Eastern reflector, 22 December 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

V. O.
Attractive Scene in Opera
The bazaar being held in the
house by the of the
opened Tuesday
Might. There wee a large attend
ace the first night and purchases
were quite liberal.
There are several booths in
parts of the r om, each at-
decorated in
One booth is devoted to dolls, one
to fancy work, to subscriptions
and to confections
sud one to silverware. are
u i timber
Another booth be will added to-
by Clans.
The jolly soul will be there to
bake hands with the children, to
take their names and learn what
they wants him to bring them
The stage has been beautifully
Stuck in the Sand.
Washington, Dec.
received here from
N. C. shows that the efforts of the
tug Rescue of the Merritt Chap
man Wrecking fleet and the
tug Hercules to pull the submarine
torpedo boat Moccasin off the beach
at that point yesterday were
The small craft is
firmly in the sand and
the two powerful tugs were able to
move her only about three feet
not sufficient to float her. The
Rescue and the Hercules will
remain by the Moccasin and make
effort to get her afloat
when the tides are favorable today
or tomorrow.
This Boy Don't Want Much.
We have seen om
memorandum of what he ants
Santa Clause to him, and it
calls for a horn, a drum, a horse,
a little mule, a doll baby, a ball,
a a story hook, a
r a
A p. i-, orange and bananas at
Johnston Bros.
Wood ems scarce.
and seeded
Johnston Bros.
raisins at
Toys, ha Mm, orange-,
lemons, ban-ens, grape, raisin.
s, citron, en miles, nuts
fits, mince neat, at S.
Best butter and cheese at Johns-
t- i
Nuts and raisins at
bi a
k s r
Cleat reductions in silk velvets
o use out winter stock.
Mrs. L.
Job Lot sound well-worked to-
W rite for
e ma. out cm
must send postages for re-
ply. R. H Patterson, Tobacco
mat, Penick, Va.
he lane n and best a--
of candy to be found at
in to at Johnston
tire engine,
some roman candles.
rockets, torpedoes and some
con feet
Fell Feet in Elevator.
Just r noon today Frank
Clay, colored, who runs the hoist-
engine at the Masonic temple
building, fell from the top with
the elevator, a distance of
S to he was not
on the which he bit
nearly off by his teeth clashing to-
when he struck the bottom
of the shaft. Clay had to the
top of the to adjust the
elevator rope. He called to the
man left at the engine to let him
a little. The clutch slipped
land Clay and the elevator dropped
rapidly to Mi.- bottom. He had
presence of mind to raise on his
tiptoes which broke the of
the jar and doubtless kept him
from being severely hurt.
Members of allowed
cents a mile for their journey to
and from Washington, and moat
of them have free passes. The
delegate will
mileage in term.
An Asheville is suffering
from a case of blood poisoning
caused by scratching his hand
with a nail.
A white man named
was arrested yesterday by Officer
Pugh on the Charge of stealing a
pair of pants. invited
the officer to his room to -ouch
and was in the act of drawing a
pistol a when the
officer noting bis movements over-
powered him. The man was sent
on to court under a
Greensboro Telegram.
Grand Secretary Drewry, of the
Grand Lodge of Masons, says the
growth of that order is remark-
ab year there were
little boy's j members; now
there are lodges, with
members. It is the largest in-
crease ever shown in the
of the Grand lodge.
A wreck occurred to a freight
train N. C. railroad,
near Dover. Tuesday afternoon.
One was killed, another's
leg broken and the fireman's foot
badly hurt.
Xmas Shoppers
ii h G
I v i
I FOR horse fain
in mid necessary
II s I par Met in
W. H. Falkland.
fur men. Th.
o B I em in hand
for cents,
i gin i
A Battleship Named.
Washington, Dec.
received a letter from
the president In which the chief
executive states that he h is direct-
ed one of the future first class
battleships of the navy named
alter the state of New Hampshire.
The Atlantic Coast Line has an-
that it will its
schedule on the so as to restore
connection at as ordered by
the corporation commission.
ton Bros.
The Senate Elects a Chaplain.
Washington, Dec. Sen
ate today elected Rev. Edward
Hale Its chaplain, in take
effect January L. The
I t by elected W
by Senator Allison as the
i- K
the best and
d i- a
I equals
r Store,
result of an agreement, reached in
a Republican caucus. It is
stood that Hale probably will
not serve beyond the present
And Mark too, is trying to
curry favor with the and em-
braces him as a social equal.
An Old Debt Paid.
years ago a Charlotte
chant who was well known in
this section of the state met with
reverses and was forced into an
assignment. He struggled along
a few years and died almost in
want, leaving a wife and two child-
Among those the
Baptist Convention
merchant from a neighboring
town. He bad been a customer of
the Charlotte merchant had
failed, owing the latter a small
slim. This merchant got
conversation h Mr. H. C.
and asked about the dead
merchant. He was
given a full of the last days
of I he old man and was I old of his
wile and children. Then he called
for a blank check.
yon he said
he was in business here I was one
of his customers. Hard luck over
took me and I failed owing him a
bill. Since then I have got on
my feet again and have made I
money. The amount I would owe
with interest, would be
So here is a check for that j
sum you will please give to j
bin wife to use as she sees ,
And with that he handed Mr.
check Which was dis
posed of as requested. A a y
Christmas gift it proved.
Charlotte Chronicle.
Look to your interest and see our
splendid display of . .
Beautiful Knit Wool Sweaters for
Ladies in Red White and Blue.
Black Cloth for Ladies Men
Knit Jersey for Children, White
Crochet Wool for Babies.
Wool Golf Gloves Ladies and Men, Woolen Knit Gloves
and Mittens all Colors for Children and Babies. Handsome
Gold and Sterling Silver Handle Umbrellas in Ladies sizes.
Elegant Caps and Fur sets for Children and Ladies, beau
all Linen and Plain and Embroidered Handkerchiefs for
Ladies use. and Lace Curtains.
The above list is only a few of the many
beautiful and useful articles shown in our Dry
Goods Department. Come to see us we can fill
your guaranteed,
. Cherry Co
Christmas Things
We ha e them for yon in great Whatever I
is needed or your Christmas dinner we can supply. I
We have t by the ton and Apples, Oranges,
Bananas, and every-
th else in like proportion.
Santa Clans will make a mistake if he don't to see
us for his supply. .
Johnston Bros.
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candles. Crackers and Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Ci-
gars. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar.
Fruits and Vegetables, Hominy
and Canned Goods. Green and Roast-
ed Coffee. Toilet and soaps.
N. C.
A Full Lin o Millinery
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We are
certain we the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough Inspection of our in
name, ULTRA in character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to lit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions.
Lumber Veneer Co.
North Carolina Kiln-Dried
Truck Barrels, Baskets,
Crates and Veneers.
Store Wood on hand at all times, for
ale by the Mill locate south
f the depot.
The City Hay Grain Co.,
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our prices and m stock
tors buying. want be
Corn And Pea. fit cats.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
The Crowning Event of the Age.
Talk about in the way
of entertainments, if the Lilliputian
wedding in connection with e
bazaar in the opera Thurs-
day night, has ever been surpassed
in Greenville it is not in the
of the writer. The
pants were little tots, but the
of a real marriage was never
carried out with more grace and
attractiveness than was shown by
As might have been expected
when an entertainment is given by
the children, the audience was
large, for the old folks, re
member they were once child-
themselves, feel a keen inter-
est in what the little folks do.
The curtain rose promptly at
o'clock and the scene disclosed was
a strikingly pretty
was arranged to represent the in-
of a church artistically de-
for a marriage. There
were the pews, the altar, the
arches, the tapers, the
flowers, the wedding bell, nothing
being left out to make the
look real
Some of the wedding guest
were already tested when the
drawn, and us as
became from
flint the ushers
escorting wore to
The ushers
Mast Own
n Arthur B
Ah .
M r I hi It
when In tie h.-
rived, linked ; old
given h mum
Little Miss Louise Fleming
the to enter, bringing the
wedding ring on a tray.
Her costume was white.
Then came the maid of honor,
little Miss Helen Laughinghouse,
dressed in blue empire gown and
carried bouquet of
The bride, little Mis- Novella
entered leaning upon the
arm of Master Ferrall Burch, rep-
resenting her father. She was
robed in white with full train and
veil and fan bride roses. She
was a typical bride and pretty as a
Toe bridegroom, Muster Church-
ill Hodge-, came with bis best man,
Master David then
the ceremony began. Master
as the bishop per-
formed this in a manner that is
most inimitable. Through it all
even down to congratulating the
couple, he was just splendid and
the responses were clear.
All the except the bishop
and pages, wore Albert
with long pants, and
on their
They looked like little men.
the ceremony the wedding
march out again and the
from the stage
and in perfect order.
curtain fell th audience
expressed delight in a long burst
it The little
won muck
Length of Exercises.
Essay read by Miss Nellie Bays
before the Pitt County
of All,
d, M. died a
deal h of I lie quite
sudden, be had been
hi yesterday This m
the sou Mrs. Cheek
nave lost this year, and the
Every teacher, before opening
school, should have some general
plan in his mind, of what he in-
tends tr In every
enterprise there is a great
to be derived from fore-
thought, aDd perhaps nowhere
is the advantage greater than in
the business of teaching.
In older to aid me in forming
for my self, I subjoin a scheme
a adapted to my
school of the simplest grades. My
school consists of OW forty scholars
and upon I that I
could make four or five divisions or
classes, the first I designated
The first division which
Consists of the more
children, unite gram-
mar, history, arithmetic, reading
spelling etc. The second class
pursue reading, writing, spelling,
geography etc., the about
the same work as the
the children being younger though.
The class consisting of smaller
attend to reading, writing,
spelling, and mental arithmetic.
It is desirable that as
time should be devoted t
as can be afforded, It is ween
certain studies as
mental arithmetic and spell
we cat. attend to at
as seven. Sometimes
after becoming better acquainted
with our work, we can unite two
of those divisions. All can be
laughs a id drawing
once, in way
Betide, it is to
some time
The exercises that require the
greatest stress of mental effort
should come in the earlier part of
the day. The working power of
the blind is at its best from nine
till twelve, so a subject like
arithmetic should come by pref-
in the forenoon, while
drawing, etc, might come
later in the day.
