Eastern reflector, 14 December 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

. J . I BO -r.
brat; Mas.
K you'll fins o w -TOM
Una Hurt ban
Will eat.-h
a . ill-1
from tho
Aid a
r . i
. m
If taut I anal
M Will yon
Um .
I. I . . I
. i
,. . .; with Um now you set
thy Will to a I
i- Whoa you
bright and glad.
slag las us y Hi
. . u a
established Japan
the ti lit of tin.- promise
made by nil ma sty and upon-
tan gift of of the imperial
prerogatives to i
j Steps bad been taken i
to pave way tor the ad .
parliamentary Institution by ex-
tending the rights and privilege of
people, most notably by the
the i assemblies,
which exercise a certain degree of
control over local attain. Whether
or ch mm were of
value it is not necessary to in-
quire in this place,
i . now be truthfully stated that
parliamentary government Japan
l the experimental stage
i is established among the per-1
Institutions of the laud.
, i en no J
;. . D l. the
and legislative brunches of
. . . Political storms
1st us in r coon-,
I th ;. w Institutions naval
stood the of all conflicts.
. . has I i a ear-
a on . i within the I
limits . I y the constitution
and disputed question has;
been settled in with
be. is re-
. . u. , u a tho
th . .-
I u them by
r . .
lily i I as m I and
i. . . .
U n .
Rill . i
I Boa
ii . i
i i i i i . . .
i Ml
ii i 1-1 -1 , . . i
I i . i . . i ., i .
i . i . i ; .
in. i . ii, . , .
. . .
l . . i A
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ii. . i
. ii .
W I.
. lie, s.;
r .;. in i
i. i lie,
all courts. Collections
mini i I
ii . i . II
in I mi
. C.
U i i f. tin
N. C
i . in all Hi.
agent to His
ad ii B
the Balder had
ed their the other Light, liar-
Had Eugene into loom,
Mother wants totals
Ding i. hut
mo for a spin out to Lin-
park with another girl. Now,
if you want to do me a good
you'll represent me on this
if the girl don't ob-
answered Eugene sweetly.
of your chaff. You know
what mean. Take my plane
I like that
kind of an a While yon
are out on a with your
girl am to May In e ho roast-
ed. Nice prospect for the wrong
have taken many a i acting for
yon from the Gene. Turn
about is fair
right, Hal. but I wish as
the instead mater.
she ii s-o awfully particular
keeps n fellow forever. However,
III Only
pose Bud
w said Harold, and he
hurried off, leaving Eugene fall
Mrs. Balder sat waiting
old, and when the wrong twin en-
pi with a silt
and subdued she
glad, Harold, that you re-
member v i-i. to yon
this evening, nave mi I g
particular to say, and want to
. i .
who almost his in th
to recall Harold's
give .- mi thing to know how
be when he has a private i id
particular with the be
thought be bang is feet
the l act of chair a I
easy or sit up prim and pi
Then throat and n i
at his mother.
Is I tin r Eugene
I wish to
I ail
down again.
do wish . a v . i i. . i
Mrs. Balder.
that a are d i . i
you should t m i . r
manner. You act flippant us j.
said Eugene,
i a mi m his
Harold, hut r I,
have enough frivolity I i
ti w in his cl . it is
of that I wish to speak tonight. En-
gene is much giddy tor
and want . ii i . .
O. i-, all said the
glad if . took
rest in th said
Ha i, -i
. .
a you i nun re-
I his i . lies-
t i . . i
. . tan .
. I ring g i a
put in a
is it necessary to i
i; down n in
i -i mane r
I am sure, son,
ways comp of I-. I
Mis. Balder, and . a
. . i i. i. r
old. But ho said inn con
boyish pranks, mother.
Is a good fellow enough as
I have yet to b his
doing a thing. How
could ho lesson you
have given would like t wring
Harold's I really think you
trust to come out all l
boll prove another
will look after him myself and ad-
vise him if i see hint going
my own
said the. mother, with fervor.
love yon both, but I cannot close my
eyes to Eugene's thoughtlessness,
and I look to you to reform
Then she kissed the wrong twin
for bis brother and dismissed him,
and Eugene fell over himself in
ting nut tit the room, he con-
dark s a
against Harold, and as he revolved
in mind be I
like a
. and
Ii . . J t
i system in perfect or-
by the occasional use of
I u. . mi
A .
mere v n pries v
l II. I, I.- I of
oilers of the
They out
to all parts
of the United It is In reality
I an,. i;. w II
I y
u i i is
ii an I
r -i t. all d
, . r.
I Liver Fills. They reg- ,
the bowels and produce
.,, ,
constipation and kin- ,
, ,. t . i
Ired diseases, an absolute cure f . ,
n i nil I C
Liver PILLS ;,,, ,
, ran . Met ex
f. l I
i , i . ii in-, t
i .
. r
h Hi n
I .
i i i .; y art
i ed in
i , i. , . , i ,. .,.
i- i f. . i- ills one rue
. .- i
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tun .
To i ind
. i y and in mi -t
I,,. I. in. in- i pm
it -I. ii-
. ii AX KM
. A. I'm s.
; i i i in , u- i. cord
. I . i i . i-
11- hit-
man v i I Id
i; i mi . . l
. i m . for a- pa
. i. . I I, UM.
. III Ii i . I , I t
I'll- I I--- V tile
p ii V have
u I- ill been a
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SI- mi as of
or a
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St, It n I v. II
11-n ii. I mi an
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N. ll i ii. I ll
1- . Lu , I.
In ., -1
is the
. t If
;, . ,
I . I .-i must
I ; . with r.
Will i . .-,
The cull . i ii iv i- tor u-
j r I . .
. . . i- ., i in unit in
n i It i i i
mil ii . I H
i n Nice.
. e n i i i . in.-
I l. Mill
i ii f. i i
. i
ii i cl . i i .
. I en
i i Mil
i. I ii in
. in sou i l t i
I. .- . . i ill qua
laity i
. .
than .
t; . i
it It i
. I
. .
, . r.
to Creditors
The i I of
a v i -ii d i r
I Mi c
day N on --i
x .-. . I.-.- ,
by Iv d ii a
i i k. In mud I w lo
v r .
I . . ; a.
i d i. or
v o . . , , i. t, of
t. I
I i .; ii b.
f. C.
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for y
Wire and Iron g
on work
prices reasonable.
We bare received m
hearse um nicest line of
Caste. in wood, metal-
lie and cloth ever brought
to o
in forms.
Personal attention
funerals and bodies en-
treated to our care still receive
every mark of respect-
Our are lower ever.
do not want monopoly but
We cat be found a, all
limes in John
-----is AT Tilt A LINK--------
taught the best U
,, ii, u .
. i , .
, tS Daily and Sunday
,., i III U II
. . , . I . ., i. i I.
Kings Ni
. i . i. . . .
; i. I I. I
. I. V.
i, a Melt will give
i In i ml tr. -In -I III
. ii ti if all i- ; i an hi
tin u. .;. i i . in in
, . ll i i l . t
i m i . i.; ,, i iii.
Laud Sale.
f a decree of th
mi i Pill in in n certain
i i r i it in
i, s it ah II.
w an i I will n
House door hi
ltd PL I ll. Um . . , , .,,. , ,. 1,1-h,
i,,,. ,.,. ,, ,
I In. in Car
In Pill mi
Hi ti lbs
. . I.
bounder I are
a it i
Hi- e A n now en n i
in Hi of the vi-ti- Heeds
Put Hook t, T. pages
ml II
This J Hi. 1-117.
Pi I II I s In,,,
ii- late store
N. C
and in
. -t in n
, -kinds of-
f AM.
VI .
.;. I
.,. , I . Ill, i II
. i- j
I I Will I, N.
N, s.
, i I A
,. given to m
sit tile
on she .
II, ft,
N. ft. C,
O vs -it I n
In all
In the ninth I
to shoe strange to say,
only in time frost Ring William
I booing mi I
mi tin.
mi arms the man to whom
William fur i n i. ,;
his horses in this way.
