Eastern reflector, 12 November 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i m
p mud In
1.1 St
II Ital urn I I .-
a m. red . v. v. if ;
In Alaska
I v. . v.
pal away,
MM Dr.,. I Th.
.-. haven't raid the Fl
T I know they're
Toll to
Alaska. V
wean . a .
lb dies tit
I much more In
the of Mi a be ever
was Your true
The funeral
All time v.
as much possibly could, U m
I he choice m th .
. i i ran v.;. .
by long
and but
i m n turn r. It
i go to a funeral than i
Oh b him
and j. until .-
i map of
B . range or a
rainy weather, he
v harpy- him
la a. morgue let him
I Q i I .
punch an open-work pattern an over
i Re make
mate f r the la A .
Every an
n ii or.
. h n are
. id tO I
the the least
ml era, a a chief
la I d the m
n by a i b. on
en the
; An ii
fare were or Bah,
i mad
a i and I
I led I and d
I M l .
. b. Ii
m steal, and
m re w o i .
of i i m
taring the c
i and of i;
the i i.-
depart i the oil
Ignited. T same
I crooned and a I
Th M
a City
I , II
i. t a
; II v. a the
ll I felt
Pattered by
I tared
around in a solemn the
. i . . i
of Th
i th . i
the body of a I I It
In On th
of Island graced
an sun.
a v r rifle,
i to a worn i
I v v his sister's a
the i t
Its I i t i i a r. a
y. It looked for a
there w
that he
than hundred
I . I urn r In
iv i ll i V i-
n placed In I
which had
w re hurl
fl . s.
but I
f I r a bunion I
I a Hr V
I No. S In the
I fund of
if Vi j ii
Tl Duke and p
l. .-
Ion II
Purl .
Pal v I
I .-.
I. I lid D
. I
g . n
, It Is a is
f r I
would rather die
Vi Ii I, a noted
v. red i his
In little . ;
. i; H l
d In
ill fun i
. date mm n n J
b- n the result
era, consisted f the
H I sin In j a-i
connection with
i After th
j n.
funeral n I
ti .
i . . like
M id ; , i
. . Una
. . I. T ;. .
t I
Up Bf
n . ii
. i i AM
i ; . . . . , , will
, ,.
i i. i i Ii . i .
i k i. i Ii i
II Die It
I i .
i I
i hat In I
If I . .
I of I.
. . i i
; . . i .
I I . . . I . N
t v. in. It not n I
I the home of
I; , i i I
n .
i in huts, and Ii
with i;. i. and n m by that
oil i .
No time I i
. -is jail drifted ill .
hi their own if Ii lire, and n n
. them f. u it for
ii i ii to i- i the i i . . i
J been vest
Irate the kind of
in poor old
our State his been
entrusted. Ami order to ex-
With th
is now
attempt been to
ii appear similar
it former
failed. The former a-
lion. ha
a I
hair . i
I II ll It
i . i i
It I I ;
ref If .
. .
I had .
run lorn, to i
to honor
y two e
There i i .
i . in m
The Atlanta Oilers
Of the Subscriptions j
Received entering the
the r
to name properly the miss.
iii the folio wins
liken the . that
o the precious metals will be most j
la demand which s .
And, in Addition
the first Guesses, as
for the Correct Guess and Each for the
Next Five, in the r order, provided the same are
i our office on or before December 1st.
t This expirations
for The Weekly n, and, of coarse, we
all to renew and la enter th.- Contest.
v Fund, and ever sub-
scriber ill the mere.
I his also compares our Missing Word
in which M. L. secured the
to. As was our First Contest, there
m re subscribers received during the time,
i enter for prize. It be so
the i- and we have paid out within
Hive Missing Word Contests. The has
in the y fa
j on . i- ii . . ii pi
;. I Mr. W. A. Hen nil,
I Hill .
I. It .
you ,
The Contest Began November
The Contest Ends January
uh in . u to be I
i .-i o. I b one
f be more,
a word, and may get it c
. i I
Greatest fin
Newspapers One Year.
That wand Send Your With Your
Dollar for a
I .
MS ail MM l ll V .
to h- In u i. I In. . , n . ,,
ii n- Rn .,. .
TO I 1ST i
I In- on mill
; i i Mm
in in.
t.-1- lb- t. I r
i -n-
i I
. i.
. i s . . .; r a
p lot
i. ii i -r U i m iii . m or
. . I . . ,,., , ,, r
I i I I Iii-
I ,. I .
i I
-.-, i
I III IT M-l-M ii I -i.
-I I- . III,
i n-i
ll .
ill to
.-. r. . i i. it . j r ,,
U Ll I 4-
i- l th- ii
V ., . I . L
. . i. full i . Unit
In Rial kiss n-eT in put
II bf
. i-t u
Tie i waist
niter. Is
Greenville, N. C.
Old Nonunion line
ate A. u.
st A. It,
-.- lo
water on Tar Slew.
Connecting with
N,. Bo-Ion.
, ,
u; -111,1 es
, et
. .
I i nun .- .
I Agent,
Cure All
Liver ills.
Doctors Say;
Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
are invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
J- Ike late More
and dealer in all
Ail of repairing done
use labor and good
material prepared to
you satisfactory work.
I r to W. It.
Whichard, N. O.
The Stock complete in
I every department and
I prices as low as the low
eat. Highest market
prices paid for country
i produce.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
t; r
Trot. W. E. ,
treat land car-
ed more com any
living Iii
of a
enroll by
him. lie
work on t
III la ill.
e, which
e-re. free lo
.- i i i
iv. a.
his I
C--0 ---I. u . ii.
i- i n.
Scad r J I, or
i. . U or r i, I. c
A Hr
PI ;.; q fl t. b.
era. i- D. C.
Confederate Soldier In the
in. In-, and over
Baltic The
and War Book
and the only one that does
Justice to the u and the
for, one
v An his wanted lo
ell m,
Many of
are making from to
I of
j to Mod for ll
II ruled
i to Courier-
Journal Job Co.,
I Ky.
v. Va -i I
t c o You can get the Twice-a-Week Reflector
and the Constitution at a year and be en-
I titled to a in the above contest.
Wire and Iron
-class work
prices reasonable.
A Great Land Sale.
One of the Beat In Pitt County
lo so d at Sale
By of rower vetted in m
by two of Superior
June one Iii the
CM of John T. Bruce I. A.
Son and wife Stuff and the
other A. T. Brae Co., I, A.
and wife E. I will
nil at public -ale to bidder
on Monday day of Dec. 1897
that valuable on south
ill Tar about two and a half mi
of known the
and containing
about live and
more or
n of the
be ion., I in two decree above
n to but a
will be given of the to be told
on the day of or be
Hie by t me at my
The t emu of in la
cash but if iii- it net
id to pay all if ha
make arrangement to pay part
and gel tune on the by
giving bit note payable, with
Interest, in annual I
by u on the
farm It valuable f the
lion of cotton, corn or tobacco and it
well with barns, pack
Those w idling to buy a fine farm
near town will do well to examine
Any desired can bu bad
by lying to
N. t., Oct
buy V ., i,
v. i ii a- at r v. pro Ir. a
I- e
ll II I I
the times, and
for i bat .
to run
nil ill. N.
the to its pi, sent
board not on y I
hi Cards
a large surplus
Leaser prove
year n. , , t.,
penitentiary ti,
entirely did B
not the taxpayer one
And not Duly that, but after
paring all it bad on
hand, tho day cit
. Tyson,
x. c
N. C
Practice in all lb
, ,
Cobb a More.
farm end oilier
to the of 108,947.72. AH
of baa been expended by the
new management and
i i In lit
taxpayer like
In all court.
x. c
E. r. Harding,
Wilson, X.