Provide alterations that afford
rest or an agreeable change. To
from an exercise in reasoning
to where memory is
involved, is an agreeable change,
for a new mode of mental activity
is play, while the one
just employed ha- a period of rest.
We should have as few clause
as possible. By securing a
of by conducting
some recital ions by topic, by
uniting two classes the same
study by reducing the number
of recitations some subjects to
two or three a week, it is quite
possible to relieve an over charged
In every school consisting of
pupils of ages and cur
there will be more or
less interruption to the
order and employment of the
school. Some of the pupils have
never been trained to system at
home, perhaps most of have
Kev. F. G. left Friday
evening for LaGrange.
J. I. Smith
from at Wake
Miss Lucy Galloway returned
Friday evening from school at
Dora arrived this
morning from Dover where she
ha been
Dr. M. I. Fleming returned
Dr. W. E. Warren, of Stokes,
was in town today. He tells us
that he move to
C. P. Snuggs has a very sick
C. W. came in this
from Beaufort to spend
the holidays with his home
Jesse went to Scotland
Neck today.
Gillian returned to
this morning.
Mis. D. B. Liles left this morn-
for Newport News.
Mrs. W. Z. Morton, of
who has been visiting her
been positively taught to disregard daughter, Mrs. J. W. Andrews,
it at school. At any rate, it must
needs in this particular,
returned home this morning.
Mr. Mrs. J. E. left
When ll Mi of the entire y
places Mis
on the
no and
stage and Promise
She m a yellow SM
gown ti In bin-k, Thursday night.
train, and
the costume her like
goes out to them ill their
The bazaar held n the
house by e Indies of
lie I he bi I
Pia fur the
proved a splendid
undated gave
little Ti. her to the who
real sin night. T- ladies in
was liberal way
Al -on
the Masters H.
Larry James, both dressed out-
while suits,
the unwilling the white
tile aisle. Then
little Mist Lillian Burch took charge
the mm
party As ii
of lite march on I
bis stand
roe ages and ushers
id to their
positions front. The cunning
little bride's maids came next filing
to the right and left of the altar
Each was attired in pink empire
long train and carried
flowers. These were little Misses
Christine Tyson, Minnie Exum,
Douglas Arthur, Annie Leonard
Tyson. Pittman, Ernestine
Forbes, Pat tie Woolen, Helen
Nor should for to spend
the teacher lose his patience though holidays.
he should be often disturbed by I
the thoughtlessness of his pupils. I H- went to to-
He should expect it a matter of
and exercise his Miss Susie Early, who ha bean
as to it visit Jug here, returned home this
I May well e one of the .
of to Witness n is called the notice
also ,. ,, his j e of vacant land
Baker before Ii. William-.
; . i
St in.- one of he mottoes
which MOM
Toe must provide
and may needed for ,, v , ;
, . , . , , .
ion of ions ill -duty . . . . f
inn. SICK.
j Iii the the plan or i
rival j
and Che of
The Suit Compromise.
. I program for the day
work will , , .
betaken X 1-
occur in every even . . . , . , I u .,.
J ; for all mines. i .
smallest. Now ii teacher does; ,. year
i is to be C
not this
it line of
wit Ii some plan, he will be very
e . toe recital
much ,
and how more in ,. ,,. . , ., ,.,,.,,, k ,.
la lire He will do wok n .
consider .,,,.,.,., , .
. . As as
importance of each to .
, , v , in extreme lei
to and then to write out . . , ,
I I- n be ton
u a program or a scheme rid . .
; F . or some
some where so that children ,,., . , . . .
Four ,,
be of
it must not be forgotten that
studying i also to be provided j
for, and that it is as
taut that the pupils should
regular in as in They Are
The of ;.,
the mention made
Will be found vary so widely. T ,,,., , .
a days
of the
town, m d we know
whereof we speak, when we Bay
me pit of blind,
coupled with and will
will led
men's not;
purses likewise. of
or iv
received we Can only
own words us to the real
of such giving
much as ye did onto one f
my ye did
Mks. B. Cherey,
is. R,
has d.
Wise Ii.,
I a. ,
re. telegram
the ,. paper
of Mis I .-
was sent to
while Mrs,
was In that city. She sent there
lo visit her ii i J;
in. model, however perfect In
who was found dead and whose
husband as arrested lute-,
with the
; Alis. Roberts also
j about Hie of the I suit against the Norfolk Pilot for
Col. I. A. Sugg furnisher us
with the information that five
years ago today cotton sold in New
for 4.98 per pound. Just
one year ago It sold for 8.27
Just five cents per pound less than
today. What a fluctuation caused
itself, would answer for
one must his own roll
to meet his several letters
her wants. The recitations of the j
smallest pupils should be short and
f request, as the power
attention, in the case of such
of state troops being publishing a story about the same
ere sent at once
pupils, is weak, the maximum
from Greenville
to the State calling at
to injustice the old
soldiers. We are glad that
effort in behalf those who were
t Con fed- time which reflected upon her
good name. She in this suit,
Norfolk paper paying her and
her counsel about
New Dec.
nor Beard, in interview today
denounces President
fifteen minutes, and as they fruit quickly, and Superior for the of
be instructed only during Clerk D. C. Moore received ; Louisiana and city of New Orleans
clam recitation, not yet having a telegram from State Auditor B. in failing to send a representative
time of recitation should ex- dropped from the roll has horns
learned the use of books, they
should be called up as frequently
as the teachers time will permit
F. Dixon that checks for the others; to the Louisiana centennial,
had been forwarded. This is good j under -ray, after being repeatedly
news for those who were left off. i

the in Rev. T. It who i
for th W and territory. j
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
Highest price country
Branch of the Eastern Reflector it in
C. H Bradley, is to transact any
the paper in and territory.
of H. deceased
to notify th. public that be of the
owned R. H. M death, t
g than, to of cost. The
CAPS, . hardware and ail funk
W. of the
Z. All to to he th. individual. our
and a good it We can furnish these
at percent than charge.
If want bargains early to
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
General Merchants.
No need of going further when can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
fall of Richmond Stove Cock Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots o Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Halls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Fines and Trucks.
Farm and Caskets on hand.
In we operate a Hunger Cotton
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Ac. Cheaper than ever.
k a
I a
a f
a l
o ft
s a m
. Ml
B. O
B o o
t s
Christmas Things
We have the for you in great Whatever
needed for dinner v
W have Candy by the ton and Apple. Oranges,
Bananas, mu
else in like proportion.
Santa Clans will make a mistake if he don't c-me to see
. for his supply. .
General Merchant
and Department Store,
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Four Cues at Grifton
There are four cases of small-
pox at Grifton which have
in pest houses a mile from
town and precaution taken
to prevent a spread of the disease.
Proper nation has
ordered and the has been
diligently inspected and
which the was
discovered have been
Three of the
are colored and one
as as
the fact it an
immediate u-
Stop the of
skill of Dr. W. W.
patient the were,.
el 1.1 and wit
fatal. J
M. of was
and his the
opinion Dr. and a
committee of to
work at once to take proper
taking the public
giving all U-
out for publication,
Is very ill aid
greatly g out-
action the
giving publicity
beginning w ll
cannot be too highly
and is in great to the
i policy of
under similar
trying to hide it from the public.
Kinston Free Press.
J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your need in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress at about
half price, to- make room for
all goods.
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on oar load lots of
US, N. C.
After thirty of successful business am
batter than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything cam
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best the century.
Logger with some two
wagons and one ox cart.
N. C.
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, BootH, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by load.
And R
S. C, D.-c.
The interview given
from with Boyd,
who is the United States
there some surprise
and at bis home
here today. Boyd
Dame a national republican
ticket that carry with a whoop
Here it For president, Then
Roosevelt; for rice-president,
ex Judge W. Robinson.
All the fellows who would like to
eat with would support
Roosevelt, and those who
wouldn't like to eat with colored
brethren would be enthusiastic for
Judge Robinson. the right
Roosevelt and
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes.
Furniture, etc., at
A full line of Drugs and Medicine. Highest paid
all kinds of
No Joke
The Only Way
The Reflector.
To get the confidence of the
people of Pitt county
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions
Mr. T. M. Flynn, who had a
stroke of paralysis Monday, died
night at home of
Mr. M. T. Jefferson, in
Greenville. Mr. Flynn was a
of county but has
lived la county several
The were to Fan
villa far
It is serious. you need Medicine you need ;
quickly, and the best obtainable.
are ever permitted to enter our store. We have a
line of all well known and thoroughly reliable medicines.
Sufferers can find here cures as will their par-
ailment. Our j rices, like our goods, popular.
m t-
To the Eastern North
who baa M
H. whether ya
or not.
We want the
waiter if.
grower, and
who la la
feel a If
thing for the
farmers and ad I be sup
ported and patronized. If it is no
a good thing, then the tobacco
farmers should condemn it.
We however, to look
into it yourself and be your
judge. Do not t what any-
one says about it, but as a
man draw your own conclusions,
and we will abide by your decision.
We a ready have farmers
it U make it grand in
the warehouse business, but that is
not all we want,. We want every
in Eastern North Carolina
who feels necessity united
effort on the part of the tobacco
farmers to become interested, and
if you will examine our plans in a
cool business way we are satisfied
you will join us.
I Not Quite if
How you can gt a
driver or
lacking. Have a ;.
tool ox and la for
emergencies. line of toots
Li all desire, and
we that your tool
box does not lack a
to Creditors
. poor
an apparent
of their
I have decided on Dec let, next
on the road, with
ti all
ire etc , d to slight no
tam. j
Mr. O.,
dollar do him no
good. De Witt's Witch
Halve eared him In-
valuable for burn
rheum, and all akin
diseases. Look for the name
Of Course
Very truly
D. S.
g State of North In Superior Court
j Carolina Before the Clerk.
