Eastern reflector, 5 November 1897

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l L
. Silk i.
. HI. r la
Arc Work Ike
Trull ad
Alaska. Oct. . via F ,.,;.
Oct. l to bar
a railroad In Spring.
no longer any doubt that Cast.
rifle In
. BU
of N
era I
th . and at, a I It baa
iii alt A
i . , . I
; ; r
a lire work , i. read find tow
be coco. The- a-
It by a greet
and H
It is
dollar can raise Into
v I J from
l B
much Bed the
r l are ton
i U anon, vale
; Is
an and
S .
i; tar as la River
yon b, I at
at Ball above
. ;
I. mad a I
K . I
l .
u w, II
Alaska is i at
territory In the world- -en, van
t . in and lb C
la ; r
am away
. I
mi .
t a
, . far at of
any i .- of
earth. baa a million dollar.
and I I
. -i .
, fact i I
. . . . i . . . in
., in l two
c the Call-
I bi
tn ere .--
and K Ar
the i think.
i i s
n Jun an,
I Is i I ;
the I It U i
, . lorn
la Al . n
I In
River eon In fa i i at
to i In Al
; . . i In
real It Is in that they
f I .
.-. n
The area rush I I
II Spring
. i ill- Copper Cook
and Pi i William Sound, The
Dora, fitly this
I over ninety
for the Copper Every-
slope, this
I , Ban l . as are
j to com arty B off.
Hundreds would-be Ilk I from
East, who come to cross
territory. The
ill made back
rm tut.
.;. pine
red a rich ,.
t a placer mine on the I I
From Horn.
What if you have lost ring
you haTe sated
b a cloak i
j. i All tie photographs are
i n
a It is s
r v. it
QoM here should pro-
of legal
and drafts don't go
lure, there Is as yet bank In the
an i and
snow a
The Governor and are
hundreds of letters
Alaska and Us re-
M the difficulty ex-
; the officials In
i the Alaska
r Commerce i i i I
bureaus hi rs an I
literature really
of this territory i ii-
sued far. and the necessity
-i. . i n dally.
Alaska hold the Inter-
est world at tars during the
next d n I, a great deal
. ad -i -t in the
n up some
. t . Bad
. .;. much to burn that
they'll i t lick of the smell the
A d liar coat covers a
A heart love U like a
ii least,
It if in lam
the ii
Particular to crime
of bu buys
last wot k lie one
V . ti i- tot i It-r is our
a wire a their
to this subject-
i,, proportions
c but
thing male lot He a
and will have j y. , ,.,,,,
II- i ball nu the of bis
is lining nothing to nuke rs happy., voice knew,
Any fool make money, bill I
in la know haw lo spend it
Cure Al
Liver ills.
better than cure. Liver
Fills will not only cure, but if
taken in time will prevent
Sick Headache,
biliousness, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, torpid
liver and kindred diseases.
tint in It Mo
ion t a Para That Ab-
DUBLIN, Oct. It.-An extraordinary
was J early on Tuesday
at County
PI In the
, I a woman named Wilson.
p lamp exploded,
setting t place on lire.
there was a wild
, from of the more
I j return d, however, a mo-
utter, and, amid .
,;,. M-- and an invalid
i Johnson were i l an
lira e.
.;. extinguished the
I i . of the brigade.
Pi who bu Just I
lawn for the Copper In
the i n I Alaska, is
its art already at i on th lint
the Alaskan trunk re I way,
and that will be broken ere
any tn km, He will on be
i r
i a i r r
follow mighty to its
r then a without
of cars City,
will ii half m to i a
railroad to the
w It was to run ft .
Cap pi I that th
per and Klondike I
lash train end to the other of this
vast territory long before
the trails can again be
that the much-need I
way will prevent ft the
mad rush over tin frightful crags f
to say no-
thing of tho safety and
travel by rail to all the i-i-r
U -i will
i . o h ch than an; h r
river steamers the C r,
White l r. per i, m
rivers, which last will -th if
will dream -f th
dreary and dangerous tramp over the
Th.- ad will m n I
the transportation of
will favor In
t for the carrying i
commodities, on account of the
if ii will
Journey to the geld re-
as easy and almost as rapid s
trip to the Maine p
A for usefulness
line, says the captain, u l- the one
thing needful t. the quick I i a I
if the territory to enlighten-
of the world In r i to
tin and variety of
When men
nations, he prophesies, really arrive at
an the
of sud n wealth that have
in Red In in the broad bosom
of ibis land of gold, they will flock to
Mils country i
he says, will have t be prompt
If they wish enjoy the Brat
gather their own rich a
to Ike
The captain, who is n v ran Ala
gun. having been a pioneer in the
country and far to tin of
Bound pa
. .
. .
at H
I i .
m had
with the Cop i.
, I Vol
A . Hi
to Join
change r a port-
Copper a he i a R
t are i r
r a-
, i;.
the re . n of heir ultra
i I
north and i of
H and on i n Am
Inlet, r
at m
Sound i I . .
Bay. rt Th
if I tor I at
Very few. nut I
Is n. i Al ,
. Tl .
and Th
.- j
mile. No I
Tl i
taken A
All r the
a ii I I I the
of I
ii la much milder than
it of the Kl ; .
it in-
i r and i
the .- f until May.
Rain In and
her la g-
m I In I
I i re i along
as n mi ii ; I'd like lo n e. There
r m. . i I and there i
an abundance pine,
mill i i i at
the river pen
The C. pi r i
II into many .
wide, bar,
and an
Borne of
of Cl . Pass, weak, it-
wk n tie the hardship in
re for them, and as t a i . to
westward northward
. made ape-
PI . I in I r .
I. t. Crimean veter-
an, s r, v II I Bat-
I ,, . ; . . . If t, d at
on Sunday. He Joined the
,, tit In i . tame c ant
m i , and m Bel p i and Inker,
hi lo Captain, now
Tl la r and hi subaltern were
wound. and a commanded Hie
, . pan; end the action.
if ammunition falling, the Fusiliers
emptied the wounded
a, and the enemy with
their n
Von. there tool sold
the Klondike laid, a i
over the
Tho that then
ton gold in lite Klondike
Ida Ike hopes of
unemployed and and
lo any
to wot the tickle
are of gold
K Hut it should
ho forgotten there
to-s o
Idaho, hi d in other Stales and
lies cf tie Union, and
in cot that
time cf
CD tho Pacific
today, very of gold that has
cost mere than
its vain not only It COB
mote i
lint the jurors did not
and thus this false to-ti-
often The
courts cannot, of course, always
themselves per-
but they
Than ft. thus others. To make
have a salutary effect, and
Judge Greene's course in
and his In particular
i in Jill for it
fails too often, even when the
truth is brought out in the court produce.
house- If tho evil
false is lo CO
whole of
laws is a for it is upon
the hypothesis that tho truth i-
the court that
ho whole fabric
loW. It.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
the an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am
I, its value, but there are of its rower tint I consider it my duly to
, .,., those of your read.-rs
Is of
unknown and graves of
I heir lives to
tho OS
V , ,
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond. J. I. Heir
Skinner. II. W.
Ha C.
N. V
In all the
, no,
all the
a specialty.
N. K.
all Hie
H. I.
H. u,.
Cobb store.
of Alaska
. -t
i h plain
i l. in.
Hold la In and copper
taken out the over th
xv- next few
year. Tin-
Ii. in transportation, buying
and ownership t
town and
t- V ion. Town come
to the
ti rout to Copper r country
fr i. i r w port . . and
Atlantic They also,
deep water Inland to the
River and north t. the River,
In this way y would cover a
attention to
., of
Loan on abort
John II.-mull, n. II.
Wellington, Greenville. N. C,
at Law
In all the Court,.
We have received a new
and the nicest line of
fins and Caskets, metal-
and cloth ever brought lo
We i t embalm
Personal attention given to eon-
ducting funerals and bodies en-
treated to care will receive
every mark of respect.
Our prices are ever.
do not want monopoly but
We tan be found any all
times in John
Co's building.
bey dreamed cf.
It mi I he a wise law of
nature that -he of
in tiny since tie
baa coat
more its value. Of
there at a few who win fortune ;
there an who fairly
; hut the untold
of capital invested
which are
entirely added lo the
actual cost cf the production cf
where profit
fortune has been attained, make
cost producing
the profit.
