Eastern reflector, 3 October 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have Decided to Convert my Entire
Stock of Clothing, Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats, Fur-
i ON E
and i
general tip. .- d
pin your faith
to Clothes.
Good i
with more i
piece i
slim you are.
to you i
All the n
We i
shoulders with you
i you exercise
i suit i- h poor
.-. tall you how
how you are, we have
. . ins the distinction
, ,.,. to the people of Ml and fining Counties the Pat Nineteen Year, and I herein give
that during this VERY SPECIAL SALE I will give such alluring values as have
never before been known in North Carolina.
New Fall and Winter Goods Arriving Every Day
But tor wan. of space we can only quote a of the many Thousands of Magnificent Bargains we ere now offering.
price from to
to you Bring
The Outfitter.
Pr i , Ranges,
l Heater Guns, Am
m H
Plows, Cutters
K t ft anything
in come to
Celebration Sale of Men's Suits
Men's Good Seasonable piece Suits at the
2.76, 3.98, 4.45, 6.45
youth Long Suits Age to cheaper than
the cheapest.
Boy's Knee Pants Suits.
M the Celebration
Men's Pants.
1.37, 1.63, 1.95, 2.98.
During the
Celebration Prices on Shoes, s
Boy's Knee Pants at and per pair.
worth now
Fine Dress Shoes
Pat. Leather latest toes
Shoes Ladies
Per pair,
Shoes from per pair up.
Men's and Boy's Hats
A Carload of men's hats in all shapes and Colors at
your own prices.
Boy's hats from up.
Men's Overcoats now
Hoy's Overcoats as low as
Special Celebration Sale
Best grade black taffeta silk
Full line quality colored taffeta
Extra quality and Width
inch regular plaids and solid
Mixed suitings, worth at
Plaid worth
Full line panamas, worth
inch all colors ladies bro, worth
A big line velvets, now
Big line dark colors
Pretty patterns in tapestry worth going for
Light colors in yard wide
Good curing Dark colors for
Heaviest IS l outing light cotton
Extra Sensation
Ladies tailor made suits worth 7.50 now
Ladies tailor made suits worth 28.50 now
10.000 yards cheeked homespun,
yards beat
Blankets tor double beds each
Best cheek gingham
Big line
Ladies kid gloves
Misses fancy hose
Best quality table
Yard wide bleaching to a customer at
. 1-2
J 1-2
Trust Company
v . ,. . business August 1906.
During this Great Celebrated Sale we will Give Away to the first fifty customers who by worth
of goods and will give us their names, one large size egg crate. Every article fully guaranteed may
be exchanged at any time or money will be refunded. Come to see us and we will send you back home
well pleased.
Come high expectations and even then you will be for far more than you can possibly anticipate
will be realized.
Remember this Great Festival Sale Opens Thursday, Sept. 28th. at a. m. sharp.
, Capital paid in 88,000.00
;,,,. Surplus fund
Undivided profit, lees
deposit 10,081.20
subject to
Cashiers checks 17.94
Cash item
Sold coin
National Bank notes and
State North Carolina, I of Pitt,
I of the bank, do
the above stat. rue la the my ledge
, . . , R. J. Cashier.
J. L.
c. T.
Subscribed sworn to
this day of Sept.,
C. S Notary
have taken up a stray
that been with my
two months. The
sandy red color,
pounds has silt in light
ear and tailed. Owner i
notified for same and pay
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR
The Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results
In death. a mere scratch,
insignificant or puny
have paid the penalty. It
is wise to have
Salve ever h
on earth and will fa-
when burns, sorts, ulcers
and threaten. Only at
J. L. Drug Store.
Putt an End to It All,
A comes
as a of unbearable pain
over taxed organs.
Backache, Liver
constipation, But thanks to
New Life Pills they put an
end t. all. are gentle
Try them, only
I Guaranteed by L. Woolen,
A piano for sale at a sac-
is one
of the lies bandied by the
On, was bought
hi ago by a gentleman who
his little girl.
I Patty to lose over a nun.
dollars. Cash or time, apply
i to O. or W. A.
Hyman, Greenville N. C.
End Bitter Fight.
physician had a long end j
stubborn fight with an on
my right F ,
Du . gave in- up ,
thought time had
come. As a ii resort I tried Dr,
New Discovery for
and I on my
a few days. Now I've entirely
regained my It conquers
all colds, and throat and
lung troubles. by
Jno. L. Woolen,
and 91.00. Trial tail ties lie.
A that a
of suicide had been
discovered many.
A run down or
precede suicide and
has been found that
will prevent that condition which
make suicide likely. At the first
I bought of self destruction lake
It a great
and will strengthen
the nerve- and build up the system.
It's also a i-real stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only Sat-
guaranteed by L.
Silk and shawls, all
extra heavy in black. D.
M. Johnson Co. Grifton N
Why Baskets when
you ran get Sheets at less
I than half tho price. Sam
s w
O. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
September Term in Session.
following calM have be
of since
W. T. Fleming, obs
public road, not guilty.
Ham Slaughter and Sam Blanch
tar, resisting officer, guilty, sen-
Adopted By Greenville Baptist Sunday
A- we pass our days in
ts of Borrow and
grief when the only thing we can
do is to in to what
we Such
j an now c to our Sun-
leave to be assigned to work j
assault with deadly and
weapon, guilty, ll and
month each in jail with
Ernest and Will Burton,
disturbing religious congregation,
guilty, lined s and hall
costs, Button sentenced days in
jail with leave In lie assigned to
work roads.
The trial of B. B. for
in second degree is in progress
this afternoon.
B. B. Jones, murder, not guilty.
J. B, Haddock, carrying
weapon, not guilty.
Annie Smith, retailing liquor
without license, not guilty.
Slaughter perjury, pleads
guilty, sentenced IS in
James Kennedy, violating town
DOt guilty.
Atkinson, carrying con-
weapon, guilty, lined
and costs, appealed to Supreme
Cornelius Atkinson, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty, sen-
days in jail with leave to
be assigned to work public roads.
Milliard Mills, carrying con-
weapon, not guilty.
Rebuked the Jury.
Jones rebuked the jury
this in a case for retailing
liquor without license in which a
verdict of not guilty was returned
when the showed that the
defendant was guilty. is
of our infant -lass, is no
more She has gone to her
living Savior, u k realize our
loss and as your com-
we desire to offer a feeble
tribute to her memory.
with our church she has been
a faithful attendant upon the
school, always tilling
folly without a murmur
any place assigned her. When
vacancy occurred for a
the infant class, a year or more
ago, the superintendent
peculiar for
place gave her tuts class. Not h
member the class or of the school
bat feels that no class ever had;,
more loving, faithful teacher. She
possessed qualification which
goes to make a sweet
life. In d like her
Master, she was loving and
giving, in thought she was pure
sweet, in deed she was
and kind, m service she was
end faithful, as a none
knew in-1, and above all as .
sue followed meekly,
submissively, faithfully tow
Big Opera Next Tuesday
One the most
In Honor the Visaing Young Ladies of
ever seen in Greenville will I the
Tuesday a most delightful trip big opera on next night
to Bath on the was given with one hundred m. I
by John a Am in
m j, elaborate one and Mm
Fannie of .,, ever given
Taylor, of Hookerton a i a,, entirely i
of scenes
are the Mrs, J. O. Proctor. J running , New
invited guests were
beautiful new
operas now
York. Mr.
Thursday. Hep.
H. V. Keel this ii i,
a i tip to New York.
W. veil, t
Keck today.
B. C. Wells, of Wilton, bat
been hen- ii day., left this
L. C. Bagwell, of Raleigh, In in
Helen Galloway, Be---
and Daisy Tucker, James
ah it sad
at noon
on oar arrival at I tie old
after we visited place
of A moat pleasant day
was spent everyone declared
Messrs. and to tie
Mis. J. O.
Jewish New Year.
new year will begin
tomorrow evening at o'clock
end Saturday event hi ti. The
places of of out
Will lie C
town brother.
this time. ii Latham, i
about the event ii that came in Wednesday to
the whole town is
of seats will Miss Anna Graff I ed-
,, ,,., i no ii Baltimore
ml is again in the
a ill be
T. Si
J. L. in That
ii a j,,.
went to
;. Allen
Miss wen, to Wash-
Imperial Officials Here.
-I the Imperial
Co., spent
Wednesday in They,
were E II. M. i. and his son,
II s of
d. They
Savior whom her showed she, on their tour by v.
loved first of all. By Him Heed and B wen
earth with charge of the leaf
cares, trials and pains to Heaven of the Imperial company in this
But the Aldermen Declined.
When the per-
for the carnival c. to
is look Hie tax
and lei it free could
have come any by pan-
taxi it was the understanding
that the tents were no lobe put C. this
up in the business section of the
town. A petition taken
around Tuesday asking the board
to by letting the L. Hudson
I go where on evening.
The board of aldermen held J. Parham and
night., left this
Miss ski e-
Thursday evening
i ton.
Skinner returned Inure
day from Baltimore.
m consider the petition that
carnival next week be
put up tents on Evans street.
petition was denied, and the 1-
be occupied by tents.
w it ti its joys freedom from Ills,
1st. That though we miss
cannot now understand why
able that is very Hard to secure she, in the very prime
Country. The party on
evening train.
Convictions cases of this kind.
New Wholesale Firm.
The Long Co., composed
of lite of service, should have,
been taken, yet we bow In submit, j
to the will of Him who hath
One Negro Shoots Another.
Goldsboro, X.
who were mi U street
at that early hour Haw an exciting
scene when pulled a
Mrs Dora Brickell, of
to visit
Rev. W. E, Cox went to Ayden
and retained
An amusing incident occurred
l .
