Eastern reflector, 16 November 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

is good to ma
la . I Other
r th Mm
Mir for Terri-
i .
They Are
i. IN
Pm I Imparting
th i Work
The. to of Al
a an
Hod only by whiles . .
to ha
more t- .
f the Unit. Stun la l
la t i it i
an i
i .
. i
than the I
C i an I p
of I
and Territorial C
-f th-.- Interior I I
i , ; this none a
aw i r to
. . . .
to s t these already
i la and
rests a I I i
i i to any one i
of whit, Indian
l I to I
I . it -f
Men at Wark.
Ill -i . t
I i id land
f the
half- r . d . . id l
th whit i
workers In a i
good been
age In the i e r .
It la . n w i .
pluck . ranee, they would
in groat
and I I
kl With
against t-
V . s . -i
Is the sound flu I of the
Two have nude
work In Al i- k
; f the oat and
stupid, mulish antagonism I .
ii i Inga
lo the first, It I
advance of civilization; the a
m re d I found
Ii i big i violent
d . man; will
to it la red
with ti of
bl I in v. and la . I .
B will r- ,
ate the evil.
it must ml that I
kin native la distinctly
sat i with their respective m
lift pa i ten an.- m .
at Ir lit
Tl v i . i it. with hi
st I I
II Influences for
lid l r p on . .
the rain pouring up n hi
his he alone i i I
v kayak or i an . than i i
i. in ed In th
i M Hotel, The w i
prefers his or
snow hut, to the
of modern B i.
leas n for per tonal i I
i people that has
-I North Ami an i
at i flat would i
or to suicide,
Bo when their children,
by i or
men teachers, are
go to school, parents ml
prophesy darkly
f Iconoclastic i .
the i- promises, do
their heat t. k little ones
much as . j
Is more or l as a Hi sly by
the parents of nearly every native
while the Creoles and other l
breeds far I i Ir a to
numerous schools
met and th
. i
d i
I by
. . . ;
to live In s
keep i
. .
Average of i
la j average
; f the
la Ones
-k. v. k
ii i
. . .
. I i la
I I Lime
; . ;
i- Learn
i r and
. .
i -fit;
. . ; make I
but e Ra, .
-t t. attend lb
I . M
old won is m
n a
her km ea, i. ; U. n
Bu M,
i ;
a I hi
the than I I
But C is
la not
Russia s the
Is the I in
r the i I L and he u
n hi t
. . breast I
every R . is to
it Is snore
. . ova
. r. An-
After th. Inrush
Spring v more
Ion the
IS I ;
of .
y OH.
,. W. K.
XI ill .
e .,. i
ii. r in . ,, ii.
rill .
r. .-. , .
i. r. I U M i.
p ;. Mill
I . .-i i . i
. net team km i
Tin it I . I. , k
. , .
i re i ii mark I .
-.-. ;. n county
read lb
. m ire it
ii . ii.;. hex
T. II.
i ill PHI
a . I t
. it U i i by a at
ii i ll m V r. .-I
A mi. l. . p I land
I., a u a y
Tl. U I ., Arv
i ii it i Dual a
. i . i . I Jeep, at
William . . .
cl in I be N.- Fork,
. . i I nil i.- i r-
.-., III.
Mr I. A. of Ike
Star, will con.
with v
i H, u I,.,.
j. i tin. h quid a
. i i II.-
N w hi. mm It
is .
ti r i -v
i i in Brook
burglar. k i.-. i
A-i. I I a fall M
lo II.- i- n m
i , i.
only natural
a i
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond. J. I. lag.
M. V
In all
X. C
in nil Um
r . Many of
; i
u in
I .
BO build IS I
the .
Interior, to whom he i
. . . i .
. boots.
lo the I in I n
re I.
M . It
. . I . .
COll troll
by I
four by r
n Hoard of Homo
by the B I of l r.
i Ann. i the II
f n I
f the M
one by I I Tl
and two by the I
v dance with
. i In Its i i. i.
Liver Ills.
Tried Friends Best.
i years Tint's Pills have
a blessing to the invalid.
Ate truly the sick man's friend.
A Known Fact
For bilious headache,
and all kindred
i ll l i
i . . . i on a-
I I ii.
rill ., t .,. i,,.
I i hi . .-I no-.
ii. ii . ,
; . J all .
las i . a
licit ; i
t . . ., i,. ;,,. i, u ,, n,.
I i the i ,. ,., I
ii . I. ,.
ii Ho in In
Um S C , ;.
m romp aim . lion
the p aim id i i
Hi.- r. in i in -aid o in
Tin.- October, l-.;
, , K. A.
Clerk m, Court, Pitt Co.
Valuable Farm for Sale
ii he Superior
i ,.; In
t s en
Mel I will
certain ti el or parcel land
in I on the
late Moore real I d lbs lime
bound, ; the Ii nU of
A. Till.
U. W.
Tar I
i;. acre, or n
land lie H
.- I cl
and and upon main
l,. i. on ll in ii four
and well of good water.
A are
much in m. both
A man
Columbia the
older a
Tin re in iv . . i luck in a
but nut ft the pa m
bU -r
cut out to
if a player. my
dear, he at all
look at the head hair he
or to W.
H. W. d m
I. C.
Swift B. .
N- C in N-
in all
B D. L.
I mil
u . i ;
i king to
I .
. . h
i than o--.
. I .
i l i.
brass I ii .
v . it
. . .
. . V
I marry
i and
I I heir
. . ii pd man; tin
I I if
or her
i.; I and
r . f
to i tn-
. . but I
to fl. ;
. ,
y ; v p l
by you
at the I i on th
. . . i An
Id . l n
Bu an .
v. ; run i baa to
tap i i i
round i in a
. I a . . i
Ian Intel
i no i f tin , .
Th., ha Int
the m ;. ii.-
only to
In ii. K. C
s short time.
n . . I . N. i
i i H .- ii
i H Out Courts.
m. smut
v Mi HI V
I will Bawl
i , i
i are. Our
i ii. he.
i buy ., n .
lint v . ii; on
band and told at
the Out and
lo run Mil at a dote
.- I i v, N.
We t n
hi nicest lino of
id a wood, metal-
cloth over brought
in ti. it to-.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in
I every department and
attention given to prices as lOW as the lOW
pd or country
,, I produce.
w ; CM be
in I
Toms have
remedy fur By Us timely use
of CUM haw
cured. S- am I
Of I consider it my duly to
Mad Are fret of
v, ho lave O or
ll they write me
express and p address. Sincerely,
I, A. It. C. SI., Hew tort
Um. . . . , . .
Wire and Iron
on First-class work
prices reasonable.
Tons Lots tor
By um the
in r- Till in i .
in October.
u in town ,.
. ilia
I it ii parcel land in
the ton f in
pi in ii- lot
and l in on t
ill. Mink-1 now
I will us
1st. In to
a u -w on ill. in Hi.
of Pitt county winch
run I. i ii by the public any lime and
win exhibited on the i av
In . A-
Ti bid be
pal ii Mi day
one third on tho day January
one third on the Aral day
January. . with per com
eat mi the deferred
p i i i pay ti . whole Confederate Soldier In
any lime take hit deed.
ion.-given on the day of In and over
and title Portraits, The
the whole the I- War Book ever
, ,. , , and the only one dost
raid r c justice lo the soldier and the
A. Great Land Sale.
Farm lit Pitt County
ft rt it
and all P-
. . c moderate
u .
r 1.1
ran m v.
t tad i v- with
II , or r. L
A .
mi m cat
an run AGENTS.
the any and l
Ibis r
Execution Sale.
virtue of an in W.
K. led
Superior Court
county, I win on lira
lay of 1897, U o'clock
the l Home in said
execution following
I, or parcel lead
the Carney.
I. a
tract and A H Cooper
I u
I. A In A II
known at Cooper Less
One other adjoining lb
above described on fun I
lie of I. A W Ho-
I ii-11 Sum. Moore heir
Martha A n
i on the containing
A U own u- A l
3rd One other lain a
of it II i, A v r
and A V land
mi c acres
lead and part Ml snarl
i-i n K In division el
Hi Cowan,
other tract adjoining
of I. A
tract John
lbs Cooper the
containing and
lo K
by A
ill tin inn
to W K by F
reference to
which deed l nude.
This day of October HOT.
W. II.
for. Complete In one
wanted everywhere to
-oil on our new
who making from to per
month. Veterans, Sons and
Veterans, and others are
lo tend for a
to i
virtue of power vested In
by two of
made at June 1891, one
of T. Bruce I. A.
and wife E. and the
Other A. T. A Co., against I, A,
sag.- and wife K. Sugg, I will
-ell hi public sale to the bidder
on Monday toe .
that valuable Farm lying on south side
River about two and In I miles
West of known at the
about live hundred and seventy acres
more or
n general of the lands
can be found in the two
n to but a
will given of the to lie sold
on day sale or tan be
in t me my
of salt In sum is
cash but If Hi is n it
pay all II
nuke arrangement to pay part
time on the by
giving his note payable, with simple
Interest, in annual sec ire I
by a mortgage on the laud,
fun is valuable fir the
corn or tobacco and It
well supplied with tobacco barns, pack
Those Wishing to buy a fine farm
near town will do well to examine this
Any desired be had
h v. J. VIn
. J A It V IS.
YEARS has taught tho best U cheap
Hemp Building Pumps, anting implements,
thing necessary Millers, and general house purposes, as we
lints, Ladles Dress I have always on hand. Am h
for Heavy Jobbing agent Clark's N. t S
i keep courteous and
N. C.
All placed n strictly
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
papers for
The Farmer and Mechanic,
paper that years ago, under toe
guidance Capt- It- A- Shotwell
an excellent
been revived at as a
farm home paper.
many in thin section
who look
and Mechanic would like lo
it again and are prepared lo
make the following
For we will send The
Toe North
Carolinian, and Tie
Farmer and Mechanic, all
papers a
papers will yon
homo news, Ibo State and general
and farm news, and
think of three of them a
whole year for
If you want the Atlanta Con-
added to above list
yon can get it for cents more,
or thrice a week New York
Wot Id for cents. Any oilier
or magazine wanted we can
a on in con-
no lion with The Re-
The State Must not be Forgotten
vis writes the following r
lo of Weekly,
a former letter to that paper
in to the strictures upon
When I addressed my former
communication to paper
I only meant to express an
opinion and not to engage in a
controversy. It is still foreign to
mi purpose lo lake any purl a
i. with you or
about what may or may
Dot happen a year hence, so in
H to one more
letter in upon
your review of my former letter
I do so for purpose of em-
and amplifying
position therein taken.