A R l ll N r. VB-AT- lot W,
special fly even mark of reaped
of rials,
on abort time.
We have a n
in metal-
cloth over brought
ii j p. . i do in
ins ab
to our will
EXPERIENCE has taught me the U cheap
a no i, . . .
which I
proves that, when ha lamed over Observer. O
ii. small, w,,
H. C. Greenville,
end Counselors at
In ill
Our are tower over.
do not monopoly but
can be a. and all
times in the Flanagan
current rates
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
Tore papers for
yellow and
in ;. I itch,
c, an the
many a tiling, and
of R. A. Shotwell Ail ,;, ;.,. ,,,
made such an excellent
The Farmer and Mechanic,
paper ago. under
A Health
lion State, has
been revived a
farm and home i.
many in this
who formerly
at Mi l kn lo have
it are to
tin- following extraordinary
For we will send The
KM North
of and The
Farmer and Mechanic, nil
papers it vest.
Ir e papers will give yen
home general
news and farm news, and
think of three of them a
whole year for
If you want the Atlanta Con-
added to the above list
you can got it for more,
or n week New York
World for cents. Any other
paper or wanted we can
give a on in con-
with The Re-
Lei not thy
a little bit
I ii-v coal ii.
have it
n note
r the land or sea.
i i s home to me
O. be not rip
Think cl the bill for
Think th bills gas
Lit not l by elect begin
Let thy lull
I ii I i lo- cash it in
To settle up all
The iron. Klondike it
a man was caught out in a wind
storm. ground ant dry
When the man got tome lie
i-i u d up in gold dust.
Chairman Clement Manly, of
the Democratic State executive
committee, telegraphs New
York W Id concerning
chief cause which
brought about the Democratic
triumph of Tuesday is a fuller
which people
have of the Chicago if
1896, and all that it means for the
preservation individual rights
for a return national pros-
reason that a
freer and expression
cf Ike popular will was had on last
and Republican
promises are false and end only
in promise. is
embodiment of leading
features of Democratic faith and
then constant unyielding
pion. If be lives is health
he will be by
party for President
One obvious moral of the re-
I elections is good
government means light
wild the forces that thrive upon
bad Eternal
lance is price of liberty .
liberty is en article that never
be cheapened,
tut this out and It to your drug-
and get a sample free of Hr.
King's New for Consumption
Cough Colds. They do not k you
to buy before trying. This will
you the of Ibis truly won-
and show you what can
las accomplished by regular sire
bottle. Is no experiment, and
would be to proprietors,
th. i know It
cure. Many the physician IN
now It In their practice with great
results, and on It in
severe It It guaranteed. Trial
free at Jno. b- Drug
liken tine.
But Atlanta's lb level a
n-i her. Hi n
whole south kin
mites v open
Georgia juice.
We kn n no Ike Iron
Hut Atlanta the proper place
F. L.
Republican breakdown in
by times have
that good times should
put into the Democracy
while operating as nu opiate
tho other fellows
About half voters in
voted on As
as men who are
in of life,
and liberty by aid of
will take to
pail a lo keep government
i system
lo go upon crutches.
The public indifference is a pub-
The one significant fact in the
elections of Tuesday is the
form against Republican
Within eight
after inauguration of
dent in every State
holding an election the
majority of last
has been overturned or greatly
reduced. It will not do to
this result to State
issues, for in most of the States
contest was made on issues of
national politics. But whether
the issues State or
the against the
party is just as clearly
marked. Neither in national nor
in State affairs has the policy of
the party commended itself lo
the approval the people Phil-
The Administration Condemned
Mr- received
Greater Now last
votes. The vote cast for
Van on Tuesday as
George vote was 20,000-a
vote for candidates that supported
and free silver of in
excess of last year.
vote in the same
district last year was
The vote for
date for Mayor was inly 100,0.0
a plurality against
of not g
the or more Democrats
who voted for
Tho Dispatch
the holding of a poultry
If it will look over
of Democratic mm-
papers of tho last few day it will
Bud poultry shews to its heart's
An Offer.
A unusual offer is that How we love the noble
made by Elder Joseph cf hearted boys who are
Line-In, county Kentucky. It bravely,
that he will pay regain the over the in-
the every beg
in tin- and for
the capture every white man
who can be convicted of the
flexible condition cl life,
woven Those
boy look
offense. Mr. was asked beyond themselves and over
Le tho the wide world, with a
in the amount offered for two of Get, lo live for and
races same charge U purposes. Those
Helen Hunt, a Chicago girl,
found parse in the and
notified the pastor that she had it.; folks would rather wait
so if any one ll it all day fer do than run ten
be returned- The a train.
the clergyman made the
from the
a pars
In r, if
tin- owner property be-
can go to Hunt for
de church In- tie.
steeple- Home steeples ii
nigh sinner hear de
for a white a an to
a and is therefore
much whiles to
guilty , a
Not long ago judge of
western held
a man
filled himself with until be
lost himself be was
legally for whatever
he did while he was intoxicated.
We do ow Whether this is
good law or not, but it is good
sense. rule
make it too easy for to
A burglar
might plead that ho was
when lie it house,
a murderer might plead that be
was mud from drink when he
killed a man ; but such an
would not dead lo
nor would it protect tho com-
repetition of the
crime. may
be an but it
not lo be considered n
Postal Savings Hank.
report of
Postmaster General of Great
Britain will be some inter-
facts concerning the is-
sayings Lank. The
of depositors in and
Wales on December 1890,
or one in five of the
population, and
to the credit of each de-
was Scot-
amount, For Ireland De-
301.970 proportion, in
amount, d.
If a postal bank system
should established this
country, and by tho same
proportion of our us it is
used in Great Britain, tho de-
would exceed
in number; and if deposits
no higher here
they do in King-
they reach the
total of a
i, to wipe cut tint
of national
debt. And more
amount would
sayings of
minded, who
look beyond the s
of 101,1.1.11., in .- . and
beyond tho narrow teachings
youthful days year and
dun open their to receive
the knowledge
that come- of thought. To
striving boys ail over our
If you wish to success 10-
it is gained by
those who brute enough to
form opinions of then own and
contend for them, and for
hope for
of their f the
study of self, and if their fail
their own intentions Grange
A Harvest.
According to rid
Herald, will lift some
this r. It
and no one will
the is generous,
grain k-
lo load freight cars,
which, if coupled together,
form train milts long. Or,
if divided make
train of cars each. It
mates the bulk of the at
bushels of corn, in-
brought over from the last ;
bushels of
of oats and
bushels if rye. It may
lend to the anxiety of the
the other States lo
n all Ibis will not be
precipitated on the at
once. Some of it will be needed
he , and then grain has
way of diminishing when put on
scales. But Ibis as it may,
tho whole country will rejoice in
wealth which has come to No-
u- in her golden
silver the
story comes from other States.
of campaign
s which Mayor elect
filed the County Clerk's
Now York was its
total, 1168.70.
D.- a mighty good
till it got folks in i
m I-- days day nobody
ti i i mi how bad
De prodigal son never went
home till ho got Alter
One twelfth of the- population j he got religion en made a
of Paris i composed of foreign-Mini f r
Notes of the Orient
India has macadamized ad
De do road is
dusty, hut it's lots
in de woods
Atlanta Constitution.
