Eastern reflector, 27 June 1899

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Want Job
Give us a call.
The San Jose Scale.
and treasurer of the
hi Pomona.
An enterprising who
know thing
i- standard advert hung
om one suitable
fill HI
from a
Visiting Card
Full Sheet Poster.
called today U correct
in answer in
press about the San Jose Scale, that standard advertising i- the
which recently made Us beat advertising. no one
in many orchard in I criterion for The
Carolina. In place, be In Ins
that the nursery here of making an-
unaffected by the the character of
the insect ruined bis environment and the
Van I. f win, which be
lines. Having selected as
generally said his advertising medium a
Mi. Oral appearance newspaper, hi
the scale the must use his own judgment and
as in California, about those of other
ago, but it was spread this State audio, experience Bad oat what
Southern States by of quick
mi Parry, ii nurseryman In New ,.,, heal return-. Then he will
Jersey. North Carolina it Bret have reached the
appeared in the orchard of Mr. if,,,. But as to the standard ad
of Southern lines. There medium, there be do
of scale in ii Unpopular news-
but we have received let- Record.
from all over the State asking
formula for ii- destruction.
In an orchard the scale will be
mi peach trees, if are
there, though ii may attack all
kinds or other trees. A
people n-
eggs, thinking were
scale. a
eggs in- hall as large as a grain of
wheat, the is a mill
speck, resembling ashes;
i In- that ii i an insect can
lie determined microscopic Sew It promptly
me cough, heal the in
recently i
chased two printing
w i nova w . r.
and a quantity of surplus ma-
that will be sold cheap
m. . , , , l-v
There is u cylinder press
enough to print n nine column i
paper, in splendid condition, and
. ,, ,, . ,
a Quantity t Small I km. Long
,, . ,
I rimer, Wilmington
In. a reams
ii a
H m
no in
-.- ll
IS. ii
l I in
; i r.
Thai scourge, the Grip,
poisons with fatal genus,
so that no home Is sate from
ravages, but multitudes have found
a sure protection against this
malady in Ir. King's New
when you feel a sore-
hi your lames and muscles,
have chills and fever, with sore
i iii the hack of the head,
may know y
Cup. and that you need Dr.
body type. We can
complete outfit large enough for a
six or seven column paper.
Specimens body arc I
own in this advertisement, the
typo Wing taken from I he case just;
as it runs, so it shows
. m
how well it prints. I m. is the t.
Small Pica of which there
pair of cases.
here a paragraph from Mount
the Long Primer size. We have
I of these cases. In baying this j Tr.
do not get something that M p, I tr
u bin c tin
a elf d u
It SO t
IS. hi
t II
AM fill
; on o
s m n is
S to It SI
r M A M M I'M
t at i n i it
n r i
M in Services every Sun
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting evening. Rev.
N. SI. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school I p. m. W V. Harding,
morning a ml evening. Rev.
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
J. R. Moore
regular services.
a. in.
Divine and sermon every
Sunday morning and evening. Ev-
M. and Litany at A.
M., I. A. Minuter
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
meeting Thursday evening. Rev.
A. W. Setzer, pastor.
school a. C. Rountree,
s we will sell these lets.
p in. ii m.
We carry a line
S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit in pen
and is Parker
Not only does it feed the ink
bur. prevents soiled
Inspection. It multiplies very rap
hi ill hill tree inside
a year. tree is good for fruit-
after the scale makes its up
and will lake diligent
work to save it. When is found
that ii tree has lost all
from the Insert should lie cut
low ii at
The usual
tin- scale pine to another
is It i- gum
and sticks feel of the
birds. As as the scale i- seen
in in on haul i; is imperative toad
once, and the following formula.
which -i- adopted l
lee t ii control of crop ix-sis.
in makes the
I know III
t. quarts one I
one poll lid of
by heating lo
Then add one pint of
ll sin
from tin
he i
membranes, hill the disease
genus prevent the
of the malady.
1.00. Money back if not
cured, A trial bottle free at J. I.
Drug Store
w present truck season
an one in
sections of the south.
section baa been favored,
good substantial financial re
turns have rewarded the efforts of
in this section.
truck growers
lime had a good season, their cab-
potatoes bringing in good
ll ins.
Two instances out of such
successes are of note.
On three quarters of acre, a
truck grower, raised
netted and
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
k Kiwi third Monday evening. R.
m, Halifax I j. m. Off I On,,
, J. CC
lint a Kl.,; Covenant
. type, capable of n wear. IT. Meets every Tuesday evening.
II. a , ., Wave
. ,. . s-
It may come ones in ,,,. every Friday evening. Dr.
. type a H, Jr. R. L.
Can, R. and S.
Zeb Vance Council, No.
inn nil similar. m a m. , . .,
m, -mil . Wilson, K. It.
A. . Council,
II, meets every and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. M. ft.
Chief; Smith, See.
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights Odd
lows Hall. W. Wilson
S. Smith Sec.
,. .,. i ,. another trucker baa dug T
j V
I die into
i m. t in t m, K.
i . i m. Min-I ., . ,
i v r US Ail I
will I will, nil Train ti r
dally. Sunday. tn a in. ,
a m. J
.-n laT R k . .
ml lit y H a in. in, i I
H a in O, F. ball. I i. J.
Perfect Health.
Keep the system in perfect or-
by the occasional use of
Liver Tills. They reg-
the bowels product
A Vigorous Body.
For sick headache, malaria,
constipation and kin-
diseases, an absolute cure
m m. at n.
Train n
, a in. i. in,
Train in h
int.- i at a ID Kiel
I'll, a in
Train Mo at
all rail ti.
m i
II. M.
I. It. Manager.
T. M. Traffic
The Daily Reflector
again. mixes oil
so will never
and may easily at
In l ice bulk nil n
or fourteen limes as
much us water us The
is successful in
cattle lice and sheen
ticks, as well a all rarities plant
lice, scale, Her
The Right tart of Advertising.
The relentless com
I Ion in sales in the mercantile
has a corresponding I
i limpet it ion in met ad
A-a result advertisers
it a point to
to lie extremely original;
of potatoes mi an acre, these
toes selling at per laurel In
A Singular
A singular thing happened at
Mr. yesterday.
He had a hen made in
a listened to a tie.
the afternoon
eggs nest in a hurry, for
the straw in the nest burst into
names. Alter the lire she returned
in and warn
the eggs. What earned the Are is
I trice
I nut.
Gives the home news
afternoon the small
2- cents a month,
you a subscriber I
The Eastern Reflector
Is only .-M ii year and
news every week,
gives information i
those grow-
Is worth
many times more than the
subscription price.
Of Interest to Inventors.
A. SnoW S one
most successful of
patent lawyers, are
opposite the States
office In Washington, I. and
patents for inure
say that,
owing tn Improved conditions.
in Stales Office,
patents may now be more prompt
procured than at any previous
lime their experience
live rears.
evidence of coin in
this life, ill Ibis day of business
methods versus philanthropic en-
i-e. to us a a street
i a I, , . . , , ,,
weary soul. No less than
four distinct
corporations or arc
after Pole and
iii get With so many as four
dealing in the
we the people may hope to
the without
paying extra and
bale lo a
There is no endless power
of in the mind of man.
A of and act Ion
mankind, who are in
imitators; their doings are
merely repetitions of what has
before, s., the
lent advertiser is eager fur
I st git lug solid, cheery and
instructive Information to his pa
Irons through the a
newspaper which the public reads,
and which has eon
seems In lie unusually
destructive tab summer, la near
paper one or
more Instances of ii work.
Persons are
in I winkling of an eye-
nearly everyday, and it is nu won
that so many are great
when a an,
lies. And the worst of it is
lightning seems to be a dead-
that no human
lion ran against.
The beat salve in the world for
Sores, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sires, Tatter, Chap-
Hands, Chilblains, Corns,
all Skin and positively
inn's Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect
faction money refunded. Price
cents ht DOS. Jno.
t. Woolen.
Prepared Ponce
molasses, side meal, hams, should-
coffee, sugar.
snuff, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain butter, full
nukes, hominy flakes, cotton-
meal and hulls, cotton seed
bought at cents per bushel.
Come to sec
One of municipal
establishment of One ice
water fountains in that city, hired
a man lo watch one of the drinking
places the day from l A. M.
to in p. V., for the purpose of
whether or not it
hours named exactly persons
drank at the city's expense. The
four faucets.
it BAB,
Widest patronage and fullest
equipment in its history. Faculty
Courses; ; Courses; Pro-
Schools, Law, in Med-
and in Pharmacy. New build-
Water Works, Li-
tin rear; Board Month.
opportunity ad
needy. Free tuition tor
teachers. School
instructors, students. Total I lent
Chapel Hill, K. C.
