgage deed, Terms
seems to lie cotton far
. .
to lie
r, and general satisfaction
in ii prevail, P. Q, Attorney.
,,.,., . to M., .-.-.
Mi feet to a
Brat to and m
--i o- u t u b is not s
M B.
feet to Water street be What YOU Eat
containing J acre, more
lea. to said deed, i
and firm fleas.
23rd day October .
. E. JENKINS, Mortgagee.
Livery, Sale g Feed Stables
Near Five Greenville, N. C.
FIRST GLASS TEAM to pleasure or to take,
l nearby points.
Drive and Work Horses and for sale. buy
them in large numbers and can sell as low u any dealer, either
fur Cash or OH Time.
When you in town and and buggy
properly cured put up SI my stables.

to car and examine our magnificent stock, selected with
to meeting the every requirement of those in search of
that have Value and gives the purchaser Entire Satisfaction.
Dress Goods, Silks,
Ladies and Children Jackets.
for Ladies and Children. FAY STOCK-
something They button at the waist. They never
They need no supporters. They Breathe
health economy. We guarantee every
S FAY STOCKING-S to give the customers perfect satisfaction
than four weeks. Yes Four
. . i. J a r. i t aT t
ire made by responsible makers and
be relied on to give satisfaction.
n in S .
ft scene a freight irate .
he Cape Fear V. km
line of the cars contained a bull,
which was haltered by a rope, and
a th- rope was attached a bear
in ear to a .
was all and that he hue;
chewed up the rope, tag and all.
I what
do bull down m
the brakeman to the
conductor a later.
Way, Bob, what's the matter with
the conductor
done et up
to Upon t i
. .
There have U
made I
Cl tO
I i
. d I
.-d Jo .
. r f ii. i
century. ,
h part of her car. r;
probably tin- of n
mania, the herself a.
u. extraordinary claims and
writings, aha obtained no
in ail
u t-t ill
are working
ate book for nil it is
. but the of that party
t be
will not be able to elect
ticket, and, therefore,
gas their lime, By the
way, it it claimed that the adoption
see for tho colored children
would coat tho colored
and the white people
i it will Ii- it is
and no issue with
to bag
H. O. Hyatt, of
will be in i
ii. Oct. Monday
treating of the eye,
ii yen will
hit an to
If Older
S No-.- Is Y
C i
. mi even in
i M with
i . are in the
and Thia
Us re . to in the
; dub L that I i can in-
more air u going a fast
. . ;. disqualification of much
p during war or when it is
desirable to travel silently as
It was in
not long ago, if we are to ac-
the of a finish-
ed ketch of a head by the
in Colonel
work It m
work on .,.
mi he was about to become the
of the and in for two
Oat. IS, 1614, at the w to a
die event would it was
th; a baud around the
W in her it tongue,
ma b v. you are in service
bought a era-1 u, would not be
and ind any other
in-pap Am would not have your
data the herself l m ., or a
a bought tar the
way U
Joanna was a.
en of
or days data
far the
But i is be lbs
u Irate of woolen
U fa.-1 in many folds
of your
and it. long the
tongue so to long horse
can or any
as been tried
A very barbarous and op-
ward Um cud of the
beginning of the
was the at
the a
a dilating the u
suddenly it around t S
that be i
. p. and the
School gel tablet,
Ink, pens, etc at Reflector
Greenville, N. .
Lead and oil is not
good don't wear; the rule
as everyone knows, in
three e its.
lasts six, in the same
allow wide margin In nil
Went d it mean,
i . h wit
h ii A- i ;
a an
Mr. Hill. P,,
two lead oil;
bought gallons
. for the same two
he tout
all paint, i paint fill
Lead and oil is nil lull
paint; the lead wants
Better paint Devon.
