Eastern reflector, 15 September 1905

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D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Young White Man Under Serious Charge.
Q. A, Clark want i
Blame Fixed For Wreck On Line.
Togo's Flag Ship Destroyed.
Japan, Sept
Norfolk, Va., Sept. Juries
Ayden Monday night and inquest from Norfolk City and battleship sank at
morning brought hack Vernon I Norfolk county in the matter of early yesterday. Biz inn
By no in, a young white man again the wreck of the
whom there is a serious charge
A two weeks ago J. L.
son lost a watch from his room at
his bearding house. who
was here at the time working
the telephone construction crew,
was bounding at the noose,
A day or two later be was trans-
to Ayden to work there.
Suspicion pointed to as the
Person who had take-, the watch,
mid close lookout was kept. Po-
I Clark received information
the police Monday
the had been located,
when i warrant was obtained Cm
and Policeman Clark
lied it to Ayden. The watch was
on person and lie
taking it.
The young man was taken before
Mayor Woolen afternoon a
ii through
Ills tit a Of not
w No i into
; ii case wan made except with a
view in fixing Hie mis being
dial he drinking when
taken and did not In-
tel d to Steal It. A justified bond
f as required for ins
at Superior court
Boy From Pitt County
who represented the
yesterday at Hie inquests in the
cases of the m victims who
lost lives when an Atlantic
Coast Line from
Kinston and Greenville, N. O,
shot through an draw over
the western In the Eliza-
beth river near Norfolk, reported
to Commonwealth's Attorney Mar-
shall, of Norfolk, Va.,
today that there was nothing in
the evidence yesterday to justify
a of officials of the
Atlantic Coast Line in courts
for negligence, and then
will be no prosecution of this kind.
The first civil action to be
brought court as limit
-i i i i,.,. t i. to speak a kind word for
the hied here to lay by j
Mall Northern, a buy eighteen
ville train on the
tic Coast Line Railway, which
went through an draw over
the Western Branch of the Eliza-
beth river near n,
August . hen seventeen persons
lost lives and fifty or more
both returned
verdicts today, holding the rail
road company responsible.
The Norfolk city jury returned
were lost Admiral Toga was net
on board.
The sudden sinking of the
ship, Admiral Togo's flagship
In the battle of the Sea of Japan,
is though by many to be i-
ed with the in
pin over peace terms. As
the exact chum of i he disaster is
known, nor will it be known
for some time.
were order
at one
i he jury from the of and are trying to build up a chain
of will explain the
Norfolk, rind that the Atlantic
Line Railroad was negligent
in pinning Engineer in charge
of the on a which
we was fully
The verdict of the county jury
was as foil
the jury, find that tie
id parties came to death in a
wreck on the Atlantic Coast Line
near Station on
August at an open draw
and further that toe
sud Atlantic Coast Line
way was negligent in entrust
lug train to one engineer, R. C
who was not familiar with
this division of the
Personal Interest in the Boys.
Rev. T. J. Allison, Sugar Creek,
N. C, writing of Bingham
school, near Mebane, N C,
I wish to thank you for
to Charlie during
session which he spent at Bingham
school. He came home with flat-
reports of the excellent
teaching and discipline in the
school. He thinks that he has
been greatly and I
think so too. One thing about the
school which has favorably
Messed me, in addition to its
teaching, is the personal interest
which and your teachers take
III the boys and free and easy
Social relations existing between
the and students. I hope
the school w II grow in
good I shall glad
years from Pitt county. who
was by the side two persons
who were killed in the wreck.
The boy says he only escaped
breaking through a window
and swimming around in the water
for minutes. He sues for
Condition Crops
Washington, Sept.
monthly bulletin issued today by
Department of Agriculture
gives the condition of corn at 89.5,
as a year ago; spring
wheat oats barley,
rye, flax, potatoes,
The average condition of tobacco
on against
84.1; one month ago, on
September 1904 at the
ponding date in and alive
year average 81.3.
The average condition of rice on
September was 02.2 against 93.9
one month ago, 87.7 on September
and the
Giving Away
There will be music in the air
when The Hub Clothing Co. gets
through giving away the fifty
being offered to
their Every purchaser
of worth of goods is given one love,
of these talking and singing ma- Truth never uses perfume, while
chines free. The machines are falsehood often smells sweeter than
standard make and as the firm has a Va., Observer.
only fifty of them to give away
they will soon be gone. Chew the tobacco
Very cordially,
Shot Sweetheart and Himself.
Frederick, Md., Sept.
Because his sweetheart
persisted in her refusal to marry
him and had dismissed him, Lee
years old, is dead by
his own hand,, the sweetheart
Nellie is suffering
from two pistol shot wounds that
may prove fatal and her friend
and companion, Maud Davis, has
a bullet wound through her arm.
Original Observations.
History doesn't repeat itself as
often as gossip does.
The thread a love story us
winds up with a tie.
The majesty of the mind should
OS the greatest ruler.
Even a very weak man often
shoulder a responsibility.
The microbe of spite produces
the full grown malady of hatred.
Most failures are caused by
not well enough along.
A corporation may not have a
soul, out is has a eyes.
Summer roses fade and die be-
cause there is no way of reviving
Life has lessons, but the
easiest of them all is learning to
for the as yet unexplained
The battleship was at At
on September the
was near her main
mast. The of the
vessels in mid the fire-
men from ashore, many of
were subsequently lost, went
her assistance.
Ah hough desperate efforts
made to check
spread rapidly after the lower
mags sine with a might
roar. The missing men
six hundred.
The was a first la-s
battleship of 15.200 tons displace-
Shew is built in England
mil was launched in I'll-
feet long, had s
speed of over knots carried
i crew of officers and men. Sin
was heavily armored and earned
our inch guns, four inch guns
twenty pounds, and a number
rapid guns. She
had four submerged torpedo tubes.
The School There is a Credit to the State.
The editor run overt.- Winter
ville Tuesday night and found
town going right ahead
with improvements. Several
store are near-
lug completion, a number
are going up. and
eh-c begin.
The factories areal
crowded with work.
Stalled the tall session last week,
has simply n itself and ha-
more pupils than
w ho ii. A build-
close by
temporary use until
upon winch work is
being can be completed.
Prof blueberry, tin; principal,
there are none a
right Co he gratified the success
the school, it is ii
whole of eastern
, September
J. F. King went t Norfolk
E. II l rel
Sunday here.
K spent
Mi- L. P. of Nashville,
who bus been visiting her
r, L Little, returnee.
Mine tills
Lang, of No. is
H. Ell a went to Aw-. Perkins went to Kinston
Held on Lynching Charge.
KI N. Sept,
preliminary trial of W. l t i
charged with participating in tin
lynching of John tit Ne
August 27th, says i
Press, was held before Judge K. .
Jones, a a ;
at the on it IS
ins city, Friday and ibis
morning Judge Jones ordered
held b for
his at November court
in Ibis county for investigation i y
grand jury and court, r
Larry Moore, of I be Third Judicial
district, in which the lynching
conducted the prosecution
for Mate, and Shaw and
for the respondent.
Marriage Killed by Explosion
Register of Deeds B. Williams Pa., Sept.
issued to the following Powder Mills at
couples since last six miles South of
white. wiped out by an explosion
Edward Lang and Mary L. at 0.05 o'clock today. Of the
i thirty-two men who went to work
Hardy Corbett and in the mill this morning, nineteen
W. J. and Flossie
Sam Harris and Susan
Hardy Gorham and Mary Par-
John Dead.
Dr. Charles
received a telegram from Durham
today announcing the death of Mr.
He was a brother
of the Dr. C. J. and
of Miss Matilda of
Greenville. Mr. was
engaged in business
here several ago.
The Hem Was Wrong.
THE was somewhat
mixed in the items
Saturday referring to
Blanche Maud Lee
having been north to purchase
goods for Mrs. L. Griffin. Miss
Cromartie went to take instruction
in work the interest of
Mrs. business and Miss
Maud Lee went to have her
treated. Mrs. purchased
her stock while she was north a
weeks ago.
are to be dead. these
thirteen have been
Nine men, including C. M, Band,
manager of the plant, were serious-
Steamer Breaks Wheel.
On her trip down the river Mi u-
day the wheel of the
Myers was broken, supposed
striking some obstacle. The
steamer Shiloh made trip in
place of the Myers today while lie
wheel is being repaired, so that
patrons of the line suffer no
delay In freights.
Negroes Scrap.
There was a row Saturday night
among out in
in which murder came near being
done. Charlie Hell -truck Duke
Gray across the side of the bead
and face with a piece of scant I i n
crushed the bones and left
him in bad shape. Bell his
Beet twist
Pointed Paragraphs.
Faint heart ne'er got mixed Up
in a of promise suit.
When millennium arrives
the world will have no use for
Great men slip down in
and small men slip up at all
When opportunity is spurred on
by labor the result is sometimes
called luck.
A wise wife knows that flattery
is the real key to her husband's
pocket book.
gossip say mean things,
but it takes a good cock to turn
out a first class roast.
Instead of old women young
whiskey the average man prefers
old whiskey young women.
Whoever chooses his wife for
the way she looks on the street
seldom makes a serious mistake.
There was a woman
could actually starch a man's shirt
in the right she Las
been dead several hundred years.
Chicago News.
Joe Rawls even-
from Norfolk.
Harry Skinner
ti. W. Raker dime in from Lew-
V. Cox,
Saturday in Greenville.
Burl James left Sunday for tie
I i t it Chip Hi I.
It. C. White returned Saturday
evening from up
Warren. retained
Saturday evening I mm
I. A. and
went in Ayden Sunday n g,
May left m d y
a Rocky t. attend s.-.
