Eastern reflector, 15 February 1898

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. i f.
son. to whom remark ad
dressed. what lathe l
folly which calls forth
n. n
Why. a talking ab i a
induce Mm to loll us he
was. Ho was just as
the point as a woman might have
said Ferguson, with a la
can explain laid
ii surprised.
i at
abater who n yet in the matrimonial
Tail's PHi
Cure Ail
Liver ills.
Twenty Years Proof.
I-.;. In I . l
. Ai i r Id
I i public
beet quality i. m Its I
v. an
tilt I
to ,
Great the didn't
. i saw it,
of lid i
an; .;.
the i j
i no u ltd
ll .
u . i.
. past
New v. k Q
, . .
-V. .
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated c
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
els in natural motion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, con-
and kindred disc.
do w
R. P. Smith,
don't know how I could
do without them. have
Liver disease for over to
years. Am now i
Liver Pills
Ai I
I i .
W fan ., .
He In the in
II- la.- i ii bead Will I r
A tin n i ii
i hi l I .
d ;
1- . . i . ml
v A. life
i art
I iI the
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment these Fountain
also a line of Pearl Handle Gold Pen,
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap are.
You may never.
But should you
Want Job
Come to see us,
tor Job Prints
losses of son ii.
in cl
Ct . AI .-
. c . fa . i
.; . I ii
I , ; , . . . ,
and ill
. . .
B . Ill
I I rill Ii
I every i
it produce i i cL
I .
I- ; j- j. ,
bah, the i ;
r . ii j
. i. . i . ; . . .
Anything from
it -3
p i
. . ; , r.
Ii l . i . .
e ii I ; . .
. .
tin i
; . , .-,
I u .
I i II I In world
. I r
how i. i. . . .
i. r. Ii
ii i In i
by l.-i . i,.,.
the n . I . . n
. ;.
ml . Ill
market lo l-t .
h a Mi .,. ,
a . ,
. r MIS.
j. ;
. i .
; c
A I .
ii. , .
la by
. ii . law
brinks down n J on lie
Ma b y In r ,
on km
Ai. -i hint lo
iii- , .
A- in r
a he'd . Ii
Will . lo limb on the
And bu I I I i. Ii ,.
Notice to Creditors.
harlot latter.- of
i tin on the
January, tin
of Arden notice la
;,, in indebted to
t. the am to nil
their claim.
properly the
date of notice, at this notice will
be plead in bar of their
Tins the of
on the . taU of
f Vt
i .
i. . .
. . ;.
in of I r Co
by mutual
en Mil. i
. i to
II ; Ilia bead a earl l i-
a i
I, tile . I i. . I
II ill. Ai.
i pie in
to bI.
. I tug
A in bit
. woo
i. mercy call t i m
many a iV. i ;
ball In his wild
. an
Li. r.
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of a
month. Are you a
ought lo be.
i f
ii I S
i i
i i j . s
The Eastern Reflector.
h only a year. I
contains the news every
week, and
the es-
I those growing
that is won
many times more than
. i i
I I i r lull, .- MS I
i -i. , l i
bl , . lion , ,, ; .,, .
l-i ii Hum j , .
ii I I I BI Ml I ; .
In oilier In,
lower price, In by . i. .
r lb S. o,
ration I i bi a.
. id i ml
i . j
a i . , . ,
g Ii i . IS
l I i what
I . hi l .
d by n o . it b. and are
I i i a
a . en ii year.
, ft f,
I little F ml
Ml Mi . you
I . Mid Mr. D
lop . i
. u . i. i .
i yon la
I Handing
I. laid Dill
i before when I naked you
you i tiny, y
will i i I
in Mr i. . run
dona ii . .
on tank; part t u
being I . urn i ., ,
Hi I ii, i I . i
I I ,
A ii. i . . m i v, mun.
KM .
ti i. i. i i .
A Mock at Ho Ii
p Tar lb . . . Si m
ion b cl
was Celt -11. i. I
in ill r I in w .- n p
Ii .-. .
I Not a bad it
an mm
virtue certain execution t i me
b the Superior Court of Pill
County In which C hi
K J W is
returnable to March t in, of
doe I will
In din following
U of ha- been
to Mia
m Bethel county
of Bryan on the Dr.
-on the west, on tin- north by
the Jennie l
one ; v more Of
W ll
.-., i i
We have a Le
Una in wed,
lie and cloth ever i
.;., lo., .,,
in., in iii
to our will
f of
Our lower ever.
Ho fun be found U any Hid
times in the John i
I in
a Box-cur
A e i, I in ,,, fount I in ii
b t-car Sal . . i
L; Mount other men
iii; I. in I in
a Si ,.; , ,, ,,.
I n
tin ii, i COn-
. i All
. -t. awaiting tin
in i
The , i, p., .
ail thing Invented. Once loped
in a
may , S It
the i. ,. I,, l . ,.
In In padded. On m h
kl I ,
J I ha idea of the i out h
to him from using
FEB. TO MAR 5.98
Notice to
he of the Superior
day to
me letters the
estate K. Buck, d.
Is in parsons hold-
i hem to
on the day of January.
notice M bar
AI lo estate
are notified to
of Sidney K. Buck.
Notice to Creditors.
The Clerk of the Court
to ma, the a
lite J day of
of II. notice
hereby to all persona Indebted
Estate make Immediate pi-
lo the and all
creditors of said to
properly to the
within twelve
u-i tin- date of notice, or notice
will be plead la bar of their
the it h day of Jan.
on the J.
F. c.
of a
on a Judgment of
Court in favor of
against B. planed In
u, bands lot l v. Ill on Mon
day Hie tiny expose
to public sale, before Court House
door I for cash, to in
bidder the
land belonging Edward S.
Situated In Put
adjoining K. . Dixon,
ii. Mill- satisfy
aid execution, which has bean
as of said Edward
s. This 4th day
Notice of Sale.
lit a writ of
I-- rd from of Pill
County lo me, l will on Mop.
day. the day of March.
ell at the Court
in in Greenville, the following
tract on the
tooth of Tar river, Greenville
township, adjoining lauds of
ll . U. Brown. T. It. Chi r-
rt A Lo . Ellis Beans and others
known as the mill tract of the late
Noah Forbes, Containing
more or less and being interests la
-aid land which has
levied upon as the I of Noah
Forbes, Sr., to an execution in
my hands against the laid Noah
in tutor of S. II.
This Feb.
Batter and more attractive than ever.
Fine Racing.
Purses Aggregate
Liberal Premium in ml
Fish, Oysters, Dime.
, i,, . pm,,; , v,.,.
Played Ladles Department
Pill county, Court.