With this Hi
most what
must be the history of many
who crowd the
dike region They are braving
the most climate of
the the Western world, where
frost pen. tho earth to bed
rock at ill of year,
and where tho of life
be except by
miles cf water
route, or the distance
Dy a yet more laud
Taking all the gold which
have tempted people of
section of world the
last there is no one that
promises so little threatens
so much as Klondike region-
Not in a can win
fortune ; some have to
for a period return
to their but a Inigo ma-
of the people who go to
Klondike sold fields this season
will never unless their
bodies brought back for
Yes, tot re are tons of gold in
Alaska, and there one
in a thousand or may win for
tune; out the great mass of those
who are tempted by the stories of
tons of gold be found the
Klondike fields will bu fortunate
if v ever get to then
with utterly shutter-
ed Let be tempted
by headlines in the
telling of tons of gold
in Alaska. There is gold here,
as it is in many other States of
the , but all the gold fields
of the world, the most uninviting
for adventurer is the
have Bronchial or
if will write me their
express and address. Sincerely,
T. A.
N. C
Wire and Iron
-class work
prices reasonable.
obtained and all Pat-
C- U, V.
, . . ,
Boo. V it or n. t. it.-
coal in U. S,
Soldier In the
just contain tOO
and over large
Portraits, Maps, etc. The
greatest and War Book over
published, and only one that docs
justice to soldier and the
ca life lie for. Complete Ir. one
volume. Agents wanted everywhere, to
II on our new and easy
Many of lady and gentlemen
who are making from lo twiner
month. Veteran, Sons and Daughters
of and other are
to end for a
circular and
term, lo agent. Address, Courier
Job Co., Louisville
A Great Sale.
One of the Farm, In Pitt County
to be -ii a Sale
By of power vested In me
by two decrees of Pitt Court
made at June term 1891, one In the
c MS of John T. Bruce I. A.
Sugg and wife K. and the
ether A. T. ft Co., against I. A.
SUB and wife E. Sugg, I will
el I at to the highest bidder
oil Monday the 6th day of Dec. 1887
that Farm lying on south aide
of Tar about two and a half miles
West of Greenville known
lands and
about rive hundred and seventy acres
more or It as.
A general of
can he found in the two decrees
referred to but a specific inscription
will be given of the land, to he sold
on the day of sale or be
tale by t me at my
The trims in said decrees Is
cash but if not
ed to pay all cash and gel
time he can, II ho make
lo pay part cash on
the balance by giving note pay-
able, with simple Interest, in annual
secured by a mortgage on
the land
farm Is valuable for the
of cotton, corn or tobacco and Is
well supplied with tobacco pack
houses, Ac.
Those wishing to buy a line farm
near town will do well to examine
Any desired can be had
by to the undersigned.
N. Oct 18th 1817.
T. J.
has taught me la cheap
Hemp Be rump, Farming Implement, and a
for and general house a we
Shoes. in I I have always on band. Am h
for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing agent for N. T
and attentive
All of Risks placed in strictly
nil,, -r-
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
; Tuesday
papers for SI
Farmer and
paper Hint year ago, under
of Cunt- R- A-
made excellent r
State, bait
been revived Raleigh an.
farm and home paper.
Doubtless in this
who Hie r
and would like to have
it again and we are to
make following
For we will send
Carolinian, of and
Farmer and nil
papers a vein. Then
papers will give you
borne general
news and the farm news,
think of three of a
whole year for f
If you want the Atlanta Con-
added the above
you can get it for cents more.
or thrice a week New York
World for Any other
paper or magazine minted we can
give yon a discount, on in con-
with Tub Re-
One of
women of Newkirk, Pa. is Mrs.
who in Ireland
years ago, and has the
to prove it, gets around
like a lassie of does all her
work, gets her fuel
from coal bank, picking the
coal and th e buckets
A writer in de-
that is a
much so as dry
goods, shoes or there
is a difference. When a man
buys dry shoes or flour he
usually commodities
in limited When he
watts publicity be wants a
article, end be wants it by
wholesale. Half success of
business nowadays is in knowing
bow these wants be most
The has about
the gold let el.
getting tho
chase law repeal cotton went
down. It occasionally gone
up u . it flood about
the i; notch ever since, when
far nils were selling the bulk of
their crop-
G a pound seems
gold price. It
is Farm-
In k lot
ad the prices of their
when ordinarily full
been made, until silver
veil as gold is and used
as of final redemption.
Arc Better Off
Twelve from almost
stump heir
Populist declaring that
if Democrats defeated
list ticket elected we would haw-
good times, that every
would have and want
would Nearly
months have Bin
the en was elected and
b in State and
nation c of power. Where
are those good times is
gr at Look at
your tax receipts and sue if that
reduction of taxation which was
promised us has made-
Look , our cotton
see if farm products have in-
creased in value. Look at your
bills for clothing and see if a
tariff for protection protects your
pocketbook- the discontent,
usurpation of party office
holders, the of
in our State
answer for yourself the
we better
Don't Kick or
on Stump.
A Notorious Adventuress
is some years Victoria
die New
York in die mil
a Catholic ; and other
g ill. period
power ii Paris. It anybody
east lie
r t Ii Ilia
insight that
the ml a quartet a Us re
be I in an r
willow a r,
bearing name Mrs.
lo win in
Sal a ale
Senator Hanna made a
in Ohio Saturday, at the opening
of tho Republican campaign, and
if the newspaper reports of it
are correct, it was a strange
jumble of words nod ideas. He
declared, among other
that party
responsible through that measure
back this
lieu be said bu had
made up bin mind that
Lord is a and that
it is perhaps on this account
Creator baa caused short crops of
wheat foreign
There you have the average
R idea of lbs cause
better limes and higher
Tin. whole
freely is that the
looked OS the Republican
p. ii aid it . that He
then inspire the law;
t sure of
tn i result, oil tbs crops of
wheat those, winch
the United in the
Mr. Hunt a is ho
far we
who has bail the to
that Republic legislation ban
about the return of more
times, oven he is
inclined to ii a of
escape by the that the
Lo d is a Republican.
at this
judge the intelligence j Eggs May be Kept Fresh Three
Moses and Pharaoh's Daughter
A New once. ail.-
. ii-
youth, -his by
dangers to
s was in h'S lilt r
boat on banks the Nile , Inf .
was by Ids where
was by
the the
the of the
and claw tin-
is a that
An Illinois jury n met a
of other day
in favor of a widow who
sued for breach of promise to
and a special
dent says large amount
named creates general surprise,
as lb t personal damage
verdict in the past in Ibis county
was for injuries resulting
in The inference plainly
is that trifling with a pretty
widow's is a
about eleven worse than
Stokes county farmers are
digging cellars in connection
with their they can
order their tobacco at any time
waiting for a says
the Reporter. They
will profit in ways by this
snail expenditure of capital and
energy. Tho can be mar-
to advantage, breaks
will be more regular and
buyer will be able to handle
leaf without inconvenience, as
often happens when natural
seasons do not at
long intervals. Beside, the
fluctuations in prices will not be
can be moved
If your neighbor prosperous
let him prosper. Don't grunt,
growl or grumble, buy good
word for and let it go it
Don't be a Your turn
will come- No one man is
whole show. If you see the
town is moving along, feel good
about it. Help things along.
Shove a little. Push- Try and
get some of benefit
Don't stand like a chilly
old cadaver. Don't waste your
time fueling sore because
other low has a little more
sand and than you have.
Do a little yourself.
Don't be a If you a
good word, lay it a
If you are full of bile and dis-
posed to say something
keep mouth shut- be
a knocker. No man made u cent
knocking. No ever
rich or happy minding
business but his own.
No man ever helped himself up
permanently by knocking bis
neighbors down. Give up a kind
word- it liberally. It won't
cost you a you may
want one some day. You
may thousands today,
next day without the price of a
shave. So be a
You can't it. It won't pay.
There's nothing in it- If you
want to throw at
throw Or
roses. Don't throw brickbats.
Or mud. Don't be a knocker.
If you must kick, go around
barn and take a good kick at
yourself- For if you that
way, you're the man that needs
kicking- But whatever you do,
don't be a
Times Star.
Republican voters in Ohio.
That State has to the pub-
some very queer
specimens. It produced
such monstrosities as John Sher-
man and who have
somehow to win the
support of the and bob-
tail- Of course, we do not
for moment that the
Republican voters of Obi MB so
recklessly as some if
their acts would suggest i bat we
do believe that they need to be
educated in the principle of
I honesty.