The Tor oh of
The cl divorces to
marriage the
is to be to
Red hail is by
hut is admired
by Spanish
The Chinese city bicyclist has When the is full
-a road to in streets
of an average width eight i, ,,
Five is considered itself in words, lo be e, but it
large weekly eatery in and v ill Bad equally effective
will insure more comfort that I cheering or consoling.
twice that in more enlighten Some ago a who
cl lauds. was spending tho in a
town in New Hampshire.
k . -I the pure,
Of inhabitant
received of the
tho Philippines me,
who have never
acknowledged allegiance to
Great attention is paid in
of her
en at
promise, who at the lime was
traveling in Europe. Tho be-
mother shut into
her room with bet sorrow.
The Rev. II. II. s North
Carolina is conducting
a revival in n church lo re. last night
saw two young during
i Walking down aisle
where they were he knell ant prayed
I they would die Immediately
to loll. C.
who was who ha- attended
the left the
lb i. lo
i think my I-, pray people out of
lull, lo pray
. and
Japanese schools to ,,.,
district early, been boarding for weeks
collected on the piazza, and
talked over tho shocking news.
What can we do for bar, poor
in which of
girls lake part.
The Persian landlord can c
tenant and their to
remain and until nil
of and interest are wiped
thus making the tenant
Virtual but the
may dispossess the tenant on I US
most frivolous pretenses.
Among propositions
cussed France for a change in
tho system in that Re-
public one to provide that
elector who shall three limes
neglect to exercise
bis to vole
be disfranchised. This penalty
would severe There is a
certain grade of criminality in
refusing lo duties
of while enjoying tho
benefit thereby conferred. Upon
tho principle applied tho pun-
of habitual criminals.
man loose h. bits is
convince a woman but
nun try lo persuade her.
laborer is not worthy it Ms hue
it i- higher than his worth.
Talk cheap and the barber always
it rates.
. land what organ-
r l. n. i moving on lo next
boy Ids of Wild oats.
Fins clothes do not make woman
v n in, rims break the husband.
men lo. poor lo his
money will Lever hive many
line works wonder. So would a
ii in hours a
day, time dots.
Politic will now taken back seat
a while
don't care what else you
said bead of
casting a pitying glance
toward the room
which a heart was Ir,
don't that can do
replied wife-
sure I don't know what lo
And besides.
believe she is tho sort of a person
that likes lo beat expressions of
almost sure she would like
to led some cue was near
who was lorry for said
Ethel, a girl of sixteen.
unless you think I'd better
I'm going into her
was very as she
entered the house ant knocked
at the closed door, but she
received no answer, she boldly I My be a good
pushed it ajar and entered. The I big ought ti have
mother w lying upon
her face stem and set.
the bed.
and her
what more I took no
by Loci applications, as they cannot
the diseased portion of the ear.
There Is only one way to cure deaf
and that Is by constitutional
Deafness is caused by an run-
of mucous lining of
Tube. When this tube In-
you have a rumbling or
hearing, end when it it en
el-Mi tin i- tin- result, and
and unless can lie
taken nut Ibis to its
normal condition, hearing will
forever; e cases out often
mo caused by is nothing
but an inflamed of mucous
We will give One Dollars
cannot lie cured by Hall's
t Send circulars lice.
F. CO. Toledo, O,
Hold I I n
Halls Family Fills ere the belt,
Boston, Nov. Captain Rob-
Charleston, S. C, that
last Tuesday, when i ff
N. C., he saw nu
of drifting wreckage in-
pieces of timber and
other as would
have Iron a largo conning
vessel, if broken up. It also
passed an improvised life
which had been re-
From Cape Hat-
terns to Frying Pan shoal light-
ship en inn ., I, quantity of
hard lumber of various
dimensions was passed.
The feet
Space secured by Commie
Handy of
United Slates at Ex-
position of 1900 should be
lo tho best by
American exhibitors, if they
would make an
representative showing before
the of the world- Franco
is to give s-et attention
to music and nit, this
should give a convincing
of her
modern astronomy, me-
weak and no
tilts V I
till I. and fever. Mill be glad to barn
bat a cure for chills Is now
and mill sold
does not the but
actually It Is Roman
Is trial lbs
conn try with d
Unit takes off bones, the
vitality their blood, and make
hem feeble, i and
No. is coking,
and other
remedy en sled
as Shaker
instead of Irritating already
Cordial ii
to rest by the
Itself and other food taken
With It So mill
Is Ids
I- and relieves
No money risked to it- value.
A ill rent trial does
it best
than lo deprive
of the right if suffrage
It is the opinion nu oil
buyer on this
will go as low as cents
before the is reached.
Tho low grades arc jelling
that price, but he is expecting the
best grade to reach those figure
and the inferior grades to reach
a correspondingly low figure.
Ho conclusion from an
experience of years i r
mid says o planters not
expect raj price until
about the 1st of March, then
it will not go higher than Cents
This prophecy Is not en-
to the
while, it may not I mo a
whole, still now
in his favor without a
great change the tone of the
market his dirt fill prophecy will
of Ethel, even when tho
gill knelt betide her began
tr. stroke tent finger with a
gentle, touch.
After it rigid muscles
relaxed slightly, and the woman
turned her bead. saw n
young face white and drawn with
pity, and two tender eyes looking
upon her through sympathetic
Thorn was a moment's
hush, and n great sob
the of tho room.
child tho said, and with n
hi- wife baa given bin a piece of
Ha- hot
I lure turn long term on lour
distinct and I'm not
ii. All, I laid the you
have courage of your conviction,
A Row
quick motion bud her bead
In October Bulletin of Ag-
l in. is lo I lust-
I. s U nu longer by
In and tent
I la work and planted and are
now a article of syrup,
on Ethel's shoulder, shed
blessed tears bring
to hearts reached
the limit if endurance.
a word had the young ii
Indeed, as not
tins of speech. But
who followed
of the Man of
healing In mere touch cf hit
so her loving , DI i
and touch had been
UH a of to a
and broken
have ruined the
I . , I R, I II,. . I
It In place
Who goes lo tho chili while Inn.-
baby, an the Rood
out ti woman who
her home, will both at run.
down hi health T wt will l- j a-
with Ion of Bleep
fainting or Tho
most I
is .,,.,.,.,,,.,. ,,,, f,.
els from I lick i
up mill en I it blessed, H lb
Sores, i-. toll
s.-, Totter, Chapped l .
lion in North Carolina,
-t has been in a
and surely to miss
pound we eat, I know that
wheat can be railed in North
Carolina, and with more profit that
can G per pound, with
which buy Hour, every
who lo plant wheat, it is
he hope and lo
bring t price
will nut lo de so.
i- a i- a good to
say your laud make
I have over
lull this Si lie, and lair
. , in i grow i. a gnat ma-
dare say that
in. eon, is not great
i Oil.
by nil , ,, .,., .,, turn in your i- better in
; ; r s
lie per Ker sale by Jno. no money lo buy. is nub

Greenville. N. C.
I of
Unit it bad bib
water Buck and to
tic down The
J, J, X of
shows that there van
Entered at post Greenville
N . us second r.
Pawn IS,
Column tar the
i U II W With
1-i edging
designs bridal
. ill variety ,.
1.1 T
I p at Regular I em -1 m dent.
s. w.
of Arkansas,
cf the Democratic
National Committee, arrived in
a decidedly j
Mate of mind over the results
cf last week's elections. Ho
the subject you bet
I'm It wakes mo
and makes me
that the
people bare been bought
blinded this time. The results I
are of coma and
greater good, takes on-
sorrow to develop
full of the Demo-
party. This con-
me that the
I that by Presidential
all it will lave to an
strength mark
my words. Hi diet
but truth survive
he cyclone, Democratic
party la When
to a long a I it i race.
