Eastern reflector, 20 November 1903

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N. O.
N. C. Nov.
W. W. to
Monday on
W. J. to Snow Hill
Elias baa gone to Snow
Hill on
A good many of young
attended church at
B. Pope will fill his regular
monthly appointment
C. F made a business trip
Mack Churchill went to Bethel
Sunday to visit bis wife, who is
visiting her Mr. and Mis.
J. It. Jenkins.
We are glad to state that Mr.
Hard.-e is much
proved, after several days illness. I
Miss Abbie and Robt.
den visited friends at Snow Hill
The annual Thanksgiving party
will be held at Hookerton this
. j- crowned with great
and we are sure the one
year will not fall shun of all I
previous ones. The committee,
we understand, has arranged i
splendid Let all come
who can for the proceeds are for a
most worthy cause.
. M. I
Wholesale retell Grocer
Cash paid
Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. et-. Be-
steads, Suits,
Carriages, Go-Out,
Tables, Safes. I
and frail Ax
Key West he
Henry no
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Mill
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Si v.-,
Magic Pond, Matches, i
Seed Meal and Hulls,
Ufa Seeds, Orange. Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples,
Primes, Currents, Raisins,
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes Haas
torn, Butter, N
loyal Sewing Machines, and i
other goods. Quality
Quantity. Cheap for cash.
ii see me.
S. M.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse -Goods,
J. R.
The Newest Shades in Furs
Fox, Squirrel, Mink,
sum, and
If you want Stylish Furs you
can buy here with confidence.
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding, Shingle and
work a specialty.
D. W.
I have em ploy ad a
and prepared to do slate roof
Orders for work iii
receive prompt attention
Work room over Baker
One the most remarkable cases
of a cold, deep seated on the
causing pneumonia, is that of lira
Gertrude K. Marion, Ind ,
who was entirely cured by the u.-.
of One Cough Cure. She
coughing and straining
so weakened that I ran
in v. from to
I d a remedies to Fountain, H. L.,
until I used One Minute
Cough Core. Four bottles of total
wonderful cured me en-1
of the cough,
my lungs and restored me to my
weight, health and
by John L.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Styles in
Jackets and Coats
Style and Fit
if you want the right
have it.
Fresh Goods kept con-
in Country
Bought and Sold
Physician and Surgeon,
Strengthened one door east of post or
street Phone
Hill Too Slow.
OB I'll EH b
Mr. C. O , hat
the piles for years. Doctors mil
dollars could do him
good. DeWitt's Witch
Salve cured him permanently. In
valuable for cuts, burns
sprains, laceration,
salt rheum, and all ii
diseases. Look for the name D-
Witt on the .
Murphy of Tammany invited
B. bill the
make the
principal speech at a
meeting in Riding
a Saturday night. Hill
until morn n -n
then he went to Murphy and re- L Woolen.
ported for duty, am sorry,;
but it in too said the
chief have
nuked Mr. to make the
is the program
to oust definitely the
leadership, to make Judge
i. Derrick of Albany leader
in hi.-i Stead, and to send a solid
Cleveland delegation to
year's democratic national
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties
Correspondence and
Our Skirts
Stylish in Appear-
and hang like
made to order gar-
Hall of History.
city, has loaned to the Hall of
I he State Museum, s
very valuable papers and .
merits. There is the Treaty of
between the
and the whites, in
1712; the signatures of
Sir and Governor j
beneath land grants a deed .
by Lord to ladies in
North Carolina, dated in j
and other deeds, grants, j
maps and papers, contained in a j
The humor of the average man is
an dry that he has to pay for the
drinks in order to get others to
listen to
Some people are
different with clocks.
Philadelphia Record.
When a woman can't of
anything to do aha her
Cure due i
e stomach which it in on
. isle to dolor f, even
or I.
Cure -u-
the natural of
docs work of the , ii
the inflamed of
are allowed to rest
Dyspepsia Cure digest I I
eat and enables tin stomach
and digestive organs to
ail into rich, red blood
American and Italian Marble
end Iron Pence Sold.
i work and prices reasonable
I ii on a
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Mocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Back up Our Claims for
Fact s a Tonic and
a stimulant
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact not drag, but
a normal, scientific cm a for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and
It th tint
prohibit, I lo or low
Women peculiar lo Ml
Snored to perfect health. Your will
add to ours.
. IND.
Steamer It. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
a. in for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and lot
all points for the with rail-
reads at Norfolk.
Shippers order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N.
We are proud of our shoe stock this We are
certain we have the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that no other store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and e are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our line -ULTRA in
name, ULTRA In character, ULTRA in every that con-
tributes to fit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal women's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and Infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we can insure perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
Home of Women's Fashions.
The On y Way-
To jet the confidence of the pros
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Public Streets Cannot Private
The suit that tried in court
last week and disposed of
was one in which the.
town felt interested in that it
determined the right the
board of a town have in
disposing of a portion of a
that Mr. L Arthur,
who purchased property m the
west of the town
after it had been off in lots
and streets by the former
and the then being the
property of purchasers of to
be kept open as streets, sold a lot
to parties on which lo erect a to-
giving the
deed for this lot it included a
loot strip of the street and when
the went to build their
house wart extended this
portion the street. The
of the beard of aldermen was
called to this and alter
of the matter there was an order
made t give the of the
street to the purchaser of the lot.
As went on the owners of
the plant wanted to dispose -of the
property. They received an offer
tor it, but when the c
purchaser looked into the matter
they thought a goad title
not be given to the property and
therefore, declined to take it.
The last week was to
the purchasers
to take property. After hear-
the .
did case go to the
that the
board of town no to
any pi a
which had been dedicated to
public by being indicated on a
plat by lots were sold d
which indicated both lots
Tin- took an appeal
To Bring These Negroes Rack.
Ga., Nov.
is a movement on foot here to
bring back Liberia the Irwin
county who February
emigrated to that country.
The predicament of these C. Nov.
was described a letter from the the of this sentence is to in
United States Supreme Court
Decides Against Them.
United States minister, resident
consul at
to Secretary Bay, and transmitted
by him to Congressman
The report of
to Secretary Hay is
have the honor to inform yo
dace like criminals to avoid her
territory, North Carolina is to be
congratulated, cot
This was the declaration of the
court of the United States
today in passing upon the case of
the gold brick combination that at
tempted to defraud Paul Garrett,
that the month of February of N. C. two of
the yen, a party of j are now serving ten year terms in
Colored persons, consisting f she Mate prison. The held
males, females and no federal was in-
Irwin county, as migrant announced that the de
for under th North Carolina
leadership of one ii. J. Scott.
their arrival the
government did its best to assist
overcoming the rigor of
t In- climate and supplying them
with some food; tin- land which
been given them could produce
not hi up for their
then, however,
the number have died at Cheese
man burp, the place assigned them
court was conclusive
this court. the case
o-i of error the state
Court was for of
jurisdiction, while the judgment in
the corpus case from
was affirmed.
As to the of the Chicago
attorney appearing for the
who prayed that
of their clients be given to the
by the For the lack marshal of States court
of homes they were all put in a j because of the fear of injury to
house of two rooms, where North mob,
the court simply passed it by with
a denial of request. This brings
to an the strenuous fight for
died one after the other, from
want of food
of this number still
remain in a sickly destitute of I he gold crowd
condition. Sixteen are still
Twenty-two have Upset.
returned to Monrovia; these are; A 0-
ragged, starving a, , ,
Five of them return to , I.,
United the E, wire, in a
steamier to about U ,, be ,.,,
October, 1903, their Iran- of
bean arranged Bank.
by friends States. ,.,,,
being no provision for
Pretty Afternoon Church Marriage.