We don't know where the
school lowlier is to come from
at time. The Republicans
have had opportunities in
direction, have neglected
them- They have bad the exam-
of a i John Allen
and Allen Thurman ; but perhaps
the honesty and virtue of these
men are less attractive to
average Republican than
slick and fluent bossism of Hanna,
and the fraud and
that itself
We imagine a more de-
pressing spectacle than that
by such tn a as Hanna
and Foster re a
crowd of proclaim-
their own political honesty-
Atlanta Constitution.
It is impossible r some cf
the lo perfectly fresh
dining winter s Mrs
S. T. in th November
Home Journal. guard against
ibis, ii. summer time, when they are
. pack water,
will ken in good fer
three Pour
boiling water ever a pound of lime ;
when settled and p it
over the eggs which you have
small a jar, and
in a cool place. may
also be packed in sail ; anything
will close the pores the shell and
prevent evaporation will preserve
Eleven Inches of Hand.
In- So young married
Miss Do you think ho
good last. I
he had on morning lifter
The best salve In th world for Cut
Fever Chapped
Chilblains, Corns, and all
Pile, or on
It la to give
perfect or money refunded
price per box. For sale
Editor tho Worthing
ton, Ind. San writes, have u val
liable prescription Electric Bitter
and I can cheerfully recommend it
and sick headache, and as
a general system tonic It has no
KM Cottage
was all run down
could not eat nor digest food, had a
headache which never tell her and
tired and weary, but of
restored her health and
renewed her strength. Prices eta
and per bottle at J. L. Woolen .
drug store.
by applications, as they
reach tin- diseased portion of the car.
There la only one way to
and that la by constitutional
Deaf caused by Inflamed con-
of the mucous of
When this tube gets In-
flamed you have a rumbling or
hearing, and when la en-
closed deaf the result, and
and unless call be
taken out and this tube lo its
normal condition, hearing will hi de-
forever; e out often
are caused by which la nothing
but all Inflamed the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness
that cannot cured by Hall's
i i ill Cure. for circular,.
F. J. CO. Toledo, O,
Hold I Druggist,
Hall- Family Fills are the beat,
Jim a aged about
n siding in Lexington, but
who was born North. Middletown,
County, has most
in world, probably, and
he he way. His
is inches long from ill
joint wrist to the end of the
in finger, and the thumb and
arc about tour inches in
His thumb nail is as big as
hull dollar. The two lingers
site, the thumb index
lintel I. hand arc about double
A woman in whose
sweetheart dropped dead just before
wedding day, m died
the shock, whose died on
the way funeral and who
brother commuted suicide in
all these things, to the
conclusion she was hoodooed and
tried to drown Mic was res-
cued and brought n magistrate
who reproved her acting
such slight provocation.
A 1.-0 .
and W.-re Mixed.
The was
ill taking the lid oil little
putting it on.
it off. while h- muttered n low
chant, and was apparently utterly
in this
of all other I wont
to tho patient and Inquired what
tho bad done for
and wan informed that In- had done
and was still doing Utmost to
End out who had stolen OM the
patient's souls. I Dr.
treatment was
but mow we would try something
more, so as to prevent the patient
dying before, tins obscure point in
diagnosis made out. I had a
good look at and found him
in u of lever. He was
ill the usual African way on his
and was picking at the
his hands, while he COO
versed with Ids father, who. I was
informed, bud Iron killed many
years ago. Then I went mid gut out
my look. Now, medical
hooks arc lino things in their way
afford interesting reading for
tho young, but they
ate and exacting on the African
traveler, for they don't make any
allowances for sin rounding
Now, this one of mine
it clear that the man bad got
sort of in his bruin,
and ordered, among other things
to blister him on the back of hi,
head and neck.
Well, I took tho mustard leave
went off u to obey
these orders, found that lie-
tween mo the back of the pa-
bead there was a mass of
wool some Inches deep. It struck
mo placing the blister on this
wool could serve no other end than
exciting its inhabitants, and there-
fore decided to remove it and
forthwith set out about clearing a
patch off with a pair of
watched with keen interest by us
many people as could into
the little lint, which was some
feet long, it wide and I feet It inches
this lively
operation the patient, went off into
a brisk convulsion that frightened
mo out of my wits. Bo I dropped the
scissors reared, driving my
up through the roof, and tear-
that structure from
I it n collar or neck
while the patient broke the rest of
that simple home completely up,
mixed himself, and the scissors,
and the mustard leaves, unit tho
lantern so well with the debris that
it took some time to sort him out. I
regret to say. that tho pa
neglected for the next ten
minutes the assembled spec-
tutors roared so with laughter that
they were incapable of
was busy clearing off my super-
structure and trying an
Royal th. food part,
Homo idea of the sine of
may be formed when it is known
that it an area of
square miles. This is WOT than
twice the area of Twelve
the of Pennsylvania could
curved out of tho territory of
with enough left over to
like South Carolina.
BUM shoes arc
Silver cranks the
Talk may be i heap in some
hut not when it is by a lawyer,
I understand why
1st his strength.
M death.
Haas, and OM May
Many and have
desolate because the
odd corner and bits of ground
left grow up in
weeds in summer and
dreary and looking the
r. It N the that
Whatever plot of land are
able cultivation because of
or because inconveniently
are left this wild
and mar the effect of an other
well kept or beautiful
In a
issued by tho
. . W, T.
f. . . l inn-try, makes many
suggestions as to bow these
may b attractive and
matter how small plot of ground
or how situated, there is no
why it should be an It is
this utilization of every nook, Corner
cranny and the making of two
of grass to grow whore a
weed grew before that has mode
rural England so beautiful to the eye
and so pleasing to the
sense. The agricultural and pastoral
landscape England, where the
little farms to the very
have been described as
There seems to
reason why the rural districts of
New Jersey, New York of other
state could not be made equally at-
tractive and
Mr. has utilized all of
these waste place the offices
and buildings of depart-
at Central Experimental farm.
In his report he thus writes tho
improvement of these odd
land adjacent to the office
and r building, which has been
devoted to cultivation of
mental I and shrub, looked bet-
this year than over As
the Increase in from year
to year the landscape become more
beautiful, The effects also of the
grouping are more apparent and
show jilt using combinations and con-
of color and form. A number
of the specie ate also beginning to
bear freely their white, yellow, red,
scarlet, purple and black fruits,
which still further heightens
The flower borders and boils
were a man of bloom from early
the summer to late the autumn,
gladioli and
particularly fine. More hedges have
boon planted and some small
areas seeded down. The trees
shrubs planted during the last
two seasons now add very much to
the of this section of
The foreman also calls
to u large number of trees
shrubs suitable for hedge and
mental purposes, Ho now has hedges
of W different species, Among
ornamental trees Mr. men-
several beautiful varieties from
Japan and China, such as the
the tree, the Japanese
quince and the exquisitely beautiful
maidenhair tree, or
The director, writing of the result
of this utilizing of all small plots,
number of specimen
which have been planted along tho
roads from the entrance gates to and
about tho building is and tho
specie and varieties
among these is about With so
many different typo of beauty
spread out on every hand tho visitor
finds objects of interest to claim his
attention every
many places the farm fruit
trees could be used so that they
would he at object of beauty
and profit, Even in the smallest
plots mill comers the weeds and
stones could be replaced by flower,
to tho delight and mental
improvement of those who pass
their lives on tho farm. New
. .
Here a diamond there a piece
charcoal, carbon y
them mightiest
Nature. The food on your and
your own body ; tho same,
yet between the two tho
ion, growth or declines
or death
We cannot make a diamond, can-
not make blood and bone. No
Hut by menus of the Shaker Digestive
Cordial can enable the stomach to I
digest fowl which would otherwise for-1
and poison system. In ill
in- of dyspepsia Incipient con
with loss of
Is the best for Chi
drain Doctor recommend it place
Castor Oil.
Marriages and Other
ii i- filing here at
Dr. W. C. went lo
W. an the
ill.- on Friday last.
Brook is on the list this
week. We hop to see out soon,
Our physicians have been quite
past weak, mostly malarial
Who sot choir Wed-
It was D . bat not
L. J. ii mail Went to Washington
Monday and while there sold ah
pounds tobacco satisfactory
Duffy and Miss
w ire I on -I i lad i
Who understand three are
billed same day no tar distant.
