Eastern reflector, 10 November 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Wholesale retail and
Furniture Dealer. paid
I rides. Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, err. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carte,
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax Snail,
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Attention, Tobacco Farmers
The ed
Co. has been d
Tinder the laws of North
and all arrangements
have been made for the conduct
of a tobacco warehouse,
at warehouse,
ville, N. We ask the pan. u-
age and support of the fob
growers of country
the ground of merit and
This is a corporation, and mi
like an individual business pan
the Stock holders are
no for any de-t-
that may be made by the company.
We simply say this because the
rerun has been circulated to i la.
contrary. We shall endeavor
merit your patronage. We
promise you more than anyone
else, but we all
tee yon the price.
Look into this business, examine ;
its charter and see If it is not to.
to support and par- i
Yours to Serve,
The i Consolidated
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Dyspepsia Care does for stocks. Cotton, Grain and
Stomach that which it ons. Private Wires to New York,
to do for f, even when but I Chicago New Orleans.
lightly disordered or over-loaded .
Dyspepsia Cure supplies
toe natural juices of digestion aid
due the work of the stomach, re-
lazing the nervous tension, while
the . flamed of that
in rest and yon can pet a
K Dyspepsia Cure digest done-a
,, . . nail or screw driver or
enables the stomach I Jg Have a good
organs to
all i I into rich, red blood. Sold
J. ff. PERRY CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Hue Apples, Syrup, American and Italian Marble I
Floor Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed and Hulls, Gar-
If a Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
China Ware, and Wooden
Ware, Cake and Crackers, Much
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity, for cash. Com
j me.
S. M.
The Newest Shapes in Furs
Fox, Squirrel, Mink,
sum, and
If you want Stylish Furs you
can buy here with confidence.
Wire and Iron Fence Sold.
work and prices reasonable
designs d pee on a j ration.
i 1.1-
Whichard, N. C.
Norfolk. Va.
The Stock complete in every de
j j , and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country prod
b; hi L.
there ire sheets on
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
j we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
fL useful article.
Of Course
You Harness,
Horse Goods,
personal experience I testify
DeWitt s Little Early Risers
as a liver
Tiny rightly named because
and energy
work with T,
, Tex.
of are using these tiny little
pills in preference to all others,
they are SO pleasant
effectual. They core biliousness,
tin pill liver j head-
ache, constipation, etc. They do
i purge and weaken, but cleanse j
a Sold by Jno. L. I A is always sure is
good time when two men ask
her to go and she goes with the
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
; Washington daily, except Sunday,
a, m for Greenville, leaves
, Greenville daily, except Sunday,
i at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
i Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
j Swan Quarter, and
all for the West with rail-
i roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
M the Old Dominions. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line Chesapeake
Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
i Boston.
Greenville, N. C.
IT. H. MYERS, Agent,
Washington, N. C
it lantern-jawed man isn't
r- a brilliant convert
one she doesn't wont to go with to;
make other one m
T i he most remarkable
id, deep on the lungs
i v. is that of Mrs
E. Marion, Ind
was entirely by the
Minute Cure.
coughing and n
me I ran do i
from to
Presbyterian Synod.
Wilmington, V Nov.
Presbyterian Synod -f
Carolina will hold its sen-
here this week, commencing;
Styles in
Jackets and Coats
Style and Fit
If you want the right
have it.
Our Skirts
Stylish in Appear-
and hang like
made to order gar-
n v.
D. W.
a of remedies to r
until I used Cue Minute
i. Cure. bottles of
I remedy cured me en-
of the cough, strengthened
n me to mi
weigh i, health am
Bold by John
through week. It is
estimated that the attendance will
he and the leading min-
the Presbyterian
will present, also prominent
divines from other states.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
It is easier to judge a woman
I doesn't say than by what
i. C. Haney, O., bad
e piles for years.
do no last
Witch Hazel
cured him permanently,
for cuts, burns bruises,
s, laceration, eczema,
and all other skin;
Look for the name
on the others
. i cheap, worthless counterfeits.
Sold by Jno. L. Wooten.
Faint heart never won fair lady
without a lot of strenuous
on her part.
A woman may cure her husband
of the tobacco habit by purchasing
hi cigar for him.
pl Stubborn
Back up Our Claims for
Fact Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact i not a drug, but
a normal, scientific cur for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and
prohibit tendency to depression or low spirits.
Women with troubles peculiar to
restored to perfect health. Your will
cheerfully add his testimony to oars.
with every
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Hoofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding. Shingle and tile
work a specialty.
I have employed a Slater
and prepared to do slate roof-
Orders for any work in my
Una receive prompt attention.
Work room Baker
We are proud of our shoe stock this We are
certain we have the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that no other store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, in character, ULTRA In every feature that con-
tributes to lit, comfort and style. In material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-sense
without of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than over. We arc can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions. .
The On y
To get the confidence of the pros-
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.,
and Friday.
VOL. No.
before the board and made
known to that the petition
be presented at their
meeting and that they would
be requested to order the
take place sometime in February.
He stated that those for whom he
spoke confidently believed the
of the elect-on will be in
favor of but
thought it was but fair
that those engaged in the liquor
business have reasonable
time to close their business and
seek other employment. That if
the petition is presented in
J. Wiley Shook Boils Over.
Asheville, N. C. Nov.
Wiley Shook, official undo-
was recorded by the state
press a short time ago, read the
election returns with an emotion
which was not entirely unmixed
with joy. The chief executive is
just DOW particular
cal that gentle-
man this morning sent President
Roosevelt this
R t,
D. C.
in all directed
person and nations through line
the election is held in
I, . . ,. , ,., line, and precept upon pie-
I February that the saloon keepers. T . .,.
have until July 1st to
, . that the
other . . ,
vi while the simple
In He has
spirit of the law seems to
,, . i go and are punished.
allowing six mouths that r
., Can yon not see the forecast
will j J
the results in New York Ohio
The Liquor Jen Will be Given arrange
, that time. Ho I
Until Next June to Get
Out Business.
-can that this is not
ample the meantime
the campaign
distillery will go right on.
Committees have been
to it. Those men engaged
-liquor business in
ville had just as well make written with a
their minds now that they
Announce at once that
you are no candidate for the
that the ad ministration
Stands the nomination of Senator
you persist in the
succeed getting
A number representative
of the town met
night in the office of Mr. F. O.
Harding for the purpose of in it after the 30th
prepared under June. The is
direction of the league u toe carried against
to the board of asking
an-election be called on the
nomination, all the caustic in
human language, writ
dipped gall that preserves
son is of the daunted, will tail
Convention County Superintendents.
The second convention
of the tale association of
superintendents will convene in
the hall the house of
next Wednesday morning,
13th, and continue for
two day.
Eighty-five out of the ninety-
seven superintendents the state
have already notified the state
superintendent of politic
that they will attend the entire
meeting and the ether twelve will
probably be heard from favorably
interest manifested by the
large number who have written
that they are coining speaks well
for the educational enthusiasm
that is abroad the state of North
Carol i i a.
Au est program has been
arranged, beginning Wednesday
at eleven o'clock
Friday morning at eleven
On Wednesday, the first
day the convention, among
other numbers the program is
to p. m.
Institutes. Discussion led by
Superintendent Y. Moore of
a calamity will befall Superintendent W.
it ion of establishing a
in Greenville and a
diet operating in the
Ai this meeting of citizens all the
r -i t of the election were
d, and consider-
these it was not
sent th e petition to the aldermen
until ii -e January j the
board. for de-
a re as
The V says
I'll be called in Hie
year Abe petition is -ire-
it a ad the
be held three months of
e with
this part if the law, petition
had sow -the
not than the 28th
the nation.
Democrats m Jubilant.
Washington, D.-C, Nov.
The democrats Washing-
All of
The state is at peace.
in the land.
, are jubilant over the
much Even I. . ,
, the yesterday.
On Thursday will be an
explanation of the Grimes and
The But Sale Yet.
Par hum report
lives have that fir the first time
sorrow can j years light
cause for in the is made that by
which has wrought t
. , . a, . j . . will be voted
out by Acknowledge-, , . , .
lot BOWer th lobbies the
went mercies received . , j. . . .
. Ii. -Is and street comers demo-
a people a , am I politicians
i rules the destinies to talk over the situation. Sana-
States as well as individuals tor of Maryland, was in
ton ii bright and early.
I, Charles B. Governor
of the State of North Carolina, personal victory
He was
he won.
best single sale of this
market this season. This lot
L. Bland, i Craven
Thursday, Nov. S. The I
in which
started rebuild
warehouse made
people they we-re going to
make a record
I hey hare certainly done so
we give the figures of the sale
Sixty-six for
The teachers of Pitt county are a
courageous company, showing a
determination in their work that
braves weather conditions and
brings them together their
work. It was cold today,
many of ilium live a long dis-
from town, while but
short notice had given of this
meeting there were quite a
of teachers in
Devotional were con.
ducted by Rev. F. G. Hartman.
The roll was called by the
and Rags-
dale sailed the roll districts for
reports of teachers.
The tee on nominations of
officers made the following report.
H. King.
Eula Cox.
Assistant Delia
The was adopted.
Former president, Prof. G. E.
who has made a most
faithful excellent president
the association, called the new
president to the chair. In taking
of the Prof. Everett
made interesting address,
warmly thanking the association
for the honor conferred upon him.
He said he had worked with teach-
in states, but has
been associated with any that
excel teachers of Pitt county.
The library committee
purchasing books and
the library by the next
j meeting of the association,
Next com m it tee on course of
study made a report and the
took a recess t dinner.
,,,,,. I pounds for pounds for
therefore, this toe impetus , f . . , , f
., i. , no pun-ids for M pounds for
setting apart presidential boom .,., . ,. ., .,.
