Eastern reflector, 4 April 1899

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

x. c.
Strong Fortification.
the body against disease
s Liver Pills, an
cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
jaundice, bilious-
and all kindred troubles.
. of
Your Liver
the accident that
them to my notice. I feel
it had a new lease of life.
Cannon, Co.
Woman's Work
It export that
a man, his parch masculine
thing, con ever full
appreciate woman's in the
home, an more a woman j
be expected to fully a
work in the outer
writes Edward of -What
Women Find t i do AH
the April Home Journal-
But o far women have acquired
it truer conception of work
men have of women's work.
I that it were
more work
in the home, and regarded house-
as a iv- j
one, deserving --i the
highest respect, and lawyer
quite u much and education of his
would be fewer looking I'm it
fields of work and re I
duties. have her to gel in.- the beat spring
omen feel too h i
what the man due, ll i ed a bucksaw, a cord of hard wood,
which mow the world, and mi VII hop of
work which ;. woman adjustment i-
It- compared a
. i l ii
achievement. Ii i I hi r . .
holding up the Importance i
, . M . ; -tilt-
which bus driven mi .
worn in into lie- lo
An a
y no little peril
i- it i
-ti. Dal and led . in
. i t
r. lath i
11-.- ii i i
more and
on tin- . ml
tat actual motion
-mi in pace
-n .
i. . -1. I . I
. e In n s
; i --1 i i
i .
, I i III J N. I
In. i. i l along
with ii motion
while all of
the i. i lion of I ; in
f life, i ever in even
way of compromising
. i may
V i.
p. xii more
more apparent mi
lane . -i en
in natural work, e
mil i I ii I-. work i
it i hem
THE or will.
p nil ii fatal germs,
ho that no home i from it
ravage, bin mull found
protection against tin-
in King's Ne
no in your
have chill ore
in ill.-1 .- . lie ii
. .
i II
will promptly
cure heal in j .
kill the disease I
i- i
. Will In i
I large tilt-1
. i
i i in -i.
A -I , I . 11.111 Ill I
I III 1- r
I .-
r fill ring
When r re
, i I
ill r
I mall I I
out with I el i i n i
mi r
. iii i
affect relative -if ran and
ii r of K,
great a rate as
thin relative of
be hardly id a century, on
t lie
being that many
y, an i before
in ; ace can
ii f star group
A n of
the nun even
ill. u-hi n ill- weapon it-If,
on the
made of it tin- Cuban peasant
fr. in his earlier ago. which
I nun lea t
n . him of o
. no t i
i Vt I ll
. I
II i w nil
; I
in. i i killed
, n the
Owing i in. mull
ml kindly the Cuban
y not a
l, i i i.; ii ii i be
i With tin machete a
w cm i i re The
are a strip of
. . id i i -In a
. piece of grinding atone to sharpen
Hi, . . i i the
machete to cut down the
thorny of tropical vegetation a
mail -i snipe called
i- to bold the
I.- ii rapid work without be-
l y ins -f
On Tuesday. April lib.
I ill Kile Court
door In Greenville the two
I of lands lying in
county which were
me in the division of the lands of
the laud of
others, and a pan of
Carney land; the other
track containing hundred
i Kill adjoin Ian Is
and other,
being a part of the J.
Terms of one third cash,
balance in one two years;
title retained until purchase
paid, or taken to
deterred payments.
I. Anna wife of
Lewis have ibis day
made entry i- law; of my
withdrawal free trader in
LA page of
Pitt county, X. C, and from the
day of March, will cease
lo act as a free
T. Hall.
the of the
of county as
of the estate .
persons holding claims
-aid estate lo
t i. for payment
day of February, or
notice will be plead in bar of
their recovery. All persons In-
-aid estate are
in immediate settlement
save costs,
of J, R,
. -i . ii ,
. . i I
MB Jr. Ml I V
I -l
UM I Mil . in I.-
Hook for It i i
. n- How to MM i
with in
You May Never but Should
Want Job Printing
Come to see us
ho r Job
He was son I n worthy
and I .
ill- P I r of
fact . . for
by i
i t
n v
i was
i i e
i. u in with
n rot n.-11 lie
rs i
. lb
, lie
that Maj
i be
,.,. . . , i I lo ii , i n
I .,,, mi.,,,
Money n not tow to speak of
A trial bottle free J. I., coarse complied in bis usual style
What is The Bible Like
ll i- like beautiful I n-o
sweet for those
that arc hungry, and
the pilgrims their
u I., iii-
ll i- like ii and
-n-ii---. w i-
In- but
ll I- a boll
and in
near, we an
ll a house- a
useful tilings, which are to
be hail without
pi Ice.
ll i- like a deep, id.
river; the are deep
where birds slug
play little
are loving happy.
i not
for cure of every ii does not
cure every thing. ii i- a
cure for and is
lino blood purifier and laxative
reach seal -if the
disease. Catarrh is a blood
disease, in order to
cure ii you lake rein
Catarrh i-
on Internally, on
blood c-.
Hair- line is a quack
medicine, as prescribed i-y
our of the best physicians in ibis
years, and Is a regular
best tonics known, combined with
Hi. blood noting
on the I he
perfect combination of the two in
gradients is what produce such
wonderful In curing Catarrh.
for testimonials,
V. Co., Props,
Sold by druggists, Toledo,
the best.
nines a great
man he yon will try
to emulate Iii- sample He was a man
t astray anyone
ind believed his
i then to iii- fellow man was
II I don't I t nil be
didn't i Ml i. r
lint not l-i ii r ; i.
t i a-
v as he drove I
i i
My i trying to .
lb- When be got home
a lady who
there on ii visit
V a is
ii j
i i man r means a
i . a know
X w when General Latrobe
; i r ii-
iv Ni
i . I I
I be
to a lilting
re n ll lid -I in
-Why I i return
. . D ii lo-.
yon -a
. .- i a t- r d
t t Hi
i . i . , i lo I
Al I fl
. i I . i
but in- i.
. I I i
paying t- .
mil bank
I .
i ; l-
l vi
I , v J
. I I mill
. tiny Ian re
.- a.- . ; i.
i .
t. take car.
; . .-
. . i i i.--
. i.
I i.-t
iring winter
. i.-. of . Te-
ll, ran . n- i r one
. t i, ii in-- in- Tin Is a dance now
and ii when the
n Id i I course then several I
Ina i- the of . .,. . , ,.
, year, ago to. from on my hand., It
bite Ni i i Mm saw JO would conic In pimple
and ,. almost
i could stand. The skill
. . win I
II. mill w. The day
be lo the I. nation borrowed a lender and itching would swell
I could hardly bead my
hi- I- Mil . JIM-I Ill pt I , . , ,.
to ., He- in palace my would become
ground The poor war. perfectly from scratching or
it was pimples. When I
an tin it were t re-1 .
I. Ills more In this condition I one
than ever and h. nearly had
lit in
dozen of Mr. Joe
some Wash in
and by time I it my
hands were cured, and I am now
well of the trouble, has
broken out a little at time, but
enough lo inconvenience me or
Penny novel from on. an-
other in rather thin in in-
Hi r i
n I am live type i i -1,
covers ran h
iii catholic sense the .
