Eastern reflector, 5 February 1904

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i ii
-w- tr-
Hook Played on a
Woman He
I wit par excel-
the early nineteenth
a name that brings a
I i glow to the as
at ; . . e of go . and
L. ; We suspect however,
few people today could
give a Recount of v Theo-
I i . is an I . he did.
An i-i the by Via-
com St. e wit and bis
. pretty i before the mind.
This famous hoax, for example,
oft on M re. lei in,
; street who had
of i I e i to many
r and i.- at I worth re-
the old . the talk
of lie said, and according-
to i very son and Kind of
nil is said to in all
then f her house in
lit tin re ; i on ii certain day.
thing says a
newspaper of the time, six
men bearing i Bur-
rounded by nine p i.; . barbers
with n i era with
. o with the
i . t their trade.
Waco- coal from the
rt load.;, ;
en of every description
filled the s i et. ,; these, a
.- brought to tho
made i; order, agreeable to letter,
five feel i ;. sixteen inches. There
were . i-, ah ,
mint. n inters of
ever places
Certain r be made re-
l i implicit . Ill .;
band tied the Bank of Eng-
land brought tho governor of that
Tho h id mayor and
his el v ere allured by an
to i the
of a peculating common
while Hie Duke
d oft n ii
to i . a
Hair Falls
I tried Hair Vigor to
stop my hair from falling. One-
a bottle cared
J. C. Baxter, III.
Hair Vigor is
certainly the most
preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it noes a Ion; way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
flair. ah
your druggist cannot supply
and dollar will
give tho
J. c. k Kit Lowell, Mum.
ii i
In a row in the South Mountain
section of Burke county three men
all white, were killed.
The official estimate of the loss
to the State Normal College, at
Greensboro, by the fire is
at The amount
insurance to lie paid is
Dr. J. W. Jones, an aged
of Tarboro, died Thursday.
a dying woman, .
on h- royal
mother. His . re the
conspicuous on
hi it certainly been a
rest to life in those days,
tho i Id lad of vi -i may
. id the joke n itch
tn II i tor
who a i op-
the fated and looked
down on i
and that filled the
block r i
i tho London
it in Scribner's
. i a sign in I n,
aim, V
ion i
i in
W. Cox to Kinston
Miss Mattie baa return-
ed from
G. left this
morning for Keck.
left ti. morning
ton, Joseph
left Florida.
Secretary of state Bryan
Crimea came Friday night from
Mrs. E. L. Brooke and child, of
ion, came over this morning
to visit her father, I. A,
Miss Fa tin Cherry, i f
has been visiting her brother,
M. home Friday
Mis, William J. Boyd came up
morning from to spend
day here home
on the evening train.
airs. J. T. Howard,
bus been visiting her rand
little Margaret
Bethel, N. C, 1904.
Miss Hie attended the
at Tarboro.
W. A. Whitehurst and I. W.
House spent in Tarboro.
Robt. spent Thursday in
Tarboro on
Miss Mattie Grimes spent
night Tarboro and
returned Friday.
B. L. and T. A.
Roberts, of Tarboro, were town
yesterday on business.
The cold weather to
stay with us awhile, it keeps
Joe Bowers, spent the night in
town We were delighted to have
with us.
D. Thomas to Green-
ville on business Thursday.
W. G. Lamb and have been
with us a few days, you can
what for.
The farmers are selling cot-
G. G. Brooks, of Norfolk, was
in town today business.
W. J. spent the day
in town.
W. L. Hall, of Norfolk, was in
town Thursday on business.
Miss Elizabeth Jones spent last
night with Miss Inez Thomas.
J. R. returned home
this morning from where
he has been surveying.
We Give Rebate Checks-
will put on sale Monday, Feb. 1st
one case Percale, regular price as
long as they last yard.
Another week of Odds and
Ends and this will end our great
Odd and End Sale.
C. L. Wilkinson Co.
returned home
r, ; v. i i h
. ., ;
i in i those
I .
. i ., .
t was
i lined
i a.;
. .
Surplus Larger Than Capital
Greenville makes a
of its .;
close business Jan.
not . in tin
. undivided
I i i. r th-m ii capital
i . f w ii
i make in
. .
up Our Claims for
Fact i an not
a stimulant.
Fact and lends
permanent vigor to entire
h not a but
a normal, scientific cure for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and Fever,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
It restores the nervous and
tendency to or low spirits
Women with troubles peculiar to their set are
to -ct health. will
add his testimony to ours.
will make more
. H.
Th .
h his
I j o v i out
i late
morn will
i yon tin
. . . . tin i i .
. I
. I
. i, rather
up i
the old man
I . ; at i . m ; been
all. bis way
Breaking Gently.
now you
hare pi en up Hopkins,
be would stop coming to the
been here only
i times week, pa.
seven times How many
do you want him to
be harsh, father. George
is trying to break it off
It is said the same burglars who
cracked the sale at Winterville
were loafing Greenville
early in the week.
Cotton keeps soaring. The lo-
cal price went to cents today
a shade a little above.
ST. C.
. W. of is
spending a few days with us.
IT. O. Mayo was our streets a
few days ago,
B. Mayo and A. O. Clark
a g trip to Washington
ii. Proctor is spending a few
days i th s week.
O. Pro have add
ed a boiler to their mill plant.
T. P. Proctor is painting his
It. i. Mayo, of baa
a with J, O.
tor II .
Miss Laura of James-
. i t W . May .
has taken a
M tin ford Green-
T. J. T and Brace
have to We
hope them success their new
L. B. Elks went to Washington
Quick Time
The Durham mentions the
sending telegram the West-
from to New York and
receiving the answer in minutes.
It has been done several times from
the Greenville the same
company minutes.
R. J. Cobb.
C. V. York.
L. H. Pender.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
S make.
Plans contract for erection
I buildings.
Tinning, Slating, and kin sheet
metal work. Our in is fourth
is marble yard. L. has of
our tinning and department. V b m
B master of his trade.
We ask for our the public and
j will do our best to give
v u
N. C, Jan. John
treasurer of Person
county, died last night. He was
stricken with paralysis a few days
ago. A day or two after that
pneumonia developed, which was
too much for his constitution.
fob far i try.
According to figures furnished
us by Mr. W, Harvey, secretary
of the tobacco board of trade, the
sales of t th i Give t
ville market for the month of Jan-
were pounds. The
total for the season up to this
time reaches pounds.
Death at Ayden.
Ayden, N. Jan.
W. J. Branch died here at
o'clock today, days
sickness with He
was years of age, and leaves a
widow, four children, mother and
two brothers. The latter are D.
N. and J. A. Branch. Peace to
The Sleet covered wires and trees
fairly in the few bursts
of sunshine today.
The Post actually print-
ed Beautiful
Looking After.
Be; i is told that
there is a man in town going
house to offering to repair
sewing machines, who is very
abusive to ladies who do not give
him work. Such conduct should
not be permitted.
Since writing the above we learn
that the man was looked after this
afternoon. When Mr.
Cherry went home to dinner
Cher-y told him a sewing machine
j repairer bad been there and used
language to her. Mr.
Cherry came town and
found the man, who, course,
entered a denial. Mr. Cherry
took the man back to his house
for identification and at once the
fact was established. The next
move by Mr. Cherry's fist in
the direction of the man's head,
and soon there was blood
i. r .-.-
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
A Divided Court Decides That
North Carolina Must Pay
Washington, Feb. By a
divided bench to
today decided that the
of North Carolina must pay the
state of South Dakota be-
fore January, being
toned to of
London, an. of
mystery which
with the rep sited i Mrs.
a life m for g her
value of the ten second mortgage husband, said
bonds of the Western North Caro-
Railroad, issued by the state
in 1867, and which were donated
to the South Dakota by
that she lits bees remove-1 from
p At the Jolted
Stales i
d had
for the and
pose of bringing the The
was written by Justice
Brewer and was concurred In by
and Holm as. The four
who dissent and BUS North
Carolina's contention are Chief
Justice Fuller ices White,
and Day.
As to the second
New the court, held that
were not proper parties to
the suit could recover.