What i
lira, -Ho
-Ob, Indeed I Now,
that's n for my son
Bo to get a
think lie your
band's at coal
Mi- really don't
believe he could V no, the wind
Inn makes
Ail of don
We n-i labor and goo
rial and prepare to
All place i-, strictly
current rates
North C In
pill I j
I. I
I I tails
mi I- an as
ha been in
an defendant
ll i- said Linear
will lake Unit he i-
the tern
Mini ii before the int.
Court House In
tin. in Uta. N. , unit m-n i or demur
to th. it, -Hill 01-
will apply to the Court for Ibis
relief In
day Nov.
E A.
put County
Sale for Assets.
III. So-
,,,,,. an Phi scanty,
t. . .,,. ,, ,;
land- Ai
Inns on Tar Move, II
n . . .
ll ill I In suit
tin.,. f all
fur no
to run sell at s slow margin
A. M.
Tarboro at M.
On i-iii A. M. name
These are tab to stags
of on River,
at with
era for Norfolk.
Philadelphia, s
r finis
marked vis Dominion I tr m
Via- York. from
M. ii.,,. . V Miners
I in, ii.
JNO. MY son. agent,
J J. V Y,
sell pi I Is In
in lire.
tract land
I. in-; n
o, p f.
n t re or sale is
In widows dower
I sale,
Tins Nov
ll. K.
of M eye
will In Ids
.-, it h, u las
I it prints lot
. . nuke of.
, and
which t of vales lo
. n sod Th
of sue-
.; c u I., a in
I I, h of nun of the
, t. y by on any of
kl In;
ll of effort lo edit in one volume
cl I best to.
las reader
hue These
ire If hi i men,
1.1 .-,
ii Amend. They writs the
The current number
and the two
i a generous library to Is
; world of aid for a busy nun
the kind triumph
world a Held etc.
American Monthly Review of Reviews
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
Wouldn't in
Father, what does a
live I
Live on t The other
folks of coarse, way do you ask
Because you said
paid for paper a d
printer still it to
Wife, spank
I shan't do it.
Why not
because there is no to
Ho Yes is.
Spank him I tell you put him
to bed.
I shan't do any such
in world do you want
spanked fort
He is too smart.
Well, that comes of your mar-
What do yon mean
I mean this, that boy is
smarter than father, and you
deny it He knows
enough to see that no man,
printer or no printer, can live on
and I should think yon
would be ashamed of yourself
not know
Politics in the School.
Not a great while age the Pop
executive committee issued
an address congratulating
people that the schools
had been out
by the gang that has pat
in of white
schools. The truth is that the
public schools have never been in
politics until the came
into power.
recently reached
the certificate a school
in Forsyth county bad
been revoked because he is a
where there were no good white
teachers except a sys-
importation of republican
teachers baa been going on, and
the tone of the public schools has
been lowered.
of the first things the
party will do when it re-
turns to power, will be to bring
order out the pro-
by the late
and management. It
will an end
the foot ball of
News and Ob-
to be Hundred.
Him Million,
A gambler named
i while New York,
where he found games t
slow for him. heard that a pretty
stiff um.- of Was being
played in Persia.
and he
soon popular among the
princes. if be u-t talk
Persian. They poker some
what there from
we do in thin country. A
sits real the table mil records
the bets, end a settlement is made
the game is over. This
is and
whenever foreign
with these princes, tells of the
bad been training in on nearly
every hand, only to be beaten in
the Finally he
caught a pair of sixes about the
ti one of the princes caught
four of a kind. There had been
a deal of and
going on all tho night.
of could not
the words that were
being spilled out around him
every second, but he never said
anything or looked interested-
He simply akin his cards,
come in when he wanted to. or,
lay just the notion struck
him When he picked up
sixes, he looked the Persian in
the eye, and the Persian
said the Persian
me, I
but I'll give you
of your own sort of
said the
he could the
words out of the
young throw
four of a kind, kicked the table
over, fell forward on a lying
near, and broke oat in a sob.
Heavens, tho
interpreter, raised him
million that
Although it is
that large of tho
are just as strongly favor of
Morgan resolution
of the Cubans, which was
adopted by the the
extra session, as they were at the
extra session, it is equally clear
ill. y will not do it Czar
his lieutenants
with tho policy of
waiting will
House to vote
the Morgan other
Cuban resolution Thus, the
is how it
has been in supposing that,
our the majority
rules, in either or
of The rules
all right, allowed lo
voting M only done in the
House by Czar Heed's permission,
and Senate voting is only
done when minority consents
Kits cl Wisdom
h k bidden.
Han's bit in turns it.
Tiny who die
You c Alps on roller
can't on air or
is winked in world
Nearly all women era goad but
ft win a win and i was
in a woman and do
els.-.- lei Goad
a Battle Incident
A man who bad been a private
an Illinois
t incident of
Of Hi In- c n
j ha I I the
Our is conducted on sound of thick woods a
principles, presented and
I th pure,
from the best
all the new and desirable novelties down companies
to the want the people this community
concern attraction IS of no mom than
in Style, and Low in Price. man all told,
a . .,. the
We have endeavored to meet your require-
for seasonable goods in every respect, fie
, , S . Hill a
invite you to one
up-to-date and seasonable
ever the people of
Come to the Show Shows,
of the entertainment is replete
High Quality and Small Trice,
to sec this Show of Shows come and see our
fine assortment of
Sir James Sawyer, a wall-
known of Birmingham,
Eng., has confiding to an
in that town the secret
longevity. Keep the following
nineteen commandments and Sir
James sees no reason why you
should not live to be a
Eight sleep.
Sleep on right
Keep bedroom window
Open all night.
Have a mat to bed-
room door.
Do not have your bedstead
against the wall.
No tub the morning,
a bath at the temperature of
Exercise before break
Eat little meat and see that
it is well cooked.
drink no milk-
Eat plenty of fat to feed the
which destroy the diseased
Avoid intoxicants, which
destroy cells.
It. Daily in open
MA . , .
Allow no pet animals in
living rooms. They are apt
carry about disease germs.
Live in the country if yon
n. ,
Watch the three Di-
drinking water, damp and drains.
16- Have change of occupation.
Take frequent and short
Limit ambition , and
of fields in the
region been
accidental, and some of
them were interesting,
perhaps not more so than
accidental in our own
west in the and It was
before 18.10 three men while
looking for in California
discovered the dead body a
man who evidently had been
said one of the trio. has
passed in give
him a decent said
wife or will
be glad ever she knows
They began to dig a grave
Three feet below the surface
discovered the signs gold.
The was buried in
another place, and where they
located a grave they opened a
gold mine.
An who had drifted
into awoke one morn-
without food or money. He
went out and shot a deer, which
in kicked
the dirt and disclosed of
gold. The poor man staked out
a and opened one of the
most profitable mines
ed in
Man's Claim, the
given to in
was discovered by a
broken down miner dig-
a grave. A miner died
when there several of
snow on the ground-
laid his body in a
bank and hired a man for to
dig a grave. The grave digger,
after three was
found a mine of
a grave. While excavating he
had gold Forgetting
his bargain, ha
and Worth
A is life.
Children arc interpreters.
o by running
after it.
Nature lakes her With B
Angels only know how employ
Camion is the instinct Hie
Happy find
Most are the first lo
love they inspire.
Baton not mad forth his emit-
Ladies and Gents Notions and Furnishing
Goods, Ladies, Gents and
Hats and Tinware,
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware,
Breech Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
t,. i veil the handful
pi out opposite, w
Id At
I a distance yards a single
wen on their wheeled
buck to their
mm Qua bower, remained.
feature Ho was the captain
With Style and had boon far i o
bis When ho f mild him-
Want ho stopped
folded his arms. Sixty yards
away, alone wide field,
pouring down
the silver gray of his uniform, he
into the
He i u
boy. tho
his clothing showed that he wan
but a few days Iron home. All
down the long of federal ran
shout He gave the military
salute And marched steadily bank
to his man. Not a gun was tiled.