I The inferior kinds make me try more I am
gray paper with blunt now well. HUB, M. K.
degrees of I , r
-i. i . N. C, May 1806.
All I t . lull i . i
lag rudest s its
-I . .- .- . I .
C I i i . I- U ; .
ii ll Id-Hi i ;. , i I,,
t ,.
villain i . .,. hero,
by All persons oh
Tom I. int la will make immediate
is rival, the persons holding
is hereby given
Brown Co
whip i.
their m,
. chums said Mill pleas.
same payment. new
debts or will be made by
, Co.
n- i I ., . , ,
The Inning duly
the will Testament of
notice is
hereby given to all
ed the estate to make immediate
lo the undersigned, and
all bat
said are notified lo
tIn- Mime fir payment on or before
the day of 1900, or
this will iii bar of
of Mime.
Ibis starch 1890.
C. A.
Executor of Haywood
leave Washington on
Mondays, and Fri-
days at A. M. for
water permitting,
Returning leave at A.
M. A. M. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and Sal
Sailing hours subject to change de-
pending on stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
for Norfolk. Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York
ton, and all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
tin- Dominion s. Co, from
New Clyde from
Hay Line Baltimore;
Washington, N. C.
N. C.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
meeting evening. Rev.
A. W. pastor, Sunday-
school C,
regular services.
a. m.
Divine service and sermon every
Sunday morning evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays i
M. and Fridays A.
M. Rev. I. A, Minister
ill Charge.
Lenten services Tuesdays
at I at
o e vary Son
day, morning and evening, Prayer
masting Wednesday evening. Rev.
X. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
p. in. F. Harding,
Services third
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
schools p. m. J. It.
A F. A. M.
Lodge, No. SM, meets and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M. J. M. Beans, gee,
F. -Covenant Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
K. K. N. O. L. H. Render,
K. of River Lodge, No.
every Friday evening. Dr.
Jr., O. R. L.
Can, K. of R. and S.
R. Council, No.
meets Thursday even-
W. II. Wilson, It. M. R.
Lang, Bee,
Jr. O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
F. ball. i. J.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every and
Thursday nights in odd
Hall, K. M. Hodges, Worthy
Chief; Smith, Sec.
f. O,
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights In odd I'd
lows Hall. W. II. Wilson,
D. S. Smith See.
At our shops on Av,
we repair nil kinds of
and Farming
menu, Onus, Pistols, etc.
We also
J ;
t t
Lt ms have four work.
. .-
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, should-
coffee, sugar,
snuff, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain butter, full
cream cheese, sausage,
oat Hakes, hominy Hakes, cotton-
seed meal and hulls, cotton seed
bought at cents per bushel.
Come to see
W, It-
Anything a
Sheet Poster.
carry tine of the
Geo. S. Parker
Fountain Fen
It is a big hit in fountain pen
and is distinctive Parker
Not only does it feed the ink
perfectly, but prevents soiled
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news every
at small price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a subscriber P It
yo j ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Whichard, N. C
The Stock every
pertinent and prices low as the
lowest. market
paid for produce,
Is only a year and contains
the news gives
information to
those growing
co, that is worth many times
mot e price.
The Eastern
c tr
C i Tear in Advance
no i
Perfect Tobacco Formula.
An Acre.
tobacco mm.
Merely a
t your
duty, is just Thai
you this year s
your farm, plant in what you
think run be .-;
tend it
and tend the proceed. tin-
produce t aid the support --i
two hundred and fifteen
A. m boy. and in Or
new tobacco brand, by a new u-
aH Old
lour nun as in
under Carolina Tobacco this as any that sun
we are all dependent
upon our food, I
for raiment Mowing
or life -for life Itself. From If .
must the the rain.
fruitful the
harvest. It is from Ilia
all tit In- fad.
Von could bestow your
labor where ii would yield
greater harvest of redeemed
than .
If get your son
., . ,
y Paying Double Prices
. j-
Look out for OSCEOLA
Br No. ft.
Ami for sail In Did Dominion A an her,.
Sun us at Other agents in all
And L. M. Reynold's C . j
SHOES for Men and Boys,
The Southern
A Woman Presides.
an editorial The novel picture of a lady
spired by a Southern regret In would I
that she cannot go to college, Ed- him a valuable
ward the April The speaker of
Home Journal, has this to say of a speech nailed service of
tin-girls of the Mm. Lee, a lady representative, to haul for your
i- by a Mrs. Lee surprised
lite far truer and inure members by her given and op
to development than girls presiding and familiarity with to provide for
log Is other usage as ell as sever overlook these little,
more Her throwing into Innate children, --t rather, of
life Is healthier because it i- lo the proper manner hi address home, of support, dependent upon
and her in ind. reason of is whether as Madame President, our charity. an
clearer and at Speaker. Mrs. Speaker or ill never lake bread fr.
The rush of life of the North and Mi's. President, She held the I Months of family . We
is not so stimulating as many chair and rigidly enforced her God's word for that.
Southern girls suppose, tin for three a long life
of varied experience
have young and
No RIGHT TO I, . , . .
yet I have not
righteous forsaken nor hi. seed
begging bread, mere
bis need is
contrary, it wears women out of-
ten as it develops them,
our do women
younger maturity than in the
South, To the Southern girl, t-s-
a as
she does nowhere else, The natural
history which the Northern girl
form and temper ill always
friends, but one who would beat
keep her health.
she is weak, sickly and all run
down sin- w ill Solomon i
must get out of books the Southern H she has constipation or and vet there
her impure . ,, , . , . ,
will cause pimples, ski,. t
n wretched complex- meet, it to poverty.
ion. Electric Bittern is best Head in thy
medicine in tho world lo regulate upon waters, for
she receives heritage, stomach, liver kidneys and to it after mum
Her parents are. and her ancestors we have
were, among the best j,, i, Ii he that the
American and will make a good-looking, charm- poor; the Lord will deliver him in
womanhood. She hears but one woman of a invalid,
only BO cents at I. ,,.,,,,. .,, ,,
Drug I., , ,
over prune
girl gets direct from Nature's own
hand. She is a soil as rich
unit colorful in romantic as
is the literature of Spain. This
language spoken, and that is her
If there is the introduction
of another tongue it is and
with these travel
world over and never at a dis-
advantage. religion which she
iron her mother is the high
and ii is untainted
with modern The
truest friend and safest teacher
girl can have is
her mot tier, and moth
era have a way of finding time for
their daughters and com-
to Southern
father is loud Iii- children, and
proves it- by bis presence at the
domestic hearth after bis day's
business is
While have in. doubt of children of
result of the fighting in the Philip- of in
pines, and bow ever
victory given mailer serious
tie, we need not think we have m
of the
islands. War, or and that, next year, if yon
amount to the same thing, in to
of lives and money lax-
payers, will be continued some
I line lo come. Ten million of pen
though they
lie, on their
own laud, will not lie crushed Into
cheerful submission soon.
Jut before the war with Spain
have no authoritatively.