But the validity bonds
having been established despite
North Carolina's decision to can
promise them
on the dollar, the opinion
generally prevails Hit
holders of them will it- able
to force a compromise with the
ultimately some-
thing like their face value. The.
of hands Is under-
stood to be and
with coupons unredeemed it is
understood they approximated a
doing of
need, arid
look you a Is it
not the man of means
who wishes to use I is to
rich, to increase his wealth
is the of
graft corruption
than who needs the money
t his
Go any branch
a board t-
States the
these s are
t govern-
and civic are
men are
men of
the very
was still p
When- i en r there is need of
mains n tery, bot
to the effect
men to whether rich
has he a removed t schemes there is
Washington, D. Feb. 1904
On We there was a strange
in of
United Slates cavalry glittered and
clattered down the avenue to escort
the new Tali, from
the depot to his hotel. Has it came
to ibis, a citizen when called to
the I have a military es-
When did a parade ever
before lake place
The administration has
itself by doing another ex-
and unheard of thing.
the of lit
ii published at government ox
; biography of him of a thou
sand pages, painting pictorial
home office the governor of the, who needs
tail lit heroism in affairs
refused his family an
kind of i m
Mail ill. Mr.
is ti-i
t tat tin,
attached to i cc from
is in Pres-
advice. Young
men to int.
except they wish
ht advance a or make
better government,
poor men and rich men ought t
office. is
Houses lot Farm
the -ease of Mrs.
M in which has
A IS the country is heard the
complaint of the scarcity of
labor. Upon this, we base our ore
diction cotton w remain for
some time at a price that will make
its cultivation profitable.
Our farm
he public than public
f her and in but i so
endeavor to destroy the Hie
to herself. of any n as
to a hi of
If should command his
and ii m,
b en I I y .,, . -y ,;,.,,.,,.
to . . f
has been tin
t Mi.
mat tor. last t h.
bad this section covered out
e. and is now some . , ,.,,.,., ,.
Mrs. i ,, ., M,;,,, i,. n-
ton. V in ibis as
Lest Tobacco and More n
would be late i i
good . I r we believe ii will
. m re
in Politics . . , ,. .,
they raise their
after all the die- supplies so for as possible.
President Had- Tobacco i now bringing a
gone a during ,,, , .,, Bay price Dot that fact mil
in Cabs, the Philippines and
ma. Are Hay, Moody, Hitchcock,
Wood, to have
page biographies at
the expense of the people And
is the matter with thrilling
histories of
i be the filing h
fall the bills before congress to
meet in this city
enacted into a
a million dollars
wit be and will
be erected Count
tie Gnat,
Ian, General
who and
low. is said they lac-j
ed on I en i. be-.
can be i -o fully
. ell. J . v
i thirty these
. r cavalry
squadron of ant city in the world.
A prop ; give III
standing room cu the corner
I he Great is in
A quiet but very home
wedding took place Ibis morning
at the residence of J.
where his
Elisabeth Forrest, me the
wife of Col. J. Bryan Grimes,
secretary of state. The ceremony
was by I Father
Price, of
The bride was becomingly at-
in a dark blue tailor gown
hat to and carried a
fragrant bunch of purple violets.
The only attendants were Miss
of Bab I more, as maid of
and Mr. Grimes,
brother of the groom, as best man.
Miss Nina James, Hie piano,
played Schubert's Serenade
daring the
The couple left on the 8-80 train
for their future home.
The guest a distance at-
lending the marriage wt re Mr.
Mrs. W. D. Grimes an Mr.
Grimes, Was
Alston Grimes hi Messrs.
R. It. and
years mid large
with hired can no
be in this of tin.
It is quite that tin-
farmers who have the
Jot renters live in have
flats of tenants to work laud.
i j.-ii
If he had made
that statement, it would
hanked with freak
iii to pi ml all
heavily. trust may have put
iv i in r lo ii
the demand I
I of
Sit I. nominate
i -k r Hie nun
I in i; ratio speech
i ii if the , v.
lie aid. in i lout's
price i ; much i
the farm m
In slavery times Che as a
rule, bad good, comfortable houses
to line in, but for years niter the
war but little attention was paid to
the houses and the colored people, a
large number of them, seemed V. be
satisfied with any kind of a to
live in, and many are still
happy and contented a-
but as we said before,
tenants, both white
and colored, demand good to
live in and the farmer who provides
them receives a large income from
his farm and is not troubled every
year to secure labor to work the
A, , by the New
docs ma i
William C, Whitney Dead
New Feb.
Whitney, former secretary
of the Navy, died a few minutes
after four o'clock this at
his how, Avenue.
lie died while under the
either a
a second operation ft
up or who depresses them.
So r. be knows prices
that every and then I a
emanate colleges and leaf. The firmer f. r practical as and ;
,, i-i am to he peace and
i of this country; as contrary
to the i p of
in its with
nations, those of ibis
i ii ire as not calculated to
us in the and esteem
of be should pro-
liable for the i iv ii v. unless, I
perhaps, and if.
The the day is the vigor-
dent Ii
did mot warn all except the
link out of but advises J subject to this
young man not to seek office until h would do well to look askance
be had made himself in some crops. Especially should he do
measure its
reward-, so that immediate
starvation or mm approach to
himself fatally not be
the failure to win
an election or of dismissal from a
How much money does It lake
to make a man some measure
independent of its re-
That will vary with in
tastes and environ-
so when lie other money crops
band that arc beyond such complete
control by any man or set of men.
Go light on tobacco for a year or
so and it may help the demand
the weed. Free Press.
, nus and brilliant maiden of
Coroner Jury Declares Glover Guilty.
The coroner's jury, which held
an inquest over the body of W. J.
bee, who was killed Wednesday
It would have been better night, eleven miles of Smith-
Senator Stone, i of Mis
in denunciation of the
conduct the i
ma canal. bad
secession and rebellion and taken
active part in the of a
sister republic; and he added, am
to believe it is due more to
impulsiveness, and to that volcanic,
irrepressible love he has for
if Preside-it Hadley had warned field, N. C. a that
young men Dot to go into politics j Lee was killed by
until they had made a place for It appears both men were
themselves in their profession or Intoxicated and that as Die result
business and warned all
to be upon the Lee to death. Glover's pocket
pecuniary washed, the
that some ye smears of
The Custis Family Bib
Philadelphia, Feb. .
of the family . Robert
F. Lee are . regain
of the Custis family
Bible, which Martha
used in her morning devotions
and which contains the birth and
death records of many of Amer-
famous men.
Tin Bible was mislaid lo
family in . n
Arlington in B. i Mow-
Gen. Lee's from
the United Slates ion R
Mary Lee, . r
Gen. Lee, while visiting i city
learned, an
letter, that the Bible was j , the
George W
Jr . a well known Mason, She
wrote to Mr. and asked
him to return it, he d
urn it is probable
the on of the
Bible III be
Mr. Bible
years a o from n. mimed
Stein, d
Hi Ken-
Mr. S en father,
ho was a i in i r Ion
army, bought the lank m set-
bi, who bad i
it from a soldier who found ii in
The Bible was by
Charles Bell, in I contain-
ed entries of births of
1710, and Daniel Parke Custis,
October 1.1,
the the marriage of
Daniel and Martha Custis the
births cf their various
On the page at the end of the
is birth r n of
George W. P. the
son of Washington.
eruptive, lurid, and
of a between Glover
take no pride in seeing my country
before the world like a
in politics succumb to the tempts- f on tho
the bride, in South Greenville,
Mr. Sheppard Manning and Miss
Maggie Laughinghouse were mar-
the y being perform-
ed by W. II.
fattier of the bride. The
were L. F. Waters with Miss.
Mamie Basil Dixon with.
Miss No in

. X i
Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of REV. L E. SAWYER, who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
Got in the Wrong Home.
Wilson, a son of
Mr. George B. Wilson, of Dover.
who recently came to the city to
take a position in the A.
office, and who i not very familiar
with the town, had rat her an
unusual night
that it n result
seriously house
where he hoards the one next
to it are exactly alike and on his
going borne to t- bed, he got
in the wrong one which happened
to be unlocked finding a
lamp about where he expected
to, he took it. and went
to his t room.
When he got into the room he saw
a man In the bed and being In
turn pulled the
cover off to see who it was.
This waked the man, who on
awing some stranger in the room
out of the bed and made for
the intruder. After the mutual
surprise hod subsided,
straightened things out
each went to his respective bed.
