Eastern reflector, 10 June 1898

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What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how cheap are.
You may never
But should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.-
Job Printing
Anything from
The Daily Reflect
Gives home news
every afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber II not
lo be.
Eastern Reflector.
Is only a I
contains the news every
week, and gives
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
tho subscription price.
To Judicial Congressional Con.
B t ; v v
son, J W Smith. Alternates J L
V win i
it.-, A S
Walker, O T Tyson, Alternates.
S W Erwin, J L Smith.
Alternate, W H Hives.
Alternate, J H
S M Jones
Moore. Alternates, W J James,
J H Manning. S C Whitehurst,
J W Thomas-
. J
Manning. B I It Burn-
S M Jones- Alternates. W
James, J S Brown, J T
W G Little.
Judicial Delegates. W W
Thomas. S A II W
James L
Alternates. L
A Mooring, Bailey. B D
Williams, W B Jr. W
A U N Gray. Alternates,
H Q Nobles, Q T . B
Judicial-Delegates J J Kiln,
J Williams, Cannon,
L A Arnold, M
J Bryan Grime , J J
Fred J L Cox
W E Proctor. J A K Tucker. B S
Stokes. W A Stokes.
J J Elks. Dix-
on, A Port,
Smith. J Bryan
W Venters, C
J F Stocks. Israel Edward
John Back W W fucker, J
J T Smith, B T Cox. J H
Cobb, Hardy John May
E Ira Frizzle, A Cox
T B J Brooks
CK Johnson, B H Ives. George
Doc Jackson, A
Holton, M F Summered
Congressional-Delegates, E G
Cox. W F Hart, II C
Braxton. Sam-
Mumford. Spier,
Pierce, Jesse Alternates
Ami J T Hart, W J Jack-
sou. U Patrick, C K Hook
Gable Cannot, It C Cannon, II M
Dixon. Jesse Branch-
J II Smith
Dozier, W B William Al
inmates, Hilda, B William
It J Little.
Congressional R it
J L Fountain. It Williams
Alternates, B J Little, Fred Phil-
lips, J II Smith.
J Parker, W Alter-
E A Barrett
May, F M T L Turnage
Alternates. A J Tyson, B M
Lewis, W E
J W Vin
cent, H F Keel. J L Fleming, L I
Moore, Paul Harrington,
O W Harrington, W B
James, T W King,
Harvey Alternates. s
Brooks, E L Dudley, J
C A Tucker, E T IV
Smith, L F J U Move.
King, M G R W King, F
G James, W B James, W H
W H Smith. H F Keel.
Frank Wilson, B W A L
Blow. Alternates, H T
E S Dudley, W J
Clark, E B B L Little, E
B O W Harrington, J II
White, W Fleming, C J
It It Flem-
B E Abrams. Alternates,
J It M
J B Little- Alternates,
WT Mason, W Andrews
Swift Cheek.
S R Corey, H J Williams,
Kilpatrick- Alternates. Wallet-
J Moore, K
J A Hardy.
The in Adopted.
The Democratic party North
Carolina, in convention assembled
in N. C-, on day.
May do hereby approve,
endorse and the lost
National State
and pledge our earnest support
the therein express-
We denounce the Republican
party for the passage of the Ding-
bill, which has
the burdens of upon the
consumers and given the trusts
and monopolists greater power to
that under our
methods of Federal taxation
that than throe qua of
our National lies are paid
by people owning I ma than
of property of
we protest against such
and injustice, and in
order to remedy to extent
this great wrong, we favor an
income favor all
methods to i.
We tho
defeat Teller
resolutions declaring our Nation-
payable in silver as well
as gold, and denounce it for its
determined of more
thoroughly fastening tho single
gold standard upon our people,
for its avowed hostility to
free and unlimited .- of
silver, a-, well as gold, at the ratio
of to full legal tender
party for its . to
issue bonds at this lime, we
denounce the tax
bill which lately passed House
of Representatives as unjust and
unequal its bunions,
and vexatious,
m the silver be
that tax be
levied; tho Secretary
the Treasury be authorized to
issue necessary amount of
full legal greenbacks, or
United States Treasury notes, in
order to meet the expensive of
the war with and to supply
revenue the
While we deplore the war with
we pledge our earnest sup-
port to Government all
honorable ways to
and conclusion of hos-
denounce tho scandal, ex-
corruption the
We all of
the last two Legislatures which
cities towns in State
been over to
nation, a-.-d pledge
to enact laws as will give
security and to tin-
properly of i very
town and the
We denounce the placing of
on committee to
and we our-
it restored to power, lo
such legislation as will
make this
We all legislation
enacted by the Legislature
and carrying out
tho base partisan of
tho party.
We denounce the
ignorant, and
men in office.
We by
on suit or cases from
our State to Federal courts,
We fair just
We u of the
people, by people for
people exp
ilia abolition of
constant of our
system, charity to the
rule by
white of Stale.
extension of the
the Com mi--
ii scrutiny into
affairs in order to ascertain,
h m maintain rates
us ah be fair and to
people and to the transportation
and Iran mission corporations.
We. tree
We favor tho enactment of such
as will encourage
to make investments
within our Slate, and guarantee
that same shall be justly
favor a union of r
forces of tho country in Con-
elections, cordial-
invite all voters, without regard
to past political affiliations, to
with us in our
for Congress, who
a.-or the free coinage of silver,
Urns giving force and
i-fleet to the recommendation
our Democratic National chair-
man. Boa James K. and
to the Congressional committee.
. . . , the groat
Al by William
Bryan in the last National
administration of of
State for twenty years prior
to the present Republican
promise people
a return of v. honest,
cal and honorable
under Democratic success. We
call upon every believer
honesty and upon every
advocate of white supremacy
upon every advocate of
and just taxation, every
advocate of the tax and
opponent of plundering tariff
taxation, every advocate of
the restoration of silver, and
opponent of the single gold
standard, and the issue
of bonds, as threatened by the
Republican party, up on every
opponent of government by in-
junction, and advocate of the
jurisdiction of State over
arising in t e State against
corporations doing business
therein, every lover of
decency and good Government
and of
conditions, to unite with us
our contest with the
greatest enemy of our
principles, and aid us redeem-
the Nation from the clutches
greed and injustice, lb;
State from scandal
i u com I th it now it
Several year age I was a II
roads tat
ltd mist all lbs lime.
s ii was in my la-ail, m-
in my shoulder, but
s-tile in my left
tin lo be
l me
anxious and weary, I hail a friend
who was
and she m
do ii bottles. did SO, ii made a
cure id me.
Mrs. m. Sample.
Hopewell, Mecklenburg Ce. X. C-
S. f.
A Train of I la i,; Tack
Allan i
A hard tank, made
in Atlanta factories, was shipped
here to Tampa Hard
lank is a cracker, in
exactly similar to n large
tack are cut with the
molds and an same
i, with e exception that tin y are
Tiny hate lit
mark soda and be
told Iron a until
It may not be know ti
was n naval
Washington. lie represent.
the Spain in
city i bout three a-c, and was
Mid by with whom
he Mm In c. The admiral was
at time a
It is said that Jehu Sh
resigned he has been
in re in public than ever before,
that he is careful than
his It is
by some that the ex-Secretary of
is mi dress parade, and that it is his
ire to let the public know bu is
from superannuated.
Cure Al
Liver ills.
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
the laws of nature, or
capital all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
Bind all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Democratic Nominees tor Superior
The nominees for
Superior Court
nominations were ratified by
Democratic are
First Brown.
Jr. of
an, Craven.
Fifth Shaw,
Sixth district-Oliver H. Allen,
of Lenoir.
Seventh A-
Eleventh A
These ware nominated
their respective districts by
conventions but are to
be voted in State at large.