That modem scourge, yield or retire
with Its fatal germs, from Cuba for 9300,000,000,
so that no home is site from its
ravages, lint multitudes have found
a sure protection against this
genius malady in King's New
when you reel a ton
ill your and
have chills and fever, with sore
in the back of the head,
cough you may know you have
and yon need Dr. King's
New Discovery, it will prompt
cure the worst cough, heal the in
kill disease
gems and prevent the dreaded
was Up to
December Slat war bad
ready cost in actual, paid mil rush,
over four hundred and eighty-two
millions of dollars, the
of over lives iii battle or by
in disease, and I he end mil
a fearful accounting
Providence, if not to oar people,
this -lingo will
have lo make Yet of
men and money, if not in-
effects of the malady,
eels and 11.00. Money hack if mil character of the gov
cured. A trial bottle free at J. itself, is going on day wilts per box
Drug Store. Peat. L.
you will
plant another, you will con-
lo year
aid Ibis cause
and be
Ii la said there have never
been so many in the
Lords us there are
present. Lord
age of eighty on March III, and
there arc now unless than thirty
three peers who arc in or have
passed their eightieth year. The
House of Common, has three
It ink Salve.
Tho best salve In world
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Hall
Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and
all skin Bumptious, and
cures or no pay required,
is guaranteed to give
or money Price
, . I . . tolling
All new Spring Stock and
they are
Iii- Ill i
h- Mi
If ,
i is Iii
and lb. i I .
hi . ;
tin- I'll
id a i , . win, ,.
;. j.,.,;. ,.
. i.
i- ii . In
I hi
. ,
. i
I . , .
I Ill-Ill
. i . ,
I hem ii .
. they
Us mil e ,
, . ;.
Y . up
I hi de is a crime ,
. i,
mi nor ii lie i .
f . i o
ii i.
i AT I
I ll
Hell III
lie is
Mil VI.
Paints Oils
Building Hardware a
J i- i i h
, in
c. II inn-
Hill n
ell and in din
. Cure i
lie, I n ii. -i i
in III I
. lo and
i in Hie
. , . I . iii,
i hr oils i. . .
i . hi. ; , .
Hindi . i
I I . I ,. I . .
is- . ;.
I . i.,
n he .- i i
ii . i I
. i
i .
Cl I
A Lure Blond His
Canter, Etc,
III I i ,.
. i o mile- hi-
i I
I tin
. .
i n ii .
r I
. Ii
, V III ll
I Mi

Exceed the Hi
Greenville. N. a- l-
Mail Matter.
Ti I.
r. John Robinson died Wed
Beads evening hi country
near several
he was
hare, in capacity h-
liable service.
Mr w s rill-
there is win
hand. I i- in
s The people
hi. II. O. Ki
hi. pap i
it.-.-; i i Hi-
are from I he
r m
. , i .
per, sud U
I by name p
V i- the ii in- for
A in contact with
i .- i in lake it. Ii
i- , i .- mil in four
, II 1- i- .
font weeks have
elapsed i lime being en.
p. i
Symptoms. Ii with
moderate There
i. In In . p iii in hack
I'll.-.- I.-I
tin- eruption appear On
I with that Auger nails there lie
little trouble. V bad in
in eight If does not
hi i in In- patient be
There la prevalent ill as
H . i in- an old
lion i- plain i- free
Hum liability i take smallpox.
s-n-ii is not the ease. Moat people
are protected through life,
are The only way lobe
i- I., be If ii
low lake i- pro
if doe lake the subject
i- protected. We are of
. . lie eighth -i
-ill government,
American, B i
ii i i .-i i
a . The
ill i.
. i -i I
. II Ann ll
. Hid v. i did
h . . ii
i ill bun in
. H matter
America rout
blued an-
i.-. i ii
I'm ii.-
the lime secondary
i in- ill
p but spots on
I Ml
forehead hi-. then
. Is .
I . II,. . B
-1 c i t
i k.
. i
K .- . r.-
I II la
hi of lea, inch do not
their talking about
A man who
I and pal
of both In
the in
No that the body is so universal as
every one is liable to suffer from it. in some form or
of underlying
be immediate cause t lie of certain morbid
Apia, Samoan March and lie and material in the blood and
Rheumatism occurs ins-v rat there is acute
pinion several . X. the you may
will render of the
a arm
of Samoa have
or rheumatic, fever; there is is termed sub-acute
to rheumatism. There is muscular,
that ill in-bad j;,,.,, more turn and re
time. nails native
kid arm. and not . by the is-m-M-t gout.
vaccine mailer. en of tome, the Over-work, or induces an undue exhaustion of
Admiral and on 80th day of
on the estate of II. F. nerve force, will aggravate the disease, or hasten its appear-
is hereby
ii. in . mud
11- in fol
in from W
Little iii
leave here Hill,
ii i ,. In
-i trouble there.
to v- In. I, reg Intel
i I'll.-
I- , I i the .
bill i- given i no i ml
. .- , i-. ii .-
Inn lo deliver r
i- l be l-i-i-l. T i- I'm-
i; i- I . He
I- -aid. l
i the
mail I. I lien In
i be other, mid a
. the mil
I lie of I be
and mi a-
tIn- Sn i.
hi n- I i ill
-i-I.- of ii i id
up into many dollar
i bey nine n mi p, i id did
-in.-.- la.-i . l he
.- ill the ill ell-
i. do a little judicial work
whoever Little
I . . i i I lo-
ll I Will r I i
i l I all
About The Philippines.
rile I . . i;.
Ill a i
hi be p
N. Bills II.
No or
p midday .
. .
i- chief
-mall a-
Manila select
daily .
The grasshopper i- n
We buy hem p.
earn a day.
I oil is an
M I. I in 1ST I.
. i
woman in I'm-
ii-led el had
Child a-
I twelve lime- a- a
Protestant, fur
and a die-,
j The
rime all things
,, . counterfeit bill.
in-i lion the dressmaker is
ting h.-i in
continued for payment
Several villages have been burned, to the undersigned, and i
land there have been a number of creditors of the estate lo pro
The aches that accompany disease In stages
are often, a time, attributed to other less serious causes.
casualties American The cute for so deep-seated a Iron never can bean
nm , ,, a after the of. , that will only dull the pain or give temporary
ii is impossible to this notice will he
i .- , , .
.,, i i. . d
breaking .-i I In-
eleventh iv. in
ruses level
. . there is no
Mortality. In mild raw ml
ii in . hundred die. In i on
in -I--, one hull die.
In all die A
intense la
a-1 Hum n i- i
. The
t tin k iii- i-e gen
i. ii
i hi cracked voice
i- nun i . breaking bis
Many . lo
carries nothing but and
lead beads.
gales are lo
in of the work
The mail lo
ii all i- be a
I be gossip walk
iii i point, and never
In a full Slop.
lilting onions keeps
lips bill also keeps
. hap- from lipping.
II mil
c v., fool all will
illy but Is
I i. be be-l
. mil but twin who i- honest from
-.--. ,. poll, , HI In- piss IIi
I mi the hist
then it by to
. . h Mime one she is afraid she
f natives killed or plead in bar of their recovery.
I'll i- day of
II. Harris.
ii mi I in- i lea
h-op .- . Ii lake in
site, ll II
Sin p., now . .
bole I i Slate. I- ibis
State i- very mild i i .-- ibis
reason it.
ill lie
hard ll i- the rule
in the
pail ii-- ii . ill in
a thinking to I. nothing
chicken pox. which
needs little no
ea-e- go U
i id mingle v. u b . ., h i I,
die there be
ll. lilt keep
Love is the sunlight soul
and it hoc i- a
clime, locked in the embrace
A medicine advertisement
mill the exception of Adam
all have had some dim-use.
