Eastern reflector, 21 July 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Fine Dress Goods, and Dry Goods, made not merely to
sell, but to serve whoever gets them. This is particularly true
of Ladies; Dress Goods Silks and Laces, Gloves and
and Valises, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Pants,
A few kinds of our goods, are the same in all other stores,
like Muslin, Flannels, Ginghams, etc. but the bulk of the
goods we is in one sense or another different from that sold
by other store.
Article purchased are returnable within a reasonable time
if they fail to satisfy.
Entire Stock of Summer Goods
has been Reduced, and
be Sold by August 10th.
Lawns and Dimities have been reduced one third to one
half. Have made big reductions in our black dress goods. Low
prices will prevail all through the mouth of July.
Standard styles for September now
ready. The August Designer Fashions sheets always free.
Ricks Wilkinson
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Ham mocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
ice cream, sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
J. N. Hart left this morning for
O. D. Hooker went
ville today.
Snow Cox left Monday
for Raleigh.
J. T. Thorne, was
in town today.
Prof. A. J. Manning, of Ayden,
was here today
Mrs. Fred Cox went to Kinston
Tuesday evening.
V. J. Lee, of Norfolk, arrived
Tuesday evening.
Burwell went to Kin-
stun Monday evening.
J. B. Cherry, Jr., left Tuesday
evening for Seven Springs.
Miss Matilda went to;
Winterville Tuesday evening.
S. B. Chapman. of Darlington,
S. arrived Tuesday evening.
Miss Pattie returned
Tuesday evening from a visit to
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harden, o
Wilson, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Carr.
Misses Mamie and Mat tie Jen- j
kins, of Wilson, who were visit-
Mrs. W. H. Harrington, left
Mrs. J. L. and child-
of Parmele, arrived Tuesday
evening to visit her parents, Mi. I
and Mrs. J. L.
Mrs. Pattie Winstead, of
Mount, who has been visiting her
parents, Mr. Mrs. W.
King, returned home today.
Misses Glenn Forbes and
Tucker and C. S. Forbes, J. L.
Carper and J. B. Davenport re-
turned Tuesday evening from
Scotland Neck, where they had
been to attend the
sou marriage.
Fresh Coin Mullets at M.
The University is
about to establish a chair of
The United States has
i hi many is next
and Great Britain third
Anti Saloon Campaign in Raleigh.
Raleigh, N. C, July
Anti Saloon League of has
been called to meet next Tuesday
evening. This will be the open-
of the campaign for a
in Raleigh.
clearing the site of their ware-
house, recently burned,
to rebuilding with brick.
It is not always the low price that makes the
bargain, it is what yon get for the price. To
see a bargain you must use both one
on quality the other on the price.
Here are a Few of Our
Dimities and Colored Lawns that were re-
to Those beautiful ones that were
reduced to
Swiss that has been sell for you
can get during this sale
We have placed a special lot of
s on our counters some of these sold for
1.00 a pair your choice for . Sizes, to
Also Ladies Slippers worth to for
Ladies Embroidered turn-over collars each.
Pearl shirt waist sets from to
If these are not Bargains We Don't
Know What Bargains Are.
The canning season is most here, yon bad bet-
prepare for it by buying your Fruit Jars.
We have them in Glass and Stone. Rubber
rings for fruit jars. This is the place to
them we sell the best.
Mid-summer Sale
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
Family Flour -straight
round lb
lbs per bushel
i. mi.,,,
Fine Handkerchiefs
We have just received dozen Fine Imported
Lace Embroidered Linen and Lawn Handkerchiefs.
They are beautiful, pure material and in the best
taste. Regular and value, but for a few
days only we are offering them at
Ten Cents
Of course you know this a bargain, and will profit
by it
Pulley Bowen's
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric power plant,
Branch offices and shops, Ricky Mount,
N. C, and Sumter, S. C.
For address Rocky
Mount Office.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Military Swoops Down on Gang And a Baby's Life Was the Price
of Murderous Thugs.
of Carelessness.
Richmond, Va., July
murder in their hearts twelve men
lay concealed in a dark alley in
the eastern part of the city just
after midnight, this
were headed by striking union car
men and were armed with rocks
pistols for the car of the
night. Secret service men had
been informed of the plot and it
was decided to send the car with-
out guards to the place selected
i to two companies of
soldiers to march in from
all directions, hemming in the
rioters. The last car passed in
front of the dark mouth of the by-
way. There were flashes of pistols
in the showers of rocks
and ragged edge bricks. The men
on the car did not have time to
return the fire. The military bad
laid its plan well and suddenly
the place, seven of the
men were captured.
They Are Not Allowed Much Res
in Wilson.
O. July special
meeting of of alderman
is Called tonight for
pose of taking up matters relative
to the restriction of the saloon
business in Wilson. A set of rules
will be for the govern
if saloons. A com-
from the Anti Saloon
League will appear before the
board and urge the passage of an
ordinance requiring saloons to
close at o'clock p. in. This
measure will bring on a hard light
between liquor anti liquor
New Bern Negro Knew a Thing or
Two About Postage Stamps.
New N. C. duly
Foster, a colored loan, was
arrested today upon complaint of
postmaster Hancock, charged with
violating the postal laws-by using
using postage. He was
held by U S. Commissioner Hill
for the next federal grand jury
and in default of one honored
bail was lodged in Graven
county jail.
But is Making Trouble tor the
Coat Tail Barrooms.
Statesville, July
temperance people of Statesville
are experiencing some
in protecting themselves against
the sale use of liquor in that
town and several off end his of the
law have already come to grief.
A number of seizures have been
made and now have a good
supply of whiskey on hand.
Advertising is the fertilizer that
prepares the ground for another
better crop.
Charlotte, N. C.
Jack Duncan, the year-old son
of B. P. a traveling sales-
man for a Chicago firm, died at
the hospital this
morning from a gun snot accident-
ally inflicted. Jack secured his
father's cartridges and loaded the
gun. then began a romp with his
nurse, the gun the chief
plaything. the course of the
play the nurse pointed the gun at
thinking it was loaded,
and pulled the trigger. There
was a scream and Jack fell to the
floor mortally wounded. The
young parents are almost
with grief.
Railroad Promoters Coming.
Washington, N. C, July
Capt. J. M. Turner and Claude
Barbee, promoters of the
and sound railroad,
are in Washington today and re-
a cordial reception from the
people of this town, who are en-
for the road. The
will go from here to Green-
Arrested for Murder.
N. ;,
The sheriff of and deputy
sheriff of Cumberland counties
arrested Cleveland Williams
and Blue, who are charged
with the murder of Ed Barney at
a church Garner's creek town-
Ammonia from an Ice Factory in
Washington Did It.
Washington, N. C. July
Thursday evening a sail boat tied
up to the wharf here behind the
Crystal Ice factory. The weather
being warm the four sailors on
board went to sleep at night with
the door and windows of the cabin
open. The ice factory was at
work daring the night and am
from the exhaust pipe filled
the cabin of the boat and came near
the sleeping sailors.
Cue of them awoke with a strange
feeling, and finding his room
mates went at once
for a doctor who arrived in time
to revive them. The sailors had a
narrow escape.
Carolina Club Meeting.
At the meeting Friday night
the Carolina Club elected the
following new Senator,
A. L. Blow, Supt. W. H. Bags-
dale, District Attorney
Harry Skinner, Dr. Brown,
S. J. Parham, W. A. B. Hearne,
B. B. and W. W.
The is now
Asks A. C. L for Depot and Sun-
day Trains.
The Pitt County Retail Mer-
association held an inter-
meeting the court house
Friday night. A constitution and
by-laws were adopted and other
routine business attended to.
A committee consisting of J. R.
C. T. S. M.
Schultz, T. White J. N.
Hart was appointed to confer with
the promoters of the Raleigh and
Sound railroad.
It was resolved to petition the
Atlantic Coast line for another
daily passenger train, a Sunday
train and that the passenger depot
to be enlarged and altered or a new
one built.
Several new members were add-
ed, and the invitation to every re-
tail merchant in the county to
join was renewed. A committee
on membership was appointed,
will at an active
of the county.
Greenville Will New Road
from Raleigh to the Coast.
It seems to us that every fool
the country who has nothing to
will probably reach by August j say is trying to say it about the
1st, and possibly There was We have the dished
talk of procuring the erection of up to us noon night.
a suitable building for the club I ,
Some of our own state papers
The meeting adjourned to meet to have on the
next Wednesday night at is mentioned
in the Masonic lodge room half the population are at- gelling a stock company to put
immediately alter the adjourn- tacked by the disease of unlocked automobiles to carry
J. M. Turner C.
M. Barbee, of Raleigh, promoters
of the Raleigh and rail-
road, arrived from Washington
this morning and held a conference
with the leading business men of
Greenville. The railroad people
presented their preposition, which
was discussed at length. While
the plans and agreements were
not definitely settled. The Re-
can say that the new
road will come to Greenville. We
will publish full details text Wed-
The express companies have
combined to rates, and
the price for carrying small pack-
ages exceeding one pound in
weight are from to twenty-
five per cent higher. The people
have to submit to this.
to wonder will
Hay wood ever be brought to
says the Asheville Citizen. Yes,
he will. You don't think the
prosecution will take t s on
another governor, do you
The Richmond street car
are preparing to retaliate by
of the lodge.
members are requested to be I,
. ., imagination and
present, as the adoption con-
and by-laws and
appointment of important com- doses. Let the next who says
Pope's Condition deferred to
jaw, we get theory, sentiment, the city
July Pope's
remains unchanged. He
j has slept several hours since
ling. After consultation the-doc-
tors have abandoned the idea of a
third operation.
A Psalm of Advertising.
Tell me not sneering
Advertising dose not pay,
Rich who fling their ban-
Boldest to the world today.
Advertising done earnest,
Done with wisdom, heart
With determination, sternest.
Always wins the wished goal.
Lives of many remind us
We to great success can climb
It the reading public find us
Advertising all the time. ,
Advertising with
Energy to spread our fame,
Even honest and consistent
In performing what we claim.
In the world's commercial battle,
In the rivalry of trade,
We must hustle, shout, and rattle
Ere impression can be made.
