Eastern reflector, 29 September 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Fall Opening
I will have ray Fall Opening on
Friday, Sept. 25th.
T will show a good assortment of colors in Dress
Goods. Will mention a few things in black
goods. Mohairs, Serges, Crepes. Mel rose. Gran-
Cheviots, de
Cloths, etc. Will display a line of Mercer-
in whites and colors. Fancy No-
and Dress Trimmings of every description.
Also Ready-made Skirts and Petticoats,
one invited to inspect my new fall stock.
Jas. F. Davenport
Greenville N. C.
Dear When you can buy
paint for less than
save your money.
Mr. Plainfield,
N. J , always used gallons of
paint for bis house; took
Mr. Ezra Williams-
port, Pa, always used
Mr. Burt Young Pa.,
always used a gallon for certain
rooms; took half as much
Mr. Nathaniel Barber, Canton,
N, Y., bought used less
You can always buy paint for
save your
The wearing counts the same
way and doubles the difference.
The cost of painting is by the
gallon. Weak costs most;
Yours truly,
F. W. Co.
P. L. Carr sells our paint.
New White Front.
Greenville Banking
Trust Company,
Capital Stock Paid in
C .
R. 1.1 .
K. U.
hi. A. Sr.
W. M. Lang,
J. L. Woolen,
Dr. B. A.
Hosier Screw Door Safe,
Our officers are bonded.
We carry BURGLAR INSURANCE fur your
We will extend you any accommodation con-
good banking. Call and us.
Every woman should see that the per-
function in a healthy con-
The way is to take an occasional
dose of Wine of
Every is to condition
which bring on female
of women strength for all
the duties of life. It gives them strong
nerves freedom from pains.
Wine of not only cures but
guards the health. The organs quickly respond to
the healing vegetable ingredients of which Wine of
is composed. A healthy woman does well to
take this medicine on approaching her periodical
Wine of cures tho worst cases of
prolonged female troubles and has cured thousands
of them quickly and completely in the privacy of
Miss., May 1903.
Wine of and
is a sure cure fox all female disease. I recommend
tout medicine, to all my friends everywhere I go. Five months ago I
could not walk across the house without great but I am well again.
, have only taken four bottle, of Wine of
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
round per lb
lbs per bushel
i Duck
j head
I lb
i Geese
I low
j Hay
Wood's Seeds
Farmers and Gardener who de-
sire the latest and fullest.
and Farm Seeds
should write for Wood's New
Fall It tells all about
the fall planting of Lettuce, Cab-
and other Vegetable crops
which are proving so profitable to
southern growers. Also about
Crimson Clover, Vetches,
Grasses and Clovers,
Seed Oats, What,
Rye, Barley, etc
Wood's New Fall mailed
free on request. Write for it.
Richmond, Va.
Liver nils
That's w hat you need; some-
thing to cure your bilious-
; ; you a good
digest on. A -era Pills arc
liver r . y cure con
. .; I vi; J .
j Band Invention lot i
on For free i
Patents lid to
You are invited to come and see the latest
styles in wearing apparel.
Yours truly,
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use. them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are largo and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
ice cream, sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
N. C. Sept-
Shook has lost his
as division deputy under the com-
missioner of internal revenue.
When this fact noised abroad
it is to tell but half the story when
it is Mid that the act of
Yerkes provided a count-
less number of politicians with
food for discussion for a good many
days to-come.
Same Couple Married Twice.
There nil trial in the
court Wednesday that
. brought out some peculiar
stances-and culminated in a couple
being married the second time.
George and Sin, Susan
Tripp were indicted fur living to-
unlawfully. The evidence
was such that the verdict of the
declared the woman guilty
and the man not guilty. While
Danville, Va.,
Jones, colored, the murderer
of John Lee, a county,
North Carolina, farmer, whom he
killed and robbed in this city in
November, and who was to have
been hanged for the crime
row, was granted a reprieve by Berth Carolinians thronged this
the governor this afternoon. Jones thriving and little city
time will be extended two weeks today to the citizens la
and in the meantime in attorney of the Cape
will circulate a petition and Northern railway. This
the governor to commute his sea was indeed a gala day for Dunn
to life imprisonment. and Mr. John C. Angier was the
has already been convicted twice hero of the hour.
He originated a plot some
blow up with THIEVES
mite which was frustrated.
Wilton, accomplice, has
S. C,
S. C,
At o'clock last night, a bur-
was committed at the
During the
absence of the night clerk a thief
N. t;. Sept. wrenched one of the iron bars
five and six thousand patriotic from the rear window effected
an entrance to the main office.
Nine registered letters, the con
which are known, and
in small were
already paid the penalty for
the crime.
St. George Barnard it a Forger.
Richmond, Va., Sept. re
interesting to North Carolina
came to light this city to-
night. Mr. K. E. Daniel,
Pleasant Hill, declared in a
gram-received tonight that
the. deed of Huston his properly
the technically guilty, purporting to be signed by
the evidence showed that it was him the presence of St. George
hat through ignorance-
seems the woman some
yea is ago married a man
Tripp. After being together a
One Result of Sunday Trains.
Capt. G. Hawks, who is con-
on the Atlantic Coast Line
railroad, has tend red his resigns
of the M.
school in this on
duties as occasion-
Raleigh, N. C. Sept. Safe by the Sunday train being put
Crackers broke in the at read. It is with sincere
Apex about. o'clock yesterday j regret the Sunday loses
morning, blew open the safe Hawks, as through his
away about cash tiring efforts and unselfish interest
. Y a quantity of stamps. There in it has bonder-
is no clue. fully and is now one of the most
interesting North Carolina,
Colonel R B. Glenn Announcement, over scholars. It
Winston Salem, N. U. Sept. is intimated that a conductor will
To the OB with Capt. Hawks on
Unable to answer all letters re this train, thereby giving
I take method of an- every other in Kin-
Barnard, the, missing lawyer Free Press, 24th.
who married Miss Sallie, will be a candidate be-
Turner of Scotland the next
rank forgery. lion for the oBoe governor
to Hang.
Wadesboro, X. C. Sept.
Unit Barnard received
been actively canvassing The trial of Will Boggan, colored.
and borrowed the slate for twenty six the tor the A.
went to Greene county. U. also
instituted divorce
his wife but the mean-
time an woman,
Councilman Beck, of so I will open lie , has
and by of trust enter into no here for past
scramble for the I Blue s, end.-d t I lie case
for party to the jury m alter
alleged to have given by
Daniel, l Pleasant Hill; another campaign
out a
appearing to tile fact is that for several; votes tor my friends, but it and alter
in g new rule to electioneer for my- they returned a of
seen at and
places with Mrs. G. C. Pernell,
at the hotel as from Nor- j let my candidacy I so that j M banged October a-
hut learned to be widow to do so, peal was to the Supreme
N. hat I get in the court.
Count on a
the case went off the
non suit.
Later he deserted wife number
-two and went to
where be married the third w-
In way wife
found that Tripp had.
another wilts, number two, an in j
did followed and
he cot a term in the penile diary, j
Wife a amber one, bing under
that she
ed, by
they H being there things to
obtained and a happen in sometime.
the Tills was seven
years ago and then they a
have lived r, of had plead guilty to
the fact that their relation was charge of assault with deadly
contrary to law. weapon. The judge making
brother of the some inquiry an the
thrice married was court the pun
some matter and was The lawyer
a witness against him. This made for the arose a
him mad with and
knowing that the divorce case of court what man his
his brother had never come to he did not
trial, for spite he had have a at the of the
and Mrs. Tripp one trouble he told he
dieted. did not have and he was a
At the conclusion of the trial After the lawyer
I will myself into minder degree. Bog-
people's hand- asking them to Judge Cook
Judge Moore held that under the
present law Mrs. Tripp was
led to from her first
on the ground of abandon-
and he thought it would be
was through the solicitor
the prisoner to the stand.
where did you get the pistol you
had that asked the solicitor.
The went ahead
best for her and all about it and the
best for society that they be legal- J smiled at the at the
married. An agreement to this
effect being made, during the
recess of the court another license
was obtained and the couple called
on Justice of the Peace Henry
Harding, who performed the
second marriage ceremony for
The largest gas engine in the
world, having horse power,
will be sent by a Belgian
to supply part of the
motive power of the world's fair
ail the voles to which I may
be entitled.
To be governor of North
is a high and laudable
and I most earnest I j desire t at-
office, as ha token
of the people's and a
of I heir in
If nominated, I canvass the
State, using every . fl it to insure
democratic success, which means
the safety and prosperity.
If no man or cl s
at men in the discharge of my duty,
I will strive to advance all the in.
of endeavoring to
procure greatest good to all,
without detriment or injury to
Having faith in the
I believe I will he nominated;
if, however, any of my worthy
competitors are selected by the
convention, I will cheerfully abide
its decision, and continue in the
future, as in the past, all I
can to promote true democracy, as
my j success is to be valued
more than personal ambition.
I that I cannot meet the
people face to face and discuss with
them the great issues before us,
but this impracticable, I
leave all to convention as-
B. B.
The Matt Press Association
Sept. 2.1 The
committee sf the state
Association meets in Charlotte to-
morrow to a place for the
first midwinter meeting
have la-en received from
Charlotte, and Jackson
Springs. It will probably meet
Washington or Baltimore.