St. Paul's Episcopal church was
a beautiful scene at
this when the marriage
of Mr. W. H. Jr., Miss
Mary Dorcas Blow was witnessed
by a large number of
The church was artistically de-
the color scheme being
green and red with white
background. The windows were
darkened and soft lights added a
rich halo to the scene.
Promptly at the hour
the bridal party reached the
church entered to the strains
of the wedding march played by
Mrs. J. B. Cherry.
The first to proceed up the aisle
were the ushers, Dr. Charles
Messrs. N. S.
Fulford, T. M. Hooker C. S.
Forbes. Miss
Blow followed by Messrs.
C. Harvey and J. D. Garden.
Next was Miss Lizzie Jones follow-
ed by Mr. George brother of
the bridegroom, with Miss Pattie
Miss Lottie Blow, sister of the
bride maid of honor was next
to enter followed by Mrs. Charles
dame of honor.
All eyes were turned to the
beautiful bride who entered with
her father, Senator Alex. L. Blow.
Sheriff Didn't Have the Keys.
S. C, Nov.
attempt was made to lynch Adam
nut, the who killed the
young man a few days
ago, at last evening. Soon
after midnight a party of men
went to the sheriff's home and
demanded the jail keys. The
sheriff had previously let one of
bis deputies have the keys and
was finally able to convince the
crowd that he had no access to the
Case Against
The arrest of Jacques Phelps,
mentioned in Tuesday's
tor, was in a warrant sworn out
by J. B. White, of
township, before J. J. Stokes, J. P.
of Ayden. The warrant, which
was made returnable before H-
Harding, J. P. at
Phelps with having gone
in a trunk belonging to White and
taking The warrant was
delivered to Constable Joe
Ayden, who came to-
Tuesday morning
arrested Phelps. The latter was
at the court-
house until White and his wife
arrived in Lawyers
were employed on both sides and
after consultation between these
and the parties interested the case
was called before Justice Harding.
Counsel for the prosecution stated
to the court that they had no
Shu was met at the altar by
in i Up room who hail entered
in convict the
Ins best
relief case this kind, we
than Unit the bodies of the two
men wire ton no in a coin field, ,,.,,.,,
to oar
belies i be
a lively for any of lime, the on
the senate he I as is the prices are
from all ever the
investigation of the
to the f
now in the I
states on the subject of Portsmouth Cashier Missing.
emigration to Liberia by
the vestry with
man, Frank Wilson
Then as the r
softly the the
ceremony that j I pi Living
hearts was Kev. W.
Cox, assisted by F. EL
The bride's maids were each at-
with heavy lace, large black
picture hats, Carried red car
and therefore moved that the
pay the cost. this
the case was
The case has caused emu-
and there aw all ids of
about it, but me
body, protest
the of Reed
lie .
petitions were our ml order an the
was one for
committee privileges
and it was as wrong to
that as it was lo
petition the Supreme of
Dinted State,
Idaho, took issue this stat
declared that the
t ions were entitled to the serious
consideration of the senate., as they
the moral thought of
the country
Those who have been the rounds
think that the lettuce crop of Fay-
amateur truckers the
suburbs will help the larger
to make the shipments large this
season. North street and vicinity
is especially a lettuce district, and
the sheltered beds make it look
like a tented
The Flea Hill public school dis-
has cast within votes of
suicide and there maid of honor wore pale
uneasiness white
i nations.
honor wore gray
j crepe de lace hat, and
pink b. .
ii, Va. Nov. was heavy
II. Downing, of Porte white With real lace, she
Dime Link, car lied a of American
class of
the question one of
of are in i All wore
of his confession
of gravity the of
Sixty Thousand Acres.
The board of
was yesterday
last bill pave OUt
defalcation j with silk bate
extending over a comparatively I Alter the ceremony the bridal
period. Some of the de- j party withdrew the church
when they heard the couples, a brilliant reception
news of disappearance followed to o'clock at
this morning, appeared at. the ; the home Senator and Mrs. A.
report of the proceed were paid, j L, Blow, parents of the bride.
It is learned, however, that the The color scheme of the parlor was
board made an option sale of large V white and of the dining
being there at the with room green red.
heavy deposits this restored j The display of bridal presents
the confidence of the public to a was large beautiful, attesting
large extent. Downing was the wide popularity of the coil-
ed for the shortage is said pie.
to be
the record of the
court n the. mat-
tract- of public school lauds
Carteret county, and these for a
price they consider good.
the state Carteret
disposed of there are about
acres. These were sold to Mr. D.
W. of Beaufort, the figure
agreed upon cents
The board requires Mr. Morton
Mr. and Mi's. left the
evening for a bridal tour to
New York other cities, fol-
lowed by the best wishes of a great
its total registration of for local Col. W. B. of
public school taxation, the major-
in its favor being
Capt. E K. of
Fayetteville. has been appointed
commander of the North Carolina number of
division, United
to put by the first a kn. .
. . He succeeds Dr. Close Call.
C. of Washington, who A the depot took flight
December to make the sale bind-
tho state engineer la
with the and
Figuratively lee j Some people work overtime try-
on to get shorter hours.
has been appointed assistant Mt-1. night,
on the department stuff ,.,. .
commander of T home direct-
the local camp of both the of track in of h
Spanish j narrowly missed being
war veterans. by the engine.
Woodland, C 1908.
Miss Kit rill spent Sat-
mill with friends in
Woodland school opened two
weeks ago with Miss Delia Smith,
of Ayden, as teacher. The enroll-
has reached thirty-one.
Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Smith and
children spent Sunday with
Mr. Jerome of Ben-
was in the neighborhood Sun-
day afternoon,
Mrs. Guy Evans, of
spent Saturday with Mrs. C. T.
Kit trill.
Mils Cornelia Nobles, who
teaches at Antioch, spent Sunday
at home.
Misses Bessie, Laura and Delia
Smith spent Saturday night,
Madison Smith Sunday with
at ton,
and Miss Liz-
were in the neighborhood a
while Sunday afternoon.
J. J. May to Greenville
Mrs. H. B. Smith and Miss Bes-
h spent Monday afternoon
in Winterville.
H. B. Smith C. T. Kittrell
to Greenville last Friday.
Mrs. Hattie and Mrs.
Godfrey Evans, of Greenville,
spent day last week with Mrs.
C. T.
Smith Miss Nancy,
the meeting at

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
W. G. administrator of R. II. deceased,
wishes to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
roods owned by said R. H. at his death, and offer-
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
fa full line of DRY GOODS, NO I IONS,
HATS, CAPS, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. G. is also agent of the Tailors
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods per cent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
General Merchants.
No need of further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In sea so n we operate a Hunger Cotton
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for country
Leaders in Fashions. line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
the paper in and territory.
El, S c
a a V
S o
Dainty things for any meal sold I
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the bet Groceries,
by handling them in the way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
-n -4 ,
S o o a
J. J.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Es Notions, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on band. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by load.
N. C, Nov. 1903.
Since last Wednesday until last
a series of meetings have
been held the Episcopal church
at this place by Revs. Messrs. Joy-
who with their sisters and
other near relatives came from
different parts of this and other
states, and held a family
near the old homestead where
most of them saw the light of day.
