Eastern reflector, 8 September 1897

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And all
read flt
i the paper for the
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION TERMS per Year in Advance.
I'll or n, e
no if V nor to laugh.
Ha Ha
Our lira at lop l
Ha Ha Ha
record show re am in rare, I
While Huston now lake place,
Ami time aiM show sets the pace.
I he lone at
Ha Ha
I'm being a bird.
Ha Ha Ha
It plowed its pinions tor Meant,
And the it gradually went.
And bet a cent.
Ila Ha Ha
Manila of h
lied acts.
Tile surest political is
It yen do not you-
will ed
A is
wealth in the world.
than all
To these a ho lively tumor-
row will l better than day.
The .
things we sire to know
will is.
A ram t be
twice the same leather.
One worst enemies is
who lives only himself.
a gallant fight f ll.
Ha Ha
Who bad no flowery bell of
Hal ii.
To bold lie Baltimore,
VI hi play ball make such
A- never dub has done before.
I with the Boston
Ha Ila
Who Lite, hare known the
Ila Ila
I too have lately had the blues,
Because of Baltimore's bu-l news,
row I'm very much
Ha Ha Ila
My have laughed so
They will net relish this Oriole Sour,
lint take it with go d grace,
For no yet has won the race,
And lime will who kept the pace.
K, II. ill Newborn
According the statistics that have j
been limes and for j
which r o mil is resp I
tie, there are i ,
in the United Mutes, to every I
of the habitants. Certainly that i
There is not legal
enough to furnish a comfort-
me for these ninety
Asa matter many
do make a living by their
It is not surprising,
re, they have quit the ranks
and engaged in me kind
business, returns
and which they are lied.
says the
burg man is free to
his own pursuit, and it is rot
that so many
men ate the fascinations of
the law. It to the readiest
avenue to to led.
A larger proportion than
any other class gees into
The young man who is to go
is inmost to choose
law his regarding it as
stepping-stone to
mint. It is true if the legal
as every other
t is always room at the
every young aspirant, with the
in youth. Confidently ex-
to reach the topmost round. So,
lb that the is
Clouded will not deter any
youth bis in that
would be well, r, for our
to that there are
many other careers to them,
careers full promise, of
and profit. There is a demand for
men talent in almost
every department of activity, w-u -la
the practical arts, iii the field I
Uric in commercial enter- j , has r-as m to be
in lad, opportunities lire jail the year round it is the Christian.
The Have -Made the
of the Farmer Doubly
as it, follow bits
I III III to fell
I into the of
rubbers, no have the lax-
payers, of North fallen
into the bands of Hot
He have, the
of not I
lilt II law
But Danger Light
people took back what
re, would t b-
he most important section in Hie
tie writ
is lull of promise until
get it turns to a year's
neat, from which bird has flown
No cine I ft r a bad
tr c
Nothing call make
the joy of Christ.
our joy full
Christ is on in a Chris-
mother's life.
The only way we can move
In from Ci d is downward.
God's power is all the man
to do right.
need f
Lord, who st every
Help to bear each and
n pine;
Grant me every day.
Help me o do work
O Thou fell how
Guide Thou ray footsteps, they
mi- fresh every hour.
I should doubt Thy power,
And make
re a or Lord, to
lb me to keep it simple, pure;
In every act,
And keep
Help nil do my woman's share.
Make oils, strong to bear
Sunshine or shadow in life ;
Sustain me in the daily strife
To keep t
Anna in September
Lid; Home Journal.
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond. J. L.
all about, provided only that the man
is made th right will use
the light means to ensure success.
He mat remember that success does
cine accident ; that
and tame are the rewards strenuous
endeavor. Let him adopt his
motto There is no excellence with-
out great and then, whatever be
his pursuit, he can hardly tail
a . degree
To the People
Pitt County
Our have never relaxed. Our
have never ceased to you the h
selected stock
on m
of Edward B k,
the September n c
t carnal, that t
the timid w
hat only two hundred a
year occur
Lout Him m
or very
three and fifty
people. in
man to go to the lit- ,
taker ad in property year by out
mar t over twice U many
The people rend
from which to your purchases. W
confidently believe unhesitatingly claim
that ours is the store all stores in our
It Is cot light to lake any j M-re people are drowned around
matter of York City alone year
audio allow how than there from
what u over the In
pr d a few the
city lax
of homes, a
more people, by fifty per
cent-are Killed by being
by Now Y irk
cows. They cows die from
per sheep thirty p r ., j the whole of the
a twenty cent, and Tun of the South show
forty five per cent. If any
ax payer of tis county to
know the tax value of his male he
I hut the dangers of
of being killed by
about the same. The
Greenville. N. C
Practice, in all the
N. C
all courts,
a specialty.
Harry Skinner. II. W.
Successors to Latham Skinner,
N. C.
Swift Galloway, B. F. Tyson,
Kill. N- C. N. C
N. C
in all the
You Your Colors.
are a white man and in
the rule, and further say
that the time when every
white man must decide he is
a white man with a white heart or
lover with a while
skin with a black heart. man,
man, who has respect for the
family his beams, the and
purity and chastity of oar
n cease to be on a social equal-
with those who rule.
It is nothing more than tight ; let him
go where he and let
true man ma that the line between a
lover i drawn. In
other words, decide whether are
white min favor of white man's
or rule placed upon
us by black hearted, con
Which side are you on t The time
has arrive when you must say. If
you decide to be in do-
over your own race, and
by your acts assent to every
act that tends to degrade our
sons and daughters, then you must
find no social consideration
a the hands any
was by men who
considered holier than he.
The surely when they
that bate the shall be
will not accept anything from
us, the giving which will not be
our good.
As long as the devil remains
chained the true soldier the
v ill have
There ore people who think
the way to the Lord is to
do it with the mouth.
White Men to the Rescue.
-ire comforting reports getting
into soon of our exchanges in lo-
w thy are openly
expressing determination to
with the Democrats in the next
election, them com and be
livery man who loves his
got it by adding per cent, of our titles kill a lot
to what La swore the mule was greater number people than do
, . , , worth the first of June
from tO yOUr gOOdS the They say each are strictly
coming year. Goods are sold on time at close compared.
. it that mule, little
Credit prices to customers or approved ewe lamb, and a on that
Goods sold for cash at figures that tell of is so
. n o small won't miss it. The
wonderful influence of gold, silver or greens- j the it-
back. When they enter into our possession
are again converted into the best bar-r
gains we can buy for the benefit of our supping in
friends and customers. Do not hesitate or
led away but cone straight back to your in the new
friends who will take care of your Interest
and work the harder to
Royal the food .
Absolutely pure
Tl -1. . mm.
ma Ira n ., i fully
yOU a goods that
better friend of this
The Free and the
Follows are running a close
this far at
cal is concerned,
there art n of each.
