Eastern reflector, 9 October 1889

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D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Eastern Reflector,
D. I. and
Trice. per year.
Washington Letter-
How Many Indians
Another desolating scourge has
ceased. There arc no longer Indian
From our regular I O. O. Howard, in October Wide Awake, wars. Those, fierce, tribal
C, Sept. Are the Indians, as some say, merciless, aim long continuing, have
President Harrison returned to year by f And will passed away. Once the
The Way They do in South
Progressive Farmer.
On the 10th ult., according to a
I dreamed that to we, l dream- the it bite Boom to-day for the the. time speedily come when the j was taught to hate the j correspondent the News and , As Reflected from the State Press.
I felt
touch of two warm to min
son, and once more
that land will lie as free of the Dakota to return ; the town of C,
And over my mouth that was Peonies the Mecca tow- as Massachusetts is to-day
The odor of roses and wine.
The joys beam ringing Ike bells
moon shed an answering beam
The fountain leaped up with a thrill of
ante which alt wend I Two j ears ago the writer made
their lie will not lack for this to similar
companionship or occupation for is pleasant for their friends and the
sometime. It is stated semi friends of humanity, to discover by
the feeling with interest. The was thronged with wagons, all load-
detested the Snake, and with cotton that was in full dress
Snake gave the hunters of the of Alliance uniform. Atone o'clock
no Thus, like France j all the wagons moved to the cotton
and England ill times, each j platform and unloaded.
fountain leaped up with a thrill of o mm
that the first question to be , actual counts that are not its enemy. pendent
of Tribes combined to fight other the
i i i i., . , r. ,. .-. Tit. i.
will not hesitate to Democratic
and measures that are
the true principle of the party.
If yon want a a wide-a-wake
of the Slate for the
ii is trying to get. the
the moon's pale gleam, , a Commissioner of Pensions.
the dream of a kiss
But fate may undo me.
And sorrow me
Yon were mine one moment
you Your shim-
mine eyes in its flow.
True, like certain Danish am
Celtic clans that once migrated from
excitement began.
tribes often fought to The Alliance clubs had already
nation. Mr. J. Matthews, one of
who hold to the our most thrifty, energetic and res
place for Drown, I , ,.,,. . and our most energetic ant. res
of his State. It is said that he i
President Harrison that His removal;. , , J thrive on the White Man's food; the day, and it was a waste words
i ins removal, tribes have . ,. r .
of Tanner was raising Cain among household.
I felt the soft of bosom so republicans in Ohio and unless till but few scat-
the Demo- the
Two white arms stole around mo would certainly carry in; ways of a strange
G. Fowle. of Wake
M. Holt.
Secretary of L
of wake.
of Wake.
of Wayne.
of Instruction
Sidney M. of
Attorney F. David-
son, of Buncombe.
Chief Justice X. II. Smith, o
Wake; J. Davis, of
fames E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonso C. of Burke.
Fir-t District II. Brown, of
Third District-II. G. Connor, of
Clark, of
Fifth A. of
Sixth T. of
Seventh C. of
Eighth A. of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth of
Eleventh M. Shipp, of
Twelfth if. Merrimon,
of Buncombe.
U. Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
Thomas G. Skinner, of Perquimans.
Second Cheatham col.
of Vance.
Third W. of
Fourth II. of I
X ash.
Fifth W. of
Sixth Rowland of
Eighth W. H. A. Cowles
Ninth G. of
Court A. Move.
Sheriff J. A. K. Tucker.
Register of II. James.
B. Cherry.
S. I. Ward.
B- Harris.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
man. Guilford C V.
W. A. James, Jr., T. E. Keel.
Board of finding
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
Public School Superintend
of F. W. Brown.
G. James.
R. Lang.
T. Smith.
R. Moore.
Ward, B. X. Boyd
2nd Ward. R. Williams, Jr., and Alfred
3rd Ward, T. J. Jarvis and f.
R. Lang ; 4th Ward, W. X. Tolbert.
passion contest
All pains of the past to redeem.
No doubt Mr. Sherman told
the Apache chief, shortly
Let fortune deride me. one was President that, in hopes before his death said whites
st ;
appeal en. from to mention buying to any of them,
like Anglo- American households getting everything ready Mr.
is nearer the truth. As soon as Matthews announced that he was
they catch the White Man's ready to sell bidding began,
of supply, of preparation There were cotton buyers from
eating, taking as we do two and Augusta present.
lint alas it was only r dream,
only a dream
pale it is not believed that ho
three meals every day, they are but the lay-out, bales.
Only the dream of a
fate may undo me.
And sorrow pursue me.
or getting his friend appointed, but .,. , . . m .,,. ,
among who know Mr Tea's, than when they went days was bought by Mr. Simon Brown
,,, for 10-7 1-2 cents, and then the
You were mine one moment of bliss.
will shod any tears over the defeat
. of in Ohio.
I but my people grow less and
less; I want A few such
warlike tribes, as above intimated,
The silver question is going to be , altogether or nearly ex-
York Letter. , troublesome one for this but other largo tribes
The trouble about this increased ; some and
A Site for the Fair. Base Ball question is that what pleases the hot little.
mantis gorged themselves;
than when they seized upon
that hail tiled, and to satisfy
the cravings of false appetites eon
sinned the poisonous flesh.
weighing began. There were no
samples taken, the whole being
graded alike. Col. the
head of the Alliance in this county,
Mr. J. C. Matthews, the sales-
Genera O. O. Howard has writ-
ten an article for the young folks
ho rend WU which win
What Happening US. also interest and their
J we refer to the little paper in
, the October number entitled
In mo there were only ten news-1 the United
papers in North There; Miss Rose
.,. Charles Kingsley's
a valuable contribution
Greensboro North We about who Invented the
j saw lull grown of see- j a little
last lad. Mrs. Goddard
A second
crop is ripening on a June. Ia different page of French
apple tree G. Maxwell's history hi telling the story of
After except.
Shelby Cleveland has
only one prisoner in awaiting about dainty
the advent our Superior Court and tho
October 21st. . . about
and Starr's
Concord is a and Mrs
in this county letter, the remainder of
clears over above expenses i ,,.,.
per year, lie works. and all of a most
A character; notable
in Cleveland county gives among-tho latter is Mr.
per year to support G., amusing Court Calender the
r. as to China, eighteen Nonsense animals
September 23rd.,
The New York committee on the
I World's Fair of 1802 has at last
a site which it is thought will
be as to all
as a can be. The
of a site the great
in ease
if, was found to be, not only a
important, but an extremely
one. Hundreds of suggest ions
on the subject were made by
men and people, but each
seemed open to some grave objection
a careful computation a
from the latest reports which cm- and
help old weighing, the
cast docs not please the west, and With few exceptions, the Indians .,.,.,
of the United States have been States and Territories,
For some reason the idea is en- gathered portions of the pub- Alaska, we count j; . ,
among those who ought to he These portions, called The table us
know that Frank Batten, editor Indian Reservations, Untied
The Asheville Citizen says the
English sparrows have left Ashe-
ville. They are also getting scarce
in Wilmington, so the Star says.
how they are
the Washington speaks States maps with their little squares I Arizona
through that paper on many representing lands i
public matters for the Hie surrounding white men Mali,
nation. It is certain that he. desire to Energetic push-
New was to ed print paper signed com- want to cross them with
Republicans pasture sheep and cattle ,
Harrison for re- j thereon, prospect for geld end silver Montana
moving Tanner, and that tho within them, and ever it as
rial columns of the Post have let a hardship to be kept outside.
men keeping the weight,
as also Mr. Brown.
Ill instances where Other mer-
chants had liens or claims on this
cotton I hey allowed to lake it.
at the offered by Mr. BrOwn,
if they chose, but in nearly every in-
stance they preferred Mr Brown
Laughable Reflections.
as Com
piled by Bad Bot.
that subject severely alone. Look- Many white people who live neigh-
at the thing from this stand- to the Indians regard the land
First Of all, good judgment decided Gallon's attack oil the civil f those with a very differ-
site must on service law, which has just broken feeling from that they would
Manhattan Island ; but on the is have white men owned it.
hand, Central Park seemed the only has an agent, a
available place on the Island, audit Senator Quay who was here one white man, appointed by tho I saw such a that they are not
would never do to spoil the i day this week, is to dent. This agent is virtually a this . I thoroughly No one here
on which so many millions have, expressed a very king of a small kingdom. He has shape was it P, such a day as and re-
bad been spent, just for the sake of opinion of the such as the shape or a marriage
a temporary show The committee which he did so much to blacksmith and
has cut the Gordian knot however, into office. I they constitute bis counselors of The here, madam
Norm Ca.
81.400 Texas
Wyoming 1,8-V
0.577 Fla.
and Ind. giving tho cash and that
11.77.-, settlement, it being one of the
nun strictest requirements tho Alli-
that each and every member
shall pay his debts.
Tho men tire in full
its, and that today is nothing
to what will do and
seems to so, for after to day no
c c
N. C
quite a creditable manner. is the word at the pen-. State. Sometimes he adds to his
is where forefathers lie
are your charges, doctor I
dollars a
we don't want company, so
They have selected tho upper per- office these days. Tho only governing force three. Indian judges was your poor mother
of Central Riverside Park, talking around the building is done, and ten or twelve Indian policemen. four
and other vacant land connecting by the attorneys who find it almost Thus we see that with so many
them. The portion of Central Park impossible to do any business there men among them it is easier
begins at street and on account of the tangle in than formerly for us to number tho
ends at the northern boundary of is in. The new Com in is-; Indians. Not many years ago, the you needn't come a visit, but
the Park at 110th street, a portion has a herculean task before was done by army officers to f or
which is now in the same him, one that I would undertake . and other Government officials; Moldy
picturesque condition as were the salary tour times what it they simply estimated the don poi
made it. The entire site comprises tribes and individuals; it to give up. I'm
acres, but a good part of Everything is in readiness tor the hen the nations were more nomad
it is unsuitable for buildings on ac .-.-. .-. .-.- i
marks were made by every one ex-
pressing surprise. All other
cotton was suspended,
and the people were on the
Graham Gleaner.