Last were very i
each of
brothers, of whom
ministers the Episcopal
gave short of their earl.,
days, of the whose places
are now their long
and the t-ad thought th-it
they were -nil tn part again never
to into each other's faces
they meet in that blessed
home where no one shall ever say
goodbye. This service was very
precious and solemn. It was BOO
coming in close touch with will,
the farewells were freighted
with words of endearment, won-
of encouragement, words of
and faith, each one experiencing
the blessed thought that though
separated here this life, there
shall be a happy reunion when
they shall dwell together in a land
of undying love in the V
of many
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
Merchant and
. N-
Always carries a complete
stock of
General Merchandise.
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better ever prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
LI ill. . LI
If Roosevelt needs an
in His campaign for the presidential
nomination let hi in not overlook
Mr. News.
Commander Peary says there
are three ways of getting to the
north pole. They must be the
three ways he didn't
The Board of Commissioners of
Pitt county will on Monday, Dec.
7th, 1903, receive bids for the
building of a bridge across Tar
river at For particulars
apply to the Register of Deeds of
Pitt county.
By order of the Board of Coin-
B. Williams, Clerk.
Nev. Sod, 1903.
The ladies of the Method
church will hold their
bazaar and festival at Farmville
Tuesday, Nov. 26th. Meals
served at all hours from o'clock
p. m. to p. m; the public sue
cordially to attend. A
pleasant time assured.
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes.
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, at
A full line of Drugs Medicines. Highest paid
for all kinds of country produce.
The new graded school building
at will be dedicated
on Nov. exercise
will begin at o'clock a.
The superintendent of public
schools of the county, Prof. W. H.
will be de-
liver an address on the occasion.
Other it era
attend. A audience is ex
The Best.
claim to have invented the
best airship before the
was the emphatic ans-
your machine didn't even
leave the
the point. It never
gets far enough from to
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try a bottle of my Fig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
Price cents. If you are not satisfied will return
M. M. SAULS Ph. G.
Pharmacist. Ayden, N. C.
M. F.
Fancy Groceries.
Best butter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies, fruits
and and high-
est prices for country produce,
go to
M. F.
Successor to J. L. next
t x
The white or scars on
the finger nails may be removed
by applying a mixture of equal
parts of pitch and melted
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and Manager.
the best Brick in
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all band made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
N. C. Not.
Miss Moore, of Kinston, spent
Sunday with B.
E. V. Cox spent Sunday in
of Grifton,
spent Sunday here.
Detective having
caught the train rocker, Sat-
Everett went to Kinston
J. H. Cobb, of was
in town Sunday.
Sunday at the
bride's father, Miss Del lie
Ann, Maiming was married to Mi.
I rah Manning. The
very quiet and generally
J. V. Cox, Mills,
who has been in Newport News
for the past few weeks, returned
Vet- suddenly and unexpectedly
always hand. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone Monday night we were left in the
me for prices by the thousand or i dank. After groping around
car-load. Tours truly,
North Carolina-
Are making a of
suitable for winter. We carry F.
line of for ladies. pair sold
goes a guarantee. Our line of Dress Goods
embrace the newest and best. Call on us.
f- a we found
matches and had
light. Sonic trouble with
the E. G, left yes-
for to have same
Miss Freddie Tucker and little
spent Saturday
and Sunday near
accepted a position as salesman
with J. W. Bros.
Miss Ethel has
been spending some time at J. L.
returned to home
Last-week Register of Deeds K.
to fol-
Appointed to West Point.
Wilson, a bob Mr.
W. B. not long since is
through Congressman Saudi
an appointment to West Point. He
has been notified to report for
examination en the of next
May. He came home from school
at Oxford last week to spend a few
days before going to Highland
Falls, N. Y to enter a special
training to prepare for the
medicines, none of which relieved
me. day I saw an ad of your
Electric Bitters and determined
to try that. After taking a few
dotes I felt relieved, and soon
was entirely cured, and
have not seen a sick day
Neighbors of mine have been cured
of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver
and Kidney troubles and General
This is what B. F.
Bass, of Fremont. N. C. writes.
Only at Drug Store.
A Mammoth Holiday lame,
The December
represents the
mark of and
utility, and possibly of
also, in woman's
Aral edition of more than
million copies. It contains MO
pages. To produce this mammoth
edition tons of and
presses working days were re-
quired- In addition to exquisite
work, clever fiction and
illustrated articles, the
number includes a display of
charming winter fashions
was taken severely with kid-
-two pages, letter from the
foreign and illus-
articles on the fashionable
fabrics and trimmings, millinery.
A Fine Farm.
Travelers the railroads say
that the farm of N. B. Dawson, at
the most attractive they
see in this section of the state.
Recently a drummer was so taken
with it that he announced his in-
to quit the road and buy
him a farm.
etc. A the notable
tors are; Richard
W. A. Fraser, Albert Bigelow
Paine, Harriett Prescott
Andrew Lang, and
There is also the third installment
of the Evolution of Woman,
the piquant narrative of
by Agues and a re-
markable photographic article by
J. C. There are many
many beautiful art features among,
four pages in colors
babyhood, childhood,
work of Bernard J.
For the children there arc enter-
games and stories, for
Persons who ride along the the housewife many practical
roads say the same about
this farm, and o do those who
have been over it. It is in a high Christmas season.
is cultivated
like a
in cookery and other de-
of the home, for the
yon taught it from HINES it's all
, and
Jr i in E
Prepare for by providing yourself
I am prepared to supply you with the best-quality and
prices. Have an -eye to comfort and Rive me a call,
Preston I
Amos id and Susan M. Tuck-
Wyatt Delia Ann I
Carelessness is responsible for
many a railway wreck and the
name cause are making human
wrecks of sufferers from Throat
Lung troubles. But since the
advent of Dr. King's New
for Consumption,
and Colds, even the cases
can ho oared,
nation is ii lunger
Mr- Lois Gragg of D Chester,
is many life
by Dr. New
Discovery. Tail great
all and
i Lung Drug
bottles free.
I will
S. M.
Moore lusts Biltmore.
Asheville, N. C. Nov.
deal which has been pending for
some time between George W.
Vanderbilt and Edgar B. Moore,
of Kenilworth, for the lease of the
Biltmore estate, was completed to-
day. With the exception of
acres immediately the
Biltmore mansion, Mr. Moore will
have control for ten years an
of This tract
of land will be converted
hunting preserves. A Hub of
I of wealthy Circle will be
j formed by Mr. Moore
pose of hunting Ashing the
estate. It is said that these
serves will be the best stocked in
the country. Deer, bear, grouse,
turkey and quail will abound in
large numbers. A staff of rangers
and Hoards will patrol the estate to
prevent the encroach men t of
t. . i
Henry-Ward and Mary L fails poachers. Mr. Moore stated to-
Jenkins a-l w I f the Hunt-
nu for some time,
Mr. Moore
, . . . .
Arthur mil no matter
how of old
I age,
Langley and
Edward Mo
an yield so this per-
feel at Drug
yOU knOW What it does rt relieves a person of all
for strong drink or the nervous system t its
and reinstates a man to his horn business. For full particulars
Correspondence N. C.
Yard Wide Homespun
i-x cents.
Don't strike you as being-
Well it is, and give you .
an idea of the low prices of as food for Burns. Scalds
goods. Eruptions Piles.
I H a j. Drugstore.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within mouth while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L,. SUGG,
Terminated with an, cut on
the leg of J. B.
Grove, It developed a stubborn
ulcer unyielding to doctors and
and remedies for four years. Then
Salve eared.
to select from and everything
as cheap as the homespun. If
you need Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, anything
better see us before you buy.
And if you want top price for
your country bring it
to us.
Witherington Lilly,
Ayden, N. C.