W for -0, o pounds
of December, as another election gives him, was mentioned, j
was in town t he
as a day of thanksgiving and senator declined to,
; mercies which
the la v says that when a
majority of the a
vote against saloons it shall be
lawful for the county
era or governing board such
town to issue license to
any ho sell liquor the ,
, , , , day all our
town, but engaged . . .
God has prospered
on which all people the He is
to respective to lead senate j
of Gad
pounds for
for the
to legislative victory this winter.
His friends nay tho
mud as will take, care of j
and to aSk for Hts
and in the
earnestly that on this
the have six
months from the date of the Sec-
to dispose their stock on
hand close business if
their license continue in
long. Under this part of the law
if the should be held on
the 29th of no licenses
could be issued on the 1st of
following, and as licenses
already issued would expire the
81st of December saloon men
would have only two days in which
to dispose of stock on hand and
close their business. This
be practically putting them of
business at once.
The board of aldermen being in
session Governor Jarvis was de-
to before them and make
known to that petition
would not be presented at this
meeting hut that it he at
the first meeting in January, 1904.
Governor Jarvis went immediate
us unto
who are needy, particularly to the
widows and the orphans.
Done at of Raleigh, this
the second of November, in
the Year of our Lord thou-
sand nine hundred and three,
and in the one hundred and
eighth of our
can independence.
By the Governor
P M. Private Sec-
N. C, Nov.
middle aged white woman was
mortally wounded here last night
by accidental discharge of a
revolver which fell from the pock-
et of a man who was room.
ball struck her the forehead
and passed to the center of the
head. The Woman lingers at the
but there is no of
her coo very. ,
Baltimore, Md. Nov. was
a wholesale victory- far the
in Maryland. Warfield,
for Governor as late
will have a majority of
ties, making a total of The
heavy vote polled in
the city and state was something
of a prise to most
sanguine of that party. Judge
William in an
interview today, suggested the
North Carolina
amendment as a possibility in
Maryland. Plans to eliminate the
vote are being generally
Better Grades Sell Well.
The tobacco warehouses had
sales th is week. For ordinary
grades prices ruled low, usual,
where good were offer-
ed the were very
Some tobacco said as high
as swats a this week.
it O. Nov.
navy department received three
dispatches today from
John i. of the gunboat
Nashville at Colon. the first he
told he had landed a force of
blue jackets and marines to
serve order at that place. In the
second telegram he there had
been no blood shed at Colon and
that he had withdrawn his
The third dispatch
evidently sent today came late this
afternoon. In it Commander
bard said he had again landed an
aimed force to protect American
Princeton, N. J. Nov.
race trouble has
ton. Today A. B. Davis,
started in to deliver the mail on
one of the rural free delivery
route outside of Princeton, but
the owners of boxes along the
route are objecting to their new
postmaster on account of his color.
That Davis should get the appoint-
instead of one of the white
applicants has enraged the box
owners sod about twenty of them
threatened to withdraw from the
Nate if is retained
Mr. J. M. Blow, manager the
department of
sends us a
that beats anything have
seen. The potato, which rail-
ed by Mr. A. G. Col, is quite large
has grown firmly to a light-
wood knot, giving tho two together
appearance something like a
tomahawk. Some one upon seeing
the potato remarked that ii had its
own kindling wood along. It is
quite a curiosity.
Harris, aged years and
mouths, little sou of Mr. mid
Mis. It King, died at o'clock
this morning at their home on
Dickinson avenue. The child had
been sick a little more than a week
with bronchitis followed by
, The burial will take place Sun-
day afternoon in Cherry Hill
The entire community, as well
as their host of friends elsewhere,
sympathize with Mr. and
King in their sorrow.
J. Morgan has recently
Chicago. Now we may
look for a low tide lake
and a corresponding rise of
water in Chicago
When said he would
gallop down the inside of the Tam-
many leaders he possibly didn't
mean it he has been
swallowed nevertheless.

v. a
The Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
W. M.
Offers you selections from as complete a stock of
as can be found in Eastern Carolina.
Special line of Dress Goods and Trimmings for Ladies.
Full line Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars and Cuffs for Men and Ladies.
Fl ALL grades, white iron
Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness. Ice Cream Freezers
and Hammocks.
Two warehouse full of Hour, corn, oats, hay
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased.
withe to notify the public that, he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said K. at, his death, and offer-
them to I lie public regardless of cost. The stock consists
HATS, CAPS, SHOES, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. G. is also agent of Royal Tailors
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
End of Century Book Club.
Reported for Reflector.
A most delightful meeting of the
club was held on Tuesday after-
noon with Mrs. Allen at her
on corner of Washington and
Third streets. The house wan
hi i decorated with
The literary features were great-
enjoyed, Mm. Arthur read a
paper on and the
play was generally discussed, con
the two characters, King
John and King Richard IT.
Those present Mrs.
Arthur, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Gotten,
Bert Mrs. Joe
Mis. Laughinghouse, Mrs.
Mrs. Harry Skinner, Mrs.
Mrs. Little, Mrs. James, Mm.
Fleming, Mrs. Hartman and Mrs.
Dainty refreshments were served
and Mis. Allen declared to be a
charming hostess.
The club will meet with Mr.-.
Bowen on Fifth street, November
Branch of the Reflector is in charge
Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
mass for the payer in and territory.
N. Nov. 1903.
C. F. James went to
C. E. Bradley went to Greenville
W. S. of Greenville, is
spending a few days with C. E.
Sugg Fleming returned from
school at Durham last Friday.
J. J. went to Green-
ville on Tuesday on a trading ex-
He came hack with a
new buggy.
Miss Gertrude came up
from Washington Monday to spend
several days with the family of G.
H. Little.
C. E. Bradley
left today tor
J. P. Fleming and G. Z. Rick
went to Washington Sunday. On
their way back home their horse
run away and disfigured the buggy
to such extent an order has been
given for a new one. But the boys-
didn't walk home like another
low in town did some time ago.
i i
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
line of Richmond Stove Cook Heaters.
Cm lots Kit Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Fines and Trucks.
Farm Wagon. Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In win we h Munger Cotton
. W. J.
We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Furniture, Tools, Farm-
Implements, Seed, Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Oats and other
feed stuffs. We solicit a snare of your patronage. Fair and
courteous treatment to all.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
J. II- CO-,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
I for cash. Highest tor
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make a of
For Men
Women and
T. HORTON, Proprietor.
Table furnished with the best
rooms. Polite prompt
It U we
best et
Leaders la Fashions. Tull line of
trimmed and bate, flowers,
. Cheap ever.
Meeting of Board of Aldermen.
The held their regular
monthly Thursday night,
every member of board being
There was Dot much
at the meeting oil
passing monthly reports
auditing i
Jarvis, a
the Anti Saloon
League, appeared before board
gave notice that the petition
tor mi the of es
h would be
presented at the January meeting
report of chief of Hie
department be n commended the
purchase of some bats
boots for department. These
were ordered purchased. The
chief stated certain repairs
were needed to some the fire
apparatus. He was instructed t
have chief engineer make
from the
fire depart stout J. M. was
elected chief.
If was ordered that the fireman
of the steam engine be paid fur
each fire alarm at which the
is fired up.
It was decided at a previous
board that
prohibiting the use of tire
works will be the usual
at the
dealers fireworks agree to
offer for sale pop crackers
above a specified size. This was
agreed to by the dealers.
license tax for selling fire works is
The tragic death of Mrs. Booth
Tucker, a leader in the Salvation
Army, will Badness to many
earnest hearts. The people who
dwell and in
country, especially those of
South, do realize
of the work of this army of
Christian workers. Were they to
come in our midst many would
no doubt be averse to them, but it
is nevertheless true that these no-
men and women, some of them
having been lifted from the depths
of earth's degradation, are doing a
work in his name.
S. C.
j d gr
o rt
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their- Low prices- We
can supply all your needs- in
any line of goods.
We selling Lawns and. other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to- make room for
all goods.
Merchant and
stock of
Manufacturers of
on car d lots of
N. C.
After thirty years of I
better than prepared to all
needs of the people with u of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything town cam
needle to a
I handle fertilizers
in season.
The of the on
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
16th. It is the best of try.
Logger with two bunk
wagons and on ox cart.
w. o.
Ayden Department
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try a bottle of my Fig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
Price cents. If you are not satisfied I will return
M. M. SAULS Ph. G.
Pharmacist, Ayden, N. C.
v M. F.
Fancy Groceries.
Best butter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies, fruits
and confectioneries, and high-
est prices for country produce,
M. F.
Successor to J. Li. next
The white specks or scars on
the nails may be removed
applying a mixture of equal
of pitch myrrh , melted
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and
the best Brick in
Eastern Carolina, Bricks
all hand Makes furnace
and Full
always on hand. Prices to
salt the times. Write or phone j
me for prices by the thousand or J
ear-load. truly, ,
Ayden, North Carolina.
Ayden, S. C. Not.
A. P. and B. F. John-
ton made a trip to Grifton
W. H. of Greenville,
spent Wednesday night here and
made a very instructive in the
graded school building.
W. L. Royster went to
Thursday, having received a
gram that his daughter was sick at
that place.
Q. G. and L. M. Lanier
left Friday for Greenville.
R. M. Newton, of Richmond, is
again in town.
W. H. S. of
Thursday night in torn.
v in. who bas been
here for in the inter
est of the Masonic Mutual
association, left yesterday for his
home in Selina,
At eight o'clock Wednesday eve-
i the M. E. church, Grifton,
J. C. and Miss
Maggie Pittman were united in
holy wedlock.
