Eastern reflector, 9 February 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

tried Hair Vigor to
stop my hair from One-
half a cured
J. C. Baxter,
Price returned
J. .;. went to Raleigh
Prayer meetings in the
Hair Vigor is
certainly the most
preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
SI a battle. All
i i ,,.
If yon,
. nil i's do 1st Sad we will
you a name
C Ki.
baud is . i town.
A. spent Sunday
Rocky Mount.
Proceedings of the
The board of the county j
were in regular monthly
session on Monday, 1st, all the
members being present. Beside
the allowing of accounts and
H. H. Wilson, of Kinston, pauper orders the following
today here. business was transacted-
The treasurer and
dent of health filed their monthly
I Dr William Fountain went to
J. W, Perkins left Tuesday
evening for
Dr. L. C. SI i hi r n turned
W. H. Mercer was released
from payment of taxes on
credits for 1903, erroneous-
i charged.
B. W. retained Tues-j J. W. was released
lay from Seven from payment of taxes on
solvent credits for erroneous-
J. B. Pittman was refunded
i special school
visit to for 1903.
J Mrs. Martha Joyner was released
returned taxes on in special I
Greenville's Great Department
Victor Cox, i r to-
day here.
Mrs. E. Swanson
evening from a
Mrs. l. O.
Mrs. Bailie Greene, of La-
Grange, is visiting her
Mrs. F. M. Hodges.
an i
school district, Farmville town-
ship, erroneously charged.
J. P. peddler of
was a certificate show-
that he bad paid state taxes
in county for 1901 and 1903.
Mayor's Court. Thad Bullock and Noah John-
The following cases have been son were released from poll tax for
disposed of by Mayor H. W.
from Jan. 19th, to Feb. of W. K. Parker, in Farm-
E. G. Barrett, of Kins too, spent , ville township, reduced in
here. James Ernest Donaldson, from to
and profane language, fin- j
ed ft and costs. 93.20.
Charlie and Julius
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Norman, of i one penny
Parmele, came Saturday evenLy,
I John Wilson, using profane;
Col. I. A. Sugg left
morning for w York.
Miss Alice Bail b left
evening a i- Grifton
The county attorney was directed
to scud plans and specifications of
bridge, to lie
ed across Tar river, to the j
The name of Jennie Moore was
a. returned one penny and stricken from pauper list.
. . o The sheriff was allowed per
Saturday from a visit to costs, , r
j, . w . Luther Manning, drunk on taxes collected after this
down, lined and costs, 94.60. date an old list for 1902.
Charles Skinner returned William drunk and Juries were drawn for both
evening from a trip up the tined and costs, 94.30. March and April terms
road. Silas Donaldson, drunk, court. will be pub-j
Miss Mary James San- and costs,
day evening from a visit to Buck Slaughter, assault, fined
and costs, Sans
for Reflector.
lined and coals, On Friday afternoon Jan. 29th
Basil drunk and the San Club met, by
costs, I Miss
w. n -it kirk, carry I conceal-1
This great White Sale starts out with a
New and Superb stocK of Special January
Merchandise, such as has never before
been here, in Excellence, Variety
or Values presented.
Thousands of yards of Crisp, pretty
white good are here in Patterns that are
varied and most desirable.
The Lace Department
Is full of beautiful new patterns.
and Val Laces in match sets all widths and
The Embroideries
Are just too to talk about, for it i-
to give you any idea of their mum see
them to appreciate them. We have them all and
prices, in match sets complete; and we have
provided for the little folks in our selection
Misses Margaret and Ethel Skin-
returned Saturday evening
from a visit to Hertford.
J. B. Cherry A
Greenville's Great Department ore
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Col. I. A. Sugg Doing The Cotton
New Tor, 3rd, 19.4.
It is cold, bitter cold, and get-
ting no warmer herein New
have of Wall street
where fortunes were made and
lost in a day. I can say
I struck the city on Mon-
day morning, and as soon as I
could set a hasty breakfast I went
over to look at the boys. Through
the courtesy of Daniel J.
Sully t Co., the bull leaders of
the cotton market, I was the
privilege of the floor of the ex-
change for ten days, and to say
that I have enjoyed the on
the feebly it.
I try to observe an much
You know I had told the people
often and often that cotton would
sell in New Y at
cents per pound,
every bod v to hold for the
prices. I did nor think I would
be able see it quite so soon.
But I
could get a punch and get back
the pit.
and learned the great lesion of my
But there was H i
wailing and slashing of
and this is tintype
pen picture. To those on the win-
side there was an excitement
of joy. The other
is a glimpse only. There
has never been up to
date to or compared
the scene.
When col ton took a
drop of points inside
minutes were made and
This the
eccentric old
lady, I i an in jewels.
Them foe bequeathed t her adopted
daughter Mabel, but She drawing of
the had been and the tea-
ii will have
milled to the pr Hi- weak
was the Jewell were in Ma-
lawyer bad ad
ii was
point of the law the first
to do was the property.
One tin lute Miss
of my life, I would T,
have missed it for a great deal. only she kept, was in the
The. market has been a perfect see f-- the
saw since, up and down in
five or ten minutes
Dangerous, market.
I am proud that I am all
can. There is great
this time, the war news is
The leader z on a
of vest on gov-
report on Friday, all
to But
mere is more wild fun in
store many Nil shall
set. Isaac A
Yea, my calculations have Ala., Fe. -J.
been and I was present H a farmer
and saw for July hi m
tin. Plato ii
who ; as been vis
Ali J
17.55 on in
To the
thinking this is I aw
no more now than
ll urging my people to bold
for l hem- price, I am not alarm-;
ed about am
B. fie lit i.-a-dies you ,
pi i report will be
in his barn yesterday,
banning from a rafter, while i .
hone Bred tin dead
; Ins bad
Hodges in debt, ii u
I Said, and was
his creditors, V i- is t-
and I'll to
made and crop
mute will be reduced less than
biles. i
have no informal ion, ow,,
AS to report nor can any In
had is been an leakage n
but there
will no the
K Us in
Wilmington. C. S.- v.
Hill Terry, charged with
murder of ids
at the home
Ibis mi
who hail done the
i bread.
laid Tom
, old woman was
Yea. she
was bill she was a good
-I hoar loft all her in
she keep the
The was naked In n halting
Miss Mabel's were
She j pi in a
did keep the stock-
waist under the
a queer pined
can't re ii since
them el ante
Tom did Hi ii to ask
any . and
him She put
had been kneading into
S pan and i U in rise. men went
, upstairs In I, Ii not to sleep. Sim
Tom's Inter in her
I aunt's pr There was
hi the sitting room with an
I iron front. had
j taken out from mid
Jewels The chimney, While lie win
. n ; In Use
j ii a III .
I i i.-1. a in I to
i . . l few i
i I in i
I Ilia i the I be heal
Iron , n . ; w be w
i hi iv . , .
I sum- I i . he on I In
ground . lie u- ;
Ore. ;. . she entered
the n in . . -He
had . . i; d to I
her Pi ii no -I
Into i ,
Mr. Lorn well called at the hour
pointed, and Mabel Invited Mm into the
tea room. Be attempted a lover's de-
but was somewhat chilled by
the lady's coolness. Bin entertained him
rather with dainty eatables than with
words. While they wire at tea the
door rang, and Tom, who went to
the door, announced the
the bye. Mr. said
Mabel. want you to taste some bread
n own Taking n loaf
her, she cut it the mid-
revealing an old Hocking.
goes to gentleman in the other
she said, opening the stocking
reveal a few of the Jew-
it contained. for the bread.
divide it with you. a leaf is
letter none, they And,
handing the breed to she car-
the Jewell to the man waiting for
It did lief take many min-
In see that be had been d.
I'd soon as he he beat II re-
treat. Mabel won her case. The
were sold for and
a man with as much more.
