Eastern reflector, 4 December 1903

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i hi
m .
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
Always go to the
fr your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try a bottle of my Fig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
K If you are not satisfied I will return
Pharmacist. Ayden, N. C.
M. F.
Fancy Groceries.
Best batter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies,
and confectioneries; and high
est prices f r country produce,
go to
M. F.
Successor to J. L. Gaskins, next
door to bank.
. in .
I pitch and myrrh
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and Manager.
the best Brick l
Eastern Carolina. Brick
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick.
always on baud. Prices t
suit the times. Write e
for price by the thousand or
carload. Yours truly,
WE WANT your corn and Peas
for cash. City Hay Co.
Greenville, N. C.
N. C.
Are making a specialty of
suitable for P. C
famous line f for ladies.
goes with a guarantee. Our line r Die.- Goods
this season embrace the newest and best. Call on us.
N. O. For.
D. K. Saturday
and Sunday in LaGrange,
Charlie Askew, of Norfolk,
rived Friday to accept a position
with W. Alexander as barber.
lister Cox is ill with
Mrs. M. M. Sauls and little
daughter, who have been
spending some lime in Richmond,
returned yesterday.
Lelia Tucker, of Grifton,
arrived yesterday to visit her sis-
Mrs. W. B.
Edwin Tripp to Roberson.
rill Monday.
Mies Olivia Berry spent
day in
J. V. Mills
w ii
Dr. L. C.
ville yesterday.
W. of Johnson V
Mills, was on our streets yesterday
J. S. May, Grifton,
i h rough yesterday.
J. C. Ron berry, of Grifton, wax
in town Monday.
G. B. of Johnson's
Mills, was here yesterday.
Oh liquor at High Point,
if you please, and for tan very good
reason that it would seriously inter-
with the business of the town.
We dare the average High Point-
is no more religious than the
common run M mortals; in fact
some of the say it is a
tough But there is one thing
a High Point man known, and that
is how to do business, and he finds
he can get along a great deal better
without liquor than with it.
Thomasville and Children.
What a purely American Holiday this is.
No has a holiday like it. How
the word thanks. of have
for which to give thanks. thanks that you are
and prospering. thanks for the many blessings that
come and are coming to yon. Give thanks that
are enjoying privileges and blessings in the United Slates
that can be in no other country and don't forget
to give thanks that
J. B. Cherry t Co
Are doing business; old a full stock
and a growing stock ready for your every days needs, hi con-
us to thank you for your liberal patronage and
to invite you to come in see our splendid eatables far
your Thanksgiving dinner.
J. B. CO.
you bought it from it's all
for it by yourself with editable
am prepared to supply you with the best quality and
rices. Have an eve to comfort and give me a call.
In the national house of
there arc lawyers, bu-
men farmers; in the
senate there are lawyers,
men and farmers. There
are only foreign born legislators
in both house. -1 Sun.
In the assignment of democrats to
the committees Senator
is made chairman of the com-
on revolutionary claims. Any-
thing that relates to revolution is
tasteful to the
Cold Comfort
Is what we arc the of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweat milk, cream
butter, cool drinking many dainties that
would be without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Cream Freezers. Hammocks and
everything else in tho hardware line.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it en your
Yard Wide Homespun
Don't that strike you as being
Well it is, and give
n if the low prices of our
goods. Big stock of
to select and everything
as h- a I- as homespun. Ii
you need Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, anything
better see us before you buy.
And if you want top price for
your produce bring it
to us.
Witherington Lilly,
Ayden, N. C.
Physician and
Ii Black.
I will as eat turkeys
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We are
certain we hare the finest line have ever shown and we are
that store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA Shoes for Women
W- are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA in character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to fit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date lino of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions.
The On y Way
To get the confidence of the pros-
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
In the North Carolina Confer-
appointments, read in the
meeting at Goldsboro, Monday
J. D. Bundy woe
rant as Presiding Elder of Wash-
district and Rev. J. A.
was seat to Greenville station.
F. A. Bishop, who was
Elder of this district for
four eat to Central
church at Raleigh, H.
M. former of Green-
ville church, sent to
The appointments for all of
Washington district, are an
Presiding D
Washington, Thompson.
Bath D A
Aurora, J M Lowder.
Ba Quarter, W Y
B H Black.
Greenville, J A Hornaday.
Farmville, L E Sawyer.
be supplied by B F
South J H
Rocky Mount, W S
Rocky and Marvin, R E
Nashville, J M Benson.
Spring e, D A
A P Tyer.
Fremont Circuit, D L
Wilson Circuit, be
by T H
and R W
Rev Smith, e former pastor
here, was made of
district, and Rev. N
was sent to Grace
At Wilmington.
Cleveland Out of It.
Grover Cleveland has written a
letter to his St.
editor of the Brooklyn
Eagle, in which he declares em-
that under no
would he again become
the nominee the party for the
presidency. The letter in full is
N. J., Nov-
Dear Mr.
have waited for u long time
to say something which I think
shook be said to you before other.
never know hew grateful
I am for the manifestation of kind-
toward the
my your in-
brought out. Your
in The of my
for presidency
to me as a
it has been seconded m such a
by democratic
that conflicting of
and duty have -caused me to
hesitate us to the time and
of; declaration on my part coo-
the such a
seem necessary
the mulct, all and in
the full view of every considers
I have not for a moment
nor am I now able, to
my mind to the that in
any circumstance, or upon any
consideration, I should ever again
become the nominee -of my
Judge Harriett.
The great majority of the news-
papers were very severe on Judge
Peebles for the manner in which
he conducted himself in Hay
wood trial id Raleigh, but not all
of them him. Some
didn't have nerve enough to take a
position at time, now
the storm has subsided a few Hie
speaking up for him His
held court in Harnett county last
week and the
Guide says of him.
Judge Peebles, who is holding
court at week, in
one our and
up-right judges. Hi sound and
logical mind, trained to nice
s of law,
while the justice
which he metes to all putties has
endeared him to the hearts of our
and upright
justice which
he out to all
be fine phrases. We hope they
are deserved, but if they are Judge
Peebles has changed his course
since the Hay wood trial.
But again, speaking of hon-
or's charge to grand jury, the
Guide says;
His charge to the grand jury at
Fell in Water.
S. C. Nov. SO.
of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Abbott's Creek fell in
a bailing water
mm died night.
tub was fit ting
this term was able ad
dress, delivered an
and masterly manner. judge
to the of
crime in state, especially the
party The alarming
for the presidency. My
, J . ,. ., our almost like a
nation not to Unalterable The remedy
and conclusive. at least, j for this evil lies with the different
ought to know from me, I juries. If the law tic cu-
if The Eagle d offender dealt
made the of its Io
. ,. . ,. J majesty of the law
; he batter and
yours, would not obey its
be taught t
so fear.
Oh Judge
Du grand jury
An At ode.
White alarming increase of
around in a field font of a rigid enforce-
the city of the law, etc. Did
day two discovered t But from
room W feet ,
tin- ground. boys is he
ed t. police what and
aid leading the wear,,
white Mr. J. piloted by tide
laying cotton tn to the place whet, Landmark.
a colored a in vex
hint if he remembered a, Old Home Burned
toga bate of from hits, entrance about feet
two Mr. Ball, j deep. a room V- Brook
to the told about by and fleet In height.
yes, and to his Tho room In iron.
cans of canned T of ,,,,, f
the colored man whose name was
Godwin, and lives in
county., pulled bill and
handing it to Mr. Ball told
that he bad paid him too
a gasoline stove, cm-king
tools for excavating, one
quilt, etc. metal was
found, but for what it
for the bale purchased two I was need no idea.
ago. Mr. friends The as
reeded in bringing hint to after a the who
long while.
The honest old said
had him a
The act the old was a
highly liable one, but not
likely to be emulated very freely
place. When fleet arrived
there la it
time to a way to get Fin-
ally a lantern was let the.
use of a line. Policeman James
Thomas, one of the bravest nil
Winston force, volunteered to
bis life by going under the
ground. The other officers let
Tobacco Sale. down with a rope. Seeing
Mr. C. W. Harvey, secretary of there was no danger, Policeman
tho tobacco board of trade, reports d and Deputy Sheriff
sales of leaf tobacco on the son went down and investigated
Greenville market for month for themselves. find is being
of November at pounds. thoroughly here and
The sales for four from speculation as to whet the
opening of the season to means numerous.
first of December, make a total of
919.986 pounds. to The
most historic structures
in the borough, was destroyed by
fire today. The building was gut-
nothing but part of the front
wait remaining of rue famous old
play house. When the rear wall
of the fell shortly before
o'clock it fell on the roof
as famous in
its war as the Every-
body fortunately had left the
saloon what happened,
before the crash, hut there was a
afternoon that a man
was buried in the cellar ruins. A
was made hut no body was
Mrs. W. H. Walker, wife one
of the of the Bean fort
County Lumber Company, died at
She leaves a and
children. remains were taken
by today to Mount.