We have always
had some one
In- I
was a meek fared
man. and we suppose he
w to give news but
be idling u
If . building a burn on his ranch
likely ill if urn hi k
. , i . I.- terribly
all ail in ll
. . . many m
us are in ail
A- hi- chiefs, con-
the provisional govern
continued to the
arrival of the
Admiral summoned
he various and
val officers ton conference on board
Philadelphia, when whole
situation was canvassed.
The resolution
mi-.- provisional
and Issued a
in.-ailing upon
return homes.
low ii he had made bis
into interior.
lieu the Herman Consul
ill Apia, issued a proclamation Blip
the one he had issued
weeks before, upholding
the provisional government. As
ii result a.
in large lone and
in a.
Tin cruiser
the prisoners
the islands to which I hey bad
transferred the provisional
The fort I lied
i refuge. The ad-
loads within
seized houses.
All then sent to
in. in. to evacuate,
and threatening them in
refusal, with a
at on the
of March This was
ignored, the rebels commenced
an attack in the of
States and
lutes hull an hour before
I Mil for the
more and
all in
the world. an- many
sin-h base . instincts as to
ea-e I., US In gel
make in
To -Hell we would
think we are doing full duly.
The volunteer work done by the
tors a ii
thousands of dollar.
w ill
more the Is stop
w e lire -in in our lime and
lain III- lo III -e Ion p sir .
any of reward. lien
All and p to dale,
from New York,
go, I ll i in,., and
also a lovely
line of
Hals. Mixed Straw Sailors
line of
MRS. M. A.
lilies. Every-
I lo- Philadelphia, and call and see my
opened upon ill- new line of good-.
There was great
locating the enemy.
wing to the dense forest; but At door to lb-
several shore villages were soon in Hector
W. T.
a ii for the
high was
cupola I asked.
don't know the exact height,
now. mister, but I know was so
Ctn .
I-,. ,., , r In
r ml raw
thaw Ills, I to
In -ill SWIM.
until we lire
of ii. We tile he ll . ,
operation of all the
11- in our to slump
Iii- scourge,
health of suspected case. Me
will it. Everybody
forward and be
ll is of
do this. All who are will
to accept
can be attended to the mayor's
office any lime from H a. in. an
ill r p.
not to deter any one. It arm
is kept clean and not scratched
of roosters died from effects of
light the Ural
Then we went out sat down
on wondered
some was alway s
us iii Hie race of
ll the pool
lime revealed a year after-
ward, the nature of their food in
when should have
had ; but one may Is-
light snip that the readers of the
papers have lately learned
too of tile the
packing establishments to rehab
heir products. Recorder.
It'll by feel, seven high
and ornamented
we bought it time . heck him
and w
W ell. we admit that that
pretty large barn for this
-unity . lull I-1. k
lather barn f.-et.
nine stories and
with -team elevators; A defect shell from the W. II.
in interrupt near the
was u,, run consulate, and the marines
a barn tor the Stale-. I narrowly A
now Hull when I was struck the leg of
unite my lather built a shattering It so badly as to We have Just opened in the
m feet. amputation.
how many stories fragment traversed the German
high but I there was consulate, smashing the crockery.
went on board
During the night the rebels
made a hot attack the town,
killing three sailors. A
British marine was shot In i he lag
a sentry of his own party, an-
other shot in the root, and an
American sentry was killed el his
The bombardment continuing,
inhabitants town took
refuge on the Royalist.
greatly crowding the vessel. I
Many people are HAY, OAT'S, CORN, COT
the of the urging
to go, so us not to interfere
with the military operations.
The I be
villages east and west of Apia and
captured many
The Americans and c
splendidly together, lint
there is a bitter nailing against the
are a thousand and one so-called medicines for
rheumatism that not only never effect a cure, but unfortunately
are often the means of discouraging people who use them.
celery compound is as little related to these worth-
less preparations an honest gold coin to a clumsy conn-
celery compound is a specific for the cure of
in any of its forms.
The first because it gives early
before serious mischief has occurred, should send you
at once to the druggist's for a bottle of this remedy, it will
cure your rheumatism. It will so cleanse, invigorate and re-
mediately in the healthier condition, It will build up and
make you strong. Its peculiar ability to increase the amount
of blood and stimulate ion of the liver and kidneys has
made it regular prescriptions of the best
Thousands of people have been cured of rheumatism by
celery pound.
Mr. II. C of N. Y.,
Last season had a severe attack of muscular rheumatism.
At I used a good deal of but in of it the
rheumatism Increased. then began using celery
compound, and the second bottle cured me completely. I rec-
celery compound heartily an
able remedy to all who are
Other of them in every town of any size in
the country, have written similar letters, appreciative and
grateful, to the proprietors of this wonderful best
all blood and nerve restorers, the discovery of Dart-
mouth's greatest professor.
Whoever used it bus recommended it to others.
And that is the reason that the demand for celery
compound is greater today than tor any other remedy in the
j Y the blood that every organ of body will
lift I
complete stork of------
We Carry
I by Notions.
shoes. Huts,
Meat. Sugar,
Lard, Tobacco, etc., in fact
earned in a general
Oar prises on everything will
found M low as a article can
Is-sold You are cordially in
Highest paid kinds
of produce.
And see my Stock of z-
Dry Hoods, Slices, Hats, Trunks,
Hard ware, Groceries,
In a lull lino
General .- Merchandise.
Have you a GUN, or a or n BICYCLE, or a LOCK, or
most anything that needs fixing so. bring it to
hare employed Ed. Moore, best DUE and BI.
CYCLE iii the State any repair work you bring us will
promptly and dune.
Trices as low as any
We have just received our
Still Wear Smiles At The Home of Ml
I . . on you v
in no .
ii in.
. i i .
Till M n
At an early hour
to lo ,,,,. ,,. u ,.,,, W A J
. . . , , Mai L
host of young people. the Ml I . .
to bis I heart soul of tiny V.
to la perfect harmony with each I .
Mrs. Jordan The general sweet
left face of Major
Bruce tn I'm i
A IT. this for face of Fleming
I III I I M I duty v J. J-
U p U . u r
I I V morning and all lo . , I,
J a.-I in
guests I In- in a iii
manner, with that
And will take great pleasure
in showing yon stock.
,. that ind
. . ,. , , i ., ,
. .- . iii- I,. i-i- i ,,
Ibis lo relatives at r Mr
Plymouth. nature. which arc going to
of the hearty welcome in store Mr.
parlor. ll.,
down evening lo visit Music was rendered by Miss i more where hi will
his mother. I Forbes Berths I rick,
I which they l- Banning
for this occasion, He
. on
. r . s
day evening from
Fourth month.
Who got
March out u-roaring.
One fourth of the year gone.
Friday was a bad Friday.
Spring fever will soon along.
For that tired u
Marlins have made
Five Saturdays and
this month.
Something is making light travel
these days.
ll. packages
lit S. M.