Democratic party gets ti
very sorry because of the
turn matters have old
M b hop b. r is
dead in y bosom vat.
it have more
bad Mark Hanna been
Democratic vote, bat u
en at man bis only by
bis it is
all a
One of most interesting
stories growing out of lb
election is now being told on
in Washington, and it finds
believers, too.
more names rolls Juno
1897, there moo
yen before, notwithstanding
dropping, Banal year popular for gowns eat
or death and other causes
There were in, t
I'll names roll ,;, i.- i.- in
of the lust year, at l, unless, M j ,,
death claims an unusually large
number, it is able that
mark be I
before -if the pr sent
.-,. year.
From ah directions come
about tn
m ii of aim at everything,
excepting th article that
more than half of our people
have to labor. An,
expert of the effect of
Dinghy tariff upon the ,
clothes Cl clothes
that could be bought year
cannot be duplicated
under 190.00 that fact is
annoyance to
alike. men of
ample bare their
made fashionable
tailors II
suit is hardly I, and if
, . it
is I, however, with
those who h to be in
. expenditures, to this
able ii number of men I ,
m Mu
s those vb
, .,,. I i Is
it is from toe p tor a id f
the middle c kick to la X
aha k ii
i the ft u
t . novel.,. .
; . . . j .
with a k a- Ike
be result ii
. . east ii nut
, in even ill M novel
Is sad
I in line ;
.-. . h I I
pink green ere
1.11 ck mi v, G
Mi have yea in team
of Ki
On i
It lies valley el
the province et ;
is native
it's home
Where tin-
Tin t, ii n old as the
It is T in fog
sale wen on street
ed a
. was to
sit on steps in
IT. Day, mother
to gal Galled to gel up.
and him
with savage Ideas his
rid,, hack kind. People who
this brutality want up
stop healing
Pay and
Mayor who
disorderly our
lo on Ham.
pine, w
i is with In and
I i- ilk , ,
. ire.
with us .
i , and
Are D i d
Ike of 11.- are a area
i view
, i- out.
town is all
Hi Mountains Despair.
No eland, in its gloomy
No to and
e maid.- are
the town
U you would i a ray,
and ill
duty through
. . aid th
,. . .
tins tor your in
i I- .,
And lire up toil day.
William I lie
K . i. . . . I
Origin take all.
T wall bad
origin among the m
of Louisiana more than century
a--. i little doubt it
.;. of the old
French country It
of them in form.
kill playing
pass I H
by rots
cellar putting a
eke on yellow plague in
w Orleans ant neighboring towns,
Sherman has
been a, preached by
offered op-
to got with
Hanna and Mr. for the
shabby treatment they have
given not only prevent-
election to the
ate, but by securing his own
return to that body. Mr.
is old a to
up everything that is
placed before hie, but he is said which n quired only public
I i- Ilia c-i
n and i n parties. this festival be-
in a wooing, an
A j. -7 i
is mud Iii irk m- n
., r inn . I in
I. las ck
. , below stock ii a Ai a m 1-
. inlaid jig b. John
th. lower bail u,.
N.-w York
. r J t. t , lie and I they
lb V nil
o'er t a ,
lamb an I nil V j r d,,. control
I ;. . . u it
. ., a dork r
A n ; a ; costume it
j , I. It -1
1- cap . c i it
. v in. l
; . The
, m-
i In Iii I.
trusted as to
bill of aid he
combine- me in f
Ohio to stay oat of
ii caucus,
v of course, nominal i
I, ; the s and to
I I or some
thick and thin Forager man as
tie null CAUCUS The
ii claim to mi a-
I ere enough to u and
keep op for indefinite d,
a deadlock in the and
they argue that after .
Ins own election lo an ii,.
ho will be willing to j in
in withdrawing and m
agreeing upon a compromise
e who can yet the ;,
Republican vote elected.
is where is tell
Mr. Sin that be can c in
They that tiny will
him as a
for II., Senate, that much as
would like to, neither
nor Mr will
dare to object. There
in this but it
indicates how bar
Ohio Republicans IN.
Consul Leo has
bis instructions and
will this return to
Ho is as careful as ever about
Cuban but
lb are good for
Hint lie is Hint tin re
will be peace in Cuba n la
it was of
his part Unit lie
i, in, i to do ho
by Mr to remain in
Cuba until the trouble was Over
The still
From Sew Orb an it sort a v.
lath t
It is of
to plantation i i
not lie,
ll that
vices of a called
in. At a cake walk might
legitimately his
for a woman. and publicly
claim her for a wife In .
cake walk different
from the old Scotch marriage, . ; ski i lark
, . I. . . an i kl, ding
i . .
., . an I i
acceptance or rejection I a i
i . bi i it- ;.
i blacks, i
, I is with the
accompaniment of music, which
i- com ti I . i l
i i
has improved
t things that Mr,. i- in a
Practiced. . M . .
It has isl its I
in South-
teal married, when
I hey marry at all, In the white
fashion. It has so
r, a pantomime
Properly performed, is n
i if one. not regard at a
f a prize, though the las
second tuber thought
an i. I We ale our
people may require of ad
Ill MM el ii-. lie;
and l i The el
i d lb
j mad a t,
a than and
i and
, , i It and
ii, I -V Sh
all bidet an
r-rs. lint white men who
out I be r.
a i in lie h
I, City
Mr. Pull ii hi hid only Mrs,
have had lo but us ii
will mother lot ail
tin money will need.
in A. I-. Nov. 1891
. to i- -ins.
Dr. It. ti. Maxwell, a
s mm pull-, county, an
here on the last.
James It and Sallie
Seven Spring-, WON
W. brother, a
Beys week
Miss .-d, and Taylor.
Brook- last Sunday.
Nanni,. daughter
and Mr-. . II.
lo bereaved.
A double wadding is on
St. John's church oil
A was here
The trouble was a cartridge
and He in Ian Is boy.
cartridge exploded and ball
into bit baud. Same old story.
Ask A. at. what Or. Maxwell
loll a future marriage.
t Bib by t. L. with
and II. C with
Bryan of billion,
town on Tuesday lo
Washington lair.
Mrs. I. hi-
tick week. are to
;.,. i. ,
prayer was or-
at , cu
Sunday night promises lo
The Market is now
Open Open ail
the time.
Parties having tobacco
which they wish to sell, can
get accommodated at head-
quarters for high prices
the Eastern Warehouse.
Owners and Proprietors.
Now comes the time
to think about
. i in
ii I c
a tooth
These cool evenings and foggy mornings speak
very loudly for a top coat. Ours are right. We
know they are right. The right designers de-
signed them, the right makers made them.
The right lengths, the right styles, the right
cloths. Some are shoulder lined, are full
And he who learns to appreciate rightly
the lull importance saving Time is on
the direct road to independence. It's the
minutes that count in these bustling times
hence buy your
H. M.
Take Quinine Tab
Is. AM
it fail- lo
i mousy
the dread of the cotton grower,
can be prevented Trials at
Experiment Stations and the
experience of leading growers
prove positively that
is the only remedy.
We will glad of chants,
Interesting sad which
n. c
I will the best goods and
will sell them at the lowest price possible. I
will do all l canto obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see me.