Farm Fob horse farm
with room dwelling and necessary
For particulars
to W. H. Moore, Falkland,
N, C-
Physician and
stimulate the TORPID LIVER.
strengthen the organ
re cull the bowels, and arc
widely as they
Take No
am engaged in the formation
of a and Hailing club.
There will meeting of those
who are to compose the member-
ship the next sixty days.
The will be completed
by January
Senator who is gaining
quite a reputation as a story teller,
recently a banquet at
which several titled Englishmen,
Sir. Thomas
were present.
you tell me why does u hen
go across the road the melon
Blast me if I said
s easy. To see if she
cantaloupe with the
It is said that several of the
Chamberlain's and
Liver Tables are becoming a fa-
for stomach and
constipation. For salt by
Dreg lien, E. L.

in the post office at Greenville, N. C, at second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in fiction
Pitt County, N. C, November 1903.
The town of has
an ordinance requiring saloon to
close at p. in. and remain closed
until sunrise. The restriction
around bar rooms continue to be
drawn tighter and they are destined
to soon be closed out altogether in
North Carolina. The sentiment
against them grown every day.
Colombia wants to light and
Are we about to enter an era of
unparalleled prosperity An
scientist in Indiana announces
that he has discovered bands of
gems across the sun's disc, I and viewing the
which he takes to mean seven years in the largest the
of plenty, followed by seven years of outcome seems to indicate a long
Mr. Cleveland Views.
Cleveland, interviewed
the other day by a New York World
reporter on the results of last week's
elections, made a statement which
is worthy of comment not only be-
cause of the source from which it
emanated, but because it epitomizes
the present situation of the demo-
an old-fashioned democrat
and a thorough believer in the time-
honored principles of my party and
in their potency to win the favor of
our people when honestly presented,
a survey of the field after the- battle
of last Tuesday cannot fail to afford
me the sincerest gratification.
by the minor results ac-
famine. We are ready for the
years to set in.
step taken in the direction of sane
I democracy and party unity. With
j these fully secured. I believe that all
i those who love our part for the
Confederate Pensioners for 1903.
Major B. F. Dixon, state auditor,
gave out some interesting statistics
yesterday as to the Confederate pen-
roll for the year, it having just
been completed. There are
first class pensioners; second
class; third class; fourth
class pensioners and widows.
This is an increase of pen-
over the roll for 1902. Dur-
the past year pensioners
died. A large part of the increase
in the number of pensioners this
year is on account of the act of the
last legislature allowing widows of
veterans second died
to draw pensions.
Dr. Dixon says there will be a
slight decrease only in the amounts
of the individual pensions as com-
pared with last year.
It will be remembered that the
several classes of. pensioners are
constituted as
Dr. Howerton on The Negro.
First Those who are totally
George W. Heaven, who is under j sake of its principles may look for disabled.
it will exhaust the last drop of blood indictment for connection with; renewed party triumphs with such
spend its last cent in putting frauds in the department, d confidence as has not been
down the rebellion. And Uncle Sam is reported to have transferred his during the years of our
says if Colombia tries to land any j property to his wife. Not the first and forgetfulness of party
The Wilmington Messenger gave
last week the following notes
address delivered by Rev. J. R.
Howerton, pastor of the First Pres-
church, of Charlotte, at the
Presbyterian Synod, at Wilmington,
was one of the most lucid and
forceful presentations of any subject
yet given before the Synod. Dr.
Howerton went right down into the
race question as it is the South
now. The extracts below give
no way an idea of the value of
work of of
the is for us to do. The
is our neighbor, and we should love
our neighbors as ourselves.
are now tremendous
besetting us. Hopelessness
comes from talking hopelessly.
There is no reason for pessimism.
Think of all the causes that exist for
enmity between the whites and
Those who lost an U the race antagonism
or leg above the elbow or knee
and prejudice. Through all the
years political and social
troops at Panama he will take a hand instance of the kind on record by
in it. So there you are. many,
likely stay home and let
Panama the same thing.
And now conies an Atlanta preach-
j who is trying to tell who was the
All the talk heretofore has been He could rake
, , . , ., out an older subject or one in which defeats, as well as from the victories,
candidate for governor, with . . . J. . . u ; j a. a., s
If Mr. Cleveland had been only
referring to the results in Ohio,
where Tom Johnson met with defeat
and not to the victories in Kentucky,
Third Those who lost arms has stirred up. It's a
below or legs below the knee. wonder that right now there is not
Fourth All soldiers who does that
are physically unable to do more conditions between the races are as
than one-fourth of a man's work.
The increase in the number of
Maryland and New York, his words j pensioners for 1902 was far
would yet be true. For from the
the people today have less interest.
nobody seeming to care much about
the second Hut now the Elkin
, , , . , . The democrats in congress held a
its comes forward with the .
f, n, . , ,. caucus determine their action up-
a It. Chatham for
g and says he is the best man
the office who can be found.
Something must be to hap-
pen. North Carolina Las actually
won a game of foot ball. Saturday
the University team got a little
over the Clemson, S. C, college
team, and the boys will hardly be
on the Panama canal question and
it developed that hardly two of them
held the same opinion At that rate
it is evident that the party is tired
of those in which they
have been led by the and
Wherever the campaigns
were fought on true democratic
principles and the party was cap-
by the sort of lenders whom
in advance of the increase this year.
Raleigh Post.
A Business Man's Views.
They have reached the stage now
where they have commenced figuring
on how Cleveland can be elected.
good as they are The first
of solution is u preserve or
build up or restore good feeling.
talk of wholesale deportation
or colonization is absurd. The
great body of the will re-
main in the South, in the relation of
employee to employer. The inter-
with the problem has made
it very difficult. That interference
has been ignorant and blind and
obstinate and oftentimes criminal.
Mr. Cleveland would probably com-; Mr. M. is a busy merchant of If other sections had left us alone, by
end of time will find the with the title of Ala., but The Age-j the end of the nineteenth century the
the result was most aid says that he finds time to give I rising tide of civilization w mid have
aging It was a demonstration that attention to questions of polities and stamped out slavery without the loss
the ranks have turned away for it is said that men in I Sinning-, of a drop of blood. We are now
still a matter under discussion.
Rumor has it that the Seaboard
all time from and
ham are so well informed touching being bothered with the interference
Air Line and Southern Railway are, and are eager to give sup- national issues and political the social problem,
about to get together as one system. I democratic principles. tic as As showing the trend of don't care about your equality,
able to think about their books for Charlotte Chronicle neatly
days to come.
Atlanta Journal.
W. R. Henry has landed again,
but this time not on a government i
job. He has become southern
for one of the largest banks in
New fork, said to be a better
than national bank examiner.
Now he don't care if he did lose his
old job.
illustrated the rumor in a
showing a brakeman
couple together the cars of the two
His Noble Act.
The Winston Tobacco Journal
is the man who knows it all,
and then tells lies about it, that
will bear watching. This has re-
to the man who is
ally poisoning the minds of farmers
by writing incendiary articles about
the tobacco
And the lawyers are going to fat-
tea on the Duke disagreement at
Durham. There is money on both
sides and Durham papers say the
fight is going to be a big one. Mrs.
Duke has retained a California con-
as one of her attorneys.
The Colombian government has and Observer,
sent a protest to the American gov-
against the recognition the
latter gave of Panama's secession.
They lay the main responsibility for
the secession to the United States
and express much surprise thereat.
The passing of most of Vander-
large estate near Asheville to
a hunting club, means the bringing
of many big sportsmen to the state,
and they in turn will spend much
money around the mountain city.