Steamers leave Washington on
Wednesdays and Fri-
days at U A. II. for
water permitting,
leave at A.
SI., Greenville A. II. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Selling hows subject to change de-
pending on stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
tin- I S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville N. C.
good exam-
ever dies. It lives forever
our face. the frame
and the deed
leaves an stamp and
the thought and will of In-
Ian item-rations. Time is mil the
of works; the
ages will share of A
single i has elevated
a whole village, a whole a
whole nation. It is from small
seeds dropped into the ground
the grow,
is from Hie dictates of
conscience and the inspired
of duty
growths of have
Heavy and Fancy
k-pl on
mild, A trial ill
D. W.
mm insTiTUTE,
One of female
the South, mid cheapen for
vantages given. Send
, i,.
-I, ,
e i 1.1
h n
Bought and
Hat. ;
; w tan
amt In
lo i
will M
U in. l
nice Line of Hardware.
I can now be found the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
J. R.
lo W, R
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as
lowest. Highest. prices
paid for country produce.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
a n
For the Defense.
ll was little more limn
van arraigned before V. B.
W. P. on
the charge of Interfered
with the X
or X-. I in
ville At time the
for Hovel
case bearing of for
the defense began.
run told that the people
thus arraigned went to that
duet to prevent, and did prevent,
n threatened riot, and that the pub-
lit may see that is
the testimony of the defense.
I was at precinct So,
I in last election, got there n little
before ran Left polls after the
votes were counted and returns
signed. House in which election
was held was the room we
were in was mid as in back
end of doors to room,
one in part ll inn and oilier in
end from road. Partition door
was not opened during day.
Think there was a window Oil
side of voting mom. were
received window on Mouth
side. I sat at window and
ed votes from voters, got to
work o'clock and even thin;
went on all rigid until
o'clock when a colored man
Henry Cory came to vole. We
could nut find the and
him be could vole. Not
and we passed
About o'clock a came
and called bis name as
after called out Robert
Hell. Hill caught bold of
know What were n J to.
asked if the were not
lo have row. told him I did
know, lie said Minder go
driving a I.
We staid there people came
on voting in the evening.
Everything went until
about when
came up and called himself
Joe Mo ire looked on
book and couldn't Ii name
Jo Brown.
had been
Moore .-ailed him. came
looked at the and said I
know him, his name is Joe Brown.
I asked what name he registered
under and he said Joe Bryant. I
told him lie could not vole. Home
contended be had to
vote under name of Brown. He
never asked to vote as In
fact never insisted on voting. No
vote taken by Board as lo whether
he should vole. I don't know if
he handed his vote In.
Voting continued near
night when to
door and he and Brown had some
words about the election.
said we have carried the election
and we are here to have a fair
count, and said he
blood lo spill to see a fair
Brown said he had a gallon in him
and any one that had lo
get it. If he had a gun or other
f W W
New Heavy Welts
near in ow w
Interfere with any one voting.
have nil
man voting there or
here, Was working in
i i and did
After going in I
until were i
Hail m with n.
do lo
ch . C
I. ii evening lift
I weal
ceased was lolling
I., n t be from iris
II it hail up n-
and Iii. we
i, on- I i . of Id v ii
a w lull we were lining nit
w no ere u
keep . bill In
n mid we
n fair c mill. have used
remarked spilling lull
so iii defense of the elect ion a-
we did to swindled
. ;. . Ill m It II III If
He rights of iii ii
bud mil ii ill vol He
elide n
.- i . d v
young ladies ill
I. I.
I Nil I II
, i left here l i
A i i i mall
u-e lo I I in
e I mi m Ii i
wild i he p
in-- i i i
when oil in
oil. ill
ii.-t. In
him and shook him told him
Bell, but he said Robert
Stilton. Mantling Moore said to
Mr. Brown we can't
on the but we
Bell. I naked him what
name be registered under and he
said Mr. Brown
asked him name he went
ii. the
said he
the name of Robert Bell. His
brother, Warren, said his name
was Stilton. I told him ho had no
rigid to vole then as bis name was
not on the book. He Bald some
call me some Hell and some
Red, c said his run
an account with him as Robert
Some one said
III we can and see how his
is on lax We
slopped and he and Hill
walked off. think I saw
him again Unit day. He never
offered or asked to vole as Holier
During this controversy ninny
while and colored men gathered
around the window, some contend
that be ought lo vote, others
that he ought not, More than
I w ice as many present as
Whites, I, Joe and Man-
Moore told them back.
White people were Inwards W. S.
Fleming's dwelling, on op-
side. I stuck vote lie
me in my vest pocket after
left. told me give him
vote he would put it in BOX.
I refused, slating he bad no
to vote as his name was not on
Ho action taken by Board
as to bis right to vote.
Voting commenced again and
after u while I folks with
guns. Brown naked me what
told him did know,
that the man saw
gun was a He said he was
great mind lo lake down of
every man he caught out there
with gun. In short while people
went toward House store,
both while and black.
weapon I did see it.
Went on until close polls.
There wee intimidation there
that day and nobody prevented from
voting except those whose names
were not on books, objection
to any one voting .-pi the
mentioned. colored vote
registered was and while vole
117-ITS colored voles were
and while votes,
and sixteen while did not
vole. Of colored who failed
lo vote three are dead and some
were gone, none the came
and offered to vole.
After supper we we. lo Mack
ins votes. Brown look them
In box were
voles folded up. they were thrown
Brown insisted should or
I French
, in if v c had
then- would
our i. I
ii . in it i.
hours lien Willie j
i tin IT i
I III from poll.
mil I-- me it P
hum a- i i ere lied
In ii ill lo iv
i I
; hi .- I had In
if I
Id, -i i- -i for him n I
I were
u-j Ed I-- light,
I we in ill
I ii.
voting X
Roads Went sand
I sunset.
In I got everything was
i mid col ll lied so
ii Iii half or en. it
Token By Peddlers.
n I II . -ii i get era .
sup n to over their
w hell
i n are in, a of-
i, in hill w ho
in pi
i. plague, I in
,. He left
in following ,.,.,.
him. I fell we were gel , i ,,
ling i id of
In no j., ,., ,.,,.;,, j,,.
one report gnu .,,,.
t him i cousins.
In. The
-i mi
lea v as h
in rote him and .
In I i mi I
anted, When we
Brown said
wasn't going lo
mill where Vote walked
met, they had road, came luck with
went lo election double barrel gun, ,
. and remained until in two curt ridges and said
unset. No while I was going to rote this fellow or kill or
,., there, everything passed In-
to me, I one.
and handed it
I Johnston
lie lo the
Brown report and hum
Dudley no II I saw
to rumored were office and sent over to town
i -going there day help. A this right many
who made on n a .
I and took been advised lo do so. men mine from all on
pencil and marked our name,
him I would sign no such
returns. He then made more
which we nil signed, lie gave me
ll. n. JORDAN.
of election saw live
going towards election, the
live refer- to.
quiet and was all as
fur as I know. evening
n her vole, after everything
went on all right. Thai morning hitch-i
feel from lo polls
Bell came up lo . I have
was foot from n j polls then
mil until for. as
In go and say hi- name
is in up lo
bin feel door mid saw mi
door, and I said
his name i- Holier Bell.
know what he is registered
crowd there,
I eon Id go nearer lb m
I w some
It i-
crowd from
I saw nearly all who
had only remember Arthur,
Sugg. Kick
was doing
thing could act In
make people laugh, going
the arms. I
had heard of law protecting polls
against carrying gnus there, and
when I Brown and
feel, never a m c i .
gun Did
n w ii I c in
In v. I lie
nullity box as i ill nil
o'clock. No v Idle
was In-iii d.
r me lot tin
in I bill
i .- men iii neigh
me if we did
remain there would ,
lift. i
, I ll ,
I'll I i makes unlit
lie is partner
of i i u ,
in in Hi
. i went on all right, Thai morning
one I , ;, ,.,,.,, ,
Never heard any one I .,.,. ,.,,,. , ,,
say if the person carried or live limes after
turns with protest to , went to E. D.
they get there o'clock, saw one election day I
Some . .
mini made I lie rounds in
Inking d
a . n i . which he
-id I'm cooking on
ii- . inside it. called
ii re-. nu ladies
ii nil
II ,. died- . worth
I ere tit t m n
were wagon load
the money collected. We
In lid in
hid. ware,
of ladies, s-l
on and
. it got all
Km n if I lie . ii
j . ti was
.-i An i cent, higher
i in f r, I, ii. r would hove
n in I'm and
-aid firm iii sum
Room if such remark
had been made think would
heard it.
