Eastern reflector, 29 May 1889

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ever in
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector,
per year.
democratic, hot
-iii not lo Democratic
mm measures that arc mil consistent
the true principle-; of Hie party.
If rant a a wide-a-wake-
eel ion of the Slate send for the
or. W
For the
. Fowle, of Wake.
M. Holt.
Secretary of Sum-
i-. i Wake.
of Wake.
Sanderlin of Wayne.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Sidney M. Finger of Catawba.
Attorney F. David-
ion, of
Chief William K. II. Smith, of
s. Merrimon. of
of Franklin
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort
C. of Burke.
First II. Brown, of
Second Philips, of
Third G. Connor, of
Clark, of
Fifth A. of
Sixth T. of
Seventh of
Eighth a. of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth of,
Eleventh M. of
Twelfth Merrimon.
of Buncombe.
in Commas.
it. Vance, of Meek-
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
House of
Thomas G. skinner, of
Second col.
Third W. of
X ash.
W. of
Sixth of
S. Henderson.
Eighth W. II. A.
Ninth G. B watt Of
A. Move,
Register of Deeds- David II. James,
Surveyor Manning.
Commissioners Council Dawson, Cl
man, Mooring. V.
W. A. Jr. T. E. Keel.
Board or Urn
Chairman J. S. and J
Public School
of F. w. Brown.
lair- I
G. James.
F. Evans.
it. Lang.
Chief T. Smith.
It. Moore.
Ward. B. X. Boyd
2nd Ward. R. Jr., and Alfred
Forbes 3rd Ward, T. J. Jarvis and If.
K. Lang ; Ward, W. X. Tolbert.
First and Third
Sundays, morning and night. Rev.
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. R. R. John,
Baptist Services every Sunday, morn-
night. Meeting every
Wednesday night.
There lived a man between two bills,
snakes and snipes and whip-poor-
Down in a valley, hills all
Who never went to church or town.
Was quite unlearned, was rough and
Content to work for his clothes and food
He made his bread and raised his
And what he raised the same he ale.
He bought no oil to give him light,
But went to bed as soon as night.
And his it Oh how
To work, to cat. and then to rest.
What need had he for science or art.
While with their slaves so tar apart
Why should he quit his blessed peace,
On which, for life, he held a lease
Or why. in Arctic region freeze,
And loose such comforts as were
Why should be make the task his own.
To count the stars, or weigh the moon
Who would not rather the held.
And eat the fruit which it will yield.
Than try lo analyze the sun
Which would not feed him, though
The land was his, he payed no rents,
And seldom went fence.
But staged at home, and so much so
His neighbors culled
He ale, he rested and he ought.
Ami hail no cause to fear the gout.
Oh thrice Joe. from re-
Nor lost by politics nor bet.
Of ad life gives, be had the best,
To work, lo eat, and then to rest.
But Valley Joe, like oilier man
Grew tiled of toil, and then;
Von should not ask me just now.
lie knew not, neither do I know.
But. as with Adam, so with
in us
The same that led our Mother.
Her home In Paradise to leave.
The same i is this day.
leads our simple hearts astray.
But Milton wrote of them you
So I'll return to Valley Joe.
lie knew that valley every spot ;
And thought he knew what lie did not.
lie though all how he mistook
The rend lo glory had no crook,
lie thought again, but that was wrong.
The sun was shining all night long
On lop the hill Hot no no,
A ad mistake, poor Valley Joe,
Thus Valley fervent will,
Starts on a journey up the hill,
To vies; the world in which he lives
And drink the sweets which
edge gives.
Is often struck with change of scenes.
And puzzled how to cross ravines.
From thing to thing his drifts.
From spring, to rocky cliffs
Still o'er the and down steeps,
lie climbs up here, then down he leaps.
Still pressing on earliest tread
To gain the hill-top high o'er head
Until, with weary feet mid eyes.
He stops and looks in great surprise
Half admiration, half in fright,
lie sees the bill-lop clothed ill white,
Twas something new to Valley Joe,
To see this mountain capped with snow.
However much he found to please,
lie found himself about to freeze,
have returned lit ah Joel
lie no know which to go.
At last he said.
motto-hall be
For who turns back is sure, lost.
And ere night comes I may have crossed
This icy peak, and reach the
With this resolve lie starts again,
He presses on and soon has past,
The rugged place is scaled at but.
Then to village straight he goes,
To sup. and give his limbs
Some still in store
For Valley Joe. but these he bore.
They all in one would not compare
With climbing up that winding stair
He ne'er became a man of fame
To stately honors made no claim.
An honest man. well worthy trust,
false much disgust
Who did tiling because right.
To a noble light.
The last we heard of Valley Joe.
He lived and was at well to do,
And often told his story sad
some pool simple minded lad,
when I to says he,
I my friends, who e'er they
To place words above my
That those who pass that may read
man, remember thou art blessed
If Hutu canst work, and
j public wells or pumps of town or ed. Any violating Ibis
to water a Horse or Mule in the j shall be fined five dollars for
j attached to such wells or pumps each day or part of a day ho is guilty
or to willfully or carelessly turn of its violation,
loose the buckets attached to said Ordinance XVIII
wells, so that shall violently
It shall be unlawful for any
of wares or
descend. person violating this
Ordinance shall for each and every
. pay a penalty or five dollars, ; merchandise of any
any concerts or traveling exhibitions
shall encamp during
the time, with horses, nudes,
or oxen within the limits the
town Any person violating this
ordinance shall for each and every
of any who charge
fee, to pursue their avocation
within the corporate limits of Hie
Town without paying the Town
Officer the tax imposed therefor.
