Eastern reflector, 4 February 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

An H- I Congressman Harry Sin. ., r
she live bog be; introduced a resolution id C n-
found to i the t mm
of cl r
county. coo y en
nils , W N Car. a,
u, ha Mi Mi Tho resolution
flesh and that measure In j appropriation of .-1 I
around, lip it is dew which to purchase a
feet in and weighs monument or
This bag
his weigh he is ebb la
around with when
found Crazed in the Wood.
Atlanta. Oft, January 7.- Mm
U Miller, who
ago, a .- t.
III a wood.-, twenty
,.. lb city. Mi v.
Several weeks ago. .,.;.
vaccination mi on all
M r U
declaring that ll would i
and Uh well
She am
Bod i which
in jail. Finally
J under protest.
has beau soling ever
-be lit boon
to be
erected at neat
A to e 1-
three Senators and live
to be
t presiding of
. an I I
ail -1 r a carry
joint int.-
Li ten bins in Ft mm
a roe,
search made, an
ha was discovered at
An Eastern newspaper
very, very deal
have a It
supported by out the must
and I be d t cold
and I in own-
go i Hi r- o . Au-
red ma, I send up n
m i have n
shoes in dyed l ill r
f.-. a I
j .
Cork, . . location
it a tie t ii for Ike
in New
while loan is in
the central
The man ea
bin crime and L is d to
am i
. . b lb
e A be real
. . . Al I m
ii. v, .- Ibis .
. . I
uh New
S , . i
. . tor-
. . d the Sea Y.
ii by Freed-
i force
An Old Deed.
m i- mall to Ike
Mr. n
U B I war- ,;, Mi;
Oat of them i a deed .;,.
Ins i- . . i
Philip Taylor, for some laud
B This old deed well
and Ike w bases may not be
Tho price the
, , . a ii I, . , ,. . I i received a l-
, hearse mid the line of
none of A ,,.;,,,, u. and in met-
rather m u .,,,,,.,. i-,. i,,.,. lie and cloth ever
l mm
Poor little King of At
I twelve Tears of age. when a boy
to be playing marbles or
tops or roller-skating,
be blasphemously
to a girl rears older than
the of a
bate probable How
long are the fictions and the
crimes of royalty and dynasties
and all that sort of thing to en-
in a world
t it should I
have been
money of
An Old Shoe tit
K lit
paid fr We at -j n-.
r I'm a . i.- lot
lb aV thirty
1- on
Carolina all .- B-
Personal attention given to
and es-
to care will
every mark of
and b is probably c d a
. ; tremendous a
mind and nearly i ad
back b of lb tan
inly computed, is an much I
log, i i
lick awl bad
are a
it r-
health it at till i
pt 1- l her lb
. by strain to which
la.- been
lb I
Hi-re is a wrinkle in the
of the lo
amend the so
N j cue need .
tho r
good r
of .
aria. c all beef,
i. hi n bin n in Ion
was tali by m b disgraceful
and mean
u . . d i bill
require the election if r. . -mint-
States by direct vote on I
the The
died I e
., I n . to
i. lord
lei bee a be owed ti
foot; e 1.-
. ,
the q I I
I together, a a sort
I . . ii . I
mall I Lou-
n ;
. . . in
and ti ti
t than .
. those
. ire
a an I
. , . ;
.,;. . , j , d
. .
.,,. . i . -.- ., l
is a pi b
I t. nun
. .
i a
; II i. lie
from the
the A
it Mount,
-It is veil lit own t Lord By
ion his
Mr. Ch has one of
with rod and worn
this time by ibis noted
bard. record is
and the was given air.
by mot hi r who now
. , h. bat a d
r. ,;. Gordon Noel Weary
it aid lo
II all
ins to
that an
In-1 hi ii reap
b Indeed a bard remark-
ed the wk a
granite the d all newly
as. d cemetery pi
lira. j lo
are man
do b
We can be I I a-j ,
times in tho John .;
Tribune quoted laying;
of the agitation for
r election of I oiled States
the that
be amended to
State the right lo
own way. This, we
mistake jot, U a t It
would have of leaf-
open to in we
ho plan of a . v II
election should
operation r, suit
are very thing, and
their that are
be entered upon, but
o t to
us to a good of a pi
position that to be gain-
if. with its
Bear I e or u pi
y to complain lo
bU oil
Burton d
. In lbs February
do to and
in ii I ever do anything It rob
n a r IV
The sturdy your
s make you a mother-in-
day, and as you now n , you
r.-ii. you II ,,
break h your rub-
never ab while i .
attentions will her
in ire sack hi loll any -1
may have beard,
that old p 1-
leek lively In
ii mis and neighbors, lb will
mate limn the implied with i.
Trent bet
and the presence year
your and j
will be model-
your la
ton, hi place.
It will blip to be
you already bad
in If f
upon you. ii the i
to Interfere with your
or household, I cull
repeat lb bet
love it old
book good
but overcome ii
with is divine
inn resist
well worn
was ti b m V,
I- lo
be km f all men.
nil. hi- be bud I
ward with bis
and to I l
And f s
. , and
I ill m in ; i 1-.-
ii con. d
v. bi
Nothing else ml .
-A m Hence
re no at
can I disgracing
while an m an in
pi v., I
a . rel all
.-b.- r Bee
lull . .
P . fair
bare And
tilth .
even el , and
l uh f
I i i ii
.; . has .
1- . v.,., ii. Bays
I w n thin .
I v. t b i. b
. hi . Lord lay-
, I th .
ignore u .
Ian rays the
f Mr. that shoe
auction there will be
lira . hi boll
a an I . j
, ye an i all
. r
, . . ii, . beta
. ;
i. j policy. Beta I-
. .; . J i- i
., or in
. . c i
., ,. i. ins ire op
. . . n k id
r. .,
in r a i e
b .- I i- is .- n i-
i ore, to wall
; i roving
I. .; . ml
win 1- u ii n-
b I re a b
; his liter
. . the
docs Hard
all trade pap re i He's
n mi i-
bit he always up a In 1.-
a lo
hi II.
d win of having I in e
Mb, aim Is
will I up ti I
n I. rum be c c ed e
m vi people,
iii- i- a .
tall lie, lie . in
j -a.- he I
in books, and
is dial from
a .- III lime . t
limp Vi it lib
ii-1 in e men
ii. but it en h lo en a
in die d a of . . ,
lo I.-k r . n-
hi i;, In n
an i s,
a Into e
Bug . lie
Tl .
Hie Story Plainly.
Tl . n
I die win
m i in
u .
. in mil ii
I . d 1- g rail
,. ; el
. . Iran ., th part the
fl ., . . of
mil ,, in n of today
com that lbs
and 1- are
b u
II mi lit hi tin .
an w w the old in
lb particular And win
is tilted we Dad
i . r all, adv
lining mi Ito till people in plain
y. have . what
a in tin an what i- price. It
tin mm old method, bare
sit-nil upon, and a is is
Ion . ; -l l will rove .
Migration t
nil a. he
j war,
l 1.1. u word,
ii ,
I In ,
was much a nailer than a sol in
Italy, lbs were To
years, however, m
to an It
eying which log i -.-
y. la u l
; ., it ii l-l- ll.
ream a dear
yuan three dear
full Mm I
find Heron I
t will i in
-1 to t i on r m ;
Flour, Sugar, Coffee
Tobacco, Snuff.
At l
In a i Mid -old .
ml be i i ac.