I. Clem It. Mon U.
trading Co
In their own In am all oilier
of Bland. Jr., d,
Cannon, of
The milled action having been
common cl In or the
day of I, b. is B for a settlement the
of Bland, Jr.,
under of the Code of
Notice in given the creditor
the said Bland, Jr., to
me on or before the Hist
day of March, and file the
if their
This Feb. 1st. 1898.
E. A.
i Court of Pitt county
I. Alle.
Pork, Site,
h and Merchants i
I will to
Ml to get our
Our U
Flour, Sugar, Coffee
Always lowest market price
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars
A of
always hand and sold at prices i
suit times. Our goods are all bought
and sold having no
rise lo run we sell a close margin.
S. M.
Old line
Steamers leave
for Tarboro touching stall
on Tar Wednesday
Friday at A. .
Returning leave Tarboro M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
These are subject to stage
of water on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
Philadelphia. New York and Boston.
Shippers should order their goods
marked via Dominion from
New York. from
folk A Baltimore Steamboat
from Baltimore. Miners
SON. Agent,
ml bollix ,
object. eS
Hippodrome and Wild
West Shows
wild Frontier i lie. by
Cow Bois
lid- In far West. The
in i. Hie
rice k every during the
tree, Don't miss
seeing it For r
the Secretary
Mill . C
Stale In the Sup.
Pill County. Court
Jan h alias Dunk
Isabella Dupree alias
The above it I I take
that an action entitled as lb lie
baa been commenced In the Superior
Court Fill i for divorce,
said defendant will lake notice
that to appear the next
lei in of Superior Com I said County
In he I on the Monday In Match
House in said county
In Greenville. N. C , answer or de-
In complaint , ,,, act run, or
b . will apply in Court for
Mil i
day of Jan.
E. A.
Com I.
r. a. for
Notice- Commissioners
I I Sup-
Sal. f
Lands for
Stale of North
I'm County.
Jerry Mel.
II. Smithy Jones,
Susan M. Jonas, Hannah
id. K. Coward,,
Coward, ex
By of an order in ll,,, above
cause I mil sell on Sal inlay, Urn
day February, at t,, f,,,,.
House In Greenville at II
bidder, cash, the
following res property, One
parcel of land In
township, I'm North
tin lauds Han
tin, in others,
forty i or Said
lands will he for
and obtained Par,
tin Pica.
C. u. b.
In n.
, or
n n. 1.1,., or lie
tea I L. and Mi.
--------DEALER I
Wire and Iron Fencing
First-class work
prices reasonable.
to W. It.
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
low as the low
Highest market
paid for country
The Eastern Reflector.
;. Friday
D. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
How an is Handled
is no known,
certainly larger
in I lie l trial
Mats. It i
u v. the
and ii a
It over ere
vi the In
on A
and in fruit, f-r
J d -i
by two and tin
ho known
from Isn't hard
and a market
never it not
and liberally. A full
from wonderful orchard
will spring re from
180.000 to
at a great rate, and a
mi my are toiling tree
the like a
lie is the
and live in
the on hard in u .-mall tillage
or tent.-. At the the .
nearly Tiny
are of all age and both as tin-
work is nature it can h
H by women M by
men, as we by a
by a grown man. The pickers are, t
course, boarded at the the
ranch, and are paid
atoll to a day, so a wile and
two or three children can make a
money the few weeks of
picking season as of the
can the year.
Alter the cherries are
taken to the packing house and
handled at once. The riper cherries
are sorted out and put upon local
mark wink more backward are
fiat, The force of
can cl boxes per day.
Two thousand boxes go to I lie
and must be to
us speedily as there
is no fruit that its
by the cherry. Fur
the same reason tie must be
rapidly lot will not
Keep ill of en
eastern summer. There plenty of
in the way of lbs
California upon the dining
f the but
with y care a lair
the price; are not bad. In
a tin
cherries can be made to it
in New
York, though the cistern local
into the same
will sell for
a Wave.
The Value of Good Roads.
There is all over the deep
and the subject
good Hi m- nilly
have I . i- pa
that bad are
ii I
y i;
.- done
. M
Professional Cards
W. M. I,
ti N. C
In all
Swift B. .
N. C. n N.
Greenville, N. C
In all
Cobb A Son's Store.
John II. -null, It. II. Long.
and Counselors at Law
In all the Court,.
has r it gone n
in lit-
ever did I.
r ,;. ,.
Professor of
Hi . I
the roads
in is
l an acre. This
one year due to W n
bUm every road in the
In to convince the
v arc to large . u-
roads, tall.,
food roads
time force la
the farmer to ad-
vantage in
buying mid selling.
taring s leisure.
the wear tear on
and vehicles.
the market
mil Journal.
An politician
will develop its romance. The
California cruse of I know,
did. Let me tell j on one cf tin m.
Living in one of the
was man. only
whose father was He
bad everything that hunt could
nab. Hie fever
mm miss it
Tl .;., f r
i . ft- the of
I will read ,
Our i conducted on sound
, presented .
. , , . . Dal . world except
the most prominent in,,.,.
be to all HOW all J desirable I
make to cross the , it, , , , n . f-i proposes
One thing tin t That
flu's of attraction is Quality. if
in Low in
was deeply
love a woman, u
near neighbor, she was so
that lie
some else might
his prize in bis absence. She
sailors- He couldn't
think, of of taking her
along with hiss. gold
We have endeavored t
I Stales, all taxation for state par-
. I .- I with.
to your require- it, t.
goods in every respect
sod colleges of
. . iii i-i States, end
We invite to one best
Absolutely Pure
pea ho liable
Mai tin Wild
ft. an
the f f h-
M tin
Charlotte, found
lobby, wittily and
declaiming with sonic an
the who wen; firs
The incident
was reported to tin Speaker, who call-
ed attention
to it. When Mr. Skinner him
Mr. somewhat com-
posed, lie had been in since Id
o'clock a speech. He had writ
ten loin hut than
that the subject it was a most
he to
any it.
left the Capital about J
bus not been seen since. lie
street, and
o'clock had not In I.-
A to the
Army headquarters tailed to discover
his whereabouts, anxiety is
I-Mer dispatches say that Mar-
tin baa been found, that there is
nothing him.
From the
re lo her to an
nm-tinge. OHIO t
. j, , j r
California. His plan tins o .
Quality and Small nice, ll you wan in two
to sec this Show conic and our spent for
line assortment of
. . i ill
B l It , of any In Km
t-enough for our
in In i
months, sod for building Ho
leave bur in the cine of bis
mother, who would lie
delighted to with
bis return. So were
Bud a brief honey-
moon he announced, as gently as
bis trip to the
gold As you may imaging
there was a tremendous protest
against it. The bride i
foot down upon was joined
by mans mother, who
put foot I bride's foot.
