Eastern reflector, 8 August 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Abreast the of the Times.
Bargains Never go Begging
Our bargains go a begging, always a prompt,
hearty response when the news gets abroad. The reason is
that we are careful to use the word in its
broadest and fullest sense. Bargains at this store do not
mean special lots cheap merchandise, bought for the
pose of advertising at a low price, but our offerings consist of
regular from regular stock at reduced prices.
The buying public will not fail to note the difference.
You are invited to make an investigation, note the prices
and quality of the goods offered. They are all of a wanted
summery nature, picked from various stocks to fit the needs of
now. All summer goods have their orders to leave.
Note the Offerings Below and Your Purse
Strings Will Slacken.
the Seashore
or Mountains.
Beady w- ii- minute
yon buy them, all half
and h-so-
waist hat , worth ,
and o.
Shirt Waists Collars.
shirt i-t c liars in
all colors, worth
Gents Furnishings.
Newest In men's
th Colonial cravat-, new
club ties and in
and plain
Linen collars
Link cuffs
hose Tan
Negligee Shirts.
Soft la whit
and Bl
Corset Specialties
We have little of.
four .-.
ties which re an- Selling at g
Silks. f pert a dollar soft
A sale of Bilks. Too many shins in a verier an
silks for th- season, nil reduced patterns usually
i. Plain in all at
long as they last Our special in linen and
Silk Ribbons in all Colors, white clean
To make dean B in the s the
e. T.
Sensational Marvel Sale
of Surprise, Delight and Satisfaction and
of Bargain Offered Were on all Sides by the Thousands
who Have Attended the Preceding Day of This SALE
To-morrow will be a Red Letter Day
The Magnet will again draw the Crowd when Bargains are and Biggest. Come early for
the Work of a Million Hands will melt away Power of the low like the dew the Mid-
day Sun.
Anything buy is Bargain. The Wreckage of Values is It will Pay to make Tour
tor both present and future needs. Judge our by the Prices Quoted Below.
v; .
one half.
Neck ribbons in colors
worth 16- l-an it Cc yd
Summer Lawns.
All Lawns have been
out and have been
All t i clean up at
Girdle the wanted
Ladies in
and white
and Men's white
Hi reg-
clean tin for
Ladies em d i I
h 1.1 and clean
at c each
Baby Caps.
Baby win
and cl an up at and
-r-i rods black
Gingham w
Prints the best
kink, cleat at yd
In towels,
clean sit o and
Mill End Sale of Table Dam-
ask Boa and goods, clean
All low cut shoes to go.
in white canvas ail sizes
clean at
bl ask and tan, clean
up at 1.15
in black and tan clean
up at
in Patent leather and
tan clean at
an-1 Embroideries to
go at h and i price
Corset Covers.
clean up at
clean at
India Lawns.
inches wide good
clean up at
Ladle's and Misses
Tans Black and
special clean at
kind clean price
Men's Low Cut Shoes
H her-
calf. Patent calf ltd
Kid and
Banister no
Shape Bo
Men's Straw Hats.
Men's straw hat- n sailors
and Panama shapes have been
knifed I. h wear
Clothing that is Labeled.
E F -K F is the
i est.
A of matting all is in-
in the Bale.
t good yard wide
bleaching must go in this sale
Sc Hamburg special
value at this this sale
yd regular Sc Checked
Homespun must go at
Beat Apron check
gingham while it lasts
Special value and cut in
A nice Um only
Clark's Cotton in this sale
Furniture must all prices
cut for this sale.
Wash Fabrics.
sale price
men's bordered
sales price, each
doz men's handkerchiefs
same as above, finer
extra grade white
and colored men's
and Sip. valuer; on
specially at
pure linen white hand
kerchief, neatly
ed regular grade for
Linens, Linens
in. Bleached Table Dam-
ask regular value, sale
serge Word, to White Satin
t. importance of these tor, fr
All most
lass or money
Dave he
,, , , , . . prices.
Men s wool special
. , India Linens, worth
Trunks. price
Dimities, values up
that the
smasher. Seward automatic Wash
trey trunks, are c made, i considered excellent val
S long and durable. AM to at sale price
cleared the tali stock; silk and Velvets.
A flurry i silk, that will
an interesting topic.
yard wide
in. Bleached Satin
full in h
by an easy scale land
Suit Cases.
Suit cases for he seashore
We you at and
take you up to Bo a linen
all leather These
are make
Men's night shirts
all the coolest, regular price
clean up at
The papal pat
terns are the best. seam
all at one price
now higher now lower. Sheets
for August now ready and
yours for the asking
Meanings Talcum powder
box, why pay morel
and tan box
Men's canvass and
low cut's at off the regular
shoes, up at
low cut's, clean up
Men's fine pants,
from to Doc
worth LIB now
Japanese silk, all colors
worth at
inch velvet, ad
in. silk worth
Easy, graceful and form
fitting sets, in all the
makes, in military
and straight front including
the celebrated B
Other Beauties
All the are
in the line of
oxfords and we
are showing at to
Satin Dam-
to 1.50
quality; sale price
large s k Napkins,
worth a doz; sale
Extra large Turkish
Bath Towels, price
Linen Crash,
sale price
Full White Bed
Spreads, rest Marseilles
patterns for
pairs of Bleached Towels
reg. value; sale price
Men's Hats
Men's and Hats in
desirable shapes, worth up
Men's tine felt Hats, in-
from and at the
exceeding low price of
Men's Hats in
and Denver shapes,
come in and nutria
All the as west shapes
us well as staple styles in
Hats that are sold every-
where for marvelous
Staple Department
yards lie
1,900 yards Hope
yards Res Seal
Toil de Noon
Apron Checks, extra value,
Best Calico American
Carmine Red, all
Dress Goods
Crape and Voile
complete assortment
English Coverts and Damask
All wool
Novelty Suitings and Fancy
Mixtures, Voiles and
Crashes, late Spring style
desirable shades
Black Cheviot in.
wide, worth a yard,
sale price, yard
The imported
Mohairs, Sicilians
Mohair Serges and silk
warp up
to sale price-
Men'S Pants
Men's latest style
and Worsted
in all shades and pretty
stripes, all sizes, reg.
all go on this at 91.49
Fine Fancy and Plain
Pants that regularly-
sold for and sale
Fine that always sell
for stripe,
cheviots Si fancy worsteds
all go in this sale at only 93.08
Men's Pants of in
patterns, regular
91.75 sellers; sale price 91.19
Knee Pants
pair of Knee Pants
worth up to sale price
pair of
reg. sellers; sale prise
A consolidation of several
lines of Long Pants,
value and
Ladles Shoes and Oxfords
Ore pairs of very
finest of this seasons goods,
hand sewed lace or button,
all weights of sole. French
kid. patent Russia calf
act They are fare the bust
of any shoe brought to this
market, and they come all
size and widths, worth from
to a-. and
pick them out from
down to
Ladies line kid shoes,
button and lace, too
and patent tip wort
of Ladies Oxfords,
all popular leathers, also
white worth up to
sale price to 91.10
Hose, Hose, Hose
Ladies fast black seamless
hose, price now
A tine cotton fast
black hose reg. price now
tine plain and lace
styles hose, worth
ladies beautiful fancy
hose, worth choice, pair
Children's fast black rib-
bed hose, reg price at
Children's fast black fine
hose, regular price at
Children's finest French
ribbed hose, regular price
Sic. at
Men's good fast black
socks, regular mads,
price at
Men's good fast b lace
and plain socks, reg. price
two piece suits,
single and double breasted
jackets positively worth
91.50 during this sale only
The novelty styles is
and elegant -garments
that were always sold at
all in this sale at
in Ultra Fashion-
able Knee Pants Suits, in
all the of novelties
sale only, pair and staple styles, sale price 91.29
Pub an End to It All.
The Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results
death. Thus a mere scratch,
a a or
over taxed Dizziness, i the death penalty. it
e. L. Wilkinson Go.
A little forethought may save
you do end of trouble. Anyone
who makes it a to keep
Cholera, and
remedy at hand known this
to be a fact. For sale by Jno. L.
The pills that act as a tonic, and
net as a drastic DeWitt's
Little Earl rare
Dees, Jaundice, etc. Risers
are small and easy to take sod easy
Liver and
constipation. But to Dr.
King's New Lit Pills they
to it all. They are gentle hat
thorough. Try I hero. Only
Guaranteed by Jno. L. Woolen,
After a hearty meal a dose of
Dyspepsia Cure will
an attack of Indigestion.
Is a thorough and a
guaranteed core for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Gas on
Hour Risings, Bad
is wise to have
v.-i It's the
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
burns, sores, ulcers
and threaten. Only at
J. L. Drug Store.
, Weak
to act. Bold by John L. Breath and all Stomach troubles,
druggist. Sold by John L. druggist. Sold by John L. Wooten,
Never in the way, so to
carry, easy to take, and
failing id results are De-
Witt's Little Early Risers. These
famous little pills are a certain
torpid and all of the ills
resulting constipation. They
tonic and strengthen the liver.
End of Bitter Fight.
hail a long and
stubborn fight with on
my right write,. P.
Du Pout, G. gave me up.
Everybody thought my inn- had
come. As a last revolt I tried Dr.
King's New Discovery for
Suicide Prevented.
A start ling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will interest many.
A down system, or
invariably suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first The I
thought of self take was striking and I was on my test
Electric It being a great , a few days. Vow I've entirely
tonic and will ; regained my It conquers
the nerves build up the system all coughs, colds, and throat and
It's also a stomach, liver and Guaranteed by
kidney regulator. Only druggist. Price
guaranteed by Jno. L. j Me, Trial bottles free
I Dickinson a
Rogers razor with shell
Polish white shoes at handle. Reward for return to
M. k Fleming's barber shop.
D. J. Miter and Owner
mi Friday.
North Carolina Has th Biggest in
the WM.
live in a town which it the
greatest seat of the ping
industry in the world, the town of
Salem, N. said
J. C. one of the most
prominent lawyers of the Old
North State, at the Raleigh.
year, s the will
show, there was a production of
p of plug tobacco
in the factories of
look as if that much plug
be chewed up a decade,
somebody must get away
with it, for the output is
Town Beys Defeat Tobacco Crows.
Ia the early pert Jno when
there were visitor here galore, and
the was saw everything
lively, use a trite
there was
II the tine, and everybody was
enjoying Base hall was on
every tongue. When you saw a
crowd talking on the corners, in
Dr. drug store,
half you knew it was of
baseball they were talking. It
was way all through June,
then came a slump. It was a
terrible slump, and when it was
over ball was dead
that was not enough
increasing. Winston and Salem
a mark its untimely grave with
are two separate and independent j, , ; J
municipalities, and et are
bat one Salem is by
As Transacted by th Aldermen.
The of aldermen met in
session Thursday
six of the members being
The finance committee
mended the following levy
taxes fur the year b For get-
era purposes
valuation, for on improve-
bonds cent.-, for interest
on graded school cent,
f nice of graded schools
cents. This makes a total of
on each valuation and
each poll. This it
same total as last year.
The reported
that i his levy will raise a little
odds the older, as it was
f by from Penn-
1753, while its partner
is a giddy, young thing, whose
record goes back only half a
Thee were a tine
race of people, pious
orderly, and the same good trail
are exemplified
striking personality
in is of R. J.
the tobacco m and
head of a company baa
salesmen and
in employ. Mr.
thirty year- ago from
county, He had a little
capital, embarked the man-
of in a very mod-
est way. Today he i limes
a millionaire, and so strongly i-
trenched the trust
instead of absorbing bis es,
a it tried, to be with
stock company.
North Carolina can b of the
two greatest of the
J Reynolds and J. B
at Sc Neck
Scotland Neck, N C , Aug i
The second bi lire this year occur-
even tombstone.
One by the ball players
drifted away to their various
homes, hat this could not
keep silent the spirit that had
George Woodward conceived a
brilliant idea the thinking part
of his mug the base
ball game of all this season was on
for Wednesday .
George said I tell you what we
he meant the tobacco men of the
when he said do.
I'll if I don't go in box,
and we will beat toe out of
you. It was no sooner suggested
by George decided upon. He
was to do the at for the
tobacco men.
Wednesday at noon n was
silence reigned in all
the streets of the town when the
dry rattling a machine
was heard it sounded as a
herald of the coming ball game.
it was working on the diamond,
and Dave told of the
game, hanging from place across
the street, near Patrick's store.
The grew a few pace
and the game
was on tiring line for
the Hugh
New Officers for the Year
Th second meeting of
the Carolina club w held Thurs-
day night the club rooms,
the following officers were elected
for the i-g
H. A. White.
Vice president, F.
Secretary, J. S. Mooring.
Treasurer, J. Moore.
Board of D. C. Moore
D L. James, W. H R
O. B. William-, and H.
Reports from the retiring officers
showed the club he in a good j j
condition The total
is about seventy five, no
is composed of
including the
license taxes, and the ex-
it ill be seen that
levy i. low as it could be made
The street committee reported
that work had been
done luring the past mouth
of streets fair
Complaint being made that the
teamster and trash haulers
streets had then
duty, the chief of police
Thursday, 3rd.