Free Press.
of the Reflector is in
of E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
rues for the paper in and territory.
The Peril of the Weevil.
The approximate value of the
cotton crop of the world is between
seven bundled and fifty and eight
hundred millions of dollars. Of
the world's cotton, the United
States produces per cent.,
and thin proportion in
the production of one of the great
products of the world's con-
is a prominent factor in
Butted States in her
present position in relation to the
trade balance of the world. Of
the enormous amount of cotton
grow u in the United States,
of Texas has for years produced,
approximately, one-third. Cotton
alone brings to the state of Texas
over one hundred millions of
annually, and when the price
of the staple the
figure of fourteen cents per pound,
which it h is reached within the
past, few weeks, the a good
cotton crop to the state would
pa-- hundred million.
a food crop, the
price i much lower-but
even in the depressed times a
few years back, when five cents
per all that the grower
could get, cotton still remained
the great crop of the state, and
the great crop of many of the
other Southern States.
One of the prime reasons
the present price if cotton,
aside from the clever
of the in has been not
an small crop so
much as a rather well founded fear
of enormous by an insect
which for the past few years has
caused an annual loss to the State
of Texas exceeding ten millions of
dollars in actual cotton destroyed,
and an annual loss, of possibly one
hundred millions the effect of
this destruction upon industries
depending upon or connected with
the cotton Mex-
Cotton-Boll by L.
O Howard, in the American
Monthly Review of Reviews for
W. administrator of R H. decease J t M, A V H faT
to notify he public that he has charge of the v V V
goods owned by said R. II. at his death, and s offer-
them to of cost. The
full lino DRY WOODS. NO IONS, LOT slIM.
HATS CAPS, . hardware and groceries, all
nice W. G. is agent of the Mfg ,
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual.
are is taken and n good lit guaranteed. We can furnish
goods at percent, less than tailor charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. Q. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business I am
better than ever prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
Do yon Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
N. C. i,
B. W.
Whichard, N. C.
complete is every de-
and price, low the
;. Highest market price
for country produce
digests what you sat.
strengthens and sweet-
ens the stomach.
and all stomach
and bowel troubles.
the action of
the gastric and
fives tone to the digestive organs.
n overworked
stomach of all nervous
strain, gives to the heart a full, free
and untrammeled action, nourishes
the nervous and feeds the
ls remedy
that is making so many
sick people well and weak people
by giving to their bodies all of
the nourishment that Is contained in
the food they eat.
four T.
Bat lei only,
the trial all, which tor
r. C. CO.,
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
J. H- CO-,
m e.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Taney Groceries, Crockery,
Confections, To-
and Everything cheap
for country
r gentleman to
In thin county adjoining
for house of solid financial
salary and paid each
Monday direct from headquarter.
Expense money advanced, position
permanent. Ad drew
Bldg., Chicago.
a Town.
Greenville, Miss. Jan.
fire at destroyed every
building in the town, except two
dwelling, yesterday and caused a
estimated from to
Cotton seed and com for sale
by W. P. Washington,
N. C. Also a limited of
seed potatoes. One customer
gathered from one acre in cotton
the past fall over pounds of
seed cotton, and I made from my
corn to barrel per acre
after spring crop of cabbage.
have a limited of cotton
seed to sell. Price of corn to
per bushel. Cotton
per 1- -4-wk D. W
handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is this best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hate, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
i A full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
f n
k I a Z
S s s
i i
v M
S .,
I Z Ph
-o O
. t
S i
i S
r- i u g
J. J.
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and While there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
The Killing
Monroe, N. C Jan.
body of J. K. Wilhelm, who
killed last Wednesday, will be
buried here tomorrow. The
has been delayed the
arrival of his broth.-r from Texas
will be a
M. L. Flow, next Tuesday. The
defense will be by
Redwine and Stack, Adams,
Jerome, A i infield Stewart,
while the will be con-
ducted by Stevens
Both and Wilhelm are
fro-ii and
much Interest being taken
the trial, M
Good humor is the beat medicine
but reject II
II la
Kill, d Coasting.
N. C, Jan.
Master David H.
seven-year-old sou and only child
of Judge Henry B.
fatally Injured today. While
coasting down Bank street Salem
he ran into passing street car on
I Main street. He was dragged for
a short distance. Later lie was re
moved to the hospital
an examination the
physicians announced that tho
boy was injured Internally and be
could not live. He. died at
this evening.
Howard Making a
Capt. J. K. Fleming, Warden
of State's Prison, and J. D.
cuff, formerly of Raleigh's police
force, left yesterday for Chicago to
identify William Howard, alias
who escaped from the
here five years ago, and who was
recently arrested in Chicago.
Messrs. Fleming and Honeycutt
will testify mere in habeas corpus
brought Howard.
It seems he has employed counsel
and is a big tight. He
was here for robbing
a safe in a in
At the time Howard was arrested
the here for
the of Federal
from this section of country.
Now they are sent to Atlanta.
News ft Observer 81st.
Subscribe for at
keep up with
Is hereby given that W.
Gardner enters and claims the fol-
lowing described vacant land in
Creek township, Pitt-county,
North Carolina, bounded by the
lands of J. A. Adams,
Brooks, G. W. Gardner and
others, on and being a
fart of Fat Ridge swamp,
ten acres, more or less. This
January 25th, Any person, or
claiming to, an interest
n I the above described land, must
file their protest with me, writing,
within the thirty day or they
will be barred by law.
for Pitt
County, N. C.
The of Superior Court of Pitt
having issued I- tiers M
to me, the undersigned on
day of Jan. l. on Die e
of W alter notice is
hereby given to all persons d
to e-tale to make Immediate pay-
to the and to a
said to
claims properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, twelve month
the date of this ice, or
be plead bar of their
This the ind day of January
the estate of waller Evans.
of administration upon the
estate of George Jefferson
having been issued to the undersigned
by the of the Court of
Pitt county, and having duly qualified
as administrator of. said estate, notice
is hereby given to all persons holding
claims against said to present
them to Hie undersigned for
Y C.
Attorney at Law.,
Greenville. N. C,
N. .
Practice in all the
to of -3 its
and other claims. Prompt
lO all
Saw His Shadow.
. . . ml hog saw shadow,
. pl
build- My According
at were
h- went took his hole to wait
weeks more of winter to
pas by.
and pliant of Journal
coons t.
a toe
and l dollars
-t apart for e lo en Pa, Jan.
tie killed
four KM
Five Men
the Philadelphia
Mag Coal it v.
toy the
he Mini Jesus at-
and Italian be i
First work on ,
City train Co
Gran, Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
la r
The Ladies Take a Hand at
The young ladies of the town
gave a leap year dance the opera
house, Monday night, that was in
all respects a complete success.
There were some features con-
with the that were
very amusing, as well as giving
some good pointers to the young
men. To begin with, the young
ladies, to pay the men back for
their usual in making
engagements for dances, did not
I let any of the latter know who
of s-died natives here announces would take them to the dance, or
of Mr. J. W. c- if they would betaken at all, until
this He the day arrived. Again
was of Greenville.
j i-v
Norfolk, Va.
our and see stock be-
We to buy your
Pea for cash.
. , i
, Mid
n- .-,
. I ,. .
y-i, K-j. i, ; ;.
M i
the day arrived. Again after
baring the first dance in the hall,
ladies led their partners
to and gathered In the cent
of to talk among them-
selves, and the young men for the
h looking
young did clever
thing, however, by presenting
their carnations and
by giving them an supper
Carolina Club alter the
Safes, P.
, d Ax Those taking par in Le dance
h Life r iv j Weal w
By a decree of the
Court of t County, made on .
14th day of January in a certain
special proceeding therein pending
entitled J. J. b. Cox aid wife
others against E. a. and
I will, on
Monday, February 1901,
before Green-
i IA for
w Our line of
is you could desire, aid
we will sue that your tool
i id China Ware, Tin Wooden
Cakes and Crackers, Bessie Patrick with
i F est Butter, New Mayo
i and no- j w .
duality and
O. B.
with J. D.
s Lottie Blow
j Mis Bertha Patrick with A. M.
with F
. i I .-. , , p. , with.