Some men's admiration for the
wife is never so pronounced as when
she is wanted to sign a deed and won't.
That is where a woman's authority
can assert itself.
The college student more
praise these days for being a
pion at foot ball than for being a
good scholar.
The man with the hoe mast do
lively shopping to keep
the man with et
politics, Mr. Weill says
the talk of bringing out Cleveland
for our standard-bearer in 1904 was
started a year or so ago many
The thing that Col W. T. Black-1 democrats, including ardent
well did that was most worthy of him of the ex-president, said he
and that will cause him to be re-1 not possibly be nominated, but
membered longest, was his large gift; now she situation is fast changing in
to start the Durham graded school favor
when it was first opened. He gave He assumes what all know to be a
his check and simply went fact, that the democrats cannot win
every little boy and girl in Durham without New York. Cleveland is
to have a chance to be the man to carry it. Hut New
And that in a day when several other states
was no popular wave of enthusiasm carried in but which have
for public education and when a few j republican ever since, will be
i North Carolina towns had graded needed, and Cleveland is the man to
carry these. The electoral college
has votes and are necessary
to r Mr. calculation
as to the states that Cleveland would
Cotton Trade of Wilmington.
Wilmington, N. C . Nov.
receipts of cotton at this port since j carry is as New York, New-
September 1st, the beginning of the j Connecticut, Indiana, Dela-
ware, Maryland, Virginia, West
North Caroline, South Caro-
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana, Florida, Texas,
crop year, have been a little over
bales to date. This breaks
last year's record for a correspond-
Making clay brick may not be of time, when
altogether so pleasant to some gen-
taste as making gold
brick, but the Supreme court of the
United States says North Carolina
is doing the right thing under the l , ., ,
bales were received. The total ex- Missouri, Tennessee and Kentucky.
ports from the port amount to over . The electoral vote of these states
bales. Since September foots up
1st eighteen cotton steamers have This estimate is a reasonably safe
cleared from this port with one. Should Cleveland lose
he would have a fighting
chance in Illinois, which he carried
The Georgia Daughters of the
To the gentlemen who deal I Confederacy started a move-
gold should stay to establish a home for aged
of North Carolina to carry on your I ex-slaves who served the South faith-
fully during the war. The move-
should succeed, but when we
come to think of it this class of old
are generally taken care of
by the white people of the neighbor-
hood in which they live and in in-
stances where this is the case then
are doubtless happier than they
would be in a institution.
Charlotte Chronicle.
business, or your field of operation
may be narrowed to the walls of the
Dr. the colored collector of
customs at Charleston, is still a bone
of contention. The president seems
determined to force on the
who de not want him.
The men who km beyond
s danger.
Be sure your sins find yon
1892, and he would be likely to
carry California. Mr. feels
sure that Cleveland's electoral rots
would be in excess of The
business men had a great deal to do
the champion if 1892 and that
they are thus early giving evidence
of their intention of going into the
campaign of 1904 is u hopeful sign for
the Observer.
A New Jersey woman has had her
husband indicted for
years ago. It takes a long
to get but opportunity
comes sometime.
said the speaker, I care about
is social mixture or
There can never be intermingling
on a social scale of the two races, and
any attempt to force such a thing
would provoke revolution.
a man live in a palace,
build the foundation of a many mil-
lion-dollar fortune, educate his son
at the greatest institution in the
world, that's all never
let that boy try to enter the hut of a
white man and court that man's
will take care of the
We will give him justice. The way
to draw a line between the races
for there to be no mixture of a white
man with any man with even one
drop of blond in his veins.
We cannot afford to have a yielding
in any degree. The separation of
the races must always continue.
when the North is
sane in its treatment of the
problem and a juster view taken off
the matter, n southern man
out in The South Atlantic Quarterly
with an article that should not have
been written. A wave of common
sense is sweeping over the country.
The North is letting alone. They
are beginning to realize that the
South can handle the
only reason there has been
no conflict between the races is the
Christian religion, the gospel of the
Dr. concluded his ex-
discourse with several
reasons why the Presbyterian church
is fitted to take up the work of colored
The address was so
highly satisfactory, that at once a
motion was made and adopted that
Dr. Howerton be requested to pie
pars it suitably for publication, and
hat it be published in pamphlet,
form to be widely distributed.
Chicago seems to be a good step-
ping off place, a suicide craze having
struck the Fifty five persona
adopted tact means of quitting the
within a month.
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
at, C, Nov.
The progress and go
ahead how is never the
wane in Winterville. Dining the
present week several families have
moved among us and others have
been here to perfect arrangements
for doing so alter Jan. 1st.
There are unusually heavy ship-
of turkeys from this point
every day, so the agent informs us.
D. G. Berry, Ayden, was here
one day this week.
Mr. Roger is position of
agent during air. Green's absence.
the advance of
goods we north early and
purchased our stock of fall and
winter goods feel sure that we
you money as we
bulk of our stock at old prices
sell the same way.
cordially invited.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
We'll today,
weather the
train comes Everybody
will be glad to see us we'll be
glad to see everybody. Keep a
bright lookout you'll miss
See M. L. the jeweler.
promptly done. Work
We are manufacturing a
wash out of the old North
Carolina of gums. These
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
All kinds of scroll and turned
work done to order by t lie Winter-
ville Co.
W. L. House and family spent
Sunday Mrs. Tom
We would call to the
fact we have added dry goods to
our of merchandise re-
ask the public to call
The Cigar Co. don't
belong to the trust. your
orders right along get the best
cheroot in the world for the money
and Lome industries.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Miss Hulda Cox, who has been
attending Fair Mount college near
Bristol, since March
returned home Monday morning I
in response to a telegram request-
her to assume charge of a
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and Conn-
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies, Cakes, Crackers and Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Ci-
gars. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar.
Fruits and Vegetables, Rice, Hominy
and Canned Goods. Green and Roast-
Coffee. Toilet and Laundry soaps.
Tinware. .
Winterville, N. C.
A Full Line of Millinery
What's new, swell, smart, swagger and sweet
is what you always find here in
In a day's yon find a finer
display of than we are showing.
New Colorings in Silks, New
Shapes and New Ideas
are what you'll see when you call. You'll
find a great Tinny styles and patterns here
that you couldn't get elsewhere if you tried.
They are us and for our trade.
from op to Come, see
the new things, for we take in show-
Bring your cotton to Winter-
ville have it ginned. G. A.
Kittrell Co. will buy your seed
at the gin pay highest market
price or give you in ex-
change for them.
See M. L. the
Repair it g promptly done. Work
Mrs. Smith daughter
were here shopping this week.
L. L. J. V. Harrington
are very best kind of Alien were all in
Apply to Win-
Mfg. Co.
Carl Parker, of Greenville, was
here Saturday buying and ship-
ping cotton.
Mr. Kennedy
passed through Monday morning
If you want horse shod,
if your or your own shoes
lie v. W. L. of Ayden
part of the day here
Bunting J. D.
Cox Board per day. Best
House town.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest price for your
col seed.
at the Store
No appetite, of
nervousness, constipation,
bad general
and catarrh of the are
all due to indigestion. cures
indigestion. This new discovery
the natural Juices digestion
as they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known
and properties.
Dyspepsia Care does not only cure In-
digestion and this famous
remedy all stomach trouble by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening
strengthening raucous
lining the stomach.
teed repairing, general j will he pleased to show yon their
blacksmith see of handsome gold and fountain
L. House on street.
The Mfg. Co. make
a specialty of shoeing.
to other
Dr. J. M. Parrott did deliver
his lecture to
here yesterday, hut will do
Friday, the at a. m.