Miss May Brooks, of Grifton, is
visiting at J. F.
Dawson, of Winter
came yesterday to spend Sat
in-day Sunday with the Misses
Miss Eula Cox came yesterday
to spend Saturday and Sunday at
pranks gala Mi
to the skoal eel
for all tine those pub-
receptions at which the
dent is expected to up and
let hundreds of people file and
bake his hand. This degenerate
of royal levee ha
long been an outrageous
It bas been used u an advertising
card for Washington excursion
business and parties of tourist
have been taken to the receptions
by a guide put to shake
hands with the president. Our
president is not a king or a show
piece of but a
can magistrate, with important
public business to attend to,
nobody ought to have access to him
for the gratification of idle
The In
was neat
by LIna
i B. L.
win welcomed,
presided at the
the literary
criticisms of books were read
a of the new books
for the year was made by the com-
Refreshments were served after
business meeting, and the club
adjourned to meet with miss Win-
Skinner on November 24th.
a .-specialty of
suitable for winter. We carry F. Young's
famous line of for ladles. Every pair sold
a guarantee. Out line of Goods
this embrace-the newest and best. Call on us.
you bought it from HIRES it's all
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes.
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, etc., at
J A full line of Drugs Medicines. prices
for all kinds of country produce.
Prepare for it by providing yourself with suitable
lam prepared to supply you with the best quality and
prices. Rave an to and give ice a calL,
Recently the Augusta Chronicle
urged raising of the saloon
license of that city from to
a year. the
loon owners threatened a boycott
against the Chronicle. Their
throats excited the righteous in-
of the editors of that pa-
which spoke in no uncertain
terms. It boy-
all of you. What, in God's
name, is the barroom
worth to a respectable newspaper,
What are they worth to
any other enterprise of
this or any other What are
A of Frank K. Stockton
tells of an occasion when the
humorist, who was as a rule ex-
averse to social functions
of any nature, was induced to at-
a dinner in
Washington, given by a certain
Western senator in honor well-
known novelist.
Mr. Stockton had into
dinner the sister in-law of his host.
was an excellent woman, but
anything but
The conversation touching
beauties of Omar Khayyam, a
spirited of the Persian
poet, ensued, during which the
bewildered woman from the West
caught from time to time the
name of
Turning to Mr. Stockton the
is this Mr. Omar
they worth to the community as a
whole Boycott the Chronicle, eh j talking about Very popular in
while you are about it, why
not boycott every dry goods mer-
chant, every shoe merchant and
every clothing merchant who
agrees with the Boy-
them Why, there one
mat doesn't every year a
d times more legitimate trade
through the failure of some
wretch to himself or his
family with proper clothing, be-
cause all of his money goes to
your dives for drink,
than all of you dive keepers and
Yard Wide Homespun
1-2 cents.
Don't that strike you as being
cheap Well it is, and give
an idea of low prices of our
goods. Big stock of
General ,. spend with
to select from and everything chants ten veer. Boycott.
as as the homespun. If I Do dare stand up and
you need Dry Goods, j such u weapon against decent pub
Crockery, Glassware, anything when you are costing
every legitimate business enter
prise in this community dollars
where you are spending
with Christian
Now this is really refreshing.
We wonder how many
dailies in Virginia would have the
to talk out in alter
society, I
replied the
humorist gravely, man did
something that forever shut him
out of
exclaimed the
worthy dame, what was
died some eight hundred
years replied Stockton,
The Sun's Rule.
The Baltimore Sun is one of the
paying paper.-, in America,
better see us before you buy.
And if you want top price for
your country produce bring it
to us.
Witherington Lilly,
Ayden, N. C.
You cannot make clouds for
others live the clear light
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric
offices shops. Hooky Mount,
N. C, and Sumter, S. C
prices and designs- address Rocky
Mount Office.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will lie if be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an daring the lifetime
f insured.
Physician, and
Office in Brick Block.
Within the garden, when the thrush
In golden strains the morning
And thrilled to Bang the waiting
Among the roses, Love awoke.
There was a dream within his eyes,
An untold joy housed in his heart,
And his smile flu-glad surprise
Of secrets that the winds impart.
He breathed the Springtime's
The sun pulsed through his reins
like wine;
Ah, it chance he turned to see
Life passing by With skill
Wild music from
And stole
Then, pleading
His pilfered
Charlotte Becker
die thrush he
rose's garnered
for her kiss, ha
treasure at Lift's
Chronicle's pi
glory in the
Richmond lie
helpers and their best
and if it could bu v a political
campaign going all the lime it
would have money to burn. Yes-
it had over two pages of
political matter which was paid for
at transient advertising rates.
Maryland the newspapers print no
political announcements, no
peals to no praise of can-
no criticism of policies, or
tickets except as regular advertise-
at hi During the
past mouth the Sun has put thou-
I sands of dollars to the good by
charging for publishing matter
papers other cities
without charge. It charges both
parties alike and will permit the
man w foot the bill to say what
he pleases, even to attacking the
position of the Sun if he desires to
do so.
The Sun is right. Why should
a newspaper foot bill for
campaign literature Why
shouldn't the managers
include n the expenses enough
money to print all announcements,
appeals, appointments, and every-
thing else the party wish
to give to the pay
for posters, circulars, traveling ex-
tons of pamphlets and
other Why shouldn't
they pay newspapers for the use of
their News
An Editor's Property.
Correctly says an
The columns of a newspaper is
the editor's farm, his shop, trace,
his trade, his grocery, his law
office or profession, and when he
donates space for which he gets
return, he just as the farm-
that gives away his pigs
chickens and butter eggs, or
the professional man who gives
advice gratis.
Anyhow, Booker DO longer
Hi at he holds the
white house
A torpid liver deranges the whole
system, and produces
Sallow Skin and Piles.
There is better
aimers .
The Christian is sure to be lean
if he keeps his manna laid up in a
The man with a tender heart
does not need to demonstrate it
by the softness of his head,
There is bound to be a in
the sermon when it has one on
creed and other the

glared in the post office N. C, class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A desired at every poll in Pill mil adjoining counties.
to fiction
Pitt County, N. C, Tuesday,
We do not think the election in
New York city has any national
significance whatever, but such is
not the case with the Ohio and Mary-
land elections. The former
that Ohio is hopelessly
for the nest national election,
while the democratic victory in
Maryland is very encouraging from
a democratic point of view. The
election of is a sharp thrust
at Roosevelt and his friends, who
went to great personal effort to in-
in the Maryland campaign.
Maryland it now solely and solidly
democratic, and we look to her to
keep her place in the national cam-
Massachusetts, Iowa, Nebraska,
New Jersey and Colorado are
ally republican, as expected, while
there were democratic victories in
a republican
in Island, Kentucky and all
the Southern states in which
were held.
The democrats hope d to carry
Ohio, but the politicians knew how
the above state would go. Tom
Johnson's defect eliminates him as a
presidential we don't
know but what it is a good thing for
We are no enthusiastic admirer of
Tammany Hall, but sometimes we
have to love it for the enemies it
About the most thoroughly con-
bit of history in
pal government has been made by
the unholy, hypocritical gang de-
by Tammany in Tuesday's
election. At the head of this mealy-
mouthed crew stands Seth Low, who
claims to be a non-partisan
whatever that may be. His
lingers have itched for office for
years, and he has made almost any
sort of deal to get As president
of Columbia college he was a fairly
useful citizen. As mayor of the
greatest city in the United States
he has been an utter failure, the sub-
alike for the ridicule and con-
tempt of the city and nation. His
claims to non-partisanship have
been proven impossible times with-
out number. New York is well rid
of him his followers in office
It is said that Tammany has elect-
ed good people this time, and that
there is every prospect of an
without cant and humbug-
Certainly New York has had
Whatever there is against
and the Lord knows there is
enough, it is no disgrace to have in-
curred ill-will of such blatant
cattle as J. Wiley Shook. The
peanut politician -of the
west standing joke in North Caro-
Since he ceased to be a
and was pried off the
federal seat, ho has assumed a more
or less threatening but not at all
toward Roosevelt and
his administration. As long as J.
Wiley was fed and clothed at the ex-
of the government, through
the favor of the republican
he licked the hand that fed
him morning, noon and night. Then
the G P. and especially the
Rooseveltian appendage thereto, was
good enough for him. But the
moment he was choked off the
teat he became the especial pro-
of the Lord whose mission it
was to give the president advice and
the rest of the country hot air. In
fact, J. Wiley isn't a bump on a log
in his own state or in any other, and
never will be. He is a crank to the
limit, and any party does good
when it gets rid of him.
We used to think that Col.
was not much of a
cs a of justice
and fair play for the under Jog, we
hold up the action taken by the
league on the dispensary
question. The letter of the law is
such that if petition for a dis-
election had been
to the board of at
Thursday night meeting, saloon-
keepers would have had only two
days in which to dispose of their
stock and get out of the business.
This would have meant confiscation
of all the liquor found in Greenville
the present licenses expire, as
none of it could be sold without
license, and no license could be
issued after the saloons are voted
out by the people.
The Watts law did not
plate injustice to the saloon keeper
in disposing of his stock and
and our temperance people
wisely and justly decided not
to present their petition for a dis-
until the January meeting
of the board of aldermen, which will
allow all who take out new licensee
to do business until June, 1904.
This does not mean, however, that
the campaign against the open
loon will be one bit less earnest and
continuous. The fight against the
saloon will go on up to the day of
the election, and the men and
John Sharps Williams, of Mis-
who will be the democratic
minority leader in this session of
congress, says the democrats will
win in 1904. Thomas J.
