Eastern reflector, 2 January 1903

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You Write
a letter
member of the best
County when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice a Week.
The Eastern Reflector
NO. I.
tonic proper-
. for who
and A never-failing remedy for
Ague C C diseases.
It Will Pay You
to start the
New Year
right by
The King Clothier, the Money-Back-
C i
; to
The tho Trod, -v
mi arc riM with it written
IV i
ail nil world.
H. . . i I Company, B
I . in
In addition to the best stoves in the world we
Carry everything you may expect to in a hard-
ware store,
General Opinion is That
He Will be Acquitted.
Packing; for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
The Proof of Doing is in What We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
maker claim that not borne out by An average
of 911.70 for everything sold on oar floor during the month of
August does Us own talking about what Man and
the rest of do who sell at
Warehouse. You only have to try us i be convinced that we
will get you the highest price every time.
it a Proprietors Warehouse.
Many People Believe This
the Reason Why the Trial Was
Removed to
ans County.
A I laid and
winch lot bottom
of trial
lo in I, r
and much
baa bean said baa but
ms appealed ii people
lo every pan of State, and it
be have the
of soma
who he ii
in Hit- i-t place, lei h be laid
tint ii i. x could secure a
trial anywhere in world, it
would be Is
and enlightenment of the
cant, people of
me law
pie, Who live as near the
i-ii as any n. world.
Hertford, the heat, if a
thriving town of
It is situated on
river tin- Not folk
Southern railroad, i- the
home of the great lumbar
of the Pleat wood
House in which
will be tried l an but Hub
with brick brought from England
before Revolutionary war. Ii
offices of the
and Lodge rooms,
an in which
held, people.
A visit to Hi i
the fact that many people
in hew trial removed t
in order to a
who are t op
to in . and
likely to he
by and prejudice
oilier people. There are a
some being
entirely of of this
They are pious,
people and in their
liven coma Into
Mini little mil Ii evil aw worldly t
as with of
The is freely
in that will
A year ago hardly any
be found who would
voice belief his innocence, but
baa some
what principally owing In
met that many people believe
that i In- Mair failed to make out a
ease at former dial.
It i- not likely many
lens of Hertford will be on the
an nearly everyone his
to opinions
trial is in
where la to be
held, and the sentiment is
have a and
impartial trial at any . and
that the reputation the county
be upheld.
Au of lawyers,
is looked
Hard lo and are
made font modal The
will Monday,
Pith, at o'clock.
The average man Call
what you f him an long a-
you don't say it.
people experience but lit-
In of
in Tarboro
Tarboro, N. V , Del.
of most
baa ever taken place In
was in Calvary
at on
day when Mr. J Stanley
one of the most popular
young hotel in the state ltd
altar Miss Annie Louise
the .-A
daughter of
men, Mi. II. II. The tin
wan by Kev. K
Crumble, by Kev Mi.
Joy oar, a cousin of the
Promptly at to strains of
the wedding march, the
ushers, Maj. Joe
Mr. O. Mr
B. with Mr Frank
P. Following
Mi- Smith of Greenville with Mies
Honey of Henderson and
Whitney of X C.
with Miss Wheeler of Washington.
I. Then the dame of
Mrs. J, of I
The bride, on the of her
father, met at the by the
hi best man. Mr George
K. After the
toe couples came nut in
following Mr. and Mis. J.
Stanley Smith, Mis. J.
Mi. Geo. IS. Penning
ton, Hits Wheeler and Mr. Prank
P. Whitney and Mi.
Joe It.
I Mr. William K Miss
Smith and Mr.
After their Mr. and
Mrs Smith u ill make home
Mr. and II. II. Shaw gave
an elegant nuptial
on night and many par-
took oft bail generous
Greenville N. C.
Dear The cost of labor
painting a house it three times the
cost of point. You seem lo save
a little when you buy a lower
paint, but you
add to the of labor when
pay for spreading more gallons
You don't save mi
and Zinc e b
n little more than mixed
bill it take fewer gallons, and
cost is actually less.
mixed paints, longer than
and oil.
save a cent.
Mr. V, Loeb, a painter in
Miss ,
After years with
mixed paints find your
paint covers more to
gallon than any
density and wearing
it be excel lei I
with lead and
A house belonging to late
President of the
Hank, .,
and oil in I at a i In
with at a cost of 1850. in
the house was null all light.
He-nils; lead and oil cost
three cost
wear ten
P. W DO.,
P. S II. L. veils out
X. I t
Hon. C. B
I or A lime I have been in
lending to
about a malt . has given me
I have
about boa trouble
and work people
parts of tin- e gum
by asking pardons one
a time, and I have i
do a thing which will save you a
greet deal of trouble, and l know
I am going to ask will be a
gnat relief to you, little labor
but a of love, because you
love to make people happy, I
am constrained to
I am going to make because do
not wait yen lo be troubled s
much, knowing that these
tit ate coal no ally in and
your big noble head will nut
allow you to refuse any. tint
noble i clings on Ibis line has
unused you, I am told, adopt the
rub that, convict may be
ail It has ll friend lo
tit fun Hat tug that rule
me, with e. i-e I
draw nigh, make my petition,
feeling I am going to
comply with your rule, my pet
must Ii. granted. Now I do
not want you, my dear Governor,
lobe and troubled and
d lo death by bat log lo turn
Muse fellows out one a time, for
a man of your noble
ability bl get above re-
tail business, do everything tin a
grand scale, a wholesale basis, so I
ask yon in the name of eon-
in the of North Carolina
lot a pardon and make this n
quest with
i i have with
Mile. I it. Now
I ask tin-in all you turn
them all out once, and it any
body objects to your doing a
wholesale you just tell
rule has been
w that I. J
in m American
bee white and twenty one,
a n great Slates
a of the Stale of
Ii tan HOW
North State
B. u-
in . Plain
fur in
era a
a stock
in of
Wire I he A. V. I.,
lit nu
a raid on
Kiwi. Hotel,
Mr. Corey's.
Allen I heir
at tin- Mi. J. K.
a elaborate
tamed y
guilt ii up the I
lo nail, all ad vet I to-
lug There were two
beautiful, mil prize.
offered the and beat
Mr, K. I.
Ural prize
ii be eye,
bad lo t u,
prize were
dull, wan
after all tout a at
way but
brr of pet., won the
game, were played and
great for many
tin- rule ii bad o be
Will Gel Along Some Mow.
A editor I. about
up leave for lack
lining a wholesale I iii
bun When you have i
this I want you,
lo a real need
fur holiday., money, worry
to are I want to baa
lake you hunting. lei from the to net a. a door
joins, He'll gel
i., paper stand
Bedbug Swamp, up for you you run for
ii lie
and weep your
in n it i- from
and mile
I lie only I
Hi.- u ill
January Sale
i January w intend to
an their table-
ware. On Iii center of our store you
will a lot of odd of China and
We propose to let you AT we
wish to get of these odd pieces. Those goods
will In- sold for cash only at these prices, so be sure to
bring your pocket book In Ibis lot you v. ill find
Plat.--, Dishes, Cope and Saucer, Howls, Tumblers,
Arc. This lot is limited, but sari- con-
as as stuck lasts. We are going to do the
, our stock Nuts, Can-
dies, to. mixed mils S per pound,
sandy that sells tram to will be sold
Plain candies per pound. Apples,
doc. This special sale will commence
Jan. 1st, He mi time to gather in some of these
bargain. There has been u lot of now floods added
to our Grocery Stock holiday trade, and It
i. now complete In this line No matter how Bard
Mm an- to suit, w.- can suit you if you want good
wholesome food. We carry a large stock of top grade
elegant furniture to please most genteel, refined
have Suits, odd Bedsteads,
Chair., Tables, Couch. Hall Hacks, Side-
boards. White Iron
hands r the of the little tots ex-
times of older folks. Wintry
wind raise havoc with tender skin.