There was at Burlington last Sat-
a trap set and operated by an
, oily-tone J, nimble-fingered fellow
v looking . t . , .
sir, caught of the
He was following the circus , but we
are not advised whether he was a
legitimate of it or not. We
meeting here next week of the three fa than at present; when tribes not you, as we We suspect, ho follows
us it is ac- Americas Congress, which will re- changing their overcrowded. There are seven more . . .
by nearly every street rails ., on, the when they had to move great; the stairs, and circus in order more easily secure
great American Exposition to be I stances to supply their have to roost somewhere ,
held in Washington
road the city, by the elevated
roads and the steam By
this wife selection of a site we have
when the buffalo, a thousand and to I writer
i , n ii , aB . roamed over Doctor but looking at; but is informed that the
a great stride ahead of our ., . is very care ibis watch with visible only capital invested was three half
sister cities who working for Writers for papers or magazines
the big lair, and from this on the
pushed in dead earn-
sent Fred Douglass, minister to
from Washington to Fortress
Monroe on a Government vessel for j
or referred to
d I b m juggled
Ml at the symptoms in sufficient de-1 , .
i the incomplete; tail, and perhaps, you will one to the other. With this
the mod remarkable chapter known
of modern history. The
chide contributions from Graham R.
Cells Thaxter and
Mrs. all at their beet.
LaGrange cadets The serials are Margaret Sidney's
continue to arrive at Davis School, j and
The present opening of the School -Little Knight of Tun
is the in the history of the In short stones, all true ones, are
at by Leigh young,
A Centennial Ball will be given II. Wayne.
honor of Miss Winnie Davis, tho , by Elizabeth
of the and loin the Slur
during the Centennial ; Mis Seward, the latter a
in November. Washington and the Rocky
Julian S. Carr, of Durham, has w
been elected chief marshal of ,.,,.,., ., I
, , Publishers.
Constitutional Centennial
to be held at Nos
friend Mr. -I. J. Casey, New
Hope, has caught in one steel trait,
adjusted to the top of a
on his plantation, hawks this
Concord Times A doctor
was put in jail this week for
practice. This is our second color-
ed physician, having left
leaving in debt to one our L- JAKES.
at little less for horse
Headlight A white N
man came to oar Register of
yesterday and applied for a
age license. Two dollars fifty
cents was all the money he possess-
ed, and the result was that the mar
failed to take place. Cruel
Scotland Neck Capt. .,.,,., .,,. . .
W. II. Smith informed us Al
that the track the Albemarle and N. C.
j Raleigh road has been laid
the Washington and
road, and that the road will reach f
by tho 10th of this
N. C.
Attorneys-at- -La w,
n. c
to will b
Promptly Attended to.
G It E E A V I L I. E, N. C
fear that the Potomac river steam-
estimates. In our time a correct j
lay-out he scooped in tho money
Base-ball is now one of tho ab-
boats would refuse to furnish him ;
and his white wife with first l
census has been taken and the . Husband right and stole
I C of dollars from those who
tongue any more. He wants to look
i were thoughtless enough to
First and
Sundays, morning and night,
Hughes, P. P., Rector.
big and night. Prayer Meeting
Wednesday night. It. B.
Services every Sunday,
big and Meeting
Wednesday night. W.
topics of the metropolis, j accommodations, and that Fred is evident it.
Our have worked their , that now the as a whole, .
way to the head of the class and j , like the Negroes of the South, are j i f operated
Boston s proud nine are close at j was j increasing. ;
their heels. The excitement be- a, same Thirty years ago there ware i would pop the having a town
Concord of
last week for- J
States. of them ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,
heard to make use this express-; Q R N V I L L E, N. V.
I'm to a where all i
comes greater and greater as the;
season draws to a close, the l
causes which carried off to
license pinned on his coat so every
you naughty boy, body could see it. It was a shame
is a miniature ball held. Every day of as
the games are played, by telegraph,
the proper place for the World's
Greenville No. A. F. Si, A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and Mon-
day night after the 1st and 3rd Sunday at,
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow, ;
G. L. Sec.
Greenville B. A. Chapter. No. meets
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights t
sonic Hall, F. W. P.
Covenant Lodge, I. O. O. F.
every Tuesday night. .
X. G.
insurance Lodge. No. K. of II.
meets every and third Friday night. I
D. D. D.
Pitt No. A. L. of meets j
even- Thursday night. C. A. White,
on this board. There arc blue of 1892
red pegs for the all in their More one democratic
proper positions, discs of afferent has expressed to
colors which show the number of correspondent the opinion that
runs, outs, and in fact Republicans will make no
about the game. When a to pass a tariff bill at
player goes to bat, a proper colored j coming session of Congress,
peg is stuck in at the home plate ; re afraid of the subject.
hold of him.
He evidently a very
hours A. M. to p. M. Money
Order hours A. if. to P. M. No
will be tied from to and
from to p. U.
Bethel mail arrives daily Sun-,
d at A. M. and departs at p u.
Tar mail arrives i Sun-
at Ii m. and depart p. M.
Washington mall daily
at t. and P. m.
For on Bethlehem Mission.
Bethlehem, 1st Sunday at
School House, 1st Sunday at
Sparta. 2nd Sunday at o'clock.
Shady Grove, Sunday at
Salem 4th Sunday at o'clock,
Chapel, 4th Sunday
E C. Glenn, P. C.
if he makes a base hit gets his
goes the Mg to the
responding position on the diagram,
when lie goes to the the
peg goes also; if he makes a run, it
is promptly indicated and the same
is Hue if he is put out. In fact the
whole progress of the game, taking
place perhaps a thousand miles
away, is faithfully photographed be-
fore the thousands of spectators
whose eyes are riveted on this
blackboard, and whoever and
anon give vent to their feelings
applause, groans or shouts of diver-
as the progress of the battle re-
But, blissful as it is to wit-
a game like this free cf cost,
there is one thing which the
and that is that
they have no chance to get a
at umpire.
They from past experience
that it is loaded.
Tanner's to private
printed here this week has proved
a veritable bombshell in the
camp. Its veracity is of
you read the
That dreadful Whitman papers I
where i
II. ,
from the simultaneous a became bis victim. these
of Missions, measles. The don't a were day laborers who had of
measles was then a new J nm an of the asylum their earnings, some were
not far from i Talisman No, sir; I can't read. trick, for we have heard of a
where a baud of were is your business number of young men, middle aged
, . , , , , . got sir.; ,
savagely murdered, doubtless result- how do make l who
the water's Masses and the
leaves is fritters, don't you X .
New A company G E E N V L L E, N. C.
Practice In all the
a Specialty.
of Virginia and men are
preparing to put up a saw mill on
just above Blade's mill.
We understand that the machinery j
is now on tho way. We have a
lumber business any
town the State.
Goldsboro The fish ship- p. c f
meets over the A. ft N. C. R.
already the heaviest ever known in .
the of the road, arc Civil Engineers, Surveyors
Greenville, N. C.
The Indians imputed it to evil
for the feeble minded-
Lawyer will
ed, close-listed, economical, hard
its Dr. Whitman's camp. The this honor. working farmers, prominent in
did not know what their respective communities. Nor
to prescribe. The sudden cold bath j the demoralization stop
after the beat of a sweat-house was , Jo j
followed by death. Herbs and from their patience. wore victims,
tracts hitherto efficacious in to a Texas paper, one That such a devil's mill should
gave no relief. So, like lately he presented his bill to have Been allowed to run
course, denied, but most people bes people under yellow fever and
it t . . ,. hundred and
it to be genuine.
Civil Service Commissioner
says it will be a party
for a Republican to introduce a
, ed under the eyes of the law is
era, being to stay the baud enough to bring the blush to the
of the destroyer, multitudes of the two in dot family ; cheek of every good citizen in the
race miserably perished. Who not me so much as county.
harrowing distress wonders .
bill Congress for the repeal of the at their superstitions folly and I to En W-
civil service law, or to attack that
If this be treachery several
members of the are, to my
certain preparing to be
to the party. But as Mr.
Roosevelt draws a salary of
a year, besides liberal ex-
under that law, it may be
considered by many people that be
is prejudiced.
rid resentment T
But now
I in the house replied Dr. is what you ought to hate, la fact
drawing a revolver. His bill i you must have it, to fully enjoy life.
have more I was paid. Thousands are searching for It dally, and
There are good
vat ion doctors or Army surgeons j Dr. Kim ball, Director of the Mint, spent annually our people in the hope
near at hand. Contagion and ear-1 and Col. chief of the
are met at the threshold and Statistics, have both resign, that Electric used according to
frustrated. There is no more sweep- ed to take effect October They and
. . i install instead we recommend
were of the Cleveland Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all
of men, women and children,
from these causes, into untimely
administration, their places
were wanted for Republicans.
diseases of Liver. and
Sold at and per bottle by
daily, and taxes tho fullest
waiting limit of the North
bound train here, every to make
the of boxes for that
The crowd at the
Centennial promises to be so
that we think it would be a good
plan for the executive committee to
prevent any man from shaking
bands with President Davis mere
once. The shakes will be too
much for him ; everybody wants to
grasp his and patriotic
Oxford miserable
wretch placed a cross tie across the
track of the Oxford ft Henderson
Railroad Saturday night a
dons crossing near Dabney, and as
engineer rounded the curve
tho engine struck it and dragged it
distance, Mr.
stopped in time to avert a disaster.
We hope these fiends found
out and meet the just punishment
they deserve.
and Architects.
and N. C
Greenville, N. C.
Under new management. Hot and
cold water baths. rooms at-
servants. Table always
ed will, the best of the market. Feed
stables connection.
Polite waiters. Good Booms. Best
table the market afford. When in th
stop at tho

Eastern Reflector,
The trial of ox-Priest Boyle be-
fore the Superior Court of Wake
county, came to an end on
day night last. The
sent out a small extra early Mon-
day morning an account of
Wednesday the the trial. While
this account was brief it covered
Price. per year.
will not to Democratic
and measures that are not consistent
the true principles of the party.
If you want a a wide-a-wake
of the Stale send tor the
Entered at the Office at
C ,
the very well, there being
no special information grained from
reading the accounts of the
and so forth, that have
come in the papers since our
information was received.
Therefore we reproduce below
what appeared on the extra Mon-
The Salisbury J. B.
paper, has just
its fifth birthday. Since
putting; in a new press a few-
weeks since the is
things hum.
Poor Wilson We certainly
sympathize with the good people
of the town and county. Coon
loving Wanamaker has appointed
a named Sam as post-
master of that town. It is a shame,
to say the least of it, and John will
live to reap his reward for such an
outrage upon decent people.
Every tax payer this year will
pay cents on the valuation
for the benefit of the pension fund
for disabled Confederate soldiers,
their widows and orphans. Each
poll tax will be increased cents
for the same purpose. There is
not a man in North Carolina but
who should M willing and glad to
pay this tax.