. ,. . , ---v., -p F- H -M.- a Tayloe,
south west , . --.-. , .
to a law and small pine. M VS Will
thence north poles . I . . ,. . , .
to tho beginning. I . . Skinner with
other niece the n . -.-.,,. Pun
tract he L. B.
j. i. R. K It
Identical granted unto
Aaron Cos by Grant the
,. dated K
28th H.
L. BLoW,
ii. L. Myers leave .
i on daft
LAND. at in for leaves I
f the daily,
court in m Washing-ton.
proceeding pending at Washington with
T. J. Stancill and others Steamers for Baltimore,
N. Stancill and Philadelphia, New York I
January 1-1, I on, and all North- at I
Monday, February NorFolk with for all
public salt before she Court I VA vi.
House door tin- town d Green their I
ville, to bidder, a by Old Line
tract or parcel of land situate in
township, Pitt County,
adjoining Locker Swamp, river
the land formerly belong-
to P. A. Atkinson, the lands of
Richard others, icon
acres more or less, and
bring the lands upon which
R. Stancill resided at the time of his
Terms of sale cash.
This the 16th day of Jan. 1904.
ALEX. L. Blow.
Stray taken up I have
stock one male pig,
black color, unmarked, weight
about pounds. Owner can get
by proving properly
paying all charges.
Grimesland, N. C.
once a week s-w
Patient waiting Is often the
highest way of doing will.
The wise are polite all the world
over, are polite only at home.
Norfolk JR. B. and
on Line Norfolk;
Day Line Line
and Miners Li u from
Bailing . change
T. U, Myers,
N. .
J. J.
R. B. Walker,
Beach Street, N, Y.
t-. I
. .-.
; ;
.; be In-
I , of ;.; and rank
, . . c
the of sulphate produces an
flavor and a d yield.
Tobacco must have Potash.
Our book. cm-
much valuable and
grower a copy of
w or
Broad SI.
; Clean, rare Goods only
I are We call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes its inane.
Five Point.
Mis- Skinner with o.
Mrs. an-1 Mr. H. W. Whedbee.
Mis. and Mr, J. L. Fuming.
Mrs. and Mr. A. While.
Mis. Mr. W. II. , .,
Mrs. and Dr.
Mrs. mil Mr. R. Williams.
Mis. HI Dr L.
is hereby given that on
h- of January, 1804,
Have indigestion,
We here to please the
public. We are batter
ed than ever before to do
work promptly and well. We
are here to give you the best
prices consistent with honest
material workmanship.
your money in your
home town unless you can get
Negro Hanged for Murder.
Ga., Jan.
colored, was hanged better returns for if elsewhere,
here today for the murder of H.
L. Byrd, a plantation
Little girls are never too young
to notice whether their are
becoming; to them
a fair proposition isn't
it. Bash Doors, Blinds and
every kind of Interior and Ex
the style of Pitt County Buggy
Co., was dissolved by mutual
consent. The interest of Charles
Putin purchased by H. C.
and the latter assumes
all the of the firm and
will continue the business
the same name cf Pitt County
Buggy Co. All persons
to the firm either by note or ac-
count are requested raceme for-
ward and settle with him as early
us possible.
This 18th
H. C. Edwards,
Having sold my good will and
interest In Pitt Canary Buggy Co.
to H. C. Edwards, X wish to
all my friends for their patronage
in past and ask that con
limit- iii- same lo Mi. H. Ed
wards, who will at all times en-
to please them with good
work. Cobb.
Some lazy men like work
it never does them any harm.
s curing
i hour.
Y. ii owe if in yourself to give it a
trial. You will continue to suffer
until you do try it. There is no
other combination of
that digest and rebuild at the
time. both.
cures, strengthens and re-
builds. Sold by J. L.
One Minute Cough Cure
kills the microbe which tick lea
the mucous membrane, causing
the cough and at the the same
time clears the phlegm, draws out
the inflammation and heals and
soothes the affected parts. One
Cough Cure strengthens
the wards off
and is a harmless and never
cure curable eases Coughs,
Colds croup. One
Cough Cure is pleasant to take,
harmless and good alike for young
and old. Bold by J. L.
A woman is as young as other
women think she looks. J-

D. J.
Editor and
gets prepared
Russia gets prepared they can both
go home quit.
It looks like to punish a man
for stealing and do nothing, with
in tin- post office at Greenville, N. ft, as second class matter,
Advertising- rates made upon application. him for committing murder.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and counties.
Pitt County, K. O., Friday,
Just because cotton took about a
cent tumble some folks wort as long
faces as when it was soiling at ft
That's not a to what it
for after I-shift annexed.
Atlanta Journal.
. , I out
Seethe near
One boy-
later death
to all men save those
pensions which do not
Cut His
N. ., Feb.
A. man named
twice put out of the
Alfred Lee the
t- because of an affray in
When went back on his
Cotton just keeps right on climb-
until everybody is wondering state, it might have I, en expected
No congressman be
tied to he uses tie
cents. Why, its above tr that purpose, but was engaged,, on the second
course all will; take it, if for no nut a gab.
neck, extending from
to the trout. But for bis
whore it will slop.
that ho would co back on a woman.
the 2nd and went back in his hole.
The surface hog will not see his
reason than think somebody
will if they do
The ground hog saw on
is danger in high
The biggest thing iii i in
Dispensary or no dispensary, ens-. , . , , I shadow on the 14th. so will slip out says a
or no distillery. These are
the questions. Which side are you
the dispensary. During the month
January the receipts of that
with. his comic valentine.
A. B. editor of the
The press dispatches said that
Marion Butler and Daniel I. Russell
f you want to see barrooms Scimitar and one of the best were at the
in Greenville put in your best work
for the dispensary daring the next
th. Election day, March 2nd,
known newspaper men in
died Monday.
the South United Supreme
in the South Dakota case.
. Certainly they were, being
will decide the issue.
The greatest war bluff in history j tors of the whole thing. They do
is the way Russian Japan not care what they inflict upon their
The big newspapers can rest easy eventually be set down j state just so they are getting some
now. Announcement has been made . pie out of it.
th it room will be provided for them
Maybe so
but not ; the man who grows- it or
to the South or to the national
of trade. High cotton averted
a panic, the South, to carry
its own obligations, and will give
comforts to thousands of homos. If
there is in high the
South will pray for danger and
plenty of News and
coal collar Lee would doubtless
been killed. As it ha
received a serious wound.
In the excitement escaped.
Tried to. kill Himself.
Va , Feb. Ty-
who has been in jail for a few
day, to commit suicide
this morning by cutting throat.
He pulled a tin cup apart, aid
taking a portion of it, he whetted
it the floor until it was
as sharp as a knife. a gash
three inches tang in his
The Financial Ago says that the throat, which had to he sewed up
high price of cotton in the South has
had a very good effect upon South-
securities. It says that
held Chicago June
all on the press platform at the re- time North Carolina The Washington Post must think ties that formerly floated at and
publican national convention to be th Dakota paid for those j that the average woman would only at par are now desired
i , ,, , . at lower rate or at a premium. It
some more folks will be ready to j be robbed than yield j
I to a law requiring her to put pock-, are
. , eta in her dresses by way of i Sc nth is more than ever able to
It must be cold, sure enough, a i temptations from purse-snatch- finance its own
jump on us.
The failure of A. Baxter Co.
cotton brokers of New York, that
curred Saturday, put the market in ; little further West At Memphis,
brief disorder. They had a number j Tenn., there so much ice in the n object so seriously to the pock-
en, It is not the case that the o
offices in North Carolina, river, that for the first
time in twenty years all steamboat
traffic had to suspend.
and many people who were dealing
with them lost money. It is best to
keep clear of the bucket shops.
Chicago is in a fair way to get all
the wind punched out of the city
and go busted. Damage suits for
personal injury amounting to nearly
thirty-eight millions dollars are
but to an effort at compulsion.
News and Observer.
The Durham Sun has discovered
There is a lot of the same sort of some people who would like to build
perversity in Some men. a wall around the town and keep
j everybody out but themselves. Give
by a physician.
Tyler went to few
nights ago and asked tor lodging.
He soon became very violent, and
it was he was suffering
with delirium It
since developed he is insane. He
is a book bidder and came here
three weeks ago from South
Not Gould.