Not sorrow,
Is the certain end of those
Who are apt to let tomorrow,
Like today unheeded close.
Careless of their ad
Which, if penned in common
Is the method prising
That insures full recompense.
The Metropolis.
be chained to a
graph loaded with records of
Chauncey after dinner
to the street cars
Founded on a
If you toot your little and
then-lay aside your horn, there's lies other things.
n it a soul in ten short days will
See the agitation of new
rail mad projects makes the old cock alone; he is a good man,
know that you were born. The
gathers pumpkins it, the
man who plows all day, the
man who keeps it humping is the
one who makes it pay. The man
who advertises with a short and I Atlantic Coast Line,
The Hon. Champ Clark is in-
to take the boom
is, for
purposes. Evidently he
has not heard the news from
don't you fell, let
one hump. Our neighbor, Wash
needs better depot
sudden jerk, is the one who blames
the-editor because it doesn't work.
The who get the business take a
long steady pull keep the
local paper from year to year
quite full. He plans his
in a careful, thoughtful
way and keeps forever at it until
he makes it pay. He has
all the future can withstand a
like the wan of
scripture, has his business on a
Advertising is the harvester that
garners golden grain.
Seven Years for Bribery.
St, Louis, July jury in
the case of Julius for-
mer of the House of
gates, charged with bribery in
connection with the passage of the
city lighting bill, returned
this afternoon finding the
defendant guilty.
His punishment was fixed at
seven years in the penitentiary,
the maximum punishment under
law for the crime of which
was convicted.
with accustomed indifference, was
taking its own time about supply-
need. Now the agitation
is on for Washington to have
another railroad, all at once
an architect of the L.
pears u the scene with plans
specifications a new depot.
would have more respect for
the railroads if they would pro-
public needs as soon as they
become apparent, without waiting
to be forced to do so.
We sympathize deeply with
those Charlotte parents whose
baby fell a victim to the deadly
unloaded gun, but brand
sense they showed
lowing a baby to play with a gun
does nos entitle them to much
Rioting may have helped it
along the Richmond street car
strikers would have lost anyhow,
because it was impossible for them aid. The motion finds an
to Herald. I second.
we let any of them have
it suppose we make them tell
how they stand on this pardoning
says the Durham Her-
was asked us recently. What we
are kicking about is that is too
good a man to criminals.
not deceived. will re-
main in the shade if wait for
the aide of the world to
turn around to you.
Fourteen boys have died this
season from lockjaw caused by the
toy pistol. The gun
killed the others,
Governor Aycock says the
fine will keep schools open
for one month. Better close every
school in the land rather than sell a
rapist a pardon.
It appears that it is custom
in this state in regard to rapists
to lynch the jail the poor
white and fine all who to
pay it.
That who was not skinned
alive in West Virginia doubtless
has a good idea of what he will
net if he touches a white woman.
The mortality consequent upon,
the Kentucky republican meeting
is not as high as at first stated.

Tears when was a very young
pin ii learned and when I
Was twenty-five years old received a
offer to go U Italy to In-
u corps of operators for a new
line then building. Pram Italy was
ailed to Sicily on similar business,
Where I remained several months.
day a ship came In from
ca with passengers who were mostly
pleasure or health seekers, among
them an American gentleman, Mr. Es-
and his daughter Alice. Alice Ea-
ten was in delicate health, and this
was the reason for their ma the
trip. Mr. was wealthy and spent
his money lavishly, lie took the best
rooms in the hotel and had all the
servants at his heck, each striving to
win the coins he kept in his pocket to
secure their attention. I made his ac-
one evening, and when he
learned that I was a telegrapher he
told me that he had been an operator
had secured an interest in a
telegraph line which had afterward
been sold out to a combination for so
much money that his share had made
him rich.
He was very unwise in not conceal-
bis for the Sicilian brigands
are noted for rich people
and holding them ransom. They
soon spotted Mr. Ester, one day
when he was climbing an ascent back
of the hotel alone took him in charge.
When he did not return for dinner a
search was made, and he was not to
be found within n distance of a dozen
miles. Then It was determined that
he had fallen into the hands of brig-
The landlord commissioned me to
break the to Alice and
I confess found It a difficult mat-
She her large blue eyes, full
of tears and pleading, at me and beg-
me to save her father from being
murdered. It was impossible to avoid
seeming to acquiesce, and told her
that I would Start at once in search
of him. I was to go into the interior
on business, but I had not the faintest
expectation of being of any service to
Mr. listen. Indeed, his case was In
his own hands. Probably at first he
might not defer to the demands of his
captors, but after with death
the face, he would be
obliged to yield.
I did not forget either the father or
daughter and tried to get wind of the
former. I opened telegraph offices
and often in communicating with the
asked If any news had come
from the captive. A reply finally came
that It was reported that the demands
of the bandits, who thought he was
fabulously rich, were so enormous that
he could not pay them. At least this
was the assumption from what the
bandits had permitted to be known. I
worked across the island, then back
again. One night I stopped at a
In the mountains where there was
only one building In which a stranger
could accommodated, but its owner
and the people saw about the place
were so looking that I
feared to stay there. However, there
was no choice, and. leaving what
money I possessed at the station.
tool; up my quarters In this uninviting
The head of my bed was against a
wall, and before going to sleep I heard
what at I took to be a mouse's
gnawing, though the wall was of stone
and mice do not try to work their way
through masonry. My surroundings
were so disagreeable that I did not
get to sleep easily, and this continued
click in the wall did not add to my
ability to do so. Finally it occurred
to me that there was. to speak para-
an Irregular regularity about
the clicks. Besides, would stop
and be at intervals which
were about They began to In-
me. After a silence, when they
were resumed again I listened
Almost any telegrapher from
force of habit will attempt to let-
In such sounds, and I soon found
myself trying to do so. What was
my astonishment the moment I began
one procuring his
With a beating heart I waited for the
tapping which ended with the word
to recommence. When It did
I followed the words.
American gentleman Is
here by bandits. He will give a
large sum to any one procuring bis re-
The moment the message was fin-
I sprang out of bed. took a large
knife from my trousers pocket and
with the handle telegraphed on the
you Mr.
Thank for the
am the operator you met at the
determined between us that
we should wait till morning, when I
would telegraph for a force to come
up release him. We chatted half
the night, however, and I didn't sleep
a wink. He bad sending bis mes-
sages at intervals ever since he bad
been captured.
n. I par.
out of house, sent my mes-
sage, and that night troops surround-
ed the place and captured every one
. on It. Mr. Baton and I returned to the
coast, and In time brigands were
executed for his capture.
This was the beginning of my Inti-
with the a
advantageous introduction. Though
I told the truth. Alice would never be- j
that had not gone purposely to j
seek her father. Mr. offered me
a check for which declined. ,
; I wanted something more valuable,
ind I got daughter.
For French
Persons who have worried through
a may get some sat-
from the thought that with
their own language they are revenged
upon the Parisian.
Is a little book which
makes straight the way of the Eng-
language for French tongues.
Hoes one wish to say. is it. miss;
one so charming and pretty walking .
of course, would be
one of the Bret remarks a French
would have occasion to It i
Is only necessary to consult the
If the traveler
goes to the theater the man at the box
office may say. have ;
stalls allow me
sat are best for
is given up as a bad job.
is as difficult for the Frenchman as for
the German, though n German manual
gives John Bull as
A good rain fell Monday-
Crops are looking well.
Little Miss Julia Braxton has
been suffering era days with
her throat.
Luther and sisters, Misses
Lizzie and spent Saturday
night Sunday visiting
near Greenville.
Jerome and Charles
went over the river Thursday.
Miss Annie is on the
sick list.
E. D. Braxton lost a barn filled
with tobacco, by fire, last Friday.
H. Langston spent Tuesday
night at
Miss Eva Langston Sat-
night and Sunday in Win-
Charles wife
Conducted by DR. C. M. JONES.
Grimesland, N. C, July 1903-
Our community is full of little
boys and girls all growing up in
ignorance and idleness. They are
helpless, they cannot command
what they eight or
ten months term of school every
year. We have referred to an
effort that would be made to hold
an election and levy a special tax,
in order that we might build a
house and have longer
children spent Saturday Sun-
day with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
went to Winterville Monday.
term. Let us get together, ask
for an election, invite Prof. Rags-
dale to come down and help us,
and he will secure a prominent
speaker education and arouse
Mack Bryan, of our people to see the necessity of a
was in the neighborhood Tuesday, school in our midst. Let's
Miss Tessie spent have an election, and we are sure
Great In Franc, i
The strangest of the underground l
worlds in France which I visited was
devoted to the raising of mush-1
rooms. Its limits seemed unbounded.
M Indeed they were, for It pierced the
hillsides In every direction. We entered
through an opening under an orchard
of cherry trees. During
a crop is every
hours. Three men. with their great
baskets, make the rounds of this under-
ground farm every morning, and every
day In the year can count on an
crop, which they ship to the
large cities near by and even several
miles away. The discolored and
or mushrooms are sent to the canneries,
but for bis best growth the producer
receives only cents a
days of last week in Green
E. E. went to Ayden Thurs-
Miss Lucy Belle Langston
Saturday and Sunday near Win-
Grimesland, N. C.
Headquarters for Goods,
Notions, Furnishings,
Hardware, Groceries.
summer goods be-
sold at half price.
Special prices or.
hats caps and and all rib-
laces and millinery goods.
Wanted a thousand dozen eggs
at per dozen.
Car load chickens from cents
Best Timothy hay at lowest
Cheapest place for fruit jars.
Ice always hand, especially
hot days.
Bring all of country pro-
duce and try W. M. Co.
highest prices.
Dud Moore and Scott Galloway
will please you.
The beastly as Gibbon calls
him. spent at hast six millions of
money on table in as many months. He
Invented, or his cook invented for him.
a dish which he designated Shield
of One of its principal In-
was tongues, of
which both Pliny and Martial speak in
terms. says that
the have tongues,
and near the root is a piece of fat
which Is accounted a great
When Captain Owen was surveying
the east coast of Africa his sailors shot
down hundreds of these beautiful birds
In order, with an extravagance worthy
of to make a dish of the
tongues alone.
Grimesland cannot afford to take a
backward step.