The r Ml Time.
life . necessarily made x.,
if You cannot U t
Ian ii at drilling.
or any oilier brand of military
la; for- hours a day and or
s ,; You have to i i i i a
other Jobs even to
make a pretense of h
jobs are n all
awl when it K nil done
k has a any mote Idle
a hands per than any
in same rank of life.
lot I Whether r. possible to
re remedy for this but,
It I i, tin In w
Io Cy be to in
v I o i r
Reward for Morgan.
Wilson, N. a, Feb.
board of county commissioners to-
day offered a reward of for
the apprehension of Lawrence
Morgan, one of
of Joins last May,
parts unknown
the December term of
court. He was under bond of
16.000 but it is that
his bondsmen are sen
N. C, Fell
number of bins each
inn of hours might lie
r-1 r when Is
for am i
; In w AI o'clock
IT i i n- ;
is a- as h m.
Cupid had well his part.
a quid and home
marriage. The bride's home was
beautifully lighted.
friends of bride and
had t witness
Hie nuptials. At on the
evening of January 27th, 1904,
Mr. Geo. Thus. Miss
Maud, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. of
stood altar, and
each u. the other,
the .
being read by Rev. L.
E. Sawyer.
The were many and
beautiful. May be a pleas-
ant through life.
f .
V. I ,
J. El of
w has been i ling
with tin of ;.
A. I i
Tl family of C. E. Line
came i vet this morning from Ki is
t n to make their h mi i in
tobacco the great
he am of is the gen
n now. are
, i i 2nd, II
T, W. Skinner went up the
Tyson came
mess was transacted club ad-
to again on the
with Mis I Set tie Tyson.
Among those present were;
the decrease the acreage of Him Cotten, Miss Lillian
tobacco will be at least half of Mrs. W. Jr.,
years. We arc afraid I Miss Tyson, Mis. ii. L.
much cotton will be planted it will Jones, Mrs
. II. Miss
be house it Marv p
farmer Ii is been heard to say Miss
from Georgia.
Miss Pat Skinner.
that would give a dollar per
hundred, his should be
Miss Mary J. Smith has return- out. Such as this Is cal-1 Miss Blow, Miss Mary
ed from a visit to Farmville. to ruin the farmers of Baltimore, Md. and
H. A. Timberlake returned fall. Let the farmers price Miss Nell
Monday evening from Henderson, and pay no more, and the
cotton will ; picked just as quick
ah it would at a dollar per
Miss Carrie Gay returned Mon-
day from a visit
B. o Pearce, of who
has been spending a few days
left this morning.
G. Baker, of Lewiston, who
in Sunday night, left this
J. S. Joyner, of Baltimore, left
this morning after spending a few
days hire.
Notice of Dissolution.
The firm of Tunstall Potter
was this day dissolved by mutual
C. of Greenville, I consent, A. L. Potter having sold
was out our section one day last
H. C. Ormand, of spent a
day last week visiting relatives in
our neighborhood.
W. W. and J. M. Ormand went
to last Thursday.
L. went to
in,., ,.,. ,;,, t.,..
Ill the . hi lug .
as Bf ii, inn i did i in
to ii she hail
lain n the . ii
w is i r I
plain and to ending trial
i.-.-.-i in Superior In
. , , In; i . .
j,.,.,,,,,,,, after i. . .
as be by the ,., ,. ,.;.;. .,
port, lo an
i-i as weapon used was
be knife which h-id
, him with
With the i Mat in The
money there will be was dull rind gapped and
the market ; who reached him Soon
cannot be by any y that lie
those who estimate keenly the must have slashed his throat
power of money. And I several times. Death ensued iv.
say I here will he a time before fifteen alter the deed and
season of passed when few after the
cents will seem cheap j retched
Thai, as no more extravagant
than was my statement Dec. long and two inches was
would reach 15.- found on right side of
before May throat, the external jugular
Everybody can the history land carol id artery having
A i e . ;. the American
-l n pair catbirds
.- against a black
i i. devouring the contents
I. Or At Hie snake was
Inclined to disregard the distressed
birds as fought to drive it away,
but Die their wings and bills
became so annoying that the thief had
to On reaching
roots tree, from which the
river had v.-,. bed the the snake
started to climb, only to be driven be-
them and then out to an old
under which die
reptile took
Ali-. ;. far.
tidied at her residence on
Alter beautiful aid Impressive
services, i ,
Rev. Mr. Clayton,
and by Riv L. K.
Sawyer, of
reaming were gently lo
rest in new .
Notice of Speaking.
W Bailey,
ii ii have
out of
do ii . , ,,.
for leaves i I I ,
ii found on lie
of Is a valuable
an. ., i . ; .
V I of this hemp .
bl ii for ,. .,. . , , .
mats, work lace
. texture. Mn
fiat her. kepi ti m bun, i i i, ,, , . i ,. .
way , n- U rs. .
Into n In which ,
i Into . which m- I ,.,,.;
r Archibald bad an of
ice. Sue on and was Just m j
Tl night,
id dispel The of
will i c announced
. Sir. is,; line speaker
well it will be a
in i bear him.
time see
office, Tom's
Hover f ii,,. Hearing.
overheard him a
j was was the , , .
which I know -he has hoard
entire y severed.
his interest in the business to W.
J. Smith. The firm will hereafter
be known as Tunstall Smith,
who assume all liabilities of the
old firm, and all accounts due the
old firm are payable to the
This Feb. 2nd 1904.
1-3 A. L. Potter.
of the last few who has
listened, and when September shall
become a date of the there
will be a record that will startle,
the dealers in cotton. Iain aim-1
ply here as a school boy, learning
a great in
law of supply and The cartoon in the
I think it a strong coincidence that J Chronicle showing the effect the
I should arrive on the in cotton bad on the
Skating is not half so attractive
to the average vacation
as it is during the school season.
period was
on exchange. The city
Tom reported to his em-
ugly wound three he com I not the
and ids plans,
decided upon proposing settlement
f the between and
by oiler of marriage, This
wee carrying out a plan that had been
proposed by Miss and de-
by nephew, Indeed, be had
never failed to snub his
when an opportunity
In a came from
to Mabel his
Mabel been to her aunt's at-
and he bad agreed to call for
diamonds after office hours that
evening, keep them to his safe over-
night and place them with a safe de-
posit company the next morning. Mabel
wrote a reply to inviting
to tea her that evening.
When read this Invitation
be considered game won. It was
plain girl was Inclined to accept
exchange created much merriment
limes before, bin she s,
is long
I don't know. He told her she
was the prettiest girl he had ever
Times star
papers have to write it the I he but not be necessary for
If done, it declared the cartoon was a her
he might of
I enjoyed It very much I property.
Railroad Automobile Cars.
Great Western railway of
England has decided to run
bile cars on some of its branches.
This coarse has been necessitated
by the competition of parallel
ear.-. The automobiles used are
to steam driven and will make
Stops between regular stations at all
level crossings and at points where
footpaths give access to the lino. In
this way it is hoped to successfully
compete with the trolley roads.
There is hardly much doubt if the
service becomes very popular that
an electric system will be
ed, as it is a much better system for
that type of Week
Greenville, X. C.
Dear We manage to get
some fun out , j
Grove city, pt,
in Along came a sales-
of somebody else's paint be
had there. Sales man
said ours was
weakened, hung
Hopped; stopped ours
look his.
It was our turn now,
tied our into his and his into
ours. The short measure was his,
not ours; and we kept our man.
And, then, that paint-
manufacturer gives
his is pure, but his gall
Ion contains four quarts.
by the name; and the name
to by is
Yours truly, t
K. W.
P. S. H. L. Carr soils

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of REV. L E. SAWYER, who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
V X . V. h S
North Carolina Pensions.