N. C, Jan.
response to H telegram Frank
J. Gould hail been at
yesterday afternoon,
,. ,,, , , , ,, them a job on the union depot, if; fleer Needly went up on N . to
The Texans have made a valuable l, u ,. . T . ,
they want to build anything.
Greenville REFLECTOR.
That would never do in the world.
Maine is almost as bad as North
Carolina for wanting things. So discovery. Turkeys are fond of boll
far there are only lire men after the weevils and more of these pests they
nomination for governor of that devour the fewer are left to destroy I They would so construct it that it
state. the cotton. Thus we have an be difficult for the trains even
As cold
The United Si Express
eating concatenation of to get in or out.
pending against the city. There is ,.,.,.,., thing by
a picnic ahead of the lawyers there.
making an effort to stop some of the
train robbing which is one of the
Every voter in the town of Green- greatest curses of the country,
ville should go to the polls on March , in the west. They are re-
the second and cast, his vote for the quiring all the employees including
dispensary which will help to sup- the clerks, to become efficient in pis-
press the use of so much liquor,
which is wrecking so many lives and
homes, and robbing women and
of their daily comforts.
The shutting down of many cotton
mills and curtailing of others, be-
cause of the high price of cotton, is
The Atlantic Coast Line has . inflicting a hardship on thousands of
a pension board and will
retire between the ages of
operatives. It is a bad time of year
to be thrown out of employment. It
and years, who hare been i doubtless means that cotton has got
years or longer in the service of the mills cannot
the company, and will give them t without a corresponding ad-
monthly pension amounting to in of
per cent of the salary received. The
sum of a year will be set
aside for purpose. This will be
generous aid to old who
have become incapacitated for
The airing accomplished good all
the same. Mr. Godfrey got back
the money the lawyers made him
pay for the return of his bonds, even
though the thief who stole them can-
not be found.
The scientific world is interested
in an experiment to made at
South Bend sometime by some
physician who says he can keep a
baby in its early infancy from
turning black. When s baby
is first born, it is said that it can
hardly be distinguished from a white
as both are red, and this ex-
is to cause the colored
to turn white by degrees in
of black. If this experiment
proves to be a will we
with the toss
It looks like enough been said
tho subject to have induced some
one to make the start toward getting
a building and loan association in
Greenville, but tho start has yet to
be announced.
Even the opinions of the highest
judges differ. Five of the Justices
of tho States being for and
four against, shows there are
men who not think it
North la pay
The weevil eats the cotton, the j throwers they would make splendid
, ., . hands. Perhaps Greenville would
key eats the weevil, the man , ., . ,
I be by getting them as she
the turkey and in time a large part get.
of the cotton crop actually finds its , ting cold, for the
way into the stomachs of the people. n time for Greenville
to get interested in an ice factory.
They will make the ice without
the Sun.
It is all right about the depot and
we'll let it at that. But as to the
other, Greenville does not need any
of that kind, even to help cut ice.
The man who commits suicide
because of financial embarrassment
or any other embarrassing cause,
a proper appreciation of the
unforgivingness of the average
who has an unsatisfied claim;
he is expected to go around like a
but still he is a moral
coward. It takes a high order of
courage to face such conditions, and
begin life over but many a
man has done it, and a
condition in which he could look the
world in the face and begin life over
again. Such men have the courage
to struggle and wait.
The Charlotte Chronicle in a
strong editorial advocates tho repeal
of the crop lien law. It says the
custom of mortgaging a crop before
it is planted done more to dis-
satisfy the farmer with farm life
than any other one For a
few years after the war tho lien may
have served a good purpose, and so
did the homestead exemption, but
this cannot now be said of either of
them. Tho business man cannot
blamed for wanting
is called upon to famish
bat if the wan
repealed safety ha
The Late General John B. Gordon.
General Gordon aroused the pride
and retained the love of all ex-con-
federates as few confederate com-
have done. He seems to
have incurred less of personal
antagonism, and his part in the war
provoked adverse criticism than
that of any of his associates. The
feeling toward him in the North,
since the subsidence of war passions
may be truly described as one of
kindly admiration.
No human being; friend or foe,
can fail to realize, after a of
his life, that throughout his whole
military career he believed he was
right and did his best, and that he
accepted the result without
He was a born soldier. His
was achieved by inborn military
prowess, uneducated, save in the
school of in which tho
pupil a matter. His
was one in was so
fear was drives eat Ire it .-From
an-eat by John
Wise, m ex.
of far
get him, but when be lit eyes on
him he back empty
Gould i. as bad as
The poop I e that way no
doubt thought Gould was a bad,
very bad man, for when the shades
of evening drew nigh there were
three police men on
hand his scalp, each going
by different trail, but of
each man did not know the others
Cotton Tobacco.
farmer who has tobacco
would rather see higher prices than
to hear the promise of
the Greenville Reflector. The
high price of cotton this year all the
more emphasizes the crime of the
tobacco trust in taking the tobacco
crop at a song. If the cotton crop
could be controlled by a trust,
the tobacco crop, the cotton farm-
would be as much the low
grounds as the tobacco
The tendency, since the inflow or
gold from Alaska, has been for
everything to go up in price. Cot
ton had hardly felt that upward ten-
until this year. A small
of the increase may be
to the general upward tendency
in prices, but it is chiefly due to the
increased demand and the
The tobacco crop this year short
probably proportionately shorter
than the crop. The law of
supply and demand, if it works with
tobacco as with cotton, would give
tobacco a higher price.
What prevents higher
greed of the trust, which controls
the tobacco crop, is alone responsible
for the starvation prices being paid
for tobacco. Simply that and
. ,
This department is in of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Or. Dixon and W. B. Hooks, of
j have been here this week.
N. O. Feb. wife of L. C.
Mrs, Evelyn moved into Fletcher, died at her home near
her new residence on Church , here last morning and was
buried Monday afternoon.
She ha a pretty home.
J. D Cox, who has been
down in South Carolina for
the Beaufort Lumber Co., j
for quite a while, came home
Miss Lida spent Sud
nay at the boarding
This season the A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co., will sell by far more cotton
planters than ever before. The
demand for them is very great.
CT A. Co. are
immense quantities of cotton seed.
Seed are bringing a nice price and
add much to the income of the
Josh Manning has been borne
the sick list.
Rev. Carroll preached
in the Baptist church here Sunday
morning and night.
Rev. Mr Griffith, of
held services in the
church here Sunday
His sermon was pronounced to be
a fine and whenever Mr.
comes to Winterville he is
generally appreciated his
church well attended.
Mrs. Manning has been
visiting at the home of T. N. Man-
If in need of seed potatoes
northern grown or crop see
G. A. Kittrell Co. can sup
ply you.
For Rent or house and
lot loomed between Josephus Cox
and A D. Cox on street.
Apply to G. A. Fair.
Just received car load of flour.
Harrington Barber Co.
Seed oats and cotton seed meal.
Constantly on hand. Harrington
Barber Go.
Fernando Tucker and our friend
C. A. went to Greenville
Last We at the home of
the Miss
Barber was to Mr. Quince
Martin, from Bethel Rev.
Mr. Pollard the
Mr. at the Store
will be pleaded to show you their
line of ham No me gold and fountain
Cox. per day. Bent
House town.
A, G Cox Mfg. Co. have Just
received another car load of wire
furnish you fence
from at to high at prices
ranging from to 3-1
per yard.
We now have a nice lot of porch
timber. It you are in need
of them why not let us fit you up
Prices are tight. Winterville
G. A Co. will give
yon lbs cotton seed meal in
for a ton of neon
or give per bushel.
If in need of seed
meal corn, bay or anything in the
fend line see Q. A. Kittrell o
Oar load of shingles to
arrive a few days. See there
Mrs. M. A, two
Wren, who have
Ska. V. w. Bryan
G. A. Kittrell Co. have just
received a shipment seed oats
cheap get
I prices before buying.
Bully for Col. Sugg, the cotton
null of Greenville. While his
predictions may have come true,
yet we deem it would be wisdom
on the part of our farmer friends
to diversify their crops. Some
cotton, some tobacco, plenty of
corn and fodder lots of hog.
Do this and they will be
dent, otherwise they will be the
objects of the moneyed
as they have always been.
Jesse, the 12-year-old son of D.