The of Peru can, in
the darkest night and in the
thickest woods, distinguish re-
a white man, a
one of their own race by the
Murder in a Police Station.
Durham, N. C, Sept.
Harry Kelly, a white man years
of age, died in the police station
tonight as a result of injuries
at the of G. J. Arm-
strong, a young white man. Both
were locked up yesterday on
the charge of Soon
afterwards Armstrong, who is a
vicious character, attached Kelly
knocked him down several
times. the fall bin head came
contact with the steel bars of
the cell and of the
brain is supposed to have caused
A. woman either worries because The expansion of the currency
the hair has won't or doesn't worry the average man n
because the any that j millionth part as much as the ex-
wouldn't curl n she had it. I pension of his expense.
Buffalo, N. T. Sept.
Jefferson Davis, widow of the
President of the Confederacy, is
seriously ill at Castle Inn this
city. The hotel was formerly the
home of Millard Fillmore,
dent of the United States.
Superior Court.
The following cases have been
posed of.
Jackson trespass,
Luther larceny, pleads
guilty, sentenced two years pen-
Luther Neal, escape from jail,
pie ids guilty, suspend-
Oscar Tyson, with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty,
Joe Green, assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
Joe Green, escape from jail,
guilty fined and costs.
larceny, guilty,
sentenced mouths in jail to be as-
signed to roads
Joe Johnson, assault with dead-
weapon, pleads guilty,
months in jail to be assigned
to roads Greene county.
Joe carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced
G mouths jail, to be assigned to
roads in Greene county.
Charles larceny, not
M. II. assault with
deadly weapon, plea
Will Brown, officer,
fine. and costs.
Will White, colored, larceny,
pleads guilt., judgment suspended
upon payment of costs.
Cornelius Nobles, carry con-
weapon, pleads guilty.
Atlantic Coast Line.
Richmond, of the
Show Tickets on
sale October to 15th,
with final limit October 16th.
Tin- rate from Greenville, X. C, to
Richmond urn for Ibis
will including one
admission to Horse Show.
Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina
State Fair Tickets on sale
17th to 23rd, and for trains
due in arrive fore-noon of the 24th,
final limit October 28th. The rate
X. C, to Raleigh
and return this occasion will
be including one admission
into the Fair Grounds.
W. J.
General Passenger
H. M.
Traffic Manager.
Winston Salem, N. C, Sept
Mr. John W. of
wealthiest and
most influential business
of heart trouble this at
Atlantic City, N. J., at the age of
fifty three years.
Germany owns miles of
telegraph cables, or one-twenty-
fourth the entire of the
world, while Great Britain
two-thirds the total mileage.

W. T. Lipscomb is sick-
Mrs. Florence returned
this morning from Kinston.
H. B. Philip went to Suffolk
Mrs. William Smith and Miss
Craft to
L. H. Lee went to Goldsboro
Friday evening;.
James Aver
went to Washington today.
Hill Horn returned from Nor
folk evening.
Mrs. W. K Patrick returned
this morning from a visit to her
parents at
Mis. J
left today for a visit
Mrs M. T. of Atlanta,
who has bean vi-ii a her brother,
T. Queen, h-ft tn is morning.
W. K. left this morn
tor Hamilton Scotland
Mrs. Martha Gibson, of Par-
who has been visiting here,
returned home this morning.
Mrs. E. L. Brooks and child,
of cattle over this morn
to visit friends,
J. C. Jordan, of Danville,
has been here for a few days, re-
turned home Friday evening.
Miss Herring, of Wilson, arrived
Friday evening to visit Miss Pat;
Mis. S. M. returned;
Friday evening from a visit to
Rocky Mount.
Hoyt Moore, John N. S.
Washington, came Friday to
attend the dance Fr day night.
Misses Sallie Roberson, of
Bethel, and Susie Which-
Friday evening to
visit Mrs. J. G.
Mrs. W. H Josey and daughter,
MiN Kline, of Sot land Week, who
have been visiting Mrs. Z. T.
Vincent, returned home today.
New Corned Mullets at .
More New
Miss Anna K. of
has taken a position with
big in
If is needless to
say anything of skill I
as an in this line, as she has
been making and designing Mrs.
pattern hats for several
years. With Miss Mrs.
Higgs and Mrs.
millinery will be an
undoubted success.
The fall opening of the big store
will take place Wednesday,
30th. The display will
include dress goods, trimmings,
millinery and fancy notions.
well known ability in
the line will be seen at its
best this season.
Pretty patterns for children at
Mrs. L. Griffin's.
Prompt Payment.
Friday Mr. J. L. Sugg, agent of
the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance
com puny, of New Jersey, received
a check for payable to
the widow of the late Mr. Arden
C Tucker. Mr. Tucker, who died
a month ago, bad carried
a policy in that company for seven
years, and the check was sent
mediately on receipt of proof of
New fall patterns at Mrs.
L. Griffin's.
i i.
STORE Ayden Department
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
Fine Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes,
Men's Suits worth 3.50
Knee Pants,
worth 1.50
On account of th low
prices of Tobacco we have
decided to make cuts
on all prices to clear out
this stock.
This is for CASH.
f want Styles our
line of
s Goods f
show only the best and
latest styles.
Negligee Shirts
Lion Brand, Dozen to Select from
MENS Sunday SHIRTS, Detached Collars
and Cuffs, worth now reduced to
Shirts this sale
Shirts this sale
Black Mercerized Petticoats, ll-in.
Flounce, 1-2 inch Ruffles, Q
worth 2.00. Sales Price
Car Loads Just Received.
Solid Oak Bedroom
Suits, that were reduced
to Solid Oak
Heavy Yard Wide
All Goods as Represented.
For less money. I For the same money. I
. 1-. u,
you bought it from HINES it's all
Bought and
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all.
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet
Try a bottle of my Fig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
Price rents. If are DOC satisfied I will return
M. SAULS, Ph. G.
Pharmacist. Ayden, N. C.
M. F.
Fancy Groceries.
Best butter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies, fruits
and and high-
est prices for country produce,
go to
M. F.
Successor tn J. . next
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and Manager.
man is a hero to some,
every woman is a heroine to
man. ,
the heat Brick in
Eastern Carol Bricks
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
j always on hand. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone
me for prices by the or
I oar load. Fours truly,
Ayden, H. O. Sept. 1903.
Miss May went to
LaG range Tuesday evening.
Oscar Moore returned to Ports
mouth yesterday.
Miss returned to
LaGrange Monday afternoon.
Prof A. J. Manning
Carolina Christ an col-
is packing his
preparatory to leaving our town.
He has accepted a position at
principal of a school at Jamesville.
Prof. is a
energetic, influential,
and has made a cap
ital citizen. His good example
will long lie reflected by people
having come in contact him.
wish him a grand in
his new of labor.
There were bales of
j cotton at this place Saturday.
This is the most we have ever seen
in in one day. The farmers
j seem to realize that Ayden pays
wore for than other markets.
I Mrs. Bland, of Ayden who has
been visiting Mrs. L. A.
home Wednesday ere-
Mrs. B. S. of
who has been visit Mrs. W. T.
Hunter, home Wednesday
Mies Simmons, if Kin-
has visiting
returned home Wednesday
Which a rd, Sept. 1903.
Miss Keel returned Mon-
day Bethel, where she has
been visiting Miss Sail ye
Mrs. M. Jones, of Bethel, and
two of her daughters, Jennie and
Olive, spent Saturday and Sunday
with Mrs. M. A. Whichard.
The log train that pulls logs for
the Lumber
company from Wharton to
Point was hours late Monday
on account of a on the N.
C. B. It.
W. L. Nobles and E. B. Which-
ard attended the yearly meeting
at Hickory Grove Sunday.
Crumble of Gold Point,
was in town Monday.
G. M. Mooring spent a short
while with us Monday evening.
A, P. was here Mon-
day looking after his iron.
Mrs. T. spent
Sunday with Mrs. M. A. Which-
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North n a.
C, Sept. 1903.
Mis A. is vary
A man and hi money
are soon
Ayden, North Carolina.
But if is one mow than another which
lends to of stoic, is he distribution f
pair warranted by to
pair warranted by L'S to you,
run no risk in wearing n shoo,
For if they go wrong w make
O., 1908.
Pi of. and Mrs. A. ;.
left for home
K. went to Greenville
. . . . Mary and
Work has
. , spent in the
el. ,
HiM Mon-
day Miss Annie
Steamer L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Miss is daily, except Sunday,
friends and relatives in Saratoga. at for Washington.
Miss Dollie Braxton is on the Connecting at Washington with
sick , Steamers for Baltimore,
. t, u r w- Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Miss Kittrell. of Win-1, ,.,,,
Aurora, South Creek.
spent Saturday night and Ocracoke and
Sunday with Miss Annie for West with rail-
hon. I roads at Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Cheek and Shippers should order freight by
.-., e , the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
of spent, Ne Line fro
with Mr and Mrs. J. H. Bay Line and Chesapeake
Cheek. S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
E K. and son, Exum, went and from
to Greenville Tuesday. Boston -.-.
Mrs. and child-, J. J.