The mistaken point in your
review, as it seems to me. is Unit
you swam that be true, which
iv the
by Democracy of
N Carolina of doctrines
laid plat-
form. The part of it is
that it contains what ii
be taken as an ml mis-ion
that we going to do wind
Butler charges us with a
lo do, lo wit weakening
on the great question set forth
at Chicago- is no purpose
anywhere, which I have any
knowledge, to abate one jot or
tittle of faith in our advocacy
of these measures. On con-
it is from this strong,
as I under
it, that it is proposed to
make fight I lie redemption
of and it is this
high ground that it it
proposed lo invite tho
who have not enlisted under
to j lip
us in protecting asylums
cities and towns and homos
the curses bad
There is no occasion, it seems
to me, to apprehend that tho gold
Democrats of this Slate will
attempt to control the
of party or mark out its
policies or indicate its line of
action. am obliged to give
them credit for some sense- They
mutt know they are too few in
numbers to do either, and I very
much if they have eyer
thought of attempting It. I
that chosen next
year to lead Democratic
Chicago as or I,
and still I assert that it is
I . U Ho dirty
record l.-.-i Legislature and
Of the administration
will noon which the
guilt battle for . redemption
tie will he fought-
There is a week
that we do not Huron new
startling evidence of the
condition of
ii- i. upon Slate
combine, the
inability the
to give tho State n decent
Now n word in to what
you mil campaign of
quote from your editorial
as follows hardly
remind Jarvis tho
wink point in the campaign of
was the failure cf the
to in.- full and clear the
.-. um; for It be
aid I was one of those who
ii to ring out. am no
way for part of
our ii. It i by
of tho to out
But I am going to discuss the
1884 Whether we
agree or Lot as the
c cf
is not material settling our
apparent differences about the
of 1893. There is this,
however, in reference to cam-
pi go MM about which
disagree and that is this i
the Democratic party was the
from start to finish- Ii
i I I presume, that
I have had experience
cm North
this long experience I as-
it was the defensive
c which I was evil
engaged, I can insure you
I have no desire for another light
of kind. I prefer to lead or
fight in the ranks of attacking
column. It mote to my liking,
I v tn see Democratic
assume the aggressive in
and attack and expose to public
gaze the record of the
administration till it
is a., u to a
stench in the nostrils of every
decent mun the
the way, will dare make the
suggestion that our Democratic
papers ought to be at that
now Instead of wrangling with
each oilier nil questions which
can never be equitably adj
and settled the
a debauched
and the curse
Nothing c please Bus-
sell and better. Will we
think not.
Pardon mo for one
more extract from you-
You ray I cannot that
it is any worse to be friendly with
invite the aid of
lion u national
Our is conducted on sound
principles, honorably presented
The the I
sort of clouded out if
one ling quoted Ii n
stuck good for Presidency
. j of the United States- I had Me
theory f the game all right
n- iii effort o
in u to .-it f
we nave m a
the best and prominent
d deal wealth sod
of desire to have
go with us in the ii
and for tho
redemption of the S thou I
think you will the party
that position I but if ii
is u reciprocity
to negotiated with Butler
for support of his
then I who
that job will be able
to count his bis
lingers. There is a well defined
among silver that
while Duller riling
speaking silver his
ml.-, with his
approval, were from
to county I; u
to with
gold K for
Populists, which
resulted lie of
gold Republicans to
State and offices.
ii of place to say
it in this lion that in is
in Mr- life
which hat greatly
in this and to
which has loyal
and that is capacity and fondness
for and trafficking
office for office. But take this
of his political life and tho
cl it is like tho shifting
of ever
Unless I am greatly
mistaken, Democrat
who expects lo win favor for
hie self and success for his
party through an agreement with
Senator Butler will find his hopes
Indulge my good
one or two more suggestions and
I will not further upon
space, or the patience of
your renders.
I reckon I have as nor-
knowledge of the plans
interests of the people till the
m. Senator Duller as any
crowd who
are now dragging the most
sacred of the State are
from power-
You may nave noticed as
closely as have, you
may not have had
ties, but still it is that
impress itself upon you and
every observant
that there is under
rule in. this state, and
always has been, a terrible lower.
tho of public
and public aspirations.
Why this is so need not now
discuss, I simply state fact
with me it outweighs a
of minor which
some of you brethren of tho press
are so and
about which our are
agreed- It has been the
of I party to lead
the people of dear old State
of the mire and filth
Republican misrule to a higher
and better life. I have given
some cf Ibo best years of my life
to this work, and I trust that I
may be spared u. am see it
fulfilling this mission.
Do more absurd than
that who bear tho
of party next year, as it goes
forth upon its great mission,
should go about tho dis-
cussing the
to meet your require
, . . ; be ail all
gOOdS ID reason, I professed most
We invite you to one of tin
up-to-date and
ever o He red the
Come to the Show
lest displays inherent in
hi- yachting,
business, mate
social tool ball,
to sec this Show Shows come and see
fine assortment of
the entertainment IS replete With I everything else that any
Quality and Small Price. II the
ho truth is that I km w
something less nothing
about some of these subjects
couldn't clearly define the differ-
a homo run and a
or tell whether
was a term used music Imp-
to be the
v sewing
By looking wise saying little
I managed to gain as a
good fellow and the if
everything worth
I at high ti of
popularity u
and Shoes. arranged be-
. . . I two of schools, and,
Hats and Hardware, l in Ware, add to the of me
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware, Ha r- i was umpire.
ml t of pleading or
GunS, Shells, and engagement, wit
Stock Of enough to I wore a
musk, i like a
and about
one so lint
mad at my
mixing of courts,
price given wide, time
Dome and see how much allowances end I was
fired Et the end of
cannot be seen elsewhere. mailer who
you are, where you live, how much or how
little have got. There U no Store
Ladies and Gouts Notions and
Ladies, Gents
ire, Wooden ware,
k j -i I -J purr,
n -1. s-, r-
all kinds at the lowest
in this community.
your dollars will d you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
when right of then,
forces will be as true, as every side of them, staring
as loyal in their devotion to hem full in face, stand
man tho State, for neither
have spoken to me, that I can
now recall, in over a . and I
the no two
in State would give
more or go to
issue for that would
and rub of i-ht race
and dark record
have made in legislation
and than
would- Their but
fruitless effort lo or make
such an issue must been
amusing to observant, thoughtful
men- they seem for
a little time to have some slight
success, but as iniquity of
their administration of public
nil becomes better known, pa-
and people begin to cry out
for better government
better m -n- In their
sight the man who for
white supremacy and good gov-
is unworthy of the
ti attention of the
people, because know full
well they can furnish neither, but
let some Democrat suggest
in or letter that battle
ought to fought on other lines
and are ready at once to
bis publisher, patron
I may not anything of tho
sentiment the people. It may
be I am writing about some-
thing of which I
but still venture the opinion that
ell Duller will not be
allowed to c-cape the black rec-
is now crowding
them, but that will be
in to face it the presence of
an people
who will condemn it at the ballot
i. s. m.
first inning, and tho
boys make kick you
no place
Free Press.
A Rules.
A New Decision.
Judge of
is said to nu excel-
lent j a bus jail a
decision that will attract general
attention- It was case of
will which the testator
to prevent litigation by
declaring that any
should should
disinherited. Such wills have
frequently been probated all
parts of country. One of the
target I states ever left by n de-
this city was
e such a Will. no not
that any contest of such a
will has ever been mode, and the
happy device of threatening dis-
inheritance has seemed to a
everybody outside
legal In the
ease decided by Judge
will in dispute charged
with note to
estate which he had been
paid during the lifetime of
testator; but. the terms of
tho will, was from
Thus situated, he laid
the matter the court,
rendered a
In tin- ft that a will
is not
If ibis I'm ion U sound it
oilier States
Pennsylvania, for it is based
st law, but general
principles. And why should it
net Ought it to
for a to insure tho
probation of a
made in interest of one
of unjustly
grandmother I Philadelphia Bulletin
to her descendants I inquires, threats may be in-
r c t
these admirable of conduct
Always at e
person to whom you
you are look
straight at the person who speaks
to Do not this.
Speak your words
plain v do not mutter nor
II words are worth saving,
they are worth pronouncing dis-
A say disagree-
able things. If yon have nothing
plea-ant to silent.
A fourth Think three times
you speak once
assurance can there that
influences may not
dictated is,
of the parties
Washington Post.
Swapped Couples In Oklahoma,
A sensational with a fun-
side is reported from
A couple arrived the principal
hotel registered themselves
something lo do that as wife, fact, they
you find herd and would having run
do Then listen to wise away fr-m a wile and other a
grandmother. bard In course of
tilings gel , ,, ,. , ,
II you have done wrong, eek tho Injured husband
go and confess I your lesson I injured Wild arrived from ken-
is tough, master it- If th garden lucky I arrest
is be weeded. Wei d and Ia Ml and
woman had never each other
bat while waiting for
Spokes, Hubs, Building Taints
Oils and Stoves.
Fair Dealings and Honest Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
afterward. first tin
thing you don't to do. and
then, with a clear conscience, try
tho rest.
Counterfeiters at Work
It 1- evident unit are
work in or mar . An
their are being siren
laid quite Saturday a
cent pitted
t turned th.
name lbs man who save it
over in a early who will try lo work
Up a A small
sent are put
don't y are going to In
u piper, from Kentucky
stopped at hotel
Saving grief, they be-
came interested in each Other,
tho day the requisition
papers were lo arrive, they as-
the officers by eloping
on their own going to
Texas, whore limy are now sup-
to be. Tho first pair of
r based from jail.
tho Kentucky officer
pa or that he t a rattle
snake would bite him if he ever
raveled Hem- net miles again
n couple cf men
City Journal.

i ii nail i i
IS GOOD TO Ills am
tub turn I
t I
.-ill . .
area Hi. la
. .-,,,. . ii In-
n American
I. Karon- All , , ,, ,,, ,
MM ,
,,.,.,.,.,. .- of
H Author
Art- Did
lo fur
of I
, i I.
of nil., i
Tho to think i
Hod only by illiterate whit. .