Rufus Galloway and Ed. Boyd
returned Tuesday an ex-
tended trip down the country.
T. W. Walker, of Greenville,
was here Tuesday, talking tobacco,
tacking signs telling jokes.
He is rare good fellow we en-
joyed his visit.
. D. G. Moore went Greenville
Bethel, N C. July 1903. . , , . . . .
,, . , . accompanied by Miss
Mr. of Green t, . . . . . . ,
,, . Eula who has visiting
came over Monday and returned . . . . . .
Tuesday relatives here tor a week or two.
J. C. Taylor Bro., have just Mrs. J. W. is a
completed their store on Main few days with her mother's family
street. It adds much to their on river.
place of business. H. C. Venters is moving into
Mrs. Martha Knight, of Rocky . , . . , .
Mount, died here Tuesday about his new residence on Pin street.
o'clock, at the home of her In a few days J. N. Mayo
daughter, Mrs. Pattie Cherry. She family will move into the
was in her 71st year and leaves I deuce occupied
four daughters. We extend deep j
est sympathy to the bereaved . . ,. ls,
family. Henry Boyd is on sick list
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. j today.
G. W. Howard continues sick and , F. and Miss
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
hope she will soon recover.
W. L. Britton left Monday for I
Mount to visit his
Mrs. J. C. Wynne.
Albania lies miles on the Adriatic
sea and is fifty to a hundred miles
Wide. It formed originally, says ;
; William Jackson Armstrong In his
rots of from part of all
i of and part of Macedonia in the ,
i eleventh century. From this territory
; sprung who defeated the I
man Invader; and Alexander of
Macedon, the conquerors; Perseus, ;
whose fame as a soldier covered the
world sixty years after Christ, and ,
who for forty years
armies sent against him by the
Turk. Ancient Albania lay in Asia, Just
east of the Caucasus.
Louise, are visiting today the
family of Dr. Jones.
The stage J. O. Proctor
Bros, new gin house gave away
last Wednesday, came very
near causing a serious accident to
two workmen, Manning
and Sam were on it at
the time, felt the impulse of the
Oh many a dart that pierced the some timbers
Would fell from the lifted hand,, overhead just in time to save
And much of the strife, of wear- themselves from a thirty foot tall,
life They were left hanging by
Would cease, at the first command, high up in the air.
If we only were understood
If we only could
If We Only Could Understand.
For The Reflector.
If we only were understood.
If we only understand.
Misses and Susie Moore
went to Thursday
Oh much of the pain, of slavery's afternoon and returned
The Whole
you've been to
I was married last
Tuesday week, and the next day we
reached Niagara. Soon as we got there
I started out to see the falls with my
bet You should have seen all
the other men turning around to look
at her as she
a shame the way those
children arc growing up without any
parental restraint
when their mother Joined the
Woman's Literary society and began
attending all the Mr.
lop got sort of reckless and Joined a
Don't Worry
Oppressing the striving soul
Would vanish from
hail to the birth
Of after the good,
If we only were understood
If we only could understand.
Full many a word like- a sombre
That flies on its way of woe
Would never be said, of living or I
If hearts be sure they know,
Gould be sure they were understood
Could be sure that they understand, j
I. N.
A beautiful woman starved to
death in New York recently. Why
didn't she go to one of Mr. Car
splendid libraries
Hum Day.
Customer promised
to have my work done yesterday, and
you haven't touched it yet.
Printer -My dear sir. we've been so
busy In this office that you ought to be
very thankful that we took the to
make you a promise.
a favorite
generally a dead one after the
Father Served as a Bumper.
A young lady who is employed
in a millinery establish-
is earning quite a reputation
for being the victim of mishaps.
Sunday, while recovering from a
week's illness, she stepped through
a register at her home and fell into
the room below. The blow
most killed father, but if father,
hadn't been below to catch the
descending girl, further hat trim-
ming would have been indefinitely
so far as the young lady
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
J. Proctor Bros.
If you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to go in it, clothing and
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your table, or for
your farm, we can supply your needs.
We manufacture
and sell the best tobacco trucks, also
do general repairing of buggies, carts
and wagons. Come to us for any-
thing you want.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks. Hot
every day.
c. n.
and Surgeon,
Complete Stock of Drug.
Another blow to the chief oyster
at Oyster Bay. Kentucky re-
publicans have endorsed him.
Ms Pill
After eating, persons of a bilious ho
derive i-rent benefit by taking
of these pills. If you have been
they will promptly relieve the nausea,
and nervousness which follows,
the and remove gloomy
Elegantly sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
The Ayden Branch Office of The Eastern Reflector is in charge of E. V. to whom any matter for publication on this
page should be sent, and who is our authorized agent in Ayden and surrounding territory-
Hay, Corn, Lime, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
Depository for
Public School Books.
Agents for
Blue Shoes.
floods and
We are adding to our stock a nice, new and up-to-date line of H
We carry almost everything in the furniture line and prices will be made as
cheap as consistent with good goods. Prices are very much reduced on
Lawns. Slippers, etc., also a certain line of Shoes. For a cheap pair of
Shoes better come at once as we have put a price them that will certainly
move them Yours for business, CANNON TYSON.
v H
Loans and
and Fixtures. 602.84
Expenses Paid. 110.00
Due from banks and bankers 11,088.00
Cash. . 017.76
Ayden, X. C, July, 1903.
Miss Bonnie of Kin-
is visiting Miss Annie Ed-
wards here this week.
Miss Lizzie Anderson returned
Wednesday morning from a visit
to Alexandria, Va., and Graham,
N. C. stopping her return for
a few days at
A. J. Manning came back from
the summer school at Raleigh
Misses Carrie and Henrietta
Wesson are visiting Miss Nina
Cannon for a few days.
Mrs. A. J. with little
Jamie returned home on
day evening from a mouth's visit
to and
E G. Cox to Scotland Neck
Miss Davis, who has been
in Washington a visit to Miss
Bessie Mae is home again.
Little Miss Sallie
i returned to Ayden last Friday
I from
Dr. L. C. Skinner went to
Greenville Wednesday.
Miss Ethel Skinner, of Green-
ville, is here visiting her brother,
W. G. Lamb John Lamb,
of have been in
a day or two. Always pleas-
ant and popular ate these two
of the
you bought it from MINES it's all
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all.
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware.
J. W. and BROS.
n-i Cattle Style
i J in. or o in. apart
i ft Si
in. or la.
Made of large, strong, high grade steel wires, heavily
Amply provide for expansion and contraction. Is practically ever-
lasting. Never goos wrong, no matter how great a strain is put on it.
Does not mutilate, but does, efficiently, turn cattle, horses, hogs
and pigs.
by the manufacturer.; and by us. Call see it. Can show you how
it- will save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced.
Also Mower, Rakes, Binders, Cultivators and all
J. R. Smith Bro.
Quality is ever the first consideration in this store, because
that is the only basis for values that insures the satisfaction
of customers and the continuance of successful business.
General Dry Goods, Millinery, Furniture,
Hardware, Groceries, Etc.,
is probably most extensive in town, our prices are
ways light. We also carry a stuck of such as
Hay, Corn, Oats, etc. Let us serve yon. J. R. Smith
we hope to have them us
again. They left through the
country for Washington the
Hotel Tripp has been crowded
ed with traveling men this week.
AT c.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try a bottle of my Fruit Syrup for constipation.
cents. If you are not satisfied I will return
Pharmacist, Ayden, N. C.
Ayden, N. C, July 1903.
T. J. Sweeney, chief traveling
auditor for the Coast who
had been here Monday, left
Friday morning.
It. M. Prince, who was stationed
here last winter as relief agent
the Coast Line and who will
week wed one of
daughters, left for his home at
H. C., Friday morning.
F. L Cast ex, of was
in den Thursday.
M. Elliott, Norfolk, came
oft Thursday and left Friday
J. A. Harrington picked from
one bis bushes the other day a
tomato weighing twenty three
Charlie went to Greenville
Miss May Anderson returned
Thursday evening from a visit to
Farm ville,
Misses Mary Mary
of arc visiting
Misses Lizzie May
We learn that J. J. has
taken the contract to paint the
handsome residence of J. R. Smith
on Second street.
Mrs. J. T. Smith, Jr., returned
from a visit to her relatives
J Wednesday.
Elmer Gardner A.
Nobles went to Grifton Friday.
C. M. Capt. J. M.
Turner of came to Ayden
Thursday in the interest the
Raleigh and Sound Bail-
way Company. L. V. Morrill, of
Snow Hill, came from Snow Hill
with them. , A hasty meeting of
our citizens was called and the
gentlemen presented their pro-
position. They wished to know
what amount, if any, Ayden
would subscribe to the building
of the road. The matter will
be taken and discussed and
developments may follow. We
are sorry the promoters could not
stay longer in order to give us a
fall outline of their proposal. But
Mr. Parham to go to
In conversation with Mr. Sam-
J. Parham one day this week,
he informed us that he had formed
a and would go in
the tobacco warehouse business in
Greenville the coming season. He
will leave some time in July. Mr.
Parham has been engaged in the
tobacco business Louisburg
a number of years, and is an ex-
tobacconist. By honest
dealings with everybody he has
gained the confidence of all with
whom he has Mine In contact, and
he carry with him the good
will of the people of this entire
section. The editor of the Times
regrets his departure f
town, bat wishes him
family great, success and
in their new home. We Minuend
them to the people of Greenville,
to the cur at I'm county,
we will say will deal
with them more honorably
Samuel J.
Meeting and Meetings.
There were places numerous
people town to gel together Fri-
day night. Some of the
hail choir practice, the Anti Saloon
League com tees met in F. C.
office, the
Association met In Hie court house,
the Carolina club met in the
mayor's office, and there was a
lawn the M. B. church
lot on Washington street. Enough
not to let the dull.
Meeting of Board Education.
The board of education will
meet at on next Fri-
day, July 24th, at o'clock for
the purpose of considering the
school that district,
and district adjoining said
district. The
all persons interested in these
districts, are hereby notified to be
present that may be heard.
W. H.
Co. Schools
Advertising is the plow that
first lays bare the ground for plant-
Get our juices on Meat and Flour
before buying.
I sell your Eggs and Chickens
till you get our offer on them.
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner Manager.