Greenville, N. C.
of Greenville, came down T H Agent,
and spent several Washington, N. C
days visiting relatives in this
Mis. E. K. Hail and Mrs. C. H f
Langston spent
with Mrs. Crave Humeral.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
Whichard left Thursday I
lesion, h. he
position as saw filer.
Will Normal., of Wilmington,
Mr. Green-1
tile, spent night here
A. M. went to
C. and W. E.
Books left yesterday afternoon to I
She colored bad a
ii. F. to
I hereby hiring or
in way my sou,
Charley who is a minor.
He ha left house without my
I will he re
for him
7th 1908.
How often you can get a
thing not
nail or screw tit-- i-r or
Have a good
tool box he for
i all desire,
we will see that tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Home for Delegates.
A is calling upon the
housekeepers of the I own to secure
homes for the of the
delegates to Christian Horse Goods,
lion, with the
tin., nil last week in if;
I her.- ill he a
of and visitors to
the convention and the
meet will, response
Iron, our of all
lions. Greenville can l herself
credit in entertaining the
t Of Course
You get
J. R.
American and Italian Marble
A Welcome Visitor,
first show of the season
end Iron Fence Sold.
work priors reasonable
d pea 0.1 a
N. C.
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by the car load.
Office in Brick Block.
Ayden, S. C
EDWIN Proprietor.
all Comfort
visit our city on Thursday, Oct.
1st. Surely this item of news will
please the young folks. W I A D
Vaudeville Shows is
has a record of presenting
a good performance in one big
ring, in the good old style.
is permitted to appear that
will mar the pleasure of the
Inclined. Neither is the
usual army of fakers often seen
in the wake of shows allowed
to follow this organization. Fifty
celebrated artists will appear
at each Fully two
and one half hours of enjoyment
la afforded. Let all attend.
at o'clock, evening at
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and price as low i the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country
It will not long before treat
will cut down the weeds that tailed
to get cat off the it reel.
Part D. Parker returned Friday
evening from. where
been taking a

Entered iD the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Pitt County, N. C, Tuesday, September 1903.
According to a Washington
to the New Orleans
the democrats in the senate
will introduce a resolution soon after
congress convenes in-
formation about the alleged practice
of Roosevelt in obtaining
and using special cars from various
paying nothing for the
If this is a sample of the
politics we may expect from the
democrats, it makes us tired in ad-
We congratulate everybody and What does the country
It is with genuine pleasure that everything having to do with the tare about President Roosevelt's
we publish today a letter from Col- Raleigh ft Pamlico railroad election., special train Nothing. Ninety-nine
EL B. Glenn, of rt -as greatest step Eastern men out of a hundred, if offered the
announcing his candidacy for the Carolina has taken in many years,, thing, would accept. The
democratic nomination for has not been know that the president
nor. told. With few exceptions j has trimmed his sails to meet the
Colonel Glenn the strong- city and township gave the rat die capital interests
est and most faithful-l the men who proposition to subscribe bonds a working-men. Haw
Two Los Angeles young women
have established a where
mothers can check their young hope-
while they go shopping. The
process is exactly like that of check-
your or umbrella at a hotel
or other public place, with the ex-
that the young women prom-
to handle the babies with care and
deliver the right baby every time.
Hon. Lawrence Tyson, speaker
of the Tennessee house of
and a native of Pitt county,
will attend the Greensboro reunion
. ,, . , ,, i i Is after that, too
in October. will respond, on be-;
half of Tennessee, to an address of
welcome to visitors. He is one of
Wonder what those editors who
write about the evil of colossal for-
tunes would do if they were offered
The straw hat still lingers here
there, but where is the yap
who used to ask, it hot enough
We believe New York still has its
Hell Gate, John Alexander Bowie
Washington's tomb at
is to be vulcanized. Good heavens t
A Southern Twilight.
the man v sons of Pitt who have made ; A
High in the east the new.- moon
their fortunes in other lands, and of
whom we are very proud.
The Greensboro Telegram
have ever entered public life in jg majority, and we awake to the successful he has been must be left S.
North Carolina. Asa champion of pleasing reflection that the u Certainly are said to persist in believing that
the slate's second gospel, democracy, , the East knew what they wanted can do nothing the party something will turn Of to delay the
he has behind him a record of and with both feet. the country by putting forward
years of faithful, tireless service to Discussing the prospects of the such puerile resolutions as the above,
the party and the state. In Pitt road the Morning Post
county, as in every other portion think of it A train to j Kansans say Senator would
Amid the palms a fountain flung
Its snowy floss, and there, above.
With its impassioned unconcern,
A hidden bird discoursed of
felt your hand upon my arm
Flutter as doth a thrush's wing,.
Then tighten. Sweet, small
a thing
Draws kindred spirits-heart to-
. heart
If Jim s toes- turn up it j MuM
will be the best thing for the state To eloquence of art.
Tillman trial and judging from the i
past they have a good reason
of the state, he is known hi work leave the Sound terminal early in the I make an of
morning, pass through such
against republican ism and for white communities as and , publican committee. What's the
supremacy. The people of Pitt Washington and Snow Hill and j matter with the present chairman,
us Greenville and Wilson, reaching; . ., . , ,. ,. .
wished him to have the ., , . , live-hour uncle Mara He is something to prose-cute Jim once kill-
last year, and we sincerely believe spend several hours in the city, and i in the himself.
r.; South Carolina.
It is said Chat the solicitor who is-
in grateful
The state convention is several
It is rare that a minister of
ed a man, was defended in a
by Tillman, who secured his acquit mania M enterprising, matters
see by the Damn that A doesn't make any difference . as the Rev. Mr.
Norfolk. And when the inland . Treasury Shaw is soon to murderer would be of county, is reported, to
K W tint INK Mil- I ,,., I-,,.,,, I., I mm ,
we speak for th entire when return the same day. reaching tide j
water at supper time, and connect i
we say that Pitt still holds Hob Glenn steamer from New Bern to
c-anal is completed, what an
it will be to shipping. And resume refunding operations for anyway.
months distant, and an fore- every square acre of land from the interests We
cast is impossible, but the friends of k
the nun may rest garden spot, capable f the profitable I could, begin.
assured that their candidate will be cultivation of a great variety of the I
necessaries of good
in the front row.
have He is credited with five
living wives, with only two states
. heard This comes very near
Hearst is accredited with die if it don not quite ilk besting
desire of esquiring an organ in Observer.
North Carolina to further his
dental ambition. If lie gets one we, Tile truck grower of the
of agricultural profit. It is an in-i Colonel Cunningham still it will net be a hand organ aft. have to es-
, . . , fair like freight line of
to Ken of.
A rich remark old metal advance in freight rates
so nulling; i.
; field, indeed, inviting from d A .;,,.,
Co,., a o view-
In the next congress Senator Car-
the energies and capital of
mack is going to raise a mighty and happen, the first cold, snap I
a foolish howl for the repeal of will them
fifteenth amendment, and Senator At the at
by. established Truckers
is going to demand the Falls Governor made a
reduction of Southern representation. plea for good citizenship. Perhaps
Both of these wild-eyed statesmen he did not know it, but at that mo-
of as much use to their con- Governor Odell wee the
as a gargoyle on a red barn, beat company ha ever been in
If there were some way to loose them in his life,
both the country would be fortunate
indeed. We are glad to note that Durham
I in. eastern counties may connect
Some people in this . , . ,. , , ,
r with; mis Norfolk
and some- who are nut so j to
om-e were, more soup and
friends are get-1 . y
other, hill as
not it. did fifteen ago. Hut is
As long as the great
railroads have money enough to
prevent the construction of an
canal we suppose the project
It is
will vote for prohibition. A
is probably the next best thing
i to prohibition, but if the, latter can
be established we in favor
of it.
his diameter. Now. who be the
next to say a kind word for. the old
gentleman of the gout
will remain in the public eye.
doubtful if any man who lives today Will the next state campaign be
will see the beginning of equipped with wireless attachments
Not so as would notice it.
It is probable there ire basil m this sale and. the school-
pianos per capita k Greenville sent in. the land-
In talking to the town oH like ill; the s.
Governor Odell used the pro- And it is certain that they
noun Hut then is owned by
such a. farmer as he them
President House veil has begun
work on his message to
Thank heaven,, it is not
for some time vet.
Small-pox broke out recently in. haven't noticed any
a Philadelphia jail. Criminals broke v for the republican
our penitentiary.
for governor.
In an interview in, Chicago
week, Mr.
an honest fails business
cause he An
list about this time loot the Philadelphia
out the fellow who exact
will b our
he doesn't know
more- it than do.
fates Illinois in
Charlie Boss is
A Cough
I have made a most thorough
trial of Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to say that for all dis-
eases of the lungs it never
J. Early Finley, O.
Cherry Pectoral
won t cure rheumatism;
we never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia;
we never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds. We
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying it
ever since.
II- All
The sultan of has absconded.
How quickly those little people take
The shah of Persia divorced
wives recently. Anyone wanting
a second hand wife apply at one.
Poverty may be a but
it is seldom that those who have it
so consider it.
tow doctor. II U It,
thin do m l. not
to take It. don't
r willing.
J. C. CO.
A New York doctor says he can
live on alone. So can a light-
house keeper.
Another crank has visited Oyster
Hay. of a feather flock to-
Of course it will be all right for
the trust to water its stock.