Cross examination.--My politics
since, at and previous to election
Democratic. Was appointed
as Democrat. a member
of White Union.
Knew Robert Bell, had worked
with me one year. Didn't know-
that he bad right to vote unless
his name was on book. He re-
bis name
There was no
would come from if need-
ed. I did not send, in-
direct any telephone lo In-
sent lo Greenville and did
know one hail bean Saw a
dozen or more armed men there,
among I hem were I. Sugg, raid
It. W. Brown,
Arthur, Jim
I never Joe before
day. His name on lax
and where he traded was Bryant.
I vote precinct No. I, live
live mill's north Of there. On
morning of election aw
with guns going in direction of
election. They were going down
railroad. Railroad is or
ting about ion yards from election
. N.
Live ill No. I.
thereabout o'clock election day
and left Heard them
arguing Bell's Voting, crowd
gathered by window, more blacks
I hail whiles. I towards
House store. Heard some
say bed if I kill or lie
Looked around saw
Barnes Carney coining toward
House store from polling place.
He went lo a buggy and got ll
double barrel breach loading gun,
dropped ii across his arm
broke then went back towards
polls, lie Within
house, crowd of Colored people
around him him lo stop.
I up in I-
started Ir in Court House p
lo Five Points. In
of I heard went lo
roads to prevent trouble and
any. J. B.
and W. with me.
I carried shot gun because there
was for pro-
I eel ion and of all.
there between and Iii
o'clock, stayed an hour or . came
back to Greenville and returned
therein evening I
There was among
white and bluet, standing III
group- One who had
great deal seemed lobe ring
leader among Kepi
eve on him. lie made
-o d w
men came there for.
while In came near where
were lot a re
iii presence, Ibis
A. D. ISM.
i A. W.
; ,
Hall's i a I I'll i lire is in-
. and acts on
Sold druggist-.,
,. . I he
j,,.,.,, , ,.,. ; y
It -iii
i- I
it. I stood I here all
lo watch and did lei
go any nearer I
was one except
Hell kepi from and of ill
voting. were system.
poll holders. With this except Ion
it was the lion I ever
The presence of
bad Hie effect of preserving
order there. They were requested
i. there for purpose of
keeping order. I don't know but
what here would mini
lack I was
one of the men made re
1,111-1. ll was to from country, lie
polls in front .,, pair telegraph
. The old well near coil el
ire. In
i in-
i in-
Hun The Tramp Worked It.
ii.,, I i
, ,,,,
i working -nine in
; in
however, as intimating that the
bless are more
me ii. t. Let medicine
wine i and propose lo
given prize with inch of
and men will fall
over each oilier lo buys will
go lo circus and oil the
fakir's own The ladle get
Hill ll, . . arc I
mid w i-i r the
i. t. I
el, ii-
. real
HUI feet.
. I . W III I I .
Live in i Ins Did
Did Mm
ii- i. ii
Ho III Twin .
rode In
. I-
III I ill
i, V, , -I. i ii I Tell i
i on i ill en
A I i I
Little I had to Mr. Sir. to Know P Was around
about half hour before remark, day.
crowd came. Home to him they had had I me all day.
him there day pros n White.
Civil and
i . . rod -I i
I vole at Parker N Roads, lie leave. A or some hi -i
there about left between he left. his
I and A. Was near w when name, went part of do n
came up to vote, road, about M or
was going on I never got nearer lo window
there was crowd yard. Did
men from Greenville n
from voting place. They mostly colored, some had
it, n.
Went lo mads
o'clock, I
i. capon.
i i , i ;
I . ll, -I in world
. , . Son . I Id I-. Sail
ii, sore-. Tel
I mm I Chilblains, i H-. and
Skill and pi-ii i i
. or required.
. i to give fed Is
fin ii. money ii
cents per box.
i xi ii
Mills It, lane,
. i .
Dr. D. L. .
mo i
V. .

i mm.
the and compel of Opinion
X. C.
of the be law , ,,. .,,,,,. The
citizens of fearing week has
D J WHICH renewal of the trouble requested a I editorial which we copy in full
Dumber of the gentlemen
Entered at Port Office the A from pi
Greenville. an I be
Mail Mailer.
as nearly all
in his neighborhood
and read his copy of En-
return Thai there
wax no ,,.,,,. they like
kind with letter than their own party
voted a he pleased We are surprised i as
. h was The given the new.
i. and does
exception a election
against a the good full vote. fusion
Pitt charged with a ,
conspiracy to intimidate
The case the State
voter and
i-i everything in order to give
a political tinge. of the
the county were once
fact hate Enterprise and
I. II. of wee
Regular preach lug
at the church today
r. T. Kittrell assists F. Man
in their store
read fur lo can;
I Slate- District Judge
Fleeter la dying bis
in Topeka, Kan.
The steamer ashore at
; Island, is break
log up. and her cargo is n total
a of almost .; lo i
voter of Island rejected the
proposed revision of the Slate Con-
Daniel Patrick, a who as
united Miss Bessie Ireland on
Monday. was ached Wednesday
A 13.1.000 mill. I., be
High Low
M Ml
Opening. Tone.
Forty-fifth year opens
day, September en-
of College in the
South. in
tin- Board 96.00 t 110.00
High Low
Opening. law close.
I tin-l v Steady per Loan Scholarships lot
men. Young
. en admitted to all classes. Semi
for to
of their rights and
brought mil established were among our regular and
X Roads precinct in the a by promptly paying patrons. Of
, urn -r . like have
again, lull ii that i- p it.
glad lo know that
are -nil reader of paper,
n- of -m I be
the election, which
has been investigation
Slates Or
to a sudden and rather
unexpected termination four
o'clock Friday afternoon.
a-ere engaged all day
Thursday and up i o'clock
In putting a
complete defense lo
Another carload of hay has been c. bill
n It K at X. C. With B. R. T.
unloaded II. I-. Manning ., ,, . . .,, ,,., .,, ,,.,,
W. as president. Manhattan 11.11
of under Cleveland
. Al
their testimony, one the
for I he arose and stated
I lire a large kiln of Mon-
i- more test lino i
it have Hie
party in a-
,,, ,,,., .,,
y Thai while and ,,
bis i their party were
right log i heir testimony in I he strange
They developed the fact all be asked the Curl the nines .,. w
manner of doubt that a number of for t admit think of Populists
which ,.,.,
were concealed near by. Thai the am on I hem by
election went smoothly until of time, it being per- .;, have all
about eleven o'clock when a colored apparent
-irk me Improving some.
A -Rail Road snuff . bank ,
i-being considered pie-i
lion l
The cruiser Philadelphia left j
Honolulu Cal.
ha-been painting large signs on
some house- here.
I. drop- mi once in a
while, is out of the time
looking after bis timber business.
Mr. daughters, Annie
came home from I'm
ham Hat and will spend
apply mice.
mail me the Jones
I lame Hooks, Wire
sides his regular wire
I hey were more
-inning, and
that in lime I
man went to the window where the impossible lo com ii
voting was going on lo cast bis the the
motives and Insincerity
v. officer standing already u leaders and their newspapers.
the window who took the Mr. Spear. had U-en many for
called mil ducting the u arc already
voter -aid no. my name i- frankly In did ill g to d.
Tile election who I a-
had the ill to hold and that he
there was no such name .- r in
A. Ii, Cox Mfg. C . has I car
on June II.
John a farmer at
Hope, threw a club at his
son Hoy and killed the boy.
John Kennedy, a notorious train
robber, has been sentenced
Mo., lo serve year- in
the penitentiary.
Ai Cal., ii complete
counterfeiting has
ed by
two have been
Jealousy over a woman a
light between Philip
gel New
Wiliest patronage and fullest
equipment in its history. Faculty
Elective Courses; Pro
Schools, in in
in build
Water Works, Splendid Li-
Classes open to
lion a Board Ample
for sell-help. Scholarships and
Ladies. S for needy, tuition for
teachers, Summer for Teachers.
t instructors, students.
t j
Chapel ill, N. C.
Perfect Fitting, Best
Shoe sold. it
w. m
J X. , Ii
real good fill
bee. which ibex during which latter was,
intend using for making car.
w heels. Those
suggested to the v
mi the
standing by
lo offer l
has never lie-
I in a single plank of the
in i single
, in lice introduced by I hem into
, without i , . . we have always
as Hell, bill
plied my name is Si i
A large cowl
and a of
whites gathered up near the win
don. some bis was
and hi
brother of the up
said am his brother, lay i-
Warren Staton
Robert Staton
and .
oft s well
ill fr ii
lo in Ibis e
.,, n Mr.
in Mr. I have
show ii a spirit fairness luring
tin- rial.
