Eastern reflector, 19 May 1897

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I In Spring
Ami all o seasons
veil should read
The Eastern Reflector.
I El
D. J. Editor and Owner.
per Year, in Advance.
It is tie paper for
She Tired
la a Two a
Km. lit.
bras It Urn ill
Mill, l .
M in. . arc it In.
to at
Mb lit t.-.
i ; I
price; i,, y-
cat j
mow. Drop h .- now
of .
t .
ii- ti I
are. c fr
by the
ll a recent On a aft-moon dating
w says the N w Yolk in
Tribute, a of
gates had made earnest addresses liars burn went into n
ken a little the rear which i two and a ball
of the and, addressing A large number of
the Chair, said the t-
dent, I am of so many at the tight-
I wan lo j Flee Press.
Lear a n II mid.
K a
A i he
. man who,
marks following excuse
presented to a teacher n
one to think
To the People
Pitt County.
Our energies have never relaxed. Our
A of be Future
A shorter of at
Pa. on Monday
night Such a reminder of
hereafter to have a
chastening effect upon a
tare as it has
been ma;
pay deference to a
cU km a a. two to to I
the spokes In of the
a way that it a ; I
tote, and a b w ,
he u aide to find six spokes h
that famished as notes of
Sue other two j far being
biasing, bat have had to help
been easily secured by i
As it
the have never to the best It i. u
pi. t be Humbugged.
mi show men, knew in a
to perfection. H town recommended see voter
being old who
and it to them, from bi d
been in f r the nun
when ho the remark and I shore with a jog.
rec his from; The had never seen the
being thrown contact with have had an
people, for bey are the that it
. f any people re. he decided ilia doctor
the other day a tuna ea no j never that is
h i new free. At any rate, he walked into
scheme and roped in a lot of j a store on beach and
who are mad a of sea water. The
j w to ten p n-v nail in J proprietor him ad
The entire in only I told him to go down and
was. Le able to play a
simple either in whole or m
. told other day
a lawyer in th big Equitable
g, sat s New York
cf a
brother blind a
lea days since while he wee in
from a email town in
where be resides. On the
i lay mentioned Hie blind m
was without a and stood
on of
c tea the
with so be
try ii or a police-
ii woman, MM
saying .
would you to help
me across street There is
A. Snake Sh-it.
Mill's wood wharf was yea
scene of an
little a the parties
The of die
church the id
May and will be
is one of
largest and most
credit prices to customers approved credit.
Goods sold for cash at that tell of the
Observer will have the , . . v. .
inches, with three I himself. When farmer asked
StOCk of e the price was, the
being just an inch in length. trader nearly tumbled over, but
each ad. this follow got j he recovered and charged a
with copies of the affair. About a month afterwards
was so ashamed of his Donne ; farmer showed up attain with his
j with the thing that he bus hidden jug and was told to no out U be-
his . ii out of sight. He got fore and help himself.
out of the scheme,; But the tide was out this trip
when tho whole of the and the Old was obliged to
about a quarter a mile
across the Hats. As ho was pay.
, a quarter on be
believe and unhesitatingly Ant. pointed with his thumb at the
that OUrS is store of all in our water remarked
iii has an advance J.-n Hill, what a
from which buy your goods r the
coining year.
which to select your purchases. We
in cigarettes of a trade you've boon
sold at of a law which is here last
aimed to drive them from the
Hi, being
ed on the
of ashore for
gnu, which in the harry heavily
was charged. to
was raised U i
bred, and for a few moments it
was impossible to what dam-
age bad been Upon es-
a moccasin live
feel bag was I shot d, ad,
and Hill seen on his
most reports of pro- influence of silver or
back. When cuter into our possession
are Again converted into the best
we can buy the benefit our
the paper will be
s, in. to any United
States for entire session of tea
lines for -5 by
postal note or money
Charlotte. N. C.
State and their being .
shipped into it. Tie law is and
a id it pro-
the or races the weight
disposal in toe State; it prohibits ha male is per to the
from than of female.
and prohibits the it b.-,,, that
paper, the ,,, , of
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated it great leave
load and all
to the brands,
In the Arena for May-
Walter Clark, of I be Supremo
Court of North Carolina, has an
article on the
of the
which see very interestingly
Times. The government, we lire
told, to the railroads for
tin rental cf postal ears
a sum more than
to build outright nearly double
the number of postal cars it baa
in There these
OBIS, Clark adds, costing at
the outside e eh. and their
average is twenty years, so
a jam of tracks and
to try to cross, be bad been thrown
with i-; s-coil of
; responded and k
e her aw arm, m
g in
safety very Easily
said the woman.
A Bays i
Yesterday there were taken from
a Bah trap at the falls of the
i I, , i , , o
mendS customers. Do not hesitate Or be States to legislate the the Vetted States did not
led but cone straight back your c, v- more
a- l i i i- , its sale the claimed tint are this
friends who will lake care your of u ,, Mt
and work the
harder to make ft baa of those.
a , ii. i how the m,
stronger customer and better mend treat the Tennessee i. r.-
honest between
I . ., f i i , I l-t n
far, two immense ., ,. of between
eels. the ,, , , f . and the arc
I nary that for four
ii 1- ;. till I
u Hid. and me to
As he came of the White
or five inches the bead t
large again as the other u
a- d on each side of this enlarged
stud the as the dawn of pay day
the woman, in re-i all right he said
run over
In and iii fork
to not
a -.- I. lei
. v ;, Al .-I
. i . in N York city end
i irk art so
; . U ; I
I, . i , ; ,, i
I. in- i lion at
s are s, perfectly round
arranged as in an
, shape, din-
In id all ,,.,,,
I knew t do u,, of
car for in a
and pro arc dwelling
mail, are friend Of the ll mail, We law, how- and
are friend of all us
will serve you to the best curability. IV V
lite attention, best of service and honest cf- band, cultivating the sou.
in commented
member the
group. did U
as filling off a log.
just blushed right by door-
sailed up to
i lite r. of, Bl ,
are ,. with tenon and told I d bays be taken
ii .-. and other I earn of. U.- looked mo over for
i -i and tOe lo
I i and ad
isn't Anybody
Times Herald.
The Atlanta Journal's special
at the
Baptist convention w
to the country
reminds one strongly of Florida,
with its scrub oak. Bandy soil and
hanging mess- The is
he sweet
grows all the and j
there lilac trees
in full and tie air
with their
taken from the each
eel emitted a discordant sound
not unlike that made by the be-
learning to play tho flute
Mr. P- S. has had photo
made of tho
A boaster wedded to a liar
the world, hut
Half u cure is sometimes worse
than a for i.
lite attention, best of service and honest cf- order
be ready lei i when it wont
effect on May B
forts shall be yours to command at the
that a child
years represents outlay of
a youth of
One were
in Ho- demon last month.
The says
struck the o
the by Smith
not only demolished
t lie but near kill-
two of Smith's children-
No- Dummies.
Cost had tee
a North
which shows ho they do
up the
Tho i
Bi in son of a
millionaire to j ail be-
cause he refused lo pay duo
wife. Col P. A- curred in the family of
mild With
A remarkable birth has just
the Argonaut, was sued for
and at he preliminary
bearing ordered him to
pay his wife Men to defray the
Biggs, at N. Y. his
wife haying become the mother
of three e . of ten
pounds each. What is Mill more
; expenses of her suit. remarkable about this event and
man who takes the North I month f. her hot which is pooling the
people for a set of the of is that one of the
mies is apt to be greatly Col. did not like of
a C -P-- Ida. of supplying the enemy i C of
a mountain district of I the of war, chose to other two eyes are in their nor-
Goldsboro A Much in lo the lost reporter rather that pay -cord
iciest is being day, There wan a demand.
Men who promise without
A re able from j thinking continue
who was in the city yes- j of their promise,
Herald reporter of the
coals to
h lieu ii woman
. . ,
it one taking
of a tamed
hi the
above the C. W. A-. C.
N .
Tract in all courts. J
a specialty.
When love to be a mere
word it becomes dangerous.
A may
without friends, but she can
always with the
knowledge she has admirers-
Barry H. K.
to I skinner
, w i, M. f. X.