Washington correspondent of
Morning Post, quotes Congressman
Williams as
hope President Roosevelt will
be defeated for the
Mr. Williams interrupted. he
should be re-elected it would be a sad
day for the South. The president is
a faddist on the subject of the
and have no doubt that he would
rub it into the Southern states with
his peculiar ideas on the race prob-
should he be re-elected. With
a free hand there is no telling
Mr. Roosevelt would do. We of the
South would be the sufferer-. I
would welcome the nomination of
Hanna or any one else in preference
to Roosevelt. Mind you, think the
next president will will be a demo-
but a very good farmer. We who have put their hearts and
were mistaken in the first premise, i thoughts into the movement are
What tho colonel docs not know
about the game could be stuffed in-
to the hollow tooth of a
firm in the faith that they will put
an eternal end to the open saloon
regime in Greenville. As earnestly
wise that is the impression he of we hop- they will
making at present.
no such administration since the
the democratic party Johnson days when Theodore, We are bound to admire the
man the democrats Roosevelt was a power in of Asheville in going to work at
We sincerely that Tarn
will make good all along the line
this time, and give no further cause
for fusion and humbug campaigns
want to pin their faith to. He is too
sensational, spectacular and talks too
much. Besides, he is not looked
upon by conservative business men
as a safe man. He appears to care
too much for applause, no matter I . a a
what sort of principles bring it You never saw a fraud or fakir
who loved the press. Newspapers
The democratic party is in a much are hated by all whose actions won't
more condition since the stand light,
election. It may lose again in 1904,
once to rebuild the burned
um. Asheville must be one of the
most cities in the
state, judging by the loyalty and
enthusiasm put into the work of re-
pairing the ravages of the flames,
but now it seems that it will lose on
its merits, not. by reason of unsound
platforms and unsound leaders.
Maybe Prof. Basset t was fishing
for an invitation to dine at the white
The democratic gains are
aging, but one foolish can
Durham ought to be the proudest
city in North Carolina. It has next November.
ed out saloons and distilleries at one
fell swoop, and struck the liquor
business a staggering blow. We
consider this the most glorious
event in Durham's history, and join
the balance of the state in extending
the glad hand to one of the best and
most progressive business cities in
North Carolina.
Negroes and whites are all the
same to Roosevelt, and it appears
that neither his white or black guests
object to the company they are in.
Whoever falls heir to the job of
cleaning the white house when
Roosevelt leaves has our sympathy
in advance.
Just think of the possibility of
four more years of Roosevelt, and
bis Oh
No doubt Senator Hanna is high-
gratified to receive the Lord's en-
via J. Wiley Shook.
Well, we would have been
of a democratic victory in Ohio,
The election put the governorship
in the shade a trifle, but it will soon
sprout again.
The smile on Senator
face N of the genuine Sunny Jim
If publicity and notoriety were
Professor Bassett's objects, has no
kick coming.
Only great countries can afford to
robbed as this coon try been.
No doubt J. Wiley is now
wings on
Raleigh is now denying that
people walked her streets at night
during the fair, on account of being
unable secure
Raleigh ought not to mind a little
thing like that. If the yaps didn't
want to walk, why didn't they sit
For the first time since 1897, ex-
in the month of July, there was
a deficit for the fiscal year in the
United States treasury yesterday.
Why not appeal to et to
tide the government over its
We thought we had put a few
kinks into Seth Low, but that
picture him in the
Journal makes our effort look
like cents.
One paper says Prof. Basset
should explain. Not so. He should
his trap upon sub-
nor dip his pen in ink to write
upon it again
The prize liar of the universe now
has an opportunity to tell you how
many birds he would have
had not the wind blown the wrong
succeed. We haven't any
personal grudge against any man
in the saloon business in Greenville,
but we believe their trade is the
curse of the world, and we shall
welcome the day when not a drop if
whiskey is sold in North Carolina ex-
for medicinal purposes. The
dispensary is the best step in that
direction we have been able to find,
and we will be glad to see it
here, as a move toward
mate prohibition. The latter must
come some day, but the time for it in
Greenville is not yet. We have had
whiskey here too long to be able to
abolish the traffic at one fell swoop.
As some of the old fellows who are
in their die will
be more sentiment against the liquor
traffic. We must teach the young
people the shame of handling liquor.
We must appeal to their intelligence
and their pride. Every young man
who grows up without drinking
liquor or countenancing its use
living monument to sense and de-
Those New Jersey people are not
on to the latest kinks in the
social equality scheme, but
they will not be the
of were. Roosevelt
knows he can get u majority in New
Jersey, while Mississippi wouldn't
even vote for a with the same
initials as Roosevelt.
And yet people will go West and
North after having such facts as the
following continually before
Mount Airy, N. C, Nov.
busiest town in the state of North
Carolina today is Mt. Airy, the Gran-
City. Nearly all is laid
for our water works, the dam is built
for the power plant and the posts are
being planted for the electric
It takes one or two extra freight
trains daily to move our produce,
our the output of our
furniture tobacco factories. Our
tobacco warehouses are well
with tobacco that sells for sat-
prices, and a loafer in our
streets would attract almost as much
attention as a tracks. Both
are things of the remote past.
As an evidence of the pluck and
push of our town, our graded school
was burned down yesterday and
about seven hundred schoolchildren
turned out. Today they are com-
housed and keeps on
just the
The Durham Herald
are not exactly making
claim, yet we believe Durham
the bu prohibition town in
Yes, you luck U the
ship that brought you over.
Bassett's peculiar views will in-
Trinity College unless that in-
promptly repudiates him
and kicks him out.
Never again will Tom Johnson
look with composure upon a circus
tent or automobile.
The murderer of Senator Sim-
father will probably be hung,
and that is right, but oh my
don't you know if Daniela
were a rich man and powerful ha
would not be hung That is not
From what we can piece together
regarding the present Central Amer-
somebody has hit
somebody else on the wrist, and now
somebody else . won't play in some-
body's yard any more.
Senator republican,
says the democratic triumph in Mary-
land was due to the issue.
Well, you couldn't expect Maryland
to do anything else under the cir-
We look to Senator Gorman to
get the fullest benefit for the party
and himself from the democratic
victory in Maryland. Chances like
that don't grow on plum
Having managed to exist without
a circles or fair this year, Durham is
now to get up a base ball
in which the people may or may
not get their money's worth.
The crop of cranks doth multiply
exceeding fast.
j J. Wiley is probably awaiting the
reply to his telegram.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
Diogenes Died too Soon.
A Union county a few
days ago called at the office of Our
Home, a weekly newspaper pub
at Marshville, paid for the
paper a year in e said
a dollar more. It's to
pay for tie paper during the time
I was reading it but was not a sub
Diogenes died too soon. It be
had lived until would put
up at of Mr. J. N.
that is, the name of this
prince of honest begged
to learn honesty of him.
Proceedings of Board of
The board of county
were in regular monthly
session on the 2nd, all the
being present.
The following were
made from the Paupers
I've had value received j county home
ferries witness
cost coroner clerk of
Superior court register of
deeds court
attorneys conveying
Let us that the example of
Mr, Sturdivant will he widely fol-
lowed. II so, this piper will tie
compelled to buy a large safe to
hold all the money that will accepted.
stock law territory
Monthly reports of treasurer
and superintendent of health were
in from those who have read-
the paper subscribing
for News and Ob
Raleigh Pamlico.
yOU knOW What it does u relieves a person of all desire
for strong drink or drugs, restores the nervous system to its normal
reinstates a man to his home and business. For full particulars
v Correspondence Greensboro, N. C.
The De-
Co. of N. C,
has been chartered, with office at
to build
the proposed Raleigh Pamlico
railroad, which is to from
Raleigh to Washington, N.
Income tax of all Federal officers
listed in this county for was
ordered refunded.
D. W Peebles was added to
pauper list to receive per
Publication was ordered in news-
paper three weeks that bids
will be received on Dec.
f r a bridge
Tar river at
Lauds J. Smith, Swift
Crock township, reduced from
on which construction is soon to
begin. The of to and Value from
construction company are B.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
N. C.
Barbee, of Raleigh, T. M. Wash,
of Wilson and H. Crock-
Engineers are now
the route, party going from
toward Washington and
the other from Wilson toward
Raleigh. The capital stock of the
construction company is
Mr. is the principal
stockholder. Its charter gives it
broad powers.
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by load.
E. A. Jr., D. D. Gardner, E. A. Sr.,
President Vice-President. Treas.
D. D. Gardner, W. R. Smith, E. A. Sr.,
We manufacture the best baggies on this market. We em-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
line of Harness and first class Farm Wagons.
Call and examine Stock.
E. Sr.,
Attention, Tobacco Farmers.
The To
Co. has been
under the laws of North Carolina,
and all arrangements necessary
have been made for the conduct
of a tobacco warehouse, business
at warehouse, Green
ville, N. C. We ask the patron-
age support of the tobacco
growers of the simply on
the ground of merit and mutual
This is a corporation, and
like an individual business part
the stock holders are in
no way responsible for any debts
that may be made by the company.
We simply say this because the
report has been circulated to the
contrary. We shall endeavor to
merit your patronage. We don't
promise you more than anyone
else, but we do at all
tee you the best market price.
Look into this business, examine
its and see if it is not to
your interest to support and pat-
Yours to Serve,
The Consolidated
co Co.
Established 1901.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric
Macon, Ga.
Branch and shops, Mount,
N. C, and S. C
prices address Rocky
Mount Office.
Suggestion for 1904.
Melville W. Fuller, of Illinois,
for president, and George D.