But nil to purpose. The
young man held cat, and art to
California. didn't prosper,
however, and the end of
borne. The young
wife was at bis father's wailing
for him, and did not hesitate to
account for his luck by tolling
him did deserve to
find gold for the way which
be had treated He was so
glad lo gut luck I but didn't
contest tho point.
A Slick Duck.
pulls when easts
W. II. W.
N. C.
wherever service, are
A may bears smooth
Purity Spans the way lo a of
may stun enmity
A child is a mother's
All men are tools, hut only the
slop Mil.
pulls up. Whilom lets
the wind o at
When yen nave nothing to do,
go niter help.
The temperance cause will go on
crutches until the crutch
c eared jugs.
Duly mill were
ed in the el MM Dam's
Don't Fret or Worry.
all sorts
is is a very dangerous one,
it blood sidled
and nil the
Much i chronic ail-
mints brought on this
habit. Step lie i
would hut e
A claiming to be from
New York in tin, city last
Week for tho purpose of buying
up New York Ho was
red headed appeared to be,
to Winston. Messrs-
Smoke X called
and happened to have a
horse just such as Put was after.
So trade was made the
stranger produced in payment a
New for
As he wanted a number of horses
ho wished to on deposit
as for payment for tho
bargained for mill
to pay the balance when be had
secured the animals an.
was ready to ship them. So gel-
ting Messrs. Smoke A lo
their signature upon
tho was paid over.
He never back. Tho
endorsers became Sunday
and wiring concerning tho matter
found that it was was all a
forgery and Unit
for just
Ladies and Notions
Coeds, Ladies, Gents and Shoes.
Hats and Hardware, Tinware
Crockery and Glassware,
ti mis, Shells, and the
largest stock
all kinds at the lowest price ever .
in this community. Come and see how mu
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter
you are, whore you live, how or how
little money have got. There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much
service as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
i CO.
as every year as
said ever twenty yearn w.
be the
tho between
Hint and what paying now
would dear off on entire nation
bonded ten yens.
t.-r that It would more pay
interest nu tho
ed to give eon.
all tho in the
it pension outlay
months would build tho
Canal, and In another
mi lbs it would duplicate the
fur the benefit of the public.
if pension roil bad been
confined to double tho
standard, w should never have
deficit year, and
instead issuing new bonds to
make suds moot, should
have exhibited lo the world
long before tin- remarkable
spectacle if a government out
debt, and reducing to cu-
down ii.-vi mil s.
AS long pi
i's l
, it will be r.-, Si
who ; i-. r anybody else lo
formulate with
idea of relieving the distress
of Y.
a-,. the
pears ago, the
of Capt- A-
made such excellent repulse
lion the State, has
been revived as a
weekly farm and paper.
Doubtless many in tins section
who the
and Mechanic would like lo have
it again we are prepared to
make following extraordinary
clubbing announcement i
For 11.78 we Will send
Carolinian, of The
Farmer and Mechanic, nil three
papers a whole pear.
papers Will give you tho
homo news, tho State
Dews the farm news, and
think of of them a
whole year for 11.78.
If you want the Atlanta Con-
added to the above list
yon can got it for cents more,
or thrice a week Now York
World for cents. other
,. or magazine wanted
gnu you a discount in con-
with, Tub Bit-
In New York, Pennsylvania
and Ohio the
torn by factional quarrels. Tim
belt ml spoil has m t been dis-
in give
faction- There is u disposition to
. nil in leadership of
there not appear to be much
of patching up terms
i before the next
This condition of things
would be ruder
to result
in disaster to the
Administration but tho Demo-
with amazing and persistent
fatuity, insist keeping
tho of tho
question. Their
Is more than that
of What tin.,
outcome of election may j.
n problem which
t warehouse is
A la Hunt r i ii I-
e is r iii Kin-ion.
The Table
destroyed by iii, Tuesday m r
I. i.
I I , i
bets in, lo blow open n sale in
land Nick iii-i
broke win re they gut
which u -i store.
i an I I us
Slate Id
bunks, -o bill I.- Tile
lies Sum
banks, I I In i silting- l
A. A, i.
t. . age, i i he
hail only He was
bun v which
comes s
if ii hi .
her .
The sun l .,
ii, l in
ye, rs at
story told of two
aiders happening in a
town not far in which
cf their doctrines was
a practical The story relates
that t special t bad been
in their sermons the
that, if drank
deadly thing it should not hurt
the Lord being their
mot. At the end of tho
sermon the pastor, had
loaned Diem his church,
and brethren
we listened attentively to
this and if by
teal you can demonstrate this we
will the
bore n which
I will mix in if you
drink i and survive we will be
It purled that they
did not Journal.
The Superintendent of Public
says intends to
make email.-s publish
expenditures of funds just
H do other expenses;
Hint is people's money
they have a rigid to know for
what is Stands. He says such a
publication will show that Halifax
county bus spent lot almost
worthless school charts-
Spokes, Huhs, Building Taints
Fair Dealings and at Rook
Ill IV v, Tl Peanut I tied to and taxed
to with the costs.
A queer suit was tiled before a
magistrate in last
Mr. II. brought
lo a photograph bis
in , tho bit
lay. lb- i. In I, lib,
mid en U day named , It u
him lie hi- lo ll
ii. II i
f sad ha bad paid for
having Urn taken
gave ii away.
decided that was
to shell out.

Greenville, N. C.
Entered a, the post .
N . a second until m r.
Lib on Stale
Mr. ;. G I
r, . , i k
Hie courage to a
why you will not lend your
Fl IS I-
111- I I It, lb CW
tin.- I I I
verdict was
to t r life. I
by tie jury.
tin i n
Who bad be B
lady by I
Time I bulls I
All the
in social
i e
have a I money.
r . . . liberally
in ,
. v . . least ,
form of sulphate.
. a letter where
Have the courage to wear your
till you can pay for
courage to pass
bottle without class
Have to speak
when it Hal
that you should do so. ind to
bold war tongue when it is bet-
be silent.
Have the pay a
debt bile you have money
I by that form of Potash In
Have the to provide
an for you d
within menus. Let beyond
Have the courage to own that
are poor if you are so.
Don't Lie.
said the milkman to
his new see what I'm
replied James
a water into the
I'm not, I'm a-
into the water. So if
anybody asks yon if put
into milk, you can tell no-
Alters stick to the
is bad but
Washington is much
written by Mil I
n of S . Mi .
n men, in which I .
of President I
tut I f
recall Mil i 1- m
i- I I be
II strain ch
Coin i sand .
Th. Supreme Court SI
a hereafter all
for law must
, instead oral
applicants am
at i ., n
him, tin in . II . .; Ids
that an I vi-
U . i ill
mi I
v i. . Ii
i, i
i II
I r .