Ex-Gov. T. J. home
today from Morehead.
Miss Nina James returned
Wednesday evening from Wrights-
Ada went to
Wednesday evening to visit
Miss Ada Wooten returned home
Wednesday evening from a visit
t Tarboro.
Best of came
evening to visit
II. T. King returned home
Wednesday evening from Seven
and Clinton.
Carroll Stow, of Baltimore, who
lite reputation the i
club Carolina. The
club was only two year
the growth ha been won-
The a Club is a popular
end growing honor
and a and has spending a few days
K A. Turner and Alex. Blow
In today In
ball with the team
Mrs. . L. and her guest
Mrs. Pearl of Salem,
Vs., went to Wrightsville today.
Mrs. W. H. Johnson and little
son returned Wednesday evening
Norfolk and Virginia Bench.
Mrs. and
Mis Mamie Ruth, went to
Wednesday evening to
Mrs. K. A. Andrews and
E. F. Young Arrested Forgery.
E. Young, who, at one time
the most prominent business
man of county, supposed
empowered with authority to j lo be worth a great of
discharge any such found was arrested yesterday,
their duty and employ upon a warrant by K. Lee,
others in their places. The a justice of the peace, upon the
was the of three of the town
authority street forgery of the
The cemetery town's treasury account on the; u
reported that hands are cleaning of the Merchants and Farm are
out the cemetery. bank, of of which he .
The code of ordinances already was formerly president,
for the government of the I The ease was removed to Justice Misses Bliss and Susie
J R. Godwin, upon a plea i who have been
a continuance by counsel for the and Which
a justified bond in the borne Wednesday
sum of was required the
appearance of the defendant next
Monday, when the case will be
beard. Fayetteville
town were adopted, with tile
addition that bill posters
be required to pay a license
tax of per year.
After some discussion a motion
was passed authorizing the
of a purchasing
committee to ion-chase supplies
used the town. The naming
Used the Wrong Bait.
Yesterday, says the Portland
red here last a lo-s pitched. It was u go.
of with only
Siam after midnight the
alarm was sounded and quickly
the people of town were aroused
to find that a destructive tire was
raging near Main street in the
business part of the town.
The fire started a small out-
building in the of the stole of
S. J. Stern and J. R. Askers. For
half a block the comer
12th and Main streets the build-
were entirely wood, and it
was at that they must
all go. about half way the block
is the brick store of lid ward Co.
and the only hope of the
in that building.
With anything like a strong wind
from the east or the
tire block would probably have
been destroyed, including some
handsome residences facing Church
street, west of Main,
for the Move was succeeded committee was deferred for th
by Burton, Burton by Woodward, I
and torn by same one else a man was
of the water light plant
showed that are now
water consumers and eighty-one
until nearly whole team had
game the time Umpire Belts
called until the game
was over. The town boys
Next Tuesday we play Washing-
ton on our grounds.
New Jersey Officer Here After Prisoner.
Charles S. Moore, an officer
N. J., reached Green-
ville Wednesday evening to look
after the man,
Slaughter, an escaped prisoner
from Railway, who was arrested
here a few days ago by Chief of
Police Smith. Moore
found no trouble identifying
Slaughter as the right man wanted,
but as Slaughter bad to
return to New Jersey without
extradition the officer left
here this morning for Raleigh to
In an hour after the alarm was i get Governor Glenn to sign the
given the destruction o four
stores a sewing machine shop,
shoe shop, barber and
was complete, all to
Edwards Co's. store which staid
the News and Ob-
Killed a Rattlesnake
necessary papers. After getting
these he will come back by Green-
ville take prisoner on to
New Jersey.
His Strenuous Finish.
said the sad faced young
man in the smoking car, out
of base ball for keeps. Why, in
first game this season they got
to me in the third inning and
pounded me all over the
you shouldn't let a little
Solomon a roan
of township, brought to
Iowa today the rattle of large
rattlesnake he killed a few j thing like that discourage
days ago. ii rejoined the drummer,
measured inches in a good pitcher has been up
and had eleven rattle and
a button. He says the snake
viciously and he had to use
both a hoe and a fence rail to dis-
patch the reptile.
against similar
continued the victim,
yon see, I wasn't the pitcher;
I happened tube the
Daily News.
Guild's lake at the exposition
from the bridge of nations. An
other man pasting by asked him
The receipts be
during July for water service were
947.55 and for electric service
9154.18, and service to the town
making a total of 1601.73,
The total receipts for construction
during the month were
and disbursements for the month
were 92.390.72.
lots the
water, they seem to away
from my
are you,
for German carp
Mrs. Wells and
Misses Rosa Kiln, Wilson,
Observer, came in Wednesday evening to
visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. King.
Mrs. Julian and
little daughter, who have been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
K. B. Gotten, at Bruce, took the
train here Wednesday evening f r
their borne in
Friday, August
Kurt James went to Parmele
W. E. went to Rich-
Mrs. A. F. Evans went to Tar
J. B. Latham, of Washington,
The dispensary report showed
purchases during July to be Say, did you never was tow., today
Mis Miriam
brother. Gordan, of Winterville
are visiting Miss Li I lie and Charlie
Superior Clerk W. M.
of Raleigh and Mrs.
who have been spending sometime
at Seven Springs, came today
to visit relatives of Mrs.
Saturday, August 5th.
C. B. We, of Raleigh, in
I of Durham, spent
Friday eight here.
J. H. Keel Friday
W. B. is home from a
long trip down South.
O. L, Joyner went to Seven
Spring Friday evening.
Fleming Friday
evening from Whit
I I Noble this
morning from
L. W Tucker returned
i May evening from Norfolk.
Miss Nell Skinner returned
L returned Friday
evening from a visit to
Miss left this
mining for a visit to relatives in
Inez returned
evening from
Beach, Va.
Mrs. Florence and Mrs.
Stephens returned Friday
evening from a visit to House.
Wiley Blown returned Friday
evening were he
been purchasing new good.
Miss Willie of Snow
Hill, who bus been visiting Miss
Addie Johnston, left Friday even-
John who has been here
visiting his parent, Mr. and Mrs.
White, left Ibis for
Miss Miriam Johnson, of
who was visiting Miss
Tucker, returned home
Friday evening.
Mrs. L. James, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. A.
in Sanford, returned home
Friday evening.
Miss Addie Johnson, of
mil Miss Ethel Powell, of Gold
who have been visiting Mrs.
D. left Friday even-
12,743.95 and sales
The tax collector,
police officers chief of lire
submitted their
The sum of was donated to
the Rough and He-id
to help defray their indebtedness
to the state association.
The salary of the clerk and tax
collector was changed to per
The orders drawn on the treas-
amounted to a little ab
Tuesday. Aug. 8th, 1905. Washington
vs Greenville.
Washington will be here for the
fifth game this season to cross bats
with Greenville on Tuesday, Aug
Maxwell says he has a
good team and you may look out
for a cracking good game. Let's
everybody get to see this game as
it may be last game of the season
with Washington, played
Greenville. General to
all grand stand
about the eternal between
the Irish the
but what's that got t. do
you want to carp
you'd change your bait.
Use a
New Mullets at S. M.
It Never Comes A Jain.
There gains for all our loses,
There are balm fur all our pain;
when youth, the dream,
It takes our hearts
And it never comes
We are stronger and are better
Under manhood's sterner reign;
Still we feel that something sweet
Followed with Hying feet,
And it will never come again.
is vanquished,
we sigh for it in vain;
We behold it everywhere,
the earth, In the air
But it never conies again.
Richard H. Stoddard.
Rain Fall for July.
C. V. York, government
for this station, reports that
the rainfall for the month of
July was inches.
J. L. Fleming F. G. James
to Bethel today.
R. L. home
mo. from Beaufort.
F. M. returned this
morning from Greensboro.
J. W. Bryan returned Thursday
evening from Plymouth.
H returned Thurs-
day evening from Norfolk.
Miss Lillie Warren, of
is visiting Mrs. C. T.
Mrs. A. C. of Scot-
land Neck, visiting her sister,
Mrs. E. B.
Miss Bessie Joyner, who
visiting Miss Alice Lang, left this
morning for her horn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Andrews
children returned Thursday
evening from Beach.
Mrs. W. E. of Kin
who has been visiting her
brother, J. A. returned
home Thursday evening.
Misses Mamie and Addie Bag
well their brother, Marshall
of Raleigh, came in Thursday
evening to visit uncle, Dr
W. H. Bagwell.
T. B guard of the
Durban county road gang, was
accidentally killed by his pistol
lipping from the case and the
hammer striking a stone causing
the weapon to discharge.
Two year old boys
bury were with a pistol.
One of them is wounded and
the other is in the custody of
Eight houses, the
railroad -i at ion. the town of
Atkinson, Pender county, were
by burglars night.
The Observer reports
that Judge Charles M. Cooks, of
Franklin will be a candidate for
governor for 1908.
The stables of Evans
mill men in Cum-
county, destroyed by
fir. Tuesday and ten mules
burned to death.
Robert Wingate, who was
ed with criminal assault at Tar-
and was taken to Raleigh for
safe keeping, has been released
from jail, the required bond of
having been given.

v ;
m i i v.
Not Quite
How often can a
jail or scree driver or
lacking. Have a good
box and be prepared for
all d n . am
we ii Me your tool
box does not lack a single
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Stale of North Carolina.
In lie Superior Court.
Town of Farmville i
against and t of
E J Pol laid attachment.
The E. J. Pollard, will
notice, that on the day of
June, 1905. a summons was Issued
him, in th above entitled an-
by the undersigned clerk of the
court of return-
able to the September term, of
Pitt Superior court, which convenes on
the Monday after the Brat
Monday in 1905. it being
the 19th day of said month, which
summons, returned by the sheriff
of i in and with
this endorsement. Defendant K J.
not to d -o my
The purpose of said as alleged
by the plaintiff is to recover of the
defendant the tun of three hundred
dollars for breach of bis warranty of a
certain deed executed to the plaintiff
on the 5th day of I for a
certain land on Wilson
Street in the of and
described in his deed recorded in
office of Pitt county.
The said K J. defendant
aforesaid, will also that a
warrant of attachment was issued M
the e'er-, on the said 14th
of against the prop- r-
the said K J, directed
the sheriff of Pitt ard i--
turnable to tie said September term
of Superior court, it
the I me and place where tie aforesaid
summons is returnable, the W
K. J. will take notice that
Is required to w thin the
three days said t i m and f.-r
demur to toe
in or t relief
will be granted.
Done at office the town
Greenville, tail the 14th
Clerk of t Superior
b Blow, Plaintiff's A lye.
The i f Savage
doing a e business
in the t urn On i, I
by m t u AH i
son owing the can sett with
either party and e to cot i
. d atone . I
against the van
This June 7th,
-sent them t
I. M age
S. Tun
. Ti-i
i,. i. .,
r mi
. . .
. . sh
. Al
roots, Henry
owl Apple,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Mill,
Flour Meat,
M t,
and Gel,
and Ware, Tip and
turn, Resit
Hewing and nil
, for each.
At the Stand.
I the
Thigpen and carry the
h Ins old Hand on
I win old to the stock
of the trade and will t
ill i no- cum h complete line of
Heavy and Groceries.
on me when yon the
the price,
at which I hey can lie fold.
The Five Points Grocer.
Central Academy
REV, M W Principal.
PROF. W. M. Associate
A and High
School for boys and men
Splendidly located iii Warren
county, one mile from depot,
mediately on S, A. L., road in a
beautiful grove of or
on a acre farm.
For further information ad-
dress Principal or Associate
Littleton, N. C.
Saving q th i
Court of m executor
of the Last Will and in
A. ,
notice la hereby given to
indebted to the to make
Hate payment to the
, state in the for pay-
twelve from
data or will be plat d In bar
of July. I'M
Martha a.
One ox. whit and red.
in right ear, silt and in left.
and one heifer, white and
color, marked crop and half crop in
ear. in have been
my k two of three year,
owner are notified to call for same
and pay charge, J. A. ard,
B. . N. .
t i t .
North Carolina, j. ,,.,.;,. ,,.,.
I'm county, i
The defendant above named will take
notice, that an action as above
has been in superior
court of Pitt county u decree
of solute divorce from said
ant, upon the ground of abandonment
and adultery, and the said defendant
will further lake notice that be is re-
quired to appear at the next term
Hie of county to
be held at the court II Green-
ville on Monday after 1st
Monday in September, 1806, it being
18th day of September, and
answer or demur to the complaint in
said action, or the will apply
to the court for the relief demanded in
laid complaint.
This the of July, 190.1.
D. V. Moore, C. S,
July 1st I will be I
pared to private con-
to and depot for
person in town at
each person The will
then only run hotel to
depot and wharf fare on
that will altO be phone
Cotton Buyer and Broken- in
Blocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York.
Chicago New
On ale via.
Extremely low Rates are
announced by the South-
Railway from points
on its lines for follow-
Denver, Colorado Sprints,
Onto . N
Grand of the .
to 1905.
Louisville. .
A-social i
I i
Ann IR,
, I . . IT
Mont- i.