Musical Punishment.
Did ever hear . a
frank in so. Hut we
have novel believed
the straight forward thing lo do
i the platform
i in.-i then
Maine that
ml Inn and coining head
lung M believe
more of them would be hack with
ii- today ii a course had
been pursued, But
line of in
the and the cheapest fur ad
I given. Send
wheel- ill do well to
made from limber.
W. president of the
A Si eel W i
is a-a candidate for the
States Senate from Illinois.
to succeed Shelby M.
Spain has appointed Mali
nils, former Consul Baltimore,
Md. as Consul Manila.
The War has con
with Co., of
for a vessel, to cost Mil,
by The V,
The -mi I ravels on its own rays-
An is only nature's nun. for the De-
lit of colic.
Many hold the ladder of virtue The city council
for others to climb. adopted n resolution miking duly
The barber does all head a holiday, in
with his bands. of
Summer our people are home Santiago.
and abroad.
I J. C. Cobb ft Son. t
Br I
A I .
; w
t ,
have been paid
it o
same have a right lo hold the stingiest man
v ions in giving advice,
his name is e policy Ho Many religion a the varnish
In. i- an in , . ,. .
w. ,, ho their
then asked how he u,,.,.,, -As The bar of public has
I was seated i- m j many a ,.,.
for thought. In time- past. .,,. kl.,
there was u party, i IMam we get II from n girl's
, , -i lips.
I private, in Men who out walks for
be , ,, i
. that Darn were an and
. S,. in
be Staton.
The window plank of tin In
then told no name was rude I
he could mechanically neat
or lo vote the voice of be
That side mi yon
the whites many he asked me. with
an . -i I prompt
i-p ll;
them were with fill
sticks; some ; them
beard ill
go Into or In-
die; one
to leave
to his buggy, gel a double
shot gun and load ii and back
towards the in.-In- would
kill or be killed. It was this
moment of excitement some
one rushed lo
sent a message to Greenville
there was a riot going on Park
en X Roads, which is two miles
from Greenville, and begging
help. The news spread like wild
lire in town as soon as the message
received and a
sons, themselves with guns,
lilies pistols, and laking
conveyance could get.
went hurriedly to what -up
posed was the
When they round the
disturbance over and the Voting re
did not go near the
voting place with their gun- and
did not Interfere with one in
his right lo vote.
Sometime after they arrived one
who bad voted long before
they got then WM disorderly and
I,, u to create trouble,
lie was pointed out to some of
Greenville crowd U the man
bail a in
, l bat party were mi themselves often
In men actually
in the earnest hens and sugar coal scoundrel with
a- leaders, was charged the world will
u trying to flatter and without a gurgle.
lib-with a view to diverting their is very tin
votes from It. Is
i ill no
and brass kind- an organs , , ,
, i. , i ii-. ,, now
and nil and w lien I in very ,, , ,
,. , . lb-pub lean-, hope
i ii- bad at home they play
, , it is for our Newton con
afro good I , ,
,. mid
go oil Ii i air.
. is i this v. instead
punishing mi- put me II
Bold Republican Plan.
A special from says;
Chairman Simmons has reliable in-
formation an constitution
amendment fund of has
been secured by the Republicans
the plan i- lo use the
of ii in pay for legal
ions of such lawyers as in- In-
to write again-, amend-
it print these
the Slate with
will manage lo gel opinions
printed ill the Congressional lice-
old and then have the government
circulate it. Simmons says re-
some when a man arrives at,
e Republican scheme
that be does not
i and play easy .
and. somehow, make
I h., l faun
Second District has more influence
with the
I ban all while people of
A Washington dis-
patch lo Raleigh Sews
Observer were Is
sued today discontinuing the lease
of obi Goldsboro
and the lo the
place formerly by a w
loon, which i- said In la-extremely
objectionable to white
the change was
mended by
This is ii for
live bite and hi-
Headache, Biliousness,
Indigestion, Dizziness,
l The
run all
is found in
Hood's Pills
i sold all
I'm The t re-echo its sen
I i either be
in- charged with something of
w hid. mil her i- We have
often declared the
voting force of party
a- sincere, meant
was right, really be-
their leaden were hon-
est in their purposes. This belief
we still entertain, along with the
belief leaders were mainly
rascals who bad do higher purpose
than the feathering of their own
nests, which the nm-l oft hem have
accomplished, the privates have
been outrageously hoodwinked,
fooled and -w balled a lot
house politicians who never
honest, and yet we are in
accord The Enterprise in
belief was the straight
forward thing to rob their platform
of most e planks. The
discovered these planks and
unrated certain battle cries, it i
was right to take away
Iron. I hem, and this much is In
said in ordinary fairness.
ration el the nun
have ii rigid to hold
on of policy and
of it
will succeed in having right
in it. Ibis is
a proposition, but a
blaring I'm is another matter,
the cud be is out
lie -me you embark on right
train, for are no urn trains
Conscience is central station
on telephone wire between the
head heal I.
It la noticeable people who
run Into debt have to walk mil
and very slowly at
The maiden in the parlor,
her eye- have a vacant
look- in future, but she
sec- in. husband there.
A new remedy tor, has
Us-ti discovered in Oklahoma.
Last week one of these progressive
institutions was discovered wind-
its way toward the town of
, a big cannon was
run out and in readiness
the cloud was within yards,
when the gun was discharged,
causing the tornado to disappear.
the w hole thing being w reeked by
the cannon. The town now has
cannon on all sides, keep- men
to watch for the unwelcome
Somebody should try this
plan on waves that arc now
rushing over this section of I be
country. Observer.
can Is- found who
would write such opinion In
case of while supremacy versus
domination now pending in
high court of the people.
Marriage Licenses.
Dining last week the Register of
Deeds i-sued licenses lo I be follow-
John K. Bart and Nora
Ii. and Mary
I. Fleming and v.
John II. Johnson and Battle
Jerry Joyner Lob Barrett.
Louis and Annie Williams.
of Newark. N. J.
Your Policy is;
I. Nun
J. Cash Value,
Loan Value,
Paid up Insurance.
Extended Insurance
Will l- re instated
three years after lapse you are
in good health.
After Second Veal
No Restrictions,
Dividends are payable be-
ginning of each
succeeding year, provided the
tor current year be paid.
They may be used
To reduce Premium, or
To Increase the Insurance or
To Policy Payable us
an Endowment during Lifetime
of Insured.
N. C.
Having received a lot of new
Groceries and a general assortment
of Canned l am now In good
shape to sell very
C. T.
a of Charge, .
We Carry
is a thorough, per
cure for
rheumatism. The acids in the
which cause the disease are
thoroughly Is also
heal blood laxative
toll ft
new . -mil cure
two MM, .
f l.
Hi I- In of
in. Mint many
t U Holt
r.-tn. fall II he ft to tint
mil ml
fr I. kit
You will do to
baying. All on
I invite one all to give me a
Second Hand Poops
Bought sad Sold
. M an
th- In s I.,
ind for
Si t
M- 9-
, m mm,
It VI N.
We have opened in the Thee-
j nix Id with an entirely new
I mid complete stock of------
Dry Hoods, Notions.
Shoes, Hats,
Crockery, I in Is,
Meat. Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
I aid. Tobacco, etc., ill fact
carried a general stock.
We Also Sell
Our prices on every thing ill be
full ml as low as a good article can
lie sold cordially in-
visit store.
Highest all kind
country produce.
N, C.
The Four Greatest.
Boys Knee
Silk Bosom
Mens all-wool
Boys 2-piece
I w
are ripe.
will have a big picnic
next Friday.
Pint of the Jam,
at M.
A man of polish isn't apt to
wear bis shiny.
Preferred one
who never bills.
Awnings hammocks appear
logo up with the mercury.
The up-to-date hairdresser
the newest kinks hi
These Arc Some of Them.
T Lee returned to Scotland
Neck Ibis morning.
J. returned
day evening from New York.
Will lulled Ibis
Seven Springs.
II. Harding and II. II. Harris
returned Wednesday evening
Miss of Ayden, is
visiting II.
Prof. P. Hobgood, of Oxford,
been Upending a days
here, this morning.
Mm. Edward, Scotland
Neck, arrived Wednesday evening
to v II. Marring
Miss Mary Medley, of Wilson
and Miss Julia of
Fleming While marriage,
morning for their homes,
s. , in Carolina.
N. ;. Happen, .
attention has u-i been ail Molina- titled i lights
which appeal el
bra day- ago in a large majority.
reference lo the slack daily I ruins
between . C. and put the N. C.