Several of our exchanges are
publishing clubbing arrangements
with a sheet called
Farmer and giving that paper
loud advertising. We venture
that by the time they are through
with the experiment they am ready
to say they never tried anything
more unsatisfactory. The
is sufficiently amused along
that line.
The proposed colonizing of Ge-
band of Indians in the
extreme mountainous section of
North Carolina has caused no lit-
comment of late. Secretary of
War Proctor wrote Governor
Fowle about the matter and the
latter in his reply opposed such a
step. He said he thought such an
arrangement would be the cause
of much dissatisfaction in the
State. The Governor is commend-
ed in his course.
Special to the
The following telegram was re-
at the office
Sunday, October
He to be
the 29th of November next. S.
Other telegrams received later
were to the effect that the jury was
out only three and a
in up verdict, that
after it was rendered Boyle made
an address to the Court which
he denounced the persecuting at-
with hitter invective and
created the greatest sensation ever
known in a court room in the
State. His counsel asked for a
new trial on the ground that
verdict was contrary to the Judge's
charge, and on account of
tiled that the Judge did not
charge the jury specially with re-
to the cries made by the girl.
Judge declined to set
aside the verdict and giant a new-
trial, saying such a cause would
not be proper unless the verdict
was palpably contrary to the
weight of evidence. After sen-
was passed upon Boyle his
counsel arose and appealed to the
Supreme Court, which appeal was
While in our office the other
night Mr. Frank Powell, editor of
the Tarboro Southerner, told us
there had been 2.100 errors report-
ed against Mr. Bryan, the postal
clerk on the A. A- B. road, during
two months. Why the Govern-
will persist in keeping such
incompetent men in the service, we
are unable to see. It is not only
so with the eh on the A. B.
road, but the majority of the
in this State arc little
or no better. It is a shame to the
present administration that such an
inefficient mail service is being
the matter with
Some may say he's all right, but he
ain't. Here he has gone and turn-
ed a cold wave down on us without
a bit of and it caught us
with our summer garb on, no stove
up an no coal in the bin. Monday The four new States. Washington,
morning found lots of people rush- Montana, North and South Ba-
ins around with their bodies in , elections last week and
often see some mighty good
things in the Durham Suit. Here
is n specimen picked out of a late
copy, that while brief expresses
volumes in the words. It says
of children are now
in the school rooms of the
country. What they are taught
there and how eared for has great-
to do with the future prosperity
of the Wise words they
arc. and every tutor in this broad
should be impressed with the
responsibility i instructing aright
This is a faithful and worthy
and have
store crammed jammed
lull of new goods, and are doing a
liberal trade. are strict, en
men and deserve
to succeed. X.
Bethel Items.
October, 1889.
There was a murder committed a
miles down the railroad last
Monday. Two had a fuss
and one killed the other
Miss Dora James, from near this
place, left last Monday to attend
school in Tarboro.
Mr. Fred Latham, from near
Washington, arrived here yesterday
and started to school to
to day.
We are having some nice weather
now the are making
good use of it housing crops.
Several of the Bethel people at-
tended the association yesterday,
they all came back wee and muddy.
Business is improving rapidly and
the are wearing a pleas-
ant smile. Bob.
Weather Crop Bulletin.
or the Week Ending October 4th, 1889.
Central Office, N- C.
The reports of correspondents of
the Weekly Crop Bulletin by
the IT. C Experiment Station and
State Weather Service,
with the United States Signal
Service, show that, during the week
ending Friday, October 4th, there
was a deficiency of rainfall, an av-
temperature very much
sunshine. No rain fell excepting
light showers on September 30th.
and the has been nearly cloud-
less entire week. Light frosts
occurred again the early part
the week but caused no damage.
The nights have been cool with
heavy dews while during the day
time the has been nor-
The large percentage of sun-
shine has caused the bolls in the
cotton fields to more rapidly,
except on very large plants. Far-
are now busy gathering the
staple, and the season has been
very favorable for this important
work. No complaint has reached
the office of damage done
by the caterpillars; dry
Mather seems somewhat to chock
their spreading. The corn is
probably rips enough to gather now
in places. The prospects seem to
be for continued fine, weather
farmers are good spirits.
Eastern re-
ports have been received. The
weather has been slightly warmer
than in other districts, with little
rail, and plenty of
Central District. Weather
very Indian summer.
Oaten progressing rapidly.
should be nearly ripe enough
to gather.
Western District. Light
frost early in the week caused no
damage. Temperature slightly
lower than in other districts.
and no white man who respects
himself will care to be closely
with him a social way. I
am inclined to believe with the Ken-
that as much in the
blood of people as of
Harris, of
who has made a trip
through that State, says the Demo-
will hare a walk over, and
that will never be
beard from politically. I have it. on
good authority that several
of the administration have
en tip all hope of election.
Senators Hampton, of South Car
and Harris, of Tennessee, are
very wide apart in their ideas of a
correct solution of the race problem.
Senator for a long
time advocated the purchase of land
in Mexico, or an island, and the
colonization thereon of the
of the Southern States. Senator
Han-is being asked what he thought
such a scheme, replied do not
consider it practical at all. The
does not want to be colonized
and if the devil only had those who
are trying to make practical capital
of him there would be no
to speak Senator
is one the large number who
believe that the business of Congress
has grown to such dimensions that
unions sessions ought to be held
Representative Breckenridge,
Arkansas, thinks all the
talk about the rules of the House is
intended to work the courage of the
weakened republicans to the
point of seating all eighteen of the
Charges have been filed at tie.
of State Reed
Lewis, of
at Morocco. He is accused of
attempted to extort a largo sum
of money from a consul as the
price of his retention in Mr.
Lewis is one of President Harrison's
Knight are
to arrive for the Conclave.
will remain here ten days.
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following
that lire not to be in this market. And to be and
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS. CLOTHING, GEN-
kinds. Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Lime, of Paris, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and addles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I oiler to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less C per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye jobbers Prices. White Lead pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Faint Colors, Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a call and satisfaction.
I beg to inform the public generally that
I am the only maker o Clothing
in Greenville. Parties coming to me need not
be afraid of getting clothing out of given
to them for custom-made.
All Garments Made on the Premises.
Having the finest line samples to select
from including the latest novelties. I am
pared to do nothing but the finest of workman-
ship, combined with the latest styles and fit.
No fit, no sale.
Marriage Licenses
During September twelve mar-
licenses were by the
Register of Deeds Pitt county, to
the following
W. Pi- and Irene
Forbes, H. B. Turner and Catha-
Elks, J. K. Barrett and Annie
K. Bynum, Willie Williams and
Emma T. Moore.
Henry Shelly and Martha
Williams and Annie Tyson,
Wooten and Lucy Or-
man Vines and Jane
Porter and Sarah Bright,
Bright and Elizabeth Noah
Forbes and Emma
and Fleming.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
J. D. Williamson,
Are headquarters for all needed in Hie
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if you want anything- in
Hardware, Agricultural Implements,
and Cooking Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which will soil at Prices.
to an
WE are now fitted up in are prepared
short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old d
R. JR. Manager.
will have weekly arrivals of the very nicest and freshest
I keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of
All wants in the above goods can be supplied by
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
Dear Friend. Dr. D. S.
.-1 desire an answer to a
On February 23rd, 1885,
fore yon left Atlanta for Best material used in all work,
I brought my wife to your office,
presume yon well remember the
Yon examined her eves and
Slid no medicine would do her any
Rood, that would make her a
Glass to wear always, and that the
pain would stopped. My wife
followed instruction, null the
pain was immediately stopped.
I was in Atlanta 4th or July of this
year, and two of best friends
got into an argument in
to my wife's case. One said
something like a half moon shape
and both hands stuck in their
see an item like this going
around in some of the papers
artesian well, near Tex.
struck water at feet.
all went by majorities
ranging from to 18.000. It
slightly strengthens the
majority in the next Congress.
The New York Base Bull Club
I has won the championship of the
The flow American in the series of
was strong, and the water makes
every body drunk that drinks
If you want to see the em-
just spread this thing
around. The and
land can't stir half the
fever as can a substitute for
that can be had free as water.
Fames this season.
Splinters Picked Up Here There.
Mr. Claudius Jackson has lost
two horses in the last two weeks.
misfortunes of a good man
always arouse the sympathies of his
Miss Kate school,
Tucker's house, closed last
Friday. The young folks had a
jollification at night.
Some writer says that love is a
species of insanity. If this be true,
we have fearful apprehension as to
the fate of several bloods
is a very diminutive
place, but some is found
in the fact that it is as large as any
other place of the same
The following original and re-
freshing couplet was found in a
young ladies
I to see the green grow.
W heard a business man remark; .
. Knows it.
the other day that Pitt county I love to see my old horse so.
The Concord Times tells us that
when the circus was at Reidsville j
an stole a dog and started ;
off with it. The owner pursued
and recovered the dog. We have
not been pining for a circus to
come within our borders, as we
believe them to be heavy drains
upon the country without the
slightest good ever coming out of
them, but we would be willing to
try just one down here on a
that it would steal and carry
off nine-tenths of the dogs in Pitt
Washington Letter-
From our regular
Washington, D. C, Oct.
The Cabinet meeting held to-day
was a little strong Pension affair stopped the pain
raised a small cyclone, and the of what
tore that had passed away the j our . was it the color
on the bench the Supreme w of the glass that stopped
Court brought about a hurricane.; Write immediately.
At least two members are bitterly ; C. T.
opposed to the appointment of At-
General Miller, which
My Factory Is well equipped with the best Mechanics, put nothing
but WORK. We keep up with the times theft styles.
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs arc you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a lull of ready
the year round, which will sell as low as lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
N. C. Mar. 1887.
Thanking the people of this and counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of the same.
Oust It.
Harrison seems determined upon.
It must have been a rather
was present.
President Harrison is still wrest-
with the problem of trying to
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
position for Miller, who as administrator of William Tl. Clark,
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to said intestate to
. make immediate payment to the.
problem trying to and to all creditors of said
a man for Pension to present their claims properly
who can satisfy th applicants I authenticated to the
without creating a
financial deficiency. The thing is
--------Has just received the nicest line of--------
Watches, and Jewelry,
Ever brought to Greenville and will continue to keep on until after the
seasons. If you need anything in that line it will be to your advantage to
give him a trial before purchasing.
Also for sale. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at short notice and work-
manlike manner and warranted. Call and him.