After Reed Smoot
The National Congress of Moth-
invites the presidents of Na-
State, or local organizations
of women and representatives of
every church in the United States
to meet in Washington for an or-
effort to prevent the
of Reed Smoot in the United
States senate.
It appeals to every
who is interested in the protection
of the home to write to the senator
of the state in which he or the
resides, to protest against retaining
as a law-maker for the laud a man
who owes allegiance to a
and can only hold his political
position through its consent; who
is himself an apostle a
which makes marriage essential to
a woman's salvation, which em
bodies polygamy in its tenets, and
without doubt encourages its
A high official an
sanctioning such practices
is responsible them, and is not
fit as a lawbreaker to be a law-
maker for others.
The National Congress of Moth-
asks every church the laud
to send an appeal to its senator at
Washington protesting in behalf
of the homes, of holy ideals of
marriage against countenancing
this menace to American standards
of family life.
to ministers to inform
the real gravity of
present situation, asks
to present the subject to
A committee of the senate will
matter within a months
If every man or woman ft el.
on this will set d a
his state the
i of the people will ,.
land will prevail.
Ii. Cotton.
j Vim Pros Nat. of
Decided to Part.
j It is learned that a couple in
i East who were
on Sunday, Nov. 22nd. and
I off on ti bridal trip had
returned, and with their coming,
is a which is hard to
solve If seems they
married and wet I away they were
happy hi love end
other, tint since they nave return-
ii is learned I but they have
I mutually agreed to part and not
live together longer. No one seems
j to know how sudden change
i was brought about and the
couple have expressed fact
that the reason will be kept a
secret so long as they both live and
no one will ever know their
sons for parting no soon. They
are still good friends but are not
living Sun.
Every Precaution Taken.
Physicians in attendance pro-
that the little son Mr,
and Mrs. W. C. Hines, who died
last night, had diphtheria. The
attention of Dr
superintendent of health, was
called to matter and he at once
began taking every precautionary
measure to prevent other cases
of the disease, other
town co operating with
Dr. Brown quarantined i In-home
of Mr. treated each member
of the fa i and instructed that
only person attend fun-
to he sufficient to conduct it.
He also found out as as
persons had visited the
family during the of the
directed them to
at home the danger period
hat passed. At the graded school
he gave similar to all
children who had been Io Mr.
A large supply of
was telegraphed to be
used on all who slight-
est degree liable to the disease.
With these precautionary steps
taken by Dr. Bro u and the other
physicians there seems to be no
danger whatever case
of the disease developing.
Will Marry ion.
Mi. J. D.
in Greenville but now a resident
of Danville, will on Dec. 16th
to Miss Fannie Watt
of Pelham.
Dedication at Farmville.
The dedication of the new school
building at Farmville, will take
place Friday, the 4th, at o'clock.
It is a splendid building and when
the school opens it, towns of
its size will have better education-
advantages than Farmville. We
congratulate the people of the
upon opportunities now offered
them to educate their children.
Every man should avail himself it
this opportunity.
See the Royal troupe of Japanese
at opera Saturday
A Disreputable Proverbs
There are many
verbs w hose c s for
and veracity would not bear in-
but which almost
universally accepted as self evident
truths. We do not know how
many decades or centuries
world has thus accepted
is the best and we have
no idea that our against it
will impair its s inning, i all
the same, it is untruthful and,
a disreputable proverb.
Honesty is kind d
and therefore, cannot be the
best or the worst. The man who
deals because it is politic to
do so may not have even a germ
of honesty in his nature. It is a
fact that a reputation for integrity
is business and social capital, It
Is a fact a man in almost any
kind l t afford to
deceive or cheat. It is a that
a man incapable of acting any
higher motive unmitigated
can adopt no shrewder
plan than dealing.
But genuine honesty calls for
something nobler than that. It
has no relation to cunning or
and it is courageous enough
to face ruin rather than be false to
itself The whose only reason
for avoiding dishonest acts is per-
profit is a better citizen
than a thief but be has not
more of real in his soul.
Let such a man be confronted with
an opportunity to get what he
most desires felonious
means, let him assured
that he no risk of detection,
and his sham honesty goes down
and out.
really honest man is one
who values bis own self-respect-
above all other worldly attain-
Ml ll

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased,
To notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
owned by said R. at his death, is offer
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
CAPS, SHOES, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
W. G. is also agent of the Royal Tailors Mfg
All suits made to order to tit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good lit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If yon want bargains come
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots o Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In we operate a If linger Cotton
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
tor cash. Highest price for country
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is to transact any
the paper in and territory.
readers in Fashions. Full line of
j trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
. ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
is J i s i t
. B
fa I
P -3
k i i I I
I a s j
S H -s bliss's
s f
N. C.
Practice in all the courts. Special
and other claims. Prompt
to nil business.
Dainty tilings for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide th most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the bat way, and by telling them
at toe most reasonable margin.
Cotton Meal and
, Hay, Oats, Coin
on hand.
and Bran r
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N. C.
J. L
N. C
Invite yon to make their store
headquarters and While there to
their complete stock of.
and learn their low prices. We
can supply ail your needs in,
any lice of goods.
We are selling; Lawns and other-
summer-dress goods at
half price, to- make room for
all goods.
Merchant and
Always a complete
stock of
General Merchandise.
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.-.
Special price on carload lots-of
Dr. nines,
Johnston Bros.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
N. C.
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and told. Batter, Eggs
and Family on hand. Country trade
a Flour and by load. E
Whichard, N. ft.
Th in every de
as u t b
lowest. market
paid far
The Board of Commissioners of
Pitt county will on Monday, Dec.
7th, 1903, receive bids for the
building of a bridge across Tar
river at For particulars
apply to the Register of Deeds of
Pitt county.
By order the Beard f Con
Ayden, North Carolina.
Tc the Tobacco Grower.
Nov. C. Ad-
ams, the president of the Tobacco
Inter State
of and North Carolina,
has just issued u cat d, in which he
Mates that the of
adopted at the recent meeting
of the association in Danville, is
in the hands the printer,
will be ready for in a
days, Among other things,
plan may not be what
all may want, but it was adopted
unanimously by a representative
body of growers, and
should have our support
any feature prove
we change it at a future meet-
Let all first get bold
of these we are not
making war upon any one but as
we ate met by combinations
name the prices of nearly every-
thing we buy self-preservation
forces us to combine, that we may
name the prices on what we
It we fail to do this, we cannot j
hope to improve our condition;
every farmer in this country may
assert all emphasis possible
that be cannot tobacco at
present prices, it will
nothing as long as he makes
it and puts it on the market at
these say we can't do a
thing then do will never
make any one respect our
Aft thirty years of
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people-with a complete of
General Merchandise
I. can furnish anything cam-
needle to a
I handle fertilizers
gin cotton In season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer begin Aug.
15th. It is the-best the century.
Logger-with some two bunk,
wagons and one ox cart.
the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods,. Notions,. Shoes,
Hats,. Groceries, Crockery, etc., at
A fall line of Drugs Medicines. Highest
for all kinds of country produce.
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, the possession one of
our Refrigerators will insure milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made It easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when w
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such,
a price, and it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, and
everything else In the hardware line.
At the N. C. conference
Goldsboro Mr. G. M. Lindsay,
Hill, made a donation of Reflector tO it
f 1.000 to the
your farm a
The Reflect
name and order
on your
A for Cold in the Head.
A Charlotte man submits to The
Observer a remedy for cold in the
head which, he affirms, is
efficacious, leaver no bad
after effects, is harmless and bears
the charm of simplicity. It is the
prescription of a North Carolina
in bis day. The remedy is
simply an equal-part mixture of
pulverized camphor and pulverized
sugar and the method of
is this not unpleasant
mixture up the nostrils. It may
be kept near at hand
frequently. It is sail that several
applications will clear the head
and relieve the most disagreeable
cold or catarrh, and that persistent
use will effect a
Scotland Neck bus made a con-
tract for electric lights.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
One of the most remarkable cases
of a cold, deep seated on the lungs,
causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs.