The have done their part In
providing eggs for Hosier.
The League Conference
meets In April 8th.
in a had way Wed
in late.
The warehouses will now
suspend until August.
It is very difficult for a drinking
man to hold his breath. It is too
st rang.
A few seasons ago I boys wore
their hair pompadour, Now its
the turn.
Most of the towns that have had
smallpox scares are recovering
from the shock.
ll o'clock this his fort I j us
festive crowd entered he get it here by
arid F mo
All forms scrofula, sores,
, .
pimples and eruptions, are quickly
and permanently cured by Hood's Thurs-
day evening from a in Wash
N. M. returned dinning loom as f.
Mi. Mrs. II.
Another blacksmith m . It.
i,. old. They
Miss Dell with him as he
already bus one
says he has Miss Lizzie Hail, of Snow Hill, Mi's Minnie with The A. fox It's;, r.,. have
sixteen of them in the is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ir. Jarvis. delivered l
lam week.
A burning field of broom sage of this county, bail thins are
across the river, night, now one of the crow of cruiser i Miss Forbes with Wallet ant going to sell these mi
made such a bright light wagon lime
pie in town thought a house on from a few I . . . , ,. ,
ill lust them,
it. L. Joy -nor left Thursday for key, while the pan n i
wore Fortress Monroe, Vt. In ,,., ,,,, I bey may perhaps I
Forbes. have
Smith with how well mil.
Kin. While the last week did
l f
I try
sold. A I rial ill i
. H
discussing how hard the wind blew lo a telegram slating Unit his,,
the oilier w hen one of fall, was worse. I
said it blew all cracks out of .,., . ., , . ,. j
his house. i
lo spend
compulsory vaccination summer. season Mr. , ii was
will locale In Little.
not have to come from u engage in the business Miss mid Robert of wire as
officers. There are arms to In- there. fence was i the
spent most anywhere now
k n in
Thursday Mr. Fernando
J. J. of This one of the most pleas
i s I-,
, has living has been our
Iii the State of Washington, has J g,, at lead. ml van
at o'clock us went fence than that wind.
returned few weeks visit to
S. V.
for Wat kins.
home, lie is a .
port , O. W. liar
horse in a lot while be did some
When he went Luck to
lot logo home horse and
buggy were both gone be B. V. I
heard nothing since. It
took a thief to steal a horse II. I. Hi is morning
open daylight. Richmond.
i L. VI. returned
March Weather. evening from Richmond.
Mr. Allen Warren furnishes. Jesse returned Friday
The the following evening from Petersburg,
record of
Fishermen say week
Easter Sunday brings a large
run of herrings.
gave us tile heavy I
Highest temperature
Lowest temperature
Thunder storms
What Is Needed
s. Wilkins this morning
for Wilson to spend
Rev. B, l. over
from this morning.
Mrs. Harper, of
rived this morning to her son.
Mrs. her
Mrs. Daniels, this
With crop prospects for this
storms. Quite a record for a year the mercantile men will Blow came up Fri-
winter spring, some other trade. Green- evening iron. Washington to
. , ,. , spend at
ought to have
Miss of in
Attention is called to notice
to creditors by J. L. Harries, ad-
of F.
It is said the Navy Depart-
no will be
named to succeed
Housekeepers seem more t.
it now- to got supplies for the table
than they have been in a long
The bridge across the mill run
at Penny Bill was blown off its
foundation by storm Tuesday
The improved condition of the
public roads will to be
forgotten until bad weather comes
If anybody made a new yew
resolution to build factory,
Greenville yet slays
The storm of Tuesday night
blew down a house Falk-
land Old killed a
colored man.
During court weak hope
there arc many who will remember
what they owe
unit bring it lo US,
enterprises so that the money ill
circulation will depend solely
Upon crops. Fiery merchant es
ought to is. Interested in
as the more wage earners
there are the bolter will be their
visit Mrs. F. It. Higgs.
II. A. Timberlake
I left this morning for Oxford to will have
spend the between encampment
co seasons.
there was ii happy deep w
down tn their hearts, expressive fence
Hie wish have will Is down.
good fortune lo meet again
upon a like occasion. T. T. The Who Succeeds.
The man w In. in a sue,
Licenses. an important never wails
Register of Dee-Is ft I he d. He strike mil for
marriage last week, himself. lakes nerve, lakes
only one of for bite great L-i of grit. But tin nun
v. has both. one
w . fail. The public tin
John L. Whitley w ho
Ann Mosely. himself In lake chance,
chances thing
fury Atkinson all. The. who
Braddy. to u-
Aaron Brown and L. was
II, Browning and previously the
is the of
Henry Ward what think . be
mid V. While.
The This is horrible if
month of March was j the
I writes
have just learned nm
I that
pi-i of our men in
m Hie
. . .
It I
P ; I
Al. I
. Blow
; I lilt
. . ,
g H i
on v Decor to
on buy
lo till
I ll . ,
Yon need.
mi iii
. . ., kinds,
Inn c Fine
I Up i s.
arrived Friday evening to fourteen
for colored.
W. K. telegraph ope
the depot, left Friday eve
feels an
ii dread
the in and
of h-
cm a
a Source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
of the great pain and
Incident t maternity this
horn which is dreaded as woman's
trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re-
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de-
W. Smith or gloomy;
says he has a sore arm crowd out nausea and other distressing con-
the County Home, all the in avoided, the system is
ales made ready the coming event,
and the serious accidents so coin-
Mrs. M. A. is opening to the critical hour
her new- millinery goods. See j obviated by the use of Mother's
what she has to say them ft f ii biasing
for his home rangers to r
. Be
Than Rich.
young the
of Miss Jarvis
rehearsing a cantata to IN given
next Friday night.
Ordinarily by April arc
Siting their crops planted, but
is year very little land is so far
readiness for planting.
I. I. Moore and bride will
turn this evening from their
dill tour will bold a public re
Monday evening.
; bat adds results
oft his war. What may . in
store for us, home as well us
I only know.
lines not know and. what i- ore.
Wise people are also rich
o Farm Library it
Up-to-date, net .
sanely sled . id i- Illustrated.
when they know perfect
only Case. remedy for dis-
now eases of smallpox have f
developed In since and bowels. It ts
went to work to stamp Hood's which
out the disease. The Free Press J fit perfect in its action. It
says there have only cloven regulates the entire sys-
there ill all, these are vigorous
isolated and fl
I i- I
my .-
Mr. Inn in
iii mil I in-
over M
in-. They
I ll .
van ,.; . . . Ctn
No. i BOOK
L .
, .
no. . hook
i i ctn
.- . life
t .-
i ; .
. . i
. ,
In -.----
UH -a i ,, i .
. . i
., . , nut am
Sample FARM
, VI--11 ll ii s .
this evening's train and taken
OUt lo homo of Mr.
A telegram received here
lady in
Mil mi
his brother,
was dead. The re --ii
, 1- . M I
will poor Health
ram, in -I- 1- i-i-1.
v-i- I
no It, s .
. run haft nil
I miles 111.111 town, tail was .
.,,,, ,, run-- h- I- I .-. I. Sf i.-
II son Mr. I J M Ml
was a of the United n-
,, . ,; ll I .