Mid for m
mil I
Secretary Wilson report upon
in the m pi t
for Kin
fl Dispatch in
lit N- York Sun, i
id upon ill- In
and i-
i In both bones and
with bop
It. I iii us. blood l
Win II H ; d I ll.
ti 11- bulb
and curative . i t.
in 11- on
1- in . I i
I t bull I ill
on nil I.- I of
V. . I n it n
.- which were
died C
i I COM.
in Ir i
c at. i
Secretary n regard
of ii i
n 1.1 in-r-,
cl many have
to weigh heavily upon
in. m opinion it la
i i ii-
in stage scrum undoubted
ti-- j, I c i
is Pit i an j
lion which i nil
Agriculture lo
I be I in
tin- I'll-
per head
pi will mi k-c a
greater downward i
u i-i lire
o-t.- I roiled during ill-
uh I n i i n is
nut much to luck,
n to Improved
and by u
i , will ruble
than tic y have done.
K i.
The Stock complete
every department
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
Should Bend at once
Jut Printing
Air an I many
an in In New
York Ledger, Led-
i el i
i in-y in lire
I.-. n- I'm i
ii. air of Carolina
ii. u lion
N Hi nil lo lb N
i---. N Carolina
I i- -1 in bail
In i ii I,., i --ii-. In
i it bad i i I
In 1686 ii h. In
Now W
i ii null ii--
Si s u
i in. I i ii-
el rate. The m
or, end Ike t ii Ids
a ii ii Prevention
will. than cure. Tint's
Hal nut taken ii j. Tills will not only cure, but if
i. an iii only in in time will
j nil iii- .
urn la work and ,
really malaria.
food constipation, torpid
tuning ill- and kindred diseases.
pale in a j PILLS
At merely nominal the KW
They are lending out an ha-
in to all pins
the United It I in realty
or the Camera, outfit
lull particular i-
m it I ex-
grade in
nil modern
Atlantic Coast Line.
VS . m. 11.02 ii. u 11.15
a in,
1.40 n p m,
p m.
n in. 7.15 nm.
p m.
Inn 11.31 p n.
a m.
York a m,
3.00 p m.
. Due
T pin. m.
m. 19.10 p m,
a m. Rocky Mount
p m. 1.42 a m, Nor-
folk a in,
3.14 a m, a m,
a m, Billi
. m.
am. New York I a
in. p
p 5.09 p m.
p Marlon ll p
in. 7.25 p m, Sum-
lei MO P m. 10.30
ii. 0.12 a m, Angina-
a in. 11.11 a m,
Atlanta m.
a in. a in,
p i pm.
1.03 pin. York
4.3-1 am. 11.05 am,
11.52 am,
pin. Wilson
pm. en ii 4.24
12.00 New
York am.
Baltimore Ml pm,
3.40 nm. Rich-
pm. Norfolk 2.20 pm,
0.43 pm.
0.01 pro. Ricky Mount 6.40
m. Leave 0.22 am.
am, Warsaw
7.53 am. Magnolia 0.06 am.
e Hew am.
am. ThU train
12.15 street.
. , and all Pal-
do I
lei id. i-i V. i.
i or .
B, V c not,
in t. a.
or. d. C.
N. C
I s Pills
Cure All
Liver ills.
Sick Headache,
and Iron Fencing
First-class work
prices reasonable.
If. 1.10 am. 3.27
pm. pm,
Savanna 1.45 night, Charles-
ton Ml
am, Atlanta nm, Macon
nm, Augusta 3.30 pm,
Denmark 4.25 pm.
inn, Florence AH am,
Marlon 10.31. am,
nm, Lake. Waccamaw
12.09 am,
Train on Hold
e 3.55 p. m. 4.30
p. m., Neck at 6.20 p
v., lire p. m., 7.66
p. m. Returning, leaves 7.60
t. n., 8.62 a. in, Arriving
Branch leave
8.20 a, in., and 2.20
Parmele 1.10 a. m and
n , 9.15 a. in.,
3.30 p. in., Parmele 9.35 a. m.
8.20 p. m,, arrive
a. m., 7.20 p. m. Dally ex-
it Sunday. Connects trains on
Neck Branch.
Train leaves N C, via
ft Raleigh R. R. dally except Sun-
at p. in., Sunday P. at;
live Plymouth 7.40 P. X., 6.10 p. in.
e i r Plymouth dally except
vi mil y, 7.60 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a m.,
10.06 and
Train on Midland N. C. branch leave
dally, except Sunday, 7.10 a
v. arriving 8.30 n. in. Re-
turning leaves 9.00 a. m
rive at 10.25 a. m.;
Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
l., leave 8.40 pm,
p n, Clio 8.05 p in. Returning
leave Dunbar 8.80 a m,
. 7.60 a m. dally Bun-
Train on Clinton War-
aw for Clinton dally, except
m. and 4.15 p, m
m. i m.
Train No. makes close connection
t We in;, points dally, all rail via
mi i also at H j Mount with
i all North via Norfolk.
All n strictly
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Advance.
Ho. HP.
to 1,1-
like p.
I It
11-9 a
0- l. ii r
i- n
ii pita .
w mi mm
chin.-. triM i-p,, i-a.
.-. . . H .-.,
, HI
. I- W H
i. and w.-
CO . p
v r HUi v
n In
T I-. win
I d tO
wilt, pr u y. am
a now to
Where a man a
bole in a man's l iv.
It is only the
are angry waterspout
women unruled
letter paper well ruled bus-
A full of himself is as dis-
as a man toll of
winter baseball players swap
lies about what didn't do in
Some women, like some horses,
can never be to
The average man never casts
bis bread the waters until
it become stale.
The honest buys and
hi Ms by the same scales. There
are no two weighs about him.
It is only in accord with
eternal fitness of things
telegraph wires should be made
A iii a u shuts the door
about to De told a a
woman opens it to if anyone
is listening
j, a -l I, u- or
carbon yet between
in Manila
Nature. your table, and
your own body the
vet between two stands the
ion, the arbiter of growth or declines
or death
cannot a diamond, can
not make Bath, blood and hone. No
But by of tho Shaker
Cordial we can enable the stomach to
digest food which would otherwise fer-
and poison th In all
of and Incipient con-
with weakness, loss of flesh.
I. A X is the bent medicine for
ten Doctors recommend It In place
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond.
A W,
N. C.
Practice In all
Swift Galloway, B. i. Tyson,
N. C. N.
N. C
In all the Courts.
VII 1.1. M. O.
over J.
John II. Small, h. B. Long,
N. C.
Attorneys and Counselor t Law
In all th
All Willing to Swap
A few days a dame
called at the of of
Deeds. of asked
for woman-
Cr way of en he
what is
Dis i-i ii
lo he i. i
The other spoke
Bess, in-
ll will her. for
yearn, I
for din oiler Lab
in them
that under h
not issue
I hoy with j
the Bailer. The of
divorce had never
The best salve in the w rid for Cm
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit I
Fever Soles. Chapped Hards, I
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Fr p-
cures Piles
I it to give
perfect or money retarded
price per box. For sale I y
l. Ii. Woolen.
When the called lo
ask for the old man's daughter,
the litter naturally thought it was
lo put op good bluff,
that usual method of
procedure. be
looked solemn, once or
as a of preliminary,
commune with himself a minute
or two, c ii again
yon her in the
style lo which she has ac-
I returned the
man to
be of
The old bluff
Chicago Post
There Is more this
of the than all other
put and nut ii the last few
was supposed to be
For a many years
ll a local disease
local mi.
iv failing to cure with local treatment,
i. t it Incurable no has
be a
and require
Hill's Catarrh
by K.