We in shown by J. a
day ago a of Setter
tapped scales at just 8-ii
ounces, also a small it
a second ho can beat it
near having a serious con-
The ginning plant
J. P. lire, by
spark engine, hut by
i is of our th tire was
before much damage
That was ii very enjoyable evening,
at It
was the occasion a sociable given by
the young people of the place; quite a
number of their friends having been
invited to partake of the pleasure the
evening. At eight o'clock supper was
served, indeed a
and showed the taste
the Misses Brooks, assisted by the
young ladies of the place. Alter
supper some splendid music was
by Joe Johnson
and II. I. Blow, of Clifton, with
and accompanied by the
young ladies with piano- very
pleasant hide a were also
in went merry as a
hell Until night began lo
merge Into lb Wee hour, the
morn, alien the bade farewell to
their and took their departure.
go lo the says
wear, and men go to
don't wear.
he on
trouble was a parent.
Historic i .
Tho stump of tho tree to which
Israel was tied in tho
and Indian war is still
Standing in the village of
Crown Point, a town in upper
part of this state. It in tho
course of a skirmish Wood
creek, the tune of French in-
m August. 17-iS, that he was
captured by the Indians and tied to
this tree. the flames who
searing bis flesh he was saved by
Captain a From h officer,
Who from ill- through the crowd
and weak and no Cuffed and
of have u peculiar id of I the Indians and
and will be glad to learn victim. Putnam taken to
hat a for I v, r i- , , i- i.
manufactured and told and pies, freed ox-
which does nut injure Inn change. A great many Strangers
actually it. i who go to tho town hear tho
TOO, Tasteless j pieces of stump us
teed. relics. Tho is foot in
T he stale beard
Mr. brought in
mens a second Stop berries,
which arc his place near
the They us largo,
and nice as any s of
growth, the supply is not very
Notice to Creditors.
of county a
lo all to to
Mid persons
the i state are
MOM for within twelve
I- i from i ill or thin notice
hi o
i day of October.
of K

Greenville, N. C.
Bl Hip port at
as second class mail
of Greater New York,
died Friday
The strain of campaign was
more lie could stand. He
attended mass
tho previous night and was
Mm sick after to his
room. His sou, Henry George,
Jr. succeeded him as a candidate
for Mayor tho election on
Articles of have
anew paper
The promoters are
to number many of
, men in the
Crook O. Andrew, editor of the
Victor, is one of the pro
of now paper- U
already be prophesied that the
as is not
The craves of many there-
The Boston Po-t chronicles a
have contracted hydrophobia by
b dog.
sympathy will
boa people
who held a
funeral his house
any corpse in the did no
present any more unusual a spec
than the gold standard
newspapers that have been for
years preaching the funeral cf
silver when silver has been
Cage now owns up
to the gold bond scheme,
to took the
trouble to deny when it was pub-
stated a abort time ago
U would form the of
administration's attempt to
Congress at the coming
Mr statement Cab-
has been made public, prob-
ably with the hope that u will
meet favor with w to a
extent to Sen-
naturally opposed
to such a for
I ii Mr. Gage
calls character,
Ibis country
war of times without
it necessary to a
single gold bond, yet, now, in a
peace ad of
and increasing pro-m
administration will ask Con-
. M to the issue of a
sufficient quantity of gold bonds
to refund tho entire in
of the country and
add a or two million to
gold land- Boom
tho advanced in
of the change little
ludicrous. For instance, when
Mr. Gage says that making our
entire bonded indebtedness pay-
able in gold
and the public credit
and i us in a position to com-
tho markets of the
for our on the
buy knows that already
position ; that
ties of no on earth are in
greater demand all over the world
than those of the United States.
Sir. Gage the Cleveland
and Treasury Notes
be retired, as a sub-
tho probable of
National Hank that would
follow tho of bin
to allow National
Banks to be established u
capital of in of
and lo
allow all banks to issue
notes to the par value of the
they have deposited
tho government to secure
Taken a all, the
financial of the
bear a
close to those of
the regime,
and the following words written
lo Mr- after telling about
how prosperous the is
now on account of bountiful
crops, etc , indicate that tho ad-
might e u follow
Mr. example in giving
B financial object
n lo in., n II upon
good conditions cannot be
Commerce and
sensitive to all
events, and with anxiety
against danger
for full rehabilitation
from past and
a renewed confidence that
the governments are to
be firmly placed on stronger
enduring than
in other
of the
by law, instead
the will of an administration,
at present, is demanded. The
between demanding
and getting from Congress will
won be apparent from the
How the tariff law
trade with
trade which
tons, is shown the following
remarks of Mr. E. L.
in Washington, who has
Ibsen in Mexico for fifteen years,
as manager of a Philadelphia
silver mining company
I not
I exactly right policy its
to Mi by
of contiguity to have almost
a cf the trade of the
republic, body
knows that instead of buying
bulk of its from the
United Slates that Mexico pie
fen to gel or Franco and
reason for this is
that we have put a high on
I Mexican products, and so the
I government it
to get back at as by levying a
duty on American wares.
The of Trance and other
foreign countries are not so
heavily taxed, therefore
crowd products out cf the
market As long as e levy
high tribute against them, cs
may expect t their trade
almost by
Attorney General
baa been publicly giving himself
i r lit work in helping lb
syndicate make sure
road a pries admitted to be
many millions below actual
value of tin property, ho is said
to that it may seep him
f that at on the bench
of S. Supremo to
be will nominated in a few
eeks, He knows are
I of Senator
thoroughly posted this
F. bu
id lest should .- i ;
either hold up or defeat bis
to Justice Field,
as a punishment for bis
the deal.
Tent Meeting
Rev. T. K
day, 7th, and about tea
a Motto the
A Ink of tag
a Mew York factory
hi- study i lore an
l. r. I be
la all who as ii ii
An rule for ail
any object in an
i i . m r iii- way lo fl-
en . I the
Id i pool l.
. -i Mercer, Mo or
i i U
Jan. i . vi
I X . Chicago
ml physician
e U I V
Mil . Mil
A I . . ;., an
girls the
N a Hi i cs t.
i B. U
; . Will I.
u.- u
the sate.
Vs., was anS killed by
a .-. I.- Fee-
Ion r.
i C n who wan r-
probably .
i at
of the Season
I lead
ii and Hie Warehouse
lakes its stand in el tin
.-ion the and -ah-
Mr. J. ii. Galloway in n
I. i it,
W, ll
SI ; of
Ii have you
such a an rags all
I I m i- they
-mi mi
a- t. u s set
I i It.
Over Graves.
Laud f. to be
i a article around
Mr- John A. . d
up a colored grave
grown a the
tomb stones once stood.
tombstone now
the field. He has plowed ell
around. Other tombstones see
lying about in tho Held. The cot-
ton field was used as the burying
ground of old colored slaves
dining times.
The Market is now
Open, Open ail
the time.
Big tor
So far u heard
i nil-
In i fur in In r
New York. l ;
Ohio lie- carried
by n good
two A and in-
a Democrat. U. B. tr
will looting
l Wt
going lo
wot that ll
A r Hair .
ll h .
V- Maud. -ii .
j . I. t b t on
tin .
i you
at hi is
A dealer
Our make i.- a . J
. r I
i I j u t Ireland
I . . lite m
,.;. All Ii t
heir Polly i-
j on to lie married, U-
t Super-
Why the
l in love
. i I ail
ii on i
For and
; in i
u unit
What Will tilde
no h d n
be w e
Capital Stock, .
Full paid, non assessable.
row owns m
Till I AMI Kill ll
i. h i ii
ii. ii u I I f
IV, . Urn ii i I It
I I in. ll
V i
ml y fur n
bat is
bead is A pillow-
is is Invisible
but is i out of Bight I
is a arm tot a
it is a
cats Lave
rise Las Kittens.
a said lo
dislike yon I When it can't bear
What sort of a is
to an auctioneer One
What a lamp post become
lamp is removed A
Where Napoleon
old Into bis
What letter is
m Ft to a deal A.
ii make bar boar.
is a the of
modest; it covers its
lace its bands
S oM II ks-
i I Mean
The com-
pirate of
hard work
i of others who assist develop-
a city directly makes him
and helps
I work no than
that tips over n table to
what ii.