Mrs. of is
visiting her son, J. Sparks.
J. K. Greene is a visit to rel-.
Martin county.
Dane Cooper spent yesterday in
the city by which the mighty Tar
does flow.
Wood left for
Manning is clerking again
We have in the best line
day with friend Vanceboro. . ever here aDd can
We have a hue hats you both size and price,
both old young, trunks, j Bring your family and we will
valises, at prices this red so we will make
we think very reasonable j tn shoe squeal before you get it on
always glad to serve you save foot. B. F. Manning Co.
your if possible.
Gives Health the Sick
Strength to Weak.
Ow trial which
Prepares S. Co. Map.
for Bargains
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Shoes, Hats, Caps and
B. BRO.,
in Eastern Carolina
Harrington Barber Co.
Now a word to the wise. Go to j
see B. F. Manning Co., before
their bargains me exhausted.
We have spared no time in
stock and we think we
can suit the most
F. Manning Co.
Dr. in addition to his drug
That was a sharp piece of j has on hand a com-
work here last week. of free books, pen
train was rocked Tuesday night. tablets, pens,
evening a detective and the assortment of box
came and Saturday morning the, brought
culprit was prison bars.
The officer bring an entire stranger i Rent or house and
working resources, located between Josephus Cox
From personal experience I testify
that Little Risers
are as pill.
They are rightly named because
they give strength and energy and
do their work with T.
of people are using these tiny little
pills in preference to all others,
because they are so pleasant
effectual, they cure biliousness,
torpid liver sic head-
ache, constipation, etc. They do
not purge Mid weaken, but
and strengthen. Sold by L.
and accomplishing his purpose
within such u short period, is
of praise as well
the of the community.
indeed a piece of
detective ingenuity.
Emmett Smith had his hand
badly out in the machinery
of the A. U. Cox Mtg. Co., shops
last afternoon.
and A. D. Cox on Academy street.
Apply to C. A. Fair.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash market price for
your cotton seed.
For brick see G. A. Kittrell
Co. They have recently burned a
kiln and will reason-
able salt
Bend model, or photo for
i tree report on
How to Secure-
Patents and
For free
write i
, Hill

J. Proctor Bros
mm m
If want lo bill
foods far family,
for your or fr
your a via
Our Kill airy art now
in full blast w are
j to gin eel to a, corn,
de all kind.
i work for baluster
mo wings. We also j
tin general repairing of
t vagina.
T. F.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in e way
of Dry Ho-
and Hardware be found
bar, whether it . some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or tome article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
E i. . your
B . Move, Jr.,
P. D. Gardner,
T US; D. Gardner, W.
A Jr. J. E. Waxen.
W die best buggies on this market. We em
plot none but skilled workmen. We in stock a full
Ins of and Brat class Farm Wagons.
Gall and our Stock.
Lent; Buried Words of Christ
London, hither-
o unknown of Jeane
Christ have been discovered In
by who have
dug up papyri, buried, since
second century, miles of
Cairo. Dr. Bernard P.
who ha been engaged in Egyptian
excavations since 1894, at the
meeting of the Egypt
here, yesterday
gave the following
Accompanied by Dr. Hunt, Dr.
found a rich
at El The bulk
of the documents from one mound
consisted of a collection of sayings
of Jesus. They are all introduced
with the words and
for most part are new
of the Hues, unfortunately,
are often obliterated. Apparently
jail the saying addressed to
St. Thomas. of most re-
not him that cease;
from his search until he find, and
he be shall wonder;
wondering he shall reach the
Kingdom, and when he reaches
the Kingdom he shall hare
Dr. remarked
enormous interest would
E. A. Move. discoveries, on account of
i the variations they
next door to Poet
-----LA, .
N. V.
Dry Notions, Fancy Gr-
aerie, Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks. Hot
vary day.
j Complete Line Clothing Dry Furniture. Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
R. Smith, E. A. Move, St., j accepted texts.
E. Sr.,
market is a Better aid Old always
h r ii
. .;
i-i M
not satisfied to do as for the farmer as any
warehouse, but its to do a little bettor.
am rioted for high i i-es. You have beard the old
about -the proof the Just bring
tie your tobacco we v. ill show you the proof in high
need you need it
best obtainable,
Luke. Kingdom of God
is great value
; as the saving in the papyrus
I quite different
those attributed to it by
the evangelist extended far
According to Dr. these
form the new gospel
j which is traditionally associated
with St. Thomas.
An interesting of
; gospel according to St. Luke, i
chapter fifty-second j
vein, reads in the
have hidden the key
knowledge, ye not your
to them that were en-
in ye did not
fragment contained a
discourse of Christ, closely related
to passages of the on the
Mount, a conversation
Christ bis disciples, in which
Christ a us lo
when bin Kingdom would be
W lien ye to the state
which existed before
A Valuable made
written Latin,
the text the to the He-
and epitome of Livy's
six lost with other
papyri covering the period 150-13
B. C. threw much new
on the history
the World marked the
hitherto lost classical liter
yon can gt honest goods at living juices. See our
large stock before you buy and be satisfied with
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
it Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
Cold Comfort
Is what are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
Boon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
there is DO need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers. Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
r permitted to oar stove. We have a full
in well known and thoroughly reliable medicines.
pan Bud bare cures as will meet par-
ailment. Our like our goods, are popular.
. i
Marble Granite
and Agents for Wire
Main office and
shops, Meant,
M. C, sail C
The Germ of Bad Manners.
is a trait like
in said a near
me the other day. think
that am ins good as every
puts a strain of confidence in
same reflection, am at
good MB every one is at the
bottom of a great deal of oar pro
bad was the
i reply. it he better
to think one else is as good
as I It certainly is a com-
Jas. F. Davenport,
We are showing a splendid assort-
of the newest and best, and
we are offering them at low prices.
.-o-inch Mohair, black,
inch Mohair, black,
Mohair, and blue, 1.00
inch Mohair, cream,
inch black, blue,
gray, brown,
.,,, , b. , -i j-
so far as material affairs are con- inch black, 2.00
hut there is an
of worth to lie recognized in others
which is above the obligations to
G Sweet.
at act and you reap a
sow habit and reap character;
sow yo reap
inch Silk Henrietta 1.26
38-inch Cheviot Serge, colors,
52-inch Cheviot 1.00
to 1.00
36-inch Venetians,
33-inch Broadcloth,
de Sole,
27-inch de Crepe,
inch black,
A. full line of TRIMMINGS, Including Persian Band.
Pendants, etc. e display of Dress Skirts
Petticoats. We carry the and
for ladies. We can surely every
M. T. Lawrence, of Hamil
son, was here today
Jake Kinston,
Sunday here.
A. B. Tucker spent Sunday at
Scotland Neck.
H. H. Benton went to Ayden
Sunday evening.
Harry Skinner returned Sunday
evening from
W. T. Lipscomb went up the
road Sunday.
spent Sunday at
Joe Bawls went up the road
E. V. Cox returned lo Ayden
Saturday evening.
G. H. went to
day evening.
B. W. Moseley returned
day evening from Bethel.
J. F. Brinkley returned
day evening from Scotland Neck.
G. G. went to Ayden
Sunday evening.
B. G. Barrett, of Kinston,
Sunday here.
J. H. Boyd, Jr , to Win
Dr. G. C. Edwards, of Hooker-
ton, was in town today.
Miss Pattie Skinner returned
Sunday from a visit to
Smith returned Saturday
from Wilson, where bell
bad been a
Her best of friends are glad to
see Mrs. B. Williams, who
recently very sick, out again.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Whaley, of
Sunday bate
with Miss .