Ignorant will I
to learn Out
than other
of the in I
public ,
la i .-.
of cold that Minim COW
new tn than, bat the l i .
will be an v. i
In lately true Ban
u i en I i n I
than to any of i I
He one, it is not Ms fault they
not advanced in
the public children S
Chi ., . i, n B
in an
tor the . I at I In
of public U
Territorial C
loner E In I .
ft. i. of Interior,
t- non ;
an either lo the bull
to b I . by
Government, or
mission school and
i . . t th.- already
Ills judgment Is Anal, and i
be a burden any one
and education of all the thou-
white, Creole, Indian
an I Ki in children, v
hand . to a n
of great house f Am
Men Work.
. . very one
.-. r broad . work
the o ill
of Hi- .
Whit .
In a
baa an a. by
Urea as energy and
in-- in the
a i that,
pluck and ; . y .-1
have vi i; r I
not r.
;. .
with . h .
heathenism t
t .- i
Is th.- i be of the
Two obstacles have I
In AI .
roving habits r the .
stupid, antagonism .-r
Church to all .
to Brat, is -11 with
advance of ti
rooted, found
man; . II
I., overcome It .
native with
in vein . .
many of unmixed ah
V will to
eradicate the evil.
It must I ,; .
at.- th i their
died by t
I by I
r Baa .
. .
by ft I n to
to live in a
I i
with pack e
; . a
. low.
. .
mil . .
. the bl
to One .
it i k. i
HI H . Una
i -n. i I
I i . I . . . a. .-11-
i .
. a . Ru ,.
poi .
. long
. I
of i I I
i It will be hard
mi I real
of Uncle
i. nth
ti Thin -ti English ,
I I , , .
I ; , ; .;.,,
I Copper . ti
. t ;
Formerly this
. ,
. .
. I
as I . . pi . a
. .
i but th .
it l tho
old in
be grand r, Now-
a n i. tan a
an son.
Tip who
the . and Stripes i- It.
ma -I t
Tin- i n .
i la the nun i. i u
. I .
. a D k
i , of
i many
Ru who v ,;.;
a I . in
Of Kali . h,.
slow to i the i
spirit is . I
from to
n is more II . II . i. that,
would i . . a- ,.
. f An-
. a
f th.- Inrush , t , .
1-e ; more
a II pres-
be asked
at the
I s Cow of Ed
lo be I
to Hit
i . a. his
I pi .
. . -K r a ON
Execution Sale.
To in
U. W. . ,., i
audit. ,.
mi a of .,, .;
II,,,,.,. ,,,., ,,.
till -oil.
i, road tad lead-
and .-an pal . ,
In., i
Hi- wed prong down aid
a marked cam about forty
Hi,. In.
west a . . to county
mail to i.
i,. i,
of laud i, , ,,.
r-i. .
. II. ti
i ii I'm Count.
Mr I. A. of
Slur, and will
will I
Ma i
ha- an It
is u
delicate look i I
lo be
N is
i He r
Ill r lit
i ii crook sad
burglar. When i.
A-l. . i 1- I. In .
He is now potato
.-.- a
Ii t- i n by a
Pill a. lo
Army, . mid a. . . I land
Holly, I 1.1 a a
I i I
it- annual
S. ill U
ill r,
I in
. who I
, I ,.
I, i.
Ni n
i. a at-
Cure All
Liver ills.
Tried Friends Best.
Pills have
Arc truly the sick man's friend.
A Known Fact
For bilious headache,
sour stomach,
and all kindred diseases,
Liver PiLLS
Bl or-,
Baud is.
h. ,, r, above
. lint .,,. i,,.
; . i. i . ,, , ., , ,
tilling-an ,,,.
-In- required
I -I,.,., o
t .,. I, ;,, ,,. , .,
i I.,
i ,.,;,,.
N . ., ,
demur . .,
. , ,., ,
Clerk inn
Valuable Farm for Sale
of ft decree of
o el I will on
or 1807 before tile
door III Greenville, u
bidder for cash,
certain ti ct or parcel of laud
in I township, on
real I lb lime of
h . death, by I- n t of h
ii, Taft, land of late
Dunn. U.
lug acres more
tract of laud lie mile
I W. st of .-
laud and upon main
II is a four room
leis. tenant I
and a wt U of good
only natural the actors
should the
A woolen an a i- imp very
in cU They both
A d man j was
sin, i, in, the
sang a bars
Coons Look Alike lo
Tin r.- in iv luck in a
h . ,
-i the pi at it up
d yo
bay was cut out to
it player, my
dear, lie at all
look at head he
to IV. IS.
t received B
nicest lino of
cloth brought
lap; nil
to con-
; eat
to our win
mark of reaped
are lower ever.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
M; mi mi and
mi John
. I ,. ,.
.-. . .
i with t . .
and pa a . .
who I i
in., ancestors, I n . t. i i
pouring up in his I n
bis head u,.; . , .
ii I kayak or th in . n
i. in
ii- Hotel mom
I. snow to i i
I m Mini . Both n
regard I i. r .
other people u baa
th North Ami an com
, Hal would ,
it to suicide,
when ii. Ir a. . i
persuasion by .
lo school, pa
prop . . ml ;
of II loon . i . . .
heat to I i the little
a much i T
or less .
the para i . .
while i. . .-. . .,,,., .
breed i . I
para i
Professional Cards
W. II. Bond.
J. .
hi nil
V. C
in all
. .
useless a, . .
I .
. . a T
i mi n the i r
th i I
Intel . . hi .
s. .
i live i
lain J ,
I ; .
, ,
two i the North
; .
la i .
. .;. .
t . . .
i ;
I been
. hi--
I . . i I-
a a
. in
. . b, how i
Hi i.
. .
. . . k
. I. it.
. . l ;
. . rated mm
i t, a . . .
ti.- mi. ;. .
. nil
I .,
I I this t a
but Gov aid do
. i to an the rising
t . i . ,
I hi
, rid i;
I . I, on I
. a . . .
I . ,. i .
i I lo
V i,
. i
of i . .
I i a. i.
By a. the o
i i county mi e a
meeting in October, iii,,
i.-i,;, ,
,, ii, t., ,
, public -ale i-r
lain I o parcel if land situated in
of in
In pi m town u- lot
lying Oil sale of
and in, I in o i oil I
House, a mi being lbs lot Upon Which
Hark i House now unit, The
I I mil a,
Ill lo
a plan n rile the
of i
call lie i public any time and
Will be on s do
tin . As g whole.
I ;. to
paid in day of January,
one third th of v
thud i n day
in -u i a ,.
t on deferred with
lo t. pay I. o whole
any lime hi, deed. e.
to in on ii- Ural f
pal I.
said of
-Tn Tim
N. C-
TO Tilt absolute
far By its use
of cases have
cured. So am I
of power that I consider ii n to
free of
Who have Bronchial or
Lung Trout, ii write
and r. address.
T. A. It c. St. Tort.
. u I for rut
i a
T Th
a -II v i, . i,,
. s.
i r to any and n I
October lath, MOT,
The Confederate Soldier Hie
iii he-, over lira
-cones. Portraits. Mai.,. i. The
and War over
Harry Skinner. H. W. I
Latham m
II. i . Ti i ii,
N- . my I I, N. I
in all Hi
Cm is
I i-T
I N.
r r.
Cobb ft Son's More.
K. ii
Wilson. N. I
a i
Urea title, x.
i . g-en r i
i I ll
i s r a abort
mile. .
. V. I
Mi n a
In all the
I in a,. . i a, Had
I . I . , , , . ,,,.,
i . l. . ,
we buy dun afar ti. . e
Mill a o-i A to a
n. hand an-i
sold i hate lore, having ilk
sell it a dote
I- . J I. I ,.
Execution Sale.
Hi of iii,
h. a u- ii,. Hie
ed Court
I will on dues lay,
of I . j o'clock d.
the i in said county
sell lo I i lo
s. ill ml. i
piece or parcel of land
it. ii,
I, A tract
Hi Had A I
I o sum- deeded
I. A lo a ii
Ha Cooper and
i On other a
i I It bow described sou h
ho d- I. A W
Slain. Moore heirs
Mail,. A Wool u
I on weal
l m of
Due other Ir. i
of U II Carney I. A
and A land
i.-i. c ;
known He
Mead and part set apart
ton K rt V
uh tin. other
lauds of L A
John V Inlet
the Cooper and the
lining same i n w K
by A
mi undivided
Interest ill Hotel and
W h by K
ll Commissioner lo
deed Is
This lath day of October law.
cause ho for. Complete l. i
A ins wanted lo
ll book on our new and easy
Many of h and it-Bit
Who Iron, to
month. Manna, Sous and
and other are
for a beautiful Ulna
circular and
lei ill- lo Address, Courier
Job Co., l
Wire and Iron
on work
prices reasonable.
A Great Laud Sale.
line in P County
tub--so d it
of power vested in m
by two of
made at June 1891, one In
ease of T. Bruce I. A.
Baa E. the
other A. i. Co., against I, A,
wife E. Sugg, I
sell at public sale lo the bidder
on CHi day of
on south side
Of Far River about two and it half miles
of known a. the
land and
live hundred and
or I-
i at of the lauds
cap be round in the two decrees
referred to but u
will be given of the lands to lie sold
On day sale or can be
the by t me my
but if Hi is
d to pay all cash II
shes, make arrangement to pay part
cash and time on by
his note payable, with simple
Interest, in annual ire I
by a urn. gage on the Ian J.
Is f the
co. ii or tobacco and
I well supplied pack
Those wishing; to buy a fine farm
i ii I do
near town w
Any desired can
well to examine
----f-----. , ,., ,.
ape lying o the
N. Oct
YEARS ha. taught la cheap
. house purposes as we
r. . always on Am h
All placed strictly
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
papers for
The Farmer Mechanic, the
paper that years ago,
It- A-
made an excellent r
the Stale, has
been revived at us a
weekly farm and borne paper.
many in
who took r
and Mi i would like lo
it and are lo
make following;
For we will The
. i and Tie
Farmer Mechanic, all three
papers a
e will yon the
home tho State and general
the farm news, and
think of three of them a
whole year for
If you want the Atlanta Con-
added to the above Hat
you can get it for cents more,
or the thrice a week New York
for cents. Any other
piper or magazine wanted we can
giro you a discount in con-
with The Eastern Re-
The Stale Must not be
write the following r
to of Weekly,
of , amplification of
a former letter to that paper
in to the strictures upon
When I addressed my former
communication to your paper
I only meant to express an
opinion and not to in a
controversy. It is still foreign to
to take any part a
with you or
about what may or
not happen a year hence, so in
i- to one more
letter and in commenting upon
your review of my former letter
I do so for the purpose of em-
and amplifying the
position therein taken.