V W. Si
P. I. Cur Pit ID
as van
I u, baa
lags his
ft an fiat In Ilia have and turned the
U two or fa sat times . a
a idea of
net pain
nave been
kept in
nay teem lo have bean a
happy hunting ground for
la not dormant daring
winter when the thermometer
of impostor at period, far J,, . petal, ob-
to appear was Ward, an ,.
i who bad served
the navy. In he had the
to at
d who had
be People
were credulous then, a art
now, and got quite a
and died a wealthy
man some An-
of vegetation in winter may
for The flowering
el the red maple,
willows many oilier plan La,
scarcely in the at
the fall of the leaf, become SO large
spring u ready to burst en
to fat of
in design and splendid wearers.
of Crockery, Glass Ware and House Goods is complete,
are also special inducements on Mattings, Carpets, Furniture, White Iron is
i that you are net
Beds and Cribs. Call and examine our reversible Carpets, they are cheap pm
enough in tho fat
have too much and not
Dyspepsia Cure
all the digestive that are
found in a stomach,
exactly those proportion
enable the stomach and
to diet and all that
net a
but It It a Me-
i buildup as well. caret
the and
a. Tea aka
at Their
in a cedar box.
in your at
end of or four years they art
for a deal-
cigar, if properly kepi,
proves i the end of
four storage the maxi-
mum of lb There lire
the kind that every
In certain lo-
the host brand of
c bitter after bung
bud away for u few
it in-
or r hut the may bu,
but it Mine
are ruinous flavor. Any
the m.-. goods will
sell vow it k necessary at times
to to the
if only for a brief
i I tare of
take in until I
for n period in some
ii certain
though tin may
been continuously near
in the Alpine regions of Ku-
rope have noted that gentians
grow and even
flower under mow which ha
enveloped them the whole winter
through, thawing by own
internal beat little chambers in the
protecting And the same is
recorded of the American snow
plant, the Sierra
H i- of n found full
bloom when snow melts
from it and indeed derives its com-
name from feet.
it noted among her a dozen
Cinchona was originally called
from tho fact
that it was lo been intro-
Europe by the Counted
of Cinchona, wife of the viceroy of
Peru. It ties also celled Peruvian
balk and hark, from
country where it was originally dis-
covered and from the fathers
who used it in practice. II
was first used in the cure of Inter-
fevers about 1640. The tree
from which the procured
in Peru, Bolivia,
Sew Granada and many other
Booth America mid hat been
tented in India and
Ceylon. are to be
ii. of the cinchona
will aka it
Pilots What You
as for her
powers for the fins
table Nevertheless she is
of a Mrs. and
r tries polite-
of her listeners the
men under discussion tit the nib's
the other night, some of the board-
en expressing a preference for
i figures and -nine favoring em-
like u good, plump
said the boarding house
of these thin
pated women for
the small buy who
reading the me
does it severing home
eon, one replied
the I hit
a term to d-
a ft- i in regard
to him
a bar-
gain N Tribune.
plant, all of which yield
of different quality. Quinine,
or an alkaloid contained
the hark, by
tier and in 1880. It is be-
to be probable constituent
of all the yellow rim
Sergeant Sayer once went the cir-
for some judge who was pro-
vented by going in his
turn, lie was afterward imprudent
enough to move a counsel for a
new trial in one of the cause heard
himself on the ground of his
redirecting the jury judge.
Mansfield said, Saver,
there is an act of parliament which
i-i such n an was before you
gave discretion to as you
thought lord,
said the sergeant, is just it.
had no discretion in the matter.
true, may be right
as said Load
T am afraid even an art of par-
could give yew
The- hi
the .
live i here
your e
Your I
i .
r i
of the o i and o ally r
of are ail
trivial i the n ;
nor yo wile nor .
nor your children's children
hate any for him. It is nil
as if yen really did not exist.
The pathos of all this is
these people never quite realize
of the real calamities of life
overtake them what they have b
ignoring easting aside. Until
they an- old, until they are stricken
with they stand bereft
of fortune or
by death then en
they he. n arc of imp
of the I n
It matters i-i mi hour i
the prime in n n of the d
may be. Ii will not avail them to
know that the world goes on
and prim
fares of great cities ore e
with n spectacle forever fascinating
and forever new. Life in the ab-
cannot aid them then. They
are alone, left longing for a per-
relationship, with an aching
and. too often, n breaking heart.
Friendship, affection, tenderness,
how they loom large in the hour of
Dreiser in Toni
Watson's Magazine.
a CH et
thing that
, is a man U
t I for all
p at wife, it makes me
I never know
u was a time
remarks of
re as
my . i is
time an first.
at be frees west
w w
active LIVER.
a well
awe can d
H adds n N
ewe capacity.
