Eastern reflector, 3 June 1898

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What Is It
It is a picture celebrated -3
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap are.
You may never
But should you ever ME
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.-
Do You Suffer from
Cancer If so
Read This.
I t tori la
have tried all
I.-, any in this at
try. went lo Atlanta and put
treatment a doctor
gnat reputation. I tried treatments
it presented, with but little if any
It under
en in a small lump larger a
pea and it started eating
until it has now eaten sway OM t
eyes, one my ears is gone and
OM side toy lace.
I became by the
tr. all miner doctors and de-
to try blood medicines.
inert all the Hood medicines any
repute in country, but little
benefit. Accidentally, or say,
providentially. Mr-. Joe prated
by last r came in
me asked Be to
I stash. was altogether
and in bad health every
. aM given up to die.
thought that would One wore
her lieu did u
nil- iv I took did
lie re good limit a y ever
in building
up at bad
at and it re-
all in a short
to use it six and continued
lo Improve all lbs tune. It did mi
mole got d all tin- blood medicines
I ever mod.
ed tin M a mm- is
I have It'll
it lite year ago I It would
nil. believe I would
aces in grave lung ago
I had not been MR. Joe
J It and
the ease r, and gives
good, slop. I
appetite and Weakened down. It
me appetite a d
i would urge upon any one
who bus the h id
lo begin to mi Mr.-. Person's
and Wash at believe
any it it only
Liken it gets deep
bold. Don't lay it. H Inn anyone
Joe and
are buying a humbug.
it is all mat i tor believe
ii anyone will see I'm tor six
n will kill tin taste tor
I b line
bare been a moderate
in my nine, but taking the
I have all taste and
is repulsive to me now.
. Lit
A, t
The And New
. t
this war broke oat we
opportunity to end it
r . to know by the
If a an . . ., ,
, , . , ,, . these two castles sum
bad been followed up
the destruction of the Havana j
by the st of
by the capture of
I is. a radio at
and one at Juan.
I are
tor Job Printing
Anything from
X s
IX m a a
Tile i 1.11
fitted .
loom, I . b is i.- i ;.
tin tin
One day on native
the land north n
the having
sat down to wait
waiter ID
lug tube, in n abort t Bandy
wan very tiling-
be had ordered up,
from the bowel if the
With a horrified yell be bounded
up. for the limn 1111.1 exclaim
DO II get Me
what dill's had
or by other operation of the
kind, there would have been an
immediate end to the war.
Spa in was already on the bunk
of a revolution. It needed only
one or two morn decisive
to end the war as Napoleons wars
were ended-
But our of
are BOt Napoleonic.
They pottered
and wasted till the great
opportunity is lost.
They unwittingly
the of the
j Instead of cur
naval engine f to.
at v. v .- 1.1 they
have kept about
the mm in of an elusive
fleet whose sole purpose was to
avoid battle and to restrain our
. everything like
by ingenious man-
The is now have
a. ; on DOT
we might have made
of thirty days.
given time to
stretch telegraph wires till
C we have thus multiplied
his power to troops
and resist our lauding.
We shall the of course.
the cost of its doing, both
in money and in brave men's lives,
will very greatly increased
cause of strategy
direction of
military operations.
W even now make in end
not turn
I and the
military people loose and them
bad general is better than
o good one
had general under to cap-
Cuba would do more than
any board of strategy bent Upon
making the most peaceful
make an i u
breaking said
And the
we proceed to break
eggs the fewer eggs shall we have
to break- -New York
word Mono
Means promontory, says
Journal, these castles
are so named because they arc
perched upon
in the two cities
The has frequently
spelled Moro is
gem-rally to
interpretation incorrect
There is a plateau in Vex-
is MM called Mono-
and its vertical sides
which were cut by
H Smith
Dozier, U Williams. Al-
It J Little
B It
J L fountain. B Williams
Alternates. K J Little. Fred Phil-
lip, J H Smith.
-Delegates. J T Lewie,
I W Parker, W M Lane Alter-
L A Barrett
May, f M Davis T L
Alternates. A J Tyson, B M
Lewis, K
. W
Moore. Paul Harrington, O Li
T W King,
early Spanish invaders that Harvey Allen. Alternates. W S
Brooks, K L Dudley. J T Smith.
C A Tucker, W U
Smith, L F J O
wax one of the
fa in the
world, but it is out of date now,
and when the guns of our
turn louse on it it
will fall short order. There are
several in the
of Havana much .-
able the famous old c
with its infamous history.
Deserves This
has nothing more tender than
a pious
All an;, or can be, I eve lo toy an
Disguise our bondage a we will-
worn to rules us sill.
is the
Heaven will be no heaven
I do not meet my wile there
Even in darkest In id earthly
ill, woman's food glows.
No man can either live piously
die righteous w a
To and Con
It Wits i Trick lick
The Daily
Gives the home news
afternoon the
smell price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber H yon
ought to be.
funny bow marriage
a said
day. i
Before was
of May would
him, so he ii- to any. l
late and
. la i. i
the night ,
hint ii
he Reflector.
only a year.
contains the news every
week, and gives
to the farmers, es-
those growing-
tobacco, that is worth
many times more
the subscription price.
and evening. Prayer
I evening. A
Sunday A. M.
and evening, buy ant
Sunday A
A. M. W. K.
day, and evening. Prayer
evening, Kev.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday
than a. M. a b. Ellington,
and even
J, B. Morton, Patter. Hominy school
A M. E. B.
a. F. A. Lodge No
first and third even
log. J- M. W. II. I. I. Moore,
I. O. O- Lodge No.
every Tuesday V.
N. O. I,. II. Sec.
K. River Lodge No. M,
ii. v evening. II, W.
C. C. A. B. K.
K. and S.
R. A. No.
meets every Thursday evening. W. h.
Wilson, it.
Coleman and Hall.
both colored. to have
come from were
ed by the police on
of a
white man formerly
that they
out of His that
I 1.1
with a mull lock to
bet that he could not unlock it
k it
a few minutes
John I lull up and look d at
lock again and to bet
that could not
it. man
that be could
be had
persisted bis for a bet
the money stated. To
that be work
i walked
with hie live dollars. The case
reported to the police
both in and Hall were
re- ii- and up to await it
In am . Mayor
The la The
was not
J W Smith. J L
Smith, S V r-
Walker, G T Tyson. Alternates.
Alternate, W H Hives.
Alternate. J
C M Blount, D A
Alternates, W J James,
who J W
S -M B W
James, J S Brown, J T
W Q Little.
Thomas. S A W
James L
Alternates. L
A Mooring, D W Bailey, B D
Williams, W B Jr., W
A James, H N Gray. Alternates,
H O Nobles, T House. A B
J J Elks,
J B Jno
L A Arnold, M
J -u. J J
Alternate.- W K Galloway
Fred Dixon, J L Cox
W t; J A K Tucker, It
Stokes. W A Stokes.
No Need Apply
ii like
and it with mm
el. I in. an tin ii
A prominent Inn-
a leading m-r-
. limit i HUH lo in- r
which u being m
along i
A days age Ike n
the north e
at any
we nil
II tin. mark t
anything hut I
Congressional Delegate, U T
King, M G It W King, V
James, W B James, W H Rags-
dale. W H Smith, H V Keel.
Frank B W A L
Blow. S T
E Dudley. W J
Clark. E B L Little, E
B Dudley. W Harrington, J B
White, W Fleming, C J
It It Flem-
J it M T
J B Little- Alternates,
W T Mason, W Andrews-
Judicial Delegates,
S It Corey, H J Williams, J II
Kilpatrick- Alternates.
J Moore, f M
Congressional A
B A Gardner. H
M C Smith, J T
William, Job
Having beta appointed
the late .
all ate hereby
to all against, the
estate the . ltd Jesse Adams pay
on or
or this will h plea I m bar
of their recovery. All indebted
to the -aid are W make
day of March.
s. J B
Galloway, J J Elks, Harvey Dix-
on, W L Clark. J A Porter,
Smith, J Bryan Grimes, J J
W Venters, Robt C Can-
non, J F Stocks. Edward,
John Back W W Tucker, J O
J T Smith, B T Cox. J U
Hardy John May
E tin A G Cox
Alternates. U Allen,
CK U H Ivor, George
M Jackson, A It
II M i W J
Cox. W I- Hart, J U C
J Sam-
John Spier,
. Cannon.