The point in
as it seems to me, is Hint
you that be true, which
ii impossible, the
d by the Democracy of
North Carolina of the
laid in I'm Chicago pint
form- The harmful part of it is
that it contain bat may p i-
be taken as an
that we me going to do
Butler charges us with haying a
to to, to wit i weakening
on great question set forth
at Chicago- There is no purpose
anywhere, which I have any
knowledge, to abate one jot or
tittle of faith in our advocacy
of these measures. the con-
it is from this strong,
I under
it, that it is to
make fight tor the redemption
of the and it is upon this
high vantage ground that it it
to invite the
who have not enlisted under
black to j
in protecting our asylums and
cities and towns and
the of bud Republican rule-
There is no occasion, it seems
to me, to apprehend that tho gold
Slate will
attempt to control the
the party or mark out
or indicate its line of
action. am obliged to give
for They
must know they are too few
to do either, and I
if they have
thought of attempting It. I
diet that tho men next
year to lead the Democratic
forces ill be as true, sincere
and as loyal in their devotion to
tho Chicago as you or I.
and still I assert that it m my
I i l the dark and dirty
record of Legislature and
cf the administration
will be the issue which the
battle for redemption
lie State, nil be fought-
is hardly a week
that we do not I, new
startling evidence of the
upon the
inability if the
party to give the Slate u decent
a of its
Now u word lo what
you Mid . of
1811 quote from your editorial
as need hardly
remind Governor Jarvis fat the
point the campaign of
huh failure cf
to in.- full clear
for It
said I was of those who
fulled lo ring out. am no
way for purl of
our caused by
of Ibo to out
But I am not going lo discuss the
c of 1891. Whether we
should or Lot
cause of
is not material our
differences about the
campaign of 1898. There this,
in n-f. lo
of 1891 about which
that is
Democratic party was the
from start to finish. Ii
will I presume, that
I had some experience
work North
Ibis long experience as-
it was the tit defensive
which I was ever
engaged, I can insure you
I desire for another light
of the kind. I prefer to lead or
light in the the
column. is to my liking,
tn see the Democratic
P assume tho aggressive
and attack expose to public
the record of
administration till it
is as ii deserve to Lo, a
stench the of every
decent in the Aid,
the way, will dare make the
suggestion that our
ought to be at that
now instead of
each oilier questions winch
be equitably adj
and fairly settled in the tine
of the people till
are now dragging the most
of State are
from power.
may nave noticed
closely as I cm-e you
may not have bud
ties, but still it is a fact that
impress itself upon you and
every thoughtful, observant
man, that there is under
rule in. this State, d
always has a
tho of public
virtue and public aspirations.
Why this is so need not
discuss. I simply tho
with mu it outweighs a
of minor . which
some of you brethren of tho press
are making so
about which our
agreed- Ii has been the mission
party to lead
the people of oar dear old State
out of the mire and filth
lit misrule to a higher
and better life. I have given
cf tho best years of my life
to this work, and I trust that I
may be spared to m am are it
fulfilling this mission-
anything more absurd than
that who bear tho
of party year, m it goes
forth upon its great mission,
should go about tho dis-
cussing the platform,
right in front of the n,
upon every side of them, stating
hem full in the stand the
evidences a debauched
Berries and curse
ism T Nothing e please Bus-
sell and better. Will we
do it think not.
mo for making one
more extract from you-
You cannot so
it ear, worse to
u to
invite tho of their
lion la
this I quite agree with if we
ibis alike.
If ii I shall,
campaign next year,
with the
giving them
assurances of our to have
them go us tho light
against tho
of tho State, I
you will the party
that position; but if it
is a treaty
is lo be negotiated with Butler
fur support of his
I think who
that job will able
to count ins f bis
There is a well defined
among silver men that
while Butler
silver bis
lieutenants, with his
approval, from
to from t-ii--
to with
gold for
ho between
resulted of
god to
Slate and
ii may be out of place lo say
it that is
in Mr. life
which bat
him in this State, and to
which ho has been loyal and
and that is capacity and fondness
for in
for office, But take
distinguished oat
of his political the
it is like tho shilling
of the ever
changing. Unless am greatly
who expects to win favor for
bin self and for
an agreement with
Senator will find his hope
wither and decay.
Indulge me, good
or two more and
I will not further upon
apace or the patience of
your renders-
I reckon I have as per-
of the plans
and purposes of Governor Ba-
and ii Butler
man in the Slate, for neither
i spoken to me, that I can
now recall, in over a year . and I
venture the guess that no two
men in the State would give
more or go further to get-up
issue for 1898 that would
and tub out of light the race
question and the dark record
made in legislation
Their but
fruitless effort to or make
such issue unit hive
amusing to observant, thoughtful
men- Occasionally seem for
a little time to have some slight
success, bat as iniquity of
their administration of public
becomes better known, pa-
and people begin to cry out
for better government
better their
sight the man who for
white supremacy and good gov-
is unworthy the con-
the attention of
people, because know
well they furnish neither, but
only let some Democrat suggest
in or letter that the battle
ought to fought on other
and they are ready once to
come his publisher, patron and
I may not know anything of tho
sentiment of the people. It
be I am writing about some-
thing of which I
but still venture the opinion that
Duller will not be
allowed to escape the black rec-
which now crowding
them, but that they will be
to face it presence of
an indignant people
who will it at ballot
on Bound
Our is conducted
principles, honorably
truthfully advertised. We
from the host prominent
all the and desirable novelties adapted
to the want of the people community p.
This cone attraction is in Quality.
en Style, Price. be . e
We have to meet your
l o ii all tilings all me-j-
mental seasonable goods in every respect.- the moat
We invite you to one lest
Hi. life.
a is sort of clouded out if
one lime quoted
stock good for
the United had e
theory of tho game all right
enough, tho effort to
gradually brought
a downfall I lived in a
where there a
g . wealth and
; a in adoption
merchandise I
up-to-date and Reasonable
ever offered the people of
Come to the Show Shows. Every feature
of the entertainment is replete with Style,
High Quality and Small Price. you want
to see this Show of Shows come and see
line assortment of
base music,
business, church natter,
social Inaction, foot bill, good
horses, belles, bins and
everything else any
of the j iii in Ly
he truth is that I knew
less nothing
about i i I
ally define the
H homo run and a
or tell whether all.
was a term used music hap-
to the
v sewing machine attachment.
By looking wise saying little
managed to gain as a
and tho patron
everything worth
ea at high tide of
popularity there a natch
Goods, Ladies, Gents and Shoes. i foot boil arranged be.
,. it i m- two of schools,
Hats and Hardware, e, to add to the of the
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware, Ha
I of pleading or an
Ladies and Gents Notions
Breech Loading Shells,
stock of
enough to accept. I wore a
mask, like Lit-
and about an
amusing one to over, but
the boys- They ;
mad at my
mixing of courts, Ions,
all kinds at the lowest given wider, time
I was
you are, where live, boW their Melt yon bate
little you have got. there is no Store
f I I I
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
am mu tun wider, bard
in this community. and see much
.,, ii i fired ct the cud
cannot be seen elsewhere. So matter who
f. a
r r-
Spokes, Building Taints
and Stoves.
Somebody's has
to her
is of
Ono is; Always at i
to whom yon spoil;.
you are look
the person who speaks
to not forget this-
Speak your words
plain v i do not mutter nor mum-
If words are saying,
they are die-
A thud Do say disagree-
able If have nothing
plea-ant to 1.0 silent.
Think times
before speak nine
Have you
nukes purr,
A New
who is laid to be u excel-
lent bus rendered a
decision that will attract general
It l-.-.- case of
a will which tho
to prevent by
who should bi
Such wills have
been all
parts of
ever left by a de-
el Mich a will. no not
any contest such a
has ever n. and the
device of dis-
has seemed to a
everybody outside
of the legal profession. In the
decided by Judge
the will dispute charged
of the with note to the
estate which lie asserted had been
paid during the lifetime of the
testator; but. under the terms of
tho will, be was from
contest. Thus situated, he laid
the matter before the court,
Bi rendered a
decision to the that a will
threatening disinheritance is not
It loci is sound it
s as well in other as in
for it is d
on laws, but general
And why should it
it to be
for a to the
of a will
made chiefly in interest of one
Of unjustly
against The
Philadelphia Bulletin
may be in-
. u what
can there that
may not have
dictated is,
the parties
Couples in Oklahoma,
A with a
is from El Reno.
A couple arrived the principal
hotel registered
iii do that as Him. wife. fact, they
find herd and would eloper, having tun
not to Then listen to wise
grandmother tin bard
Bret and get then
ll you have done wrong,
and confess it II lesson
is lo be needed, i d ll and
play afterward. the
you don't like to
then, with a clear conscience, try
the rest
at Work
is evident mat are
work in or mar An
freely. Saturday n
Illy piece upon
a gentleman and he turned
away a wile mil other a
course of a
week tho husband and the
wife arrived from Ken-
arrest of
Tim man
bud never each other
bat while waiting- for
a in ii paper from Kentucky
they stopped the hotel
and fumed an
Having r grief, be-
inter, each
tho day requisition
were to arrive, as-
the by eloping
on their own to
Texas where are now
to be, Tho first pair of
Fair Dealings
Bottom Prices.
and Honest Goods, at Hock
f man who gars ii I. ,
, . , were released from Mil
over a party who will work I i . . .,. .
A number
cent are being pal In I
anew one mid i
are b
to help a cf men
City Journal.
tho Kentucky
homo, after the local
pi or that ho a
would bite In he over
traveled a miles again
caught at ,.,. .