X. C
in all the
Park Row
The bitterest medicine is
to a boy i he his younger
brother it-
i i
O lice over
river a mile above the factory, is
a dangerous bar in the
river which fishermen am bah-
religiously avoid
Smith and a crowd of
were in the water when
Smith swam up the stream
into the Band bar, leaving
companions far behind i here
he thought be would stop
rest- No sooner did bis feet
strike than he
sinking. He snuggled to
but no avail; be
only sank further down-
He never realized his awful
until his body was almost
completely submerged by the
quicksand and water. Then he
frantically and
to his filtering companions,
who were far a way. down under I sooner, is the little rascal
steeper of trestle The be isn't a to.
men were afraid to venture up
ma position. Quite a number of
people have viewed three
revival services commenced in in my had a baa from a hotel,; child and pronounced it a
church last night by customer, and this a city and
government is paying
for what it could acquire for
Railroad, he says, the government
pays nearly f per car for tho
rent of cars, which could each
be bought outright for less than
half tho Thee figures
are startling enough, but so
startling us the other statement,
made in that the
average cost of carrying tho mails
is cents per pound for aver
age distance of miles, making
per year for
addition to the
for car rent, whereas the Southern
Company gets a freight
rate of about j cent., or cents
the of the government.
If the facts are as Judge Clark
has them. hey are
in view of them our
contemporary suggests that
the government would out
to a private corporation the con-
tract for carrying the mails,
pulling it to tho lowed
bidder, it would save millions
of dollars In the of a year
and get a better This
doesn't appear to be a very
idea The thing to be
is tho Department
Mid Congress to lake hold of this
evil ad remedy it by bringing
the railroads down to a business
basis in the promises. Charlotte
E. W. whose
as an evangelist well
known to people of Golds-
cm all the to
give you a my bogs,
the Tins was agreeable
to the merchant and after a deed I
More or ions at-
fees to fact tint tho
, , till .
We for of North Carolina is band-
regret to learn that Dr. D r of
Sinclair, the father
our esteemed townsman, N. A- , .
Sinclair, E. . happened to a very w f
painful accident on. Thursday shopkeeper
night last near his home in Robe- P to
sen county, by which
nave come after my begs.
was dislocated. Ho was
riding in his buggy when his
so became frightened at some
object the road sad refused to
travel- Dr Sinclair alighted and
catching the by the
rein, suddenly tho horse
a , to the load side, throwing
goes fish- . , . of lie
, , the doctor violently t-a the ground,
cleaning tie. iv ca
It is a wise man
daring house
News and
No henpecked is i-1 his
said he.
are out on tho
t n.
what kind of are
was the reply
it you
them have
We Away Homo.
In white
i severely whipped ;.
and a while were
appointments to people i The was bud.
, . I l i Stun.
as for I
is news to the mi
that town, without r
to whether or not the people of kind occurred Sown
that town do ire to be ruled over
by these The
it under set
the last Legislature, which under
took to give him, instead of tho
people, the g of the
towns. hat
this way. May la Sim got
d over n of tins Baton
dial occurred near S.
in Jotting.
Ex-Senator Coke, of Texas,
delirious. It is said he cannot
Minister of
has arrived at the City
of Mexico.
with talking
A girl with fa never
work getting re-
moved new
appointed the first district
afraid of a mouse there's a Last M- M- Alexander was of
man in room. removed at brought in last
is an
in the
int rest organized wealth,
D s ,
E. f. C.
X. r .
lie line.
w N. S. C.
campaign to fill the screeching
mouths of t is with
rescue one of thorn
rid It happened so suddenly
that the- paralyzed with
a to the spot,
not move
So this man down
-d as none dared i i-k life in such
a would have boon use-
leas. The body has not been
i found, and it is probable that it
pointed-, was
It is a valuable key that j at Tyrrell
strikes the right place i
A ship like an toper,
long remain dry when she begins
on the York
C- T. Spruill appoint-
and V, i P. we'll up- money
while robbed
their rt of needed
and backs of raiment. And
the tariff monstrosity is
appointed, J. T- had another child the same
a . l. parentage, and the is who
to bite the dust at
Martin county to make room for for
J. L. Hines. Pp to make the hitter DO
god fa In i .
sale in
A New York drummer
into tits recently by the
are its
s e.
A wag suggests that Mr. Bryan
for an injunction o
prevent tho gold Democrats from
in from this business with the name
and now it is up in New-1 Thomas No use.
born. Now, as always, we hope j Stealing the livery of to
people will win. serve Hie was recognized as
by Hi. in is to preferred j an
to by by of years ago, oven the
or by Slate Treas- religion can't stop it.
Painted woodwork is more de-
Ii the the than natural finish for bod-
of a doctor's life rooms or wherever especially
was mouths ; that J
i, was
years and mouths; in
eighteenth century and
eight and the nine-
years and seven mouths,
ll thus appears doctors were
learning not to lake
The summer girl, in her cool
shirt waist, causes the Macon
ii, to said tho
Wop is a fa
barking of Bob big .
According to the jog, he wants Bob t pay him
S Her- Sun made a nice job it hut got for scare. Monday by falling under ten bales
C i only u, Big for a big bark.
win killed a let en lie depot at
were as
1- It. Oiled
with nervous d
that takes the their
vitality from their and Bake
feeble, emaciated V
No. It l bad e overeating of
The remedy In an
the already
Inflamed the Cordial a
ii u rest the
and other
BO and return
la net Hie Idea -the
No money Ni decide on H-
A trial doe that.
it the medicine for
, It In place
thousand five hundred
in eastern and
southern Kentucky on a
strike because of a proposed re
James ii. tho pay mas-
of the Kansas City, Fort Scott
and Memphis railway, who stole
was sentenced to two
years at Kansas City, Mo.
Dallas will today donor the
memory of the soldier of
the confederacy. No braver,
self sacrificial or
plaining patriot ever shouldered
a in defense of his home and
lights in all the history of nations
than the private of the
southern confederacy.
Tho Arkansas Senate last week
to a bill tor tho
creation a railroad commission.
The failure of this bill the reg-
and the I of the
general appropriation bill was to
calling of the present extra
Atkinson, of in re-
covering from the shock of his
recent marriage. At first,
tho Governor thought blow
would kill but ho to
trimming for the next cam
his usual

Greenville, N. C.
S. J, and
t post office at Greenville,
X. C, as second class matter.
Ma 1897.
It is hoped that Senatorial
to the of which
Hoar U
responsible will result in careful
of Jefferson's life and writing by
Senators. is to he
therein, and some of the pilgrim
Bead edification badly upon than
one subject.
Our Regular
Washington, May,
trust controlled by the
Republican sub-committee
drafted the amends tuts to the Dingle
tariff hill, but all it will be to get
out the schedule will the
that has . made
knowledge what
to be, as a majority In- hue
made it certain that toe sugar
he put by d It in
to he against H
bill is likely to be I.-
Senate on the 18th as d B t
it will be the fault
but of the um I ti
to get a
statement showing the differences ill I
will be result of the proposed
Changes. here is another thing
about the bill that can be slated
with certainty. There will be an
amendment adopted before
passes the Senate. Th-
votes are promised.
At last the administration has found
out the game that Spain played
on the Cleveland and has
b en trying to play on the present one,
thanks to the wide-awake reports of
General Lee,
justice is seemingly going to dun-
to poor Cuba. Mr. has had
a long with th-- numbers
the committee Foreign Be
as to what should be done.
The is that M r
resolution for the recognition
Cuban belligerency hardly goes far
enough and that a recognition
pendent would be the proper in
view the forwarded by Gen.
Lee. A public mass mealing of Cuban
sympathizers is to held in
The administration w-shes it
bad not caused its intention to reinstate
or Widows such
had reason bean
f the government p to b ; so
widely advertise. Like m
ii- is.
results are much more now root than
were expected ; also
The plain truth is that many
the applicants reinstatement, and
some those who have been rein-
stated, ate unfitted physically to
form the duties the places they
held, some by reason age and Other
by disease. II there sere only a
these people they could he scattered
around m the departments and their
inability to do good would go
J, but when their number
away up into the it becomes
a serious matter, became as a ran
every one reinstated displaces
an This matter was
discussed at a cabinet meeting this
Senator Kyle isn't last mas
has made a bad worse trying
t explain. Rising to a question
privilege he attempted m explain away
th-; charge that be had agreed to vote
with the Republicans in exchange for
committee but
made a bad mess especially
that his
policy the Populists was to help the
Republicans control the Senate.