A Co Toledo, I the only eon
cine on the market, ll Is
taken Intern illy lo lo
to a ll on
the III icons s of
v -.-d
for any ii falls cure. Send
for Ad
F. i . CO. Tole O.
Hall's Family s are the beat.
Our is conducted on sound
, honorably presented and
truthfully have gathered
from the best most prominent
all the new and desirable novelties adapted
to the want the people tins community
This concern of attraction is Rich in Quality.
Magnificent in Style, and Low in Price.
We have endeavored to meet your require-
for seasonable goods in every respect
We invite you to one of the best displays
up-to-date and seasonable merchandise
ever offered the people of this vicinity.
Come to the Show of Shows. Every feature
of the entertainment is replete with
High Quality and Small Price. If you want
to sec this Show of Shows come and see our
fine assortment of
and Furnishing
Ladies and Gents Notions
Goods, Ladies, Gents and Shoes.
Hats and Hardware, Tinware
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware,
Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
W. B. W.
N. C.
Practice wherever are
of all kinds at the lowest price ever given
in this community. Come and see how much
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who
you are, where you live, how much or how
little money you have got. There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Hill Hour
Through the Chicago
lo Jersey City daylight at
rate of boar is Hie
of the
Hallway is
s moot of
which in already paid up.
the president, A trust deed
was with tho
Company us
trustee, and on
the recorder's Thia
provided for of
ti ft v tear per
not to exceed
in to
of the road is lo
begin at once Whore and
tho company going to i-s
u t- are
yet to be revealed-
got a from
is on June
trust dead
the Ti
in u
track electric railway
from to Jar
a fr
to mil--. It is also
that company bus been
director j and two-
thirds of lo
borrow money by issuing,
and exchanging bond- fur
other spur tract- and
branches. In of ibis
power tho company will issue
corporate bonds dated September
188.7, and mature
of each, with
eat per cent., payable g lid
March and September each
year, provided the bonds shall
exceed a mile of tho main
lice, spur branches
I-. If tho road is to lie
miles Ions would menu
the issuing of bonds
Ah trustee, Equitable Tm t
Company is to issue
if in c. v, to lbs
tut the
f way, u. in case must
tho to more
The company con
to trust all the
it or
of at any future time, 01-
lo the of the
York Sun.
A nanny men in a
i circle; there Is cud
to their arguments.
Bled i Death.
Mr. Parnell lives in lower
j Creek. La-l
I eat child two yearn, not its
Anger in a mill.
up the cut as well as
Monday its
j bands, and child led to d
before hep could be
is I e m r of tin-
fun. i. v has bled to
Printing Envelopes
Mill lie in
the as soon
as for print-
i the
Department tho a hi n
the of
Alice Fees.
a in
iii- land executed
and tome have n -11
Violated mill the violator allow d In
. ; I
taken el officers, hut it
i in arc i
I i. 11- taken in.-
fir no oilier
i- in m cure fees, of our
s 1- 1-.
1.1 I 1.1 11.-.
iv -f
t even mine the tin
I. .-I. are leading their aid in
A- .- I our
, iii r.
it in -11. in under
charge together
n .- i i Al , .
. R . ,
return cards on
It will also them,
us well nil man to
know, that, by a ruling,
letters cannot delivered
will be held thirty a
shorter lime is on the
very largely of
and cheap labor
men. The
is lo cut and to skimp
work w to
at . lowest rates, and if any re
Mill haul I up n Ike
c bi -in i
, in
W , -1
a ill any
i there lire .-.
i . p that ill
lake at -an lie
entirely of any ion
violate ii law.
end call
Sun . a- ail
Absolutely Pure
tor ti ts
The St. Louis declares
that reason why 1808 is
to be a bettor business year
than 1807 was is that everybody
it will Popular.
is not ; but
king certainly has a effect
in business. And so fur as tho
is concerned it is
the advertisers who practically
control tho
is to placed I lie
dint are ;. ii.
the of goo Is
are disposed in this regard, lo
public. And who
with and
r legitimate bus-
is almost driven to wall
by tho of
They to justify
fraudulent by
pleading that as the average
is to pay for good
goods, they are obliged lo mono
an inferior
Kentucky has a law which
that after a man baa tern mi.-.-in- tor
heard of, be is An u-
meat law
hen made Court at
Plankton, where a lite Insurance
into court
which it laid IV
who was the
year ago, a
Tale's lie is
in , , but under
aw he dead.
race was well illustrated
depot Saturday when a
woman got off Georgia
train, followed by
oldest winch appeared
to be not over years
age. Tho r of this largo
family did not appear to over
thirty five years of ago, and was
as healthy looking us
anybody As largo
passed out. Gatekeeper H
jokingly asked the woman if she
had any mote children.
honey, urn all left. I
had some but fell
and killed some n
plied tho woman, candidly. Mon-
day last a family of people.
of a man and wife
daughters, came up on the
Georgia Southern to make
home in
law, i
against by
looks Ike lo
lie- lo draw in all pot-
by hook crook, -o
might gin and
I i in s.
The Observer an oiler
tie- heal poem he lend
lo be
the l of
mi day el May next,
and baa already received
the contact.
TO know.
very h--l for
the out nervous to a
Vigor la Bitten. Tl i-
is purely
giving tune to the
and and these organs
in the
Electric Hitters the appetite,
who have ll a- lbs
tonic. Try It.
old at
h. Drug Store.
to Remember.
Thai III Set lb,
yellow and
That will keep ii
cold water.
That CO i- in low
a dining room.
Thai perk should be l
ed an iii- rind and thin.
Thai best he, I i- mod In
mid the color.
an I chalk mixed
bad mildewed will
That a brash dipped in
The a
rim delivered an at
a church social, in if
for a carpi
church, the store price which was
The mu-c
to pallor
said co-t as
shown rendered,
To I lie hill he a nil
hie dentals, work and
and bodily
n .-lie- and ii
hundred women
during nil these years,
inn I accumulating.
it In- added the cold and
and d a -1 also
Lave paid do other
M. and come to
your .-. must yo lo
Th-. incidentals lion here. A
in hues. nu land
at the l sire and
time makes a or something Ire
over to th.- and
iii- n wife d
and . cake and
it- that in.
been idly t I i-r
ten dollars and netted only live
iii. De-
church a
legitimate giving the
church proper, various
i-i the train
I you've a It-i it
a your prop-
well iii- in who sold it in
1.1 you toll
Mi-- and her
hem me II
. I
pretty cl
The Farmer Mechanic.
paper that year-. go.
of it-
made such excellent
lion tie log
been revived at as a
farm and h no piper,
Don in this
who formerly the
would like to have
it again and prepared lo
make the following; extraordinary
For we will send
C of K and The
Farmer and Mechanic, all three
a whole Tbs
papers will give you the
home news,
tho farm news, and jest
think of three of them a
whole year for 11.75.
I If you want the Atlanta Con-
added to the above list
you can get it for cents more,
or tho thrice a week Now York
World for To cents. other
or magazine wanted cm
you a in con-
A hail-raising cut's.
new year is just on sunny
Speak- should .-l
make a bit with
my was a howl-
Ah summer ii the
age of Con ye
which U 1.111 loud.
Mi-, want silk hat
one f or
know they
III haven't
h, r now my son is growing
his first mustache, and my husband's
taking an in
The T. Si inn r,
was badly Arc
L. Durham, who bad
been oil a
evening, by laking
M. s. Noble,
1-11 W
been .-. d oil the
the State
Mr. Join--, tIn- ding in
A son. III , In
in. New
la-l In- wit-
I grew
nothing her. it
d to develop Into
lion, New iv
II V ill stoic, Bailing Ion of it, he
took a home, and to the
all sin- n better the
and hail dollar bottle
gored sound and Will. In.