Gertrude Marion, Ind.,
who was entirely cured by the use
of One Minute Cough Cure. She
coughing and straining
so weakened me that I ran down
in weight from to pounds;
I a of remedies to no
until I used
Cough Cure. Four of this
wonderful cured me en-
of the cough, strengthened
my lungs and restored me to my
normal weight, and
Bold by John L.
By virtue of a decree of the
or court of Pitt county in the special
entitled H. C. Venters,
Adm. of W. Venter against
G. others, the
undersigned commissioner sell i
cash, at public auction before the
court house door in Greenville, on
Thursday the 24th day of Dec.
the following described
That tract of land in Pitt county, I
in township, adjoining the
lands of H. C. Venters,
Bros., A. T. Cox, G. w. Venters, Jr.,
and Clay Root Swamp, containing
acres, more or less, and being the
land upon which G. w. Venters,
lived at the time of his death.
Said tract of land will sold in
two lots, to wit, lot No. All of said
farm not covered by the widows
Lot No. All of said farm which
is now covered by the widow's dower.
This Nov. 1903.
F. G. James.
S. M.
Wholesale and
Realer. Oath paid for
Bides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Suite, Ba
Carriage, Go-darts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail A Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Floor Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
Ira Oranges, Apples,
dandies, Dried Apples,
Prune, Currents, Raisins,
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Jokes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Batter, New
other goods. Quality end
Quantity. Cheap for Com
S. M.
Notice to Creditor.
Owing so exceedingly poor
and an apparent disregard
of many of their indebtedness, and
disinclination to matters,
I have derided on Dec let, next
to put collectors on the road, with
instructions to collect all accounts,
give etc., to slight no
Very truly yours,
D. S.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding, and tile
work a specialty.
was taken severely with kid-
trouble. I tried all sorts of
medicines, none of which relieved
rue. One day I saw an ad of
Bitters and determined
to try that. After taking a few
I felt relieved, and soon
thereafter was entirely cured, and
have not seen a sick day
Neighbors of mine have been cured
of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver
and Kidney troubles and
This is what B. F
Bass, of Fremont, N. C. writes.
Only at Drug Store.
I have employed a Slater
prepared to do slate roof-
Orders for any work in my
line receive prompt attention.
Work over Baker ft
j. I. a.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers
Bagging, and Basra.
Correspondence and shipment
William Fountain, H.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. c.
Office one door east of post
street Phone
State of North
Pitt county.
Norfolk. Va.
Dyspepsia Cure does for
j the la mi
I aide do for bee when but
slightly disordered or
Cure supplies
j natural juices of digestion and
I does i in- of the stomach,
I axing i he nervous tension, while
the of that i
are lo real and
On re digest what
I at
land digestive
into Sold
i by John L.
Buyers and Broken in
I Stocks. Cotton. G ruin and
T. J. Stancill, Private W ires to New York,
L. Stancill, V. , r ,. ,
Olivia Hodges, Jose- New Orleans.
Shine Robinson, Ella Daniels, I
. Taft, Lena A. J A.
w. B. Kicks, Minnie Ricks, W. H.
Kicks, Wiley N. Godfrey s.
Johnson, Battle Moore, George V dealer m
Almeta J
s and Julian
Carelessness is for
many a railway wreck
are making human
wrecks of sufferers from Throat
Lung troubles. But since the
advent of King's New Di
for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, the worst cases
can be cured, and hopeless
nation is no longer necessary.
Mrs- Lois of Dorchester,
Mass., is of many whose life
was saved by Dr. King's New
Discovery. To is great remedy is
guaranteed for all Throat
Lung Drug
Store. Price
Trial bottles free.
One Way be Happy.
One way to be happy, says the
Gastonia News, is every man
to take his home paper. And
should not only it, but pay
for it as well which some people
do not do. Don't borrow it from
your neighbor, but subscribe for It
in your own name and pay the
price like an honest man loyal
Don't play the dead-beat
either on your neighbor or the
publisher. The latter stand
it, but your neighbor does not
want to lie bothered that way
about so small a matter. And yet
he dislikes to refuse. Some
do not atop to think how much
owe the local paper. When
j you want a favor to whom do you
got Is it to the big city
No, the city paper don't know
you; but the editor of your local
paper does; and if he don't know
you call to tee him the next time
you go to or go up and
speak to him, for he will be glad
to see you and form your
If you take hi. paper
subscribe for it. If you nave an
item of news give it to him, or
write to him and tell about He
i the man who tells of your
in lite, and does you many lit-
If you do not help to
support his enterprise yon are not
treating him right. He will treat
you right. Be on his side. You
know when you will his
help. Not only stand by his
paper, but stand by every
mate enterprise in your county as
much as you possibly can.
It's shameful when fails
to show proper respect old, age,
but jut the in the case
of Dr. King's New Life
They cut off maladies no matter
how severe and irrespective of old
age, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever,
Constipation all yield so I his per-
Pill, at Drug
Terminated with an up cut on
the leg R.
Drove, III. It developed a st i
ulcer unyielding to and
rented for Then
Ann CM Salve cured.
us good for Burns, Scalds
Slew Eruptions and Piles.
By virtue of a the Superior
Court, of Pitt in the special
entitled Henry Crawford,
Crawford others against
will s-l for cash before the
Court House in on
Short Meter Sermons.
Sins sharpens sorrow.
All things are easy to the earn-
A leader is never afraid of be-
Burden bearing blessing
Self indulgence the secret of
Faith's brightens to-
day's tun
There rights without re-
Honor is too big n lo pay
for any honor.
Blows from the bellows of
e bruises.
vulgarity masses for with
virtue passes fur folly.
The lies cine of a bad habit is
the cull me of a good one.
The best way to bury your
rows is to your sympathies
The man who has time to burn
has to borrow a match lo start it.
He best expresses his own
who causes another to be
N. C.
rod Iron Pence Sold.
work and prices
us , u i
ton and R. B, Mayo.
w, Alice L.
T. Robinson and wife; Ella
Robinson, C. C. Little and wife, Km- j
Little; Joseph Johnson, Henry ,
Johnson, John Johnson. John-;
son, James and wife. Amanda
Hodges, W, L. Hodges, Robert, Hod-
Jay Jessie Hodges, Gar-
Hodges and Warren, the
last live being minors without
The defendants, Henry Johnson and
Johnson, notice that the
in the above entitled special
was issued against
on the 2nd day of November 190.1, which , ,, t ,
summons is returnable to the Clerk of I Steamer K. L. Myers leave
the superior Court for said county I Washington daily, except Sunday,
and state, at his office In Greenville, wt a, m for Greenville, leaves
N. C, on the 7th day of December,
1803, at which time and place the said
defendants are required to appear j at m.
and answer or demur to the , Connecting at Washington with
herein Hied, or the relief demanded Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
will be granted. Said defendants will
further take notice that said petition is
for sale of a certain tract of land for
partition, situated in Town-
ship, county, N. C, and formerly
owned by Jesse K. deceased.
This the 6th day of November 1903.
Mr. C. O. Had,
I he I Si
, , the described piece or
do hit no of in the county
lien Pitt and la ,
him of Craw-
and lien .,., , ,
.- more or I he mail who needs ;. place
being conveyed by deed j should look for I he place that
needs hi in.
It is lolly lo of
suit and
v skin Clara to Martha J. N or-
diseases. Look the mime D oat. o March 28th,
Witt on the
ire lens counterfeits,
Sold L.
D. C.
Clerk of the Superior Court
of HIM County.
r. R. L.
Philadelphia, New York
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Quarter, Ocracoke
all for West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
J. At.,
Greenville, N. O.
T. Agent,
Washington, H.
Is the parent of
Indigestion and mil
The Safest ind Surest Remedy known Is
German Liver Powder
not a mixture, but a veritable
translation on
innermost If you we a suffer-
we will Mad you OP
a of
Powder with our
pace booklet, which contains authentic
patients who have been
cured by this Specific. Do not
delay, bat sod at once to
The American Co.
your frills
yon have built
Clerk of the Superior Court No of to life a
Pitt County having who has any worth
to me, the j .,
on the 2nd day of November
estate of Brooks, tie- Ii does not take much of a saint
notice is hereby to , .
persons u. lo Ito the Sins he cannot
immediate payment t;. the digest.
to all said to I
to the within
twelve mouths alter the date of this
or this be in
bar of their
This the 2nd day
of of Spencer Brooks.
stimulate the TORPID LIVER.
strengthen the digestive organs
the arc
la districts are
properties la the
Tito No Substitute.