Tar Soap
cleanse, the of all
heal, and keep it soft and
velvety. We have other Map, too, from
the cheapest that t.
for use.
Our stuck in all departments is well assorted and vary
thing you need. our a and baa-
your, to
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Sam Club.
lo Cane
has Jail beta published by
New X. Y. a
copy it cm lie
writing- lining
rs will lie In
tills is Q as
In produce luge yields
the pamphlet men-
a man a
lb isn't
she , an it
w lieu a
In demand
iron but.
the North Carolina Year Book
Head J. a
i and
nun, the
lite III the Stale. this book I know how bill
. of value In all, gel
n, lawyer, .
, . ,
book dealer, public of-
of ha- nut in had a mule
I, than tin.
your order now, The New. and The record of In-
a -mall
Enemy. many dull weeks along during the
foe to home peace ram as
and larger, it well lot
of keep, good
ire w. Tb
,; for
in Tuesday, again
Ran. Miss
Patrick as boat. Never in its
ha.- a de-
The very atmosphere was
tide, the
ii mi was very tastefully
to each
Both tin- President and Vice
President being absent, Mis- Win-
.-skinner as Call the
chair, the honor, blob she per
formed most gracefully.
being absent the
elect inn of officers a.-
two week-.
delightful of
Burnett, read by
Mi-- Jones, was must en-
carrying us all back to
when each us reveled
with Little Lord
Through Secretary, Mrs.
Herbert White to the
club an Invitation to an evening
reception the
The its
unanimously accepting
The mealing was honored by th
I in- meeting adjourned the
happy Maces, each wish-
other a merry Christmas
a happy new ear.
paper in publishing
evils that fret us
which us but have mil
yet arrived, thinking
tin- bread you are afraid will not I report of the union
in the the of
you are Mm- dressmaker will A. Move
next month's hills, those who mad
II will Mr. es
only ah nit the ll in special haul the of
ship that this bow the i r
in times mi. u
will there
he Pilgrim
A man . a should
be h it m- lot.
W ii from the
Stove A I. mis, a
bound calendar mom-
tin 1809, Betide,
the s several
in. hit. at last,
what lo
i inn k your out
void ball,
-a. your
I you t,
I you've Kit. your basket full,
up all hull.
i i
what b you to
Throw up la. sad kick
Ai. In I,. I
ball, bail
-ii,. ., bile your
will pall him in.
Reported tor the
Miss Alice Lang on Friday
evening entertained a number of .
friends at her home, in which
M ma Nina Jam.,
Minnie Tunstall. Mary
Forbes, Nannie
i . Alice Blow, Mary
Mamie King. W. U. Wilson, Jr.,
L. M. New T. J. Moore, A. J. ,
Moore, V. Jam.,
Hugh Bennett, of
Kohl. Winstead, of Rocky Mount,
W. A .
The I
holly and
After a very interesting contest
the tall blind-
were served, the room ,
. , I with holly
mistletoe, W. A. ,
fortunate on. carry ofT tint
prise and Charlie booby.
It was near hour of midnight
when all bade good to
fair hostess. Every body ,
reported delightful time.
All school, of la
town have bad or will
mas this holiday season.
The Baptist school had a tree
the night Christmas
which Mr. M. A. Allen played
rule Santa and
The Christian school had th
lira- Christina, night, at th
distribution of gifts was
an talk from Mr, H.
The let Inn school had
of gifts the aft
Christ mas.
of week lb
Episcopal school had their tree.
The Methodist school will ha
their tree Wednesday
II you ill and need a pill
Why not purchase
In-v Riser.
Take do
W. K. Unwell, Houston,
antes- used
Riser Pills my family far
sick headache,
their use I am indebted
of my foully,

Nothing looks surer than We l
whiskey traffic in North Caro- you to the T
r Una a thing of pi-am. pit, form h n
in our new-, .
Hair Falls
Already the
ties state are free of this
evil, and wherever i
. public sentiment is increasing rap-
idly against From all
where the saloon now exists sack
petition go before
g the Legislature ax to force that begins we be sorry for in
Jean in the, body to them and enact Ike dark
to be laws to out evil. It It characters
a the of Public time the saloon men Mile
Prom our Cot- were thin current of
the following against a traffic
The handwriting on the wall u
bill is designed to secure a plain for anyone to see.
of national, state and local land instead of lighting against the When It all ore fatal ill
cooperation in standard bad beat lie laying whether it as
Well, If doe.
Methodist college the ether
follow will know there was
one him.
When the
n ., severe tIt.
public highway- It prop. the plans for in some oilier
I of for the kind of business. The saloons in
establish men and of North Carolina have to go
bureau, and of to be
expended in m i-m county always depend
. Various slate, subject to any ad- its honored son. Col. ,.
reliable . The Bryan for a contribution
w after all.
it the Mad III lab's
make as tired as
they do Ike lest of the Wot Ml
Tin- woman
tried Hair Vigor to
my from falling. One-
lull a bottle cured
J. C. Batter. HI.
Hair Vigor is
certainly the most
preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it a long way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
A I Hill
Lost Mn
in u
Wise mm were fr
to for k
t pr.-tit by.
Pm county to the general
that to build a certain road f Got
pet through expert ha offered a medal to the child old the
the employ of the bureau a to the is year old m public mm
out, etc., the road to be up to of the state ho will make U
certain standard, then bureau the diagram The Port felled
if road in approved, 1-ear showing m chart form the fading-, of the
half of of the mid- of the count.- of Mate
building, other half to The condition of the will
by the or by the be by the Mat super-
county and state. a case may of public
who will pass upon the char If
The this bill is worthy and make award.
of all acceptance by North Caro
Una. and the only evil we can
a of it would be
chance certain politician
I in the bureau to get than
I their own from any township who
attempted to build good roads this
way It is, perhaps, best and more
believe that the new
law would administered hon-
and faithfully, resulting la
immense good to public.
in-lit the park
barn of Hi Prank Allen, in
Heave. Dan township, de-
b There
the tire
For once in his life diary, Mr. VT.
knew enough not to pal bounds wen teal tor. The date
After the Southern had his font into it. to and
thrown the icy Into
in large, juicy chunks
new the Durham citizen
himself up and
went home to out if he hail
read aright the
and ye shall NO
There a most
family reunion
the home of Mr.
Dam hi and
children being with him t enjoy
the clad day.
There were present Mr It.
Cobb and family, Greenville;
Mr. B r. Miss
ace i be run
oar of
or I a
of a sofa In
J.-r our ;.
n i if
mi i sis
ii. at
bar i Mai on
Char .-l i snot haft as
I was
ram t k
room wont
to h, Us
out m t.
k of bar,
vi man I-- raw
went la nil
Sad would
w a
Uteri no of
n l red l
.- a
warm i s. do I t--
a in the
A arr passed a-e, sad
t.;. my
., ti Ti tan a
Fare, and us was
la a if Then as
as I
, dashed after A
wan i and ti-L to
a f
at the
of no fr
tame to adieu to
and the k ft wharf.
white flood i handkerchief
barf and steamer,
Mi. n. the
and -1
i.-t ad and hi
In had Bat
I ; t.
all . saw at
t. tho
I went to the ho-
regular the names
Baptist and asked
and left In-
a lies in the lid in real
W h. he
to am In
one had taken bis
and lit an old one. lie
more mid
ti hi-
i cat lo b- an
Fire m Dam
hotel in Rear has a
room for
It Is one tin-
or and ft.
th of
of leads
tn f. int
in a bank h
are Anna of
a a
with that last are
relied to a The
n roam lbs is
t an lac
n Ni have . mi
the name of the room
null the time Is
taken m the dark Ti is
over to the and
her to the department.