J T Hart, M J Jack-
eon. C Patrick, C K Hooks.
Cable Cannon, It H M
I Pills
Liver ills.
Save Your Money.
lite box of Fills will save
dollars in
will surely cure all
f the stomach, liver or bowel
Jo Reckless
or tick headache, dyspepsia,
mess, a million people endorse
Administrators N
By virtue an order
of Pitt the
the ofT K
will on
May, the
Home door in to the
In II- r the parcel
One hit the town of
I. i no
U. V. II.
acre, or
in i- of a en-I i.
A of T F.
1-th. Moor.
We t received a tie
hoarse line of Co
Una and in wood,
lie and ever
a prepared to to i
in it form.
Personal attention given to
funerals and bodies
to our will
every mark of
Our are tower man eve-
not want monopoly
court co
We can be found any and
John ,
bail line
Dealer la
Fork Sis,
Farmers tutu
y- -tr will It to
to our prices before
Our stock U
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
Flour, Sugar,
Always at lowest market price,
as buy direct from
A stock of
IS bind and
suit rime-. Our all
and sold Sit therefore,
rise to run sell at a
and In all Pm-
i i or
pa; or n-l. of
2- palest
A U, urn
M HOM it; U. b.
j C. t CO
Suite Ni the Sun-
County, I Court.
J. II. and Sarah Cox,
C. A. Blount. H, b.
E. Y. Blount.;
E. J. and E. Y. Blount. who
arc In the above
take notice that a Special
entitled at above, has been
in tho Superior Court of
before the Clerk, for the
partition real estate In the
county of Pitt In which the
and defendants are
The --i I K. J. Blount and K. Y.
will further take notice they are
to appear at the office of the
said clerk tho Superior Court of
on Friday the of May.
In Greenville. and
or demur to the and complaint
In action, or plaintiffs wilt a-
Court relief
ed therein.
Given under ray hand, this Hie 20th
-ii.-. of April left.
E. A.
Superior County.
Wire and Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable.
Whichard, N. C
The Stock complete in
every department
prices low as the low
eat. Highest
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN TERMS per. Year in Advance.
You Sloop In an Air
That Cur-.- . . .
Lang Trouble.
rap r nil the
body it I. lit,, I
.,,, .
a I
air I., I
vi L
it in, M
after alt tier
Send Ire- I
be in it.
I in. paper.
or 1400
p. q
Made by Hit Orange t a, Obs
la the feminine gender o
The Vet per U s host
The more foal check u
i he hater he
Our thoughts leave in .
on our
He who never umpired
a e ball game.
An la t
will power.
The beat thing in new straw
are level
The punctual is the moat
come belle.
are the you g
o between the
The last man will he a
you know.
Like the a
voice at U,
The bald eagle only bird
having a wife.
The Northern now
a Southern town without a shot.
It much to hag a
m women, hut then it isn't
near nice.
It trying to be
but who cures, long
can bate charged.
The s teacher ares all I hut is
going on in school is because the has
so many in her
W. M. Bond.
N. C.
In all
N. C, N. C
N. C
in all the
it D. L. James,
over J.
H. Small, w, II. Long,
w N. C. V. C,
Attorneys and Counselor at Law
V N. C.
In all the
W. It. Ki W.
N. C.
In town
e r -e
lib hip
of hut
administration Ins thrown
upon b own
la belief by
to Cuba,
St. niters o
men to Col-a its at K y
charter, an
Ilka day, and
bark hours no
order been River,
bad c staled
invasion of would
whore it could not
it la on I ho inside of
Santiago r and is
the it could not
But i it there Tho man
can answer
more the ad
boors, nobody seems to
spout two dais
month another
last week,
that Ibo
Tint in why be
has not gone to
lime to be believes,
from -ii he baa re-
from and
fleet is inside of tho
at Santiago, before month
of which is now watching. He
has been to find out to
a certainty.
Two more ex-con-
commissions by Mr.
ex Senator of Caro-
and ex-C
and ex-governor
of Alabama, Brigadier
and it is at War De-
that several mote will
be honored Ibis week.
in a
speech in favor of coining
of silver lion
owned by tie government and of
issuing greenbacks
bonds, Sacrifices be
in this war. m. n
have been taken tin
trial the , and
are engaged in dos-
War U waste. War
less and All
people should bear Ho bur-
dens alike. must be
made, we cannot
or prevent the losses
the by an
Ibo calling of
proposed of lion In
a a fake on tho very
face of Senator said;
golden opportunity of the
bankers and tho bond holders
baa come, now they rush in
for order that they
single gold on the
try. We want war carried
for we believe it to be a
and just war. We .-01110 re
for having forced
war tho country. But we
are patriotic. We ate not
demanding of the
bimetallic hot
asking instead of bonds. I
shall vote any bill
a provision for
Senator said bis
speech on to coin
Judgment it would
would be to attempt lo
For polled satisfaction value
Cur i-i
wiled with newest of new
styles, w it la ed
rare as to git id
sty es. eon
for people. A large
variety latest g
in ever
in-ill ail the as yo
latest, nine I complete
ail right nil see
our splendid and take a I.
of the
hi o
Dress Trimmings. Laces, Edging, Notions,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and
Caps, Shoes and s in black tan
U At the ladies, men, girls and boys.
We ell , sold
m e our town Is what our Bay
A beautiful hue of
in white, and
in all Poet
ct Knives,
and war
line of
Lace Curtains, Curtain Swiss, Poles
in white and colors, Window Shades
in all and seven
lings, Matting. Oil
Cloths, Mats in rubber, steel and cocoa,
Crockery, Lamps. Hall Lamps, Library Lamps,
Lanterns, sec our Automatic Oil
Can, fills your lamp and does not run it over
On our yon will find a large assortment
Be I Boom In Solid Oak, ranting In pi ice from .
all Bedstead, Wardrobes,
Children's Cribs and
of all Commodes, Dining rabies, Kitchen c
Tin Hall Racks, Ac. No question about these p
about being Como to us your
a d y will come out We guarantee profit and to
i m as our will prove a saving to the
. . . 11- to style
Yours mutual ,
f. B
country bas
navy to
a we ought t
out in a limo peace. I have
been 1-
voted for even when
of its candidates did not
quite meet my approval. Bat in
a crisis like Ibis I do not know my
I only the
of my country. Knowing
sharp is tho political
noon Ibis I
vote for It at this lime, no
bow just it may in Ibo
proposition standing alone
the to issue
I to war bad ever
been ed without an
of bonds, and be relieved
that if the bill to provide
for an of bonds, Mr
law 1875, as Mr. laud
women Now
York have resolved lo abstain
from buying Pans
Now York
all over tho should
this example refrain from
in Ame owners so
as to reside
path lo the front Europe-
In the
The grade in
is rear admiral
rank vice admiral
iii bestowed
upon David O. On July
the v. given
on day
Porter was vine
did 1870, ard
Vie Admiral fort
lbs death Admiral Porter in
1891, rank admiral vice
admiral leaving the
. real the in tin-
Ii is highly probable that both the
grades will be daring
T at the the war and that the
rear will be
la proper
la who shall
displayed skin -s
exultant cf
can people the over It it sale
say that they will regard dis-
which may be
lei red upon Admiral I .;. us
hill. i Matt Wail an-
war to oner balm we can
.- honors won.
Row a Company A N. .
N May j- ,
Iii 1.1
I of 1-1 as It stands
he Adopted.
Th ii,.
Lu .
n V c. n this,
-v -ii. her approve,
endorse tin a .,
National and Mint platform
and pledge rm
ed. .
I if .
is ., ,,
r. n the
; f F
,. r, r.
proper of the
II t u. , ,,,,,;, s, ,
ad and i-
In sun-
methods to it.
defeat Teller
bonds payable in silver an wall
and it for its
mini of more
fastening the single
avowed hostility to
TS I .
lab J id,
2nd. II
Greet vi lie.