Dr. Louis C Skinner,
Ayden, North Carolina.
One door north of
the best Brick in
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all hand made Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
always on ham. Prices to
suit lbs times. Write or plume
me for prices by the thousand or
car load. Yours truly,
Ayden, N. C.
EDWIN Proprietor.
Best market affords.
all trains.
table Rooms. Electric
Ayden, North
Why suffer from eye strain,
pain in the eye severe
headaches and general dis-
comforts of the eyes, when
J. W.
Can permanently cure yon of
those discomforts by fitting
you with the proper glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed
or your money re-

are idle, bat the New York cotton
D. J.
Editor and At e of the Pitt speculators are hard at work.
Associate Retail Merchant association
A cotton mill operatives principal or M i
immense ball
last night it was moved and car-
that the Atlantic Coast Line
in the post office at Greenville. N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties, be petitioned for another passenger
grandeur fur beneath the city
f Constantinople. Its roof la formed
of wide spanned supported on
massive marble columns. These stand
is evidently not in ten feet apart, and their capitals
. u. -ii w i . , . i SM elaborately wrought.
the Statesville Landmark's plat- building springs
train, a Sunday train and a new i . . . . .
Ibis paper has a minister, a
passenger depot.
The history of former petitions
from this town has not been over-
lawyer and a doctor on its staff.
from an expanse of waters which
the foundations of the city for
miles. Its and extent have been
shrouded In mystery ever since Its dis-
about seventy years ago, when
I some of the arches gave way. All at-
tempts to explore by boat this marvel
When rings the doorbell i of construction have been either fatal
glorious, and while we are far i .- i i j or fruitless.
there is always somebody in. ; Another palace of waters was th,
from wishing to discourage the stately Palace of Ice which was built
above projects, we believe that the
froth to fiction
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Tuesday, July 1903
Many a day has been spoiled , or Russia, to honor the nuptial
Governor is being unsparingly and I petitions will find their Dy a breakfast. of and a simple
often denounced for his abuse of the pardoning power. The to the waste basket, the grave
governor has a great many friends who keenly regret that of many our past efforts. We Alas for the boom that is pluck- of which the wails and
administration, otherwise without a fault, should be clouded believe the thing is to form too soon
by one unfortunate trait in the governor's character. an alliance with Washington and
The truth is that Governor is an extremist of the take the matter to the corporation tux
and bed were constructed wholly
of frozen water.
the most extreme type. In the matter of pardons he has not commission. We do not desire to;
merely carried his ideas of mercy to extremes, but he and
wronged every man in the state who obeys the laws. He has
with the railroad, but
buy a magnet while you're
out. Ruth baa lost the old said
T. , ,, , , the head of a big dressmaking
It is said Postmaster General her
would resign except that do you do with magnets
turned loose upon some of the lowest specimens of . he does not lite to do so under Mu
, . , . . , , ,. the most important point on the . . I asked,
and often lie has done this without a shadow of moral . , Cease
. , . . . . . . . . and branch and
right simply because be is unbalanced when it comes to a
matter of personal feeling. are .
In the county case he has. surely, reached the banded we will only may not. the To
limit If ever a master in the of man lived in this former failures. have to took for needle, would take -time,
limit, n a in me guise man in mis r r make trouble for the politicians he arc therefore, till
world it is that man Decency prevents Washington we V ; yet they bad best keep out of the the when goes over
find needles with
do you
day it naturally happens that
my forty-five assistants drop a great
of the details f his loathsome crime. Suffice to say, if he had something,
been a he would have been burned. We are willing to wait and see
In a three column article recently the Statesville Landmark what effect the petitions of last
discusses the pardon and plainly condemns the gov- night will have. If we do not get .
who is said to have given as his excuse for pardoning far more than yet
., t., ., . . o more man race are getting along much
the fact that there were grave doubts as to his guilt, in . k- t.
close to the floor. Every lost needle in-
then. Jumps up on the steel
and In that way all are recovered i a
,, few minutes. To recover them by
the greatest man his race now ., M J
of his Record.
., . , promises a reasonable time, this than he seems to I
What It is not guilty the governor is . . . J
. . , . , , will begin to agitate and
robbing of three thousand dollars. If he is guilty he ought I .
, i , i advocate our claims to the
to be to the very last hour of his sentence, and any . The way the look at it
other disposal of the case is an outrage upon justice. commission.-; u M .
reiterate, pardoning power must be taken out i 18th. does constitute murder North
Carolina, what is worse, juries
the hands of the governor. Under the present rule monstrous
wrongs have been perpetrated, and they are going to bring
down retribution on the erring.
We could not be strictly truthful and say that Greenville
is one of the most public spirited towns in the state, but we can
express gratification at the fact that we all seem to be of one
mind regarding the importance of water works and electric
In 1889 a hunter in the northwest of
New South Wales wounded a
The animal went off through the
and the salt bush at a pace too
fast for the hunter to follow was
soon out of sight. The hunter was a
bushman and did not despair. He
lowed the blood trail, hopeful of a
short search and a speedy bag. At one
point of the pursuit it may be that the
trail grew faint and necessitated a
closer Inspection. Anyway the
. stooped and picked up a piece of stone.
is no justice in calling a This he examined. The red spot was
as not
We opine that Mark Hanna seem to look at it the same
other distinguished pat- Durham Herald
have been doing mission-
work in North Carolina. The
following from the Raleigh Times murderer and allowing another to I cS
entitles that paper to a place at bis trial from court to opal fields.
the head of the class of those who thing is fixed to
Last Straw.
learned ms Herald. The stodgy faced boy at the last
. . j j in the public library reading room
Mr. C. J. of Golds- a struggle most serious. Ha
lights. These Improvements have been subject of much J who has been with
the News and for labors. His twisted mouth fol-
this paper to use what influence it
bitter discussion in the past, causing a great deal of hard feeling. nave , , ion.
the last evidence; of public officers. But we do . has his position to
of personal prejudice and ill feeling has vanished. There is Governor has go into other lines business, J of the English lies open at the
longer a bond element and an anti-bond element but all are for the course he and is no longer associated with of all the two pages only
,. ., , , . . i pursued interfering with the a, .
supporting the or internal improvements with a spirit of judgment of the courts this P talent of Jams n. The people
unity that means peace and advancement. bis friends would be glad to. x writers as readers of bad a grate deal from lames 2nd
this paper Ob- when at last he gave birth to a
h congratulate those who originally opposed the bonds
upon good and town pride they have shown in ac- What an ornament the Times
the result Of the as final and falling into the; would nave to the period of Of all the snake now go-
line practical progress and education. George the Third the rounds we thing the fol-
lowing the true Last Than-
son they said this thing must
Adele Marie Shaw In Worlds Work.
Greenville's newly-organized
association meets to-
Natives of Central America are in-
users of pimento tobacco,
which they make from dried pimento
The Transcript has day Mr J- B- Outlaw killed a rat- terries, or allspice, it invariably gives
. . a . . tile
the a sore throat and often
As Greenville and Washington make a creditable beginning by
appear to be in the same canoe appointing a committee to go to
the matter of the Raleigh Greenville's
Sound Railroad, we claims before the company. This
is in order for the could join forces with
two towns to combine forces similar from Washington,
make an united and determined this way something could
effort to have the road run as at surely be accomplished,
first proposed. We note that We we can promise
Captain Turner and Mr. Bar bee that will co-operate if
are now on a prospecting tour Washington will take up the mat-
the vicinity of Wilson, and we Put UP to the
may come further east and in-1 Gazette-Messenger a to rouse its
their deep water and get them to take
The claims of Reflector, 16th.
and Washington ought to be laid
before the new railroad company
at once. If we remain passive
been acquired by a retail grocer feet ten inch cause, cancer of the tongue. The
with eighteen rattles and a button, tires of South Africa are affected in a
The snake contained two grown peculiar manner by the smoke from
night, and we trust they will and will be issued monthly in the I and a button, of South Africa a , .,
The committee of the
Anti-Saloon league did
and do not put up a stiff fight for ; wisely in not establishing a
our rights, it will be justification
for the company's judgment in
not entering towns that do not
help themselves. Unless Green-
ville and Washington put up a
worthy fight for what they be-
is coming to them, they
deserve nothing. j
temperance organ. The best
papers of the state are aiding
the work every day, and are
doing all the good that can be
done by agitation.
The pope's doctors are sorry
interest of his business. a two lambs of Plant.
glorious ending to the Hearst boom fish, and is thought to aH
in North Carolina. be the one that swallowed Mr. of words which do not in the
Maxwell's from The wild
u. maxwell s anvil, Horn n
The jury that convicts a born ls poisons slowly who it
A to Etiquette.
Id the antebellum days a charming
Virginia hostess than disturb
her sat still through the long
dinner silent torture. A hornet got
caught under her cape and traveled
about searching for an outlet, stinging
at It went. When coffee Mired In
the drawing room she had to
and then signs an application for
pardon lies at one end or the other
Love In Lapland.
In the crime which, after
murder, is punished with the greatest
.,,.,. I severity is that of marrying a girl
As I is still in jail there against the wishes of her parents.
is ground for hope that When a suitor makes his appearance
says nothing to the maiden, who
Boyd doesn't amount to much after often does not know who he is, but her
. . i. .-k. of etiquette and
It is
parents Inform her that she is sought l ., ., . , , . .
in marriage. Shortly afterward, on a ,
day appointed, the girl, her parent. f to at
feared that friends and suitor all meet together at
Roost cannot much longer contain j man
,. . ,, . , are placed opposite, so that they wan lucky thing
the silence of David Faraway Hill look at each other freely and can talk said Mr
with comfort. After the meal Is over Inquired Mr.
the company repair to an open space, j
The open door policy will where net for ls run- The fact that it's a deal easier
.,., usual distance Is about a quarter of a to off than it war to It if
in Manchuria, but Russia will the girl a third of fur provision in
continue to act as door keeper.