States army, fortress Monroe, could is ll la Hi -1
, . ills -i
and died I here typhoid fever. a- . v.
m He a whom o to
liked and his death causes
f of sol low . ---y -j
The burial still take place thin
1.1 near .
., .,,,,, , . ,
I Mb color. 1st.
ll is an easy
leave n In who have
cured of
have recently written us
letters say Ins
bin e cured I
I. V.
N. r. Mr.
A. I a prominent
. Duke, man.
Kansas I'll, Mo
Will Cure
b, CO
. l
Tin lion crop.
nm n i-h your ; i-i.-
u crop iii live- mil v I. expense,
I me .
w for truck in
m lint ii-l .
I,, house . mid
fL u ply -.-
. . II III
Price to without shafts
VII orders h i-s. to the
till i . W i i ii . will i. n . pi
J. W. DALY. Owner Patentee.

You May Never but Should you
Want rob
Margin In Five Cent Cotton.
Flirtation Is Cruel.
to sen
ho W
The Journal baa across
Mother who says Burning
Ii i B. W. Broom.
He live the
At ii. request of the Journal Mr.
Broom consented t wake a state
regarding year's crop.
bake of averaging
pounds, and sold ii an average
price -i cents. On ten other
acres I made corn.
I paid iii hired help in
making, in gathering
the i. M
made ten bales of rot ton
of the aw be
said there is only pro
portion of male lira, when we ac
the word la general
accepted writes
Frances i he
article, in the April
Homo Journal.
speaking, be in the
hum category
more can the Mike to
Katie when he sax-. The top
to yea. me
the the
tenant the top note the simply
lout because these contra
, tarsi
.-.- n
awn in
, i
I Hollar
s--f-bl to
teen acres, and forty by their
two acres. have corn Plainly, there is nothing behind
meat to them. nutation is on
worth of butter, manner than speech.
little In
at live
Anything a
-.- ,
if a hale is raised dung one place one
mi ever acre, and of
and meal is made
roe Journal.
The House wife's Burden.
There is nothing so Battering
as an unspoken preference one's
society in various ways.
This an of flatter is the natural
flirt, who rarely ex-
presses himself openly; therefore
impossible resist, because
Flirtation is cruel,
Visiting Card
is a common remark with
of men that ,
n. ., is unkind, and
flirtation are
Sheet Poster
I has done all .
a one little
she Then he
scheme which hi
Urn working all day. makes
h mental comparison, In which his
work lake second place,
overlooks the fact, however,
-i life home Is
, made up little arc not
unit but I he lire
absolutely x In the even adjust
home The are
in woman's the would in
assume proportions of mag-
if the man's hands were to
try in
the April Home Journal.
Evading The Law.
therefore, iii considering the moral
phases of the flirtatious inclination
ii would seem heal to nip it
ill tin
, n
i. i n
or inn-
young mas who
n authority all
U of
the limn in search of fa-
i r the smart
man -1-.
y n i i i- chimed in n rod
man who was looking at some
referring to paper, said
mi, it looking sadly at
ti. interrupter wets speaking
in, too. said tho
bearded man calmly i
The smart man's
changed from to
had better consult
lie mid with a snoot
retorted the red
bearded man way of spelling may
be a little old yon will
tin, it correct according to Webster
Ton it correct according
to the Dictionary, and it nm
not ii ii likewise given la the
Standard Your way is all too
The smart man gave a sniff of
scorn Billings and you should
ban on a phonetic spelling
here, the red bearded
man bet yon that Webster's
Make it said
man. pulling i
rob yon
the dictionary
The money was. put up Webster
Oh, same
of SH
. , ,
; sate as
Bat Bad
Tn, iris mi
. lash- flower soda
I ,. i
T. turner of
I .
Professional Cards.
J. L. L.
At Law.
state. no
In l
, s
ii. u m labor,
i- ion, lbs
i , .,. i. ii
.-, .,., , i
as sad i
,, on,
was sum a
Tin- h,
las at Ufa-
Ami -ii--
Th. -t
-Cm. in i
An old i in i
the foot
Was one day i
of times.
Man. John, is trade that had
said a
r, inn -i bringing bis
havens ban la via -as
the i when
r i , f i, slid hie
u . i
r I as n .
Gillian Mills B. Bore,
g. C. c.
Dr. D. 1--
Greenville, N.
over J.
Sons store
in the International brought out There it
was. n ire. to in concert
I didn't Hi-an a said the
v. man growing white
around the cars Is
Th v nu l ton, it was
w in i V -v said the
red bearded man. handing bock tho
bills name Is George T
I Ii tad
Which n received, and
months learning the
differ, to ell that w rd. S, v
oral Mar- a- was on the secret
lee My and I had on the
trail , f a air who had a
repertory n games that would
I man
sick mi u far more than
A Journey.
r. of re-
South. Ala.
He had large 20-barrel
line still and
have some ship,
three beads of mules
a Instead of paying
still loaded, on his wagon, and
l,, men passed I Intelligence and had the man
lute Sal morning on a of cultured men of th world The
of way we ha,,,. . .
. pure accident
miles, which the estimate partner and I were k-
days or more. from on rivet
We fail i
S. Parker
Fountain Pen
in late years n all
It is a big hit
and is distinctive f
Not only does n. feed the ink s rather sup
prevents soiled
point from here was
Moil roe.
I mil i
i, b
the courts. In- defective in
is provided for giving r.
The dealer
one person calls
cigarettes in. another a liar he must prove .
It law
all over the State.
in to -i We notice
I that and others are
in- t,. proclaim p
big Ne
comes off which
country, and like,
in-.- men have
it wail feed with a
their mouths This a-plate
politic is might the
devils who have to live on
i a year and sell work ox
t,, fuses. This big dinner
polities is a little rich for our
packet There were about of m
Ibo smoking in talking and trying to
pass time comfortably
lull cams in the hum of a
ruling man seated at a writing
it. r- looked up with a troubled
air and said. any of TOO
. , i men tell me how to I
i- being take the chances of none j a over i.
dollars tine and a year in pent- kind of sons do yon mean
initial or both. This has a ring la chirped
to restrain public ex- young man wrinkling his brow as
of the opinion u . rail i -i- .
, h i r. said a scholarly looking
have I man ,,,.,,.,, ,,,
y. lug. well
old l off ill tin
For several l was a suffer-
letter mi my hands. It
come pimples
and the Itching was
than I stand. The skin
tender the Itching would i
o i hardly bend my lingers.
Sometimes bands would become
perfectly raw or
breaking of the pimples. When I
was in this condition I tried one
half dozen bottles of Mrs. Joe Per-
son's and some Wash
1884, and the time I look ii my
hands were cured, and I am now
well of the trouble. It bus
broken oat a little at times, bod
not enough Inconvenience me or
make ate more medicine. I am
now well. M. I-
Burlington. K. C. May
Washington on
Mondays, Wednesdays
at ti A. M. tor Greenville,
water permitting,
Returning leave Tarboro at A.
M , Greenville A. M.
Sailing hours subject to change
mi stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
Sew York and
Ion, and for all for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
should order freight by
the Old Dominions. J. Co. from
New Clyde Line from
Bay Line from
Una from
Boston. . ,
N. SON, Act.
Washington, N. t-.