Greenville. N. C.
ibis Hi- interview with
Mi, any at bans
d u
DI Mar in i
I as J
u- h., i o- Starts in the Bryan House the Entire Block
hope that .
is Quickly a Mass Flames.
ill out to
lour I
; coll-
I fling
la morning we now have
lire under control
C be one result . . I .-
our Regular
Mr. baa taken
that by
Senator to for
that some,, the
F, raker men in Ohio taken, a,,
the election of in the I
rights lb
i Cabana arc bat n, i Ban no -J
I bringing u a Swain, but th front Tarboro
II the Spanish people ii on lire,
have n of lb re
Orr people Jo want n war with
I any one. Time is no possible torn- can
for it. We are not
Bum. h nm k a. u
a i-i pub-
now in. It looks
will tea
A minute later the
or helped is a et
i complete a
doubt. There was no quarrel . , , k. v building between two Meek,
in the much
ha- just held annual lair.
The editor sent a short while in the
grounds, and
not to see very much,
into the enterprise
is yet in its
surprised to find the fair as good
The exhibit not large but
was to
r. lie-, and contained hills and postage
Thia a relief to of
tor th-y tell lire; were in use during the war period;
would ; portrait several of the
being uniforms,
at d weapons used by the soldiers;
Rocky Mount department and souvenirs several bat-
end a Lumber relies o
wars cl and the Revolution
The Market is
Open Open ail
the time.
I yet our a-ere ready to j
rapidly to
i lag, pert of town
Bryan a
Mr- Senator
and it the do n, ,.
work put out several
that had lo soon had
but there was plain talk on boll. n , , by
could atop the fight on
some were
bowing a to make, if not
actually Baking, he I. do -o
Hi did not his power
t,, do u, but retorted by laying that
bad it all on
Captain Danica
the Rich-
by hi.- o
the and
h low
in I hat
i lo Hotel Farrar and u
new alto burning.
Help hat been V on the
the body the r control.
Tl i N additional particulars were re-
by wire
he the lire is to
the lire,
i ill
to the i eon. are burned dona,
that be thought it w. old him u . w ;,,,.,
ROOd and right he fail. lo g-1 et- fl .
reproduce ring with
ed to the Senate.
with I I I
Mr. did;
v, C .
, i bun that the whole
method- i I d- ,, r.
tut made , ,,, i
would be Died a ;
I and that it would be
any Republican who took
any part an attempt to prevent his
election to expect the lighted foyer
Iron him in the of patronage.
Notwithstanding all the moil that
Mr. of
k. r as a that . not
j do against the
election is
in Washington and Mr. baa
not abandoned hope being able
to bear upon
lo get him to to call hi
and to to be
Se-p openly
that he i- in sympathy with the i
bug. sell appointed monetary
which the right per-
the properly belonging lo
Congress in with
and to
h. gave a dinner due
. ban led a your
r in which yon bad
the the
-The II. a
Carolina i who
a r in a church here, list nigh I
saw young women smiling during
. Walking do tn ail e
. j v. be km II and prayed
that would ;. i and go
Hie S. C Hatcher, who
and who baa
revival, lei;
Ill -aid lo have think it .
my duly pray people out lull,
to pray them
I beg to to my the
lake, i ink.
Ibis opportunity correcting a
ion. young In
bated v.
. and bad i, ,
times and looked toward them With
Ai The Daily
bad i giving above.
As is extra was on the
-in, is Greenville much
everybody fell about the
welfare Tarboro and hoped the tire
might be chi eked.
About the were
work again and Cap-. A,
Chief of
i the following n .-
X. C. l;.
i Fire i,
is ready to sen you.
A iv.
Fire I
About lo later ibis reply
o, N. Nov.
A, J.
N. C.
We sincerely appreciate your kind
. I Bryan House,
entirely consumed
but the content I w ere
The drug-lore Vi. II.
burned, though saved most of
Morris Dry Co., one
-tore bum. and badly
slightly damaged,
h th building and stock.
C. J. Austin, and Block dam-
T. II. -tore and dim-
Hotel caught but was put
will, only alight damage-
The building the
and Banking Co., was
tightly damaged but being
to this building it was
put out.
For awhile it looked like the entire
portion of the town would he
destroyed, hut valiant work by the
home Mount fire depart-
checked the
A Kensington -ix
mute for r. T
l and el and
attended only by the manner the to refrain and brought the meeting
o-called conference and Mr. II. H. a done by asking
, .-111.111
I. A. A. will till tin
blowing in ibis are making cloth.
who i to how in prayer. I looked toward November v
regarded as the creditor ,;,, j lb were attracting h School II, .- . I. ,
and el of many In the rear November out by u-.
., walked do morning prayer, St. lo
aisle to where they wen- silting, and Tuesday, Si. Paul's Brother
el this
,. Al dinner
conference, us baa ton.
tie in
the annual report of I
were men have
t ii in man, u r.
The only good that will be
Secretary Gage or this conference,
composed III side punier-, will
increase in silver o
Country, Sen. tor Chandler 1.1
not always been wise his predictions,
but he bile the nail on the bead
in his latest, made public ck
the Republican party pennant
in the existing
it will be defeated in the Cot
after pastor, who was praying,
e .- ;. In a prayer,
asking God save hem ii wore
ii,, late, and was I please take
cut i.;. old
not hinder other. by asking
God least keep them away
the which prayer answer-
Tin Rev. Mr. Hatcher did leave
until the was
d. Thanking you
T. II.
p, S. Hatchet is a
pray r. Trinity,
her, and Hatch-
elections and in I of the
Presidential election
John and John Wed-
A Co., who were re
disbarred practice before
Pall office, were Week II J
on the list by
and will be allowed
further use the mails. Their paper,
National Recorder, was Included
ii the order, and any letters
in them will be .-lamp, d
and returned lo writer,
If address is on
they will he lent the
Dead Letter Newspapers
winch continue to
advertisement alter knowing
Ibis order my In
trouble With
this Week and had a
with Mr. tin-
of in Km op.
in search cl that latter day
known as
The to
willing to talk i tin- in t
men. but ho now declines all
to the in which he
such a conspicuous purl.
Lemuel who was Beat
Plan mouthpiece in the recent New
campaign who
d y a t ob sympathy ye
i; isn't tut
wise ion a glad
but a is the heaviness
read clergyman.
lo young
Norfolk of
and for yesterday, u
Cobb A
Low -I U-1
Prime ii
Next to Hit a
lo an in-
of oW i
crockery, ware,
were by noted
of the
last have
down each genera-
in d until now.
some l could
i back a hundred and
The ail and work
had very creditable exhibits.
Only a i w
By lie most exhibit at
the fair mad-by Mr. Allen Warren
Tins a large part the
building contained hundreds
in. and tree.
It groat credit upon
and county.
Mis Laurie Jack,
county, . good et-
fine o
Seal . there was beaver and an
miniature both made
Th were v cry
lo skill of Stack.
There am plenty of good
side on the
ground, hut as no
lion to we by lo
they there all who
to enjoy them.
and worst
the and are lo
m st lairs are way, was
the the slick-
lingered oily gentry were
there in great almost an army
them, d at turn plied their
and those
who were allow
to be taken in by How-
we have no sympathy man
who thrown away his money m
e into it will, the
cl robbing i hut -i
get All the same
such should not be
lair grout do, and the the
lair should hereafter ex-
them it they want their
to meet with public
Parties having tobacco
which they wish to sell, can
get accommodated at head-
quarters for high prices
the Eastern Warehouse.
Owners and Proprietors.
Now comes the time
to think about
a Runaway.
A blind lo a man
the country became
lag and dashed down
street and when near the bank
he ran on the sidewalk In
Alfred Forbes, store and plunged head-
long Into one ill the large plate glass
windows, breaking two panes cl glass
and n deal goods were
displayed in window, The window
bad a screen in the lower
halt and bent eon-i h The
bone was oat about the mouth and
not a is a wonder
did not kill him. The kM to
Forbes Iron. lo twenty
The hard west wind blew all
. I river tea-
Myers not get here. She , j , , , , .
got aground miles below
had to wail the lido to come iii. i of settling
l o. . . . mm . .
the got ail at doling the I a. town of Greenville
reached here between and i to
n In
titter, per to -2
Corn to N
to 5.73
Int to
to an
sail to
Cotton to
Prow for Salt
, it Receiver the
. Company, Tor the purpose
in I of the said
I herein oiler for sale the real estate
of Fall Samples in;
containing enough
styles to stock three
They are
NATHAN FISCHER CO. creations, the big
Tailors of Chicago, who are fancy-priced Draper's
rivals. Teachers of modern
work with many students. Come in and turn the
pages of this great of Get
for your Fill and Winter Sail or and
get the right fit, the right workmanship and the right
quality at the right price. a
j also have in stock a lull line of
These cool evenings and foggy mornings speak
very loudly for a top coat. Ours are right. We
know they are right. The right designers de-
signed them, the right makers made them.
The right lengths, the right styles, the right
cloths. Some are shoulder lined,
And he who learns to appreciate rightly
the lull importance saving Time is on
the direct road to independence. It's the
minutes that count in these bustling times
hence buy your
H. M.
------DEALER IN-----
I will the best goods and
will sell them at the lowest price possible. I
will do all l can to obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see me.
M. H.
Next door to THE LIVE
Dealers, Tobacco Flue
and Bicycle Dealers and
Respectfully offer their to public are orders lo
Tobacco Flues
and assure you we will as make the best of Tobacco Flues
for least price. All our work is guaranteed and we are ready to
repair anything in our line a cook stove to a We will
thank you to come and see us.
Take Quinine Tab
am Druggist refund the Booty
I it to en re.
will he fold on reasonable term
loin insult
further Information or
-and the celebrated-
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call and sec are invited to inspect
my stock and the low prices.
there, too. People who are alive
usually do. But h have to buy
up to date garments. We don't
keep the style he wore. And
what a choice he'd have.
Hack single and double
each with a style peculiar to
Che nuts,
a- d Worsted, plaids and checks
and ripes in bewildering variety,
blacks, blues, browns, olives and
all sorts of
of colors.
Suits for dies, for business, for
sport, suits in all prices-
buy his Clothing
About Folks the New Month Brings
E. Vi. Smith went to last
,., lo Kins-
Mrs i. all.
tun I I-
the lair.
II. P. returned last
from i. Hip lo Henderson.
We are glad lo hear W. II. Smith
improving and he will be
Prof. J. II. Tingle, came up
to examine
today and to-morrow.
Evangelist lectured in the
Methodist church last night to a gold
congregation and s well
editor left this morning a
trip to Washington he-
will lake a seep at Fair.