Ii n
r hi
h I- in g
lie 1- c . ,.,,
s-airs be inquired of u bystander
nil . i a,
-bat's them gals
I , ,,.
t he
V W III y ,.,, h u ,, ,,
.-I 1.1 , .
-.-I . .- i -j
i. in , .
g id .
An Old Show Kiln New Feature.
t ,,, vi.
it Shows , .
n -th , ,
; .-i in tins
. -I.- pub c. Ii i-
I ; I
I.-, ills
. S
1111- i-i -de
v i .- the
. r ii, up. great
. . V hi Am burg show
s mil. tug none th in forty
, . 111.11 small show
I s ti , e.
. hi us in .-i e 11- by
I he vi
old time nice 1- just
s . mi, 11.1
ii. i a order end
up to Elephants,
I-, and a large collection of
led and are
I-- in grand free street parade on
e of-the day
Van Am burg's show will exhibit
Fine Show on Tuesday Night.
Everybody in town is talking
pistol his pocket and fired at i
done this and as we gigantic event to be
of Jas. long, will we may not now see on Tuesday night when one
do a wholesale grocery in
the building hearing
Dickinson Aye. Both are
go business
The Cuban surplus is said to lie
the result of over-taxation.
queer. is our
Minstrels Coming.
A. Q. Allen was, here today ad-
for coming of his New
Orleans night,
Oct. 6th. The in
their own car and show under a
large tent.
An Original, Time Minstrel Show.
A. Allen's New Orleans
clean, refined and up.
in date; everything new
season. Clever comedians, comic
and in tis e walkers
greatest galaxy of sweet singers of
the sunny South ever assembled in
one company, presented under a
mammoth theater,
over two people,
for Imposing parade
which takes place at noon on day
of In- Friday ct. at
it, that 11.- all things well.
2nd. That we to the
entire school her life as worthy
imitation, in that it bore such
striking resemblance lo her Lord.
That from the depth of
our own saddened hearts we extend
to the sorely grieved and sorrow
and twenty-live people
will delight a audience at the
Masonic temple with an opera that
is full of lively music and pretty
J. and D. J.
went to
his antagonist o'clock evening.
The ball took In W. X. Col.-v,
the shoulder of the and will the P.-1, was here
not possibly do more day and this morning,
ugly wound. The who did
the known as
darted through an alley mule
his escape as soon as lie fired his
gun. He not wait to Walter Buck and little
s of his attack.
Tax Notice.
mid Smith,
cam to visit
relatives near Greenville.
The fancy
beautiful a ml the cast is executing
them to The open. who was shot was taken to
house is going to be packed from office of Dr. The. L.
friends. dome mid tin- audience Is j where his wound was attended to
Of our departed sister our deepest;
All the scenes lo be given
sympathy in this, probably, the
darkest and saddest hour of their
lives, praying our loving to
give the balm which He alone can
give tho-c dark and trying
hours of life.
4th. That this feeble testimony
of the life of our beloved sister, open at Coward
and -r in-ice up
permanent record
a copy sent Till Daily
with ii request to
lush the same, a copy In the
of deceased.
W. II. ,
Miss Maggie Doughty,
two had bun
A. Wilson went to c
this afternoon.
J. R. returned
now running ., York will ,,.
be reproduces of ,.,, for evening from the Presbytery near
Silver Circus the on the street this
Mars, running at the a
and others. It-
to he treat. The Seats
Found fallow
X. C,, A
cuts . r
serving. lo re reeve I .-
it Q I nil mils ii Mid
a r in settle-
near I.
I Comity, saying then, wen- several
o, d
W. ft.
Carrie Brown Fri-
from visit to Durham
v- II. left
d lo deliver tin
Large Sale and Better Prices.
Tobacco For
This week has been another good yellow ,,,,.,.,.
one on the tobacco market. the last letter she would be
warehouses have had large sales o
and prices have made a decided
Secretary C. W. Harvey of the W what -a. supposed to
board of trade, Tl per typhoid
the following of . M
All In One Week.
The week will tell its
own tale. By the time the folks
get through with the carnival, two
entertainments In the opera house
and a big minstrel aggregation,
they will feel like taking a rest.
the Greenville
Sales month of September
pounds at an average
many deaths that expert examine
Graded School Ready for Opening. was made, in dis-1
Everything Is in readiness for fever. It la
-ii returned
m p
C. I. and chili, , j
in evening
to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Moore.
Annie Kitchen,
who have beau visit
lag ti. .;. Woodward, this
do it.
Dr. W. H. of Char-
N. will
at Hotel Bertha on Thursday Oct.
5th, for day only. His
practice is limited lo Ear,
ed that the disease J
pounds at an Monday and the attendance fever.
average of In is makes the to be large. The faculty
total sales for the two since school for thin session is Well Fitted Cale. f a man oversleeps
the market opened of W. B. Dove, J. J. Willis has titled up that has an accident he
and Misses Annie in the new building on d is it lo his good judgment.
Dickinson avenue. He has three,
The sales for September this
year were nearly a million pounds
in the Mime of
year. i S. O., Cox,
Ayden, Columbia
There ore so many towns trying and Bennett, of Reidsville.
Nose, Throat, Pitting Kt a stop-over from president j Most of the teachers have arrived
When he comes to North Carolina. ready to begin their work.
dinning rooms, of them private A man can lose at the races
for ladies, and serves oysters and j without sum-ring, but he has to
beat of everything Use that wince when he drops a quarter in
the market collection plate.
Do be frost Pint of the new Becker's
come along soon with October. buck, wheat at M.
I will at the following
. t- i for the
of ear
Meet me and
I Beaver
c mi; Score, Wed
lay Gm.
-ii-, .
Saturday Oct.
Sat aid I.-
Mills Wednesday Dot,
Po Gum Swamp
Church, Thursday Oct. M.
d J Oct.
L W.
IT County,
N. C.
Rev. churches ;
lie, have had
their first lesson in
Messrs. ft Lock wood
painted the Presbyterian parsonage
estimated gallons; took
ft Shutter
the Episcopal eh inch;
estimated took
painters painted the
gallons; took
Of course, they estimated from
what they had been using. The
saving in paint and wok is U or
a gallon. Total saving on three
join to painting
costs two or three times as much
as the paint, you know.
Yours truly.
P. W. ft COo.

Mill We. in Years
The Salisbury Pant the fol
loving story a smart
Ten years Miss
M the daughter of Mr X
I of Mt Ulla. came
Salisbury. She entered
mills, went to work and at tin
of ten years, she has
saved a neat little fortune.
did by faithful work and not by
lie arts of the miser. She always
dressed neatly, was popular and she
deserved to be. She is the daughter
if a most excellent farmer is a
splendid young woman Sometime
ago, she invested of her saved
amines in a small farm.
upon offering it for sale, she realized
a prophet of Recently
the has purchased and paid cash
for a acre farm valued at
her savings having amounted to
The Landmark state I in its last
issue that the North Carolina com
panics did not sell insurance any
the Northern companies
but promised better returns
This was an error. The Greensboro
companies sell forms of
policies cheaper than the same
can lie bought in the Northern
companies, the difference being
something like SI to on the
Other forms of policies arc
sold at the same main
that all forms
insurance too high. The
investigations of the life companies
show this. We are informed that
c is on account of the mortal-
basis by the actuaries.
which is too high, and that if the
tablets were reduced to a
m in c basis insurance could
be s cheaper.- Land
A Shoe for
made with reference
i the most minute details and
so perfected in its numerous
tint then is no other
slice mi the market selling
t the price the Ultra does, its
if its equal.
Here is the fundamental basis
a perfect shoe. We employ
our own expert designers, and
every Ultra Shoe is made over
a last scientifically
meet the closest variations
of width and size in woman's
The Ultra Shoe meets every
requirement of the many
whims of
We carry SHOE, for men, in Oxfords, Tans, etc
Pulley Bowen,
Whats the Use to Cry
and look over our
Central Academy
H. W. Principal.
PROF. M Associate
A Christian home and High
School boys and nun
splendidly located in Warren
county, one mile from depot,
mediately on S, A. L., road in a
beautiful grove of or acres
on a acre farm.
For further information ad-
dress the Principal or Associate
Littleton, N
Art Squares, Curtains, Brie-
Carpets and
e the only
The Buck stove.
You the family
We'll furnish the home.
Three Bulls For
years old. h
half Jersey,
old. One, lull ,;,
old. ,
J. Proctor Bro.,
Special Low Rates of One
First Fare Plus Fifty
cents to Raleigh,
Richmond and
Return, via
. ill- Or.- her In
ll t
i All ticket It elude
i in the
.- in which
K will
l ii. Ill
iii. will be male
by the m a. in. op
the day hi visit in the Fair.
special low rite of One Fate
Plus Fifty cent for Hie round
ii i to Norfolk and return, account
ton Home Show via Atlantic
on ale October 18th to
final return limit October
33rd. All
coupon show.
Reduced Kate to
Hoist- Show
Atlantic takes
n announcing special low
rule of one far pill fitly cents
fur the round to Richmond,
Va., return of the
Horse Show, October 10th
on 9th to
inclusive, with limit
All ticket include
one admission coupon to the Horse
Th Richmond Hone Show is a
Slate invasion aid should be
by all lovers a
display of superb be-
side m a place of many
historical and is veil
worthy of a visit.
For further information write
W. J.
General Passenger Agent
Wilmington, N. C
Home Outfitters.
i r
r T T
L a
. .
of Ii Ii. i . ii
hi .-
We finest i W. . .
el I I. ,,
will ling from u in f
I . ll c
will it.
Coffee and Tea Maker
A Patent l-m o-
which fits any
fee Pot- doe with Eggs
or Sack, and Needs no Si -1
Try One and Your Will be better.