New York, for vice
president, have just been suggest-
ed to us as a strong team for the
democratic nomination for 1904
These men have always been
democrats with clean re-
Rev. Dr. Ivey, editor of The
Methodist Advocate, says the
in membership this year will be
fully as large as it was last year,
it amounted to He
says there is more activity
church building than in the past
years, and that the church
at will be the handsomest
Methodist church in the state ex
the one at Greensboro.
J. H. Harris and Alfred Moore
were released from graded school
taxes in Farmville township on
property lying outside of school
Heirs of J. J. Noble,
township, were refunded taxes on
1901 and 1902
Lands of T. F. Nelson
in township were reduced
value from to
Lauds of J. R. Barnhill and
in Carolina
township, in value from
P. E. F.
Powell, Carolina; C. L. Stokes and
H. Creek; O. C.
Nobles, were released
from poll tax for 1903.
J. L. Fountain and Dr. J. Mer-
rill presented a bond for
for the faithful performance of
certain obligations, embraced
said bond, in the building of a
public bridge at on Tar
A petition was by a
large number of citizens, on north
side of Tar river, asking the board
to reconsider the of a
bridge at Petition was
declined and notice of appeal
R. Mayo filed protest against
opening a road across his land
leading from the public
bridge at
The sheriff made report that he
bad laid out and established a pub
lie road from point W. J.
to point near Bethany
church, in accordance with an
order issued by the board at June
The following invitations have
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. Blow
requests the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter,
Mary Dorcas,
Mr. William Haywood Jr.
on Wednesday afternoon,
November the eighteenth
nineteen and three,
at half after three
Saint Paul's
Greenville, North
Washington, Oct.
today issued his annual
thanksgiving proclamation, In the
By the resident of the United
The season is at hand when,
according to the our
people, it falls lie president
to a f praise and
to God.
During last year the Lord
has dealt bountifully with us,
giving us peace at home and
the chance for our citizens to
work for their welfare
by war, or plague. It be-
hooves us not only to rejoice
greatly because of what has been
given but to accept it with a
solemn sense of
that under heaven it
rests with us ourselves to show
that we are worthy to use aright
what has thus em rusted to
our care. no other place
at no other lime has the
of government of the people,
by the people, for the people, been
tried on so vast a scale as here in
our own country the opening
years of the century.
Failure would not only be a dread-
thing for us, but a
thing all mankind, because it
would mean loss of hope for all
who believe the power and the
righteousness of liberty There-
fore, thanking God for the
mercies extended bi us
we beseech Him that He may not
withhold them in the future, and
that our hearts may be roused to
war steadfastly for good and
against all the forces of evil, pub-
and private. We pray for
Strength, and light, so that the
years we may with clean-
fearlessness and wisdom,
do our allotted work on the earth
in such manner as to show that we
are not altogether unworthy of the
blessings we hare received.
Therefore, I Theodore Roosevelt,
president of the United States, do
designate as a day of gen-
Thursday, the
26th of the coming November,
do recommend that throughout the
land the people cease from their
wonted occupations their
several homes places of
ship render thanks unto Almighty
God for His manifold mercies.
In witness whereof I have here-
unto et my and caused the
seal of the United States to be
Done at the City of Washington,
this 31st day of October, the
year of our Lord thousand,
hundred three, and of
the independence of the United
States the hundred and twenty-
Theodore Roosevelt.
By the
John Hay, Secretary
Carelessness is
many a railway
wreck and the
same causes are making human
wrecks of sufferers from
and the
advent of Dr. King's New Dis-
for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, even the worst
can be cured, and hopeless
nation is no longer,
Mrs- Lois of
Mas-., is whose life
was saved by Dr.
Discovery. is
guaranteed for all
Lung by
Store. Price and 91.00.
Late Trains,
into v
Th afternoon height trains are bottles free,
making late schedule now and do
not get in much ahead of the mail
train. Two trains a day are the
great need on this road.
buy. cat
tie, especially
G, T.

If. C
It shameful when youth fails
I to proper respect tor old, age,
R. L, Humber went to Hamilton jut contrary in the case
today, Dr. King's New Life
maladies no matter
W. R. Parker . w old
day from Everetts. age, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever,
T. H. returned Wed-
evening from Bethel.
Dr. and Mrs. of Wash-
up on the boat today.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. West
child left this morning for Durham.
Mrs. Susan
day evening W ville.
H. H, . t Kinston, was
here today.
Miss Ella Eure returned Wed-
evening a visit to
OH. P. Hill, of Wilmington, came
morning to A. A. An
Lillian Bland, of f Ayden,
who has been visiting Mi-s
day evening.
The board of governors of the
Carolina Club will initial
this evening.
There will be a business meet-
of the Carolina o'clock
R. C. Cannon returned to Ayden
B. L. Humber returned Inure
day evening from
B. F. Sugg, of Washington,
came up this
Miss Nell Skinner returned
Thursday evening from school at
E. S. Edwards and daughter,
Miss Ida, of spent the day
here Thursday i
Miss Bettie of Ashe
ville, who has been veiling Mrs.
H. T. King, left this morning.
F. A. Bishop left this
morning for Elm City Wilson.
Muses Patter Skinner and Sallie
Cotten left this Tar
P. of Washington
City, who has his
brother, K. B. returned
home Thursday
Mrs. Bird, of Atlanta, win
visiting her daughter,
Mrs. T. B. Queen, left
Terminated with an ugly cut on
the leg of J. B.
Grove, It developed a stubborn
ulcer unyielding to doctors and
and remedies four Then
Salve cured.
It's just as good for Bums, Scalds,
Skin Eruptions and Piles.
at Drug Store.
Consider the ways of
dray; it has a but it
Constipation all yield so this per-
Pill. at Drug
Knocking a man down for calling
you a liar doesn't improve the
was severely with kid-
trouble. I tried all of
medicines, none of which relieved
me. One day I saw an ad of your
Electric Bitters and determined
to try that. After a few
doses I felt relieved, and soon
thereafter was entirely cured, and
have not seen a sick day
Neighbors of mine have cured
of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver
and Kidney troubles and General
This is what B. F
Bass, of Fremont, N. C. writes.
Only at Drug Store.
easier for the average woman
to land a husband than it is to
keep him landed.
Mr. C. of Geneva, O., had
the piles for years. Doctors and
dollars could do him no lasting
good. Witch Hazel
Salve cured him permanently. In-
valuable for cuts, burns bruises,
-prams, laceration, eczema,
rheum, and all other
disease. Look for the name Del
on the others
are cheap, worthless counterfeits.
Sold by Jno. L. Wooten.
II the parent of
T knows b
Dr. s
German Liver Powder
a hit
of one of
together with our
Ml which contain authentic
patients who have
tan wonderful Do not
PM aid full at Is
The American Co.
on a
Jealousy makes a woman
-lie secure a monopoly
man's love by acting up.
One of the most remarkable cases
of a cold, deep seated on the lungs,
causing pneumonia, is t of Mrs.
Gertrude E. Marion,
who was entirely cured by the use
Cough Cure. She
coughing and straining
so weakened me that I ran down
in weight from to pounds.
I trial a of remedies to no
avail until I used One Minute
Cough Cure. Four bottles of this
wonderful remedy cured me en-
of the cough, strengthened
my lungs and restored me to my
normal weight, health and
Sold by John L.
Beware the man who never
did any tiling wrong. There's a
first time for everything.
Letters from
Cured by the use sf are received daily.
Their troubles nearly all begin with
or other stomach disorder.
If the food you eat fails to give strength
to your body. It Is because the juices
by the stomach and digestive organs
Inadequate to transform the nutrient prop-
of the food Into blood. That it
indigestion. The system is deprived of the
of nourishment required to keep up
the strength, and the result it that one or
more of the delicate organs gradually grows
weak, and then weaker, until finally Is
diseased. Here a great mistake Is made.
That of treating the diseased organ. The
beet doctors In the land make this very
mistake. Why should they It Is so
to see that the trouble is not there.
This famous remedy puts the stomach and
digestive organs In a healthy condition so
that rich, red blood is sent coursing through
the veins and arteries of every muscle, tissue
and fiber throughout every organ of the en-
tire body, and by Nature's law of health, full
strength and vigor is soon restored to each.
cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
stomach disorders.
I have taken for nearly two months
after each meal and It Is the only remedy
that gave relief from the terrible pains I
endured. After a time would take It but
once s day. and now, while I keep a bottle
handy, I seldom need It, as It has cured me.
Mrs. J. W. Milo Center, N. Y.
Digests What You Eat.
only. Sirs Ti times the trial
size, which Mils for cents.
by E. O. DeWITT CO.,
Not Quite
How often you ran get
thing clones
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
wt, will see that your tool
box does not a single
useful article.
Of Course
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding, Shingle and tile
work a specialty.
D. W.
From experience I testify
that DeWitt s Little Earl Risers
are as a liver pill.
They are rightly Darned because
they give strength energy
their work will. T.
Tex. Thousands
of people using these tiny little
preference lo all
they are so pleasant and
effectual. They cure biliousness,
torpid liver jaundice, head-
ache, constipation, etc. They do
weaken, but cleanse
Sold by Jno. L.
A woman cure her husband
of the tobacco habit by
his cigars for him.
Dyspepsia Cure does for
the that which it is
able to do for f, even w hen but
slightly disordered or
Dyspepsia Cure supplies
natural juices of digestion and
does work of the stomach, re-
the nervous tension, while
inflamed muscles of
are allowed to rest
Dyspepsia Cure digest what
eat and enables the stomach
and digestive to
all food red blood. Sold
by Li Woolen.
It may be that matches are made
only in heaven, the tire
never goes out in the other place.
Never kick a man calling
a donkey unless you are
ions to prove the truth of his
I have employed a Slater
and prepared to do slate roof-
Orders for any work in my
line receive prompt attention.