Evidently the House has not been
properly with
of Um policy of Secretary Wilson
Hying to spread the sugar beet in-
in this country, or it not
hive to agree to the Senate
the Sundry Civil bill. op.
the Secretary of an
investigation the sugar beet industry.
Perhaps some of the m the
House have not forgotten th I sugar fad
of Mr. La Duo, who was Commission-
Agriculture the Hayes ad-
ministration, cost Uncle Sam
considerable money and did not
the sugar industry.
The House showed its belief in th
laborer being worthy his hire, by
promptly agreeing to the Senate amend-
to Sundry Civil bill providing
tint duplicate electrotype plates from
which and Tapers the
were printed should be
to the compiler,
the objection of Con-
who said that a had
offered for the plates.
much as Mr. bad devoted
two wan to the work compiling this
book, the thought be should be
mulled to any profits there be
supplying the book after the number
O for had been printed-
Albion will not
that pie hunting was Fool's Er-
in his care, as he captured a
pie promises be far
satisfying than Bricks
was. He has been
nominated I B Consul at
H. P the,
from Carolina
gets good thing in the
hip Deeds the District
A Pitt County the
Opening Address.
The Woman's Exposition icing held
in Charlotte was formally opened Tues-
day night. Sirs. B. Gotten, this
county, a woman who at every pear-
before public brings credit and
honor to her county, her Stale and
herself, was selected to tin
tog address.
We take from the Charlotte
the in reference to the
It was o'clock when the
, Dr. J. Alexander mounted
platform and the dis-
i and gifted Mrs. Cot-
a, who had been to make
the opening Dr. Alexandra
and The task
I I upon this evening
is one lie IN .-i pleasant ones I have
ever of opening
the exhibit
that except point magnitude com-
pares ruble with the World's Fair.
congratulate you upon having your
lair upon the soil where the
Declaration was signed, and
during celebration which commend,,
t. This is but an addendum to
celebration Thursday night week.
are here the purpose
healing a woman, though born in
has identified with the
Old North Stale, and who is
known M an advocate higher ed-
and o all that will her
sex in Carolina. She was one
three women in the Slate sent to
represent North C at the World's
Fair. Her in Washington, be.
tore Woman's Mother's
was telegraphed ever the world. She
i known through the length and
breadth this land as a representative
woman North Carolina. I have the
proud pleasure to introduce to you Mrs.
A roar applause greeted Mrs. Cot-
stepped anon the
as she is, a culture-, mined
and elegant woman.
Dr. Alexander s tribute and
am pleased tad proud all s
to considered a
Carolina but in wearing
an honor I always feel apologizing
to those I represent having been
born in Virginia. That misfortune,
however, MM remedied b,. my
to North Carolina in early childhood,
and so I hope it will not be
against me. By education, by
marriage, by love for State and
for her welfare, I dare to claim
nativity on the principle home
the heart and under
test to pleasure
and privilege addressing you t
The address proper followed. It
a a glowing tribute to
woman in her work, love, home and
s and the Observer do
the aid publishing it
in lull later.
Mrs. Cotten was aim
with applause, and numbers pressed
forward to thank her her
words and sentiments.
completed at a co-t of ITEMS.
are in the home children of
Odd and IS girl. X. C, May 1897.
was discharged during the for in- Mary who has been
Funds arc needed tor I visiting at home
the main building and ; Sunday.
for repairs on what is known as the j H. Williams to
The expense j n.
maintaining the home the year ,.,,,,.,. . ., .
ended March 31st was j
The slate grand ledge of Odd
lows elected the
Grand master, James Sawyer, he-
grand warden, B. S. II
Oxford; grand secretary, B. H.
grand treasurer, U. J.
Jones, Wilmington; grand
John F. Wilson; grand
marshal, Kitchen,
Neck; grand conductor, V. N. Everett,
grand guardian, B. J.
Newton; grand
Isaac W. Northrop, ton; grand
chaplain, George A. Charlotte;
standing committee, constitution and
by L. W.
G. T. Norwood, A. W. Mo-c
Cary; orphan W. D.
Fayetteville. is
Observer. May
Our farmers say they never saw so
many bugs on Irish potatoes before.
We hear much complaint f b d
stand of corn. Cotton is c p
Poor. Cold weather continues lo
Cupid is I ill working his same old
tricks in this section. II our
is correct there will be a wedding
Soda Water, Lemon-
Coco Cola at Janet Long's.
seaboard air line and
Drunk, But Gaye Good Advice.
A middle aged nun was around
town last a stranger whom n-
seemed to know. lie was pretty
most of the time and indulged
in a lot loud talk attracting the at-
J on of those near time.
One morning he two or three
young men who were a little
groggy and the party got into a con-
Soon one or two the
young men commenced cursing and
using very unseemly language, when
the perhaps the
in the crowd, turned to them and said
with great earnestness
men, don't curse ;
use vulgarity; it isn't decent and is
wrong, bat what is it shows
join- yon came Iron low-
down stock. If parentage hap-
In be respectable and triad to
you correctly, it only
matters worse, it shows that
acquired the habit when you had a
heller chance lo be decent
With this he staggered off, while the
men looked they
been shot Standard.
I. O. O. F.
The grand lodge of the I. O. O- F.
cf North Carolina met after-
noon at i o'clock in the new hall of
Charlotte lodge, in its annual
The report Grand Matter Doric-;.
with a compliment to
Charlotte The condition of the order,
he nays, while an in
membership, is not in as
state as the order merits. The number
a; the last was
since when n have been re organ-
mid three making now on
the roll have been
since the report was n. re-
during the year, no account
of the expenditures on the Orphan's
home, was or nearly per
The report cf Grand Secretary
says that it no losses lave been
sustain since tin 1st January tin-
present membership in is
a small net over the pi Hauling
year. The total of subordinate
as reported was to-
disbursement rebel
The grand treasurer's the
year, including balance on hand
were The grand
secretary that progress has been
made, unfavorable
conditions; he see breaking
has a reasonable hope that will
be a year of prosperity.
board of he
W. C. KIT. T.
W. J. C. .
D. and N.
main building of the borne hat
the house I I
Moore, in Concord, Tuesday shattering
the and ceiling two
rooms. A was knocked
but L
Hon. W. I ill
visit North Carolina, making speeches
at Winston and May
and in an effort to the
gold advocates i l this State.
The President has sent UM Senate
the lion ion II. P.
colored, of this to be Recorder
Deeds the District if Columbia.
William Davis, a limber dealer
Yancey, was found dead in a
mill a few days ago. The body
was so badly decomposed
was impossible to tell
whether be was murdered or drowned.
Weekly Crop Bulletin,
The week ending Monday, May
not favorable for the growth
crops. The weather was en too
and windy. The temperature
the normal, notwithstanding the
sunshine which prevailed in M
the week. cool weather has re-
growth crops and
seeds considerably. The- week Was
quite dry, light show, is occurring at
scattered points only oil May 5th in
central and western districts. Farm
work has been up lo dale now
about stands corn
and cotton are rot generally good.
needs warmth and
After the line rains at the end of the
preceding week cooler Set in,
with brisk northerly
for the growth id Th.-re was
plenty of suns and the latter part
of the week was warmer.
occurred at I or three places
and Thursday. The week
The Seaboard Air Lino
the States of Virginia, North
Caroline, South Carolina and
is without
under the most progressive i
and liberal of
and Hallway life the United
States if not in world. It gets
close to the people, it knows its
patrons, it works for their inter-
est, and turn appreciate
what is done for them, and the
troth of this is shown in the fact
that great
of roads hAVe tried to down the
Seaboard, the people have gone
to its rescue, and it an in-
crease of business,
enough to overbalance all the
could from it;
who are and nervous,
who have and cannot sleep.