I In., farm.
of u farmer by his
farm, cf a farm what we
ll. says a
If all is neat
I i as well
as good re-
if tools, wagons
i are Loused and painted, and
animals sleek contented, we
I are satisfied that owner is a
good farmer and is prosperous,
A Boy Din- up
Clinton, la. Oct.
rears old. while
digging fish bait
in the cf t e
a metallic
ilL bis shovel, proved o
be iron
finder was overpowered by
finding ii box gold paper
money amounting It
ll u t known when or by whom
the mom y was buried, or if it was
proceeds of an express rob-
or belonged a Swedish
nobleman, who lived a number of
years Beaver Island, dying
there about two or three fears
to Take
to Operate
Arc p. to Small to
Alone man
You know you
a till it is all
at, C. I. Co.,
I lie Like with 11-
A German claims
lie discovered n very
for the
core of Applet, be
says, if large
; possess properties, which
away ilL craving
Lave for
it undoubtedly true
we have advanced
tho primary stage cf
knowledge cf the prop-
and possible of our food
Will it u Severe Winter
mouth of October just
closed Las been rather warm and
during latter the month
some what rainy. Autumn has
so far been mild, a part of
time being pretty for
time of one said
if October is warm fol-
lowing will be cold.
Much in
much win December. After
a warm u long winter.
When are October a
cold winter may b looked
A clear brings a windy
If there is anything
Ibo above indication we like-
to Live a Laid It is
wise lo prepare for it
whether it is particularly severe
or not-
I as; Tali
it. money
f U l
Parties having tobacco
which they wish can
get accommodated at head-
quarters for high prices
the Eastern Warehouse.
Owners and Proprietors.
The seasons certainly do fly around, yet we
keep ahead of them in our buying and with
them in our selling. Ready to talk fall and
winter Overcoats now, good one cheap.
Fall and Winter
Is Now Grandly Ready
ltd i r
at I
tN k in
L fir In
. .
N. J.
V, . J J
N-v, irk. J.
I JOHN ll,
U N,
i t. j
r. w
All A I Co.
J a
Mr that a. e II . I
In will t
Dill If
M in u
1- a -1. ll lit
fill f t find
Make all to
New York Gold
Exploration Trading Co.
Mutt I n man of
Fill Samples is
to stock
They are
who are Drapers
work with many students, m and lam the
o this Get
for your Fall and Winter Suit or and
get right lit, the right workmanship and the tight
quality at the right price.
-I have in stock a full line of-
Brand Fine Shoes
and are invited to inspect
my stock and lean, low prices.
M. H.
I will carry the best goods and
mil sell them at the lowest price possible. I
will do all can to and hold your pat-
age. Come and see me.
M. H.
Next i- Griffin
Si ore Tobacco Flue Makers
and Bicycle Dealers and
offer their service to public. We are
Tobacco Flues
and assure you we will make the Fla
the I. price. All oar work is guaranteed and we are ready
in our line a cook stove to a We w
ha you to come and see us. Respectfully,
People who are alive
usually But h i have to buy
up to date garments. We don't
keep style he wore. And
a choice he'd have.
Hack suits, tingle and double
each with a style peculiar to
a- d Worsted, and checks
and stripes in bewildering variety,
blues, browns, and
all sorts of beautiful combinations
of colors.
Suits for business, for
sport, suits in all
Yes, Washington would
Clothing from
M. U.
D. J. Kin.
stun I
Ur. W. U. B. has been
sick tor
Mrs. O. came over
V. -I. turned
.- ;
John and family returned
Ir. n. a Kinston.
J. L. went to Kinston
returned this morning.
Dr. J. Falkland, as
here today.
V. G. Janie and wile returned
Monday evening.
F. Harding went up road
this on legal business.
Julia Jordan,
visiting Hooker
K. U. a former
but now of lesion,
C, is here on a lo
Kev. M. M. Watson
n to assist Kev. j. A-
in a meeting there.
Miss Manic cf
Mount, Monday evening lo
visit her S. M.
have been family of J. N.
Hurl, kit this morning their
in Neck.
county was
Gents Furnishings
is superb and your inspection is invited.
Local Reflections
Wedding week.
meet u
Only two 1897.
partridges will now catch soot.
Thanksgiving proclamations are in
Soon be lo advertise holiday
Week for the races. They begin
Today baa done right Well for
November made a start in the
way of
Tbs race people were wishing
nothing hut
Good today at the to-
Mince meat, and Select
Dates st J. S,
W. J. Pipe, of
here t
Julia if
el Wilow
are visiting Mrs. K.
Dr. D. Jr, En melt
Wooten and W. A. Mite-hell came over
Ir mi mis morning to
the ball.
Today Mr. L. H. was
nuts wet.
his home
are as fine as mils that
here els where that
can be raised here.
tor this State
The following fourth class
Friday- II. i
J. A Gardner ; Halt-
wood, K. A. Corn ; Le.,
II. Moses . Walnut Mrs.
J. ;
Sonic Lower.
II. A. White, Secretary the
Greenville Local Insurance i.
us that
d the steam lire engine which
was form, rated on a till ,
is low in the 3rd i a
reduction on buildings
Postponed to Friday Night
We are requested lo slate that owing
lo the rain today the of the
V. P. announced to be held in
Baptist church tonight will he postponed
to I Those who
lo assist in are request-
ed to have their selections ready
Too Hot Hun.
We heard Senator A. A
say that he put on
undershirt. Monday, he Ins worn
since war. He went over to the
to get about his
work aid soon that
bad him feeling like was July in.
November ll warmed
up so that he had to go back home
shed. He fays he don't like the
Orders Allowed
At the
mi--liners hi Monday orders
amounting to were
paupers ; for
for jail; J tor
dent Health ;
for tax books ;
taxes the Hoard.
I. tux M
charged him. G. F.
Smith was -used from tax on
It. . was
refunded I was re-
leas, from lax on
el K U In I
was r. Bat
Town Mary J.
reduced to Town
to II
was increased to t.
W. T. Fierce, Falkland,
el change of
Lewis H. Cox J. A.
refunded fl each fall tax, they being
Ed W. Bailey, F.
Cannon, John Allen
Allen i from pull
The most complete stock at
County Commissioners and of
both in today.
Mr. J. A. Dupree has of the
prettiest yards in town now. His
chrysanthemums are beautiful.
Free Will nuptials had a union
meeting at Chapel miles be-
low town, A large, crowd was
The passenger is into
I ft winter habit and often comes in late
at night.
sporting men here Ibo races
Lava Mrs. King a lull house
week and she is best kind
can them.
A small building is being put up on
meet between the
and the corner store. It be used
as a barber shop.
to rains the races
today had to be postponed until
II the present indications con-
will begin tomorrow
the three days be carried
The superintendent
says he will neat month
acres in wheat and about
in oats. It is certain that wheat
acreage in the Stale will be largest
in a great many years
M Y,
This baa been a day
mil bracing.
Meal, and Select
at J. S.
rooms near depot. J. W.
Manager Atkins has just put In a
phone tor W. F. Burch, boarding house
N. Y. Butter, Golden
Seeded Figs in lb
luxes, at S. M.
The Victor baud, four
came in Norfolk last night to furs
music the ball tonight.
The l ace men here was
by many new
Cotton ft today.
J. A. Smith has moved his barber
shop to the new building on the
Another block sale at ware-
houses today. So much tobacco here
not near all be sold.
The first of look place out at
track afternoon, but bad
been completed at the time we went to
Selling Acorns.
We have known heard
different things ; mar-
for sale, but never until Saturday
did we acorns making a
market A man brought a
load to town day and they
sot readily at cents a to be
u led as hog feed. Hogs arc very tend
of acorns and they thrive
reaming in an where the
abound. It strikes i s that at
cents delivered are won-
cheap feed, yet we fail lo see
much Bred seller at that
N. C, Nov.
Jesse W. Thomas went to Tarboro
and W. G. Keel went
to today on business.
Howard, of was
here legal
Hon. C. M. Bernard here Sun-
day evening.
W. U. went to Mount
Bros, show is billed lo show
here on Friday, Nov. Tub.
The infant child . I Mr. and Mrs.
died lust week.
K. K. Cable, Greensboro, is spend
ma a few days here delivering fruit
Miss Lizzie Mayo and C S.
Cherry returned Nashville, Tenn.
last Tuesday evening.