The Knights Pythias are next
in the lint of fraternal
the American Order
United Workmen next.
and I a good
customer and
L a enrolled in the fifty loading or
and man. We are the friend it exert a force
man, we arc the friend of the rich man, we
arc friend of you all. to see us, we
will serve you to the best o ability. Po-
lite attention, best of service and honest
the ct of debate. It is in
every and
that bus not perhaps fully
measured In part
When one what it
in lo in
the it
does not appear so writes
Edward W Bolt, discussing
Being in the Hep-
may be true that one who
refuses to be so essentially
all phases of life
ii.- But then
tin as seem
to miss some things, they
to miss in about
do, as
well, the true aim of
life- there strong
compensation in the attitude of
the It brings
fewer after pictures
one wants to out. An
difference to healthy progress is
to one. But
seeks to soon
those elements in life which
the wisest of
us are who stand still or
fallout of the ranks, are
some things in this world which
even th wonderful genius of
this century
upon. They were by
beyond our And we
would let
commands the old
but then it adds not
too The cautious woman.
i woman. tin.
t was the bill as lout. The last named feature has woman fond of her children,
drawn. Whether it been developed;
dually in bill as d or
forts shall be yours to command at the afterwards
Store Speaker Heed ens
A Revolution
North has had a little
Soon war
i-, passed through the
o deal of reconstruction
Snakes in the Collection
country and would North bag rule and the
lion wreckage should I State untold horror-,
it. V. L.
N. C
No Stop to Federal Extravagance.
Congress gone right on
ins and creating new
offices in hard times.
appropriations covering the last
of the Fifty and
the extra session cf the Fifty-filth
were as billows
General appropriation
Deficiency acts
Miscellaneous acts
John E. Woodard. F. C. Harding,
Wilson, N. C- Greenville., S.
Greenville, N.
attention given to
settlement of claims.
made on short time.
John H. V. H. Long,
N. C. Greenville, N. C,
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
In all the Court.
I..;. total at both
with tie one party that oilers prosper
and government in
North Carolina and help their own
It is not only the wheat of Eu-
rope that is much less this year than
the average. There ii quite as large a
proportionate falling in the yield of
rye and potatoes. Rye is bread
grain many European countries, and
potatoes are one the food pro-
ducts in the homes the poor.
by in
are experts, many to send the
f rices temporarily up or
bur there is a solid foundation
the that has been obtained
in the market and it is likely to be
maintained long enough the sale of
our Record.
For the first lime in the history
of the a horse has paced
over a mile track in less than two
minutes. This feat was
by Star Pointer, at Bead
Mass., yesterday, and was a
grand triumph for horseflesh and
the developing spirit of the turf-
Thin now famous horse paced in
the wonderful time of minute
second--, thereby
John Gentry's previous
pacing record of min-
and one half second by one
An recapitulation also shews
that number m w and and one-quarter
of only a lithe over half a decade
sit an on is the mile pacing record has been
the number omitted j lowered from 1891
at an annual compensation t feat of the
a net in
and in amount.
The number of increased is
twenty at an annual cost of R-
and the number reduced two, at an
being Hal Pointer, Mascot,
Flying Jib, J. John
cost of The total
amount of contracts authorized re-
g future appropriations by Con-
Many mills in New England
States that have been idle for some
time are starting operations
until white
in their threw
the yoke.
The State then upon
an era of great prosperity and its
until it fell the days of
Populism of were
bad enough single but
when they combined, the poor
old State got the worst both
and its sufferings have been
There must be another
cal revolution in North
and the are that it is
soon Times-
that it was
Now, who a clause
of so groat How-
did he slip it in t Who paid
him for Flipping it in, and bow
much was he paid
These are questions
There activity at Got diligently en-
colored camp meeting at to resolve. Its tusk is
and tin easier became only
that shook the arbor and rattled in the world by
the benches, but not entirely clause are men who control
spiritual its nature. the Pacific Ii
Some youths drop-; The thing is to find
peel lubber snakes in the ; out how such are
plate win n the basket came laws
This was not noticed is passing in that
the deacons poured the such sipping shall be
collection out On Mia table- The
snakes around as if i The country does net i s
and it looked f-r some i legislation
which the
do nor help the weak, which
the cure of the ailing the
burial of the dead, is not looked
after, is the
than We have not the
figures before us, it is well
know that the yearly benefits
by the various
is a towering sum
It can safely be at twenty
goes it i lawfully due
is needed. Some of
the societies have in fact
life a
with a who
gave them to her, the woman of
the woman who h
is beloved, need never
dial aided she is called
she is. But
it is no disgrace to be old
in some things. is truer l
by being
And the is always in
A Notes Showing the
of K in
It is that
Hill township the school com-
they have. J appointed under the
won public and there law, had elected a
are few who wish them of the committee.
cf the while
minutes as if would be a
panic in the camp. The
excitement did not subside for
quite News.
The moat curious thing about
the insane rush to Alaska is that
the proportion of fools in the rest
of the world does not seem to
Hi robbers at Kan., ex-
the Exchange Bunk vault and
got away with ard draft
The News and Observer fays
over now applications for
pensions have been received
within the last mouth by the
State There are already
over pensioners on the roll.
If a majority the new
cants are added, as probably will
be done when the pension
meet next month, the go-
to each p will be very
decreased from hat it
has teen
The of ibis will be
pleased to learn that there fat at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able t In all its states
Is Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the positive cure now Known to
the medical f Catarrh being
a disease, requires a
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and h of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and
the patient by building up
and assisting nature hi
work. The proprietors have so
much faith In its curative powers th I
they tier One Hundred for any
case that It tall to cure. Mend for Hat
of testimonials.
F, J. . Props
Toledo. O
Sold by druggist price
Family rills are best.
This hearty talk at long the
of making a straight
fight next year making the
the record venality,
Fusion rule, does one good. It
h, as we contended always,
way to win and had this
in pursued last
North Carolina would not have
been lost to Democracy Lin-
The best salve In the w rid for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Halt Rheum
Fever es, Chapped Ha
Chi Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles or on
it is to give
perfect or money refunded
per box. For sale y
It will not excuse Congress if
that body fails
making it impossible for cats
to buy of and
the like the laws I at they cat net
itself to approve.
Ferret out ha facts Find
who are
fellows in
must have been
from the last North
I Or perhaps
Senator had posting
the engrossing clerks tolling
them how his down
here homo fixed things-
The latest intelligence from
dike gold Held is to the that there
is plenty of gold there, but not enough
Famine is predicted before it
will possible lo to the mi-
sufficient supplies
W. M. editor Ill ,
says wont hasp house
without Dr. New for
with many others, but
got the true remedy until
New Discovery. No other
remedy can take place In our home,
as In it ha IS n sure cure
for Colds Who-ping Cough,
It In Idle to experiment with
other remedies, even II they urged
on you just as good as Dr. Kings
Mew Discovery. There are not as good
because this remedy has a record of
Culls on His Patty
The Populist leaders
holders seem to think that they
alone and the
Populist laity. If
critic . dints to
of any lender or
he a most
pitiable howl and calls tn his
party to resent it an c ; on
tho entire Populist party
There is a very great
the honest musses of the
party and its
leaders, who are merely
seeking to advance their own
personal While prom-
all kinds of lo the
people, Populist leaders
seek to for
And one of
them gels a good paying lie
seems to think that it belongs to
him is his own private
property I
people cannot he fooled
they are finding out
that they have obtained no
whatever, even if tho office
holders obtained
and have become so
Korea fires are threatening,,
fails to satisfy. Trial butt es free
her villages in Montana. L. drugstore.
public schools in the township.