It am he kept In settee
by, and Hy
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
process, on which paten s
I are whereby w
can Mac- old Bras Col
and Head A
pt. and thicker, m
them fully as good as now
Quarrier Petersburg Grey
and without
dodge upon me tried to be proper
; T
r it. pat on a long
poke in w and solemn
i very said, re
lied. you.
. ii so he said.
i parted by mutual
has been married twice
I , n. We every
. . the r and at
reply was a terrible
bat I treasured it
I I . i; would prove u guide
A abort tune after
that another men told me that
looked like his first wife, and I, re
my former experience,
forestalled him by assuming a
must have boon n
said I
a bit of he said.
even good looking, she
was best woman the Lord
put on
think I never fell so
small as I did then. T saw
by no means a safe rule to go.
by in the matter of first wives. The
next time a forlorn r noted
my remarkable resemblance to hi
departed spouse I struck a note of
moderate sympathy.
must miss her
said he. have
yet found anybody that
make such apple pie she I,
and when it came to mashed
toes she beat the
that I have varied my re-
plies to like remarks to suit the cir-
I hey have
never been happy. That is why I
wish somebody would tell me the
prescribed formula for
York Press.
Special Low Rates of One
First Class Fare Plus Fifty
cents to Raleigh,,
S Richmond and
Return, via
rate f
Fifty cents for round
toe Horse via
f i
Column end Head
I., s and
Head Ruled lashes In
over nor
I .
A s;. n pie of u
Rule, wile
will b- cheerfully
sent on application.
Printers Supply Co.
of Tr and
IN. Strut.
Mort I Work
Am fools.
II pi,
I ll i u
. II
lie ,
-T r.
,. i
How to Walk
are but f.-w persons who and the
to walk properly, man hut
said u well physician. I
ally a person will trend on the ball
of foot in taking each
himself up to the next stop.
This is very tiresome and wearing
on the muscles, as it throws the en-
tire suspended weight of the body
on the muscles of the legs and feet.
You should in walking or climbing
stubs seek for the most equal dis-
of the body's weight
In walking up stairs
feel should be placed squarely down
on the step, heel and all, and then
the work should be performed slow
and deliberately. In this way
there is no strain upon any
muscle, bill each one is doing iii-
in a natural manner. The man
who goes upstairs with a springing
step you may be sure is no
or least his reasoning
not been directed to that
In Days of Chivalry.
Most people be somewhat
to hear that the idea of
en requiring escort, especially of a
Kally protective nature, is of com-
modern origin, says a con-
to the Magazine.
But such appears to be the ease.
Nothing strike one more forcibly
in the of
the freedom women
to and wander alone
without fear of molestation.
times wen- unsettled, undoubtedly,
men lived for fighting only.; but,
nevertheless, the helpless and de-
re enough, so far as
one can judge from contemporary
literature. I do not deny that they
came to grief occasionally, but s
gem rule men respected other
sex days of chivalry, and even
the of scoundrels allowed an
unprotected woman to ride by
Could Not Catch the Train.
There is a man in Conn.,
who drives a carriage to and from
the station for the
of the public. He is exceed-
slow, nearly always being a lit-
behind time.
Una day he was engaged to carry
a lady to a train which it was very
important she should catch. She
watched and waited, with hat and
coat on. until it was nearly train
time. Al la.-t Mr. drove up,
not an atom.
The lady's husband flow the
door and impatiently
tho use of coming now
nearly train
drawled the immovable
your wife has her
things on and i- ready to start,
reckon I ii her most
Boston Herald.
t re
. Pi i Hi
t , i. .
North I
I'm l
F. ton,
Jo., I x,
J. K i
f n. .,
P. A.
will take
an action a above
has been commenced in superior
court of Pitt ruin
property, i i and de-
Ana the said e-
will further take hat
in required t appear at a
Superior court I its to
i held on the
1st In it th
S of aw the
of said , an
or demur to the
action, or will v to
court for the relief demanded in
Superior Court of Pitt
Norfolk, Va
i in Buyers and
Cotton, Grain and
Private to I
N. C.
Iron Sold
i is languid ant
she says to her maid.
my engagements for to
Henry's Conundrum.
said Mr. who
somehow never gets hold of an
i it is i lit, have a good on
on, i you'll appreciate ii
. , i
Th. enumerates them.
well, you may -end my Sh-
dinner gown to Mrs. Rubber's,
my gown and siring of pearls
to Mr. p's, my ball gown
to Mrs. my diamond
and stomacher to the theater
my velvet gown to the
wedding. That's nil
care to see nowadays. I'm go-
lo lied with n and if
any one calls I'm at
Chicago Tribune.
between a
she answered
ii i afraid
him arrive;.
in rue. Hen
n of
I t prized of ti
; h
Site Didn't Grind.