Chicago Times Herald.
Absolutely Pure
f .
A ors.
A i ii
A new bonnet
real mistletoe i an
your aunt.
some would only write a
just now on -How buy
worth with a he
would make bit
football over,
the brutal admirers
The Farmer and -Mechanic, th
paper that years ago, under the
guidance of It- A- Shotwell
made such an excellent
the has
been revived at Haleigh as a
weekly home paper.
in this section
took Farmer
ii ml Mechanic would like to have
it again and we are prepared to
make the following extraordinary
For we will send
Tue North
of and The
Farmer Mechanic, all three
paper a whole year.
hue papers will give yon the
homo news, the State and general
the news, and
think of three of them a
whole your for
If you want Atlanta
milled to the above list
you can get it for cents u ore,
or the thrice a week New York
for To cents. Any other
or magazine wanted can
you a on in con-
with Tue He-
of all kinds at the lowest price ever given u
. , to to i
community. Come and see how ;.
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who . w,,,.,,;
ll. hOW i.
and Skinner at tints.
and Representative
Skinner reached tho parting of
the ways today over the appoint-
a collector the east-
district. Mr. insist-
ed upon Mr. Cobb's appointment
His rejection, he said, meant a
Democratic from
the district and a Democrat-
Legislature year- AH
offers of compromise were re-
by Cobb. He declined the
offer of bank examiner and
an offer to with Duncan
in the tenure the The
outcome tho to
morrow will be the
of Duncan as and that
will be followed, it is by
appointment of A- Cook as
attorney- Col. Skinner
left here for borne tonight
the rejection of bis ultimatum by
will lead, it
confidently stated, to his
of and his
re-allegiance to the Democratic
party-Specie to tho Charlotte
North Carolina Baptist
that a curtain town in North Care.
one cf If suing saloons is run
by a in a
owned by a
ills by a lug in
there are
in of de-
by I heir and in
owned their brethren but
I I his
yon are, where you live, how or how
money you have got. There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here.
f. t. m.
ow i- mi- a
man r not. slat sure
whether his or an actress
got with
N, Chicago, Mrs.
ii fur a husband ;
to Belle
It's her Aral
has that to do with you
that at Looks-
lost a
e you alien you loll
yell I'm ft
thief, and my rival murdered
bis grandparents and teen her
. ,, ., ,. . providing tho union
Hubs, I
II. Ti a lawyer and ed-
of Montgomery, Ala., say
has discovered that laws
Alabama and t one
States do not prohibit the
P is
Interest the
I South at this time on of
I operations In this
Mormon mi
to Mr. tho law
expressly prohibits . person who
a lawful husband
Iron but, it
does prohibit a person
from marrying one
in t year shopping done early.
are tbs proper
An c explorer makes a confidant
tun i. In- ii never afraid trusts.
Tin- email ho; W willing to wear
Stocking six thus, too large him
time u year.
In tin- bright lexicon which
late reserves for a Weary Willie there
U sock as
Sin-I Tommy a to
and be bought a toy
takes his mother
a eh one In blow in my
is making money
posing yellow
nothing sinking
ah nit his lace or is
his complexion; he has
a hi case j
friend mine
wired me yesterday I get a
iii u geese down bis
yon but
proved be lama
wild chase, wasn't it
In is that
yon there
the Host
I Inn is ii horse i horses were
harden ball a ago.
worn last el
Oils and Stoves.
Fair Dealings and Honest. Goods, at Rook
. ., ,.
thought only of the foot that be I suggests the Inquiry as lo or
had it Boston not Kl his
Post. Observer.
Bottom Prices.
The lumber cut In the Ottawa val-
man than last
j car.
Charles Brooklyn, N. V.
in a iV el a
tin a
o is r inn -1.
Oregon has gone
I'm I Tun W to toil
Orchard, where she will overhauled
dry dock
treasurer today.
lie second la stale m
Johnson, having been
A a ran
over a old son Mr. W. L.
Paisley, l W and injured
boy to mat as mad a law
later. colored man said it was
purely and
I ts soon as he
heard the boy

Greenville, N. C.
Entered at the post office at Greenville,
X. as second mail r.
ll . it In
on i lo
. p. Dispatch.
Use lo him
to pal railroad th f.
water between that
ti i-.
E iron 1--
8th, . i Ma nice b
h.- n
ant to little brother. You
Hill U o at to allow we
space to sake a short
the public,
show have not been as brutal
say have
treat; and trying I tried to make it appear- First,
. lam by majority legislation. I f to the Manna, I do not censure
1.1 course the if they
i to b; n- ii. B i Mill th m H
i. M. v
u i I bare
. . II lo I . u brutal tr the child. Should
v. I t, pees- an a pi t all I
a aid lake
. . i .
I K . J . i
. .
With Senators
Morgue, el Alabama,
, i- now up la
Hawaii, and Opposition
, Senators Hoar. Morrill and
This sashes it
the third.
y the treaty tor
bi and the
I be State .
b id and . j
e to . Hie
rear. Tie n are
es in
-i in in ;
el ll -.- in the
Slate, . Ill
ll I I U i- j I
in tin Si
I; S . . I
;. V, .
In- lo ; I .
Ii . a
Stoles I . i ti
en it rout to and
. . ii my nil
would -y
i. i I .
I . in e.;. go up to
i. . with any
ire it
Th N
V , which was lo bare
coal a fee millions dollars,
responds readily proper fer- more capitol
at cost, am not
Larger crops, fuller ears and
larger grain are sure to result
from a liberal use of fertilizers
containing at least actual
Our books are free to farmers.
A book of
MO Texas
the resources that Male
will be mailed to any on
el eight cover
V. T. A. A. N. Ii.
Texas lands are
considerable attention.
1.1.1 II K.
. .
in fat
. in which
I I . .
. ; . . . .- A
I I . win II
s. . presented . i
s . inn. r.
id 1.0. to
, ibis aid Spam by
Up --1 .
. an is. . in
t Ion with Dr. IV. x Brown l.
i;, . . . i it he
New a
-11 any of
hit r .- m
not doing so that I have. I
; . v. . I
March I his m r thought
. ;,. I am
, . . I .,
. .- pi .; ll .
i th SI
n. d. . iii
Si n lag i- about tin-
member of who
would really like t . Ins
hold I ii
single gold standard on ,
become law. Mr.
end. -1 the n m
el his s., rotary of the Tn . and
he has no tor
legislation he
knows Ll-
. in.- lb.-
by turning them into gold ,
could not get through Congress, even
if only the vote I up .
Ho the
ti u fur the National bank-
so a- lo n due lax
I. in allow
i .;. b .--ii i to la-.
lie bonds deposit. I with the
and allow .
National banks with capital
in small pine., get through, so
In added a proviso that he knew
;. j j hi will p. Id Bounce
, but It is the Col as liar and should word
mill on Relations, to bis would
lei hole ii . in th saliva and fall his
. . . . id . ; 1st
with whip,
I . in the an I he
., It, lid . .
ii I i A
; . I ill II HIS ll .
j this law U to b hell, in
lo an I
A Iii.
Land Sale.
a decree the
Court of Tin county, n In a certain
special proceeding entitled Pin.
man. I.
will, on Saturday,
9th day 1608, to
pare, of land In I
Pitt count North adjoining
the land t;
Rice, the lands rs, eon
being the lands v F i-in
man now r. Al-o one other p
eel . I land and
in Creek township,
L is Cos, M and
or less. being that
by record
Iii a certain d . d given by Fred
to Jackson and
I. to Jackson I'm
man. , .
Said sale will be on inn law named
tract Ian I II o'clock M. January
b a the d iv Di -mi or, 1897,
. I . j. . was thing lo
. with.
. . -1 ire I
. r ii , ii lb b Dr. it-
v in you hare
a bard with that I him
I Ii . .,. i . on ex pi my wile Mid
. to with
State of North Ciro Una, I In sup-
Pitt Co inly. Court,
line Co.