J V Johnston.
A P 1.- .
U Ox-
t Oxford.
Quarter Master, W
t. H II
lad. H
3rd. S Moore.
i h.
J II b
Wagoner, J M
Musicians. H A Blow,
A Beck,
M i J P
Arthur Rods n.
Pa. Albert for its
VI p Jones, free at
R II V Lane, silver, at well gold, at ratio
W P to at full legal tender
P., John
May tied. Pa.,
J Browning, income
Moray Falls j tho
party for is lo
Issue at this lime, and we
the tax
lull tho House
of t and
and Vexations, we
Hoax What the matter with
No; baa
trying to shake it off.
Greenville; W L
B B ; K V
U E mil,
W Willis
B U Flat II W
Q. b.-t Edward Greene.
Harris, V
J ll lick-.
J II Char-
B Greenville
ii L
B B L Meadows,
H Miller. Falkland
M Li Perry,
Liberty; W F
J Buy, W A Bay.
Va; A II
F Stabler, Marshall; J U
Ii J Marshall; M B
The only ones Pill
lo pass
n were 3rd Sergeant W. K.
end Private K. S. Marrow, though
bum c .
Ons any red
pi, We are Co. A. fad N. Vol.
second regiment was n in
this rooming.
All the a Pi be-
ID tin; were to
our company lo ii out.
have lender mi
as el Battery Tell Jim
White to call meeting to el
as Uncle ho
oh r fey-
I would telegraphed u an
w ii- in, as promised, hut h-
are troubling r vi-
The -ton I i- to one w t
per day bat not la led to y I
While above Was written Sat-
it not u Moil-
day, and tin pi
say that In tho
lo position in lbs
lion being later than Sgt.
hater wt on some that la
ML Instead ft he W
out lib
this I'll
keep it. Tiny may not see m
other complete our
puny a. it mid
in may b
an t read this list.
0-.-- . , I f t II I
ore Suit, R
to your
. fl Una Write . e
VT fowl, a
l SON,
inane ;
I Slates Tr. n urn .-.
i- nine th
war with and t supply
deficit he
While we war
Spain, we pledge oar earnest sup-
to in all
to a son
and hi
We ex-
of the pies ml It
We dent once of
H two Leg
c i towns in State have
been turned r i d
at laws will
properly end of
town in the
We of
committee to
white and pledge 0111-
it restored to power, in
such legislation as will
make this
nil legislation
law end
tho an par v
ca Hi
ignorant, mil nor-
o oppose removal by
suit or from
and favor legislation ti
We favor fair and just election
favor a of
people, to people for
In esp
decency in
constant of
favor fin- of
c lo D
man. lion James K. Jones, and
o committee.
admire and
iii hi- great and gal-
fight made by Hon William
I. tho last National
campaign for of cur
party and tho principles of cur
call ti
. and honorable
administration the of
r Slate for twenty years
lo Ibo present
and promise people
R return of v honest,
and honorable
it. r We
believer in honor,
and every
n-on very of
and anon every
advocate of the income lay, and
opponent of tariff
taxation, every of
of and
opponent of tingle gold
and presort issue
of bonds, threatened by tho
party, up on every
opponent of government by in-
junction, and advocate of I ho
of S ate courts ever
cases arising in t a
therein, upon every
act good
a of
and tho prevailing
con lo null with us
our contest h
; a- our
principles, aid in redeem-
Nation from the dutches
greed and
State from tho scandal
Two Ways of Looking at
Tl it a inly Hint morn of as can-
not the twofold way of
W. e Jane Ladles Home
Journal. There would
n if did. and
broader and fuller
; . i w
of living
unless Ibis
And that it
be admits of no
a of school-
ourselves to
generally what
not happen lobe to oar If
for we prefer bravo M
a color there no or,
why I Hie
of any one who to wear
, green. vast majority of
us lie d is to more
stem, to i
i white men t f the
tin- extension
and n into
m order to ascertain,
establish d snob
as lair to
people to the transportation
e . I.
favor t of snob
to Investments
within our State, and
same shall be
a of
to in tastes of
do sot please our
own pun all
aw the same plays, wore the
same color, this would
exceedingly uninteresting world.
We cannot see all things in the
lama way. can come near
to lice trim respect by
a I fold view of things while
till retaining our strong
ml Siloing
rood or ft v does
nit it v a weak
in world
, those who assort their
forces of the country in the , ,,,, ., Q
and M , v ,, .,
. all voters, tho hand, the
to past to, ,.;,,,,. ,, ,, ,
porting our ,, .
candidates of

Greenville. N. C.
S. I Editor
Entered t Hie pout office at Greenville,
and murdered Hart-
U year old
and taken to jail t
a mob of e III
the jail, look Ml the
and lynched them, leaving the bodies
hanging to the limb from which
The c the
crime. While lynching to
deplored the no more
than they deserved.
Mill Santiago
By H
point to a on
by army. The is
in-u and and
iii barber, Mil--, may
By to
Wisconsin regimen
ill eating pie them by
An thawed
r soldiers
and them
camp. An Ration has been
By Telegraph to Reflector
New York, May British
steamer arrived here Ibis
morning, and reports seeing Via
ran and Maria of the
at Both
s.-ls were in bad had foul
bottom, the ere short of provisions
and one sh
were am Ml at Cur .-
The captain took
photographs the Spanish
which lay close to
Col. Speech.
Upon being
chairman of tie State
convention at J. S
Carr the
Fellow steel yen
I urn deeply sensible cf the very
o me dis-
friend, Hon. Clement
Manly, the very worthy chairman
of the Slate
has conferred
upon me in mo as
chairman of this honor-
able body. I em pleaded
to serve the Democratic
party in any capacity, tad my
countrymen, bow I am
to lead the van. when patriotic
and Democrats such as
me today to
follow. How happy I am to
stand even temporarily as the
exponent of I he who has
stood as a pillar f cloud by day
and a pillar of fire by by
best interests of North Caro-
May, like white plums of
Henry it of
Being as you are. fellow Demo-
of the people combs as
yon do, fresh from people,
animated only with purposes and
resolve, that promote best
interest of all the people. I be-
speak for the deliberations of
this convention your wisest,
patriotic and most patient eon-
I nil now is
the time for or personal
lives, fortunes,
welfares, and future of
Carolinians are
this therefore, be
patriot.-, quiet yourselves like true
met, and may the God of
and right you with ability
to dis barge your duty, Hy,
In in i v and fearlessly.
Whatever proposition
with honor that will vouch-
safe the return or harmony,
pines;, peace and prosperity to
dear distracted and dishonored
North Carolina, that may be
submitted to the deliberation; of
this convention, standing four-
upon tho great
of Democracy,
Heaven give you strength o
to the the chips
fall where they
Might I the ear of tho
Democratic be-
yon to resolve this
know no too within the Demo-
fold. Be it your concern to
give only to common
Bury your enmities-
despise and your
and forget your dislikes-
Let nut strike D
But strike your your
Strike the green graves cf your
For Carolina and
By Telegraph to
K-y Mar crews
this miming brought in a
day trying run cargo coal into
Santiago. The Si. Pail made
alter tiring shots. The
ii ii ran for barter hut
Paul and her.
Cowboys Cone
By Telegraph to
San Antonio, Tex. May
last DO
. . . , led tor Tampa last
mobbed tie I
Bryan May Lose
By to
Lincoln, N. b. May J.
the Colonelcy are
growing smaller, Governor
has ordered the recruiting the first
and third regiments to lull Strength and
men will probably be taken from
by Bryan. Bryan's
full regiment Will not under
No American There
By Cable to
Iron Singapore positively denies
story an American warship is
Treaty With France
By Telegraph to
Washington. reciprocity
treaty France was signet
day. its provisions I
canned and
h are into a
per on duty. French
brandy, works and other
are here large reductions,
Treaty in June lit.