Judges n. Bryan, Allen and
are now an i
are named to succeed
Shaw is to succeed Adams,
and to succeed
We have -cat received a be
hearse and line Co
Una and in wood,
lie and cloth ever
We la Mr i
lag in all
Personal attention to
ducting and en-
trusted to care will receive
every mark of
prices are tower man ever
not want monopoly bet
We can be found it any
times John
Many persons are
that there is a at
Havana and a fort of similar
names at Santiago, as well as one
of that name it San Juan,
explanation is that
the Spanish word means
round; or projecting
over an eminence; and overhang-
like of a
headland looking towards the
sea. Here, naturally, n would
be placed if there a city near
by to be defended, and
association of the name any
Spanish fortification placed on an
elevated harbor-guarding
Tobacco Sticks
All firmer wanting Tobacco Stick
tun gel them at tho Lumber
The Florida Time-Union
for ration among men
overcome lbs evils the
live II sail it not
for ill.- good
individual aid
of sound policy
bull bind null man contribute his
share to the good the Cities
re iii
I , stilt s like we
only t. concentrate this
that work for us into a that -I, ill
be strong enough to overbear and
destroy th evil
A for success of our
B A Alternates-N II
M C Smith, J X
William, Job Moore-
We call attention the
nations re having
eyes opined on the it American
patriotism. The blue and the gray march
to I., tie rich
poor meet on a level.
may be f, and lie
soiling and the sens I
side with of
The lo is
hat e are a and
lute of country is common l
Having been appointed and
ts administrator of the late
all persons are hereby
Did to all against tho
estate of said Jesse Adams for
on or before day March,
1809, or this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons indebted
to raid arc requested to make
This the
day of March, ISM.
Farmers and
year's supplies will It to their
to get our prices before k
Our stock Is In
it Its iii-
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
Flour, Sugar,
Always at lowest market prices
as we buy direct from
A complete stock
n hand and sold at
times. goods are all bone
told therefore,
to urn we fell at a close margin.
S. M.
honest and honorable jinn.
Administrators Notice
By virtue of an order from the Sun-r
of the of T K
Harrison, will
day of May, 1894, before the our
House door In sell to the
bidder the following parcel of
One town lot In the town of
situated on adjoining the
lands of M. W, II
and Amos Joyner, containing one-
acre, more or less.
Terms of s do cash-
of T. V. Harrison.
in lath, Moore A Moore,
State North Carolina, In the Sup
County, j Court
J. II. and Sarah Cox,
U. A. II. I.
Y, It I mi
E. J. Blount and E. T. Blount, who
arc defendants In the above entitled
cause, will lake notice that a Special
Proceeding, entitled as above, has been
commenced the Superior Court of
County, the Clerk, for the
certain real estate In th
county of In which
and are tenant- m.
The said K. J. Blount K. T.
will further take notice that they are
required to appear at the of the
said clerk I tic Superior
Friday the 27th day of May,
In and answer
or demur to tin and complaint
in said action, or the plaintiffs will
ply to the Court for lbs demand
under the -01,1
Jar April ls.-e.
Clerk , -nor I Ht
and all
nit it- I'll r till
C. U. .
r i . u, kM lime man
ii or Dot, Ins M
i- palM h
U, S. and
D. C.
J C. k GO
K. C.
Wire and Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable.
The Stock complete in
very department
prices as low as the low
est. Highest
prices paid for
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN TERMS per. Year in Advance.
j Tuesday
HO l Its I
OUT or Jot
You in on Air
That Cur. .
Catarrh, Grip,
Throat and Lung I
that II .,
hum ,
it . . .
. i.
a . I j .
air i and
has cured
all other I -in. I I lie
Bead free i ,
ties paper.
I Kill I I,,
1-1,11 , I-.,.
I I , u
It n us nu
I t. lit
i , if , f,
many orders from
and , naval
S. fl II m
i-. hi
in r from I in.
Admiral to lake om-
i and
i U Santiago o r C
v bad ran t e Ran e
down and to
i Tins may not i -t the
it n- of all kinds, Gents Hats and
For perfect a id
your Our i-
in., newest of new
selected with ed
ear at to quality, taste mid
styles, nave -i i i. m
fur the a largo
variety of latest
A iii every
of yo
like then, Stylos ml the
latest, t
all Don't fall to sec
o i stock take ml.
of Inducements
.-. ,,, , ;, . , .
III- t- ill i I. i
I be in i. in i . , , ,
c id it . . f
r market I lie i . H . . .,. , . , ., , . ,
n a i i more h
i lion. Mm I, i ii a
i d n -ii ii and a
lo how the
is i i,. nil
lose by mm -1 r in
AH p f n
.- r. I . i Ir
i I of
or lo out r
bat i ii. ii in e
t-i do if
i f rm box for I. dins
i. i.
maid mi
-i ti. i nth i awl k me
l v bid I in f . i
. i. r.
If f
Lacee, Edging, Notions,
House weak pasted bill
already passed by the Smut-,
n- nil d
if Hie f
It In tin
lion. Wat
and some talk
who U on duly
retain his teal in tin.
as, look t nil lb
of one man
military a civil t at Ike
A lively
a man in this her town
who a and him it a pen
to Ilia-
turned up Ids roes and t. j. r ,. . s
Our friend,
Sid, could do nothing hut order
removal the so he up
mid n mid can
to of to woods On t-
just us n
ball grounds, the pi
one sudden out of
wagon mid lied.
and his lee and then
a dollar lo go aid Caleb the
but ala-, that pig was no more
to lie light than a
Tl mini run him until he was of
Bit job d live it up.
ii.- whole matter
is filing until the
alt the pig lay in pen. lo all
appearances dead, ail never a
life did he show until he bun cart.
P Cards
W. M. Bond. J. I. inn
In all courts.
Swift B. i
N. V. N. C
N. C
Practice In all tho
Cobb A
II. n. II. Long,
and at I,
In all Hie
W. 11.-in-1. I. i .
N. C
. I
Q J.
near Only
shop In town d
not its
toy. Without lo
Bay of two men is
to in anyone
can see Hint
allowed who is u reality
urn bulb
but was
made when
war have
i out plan gel
all glory be could nut of cup-
or the Spanish
i- f
not to
which t-. be h
by ibis was landed to
in laking It us this
hat to
entrance tho bat
ii-ii about one
moat heroic the
o Untied
collier in H-o
at the harbor entrance by
u crow
II be t-i in
after Spanish he
to nuke sure
Heel get out I
sudden storms, Ibis
these waters, should
compel a temporary withdrawal
bis ships. Lieut, and
his bravo whoso daring deed
were all c but
In bring w.
p. i held by this government
rulers from Washington
not for a Qt n.
bis army and Admiral
bis ought
to In. in possession of Spanish
or so much of it as is afloat
after tin- mid of
In this week it They
cannot, of course, act contrary to
orders. It is about for
Secretary Long to repeal
fairy nut Sampson
net being hampered
orders from Washington.
indulged come very plain
just all. r tho S. by a
to HI decided to put
for the bonds mid
in war bill in place
of for tho of
which put the
bill by tho Senate Finance DOm
lie declared that tho
he to far in
mutter of
destiny, of III-
1.10,000 soldiers now the
Stall's, behind
the conspiracy to force n bond
upon people, that
no bus
by nu
no ought to yield
to such an No
wits caused by the in
the as it a
conclusion from the
The who voted for
bonds were, Cattery,
Gorman, Gray.
Murphy. The silver Sepal
It. voted solidly
also the
Caps, Shoes and in black and tan
it the ladies, men, girls boys.
We make boast when we Bay that we full the best told
by any ore In our low n Tills l- what our
and Oxfords. A line
AS In while, blink and color-.