Ned left
ii Chapel Mill to attend ill
A A Black .
ii mi h visit to his old home ii
this county.
Miss Bradley, of ,
Came in Saturday to vis i
Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Forbes
to Saturday evening
returned this
Lieut. L. A. Cotton, of
Davy, came in Saturday evening
to visit his parents at
Mrs. J. J. Mrs.
C. Mis
Martha went to Rich
mood today.
Mrs Turn-lull and
Misses and Katie,
this morning for where
Miss Katie will enter school.
C. L. returned
day evening from northern mat
where he has been to
chase his loll winter stock.
W. return,
Sunday evening from
where she had been selecting
goods for L. Wilkinson A
K. it. King and daughters,
l Misses Blanche and Mable, of
Goldsboro, who have been visiting
Mi-. R. W. King, home
Bat evening.
It L. Smith went to Norfolk
Harrington Weldon
this morning.
A. M. went to Ayden
i, of spent
It L
i -day
C man went In Bender-
i cuing,
II A, While went down
id l ii .
i . i. ibis morn-
. I- went IO
s to spend day.
mil, g day.
ti i H -i i on i this
ti. i
Rev. Fleming, of
tie I part of today
Rev. M E. Cox this
n nil u a visit to Winier-
I J. went to Win-
en Hie sod
r i d t is morning.
Mrs. White, f Hertford,
trued home morning.
Waiter Spencer,
killed Sunday by a freight
Soul railway.
Ho. Ki-i of while
in the inns after grapes, fill
t was if not
Kev and Mrs, Francis
t I, It let on, who have visit-
Mrs. J. A. Lang, went to
Mis. . K. and little
Miss Camilla of
lord, Tuesday evening to
i-n Mr. and
All for a Dog,
As a Io cede- tumble, as well
as Seas, a dog take- the cake.
There trial the mayor
to lay i. came this
A Hoy stepped on a dog, a man
licked Hie boy, or levied a
tine and cost- to the ii mount
on man. Ami it
was over there cat rear being
another fight between two
tors at t lie in because of a differ-
opinion over the way it
came out.
Jurors Federal Court.
A term Federal will be
hell in beginning
lie Edwards Ayden The jurors drawn
from Pitt are Barn-
hill, C. T. R.
port, S. I. Fleming,
D. K. Rome, M lord, I. T.
s Versa Whichard went Hodges, E A. N. Joyner,
and G. A.
Monday evening.
went to Kin ton
Monday evening.
den Monday evening.
Jesse Harrington returned Mon-
day evening a visit, to Wilson.
Mrs. K. B. Higgs and daughter,
Lula, went to Scotland this
Miss Hornaday went to
Littleton this morning to attend
W. J. Smith and little son,
Jasper, went to this
Mrs. L. and child-
this morning from a
visit to Beaufort.
Rev. Mrs. Francis Joyner,
of Littleton, came in Monday even-
to visit Mr. Mrs. J. A
They Pay Elsewhere.
have been tried here and
We believe a properly man-
aged laundry In Greenville would
pay. There is a large of
work shipped from here, to say
nothing of what is done by the
There were thirty people
in mill pond, three
miles from town, Sunday
An immense crowd was present,
estimated at The lap-
was the result of a revival
held in Beady Branch Free Will
Baptist church.

is made i
to in
rt the
at i
Have Returned From the
Northern Markets.
items Scientifically
N. c. Constructed.
H A. Gray made business calls
in Washington Friday.
Mr. Duncan, one of Raleigh a
elevens gentlemen, arrived Thurs-
day to spend a few days with us
lie is in revenue service.
A Andrews and family of
South Rocky Mount spent last week
with relatives here and returned
T. A. and wife,
Savannah, Ga., spent last week with
relatives in this section- Tiny left
for their home Friday.
Miss left Friday for
to attend school.
is Miss fourth year at this
The revival at Oak Grove closed
Friday. joined the church.
It was conducted by Revs.
and Bro n. Both are line scholars
and orators.
M Skinner made a
trip to Raleigh last week.
We had a very sick man in
town last week lie took a spoonful
of ate half a dozen lemons.
four bottles pickles, a sack of
watermelons, had a prize fight before
train time next morning, got knock
ed in. second up am
the first train. W hen last
heard from calling for more
i hie of our neighbors dug a well
last week so crooked that he fell
of it.
A large crowd from section
attended yearly meeting at
Swamp lay. Ml report a pleas
ant trip, good preaching and the
best dinners For hospitality
I Swamp is second to
A Shoe for
We carry SHOE, for
a employ
own expert designer, and
,. Ultra Shoe is mad over
. ii i e
, in. i-, closest us
of w size in woman's
The U Shoo meets i-y
require f the
whims of
men, i affords, etc
New Fail and Winter Goods Arriving Daily,
We will soon have our Ml line of seasonable merchandise on display.
Watch for Announcement Opening.
The largest crowd ever at Oakley
was here Saturday to attend the base
ball game and the horse race. At
p. m., Oakley and Eureka
team, of Martin county, crossed bats
Moth sides played well. It was I
thought first that the visiting club
would beat, but old county came
in at the wind up. The score
to in r of the Oakley boys.
At p. in . the most exciting horse
race ever in this section was had
Those th it entered in the race were
K. Barnhill, Oakley,
rs b, of Stokes, Jack
of Robersonville. All the horses aw
fast. After three heats it
in a tie. The tie will raced off in
about thirty days
Pitt county has the fastest horses.
women and the best
grapes of any county in our
Tic flight of ray , ti n wheel f
time will hose cold brisk
have d h of
to be clogged for one cluing
the days,
in our preparation for the days to
With M M Without fig
f L. Wilkinson Co.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
I have opened up a new
stall m the meat market, and
are prepared to furnish nice.
fat, beef and pork, also
Nice Choice Steak at
per pound.
Roast Beef at per lb.
Stew Beef at per lb.
My terms are strictly cash
and we ask a share of your
Yours for honest dealings,
Three Bulls For Sale.
One, ha
Years old. One, hilt
and Jersey, years
full blood s
years old.
J. Proctor Bro.,
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR
How One Major General Wat Mads
During the Civil War.
During civil war General But-
was sent to Washington to
The Advice He Got Might Profitably
Apply to a Case.
Squire was sitting in
bis office leisurely reading them
a certain plan of army open- paper when a man rushed in with a
lions with President Lincoln. When
he appeared the White House
mi- Sunnier was with the
dent. In Biographical Memorial
cf Daniel the
between the senator
and the president i given.
Mr. the senator,
have i.-sued an order has
relieved ti Saxton from
command iii front of Churl a
and placed
Saxton i- u
i ought of, and am mm ii
ii m him. bus a natural
of pride that the ranking
should command. General
ii of higher than General
more, lie is perfectly willing that
General should carry
nil plans and operations and
desire to interfere with them at
all, but with the pride and
of the old army he simply
desires, and friend- de-ire with
him, the ranking officer should
command. Ii will not interfere with
in carrying out t ho
say, Mr. Senator, that they
are both brigadier
but General Saxton is the
ran kins
entirely satisfactory
to yen. Mr. Senator, and all our
friends and to Saxton if the gnu el
ranking officer i- in
said Mr. Lincoln,
will e it. I ill have
a I
It was hard to keep from laugh-
the k o and i lie
prompt action of the in
taking the senator upon his prop
and thus ting it. Mr. sum-
bade the president good morn-
and retired.
longer able to repress the
emotion the interview had
writes m
lam; i i m irk
dent, i the n major gout nils
child in each hand and asked in a
loud voice for Squire
guess I'm the man you are
looking answered the squire, ;
laying aside hi- paper.
Squire asked
the mail sharply. you are
the man I'm looking fur, and I want
do inn wish to suit
queried the squire. Hero
the man released the children and
began some mild gesticulations,
which signified more heal
want sue a d m n
ray hoarding
has lie
a of mine,
ii. . and want to sue her for
. you might gel the dishpan
by suing hi agreed the
squire, how does she happen
to have your dishpan
the stranger
broke a lamp belonging
to In r. and she look dishpan.
She aid that she keep it
I paid her for the lamp chimney.
Bill I In sue her and get
k her mi . id
i ire, mi don't want to
of the hind. You
Id pi its, i do in
, lamp chimney
it down to this
man id gel your
I ; i ii by suing
tin i
lit and
it u I dollars.
; faro
Sleep Comfortable
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all other.
to Get Your
I his
be inn
I vi would
News In the Old Way
In the old people had to go from to ti.-
t -11 the in v or meet at roads store it week
o find on I at was going They were slow days
It Is Not So Now
in of and rural
mail routes you can get the news every day.
is the leading age and no home is complete
i good newspaper. Every man ought to take his county
know is going on.
he Reflector
Our piece Iron Beds are
as the best
every Royal Elastic Mattress and
bed is sold under guarantee-If not the best, price re-
Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Hook Cass, Parlor Suits and Chairs of all
lamp will e. I only
i ,
you wanted lo sail
rather than tin trouble
a the only a year.
supply you with the news,
and Semi-Weekly
is a page paper and costs
We print two
i twice-a-week is a large
page paper, a year.
The of the Most Rapid Growth.
eucalyptus, a genus of
grows to a greater height in a
shorter tin e than i- the ease with
any oilier known l roe. The
has increased its height as
much a- twenty-four feel in the
shun space of three months and
rapidly both a great height
and a ruling passion was his
trees form the and joke, and ii was strong, if in
most characteristic vegetation of the death, least in hi- last illness.
Australian forest, where are One morning his physician observed
fumed for their great heights, usu-1 seemed to with more
of ii the
way you suggest, remarked
the i inn r a thought fill pan e.
inn I reckon yon are
Whereupon he took bi; two children
by the hands and left the office.
obliged, he shout-
ed us the trio down the
Indianapolis Sews.