Mr. Small has been informed by
the Bureau of Pensions that
through his efforts the
claim of Mr, Ange, f
Washington, V. C, has been
lowed at I he rate of S per month
from March, 1885, at
month additional for each of her
minor children from the same
date. This will give the claimant
something over Mr-
Small has also been notified by
the Bureau of Pen-ions that the
claim of William Taylor, of
Robersonville, Martin county, N.
C., has been allow d at the rate
of per month ff 1805
Mid per month additional for
each of her minor children. This
will plea the claimant about
This a small for-
tune for those
special to Charlotte
Man in Trouble.
N. C, Feb.
Charles B. Compton, for
the Mutual Life Insurance Com-
of New York, was arrested
today on the charge collecting
several hundred dollars failing
to make proper returns of the
same. A representative of the
company came here and had Comp-
ton arrested. The was
carried to Reidsville tonight for
trial, having collected of the
money In county.
Compton is a young man and is
ell connected. His home is in
Russian Cruelty.
London, Feb. It
from Moscow that wholesale
of the Jews of all classes
been begun by the police.
Hundreds of es have been
driven out and some shipped under
guard. Violation of domiciliary
rights granted to the Jews ii given
as the excuse by the authorities
for action.
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased.
i to notify the public that he has charge of the stock
I goods owned In said K. ll. at. his death, and offer-;
them to the of cost, The stock consists
of a full line of DRY GOODS, NO
HATS CAPS, hardware and groceries, all fresh and j
nice W. G. l agent of the Tailors Mfg
All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-1
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
The of the is
C. E. who is authorized to transact any bust
in and territory.
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Greenville, N. C.
Letters of administration upon the
est of N- Hemby, deceased,
having bl been issued to the
undersigned, and having duly
as administrator, notice is
hereby to all holding
claims against s ii. to present
them to mo. n for pay-
on or n Hie 5th day of
February i notice be
plead of All persons
indebted to said estate are
to make immediate payments to me.
This the 2nd day of February
Blow. COBB.
Attorneys, of K.
D. W.
And Provisions
Supplied New Bern Man Died Penni-
in New York.
New York, Edward
Thomas, old, whose home
to mid beat New Bern, N. C,
died in the store of N.
berg, at Pearl late this
alter noon. Dr. Thomas had no
money in bis pockets, and a ticket
for a ten cent meal was all of value
that he carried. Eugene
of Fulton street, the
body. He Mid he had known
Thomas for a time,
not very well, and bad occasionally
helped him. family, be
Said, wan well known New
Don't Take This for
A was recently found tin-1
conscious on the street of a large
European city and taken to the j
hospital, doctors thought
he bad symptoms of j
They an
lion tattooed his breast.
not operate u on me for
as three operations for this
have already been performed
upon rather
carries a moral. Many
sensible begun
to wonder whether this disease of
the latter nineteenth century is
really so common as it would seem,
whether the enthusiasm of
is not responsible for a
tO Times.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, dowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
J- H- CO-,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
ft Highest price for country
Cotton and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
must have a sufficient supply of
in order to develop into a crop.
No amount of Phosphoric
Acid or Nitrogen can
sate for a lack of potash in
fertilizers for
grain and all
other crops.
We be glad
lo send free to any
farmer our little book
about culture.
. at. l
or gentleman to manage business
in this county and adjoining
for house of solid financial
standing. straight cash
salary and paid each
Monday direct headquarter.
money advanced,
permanent. Manager,
Motion Bldg., Chicago.
What Is known as the
s seldom occasioned by actual exist-
external conditions, but In the
treat majority of cases by a disorder-
which may be
by trying a course of
Tint's Pills
sad the LIVER.
M C.
After thirty years of successful business. I- am
than prepared to all
needs of the people with a of
General Merchandise
I ran furnish anything wanted, from a cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport k
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best, invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
Is the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes.
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all of country produce.
s i to t
i . I
S f l
S s ft T
c J
i r
s m
v b
s w .
i i S
a j
-s El
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
Back up Our Claims for
Fact a Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact not a drag, but
a normal, scientific for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and
It torn and positively
tendency to or low write,
women with trouble peculiar to their are
restored perfect health. Your
cheerfully add hie testimony to aura.
a very
N. C, Fell. 1901.
Everybody keeps
Mini is king of our sheets.
IS. Bradley and J. J. Sailer-
Jim of Washington,
was with us yesterday.
Small, a cent
cigar, at C. E. Bradley Co s.
J. H. brick.
o will be a brick
Store in town . Good, who
will build the
M. F. formerly of
Ayden, came in He has
accepted a position with the
Davenport Mfg. Co.
superintend their plant.
H. dimming, of
was here today a spring
line of dry goods and notions.
Saturday is reporting day with
the road if we are not
mistaken. They can report a very
muddy road from to finish.
A few more i N. O
almanacs. C. E. Co.
We predict a before
many nights unless that coon's
signs an iron clad contract to keep
his nose out of nest.
One eggs will buy
enters and fol-,
lowing v, ant land in
Creek township, county.
North hounded by the
lands of J. A. Adams, heirs
Brooks. G. W. Gardner and
others, on and being a
part of Flat Ridge swam
ten acres, more
January 25th. Ai.
persons claiming to, an interest
in the described land, must
file their with me, in writing,
within the nest thirty days they
will be barred by law.
Eatery taker, for Pitt
N. C.
Attorney at
Folks Must Eat
amp, T
K- L. W Seasonable Prices.
N. C.
The Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
to me, the on
the 2nd day of Jan, on the
of alter Evans deceased, notice is
hereby to all persons d
to make immediate pay-1 u
to the and to
said estate to
claims properly authenticated, to the; GREENVILLE,
undersigned, twelve
alter the date of this or this i WIRE IRON FENCE SC
n-ice be plead i-i bar of their .,., . , . . ,,
recover v First work sac price reasonable
This of January I sent uPon applicator.
J. W,
of the estate of Walter
matter price
of and we are the
r Li i Ll a. I Mi Harper, Snow
Reasonable at. w are here to please the b the of w.
We are A
en ever to no your
, promptly and well. We Mines Magpie and Will
give j were here a short while
are We t rail consistent with yesterday.
and workmanship. . , in
. , Coward, of Greenville,
its honest name. Keep your money in
get yesterday.
W. J. for it W. W. Ormond went to Snow
I a fair proposition isn't Hill
GROCER. R. sash Doors, Blinds and
Five Point kind and Ex
Miss Settle Patrick of Hooker-
ton, was here yesterday.
Mrs. Bet tie Patrick, and X. W.
left yesterday for a visit
Norfolk, Va.
l Cotton Seed, Oil
. Egg, ere. Bed
Oak Km
res, Got
Letters of upon
estate George Jefferson deceased, . . , .,
having b en issued to the undersigned
by the Clerk of the superior Court of. and
Pitt and having duly qualified
as administrator of said estate, notice
is hereby given to all persons holding
against said es ate to
them to the for
on i- before the first day of February
or this be plead I j
Of recovery All persons
to said requested to ;
make payment.
This the of January,
of George Jefferson
Jarvis Blow,
. ; Apples
Syrup, Jelly, Milk,.
Hew Coffee, Meat, Soap
Magic Blood, Math.
i I
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Broker in
one. Private Wires to o
and New Orleans.
The body of Mrs B. F. D. Al-
,. , i, i for sale who diet her home in
V Grocer . . . . , , .
E by W. P. yesterday, a brought
A.-, a of t graveyard today
Id Mr.
gathered acre in . r
pat . Mr. i.
and I made from J-. Edwards, who has for many
j w . been one of the leading
Hookerton, bot who now
She was known
by j., this and he own
a large place
I In- hearts ill knew her.
death means loss to the
church in
-the done her
pa and to the social life of the
where has held no
mall place, is a loss
lo con-
cannot he
extend to n.-
. Lounges, P of I
and Gail I ha a c
Key Weal Che- d com
, , , ,,
X. Mt.
Meal and Bulk, Gar- La a while
I Nor- rd years, b
Dried Apples, Bill e he-. with
Currents, Hie Waft hie
Ware. Tin and De ii
, Ware. and Ma.-a an the-
Stocks, and New
Sawing Machine., and on-
right hip. lie
By virtue of a decree of the i
or Court of Pitt County made on the
day of January in a certain
other goods.