Shades hi all colors.
it Knives,
and war
rant- Beautiful
Hue of
Lace Curtains, Curtain Swiss, Polos
in and colors, Window Shades
in all colors-six and seven
Squares, Carpets, Matting, Oil
it g. ., i. . i .,
I'm . mi,, ,
I II i -1- u ,
bale. But w tho
tin. I be a
is to lbs inter, the c
Tin i i- I b
II. nut- I -.- n u
limn t u i en e u i-i-
markets, when tin- bu era are to and n
more closer many Next, lo n-i
than borne arc who weighing no
buy for In mo i. two in it
i I in ; i.-.-
iii am h
. i n make a
i .-i , n
Ibo cotton other
i Star.
Mats in rubber, steel and cocoa,
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps, Library Lamps,
Lanterns, see our Automatic Oil
Can, tills your lamp and does not run it over
a i
Bel in Solid Oak, In price from to
of all prices, Bedstead, Wardrobes,
I Cribs and Cradles, Lounges,
hairs all kinds, Commodes, Extension Dining Tables, Kitchen Tables,
re Hall Backs, No question these
Mo question about prims Come to u-
not profit and to
. in- our will prove a saving to Ilia
our g rail u fail to an I styles
mat benefit,
if. b.
bus ;. -in what ti
ties i
i mi -1 Ann t i.
We read v. i In- L-
be led a
baling i-i this country
i on
SO I ii ; , . i. i i .
i- ii I-. ii ti .-, . on i.
i e I
i- I Ibis . stain the
I- the rs will
baling in better protected, in weight
hi by will to
the bales as arrived I from cents t.
ii American I look- i bale more,
bad been has in in -i.
, which nil I
Indian bales I mode
lb, retail in fir I w i coll n packed tie
he tho b inches
y and inside meas
and second promptly,
the care attention th
preparing by plan-1 n will profit I ho u
leis and of and I by tor a
India. attributes Una,
I low nth, and
i ties of in I r well
not being a material and even will Ivy
in baling securely I replace oat system and
neatly. urn n in I render all gins, u
Ibis bat it is tho sort which are in Ibo
in. a.
Hie an hail
battle life i-woo.
rs mini who an
growing toe mil in ibis war
v.- iii will want a pension.
i Adams says he is a
temperance man, fur be hasn't
bad n drink i n
a bloom in on the clover,
feel while in tho
i I. w, r lovers a
. XI.
u i so
f -at and
all and have
Many a w
fa hi every frill,
lo say an unpaid
n I.
Ion s a dollar.
It is is a
loss o one to two dollars n
tie marketed in
sect o Mr. soil's
tr. ll-i-
bibs, in tho careless
d and
a aim r tog i-
-C-. in. t-iii i t . , ft
. i r I
pi I a
at r mercies ti-i.
d sell m .
only out on i
nil I will by . 1-v. n
I col ton, lo i-
,, i I met f
Ii i.
If don't
hi bill
I it
next limo
many o Those are vi a
to tho of S. rt. ma ii
might by I c-both and
in and as
lint aside from defective they e
baling, as compared with tin cotton growers and
other co ion i
competing n
lily a is i as
a of importance to
n growers
A will t-bow
advantage in o
bale, ii be a large bale
The bill, to permit
soldier tin. field to at
reported to House, from
ho Elections committee.
propriety of our
civil rights as t daring
military will be
by Out policy m s
bus been lo call on
to pi-i in duly as a at
any win n bin
no tied. To I the
right to performing
nob duly would
participation In civil govern-
Senator lost his temper
and a of ; . that
just re
Unit money spout by
tho m
to was uselessly
bold by
it v everybody Washington,
replied without
using M open to
us Mr.
I do not
Ibo of Ibis
most star from Col-
n-i r i i. to
from u Now, sir
I have said nothing to offend that
gentleman, mid I
lo to
decided to eat that
lo pie privately as
In order lo avoid canons
ii that, everybody would re-
inns a lisp in bis face, ho
has to allow tho
to upon tho resolution
the i daring
i tie present It bun been
however, thin a-
isn't as as it appears to
be. a Reed held the House
up until a bad been
arranged in the Senate tint will
enc ugh to the
Senate voting th resolution
before n Mr
raying if
a act. will,
selling Hawaii as a war
Car-dins Ins no
Bays a It the
ii I, hut III sick
ii. HT .-II the purl it l-p
iii t. It
ever . u Ike Ibo
s i
tin- mutilations
Slates. In Ibis eats do
hew ii is Stale hat secured
to stress enough
u At
pour m i
a one a heavy bale or n
light the bales
can loaded to so bettor
advantage either on cars or
shipboard that tho carriers
afford lo carry them less than
could a cation or cargo
bales of different sizes- In
Register Mr. Mm .
who ii both a cotton grower
a buyer, calls attention to
the of better
and nil . t
valuable f Ibo
is most
the more . red
an I all b lo-, exp Mod to
to it.
storm, losing in weight in tho
d in
quality the r, and ah
the pay ill th I I
lighted polio The light bag.
hi i I
tin- hales, i u
in c mi lo
. o, with ii i ions
I on, whom
referred above, who has
been writing and
Ion mi this j f r ten
em more, his
iii-iii- that i
entailed on col Ion plan
by Inn i and
for in
As cotton i. i sled tho h
run all tho w iv lo
i -i Supreme
lbs United States
r inspection low of this State
i- a matter importance, aside
from the o or
winch supported tho
the operation of laws
h is id Ibo boon
. fir m protected
ii. o
culled for
his was only safeguard,
ft r before adoption of
was not lung lo prevent
; any kind of upon
b far n-i-. the only thing about
I r any p o
. i bi rank odor
I toll ii wears as a disguise If
bad i invalidated
it would to
nil kind, fraud and
f. i h a- 11-
. i i b in
I ii of with i n-iv t- i-i
ti v. I- tho vie-
who w Is
upon our laws
in breadth and honest
th the la that it Is wall have been
I by
St iv.
i tied d
o hi tea loss
M ball s ire out lo I
mixed and for
shipment It
. v m s tying is i-
id., to n
or in hi a ship
v i
s a uniform
or small b-i packed
ii h Ibo greatest
a ma
lion in f
on or w r- Of
. u,,,. m . i-.-r numb i-
i i- ii, i. u rest
portal -ii. ii H
I shipper, u
i . p hill I
,, i
U I-W lilt-1
t- ,.,;.
M I Ar-
.- V
L-i t
. . Lamps.
t la- I
which, id i- comes out lit
the pocket or
tin boles being all
IS If, e I lit i l I
t e. on shipboard rail
i toad i n --s I
Tho style I a b t
. ii-. a
. I d
I. I . i I . .
do i- use use in i r
. , .
it mat
. .,, . . lust n-
I.,.,. day.
I. . I
. U i . t
mill over.
Cm i
w VI . Suit,
. . -1 1-1
I . J
. mo.
the s., bale-, on

Greenville, N. C. to the
Gape fell
mm hag the
;. landing a miles h-y h is advice, from
barb under
cover Sampson's gnat, Mm
having km
J. Editor
By Telegraph Co
New Yore, V,
I trim Cape n
Hie Spanish Maria
Entered at at Greenville,
N. C, M second i.-- mall i. .
Col. A. 1-
the Second regiment M- C V.
mi bis way from the to
tho tho misfortune to have
both bones iD bis left
above the ankle- His horse
was frightened by the street car
and while Oat- was trying
to rein him the horse was
by the street car, knocked down
and fell upon Col. leg
with the above result. He
taken to the House and
physicians summoned. Col-
will disabled for some
time from this accident-
men with him who dashed lb
into the channel Santiago
and sunk i M
will ever It laid to
Admiral and M a
r.-cull lie a IT n
to Admiral
on that the inn re and
and that should be well eared
lie even ed that be
tor prisoner. Tin
navy is ma
be known by who when
Simpson called bud
a forlorn hope would
probably never return, and ilia whole
lour thousand men said I will
f men Victory is sine. There
can be Ku-yr Ami
all Donor to brave heroes. Fin
lame will be
Hi V. June l the
purporting to hose
St. Nicholas, says the an
arrived there morning Ola
poll In Ii
bad landed weal
Santiago including engineers,
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Washington, June The urgency
i .
the cl at
ii bad planned in
laud the
of and a
pi The work it i believed was
Io nine hundred to
b. by and troops on the
auxiliary The
Marines landed yesterday.