Don't he a paper when you can get one so
If yon are not a subscriber in your order today.
You be consulting the interest of your pocket book
investigate oar stock. Our and Bed
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
A. Taft,
ally ranging from feel to
feet, while one has been recorded us
having attained nearly
is rather in an-
n, bi i
with a circumference of feet. An practicing nil
oak tree in three years grows feel While thus lying ill Curran was
inches; a larch, I by a friend. Father
inches; an elm, feet a a i I joke.
beech, I foot inches; a poplar, ii. said to
feet; a willow, feet An him abruptly, you had the
attains full growth in years keys of
and lives Ash is full .
grown in year-, ii takes you could let me
year- for oak mahogany to . said the i
reach full height. d I o mm better for you,
j -aid the good humored
Properly Introduced. priest, I had the keys of the
Margaret is ii well brought up lit- other place, I could then
Produce Glass Qom
Capital Surplus
Over Paid Insurance Written in weeks.
Reason, provides for the payment of
fur each in case of accidental
f permanent and total
death, and stipulates that in
the policy becomes fully paid up.
tin the face of each policy the Insurance Commissioners North
This Policy is
stocks or S de-
Carolina over the Seal of the State,
and secured Bonds,
posited with this department as provided the above
description interests you call on or write,
H. A. Whit
lie girl who has some e of
etiquette. She had been taken to a
house where i here is a large dog.
go near the dug. Marga-
said mother. doesn't
know and lie might
let you
i be avarice of the
aid I m Joshua,
i at its often
Hat that did not suit Margaret, i loping itself ruling passion
and she knew how to arrange mat- i Mr. Watson, a
to the dog, she made a man of i large fortune and
little such as she has been II before
taught to make at dancing school,
and said
I am Margaret
Then, the introduction having been
made and the dog
for not knowing her, Margaret
walked up and patted him. while he
wagged his tail with much gracious-
Tho European Nose.
Austrian scientist has been
attacking the European we. lie
say.- that it is a miserable, degraded
organ and a disgrace to civilization.
He admires the large, full nostrils
of the and says that it is the
sun of e tn hat Thai is the
nose that an smell. The nose of
Europe cannot smell. Its olfactory
m ii-e is gone. Tl m
could never the at-
nor, ho h .
the more and i t
i He de
to i . and
life in crowds.
Expecting Trouble.
said the Sunday
teacher, want some one to
tell me what happened to the a
piped the new boy in
the back seat, snapping his fingers.
do you i
replied the boy,
pessimistically, it's a finch
d de ired his attendant give
him i, a drawer be point
ed said the attend-
ant, do you mean, think of
mi another shirt
said understand
it is tho i for the shirt
on In be the perquisite of those who
lay mo out, and is an old rag-
cue and good enough for
Competent to Serve.
One of the quaint characters well
known to old timers of Portland,
Ore., was IS. familiar-
known as Bob He was
a justice of peace in Portland
for many year-, and tales
are told of him. win n
a was being impaneled one
the juror . a well kn
asked t be excused
was a lawyer. said By bee,
guess nil the law you know
disqualify you from
To Love.
l I . l
straw whether I or
not. i he of a
hand. n he I he was
perfect h de I him and i
tired of m l
She e. and what was the
suit lie got loving hi r so much
FREE To Al Our Subscribers
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Reading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers,
Within the Next Thirty days We Offer Two for the
Price of
One Year For Think of It.
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and nil
old who pay up all n n cars
Greenville. N. C.
Beginning Saturday
sell i entire stock
values i
values . Be,
reduced in this sale,
Colored Lawns value,
A big reduction in all dry goods notions.
Ladies and Sandals in Kid.
values 2.25
H value- i
i i
James F. Davenport.
renew within days
that It'll Mauled on that be made a provision in his will
not marry again.
Norfolk, Va.
ton Factors and handlers
Skinner, Jr
It. W.
We re
with In the practice i .; i .
the Law, Mr. Hurry Skinner, Jr.
The arm name will co Hi I i . -p
January 2nd,
H. W.
Littleton Female
Splendid location. Health Over hoarding
pupils last of work. High of
and social life. Conservatory advantages in music. Ad
courses in Art Elocution. water heat.
lights and other modern
Remarkable health one death among pupil.
mi Close attention ti the health
development of every pupil. High standard of
All pup Is dress on all occasions. CHARGES
Annual Session will begin Sept. 13th, 1906. For
address J M RHODES,
Littleton, N.
Si to me, I the best and return
i . work Iris o to
II. Photo-Artist,
Elizabeth City,

D. J. and
Entered in the post at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post in Pitt and adjoining counties
truth in to fiction
Pitt County, N. Friday, Si-pr. 1905.
Kinston bas started
Greenville should take notice.
The seaside ire retiring
winter quarter. M bod
hie Bummer business
The grand jury of the Fader
court a
of indictments several
officers, Inn when a
went to serve the warrants the
bad n to woods
If any other reminder of the pros
of fall time were . f i
ball i
There is nothing in. yin
than had We have o
bad sidewalks and should l.
ii is more than i
year off re an iii r sheriff of New
Hanover county is to be elected,
men are tor the job.
revenue doodlers
whom recent Federal at
U and indictment,
they have c Thai
v law breakers
en they are yanked no,
Public r rainier had I
not lie insisting too on
investigation. S me things ma
come out he rather would not bi
Raleigh is in a fair way of showing
j. lice judge, and
i ii iv vi .;, I
Some of them do too much,
The special term of o in I
at t r, la-I . Ill
gate irregularities in the
Service, i Ii it was looking
a plenty
took a whirl around
i see how
dues things. He have that
much more to talk when he
gets back to Russia
North Carolina people arc
up lo the idea they can do
at and not send all tin
in i other slates. It
just look at
t insurance companies of the stale
are doing.
Some impels are having a little
c over the age and origin
of Public office is a pub
lie Ii how old
t saying Is, or how true it ought
to,, many who get office
regard it mate snap
An epidemic of i, is
over the state. Four were
in Kinston Sunday and
the recent papers report others
various places. seems
n I to have been struck by them yet.
are likely to occur any time
Ii is well enough for both officers
and people to he on guard.
M more and
civilized as years roll around
The latest advance the
lotteries have been
to exist in that country.
The Chicago Pullman porter
bis hat and coat sh
not raise any fuss over
the of passengers be
held up and made to fork over.
We had Imped the Mikado's sub-
would so depart themselves as
t i continue to hold the good opinion
and sympathy of the world, lint
recent events at is against
The and Japanese peace
envoys celebrated the signing of the
ace treaty by making a donation
New Hampshire char-
institutions Pretty good, and
they can leave in, roof it around if
they want to, with no
asked as to whether it is indemnity
or reimbursement, or tainted.
It is often the fellow who does not
gel in the light that raises the most
noise after it is over. That is the
situation in Japan just now. Those
i were at home and did not go in
the war are the ones making the
most trouble over the pesos treaty.
Put them in active service on the
firing line and they Bill be ready
enough t stop.
The announcement made
Judge Parker ill chief
counsel the Brooklyn Rapid Tran-
sit i i a salary of
per year. That beats being
dent I r half the money.
nor i off with a party
to make a tour of several New Eng-
land state, governor is booked
for several speeches on the tour and
will make North Carolina be heard
r whenever he
There is much dissatisfaction
among over the low price at
Which tobacco is selling this season.
The present crop is a poor one, light
n weight, with very little of the bet-
Notwithstanding th
short crop the price is low, and
less there is marked ii
the acreage will be considerably
curtailed when another planting
time comes.
The action of the people at High.
int will make bum shows cautious
how they visit that town. An
was in the opera house witness-
a performance that was found
so intolerable that the people arose
in a body and forbid the manager of
the opera turning over a cent
of the receipts to the show crowd.
the same time they did not ask
for a refund of the hut bad
it turned over to a charitable n
If more bum shows on
read were treated in the. same way
there would be less imposition on
the public.
When Colonel Mulberry Sellers
the id. a with his pal
eve wash he could s.-ll a l
man in China and woman
i d a- well, and figured bow many
there were i buy he had .
P indeed
a.- in ii,
to have a sure on galling
lie wash Ii hard in
are on big things, it is soon
limes hard to make the figures
good When the Greensboro
Insurance Company announced
ii going lo do
it was understood by all people
It would some business but the
record made at the end of four weeks,
when this is written, something
that really seemed impossible.
it is a that at the end of
A-eeks thirty days from the day the
company commenced to write
it hail sold over one half million
dollars of insurance something like
sixty thousand dollars over
amount. When it is remembered
that it takes five hundred thousand
dollars to make a half million
it must be conceded that the
Greensboro Life Company
stalled out sustained its gait iii
a manner at once surprising and in
Its Secretary, Mr. E- Jr.,
an now afford to throw several large
sized bouquets at himself, because
be has suddenly most
in the insurance business, lie
had done other stunts on the
tight rope- and in them he had
been successful but it was left for
him to ring the bell the loudest in
bis official capacity as Secretary of
the Life. Of course he
did not do all that been
stands ace high, individually
and the personal made a col
that inspired confidence
and invited business Then, t
the thirty odd agents who entered
the field and talked early
and late much to do with this
record breaking story
but alter all can afford to
think that he knows considerable
insurance, He has delivered the
Unit's the kind of
The Life Insurance
Company to be congratulated all
around It looks like it was going
to succeed in building up a vast
The Negro At a
you ever slop lo think
s very rarely a commits
aide is brought lo mind by
toting a prompted a
iii of despondency following seven
committed suicide by cut
throat in W Va
nib ring over the matter we can
In ii k of but one other
a committed
Of course, there but
are so few the
must be a third or a half or likely
less of Some Other per cent This
shows clearly the difference in dis
of the from the while
man With very few exceptions he
is either too happy go or too
impregnable to mental desperation
that he is never to the verge
of suicide, much less lie wrought up
to pitch where he plunges over
the precipice into eternity. Wit
those same few exceptions it
He lives entirely for the
present and be never thinks
mini the in Reaper is
bedside Social position
never worries business cans are
unknown and. for reasons.
genuine hunger is seldom
-need him His mind is no
schooled to the lights and shades of
life The largest percentage of
comes with education, and
while is to be deplored among
whites, it appear- inevitable and
as education is necessary lo profits
hie and pleasant living for these
whites there is apparently no cure
Arriving Daily,
For Hen, Boys and Children,
Shoes, Hats
In Styles and Qualities too Numerous to
Watch this Space.