For Male and Female.
course in nod Music, Art,
and Physical by
and Ty h . A complete . u e in A . .
Literature T. lending t A.
Opens 6th,
For or other
J. J. LL. D., President Wilson, N.
John Foster, th Wood
upon the life of an early
New England John Foster,
who seems to have been the first to
execute wood engraving on this con-
as well as the to
a printing office in Boston, has
been thrown by Dr. Samuel A.
Green, librarian of the
Historical He baa
through made a val-
contribution to local historical
literature in the form of a biograph-
sketch embodying much in re
to Foster, who, it appears,
the son of Foster,
Christian name is still home by i
street in Dorchester. John was
in what is now ii
Hi IS and was graduated at
at the age of nineteen and
in Dorchester, several year-
later establishing bis printing
in near Washington
in 1675.
It has been supposed that
did his engraving merely incidental
to hi printing, but fin-en
an old letter showing
he engraving four years at least
before he began printing. A ma
of New England, which lie made
is first
ever was cut lie i known t.
have engraved a seal of
setts, a very portrait of
the hers, and a view of Boston
and from i--
land. not an example of which i-
known to he in existence today. He
was the author almanacs.
Foster died the early age
thirty-three, in and his
in the old Dorchester burial ground.
is still marked by two ornate stones,
the one at the head bearing the in-
Boston Transcript.
Drawbacks to a Chaperon.
do they always build boxes
in theaters that hold jut even
queried the
girl who had just begun to go out
evenings. are always made
to accommodate four people or six
people, and that seems so silly of
the managers, when they know at
well as anybody else that you always
have to take a chaperon along, of
course the chaperon always makes
an odd number, and it seems like a
sin to waste that extra seat just be-
cause one must take her along. It's
bad enough lo have her anyway
Without the host being forced to pay
for two seals for her. As to inviting
an extra girl or fellow, why, that is
the worst possible mistake that one
could make. No, tho only solution
is lo build boxes that will seal
live or seven people. w,
would all be happy. New York
Wouldn't Waste It.
Andrew Lung in his
Among tells this of Hubert
Louis he and a
friend t raveled utterly without bag-
gage. Inlying a shirt where a shirt
was needed, is a fact, and the
dent is used in Le-
says that once be and a friend
did possess n bag and also, nobody
ever knew why, a large bottle
scent. But there no room for
the bottle iii the bag. so Steven-
son spilled the whole contents
the other man's head, taking
unawares, that nothing might be
Device For Being Cordial.
There Is a certain Mrs. So-and-so
in town who has the most gracious
and cordial manner you can imagine.
She went to call one day on a
man know, and woman spoke
in open admiration of way of
entering a room.
do come in -hake bands
so she said. do
you manage lo do it
said Mrs. So-and-so,
just make believe to myself that the
person I'm going to speak to ll some
and Frontiersmen Learn From
Signs and Observations.
There is undoubtedly ii practical
j art of discovering springs. Indiana
or frontiersmen can water in
the desert where a can-
not. Mexicans and experienced pros-
can similarly find ore. These
consist mainly in the
of superficial signs which es-
cape the ordinary observer.
It is not necessary that the opera-
tor should consciously note these
signs separately and reason upon
them. No doubt he frequently does
so, though he may not give away
the secret of his method to others.
But in many instances he recognizes
by association and memory the pres-
of a group of indications, groat
or small, which he has repeatedly
found to attend springs or ore de-
This skill, due to habit, is often
almost for a given limited
district, but under new conditions
it breaks down. Old miners from
California or Australia have often
made in other regions the most fool-
i.-h and hopeless attempts to
gold, because they thought this or
that place just some
other place in which they had mined
Apart from the magnetic miner-
there is no proof ore
its exhibit their presence and nature
by any attraction or other active
force. With regard to water, how-
ever, there may be an action affect-
the temperature and
the overlaying surface, liven here,
however, it seems more likely that
such effects arc manifested visibly i
a close observer rather than by
i favorite fur
diviners are regions in which
water is abundant, but not gathered
upon given horizons of impermeable
strata underlying porous rocks.
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Nat, notes.
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits
Depot, sub to check 18,616.36
State of Carolina, I
County of Pin.
I, J. R. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear the statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS,
Subscribed and to be
fore me, this 26th of An
gust, 1905.
R. L. IS.
Winter Tree
The infinite variety of nature's
laws, the nice adaptation of all
forms of life to varying
stances and conditions, the wonder-
inventive genius which nature
displays in devising a particular
means to every special end, is no-
where more forcibly illustrated than
in the development of tho buds and
in the various means adopted for
their protection during the long
sleep of winter. Observation
these winter buds will disclose am-
evidence that the trees are fore-
landed, having completed
preparations for the spring adorn-
months before the season
rives. It will also -how that, while
the trees appear to stand
ed in the winter blasts, the
ties, tender and susceptible to cold.,
are most carefully and cleverly pro-
each according to its needs.
Frank French in Scribner's.
I Everything want in the way of
nice Goods, Pickles,
j fruits, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
Sleep Comfortable
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all others.
Food Courses In Ireland.
Tin- etiquette of the fashionable
hotels has not yet penetrated into
the hinterland of Ireland. A
who. with his wife, put up
at an inn in tho darkest interior win
served the night with an
orate dinner of live or six courses.
Unwilling to give trouble, they
begged the landlady not to cook s
much, as a single would gen-
do. They were taken at
word. Next evening soup, fish
joint and sweets were server
in a chaotic mass in the
Triple Brass.
It has been said that the most
brazen man on record is the one
capable of asking a cab driver ti
him the way. A pa-
per this instance of the next
to the most
A doctor's bell rung, and hi
rose in professional haste and went
to the window.
you inform asked
man on the step In-low. do
tor next door makes calls;
I've been ringing hi- bell for
minutes, but no one
; r r--i -v Mm
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds are
as the best
every Royal Elastic Mattress and
bed is sold under guarantee-If not the best, price re-
Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Book Cases, Parlor Suits and Chairs of
You will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
to investigate our stock. Our and Bed
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
A. H. Taft,
H. A, White,
Greenville, N. C
A Lawyer's Scheme
A gentleman once naked a lawyer
what he would do provided he had
loaned a man and the man had
left the country without sending
any acknowledgments.
that's simple, write
him to send an acknowledgment for
the you lent hint, and he will
doubtless reply it was only
Thai will for a receipt,
and you can proceed against him if
Biggs What will
you charge to take me and
to Blanks hotel
a crown.
how much for taking
me .-done
a crown.
Biggs his
dear, you how much you are
at, London Telegraph.
All to Herself.
One morning Mr. coachman
was wry late in getting to work, and
on being questioned for an
of his tardiness he
tell you truth, boss, I
it I got
his employer said.
i- your wife, and why an
you not on your
said Jim, dun
gone de honeymoon. She
all de
Clerical Wit.
The witty bishop of Oxford was
once waited on by a clergyman who
came lo lodge a complaint against a
brother cleric, whom he accused of
ritualistic practices,
said the aggrieved clergyman,
your lordship consider it right for a
priest lo kiss a
replied Dr. very
gravely, think there would be
ground for complaint if he
stole a
Should Consider with gnat forethought the suit be is to buy
and the store he is to buy from for the coming season. His
general appearance will depend largely upon the lit of his
clothes, and the
Good lids is the foundation of your suit. Avoid
those unreliable firms deal in shoddy and pin your faith
Good is one essential you should exercise
with more can- than all others. A poor fitting suit is a poor
piece of property. But it matters no law tall you
slim you are. how stunt you are, how short you are. we have
to fit your form. A distinction of
being distinctly stylish.
All the new tilings are here. At any price from to
We will make it very interesting to you. Bring your
shoulders with you.
The Man's Outfitter.
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody In reach,
it reaches people money to pay for what they want.
If you have what they want advertise it and you are sure to
get a part of their money.
September 28th, 1905.
will the prettiest line of Dress Dress
g , Si ks, plain and fancy and all kinds of Fancy
notions that we have ever had.
Every body invited to
newest things.
rive ii- it call, for we have
Door open Thursday morning at
James F. Davenport.
Littleton Female
Splendid location. Health Over boarding
pupils last year. High work. High ii
and social life. Conservatory advantages in music.
courses in Art Elocution. Hot water heat.
lights and other modern improvements.
Remarkable health only one death among
in years. Close attention to the. health and
development of every pupil. High of
All dress alike on all public occasions.
will 13th, For
24th Session
President, Littleton, N. u.

u j
; I-
ii mm IT.
ii sin r,
office at Ore. N C,
i . . application.
.,. port in adjoining counties
-it- pi
in to
Pitt x. Oct. 1905.
A. meeting Gas been called in T during
. ,. , s ,.,,,. 8th the past received an
, , year i
looking to a in the
ought be a no
about that
the ca
received large sums
by the insurance companies,
is not saying anything about return ,, .
the money, there i that can h o I
been several inti that
s be paid In
thing the
I to
In i -i s
v an able as never iv con
. d the price crop. A
. cotton and u
of mills
i every line
in the South-
ii Ii i i Bend l away
i ;
i .
i- i ill a till r
ti a-i J C
Is Greenville going to
toward getting an d lily i
. i . . r I I i -i i r I in- kill i
.-. i i
i ii ml still ii in for to
on this bi the s ;. , ,., . , u, .
. ,., .,,
it than .
. rt is made bus- i . i d
.-, . i every day .
trail main as
. Washington
I I I i I
i i ii Sharp
at i the
is to insure the
putting in defeat of e i
ti servants and land i lb. i
the cluing id well.