Washington, Feb. It,
lard ban be n said Mr.
Ii y v lbs I
. i Si H
bi A-
ii i Mm wen mid I
r signed
l d. S nor I. in .
.,. . Mn hi -1 i I
. . N
, i. u; Mr.
ii ii i in letter, i
i , i nil
I by Ion I my
a and ll in ,, i i
i to negotiate ii reciprocity
that would I
in;, t It -i ii if
,. Hi it I
b I
bun i I is. A
man I I
Mr. .
II .,
y .
. . iv
. . ,
i . . C
riot Us own
I J. v
ii w
Hi ; I
i. . , to
Cu ii
M .
r . . I.
I .
mi an
was i
-.- i c I
. i i
I .
. . g i . i .
pi .
i a b i
i , . ., .
. ; . A I . I
i for I ll
, . I
. . .- .
. . , . . am
; in
l Hut up
will .
. . .-, . . d a
el . om i I
for all
. r,
i .
. ., Lo at .
. hi u; Bpi i a in
. ill north
ml good i k Mail
. ii acquainted n hist
, who have
rum n .
i et I
. n
i n .,
; i.
, Prime
K -1
r p steady.
Little led
Mil-, on his return from tie
Episcopal where be had
been for the
out with u
iii-ht drew on, the ladies
were they put their
The world circular, ind so
are the movements of th. people
who live on it. Ono the chief
prophets and inventors of
monism business in Penn-
and ended his career in
Lake City; now the
of time has brought
back two of the faith to
build up a church here in
A church in
the Quaker City be a de-
novelty, the tact of its
establishment something more
than a surprise.
. , . i s
IS lo
.- .-. lb
S i
1.4 .
I .,.
i oil n -f-
to 5.70
t i
i a
i to
At late Court Mouse
N. C
dealers in all kinds of
New Buggies a specialty.
All kinds repairing done We use skilled labor good
are prepared to give satisfactory work-
. g for
I . . I to be ii I I V-
I Whatever you it with ill
; I . .
in n l; W
. .
i .
, lie I I .
ll, I . I St.,
is worth
. ,.
to . ;
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call and sec are invited to inspect
my stock and lean, the low prices.
K mi any or
T. to . w and i e
. o .- lb i time will pi I I
In i I in ,
In I
. ; ; n nil ti. D
. I ,; e Ii
; . I wall;
; .
i . I and
a i.
We .
. Ill
. I
i . . . , i
you it,
. ;
u i ill be
v. Ii ii v II the
I'm l
p c i i i clean,
. that clean
aim ha Vi In l It
.- . .
n i many in -t
to mini Scud ts your
orders. Mall at-
Oil Co
M H.
H. C
will best goods, and
will soil them at the lowest
will do all l can to and hold your pat-
Come and see me-
M. H
, , i.
besides t hi
all lib-. i lb
. . W . d i
i . . l . , r ii
I U n Junta, hi I
the In ii- ion, and ii ll
i p ii tin , ; Mr Mi
. v and en ., m
n n by it ;
. . ,, , , i field . i I u
a n . that better I ml
ii. in; i- Iii bun Would follow if of Hi acre-
About age, now devoted to cotton,
It be into the nut,
but ii be ,;
will i tree lo
he will credit. lb
the lime b r
plainly manifested In the while
Cannon, of
and Allen, of
Cuban lull
which have been oil by each, of
In older he them all
lion to Mm daring
. , e , i with i on.
I . I ,. th i i
to . i . and you a
manufacture of high soaps .,.,., . . n . that
. I the
Is of a child
. ii it gives him
. . the if
-I., ii. L.
be may I
Back Gill, don't
eat Advance.
, were bi tore paid
I rings
.; . II , I
. . .
Fran In.
mail in
to main . I Se i j I
Ii you line ,.
box pap r- and call i I H c-
Our lour i
II . , ., I, ii
all MS, it . Store,
II. row n go
i,. a- v i the
i -i work lions lbs Wilmington
to the pal I .
i. .
Cl old
bi Id to tin
I ii .; . I
i y
mob . ii n
all the
i .-
,.,.,,, two kept away by
ii.--, at H in
W. i. Agent,
i- , . I lax of
. . , ii
of i i as
. ., b ii t l in
in the New v it
Assembly there .- chance
ion if I int
i at th ion. nm-
pay same W, M. Moon-. In-
day i
Hating pare of T-
M. Mo in the
above, I i-l. lo Inform ill patrons and
ill that I will continue
I stand with a com
I earnestly continuance u
W. U.
We are now taking
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor v.
We do all kinds of
repaired promptly.
win. attended
track, Sot ii mail
dinner regards Senator I i
Laxative Tab
I it fail sure.
told I on
way out I when
i, bi .
bud it
Much in Little
i ti i r D r i m i-
always u
th Jo
old I j
to I
Fm Route,
t- California.
r. Am
i . a. a.
Heavy and Fancy
constantly on
band- Country produce bough
and sold. A will con o
Q. w-
A General. Horse
nice line
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
Come to see
are Making it
Hot for Hard Times.
You can't feel poor
when you see our
and prices. What, it
your dollars are few.
we will make them go
much farther. Values
were never so marvel-
low as right now
Men and Boys
Hats, Caps,
The completeness of
our stock guarantees
everybody perfect sat-
Come and
see this choice selection
of honest qualities,
learn why sensible economical people prefer to
spend their money with us. Our prices will
give your dollar a new dignity. Our fine
will clear away your last doubt, is
no law against paying big prices, but it isn't
sensible. You'll trade with us simply because
you can't get the goods at our prices elsewhere
Gents in g
is and your inspection is invited,
Local B offer lions
MB, lo.
are bung put m
tor planting,
it gifting tack ii
Tbs tobacco acreage trill lie
this than
tail -ire lock-
e I up in an nylon.
The has taken the
place girl.
Kaiser roasted our fork
and now lie the
K. Moore is ow
County Buggy Co.
UM Nannie Cannon has
pointed K,
Courage, m--
are gnat factors iii ad-
s judged
they do. The great cares by
give ll name
is called to the notice
ii the firm X, M. Moore
a. Co., at M. Moore
succeeds ti business.
Mr. F. If, has
been by Gov. a d,
gate i the
watch meets at Tampa,
will better to largely
Wales of
till IT, ii
The Mormon have been
creating quit, n stir around in best nap.-
ion vicinity.
u an every paper,
A number in South Ink.
fills recently been Hold and more
houses a-c to go up out there.
K. W. Young has moved
home in West to
the house on I.