Ac I n IS
i . i o I
, .- i i I,
I. . S ., e
Portia . .
I. I .
-I lo
June I i
ii, V r v
V S lo
K f
. n . .
Pl.-i I .
i If
l, P
I i . i e ll
i . iii ,
t i -n.
J. H D. P. A.
s u kick, P.-
Steamboat Service.
i L. leave
at ti a. in. for
Greenville daily
at in.
Norfolk Southern Railroad
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, and all other
i ii ii t North. Norfolk
with all West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K. K.
Sailing hours subject to change
T. H. MYERS, Agent. Washing-
ton, X. C.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. T. and
Agent, Norfolk, Va.,
White Front Barber Shop
Sharp clean Towels
Good Work
Thanking one and all for you pas
patronage and hoping for your eon
I remain,
Yours to serve,
S. J. NOBLES, Prop.
Dr. Anti-Pain Pills
are a most remarkable remedy
for the relief of periodic pains,
backache, nervous or sick head-
ache, or any of the distress-
aches and pains that cause
women so much suffering.
As pain is weakening, and
leaves the system in an ex-
condition, it i wrong
to suffer a moment longer than
necessary, and you should take
the Anti-Pain Pills on first in-
of an attack.
If taken as directed you may
have entire confidence in their
effectiveness, as well as in the
fact that they will leave no dis-
agreeable after-effects.
They contain no morphine,
opium, chloral, cocaine or other
dangerous drugs.
n Inns I have
with of that
inure Hum I can
two or Hire I
ii. ., r able i get that
would me m i -h until I lo-
i at Pain
and they n me in a
short time. My lister, who sutlers
way, has used
St., South Band,
Dr. are by
your who wilt guarantee that
the packages will benefit. If It
falls he will return your money.
doses, Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
J. Elks,
Chairman. W. R. Home,
J. K Spier, J. R. Barnhill
J. W. Page.
Clerk C.
Register of Deeds R.
T. White.
D. Cox.
Cox. man. B. M.
L. C. Arthur.
C E. Flem-
J. K. e.
lie is Lent
n e ill b J. I.
A, B. we., A. H. raft,
s. T. B. Hooker,
J i .
; P. II. Woolen.
. it. ii.
I, Al t.
r J. Ty
i. T
i A i lark. W.
I, I,
. S. i--
I. H.
la in.
in sun-lay
School. No pastor.
, It v Moore,
i. Sim
day. w. R.
. t Sunday
IV B. Cox,
or. Services Ural
an I H
Brown of
Sunday School.
M No
day Services every Sunday
Lodge No. A
F A M, mewls 1st and
Monday nights in each
month R Williams, W
Mi J. M. Sec
Covenant Lode No. I
P Meets every Tuesday
night. I. Best N G-. R
L Carr, V G. W F Evans,
Tar River Lodge No. K of
Meets every Thursday
night E Flanagan, C
T J Moore, K of R
Tribe No
I O R M, meets every
Wednesday night J II
Harris, Sachem;
wards, C
M. meets Monday
night E H
Stock of x ft
Also German Siding, Ceiling and
Partition and all kinds dressed
lumber necessary for building a
house complete. Bills cut to or
on short notice.
Greenville Lumber Veneer Co
N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
R. L. Carr,
N. C.
lies. fill. fa.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
for n
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready Paints.
There is in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your I
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
i. nod 9182,161.41
Overdraft, 0-J
securities, etc. 9,800.01
All other real estate
line from 63,958.07
paid lo
Undivided Profits
Paid 60.72
subject tot-beck 181,484.46
checks out-
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
swear that the statement above is true to the beet of my knowledge
Subscribed and sworn to
me, this 7th day of June, 1905
Notary Public.
It. W. KING.
Littleton Female College
Splendid location. Health resort. Over boarding
pupils last year. of work. High Standard of
and social life. Conservatory advantages in music. Ad-
courses in Art Elocution. Hot water heat.
lights and other modern
Remarkable record; only one death among pupils
n Close personal attention to the health social
development of every pupil. High standard of
All dress alike on all public occasions. CHARGES
24th Session will begin Sept. 13th, 1905. For
address. J. M RHODES, A.
Littleton, N. C.
The North Carolina
Literary Commercial
Domestic Science
Scientific Manual Training
Pedagogical Music
Three Courses to decrees. School for
Faculty numbers and for
of books, a I'm- In For non-
dents of the state, September
To secure hoard in tin- all should
lie lo. from those
sad sad
CHARLES D. President,
N. C
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
a . H. C. .
N. C. 1905.
B. O. Cox has to
Al for
n lake
la tab
receipts fer
Mies is arrears. We bar. I their set that
of all who receive nail
bat the left
Held in a body further
cans so as than
were la the lead, an act
is our o
far a ball la i n
take ardors
to New-
We also
J. J. been
If you anything lo the way
of Tin or Grey stone ware
come to see as, Hart Jenkins.
John baa gone back to
M. B. Tripp Bro. are now
to wake wooden legs for
cripple horses or mules. Their
latest was a decided success.
J J. Edwards hap been to Hook-
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible to please you
their new line of heavy and
Mrs. J. J. Stokes and children
are visiting in Greenville.
received, fine line of bar
in.- and can fit you up in any style
or price.
J. T. family hare
returned from Morehead City.
are re-
daily new and
light from the far
Skinner and livid
tonk ball game herb
Carlos Harris says that Harrison
Town and Country paints
colors are fur the heel goods,
that be ever used and it
out several other
brands in a feet at Greenville
Summer. Thin is sold by J.
K. Smith i Bro
Kev. T. II. King left this
to be some up in
Thai rock salt J. K. Smith
Bro., is best thing I can gel
for my stock. Tiny only eat what
they want of it u time.
Jenkins, of
is a visit to her son, A.
Cotton king cultivators,
plows extra blades J. It.
mill Mis.
Hugh Brooks in
Call on Hart for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none
tn be had where.
King has
from visit in Virginia
For peaches, apples, com
tomatoes, apply to E. H.
H. L. Burgess, of
Va., alter a visit hereto his i y
has returned borne.
A large plaining outfit and latest
improved tools with which to do
our work. Satisfaction
teed. M. B. Tripp Bro.
Misses Lena and Belle
have returned their
visit to Johnson's
The loaf bread right
from the oven at Ale
White, of
pent Wednesday night in town
and played ball with the boys yes-
it have
moved into their new brick
on south aide Main street
Don't forget the of the
Ayden graded school will meet
Monday night at o'clock to elect
teachers for next session.
manufacture seats for
the trade, are simply the
smoothest seat on the market
seemed a little off
yesterday in their idea of what
constitutes BILL. It has been our
idea nine make a
Finding I lo C
against tailed the
game off ac hoar by hum, Ayden
boys insisted on a finish in
had they remained to the
White sad Matt did
good work for White held
lag la reserve for the last
innings. From our author
the game should to
favor of
the past week Mr. Sit
found in the road near B
H. a pair of gold rimmed
glasses in a felt case which the
owner can have by properly
same and this
matters of enterprise, town
pride and u general disposition to
compare favorably with other
towns of Ayden are not
slow to avail of each
and every to show
a progressive and a prosperous
people. The magnificent stores,
beautiful residences, lovely streets
and all other available means
advantage of fully this
We were forcibly reminded
this j when Messrs
and Dennis invited u
into their market which is
a Una brick structure, to look at
refrigerator lately purchased for
the preset of such
in which they deal for the benefit
the public. The refrigerator is
quite a huge affair its kind, be-
high, feet in
dimension and solid in
front, with necessary ice and
coin part to keep
in apple-pie order,
they have and do show such
of their needs
and is itself a credit
the town and to a
w nib consideration In fact
market in every department lineal
and clean, we for one are just
proud of the spirit which
to keep the best and
serve the public in this most
style. if there i
another such
For see II. ii.
Tripp The best.
The that Cannon
Tyson have the prettiest line of
goods in town.
Tobacco twine, thermometers,
for sale by Tyson
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at I, E.
Simplex guano distributors, Cox
cotton planters and repairs at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Ladies misses and black
tan and white slippers all sizes at
J. B. Smith Bro.
That last car choice hay that J.
K. Bro., received is line.
soda fountain
will be service
from now to the end of the season.
The newest and latest drinks will
he there. If you want
something nice try them.
J. K. Smith Bro, gives me
mote for my hams, shoulders
chickens and eggs than anybody
Go to E. E. Co's new
beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh flab.
Lee lime is good for any
crop and a farmer should use it
freely, at J. B. Smith Bro.
Those white and tan slippers at
J. R. Smith el Bro., are the
for children I have seen this
I do know that J. B. Smith
Bro,, have the prettiest aid
cent calico ginghams tow a.
a neat 5-room house with gar-
den and all necessary out houses
located on main street a good
for rent by J. B.
Smith Bro.
Old man what makes yon always
go to J. B. a Bro., to de
your I can
always get thing I want from
the boys. ,
Bro., hare whole
ear load of cooking and heating
and you can get
by coaling at once.
Say neighbor have yea seen that
distributor at
J. B, Smith Bra. It pan it
ii yon want and does
waste any at the suds rum j
it a cheap machine.
Slippers, lawns It, straw
re sold extremely cheap
tor cash by Can nun h Tyson.
forget that A
can want ii,
anything in furniture.
We keep Furniture, Mattresses.
Bed Cook Stoves,
etc , up stairs.- Cannon
hay, oats, ship
cotton hulls and meal
on hand. a Tyson.
Those an squares, . Ac.
Tyson have just received
are beauties.
A. Griffin has
class brick fir sale is g
new kilns constantly. When in
need of brick see him or write
Ayden, N. C.
Oranges, apples, all
kept by
Tyson are guilty
selling their
steads cheap. They are daisies.
Those Royal
that Cannon A Tyson handle are
the equal of anyone the market.
We will beginning on
day June 21st offer for cash
entire stock of clothing, dry
notion, bats Ac, at price-
before no of in the town
Ayden. Our stock is too
we take this means of
same. We have just gotten a
large lot mat we arc run-
at per yard, white sheet-
per C. Jackson
Co. Ayden, N. C.
planter the
best mi the market at I. Smith .
Did you know you could net one
of the old time Gophers and any
size, blade you Want J. K. Smith
A Bro.
My office will be closed
one as I shall be in
for the purpose of taking
a special in
J. W. Taylor.
Don't fail to see Ty-
son's new crockery both plain and
decorated, Prices Hie cheaper
30.20 meeting j
Lode B P B V V.
11-15. Tickets on
Ha July I
limit July will he
At the close of May 29th, 1905.
IV. C.
in each direction of
final limit to and
obtained by deposit of ticket I Furniture and Fixtures
with Special Agent and meat i. . . .
Washington, and
Philadelphia on ticket
lb rough those point will be Gold Coin,
on trip within Cain,
transit and on return trip National Bank
within limit, July 15th. Ill
tickets have been extended,
can lie taken not
days, not later then August 4th.
and return i
July tickets on sale
June 29th to July 2nd mi- I
limit July n.
restricted lo
in each Extension
the final limit may he
to by deposit of
ticket Special Agent
payment of fee of cents
nine of deposit. over at
New York on return trip may
be obtained provided ;
been by joint.
agent. Park and
with Joint Agent New
York later loan one day
after at
ad lee
time of but
case shall stop over at New-
York extend beyond
Slit. Stop
and ll
ether S
Capital stock paid in, 10.000
Undivided profits
subject to
Try a
Of our VICTOR SPRINGS and one of our OS-
TRESSES and if you are not more than we
will price.
Yours truly,
The of the of
having issued
to me, the on
the day of July. on the es-
of William notice
is hereby to all persons
ed to the estate to make immediate
payment to and to all
creditors of said estate u present their
claims lo the
undersigned within twelve
be going trip after the date of this notice or this
wit in going ticket notice will lie plea I in bar of their
not lo exceed 3rd and on ,,. , , , , ,,
This the 27th day of July,
Jemima Britt,
of the of
William Britt.
. . r.
ll is e of clothes,
l- lo or press,
I o turn out
. Aim working
i.-i. tin e me a trial,
n It , lier Shop
ti e. N. C.
he trip final
of ticket. If tickets have
In en extended stop over may be
taken lot period of days not
exceed August
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
The of L. H. ft Co.,
sanitary plumbers
dissolved by mutual consent.
he plumbing Dullness will here-
after be conducted by L. If. Pen-
All due
must to him.
L. H Fender Co.
N. C
This July 8th, 1905 7.8
Women and
Music. The
. Best Place
I Your
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props,
Located main
Four chain in operation and
one presided over by a
Our place is inviting, razors
our clean.
We thank you for past patronage
you when
good service is wanted
by experienced workmen at the shop
II. Ellis in Mills
. l.
Dry, Split Pine Wood, cut every
length, delivered at our door.
Yours for business,
Cures dizzy spells, tired feeling,
stomach, kidney and liver
troubles. Makes you well and
keeps you well. That's what
Hollister's Tea
will do. cents, Tea or Tablets.
Drug Store.