In- and
E, Ii. and III- ill .
have and are
engaged in a -nil over the
of their children.
of the Irregularity of the
receipt of N.
Daily Messenger
N. C. as many a- copies
of that paper dates
arriving la-i
Colored people id Winston
I am Hie an excursion to on Turn-
Dally Messenger to is very by
detained lb.- Washington of lights, and
N. C. being held killed
each day hist week. kins.
for the reason the The Sunday school Chan
prepay of is mil made, com pi I be River,
ice to myself oilier Central, Tar River, and P .
and West will ,
The seems to have become
notwithstanding repeated
denials lo I be contrary, that Ho-
use of Paris green on tobacco
would damage it and that buyers
would not take tobacco which
Paris green bad been used. Paris
green has been need on in
the Northern Western Stales
for many years, and in many places
in the bright tobacco section of the
South and I have never yet known
or heard of any deleterious effects
lo from its use. Prof. Massey,
1st opinion is
linger a worth more than any man's
in the Slate, has and
The colored here ill urgently advised to use
have an excursion to Kinston on ; green, not only to destroy I
tin- ,., oilier
A infest the tobacco Held, and I
Asylum will give a have given as a i
July experiments In order to get
I fatal dose of arsenic from use
arc preparing big lib of July . ,,.,,.,. j,
celebration. I, ,,,,,;,,, ,, w,,
, have lo swallow us much as seven ,
the Monday June go if one
in green stale Now
Perhaps one reason why the j while there are many of us passion
Miss Harper is visiting
II. L. Can.
b-n ibis
for a I rip to
N. II. is back II
few days tramp abroad.
Reduced Rates on Rail Roads.
all mineral waters A cure fur Indigestion,
I. j a. 11.- mid nil and
. . win i , ,,,,;,,,. are wonderful. I
the points men I will I bunk held In July I- . Sn n- bus A It seven art- marvelous,
,.,,,. ,,.,,.
no, Hacks to meet every Train.
in chip, i i SPRINGS
ill I hi- i
explanation. El. ;
A Sunday school even.-ion Ii.
ARROWS PROM AYDEN. Wilmington I Like
bad a sad eliding, Some boys
II. K. N. J. ill III,. an I
visit to Oxford and Durham. of them.
Hr. B. I,. Carrier, of John Murphy, were
for Oxford to attend Masonic her. Mr. Jerry Mel. Carolina has I
St. John's day. i Miss Nora n a- place for holding North
. T. lame, arrived us happily married lo Mr. J. Ii. Convention, July
evening I his
daughter, Mrs. L. L.
who bit- been very sick.
Mrs. and her
receiving I-h and J. II.
the congratulations of I heir the ;
Ayden where ii
lion was held. The
.,. i id. .,, .-. .-,,.,. t, , , i,,.
inure Hill. Prof. Manning, I he river from New Hem,
Thursday evening lo visit the returned night, again,
I L. This meeting of standing the curl decided
E. It. In and will be refuse to either give up
he,,. , w ., properly, move houses
lo be I be l rial and.,, , ,, ., , .
to Bedford today. Railroad
. road lo from
II P. II. W. .
bee evening
from where went j
Colored Mini
trade last week
was very satisfactory
bat is so popular with some
men is that it is easy lo talk
Attention it called to the notice
of sale by M. Mooring.
Greenville would be in a
line of progress if some of the in
vestments were put
listing time goes out with
the day of June. And those
who fail to list will la- subject to
double tax.
good turn deserve
Those who have been cured
by Hood's are glad to
tell others about
These are long days
short days, you know
where short conies in feel in
your pocket, or come feel in our.
Mr. Cox tells us that
be finished his corn crop and laid
it by on the Thai is an in
of good fanning. kind
Mr. does.
The election case coming sud-
to an end Friday evening,
and terminating so to
fond of the Weed there is no
possible chance to get hurl from
using tobacco on which Paris green
has been applied.
The direction for the use
of Paris green is one heaping table
spoon full to an ordinary
bucket of water, This should be
stirred in order lo
vent the green from settling to the
bottom of the bucket. There are
many devices it
all of them seem to do work
well. The dry powder gun is a
implement, its is also the
tin squirt gun, while the
sprinkler is most general in use.
is the cheapest and after all may
do the work well enough if used by
a careful band.
All Please Pay.
We did go to the trouble and
expense of out subscription
bills mailing to those
who owe us fur DAILY
just fur fun of the thing.
All who received these bills have
and so satisfactory and we certainly
WOUld doing
Sending the paper on credit is hard
enough on us, but when we have ti
testimony, hence we do go on
with it.
the Wrung Man.
now the potato
drummer, Woodward, who was
chastised with horse whips at
Washington Thursday morning,
can establish his innocence.
seems that his assailants got hold
of wrong mini and the thing is
going to make a big stir la-fore it is
go to extra expense in sending out
bills and then are kept wailing
money makes still worse.
We will thank every one who re-
a bill if they send the money
by return mail.
of Pythias
A. A. Andrews and family, who
have spending some weeks at
their old home. return-
ed to ill.- Thursday en
All to sec back
Mis. Lucy Hi children,
who have been visiting Mrs, M. A.
Jarvis, left this morning tat
Mrs. Jarvis accompanied
her lo for a visit there.
O. L. Joyner weal to Washing-
ton ibis morning.
J. P. King, of Henderson. Ii on
a v to relatives here.
Rev. A. w. returned
evening from Scotland
Miss Mai Harvey, of Kinston.
came over this morning to visit
Heeds T. I. Moore
and wife left Friday evening for
Seven Springs.
Misses Clara Hampton and Eva
Miss Jamie Bryan.
Mrs. Lee and child, who
visiting here,
to Scotland Neck today.
of Scotland Neck,
who has v Moore,
returned home ibis morning.
Little Miss Sadie of
Plymouth, Friday evening lo
visit her sister, Mrs. II. Tali.
W. F. of
baa been hi- daughter,
Mm. Moore, returned home
Solicitor L. I. Moore returned
Friday evening from Wilson.
Wells came with him
to visit relative.
Friday afternoon ,. colored m., j
other example of fearful
of bridges In
A I lie
bridge at is nearly
a ., t
named Anthony Vines, about I., o.
old, in a
marl bole on the old
place. From mine
cause he began lo sink and called
for help. Will
colored in. was standing
the bank of the marl hole, held a
pole lo Anthony to try to help him
mil. The broke and Will was
thrown into the water. Will
swimming mil bin before
any further could be
rendered he was drowned.
man named -I
down the recovered
Tassels and Blossoms.
Mr. W. R. Whichard sends
word be corn
cotton blossoms a plenty.
They are not hi- patch,
either, are dotted all
over his Bold, cotton
crop a few days can testify
be has the pretties field of
to be seen between his borne and
don II. Hi- and Ilia
came very mar being drowned.
i- speedily re
paired, county ill have i.
damage suit on
and I still have a good
number of those
g choice left.
I s Of
women will re-
i a
just be-
story of pain, torture
Id back. In ml.
will curs
o .-ll II
for s
Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Notions
Mr. Pool
i I . .
. a married Mi
Mary of I r ham,
Miss was In
a which I to sell at any price, fume sec .- the
John and . s, , Mi- AM-
niece Ur.
The marriage look place la-l
evening lit p. III. Ill tile home B I
of bride in presence of I
a of Immediate friends and
relatives, all of whom wish them a la I l I f experienced
long Hue milkers employ cheap wort
Tobacco Flues
Stopped the Work.
Some of builders on west
side of Evans street bad started
the walls to the stores about four
inches old id line on the sidewalk.
The town authorities raised
lion and stopped the work and a
meeting the was
called lo act the matter.
discussing it objection was with-
draw n work allowed to g
on as started.
Bound Over.
Lame Woolen and Andrew
Move were In-fore Mayor
of having affray. Deadly wen-
polls were in the
bean were bound over In
Superior court.
-i Mind.
I other months forget
the harsh winds of Spring
they have their use, as
some say, to blow out the
bad air accumulated after
Winter storms and Spring
There is far more
important accumulation of
Mrs. Susan Jackson and Miss j badness in the veins an
Jackson, of Plymouth, . -which
and sister Mrs. J. .
arrived Friday evening to
The Lodge Knights of
in session at
elected the following
Supreme A.
Webb, of
J. Woodward of
ti. V. Jr.
off harlot
ii. J. of Mon
K. of Ii. and S.--W. T.
M. A-J. I. Scott. Jr., of
I. of
B. of
men make Flues so ill lilting
Hi. V have lo put loops oil so
c in lie ill. wire
in We have year- in
have he I III I he lull it; bill, of course, we
are very mid many if I hem. will us
lake various in
A Remedy.