, i,. Notice.
I. I
By virtue execution directed
undersigned from the Superior
I'm . v i abort
action, I I on the 10th
day o'clock
at the Court laid County
-1 t the I for -ash. to
-aid the right title
and of said Greenville
Improvement defendant, la
tin- de- mi. I real estate, I
would kill nuke all
National bank notes
. n it
frying t. bluff a portion own
party and the c Ii . , ;
want any m. This
has U m ,. . ,.
II hi- by grab n. I by
Mi. by which bis c
Means will
all c bills m.
i Ii IV in ;
by talk they . I received
intimations n
no i ii was
Ii public ism ii . .
necessary to strengthen bluff,
administration will, through Mr.
up a bill and it
through the knowing tint the
Senate would not act upon it.
course, this are
; to know dill
between Ibis sort thing and real
statesmanship, and will be
able lo ,. i lo- mi .
t . rail
In- . doesn't the
Nicaragua to
by Congress, and v Inn Mr.
said in his mess that b
would to
on subject when he
report which has
just started Nicaragua lo make a
new survey and o it, under
ml Congress, lie was aware
that the was not likely
make a before death
Congress. In ii is
known that
Were a before
their that report was
not before March I. 1800
tine Nebraska
Wind S. an lawyer
up in who is
to say that
chain lo
that at the
neat year or Nail I
election 1900. Mr,
the have ml been lo
-el back vol .- i
and Hint they mo
Ilk- to gel back -o as
ll is resting and
. i . i h
i an i worn
. II. ll Ii. I- y
in j I . a
of and good men w
i it. illy th I's I i-
ton. i only . wise I .
1.1 t It .- . .
. nils
el. let -1 i sin
ugh in my rail II I
I. I the
Comp in;. II a n a
., . I I. .
tin- I k 1- ii it gives . ii-1 but
m . . .
i. I lion I ;.
II II y I. .
I. . . . . v who-
. . . .
. I . is K . I .
it ll- h u won the
el I.- soldiers lain
I. in-
; I . I I
i m in,, ii,. ,, ,
us s. n,;, . .
biographical sketches -u, I. men as
Gen. Joseph K. l n.
y In Ii I. I,
I. ;.
John II -1.1. General A.
r. Hill, i;.,.
. -l-i-l II. I . I .
I. an I II.
11.1- is the i i I lien.
I. . r I -i ii. plan, and ii
having a very large lie
publishers advertise through
active agents, as ii i.- said
only by sub-, Those who
a work as this will be
a hies d mi the
n ration i- a rich
profitable harvest
. ., i,. in . in. . . , ,, ., ,.
,. A id land hi
He ; 1- township, Pitt known the
or like a ruler. I w nil o lied,
the laud, el K. Patrick, the lark
I to but. land, the Manning land and and
told I b tract l laud by
it would whip I., n good. In
days I heard i again
and asked him so, He said
II ii j . whip in- I wont
any I look the
bit II k- his
el th hi inn i and coat.
my ill
bruising bis r
. ; m , i. n
curious to I will The
lust lour or five limes I hare whipped
;. in b 1- told I
. i I i.
did. s I bad lay
a n down ray ha over his
. . my
., i. Ii la-l is I
ii. d b and
in c -1
j. his vol
my his mouth
and in j -t be rubbed
. ll air.
ii. in ii y tilings I c mid
u it explain
illy, which I will do any
wishing to know, I.
tan mi I or woman who
. . raise,
Ham right, will be -1111;. o
inly what I bale nil
v b ., ti.
rumors are Is in ; it-
I an very
deed K. House lo said
i Land and Improvement
which the mill plant
was situated.
This b day of Dec inner.
W, II.
Um. II R.
citizen m mm mm
Everywhere to pages and
get up s.
can l- aid a
done in circulating
one of the historical
quarter of
a century.
of our best workers are selling
Mr. A county.
Mo., worked four days and a half and
orders, lie the book
to almost he Dr. j.
I. c soil
live days in-
II Plato, Tex . worked a
few burs and Mild In copies, mostly
morocco binding. Manna,
N. C, made a month's wages
In three day. for till hook.
S M White, county. is
selling books at rate of III
The Work Contains B .;. a .
of the Leading Genera's, a vast
amount Matter, and a
large number Beautiful Full Page
Illustrations, and
I who can give all
of their tine to the arc bound
to make Immense sum- of hand
Mag ll.
.-Ii living the styles of binding,
ample p and all material
-joy worK with, be sent on re-
Tins gal-
of In the
is worth doable tie money. We
it far less than actual of
we wool I you
lo order quickly, gel exclusive
control of toe territory.
Slain I
Norfolk of toil w
i pea
iv Cobb
beams i
i m
nail -I I . ill . in
Mi Idling
Ii o
PI l
If ,
lb .,. v,,
r. . .
a wilt u
This Is to notify my hi pit.
I withdrawn
f mil lb- of I lie II ill.
. my-, If
It. I. under the
. items upright A I
. pro a,
baton Urn name. Thank-
Ira; my friends for their
to f have my careful could ration
TO CUBE A CO IN DAY lam in .- to
lake Tab ever and s,,
ct-. th money , hell a i patronage
lit lulls j This I T.
of Fall Samples is in;
styles three
tores, Th. y are
Chicago, are
modern masterly
will-, many students. in And turn the
ll s Gel
ft Fill Winter Suit or and
get the fit, the right workmanship and the right
quality at the right price
. Va-aV
also have in stock a lull line of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats
and celebrated-----
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
and see are invited to
my stock and lean, the low prices.
The Market is now
Open Open all v
the time.
Parties having tobacco
which they wish sell, can
get accommodated at head-
quarters for high prices
the Eastern
Owners Proprietors.
There Are More
comfort-giving wearables at store any other
two or three in this Iowa.
There Are More
we're clothed this thin
There Are More
who will , Ii tn i away s i of the
give for little. B one
who am happy to I hero-
and all other are her that needed and helpful
to v i comfort and health. So where will treated
fairly, more honestly than here- neighbor
whore ho where y.-. do best for
he'll send you to
M H.
----DEALER IN----
I-will the best goods
will sell them at the lowest price possible. I
will do all can to obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see
M. H.
Next door to Jeweler. THE LIVE
A. G. COX,
Organized June 1st, 1897.
The Bank of Pitt County,
THIS Bank wants your and a
if not all, of your and
every favor consistent with safe
banking. We invite correspondence a per
interview to that end.
We arc now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor delivery now
We do all kinds repairing. Bicycles
repaired promptly.
Heavy and Fancy
goods constant
hand. Country
mil A trial will
A General Horse
Also a nice line
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
by J. W. Brown.
Come to see
Do you want Clothes Ready-
to-wear P Do you want
Made-to-measure P We give
great value either way. Our
facilities in both departments
are matchless. If you are in
our Clothes you're in fashion.
That advantage is worth
money to you. but we charge
nothing for it. Suits, Over-
coats, Rats, Underwear and
are now on grand
display. Hundreds of novel-
ties and economics await your
coming. A little money com-
much merchandise.
Gents Furnishing
is superb and is invited.
Local Reflections
i DEC.
About time year
tree talk an increasing i Hi ct on
school attendance.
Joe is to the out Again, this
with fresh radishes. And
day he found a in his Held
which be says was fine.
My last lot of hats are the prettiest
and I've received this
season i ml be at reduced
prices. Fashion Hook- lo sell.
Mils. L.
My stork is in and it
pay you to call lit my store buy-
A lull line of Dolls, Con-
Claus. lower
I V,
v Is a dollar.
Daily 1.1.1 i- i- is three
Ink's in South foot
bridge ought to be patched.
The county authorities have ordered
the town authorities to move the
Market by January 1st.