If you contemplate INSURING
your property wait.
you are waiting your or bus-
house may be destroyed by
The Time to Act U Now
while the property is valuable and
when you get a
lire its too late. I write
that insures. Let explain
it to you.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Block, Rest Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Easy Medicines for
Health and Renewed Vigor.
I .
it Ir, Ha,
Bail Breath. ,.
let ferns. n
fort I the heart, strengthens
the Is ill or well.
Makes fare blight as the
summer That's what
Rocky Mountain Tea will
do. Cures when all else fails.
cents, Drugstore.
When feel a sense of weight
oppression after meals it means
indigestion. Hollister's
Mountain Tea positively cures
constipation and
troubles. cents. Tea
or Tablets. Drug Store.
It Is Too Hot To Cook
And I can save you much
Send to my store for Nice Crackers,
Assorted Cakes, fanned
other tilings ready serve-
Butter ice every day.
Everything fresh and good all the
The of Tuns-all Smith was
unsolved by mutual on June
lit. f. Tunstall
W. in the
P- assumes all
liabilities of the and all amount
line must be paid to him.
CD. Tunstall.
W. J. Smith.
Hopkins, Daniel Davis, Props
Cleanliness our Motto.
Only men em
ployed. tie drug
property for sale in
South Greenville. Residence
containing rooms
n, and three building lots.
One Bradley Filer, good
as new, cheap for cash.
L. A.
R. F. D. Mo.
N. C.
in the
for our
and their team.
Greenville, N. C.
Farmers bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We will always work for your interest
and guarantee lull market price.
The following
Constitute our
Force who are
Always glad
o see you
D. S. Spain
B. T. Bailey
H. S. Hardy
Floor Manager
Ed. Harris
Clip Calculator.

the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second matter,
Advertising rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post Pitt and adjoining counties-
in to
i. Pitt N. C, Tuesday, Aug. 1905.
Dom a person suffer from a limb
that has bean amputated and buried
This is that in
from time t time and many persona
have been cited in support
of the contention that such suffering
really exists. The most striking Oar
on record, however, cornea from New
York, in the death of William Stall.
as a of worrying over his in-
ability to alleviate an imaginary
itching of his leg that had been
amputated a week before. He wan
not aware of the amputation
that his left foot itched
but he could not find the foot to
scratch it. I lien the attendant
to the still dazed man the informs
t on that his left foot had been cut
off aid buried. Immediately Stall
worry and steadily became
weaker, his death finally ensuing.
Charlotte Chronicle.
Tut has heard of cases
of this kind where people have
from limbs that were
There is a Confederate
soldier living in this county who lost
a leg in the and we have beard
him say there are times when he
feels at if the lost foot was hurting
him- We know another man who
lo-it leg by accident, and he Bays
he sometimes feels a sensation as if
the lost foot was itching and Ins
caught himself involuntarily reach
down to scratch it.
Another case has been told us,
though we cannot vouch for this,
that more unusual than either
of those mentioned above. It
of a man who had lost a leg, and I If Greenville bad a few more good
once when was sick complained j manufacturing enterprises to in-
a great deal of the big toe of the lost the weekly pay roll of wage
A traveling man of Shel-
by, returning from the eastern part
of the week, stated that
Shelby the place for him during
the hot weather, every day in the
e a scorcher each night
a war mosquitoes He says
that he town that sec
of the state having a population
of 50.000 made up of mos-
and goats
and billy goats, the
odor thereof and the heat
made him long for ice and white
supremacy, and the at
night put a longing his heart for
good region of
Cleveland Shelby Star.
There is no ax-counting for the
taste of some people in the selection
of their associates, if thin drummer
ad wanted better companions down
i i the east he could them,
but if he preferred to put in his
time with mosquitoes, and
guess he what he
W. J. Bryan announces that he is
soon to start on a trip around the
world that will take from one to two
years. He will hardly be lost to
public view in the meantime, as he
will keep the papers telling what he
is doing
The presence of mad dog stories
in the brings to mind that
this time of year, when the mad dog
is in his prime, would be a good
time for the legislature to hold its
Perhaps something would
be done to curtail the dog's liberties
The town of has two suits
on hand resulting from accidents
occurring in connection with the
water works system there. The
widow of the late S. Wallace,
who was killed by the cave-in of a
ditch in which ho was
water pipes, has brought suit for
and a colored woman who
fell in an excavation left open over
Bight was injured has brought
suit for
. i
limb hurting him. The imaginary
pain seemed to increase until he
sent out to where th lost limb was
buried and had it dug up. When
the bones of the fool were uncovered
it was found that a mass of roots had
grown there and some of the roots
had entwined tightly the big
toe. The roots sere removed and
the bones were buried again. After
this the man made no more com-
plaint of the pain in his big toe.
A man was arrested, tried and
fined last Tuesday for being drunk
in a church at Spray last Sunday.
Fine and costs aggregated some-
thing near which his children
who work in the mills had to pay.
The arrest and trial was all right,
but it is a pity that a term on the
roads could nut have been
for the line. The wrong parties
We agree with the Gazette. Too
often the wrong person or persons
have to suffer, as they did in this
case. Such an outrage as the above
incident should be strongly rebuked.
The are the places for such
vagabonds. All children love their
matter how low they
wallow; it was natural that these
children, above mentioned, denied
shield their debauched
father, but the court that tried this
man should not have been so short
sighted as to have made the wrong
persons suffer. We need better roads
all over the state, and although we
hate to see men lower themselves,
still snob eases as cited above,
roads are the right places for such
earners there would be a marked
difference in the growth of the town.
still holds to
its belief that other things
needed here is a well conducted
building and loan association that
will help wage earners to become
home owners. The man who owns
the house which lie lives feels
more pride and interest in his town
and makes it bettor citizen.
During the summer not much is
heard about the condition of the
public roads. A little later when
bad weather sets in and the
get to experiencing trouble in
their products to market, the
need of good roads will be felt. This
is a subject that seems not to stay on
the minds of the people long enough
to move i hem to action.
If the rest of us were to let up on
those Greensboro papers to-be, we
doubt if they would ever be heard of
again. Hut talking about
makes an occasional squib the
absence of something better.
In high circles they call it graft,
while with ordinary folks it is plain
stealing. If were treated alike
and the guilty ones made to wear
convict stripes, there might not be
so much of it.
Charlotte need net in high
feather ever finding a wild girl.
There are others
We thought at time that the
Beaufort shark story sounded
If the thing keeps going Greens
bore will be short on policemen.
Guess Asheville would be badly
scared a of yellow fever
break out there among the refugees
The New Style the Boys Put On.
If a man is not straight in his
private life he will hardly be so if
he is elevated to public position,
hence the greater need an
of wisdom in selecting men for
places of trust.
It is said that suckers are born in
New York every thirty seconds. A
few years ago it was just one a day.
If this increase keeps up there wont
be anything in New York but suck-
Those fellows so anxious to run
that paper in Greensboro, might get
somebody that has already
started to let them run it a few days.
The experience might satisfy them.
The Charlotte News hits it right
in saying Italian with yellow
fever is very much like a with
is an
to conceal the
Mrs. Duke, it seems, will be de-
the privilege of being provided
for the balance of her days at
expense. The courts have denied
her petition for alimony.
A physician in New York says
that toe average man does not think
with his brains. It is that
this doctor belongs to the average
man class.
It has been established that
Rockefeller was once a stenographer
We are not fer he still
has a great facility for taking
A very large shark has been scoot
around in Oyster Bay. Wonder
if it is anything like those sharks
found in the Bureau of Agriculture
This talk of probing the depart-
search of graft and crook-
may be largely for effect.
The brought to light would
give the government too great a jolt
and those in authority had rather
keep it in the dark. The probing
is needed all the same.
says he wants a chance to
explain, but we suspect the policy
holders are anxious to give him a
chance to refund.
Are you on the latest fashion
among the young men It was
brought in by the boys who had
been off to school when they returned
in June. Of course, all the town
boys who believe being the real
thing took it up at once. This
is described thus by a dis-
noticed for some time that all
the half grown fellows seemed to be
suffering with the hot weather more
than anybody else. time I
saw one of them he had his coat on
his arm. Nothing strange about
that until I to notice that no
other folks seemed to be so hungry
for cool weather, and then I began
to look more closely. I next dis-
covered that the young follows never
wore suspenders, and their trousers
bagged like empty meal sacks. I
next observed that to be right up-to-
date, a fellow must have bis sleeves
rolled to the elbows, and better even
than that is to have cuff hanging
loosely about the wrist like a
beads. My boy can't go ten
yards from home without his coat,
yet he hasn't had it on his back in
two weeks. a fashion,
and I expect to see it improved upon.
By fall I hope to see the boys going
with the trousers rolled up, the
shins naked, and the socks dangling
from a string around the neck
Monroe Journal.
The Farmers Mean Business.
There is no politics to speak of in
t State this year, but there is some-
thing talk. The
farmers in every cotton county in
North Carolina will be in action this
month. There will be township
meetings to be followed by county
gatherings and later by district con-
The farmers were never
before so intensely aroused on any
one subject as they are on the
of controlling the cotton crop.
Only partially organized, they
in bringing the price of cot-
ton to ten cents and over, and
encouraged by this success, they are
determined to perfect their
on a business basis and be-
come the masters of the cotton
situation. That they can do this is
clearly demonstrated by what they
have already accomplished through
a partial and imperfect organization.
The picnics, meetings and
appointed for this month will
no doubt result in most perfect
business of the farmers
that has ever been or-
into which politics will
scarcely be able to break its way.
The object of this sale is to clear out stock 1-2 size
Negligee Shirts before the opening of Fall trade as we are
greatly on this size only.
We don't believe in carried over goods. They've a poor
claim for patronage.
Win would you think if next year you bought a Shirt
from us identical to the one some fellow got this season
You'd feel pretty cheap, you--and you wouldn't
have a very good opinion of us. Now to obviate things of
this sort we are willing to accept a most severe one.
Hence this
Great Shirt Sale
C Dozen 161-2 size Negligee Shirts
grade will close them out for I
IA Dozen 1-2 size Negligee Shirts II. A A
and grade will close them out for
We tare going to ride over profits rough shod, and we
believe that delighted patrons will do our best advertising.
Frank Wilson,
A certain democrat says that
woods are full of We
might have believed this if we had
heard it just after the last election.
authors pay is the j At Conn , a few days
ago the bursting of a dim reservoir
caused the loss of nearly a million
dollars. Right bad dam affair.
heading to an article in an exchange.
That fits some other people as well
as pay their debts
while alive but leave matters
for their administrators to look
after. It is in such instances that
funerals help.
If some of these sewing machine
fellows don't hold up, the
business will be a thing of the past
and wholesalers will have to do the
selling at headquarters. Every few
days there is something doing in the
newspaper headlines from all over
the state in connection with some
sewing machine agent. two
cases in Greensboro the past
twelve mouths, Raleigh,
Concord, Wadesboro, and
Tarboro, and the returns am
not all in. You never hear such
about the much abused lightning
rod agents.
For C Stove Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
N. C. Aug.
The Rev. Mr. King will preach
here morning and evening.
Mrs. F. G. Whaley left Charley Moore spent last week
week for her home Suffolk. i iD Wilson.
Mr Mrs. Phillips H Harrington, late of
MM Phillips left Thurs- now town
day for Asheville. will ,, to ,, of
U. Inspector of weights and ,,, fried M on
measures Fleming was in
Wednesday. w j ., of
F. P. Stalling was in town Jack-
was here i
E. C. Baffin spent Saturday and Adams, who hie
Sunday at his home in Hobgood. some confined to her
J. O. Bobbin left this morning i.,, ,,; ,. v. , . , ,, , .
tiled Friday night of last week
for Edenton, New York other am, g,,
of interest. Funeral services were conducted
left this by j. B K Her
for his home in Mash county death is greatly deplored by the
Minion has returned from
Japan says that does not want
the Philippine islands. Japan seems
to know a gold brick when she sees
It is said that Chauncey is
an expert horticulturist. This ex-
plains why he is moll an artful I and Mississippi get into a fight over even a some rights
The inhuman beating a boy by
the chain gang superintendent of
Cabarrus county the purpose en aide t. hi
Misses hi
ii are
of railing attention to an abuse of
.,, , I authority that is quite too common
It will be amusing if Louisiana u . u- i . i ,
, Petty need to be taught that
a visit to his home Aulander.
The many of
Baker, late of Taft A Co., are glad
to see him in town again where he
is employed by the Beaufort
Lumber company.
Sydney Spain and daughters are
visiting friends in and around
Mrs. Geo. II. Cole and Misses
Emily Cole and Ousby left
this week for Halifax.
N. T. Stokes, who was called to
the bedside of his wife who is
visiting relatives near Greenville,
reports she is now much
Jas Alford, who was
violently ill last Sunday evening,
community as she a friend to
On Friday afternoon Will Whit-
field the decision over
Richard Savage, the
lightweight champion, after ten
rounds of bard fighting. The
although the
best form, put up a great fight.
The betting at the start was two
to one en the champion with few
takers. The large and enthusiastic
crowd, at times quite
was easily handled by our
police force under Stanley.