M. H.
Next to LIVE
The State the Hill
us i
.- mi i ,. , into m n
lug I'm- ml i
a on
a tint walk
an in, I In l
y please. One
, ii Into telegraph i v
and down Ike
table and om lie
lo go until the operator threatened to
. or t. hi gun. raid
ii- i inn
with who keeps
k hounds. They sometimes
go lo the with i put
ii,, in up at expense and
limit i
i, literary
B . has paid all M.-
I an I in a way t,, be
This Is probably an
I u
ll an Iowa boy I mad
ill, I in bail pr
y ll, a who
,;,. i i ball old
and i i as
l .,,, Hi.-. A i Hi
u me Market.
reeled by S. M.
per lb
Darn Meal
H I .,,, i.
numbers, not- I
u I
1.7 5.71
I to
Hi,, t
Ml Idling
tie I
a Prime
fully Half the world. It
I t. iii-. l
Ml .
cs Hi
,, Hill
mid ell
mall, and c.
, i i i i. a ii. Uses.
rim to with
Fall Samples is in;
containing enough
styles to stock three
They arc
A I till who arc priced Draper's
riv. Tea.-hers modern masterly
work with many Come in and turn the
, of great of Gil
your Fill and Winter Suit or Overcoat and
get the right fit, the right workmanship and the right
quality at the right price.
I also have in stock a lull line
Brand Fine Shoes
Call and sec are invited to inspect
my stock and lean, the low prices.
Dealers, Tobacco Makers
and Bicycle Dealers and
to public We are taking
Tobacco Flues
assure you we will as the beat of
for the least All our work and we are ready to
repair our line o to a bicycle. will
thank you to us.
ax A
alive h would be at-
by the
Frank W n s
s tor
Folk the New Month
J. S. C to Ht
Call Another
ken call, J
J. J. -id. t
t-liar.- let
and he
will be
lo Sunday in e-ch
in bi-in held on
there, too. People who are
usually do. But have to bay
up to date We don't
keep the be wore. And
what a grand choice he'd hare.
Hack suits, and double
each with a style to
d Worsted, plaids and
and stripes bewildering variety,
blacks, blues, and
all sorts of
of colors.
dress, for business, for
sport, suite in nil prices-
Yes. would
bin Clothing from
Gent Furnishings
is superb and your inspection is invited.
Local Reflections
this week.
One man in town has a date
ahead day.
A of coal days
mike h
The horses that were here
races Km e been taken to
ton fair.
nays Cynical
was lucky to bare gotten any of that
The were lull up
tobacco today. Thai is Hie every
day scene now.
this there will two
for benefit of Ike
Confederate monument fund.
you troubled with cold
never bothered I
set a man us an An-
says Ike M
at your
The Winston Sentinel issued a
splendid industrial and tobacco
edition last week. It wan twelve pages
On Jupiter are
only file long. This reduces
the hours lo one-half
of what are on Ike
II I l I .
keeps going down.
The wind railed a dull
his blow is going to bring
cold mil, i.
are a of a
be given tor Ike benefit the
The first will be at the home Mis.
A. M. Moore on Thursday evening.
John Parker, colored,
New for murder of hi while
wile, George Walker, colored, also
New York have been
ed in Pa.
There will be an oyster supper
benefit at
may be prevented by the blood
pure Ike up with
u pound at
J. S.
Sam murderer was
hanged today.
to S. If.
The Washington not draw
largely from Only
people went down
lion lain morning.
Everybody interested in bicycling
and who wand to witness of the
.-i riding ever seen, be
at Ike ride lo be given
Mr. Will Wynne, of on Tues.
day night, I
The man or
neglects newspaper ii doom-
ed lo defeat in the struggle tor a
is n-
and doubt it may, it
will prove
J. A. Dupree 1-ft this
P. II. i Tin. to Kinston Sat-
here today.
W. M. Moore and wife, cf
were today.
Mrs A. Savage lo
today to
Col. I. A went lo to
day on business.
n-ii lo Raleigh
today to carry Charles Case the
Little Estelle Jones,
Bethel, spent
tors girl's.
Mies Addie Johnson lilt Sunday
Greene county where will take
charge a
Allen Warren i in it-
tending lair and making exhibit
for Nurseries.
Re. A. W. kit today
Halifax lo a protracted meeting
Miss who vis-
h-r brothel, T. -it
morning Neck.
P. Harding,
and Sunday k-n his
Be, N. M. returned from
Weldon Saturday where has
b en helping Bar. Mr. in a
P. If. this morn-
J. L. Fleming returned this morn-
from Wilson via
Hies lassie Moore returned home
Monday evening Ir, m Neck.
It. L. went lo Mon-
day evening returned this morn-
an i bride returned
Monday evening from bridal
lo Henderson.
Mrs. Kate cl Tarboro, who
been at Hotel lift
Monday evening for LaGrange.
.-. iV.
S. went lo
H T. King went to
Co. A. returned Tuesday
Monday evening.
We regret lo John
King, Falkland, is very sick.
J. a position
with Greenville Supply Co.
humus Young, Weldon, tax
en u position with the
Mrs. Warren,
visiting her mother, Mrs. S. II. Wilson.
It. It. Cullen, came in
Tuesday evening train from a
Mrs. Funny
Carillon, who visiting Mrs,
Mary returned I
Fire had
Alter Ike m was
over was to
The few are get.
ling a it, and
did the best quickest work at this
have yet lone. The buys
lire proud en-
Ikey pride an
and in work,
town builds a new t-i-i. ,
company will add a second lo ii
to provide a hall and
room. This will be u goad
Today Mr. Frank showed
us a quince pounds
was railed his place just
town. About ten years the late
Miss Harriett on returning
a visit lo Mississippi brought a
largo quince homo her. She gave
reed to Mr, but
she no idea Ike
Mr Johnston planted the
and n came up. The tree
bore this first time and
a lino specimens the
Mis. Mrs. A.
near died Tues-
Mrs. Ada Brooks, wile Mr, J.
Brooks, died at Tuesday night.
The Why.
This is reason why mistake
occur. Every column a newspaper
metal according the the
replacing means
error. Is it any that errors
occur Still some people
think to see i-i
Will Wynne Coining.
Mr. Will Wynne, K lie
rider will Green-
Mai week and an exhibition
ride here The
exhibition will be
given under man-
Ladies Aid Namely of
Mr. Wynne is beat Hick and
bicycle rider in South,
opportunity him not
be missed. Many
ed by him are marvelous.
announcement will be
Fixed up
Hanna have I ., IV
A lanes must a man
Times are bard, an tie
In age is
speak a in
It is lime l
fast. I
Ah, i know ken be pays hi- debts.
Of coarse it was
lie Cry
Win TOO keep a
patient when get And
ether M D.
nil yours, never
The Home
The man I his money a
home spends it abroad it an enemy
lo Ins remarks
Times. This truth has been u
often by it
become The of
home industries is one the main
Mays cf development. Without
practice no progress be
business policy the Chinaman
in this a
considerable hoard, which lie expends
in his native land, is no worse than
of citizen who emus his com-
patronage of home
people and serifs lo other cities
things which are lo his
Whose Mule and Buggy
A man was the
street, what w,
The mar, who as
came here in a
driving a mule, and said he from
Greenville. He sold mule to Mr.
John six dollars and the bug-
and harness at Junes lively stable,
licit win taken on the street
after these and taken to
the City Hull
explanation in
mule and and
being a was in
charge carrying concealed
weapons was made against him, and
he is held on that.
II any one lust a mule and tug-
be lo the
Western lest.
i this tellers kn
tell me I'll be k . .
Then hunt my summer
in spring look .- J
All plain.