Said of ho
a of s .
man m
hall call for
The was that w hen he t
up be to nm. From the
we cot a call on the telethon.
to my he
and or the you'll find a
Its my area. Send
them to
we found two I
up Id eyes on the dressing taMe In a
was for use and ;
far often
force their hot that was
the only I seat knew of a man I
BIS found on
the pins are
found the ,
s ,
and revolver- out from ,
tinder Of
owner's address known and any-
thing left he is notified
and the article sent to him. If not ,
called for In a few
ten article the .
of New York
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Horse, Cattle Poultry Food.
A dollar up, With u pea. a
worth of ,
lion time. If it
is making his
headquarters for
Fruit Jars. I
I for the stuff and your dollar.
Santa Claus
They have a full of everything in this line
for the little folk and the large ones. too. The
largest assortment of Candies in town
Burnt, Cakes. Applet,
They also have thing in the way of
fixings for your ChristMas Goods,
Pickle. Prunes, the of
Flour, the finest Batter, in fact anything usually
found in a firM class grocery. You only hare t
call or ring phone and your wants will be
i found a M
lo a man
living There
II hue
more for delivery it
might as trot out now. r ,, of M,
The City of Brotherly Ive New family,
is somewhat agitated in regard lo who was Mot to and the Mr L. A Cobb, of Mi.
a proposition to erect a memorial to the rare H and of BeaTer
tablet in Grace Baptist Temple to done his drawn
Miss Winnie Davis, daughter of bin pay, Ac., mod
, sous bore u-iii every abets
Ban- r. sore la bat
On in t. mi was hunt inc.
Mr I. Mr. a,,,.,,.,.,, a, .,
time of the Ml
n,. white r. the
Bar n
passed me. a Id
j ii la
the a-
eh on b.
of the
League in
lam; Mr-.
A set veil
to the Mr. now
If Alfred Austin ever reads age, but and
have b
hoot him H
them man
pleasure lo
wish bin and -1-1
the great president.
We do not the origin of the
foolish idea, but anyone might alleged poem in the Charlotte
have seen the result of it. In News the entitled Line-
Philadelphia prejudice high to a he will have food
against anything Southern, and it reason to assert that the poet
to be hoped that this stir will be of i- not
allowed to settle and die with- poet m the world, after all.
further controversy. Kev.
Russell H. Coo well, pastor An epidemic of
Temple church, is not a man who drunks broke out in Durham
ii . to regard Southerners who and
took part in the rebellion as any- a were
thing but traitor, and Southern fl and over a hundred f
people must regret that lo- made. Durham is to have with the union,
but have have some excitement.
sought to place a memorial to toe
memory of the of the Last week the Post
a Northern church, brought Cleveland and
u n
J. N.
and H. M. and W . F. Hard
a adapted u
piloted and
Mies it lo
Is mi
to f-i. hut of
ran an I . d-d bear
We The
n me, seemed intensely
in i on.
I at caught m driver's and
f the union
mass meeting
held In the Sun
day with a
t nice
Reports ware made by the
be enacted lo
a dish -ah s III
question t
it to Puss
removal from
no all d
to view the
tin ma lei
was Ii II in bands of t-x-
i h- league ill meet Ban-
night in
the and at
of for the
These reports made remarkable
the attend
where it hardly fail to arouse for President and ha been lea than This
bitter in spite the la The Booth has poi for a town
oft repealed that the claim to representation on Hi
hatchet is buried the chasm presidential ticket.
bridged. In the South no memo
rial necessary to keep green
the memory of Winnie
Davis. Let her friends in the
North keep her memory forever
enshrined in recesses of their
hearts, and trust to time and
to give her that due which
for a pore and noble woman.
The Booth has a few ad
hand tree limits, telegraph poles.
as new for lynching
which it will let to Boston
until that city how to do the
job properly.
waft a in
I i -i; l
eve, wen-
up work
i i. when Mr. Ci. W.
Me. in. for all, l
of and lo Improve this and t e
get in sit i ring
the i. prime -i Ii a
object of seat , h
were -it with .
made by M A Allen. K prises
tum and follow the
to of
aired, he a free
pass. . had lost of it.
remained in a
fur to
to ilia
The neat of my
It for n and the
t had m
Bums u one for
twenty I bad haps of
n from
if not for a
to look the sofa on which she had
i seat m
A it I accepted OB
dinner I at to the a
ll.- early, sad as one in the
room to receive aw l went t
where I bad Una Ideal
and --it where she bad lo dream of
her room the
host hi- Li in-
be to the
i d to take Shea
not known she baa in.-t
i .
i minutes later
i . In me h lady en bis arm
i she la
i m
from I ltd not
ii. r tin she as before me.
Ta i -.-a la
A f
occur on of
early It baa the of
and Is bettered t be that of
a ports
if t, bat j
main to
have tit ii the every-l
where the of the Nile an
Invention w s
to that today
an me at baa
all the cent uric history
The same be regarding the
chain la china, the
of which antedates the
Thin which teems
sever to have Is
In such common um
laborer la in one.
Where Is conducted on
scale chain I made
larger and b a
very simple tread wheel, and Mill
Kt one are by yoking a hut-
or other animal to suitable
The of earn lo
water of origin. l-e-
fore the era
. lire to
by effects
calculated ti Ignorant
were by priest
of Egypt. Greece and but
knowledge never to
turned Into any of secular use-
Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
to please-
las. B. White.
A striking Incident of relief of
was the rout of the Ninth
lancers by a swarm of bans A village
Id the line of march was found to tie i
defended by a hastily Improvised i
stockade, on the top of which a
A black with m
of May. la-t Th.
is marked with slit ii
right ear and swallow fork in left
Tip-of born white and some ii
tail, is notified to call M
At Marion Johnson place, mile-
north side of river.
of hive, were stuck. Into one of . given that
these a young officer Jabbed his the Hoard of
a result In far less time than st their meet.
It takes to tell It the whole advance I log on first in January.
was racing for dear life t the for to retail liquor at Cobb's
rear, and sir Dona hastily I store. In Beaver
formed line of belle. It re-
by the mutineers In force. I
B. B.
Nov. 1901
I the most conceited
man ever met.
Maud What makes you think so
he that
am th- urns woman In the
world, moat Intellectual
in a and
then he wants me lo marry
i n Tuesday. at the John
, Place. Smiles north of Green
I will ll at auction to
i th- highest bidder, head of
farming utensil
fodder. hogs and
Terms of sale
In h n
been for the
of people that
can't is to eat
hand I so i
was lbs
on arm
I h r
of a h
Th year before, I
It that
let without thieve-- In official This would have a
The Isthmian canal-m
mission is aggregation
sharks to
a half million of good
tax money to influential army of-
and sons of sen
people pay the freight.
for Mr
to by
of the
ha- at last
Deeded In digging up
n dent, Monday
the for sun only
severe The little
. a mate have lately been
in of going to rail
road waiting for the log train
The Free n ,,,,.,.
be is made
I looked u. my
and K. II. and I for Its beaut and the mi.- to
. It. wane
. .,. . , , whom I laid all over the
lie tores employee o the paper r ,,., nil., she
and N given a Christ mas u was and I Ml the
adopted to take
a town to show Sunday
Dumber of belonging to morning Baptist
chore fa r following
next the union for the year
will be held Id the Presbyterian C
mi the in A.
J. t.
.-. C.
I J I lie n
I, N. Booth.
Rosalind Bonn
Mi- Annie
P. In
has the
tor now year.
I. H
an There will change
the firm Flanagan
Boggy Co., and all persons
r administration the led to u-. are requested to settle at
Jane Haddock, once. By so doing y on will save
trouble and yourself DOst.
Bent 190-2.
Mr. .-.
ton, hung in
mar moating n
sitting alone, she had
con r- and
bad i . beta for her.
with her fa
th . . be was called
lord and
furnished with an
a . s is m Erg-
Hut how I state In n few words
all come after ward.