When i man once gala the idea in
his head that is destined to he a
Congressman, it stays there until la-
dies. The announcement is made
that Hob-
too is again a candidate
against Mr. in sixth
Manama district. Ami ho is
in so young If he is living BO
years from now he will still be read
fas running for
concern right in the pine woods of
North Carolina. It be, and let
us hope, if people are going to con
to insure, and they doubtless
Life will be-
come a gigantic institution
that will help to keep the many
millions in the South which now
yearly go North and some line
day we can go lo Southern cities and
see here and there large
blocks of granite called the
Life Building the
same can rubber-neck in the
South today and sec New Life
and Equitable and Prudential and
all aorta of life insurance building
on money seat from the
South lo the North. Safe, conserve
live and
Life Insurance Company, the
record-breaking business done in
the first four weeks of its existence,
carries a hope that seems a promise
th It it is going to do something
something that the South for many
years has needed
Sept. 1st.
Since the above date, Sept. 1st,
the company has swelled the amount
to a million dollars in seven weeks
This is the most remarkable record
of insurance writing the world has
The cotton men want an organ
and strange to say one man had the
hardihood to get in the meeting
in and venture the
it took to run a
newspaper. And he might have
aided that it takes more than
when the newspaper is an
The newspaper that is not an
an impartial
of news Instead requires less
for it is the kind pan
I want and will
Showed Him Door.
Mr. Roosevelt is I sing severely
criticized because of his removal of
Public Printer Palmer by telegraph.
The president is not for
in showing folks door. When
he wants l Ii-iii to go, he shows
his number nines. That is
i though not very consider
ate. Sometimes he is right and
sometimes he is wrong. In this
instance, public opinion is much
divided lie declares
purchase of seventy two
machines was ad
no corruption
He gives Palmer a grand bounce who
hid done nothing half as bad as
whom he praised to the skies
The is often
a man who is
personal friend rarely feels his
nine, however richly he deserves
it, for the President is as blind to
the glaring faults of his friends as
he is unrelenting in his punishment
others who make the slightest
departure from what ho regards
correct path -News and Observer,
For C sole Stover- Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
Company to Trucking Interest.
A very extensive movement for the
development of eastern North Caro-
which is a great trucking re-
has been begun by the granting
of a charter by the stale, to the
Carolina Trucking Development
Company, with half a million dollars
capital stock, headquarters
Wilmington l he company ii given
authority to bring in immigrants,
also to build and
operate trolley roads, highways, all
sorts of and gen-
the interests of that
rich region, part of is now the
strawberry center the
Stales The eyes railway people
are turned to this section, and more
roads are being pushed into it than
anywhere else in North Carolina,
work being now in progress on no
leas than five and for two
more being under way.
If Mr could I Spanish
fluently is no telling how much
trouble ho would make for us in the
Philippines Durham Herald
The are already begin-
call attention to the things
e ingress has not done, just as
if people were not glad of it
Durham Herald.
Often people i themselves
unable to spend for a good
cause because they fear it is not a
Bale investment are the first to be
caught in a gold brick
MRS. ELLA GREENE will be with me again this Fall.
Her reputation as an artistic- trimmer already established.
Miss Blanche Cromartie is now in Baltimore and
Miss in Richmond, working in the
Our Styles will be up to the Highest Standard this Season.
Loans Discounts
Dun from Hanks
ash Items 845.00
Gold coin
Silver coin 1,196.09
stock in
sub to check 18,010.36
Suite of North Carolina,
County of Pin.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS,
and to be-
fore me, this 20th day of Au-
Notary Public.
T. L.
This department is in of who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
Bethel, N Sept.
Dr. G. F. came
evening from Baltimore
In- baa i . n u ,,
soils, values SO Bade by
j Sous and millet Ii. North Carolina i In Sup
and , Nov.
. , , ton, J. S I
band a lo Dice Cox,
era 1906.
K . C, Sept
Rev. W. E. Cox held the regular Barber ft C .
service at the We handle T W.
J . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . i w .
I and, as usual
preached , sermon.
yards standard calicoes at . ,
, . straw hat that will now go
4- per vain, Harrington. Barber A ,,,., .
. j below cost. Don't tail o sci-them.
. . , ,, . I We will sell at some price.
of ,,
. G. Chapman Co.
spent night in to
,, ,, . . . , Have now on hand nice line
at Harrington,
,, , ,, glass and all very
Burlier A-Co.
, ,. cheap. property, claim and de-
Mr Hume, a representative n livery And the de-
jg Don't your eyes feel like there will notice
he is required t at a term
I In.
and add
and I.
log a-
a. Henderson. i
The defendants take
notice that an action entitled a-, shore
has bees commenced the superior
court count v. to recover cert
ft of is
in town today.
by B. G.
Oat load lime which
they will sell very
k of Green,
a pleasant in mil U n
Saturday. While b-t- be mi i l
for to enter I I
re- I eeK
r Moll i I mi- i
-k- ii d in. I e i. I
D i
last lie I- on .-I Ill t
iii .
on n
evil n
is in
feel tired on
Do they pain you
the Superior court Pitt county
be held i, the Monday the
,.,,, 1st In September, it ring be
while That denotes in,.
or demur I
. f i hose c
i i i- I lie i
1-1 lull till
a needs,
i Dr.
for Indigestion
Quite a i
Hi I 1-
in rs iii v i i e I
iii out we i
o ii n to
orders fur .
For particulars
Stamp. Box U,
Miss i has been .
away several week-, visiting in
Jonas county, and
i inn
to the light nils.
large i
II styles and prices
A, W. Ange went vii
White's Black
it-commended for the human,
family, line for perfectly I
balanced, com
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
The Society
night. Next
Friday night they will discuss the
colonization of I he and no
ii will be i live debate We
hope will a
public debate
la p a year's
Lei us have sonic more of those
nice Is.
No society the stale gives
Colic and Kidney
the kidney medicine
for and a sure colic cine.
the Drug Store
bays the big-
and nicest line of Men's,
Youth's and Hoy's Clothing ever
Come and
examine our stock before
elsewhere, Bar-
ft Co.
in need anything
the crockery and glass line
be sure lo see us before buying.
It. G. ft Co.
need of jugs and
serve jars go to, Harrington,
Barber ft Co.
Several from here attended
services it Sunday.
Ill . Hue of ha I- and caps
received, latest styles. Harrington,
paired n and should he
by wearing eye gin-act, B.
T. . carry a full In e of
and can Iii your eyes
with lees.
Nice of glass ware and
v . on bind. Hum a
farmers i bay
I ii-i the known
machine- and
Harrington Burlier ft Co,
call and we I
K r an-l mill s
-is. U L
i- -i . i ii C .
farmers should have to nay such
their Ho
can raise I heir own and Die
i- thoroughly
II air
V Cos K , ha received
in.- en- load of brick for the
new livery lo be
on lie of
ft arc g pi ice .-n
I ii ii n hied
is sold within h few in
to make room for I hell new
ill In be r
up Mr. Rial ask him
u interested in.
All colors of a, d
at Harrington Barber fetal,
Livery and feel buggy
and W. L. House.
tar heel wagon
rolled down the road yesterday
there is bin it
in- several jars
cut way down, at A. W,
ii, i a
Bill wail p items cheap at
Mail Ii glim. Burlier Co.
looked like see the
of ling. the I, O. Cox
Ml;. Co,, Inn in h id I
yesterday. We also i o-
a nice got
by limbs
going down the our
neighbor town IO adjoining com
Mis. a. sparks re.
tinned I n
where sin- a
of dress
and Her fall
opening display Hie new
will held in one of the lie
stores on
up lo date bro-
a wagon load to
our County Oil and
had glued making a bale of lint
that weighed BOO pounds.
He paid dollar and cents
lo gel it and exchanged his,
seed meal and hulls. And
after ha bud sold his
to our leading merchants for
a Ii lie more I d
he put his meal mid hulls on his
wagon and returned home feeling
guaranteed it he had saved much lime and
the beat at Harrington Barber it
For hay, coin and oats,
Harrington Barber A On,
labor and was pleased with
The nice Manner of ginning the
and the low puce of thirty
per bundled pounds for.
Pit Count is drawing patronage for
Company can now supply your , several miles the country to our
for cotton seed meal and Pitt County
seed meal
hulls at lowest prices,
sales made on
goods and II
The School desk
teem to be attracting much
Many orders are being
I'm them.
action, or the plaint it will to
the court for the relief demanded
Clerk Court Pill
M I,
. ;,, ,. ,
r to
S ill I II Ml lo Le th I i-
who ill. Vie
t.- I . . is Iota
We I,, know that W .
i. . U the Be
for Kooky Men t.
V K. , f Mount,
hi- pare
Mr. and Mis. J. I. Brit ton, ho
have been their
here the last mo i b, left this
ii i hi u e in
of Tarboro, spent
I Sunday with his people.