W OR D that word l.
talks like-a man who, has just in-
never sail a News and
If fool American
loose a of
it is that the curse
Patrick and
dead and will
Wilmington Messenger.
i, Idling business is
perking up a bit. Of course it is all
on account of Cleveland
The diplomatic doctors failed to
save the Panama canal treaty.
it refers to Dr. Liver Pills and
Are you constipated
with Indigestion
Sick headache
ANY of these symptoms and many others
Indicate Inaction of the LIVER------
Mi Pills
Take No Substitute.
The people of the German empire
pend per capita for beer
Greenville doesn't
do that exactly, but we arc grow-
We hope Postmaster General
Payne will not be compelled to earn
a living after he is pried off his job.
It would go hard with him.
The president has returned to the
white house. Cranks, take notice.
Is the parent of
Indigestion and mil
Th Safest and U
German Liver Powder
not mixture, but a veritable
translation of one of Nature's
II you are suffer
we will send you OP
Powder together with our
testimonials from who have been
page booklet,
contains authentic
a sample package of Her men
cured by this wonderful Specific. Do not
delay, but send your full address at once to
The American Co.
i Autumn Smiles From the Pen of
a Funny Man.
is an Adam's apple
it's something a
few gets in the neck.
why do you think
are brave
they fear knot.
trouble with the
remarked the observer of
Tent and things, to be that
he takes people too
understand he goes
about preaching on the railroads.
he must have a
greet congregation of sleepers.
you believe that in
onion there is strength
certainly do.
Wabash ought to be s
powerful man. I understand he's
seen married six
young man, what
The yon know, sir
wouldn't ask you if I
I wouldn't have come here
If I didn't think you would
girl may succeed in conceal-
her plans for a long re-
marked the observer of events and
things, when she gets her first
engagement ring she's always will-
to show her
She Furnished the Will.
is felt more strongly than
in that which deals with new
and their counterfeits, wall
papers. The richest of today's
in furniture coverings and
draperies are all in combinations
that imitate the subdued tones of
the last sixteenth and seventeenth
Moire damask in palest
tan or the green of the mignonette,
over which are impressionistic cream
or pink flowers and designs in leaf
and scroll that unite the pale shades
of green, rose and brownish
tans, is conspicuous. In all the new
brocades and damasks, whether cost-
or of medium grade, and again re-
in lace embroideries, wall
papers and the more beautiful
tonnes, the tendency is toward the
exquisitely detailed conventional
and basket and lover's knot
which characterized French
decorations of every class for a
or more years preceding Na-
At the same time there is
to be seen in draperies of high
and on embroidered net cur-
a revival of Venetian and
Florentine ornament.
your husband has given
smoking It requires a pretty
strong will to accomplish that.
I'd have you under-
stand that I have a strong will.
Many Courted Dinners a Mistake That
Is Being Corrected.
Only as a matter of chastening dis-
can the three or four
dinner find apology or defense. Its
every other aspect is that of a gas-
mistake. Profusion has
long stood in the minds of the
knowing or inexperienced for hos-
or for luxury, while in real-
It simply means confusion, a
multitude of courses not leading the
palate on in artful sequence to a sat-
climax, but to weariness
It must be quite three years since
the Prince of Wales, now King Ed-
ward VII., intimated, with much
that any dinner
which he honored lasted longer than
-one hour royal displeasure would be
incurred, s which, of course,
carried the weight of a
tery statute.
American society raised its eye-
brows and the
but in a manner so leisurely that
only the past season did it arrive at
definite conclusion that dinners
be really or pleas-
must be short, the extreme
not to exceed an hour and a
This is mending matters
inch, as much probably as
in dining will ever
For after all it is but the
r, not the many, who have learned
or are capable of learning dining as
art, a palate being the inherit-
of House-
New Window
The question of window and arch-
draperies is a particularly live
one to the present day householder.
are entering upon what an Eng-
writer terms renaissance of
interior and the flood
tide of French and Italian designs
that marks all new fabrics quite
his conclusion, says Harper's
is no phase of this
in which the of in-
Table Glass.
Simple white glass in graceful
shapes is at all times most
for table use. From time to
time one may be attracted by
descent novelties and delicately tint-
ed shapes, but one is sure to turn
again to the clear crystal. Those
who have inherited the old heavy
cut glass from colonial
are fortunate indeed, but for
those who have not a very desirable
imitation of it it is procurable at
many of the best glass and china
shops. Then there is the
glass, one of the beautiful of
the uncolored glass. The shapes are
blown with thoughtful carelessness,
so that there is a slight and delight-
irregularity in form and edge
which, combined with the suggested
in the body of the glass,
gives a most artistic
York Tribune.
Cleaning Hardwood Floors.
A housekeeper who has
considerable difficulty in keep-
a hardwood floor in good
believes that she has solved the
problem by a method which is claim-
ed to be much superior to that of
rubbing with oil, as it leaves no dis-
agreeable sticky feeling. The floor
is first swept with a soft brush, then
carefully wiped with a slightly damp
cloth. Afterward the entire surface
is gone over with a mixture consist-
of half a cup of the best
polish dissolved in a quart of
moderately hot water. When dry
the boards are said to acquire a fine
polish as the result of this process.
Silver and Copper Combined.
The combination of silver and
burnished copper now so fashionable
is artistically introduced in a tall
slim vase of green glass, the flaring
mouth and bottom of which are of
the cooper, the stem of dull silver.
The silver is in the shape of lilies,
between whose long stems the green
glass is seen.
as an Industry.
There are golf links in Scot-
land. Of these are in
tO in in
have each, and so they
go with lessening numbers till we
come to Peebles-
shire and with each,
to and Orkney and
land with each and to
blood, muscles, bones and other
parts of human body are composed
of many chemical constituents, and a
correct chemical analysis would be
long and tedious. The b He gravity
of the blood la and parts of
every are water. Of the other
parts chloride of sodium, chloride
carbonate magnesia, calcium
phosphate, calcium potassium
phosphate, carbonate and other
constituents are found. This is gen-
true, with variations also, of
tissues and bone. The fundamental
substance of bone is composed of or-
matter, combined with various
inorganic Halts, in which
largely predominates, in
the bones contain calcium carbon-
ate, calcium fluoride, magnesium
sodium phosphate and sodium
i a good fellow, but his con-
limited. He has a few stock
and that's
clue run you
He's a
S. M. returned from
Rocky Mount evening
C. T. went Kinston
Wednesday evening.
Capt. Swift Galloway, of
Hill, la here attending court.
Bob Abbott, Grifton, spent
Wednesday here.
Mrs. E. A. left this morn-
for Boston.
Miss Florence of
son, is Mrs. S. T. Hooker.
B. Wilson has moved his
family to the house formerly
pied by J. R.
W. X. Coley, representative of
the Raleigh Post, came in Wed-
H. A. While returned from a
trip to Baltimore Wednesday
J. Z. who been vis-
here, left this morning for
The family of Prof. W. B. Dove
arrived Wednesday
and occupy one of the
houses in South
a. H. and
H. L. returned Wed
evening from Tarboro,
where they have been to spend the
Jewish year.
Prof. W. P. Cameron, of Moore
county, who has been elected sup-
of grad
ed school, was here today on his
way to
R. A. Tyson returned Thursday
from Baltimore.
R. L. Humber kit Thursday
evening for Kinston.
R. D. Cherry went to
Kinston Thursday evening.
Jesse returned from
Tarboro Thursday evening.
Miss Myrtle Wilson left this
Presiding Elder F. A. Bishop
left this morning for Nashville.
Miss Hammond, of Oxford,
is visiting Mrs. Maggie Hammond.
J. C. Jordan, of Danville, is
J. L. Wooten returned Thursday
evening from Baltimore.
Miss Powell, of Kinston, who
has been visiting relatives here,
returned home Thursday evening.
Mrs. T. L. Bland, Kinston,
came over this morning to visit her
mother, Mrs. L. A.
Mrs. R. L. Humber and
returned this morning from
Mrs. W. T. Mooney, of Atlanta,
is her brother, T. D.
Rev. A. T. King returned this
morning from where he
been assisting in a meeting.
K. C. Barrett, route agent
the Southern Express Company,
spent Thursday night here.
E. E. Griffin left this morning
for to take little Edith
Foley to the hospital.
H. B. Hardy, who has been here
representing the Raleigh News
and Observer, returned to Raleigh
Miss Annie of
who has been visiting
loft this morn
Hon. of Belfast,
Ireland, and E. T. Crump, of Rich-
spent Thursday here and
left this morning.
The genuine is always better than
a counterfeit, but the truth of this
statement is never more forcibly
realized or more
than when yon compare
the genuine Witch Hazel
Salve with the many counterfeits
and worthless substitutes that are
on the market. Led better,
of La.,
using numerous other remedies
without benefit, one box of De
Witt's Witch Basel Salve cured
For blind, bleeding, itch
and piles no
is equal to De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Sold by Jno. L.
A kiss is always a matter of
news. A report is never
it is printed.
Persons suffering from indigestion,
dyspepsia or
will find Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat and
makes stomach sweet. This
remedy is a failing cure for
Indigestion and Dyspepsia all
complaints affecting the glands or
membranes of stomach or
tract. When you take
Dyspepsia Cure everything
you eat tastes good, and bit
of the nutriment that your food
contains is assimilated and
the blood tissues.