Cheap for
morning and leaves n.
wile,. many friends.
and must
scribed lands situate i- Creek
township. MM County to One
in and on Swift
the lands of J, B. Williams and wife,
Jesse j. j. B. Cox and
thence rune north degrees
. poles large black
poles to
a large the Aaron
Cox. north 8-ii
vest poles, j . t
poles tin north S ; west
to small pine.
-is poles
One other piece above
tract and the IV i
j. j. ii. Cox i it. m.
ind granted unto
Aaron Cox, Jr., Grant from
Carolina dated
bar 28th l
This the
. . i
. ,
. i .-.
a to
i e . . i
W. Va. Feb.
Hunk, the
U hank in city, with
u ,., of v.- Hf-d
; Ex-
has been appoint
. ,. receiver.
X. Feb. 1304
Lawrence Nobles lo Green-
ville Monday.
John Crawford vein lo Winter-
K. K.
neigh lair boot I Mm I v.
WHIT k W. B. Smith .
t On
was in
Steamier K. L. Myers leave
-u . mi . Sunday,
at a. for leave.
I i often you can -t a
. screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and i prepared for
ere A an. d e
and prices as ,.
M. bu
trip this morning.
, has d,
delight her friends.
Highest mark,
. i line of tools
is all desire, and Si.
will tool
box not I n single
daily, Sunday, useful article.
Fountain, fl.
and Surgeon.
-L, I If t f S
Mew V B -C i n. ,
t door east post
LAM- land all yo- North. Connect at ,
decree of the Norfolk v. for all YOU get
A of
was mi d
Ask him ho i
in Sn Kitty
Mrs. Hi .
in n p r
proceeding therein pending Shippers order Or
and by Old Dominion Lie
K. New York and
January 190-1, on. and B. K. and S
Loin New
and Ii. K. and
I Old Line
sell public sale before Line from
door in the town of and J
to the highest bidder, n certain from Baltimore and
K. Feb. I. 1904.
H. Langston quite
y ill. many hope
K speedy recovery.
or parcel of land and Miters Line from Boston. I Miss Bailie i
township, Pitt County, Sailing hours subject to ch spending a few days with relatives
adjoining Locker Tar river
land formerly h.
to P. A. Atkinson, the lands -I N. i.
and con J, J,
acres more or less, and N. C.
bring the lands upon which Jesse H. B. Walker, Vice A
resided at lime of Manager,
Firm With Brand New
Terms of sale cash.
Tins the 15th day of Jan.
L. Blow.
Wm Not Declared.
After the news came from New
York, Thursday afternoon
Beach Street, N. Y.
Notice el
The him of Tunstall Potter
was this day dissolved by mutual
A. L. Potter having sold
bis interest the to
J. Smith. The firm will hereafter
that I be known as Tunstall
war. had been declared between
Japan Messrs. J.
who assume all liabilities of the
old firm, and all accounts due the
Co wire the New Y old are payable to the new-
World for the
The reply from World This Feb. 2nd 1904.
Mutes war had not Men D
We opened second ; a while Sun-
store under Hotel j day .
Bertha, a complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Every article in stock is new and
fresh. We have everything in
Flour, Meats, Sugar, Coffee, fan
Goods, Pickets, Cereals, Fruit
t r- of
L . died v. i .
of In Sue
in n-i hunt-, and
I he x in i hi d Has taken
sick I but be i I. -r In
a hour. She had a
will be missed
he i r-
She leaves u and two
children lo mourn her u.-- The
remains were interred in the
Reedy Branch, Fred
conducted the funeral
May Cod, in His infinite
mercy, comfort
Mr. Shirley and Miss Hannah , ,, .
j i,., Monday morning, February
Hardy, of Farmville, were in the , . ,.
. . , . . , . angel of death visited I e
in i r I I I ii i I i . . I l. . . . t .
home of Mr. and Mrs
Davenport, and took from them
Miss Allie spent a few days eldest son, Jesse, aged four-
He had been very ill for
some time with the
sad hour had been expected for
near Standard.
E. B. spent in
this week.
and son,
Ernest, spent Sunday at Bennett several days. Jesse was a bright,
I promising child, his death is a
Mi. and Mrs. L. F. Worthing-1 real bereaved family.
Tobacco, Cigars, etc. Infant can ton In neighbor laid rest in
a nice line of candies. All; Mi. and Mr-. E. E. spent I v. Fred Mo
orders filled and delivered prompt-1 in Ayden. the funeral .
anywhere in t M B vices. We extend deepest,
Mr. and Mis. K. D. Braxton
spent m Ayden.
sympathy to the grief stricken

I , Ml
D. J. and
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
Pitt County, K. C, Ti i 1904
It will be a proud distinction after
a while to wear cotton goods.
The tern; people of Green-
ville have set t work to deal with
the whiskey question in a practical
way not alter the dream f an
We can hope and preach and pray i
that the day may come when
liquor will not La drank as a
beverage at all, and that it only-
he used by the sick and only e
I sold at the drug store as oil.
The cotton exchange wanted or any Other drug
excuse for knocking down prices, so
. . said war had been declared.
Charlotte is about to abandon
hope for getting a union depot. T o. Ag . ho Ag sensible people we deal
j or as poison is sold. That is the ideal
dream and some day, let us pray, it
will be a reality.
In a former issue we promised to continue of tho in in
view of the dispensary. It is true this is the lowest yet is one not
to be in the general make up of public opinion.
There are in town eleven bar rooms. The law require them to make
semi-annual returns, under the Register of Deed, of the amount
of liquor purchased by them for the previous six months. We copy from
the records of the Register of Deeds tho returns made to him for the six
beginning July 1st, ending Jan. 1st, 1903, and for ins
six months beginning Jan. 1st, 1903 and ending July 1st, 1903. We had
to take these because some of saloon keepers have not yet mads their
r for the six months ending Jan. 1st 1904.
n -J-
Cotton has
taken another big.
slump, all on account of the war
are indifferent about what other
think of their worldly possessions
do not lack for the comforts of this
It seems that Greensboro stands
the best chance of gating the Dem-
State Convention.
with human nature as it is, and con-
as we find them. There are
in our midst a large number of
who are in the habit using
, stimulants and who are going to
There is room for improvement to do so. If they cannot
even in the people, and it. is f get it at one place and in a lawful
just as well to t
Fear of war between Japan and
Russia has killed the demands in
China for cotton goods.
the way they will get it at another and in
a way forbidden by the law. Wisdom
dictates that in dealing with these
conditions we Jo it in away to lessen
the evil growing out of them as much
It is said that Hanna is very
strong in Carolina. But he
is stronger in Wall Street.
Things do seem to be gradually
working around right. A Clove-
land. Ohio, embezzler of hank Experience has taught
has been given a sentence full dispensary
The boll weevil can take it easy .
no since the decision has been
reached that he cannot be
Dewey, Masses and the
Wilmington lost sight
of in the presence of the bond suit
There is a difference between a
wild and grip. For instance Senator
Hanna has lost his cold but still
holds his grip.
The between Japan and
Russia seem to be worse,
the outlook is that they are very
close to a clash of arms.
If you want to uphold the curses
of liquor drinking, vote for bar-
rooms, but if you want to oppress the
curse of it, dispensary.
penalty of the years in the
penitentiary. Maybe it will be told
some day of a verdict for murder be-
found by a jury.
is the best yet devised to
meet and deal with conditions.