Any person this
pay a penalty of five dollars.; hall ad every pay
Ordinance V a of
No person shall cut or Ordinance XIX.
any of the shade trees on the pub- i be unlawful for any person
lie lots or streets of the town, nor any lottery
shall person tack or post any games of chance on the public
advertisement or notice upon or Street of the Town. Any
trees or lamp posts or dig up or in- violating this Ordinance
the side walks or streets of the a dollars
town. Any person violating this each day or part of a day in
Ordinance shall for each pay is violated,
a penalty of five dollars. Ordinance XX.
Ordinance VI It is hereby declared a nuisance
All persons owning or occupying person persons to exhibit
houses or lots in town arc required stud Horse or Jack on any
to cleanse such or their lots, Public lots, streets or commons
cellars, privies or stables as emit of- within the limits of the Town. No
tensive odors and in the event that person shall put a Stud or Jack to a
by the Town publicly within the limits the
to cleanse the same shall Town. Any person violating this
be liable to a fine of one dollar for Ordinance shall for each and every
each said nuisance is permitted a twenty.
-S. .
forfeiture to be collected in the
manner prescribed by law.
congregating of persons for
the purpose of swapping or trading
or selling horses or mules on the
streets or public lots of tho town is
declared a nuisance and is hereby
prohibited. Any persons violating
this shall Tor each
pay a penalty of ten
Any person or persons who fail
to pay fines and costs imposed by
the Mayor or any tax imposed by
tho Hoard of shall be
required to work on the streets
Ordinance VII
No person shall suffer his or her
horse or mule to run at large on the
sheets of the Town. Any person
violating this Ordinance shall for
each and every pay a penal-
of live dollars.
Ordinance VIII
If person or persons shall
within the corporate limits of the
Town, engage in or encourage the
lighting of dogs, lie or they shall
each pay a fine of five dollars.
Ordinance IX
It is hereby declared a nuisance
for any bitch when in heat to run at
large in the Town, and should tho
owner of after one hour's every pay a line of live,
notice by the Officer, refuse or neg- Jars for every
to confine such bitch tho Town
Officer shall destroy or kill it, and
in case no owner can be found the
Officer shall likewise kill or destroy
said bitch.
Ordinance X
five dollars.
The storage of Guano within the
corporate limits Of the town, except.
at or near the steamboat wharves
or landings, is considered n nuisance
and is hereby prohibited. Any pets
son violating this Ordinance shall
for each every pay a
penalty of five dollars each day.
It is hereby declared a
and is hereby forbidden for any per-
son to sell at auction any goods,
wares or merchandise on any of the
streets, sidewalks or public lots of
the Town without the permission of
the Mayor. Any person violating
this Ordinance shall each
It shall be unlawful for any circus
to exhibit within the corporate
its of the town without paying the
Town Officers the taxes imposed
therefor and any person violating
All persons are hereby forbidden this Ordinance shall be lined fifty
to engage in any riotous or disorder- j dollars for each day or pare of a Jay.
conduct upon the street or he is guilty of its violation,
in any public or private house or Ordinance
any other place in the corporate An arc prohibited from
limits of the Any person vi- or peering fish, beef or
this Ordinance shall each k or ,
and every pay a penalty matters in the streets or
twenty-five dollars. of AV ,.,.,
Ordinance XI violating this Ordinance shall for
No person shall be allowed to ; each and every pay a penal-
keep on the public lots, streets Dirty live dollars.
sidewalks of tho Town, any
such as boxes, barrels, bales of
cotton, hogsheads, wood, coal, work
bench, lumber or anything else, ex- I
for building or par
poses while the work is in progress.
Any person violating this
after one day's notice from a
Town Officer shall be one
for each day said obstruction
; allowed to remain.
Ordinance XII.
The owner of a dead shall
remove the same beyond the limits
of the Town within twelve hours
Horn its death. Any person ,
ins this Ordinance shall for each chimney the building in case
and every pay a penalty , to
two-dollars . build one, either the ground or
XIII. joists through the roof, and j
, , , make the stove pipe cuter the same,
or all cases when the stove pipe
any shade tree or fence upon the ,, or ,,,., j.;
streets or public lots of the town is soup or ,
All dealers in meats, fish, oysters,
hides or other articles subject to
rapid decay arc required to keep
their premises clear and free as
of bad odor, and no green
hides shall be cured within the town
between April 1st and November
1st. Any person violating this Or
shall for each and every of-
fence pay a penalty of ten dollars.
All persons using stoves in any
building within the town shall cause
the pipe of said stove to enter the
, . pipe shall ,
. Any violating in or
I tins Ordinance shall for each and ; ,,
Of pay a penalty of one tho condition of the
pipe to be inspected by the Mayor
or one or more of
of the
Ordinance XIV.
,, , , T-, , , , crowds assemblages of per- town appointed by the Mayor to
J be of of the sons who shall congregate en the examine the same. Any person vi-
Town of Greenville do enact sidewalks or streets of the Town, this Ordinance shall for each j
that for the government of, thereby obstructing the. same to the land every pay a penalty of
said town the following of citizens, shall be twenty-five dollars,
or By-Laws shall be in dispersed by the Town Officer, and
force from after the Person or persons who refuses
Greenville Lodge. No. Mi, A. F. A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and
day night 1st and 3rd Sunday at
Masonic Lodge. M. King. W. M., j
G. L. Sec.
Greenville R. A. Chanter. SO meets j
every 2nd and 4th nights .--t Ma-1
sonic Hall, F. W. Brown, II. P.
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F. j
meets every Tuesday night. D. L. i
James, N. G.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of II.,
meets every first and third Friday night. ;
D. D. Haskett, D.
Pitt Council, No. A. L. of meets I
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C. ,
to obey the warning of the officer
shall lie deemed to have violated
this Ordinance. Any person
this Ordinance shall for each
and every pay a penalty of
five dollars.
Ordinance XV.
person shall throw or place in
any street of the town any filth,
trash, timber, glass, paper, box, or
other nuisance whatever at
such time and manner as may he
designated by tho Town Officer for
the purpose of removal. For each
he, she, or they shall fin-
ed five dollars.