,. .
u the same
,. ,. , .
n was .,. ,, ., . ,
, .-. ids Vet be the man whom Mr. W
i. n ii II , i I. ; .-
-Went for reelection a-
. . riM ml i-i How
liability. , . .
ever, a good many people long ago
lost faith in Mr. Hearst's Democracy.
i. in Winston Sentinel. ,
i e some . h will at to
state the the
pumpkin- w b i t.
In view graded
school begin an her year's an
Monday. Oct. 2nd, I to
upon every good citizen of Green
the imp art of giving bis or
toward making the year-
mean what it ought to mean ii
promoting the highest, th- best, and
the must permanent of th
In the past the enrollment has
been good, but not as bug
might have been, and will not I e
until every boy and girl for whom
it is possible will take advantage i I
the facilities so wisely provided by a
generous public. The remedy I i
this evil is largely in the hands of
the people, and
them to join with us help to
place every chill in school. The
public schools are a it created n e
special lit any child or s
children, are they in any
designed t lie a charitable
It is t . I are
table in results to thousands
it would never without them y
i . fan education. An
prayer is that they may
number They are instituted
ail in u id i owe
Nor on an to transfer to you
that you may
B duly upon the w
and It it j
work in which every
child in On who
his town and to be ii
only -i- our
i i. ; . l xi rd
nil have in because th.
must feel the inc and
m us iv
speak it and in an
. promote i
IV. B.
Sol, Graded
I News and
of Wednesday bad the
T i. i i- a persistent rumor th i
Judge B.
Salem, will resign his position u
Superior i mi judge and. return
the practice of the law in Winston
Salem In that connection Cu
well I
fail to call the i
attention who hi-
successor, lo the acts that the only
reliable Democratic counties in ii
on the sound
p investment for public
peace, an I and as
they conserve this end only i- they
ii . i t i i ague
B i m in his con-
test Vi
returns we
The ,, w
a hard time trying to the
one third of voters to
e an ii the ion of
reopening saloons in the i
,. . Tie we see
f is what they base their n
gel in. to
E it i
The i I t
now i re a i i his . t n-
Here's at t i. t body
will not I bad as
b fore.
people . ill iii-
district are Caswell and
and i of these deserve the place
To bear and out all good Deni
precedents immediately upon
resignation of Judge Jones
i r would lender
to Col. A. E. of our
c who ran in only I.
meet the measure of their require- ; ; .
Jo i the lore-
lie placed in them and j K. J., i-
i j s J.- Kept there. I fully
many ore kept
their scant earnings are necessary p. r ,,.,,.,,., th
wed mother or v ;, , .,. ,, . ,., ,,.
U mil . Inn it v . th with-
hand of misfortune bus been heavily
I n the name charity I ask
p . -i ling the present term i f Pin
Superior court, him
in v he ha I nevi r
intimated to any one he
you, God has blessed , . , , . ,
nod the least
Watch This
Coming on It's Own Train.
. P.- mm day I
Ii of the day.
i . n I world
. i. nave been
. and forceful
man has a much el now a those who are regular, and v mi
to make more money I ever do not fly off at every and
could. that comes
I., i i-i
the I ii th ii e no Those who
i . i . they think their
. are weights and
Mr. If to say , v no It is the regular,
ire has I us with unchanging, sturdy men who
these in I Still, then
i-i I with way things are run.
John D., Jr., in
the above re
. used
fully with go ids, a
of such an one go to his rescue
a. -a i. in the curse of
usefulness and
. s
;. i lo buy books Help
tn I o cup cold
to God's little and
you v a ; I not ; ,
reward. A Mill larger number
those are harder t i reach r. main
out of school through indifference,
because tin j a i I tin
value and importance education
To tin-in w. simply say
United census
educated man or woman stands
opp T o i
. an I man or tin
are some little hob-l die. I
. much principle to
kick the traces because they
think that tin Republican party have their way, Take them
in this t .
think that
sh in Id have for
l . s.
The on hi -1 mi h
this ,; m
Durham, an I the Herald is
a- as. i him,
e haw their way.
in church the same thing is
true are not so good they
lose iii their brethren and
e up to a holier realm. They
today chaining North Carolina at
t very t of the list for racy
among her white people is the lack
a good hearty sentiment for
cation, but with thanks lo the
devotion of her
teachers and leaders she is arising
giant out her slumbers, and
we see for her the dawn of a better
lay; and the question that comes
Speaking further Judge Jones
I r the
i is a surprise and
r I and while
i . J Up a
ii ii iii and Iii kept from
me bis time, both I
were his inclinations,
honor hint as it did
he fell ii duly to it. and
since entering up lie duties . I
i had d lo the
b in- ability.
roll 1-
I lies has no i null nation
;. needs just such men
II II as lie i- This is In-
be Ii -s in
I. judge has made a more
favorable impression on our people
He I is position with dignity
and honor and conducts the court in
a business like way. is firm
reasonable in his rulings, s
penalty the law he
thinks offense demands ii is
merciful when he thinks mercy is
merited, lie is an aide and t
f ---1 .
Phi .
home to all is, can we afford to lag
behind in this movement better I n
soldiers was
slate that we i T, Sun that
The agitation
annulling the
I . I
land Improvement We fail lo
Bee tin . by
. federate and
We all have sung and , , ,. , . ,
burned Friday night
do love. Henceforth let us do some tho battles of the Civil war the
up to a turner ream., prove our, building was struck by shells,
faith by our works. in which had been
While the lire was ill its height these
. r bells began to explode. There were
tin-schools are created.
liners still. They blown
by every wind of do. but the name the elate for whose bet
an substantial in
are not creatures
Maryland i to vote on u
amen dim m restricting
suffrage in the November
eh All the states yet see
t it is best to come to this.
nine explosions, which scattered the
ask you, if you kn w , f a child who as they realized the
,,., men of deep and indifference fails lo attend of being near the building,
abiding conviction. The others to or This shows that the used
make tho noise but these men do the i,;,, ii.
., . . , I,,, one who can ti. urge and constrain during civil
work. On their broad the qualities Charlotte Chronicle,
church rest. They an- well- to go to school, and you will be
and complete. In a word, the means of saving to the state a
. are regular, and their useful citizen who may be a diamond j
force that saves All this is said not
Ii., in going to and . . , , , I .,
in disparagement our schools
their usefulness, which are doing u cm get old
noble work, but because of an can.- .,,, ,.,.,, , at
eat desire to see grow and in office.
The Book Store
received a new supply of .
I pencils, pens, ink and
ill positively exhibit
on a scale of never attempted
in in all its reel Better, Greater, Grander
A Display of Entirely
Grand Moral Museum of The
t Hidden Menagerie
Many Strange Zoological Specimens
Including th- Rarest Animals in Captivity. The Lioness, Queen
11.1 her of young cubs. A.
largest living HIPPOPOTAMUS in captivity, weighing 6.000
A Monitor Blood Behemoth, of Holy Writ,
in densest Morass of wild region of the mys-
River Nile.
A Zoological Garden
Brought to wheels. The Human Meters, the La
Pearl Family of Japanese
Mons. Ladder Artist
Wheelers Marine Band
rue finest Musical Organization traveling with any in
Grand Street Pageant
new and costly Steam Piano to be seen daily in our Free
Spectacular New Street Parade. A Grand Gala Day. Prepare
For the coming event. One ticket admits to all advertised
shows. All Children Half Price. Not-ambling or Swindling
allowed. Honest and Fair the this vast
Two Performances Daily. Doors open at I and p. m.
Remember the day and date
Job Office is the
, your work done.
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR
This department is in charge of J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
We hi. r many
Judge j.;., t. people
i . of doing lie
to be determined to do what
he think if right repaid c- of
. C
R O, A-pi
The painter is
after Hie on l
boy's dormitory and I
painting the of
building. In a few it b
occupied and
are engaged it
Kev. W. E. Cos, Of
la this morning a
visit to
yards standard calicoes
per Harrington, Barber
Just by R G.
ear load lisle
they will sell very
Mm. O,
A. Fail, of wire
Misses Carrie and Henrietta Wee-
Fur Holt tune
clucks and see It. ti.
Mil-. A. U. Friday at
bi -i
all styles and d pi ice-
Mis a t Friday
later, H. K a- .
y, ii for
B T. Ci
Bet. J- J-
and i, of II
been at M
They II
Colic and K Oil u,
the i medicine
Block and a
at Drag Store
Mis. Will II, of Seven
Springs, visiting relatives here
Bit line ball unit
received, latent styles.
Mrs. B. D. Carroll
George, are
relatives near here.
For corn and oat-, go to
Harrington Barber Co,
One our up lo date farmers bro-
a wagon load of feed to
our Pitt County Oil Go. and
had it glued making a bale of lint
that weighed pounds.
He paid one dollar and cents
to gel it glued and exchanged bis
seed meal and hulls. And
after ha bad sold bis bale of
to one our leading
a lit lie more I bin per
he pin Ins meal and OH bis
and returned home feeling
he had saved much I lute and
labor and was pleased results.
Cooper went lo
this morning.
Mi- I. A. Sparks recently re-
turned from Northern markets
where she purchased a complete
line of dress goods,
trimmings and notions. Her fall
opening display of the new
will be held in one of the new con-
stores oil Saturday, Sept-
W. L. Hurst went to Greenville
Buggies were seen down
one of our streets yesterday en-
roots far our
luck to in.
Albert w. to Green-
ville this morning.
Mrs. P. H. Kittrell and Mi-
and J. C. Tyson
attended services here
H. G. Chapman
Co., arc offering cut price on
their large stuck shoes which
must be sold within a days In
order to make room their new
supply soon to be received.
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Barber v Co.
Nice at youth's pants, all
Harrington, Barber Barber I ,,
his I an l, he i ,, . ,
eight school Rah Bear, and
will have to seeing prevail,
begin her work. She has proven; frames I -a .
here the
j year and predict i her
wen work. Her
sister. Mi- Nora, will e
here at once.