Blue and Cray Both
By to
so- .
day cloudy and
e principal were
held. Many were from
Camp Alger a f. w milt All
the were visaed
and lull. Con.
federate at were not
By Telegraph to
Washing n. May -1-
ad this mom.
will attack to-
day and the
is or
at Manila
By Cable to
May ad-
the Americans
ire suffering losses from various dis-
chiefly small pox
the army how son the end
attempts to
Hie harbor will ha done
until invades m
troops have
siege guns, pontoon and
road building outfits. The
transport leaving carried
was joined at Ky by
marines from Panther.
leaves lama en he Ban-
is intimated lb c If Ma cl
ill be
by a movement on
ding thirty men
Fatal Mistake.
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Si. Louis, May s
wood, a traveling salesman, was tilled
It a store here a
solution cyanide think-
be waler.
By to
June Dew-
him by Congress Is
Manila victory.
The President transmitted it to
By Telegraph Mot.
Neb., June
Mississippi at
noon. Buildings very and
and arranged a to
out Crowd large and
Attraction are model-
led somewhat alter Chicago expo-
such Midway, Villages
Nations, Wild West, lie.
sent a telegram
and good wishes.
Anxious To Go
By Telegraph to Reflector,
are packing to
southward. Groat
prevails and is many
will go lo Tan-pa immediately,
though exact is unknown,
all being r All r.
to the
Ky West, May expedition
by Florida was a
with n
large anus and am
w-.-re safely landed in Cuba
firing shot. The was eon-
by the has
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Mo., May Five
and a amber
lings ware burnt Ion
Pitt Rifles
The lust company to be in
to the second regiment of North Ciro
volunteers was the Greenville
company Col. the toys
a nice highly compliment
them far in holding on
with such had their
and become lull-ll
ed Slates boys
proposed cheers for Col. and
rousing yells up from
company for The
boys had only forty-seven in n when
they hit here and a
these returned yet they have held on
and until are now
numbers o forces
and ready to and credit
county and town when an
I opportunity is to meet
Steamer Foundered.
By Telegraph Reflector
New May steamer
Kingston arrived today
Jamaica and reports having sighted a
steamer ashore off Cape on the
east end Cuba, pounding heavily.
The steamer is probably the
of the Boston Print Company on
which vice President Captain of Cuban
Republic is supposed b a
each one this day,
our first and highest duty,
shall be to North Carolina, that
victory shall not fail the Demo
party in this for the
lack of any effort or on
our part.
Here, today,
flinging away stab- New
bards and swear upon tho naked Juno Pr,.
will win fight j dent nominated
Carolina, and the Dem- O, Danville,
Troops Ordered
to Reflector.
n, May Miles
h is ordered his special train for to-
night direct to Tampa
oops will leave
White yesterday.
is ordered to begin en.-
barking today. Six warships
are ordered Tampa convey sol-
and others will be
Tin Gen. Miles will go on
Ci Dry Socked
By Reflector.
New York, May disabled
Columbia will dry docked
this and repairs on
the big hole in her side. It expected
it will lake ten days to her fir
Negro Beats a Cavalryman
By to
Lexington, Ky, May
a eel airy man named insulted
wile a who caught and
so bis is despaired of.
Cavalrymen excitedly gathered at jail
police station searching for the
II they would make
t work of Dim but Governor Brad
and l persuaded them
to return to camp.
Restoring Wages.
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Ky, May ten
per cent reduction
t es die Nashville rail-
way in 1893, will be July 1st.
Peace Negotiation.
to Reflector.
Madrid. May
in that no negotiations
are on tool with any power for peace
Spain and the United States
lit hired the Maine
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Key West, May SO
was observed here. The graves
victims lbs Maine and Winslow
were h flowers by
and naval
party, or be borne from
the field deed our shields.
Va. S. B. V;
Jones Hickory,
Fleet ill
By Telegraph
Key West, May All is at
Havana. are
to business, and no ships
pass. is well
everything needful.
Boston Crew Sick
By Cable to
Hong Kong, May I.
that there is
on the Boston caused
by eating fish supposed lo be
Dewey fired on the Spaniards reducing
ons and work to be
Another Spy
By Telegraph to Reflector.
New Orleans. May e
man attempted to run guards
Sunday eight. He was shot and
wounded pickets.
man is in jail and is supposed lo be
spy. His name Is refused the
Invasion Ready
Hy Telegraph to Reflector.
May is
tho objective point invading
army Tampa. No
of this by army naval
Seen Lang says tiers IS no
that Genera's fleet will be captured or
destroyed soon II is impossible tor
to escape and it depends upon
Loved the Sweet Singer.
By Telegraph to
N. Y.,
a erase lever of
near here yesterday ill
hovel. a
victim of a joke years ago an
tho singer all over
He all his and when he
learned of the joke, lost his mind.
By Telegraph to
June noon
the navy had
ed nothing from Commodore Schley
at but,
reports arc
still. M rs say
report i's sneaking tut of
the Sunday an I
fleet are They
say is understood here Schley is
lo undertake the on of Sin
without further orders, and so far
as known, no such have teen
sent. A-my
greatly interested. h not
lined lo I his
bouts are .
Attempted Attack
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Washington, June
has no official news Ibis
last night's reports of
Santiago forts. Navy
officers the reports.
say there may be a counter attack
y to wake the Spaniards up
return for a-i attempt two
to attack
Sunday night under the over dark-
The do boats came out
harlot- hut Texas discovered and
fired upon and they scattered
hack into shelter.
New Management.
THE fine all Mineral by prominent and
all who have used It. A positive cure for
and Nervous Ion. cure tor and Stone In the
Bladder. A peerless climate, right In the midst pines and and
hills, . Seven . Boar I day 1.60.
per week mouth Livery the best team lot driving
G. F. SMITH, Prop.
W. M.
A all j to
EDWARDS Proprietors.
At the store Court Home,,
Manufacturers and. dealers all kinds of
Buggies a
All kinds of done- We use skilled labor end
material and are prepare to
money talks. We make it talk for us
a Dy buying at inside prices, and we
give our customers the advantage of it. We
want to do business with you. We buy our
right and we sell them right and treat you
Let the Smash Cine.
Telegraph to Reflector.
situation e member
nothing lie done we
from Schley. This taken In Indicate
Schley has Is things
Measures in
By Telegraph
Washington, May The House
penal a bill lo
continue the hie saving stations on the
Atlantic coast during June July as
a war measure. In Senate
in favor of Hawaiian annex-
and President
bi s I by country be
to possession Hawaii as a military
Troops Active
By Telegraph to
Ale., May
corps is ready lo move.
ate proceeding
and it expected will
embark. While is
unknown is they ill to
Sixty days I Id rations
were ordered.
By to
Key West, Wat-
son the of his that
auxiliary Si. Paul, had
captured the Spanish warship Alfonso
XIII. to put seven-
teen into the before they
U her.
By lo
the bill imposed
by was op-
by Bailey, of Texas,
ha would never
countenance have a
House accept a in
a my.
Br to Reflector.
a decree
the i internal a billion
at per cent.
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Key st, June I The
bout returned
the Cuban blockade reports hat
she the. tun Leyden blockaded
the out
on morning, shot
taking good Only one shot came
the shore. The hastily
et rented, and the house demolished.
Miles at
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Tampa, Jone Miles
rived here this morning. The Censor
to any in
in to go out. Gen. Miles
will the troops us soon as the
necessary reports are made him.
Spanish Account
By Cable to Reflector.
Madrid, Juno Senor
Minister of Marin has received news
that American u re
at Santiago. on says that
official describe how the
squadron the
at to fir-
sixty shots. The replied,
Spanish Cristobal Colon went
to mouth of the harbor, and
the American ships retiring. It says
that one American cruiser was dis
Chandler on
By Telegraph to Bell
Washington, June Ibo Senate
Chandler mads a sharp attack on
administration its failure lo push
He charged the bi-
commission was only sent
nil lo satisfy silver men. II
was severe on Secretary and
dis gold convention, lie
m as
voled silver, ho didn't see
any more in tho
dollar than when it
worth orris. The men
greatly enjoyed Chandler's remarks.
the celebrated
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call and see them. All are invited
my stock learn the low prices.
We are now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor delivery now
We do all kinds of repairing. Bicycles
Heavy and Fancy
General Horse
Also a nice line of
kept on J now be found in
hand- Country bough
and sold,
o a.