W. S. Atkins, our clever manager
morning on business and take
in the Washington Fair.
J. E.
Thursday lo visit his mother.
Miss Cannon, near
her brother, II.
C. Cat lion.
Mrs. B. W. Smith, Ayden, who
was visiting Mrs. II. C. re-
turned home evening.
went to
it an Equal In
for them in exhibition
ride U Will Wynne, in
Planters on Tuesday
night, He never yet
in any nick did has rode
over every one of
entitle him to the if
Aim r,,
Mr. has given m
Portland. Wash-
Memphis, Atlanta and other large
and the papers of these cities
pronounced ft best ever seen,
lie rode down chute at Atlanta
Exposition, and down of the
Custom House at feats no
ever been aide lo equal.
Don't miss You
nine never have another opportunity
to witness riding.
are under
barter as to load grain
college name boy Grovel
He has b. en
Richard Cleveland, after bis
The worts owned by
Ky. were destroyed by W, 1-
lay, lo- half-a million
The section of the In.
sane a-
AH the
taken loss is
will. cent, insurance
The Mantilla
he first Series musicales
lo he given by of
pal church, was held Thursday evening
at the rooms of Mrs. A. M. Moore. A
large audience was present and every
one was delighted will, the
Back number on Was
excellently rendered, the vocal solo by
Mrs. Mrs Carry and Mr.
co being especially enjoyable.
The most complete stock at
Clear nod
When is
Ii wild
ire buy lying
Gent Furnishings
is superb and your inspection is invited.
Local Reflections
l NOV.
engineers around town
a great blowing
Fowler, the advertising expert,
advertisement in the home paper
worth more than M acre of
Anyone wishing lo spend an exceed-
pleasant evening not fail lo
attend the at the rooms of
Mis. Aug. An elaborate
be in this issue.
Remember at o'clock.
Just as well get ready some cold
Today has been decidedly
the coldest so
County Bide had a
and drill
Moat of Greenville lo
the Washington came home Friday
A pipe, a book,
A nook,
A lent it j
A dog, a glass
we pass
Such hours as one remembers.
Who'd wish lo
best year, I wager
The modern maid
Is tut a jade,
Not worth lime to cage her.
In silken gown
To the town
Her first and last ambition.
What good is she
To you or me
Who have had a
So let us drink
To her
him who to keep her;
And a wile,
Who spends her lite
In cheaper.
Thomas Hall in Minne-
II. Gorman,
Mrs. A. II. went to Elm
today to relatives.
J. E. Kit morning
his home in
C. M. Friday even-
S. F. Friday
J. Cherry Jr., r turned
Washington Friday i veiling.
Mrs. L. C Kicks Friday
evening from n visit to Goldsboro.
A. C. of who
visiting J. N. Hart, home
II. Batting will preach in
church morning
and night.
Mr. Flake and two sons
took the train here evening to
visit relatives at Kim ton.
Mrs. Patti
same down Friday
visit parent at King
J. M. of new York,
agent the Old Dominion Co.,
here looking barge and cot-
ton burned Wednesday night.
Mrs. Policy Ann Begun, mother
of Mr. L. A. died Tuesday
morning. Mrs. Roger was years
old toe last The
funeral was held at the residence
Mr. G. A. Ly Elder Godfrey
the Free Will
church. She was one old. t
people in the county and was a
and Christian.
the county and the will miss hi r
kind deeds We extend to the family
our in sud loss lo
T. T.
d In. pi,
a lieu
t I
Flat of Cotton
Intelligence reached here Thursday
morning a Hal Old Dominion
Steamship Company loaded with
had burned about eight miles up
the Tar river. The particulars as we
could gather tin are that there were
cotton board and that
was entirely consumed. lire
Marled near cabin and there is CO
solution as lo origin. We could
not learn if there was any
Will Obs Day
Thursday, 58th, is Thanksgiving
Day. It is oil yet, but Tin
calls attend to it now
that the people over the county may
know that business in Greenville will
cf Rocky be suspended on that day. Our
men have adopted the
The peer old leads a
Pratt near time lo liable your hike
Al. the loves n
the gas
will their
tile coal.
The costume, a-.
it may favor, mil yet H
cut in its career.
hear Jack Plunger has
Veil he belie
Philosopher, try to r what
a woman nobody .
to what she
lie was growing bald, and so he had
his bait cut shell because he realized
that he wouldn't be able to par;
It's easier lo get a says
young a good
are you crying about,
you big Billy the
editor out me
I as brutal as a
want to internal you in
my invention, which weaves carpel by
wind-power. It Capitalist
n thing like that be
It's an air-loam, isn't
the charge
a coal dealer and sold
as ibis first offense I'll let you
n but see that you mend your
ext Door to the Bank of Greenville.
perfect fit ting wraps
Jackets, Capes
Come to
For best line
Most It Burned
A containing what cotton could
be saved the barge of the D.
S. S. Co. that was burned at
Wednesday night, was I
to Greenville today. Out h
bales if on harass only
bale damage, a portion
can be saved by picking over,
average of much as
pounds good cotton to the bale.
Most the cotton was covered by
insurance. The barge is badly dam-
There ice morning
The crowd here
The Tarboro fire the
moat with our people today.
Tobacco sold high here Friday, and
there much talk about the ti
Expressed to S. M.
Mountain Chestnuts,
plea and Peanut Brittle.
Elder Hall will preach at
the church night,
hold the con-
for the year.
A house
it a new work.
Experience shows that
knows all is
n know
off Horses and
Mules. II you want a fine drive or
work animal come lo my stables on
Filth street. J-
Made by the Orange Va
Yes, way the is
Of course the mountains peak
backwoods language.
It hurts u man badly
times lo full into
The dressmaker now has her nose
in bodice business.
Time changes all
ten dollar bill.
the home
he brides cousin, Mr. Dock Taylor,
Grata county,
Kev. C. W-
Howard the Christian
Mr. J. led
to the alter Miss Adele
Bright, one meal
charming and accomplished young
Immediately the ceremony the
bride and groom by several
their friends the horns of
the groom where an elegant reception
was held. wish them
through life.
tie of closing up th
and observing Thanksgiving Day,
sale ill saying will net
change a custom of several years
custom a
the used to gel the names
all who would up and publish
them in advance, but is no longer J-
when observance the
bas become general.
While speaking Thanksgiving
we will announce that the Baptist
and Methodist churches will have
services that day. In the morning
N. M. Watson, pastor the
Methodist preach in the
Baptist church, and at night n service
to music addresses will he
held in the Methodist church, Rev. A.
W. Seller, paster the Baptist church
and being down short ad-
dresses. The choir the two churches
are together on special music
Get on the Ground Floor.
Wigwag, why
elbow your
wag. my sun, maybe it's
because when you slip on a banana peel
and land on your makes
body else
Yes; lie lakes me lo the
buys me flowers and candy, all
that sort cl you
don't care him; why do you
With man's Sell
I call it
We sell Groceries so low that will make your
head swim. We are receiving daily
choice line of
Canned Goods of all kinds, Tobacco, Cigars,
and everything usually kept in a first-
class Grocery Store, which we offer at prices
that defy competition.
James B, White.
THE DANGER A Burst Bargain Sunlight.
to which the Expectant Mother is
The beat way to Hop n woman's
mouth is to cover it kisses.
A General Horse
Also a nice line to
exposed the and
dread with which she looks for.
ward to the hour of woman s
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be
to smooth these rugged places
in life's pathway for her, ere
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for-
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest III the Way
Nausea. Headache, Etc. Gloomy
yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations- she passes
through the ordeal quickly and
without pain-is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life both is assured by the
use of Friend, and
the time recovery shortened.
Mr. Issac who lives near here
I year age. He can hear
fairly well and enjoy very good health,
. is blind, lie has n number
inform you that
Any dairy maid will you Time.
bravest cow will turn pail.
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
by J. W. Brown,
to see
know one the mother of three
children, who .
birth of each, who obtained a bottle
of me before
fourth confinement, and was rein
and easily. All agree I hat their
labor was snorter and less painful.
John O.
1.00 PER t all
or by mall on or
i., women, will
FREE Ii., b,
Clothing, Capes, Dress Notions, Cap.
. .

Where the Lost
The has groat. to ,
large a I .
Negro Meets politic Si a i
Mr. S. M. Danes, u ,, N , r ,
burned lo death by i. in ls , ,, , , ,,,
How s l uses
the Low Price,
I W, Is in hi.
Dr. U. W
M a , mo lag. lie
t. .-t n two sad in- u
in tin- Stall.
Tin I III . I
i night, . .
I open. rubber got
Mr. r. K. Mb- the
Meek lib .
re t- in. i
says before and
m Manly has call d mi i
ii ,; K
I; ; -h vi. ii I. ill
o. or l
i i i c n j in
BI I . J i-. I to . . . .,
. is by
.- . i
r. the Judges
sided V,. ;. ,
The will Don .-.
to court.
We and island Full r.
I ; l . p
y . iv it , ,
I hi I nil i. i -i i , n,
beard . i. V. can beat L
Foreign tries are watching
with inter r the
in the d j List now- A
year ago free of our
in a
politico battle. The victory
by the
. a of
rite i.- the country t;.,
. to b. ran
accord U . f
u . and a high tariff
Bee it part of thee
the West, which is largely
on a a
on o the be
that i
Hi S where cotton i
the pi the fain .
Hi price In. st low, and In
Mill so low, that there is a-tent
i And b
g-i up .-. .
I ore ,
c f differ
widely as do the
The w are
Is liar . .,
ill hi in farmer i d
.-.- i r low prices f
the mm- in
buys his rota with the
i if office. If s u i
keep of he
. TI i f
I -c lead U
p of own
of the .,. , u
truth Ii . i .
ban to rise to a -w D
be colored
a-nil, to political I
B their organs
late be
II long to be a start
line mil k i- at O n
and clerical positions.
gel gain little
bat does
gain l ins good
the i
-1 i. is . t pit .
wot I help it. mi. r
Negro has n idea that;.
can be titled up only one way,
namely, into office. Can
expect the white pie de-
alt e to educate by
seek to be their
yield as
into the of o.
baser sort The X
needs not office; 1-
n ;
sooner be guises Ibis the
A,., . ; B
nation of man. r bl
K k C
I. I Mi Ii.
I .
hi i
. I II
ban m t received a
Ho and cloth
X v es in . I j ,
n . are in mil I
to . o both . .