New Chartered.
A charter was
afternoon in the secretary of
state's to the Atlantic Bail-
Company, to operate between
Raleigh and
fifty miles. The total authorized
stock is and com-
is permitted to commence
operations one
thousand dollars a mile. The
directors named in the charter are
T. A. Green, of New Bern; Lovitt
Hines, of Nathan
G. A. Norwood, Jr., of
John A. Mills and W.
W. Mills,

D. J. and
Entered In the post office at Greenville, N. C, us matter,
made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in and adjoining counties.
the other will breath
easier since Grover has said he don't
want it and wouldn't have it.
North Carolina has not got much
in holding the football champion-
ship. It is an empty honor.
They have gone to finding petri-
bodies out in Missouri now
Maybe the North Carolina gentleman
Pitt County, N. C, 1903. ill be lost sight of
Now what will Bryan say about
Since Cleveland had his say Par-
and Gorman stock are both
If is insane, let him fol-
low Boyette to the asylum for
insane to be t in confine-
And may the legislature for-
get he is there.
one arson. I doubt if another Even sardine has become a
North Carolina districts enjoys such deadly weapon. A of four
from eating sardines put up in
mustard and vinegar.
With three women in his home,
Sam has extended the glad
hand of recognition to Peter,
And Grand Rapids has found
enough water to trash her dirty
linen in public.
is excited over
the discovery of in the ground,
and thousand of them throughout g
the country, all after Smoot,
there be danger of his seat
the senate getting cold.
Tour is expressing
gratification at assurances from
republicans of their support
for his nomination for the
And Teddy is wondering
how he can spike Hanna's guns.
ed a
Congratulations to the Raleigh
Morning Post upon having celebrated
its sixth anniversary. The Post is a
good paper gives appearance of
being able to take care of itself.
Senator Henna has frequently de-
that he does not want the re-
publican nomination, but his friends,
and especially many enemies of
President believe that he
could be induced to accent it when
the proper time comes.
The stranger in Raleigh who held
up a boy at the point of a pistol and
demanded nickel or your
must have been hard-up. That is
a new style of begging and it is to
be hoped the other members of the
profession will not adopt it.
Thanksgiving day was observed
in street by closing the ex-
change. Some people would observe
another Thanksgiving if it should
remain Journal.
Possibly the Durham couple who
decided to part immediately on re-
turning from their bridal tour, had
better courted a little longer before
marrying and learned more about
each other.
did not save Rome.
a nation, but sin is a
reproach to any Only as
evil and condemn it, as
we search for truth and practice it,
are we moving in the path of safety.
The practice of true religion is one
life. Providentially, historically,
constitutionally, legally, this is true.
The legacy of the past, the hope of
the future.
Shot dead because he lacked five
cents of having enough to pay for
a meal he had eaten, is the
customer was treated by the pro-
of a Chicago restaurant.
Decidedly an abrupt way to make a
man pay. But that happened in
Chicago and need not provoke much
There is a divorce suit on in
in which one of the
plaints of the neglected wife is that
her husband never kissed her,
MR. f.
is your
That this possesses life, vita
and power to perform its
pointed functions, none will
But whence came this national
life, who gave it an existence, and
what sustains, perpetuate and
strengthens this nation, in
manifestations of life and strength
Is God the author of its life, in the
same sense that He gives life to the
individual soul Does God
and develop the life given to this
nation, on the same principle that
he maintains and develops life in
the individual
Our text and connected lessons
teach us that Almighty God is the
source of national life, as well as
every other kind, and that this life
is preserved and developed, only by
the observance of God's laws laid
down for its and control.
On a national
which was observed, as we read in
the history of Israel, Moses said
unto the assembled multitude
therefore this day, and con-
sider in thine heart, that the Lord
he is God in Heaven above, and upon
the earth beneath, there is none else.
Thou shalt keep therefore his
his commandments, which
command you this day, that it may
go well with thee, and with thee, and
with thy children, after thee, and
that mayest prolong thy days
upon the earth, which the Lord thy
God giveth the Set your hearts
unto all the words which testify
among you this day, which ye
command your children; to observe to
do, all of thin-law. it
is not a vain thing for you, because
it is your life and through this thing
ye shall prolong your days in the
One of the big tanks of the Stan-
Oil Company's plant, at
sprung a leak and thou-
sands of gallons of kerosene flowed
into the river. Look out for another
advance in the price of oil.
Many North Carolina editors are
moving on to Washington City to- j the biggest charges against
day, where for the next three days I Wood, brought out in the
the state Press Association will hold investigation now pending, is that
a mid-winter meeting. The editor went ahead and done things
of The had hoped to be j consulting superior officers,
with them in the meeting, but like, the others wanted the
are such that he cannot
get away now.
credit for what was doing.
Now we will hear something more
about the way they do down South.
Three hanging to the same
in the
text for northern editors and speak-
who grind out columns, of
against the South.
The action of the senate in post-
the date of voting on the re-
bill until December is near Belcher, La., will
looked upon as an affront to the
president for his having called the
extra session. When the senate ex-
pressed informally a desire to ad-
before the regular session,
which commences on December
Speaker Cannon refused to consent
to an adjournment until action was
taken on the measure for which the
extra session was called. As neither
-branch of congress can adjourn for
more than three days without the
consent of the other, the house will
thus force the senate to remain in
A millionaire at New N.
Y., got into a fight with his cook
over in wages which she claimed
as due, and now she has brought
suit against him for forcibly eject-
her from the back door, and has
obtained a verdict of An-
other vindication of American
Solicitor Rudolph Duffy of the
judicial district, was passing
through this city yesterday, and
remarked upon the unusual record
which his district had the
present term.
arc six in sis
we gate n. A m steam
The announcement of the New
York Central Railway that it will
equip its lines for operation by
seems to point to the sup-
planting of steam by electricity as
motive power for trains. The
of trolley lines in
late years has led to on
a larger scale which prove that
before nor after marriage.
she never lost much by that, but
the silly man don't know what he
J. Sherrill, editor of the Con-
cord Times, has tendered his
nation as secretary of the North
Carolina Press Association, to take
effect Jan. 1st. Other duties
all of his time is the reason
assigned his resignation. Mr.
Sherill has been secretary of the as-
for many years and has
been most efficient in every
Every member of the
regrets he has found it
to resign,
The Observer has always spoken
up for sending good men to congress
and keeping them there. Every-
thing in congress, especially in the
lower house, goes by seniority.
prise has been expressed that Rep
Page, Webb and
did not get better committee as-
There is no
for surprise in are all new
members; each is just beginning his
first term. If they stay in congress
and prove themselves, they will rise
to position of importance. Of course
if a representative is found to be a
crank or if there is nothing in him
he will never amount to anything in
the house, no matter how long he
may stay there. But in contrast to
the case of the three representatives
mentioned there is the- case of Mr.
of the district. He is
serving his third term and has been
promoted to the important commit
tee on the post office and post-roads
A district which changes its
every two or four years can-
not ever expect to have one who will
rise to a of much dignity.
Charlotte Observer.
There is something i u this for the
In this belief, oar forefathers plan-
their homes and. this
government on these This
religion of Moses brought the early
settlers to this country,, and this
guided and controlled them in
establishing all public restitutions.
Religion has dictated the laws
enacted and religion has-shaped her
public from that day to this.
is no vain thing for of these
United States. is year
These facts have Its-
to as we
now observe it. A national custom
it is today, not limited any state
or section of these United States. The
president the several
states heartily unite in
the citizens of the entire land, to
offer their worship of praise and
thanksgiving unto God.
The first proclamation to be is
sued in this the new world, was
drawn by Governor Bradford, in the
autumn of after the first liar
vest had been gathered by the New
England Right gladly
we can imagine, did those
assemble in the house of
God for special praise and
They had gathered their first
harvest ill this of the free and
home of the Right pro-
this custom we recognize God as the
author of our national life and
that in the observance of his laws
we find our safety and happiness.
There are at least four essentials
of this religion, four factors that make
true religion, the Bible, the
the sabbath, the home. As a
people, to maintain religion we must
love God's word, God's house,
day, and the home dedicated to God.