It is hereby declared to be
hours S A. M. to I P. M. Money
A. K. to r. M. No or-
will be issued from to ,
from to p. M.
Bethel mail arrives dally
at A. U- and departs at p M. I
mail arrives Sun-;
at v. and depart- at P. M.
Washington arrives dally
at m and at P. M.
day of 1880, and that
all Ordinances or By-Laws
Heretofore enacted for the
government of the said town
be and t he same hereby re- i
pealed from and after the said;
day of 1880.
Ordinance I l is declared a nuisance
for any to be upon the
it is hereby a nuisance or any public place within
any person to lie a pistol, i the corporate limits of the Town in I for any retailer of spirituous, vis
gun any other lire . a state of intoxication, or who shall j malt liquors to permit any
slingshot within found using vulgar profane disorderly. ox bolster-
limits the town except in case of, language, or who shall indecently I,, s conduct on their premises under
necessity and all persons are forbid-; expose his or her nakedness. Any the penalty of having their license
den to oil any j person violating this Ordinance revoked.
shall for each and every pay Ordinance
a penalty ten dollars.
r i- It shall unlawful for any Ho j
I. I or Hoarding House keeper, Horse
Any meddling with the public or Mule dealer. Auction-1
wells or pumps of the Town or in-jeer, or other business wherein a
with the work thereof, license tax is required, to pursue
except ordinary way of using the j their avocation they shall have
same for drawing water is prohibited I obtained a license signed by the
Any person violating this Mayor mid countersigned by the
shall for each and every of Clerk. Any person violating this
fence pay a penalty of one dollar. ; Ordinance shall tor each and every
Ordinance XVII. ll of
For Bethlehem Mission.
Bethlehem, 1st Sunday at
House, 1st Sunday
2nd Sunday at o'clock.
Shady 3rd at
at o'clock.
4th Sunday
E P. C.
man Candles or other fire
works except on Christmas or
Holidays. The playing of
loot ball or throwing any missile
the streets or public lots
the town is forbidden. Any
violating this Ordinance shall for
each every pay a penal-
of five dollars.
Ordinance Ii
be for any per-
son to drive or a Horse or Mule
at n greater speed than eight miles
an hour any of the streets
the town, or to drive ride or lead a
horse or mule on of the sidewalks
thereof. Any persons this
Ordinance shall each every
pay a of five dollars.
Ordinance III
signed by the Mayor and
countersigned by the Clerk of said
All persons are prohibited from Town. license shall expire on
j leaving any or from washing the of April next succeed
; clothes, at or any of the the day upon which it Is grant-
It is hereby declared unlawful for
any person to retail spirituous, vis No person shall deface, break or
nous or malt liquors the drink or in any manner injure any of the
in quantities less than a public Lamp Posts or Lamps the
the Town without obtaining u- That or persons
of the Town a who or otherwise in-
any building or fence
the same or any fence enclosing
I he public pound, shall forfeit
pay t he sum of ten dollars for each
and every or
town at such sum as may be
lowed by the authorities per day
said tine, and cost or tax is
All shops or places for the sale of
spirituous, or malt liquors,
shall be closed on each Sabbath in
the year from o'clock
day night to o'clock on Sunday
night, and no person or persons
shall, during or between these
limes, licensed liquor saloon,
sell or give away any spirituous, or j
vinous or malt liquors, except
case of sickness, and only
a certificate of a practicing
and any one or more
seen going in or out of a Bar Room
between said hours shall be deemed
evidence of the guilt
proprietor of said fiat Boom.
person this Ordinance
shall for the first pay a line
ten dollars for the second
pay a fine of twenty dollars for the .
third have his license
Sec. person shall
or sell within the corporate limits of j
Greenville, except from the stalls
the Market House, fresh pork,
fresh beef, fresh mutton, fresh fish
or barbecue. Provided However
chat alter o'clock, A. M. whole
dressed hogs, beef and mutton, in
quantities not less than a
may be sold anywhere in said town,
and that skimmers may sell fish
by themselves anywhere J
town. violating this
Ordinance shall each and every
pay a penally often dollars.
Sec. shall sell or
vend any cakes or cider except with-
in twenty of the Market House, i
Any violating this Ordinance j
shall for each and every pay
a penalty of two dollars-
Sec. stalls or stands for
the sale of articles shall be at
lowed to be erected within the j
Any person
this Ordinance shall for each and
every pay- a penalty of two;
Sec. L No person shall sell with-
in corporate limits the Town
any unwholesome food. Any par-
son violating this Ordinance shall
for each and every pay a
penally of ten dollars.
Sec. 5- The stalls of the Market
House shall be rented annually
first day of January at public
but any vacant stalls may
be rented by the town
privately alter said day, provided.
however, that no stall be rented for;
less than four dollars per month,
payable in advance.
Sec. person renting a
stall in the Market House shall
keep the same clean, in case
a failure to do so, and after
cation by the town authorities re-
fuse to clean the same shall forfeit
the amount paid tho further
use of such stall.
Sec. barrels, tables or ob- j
shall be placed in the
sage way of said Market House.
Sec. One stall of said Market
House shall be kept open for
use of the public free of charge.
Sec. Every person renting
first obtain from Mayor a
to carry on his
person holding such
and abusing the same may upon,
complaint made to the Mayor
such license revoked by Hoard;
Sec. 1- Tho running hogs, goats,
and geese at large in tho corporate
limits is declared to be ii nuisance
and is hereby forbidden.
every person whether a citizen of
the town or not is from
permitting his hogs, goats or geese
from running at large on the streets
of Greenville and the owner of each i
animal fowl whether a citizen of
the or not shall for each and
every violation of this
pay a penalty of five, dollars for
each bog and one dollar for each
goat or goose.