Hence we sin as best we can earn-
advocate the dispensary. The
always stood for the
best interest of the and has
supported those things which make
for the betterment of its people.
that the open bar room is
the worst possible solution of the
j whiskey question and that a
will be a vast improvement on
the eleven open bar rooms in town,
I The will work for closing
I the bar r and opening the dis-
In doing this we are eon-
j tinning oar good work for
Cotton keeps to the front, j There are many views in which
Dr. Venable, president of the
University, declined to join the lit-
societies in an
to W. J. Bryan to speak before
the students at Chapel Hill.
His reason for this is that
was bad policy for the University to
invite any prominent politician or
candidate in election We.
are inclined In the belief that the
tor is right.
The death of lion. William C.
Whitney, which occurred Tuesday
in New York, removes one of the
most prominent men of the country.
The aldermen can do the people of
the town a favor by reminding the
lamp lighter that the moon does not
shine in the early hours of the
night now
If the people could forget the
ho price of cotton long enough to
get interested in needed enter-
prises for Greenville, the
ties for making money would be
increased. There is plenty of room
for factories here and the
for investment.
As long as it is other people's
money that is paid out, congress
g at the appropriation business
with a slack hand. The senate was
about to dish out to the
St. Louis exposition without even a
of discussion, but almost at the
las point Senator Bailey put in a
protest. A few others of the
took sides with him and the
preposition a jolt.
pass all the
A few years ago only the lint was
considered worth anything to men
and the seed were thrown in
the compost pile. But the seed have
become a profitable product and add
much to the value of the crop. Now
another part of bark on the
found to be worth a good
value. Just let somebody find a use
to make of the stalks, leaves and
cast off blossoms, and the I
thing will be worth money. It does
not look like cotton can be downed
any more.
Now the farmers had better look
before they leap. Cotton jumping
up with such bounds since the mid-
of December has led most of the
Southern planters to the intention of
putting for big crops of it the
coming fact not a few
have absorbed the idea of planting
nothing but cotton. But they had
better think again. The decline of
two cents a pound in two days shows
that the high price of cotton is not a
fixture, and that the bottom is liable
to drop out at any time. Just so
sure as an unusually large crop of
cotton is made next season, this
writer believes there will be trouble
ahead of those planters who place
their entire dependence on that one
crop. The price sf cotton is subject
to too many whims, and experience
that the worst whim usually
strikes when there is e large lot of
it in the hands of the farmers.
the dispensary may be presented.
We shall from time to time present
two views of moral view and
the money view. There is much
that be said in rt of the
moral view and and we invite others
to help us present this great
to the voters. We shall often
be heard on it.
It is our today to make a
brief presentation of the money view.
Section chapter laws of 1903
known as the Watts
reads as follows said
settlements with the governing
body of said city or town, and that
said governing body shall within ten
days after settlement, pay
half of the net profits of said dis-
into the treasury of said city
or town, and the other half into the
treasury of the county in which said
city or town is located, for the
fit of the public schools of said
If a dispensary is established in
Greenville and its management is
placed in the hands of practical bus-
men who are favorable to it,
think we can demonstrate that
the net profits be less than
a year. One half of this
amount will go tho town treas-
to run the government, to
aid in the improvement of the streets
and meet its other current expenses.
That will wipe out entirely town
taxation, for there has been
collected from all sources, any one
year, anything like We
will the presentation of this
1903 For
J. A,
E. It
W. Dudley
John H. Howard.
V. Hooker
L. Hooker
W. E.
R. A.
M. L.
Now remember these returns wore made under oath for the
Dose of paying a tax to the State and C on the amount of the
c There are many things about these returns to challenge the at.
of the inquisitive, but shall only comment on one of them
for instance the return of W. C. Dudley Bro. They return they
bought only worth of liquor for a whole year from July 1st, 1902
to July, 1st, 1903. They did business in the two story brick store on the
East side of street nearly opposite the Bank of Greenville. We es
the rent, light and fuel for the bar room at We estimate
that they paid their clerk about per year. Dudley kept house
near Hotel Bertha and we suppose he paid as much as a year rent
f r his home. We estimate that his wood, lights, washing, table, servant
hire, ., cost him at least more. Tho state, county, town an fed-
tax was about Here we find a whiskey firm doing
w nth of business on worth of liquor. Either the profits of the
whiskey business are marvelous or there is something criminally wrong in
t returns made. The same criticism can be made of all the other son-
engaged in the business. Then it is manifest that neither their
returns nor their sworn statements give us any reliable data by which to
estimate the profits on the whiskey business in Greenville.
But this we know. There are eleven bar rooms now doing business
ii Greenville. There are two men in each owner and a clerk
in some of them there may be more. This makes at least men to he
s out of the business. It is a low estimate to put each man
per year including house rent for family, support of and
else. This makes It is well known that rents for bar
raw are very high, much higher than for any other purpose. It is not
a i over estimate to put the average for rents, lights, fuel and incidentals
at each. This will make for rents, light-;, fuel and
-i. The state, county, town and tax is for each bar room.
This gives us about t lies to come out of the business. So we
h fixed charges amounting over that must come out of the
sales of whiskey made by the eleven bar rooms before any profit can be
declared. There must be profit a business that can bear this burden.
If we want any further proof that there is profit in it we find it in the fact
that the eleven men who bear this burden are making a desperate fight to
hold on to their business.
If a dispensary is established nearly all of this expense can be saved
and it can go into profit. Instead of eleven places of business and high
rents there will be hut one. Instead of men, four will be
There is no tax except three per cent on gross sales t the state. Then
there are no bad debts as with the eleven bar rooms. It is all cash. Al-
though the returns of tho barkeepers do not show it, it is a well known
fact there is a large amount of whiskey sold in Greenville. Add a reason-
able profit on what is sold to the expense saved by a dispensary, and we
assert that the net profit cannot be lass than if the dispensary is
put under proper business management. One half of this goes into the
town treasury to meet the current expenses of the town. With this
amount paid into the town treasury from the dispensary all taxes can
be abolished if that shall be thought advisable. One year's receipts
will pay the town's subscription to the Raleigh and Pamlico Railroad. Or
the funds can be used to put the streets in order, and if wisely spent
will, in a few years, giro us good streets. The other half goes into the
school fund. With paid into the school fund from this source,
Pitt can soon have a school system of which every citizen can be
proud and which will ultimately give the county an educated citizen-
We have already said that the money view of the question is a low
view, but we repeat that it is one that must be taken into a full discussion
of the matter. It is well known that the sale and use of liquor is a fruit-
source of idleness, lawlessness and crime and that these add to the
burdens of the payer.
It is therefor wise that we so regulate the sale and use that
the evil produced aha- be -mall as possible and that the profit arising
from the tram a shall g the hardens the tax payers ad
errs geed.
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, Feb
Mis Kate Brown, Kinston,
canvassing agent for the Orphan's
Oxford, as here
day and met right much
Mis. R. I. left
day for
Dr. O. A. Blount returned from
Norfolk Wednesday night.
Jesse L. Sugg was here Friday.
Josh who has
home sick, has returned to
This season the A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co., will sell by far more cotton
planters than ever before. The
demand for them is very great.
O. A. On, are baying
immense quantities of cotton seed.
Seed are bringing a nice price
add to the income of the
If in need of seed Irish potatoes
northern grown or crop see
G. . Kittrell Co. they CM sup-
ply you.
For Rent or house and
between Joseph us Cox
and A . Cox on street.
Apply to A. Fair.
ville to resume his duties in the
store B Cherry Co.
Miss Lena D who teaches
school spent
at home.
C. W. Gold, of spent one
day here this week.
A. P. of Ayden, has
been a visitor in our town this
Just received car load of flour.
Harrington BartH-r Co.
Seed oats and cotton need meal.
Constantly on hand. Harrington
Bat her
Mr. at the Drug
ill be pleased to show j their
line of and fountain
J. D.
Cox. Board ft per day. Best
House in h ii.