Six Charted
By to
M June
i. d the
v I .
tut, d
sunk yesterday by Sampson. to M
By Cable to
bill rt
Hid lb; war ad navy
pun I-
Oregon Sinks a Torpedo Boat
Kingston, June
Antonio say it is
the Spanish torpedo sunk
by Oregon was Terror or Furor
The lighted torpedo
making toward barber and
liar u slop. The signal was
when Oregon Bred
striking torpedo
The torpedo sank
and bands wore drowned. A trio I
France say Terror is
th-re disabled. It so
Io boat probably the
The the torpedo
Terror or Furor i- confirmed
N. w York, June G --A Io
the Iron Mole M. Nicholas
advices New York
deny a Spanish
link by tin-
Ton Old to
By Telegraph
Washington June
re General Lew Wallace will not
nominated a Maj-r General on a,
count his age. He is see ,
By Cable
London. June evening
echoes the morning pap
in praise will.
The gallant was
Another Manila
By to
San June
tor and sailed
Manila. Tiny will
inn at Honolulu.
Distress Havana
By Cable
city is longing ii a Homing Span-
warships. have been
greatly and area
continue rising and distress
ii increasing among the unemployed.
a- a
A New Move.
New York, June World
y will send
i have been Issued a heavy
to be planed on the Yale
ii. before Saturday,
I the ibis
morning. Morel the
meat ii la going,
nobody Spun the
the situation, is graver
The Slip
the cabinet is and
is complete ii the was
The talk,
ere impotent
are la chance
I ii them the
The c in of peace b
bf pleas, it progressing. The
populace convinced it in
were everybody would vote
has been unjustly by
is already posing us u
I his ability
instigate a movement lb
The was J. hat
the adversaries the
It Is to whether It-
be cm
say will happen Io c
without Foreign bonds
are daily
II the ii will be
an misfortune la Spain,
is as u
ministry. The Sp in are
The N publishes an
interview K
which a ilia
will mi i a way the
Cuban adding lime
predecessor was negotiating a loan
million but
upon railway
by that u was a
; measure d in Cortes,
d troops.
By Telegraph to
New York, June The
the regiments v
east was
Governor's Island. Twenty-
second second Hew gos lo
First York poi
and Forty
New York goes lo Fort Adams,
Island, and eh Island
First Buck Tori,
goes to Fort Moil, Jersey, and
Fort Delaware. The
Delaware City and
Alliance, Ohio remain lo guard I be-
gun works.
lo Virginia
Spaniards Killed
By Telegraph -o
M. M I. It is 1-Tn. d
fin twenty nine inn.
on the
THE Finest all Wains. by prominent, physicians and
all who lure need Ii. for
and Nervous cure and Stone in the
Ula In A peerless climate, in the midst and oaks and
By Telegraph lo
Key West. June
arrived and land-
in Cuba expedition
which sailed frOS Mobile several weeks
By Telegraph to H
Montreal, June
the Spanish spy was
By Telegraph to tor.
lier arrived is morning
body Lieutenant Commander IS,
IV, Sturdy who died aboard.
By table to
Havana, June
source the Spanish
loss.-s at the on Monday
I killed aboard
A the Mercedes, was also killed.
Col, outer
cannon bearing Ins name, was slightly
wounded. Other were
i Boded by and
shells which exploded n
the land. Insurgents today
a near in
Province of d-1
one ear the
hills. Seven Springs. . Boar I p.-r day 1.60.
per mouth stables the best teams
all earn
G. F. SMITH, Prop.
W. M.
June is
landing of Santiago will
be reported today. According lo
it is lime the
arrive in Cuba
today. The War -in Mill
all plans
Santiago with secrecy. Null
cm be learned Washington
regarding lime Fighting Manila,
will embark, The lac is well to Reflector,
established the San-
demand lauding id
and time be em-
barking twelve hi
Alger has prepared a
Sew York, June
to Manila, said
was ammunition mid
Heel, The natives are uncertain and
may Irks either side. A large number
have Au-
since Cavil and
I will Hills re-
can placed prom
Account of
By Cable to
Madrid, June The
Official report Monday's at
Santiago was to tho
this morning Bloody
encounter occurred The
-e lo
land marine batteries and were
There were heavy is
were mid the Amer-
sunk Mercedes. Lieut.
was Allen, between
and Cabrera,
cress lire insurgents on I
the Americans on
American lire above Span-
falling lie
the well entrenched
The were
With Leyden
By Telegraph to
Key Wat June The auxiliary
it arrived led from
r. that ail is there
except auxiliary ml
ii is making
blaring away
aha o.
lo the In up i n
by an American Not
responding lo a blank a
s did shot across Ir r bow.
Next day she was held up by a
and obeyed
is d bar that Span.
out mi
EDWARDS Proprietors.
At tho late store Court Rouse.,
Menu fact dealers in all kinds of
Buggies a
All kind of skilled labor and
in id rial are prepared to give satisfactory
money talks. We make it talk for us
X by buying at inside prices, and we
give our customers the advantage of it. We
want to do business you. we bought
right and we sell them right and treat you
Too Late to Squeal Now
Cable to
Madrid Juno
de lie, all
Spanish Ambassadors note and
America bad
violated international la by cap
lays achieve I a
Santiago. n
can began seven lore
o'clock and the
until d
core fired. Tho at j Wring vessels
Sal are Many war, by bombarding ports
cruiser and using the
sunk. Americans landed
was up with Sp m-
1-. The and
airy routed.
generals were killed.
are reported.
Hong Kong, I. Manila
Spaniards insurgents continued
May lo June second.
Although were worsted
every point remain that
New U.
By to
New York. June new
in ibis
to lbs Iron, will be
ed by
hurry up orders
are d lo be preparatory to
Orders under
She's All
June b
trial ibis morning was
and is that the
have where the
landing troops will be made.
prisoners at Atlanta they will gain victory over
sun mill his men. As soon us is
proved by Secretary Long exchange
will occur.
So Near and Yet So Jar.
June lie
says ten
o'clock Saturday night twenty
can holly PaWl, MM have
but were so distant the Mots
not reach Sp gradually them Manila.
MM reply nearer approach the Spanish out posts were a I
ships to re by lour May
distant. The bombardment Were lore;
Sunday whole lilt alter lighting
American were atoned a thousand Spaniards
sight Santiago. billed.
light near Manila on May
thirtieth. The last one
hundred and men, the i
a Victory. The Spaniards or-
every ore
is made by lbs
coast by the gum
Cable R.
June. -No d -lulls
at yesterday
have been It is
Id ll-at Sampson has a
m and
damage to Spanish ships. The biggest
gum the American Heel were
c lour hours. Spanish re-
ports mention a
the hurried
S to
W Bell-et V,
Washington, June
troops at Tamp reported
h Cabinet which
s Mi-K r-
at delay. The President
signed bill the
fie Civil War.
M Sulla
By to
New June St.
sails today lo the Harvard and
Yale which are on scouting duly
Watt India.
Keep Open
Telegraph to
today d war
lilt- saving stations open
the year.
Heady to Strike
Telegraph to
June H It is
this at the war
that Santiago expedition would
Next week it is
capture and occupation
the war In end August
Mutters Congress
Telegraph lo
Washington, June
live Ohio
in House afternoon
to force the ahead
of Ohio,
Indiana and opposed the
Alger declined slate
sailed Cuba.
The war revenue hill is still in 0011-
The is
Congress has a bill
Shelled hem
By to
Key West,
b arrived
reports two gun
lad Cl v-
at Monday, killing
twenty-lb.- and many mote
under galls the No
were burl.