We do well to place God's book in
our homes, in our schools, where it
can be read and studied by the
young in our land. your hearts
unto all these words. It is no vain
Do it and lire.
You do well to honor the house of
God, the sanctuary, where true
ship is offered. not the
assembling of yourselves together
as the manner of some Do this
and live.
You do well to preserve the Chris-
Sabbath, the Lord's day.
member the Sabbath day to keep it
France has her racing
Spain her bull fighting, Italy her
operas, and Ireland her political
meetings all on the Sabbath Let
not our enlightened people take any
step backward, or encourage in the
least the-practices the European
Continental Sunday. i
the man that this
that the Sabbath from
You do well to make your home
religious, to have the wisdom and
the courage to say with
for me and my house, we will
As you love this country, your
community, your home,, your own
life, embrace Christianity, accept
and the Protestant, religion,
the teaching, of which are m
by all the chorines.
Our country is what it- is today
because of its religion. I our
glory. When that is lost-
is written upon her
The mom laws of God when ac-
studied and obeyed
leads to the highest, happiest
truest life known on earth,.
ever those, words of truth have gone
there they have transformed, and re-
life, whether it be an
individual soul, a household,, a state
or a nation. entrance of thy
words giveth light, it under-
standing unto the
Whenever and whenever these
laws are trampled under foot, dis-
obeyed and rejected there and then
the punishment of heaven was in-
Acted. God deals with nations or
individuals. Those nations in
the part that have ignored this holy
law, have perished. Sent God and
Commerce save
education, mental cultivation
and refinement did not save
mighty armies and vast resource
The King's, Mountain Herald re-
marks that is amazing what
multitudes there are willing to. sell
oat their reputation, and amazing at
what low price they will
painful It is also a.
of astonishment that the
per was it to give thanks God of I can find a
I . , . .,
heaven whom they served.
The observance of annual
was confined to the
New England states until the days
of the American Revolution, when
Some papers are intimating that
the effort to arouse sentiment in fa-
of Graver Cleveland for the
congress recommended the national j nomination was worked
observance of the day. Later, upon worth, and that Cleve-
the adoption of the present seeing failure written before
these United States, wrote hie latter declaring
dent Washington would not accept the nomination,
the observance of a holiday. has not that opinion
therefore, upon the nation's j him. We believe Cleveland was
birth, as a new living organism, entirely sincere in his letter and
God's hand was acknowledged. God exactly he felt. He said
the author of its life. Just as soon,, sometime ago that he was out of
M the nation's corporate life was be- stay out, and his actions
towed under the new constitutions, have borne out this declaration
this religious custom sf observing a We do not believe he cares a fig for
national day was the bat had rather go on
risked. private Ufa than to be area,
This department is in of Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, Dec.
Dr. D. L. James and son David,
attended the union meeting here
advance of
goods we went north early and
purchased stock of fall and
winter goods and feel sure that we
eon save you money as we bought
balk of our old prices and
sell the same way.
cordially invited.
Yours to serve,
Mrs. W. S. Dickinson died MM
here was
in Washington yesterday.
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing done. Work
B. W. Tucker to Greenville
If you want your noise shod,
if your harness or own shoes
reed repairing, general
blacksmith work call and see W.
L. House on Main street.
Rev. W. L. ha been
spending a few days here
upon the union.
We have a line hats
both old and also
valises, at prices
we think very
always glad to serve you and
your money if possible.
writing about Matthew Hart,
the old veteran, our last items,
we should have stated that he is
man the highest sense of honor.
If you owe him a he will
demand it, and if he is
debt you will be paid. He
mikes a promise but what he
keeps it.
Now a word to the Go to
see B. F. Manning Co., before
bargains are exhausted.
We have in stuck the line
of shoes ever offered here and can
fit you both price.
Bring your family and we will
keep this red on, we will make
the shoe squeal before you get it on
your foot. B. F. Manning Co.
C. A. Davis, of Eureka, one of
the stockholders in the A. G. Cos
Members of Lodge
A. F. A. M. are requested to be
present at the meeting Friday
evening as business of
will their u.
Cart bodies all styles on hand
all the while at A. G. Cox
needn't place your
orders ahead. day
Dr. Cox in addition to his drug
always bas an hand a com-
of free school
scratch tablets, pen-, pencils,
and the finest assortment of
stationery ever to
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have just
received two car loads of electric-
ally welded wire fence and can
supply you with h that
is the perfect and the most
durable anything we know of.
The durability this fence is
much greater because there is
twisting to break in
When toe is
the wire will It is readily
t seen that where wires are
wrapped or woven I he galvanizing
will be broken worse than
small wires. this
fact use small
wires in their woven fence, while
the welded fence has both
wires large wire.
Henry Nelson, after a
spell of fever, is out again.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash price for your
cotton seed.
It is strange to hear
that has sold the
this is because there isn't
anything You were
worse The fact is, the
orders are coming faster they
can made. Don't let any
get ahead of you. but place your
orders with A. G. Cox Co
It. G. Chapman -vent to Green-
Mr. at the Drug Store
will be pleased to show you their
line of handsome gold fountain
Misses Myrtle Proctor Helen
attended the burial of
John Tucker, at last
Brine your cotton to Winter-
ville hove it tinned. G. A.
Kittrell Co. will buy your seed
the gin and pay highest market
prices or give meal in ex-
change for
Our customers around home,
that is our local trade, takes a Tar
Heel wagon nearly every time.
Why Because they know just
what it is. We ship mostly Oak
A. wagons. They look b
little with patent wheel
and resemble western wagons
more. We guarantee either
a challenge
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Rev. Mr. King, principal of the
graded at, Ayden, lectured
before the Jr. O U. A. M.
His address was excellent.
Rent or house and
hereby forbidden
or otherwise
aiding son Will,
years who left my with
out cause. Anyone knowing his
will write me.
B. L.
If. C.
to be h i
The good features of Over-
There are a dozen kinds and
What's your particular pref-
short or medium We
have it.
You Make the
By the time we have shown yon what
y a will be
b f mes you and what
cloths, all all that deserve
l her is rather you
close of bu-
fr-mi V
the highest cash market price for
your cotton seed.
the stockholders In Hie A. U. u Cox
Mfg. Co., has bee., here this week , p on
on business with the firm. j Q x
We have spared no in
leafing our stock and we think we
can suit the most
Manning Co.
Miss Lucy has
to her home
This is buggy robe
is the to get
them. He does the snowing, you
the looking judging and buying.
C. A. Fair attended the Odd
Fellows meeting at Ayden Monday
George left for Washing-
ton yesterday.
See ML. the jeweler.;
Witty Joe Cannon.
While his second term ft. A.
in congress, Joe Cannon was
on a muddy road in March,
the adjournment of short
when he met a township road
supervisor, who
Joe, do they dock you when
you are away from
my wages run just the
said Uncle Joe.
township doesn't pay
when they don't said
expect it would be better to
dock us when e do re
plied Uncle Joe gravely.
A Democratic member once
ventured to challenge one of his
Blank is
replied Mr. Cannon.
of denial was contrary to me
because it mentioned a member
name instead of as
be offended
democrat called the speaker's
to the breach rules.
The speaker explained in-
the new member Co pro-
In order. With a sweeping
and bow, which has
since become famous, Mr. Cannon
the venerable and august
gentleman who is such a
for the rules will bear with me, I
ft, L. Davis,
J. L. Little,
Bank Greenville,
J. G.
Bank of Greenville, Greenville, N. C, at
17th, from report to
Stock in
given to all business entrusted to us.
Annie and Myrtle j he
White went to Grannie Monday.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
Again, it
marriage bells will be ringing in
our midst at a very early date.
For see G. A. Kittrell
Go. They have recently burned a
and will make prices reason-
able to suit the
We now have a nice lot of porch
column timber. It you are need
Bee M. U. j q m ft up
Repairing promptly done.
Dealer in
is said the happy Staple-and-Fancy-Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies. Cakes, Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Cl-
Pure Apple Cider
and Vegetables, Hominy
Canned Goods. Green and
Kev. J. B. Jackson, of
who has been visiting hi.
mother near here and also attend-
the union, home
J. D.
Cox II per Mat
la law.
The union meeting of the Mis-
Baptist church, which
in here from last Friday
until Monday, was very
ware large
few was
tile resell.
ed Toilet and Laundry
Winterville, N.