Sec. Whereas it has been time
and again declared to be a public
for hogs to run at large on
the streets of the Town of Green-
ville has been prohibited by its
Ordinances, And whereas it is the
purpose of this Hoard of Council-.
men to use all means to abate
such nuisance and to enforce Or-
prohibiting the same; but.
whereas the Hoard is forbidden, by
act of tho Assembly
passed at its late session, to pass
Ordinance directing tin Town
Officers to impound any hog or cat-
property of a person not a
citizen of the Town, whereas
the Hoard desires to conform its ac-
to the laws of the State and to
protect its officers from prosecution,
And whereas it Is utterly impossible
for the officers of the to dis
the hogs of those who do
not live within tho corporate limits
of Greenville from the hogs of those
who live within said limits- It is
That in order that the Town
I may not, by mistake,
i hogs of any non-resident
j it is ordered and made the duty of
all non residents to mark their hogs
and to register with the Clerks or
. this Hoard his or her murk before
I the 5th day of June, 1889, and he
shall pay therefor a tax of five dollars
to tho town a fee of
dollar to the Clerk.
That on and after said 5th day I
j of June, 1889, the Town Officer shall I
impound all unmarked hogs and;
all hogs whose marks have not been
registered by their owners, unless
he shall otherwise them to be
I the property of a non-resident, and
deal with them according to the Or-
in force as to hogs belong-
to citizens of the Town. Pro-
it shall be his duty to release
the same to the owner, if he a
I non-resident, upon his calling
them within ten days, and comply-,
with the Ordinance requiring I
them to be marked registered.
The Town Officers shall not
pound any hog known to be the
property a non-resident, hut it
shall be his duty to insert a small
ring the nose of the same, to
the name of the owner there- .
of to tho It shall
be his duty to make a note of each
hog running at large
he is forbidden to impound and re-j
port the name of the owner thereof
to the. Mayor.
These various methods
to protect the citizens of the
town against nuisance of
hogs from the country running at
largo the Town shall not be con-
as in any way
the nuisance or as waiving any
legal rights of the Town to
abate the same but it shall be the
duty the Mayor to proceed against
the owners whether a of the
or not of all hogs running at
large in the streets under tho Or-
which forbid the same and
under any law of the State which
may be applicable thereto.
Sec. All hogs, gnats and geese
running at large on the streets if not
kilo, to be the property of a non-re-
shall betaken up by I he Town
Officer and impounded and if not
redeemed by the owner thereof
shall after ten days notice by ad-
in three public places
a description tho hog, goat or
goose taken up, be sold at
auction, proceeds thereof
paid to the owner said hog, goat
or goose, after deducting the cost
Sec. Officer shall have
for feeding each hog. goat or goose
ten cents per day, for advertising
each hog, goat or goose fifteen cents.
Sec. The running of cattle at i
largo the corporate limits of the
town from November 1st, to April
1st, is declared to be a nuisance and
is hereby forbidden.
Sec. Cattle of all description
except small calves, running at large
the corporate limits tho
hours of o'clock P. M. and sunrise
tho following morning is declared to
be a nuisance and is hereby forbid-
Sec. All cattle, the property ;
residents, found running at large
during the time prohibited shall be
taken up the Town Officer
impounded, and if not redeemed by
the owner thereof, shall alter ten
days notice by advertising in three
public places giving a description of
the animal taken up. be at pub- j
he auction, and the proceeds arising
from such sale be paid to the owner
of said animal, after deducting the
cost and expenses.
Sec. The Town Officer shall
have taking up each animal j
cents, for feeding each
animal twenty-five cents per
and for advertising each
teen cents.
It shall unlawful for any
son to deface any monuments,
enclosure in the Cemetery; or to
any shrubbery or flowers or
for flowers in it; or to break
or injure any lock on the gates Of
any fence around the Cemetery ; or i
to turn any cattle or goats therein.
Any person violating this Ordinance I
shall pay a penalty of twenty five
dollars, one half to be paid the in
former and one half to the town.
All poisons owning dogs said
town are required to procure badges
for same from Tax Collector.
It is hereby declared unlawful for,
such dog or dogs to run at large in
aid town without wearing such
badge. The owner of such dog
all pay for each and every
of one dollar.
It shall be the duty all land
owners to put and keep in good re-
pairs tho side walks adjoining
property and if any one shall fail to
do so alter being notified by the
street committee, it shall be the
duty of said committee to have the.
work done and to charge
the expense thereof to such land
owner to pay such within
days, or he or she shall pay a penalty
of double the charge.
street crossings and drains
shall kept up by the
the supervision of the
committee and for out the
monies in the Treasury.
That the Mayor lie tore whom any
actions for violating town
may lie tried may after consider-
of and any
so violating such Ordinance
or Ordinances, in each and every
case have power to reduce the pen-
to a sum not less than
and cost by remitting the excess
of said sum of one dollar.
The foregoing is a true copy
of Ordinances passed and
ratified by the Hoard of Conn-
for the town of Green-
ville the 23rd day of May, 1889.
W- P. EVANS, Mayor.
Forty Railroads Sued.
An Important Case Instituted in Wake
Superior Court.
News Observer.
The Clerk of Wake Superior
Court stunned the of the
Wide for June might well
called a
It opens with a production of Henry
Bacon's beautiful painting,
End of a Long photographed
especially for Wide lovely
picture. Then come the true stories
five or Plain Is
by the now famous writer, Miss
who grew her early
in Wide Awake this story is
most pathetic. The scene of Miss
Buffer Seward's brilliant story is on
board an ocean steamer; it is
Mrs. General Fremont's is a
story, House that Jack
Mrs. Annie
story is of tho Confederate side in
the War, a jolly talc,
Breach Member of Company
Tho story by Sara Trainer Smith,
in the Java will
go to everybody's heart. The
are Sid-
yesterday morning by I -Five Peppers
walking in and stating that ho want-, has a tremendous surprise for
that he wanted forty postal money
orders to as fees to forty
Sheriff in various parts of the
The of this tremendous
transaction was the fact that a few
minutes before the papers for one of
the most important suits ever in-
in Wake county had been
filed in the Clerk's office.