A trial will
the brick store for-
to see
More Goods for Less
or More Goods for the Same
Money than any House.
In quality great
Such elate
At the prices we state.
Patterns rare and in-
As bargains they're
You invest good
and sense.
Take look at my styles,
They came many miles
They keep you in smiles
No better clothes,
Than this line we sup-
From ever arose.
HE R E F L TO R i to
in righting. Monday altar a
taken of the
going up and down Hits in-
quiring for a policeman.
Local Reflections.
months the y
S. i,
Slip at cost it
Beautiful new line
and White Goods at Lang's.
Fire Wednesdays five
days this month.
A phone has placed in W. .
store, N.
Tho train was away oB
Monday night,
cream, and all kinds of
W. C. Minis.
Many people are coming in
lo attend
of mined by Mon-
day's storm continue lo in.
County will meet in
regular monthly next Monday
commencement Carolina
Christian College at Ayden is in
rend of W
K Parker, agent.
Tax listing time with false
swearing accompaniment with us
Attention is called lo the of
of personal properly by I riling
A Harding.
The town of baa a case of
small pox.
The was an boor and
in pelting in
The storm Monday gate
Tin carriers rough line
During the storm day
a colored boy Henry
killed by lightning
Only Two I-ailed
W. K. Nichols and S. E.
home Saturday
from camp These
failed lo pass physical
before the examining being the
only two from Pitt county who failed
to pass. It must be said lo the credit
of two that they to
boys to the last and were to go
to the
For Pity Sake
We had hoped in this
age would never necessary
print another article about people pull-
flowers from the cemetery, at-
being called the recent
of an act we more
speak about If Surely people who
pull flowers from tho homo of dead
must do so thoughtlessly, hi lo
how even love for flowers, or
the possessing
can lead any one lo rob grave to
gratify such pleasure. Header, it you
have of such an act
do not commit it Let your
pride, the memory the
your respect
last of I lie
do so.
to gel 0111- Mr.-. T.
J. made a misstep and injured
one so that she sutlers much
difficulty and pain in gelling
and all
The Pearson Meeting
R. . Pea's n.
hold a ten
Lire. Th.- are held la
Star warehouse A. M. and B
. r. M. Tie building
seated and well such u
me III g, need -lay away
from m it
being able to l a stat.
Mr. Pearson given
f to work and held
I east watt.
His name is
Country anti good he done is
He does net believe ii
any clap-trap or high
his Meetings, but
e and
lo- king to lie Bible for
of every lentil aid
relying implicitly open th holy
el apply e lo
hearts hi.- hearers. Such
tail to and
we a great
to lo his meeting
Mr. Pearson I bit service
lien- iii
at o'clock, Iii being Iron
SiM. His tea
and be d
that man nut by alone
but by work, u w
question How is d in
licit is by asking
again i-
men lie em
it is works God m
and knowing all things, j us
our white can
us by our works, th l our
Beery point in the ho lolly
by tin giving a
for every
Ai night Mr Pearson's last
and It He used
in; c r-
we sow we MALL
reap; leaping is like the
for we
also reap ; d reaping is in excess
lie as gather more than
we sow. Under each these divisions
need dear mil
illustrations, bis
p; n any
Mr. Pearson me. tings
on business methods, h
at waiting
body. Tim nice
slain mil close
friends ever during Hi balding just one
the last few days. A sweet
of Kinston, spent
II. P.
W. L left this morning for bis
home in Graham.
Mrs M. L. is quite sick
her residence on Pitt
Miss Lillian Penny Hill,
is Mrs. D. S. Spain.
W. returned Saturday
T. J.
evening from
Will left this morning
have bis treated.
Miss Blow home
In at
J. mid family, Oxford
who have been here
Mat 81st.
M. K. went lo
alter brief preliminary
is asked
mutt I re -How can
be Ii, g, I,., r, r areas d
n length, making
lion is ; hon
I, spirit. It ,.
n a, Hi d tea m by giving
0- a
regenerated wt are hi lo
without we Bani
see the without is
God's way salvation, we must par-
take r I His nature. Then are three
things by we are
means, Bad agent. The
means is the Word, the is
i- if e II st.
It was a airmen through l
through Mr. held the
closest the huge .
by Hail and
L. I. Moore hit
his morning for
It, Tyson morning
I or Chin el Hill.
K. K. Griffin returned even
ling from a trip to Wilson.
W. B. Wilson and
j Monday evening from Plymouth.
T. J. Jar-is Ibis aft. r-
noon for Snow Hill appear in Mae
referee eases Judge Shepherd.
W. T. ahead and wile, Scot-
land Keck, who have been visaing
family f J. W. home
this morning.
Mrs. T. J. aid Mrs. J. B.
Cherry r evening
I Wilmington w lore bad been at-
lending the King's
L. C. has been n wear
a broader and creeling his
A sweet little girl
at his heme is the of
W. Smith is she .
I is in
K. T. Andrews,
Dr. C. J. went to
K. returned Tuesday
B. Cher.-y Jr.
left Ibis morning
J. W. Wiggins returned lo
ibis morning-
Miss Bailey, of Suffolk, is
Mrs. F. G.
Mary Alice
home from school Wilson.
Mrs. Greene county,
is visiting Mrs, II. Li Coward.
K. It. went
night returned
to Ayden
Mrs. K. II. of Wilton,
is Miss
Mrs. and Mis; Clark, of
Mis. II. L.
Mrs. L.
came in Tuesday evening to u it her
lather, J. I. Daniel.
Miss arrived Tues-
evening lo make Greenville It
borne foe a few months.
J. Cherry wife mid Mrs.
Henry Sheppard returned this morn-
Rev. J. F. Cots, editor the
and Prof. K. F. Dawson, o
Washington, parsed through
for to com-
Carolina Col-
A small annex is being built lo tho
Gorman factory, occupied by the Amer
An Infallible Teat
An lest to to the
of fights. II the Associated
fathers them, are apt be
correct, tor agency has first
facilities is very careful what
, I; v.- out. It e stock market
rut reports of big victories, t nibble
at bail. If the government gets
good near, you bet your bot-
tom will not bold it back.
is only Ku glad give can Tobacco Company, lo be
hour. The
evening begins
a Half song an I p-ayer
the town are
most up daring both
the morning and evening service.
The choir at Hie mealing It U
one, Ii composed of thirty
voices and lour
violin, piccolo and
Mr. Pearson Ike
morning service with a Bible
lo use
He had
the audience coll lib n
of passages
for use among classes, as
these were read he applied
and comments M
impress them. in
every of with Bible words
or as he with
lie let Unit do its
The storm Holiday evening and
night only a small attendance
at right service. The weather was
SO bad that only the men c
out, Mr. Pearson said be
going lo ii lo old
men's prayer ling. There were
number of earnest prayers
ed Bid in all it
meeting. Some
were present and these were
for prayer.
At Mr
Pen-son give his in-
It reading, hie
being fur lie bad
naked to their g
with and when a
hands he scored the
Christians especially more of
them did not have along.
there were n number of in
audience and having them
look port in the by
Mr- and
which be
lion n lo
en be best lo work
saving of souls aid lead to
Al night tin re III a
gal on and entered hear
iii tho song and prayer service
preceded the sermon. Mr. Pearson
took us John not
unto line, yd must be
His Mi
this was
visited by a hail
via it v. cl people say
never Ml a one. stall-
ed f, and f r hall an
boar stones pelted down
lie g was white I i II
lb-in. In corners nod by
s the
atom a -I
cooped up by lull, in
ii would
rake up a till load in a small ;
Along with Ilia ball was heavy
and n
wind Unit misted an re
s and r the
streets, Tbs entire upper Iron Mr,
A. Brady's m was
down across the sidewalk other
in the storm Out
in tobacco row
done by breaking windows In
every one the lour us
skylights peppered fill
there being upwards Shy
broken In Gardens
town were pretty badly
So we can learn e hull
a and did much
in various
ii on suM saw
a, far Halifax and mi h.
have even n I
I seem.- , n
its Several .-
were and n people butt.