Sold by Jno. L. Wooten.
A valuable tract of farm and
land within two miles of Green- lie.
By virtue of a decree of Pitt
court made February
in a certain special
therein pending for the s;. of
the land there after described for r-
to which Rosa Fleming,
Fleming, Archie Fleming, Nan-
Fleming, D. C. Fleming, id-
Fleming, Hansom . d
Jewel Fleming are parties, I
; on Monday October 5th. i
for sale to the highest bidder at
court house door in Greenville
i valuable tract of farm and
land, opposite Parkers cross n
which was allotted to the above t
; in common in the division if
I the lands of F. Fleming and u
as lot No. containing
described in said division as
Beginning at a maple on the
ville and Bethel road, the corner of
Susan O. Brown, and
thence with her line north and
1-2 chains to a ditch; thence nth
1-2 west 1-2 chains to the crook
of the ditch, then north 1-2 ea-t
chains and links to a o
centered by a dogwood, oak and ma-
thence south 1-2 east 1-J
chains to a stake on the
road, thence with said road to the
fourth cash on
of sale, balance payable
with interest January 5th, 1904.
Greenville, N.
1903. L. Bum,
The difference between a suitor
and office seeker is that one
Lays court the other courts
If you ever took DeWitt's Little
Early Risers for or
constipation you know what a
purgative pleasure is. These
famous little pills cleanse the liver
and rid the system of all bile with-
out prod unpleasant effects.
They do not gripe, sicken or
weaken, but give tone and strength
to organs involved.
W. H. Howell of Houston, Tex.
better pill be used
than Little Early Risers for con-
sick headache
Sold by John L. Wooten.
The grip is the smallest
microbe yet discovered which
affects man.
Judge W. T. Holland of
burg, La., who is well and favor-
ably known, years ago
I suffered greatly from
Alter great distress would
invariably result, listing for
or so and my nights were
restless. I concluded to try
Dyspepsia Cure and it me
entirely. Now my sleep is re-
freshing digestion
Sold by John L. Wooten.
Mince pie and cheese are the
foods reflection. They keep
you awake at night for reflecting
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Broken in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
With family around exporting
him to die. and a son riding for
life, miles, to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption
Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown
of Ind, endured death's
agonies from asthma; but this
wonderful medicine gave Inst id
relief and soon cured him. He-
writes. now sleep soundly every
Like cures of
Consumption, Pneumonia, Bron-
Coughs. Colds and Grip
prove its matchless merit for all
Throat and trouble-.
bottles Trial
bottles at Wooten's Drug
Has world wide fame for mar-
cures. It surpasses any
other salve, ointment of
for Corns, Burns, Boils,
Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped
Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible
for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only
at Drug store.
IN 1866.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipment j
ED 1876.-------
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid
Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bat
Turkeys, Egg, Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suite, Ba
Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes,
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaces,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M.
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding. Shingle and tile
work a specialty.
I have employed a Slater
and prepared to do slate roof-
Orders for any work in my
line receive prompt attention.
Work room over Baker
us tore.

inn ii
Conducted by Prof. J. D. Everett.
Too Late.
A kind word delayed,
And the heart cried;
A fond won was stayed,
And love died.
N. C, Sept. IS, 1903.
There is much interest manifest-
ed in the revival at the Methodist
church. Rev. Mr. Barker received
into the church morn-
Dr. Nash returned from Rocky
Mount Monday much
pro el in health.
Misses Effie and Mattie Grimes
drove to Tarboro Saturday and re-
Master went
Rocky Saturday to consult j
the dentist.
There U quite a scare in this
community over the mad-dog sit-
Sam colored, was
attacked Monday a mad dog and
received some ugly wounds in the
hand. The services James
and gave great relief to
the frightened- and suffering
The colored population seems to
on the side of ill fortune. One
small boy had his head crushed by
a wheel, and another child died
while it was in the doctor's office
for treatment within the last three
Rev. Mr. Hocutt left Saturday
for where he will
a protracted meeting. Mr. Hocutt
deems himself very fortunate in
having secured the services of
Rev. Mr. King, of Greenville, to
assist in the meeting. Much
will surely result from the labors
of such men.
The graded school has entered
upon its third week with joy in
the present and brighter hopes for
the future. Teachers, patrons
pupils are striving toward the same
end with o-e
of the
dent ha promised to re
their library MOD with a
lot of books, the having been
raised by the order to
get the benefit of the state library
fund. The children are anxiously
awaiting the arrival of the books.
Mrs. G. W. Howard, who has
been at the hospital for sometime,
returned Sunday much improved.
Dr. Baker, of was in
town Monday.
Gay youth with lips parted,
Beware beware
maiden light-hearted.
Take care, take care
The truest-sped arrow
Winged by Kate.
Most cruel to harrow,
Is named
Conducted by DR. C. M. JONES.
The dawn comes cold; the haystack
The green twigs crackle in the
The dew is dripping from the oaks.
And sleepy men hear milking yokes
Slowly toward the cattle byre.
Down in the town a clock strikes
The gray east heaven burns and
The dew shines on the of
A slow old crone comes gathering
The red cock in the ox yard crow.
Beyond the stack where we have
The road runs twisted like a snake
I The white road to the land of
The road that we must foot again,
the feet halt and the
heart ft he.
Office opposite depot.
next door to Office.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
shoes. Hats, Groceries
Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat. something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can tie
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
anything the farmer sells.
and Surgeon,
Complete Stock of Drug.
J. Proctor Bros.
Piers and
If you want lumber to build a house.
furniture to JO in it. clothing and
dry goods far your family, provisions
j for your table, or for
can supply your needs.
i Our mill and are now
full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
lumber, and, do all kinds
of turned work for balusters
i and house trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
Dry Goods, Notions
and Cigar. The
only Soda Fountain in town, AH
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Produce.
you can get honest goods at living prices. See our
large stock before you buy and be satisfied with your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
i Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save yourselves money.
Cotton Up To of August
Washington, Sept. census
report on the quantity of cotton gin-
in the United States from the
growth of up to and including
August gives the following fig-
Total common-nil bales, 17,58
eluding square hales,
hales of upland crop and
hales of sea island crop. The total
gins in operation numbered
Those statistics were collected
through a canvass of the gin-
of the cotton states by lo-
cal special agents. Only
had begun operations up to
September and these had ginned
but commercial hales or hales
as pressed at the
lent to bales, counting round
bales as half bales. This report will
be followed by others for this
season showing the quantity ginned
respectively to October
December and a final re-
port which will give the quantity
ginned from the growth of 1903.
yOU knOW What it does It relieves a person of all desire
tor strong drink or drugs, restores the nervous to its eon
and reinstates a to his home and business. For full
Correspondence Greensboro, N. C
market is a Little Better and the is always Good.
is not satisfied to do as well for the farmer as any
other; warehouse, but its motto is to do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. You have heard the old
saying about proof of the Just bring
us your tobacco we will show you the proof in high
The gulls and not ravens arc feed,
the modern of
Zion. It's strange how
once good sense can run off
after a religious fraud like this
modern prophet of the New City of
Zion. was reported
in Monday's Charlotte Observer as
saying in the new town there is no
tobacco, no alcohol, no blasphemy,
no pork, no doctors, novice, no color
line, and that the streets are to be
paved with gold. If the same con-
were made to Zion as were
made to Sodom, brimstone and not
gold would be on its streets.
have some of these men in North
Carolina who are not subject to sin,
as the average man. They get too
good to live with their own wives
but they are not too good to live
with the wives of other men when
they chance to find such as are weak
enough to listen to their wicked and
seductive stories. Keep your eye on
It may that Mr. Hearst will cut
some sort of figure in the national
convention, but until it actually hap
pens we shall continue to have a
better opinion of tho
ham Herald.
No Joke
Send your orders for printing
to Printing House.
It is serious. When you need Medicine you need it
quickly, and the best obtainable.
are ever permitted to enter our store. We have a full
lino of all well known and thoroughly reliable medicines.
can find here such cures as will their par-
ailment. Our prices, like our goods, are popular.
Colonel Glenn's letter is like the
and effective.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
. m
I his department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Realizing the advance of cotton
goods we went north early and
purchased our stock of fall and
winter goods and feel that we
-can save you money as we bought
balk of our stock at old prices and
sell the same way.
cordially invited.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Miss Ives Monday
and part, of Tuesday with Miss
your to
Winterville where you can have
it ginned at the very cheapest rates
and where you receive the
highest cash price for seed
L. L. Kittrell.
Rev. Mr. Blanchard will till his
appointment here Sunday
and Sunday night.
Look out i a pissing A. U.
-Cox Mfg. Go's for several
brand new cart wheels and carts
rolled out side the rail road. Not
hundredth part of their stock
is shown out there, however. This
is merely a starter to remind pass-
by that they are still the
business. Another is
important that those needing
wheels get them before Nov. 1st.
in order to secure the premium
ottered with each pair.
See M. L. the jeweler.
promptly done. Work
Governor Bob That's
all right. Let it lie.
B. F. Manning says they
had on blue enough. So
they will put on red get ready
to compete with the town price of
Mrs. M. G. Bryan has returned
from her visit
Dry goods, shirts and hats very-
cheap at A. D.