We that some tobacco drum-
another mark I have been
c into Fill and acting badly
by farmers. One went to Mr. W.
C. recently and bought a
of tobacco lobe delivered on a
day. Mr. carried the
to market at the- appointed
lime i the buyer to take it,
pretending that he knew nothing
about Out people should have
nothing to do with drummers
who strangers to then. They
should bring their to Green-
ville where they knew all ware,
and will he treated right.
Upon Inuring lover was
dead, Miss Area A. a
dent in the California,
The body if John engineer
of the New York
at Garrison's, was recovered with
grappling irons,
W hen a bride, J ears ago, Mrs,
Charles o N. Y., j
lost wedding ring, and, n
it picked up her
K. a
known over the State,
w-s assaulted on the .-ti. Charlotte
Saturday night. His I a
sand bag Mr. was badly
hurt, his and one
One day week es-
caped In in C. farm in
They Ben foil wed
by guards and near Scotland
Neck hut n When
the convicts broke to run the guards
filed OB killed one
ext Door to the Bank of Greenville.
You want the newest, prettiest and
most stylish
Our stock is now ready and
surpasses any we have ever shown.
Tin lust Attractive Foreign Fairies.
The latest domestic novelties. No
other house shows such
Lang's Cash. House.
A in Church
The lair will be held on
the to Line will
II round tickets from
at f 3.00
Polka are wondering if the Green-
ville all
in Carolina. It looks
way for sure.
It looked like circus again
the tobacco warehouses to-
day. The hundreds of vehicles loaded
tobacco showed up in great shape.
Lost A note for given by
Mi I in lo undersigned
was in All
persons are warned against trading for
the satin-. Information trading lo th
Foot Badly Cut
Wednesday Isaac of Col
A. Sugg, was in the forest near his
home culling some word. While trim-
ming a tree he had felled
glanced, the him a
blow from the ankle down through
the hollow bis foot. cut is a
very bad one and bled profusely before
could sewed up and the
f the note will be rewarded, it won hung level, So
Mas. bog and raises the .
Song of th Hog
Oh the hog, the hog.
bast he watches dog;
law his bread and
large through street;
Hunting, grunting, nosing
Till front gate is sure to be
the hinges broken and
ruined quite; the who bung
there night; It won't stay
A large number assembled
in the church tins morning
to witness tho marriage of those very
popular young people, Mr.
and Miss Skinner
The church was
for occasion admired
by all present.
MS o'clock the bride
entered with her father, Mr. J. White,
and the groom with his brother, Mr. J.
Henderson. These
followed by the Messrs.
W. I. II. II.
and G, Woodward. As
bridal passed up the aisles Mi-s
Annie wedding
march with her usual
Meeting in the altar tho
bride groom were made one by
Kev. N. M. Watson, the
Methodist church.
Immediately alter ceremony
couple drove to the depot where they
took the morning Henderson
to spend with
of tho groom. As train de-
parted received u shower f lice
accompanied by the old
The couple were the recipients
many very handsome bridal presents.
Their host of all wish that
their married life happily begun
may he an uninterrupted joy
aged o, asked permission
her mother to say grace at the din-
wit this We
thee dear Lord,
things, and don't lei cat t-iv last,
and ail the crumbs in our
Ohio Woman Suffered Great
From a Sore-Her of
tho and Her Cure,
many years wan with a
milk a ago ll broke
In a and spread lo my
knee. I suffered great It would
burn and itch all the time and
a great My v.
exception this sore. I tried a
many kinds of hut some would
Irritate the sore an that I hardly
pain. not B near the
fire Without Home one
sent containing testimonial of
cures by Hood's and I told
my husband I would like to try this med-
II. got me a bottle and I found
helped inc. I kept on taking it until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise Hood's enough for the
great benefit ll baa been to me. It
cleanse all impurities and
leaves it rich and Mm. Anna B,
You can buy Hood's of all
He sure lo get only Hood's.
. r.,, are
Hood's Pills fries m
Get on the Ground Floor.
We sell Groceries so low that will make your
head swim. We are receiving daily
choice line of
Canned Goods of all kinds, Tobacco, Cigars,
and everything y t In a first-
class Grocery which we offer at prices
that defy competition.
James B, White.
A Burst of Bargain Sunlight.
A General. Horse
Also a nice line Li h
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
by J. W. Brown,
to see
Clothing, Dress Goods. Caps.

r-W F m -7 J J.
Candy Cathartic kill.
Yellow Jack him.
No ore Kim takes
spends to proper ft
low is and pp
ours I
Id Ibis we Deed a
requiring the act of the-
Legislature to be published la I
newspapers immediately
that adjourns. As it is;
people lire coder laws
provisions they are
ignorant. it will tend
to educate the public on laws
under which they live to have
Larger crops, fuller ears and
MM. larger grain to result
from a liberal use of
at least
Professional Cards
B arc to
B . n r.
V. c
. la all c
r .
d la all
r r- c
What Is It
w. Win
. HI
,. in
Greta, HI .
. m B K. Tyson,
I. X. . X.
GAl .
Greenville, x. C
Practice la all tin-
U L.
It is a picture celebrated
I- over
Ii P.
. . .-.
. .;. x.
I. on
Best in use
v. Ii. Lang,
The outfit no business
. V . I
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment these Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap the v
. . c
You may never,
But should you ever
Want Job
. .
How , r.
f h
had war made
nab a in the
old cl San
r. who had
t y while
i behind a
Too ride hap
a few other men
th railroad.
of tho rd had bean
fir as and um
; and
L. L who the
.- railroad from
to F. wan iii his
vi at w . ha Hatch
to the mining
. tuft i to
lb and m load
it the Central
Ban oil the
m tor three
n in
th. . Hull
the Free-
which then
away on its journey. A
team war fur Ml.
Kit at, got int.
win driven rapidly
. City.
an coal
t. l waiting tr a ;.; the
to run
tr. and I I Ac
v i
e d, all. i u. with
f Mr. bar, who
Hood the back of ii.
v the r
coal and Wood, and it didn't
k- ;, to . the
jolting swaying i f
that the road
i a very poor Condition for
g. Mm h to mil after
we beyond American
d oar arm ached
exertions bold on and
ourselves from being
out if r. engineer sod-
rail rah speed and
time informed Mr.
Crocker that it would extremely
Execution Sale.
in Lamb
d. W. If.
M. A. nil, ,,., r .
day, die f . , r
It- T. II. . , .
rill, , r .
r. i, . . from
. to ab . id's Mill
and ;. .,., u
mid bra la
to th- at raid
it at to the county
lead . is lb
Ding r. . in .-- n
tract at
I. m ,.
Ii b
Pill County.
Liver Ills.
. , . rat. r. ; I,, .
. . Crocker annoyed and
-Come to see us.-
tor Job Printing Office.
Anything from
I.- I
., Bill i
ten tORt-i r I. .,
Oar .
Ii bra
u mail t rail r;
w buy I ;
The Daily Reflector
I .
told inn i.
. ;,., , .
ought lo
homo news
afternoon at
rice of
-5 cents a
you a sub-1
you Hi r get the
took bold Ii
it to the limit.
Of we ail thought that Mr.
tied that tho
jump the track.
Bet Mr. Crocker nut
t moved a
Mood tin- lever until we
all sewed out our and
Um and
like s ha. wild is
Here we were hustled
into a Waiting and
away. At lath 1.11 mile between
town arid Virginia City there
relay of horses. At various
the mountain
even ware afraid to obey
Mr. orders, and in two in-
stances be took the himself
and into u lively
of the whole
wild and dashing was that
Crocker in the
the Virginia City
a copy of the
and some matter
If boars before the mail agent on
Mir a railroad bod
the city. That was deathblow
to tin and road
C u I
Si can
Ha ,
The above
notice an entitled a- .
hub n in-ti 1.1 Court
I and, tin t lbs
for purpose of ob-
I will farther
that the to
the the Sal
. f e ., to ii Id Hi
Monday after 1st Monday Sept
I- i a the December,
st In i
X . sad
demur ;,, , a
the in . .
S in. pin Co,
Valuable Farm for Sale
By of Superior
made la -i earl
p en
Moore el tit versa
et ab. I
D,,, 1.1 ,. i.- h fare
tract parcel of land
in h
ate Ire real d at time of
death, bounded by Ike of the
a. II. Taft, ilia lute
Ii. ii
Edwards, Foreman
River, tin
l- more or
hut tract of land lies S mile-
and l mile, west of
and lbs
II i- a four
in. boasts, bum
and a well f water.