Sou th bail .- were. Ii
On Norfolk
the bound train
before getting to In e an.-
of this train was delayed
acre than hoar.
that lb hail
I . lie says not lo ex
per cm the is loll on
town were broken out.
West and south lb a hail did
not extend but a miles, but In in
easterly direction on both
river damage
Hawks, is t
Line, tells us bail and Storm here
nothing in n to what it
WM in Halifax county. then
destroyed and anal dim
age was done lo buildings.
Both end lines
by storm.
II. Tin 1898
N. M. I, mt.-i I
r lo J II ell
I I ml iii
n ; .
storm lie i snip -t rd
south Iowa tie wind d
bail did damage t crops in
I J. C and U. A. I,
L. W. A. Tailor had i
; l dun . Mr.
W. A. being
in the storm. He was knock d el
nil by lb I ill cl a
top. bruised up
I bail . ii over Ike
C. T. Bailey baa taken charge el
post e,
II. Hi a prominent druggist
Sunday night
A n Ion d baa
i to mo n. r
ti rains
A in
Simple Quick Cur for
and cent Bottles.
Iii. mi i, N. 1898.
V Iron
win iv b-i-i Allen N
J. I. Hi
to h
here .
H; m i i i
week her i-i i,
ii l
II. W. A. in
UM lie I Ml
with Mis. J. C.
D. C m
I n;
PrOf. II. V. Will
Kid t II
will in
A. M
Mn J. At wont in
Union Meet
We money
trading; buyer, to lbs
bus r.
pay from cent
ore elsewhere than we
fur equal
We know how to el
Dress Goods
only .
a- b If we don't k I.
yon m . i.
-i and treatment we
c hope bold your
fay r-
Col. J- D. a North
i a of
by y.
will he in ii hi-
for the i h
Paul Lee Iii-; none.
M t Ty- r.-ii. i.
i ix l. i.
in 1807, l r a
Mr. L. Tyson, i at
that lime, living in the
a cruet
.; n I of Col
Mr. n i- a ton of Mi.
I who in
Pill county.
Mr from the
Ian . ii. with
and at once, in
am in United
I Ian a Prom until two
go be
part J Ii
be i-.- s in
Hid an
Prom 1836 t.
i. engaged ii
. i i law in
hi 1887,
a mm
who i- i Colonel
and mi mt
ii-. I Beat a-
M.-. a lawyer
j daily and hi
i with Spain
patriot. i he
the general government.
win l U-ii trained lo
i i- Iii country not
oiler ti
n u.-e ii-u them.
file in in
Li a ho
-i i with
n n e in .
Carolina the
Unit who Will be
by hi r
Pea .
W . SOUND, N. C.
3.1 looms,
been thoroughly
and i lean or
rent, will
opened f
competent Km
inform n ion or
John H.
I N. O.
at a Sacrifice
We have just thrown on our counters a
and Shoes
which will be sold at low figures.
Remember all other goods are also
included in this special cost sale.
C T Next Door to the
V. I. Bank Greenville.
A new line of
Dress Goods
just All made in
Lang's House

What Is It
It ts a picture celebrated
Best in use The outfit no business man
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment these Fountain Fens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you sea them and
earn how very cheap the v are.
You may never
But should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.
Reflector Job Printing Office.
Anything from
O v
To Judicial and Congressional Con-
Judicial Delegates, Ty-
J W Smith. J L
S V Joyner-
Walker, G T Tyson, Alternate.
W L Smith.
Alternate, W H
Alternate, J B
Judicial-Delegates, M
Moore. Alternates, W J
J H Manning, C
J W Thomas-
Manning. OB J B But-
M Jones- Ii
James, J S Brown, J T Nelson,
W Q Little.
Judicial- W
Thomas. S A U
James L
Alternates. L
A Mooring, D W Bailey. B D
i William, W B Jr., H
A B N Gray. Alternates.
H Q Noble. O T House, B
Con J B
Judicial-Delegates J J Elk.
B Cannon.
L A I. C M
Jones. J Bryan , J J
Alternate. W K
W t J A Tucker. B S
Stoke, W A Stokes.
J J Harvey Dix-
on, W L Clerk, J A r.
J Bryan Grime,
W Venter.
non, J F Israel Edwards,
John Back W W Tucker, J O
J T Smith, B T Cox. J H
C Hardy John Hey
Ira A Q
Alternates. B
Johnson, H lye.
W Jackson, A B
M V Summered W J
C -De-legates, E G
ft F Hart, U C
Gaskins, Sam-
Spier, John
Asa J T Hart, W J Jack-
son, C T, Patrick, C K
Cable Cannon, K C H M
Jesse Brunch.
gates J H
W Al-
Jonas R
B J Little
Alternates. Little.
lips J II Smith.
Even little things like posses-
pronoun, says the
Philosopher, figure
in war. For instance
every mine in Havana l arbor will
soon be our.
What news, this ask-
ed the President. Well, said
Secretary. I'm not I
Schley.- Have you
snare He replied
with one word, but can't be
certain whether it's net or nit.
A new kind of a church lottery
is the of a congregation in-
which is to
equip its for a two
stay in the Klondike on condition
that if he make a strike be shall
off the church debt.
The Daily
the homo news
ever.- afternoon
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber If not you
ought lo be.
The Eastern Reflector.
only a year. I
contains the news every
and gives
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
. price.
s Pills
Cure Mi
Liver ills.
Save Your Money.
One box of Pills will
many dollars in bills
cure ail diseases
stomach, liver or bowels.
No Reckless Assertion
sick headache, dyspepsia.
constipation and bill
a million people
I Liver PILL
Atlantic Coast, Line
Judicial -Delegates, J T L
J W W M Lang- Alter-
E A Barrett
May, F M T L Turnage
A J Tyson, B M
Judicial J W Vin-
cent, F K J L I
Moore, Paul O L
T W King,
. i. W S
Brooke, EL Dudley, J
C A Tucker, 1ST W H
A ii Critcher. W H
Smith, L F J G
B L Cm.
King, M G B W King, F
G James, W B James, W H Rags-
W H Smith. H F
Frank Wilson. B W A L
Blow. T
E Parham, I W J
Clark. E B B L E
White, W J
i- KB Flem-
B E Abrams.
J B Little- Alternates,
T Mason, W Andrews
N B Corey, H J Williams. J u
Alternates, Unite.
William., Job Moon.
T it that I. th
. r
The t groat powers
are changing, tee is lie
I filter of their striving
The that this ocean
are destined to he the actor in th
next drains of the world
the stage thereof. England
Is the greatest of these powers
she owes to Canada, and to her,
in east. Russia
destined to a future greater
desperate efforts to build up for
herself an foothold in this
China's vast population
and wide territory make her another
factor in the problem. may be
conquered and enslaved for years,
hut the great vitality, tho great in-
the exclusive
of her people, seem to destine
her to nu ultimately independent
national existence. She even-
emerge from her position of
subjection and inferiority and be-
come one of tho great nation of the
earth. Julian's role will a smaller
one, hut the inherent identity of her
interests with China's must make
allies against Europe in work-
out their common destiny. In
tho bands of these powers lies the
future of the Pacific, and the future
of the Pacific is the future of tho
Our country cannot shut its eye
to this condition. The people of
America, with a rapidly increasing
population producing more
they consume, with an
character that brook no
with a coast line greater than
that any power of dotted
with flourishing constitute a
factor in the future of tho orient
that DO apathy, no neglect, can be-
little. Whatever policy may
have inherited as to entanglement
with European powers must be
carded here. Tho people of the
United States must not lo content
to their neighbor to west,
with their boundless potentialities
of trade, banded over, an
ed prize, to the ambitions of Eu-
rope. America may attempt to
evade the responsibility thrust
her. may, with shortsighted
resolution, turn her from
her great future, but will not
succeed. The markets of tho orient
tho heritage of her
and the time will inevitably come
when voice of tho republic will
be heard in oriental courts with tho
same of authority as in the
commonwealths of South America.