B. T. Cox A Bi. haves lull line
of books, paper, inks,
pea tablets, day hook
hook-, states.
A W. Lags c ,.
Mi.- of V.,
came put he
in la
Trunks valises
ton Barber
J. J. o.
came evening n,
attend services in the
health abounds.
there in-
Straps. Come and see what
they have before bringing else.
y- to visit Ins
mother, Mr Susan Hi-
lire to heir .
his great success new field.
A few u-ii s the result of recent
place and i u n . .
Our are
and carts i lo i .
e I i Mill. I'll- ;,,,,
is reaping .,. a to see
Miss Mary f II will preach in
been visiting Misses P. cm-
and in. mil
left yesterday v Monday and
M where -he will In . i
At exercises at the
academy Friday he sue
of V. All v.,.
delighted his
hope lo In ii very o.,.
f at ii nice cooed,
. W. Ange C
ml s.
i. i II. L.
his ii
This is his
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure Mood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Druggists.
Cholera By
L. Woolen and
it l . i . i
tun. . s.
Barn Jo i
and J. . I i
. i
it ties become think of a
notice that an action entitled as above a a w
has commenced in the . selling at whole r. M affect
court county, to certain .
the patients pump, can't tell the
These ailments are common with at
closing of the season, but with some of re-
i-in . -o re- I I
.;. i
. And iii .
lie school.
M i. W. v of
i d . r inn ii i
Cox, at tin-home
i It.
When i- tow n i see me
ii i feed nod
s de L. c
leave us.
M . S -I iii
c boys suits II. I.
We have the best assortment i
ever to Win-
T Br-.
Ion, U mil in
i c. chin, n
Ce a
people . to see
nod hear Mini
Our line of fall and Winter,
develops a mania for talking
and the germ is in acme stores in Greenville all the
creates a reckless gathering of
; iv am
for sale by B. O. Co. ,.
goods are now In, Bee oar lire be
j net a few more cloaks at ,. . ,,,. ,. . ,
,, . , , , boy. yours to please A.
L. Johnson's.
-I i K v, th r . , , ,
loud of school
Greenville, preached in shipped of A. C. C x
inc i
food a ti III not
.- i
the I i to
e held o u i
-i ii
ii h v n rub-
court u . and
r demur ii said
Chi ill .
the court for -.-. . j . .
. of Inferior quail no matter
I , . i
what its antecedent, most of it prepared for the store
Th Dignity of the farmer. M
Timi has been when a man did not . m
particularly expect on A V V hA I
and among certain classes
perhaps be not it now; I
but, speaking broadly, a dignity
We shall expect our methods to h Id.
Mouse Hash.
he also visited
the 10.13
the s- helpful
talk, lit is a
intellect aim m life
our glad to bear
in We hope he visit us
of en.
M in d nice candies
apples Fruits
if the of machinery
means anything the A. ti. Cox
Co must lie
wagons, cuts null far
they have bean keeping a continual
line of special prices on hard,
ware and mill supplies next
W, l. House.
We are neither reformers nor philanthropists,
for fellows, rather than old-fashioned.
IS tor-
in need fresh meals
am horn call on II. L. Jo
Annie Joy
visited -Miss ed
T. H. King,
A. I mill G. K.
tended mi vices at I
evening. report u
good sermon by u Mr. Crater, i
I is one of the pros-i
sections of the and
For fresh H. L.
and lies
Cigars yon ever I-.
I Johnson's,
For nice dress
ice, and nil kinds of
I Ladies and Gent's furnishings
I to A. W,
If you
gel one of those d beaters at A.
heat are loll ml,
in that community. Not only Adm re
they attend the preaching service
. , ,, ,. , ,. flour just at A W. i C
which Mr. has on
but they have one of the
heel conducted Sunday g
j the county. Ii Is presided
j is reliable gel prices.
Just received car load Hour, nice
mil fresh Harrington Barber Go,
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways on hand Harrington
ed Mr. B
who has co
the people In the v. ,.
Miss of now
her in to
, went home Ibis lo spend
,. . ,, . . c her. He; is well select-
A so Miss Nellie
. . , ,. ed and prices always
went I .
, ,. J. B. Jackson,
House, of House, tin- .
. in this spend a
morning, are ail . . .
I Meek with her mother law, Mrs.
Call II. L. Johnson's and
Cat roll and K.
hi, line of Hosiery eD, ,
Misses Ladies and Cents. UM ,,,.,,,,
Pull goods arriving daily ill a short while with us
W. Ange iv Come, today.
see them. Motto go Olivia Cos came borne this
at lowest morning.
II you expect to exchange your ,, King in
need meal you can same time . ., , ,
meal far seed when
cotton the at night Mr. Crater,
Pitt Co. Oil Mill. of
attaches to of the
farmer that never been known
before. We say I the
tr we believe
and noble calling entitles him .-.,
distinction among tho professions. I
perhaps, ha the farm- But we are determined to build
influence and importance been
so well understood. The Charlotte Statement id f add
Observer in an editorial article gives
striking win not and Merchandise beyond my
do to decry the men who come from
space is too expensive to use for
Our little comparisons, as reference to the
are serious statements, and we take
this method of calling the of the critical and
intelligent purchasing public to these abuses.
It time for better business any how,
This store demonstrated to-day, did and
We are never we buy
merchandise because it is cheap,
It must be good or it will mil in this store.
We reduce every week, yes every tiny, if we think ii necessary,
The new- goods are here. Now a general shake-up all
along I lie line.
the soil. Allot us came from it
directly or at moat through a
generations not far It is
trite the cities
must, if they exist, be recruited from
it constantly, equally trite and
true very much of beet bruin
and energy In
pursuit, commerce the
sinus is recruited immediately train
ii Scotland Neck l
A young man think it is to
his advantage lo leave
some oilier state hill he is
mistaken unless the is after
Ladles, if you a I
and brilliant complexion, tree from
use Kooky
Mountain Tea. Brings red lips,
eyes a cream like
cents. Tea or
floes further further. Never
stops until arc well. That's what
will do. A great ionic. Makes
led Id. In ll
Tea Tablets.
ling Store.
It dulls the
lime, dines away wrinkles
approaching old
puts hope in the
Tea. cents, Tea or Tablets,
large steers, well
bloke, nearly new log can.
our stable.
T. id Mills
and tan setter dog,
with blue on breast. a
shepherd, for return to
K. S
N. C.

Can Reach
Telephone Subscribers
Not Quite
i ion
. i
Et tori
I l
; so
. .,
. .
. . coin I . I ; I
; lb I-
. ;.
You get Harness,
I j. p i
will be next
Tuesday Wednesday
October, 3rd and 4th.
handsomest and cheapest
line of pattern hats ever
shown here.
The styles and prices will In-
to your advantage.
. v
I Hill
. i
Any person or persons claim i
nor lull n i
laud i f prof
st Till.
i ,. .
i . . , i
O. I
. . fall and
Oil Bar
i .
. I
I J , .
. Jed
ii . . . i , .
I. Maw . i i s, Oil,
I .-i . oil Bulls, it,
. Nut
. .
I , I Glass
v . ,
. I
Ai . .
l . h mil i i s .
. i hi
. .
r .
I I I sloe I i.
demands of the trade and will at
nil times nun a complete Hue of
Heavy and Groceries.
Fruits, Tobacco
Gaul me when you wan I the
best the lowest price
at which they can lie
J. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
Ml Id I OR
s . ii nM
, i- . -i I.
. . ,
n . i
.,,.,. ii . m ii
ill . Ii . i the
. I u.
, . . .
. .
, I . .
twelve months r
tills Sol . Is
In bar their i
the l
. km i
n ton.
T court
Pin county,
to me,
the 1- of Au It U . on
. . it. i i ;. a Ti X
i ., i. hen en In all In.
. i .-. ii in the i
em i i the i i if i to
i i . i .; in I i
ii .- . month
a- tin ti ii or thin i
. iii liar ii v.
12th in
.; the I It- T i .
i. A. sin ;, Attorney.
St K,
. , it III ,
. . . I-
II III ill
,. . . it the .
. . . .
ii y ., . . i
i . will he pi. nil in bar of II i
hi to said
In I
Si I
l. It
A Vs.
J K J. K. Ba
t M. June .
Register of W i
Hoard of G
Cox, in. ii. B. M
L. Arthur.
Standard C F. Flem-
J. K.
Steamboat Service.
v , .,
A . ton
ii at V a i
I. i
I nil oilier I
if n
v .
. I I. I
,. -ho ;
. i . i I
u c
without notice.
Education--j, j. Agent,
. Km
,. Null.,
ashing- j
vi II-,
T i.
r. X ii, V i.
Skinner. Harry Jr.
M. W.
We leave to announce that we arc
Wholesale and Retail
for --s
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
skinner g
l l orb, J. If.
W. A. Howe,,. A. H. Taft,
C. S. Carr. T. E. Hooker.
Mayor- P. M. Wooten.
I. Carr.
ax t -I ti.
G- A.
H. I c r
File CO
v Ready Paints.
a . . we .-i
I . ll i
I ,. liar . r.
e a here-
January d,
M, W.
Cotton Buyers and i
Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private to Ne
Chicago and
J. Pulley, Cong e-
tor. L.
Prayer meetings each
day night. Sunday schools
n. m.
. j ii Rev. J E.
Services every
W. H.
Superintendent of Sunday
H. H. Moore,
pastor. Sun
day. W. R. Parker Super-
Sunday School.
W. E. Cox,
rector. first
and I bird Sunday.
Brown of
Sunday School.
Fie Will W.