Work room over Baker
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought end Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
. M. Schultz.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax Snarl,
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Floor Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
At h Seeds, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and WoodeD
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M. Schultz.
The Board of Commissioners of
Pitt county will on Monday, Dec.
7th, 1903, receive bids for the
building of a bridge across Tar
river at For
apply to the Register of Deeds of
By order of the Board of Coin-
B. Williams, Clerk.
Nov. 2nd, 1903.
N. C.
Practice la all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
and other claims. Prompt
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and
American and Italian Marble
Wire and Iron Pane Sold
work and prices
d on a spot lion.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
river tries
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and tor
all ts for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N. O.
T. H. MYERS, Agent,
If. O
North Carolina,
Pitt County. Superior Court
James H. Gray
Annie Gray.
The defendant Annie Gray will take
notice that an action entitled as e
has against her in the
Superior Court of Pitt County by the
plaintiff for the purpose of
a divorce from the bonds of
upon f of abandon-
and the said defendant will
further take notice that she is
to appear before the Judge of our
Court, at a court to be held for
the County of Pitt at the court house
in Greenville on ninth
after the first Monday in September,
it being the th day of November
and answer the complaint, which
will be deposited in the of the
Superior court of said within
the first three days of said term, and
then and there answer or to
said complaint within the time
ed by law, or the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded
in the complaint.
This the 26th day of September 1803.
r , . t D- c- MOORE,
Clerk of the of Pitt Co.
North Carolina,
L. B. Williams and T. L. Williams
of Township, Pitt County,
North Carolina hereby enter and lay
claim to acres more or less of
cant land in township
aforesaid county and state
and described as
Lying between the lands of Jordan
Nobles and warren Stocks and adjoin-
the lands of Jordan Nobles, War-
reP, Stocks, H. M. Williams, M. u.
Williams, A. U. T. L.
and Frank and
heirs cast of in vest
This the day of September 1903.
Witness, R. Williams, en-
try Taker. A. Blow,
for Pitt County, N. C.
Any person, or persons, claiming ti-
to, or interest In the above
ed land must file their protest, in writ-
within the next days or they
will be barred.
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt County having issued Letters of
Administration to me, the undersigned
on 6th day of Oct. 1903, on es-
of J. A. K. deceased,
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
indebted to Estate to make
payment to the undersigned, and
to all creditors of said Estate to
sent their claims properly
to the undersigned,
TWELVE MONTHS after the date
this Notice, or this Notice will
plead in bar of recovery.
This the 6th day of Oct.,
Administrator of the Estate of
By virtue of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt County made at Sept.
term by His Honor Fred Moore
Judge presiding, In the case of James
S. et vs. Daniel Sum-
et undersigned com-
missioner will sell for cash, before
court house door, in Greenville, on
Monday the 9th day of Nov. the
following described piece or parcel of
land, situated In the county of Pitt,
and in Greenville township, on
north side of Tar river adjoining
lands of the late Susan D. Brown and
William Whitehead. Beginning at a
stake in the old Washington road and
running thence south west poles
to the fork of the Greenville and Tar-
and Gum Swamp roads, thence
down the Greenville and Tarboro road
south east poles, thence w
poles to the beginning, containing
This F. G. JAMES,
One H. P. Boiler and engine.
Boiler returns flue, Engine in good
running order. One patent tooth
saw. Saw frame and foot carriage,
Hatchet head-blocks, up-to-date on
cut-off saw, shaft and pulleys, one
saw Pratt gin, feeder and condenser,
good as new, two lines of shafting
pulleys, one Cotton Press run with
steam power, belting, fixtures and
One inch heavy top runner,
miter gearing, makes good meal. All
in good running order. Any person
good bargains, come and exam-
for themselves.
The outfit can be bought
Apply to
Conetoe, N, C.
N. Q.
The complete In la
and prices as
Highest market prices
. . . . , , I M. Blow, who is authorized to rep- I
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Go.
1903. kinds of scroll and turned
The attendance upon the Free done to order by the Winter-
Will Baptist conference at Reedy Co.
Branch during the past week was
tremendously large. This
has a very large member-
ship throughout the South and the
meeting just held added no little
to advancement and welfare.
The meeting was harmonious
throughout those participating
In its deliberations expressed
themselves as greatly pleased
with the results attained.
the of
goods we went north early and
purchased stock of fall and
winter goods feel sure that we
can save you money we bought
bulk of our stock at old prices and
sell tame way.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Charlie White, of Greenville,
was here
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing done. Work
Mrs. James of Green-
Till, was guest Mrs. R. G.
Chapman Wednesday night.
We have spared no time in
our stock and we think we
an suit the must
F. Co.
wash out of the old North
Carolina pine, also of gums.
the very best kind of wood
that can be used. Apply to
Mfg. Co.
Head, N. C, Oct.
G. Cox Mfg. Co.,
Winterville, N. C,
been handling the
back band for five years,
find them to be all right.
Yours truly,
J. R.
Miss Beatrice Nye celebrated
her first anniversary last Monday
and the presents
received from the tots present
Will cause her little to
beat in joyful of
many more such events. It was
pleasant and
grown folks could not have ex-
celled It.
The Winterville Mfg. Co. make
a specialty of
We have a nice line hats for
both old and
at prices
we very
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber St Co.
Now a word to the wise. Go to
B. F. Co., before
their bargains are exhausted.
Farmers I There's no
politics save for the few, but in
our great bargains there's money
for you. Right at this time we
are making a special run on wire
lance. Make prove it.
Certain friends wish to
ourselves, but we the
joke is good.
Rev. Mr. Butler, of the Free
Will church, preached in
the Missionary Baptist church
here Thursday night.
Win. Richardson, of Salem, is
here canvassing
and seems to be meeting with
G. A. Kittrell Co. have sup
ply of seed rye for sale.
We would call attention to the
fact we have added goods to
our line of merchandise re-
the public to call
and Mfg.
Thursday A. G. Cox
Co. made a shipment of
Cox cotton to Texas.
This is about the earliest shipment
ever made. Should present
high prices of continue, the
coming bids fair to be the
the largest in the history of the
Partridge season has opened
lull blast and the sportsman in
For Rent or house and
lot located between Josephus Cox
and A D. Cox on Academy street.
Apply to C. A. Fair.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
highest cash market price for
your cotton seed.
For brick see G. A. Kittrell
Co. They have recently burned a
kilo and will reason-
able to suit times.
A. G. Cox Mfg. have
occasion to special runs on
buggies. run
themselves. it seems to
be to make them fast
enough to supply the demand.
The Cigar Co, don't
belong to the trust. Send
right along and get the best
cheroot in the world for the money
and patronize home industries.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Bring your cotton to Winter-
ville and have it G. A.
Kittrell Co. will buy your seed
at the gin pay highest market
I prices or give you meal in ex-
change for
See If L. the jeweler.
Repair promptly done. Work
B i J. D.
Cox Board day. Best
House town.
B. F. Co., will pay
the highest price for your
Button seed.
Mr. the Drag Store
will be pleased to show you their
line of handsome gold and fountain
Up to date. The of Tar
Heel Oak wagons has been up
to date all the while, as
less customers will To
please people, who want them
to look like western wagons
we are taking special pains
with the finish of same. A visit
to our show room would doubtless
make you feel like you were in
some western establishment. Those
We have in stock the best line
of shoes ever offered here and can
fit you in both size and price.
Bring your family and we will
keep this red on, so we will make
the shoe squeal before you get it
your foot. B. F. Manning Co.
Mrs. James and Miss
Nannie were visiting at
Cooper's this week.
C. A. Davis, of Eureka, spent
here on business.
Prof, of
a short while here
A nice buggy robe feels just as
good as it looks those frosty
mornings. Come see
fine large assortment
Misses Hattie Kittrell and
went over near Ayden
and the afternoon
day with Daisy
Miss Lee of Kinston,
has been spending the week with
Miss Dora Manning.
Miss Stella of Kinston,
was here during conference as the
guest of Miss Debbie Manning.
It snowed Friday. Maybe you
saw it it snowed.
Dr. Cox in to his drug
stock always has on hand a com-
line of free school books, pen
scratch tablets, pens, pencils,
the finest assortment of box
stationery ever to Winter-
We hope that you won't mind being prodded gently
about your Winter Suit-for it's time you were thinking about
If every man in town, who goes to the tailor for his
clothes should see the
Suit Elegance
w are showing, we are very much afraid that some
of the tailors to close up shop.
See the three and four button Sack suits, single
and double breasted styles. Hand-padded collars, narrow
hand-padded lapels and hand made buttonholes.
cut in width, with narrow welted side seams.
Yes, sir, we want you to buy one of these you will
find it satisfactory to the last degree, and come again. .
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Dry Goods, Hats and
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies, Cakes, Crackers Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Ci-
gars. Pure Apple Cider
Fruits and Vegetables, Hominy
and Canned Goods. Green Roast-
ed Coffee. and Soaps.
Tinware. .
Winterville, N. C.
A Full Line of Millinery
Richmond. Potomac R.
R. and Southern Railway.
The Richmond Washington
The connecting the
Coast Line Railway,
Ohio Railway,
Ohio Railway,
Railway, Seaboard Air Line Rail-
way Southern Railway and
between all via
Va. Fast mail, passenger, express
and freight route Rich-
Washington, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York, Boston,
some western u
who are skeptical call and see Pittsburgh, Buffalo and a I
i. and west.
for G. Cox Mfg.
Mrs. Minnie Barden, of Ply-
mouth, has been visiting Mrs. A.
D. Johnston during the week.
Mrs. F. and little
of Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Browning and Miss Nellie
Reek, of City, N. J., who
been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
O. A. Fair since Tuesday, all left
for their homes Friday morning.
points north, south, east and west.