.- g
work TM It Hull
Wise Way
. U Ilia
n i- win n
It it
1- It nm
lilt 11.-, Mid I m i
to do I
ala lull

Greenville. N.
N. second in r.
Kit II Weeks
Biases k kw W
Air a Viii. Senator, and
do o
the l. , the in. it
world is in order
to avoid -It
II-;,. I
pol i ill be B all to
pm m . much longer, t
to cool .- to declare, on e
i, . , in
while Pi i
. , . pro g n
with lb
tine will b
Mr. P r ,
r ii Ob
i ii
K .
I'll t In North Carolina
j in .
II a i
IV a ii
it i . i Ii
,. . i i ; .- I. . I i
. j i . .; IS c r. Ii Mr P.
i M i, . . .
, . . i tart of I We t n N I i
of Booth
; Africa are being destroyed by
a hundred
mission, i t tree to poison
I i , rob, ii b, bold i
I t I of May
ii e. i
. bold Ore
;. i i d In ii
board I a met North C .
the we
I i- . i I ,.,., , f ;
. if society
. i Bib
vi .
Coin; . . -i
i. i the point
i the
on u rote up.
Kepi i- . . lb In e which
the at was lilt. up. arm,
i the Ida the Roman colony.
same but harbor
left to Bud it- own meaning f eta-
BI a o, bar-
. lb farmers bringing coal
lo and harbor, a where char-
he met be cash, now He. coal as
. . wood
camp com
,, end. Col a place of
U. he.
A who drunk
than v. i good t.-r hint
l y to tin-
gold cure, bat h refused.
protected b friend,
, tin u i u
vow will
the ii limply
Do j i being cored of the
and retaining your
right, or do yon prefer to beep an
man i. . t r for men time,
and in ii brown
be turned to In- and, with
n of
The Teller . t
late in lb
the n
it adopted a bu
weal over to the
defeated by majority V
do. dawn. nil
y. t show n m kit
refer be
i M
people band
the natter.
i. it a, l
baa Hill I i
m 1.- v it
tier reason .-
the I
The I mg she
lived with I
b c me
bad loved once could rot
kit I h
LI f I EB.
o lent,,
i i
Playing enters for
very old lie in g l
but is to played
year, and, it
is lbs regulation
and the
Tn in v. is e
o win, Hi. will
party lo be
friend f a v
fairy will be
Mr. v spec
f r tin m
I .
re gold
by a ,.
the will v.- R
Id T
la to I. I mail
if mi- I f
i game, bi v ill
. . caught.
f. u Reed I
and compelled
can majority of lion lo
the Teller n ion, d
to be payable in all
Bead is do .
nay de la for r
gold bend J
endorse of b
In gold defeating Teller
of who
by pigeon-hole
If of
bail to
as they
bean enough of them with
the solid Democratic void lo
have overthrown Bead's plan
s. who has been
in is
of Sir.
bus this lo say of latest
tempt of the latter ti carry gold
on and silver nu the
the cold
also international
which is a very
cult for him to do,
the f ate u any
of Bo h,.
favor of paying
ii in best
in tho world, the
tin T Ii lo n
I . .
Those who
the whip I
s to trade
m lbs u t i
tn v bi b
United no, to
. . acts f .
lilt in
. . i . . .-.
; was
. . bis v
and. r it p
lion I
iv to id c i Ii
I its In
. lob Ii
mo-t I ; bi
it seem to be
. . sat the
. ti no, by e din
Hay ma
I-.- II i
pass bill to pay
to th s Math I
Company f r J .
-ii- by the .
the war.
Mo Ben
in i v
b ii lid. a ho t
a-. . I
us gold the
Tb u on leg oil
but .; .
and .
one Ii lie th
. Th b i a
I till I I
who be b . Bi
. one leg, el
it bis
-1 i. I ;
X . sharp
only Dew
Mrs. F
. , . ion
. I
. ill
. .
lit . . I I
. . . I .
. i . . I i at
in- In
tho i
Cir e
Men I
on s
up to m an I
A paid remains
true u like Wake in for grain. Colo harbor, a
. meat In to
n generally
it , Hail
the train load, pretty what it appeared to
which a paid mean that cold cold,
or on lime. to be enjoyed or to be protected
and arc i
ltd sold
any I u an I
I I t If
hat b
p .
I .
I Y .;.
whether originally justifying its
etymological of a
post or approaching
at borne to as an to place one find
f . ; all
ten of the
yon think I'm a
v, ,.
what troubles mo. If
your is correct, then
are a and therefore
cannot be a tool, and
you understand.
wife can what time it is
in the middle of the night when it
is pitch she do
in- me get op and
Wok at the. k. Record.
. Dram v i
I . ire.
i in ll
. .
. . . .
. tug i
II n . the p m I
. . .
I'll, v
. . . a town n an-.-
.;.,.,. Notice to
Clerk of
I to
me letter u up
Civil Service Examinations ;,. , ,. v no
I- . i. given all hold-
i. g -1 mill .
to the
, . of a
or nu Ice i lie In bar
i. v.
All . ,. lad I -t
are .
to in.
K. Beck.
. x
. .
. .; S .
n ;
I . Loud lo-
ll .; i
t -1 .
I, f
. . .
. ;. a
. I
i .
I at,
I . . Bo
, Mary i
. j
, ii M . .
. .
. . . i . i
i. Sin
r. i
I ill
March I
D in
, . . I
v March
. in, M
mi . in, A id
; . l-d- J -To-day
A . c. r. y. old,
E . a divorce from bis
, J ; r, bat a
, i. t in i I.
with a It
Mr- beet
tin day January
in -.- and
conducted under o
Pitt Ci
II. C. K -11 .-.
;. have
will bu in any
v. IV. Skim.
. . N. C, n
.;. in.-,,, ,.
, , . v it 1.1
Mr- .- . r.,,.,. w
ft .,, .;. hi old reliable John
lip to Co
; Ho j bale n now m i-i
my win re
w- ., am
I,, b rail, thou
,, . ,.,. who t with
ti o and M pi ban ,. . , ,,,. .,
. ; . ,,. ,.,. . ,
th. e
school a ii. s.
ha time to
At Into store Court
an. dealers in all kinds of
New Buggies a specialty.
All kinds of Wet use skilled labor and Rood
and are prepared lo give work.
I. s.
., tn . a ill In it v.
. , ., ,. j
Notice to Creditors.
of Cent
I Ill mi ill
S have ad of the
led 11- no
ma nu a
M . . 1.1 t t. Ill . I I I I
f .,.,,;., I
. ., . I r. Mi,. II I
Dry Goods, ,
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call and see them. All arc invited to inspect
my stock lean, the low prices.
------DEALER IS------
will goods
will soil them at
will do all to hold pat
Come and see me-
M. H
alb; I. . .
i. .
; i th .
rid B
eves open to ti t
p I f the
. . i I ,
Hardy mt.
An I rial
ail a law
a a
II 111.-- child
Mi. I. Gr. a ;. a w
. to n . v
.-. . I lb
Ii-. -.-n in Mr.
n. I
y School there
ill ii I. I II
-ii an ii III II
r. It II.
II. t a Mr. I i
-I I II I BI 11.-
. . .
III. 1- I
in pie late at i
I I.