Service every Sunday night
and fourth Sunday morn-
Services every Sunday
dent of Sunday School
pastor. W B Dove
Superintendent Sunday
School. Preaching every
1st, and Sunday,
and night, except
service at night.
., , , v . i i physician told me that If ft
i . A been W Cur
P A M, meets Isl an
3rd Monday nights In d
month It
J. M. Ki-U-s.
Covenant No. I DO
night. W I.
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too last, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of those
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see
quickly you will find relief.
About January it. Hot, I
with dropsy.
grew worse, I wan I
by my family physician case
viii unit
hint given up to ale. My
body swollen ons-
than normal alas, unit
water hail around heart.
at least months I hail to nit
propped to keep from
I soul for of Hr.
Heart Cure, and by the. time I
had taken them nil I entirely
cured. I foil better than t have for
years, I am able to do
i of work on farm.
would now I., my ore.
T. Ky.
Dr. Cure Is sold by
your who that
the first will benefit. If it falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
There is no line in world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you r-
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with j i
orders whenever you want good paint for
Have just a car load
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
of the condition of
Loans and Discounts 9108,062.2
s, securities, etc.
Furniture Diatom
Due Bunks
. Cash
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Central Barber She
The Superior
i HUI Ii I'S i
to iii the
. mi
hi xV K
, d, TICK i- Ii to
Indebted to the cm
estate to i- i
i r cl mil i
. i u it Ii
hi i web i- iii date
notice, i will
Tin day An- hi is
i dimes, B
mi the
I; t U . . .
Fleming, Props
River Lodge No. .,.,. j
Meets every Thursday the town
night E C Flanagan, Poor chair.- bi and each
Moore, K of R on presided over by a skilled
Stock Ii T.
Undivided less
Expenses Paid .
Kills Payable
Deposit subject to check . 20.1
Cashier's check out-
standing S
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement above is true to best of my knowledge
Subscribed and sworn to lief ore j p.
me, this of Sept., W. WILSON,
I Directors
Subscribe to
I not
a. After July 1st I will be B
pared In furnish private con-
J to depot for j
persons in town at tor
each The will
then only run hotels to
depot and wharf and fare on
that will also he
Tribe No
I O R M. meets every
Wednesday night J II
wards, C of R
Pitt Council Jr O U A
M. meets every Monday
night E II Evans,
Made to Measure.
Cleaning, Dying
and Pressing.
Ladies and clothing;
a specially.
I also clean and dye laces,
ribbons, feathers, etc.
PAUL Tailor,
Greenville. N. C.
is Inviting, sharp
v. you for mot
and ash Loans and discount a
s.-i v
A way
AT N. C.
of business August
stock of Framing x ft-
Also Herman Siding, Ceiling and
Partition and all Kinds dressed
lumber necessary for building a
house complete Bills out to or
on short notice
Greenville Lumber Veneer Co-
White From Barber Shop
S clean Towels and
and you pea
patronage hoping for your eon
I remain,
Tours to
S. J. NOBLES, Prop.
Furniture urea
Due from Banks
Cash items
silver coin,
National bank and
other U. s. notes
Capitol stock 5,800.00
Undivided profits 026.59
Time certificates of
to chock 11,421.64
chocks out-
standing 12.20
State of North Carolina, County of Pit,
I. II. II. Taylor, Cashier of the above named bank, do
swear Unit the above la true to the best of my
edge and belief. H. Taylor. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
fore me, day of August,
Notary Public.
I or malt.
at the shop
II. Kills in ft Mills
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Agent-
. AYDEN, N. C.
N. C, Be it 1905
As nut for Daily
and Reflector we
real pleasure in receiving sin
and writing receipts
in arrears. We have a
all u ho receive mail
We also take
John Hart and Uncle
MOM Jess have been off
Some j mills on a
Alter three whole
laboriously spent re-
turned and a catfish, two
and three is what
showed up. But they had a pan
If you need
of Crockery, Tin at
come to see us, Hart Jenkins.
For the first time i
we saw a copy of tin- Free I'll
Baptist, yesterday, not that it
not regularly published be
because we have Dot been so
as to Bet hold of a copy. We
were struck with its decided
improvement, printed on the
of paper, good legible print
a manner most
makes it a paper well Worth
the reading undone
and the it
represents justly proud it. We
have always admired it and esteem
it a hold of a
now say
B. E. Co. do all they
possible can Iii please you w
their new line of heavy and fancy
They tell us one of om
dreamed he bad
been away a. visit and
his absence the chief of police bad
filled up all the boles and death
pits in the streets and on the
of Ayden and when he realized it
was a tact a wail went up
from In- bosom his heart was
broken and Joe Blow have
nothing now to growl about,
alas it bet
inn. into their stole
on south Main street.
F. T. Carr, of Willow Greene,
was selling our market
dozen wanted by C
A. Fair for which will be paid the
highest cash market price.
There was the greatest influx of
drummers to leave here on the
train yesterday
seen for some considerable length
Of time
Lace Curtains from cents pi r
pair up, and soil a Scents per yard j
up, at J. K Smith Bro.
The store Cannon is
It is pleasing news to all In the
to learn the condition
I George Worthington is much
unproved. Mr. has
confined at his home some-
more than eight weeks with
fever aid times re-
very has been despaired of, now
lint be is i ii the load to recovery
is gratifying to all who knew him.
received, fine line of bar-
can fit you up in any style
L. H. Witherington bus been on
i business trip
for sale by Cannon Tyson
of Raleigh, i-
t O. E. Jackson's.
A full supply of Trunks,
Grips, Satchels
suit Case.-, at J. R. Smith Bro.
Robert Strange, D.,
the ill
at the
pal here on Sunday,
1-t, at p. m. All are cordially
it is hoped that a
large will lie present.
I. Raymond a nice
black horse, years old, he would
like to sell. The is perfect-
M. T. of here,
left morning for
where he will enter the
Pennsylvania and take
up special course i.-i medicine.
For carpenters ton's, grind stouts
I In Dip pulleys, J. It.
Smith Bro,
M -s Tripp is on a in horn.
Calico and Oil
W. C. Co. are allow i
he most i,
His, and suit's
shown in town or Ayden.
hem a trial. They are
bey can please yon a- the
and quality.
shoes are
sold under a it risk
C. .
line for Ayden.
We keep Furniture, Waitress.-.
Bed Springs, Stoves, Ba.
etc , up stairs.-
Having just returned from
Philadelphia Optical College
graduating in a special course m
the human eye, and the
of optics, I feel fully able and
pared to correct any of
of that other nun
can correct with glasses. I win
take any case of weak eyes, or eye
dull aching, burn
or eyes, or eyes with
el or low vision, on a
to relieve the
give entire satisfaction to the
patient or not charge one cent. The
largest per cent, of all
At the business
Loans and i
and Fixtures
Hue from tanks,
I inn. 180.52
Silver Coin, ; 1,655
Dank notes and
other U. S notes
. I
l-l II IT.
II H f
and eye
I- to pro
en eyes call
ate the o. ,
. of refraction
or form
A. good
in county
J. W. Taylor,
Tans,. ,, re,, , lb
j . .;
re lie
I -ii
hi .- ll t Jenkins
ii need to dress
our feet, we can save you money
you to fit the
the nicest and
shoe ton ever saw. Try a
Mir and lie convinced.
Call on Hart for a bar
-I none
be had here.
Old Fashion Maud-made Paw
w Gun. Bread Trays at J. R.
Smith Bro.
D. W.
I. J. R Smith, the above i
the above statement is true hi Hie i
and sworn to
this 1905.
Notary Public
. no swear
and be-j
And Provisions
Ties on hand
j Fresh kept con
I in stuck. Country
a Produce Bought Sold i
The Fall Season has opened and found a select
Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes.
D. W.
E N V I L 1- L i
I h Carolina
u I cents
. s la while
summer goods, at J.
Ii. Smith Bro.
are now some els f
our people getting some benefit
from m
some months ago. Work In en
resumed, and a I bops to a
your buildings by
painting them with
and lull line of colors, kepi at J.
K. Smith Bro.
Dr. J. W. Perkins has been a
frequent in Ayden this
For can apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to E. E.
J. Edwards went to Hooker-
ton yesterday and will
A new line of Cradles Cribs,
Mattresses lo match, J. K Smith
was here yesterday.
i Tut ladies say that Caution
have the prettiest line of
A. A. Forbes, of Greenville, was in
in town Tuesday,
Save your own hay, get a grass I Thursday,
blade, fork, hoe, spade,
bush hook or hole digger, at
J. R- Smith Bro.
W. E. Hooks has been to and
returned from Greensboro during
the week. He is the busiest
most successful insurance man e
W. C. Co. are the
depository for school books.
Mrs. Ed who has been
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas E. E.
W. C. Jackson spent
night with his mother
Hart Jenkins is place to
get your suit this tall, the are
handling M. II. line
give you a nice fit.
Mrs. Fair, little Miss Letha
Master Edgar Fair have come
an Tyson ire
.,,,. If,,.,
Royal Pelt
handle are
the equal market.
the planter i.
the J. Smith
Go E. Go's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, fresh fish.
J. W. Taylor, our optician is
now back again from
Optical College, where he
graduated u course
i ready to
better vice than
those from
and in of glasses.
Slippers, raw hats
are being sold cheap
Cannon Tyson.
Don't forget that Cannon
Tyson can supply your wants in
almost anything in furniture.
hay, outs, ship stuff, wheat
brand, cotton hulls and
The I,,,,,
f-om oven Mo
Law horn's
fail Ty.
son's new plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
are re
daily new groceries
right from the
visiting relative, in and around j from .
Ayden tor several weeks return, d j up , the New
to her home in Wed
needs, She was accompanied by
Annie who will visit
up the mountains until after
1st .