Ibid strength and vigor In
The that tho
ban Dominated Judge
Albion W. to be consul
at Bordeaux, Franco, a
lot of history
of the who swoop-
ed down Carolina just
after the war. He became a
cl the Superior Court
made a good one- the
expiration of term he settled
to law, but did
not do much good at it, and
nearly twenty years ago retained
and tho people to pat- lo
the toad. which brought him
Air refuses lo
It be almost I
us too much
prayer. It affects
of the Lome and
as the gr at amid all it-
cares, labors, and It
up all the and
our better all
our evil inclination , and
desires. No can be an ideal, or
model without u family liter-
You need not offer
the devil will with
excuses, but will he ever furnish yon
with an excuse on stand
before and the his
God has In TOW care
mid souls, to
very great extent Ten tic
and their eternal destiny,
Therefore, you cannot to d i less
than your whole duty in trying to
them to lira type
character. The society, and
the moral and religious Mate of our
country, cannot ii-- above moral
and religions atmosphere of our homes.
Brother, you love God, you love
the our Lord Christ,
i you love own call
family together tonight, read a
lesson from the Bible, and then
ship d iii prayer and thanksgiving
around the
nations for holding up freight
rates- It believes
in making its rates directly with
the people giving nil tho ad-
can- The roads that
go who pay
high for combination
officials--, those salaries must be
paid charging higher rates of the
book dealt
with the reconstruction period of
forth Carolina, with Ku
Klux, etc.,
falsehood to put State a
thoroughly bad light before
strangers yet enough to
forbid North Carolinians
should enter a blanket denial.
The colored voters one ward in
Newborn Id a and
Got, the part he. ii trying
lo kc government of
that city.
rs m
Spores, Building Paints
Oils and Stoves.
Pair Dealings and Honest Goods sit Hock,
Bottom Prices.
main x. c.
We have a plan by which Farmers o.
i- I
M r- of . VI-r- it
m l in. . i I i , A i I . .
Is especially trot lot mull-
ever i la
so a
always at-
ways Its.
or fever, cure alt liver II-i.
sick headache, Jaundice. He.
to take MS Hood it
freight, and thereby tho people
here to pay it. The latest more
of the Seaboard Air Line, to as-
those located is
to a f
one, and the whole marked
by literary
which made or. this
book he in a paper
trial School. of the established with it bat.
is to teach the people how-
to preserve ho
to make fruit, butter, jams,
cheese, and to
of such
as be made on tin
farm a groat dial of ex-
A large of the
latest labor saving farm
will be Especially,
will shown household
convenience as tends to improve
tho of the home, and
its more
the work of
the house wife. Experienced
too cool for cotton, erasing it
come so slowly and look nearly; tone
may have to be replanted,
has i bring
plowed stand net good; cut
worms doing tome damage. Coo
tobacco was
week and planted.
Potato hugs are in
some places. is about all planted
mill fat op
will apparently be
baa in
northern portion tin- district.
was fine for work. Th. weather practical and skilled persons will
be employed by tho Seaboard
to give Object
all who to SOS
Ai well us to be bow to do a
This a new enterprise
a id is certainly down to
something that is practical; it is
carrying the School to
the homes of of people
The School will be fitted in
a train of cars specially prepared
for it, it will atop at different
points along the thousand
miles of tho Seaboard Air Line
Railroad, in the States of
North Carolina,
and Georgia; and the
good this work will accomplish
be reckoned in dollars and
cents. This movement will
stop at the Seaboard Air Line's
for other roads will be
compelled to follow the example
set the progressive
Air Line, or will loose many
of their patrons for the people
will leave other lines of and
flock to Seaboard Line
Territory fact we are
informed through responsible
published on the Sea
board Air that
men as well as farm are
leaving other sections of
the South, and going to the Sea-
board Air Etta ; being attracted
the enterprise displayed by
this road, these are moving to
Seaboard Line territory, so as
share in the advantages this
is giving to the people along
its Home.
take subscriptions for best
Fashion on the market.
copies shown at my store.
N. C May
F. of Greenville,
last here.
U. S. Harper has taken charge of
J. L. White who has been telegraph
op -.-rater here for some last
T. C. Manning, cl Tampa.
Fla., arrived Friday evening U spend a
while at his old
T. A. went lo Oakley to-
The recently elected Mayor
Commission r qualified last
day evening.
Tie r was a burns e
church It
children's Sunday school day. The
consisted of
ti prayer,
There were
and two received by letter
the meeting which at the
church week.
T. It. W. Carson and
Peal have elected delegates
from Baptist church here to attend
the Union meeting at Greenville on the
fifth in May.
We learn that a gave a while
man by name of Keel at
Saturday evening, whiskey which con-
poison causing death in a few
When the was arrested
he confessed and laid a white man
hired him to do it
as author and lecturer, he is said
to have retrieved his for-
n IS,
ii. J.
h I ii wheel
mail e
tunes, lie i indeed a very
smart follow, certain news-
paper articles of a political
character which be while
he lived in this were re-
markable for their and
the biting qualify of their par
He was cordially hated
by the during his
residence hero, especially during
ho was
as a The clerk of the Court of
One cf the I Pitt county, letters
. . i . i hi me. the undersigned, on
frequently rated ,. f May ,.
was that he was II- deceased, i
pardoned criminal from the Ohio Z,
penitentiary, i it is never to be , and to all
how U- . to , r.-.-ht
. I properly to the
S. E CO.
N- C-
Notice to Creditors.
with that mock gravity which s
him, said
Home, with a hue
of indignation, that ho had no
that this was a libel,
bat that instead of
being pardoned had
served out his term fully and
within twelve after the
I date of this will
I be plead In bar of
This the 8th day of May, l -97.
of iii. e of II.
V i try.
We suppose that the great
mother lore prompts
mother, who has a boy a
life of wickedness and crime, to
believe that be is a heart-
ed but is led astray
bad companions- In some
instances your boy may be led by
bad companions, but don t
your too
severely- Your boy may the
leader of the he Is going
with. I put all the blame on
the other boys, your boy may
A Sanctum Sermon.
Too many people pay more
attention to tho affairs of is
to then- own. Han's head is
not like a shot
gun- gave to every a
head of his own, and he who
it i. Is to his own badness
enough to keep him reasonably
busy forever People are like
wasps. Society is a barrel
with tho sweetness
Meddlers go buzzing and bump-
against the soared sides-
There thousands who know
nothing of their own
but know all about the concerns
of their neighbors. Tearing
another's character to pieces will
not help ours, no matter bow
dirty the other man may be-
out weeds
yard I not make the weeds in
our yard more The
while cottage. brown
mansion hide trouble
world. People talk and
not whereof they peak They
to show haw foal s.
dish most to
Let straight Let
us each mind our own
and each will never be out of
On Monday of A. I.
will tell at
door In the town of to the
bidder for ea-h one Uses of
brad in county about
acres as Mt-
to I,. A. adjoining
Use lands of Mathew Mrs.
ft. E. J. B.
Henry Becky Stocks.
Joseph SOU c with the
L. A.
ton, containing thirty three one
third more lets all weeds
bind and the streets of the home-
stead I. A. an
x my collection against
a. and has been
levied on paid laud as be property of
said I. A. We
This day of April 1-97.
S, M, l. .
T will carry best goods obtainable and
will sell the lowest prices possible. I
will do all can to obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see mo.
M. H.
Next door to too Jaw THE LIVE
n .,, Urns
a Than a Hall .
Million Dollars. N- I.
T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Honk, Baltimore, Mil. We i
The Scotland Huh Bank, Scotland affirm, and th genera,
Neck, If. C.
Noah Scotland and Account Books
R. Firming, N, C. ,, application.
Wove Dealers, Tobacco Flue Makers
and Bicycle Dealers and
their to public We Old n
Tobacco Flues
we will as
or least price. All our work i and are ready to
repair an thing In our line a cook stove to a bicycle. e will
t you to and wee
mm 1.1
We Have Them.
II bought out
1st Moore
th brick I will sell Brick
now on hand very
at notice at any
the I.- within one
hundred miles of tow is Wilson
. and N. C. ail com,
leading instead of being l ml I mimic n cs in future to
Monroe Enquirer. N. C
On day of June
will I at Boats door
In the town of to the
bidder for cash I. A. In-
in one tract of land in Pitt county
c acre and
as situated in Carolina town-
snip and known M th Carney
land, satisfy an execution in my
hands for lion J.
and ins been on said
land as property Ml I J. A. White-
W. II.
On the day of June A.