We are informed that in Wood-
township a school
a white lady
her teacher's
The of the grand Jury
at the recent term of Snow Hill
court was a and nearly
half the jury were The
officer's name is
These ore only a few items that,
go lo show tho necessity for all
true white man getting together
and putting
unity in power at the next
And it is such things as
these, together with the general
of the of
now that dis-
many who left the Demo-
fold and causing them to
Free Press.
New York Journal of Com-
thinks the estimates of the
amount of money
make by of wheat are
in case rather exaggerated.
the whole to be
550.000,0110 bushel that it is all
lit an advance last year of
cents, would be but
000.000. gain over low
cf years ago is, indeed.
very considerably but it must be
remembered that puces last full
were well up and gain
over these latter ices is not so
great as some
Still, an average gain of
cents a bushel aggregates a very-
neat sum when calculated on a
crop of half a billion bushels.
Montgomery Advertiser tells us
that Alabama now produce
bales of cotton, bushels of
corn, tons pig Iron and
tons of coal; and that tho
State can easily increase these
to bales cotton,
bushels of corn,
tons pig iron and tons of
coal and maintain this rate of
an indefinite period.
Is ht its
with nervous
that lakes the flesh off their bones,
vitality from their blood, and make
them feeble, emaciated and
No. It is had
stun, And other
The remedy i an digested
food such as the Shaker Digestive
dial. Instead the already
inflamed stomach the Cordial a
chance to rest by nourishing the system
itself and digesting other food
with It. Ho flesh and strength return.
Is not the Idea rational t cordial
h palatable and relieves Immediately.
No money to decide on It. value.
A trial bottle does that.
Is the best medicine for
Doctors In place

Greenville, N. C.
Entered at Rn port office at Greenville,
N. C, second mail matter.
politically are running eta
rate around Raleigh. Some
K ; are denouncing Governor
ii him turned rat
Tiny want the R- publican
Matt committee meet and
read him out the party. It strikes
they had better
year ago of the el i Dan
Ii is and not them-
selves hoarse all
him. They bad i T
h e kind Governor he w id
It their fly.
We congratulate the It
upon just entering tin-
year of its career. All these Jar
has been under editorial is Mr. Thomas Smith,
II. A. London, and paper
Washington, D. .,, Sept
It ha always been considered
th to make support
of the National of a
party the test if a
loyally to his party. The plat-
form adopted by a party
convention is the only
authentic declaration of the
of at early and i be
so considered until
convention and
adopts another platform. These
facts are so self evident that
of them seems almost
unnecessary, yet objection is
being raised because Democrats
are insisting
adopted by the Chicago
must be accepted as the
principles of the democratic
To do anything else
would be a radical departure
from all political precedents-
There is a clash of authority in
he Interior Department between
Bliss and Indian
Jones that may end
a row Re-
publican. Mr-
in the State has beta edited will, more
At Klondike whiskey is selling a
a quart, cents a drink and
cents a half drink. Some will
not be over anxious to go alter
For she Week August
The beginning of the week
Monday, 30th. was favorable,
but the latter hall was very wain, and
dry, and, as no good general rain
occurred in August, the drought is
again becoming very injurious in the
central and eastern portions State.
has been so heavily
however, that, not withstanding
a large crop must be
made. is everywhere and
picking will general next week, j to consult the wishes of bureau
Corn is generally very good. Cutting j selecting
who is a Democratic holdover-
Mr. has made a tip top
record and Mr. would like
him to remain in his office- Boss
directed sometime ago
that one of his
by has
serving as the private secretary
of Secretary should be
appointed Asst-
and the was
to be made when Commissioner
Junes heard it and notified
Seer, Bliss that he would not
have for his Assistant.
Then there was a high old
in the office of Secretary
and the relations between him
and Commissioner Jones Mb
very much st abed, but
has not yet appointed- Of
course if Boss insists Le
will and if Jones doesn't like
it he can resign. It is a custom
A Pete After the Order of
Te goad old days of long ago
with us again Thursday evening; days
colonial dames ceremonious
with powdered plaited
rustling brocade and
the minuet and old
The was given by Misses Myra
and Winnie Skinner in honor Misses
Fanny Skinner and Eva who
have fur some lime Bean visitors most
Welcome to society.
The gentlemen Hen
ed to repair at to the respective
Most lithe schools Greenville
fall sessions Monday, and
are to upon
did have mads.
W. . had boys
present at Male my
is the attendance on the
of any melon in five years, lie
has not been away to do a
particle of either
s its own weight to the
The Market is now
Open, Open all
the Time.
Parties having tobacco
they wish, to Bell, can
of the young ladies whom I is principal and Miss Jenni Williams a Of P P t. PP
to escort, and to be j assistant. This school
curled Slid powdered months. Tl
with things as warm to tin; ten-j Mis Allied Opened l O
us ardent glances are to IS Mies . . ah
hearts, but i in el school.
how lit sensation.
Ian o'clock ill -1
well tilled with aid i
revelry and music's
swell. The was graceful
skillfully led by most
ting lit tie lady Miss Winnie S in
win is nothing it not ; i
the diners tripped out tine--. . i., i
and into
nave done even I core
hers, II.
At A. M. reluctant
though grateful an I
that will linger, the guy is
stepped out ye Kith
aid pro
There were in at oat
thirty by
Harry Skinner, It. j.
E. Chas. Laughing,
T. J. Jarvis, A. and , .
U. King. As a correct f the
in not be
cured early enough for the
Myrtle Wilson's open
Mis. V. opened h
small private school at her home with
Bernard's schools opens next
ard curing tobacco continues in north
central and west portions of State,
with excellent
and upon that custom
Republicans who rather
talk about the deficit of about
Some occurred at the
the beginning of the week i twenty six million dollars shown
but the. remainder was warm and v i the official figures of gov-
dry. The weather was and
pulling and most of crop I T , xi.-
has bee. saved in good and the
continues to considerably j first two O, the new fiscal
from drought, especially . e already done too
.-.,. 11-;. it
Two Story Stores and Yd
Not I
is no a place in to- n
than the store of J. Cherry Co.
They have two story double u.
vet are crowded In.
space in which to their immense
took, Ore section their dry g
heretofore teen used for
but dry goods has
so large that they rind it
to haw room.
To this demand
founds of Here
marked largest
he hail
every where and all lour
were lull, loads left
over I hat not be put on the Hoots.
Tin wen. M many earls
around th- warehouse
that it almost like a any.
The walked
row at o'clock
Hunted around the ware-
houses then and kept coming in
an hour
The Star started the
files on the
U re g in sale will.
piles, lock until
to get through these two houses.
At i the started it.
;. Eastern piles and lout
nut been at f Tin
Greenville had tire last sole
The e were la ids
gel on all aid bad to had to
h- over.
the Eastern Warehouse.
Owners Proprietors.
Spokes, Hubs, Building Mat-orals,
Oils Stoves.
A- H.
Fair Dealings
i Bottom Prices.
and Honest Rock
r H . t. -mi,
R. R.
A G. COX, i
Organized June
The Bank of C
The pioneer of the
file dilute.
e have
Experienced Force. Ample Room,
will in prices
as your is it to us.
Greenville Warehouse.
IS Bank wants your friendship and a share
1- it not ail, your business, and will grant
every favor consistent with safe and sound
banking. We invite correspondence or a per-
interview to that end
talking about the
ton. Halifax, Edgecombe,
Brunswick Wayne, where ff certainly
shedding occurs;
of rust ha received.