Mr. It. B. Farmville, was
here today and that a halo cot-
ton was stolen on
Watch the and ail
The U. Y. P. U. is preparing lot
an entertainment during week f re-
Velocipedes, wagons, toys, doll babies,
lire works, figures, cups and
saucers, S. If. Schultz.
To Flakes
and Hominy, white Deans
shredded Fish, Mountain
Fine French candies, nuts,
oranges, apples,
dates, citron, at S.
M. Mute,
The ladies the Christian
will give a Klondike social on Thurs-
day Something in-
is promised.
Hut the Same old Year, and You
Sn These Names
Gilliam, cf is here
attending court.
Dr. J. N. aid wife, o
Mn . i
u y I., i i u Sampson
Prof. F. K.
is hen- looking
with the Christian
Congressman Harry Skinner
ed from Wednesday even-
lo look hit business at court
K. Tunstall returned
county, where he
had been lo tie- marriage Dr.
L. K. Kirks, Pamela, Miss
way Norfolk, erstwhile
by BOW has I an
inch or two and three
uglier, dropped down to rest his
lace awhile in the editor's arm
lie says in keeping with adage
is better to in this world than
ill the he bus bis line Hue
tobacco and . along.
W, W. Shaw in
W. W. is here
B. Warren, wile and little eon
I-ll Ibis for lo spend
the holidays with
A. A.
county, who in this
county for lo this morning
with his family to return to his old
Battle went to to-
A. M in
town today.
folk, in
eM in even-
N. Mi Friday
Mis. J. S.
day evening
Mrs. W. H. Smith And child Id lo-
tor to tilt,
J. L. was
at court
Mrs. A. A and daughter,
fur day to
but Money.
A colored man who looked
had just the rag picker,
was the brunt of shouts from the
hangers on the depot this morn-
The old man pulled out a hand
lull of money and shook it at the boy,
who followed him to let tutu, know he
wasn't so needy he looked.
the King
the Home
roB i i
the Thu King's
held j for Ml
to take tin
on the and take the
i of ;
Amount tor paupers
dam and ;
Hi km Deeds
; ;
I In
Valuation lands of J. J
Joyner were reduced to
a having been made
list laker.
IN. W, was tax on
erroneously charged.
Valuation lands U . II.
r. Hart h rotated
on a lot in Ayden charged
W. U. was
taxes on land to
-V. J. H.
ed erroneously to him.
J. S. was from
poll tax, he with HAM
in two
l. C. wen
in value 12.000 to
of J. Sutton wen
ed from to
reduced to
H. was
Lands Reuben Moore
value to .
Lands Mrs. II. I. Daniel
reduced Iron. to
f. M. tie tax
on 5.400 erroneously charged to
Lands Joseph Fit. ins were re
in value to
Little as
township and Par-
was appointed to lilt the
F. II.
Ashley Dupree,
Noah Johnson, . II. .
to tit- who are in
tin t in u place had hoard
nothing, and simply how
get on Tho unbroken
enough to One Idiotic
raid to bed
We have boon writing nine
years and w have had
t led proud it county's
u in and
it a OUT
lO our
that have
They air the
d children Chris-
mother, and their lather v-
soldier and died I r
land. DO CS by
content to live in a moral
one hour, for Bailie and
Easily Campbell are u-. mind
No made to u.-
when Mr. Smith bad
The chi I trouble with lira Campbell
i-. are and
don't tn say to. The
nut -top to inquire into a
They lo
whether i
I would while Dr. Move
ll in jail
be i with a change of
to it that an afflicted
n out at Home be
given tome over I r h r bed. She
showed the horrible affair sic
bad only one
These are plain Written in
of helpless and In the Nome
Come to see us during the and look
over our immense line of
We are quoting prices so low the
days that you can save money on all chases
C. T.
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
Large Crop Estimate
Alexander Co , ct New
York, in a dated inst., ts-
crop at
bales. I tills is based
exhaustive all
the coil hi growing counties in the
Southern Stales. The estimate
North Carolina is
The Indies the church
gave our people a lime at
their supper, Wednesday in
the building. The building was
nicely the occasion, an
supper as served and the at-
large. They a
turn to help pay for church carpet-
the of
man an
a white, Annie
Smith, near Washington, fled
I. Wilson, j but . later captured
W. 0-1 Wilmington taken back to Wash.
d Ir
to the
Moore, Ed II. J. Law In tin
J. J. Co. J. II. mu aid sense
J. B. but took an
Mayo, loins, C. J. Supreme Court and was granted n new
W. and r.- slight technicality.
exempted Poll far 1807. Ilia second trial took pi id
Mary term
and Court and he was convict.
were placed on the list with an led, the jury returning a verdict in hall
allowance par month, each. an hour after the ease was lo
Seventy people listed their taxes be. Judge II. Brown, who
tore the Hoard. presided this will
Dick and Zeno inmates i on
perfect fit ting wraps
Jackets, Capes
For best line
Get on the Ground Floor.
New Ci.-urn.
The is having one the new
cisterns built near the branch on i
late. This cistern will be wood and
hold about gallons. this
cistern the steam engine can curry
water to nearly any section of
or Dickinson avenue.
which merchant, have Christmas I f
foods to sell.
That the woman has
That the gracious woman ii sure to
be lovable.
That a cross woman in shop or
Ii makes
i hut loud talking stumps one not
two week The
men have but a short while to ad-
holiday goods.
out your
Santa Claus is the most talked
person just now.
n. I Li. r did not put the
on Ike tor last
Hiram's on
son avenue is being given a new cress
ti paint.
That joys and sorrows about
That words a id
should never be hard to speak.
That to your temper
servant is to lose her
That one en scarcely be
gal the words,
That a mien brings
and that a Man docs not
That to feel there is no like
narrowness and ignorance;
your door neighbor's
Tell Ilium to
The Southerner says the
have passed an
prohibiting a merchant
pulling customers his stole. Down
here the merchants use a gold
to pull customers with, and
is no danger being fined
using that method.
Corrected by
Butter, per lo J
Sugar to
to An
Corn so en
to 6.79
to M
in TO
the. County wen. allowed
each to Buy
The bonds were
A was made
Hope Fire Co., to assist ii building all
engine house.
W. If. King, Board,
mad.- his report upon the sale the
Market lot, and the Hoard post-
consideration of
of said sale until its January meeting.
A new road was ordered laid oil in
Greenville township, near
Forbes school on Kinston
road and running lo the old plunk
east e place.
The report
the Health
N. C, Dec Sib, 1807.
To Board Commissioners of t
would submit
lowing to your Honorable body
have d examined
jail and ill I Home Aged
and Infirm, by law. Bad
ll. ii. both ill good The
health of tomato is very good, and
as a title are well mid
Some of prisoners in the com-
plain they have no change
clothes, and I would your
the lo supply
them with a change clothes, us it
will be impossible lo preserve their
health unless this is done.
Some your body have
been of the compliant
the of the inmates the
County Home. I have examined into
these and Basel nil
originated a few tin- I
who labor under the delusion the
is being honored V tin re-
its charges. I have been pres-
one their and n
plenty of wholesome food, much batter
d than I of the people
who are taxed to support them can
E. A.
Supt. Health.
it Deeds seven
marriage license., last week, for
c one col. vol. The
while, w. re
W. and Sarah Allen.
Richard Tray and
T. A. Nobles and Harris.
Taylor and Sugg.
I. I. Brown and Douse.
Austin and
We sell Groceries so low that your
head swim. We are receiving daily-
choice line of
Ml. 181.11 FLOUR MEAL.
Canned of alt kinds. Tobacco, Cigars
Snuff and every thing usually kept in a first
class Grocery Store, which we offer at prices
that defy competition.
Tame B, White.
when the Creator to woman,
sorrow thou bring forth
that a curse was pro-
against the human race,
but the joy felt by every Mother
when she first presses to her heart
her babe, proves the contrary.