By skies
we all
in we'd be dry
But the rain i. I
Like u-ah
e me .,;. I,, . 11.-is
Didn't lie
on the i-
u- God's will
take my still
thy tell I'll b Ir, r
W me hum my -r
The most complete stock at
ext Door to Bank of Greenville.
have been the
in Miss Fleming to
Mr. James Benjamin While.
day afternoon, Nov. at the home
Mr. Mrs.
Greenville. Cards a
the C. A. While are
en, in all the invitations,
cards being m only to a
A General Horse
A a nice lire
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
to see
The fair at Winston
week was a great
The Con-
meets In
The new morning paper be
i I soon at will lie called
to bold
a street car in
Saturday light.
There two Japanese student at
the Agricultural and Mechanical
Ike chief
New York,
; his
The Presbyterian
baa bee bought a stuck
and will be moved
David a private Co. B.
N. troops, died ii; the Sol-
Hume at
He was years
Mr. Tube the
Federal jail, is
a justice the which
he by
last fall. He is in e mouths
aiding Free
The Democrat say a of
sun county a bale
Clinton a few
She grew bale her I
years when was
She held lot I- cents the
price kepi going down.
at about cents.
Poor and Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble
Had no Now Bettor In
Ivory Way A Child.
tires sines i s sudden
gel rid It.
trouble l
terribly. I lost crew
poor weak I like
work, l began taking Hood's
in a time the
I slept hail a goad appetite
and was better In every way.
spring I was not baling well. I bad
petite no strength. resorted to
Hood's and felt inure
work. My little nephew s a dell-
child had a humor
so ho eon Id nut rest,
Ho taken a
and BOW he has a good
and Is able to Miss J.
in -You want the newest, prettiest and
most stylish
A I Our Autumn ready and
surpasses any we have ever shown.
Most Attractive Foreign Fairies.
latest domestic novelties. No
house shows such
j Lang's Cash House,
; i i
Get on the Ground Floor.
We sell Groceries so low that will make your
head swim. We are receiving daily
choice line of
Canned floods of alt kinds, Tobacco, Cigars,
Snuff and everything usually kept in a first-
class Grocery Store, which we otter at prices
that defy competition.
James B, White.
A Burst of Bargain
Hood's Pills
Clothing, Capes, Dress Goods. Notions, Cap.-.
r r i
X t PM

is good to ma
la . I Other
r th Mm
Mir for Terri-
i .
They Are
i. IN
Pm I Imparting
th i Work
The. to of Al
a an
Hod only by whiles . .
to ha
more t- .
f the Unit. Stun la l
la t i it i
an i
i .
. i
than the I
C i an I p
of I
and Territorial C
-f th-.- Interior I I
i , ; this none a
aw i r to
. . . .
to s t these already
i la and
rests a I I i
i i to any one i
of whit, Indian
l I to I
I . it -f
Men at Wark.
Ill -i . t
I i id land
f the
half- r . d . . id l
th whit i
workers In a i
good been
age In the i e r .
It la . n w i .
pluck . ranee, they would
in groat
and I I
kl With
against t-
V . s . -i
Is the sound flu I of the
Two have nude
work In Al i- k
; f the oat and
stupid, mulish antagonism I .
ii i Inga
lo the first, It I
advance of civilization; the a
m re d I found
Ii i big i violent
d . man; will
to it la red
with ti of
bl I in v. and la . I .
B will r- ,
ate the evil.
it must ml that I
kin native la distinctly
sat i with their respective m
lift pa i ten an.- m .
at Ir lit
Tl v i . i it. with hi
st I I
II Influences for
lid l r p on . .
the rain pouring up n hi
his he alone i i I
v kayak or i an . than i i
i. in ed In th
i M Hotel, The w i
prefers his or
snow hut, to the
of modern B i.
leas n for per tonal i I
i people that has
-I North Ami an i
at i flat would i
or to suicide,
Bo when their children,
by i or
men teachers, are
go to school, parents ml
prophesy darkly
f Iconoclastic i .
the i- promises, do
their heat t. k little ones
much as . j
Is more or l as a Hi sly by
the parents of nearly every native
while the Creoles and other l
breeds far I i Ir a to
numerous schools
met and th
. i
d i
I by
. . . ;
to live In s
keep i
. .
Average of i
la j average
; f the
la Ones
-k. v. k
ii i
. . .
. I i la
I I Lime
; . ;
i- Learn
i r and
. .
i -fit;
. . ; make I
but e Ra, .
-t t. attend lb
I . M
old won is m
n a
her km ea, i. ; U. n
Bu M,
i ;
a I hi
the than I I
But C is
la not
Russia s the
Is the I in
r the i I L and he u
n hi t
. . breast I
every R . is to
it Is snore
. . ova
. r. An-
After th. Inrush
Spring v more
Ion the
IS I ;
of .
y OH.
,. W. K.
XI ill .
e .,. i
ii. r in . ,, ii.
rill .
r. .-. , .
i. r. I U M i.
p ;. Mill
I . .-i i . i
. net team km i
Tin it I . I. , k
. , .
i re i ii mark I .
-.-. ;. n county
read lb
. m ire it
ii . ii.;. hex
T. II.
i ill PHI
a . I t
. it U i i by a at
ii i ll m V r. .-I
A mi. l. . p I land
I., a u a y
Tl. U I ., Arv
i ii it i Dual a
. i . i . I Jeep, at
William . . .
cl in I be N.- Fork,
. . i I nil i.- i r-
.-., III.
Mr I. A. of Ike
Star, will con.
with v
i H, u I,.,.
j. i tin. h quid a
. i i II.-
N w hi. mm It
is .
ti r i -v
i i in Brook
burglar. k i.-. i
A-i. I I a fall M
lo II.- i- n m
i , i.
only natural
a i
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond. J. I. lag.
M. V
In all
X. C
in nil Um
r . Many of
; i
u in
I .
BO build IS I
the .
Interior, to whom he i
. . . i .
. boots.
lo the I in I n
re I.
M . It
. . I . .
COll troll
by I
four by r
n Hoard of Homo
by the B I of l r.
i Ann. i the II
f n I
f the M
one by I I Tl
and two by the I
v dance with
. i In Its i i. i.
Liver Ills.
Tried Friends Best.
i years Tint's Pills have
a blessing to the invalid.
Ate truly the sick man's friend.
A Known Fact
For bilious headache,
and all kindred
i ll l i
i . . . i on a-
I I ii.
rill ., t .,. i,,.
I i hi . .-I no-.
ii. ii . ,
; . J all .
las i . a
licit ; i
t . . ., i,. ;,,. i, u ,, n,.
I i the i ,. ,., I
ii . I. ,.
ii Ho in In
Um S C , ;.
m romp aim . lion
the p aim id i i
Hi.- r. in i in -aid o in
Tin.- October, l-.;
, , K. A.
Clerk m, Court, Pitt Co.
Valuable Farm for Sale
ii he Superior
i ,.; In
t s en
Mel I will
certain ti el or parcel land
in I on the
late Moore real I d lbs lime
bound, ; the Ii nU of
A. Till.
U. W.
Tar I
i;. acre, or n
land lie H
.- I cl
and and upon main
l,. i. on ll in ii four
and well of good water.
A are
much in m. both
A man
Columbia the
older a
Tin re in iv . . i luck in a
but nut ft the pa m
bU -r
cut out to
if a player. my
dear, he at all
look at the head hair he
or to W.
H. W. d m
I. C.
Swift B. .
N- C in N-
in all
B D. L.
I mil
u . i ;
i king to
I .
. . h
i than o--.
. I .
i l i.
brass I ii .
v . it
. . .