I Pitt,
Pitt County
.- ,
Witt on the others Greenville.
Kittrell want to fa
are cheap, worthless counterfeits.
Jno. L
g taken severely with kid-
trouble. I tried all aorta of
of which relieved
. . ,
J. J. B. Cox and wife Mary E. Cox, a. t on ad of
r. C. Burney and I
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand J
Fresh Goods kept ton-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and
w. . .
S. R. Wilson and J. C. Wilson.
E. A. Wilson, H. H. Wilson, C. F.
Wilson, Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Frederick G. Wilson and
Wilson Wilson,
five named being
K. A. Wilson and C. F Wilson who
are defendants in the above entitled
cause, will take that a special
entitled as above, has
commenced in the Superior court
of Pitt county, before the clerk, to sell
certain lands in said county for par-
and the said defendants will
further take notice that they are re-
quired to appear at the office of said
clerk of the superior court of said
county, on Tuesday, the 14th day of
January, in the town of Green-
I villa, N. C, and answer or demur to
the petition and complaint, a copy of
I which will be deposited in the office of
said clerk within ten days from this
date, and let them take notice that if
they fail to answer or demur to said
petition and complaint within that
time, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded therein.
Given under my hand this the 5th
day of December 1903.
Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt Co.
Attorneys for plaintiffs.
inf. t
Electric and determined
to try that. After a
I felt relieved, and
thereafter was entirely cured,
have not a sick day
Neighbors of mine have been cared
of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver
and troubles and General
This is what B. F.
Baas, of Fremont, N. writes
Only at Drug Store.
By virtue of a decree of
or court of Pitt county in the special
entitled H. C. Venters,
Adm. of G. w. Venters against
q. w. Venters, and others, the
cash, at public auction before the
courthouse door in Greenville, on
Thursday the 24th day of Dec. 1903,
the following described
That tract of land in Pitt county,
and in township, adjoining the
lands of H. C. Venters,
Bros., A. T. Cox, G. W. Venters, Jr., I
and Clay Root Swamp, containing I
more or less, and being the
lead upon which G. w. Centers, J
lived at the his death.
Said tract of land will be sold in j
two lots, to Allot said i Cotton. Grain and
farm not covered the widows p w-
All of said farm which . .
by the widow's dower. M New Orleans.
This Nov.
H. C.
Commissioner. D J PULLEY
D. W.
North Carolina.
if nil
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and
Terminated an ugly cut on
the leg of J. B. Franklin
Grove, III. It developed a stubborn
ulcer unyielding to doctors and
for four years. Then
Halve cured
just as good for Burns, Scalds
Skin Eruptions and Piles.
t Drug Store,
Carelessness is responsible for
many a railway wreck and the
same causes are making human
wrecks of sufferers from Throat
and Lung troubles. But since the
advent of Dr. King's New Dis-
for Consumption,
and Colds, even the worst cases
can be cured, hopeless
nation is no necessary.
Mrs- Lois of Dorchester,
Mass., is one of many whose life
was saved by Dr. King's New
Discovery. great remedy
guaranteed for all Throat
Lung diseases Wooten's Drug
Store. Price and
Trial bottles free.
J. T. Smith, . peak-
ed through today eat
the tear at
Miss Bertha Kit re I has
slightly ill the psi fa days.
i. J. May veal Greenville
Miss A ilia a id J. A. Jar-
roll, were in
Miss Delia we to
ville Saturday t at and
this vicinity a while Sunday after-
Herman a d slater, Miss
Sunday at H. B. Smith's.
Miss Delia tit -pent Sunday
at Standard with the family of Or.
Charlie L. of Win-
visited in Hi.
hood Sunday -.-. mm.
H. B. Smith n d Smith
r t attend
F. G. James.
State of Carolina,
Pitt County,
in the court
h. Stancill. lob-
W. Stancill, Olivia Jose-1
Taft, Lena A. Liberal, J A. Ricks.
w. B. Kicks, w. H.;
Wicks, Wiley N. Godfrey s. .
Battle Moore, George w i
H. Stancill,
ton and B. P. Mayo. ;
. Alice L.
Robinson, C. C. Little Km- ,
ma Joseph Johnson, Henry I
N. C.
Full Line of Coffins, Caskets
and Shrouds on hand at all
Wholesale retail and
; paid for
fur. Bar-
lite, ere. Bed-
and Gall As
Ivy West
., Can-
It's shameful when youth fails
to show proper respect old, age,
but just the contrary In the case
of Dr. King's New Life
They cut off maladies no matter
how severe irrespective of old
age, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever,
Constipation all yield so this per-
Pill. at Wooten Drug
.;. ;.
V. .-,
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
V-A. Oil,
in i. -i j.;
sea ;.;.
, x-
t . .
.-;. Se
M .
i- other
h, t
By virtue of the Superior
Court, of Pitt county, in the special
proceeding entitled Henry t
Crawford others H.
C the undersigned e
will sell for cash before, the
in on
l--v. the of j
no folio-.-tag piece e
of land In the county
of V t in leaver Ham township;
r mis of Martha Craw-
acres, or less
and being the land conveyed by deed
from Clara to Martha J. Nor-
n-is dated March 28th,
This, November 12th,
went over the riv
Herbert of Farmville,
was in Sunday.
Madison Saturday
in Greenville.
The public school here will close
C. T. Kittrell is having
residence painted,
Lewis Crawford been suffer-
right much with bis for
the past week.
Rev. C. J. filled bis rep
appointment at Grove-
G. T. Tyson was
Sunday afternoon
Is hereby that L. N. Edwards.
enters and lays claim t eighth
a. res, more or less, of vacant land in
township, county, North
Carolina as
the of Mrs. B. A.
W. P. Carroll. Henry
horn, Church Mills,
I of
Any or persons,
tie or interest In. the above de-
i must file their protest.
Graded School
Daily. Die V.
Tin- following is pr g, n for
the exercises the
Graded school, Friday log at
o'clock. Public cordially
reading by A. T
Song by school All
Prayer by A.
Bible b-; school.
Do Bella for Christmas
Song, 1st Star, Star
Recitation, 5th
summons in above entitled special s and lot
proceeding was issued against them , ,. . I
on of November all tin
summons is returnable to Clerk Not folk,
the superior Court for said county I Shippers should order freight by
and state, at his office in lie, oM S. S. Va. from
N. C, on the 7th day of December, in.
1903, at which Hue and place the said , New Clyde Line Horn i hi
defendants are required to appear j Bay Line and
and answer or to the petition g g Mer-r
herein filed, or the relief demanded Line from
Will be granted, said defendants will
further take notice that said petition is I
for sale of a certain tract of land for; J. ,
partition, situated in Town-
ship, Pitt county, and formerly
by Jesse if. Stancill deceased.
This the 6th day of November 1903
Greenville, X. C.
T. Agent,
Washington, N.
N. C.
den. North Carolina.
N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
fewest. Highest market price
for produce.
Is the parent of
Indigestion all
The knows U
German Liver Powder
not a but
of one
If you
we will send you OP
cm of
Liver Powder with our
from patients been
cured by this wonderful Specific. Do not
but send your full address st once to
Hie American Co.
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt County issued letters o;
administration to me, the undersigned
on the 2nd day of November on
the estate of Spencer de-
ceased, notice is hereby given t all
persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned
and to all creditors of said estate to
present their claims properly
to the undersigned, within
twelve months after the date l
notice, or this notice will he plead in
bar of their recovery.
This the 2nd day of Nov.
L. J. Chapman,
of of Spencer
4th, 5th,
I 8th
It c.-me Upon th-
Acrostic, 3rd grade.
Re- ii, grade.
Reading, 8th
from Bride's Christmas
strengthen the digestive organs
regulate the bowels, and ore
Graded School Closes.
The pupils the graded
had his
morning, and this afternoon
school closed for the holidays.
The which was pro
grain published yesterday, were
interesting, and a large
of people The
, pupils gave presents Io
Dove and each of
the The school will open
again on the 4th of January.
Id districts arc
widely thy
In the
that Elegantly
Take No Substitute.
is rejoicing over tho receipt of a
backbone. Backbone is a users
thing for editors.

N. C.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and
government pensions for
current year amounts to
These are figures to think
Entered in the post office at Greenville, K. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
to tn
Pitt County, N. C, December 1903.
The country is waiting for the
nest big college professor or
preacher to bob up for a little
The man who informs you that
worth living is the U
telephone for a doctor if a spider
bites him.
In his report Dr.
of the hospital for the
sane at there are now
The cashier of a New Haven bank on file application for the
u 11-n j i ix of patients who cannot be re-
run short and killed himself , e
We see announced in the Rah Dewey did not take that way to get
and Observer, as coming even. He over a hundred
from State Auditor that thousand and skipped out to enjoy
of the 07th and 08th Regiments it.
of north Carolina troops ,
. Point has such a burglar
adder present law, receive pen- .
, , , , . fever that it became the subject of an
m the and their I ,.,
illustration by the Charlotte
been from the s.
cartoonist. He covered the
pension lull the reason given for
. , c
this is that they ere home guards
and were never mustered into the ., , r . c , , ,
I. A. Sugg says he has order-
rate service, and the last . ,. f . , ,.
ea a telescope. t say
legislature a law which .
what he is going to do with,
t em of i , , ,
but some of tie bulls intimate that
absurd, to the least if . , .
he is preparing to keep the price of
for treatment because of the
lack f room. This is the state's
shame. All things else
should be relegated to the rear until
ample provision is made to properly
care for the insane. of
state progress along all other lines
pales beside this shameful neglect.
It sometimes happens that the
man who has a wife and an
bile has two unmanageable things
on his bands at once.
It. Nay, more, it is an outrage.