If you some to
compete with the i linen, go to see
B. F. Co.
There was a i here
day evening. Slight damage to a
art, a few badly frightened
men and lots of Inn for the boys.
Joe Smith paid
We have spared no time in
our stock and we think we
suit the most
P. Co.
We me now manufacturing a
wash out of the old North
of gums.
are the very hast kind of wood
that can be used. Apply to Win-
Mfg. Co.
Miss Kittrell is vetting
The Winterville Mfg. Co.
a specialty of horse shoeing.
We have a nice line hats for I
both old and young, also trunk,
valises, Ac, at prices
we think very reasonable and
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
Now a word to the wise. Go to
see B. F. Maiming Co., before
their bargains am exhausted.
Laundry leaves
6th, and every two weeks j
Bring work to my barber
A. Fair,
The furnished by
choir in the smith department of,
the Carriage
is something wonderful, especially
do we commend Joe Manning as
soprano Harvey Cox as an all
around go as you please.
Mrs. C. A. Fair and Mrs. Sarah
Taylor went to Greenville Wed
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
The cart body A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. sold J. H. Smith ,
when his horse ran away and tore
up his old one, was the first
one they have sold under similar
circumstances by any means Of
course they are not glad for any
horse to run away, but if be
is going to any how it is
mighty nice to do so right where
it is convenient to get a cart.
The drug store has in stock
cheap perfumes, high priced per-
fumes all kinds of
talcum and tooth powders, tooth,
nail, hair and shoe brushes,
unapt, shoe polish and shiners,
shoe pipes, harps, mar
hies, rubber balls, cigars, chewing
tobacco, slate and
bath sponges, pepper,
pickling fact everything
that you will any well
kept drug store.
Flour can be had any
J. F. Harrington, of our town, of A. Q. On Mfg. Co , either
long noted for extreme politeness , factory shipped to
genial smiles of attractive or freight or ex-
added but another wreath to per
his many other qualifications last Healthiest bread known is graham
Tuesday on the central
phone office here
and as he supposed, a lady of old
acquaintance, made usual
bow, only a mo- J
later to himself
ed a maiden of dusky hue, who
stared and failed to respond
to the greeting accorded, causing
to retire hurriedly amid
the quiet smiles of those who
viewed the
All kinds of scroll turned
work done to order by the Winter
ville Mis. Co.
We would call attention to the
fact we have added dry goods to
our line of merchandise and re-
Would you like to sweeten your
tooth. If so try some of
fresh at the drug
Fannie and Jesse
from Stokes; have been here
visiting days
J. F. and W. L.
House to Thurs-
Mrs. Britt and Miss May-
Tucker to Greenville shop-
ping one day this week.
Try a hot tie of coca at
G. A. Kittrell Co., have re
Look you in the face.
No cot ion, no shoddy, no
tailoring, no sweat-shop work
but all wool, silk-sewed clothing
made in clean, airy, light work-
by tailors who know how
to stitch and a Suit into
a shape that will stay.
Patterns are often rich hut not
The fit is the wonder
of men who have never tried
The new Fall styles in single
double breasted cuts are
There is an
Edge to our suits.
They're lull of
different. New styles off
the gridiron. You will Bad our
and es-
attractive. Look to-day
buy any day.
ask the public to call bur ed a of brick, one
from which they offer
I for sale cheap.
Things always lively around A r load of shingles expected
carriage factory, in a few days, See us if
Buggies just want stay. It looks are in need of any. G. A.
like the force will nave to lie Co.
d to meet the demand. L. F. Elliott left for Henderson
Next to s human being who had yesterday for several
rather he a H buggy, There was quite a large crowd
always on the go. j here Friday after machinery
r. . t, , . ed at this point for parties living i
Tax Tucker says the tax off from the railroad
books are now open those ow I The millinery openings are ex-1
town taxes are requested to to draw a Urge
come forward and settle. ladies today. The preparations
The Winterville Cigar Co. don't O
. are until I. Our milliners
belong lo the trust. Send your cannot tie excelled in any
orders right along and get the best ho-
cheroot the world for the money We have in the line
and home industries, W offered here and can
Satisfaction gun ran teed. j both size and price
See M. Ii. the jeweler. Bring your family and we will
Repairing promptly done. Work I ibis red on, so we will make I
guaranteed. I the shoe before yon get it on j
Bring us your cotton seed, foot. B. F. Co
will pay the highest market price, j We are ready to make prices to
or give meal G. A. suit the time on all of our goods
Kittrell Co. every kind from a standard
Three thousand Cox cotton plan- sewing machine needle
tors, or near that number are j Manning A Co.
piece, in A. Mr of Wilmington, is
Cox Mfg. Go's, big store room here for a day or two.
most ready to be put together. I Little left on
There promises to be a larger de- where she
will visit the
arc Still Leading
In fine Dress Goods, Trimmings and
Clothing wants generally. To a great extent
our is built on this particular line
of goods, and we are very careful to keep up
the standard. I of our leading lines just
now is a full stock, of beautiful
Shirtwaist Patterns
The newest and most stylish that mm
buy, yet they are easily within your reach.
It's duty of every woman, young or old,
to make herself as attractive as possible.
Clothes do not make the woman, but they
often make her is, the clothes
we sell. We will be pleased to show you.
Pulley A Bow en's
The Home of Women's Fashions.
next than ever be
j fore.
Boarding J.
Cox. Board per day. Best
House town.
Nothing more cool and re-
freshing these hot days than a
cold drink prepared by W. L,
Hurst at the drug store soda
fountain, lie will give you a
few moment notice any of the
latest and most Cold
The marriage of Miss
both Kittrell to Mr. Guy B. Taylor
on the 14th October, 1903, will
the at instead
of No cards will be
sent out in but all are
ally invited to We regret
the mistake our last items.
Wanted To or trade for a
small H. Kittrell.
At last A. G. Cox Co.
getting a. few wagons
ahead. Come and- take your
pick. v
Use sold by
A. Bell,, Ike Upright
Grocer, Belle field, C
N. C. I
A Full Line of Millinery
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Best and latest styles always on
hand. Call and Bee. Next door
to Dr. B. T. Cox's drug store.
Incorporated 1901.
Marble and Granite
Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main and electric power plant,
If soon,
Branch shops, Mount,
N. C, and Hunter, S. c
prices and design- address Rocky
Mount Office.
. . , . .- v

The Daughter of Confederacy.
On Sept. the T. J. Jarvis
Chapter of the Daughters of the
met with Miss
Florence Blow. Both president
and vice-president being absent,
the meeting was called to order by
the secretary.
The roll was called with
members being present.
Miss Blow had a very interest-
contest, Miss Nannie Bowling
receiving the prize, Miss Helen
Forbes the consolation.
Very refreshments were
then served and alter spending a
very afternoon the chap-
adjourned to meeting with Miss
The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. It who is authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and
Farmville, N. C.
settled the more difficult still will
it be to settle them.
We were reading article in
the Pest, headed
for The article
Although the day looks gloomy,
the clouds overhanging the sky,
and there are strong indications of of the
the Indiana State Federation of
labor at West Bend. The speeches
made there manifested a spirit of
the busy hum of the
cotton the rap
rap of the hammer are heard, all
Eula on October
A roll energy in the old town vet. against the measures put
There is marked improvement to enslave the
in the way of building in this
town. Mr. Bert Smith has nearly by laborer
completed a fine residence. The be at from
1903, at four o'clock.
meeting is desired.
Miss Skinner,
Era el Cheek,
school building is on the rule of
way, and a beautiful home look at the issues between these
being built for Mr. Frank
of the firm of R. L against
Davis Bros. The M. E. church
n it nearly completed, and the mi. each other that appear to De
The hopes to occupy it before; we are forced believe
i that a crisis will be reached be-
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots o Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In we operate a Munger Cotton
A new
Las been established
Greenville and Washington.
handsomely furnished passenger the year closes.
boat leaves Washington j Large quantities of cotton are many years, and, unless
every morning at reaching being brought to Farmville,
Greenville at a. in. Leaves I alter being ginned finds ready sale I
Greenville at 1-30 p. in., I at satisfactory prices. the time will not be long We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
reaching Washington at p. m. The question of voting a certain slave will be Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Furniture, Tools, Farm-
The above schedule began ; amount of bonds to the railroad implements, Seed, Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Oats and other
Robert Winstead is in from Washington has been settled that
. h. All classes of men,
passes laws for
the of both labor and mo-
T. L. W. J,
command of I lie steamer. I , we hope that before many
This new route will prove a great months the road will have be
Bur grading begun be
feed stuffs. We solicit a share of your patronage,
courteous treatment to all.
Fair and
the entire route.
We were pleased
j upon justice to all men alike, the
. i age earner given a sufficient
to meet our for Until,
Sort of Flesh He Preferred, good friends, and Mrs. J. is nation of
Maxim Gorky, whose passionate Stokes, former citizens of that law carried out to the
denunciation of the Russian town. They intend making Greens- full letter ind we can never
bow their home.
threaten to cause him success in all their
bleat home, has a number of takings. , shall meet on the HATS, CAPS, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
idiosyncrasies, among them being When we turn things of platform of equal rights to all men nice W. G. is also agent of the Tailors Mfg.
a periodical change from a flesh to H to those of favoritism to Done. Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
character, we find much is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased,
to notify the public that, he has charge of the stock of
,,, expect a goods owned by said K. II. at his death, and B offer-
where peace and abide, them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
the capitalist and of a fall line of DRY GOODS, NO I IONS, CLOTHING,
., t.
u said he
. . ; . . lit
and was much annoyed by the
importunities of old lady who
sat opposite him.
you try, little
Of the chicken
Gorky answered.
then, you would
Some the boiled ham
i thank
Die Rut
have m portion of roast
i . .
the old lady.