During summer mouths
lake various i,, T
The j
said to lie a specific e
and for b Is worth I where are bus mid
does no good will n. S, H
one V Mill
n. mil
in a in the
and a ill u
m s. e. mm co.
needs Hood's
I r ran. It rum i
corn Juno
i , i . . i i
.,. and p- beat
This Man Corn.
Mi. I., f, Arthur calls
to a correspondent Till
III I I I saving II
for i
in, . it, a -o ii n
which II.
My 1- I. I
r. i. m,
I mi i. i .
Si . in in-
J. i . ii . Mali.
us be had
Hue dale.
CHI's on
Mile Run.
Mr. M. II,
iii on In- horse
a high gale and got of
and ran -even miles before
Heavy and
m Spring Line
I N. I
fill. Ho-. I I.
in I
I egging and In-
A. after j
Keel, Ibis product- and
Come to them.
married lo Mr
old. V trial will you.

Want Job Print
Give us a call.
Visiting Card
Full Sheet Poster.
I a nil ocean will
famous. do not believe
dial his ill possess
-rent value or that hi
name will go the list of those
haw been great
Tin- doubt i I on the
while nature baa no law
prohibit I raveling
air. it certainly ha a law that
traveling with
conditions I bill will wilder it ex
e, the average man
or woman, mil simply unattractive,
but repulsive. The law of
iii our opinion, stands an
. I he coin
pi liability of aerial
.- lime an was re
printed from mi paper,
I veal-
, II.
i i II
secret of Beauty
Washington is health. The secret is I a Tc
Prof, the power to digest and
a proper food
This can never done when
the liver docs not act it's part.
know this
Liver Tills are an
lute cure for sick
our stomach, malaria,
,. worldwide celebrity. The constipation, torpid liver, piles,
man who an airship jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
, lea till of
. .; I lie Smith
union, to wive the problem of
aerial after a re
of harrier in the of
i hi- successful manipulation the
machine, say
or one
these who are working
on problem he ill
U. IV. I.
Li u
the power in
tested, appointed
la ease So. mm, Proceed-
Docket Mb. S, entitled K.
mi and livid by his next
Mend Thomas II.
I public sale be
ion- Court
on Monday day
it o'clock
i, i
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
two printing office outfit
an I a quantity of -in pins ma-
t. rial that will be sold cheap
There i cylinder press
enough to print a nine
paper, in splendid condition, and
ii of Small Pica, Long
Primer, and
I,, type. We can a
Ar l
Am. Mi .
Li .
aw r
ii la i n
i .
fit U U
Lr I i
L, Coll.-.
l; H
Idea of complete outfit large enough lorn
or seven column paper.
s the body type are
. think of people the
typo being taken from tho case just
to whirled as ii runs, so it itself
ill, how well it prints. This is the
Small Pica size of which there is
I pair of cases
Ar ll
Ar w
I- M
n n i m
i . ll is ; ii r
i i;
am pine,
I timber of sad sire of
Inches the
r; i ha.-o w may he
a t In- liege of seven
years Men to and n-
limber, and the
; M a usual rights of way appertaining to
I the removal of said
now standing and growing op-
Ion two tracts land in
lug J.
I and W.
, I and others bounded as fol
at the Dig
. a light stake
i i a west
I'M I'M to Dixon line, a Sweet
limn running a
to a knot
corner on Tar Kiln Bed, then run-
Ding a
to a pine comer, a north
course to Sweet Gum -or
every Sun-
an I evening.
N. II. Watson, pastor. Sunday
p. in. w K. Harding,
J. Ii. Morton, pastor.
J. It. Moore bu-
a. in.
Divine and
Sunday evening. Ev-
M. and Litany A.
M. Kev. I. A. Minister
every Sun-
day, morning evening. Pray-
meeting evening.
A. W, pastor.
a. m. D.
carry a full of tho
S. Parker
ii I
;,., ii mill-, an Along
lime tin- was written.
I Id Webster, in
. . the same idea.
he mid. i
i rains , in . rail-
I I , in.
i- ,. or. t ,
J , . i M
ii ills am, ii vi
i in SI i urn
h tn I ill i m, law,
a bin a i p in
Up ea, i-i
,, j, III .
i. in . I'll others as
in -mi l,,.,,;,,,,,,., in
v i- i, Elks line a corner between K. M.
burn dally. Sunday. IO i m.
ii I 11111-
j iii. in a westerly direction
Tran j-i .,
am .- i i w nu n.
i i la with I be to
ii, i-- n.,., a tn
i-.-, ii ., i
II IS am. I
in the Long branch, then down
Long the be-
deed w, Dixon and
Dixon book B-4 page
which reference Is made.
other tract,
the W. Dixon, John
A. K. A. H. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first mid
third Monday evening. H.
W. M. J. M.
I. No.
it a paragraph Ml from
Ling We have
i i. i. In I this
. get th it is
aside, but a good
in miles an hour. Even ten type, of much
ii sen i train Inn ii o
in i
-g, . . three in
Fountain en
It is a big- hit in fountain pen
and is not
does it
prevents soiled
I a
I hut it
Io along
ii was Io
and tin-
, . i in lime
and ilia- hang up the hole mill
in spite of this English
i n fail
am . H
with The In
mm will
wondering writer
in Io we arc
loll and high ill that.
wail see.
. ii- p I lie I
U . ., -ti
; , ; I- . ii a
ti for buying
Train on
l . III I I.
i. T n in
Train Nu
II. M.
J. I. Manager.
T. M.
III, III, ll
. . . u,
id.- all
. i ii .
Ina recent interview with Mr.
I . the cot-
I bear so many people claiming
Dixon and W. C.
Io the containing about
acres more or
Terms of sale cash.
Win. II. Los
Greenville, X. May 2nd
By virtue of the power of sale
contained in a certain Mortgage
Heed executed and delivered by
Lewis wife, Lewis
W. ii. Webb on day of
and duly recorded
in the of Deeds office of
Pitt county. North in
Book N I, page's II and
undersigned will expose to
public sale, before the House
door in for cash, to the
bidder, Monday the
Meets every evening.
K. G. L. II. render,
K. of River Lodge, No.
w. II. Bagwell, Jr., r. e.; H. L.
it. Vance Council, No.
meets Thursday even-
W. It. Wilson, B. M. R.
Lang, Bee.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I.
A. Council.
i No. II, meets every and
Thursday in Odd Fellows
Hall, M. It. Worthy
Chief; Smith, Sec.
So. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd Eel-
lows Hall. W. II. Wilson
S. Smith Sec.
nearsighted, farmer has all th
ii -1
The Eastern Reflector
news every
and s
many times more
The Daily Reflector
State of Carolina,
i Superior I
i Special Proceeding
P. A. Wayne.
Petition to
Lovely L. Wayne. ; sell laud to
II. Cox,
Samuel Cox. i
ll appealing in I hi- proceeding
b Io the of
that I has. II. Kin
ma J. lox Samuel fox, three
of the above named defendants,
residents of state of North containing thirty-1 connecting at Washington with
Carolina, and after due diligence nine acres more or leas, to satisfy Steamers for Norfolk,
said Mortgage Deed. New York and
This day of June . ; ton and for all points for the West
W. Ii. Mortgagee. . railroads at Norfolk.
It. P. Shippers should order freight by
Old Dominion S. H. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
do, pa; all taxes and gets
nothing for his labor and products
that I feel I hi- statement can he
challenged and. iii fact, fanning
properly, managed can lie made to
a. big returns,
considered, a-any business I know
of. I hid thereto;
over my this year It is therefore ordered
Ilia a newspaper publish
I model ii -i . I p,
poisons i In-air with it- filial germs,
so no home i- safe from H-
lull mull it have found
in Dr. King's New tons of
sort mid will make at 1,300
y.,., , M
level, .
in the head, t my all to
-y a u low. Ill to this, a- you
cough you limy know you have know, my poultry I it purl of my
I will
till- chickens.
cannot found within Hie State;
and it further, like manner
that a cause of ex-
in favor of the plaintiff and
the defendants
respect to properly situated this
State and county and the said
It. I annul Cox
Samuel Cox arc necessary parties
Steamer leave Washington on
day of July, the following Mondays, Wednesdays and
real properly, to wit Lying and .,,; A. M. for Greenville,
being County of Pin and in permitting,
township, adjoining Returning leave A.
lands of Jason Cornelius M., l A. M. mi Tiles-
Joy and others, and known as Thursdays and Saturdays.
the lot I let lie Lewis drew in hours to change de-
division of the lands of Luther pending on stage of water.
to die
Grip, and that on need
. ll Will
cough, heal the
membranes, kill disease duck and turkeys all of which arc
germs and prevent from my own farm
effect of the milady. Price believe Mr. Holt has ottered
and hack
cured. A I rial free J. L.