. . V
I marry
i and
I I heir
. . ii pd man; tin
I I if
or her
i.; I and
r . f
to i tn-
. . but I
to fl. ;
. ,
y ; v p l
by you
at the I i on th
. . . i An
Id . l n
Bu an .
v. ; run i baa to
tap i i i
round i in a
. I a . . i
Ian Intel
i no i f tin , .
Th., ha Int
the m ;. ii.-
only to
In ii. K. C
s short time.
n . . I . N. i
i i H .- ii
i H Out Courts.
m. smut
v Mi HI V
I will Bawl
i , i
i are. Our
i ii. he.
i buy ., n .
lint v . ii; on
band and told at
the Out and
lo run Mil at a dote
.- I i v, N.
We t n
hi nicest lino of
id a wood, metal-
cloth over brought
in ti. it to-.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in
I every department and
attention given to prices as lOW as the lOW
pd or country
,, I produce.
w ; CM be
in I
Toms have
remedy fur By Us timely use
of CUM haw
cured. S- am I
Of I consider it my duly to
Mad Are fret of
v, ho lave O or
ll they write me
express and p address. Sincerely,
I, A. It. C. SI., Hew tort
Um. . . . , . .
Wire and Iron
on First-class work
prices reasonable.
Tons Lots tor
By um the
in r- Till in i .
in October.
u in town ,.
. ilia
I it ii parcel land in
the ton f in
pi in ii- lot
and l in on t
ill. Mink-1 now
I will us
1st. In to
a u -w on ill. in Hi.
of Pitt county winch
run I. i ii by the public any lime and
win exhibited on the i av
In . A-
Ti bid be
pal ii Mi day
one third on tho day January
one third on the Aral day
January. . with per com
eat mi the deferred
p i i i pay ti . whole Confederate Soldier In
any lime take hit deed.
ion.-given on the day of In and over
and title Portraits, The
the whole the I- War Book ever
, ,. , , and the only one dost
raid r c justice lo the soldier and the
A. Great Land Sale.
Farm lit Pitt County
ft rt it
and all P-
. . c moderate
u .
r 1.1
ran m v.
t tad i v- with
II , or r. L
A .
mi m cat
an run AGENTS.
the any and l
Ibis r
Execution Sale.
virtue of an in W.
K. led
Superior Court
county, I win on lira
lay of 1897, U o'clock
the l Home in said
execution following
I, or parcel lead
the Carney.
I. a
tract and A H Cooper
I u
I. A In A II
known at Cooper Less
One other adjoining lb
above described on fun I
lie of I. A W Ho-
I ii-11 Sum. Moore heir
Martha A n
i on the containing
A U own u- A l
3rd One other lain a
of it II i, A v r
and A V land
mi c acres
lead and part Ml snarl
i-i n K In division el
Hi Cowan,
other tract adjoining
of I. A
tract John
lbs Cooper the
containing and
lo K
by A
ill tin inn
to W K by F
reference to
which deed l nude.
This day of October HOT.
W. II.
for. Complete In one
wanted everywhere to
-oil on our new
who making from to per
month. Veterans, Sons and
Veterans, and others are
lo tend for a
to i
virtue of power vested In
by two of
made at June 1891, one
of T. Bruce I. A.
and wife E. and the
Other A. T. A Co., against I, A,
sag.- and wife K. Sugg, I will
-ell hi public sale to the bidder
on Monday toe .
that valuable Farm lying on south side
River about two and In I miles
West of known at the
about live hundred and seventy acres
more or
n general of the lands
can be found in the two
n to but a
will given of the to lie sold
on day sale or tan be
in t me my
of salt In sum is
cash but If Hi is n it
pay all II
nuke arrangement to pay part
time on the by
giving his note payable, with simple
Interest, in annual sec ire I
by a mortgage on the laud,
fun is valuable fir the
corn or tobacco and It
well supplied with tobacco barns, pack
Those Wishing to buy a fine farm
near town will do well to examine this
Any desired be had
h v. J. VIn
. J A It V IS.
YEARS has taught tho best U cheap
Hemp Building Pumps, anting implements,
thing necessary Millers, and general house purposes, as we
lints, Ladles Dress I have always on hand. Am h
for Heavy Jobbing agent Clark's N. t S
i keep courteous and
N. C.
All placed n strictly
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
papers for
The Farmer and Mechanic,
paper that years ago, under toe
guidance Capt- It- A- Shotwell
an excellent
been revived at as a
farm home paper.
many in thin section
who look
and Mechanic would like lo
it again and are prepared lo
make the following
For we will send The
Toe North
Carolinian, and Tie
Farmer and Mechanic, all
papers a
papers will yon
homo news, Ibo State and general
and farm news, and
think of three of them a
whole year for
If you want the Atlanta Con-
added to above list
yon can get it for cents more,
or thrice a week New York
Wot Id for cents. Any oilier
or magazine wanted we can
a on in con-
no lion with The Re-
The State Must not be Forgotten
vis writes the following r
lo of Weekly,
a former letter to that paper
in to the strictures upon
When I addressed my former
communication to paper
I only meant to express an
opinion and not to engage in a
controversy. It is still foreign to
mi purpose lo lake any purl a
i. with you or
about what may or may
Dot happen a year hence, so in
H to one more
letter in upon
your review of my former letter
I do so for purpose of em-
and amplifying
position therein taken.
The mistaken point in your
review, as it seems to me. is Unit
you swam that be true, which
iv the
by Democracy of
N Carolina of doctrines
laid plat-
form. The part of it is
that it contains what ii
be taken as an ml mis-ion
that we going to do wind
Butler charges us with a
lo do, lo wit weakening
on the great question set forth
at Chicago- is no purpose
anywhere, which I have any
knowledge, to abate one jot or
tittle of faith in our advocacy
of these measures. On con-
it is from this strong,
as I under
it, that it is proposed to
make fight I lie redemption
of and it is this
high ground that it it
proposed lo invite tho
who have not enlisted under
to j lip
us in protecting asylums
cities and towns and homos
the curses bad
There is no occasion, it seems
to me, to apprehend that tho gold
Democrats of this Slate will
attempt to control the
of party or mark out its
policies or indicate its line of
action. am obliged to give
them credit for some sense- They
mutt know they are too few in
numbers to do either, and I very
much if they have eyer
thought of attempting It. I
that chosen next
year to lead Democratic
Chicago as or I,
and still I assert that it is
I . U Ho dirty
record l.-.-i Legislature and
Of the administration
will noon which the
guilt battle for . redemption
tie will he fought-
There is a week
that we do not Huron new
startling evidence of the
condition of
ii- i. upon Slate
combine, the
inability the
to give tho State n decent
Now n word in to what
you mil campaign of
quote from your editorial
as follows hardly
remind Jarvis tho
wink point in the campaign of
was the failure cf the
to in.- full and clear the
.-. um; for It be
aid I was one of those who
ii to ring out. am no
way for part of
our ii. It i by
of tho to out
But I am going to discuss the
1884 Whether we
agree or Lot as the
c cf
is not material settling our
apparent differences about the
of 1893. There is this,
however, in reference to cam-
pi go MM about which
disagree and that is this i
the Democratic party was the
from start to finish- Ii
i I I presume, that
I have had experience
cm North
this long experience I as-
it was the defensive
c which I was evil
engaged, I can insure you
I have no desire for another light
of kind. I prefer to lead or
fight in the ranks of attacking
column. It mote to my liking,
I v tn see Democratic
assume the aggressive in
and attack and expose to public
gaze the record of the
administration till it
is a., u to a
stench in the nostrils of every
decent mun the
the way, will dare make the
suggestion that our Democratic
papers ought to be at that
now Instead of wrangling with
each oilier nil questions which
can never be equitably adj
and settled the
a debauched
and the curse
Nothing c please Bus-
sell and better. Will we
think not.