The was not
his My was
factory lo her
state of
ban been lo me the
of the Court of county,
on nth day of no
tier in hereby given all persona
holding against estate
present them t. on or
the 22nd
and or
tin- be plead lo bar of their
recovery. All indebted to
said estate ill make to m--.
This the day f December,
i A
Public administering
th. of Jane Haddock,
i, A. B.
recently leased by Mr. J. W. danger, thanks surgery. the depot train runs
the now Broken hearts will to be through town, and as it came along
under the of as as heretofore. by the .-itch at the A. C.
This time and C. V
got a good bold on the
car some
Mr. L. J. He was for a
number of years connected with
the Free Press and has bud
experience to
are not confine.
over the cross ties before be could
it other side of big pond indulges free are danger
an Might of it. things for to play around.
Organist, Mi Helen I'm
Mill Days.
The bell rang, the of
to Um window
bis he n
who bad
again for payment of his long out-
standing account The
one called to youthful
to door once. I
don't I see Tell
I'm not
roB never told
don't boy. It a that's go
lo tell one. Now run
York Times
By virtue of a decree of the
l of Hit In spec-
administrator of w, Smith vs.
Sarah A. Smith, S . Williams and
the undersigned administrator
mill sell for cash, on Monday,
2nd, before the court house door
in Greenville, an undivided one-half
Interest la the described
or panel of That parcel Carolina, i
of land in Bethel township adjoining County. I Clerk.
the lands of James, Sidney A. L. J- Chapman, of
Shad- Jenkins cob Brooks.
V A. being the la id vs.
Which W. S. Smith at William
Utter-, of administration upon
. of Williams,
this day been Issued to the under-
the Clerk of
i of i notice is
given to all persona having claim
against -aid estate to present t.
the duly and
u in. on or before
day of lo. or this
will Is- plead In bar of their re-
All person indebted to said
will make to the
at once.
This th. of November.
R. L.
administrators of Williams,
following is s of lbs
lumber of meetings of Hoard of
of Pitt
bar of days member
number of miles sod
amounts allowed for services con-
for the year ending
December 1902.
L Davis hath attended days
Jesse Cannon days
W. C. Little IT days
L. J. days
J J. days
For IT as com.
For miles traveled w
For IT days com.
For day f-12-002.00
For miles traveled ii u
Total. ST
w. u.
For IT days as com. 12-00.
For s as .
For miles traveled
I- J.
For IT days a com. J I so .
For as
For miles c .
of his death.
or said land
Governor Aycock ought to have What men talk, others are
the fashion to B against the Font for try- apt to regret automatic ear-
jaw at women for causing the pl-e him Cleveland's have not yet been placed
wholesale slaughter of birds, in
order to adorn their pretty
heads, but why The of pink pear, ,,
. t
who u u
thirsting fur bird pearls. i
This i tr give notice
will be done at my grist mill on
and work
baring corn they wish
said toe coos as
entered the parlor with her bundle In
hand, must be after away
do you mean Why are you
ground to bring u g
only on these data, as mill will -i nm b,
not be run on other .-
A. Bridget, won't
Catherine Jane
Brooks, Council Brooks, Mary
Smith. Martha
Susan John Jane
The defendants above named will
lake that an entitled a
above has U-en in the
Court of county to sell for
Clerk of Superior Court of Pill a small piece of laud In Swift
having letters PM count, N. C.
to me. the undersigned, which was owned b the
ill be A
to the dower.
F. U. attorney.
a regular
to me,
the nth day of on the Brooks at the time his death.
of Mary Nobles, deceased, no- will further take no-
is h given to all parsons la- 11- that are required to appear
U. the to make immediate the court of
payment to undersigned to all st the COOT. Mouse in
h on
N. C so suddenly . ask la the and or demur to petition in
alt for a few undersigned within months after i , ,,,, action, or the petitioner will
I i date of this notice, or this notice will w the Court for relief demand In
by not.
This nth of This
W H D. C.
j on of Mary Nobles.
r-, mum. N like to oblige yon.
l don't feel well enough
to ask a
AMT. J. J.
For IT days as com. 12.00. U -S
For days as
For tot miles
Total allowed Board.
State of I
or f
T. It. Moore, Clark of
the Board of Commissioners for I
do certify She
Is a entreat stAtement. as
doth of in my office-
10th day of November,
H- Mi m
Clerk Hoard Pitt Cs.
Armstrong, A Co.
Mary I. now
Mary L.
The defendant named will
take notice that an action entitled
above has been commenced before th
of the Superior Court of Pitt
county to revive a dormant judgment
which the plaintiffs obtained against
you st term of Pitt Superior
court for and Interval and coats
and to Issue on said
and the said defendant will far-
take notice, she Is required
to appear at the office of the Clark of
the Superior court of county at
court house in Greenville, N. C,
on 19th day of January, 1905, at
o'clock a. m. and show If any
he have, why execution should not
on said judgment for amount
due or the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief
This Dec. Rib, 1902.
D. C.
Clerk Superior Court.
All persons who are Indebted to lbs
Pitt county Buggy Company are re-
quested to come forward and at
once and save cost of collection.
foe and we ;
as early as j . S . U need
owe us and you will sot
as fur It
This notice is for who find
cross mark on their
of no
I'm Social World
On went
W. J.
day from
G J. Woodward Tue
from a visit U
b liar I
a big
In i.
day and Sunday.
The an
C l.
one limn
Ink of U Bad
a in.-l . lime.
Jes In Skinner.
Tuesday evening lo ti
; Nina
O. H. returned fr. in
Zeno Tar-
Sal evening.
B. W. returned from
Bethel Saturday
Hearne returned Sat
evening from
L. F. Evans returned from Tar
Mis. Ali-e returned lo
at Wilson today.
Paul K t returned Satin-
day evening from Hertford.
Mis. Sugg left morn-
for Wilson lo attend
W. Bernard home from
Chapel Hill lo spend the holidays.
C. fair and C E. Jaine re-
turned from
C Mamie turned home Tuesday evening.
Rapids, is Mrs. II.
A. White.
Miss Minnie Bagwell, of Raleigh.
is visiting her uncle, Dr. W. H.
. Bagwell.
Mr. M. children
I went to Rocky Mount today to
k visit hex
Rev. Mr. Reynolds pitched in
the church here Sunday
morning and night and left tins
V Rev. J. T. of Rutherford,
B who has been hi. father.
P. Erwin, home
R. C Flanagan.
City, who was here
U mas with his mother, returned
Mrs. K. S. and
Miss Betsey,
been visiting Mr. Mr F
Hodges last.
Mil. T. of
C, who has been
his father, W. T. re-
turned home today.
Mr. W. B. Wilson mailed his
customers and friends a check
the of Fortune, Stale of Hap
wishing then
days for the new year.
ii Dee
Mr- B. of
President the
Turn-lull left Ibis morning will I in
for to attend l-i.
Henderson, and addicts the Mothers- at B, A, K u, K N ,
air veil today lo visit Miss Sell All .
mothers and A. Walter
, , , . evening n
Miss Smith fathers.
evening a to M. A a . to s,
from holidays.
. n I. t i . . i ., .-I I Mis- Nannie
came , e I. am Mi spied a post I
day from Sew York to visit A G. Cox Mfg. Co.; Mr. and
his parents. Hit. K. of home Sunday
Miss Julia Horton. of Washing- field, moved
to,,, arrived today to Hie handsome Me. and Mrs. I
Forbes. front of main and
Miss of by Cox. ; May are visiting and
to visit Miss, We are ban ii again. relatives bee.
A Happy New Year
Packed, Jammed, Crowded. High Class Novelties, not the one clay kind, but Up-to-date
arrived this
Patrick. wen- all in bright curly
Miss of Monday
Inside-. e now
hands e ever had.