. ha. b ti . r till I
I i I I.
a f t a in
. a r a i ti.
. I
. u C am . i
. , . . says that
. I .
. , at ally nil
. . l nil ,
, . the . . . a where eat
. . ;. .
,,.,., , a a v
. . . do I I . , . . ,
.,. id
to the I . , ,. .
n ill r of I a ill.
; c A i
is n. a
pi. Ill mart d it
toils f
c in tho ill
t the
within twelve
ltd- ma I
will In bit
I hi. Hie day
on the estate of f. II.
K. Any.
lie present
n I I
resolution and stamp it to
t has to
by virtue
Bat i have
obi a
o will be of
and Will
do this next
Bold and refrains from.
saying best money la
. . . i a have
.,. . ; .
,, . f pi let ice C is in
. i. tier
, iv morning at
. .
the I
a. ii Bi i . w a
I ii ate
j I'll
sell I will in lei in I, mil mi
sell i , I Mi.
Hi I in -i.
lid long
active for sob
Ibis i is
ii. to
. be oh l
. its is
u ,,,.
such n at the
by Ilia of
. e b . I a Pi . a to
and yield
the tat lob 1- have been vary
Ill y I la a-
, lire
a hi Is tiny urn and
M . We
do our
suing ; air
id o our old State
loll am thieved We
n f ti Charlie Mid
I bey
right o It
to lot man -If
than is to kill hi n. Tho
a-. tho panic
Poor into mo
it told
tho Mexicans
run- -K City
State North Carolina, In th,.
J. P. R, and J, ti.
tracing berry a Co
in own behalf and all ether r
Bland, Jr.,
j.--. Cannon, of
The ore
el i i till, or
I. h. 1- s f
t phi Bland, Jr.,
Notice Is given to
said Bland,
an Before -1-
Hun tile
i ii.;.
h, 1st. .
E A.
are now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
ready tor deli very now,
do , all kinds of repairing. Bicycles
repaired promptly.
W, J- i. F. A-,
P. A.
and Fancy
a El
kept constantly on
hand. Country
and sold. A trial will e
A General Horse
Also a nice line
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
by J. W. Brown.
to see .
It Seems Absurd,
Selling So Low,
and selling; such
But its reaching the news
this outbound movement in Clothing for
Its to quickly lower the Suit a id
Overcoat the
story. Its our one good reason
making prices so astonishingly low.
Buyers like prices that
the styles they they never
such little prices or such big
values. Every sale made is a spring
trade-bringer. that share.
We only Thaw This
Mrs C.
V. to l
Mrs. A riv in ilk
m; Iron
II. C. Sunday at
I'M and riling.
Mi. Skinner Sail-
Mis. II. I. Coward lo
Mi. IV. T, n id
from a to is
A days in
a m in.
r. Mr.
Goad Sermons a u n- M i
J. T.
mm I o in Ii
W. and I.-Hi
lb hi in
ha he could. Mr n I I
m i j prowled l
U- have Ma
; I-1-
do w h u
In ii-
Will Hi K t la l
out in I
Gents g
is and your is invited.
Skinner, returned
K N M. came borne Sat-
be afire t III.
M Mr. J. V.
J. even
it it line
Fare era w
C. Bernard as
Attention is lbs Belles to
f. II.
now his
in tin- new ins up
by I- Booker ea lbs
a a
u leader Good
N. V.
K. A. Clerk
a to creditors in
Is trade or of J. U. Co.,
rm not The-
in and Bland, Jr.
base been
Km. I.
Second in.
st of the
in tho wees
Out door almost t a standstill.
It like who wanted to
will git
Hie it
to cut the
we me have month
The newspaper man nils
lives lib lime in ten and
he is smart enough to
will find real in
M or Do
up newspaper work unless
O Ma
night mm
us lie v.-.
Tint would be to
mid also lo bars item these
lions in which have
Clinic the Place.
They nil hind
A n in with a
which he picked up on
street, and left the to he advertised.
Following him came to advertise
for hunch el keys which had lost.
Ami she keys light here
her. An when-
even an intention to advertise paid.
The Mr
and Mrs. J. Vi.
Mr. K. M. II. u
for .
sen ice mi.- held as in
conducted bi Be.
N. II. The
11.1 in. for event a fa
In- undertaker It.
Not a Vacancy Yet.
who ii is stated Gos. II has t .-
the as
Ibis succeed V. M.
spent Monday here. When
was asked II he
Ilia In- that
w he to milk.- CS
ion in natter when was
is Is be B
as vacancy Ml.
Bernard's 11-
lie baa
Hi- i- mi. . . .
i. I., j ;. a, an 1.-
will . mi i
bis wen . Hi.
This lion La- h. .
iii-i . v ; a w
I . j I,
lore on Jay and
shortly alter at limn
quite hi i. P .;. . m
hare in j two u
in almost v-
and house 1.-4.- were .
n -11 . ;
Mi. All i
I i- ton lo lite
among r in I
Kim. roll i Sun
. on tier
th. day. --ii i
n pi
Well, now about an.
. ii. will
be said confidently. In less
an boat in.
along, I . kc I Mr.
Warn a lo him . 1.1,1 I,
n, N. V. Jan. News
; at a I I
; 1.1 .
mill wist el ibis pi
. , 1.1 in. be lbs
down i. sad
N . Mai I, . el 1-
may la-
s ii 1.1 all ii
a n kill- U
. i cull I in j know; be
rays it's a mailer interest
; ;.
i-i- Winters ht tor b a
Tired I.
. . g
water ale lies
. make both
u . t. sausage wan-lac-
; hi lore hind
, i t
in v hi
s d
. . lb. i
; . i
and a m
live let . u. i
. Mil
Mo . nil to tire pi
l- I . pi Mr. I.
. . . I ti
. p Pears I-
up Lull and . I I
i . .
him lo . hi . ml . to whom I
ii . j Hy, I. in. ill ;.;.,.; eat me neat
up him he sees u
down . hi head in a I barbel; and
. -.-1 . I
. .
. . I fa I.
. . in . Mr.
. I
taking la the -i l over
A. W. Monday
George Tarboro,
night here h-ft ties morning.
H. was
lore today i id
a cull.
J. S. U. lilt
to make
that place tin home.
Mrs Hugh
aid Mm. . K.
Mis. 1-.
K, and I. A. Sugg, Jr.,
corning lo
take a in . gs.
J. who been here
home in
It. I. was hen
Mrs. C. morning
humus left this morning for
It, It. I was in
own today.
W. it was
in town today.
Follies went lust
mid this morning.
John Ac if who has
n Uriel visit lo his lister, Mi
W. II. returned heme today.
this mt riling to
lie the lodge ah.
Huggins, Kinston,
over man to
with the John Flanagan Baggy Co,
Didn't n dull
Mr. H. F. Keel tell u- a w
days tie were
partridges the Bold near his house.
They and Bred Into a covey
on Midi How directly to his
three them lighting in the
where children went out and
Up. Ho tin. hum.-is
were ugly they actually Mined
it to
ten The hunters were
II. Patrick II. A. Button,
whose expense the Incident is It
is a fact, about the is Hying
Into his and his children pick-
them up.
Young 1.11 bar Business
Isaac A. Sugg, . son Col. I. A.
Sugg. Flanagan, sun of Mr.
John Flanagan, Ashley Thigpen, a-m
Treasurer J. A. Thigpen all
it Macon, to-
day to enter u go Ma-
eon, to prepare business in
Tin young men i re goad material
a extends to
best wishes s-i -.-. We bear
some other young men who lo
go We are always glad see
Pitt county buys doing well and we
live th-.-. young men will succeed.
no Baal Home
I In I- sorrow in I,
. two in .