Pardon mo for one
more extract from you-
You ray I cannot that
it is any worse to be friendly with
invite the aid of
lion u national
Our is conducted on sound
principles, honorably presented
The the I
sort of clouded out if
one ling quoted Ii n
stuck good for Presidency
. j of the United States- I had Me
theory f the game all right
n- iii effort o
in u to .-it f
we nave m a
the best and prominent
d deal wealth sod
of desire to have
go with us in the ii
and for tho
redemption of the S thou I
think you will the party
that position I but if ii
is u reciprocity
to negotiated with Butler
for support of his
then I who
that job will be able
to count his bis
lingers. There is a well defined
among silver that
while Duller riling
speaking silver his
ml.-, with his
approval, were from
to county I; u
to with
gold K for
Populists, which
resulted lie of
gold Republicans to
State and offices.
ii of place to say
it in this lion that in is
in Mr- life
which hat greatly
in this and to
which has loyal
and that is capacity and fondness
for and trafficking
office for office. But take this
of his political life and tho
cl it is like tho shifting
of ever
Unless I am greatly
mistaken, Democrat
who expects lo win favor for
hie self and success for his
party through an agreement with
Senator Butler will find his hopes
Indulge my good
one or two more suggestions and
I will not further upon
space, or the patience of
your renders.
I reckon I have as nor-
knowledge of the plans
interests of the people till the
m. Senator Duller as any
crowd who
are now dragging the most
sacred of the State are
from power-
You may nave noticed as
closely as have, you
may not have had
ties, but still it is that
impress itself upon you and
every observant
that there is under
rule in. this state, and
always has been, a terrible lower.
tho of public
and public aspirations.
Why this is so need not now
discuss, I simply state fact
with me it outweighs a
of minor which
some of you brethren of tho press
are so and
about which our are
agreed- It has been the
of I party to lead
the people of dear old State
of the mire and filth
Republican misrule to a higher
and better life. I have given
some cf Ibo best years of my life
to this work, and I trust that I
may be spared u. am see it
fulfilling this mission.
Do more absurd than
that who bear tho
of party next year, as it goes
forth upon its great mission,
should go about tho dis-
cussing the
to meet your require
, . . ; be ail all
gOOdS ID reason, I professed most
We invite you to one of tin
up-to-date and
ever o He red the
Come to the Show
lest displays inherent in
hi- yachting,
business, mate
social tool ball,
to sec this Show Shows come and see
fine assortment of
the entertainment IS replete With I everything else that any
Quality and Small Price. II the
ho truth is that I km w
something less nothing
about some of these subjects
couldn't clearly define the differ-
a homo run and a
or tell whether
was a term used music Imp-
to be the
v sewing
By looking wise saying little
I managed to gain as a
good fellow and the if
everything worth
I at high ti of
popularity u
and Shoes. arranged be-
. . . I two of schools, and,
Hats and Hardware, l in Ware, add to the of me
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware, Ha r- i was umpire.
ml t of pleading or
GunS, Shells, and engagement, wit
Stock Of enough to I wore a
musk, i like a
and about
one so lint
mad at my
mixing of courts,
price given wide, time
Dome and see how much allowances end I was
fired Et the end of
cannot be seen elsewhere. mailer who
you are, where you live, how much or how
little have got. There U no Store
Ladies and Gouts Notions and
Ladies, Gents
ire, Wooden ware,
k j -i I -J purr,
n -1. s-, r-
all kinds at the lowest
in this community.
your dollars will d you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
when right of then,
forces will be as true, as every side of them, staring
as loyal in their devotion to hem full in face, stand
man tho State, for neither
have spoken to me, that I can
now recall, in over a . and I
the no two
in State would give
more or go to
issue for that would
and rub of i-ht race
and dark record
have made in legislation
and than
would- Their but
fruitless effort lo or make
such an issue must been
amusing to observant, thoughtful
men- they seem for
a little time to have some slight
success, but as iniquity of
their administration of public
nil becomes better known, pa-
and people begin to cry out
for better government
better m -n- In their
sight the man who for
white supremacy and good gov-
is unworthy of the
ti attention of the
people, because know full
well they can furnish neither, but
let some Democrat suggest
in or letter that battle
ought to fought on other lines
and are ready at once to
bis publisher, patron
I may not anything of tho
sentiment the people. It may
be I am writing about some-
thing of which I
but still venture the opinion that
ell Duller will not be
allowed to c-cape the black rec-
is now crowding
them, but that will be
in to face it the presence of
an people
who will condemn it at the ballot
i. s. m.
first inning, and tho
boys make kick you
no place
Free Press.
A Rules.
A New Decision.
Judge of
is said to nu excel-
lent j a bus jail a
decision that will attract general
attention- It was case of
will which the testator
to prevent litigation by
declaring that any
should should
disinherited. Such wills have
frequently been probated all
parts of country. One of the
target I states ever left by n de-
this city was
e such a Will. no not
that any contest of such a
will has ever been mode, and the
happy device of threatening dis-
inheritance has seemed to a
everybody outside
legal In the
ease decided by Judge
will in dispute charged
with note to
estate which he had been
paid during the lifetime of
testator; but. the terms of
tho will, was from
Thus situated, he laid
the matter the court,
rendered a
In tin- ft that a will
is not
If ibis I'm ion U sound it
oilier States
Pennsylvania, for it is based
st law, but general
principles. And why should it
net Ought it to
for a to insure tho
probation of a
made in interest of one
of unjustly
grandmother I Philadelphia Bulletin
to her descendants I inquires, threats may be in-
r c t
these admirable of conduct
Always at e
person to whom you
you are look
straight at the person who speaks
to Do not this.
Speak your words
plain v do not mutter nor
II words are worth saving,
they are worth pronouncing dis-
A say disagree-
able things. If yon have nothing
plea-ant to silent.
A fourth Think three times
you speak once
assurance can there that
influences may not
dictated is,
of the parties
Washington Post.
Swapped Couples In Oklahoma,
A sensational with a fun-
side is reported from
A couple arrived the principal
hotel registered themselves
something lo do that as wife, fact, they
you find herd and would having run
do Then listen to wise away fr-m a wile and other a
grandmother. bard In course of
tilings gel , ,, ,. , ,
II you have done wrong, eek tho Injured husband
go and confess I your lesson I injured Wild arrived from ken-
is tough, master it- If th garden lucky I arrest
is be weeded. Wei d and Ia Ml and
woman had never each other
bat while waiting for
Spokes, Hubs, Building Taints
Oils and Stoves.
Fair Dealings and Honest Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
afterward. first tin
thing you don't to do. and
then, with a clear conscience, try
tho rest.
Counterfeiters at Work
It 1- evident unit are
work in or mar . An
their are being siren
laid quite Saturday a
cent pitted
t turned th.
name lbs man who save it
over in a early who will try lo work
Up a A small
sent are put
don't y are going to In
u piper, from Kentucky
stopped at hotel
Saving grief, they be-
came interested in each Other,
tho day the requisition
papers were lo arrive, they as-
the officers by eloping
on their own going to
Texas, whore limy are now sup-
to be. Tho first pair of
r based from jail.
tho Kentucky officer
pa or that he t a rattle
snake would bite him if he ever
raveled Hem- net miles again
n couple cf men
City Journal.

Eastern reflector, 12 November 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 12, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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