Danger and suffering lurk in
the pathway of the Expectant
Mother, and should be avoided,
that she may reach the hour when
the hope of is to lie real-
in full vigor and strength.
so relaxes the
system and as
that the
takes place
Nervous or
Gloomy Pore-
and the
trying hour is robbed of its pain
and suffering, as so many happy
mothers have e N e C e d.
Nothing but does
this. Don't be deceived or
persuaded to use anything else.
prise ilia ho
fee nil in.
Wears ah i bars in every line yon may call for.
is all utter the but II yon are really
them, then you will call now make your purchases
low down, fume lo quote,

. .
he Worth
, . . i . a . .
II .
pun id cur.
Mild Power Ti
link Pill
nova Hie n
. the
Tonic P
W. H. Bond.
. I
N- C
in all the curls.-
Coin N . I
Have one Ban
I I i
groan. C
in all courts
H .
I, C.
Swift Galloway, B.
X. I. Ore
N. C
Practice in all the coon.
Professional Cards
is a delusion that men l
not worth-
,, ,., W i
tin- thing world l
Bud earnest, up-
right as
n I bad a
boy working once at a
l. and owe day tho
ho loon boat In a factory,
to see ire be
lake In boy out.
Hi make more money
much I
dollar a let bin
alone in U a Bra
weak I if el
When boy gel
tie again
l led hi-a to leave
with mo. box
a week Ibo
came again and i going
to lake boy away.
f i He making money
em will do
-How much Will be
i Twelve stall -t
he nay gal be loom
U he Populist paper at Lincoln
live dollars of pros-
let boy which ha lo Uncle
alone; I be a Billy old
a month bore some I who tor three terms
be hardest work to gal man the On
. counselors at j to leave bis boy, and Ho has two vine lama
now of which is leading
s. e.
Oil ii- w
Cobb a
i u. Hot.
, . M.
men -W. i I -1- P
I . .-,. already rear,
race in
to natural a
is done, and
Boot, to the
of bis own and
The of have
ct is all but
it has
of Ur. It. H.
t of
a colored
be baa
from a of the vital
tics of nearly the
States that
of i
cf whiles com-
M-ml at once
T O lot
Mr It Ilia- many
to t-i- New
l eager, L, d-
N. T
vi a merely nominal the
M i. t
are out
in-.-nae at t to all put-
It 1- iii reality
or the ill
full d-
as it is ex-
to W. K.
Whichard, N. C
The Stock complete in
every department and
TIM Camera h prices as low as the low
and not only this but J
with all
and i- a
N. Y.
j mi- n
I. ,
t A
l it
Jo K. P. Harding.
Wilton, X. x. i
Loon made on abort data.
John small, w. ii. Long,
w X. Greenville, K. I
a Who
Nearly All Hi- Salary.
their year will find
Internet our
u all it.
at ., i
buy K m. i
i I . Old
c o
always band and
the times. roods
told i n; I
to rim we u ii iv margin
In an
only i h t ex-
iii Journalism, or for the
after i- r nearly twenty y-
uninterrupted growth i In
claiming that
. i i- one
A Perfect Newspaper.
labor commission
ship ban .
State's ton in-.-t men on I
, .,; an able i .; i III
A white man in ire r-
i i. ls-t Saturday v. -1
Id left than l- alter committing
rime the Court bad
bunged. kind
Hi lb- r
owns and u bona
town. Poole Hilly demon-
s rated error of the belief that
is j a live
u of nu I save money out of his
.- warn little, if more
is working allowed
f mileage and postage,
Set a I
President Dies, of Mi
u edited with tho
of riddling the J
obtained and all Pat-
tor ante.
U i n
Scad Of
II or drool
charge. Our l.-e n . --i- J.
A lo
cost ii, ii L. b.
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
like a A
more common
captured about
I told want of
in was the root of
lest yon. You
shall be liberated, at will
point yen, chief of police In your
native district Y.
all and t.- protect
it been for of
rally to the cam-
Ida be might
bare saved nearly the whole of
his salary a He
was a poor when ho entered
Congress and be is now worth
about Kansas
of the States
Court, N. Y. i
The Georgia baa i
i-u bills designed lo the
system the Slat
K. leads can-
n.-y tin-
Hit- I i
Las i P it, Mil-. r
will bu -I hi d.
j i ii I. .,. ban .- it
for Hick
r. j s an.
A unknown l- l
all i
inn in iii i-i-. i. In hi ah
Benjamin Kill
the eX-l- l ii
A Who Talk
at way stations. Von
your own Mr. Banes, who lives
Ba horn You up on Big in
rewarded maintaining list Tuesday and with
good order in vow and his bob, Hanes, a boy of
r ,, well grown
responsible f all
by whomsoever induced by his
has not been a robbery la father or other person to
district was formerly -peak it word when ho is away
one f, fro, at
,, .,, appoint- , , it
the system l His says
been extended, and now tho when boy was
uniformed on lie was visiting a
I ind a man ti him
station in r.
He is known end respected as a
Mi i h, the
loafers, that he will
Wire and Iron g
on First-class
prices reasonable.
A for bis
I begging abilities was once cite-
a Sunday school. When
To publish all the news
and and in read-
form, w or
to Its
with In keen an
lo give betides a complete record
i fan let and
coverlet in nil departments bu-1 comparing pat-tot of
hilts Daily t a shepherd and
In in II PAGES, .,, ,
end lo provide whole ii- pa- c to he
the nominal price following I-j tho
n ii He,
turn, knows he is
by superior r-
I in employ cl tho chief
mi from the outset,
and will to
The Pioneer
one i
Stales. Till.
does the
To tho of
present a small boy in
row piped
Witness it- avenue dally air-
copies, sod
and so average
while Imitations
its plan in ,
oily l lo tie
truth .-f assertion In lbs
a-id of contents, in
be price M which It Is told
i In
The Daily Edition.
be by
any lot M
Mar or SB par mouth.
Tho Daily and Sunday
together, which will give
U the bast nod in-
of all III
the world every day In year
Including holidays will be lo
11.00 a
Tho of sugar wed
tho people is
the of
ti per year. To this
of anger
being m u any States,
both farmers of
j experimental tests growing
I bout. A is to
ed at to manufacture
a near i
Hill a few sue
id n lady who
to that
is to be revived, the
the ladies who adopt it
offset by going In
fir a in
It's do use, bud. Flattery,
threats, viii
keep tho women wearing
what please and wearing it
please- When they
ready to no luck t. u fashion of
thirty j ears ago, and w
mo go to wear
them; and u they got
ready to wear rings in heir notes
are to
And the
part it all is that
how they rig them
elves op, we all get to it
after awhile, let
ti. alone
mail from that on
be has refused to
a word while away from homo
Elkin Times,
the birth rate is also smaller
among the colored than among
the white
of Ibo
is passing, if already
gone, and tho members of the,
generation of race,
make a poor as
their use and physical I
lion when compared with their
Dr. on attributes this de-
believe- to tho carelessness, want
of and dissipation go
of a
large portion of colored pop-
in the South since
says Dr.
seemed lo beau to con-
cal writers and teachers boast of
never having such among
the Enforced temper-
ate living and sanitary
black man a
giant, but Ibo giants
coming on a nice of
stature and decreased
That this is tho true
tho colored man's physical
is further shown by
has to say his recently
health of the colored
he says,
taken the past
years in condition of
colored troops. The white
participated in
improvement although their
rates have not fallen so rapidly
those of Ibo colored The
soldier lost days from
disability during tear, the
while soldier and the aver-
ago time of of each
was. among the colored
troops, among
contain to
those have the
nu who have looked with
sorrow upon their downward
day their .,
lion. The show. U . M M.