Upon inquiring into the case it ts eleven pictures, charming read-
was found that Mr. W. T. Hodge, everybody. and
of this county had brought suit j the new department, is
against each of forty railroads j filed with enjoyable anecdotes and
in this State to recover a penalty notably Footsteps of
from each one for failure to Tennyson's Chalk
comply with a section of the Code Catching on the
articles of
Mis. F. A. Humphrey, describes
curious for punish-
in old times which she saw in
England ; Mrs.
on behavior is excel-
lent ;
is exquisite; Sallie Joy
White's Heading
is of great suggestive value;
People the with
requiring them to make an annual
report of business to the
of the Stale.
The poems of the
are by Clinton Mrs.
Marian Douglas, H,
It. Hudson, Osgood,
Alice Wellington Boiling Eliza-
beth L. Gould.
Wide Awake is 13.40 a year. D.
Company, Publishers,
Wilson, N. C
By section of the Code of
North Carolina is provided that
every railroad corporation shall
make an annual report to the Gov-
of the State of the operations
of the year, ending on the 30th of
September, which certificate shall
be verified by oaths of the treas
or president and superintendent I
and shall slate the amount of
as by charter, the amount
stock subscribed, the total amount
of stock paid in, the amount of
fended debt, the amount of floating
debt, cost of road and equipment,
full statement of business of the j
year, earnings, expenses, etc.
It is also provided by section 1900
the Code that any corporation j Any Business Entrusted to us
which shall neglect to make the
report as provided shall be liable to
a penally of to be sued for in
the name of the. State.
It is alleged in the complaint that
the railroads sued have failed to
comply with the said section of the
Code. Under the law this penalty
of belongs to the first man J ,
who institutes suit it.
Mr. W. T. I lodge, who brings ac-
in the case is a citizen of Wake
county and a member tho Far-
Alliance. In pursuance of
the section above referred to Mr.
has instituted suits
the forty roads below named for the
penalty of each suit. It is
suited that with the exception of
the. Wilmington, C. Railroad,
and the Southern Bail
road, none of the roads sued have
WILSON, n. c
Attended to.
C M.
Practice in the State and Federal
ever made the reports as required TUCKER MURPHY.
except for the. fiscal year ending I
September 80th, 1880. With some
unimportant amendments made
from time to time the statute has
in force ever since 1871.
It seems that the statute has
been completely lost sight of for
several years. It was never re-
to during the agitation of the
railroad commission bill during the
recent legislature.
Spier Whitaker, Esq., and
stead Jones are Mr. Hodge's
Mr. Whitaker stated yesterday
evening that the railroads could .
be sued failure to comply ls
tor one year as the statute of
limitations prevents going back
The following are the railroads
sued named the
Seaboard Petersburg
Railroad, North Western Rail-
road, Piedmont Railroad, St
road and Lumber Company, Ox-
ford Henderson, Oxford
Atlanta ft Charlotte Air Line,
Atlantic, Tennessee A Ohio,
N. C.
n. c.
Practice all the courts.
a Specialty.
Greenville, N. C.
C F cm.
Columbia Augusta, Ashe-j J.
Tilled; West- Civil Engineers, Surveyors
North Carolina,
Columbia Augusta,
Wilmington ft Weldon.
Cape Fear ft Yadkin Valley, States
ft Western, Rail-
road, Marietta ft Georgia,
Charleston, Cincinnati ft Chicago,
Albemarle ft Suffolk ft
Carolina, ft Tar River,
North Carolina,
Raleigh, ft
Washington, Pittsboro
East Tennessee
Western North
Chester ft
Hamilton and
ville, ft Western,
Palmetto ft Gas-
ton, ft August, Georgia
Carolina and Northern.
If the case is decided In favor of
Mr. he will get from
each of the forty loads making a to-
The case was made at
the October term, and a summons
was sent to each road yesterday to
be represented at the trial.
and Architects.
film III M.
Greenville, N.
Under new management. Hot and
cold water baths, rooms and at-
servants. Table always
ed with the best of the market. Feed
In connection.
Rooms. Best
When In
Polite waiters.
table the market afford,
city stop at the
. . .

Eastern Reflector,
piloted a through which pro-
the impounding of
stock in the town of Green-
ville. While this bill applied
only to the stock of
dents, it was c
stood, and persons thinking it
had a general application turned
their stock, and since then
hogs have had possession of
I the town very much to the an-
and inconvenience of
the citizens. A howl of
nation went up against the hog,
Washington Letter.
Washington, D.
Las a week hack
said a republican it is
constantly growing weaker. There
is every indication that we are to
New York Letter.
Entertaining Comments on
and there were criticisms against
New York, May
The most important topic f dis
have a of the worse in the metropolis at
in the and Arthur ad- great
This language was episcopal cathedral
used by a man who is generally re-10 be St-
I Mag very friendly to Manhattan Ave. Out of the sixty-
the and there is submitted
doubt he is, but be was asked to the trustees by competing
by a republican bis opinion
I Mr. Cherry. The censure against
rill Hot Hesitate to Democratic j however, would have been
men measures that are not consistent; I . . . . . . .
the true principles of the party. well enough omitted, for IS a
If a a and we
of the for the man of Honest t
or. sample COPY I believe bis intentions in this
I matter were good, even though
the Cost at he acted without thoroughly
of the President and be gave it
without reserve. And the
facts in a number of cases bear the
Gov. en de subsequent pro-
cost me two days in
Den I went over
one day sell a load turkeys
fur de women en while. I was
man one f dun fin-
keys disappeared. sold de bah
I would
I Hind em I went up
ten an
I seed el filler bis
I face red a suit
I on. lie cum over
j w us an el
j bis; saw mills,
railroad iron and He
had a lot of leathers stuck in bis
four have been selected and hair looked day have
set apart for elaboration. These belonged de wardrobe
four designs will lie immediately re-
turkey lost so I used him
be got cm from. none
my d- in den bit
turned to the architects,
Senator's ;, to a weak about iV policemen
backbone out. For instance he
wants to bis old law partner
Mail Matter.