Che . ,.
to the La. ruled;
b- i- n r . .
u at ii i
have me at lac b
i r And . tin
-i rub . iv.
. won I I D
M . d at u g end
and a f
white most ed
e lore u e
of in i. . . I .
tors p as . tin
m mo w
X . I . , .,
will . ,
II lead u . ;. ,.,
.-. r .
rat . r. i ,. ,. . ,
n. Hi
gel i. . by , . ,
I v. bit i.
gel i.
Hi m . in
bile m n who a I
; tor t . ,
I .
who in v .
i i .
I r
up i
i hi in a I i ,. .,
i or it . , ,
word . lid i
B II . . . ;.
I. . I u
t . . ; but it . ,. ,,
good I . tin . ,. ti
and this is ill .-
Id n
T. B f in ,
1- of . an p.
the N w V
lilt's to Atlanta
M the lain civil
the many lives and an
of but
opinion aim a , , war the,
east five ii .
i am i f
.,. a b a t
I V I , . the-
puce by
many millions of dollars b.-
v l
Sooth 1.1. ; e by
i. pi ice
. lied farmer
ink the I
A ;. gambler in
t the Individual
P . I i
their ends, not only
but alto
. by
ti; s
to make
and r
d not
and den
the pi ice.
instance, every .-pot
asks Low is the future
market, if the future market
lower, he
limit equal to the
i op in futures, and y farmer
r- m lb, ., . ,.
I oil. r . t
mill men a I-,
t the
I ., spots what-
that the
must sell
I . f bis poverty -t leas a
D ,
and Eur
lever give a , lyes
about get-
. fact
ii lb it a ill
-ii I sell a
which v. , poll
an I as i n
I sell
I ban where
that . mil- ;
will t,.
ltd any pries
II iii.
Ii ., ,.,.
I In
in n hi own way, i
I Pills
Cure All
Liver ills.
Atlanta Constitution otters
Of the Subscriptions
J Received from those entering the f
Contest to name properly the mis.
in the following
in., lure ii re.
I Ii
ii caste
Once passion
one the precious metals will be most
In Is
And, in Addition
Cash Extras
For the first Six Correct Guesses, as
for Correct Guess and Each for
Next Five, in their order, provided the same are re-
m our office on or before December 1st.
tor in. weekly Constitution, we want
all lo renew and to enter the Contest
Mis log Word and even addition sub.
will swell the amount the more.
. p. i also compares i First Missing Word
which Mr. secured the
, S our Contest, there
. during the lime.
n widely and we have paid within
hive Missing Word Contests. series his
to grow
Arc from other
specific thus
drastic and curing by
Mild Power Theory.
Pint the liver, re.
the bile, the bile
bowels. The
Took . t. ea the rest
Hive one lite U any More.
Ce H. V. ;.
ii. the idea seems
in the favor.
. .
-n ,
, V who v. hold it
i- a
lo W. It.
I their will lad
The Stock complete in
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
; produce.
Whichard, N. C.
it t
The Contest Began November
The Contest Ends January I, 1898.
Greatest fill
Weekly Newspapers for One Year.
in View and Send Your With Your
Dollar for a Year's
always band t
out U
to inn w
a tel. t i
late W
t I I hi , v v a.
and dealers in
I . Of ll I
I t
w will I ml Hi
. ii.
nu m Warn u
I t In. th
II . .
r I
I i i-f. it
i .
Mi i Oral ;
i. .,. I a II . . on U. M ,,
, .
Wire and Iron
on work
prices reasonable.
A Groat Land Sile.
On. , the ill County
to a at c Sale
By vii of He rower In ma
by two Superior
made at 1801, one
i i, a,
and the
otter A. T. s Co., I. A.
tilde E. Sung, I will
sell at to the bidder
on US day Dec.
e lying on -until aide
or r about two a half miles
Watt of known the
i land and e
live hundred and seventy
can be in mo
referral to but a
will be given of the to he sold
All kind of don
We labor and
are prepared to the sale by t. ,, ray
you work ones.
The of sale la In
learn bat
I'd to pay all saw It ho
Greenville, C.
get the Reflector
; tin a year and be en-
titled to a guess in the above contest.
r Feet. I
i , or
Va or n I,
l it tie C. S.
. s.
pay all saw If ho
make to pay part
and time on the by
hi- note parable, with
in annul last sec lie I
by a the in ,
fur ii is valuable tho
I of or and is
well with tobacco pack
Those to buy a fine farm
near town will well to examine
Any desired can bad
by to the
S, Oct
T. J.
We i
a., its
to con-
funerals and
murk reaps .
are man .
ft do not.
y and
V . .
Twenty Years Proof.
Liver Pills keep tho bow-
in natural motion and cleanse
I'm system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
; dyspepsia, sour stomach, con-
and kindred diseases.
do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how i could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
i Pills i
i., i
B. .
N. f.
Or X. C
in nil the
Professional Cards
M. I,
L L. K.
nil he c int.
, N. c.
over t
John K. p.-. Harding
Wilson, X. C. ;.
attention to .
an-l f
it w.
t Will
. a
X. C. N, C
O at Law
In all Court.
sills touching laud-
tar Monday,
at j.
I a. M.
Thursdays and
are to stage
water on
. at With
l Tort and
shippers order
marked via Dominion
from Phil.
folk a
. t
Line from Boston,
v Agent,
, ,
J t Agent,
YEARS has taught me the
Building Lin
your n
-Now turn.
Ask Safe.
for Milieu, Mei and general
Hat. ShiM'S. I Dress I have always on hand. Am
for Heavy and Jobbing agent for O. N. T
i., keep courteous and attentive
f or b es,
All placed strictly
at current rates
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
The Farmer Mechanic, the
paper that yearn under the
guidance of Opt- B- A-
i an excellent
throughout the has
been revived at as I
farm and homo paper.
many in
who took the Farm, r
and Mechanic would Ike lo have
it and are to
make the following
Fir we mil fend
Toe North
. I and The
Fat n i and Mechanic, nil three
n Thai
hue capers will give
home .-. tho general
i i us and the farm news,
think of three of a
whole year for 81-75.
If yon want Atlanta Con-
added lo above ii-l
you get it for more.
or the a wot k Now York
World for cents. Any other
paper or wanted we
give you a discount on in con-
with The Re-
An Airy Sketch of a Southern
The Southern girl is a typo
peculiar to tho soil. She
no other young; lady
country. In
methods she bas n distinct
could be picked
out with in a As
a rule h is slender strong-
She is reasonably well modeled,
a tendency to light
traditions of her liar
had its natural effect to some
extent upon figure is
generally good looking and
often Her
personality is of this
her eyes are bright
and her quick.
is as a rule, spirited
self-I I. is
harder to than the North-
girl, and she up
her mind to get married the
old object she usually
carries out the program if II
a saddle to accomplish it.
None the less, however, she is
usually in determining
lie choice, does not usually
make mistakes. She drosses well.
Her style rather
She speaks in a high-keyed
t Ike rapidly. She speaks of
her invariably as
and of gentlemen
as She is
never visible in public
one of these and convenient
articles beside her. Her
is directed at
topics of the day ard badinage of
alight and dry character. Her
age is from eighteen to twenty
five years. She never passes the
latter ago. Au ox learn
not make bur. The Southern
girl's particular specially is
She can dance every dance
sutler sun, nil
kicks, and running races
which have by
dancing master since dancing
was taken polite arts
raised to a place uniting
sports. She is the t
of would
rather eat. is
light as a fairy and g as
be desired, is so fond
of floating tho floor, u
lumps, that she will with
another gill rather than keep
The In w. nil for
Hi I'll, i., fall
Fever Teller,
Chilblains, rums, all Kr, p-
Mini cures or no
pay is In give
t or
price per i v
nu. L. n.
put fruit jars into a
closet w ere the silver is kept-
rubber bands jars
will tin- silver and make it
A little oil
cleaning a zinc
Bab on a woolen
it off with ho
all r polish with
brick. The result is
Always remember
cakes or puddings with fruit in
them I hat if a little flour is
sprinkled over just be-
fore st mug it the batter it
will the fruit from
to the bottom.
In or where one does
not to take
covering may be made
my basting together throe
mid pulling
it the spread. It is v-
and light, and be
thrown away not
for floors, as ate
rugs look
will Double carp t
lining should be used under the
denim to give tho
for cold weather.
A paper pad with
a had attached over
a kitchen will be f mud
c If
u down
this pad they will over
looked When the
starts for the outside slip
lulled off and taken with
her instead of to her
memory, with tic for-
sums simple but
Which is the Magic Number
were together
tho piazza of the summer
boar of the magic
said one.
is it
of d
some one are nine
Muses, you you t ilk of
a nine wonder. Then
at a cat has
is the magic number.
Seventh heaven, you
and nil that. Seven colors in the
seven days in week .
son of a sou
remarked a
the number you mean. A
m in has live lingers on his hand
and toes on his foot, be
lies live senses. A nickel is five
cents ;
is undoubtedly I lie
three um Jonah was
a whale days and
if at first you don't
succeed, try, try again three
times yon
This was received with some
contempt by the company, and n
youth gushed
ob, two, is tho magic
number One's one
other I Tho adored one Just
A h d who
had been lo the
hitherto hero re-
marked in a harsh voice i
magic is Number
One in this world, don't you
An of deep thought on
the of all followed,
which they went silently to
Then who Iron ill
it mini this bays a peculiar
lever, will be to
hat soars for chills and u now
universally sold
n t but
A in the New York Ban
i I the f
buried in tho
It says Die
at rest
. , i , of
i 6-11 mid
There ire known
in the
bury and
in the
cemetery i known
Weather sinus Hie Sue.
If there are many
t ere, hill full on that
If sun draws water in the
it will before eight
when son with dim,
black beams,
in the
If tho sun ii-e Dale, there will
be rain doling day.
there will be ruin daring the day.
If the sun then
a comes
out clear it will rain before
skies evening pro-
cede ti tomorrow.
A red . tin fair
went hot.
A ml evening fair
weather, bu if I ho red
in the
morning i wind or lain.
A red sky in the at
stormy winds-
If the sunsets in dark, heavy
clouds, c. the day.
A bright yellow sunset
wind, ii pule yellow wet.
Wise Maxims.