Wishes to inform his friends and the public generally that he
bought out the Grocery establishment of T. It. Cherry, and wit
new stock added is now prepared to furnish the very best
At prices fully in keeping with the hard times. keep Flour,
Meat, Lard, Molasses, Confections. Canned Goods, Crockery,
Glassware, Tobacco, Arc,
Orange Syrup is the best Molasses in this market.
You are invited to call. Remember the place, at Cherry's stand.
J. R.
J. G.
Have again come to your attention and your esteemed
do not claim that have the largest and best stock east of the
Rocky Mountains, hut we do say that r arc to front
--------with a specially selected line of--------
impossible, but of course it's none
of our if the
to wear itself that
way let it go ahead. The latest
man named as likely to have an
of declining to occupy
Corporal Tanner's shoes is ex-
of Pennsylvania. Two
men stand ready to occupy the
Ohio, and Campbell,
of Kansas, but their readiness
makes President shy
the 7th day of October. or this no-
will be plead in liar of their
This October
of Wm. Tl. Smith
had to have an Agricultural and
Industrial Fair next year. He said
For when h goes, he goes it.
A wedding in low life is to be
here tn a few Miss
Greenville had the best central lo-1 and jimmy
cation of any town in this section ; arc the contracting par
of the State, and a fair here would ti s. Both dependents of Ham.
draw a exhibit and
able spectators from adjoining
No cards. will a take bridal
to Swift Creek.
Mr. Patrick Miss Brow,, d and won, I be
counties, tie mm mm just -n i started from New York Tuesday for
can be done, provided there is wish them all the joys tins vain with Fred Douglass, our nun-
display of enterprise on the part. Ai , as a passenger,
Sale of Land.
By virtue of a decree of the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Pitt comity,
will sell for cash at the
Court House door in Greenville, on Mon-
day. day or November, the
lands the property of late
deceased, adjoining
j the lands of M F Latham, A E Brown,
and others, containing
Mr. is at last or teas,
not of the United States,
brae America s lie was. is made
elected to the u j the said Latham.
when the Congress met and JESSIE P.
Ex-Senator Henderson, of I Latham.
Missouri, was elected A-
Mr. Blaine's speech of
welcome to the members of the
was a model of its kind,
and is highly praised by
of both parties. Immediately
alter adjourning to November
the Congress called on the
dent with whom the members took
lunch. Thursday morning they left
on a train for a tour of
North Last and West. They are
certain to be impressed by what
they will see will return to
Washington to discuss
intelligently the matters
brought before them. It is
at the State department that the
will sit about three
Democrats here express consider-
able disappointment over the result
of the elections in the new States.
They had been led to expect some
thing different. Secretary Tracy's
difficulty in getting a Naval officer
A, gay Patrick every spring, j has been the subject of a deal
I Masters Johnnie Pierce and of joking Washington this
in it. No argument should Cannon are on the list. I week. As soon as it was known
be needed to convince the business Dr. E. is that the commander's cabin had to
in physician. We wish to see be to Fred, nobody who
them out again soon. knows the personal habits of that
There was preaching at Little i individual blamed the Naval officers
Bar. Mr. getting of the dilemma in
of gambling- whatever, would ; editor of the Will i any way possible. Secretary Tracy
prove beneficial to published at Snow Hill and got very mad, but all the same I'll
o that church, his fare- bet a big red apple Tracy would not
well from the text, entertain Douglass five or six days
is profitable unto all things, his private residence for a year's
no-, have a fair by himself. What fa promise of the Ufa that now is a very brainy
say the others f is, and of that which is to come. man, but he Is a for all that,
of those who should be vastly
community the benefits that would
arise from it. A fair conducted as
it ought to be, free from
manufacturer and all. But
this one man who mentioned it can-
. -he elegant form
with medicinal
of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
rendition of the
It is the most excellent remedy knows to
cue is Bilious or Constipated
M and
one is using it and all are
with it.
r. f . r
Fit Co Co Co. N C
Cobb Bros.,
Cotton Factors,
Commission Mer chants,
We have had many years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle to
the advantage of shippers.
Suited to the want of a largo class of customers. We arc in full sympathy with
the hard times can will make low cash prices lo all who favor us with
their patronage. Look down this column and see if cannot interest you.
arc- better prepared than ever before lo serve yon. We have in stock to-day
a line of
All business entrusted to
bands will receive prompt and
We have coming in
some Job Los in Stand-
and Ginghams at Water Mills,
cents. Call early that
you may have first
styles to select from.
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
Can now be seen my store. have
the latest styles and newest patterns, and
an experience of several years at the
business qualifies me for doing all work
and well. I also
oz a
i do
at moderate prices. Will be glad to have
you call and examine my stock.
The undersigned having leased these
mills for number of ears and put them
in thorough order, begs leave to inform
public, that he is prepared to rind
Corn and wheat in a first-class manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill meal at prices delivered.
Customers lo buy at retail can
be supplied at my store in
where w ill also find a select
of Merchandise which will
sold at lowest prices
Robt, R. Fleming.
Pitt County,
Joshua Francis Nobles,
Nobles and Joshua Nobles
Guardian and Eliza Nobles
lo the Court.
Pursuant to order in the above
entitled special will offer
for sale at court house door in
Greenville. N. C. on Saturday October
12th. the following tracts of land
situated in Pitt county, known as lot
No. Sin the division of lands between
the at law of Thomas Nobles, Sr.,
which was allotted to Nobles, con-
acres, more or less, bounded
as Beginning at corner of I
lot No. on the south prong of Long
Brunch, running the line of that lot
E to another corner of said lot in the
back line, thence S W, ft to a
stake at a sweet gum. thence
N W 1710 ft to a stake,
thanes S W ft to a
station on the run of the south prong
of Long Branch, thence down
courses of said prong to 1st
Also one-eighth part of an
divided tract of acres. Terms of
sale- Cash. Nobles.
C. M. Bernard, Special Com
and Trimmings, Ginghams and Calicoes,
Suitings, Goods and for Men's and lien's Suits, Homespuns,
Bleached and Unbleached Domestics. Canton Flannels and Bed Ticking.
Boots and Shoes.
For Men. Women, Boys. Misses and Children, at prices that will cause poor to
rejoice, and the hearts of all will made glad who buy Shoes from
why because sell low and give the money's worth. A full line of Notions,
and Goods that will delight oft and oM.
HATS and CAPS for men. boys and children. in this line we offer
you a stock as complete s the or mechanic can make a
of Steel Nails and guarantee them to lie best made.
Which we are selling at rock bottom s, not because we are forced to ,
but take pleasure in offering and selling low down. Can we interest you her
if so come in and examine our stock of Sugar, Coffee, Tea. Soaps.
Toilet and Matches, Meats of different kinds, Float
which we are now buying from firs and can you money if yon
examine before elsewhere, and Snuff.
Headquarters for
Of which we carry a line not. to to extolled in Ibis market, such as ;
Bureaus, Double Single Bedsteads, tables. Cots. Springs.
Mattresses, Children's Cradles Rods, Chairs of kinds and varieties,
all to suit hard times and short crops. Anything that you want in this line if we
have not got it in stock we will make a special order for yon, as we have
from several of the best furniture houses in the United States and guarantee safe.
as to prices. Willow ware, Crockery, Glassware. Lamps, liar
Brinks and Collars. Cart Saddles. Whips and Millinery.
Valises and Traveling Bags,
Life is too short to keep on telling what we have and can do, But
you all health and prosperity and giving man. woman and child who come
to Greenville a cordial invitation to come in and examine our stock.
remain yours to serve
N. C

H. B. Lang's Column.
Fall and Winter Goods
Winter wearing apparel Tar any
previous exhibition, and comprise every-
thing new and stylish in our line.
We have selected with great care B
large of reliable goods in
every department and cordially invite
an inspection of same from our friends
and .-n
handle none but reliable
i-rices may catch attention,
but a ha not
even in the pries.
Below we call attention to the
various departments, each of which is
replete with new and seasonable goods.
We have a large and varied collection
of high class novelties in this depart-
Mohairs. Alpaca
Side Hands. and Flannels
in Stripe, Plaid and Plate. Silk Warp
All Wool
Surges, and numerous other at-
tractions in Black and Colored Dress
Containing Persian Silks. Plushes.
Eiffel f-ices. Bands, Silk
Braids and fringes. Kaile and
Plaid Sackings. Eider Down and
Flannels in all desirable shade.
A selection of and
Wraps embracing ever style that pap-
This is where the hit of
the season. We collected all as-
that is peerless as to style, fit
and service, and prices that none of our
competitors can touch.
This department race- a stylish,
well-made line of every cut and shape
in Flannels, Wales, Cheviots.
and every other stylish fabric.
Ill this line we reign supreme, our
and boy's clothes arc
just the tiling for street and school
wear. Our line of Fancy Boys clothes
embraces everything for the little gent.
that we will not
by any one.
this bead we want to call your
attention to our line of Fine Dress
Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Percale
and Flannel Waists. Underwear, Neck-
wear, etc.
Col ton If.
Go to the revival.
The photographer
s ready to
The weather was charming last
Night comes early
The fool hath said in heart,
there is God.
One Road Part sale cheap.
K. C
The Alliance held a large meeting
here last
Not yet. Wait another week be-
fore you shoot birds.
Mattresses made or repaired by
Mr. C Chestnut lost one of bis
horses Sunday night.
The firemen were out on usual
monthly parade Monday.
Good band made Mattresses fur
sale C- T. Savage.
Putting stoves has been nu-
in order this week.
15.75 arm buy Font Lace, the best
Floor at Ike Old Prick Store.
The frost of the season
so was sen yesterday morning.
at the Old Store.
Cotton receipts are light as yet.
crop is not opening very rapid-
Seed Rye sale.
Mr. J. H. Tucker is visiting in
Mr. V. L. Stephens has been in
a days.
Mr. R. Jr., has moved
into one of Col. Skinners houses on
Mr. J. R. has moved his
family into the house on
Plunk Road street.
Mrs. Sarah lives two
miles from town, returned home last
week from a visit to Virginia.
Mr. or
came in the train last night, re-
turning home from the
Hon. T. J. Jams, of this town,
will deliver an address at the Eden- i
too Agricultural Fair the 22nd.
The brokerage firm of Murphy
Redding has dissolved and Mr.
Murphy baa moved back Kin-
Rev. G. L. Finch leaves this
morning to attend the meeting of
Tar River Association at
in Warren county.