Alas Poor Hog.
The hog is an unfortunate
tor in the welfare of Greenville,
and unfortunately, been
the cause of some unkind feeling
among their owners in the com-
That his presence up-
on the streets of Greenville is a
nuisance was long ago establish-
ed beyond contradiction, and in
order to expunge the same the
guardians of the peace and
of the statutes did. a few
years past, declare against his
privileges of the lows at large,
and ordained that he should
be kept in by his owner or
be run in by the police, with
lines and penalties attached
in case it became necessary tore-
sort to the latter
Candidly speaking, this law
every side of the
question. lie knew that the
country wanted relief,
which did and should have.
Attorney General Miller the Sn-
Court bench, but to a
rigorous protest from the Indiana
who want Judge
Woods of that State appointed, he-
does nothing. the ear-
Their being subject to frequent days of the administration John
cost on account of the impound-
of their stock was a hard-
ship, out it was a still greater
hardship upon the citizens of the
town to have the streets and
their premises damaged by the
hogs. The hogs should not have
been allowed on the streets, bill
the country people might have
been relieved from paying so
much cost on their stock-
As said further back, the hogs
have had possession the town
since that bill passed, the old
which the trustees will make a final
decision. The design which is ad-
to be the best was made by
architects W. A. Potter and U.
It may be generally
described as Gothic and is based
the union of a single-span
nave, with a choir of the usual
I would bin jail fur yet
if hadn't bin rite smart an good
runner. De woman
I would stay homo nights in
all over de
county, I would git better,
I thought she right den but
hit I. O. A. con-
me was no place
home. wont town one day
selected a business
man Philadelphia to be Post
master at that city, and Mr. Ham-
sou the nerve to make the
And Some
lime ago John Sherman was prom is
ed that Hart,
of nave and choir. The fall met up Mr. Claude
of the church consists of a son. I neater think heap him
central space eighty-six feet square, j de so
and four lesser spaces each
four feet square, at the four faces
of the central square, an
auditorium of 1.000, feet of
. ,, , , . , . i floor, unobstructed columns and
Ohio, should be appointed Solicitor,
capable of seating people
General, Hart was telegraphed to
and told to come on get the
Quay made a big row
accusing Sherman of lying, etc. and
intimating that the administration
within radius of feet.
I stopped talk w id him while
ax him how he was long
aid do Advance, while we
feller earn up an made
two three signs and went off.
Mr. Wilson what meant
he hit was summons
attend de secret
he use
towers, each feet high, arise at be went Wilson, by de way,
the four corners of the with an Si-S K want have
entrance each, and the high J
, , . place you can see de whole
might go for all he j thing- I thought hit was
ed. Once more Harrison's back j fT i
Board of Councilmen taking no j bone went back on him and Hart's J
to keep them off the streets, appointment has not vet been
t, , ., . i mi i tune and wish to make it the finest
But the new Board determined The cases mentioned are , . ,
. . , . . ., edifice in America the
to abate the nuisance at once, well known, doubtless there arc
Mm to the Pitt comities, a line of the following
that not to be in this market. Ami all guaranteed to be and
pure straight Rood. GOODS all kinds, CLOTHING,
Gin and Mill Hay, Book Limb, Paris, and
Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I in the trade at Wholesale
jobbers prices, cents per less per cent for tail, Bread Prep-
Hall's Star Lye Jobbers Prices. While Lead pure Lin-
seed Oil, and Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. me a call and guarantee satisfaction.
Has been from
And not depend on borrowing
trying to make one Planter do
the work of two Planters, but
buy a planter this season
and save the risk of
a stand of cotton
which may
more than
oral planter.
Foreign an
, . ,. . 11-- .
and passed ordinances looking j many similar ones the public. -t
to that end, are published bears of, but these are in
bout twelve be carried
me round behind store
me. when hard noise peep
crack in de winder blinds
Well lore long I hind de noise an
Tell bun not to delay but examine
now and see if his old planter
needs any repairs, and if so
order them at once or send
the Planter to me or leave
it with Mr. Alfred Forbes
with lull particulars
and it will be taken
to factory, re-
paired, and re-
turned at n
on our first page. We think
their action would have met the
aw should be. To a desired ends just as well and as
lain extent it was just and prop-1 effectually if they had omitted
The streets, sidewalks, and ; the five dollars for registering
yards of the town were up the mark.
at no inconsiderable expense and
to see these rooters frequently
destroying property worth many
times their value brought
annoyances, and loss to
which the people did not care to
It will be rather hard
on the country people if any of
to prove that the in-
is a true one.
Oklahoma can't have a national
bank. So says the Attorney
to whom the application was re-
by the Treasury department.
Some absurd rumors about the
sending of English mail of war
for in-1 peeped in. gracious I
never seed hard set
I mortal human I
-kw post OFFICE understand
I is now receiving attention at the at but era bile i found
hands of Postmaster Van out bout
Builder's Material.
has asked for an additional
bad whole lot
,. r a.,.,. ,,,, . chains s an pis-
The amount i., . ,
knives an
of work done at this is simply up, after got
them have this to of j to Alaskan waters to prevent the
course they will not do if their j provisions of recent
hogs are kept out of town. But as to the of all
the hogs should be kept off the vessels found illegally taking seals
streets, which is all that is de- from being carried out. forcibly II
necessary, have been floating around
and it is stared that everything feller up
about one-eighth of the postal be thought de
business of the country Is transacted v
here. It is apparent to nearly any
here week but nobody seemed
to any stock in them.