Death I mid
j- w. each id in
o'clock Hi I
Morgan, two years, son
and Mrs. W. Morgan, ii. I t
en s street, their
only child and they have II
sympathy lie in
sure The
taken toTem interment,
on Tuesday m i g's
a re bi
. a. in. in ti.- Al. .
About ii.
in. an, en
years, son Mr. Mrs.
W. at home
Fourth -ti. alter an a week.
burial took place
Mi on hull
set vice bi v.
N. II. 1.1-
sympathy Eu their
May Heavenly Path, r give His
contorting t-i both
grief- ii
n Mrs, I n j
Olive lei.
Li j Johnson.
I. Sn Ufa,
Bi l-i. 1898
fan re busy
w k pi- ice b
Mule K Tyson has beau
sick Is aw re-
Mrs. F. has a
erysipelas In hi r
II. if fin in
i. Jay ere with hi-
Mi- Annie House, Is visit-
Ibis n We wish
a among us.
Jr., John Smith, Misses
Bessie Tyson and Delia Smith have
pleasant visit lo their
cousin, C. I. Iv- at Ayden.
in t-
m Is Battle
hots farmers, mule
i. no over fat cattle, fine
horses, or lint class moles In Ibis
county, there is good eh money
in the raising all All three
be raised more
than they can in Northwest,
they higher s,
live 01.1 secure
Northwestern price, pi
j This needs Mills, horse, mule,
hut mid sheep
Look over our full line of Dress
Goods and Trimmings, Shoes. M
Cannon and Percale just in
Lang's Cash House.
on the Ground Floor.
We sell Groceries so low that your
head We are receiving daily
choice lino of
gel for it,
there Is no toiling
may happen.
Child-birth is full
of if
Nature Is not given proper
Caned of all kinds, Tobacco. Cigars
Snuff and everything usually kept in a first
class Grocery Store, which we oiler at prices
Mothers Friend
The to the railroad
was only slight and was r-
the passenger
to gel over. The was
mild wind Batching the
was let-
ting d Hading it to-
with such to booth the
guard rails several out place.
The lodge
bad a night,
to third degree mi
Some the
braved the cold and went down
to take
cheap S. If,
The cold did not a war.
to In bit night.
To his n
The Local Panel's Hold.
The n-, rs to u
dueled newspaper is fully con.
by publishers. Si as a
paper a honorable mid
Is the best help you can use at time.
plied several months before baby comes,
it nukes the easy and nearly
. prevents
relaxes mus-
th- distended footing short.
ens labor, Id
without any danger, fleets.
Is food f. only one
to relieve motherhood
danger and
fames B. White
f dollar -r in nil draw -ires. or .-lit
l. null .-I re , ., . ,
., as to any
ting th.-
Note Thanks.
and Mis. J. desire
he nils it Madam shown
many in their
lb St VI Specially will hold in
Mr. Mr. Bad
If to Ilia way it faithfully
month and
all that he
Hurry Skinner
baa received a report
from War
to make Beaufort
harbor a harbor of refuge.
War Department an
appropriation of
purpose. Mr. will
go before the and
and that Item
be placed in river and harbor
bill- it fail
in Hi use. North
Senator will nu to it
that is tucked
iii the . I .
of an
its in all resp th- lies j
friendship the subscriber and
paper ate bard lo up an
outside third in links which I
hind friends business or social
life. Occasional I, els errors in a
are by
who through I
years. hoy
become with it on
and may Stop taking it;
el at
home or f s a W weeks
and lake
No en
tin n that
a r
earnest I Hurl to
j porter.
Land Sale Assets.
an order from the
Court Clerk Pitt
undersigned Administrator the es
lute will on
Monday, day
-.-II public .-a.- I.
door, ill I lie low . I in ill.-,
ilia following tract land i
ill- Said state.
Adjoining lauds George
K. end
others and being a small the
opposite side lulu place
11.1 11.1. or has. Said -ale la
t. widows dower
Terms .
This 5th day Jan. 1898,
Be- ii,
Plain, Stripes and Checks.
Figured Denim, Silk-
and a lot of new
Wash Dress Goods,
in at

t Stow.
While acres fertile are
and with all the plant i
Maud there an
i- from more sunny
must have the p leer not glass
, ., , i oaten
It the i Mom i a-
. . . tally true in
i in
tort broad It login bond, the urn.
kind, fitted with they i
all the modern however, a sup
the and this city, I at
of value, is
f feet broad M feet high. to give bond, the an
i larval and mi . .
plant life strong and i A
spiral i m visitor
I,. a high n or pi bi n
The view i a glimpse i
a ;.
E. W
. bag in method, la main-
over i i
i. believed that the
of expensive habits, the n
, i ti indicate i n
pi, an living la their
and as n Ufa an-
ha all may
looked upon as fun
; Hint, II m l
has not
lie l- in n fair way
n mi which may prove
too much for
, i, t . re usual for
an h
lo receive a i I
ore the i
of the Evening N-
Said a i man
yesterday; year of exp
sate and I
hat the ii
r h tea using p
. in ii will
. but i
real it a newspaper, sad as a
moulder of Ten
it the . n p ante an a
-ii.-l today it
We received a lit
and nicest of Co
a ii. II of its own,
, and Onsets, in wood,
ever I
In i list
have la require d
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
one i-
at I i la
ling its forms.
day, i
I when they have I and ducting and
lorn place, me i treated to our care
It Is
Public in for o
election of States
direct vote of the
people is growing in sec-
of the Union- Bills bare
.-. been introduced the
Legislature of Maryland and
hi- legalizing senatorial
and Virginia must keep up
Seek News-
Old line
it the most mark of
kindly, I I I y, to be given me u ,. ., v
option i c of r -V , ,. ,.
Hi .
it i-. v i In
I in I
. ll
i -i r,
i . t hi;.,. TONIC ml
. i. i
. h
S . u
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice these Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
You will be astonished when you see them and
very cheap are.
You may never.
Want Job Printing
Come to us.
i i
I apt I
when they km men of bad
I .
ore i . I . i I in n
It is
II ii- ll I i
fund Ii i in
their Bi --1
I bit of keeping b
a close vi i liven I
, I
I large .
I custom r
f ell
ii few, vi In
i it
. i . that
, i known i.
,. . i u i that i I I
. i mid I way ii f In
of tin . i
In all I
are mil , i
i ho i ; i
n ; I
In-,. posted in regard to
is going c
of y, In mm, an
ll is a I
.- i
i. tin i- I
. i I ill ii
or I
small i i i B i
win . v. I . a
f . Mi.
Sui hit I Ism iv i I In lead
u, ad
the In .- n ii n
i. in at
noon i-
, i iv one -u.-.-i
i i it i r i-
only i a
and u n
to Fold.
are man
do not -nit monopoly
We can lie found any nod
in John
l mi I
. I
r- n
.- .
.,. . i , . . . -I
I .
On a i-
j i
I . iv. , n -nil.
I .
. tint
I . . Of
A .
. he,
. i . r,
i. . i.
, ,, .
, . with
ill r .
; , .
. I . . r i
,. Hi n . i
. .
. lull I,
Be th
town hill rood
at. i . ill ii--
u . I
th, i-
,. .