It will be well if tho certainly of
destiny could he recognized be-
fore bus
barred the way with inter-
of the United Stale Legation
In China, in North American Re-
Tho traveling American must ex-
pod to be occasional-
the old world, when hi love
for hi own country leads him, after
tho tenner of all patriotic travel-
to vaunt it a little. An amusing
of this kind i related by a
correspondent of tho New York
Post, writing of a visit to
at Edinburgh.
Tho sexton was a man of Alter-
and took in
showing the visitor tho of
Han a
t, and interpreting the
Inscription on it, as if it were the
chief glory of Ins charge. His
in the highland plainly. The
visitor at in-j be-
fore said to sexton, as
old mini pocketed his
have Men your highlands since
I was here
said he, with inimitable
highland had ye
never been there
I have never been in Boot-
before. I live in
I a country
It Is indeed
The old man looked up in utter
surprise. ho laid
Tho sank miserably
her knee.
not your majesty moved by a
tears she implored.
Tho king laughed a harsh laugh.
I he replied coldly,
wouldn't be paying rent I tell yon
In point of fact, It took an even
vans, n woman's cutting no
tag one way or the
Schedule in Effect April
a m. i.
win 12.3. p m. Rocky
p in. p m.
Weldon p in.
p ii.
Norfolk p m.
Ion 1,0-,
i Philadelphia 3-30 a n.
York m, i
3.00 p m.
u Due Use
pro. nails in.
p m. p
Wilson n m. Tarboro
a m.
pin. .-f-J a in,
folk SO a in. Petersburg
3.11 a a m,
, m,
a m. New York
m. Boston 0.00 p m.
no Dos
to p ;. in. Chad
MM p m Marion p
id. Florence 7.25 p at,
p m, i 10.30
v, k a m, A
a in. a m,
Atlanta 12.21 p m. Charles-
ton p m. Savannah 1.60
a in. Jacksonville 7.30 a in,
St. l
pa pin.
1.03 r in. New Turk
Philadelphia 11.06 am,
am, Washington
t am, sin
Petersburg am. Nor-
am. Tarboro
11.11 rm, 12.47
Cm. Gold,
are 3.20 lira, Warsaw
cm, 4.14
12.00 N
York 0.30 am.
12.09 pin, 2.25 pin,
pm. Petersburg
8.12 pm. Norfolk 2.20 pm
Weldon , Tarboro
0.01 pm.
am. Wilson m,
7-01 Warsaw
7.03 am, Magnolia am.
New am.
10.20 nm. Thin
y If
i, op. m.
pm, Jacksonville pm
Savanna 1.45 Charles-
am, 0.00
am, am, Macon
me, Augusta pm
8.08 am, 9.38 am,
Marlon 10.30 am, Chadbourn
11.38 am. Lake Waccamaw
12.00 am.;
I on Scotland
aves Weldon 3.05 n. m., Halifax
. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 0.20
p, in.,
. m. Returning, leave
. m., 8.02 a- in.
J illy except Similar.
a, m., and 1.10 n .
rives m. an -1.11
, Tarboro 9.40 a.
r p. m., a. m
m .
I Neck
N C, via
A Raleigh dally except Sm,
p. m., Sunday P. M
Plymouth 7.40 0.10 p. id.
a leaves Plymouth dally except
7.00 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a m.
I Vive 10.06 and
Train on Midland N. v. leaves
daily, except Sunday, 7.10 a
tn. arriving 8.30 a. in. Re-
turning a. m
rival at ore 10.35 a, m.
Trains branch, K
i leave 16.40 p m,
p 8.06 p
m, Dunbar 0.00 a m,
7.00 a m, dally except
i on Clinton
law for Clinton dally, except
II J i in. and 4.15 p, in
Train No. makes dote
Mi Ion all rail via
at .
and for t
North via Norfolk
II. M. .
T. If,
Ho Old Mr.
In family of a friend i em-
ployed an old colored servant whose
blunders, though numerous, cause
more amusement than vexation. An
elderly a u. was sick,
and they sent the over, in-
to out bow old
Mr. could they be
of service, etc. due season she
reported saying. Smith
says she will be next birthday
and don't need nothing. Or
leans Times Democrat.
Miss form a
Miss Do Just like
Odd Fellows and Red Men. Call
it the Order King's
Miss De
Order of
Mis Do the
Older M
Mis -Oh, don't let cull
It the order of anything.
New York Weekly.
every Sunday,
soring and evening. Pray, r
I evening. Rev. A. W.
Sunday school A. M.
If, Superintendent.
regular service.
day, morning and evening. sci
vices second Sunday morning. A
Rector. Sunday
A. SI. W. II.
I every Sun-
morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. V. Pastor. Sunday
A. M. A
Sunday, morning and even Riv
J. B. Morton, Pastor. Sunday school
A M. E. B.
A. F. A A. X Lodge
meets first and third Monday even
g. J. M. W. M. L. I. Moore
I. Lodge No.
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
N. U. I,. II. Sec.
K. River Lodge No.
meets every Friday evening. II. W.
O. A. B. Ellington K.
K. and S.
It. II No.
meets every Thursday evening. W. I.
Wilson. R, K.
Dealer In
Fork Site,
buying t
will It
cat to pet our price before
; Our stock U complex
Tobacco, Snuff, dear
Always at lowest market price,
as we buy direct from tut, i
A complete of
u hand and sold at
suit t in- times. Our go ids are all
tin therefore,
rise to run We sell at a close
S. M.
.,, p. a,., a.
p. in,,
and p. m. ex-
day. Connects with or
N. C.
Seaside Hotel, containing
been thoroughly overhauled
and renovated, Is now for lease or
rent. Unless otherwise disposed of will
be opened JUNE
under competent management. For
further Information call on or address
John H. Owner,
N. O.
Hiving been appointed
administrator of tho late
all persons are hereby
ti d to present all claims against the
estate the said Adams for pay-
on or before Hi day March,
or this notice will be plead In bar
of their recovery. All persona indebted
to the said estate are requested to make
immediate settlement. the
day of eh. 1698.
Administrators Notice
virtue an order from the Sup
or dour of Pitt the undersign
d administrator of the estate of T F
-i-i-in, deceased, will oil M
day of May. before the tour
Home door In sell to the
highest bidder the parcel of
One town lot In the town of
situated on strict adjoining the
lands of M. K. Summon I. W. II
and Amos Joyner, containing one-
fourth acre, more or leas.
of cash.
T F. Harrison.
April 18th, 1898. Moore,
We have t a
and the line of Co
tins and Caskets, in meta
lie and ever brought
We a prepare If h n-
in Its
Personal attention given to o
dueling and bodies en-
to care will
mark of
ore lower man
ml u
co i
We cm. be found a. any and
times John Flanagan
BOB ft CO.
n .
Scad d--rt
A. V Of .
t p-.
cA U. S, .
State North In the Sup-
Pitt County, I Court.
J. II. Cobb and Sarah Cox,
B. J. mount and X. Y. Blount, who
are defendants In entitled
cause, will take notice that a Special
Proceeding, entitled as above, has been
commenced in the Superior Court
Pitt County, before the Clerk, tor
of certain real estate in the
county of Pitt In which the plaintiffs
and are
I In- E. J. Blount and E. Y.
will take notice that they arc
i, lo appear at the of the
said clerk of the Superior
on the day May,
1898, In answer
or demur to petition and complaint
In or will
ply t the Court ins relief demand,
therein. .
under my ban J, tuts
Superior Hi County, t
Wire and Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable.
fl U.
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department
prices as low as the low
est. Highest
prices paid for
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN TERMS per. Year in Advance.
in in
no van A
out or w
You Sleep in on Air
That Cur-I .
Throat and Lung
;, i n
,, , I
It hi. cured ,, .,
can., nil . I I i--t
u .
nil mi
t . .
II. C. ;
,. I
Jill papers are
filled i o
. u. about it is
in-I be i- formed
their Tho t
used in
y will b of interns-. Fir-L.
the relative rank f
two .-
M oral.
of lit a govern-
The opinion of the and his
advisors more troops arc necessary
I or the stirs carrying the war,
which in his cull-
for more volunteers, has
been in last
by the of
he needed in Philip.
and that a very . fore; will
be for occupation in both
and Rica.