So far Russia has not shown this
country the soft spot desired for
butting in
school, a school, a pardon
for a
the distance from the starting point
If she be fleet of foot she can
reach the goal before her suitor, and
In that case he may never trouble her
again. If, however, he has found fa-
in her eyes, all she has to do Is to
lag somewhat In her flight, so that he
may overtake her. If she desires to
Intimate to him that love for her
la returned she may run a little way
and then turn with open to ac-
nature we'd all be dead
thins; It.
gentleman complained to his coach-
man of the scarcity of attend-
at church. He thought they might
go at least once a day.
replied the coachman,
what I tell m. I at
me. I go twice every Sunday, and what
harm does It do Stories.
At a meeting of the Board
Commissioners of Pitt county held ;
this day a petition signed by one- j
fourth the free holders residing
within the territory hereinafter
set out. which petition was duly
approved and endorsed by the
Board of Education of Pitt County
on the 6th day of July, 1903. it
is ordered that an election be
held in the territory, hereinafter
described, nil a special
school district, Friday, August
7th, 1903, to ascertain the will of
the people of said district whether
there shall be levied a special an-
tax of twenty cents on the one
hundred dollars valuation of prop
and sixty cent on the poll to
supplement public school
fund which may be apportioned to
the district by the County Board
of education in case
special tax is voted.
The boundaries of said proposed
special school district is
Beginning at J. H. Flanagan's
Eastern line, Middle and
running with his Eastern to
Plank Road, thence up said road
to Baker Road, thence
to Road,
thence with said i-d to Green-
ville Road, thence Green-
ville road to Farmville township
line, with said line to
Falkland Township line, thence
up said line to a lane between G.
E. Moore C. L. Barrett.
down said lane to the run of Black
Swamp, thence down said swamp
to creek, thence up.
said creek to W. Hue,
with said line to Wilson
road, thence with said road to fork j
in road at J. W. Parker's
place, thence with Farmville road
to creek, thence up the creek to
Greene county line, thence with
Greene county line to beginning.
It was further ordered that said
election shall be held in the town
of Farmville and conducted in
the manner prescribed bylaw,
that a new registration of the
era of said territory shall be had,
and for the purpose registering
said voters and conducting said
election the Board appointed J. T.
as Registrar and R. L. Joy-
and W. E. Barrett as Judges
of Election.
At said election those who are
in favor of the levy collection of
said tax shall vote a ticket on which
shall be printed or written the
words, Special and
those who shall vote a
ticket on which shall be printed or
written the words, Spec-
By order of the Board of Com-
missioners of Pitt County made
this the 6th day of July, 1903.
Clerk ex-officio.
Cannon's homestead, thence
with the road to rail road near G.
by G. E. Jackson's,
thence south with railroad to south
side of Swift creek, thence said
creek to Titus and
Smith's line, thence with said
and Smith line to the pub-
road, thence down road to
Mrs. J J. Smith mid Frank
line, thence west with
Biggs Harrington's line to
the public road, including all the
lands the late Biggs
ton, situated on north side of pub
lie road leading from Ayden to
John thence up said road
toward Ayden to a branch near Joe
house, thence a
to John Dennis and A. F.
Cox coiner, thence with John
Cox's heirs
thence with the Jordan
Cox heirs line East to W. F. Hart
and John Dennis corner near the
public thence down Celie
Garris line to J. T. Hart's corner,
thence with J. T. Hart's line south
to Calvin corner,
with Calvin
line Asa corner, thence
with his line to the be
ginning at
It was further ordered that said
election be held in the town
Ayden and in the
manner prescribed by law, that
, a new registration of the voters of
said territory shall be had, and
purpose of registering said
voters and conducting said election
the Board appointed G. W.
as Registrar Jesse
and J. A. Harrington as Judges
i of
At said election those who are
in of the levy and collection
of tax shall vote a ticket on
which shall be printed or
I the words, Special and
those whose who are opposed shall
a ticket on which
shall be printed or written the
I words, Special
By order of the Board of Com-
missioners of Pitt made
this the 6th day July, 1903.
Richard Williams,
Clerk ex-officio.
would cough nearly all night
writes Mrs. Apple-
i gate, of Alexandria,
could hardly any sleep. I bad
so I tad that if I walk-
ed a block I would cough fright-
fully spit when all
other medicines idled
bottles of Dr. King's New Dis-
wholly cured me and I
gained It's absolute
to cure Coughs.
La Grippe,
all Throat and Lung Troubles.
Price bot-
at Wooten's Drug Store.
The difference between a woman
and her is that former
restores her hair, while the latter
For years fate was after me
writes F. A.
ledge. Verbena, Ala. had a
terrible case of Piles causing
tumors. all failed Bock-
Salve cured me.
Equally good for all
aches pains. Only at
Drug Store.
The busiest mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Dr.
King's New LIT. Pills. These
pills change weakness
strength, into energy,
brain-fag Into mental power.
They're building tip
health. Only per box
Said by Drug Store.
When a woman goes to
the wise husband goes
e, the undersigned,
Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam to be a
reliable Remedy for Bowel Com-
plaints, hereby guarantee a twenty-
live bottle to give satisfaction
; or money refunded. J L.
At a meeting of the of,
commissioners of Pitt county held j
this day, a petition signed
fourth the free holders re-
Ming the territory
after set out, which petition was
duly approved endorsed by
tot board of education of Pitt;
county on the 6th day of July, 1903,;
it is ordered that an election be
held in the territory hereinafter
described, proposed as a special
school district, on Friday, August
7th, 1903, to ascertain the will
of the people of said dis-
whether there shall be levied
h special annual tax of thirty cents
on the one hundred dollars
of property and ninety cents
on the poll to supplement the
public school fund which may be
apportioned to said district by the
county board of education in case
special tax is voted.
The boundaries of said proposed
special district is as
Beginning at and
north by Asa
out to the public road at Mrs,
Mary thence up said road
to Back Swamp, thence down said
swamp to Swift creek, thence
down said to the public road
leading from Grifton to Greenville,
then up said road to Lafayette
Cox's line on east side of public
road, thence with Cox's
State of North Carolina, Pitt
County, In Superior Court.
A. F. Young Co. Notice of
vs. -Execution
Walter J Sale.
By virtue of an execution
to the undersigned from the
Superior Court of Pitt County in
the above entitled action, I will,
on Monday, the 3rd day of Aug.,
1903, at o'clock m. the Court
Hones door of said County, sell to
the highest bidder for cash to
said execution, and such other
as may come into my
baud, all the right, title and in-
which the said Walter Bar-
field defendant, has in the follow-
described real estate,
piece of land near the town
of lying east side of
Coast track, adjoining
lands of R. H. O. C. No-
Polly Harrington, F. G.
man, D. G. Bury, the
lot and others, acres
more or less.
Also one piece of laud the
west side of said rail road track,
adjoining the lands Mrs. John
Vann, W. H. Harris, W. F. Hart,
W. F. Harrington. Ed. and
F. being where the
Ayden Lumber Co. plant is lo-
on which are several houses,
containing acres or less.
Both of said pieces of land being
the excess levied on after allotting
Walter his homestead
as allowed by Law.
This 30th day of June, 1903.
O. W.
you to tell
me I have told a lie
no; I
wish to be quite so rude as that,
but I will say make a
very good weather prophet.
take a Little Early will
cure constipation, biliousness
liver troubles. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are different
other pills. They do not gripe
and break down the mucous
of the stomach, liver
bowels, bat cure by gently
the secretions giving
strength to these organs. Sold by
Wooten's Drug Store.
line to
Martha L. Cox's line,
thence with G. W. Cannon's line
to Susan E. Cannon's line, then
with his line back to the public
road, then up said road to the fork
near Hancock's church, thence
west with Snow Hill road to T. C.
A case came to light that for
and unmerciful torture
has perhaps never been equaled.
Joe of
writes. years endured
pain from
and nothing relieved me
though I tried everything known.
I came Electric Bitters and
it's the greatest medicine on earth
for that trouble. A few bottles
it cured Just as good for
Liver and Kidney troubles
general debility. Only Sat-
guaranteed by Wooten's
Drug Store.
What a bachelor can't learn
from some who is trying
to make a better of him he
need to know in his
When the stomach is overload
when food taken it that fails
to digest it decays and Inflames
the mucus membrane, exposing
the nerves, and causes the glands
to secrete instead of the
natural juices of digestion. This
is called Catarrh of the Stomach.
For years I suffered with Catarrh
of the Stomach, caused by
Doctors and medicines
failed to benefit me until I used
Dyspepsia R.
Tex. Sold by
Drug Store.
Nourishment is the
Dyspepsia Cure is the one great
medicine that enables the stomach
and digestive organs to digest,
assimilate and transform all foods
into the of blood that
the feeds the
tissues. lays the
for health. Nature does the
rest. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and
all disorders of the stomach
digestive organs are cured by the
use of Sold by Wooten's
i Drug Store.

principal i m
hall which In mys-
far the city
f Its is formed
f wide spanned arches on
marble columns. These stand
ten feet and their capitals
are elaborately wrought.
Tills marvelous
an expanse of waters which
the foundations of the city for
mile Its and extent have
shrouded mystery ever since Its dis-
about seventy years ago, when
of the arches save way. All at-
tempts to explore by boat this marvel
of hare either fatal
Another palace of water was the
stately Palace of Ice which was built
In 1730 at the command of Anne, em-
P of to honor the nuptials
of Prince and a simple
In this novel palace
and bridegroom were housed. In
rooms of which the walls and
and bod were constructed wholly
of water.
buy a while you're
out. Ruth has lost the old said
the head of a dressmaking
to her errand boy.
do you do with magnets
a woman who was being fitted
find needles with
do you
day It naturally happens that
By forty-five assistants drop n great
May needles on the floor. To stop and
look for thee needles would take time.
They are all left lying, therefore, till
the day's end, when n dinner goes over
the room with a magnet, holding It
close to the floor. Every lost needle in-
then. Jumps up on the steel
and In that way all are recovered in a
few minutes. To recover them by any
other means would take at least an ,
Natives of Central America are In- i
users of pimento tobacco,
which they make from dried pimento
berries, or allspice. It invariably gives
the smoker a sore throat often
causes cancer of the tongue. The
of South Africa are affected in a
peculiar manner by the smoke from
the dried leaves of the camphor plant.
The smoker trembles with fright at ;
nothing, weeps bitterly and uses nil j
arts of words which do not In the ,
least express his moaning. The wild I
South African plant. I
poisons slowly those who use It.