Mrs. S. M. Schultz and little child
are visiting her parrots in Rocky
Mount. Mr. went up Sat-
and remained until Monday.
Mrs. L. V. and children of
Marlboro, have been spending the
past week with the family of Dr.
M. B. Drown, father or Mrs.
We failed to mention last week
that Mr. S. T. Hooker accompanied
Deputy Sheriff King as a special
deputy in taking the prisoners to
We were glad to have a call yes-
from Mr. G. P. Dart, an at-
of Rocky lie used
to be a newspaper man and doesn't
Just as well have your last season
overcoat brought out and cleaned
op. You will have need of it soon.
In the last, week we hove receive
an immense lot job papers of differ-
kinds and want to do some
work tor every business man. We
make a of letter heads
and hand bills and give you
line work.
We guess Tarboro don't
much was gained by having a cir-
there Southerner
the immense crowd,
trade was exceedingly poor m all
business except the That
is usually the case.
Old Coins.
Mr. Alex has quite
interesting collection of old coins,
and the other day showed us a
of them he had just
chased. In his collection
ed franc pieces dated 1811, Spans
coins 1790. Mexican dollars 1837
American quarters 1834, dimes 1839
half dimes 1835, half dollars 1803,
1807,1811.1812 and 1817. Do also
has some Chinese coins that arc on-
one a cent in
value, and a small copper coin
about the size of a one cent piece,
upon one side of which is
and upon the other
Federal Union, it must
shall be If any
With Prices That Can't be Downed
forget the brethren.
E. C. Glenn.
,. , . i, Mrs. J. Cherry spent a few days
Coal is some higher than it week at LaGrange visiting
last season, and may go higher; a
One dollar buys a Solid Leather
Ladies Shoe at J. B. Cherry Co's.
Watch iV
They sell goods at panic
a Double Barrel Gun
at J. J. Cherry Co's.
in Germania
cadet at School. She re-
turned Saturday evening.
We glad to shake hands
with Capt. Bill the other
day. It sounds like old limes to
hear the chime of his steamer, the
H on the again. Ho is
a clever captain-
Mr. G. Grimes and Miss
It is a good time to help
swell the subscription list of the
Reflector. The nights are long, as calling at
the people have plenty of time to
read and if yon speak a good word
for the paper to your neighbor he
might be induced to subscribe.
Unbleached Domestics at cents. Worsted Dress Goods at
cents. Yard wide Dress Hoods at to cents. Dress Ginghams at
to cents. A nice line of at to cents. A full lino of Cash-
and j meres in all the new shades and trimmings to match. Only a Silk
of our j Embroidered are unsurpassed in beauty.
have old coins which I and Misses Hosiery at cents per pair,
would like to dispose of they can
Hall, Monday night, alter the
One dollar a Whole Stock
Mans Shoe at J. Cherry Co's
Good Bar gains.
are I timing ripe and
the will soon be after the
All goods low for the Spot
Cash at B. Cherry Co's.
Seek ye the Lord while he may
be found; call ye upon him while
he is near.
One Brown Cotton Gin, Saw
for sale cheap by A. Forbes.
There more in town on this route,
on Friday and Monday came
Try a Barrel of Sweet Home Flour
Best in town at B. Cherry Co's.
N. Plaid
per yard, at J. B. Cherry Co's.
Fair posters are now admired as
much as were the circus bills a
while back.
Waldo, both of Hamilton,
will be married on the 10th. Miss
Waldo was a teacher in Greenville
Institute one session has many
friends here.
Mr. Frank Powell, editor of the
Southerner and Secretary
of the Fair, on
us last evening- He is
visiting several of the Eastern towns
advertising the fair.
Mr. Lid Alley, of Wilson, has
been detailed as postal clerk on the
Scotland Neck ft Greenville road.
He is a very competent and
the Greenville people can expect a
better mail service so long as he is
A very intelligent patron of the
Institute remarked, the other day,
that he thought Prof. Duckett had
the best corps teachers ever cm
ployed in that school. The pupils
studying better and taking
more interest, their school work.
One man bad to pay a fine
the other day, for driving his
horse faster than a walk across the
bridge. Others had as well take
notice. The County Commissioners
did not have the notices prohibiting
fast driving acres the bridge put
up for the fun of thing.
The. Reflector does not like to
boast of its enterprise, but the
of the extra, early Monday
morning, giving the particulars
the close of the Boyle trial met the
approbation of the people. the
liberal patronage are receiving
which enables us to do these things.
We heard a dealer say that he
thought no hay would be shipped to
Pitt county next spring summer,
as the farmers have saved enough
to have some to sell instead of
to buy the Northern article.
That is the likes
to see. It greater prosperity
for the farmers when they make
their hay.
Bid I
hat S calamity my country-
A hand organ will monkey
accompaniment, bearing the ear
marks of olden struck
town Monday morning. Like the
cold wave, such visitors mere not
announced. time to let tip with
this kind of business. If Green-
ville has got to stand everything
we had as well begin the
of migratory
The now coming in at nil
departing early in the morning
will cause a demand for postage
stamps at an hour when none can
be obtained at the as the
Postmaster tells us he cannot sell
them after night. To meet this de-
and for the of
the people a stamp counter will be
established at the and
Telegraph office where stamps can
be procured every night. make
this as soon as
j be made a cigar
stand, stationary and literature will
be added, the hope that the
sales arising these will c
for the trouble of keeping
the stamp counter. The sale of the
stamps will begin to morrow
night and will be in charge of
Clarence Whichard.
Tarboro Fair.
Last week this town was billed
for the Tarboro Fair, which occurs
in Park, near that
place, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tunis-,
day and Friday, November 5th,
7th and 8th. This eighth annual ex
position, which is under new man-
and control, promises to
be successful and more inter-
than any ever held by the
Association. These lairs at Tat
have always large
of people from Greenville and
Pitt county, some of our people
have competed for and won
upon their exhibits, and there
is no reason why the same
be done this year. The premium
list sent out shows I he oilers for the
best exhibits to be indeed large.
There is scarcely anything that can
lie exhibited but what a premium is
offered therefor. All products
the farm, garden and dairy men-
in the premium list, as well
as stock, poultry, household articles
fancy work, art, machinery, -Sec. Of
course these liberal offers of
cause the exhibits to be
BOOTS AND SHOES to fit all size feet. Children Shoes at to
cents. Good Men's Hoots Good Lace and Button Shoes
i at cents Shoes at cents to
never more complete.
both head and pocket Our stock
TO THE MAN who wants Pants that, wont bag at
Boys and Suits at to 02.00. Single Pants
cents. Men's Pants at cent up. Good Business Suits men
03.00 to Overcoats to fit everybody at up.
Conic where you ran buy goods, to suit hard limes and short crops.
Having determined to close out our mercantile
business we are now offering- our
stock of------
Our Bad Boy left yesterday to be
present at the marriage of Mr. A.
B. Congleton, one of the foremost
young men of township,
this county to Miss Whitley,
an excellent young lady of
The ceremony will take
Several styles of the celebrated
and styles. The
the newest, is
another style among large line of
Boys and Hats.
We are positively showing the largest
number of styles in Ladies and Gents
Fine Footwear ever brought to this
Fine Turns and Welts for Ladies.
Celebrated Tips for Misses
Fine Handmade floods for Gents.
Ask to see our its a
Super, All Wool, Three Ply,
Two Fly Ingrain, Tapestry and Body
Brussels, Oil Cloths, in all widths,
OS and Velvet Lace Curtains,
Linen Shades and a complete line of
general house furnishings.
Space will net permit our publishing
n detail our mammoth stock. But a
call at our store where you will us
read to show you through con-
you that our stock is the largest
and most complete ever shown here.
Don't fail to call.
M. R. Lang
You should u.-c the very best Fan-
West India at the Old
Brick Store.
It will cost for the round
trip from to the Raleigh
Fair next week.
The Prettiest of Ladies Jew-
in town at Moses
the Jeweler.
We. had such a large mail Mon-
day night, that where to begin on
it was a puzzle.
A Full Line of Clocks, Jewelry
and Spectacles sale by Moses
the Jeweler.
Come now and let us reason to-
saith the Lord; though
your sins be as scarlet shall be
white as snow ; though they be red
like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Just Received a nice Line of Gold
and Silver Watches. For sale cheap.
Moses the
As yet the Reflector has sent
not no statement to subscriber this
fall. We hope all arc honest enough
to come on and settle without
a statement sent them or wait-
to be reminded so often of the
per lb for Sweet Scotch
Snuff. lb bold in Pitt Co., which
of its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
Messrs. J. White and E. O.
Gowan have purchased the saw
mill of Col. Harry Skinner, just
above town. They are men who
Rev. J. N. is a
beautiful speaker. His sermon
Sunday sight showing how God's
goodness mercy comes at the
time to meet every requirement of
the Christian was truly inspiring
and comforting.
Senator W. R. Williams, of Falk
laud, will address farmers at
Black Jack, Pitt, county, on the 26th
inst., at Vanceboro, Craven
county, on the 28th. You farmers
in those if you want to
hear something good turn out to
hear him.
Dr. Harman, the optician whom
our people have found to be a
gentleman honest in every
particular has yielded to the many
requests made that he not leave
Greenville yet and will remain a
few days longer. See him before it
is too late, if you need his services.
place this afternoon at the home of I ,.,.
the bride's mother, in Washington, l ,
. . i Tito
-------Our stock embraces-------
Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing,
Hardware, Crockery,
large so those who attend will find I want Oil Of
plenty interest lo look O O
As they must be sold out.
There, will be much to amuse and
I interest the visitors to this Fair at
I Tarboro. The railroad will give
special rates so that it will cost but
I little to attend. Remember the
the couple will leave
for the home of the groom,
near The Reflector
extends kindest wishes to them.
The theatrical season wad opened
in Greenville on last night
by the Stanley Dramatic
Company In Monte They
were greeted by a small audience
when it shook have been large on
, the opening night. Mi.-s Stanley
i assumed the of Monte
Everything you do to advance
your county paper stimulates the
paper to
better ac--
To morrow R.
of this county, will deliver
an address at Northampton
For f 4.10 you can get a round
trip from Greenville to Raleigh and
one admission to the State fair,
nest week.
Capt. Williams has received an
invitation to attend the Fayetteville
Centennial with his company. We
hope the Guard attend, it would
be a pleasant trip for them.
A gentleman walked to yes-
and said use- this text in
your serve God
The only
he gave for the use of his text
was to is too
much religion in this
Now Steamer.