C. Davenport, died Monday
was buried Tuesday.
Cotton seed meal hulls
sale. G. A. Kittrell Co,
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have a nice
lot of coffins hand. Prices
are very reasonable as heretofore-
Prompt attention given all orders.
If you want your horse shod,
if your harness or own shoes
reed repairing, and general
blacksmith work call and see W.
L. House on Main street.
G. A. Kittrell Co.
We have a nice line hats for
both old and young, also trunks,
valises, at prices
we think very reasonable
always glad to serve you save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Pry Goods, Hats and Conn-
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies, Cakes. Crackers and Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Ci- I
gars. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar. I
Fruits and Vegetables, Hominy
and Canned Goods. Green and I toast-
ed Coffee. Toilet and Laundry soaps. I
Winterville, N. C.
We've moved boarding
house way out on west end. We're
afraid of the robbers.
J. A. Nichols, of Plymouth, has
accepted a position the baggy
Mrs Fannie Tyson came in from
Kinston Monday.
Dr. William Cobb Whitfield, of
has to see us.
All who doubt what we say-
about buggy harness
the lead, both in price and
quality, are kindly asked to call
and see for themselves. Several
stock all the while.
Notice the cut of a
buggy on this page This i
only one of many, and if you will
keep your eves open from time to
time we will he glad to show you j
a variety of Of course as
it would be better if you have not
done so to visit the and I
let Hunsucker show you
The other day a party
some wire fence from A. G.
Mfg. Co , raying that he wanted a
fence which would his
hogs as well as other j
fence that will
do it is your make with barb wire
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., have just;
gotten out a neat little
describing the
various article- of their
This little book with prices
marked is free forth a asking, oral
simple request postal card will
bring it to you. Don't
write now. It is no small matter I
to be well posted.
will save the dyspeptic from many
days of misery, and enable him to eat
They prevent
whatever he wishes.
cause the food to assimilate and
the body, give appetite,
and solid muscle. Elegantly
Take No
If there is a of men that this store strives hard
to please with good dependable Clothing, its the
We have suits made especially for workingmen
made from stout, serviceable mixtures that will not soil
Put Together to Stay.
Seams sewed with the best of silk and put on with tho
strongest linen thread.
suits cut to be roomy and
still retain an appearance of style and gentility
Workingmen, who have given these suits one trial,
are ever afterwards our steady patrons. Moderate.
Some lazy men like work
it never does them any
R. J. Cobb.
C V. York.
L H. Pender.
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
work. Our in shop on fourth opposite
marble yard. Mr. H. L. Wyatt has charge of
tinning and slating department. will him
a vaster of kit
We for stars of the patronage
will Us; to
i lie
CL Wilkinson
I Give Rebate Checks
We will put on sale Monday, Feb. 1st
one case Percale, regular price as
long as they last yard.
Another week of Odds and
Ends and this will end our great
Odd and End Sale.
C. L Wilkinson Co.

Grimesland Department.
J. Proctor Bros
II you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to it, clothing and
dry goods far your family, provision
for your table, or for
your farm, we can supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumber. and, do all kinds I
of turned work for ;
house trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hat;. Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the sells.
Wonderful Nerve
Is displayed by a man en-
pains of accidental Cats,
Wounds, Bruises Barns, Scalds,
Sore feet But there's
need tor it.
Salve will kill the pain and cure
the trouble. It's the beet salve on
earth for Piles, too. at
Drug Store.
To a Bank.
It is calculated that Cotton King j
Daniel J. Sully has cleaned up at
least profits with
cotton corner. This amount
he intends to use establishing a
bunk in New York, with Walter
; H. Crandall as partner.
Office opposite depot.
nest door to Post Office.
N. G.
The man who wants the earth is
the very one the can get I drinks.
along without. I every day.
. ;
Cold Comfort
Is- what we are and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will Insure sweet milk, and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
of the liver,
little pills known as
Little not only cleanse
the system but they strengthen
Dry Goods, Notions, he action of the liver and rebuild
eerie, Tobacco and Cigars. tissues supporting that organ,
Soda Fountain town, All Little Early are easy to act,
Hot Peanuts they gripe and yet they
absolutely certain to produce re-
that are satisfactory all
leases. Sold by J. L. Wooten.
Line Dry Goods-- Furniture. Groceries.
The famous W e Prices for Cotton.
Cotton Seed and Country
The young men who stand out-
side the church Sunday evening
good is the young women
who accept their
you ran get at
roods at living;
stock before you buy and be
If you have will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There la i need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a machine with knives at
a ice, and guarantee It to do the work.
Water Coolers, Freezers, Hammocks and
i else the hardware line.
A Very Close Call,
I stuck to although
every joint ached and every nerve
was licked with writes C.
Bellamy, a locomotive fireman
of Burlington, Iowa. was weak
and pale, without any appetite and
all As I was a limit to
I give up, I got a bottle
Hitlers, and after taking it, I fell
ax wed as lever did in my
Weak, sickly run down people
ways gain new life, and
vigor from their use. Try them.
Satisfaction by
Drag Store. Pi ice cents.
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. j
your and everything you use in j u
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
here, and we are
Everybody ilia sees buys, and ever;
goods becomes oar customers.
and save yourselves money.
Our goods are
u .
We bag leave to announce that we arc
The may have
The elephant his trunk
when it comes to
My money's on the
-I Death.
White Lead, Paints,
la illy of Mrs. M L. Bob-
of saw
.,. ii were powerless to save
her. Tl e most skillful
remedy used, failed,
while consumption was slowly but i
taking her life. In
terrible hour King's New j
for Consumption
j turned despair into joy. The
B In relief,
its use complete
cared her. It, the most certain;
in world for ail throat
and long troubles
bottles and Trial But j
ties Free Drag Store, i
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
Most equable climate on Atlantic coast; salt air by proximity of
Gulf Stream. Fully equipped with every modern Improvement for the treat-
of disease. A full corps of Specialists In every department. Special
department for cases of confinement. Most approved X-ray apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish and Russian Baths.
Ward Rates, per week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc., address
The President, St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium
Country Ready nixed Paints.
New Firm With Brand New Stock
There is no
world that excels
the Ft behind it c. century's j
reputation for wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you
never worry about quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
purpose. Have just received a car load and
wan give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
opened in
store from corner, under Hotel
Bertha, a complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Every article in in new and
We Lave everything in
Flour, Meats, Coffee, Can
Good. Pickets, Pratt
I Tobacco, Cigars, etc. In fact can
any needed for your
, table at lowest prices. We also
carry a nice line of candies. All
j orders and delivered prompt-
anywhere Id
Several young ladies can get
employment operating sewing nm
chines on underwear. work
is neat a remunerative.
Whole families can get employ-
Apply to.
The Weldon Cotton Mfg. Co.
N C.
i t
The farmers should bear in
mind that the institute
will be hold in Greenville next
Monday, There should be a
large attendance.
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended that works automatically,
Will if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Best fictions. Incontestable.
mis are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
William Fountain, H.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C
one door east of post office,
street Phone
and Surgeon.
. . .
Killed by a Fat
Charlotte. sT. O , Jan.
M. sixty, of
Morgan ton, w down and in
raw m
by in
Palm Pm i
four late and
at I an t
up the
the direct I v from
of the train.
e. r.
in Road.
Dunn, N. W. J. Lee w
found dead today the road
between and bis home
near here. His body is cut and
gashed in several p toes Clarence
Glover him to Smith
field yesterday, both
late the Upon
being strongly suspected Glover
has been and in
default of now in jail at
From Mount Airy o Roanoke.
Airy, N. C,
An road from Mt.
IS. O, to Roanoke, Va., as-
sured. It will be about eighty-five
miles long. From Mt. Airy it
will go across Ridge
mountains, near Fancy Gap, and
from by way of
and Va.,
Buffalo ridge, about four miles
east of Buffalo mountain; thence
through Floyd court, house, from
there Little River, near
the Bent Mountain road, crossing
Bent and leading direct
to At Mt. Airy the
line would with
aid at
the Norfolk, Western, making
a line to both Northern ad
Southern markets.
This mad will open up a line
farm milling district
and one of the best oak
belts in the United State.
A Horror at Roanoke.
RoanoKe, Va. Jan.