Mrs Helen Barr, of Weldon. to orders
came to attend the We wish all our
Savage Forbes marriage. a happy now year and
promise-our to serve
who has visiting Mrs. i. A. you faithfully at anytime.
home today. Miss Mela of county.
who ha taken of
has been visiting friends here, re-
Prof. ac
by Mis. and
little who have
no. Mrs.
Ola Forties and E. I.
today for Swan and
H. L. Fennell and family,
Wilmington, arrived Tuesday-even-1
visit relative here. Mr
Chi la. Maw
coke U spend a few days shooting
to lilt-
part of th
day trying to give inmates .
of good eat. with
confectioneries of kind-
a- Among it all
they did not seen, to appreciate
and enjoy thing
Tar Bed land
trow this place, who gave
pieces. All who went deviate that
i- a way lo spend
E. L. Clark, Walter
Boyd left
morning for to at-
Mr. W. went out
hunting the oilier clay, II
was his first experience at a
shot gun. He is very proud
killing two birds.
New Greeting
Through this medium wish to
thank all my customers and
Interest Commit-
in the Schools
the very liberal patronage
me in the year 1902. You
made to me the most successful, How Shall We
of fifteen years in
business. It is my purpose to
greet you i-i Spring with
largest, prettiest null
stock of Hats., lower-., ibis.-, . ilk.,, His.
chiffons, veiling, children, hats. the Pitt Co,,,,.,
caps and bonnets. Will also have
., , , r i- . the newest in ladies I. ill lime
Mrs. J. W. Howard, of I. w, .
and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gold, of dress .- P-i n . g-
Wilson, came in Saturday evening know I have always fairly neglect,
lo visit Mr. Mrs. J. O.
I consider this I
cox Hale Gal
i from
Littleton Female College lo
the Christ ma-
Mi-s Celia from
Mount, is visiting Dal
Eva Cot
Mrs. I. U. White and little a,
Jerry went to today.
A very little gill made
her the of
Mr. Mrs. W. O.
Brat Mollie of
w- Mi
night and Bun
Miss Battle Manning her
Sophia Mill- and little
Ala--, -pent
nigh with Mi-.
II. Mills.
Mr. and Mi-. II II. Mm-
to had
Mr. Frank Po, ell 1.-I I
hone night.
W. II. Wynne i his
Monday and left In
hi- home mar
Mi of
Elk- Sunday.
The kind that makes and Old
forget their troubles.
Lace Curtains
One third off regular prices.
Curtains. Christmas price.
Dress Goods
Nothing More Suitable or serviceable
for Christmas Gifts.
Newest Latest
. fol
I E .
. .- . -.--.
Mr. Gold returned today.
F. M. is off on a trip to
of Washing-
ton, is in town.
Mrs. Fred Cox went to Kinston
Monday evening.
Leon Fleming went to Grifton
Miss Nannie left
L. C. Arthur Monday
C. H. went lo
Mis. Annie Sledge of. is
visiting Mis. Nellie Pender.
J. T. Smith returned Monday
from Wilmington.
K. L. Smith and A. Savage left
this for Norfolk.
E. Monday
evening from
selves Can we la- so
mill to ad
Is- reached by
There 1- no better av to touch
our love mid
I sympathy for their children.
strive have an
present lo make It a model one
and given you the
I consider this a with , J ,.,
little minds of
oar care a way that
your school pupil,
Hills if i-i h were an interesting book
Talk to your
of property,
w-irk, the
Men's and to per ct.
should It-
tee will continue to awaiting, the
trade, which I assure j and no doubt,
Again serious
all. and i Now we all pupils,
., a prosperous radian
blight year, I am, I become Interested i
lies peel fully,
Km, i.
e i i
work, and it require no
I oil the part
an visit to
At o'clock this morning the
home of Mr. A. A. Forties, on
his daughter.
i, and Mr. M
age were married
X. Booth, pastor of the
The were Mr. E. Ii.
Barrett with Miss Forties,
Mr. T. W. Skinner Mis- Mary
Mr. R. T. Miss
was by Miss
as the bridal party
A few
teacher to
interest. mid to properly cultivate
lb beat part of their nature
we 11111-I never
Mis. Mamie Nicholson, to witness the
Vaughan, I. her couple took U morning train
Mrs. P. tr , York other
Mrs. Caroline Cherry left this cities. Th.-y a of
morning lo visit her
Mrs. Murphy, of Kinston, who
been visiting friends here, re
turned home Monday evening.
Mrs. Charlie Whitehurst, of
Bethel came in Monday evening to
visit her father, Gardner.
Robert Howard, of Conetoe, who
has been visiting his sister, Mrs
J. G.
Mrs. and child
of came in Monday-
evening to visit her father, T.
Mrs Z A
who has
Mrs. W. F returned
home today.
Bertha Kittrell. of Winter
who has been visiting Miss
Bessie Keel, returned home Mon-
Mr. and Mrs John S Smith.
who have e spending
left this for their home
Mrs. J. W. Morgan and sister,
Mia. Dixie who been
spending several weeks with Mrs.
J. B. Cherry, this morning for
their home
handsome bridal
Mr. Savage 1- one
and his MM of our most pop.
young ladies.
The John Flanagan Buggy Ob.
and the Flanagan Co. have
consolidated. E. O, Flanagan pill
one-third in me
; buggy and Greene
Hooker taking one-third
each in the coffin business. All
I will hereafter be inn together and
each child b.
In- w
awakened, rod
pal by with work,
mil of mountain ha.
lo, we have
la-lore R oil IS
Mary Every one
the experience and trial.
rural will Join mi
column icemen,
lake or no
public sell Hill
d .
ruling Hi m
of your
blind lo
They me
I .
. I.
. no
IV .
ids were
. pupil
,. I
tin- pi
real m
It , n are -1
in 111-.
I . e I I II
. ;. .,
lie c
II pal tins
nil-- ,
i- i
Long, of Chapel Hill, the say e-t In turn
her d ; l,,,,,.,, , ,,.
1- this We
we, 11111-1 In
some cause for and
tales- a
We trust true lea. km.
ill seek for an effectual one, for
we, who love our can
not -II.--
mi alto aid
If arc sympathy without
work ii with
certainly the
. i
,,. in lit a which
tin to h-
and to whole
The children oar land will
some day nil now
held men and
Bi, Store, Greenville, N. C.
every member
profession will work with tin
lo aid
I -i ell -i .
Liver Pills
-Hip Van
That's what you need; some-
thine to cure your bilious- ,.
end I
. o
liver cure con-
and biliousness.
Gently laxative.
i-i-. -sin . .- hi II
I but
only echo comes us
My lo the
no In three -h
we ale. bill push
trusting ever in our divine
Creator, and our will mil l-
I in vain, for somewhere in
blight day will dawn
which we a receive a
The Printing House is talking to YOU
u tout orders for any
In is eel
to arouse in an
interest, seldom by the
How can to Interest
others with in which
feel 1.1- n hit.
u fall.
Still achieving pursuing,
to labor and to
nuts, .
gun., dolls, aid
Samuel M
Shop m Pitt

, j
M ,
B, i . U.
-I b-an to suffer
I hard if bf
Mot than
M g ID I . i
om. told Mir i
CUr DIM. I ft -U I It --1
I took n
ow m wall I war Id bow
I Snow
a T.
M M If I.
It Om Mm M
MI .
C . .
-About two I
a sen re- of
was to bad for
the I fit
relief- t apt. Barker, a I M
At Lid of
and nm Die two
I to it
and ma I and On
. AM. r ; ,
toe I st-l morale well Mid
I Know of a Dumber of
1-. cured by
our In toll tow n
by Will be M receipt i
Co., Baltimore. 1.5. A.
Ii .
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend.