The Clyde Line has put a new
last steamer to run direct between . .
Norfolk and Washington The Tar
River Transportation Co's steamer u
makes close connection at Washing
ton with the new steamer, making
this a very desirable route for
freight. They giving special
dispatch to the handling of cotton.
The Tar River Transportation Co.
keeps a regular advertisement in
the Reflected which will tell you
about their line.
M. R. Lang's Column.
ran make a success of such a
and we are sure they will do
All for A good business
suit of clothes, a soft or stiff bat, a
good pair of shoes and there
Coal for sale per
Small quantity cents per tub.
Do not send for coal without send-
to pay for it. Coal is
cash. B. C. Glenn.
Foe entire of
goods and fixtures conveyed to me
by Ryan Redding. will be
received for the next fifteen days.
B. C Glenn.
and Fevers, to cleanse the system,
effectually, yet gently, when costive
or bilious, or when the blood is
pure or sluggish, to permanently
cure habitual constipation, lo
ken the kidneys and liver to a heal
thy activity, irritating or
weakening them, Syrup of Figs.
The People's Rank of Monroe, N.
C, Aug. 3rd,
; Dear Spectacles
bought of yon find, after several
use, to be as
mended, no fraud or
H. Fitzgerald, Cashier.
I heartily recommend what is
written above, and find everything
as Dr. H.
Greenville sent a good crowd to
the Association
Sunday. The excursion train left
here with about, hundred
board and about more were
picked up on the way. The crowd
present on Sunday was estimated
to be well up in the thousands.
Mr. J. P. Bowie, of
one of the most practical in
the county, was in town yesterday.
He told there was a frog on his
place that every time it
seemed to say pay the
We wish a few hundred people in
Pitt county had a hog on their
J. P. Administrator of
Josephus Latham, advertises a tract
of laud sale.
C. Nobles, Administrator
of Wm. U. Smith, has a notice to
in this paper.
U. Allen, grocer, comes before
the people advertisement to-
day, lie invites attention to
his nice line of goods, which, while
he docs not boast that they are bet-
or cheaper than have ever been
sold before, he claims to just as
good just as cheap as any other I S
dealer can offer you. Call him.
Closer Communication.
Reflector wants to see
the closest business
between the
of Greenville and Scotland Neck
The now brings us very
close together and we can work to
the mutual interest of each other.
What says our brother of the the
The says the same.
desire to see much of the Greenville
people, and hope to let them see
much of us. Yes, ought to have
business fact sec
no reason why these relations may
exist, We hope to see North
Carolina pride soon so well wrought
that, all things else equal,
our merchants will buy each
other. S. N. Democrat.
her to the entire satisfaction of all.
j Mr. Chas. U. Burns ably supported
her, as nothing else could be ex-,
from one so competent. On
Monday night the new American
comedy the Mad a
story of the Johnstown flood, was
presented and the largest house of
engagement greeted them.
Miss Stanley assuming the
of a Johns-
town girl, jolly, full of fun, to
every instance, but would
standby her dad every time, held
the audience the play through, and
as Rein the Actress,
was all that could be expected. Mr.
Bums, as Flossie's
father, was as all expected, fine
Miss M. Filer, as
acted her role to the
gratification of all. Mr. Ross
the handsome, ably as-
did I he character full justice. Mr.
Chas. as
linen from the
starch out of a shirt and burst
off the buttons. Every time he put
Ins appearance he was greeted
with an uproar. get
that meat V an old
I must The stage setting
of bursting of the dam at
Johnstown was grand. The com-
go from here to Washington.
The old and reliable firm, so long and well-known here, have again opened
in Greenville, and desire to renew the acquaintance of their
many Wends and customers of the past, and to again
enjoy a share of their patronage. Our new
will contain an immense stock of
The mails are now coming on
the train, and after get
lated the change prove a great
convenience to our people. As not
much more of mail will pass
through the bands of the present
postal clerk on the ft
Raleigh road, we expect there will
not be so much of it marked
We from the that
Scotland Neck is poshing right
ahead for a new- hotel. A stock
company bas been- and
work will commence ere long. Here
is an example for Greenville. A
good hotel is of vital importance to
a town and neither of. those in
Greenville meets the requirements.
Rev. II.
accompanied by Mr. Fred Marshall
as musical leader arrived in Green-
ville Saturday began a series
meetings in the Methodist church
on Sunday. Ho is a powerful
speaker and says what bas to
say in a manner that goes straight
to the people. He speaks plainly
and pointedly, and uses illustrations
that arc effective. He is drawing
congregations, house
being filled to its utmost, at
night services and the attendance
being largo at the day
service. Such largo congregations
show the deep interest that is being
manifested, and hope the labors
of tho Evangelist will be
by Divine power and
such on outpouring or tho Holy
Spirit as shall result in the
of many souls this
Mr. Marshall is a charming
singer, has a sweet tender voice,
and bis solos frequently bring tears
to the eyes of Ins hearers. Services
are held twice each day, at eleven
o'clock in the morning and half past
in the evening.
Will Never Cease.
Frank Johnson,
The oldest and experienced
is to the He has arm age
tho prices to suit the limes.
M Plate CU.
With all the Ingredients, such as Hut
When you want Oysters call on
and you will the value of
The Tar River Transportation
Forbes, Greenville, President
J. Cherry, Vice-First
N. II. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Capt. R. V. Jones, Washington, Gen Ag
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer is the finest
and boat on the She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
mil painted.
Kitted up specially for the Ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A furnished with the
Deal the market
A trip on the Steamer i m Is
not only comfortable hut attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
and at A. M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. m.
freights received dally and through
Bills Lading given to all points.
J. Agent
Greenville, N. C.
FALL TERM m 1833,
Associate Principal
MRS, E. IV, Primary De-
A-Ma it in
HISS Instrument
alias Kama Vocal Music.
Miss Painting and
Mil. J. C. Penmanship
and Commercial Department.
Classical Mathematical,
sic. Painting Drawing.
Wishes to inform the public that
he is prepared to furnish you
aDd wishes to sell you at
least a portion of what
yon need in the
way of
Groceries, Provisions,
And General Supplies. I keep
a line of Sugar. Coffee,
Meat, and all heavy and light
Groceries that will be sure to
suit you.
I do not claim to sell goods
under everybody in the world,
but I will give yon just as low
prices as can be had in Green-
I do not claim to the
best goods in he world, but I
claim mine to be as fresh
and as cheap as can
found in Pitt I shall
endeavor to please all customers.
To the Ladies
. Dress Goods have been selected by an buyer who knew
the latest styles and fashions of the northern markers. We will place
fore you a line of goods that cannot be surpassed quality, quantity
or price.
Shoes Shoes
Children's, and Hoy's Slices in such an
supply that will you. Our prices these arc the lowest
ever of here.
Furnishing Goods.
nave a complete lino of Hosiery. Shirts, Underwear, and a line O
fashionable that not be excelled even in large cities.
Hats and Caps.
London styles, including the Stiff Hats or the
In good styles of Soft Hats we also
Large, Comfortable.
Location and Good
Plenty Well Prepared rood
Boarders. A of Teachers,
all being graduates of class
Music Department equal
work to any College in tho State.
New and Organs.
a Library of nearly ion
purchased recently for the school.
Moderate, from to
Board and Tuition Tuition and
for Hay the same M advertised
In Pupils who do not
with the Principal should consult bin.
before engaging board elsewhere. For
fur her particulars. Address.
For we have free Boggles now. Ah
ere free to buy where you please, but
if want to save money you to
factory on lib street, rear of J. B.
Cherry iv. Co's. For convenience we
nave an entrance through F.
Keel's Stables on old street. I can give
hat you ever your life
to less money than any one
else in the county can give you. Why t
lot my expenses leas I pay the
spot cash for goods and save the dis-
counts, and if you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had IS years
experience the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. Don't forget the
place 4th street rear J. II. Cherry
The very latest
most shapes.
Boots and Shoes.
It is hardly worth while to say more of our superb line in this
except to the people that we have and Shoes to lit any size
that comes to us, man, woman or child, out the very best whole
either stock and at prices right down on the bottom.
This department brings us to MM plate. We lead on Clothing and offer
styles prices nowhere else to be found. FINE we
make a specialty, and will keep a lull stock of the very latest figures and
styles. In cheap grade Clothing we will have a splendid assortment, in
fact we can snit every customer in quality, and price. Don't forget.
With these remarks, kind friends, throw open doors to the pub
a share your patronage, and satisfaction to
every purchaser. You can find at the second door in the brick block
in which tho was recently situated, one door north of the stair-
We adopt this method
of informing- our old
customers and the pub-
generally that we
have returned from
New York with the
stock we have ever
The experience of two
years in the Northern
markets together with
increased capital
us to offer greater
bargains than ever.
Standard Prints
Plaids Clothing,
Dry Goods, Shoes, and
flats are all going at
astonishingly low
A visit from you is
Greenville, H. C.

Is the and greatest
in the way of soap.
It combines miraculous dirt-re-
qualities with perfect harmless-
the finest and coarsest
are alike washed more
easily and better than with any
other soap or compound. Pearl-
does away with the most of
the rubbing, hence it saves the
most of the wear. It is the continuous rubbing on a
board which wears out your clothes, rubs off the buttons
and so much the wearing. It cleans paint,
china, windows, glassware and carpets without taking up.
Over one million families are now using Pearline. Its
popularity is unparalleled.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are
imitations which they claim to be Pearl
V or -the same as Pearl IT'S FALSE-
they are not. and besides arc dangerous. is never peddled, but
by all good grocers. Manufactured only b JAMES New T,
A Bis Wedding
When you feel and hardly
know what ail you, give B. B. B.
Blood a trial. It is a flue
T. O. Charlotte, N. C.
B. B. is a tine tonic, ha
done me great
I. W. Thompson,
B. B. B. is the best
blood has
proved my general
An old gentleman B. B.
gives and new
there Is anything that will make an old
A letter has been received from
Mr. M. Bateman, of Ferry
this State informing the State Sec-
of the Alliance that man it
he has decided to be married
Alliance day at the State
Fair here nest month. Bateman is
a member of the and had
some days ago mads arrangements
to be on the 1st of October,
N It. B
Slav daily Mail, daily
daily ex Sun. I
Weldon IS pm m j
At Rocky Mount
Ar pm j
ex Sim.
Mi a pm
am pm
Ar Rocky
Ar pm
Seat put aid en receipt of price
Heart of a.