Ho who has traded out bis
neighbor's good is pretty
sure to die a poor man, r
high the for which ho told
I , l business is. attend.;
of detail, strict
ii rues evenly, without
jar or friction, and insures -re-
It is truth Unit
single loads to more
than use of liquors, net
hut the enfeebling
dress, b. neat and
The perfection of dress
ii to be so perfectly in
with your that the
observer is not
director to it at all.
Vainly shall n man to live
thrive by mid
after his neighbors and customers
have learned by Bud
that his word is reliable, that
his representations tho c or
quality bis not to
Fuming and fretting in and
around a store, fault with
clerks and employer, a
lack cf order business I net,
and exposes to
from lie
should have
N York Mail unit
pleased m learn that there U at least
one dreaded that science has
been able cure in all Its
U Catarrh. Halt's Catarrh Curs is
positive cure now Known to
the Catarrh being
ii requires a con-
treatment. t
Car is taken internally, sating
the mill moon
of the disease, sad
the patient by building up u,,
ii. wink. have so
far Um Hundred Dollars for any
It fall to cure. Si-ml st
f, J. v Bl .
vi I i I ii SAYS HE II
If of fit
am f
in Um
Million In
I lie Hr-
on lour
-mi Von lo
Start r lo
In n
tor the
Tho of lat-
haw been
by the
a of this who
surrender the police tor
the of his child.
mid who pleads to the
father, mother,
and of hi-s children n M
that Matter, though only yearn
of hap more than
to all of whom ha was bound
by Be ll now trying lo
himself to death.
Muller entered the
a Caw ago, and. u .-
the on duly,
surrender myself i have
my wife and
do the of-
what I answered
have killed them
v, f
did you come do asked
tho still thinking man
not telling the truth.
in the kitchen
replied, for
midday a voice to
me to draw my knife my
throat, and I wan to obey.
Then I killed the little
The that Mull -i
was a drunkard or n maniac, laughed,
you will believe- me
cried Muller. from his pocket
and on the dealt In front of the
horrified four bloody human
ears. to my house, and you will
find that what I have said is
Tho man Immediately placed
arrest, and Chief the head
of the Department, was notified.
Ordering two to follow him.
tho chief hurried to the
house and there found ample continua-
of Muller tragic tale.
in the kitchen were the two
of wife and the heads
of both having been nearly severed
from the trunks. The room was spat-
with blood.
Chief went to the
station and subjected a rigid
examination. Without any com-
confessed these two
were merely links a long chain
of crime, lie told Chief he had
butchered father and mother and
had married fourteen women In as
many parts of the world, all of whom
he had done death With a number
of their children, lb could not re-
member how many little ones ha had
After completing his confession.
became morosely Silent and refused
ti cat. He has declared his Intention
of fr m as the only
In which he can commit
The police now give full credence to
his awful story, are making every
if to trace his other crimes. It is
believed that some of his murders were
in the Orient.
Muller In Unit ll
LONDON, N-v. l.
time In March. land-
ed at Dover a German watchmaker
named came from
India, traveling somewhat leisurely.
through France, on bis way to this
country. When he arrived In London.
toward the end of March, he pen-
or nearly so, The Blender re-
sources he may had In his
were noon and one
nigh I he was found in
by Police Constable
way, If. it-, who took him to the
workhouse In Mint street. Borough.
This happened mi the March
of the mild year.
in due Muller, who.
to groining as be did from
India -professed neither to under land
nor i. a word of English, came
under the observation of the workhouse
do. who very to IbO con
man was of unsound
mind. He walked ard In a
d manner, to him all the
and ha told tile doctor mime
tales, had, he said,
murdered bin and mother, his
win and children, other times
pi n
at lust
Tl I . I
Ly the net a cert II
removal to
m -i and ll April
I ti k a. In tin i i
w the London i
.-i In Bum y.
Prom made y
after the announcement of the crime
St that
Muller who
m and the
up the murder of
his wife and child to the Rotterdam
police, are and the sane- person.
in the book of entries at Banal ad
is I . well built
well nourished, with healthy or-
and a His
age was given by trade a watch-
maker and gold worker, Nothing
known as to his or nation
and whether he married or single.
Nor were any details re-
the epileptic from h be
i to be Buffering, the
of his treatment In-
and in and so on. Hut he
was reported Buffer from suicidal
mania, though hot to be a
Well at
As a matter of fart Muller
not only behaved very well Indeed all
tho lime h
working on the farm attached t the
asylum and parrying out all the orders
given him without reluctance or de-
bin showed no signs of
or hallucinations. Nor was i.-- subject
to any epileptic fits while slaying
health was reported
and Improving, his mental state was
Stated to and and
his features did not indicate low-
of the intellectual No
tremor of his facial betrayed
any Inward m disturbance. Hut.
as r persisted in saying that be
did comprehend anything else but
German, further Investigation
doubt, rendered somewhat difficult.
April in. however. Dr. the
medical student of asylum, who
speaks German and French fluently.
had n lengthy conversation with hi
Teutonic patient. Tin- latter confirmed
to him that he had come from India.
Fell from an
While sojourning in that country, he
said, be had toward the of the
year ISM fallen from an elephant ha
was ridings consequence of which he
had to remain In a hospital for some
lime. He attributed his epileptic bu.
and ins mental conditions to that fail
la India, from which he had r i n-
recovered. He repudiated, how-
ever, the of the statements
in the certificate of the medic r
of workhouse, and
was not aware of having acted
spoken as therein stated. The doc-
tor in hi said, must have
not being to
follow German.
To Dr. Shaw. Muller must hove,
any rate, spoken with great clearness
and Intelligence. He appeared
earnest and genuine, although
he averred as a what was
that he was
unmarried, adding, what was probably
true, that he had no friends in
n In Merlin.
At that lime Muller bad a
wife and i -a In Berlin,
Ills parents a re also alive In Ger-
many, his father t-- inn a foreman
the Royal Prussian railways. is
proved by i letter, sent to Dr.
from tho secretary of
said railways Berlin In May,
therefore at the very lime Muller
was detained in tho asylum. In that
letter the writer almost
Shaw. In the name of
to tell him
Muller was suffering from an Incurable
i or whether re might i a
e of recovery. C i
Mull-is must have
been aware of deb at par-
Hr. was able i- an en-
to Berlin Ind d In
June, was
Improving In health, so that, n
of that month, is-
Cell lo r n I u
as fully of course, on the
report of the medical at
ad to that I.
Aft-r his
lost of for a while; but there la
no doubt that soon afterward be was
sent bark lo Germany, presumably
the expense the Impel Isl r
as a pauper, for, at end the
said year we find once again In
the at Berlin, lie had
his wife and child In
ISM leaving no trace or where
tor fully years and i half
This period In the murderers
is ill largely a blank. M la only
known that he wandered in the
world, visiting many and
finally finding his way to India, whore,
us We have already hi met With
a cud of
Then- Is no ti. t Mull r ah-
. m Berlin
a fraudulent bankrupt, bin hi
ti Inns I hopeful
Muller f ll. as i; natal
to B tile down In III
i line be I I
lo have I t a
One Vt If-.
i U nut d to
be t and I In law
to i m . from
th again, and it
i that be, having
lo circus one
m r woman had re-
i and d to
keep i. spit of hi i financial
form r con-
. I baud.
; , t i Mullet d bar
In at to have de-
can II i. her
but . daughter of a man
i who at
family . h
when the stayed. It la ti.
girl, Margaret and her
little i j I d i by bun th
he has foully r. J In Rotterdam,
r i I I
lawful wife
With r t
i Ii.- .- . bus and,
first at Ai at Ho I
i- in both p they m ; to
I lived a i mi
i I to obi n
Out With u
A ravage murder was
Cf k in county
-lay a
; whom he had
r hoy j, lo have been
a bud drank to
He c borne drunk and lo i
tie- old in the place. and
bitterly hut later
difficulty and tie hoy wen
I. Ah.-r over the w.
with a
knife, to room and made
p i ti The old man then
inti viciously and out a
part boy's heart, him
r mad CS-
. Winston Journal.
Whatever may lie
n; I pure,
If inti To Bicycle
Don't o patch the
Don't look a round to see if
rt i-1 i inc.
b bed whee
a to n into a yard
d and reals
your h.
do I I your car the
When you loose u pedal oil
aid go back to look it. It's
there and you'll
around lung you'll again.
Should you a runaway horse
trail Keep close to curb till be
has n make a spurt and
tail and put on the
Never when
be when do kill
an I you arc
i his May Deaths.
ll U G paradox that,
cue way fall-
in; a the
live who has
that the pavement, or
the of the or what-
IS DO. mos o be lo bad
from by a for,,,. body
1.1.16 . j
. . , ,
to bold
it for
to b
I hum;.
bis life. o. is
in Ibis way, the
as on
awake- mind ii
ll. Honorable Willie a
silvery locks fail
to save from the oppressive
a Hr
lo stag- Norfolk
Tim generation
i of brain-
la not to awaken
one, of
collision body
is conveyed to
brain it really happened,
cranes lo boat, one
pension of
, , ,, , , , is killed lust M surely though
of ii public will lie reduced , , ,. ,, , ,
bad i. Ami
a have
place if only the could give
oven to tho
was the
Mr. may back,
but be with
era t in tho rear cf hall
for platform is
already crowded
and th is quit a jam in
front of the World
The rumor is again revived
Toiler of Chicago
making nu i lo
Mis. II. P. lie I in
His offer, under-
i- far below asking
price, This estate wan
former husband, William
i. a a piece ,,
charcoal, carbon y u
mightiest to
Nature, no your table,
Mini ; , I,
, i i between the two t
ion, or
a w. can
not and lain. No
by tin-
, can tin
which would i-. far
and poison tin- In
with loss
arc awn
asked lbs
tin- r Ills
ard tin- flashy Is all
the ii trying to work u
, u
Mr. Ml.
t th Ir Dells
; I lit cost i. in-
., ii mi I be
pit from
tin win. I
i-. Sow
tin- u .
ma- in. tiling to know
v ti y i. -i null
out to s
vigor la
i- purely sets by
giving inns to lbs m in the
and Kidney., and aids
and is by
bankrupt, but hi pi i have it lbs mi
lo t-k.- I e k nu . , i, ,., ,,. and Try It.
I. a Drag

Eastern reflector, 16 November 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 16, 1897
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Joyner NC Microforms
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