George J. Shields, a well known
young business man reached bis
home in the heart of the city at
the today, be found
his three Mil-
in of blood on
the floor, with two
ugly the bead. Fol-
lowing in- from the
room t-. . upstairs chamber
he found his lying in pools
of blood a nets closet floor,
nit from ear to
horribly hacked,
man came
and attacked
a is no clue to
ear and
Mrs. Shied- .
me the
the criminal.
Mrs. Shields had been outraged,
after which her assailant dealt
her several blows head
with a hatchet, fracturing the
skull, dragged her upstairs, where
he cut her throat with a razor and
threw her into closet, la-ten
door the outside.
little girl was struck to hush her
cries. The dining room Hoot was
d and showed there
had In en a terrible struggle.
doctors n but slight hopes
for the recovery of either the
mother or child.
Little Snow.
While w have a little snow
hare, it is as nothing in
some other sections even
mt far from as. It is or inches
Imp Rocky Mount. Raleigh
been having big fan sleighing
We are not hank-
for men it here.
W. Main St
North Carolina

tried Hair Vigor to
stop my hair from One-
half a cured
J. C. Baxter,
Price returned
J. .;. went to Raleigh
Prayer meetings in the
Hair Vigor is
certainly the most
preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
SI a battle. All
i i ,,.
If yon,
. nil i's do 1st Sad we will
you a name
C Ki.
baud is . i town.
A. spent Sunday
Rocky Mount.
Proceedings of the
The board of the county j
were in regular monthly
session on Monday, 1st, all the
members being present. Beside
the allowing of accounts and
H. H. Wilson, of Kinston, pauper orders the following
today here. business was transacted-
The treasurer and
dent of health filed their monthly
I Dr William Fountain went to
J. W, Perkins left Tuesday
evening for
Dr. L. C. SI i hi r n turned
W. H. Mercer was released
from payment of taxes on
credits for 1903, erroneous-
i charged.
B. W. retained Tues-j J. W. was released
lay from Seven from payment of taxes on
solvent credits for erroneous-
J. B. Pittman was refunded
i special school
visit to for 1903.
J Mrs. Martha Joyner was released
returned taxes on in special I
Greenville's Great Department
Victor Cox, i r to-
day here.
Mrs. E. Swanson
evening from a
Mrs. l. O.
Mrs. Bailie Greene, of La-
Grange, is visiting her
Mrs. F. M. Hodges.
an i
school district, Farmville town-
ship, erroneously charged.
J. P. peddler of
was a certificate show-
that he bad paid state taxes
in county for 1901 and 1903.
Mayor's Court. Thad Bullock and Noah John-
The following cases have been son were released from poll tax for
disposed of by Mayor H. W.
from Jan. 19th, to Feb. of W. K. Parker, in Farm-
E. G. Barrett, of Kins too, spent , ville township, reduced in
here. James Ernest Donaldson, from to
and profane language, fin- j
ed ft and costs. 93.20.
Charlie and Julius
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Norman, of i one penny
Parmele, came Saturday evenLy,
I John Wilson, using profane;
Col. I. A. Sugg left
morning for w York.
Miss Alice Bail b left
evening a i- Grifton
The county attorney was directed
to scud plans and specifications of
bridge, to lie
ed across Tar river, to the j
The name of Jennie Moore was
a. returned one penny and stricken from pauper list.
. . o The sheriff was allowed per
Saturday from a visit to costs, , r
j, . w . Luther Manning, drunk on taxes collected after this
down, lined and costs, 94.60. date an old list for 1902.
Charles Skinner returned William drunk and Juries were drawn for both
evening from a trip up the tined and costs, 94.30. March and April terms
road. Silas Donaldson, drunk, court. will be pub-j
Miss Mary James San- and costs,
day evening from a visit to Buck Slaughter, assault, fined
and costs, Sans
for Reflector.
lined and coals, On Friday afternoon Jan. 29th
Basil drunk and the San Club met, by
costs, I Miss
w. n -it kirk, carry I conceal-1
This great White Sale starts out with a
New and Superb stocK of Special January
Merchandise, such as has never before
been here, in Excellence, Variety
or Values presented.
Thousands of yards of Crisp, pretty
white good are here in Patterns that are
varied and most desirable.
The Lace Department
Is full of beautiful new patterns.
and Val Laces in match sets all widths and
The Embroideries
Are just too to talk about, for it i-
to give you any idea of their mum see
them to appreciate them. We have them all and
prices, in match sets complete; and we have
provided for the little folks in our selection
Misses Margaret and Ethel Skin-
returned Saturday evening
from a visit to Hertford.
J. B. Cherry A
Greenville's Great Department ore
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Col. I. A. Sugg Doing The Cotton
New Tor, 3rd, 19.4.
It is cold, bitter cold, and get-
ting no warmer herein New
have of Wall street
where fortunes were made and
lost in a day. I can say
I struck the city on Mon-
day morning, and as soon as I
could set a hasty breakfast I went
over to look at the boys. Through
the courtesy of Daniel J.
Sully t Co., the bull leaders of
the cotton market, I was the
privilege of the floor of the ex-
change for ten days, and to say
that I have enjoyed the on
the feebly it.
I try to observe an much
You know I had told the people
often and often that cotton would
sell in New Y at
cents per pound,
every bod v to hold for the
prices. I did nor think I would
be able see it quite so soon.
But I
could get a punch and get back
the pit.
and learned the great lesion of my
But there was H i
wailing and slashing of
and this is tintype
pen picture. To those on the win-
side there was an excitement
of joy. The other
is a glimpse only. There
has never been up to
date to or compared
the scene.
When col ton took a
drop of points inside
minutes were made and
This the
eccentric old
lady, I i an in jewels.
Them foe bequeathed t her adopted
daughter Mabel, but She drawing of
the had been and the tea-
ii will have
milled to the pr Hi- weak
was the Jewell were in Ma-
lawyer bad ad
ii was
point of the law the first
to do was the property.
One tin lute Miss
of my life, I would T,
have missed it for a great deal. only she kept, was in the
The. market has been a perfect see f-- the
saw since, up and down in
five or ten minutes
Dangerous, market.
I am proud that I am all
can. There is great
this time, the war news is
The leader z on a
of vest on gov-
report on Friday, all
to But
mere is more wild fun in
store many Nil shall
set. Isaac A
Yea, my calculations have Ala., Fe. -J.
been and I was present H a farmer
and saw for July hi m
tin. Plato ii
who ; as been vis
Ali J
17.55 on in
To the
thinking this is I aw
no more now than
ll urging my people to bold
for l hem- price, I am not alarm-;
ed about am
B. fie lit i.-a-dies you ,
pi i report will be
in his barn yesterday,
banning from a rafter, while i .
hone Bred tin dead
; Ins bad
Hodges in debt, ii u
I Said, and was
his creditors, V i- is t-
and I'll to
made and crop
mute will be reduced less than
biles. i
have no informal ion, ow,,
AS to report nor can any In
had is been an leakage n
but there
will no the
K Us in
Wilmington. C. S.- v.
Hill Terry, charged with
murder of ids
at the home
Ibis mi
who hail done the
i bread.
laid Tom
, old woman was
Yea. she
was bill she was a good
-I hoar loft all her in
she keep the
The was naked In n halting
Miss Mabel's were
She j pi in a
did keep the stock-
waist under the
a queer pined
can't re ii since
them el ante
Tom did Hi ii to ask
any . and
him She put
had been kneading into
S pan and i U in rise. men went
, upstairs In I, Ii not to sleep. Sim
Tom's Inter in her
I aunt's pr There was
hi the sitting room with an
I iron front. had
j taken out from mid
Jewels The chimney, While lie win
. n ; In Use
j ii a III .
I i i.-1. a in I to
i . . l few i
i I in i
I Ilia i the I be heal
Iron , n . ; w be w
i hi iv . , .