A mot t hulling mid instructive
Tin Imitation of Christ.
By a Kempis. Taper, unabridged,
Selections from Ward, Mark Twain,
Warm St., Mm
Any book In the world
I L IV at publishers
except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Branch Road
leaves Halifax 2.30 P. M. arrives Soot-
land Neck at 4.00 P. M.
P. If. Returning loaves 7.00
A. M., Scotland Neck at 10.10 A. M.
Train en Scotland Wok Road
leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at
Returning, leave I
7.20 A. M. except Sunday. ;
Train leaves Tarboro. N C, via
A Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day. P M. Sunday P M.
Williamston. X C, P M, P M.
Returning leaves Williamston, X C. daily
except Sunday. A M. Sunday A j
M. arrive Tarboro, X C, A M. M
Train on Midland N Branch leaves I
Goldsboro daily except A M, I
arrive X C. M aft Re-;
turning leaves N C A M.
arrive Goldsboro. X C, M A M.
Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
at I P M. arrives Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
M. arrives Rocky Mount A
except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton except Sunday, at
and A M Returning leave
ton A M, and P. M. connect- i
at Warsaw with Nos. and
Southbound train on Wilson
Branch is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North daily. All
rail via Richmond, and daily except Sun-
day via Line.
Trains make close connection for
points North via Richmond and ,
All trains run solid between j
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers attached.
I. R. Transportation
T. M.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In Effect A. II. Saturday. June
their year's supplies will it to
their interest to get our prices before
is complete
in all its branches.
TEAS, kc,
always at Lowest Market Prices.
we buy from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one A com-
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought
sold for CASH, then-fore, having no risk
to run. sell at a close margin.
S. M.
dressed in garments made j
bagging. He took that way of
showing his destination of the Jute
Bagging Trust. His wedding is
public here in his snowy white gar-
will attract a great crowd,
and will be very novel. The Alli-
people particular interest
in it, and will get sorts
of presents. They will endeavor to
get the Governor lo perform the
ceremony, assisted by the
Chaplain of the Alliance.
There will be ten groomsmen, who
be chosen out the
of the Wake county Alliance.
They will also be attired in clothing
made of cotton bagging. The bride
will be dressed in North Carolina
plaids, as will also be her brides
maids. Ii is safe to say that the
winch is to be performed
at the Fair grounds, at the
grand stand or at a special stand
will be a grand attraction and deep-
interest cot only the Alliance
people but the general public
P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., Angus
10th. 1888, depend on B. B B.
for the preservation of my health. I
have had it in my family now nearly
two in all that time have not
to have a
Oak, I
Suffered terribly from dyspepsia. The
use B. B. has made me feel like a
I would not take a thousand
dollars for the good it has done
W. II. Cheshire, Atlanta. Ga.
I had a long spell of typhoid fever,
which at hist seemed to settle in my ;
right leg, which swelled up enormously.
An ulcer also appeared which discharged
cup full of matter a day. I then gave
B. B. B, a trial and it cured
T. M, Agent of
V C, Conference.
He keeps on hand a fine assortment
of the best books at publisher's prices.
Call On him for Bibles, large or small,
pulpit, family or pocket For
Hymn Books. Commentaries, Diction-
and standard works generally.
Can furnish yon any book you want on
short notice.
Tax Notice,
I will meet the people Pitt
at limns places for
the purpose Of collecting the State and
County Taxes due for the year
Black Jack, Monday, October
X Roads, Tuesday Oct.
Harrington X Wednesday Oct.
store, Thursday Oct.
Friday Oct. tS.
Falkland. Oct.
Mill, Monday Oct.
Bethel. Tuesday Oct.
Store. Wednesday Oct.
Thursday ill.
J. A. K. riff.
Organ and Piano Co.
one an,
I Contains a octave.
Nine Stop Action, fur-
in a large and
handsome DOM of solid
cash ; also told on
the Easy Hire System
at quarter,
for ten quarters, when
I of person hiring.
Money to Loan.
hour is just
the remarked when
he started out before daybreak to
a young chicken for breakfast.
cures biliousness, dyspepsia,
constipation, bowel complaints, etc
In a word all affections of the liver and
stomach. At all druggists.
Diseases of babyhood such as colic,
dysentery and are
happily relieved at once, by the
use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup.
upwards. Loans are re-
payable in small annual
through a period of live years thus en-
the borrower to pay off his in-
without exhausting his crops
in one year. Apply to
Greenville, N. C.
The Mason A
and patented by Mason
v. la 1882, is
used ill Mason
of lone and
phenomenal capacity to
I stand in tune character
I in these instruments.
Styles at
182.00, G. and up.
Organs and Pianos sold for Cash. Easy
Rented. e.
Y virtue a
D Con
Greenville. N. C
A car load
sale by.
arrived and now
at Keel King's old stand. Will sell them
or at reasonable terms on time. I bought
my for Cash and can afford to sell
as cheap as anyone. Give me a call.
A Scrap of rape r Saved Ber Life.
It was just an ordinary scrap of
ping paper, but it saved her life. She
in the last stages of consumption,
told by physicians that she was
and could live only a short time
we less than seventy pounds. On
a piece of wrapping paper she read of
Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a
sample bottle helped her. she bought
a large bottle, it helped her more,
bought another and grew better fast,
continued its use and is now
healthy, plump, weighing Ho
pounds. Far fuller particulars send
stamp to II. Cole. Druggist,
Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful
Discovery Tree at HOG. Drug
Cancer of the Nose
Do as you would men
unto is a glorious precept. Is
this the reason women
other when meet
father had cancer and my
husband died of cancer. In 1875 a
lump appeared my nose, and
from Its appearance a rapid growth
I became alarmed with the idea
that I, too, had cancer. I consulted
my physician about it, and he gave
decree of the Circuit
of I he United States for the
Eastern Division of North Carolina
made at June term. in the case of
Louis Billiard against L V W
do M B Blown. Henry Brown, and others.
I will sell at public sale for cash to the ,
highest bidder, at the Court House door
kiss each in Greenville, at II., on Monday, the ;
4th day of November, following
real and personal property
The tract of land on which II W
Brown now resides on the north of
Tar river, in the county of Pitt, con-1
tabling about 1900 acres and being the
lands in three several
gages made by II W Brown and wife,
follows, one dated March 24th, 1871.
given to It II W l ;
and A L Hue dated January j
given to I, V and one
other dated January 1887, given to
M B Brown. These three mortgages
arc duly recorded in the Register's
county, and reference is
hereby had to for Special
lions of this valuable tract of laud
The house and lot in the town of
Greenville on plank road street known
as the house and being the lands
described in a mortgage made by I, V
and wife to Louis Billiard Feb.
Pith, is, to which reference is hereby
. This parcel of land will be sold
subject to a mechanic's lien for about
One note executed by L V
William and A Sugg, dated
Feb. Kith. 1887, and parable Jan. I
merit undersigned properly -I. One note of William for
. on or before the 25th of Sop- 83,000.00 This note is now in suit in
or this notice will be plead Pitt Superior Court and has attached to
Hoot en's Drag Store,
Front Reflector Office.
Medical Discovery, War-
Safe Cure, Resolvent
Celery Syrup of
Pierce's Favorite
S. S. S., B. B.
Buffalo Lath u Water.
Executors Notice.
Letters testamentary haying been is-
sued to the undersigned on the Slat
of September as executor of James
Brooks deceased. Notice is hereby given
to all persons holding claims against said
James Brooks to present them for pay-1
in bar of their recovery. All persons in-
to the estate of said
arc to make immediate pay-
ii. Cobb,
This Sept. of James Brooks.
Alex. I. Blow, Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
WING before the Clerk
an ointment to put on it, when Court of Pitt county on the
this did not relieve me, he then 18th May, 1880, as Administrator
would I the
burnt it out, but the place
not heal. It gradually grew longer
and worse, and had fully made
my mind up that I must die of can-
Friends prevailed on me to
try Swift's Specific S. This
finally consented to do. After
taking a few bottles was entirely-
cured. Swift's Specific S.
cured me when the doctors and all
Mrs. M. T.
Woodbury, Ball County, Texas.
this is to notify all persona holding claims
against said estate to present their claims
for payment within twelve
this date or this notice- will lie plead in
bar their recovery. All persons ow-
said estate will conic forward and
make immediate settlement.
Adm. Joy nor.
One hundred and acres,
more or less. acres cleared, M acres
swamp. Being determined to move
west I offer my entire farm for sale.
lying on the Old Plank
from Greenville to Wilson. Situated
two miles from Greenville, one and one-
I half miles from Greenville Institute am
; same from the
Two good dwellings and all
fifteen ream I was r and gin. Well adapted
years was tn and other products.
years of raised on a farm. Healthy location.
water, pronounced best in the
county. further particulars apply
to P. ERWIN.
Sept. th, Greenville, N. C.
Four Years on Clutches.
it some collaterals which will be
exhibited on the day of sale and which
will he delivered to the purchasers of
the said note.
Jambs B.
Greenville. N. C,. Oct.
Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Salt Fe-
Sores, happed Hands.
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-
quired. It is guaranteed give
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
per box. sale Ernul.
UH ., V.
f -i
TONIC. mm.-
worn ct. nil Ills
Take m.
A representative
Man or
All the
offered until
p SO
Mixed It.
a in
City am
Having associated B. S.
With me in the Undertaking business we
are ready to serve the people in that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. Sheppard for collection.
Mixed rt ft
Stations. Pass Train.
p m
Best's S S
La Grange
Dover lo
Core Creek
Havelock s .-,
S s
Atlantic Hotel
Depot a
Thursday and Saturday.
and Friday.;
Train H connect, with Wilmington A
Weldon Train bound North, leaving
a. in., and with
Train West, leaving
p. m.
Train connects with Richmond A
Danville Train, arriving at
3-10 p. m. and with Wilmington and
Weldon from North at p. m
Train Wilmington and I
Weldon Through Freight Train, leaving
Goldsboro at p. m with Rich-
A Danville Through Freight Train
leaves Goldsboro at
Season Round Trip
Special Rates of Fare. Round Trip
Tickets, from stations named below to
City. Season of In
effect June 1st.
From To Season. Sat. Night
and return 3.50
Kinston 3.00
Mew 2.00 1.50
Season MM,
Through Rates of Fate. Round Trip
Tickets, from Coupon below to
points on the W. N. C. It. R.
keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Burial Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county Pine We are fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
to all who patronize
Feb. 22nd.