The crop is everywhere
and picking from now on will be gen-
it is feared that some cotton
opening prematurely. Grinding corn ,
and commenced to the the
There seems to be a cf no to
going to produce-
Senator in
the K- election, which
his nomination and
N. C, Sept. G,
Some our people will speak
weather once a
Cotton is in full progress
around our town now.
R. A. in.- grown a
of corn this year seventeen feet
Our community very well rep-
at Friday and
Sunday. Th re was a pro traded
meeting being conducted there.
C. L. Tyson, of Ayden, who is a
native this neighborhood, was
this way fifth Sunday visiting
Mrs. R. B. Parker and two
daughters, Lanie and Mauve, who live
in the section of Kings X Roads, spent
tilth Saturday night and Sunday with
the family of Mis. Parker's brother,
Miss Hellen Atkinson left here last
week to go to Sampson county for the
purpose attending a school there.
C a is playing havoc with the
Charley Norfolk, came
Sunday to see hi. lather, J. C. b-
Ma-iv our people attended
meeting at Otters creek Sun-
D. lb r that he had rather
sell now than buy, as his shelves
Backed full new goods.
W pleased to have Miss Lula
Licit, of with us Ai i-
Bell is to spend seven weeks
Ibis way.
a colored mm
who lives on a farm K. J. I j-m
near showed us a cotton burr lust
which nine locks r-bile
bad been picked.
are sorry that Mrs. J
Smith is very sick and will
friends. Ha
in-a that ha
a of his n
of is in Washington.
wheat and silver he
farmers ore this
year blessed with abundant crops
and the wheat producing
tries on the other of the
ocean have short crops. In other
words, the demand for
wheat is almost greater than the
supply; hence the big prices
which the speculators are
now getting. I am sorry to say
that will not always continue, for
next year the demand for wheat
by reason of good crops on the
other side may be only normal,
in that event our farmers not
any more for wheat
than formerly. Let the mints of
the United
France and be opened
tomorrow to silver, and you
see the price of the white
metal rise steadily until it reached
of gold. Why would it
rise i Simply because of the
the same as de-
has raised price of
Mr. ex-
pressed his opinion strongly of
those who are constantly decry-
the tour hundred million
standard silver dollars the
try now has, and ended
chat by saying
only of question is
to the mints to r the
a-, gold pros-
will come through
the further contraction of th.
currency, which the gold bugs
are trying to bring about by
discrediting our silver
What the country needs
will the grocery sack
to and leave entire smith room
o dry and shoes.
of the will be used fr
display, with heavy goods
in the rear. The whole upper i
jut. tacked lull hardware,
hale am, good-1 I
have to go in shelves or acting
every department it
their are
of goods until looks Ilka
to till a twice a.- large
as theirs.
The gentlemen composing his Hi in
ace to he upon
a large They have Inch
on merit, their
will, every r
won to. the
every one.
Tried t a Was
en Williams
both had a big
It that lien rented an
upper room in Stanley's boas-, and be
his wife it. The
was situated just the one occupied
by Stanley and his wife on lower
floor. When Ben went
day night he was inform d by Stanley
that he must to Blather r-o
Be., replied that he was too tired to
move then aid have to wait.
Stanley look a notion I
to bis room and make him any
way, when lieu took a stick an
helped Stanley back down with
the badly
beaten head and cut through
but Bee says be tell on his
own down suits
The Warehouse t
Th- we t
high water mark tin-
and the
l id A was s Id
J, M. I pock, Craven county,
Far I- rank
N , .,
U II. All n at
it at
Bring a load food tobacco to ill
hi Warehouse and e will e
th very
v e. Go.
A Reformation
A gentleman
James joined
th- at on Sun-
day. This is in item Worthy of
fr hi- s many
arc with the life ho has b d and
will at heal t to know ho has
I. Our informant also
tor some months Mr. had
hid a all
id to sec change in Every-
one should extend . band
and hi the
ii up,
n he
II.- In all wheat done e ale
V. s time
lie rUn six n;
He long . .
s de
Cotton in de
lie have a
v Wheat done scared hi
Kn now he j ti-t go
fun sir Ml,;
ah him
de way
I'm Hitter w he. t rd
V. Man
E, N. C
w will the best goods
in .,,. f ; will sell at the lowest price
nil, I
a ion or . o., e.
tend ml. I
defend mi mill
notice an for Divorce, en-
titled as above, h i- been In
the and
hi m ;. de liter tali
j notice that she Is to
term of i In- S Court of
. aid in be held cu the i Moo
will do all canto obtain and your pat-
Come and see me.
M. H.
do n-to LIVE
ii iv 1-1 Mo I
l-u in .
and answer or
in action or the pi will
p y to the Co in the
Illinois, Move Dealers. Tobacco Hue Makers
s u
day Aligns 1897.
and Bicycle Dealers and
MK. I K I.
Receives a Severe Blow the
Jess.- is wearing a very
Au Crowd
We understand that the
have s
making in
of the
that will a in
House at on
in O Sober. not
be allowed to use lb
More Gold.
if our tails the Up,
down our gold
a days go. lie
gold has been i
r some Weeks, our
not to ; over of
it ac for our it soon-
love company.
The chick n is a
ii hi good die young.
Some men never in
love until gel
Heavy and Fancy
I bought
; A trial will
service We ah- is
Tobacco Flues
yon we will stake Hi- of T In co
least AH our work is we are
in our line
yon to sen us.
is el it way.
yon v in worn . Ink-
in man's in HI i. , m
c -C.
i loan argument with
the milkman Mm mom person
i obliged Io take r.
ii. t. mm x co.
. or
ears the
illustrated by the man
who rooks the is usually the only
one the party who drown-
for Sale.
and , ,,. . .
qualified of th Green- Complete ID
ville department and
of the of said 1.01111 a-iv. V . .
I otter tor sale Me real estate i.
and MM Greenville j q Highest market
to . S .
prices paid for country
Whichard, N. C.
Are coming in daily and you
should see them.
more money That will b the lam., jaw. Monday he at the
John wile and of
In tie near
ville, and also Jay were
visiting relatives in town today.
Misses Era Joyner and Mary
Lizzie, were visiting the family
of ivy Smith, Saturday and Sun-
Take Laxative Quinine Tab-
lets. Druggists
ii it falls to am,
in the next campaign,
in my judgment, the
will win upon
Mr. the
new Librarian of
now having a hard wrestle
and their who
were lie, this
week, the
to ten the best positions
at his He still bus
forty or fifty email places to dis-
of and although only
to get them awful
to contemplate.
the unloading of a car
meat. A bad just been filed
and he was helping the driver close the
double doors the ear. On.
slammed shut with aide
when the bar it rebounded
struck Mr. heavy blow across
the left side bis face,
him. One of the whom
he consulted thinks the jaw bone
is The wound is
giving Mr. much pain and he
not been Io chew since meet-
with the accident. If the bar bad
an bash higher the
A number o the U. S. Cover.