. . . i j,
r . m
yea. of
b. ti-r- year. In oil j
I- -I in
I Lit, i r rail I
l. M
A Ct
than cure. Liver
will not only cure, but if
taken in time will prevent
Sick Headache,
constipation, jaundice, torpid
liver and kindred diseases.
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
Arc different from all other
a specific duly, mas away
curing by the
MM Power Theory.
One Pink touches the liver, re-
moves III bite, the bile
Tonic Fetid does the rest.
Have ct
Tr. .
Co K. V a Tea.
Kit IN-
The Eastern Reflector.
h only a yen r. I
the news every
and gives
to the es-
is worth
many tunes more than
the subscription price.
and line of
and in wood, metal-
and cloth over brought
i o
to con-
and bi
in. in cure will
unit of
i , .
putt mother complexion
affair, mid the
ska i ;. her red and white on
the palette Cleveland Plain
in Indian army
fed twice a day When mealtime
they are drawn
a row of piles of food.
I pounds of raw rice, ,, ,
two pound packages Tho rice
I wrapped in and then tied
I with At the
each elephant rates, its
package in thrown into
of feeding a of
Town Lots Sale.
if .-in order lbs Beard
in.-. j- I will o
8th, before
the in the town
lot of land In
Greenville and known in
pita i f mid town at lot
and immediately of lbs
ll and being the lot upon which
Market now The
ii I will be as
let. la separate
a plan on die In the of the
Register of of Pin
can be tern public soy lime and
trill Ii exhibited on . of ult
I. As a while.
third bid to be
paid on Unit day of
one third on the first day of January
and one third on the Ural day of
January. wish -In percent Inter
t on the deferred payments, with
privilege to pay whole
at any time and take his deed.
on day of
and title reserved until
the of money I-
The Hood of
the right to reject
October 1807.
Iii. . CO.
the Em tor an absolute
for By its use
of hi have
cured. So proof-positive am t
of its power Put I consider it my duty to i
to th e of your
have O Bronchial or .
Ll-.; will write me their
tad p Sincerely,
A. K. C. . Hew
t i
Wire and Iron
-class work
prices reasonable.
. . , j-l-.
t C
L. . I U. S.
. f-i Lb net
i .
. -4.1, or
Vi of
K It c mat
II with
e U, , i
m m
Confederate soldier in die
II . I'll
In. found
Mr. a June., of drug II.
in., P
Dr. King. New Di-. .,
hi, nit. . i,,
Pans e do for her. It
Hon. Having Dr. King,
ill lot. Of II.
took ,. i Die
of all the bey n least better from the
dote, mil hull dollar bottle.
Killed and v. II.
in vi
la to do t
work It. fret trial
I dreg-lore.
Execution Sale.
of in W.
K. directs I to the
the Conn of
I will on Wednesday, the
day of 1897, it II o'clock M.
at Court door in county
sell the hi for ca-n. lo
Hid execution Hie following
A piece or of land
the of It. ,
A tract W W
tract and a ii
i tores being deeded
by i. a to a n
known is and
and. One other adjoining
trooper land, above described on
of I. A W Me-
Martha A W W
on the nest
acres being name deeded by heir- of
A D known a. A II
on land,
One other tract adjoining lauds
Of It II I, A
A Mi ,. I;, .,.,,
on east, c ft acres being
part of V home
and being part of that
to W K In el W
One other adjoining the
i i i. a
the Cooper and I he limb of
deeded lo h
by A
In the loin Bad
to K by K
O reference to
deed In Blade.
of 1887,
l. I ill I'll t
pases and over large
Battle The
greatest and War Book ever
and the Only one Hint does
justice to the C lute soldier and the
be ought for. Ir, one
Agent wanted everywhere to
book on our new easy plan
Many of tie lady
to HOOper
month. Sous Daughters
of Veterans, others are
to tend tot a illus-
circular and
I. Address,
Journal Job Printing Co.,
A Great Land Sale.
One o Hie Bert in County
to be -i. a at Public Sale
By virtue of power vested in as
by two decrees of Superior Court
made st June term 1891, one In
case of I. A.
Sugg wife Millie E. and the
ether A. T. I. A.
and wife Millie K. I will
ell at public to the highest bidder
on Monday nth of Dec. 1897
, valuable lying on south aids
about two and a half miles
West of known as the
Charles and
about live hundred and seventy acre,
more or leas.
A general discretion of the lands
can be found in the two decrees score
referred to but a
will be given of the lend, to be sold
on the day of sale or can be
the sale by t me at my
The lei in- of s in Is
but purchaser it not
ed to pay all cash he can, If ha de-
sires, make arrangement to pay part
cash and gel time on the by
giving his note payable, with simple
Interest, in annual secure I
by a mortgage on the land.
farm Is valuable for
of cotton, corn or tobacco and la
well supplied with pack
houses, Ac.
Th use wishing to buy a fine farm
near town will do well to examine this
Any desired can be bad
by applying to the undersigned.
N. O, Oct 1897.
YEARS has taught me the U cheap
Hemp Hope. Building Pumps, Farming Implement,, and
log necessary for Millers, Mechanic and general house bun
Holding Ladies Dress Good. I have always on lath
for Heavy Groceries, and jobbing agent for Clark's O . t
and keep courteous clerks.
Tho rain kept lint Monday
crowd in town being as large In.
day at usual.
All placed n strict
mi i
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
papers for
The Farmer and Mechanic,
paper that yearn ago, under the
guidance of Capt- H- A- Shotwell
made an excellent r
throughout the State, has
been revived at Raleigh a
wet farm and home paper.
many in this section
who formerly took Farmer
Mechanic like to have
it again and we are prepared lo
make the following extraordinary
For we will Bend The
fin V ion. Toe North
of and
Farmer Mechanic, all
papers a
capers will give yen
home news, the State and general
and farm news, and
think of three of a
whole year for
If yon want the Atlanta Con-
added to the above list
you can get it for cents more,
or a week New York
World for Any other
paper or magazine wanted we can
give yon a on in con-
with Re-
Some T
Even the hand of a king
o mortality.
If Solomon lived in these days
bright young man would rid-
No one is absolutely free.
Every person at a few
Do not drop into medicine
are merely ace
longest pole does not
always get persimmons. It
it so long in some instance that
nobody can handle it.
An empty sometimes
a great deal in it.
No men ever makes good
for himself alone-
Many a poor man smokes
enough cigars to support hie
waste bait fishing for
Life called a river, but there
a deal of dost raised-
Dignity is one of woman's
est of defense.
He Was to the Occasion
A lecturer a par-
night, who, not content with hurl-
epithets, hurled a number of
well. lecturer
Drought entertainment to a
with the remark that he bad
hoped the would be
pleated, but he really hadn't ex-
that they would their
Under a decision of
Court of California it baa
been established that a woman
may be to support her
Thia ruling of tho
was by the beat legal
of the state, and
bated upon peculiar
in the case. It that
of an elderly Maple living in Lea
county. The husband is
aged and infirm to be
to provide for and
not long ago deserted alto-
by his wife. He brought
suit against for maintenance
before Superior Court of the
and obtained a judgment,
ordering payment to himself
of a monthly allowance of
Further than that, after
peal, the judgment been
firmed by the Supreme
tho State.
How often
ates into a condition cf
at selfishness indifference,
regulated by an armed neutrality
toward outside world
No woman is, a more
roughly disqualified for what
she conceives to be her special
vocation than is a
H e owe nobody love, which
never a debt. It always a free
will offering, or the return for an
exchange of like
for like.
A man who assures a woman
he has determined to
marry invitee her to do
to alter bis determination.
Some women arc so delighted
with their own and ex-
press their delight so
as to make others almost regret
Many a man who made up
bis to die a bachelor cannot
make up bis heart to the same
he Loafing Habit.
Why it is some young men will
loaf about the at night
a-d on Sundays, when they a-e
not at work, in more than some
people comprehend. Even
if limo should bang heavy on
their beads, can very easily
a good book to while
away time. If a person
not able to buy a book, there are
plenty of people who will loan a
good bock. Then another thing
religions worship. There is
hardly a nigh, in the week but
what services of tome
kind are not held in some of
churches, to which young men
can attend How much better it
would be to either read a good
book or be at it
to be listening to idle
Durham Sun.