18.17, f will Mil at the Boars door
in the of Greenville to the highest
one of bind Pitt
county cont lining about IS sens a id
as at
lie son's corner on Bead at
a stake, thence with the said
Wilson's south western line to James
Cox's with said James
line to the main run of the swamp
thence wit i tin- main run of swamp
the Kin-ton Road, thence with said
road to th-
acres. or less. Beta pan of the
Lewis land i hat he deeded to his
son, James II. Cox. and lying on the
load from If X Roads to
to an execution my -an Is for
James Cox and which
b been levied on said land a-i prop,
said James II, ox.
Sheriff. .
By M, Daniel, D.
Organdies, Swisses,
Brilliantines, Checks,
Percales, Suitings,
and Cheviots
Waists and Dresses.
and Grenadine Silks
in all colon.
Satins, Lace,
Ribbons and
for Trimmings.
A new line of Collars, culls and Belts just re-
Gentlemen don't forget our
H. M.

Where in the
Civilized World
a dollar buy more
About People Pass
Mrs J. Try is sick.
Miss Nannie Wilson is quite
If. I. Dawes returned
E. C White
to T effector
N. Cm May 17.- At Co-
Saturday night colored man
a some with
poisoned in it. The while man
died Sunday. The Coroner went down
New Elect Otter
The ii- w Co
he largest nines its or-
, was at the
oilier officers l t ,
,. , . , . -i no.--tire Company at
fix A. J. on-, of the
and at the inquest the of the din
had been The was
Thursday in jail yesterday , was ,;,
Mil tile salary I
D. D. Gardner cull- in from Ham-
lay evening.
than it of rah- full
worth of quality.
sack and cutaway suit
of fine tweeds and
many plaids
neat mixed
and lit
teed. ask
you to
H us show some en-
tire new if we
don't surprise you.
Seen the Shirts
Straw are here, too.
-A Mrs. Hopkins
Dress Goods, Shoes
Gents furnishings
is superb and your inspection is invited.
The King Clothier,
Local Reflections Baptist
. -as -s of mesh.- in n.
Mr. K Whits is opening a feed
Stole in the building just south of the.
j office.
Friday a visit to friends.
J. it. Cherry, J.-., easts in Monday
evening a trip on the road.
Air. Henry Morris, of Tarboro,
has been died Thursday
has mine to Henderson
to locale. We re.;, el to i Walt r
iron Greenville.
T. ail
Mi.-s Mary, of Scotland Neck, we vis-
of Ply
was visiting Mrs. K. H-
returned Friday.
T. M. Hooter, who has been taking
coarse in at Baltimore,
reached home Tuesday eve
A. U. Dupree, postal clerk between
Plymouth, same ii. on
evening's train tor visit.
Annie Bond, of
who has been the W.
This morning
confessed the said that an-
other man ad hire and paid
h in; to do The
has skipped.
There are no deli
die cause 0-i-l, hill ii is
minor.- I man had
Other wife and want, d lo get
i way.
D. I . in-j-
a at.
I i-1 has I
Tin- most upright machinist
baa hi i
New in last
K. the fly spoil goes lo
May Can- in
packages. New cue Herrings,
at S. M,
to be in no
ah at i.;, hut i-s will b-
in alter awhile.
he bad
been attending the
J. I. W i and wife and
Hooker and Lula
gone to New fork on
Ur. R. L. returned Friday
from Charlotte, where he had
been attending the
W. N. V.
who has been spending a weeks
I el; lives his old home in this
C D. and W. I. Brown
waning the
the Grand Lodge Odd
Solicitor C. M.
evening from Washington
City. He is the
C. cock.
Mr. Pat Conn in, an old
who is a lo ace
Has in die city today. Mr.
a ill sail iron few York next
Thursday fur England Press
K .-Gov. Can- a party
friends, passed down the river Tours
on his yacht
With the Gov are Carr, Jr.,
Ii. r. . Ur. d. J
They went
creek a days fishing.
A. r preached two ii-
in e church
preparatory to the
the text o meet
an sermon by
U v J in the
Sunday night, J i.
Monte and K. B. w. re ordain-
ed as Elders tins church. The
vices w. re impressive. Revs. K.
D. It. own aid i. AL It n a d Mr.
i. i.
both was d at each per
Join Daniel, mas
lamp i a
J I as
cleaner a salary of per
W. C. Hines Was elected e
and J. W. was
lax Hater. Air. Hines was
notified his election as tux collector
lie declined to accept.
Monday night, and four new
anthers were added. The increased
the Company, those who assist-
ed hi i, and
in the of much criticism
Ii You want a Nice
Satan -t in the has
the members yet
Iron, owners of
town. There are yet hardly more than
was Ii.
The salary the
at fees.
Tie salary the clerk
per month.
to look
idler wells, las
old code ordinances
ad -pK-d j in effect until
can be
new s
This is to forbid any
all persons from trading a Bole d
by mo to Goo
rich dated 1897,
s in Sept
shah it, on the ground
and id
I Cannon.
On afternoon, a I
o cos-;, the of
in j
We Salisbury San
that la-t week iii Super-
suit Southern
a i damage
of the killing of Engineer dame.-,
in ii wreck last lull, was in
I of being for
Mr. Juan s was a brother el
Airs. town.
Even the armless
i. tin- push.
gets, A pair of glows let. in the Pres-
church during the
be obtained By owner at the
Th newest
. There is talk a good
here. Mr. A. A. Forbes is
at the head the and will
on his
its doubling up V
alter special taxes.
it a success.
Some men ten wives jg
A mm and a load.- happens, while go still
re m
even happened.
Women win wear Paris m ale towns
are load French droning.
The bicycle breaks mans a man b-
lose the man breaks the
who plays in a
short St.
The rain evening gave a
nice the and Harden-
The girl with the most
is the one will . .-.
Has i. shower late Tuesday
afternoon but handy enough to do
much good. it-, from the country
ale that rain is badly needed.
Gov. sell has commuted the Ii
lo for in the
case the jockey Hobo who
killed another at the
invitation to the
el LaGrange,
A Swallows
A few days ago the little; two
old of Air. W. M. Brown, n
Alt Pleasant, was seriously injured by
swallowing some concentrated lye.
the child got lye hi- in nth
is not known. Airs. in handed
bunch of keys lo nurse, a colored
girl, her lo go to the and
glee the child a The little boy
went with the nurse and a minutes
later hi.- screams his mother.
to the chill
lye in his mouth. Mr.
Brown was called in from his work and
to the pantry where the lye was
kept, the box an a shell tar out
child's lie examined the
carefully I found no trace of the
lye anywhere about clothing or
body the child . on the inside
of mouth. At las report from the
child its was still
sag a
says J
I int if
J, R Corey is having
built n
Even the light headed girls are bow-
ed down with weight new
three i and three runs in the first
inning, four hits and four runs in the
did nothing more,
r- lived King in the sixth and did. god
Mary Alice j work. Hawley kept th I
is one the
In France the woman cyclist is
called a In
Jew the
been coined as a substitute
for In many towns in
west of the United States the
is called a
No, Maude, to word
n it bear fruit, although it sometimes
h is nuts on it.
ha is.
The harder a saw the
surprised he is at the way worthier
men get along. .
of the machine have led
as a speedy
is fairly tho
In however, the
is called a The
Many a bibulous man will never
he will a when
he has price.
Tho wants to know
if s always have trains on
When a beggar wears a
you he can't see it is
often a
The who and gives hi-
sent to a pretty girl m the car
stands for the lair.
There were indications of ruin
night and today, bat the i
as not arrived yet.
A man main.-d
a gill named Bread. II says he took
her r-e.
to . i. upon the part of young
men to coin expressions. is
indicates that the story
are telling lacks the element of
truth. A young a
fondness are
leading a last life is
An oil logy is retailed lo
a- a -high wheel.
us A cheap
bicycle is called a machine.