A to Etiquette.
In the days a charming
Virginia hostess than disturb i
her sat still through the lung
dinner In silent torture. A hornet got i
caught under her cape and i
shout searching for an outlet, stinging
as It went. When coffee was served in
tho drawing room she had to
Fever came on. and she was really ill,
but the force of etiquette and
combined had made it an
Mai to die at one's House-
lucky thing about
said Mr.
Inquired Mr.
fact that it's a deal easier
to off than it to begin. If It
fur that beautiful provision In
nature we'd all be dead Indus-
Washington Star.
A complained to bis
of the scarcity of attend-
at church, lie thought they might
go at least once In a day.
replied the
what I tell I at
me. I go twice every Sunday, and what
does it do Stories.
In a hunter in the northwest of
New South Wales wounded a
The animal went off through the
and the salt bush at a pace too
fast for the to follow and was
soon out of sight. The hunter was a
bushman and did not He fol
lowed the blood trail, hopeful of a
short search and a speedy hag. At one
point of the pursuit It may be that the
trail grew faint and necessitated a j
closer Inspection. Anyway the hunter
stooped and picked up a piece of stone.
This be examined. The red was
not on It. It was In It. It was not
blood that he saw; it was opal. Such
was the beginning of the White Cliffs
opal fields.
J r. Last Straw.
The stodgy faced boy at the last
in the public library rending room
Is having a struggle most serious. He,
has covered both sides of a foolscap
sheet with a vague smudge over which
be still labors. His twisted mouth fol-
lows the motion of his creaking pencil.
Before him Greene's History
of the English lies open at the ,
1688. Of all the two pages only
so much Is
of II. The
bad born a grate from 2nd
but when at last he gave birth to a
son they said this thing must
Adele Marie Shaw In Worlds Work.
To get prompt attention all mail orders should be addressed to
The Seasons
Summer Millinery as beautiful as fingers filled
with magic can make it. Dress and Ready-to
wear Hats for and Children.
Dress Goods and
All the new weaves in all colors and
WHITEWASH percent,
reduction on all former prices.
Slippers and Shoes-They are made
by Ziegler Bros. Comfort, Style and Quality.
Just new and complete line of
and New Styles. Prices low.
Stetson Shoes for Men
AH the new lasts. Ask to see them if
you would be well dressed.
For Ladies, Children and Babies. Drop Stitch,
Colors and White.
A BIG CUT on all prices of hot weather
Clothing for Men, Boys and Children.
Baby Carriages and
and best line to select from.
All Furniture Reduced.
Bargain Column
Cash Buyers Only
Clark's N. T. Spool Cotton,
Sea Island ins. wide,
Best Light Calico,
Printed Lawns and Organdies,
f-2 and c. quality, while they
last, cents per yard.
Steel Rod Umbrellas, worth and
c. only
pairs of and Sam-
Shoes at Factory Prices.
Knee Pants, only pair
Men's and Sample Straw
Hats at New York cost.
Toilet Soap, big value, cakes for
cents cash.
White Envelopes, per pack
Good Needles, per paper,
Ladies Vests, only
Linen Towels, extra size,
Patterns, and cents,
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Winterville. N. C, July, i They ask us why we never put
R. L. Little left Thursday morn-1 in the paper. Because they
to accept a position with the j never tell us their name. So don't
Atlantic Coast Line at Florence if your name is not written
You should not fail to see or
the Winterville Mfg. Co ,
and get their best prices on Porch
-Columns, Turned Balustrades
Newel Posts, Pickets for Stair
Way, Hailing Porch, Brackets,
Boxing Brackets; Sawed
and Trimming for be-
tween Brackets.
The long experienced W. L.
Hurst is serving cold drinks at
the drugstore soda fountain. This
is the handsomest and best
equipped fountain in town.
Dr. Cox wishes to announce to
his customers that be is ready to
furnish them ice, at one cent
a pound, at any and all times.
Ladies and furnish
goods to suit the old, the
pretty, the ugly and even the
most fastidious at our
F. Manning Co
For soap, baking powder, flour,
lard, eggs, snuff, and
canned goods, see A. D. Johnston.
Having made special arrange-
For Furniture in the latest de-
signs and patterns to suit every-
one, call and see B. F. Manning
ft Co.
Bargains equal to the best can
be had at the store of B. F. Man-
Co., in dry goods; boots
and shoes.
The Winterville Mfg. Co. have
in connection with factory a
Grocery Store where groceries,
and may be
If in need of China Closets,
Desks, Window Frames or Man
ties titled in the be t and latest
do not pass the
Mfg. Co. by.
Harrington Barber Co., have
just received a nice new and com-
line of shoes and prices are
I very reasonable. AI way ready arid
Mrs. L. House and Master
have returned a
to her mother,
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
fence i
merits with the best wire
factory in the United States Louis Manning not freest
I dogs ice cream as we have
heard of ethers, his
genuine article and can be bad
are in position to save all our
turners money on any style of
fence. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
When in need of stoves, either
kind, see B. F. Manning ft Co.
Now we are not mad but we have
to kill birds, guns to kill
squirrels and guns that will kill
anything else at a price that will
the times; come and see them.
A complete Hue of the Laughlin
fountain pens on hand at the drug
The best and freshest cakes,
-candy, cheese and fruits, A.
When you come to the summer
school be sure to get your ice
cream and cold drinks from A. D.
Johnston. He has the lest.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., are just
through making little wagons
tobacco and have
begun making big reg-
Tar Heel and Oak A.
Tar Heels are equipped with their
make of wheels. Oak with
patent iron hub wheels.
Tonsorial A. Fair,
good shave and line hair cut.
Latest style
store of
every Saturday
All kinds scroll
done to order i i
Mfg. Co.
Economic back bands for plow
and wagon harness are something
the farmer has got to used to.
are a God to the horse
as well as a boon to the
G. A. Kittrell Co. unloaded
a car of cotton seed hulls and meal
a few days ago. fee before
buying and get their pines.
For wheat tracked
corn, corn oat crops, bran,
mill feed, oats don't fail to j
see G. A. Kittrell Co.
few Plymouth Rock
roosters sale, G. A. Kittrell
The season is now on us
land plaster to put on your pea-
nuts we have few bags on hand
yet would be glad to sell
Harrington Barber Co.
Wood Kittrell went to
See B. F. Manning Co. for a
Sewing Machine, it will pay
we have a few left, will tie sold at
Come and come quick.
In addition to a complete line
of drugs, patent medicines, .
you will find at the
all kinds of school supplies,
fancy candies, soaps, sponges,
garden seed, combs, brushes, per-
Straw Hats per cent, below
cost at B. F. Manning Co. If you
need them come at once, only a
few left.
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Board per day. Best
House in town.
The Winterville Cigar Co., are
offering special inducements in
the Cheroot Try their goods
and lie that you have a
good article for sale. Write for,
W. H. Hamilton left yesterday
for a n's needed rest and
We now have on hand a lot of
stone fruit Jars with patent top
which we think far exceeds any
Jar on Will
and break like glass nor so sub-
to mold oil top as fruit usually
does in glass
Harrington Barber Co.
M. L.
Watch maker. Give him a
trial. Work guaranteed.
It's the last straw breaks the camel's back
Now, while we're not at the same time we don't
propose to have any last straw are going to sell
it. Lots of Hat weather in order that
we may not carry over a single Hat, we will offer any
Straw Hat in our house, Mens or at Half Price.
Here's the Straw Hat opportunity of your life. Call
soon, or you needn't call at all, for the Hats will be gone.
Remember, half the marked price. That's all we ask,
and everything goes.
Choice Embroideries
P. H. KITTRELL, Proprietor.
Well Furnished with Fish, as
the Market Justifies.
A Grocery also attached
Try him.
N C.
A Full Line of
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Milliner, j
Best latest styles always on
hand. Call and see. Next door
to Dr. B. T. Cox's drug store.
We have been bargain
and met with great success. We
found a man who had a big lot of
Beautiful Embroideries
which wanted to sell badly offer them at a great
We secured the whole lot at such prices as will
enable us to offer special bargains for July selling.
This special lot comes in four or live widths with
a large variety of patterns, including
Insertions and Beadings. The
prices will be and per
yard. Remember the patterns
are all good, with fast woven
edges on good quality
of cambric.
Come before the selection is broken and secure a
genuine bargain.
New White Front
The DURABLE Fence,
None so STRONG.
All large wires.
No Wrap
to hold
and cause
Absolutely STOCK PROOF can SAVE YOU on Fencing;.
You can see from the cut on
this page how the Handy Tobacco
Truck looks when rigged up ready
for use. This is the
manufactured by the A.
Mfg. Co., about which you have
heard so mil h talk and which has
i h in,.,,, the best ,
Get our prices and be convinced that they are also up and down the road for several
the beat A- G MFG- I
If you are thirsty you over-look our
Soda Water Fountain. The soda water con-
daily from our fountain during hot
is enormous. The quantity sold is
proof positive of its popularity, lour favorite
hind is here, because we have all kinds.
Bryan Nichols,
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
, V
W. TA.
Offers solutions from as complete a stock of
as cm found in Eastern Carolina.
line of Dress Goods Trimmings for
Full line Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars Cuffs for Men aim Ladies.
Clothing Goods. Hats
Sana Implement Harm lee Cream
warehouses full of corn, oats hay Ac
General Merchants.
No need of going further u we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Poll line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots of Hay, Cora, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Hunger Cotton
i G. C.
Dry Goods, Notions. Groceries. J
S make a chance in my business I am f,
S offering all dry and notions on
m at cost rash. This is the f
m chance to get bargains. a
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at tee most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
the market Comforts
rooms. Polite and prompt
g Milliners,
The newest and latest styles In A
Millinery, bats trimmed to or-
short notice.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, cheaper than ever.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware. Fruits, To-
and Cigars, Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for country-
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
N. C.
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by the car load.
So remind the
must too. . I we still believe
judicial that a great deal of the
Son-in-law Rollins, judging by cussedness perpetrated lately,
the cold breath of the ice man and the consequent punishment
which recently blew over there- by whites, is the direct result of
publican chairman from the the policy of the mistake now lo-
Secretary of agriculture. Oyster Bay.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make a specialty of
For Men
Women and
It is conceded that we give the
best Shoes for the money of
any house in Farmville.