J. Act.,
is recommended
for ever it
cure everything. it i- a
for rheumatism, and i- ;
line and laxative
The Daily Reflector
i was .
us nil
till ,
, .,
a re
i r . you wire
Gives the home news every
at small price
cf cents a month. Are
a subscriber It
you ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Is only a year and contains
the new y gives
information to the
i rowing
co, that is worth many times
e than the price.
last week a member o i
the church of .,
called on lite pa-tor. J I
and hearing peculiar noises us he,
reached the door, in t w.
saw tin- hope
son with a number
dent companions playing poker for
I money. The was not at
, tel catch
t .-it
Hi, We
. in-1 in time
i tun I i
The mo
The man With
fire i. -are t-
see ii.
. irons in
, be the end
. . I
Liver ills.
Hi.- m in it
by the I
Liver Pills. They
the bowels and product
Vigorous Body.
sick headache, i, I
constipation and kit
diseases, an absolute cure
Tin- penile el n are Terr
bring upon
it ii-, , I tube told In that that s
stranger was day crossing the great
bridge that spans and asked a
satire t-. t him to a certain shank
which he wished Bad
my dear said lira
bowing low, greatly
to it. hut I cannot tell
at lungs I passed a little
tin volatile answer a aim.
pie question He had proceeded but
short when ho heard
behind him.
the i.
up a him
In Ills r hi
Me. in. ii. i ii- art hut
k-ll l burn
id w col Id
Bud I me la
baT . ,. i. i l
Bow III, I lot I vi- t
I I lad either
repeated man
with i- thought every
fool km that
all right, said lira old man
off in tin . t Money talks I'll bet
on Webster it
iii i
man i a n I at
right -aid big old man
coolly Then the others Joined In and
bet him t a standstill Th-y up
about got the diction-
us iii-i now, the man who m t
on -i nil- won
My r and I waited
money had changed bands, and then
i said, on. i
walked to the man and
j said with mo; I want yon. I'll
bow you hew to spell choir col-
big man and waltzed
down hi low Yon never saw two
fellows look quite cheap They had
cleaned up over on
trick, hot they got four years and u half
apiece That i one school
have attended that not man
to That gains is out which will catch
nine men oat of ten. Von are
all you may till have some-
th- smart young man offered
the nation in payment for the
Information Post
The Welsh sheep ob-
legal recognition of their ability
to distinguish boundaries and their own
toads their One flock
of a flock and
the Spurt decided mat tbS sheep were
worth a half than others
because they knew their and
day, morning and Pray-
meeting Thursday evening. Rev.
A. W. Setzer,
a. in.
regular services.
a. in.
service and sermon every
Sunday morning and evening,
prayer Wednesdays I P.
M., and Litany Fridays A.
M. I-
Lenten services Tuesdays
at P. l. and Thursdays at
P. at
i i i i . nil ii i
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Bar.
X. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W W. Harding,
Son third
j. B. Morion, pastor.
school M J. Moore
Whichard. N. C
The Stock complete ill even
prices as low as
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
An writer having
asked. will airs mo
the highest position was
MA powder If
tribute a n
. No
r i bean
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge. No. meets and
third Monday evening. K.
W. J. M.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
B. K. Origin, N. L. H. Pander,
K. of P. -Tar Lodge, No.
every Friday evening. Dr.
w. II. Bagwell, Jr., II. L.
it. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. It. Wilson, K. M. B,
Lang, See.
U. A. every
night at in I. .
A. t. Council.
No, ii, meets every
In Fellows
Mall. F. M. Hodges, Worthy
Smith, See.
So. meet- second and
lows Hull. W. It. Wilson,
D, S. Smith Sec.
At our shops on Dickinson Ave-
we repair all kinds of
and Farming
Pistol, etc.
We also
j I
t t
Let us have your work.
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side nest, baas, should-
coffee, SUgar,
mountain butter, full
at flakes, hominy Hakes, cotton-
seed meal and bulls, cotton seed
at cents per bushel.
It. It,
Mewing At TUNES
Come to see
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN iX
Year in Advance.
Perfect Tobacco Formula.
A new tobacco brand by a new
tobacco formula but
an old house.
Look nut for OSCEOLA under North Carolina Tobacco
CO. Dr. Mil Va.
Ami for sale by till GUI Dominion A everywhere.
Sun oilier in all
N. towns.
I. April
Otis is still winning vie-
still has an
army, we have not undisputed
possession of a single Island of
Philippine group, The
seems In have
along other
Spanish properly. known
our victories over
have not been very productive of
results, although country has
will end the
he didn't like the and
asked top opinions on the
calling for lite
volunteers authorized by the last
Congress. was pointed to
him nothing
by enlisting the
now, as the rainy season in the
would slop all active
military long before
could Its there. An army
officer came very near to correctly
sizing up situation when he
Filipinos every
lime we fight them, they arc
such fools that they slay
licked, and we have to keep doing
it over again, which is monotonous;
also expensive, both in blood and
The two Cubans who are in
Washington as agents of the Cuban
mysterious hints about their
backing in United Stale-
their expectation of succeeding
in gelling the consent of the ad
ministration in an issue of bonds
by the Cuban Assembly,
standing the -official state-
that the administration would
not recognize them in any way.
Although only Congress can
the pay of these bonds.
a New York syndicate has offered
to take at
half their face value, the
sanction their issue.
King, of Utah
one of the democrats, who ex
presses regret the
dinner controversy should have
curred, believe that
Mr. or Mr. had a
right to get up n Jefferson banquet
Of tO participate In one and to in
vile inch gentlemen as were de-
Hired. There would he no
i opinion, in Mr.
Bryan's sitting down a
with and Belmont. If I
should be Invited to a Lincoln din-
I should accept with pleasure
and would lie glad to do honor to
distinguished statesman,
Democrats should get together.
do not think anything
to he done lo prevent the
of harmony in demo-
ranks alt Hough, of course.
we insist upon adhering to
the democratic The
bust sentence shows the
between opinions of Mr.
King and Bryan is an
one, and upon the main
question I In-y think alike.
Representative of New
York, win, is now in Washington,
am sorry Col.
seen to so
much free advert is. , as
represents no portion of the demo-
party in New York.
Bryan has not unpaired
in the state by his
refusal to count Mr. and
his as
Tin- of New York will
see to ii Chicago platform
democrats are selected lot he next
National all
in this regard is need-
less and absolutely without
Gen. when he was again
placed on tin- stand by the Military
Court of Inquiry, which is now
silting in Washington, promptly
took tin- cue given him by the beef
contractor, who that
have been
when he stated had been
his intention to make the contracts
stipulate refrigerated beef
should hours alter being
taken from the refrigerators, and
by an error it appeared In the
cunt tacts as hours. Here is
last statement I When I
was asked here the hours
I had totally forgotten that I had
changed my own opinion as to the
condition from hours. I
recall since in thinking over
I was Impelled to change to keep
hours from the refrigerator on
shore. I felt that -I hours front
the refrigerator would be ample to
reach Things look
blacker and blacker for
lie must have seen in cold
politeness with which he was
treated by the conn
room; also by looks of everyone
present when he swore he had
I never spoken to and
would mil know him if he met him.
last was answer to
conference between Senator
and someone else in regard
beef The
one to Secretary
Alger. who was in
the Commissary department, did
not help when be
j lied that had been
I excited when he returned lo Wash-
and told him that the troops
, in Rico had refused to law
and eat the meat on Manitoba.