My Northern Dress Maker and Trim-
mer. Miss has and am
prepared to execute the latest styles
and fashions any work to my
the latest designs have
so arrived and will be pleased lo show
them to you. My price are the lowest
not to by no
one. Special bargains on all goods.
Mrs. L. C King,
which I was compelled to go on
clinches. Words arc inadequate
to express the suffering endured
that time. During these
years of existence was not
I tried every known remedy with-
out receiving any benefit. finally
on Swift's Specific S.
which from the first gave mo relief,
and today am enjoying the best of
health, am a well man.
believe that S- S. S. is the
best blood purifier on the market
to-day. J. D.
Cuba, Mo.
Treaties on Wood and Skin Pis
eases mailed free.
Drawer Atlanta, Ga.
tune not
Special induce
R. CO.,
J. k BRO,
Grimesland, N. C.
------Dealers in------
General Merchandise.
I hair.
I .
r Gray
Cutting and Messing Hair.
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I hate
everything in my line
with all the appliances; new
mil comfortable chairs.
Razors sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside -of my shop
promptly Very fully.
Old Fort, 12.70
Hot Springs,
by old p.
medicine free.
We warrant our remedy to cure the
worst cases, and the only physicians
who do this to prevent,
-A ii- 1- I false names
ale not doctors.
J i-e- is no reason for not using
medicine. express post
address. It you ,
j Address I Medical
New York.
Many cases of rheumatism, which
have resisted the skill of the profession,
have promptly yielded to that wonder
fill remedy. Salvation Oil. cents.
Take the news home to Mary, and tell
her that my cough has gone, and that a
cent Dr. Hull.- Cough
did I he blessed work.
To Tell the Age of Cattle.
A heifer has no rings on her horns
until she is two years of age.
one is added each year thereafter.
Yon emu, therefore, tell the age of a
with tolerable accuracy by
counting the on her horns and
adding two to the number. The
bull has no rings, as a rule, until he
is five old. To tell hiS age
after that period, add five to the
number of rings. The. best way to
tell the age is by the teeth, which it,
of course, the only way with polled
cattle. What arc called the milk
gradually disappear in front.
At the end of three years, the sec-
pair permanent teeth are
well grown, at four years the third
pair, and at five the and last
pair have and at this
time the central pair are full size.
At seven years the dark line, caused
by the wearing of the teeth, appears
on all of them, and on the central
pair a circular mark. At eight
years thin circular mark appears on
all of them, and at nine years the
central pair begins to and
the third at eleven. After this
the age only be
ed by degree of shrinkage gen
At fifteen years the
are nearly all gone.
Wish lo inform their friends
Unit their
Fall and Winter Goods
Is now ready for examination, and they
are prepared to supply all your wants at
keep in stock a large line of Ready
Made Clothing. Roots, Shoes. Hats, Dry
Gratia, Notions, Hardware, Heavy and
Fancy Sc, in fact any
article to be found in a general stock.
We pay highest prices for all kinds or
Country Propane.
Cotton bought in bale or seed.
Parties owing us are requested to set-
as promptly an possible, as we desire
to have all accounts closed by the end of
the year.
Returning thanks for past patronage
ask continuance of your favors.
J. O. Proctor Bro.
a knowledge the
which govern the operations
of digestion and nutrition, and by a care-
application of the flue properties of
Cocoa. Mr. has pro-
our breakfast tables with a deli-
beverage which may
save many heavy doctor's bill. It Is
by the judicious use of such articles of
diet that a constitution may be
ally built up until strong enough to re-
every tendency to disease. Hun-
of subtle maladies are floating
around us ready wherever there
is t weak t. We may escape many
a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well
fortified with pure blood and a properly
nourished Soviet
Made simply with boiling water milk.
Sold only in half-pound tins, Grocers,
Chemist, London,
The attention of and School
Committeemen is hereby called lo the
fact that, from now until January Int.
they procure die school book.-,
which the State law requires to be used
in nubile schools, by exchanging old
books for new ones, at the rates of ex-
change established by the State Hoard
Of the of exchange are
very low and the new call
found at John I. drugstore,
in front of office.
Co. of Pub. Ins.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly
as administrator of R.
deceased, notice i here-
by given to all persons indebted to the
estate in make Immediate payment to
Hie and lo all creditors of
said estate to present their claims prop-
authentic u.-ii, to the undersigned
before the of September.
or this notice will he plead in bar of
their recovery. This 14th day of
of I. I.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as Administrator
of is here-
by given to all persons Indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment to
the undersigned, and to all creditors of
said estate to present their prop-
authenticated to the undersigned
on or before the -7th day of August,
or this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. August -27,
W. A.
I. A. of L. J. Barrett.
Notice to Creditor.
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of county, as
executor to the last will and testament
Bailie Harris, deceased, notice i here-
by given to all persons inch lo the
estate to make Immediate payment to
the undersigned, and to all of
said estate to present their claims prop-
authenticated to the undersigned
on or 8th day of
1800. or this notice will he plead in bar
of their recovery. This day of
1880, w. s.
Hamilton, N;
1888. OPENS
Sub per month,
Primary, i
Languages, each.
Music, not more than 3.00
incidental Fee per Session,
Tuition payable monthly.
METHOD of teaching will be thorough-
Training thorough.
Pupils from a distance can obtain board.
Including lodging, in private families
from per month. A
class Music Teacher will lie employed
also an Assistant as soon as the
f pupils it. Patronage
For further information apply to
. U pi on
digestion cause of
the liver, and the whole system becomes
deranged. II.
the process of digestion
and assimilation, thus makes pine
There are times when a feeling of las-
will overcome the most robust,
when the system craves for pure blood,
to furnish the elements of health
strength. The best for purity-
the blood is Dr. II.
Sick nausea,
costiveness, are promptly and agreeably
banished Dr. II. Liver
and Kidney Fillets
If health and life arc Worth anything,
and you are of sorts and tired
out. tone op your system by taking Dr.
Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress ,
after eating, can be cured and prevented
taking Dr. J. If, Liver and
Kidney Fillets
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of
and lassitude. this feel-
take ii.
it will vigor and vitality.
The most delicate can
safely use Dr. II. Tar Wine
Lung It is m sure remedy for
coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and
lung troubles.
Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly
spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses and
Illinois, unhealthy discharges, such us
catarrh, eczema, ringworm, other
forms of skin diseases, are symptom of
blood impurity. Take Dr. J. II.
No need to take those big
pills; one of Dr. II. Liver j
and Kidney Fillets is quite sufficient and
For a safe and certain remedy for
fever and ague, use Dr. J. II.
and Fever Cure; it i- warranted
to cure.
Storm Calendar and Weather Forecast
for ISM, by It. licks, mailed
to any address on receipt of a two-cent
postage The Dr.
Medicine Co., St. Louis. Mo.
Eastern Reflector,
SPECIALIST Physician since 1830
in the diseases and weaknesses of
I men will mail a hook free, giving the
remedies which cure ed and
hopeless sufferers privately at home.
Address Specialist. room A, M Reade
corner Broadway, New York.
Editor A
C. O. P.
Cotton Seed Lard,
For sale by all Grocers. Send for illus
or how to provide a good dinner for Four
Persona for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook Hook of pages
i l-mo., containing one hundred
Bills of Fare, with instructions to
prepare each one. so that the co-L
lour persons cannot exceed one dollar,
also additional recipes.
This valuable hook will he given fret
to any one sending or presenting the
tickets, representing the purchase of
twenty C.
at our Branch Store, No.
Ill W. St. N. Y.
Bach pail of our Lard contains a ticket,
i the number on which corresponds to the
Dumber of pounds in the pail.
He Cotton Oil Product 1.1.
Broker, Greenville, N. C
Spool Cotton
Hand and Machine Use
Greenville, N.
A Standard I
tot Work, yr
Avoid I
old. In
or Social
In plain wrapper,
may b
a m-ill or In at o
or for MM
, Slims.
Tombs, Vaults, Fencing, k
I would respectfully call your
j to the following address and ask
I to remember that you can a
or of
this cheaper than any other in the
Country. That it la the most reliable
and best known been represented
for over forty year In this vicinity.
That the workmanship is second to none
has unusual or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respectfully.
Refer to T. W. BATES,
J. DANCY. Nor walk, Conn.
B. C.
CULLEY-3 for baldness,
out of hair, of
dandruff is before I he public.
the many who have
Wonderful success, I refer you to the fol-
lowing named who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Mr. O.
Any one to give it a trial for
the above named can procure
it from at my place of business, for
March I C ,
Greenville, C.
We have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
hi every instance. Call and lie con-
Ladle waited on at their rest
Cleaning a specialty.
Dealer In Hay, Corn, Meal, Oats
and Mill
Will pay cash for
I pay ash for my goods and EM
to sell at BOTTOM rim
Call on me at the store of J. Smith
C. U. K. H.
Edwards IN.
Printers and Binders,
N. a-
have the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found in
the State, and solicit orders for all classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
printers Hinders,
N. C.
obtained, and till business in the IT.
Patent Office or hi the Courts attended to
for Moderate Fees.
We arc opposite the U. B. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than tho-r
more remote from Washington.
Wen the model or drawing Is sent we
advise as to free of
we make no change unless ob-
We refer, here, to the Post Master.
of the Order Did., and to
the Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
address, C. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. c
file fries Jill.
over published in
Greenville. It tarnishes the
and for
the money than any other paper
published in North Carolina.
The gives a variety
of news. RATIONAL,
LOCAL, and will it-
self to the material advancement
of the sect ion in winch it
Semi your end get a
lB of
is called to its
large and growing circulation
makes it excellent medium
through which to reach the people
I, i V
-I to
l. i l
Send r.-r
A Bl l-l-l I
if Americas. W
i ,
c, T
full . ill. i i i
an. .-
I. Ill
I i. -I.
If., a , f
. . ,, and r.
i. .
m.-n. . ;
In order to reduce st time t
receive Fall will on.-r
all my stock of
tram new until the i-t of
All its on trimmed and
will lie sold at cost. My stock
includes many or the most
of the season. I can bargains.
Of Interest to Ladies.
a r
Why another new discovery Allied
in way of the
ed. rolling mi tin-
above named r, roll can a
bottle of Preparation is
for eradicating dandruff and causing the
hair In be soil and
glossy, only two r three a
week is necessary, end a summon
i ill to used after the
scalp via fur a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and be
convinced, M cents.

Eastern reflector, 9 October 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 09, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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