Justice Miller the Supreme
Court, having failed bis purpose
getting ex-Secretary of War
hardship inflicted upon the m
, appointed as his successor,
To obviate such sired, and there should be no ill
of the town, having rights will on the of anyone. The
to that extent, made demand of rights of both town ard country
the Councilmen for relief, hence should be respected and
the hog was declared a nuisance each should be unwilling to see
and ordinances enacted against
him. So far, so good.
But there were defects in the
execution of these laws.
additional were allowed
to the officers for impounding,
feeding, and advertising each
hog. and of course their ex-1 . I publican party during the present
decorated, all in perfect order I .
was increased according J. readiness. Promptly at nine o'clock i
lo the number of swine taken, silence fell upon the crowded audience, remembered years
This too well H. Hat ton led by 11.15. liar-1 and too, if the
, v i i ii . i Miss Pennie K.
enough had not the law, as it
is, been abused. At
one time the town had police
who were said to go outside
and drive hogs belonging to the
be or failure
sum brethren had
Br mil her feller
one doing mail business at be thought de same thing an
that the working force is he would move committee be
and the sooner re ketch or nigger
on, jest, den I got
Tell him that can furnish him
Timbers that he may need, either
dressed or undressed. Also I
can famish bin with build-
Brackets and
for your porches
and piazzas, fact any
or trim-
that he may
need to build a
Will Grind Your Com.
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
yield the palm to none.
J. L.
All kinds placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
D. Williamson,
lief given the better. I
as how my woman
out see
or rather in getting a to
that effect from Harrison, now
One of the most beautiful marriages that he has no i
we ever witnessed solemnized at Washington
Church, six miles from j of some very heavy fighting among
church some of lite tote fellows in the lie-
known it take several days home by
i letters to go from the general office go
the upper portions the city; bout her, but. tool run
i when one hour should
time. of the i
affected in a similar way, and it is bout dozen
even impossible to buy more than a
be ample i barrels fur
. I thought warehouse had
s service is j on .,, ,
and it is bout dozen
ore than a mo.
worth of stamps after tied me me de room
retiring. , J , me up barrel on
has scene L. ., , , table an rolled bit
And further that I can grind hi
corn into good Meal and that
I will convince him of
the same if be will
bring me his core
to grind.
tics will be increased, so that all
On the evening of the
was lighted and
can be transacted
reasonable speed.
an den me out
led by
her father. Mr. T. II. approach-
ed the altar where the young couple
were united in the holy bonds of wedlock
Be. V. officiating.
The attendants were V. S. Langley
and Miss A.
country people adjacent
the corporate when Daniel. It. I. Miss
would be Moore. and Miss
the the fees.
To assist them in this kind of
work idle boys were sometimes
employed to go out and drive the
hogs to This was w
in fact it was an outrage of the
grossest nature. Of course some
hogs running at large in the
country came into town of their
own accord, and the damage they
did was as great as that caused
by the town hogs. In obeying
the injunctions of the law all
hogs fared alike by being
and valuable presents
were given by their many friends.
recently embarked upon
the mercantile seas and we hope ere long
to sec him sail into the haven of success
end there rest the cooling shades
the success and happiness of the
young collide desire to extend our
warmest wishes.
the world's broad field of battle,
In the of life,
lie not a
lie a a
The church at was brilliant in
comes, and it most always does
come when patiently waited for.
The cause of the lighting is the
same thing that always causes strife
among the of
the The first skirmish ;
was between Representative Can-
nun, of Illinois and Senators
and of the same state
Cannon got one of bis constituents
appointed collector of internal rove-.
without either the
lashed me board do
crowd got on de board danced.
tired so
I sot down
dissection the body .,. de cheer
Washington BISHOP, occupied so got up
the reader, lie fore it was well d teach me
established whether he was dead or
Considerable excitement been time
. ., . , . r.
this week.,,., account , y
with the above
will greatly oblige
Yours truly.
A. CS-- COX,
Greenville. N. C.
The Tar Mi Transportation Company.
S. Greenville,
N. M. Tarboro,
K. K. Washington,
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
My Factory i- well equipped with the best put
but work, we Keep u with the and i i it Improved
Boot material used all work. All styles Spring are Use . you can -el-. from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ran Horn, Kin.
Also keep on hand a full ll-e of ready
the year round, which will sell AS LOW AS
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of title and
merit a continuance of the same.
for past favor hope
Senators. Cannon has best of
it so far but the Senators swear
The next engagement was
alive. The relatives of have
had the doctors arrested, and they
will be tried either for manslaughter
or for a former
case was alive, the latter
if it he shown he was dead. It is
the common verdict that the doctors
were in too much a hurry
way and not much sympathy is
shown them in their present
A second autopsy has been
which has not I brown any
Maker and Trim-
mer, Miss has arrived and am
prepared to execute In tho latest styles
and fashions any work d to my
ab I t. S , uh subject, but gray headed
a battle that has raged a. he J , or wife a. wren
week. It is over the I , . . tool questions as i was
Federal On one side
is Bea-
Hairy and
and the other
Senator alone, with all his
war paint The has been
other chance to disagree.
It has been often remarked
New York will never be I I would have take part in
was no rose a Den , ,.,., Ta.
I would be by de ;
Most es my The Steamer Is finest
abilities bis line, led me quickest boat on the river. She
big slick Idler thoroughly repaired,
me how many comforted
could prevaricate in. l him and convenience of Ladies. the latest designs have
good p, so arrived and will ha pleased to show
null fur me. was bout i I ft I E them to price are the
rue be would only me one
question. de man a trip on tho Steamer Is
cum in de parlor ketch not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday,
Friday at O'clock, A. M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday,
and Saturday at U o'clock, A. M.
Freights received daily and
Bills Lading given Io all points.
Greenville. N. O.