By Cable lo
Cape June
Monday at
the which
five until
ten thirty, and was resumed u short
time b-lore midnight. It Is believed
with near
east near rail-
way leading to Santiago.
,, ear.,
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call and see All are invited to
my stock and learn the low prices.
hat Ayden People Do I
We arc now taking orders
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor delivery
We do all kinds of
repaired promptly.
AID, N June 7th
The lot en nm supper give by
Sula Edwards Thursday evening was a
large present. Al o'clock the
was served by Misses
Lean and L,
ll seemed every one was well
cared and joyed the -upper. All
passed was almost
like a beauty.
After the supper Miss in-
in the parlor, where they
entertained music
which was made by Mimes Myrtle
Moore and Marie Hill.
It was then selling the
began leaving, every one thank-
ed Miss for lo pleasant
evening spent.
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Wast The Navy
lo the
report, the killing
lain tho
Texas, hat Sampson hes wired the t
N casualties on the
can aide.
is way the gs,
don't want lo buy we
there any You'll
be Sony v h-n see us going s
You sill us anT
stale we have opened our
M we don't lo at your
you do n -v-
Heavy and Fancy
kept constantly en
baud. Country produce bough
A trial will convince
A General
Also a
I can now be
store for-
by J. W. Brown,
to see
me a
More Goods for Less
or More Goods for the Same
Money than any House.
The Cork An
ii. Out.
In quality great
Such Patterns elate
At the prices we state.
Patterns rare and in-
As bargains they're
You invest good
merit sense.
Take look at my styles,
They came many miles
They keep you in smiles
No better clothes,
Than this line we sup-
From sheep ever
W. returned i n
II. in treat Raleigh
. .
I. spent
ii on
Miss who
the school near town
the f session. Ml this 11101111113
her in
C. Cobb mid Forbes Ml
lo.- to s. P.
were joined here by I,. A. Cobb,
who with th-in.
H.-v. A. of
M. B v
Mr. or
church, n-c hen-
J. this morning
Oxford bike three of the children
rue lab- Dr. V. W. Brown th-
orphan Mr. Mere vis;
at Bali and before
J. S- hit this morn
There an r- an a
ll . h r
Q .
i-. Ill 1.-
bug M iii
i- -ii
i I Ki n P
I ., . I
lb c
,. sire to b
Mr. pan r r mM hi , ,
and giving ,.,,.,.,,, res ll
I in. n in n- ii.
I. , .-. . k t- I
. . .-. la.-l Word in
in is-.--. n I Mat
. ant.
Al i-ii th .-
ems Prod
Lake lit -21 .
from his return his
Lay up y -i
a. etc. lie d I I ml
sin lo be n i
virtue in poor. God
as m win Is of all He gives bare and
will hold us the tight
use lime and
in our hands. Hi pointed
lime and energy th seen
c me
wealth and heaping up
this world,
mere Important m liter
tr, in Heaven
began lo
m; He that In the
lime ail a it would be
impossible all Moo
have not is,
his I . ;
. id
has Mr. Tears bl
lolly, bis inti -n. his
de m .
i run ii
in i. bin ; I ;. . .
ii j 1- I. was. Th-
. ;. ilia, i
longing look u ;.
compassion r th 1-1.
Ion i bis or
being mere
i lo ii. lather than lo
Every p i
in i lb
e i was re
and prayer.
hut he had I about ten in com-
us, and w let the explanation. y ,
apply lo nil. o- will begin n T. In
be said, between and M I -7. and
IV. Hi
K. D, Brown returned
Maggie Young came over this
Smith Monday 1.-
In in Becky Mount.
Mrs. name over
S. K. Monday
W. r, editor of
Ion News. today here.
A. M. Moore and K. V. Con hit
C. M. Bernard and family Ml this
morning for City.
Miss Flossie Humber left ibis morn-
; Ins lo- d lo her
Ida Dun ran and L n .
n Monday
name over this morning
a in
of Greenville
iii; photograph will be any
II BO cents.
Mora Bella Johnson
Neck, me visiting Mrs. C
C. b-fl en-
sealed he will
orders while away.
Better t M.
espying pencils Mr. II.
ton Hook
relatives near ,
r W
into his new
There is a demand evening renew his subscription,
to ship In, land while showed us old -sword
I that was used his .
n. May, in
Mr. Janus is moving his
and .-hops up
Exquisite silver fold wedding
and Mi. M. IV
June is keeping up the
preceding months this year, giving us
Hook Sure
received a large lot of nice station-
box papers, pencils,
No ever done
so many people so much n Hood's
America's Unites
Mrs who lives on
came near dying Sunday Iron
an overdose of morphine,
work by physicians saved her.
Special lot boxes nice I
war. The old sword Is three
cornered groove pattern and has a
silver ivory hilt, ll bus been will
Incitement Around the Depot
There were two incidents de-
pot lo break the monotony tilings In
quarter. The first a
cm uprising in two youthful
sons Ham, lo words el-
enough, begun their lists
lively on each The
was rapid
There was a temporary suspension
hostilities during which boys
bold a buggy whip. Tho other
lore d entrance into 111-
harbor alter the round
up with a piece cl the
whip and begun
A. II. Va., who
has been hew,
H ll-
W. T. Godwin lo Tillery to-
J. II. Mallard, is
II. led this morning for
II. K. J. II. went lo
Tins lay evening.
Smith hit morning
Ml. Cross. Va., to spend summer.
Miss Addie Johnson, Is
letting her r, Mrs. c.
Miss May Dad, el Snow Hill, i-
her staler, Mr-.
It. Ml ibis
morning lo visit Mrs.
price reduced lo cents n box, ,,, y Mi
Book Store. Come see flopped the rumpus.
It you want nice.
The News s
It will discontinue its daily edition and
commend a weekly publication in the
been in
lbs. i
and Dr.
The former is No end lat-
members tho com
have deserted since troops have
camp Jacksonville. Some
deserters have
i. may go bard Hit in.
the was dying out,
hem which WM left
to a buggy, look a notion lo caper
sonic dashed ell. get j
out tangle vehicles lo tin-
open, the runaway rig with
buggy occupied by Charlie
Forbes and B and gave
lb- m ii close call being upset.
One wheel was so
holly misled up Hint had lo be sen
port The collision tut red
horse out bis course both
hone vehicle dashed ill em-
in rear of depot.
struck bottom side up the
horse galloped id lo I Planters
liming IVa.-on net
have for been
tin s h In the
They have also been going
a closing to
o'clock in tie marring during the
hour service. Well, nobody has lost
anything by Hilt. Tim
lo make suggestion that us
I have got in the habit do.
log early in the evening it be kepi
j op for the remainder the summer,
I except en Saturdays,
cases is enough
night to pay the el keeping
open any way. by
both mi reliant tab
have teal be better prepared
RU during day.
B, II.
On Mi and nights el
next will be given In
lo- He
church, II. I. Shaw
and his three
will assist talent in
m bin excuse Biting
when can u reason it.
Mr. gave th.
excuses people sometime give
b. discussing and
exploding each u- as
along. They s y Jo sot he-
Mere there
re a great things in Bible
cannot understand. Some
say is -u-ll I to be a
Christian. They say there are so
many the churches. I i
body i says r.- an- many
my all things. Ho knows
ill be sued or not,
therefore they i with
it. Others l-i like
it, and are wailing l
S. in- say it might
say will wait
till lo
In with is Mr.
his Bible freely an-.
i very them from
Word. He look the prop under
such excuse and e
were without
It was a sermon lull
rod and one make
in. ii see position nil nil
ii ins.
the sermon there were only or
four the invitation
given at the close. Del
on Hie
of Mr. Pi
son inly for
on- lo work pray as n. I I
tor t i mi's upon the mi
in saving of I ails,
morning Mr. Pearson gave
his beams a talk
era. He look t seven char
enters Bible end hew
they had th. children
good or evil. He many very
important among in being
marriage the
of family and lion
up m motherhood, n mother's influence
in shaping character and destiny
h. i- children, things that a mother
against, an
soon h.-
talk, mid Mr. Pearson had
delivered no sermon Green-
ville but I is one lo mother, even
bi coming would hare been a bleating
lo the town, lo nothing
oilier excellent he has git.