; New Years h Russia
. i . V w
. . i a i I -1
. I
. . .
. ;, .
T i
I .- f
, . , t . .
a to re
p. .
, i am
a nun
i ton tin
f i . . m l
in bit i. i H
U k
I L-tit I
p-----.-- W-w
i I .-. i
f I M I I
In k m
,. p
f.-. v I
. Kl
K k n. . n, r
IV of am other
fun's Pills
Loan Value.
J. Value,
Will ha month
re living. r pi
of at of uh
Ho B.
ii i
year. for year be
make policy
J. L.
-Ii ;., j . Si w
re- I
; i v.-
. n l
kl I I. . mu .
a .
I II-f w i -II.
Greenville, N .
The New r .
. ,. v
a Three Times
the Value of
a Any Other.
One Third
am led ti
Mfg Co.
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Goes up or
you give your
Keep it to
and it goes down
it public and it
climbs up.
Never tried it Well, yon
tried ii and lei the people know you
their trade. The advertising
. u M ,
To N-w . In
Ar. V- the
At .
a- t OM Year watched him with uM
Aw h t. II.
w at .
and will
Are u satin
ii i-ii e Ii not, ad
i- ii, and yon will he
Von will find
in what yon yon
talk On in
Push your business
up by advertising
In I ; g .
; , h Jr. I
The Nan to
And warmed Ii old y. u . h
; i in hi ; . it
New I here
Her New
, A r in
duty on a to
in he
awakened wife b
bed in
sin n i,. I
I to i i oat for
wife, knowing bat
Hie of
wardrobe, and
i i Mm
in bar la
v Kl i i . to in nor Job
nit is in of work
out. We have the best
do n class of in
If yon are particular as to the- quality of
want your work. you the beat.
i Jar.
at i think, my
low kl
Hat the
, i. i
ran m t agree
y., . ,
MM i ,. i
n r-re
a Hi a
box bidden
that of
i . i i hi . M
-i en
but be n--t look
a, Manna be Mid.
w . t la I have a
lo eat I bi ad
j we'd beat
arena up and
-I d Ida all la Mar-
. before ran
gated a I
In bar i bar t
a . n a Brother Jan
bad i j gone and
. n
vi I III
ii. r w i
. and be
bog o
sally and me Heed to-
,. ti-r
We our
the aide
. a n like
a doll I be
one in
II tell
, f ad b
, . .
l,. .
m. r-
ah bead
I in w
i. a d that rag
ran a I
any kl
I . . . .
; i .
her bate kill lung
me If anything bad
to her she
ii up everything on her
t . ;. . ft m down and
nu Hut aha now.
J than
at tin urea t i barn beyond the
v In be
t an
I . i-e d the
of tin In n tin re
day i- met
in road the
and me, bear you're to
nun, My
he, a of
day mid wife my
Then I and
i in news to Two
lull I'd a little
iii bad ma In the
of u more than of
bad Rally didn't know
of it. d kept It fr-mi her
had n Ida enough load
BU ma tr bad
. in y teat
. . light the
we've lo new
we'll never get it nil o
ahead and do
l-1 iii. riled and I
. don't you
and do And be drew herself up.
like did when l in
way, and her
and her Up Ann
ii. u
And did Thai
n lo
and and area and
barn built. she
On of the gnarled, knotty
rest don n
The woman wild
but in ; , war
with an
way with
we done, There
ain't no In it now. I
wont I-- here Ions, I've to
hump la ml
On sin had it all than
I and I the
Lard through the
I I'm I'm
I h m and Thar-
inf. iii id.- mat I
for fear I'd out
and spoil it mat
let In alien my
nu ma to
from It-It Ii
hot reputation an the
ruler of room wan built
h nth
And riled
aha to in- when her
;. urn i was In you'd
railed don't know
you'll do without nu- Rut it won't
for long, and I II he tn
take tare of you
then, be
an ran care of my-
And up you
pared at what as hi, can't,
And sunk luck, the
II forward
l an Kl mi iii- leather
yen n family,
My third In law moves
c; by C B Lew-is
my borne at
a out a
for a remedy The deaf
opened J
looked out
s if an
I SB a J.-ad
You never
and area if you I
your net tea out r a
you use a of kind t- bring
If you've c-x Buy real
on your bear
and died alt-
clerk me t alt sad
I'll ll yea shoal
at a reared
up a bate don. and bought ear
scat Ho t. as to
I bad
over to him n
the cork and swallowed the contents,
fie ever and be
nursed and cursed sad fought off
When I wanted to Bate ran
for and when lie
lay sad on the leer.
How h.- lid
took away to turned me.
lie me for having given him
the put won. be ore he'd bate re-
you re I
You t he was
. bat bow rared k
m my rare ever
Have you laid or
-Well I i any a i o one.
i . b
I at ha
i I you wait i de .-1
pull your bell, very old
man. tot i and
i up
Ii. . . .,. ii , the
tin but before I
i. .-.-. . i be
.- I . i
I o mi t over
i. i laugh
out of u . I found
. -i and even h; I
la with It
.; u
bed and
remained for hour and then
h had hut It
never talked of after the
first algal. that t a
In had very little
. walked the .
a word while I n a
or up n my
Latin It was a a
and h
a time however, h lo lie
a and l determined to draw out
of it m move . fifteen
I found the dark ale
with fear that I would not put
appearance at ail made
about work at and aft
four or
In day,
I found man that In- would
not lo fill a
did nut mat be
to me, did. Yes. he
and the bell
and had I it would have
I touched at and I think be felt
a Ml braver when I went away I bad
to five I
would be on band night,
and I to keep It. I
about to lease lbs I
by th.- of the
bub who n to me. and it
was half past I the
I rang in
as been
no I
and again, but with no bettor
I happened that
More door was ajar, I
it and railed one
i for a match and a
light and In and up a
k-as burner At my feet, lying the
on a iii In drawn
up. hi t and In eye
my l r n Shoal
th to If lurking
run out fur a p
raid so be bent the
man on BOOT.
may be in I I replied
no been down
here and In death. Look
i bis throat
one the and
up and then He wasn't
bit, rt by
I throat and nut of
, him He.- horror on bis
terror In his Why.
you'd In- looking Into the fart
and feel Inn f n dead
was the of
Jury, and I kept Of what
use for to say that the assassin
was suicide who had sworn re
that he bad Si
lent and deserted
footsteps and IBO given
my own signal. and us lb.-
door opened he Hung himself
pan his and In Id his
until life went out would have
and ridiculed and me.
of the cat In Liberia are
a red Hut. and an tery
con us in moonlight.
The of a young seal
ed or lo lie attached
that of a In
flow its
The herring most
all marine to
alive for A la
the most nil to preserve alive.
Cranes, and wild geese
fast enough lo make the trip from
northern to a week,
but of them rest of the
A is dainty as well
and the of for
food. He has to
out tongues, be
A more a
-unit Is
than m Inch. hairs
are said to be of much
use at in It know what
la gnu
A Golden Rule
Be good to land and your crop
will be good. Plenty of
spells quality
vest Write u and
c lead
tree, by mail,
our w inning
Richmond, Va.
The Q Stock of Fine
and Medium
in the South.
Yet Baaed M e
I o That Owe
I mi.- la
Do we dread death on the same
principle that half asset of sheaf
leap a mum hole in a
because the ether half has done soT
For unless the fear be
sud hereditary it la bard to
for It.