At on Monday n it it
belonging to the S. S. Co., sunk
in the river. The Hat was leaded
a lady, a situation
as in some
given. Address H. C,
N. C-
We ll slated many towns in
the Stall are to have a new
rating and a reduction given. Green-
ville needs along this line, as
rates very high here.
The longest reach railway with-
out a curve is claimed by travelers to
he the Argentine
way, lo the loot of
the Andes. miles It is
out a curve, and has no cutting or
limn two or Intel
I eel.
I'll County Hides had a and
dull this
Aim like this will bring about
mat tired
J. ill in. el
Mi hit Ibis n
far n.
C . rain-
last right mid today here.
Mi. I. Cooper, it Wilson, who
been visiting h-r .
Mrs. Murphy and children,
Asheville, are airs Dr. I A.
Miss Brace of
over ibis morning to Mi.-s
K. was i i
town today. II, tells us he will go I,,
Baltimore next Monday to lake a
a college.
Ii. V. K. B.
C. Latham,
Myra and Winnie
lo last night lo lead an
entertainment and returned Ibis morn-
l 1111.11, I'll;,
S. C. Wells, el Wilson, is here.
I here
This being birthday the
New Ton and Chicago hang. , re
and no mark, i reports
r eat. The ii n- mt put-
arc pr i
Laves Tun
ii I Mr. W. I.
met with in i,
-i two Anger an i bis i
;. lo i . . ,. .
tans. by hi c ,, i.;
a small circular
j ii, his null.
One Be Organized
We bear that n-
ville should a literary and musical
, i m , .,
lo , at people and . n steps
be taken in that
There i- talent could be easily
Even a blind nun i an . aw.
Ii- a r I. mi w no
The sermon many minister i
Sacking terminal
i en,,,, an w timid .
a j run
i .
little ace in In art , i.
As i- call, i ;
course the n fire cures mar-
It i. an i i
in la limb. .,; i .
Ii v.- . I I. .
a ; ;
an on .
; .- . . I ii r i
y. u in
Ir. in by a
ii some i j i
I i I
. . .
i word.
. . .
i . ; it,
ti .
l lo i
Ur. C D. I y u i
home on would.
a magical
lasting boar or
J. U.
today In-re.
S. F.
Mr. AI. L. weal to
a to
A. M. Moore and W.
have moved into the low in
G. B of is in
town. Hi- is to make people
J. F. even
Iron baa Win
a of .
r. Washington, who
has limber in this
pent Thursday
y ml
have been Mrs. J.
L. left
who baa bean visiting the bar
II. Kit this morn-
T. II Moore, late
took the train here morning for
whir, be will make
mo in
Hoy, J. cf Gates, who
hits been spending some days
passed through this morning on
his way home. He nays h- never
bis lira visited a hitter than
enjoyed by all present
Why ; mi u
, I r. so very
Had Sixty-Pour en.
Jester, oldest one t the
interesting i th
Shore, died here today. He was
on 1813, h It a
grandchildren, 8-1
Ho wad u
of and
An Old Woman Burned
r. G. T. Tyson, Dam
township, tells us that u days ago
an id colored woman, named Betsy
Nobles, living in that neighborhood,
was alone in her and in
way clothing caught lire. The old
did nut become alarmed as
run, but had sufficient presence mind
tear her clothing oil and save her
She was very painfully
Grandfather Grandson
Interesting and pleasing sight
i witnessed in the Masonic
the regular meeting. Mr. B.
Cherry, Jr., was taking a degree
was by bis
Mr. It. C. Pearce, most noble
man them all. As the
the progressed seemed i
be a halo sweetest sunshine and
gladness on the of Pearce
who i always on hand there Is
to be done.
Marriage Licenses
Register ii Deeds n-
lour marriage licenses this
white and three colored couples,
a ii
Henry and Mary Freda
fee us.
in brain and
do, to make grow mil In-
list FOB
N i,, .
I,, It, in
Hoax will
An, l, mi,, n s
Ii. up
, I u go
Nell bi in la.
i-t, I . ; i
Ii a Ii In
I , .
Ibis book
, I . nice
Venice is on m.
lid v.,. It's
Ti i . N Ha
. I . i
, . s .
ton t
t-r Lou . . .
I i ll . Unit
sot inTo
; of Hull
an i
polecat treat-
city halls all the
I. C-.
an m- in v i
I . i
. . . j
. I
l .
i . It. i ,
A fuel been
op. U by polio.
twenty-one money
taken by
only cab ease
Me- does not
run up people s
a financial of
in i. N. I-113.
i hi iii i.
alarm was beard, It was soon
More IV. J.
and i, on street, were on
Ur,. were I def-
rue stock ., U
. -x A lady one day
only logical to in Atlanta, and bought
be for fl piece of silk which at-
will give lo attention. She took
farmer much needed relief it and made it up into
and add wealth and y to in prevailing style.
Slate beyond lo the store she sold
of moat fertile on for 8- She then ought
to manufacture the cotton, and the
the wheal and corn, can the handle what
Bros., occupied store, vegetables and fruit, could make. She went on
The store of a. . Co.,
slightly damaged, four windows
oat, and their Hi
were damaged. on
Bros., bad some
insurance on -lock.
William.-, Tar r .
here u day.
lug no; only the boil i f the raw business grow till she
material that is purchased by u-. added a room to her house,
profits, she now twelve girls.
Anniversary Tea.
Mi. II,
White gave an e. tin ii
on ii iii-i
anniversary of Ir i In
red i hi on
We wish them many happy
n the day.
col until.
Susan Daniel
About i o'clock Friday eve i.,; there
i Ii a tin
Mrs. S.
five A lamp i
on a largo box hats and exploited,
starting a blaze. Mr-. ill
was in tin store lime
was very excited
on the saw the
through their cries
lire brought a crowd to wens. The
was soon put out not until the
stock had been damaged about
No damage was don. to tin building
except a badly broken window.
Howard and Alice New
The warehouses have
this week With line
the weed.
A Maine won a wager by
eating ten
at at hut accounts Ilia
were up with and
bad taint hope that the would
him u shave-
Monday i- St, day.
Passenger train an Friday
bud hUM and
cheap at S. M.
Bicycles n-e on increase. Several
new ours lately received here.
J. F. King's new horses are line
Jim knows how lo best.
No, is not on boom hut
new building's ore going up all over
I own.
is being; broken the
property to put up new
Col, A. Sugg this morning tor
Col, A. Sugg hit iii- morning
an extended trip lo lb. Lee. Star
Mate, For has been
Ir. t hears, i i r, i o
to hear on Cob Sugg lo get
today, ,. .
bun lo inducements in locate
II. Harding is over Iron n and notwithstanding the many
to spend Sunday at home, j tender i in iii-
attach mid hind bin to nil
naive State, the him
W. F. this morning l-r
New York to enter upon bis work then.