Monday ha preached
John and parallel
in lie laid
three propositions narrative
Numbers and beside in
Ir. in i. I.
j Tims., wire bitten
You I are bitten,
A a the r.
is God's n sin. A
look on tho pan a bitten
was the a
in ii- i- i
ii salvation.
lb- n drawl i
el Moses going through
camp asking who
were bill, n why they did ml look on
th brazen live, OS
ll. and mad.-
lo sill not h
the Savior on the and ii par-
There were several tho
close Friday July I. j
I ii- day tie- .
; i Fit lay I r
t .- I'll . i . held
in the Public Sell
and the whites in Hi- While Public
School building, rite institute I I
and iii t -is attend.
Hon. f. II. . .
of I i m w iii a
Institute Friday, will d en
in ii,,. c ill t. in .
I, on I
ill party t
. .
I In
. i
. I
I, um
i b I . I d
f oiler
either I mid ads
; inly loot i
what i i; claim lo be a I
I i
. i i i ion by
f I'll .
IV . .
. . it De Is.
He i I is lo
I . . . m like
him ,. will-
and ill s I bis
I ,. i . . I her
i-l j -paper
. I.
. i .
Will BE-
Camp a K.
II ii, N. i 1898
R .
I will try I-- i oar
a i; IS i I
I. j ., . e
i nil I.
i lei.
id oil
-r. i k -1 a i in-
i -.-- hoar Bur-
.-. . i drill,
dress . . retreat,
r j -r. o'clock
t. Next
in-.- thing only dill rent.
guard in, at P. M.
It is one
rival s will be Beat home to-
Ir ii Capt.
VI and will
lit lo so.
Got your letter, We lave
. . per
I Cowl horse ran into u
C. leg broke as a
What Are.
I. i.-i riding lb. i
cycles, to and the commute
at Ayden, Matters Husk S i
Adders. .
Wilson, Wilson and frank
i visit, i hey in
behaved and I ; .
will be very much lease i to
Miss Bessie
. -1 i-t week with t
in- iv i- in.
W, Will ;. v n In Sm ;
Mrs. W, f. Nelson, W.
I and Mo. r el i
. r.
C. Ins in
I i in -ii Ports
i . iii.
Mi. i. Essie
and Jan .- B, Cars n
. i, ti. v
i. I the tins
Mis Is a id V
II ,
I i-
Falkland, re hi re Friday and
The II.
.- school look place Friday
3rd day if June. A largo audience
assembled at I ho academy which
bad been d the
Ai A. M sons
by and prayer by Rev.
Haw II
delivered a very and Interesting
A recess was then
dinner until P. H., when
began so i
,.,., I and piny r R r. S. A.
i Von. Lu-.
I lined pieces
songs d
The I hen selves
w. II The . I
sling greatly by
large et
a one I line I
We are a vine
for you -making i
for tit
at i-i- pie
In t r.
i to p v c
on . re i at
i i -j . I
know to Bell
Dress Goods
i . i
you in
iii ea and In it we
to bold ,
, ., people of Greenville
. sol
arc enjoying camp hie now aid if
i ; s bad tr will be
t right we will perfectly nth
pi, -i, u- Z is
i ii now.
anything as
sound, n. c.
Hotel, containing
been overhauled
. renovated. Is now sale.
nil otherwise will
. mutate or tress
We have just thrown on our a
d Shoes
sold at low figures.
Next Door to
. Next
d teacher. At
. a six
medals a two pi in .
M as
Alma Burks,
Miss Miry Badger, Spelling
Cud He
John A. UmP-d
Nov. -1
A new line
Moore. ilia
. i I
I bus
I lib
ill p In
man m ; Pi
I. II. I .- I'm
Mu. I'm --1 h I I BY -i
I,. . bis
gt till a over I
I is now by the
people a cur Stale county
just All made in
Lang's Cash House.

What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
. . A
n i m . i
, i . i M
Atlantic Lin
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
cheap are.
You may
But should you ever
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.
April 12th,
son. J W Smith. Alternates
Smith, S V Joyner.
Walker, G T Tyson.
L Smith.
Thigpen, Alternate. i
A v, How
Rod Molds.
The part played by insect the.
of minute vegetable
has made the subject
of nu interesting investigation by
Dr. tho
for Agricultural
That do perform this
tank, often a very mischievous one,
been known, but
i shown In tho current
number Nature, has
for good or evil, they are ac-
than had been hitherto
were tho subjects of
his first experiment. Ho had
detected the of two
B M I A in
Moore j, on of j, fruit
Manning. B C suspected
W , b K transported by the
. Passenger -Doe
am. Ml.
on i m. Becky
i m. p in
p in.
Hi. Mn
m Wishing
on p
i in, 1-30 a n
Tor a
p m.
Nu Kl Pa l M
m. to p m
l-.-ii n in.
a Mount W
in. m.
a in.
II a in.
t in.
. in. v . k ;
Ml p mi
u o .
t forest trees.
. in lo have been transported by the
ants, which were constantly
down tho
Brown. J
Judicial W w
Thomas. S A
Alternate, L
U W Bailey, B D
orate the work. First,
to ants. Ho col
a largo number of n
which is very common in vineyards.
They wore allowed access to bunches
of grapes which had been carefully
sterilized and afterward placed
conditions that prevented tho
possibility of any introduction
ii . m.
Reflector Job Printing
Anything from av s-
i -t
The c
p M ;
in. e p m,
MO p in,
v. Denmark 6.13 m.
11.11 a in,
Atlanta in.
Savannah 1.80
a m. 7.80 m,
Sr. tin.
pa put.
rm. v. pin,
11.05 am. Haiti.
more am,
Richmond am
l-l- mi.
pin. Wilton pm.
C-. pm,
v. Boston 12.00 y.-w
pm, pm,
pm. Rich-
pm. Petersburg
Norfolk pm
Weldon . Tarboro
pm. Kick. .
ant. Leave Wilton H.
7-01. Warsaw
am. am.
New am. Jackson.
10.26 am.
arrive ,. ,, .;.,.
so; T.
pro, Jacksonville pm
Savanna 1.4.1 night,
ton 0.11
inn. Atlanta 0.20 am,
am, Augusta pin.
4.21 pm.
with yeasts and molds, while
I several others which had been
even fore much longer time
J J from which the
B Cannon. Jno were had
L A Arnold. nor yeasts or bacteria on
J Grime, J J
Dr. then turned his
H to tho His methods of In-
Fred Dixon. J L we tear, would not op-
It S proved by those who share Corporal
evening. U.-v. A. W.
school . M.
morning evening.
Sunday morning.
A. M. W.
lay, evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Kev.
M. M. Pastor. Sunday school
A. M. A B. Ellington,
Sunday, morning and even Bit
B. Morton. Pastor. S school
AM. It Ki lorn
A. K. A A. Lodge No
meets and third
J. M. W. SI. L. I. Moore,
I. Lodge No.
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson I. Sec
K. River Lodge
meets every Friday II. W.
C, C. A- B. K.
II. and S.
R. Council No. MM
meet every evening. W. L.
Wilson. R. Sec.
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Save Your Money.
box of Pills will save
dollars in bills
cure all diseases
stomach, liver or bowels.
Reckless Assertion
or sick headache, dyspepsia,
a million people endorse
Pork Sis,
W E Proctor. -1 A K Tucker
Stokes, W A Stokes.
s. J B
Galloway, J Harvey Pix-
W L Clark. J A Port r.