Geological has d
w thin the next
Chi.-ago will ha and de-
by the lake. Th- sling
now is wait till
lots suit
lit chasers,
further see or ad-
Tho a who Impaired bindings and beautiful
weak and a
of this hive lid Stands at Hie very
chills and will he to learn I it in lie Thorough
that a cure for chills and lever is
Its Courses. In its
does n -i the but aND SOCIAL IN
benefits it. Pen-1 and
Is caused by which prevents
and food to In
ill follow
Ben .
ff not rein I.
Pills Hip
teed. COo
JaS. I M. A .
d on Railway,
Session Opens
Three curses of
Beautiful line of
that arc selling; low down. line o
town. We still few Summer
that are pries.
u .,., . . . ,
very beat water; number of Two I j HI T
of Chris- Women UM
the blow might hare been a fatal
He had a narrow escape. i
in spirit and I Hundred one .
teaching, moral tone, j add d to the tie
halls year. ma k I
hit i- i. I
j tent
e i est s In
I alb n. I e ate. S to. album sad
j n. ; JNO
Bate i i
N. cm j
H. M.

t ii ER
a and Lefts- Some of the
i j O. is sick.
U- Via. J. is sick.
j A L.
H R. B. Fickle to Eta,
A. Ellington bus a position
r w with J. U. Cherry Co.
Mm, Q. Lang, of
Mrs. It L.
Miss Louie Savage, is
Mrs. C
Miss U
I Caps. C. A. itemed
I , M-v. n
Bur auk, of Wishing-
toil, is g
Miss a
Mrs. S. A.
n to,
K H.
I mil Washington
p I
iii re.
II. I. i in
The A. C. L., to
Co n A.
Some important fonts.
on between the Atlantic Line
n-l the Carolina
railroad, to
. b iii
in and
The present situation
here offers nothing in common. The
v, A N- the A. . C. at
and any business trans
acted be done by I not
for the
I r
II is now to boy
I lying between tBS
pin j.- Y,
is lite A. C.
will Make s w Ii
Ne A X. lo us tracks
, Kill-In
Conned sons t. o
n this May i m ill a
run North New
All hit i kind
r in lam In Ibis
Street Von Live tn
Halt pie living in Q
Mi not know ill- of
i There
Greenville Must Have a Good Ho-
r a day or I the
Has hen talking
We mean lo drop
want to mix something
with it.
The Green.
than a y, ,
in J lance f
t ,,.,.,. ,
is ,,. c. u,
the v , ,,.,,
absence . . This is
if gel any
or development it mo
let us
fa ., s town.
it . .-nine
bore an eye to
the town, like tin J
like cation, the
bu tiny Mud bus no
i k -t.-J
.; m
ii- in b Hip u giving lb
Dress Goods, Shoes,
Gents F
is superb and inspection is invited.
lull mi
are n tor I lie r.
Hail in
be I
lie lb
i d thickens at S. M.
Pool i all hair will soon
Superior begins on third
I Maud.
Mr. if you
lay to advertise.
T be has started on
latest is -Tie
get value four money n
yon in
A has why a worn in
the least n she is in fill
II. v. . T.
A. Move,
Charlie Harris returned lo Chanel
lb,; Saturday X
and Mrs.
and evening
nit it
s re I
Two Negroes Hung.
had two
one at Hi I and U
H. and two who
white w men paid
i lit
, m
and away. Sac
a will be
aid so as t go, bat Jo n a
I fill What ,
p stop don't
is they cm gel
have a lo lake
steel in a hotel, mid here is room
nine g. oil work i we bad a
pi Ct develop
A Freight Train Into
X. e. Sept At
this atoning a Southern freight
into the
The draw was open for a b art lo pass,
an I engineer ran into it.
of is signal. The and
ears weal down in lb river.
no one was killed or injured.
A seal down
in iii hi today.
The did not .;, la
i- will, in., He says he
in power train
but tie is
to bare i
Crime Amid Scenes Disorder
the who outraged
Miss Stepp, a in
in Snow I I'll on
III Tie ex was
has been
and bought a
I by a great
evils j
were e
and tie
Come and see them.
an Mrs. S. has taken
charge of Kicks and solicits
, the those
fore long.
does that girl always
Even a color blind knows pumps, suppose
lei Is she they give a
in her
and live
days this mouth. Dr K. is moving ti his
near o the Academy bill.
straw hat already I it baa been completed and is a
i look home.
Hummer resort are to m patriotic said.
Into don't believe we'll go
For those in up Klondike
The man fa. s Are
most not much the
,., ,,.,. bey tell me that new
I clergyman is rather
Instead I going to ell, I've beard be has made at
in ml . the and high as knots an
j, , at that chorus
say that et. bat should do things when the
some us have in Hiking both I latter persist in wailing around the
ends do it.
An independent is a news-1 Ask any business man who has hip
paper rot lo be d job printing done at the
and Printer. and be will tell you w; do only
Jibe very best class work.
To the bus and
received at. J. T. Heaver Ham, tea.
a cotton bell that
produced look cotton. This is
In as in; a the average
why de-l
, . u ,.,,. w,
The of baned tr good.
w hut. both j look well tin
colored couple. n In the people
, I what they have.
s, so an So
now n to
on de
Om-e more-how hi J
pretty tab Ballot,
Maj. Harding and wife to
Saturday and re-
turn d Sunday culling.
Miss of
who was visiting Mrs. K. A.
Mis. Sat-
m the north
e had new goods.
Mary L, of Mrs.
F. us aid moved
back In ,. a n rooms at A.
II. in Sooth Greenville.
Mi Cm l-. win
was visiting Um re--
tun.-d g.
Mis. K and Mrs S. A.
who been spending a d
with Mrs. L. ten, left Thursday
S. C. Wells and
Wilson, win. bare been visiting
u; I he House, home
C. S. s Friday even-
Iron the north where be bad
to purchase BOW goods for his lather,
A. Forbes.
Mi.-s Nannie K-.
arrived evening to take
a as teacher in the Greenville
public school,
Miss Ida of
arrived Saturday evening to take a
n at the store of Mrs.
Georgia James.
Kev. A. W. who has been
speeding a vacation with
bis lather in Catawba returned
Thursday evening.
to return lo school at Salem. Her
Mrs. Charles Skinner,
Miss Mary I. South
ton, Va . principal
last session, arrived
to begin the term of the
school Monday.
The family C. B. who bus
just opened business here, arrived
Tuesday evening. He will
occupy the new bail ling in
South Greenville.
C. C. Cobb, Ac MM down
Saturday evening on n brief visit to his
old home here, and returned this morn
We were glad lo hear him say
bis I for this season opened
ill the West
Just after panes Wednesday even-
a rainbow could be in the
w stem sky. We do not recall ever
ore in that
especially at the nine o day.
Don't so
W the
out row d
blow so long as lo people with
the tear MM ii
plants should instruct
at the long blow
Forget I's.
As Ii is on now b
subscribers will not
In call around find a subscription
when they come lo town to sell
or i is
below rive and we will be glad
f have you come in.
Dal Melon
A colored boy a mule a
the street
and e a n on ids
sin along
watched tie boy, see the
union slip. Bit he held pip
on and had CO idea bis
Getting Work.
Several young white men and boys
have lately employment at the
American Company's factory.
Fun that give people employ-
are the ones d-i n town most
god. We wish Greenville had more
factories and that everybody desiring
ii I work.
Gold i
It ii gelling lo be lo
see a geld com as in the
We see it staled that a bank in Kin
has paying out the last
few days. A man in for some business
at had
two gold coins along. He only
left one
Ml Kin Ma KICKS.