During u summer sojourn in the
mountains a physician who is much
interested in epilepsy in
forms heard of n woman that
d case who lived to the age n
lei it make you seventy-nine years. Curious to
the details of unusual a en .
interviewed the widower.
inquired concerning different
toms, ho proceeded, she grind
her teeth much The old
man considered for a minute and
then replied, I dunno
This is to notify the public that we
have out the II. P.
Keel In the Pressing Club.
All who are due the firm will please
and settle same at the Club.
Any one who has claims against
will be paid by us.
Henry Bro,
of James C. deceased, having
issued to the undersigned by the
Clerk of the Superior Court
county, and having duly qualified an
executors the and testament
of the said C. Cobb, notice is
hereby given to all persona holding
claims against said estate to present
them to the undersigned for
on or before the
20th day of or this DO
will be plead in bar their re-
persons Indebted to said
estate are requested to make Immediate
payment to us.
This the 18th day of October, 1906.
rs of C. deceased,
St Blow, Attorneys,
furniture Healer. Oath paid
Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, lg, etc.
oak I
, Call Ax I i
High Key
roots, Henry George
Cherries, Peaches,
Magic Food, in.
Seed Hulls,
den Seeds, Apples, Sn
Candles, Apple,
China Ware, Tin
Ware, Cakes and
Cheese, Beet Batter, N-
Hewing Machines i.
other goods, am.
P o o
The Exception.
that plainly dressed man
ever years ago he
;, ii town
i on
for a living.
o he i-
. o I ii
a for
Louis Post-Dispatch.
get your supplies I
I Now
Everything you want in the way of
nice Goods, Pickles,
I Fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Grocers.
iv And
r sent, on Months
We will a full of and mules on
all the season We are prepared to furnish an kind
of horse
you want, draft horses, and farm
We th- finest males that can bought. We
bey or trade for any kind of mules or horses,
will buy anything from a ping driver,
dome If we have not got what you want we
will v-et it. i
For C Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, duns. Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
Staffers. In fact anything
in Hardware come to
re a people
yo i v
of the
Is Read By Everybody in reach, and
y or I -y want,
and i sure to
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR.

. .
Should Consider with eat forethought the suit he is to bay
and the store he is to buy from for the coming season Bis
general appearance will depend largely upon the in of his
clothes, and the wears.
His i the foundation of your suit Avoid
deal and pin row faith
Good Fit one you exercise
with more care than all others. A poor fitting suit is post
piece of property. But it matters not how tall you are, how
slim you are, how stout you are, how short are, have
to tit your form. A suit distinction
being distinctly stylish.
All the new things are hero. At any price from to
We will make it interesting to Bring your
shoulder- with
c. s.
The Man's Outfitter
i m GO m FOUR
We Issue here Fidelity and Court Bonds. Life--
H insured against
e-Fire. ;
I i . , n .- .-;
f. .
p -l to
and .-. n th
if thin iv.-i; contracts a
it r
r.--- .
Phone No.
are going to be ALL THE this Winter,
don't fail to Call and have us place one
In your home before the weather gets cold.
We Cary Fine Line Heaters Both Wood
And Coal. Yours Very Respectfully,
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason in all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or misled-Stop,
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in full blast a most RECORD-BREAKING SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Proposition
has been hailed with every evidence of popular approval everywhere. If has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North Carolina,
The Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week If so and
you couldn't get waited on come again, call our attention to the fact and we will see that you
get what you want. Yours Respect fully.
I have taken up stray shoat
bat been mooing with my
stuck about two month, The
shoal Is sandy red color, weighs
pounds, has silt in right
car bob tailed. Owner is
unfilled for same and pay
charges. EVANS,
near Greenville,
Putt an End lo II All.
A wail conies
a of from
over taxed organs. Dizziness,
Backache, Liver complaint
constipation. Bat to Dr.