H. C.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your

Grimesland Department.
J. Proctor Bros
If yo want I build a home.
to la it, clothing and I
dry goods far provisions j
your table, or for I
farm. w. can supply needs.
Oar mil and ire now
In and we are
f to gin cotton, grind corn.
lumber, and, do all kinds
turned work for
We also
do general repairing of
and wagons.
Grimesland, N. C.
Ar wanted in
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hat., Groceries
and hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you ran be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
Last week Register of Deeds h
Williams license to the f.-l
I. P. and I. H. Everett
J. F. Davenport he
A. W. Flake and May.
J. S. Cherry and Mollie Whit
It. K Belcher and
John White Alice Hamlet-
Jame Daniel and Annie Jones.
Alex Jones and Ara Simmons.
J. H. Thorne and K. J.
; John Tillery Molly Pitt
Ada Helton
J V Jordan Stancill and Arena
HI t
DR. R, J.
BETHEL, N. . .
Office opposite depot.
Of next door to Pact Office.
be with yon
H. C. Mi Foreman and
says T Goods, Notions, Fancy
eerie, and Ci
Money in a
Indianapolis, Ind. Nov. 28.-
every day. e M along the
highway, just west f
,. called to Robert Black,
farmer, who was gathering com in
a field by the Pointing
an old log cabin on the Black form
which had long been used tor or
A. Move. Sr., the there
i a big i of money hid in tin
Furniture, Groceries.
i and Country
Complete Line Clothing, Dry
v e Pay Highest Price, for i
S . Move, d. D. Oaken; r.
D. D. Gardner, R Smith. E A. Move, Sr. house.
t tailed
e mar u fact or -he best this market em-
i y one bur skilled workmen We in full
hue Ha mean and first Farm Wagons.
ant examine Stock
asked Black.
five replied
the and rode away.
The farmer laughed Md thought
it a joke, but
tearing down the old and
yesterday he and his hired bands
began the work. In comer
the beneath
I and in the first log he found
fin gold and silver coin, much of it
e market is a Little Better and the always war.
Mr. has n idea ho-, ii
there nor does be know
PI the
s, .,., L I H ; ; hidden in the old house
U U a t S B Si I S Help One Another.
P .
is net to do as well for the farmer us any
her warehouse, but its Co do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. You have heard the old
out roof of Just bring
re show you the proof in
II Win brr;
K, N. J.,
Paid-up ,
. .
Will If arrears be pal tin u month while yon
or y. tr after lapse, .
and i.-i;. with interest.
t ;
second No Incontestable.
Lie at the beginning of the second cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be
I bey may ho To reduce Premiums, or
l the Insurance,
The best way to build up a town
is to stand by each every
in it who does right. r
man in well do not leer
him down. All residents a
town ought to be partner, n.
Their interests are, to
i certain extent mutual.
helps helps others.
the more you
rival the more you will do
man who bit
fairly widget his share,
that can t-.
efforts the bet-
be for all. When .
-own ceases to grow it begins t.
and more the people do to
kill each other their
., id the more rapidly
i i to all.
together for the advance-
of every the bet
community at large
you can get honest goods at
large stock before bay
Suits. Dress Goods. Shoes, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware.
and everything yo-t wear. Kw v , n in
house and everything you your parlor
Millinery Goods a Specially.
becomes our give
and save yourselves money. a
Don you know what it does
for drink or drum relieves a person of all desire
C Greensboro, N. C.
-------.-. CHIVE,
of during the lifetime News.
If a man shows ability to
do not pull him back through
jealousy or weight him with
J. L.
Greenville N. C.
N, C.
Are linking a of
suitable for winter. We carry F, Young's
line of Footwear for ladies. Every pair sold
goes with a guarantee. line of Dross Goods
this season embrace the newest and best. Call on us.
William, the little son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Hines, died at
o'clock this, morning after an
of ten He was nearly
years old, and an exceeding
bright child. The sorrowing par
have the heartfelt sympathy
of the community. The
interment was at 3-30 o'clock this
Cherry Hill cemetery.
W. C.
The saw mill, planing mill and
gin of E. B.
was destroyed by fire
Saturday morning, together with
five bales cotton, two carloads of
cotton teed and a quantity of
dressed lumber.
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
Atlantic coast; salt sir by proximity of
T with every modern Improvement for treat-
of disease. A full corps of Specialists In every department. Special
for cases of confinement. Most approved X-ray apparatus Thor-
system of Turkish and Russian Baths.
Ward Rates, per week; Private Room from to week.
For etc, address
St Hospital and Sanitarium
By virtue of a decree of the u
court of Pitt county made
in the proceeding, entitled
L. J. Chapman Faunie
against Paul
W. L. others, petition to
sell land for partition- the under- j
Signed commissioner trill sell t
public auction, before
house door, in Greenville on Mon-
day 28th day of December,
1903, the following described real
estate in Pitt county, which former-
belonged to the late Spencer
Brooks, and is now sold for
ion among his at
real estate will be in lots
all purchaser as
Lot No. Bounded by
lands P. Dr
Best lands and public road
leading from to Grifton,
including the
land, containing acres more or
Lot No. Bounded by
Harding road on the north by Flat
Swamp on the south
joins h-t No, l,
more or less.
Lot No. Bounded on the north
by the Harding road on the south
by Flat Swamp, and joins
lot No. containing acres, more
or less
Lot No Bounded on
north by lands of J. L, Tucker, on
the south by Flat Swamp,
and joins lot No. containing
acres, more or less.
Lot No Bounded on
north by land- f J L. Tucker,
en the by Flat Swamp,
and joins lot No containing
acres, more or
Lot No. Bounded on
by the lands of J. L. Tucker,
on south Flat Ridge Swamp,
on the west by lands of J. P.
and W. B. joins lot
No. containing acres, more
or less.
Lot No. Bounded by the
lands of J. A. Ad W. Gard-
W. B. and by lot
No. acres, more or
Lot N. Bounded by the
Harding and Rice toads and the
lauds of J. P. being
the Southern half of the Harding
land, containing acres, more or
Lot No. Bounded by the
Harding and Rice roads
lands of J. L. being
the northern half f the Harding
laud, containing acres more or
Lot No Is home place
of the Spencer Brooks, con-
acres, more or less.
Lot No. Is known and de-
scribed an the place, con-
acres, more or less.
Lot No. Is known tie-
place, con-
acres, more or less,
all of the above lauds are in
Creek township ill and near the
village of
N-. One half
a lot in the town of Grifton, lolly
described ii- a deed from W. B.
Hellen wife to Spencer Brooks
and L. J. Chapman recorded in
book L. page 417- as
the Hellen store lot g 1-5
of acre, more or lees.
Lot Mo. One half interest in
a lot In town f , folly
described in a from Pat-
rick and wife W. H. Patrick
to L J. Co., recorded
book A. C. page
of acre, more or less.
Lot, No. one half interest in
lot No., in that part the town
of known New town
being lot which the old
Hellen store is now standing.
Terms of third cash
on day of ale, balance in one
two years, or all cash to suit the
convenience purchaser.
Persons further
can apply to L. J. Chapman,
Grifton, N. C, who will gladly
show them all the Io
the commissioner at Greenville, N.
This Nov. 1903.
Double His Salary.
And now comes a college
with the honest good
to affirm that it is better for girls
to put in the time usually devoted
to the dead languages and higher
mathematics in securing a practical
knowledge of home making and
home keeping. This professor
should have his salary at
Every fabric known, both Imported and
domestic. Fashion's latest and approve
can fount here.
extra Heavy
Lined Shirts and draw-
each garment,
Heavy Ribbed, Taped neck
Fleece Lined Union Suits,
and children's,
By far most artistic line of Paris Models,
-High Hats we have ever
shown. We spare neither expense or pains to
give our customers the latest styles, beat ma-
and the best workmanship that money
and brains can produce.
Baby caps
All Prices.
and Children's
pairs extra size 11-4 i
White Blankets,
pairs Grey Bed Blankets j
worth 1.00, special,
With ii-inch Flounce,
inch 2.00,
Pairs All-Wool f
Heavy Knee Pants, j g i
Pairs All-Wool Fine
Pants, worth Q
1.00 and 1.50, special,
The kind that wears, holds it shape
and color and gives satisfaction.
For Ten days extra cut
prices on the line
of Clothing Overcoats
Chairs, Couches,
Carpets, Mattings
Rugs, Oil Cloths,
Wardrobes, Cradles.