Death a Ch a 100-
from one form of Ufa
it come In the
or accident or it Is sH
painful, never so painful
as a of It brings
us from a of and
boot to one of
and often it i
from physical and moral.
or. if ii. to
state is from
Inertia of matter and the tyranny of
therefore will area
and a man's surroundings as to
both thing i
ore moat to
The evil Bill be
from of the good, and
the l not he and haul
pared by the of the
whole chapter of which
here large there
Time, which now makes us
long arrival f an
hour and now dread its too
coming, win an more But
measure by its Intensity and by a
In other wares,
be the Of our own tunes and
I tenth lakes from a of
one of soul la
of will and bought, as we
daily It is only the
of that
our desires
realization of our A gum.
death la inevitable lo all and to any
one who Is at any at-
Hy what logic can our fear
of It be defended I
Yet we fear It an and s
that our social fabric Is
built u-u that fear. Our law
the penalty, our
funerals are of mourning.
and the profession, one of the
most Its ex-
in death.
eagerly all nostrums that
promise us continuance of life. We
ascribe merit to the
who his life for bis country or to
the Individual who it for
era. We laud the stoicism which
to death,
the virtue of that upon the
terror the our
money in attempting prolong
miserable condition the p-m- and
We to bear f vast
natural calamity like Marti-
or of
are dally by railways and
other of And
all the while It is tin-
if ow does, though
are soon comforted I lino or the
companies The dead
the who bus entered upon the new
and spiritual life, whom we
pity, is free, and are
It is true, are said to in-
with But few
suicides mu-
are dread of life
overcoming dread death It may
doubted If he ever SCI of a
man at once perfectly brave and
sine The value of life
and it la a real the
and ll give-, It
la our honest and duty to
prove lo the utmost and lo lie last
Life may Interesting
It may be disappointing and irksome.
It is very if ever uniformly and
positively Pear, on
is one of mid basest
f evil., and fear of death the moat
Irrational. It must have originated In
It ought lo vanish before our modern
and and with
is Will
that hut be revolution-
and Hawthorns
719-711-713 E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
K. L Myers eave
in tut
New York
i w . w h rail-
order freight lay
Old r.
New York; Clyde Line
Bay Line
S. Ob, Baltimore. Mer
and Line
I. J Aft.,
J. E.
N. r
Daily r j ;.
Ar I.
ion p 1st
P I Ar I.
t a m .
a ml
and Tie
on basil
New York
kepi an
Mince and Ar
A trial ill you.
D. W.
p m
a m
a m
P i
-a OF
Hill mm.
Whichard. N. C.
The complete in
and low
sweat. market price,
j. w. t co.
Norfolk, Va.
XI tie t no case of a man
1.1 . a with a pips
re m raw
Nobody on overture very well,
bi J
u lay them It la
a way I of
said the grumpy person when
he reached home after a drenching.
are a flue thing when coma
decently and In good
placed Ms umbrella where It would
drip parlor I want
to go record right
his soggy new bat saturated coat
declaring I am to
rains begin on the day yes-
and keep at bis
eight dollar trousers, resembled
wouldn't be so ha
as be took bis shoes off
let water run out, it rained
down, but when It
tag and up and crosswise and
time to protest- A
day like this no right to be on the
on he got to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Jack, x.
line f go-sis on band. Trices bye
or in
gramme for
hi Al IN
American and Italian Marble
Wire and Iron Panes held.
prices reasonable
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyer, Broker,
Stocks, Grain and
on,. Private Wire, to New York,
New Orleans.
I on n
S don't you to
every time at
I row I'll never lo It
Dr. D James,
W V. S i
In. report
You Write
a leSter lower
in when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice a Week.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
. PK k. .
Commercial Printers i School
Books, . Office Supplies, Etc.
v m
Ma ;
. a at
Vi a
bus. Vt and Tampa and Jack-
II. W. J.
Asst. Traffic Mgr.
T. T. M.
Wilmington, N. C.
day, and I'm,
Bar. J. N. Sunday
a. M. A.
every Bun
lay, and evening.
Wednesday evening. Be.
H. M. Eure,
m, H- Pender,
tendon t
K. B.
E. Om,
Minister. Horning and
prayer with every lat
and 3rd Bo Lay
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. m., W. B.
Brown, Litany
every a. m.
fourth Sunday In each
Player night.
I. W. Bun-
day P. M., W. B. Par
I regular service
A. F. S A.
No. meets
third evening. B.
Hum. W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. Lodge, So,
every evening,
W. H. M. Hook-
K. of B. and
O. Lodge,
I No. every Tuesday
W-8. N. G.,
Ii. Ii. Overton,
B. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
meet, every even-
lug. W. ll Wilton, Secretary, J.
B. Regent.
A. O.
every lint and third
Thursday night Fellow,
Hall. i. Gardner, Worthy
I., if D. B. Smith
I. O.
i No. meets second and
fourth in Odd Pal-
lows Ball. W. B.
Smith Sec.
Clerk Superior Court, D. C.
Hi mi e.
I Sheriff, O. W.
I of Deeds, B. William,.
J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, C. Oil. Laughing.
Surveyor, J. D.
J. J. Elks, W.
W. R. Home, J. It. J.
W. Page and J. Spier.
Boar-l meats every first Monday.
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
H. L.
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
; Tax Collector,
i Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. Spain, L. C.
v Cobb, B F. Pat-
rick, K II. B. L.
i W. B. F.
I Board every first Thursday
i High tirade JOB
, dona ajar. a your order
A Happy
May cumin,; year have naught in lure
for you but health This
is grateful for the generous
it enjoyed, we trust we have earned
your by deserving it.
gave us many new and cemented many
ties bind us to old ones. Begin now to write
Don't forget your dates. Don't forget another
thing-------it's this, don't forget to look us during tin-
New Year for everything that's new. reliable and
in Clothing. Shoes and Furnishing goods-
look lo n at even point. We'll dis
appoint you. Wishing you a happy new year.
Coil Tar.
t e at it of the most
North Mate News.
The King Clothier.
The body of B
I was
near ob
j w. s. i
today, will
law n
The body a dead has
found a cellar Deal
that the
to death.
lo mi
Upon Which They Proposed to Stand
j Ami
a meeting in I lit
.- tin
Hy la
coal-tar ODD-
palette of
a of remedies
fog human Dig, a of rare
a of new foods
and delicate an of
deadly known
ti warfare and a whole
of compounds so
numerous so
lea of I hem
seem well
With of a hundred years
in the
the coal
in-iii the into some
of dyes,
medical I'm
example, from the one hundred
and pound- of coal tar
Best Method to Increase the Av-
During Present Term.
read b Mi
Meeting before I'm
has I won
than thin i i- how lo t
and keep one or ,
usually trouble getting a
be a
easily .- ;
long would she stay N
than a week.
The Brat essential we can I and
can keep; now hue we gel the
Mu-i e -it and wan like
M to
Mo, we mu-i go after the ma
lo begin work,
let ii- know parents. To know
them we Bias meet them face lo
face, talk with them, vi-n their
. BI
led from and not as atom
makes dye- numbering
distinct shade-;
them, moreover, cheaply
dyes are rarely employed,
are the
thin i- caused
i pin
bis child
Mr. Wilson
tin evening Mr.
. c unite a . i,
to hi-
friends of Greenville, which lbs
couples participated;
l With Mi-
ll not .,. pi with
.- Howard
i ii Mi--. Mary
in I;, mi j . Ufa
vet fully revealed,
workers from
differ of
churches. A of com
told a Post reporter that
the work of pushing
to the whiskey traffic was
in many places and
I ground all along Hue.
adopted a
platform which will
in the
to In this The
null saloon men will contend
the of laws baaed
and looking t following
of sale and
ma ii ti tire of Intoxicating
outside f Incorporated
in low u
than n by latest
in towns
of or leas.
option ii
iii incorporated towns counties
at any time of year upon
notice upon petition one-third
if than mice
in two years
or saloon,
saloon or prohibition,
Dr to put a- the
may request.
Fourth Prohibition of
tat Ion of liquor by any means into
prohibition territory.