The Little Folks Have, Another
ride are
quite with little
town and rove of MM
pleasure and I
hi the Wednesday
well both by
participants and spectators. et
the characters were in lb.
make up The or.
lo was a very
i g all
i. were the
and s
Country Girl.
David James, Klondike Spoil.
Willie Clown.
Minnie Nina
Noises from John Hopkins
Flower I.
Kim Lost Girl.
Mellie Harris, .
Forbes, Lady of Fashion.
Lottie Blow, Country Belie.
en James. Belle Level.
Walter Sailer Girl.
Janie Tyson, Country
Frank Old Maid.
wood Wilson, Belle of Green-
Carl Sailor Boy,
White, Jockey.
Fred Water Nymph.
James, Typical Ob
Charlie Skinner, Country Maid.
Blown, Book Agent.
Z no Belle of Jen.
Stars and Stripes.
Cobb, Fairy.
Dodo ham, Devil.
Helen Forbes, Red Hiding Hood.
Will Daniel and Edward Matthews,
Dina and Susan,
number It Snow Hill
was variously d t i u front
1- and in
were there not in much
pose lb in. j-s-y el the la
Upheld the penally
a the curiosity to see
a banging. knives mil cUb.
were in and
of people int ad . f being Sap
pullers law were
All day long
prevail- it only through
was averted.
Before a colored
with several if the
e will into the j iii p.
hold and When th.- ,
ti-- .,,., I hey
went almost with
When t
execution a Crowd In. d to
rush mi i ml only
held back by the thrusting
pistol and las.
waved hi band from i i
crowd and told th-m b-have
themselves, be bad
crime ail bad to be fur it.
alter the the
meat so at several
bad be driven across I ho out
The drop fell and
was dead ft few minutes.
Ha -.- .-
W- w -v
S Arriving.
The first new Fin
cotton was brought to by
Mr. W. T. Fleming, W. alter
noon, and by Greenville
Supply Co. This bale cotton
weighed pounds, classed as mid-
brought cents.
; should be
essential to good
ii d-d ill
In nine BUM out
i melons that c in lite have a
a chill bid under the rind.
make a
iii says De but a or
more a
A South On girl
a where do all I'm old mums
go when BO MM
Greenville the BO
I is the lathe
Sons, and six lb-in were
burn same day the week
Friday. most Between. Friday is
The in in who has the
I being and reliable possesses
an investment that will always give
lie also has a
able on his less careful brethren,
and is conscious that such
that would be developed by r. are appreciated ill any condition of
well conducted Chamber Coin- lite.
I am back from the north and my
see new millinery goods are arriving.
ladies are ed to call and examine
Customer see new millinery goods are
have a sign than which re-ids ladies are to call an
Yea, I secure.
you think you could a skill d mill and am
the case o,
You can ha-illy see the stores for
the quantities new coining
This bad a rain Thur.--
n which cooled temperature
An exchange remarks this his
been a remarkably cool sun mer. W.
tail II look lit it that
is very excited over
recent laws which
allow to be sold on Sunday.
A business injector.
An ad in
Al a few ago, a
thief stole the of J. C.
traveling biblical
The at
ha i been arrested
lie says gambling brought n
bis downfall.
is called lo the notice by
K. A. Clerk
Louis Cash against Martha Cash, ac-
Tis now the in bath-r
Into the doth go.
And screams with
When crabs do bite
The temping
Mr. Charles
lei Macao, says h fully agrees with the
that needs a
mode, n hotel, and having and
waited in vain to I if any movement
Would to get one has
for right rooms and
other improvements lo his place. We
commend Mr. Skinner ibis slip,
but there will still bf and need
for an up to
Slip Away From Us
It -s n lo
some effort to induce
lo locate h re, ether towns
will go alt Wring industries
Greenville to The Kb-
has in mind three plants in
other owns that it believes would
been in if a little
bad been made to secure I hem.
Why not r Chamber
and look after matters
Nothing in a Name.
There is nothing in name. Seth
Low is u- d as candidate Mayor
Greater New York ct his
high character. On th; ether hand,
Mr. of
to tell at prices I ban anybody
else in he New.
Oil, pshaw Greenville can lay
away in the shade and not go out
to do it. Here we have a ls.
Long who is about the man in
town, and Mr. Little is a big
man. Then we have a Mr. Brown
who is red, a Mr. Greene who is bite,
a Mr. Cherry who eats apples, and we
can raise a on the calmest day in
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for-
ward to the hour of woman's
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life's pathway for her, ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for-
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful passes
through the ordeal quickly and
without left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life of both is assured by the
use of Mother's and
the time of recovery shortened.
know one lady, the mother of three
children, who suffered greatly in the
birth of each, who obtained a bottle of
of me before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
and easily. All that their
labor was shorter and less
O. Macon, Ga.
Ii you want Anything in
call and see me. I can save you money on
FINES SHOES of the celebrate Eagle brand
I to T- and have ft fall
B. ll. eruptions, scrofula,
silt rheum ind other
Impure blood arc cine I s
to select from. low down in price. A
dial invitation extended to ail. Come fee me, will make it
John Kelly's
This is Way,
the inters War. b J had
piles tobacco on tie end
h ads that bud lo be
got selling these piles
there not a terned lid et on our
sale. This is r any ,
tobacco. We get the hi men such
prices that they don't have lo
turn tickets. sell us
satisfied that y are getting
best prices to be had.
In Feeble Health
Unable to do Her Nervous
and Tired-AH These Troubles
Cured by Hood's
For the past four years I hove been In
feeble health, and for two years past,
owing to of climate, I have not
been able to do my work. I was nervous
and had a tired sod was under the
treatment of physicians, but I continually
grew worse. My husband insisted on my
trying Hood's and I finally
consented, and began taking It first of
June, 1896. The first bottle did me so
much good that I continued with It, and
bottles and one bottle of
Hood's Pills I am able to do my work,
and the tired, nervous feeling is entirely
Mas. G. N.
Sold by all druggists. SI; six for
ft 1.00 PER all
or sent by on receipt price.
information of
Be busiest lo all will lie sent to
FREE any bf
A Horse
Also a nice line
Hood's PillS
I can now be found in
the store for-
by Brown.
to see
. is the chief end and aim
business man.
is creditable when
with square
I methods dealings.
Th Kelly
going to catch the
trade if our elegant
backed by prices
heard of any
thing to do with it.
We are not giving our
goods away, but we
buy low and sell low.
Style and comfort are
j the typical advantages
lot our Shoes, and
can prove this to you
by a trial purchase.
Ricks Taft.

fear we
fatigue I be public
frequent refer, to
enormity, but it is one of
the and most interesting
problems with the public
has to do- We have before
a prophecy of late General
and Governor S-ales rest
his made some twenty-
years ago, when he was a
of Congress, to the effect
unless something is done to
the raid upon national Treas-
this account, will
come the national g
levy a la- tax
to the pension
Within two Booths we
speech cf General sad afterwards
President Garfield, ma If in the
that it might be as
a fact that the go
tide had then i cached
high water and r. i
steady decline in it w nM l-
observed thereafter. It i
Hew con-
to make M On bit
lady the arm
ill arm.