Smith. Bryan Grimes, J J
W Venters, Robt O Can-
non, J Stocks. Israel Edward,
view and are merciful
to tho house and bluebottle,
fact, these torments of tho
man root must have had a
bad tho laboratory. The
first experiment, however, was
and A number of bits
of sterilized meat were set out on a
John Hack W W race, of them covered by
t to the
After exposure to
; to the air, yeasts
r ,,., r to more abundant
Seaside II
having been thoroughly overhauled
and Is now sale,
rent. otherwise will
be opened I JUNE
under management.
Informal Ian on or ad
John H. Owner,
N. O.
year's supplies will It lo their
to get our
Our stock In i.
ii its branches.
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
Flour, Sugar,
i W buy direct from
A compute stock
n band and told at
all -I e goods arc all
we at a
. M.
Doc Jackson. A It h and with
F W J The next point
i- the in winch
port was attested. It was first
that often
F Hart, J II C, frequent In tho bodies of flies
Sam-j and feet; next,
John Spier, John cells to of were
Alternates detected their excreta.
Asa J T Hart, J Jack- then, to study the passage of
son, C C K Hooks, cells through tho digestive
Cable Cannon, It C II M the insect.
or meat elected
for this purpose, and large
of experiments on
Jesse Branch-
j U Smith
W It Williams. Al-
Jonas It William
U J Little
them, but other
midges tested. It was
proved in all cases that when
tho flies were with sterilized
material the excreta contained no
Congressional It it but when they bad o diet of
J L Fountain. B Williams, cultures of sundry yeast tho
Alternates. It J Little- Fred Phi- bu contained in great
Gives the home news
afternoon at the
price of cents
month Are you n sub-
scriber not yon
ought to be.
he Eastern
Is only a year.
contains the news ever v
week, and gives
to the es-
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
lie subscription price.
Mm Inn 10.30 nu,
I on Th
p, m.
arrives Sock at 1.30 p
p, n,., Kinston
Returning, leaves Kinston 7.50
. Greenville MS a. m.
I at a. m.
Trains on leave
rive, 1.00 p
Up -n., a. m.
S. p. m,.
m., I p. m.
with trains or
leaves N Via a
A It. R. daily except Sun.
m p. m., Sunday t II p. M
Plymouth 7.411 P. M., p.
leaves Plymouth daily
day, 7.10 a. m., Sunday
10.05 and tie
Train on Midland c.
dally, except Sunday, 7.10
c, arriving 8.10 a. m. Re-
. leaves 9.01 a. in,,
r at a, m.
rains on Florence K
leave 6.40 p m,
P m, Clio 8.08 p in. Returning
a Dunbar MO a
7.50 a in. daily except Hun-
. . ion Clinton Branch leaves
law for Clinton daily, except
W J a. and 4.15 p, in
Train So. makes
ill rail via
also at I w
K for
ill North via Norfolk
T M. Traffic Manager.
lips. J Smith.
Judicial J T Lewis,
J W Parker. W M Lang Altai-
T M M T Horton,
E A Barrett
May, F U
Lewis. IV E
Delegates W Vin-
Moore, Paul Harrington, O
O W Harrington, W B
James, W T W King.
Harvey Allen. Alternates, W S
Brooks, K L Dudley, J T Smith.
C A Tucker, T W H
A H Critcher, W H
Smith. L F J G
King, M G R W King, t
G James, W B James. W H
dale, W H Smith. H P Keel,
Frank Wilson, B W A L
Blow. T
S I Dudley. W J H
E B It L Little, E
B Dudley, O W J II
White, W S O J
It R Flem-
B E Abrams-
J R M T tinier.
J B Little- Alternates,
T Mason, W Andrews.
Judicial -Delegates,
N R Corey, H J Williams, J
Land Posted.
All p. are enter.
upon our lands nun or or-
any other purpose, r the pen-
-I law. The lands hereby
post d are situated on tin north side
r in ad-
the m Link and
Tar river, . all specially
driving their sleek it cattle upon
the saint. The law will rigidly
against all
Jens 1898.
It. J.
S. O. Brown.
Tobacco Sticks
All turners wanting Tobacco Sticks
can get them at Ore, Lumber
excreta noun in
quantities the yea-ts that in
tho food. These cells also were
not dead, but living. If collected,
they duly germinated
oped, though tho rate of tho
process and tho abundance tho
result were found to depend to a
considerable extent on tho tempera-
maintained, further
T L Indicated that tho in-
A J B Mi creased in number in passing
through the body of tho and the
general result of tho whole series
was to that and
Certain flies piny tin important part
not only the distribution was
already but also in tho
preservation multiplication
alcoholic ferments. Insects, in fact,
contribute fur than
air to tho dissemination of
yeasts, which are conveyed internal-
rather than In Homo
eases this distributing agency may
exercised for good, but
it is fur often potent for
said tho colonel
the sappers miners will
Volunteer to crawl through the
trench and tho
was no response.
is a dangerous said
tho officer. man who attempts
it will himself very
is liable at any mo-
to get stuck. Who will
There was another brief silence,
then n thin man with n
guess I can do it, ii any man
can, colonel. I to a
of a
There is old fashioned
very idea that every
boy, no matter what his worldly
position, should tho master
of a trade. So ninny trades am
transformed and super-
by the genius of the inventor
that lbs Importance Ibis idea
may not so apparent u- it
was. Hut we believe it is ex-
notion us ever it was, sun
ply adaptation to changed
economic conditions Christian
Congressional Delegates, E A
I L n,
B A Alternates N II
M C Smith, J T
Williams, Job Moore.
Having been appointed
w administrator of tho Jesse
eased, all ate hereby
lo present all claims against the
late of the said Jesse Adams for
on or before Hi day of
1809, or this notice will be plead in bar
their recovery. All persons Indebted
said estate are requested to make
immediate settlement. This the 8th
E. W.
Administrators Notice
virtue of order from the Sup
or Dour of Pitt the
id administrator the eta of T t
Harrison, Will on M
day May, 1ST, before the
door iii sell to the
highest bidder tho of
One town lot In the town of Ayden,
situated on street adjoining lbs
lands of M. V. W. II.
and Amos Joyner, on.-
acre, more or less.
Term cash.
of T. F. Harrison.
April Moore Moore.
State of North Carolina, the Sup
Pitt County, Court
J. II. and Sarah Cox,
C. A. II. L.
K. Y. Blount.
K. J. and E. Y. Blount, who
are defendants In tho above entitled
will take that a Special
Proceeding, entitled as above, has been
in the Superior Court of
Pitt County. the Clerk, for tho
partition of real estate In tho
county of Pitt In which the
tad defendants are ti
I he J. Blount and
will further take notice that they
required to appear at the of the
bald clerk tho Superior Out said
Bounty on Friday tho 17th day May,
Iii N. C. and answer
or demur to the petition and complaint
said action, or the plaintiffs will
ply ti Court for the relict
this the
April 1-
Clerk Superior ,
We bare a
hearse and the nicest line of O
fins and Caskets, in wood, metal-
and cloth
We e a
in all its forms.
Personal attention given toe-
funerals and bodies en-
treated to our care will receive
mark of
prices are lower man ever
not want monopoly
We can be at an; I
times John
j C. It CO
Wire and Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable.
Tho St complete in
prices as low as the low
prices paid for
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN TERMS per Year in Advance.
You Sleep In an Air
That . . .
ard Lung
It a
it s
it directly apples lo lie-
it r-
a I pi i. i i
t. an cm.
cute I .- -ii
cases all other II
an I Lin I
i it co.,
. n,
or I SOU Street,
Carolina lune
I interest u the sag.
the I write
to the
of the Gib. Yes, let us el the
et our I ml b-
the count v
the ticket. Am let me
my not to
have the
convention. many as-
et the same gets up a
w- sens lit
Now let
that as has
named a i J mm Register
U.-eds, that all say
Dick and hive no
before the convention,
will add to him.
And now, I will name a
the who ii
to body in
aid one that make a
o i. That man i.-. C.