Watermelon Baker and Bob Pulley
boxed a of five rounds
Baker getting the decision on a
foul. W. O. Bobbitt as
referee gar.
, enforcing quarantine regulations. i the Ex.
trend- in Wilmington i,. lined
N T. Cox d- I tie an mist X-w other
meeting at yellow fever Infected
This department is in of who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
M O , Aug.
Miss Hattie Kittrell, who has
been visiting and relatives
in Grifton, returned yesterday
Big hats cape just
received, latest styles. ,
Barber Ce.
Nearly all the poles for the
are up are ready for
the wires.
Company can now supply year de-
for cotton seed meal
bulls at lowest market price.
After a few visit to her
aunt, Mrs. of Greenville,
Miss Miriam came borne
yesterday. She was accompanied
home by her Mies Ethel
Powell of
A. W. Ange Co., arc
shoes They sells pretty
shoe cents.
Professors and Nye
are busily enraged in correspond,
with prospective students.
They are also sending out the cat-
We saw F. A. of Chi-
cod, in town this week
of A. W. Ange Co.
Mrs. R. H. and
daughter, little Ruby, came home
yesterday from G. K.
where th-y have visiting this
hen is need of jugs and
serve jars go to,
Barber S Co.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are con-
new lines of buggy
material, and the nice, new boggles
are going out daily.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Company are making some of the
best sad most comfortable desks
on the which they will
White's Black
recommended for the human
family, tine for
balanced, sob-cutaneous cornier
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
Have now on hand nice line of
glass and crockery all very
cheap. Harrington Co
Don't eyes feel like there
is grit in Do they pain yon
nod feel tired on reading Do
they become mattered and adhere
while asleep That denotes
paired vision should be rein
by wearing eye glasses. B.
T. Cox and carry a full line of
spectacle and can tit your eyes
with the proper
Nice lot of glass ware and crock-
always on Harrington
Redaction sales made white
goads and Q. Chapman
a. Co.
Farmers who raise their hay Mil
he supplied with the well known
Mowing machines an-l
rakes by Co.
call and see them.
For Holt time alarm
clocks and see; R. G.
Chapman Co.
hands nice
Bone Driven in Brain.
Winston Salem, V, t.
--John Nail, aged year , i
who has charge of the
room at the factory of
Brown met with an
accident today that may prove
fatal. Mr. Nail standing
ten feet from the when
the leather belt u-ed In operating
it broke. A piece of the bra
staple, one and a half inches
long, which held belt together,
Mr. Nail above the right
at with terrible force, knocking
down. The wounded man was
to the hospital, where an
operation was performed. The
physicians found that the staple
broke the skull and carried
pieces of boo into brain. They
removed live or six pieces of lone,
but were e I rind the piece
of staple inflicted a in
side of the head about the
a ballet. It is feared tint
it is in the brain. The condition
of Mr Nail h serious,
To My Friends.
I hereby state that I am in
longer connected way
the Center Brick Warehouse but
hats that will now go a position With the
below Don't fail to see them.
We will sell you at tome price. Company for the following season
k. G. Chapman Co. at the War.
Therein reason why Ct. Bring me your load
have to such and convinced that I
for their dour, your interest,
raise their own wheat and the. Thanking yon for past favors
Winterville Mfg. Co. is thoroughly t ea, me
equipped splendid; with load of .
in need of anything in
the crockery and ware line
be sure to see us before buying
Yours to command,
W. T.
sell at a very low price. We hope 0- Chapman A Co
The Next Excursion
many of o u of the
will avail themselves of
this opportunity to make their
school comfort
pleasant before the opening of the
Mrs. Susan the mother
of Mrs. A. is home again
after a short visit in the country.
Just by B G. Chapman
Co., a car load of lime which
they will sell very cheap.
Miss Dora Cox is visiting
in the country.
W, L. Haws is headquarters for
pumps and pipes. For the next
few days he will these for
sale at an especially low price.
Twenty-five splendid Tarheel
wagons for sale by the A. G. Cox
Mrs. A. G. Cox Hen-
were in
shopping Wednesday afternoon.
We are glad to see Frank
back again the office
of the A. Mfg. Co.
R. H. went to Ayden
Shoes R. G. Chapman
Co., are offering cut price on
their large stock shoes which
most be sold within a few days in
order lo make room for their new
supply soon to be received.
Look up Mr. Cooper and ask him
about prices of anything that you
are interested
Mrs. Robert Little Miss
Sadie Little were in
We handle T. W. Wood and
Sons and millet
T. Cox Bro.
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Co.
Livery and feed stables, buggy
whips and spreads. W. L. House.
Try a bottle of Dr. sure ; . .
for indigestion at the drug
or men to solicit
orders for nursery stock Pitt
. Fill t
II x . i I ,
large i I
Mil . , s in . ii ;.
Hatch next excursion to
Norfolk will he run the 23rd
, returning Fare for
the round trip children under
years The same good order
for which the Hatch excursions are
noted will prevail,
hundred wall paper. lo
We are prepared to you as
the cheapest. and
examine before buying elsewhere.
B. T. Cox Bro.
For hardware and mill supplies
W. L, House.
For hay, corn and oats, go to,
Berber A Co.
White's Colic and Kidney Cure, j
the combination medicine
for stock and a sure colic cure,
at the Drug Store
We carry samples of over five
paint, guaranteed
the at Barber
The Greatest Reduction
in Dress Goods Known.
Poplin De was for
Suiting that was now
Hamburg that now
Ladies Hose now
Lawn now
Gingham now
White Dress Goods that was
Also a groat reduction in all
kinds of Spring and Summer
Dress Goods.
Come and be convinced
Stimulate the TORPID LIVER.
strengthen the digestive
regulate the bowels, and are
as an
In malarial districts their virtues
ore widely recognized, as they poi-
peculiar properties in freeing
system from that poison.
fake No Substitute.
Warranted lo
Jno. L, and Coward
Price and Style of Clothing Once
scribed by
Between the fourteenth and eight-
centuries nil kinds of
laws prevailed in In
France a ordinance of 1294
prescribed no common citizen
wear fur, precious stone or
gold. A nobleman had
u year might have four robes a year
and no more. Ladies of rank
have one gown a year. If
any one gave u dinner then must
be only two besides the soup.
Common who possessed
a your use cloth which
cost cents a yard, and their
wives might spend cents a yard.
Persons whose income Was less than
u year must wear cheaper
In Italy severe ordinances were
passed in the early part of the four-
century against excessive
dress by women. wore forbid-
den to wear any sort of headdress,
even of painted paper, of
woven figures might be worn,
not embroidered. All stripes and
bias patterns were condemned, ex-
simple ones of not more than
two colors. Not more than two fin-
rings were to be worn at once.
Switzerland had a law that no
wedding party should have more
than twenty men friends
of the bridegroom and ten women
friends of the bride. No wedding
procession was permitted to have
more than two singers, two fiddlers
and two trumpeters. Married
men were forbidden to weir silk or
decorated hoods, though maidens
might. No woman, whether married
or unmarried, was allowed to wear
any dress in which the opening for
the neck was so large that it did not
lie at wide upon the
shoulders, and the gown must not be
buttoned laced up in front or at
the side.
To restrain the fashion of the
long pointed shoes it was enacted
that no person of either sex should
wear a shoe with a point extending
beyond the foot enough to allow
anything to be inserted in it, nor
was any woman or girl permitted to
wear laced shoes. man or bey
should wear a coat that did not
reach to the knee.
were forbidden to be
slashed so as to show different colors
or kinds of material, and trousers
were required to be made without
stripes and both legs of the same
color. In 1470 one Swiss in
council . assembled enacted that
no one shall make
on shoes or boots longer than one
joint of the finger, and if any shoe-
maker shall make them longer he
shall be fined as also the person
wearing News.
The That Kills.
The microbe of
useless in the air, so much
so in fact that it is almost
for a city dweller, no matter how
well balanced he may be, not lo
become inoculated with it. Wine,
women and song arc not the only in-
that go to make up the
that The average life
of the business man or the society
woman hurries people to catastrophe
as fast as does that of the
Did you ever do anything on this
to your meals, rush
your play, make a fool of yourself
running half a block for a car
ready crowded to the You
plead guilty, do Then you are
going a pace that kills just as sure-
as the more widely heralded pace.
Kansas City Star.
Queer Matrimonial Advertisement That
Appeared In 1737.
Here is a curious matrimonial ad-
published in an
can newspaper in 1787. Whether
the gentleman of
whose only mode of restraint was
which every woman
knows l- of all scheme the most
a lady of
all the enumerated perfections who
was willing to hide cannot at
this late date In-
middle aged gentleman barely
turned sixty and us yet unmarried is
desirous of altering his condition.
lie has u good estate, sound
and easy temper, and having
worn out the follies of youth will he
determined by reason in the choice
of the lady lie intends to make hap-
She must be of fifteen
and under twenty-five. Her size
he moderate, her shape
her parson clean and her
pleasing. She must be live-
her humor, but not smart in
her sensible, but
unaffected with wit; her
per without extremes, neither too
hasty and never sullen. Then she
must invariably observe forms
of breeding public and
company, but ma; lay them
aside among her acquaintances.
She must have no affectation but that
of hiding her perfection, which her
own sex will forgive the other
more quickly discover. She -hall
be restrained in nothing, the gentle-
man having observed that restraint
only makes good women bad and
bad women In some things
perhaps she lie stinted, which
is the only method he take to
bis dislike to any part of her
conduct. Any lady whose friend-
arc of opinion own opinion will
not that she is qualified as
and ha- a mind to dispose of
herself may hear of n purchaser by
leaving with the printer hereof a let-
tor directed to
Take Advantage of This.
Napoleon's Attempt at Suicide.
The most startling of all Con-
revelations is that describing
Napoleon's attempt at when
and the re.-t left
him nuked to his enemies. Con-
in one of his earlier volumes
described a talisman wrapped in silk
and leather which ever since the
Egyptian campaign Napoleon wore
around bis neck. It contained, ac-
cording to Constant, the poison
which the emperor took immediate-
after his signature of the deed of
abdication, lie then sent for Con-
and thus addressed
I am dying I could not bear
the torture any more and the
of seeing myself surround-
ed by foreign agents. They have
trailed my eagles through the mire.
has given me my final
blow. That should have
forsaken me outs me to the core
My old friend- My old comrade- in
However, the weak-
of the poison or the skill of
the doctor, saved his life.
T. IV- Weekly. London.
Now that the month
; ed money should be more
among In and
Tin i going to offer
a liberal inducement to pay
th-ii We have
to the
American Farmer, that splendid
farm paper at
and we lining ts give
these free
subscribers. All yon have l do
is pay what you Re-
and year in advance
a d you also get American Far-
in-i free for year. sub-
era paying year will
get the America- free.
A- we have only of these free
they will not last
and if you want to take ad-
van of It yon should not delay.
come or send
right away.
A Cruel Father.
N. C, Aug.
ed a dining car of a fast
train, girl's attire,
mere strip of a boy was
at the Southern depot
he lad gave the name of James
i moth declared that he bad
n away from his Greensboro
me because of his father's cruel
on bis back and
were and the
spat blood as be talked.
taken charge by the
Price All
As common tobacco ha- been
so well since market
this season, a few
to better grades
today and sec how went.
L-C result
j. There was a pound pile of
uppers at the Farmers ware-
h that brought There was
nit of excitement the high
ding and when the pile was
off at thirty everybody
A. W. Ange Co. i
One Saw cotton
gin, one power cotton press,
been used two seasons only.
us new. W. M. KING.
H W ll
From Kinston to Norfolk
Wednesday and Thursday
August and
Child re, under years
W. C. KINGS, Agent.
My advice is take Mrs. Joe Per-
son's Remedy Wash. I a
severe sufferer from catarrh
head and ear. The discharge from
the ear and nose was copious and
very unpleasant. I suffered in that
way for live years. I tried various
which did no
Finally my physician advised me
to try Mrs. Joe Person's
Wash. u.-ed bottles
t Remedy and used the Wash
with a for my nose and
throat. It cured me. Scads would
form in nil nose, which almost
unendurable, until by and
hard cowing, I would
was a fearful
The cure was perfect, I have
never had a of a
lie-lit I fine.
Cornelius, N. C, II 1906.
D L.
Mechanically Correct.
said the teacher of
the class in English literature,
is a
answered the girl
with the umbrageous pompadour,
a piece of poetry goes,
love, dove, part, art, glove,
above, smart, gold, fill, eyes, hold,
still, at the ends of the lines
and almost any kind of words to fill
in the rest of
will remain after school,
Miss the teacher said, with
a frown, complete that sonnet
by tilling it in with the necessary
It Didn't Help Him.
In a bookshop a woman
wanted a copy of works.
haven't got it. replied
the bookseller. it a rule
never to keep any honks I can't
and can't make head or
tail of Mr. Determined
to buy a anyway, the customer
asked, you
quoth the book
seller. prayed, and that docs
not help
Witness lie looked me straight
in the eve and
sir, you've flatly
former statement.
I I I lie
his piste on you, and now you'll
please how lie
Greenville, in eve with a bent gaze.