Mrs. It, Moor- yesterday
I far Hope she President intimated
will be able to back from the throne that he would hand
I a square deal to everybody and
We are learn that thereupon, and
Charlie isn't went to boy to get the
has been operated to see that she was in the game
on for appendicitis and he -nil I Stair.
a a ion.
The an- cot ton
contract for feeding and hons-
n lull speed the pi in-
be Ion .
Blood thick
furniture daring the of
a three cornered
won s
large majority.
John run over bi
a hook and lad lei- truck at Win-
the men engaged in
ma h I., an
a man. lie i- to build ten
hotels along the line the canal,
mil commissary camps, lo
ply transport all I stuffs, and
be Linda himself to Jo few
a .-
S. J- Nobles, Proprietor.
to i . i.
Meals at all hours between
m and midnight an lo minutes
J W. Allison, of i notice. Fresh oysters every day
the Southern railway, served in any Prompt
polite attention. Call
. when you are
Remember Machine. Read our Offer.
Cull at our stoic and hear the specially
prepared records Hands and other instrumental
stories. Recitations
Standard Talking Machine Records are FAMOUS For Their TONE and QUALITY. As a home Entertainer
The best talent country is brought to your fire-side to while away the long winter evenings with
One Standard Talking Machine FREE to Every Customer
whose Cash Purchases Amounts to
or more, as long as they last as we only have to give away.
For every Cash purchase a ticket is given and when your purchases amounts to Twenty-Five Dollars
And when they are gone any more, We still oiler you the Highest Grade Clothing. Shoes
for Men, and Children
The Hub Clothing Co.
Next door to A. J. Griffins.

Service is
the Genius
Sutler Court.
Tl a I
K.-i , i i
of Pitt county to obtain a
of a solute divorce from said d
i m thaw
and the t. 11.1 -lit
trill r take notice be i- re-
. .-. appeal . Kl
I n
ville on tin- after lb 1st
in i . it l
s. INKS d
or demur to the in
. ., or will apply
. I A n in
iii i-
the Hun day July, 1905.
IV C. Moore, C. C-
i; OF
A. Sin and el Inn
res, n re or less,
land in Ti Pit
I g i
it . i
Indian We s an i. i.
by the lands of C. P. Smith Bud
I use wife's land,
I Not Quite
A. Bow often you can get a c
thine done a
J nail or screw driver or mi-
lacking. Have a
. tool box and by d for U,
emergencies. Our VS-
you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
i m . t
useful Ac
. i. Hi.-
ii i must Hie protest In .
within SI a, the- a
i law,
II. i
, I Ml
this A lull Hi 7th, I
On Sale via.
J. Elks. .
Chairman, W. R. Home, Extremely low Rates are
J. R. Spier, J. K. announced by the South-
s. m. Jones. Railway from points
Clerk Superior C. on its lines for follOW-
Register of Deeds R. Philadelphia. Pa.,
and reign Grand
Lodge I. O. O. September
to 1905.
William Lo
T. White.
D. Cox.
Hoard of ti
x. B. M
Whitehurst, L. C.
Si . i in
Standard K. Kl-1;
, II en
E. NoW. s.
M Lei la i Pier
no i hi
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
b I e- M
. M. w. ii, A. H. In
T. E. Hook, i
M . i T M. Wool u.
I v . v
i -f-n r . Tyson.
. l . I .
i A. link.
II a-
Stall i i-r- . in
make In . in the i , ,, . . ,.
S. Colic e
Tl i k S Court of
i-- me. the m
.--,,. N.
. ;. I. Ii
i .
. ;. s
c .
ii lb
re ii
i . Hi
mo ll
; I. Notice, or this will be
; ., r
i .
ASA Ml 1-.
on Al N-
in ti.
Mill K TO .
The v coin . i .
to in. . the
the -i An rust, on
, I F. II. No
t N n I
to the estate to male in
. i to soil to
., or of estate to their
-ii . lo II
i I ii . on u
i lie m. hi in bar I their ii.
estate of r, II. Tucker.
i. a, Attorney.
before tho Superior
Court i of i executor
of I e null of
A. ,
notice is hereby given to all
indebted to the so mike
to tin-inn i- and i
all us the
. still present the for pay-
within twelve mouths from i
late . r notice will pies d In bar
of July.
K Brooks,
of Martha A.
L. I I.
San Cal.,
and special
Occasion Pacific
Jane l
Va .
t B, Se, tO
f-n the s
I be i
to i in -c
. . it from all stations on
S ml In n K
ii . Tick
A S n Ii . ii ills .
i i i i- i .--. or o,
III . i u
J. H WOOD. D. P. A.
. ville, N
H ,. Hi,
I . A I.
N. S.
. leaves
at ti
in. for
i. i Greenville daily
night. Sunday schools
n m. o at will.
. v. E.
t , vices every
ii v. Ii.
i intend
It v. II. Moore.
Will W.
S-i vice very night
fun morn-
vices every Sunday
U s Pritchard
Sunday School
pastor. W
2nd 3rd Sunday,
morning and night,
service at
One ox. white and i-co, crop . .,, , . ,
in left, Lodge No. A
v i w-, . j. m . j one heifer, I. and F A M, meets 1st and
W I and half crop in nights iii
ll left right have been
with i i v I la or I In.
Norfolk lo
Norfolk, Philadelphia,
New V nil oilier
North, c Not folk
all points i-i.
Shippers order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K, R
. Parker Super-1 hours
, i notice.
ii Sunday School. T Hi Agent, Washing-
I,; i-c.,; -Rev. W. E. Cox,; Ion,
Services every first I J, J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
Sunday. ville, N. C.
STRAY ii i i
At the old Stand.
I have purchased stock
GROCERIES and business of
and ill carry on the
at his old stand on
I will add to the Stock lo
of trade and will
nil limes carry a lit a of
Heavy and Groceries.
Fruits, Tobacco
Cigars, etc.
Call on me when you
or lowest price
hi which they can be told.
J. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
are notified to call for same
and A.
I t s on.-, a
month R Williams,
M; J. M- sec
I Covenant Lodge No. I O O
V Meets every Tuesday
night. I. Best N R
L Carr, V fl; W K Evans,
The firm of Smith was ,,, , v- .
by mutual June ; Lodge No. K
1st, t . ii. every I
Flanagan, c
the in of Smith in the bus-
c. assumes nM.
of all Is I J ill K iV
must tn
White Front Barber Shop
Razors, clean Towels
Work guaranteed,
Thanking one and all yon
hoping tor your
I remain,
Yum s tn serve,
S. Prop.
When yon have a suit
The of the i Ii
Issued letters
to me. on
the day of July, on the i s
late of William deceased, notice
is lo all parsons
ed to the estate to make immediate
creditors said estate to present their
claims properly to the
undersigned within twelve
after the date of this notice or
notice will in bar of
This the 27th of July, 1805.
Jemima I
Executrix of the estate of
Tribe No
I R M, meets every
Wednesday night J H
Harris. Sachem; W
wards, C of R
If, meets every Monday
night E H Evans,
H its
A lying Tar river
from Greenville on Greenville
pair punts to clean or press, end Washington road
t I turn out
class work. Also forking
your back, me a
Back of Davis Barber Shop.
N. C. it, f. D.
pea, This faun is in good has I
on it, a pack-
I mil I.-
dwelling with five rooms lately repair-
ed and one coat of paint avail every-
thing ready to go to work school
house one mile,
Ore ill;. . t
From Kinston to Norfolk
Thursday and Friday
September and
under years
C. Agent.
H. O. General T. and
Agent. Norfolk, Va.,
hen your head aches, there
i- a storm in the nervous sys-
centering in the brain.
This irritation produces pain
in the head, and the turbulent
current sent to the
causes nausea,
This is sick headache, and
is dangerous, as frequent and
prolonged attacks weaken the
brain, resulting in loss of
dizziness, etc.
Allay this stormy, irritated,
aching condition by taking
Dr. Anti-Pain Pills.
They stop the pain by sooth-
strengthening and
the tension upon the nerves
not by paralyzing them, as
do most headache remedies.
Dr. Anti-Pain Pills do
not contain opium, morphine,
or similar drugs.
ii- N hereditary In my
family. suffered u
deal, for many years have
vi a I i
lo in 1.1-in.
so i lime, a
.- re be I
Dr. Mi i Pills n
relieved me almost Immediately. Since
i i ii -ii i- i I i . in.
. II nil II I ;.
s. n. En Bend, Ind,
Dr. Pills ore sold by
your druggist, who will
the first will If it
he win return your
cents. Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We that you will favor us with
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
, N. C,
op the condition of
Central Academy I
REV. M W Principal
PROF. W. M. HINTON. Associate
A Christian home and High
School for buys and men
Splendidly located in Warren
county, one mile from depot,
mediately on S, A. L., road in a
beautiful grove of or acres
on a farm.
For further information ad-
dress the Principal or Associate
Littleton. N.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New
Chicago and Orleans.
Due from
Cash S
paid ti
Surplus, c
Undivided Profits
Expanse Paid
Bill Payable 21,000.00
Deposit subject to cheek
Cashier's checks out-
North Carolina, I
County of Pitt
l,. Little. the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear the above is true to the best of my knowledge
Correct- -Attest
Subscribed and sworn In below
me. this 2nd of Sept.,
Ni t.-.-v
General Insurance.
Plate Glass.
Strongest and Best Companies Represented.
A shine YOUR Patronage Solicited.
For Male and Female.
course in Vocal and Music, Art,
Elocution Physical Culture, Bookkeeping, stenography
Typewriting. A complete course ID Ancient and
Languages and Literature Three courses leading to A. B.