The 07th Regiment was composed
of men in Pitt, Greene, Lenoir,
Craven. Beaufort and other neigh-
counties. were called
Rev. Dr. the successor to
the pulpit of Henry Ward
predicts that women will know more
than men in fifty years. No doubt
i about it, for they have known more
The secretary of the board of re-1 fifty years Sun.
cotton in sight.
gents of the university of California
bet too often on the races, and when j A who discover-
home guards, or State troops. ., . . , . i that his spent
his accounts were looked into he . ,
While there was not a formal
francs a at her dressmakers
broke bis engagement and married
was short . He was dis-
in to the Confederate , , ,, , , .
, covered and arrested before he could j
volunteered for service and ,. , , ,
skip out to hunt for . . . .
went to the front, and their deeds j . .
Judge S. says
were as valiant as any soldiers who game warden has Hew Yorkers live beyond their
went in the war. Te these of a smart dog. he warden keeps an means and says he ran recall six
pensions merely because of the for j eye open to the shipping of who incomes-average six
of a muster should not be . i t dollars u year each-, who
n Bin partridges out of the state contrary,
tolerate These men have been i j i i i i i- c hist sex months have
men nave to law, and the helps him find . . ,. , ,
., possesses sea in his for non
getting pensions m the past and game packages, j,, of one
continue t them The dog does not let a package pass
When you strike an old soldier yon that has birds hid in
Strike close to the hearts of pro .
pie, and if these men are not rein-, The Henri -it i correspondent of
stated on the roll the last of; the Charlotte Observer tells of a
Every man expects to wake up
some day and find himself famous.
As a rule he does get as far as the
waking-up part.
Very Kind Words.
The Greenville Reflector
is nine years old. It is an honest,
courageous, progressive newspaper
a credit to the town, county and to
Editor Whichard. Long may it
east a helpful News
and Observer.
The Greenville Daily
was nine years old on the 10th,
ten days more than three years older
than the Post. And the
is a good paper, too, and deserving
f the generous support of its grow-
city and Our best
are extended Pro. Whichard.
There just about enough days
in the year to furnish a birthday for
each of the newspapers of North
Carolina so that it is out of the
question to make of the
of every one, but we would
not pass unnoticed the birthdays las
week of The Morning Post, of
aged six, and The Daily Re-
of Greenville, aged nine.
They are valuable truly esteemed
contemporaries. Each says it
up in the world, while admitting
that it is getting up in years, and to
The S as n
It does us proud to be able to en-
lighten humanity. When an editor
is up a and can-
not, after vainly trying with the pro-
of and prayer get the
idea his weary brain, and
appeals to us for enlightenment it
makes us good all to sit
down and pluck the thorns from his
weary path. The esteemed Durban
Herald saver
understand how a
hundred men can to take
part in a lynching when twelve
not be found to hang a man by due
process of
It's on the principle that a
man will pass the market house
where is displayed a fat and juicy
for cents, leaving the
in disgust and go and buy
worth of ammunition, liquid and
otherwise, give a nigger two
for his services with his dog, walk
all night through and dense
forests trying to tree a live
and come home and swear that he
wouldn't go for There's
no sport in sitting in a jury box
calmly deliberating whether or
not you should hang a get
little excitement and it's easy to
lynch a if the
right brother's Every-
Silence of Year is Broken
Astonishment was the first feeling
caused by the recent receipt of a let-
believe this affords the Observer a I m William Henry Tee, an uncle
of pleasure Charlotte Mrs. Grimes, of this
Observer. i city. Mr. Tee had been considered
The Daily Reflector is nine yea rs, for over years, he wrote
old. grown from a very ill
sheet at first to- a lively afternoon
daily, and the people-of
have cause proud of their pa-
per. Editor is a
from Australia, to say that
He is well and has prospered and re-
from business.
Mr. Tee was born at Portsmouth,
Va., and is years old. He-is a sou
than eh thousand and dis-
tress warrants in the Metropolis.
it has not been heard.
farmer who is very conscientious.
During a wood famine in the town
So long as a Heady
market for their cotton at 1-2
puts pound;, we hardly
he sold several cords of wood at country should worry over any
Governor Penny-packer, of Later ho reduced the threatened stagnation in
has declined to honor to 91.75 per cord, and went; mills,
another requisition f a prisoner to whom he Nothing has been said f the
from Governor of North ,,, and returned
. ., ,. , , ,. r stifling existence on farms; and
Carolina. he chef of of cents on each cord, saying to
Greensboro went to Pennsylvania to Was as much as it was worth. That i
get a man wanted for murder, but a rare specimen of honesty. I The people will still to
back without him. use goods, and mills
gave the same reason Veteran of Two Wars an will always haves side for pro-
ducts, the cost of the- raw cotton
worker, and -also one of the st George C. Tea, who officer
reliable newspaper of the the revenue department of the
He stands flat-footed on the side service. Tee left
Right t. vessel
men-wealth. in 1852. A fair months
I afterward intelligence that the
o ,. ,. ship had been wrecked coast
Some interesting tacts concern-1 ,. ,
., . r , of Australia. vessel
the present and
j . . hod touched Sydney, Sew South
industry in the-Tinned Mates
contained in the annual report and, a l Tee
chief of T
u . from him the receipt of
of plant industry of the J,
. . . t letter to his Brother, Tee,,
department tea grow-
for refusing to honor this
Character Dead.
Daniel Wallace, aged a veteran should be an matter.
that he did when Deputy Sheriff; of the and wars, died Make the price of the correspond and be
Tucker went t after bis home a few days since. i -with the cost of the all.
hare now passed
the experimental the
R. last war produced over
of ten, most of Ft of a high
grade, year; with the
eased planted, the is
to be larger. Re-
ore hundred acres of
Tex., wen tea, and, it; is
the will grow
who lives at The
stated that Tee in
a business way, had a large family-
and that his c
home in the near fur ire. No reason
for the long silence mm given.
Six and listers of Mr.
survive live in Virginia.
against the murderer.
prisoner some months ago, that no , lie was in many respects one
ill of indictment had been characters in
county. drew a pension A senator who
B month for service in the Mexican viewed the other day a
war. During that campaign he was of great public express-
an artilleryman and Robt. E. ed his opinion, but to the
Lee his lieutenant. wouldn't like to
in the United States army
until several years after the
Senator A. L. Plow says he
bought Reflector had more
sense than lo say any tiling about
the passenger train making a good
record. Might have known it was
A man whose opinion is worth
and got courage
to let it hi known, is too pour a shoal
When years old he married a i be sitting in a high place. Too
woman of age and three many trimmers; like that get
to soon as it was j,, her for a divorce, by their adroit straddling or
he don't want it,
neither. Wonder what Roosevelt hi s
been saying to him to bring about
this change of mind, We thought
I., if there was one thing Hanna want-
d above all else it was to be
too much noise
but made up later. She will receive
the pension as his widow.
Wallace, when past his year,
would frequently walk miles to
get bis pension
the street, is a case of
The fire which occurred at San-
palace the other night re-
vealed the fact that the Queen of
England ha a lady stenographer.
If every queen in North Carolina
had to have a stenographer, even
the stenographers would have to
their knack of steering clear of the
questions of the
Mi. Chris Kennedy, A white em
ploys the Gay Lumber Com
pain's railroad, was killed
morning by the engine of the log
running over
Free Press.
A Sampson county man who
amused himself by smashing
free delivery boxes, has been sen
by the Federal to
three imprisonment.
The increased
plantation was largely de-
voted to with Ceylon
tea, which is regarded as being of
of interest, for
this part of the world. The first
with this variety were
somewhat discouraging as most of
th plants succumbed to the rigors
South Carolina winter.
forts were made, to obtain Ceylon
seed from higher altitudes, and
seedlings from feet above the
sea level were The officials
in charge of the experiments believe
that these will the winter bet
and develop in some measure
the largo yield of leaf of high
characteristic of plant in the
higher parts of Ceylon.
In view of the fact that in some
lands the heat of the sun is made use
of in curing certain sorts of tea, the
department experts have undertaken
experiments at in man-
a tea in part It
was found that this resulted
very high quality.
Considerable attention will be given
to this feature of the industry during
the coming year.
youngest of these Mrs. Roberts,
of Va.
of age. Years after young
disappearance the property than, fell
to sisters and in
which He h id a was
. questioned about this
part the yesterday Mir.
Grimes said she- did not
sum that might, have fallen Mr.
Tee,, though it amounted to several
thousand dollars. The question of
a property division, or any tr
property on the part of Mr. Tee, will
hardly be raised at this ate date;
though the result of such a
would be very interesting
Charlotte Observer.
A in
is yet destined to be a blessing, it in
disguise, to the south, lie has
till he in-
avoids work and his ab-
from the cotton patch has so
decreased the cotton crop as to ad-
the price to 1-2 cents a
pound, and still higher
It makes you shiver if you don't
have a fire and shakes your pocket
if you do. . .
This department is in M. Blow, who is authorized to
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory. j
V. C, Dec.
Eggs are still away yonder
Greenville, the Masonic
lodge Thursday here and
made a nice I U s very
appreciated by those
were fortunate as to be present
Mrs. Hunter who has been here
for quite a while returned to her
home in Henderson
Mr. Grimsley, who had been I
employed by the Mfg Co. left
to live on the other side the;
river. he left be seemed
in best of health, but we learn
he died the next day after reaching
his new home.
A. G. Ox Mfg. Co's wagon de-
would make you think
of a toy st-re, only f course
they are full size instead toys. The
pretty part is we are Irving
to Years in the
has up a reputation
which does not need emphasizing.
Yesterday A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
sold a of electric weld
to a sensible farmer. He
took the in. style.
Horses are apt scary about
Xmas times and many accidents
occur because of shabby harness.
Better see and a
little talk with him about that old
harness a new to take ii
L. F. Wyatt, while cutting wood
last Wednesday, bad the
tune to cut his leg just below the
knee and made a very wound.
C. A. Fair returned from T
Wednesday instead of Tuesday as
before stated.
Big are being made
for and most of our
people expect a big time.
Bags are so high it strains a hen
cackle and a
Until went to
W. Parser, of
spent night with his
sister, Mrs. J. H. C. Dixon here.
A G. Cox went to
Thursday and returned Friday.