Mrs. S. B. Bow, of
who was visiting relatives i
here, returned home this morning
Mayor N. J and Y. T.
Ormond, of Kinston, spent today
Mrs. W. J. Early, of Au lander,
who had been visiting
here, returned home today.
is I visit- i
the family of the editor.
H. H. Wilson, of Kinston, is
in the city.
B. L. Smith went to Norfolk
J. S. Norman went down the
road Monday evening.
J. D. Cobb, of Norfolk, is visit-
this section.
came in Monday evening.
Mrs. Fulford, of Washing
ton, is here to attend the
Blow marriage tomorrow.
Miss Emma Conetoe,
is visiting Miss Bet tie Warren at
Mrs. T. J. Powell, of Hampton,
Va., who has bean visiting her
son, W. K. Powell, returned
Mrs. Gertrude Bland, of
who has been visiting Mrs. H. C.
Edwards, left this morning for-
Miss Annie of
Ayden, who has been visiting Mrs.
W. B. Patrick, returned home
Monday evening.
John B. Hughes, of Danville,
who has been spending a few days
here, returned home Monday
Every fabric known, both imported and
domestic. Fashion's latest and most approved
styles can be found here.
extra Heavy
Lined Shirts and draw-
each garment,
Heavy Ribbed, Taped neck
Fleece Lined Union Suits,
and children's,
By far the most artistic line of Paris Models,
ready-to-wear Hat. we have ever
shown. We snare neither expense or pains to
give our customers the latest styles, best ma-
and the best workmanship that money
and brains can produce.
Baby caps
AU Prices.
and Children's
H ATS all prices
pairs extra size 11-4 i Q
White Blankets,
pairs Grey Bed
Black Mercerized
worth 1.00, special,
With n-inch Flounce,
Inch 2.00.
Pairs Ail-Wool Fine
Pants, worth
1.00 and 1.50, special,
The kind that wears, holds it shape
and color and gives satisfaction.
For Ten days extra cut
prices on the
of Clothing Overcoats
Chairs, Couches,
Carpets, Mattings
Rugs, Oil Cloths,
Wardrobes, Cradles.

Miss Lizzie Blow, of Durham
arrived Tuesday evening; to visit
Mrs. M. D. Higgs.
day evening from a visit to
Miss Rawls, of Tarboro.
arrived Tuesday evening to visit
Miss Pat Skinner.
John left Tues
day evening fur Kinston.
G. M. Lindsay, of Snow Hill, is
in town.
Miss Moore, one of the teacher
in the graded school, is sick and
Miss Minnie is teaching in
her place.
J. M. Coleman, of Macon, spent
last night here and left this morn-
Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Harding,
of Tarboro, came in Tuesday eve-
Miss Emma Craft, who has been
visiting t Parmele and Bethel
days, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richardson,
of Washington, are here to attend
the marriage. They
are the .-t of Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. Laughinghouse.
W. H. Sr., G. F. M
of Snow Hill, and Mr. and
Mrs. of Kinston,
who came over to attend the
Blow marriage, are the of
Dr. Mrs
Wholesale Grocer an
furniture Cash paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Oak Suits.
Carriages, G.
Tables, Lounges, Safe, P
and Gail ft Ax
Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk, J
Flour Sugar, Coffee. Meat, Soap
Ly, Magic Fowl, Matches, Oil, i
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar I
den Seeds, Orange, Apples, j
Candies, Dried Peaches, j
Prunes, Current-.
China Want, I in and Wooden ,
Wore, Cake-
Butter, New
Sew in and nu ,
Quality am
Quantity. cash.
o see me.
I Quite I The Newest Shades in Furs
How often you can get a
nail or screw or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Fox, Squirrel, Mink,
sum, and
If you want Stylish Furs you
can buy here with confidence.
Pb.-e M
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding, Shingle and
work a specialty.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
I have employed u
Charles prepared, to do slate roof-1 j
Orders for any work in my I
At the Christian church tonight in receive prompt attention. If
Rev. V. E. Powell will give an
illustrated lecture on the life of
Chris. The illustrations will he
Shown on canvas with a lantern.
Work room
over Baker
One of i be must remarkable case.-
of cold, deep seated on the longs,
William Fountain, D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs I one door cast of post office,
K Marion, Ind . I street
v. ho m em i rely cured by I he use
Minnie Cough Cure. She
roughing and straining
me that I ran don j Mr. C. of Geneva, C,
in weight from to pounds, the piles for Doctors and
I tried a remedies to no dollars could do him no lasting;
avail until I used One good. DeWitt's Witch Hazel I
Cough Cure. Four hot ties of this Salve cured him permanently.
wonderful cured me en-; valuable for cuts, burns bruises,
By lungs and me to salt rheum, am all i
normal weight, health and diseases. Look for the name
Sold by John L. Witt on the others j
I are cheap, Worthless counterfeits,
by L Woolen.
WE your corn and Pegs
for c-sh. City Hay Grain Co.
Goods kept con-
in stuck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
j IN
Styles in
Jackets and Coats
Style and Fit
If you want the right
thing--we have it. . .
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor end Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. Ne.
A Boom
B. Glenn of Winston has accepted
Br. Small's Opponent
Washington, No. fact
ascertained today that Con-
an invitation to the labor chief opponents
Our Skirts
Stylish in Appear-
and hang like
made to order gar-
unions this city the of
December The
Mr. will ad-
dress o number a
total me. two thousand.
He has ardent
here already add his visit well be
a boom for Mr.
Glenn is by many in
this as tie strongest
candidate in the
and time comes he-will
poll a good vote U New
. county. The laboring men are
preparing it o
On the afternoon f December 06th
i Mr. Glenn will speak to
gathering f at the
.- i
bis their paramount
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
of in Thu.
; Some people are not
Agitation in in
bet there are things that
the sake of agitating is often i
is done the love
it. A it forth of it.
cat's paws. They
aw and then.
it turns out that and then
for as a
in one J or another.
no public if at all
by disruptive diatribes it is not
slow the
t grind
P. K.
Greenville, N. C.
His Fat,
are me an-
officer in plain clothes,
pickpocket by the
right have you got to
.; angrily exclaimed the
have to show
simply pointed to
gasped the pick
picket, submitting to
a man do
which ii
f, even hen but
i able to do for
. d r
; juices of u and j
does the work of the re-
the tension, while
the inflamed of u it organ
are allowed u-st and
I Cure what
eat and enables the stomach
and digestive
all food rich, red blood. Sold
by L.
American and Italian
N. C.
end Iron Sold.
work and reasonable
a p eat on pea lion.
i j -j
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks. Cotton, drain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
ii. Stewart
d H. B. representatives
the Nurseries, will be
Farmville Sat. Nov.
lie and Greenville Nov.
No, Maude, we have
that a hare lip
he same virtues as a rabbit's
foot. .
must be true that the
die young.
The against the Atlantic
Cast Line for killing the colored
man, Dancy, ended in favor of the
railroad. The plaintiff had no
This would be a world if
the people in it who
tempers would never find them
Is the parent of
Indigestion and mil
Th Safest ind Surest Remedy known la
German Liver Powder
ThU ii not a drug mixture, but a
translation of of
secrets. If you are a suffer-
we will send you OP
a sample package of German
Liver Powder with oar
booklet, which contain authentic
from who hive been
cereal by this De
Wt at
The American Co.
Md i
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
daily, except Sunday.
m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
; at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
J. J.
Greenville, N. O.