Man Without Opinions.
nil let us. kill
William Jennings Bryan,
rover Cleveland,
David Bennett
Arthur Gorman,
Alton Parker,
On of having been
either for lice or the gold
For available there
John Doe,
Jason Brown,
Who have any or views on
political questions
be paramount.
you have
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
Our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee It to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
i- aim
, wad all
without pain or detention from leaving no craving
We restore the and physical systems
we remove the of disease. A home remedy
I dally with physicians, solicited. Write today.
A t . I Mew
after two years premiums have been paid th
We were inclined to believe all
along that King Peter knew what
Was going on ill Belgrade. Your
regicides are all tarred with the
same stick.
Judge Boyd says if congress
will do a few things he will
glad to hold court at Wilkesboro.
Strikes us he has got to do it
anyway or turn loose the teat.
King Peter has just celebrated
a birthday, and ho may never
have another such opportunity.
well as for BUSINESS, TEACH-
INC. and for LIFE. Situated NEAR
N. C, over feet above the sea level, In view the mountains.
Largest and Best Fitting School for Young Men and In
the South. to per annum.
J. A. M. H. HOLT . Oak Ridge, N. C-
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House.
Malaria Ever have it Know all about
it Want to get rid of it Take
Malaria and Ague Cure.
I. ill
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Classical, Pedagogical, Commercial,
Domestic Science, Manual Training, Music.
Five courses to diplomas; courses leading to de-
well equipped practice and observation school; faculty
board, laundry, tuition and fees for use of text books, etc.,
a year; for non-residents of the state twelfth annual session
begins September to secure board in the nil free-
tuition applications should be made before July 15th. Correspondence
invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers; for
and other Information, address
CHARLES D. President. Greensboro. N, C
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is to transact any bust
the paper in and territory.
Whichard, N. C.
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business I am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from a cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
The Stock complete in every
and prices an low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce
Is the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard warn, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
Good Luck Party,
Reported for The
A most enjoyable evening was
j to at the hospitable home of
I Miss Helen The occasion
was a bunt for a four leaf clover,
given complimentary to Miss Eva
of Washington, who
visiting Miss Forbes.
The guests were met at the door j
by Mrs. Hilliary, Philadelphia,
and Mis. and were
ushered into the parlor, where they
were a cordial welcome by
Misses Forbes and Hassell.
The hallway and parlor present
ed a pleasing effect, being
fully decorated with horse shoes
and three leaf clovers, everything i
suggestive of good luck. When
all had assembled the hunt com-
and Miss Smith
was the lucky one to the four
clover. She was presented
with a beautiful silver horse shoe
with IS lucky pennies added as a ;
Toasts were then declared in
order, as each guest natl been asked
Out in Indiana Kiev archiving
the a fair fret
away.- Durham Sun.
Some arc wondering
what Mr. Bryan will do in case
control the con-
while others do not
seem to think that ii makes any
difference. Durham Herald.
who met and resolved to drive
the worthless out of the
state instead of condemning the
whites Evansville are of a kind
that we know nothing about.
Durham Herald.
Of course the governor may
have a good excuse for every par-
don that he has granted, but it is
also supposed that the courts
that sentenced the criminals bad
some sort of excuse for so doing.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers of
Sagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence shipments
William Fountain, H. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C-
office one door east of post office, on
street Phone
Dealers in General
Dry Goods, Notions,
and Fan-
shoes, Crockery, Tin
ware, etc., etc.
Sewing Machine and Furniture
model, or photo of invention for
free report on For free book,
. i
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
General Merchandise,
J. J. Satterthwaite
N. C.
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their Stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We arc tailing Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to room for
fall goods.
have one ready. The
i were very good
done credit to much older
Alex was the best, or was
appreciated most by I he crowd.
After this each one was requested
to relate the greatest piece of luck
that had ever befallen him or her.
You can the fan laugh-
that followed.
Refreshments were served by
Miss Hellen Forbes with Harvey
Jones, and Miss Gertrude Will-
isms, of Baltimore, with J. I.
The girls present Misses
Bessie Haskett, Margaret Skinner,
Ethel Cheek, Lizzie Hill,
Jamie Schultz,
Ethel Skinner, Smith,
Lizzie Mary James, Alice
Blow and Eva Haskett,
Frank Skinner, Frank Wilson,
Durward Wilson, Dock Home,
Barney Warren, Will
John Alex Blow, Zeno
Brown Cliff Blakely
It is indeed a dangerous and
peculiar that the
governor of our state possesses,
that of the setting aside of tins
verdicts of courts and juries.
Ill the palmy days of
the democratic press of the state
more than once denounced the
governor for having so leniently
and generously exercised this
pardoning power. We arc not
disposed to denounce our present
chief executive for
Russell at the game, We only
deplore that such is this case.
Smithfield Herald.
J Peebles is handling the
pistol-toting business with pro-
per vigor, and discriminating in-
favor of the toter
who also carries along with the
pistol an unnecessary amount
rye that is red by adding per
cent, to the punishment. If the
law prescribed a term of not less
than six nor more than twelve
months on the county roads for
every such offender, such judges
as the able gentleman now hold-
Wake court would have fewer
such cases to dispose of.
Morning Post.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all points for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion rt. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. Co. from Baltimore Mer
and Line from
Greenville, N. C.
J. E. Division Supt.
Washington, N. C
; Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
The New Journal raises
this can the
of a property be increased,
if its productive capacity is de-
creased through want of
The Journal refers to country
property and the scarcity of la-
borers. We endorse our con-
the labor shortage taken
into consideration, to increase
tax assessments upon lands
which cannot be worked, does
not look just, for even upon
the old tax valuation many
who cannot secure help will
find it difficult to make anything
from their farms during the
A New Railroad.
The Southport Atlantic
I Western railroad company has
articles of incorporation in
i Secretary office. The ob-
of the company is to build and
operate a railroad with or
more tracks from the corporate
j limits of the town of Southport
j Brunswick county to any point or
j points or near the the South Caro-
j line, to run through the
ties of Brunswick and New Han
to Wilmington. The capital
; stock is one million dollars.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main electric
Macon, Ga.
and shops, Mount,
N. C. and S.
For prices designs- address Rocky
Mount Office.
Mis Brother Dead.
Ex-Sheriff Allen left
this morning for Conetoe to attend
the funeral of his Mr.
Eli who died Wednesday
at his homo near that town. De-
ceased in his 77th year. He
was a native of Pitt county, being
raised near Falkland. He served
through the civil war on the side
of the confederacy, all his life
whether soldier r citizen, marked
him as an upright man.
Pension Commissioner Ware
has undertaken to secure and re-
store for presentation Kan-
Historical Society the scaffold
from which John Brown was
hanged at Harper's Ferry, Va. in
If the thing can be done
there will be fetish worship with-
in the land of the Jay-
hawkers. There are hundreds
of people in Kansas who would
walk miles to kiss that scaffold,
upon which was hanged the
greatest cattle thief west of the
J. C. LANIER, Give your farm a name and order
American and Italian Marble The tn .-; u
to print it on your
Wire and Iron Fence Sold.
First-Glass work sad prices reasonable
d on
No Court Needed.
recently visited Tyrrell
said Mr. P. C.
I was told when the judge went
j to hold court there was not a
to be tried. There has
not been as of the poor
house in two years, the com-
missioners have out, the
Is the parent of
and all
The Safest and Surest Remedy known ii
German Liver Powder
not mixture. bu a
one Nature s
innermost . If you
Powder with our
booklet. huh
by wonderful Specific Io not
delay, but tall address at once to
The American Co.
Mr Sob and recommended by druggists

Fine Dress Goods, and Dry Goods, made not merely to
sell, but to serve whoever gets them. This is particularly true
Of Dre Goods, Silks and Laces, Gloves and
Trunks and Valises, Shoes, Clothing. Hats, Pants.
A kinds of our goods, are the same in all stores,
like Muslin, Flannels, Ginghams, etc. but the bulk of the
goods we is in one or another different from that sold
by other store.
returnable within reasonable time
if they fail to satisfy.
Entire Stock of Summer Goods
has been Reduced, and
be Sold by August 10th.
Lawns and Dimities have been reduced one third to one
half. Have made big reductions in our black dress goods. Low
pikes will prevail all through the month of July.
Standard styles for September now
ready. The August Designer Fashions sheets always free.
Ricks Wilkinson
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, OH Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes. Shovels
and other Garden Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
ice cream, sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
surprisingly low.
E. T. Evans returned this morn-
from Seven Springs.
S. Norman returned
evening from a the road.
W. W. Perkins returned Friday
from Wrightsville.
N. W. Jackson returned this
morning from
O. L. returned Friday
from Nashville.
J. N. Hart has returned from
Mrs. . O. Barnhill left this
morning for Va.
Win. Clark, of Ga.,
who was on a brief visit to
here, this morning.
Col. Harry Skinner went to
Kinston Friday and re-
turned this morning.
Mrs. J. W. Andrews and child-
I returned Friday evening from
a visit to Robersonville.
Miss Blanche Andrews, of Tar-
who has been visiting the
family of A. A. return-
ed home this morning
Sadie Abram and Stella
Frankford, of Rocky Mount,
rived Friday evening to visit Mrs.
S. M. Schultz.
Misses Perkins, Nell
Skinner, Lizzie Hill, Janie Tyson.
and Myra Moore left this
for Morehead City.
J. It. Moore, L. Arthur, D.
S. Wilson. W. B. Wilson, Jr., j
A. W.
Smith and Skinner went to
Morehead City today.
Mayor H. W. Whedbee and;
family left this morning for
Revs. F. A. Bishop and M.
left Friday evening for
Miss Lucy Tayloe, of Washing-
ton, has been visiting Miss
Janie Brown returned borne to-
It is not always the low price that makes the
bargain, it is what you get for the price. To
see a bargain you must use both one
on quality the other on the price.
Here arc a Few of Our
Dimities and Colored Lawns that were re-
to fie. Those beautiful ones that were
reduced to
Swiss that has been sell for you
can get during this sale
We have placed a special lot of
on our counters some of these sold for
a pair your choice for Sizes, to
Also Ladies Slippers worth to for
Ladies Embroidered turnover fie each.