State Treasurer
report mom
oil ill that
in any two years preceding.
year old Berth Abel,
New York city, linked twenty cigars
in a night mill a, a raving
to the
In Kentucky there a-e four tic eta
in the held this National
and Populist. A Clerk at Court
is the only Sta e Mr
b el,
It is red that V.
Co., members the New York
Exchange who hit several branch
in this mid-j M
u the j stem e been
about twice what it was that,
this observation we de-
the tact that the pension
bill in the present
Congress calls for very nearly
to be exact
; which is almost equal to
the Treasure's receipts from
customs, almost equal to its
receipts of internal revenue.
And on the heels of this we see
an editorial statement in the
Dispatch that it is
said to be avowed purpose of
a very large number, of
a majority, of the Grand Army of
the Republic, to secure from the
next Congress a per diem pen-
for every person enlisted in
Union army the
Such things as these give
warrant for the declaration that
the problem is one of
greatest confronts the
country; There is no
where the exactions of the
of the are going
to end. or bow long it will take
them to break the government
Whenever one dies
the name of another survivor is
put on the pension roll. There
has recently come to public
knowledge the fact that several
North Carolina
who joined the Federal
ii his march through
the Stat and with his
command for a week or two, have
secured pensions on the
cf disability incurred in
doubtless have
as good cases as many others
are on lists, but it all goes to
prove that this is easiest of
all ways to rob the government,
and that the limit to tin extent of
this ls from
Charlotte Observer.
A Dangerous Practice
Some action will be taken by
city authorities
preventing the discriminate
throwing of medicine samples
into the yards and houses. A
man threw some samples of No-
t m a yard there the
when a little boy,
perhaps years old, got hold
of it and eat a large portion of
He became sick and for some
time it as not known what was
the cause When it was
he been
stuff his parents core naturally
remained up all
night with him, not knowing what
might be the result. Such a
practice is highly reprehensible
and should be abated- Of course
those who send out the medicines
never think of what might result
should children get hold of them.
In this lot was a box of
Had little fellow
swallowed them might
Believed a the Credit.
Here is a little story from real
A rented a farm from a
id an who had a store, but for
everything he needed during the
year renter paid
At the of the season he
had a fine crop on hand and
plenty of money in sight. The
rout was paid in full and he
solicited another year's lease
f.-om his
can't rent from me no
the landlord,
with you for
I pay yon for all I
asked the I
to pay yon in advance for
just win e the
comes replied the id-
too fond of cash.
What I in my is a
nigger that farms on u credit.
Atlanta Constitution.
A at Tort Tampa, Kin-, d
a lire with tie usual
destroyed and t lives
a address before the Amer-
Bar Association. Thought-
are always ready to
bear criticism of
jury system, not because of
the great role it has played in the
political development of the
race, but more es-
by reason of its intrinsic
importance in our national life-
The confirmed maligner a
republican institutions will read
with pleasure cf what Mr.
Wool worth has to say
the jury system i
the jury system has been
especially the Courts
of the Justices of the Peace,
I in the superior Courts, in
so lax, slack, accidental,
and too often dissolute way,
it is become a method
the miscarriage of
fortunately, this is a sentiment
which many persons, not
members of the Bar, feel them-
selves in full accord- More
fortunately still, feeling is
frequently based upon personal
knowledge of
In address of the
President of the Bar Association,
instead of adducing instances of
inefficiency of the jury, the
speaker wisely chooses to offer
suggestions as to its possible
b. He believes that the
jury can be made a means
educating in their
rights and duties. To do this,
the service in both popular
superior Courts should be made
The first
f the juryman should be his
ability to earn a decent living
h's family ; of service
be several and
twice the average wages should
paid. It is also aptly
that the Judges and
of Peace should be men
of ability and character who
the jury to the very
or tho
The is here, and is here to
stay. It has reached its pres
through centuries of
experiment- But to sup-
pose that the period
historical record it has not be i
changed and to suit
varying conditions of a
civilization is a mistake-
The jury system is a growth.
a system it is far from perfect.
What is now is not
but conservative
As Mr. in-
and popularized in some such
way as is proposed, it will
cot only a safer of
justice, but will lead men to
and esteem
themselves and all It
certainly more in
the of democracy use
social and political institutions as
cf broadening tho
intelligence, rather than to
pull established usages
because do not always bring
about the best results- aver-
age working of the
s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Twenty Years Proof.
Liver Pills keep the bow-
els in natural motion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con-
and kindred diseases.
do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Liver Pills
On. Aug. i A
man re
moved to met death in n I nut .- I'm- u mat
He M r. Statesville Landmark.
track down a
decline, a n a car.
Mis was by striking a
and Ms body was in t i
the ear. the wheel over it,
cawing Instant death.
ii ls.,
Parks Co . St.
praM re- r. in oar
l II In
Bicyclist Killed by a Street Car
A Thing Under the Sun.
It. in a boast the State
that ll e work the Stain
is the work
d in
in with his
st that the of pro-
cf the well-to-do lira
not hi en increased white of tie
poor teen
. per We is u
queer to come from who
of m i i. If tins
bat nut upon people
it ha been dona by the party
I and His a very outran-. The
taxes of town, county. an
hear as as
upon what they have ii I
are able to pay bring the
the levy ; hut is any
nation at it be again
rich, not he now,
pay on what he has beau
justice of tho demand tor an
tax ; justice the
he -so
its to weigh heaviest Upon the
ls articles the
I lo do and and the
i articles by
i . an To of
i a hoard that it is the beat
dun-; in Mate, and it
the taxes of the poor
i per rent., a two prop.
v fair
will to dove- tail. If
poor have thus by it is
Enough of and
Cat- baa had enough of
We sub-
the on record of
the isms II her
name to bee a by-word
jest ; her
tire to lie preserved inviolate ; sh is
net to be thrust just when
she is Setting foot upon a path
leads lo better farce the
n end The men who
I N. C, Aug. 31-.
Mr. Mrs. L vi
today in
Miss of it
en pa-t tao
with Miss-s an I
W. A and
Ms. if villa,
d and . end
s works with relatives d It i. mis,
I. U. Bulling, and
sin, Jo n, returned from York
to G
t US-
Willie i em . to
fortress Thursday
who has boon in
lie few is
his brother, II. Butler, this
S T, Carson's handsome brick store
on street is g
Mrs. Maggie Oar hi i
is her
i-f Ti ,
, i
The wheat i lid
poi ding high price of flour ought to
our is to pi nit wheat and
make own fl
Editor Morris a. of tho Worthing
ton, Sim writes. t h ti
cable prescription la her best at heart,
and lean recommend it party, mast see to it
and sick headache, sod a- . ., ,
a general system has no l
Mis. Annie l
Ave. was all run down, dice her places
could not eat nor food, had a and drained to the dregs a
never Kit and felt to In r it will not
v k ea. . think;
Electric Hitters restored her , , , , ,
renewed lie strength. c
and f per bottle at J. L.
ding store. Record.
sister, Mrs.
b. S. ,
Sunday o i
Rev. It Rickard t ii
eh lot and
n f
. years experience cut r-d tie;
h, us.- Ii A. N I n
night and
over and
brought here this an i i
bearing h. W. -J teal, J. P.
committed aim t in
II. -ho .
I-. i iv are
lam that the
i t s Lo t I
and on the issue
, i.