T. H. Agent,
X. C
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We are
certain re have the finest line we have ever shown and we are.
that no other store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the require
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA in character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to fit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-souse
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save yon money in your shoe needs.
J the mes-
the Western
Telegraph Co , was catted by
the local buyers,
-day, and presented a
He i a
and appreciate this l
Mr. Fleet of
who was brutally assaulted and
beaten by a Allen
is talk in Person county love in and being
lynching This will
make two murder cases for
O. H. Allen to beef at the next
term S Person Superior court,
meets next
Store Will Close
As the Greenville merchants
have been in the habit, fir
years of closing their stores on
Thanksgiving day, we take it for
the same observance of the
day will be had this year.
chasers of goods for Thanksgiving
should lay their accordingly.
The Home of Women's Fashions.
Fire at Tarboro.
The On l y
To get the confidence of the pros-
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
Hie Reflector.
for appointment on t he com-
on rivers and harlots arc
from Texas and Tennessee. Rep-
Bail, of the Lone Star
State, has resigned as a
of congress, and unfortunately for
Mr. Small the Texan was a
of the committee on livers and
harbors a fact which lends some
force to the claim of the Texan
delegation that should l
owed to name th successor
colleague, with respect to ail
bis committee The
member from
appointment i John
no distinction here, chiefly
from the fact of his omnipresence
w there to be a debate
in on the Texas is
meat o be feared, but.
William has said things
have very much re-
insured friends of the
friends of
The people of North
know that the orphanages of
the state rank among the greatest,
most beneficent of our institutions.
Au institution which rescues
helpless, children from
the wreck of homes, provides for
these little ones the necessities of
life, gives them kind care, ad van-
of school and training
industrial branches, and moral and
religious instruction, surely has
the of claims upon the
heartiest sympathy and support of
all of our
Many, who have had the care
and training our
bones, ate today living upright,
lives. We know not
what their lives would
without this help at a critical
time without in their
The the necessity,
of such work is more
mote appreciated.
War Against Boll Weevil.
Washington, Nov.
of from the cotton
growing states held a meeting to-
day to discuss boll weevil
problem. It was determined that
a committee of three members
from each state should call upon
president and lay before him
the serious situation which is con
fronting the states, re
quest to urge upon congress
the importance of carrying into
effect the plan will sub-
by Secretary in his
annual report.
At time in the is more
done for this worthy cause than at
Congressman. j Thanksgiving, and practice of
Mr. Small have to the support of the
fell off a Stamp.
There was a bit of excitement
y school
white the pupil
were anting
dinner. Miss Marie Done,
daughter Dove, was a
She j
homeless orphan children at
this time is fitting acid commend-
able. We are glad that
giVing Day is to be dis-
Gratitude to God, which
fill heart as we upon
His mercies, leads eat
May lite to -this
o this
Made Fatal Misstep
Wilmington, Nov.
living near
Haynes, this county, was
crushed to death under train No
Coast Line, as
it passing out of yards in
this city tonight. was
in reaching the station on his
return home and came down an
and ran up in
of the train as it was leaving the
station. He attempted to board
ore of the cars, but in doing he
had the speed the
train, and was thrown under th
choked on a piece of
caused her am i
fall ground. The lull,
use the words the physician
was one bread
and both out of
child. lying on,,
some of the
thought, wad killed and
Mayor's Court.
Mayor H. W. has dis-
posed of the following cases in his
court since last report.
Reed assault, fined
and Coats,
L. H. and Alonzo
plain, costs, one and costs,
Ma prove even
appearing upon today.
streets in state fined;
Looks like snow.
Miss Mary Whitehurst, of Oak-
who has been visiting the
Misses Moore, returned home to-
Mrs. D. E. House left this morn-
for to visit her
Re. F. A. Bishop will preach
at Methodist church Sunday
and night. This closes his quad-
on the district.
Miss Orman, of Or-
who has visiting
Mis. Will returned home
Friday evening.
Eure returned Friday
evening I rum a visit to Wilson.
Dr. L. C. Skinner, of Ayden,
who has been here attending the
Blow marriage returned home
Miss Nannie of Hassell,
arrived Friday to visit
W. B. of Ballards, is
in the city.
J. B. Waters, of Plymouth who
has been his son, L. F.
Waters, returned borne today.
Tom Timberlake left this morn-
for Baltimore to have his
R. M. Starkey who has been
very sick for several days is not
any better.
Col. H. B. Little, of
who has spending some days
with Wiley Brown, home
this most -worthy work j and j WE WANT your com and Peas
Miring for most, James Duff, firing gun for cash. City Hay Grain Co.
i i. ml needy
etc., fined and
H. C. Hooker, one
, I A from penny Busts,
The excitement. .,, , , .
, . . . kin and on his return
the for the . , , . ., . .
. . , . I this took him
B m . t ,,
a young adored
is Wilson See stealing. Duff h
soon and was MM
hurt, of all.
Two recently here to
get her were given v quarter each
in bad reputation whom
Mighty can
the being
Tarboro, N. C. Nov.
old building, a
Story frame structure on
street about two blocks from the
river, was destroyed by Ire last
night. The firs started in the
rear the and had made
good bead way disco
a thick
had a V-
was as a
W u. l. i
a ease
That was a pretty good
off alt that
jail was he by
of w liberate
a prisoner under sentence
for murder. And the state will
to pay the for out
the to the
Yes, it was about as good the
racket Mr. Dewey on l be
people down there he had
them pull down that reward
which thy hail hung up tor
Greenville left, here on street They
latter were next i into the
be trunk money
lot t shipped it in u i i key.
to bis father, Jim
j later; lit was that
the came The i people may be ever so
and contents, with the ex they sometimes
of a coat two pairs in dangerous
pants, were places. It so happened
Greenville, N. C.
Ready to Recognize Panama.
Washington, Nov.
state department received today a
Gun Accidents.
It is that so many
accidents occur with persons who
hunt guns. It would seem
that all persons ought to be
by such
to keep the muzzle of a gun away
It so
with Mr. J. It. Moore, agent of the
Atlantic Coast Line. He started
to go from the freight office to bis
I resilience across the railroad. A
long string of freight cars were
the track with a break in front of
the office to permit passing.
Thinking the train had finished
Mr. Moore started to cross
-m from United States Min-
dated t j hoped that the will
from them. every day,
. . .
there is account at some one being , r u
., . , j i he was struck by the cars
killed or seriously from .
w . s t i I together, with presence of
gun shot while to be-, ,,. ,
. i u . w. u supported from
sure, those who hunt have , , ,
sufficient warning in the many b off the
others, and it
yesterday, that the be more
bud him that in
was ready to
u i
A has I
V dally it Io U
d a
The with hay, its the boom-
and other U u It is Io
away SOW bold the, by the
of his I Com pan y.
to as s-
whee to tum
And They Smacked.
Persons in the lower part of the
court house yesterday evening were
attracted the sound as of an ex-
and hastened to the she-
rill's from which place the
s mud emanated. There it was
found the of the noise was
the of a
couple who had just been in
the holy estate if matrimony by
Justice J. D.
At lite conclusion of the nuptials
the justice to the dark
Lothario that he salute the
bride. To the suggestion the sen-
nerves of the lips of the
bride responded in a very
proper pucker and the
bridegroom gently folded her in
his aims and the resounding
smacks of the vehement
were to the front of the
building attracted others to
the Free Press.
following invitation baa
been received by
Mr. and Mr. Lovit Hines
the of your
at of their daughter
Mr. Walter Dunn La Jr.
December the
at i.
sad of it.

Eastern reflector, 20 November 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 20, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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