Pearl shirt waist sets from to
If these are not Bargains We Don't
Know What Bargains Are.
The canning season is most here, you had bet-
prepare for it by buying your Fruit Jars.
We have them in Glass and Stone. Rubber
rings for fruit jars. This is the place to buy
them we sell only the best.
Every time a source of graft is
j plugged up by New York officials
I Richard cables from Win-
, that he is permanently out of
connected with the live wire
of inspiration and your thoughts
will tingle.
Mid-summer Sale
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
Family Flour- straight
round per lb
lbs per bushel
Mill I
1.25 i
Fine Handkerchiefs
We have just received dozen Fine Imported
Lace Embroidered Linen and Lawn Handkerchiefs.
They are beautiful, pure material and in the best
tests. Regular and value, but for a few
days only we are offering them at
Ten Cents
Of course you know this a bargain, and will profit
Pulley Bowen's
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
on. Private Wire to Hew York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Send your orders for printing
to Printing House.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
Norfolk Western Express Train
Sky High.
Roanoke. Va., July
powder magazine on the Norfolk
and Western railway near
burg, stored with explosives used
by contractors in double tracking
the railroad, was blown today,
just as passenger train No west-
bound, was passing. Two men
were killed, a dozen passengers
were hart and most of the coaches
of the train were wrecked.
The it is believed,
was caused by the concussion of
the train. The men killed were
John Noel, of Va., and
James Phillies of Va.
They were of the con-
tractors, L. who
were doing the double track-
The magazine was stored with
dynamite as well as powder. The
train crew and many of the pas-
were stunned by the ex
Minnesota's Black Chickens
are Returning.
Montevideo, Minnesota, July IS.
Helen Olson, aged a pretty
daughter Tom Olson, was as-
this morning by a
man supposed to be a and
although alive at noon she will
Early today Miss Olson and a
girl friend stopping with her, were
awakened by a man, who demand-
ed their valuables. He drag-
Miss Olson downstairs, where
he struck the forehead with
or hatchet. The girl friend
had been ordered to remain in
bed Hot move, but hearing
a noise down stairs she stepped
out of a window to the roof. The
intruder a shot at her as, he
fled. Her screams aroused the
neighborhood a search was at
once begun for the murderer.
There is great fears
are expressed that the man will
be lynched.
Preys Upon Helpless Woman and Passed Over the Bar With a
Is Being Pulled Off in Venezuela
According to Hoyle.
is Arrested.
Smile on His Lips.
Asheville, N. C, July July -1
night John a i this afternoon, according to the
attempted to commit a criminal official announcement, the long
assault on the 17-year old Lot XIII with death
came to an end. So many
reports had been circulated,
including one from an official news
tor of Rev. Willis a Free
Will Baptist minister, at
home Big Ivy. the
night the entered the service earlier in the day, that the
by raising a began news report was hardly
tearing the covering from Miss, credited. A half dozen times
bed before
awakened. Terror stricken, j believed that the fatal hour had
young woman WM, but-each time the pope's in-
brought other occupants of the will physical
house to her door. Mr. Ballard disability for a time, until there
was not at home that night, but in Rome confidence
the did net know -in hit power to defy the great
this. Only two three women,
Venezuela, July
At o'clock ibis a. m , engage-
between the forces
and the revolutionists occupying
Bolivar, in two
directions. The revolution-
opened the battle at
the smoke over was so
thick that it was impossible to see
the city. At o'clock the govern-
troops after a terrible fight
more than one hundred men,
captured the cemetery. At
o'clock the Venezuela fleet consist-
of five men of war, shelled the
government buildings of
At o'clock the revolutionist
had disappeared from the
government buildings and at
o'clock all the streets near the
buildings was captured by the
government forces and a charge of
all the government forces on the
city was ordered.
Another Kentucky Farce is Being
Negroes in Western Cumberland
Go on the Warpath.
N. C, July
Yesterday afternoon at the
church near Manchester in the
western part of Cumberland
where funeral services were
held, Robert and Lawrence
appeared, one with
a breech loader and the other with
a musket, and had a quarrel.
When the women got the guns
away Lent Elliott engaged in a
quarrel sod was stabbed by Rob-
Williams in the back and bad-
wounded, whereupon Elliott
drew a revolver and shot Williams
in the leg. A stray bullet also
wounded a named Farmer,
who was brought to the hospital
for treatment.
A man learn what kind of
woman he ought not to marry by
marrying her, but it is generally
too late to profit by his knowledge.
Jackson. Ky., July
court convened here today in
special session for the
of the burning of the
hotel and the attempted bribery
of Capt. It. J. principal wit-
for the prosecution in the
assassination cases of Curtis
and Tom White. Judge
refused to vacate the bench and.
Captain Ewen's New Kentucky
Life Insurance.
Jackson, Ky., July Capt.
It. J. arrived here tonight
in an express car concealed in a
small box. He had come from
Lexington in this leaving it
only when a long of country
was being traversed by the train
and there was no danger of being
seen. Tonight lie remained in the
-ii alone, going to his home about
R. P. S.
No Increase in
in Townships
she was within a his physicians the grand which
is charged to investigate not only
palsied with fear, were there.
Leaping through the window
tied to the wood. He
was invested Yesterday was
immediately brought to
by deputy Sheriff who
feared she fellow be lynched
be was allowed to remain In that
The will be
before .
oil 22nd.
Gamblers Shot and
Rock, Ark-, July 18.-J.
D. known as king of
Untie Book gamblers, was shot
and killed morning
by Joe The shooting took
place in Joe saloon, where
a few hours before Jack Clifford
was fatally shot by an
other gambler. The bullet
clear through body,
struck the wall bound-
ed b ck. The body lay as it had
alien nearly two hours until the
coroner arrived. Conant conducted
several gambling establishments in
Little Rock up to a few weeks ago,
when gambling was suppressed by
the efforts of the anti gambling
Tonight Catholic and
the burning of the hotel and the
alleged attempt at bribery, but
also the assassination of Dr. i
Cox, which occurred in
The taken from the
panel selected by the jury
commissioners., who are
Rome unite respect for the constituents. This is causing dis-
Some musical composers are
like men without credit. They
can't get any one to take their
brave and demoted spirit the
grand old man. His end was
peaceful by
um, and in fact such as
The clouds that eclipsed his men-
faculties yesterday drifted
away and he bale a calm farewell
to about, him, with full
knowledge that hour
Boy Buzz d's Bay.
Bay, Mass., July
A son was born ex-President
Cleveland and Mrs. Grover Cleve-
land at their summer home here
today. The attendants say that
affecting both
mother and are satisfactory.
Danville, Va., July
Star warehouse on Spring street
operated by C. D. Noell and Com-
and the large four story
owned by B.
son and were entirely
destroyed by tire tonight. From
the warehouse the caught
and between f and
Rural Deliveries Stand If Needed.
Washington, July post
Office department today made
public the
seems to la a wide mis-
understanding as to the present
attitude of the department regard-
rural free delivery. The state
men has been published quite
generally, in the west,
that rural routes that do not
three thousand pieces of mail
per and supply one
families are to lie
it is not the purpose of the
department to disturb routes
ready established unless they are
But as
long as all of the routes that are
asked for cannot be established be
cause of the lack of sufficient
money, the routes that will sup-
ply the greatest number of families
should certainly have preference.
Galveston Goes in Thursday.
Richmond, Va.,
of tobacco was entirely destroyed launching of the U.
and the building practically
burned to the The total
loss will amount to about
The origin of fire is unknown.
Galveston has been set
row. Thursday, noon. This is
The spec-
report of the treasury experts
on their examination of the affairs
of Auditor Petty, or the District
of Columbia, fixes the shortage in
that office for which James M. A.
Watson, a clerk, is now in jail, at
the figures heretofore an-
The experts
the system by which the money
was handled in the auditor's office I
and made recommendations
in effect divorce the funds from
the auditor's office and
the powers of district
A Rapist Sixty Years Old.
Charlotte, N. C, July
Charlotte police are searching as-
for Holder, a
white carpenter years old, who
is charge with the blackest crime
that has been committed within
the borders of Mecklenburg in
many years. It is alleged that
Holder went to the home of Jack
a carpenter living in
and criminally assaulted
the latter's 11-year-old daughter,
Spanish Peanuts at Cents.
Petersburg, Va., July
Eleven thousand bags of Spanish
were sold here today at
ninety cents a bushel, aggregating
forty thousand dollars. It is a
fourth time that a date for the high price for Spanish nuts, which
event has been named. are source here and there.
The result of meeting here
last Saturday between apt. J. M.
Turner and Mr. C. M. Barbee, of
the Haleigh Pamlico Sound rail-
road the committee represent-
the Retail Merchant's
of Greenville, was an agree-
by which the road is
teed to come via Greenville. By
request of those interested the
terms of this agreement are not
made public until today.
The gentlemen representing
railroad explained fully to the
committee the plan by which the
road is to be built. Arrangements
have already been perfected to
first mortgage bonds on the
road to the amount of per
mile as fast as
progresses. In addition lo this
second mortgage cent, bonds-
will he issued sufficient to
the road. It is proposed that the
towns and townships through
which the road passes take these
second giving in
exchange for them municipal or
cent bonds. These
bonds will He placed the bands
of a trustee but do not become the
property of the railroad company
until the road is completed. If
the road should never be
the bonds would not be
and the towns or townships
issuing them would be out Both
the other hand upon
completion of the road bonds
arc exchanged and the towns or
townships taking then have
cent, second mortgage bonds for
which per cent bonds have been
given. This one per cent, differ-
in of the towns or
townships in addition to the
derived from the railroad
will, it is believed, be sufficient to
meet all interest on the municipal
and township bonds, so there
would be no need of levying of
a special tax for that purpose, and
the railroad bonds would soon be
valuable to the towns or townships
possessing them. This matter was
talked over and explained fully by
the railroad representatives to the
Two suggested routes for the
road have been under considers.
by the promoters. Both
these are the same from Raleigh
as far as Wilson. At the latter
place it is either to diverge via
Snow Bill, and
Ayden to Grimesland, crossing Tar
on page

Eastern reflector, 21 July 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 21, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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