I sum- I i . he on I In
ground . lie u- ;
Ore. ;. . she entered
the n in . . -He
had . . i; d to I
her Pi ii no -I
Into i ,
Mr. Lorn well called at the hour
pointed, and Mabel Invited Mm into the
tea room. Be attempted a lover's de-
but was somewhat chilled by
the lady's coolness. Bin entertained him
rather with dainty eatables than with
words. While they wire at tea the
door rang, and Tom, who went to
the door, announced the
the bye. Mr. said
Mabel. want you to taste some bread
n own Taking n loaf
her, she cut it the mid-
revealing an old Hocking.
goes to gentleman in the other
she said, opening the stocking
reveal a few of the Jew-
it contained. for the bread.
divide it with you. a leaf is
letter none, they And,
handing the breed to she car-
the Jewell to the man waiting for
It did lief take many min-
In see that be had been d.
I'd soon as he he beat II re-
treat. Mabel won her case. The
were sold for and
a man with as much more.
The r Ml Time.
life . necessarily made x.,
if You cannot U t
Ian ii at drilling.
or any oilier brand of military
la; for- hours a day and or
s ,; You have to i i i i a
other Jobs even to
make a pretense of h
jobs are n all
awl when it K nil done
k has a any mote Idle
a hands per than any
in same rank of life.
lot I Whether r. possible to
re remedy for this but,
It I i, tin In w
Io Cy be to in
v I o i r
Reward for Morgan.
Wilson, N. a, Feb.
board of county commissioners to-
day offered a reward of for
the apprehension of Lawrence
Morgan, one of
of Joins last May,
parts unknown
the December term of
court. He was under bond of
16.000 but it is that
his bondsmen are sen
N. C, Fell
number of bins each
inn of hours might lie
r-1 r when Is
for am i
; In w AI o'clock
IT i i n- ;
is a- as h m.
Cupid had well his part.
a quid and home
marriage. The bride's home was
beautifully lighted.
friends of bride and
had t witness
Hie nuptials. At on the
evening of January 27th, 1904,
Mr. Geo. Thus. Miss
Maud, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. of
stood altar, and
each u. the other,
the .
being read by Rev. L.
E. Sawyer.
The were many and
beautiful. May be a pleas-
ant through life.
f .
V. I ,
J. El of
w has been i ling
with tin of ;.
A. I i
Tl family of C. E. Line
came i vet this morning from Ki is
t n to make their h mi i in
tobacco the great
he am of is the gen
n now. are
, i i 2nd, II
T, W. Skinner went up the
Tyson came
mess was transacted club ad-
to again on the
with Mis I Set tie Tyson.
Among those present were;
the decrease the acreage of Him Cotten, Miss Lillian
tobacco will be at least half of Mrs. W. Jr.,
years. We arc afraid I Miss Tyson, Mis. ii. L.
much cotton will be planted it will Jones, Mrs
. II. Miss
be house it Marv p
farmer Ii is been heard to say Miss
from Georgia.
Miss Pat Skinner.
that would give a dollar per
hundred, his should be
Miss Mary J. Smith has return- out. Such as this Is cal-1 Miss Blow, Miss Mary
ed from a visit to Farmville. to ruin the farmers of Baltimore, Md. and
H. A. Timberlake returned fall. Let the farmers price Miss Nell
Monday evening from Henderson, and pay no more, and the
cotton will ; picked just as quick
ah it would at a dollar per
Miss Carrie Gay returned Mon-
day from a visit
B. o Pearce, of who
has been spending a few days
left this morning.
G. Baker, of Lewiston, who
in Sunday night, left this
J. S. Joyner, of Baltimore, left
this morning after spending a few
days hire.
Notice of Dissolution.
The firm of Tunstall Potter
was this day dissolved by mutual
C. of Greenville, I consent, A. L. Potter having sold
was out our section one day last
H. C. Ormand, of spent a
day last week visiting relatives in
our neighborhood.
W. W. and J. M. Ormand went
to last Thursday.
L. went to
in,., ,.,. ,;,, t.,..
Ill the . hi lug .
as Bf ii, inn i did i in
to ii she hail
lain n the . ii
w is i r I
plain and to ending trial
i.-.-.-i in Superior In
. , , In; i . .
j,.,.,,,,,,,, after i. . .
as be by the ,., ,. ,.;.;. .,
port, lo an
i-i as weapon used was
be knife which h-id
, him with
With the i Mat in The
money there will be was dull rind gapped and
the market ; who reached him Soon
cannot be by any y that lie
those who estimate keenly the must have slashed his throat
power of money. And I several times. Death ensued iv.
say I here will he a time before fifteen alter the deed and
season of passed when few after the
cents will seem cheap j retched
Thai, as no more extravagant
than was my statement Dec. long and two inches was
would reach 15.- found on right side of
before May throat, the external jugular
Everybody can the history land carol id artery having
A i e . ;. the American
-l n pair catbirds
.- against a black
i i. devouring the contents
I. Or At Hie snake was
Inclined to disregard the distressed
birds as fought to drive it away,
but Die their wings and bills
became so annoying that the thief had
to On reaching
roots tree, from which the
river had v.-,. bed the the snake
started to climb, only to be driven be-
them and then out to an old
under which die
reptile took
Ali-. ;. far.
tidied at her residence on
Alter beautiful aid Impressive
services, i ,
Rev. Mr. Clayton,
and by Riv L. K.
Sawyer, of
reaming were gently lo
rest in new .
Notice of Speaking.
W Bailey,
ii ii have
out of
do ii . , ,,.
for leaves i I I ,
ii found on lie
of Is a valuable
an. ., i . ; .
V I of this hemp .
bl ii for ,. .,. . , , .
mats, work lace
. texture. Mn
fiat her. kepi ti m bun, i i i, ,, , . i ,. .
way , n- U rs. .
Into n In which ,
i Into . which m- I ,.,,.;
r Archibald bad an of
ice. Sue on and was Just m j
Tl night,
id dispel The of
will i c announced
. Sir. is,; line speaker
well it will be a
in i bear him.
time see
office, Tom's
Hover f ii,,. Hearing.
overheard him a
j was was the , , .
which I know -he has hoard
entire y severed.
his interest in the business to W.
J. Smith. The firm will hereafter
be known as Tunstall Smith,
who assume all liabilities of the
old firm, and all accounts due the
old firm are payable to the
This Feb. 2nd 1904.
1-3 A. L. Potter.
of the last few who has
listened, and when September shall
become a date of the there
will be a record that will startle,
the dealers in cotton. Iain aim-1
ply here as a school boy, learning
a great in
law of supply and The cartoon in the
I think it a strong coincidence that J Chronicle showing the effect the
I should arrive on the in cotton bad on the
Skating is not half so attractive
to the average vacation
as it is during the school season.
period was
on exchange. The city
Tom reported to his em-
ugly wound three he com I not the
and ids plans,
decided upon proposing settlement
f the between and
by oiler of marriage, This
wee carrying out a plan that had been
proposed by Miss and de-
by nephew, Indeed, be had
never failed to snub his
when an opportunity
In a came from
to Mabel his
Mabel been to her aunt's at-
and he bad agreed to call for
diamonds after office hours that
evening, keep them to his safe over-
night and place them with a safe de-
posit company the next morning. Mabel
wrote a reply to inviting
to tea her that evening.
When read this Invitation
be considered game won. It was
plain girl was Inclined to accept
exchange created much merriment
limes before, bin she s,
is long
I don't know. He told her she
was the prettiest girl he had ever
Times star
papers have to write it the I he but not be necessary for
If done, it declared the cartoon was a her
he might of
I enjoyed It very much I property.
Railroad Automobile Cars.
Great Western railway of
England has decided to run
bile cars on some of its branches.
This coarse has been necessitated
by the competition of parallel
ear.-. The automobiles used are
to steam driven and will make
Stops between regular stations at all
level crossings and at points where
footpaths give access to the lino. In
this way it is hoped to successfully
compete with the trolley roads.
There is hardly much doubt if the
service becomes very popular that
an electric system will be
ed, as it is a much better system for
that type of Week
Greenville, X. C.
Dear We manage to get
some fun out , j
Grove city, pt,
in Along came a sales-
of somebody else's paint be
had there. Sales man
said ours was
weakened, hung
Hopped; stopped ours
look his.
It was our turn now,
tied our into his and his into
ours. The short measure was his,
not ours; and we kept our man.
And, then, that paint-
manufacturer gives
his is pure, but his gall
Ion contains four quarts.
by the name; and the name
to by is
Yours truly, t
K. W.
P. S. H. L. Carr soils

Eastern reflector, 5 February 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 05, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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