Drug Store
The bears every day
of white Republican Iredell who
will support the
amendment. A
luau lays he of bill one
white Republican up
to of the office-
bidding Class, who has declared
himself against
amendment. Some of office-
holders, too. it and if
do not vote for it will not vole
it, they are doing Do
a truth I can he thoroughly
rated, When farming is run
principles, Is
ducted so as to lake advantage of
of crops possible to our
climate, on a given
can clear a- much money a- a ma
unity with
extra advantage of Improving
hi-farm I In- same I line.
at N. for
commanding the
-aid defendants to appear In the of-
of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Pitt county, in the town
of Green, N. i
day of July, 1800, an-
or demur Io
or judgment will begin
virtue an order of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
county made In the case of Jacob
Administrator of John
l. against It. C.
Annie and
heir law, undersigned Ad-1
will sell for cash Is- I
fore the I on in
on Monday . the Ii day of
August, the de-
scribed piece or panel of laud
in the of in
township and known in
the division of the lands of Mary
Hay Line from
and Line from
JNO. K. SON, Ant.
Washington, N.
K. C.
against them for the relief demand I ,;. as No. Begin
n the complaint. I at a Road
Done at my In Greenville, corner of Lot No, and runs
this day of May,
D. C.
skinner A C s. C,
I In- Ruling
at tin
news every
small price
yon a
to lie.
The woman who is lovely in face.
and temper will always have
friends, he
keen her health, If
he la weak, sickly and all run
-h,. w ill be nervous and
hie. II -he has or
kidney trouble, her impure
will cause pimples,
a wretched
ion. is the best
medicine in the world to regulate
stomach, liver and kidneys Io
punt, the It gives strong
nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
skin, mil complexion. ll
will make a good looking, charm
of it run down invalid.
Only BO at Jno. L.
Dishing i
loom I
Wife W bat's
on lire, and we
will Io death If
a in Run. run fol your
I'll on a minute,
so it will look tin
i Iii gel r n mil i In
and by virtue of act
of North Caro-
act Io provides
Dispensary for the town and town
ship of Bethel, county, forth
the day of
March, 1800, and in of
the laws governing the
Board of Commissioners of Pill
county do hereby give notice that
there will la- held on the first
Thursday in Angus, MM, at the
polling place in township,
of a
township, of
will opened
challenges will heard
S i I ll laws of North
All of a
shall vote a or
ticket with the words
I and those wishing to
vole against Dispensary , shall vole
a i or printed ticket vi the
words Dispensary,
of the Hoard of Coin
of rut County, mads
iii of June, 1800,
T. R. Clerk.
W. a corner on
Creek, thence down said Creek to
u point from running a line
N. K. a
the old hedgerow, thence
with said
Road pole-
to of
No. containing acres,
more or less. JACOB
ti. James,
On Monday, the 7th day of Au-
gust, A. ISM, I will sell at Hie
Court in to
the highest bidder for one
tract land county contain-
one hundred and fifty acre and
hounded as Situated in
in township
on North side of
creek, adjoining the land of
Sharp and
and creek, containing;
one hundred and acres, more
or less, lauds the same
devised to said II, II.
last w ill testament of Horace
Ires subject to the life estate of
Mary II. Ive Io satisfy an
lion my collection
against II II. lies and which ha
., i i . n ii on said land as the
properly of Bald B. II. Ive.
This of June,
J. B.
Line of Hardware.
can now found in the
brick store formerly
occupied J,
W. n.
i w, s
Whichard, N.
The every
and price as low nu the
Sheriff, for country produce.
The Eastern
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
ii m
to be is the
general comment upon the rumor
that preceded Secretary Alger's re
turn to Washington, saying
having made a deal with
Io support him for
Alger would soon resign in order Io
devote his whole time Io trying Io
get Io the Senate. There are Ion
many pickings insight for Alger Io
voluntarily resign la-fore he gels
his share of them. Those
concessions are yet to be given
out. and the scheme of enlisting
volunteers for the Philippines with-
out regular call for quotas from
Stales, which so as
to leave the appointment of
officers the hands of the War
instead of the
slates, where would
have to go if usual course was
followed, is an additional reason
why Alger isn't likely to resign in
the near future.
It is denied at the War Depart-
that Gen. Miles It
the Philippines so as to have him
out of reach when Congress meets,
as was rumored several days ago.
The Agricultural Department
made public a that it
has just received from Lieut. A. P.
Hayne, California Heavy Artillery
on agriculture in the Philippines,
which shows those islands to lie
anything lint desirable possessions,
although the country is now adding
more than a million dollar a day
Io original big prices paid for
I hem. The report quotes
Manuel formerly chief
of the agricultural experiment
station, at Manila, to show the
i- regarded as
nil ion should have con-
it necessary for the Post
mantel to make public
official denial of the charge that the
to remain in Washington until Mr.
returned, all plans
were at once abandoned, and they
back-to Ohio, to certain
I he extent of following
of the volunteers in the I in bis open revolt against the Han-
Philippines were being censored. Ina machine. Private In-
Sampson clique i- that the revolt will be strong
top in the Navy Department to give the state to the
Is still determined to try to down democrats, unless
Admiral clique which is mil likely.
owns Secretary I.-; Is aide Io If there Isn't a. Job concealed in
use nil the machinery by a private party
for its own i-es. ll has building u-e of Census
compelled Lieut t,. Bureau, all deceptive.
son i make a monkey of himself From the day of bis
by subscribing to an official state Merriam insisted that only
branding liar, in a large enough to pill
order Io bolster claim all of of
Admiral Schley ordered the the Bureau on one floor would ans-
Brooklyn Io run away from one of war. That skill every existing
ships, although to do so building in Then
he had dangerously near Io there was talk the bureau erect
colliding Texas, and it is; a temporary building upon
even contemplating the ordering of government property, but the ac
a court of Inquiry by Secretary counting officers of the
to be made op of who I ended deciding no
can be depended upon of the appropriation for the
to report against Schley. All of j Bureau could lie used for such a
disgraceful mess is a part then of the
I he scheme of to lessen job became visible. Offers were
number of friends in asked from owners of lots
The Pulpit and Th.
New Heavy Welts.
Congress, having them
oils enough at the last session in the
Senate to defeat the scheming Of
Sampson The
liens of Ibis not re-
have been long ago
sized up by the press and by pub-
opinion, both of which are
unanimously range on
side of Admiral Schley.
Unless some of shrewdest
poll I are much
mistaken, the death-knell of Al-
was sounded when
announced his deal with
increase in j Alger to try to put the into
population from 1888 was
less than I per cent; also their
middle and
lower classes almost
possible irresponsible and
degenerate, morally and physically
insensible of any contracts or
gallons, written or oral, ready to
cheat and expecting Io lie cheated,
and amenable, no sort of persuasion
except brute force, from which
they are always ready to escape by
moving After re
citing the difficulties connected
with clearing ground and getting a
crop planted, report
When this is accomplished and a
luxuriant crop is raised, it is at the
mercy of the first typhoon, which
in the northern
ago, These ind and rain
storms level uproot trees, de-
houses Hood w water
everything that has left by
the wind, turning plantations into
lakes and aw amps, rendering
the primitive impassable for
Here is another
so for hardly
known to European doctors, result
from turning up of this virgin
soil. According to competent med-
authority, many of than
strange disorders cause death a
few hours, while by others, even if
the patient recover, he is con-
to a wretched
exigence. of the com-
of diseases is
or permanent paralysis, with
almost endless
Mr. William Bryan, of New York
City, now visiting Washington.
Bald in reply to
factional strife that is going on in
New York City isn't of much con
to the democratic
at large, for no principle is
ed in it, whole struggle is
for personal The
taint of commercialism, in is
over everything in York, and
dominates its politic absolutely.
The ma of in
Senator seat.
Alger. who just returned
to Washington, is said to la- as
mail its a hornet because
gave out deal he was
ready Io have it made public. He
wished to remain the Cabinet
and Io make as much use as
of many plums at ills
the War Department, be
fore the Sow, friends
of and Burrows
say that if Alger resign
voluntarily, have the means
Mr. Io ask for
his resignation. Some think that
Mr. will do that without
any compulsion, not only because
of bis friendliness towards Senator
but because of his dis-
like for on account Of his
free criticisms, on several occasions
of At any rate,
every laxly is again hoping the
end of in War De-
is near.