Bethel. D, C. M
Clerk, Dick Williams r cl
Deeds, aid their the other
c i the legislature and
in u return to good gov-
in the county and State,
The salve In the wind for Cut
Bruises, Sores, Salt
Fever Sores, happed Hard
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and cures riles no
pay requited. It to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
price cents per box. For sale by
Jo. I. Woolen.
Wit l
lo end it a week-
22- Feeding scheme abandoned.
Famine begun,
out to front
war in a . i k. leg done-
M war.
Nothing done.
N. i done.
M X.
I. Dewey, far from
Nothing done.
Nothing done.
Nothing done.
Nothing dona.
II. Nothing
Nothing don
scratches San d
back to K. y
Schley leaves II.
Heads- e.
Nothing done.
17- Nothing done.
IS Nothing done-
arrives at
Nothing done.
2.1. Nothing done-
volunteers called oat. Nothing
Nothing done.
from begins opt r
at Santiago.
I Ill l
your mm 1-
with the newest of new
styles, selected
care to quality, good taste and
style.-. nave a
for the people. A large
variety of the latest g civets.
The g d Bl III M I
f i- i
t . ft ;
shout the Spaniards,
A V -From th Italian
i Com
in I ii Bret, b ii
chap b a ate to
graph The Spanish
r I is
,. V
stock torn poll
A in every
ire. yo
like tie in. Styles an the
latest, t and
all fall to see
preceded and followed b
Pat v .
t sailed i
ed I h
. The Washington I;
P . la en by I y
. i will
is III
The no at
n Atlantic, and
; age in
I I so n u
u; i the old i
machines; also, an
I authority on moles.
certain cot did earth be
Dress Trimmings, U-j-.- ; ; S
of all kinds. Gents Furnishing Good. Hats and IV . Spanish
Man; i l Bel ti Bel B
iii A b endear-
I make they can crowd the
e- f. lures. Mir-J
. your.
A . to 1st
v. . urn .
, Hint
Caps, Shoes and s in black tan
tit the ladies, men, girls boys.
make no bout when we tint we sell the l.-t
by e in Ibis i.- what our
about our ard Oxfords, A line of
A in white, black and colors.
lea In all colors.
et Knives, Slums
and war
rant. Beautiful
hoe of
Lace Curtains, Curtain Swiss, Pules
in while colors, Window Shades
in all colors.--six and sever,
Squares, Matting,
J tr Mats in rubber, steel and cocoa
, ,, San
t ,
or fox coast .-
. link- iii Hie East
Crockery, Lamps, Hull Lamps, Library
Lanterns, sec our Automatic Oil
Can, your lamp and docs not run it over
you will a
Bed Salts iii Oak, In pries from to t Bun an
of all kinds and prices, Bedstead, Oak Wardrobes, i
Oak Children's Cribs and Cradles, Lounges, t
Commodes, I Kitchen Tables,
re Tables, Tin Safes Hall Ac about pleas
go about being satisfactory. Come to us your
s and yon will come out We profit aid plea
i . u on- will prove a positive
began e our fad to in
Yours mutual
ad st
ships; also a loan who i Id
his out Bet
keels arc more
no s.
indeed, the man Lo go's
Vote tie
COAL- A at
by lot the f
defeating Spanish navy-
V place costs
of money lo away.
for victory. See
Panza, reel to be upon every
wind iii tons the i the
It took the i- the
Spanish j ii a minority No-th
which runs around C k .
ocean and d Ha
put salt on its tail feather, parties
cl the result of
commerce; need by eminent that State
the Spaniard lies reel loosely. There arc
poses of thousands of voters who on
going to vole tor th b
mule, in life me man.
the will
game, for to can-
My daily table to pr,.,.,, , ., ,
use Ike Bl u . I
out, an the w
V h is
m . i. nearly three hundred
an ween Fri to
r mama who never Is iii I
. -v I bis regale
. age th u
i ink.
it j Best Men
A f en-
v. It it tie i .- that
largely up-
on d ion i;.
; be
I mi n to-
Bi re II u u-
t,. , in. In U I
P Cards
W. M. Bond. F h n ii g
In all courts.
Swift Galloway.
N- V. N. C
N. C
In all th Courts.
Office over J.
There Is use from th
malady, If you will gel
the right remedy. Von are having pain
all your body, liver out
order, have no appetite, BO life or
ambition, c a had cold, lace are
use up. hitters is
the only remedy that will give
prompt and sure relief. They act
on your Liver, stomach and Kid-
tone up whole and
make you feel a new being They
guaranteed to cure or price
en. at Jno. L. Women's Drug
Store only cents per
Into Buggy and
a. .
II. Long,
W summon, M. C. Greenville, N. C,
Attorneys and Counselors Law
In all Courts.
B. It. W. Hi
N. C.
mi vice- are
In town
Lady Adjutant General.
Miss Lena Vernon of
this city, private secretary to Ad-
governor's i
of o handsome gold
souvenir spoon, which
sent her by a well known
of as a slight
token of hit appreciation for
which Miss Powell, as acting
last Saturday-
Powell has U o honor to
be lady acting
in America, and it is
lo say that her superior
is be
tho Mies
tin of his
to tho satisfaction
Long live Major
News and Observer.
l tic Mote's
on l
S ., Him
, i I'm i
t -I II
, urn
i , hi
It has do
Spokes, s, s, Building Material
Oils and
Fair Dealings and Flo nest at
Bottom Prices.
w present men
I r
We must l nine
all ices, row op,
that people who wants good
in to
vote thou
Ci; this paste a your
A thrilling scene hat, and read it before yon
on Main aid church Hal- no ,, to any M
ft- by the heroic J l
act of John nu
of a . a little
daughter 1-
The was down loan
the buggy with little
J, L Cole A Cos
to leave III
dropped under I
pony. While the was en-
In getting the
pony made a dash and
down street. only
chill m boggy-
Church street at a rapid
Mr- teeing
He rushed the I
the n it
H, then crawled t on
which mat and
lo a
any damage done.
wan it dating and
was a
to bis in
and whole town e
brave act
He , w. i medal
ti. ii
ii Id
II; . I
I r a to
. if
North Carolina are
. ft the hands of
t and
of in many
cl fertile counties below
, h is
b under U n
of had
kepi tho
. ;
and lo
. some.
. .;. th u m
and ed at par, have
b is lb when tho
d Nor
II. Ni
p net try and
mi,. and school
, ; i.,,.,, u-en I ave a
I lie aid of
, .;,
. d scalawag
, . ; . and
I i among the neg
it most I is
II i ugly
word, rail on
t p tn i lies property
a it its mercy.
,. v lea in. good, honest,
f ,. i Western mad
i. things do
i i a they bad the re-
,. fusion
mil with
would beat inch hurt for
t In a, ti d
would vi i i entered Into the
ii ii- V have for-
, o i-
,., i f and c for hen-
, . man's
, N
them lo to the
only baa been able
ti ii mi as virtue
m people
cry of
distress i mis the
ridden a Will
ti. who have
tho i ally it and hi us lo
i j .
i e
mi,; oil
t,. h n, i i
,. Urn
I i is
, i. Mi i, I I .
in i i. a i i., u J ;
hi. at r II u
ll, . . i i ii, . i 1-II i
. i II
t. v l. I
I, , n . in. tiler ii- board, i-
, , , j . i ii on l a
i , . i r
. and l II Mi
t .,, ,. i h, A
.,. , . .
, I . ,
A S All
I i I words written Ada
y. i i-
with a tad on my
lungs, . -i In finally terms.
in Ki In
.,,. .,. ,,.,, , could lite a
hen time. I up my
Savior, t ii i
with fib nils ii l would me
,, . My
nil- Dr. King New
, I. I gave It II took in all
bottles, ll he. cured me, and
urn i. . d and
I Trial bottle-free
w o i Drug
II ll I has hot ti
ii, rely hope
on lost his

Eastern reflector, 10 June 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 10, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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