It is . the
an example cl prompt a
The General this
Volunteers, call,
second sail,
Three cavalry regiments at
Tarsi a men
The government is that,
this force will he adequate
this war.
It will allow the sending of
lo Cuba, to Le
u leaving u strong
he me guard lure j
The women of
up a of
for each member of
local company of volunteers, and
sent whole to cam at
M Francisco. A copy of
New Testament with
puck one
objected to He said
wanted Old Testament,
there was so much more
war in it.
Professional Cards
. M. Bond. Fleming
Greenville. N. C.
Practice In all courts.
IT. V.
B. Tyson,
N. C
N. C
Practice In all the
U. I.
Office over J. C
Cobb A Hun's Store.
H. Small, , II. Long,
N. C. Greenville,
Attorneys and Counselors at
In all ill. Court.
W. B. W.
N. V.
O near
shop In town
i a
ii .-,
1- i ;
ti. i. i
First lieutenant.
In ml.
Vice admiral.
Bear admiral.
4- Commodore.
Lieutenant commander.
subdivision of a
company, commanded by
or corporal.
a company,
by a lieutenant.
more than
men, commanded by n captain-
commanded by a major.
commanded by a colonel.
o.- more rent
by a brigadier-
. oral.
or brig-
commanded by u
or more divisions,
by lieutenant
Of the
detachment a
fleet employed on any particular
Flotilla A of small
under one commander.
For satisfaction and value
Oar nor- i-
the of new
styles, selected With ed
care as to quality, go ,. taste and
We have com
for people. A largo
of the latest j; ct.-.
A large every
of as in
like I hem. Styles an I bullion
latest, assuring t complete and
all right prices. fall to see
i. i- Hock sod lake
of of-
r a in no braver I
neath the than who
Old a
no aid n J
. . f ,, ; ;
in with in ,
. jack
i s. A . g
u by. ten mas I I u
l ,,,,.; a. j
maintain o
Laces, Edging,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and
Caps, Shoes and in black tan
the ladies, men, girls and boys.
n,, we tell the bast sold
any one In ear town what our say
about our and A line of
white, black and colors.
m bade in n cetera. Pock
it Knives, Besot., Shears
and we war
line of
Lace Curtain Swiss, Poles
white and colors, Window Shades
in all colors-six and seven
Hugs, Squares, Carpet, Matting, Oil
Cloths, Mats in rubber, steel and cocoa,
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps, Lamps,
Lanterns, see our Automatic Oil
Can, your lamp and does not run it over
everywhere boys
ever forth battle than
those who
bun to oar war. If I to
pick a of men I
v m bi r of
i be ii I f
in i-v, i ;
that ah .-. . i 1st temp-
i I i i i calico w,,
When ,
o i
I in i.
A a ii, i a
is n sin
Bf i en . us old
a widow begins lo
off person
she fear., is ,
n K
; tiff
i i V
Au A Kill .,,, ;
, ,
red anger aid
, you f i
J ll lull i
tho collar I read all Um shirt
on a
in papers about North t lit
Why. we
could get our
here were any need There baa
tome friction tin minor
parable from tho
bus its leap-
Mr. Error.
The is that Hie gov.
will not I able lo
of Mr. offer of his services for
military purpose. oiler was prompt
and was dictated
spirit patriotism which opened recruit-
i all over country and which
sought lo lessen as far the
inevitable difficulties of the government
in creating on short notice an rut
of available but untrained
on which had lo depended-
There is no fault to he found with
Mr. Bryan's intentions, hut his course
conditions under which such ii
government as ours goes to
While Mr. is respect-
able, II not occupy that exalted
which its descendants to
appointments and commission in
army regardless of the r lack
natural intelligence of military
Mr. Bryan is not the sou n
Cabinet officer, nor of a Senator, nor
of a member Congress, nor a
he it not nephew o
of a nor
mun. has no
to a on
grounds, and the
that something more than six millions
of his h II -cilia ins considered bun
lo as la
D Slates la fur
him that is probably the
reason why been
hi, i -I to he of
to bit York
you will u large of
Bel Room in Oak, ringing hi price from to
i fall and prices,
Sideboards and Cradle-, Lounges, tonal cs,
balm of all kinds, t Tables, Kitchen Table, I ,
Tables, Tin Hall Racks, Ac. No about p lei sin
Come to us tor your
yon will coins out ahead. We guarantee mil to
. saving to the
i r fail m a-id style.
Yours mutual benefit,
f. B.
Spokes, Hubs, Building Materials, Fain
Oils and Stoves
Fair Dealings and Honest Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
Along o'clock
o girls look
remark it probably
r any one toe.,,. i
,,. . . . , .
lake en their still
old has u j in
that give it u
m Imperishable u .
bills, E
u never
they did o
b is known
of ail boys America.
adoption De
original pg.
given in the
exactly declaration
to a period
tr i to ho cause
Southern States,
when surrendered
at lb.
of bis army were North
, t
i.-- Is tor
J . I Write to
C in
V o i,
ail you i
, i I
, ;., ,,;, ,,.,
l i I to
I . . ,,.
a SON,
who to
Stale of present
disgraceful government baa
opportunity cow to do so and
maintain bis The
convention exhibited
the highest c for
de in such when it d
as if a men C
mid III
many bi
prefer to deal as appeals
to, every rail
as a free n, cf u-
I himself, To all party
or to I bas a platform which
appeal, t.
n like
iv. iv
not re g to culls of
It i. really too
good people, and I
know Unit Tim which bra
et our the
homo of young men who
leave farm say that
money in terming, One
last week rim En
the Quest
coma from a tin
Kentucky with new
and tho latest improved wagon
we Learned
team belong. I In Mr.
F, Garrison, who lives near
Abbott's Greek- A friend
told that a few rear, ago tins
young was a poor but
bought land, it, Invest
ed money in other and
is successful -nil from tin-
Farm better o
to-day than city to
the who will work
I hero lift
to die for It is
live fur it, and bin.-a
it by works in every lo
you are called. Them are
in the home i II uh on
the and they Should
always it. Heroes
when mo not
heroes and
of land.
by lb. lion, tn p, and every
ii. i de iv. p I
i.-ii ii party power
injury as well as of nil
men hi-.
platform adopted by
lo our
good As to, d
siring elm with our Bel vet,
naked lo it
calmly, we each
and every one of will
and friends mare willing to
Into effect tho pi. therein a, t
forth. all
I y
Democrat, will not buy them,
nor attempt to buy
who not misled I hem
before, who de
to or trade
now for own
Our party o talk
citizen for m
n. and l
a common
unite for a
n no d the common
good of all- cooper-
as ibis,
Sad of
report from every camp
peats th. story of
U tor leak of
are standing guard Id pot-
bat. and coat, and with-
without knapsacks,
ens or other
tiring that belong, to the outfit of
supply seems
have broken down completely.
I i. of Somebodies who
II in seem
more ignorant of
of -getting things than
duos the lumberman is at
the if Department.
i of unreadiness
not nine than it
This is one of
producing in
vi in Id. t raw ma-
every m
ii It ms ma-
of every kind. It baa
without limit.
It ha-; abort, pi
capacity in in
W 1-1
department knew a month
and ego, fur that
it would need of
form the bids for
In- e opened until
ago, deliveries,
r terms of the conduct,
are not to he made until ten days
o awarding of the
in only one rm in-
capacity bit is making
impatient, It is of a piece
and pattern with tho postpone-
people, and it can lie
some snub reside
a p or way of showing
appreciation local
and demand much
free advertising for
are In, but when it
iii spending money for
printing ct m homo
paper go or
their to every-
thing that comes that
in in for a day. Homo price
mi h be below com-
petition, or away goes work
money that kept in
own locality. Bo just, if
not towards home en-
or else do not
for yourself
A Kan i
Other day
wife would cook for
and wife be no,
bet ,,
The int. lucking the lull 1.1
create. ii, of
solve the problem.
The I aw u, Kansas
mil court hist week for
minute o a juror an
opportunity lO
Into bis family. man

Eastern reflector, 3 June 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 03, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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