. that the of
since even now
and moral of
discipline are found to
to their white comrades
Hying under sumo
Tho exists that the colored
race yet brought back to
its former sanitary but
the problem remains bow to lift
it up from abyss of misery
how avert its threatened
ii- Here is a task for
colored members of our
which they ran
far better that, their while
and which culls fur their
best and self sacrificing
have t received a new
hearse and the nicest line of Col-
and in wood, metal-
and cloth ever brought to
We ate
in its
Personal attention given
funerals and bodies en-
trusted to care will receive
every mark of
Our prices are tower man ever.
do not want
We can be any and all
times in John Flanagan
Buggy Co's building
TEARS has taught me that the the best Is p
Hemp Building rumps. Farming and v
necessary Millers, slid general house purposes, as
lints. Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods I have always on hand. Am h
quarters for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing agent for Clark's N. T
nil ii, and i u- and attentive clerks.
an a- in
With Mr.
nub Iowa ti- k b, r
hi, by to a pm
She was
cents years Hill set
r CO, i lo
by her
years, I
fit i I Hon. By i.
thou anus J
So am I
its power lint I consider it my to
Who II e O Ur -i i
ii write use
t T. A. K. C- ll at., Sew
ma las i
The Demon
Tonight it humble
to strike the from u
and tomorrow it
chain Ibis in the
hulls of congress,
Tonight it strikes a crust from
lips cf a starving child,
tomorrow levies tribute from the
Government itself.
It duties tho when it
It is flexible to but
It comes to ruin, and it profits
by tho ruin of eon
It comes change wife's
an her
It one, on
lips little
it comes to still the music of
home and till
d desolation-
It comes t j your body and
mice, to wreck your home, it
must measure its pros-
with which it this
It the moral enemy of peace
and order, the of men
ml terror of the cloud
that face
the Unit has
and more souls
to than all the j
I that have wasted life constipation, torpid liver,
plague jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
all the kindred diseases.
do bun stood Jericho-
All place in
current rates
Cure Ail
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
the power to digest and
a proper of food.
This can never be done when
the liver docs not act it's part.
know this
t; I a
Ii b lo r
say-. i
I c
We cf M v
w II
I . I
Urn n End re n i i
i a of
s Liver Pills an
more . . , , , ,
Liver Pills
win la lbs
a for It K at
As such, It prints let
which nuke the
of the political, tin
M --.- I , -ii-l happenings
v. aw of value to
men and women. The Editor's
of the World tells
el the
the best cl in live
the J the of the man of
month, and give timely . by on any question of
The to edit in one monthly volume the
needed by people is beat in
the the readers of
fit to These
are thinking business men, clergy-
men, Lawyers, professors,
engineers, the wide-awake women
America. They that
simply a generous library in it
historical cyclopedia of t best means of aid for a busy I
periodical of th. kind -e have ever triumph of editorial
world a field etc., etc.
j Review of Reviews
current number
and the two
Issues. . t . . s a
The Eastern Reflector
TERMS per Year in Advance.
1-. OUT
We will Inc of III.
Ti I- Hie c- m-
w pay
II Our
Ca In la
wanted, mm I . In
lamps. In do
cent, prune when can buy
mill. ft
Baltimore, Md.
PUt mention this
Battler Writhes in Vain.
to Men
the above
f. W- editor of the
Observer, re-
said t
Tin- local papers are
of a town, their editors
are with
that rejoice and to weep
with them that
They most sit in the bald-head-
ed row at all entertainments, and
must be toll right
side nut.
are in sympathy with
every movement tending to
fit with due re-
to churches and
I will that the press
possesses tho power for
fjord of any institution in a com-
A minister pi caches to an
audience of from to and
sets-say per year-
The prints bis
and of matter upon the
lo people every week
and what be get He gets
a living and perhaps a cursing
from the man whose name hap
pens to be spelled wrong.
doctor presides at a birth
and charges The
performs marriage
and gets any a bush-
el of beans to a fee.
The undertaker provides a
man with Ml last suit clothes
and a post price i
the editor, who keeps a care-
record of all that
from the to the grave,
then writes a obituary,
gets nothing, tie does not even
have a to kiss the bride.
It is not my province at this
time to state what constitutes a
good local paper, but editor
that understands bis
finds it as to tell what to
leave out as what to print. His
paper must be o faithful exponent
of and be must, with great
present the good the
evil. The paper that does this
most have the hearty operation
of the people, or
The people have much to do
with the of home
paper, and the
known by the kind of paper it
When the Press, Pulpit and
work together, best
results are obtained.
The local papers are work-
for good good
roads, honest government, high
morals low taxes.
Whatever support the papers
get they give out a
times more they receive, ltd
every whether ho reads
papers are is
benefit from press.
S Butler bus denied, or
made pi of denying, it
isn't a denial in truth of
tho made against him as
to certain utterances
his Rocky Mount He
is apparently very shocked
quite that such
language should be attributed to
him. It may be incidentally ob-
his was
not aroused until he saw
extract from the Rocky
paper copied by other
with such comments as it suggest
But it wouldn't such a
utterance Air-
Butler after nil, for he had
said substantially the
game in his Caucasian,
difference being that what be
wrote then was with
thought and deliberation, and
what he said at Rocky
might- have been stand
warmth without due
The editor of the Windsor
who referred to the tile of
of the the fol-
lowing the issue of September
30th, about two weeks before the
Rocky Mount speech was
awful crime of rope the
condemnation should
be prompted by sincere motives
and honest purposes is used in a
hypocritical manner for
and ends, and all
the time the
nature of crime they are
secretly longing for more rapes
tn at better play upon
the prejudices of
the word in this
and it would fit the Rocky Mount
case lo a dot. Of
persons be bad in mind when he
as for
more that they may better
play upon the prejudices of
were Democrats, and
there is no need to
insert But per-
haps Butler may wiggle
oat of by saying that it
Butler who
wrote that but Butler,
it wasn't Butler
Butler who carried his
full of free passes on the
railroad. Under the
stances, in the presence of the
above that would be
about as good a defense as any
be has Star.
advice to young
reads as follows I two
hours every sleep seven
hours every night go to bed
when you wish to sleep ;
as as rite; never
eat yO are hungry
drink are and
always slowly. Never
unless is necessary, and then
only half yon think- Write
only what yen can sign-
hat tell cf. Never for-
others count on hut you
mu t never count them
Esteem money for neither more
nor less than it is worth; it is a
good servant, but a bad
Keep from women until you
re years old. Give Up
when you are t
and little as
l Forgive everybody in
advance it is Neither
hate nor despise men, and do
not laugh at I hem ; pity them.
every rooming
when lee light, and every
when you go the
shadow. When you suffer very
much look your grief
it alone console it
will leach Learn
and how to he and
how to free, and wait lo
deny Ho has proven to
the world He not
for is a
speculation Men proud of their
celebrity are ignorant, Men vain
of genius are
FOR SALE-At Cost. ,
at Grimesland we offer our stock of
A black in
building bis
developed a train
. make a most interesting
We will also sell two large store , ,,, dent,
by us, other occupied by J. H. Snort A l
lenient dwelling occupied by T. M. Moore, low. AI
indebted to us am to come forward and a
T. Moore Go.,
Made by Orange Va.
lieu wise limn thin knows ow
Time and lire wail tor
even hesitate.
To be is a
than in be in bud company.
arc bud
been to be-
ma i one M
always by a pack mapping
Ten grains common arc
tin bushels learning.
Some nun arc burn tome
work into I. and
die us they lo any-
A bus more worry and lion-
over one suit
than a man over nil bis
in a lifetime,
Hard line
u can't I-
l K
It's III Tn-- .-I January
t row i ere are
When Ural January
Ob, child I bull n ml
l. lands you i
ls there any
Where no
The tide of prosperity bi'S not
the inventive ingenuity
of somber
makes pore,
Less and II
Support the Local
The is fact the property
owner Is meet
of a community- This of
course applies strictly to the
properly owner who has property
tell or rent. The laboring
man can leave I place without a
notice, but the property
owner bundle up his
effects and leave and
to take care of themselves
Therefore greater tho pros-
of a community, tho great-
at the of
owner, the business
welfare and the
cf a community
so must property owners
independence. As the
the trade interests of
a are so vital to property
valuer, tho greater of
tho property giving his
direct support to even thing
which shall increase trade and
build up bis
He who bring joy to bear;
a s-id being, an act that will
count much iii his favor in
Bumming up.