G. A. went to
Tuesday nits In.
C. A. Fair made quite
attractive to his home.
We have not us a little gun now
and the robbers better
away. If t don't, we will
A, G Cox Mfg. Co. have just
received another car load of wire
can you
from to n. high at price
from to 3-4
per yard.
We now have a lot of porch
i timber. If you are in need
of why not let us fit you up.
Prices are light. Winterville
O. A. Co. will
yon lbs cotton seed meal in
for a ton of cotton
or give per bushel.
If in of cotton seed
m, bay or anything in the
O. A. Kittrell Co
d of shingles expected to
a few days. See them
i Cox, who has been
school for Miss Mollie
tho recent
has returned home.
J. F. and W. L.
u- of telegram
it to Bethel Wednesday to look
n But the birds
rheumatism, robbers, K, Tyndall, of
times have in this morning
F. Gainer, of Washington,
Guy Taylor and wife, if K
too, came yesterday to their
home among u. occupy
the house.
H. A. Button and Prof
of Greenville, were here a short
G. A. Kittrell Co. have just
received a shipment seed oats
that are for sale cheap get
prices before buying.
Cotton seed meal and hulls
sale. G. A. Kittrell Co,
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have a nice
lot of coffins on hand. Price.
are very reasonable as heretofore.
Prompt attention all orders.
J. K. Smith, of Ayden, came up
W. A. Pollard, of Standard,
was here yesterday on
Mr. and and Mrs. Ed Byrd, of
Greene county, who were recently
married W. B. Tucker,
Mrs. Byrd's father, near here.
B. F. Manning, wife and child-
of Greenville, are visiting
If you want your horse shod,
if your harness or own shoes
reed repairing, and general
blacksmith work call see W.
L. House on Main street.
G. A. Kittrell Co.
have a nice hue hats for
both old and young, also
Sc, at prices
e think very reasonable and
always to serve you save
your money if
Harrington Barber Co.
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and Conn-
try Prod
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies, Cakes, Crackers and Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Ci-
us a call Thursday.
J. H. House, of Dunn, is on a
to our townsman, W. L.
L. L. Kittrell went to Greenville
The Mason held a very interest
meeting last night.
A. O. and Miss Carrie
Haddock were married Wednesday
at the home of J. J. Haddock,
father of the bride.
All who doubt what we say
about buggy harness
taking the lead, both in price and
quality, are kindly asked to call
and see for themselves. Several
sets in stock all the while.
Notice the cut of a
buggy on this page This is
only one of many, and if yon will
keep your eves open from time to
time we will be glad to show yon
a variety of styles. Of course as
it would he better if you have not
done so to visit the fact and
let Hunsucker show you through
The other a party bought
some wire fence from A. G.
Mfg. Co , that he wanted a
which would his own
hogs as well as other and
only that will
do if, is make with barb wire
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., have
gotten out a neat little
illustrating and describing the j
various articles of their
This little book with prices
marked is free for the asking, or a i
simple request on postal card will
bring it to you. Don't delay,
write now. It is no small matter
to be well posted.
Dr. B. T. Cox wishes to
chase lbs goose feathers.
For best grade of chewing
gars. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar, j smoking tobacco go to the ding
Fruits and Vegetables, Hominy
and Canned Goods. Green and Roast-
ed Coffee. Toilet and Laundry soaps.
Winterville, N. C.
School books, pens, pencils and
test quality of stationary always
for sale at the drug
If there is a class of men that this store strives hard
to please with good dependable Clothing, its the
and Workingman.
We have suits made especially for workingmen
made from stout, serviceable mixtures that will not soil
Put Together to Stay.
Seams sewed with the best of silk and put on with the
strongest linen
Our suits ate cut to be roomy and
still retain an appearance of style and gentility
Workingmen who have given these suits one trial,
are ever afterwards our steady patrons. Moderate.
R. J.
C. V. York.
L. H. Pender.
meal t
feed Mi
Car I
arrive i
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our in shop is on fourth street, opposite
marble yard. Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
our tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for obi share of the aid
will do our bast give
Give Rebate Checks
We will put on sale Monday, Feb. 1st
one case Percale, regular price as
long as they last yard.
Another week of Odds and
Ends and this will end our great
Odd and End Sale.
C. L. Wilkinson Co,

J. Proctor Bros
If you want lumber to a house,
furniture to go In it, clothing and
goods far your family, provisions
tor your table, or for
your farm, are can
N. C.
tag wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can lie found
hew. whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you ran be
supplied. prices paid
for cotton, country
or anything the farmer sells.
mill and are now
in lull blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumber, lo all kinds
of turned work for balusters
house trimmings. We also j
do general repairing of SI. L. I
carts and wagons N. C.
iVy Goods. Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. Tin
Fountain ill town, All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanut
every day.
The man who want the earth is
the very one the can get
along without.
VI .
Cold Comfort
a what we are after, and the possession one of
our i will Insure milk, cream and
butter, cool water a ad many that
would be without the r.
if have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy tor you to own one.
Is need to borrow n lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best st.- I knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do tho work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Hammocks and
everything else In the hardware Hue.
Cotton Root Bark
Raleigh, It. O., Feb.
To the me
through your paper to inform the
cotton grower the state that
there is an urgent demand for cot-
ton root bark at about cents per
pound. The bark is prepared for
market by simply stripping it from
the root with a sharp knife and
drying in the shade. The stalks
should be pulled from the ground
all sand earth washed
from the roots before peeling.
Nothing but root bark is wanted.
The following firms buy root
bark in quantities of from
pounds to one ton or
Sharp Baltimore, Md.
Bros. Co., Baltimore,
Waters, Baltimore,
Parke, Davis Co., Detroit,
Frederick Stearns Co , De-
W. H. Co., New York,
If. Y.
Biologist, N. C Dept. Ag.
Greenville, N. C.
Dear Sin Father and one
is glad, the other is sad.
lead and-oil.
Mr. Charles beak, Fair
n, N. Y., painted his house
e three years ago; his father,
same time, painted bis house lead-
The father's house is all chalk
ed-off the son's is as as
They'll paint the same way next
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
IT. L. Carr sells our
The Aldermen.
The board of aldermen met in
regular session, Thursday night,
was nothing of Interest
before the meeting outside of the
business of reports of
committees and and allow-
We be leave to announce that we are
y You En.
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, Varnishes and
Country fluked Paints.
There Is no line in the worM that excel;
the Harrison line. It it a century's
reputation for honorable v . res and honorable
If you use the Paints you
never worry about quality.
We trust that you will favor with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
purpose. Have just received a car load and
Are to Indigestion. Ninety-nine
people who have
heart trouble can remember when it
U simple It is a
t that ail canes of heart dis-
organic, are not only trace-
in; are the direct result of
In n, All food taken into the
i which fails of perfect
mania and swells the stomach,
Up against the heart. This
s with the action cf the heart,
and in the course of time that delicate
bit v ll organ becomes diseased.
What You Eat
Mn. Nichols of N. Y ,
my food would
me n my palpitate and I would
become Finally I t it i of
and m m relief.
using a few I am cured.
cures Indigestion, dyspepsia
and all stomach and gives
the a full, free and
Bottles only. Size
the trial which
Office opposite depot.
DR. G. F.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country
can give you Special Prices.
Thursday evening at o'clock
at the home of Mr. in
Sooth Mr. J. O.
and Miss Carrie
daughter of Mrs. Susan
were married by W. E.
i Powell.
you can honest goods at living prices, our
large stock before you buy and be satisfied wit i your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything u use in
your everything you use in your
Millinery Goods a Specialty,
Our goods are and we are ready to serve
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save yourselves money,
Pf-; .- ft .
f . ; .
you know what it does It ,,., mi desire
for Strong drink drugs, restores the to its
and a man to home and business, full
N. C
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the of the second cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L.