Degrees, Faculty of
Opens September 6th,
or other information, Address,
J. J. LL. President Wilson, K. C
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody i
it reaches people money Ki for what they
If yon have what they want advertise it and you are sure to
get a part of their money.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. AYDEN, N. C. .
N. C,
As authorized for Daily
and we
pleasure in receiving I
willing receipts for
in arrears. We have a list
of ail who receive their mail
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
Mi-s Georgia one of the
in the High
spent from evening
until Monday morning with
If you need anything in the way
of Crocker, Tin
come to see us, Hurt Jenkins.
Miss D.
has on n vi.-u
to her B. D.
A full supply of No, Timothy
Hay Oats, Cam, Bran, Cotton
Seed Hulls and Meal, at J. B
Smith Bro.
on a business. Hertford.
E. E. Co. will do all
possible can to please you win,
their new line of heavy and fancy
Mr-. W. Bart came
on a liar
r.-l of Columbia Flour, none
to be bad where.
The moving picture have been
moving. They moved here
then moved away when
last heard from they were Mill
we hope they may
make a success of moving.
Come to s.-e Hart
need i on tn dress
your feet, we can save you mom J
you something to lit the
foot. We the nicest and best
15.00 Shoe win ever saw. Try a
pair be convinced.
anyone counted the death
pits on the sidewalks and Streets
of Ayden If Dot we advise, don't
undertake the Job.
J, A. Harrington, weigher
at this point, always noted for his
progressive spirit and an intent
purpose lo serve the public in
a faithful and creditable manner,
purchased a large pair of
pound Fairbanks scales. Now
our friends can rest assured
Mr. Harrington's weights
always bear the test.
Who was it that pulled
II ice, from in front of the
Monday morning He was
log little incident and SO deeply
enthused was he that everything
else was lost sight but of
a young lady haying taken
op her residence homo the
night previous. Wasn't a
row But he was so
happy, not of and
he Invited to come and
acres of land near II
in cultivation for
Bale by B. Smith Bro.
Mrs. Dudley and children, of
have been on a visit
to her parents near here.
Miss Ida G. is
in Washington.
moved Into their new brick
on south side street.
Sunday pi
traded services will commence ii
the M. E. church at this place Mini
through the week, He v.
B. E. the pastor in
charge, will be assisted by Kev
B. C. Craven, of Tarboro, who
will preach Sunday morning. Tin
public are earnestly and
invited to attend these
A car load of tiling was received
here Monday which will be used
partly in town the lot
the improvement of the road
Haddocks X
Miss Annie If. Edwards lift
Sunday evening lo Green.
Female College,
The mammoth show case in -I
K tore is
loaded with pretty goads
Be sure to call and res
Miss Brooks, of Grifton,
has been visiting Mis. Hugh
Fashion P
Paw Bread Trays J, I.
Smith Bra
Mis. Ma y Branch and Bliss
Herring visiting
in country Sunday.
eggs wanted by
A. Fair which will be paid I he
cash market pi ice.
ii and of Vane.
spent here.
Lace Curtains cents p. t
pair up, and Scents per yard
up, at K Bro
and C.
Price, who are here a visit.
yesterday in Greenville
We keep Km Mattress
Bed Stoves,
etc., up stair.--Cannon
Philadelphia Optical College and
graduation In a -n
the eye, In
of optic-. I p-e-
p r- it
other ma
can correct glasses. ill
or eye
strain, dull hurling, burn
eye with
bed or low on a
guarantee, to relieve
. d give satisfaction lo
patient or not The
of all
ti in and eye
st ram. h is to pro
when your eye call fr
Glasses the
for errors of refraction and
weak eye. Any or form
glasses given desired. As good
references as are the county
i ion.
V. in
s a
are In
apples, all
fruits kepi by A
Tyson guilty
enamel bed
steads cheap, are daisies.
Thus. H , it Mattresses
At the. dose of business oust
Loans It
Demand L.
Duo from Hanks,
told Coin,
Hank notes
other S.
Capital paid in,
Undivided profile less
Dividends unpaid Of
Deposits subject
I. J. K. Smith, of the above-named bank, do swear
that the above is true to t tie of my i
lief. smith.
e equal
., l I.
d June
e I
loll e-
. ore h
we t
Save your own hay, get a grass .,,.
blade, fork, hoe, shovel, spade,
bosh hook or hole digger,
K- Smith A
Sin. W. L House gone to
her in having
spent n few days
motlier, airs,
A new line of Cradles and Cribs, I
Mattresses to match, at J, R, Smith
A Bin.
Mrs. T. F. Johnson left Friday
lo be absent sometime.
you a pump and pipe with
point I long, and drink
water, at J. It. Smith A Bin.
There was small i of excite
at the depot yesterday
of morning train
I owing tO a wits message received
John i ring arrest
parties supposed to be on
Upon nation the gen-
so much desired was
found and everything gradual
settled back lo s-.
A full supply of Trunk
Grips, Satchels and
Suit Cases, at J. B. A Bro.
For carpenters ton's, grind a
i hemp rope and pulleys, at J. K.
Smith Bro,
Calico and Gingham I
per reductions in white
and summer goods, at
B. Smith Bro.
Hay, Cats, Corn, Hulls
and at J. Smith A Bro.
Jasper came over from
Greene county yesterday and left
Ion the morning train for Trinity
have I college.
store hew and beautiful line
I Negligee shirts and fancy hose, at
J ale
.- market.
if i cash
i dry
fa-, at prices
in the town
is too large
of log
We have just gotten a
i i We me run
in-1 Mini, white sheet.
i ml. W. Jackson
sworn to
me. Ill is Hi I'll of 1906.
Notary Public.
planter the
at J.
In e lot
k J.-
A.- Co. A yd
me x
best Oil l In- III i
Go to K K. A Go's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, fresh
Don't fail to see Cannon A Ty-
son's new crockery both plain and
decorated. are cheaper
than I'm IV.
Taylor, our optician is
now back again from the
Optical College, where he
graduated i i a special course in
the science of optics, ready to
better service before
to those from weak eyes
and in glasses.
Slippers, lawns and straw hats
are being sold extremely
cash by Cannon ft Tyson.
forget Gannon A
Tyson Can supply your wants in
almost anything in furniture.
hay, outs, ship stuff, wheat
brand, seed bull- meal
on hand. Tyson.
The loaf bread right
men A He
Law Inn n's
ft an r.
daily new
right the lac
. -a i
yew In the way
nice Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had at
our store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
North Carolina.
administration upon the
i-inti i I
this day been issued to me
I be I, t line i of
is given to all
in hold
them to n a pay-
meat, duly on or be
h day B,
sill plead in bar of their re-
in--, s.
, i,
Tee Cash
At close of business August
Hi . n, ii a of
i i i used, Int.- of
t N I . is to notify
all n i .- having claims against the
.; said in to
rs on or the
of August notice
will In- pleaded in bar of their re-
i- is, indebted to
II i Immediate
Hi day of August 1906.
J. O.
Loans discounts
Overdrafts secured
Furniture A Fixtures
Duo from Banks
Cash items
Gold and silver coin,
National bunk and
other U. S. notes
j l of
Deposits In
i a
The of Superior
having issued
to the undersigned
--nil day Aug. on
of W. K. Jolly,
oil, NOTICE is hereby given to
all indebted to the es-
to the undersigned, and to all
creditors of said to present
their claims properly
in with
in twelve months after date of
this this notice will be
plead in their recovery.
Tins Tl day of Aug.
F. G P. Jolly
ail Ml On the estate of
w. E Jolly.
Miss came B Smith Bro.
Friday from Kinston. your buildings In
manufacture seats for Painting them with
Town end County lead
full line of colors, kept at J.
R. Smith Bro.
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, M, apply to K. K
ft C.
The ladies say that Cannon
Tyson have the prettiest line of
dress goods in town.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at K.
soda fountain
will lie in service
from now to the end of the season.
The newest and latest drinks will
he found there. If you want
something nice try them.
Hart Jenkins is the place to
get your suit this tall, as the are
bundling M. II. line
and can give you a nice fit.
the trade, are simply
smoothest seat on
Paul Bahama is oil on an extend
ed visit to friends in various
Sections of the slate.
Just received, fine line of
and can fit you up In any style
or price.
Clarence Cannon left yesterday
to resume his studies at
Clarence is a bright young
man and we predict for him a
Tobacco twine, thermometers,
for sale by Cannon Tyson
There were regular services In
the Baptist church Sunday by Rev.
T. H. King. a large mini-
were in attendance free
hereby offer tor sale my
tract of land near Ayden con
tabling twenty four CM and one
third acres. Fourteen acres
clear, Five room dwelling house
and all other
with as well of water
iii Eastern Carolina, Anyone
wishing a will do well to
sir S, M Smith Ayden
N. C.
State of North Carolina, County of Pit,
I, ll. H. Taylor, Cashier of the above
wear that the above statement is
mill belief.
Subscribed and sworn to
fore mo, this day of August,
Notary Public.
to host of my
Iii HiT
J. U
Stock of Framing x ft.
Also Siding, Ceiling and
Partition and all kinds dressed
lo lumber necessary for building a
e imp etc Hills cut to or
Greenville Lumber I Veneer Co-
Central Barber Shop.
Fleming, Props.
Dry, Split Wood, -tit every
length, delivered at vein door,
Yours for business,
Located in
Rocky Maggots
. I .
cilia i-
. i,
. i hi
, i .
f., I ., h V
. . . I .
I mi
We I l
it inn a each
vi-i by a -billed
i ling, .
iii . n when
in the
for our
and their team.
Greenville, N. C.
Farmers bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We ill always work for your interest
mud guarantee full market price.