Witness faints.
Casting by Moonlight For Bass.
I suppose the average bait caster
knows very little of canting by moon-
light, but to mind this is a most
pleasurable way of fishing. The
very and uncertainty con-
Us chief charm, for the more
Uncertain a thing the greater the
satisfaction when it is accomplished.
Confirmed fly casters often
the bait easier with the
rod, but have used both, and
takes fully as much -kill and
to manage the rod as the
long, one, and bail casting
offers a much larger field and larger
variety of fishing than fly casting. A
surface bait should always be used,
as ii bass strikes commotion
made the bail, not because be is
hungry, but merely because he
wants to
and Tails.
Natives of
in past centuries used to say that
all bad tails, asserting
that was a sign of the divine dis-
approval of their infamy in cutting
off the tail of Thomas a
horse A sixteenth century writer
lint Ii in all other
lauds a perpetual infamy of
by written of lyes,
vet can they no well tell where to
truly. An English-
man now in
hind will of or any
other but is
most thrown in bis
all Englishmen have
Juvenile Logic.
A little of four years of ape
on noticing for the time a lock
his father's head ask-
ed, why are your
hairs gray
Thinking to drive home a moral
lesson, the father answered,
a new gray hair every time his
lit In h
ll p I
j must have had aw-
fully naughty
The Wednesday
made a slight error in saying
J. O. Bowling would begin work
for the Funnels Consolidated To
i cu on the 15th. He
began work at once and does not
wait until the 15th. He will be
d to see his friends at either the
Farmers or Star
Yellow F
Few Orleans, La., Aug.
in of new cases of fever today
r- ported up f to o'clock
re and This makes
of deaths to date. The
i i of new cases today over
yesterday was but there were
ii s deaths.
Improvements on the Avenue.
The the lot where
Gorman formerly
lot We
luge building will there
in which to conduct
l he salve that heals without a scar
i DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
No remedy effects such re
It draws out
cools and heals all cute,
and bruises. A sure
fr Piles and skin diseases. De-
Witt's ii the only genuine Witch
Salve. Be ware of counter-
b its, they are dangerous. Sold by
John L. druggist.
For sunburn, and all skin
and diseases, Witch
Salve no equal. It is a
certain cure for blind, bleeding,
Itching and protruding piles. It
draw the fire out of a hum
heal without leaving a scar.
Boils, old sores, etc.,
quickly cured by the use of the
genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Accept no substitute as
are often
certain. Sold by John L.
A little forethought may save
you no end of trouble.
who makes it a to
Colic, Cholera, and
remedy at Hand this
to he a fact. For sale by Jno. L.
Woolen, druggist I
. t.

Always Has Something
New to Show You
But new things never find a place with us until they have earned recognition by heir
merit. We like our friends to FEEL safe and BE sate in every transaction. No
at their expense. Now, however, after the most careful we are pleased to
easy U o
Invisible Lacing
which is a real innovation, and comes to us bearing the seal of approval, it being
mended by New York's most famous dressmakers and it actually disposes of some grave
corset difficulties. The name almost lets the cat out of the bag, but one glance will tell any
corset wearer the whole story. what corset you wear this new corset will interest
we hope you will conic and look. Among the many fine models you will fine just
what you want, and. like the little girl in the be happy ever
a condition which confronts
us; nun The trite
was coined by Cleveland in
hie famous tariff
years age It again today.
The once loom
large the
concern has felt
the of trade
for the year. In spite of the high
duties, have in
The lies deep There is
almost world wide retaliation against
oar high tariff of
sewing machines, typewriters,
machinery, and leather
the and fruit
and the raisers are beginning
to appreciate the effect of
high tariffs.
The boycott of American goods in
China threatens to assume serious
portions The meat
diplomacy will be railed for to save
American trade from a loss of many
millions a year in that direction
Vet the situation in China is lea
serious for that throughout
The inevitable less of a large
of the valuable trade with
many, unless the rigor of her tariff,
is to go into operation next
spring, shall be mitigated, is having
a powerful effect upon all who are
interacted in trade.
Switzerland has a new whose
maximum duties will be imposed
upon American goods
is expected
put in operation Moll a new
which will be prohibitory as regards
a mi saber of products now
largely consumed there.
Thus one country after
another i adopting the policy of the
exclusion of American goods unless
the United States will make
to them by abating here and
there the extreme
our own tariff.
The interest in the reciprocity
convention which is to be held in
next mouth increasing.
Announcement baa come that
President Roosevelt has decided to
all a special session of congress on
according to
one statement, some anti-rebate
and other railroad legislation and
also for the consideration of
There no argument like
Congress may even consent to cut
some of the tariff pap supply of
the pampered trust since the
commercial world make firm de-
Baron as Japan's Peace
is one
the most remarkable of the younger
statesmen of Japan. He comes from
the ministry of foreign affairs, a post
which he has with dignity and
success since He conducted
the negotiations which
led up to the war in a manner highly
satisfactory to the and the
people. Baron is a
Harvard man, English
with a strong Boston accent. He
won his spurs in Korea, in
when Japanese diplomacy was so
discredited. Five years later, he
went to Peking, and participated in
the peace conference there, as a re
salt of the rebellion and the
expedition of the allied powers
I luring his stay at the Chinese cap
he won the confidence of China so
largely that there has existed an
unpublished but effective alliance
between Japan China, which
been very to the former
her war with Russia. Baron
was Japanese minister to
Washington preceding Mr
Ilia greatest triumph may be said to
be the long and delicate negotiations
which he, as foreign minister, con-
ducted with then Hus
Mil minister, which culminated in
the great struggle between the two
tors at in the
can Monthly Review of Reviews far
The Security Life and Annuity Company
Mutual. Legal Reserve.
A Home Company conducted n a safe, economical basis in
interest of its policy holders. Why we can save you money.
The oldest companies have been on a per cent, reserve basis
for many years of them have recently changed from a
percent basis to a per cent or per ml basis, on account of
a decrease in interest rates Probably per cent of all the out-
standing business is now on a per cent, reserve, only the new
business being on a per cent or per cent, reserve. Following
are the rates of a few on the old and new
Life. Age
Company Old Bate
per ct.
New York Life.
Penn Mutual M
Mutual Benefit .
Mutual Life . mi
North Western . . Ml
Security Life Annuity
per ct.
per ct.
The variation in rates of companies on the same reserve basis
is due to difference in the amount added for expenses.
Every policy is registered and the full legal reserve deposited
with the Insurance Commissioner
Everything want in the way of I
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had a
our store. ,;
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
Let Common Sense Decide
Do you honestly believe, that coffee Bold loose exposed
to dust, germs and insects, passing
through many bands of
them not
you don't know how or by whom,
is fit for your use T Of course you
don't But
Is another story. The green
berries, selected by keen
fudges at plantation, are
skillfully roasted at our
where precautions you
would not dream are taken
to secure perfect cleanliness,
flavor, strength and uniformity.
From the time the coffee leaves
the factory no hand touches it till
it it opened in your kitchen.
Millions of American Homes welcome LION COFFEE daily.
is no stronger proof of merit than continued and
popularity. survives all
only in lb. package. Lion-head on every
your Lion-beads for valuable
CO., Toledo, Ohio.
A Shoe for
made with careful reference
to the most minute details and
is so perfected in its numerous
there is no other
man's shoe on the market selling
at the price the Ultra does, its
superior, if its equal.
Here is the fundamental basis
of a perfect shoe. We employ
our own expert designers, and
every Ultra Slide is made over
scientifically obstructed
to meet th closest variations
of width and In woman's
The Ultra Shoe meets every
requirement of the many
whims of
We carry SHOE, for men, in Oxfords, Tans, etc
Pulley Bowen,
No Mad. Thar., No and
Only One Policeman.
There are no in
Iceland. Each home is a factory
and every member of the a
Shoes are made from
The long stocking these
in through toe snow are knit- to Mecca the author tells
fed by the women and and experience with one of their ally
even the beautiful broadcloth comes
A Our. That Doctor Mora
Than the Patient.
Of the progress of medical science
people know little. They
divide disease into two clause, hot
and cold. A cold remedy l applied
to a disease and a hot remedy
to a one. In the 111-
and perfect from the hand
loom in house.
The sweet simplicity of their
costume docs away with the
necessity of fashion books. Young
girls who are about to be married
need take no thought as to
withal shall they be When
they array themselves in the wed-
garments of their ancestor, two
or even three generations remote,
they are perfectly up to date in the
mailer attire.
This simple life is conducive to a
state of high morals, higher
than in any other of
The evening I left Mecca for
I was suffering from a rack-
headache, and my friend-
ed me to consult a certain Arab
In the east they never break the
ice of silence with a remark on the
weather. open in
to inquire if you are in health. I
told the doctor in answer to his
question that had a bad headache
and had come to him to be cured,
lie asked on which side the head
ached. I touched the spot, where-
upon he fell to rubbing it vigorously
with the palm of his right hand,
Sleep Comfortable
Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all others.
you Had to Get Your
News In the Old
world. There is not a drop of liquor calling out the while to the urchin
manufactured on the island, and for
the population there is but
one There is neither a
jail nor any place of incarceration
for criminals, nor yet is there a
corn a high crime could be
The percentage of crime is so
small it doe- not warrant the
expense of keeping up a court.
When criminal becomes
et the offender i- taken D n-
mark to answer the law for his
mi .
The women are among the most
in the world. Their
Political league hit a
of 7.000, and enjoy
more i rights than women of
I I any oilier country, having a
voice in elections save for
member of their legislative body.
A M understanding.
said the lawyer
for the defense, have sworn to
tell the truth, the whole and
nothing lite truth.
me ill you ever in
be so slow about it. Were
you c in jail for thirty
better. What were you
account of a misunderstand-
line, now, no quibbling. lint
refusing to support my
Ah. have it You refused to
support your wife, did you, and the
law in
I Bay it was a
up to the time I was sent
to jail hadn't got it figured out
whether I married my wife to be
supported by her or she by
Cleveland Plain Heater.
to fetch the necessary apparatus for
the forthcoming operation. The
boy disappeared. In a minute-
he came back, hearing in both hands
a round, hollow plate of clay in
which were lumps of burning
The next thing he brought in were .
a couple of iron rods about the
length of an ordinary pencil,
ct with cup filled with a black j
liquid composed, if mistake not, of
starch and the soot of an nil lamp.
The doctor thrust the rod- in the,
charcoal. The be-
d bathed my brow in
sweat. do. tor assured me I had i
no cause to be afraid.
The lips of the rods by time
were red hot. Having dipped tin
in the cup of closed bis
and raised his voice in an in-
lasted several min-
Not a single word could
When . was over he
j opened his eye- and, saying the
word proceeded to
draw of the rods, now cool.
on ray right temple five i lieu-
lines crossed by five horizontal
lone,, thus forming sixteen
j Several magic hieroglyph-
b, iv in the
same manner behind my cars and on
I the nape of my k.
After every operation the good
doctor would pause to ask me,
the pain Four tunes
did I tell the truth. Then, fearing
further tattooing, assured the per-
severing man that I thought
j was better.
His joy knew no bound. He said
the secret was left to him as an In-
from his father and that
on no account must wash off the
signs until the next day or the pain
would return.
Ill the old times people had to go from house to
I'll the new or meet at the cross store once a week
rind what was on. They were slow days.
It Is Not So Now
Hut in day of numerous and rural free delivery
ma Mm es you can get the news every day.
is the leading an t no is complete
a good newspaper. Every ought to take his county pap-
know what is going on.
The Reflector
Our piece Enamel Iron are
as the best
every Royal Elastic Mattress and
bed is sold under guarantee-If best, price re-
Floor Covering every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Hook Cases, Parlor Suits and Chairs of all
You will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
to investigate our stock. Our and Bed
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.;
can you with the news,
and Semi-Weekly
is a page paper and costs
only a year.
We print two editions, Daily
i is a large
page paper, a year.
Don't without a paper can get one so
If you not a subscriber send in your order today.
Job Department
H. A. White
A Maine Legend.
One of the legend- of
A man named Harrison was
mm h bothered by bean that
ed his planted fields. Meeting u
neighbor one day, he applied to him
for advice M to what could be done widely wings.
to keep them out. The neighbor re- stones,
are fond of molasses.
just make a trough and fill it with
molasses rum and put it where
they come into your field, and they
will drink it for the sake of the mo- j
lasses, and the rum will make them
drunk, so you can go in the morning
and knock them on the
Mr. Harrison followed this advice
and went to the field the next mom- .
There found, not a bear,
but bis neighbor drunk.
Chinese is not an
uninteresting subject. The Chinese
have for long been interested in
fossils in n practical if not in a very
scientific Thus slabs of lime-
stone with fossil trilobites are a
common article of commerce. They
are known as
and the or
One of these trilobites bears a
resemblance to a swallow with
used to
make ornamental panels and screens,
are slabs of stone with sections of
the fossil shell and these
latter, along with and
other fossil shells, are to be found in
the Chinese pharmacopoeia. Pound-
ed up and swallowed, they are the
orthodox- remedy for various
eases. London
To Produce Qom
Greenville, N. C.
or Prompt and Careful attention given to all business.
study and said the baby-
in the pink perambulator when the
backs were turned, and the
more I study the less understand
this baby talk. begin to think I'm
at all, old said the
baby in the brown perambulator,
with the green shade. simply
go the wrong way about it. ion
should begin with English. After
you understand English baby talk
is comparatively easy. The
constructions are very similar I
in both languages, and many of the
words are strikingly alike in their
A Surprised Conductor.