Gorky gave her ; stern look.
me inform be said,
never eat any flesh bat
human and prefer that
The ever haul- i
by one locomotive was one
eighty four loaded cars, which
was hauled a distance of sixty-,
three miles at the rate of thirteen
miles an hour.
upon which lite mind can
wonder the complex,
most difficult problems to
which we are brought face to
and which we cannot set aside,
for we realize, the longer we allow
these issues to remain
The newest and latest styles in
-Millinery. Hats trimmed to or-
on short notice.
goods at per cent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. Q. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
Cold Comfort
I of one of
milk, cream and
ind many dainties that
the Refrigerator.
Is what are after, and
cur I will i.
root drinking
Would be i
If you have you will u Mower pretty
soon, and we've made for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow i lawn mower when we
we a good machine win -i steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and to do
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Hammocks and
everything else in the bar re line.
Offers you selections from as complete a stock of
us can found in Carolina.
Special line of Dress Goods and Trimming for Ladies.
Full Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collar and Cuffs for Men and Ladies.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness. Ice Cream Freezers
and Hammocks.
Two warehouses full of flour, corn, oats, hay
North Carolina,
County, f In Superior Court
James II. Gray
Annie Cray.
The defendant Annie Gray will take
notice that an action entitled as above
has been commenced against her in the
Superior Court of Pitt County the
plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining
a divorce from the bonds of
upon grounds of abandon-
and the said defendant will
further take notice that she is required
to appear before the Judge of our
Court, at a court to held for
the County of at the court house
in Greenville on the ninth Monday
after the first Monday in
It being the 9th day of November
and answer the complaint, which
will be deposited in the office of the
Superior court of said county within
the first three days of said term, and
then and there answer or demur to
skid complaint within the time
ed by law, or the plaintiff will apply
to the for the relief demanded
in the complaint.
This the 36th day of September
D. C.
Clark of the Court of Pin Co,
J- II- CO-,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for country
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that U automatically,
Will be if be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N.
N. C.
T. HORTON, Proprietor.
Table furnished with the best
the market
rooms. Polite and prompt
Leaders in Fashions, Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed bats, Rowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
Old Joe Forces, the best cook in
town, has bis restaurant Op
stairs in the Brady building.
in any style and meals at all
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make a specialty of
For Men
Women and
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
for in and territory.
. Satterthwaite I R- R- FLEMING,
J. J
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
General Merchandise.
Parham and Parham
Manufacturers of Lumber a ml
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
a . S -r cs
M .
a S
Tobacco is Selling for Better Prices.
New Ware House is one of the largest and best lighted
houses in the state for the sale of leaf tobacco.
In our business we have competent assistants, first-class service
and good
By strict attention to business entrusted to us, and straight-forward
honest dealing with hope to merit a share of your patronage.
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business I am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with n complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
w- e-
I Is the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods. Notions, Shoes,
j Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
bottom prises. s
A full line of Drugs and Medicines Highest prices paid
for all kin-Is of country produce.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
Advertising is like a race horse,
says an man who
drops out is soon lost, sight of. It's
a good deal like at a
pretty girl the may
know you are doing it, but
else does. Advertising is the
life blood of business. good
Ad. is stepping stone to sue
Judicious advertising will
start the ball and keep ii
Continuous advertising
creates confidence. The
opinion is that be
before the public with
out being found out known
for what he is. The people believe
; in a man who Maud trial by
public. The business
who is contented with his
has stopped growing.
who he has enough, therefore.
need to advertise, has
reached the flood of the tide
But after the flood is the ebb
i ways. It is a law of nature that
nothing shall stand a state
of Every thing grows or
decays. No remain
at a tor any considerable
length of time. People who
not the business backbone to keep
at. it until they've
had keep away
Otherwise they're liable
to develop those
specimens who occupy benches in
the extreme rear, where they
mutter imprecations to the effect
that doesn't
Fire in the Oil Field.
Sour Lake, Texas, Sept.
Fire, which started at noon today
in the Shoe district of the
oil held, burned about
ricks and destroyed a quantity of
machinery, spreading about
of the thickly built portion
of the held.
he loss is variously estimated
at from to ac-
cording to the damage has
been done to the wells. This can-
not jet be ascertained.
The amount of oil consumed is
also unknown as yet, but there
were no Urge tanks in the path of
the tire
The flames are under control,
and no further damage will result.
South Africa is probably
the future to become
a formidable rival to California
Australia as a competitor tot
the English market in the supply
of fruit.
Latest styles in shirt-waists
skirt patterns at Mrs. L.
Bedridden, alone and destitute-
Such, in brief was the condition of
an old by the name of J. J.
Havens, Versailles, O. for yearn
ha was troubled with Kidney
d doctors nor
medicines gave him relief. At
length he tried Hitters.
It put him on his feet
order and now he testifies.
in the road to re-
Best on Liver
and Kidney troubles and all forms
of Stomach and Complaints.
Only Guaranteed by
Kansas City, Sept. meet-
of the promoters of the
pendent Packing Company, which
was incorporated recently to fight
the alleged packer's combine, was
held in this city today. The
plans for the organization
and financing the company were
discussed a of directors
was elected, which will
the affairs of the company. The
company is at
The Odd Convention.
Baltimore, Md., September
The sessions of the grand
lodge of Odd Fellows were resumed
today the competitive drills of
rival cantons were at
the fifth regiment armory.
In the afternoon there was a
grand parade of the
grand lodge and subordinate lodges
through the principal streets
which was witnessed from the side-
walks by The
sovereign grand lodge officers rode
in carriages under escort of
the Patriarch militant. It is
mated that Odd Fellows
were in line. While passing the
city hall the procession was re-
viewed by Mayor Robert
It is estimated that visit-
Odd Fellows now
In the last analysis nobody
knows, but we do know that it is
under strict law. Abuse that law
even slightly, pain results-
living means derangement of
the organs, resulting in
Headache or Liver tumble.
Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly
this. It's gentle, yet
thorough. at
Drug Store.
most tonic proper-
. f . j ties for all who live in malarial dis-
Malaria and A never-failing remedy for
Now the Nicaragua Route.
John T. Morgan, who addressed
tho Alabama legislature today, re-
to the Panama canal
He said that the treaty is
dead, it is mandatory on the
dent to put the money to building
do not credit Roosevelt with
the folly of disobeying the statute
in regard to the money
for building a canal, and he
dare not do it, as there is an
facing him. We could not
under that treaty have lived
peace with the Colombian govern-
a single day. We would
have gone amity,
but our gun hand, and war
would have said the

Greenville N. C.
The cheapest thing
in the way of tending anything
over the world is a postage stamp;
and th cheapest way to
water i paint.
Not whitewash; paint. Do yon
happen to belong
to your business to knew about
paint, you you happen
to know that most of the makers
of paint stuff it out with lime and
clay sand and water and
They do stuff it out in the can;
but not on the house. They make
more to sell or to buy;
money to pay for paint; more
money to pay for putting it on; a
good deal more money to pay
putting it on; but more beauty;
more rust; decay; disappointment;
is your paint, because
all no sham,
F. W.
P. H. L. Carr sells our paint.
Southern all Star
Vaudeville Shows
Traveling in their Special Cars
Will exhibit under a
Water-Proof Tent
You are invited to come and see the latest
styles in wearing apparel.
Yours truly,
Thursday, Oct. 1st
Afternoon and Evening.
I wish to return t friends and for
the many kind word of praise and appreciation of m
opening display. My fall opening an undoubted
Success, from point of view and the
storekeeper's. That success to make
permanent by selling strictly first class
Old-Fashioned One
Ring Show;
r i
u a t
Presenting more exclusive features
any other combined.
One of the leading amusement
enterprises of America. Giving
fully two and one-half hours of mirth
and enjoyment. The only big show
reduce the price of admission.
Remember date
Afternoon and Evening.
at fair and just, prices. You not he in any doubt;
My goods are all new No of to
pick over. It's fashionable, It's here.
Yours truly,
as. F. Davenport
New White Front.
D. Gardner, W. Smith, B A. Move Sr
manufacture the buggies on this market. We em-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
line of Harness and first class Farm Wagons.
Call and examine our Stock.
E. Sp.,
and -bode-
the latent
and Faro
should write Wood's
Fad It tells ail about
the fall planting of Lettuce, Cab-
and r Vegetable crops
which proving so profitable to
growers. Also about
Clover, Vetches,
Grasses and Clovers,
Seed Oats, Wheat,
Rye, Barley, etc
Wood's New Fall mailed
free on request. Write for it.
Richmond, Va.
Sick Headache
Food doesn't digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
It's your liver Pills
are liver pills; they cure
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; cost no more.
one our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Shows Will Appear in
Greenville for the Time
Thursday, October
Heard Tales of Woe, But Played
the Game to the Limit.
the menagerie attached to
new big twelve
combined railroad shows which
will be seen at Greenville Thurs-
day afternoon and evening,
8th, will be found several deus
of including a of young
cube, which are as playful as
and be handled with
as freedom at a pet dog.