King's New Life Pills they put an
it all. They are gentle but
thorough. Try them. Only
Guaranteed by Jno. L. Woolen,
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes
in death. Thus a mere scratch,
insignificant cats or piny boils
have paid the death penally. It
Is wise to have
Halve ever handy. th
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
when niters
threaten. Only at
L. Drug Store.
A piano for sale at a sac-
instrument which is one
of the beet makes handled by the
piano was bought
months ago by a gentleman who
unfortunately lost his little girl,
Party willing to lose over a
dollars. Cash or time, apply
In G. or VT, A.
Greenville N.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians had a long and
stubborn fight with an on
I my right writes,;, p. Hughes
of Do gave me up.
Everybody thought my time had
conic. a last resort I tried Ir.
King's New Discovery for Con-
The benefit received
was striking and I was on my
a few days. Now I've entirely
regained my K conquers
all coughs, colds, and throat and
lung troubles. Guaranteed by
Jno. L. Woolen, druggist, Price
and 11.00. Trial bottles free.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide bud been
discovered will interest many.
A run down system, or
invariably precede suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
I Electric Bitters. It being a great
I tonic and will strengthen
I the nerves and up
It's also a great stomach, liver and
I kidney regulator. Only Sat-
guaranteed by Jno. L.
Woolen, Druggist
and zephyr shawls, hen
you get at less
extra heavy In black. than half the price. Sam
M, Johnson A Co, N, j i s w
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Th force I ho North
y met in annual
convention with
a f from
all o
The first over to
the in of
Mission- the convened at
a. m. in full session.
vice led by Mrs.
H. ii. ,
which Mm. T. It delivered
The add res i f president,
Mrs. J. w
both able a d earnest, and Was
to with close attention
The of the
secretary a id showed
the work at large to
Mrs, T. E of
which Mr-.
Bail H ill, won, reads
most and
on This
paper i- Ml v by
Mrs. H ii M t O villa.
on W Mn
close i
and helpful.
The nit.
With SB Mi-. IS.
of . I
people's department by
Miss Alice Hi ins, of
in this U.
The banner tor heel
went to i h
ville Mission
Miss Lillian
Mason following a beautiful
by Him Mary of
lbs symposium on mission field
W. B. M. was conduced by
Ito-a Loftin, of on
Mrs. If.
of Lake, on
Mrs. J, It. Tingle,
Belhaven, on Mis A.
B. of
Thin part of the was
especially entertaining
tire as the great
work of our women, and their far
O. of
our preacher there, and a native
Japanese, unable, on account
of to be was
to have delivered an on
Life of the of the
The convention was
disappointed at not being
able to hear in in.
H. H.
The Christian church building
being too to accommodate
the increasing crowds the Baptist
brethren tendered their
for future meetings of
the convention
Wednesday night Mrs. Ida
stale president of I lie
Kentucky W. B. M., delivered
an able to a large
enthusiastic audience.
The Wednesday session
with the of
and response. A letter
the mayor of was
read welcoming the
The address of the president,
A. of Greenville, was a
and helpful delivery, and
by Preston Bell Hall on the
was an
and able of this
subject. The
that followed was spirited end fall
of interest.
J. A. el Winston-
Mi I addressed the
hone missions.
The afternoon session opened
with a powerful address on
Model by A. I. Cunning
ham, of Washington. This was
discussed by Prof. J. P. Harper,
president of the Atlantic Christian
college, Wilson
W, T. of Atlanta, Ga.,
addressed the convention on
for the
churched congregations throughout
The night service wan given over
loan address on Mis-
by Henry
pastor of West Km church,
Rich in ml, Va
The convention is the largest and
most enthusiastic In the history of
he state work. H. H. Moore.
N. Oct.
The morning session
of convention was given over
ill ii fly to reports and discussion
symposium on state
The e board was re-elected
as President, E A.
Greenville; vice president,
c. W Howard, res
lending secretary, J. Boy i
r-curding secretary, L. O.
Kinston; treasurer, H.
the session John It.
Harper, president of Atlantic
Christian col Wilson, i p-
the annual report of the
i e year the enrollment has been
doubled and college is steadily
growing in efficiency and in
favor lie institution is a
credit to Wilson and to the
the state.
The is
Ai ills will be made to
bonds to aid in the
of this great educational
A large audience greeted A. B.
who spoke at the
service on
The next will be held at
in Oct.