A conductor OH one of the Kansas
City car- received a surprise recent-
lo the Times of that
city, lie helped a woman on at a
downtown coiner and was about to
signal to go ahead when she
a minute, please,
The man in the uniform
ed. The woman was in front of
of the mirrors in the sides of the
car her hair. Just us he
was about to reach for the bell cord
again she came toward the back
RIO off. she said.
just lo put my hair up a lit-
Then she stopped from the car,
smiling sweetly.
Softening the Brain.
According to a London physician
softening of brain is a very com-
occurrence in the country, one-
third of the laborers in rural dis-
of England dying from it. The
cause of the disease, according to
this authority, is the hick of brain
exercise. intellect of a rural
than wears out,
to ascend and descend at pleasure, or seventy ire lieu
to travel miles within the hour in an or i of
any direction and to carry letters the kind. n I
and persona to any The con.
did not equal the prom- i live a tar
An Early Balloon Failure.
An English newspaper published
on June 1824, contained fol-
lowing Dr. The
has projected a balloon and solicited
subscribers at in guineas each
to his scheme. He de-
scribes his new vehicle as having
FREE To All Our Subscribers
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
Within the Next Thirty days We Offer Two for the
Price of
Both One Year For Think of It.
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all
old ones who nay up all arrears and renew within thirty days.
Diplomats given in the Arts, and in ins Art
mid in Courses of study similar to those i i colleges,
periods, one boar each, of six men and twenty-four women.
School of taught by a full graduate of Newton
Seminary. Thorough Business Course, Excellent for
teaching I Biology and School of with a faculty
of two men and six and unsurpassed lo the South. The
after by a Principal, Lady Physician, two Matrons
and Nurse. Hoard, Literary Heat, Lights, for
Nurse Library, per session; in the Club, from leas. No
discount to any; everybody pays exactly the same rates. Believed to the
cheapest of its grade South, further Information address,
Raleigh, X. C,
wings and a tail, worked by a steam laborer rusts rather
mechanical powers; made
Skinner. Skinner, Jr
M. W. Whedbee.
i in IS
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton reactors and handlers of
i and
hereby that we have
with us. In the of I Hags.
Law, Mr. Han-r Ski
name will i l a- In
. 2nd,
v . vs
For Male and Female.
In Vocal and Music, Art,
Elocution and Physical Bookkeeping, stenography
and Typewriting. A course Ancient and
Languages and Literature Three courses leading to A.
facility of
Opens September 6th, 1900.
For or other Information, Address,
J. J. HARKS LL- 1-, President Wilson, N. C.
Beginning Saturday
our entire stock for
13th, and for days only we will
values w la
values So,
reduced in
Colored Lawns value,
A big reduction in all dry goods and notions.
Ladies Oxfords and Sandals in Patent Kid.
Ml value.- at 92.75 values
2.50 values 2.00 2.00 values 1.05
1.50 values 1.15
James F. Davenport.
. i.
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR.

Abreast the of the Times.
Bargains Never go Begging
Our bargains never go a begging, always a prompt,
hearty response when the news gets abroad. The reason is
that we are always careful to use the word in its
broadest and fullest sense. Bargains at this store do not
mean special lots cheap merchandise, bought for the
pose of advertising at a low price, but our offerings consist of
regular goods from regular stock at reduced prices.
The buying public will not fail to note the difference.
You are invited to make an investigation, note the prices
and quality of the goods ottered. They are all of a wanted
summery nature, picked from various stocks to fit the needs of
now. All summer goods have their orders to leave.
Note the Offerings Below and Your Purse
Strings Will Slacken.
for the Seashore
or Mountains.
t. war th- minute
Gents Furnishings.
in men's
II Colonial cravats, new
TOE buy them, ail at half prize lest club lie, and long four in
and loss-
Shirt waist hat-, worth
cleared up at
Shirt Waists Collars.
Lasts shirt Dollars in
nil styles and colors, worth
and up It W
Corset Specialties.
II lit tin of
R G. B some
riv dollar quail-
tie, which we are wiling at at
patterns mid plain
Four-ply Linen collars
Link cuffs
Men's half hose Tans and
Negligee Shirts.
Soft shirrs in white
and Mack DOOM dot, worth
Silks. Special dollar soft bosom
A sale of Too many shirts in a of style
silks for the all reduced patterns usually clean up
Plain chips In all colors as at
e. T.
Sensational Marvel Sale.
Exclamations of Surprise, Delight and Satisfaction and
of the Bargain Offered Were Ex-pressed on all Sides by the Thousands
who Have Attended the Preceding Days of This SALE
To-morrow will be a Red Letter Day
The Magnet will again draw the Crowd when Bargains are Best and Biggest. Come early for
the Work of a Million Hands will melt away Power of the low PRICES like the dew the Mid-
day Sun.
Anything you buy is Bargain. The Wreckage of Values is complete. It will Pay You to make Your
both present and future needs. Judge our Sincerity by the Prices Quoted Below.
long a- they lust
Silk Ribbons in all Colors.
To make a .-lean sweep in the
we them about
one half.
Neck ribbons In all colors
worth op at c yd
Summer Lawns.
Our special in linen and
white clean up
S H suspenders the
clean up price
Men's Low Cut Shoes
Patent calf and Viol
A Big line of matting all is in
eluded in the sale.
good yard wide
bleaching must go in this sale
2.7 large size Rags go-
Hamburg special
All summer Lawns have been given goodbye prices
Kid Oxford and all I value at this price, this sale
ordered and have been
severely knifed
All reduced clean up Hi
Ladies frames in
and white
Ladies and Men's white
had reg-
Ladle 1-1
up at each
Baby Caps.
and n, Be and
t-el rods and black
Gingham lop, full in h
kink, ii yd
In towels,
clean up and
Mill End Sale of Table Dam-
ask Boo and goods, clean
up at
All low cut es go.
in while canvas all sizes
clean up at 1.25
in blue, and tan, clean
Shape 2.00
K H Special S
Men's Straw Hats.
Men's straw hats in sailors
and Panama shapes been
i. Two month
regular Be
Homespun must go at
Best Apron check
gingham while it lasts
Special value and cut prices in
A nice Umbrella only
Clark's Cotton in this sale
to wear furniture must go, all prices
cut for
Clothing that is Labeled.
K P is the
The 10.0 suits of serge
Have been d to 12.00
Men's all wool special
now 3.08
trunks, defy baggage
smasher. automatic
tray trunks, are the beat made.
Strong durable All to be
cleared belle the fall stock
conies in. star you
by an easy scab- laid you to
Suit cases.
Suit cases for the seashore
We start you tit and
take yon up to 12.00 for a linen
all leather case. These
are special make
Night Shirts.
Men's night shirts
all the regular price
clean Up
handkerchiefs, regular
sale price
dozen men's bordered
sales price, each
doz men's handkerchiefs
same as above only finer
extra tine grade white
and colored men's
and valuer; on sale
specially at
pure linen white hand
kerchiefs, neatly
ed regular grade for
Linens, Linens
in. Bleached Table Dam-
ask regular lido value, sale
Staple Department
1,900 yards Hope
yards Seal
Toil de Noon
Apron Checks, extra value,
Best Calico American Indigo
Carmine Bed, all
Wash Fabrics.
lack force to express the price
importance of these clearance in. white Satin Damask-
would sell regularly for
up at
in Patent
tan clean up at
k and tan clean
now higher
The paper pat-
terns are the best. seam
allowance, all at one price
now lower. Sheets
Laces Km
go at and t pries
Corset Covers.
clean up at
clean up at
India Lawns.
wide good quality
clean up at cut's at i off the regular
Ladle's and Misses Hose. .
Tans, Black and White clean up at
clean up at pr cut s-
All most fir-it or money Men's tine pants,
for August now ready
yours for the asking
Talcum powder
box, why pay more
and tan box
Men's canvass and
India sale price
India Linens, worth
sale price
Check Dimities, values up
to sine price
excellent val
lies sale price
Silk and Velvets.
A flurry in silks that will prov
an interesting topic.
Black yard wide
worth 1.26 now
Japanese silk, all colors
worth at
inch velvet, all shades,
in. silk worth 1.00
Easy, graceful and form
lit tins; Corsets, In all the
makes, in military
and straight front
the celebrated R A G C H
Other Beauties lie
would sell
in. Bleached Satin Dam-
regular to 1.50
quality; sale price
Extra urge a Napkins,
worth 11.60 a sale
Extra large Turkish
Hath Towels, sale price
Linen Crash, res;.
sale price
Full size White Crochet Bod
Spreads, real Marseilles
patterns 11.26 value for
pairs of Bleached Towels
res;. sale price
Men's Hats
Man's and Hats in
desirable shapes, worth up
to at
Men's tine felt Hats, in-
values ranging
from 92.60 and i at the
exceeding low of
doz. Men's Hats in
bin and Denver shapes,
Dress Goods
Crape and Voile
complete assortment
English Coverts and Damask
All wool
Novelty Suitings and Fancy
Mixtures, Voiles and
Crashes, late Spring style
desirable shades
Black Cheviot in.
wide, worth a yard,
sale price, yard
The finest imported English
Poplins, Mohairs, Sicilians
Mohair Serges and silk-
warp values up
to sale price
Men's Pants
Men's latest
and Fancy Worsted Pants
in all shades and pretty
Stripes, all sizes, reg. price
all go on this sale at 91.49
Fine Fancy and Plain
that regularly
sold for and sale
Fine that always sell
for and 98.00, stripe,
cheviots s fancy worsteds
all go in this sale at only
Men's Pants in
patterns, regular
91.75 sale
Knee Pants
pair of Knee Pants
worth up to sale price
come in black and nutria
SI Knee Punts
All the new toes are
in the line of Ladles.
oxfords and slippers
are showing at
All the newest shapes
as well as staple styles in
Hats that are sold every-
where for 18.55, marvelous
sale price
reg. sellers; sale prise
A consolidation of several
lines of Long Pants,
value and
Ladies Shoes and Oxfords
Over pairs of very
finest of this seasons goods,
hand sewed lace or button,
all weights of solo. French
kid. patent Russia calf
They are fare the best
of any shoe brought to this
market, and they come in all
sizes and widths, worth from
to Come and
pick them out from
down to soc
Ladies line kid shoes,
button and lace, ton
and patent tip wort 91.48
of Ladies Oxfords,
all popular leathers, also
white canvas, worth up to
91.20; sale to
Hose, Hose, Hose
Ladies fast black seamless
hose, row c
A tine cotton fast
black hose price now
tine plain and lace
styles black hose, worth
ladies beautiful fancy
hose, worth choice, pair
Children's fast black rib-
bed hose, reg price at
Children's fast black tine
hose, regular price at
Children's finest French
ribbed hose, regular price
Men's good fast black
socks, regular made,
price at
Men's good fast black lace
and plain socks, reg. price
two piece suits,
single and
jackets positively worth
during this sale only
The novelty in stylos is
that were always sold at
all go in this sale at
Thirty distinct
in Ultra Fashion-
able Knee Pants Suits, in
all the novelties
sale price only, pair and staple styles, sale price 91.29
from to
G. L. Wilkinson Go.
Pub an End to It All.
A grievous wail comes
as a no it of unbearable pain
lover taxed organs. Dizziness,
Liver complaint
Constipation. But thanks to Dr.
King's New Lite Pill they
end to it all. They are gentle tint
thorough. Try them. Only
Guaranteed by L.
The report of the yells fever
condition in New
Wednesday gives the number of
new oases ax death
Total caw
The pills that act as a tonic, and
not as a drastic DeWitt's
Little Risers. cure
Headache, Constipation, Bili-us-
Jaundice, etc. Early Risers
are small and easy to take and easy
to act. Sold by John L. Wooten,
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results
in death. Thus a mere scratch,
insignificant cuts or puny boils
have paid the death penalty. it
is wise to have
Salve ever handy. It's the best
earth and will prevent fa-
when burns, sores,
and threaten. Only at
I. L Store.
Never in the to
After a hearty meal a dose easy to take,
Dyspepsia Cure will prevent failing in results are De-
an attack of Witt's Little Early Risers. These
Is a thorough and a
guaranteed cure for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Gas on the Stomach,
Weak Heart, Sour Risings, Bad
Breath and Stomach troubles.
Sold by John L. Wooten, druggist.
famous little pills are a certain
guarantee against
torpid and all of the Ills
resulting from constipation. They
tonic and strengthen the liver.
Sold by John L. Wooten, druggist.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians bad long and
stubborn fight with an on
my right F. Hughes
Du gave up.
Everybody thought my time bad
come. As a resort I tried Dr.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will interest many.