. . .
sad Lafayette.
it m
the re Sun, when
It takes a man of
to acknowledge that he I
and hat on the wrong truck
l ha
Hal ii
lint, backbone la make Men
sit the pat to
i., have bad the pleasant
i in, m n
are dot i
, politics u by
crowd now In pow r and
ill D n-
,, ii And no won
they are
way, oil irruption
North Carolina not cad web an
law iv years. Vet, and c r
home, v-i- i t
I n , bu nut twenty
had a exp
t iv. ts.
Tarboro touching stall land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M.
Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville A. M. same days.
are to stage
of on Tar River.
at Washington with
for Norfolk, Baltimore
Philadelphia. New Turk and Boston.
Shippers should order their goods
marked via Dominion
New York. from
folk Baltimore Steamboat Company
I C Agent,
Whichard, N. C
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
He N Faith In Them
t , s. man any
it in lee leaden lite
I They
I., In r -r, they will i
the light, lo the hit, or twitch off on
track, or go in any direction
Notice to Creditors.
The Court o Put
enmity having issued
to me, the undersigned on the
day January. on the estate
of notice la
hereby given to all persona Indebted to
to make immediate payment
the signed, and to all creditors
Mid estate to present their claims,
properly authenticated. under-
within twelve months after the
date of Hilt notice, or this notice will
lie plead in liar their
Tilts the of Jan.
on the estate of
Should send at once
J Special
tilt, Printing
Air mill's and many valuable
be New
York Ledger. I, C
Tl nm
stir Job
I i
. was camping in city lo that plunder, or
it put in ,, ,., . . . ,.,. plums at
j;,. ,,,;,, l;. t. lit was ,,,.
i i, ., v;,,. ,,; ,, . . . . ,
,., the T , ,
I , , . , . , ,. , ,,,. rank ml
II , i . ,. I Baltimore in will not
II b m.-t
October, mil was the t
Anything from
. it. I In no October mil was the . t
that ,. , .-, , ; . .
mi In . .;.; . . that
fol ;.;. ,. ; . I it th
, i i on,
. vi. i . . . . i
of H I i ii i HI , . . . . , , . ; i. i i. .
in i
d i. I n
. . r
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home
every afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber II not
ought lo lie.
The Eastern Reflector.
A stock
Is only ii year.
contains the news every
week, and gives
to the es-
tobacco, that is worth i-
sold far therefore, having no
U rise w. sell at
S. M.
s. .
I .
Part, Sis,
year's will Had i. lo lei
est to gel our before
hi re, .
Flour, Sugar, Coffee
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
m from
hand at pries i,
the price.
i leaf l he pr .
, i . tin lib . Id
rum union i ins, i John
I . . until ho
had mi I I live yards
up was ill nil r
man o bu I I from
tog i .
Mi. Pi .
they . hi r.
tin y. .
Bribe Vote.
i .
i roted for
r. e Is laves.-
in lo bribe him lot Mi. Han.
I, he met II. II. Boyce,
York, who Met
the over
ti. in i Mayor Mr.
Ha manager in tin-
House, l i mil
II mined an by
lo tot Mr.
Ur. be referred Mr.
Boyce to lilt T, C
ii Mr.
e said he from Mr.
id the r
ii pro laced
lie lived
Inn to Mi.
led Mr.
Campbell took to
a , he did not
In knew .
The ml
board of Bra on-
n r. of per cent,
in on
without water or
mill ill
i. r.-. in. I and
any I in lb-
or into
Ii. or a
.; it i- I r
to win, clone tingle one their
principles to prevail, a
on tie tide
the few who in gelling in
and W.
Kitchen in Common
At merely nominal the SEW
i making the
must remarkable the
season. They are tending out an
number t to all
o the Unite I States, ll is In reality
or the Camera, with outfit
photographing null developing.
Send lull regain-
this as It is ex-
a The
high grade an-l Ur-t in
it. lilt with all modern
improvements, is guaranteed
N. Y.
C, . -I
Liter Mr. Car
Mr. t
which h-
A man cured
of nervous trouble by settling
a bullet through bis
brain. He alive,
the action of
canned a, in bis
nervous system tin will
forever of It is
however, whether tine
of will
, .
Mr. Broadway Roust,
New York, Inn contributed
a banquet to be given
Winchester by the
Steam big
birthday. February
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
are invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
and mil PU-
Pr . II I
c -i Inn .
V if or nil, o
Charge, r.
d. c.
Dissolution of Partnership
is given that the part-
the Kl II- and
C, under the or
l Ed. Co., was on
the day dissolved
by consent, and that
ea in ill h carried on by the
I Ed. II. who will pay and
all and lies and
all payable t the
gO. H.
Greenville, N. C, January, 1898
Slate North Carolina, In the
County. Court
Jacob Dunk Johnson.
The above named take
action entitled as above
been commenced in the Superior
rut county for divorce,
mid said defendant will take notice
that-he is required to appear at the next
term Superior Court County
be I on 1st Monday in March
House In said county
Greenville. N. C , and or de-
to the complaint said action, or
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
relief demanded In l complaint.
This the 8th, day Jan. 1898.
K. A.
Clerk Superior Court,
Pitt County,
r. James, for plaintiff.
Notice- Commissioners
State of North Sup-
County. J Court.
if. Smithy
Susan M. Hannah
W. II.
Jno. liar-
E. Coward,
Coward, ex
By of order m the. above
cause I will sell on Sat the 12th
day February, at
House door In U o clock
M., to the bidder, for cash, the
real One
piece or parcel of laud In
Sal wot
Lands for
Wire and Iron Fencing
only First-class work
prices reasonable.
BOB Or .
county, North Carolina,
lands Hart,
Motley Whitney,
Jordan I'm, an I
three acres, more or Said
lands will sold for partition.
Alt place i o
e i
The Eastern Reflector
D. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Advance.
bunches of are
A editor e
r bud nut
That is lie Red
of the
It has
u i city of
New ll,
Tins me h en
which am
If buy part of the house in
is in the amount the lax.
V mi
John Owens, a of
N. J., on Friday
a horse lo a customer. When lie
the horse's were
balled and the
knocked the mow
ore cf hoofs out lolled a
pocket containing ill.
A New claims to
have discovered a process by
means cf which be can make gold,
There are many by
of which gold can be
made, all require manual
or and at-
to business.
A woman is up in
Klondike a
paper that baa an escort
of twenty-five men who will not
her to lift a lined even
a trying may
have bad some experience with a
frying pan in the of a
Some women are very forgetful.
Mrs. Smith of New York, swore
the other day in court that she
had forgotten all about g
another when she mar-
lied Smith, and wouldn't have
of it then if one
hadn't reminded her of it, she
will probably forget that is
married to
The Cuban war an expensive
tiling not only to Cuba and Spain
but to this also. In con-
of it commercial
losers trouble
and yet
to think talk of
intervention impudent
with an affair with which we have
no Star.
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond. J. I. Fleming.
Greenville. N. C.
I'm, i ice In all the courts.
N. C
Greenville, N. C
Practice In all the
I I I . N. O
Cobb Store.
small, V, ll. Long,
N. C. Greenville,
and at
In all
W. B. W.
w i .
N. C.
r wherever are
i m
Our is conducted on sound
principle, honorably presented and
We have gathered
from the ind most prominent
all the new desirable novelties adapted
to the want the people tin's community.
concern of attraction is Rich in Quality.
Magnificent in Style, Low in Price.
We have endeavored lo meet your require-
seasonable goods in every respect
We invite you to one of the best displays
up-to-date and Reasonable merchandise
ever the people of this vicinity.