Fifth-After July 1-t.
applicants for to
or sell, shall
with his application a petition
In addition to the best stoves in the world we hi- behalf by n majority of
carry everything you may expect to in a hard- the of bis
ware store,
it U
i- an b vain- know
which was panic, In
t urn
l loin i-
Ii teacher's Miss Lottie
Lei r,,. i;. , Miss
. i,. Waller Wilson, Jr., with
child Mi Nellie
and their people
home i of
Greenville N. C.
are then the hand- of
boys girls. Arouse them
so i hex must see the necessity of
keeping children in school.
hen when you have the on rick
with I In
carried out, especially in
win re Mi Pal
by Ur. Ben
Dear are
ore. Von h
you sell both. sort look
better it i. the other i
better than it look-. The
any oilier sort.
The Minn . two -oil- paint,
mote; we make
make -lull that III
Belongs lo
to, to
have to.
Hilt i- aside. We into
tans, with our name on, lite very
beat paint there ii the
Lead and It take
fewer than mixed paints,
and ii weals twice ts as
C t. Brown Bro.,
experienced painter to paint hi
Lead and
The oil
was MOt U the I
that there was not he was
so sure of opened ail
except om- kit.
the job was done he
live gallon kn about as
in open
who have been using mixed
paints have bad the same
lee with and Zinc.
F. t
P. 8.11. L. Can paint
side work i- than i i i
we know A i. lie
ten. know them in then the evening was a
in homes, then log contest sixteen of the moat
and humor them the novel and nine of
w lo ;,.;., t ,.,;, he
. them, lei t
them k n . be lei I hi
yea and i e
nay, Try to show them hall pa-i
all do m nay, over and
a p man so found that Mr.
jolt. I hem to . war. the winner, act
help bring others out the live
them to go with you to Hob
their will lied Alter
yours, those cutting, Mr. Moore was
and will bring laing a
many. bottle and Mr.
t i tie it with a very
and lust. book.
January Clean-Up Sale.
of January to gift
an to their
ware. in center of our you
--------f China and
la l.-i j hare AT we
ii odd goods
be sold at o
your pocket In lot you ill find
lot i- limited, but con-
t in as We are going to do the
with our Fruit-, Can-
i. tr. nixed note pat pound,
h to will be fold
v I in ts per pound. Apples,
Thia salt- will commence
Jan. lime to gather in of
bas been a lot of new goods added
to our Grocery Stock the holiday trade, and it
la now complete in this line. Ho matter how
you are to we can suit you if you want good
who We carry a large of top grade
to please the most genteel, .-.-1 i, i
have Pall Suits odd Bedsteads,
I. Hall Racks, Side-
boards. While Enameled Ir-
; hands the of little
of older folks. Wintry
wind raise with tender skin.
Tar Soap
the akin of all
and and keeps II suit
to the i,
in all Is well and the very
thing you need. hap-
Greenville's Great Department Store.
It I- a difficult task have till-
lei ., tail let us do our work
and weekly, leaving
I gel the children and
when ha c in make
so i and agreeable
them will within. When
there is a vacant seal know ii
the in
the dining room each gen-
was a with the
young be was to
lake supper, and it was
widening young men
the card-. m l
i- If a tulle,
and u
and bring them
is sick,
i. a ii it v-Mi to help
in- a ill ;,.
I lance i Ho 1.1 we have lo
it .
Us the obi maxim,
Through tin- I wish t
thank all my
Packing for Steam and Water my country
the very liberal p given
decidedly the best thing of the Kind m
have ever handled. Call and examine it. it lo ma
year- in the
It my purpose lo
yon Spring with the
largest, prettiest and
took of Hals, dowers,
railing, hat-,
bonnets Will also have
the newest styles iii lathes and
child die ever
shown in market. You
know I have always dealt fairly
and given you lbs
I this a gun ran
lee you will
me with trade, which I
yon will lie appreciated,
thanking you, one and all,
you a and
blight year, I am,
I I.
Nineteen Hundred
and Three
The N-w Year And- Popular Drag
Store still In lead. We going lo make
a hid for a still larger and popular
your, this u the opening chapter of
story we shall tell you day In
rear, have the largest In
lbs entire range Of a
first drug store. Let us
Bryan Nichols,
The Popular Druggists.
is good for your health.
I .
persons from its
registers, This was morn
than eyer before appointed
a single ear, wishing
Information about these
secure it free by writing
the t n ii Service n
College, Washing. l. I. The
lo secure men
for places during not r sixty pupils eight or lei
Apt i i
in received tin sing; I.
s K.
Miss w and Mr-
Law i n
Ml I
. , U I H
J . i a-l-
. I . ,
the . w M Is .
ignorance is lo be i i pa
him. Let i be in i i a
a like the Movable t ,;,. ilia
let ii with n-, lei teacher, -i kt
d i go ha i
hand light K
l. ham cm ma all .
in . ; . all, i . I I'M Pi
lo a Hist Mop i ;
no i.-i half of
i of Heed R. William-, i-
the following
r. and
Jessie Haddock and
r, Delia
i Pierce i Dora
o. and Ida
i ,. .
i to- Ural
have ii
lo , a
hi be lo
no will
i l In can in com
date, ii it t mi have
Mill Days.
A K K F I L to details in our Job
is shown the high class of work
This is It give grind
log will my mill
Tuesday and Friday week
Pi having
In. .
the Hank
make- B stand I II
close of on
While the hank baa made
ii umber
the pa-i. this the heal in it- his
It -hows it In
creasing th
f m e lie people hive in r
I lien i-
better managed
lion than the of
. . ,.
in l
an we go out
n to stand
., ii t i in work begin the lie
j lei can
i lave
lei the looms u- made
Let u sail for compulsory
laws hut the laming
now. n tin- and ill
hat e a la i
am a la
ii i.
i . i- i i d
ell ibis
i old t ran
. , i. ; he I
i I the
pi i, .,; I i
ll 1.1 d hen i i .
I;, i-j ml w bite-
ill It. W
. K.
III Mil It.
,. .-
A huh-
I had I
we .
. are n In It
turning We hare best equipped office ,,, , will
do a class of printing hardly in Motion, j ant la- run mi other
you are n as lo quality of
printing, we want your work. We give you beat.
Ii ll. Tn Tell I
lieu a ma, has ii, ,
a lo
inform others of there
of a
on i
. ii- ii.-
like from
II yon send Rome
Hi.- year.
Iii i M.
Pierce and
II. Harden and
ii able. ward.
j ,
and Hell
Unwell mill Emma Barn
entailed peal labor bill.
i-i tired ll, There nod Ida
hi I mm
Ml ,
,,, M n I a
, me I have
; I i- , iii I
Mi- i
. and
Daniel Hone and Hettie Chap-
Maine How-
and Nettie
Rod mood.
I Carney and
I berry.
Briley and Hattie Daniel.
Keller Blown and Sarah Tucker.
The total fur the
Saloon Plan.
The plan action outlined by
Executive of
the i
in would
commend itself to
the favorable of all
people in
allow, liar
room, majority of the
people want them.
the and
prohibition In localities where
of the people to
Another it changes,
folk,. the laws
ram in n top and
are on
bottom, He can now unless
lie i- lo if the plan
he may then but he
will have to fame hi, way in doing
Turn about L fair play, and
, via, the ought not
No fair man ought to
be Milling In anything against
mil inter-
-n, ll
ll. Ill ill I,
i i ill.
no N. C,
i ere he ha. . aim if a
Com Deal
closed bis big
eon deal at
a heavy He made
all deal, cent,,
wan two over the corn
at Chicago.
lie that
and Clyde Per bushel, of
j tract com were involved In
and Annie Little.
foreman and Ophelia
Ada i
I--, lie.
i roe, a
Bell and Page.
Hi, h Chapman and
, wards.
deal, and that bi average
wan nix cents In the bushel. This
Bail Ed- make, ahead on the deal

Eastern reflector, 2 January 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 02, 1903
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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