A run or
invariably precede suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that which King's New Discovery for
makes suicide likely. At the first i The I
thought of self destruction take was striking I teat
Electric It being a great in a few days. Mow I've entirely
tonic and will regained my It conquers
the nerves and build up the system, all coughs, and throat
It's also a great stomach, liver and lung troubles Guaranteed by
regulator. Only Sat. L. Wooten, druggist. Pries
by Jno. L. and Trial bottles
W not en,
Refrigerators at cost, at H. L,
Two desirable rooms for rent,
furnished or not. Apply to Mrs. Get a refrigerator while they ere
H. Hooker, 8-4 going at cost. H.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
through the window and as he did Ladies in Burning Launch.
so some one in the mob in the Aug. party
room fired a shot at him. lulu bad a narrow escape
By time Slaughter was some here today.
distance in the lead. Capt. Smith on a trip In a
of Gave New the meantime rushed oat of U launch were going to
Liberty -Officer
was About to TaKe dim
to New Jersey.
daring and oat raucous
escape of a prisoner
here was perpetrated at depot
j Clark both tire it-hot at the run- They were Mrs. William
I but did not Mrs. Frank -Misses
I him Slaughter pursued but I Adelaide, Irene and Thelma
made good his brother and her Carol
Daniels. Dr. Ward was the only
Sam going with him to assist him.
Officer Clark returned to the de-
pot arrested the other brother
It has been told in a previous Prisoner, Ham, and placed
issue The of the
arrest by police officers of
of Newman Slaughter, a
guilty of grand I in New
Jersey, who bad made his escape
from reformatory there and
came to this section. Patrol Office
Railway, X.
J., came here and identified the
prisoner, nut Slaughter to
return to New Jersey him
without requisition papers.
Moore to Raleigh to
him in prison. Other arrests will
likely follow and the guilty on s
j get just punishment.
It was a wed planned conspiracy
the part of his brothers and the
other to release the prison-
It has developed today that
twice during list night
went to the house of
Sheriffs. I Dudley and
for him, but he spent
is j
thought he had the jail keys and
g-t papers
and retinue to
Greenville with these papers Sun-
evening, intending to stall
book New with
prisoner this morning,
When Slaughter was arrest.;
ed here last, week he was placed
in It
discovered later that he was
attempting to cut his nay out
the guard house the prisoner
w is tinned over to Sheriff Tucker
for commitment to jail
that be might he kept safely.
before train time this morning
Officer Moore, in company with
of Police J. T. Smith and I
P ties Q. A dark who
t tic went to the
sheriff's office la Hie court house
where Moore produced the
necessary papers from the
of New Jersey and North
Carolina, and Slaughter was
turned over, receipt for his
being given the sheriff. At
the same time the
offered for the arrest of Slaughter
that It was their intention mi-
him from the house so
could overpower him and take
keys get Slaughter out of
tailing in this they followed the
method carried out depot
this morning.
So blame whatever can attach
to Officer Moore or either of the
police officers for the escape of
Slaughter. The in the
conspiracy were
pistols there were
twenty or thirty of them in
mob. That Officer Moore be
exonerated before the New Jersey
officials, L. Tucker has
him an setting f
the facts of Slaughter's escape.
Daily tor T.
paid over to Smith.
Slaughter was handcuffed and escaped, being paved
securely tied with a hard work. Everybody
Other Moore then left the conn asleep at the lime the fire
house for the depot with the started so that its origin is not
prisoner. Policemen Smith Eight stores, two barber
Clark both accompanied him to shops, a broker's office and a res-
he depot and on the way there were
Capt. Smith held the end of the
Fire at Spring Hope
Tarboro, N. O. Aug.
town of had a
fire about o'clock Sunday morn-
with reaching not
one-third of the loss. One block
of section of the
was practically wiped out.
The A. L. depot and content
against by H.
man on board. The cause of the
j accident was the of a
match by Ward to light his
cigar. Throwing match down
in bottom of It
ignited the gasoline and the whole
boat was immediately Dr.
Ward shouted to them all to jump
four obeyed, Mrs.
and the Misses Peek.
The cork cushions were thrown
to the ladies to keep them
which they used. Miss Adelaide
Peck early drowned but the
in the water suffered no
danger, being rescued shortly.
Urn. Duffy, Miss and her
girl, Carol Daniels, remained
in the boat. little girl
badly burned on one limb. Other
injuries were only superficial. The
party Was by a
who was idling near
The Detention of Letters
N. C, August 7th.
was tried tins
United Slate-
Hugh Humphrey, s nine .
who charged with
the violation section 38-61,
revised United
Slates, also section postal
laws and regulations of 1902. He
was a route carrier from
and charged with detain-
letters addressed on August
to Mr. Hill, of
county. The dot
ready for trial on account
witness, the
continued case until
requiring the defend
nut give bond in the sum
Pretty Marriage At St. John's Church
One the g-
ever witnessed in this
was celebrated at St. John's
Episcopal church this
o'clock when Mis-
Kilpatrick, the
daughter of Mr. W. J. Kilpatrick.
was married to Mr. Moses I Tarboro.
prominent merchant of Grifton, I M
E. Cox, or Greenville,
irk, ,.,,. , . ., J- G. s lent Sundas it
Monday, bi 7th.
C. went lo
The warm weather hug returned
n full fore
Freeman left for
W. spent Sunday
spent Sunday at
green and white with
many lighting the chancel. I warned Saturday
Win fie i Norfolk.
at the organ. H. returned Saturday
rendering exquisitely strati from Suffolk.
of Mr. m
bridal party entered tie Saturday evening,
O. i.
from Tarboro.
and Wooten ushers,
Miss Mary Fleming, ring beam
Miss Mabel Kilpatrick,
the bride, maid of honor.
The c, handsomely
in silk, came up aisle
leaning of In r
Di. W. H. Bagwell I
Seven Spring- Saturday evening.
Miss Elbe Brown returned Si
evening from a visit to
father, while groom, with is
I nest Vance
came in from the vest y
A gathering
the ceremony,
marriage the
ml drove to Grifton
left en tin- north d n.
in bridal mil .
rope with which the was
tied. Reaching depot
Smith turned the over to
Officer Clark to take him in the
colored waiting room while lie
went in ticket
Officer to get tickets.
Officer Clark took hold of the
rope led the the
Waiting room both of them
took seats. It was noticed that
several were the waiting
room, but this being usual it
train lime nothing was thought of
it. A moment later, however,
several other went
the waiting room. Ham Sam
Slaughter, two brothers of the j
prisoner, being among them. These
crowded where Officer I
Road Machine.
L. C. Arthur had his road ma-
chine on business section
of street this to
give a demonstration of work
the machine will do. The officials
of the town both
interested in better highways an
we hope this interest will result in
a p Bond was
and the defendant was
charged from custody.
Dunn, X . An;. Tr.
warrant E. F. Young,
with forgery,
by J. K
. Ill,
state's lay, I In
court finding cause
the charge. A large crowd
hid assembled the trial
and hear the argument
a p.
W. a. Stewart
represented and
H b
Register of Deeds B. Williams
issued licenses to the g
s last
Did the Work.
A traveler put up the night
at the leading in a ill
town, and before retiring left
particular instructions to
in lime for an early train. Early
the he was disturbed
by a lively tattoo open the d-or.
he demanded sleepily
got an important message
for replied the bellboy
The was up in an in-
the door, re-
from the boy a large
ope. He tore it open and
inside found slip of paper, on
which was written in large litters,
you get
Cotton Appointed
of state board of a
Louisiana, who is re a n
expert . n s
I been .
sou to the of hug in
of the poi-
in the cotton district, with
the that lie will
Cox returned this
morning from Seven and
Mrs. J. J. Jenkins and children
returned this a visit
J. R. Rouse, of Bern, came
ii to his mother.
Mis. M. A. Rouse.
Mrs. Adrian Savage and child
re;, returned from Virginia Beach
Saturday evening.
H. W. and child-
returned evening
Virginia Beach.
Fender, of came
Sunday evening to visit his
uncle, L. M.
W. M. bang and little son,
the train her
So day eve for
Mrs. Cox and .
of Sunday hen
with her son, Rev. W, E. Cox.
Alex. Blow and E. A.
returned Saturday evening from a
bate ball trip to Hobgood and
N. S. and little son, Nat,
Washington, came
evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. A
L. Blow.
Mr, and Mrs. S. let
this on a trip north, lb
will purchase new goods while
Miss Clara
. Mack and Mayo.
Moses Spivey Florence
Clark were sitting ; Kilpatrick
perform duly on the who has been visiting Mi-
Mrs. R. A. Tyson and little
No in daughter and Miss Annie Perkins
Capt. J. M. Turner, president from Virginia Beach
of Raleigh and Sound I Saturday evening.
Railroad, said last sight that the, M. . of
report that has been floating j Sunday eve to visit
around through the eastern part , Ml.
window. This seemed lo
be j signal to the pi and in-
he made a dash for
window. Officer Clark tightened
on rope to pull Slaughter back
when some one in the cut
the rope so Slaughter could go. He
jumped out the window, the crowd
rushing to intercept officer
from following him. Officer Clark
draw his gun reaching over
a head fired a shot
through the window after
could take no aim. The
pistol caused a break among the pleasure that we testify to the
Thou. and Mary Had-
license was issued for
people during the week.
Gen. J. S. Carr Regarding the Bingham
School, Mebane, N C.
It affords me much pleasure to
testify to the high character
manner in which you conduct your
school. I have had of my
wards your school for the past
two years, and the young men
have done well. It is with
Fourth of Diphtheria.
On Saturday physicians pro-
that of the children
Mr. Mrs. Fleming,
South Greenville, has
The house promptly tang m-
quarantined. This is the fourth
case that has developed.
the stale that the Raleigh and
Railroad had been .-old to
Atlantic Coast Line is utterly
without, foundation. The work,
he says is progressing very well, a
Pleasure Ahead.
gaped grading road,
than ten miles the track
and a material train is
is laid
in the waiting room which
cleared the way for Clark
to get to the window. He
high merits of your school in every
respect. very truly.
Julian S.
Otto general
manager of the Imperial
Co., spent today
arranging for the appeal . i his
company in Masonic temple opera
house on the 18th. The company
comes highly recommended as one
of best the road there
is evening of rare pleasure in
store all who attend the enter
and returned this
Sterling O. Buddie, of Louis-
lung, X. C. has accepted a position
phone company and will be here
Tuesday, August 8th.
L. I. Moore left Monday evening
for Raleigh.
Moore went to
K I. M ore, of
hen today
y i low n.
Will ii . of
g I a Taylor.
Mi-- Kin ma . of n
Mis Nellie
M-- Bern ice and
brother returned
Morehead mis miming.
Moore, of Kin ton, who
has in town a
returned home Monday evening
Miss Blanch Eliza
beth City, who has been visiting
i Miss Mo- returned
home in .
Mr. and Dill,
Jr., who ii spending a
few at Virginia
returned I nine Monday evening.
Mrs. . i. Smith two
laughters, Misses
oral son, William,
home from Virginia Monday
Miss Minnie from
near and Miss Ethel
from near Gold Point,
arc spending h days with Mrs,
D. W. in South
Wednesday, August 9th.
Miss Mae we-it to
Nashville this morning.
Miss Carolina left this
morning Scotland Neck.
J. R. Moore and son, Bailey,
went to Tarboro this
Mr. and Mrs. H.
went to Wilmington this morning.
Dr. W. a retained
from Seven Springs this
Harvey went to
ton this morning on a happy mis-
Mrs. W. A. little son
Francis, left this m . vis-
it to Plymouth.
H. Li his morning
f a Greensboro where he will make
Mrs and Miss
Hell returned this morn
from Morehead.
Miss Lucy Johnson went to
Ayden afternoon and
returned this morning.
Mi- Mine of Fremont
who has been visiting Miss
Boyd, Left this
Miss Essie who has
been Miss Keel,
left this morning for Bethel.
Mrs. B. E. Parham and little
son returned l evening
from a visit t Durham and
Miss Eva Wilson, of Washing,
ton, who has been Misses
Georgia and Lena Anderson,
returned home today.
J. B. Edwards and little son, of
Scotland Nick, ho have been
visiting W. H. Harrington
returned home this morning.
George Hawks, con
the passenger train, is
oil taking a vacation. I. S.
Ban is on the run his place.
The official report of the yellow Monday evening,
fever condition at New for
Monday was cases and
deaths. The total number of cases
to date is and deaths
K. M. Hodges has returned from
Sever. Springs
Rev. W. E. Cox went lo
has now taken charge
of the situation mid with sufficient Mrs. Charles returned
funds to fight the scourge it is home from Wilson Monday
hoped to soon check its ravages. I
Our Women in The War.
The Carolina Supplement
Women in the will
be issued August 17th. It will
contain pages of thrilling ac-
counts of the sufferings, sacrifices,
bravery and devotion southern
women during war of 61-65.
The is selling rapidly
and all other person desiring
copies will do well to the ed-
Miss Mamie Bays, Charlotte,
at once and have them reserved.
The price is cU. per copy, send
I money with order.

Eastern reflector, 8 August 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 08, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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