Greenville N.
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. Greenville,
Mt. S. L. Deer and Cora
sell, daughter of A. G.
were by Rev. W. E.
Fire at Knoxville.
Tenn , Feb.
in heart the wholesale dis
started t
ed a loss of nearly and
lives of two
Mrs. Martie wife of
Mr. B. F. of Hooker-
ton, died Wednesday. They had j
been a little lets a
year. Mr. many
friends in Greenville, where he
lived for sometime, sympathize
with in bis
Sea Duty for
Feb. Ad
D. was today as
signed to command the south At-
succeeding Rear
B. P. Lumber ion, invalid-
ed home. Capt. George F. Wilde
now captain of the Boston navy
yard, was to Ad-
a of
the League Inlaid Navy Yard.
Crushed by a Tree.
Goldsboro, N. C, Feb. Feb.
Buck Hill, v. ho lived near Mt.
Olive, went squirrel yes-
morning. After hunting
for about an hour hit dog treed a
squirrel up a large oak. Mr. Hill
had hit with him and he cut
tree. The tree fell upon Mr.
Hill, mashing him so badly that
he died medical aid c
Detectives Resort to
, N. O. Feb.
way state that detectives
are efforts to capture
thieves who have become a con-
menace the officials by
break lug into merchandise cars
and taking good, It is said that
the defective have resorted to all
kinds of tucks to catch the guilty
parties. These men, it is learned,
are to be seen riding on all trains
as hobos, are to be found even
up in but lap bagging
being ship I as the
box object being to
suddenly appear on the scene
the theft is being committed.
Jurors for March Court.
The of county commission-
at but meeting drew the fol-
for March term
E. Fleming,
J. E Warren, D. H. Williamson,
D. Harden, Osmond Fleming,
J. W. brown, . W. Crawford,
W. M Fred Edwards, J
B. A. M. Wooten,
W. A. D. C. Jackson.
Blade J. Frank
J. F. Hart, W. M. Edwards, W.
Second L. Everett,
C. N. H. B. Harriss, j
T. A. P. Turnage, W.
L. F. Worthington,
M. O. W. Pittman, Jr.,
Forbes, W. C. Hester,
Elisha S. C.
L. Dennis, G. P.
a. F. Jr.,
with Indians
Feb report has
isthmus that
ate righting the
on San
is territory.
however, to ob-
of this.
e. T. MUM
W. Main St
North Carolina

Friday evening.
An attack of la grippe left me
w with a bad cough. My friends said
G I had consumption. I then tried
I Cherry Pectoral and it
Y cured me
A. K. Randies, III.
You forgot to buy a bot-
I tic Cherry
when your cold first
I came on, so you let it run
I along. Even now, with
all your hard coughing, it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back on.
Three Mb, All
It he
. It ha not
In don't U. knows.
Leaf him.
J. O. CO., Men.
Mrs. of
Mass, arrived Friday
to visit Mrs. K. A.
Mrs. L. Carr daughter,
Mies Mildred, left this morning
; for Wilson.
Cast. John King, of Falkland
and ex Sheriff W. M. King left
mis morning for Washington City.
i who Been visiting his brother,
s, Tunstall, returned home
Friday evening,
Mrs. George and child,
I of South Carolina, who have been
her parents, Mr. and Mr.
L. Moore, if. this morning.
Thursday, Feb.
W. W. of i II,
cams In W evening.
Deadlock Br. ken.
Ai Md. Feb.
which has held solidly
two u the Mary-
land legislature over the election
of a United senator to
B. was
broken tonight by the democratic
naming, a decided
N. O , Feb., 1904.
Hon. Dewey Cherry was in
town today.
of Goldsboro, spent
the day in town. We are glad to
him with us.
Cornelia manning was in
town today shopping.
Miss Mollie Manning passed
through today.
Mrs. W. J. Carson left Wed-
for Rocky Mount to visit
Mr. Bras well, of Tarboro, was
in town today.
W. S. France, of Rocky Mount,
has been here a few days,
M. O. is having his store
moved off Main street on Rail-
road street for furniture.
J. R. Ward and R. D. White-
returned this morning from
LaG range.
Mrs. Henrietta Taylor, of Bob-
is here visiting her sou,
L. F. Whitehurst, of Kinston,
was in town today on business.
Joseph Andrews and Ben
This great White Sale starts out with a
New and Superb stocK of Special January
Merchandise, such as has never before
been here, in Excellence, Variety
or Values presented.
,,, the brilliant
W. represents Baltimore City. Ray- fin left this afternoon for
the Raleigh Post, spent today here, received fifty of eighty
ii eight rotes cast, while Smith, the Lawyer Brown left this
let u,. secured for Greenville to attend to some
to visit relatives in .
F Tunstall, of Kinston,
night h re and left this
morning. j
Miss Brown, of Oxford. agent
for the Orphan's Friend, was ere
M. A. Allen went to
Wednesday evening and return d
and Carter, to whom Senator
Gorman has recently transferred
hi support, received only
The count;
at their last meeting drew
. following jurors for April
term of Superior court
First week James, R
H Edwin Tripp,
Overton, P J Bynum, S Forties,
; j K W H Allen, Jehu L
Horne, Jas M Cox Jesse Cannon,
West and child, Co, D C Dudley, L
Greensboro, have been visit- Cherry, C H Stokes,
left this ,. Sr, Henry J Mills, J A Faithful,
i Mills. Samuel Holiday, John
Cherry home q
hen ; ., H Harris, MB Page,
weeks. He says there is no w J Turnage,
like old Greenville.
Thousands of yards of Crisp, pretty
white goods are here in Patterns that are
varied and most desirable.
Mr J. B. returnee
We -i evening from a
to York and Baltimore.
A O Co-tea
ii Marti
Bl h
ill Is.
C. G.
for Norfolk. . B .,., . c B c Beach,
H. B. Phillips went to Suffolk. col, Carson.
today. James Brown, Forbes,
W went to E C Wilson, i .;, ,.,.
, Richard Harris, A- Bullock, J
; Dawson. William A
Jesse C J I
Greenville, K. C
Dear Clothing is just like
paint; It fits or it it wears
or it turns weather and
water or not; goes out of
What do we wear clothes for
Did you ever think of if Differ-
persons have different reasons,
no doubt, but paints
for beauty, to be in the fashion,
and keep-out water.
says paint; we
There i beauty in paint,
we a good deal for that.
An i costly and
; ; put-on a -proof two or
hi of paint, and your
last b long as yon keep
I . . It costs nothing to
t; it your buildings nor
is the paint that
j appointing paints are paints
The Lace Department
Is full of beautiful new patterns.
and Val Laces in match sets all widths and
The Embroideries
Are just too pretty to talk about, for it is
to give you any idea of their mint e
them to appreciate them. We have them all widths and
prices, in match sets complete; and we have
provided for the little folks in our selection.
Greenville's Great Department Score
W. returned to
Hassell today.
of Goldsboro,
come in Thursday
J. J. Perkins returned Thursday
evening from
returned Thursday
evening ft nu a trip up I.
Miss Elmer
Whichard, who has v. i mg
Murder at Tarboro.
Tarboro, N. Feb.
i a double
here, the
ea. Pittman
l i the hi use of Mag Battle
to see her sister, Lou, who
P. S.
Yours truly
F. W.
IT. L, Carr sells
., pro i led to marry him and
friends here, returned changed her mind. M i
Miss Etta Harris left this morn forbid Pi ti i id entering the
to visit her sisters at Charlotte when he drew a pistol and shot
Mrs. White, of Greensboro,
rived . to
her son, II. A. White.
her dead.
Re then went into the house
. . Lou fatally. Pitt
man fled, and a hunting party is
after him.