Hon. B. M. the popular
Comptroller of the State of Texas,
is enjoying visit to Washington.
Asked how things were in the lone
star slate, he It en-
joying a fair share of prosperity.
The crop prospects are line,
is a greater demand for our
unimproved laud than there has
ban for a long time. The next
Census will show that we have a
population largely in excess of
three million, which intelligence
morality and thrift will vie with
citizenship of any Mate in the
Union. GOT, Say res is making a
Hue record, and his
is popular with all classes. There
little going on politically,
and we will not have any
line until next year. The
slate is overwhelmingly for W, J.
Bryan for President, and a solid
delegation pledged to him will
sent to the democratic Nation
ill Convention.
Judge Nash and Boss Hanna's
man Dick, were hobnobbing
enough to creel of building
required. suited
Director Merriam was
by a man who became rich as well
as familiar while holding
office under i he old Government of
the District of Columbia. It was
accepted, and a made for live
years, which is likely lobe extend
ed Io seven or eight before
Census work is completed, an
annual rental of The
ground which this building is
to erected has been used as a
coal yard for years. rental
hardly being enough to pay the
taxes, it is claimed that
is Io lie in creeling the
building. Even If amount
were tube expended, the lease would
still be a very profitable when
is considered that money is going
bagging, when the is an
good as this, at I per cent., but an
expert who has seen rough plan
for the building says, will
cost much, if any more than
Not a little surprise was ex
pressed Washington, when it
was learned that Hen. Wood had
for the time, absolutely and
finally, declined the oiler of
a year made him by the Street
Railway and Electric Light
Which has been buying up nearly
all of the reel railways and all
of the electric companies of
to become its
dent, and announced his early re-
of his duties as Military
Governor of Santiago. Inasmuch
as General Wood was fresh from a
Conference with Mr.
when he made
it is Inferred he was received
some definite promise of further
preferment of some sort. If he will
remain in He is now a
Brig, Gen. of Volunteers, but
pays less one fifth of the salary
Offered His rank in the
army is what it was when he
was made Col. of the Rough Riders
t- , , ill -I .,
, m I here i- an i
th, lei i
regal ion. nu
all. he r. i
mi -peak- i i v ii
t i bis ii pie one i-
, .;
11- l of
and of fruits,
size, quality and
of vegetables,
weight and plumpness of grain,
are all produced by Potash.
and to
master in
r i In I
kind men
A- ii o-i
r b Which III
l.-i- , a
have I made
their I
e .
may he to hi. . but I
has i ma i Ii.
height in in spin ., . . Ii
u i ,
c I ,
I la ;. j ll
control mil Hue peel i
II ed me co
properly combined with
Acid and Nitrogen, and
,.;, Ii applied, will improve
and increase yield
any crop.
I Free,
; n
An ;.
h I ll ii .-i ll
away Io I In he w
fellow for a
. , Io
r mid ii- w Ii Y he is gone
ill only t Ii
illy I ilia hat. lie i- one of
.,, . lies of Cod's
Don't Fidget. The
Influence of
New York are for W. Bryan for j Washington, news of Gov,
President and for a re adoption of open attack Han-
I he Chicago If Mr. and Dick, his
an next year he will car attack upon Mr.
New York reached them. They had intended
In in. City I s
Lucas County, i
J. makes
that he is senior partner of the
firm of Prank J. t Co., do-
business the City of Toledo,
County and Slate aforesaid, and
firm will sum of
each mid every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cored
Catarrh Cure. J.
Sworn Io before me and
isl in my presence, this 6th day of
December, A, D.,
i A. W.
j Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh cure is token m
and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. J.
Toledo, o.
Sold by druggists.
Ball's Family Pills me the best.
trick of moving lingers
and toes when the should be
quiet arc all exhausting, partly be
cause disposition pro .
proceeds from wrong physical
conditions. A perfectly
and phlegmatic person has no de-
sire to rock fiercely or pace
ally of some
small task should bring into
play no muscle-save those of
bands. You often see the muscles
of jaw moving on a face which
should be show a pressure
of the teeth, moved likely, to
I lie time of a Mine which is run-
in mind.
To condemn sluggard
has too long been Hie fashion, lie
has one trick the nervously;
energetic might with profit emulate
that of relaxation. When you
I rest do as absolutely as he.
lying reclining chair, keep
the feet from rocking and the
I lingers tapping. In driving
for pleasure lei go of your
muscles, let the horses do work
and you listlessly lean on ear
cushions. all leisure, re
lax every muscle, from the tips
the fingers and to those of the
nice, like one asleep. This
lute and voluntary relaxation Is ii
great sleep winner. Try bill
once and you will from
pleasure a- its result.
If of the eyelids and
forehead flutter beyond control
when closed for sleep lay over them
a bit of folded black or veil
This has known to in
sleep, even, in day lime,
most wakeful people,
franklin Times.
of sound, businesslike
are not a way- apparent
en's Salve.
The heal salve In world for
cuts. Bruise, Sores, Ulcers, Bull
Sires, Teller. Chap
pad Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and
all skin and
cures Piles, or no required, Ii
In guaranteed to give perfect
vi. iii i he moment of the
of a business announce-
In u widely read newspaper
its Influence is constant, a- ad-
invariably soon discovers.
Scientists speak of those my
heal wave- which lire
either or slow of
feel I he eye or ear. bill which
are readily detected by sense
of feeling, like
right soil of advertising
waves which
are at imperceptible, bill which
have their effect upon
people whom arc designed
to reach. In fail, advertising is
the one great force which arouse
the public mind n dose
in doing and ware of the
progressive merchant.-
Shot Her Husband.
Mr. wan I Spruill. a
farmer who live on Per
kin's farm, one mile of
came very near being
killed a pistol,
vi in hands of hi-
The weapon discharged twice,
ball- I on
cheek mid over the
heart. It Smith
make of gnu-. No. ll
new gun. Mr. Spruill had
bought while iii look
home for protection. He
-how hi- He how Io u-c
when she pulled on
hard, it to lull
-inking husband nu I he
This frightened Mr, so
badly she jerked gin.
again, second ball taking
over the heart.
again. Ii i
and I hem
and In,;, i;. Thai
has done
genial, and so
. Ii. ll
been I, and
everything killed. Ian
l-ii the July II
the air ii- fatal ins,
so dial no home i- safe from ll
ravage, but multitudes e found
a sure protection
malady Dr.
Discovery. suit-
j hi lames and I,
have chill and lever, tore
pain in I lie back of the head.
-y and II urn
cough you may know you have
and I hat you need Dr. King's
New Ii will
cure the worst cough, heal ill
kill the disease
effect malady .
and I Money back ii
eared. A trial free I.
Drug Slow
Preventing Hall.
riles ;
The idea old p at clouds
by discharges of ha-
put ii to
ill the of Pol
w was v
heavy II
A III discharges were
occasion and Oil till
second, The effect of the
mi sec-
The black cloud- re
broken and by the
and watch
had driven I nick. is
i- bile Ii II III nil
a pal
descended on on
The million was loaded ill,
of powder and with
paper. A iii r h
a a
height of mil n mile. I
i i warm iii. In- h
I Press.
. n chaser,
r the dollars w arc on
not he vi keep
hi; for he does he looks ii
mi i and catch-
e- ii I hem he may I
In give to work
to; he may pay hi, u-
I- bill- his printer's bills
and he will be not known
men ii a dead ;
one work , h hi, i
Bonder he lake one in, i, i
from the long tedious
Io and In pay debts he
ii. ,, mid which are
-ii-v make
he and all d .
ill lie a n-l ll Mil
He will urn
editor and be
he goto little in order
he may work harder. He
v ii print i along for
H ll Merely let people who
enjoy have for the price. Mil
men will up and curse
I- i i- ll fraud and a take
Ina forge
Hand- III least
frauds mid fake a- much as it;
lie will let angry
kick to him use the kids did
I not paper when if
would lull know that it
I i his advantage have
i Iii-iii r's
A Hie
Due of the biggest ha- -truck
low n in a long time, the
sticker I bat sold the white looking
kettle and pan-, lie war
milled them not Io break or burn.
Complaints an- u
now nearly all who have used
a pot, now has a broken pot,
We should look up pot mail
have him refund our money,
else him in a- a
fraud.- spring Hope
, . , .,,. II I I VI. .
I A I I.
r, I. .-.
of U
all I
Civil and
i a i
Mill It, Kure,
per box.
L. Woolen.
Dr. Me
for and
the but did probe fol
bullet lodged over
thinking might
morning and i- doing a
could be
Mr, Spruill Is up
ll a
I I . II
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Eastern reflector, 27 June 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 27, 1899
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Joyner NC Microforms
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