H, H. Moore.
gone who are not par-
as to the form of entertain
they so long as
assured of their money's worth
find no attraction more pleas
Thoroughbred which is
the next theatrical offering at the
opera house Friday, Nov. 3rd.
While this play is not boasted of
as a Literary Art, the play is de-
novel In its
the pathetic scenes are of interest
and so well played as to bring tears
to tho majority.
The climaxes are of a drama,
though comedy
throughout the four acts.
The third has been altered, the
scene now being laid in a Hospital
ward for the Minded.
This i a unique act, idea
being new to tho stage, the action,
though not lively, holds the
spell bound until the climax,
when curtain calls are frequent.
Cotton Statistics.
New Oct.
weekly cotton statement
of today shows for the days of
October a decrease under lust year
of and an increase over the
same period year before last of
For the days the season
that have elapsed the aggregate is
behind the same days of last year
and ahead of the same
days year before last
The amount brought into sight
the past week has been
bales 547.000 for
the same days last year, and
year before last.
The since September
receipts at all
State ports to be against
2.587,105 last year. Overland
across the Ohio and
Potomac rs to Northern mills
and Canada against
last year; interior stocks in excess
of those held at close of the
commercial year against
last year; Southern mill
takings against
last year.
total movement since
is against
last year.
And Suffered.
Wasn't that a delightful wait
the passenger in had Thursday
It was only about three
half late. The Wei-
don fair have been great to
the train so long.
Reported for
The club was
by Mis. Hay wood
1905. This meeting being the fir-i
of the ensuing term, an election of
officers was held and following
were unanimously Miss
Pat Skinner, president, Miss Win-
Skinner, vies president; Miss
Janie Miss Lizzie
and treasurer.
On motion, the amount realized
from the production of
lie used in buying
for the library a com-
was appointed to select and
present them the library at an
early date.
Visitors present were
J. L. Wooten, H. A. White, B. W.
Moseley, M. H.
Harry Skinner.
After serving delightful refresh-
the club adjourned to meet
with Miss Glenn Forbes, Tuesday
Nov. 1905.
The and lb Community.
Speaking of what a newspaper
does a community, United
Slates Senator Davis, of
Illinois, made an address that re-
mains ever green in the memories
of newspaper men He
year every local paper
from to 5.000 free lines
for the hem-lit of the community
III which it is located No other
agency or will do this. The
editor in proportion to his means
does mine for his own town than
any other man.
He ought lo be supported not
because you happen to like him or
admire his writing, but because a
local paper is the best investment
i community can make It may
not he crowded with great thought,
but it is more benefit
than both preacher teacher.
Today editors do more for less pay
than man on earth.
Disc your home paper, not as a
charity, but as an investment.
Knocks Woman Down and Her
Williamsport, Pa., Oct.
Mr. B. Frank an aged
at a Pennsylvania railroad
crossing, today the life of an
old woman by knocking her down.
She had slipped under the gate,
and was in the path of an
locomotive when saw
her. He leaped to the track,
struck her a blow on the back that
sent her clear of the rails, then
clutched the of
locomotive as it down upon
the pilot.
His blow stunned the woman,
but when he saw that it had saved
her from an awful fate, she thank-
ed her vigorous rescuer. She was
stone deaf and had not heard the
Potatoes That Are Potatoes.
A day two ago The
spoke of a pound sweet
to, but Superintendent J. A.
of the home, has
it one better. He brought us
three that are something to look
at, as they weigh pounds each.
who has charge of Cherry Hill
Cemetery, is having the
cleaned and says all lot owners
also have their plots
so the improvements can all be
made at the sane time. If lot
owners will act on this
the cemetery will have a much
better appearance.
J. K II . s, ,
in this
B. this morning for
Charles w
fair today.
Mr. and Ii. O. Moor--
to Baltimore today-
County II
w. t B be i .
W. Brown
returned morning from t i
to u
this in o
to take a no i
store the
Friday, Oct.
Z. V. II returned to B h
President in Collision.
U. S. Flagship West Virginia,
New Orleans, Oct.
At o'clock last even-
through of signals
the fruit steamer collided
with the lighthouse tender
which was conveying the
president, Secretary Loeb and Dr.
to the West Virginia
The rail and port bow of the
Magnolia were and two
or three boles made in the hull
below water line. No one was
Range Exhibit Closes.