According to
ninny, Gamut blank
them. They had no right to re
fuse ii. blank, blank, I
I would Ilium bike
Text of The Constitutional
to tic Voted On
People in
II Allows All White Men Who
Register It Before
To Vole All Time.
Whet her They Head
And Write Or Sot,
We have received our com-
e of
Consisting in part f
ice C
I. Article VI of
he Constitution of
i- hereto
and lieu thereof shall be
tin- following Article of
I I ll; I I I,. in
Mil w
Section I male person
loin ill I States and every
male person who has been natural
one years age. and
tin- set out
n Ibis Article, shall be entitled lo
any by the people
ii State, except as herein other-
Bee. lb- shall haw in
the State of North for
years, in the mouths
in the ward or other
in which In- offers
lo vote, four mouths
the eh- That re
moral from precinct, ward or
district to allot her in
the same . shall mil operate
lo deprive any person of
to Vote In tin- ward or
it her dial from which
be baa removed, until tour mouths
alter such removal. No person
who has convicted, or who
has confessed his in
upon any crime
punishment of which now is, or
may hereafter be. in
the Prison, shall be permit- . ,.,
lo vole, unless the wild person
,,,,., , ,, . , , lions by Assembly
be lust .
. ., ,, , ii a nice. r. make die
in prescribed law. ,. .
See. i. every voter in I lie I stales are
Proposed i
i pi i. ,. i ii i ii
I. If the in
is in In- ill
low.- I lo loll
Hell II
lie lo it- ii- c in re n
th j .
i ii in in
. , s .
mid vote i-1 s.,;
And invite your careful in-
franchise the lined
i man i
any I tine
iii i is. In
father. . tiller,
e at any i
i-iii I I . . -I
and write or mil I
and of fruits,
o i
. .. plumpness of grain,
by Potash.
combined with
Nitrogen, and
I, will improve
and increase yield
any crop.
m ; which
. i-.
. nut.
. . no.
inn--, all
lawyers in the Slate
. . .
I. .
illy the me as
I and -ill
an in
w limn i how
educ v, . not
I. led an infamous
Why u,
i tin- bi i- I
A. ti- all .,
mailer of tun
. -1 i
but i tie
. I i-- man I
more use and , than mi-
, . , I hi
; i
. mid m
party that
while man can be
i. tied I a
i y i
A i-. i Highly . fully
lively I was mil
i . i to a
mil lee -i
i S. line of tin law had
led I is w w , , ,
; hi- it lot v , el and
he I -i. ii , I.
I lean he
I. ll. Will n melt u
before hat, . be
tilde lo and rite tote
So. w nil-- ,, i i
ti I
i- the i , , , ,., , , ,
lite e Nate i e
clause I ii l -I .- , , . ,
i i ind -I ale- .
v ill be placed nu . ,.
iii-iii, roll. and -i ill i , ,.,,
. i. i
i had all the ii
i and d ill I I ill
i hey a ii i
by urge
led lo Mite, ill
hi may t-r i on a
in the ii
. it
. mi I III I I I i,
o. lo . ,, . , i , . .
i ii la roll nu, except as Article mil war
In- a ,. . , , . , , , ,
snail be eligible to Ins such, upon and
us herein ti,,. ,. ,. ,, , ,.,.,. ,.
and in the here,,, provided .,,. till of
law, and tin- Assembly . . ,, ,. ,, ,, , , ,.,. , ,
Hie Islands excepting a
of North Carolina enact gen .,,.,, ,
V solemnly arc
laws into . . , .
. . swear I will -nip under ban. or
Ibis Aili- , ,
port and the t then and
laws of the Stales, and thinks
I. Every person present that we all th.,.
himself for shall be c,,,,,,,,., ,,, i,,,,,,,,.,,,,, at in war
read and write any ., U be- . , , .
in the . ,
language; and before, be shad be Si, .-,, . ll duly of all .
entitled to vote, paid, on or s,,,. s following classes of to hold up I he
before day of March of the j. hands for
ill which he proposes to s. ,,,,, who shall into public clamor and n
bis poll tax prescribed by law, Mug forced him.
for the previous year. Poll luxes Si. ., w ho shall have tin- murder of people on y I,
shall be a lien only on assessed . ,. side or ear III was ,, ,,
property, and no process shall Issue the when i s ,. , , , .-,
a sale and govern
assessed properly. ,,.,,,., suspended, l, we , gel . . shy
. I for
one of
. the . I. by
. . .
and , ,.
A. is t law , , . . , , ,
. -hit tire
Stale in .,,, .,
. , is under -I
has iii-- law . . . ,
, . lo Mil I I
iii .
A. i lie-
l , I I. ii. W it I till
in. . i, to-
Hi.-in and i u , , . , ,
so- b lie . l-i re i no
. .
air. bee i he . . . . .
the and
in . . , , .
A. i's. last Stale , , , . .
lilies ti.;,
I . . . I , I'll
Bee. who was ,,,. from
on January or at any for which the may be bat. business or
prior thereto, entitled to vote tin- .,.,.,.,.
the laws of any Slate In the of the
States wherein he
I heir a it's, i i
in n
. , ., ,, ,, . , , , is no law at all. call
A .
nor any oner
, . , ,. , nor an-.
m hues
I to
o ,.,. .,.,,,. ,,,.,,, ,, He Imp-by
,,,,., . i- v III. register In ff
right lo register vole any in , ,., ,,. who would ,,,, , , ,. law Into They have .
election in this state reason of bed by law. tract keep her health. If h, ,, id can
his failure to possess Bo,,, This force she Is weak, and all run w-w all all lime.
in ,,,,, down she will HI, Will amendment be
nation of this Provided,
her Impure blood ten. I nun
cause a- Hoy V
pays. , ,,,., . lie while lire
Ibis principle, the electrical is loin kc while
i tin- world In he cl.-el i
Slates will expend a liver and and was
to Placing exhibits in Ho- ll III. will.
, , . . in smooth. el t ,,;,,.,, v.,. I i Ion i to. i.
mice allotted them In ., . .,. ,. .
I next ; , ml. ll as Salve.
yen. vs a it ,. .
electrical supplies and an woman a inn down invalid. I hey will not here and when I he the world for
for Only cents I. J was adopted
energy to the and
uses Hi.- . ,,. ,. . , . nu mid
his claim for the ,, , n
among competitor., and ill -t
I in i, . i n tided.
pert to reap the he ii mils to cure. The la-en in under ibis j,,.,. i. Koranic by
L, II. Q. on Tablet
section I Provided,
lie shall have registered in
dance with the terms of this sec-
lion prior to December I, 1908,
Assembly pro-
for a permanent record of all
persons who register under this
section on or before November
and nil such persons shall be
entitled to register and vote at all
elections tin-people
unless disqualified under
of Bitch
persons have paid poll
tax required by law.
See. All elections by pen
pie hp by hit,

Eastern reflector, 4 April 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 04, 1899
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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