Press Visitor.
dust before leaving his store
day ht Air. U. Hi,
and his Mite as usual. When
he returned to the store next morning
lie unusual the
g the
mewing a lie one.; open-
ed the sale when kitten jumped
out, glad to be liberated
from prison. The had spent
Mr. T. iv f Greene County,,,
Miss Lucy Tyson w re married
L. J.
The attendants ware K. I.
with Miss A James
and Ellen Tyson, P. s. It.
p.-r and Miss a, El ward
and Mies Cornelia Jones, Staten
Miss M.
Lassiter Miss L Sugg F. Al.
and Carrie l.
lb bridal party ft ti.
the g.-. m.
The c
Air. Burro-v is a pi
young farmer of Greene
v is cue o
charming woman.
property owners numbered
members the company. This
should not be so. When it is
that the. members
d not to own
the iv el it docs
well for the r that their
i By he lime
another is held the
would be to note a masked
change this particular.
Alter transacting regain
held its annual election o
owe is with the following result
M. s.
1st L.
2nd J.
See. and II.
It was voted to
Town Council
A. as I th
Where the prettiest
can be found.
are d put-
r iv. s s i-. d
hull.- cl
Fireman made the Sallowing
in i-T. II. Barman and E.
G. u.
Heel Mart, It. Which,
ard. Home and , M
A i Was adopted no
I member who is mare than
eon.-i shall be.
i the certificate exempting from
of Spring Clothing
------A beautiful line of------
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
to select from.
s most
For Ocracoke.
Tin steamer Virgina Due will make
two trips a week to during
nights and return Sunday
and leave mornings and
return Thursday's. in-am-
from this p a
will great advantage to
The Virginia Dare is a boat and
with a polite
Washington Progress.
Small at the
Some time during Tuesday
office at the depot was broken into and
about stolen the cash dinners.
Two drawers were broken open but
nothing been missed pt the
Change Mud left in I hem. The
got ill th.- by breaking out
lilt lop of one the windows
and climbing over the iron bars. It was
evidently duke by some one
with the surroundings,
Below are Norfolk prices of
and for yesterday, as
A Mer-
chants of Norfolk
The youngster who has clothes
stolen while in is obliged to
hare a best he can.
, , , Tonearm.
The acknowledges an
invitation lo the commencement p
of Horner Military School, Ox- Extra Prim
lord, s.
is chief marshal.
graduating class well None the
e were costly- Score.
Cincinnati, May thousand
people saw the Reds again defeat the
Giants in an interesting game cl eleven
innings, Sullivan was substituted for
km in fourth, the Reds
could do very little with delivery.
The c the game was the play-
of Davis and Gleason. Score.
New York, a-
Louisville, May
in the first inning and home
team's inability to hit Filled its
defeat today. Jack Sheridan made
or bad decisions against Colo
and a from the bleachers
went alt r his scalp fourth in-
but the succeeded
venting Score. Louisville,
St. Louis, May St. Louis
had scored seven runs in, the two
innings, Baltimore in the
and jumped on Don time live
singles, which netted as many runs.
Alter second inning Browns
A is were unable to Si.
u were made on singles. Same.
St. Louis, Baltimore,
Chicago, May
Won Lost Per Cent
New York
Last Week.
During last week of
Deeds issued five marriage
three while couples and two for
T E. Barrow and Lucy Tyson.
J. A. Robinson and Moor .
A. L. Gardner and Ida Ward,
Isaac Brock and Sally Fleming;,
I. and Lettuce.
The Newspaper in
The is a to sue
in advertising. Its r field
never be entered by any oilier
class of publications, and, therefore, it
p qualities as a medium which
c in never be wrested from it,
is scarcely a family in the land into
whose home a newspaper some de-
does not Hid its way. The
members of that may never
look inside the covers of a
but hey experience a sensation of hiss
If their newspaper fails to reach them.
liaise Hurt.
Pitt County Bides Hire
marching along down Washing
sired, Friday afternoon, a year
c.-ii belonging to Air E.
ex and
Jot. j, jumping over tie
fence Hie a paling
red the body under one
The paling
depth f I.- nu-1 made an
Steam Fire no
From tome letters hare
the we see
some good work is being
I,. n ft -am lire for
Ii department. This U a
every of the town
should f. .-I interested hi, and the prop
owners especially should ,
it engine should be
Airs. Laura Newton, William
and was buried Friday afternoon. She
j; sister of Alp J. A. Dupree of
n Feeble Health
Unable to do Her Work Nervous
and Tired-All Those Troubles
Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
For the r-st four years I have been in
feeble health, for two years past,
owing to climate, I here not
been able to do my work. I was
and had a tired feeling was under
treatment of physicians, but I continually
grew worse. My husband insisted on my
trying Hood's and I finally
began taking it the first of
Jane, bottle did me so
good that continued with it. and
after toking tour and one bottle of
Hood's Pills I am able to do my work,
and the tired, nervous feeling
O. N. wanes,
Sarsaparilla uS
Purifier. Sold by all Unionists. six tar
u ., N Liver Ills
MOOd S PHIS Headache,
of the Mother shapes the course
of unborn
sounding through all the
ages and enters the confines of
With what care, there-
fore, should the Expectant Moth-
he guarded, and how great the
effort be to ward off clanger and
make her life joyous and happy.
allays all
sea, and so
pares the
system that Childbirth is made easy
and the time of recovery short-
than before It in-
lo life of both moth-
and All who have used
Mother's say they will
be without it again. No other
remedy robs confinement of its pain
whose wife used
says that If she had to go tho
again, and there were four bottles to lie
obtained, tho per he
would . .-., Oak
In n el across hills
Sets lie- .
When babbling of rills
Joins bird's symphony
III.-ii, it to us, we
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.
For balmy April breeze
T. II be sultry arc nigh
M hen we linger the .
our throats are hot
Then soda fount
Pattens up hi bank account.
Heavy and Fancy Groceries-
At my store you can always find fresh Bread-
and Cakes, also Fruits, Nuts
all kinds, Materials, and a nice line
b and Fancy Groceries. Call and see
by Mail, on receipt of ROT
ii and voluntary testimonials
regulator CO.,
A General Horse
If you
want anything in
call and inc. lean save you money on
FINES SHOES of the celebrate Eagle brand
A. White's
j Old Stand-
Opened a Grocery a jest to S. T- White's and have a full of
Also a nice line
I can now be found in
brick store for-
Come to see
to select from Everything fresh and low clown in price. A
to mi. Come me, will it pay you-
St. Louis
Meeting Closed.
The closing service Saturday
of the meeting in the Presbyterian
church by B. H, Melton, State
of the Christian church,
was exceedingly enjoyable and
Besides the remarks made by
Rev. Mr. Melton short talks were
made by Revs. N. M. Watson, of
A- cf
and J- B. Morton, of
the They voiced
the sentiment the people in express-
the pleasure it had them -to
attend the meetings and the belief that
God's blessing would follow the earnest j
work. Mr. Melton had done here.
I Popular Goods.
I Popular Prices. I
I Popular People.
This week a showing of wonderful
values in new and lines of
hue of GOODS was never
better. We arc white
while Satins, white Organdies, white Mulls,
white Lawns, white Swiss, white Cash-
mere, white Ribbons, while Kids, white
white Hose, white Fans, white
Bells, white Corsets, white Parasols, white
while and many Other
white articles too numerous lo
Lang's Cash House
is. Ii L
Lappet Mulls, Swiss Mulls, Lattice Lawns,
Scotch Dimities, French Linen
Spring-Summer Footwear.
We have styles and shapes cheaper than you
ever bought them before.

Why don't you laugh young man,
when troubles come,
Instead of sitting so sour and
You cannot
And sunshine every ;
When why don't
you laugh i
Why don't you laugh ever
to soothe,
The aches and pains ; no road in lite is
smooth ;
many a bidden
O- r which have to jun p.
don't you laugh
your spirits win
Don't sit and cry b
you've spill ;
It you in it
Pray, let m. H
Just milk another cow,
laugh i
ll, m
Why don't you awl
keep us all
A will always win ;
It you can't laugh, just pin
Cue on, let's all
you laugh
The editor of the
Record takes off his old straw hat,
which he has worn during all the
winter, ard makes his best bow
lady in that
for a beautiful loaf cf bread,
which was baked by the fair cue
herself and presented to the
worthy editor.
That is business- There is yet
Lope for the profession. We
trust that we are about to enter
upon a new era, one that will be
fraught with and
blessings, a large
of them coming in the shape of
of bread.