Many a fellow will take bet
girl to ride during the holidays in
a Hunsucker buggy. We predict
that a year from now more
will do so than ever before.
Ore Manning has been over in
the section this week.
Ex-Judge James B.
the country Wednesday
official business.
. K. C. of Goldsboro, a
turner pupil of the
High School, has been spending ft
few days w friends
B. G. Chapman to Shel- j
his daughter,
Kate, who is teaching
Will of Norfolk, has
, visaing relatives the
past eek.
I Visit A.
Cox Co's wire fence three
car loads now band, different
styles. It will be out of the
way to lei them help you the
selection If is
worth they ought to be
competent S of what is best
suited your needs
Spend at
You can h map all over and you can't find
another More in hi v there are so many
appropriate gifts Men and Boys.
Come to a Man's store for a Man's things. We know
what's right and correct and we know what Men like.
Overcoats, Suits, hits Full Dress Vests, Coats, Hats,
Silk Umbrellas, Cases, Beautiful
Handsome Mufflers, Gloves for every wear,
Fancy Half Hose, Suspenders.
New fancy a and soft white plaited bosom
Shirts. w- y a Man's store for a Man's things
Everything tor Prices low enough, and money
back. if you want
I., Davis, President
t. A.
J. L. Little,
A full line of Toys, Vases, Mugs, Cups, Saucers, Plates, Lamps,
Fire Works of all, Bombs, Cannon Crackers, Roman Candles, and Sky
rockets. All Kinds of Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Confections.
and Flour. Market in Rear of
Bank of Greenville,
N- G-
Bank of Greenville, Greenville, N. C, at the
of 17th. from report to North
Carolina Corporation Commission.
Co's. and he brought all the
toys and that any
body Namely, candy
SOU, Brazil nuts etc , and
a co line of and
article-. cordially
Barber Co.
See M. L. the jeweler.
Now a word to the wise.
see B. F. Manning Co., before j
their bargains are exhausted.
We. have in Stock the beet
of shoes ever offered here
fit you both size price, j
Bring your family and we will
keep this red on, so we will make
the shoe squeal before yon get it on
your foot. B. F. Manning Co,
have spared no time in
Stuck we we
can the most
F. Manning Co.
See ML. the jeweler.
promptly done.
Pension Agent Goethe, of Wash-
D. C, has been here
days in an official capacity.
Donald Brewer,
same up Thursday to his sis-
home to the holidays.
Bo J.
Cox Board fl per day. Best
House in town.
Mr. the Drug Store
will be pleased to show you their
line gold and fountain
Bung your cotton to Winter
villa have it ginned. G. A.
Co. will buy seed
at the gin and pay high Ah t market
prices or give you meal in ex-
change for them.
you want your horse shod,
; if your or own shoes
retailing, and for general;
work call and see
L. House on Main
from Bank and
lash Items
Cash in Bank
m Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
k. Expenses Paid
Lat night and this out
at the depot every thing was like a
bee Lovely girls and gal-
waiting to be
train for home to spend the boil
lays. All gay and happy. I
was a MM to gladden heart
the soul. seemed
vie with the other in making
I ho parting pleasant and many
kind wishes for a happy
a pleasant return to
school. Yes, we too, wish them
all a happy Christmas
they come k nous will be more
pleased to meet them we.
Taylor who has been a
here for the past two years
and has left once in the whole
time has gone on a visit to
Dr. Cox in addition to his
stock always has on hand a com-
line of free school books, pen
and scratch tablets, pencils,
and the finest assortment of box
stationery ever to Winter-
Hunsucker buggies don't grown
on honeysuckle vines. If so they
would doubtless be pulled before
ripe. As it is Hunsucker sees to
it that no job leaves the factory
before it is ready to
do so.
For Rent or house and
lot located between Josephus Cox
and A. D. Cox on Academy street.
Apply A. Fair.
H. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash market price for
your cotton seed.
For brick see A. Kittrell
Co. They have recently burned a
kiln will make prices reason-1
able to suit the times.
Careful attention given to all business entrusted to us.
We now have a nice of porch
Column timber. II you are in
of them why not let us lit you up.
Prices are light.
We have a nice line hats
both old and young, also trunks,
valises, at prices
we think very reasonable and
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Barber Co

J. C.
Grimes arid Department
J. Proctor
If TO want r ft
to go it,
dry good far Tr
for tabla. c for
w rear
Our Mill and are now i
in fill end w are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumbar, and, do all kinds
cf work fer balusters
trimming. W
carts and wagons.
be with save
t. f.
H. C
in way
of Clothing. Dry Goods.
and ran be found
her. Whether it ii
to cat, to
wear, or Home article, for tie
or farm, yon can
supplied. Highest price paid
for cotton. produce
anything the farmer el.
Dry Goods, Notion, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigar. The
only Soda Fountain in town. All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanut
every day.
a wan
Who as hail from
Jail in default
of hand, to await
term of to answer to
he of natal
of and
The robbery to have
been dour- Monday hi Mr.
Stand tinder of
liquor and Legged, who showed
j welfare, with
before the v. a discovered.
went ff in the to
ard hone and t; man
a little retained to Smith
Tinner's bar be had been
robbed. in Boon and
him of
The evidence
of and be
Free Press,
i m
K J. DR. G. F
Office opposite depot.
Office next door to Post
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware Furniture. Grocer
We Fay Highest Prices for i
Co t . d a n i Produce.
E. Mote, Jr., D. D. Gardner, K. A. Mote.
D. Gardner, W. R. Smith, B A. Br.,
We manufacture I he best baggies on this market. We em-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We in a full
line of Harness and first class Farm
Call and examine our Stock
E. I. Sp.,
Cold Comfort
Is what ire after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerator will insure sweet milk, cream
batter, cool water and man dainties that
would be unattainable without the
Murdered With an Axe.
murdered with an
in his home at Max Meadows,
Va., last night. His body was
found distance the
house, with the head crushed and
mangled. pointed lo
Wife and a mag named
who to
Meadows from North Carolina, and
they have been When
officers went to the borne
they found
in washing up blood the floor
and blood were found on
her clothing. The
all knowledge of the crime.
Lilliputian Wedding.
The opened Tuesday-
night in the opera house will close
The feature tonight will
be the Lilliputian wedding in
which little Miss
will be the bride and Master
If you have will want a Lawn Mower
soon, and we made it easy you to own one.
here is no to borrow a lawn mower when we
sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a price, and guarantee it to the work,
u at.-i-coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, and
everything else in the hardware line.
Hodges the By
a., , . e , court of Pitt made
will be special proceeding, entitled
you can get honest goods at . i., price-s. C
stock before you buy , , satisfied
Suits, Overcoats. Cloaks. Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps Undo
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear. Everything i u use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor
, Millinery Goods a Specialty. pP-
Our goods are here and we are ready to
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that fries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save yourselves money.
d. If yon have not got your
tickets co to for
. . . . .
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
,. i if arrears be within month while
are Bring, or within after lapse, evidence
and payment of arrears with
second year-7. No Restriction.
are payable at the beginning of the and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase lie Insurance, or
f i during the lifetime
Greenville N. C.
. ill
I Want it Not Say Hanna.
Birmingham, Ala., Dec.
Senator Hanna has the
following letter to one of bin
Dear have read
with interest your kind letter of
instant and assure you of
my appreciation of
expressed in the same
and for regard confidence
l me. Such suggestions as you
make with referent;, to next yarn
but my position on this sub-
feet is well defined and well-
known, r no personal ,.
to serve and cannot be or
in any sense a candidate for
presidential nomination. My
only desire i to serve my party to
the extent of my ability.
thanking you for your
kindness, remain,
L. J. Chapman and Fannie
and others Paul Brooks,
W. L. others, to
sell laud for partition the under-
signed commissioner will sell at
public before the court
h use door, in Greenville on Mon-
day 28th day of December,
1903, the following described real
estate in county, which former-
belonged to the late
and is now sold for
ion among his at
real estate will lie sold in lots
purchasers as
Lot No. Bounded by the
lauds J. P. the Dr.
Best lands and the public road
leading from to
and Including the Wetherington
land, containing acres more or
Lot No. by the
Harding road on the north by Flat
on Booth and
let No, i,
Are making a specialty of
suitable for winter. We carry F. C. Young's
famous line of Footwear for Indies. pair sold
goes with n guarantee. Our line of Dress
this season embrace the newest and best. Cull on us.
The following cards have b
Elder and Mrs. P. D. Gold
request the your presence
at the wedding reception their
Ruth Fortune,
Dr. William Spicer,
Tuesday evening, December the
Lot No. Bounded on the north
by the Harding road on the south
by Flat Ridge Swamp, and joins
lot No. containing acres, more
or less.
Lot No Bounded on the
north by lands of J. L. Tucker, on
the south by Flat Ridge Swamp,
and joins lot No. containing
acres, morn or less.
Lot No Bounded on the
north by the lands L. Tucker,
on the south by Hat
joins lot No containing
acres, more or
Lot No. on the
north by the lands of J. L. Tucker,
on the south by Flat Ridge Swamp,
on the west by the lands of J. p.
and W. B. and joins lot
No. containing acres, more
or less.
Lot No. Bounded by the
lands of J. A. Adams, G. W. Gard-
W. B. and by lot
No. containing acres, more or
nineteen hundred and three,
from eight thirty until ten-thirty. 8- by the
West Vane. Harding and Rice roads and the
West Vance street,
Wilson, N. C.
lands of J. P. and being
Southern half of the Harding
land, containing acres, more or
Lit No. by the
Harding and Rice roads and the
lands of Tucker and being
the northern half of Harding
land, containing acres more or
Lot No Is the home place
of the Spencer Brooks, cod-
acres, more or lees.
Lot No. Is known de-
scribed as place, con-
acres, more or leas.
Lot No. Is know n and de-
scribed as the place, con-
raining acres, more or less,
all of the above lands ate Swift
Creek in and near the
village of
Lot No. One half interest in
a lot in the town of lolly
described lo a deed W. B.