W. D.
C. Mgr.
W. P. Taylor, Traffic Manager.
With Secretary Wilson dogging
the boll weevil to its den and P.
sleuthing after the
trusts, it seems that the hunting
microbes of Nimrod Roosevelt have
invaded the entire
It is serious. When you need Medicine you need it
quickly, and the best obtainable.
are ever permitted to enter our store. We have a full
line of all wall known and thoroughly reliable medicines.
cm such as will meet their par-
ailment. Our prices, like our goods, are popular.

If c.
w .
J. Proctor Bros
If you want lumber t build a house,
furniture to go in it, slothing and
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your or for
supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in full blast and are
pared to gin cotton, corn,
aw and, do all kinds
f turned work for balusters
and house We also
do of
When the girl gets the swim-
it is a sign
fat where it doesn't show any
other way.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Groceries
and Hardware can found
here. Whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can he
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
anything the farmer sells.
H. C.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and The
only Soda Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
We are proud of our shoe stock this We are
certain we have the line we have ever shown and we are
that no other store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
, are our strong we arc able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative
we invite a thorough inspection of our in
la character, ULTRA In every feature that con-
tributes to lit, comfort In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to lovers of good taste in
shoe which we have never yet had to make apology.
Shoe Is constructed on common-sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
I if . or a w.-ll and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Lonely lam today, and
Questioning fate, and dallying
with fear.
That vaguely whispers warning in
Of unknown dangers, past my finding
Until wonder what nil about
My life on this unsatisfying
The solitary quest from year to
My soul within and all the world
And then hear your footstep on the
And feel the clinging question of
your kiss,
gently Love My in de-
At your approach, have fled to the
strange it seems that should
ever care
For any cause or beyond
Elisa Barker.
An Errand to Do.
The Home of Women's Fashions.
g i j P Dull
For Bargains
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Shoes, Hats, Caps and
B. BRO.,
Eastern Carolina.
One brother is a rich merchant in
the Straits Settlements on the Malay
Peninsular. The other brother was,
until a few weeks ago, the cook in a
cheap restaurant on S. Clark-st.
The merchant sent to the cook a
draft for sufficient money to pay his
expenses out to Asia, and the cook
baa given up his job and has started
for his brother's home. The inter-
thing about the whole
dent is the letter, written by the
wealthy merchant, which
the draft.
In the first place the draft was
made payable in New York.
send yon the money in a draft
payable in New wrote the
brother from far-off Asia.
can go over and get it cashed there.
On the way I wish yon would stop
at Texas and see brother Thomas,
haven't heard from him for two
years now, and I'd like to know how
he's getting
Editor Poe's Apology.
We make mistakes, as some other
people do, but we hope we shall ever
have the manliness to acknowledge
our mistakes when we sec them.
Re-reading our rather hastily
pared account of the Greensboro
we are convinced that
reference to an aged and distinguish-
ed North Carolinian should not
have it was
unnecessary and because it so was
fortunately worded as to suggest
lack respect for a man full of years
and of honors. No one. we are
sure, is further from such a feeling
than we are; and our only object was
to question the of trading
on the reputations of aged veterans
when the effect of bringing them for-
ward is merely to give a pitiful con-
to their old-time strength and
eh Farmer.
L, N. m
j Mrs,
The W. T. U. held its public
E. church last
night. Mrs Martin, the
president, made a very interesting
talk op her to the convention
after which followed programs
of selected songs by the choir and
a reading recitation by Miss
Geneva Andrews.
Mr. of Norfolk, was
in town today.
Jennie Whichard, of Rob-
is visiting Miss Mabel
Mrs. Cherry, of
own shopping today,
little town seem to be la
the quite a large crowd
of young people stopped at the
hotel last a gay
Prof. Everett is spending the
evening with the
Mr. and Mrs. left today
for a flying trip to Norfolk.
Sam Gainer is in Rob-
The revival will in at the
Baptist church tomorrow night.
Bey. J. B. Edmonson, of Littleton,
will help in the meeting-
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
yon can get honest goods at living prices. So-
large k before you buy and be satisfied with your
Suits, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that
our goods becomes our customers. Just give tie a trial
and save money.
he market is a Little Better and the always
is not satisfied to do as the farmer as any
other warehouse, but its motto is to do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. You have heard the old
saying about proof of the Just bring
your tobacco we will show you the proof high
The On y
To get the confidence of the pros-
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
The Reflector.
the man who makes mistakes
that does something; the man that
makes none does nothing. The
squirrel that lives in the trees which
surround the capital and the birds
which in their branches make
no mistake, hut fulfill their narrow
mission with unerring certainty, but
the men who guide the affairs of state
are often perplexed, and often make
blunders, which may de-
their powers to do things
If North Carolina furnished the
Confederacy more men than any
other state did, it should have the
credit of the achievement; if it didn't
it is high time the straight of the
matter were arrived. But it did.
The claim wouldn't otherwise have
gone unchallenged so
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when d
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
Every fabric known, both imported and
domestic. Fashion's latest and
can be found here.
By far the most artistic line of Paris Models,
Hats we have ever
shown. We spare neither expense or pains to
give our customers the latent styles, best ma-
and the best workmanship that money
and brains can produce.
extra Heavy
Lined Shirts and draw-
each garment,
Heavy Ribbed, Taped neck
Fleece Lined Union Suits,
and children's,
All Prices.
and Children's
all prices
Black Mercerized
worth 1.00, special,
pairs extra size 11-4
White Blankets,
no cents
pairs Grey Bed Blankets j O
With inch Flounce,
31-2 inch 2.00,
Pairs All-Wool Fine
Pants, worth i O C
1.00 and 1.50, special,
The kind that wears, holds it shape
and color and gives satisfaction.
For Ten days extra cut
prices on the line
of Clothing Overcoats
Chairs, Couches,
Carpets, Mattings
Rugs, Oil Cloths,
Wardrobes, Cradles.
Rev. W. E. Cox went
Friday evening.
Miss Cox left Friday even
for den.
Miss Laid Harper has returned
from a visit to Wilson.
W. Atkins returned Friday
evening from a trip up the road.
J. S. Norman returned Friday
i evening from a trip on road.
N. S. M. A. Smith,
of Washington, are in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. of Kin-
arrived this morning.
Mrs. S. M. Jackson, of Ply month,
arrived Friday evening to
her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Bryan.
Miss Bertie Jackson, Ply-
mouth, arrived Friday evening to
visit her sister, Mrs. J. W. Bryan.
Miss Lillian Taylor, of Gold
Point, arrived today to visit Misses
Lena Georgia Anderson.
R. D. Bo. Cherry left this morn-
for the western part of the
L. H. Lee and two daughters,
Misses Maude and Edith May,
returned Friday evening from a
visit to
i w a v
Internal Difficulties.
Little Archie Richards, at the
close of the dinner,
says Magazine, tat at
the with his face suffused
with tears. His mother was great-
troubled. a sweet smile
and with gentle intonation she
one aim around her little baby
boy and
is it mamma's little
to cry.
made another effort to
find out the trouble.
mamma's baby boy want
some more she asked.
said the child, while
the tears continued to
he want more
she further inquired.
he further replied.
said the mother,
a last effort to reach ibis case,
what baby
The little boy managed some-
how so Bay between sobs, want
tome of this out I've got
The Psalm.
Lives of lien-pecked men remind
Who have not as yet been caught.
That we might leave sons behind
But we rather guess we'll not.
She that's trim may be a fat one,
She that's sweet day be
When by merely looking at on
She will squelch the soul
Lets us then go billing, cooing;
Let us call them sweet and fair;
It is lovely to be wooing,
But you'd right there.
Chicago Record-Herald.
The California man who pro
in his will fur an No.
to entertain those who
his funeral
a royal host in his
Men who are great on little
, things arc a to little on great
, thing.
The of the next
election forward Jo-
The late Mr. Bryan seems to be
having lots of trouble over the
Mr. Bennett's will. Atlanta

Stove Question
Becomes delightfully simple and
easy when once you come to the
conclusion that it is always
best to see the stock of BAKER
HART before buying. You will
Rave time and money and
get certain satisfaction. Our
is probably the in the
county, our prices appeal to
prudent people. This is a picture
of our airtight wood
Move. It is the demand of the
season. Has feed door in front,
heavy cast top bottom, with
dome and swinging cover on top. Body is made of
with steel
As usual we are fully prepared to furnish everything in
the hardware line promptly.
Sausage Choppers, Cooking Utensils, Stove
Pipe and Parts, Farming Implements, Etc.
Railway, we are told
by the Charlotte Chronicle, has be-
gun to the of
on its lines, as nearly
a list of the dead and injured,
the cause of the wreck and any other
notes of interest connected there-
This has been the policy of
Western and Northern roads for
some time. It is better than to at-
tempt to keep the news from the pub-
and prevents the circulation, in
instances, of grossly exaggerated
William E. Curtis says the chief
problem for nation is
that of We don't see
how even William could have said
such an unoriginal
Fresh Butter and
Chestnuts at M.
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
and other claims. Prompt
to all business.
r- R. L.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N. C.
Dental Surgeon
i, V Greenville,
The Newest Shapes in Furs
Fox, Squirrel, Mink,
sum, and
Seal. .
If you want Stylish Furs you
can buy here with confidence.
Styles in
Jackets and Coats
Style and Fit
If you want the right
have it. .