There is substantial
about such They make
better men of us, for a time,
at least, the whole world seems
brighter. The Record man
ready exhibits and
ability. line in his paper
Col. IV. F. French has in his
session a number of old and
documents, which he sometimes peruses
with interest and pleasure. In looking
over them last week he came across a
written in the dark days the
war, which is not only interesting but
amusing. The letter was written at
Halifax and the kindness of
Col. French we have been allowed to
copy it publication in the
It is as
January 27th
W. F.
Col your order we were
placed under arrest by Lieut.
for Killing chicken. I ill slate
the ct the matter you.
pressed by hunger we went out and
tried to buy something Io eat and tail-
to do so we killed n
After killing it we paid ten for
it. I will also state paid
for the We hope that you
will please release us we we
have suffered enough already. Par-
live dollars for the cartridge after
to pay tor the chicken is, in
estimation, though it
may not be in yours.
else slate you are
I I he by making the
I sutler in t e us. If you
n lease us We will MM you that we
will r he of the like again.
We are, Colonel,
J. W. Hall,
Jas. Ivey,
J. H.
in Co. I. 3rd. Jr.
This strong defense. the
letter part ii, did not fall on
can. The weather was cold
. . . Col. French did not to
punish innocent guards he gave
orders to the prisoners. It is
presumed that they kept their
promise to reform as they wire not
again arrested for chickens.
Woman's her
tower of strength-
A woman may not be very
curious naturally, but she can't
resist the temptation to watch her
neighbor moving out.
A woman is never quite so
as she first goes out
with a brand cow a brand
last week was per there coach-
a much better makeup j a woman to et
fleshy she is
and her equally stout
acquaintances she calls
honeymoon ends the
wife concludes it isn't necessary
for her to sit up till her husband
comes in.
the recipients
of for of
years, but not the kinds
conquer hunger. They write
handsome notices about weddings
but never got any of the cake-
They write that
cause other prominent
citizens to hasten their
in order to get a flattering death
notice. But when the estate is
divided no goes to the
poor editor. We publish miles of
matter about six pound
Log, but nary ham do we get-
We publish the of cows
to give gallons of milk
per dry, but drink coffee without
Sunday morning and
Adam's ale the of the
week After writing tons of
about calves we find
it necessary to wear
and eat, which may or
not be beef. per-
mission to write up all the fifteen
pound turnips potatoes in
the community and have to eat
poke salad every spring- In
short, we must run a free show
and pay the band and keep the
repaired- Let us up as
ind call the Warrenton
blessed, for she is truly a
benefactor, a
Two little feet to that l-th may
In one caressing hand ;
Two tender feet upon the untried
Of life's mysterious land ;
Those rose-white feet along the
doubtful future
Must bear a woman's load ;
Alas since woman has the
And walks the hardest road.
Love, for awhile, will make the path
before them
All dainty, smooth, and
Will cut away the hi ambles, letting
The roses bloom there ;
Dot when the mother's eye
Away from the sight men.
And these dear are left with
out her guiding,
Who shall direct them then
Will they go stumbling i i
the darkness
Of tearful shades
Or find the upland slopes of
sunlight MM fades
Oh, who may reach the future F r
this sweetheart small
We want all blessing, asset I.
And pray that He who feeds the cry-
Will guide the baby's feet.
The of
Mr. Bryan Tyson, of
I Rives a valuable method cf
A report from the office of the j . early
general of shows that j be mix J week by gathering in
l here are more female than men with than a Working
The that woman is
a very large extent
supporting was last
Out of people.
women the age
while only men nut to the
Now, the
which is proposed is, is it
to the popular
it takes much longer for a woman to matter how
reach even the age of than it takes
a man to reach age. If this is
true it makes Banning ail the more
remarkable. It has been asserted
the average life of the
man is longer than the averages
the single man. The fact, however, is
denied by the end mm of th minstrels
says that the lite the married
man Is not really but
seems so.
far, there is no satisfactory
the original proposition
why more women to be
Some say it is because women are
addicted to tobacco strong ;
hers say that it is because it is more
i to spend money it is to
it, and so on. It may be many
I the men who would live to be
am kilted curly age in casualties
which women are not exposed. Ii
may be that light lacing is a pee
server, and it may be not a after
all. Possibly the.
may mistaken. The is
replete with
make holes into their roads
and I here a lump of tho
mixture, about the size of a mar-
then cover with a clod of dirt
to exclude ti-o light- Moles can ployed in
thus soon exterminated, no
many there are.
poisons may answer
but I have never tested but
arsenic, which gave all the
results that could be
convention. There a-e at tho
present between four
five millions of women girls
in tho States that are em-
a living.
W. M. Repine editor
says wont keep
in King's New for
lion. I olds.
I with many others, but
true us
In. New No
remedy can take In place our Noam,
U it we have a certain sure cure
Coughs, Colds Who ping
It is Idle with
ether remedies, even If they are urged
on you as just good as Dr. Kings
New Discovery. There lire not as good
because this has record of
cures besides is guaranteed. It
caver Jails to satisfy. rial file
John Li. Woolens drugstore.
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
tie power to digest and
a proper of food.
The temple -o be This can never be done when
the liver does not act it's part.
Do you know th is
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
A good business M said to
today. in a
We have not n him yet, and that
has been several hours ago.
I; are precious thugs, when
come to consider them
you ever stop a minute o
hat may in a minute
In a we h. been
on the t the earth by
Its diurnal motion a distance of
At the same time we shall
have along with earth, in
grand journey around fate tun,
miles. Pretty fries traveling,
say i Why, that is slow work com-
I are the of travel of
of light which just new, reflected
from that mirror, made yo i wink. A
In a over all the world,
M new infants have an
raised a wail protest at the MM for
exist, them, while
m more beings,
will, the struggle lite, have opened
heir lips to utter sigh.
a minute the lowest; sound your
can catch has b- en made by MO
vibrations, while the highest
reached you after
A means a gr.-at deal, not
withstanding the that many people
I old it of no consequence. Look
her minutes the heirs will
A woman generally sharpens a
lead pencil as if she were chop-
Ding wood.
The Raleigh board of Alder-
men, created a
mugs in the selection of city
officers and disappointed a
of good men and faithful
officers, did one
thing, which be followed
by municipal board in the
State. It was this
That the City do
not employ or retain in its
employ any in de-
pal who fails to pay his
This is just. In these
times of stringency in money
matters, every man working on a
salary, in public employ, should
relieve this stringency a-j far as
he is able by prompt
ho should not be retained, as a
servant of the people when he
contracts debts lets them run
on indefinitely, with no apparent
effort whatever to meet them.
This is simple to the tax-
payers who have to around
mightily to the taxes out of
these officers derive profit
and then pay no attention to their
The new Jewish scheme known as
Zionism, lists reached shores of
week a meeting was
held in New York in the move-
and a great interest was
aroused among orthodox Hebrews-
The object of the Zionist pi
which was originated in Vienna by Dr.
Herzl, is to encourage the Jews of all
the world to restore Israel in Palestine
and to establish there a Jewish govern-
meat. It in an old, an abiding, and
deeply rooted idea Judaism. We
might say that it has ever
since the tall Jerusalem, but for the
circumstance that every there
are prayers for in the
orthodox synagogues of every country,
including the United States. I's re-
at this time is due to
Dr. Band.
Be has extensively in En-
as its he has formed
for its advancement; be
has secured fr it the of the
Turkey, under whose am
he desires that the Jewish
Slate shall be established, he has re-
encouragement from
Other I monarch ; a-d the
amount of support he has obtained
Jews distinction is so
it has lien it to hold a Zionist
A Healthy Old Set.
The items from a h
Carolina exchange, are interesting
Mr. Hole who is
years old, caught cold yesterday while
plowing his held. Rule
hopes Io be out in a
win is i
while driving home out.
yesterday to misfortune
of spraining her ankle. Nothing
sixtieth anniversary
their on last.