The following
Constitute our
Force who are
Always glad
to see you
D. S. Spain
B. T. Bailey
H. S. Hardy
Floor Manager

The Entire Stock the BEE HIVE, Greenville, N. G.
National Salvage Company
At on the dollar and our are that the Stock must be
ark the date and mark
it well.
Without a parallel in the memory Man has there ever been such High Grades of Clothing, Dry
Hats. Furnishing Goods, at such Low Prices.
let nothing keep you away
Thursday, September 14th, instructions from The National Salvage Company SELL the entire stock, Furnitures The hour is set The date
at a. m.
at less than Cost of all the Raw Material-
you know.
The Sale Opens
Thursday, Sept 14th,
Buy your Goods at one-third their real value. Be sure you find the Right Place. Look for name
The Bee Hive, Greenville,
N. C, closed out at on
the Dollar to be sold in
Days, commencing Thurs-
j day 14th at
Merchants can buy any part of this Stock Profitably
Doors are now closed and will be open again till a. m.
When we will have the entire stock marked down in plain figures.
worth of seas-
merchandise to be
almost given away, com-
j Thursday, Sept.
14th at
Silk and Velvets
A silks that will prove
Black yard wide silk worth
Japanese silk, all colors worth
i-1 inch
Big Line Matting.
Wash Fabrics
Words lack force to
the of these cl at
India linens, worth.
Salvage Co. sale
linen, worth,
Salvage Co. sale price
Check Dimities, values u
National Salvage Co
Linens, Linens
so inch bleached table damask
value, National Sal
sale price
inch white satin damask,
would sell regularly
Extra large napkins,
BO dozen, National Salvage Co.
sale price
Extra hath
Salvage Co. sale
National Salvage Co sale
price ,
Pull white crochet bed
spreads s r pat
torn-. I i for
pairs of towels, regular
value.-. National Salvage Co. sale
All i-, included in the great
National price
good yard wide
bleaching must go in this Nation-
Salvage o's sale price
yards hamburg special
value at this price going in
National Salvage o's sale
yards regular check
homespun must goat
best apron check
gingham while it lasts
Special value and cut prices in
cotton in this
National Sal sale
dozen ladles hemstitched
handkerchiefs, regular seller
National Salvage i o's price
dozen men's bordered and
hemstitched handkerchiefs were
National Salvage Co's Bale
dozen handkerchiefs
same as above only finer
A nice quality handkerchiefs
For men and ladies National
Salvage Co's sale price
Staple Department.
calico American Indigo
carmine red ail
Men's and
Mens Suits.
fast black seamless
hose, price now
A fine cotton fancy hose
regular price now
Men's black socks, regular
price at
Men's gray mixed socks,
price at
socks, regular
price at
All children's Id-mid
Every offer a great bargain
Shoes For Ladies.
values going
to values going
Shoes going at
Mens Shoes.
no and values
values l
on value.-
Everyone must go.
Men's and
Boy's Furnishing.
A big Men's Garters go-
Heavy Canton Flannel drawers
Heavy drill Slips
Men's Suspenders worth
now Be
Good suspenders on sale
Good boy's Suspenders, worth
Men's good work Shirts
Men's nice Negligee Shirts
Men's fancy Negligee Shirts
How Is
Men's good 1.35 Brogans while
they last
91.98 This will you a good
desirable Suit of lit and fashion.
An immense range of fancy
mixtures Checks, Plaids and
mingled effects, would be cheap
must go now at
will secure for your choice of
n grand of Single
double-breasted Cheviots, Worst-
ed in the most desirable patterns
Superbly tailored fancy
faced finished values that are
in every respect to any
suits. serges,
and scotch mixtures must go at
the National sale
price t
All and suits cut
half in two
A good strong pair of
for .
worth l BO, now
Fine fancy and plain worsted
pin's that regularly sold from
to now i is
All other prices cut in
line of
alls be sold a
The knife has been put into
every article. The prices are
only half the quality is the best
Mon's value now p
I coats as low as
Boys Suits
two piece suits single
and double breasted jackets
worth during this
sale at only
The novelty in styles is artistic
and elegant garments that were
always sold at all go in this
sale at
Thirty distinct effects in
ultra fashioned knee pant suits
in all the swellest of novelties
and staple styles, sale I to
Boys Knee Pants.
pairs of boys knee pants
worth up National Salvage
Co's sale price
pairs of boys knee pants
regular sellers, National
Salvage Co's sale
Wonder of the Age
Novelty suitings and fancy
mixtures, voiles and crashes late
stylos, desirable shades
inch value
at, only
In fact, qualities and pat-
terns in dress goods at great
sacrifice prices
must go at
An elegant skirts, well worth
going at
The best mercerized skirts on
the market marked down to
Extra Extra
curtain must go at
Mens Hats.
mens and boys in desirable
shapes Worth DO up
felt hats in-
values ranging from
at the exceeding
low price of
in men's hats in
bin Denver shapes come in
black and nutria, price
All the newest spring shapes
as well as staple styles in hats
that are sold everywhere for
National Salvage price
Beautiful Striped
Cheap at going at
inch dimities worth Na-
Salvage sale price
Persian lawn worth
while it lasts He
Notions and Small Ware
Hooks and eyes, black and
white, worth Bo, at only
The best pins ever sold at
shirt and dress buttons,
different styles, per dozen
braid, worth
a bunch
Cotton elastic, black and white,
Easy, graceful and form-lit ting
corsets, in all the celebrated
makes, in military and
fro Silo
Other beauties
Stop and think. Can you Remember The National Salvage Company have bought this for a song and it must be sold re- Safe and fixtures
afford to miss such an op- I of cost. Every article guaranteed and will be exchanged or refunded. or to be sold for less than It
this great sale Thursday, Sept. at a. m. at
cost to make them.
The Bee Hive, c.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Lieutenant Governor Winston Will
May Go to
N. C, Sept.
and the alleged safe
crackers, dressed in their Sunday
and looking quite snick
and span, their
and the
illness of appeared
in court morning and
plead guilty on the charge of car-
concealed weapons. A
hitch came id the proceedings just
here, however, for during the
night previous Solicitor Henry, of
South Carolina, came on the scene
and demanded that the men be
turned over to the South Carolina
authorities to answer to the charge
Tabbing a safe at Heath
Judge Neal sentence
and pressure is again to be Wrought
on the powers that be in North
Carolina for
The through their
attorneys, Messrs. Bennett
Bennett, claim their right to die-
missal or sentence on the
to they plead guilty and are
fighting bard against removal.
Lieutenant Governor Winston
has telegraphed that he will not
interfere. Unless Governor Glenn
honors the requisition before
Solicitor Henry's departure the
case will remain as it is until bis
return or Judge Veal will send
Fisher and to the roads.
Pitt County
The case of State vs. Davis,
previously reported, in which an
indictment was sent for eaves-
dropping, was argued b the
attorney general and Harry Skin
Esq. The attorney general
stated that since the indictment
did not allege that the converse
overheard had been repeated
in the community, he did not
think that it would lie for the
charge of eaves dropping as
recognized by the Common Law,
that it might be good to bold
the defendant on a charge of dis-
orderly conduct.
Mr. Skinner, for the defendant,
took the ground that the indict-
did not charge any offense
and that the acts complained of
did not constitute disorderly cod
The state was the appellant
this case, the indictment having
been quashed on motion defend
ant in the lower
News and Observer.
Aged Lady Killed.
Tarboro, N. C, Mrs. Susan
aged years, and a pen-
of Mexican war, was struck
by engine of a local freight
train from Mount and in-
killed at three
miles north South Rocky Mount
on the Atlantic Coast Line
way this morning. The
ate woman attempted to cross the
track in of the moving train
Id an effort to save the life of a pet
dog without apparent cognizance
of the jeopardy in which she
ed her own life. The deceased
was a widow of John Williams,
who served the Coast Line as sec
master a number of years.
Bought a Stock in Tarboro.
C. L. Wilkinson Co., of this
town, have purchased the Morris
of dry goods Tarboro. It
is the largest and stock there
and occupies the best equipped
store in Tarboro. Mr. Wilkinson
has gone to Tarboro to take charge
f the stock and close it out as
rapidly as possible. The stock
was bought at a and will
be sold accordingly.
Greenville Shut In Than Ever.
A change has been made in the
schedule trains on the Atlantic
ft North Carolina railroad that will
practically break connection with
trains on this branch of the Coast
Line, unless there is a change on
this road also or the train is never
behind time at all. The train that
has been passing
p. m., has been moved to
p. m. This is just about the time
the Coast Line train reaches Kin-
if it is on time, and it seldom
is. So passengers mail getting
around way the evening
will he out of the and
Greenville will have to jog along
with one outlet a day.
District Meeting.
D C. Moore, L. H. Fender, W.
L. Best, W. F. Brans, D. L.
E. E. Griffin. C. K. and
What He Found.
During the South African War,
when country was under mar-
law, letters sent home by
British soldiers bad to pass through
the bands of a censor.
A private in a
bad sent four or five letters
home, telling his parents about the
doings of his regiment,
bad been obliterated by the
censor and were therefore illegible
on their arrival. At the foot of
the next letter he
look under the
At the censor's office the letter
was opened and read as usual. The
officer charge spent some time
in steaming the stamp the
envelope, so that he could read the
message be was certain be
would find there. At last bis
patience was rewarded, but his
feelings can be better imagined
than described when he read these
it hard to get
Philadelphia Ledger.
The Put At
Washington, Sept.
of Naval Intelligence today
received advices by cable from the
American naval at
to the effect the loss in killed
and missing on the battleship
was The wounded
number The cause of the ac-
cannot be ascertained until
the is floated.
Dr. Tail Butler Elected.