A full supply of No, Timothy
Hay Oats, Cam, Bran, Cotton
Seed Hulls Meal, at J. R,
Smith Bro.
Bliss Ella Rasberry,
came up Wednesday morning to
visit Mrs. M. E.
A car load of tiling was received
here Monday which will he used
partly in town and the balance
the Improvement of the road near
Haddocks X Roads.
We are indebted to our
ft lend for com i,
concerning the paper.
Their is truly an age of
hundred years ago,
lust Sunday Sept. Hi their
a cook stove in Town-
ship, and last week J R. Smith
Bro. had to arrive a solid carload
of cook stoves, Healers for wood
or coal, and Kettle, Spider,
Griddle, and other ware to match
and joints of stove pipe,
these Gentlemen are doing a large
business and their success is due
to low prices and the low
are due to the fact they
buy in ear such as Hay, Lime,
Oats, Stoves Hulls and
Meal, we saw them shipping yes
Stove Hearers,
to match. This Is a
of only one days shipment.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Clothing. Clothing. Clothing.
Our Clothing line is completed .
and these are made from . s
and must . ., .;
and the must experience in clothes
and inspect our line before
that on cull
Dry Goods. Dry
Hats. Hats.
In Hats you will us .
laws no , ii t
the least mom. st v stylos tor
cause they are superior tn till , i i i
wt the best-price refused
,. your
J. R-
Gr. , N. C.
I have opened tip u new
ii men and
are prepared nice.
fresh, beef and pork, also
Nice Choice Steak
Beef at per lb.
Stew Beef at per lb.
My terms are strictly cash
and we ask a share your
j Yours for honest dealings,
pound. I
The Feather Cleaning
is now located in Greenville and
are equipped with the latest ma-
or cleaning
feathers bods. The process docs
not injure the feathers. We call
tor and deliver your work
promptly Satisfaction
teed or no made
We also pay the highest cash
prices for old new feathers.
The Southern Feather
Cleaning Co,,
Greenville. C.
in the
for our
and their team.
f following
Constitute our
Force who are
Always glad
Greenville, N. C. to see you
bring US your Tobacco D S
Th Brick.
We will always work for your interest Auctioneer
H. S. Hardy
Floor Manager
Ed. Harris
Clip Calculator.

m w
At a. m.
Is the Opening
I Have Decided to Convert my Entire
Stock of Clothing, Goods. Shoes, Hats, Fur-
etc. IN TO ONE
. the sub is to buy
and for season His
ill his
,; suit Avoid
those do; and in your
Good exorcise
h . , i is poor
piece of pro . . arc, how
slim you . . we o
All IV .
i . ,. . your
sh alders . .
I ave ; u i the people I'm adjoining Counties r the Pal Nineteen Years and herein give
you my that during this SPECIAL BALE I will give such alluring values as have
never before been known in North Carolina.
New and Winter Goods Arriving Every Day
Hut for of space we can only quote a few of the many Thousands of Magnificent Bargains we are now offering
Celebration Sale of Men's Suits
Mon's in Si Suits at tho following
2.76, 3.98, 4.45, 6.45
Special Celebration Sale
The Man's Outfitter.
C Stoves Ranges,
Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Plows, Heat Cutters and
S In fact anything
in Hardware come to
Youths Long Suits Age to cheaper than
the quality colored taffeta
Knee Pants Suits and Width
Knee suits. inch regular and solid
v Mixed suitings, worth doing at
1.27, 1.47. Plaid worth
Men's Pants. Full line panamas, worth
SI. 1.37, 1.63, 1.95, 2.98. inch all colors ladies broadcloth worth
During the A line velvets, now
Celebration Price on Shoes, Men's
Boy's Knee Pants at and per pair. Light colors in yard wide
Brogans worth now Good Dark colors for
Fine Dress Shoes Heaviest IS outing light cotton
Pat. Leather latest toes
worth now Extra Sensation
Shoes Ladies Ladies tailor made suits worth 7.50 now
Per pair, made 22.50 now
Shoes from per pair up. ft
, r IT yards best calico
and Boys Hats Blankets for double beds each
A Carload of men's hats in all shapes and Colors at
your own prices. line hamburg
. . Ladies kid gloves
Boy's hats from up. Misses fancy hose
Men's Overcoats now Best quality table damask
Hoy's Overcoats as low as Yard wide bleaching to a customer at
Trust Company
business 1905,
Loans and . ts Mock paid in
Overdrafts, fund 6,500.00
Undivided profits, less
at fixtures expenses a 2,709.50
All i. payable 15,000.00
Due from Bank Time certificates
Cash items I
Hold coin
Silver coin 155.35
National Bank notes and
U, n i 13,0711.00
I -tits
to check 1,725.79
During this Great Celebrated Sale we will Give Away to the first fifty customers who buy worth
of goods and will give us their names, one large size egg crate. Every article fully guaranteed may
be exchanged at any time or money will be refunded. Come to see us and we will send you back home
well pleased.
Come high expectations and even then you will be for far more than you can possibly anticipate
will be realized.
Remember Great Festival Sale Opens Thursday, Sept. 28th, at a. m. sharp.
North Carolina, County Pitt,
I, It. Cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly
swear that the above is true to the beat my knowledge
and belief. It. J. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
me, this -It day of Sept., 1905. ,
C. S. CARR, Notary Public. I
J. I.
CHAS. conn
O. T.
I have taken up a stray shoal
that has been running with
stock about two months, The
ii Bandy red color,
pounds, has in right
car tailed. Owner is
to call for same and pay
near Greenville.
The Penalty.
A little results
Id death. Thus a mere scratch,
insignificant cots or puny boils;
have paid the death penalty.
is wise to have
Salve ever handy. It's the
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
when burns, sores, ulcers j
and threaten. Only
J. L.
Putt an End to It All.
A grievous
at result of pain from
over taxed Dizziness,
Backache, Liver and
Hut ks to Dr.
King's New Life Pills they put an
end to it all. They are hut
thorough. Try them. Only
by L. Woolen,
A piano for i-ale at a sac-
instrument which is one
of the best handled by the
Co, was
moil Ii- ago by a gentleman who
unfortunately lost in-
Party willing to lose over a
dollars. Cash or time, apply
to G. Q. or W. A.
Greenville N. C.
End of Bitter
physicians had a long and j
stubborn with an on
my right F.
Du gave me up.
Everybody thought my tune had
come. Asa last resort tried Dr.
King's New Discovery for Con-
The I received
was striking and I on my feet
a few days, Sow I've entirely
regained my It conquers
all coughs, colds, and throat and
lung troubles. Guaranteed by
Jno. L. Wooten, druggist. Price
and 11.00. Trial free.
Suicide Prevented.
A announcement a
preventive of suicide bail been
discovered will Interest many.
A down system, or
invariably precede and
something has been found that
will prevent condition which
makes suicide likely. Al first
of self destruction take
Electric It being a great
tonic and will strengthen
the nerves and build up the system.
It's also a stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only
guaranteed by Jno. L.
Wooten, Druggist
Bilk and zephyr shawls,
colors extra heavy in black. D.
M. Johnson Co. Grifton N C.
Why use Cotton Baskets when
yon can get Cotton at less
than half the price. White.
id b w
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Interesting Service in Episcopal Church
Sunday Morning.
A very interesting and impress.
service was held in St.
Episcopal church Sunday
during which Rev. W. E. Cox
was ordained to the priesthood, he
b advanced by from
the order of deacon
be has served the church for some-
The ordination was conducted
by Rev. Robert
Bishop of this Rev.
F. Smith, of Washington,
D. C, a native of this county
uncle of Rev. Mr. Cox, preached
the ordination sermon. Rev.
Harding, Washing-
ton, N was also present to
part the service.
The sermon of Rev. Mr. Smith
was form the text
the basis of bi discourse being
words be unto yon a my
Father bas-sent me, so s- l I
It was a sermon and
was listened to with marked
e-t by the large congregation. His
remarks addressed to
R-v. Mr Cox, as latter Stood
before him near the close of the
sermon, were beautiful.
The music at the service
excellent, especially offertory
solo sung by Miss Nina James Io
which the chorus choir gave
splendid support.
There was not a happier soul in
the congregation than Mrs. Mary
Smith, of Winterville, the year
old mother of Rev. Mr. Smith and
grandmother of Rev. Mr. Cox.
She remarked afterward that she
bad looked forward with joy to
the day when she could look upon
tier son and standing
t. gel her as- ordained priests.
Verily she is a in
and were brought
In the nurture admonition
the Lord. She
look with pride upon the two
before her on this occasion. Both
are mi u of consecrated lives and
Christian character, and are
an honor to their county will
faithfully fill the sacred calling in
which they have enlisted.
It is well enough for the people
to keep in bounds and Dot
because this is carnival week.
are not given license to
just what they please.
Association Drew a Crowd.
Sunday's train was like an ex-
There were two extra
coaches and were crowded to
the steps with colored people going
to an over
mill. The crowd around
was immense.
Primitive Baptist Service.
Elder L. H. of Bid.
ville, a visiting minister of the
Primitive Baptist church, will
preach in the church
here tomorrow night.
Bearish Report
The bureau report
Issued places tin condition
of the crop at 71.2.
was much i expect d
and in consequence a sharp decline
in price followed.
Mrs. Opening.
Mrs. Griffin's fall opening
millinery today was cent r of
for the ladies. Ho
stock is beautiful.
Wilkinson's Opening.
C L. Wilkinson Co. tin ii
opening of fall and winter goods
They one of the best
to be found of the
kind of goods that please the
New Officers Elected.
After the regular meeting of the
class Sunday at the Baptist
church there was a business meet-
held. The following officers
C. E. Bradley, president.
R. F. Betts, vice president.
H. B. Tripp, treasurer.
If. Abbot;, corresponding
J. W. Allen, reporter.
Asa music director.