Miss Florence came Fri-
day evening see her
Mrs. Sheppard, of Suffolk, win bus
her daughter
returned home today.
Dress Goods.
Get on the Ground Floor.
We sell Groceries so low that your
head swim. are receiving daily
choice line of
W, editor el
News, is a
daily paper at -ton.
Man laughs WOMB because she North car
and a ill
ii mi ii- he follows he;. fair, cur will mid much lo
Chicago News. the lair.
Mr Bryan Gardner, on, and
Miss Ida will be next
Wednesday at o'clock, at
the home Mi. J. II. Suggs, near
km-;, . Free Press.
e to advertisement the Green-
ville Supply Company. This Company
a large goods on hand to
be sold at wholesale only, they will
give very lowest prices.
this has been made
yield, and we
will result in his permanent re-
Sugg has always bean an active.
live and energetic man iii pron cu-
town, county State should the
lure him
away there are many of his
ken who and bad-
too, bis genial, sunny smiles and
hearty band which indicates tin
warm bean that ha
In his young lie n a
factor the hi-
and are Ml be
bind evidences , n, r-
and many young men and
the today owe
success they have attained to his
generally which be with a
willing cheerful haul.
Col. Sugg is a southern
win. end
Tb milling of the
weal U vigorously pushing bill lo
The v York Hoard
the c
city i a total
Louisiana Constitutional Con-
at Now Orleans, will amend
suffrage laws and many
White House
will take Sou
Caned Goods of all kinds, Tobacco, Cigars
Snuff and everything usually kept in a first
class Grocery Store, which we offer at prices
that defy competition.
lames B, White
New Organ
and put up the organ
Memorial The organ
was made by A Di.
Mich., and in
base, pipe lop in oak he may go.
is a very organ. wishes bun the success.
for Year end Could Find
No Cure Until Hood's
was Tried-Scrofula Cured.
suffered with on one my
limbs Just r. th. ankle. I a
neat n n nothing iii, ma
any Rood. The very
tome a or In the i ring
I g Bait. trill.
and taking of this
medicine, I was Hi
B rills also
V. p.
my boy month, old
ho brake I It.
. . , , n i eruption
would I would I
I Hood
an . hid i o
he v. . . I, Hi
JOB It. X-
If have
to our Immense stock of
John Kelly's
John Kelly's
will win for him
Hood's beet, In tut,
Blood by oil
I en and
en and
en and
i omen
Can fit anybody, can suit anybody, your
as well as your

KM M iv
Do J
Um Odd I- and ll. III
it Um . Order at Bi
Mi Or Um
Order of
Mi-- De Vi Um
it Um mi tool
York Weekly.
i the ob-
server of thine, hub
powerful ll I
Harries Is
.- i-. th l- BtU.
parts. It m Ma, . I Washington,
I i. A
to C ii i
cablegram iron be Mini
Foreign Affairs One
announcing the i n ti n
President Barrio, the i
i, to . of In
resident Manual
u I i rail d the
i id b a
A astronomer ore-
I dicta that two moon will appear
in the sky on other
ii i-
. . I i all
. . i
Travel. r--D I
have up to date I
; i .
I It I I
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
, .-
of his I
. ill it
. . . .
. . .
. . I by
. . . dim
. c whole
i I y
.-. I . ,
who is
. hums
S C m v I
mouth of Lewis r
Sew York baa as
a tall constabulary
at i; were, i
nil lithe
Any party controlling
. ad quote
n i by ;.,. simple
sic .- taxi h re they be-
The C is
do i belong
o i .-
ii I the I ranch I kepi
ill bi , ad lost t r
looting the grand and
and i i
um- i; i n i oil a i I
a con v Ii
. om f How I bus
direction g
pr I the reek waist i,
. , . awn
; tin I reel waiting
New V.
. . C
. lasts that
. i- vote its
Ami i , m is Senator
Of c was elected
Best in use The outfit business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
. M
has a nice assortment these Fountain Fens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
You will be astonished when you see them and
very cheap are.
. v, ,.
i . i i i . i
tilled the mi lion
I blue Tl l.
. lea .
. i
, . .-.
. t wound i
in my o i i u
i i Id So B
v, bi .
You may never.
But should you ever
Want Job
ii . .
. . a
i i-
-Come to see us.
Reflector Job Printing Ice. j
Anything from
Visiting Card
I .
. . . .
The Daily Reflector
small price cents a
month. Are you sub-
The Eastern Reflector.
Is only a year. I
the news every
week, and
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
the subscription price.
Um . .
i . ;
I .,; .
. a
. .
I .
. II . .
i . . ; i n
. . I ll
i i.
W . i i I i i
I I , . . .
ii . . i i n
j mill
We I. I on
i i . mid ii, j i .
y I , in
r, i.
c. nil will Ii -i ti . ii II-
. . Ilia
; a w ill
.,, r ton hi y n
k i n
I hi a tax than
. j a year.
-1 ire mill
the trust, and y lo
ill the bet l ills out
. i they may
dial pi oil for
paper id ;
la to ax
to levy tribute upon
it Ml
. .
laid i Tl
v i t
million in ale
. r, but i
wood -pulp.
i. of d-pulp and p
would fill to ll
Now York id.
t . vat lbs
man to congratulate
upon ins buying
re-election. the sort f
man to Vance.
News and
nil come
the people art i.
I dot. i one
pi are determined
to . and to bays
white people rule North
In the
n t and
bite i
ii. i.-. is plain
mull as
North Carolina,
Hi iii
A company has been in
capital of That's
to at.
A Kansas a
baa a
job, receive en-
Al i
tariff a
deficit July 1897
amounts to every
indication of lo grow.
Perhaps why Miss
is to
to do it with
water, was became forty j
year oil bottle of Bourbon could;
tie racket of lecturing
and that it is,
harder than polo pursuing,
he couldn't make 1500 Of 1609 a j
a Jay polo bunting-
A citizen of Ph.
died the other day aged At j
the age of be concluded be j
would do some reforming and
abandoned use of tobacco.
Ii la lather lived to the age of
The in the United
State is said to St.
tine. Fla, built by monks
in 1514. a composition of sea-
and It
table and is used us a
by owner.
key is being shipped Japan,
not lo exhilarate the but lo
use the manufacture i-
i -s powder If they
with this arm v could
stand up against them. It is red
Jabs From a Sharp
Lave and .-,
patent leather
A party is one which the
It i t
a hall.