Our Skirts
Stylish in Appear-
and hang like
made to order gar-
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
The Entire Roster of the School
Matched to the Building to
Music by Osceola
of trustees, made some interesting
statements covering the progress
of the work in getting the building
and establishing the school. He
pointed out the obstacles which
the had met and how each
of them had been overcome. He
emphasized the noble part taken
by Mr. B. J. of the
trustees, th mention of this
was greeted with load applause
by the audience. It. was thought
Reunion of Brigade,
Petersburg, Va., Nov.
parade in honor of the reunion of
the survivors of Brigade,
which took place this afternoon on
the Battlefield, was a grand
pageant and was witnessed by
several thousand people. Those
who took part in the parade ware
four hundred camps of
the bonds veterans from all parts
bad been made the of
ordered the executive committee J 70th aDd regiments of
go ahead with contract for mate-1 volunteers, Richmond
rial erection the building. Richmond
After this was-under way, owing ; ; Light Artillery
children and fire
Laue Stern
Organized Under the Laws of
to the stringency in financial
tors northern firm bad
contracted the bonds withdrew;
its offer. It was here Judge the
Cobb showed his magnanimity of the
taking the bonds himself de- f Confederate Vet-
that work in a car-
an in paid a splendid The banks
history of Greenville. It marked
the dedication of our splendid
graded school ding, an. occasion
that had been for weeks looked
forward to with. pleasure, and
tribute to what Mr. Cobb had,
and public and private schools
done. He also gave some aDd was
showing the- cost of construction
This building complete fur P Market the
cost about tn survivors of
enlargement of the building foe dropped out cf line to be
So quietly and methodically was
the Consolidated To-
organized, that for
once, at least, to the credit and
of the promo
the public was not consulted,
and to this day not is
of the plan of organization except
by those who have done the work
those who are interested as
stock holders. True there are
some be outside who seem to
know a great deal about the com-
but the fact that
for the reply
received is they say so and
its management than or
poorest man in it. The object of
co-operation is to serve the interest
of the masses of the tobacco farm-
and not a favored few. If the
tobacco farmers will join us and
give us their help and patronage
explanation and
persuasion will not be necessary to
convince them where their inter-
Is anything you will say
about year plans and operations
sir. When I look back
over the past twelve years and see
the things that I for the
public, recall the I sat
at my desk in the lonely hours try-
to think and write, God knows,
in the interest of the tobacco farm-
of Eastern North Carolina and
the Greenville market, and then
realize how much my motives were
which will for to come be j the colored -school After received s by Mrs. on the outside is not
back with j paying out the Bf her darter, Mrs. The preferring
This dedication today was the bonds the following ii- both pinned , to always be correct in what it
-culmination of a d To j of the coats for the second time on
is evidence mat such persons
nothing more about the by some
company than any one else on the by others, l
That the company is actively
in business is generally
known, but that i
as the public does
in the way of information
have a disposition which came by
nature to say a good deal But in
these twelve I have learned
is about as much of Patience,
m know, it my friends will in charity
i overlook what I have said out of
the fullness of my heart, I will not
again refer to it.
there is a tobacco farmer in-
in Ibis and he
of each of
the our people to Daves j A contractors,
graded school, audit shots balance
can be when desks
are put and the. people windows
unite in their I making a total of Legion, which m knowing be was a mad whose
actors, Mr. O. L. who is said
heating PM the active head manager of and what
Having known by co operating with
intimately for years,
From the it seems
We IT. S. t .
Wise Merchant-
Get your ad ready for
the winter trade. The
man who goes after it
is the one who gets the
Send or invention tor
free report on Tor fire
Jas. F. Davenport,
In February of t he preset; had been
followed an address of be Upon, T of far mm
the legislature or t sun j to borrow the i j-asked give us a more purpose j.
a law giving the lean and tin town j X u
liege of voting he hail agreed to pup nun a large
issuing bonds to i h for the street beat crosses j people felt i
to graded i the proper, and thaw
said the music an in midst people of the know
.-w.-.-j. -.-
patents and
i T
The On y Way-
To get the confidence of the pros
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
editions of
Letters from
Cured by the use of are received dally.
Their troubles nearly all begin with
lion or other stomach disorder.
II the food you eat fails to give strength
your body, it is because the juices as-
anted by the stomach and digestive organs ,
ire inadequate to transform the nutrient prop-
of the food Into blood. That ii j
indigestion. The system is deprived of the I
of nourishment required to keep up i
the strength, and the result is that one or
more of the delicate organs gradually grow
weak, and then until finally It la
diseased. Here a great mistake Is made.
That of treating the diseased organ. The
best doctors in the land make this very
mistake. Why they It U so
to see that the trouble Is not there.
This remedy puts stomach and
digestive organs in a healthy condition so
that rich, red blood Is sent coursing through
the veins and arteries of every muscle, tissue
and fiber throughout every of the en
tire body, and by Nature's law of health, full
strength and Is soon restored to each.
cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all
stomach disorders.
have taken for nearly two months
after each meal and It U the only remedy
that gave relief from the terrible pains I
endured. After a time I would take It but
once a day, and now, while keep a
handy, I seldom need It, it cured me.
Mrs. J. W. Center, N. Y.
What You Eat.
jaw Ha MM
for SO
a. o.
We are showing a splendid assort-
of the newest and best, and
we are offering them at low prices.
Mohair, black,
Mohair, black,
Mohair, cream,
inch Silk
38-inch Cheviot Serge, colors,
53-inch Broadcloth,
36-inch de
27-inch de Crepe,
Mercerized Waitings, to
A. full line of DRESS Including Persian Bands,
Pendants, etc. e display of Dress Skirts
We carry the and
for ladies. We can surely J please every woman.
in the town. sums will clear me property turn; in on a it would l to in.- interest. his
held on the day of April all debt. prominent down town corner, to let marker. He
by a p d in Mayor H, W. touch of known, rather than leave the s warehouseman who has
rigor in literary to get i
work, but in cases it is , since the beginning of the market.
favor of the bond it MOO, At the in a address, con
same time a board of trustees was the town upon having
elected to take of the m such school and
J the log n of aW
making it
once to-carry out the for Care sung by,
people. By the middle of the-year the York
. .
i catchy
IT U , a moment Mr. f he wrote a tobacco
usual for
land Said to
Th. he
i boy, from the WM did to
me i to and build up his town
had matured and and W. d t business
of July made timely ad-; e of capital lb rough same lime The
for the was sHe said net . o too, was doing a great
the but t entire county he-,., , for the tobacco in-
being an in crest in this far y which, I to was repaid while the paper has
four months. already had Well . ., i. . . not been the
already a., had year,
Pat the children begin it that was awakening ; bays had from the market,
E. A. Jr., D. D. Gardner, E. A.
a Treas.
D. D. Gardner, W. R. Smith, E. A. Br.,
We manufacture the best buggies on this market. We em-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We in stock a full
line of Harness and first Farm Wagons.
Call and examine Stock.
early as possible, wax
ed in temporary tore b The entire audience joined the
I of Old
to the new building of this Col-
Ai V o'clock the I A. Sugg wade happy re.
teachers marks, the children that
the school at the feast, of apples,
headed by the them in the hall at the
baud, marched to the of
lug. It was an imposing his
bright, at manifested
accompanied by the people in the school,
. the street was thronged with another by
people to see them pass. At Fir the with
Points the wits he and
joints procession was stopped w R
long enough R. I
to lake a picture of them. In Demand.
At the building the pupils Prof. W-H.
people of the fined the of in Pitt
assembly room which the j is much in demand as a speaker
cities were held. at. educational meetings. This
After a selection by; the baud week he speaks Raleigh ac the
the audience sang Hail the state meeting of county
Power of A and next week he will
of Scripture was read and speak at two educational rallies
prayer offered by in Hyde county. He has also been
The pupils of the first grade asked to speak Atlanta on Dee.
sung a flag song, when ex-Gov. T. 31st, before the Southern
J. president of the board I lion Association and accepted.
ma came to the fore and u
his ownership of the But
. . . since that
the sheet, proving that he had
had k copyrighted before the firm
had begun to use it. It was a clear
case of infringement of copyright,
for, examining the photo-
graph, was found on it
most unreadable the copy-
right mark which gave the
title of
did it
the company had to pay
a royalty every copy of the
sheet that was sold and the
mate owner scooped up a pretty
good price for the firm's
of a small but very important
part of its
As a demoralizing the
street fair, or so-called is
equal to a lynching or a riot.
Farmers everywhere should set
their faces against these schemes
to help saloons and fakirs.
Shining lives seldom come out
of soft circumstances.
that time experience, the
school in which it is said fools
will learn, has taught me many
good a very Important one
being that, generally speaking, he
who writes or talks for public
benefits the public, while
what he says seized upon by
those who have neither the sense
nor inclination to write or talk
themselves, as an opportunity to
do him injury. Therefore having
no desire to damage the
Consolidated Tobacco to., which
it has been my great pleasure and
privilege to organizing, I
prefer saying nothing except that
in which the public may have a
I will say
charter of this corporation gives
us the power anything not
prohibited by the laws of North
Carolina. Under this charter no
its col u inns have always been
to the advancement of public in-
and especially the tobacco
industry and market. Several
times in recent we have
to Mr. Joyner that he again
write tobacco news, but for
some reason he has not done so.
However, he has always shown his
appreciation of the efforts of The
by liberally
columns its
job printing department.
Alfred Daniels Convicted.
Alfred Daniels, the tried
last weak court for
the murder of Mr. F. G. Simmons,
was convicted Saturday night after
the case had been to the jury thirty
Hr was sentenced to be hanged
Friday, Dec. 11th.
A by counsel
for a new trial was denied nod
stockholder is liable to the was taken to the supreme
amount of his stock. largest j court which was allowed
stockholder has no mere voice Id the appeal bond being required.

Eastern reflector, 10 November 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 10, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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