No Batter bow good a thing is no,
there is old
bus ii ii if something u great
deal better.
There he a but in every
obi town it newspapers would
all the they the truth
mid but truth.
Nature is the o- true universal
school all humanity. Her
is at bread at the earth, and her
may be i pleasure in snowing
up Audit el Other, but We should
member others are gelling
with us by doing with our
of applications lo
tho Office year
surpassed all previous record
vet daring the
months 1897 per cent,
mo. applications were received
daring first hall Haft
From January I, lo June
SO, there were filed
applications. same
period the of the
amounted to in In
crease of over tho six
mouths proceeding.
Patent the
few of the Govern-
the receipts which u--
past tho
1836 date the
establishment to
June of
pet. Tim or a
dog terror for her, if she
i- disposed to lbs
Walks among the people the
building and outside
a- if she Hues- alb
Mom remarkable still i her
way of pelting round from one
place to another, has a
in the building
, i, . on third
there is a lady
who she to sail upon at
frequent and instead of
end down slurs.
as i call naturally would do,
be takes an elevator. With an
air of dignity she
up a position among the
rest tin passengers waiting
elevator, and she
gets .; board the elevator sue
looks earnestly door
car ascends. Lacking
manna to signify where in-
tend to get off, she u
car until it stops her
desired and even
lore.-, unless it
make her leave
elevator till reaches the Hoot
where want to go.
elevator know her habits so
if happens to be the
only passenger going up
offer her third or
As she a
visit, she again avails self of
. service, whether i be
wishes U go up or down, for it is
a matter of with her to
complete her round upper
part of while she is
op that w MUMS Tr
intensive system of farm-
is the thing, and our
most to i sooner or Inter.
Cultivate fewer aims, manure the
land more highly, cultivate bet-
thereby as
or more hall the quantity of
land with rest for labor.
Here is an example, and
not lacking. Goldsboro
A farmer told Of the other day
that instead of putting a twelve
acre lot in be took
same of m
plied it to six acres of the same
land. From the twelve acres he
has been habit of
bales of cotton ; this year he
bus six bates of cotton
the six acres. is an
fur all who till the
Simla has given up lb- rein-
deer i imaging to make bis
round on bike.
so He's In hood
writing u joyous
Our II no
he his own
Tali i the at year when
tn-.- wise smoking
until idler I so bis
a present
I a box of
Fruit Dealers Killed by Tarantula
and Scorpion Bites.
Within two weak three men
bare died bore from the of
tarantula scorpion
This is bountifully
Charity of ii as divine I
thing as charity of To
I judge no one harshly, to
I no motived to believe
things are as seem
until they are proved otherwise,
Una i
All Paris stirred one day in
August, WHO, by n deed courage
which recalled the old legend
and his two comrades
Lars army at bay
until bridge across Tiber
had boon cut down.
At a in tho Hippo-
Lucas, lion enter-
ed cage where wore two
two bad be
closed door when on.- of
lions sprang upon him and
him by the back of neck.
light of blood maddened tho other
beasts, and they, too, fell on their
Women and fainted;
grow pale or
orders. Tan
the Hippodrome lost their
i all save attendant, Men
he Funnel and Mechanic, lb
paper that yearn ago, toe
guidance of It- A-
such excellent r
the Stale, has
been revived at as a
weekly farm and home paper.
Doubtless many this
who took Farmer
and Mechanic would like to have
it again and prepared lo
make following extraordinary
For we will send The
Carolinian, and The
Farmer and Mechanic, all
papers whole year.
will give you the
home news, the general
the farm news, and
think of three of them a
whole year for
If you want the Atlanta Con-
added to tho above
inn get it for cents more,
or tho thrice a week New York
World for Any other
paper or magazine wanted we
give you a in con-
with Tut
Telephone Charge,
The in-
baa as good a at
town in the Slate, and In addition
to I oil I ill
lb With most
neighboring and cost
only r month tor
11.50 p r m--nth for private
Landmark, coma
I nib upon paragraph dial
i -v tern
. i per
I, . hi SIS l per year
to Judgment with mere u attendant, men- u
lull is u good as to . , ,,
build up churches, establish with . iron weapon, he entered . V
Unkind words do is much harm
Another forced to s deeds. Many a heart
Impaired ill
v weak no
of tilt have a peculiar dread or
and lever, will be glad to I
Unit a cure for chills and Is DOW
and fold,
which does not injure stomach
benefits It. HI-Roman Pep-
in i bill
I. has filled
with nervous d
that takes flesh off their bones,
vitality their blood, and makes
them feeble, and
No. it is had
Indigestible sniff, and Other health-
The i is an
food Shaker Digestive
dial. Instead of Irritating
Ibo Cordial a
i-bani-e to rest by nourishing system
Itself and digesting other rood I
with It. So flesh and strength return.
Is not idea rational
. palatable relieves
No money to It- mine.
A cent trial bottle that.
Indignant hen
a nice mess our ml-, and
our big Fore-
man that Indignant
ii -M re
padding and raga w- n
curry in i
Is for
It In place
Caster Oil.
-I In the world
Sores, Salt III
Fever Sou-s, Teller, Hi
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
cures in no
pay requited. It is In give
price cents per box. I- or y
no, L. rt
from one of
Ali the victims an
were the fruit
it among the fruit houses
on North Third street Hint the
deadly which killed them
found other
tropical fruits bore
in the winter,
them the which MO
cold weather- In the
steam rooms of fruit houses
whore are to
these ore revived
by the frequent-
attack the work
to while In I
lbs It well at good
mil la-bl win.
home, will both at limes got run
down health ray will l-
With lost appetite
Is 1-11 Bitten
era Hook awl
ml en it I. It
has been wounded beyond cure,
many i reputation has been
stabbed to death by a little
aids. which
consists in withholding words, in
g luck hint lodgment.
m abstaining from u
speak is to Such
bean the
but not it; listens
thou locks th
up very depths of the
still rumor i it is
keep-. st ii
nil lends It
The will be
in learn that i- least
one has
been able l out In all In
a Hall- cm I are la
I've now known
sin -.-----1 . .
the lion hip
them Then
he dragged out mangled
who was Immediately bandaged
one comes per
tons Who are lo nil int. lit- and put-
noses utterly Ne
matter what their acts, they have n
plausible ex. and n excuse
they tho
whole affair w little Butter r a
wave of tin- band and
tiny don't know anything
about it, or
they can, and nil
Personal and
and well bred
the mil nil
tho education Id
to pi r la
one's of ii
the II II Company
good ii i-as other
n i- in milling
the bin
I ion ill
,. . good town In
what i Landmark the
mailer may be
nil In view
great In charges W
ii that a might be
, i ii -s it hot already gone
t b i-l
Concord hat a i ex-
for service
let i
the Mile lure IS
,,. , i
,, ;, Me. month
i. ml, i n low
el. a dividend
I mu
. f helm
disease. i
treatment, ll-u
, nu- i- taken internally,
th Woo-I and
destroying the
of lire and g-
by the
-n nature in dot
Kite work. In have .
In powers mu port and t
T. that is not the
way n .,,; ,,. your
not end word with an r. H n gel mi iii pie
vi,, , n,., all titles denoting New
f tin in end with . the
Willie Oh, I Jut like jam I
tor. Journal,
i ii
nil do mu n-k I
fine trying. This will show
i merits Ibis truly won-
and show you what
bottle, Tin-
i . .
Hue ind for any ,,, j
, rigid ii all
The How- .- .
, the ,. ,,,.,. . a
Important In- ,,, It their great
up i
for j , ,., , i, , on . Si ml I.
all kinds i ,, ., i , tun I HI
by tie H the value
It, w. men should Toledo. O or annually
I . . ,,. . . . . .
hand to up pie
For Mile
gold hi
i y ON the bu-l.
is and

Eastern reflector, 14 December 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 14, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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