The n.
One normal pumpkin will make
A normal pumpkin
weighs less than fifty pounds.
Five cents will buy it in any
in world. There are
pumpkins that weigh three times
fifty pounds, and even one of these
can be purchased fur a
Why, then, not pumpkin
pie hold a place in the estimation
of human family co
other product of land or sea
occupies It bridges the chasm
between millionaire and the
pauper, between haughty
dame and the petulant
woman, between dude and the
tramp. In a word, the pumpkin
pie that touch of nature
which makes all world kin.
The pumpkin is, therefore, to be
Louis Republic
No man who looks high can
live low.
religion that cost
Be a and you will be
to receive
Faultfinding one of the
est marks of a backslider.
True Christianity works
Well between Sundays.
An o is tho
that the Bible it true-
The devil when ho
finds a good man on his knees.
Things said and lore
bring good fruit-
Read tho Bible and you
Will find it
A good prayer meeting
begins before the bell rings.
We hare no more right to think
wrong than we have to do wrong
The devil leads the man
not living same good object.
The smallest man on the face of
the earth the one who sees only
himself. -Rams Horn-
Don't judge picture by the
frame around it.
Don't try to kill two birds with
one stone. Use a shotgun.
for a doctor if you
prefer to die a natural death.
Don't waste your . mo
figures. They seldom lie,
in gas-meters-
Don't a strange dog
to find out whether be is go d
natured or not.
get too self important.
You may be just as as an
just stupid-
expect too much of a self
made man. It is probably his
first attempt la the creative line.
Don't think that every fad eyed
you meet has loved and
Perhaps she loved and got
leave kind words unsaid.
the may
it necessary lo put you
his ice box Leader.
The i Centennial Ex-
position at has closed
its gates
visitors during
the past six months- Consider-
the limited population of
this showing
i-peak. for enterprise
and skill of the .
Thu Same Couple Married Three
I is a of u
usual interest near here. One Alex
Joiner, who lire, about three miles
place, just been married
the third time to the same woman.
Same year, ago he was
and lie and his half
lived together for some lime. They
could not and separated.
A divorce obtained by
Alter a lime Mr. Joiner began to pay
his respects to hi, wife and
alter a series courtship, they
married again. long u sec-
divorce applied and grant-
ed. A few months ago a third court-
was begun ended in a third
marriage about three week, ago.
They are now living
October Treasury Figures.
Washington, D. C, Oct.
month October closed to-day, so
fur as the Treasury are
concerned, with a considerable
in receipts over September.
The figures still rubied to some
which will be made on
Monday, but disclose substantially the
condition at the close the month.
Th-i total receipts for October were
of which was
from customs, from inter-
mil miscellaneous source,.
The real significance of Treasury
n, is by receipts
than by the net which is
largo this month because
quarterly interest payments. There
has been an improvement
in customs receipts over
September, and
A like rate improvement two
month, more, with tome improvement
in revenue, would the
Treasury near a self supporting basis.
Mr. J. R. Tillery, Tillery,
told the editor of Common-
wealth that Mr. William hi,
great uncle, built the ti gin house
ever built in North Carolina. He
I rune work the building is now
standing on Mr. W. V farm
near say, also that the
first gin that was run In those long ago
day, was turned by a crank, and that
the cotton patches in the gardens were
cultivated with a case Scotland
Neck Commonwealth.
Our is conducted on sound
principles, honorably presented and
truthfully advertised. We have gathered
from the best and most prominent markets
all the new and desirable novelties
to the want the people community
This cone in attraction is Rich in Quality.
Magnificent en Style, Price.
We have to meet your require
for seasonable goods in respect.-
invite you to one of the displays
up-to-date and Reasonable merchandise
ever offered the people of this vicinity.
Come to of Shows. Every feature
of the entertainment is replete with Style,
High Quality i y want
to see this Show of Shows come and see
fine assortment of
Ladies and Gents Notions and Furnishing
Goods, Shoes.
Hats, and Hardware,
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware,
Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
of all kinds at the lowest price ever given
in this community. Come and see how much
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who
you are, where you live, how much or how
little money got. There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here. I
Yours Truly
Silver In the Treasury.
silver vaults of
States Treasury have been rob-1
In.- cf a large number of
dollars. When the count
of the cash on in the j
was commenced at time
silver dollars in th; vaults
being counted by weight, as
is usually done This work
not gone far, it i
was that two bags, feral
weight. The money in
these bags was counted it
as I hat an
; n out aid
pieces lead been nut i i to
make the weight.
Thomas Martin, n colored mar,
who bad been employed in the
us a for many
and assisted in the
count by passing tho bags out of
the vault, was arrested and con-
fessed to the theft, but
be had taken money m
only two bag. Mr. Roberts de-
to have
ed for dollar and n
of clerks v, a. for
that purpose.
count been in progress
more than three months, and it
will rive or six more to
hundreds of millions of silver
dollars on hand. As the count
has several short bags
have been found- As a rule only
a low dollars have been taken
a bag and had been
substituted to make up
weight. The shortage thus
fur about
Officials of
believe Martin took all the
his system seems
been followed, and be had been
employed about when-
ever was any of
tho bags to be done, on
of supposed honesty. The
lo.-s will fall upon former Ti. as
Morgan, as Mr- Roberts has
not yet given his receipt for the
cash the
Spokes, Hubs, Building Pain ts
Oils and Stoves.
Fair Dealings and Honest at Book
Bottom Prices.
j pure,
v. Ii u l o J
o-i It. r
have raised by
voters are not to They
are the ores upon whom
burdens fall, lint mark this
If it were
raise laxes this year to meet
tho extravagant expenditures of
fusion bosses, it will be mere
to r next
year. The cost of such manage-
gets more and
soon raise will be in de-
It is utterly impossible
for the so fellows to
with M little money as it formerly
took to State- And yet
they cry retrenchment and re-
The the player on
the diversity Georgia team on
Sunday last so stirred, up prejudice
against the game in that Stale that
many members of Georgia
BOW in session, are in favor o
a making it n misdemeanor
lo engage in the loot bull in
Carolina has only one serious
draw-buck lo keep from being
regarded as one of the best Slates in
which to invest money; that
the alterable political mess which Iris
two years and which
threatens at Mill. Tho
published a of Cm.
bends for sale, and in
days moneyed mm
New York were seeking lo make
in the bonds. This a
good Neck Common-
Of the children horn alive one
die before
old, one third before twenty
third mouth, ball the
eighth two th of
before tho thirty year,
ii their fifty
first year, and about
only one survives it
Now York and New
lighting their way back
tho sisterhood of Democratic
States i Ohio staggering
certain which flag to follow
Massachusetts faltering in its
Republican allegiance; Demo-
gains nil the
sequences that to follow fast
upon tho heels of Pro-
Tho people the United States
appear to be sadly dubious in the
face of triumphant
Philadelphia Record.
Newspapers m Schools.
The idea substituting news-
papers for reading books in i
lie h s taken hold
some mines and some
discussion- There are some
which could be used
with profit, there are others which
impress into the plastic
minds of the children false ideas.
The question, therefore, of
newspaper to be used
and the person to make the
selection should be considered.
If toucher is to select a
d paper to promulgate his
politics we might view the scheme
with Sun-
Making Opportunity.
Improving is
well, but making is
better- Many a man says that he
could do something he only
had opportunity, but man
who is determined to do some-
will cue the
even has to make it.
wise man will make
more opportunities than he
School Times.
Asked in all
If President wants
to accord recognition to the
because of their loyalty
to tho Republican it can be
in nil fairness. Why
he go into States like
Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio where
the vote turns scale to
bis patty, give post-offices
thereto black The
will this, be-
cause he knows that it would be
t as a purpose to
humiliate a
of American for no
reason than in
party -St. Louis Re-
I don't how big and rich
widely known a concern is,
let it its ads out of all pa-
for say two seasons and it
will able to catch
up. Why, some it
In lie h that a company
is fulling back, getting
to make an assignment
it stops keeps out
for a longer usual. You
can send the
circulars, letters, etc, you please,
but unless he you ad in
j his paper he don't you as
being front No
man afford to let
ads drop out of papers that
reach his

Eastern reflector, 5 November 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 05, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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