Oklahoma Territory,
Sept. the final session of
the ninth annual meeting of the
International Live-Stock Sanitary
the following officers
President, Dr. H.
Texas; vice-president, Dr. Tait
North Carolina; secretary-
treasurer Dr. H. Ward, Min-
Big Crowd Went
Hatch excursions are
always successful. The one that
went this morning was
every coach and even the baggage
car being full. Quite a number of
went from Greenville
others wanted to go but backed
nut because it looked like they
could not get seats.
too III to Sail.
New York, Sept.
the Japanese peace envoy,
who was reported today to be
from typhoid fever, though
the consulting physicians are not a
unit on this point, was said to lie
in a satisfactory condition. Baron
is at the
Hotel and his return to Japan has
been Indefinitely postponed
though most of the members of his
suite will set sail for homo
row, the date originally planned
for the departure of the mission.
Chew the tobacco.
will be held in Greenville the
second night
An Excellent Woman Passes Away.
Mrs. Del wife of Hon.
E. A. former Superior court j W
clerk, died at 8-30 o'clock Friday ; Odd Fellows in
evening at their home on j Thursday night. The
son avenue. She had been meeting order
some weeks with an from
which there was little hope of
recovery, but the end came sooner
than expected and her death was
shock to the family and also the
host of friends who held her in
high esteem. She was one of our
be-t women, a kind friend,
table, and her life was filled with
good deeds.
Mis. was a little past
years old. and was a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W M. King.
was twice married, her
band being the late Mr. Samuel
of Centerville.
married Mr. E. A. in Nov-
1895. Betide her
and she is also survived
by four Pattie Win-
sled, of Rocky Mount; Mrs. G. B.
King, of Washington, D. Mrs
C. Wells, of Wilson, and Mrs
L. I. Moore, of Greenville.
Funeral services were con-
ducted by Rev. D. B. Clayton in
the church at o'clock
Sunday morning, from the
church the were taken
to the burial ground at the King
homestead, near Falkland, the
interment being about o'clock,
p. m.
Shot His Wife at Sight.
Tampa, Fla , Sept.
special from Tarpon Springs,
says at six o'clock this afternoon
G. K. a well known
or, walked into boarding
of Hiram Pent, of that place, and
as his wife came to meet him
the dining room, Paul shot her
down with a double shot-
gun and then ran into back
yard, shooting himself with the
contents of other barrel. Paul
was instantly killed, hut bis wife
lived ten minutes. Paul had been
drinking, it is said, for
Patent Medicine Decision.
Washington, D. C , Sept. 14th.
commissioner of internal
revenue today decided the
manufacturers of patent medicines
composed of distilled
must, after December
1905, take out licenses as rectifiers
liquor dealers, and drug-
and others handling
question must pay the license
required by law of a liquor dealer.
In a instructions just sent
to internal revenue collectors Com-
missioner Yerkes draws their at
to the existence of a large
of compounds on the mar-
that sell as but are
composed of distilled spirit
without addition of drugs m
medicines in sufficient
to materially change their
Mr. J. Marie-, a
inspector, has sworn out a
against Miss Sal lie who
recently was a clerk in the Con
cord charting open
mail. She was given a
at Concord last
Wednesday, before United States
Commissioner G. A. Kestler, and
waived examination. She gave
bond tor her appearance
for ha id i September
There an i-o many applicants tor
the Republican of the
to a
to decide on one to be
endorsed for the position.
Pointed Paragraphs.
If a man has but one shirt
never owes a lug wash bill.
mantle of charity is soon
worn threadbare by a hypocrite.
Any woman can keep a secret if
you give her enough chloroform.
A many to called business
pointers out to be
s married man goes oz a
trip he leaves his wife
Recklessness of a young fool is
only surpassed by an old tool's
After acquiring an
ring a girl proceeds to reconstruct
her ideal.
A man doesn't have to be a
philosopher in order Io discover
that all rich girls are handsome.
Time may be money in some
cases but many a man with nothing
hut time has managed to starve to
Governor Narrow Escape.
Mass., Sept.
Governor B Glenn, of
North Carolina, had the narrowest
escape of bis life this afternoon
from serious injury or possibly
death when an automobile contain-
several of the Governor's
friends ran off a bridge near Royal-
as the party were inning
from old home week celebration
Four persons were pinioned
the wrecked machine of
them being John Charles
of Charlotte, who is a member of
the Glenn party on the New Eng-
Greenville, N. C.
Do know
cause of short measure and white-
wash in
The same, as the cause of poverty; j called,
folks are kept poor by to Mr. Sawyer is one of the
Sawyer Awarded
Elizabeth City, N.
court has been in
at court house this
week, the criminal
concluded this morning, when the
against the Norfolk West-
railway, by A. Sawyer was
get their money's worth.
Price per gallon. They lock at
the price gallon; not at the
size of the can; not at what's
in it. Kept poor by trying to get
their money's worth.
Not you, they. You know it
is one name in paint;
Yours truly,
F. W. COo.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells oar paint.
prominent men of Camden county.
Hp is suing the railroad people for
alleged slander. The case has
intense interest, and the
court room was literally packed.
The hearing consumed the entire
day. case was turned over to
about this afternoon
and they remained out about
twenty minutes. They gave Mr.
Sawyer one thousand dollars.
Sweet Jamaica oranges at S. M.
Thursday, September
G. W. Baker returned to Lewis-
ton today.
Mrs. Charles Skinner went to
Baltimore today.
This feel like some equinox
weather is coming.
J. F. King returned Wednesday
evening from Atlanta.
It will not take many days like
this to finish the straw hat.
Mrs. A. Watkins, of Norfolk,
is visiting at the King House.
Mrs. H. C. Edwards to
Wednesday evening.
P. M. left morn-
for a trip South Carolina.
Augustus Cot ten, of
ton, Del., at
Key. J. went to
Wednesday and returned
Mrs. J. a.
nun for to visit
Mrs G. M. Tucker, W
came in Ibis morning to visit
Mrs. L. V. and
of Snow Hill, are Mis,
W. B.
Miss Helen Forbes this
morning for to attend
Peace Institute.
Miss Mary of Baltimore,
came Wednesday to visit
the Misses Cotten at
R H. Williamson, city electric-
left this morning for Wash-
D, C. to visit his, mother.
Mrs. M. D. Higgs left morn-
for the northern markets to
purchase millinery goods for C. T.
H. A. has moved
town and occupies one of the
Rev. J. H. of
has been here assisting in a
meeting in the church,
returned home today.
Mrs. Josephine Taylor returned
this morning from Ayden. Mrs.
J. W. accompanied her
home for a visit
Mrs. If, A. of
Mrs. C. L. Which
ard little son, Rogers,
Norfolk, spent today with Mrs.
Friday, September
Mack Taylor, of Ayden, spent
Thursday in town.
A. M. Moseley returned this
morning from Ayden.
C. S Forbes has returned from
his trip North after new goods.
Mr. and H.
this morning for to Pens
Miss Ellen Proctor returned
Thursday evening from a to
Mrs. Julia Wooten returned
Thursday evening from a visit Io
Mrs. S. M. m .
Alfred, went to Rocky Mount
Blow returned Thurs-
day evening a visit to Louis-
burg Littleton.
Julian of Raleigh,
who has been visiting at
dale, has returned home.
Miss Delia Smith, of Ayden,
who has been flailing at Which-
returned borne Thursday.
Fred came In from Rich-
Thursday evening, being
called home by the sickness of bis
B. E. and child
went to Ayden Thursday evening.
Mrs. George Hadley and child-
of are visiting
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Miss Margaret of Suffolk,
who has been Mis. H.
returned home this
Mrs. Bragg, of Ocracoke, came
the steamer Washing-
ton today, and is stopping with
Mrs. J. J. Cherry.
Saturday, September
C. E. went to Tarboro
It. S. Evans up the load
this morning.
Rev R ;. Craven, i
Spent today here.
J. has returned from
The early hours of the morning
brought a hard rain.
Mrs. W. R. Smith and children
went to Hamilton this morning.
Miss Sue of Washing-
ton, is visiting Mrs. J. B. Cherry.
Mrs. D. J. Whichard and little
son, Walter Linden, went to
Mrs. L. M. Tar-
spent Thursday night and
Friday in town.
Mrs. D. E. House returned
Friday evening a visit to
Mrs. A. H. Taft and little
daughter returned Friday evening
a visit to Elm City.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Skinner and
son, Francis, returned Friday
evening from
Mrs. Annie Thomas, of Elm
City, came in Friday evening to
visit Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brown.
Prof, and Mrs. W. B. Dove and
children returned Friday evening
from a visit to and other
Misses Mae, Ethel and Clara
Lincoln left Friday evening tor
Greensboro, where they will make
their home.
Misses Mary and Nan Malone,
of who have been
visiting their sister, Mrs. S. J.
returned home today.
Exonerates the Superintendent
A hall dozen of the most
in state
day testified before the board of
directors of state hospital that
In their opinion Thomas H. Nail
died acute heart dilation
caused violent muscular, effort
and that blood clot found in
his brain was not of a character to
cause his death.
They agreed that the symptoms
f Of the brain given
in the autopsy as the cause of
death totally different
testified as having been
exhibited by Nail when he was
brought he hospital
his death.
The result will he in all
a of Doctor
diagnosis and failure to
immediate autopsy and
. from jail of the four
attendants now held on a charge
of having the death of the
News Ob-
Delegates to Association.
At a of the Baptist
church, Wednesday, W. H. Rags
dale, J. W. Bryan and J.
Whichard were chosen delegates
to the Tar River association which
meets Tarboro the week
in October.

Eastern reflector, 15 September 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 15, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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