Many a who lie is a
wrestler even throw dice.
avenge Bah hone is easier
wallow tea
ill me men choose
there is more money
ill.- ether one.
be a great consolation to
widow when the insurance more
A poet Kill in are new
. i. . .-
,,,.,, Ill . I In,
i- , . , II . I Will I , .
lull l, I a Ii ill,
in lust in
j . j,, r
A Ii rater el i .
in ball, I . i g
and i- a I y
t e
. I r ii
; i
r i I . are s-
. . , i . I
I . ;. I i
I on so bl. inly
. It U duty i I
I up
. ill
. . .
Here, who never i
nil tr
r wolf. Tina
ti Historical
i .
. n rs not in n t
i i
ii. future pr,
ii. find In h kin i u .;
lb . n i a room
in lie ., . i
i i , where
. pa i . b
served and i In d r. As chair
II null,., I up,
In North C . i may
. i , ., . ill. in i ,,;,
Will t i a
tin- iv , loan, i ti I,.
i i h and. ii in
oar Leans, mi
For happy I,. and all
i i i t
I i
d, Male and city up i
lied to i
. known.
tills Hi. ; i ii I
a Com.
In case an who
had claimed n reward for the re
ring which
be had found
n l i Saturday
it . i .;. i n i. the t
mere I. . I finding the
ring gave I Under I i lion upon
The had
been lost; loss was
and In keep it van practical
This has always
common genre i nil view of
r, an coming now from
. authority
it will have i i y n.
win and help lo
the notions of
which widely pr.-
respecting articles which
bare boon and found.
On Knees.
, tells .;
v tor Mi m concern-
i who kepi n local
hoarding The Senator
then a while, as did
i. , i b lady
In Ion ti lo one the well known
. In i. is very
in attendance
Tor this
her boarder
be down early for breakfast
Sunday morning, The
vita i. aware regulation
and his Brat Sunday in the
I came down tether late.
am not on time this mom-
said the lady gently
lint rather reprovingly.
madam- I spent a half
hour on my
was vi praiseworthy f
up the
for a collar button
rolled upon floor and
under the declined the
senator, concluding his
lay t lie
Just as 1897 closed, one of the
beat pastors in I lie sold,
cannot preach against dishonesty
WM asked why.
answered, church me a
largo part of my salary on last
year, and on On ac-
count I am unable to pay what
owe others. If tell Others
ought to honest, my creditors
will say, bad better pay
what you mo you cell
to be This
faithful pastor was
I ltd. Ho wanted to pay his debt,
and provide things necessary for
his family.
who fail to
pay what they owe pastors
guilty a great sin. They
dishonest themselves,
and cause the pastor to regard-
ed as thereby
bis influence for good.
Individual subscriptions to
salaries usually small.
and might, as a rule, be easily
and paid if an
effort made.
debts to God's
cause should first paid.
in Biblical
The the
grand lodge of Odd Fellows gives
notice that are
tors at work State,
money from members of
order by gutting their endorse
tin a. I drafts.
I Pills
Cure Ai
Liver ills.
disease the timely
Liver an old and
favorite remedy of increasing
popularity. cures
sour stomach, malaria,
torpid liver, constipation
and all bilious diseases.
have received a lie
hearse and the nicest line of Co
tins and Caskets, in wood,
brought ti
j i
in all forms.
Personal attention given to cot
ducting and bodies en-
to our care will receive
every mark of respect.
Our are lower man ever.
do not want monopoly
can be found at any and ,
times in John
Dealer in
Port, Sis,
Farmers buying
will U lo their
to our price-
Our ll
a ii-
Flour, Sugar, Coffee
Always lowest market
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
A complete stock of
and i at t.
all times. Our arc all
CASH therefore, having no
to run We at a close margin.
S. M.
all Pu-
. . r Fill.
Bend i or
Ion, We II or
i till p-int
S a i-
t . MM hi Um U. j.
J C.
Wire and Iron Fencing
prices reasonable.
w. B,
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.; WHICHARD. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
id n
. ; ;.
II. V G Fill i
r. i-. ti . .
, Unite.
T 1- l . iii-
ml w
I Our I PI
. . I, 1- . . .
v., . r ii; .-. ll i
mall In
T v u
. r .
I t buy
u to
a a
Col. T. O.
by way, talks
any we
n instead a
will not allow to bare
fields of
purpose of crow
U not to destroy corn but worms,
and pull up
it will generally be found
is a at
He argues if crows were really
to corn they would be
ac army with
for by their numbers could
lay waste corn field
land, view of tool Col.
Walton b a
at different fairs for
largest yield of corn per
Hie World's Fair for the
best com, are impressed with
force of bis argument
behalf of
,, Davis.
Ti ii-
h r in
ll If i . I I I
hi S. a
,. r . in
Mien. i- . Ii r-u I- u
Mn ill Mr.
plan at
I ill.,. n i ; I l-
ii was in
for a work
both in in I .
in thy began t look
only tin in
work to Sunlit in
mi I are found i
it, r.- no mar-
in tin-
all tin-
newspapers lb I are pay ii
bing in ii
to nave
r II ill
from literary
Mr- Davis
earning Miss
Mi. laid be iii
people bad Mr-.
could in bar
I us
well expect to be able lo
with a as to make a
S null ti-, vole
Democrats said
ll. V II I
cf House week.
Mr Li i v has probably
stated case. The colored man
Republican blind-
Half the Republican is
opposed lo eat lie baa
on-mill But colored man
at if he were a It
not it of for
principles are It
not a matter of reward, alter
has cast Ins vote, the
a Republican baa no further
Professional Cards
W. I. Kim
In all the courts.
Swift Galloway, B. I
N. C
all Court.
k. Ii. I,. James,
N. O
over J.
A Son's Store.
Congress is itself
question of a remedy
increasing frequency o boy-
in small towns.
It matters somewhat
would quit removing competent
purpose of giving jobs to
political hacks.
words, the
Office would cease
the postal service as
loot spoils a foray,
would manage, it to the
requirements if honesty
and I, mi in i in sense, sued a
as a boycott would be
sou to expect that
will rise to this very low level of
reasonable sagacity
A men passed through Ibis
place, on last Saturday, travel-
la a one horse vehicle from
in the State of New
York, to Southern in this
Ho left Syracuse on the
of October. His vehicle
wan like old army ambulance,
but longer, and was arranged SO
that be could deep comfortably
in if convenient
stopping place at His
only companion bad been a dog,
that died a few days before
be reached
The Little Ones.
To children happy to
bed should be one of hi
most ordinary tasks. No little
Should dread lb bed tine,
fear Hie dark, nor be
to go to rest under a sou a
of disgrace. -r alienation Inn
household love.
day lime u. iv
nave been, at he go
n-t with mother's kiss on bis
lips, bet tender voice bis
Hardly any Ring can be worse
for a Child to be scold-
ed or at lime.
mother does well lo be a little
some i-
good deal of
culpability is superficial only, and
washes oil
dirt which evening
removes front the skin.