Bascom Wilson la sick.
Miss Bessie Tucker is visiting
Misses Carrie and Maggie Brown.
W E. Cox returned Monday
evening from Williamston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jr.
returned Monday evening from
New York and other points.
C M. Jones and Mies Etta
returned Monday afternoon from a
visit to
Mrs. D. J.
Miss left this morning
a visit to Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R.
left for Hertford.
G. Baker returned to Lewis-
ton today.
Miss Effie Grimes, of Bethel,
who has visiting Mrs. K. M.
returned home this morning.
R. B. Burgess is here on his
annual visit to deliver fruit trees.
Mrs. Bettie who has
been visiting Mrs. J. N. Hart,
this morning for
H. T. King left this morning f r
Washington City to attend
of editors.
Rev. H. M. returned today
from conference at Goldsboro.
k- c.
in regard t.
under the head
The article b
Mr. ctn
ease diphtheria
attending the .
time believed In
and but i
Dr. D. T. e
the no t-ff
ii-en made to
way protect the
Random Thought in on
Thanksgiving Day.
Here, wealth and fashion
neath stalely spire,
Thank God for granting every hearts
While anthems echo from the organs
That peace and plenty so blessed the
Mrs. J. B. Cherry returned to-
day from Goldsboro.
Q. O. to Scotland
Neck today.
Editor Phillies, of the
passed through this morn-
Toe of Mr.,
child do u
but tn
i is
taken, hence i.
willing bat
to any step that I
the protection of t
a possible
It is ti u
physicians in
Tuesday, and
in preventive mi-
worked to
against contagion.
Job K
The error in Lite article refer-
red to was a very natural one. Ii
was generally that Dr.
Tayloe had pronounced the
diphtheria, and Hi a of all
the of town in their
by e. v. cox.
i h
am attending
,. ,
at no To Him who hears e'en the
to be I sparrow
f of j A country congregation sings its
c such mm L
-n i. crowning all their
would peaceful days,
i u or in any
against a ever home are ea sign, of a
From landlord's richest to the ten-
ants least
And friends are gathering from far
and near
To laugh and day so
Xmas Shoppers
eve he had
i to be mis
u give their
I personal aid
all the
very method
line is being
lbs public
over in jesting
in., in
for Washington attend meeting led to the opinion
meeting. . hey were agreed in the diagonals.
HE intention
morning fain a visit to
Of misstating the fact and pub.
the card of D Laughing-
e. . .,,,,,.
We sincerely belief .
correct and that the was no.
Mrs. h. who bean yet there is nothing
of L. W. Law-
left Tuesday evening for
Mrs. J. F. Brinkley, and child
f Scotland arrived
Tuesday evening and will make
this place their home.
Miss Bettie Greene, of
who hue been visiting her sister,
Mis. F. M. Hodges, returned home
Tuesday evening.
Mi Bessie Patrick led Tuesday
. for attend the
. marriage.
Mr and Mrs. J. F. Davenport
Tuesday evening from an
extended tour to the northern
. .
of the tow
taking every cu to protect
the public, and their action was
Drops under c
Program for Saturday, Dec. 12th, 1903
A. M. Devotional exercises
Rev. M. L. Eure.
Reading of minutes and call
tug roll.
Report of teachers.
Paper, Mis. Moore.
II Pa-
per, Miss Maggie Nelson, discus
H. King
General discussion.
of School
Miss Kellie Buys,
Skinner left this
m . i, i for Winston,
Mrs Abbie Johnson, who has
siting Mrs. m. Bur.
this d
h H Reading
w. r. Burton left this owning p. m. Presentation of gold
to undergo an opera-; medal and pen.
Dr. Miscellaneous bus
lam fount, m accompanied him. Adjournment.
Mrs. E. Ii. and children will meet this
this morning from Kin- auditorium of the
graded building. This in-
Snow. I to who may b
present. It is urgently requested
a more snow that every teacher in the
l o'clock in a way that
looked like doing much. the has for only
one session. This will give you
Some guests had proposed that each
drink a toast
To wealth and beauty and wine-in-
spired glee
The joy of living in the land of the
The toasts beginning, there ware
toasts for love,
Toasts for the sunshine coming from
Tee.-its for the bountiful harvests
With wishes that the day might
forever last.
At our said as quiet he arose
of brother who joy never
With us who have, every day is the
But who is thinking of the blind and
ear to the ground and hear
the low sound
That rises the very sod,
Dost wonder thou then, that despair-
Ask why should they thank our
wrongs to make right and
battles to fight
And cold in the heart that forgets.
With Thanksgiving vow, remember
thorn now
And time will not bring thee re-
rich feast, oh Think of
the least
along the way
hath crowned on him she
hath frowned,
So help him be thankful
mine i- a song for men with a
With and sorrows to cope,
They m will full if at duty's call
to live
Hopes brilliant star doth shine
from afar
Like that one over Bethlehem
And do fly, when cometh
For it makes the hearts of
Look to interest and see our
splendid display of .
Beautiful Knit Wool Sweaters for
Ladies in Red White and Blue.
Black Cloth for Ladies Men
Knit Jersey for Children, White
Crochet Wool for Babies.
Wool Golf Gloves Ladies and Men, Woolen Knit Gloves
and Mittens all Colors for Children and Babies. e
Gold and Sterling Silver Handle Umbrellas in Ladies sizes.
Elegant Fur Caps and Fur sets for Children and Ladies, beau-
all Linen and Plain and Embroidered Handkerchiefs for
Ladies use. and Lace Curtains.
The above list is only a few of the many
beautiful and useful articles shown in our Dry
Goods Department. Come to see us we can fill
your wants, Satisfaction guaranteed,
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We are
certain we have the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
Hie doth sleep, in the
is alike t that which beats
In lord of the
mountain peak
As sunlight
mil,, be a song for the mighty
Who this bright Thanksgiving day
W ii Ii sorrows are bowed and hearts
are cowed
Poor from their Shepherd
us I
The Daughter.
Circle of The King's I
Daughters will meet at
Friday afternoon at the home off
Alts. Cherry. All Christian
women of the town who like
to in doing
are requested to attend this meet-
an opportunity to have th.
noon to spend as you may
Had you thought of it that so
far we have already had about
much real weather and snow
as we during all of last win
If the present rate continues
the winter will be an exceptional-
severe one.
Mayor's Court.
Mayor H. W. has
posed of the following cases in his
court from Nov. 24th to Dec. 2nd,
House, drunk down,
lined nod
Orange Williams, drunk
disorderly, fa and cost.
J. W. Perkins, assault, fined fl
and costs,
Perkins and John
Whichard, affray, fl each
and costs,
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our Strong cards, and we are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA in character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to lit, comfort and In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date -line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions.
The On y Way-
To jet the confidence of the pros-
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
O. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Dedication of the Graded School
Friday December 4th, 1903. will
be day in the
of and the but
country. From it will
date new intellectual life for the
-community. In material pros-
it baa the fore-
most towns of thee the past
Aye or ten years.
Last spring the people of the
town community
decided that it was time thy
steps towards making
the educational interest keep pace
wheat, oats, potatoes, tobacco,
Seated on each side of this,
dressed, were Misses
and Nellie Joyner represents e the
goddess of agriculture, liberty and
The address of welcome by Lloyd
N. C, Dec. 3rd.
I wish to correct some of the
statements in the card of
and Nobles, pub-
in paper of
Horton, North Carolina flag by day. I don't feel like entering
spoken with a large North this matter at present, but for
Carolina flag in his band, the red- j the mistakes I must,
Alamance, by Miss Lucy The don't realize that I
the U. B. flag by that my little William would
Dave Ed Lee Curr, Richard be living y but for
Johnie together with he received,
the by the grades were ad- under this treatment suffered
little at a time. Now I will
examined the boy's throat and
told Dr. to look for
himself He replied it is not
and they all went
Dr. Nobles came back and said I
will send medicines from down
town and get some from Washing-
ton. He got some from Washing,
ton in hours from the time they
left my house and it was the anti-
He gave it and the little
Messrs Moore and Dove a will tell
with the material prosperity of the happy and timely in their address. ; nothing but the truth, so help me
town. They therefore voted Lt which were greatly en-
local tax graded schools by those present. Too much Dr. Nobles came to see my boy
began the election of a suit
able build log. It is not yet
completed but will be in a few days
will be a splendid building, I community owes a debt of
well planned arranged for drat j gratitude. No teachers ever bad
class school work. Friday the to contend with rendering
dedication of the was program, and none ever over-
with name these difficulties more
The following program was did
cannot be said in commendation Sunday morning, Nov. 22nd
efforts gave these He had fever and throat swollen,
splendid exercises. To them had throat on inside. He
it with something. On
Just before exercises closed
six handsome were presented
to the school from Mr. H. T. King
a delightful letter from Jot.