The sire of this pair is known as
Sir Charles and is of the most
highly educated lions now
the public. When Mr.
first began to buy a menagerie Sir
was one of his earliest
purchases. The outward form of
this king of beasts seems to speak
the superiorities of his inner
qualities, His figure tis striking,
his look confident and bold, bis
gate is proud bis voice terrible.
His statute is in every respect
compact well proportioned, a
model of strength with
While nearly always
good natured friendly, now
and Sir Charles exhibits the
same of the untamed
king of beasts with
Instead of attacking with paw and
teeth, will content himself with
trying i knock the trainer down
by the furious lathing tail.
The quick agitation of a lion's
tail has nearly as much power as
an trunk, the
trainers around the shows
have been more than floored
and painfully bruised by allowing
themselves to come in contact with
Sir tail when the brat
Watt in an ugly mood. Sir
mate, Lady Cloe, is as fine and
large a as one will see in
many a long travel. The
Collection lobe seen in
is second to
none in tie United State.
There are not only lions in this
superb department, but typical
representatives every distinct
specie of animal in existence.
Notwithstanding the magnitude of
this feature one ticket admits a
person to all its wonders.
Tillman Trial Has Begun.
morning Solicitor
Thurmond the state
ready in the case against Tillman
charged with the murder of
15th last. Con-
Geo. W. Aiken,
law partner at
announced that the defense was
ready. The prisoner was arraign-
ed and the trial began, the jury
being obtained with relatively
small difficulty from the original
panel by p. m. At p, m.,
after recess the examination of
witnesses for the state was com-
and half dozen were dis-
posed of before adjournment for
the night.
A girl in this town had a pro-
of marriage Sunday night,
asked a to it
before filing her answer. She then
herself into an
gating committee, and commenced
testimony from married
of her Acquaintance. The
first one she visited to be a
Too Many Frills in Public School
Courses-Better Return to the
Old Blue Back Speller of Our
But Don't Get Excited-It May
Be a Fish Yarn.
have heard of the bump-
of young in-
quired the man who had been set
ting off some of the failings of
youth just see if you
ever heard the like of this When
I was living in an apartment house
in New York, on the fifth story,
two painter- were at work paint-
the exterior. The ladder on
which they at work was
Murder Cam.
The of Nathan Sessoms,
charged with killing Osborn
at last year,
began in the Superior court this
morning. F. M. Wooten
appears with Solicitor Moore for
prosecution, and prisoner
is defended by Messrs. H. W.
Whedbee Boy C. Flanagan.
A of was summoned
from which to select the jury.
The regular panel was first called
aDd eight of these were accepted,
the remaining four corning from
the The jury as
is composed of R. Hyman,
T. K. W. J.
rail, which is required
bylaw. Both young men seemed j M. A. M. Smith, J
The Biblical Recorder, of
and the most admired girl in its issue last
the town before she was married, week, to an in its
six years ago. The cross observed that is generally ad-
brought oat the fact that she that the city administration
bad three did all her is, from the mayor down, reckless, I watched one as he j W. Martin, Jr., W, H, Clark, B.
own work, including washing and weakest on The braced against. the wall threw Bailey, B. S. J. J.
ironing, and hadn't been down remarked upon this that The I out the ladder by the pressure of j Ma, W. J. Fleming and W. E.
four weeks, and that her Recorder is not only very able his feet, while his companion j Patrick.
hadn't given her but but a outspoken and I reached across an angle of the wall I The taking of testimony was still
since she was married, and that he this tribute finds to a distant strip. It was a in progress at the time we goto
had borrowed forgot to pay In this passage from an j most foolhardy trick, and I turned
back which her brother gave editorial in The Recorder of sick at the sight,
her once as a Christmas present.; Not a minute later there was a
He bought him a new overcoat need a campaign through- crash. The ladder had swung
with the money, while she wore out North in behalf of back lurched
the same plush coat that she wore economy public upon the five
when he was courting her. An and especially in our towns and below.
other woman she visited cities. We should never stop course, I telephoned at once
quit school three years public affairs are conducted as for an ambulance. it was the
ago lo marry handsomest and economically as private affairs are. driver a young doctor. The
best dressed man and In some our towns we notice latter came into the court yard
she is now supporting him. A they are maintaining departments approached the injured man, who
third dare say her soul was of and French the free; lay moaning on the flagstones. He
her own when her husband was schools. This is an imposition. lifted his baud to feel his pulse
around, though sue need write We should contact to confine and
some lovely essays hen she was instruction f u our free schools to j your head
the school on the wading, writing, Arithmetic, wouldn't that jar
of the fourth and history. The the New Yorker, whose
woman she visited was divorced. the superintendents lip curled with at the
After them summing to make college of of
up the evidence, she went h me graded schools should lie suppress- Journal,
and wrote to the young man. by the school j ,
will be married next This is Something that has long
Minneapolis Messenger. needed to be said, and that many Mayor H. W Whedbee has dis
l us have long warned to say, but of following caws in his
I we didn't have the
Daniel James and Harriet. James, Sensible Grand Jury.
riotous and conduct I ,.,., . . , n
Wilmington, Del. Sept.
who and
J. J. Sill ton, drunk and down. ,, ,. , . .
. , . Helen
. lined and costs, 34.40.
Allen y . . u, drunk and
down, fined and costs,
Lain Byrd, drunk and disorder-
lined and costs. 94.80.
J. K. Wan en, Sam Allen and I season was beautifully and
Jesse H. playing inaugurated. It was
bound over to Superior the successful and en-
court. event that has place
Ben Starkey, firing off rifle in j in Greenville years. The flow-
town, fined one penny and costs, I of the beauty, grace and
1.80. airy of this old Southern town gave
Wild Chase for Horse Thief.
Richmond, Va., Sept. Observer.
his night clothes and on a horse
Body Found Floating in River.
Williamston, N. C, Sept.
Late in the evening the body of a
white man standing, partially
erect, was floating down the
river past the steamboat wharf.
Investigation proved to be the
body of Bob Padgett, who lived
with his family here in town. He
was clad in a suit of overalls, such
as he was seen to wear on the streets
Tuesday night last, since when he
bus rot Been until he was
thus discovered. He had in his
pockets some two dollars in change
a a bottle of and
other articles.
At the coroner's it was
thought that there had foul
play as there was bruise
on his forehead, bi evidence
could be bail of such.
very time a person loses
temper he finds a lot of trouble.
Mrs. Willie Hughes was elected
the Stock Farm. The ,,. , . , .
n one of the teachers. Tins coin-
thief jumped from the horse he . , . . .
J v corps
was riding and escaped in the , . , , . .
v school whiles will open
on Tuesday, Oct. Oh. and for col
Jury for Trial.
Raleigh, N. C, Sept. The j the of a,, are
most important action of the Wake to attend the schools. The
Carolina Club Opening.
With the formal opening of the
Carolina Club la-t night the social
county Superior court which con-
today was the ordering of a
of men from which to
draw a jury to try Ernest Hay-
wood for the killing of Ludlow
Skinner February last Judge
R. B. Peebles is on the bench.
The case is net for Thursday.
North Carolinian in Limbo.
Richmond, Ya,, Sept.
James Betts, a master painter who
came here recently from Oxford,
N. was arrested tonight on a
warrant sworn out by Wm.
his partner, charging
him with defrauding him out of
the sum of Betts was locked
up and at a late hum tonight had
not bailed.
Speculation is a good thing to
tench people how to
A woman can always believe a
thing then is some reason
for it.
white children will all meet at the
court house Tuesday morning to
hi- in mid for grading, and the
colored children will meet at their
school home Wednesday morning.
All who will attend the school
should be present.
Noah Boyd, drunk and
fined and costs, 94.85.
Henry Taft, riotous and
Steal at Biltmore.
N. O, Sept.
of a member of the
more estate, owned by George W.
and a well founded re-
port that is the sum
of a big sensation
here. is here
looking the matter personally.
The is said to be only
too re I. A combination two or
three of office force made the
the scene a distinguished air, and
the splendid arrangement made by
the club officials gave thorough
conduct assault, fined to everyone present. The
costs, 98.15.
Elbert Campbell, riotous and
disorderly conduct, fined and
costs, 93.30.
In the report two weeks ago the
name Zeb Bland appeared when it
should have Zeb Blount.
A girl ought to be careful to
dress as not to have any pins
mt her waist.
C. T. made an opening
display of millinery and la-
dies gods. His stock is very large
and em tracts all the latest styles.
His was thronged with lady a little and
visitors Ibis brain a Life.
doctor told Jack that
he had studying too hard
what did he heartily concur,
he advised him to go
rooms were tastefully rated
with plants and flowers, and the
music was all that could be
ed. Supper was served at
and it was certainly one of the
most enjoyed and appreciated
of the evening. Many
guests present, also the
wives and daughters of members.
The cuisine and service of the club
are both i above reproach, and
Greenville thinks itself extremely
fortunate in having such an
in its midst, in which we
It's funny bow little right mar-
men have to the money they

Eastern reflector, 29 September 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 29, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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