The main thing with children
is well storied with
good principles,
carry life. Obedience.
parity, ate
and can
When is
bid. the lights
turned room quiet
mother, or or land
who is still found
have a little
of to draw
before embark on mo
for dreamland.
Imagination is vary active in
little children, and occasionally
one meets a mother who
understand the child's world bay-
forgotten her days
their illusions, or who is
I fancies imageries
will lead her child deceit-
While the moat rigid
in our dealings with children,
they themselves should be taught
to every
lying, still not
fear to let imagination give than
early loam to
the false and
perhaps it would be to say
they learn lo find the truth wrap-
husk of the story-
same with variations, have
all ages climes, been taught
o children, have their
heart of race- Children
are able
lo grasp other literature if early
the hour hand points to nine.
Have your washing on the line.
i . I
b.-i i ,,, ,,,, , ,,,
by the
keepers for Washing
House Cleaning.
Package Fry it.
Goods, Dress Goods
Ladies Gent Notions
Goods. Ladies, Gents and
ins and mi Tinware
., . . . i in-, lull, i- mere tun
and . hi.
Loading Shells, and the
largest stock of
ll. I,. I
i re.
W ,
Tl . , ;
g ll. ill .
An lulu ., nut,
. y bl , u i
i are
ii i
, . , ii-i,. w, a
. , a h i
think In, i i ill
mil In one year experience, h e
u hi i; r
. r. In ; u
Iv i M i- I i
, ti., , j. . II hi call n l
In U
I i
j i bl I,, j , .-
. I I ,. I , ti
-i i Ml i iii-
id I ii .-.
, I,, --in
. i i, i lulu
in i . ;, i . and
. i. ii .
A . i ii i In in
. I ill-
. . ;. aim i-
i -v I to .
mi Km i i in . its;. i
,. . ,. one, l- in ii mi.-
in in i A
P. t.
I. .,
i i. i to
I coll
i I , I win ill i-
in ii i -i
III,. lull, I- I I
II. -mall, i . ll.
In Hie
VI. II. W.
Hinton, of
Foot Precinct, Ky , the a other
of twelve nil
married. bus
all whom
live a few miles of her.
mil ii is years
old, does all her housework,
aim the very best of health.
I lit tills mil ll to
i-t et a bottle bee hr.
Cold. net you
lo buy baton ins. sill
you the f Oil- truly won-
remedy, you ran
It ii,
in no
would be to proprietor,
in I know II
Man Hie are
now ii in
In nm-t
i Trial
at I.-
price ever given
and how much
No mailer who
The Romance
Kinds at the lowest
in this community. Conn
cannot be seen elsewhere
you are, where you live, how much or how
little you have got. I here is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
I leach, Lord, n luting,
The iii-i i
O lots lull i
Our readers remember lbs
fall, i f Mr
James this township,
to a widow from New York, who
had advertised in a newspaper for
a Well, just as might
have this hear it
lie marriage has ended in a
ration, for. on Tuesday, Mr I.
Gilliam Whirred to
home. And there was quite a
n and
departure. When she arrival
here Sir- with all the
of an I
groom, mot her
her there
to this place hired a carriage
to lake her to his home,
three miles from hole. Hut when
she departed walked
Iron place
Chatham Record,
u mt today
Tl,. ii u ;. Lie r
l-iii lie
ii- lesion living,
very u. m ;
I hi ii.
, in and Inn- ii can
in ii H HOOD.
look more kl i
keep, nil u
of all the vital ins If Hie
you have a bill
look, it kidneys
I e Ii a r no n k,
and you will
Salt look- in
ii and I nine.
the ll . nil
the win
an I i I.
The In the World I
Bruises, Bores,
Sever Sine., fetter, Chapped
Conn, sad skin
and Piles or no
pay Is n give .
or money Hen bottle ed.
price rein per for ml Jno. in Mow,
in. L. ii. J
Harried to
la of i and loll Iron-
tile In the be
bi and in the
behold ii it gone- it i i
i told. Ii
no one know whither
in the
; to s lo soothe bis
as the
or ox, and
his III-
in of
linen lo a lbs
ii i. I,, yet himself is In
gale of city with one
be is r
It in ii
Do ii. I. i. i a me
. tut known
ll,. . , -I lie.
IN ii. ., n i . Ii i- r
ii ., j eh ill i.
i . -I mill
i, .-in, , m
it i, i in Hi ii public, I
i i in. in
I, I i, hew I ale um
.,,. till.
Murk . ii n
i in I. Ill , ,,
basket. means, i lb n
I. .-I i l, i or ire Hun i ll, ,
h m . i
-ii.-.-. .--1.1
in Printer. Ink.
papers SI
The and Mechanic,
paper years ago, under
of A-
an excellent
the State, has
revived as a
Weekly farm paper.
many in section
who the Farmer
like to have
again and we are prepared to
m the extraordinary
For we Will
K.-.-11 us North
Carolinian, of The
Farmer and Mechanic, ail three
papers a year,
papers will you
home news, the general
new the farm news,
of throe of a
whole year 11.75,
if yon want the
added the above list
it for 7.1 cents more,
or a week New York
W Id for To cents. other
or we em
give you a in
I, n I .
I'll on i,
ilium up , n h.
Mom j u- n iv,
I. us it ii-i, r.
II , o Hi Inn
III, J Ill
., i. I . on
A . ii I- a mail's bi
Hi, u
VA In n a wile mail p. coll l, i
.,. divorce.
No lo ii lo
. during
Tile I I, ,
ill ii I. ill low i ,
ii . I . a it man nil
in j ., j . . i
S . lint
III mow if
i i u Is oil for h broken arm.
In ibis a friend
y a
in.-. . .
N . dear, we as n know
win re would
Mr, I.,,,,, , , u
A- n diplomat De Lome
I I i- I., speak mother ton-
r in I v ; now Sum
jives him hi, In milking
making. in
i. I,,,.,
lead lo . gel i.
wild ii, ti,,
. , .
I.--I think eon-
i my baby when
I in In dirts-
In has all
and He
U more In this motion
Wilier, and
is i ,
u great i pro.
I I I , H
uncoil ii in.
n , rays u aid o be
ill .-. and
-I in i. Inn ., , r
i treatment,
require. .-r.
lire, K.
ii is
ll licit on
i an i in mom .
l I'm. Hi I i . I i,,.
rating i
i. ii, -i
u l the in. i. ii, i,. n
. ,., p. Atlanta. New, .
nun pips are
An i has
in ii The
girls of are pretty,
in . t,. ii
I I i
abut up in
Nature in. ii ii i
i an . n . I. i
i I

Eastern reflector, 15 February 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 15, 1898
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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