The Womanly Woman.
The big American hall
of the Manhattan Hotel was
ed with members of the Emma
Willard Association and their
friends on the of the
thirteenth banquet of the
Among the speak-
were Chancellor
Bishop Scarborough, New Jersey,
boy died that night.
I insisted on giving the SPence- of
I he first of last week. I will
further that the coating on the
inside of bis throat was very
hard to remove and bled when
off by a wire with cotton
wrapped on it. He told me it was
very hard to remove, it was very
I am informed that in the meet-
held on Dec. 1st by the doctors
of the that two said
it croup. If it
young and Miss
Spence, have their
college degrees not
They are thoroughly in-
and perhaps amply
equipped from a technical stand-
point. But education means so
much more than this i
individual development, culture,
character. In every walk of life,
to accomplish our purpose, we
know at the start
Flag Drill, School.
March 1st and 2nd grades.
Address of Welcome, Lloyd
North Slate, and i and girls of the graded
grades. school was read expressing regrets
N. C. Flag, I that he had been providentially
Lucy j kept from being present with them
Monday following he came in the
morning, in the afternoon of
that day he came and I insisted on
his getting
we thought be was doing all that
he could. He went at once and
got Dr. They
came and examined hi a, went out,
held consultation, came back and
Se d of N. C,
and Nellie Joy net-.
for Carolina, 5th, 0th, 7-h
U. S. Wag, Dan Lee
Carr, Richard and Joyner.
Address. Ion. L. L Moore.
Address, W. Banks Dove.
Closing W. H.
dale, Co. Supt. Schools.
It will he observed from careful
I. A. Sugg addressed to the boys said move my wife and baby out
of the room at once. I did so.
I asked if it was diphtheria.
They said they were not positive
either way, but they thought it
best to be on the safe side. Then
was, is not j as good we to If
land schools would ready succeed
for this as it is for
These are the facts as I know
them to be, and others beside
at the place which he might con-
sider his birth place, as it was I at once began to weep, because I
he was prepared for college, knew his condition was serious.
After the exercises over They said they would come back
the pupils of the school were just next They came and ex-
delighted with apples at. again I insisted they
the suggestion of Mr. A J. tell what it was. They said they
ass in this mt know. I asked and insist-
lion by a number of The ltd that the v should get
man we saw with the land treat him, that if it was not
children was Postmaster A. p. diphtheria it would not hurt him.
Hill. Thus was spent and ended said it looks like
a bright day for our sister town
to it we extend our hearty
inspection program that the wish that
were remarkably every of the, district may
thing done or said
taught and was of a
nous croup, and Dr. Nobles
the remark that if there was an
epidemic -of diphtheria town
that would be a good case of
see that, they are building wisely, it.
Later on in the week he told me
C could move wile and baby back
in the sick room Mi I did not let
them sleep in there. I did move
The clerk of the board f
commissioners has sent out untie--.--
character that showed tact and
skill those arranged it.
ml notes to o'clock
the streets of presented
a scene never fliers he
fore by oldest , ; , , x, day.
were marching it streets to Hit-1 Orderly -Month,
beat the drum, child ear-
lying a flag red.
blue upon which was the
some county in the
at the building I lie in
ceased and the were still
had boon so arranged that
formed the North Carolina
flag with all the colors in their
proper places. One voting
bore a large North Carolina flag It
was an inspiring sight to see on
them hack. The boy then
ail in the county to , , , ,.
seemed better sit up,
And at this lime antitoxins would
no doubt saved him.
ii grew I went down
town had
Mayor H. W. tells U a doctor, sud while in his
I office Ira asked me how William
was the most orderly month la WM i aH
way of the laws He said to me,
town has come
observation. That speaks well for
the town and the people who
to it.
Anniversary Banquet
For The
One of the most brilliant
of the season was given by
the End of the Century Club at
the home of Col. and Mrs. Harry
Skinner on Thursday evening, De-
the third, from to
Tho house was a scene beauty,
being artistically decorated with
palms, ferns, lax, trailing
in turning out educated men
women in the sense of the
word, they, must first that
term. Is it to stand for nothing
more than instruction in facts
other people's ideas t Or is it to
include soul culture, life broaden-
and true development and
efficiency To my
are largely responsible for a child's
a aimless
lite. The sole desire of alas so
many is that their children shall
have a good time while they're
young. this is right enough,
but they should remember that
the good time of the it
not necessarily the good time of
the and I liar the true good
asparagus. The color scheme was
. . . . ,. , . i. . . j time growth character are
carried out in the clan red . .,,,
and white, this being In might out
good case of diphtheria
Meeting of
Mayor Whedbee called a meet-
of the physicians of I he town
there formed by as o
S crowd and girls We j Thursday
to discuss what had been
done relative to preventing
have ever seen together. This
order of forming the flag was kept
the close of the school
all of which were held in
front of the building the pres-
of a largo assemblage of
probably the first time
in their lives saw the flag of their
own state formed and shown by
human beings. We shall
not soon forget sight.
In the porch of the in
full view of everybody was the
The steps taken by the
of health were
proved and he directed to call
upon town officials for any
assistance needed in carrying out
bis plans.
The fund for the North Carolina
exhibit t the St. Louis exposition
has reached from private
seal of the state, a A Sea shipped bales oat-
Around ware item Germany.
from what you of it.
On Saturday afternoon Dr.
No tiles came and the little fill
was bad fix, his little nose was
entirely filled bleeding a lit-
I told him to get some one to
help him. He went down town
and back that he and Dr.
would be here be-
fore o'clock. They came and
examined and talked it over in my
presence and then out for a
private back, told me
there was no danger only that he
, might die from suffocation, a
I they said all was that
I could by
I insisted on getting Dr.
D. T. of Washington,
Dr. would
be in Greenville Monday and
he would bring him or get Dr.
do . Monday they
both same wits Dr.
by the red and white riM us and
the red and while shade
giving a made all
Receiving in the hall were Col.
and Mrs. Skinner, Mrs. Skinner
being handsomely gowned la a
black lace robe over taffeta.
Promptly at nine the guests were
invited into dining room to
partake f a an repast,
and after tending the inner man,
the toast Mrs. B.
ten i b manner
presided over th- Mr,
is indeed a brilliant woman,
and on this occasion did credit to
herself well as honor to her club
The following toasts were given;
The Carolina Club, J. L. Flem
Woman as Doctors, Dr. Charles
The 19th Century Man, M. A.
The 20th Century Man, F. Q.
The 20th Century Woman, Col.
Harry Skinner.
The 21st Century Man, B. B.
The toasts could not be surpass-
ed, each speaker crowning himself
with glory.
Among those present Mr.
Mrs. Jo- Mi. Mrs.
Little, Mr Mis. Mr.
and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mis.
Misses Sallie Win-
nit- Mable and Nell
Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Mr.
and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs.
Mr. Mrs-
Skinner, Mr. and Fleming,
Mrs. Cleve, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Mrs. Mark
one of the chief in a
young woman's education. The
unpardonable sirs of
are and
dearth of gentleness and guise
of selfishness. A virtue that
should be earnestly cultivated by
the woman of is a greater
sincerity in the manners and
toms of society. This is the con-
all women should
make to society
Society needs gentle women in the
true sense of that Only
ibid education in worth while
which stands for service to the
world -service In sums form, ma-
r Immaterial, and latter
is often the real of the two.
In fact, the ideal, whatever it be,
is the saying,
but one as often forgotten in the
derails of daily life.
is the privilege and no less
the duty of one who
to be called an educator to ever
hold up this of ideal,
ever the the
great revelation in the d it i's of
daily York Tribune.
Not Greenville, N. C.
A is trouble in
Greenville, N. C. Frank Sim-
mons, claiming to be
city, broke a front window the
store of Chas. Boss Monday
and trying to open the money
drawer arrested. He was
sent to Post.
high enough now for
the farmers to come in pay
their subscription to k
We would like to have
from a large

Eastern reflector, 4 December 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 04, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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