Hellen and wife lo Spencer Brooks
and L. J. Chapman recorded in
book L. page known as
the Hellen store lot containing 1-5
of a nacre, more let-8.
Lot One half interest in
a lot in the town of fully
described in a deed Joe Pat-
rick d wife and W. H. Patrick
to L J. Chapman Co., recorded
in book A. C. page containing
of an acre, more or less.
Lot No. one half interest in
lot No., in that part f the town
known as New town
being the lot upon which the old
Hellen store is now standing
Terms of third cash
on day of Sale, balance in one and
two years, or cash to suit the
convenience of the purchaser.
Persons further
can apply to L. J, Chapman,
N. C, who gladly
show them all the to
the commissioner at Greenville, N.
This Nov. 1903.
Practice la all the courts. Special
attention to collection of
and other Prompt
to all
Keep your eye
for snow.
Furnished rooms far rent, be
Jan. lit Apply to Sire
E. Anderson.
A. T, King returned Wed
evening from Greensboro
Mrs. J. N. Hart
returned Wednesday from
a visit to
Major Smith, of Ayden, spent
today here.
A. M. Moseley returned to
den Thursday evening.
Donnell Gilliam, of Tarboro.
came in Thursday evening.
Forbes has taken a
with Greene Brown.
Robert Howard, of Conetoe,
rived to
his sister, Mrs. J. G.
J. T. Abrams has moved into
the Cherry house on Third
Mrs. Harris has move
into her new house on Dickinson
Miss Joyner, of
arrived Thursday evening to visit
Misses Lena and Mamie King.
Goldsboro, who
kin been here a few days left this
W. B. Cox returned
Mrs. H. P. Hill, of Wilmington,
arrived this morning to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mr. A. A. An
Pitt in
The annual meeting of the stock
holders the
Company, wholesale jobbers and
importers of dry goods and notions,
was held yesterday afternoon at
the office of the company, t.
Commence street in this The
old board of directors was re-elect-
ed, as well the old
Winston, president; H. W.
Whichard, vice-president; C. L.
secretary treasurer.
The annual statement and re
p it of the treasurer showed the
of the company to be in
good condition. It was decided to
increase capital of the
company per cent, by a stock
for that amount, to be
distributed among the present
stockholders in proportion to the
of stock now held by each.
A cash dividend of per cent,
was also declared. The
dividend was paid cash out of
the surplus earnings of the com-
leaving a surplus en hand.
A decision was reached at the
company's meeting to subscribe to
the stock of the Jamestown Expo
Company. The Winston
Whichard Company has had a
successful career since
formation in this city is one
of the prosperous and progressive
young business houses in Norfolk.
Dispatch. 16th.
Two members of the above firm
are Pitt county boys and
is glad to note
success they are making Nor
folk, the city that is largely made
up of hustling North
coin r.
UM baa spent its last
win cits . . ,
A touch of black and white and a dash of red, green and brown,
and you have a successful costume. Winter demands brightness we
have it in big shipments.
Great Reduction.
Every Overcoat this
s Knee
Pairs Boys all Wool Knee
Pants worth double at
per cent, reduction on the en-
tire tint of pants-All Grades.
Special inducements on the entire
line, nothing but high class Millinery
sold in our store. Everything new and
They are the Season's
latest creation. We are
the cheap Fur house.
Tailor Made
They fit well, hang
well, handsomely
made. Prices
range from
Full Size Blankets
Full Size Blankets
Heavy Fleece Shirts and Drawers
holiday Witch for our big announcement of House Furnishing Goods. Couches, Pict
Frames, Easels, Rocking Chairs, Hill Racks,
W. Main St
. . . .-.

i ;
J. C.
J. Proctor Bros
If job want -e t
to go it,
good far
for table, o implement for I
fans, we an
Our and are now
in fill blast rind w are
pared to gin cotton, grind mm.
saw lumber, and. do all kinds
of turned for balusters
trimmings. W also
do general repairing of
carts and
T. F.
N. C
n h
Of Clothing. Dry flood. No-
flit. Groceries
and can be
hr. whether it some-
thing to ca, to
or om article for the
DOOM or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, produce
anything the farmer
be with any
H. C.
Ar, If.
Dry Goods, Fancy
Tobacco and The
only Soda Fountain in town, A
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
who to hail from Farmville,
KM g
Jail in default
of land, to next
lam court to
the charge Mr.
of and
The robbery have
been done Monday while Mr.
liquor and who showed
welfare, was with
before the loss discovered.
went in the to
ward and a-m seen
to follow After
a little retained to Smith
Turner's bur
robbed. Legged soon and
Mm of
The evidence
and he
Office depot
next door to Poet Office.
E. Jr., p. D. Gardner, E. A.
n Vice-president.
D. Gardner, W. R. Smith, E A. dove, St.,
We manufacture the best baggies on this market. We em-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
line of Harness and first class Farm Wagons.
Call and examine our Stock
E. .
Cold Comfort
Is what we ire after, and the possession of one
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream i
butter, drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator
If .,,. o t a
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one
lucre is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a machine with best steel knives at such
a. satisfactory price and guarantee It to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, and
everything else in the hardware line.
Murdered With an Axe.
Roanoke, Va., Dec
Burchett murdered
In his home at Meadow,
Va., last night. His was
some the
house, with the head crushed and
mangled. Suspicion pointed to
wife and ;. man named
who to
Meadows from North and
they have been When
officers went to the home
they found Mrs. engaged
up blood from the floor
and blood were found on
her clothing. The accused deny
all knowledge of
Complete UM Clothing. Dry Goods. Hardware Furniture,
We Pay Price, for
. d and Country Produce
Lilliputian Wedding.
The opened Tuesday
night in the opera house will close
tonight. The feature tonight will
be the Lilliputian in
little Miss
will be the bride and Master
Ob Hodges the bridegroom,
An of will be
i. If you not got
tickets go to for
you can get honest goods at i prices. Se
t you,
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks. Dress Goods. Shoes. Hats. Caps
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear. Everything , u
your house and everything you line in yoUr parlor
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
w ready to yon.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that fries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save yourselves money.
i m u
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works I
Is non
C. Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while
are m within three year, alter lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest
second year-7. No Restrictions.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be
They may be To reduce Premiums, or P
To Increase ho Insurance, or
of th
Greenville N. C.
I Want it Not Say Manna.
Birmingham, Ala., Dec.
Senator has written the
following letter to one of his
have read
with interest your kind letter of
4th and assure you of
my sincere appreciation of
expressed in the same
and for your regard and confidence
in me. Such suggestions as you
make with to next year
are, highly
but my position on this sub-
is well defined and well-
known. J no personal
to serve and cannot be
in any sense a candidate for
the presidential nomination. My
only desire is to serve my party to
the extent of my ability.
thanking you for your
kindness, remain,
if. C.
Are a specialty of
suitable for winter. We carry F. C. Young's
famous line of Footwear for ladies. Every pair sold
goes with a guarantee. line of Dress Goods
this season embrace the newest and best. Call on us.
The following cards have b
Elder and Mrs. P. D, Gold
request presence
at the wedding reception their
Ruth Fortune,
Dr. William Spicer,
Tuesday evening, December the
nineteen hundred and three,
from eight thirty until ten-thirty.
MM Wait Vance street,
Wilson, N.
By of a decree of Pu
court of Pitt county
in the special proceeding, entitled
L. J. Chapman and Fannie
and others against Paul Brooks,
W. L. others, to
sell laud for partition- the under-
signed commissioner will sell at
public auction, before the court
door, in Greenville on Mon-
day the 28th day of
1903, the following described
Pitt county, which former-
belonged to the late Spencer
Brooks, and is sold for
ion among his at
real estate will be sold in lots
purchasers as
Lot Bounded by the
. P. the Dr.
Best lands and the road
leading from to
and including the
land, containing acres more or
Lot No. Bounded by the
Harding road on north by Flat
Ridge Swamp on south and
joins let No, i,
more or less.
Lot No. Bounded on the north
by the Harding road on the south
by Flat Ridge Swamp, and joins
lot No. containing acres, more
or less.
Lot No Bounded on the
north by lands L. Tucker, on
the south by Flat Ridge Swamp,
and joins lot No. containing
acres, morn or less.
Lot No Bounded on the
north by the lands of J L. Tucker,
on the south by Flat Ridge Swamp,
joins lot No containing
acres, more or
Lot No. Bounded on the
north by the lands of J. L. Tucker,
on the south by Flat Ridge Swamp,
on the west by the lands of J. P.
and W. B. and joins lot
No. containing acres, more
or less.
Lot No. by the
lands of J. A. Adams, G. W. Gard-
W. B. and by lot
No. containing acres, more or
Lot No. Bounded by the
Harding and Rice roads and the
lands of J. P. and being
Southern half of the Harding
land, containing acres, more or
Lot No. Bounded by the
Harding and Rice roads and the
L. Tucker and being
the northern half of the Harding
land, containing acres more or
Lot No Is the home place
of the Spencer Brooks, con-
tabling acres, more or lees.
Lot No. Ia known de-
scribed as place, con-
acres, more or less.
Lot No. Is known and de-
scribed as Butler place, con-
acres, more or Jess,
all of the above lands Swift
Creek township the
village of
Lot No. One half interest in
a lot in town
a deed W. B.
Hellen and wife p, Spencer
and L. J. Chapman recorded in
book L. page known as
the Hellen store lot containing 1-5
of an acre, more lets.
Lot One half interest in
a lot in town of , fully
described in a deed Joe Pat-
rick aid wife and W. H. Patrick
to L J. Chapman Co., recorded
in book A. C. page containing
of an acre, more or less.
Lot No. one half interest In
lot No., in that part f the town
of known as New town
being lot upon the old
Hellen store is now standing
Terms of third cash
on day of Sale, balance Io and
two years, or all cash to suit the
convenience of the purchaser.
Persons further
can apply to L. J. Chapman,
N. C, who gladly
show them all the to
the commissioner at Greenville, N.
This Nov. 1903.
Practice all toe court. Special
attention to collection ream
ad Prompt
to all
O. O. Bland and left this
for Suffolk.