People it-
Spain ha done in tin
struggle with I She bas so
many k die th-re if 1- vi r
and and
I the Spanish
has a great r experience
I matter of transport I troops
sin, m. an any war
. . I times, any
s. Spain tin last I y ; r- ban
put men into Cuba. That
An ;.
a specific th .
One Pink
yr-J Tonk
Have on; B us
So. V
cure flatulence.
rat sour
sure Indigestion.
one gives relief.
cure pad
. .
i -.-. ;.,. Mr i
, Ha.
l, 75.00
To the Editor have in
remedy Consumption. By its timely
thousands of hopeless cases
permanently cured. So proof-positive
of its rover that t c- insider it my duty to
two bullies fr to those of your read rs
ho Bronchial or
Lang Trouble, if write me
express p address. I.;
i. . a. c, ii St, new Ta.
y fl.- Ti-1 It. It .-
till, t -j ,
,; .-.
u is
i w men .
Nearly . f
r. . not ;
organs are . . But hen
-retails i Id
mi M,
. V
plies will tin
our prices p i
u .- St
Al AI fill. K,
we buy , mi
i . ii iv It. A
c e stock of
U ; M u The modern standard Family Medicine Cures the common every-day ills of
What Is It
i II . id the
It is a picture celebrated
mm m
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book
and all.
The i-i war has mu i lo
exhaust in in three ways, has
owl sums mi n y, baa t
if and, mere
ha- th-
crop m .
c have teen a lo die in
Cuba ti. very mom it when
ought to have their you .
energies m
has a nice assortment bi these Fountain Puns from the mines, in
In a hind where
an ti test
shade after and are
y, nail m cannot do without ha
Spain under
m .-, is
one ,; the I
to and
Happiest on
j. . . . ,.
live . . tr fun.
cures all f I j.
her tee;
. . I
. . .
u o
v.--- i used They all
it .
. -t
I . Depart
.- . . .
W . ;
if i .
t . i-.-i of
. I
always on and sold at prices to suit
e tunes. Out are all bought
sold therefore, having
run we i
R. n t i ; v
SMITH Props.
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
You will be astonished when you see them
earn how very cheap are.
m i a
You may never,
But should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.-
Anything from
-TO A-
IF-U-ll Sheet
The Daily Reflector.
Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber not you
ought be.
A rec
in a England news
paper that the colored of
were so that
S to to other
The , of l
a moat
manner tho Texas
are happiest
face of the Ho says
o place Texas
are ripe and that
crop is that of all
the other State combined. With
in the
springtime, the filled
with watermelons, the
winter with and
sweet potatoes, and all the
percolated with revivals,
meetings and
the Texas are tho hap-
Diet mortals world the
year round- It looks as if the
Texan bail the best of the
in nm.
t .
hearse and . . tic I line o
in fend, metal
lie and r brought to
W a lo , aim-
. i.
treated tr care
v reaps
Oar lower
do not n
be found i is and
times in Jobs
Al kinds of r pair done
skilled hit or and good
material and tire prepared to give
ft CO
I Wire and Iron r;
sold. work
prices reasonable.
The Eastern Reflector.
only a
week, ml gives
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, i hat is
iv times more
the pi ice.
Summons tor Relief
The of Carolina,
The above name I will e
it an action entitled as above
has n In
Conn f r diverse, ii. f i
our at a Court to I O
I If fl fl f
house in earn lie. on Urn g j J nil
Holiday aft. ti N Monday . r Ilia
next, it Sept J J J J
IS AT THE I WITH a line-------
YEARS taught tin best is cheap
Bo i o, Farming Implements, every
tor Millers, and general a well a
Mata. Shoes, Ladies Ores, Goods I have on hand. Am head
for and for O. N. T.
n clerk.
and answer the complaint w II be
In of the if
the Superior coin h-
first of term, and
let the said defendant n. that
he fall to answer or the said
within the by
law, the Plaintiff will t the
tho relief demanded in
under my hand nm re
court, this Tin f till,
E. A. Clerk Superior court.
U JAMES. for
N. C
All placed in strictly
cut tent
H Pat-J
led r J
i And vb Calli i in i.
i or r.
patent i
H rT. H i
t cost It the L. b.
Atlantic Coast Line.
S. h in S.
-S lire
a. ii. i
a in.
ii Ii 1.1 p ill.
I. In. h i in,
vi don n in
i. in, II pin.
. hi U p in.
ti n p . h
i I In ad. a II a in.
New G a in, I'm- ii
. Hi.
I anger- In e Mag
p in. s.-Vi p in
in. t .
6.4.1 ti in. Mount
i in. v.- don l a iii.
n a in,
i 1.2 m,
M a lit. Haiti,
in- i in. I hi
II. a ill Ni u p
m. s .; i i in
s. ill
p iii. I p in,
n p in Mai Ion H . i
bi, I p m. Sun
p iii. Co
in. Denmark ; n .
Mae n a in,
Atlanta 18.18 p m t liar
tun 10.20 inn. .- I
a in. II I a in,
St. In U In
pa pin.
tin. York pin.
l nm. Hi- ii.
6,5.1 am. in
I I am. Well hi ml II am.
Petersburg am.
I II Mount
I. . l pm.
pm. Warsaw i
pm. Magnolia i in
12.1111 R
York a Philadelphia
pm, pm,
Washington pm, j i.-i
in. nil ;. pm. .
5.12 inn. Norfolk 2.2.1 pm,
U J in.
pm. Moil MA
no. I., live mi am.
7-01 am,
am Magnolia am.
except New Bern am. .,,
villa 10.42 am. a
rives at
M. 8.00 am. I. o
pm. Jacksonville pm
a , i,,,;, .;
t . ; . So
9.3 3.1
pm. Sim t, .
am. s pm
Mat Ion am, h
103-5 Lake
I .-tin.
as p. m.,
. m., arrives Scotland N. k at D
m., 7.66
I. m., ,. ,. Arriving
X h. 11.40 am
V h. 1.00 i . m
Parmele a. m. and 3.40 p
n., Tarboro 9.15 a. m.,
3.30 p. m., a. m.
6.20 p. in, arrive
11.41 a. m., and ,. m. Daily ex-
lay. with on
ml Branch.
in leaves N i
A Raleigh daily
at p. m., Sunday I t M
7.4 i p, m., .,
leaves Plymouth except
m. i -n
a n.
Train on Midland X. r. branch
daily, Sou -lay. a
n. arriving 7-30 ii. Re.
leaves I a. .
at a. m
I., Latta 0.40 pm. Dunbar
V. p m, 8.05 p m.
av. a m. 6.80 a m
Latta 7.80 a m. daily except
Branch loaves Wat-
w for Clinton except
and 8.60 p, m-
t points via
at It
ilk and Carolina R it for
V H P North via Norfolk.
. M.
K ,
Wash Ins; on for
viii nil at all land-
Tar River w
and I-1 id iv A. M.
leave Tarboro at a A. M.
rue days Thursdays and
Greenville A. M. same days.
I are
of on Tar River.
Connecting at v
for It
New York
Clippers should ,.
marked via Domino . fr
New Tort. Iv . p
Halt-more C
JNO. HON. Agent.

Eastern reflector, 8 September 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 08, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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