Come to the Show of Shows. Every feature
of the entertainment is replete with Style,
High Quality and Small Price. If you want
to see this Show of Shows come and see our
fine assortment of
Ladies and Gents Notions and Furnishing
Goods, Ladies, Gents and Shoes.
Hats and Hardware, Tinware
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware,
Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
of all kinds at the lowest price ever given
in this community. Come and see how much
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who
you arc, where you live, how much or how
little money you have got There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
i. m.
Black gowns In c and
new black materials
are very fashion
is in
u-w colors
are bolero
paw almost to
b of skirt.
A trimming fur velvet
in tines
white eat in,
ail her with imitation pearls.
Fichus sad sashes net and
chiffon to match and cover-
ed with and
played i ; new
Be ribbon edging the frills give
a pretty
The black
lint of stylish nu-l
It down
or Around, to
it and with I ell
embroidered with jewels,
One of tho coming in
spring wraps is made like a ball
handkerchief of velvet mil
covered with Venetian It
is with far in frill
fer, am supplied with
high cellar.
Hats with willow brims and
white satin are promised
as a hi,
lots much need for
the whole tendency seems lo
be toward the use of excess of
white in new millinery.
A unique for
is built of white cord-
ed silk, with a velvet
turned back in front
revere. The buck is
falling from a yoke out-
lined fur, two box plaits.
The velvet tho
revere also edged with fur.
Now York
The of
v to be
for to license to
dealers. This action is due
much to n petition of tho Chris-
ladies of South Mills and the
the Gospel o and
adjacent counties. The lust bar-
room in is closed.
Why similar
brought to bear upon the com-
missioners of every county
dons duty
they have tried this simple but
effective means of closing
Lead the effort your
c. Record-
A Wile's Best War
i. h r I Tb
i. i i. i r. in H u baa made
; far better one mil wit -i in , not pi
i.- the who in
learned use
That weapon i- i i
nip r
c. f a-
of profitable ti i at,
Spokes, Hubs, Building Paints
Oils and
Fair Dealings and Honest-Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
A Hues of
During, Hurry that
Ibis a white town on
were i put
might atom, and
ii ii.
Then wets six or eight thorn to
line a while they . I
have a goon lime it it, Making about I
the street a in
gutter now and by way of ill to
Hut git tired,
awe tired, s a lien,
on a by, and i Ufa
Presently cans along a woman
earning an wan the
opportunity. With one
made u at woman, ball
bar to you may be lure
lived under the umbrella and
et mi the
reach the After Um firM
bight over, worses seemed
Situation and did pan
most nobly. The last seen her
was going down tin- the
in Whether
extended beyond her own threshold or
whether she partook of a sparrow
dinner is sol known at this writing
i- w ii all ll
sol it a wife i-
r, to r i- in
i t. Si mi it to I
me not happy mil ii. an
g and win t . i. bod,
em. in handy
Its moat in
with a leather hid j
neither n -r t
t a to be got out id it, and the wile
with a sweet temper Ital nothing can
it a leather bed moat
hind ever Invented.
You cone down lo o.
late, rather cold, very You
in abating, you have
lost a button off your shirt, ate
it It entirely your own
you have ten in which to
breakfast, the i n b
lo real it i-ll on body re
your wile, ready to your baud,
Ire holy in-
rented, if not t- site valve
for tempers You -t
the o ti . is with a
murmur your wile .-i-
out have made i-
will tee that it not
happen again. The paper
to be it She
herself this very and n.-
Or you bars bad a en-
day at
gel -t y u, and
perhaps, baa been a
unpleasant thing to any man well
d You com I
bristling, mentally,
-r some on i r you a
letting out at then.
You growl at el your
and sorrows when you
your front door. lake
any she only v u .
with your seat and bangs ii up
you. Snap at you
in- lo at yo
angelic compilation, tenderly
ya fellow ; tired, and
bud a had
tell you kill I I
treatment out a man,
hull to death,
n ii only understood what a
and double well
at a we have
i t, ml wives an at
present in
it excellent advice to
well worth following
in . i. copied
Bridge the
m two Weeks ago ever, farmer
should be busy
arson so as to lessen the i for
lo a degree n- lbs
farming on
our lauds.
II u is to ,
pare ; outlay
ll by all means be
done. We are persuaded
much reliance is pin en the hope
making an ample net income.
cotton by u-- large
imported Sun
Ibis point,
efforts to do a In In 1898 are to bi
now is the lime to
of societies,
I e, if an
we d one or-
slave of Ml
tin s. f n as mi ti v n
land cf ate mid
due in any portion f o no-
band g
their support, directly or
I;. the bar-
tend res,
u of San
in estimated at
these to mer-
are set.
van's; are o criminals
r. . to, and 3.000 an
aid children. Of the f.
with more
Use 1.000 arc
wives, r
being in i fuller
sense; kidnapped in their
hones in Orient, brought
America by fraud an imposture
passed through the house
r oaths, in f. of
death or dire consequences, put
at auction before ;
merchants, knocked down
to the bidder, on-
in the majority
to a life under
the Chinese brothels of
can city.
A young from
of age, in San Francisco
today hue a value of from
to A from to
1.6, if attractive, is
change among
who brokers in
at from tn while for
over ago tho prices
range up been
paid the Tory good
will re-
turn a of lo per cent
Frederick Holder,
How do You Walk.
Obstinacy is indicated by the
and flat-footed
of while
may be Iron
nervous anxious
Turned in toes generally
b. i I.
any Brant.
Farmer Mechanic, the
paper that yours ago, under
of It-
made mob nu excellent ti
. i State, has
revived a
weekly borne paper.
in this section
who Partner
and would to
it again we are prepared to
mule the following extraordinary
Tor 1.75 send The
of The
Farmer all three
papers a year.
hue papers will you the
news, general
news the farm news, and jest
think of three of them a
Whole year for 81-73.
you want tho Con-
added to the above list
you it for cents
or the thrice u New York
World for cents. Any other
, or magazine wanted can
you a on in con-
Ills III
Georgia started
to lido to a i i-
with to married,
lint the
tea, insisted upon being
returned to her bad
come all tho way from Durham,
absent-minded, and Miss Kendall,
deeply truth is now the
reflective, whose
rather than with
Sly. cunning walk
a even
trend, resembling that of n
A proud person generally
even slop-, holds when she a mos-
heads Hills back, a raying that be
and turns the toes well out. then at House.
A and volatile person trips following
lightly and easily, in sympathy. Kendall went to tho hotel to see
way to Durban which to
their future homo-
King reached on
Tuesday was to hive
married night, but be
to see first Miss
i dull for bun mid-
with bis or bar nature. Character
is shown by all of oddities
for grace and
no civilian's walk i-i- bear
comparison With that of
who has received military train-
two people walk exactly
Ho got a license and engaged a
carnage, and started for the
parson age Of the Square
Episcopal church- On
the way Miss Kendall discovered
something about King's
remained in city
right, pleading with her lo
her mind. He left f r his
alike, the of
lei as much lo
hi way walk as in any
peculiarity their may have of lea- Miss
tore. Quick steps denote
steps, either
short, a gentle or
It's but an
the r, who
needs but one tin. parlor a
young is calling.
11.- matter with
did iv
water St de
odor a
Hilly de Kin de matter
lit do
dull Buys that her chief
now is about
more 20th.
i- an i
remarked good-natured in m to the
gt who skated teal in
smoking oar. t
couldn't enjoy any in-
come without
weed, i at all.
Some men have to go to a
horse show lo make Betas
A who it very land
asked bis
Our i in- Mr-
Mi lays the
I'm the lather of

Eastern reflector, 4 February 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 04, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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