J. T. Harrell went to Suffolk
Miss Jessie Lee Sugg returned
this morning from
Cotton bulls were on the lam
Keep your eye
for snow.
Furnished rooms for rent, lie
Jan. 1st. Apply to
If. E. Anderson.
A. T, King returned Wed-
evening from Greensboro
Mr. J. N. Hart
Wednesday evening from
a to Portsmouth.
Smith, of Ayden, spent
today here.
A. M. Moseley returned to
den Thursday evening.
Donnell of Tarboro,
came in Thursday evening.
Forbes has taken a
with Greene Brown.
Robert Howard,
rived evening to visit
his sister, Mrs. J. G.
Abrams has moved into
the Cherry house on Third street.
Mr. Mel lie Harriet has move
into her new house on
Miss Joyner, of
arrived Thursday evening to visit
Misses Lena and Mamie King.
Goldsboro, who
hits been here a few days left this
Rev. W. B. Cox returned
Mrs. H. P. Hill, of Wilmington,
arrived this morning to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. An
Pitt in Norfolk.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders the
Company, wholesale jobbers and
Importers of dry goods notions,
was held yesterday afternoon at
the office of the company, to
Commence street in this The
old board of directors was re-elect-
ed, as well aB t lie old
Winston, president; H. W.
Whichard, vice-president; L.
secretary and treasurer.
The annual statement and re
p it of the treasurer showed the
affairs of the company to be in
good condition. If was decided to
the capital of the
company per cent, by a stock
for that amount, to be
distributed among the present
stockholders in proportion to the
amount of stock new held by each.
cash dividend of per cent,
was also declared. The stock
dividend was paid in cash out of
the surplus earnings of the com-
leaving a surplus en baud.
A decision was reached at the
company's meeting to subscribe to
the stock of Jamestown Expo-
Company. The
Whichard Company has had a
most successful career since its
formation in this city is one
of the prosperous and progressive
young business houses in Norfolk.
Norfolk Dispatch, 16th.
Two members of the above firm
Pitt county boys and Re-
is glad to note the splendid
success they are Nor
folk, the city that is largely made
up of hustling North Carolinians.
spent its last
A touch of black and white and a dash of red, green and brown,
and you have a successful costume. Winter demands brightness we
have it in big shipments. .
Great Reduction.
Every Overcoat this
s Knee
Special inducements on the entire
line, nothing but high class Millinery
sold in our store. Everything new and
Pairs Boys all Wool Knee
Pants worth double at
per cent, reduction on the en-
tire pants-All
They are the Season's
latest creation. We are
the cheap Fur house.
Tailor Made
They fit well, hang
well, handsomely
made. Prices
range from
Ill-4 Ex Size
a Size Blanket
i Full Size Blankets
Heavy its and Drawers
c m holiday mm Watch for our big announcement of House Furnishing Goods, Couches, Bookcases, Pict
Frames, Easels, Rocking Chairs, Hall Racks,
W. Main St
North Carolina.
.- .

N. C.
a Comet
famous remedy
does the
that which it
Is unable to do
even but
I slightly disordered
or overburdened.
supplies the natural
Juices digestion and
does the work the
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, while
the muscles
membranes that
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures
palpitation the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach troubles by
cleansing, and
strengthening the glands,
and digestive organs.
In the sky comes
the star of health
to the weak and
dent dyspeptic,
s t o m c h
troubles and
Fa c .
This is the farmer's chance.
hi lo ;
i i-
prices. Tobacco would bring good
if the not decided
upon a wholesale spoliation of the
. t, n w it tin-
time for preparing plant beds is near
, . ; i ; higher.
The trust wishes to
Bottle on-. Sir.
trial which Mils for
e. c co, mum.
Apples, oranges and bananas at
Beet butler am
hut next y
The people living towns and
i i v. the hi prices
everything to eat bears heavily,
i r that they enjoyed
prosperous times when the farmers
were sell their product Hi the
cost of cultivation. is a long
lane that has no With
bet prices for what a farmer has
to sell, there will a and hap-
pier life on the farm, will quit
deserting ii i come to town, and the
stale will be blessed. The way to
secure better conditions is t i raise;
.;. us; turkeys and meat, as will
is track and for the
market. The farmer who has
of something to eat sell is
Strictly and will make more
in y than growing cotton at twelve
cents a pound.
With better prices for farm pro-
Is. the tendency fer men to leave
the farm and crowd into factories
Johnston end. and the exodus will be
rather from the towns to the country
-1 In it threatened danger of the
destruction of prosperous condition
prevailed in will pass
News and Observer.
es at Johns-
After inter nights
t is a long time until bed time.
on how our boys and
employ I he hours from five
ten o'clock, If you live in a
town it village, young man, it is a
great temptation to go up town and
trifle the hours away with men who
ought to at home with their
lies, but who prefer to waste the
time in senseless gabble about the
stove in the grocery or the
tore. i n I go n
beseech you. these four
hours every night in your-
selves. If you have had a poor
in school c s where you
may make up lost t e. layoff a
plan of reading for I c winter. Get
some biography, history, a
poetry, and tin e r i i from
the masters of km ;. Dick-
en iv n r, Von can
tin in, preacher to
help you out.
H C, Dee.
Mr. Mrs. E
Mo. moon in
Lang-ton i-.
ii-- Bell,
Friday and it
near on.
Saturday night and
Mies spent la
week visiting relatives in the
k neighborhood.
W. E. vent to
Greenville Tuesday.
Miss Mary Worthington attend
ed the Association Sat-
J. A. left Monday for
Farmville here he has accepted a
with Davis Bros.
The u up of death visited
Home of-annul i lining Sat i
day afternoon and took fro n him
She had been in bad
health for sometime. She left
seven child and a host
and relatives to mourn her loss.
The i family our
Manning, one of the
soldier boys, Fortress Monroe
home Saturday to attend the
rial of his mother.
Village Improvement So-
is organization which
Greenville's Great Department
Gold and Silver Handled
Um b
Slippers for Children, Ladies
and Gentlemen.
Table Covers, Bureau h, Pillow Shams,
Center and in Linen Drawn
Work. Irish Point,
Wheels, Point net.
N. G , Dec.
Yesterday afternoon at o'clock,
i very and unique marriage
took place at Snow Hill, at which
time Mi. Vt. J, a very-
popular and enterprising
our i Miss
Lillie Pal rick, the beautiful and
accomplished daughter, of Mr. D.
Patrick, were united in mar-
The groom entered the
I with his beet man, Mr. J. B
followed by the bride,
maid of honor, Mica Fan-
a sister of the groom
Rev. E. performed the
in u very impressive
manner. Other Mis
aid Harper,
Miss Florence I and L.
Lucy mil Ki
P. i i, Miss Hannah
I h
on m ,. , T ,, , ,
, , V. Johnson.
He will lake pleasure ,,., , , ,.
in d what ho can. Th ii set friend-
yourself to your task. Somebody he
, where
who knows it nil will had dinner served
better he reading your Bible, Pay no
i to him; he has hurt
Mr. and Mrs, received
i . and
hell extreme pupil
II i i . Lay your of
course then to . ,.
it. I y Mar yon will find your ,.
mi d l in d and i
d. i and Children. A
nu Speak
. c . A Line of
was the star in the Goods.
of t ha North Carolina Society
of Baltimore at the Oat roll ton A
,.,, ii u A. D. JOHNSTON,
Hotel tonight, all
ii x- i Dealer in
n , th Carolina, j, . . Grocer
and tiny Carolina Dry Hats and
adorned Hie i try Produce,
The table with Meat, Meal, Four and Lard
trail vi I gray Specialties.
holly and . I o cotton, Cakes, Crackers and
mi pine I always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Ci-
. I Annie
at ii i. around the room. and vegetables, Hominy
The menu included North n and Canned Goods. Green and
planked shad, turkey and roast
Winterville, N. C.
has recently taken root in several
of the towns of slate. These
societies are composed largely if
not entirely of ladies, and it is the
of the members to look
after and report upon the
of the streets, with a view to
having them kept clean; to see that
lo s back of stores are kept clean
of waste paper and other refuse;
lots are rid o tomato
can and, such other as
encumbers them, and that
are made presentable; in a
way to cooperate with the
municipal authorities for the pro
motion of public tidiness, and to
encourage the betting out of trees
and the better care lawns and
front raids.
All of these objects are most
commendable, and societies
should be countenanced assist-
ed where they exist and organized
the smaller towns where they
are already. There are
hers of pretty towns North
Carolina the streets of
disgracefully whereas they
could be kept at trifling cost.
The objects of these societies
are praiseworthy, but if they did
more than give their towns
they would justify
North Carolina,
Tin i
Hem I laker claims and enters the
parcel lands, con-
seventy live acres more or
Ii lying and being in county,
on the sooth side of Tar river in
Greenville township and on both sides
will Creek swamp adjoining the
lands of Tucker and Henry
Corey, the heirs of Bryant Baker
others and south westerly course from
the mouth of Laurel swamp, where
Laurel into creek.
Any person, or persons claiming
title to or interest in the above de-
scribed lands, must tile their protest in
writing with mo within the next thirty
days, against the issuing of a war-
rant, or the will be barred.
r. Williams,
Wool Sweaters for Children
Wool Crochet and Silk
Shawls in evening Shades.
Lace and Silk for
J. B. Cherry A Co
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We a
certain we have the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA in character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to lit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions.
evident Edwin presided.
i was greeted by
longed die re and aroused
I enthusiasm. Congressman
ard of the fourth
of the state in the I claim is
yea h. J made.
E. S. Edward, of Ayden, and
Mr. Humphrey, of Goldsboro,
were I y tie
of the i rock, which hey
superior to any
Borneo and Juliet.
A telegram from the ma
of the opera at Henderson
Romeo and
played last night to
capacity. Strong company. Ev
satisfied. I recommend
them. B. S.
Mgr. Open House. Phone
Lumber Veneer Co.
North Carolina Kiln-Dried
Truck Barrels, Baskets,
Crates and Veneers.