The demonstration of Majestic
ranges that has occupied this weak
at the store of Baker Hart,
closes this evening. Up to the
time of going to press fourteen
orders for these excellent ranges
had been booked and n few others
are in contemplation by the time
the exhibit closes. Mr. Swann,
the special representative in charge
of the exhibit, is a hustler, and in
Maker A Hart he has a hustling
firm to push the merit
College Quarantined.
The announcement is made that
the A. M. college at Raleigh is
under quarantine of an
i of scarlet fever
typhoid fever. This is an
unfortunate condition for the
college and will cause much
anxiety throughout the state, as
boys from every are at
went to V f
H. W. n. tills
morning from
Mrs. A- K -r d I i
went to Scotland N . k h
Mrs Brown, of o
her brother, P. W C
L. C. Arthur i
pears i u
l If I. I'll . i ,
Rev. George h i
been mime tier.,
i left this mot mil I i Ii
Branson S. c.
Rev. K. T. Philip-, of
came up this in n I lo
the union meeting in t Win
P, L. Co ii lo, ,
Here .
Greenville Printing Co .
purchased to move
to engage in the
Oct. -8 h
P, M. Hodge went to
ton today.
K. and B T.
went up the road mis morning.
J. J. this morn-
to take charge of a school in
Carolina township.
Mrs. B. House went to Edge-
today, to visit tier mother.
Rev. J. K. has returned
from Henderson where he went to
visit bis father.
Fire in Kinston Friday destroyed
i .
i and
t of the H . . -i Tobacco
is . i tit
r banks
d m North
i fair one of the
-ad ; i id while
; M The
i-i vi h V in
n . ff the ire
. . at
U .
i . ;.
II d ii -i- private
. J. D.
ti and thirty
d s i t tn perished.
in . i .
i ii gone to
wife of the
. died
lied Mule to Railroad Track.
The passenger on At-
Coast Line Sunday evening,
while on its trip from to
Kinston, ran over and killed a
mule near station. Per-
sons who were at the place soon
after say is evidence that the
mule, which was an old. worthless
animal, was tied there by some
one that it might be run over and
killed. The presumption is that it
was done that the owner might
get damages from
for a good mule when It was a
worthless one that got killed. An
old colored man in sec-
Free Press.
Big Potato.
We have been shown a sweet
potato weighing pounds, raised
by Tripp, this township.
They do not grow larger than
this one
The to the
Missionary convention have all
retained home.
Greenville, N. c
Deal When you can buy
paint for less than
save your money.
Mr. Aaron Higgins,
N. J., always 1.1 of
for his took
Mr. Williams
port, Pa., always used
took t.
Mr. Burt Young, Pa.,
always used a gallon for certain
rooms; took as much
M. Nathaniel Barber, Canton,
Y. bought used less than
You can buy paint for
less i ban don't; save your
The counts the same
way and doubles the
of paint is the
gallon. Weak most;
Yours truly,
F. W. COo.
P. i. H. L. sells our paint,
One of the Asheville prisoners
ho recently but was
caught and pat back in jail, tried
to break out again as as
left him.
t near
i -lo, and
only a
her suit to
A of Asheville,
t . i
it man
the promise
Increased on everything a News-
paper oil Uses.
i in- following from the
tells a big truth in but few
Everything in newspaper
Used, and printers are completely at
mercy of trusts. The Hume
Printing establishments that are
handicapped by labor trusts, type
trusts, machinery trusts, ink trusts,
paper trusts, etc . kn what it is
to for all they are worth.
Last week we ordered a lot of new
type to meet the demands of our
work when the bill came was
put down at cents a pound And
it doesn't take but half a handful to
weigh a pound. The trust could
make money at cents a pound,
but like cents better, and
the publishers have to grin and bear
it. A year or two bought
from an independent type concern
two hundred pounds of new type
that is as good as Iv's type, at
seats a pound, but we cant get
it that way now. It's the same old
independent concern sold
out to the trust and quit business
Concord Times.
Here is an Worth Quick Attention.
We have made a clubbing
with several magazines
by which readers can
save half the price they have been
paying. can send
The Review of Reviews.
The Cosmopolitan.
The Woman's Home Companion.
The American Farmer.
all to address a year II. Look
ever that list and just
think what you can get for
smell price. Better decide at
while there is a chance at this

Eastern reflector, 27 October 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 27, 1905
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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