Air. Jenkins is Mrs.
s is eighty-two. Among the
presents was a bicycle for Mr. Jenkins,
who is a lover of the
Great i In North Caro-
People thorn have to emigrate
they want to ii i
tint tint mil
j in Cuba is untold
w.-ll as death to and
also a h of prop-
who to
and who have been working on
lines, agree in their declarations
tint the island is nowhere
and officers not
London's chief, who is a
In the royal navy,
pr cession of firemen in full
uniform and a polio band
and Ins bride
o the elm
erected In Washington, at a cost
of half a dollars, be c
splendid and a fitting me-
of the many j Liver Pills are an
deeds that have found i c i i ii i i
.,. ,, . . for sick headache, J
motive in the Orders trinity of . , , J
Char sour stomach, malaria, ,
and There arc torpid liver, piles,
i Knights of Pythias in the jaundice, bilious fever, bilious- m
Before tho end of thin
every cf the in
Connecticut will connected by
The best salve In the w rid
Fever Sores, Chapped Hand K
Chilblains, Corns, and all
Piles or
It is to
perfect or money refunded
cents per box. or sale by
A correspondent from an
county, who is a
all says r
i is no at all
to tin party- Me
the has
appointed mo,, who against
him to over tho heeds
f some who were his supporters,
that the party is only
a to get oven
r-f V
i -i
a i r , 1-i
i me, cur
i- . than
. la
beard of cases
Mm. He
ho sends
w i t k .-.
of care, Ires to any
We ;
n. i . i.
Ml sour
-------A line of-------
and kindred diseases.
Liver PHIs
.-. t v.- t , i .
J. t i
model, or d
;. C it e Of r , I
, . r f. t r I e w I I
i A I
t i . in n L. a. foreign
-1 T urn
t. Ii
pi will H i
th. ii Inter I
i ii
i workings
conventional next at
it for lining
which delegates from all parts the
world are to be present
The reform Jewish in I Ids
, ,, . I Spanish capture hospitals and butch .-r
country is to Hie . . . , , , .
men nods, and Hint
It does not believe that
with gold and hastening
tin promotion in the army, hat tin
Semi address to U. K.
Co. Chicago- get a
Dr. Kings New Life Pills. A
trial convince yon of th merits.
These are easy in action and are
particularly effective in cure of
Constipation and sick For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have
proved They are
to he perfectly free from
every deleterious and to be
vegetable. They not weaken
by action, hot giving tone to
the system ate,
Sold John La Woolen,
; arc
s the return . ., , . .
r I
the scattered Jewish people to Pales- , . , .
. , , in. i, of repute and ill .
are to I.- interpreted; or , ,, , , , ,
,, , , . . . dice can only strengthen the m
iii-U any of
. . . . . . , . sympathy for the patriots e are
be to these i r ,, , ,, , .
. . ., . . to five
in they enjoy their j. , .
or that a Jewish State
of respect, capable of self I There are sonic phases our
and the means of prosperity system in. North
could be set up at this time in Pales- j have n-it been studied caret ally,
; least not by the
will be drawn to not alibi I
only in which they
No man Of
feel even Io
rinse of education, for it is
are subject to but of our land but glitter-
whole earth. We shall men learn
the measure bis upon the
Jews in the United probably it
not be very
studying the mailer
years I am
a people do
of ii n .-i. I think
that a great majority of the cures
effected by tin waters
of the fashionable and
able in various
parts of the country would h i e
if the amount of
generalities with some en
speak and Write the matter
of free m not so
i. g when they down face
to face with the men through whose
bands and from whose sweat I lie money
comes to run the schools.
We have thought much over the
School system in North Carolina, and
have, never given b lore ;
but we believe that ti a free
far this State come
the poll tax and from
Neck Commonwealth.
When we notice he m my am
what of
abroad m the land e doubt
world is r growing
While is v, a
plain, wholesome, everyday water ,,;,.,
must be that is an
a vigorous feeder and re-
well to liberal
On corn the yield
increases and soil improves
if properly treated fer-
containing not under
A trial of this plan costs but
little and is sure to lead to
profitable culture.
All ah in h the w h, y
1-. i. m
in a Italic b mil
nil In I I e . . i.
1.1 K WORKS,
N Si, Mr
was drunk by them. People rush
to these spring.-1, and while there
drink from Io -0
of their in a day
Whether there are
virtues in the waters, this
out dona them on account
of the extra washing out they
give themselves, and it is water
instead the constituency of
same that does the work. The
same people, if at their homes,
pass and many a day
without one glass of
water. It is my that it
is water Hint is I am
not a or a believer in
the theory that water taken
internal y and externally will cure
At the same time. I
am that if people
ally drank from six glasses
of water every day they would
reason to complain,
and suffer lose from many ail-
that now effect them than
interest in the BUM
did not always and many,
very m my, things are being
he their
movement i in the of the
less fortunate must be evidences
upward trend, and
is to say the b
ham Sun.
It is a slat, which we have
made over and over so
do e ii that we make it
once mom The habit of
is Inexcusable evil
and sin otherwise d-cent men are
guilty of. The man who blatantly
utters unguarded oaths and talk pro-
of the presence
r upon who e earl he
knows bin is of
a broach of is
in a ; end degree of
the breach politeness
may be measured his in-
A men do not know
any better, but most men do.
who do not know better a e low
down the scale and In.
s-i s b. lore the
mil investigating
the Civil Set-vie la s have made
charges again l
officials Cleveland
X's, las
been it, I South las
the war paid in pensions f
and is paying at the rate of
a year. That's one of
why the pensions have been
piled on SO. It the North had pay
the we be
mm m
especially for ck, well a
man. for that purpose sold in
cans, holding pound of
cine certs.
Lambert. o.,
used kinds of inc. bu
not give on.- package of alack
V for all the others I ever saw
is I full S is or c in
e Sprint f ,; re
i. S -ii.
cure bad breath
i shone; at
s cure
S core
of this pup will be
pleased Co learn that there i- at
one dreaded disease that science has
able t. en e in all stage
is fall's Catarrh Cure is
the now Ki own Io
Ike being
a disease, a
Cure is taken
upon the and w
system, the
of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
in and in do-
work. he have so
power.- that
One any
case it to cure. Send for list
K. J.
fold by
I are the
We have .- t received a
hearse and bi . t line of
and in
he and doth brought
u. do embalm
eta .
attention to eon
bodies en-
to our care win
mark ;,
Our over.
we do nm w-ml but
can round a any and all
times in tho John
Buggy Cos
which am
selling so low
Come sec m
and will
treat yon fair
we buy i Ir . en
till ; . III I I e
c; C ck of
always on h ind as I old at pit ; ill
the times goods arc all
told i m
t run self at a close
S. N. C
and dealer in all
kinds of
All f duo
We labor and
material and are prepared to give
satisfactory work,
. . it,
v M I Its M
. ;
Ms i
May h.
is ;
W 4.111
I. K. ISM.
S CO., SI. if.
e r
cf la I.- .
as. rear mm. CASS C
The Daily
its Glass Id the State
Wire and Iron Fencing
prices reasonable.
i HI
i j
; no
P. v.-----
OH . , ;.,,. ;, ;.,
aves Wei Ion . . m j.;,
Writ p
in. bi
. n-., S K I
at in., 11.10 am
tally in i i
on leave
on in., i i I p . m
i D Id a. is . and n.
m . a. bi . in
ran m i .; p, m., ls n. a. m.
I p. in,.
i in., n I ii. in. Dally ex
Mini i its with trains on
Train a O. via
A Raleigh except bun.
lay, . in. M ;
i p. ;. i. m.
ii to
in., .,
-ill. II.
best is t. U f
e. Fanning
p in
o I
Train on Midland C. leave
0.01 a
u. living a. in. H.
turning leaves a. m. an.
rives M on a. ii .
on Florence
.-. leave i n
p ,. Km.
en. I a in. Daub-
f a in. Hun-
Train leaves War-
a. in. 8.50 p, m
Train make connection
it points dally. rut
at Mount
Carolina It for
i. ll points North via Norfolk.
i. v. Manage.
I. Mai- -t.
, general as well
i. Ladies Dress Goods have hand.
Heavy Groceries, Jobbing-agent for Clark's o. M. I.
and keep attentive
Life, Fire and
N. C.
A st.-a
N q
at current
nun it A. M
leave Tarboro A M
m on Par

Eastern reflector, 19 May 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 19, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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