W. C. Hogshead, representing
the International School of An Appeal lo the Ladies.
has been in town a. The following call will be an-
day or so. in the churches on
Misses Annie Savage and Sunday The ladies of
Bobbitt, arrived the town are Invited to assemble
Thursday evening to visit Mr. and at church Sun-
Mrs. Adrian Savage. day afternoon, Feb. 7th, at
. . . M i o'clock, for the purpose of organ-
Mis. Miss May J
Belle of Georgia, arrived
When You Should Olive Oil.
line oil i- a food which has more
in i-ii in it than any other food
and ii should he considered
i article of diet and not
i . as n condiment.
If blood is thin and you are j
take a tablespoonful of
. i . times a be-
.,,.,. I, after. If moat cannot
,;. nearly sup-
plies its place, and it makes both fat
oil aids digestion in a re
and u you have never
it as both medicine j
food . m have overlooked one of
ii most wholesome offerings.
If you arc thin or nervous, if you
are lie or from dyspepsia,
try olive oil and do not think that
olive from Spain or Italy is any
bettor than that from our own
Thursday evening to visit her
brother, H. A. White.
Saturday, Feb.
T. Skinner returned this
morning from Kinston.
Miss Jessie Lee went to
Kinston Friday evening.
if the be clear, and
devising ways and means for
developing a stronger sentiment in
the town against intemperance.
ministers of the town and
representative laymen from the
churches expect to be present,
short addressee will be made and
I definite plans laid for concerted
W. E Cox went to j energetic effort in the cause of
Friday evening. temperance.
The City Hay Grain Co
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our prices and our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy your
Corn and Peas for ;
Seed oats at Johnston Bros.
Come and see us before
your seed Irish potatoes. We
will handle fancy Maine stock.
Johnston Bros. w-it
Stray taken up. I have taken
with my stock one male pig,
black color, weight
about pounds. Owner can get
same by proving property and
paying all charges.
J. B. II N.
. V
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Rumor Knocks Prices Down.
New York, February 4th, 1904.
Another chapter has been
written in the history of the pit,
one that will be felt by some as
long as they this mundane
This is a country, and to
be an American is-getting be at
high premium, a real, genuine
Today was Spectacular on the
The of war be-
tween and Japan was
promulgated p. m., and in toe day by which
chaos and followed. a vetted.
Everything calm The f
and serene, in a moment, In
the twinkling of an eye, there was was the fire ten
a old -v
about;. s. I-. hi
Definite particulars of
fire started in
Sunday, and wiped out. f
the business section of
are simply appalling in the
of wrought by
the flame-. The is the great.
eat in magnitude that ever
in this country.
property is immense, it
is fortunate the lite -started
and young men tumbled over each
other to see v e
the war. And when it was an-
nuanced that the-e was war, down
went the drop, drop,
as as a Texas clone. No
one even present n the cotton
exchange could possibly it. as
it was. Prices dropped a
as the could
work To those on the
it was fun and profit, but Woe I
the man, for he was has
under tbs nether mill stone. An-
other game of made and
lost iii
f cannot, believe there
of war but it has hail
war no war. It
ally that if there is no
with this sec-
were burned out. The
Co., of which
Mr. O. G. of this
was the head, was one of those
People in discussing Haiti-
more fire find not in history
with which to it
the great Chicago tie. Vic find
i . . I
I rendering
homeless. T hundred
id the v as i-
mated at
fire all that made ii
th Baltimore tire.
While not neat the number
of buildings was burned is Ii, I r i-
more as in that pro-
loss in Baltimore exceeds
that Chicago by
is easily accounted for the fact
city are much
larger and more cosily than
topic of n versa Jo d
Many of the large role. by the business houses are much
St. Petersburg. Feb.
dispatch received here says
torpedo boats have
attacked the Russian squadron in
the outer Mad at Port Arthur j
that three slips were I
damaged. Admiral
official report of attack the
J; pa in-- is as
y ,. that at
of February
Japanese victory upon the
All acquainted with the personnel
of the Japanese navy and army
agree that the war will he a con-
series of daredevil exploits,
even riskier in than the
bold at Arthur last
Chef. Feb -f
tint the
her buildings destroyed,
being The
at J.
There was much on
the property Inn hut ii is
as to-he of the
to pay, as
such may bankrupt
In and fr days ii has
sale house- that bad
thinking and I for
enjoying Che to
Kilts in
real war the price of cotton will j General A Miles is
go much higher. And if there is head .
war ii will high to be in-1
m time. It w b ind
to the I The will carbonize
one oil, converting it into a
a hardened resembling
j In be is ii
with capitalists and tin up like paper,
be read out an the exchange c L ,, f ,.,. ,,
Tuesday, at. o'clock, non, by w may a ere from
the brick. I and
0- IV. Feb.
wind in
ha j ruck Weldon
four o'clock,
a id ruin in its path
I in- Cotton
I tilting most.
The wind southwest
of their mill, roll-
ii nude a sodden it
i by -an -o Hi
squadron in
r . the i ;
. ii the
and Oat and the
cruiser wet.- damaged.
An inspection i being made to
ascertain the of
carnage. following for
London, Feb.
coup in opening war
strong position at Port
Not only is it of the
tremendous energy will which
pan will force the bill
it is as almost
blow ho far as naval opera
lions are concerned. Naval ex-
here are tin- opinion
the of I he
Alter s
Heel e
. ed
i- now said
I into a
W i i
the entire , .
the tWO
Dee turned
lire on
ships wire by
hells. here
st the
s es-
say or
th- Kn
and that n
very weak, weaker
They I be
victory tn
men into
other points.
The plan
land s m
sea and
of the
. iii iii
. . us lie prop-
1- fit I
i he w he lo-.
id today as to the
made at no in.
mid divots be car a-mi
US to what it will be, some widely oil
others. am 1.1
all in my
I by a of
I than may
I lens
be by coming t-vi-t-
b the fit
no it
gravity, he j bah another At
A wired
from a as
e, . deal w truth in thin, Japan
R rate, e-m
from fellow C .-
not refusing now
and be
;. ;, thing to have
I, family. It ch for
any fr hi- go . ll ii
i--1 . long on out off, and I
too stretched.
A received at p. tn. by Mr. B n from
the New York Word reads as follows;
naval battles already fought, nine
warships, sank or disabled. N. loss-
yard in i
ti . m Moors
i-i ; mines j.,
. A
f II
. , I
h ii
. . i i
. It
i I
. in eh I-.
.;. .
r l II , Li I
Smashed the F
. ,
I . h-iv
mil to
nil gas i it
into contact with r baa
M been covered, The Boats
rate I have not beard of is not extinguished by
pail . wafer, and gives a light
loot good property and bargains, to power for
It is bitter cold, cold, but half an hour.
the same number of people are to The value of this invention in
ha every day on streets, case of night or in
A. , foes is incalculable. The torches
Marriage License.
V; i l lie K.-S
c .
fl . i. and
i U an
t -i
Sun l. r
J, R
. .
L II. l
j . ell ah in. I ;
B. id, L.
l in the
;. The firm ill
way ; .
I ; . I I I ;
I I .; j
. Ii ml
ii a- lie lie p
I e
. Ii con Id veil
Notice of Dissolution.
rim ins
i will not only give the endangered
x i light to escape from a
other man, j foundering vessel, but will- attract
b t is a from passing ships that
KI if wont , may to th .
Wiley May and A.
Jno. Morris and Annie Moore.
J no. Lee and Carrie
., as b
I who assume all Vienna, . I ft A
and all accounts due he
old firm are payable the new requesting
hi in.
Nearly every mania the country
has bean about for
the day he by
This Feb. 2nd 1904.
A. L.
The way to make appreciate
to buy them a good
dinner to eat While you are telling.
him t intervene the Russia
conflict under the pro-
visions of the international
tribunal at The Hague.
Hot only does the man
for bread give you a stone, u he
it at you. .
. t V

Eastern reflector, 9 February 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 09, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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