Stove Wood on hand at all time, for
by the load. Mill locate south
of the depot.
The City Hay Grain Co.,
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Exercise and Posture.
read by Miss Maggie
son before the Pitt County Teachers
our subject deals with
the material, the physical, with
that part of the child which we
can see, touch, and still
it is of the very importance
to the teacher, because the body
is the keystone upon which is
be reared home of the mind,
the the mind.
Since then our subject is of
such vast importance, it
us to look at it from a practical,
sensible, prayerful of view.
If we seem a little tedious in
our of exercise and
posture, in reiterating plain and
simple troths, understood by all,
it is because we dislike to look at
plain, and every day facts
and strive for something ideal
We lay down for our
proposition that physical
can net be separated
from intellectual and ed-
Yet bodily health and
strength are desirable them
selves, because they make a part
of that complete and perfect life
is will of nature and
the dream of education; and, the
because health of the body is
one of the conditions, one of the
meant of developing the soul,
because higher life of the
is not possible except it
have for a support a
healthy lift.
time school and the
most of till time at seats, it
is of prune importance that
the the
child and see to it
that suited to
normal of its physical
organs. The seats should be So
constructed height and form
that rest both feet
t be floor while in
a posture. If the i-
tow or too ill
shaped so as to be
will lasting injuries
that will the
of his future life and. impair hie
tit the world.
the great of injury,
it s a child i
concentrate bis power III
application when lie ii
tortured by toe of
should be of
taught the importance of these
to their physical development and
intellectual growth.
Not only is the teacher
for the child's position and
posture but he is also responsible
for that development that comes
from proper
particularly recommends physical
activity w means of counter-
balancing cerebral toil
fatigue. Activity is one
of the conditions of health. We
art nourished not by what we eat,
by what we digest and we digest
with ear limbs as well as with our
it should be on-
purpose lo adopt a system of
g nasties to develop
or and agility bat
simply give power and sup-
to muscles; to govern and
facilitate the play of
movement; to prepare the
of health and a
life; and finally to develop
physical energies just as study
develop the intellectual energies.
So as practical, every child
should be required to go
the play ground every recess and
engage in some brisk physical
exercises that will send the blood
tingling through all the capillaries,
laden with life giving oxygen
out the waste material
furnish food for the building of
the new. Mademoiselle
has remarked gymnastics proposes
to discipline the and
seem d to afford him repose from
intellectual, labor; and by this
menus the resumption of
labor e profitable.
Besides laboring tor the future
by enlarging strength the
chest, by giving suppleness lo the
in of the child and by
to the child,
exercise also acts
upon the the body, whose
forces ii renews upon the
It baa a happy effect
it reestablishes the
equilibrium in the organism and
n the same time the mind
is child-
exercise, it is
that it be properly regulated
so that I hey snail not carry it
Mini exhaustion, moderate
en mates and refreshes
no mind but excessive and violent
exercise to make the mind
Under-our system of high pres-
horses to the same shaft.
As a clear vigorous mind re-
quires a brisk to
its commands and perform
brilliant tasks of renown fame,
so too, the moral being needs for
its background the combination of
the two, that outward
of a beautiful spirit may
like a beacon light on the moan-
top, cast its upon wander
and light them to-
wards a perfect moral While
a good bodily constitution renders
the operations of the mind easy
sure, it at the same time as-
towards moral perfection.
Nothing sooner paralyzes the
activity of the reason, flight
the and the exercise
reflection than an enfeebled
organism. Nothing sooner dries
up all the sources of pure thought
than whose functions
languish and whose every effort is
tho cause f suffering. Then if
you would form a soul which is to
have ample development, a being
of generous and intrepid will, a
workman capable undertaking
arduous labors, first and above all
secure a sound vigorous
ism of powerful resistance and
muscles of steel. It is sue a
being as this whose
keenly alert and whose powers are
fully alive, that get close to
the great heart of nature
claim with the shepherd boy;
heavens declare the g . of
God and
utter unto night
or with the
e this
oW lite exempt from
lied honks in
the sermons in
There are Exceptions, but Most of These
Hint Hold Generally.
Don't hurry.
Don't worry.
Don't be stingy.
Don't get into debt.
Don't lose your patience.
Don't waste time regretting.
Don't allow yourself to find fault.
Don't make people glad that
Christmas comes but once a veer.
Don't give anything that
poses a great amount of care unless
you know it is desired.
Don't expect the gifts yon make
to give the recipient as much
pleasure as they give you.
Don't forget that there's quite
as much the spirit in which a
is as in the gift itself
Don't forget give personal
things. A scrub brush may be
useful, but it will not serve to dis-
tract mind from
her everyday
Don't, above all, present a per-
son with something yon have given
this same person some previous
occasion. It's about as bad as
to give anything at all.-
Philadelphia Record.
Give Heed to This.
Express shipments are very
heavy now. To accommodate
snippers the office will open at
o'clock tomorrow morning and all
packages should be in before as
the wagon will leave for the depot
at that hour. Do not take
packages to the depot unless yon
have previously been to the office
to have them billed, as there is
no time to attend to matter
at the train. The office will be
too crowded tomorrow morning to
answer telephone calls before
o'clock, so if you want to be waited
on and insure getting your pack-
ages off promptly come to the office
person m time. By giving heed
to matters can avoid
worry to both yourself aid the
office, Express
A country editor, who evident-
h is trouble of his own, is
heart-to-heart talks with bis
delinquent subscribers. The fol
lowing is one of the
morning. Have you
paid your year T
Perhaps you owe fir year, or
for Now you
we don't
we ml I gel
an ii-ii to let
mi money
form so that cue child;
will be required neither to
forward nor to elevate aims
above normal position when
be is occupied writing. It be
habitually leans forward, the
cartilages between the
will a wedged shape,
become fixed so that the child
have stooped shoulders and
traded cheat. From there
will result poorly developed
and habits of breathing that
prevent the of the
a definite plan alternating men-
physical exercise.
It has been our mis
discussion to show solidarity
interest between the mind and
the body. They textures
labile it would
to overdevelop at the
of other or to
that we could derange with-
out corresponding evil effects upon
our prices
fore buying-
Cora Ft
blood lay the foundation of the other. The Greeks under-
those pulmonary diseases that are stood this and associated the
so fatal to the human form. It body and mind harmonious
the duty of the to under j education older make man at
correct poet me of the same lime beautiful and good,
children them to It is not a body nor a u
occupy correct while M soul we are educating but a
their seat-, class, and oil rounded, completely developed
play grounds. It is not e j human g. as Plato says
P. exercise and we must not train of them
compel to sit, stand, Mud without other, but we
walk but they should he, drive them abreast like a span
Mrs. Allie U. Perkins, Wife of
Ma. died, at
ck. Monday at their
on corner of
Though she had an
from which n- hope
her recovery, end
been expected for so
tit her spirit had away
i. many
calmness, me
with perfect resign
her life here well,
ready to go peacefully to outer
that life eternal with, the
the skies
Mm. Perkins was greatly
ed ail her were
without tier. She was ever
devoted to her friends, her
many of kindness bound
is is
people on
when are
and so
c burden
l -if ;
reason w ask anybody
any of our in his
to it at the . .
by post, freight I express, or
any way, just u It. re
Silver Hid lie a d
would re
if get
legged for
I it His.
A Strong
Tin- papers think
they are smart in having a large
although we have not
we shall
do so lo take conceit out of the
city brethren. The editorial stall
of the Times is comprised of man
aging editor, Ira Cole; editor,
I Cole; news editor,
writer, Honorable Mr. Cole;
exchange editor, Cole; pressman,
the same Cole; foreman, more of
Mayor H. W. Whedbee has dis-
posed of the following cases in his
court from Dec. 15th to 23rd in-
Ed Fleming, engaging in livery
business without license,
suspended upon payment of
costs and future compliance
with ordinance.
Sermons, drunk, fined
and costs, 12.20.
Peter Harper, and down,
fined and costs,
Joe Moore and Eli Moore, as-
sault with deadly weapons, bound
over to Superior court.
Joe Moore, carrying concealed
weapon, bound over to Superior
J K Button, assault with dead
weapon, bound over to Superior
Randolph, drunk and down,
Ii ed and costs,
Charles Williams and Almeta
William-, using loud
language, etc , judgment
pended payment of costs.
Prank Lewis, jumping on a ml off
moving I lain, lined costs,
Isaac a jumping on and off
moving train, lined and costs,
Kim jumping on and off
moving lined i and costs,
ha tic it Mink m d
costs, Co.
The odor
filled ail
of S has
the last day or two.
to her meal love, the same Cole; editor, Mrs.
deeds of charity Kid th, Mont. Times.
she was abundant, many there
be who wild kiss her.
The tel-
have the sincere sympathy
of all in their deep bereavement.
The funeral was hold this after,
noon at o'clock, the interment
being in Cherry cemetery.
Service were by Rev.
W. E. Cox.
Any one having a grist mill that
needs putting in order would do
well to see John D. Ward, House,
N. C. He knows just how to put
mills in order it will pay those
needing such work to engage him.
Leg Broken.
of Mr. Caleb Cannon's little
Rountree, met with the
sad misfortune to get his leg
en last Friday at Pierce's school
where he was going to
school. The accident
recess while and several
other boys were out on the campus
playing ball. Another boy
ran against him. We
deeply sympathize with the
fortunate little fellow and hope his
leg will soon get j
Free Will Baptist.
O. Dec.
We arc jet having it cold.
O. K. Bind went to Washing-
ton on business Monday.
Miss of
Hamilton, is visiting B. B. Sat lets
Mrs. G. H Little left this morn-
to spend the holiday with
friends in Neck.
The Christmas turkey is closing
in on his last gobbling day.
We learn there are several new
buildings going up in town, one
being a large two story brick
Sidney Daniel tells he killed
a very large wild cat, last week,
weighing twenty-five pounds.
Good for yon Sid. Go
For sale a good horse can be
bought cheap. C.

Eastern reflector, 22 December 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 22, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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