J. W. Bryan, teacher.
Z. P. Vandyke, assistant teacher.
There was it large number of the
numbers present and a groat
of interest manifested. It is
that every should
attend regularly, unless
hindered, e have one of,
the in-, teachers In the state
The Bold Bank Robbery Show.
Was seen last night by about
of our s and all were well
pleased. Tonight will be
the where you can
see a distillery in lull operation in
the mountains with
the revenue officers in of
the moonshiners. A to
place at the still, the
killing the moonshiner and the
litter's wife killing the . dices.
The g scene ever
Also tonight can be sen
the great Chicago strike, and
whole Dam and the Dam
Mission Services at Episcopal Church.
I m it a pie. me and
lee to able to give ton.,
p f . i
Rev Rotten D.,
of the i.-is. . trill e u Greenville
the whole . I . i.-
s and mons at tie
Episcopal I he ability
th.- i, a preacher and
teacher, as well as deep spirit-
and m
well known here, a d I sure
that all good people in
this coin rejoice at bis
will avail
I he opportunity to the
vices week.
trended to even man,
child i Greenville i
he and a hearty .-Iconic
ill In- given all cine.
r-e services Will begin Sunday,
Out. 8th. p, in , a u
i lie ugh we-k
ding th in i no
Holiday, O principal
I s-i m will l-
v i.-es
on mi. he there
i hi break
i ii Com in union
i y Friday, and a
.- in ii. . at tin-
. i on Sunday, h.
tins ,,; , ,
b in. r in i a will be a
mornings the week.
I It later.
Tile el lei- is to
deep, tin- nu I life of all who
a i i I for
ion o I fun-
line of Hie Christian
Faith and
f including the
i o on Sunday,
tie as
The Church
Heart of
repeat i cordial
to generally
services, and to all
A Huge Success
he . no
he II i s.- . Ii
hundred i.,. , h
b led .
e new m
Ii Hi w V.
affair is In
a- Mr A . t,
when u
pi to do h
well and this event sill I
Hie d ell i ii-e.
and the c
111- III
went up the road
.- ill
W p
K -t i
net I returned f i. m
e a ;
o .
nu ml i
H M of Norfolk, an e
s Urn , bricked in red n
I i. ft ibis morning
visit , Norfolk.
left ibis for
l- .
V M; Raker to Lewis-
I, this nun nu g ,
Junes is visiting
Mrs. R. j.
F C. of
general of
e system is m
Mrs. J, M
Miss Hen lord,
are on e. i u. ii
lug the Una . v an n,
I- r. h l ,. ,,.
now K i e Yo k, I.
are an i.
Bile at low w .
store, n. is go nu i . o,
packed a-tin- sale
Brained With Axe.
W . B. James went to
Mm day evening,
i, t., , . I been visiting her son,
II. returned o . , .
, , e, led
evening Ir. In t e.
Mr-. K, Bond and Mrs. II-
Ii Nick; Mes-
M. A. Dundee, Jame- Swell
B L Long, B Sherrod,
K. Jones W. T. Grimes, and
Blown, e
after which she i
on a
and i to it.
her throat with a knife i
on the burning bed
Neighbors rescued m
so badly Hi
soon she had
Ion. The eldest
at ins.
e, Ii
. i an a
i cm dies
in . ;, coal mi
She hacked
a ii
i In
Fire at Rocky Mount.
warehouses at Rocky Mount Men-
destroyed by fire The loss
mated at about It is .
known how lite
Large Ear Corn.
County Commissioner W,
R. Home brought to town with
him one of the largest ears c
we seen. It was Inches
Hen C returned Monday
V. W . kins i t-
K son Monday
K. House left this
i t. Bethel,
v D. this
i i
II i i-
d in visit
ii k n lei in tied
i i l Ii iii
i- U H, II will
ii the on a rub tonight.
M. Blow, of the
n of I ii k
Sir and Mis.
tamed evening from
Ml-s Ma of
Mount, is her sister,
W. Tucker
day Raleigh to take a
in the
Mrs K. L. of Forts
mouth, came In Saturday evening
to visit Mrs J
sod Mary
name In evening to be
ii Hie Sunday,
home morning.
ad Mrs. J. L. of
Mr and Mrs. M.
of Seven Springs, Mr. and
i-. Mrs. and
Col. Pop.-, M,
Mis. F O. of
Mary Smith, Mis. Evelyn
D Misses Olivia,
Oil, Thomas and
.--, ere here
Sunday to attend ordination of
W. E. Cox. They all left on
the train Sunday evening.
The Eye and the Digestive
Some one says that an
lining of spectacles, frames
large two small, lens not
exactly in front of each eye. It
acts as a prism, not as a lens,
produces dizziness,
I,, i Moors left Satin-1 in headache and even
day evening New Hem win re
Is In week.
W. II. Si., sou, Fred,
of Sun Sunday
who may dime will be given a I long, niches in his , II Jr.
nearly welcome. W. E. and was filled with grains to
The Carnival.
F M. h-ts moved his
office to Fourth
has up quarters.
carnival open-; manicure set to be given , ,.,, ,
ii.,. ., , , Gilbert, nil in c , arc
Mrs. l. Kicks
Vote for the Queen.
the most comical picture
ever witnessed. The Greenville here Monday night and kepi to the Queen of the carnival nu
young man who went to New York a racket a Lour Saturday night o'clock.
disguise and advertised for is a ferris wheel, a cent each at Coward ft Women's
So m my abnormal it of the
eye, its muscles involved. He
thinks not only the above
named but
digest and
may b.- to
the inadequate to the
digestive s l
m overcoming
is ,,
Carrie of the
wife, which was answered by a
multitude f old maids
round, a number of fairly good drug store, Si me
side shows and a lamer number of,
widows him at I booths to catch your dimes atone
tomb and chase him borne j device or another. There was
will afford a of amusement. I quite a large crowd to go out I be
Tonight at the carnival. night. The aggregation will
be here all the week.
School Opens.
The graded school opened
for the lull session
Vaudeville Busted.
The vaudeville show was
billet the house on the
will not be here; us 0001-
Greenville, N.
Dear Let's have a little
business; nobody else, please, read.
Von want to to do a
cheap job of painting, and have it
good. Here it is; Th,. is for a session of
cheapest thing there is in way
of a good looking not bin i
about its being good i- Opening,
the regular thing in The fall display of millinery and
The reason is; Devon goes fancy goods big
further Hum anything else. Lead yesterday and today, has afforded
and oil it good don't of pretty things, as usual
so far and costs more. The other his Stock is carefully selected and
Bold Bank Rubbery.
At the Hold Bunk R. lent
t the carnival t ill u
prevented Jesse and James
robbing Hie bank
Minnesota Yon see blow
open Mile, i be
of Petersburg,
evening to visit
A. Webb.
arrived Monday
their ulster Mrs
E. Prof. W.
II. pi
lo the River
as nut,
,, -I vi- I n
for Morganton to the
con of the
i f Hie I .
canals .,
I ill In-Ill any-
thing in the itself. Dis-
orders of th.- system
affects the vision Is often wit-
after too hearty a meal.
i, , See that
ii you a-
When they not
correct Dr.
e R ,, and
,,.,,, , ,
Governor made a short ad- Jesse, ,.,, visiting Mrs. hi Hotel,
dress to the school at j i Fleming, returned home N. Call the
the bank's money. tonight , Hamilton. day you can , seat him.
a w if,
about pupils in attendance. h and ,., u ,.,,,,
two ii robbers killed
lusted on way. But the
b f minstrel show will lie here I paints are more or less short in one represents the very best styles that
Whole Dam and the
Greenville young man in New
York advertising for a wife. Ail
of this cents. t d
earl I-
night, and the carnival win still be
in progress, so the will
not be missed.
The presentation of from
operas in Masonic temple opera
house. Tuesday night, was a de-
success. Every pint was well
rendered and the large
audience. The receipts amounted
to nearly
way or another; go so far the fashion centers produce. The
and costs more. The other paints j ladies his store are de-
are more or less short in one way lighted with what find there,
or another; don't go so far and
Rev. Nathaniel
Washington, who has been spend
a days with brother,
H. Harding, returned
Better Send Him On
A n.
duties as teacher
in the
more than
costs least of all; you
don't mind its lasting longer, d
There will be a subscription
dance tomorrow night, Thursday,
5th, at Perkins opera
house. Music by carnival niche- I Mrs. R. W. child-
The dance given In honor Ky., came in
l the home girls, so buys will morning to visit Mrs. M. V.
lately claiming to represent art
Miss Annie schools cities has been
day for to begin her working a slick fake on people.
Hut the people
love to
Let Us Know.
This week of carnival, late trains
you We help it; paint and general push will cause
that goes further lasts long; we number of personal items to again, as reminder that the box New year.
please take notice.
Tickets at the Window.
The got the
can't help it. Our friends
Yours truly, jean help remedy this if I hey will
K. W. ft I phone or send us If they have
P. S, H. L. Carr sells our paint, j visitors.
rent carnival is on once inure. The
is, general SO cents,
reserve d Performance
repeated every quarter.
Don't Miss It.
Do not miss Great Van
which will arrive
, here on its own special s and
live two performances in Green-
ville on Tuesday, Oct. one at
o'clock in the afternoon aim one
at o'clock in the evening. Tho
B. Weinberg doors to its big teats opening one
returned hour earlier. Grand tree street
rooming from where the , parade the day of
been lo new year.
Forbes, near here.
Mr. and Mrs. and child
ten returned Sunday evening from
Mount where they went to
and L. Mum in. u

Eastern reflector, 3 October 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 03, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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