If something nice in the way
i e
Sewing Machines,
tO the OLD ROOM. A
A first-class Table furnished with the and guarantee be undersold no
one. Special bargains on all .
me my arm
corset, what would do f I
look hear white you
no better sense be
Mrs. C. King,
myself, cause I
woman hard bout hit I
j carried Io the White House nearly
pounded, the owners in the On the twenty-second night the month every day poor Bantam has
country not being apprised of to act as referee
what had befallen their hogs j much against his will. This light is
they should chance come many.
to town would find a good size congratulate Mr. E. X. Hat- j was caused by
soon be
The marriage was beautiful and gay,
it occurred on the twenty-second of
bill of cost attached to each per- is one Host will
sometimes the cost being
larger in value than th; ho.
This together with the action of
the officers as above referred to,
occasioned numerous complaints
and the country people began
casting about in search relief.
In this had the sympathy
and aid of some of the town
for while all were agreed
that the bogs should be kept off
the streets, many believed there
should have been some
in the law so that it would
not fall so heavily on the
try people.
Early in 1887 a petition for re-
lief in some way was circulated
for and forwarded to
the General Assembly then in
I am forcibly reminded this saying
when I see additions that are
constantly being made to the
which connects us with our over-
grown suburb across the
This bridge which was supposed to
have been finished on May 24th,
has and
added to nearly every year since
disagreeable conversation, but Mi. j ,
Wilson be got up an g
jest who
consider myself young white man
while de questions.
JAN, 1539,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sewing
repaired and warranted.
j a.
c i N
. H.
Co. K C
S- in Sew York,
Senator dared to oppose the
of Senator and
Boss Tom and not only to op-
the other bat to
have of bis own. The three
hero this week and indulged
a few rounds. is believed to
have been completely knocked out. I when
It seems to be generally believed
couples that waited were the
of six;
Among that number were six lit-
Two dressed in pink, two blue, and
two in white.
All costumes most comely suited to
the night.
The bride wore cream albatross. . by the that Harrison
was so beautiful in her dress. will call extra session of
Eddie too was finely dressed I . .--
I. a line and comely vest. Of Course
. ,., . I body that there is no earthly
How often I think of my little . J
I occasion tor an extra session except
May her pleasures be sweet, may they be to give the two mouths
All be small and few, over of
This is the wish make for you.
he, would do
in I,
i would take my arm
all be
de best could be done said
would dance do grid iron can
can but while beating de
The classes will he so arranged that
new pupils can enter the first week in
John Duckett, Principal,
C G. Foist. Principal
Miss Met a Primary i-
Miss XI. S. and Instill
mental Music.
Slimmer and hope that
you will not fail to give
us a call. We have a
specially attractive
line of
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
Spring and MERCHANTS,
and still the cry is for more I saw git out;
. o-, . cum home, so tore Mrs. E. W.
More than million pas-1 m off ,
crossed it last year the j body has wanted yet
number is expected to reach mil- bumble has bad call at
lion this year. The proposed j de .
will we hope
will serve for another year
the perennial cry of more
Mr. Carter.
Is From Again and the
Cause of Silence.
May the wing of your happiness ne'er
lose a feather.
Ami live as while on earth
And when you part to worlds
May the Lord claim you At His own.
House and perfect their arrange-
to get at least three-fourths
of the contested teats.
session, but that body took no I
action upon it. No more was , .
l , . , , ., No business men does his duty
then heard of i., but when-the he helps to sustain his local
last Legislature was session While advertising helps
the matter seems to have been; the hulk of
, . the advertiser in increasing
again ate y The readers of the A very important case, Smith I bin so close
least so far as the town know that they get the against was up none I
any knowledge of it was con-; best the men who ad here Mr. It. git bolt
At any rate we are not
Mn. wants sec
man Dillie him three
Peter Carter,
K-. tell him if he
need jest call on
and Proctor deny I
propose resigning, as S -g J-
Many people from Washington,
ha gone to Alexandria to , S
witness the of a baud v
some monument to the business, all
am set
had little nm
fall de reason I
P. K.,
Co., N. C.
Primary. Academic.
Classical and Mathematical. Mu-
sic. Painting Drawing.
Healthy Location and Good
Plenty of Well Prepared Food
have had several years
at the and are
at cents per yard, which yon prepared to handle to
will to equal to any advantage r
you will find at So cents.
A line of
j All entrusted lo our
i hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
at -25 cents. And i
many other things that we . . , n ,
at bad health of Mr. D. Gardner
him to discontinue Mm
management of tin business far
ale dead.
Large Salt
Best In th world. Examine
Look over these O. of Halifax, as Be-Is
informed that the citizens of the
town were cognizant of such a l
movement until it was
when you to goods.
The labors every
week to bring trade tot be merchants
Of lo tie
gin. I en promised myself
It is a suit J. K. Smith, j I never git
Administrator Smith, and I in Greenville alter de sun
others against and i goes down. I staid one night
others, and involves
amounting to morn than while feller I
ed the papers that Mr. will lake the
the the case. -J
oar Representative, had
sum It an shoe.
2.00 and SCHOOL SHOES.
name am. price not
n W. L. DOUGLAS. M .
Examine XV. I,. Shoes for
Gentle and Ladies.
Greenville, N.
plow, and the CH
Hoard and Tuition Tuition and cotton
for Day the a advertised I also offer till
before engaging board elsewhere. For
further particular. Address,
per s.
The best Salve in the world for
Bruises SoreR. Ulcers. Salt i
M Sores, t I ;
and all
and cures Piles, or m re-
II to give
or money
; by
The undersigned having leased these
mills number of years and put them
in thorough order, begs leave to inform
the that he is prepared to r
Corn and wheat in a manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
be supplied at my store in
will also a stock
of General Merchandise which will lie
sold at lowest prices
will There is re heller a carriage
business ill the I than at this place.
trade have also a large stock of general
which merchandise sale cheap for on
than of n Corn,
the kind ever put on the Orleans Molasses, ale
Yours stock of Shoos, straw
lot Of Clothing, ladies Dress
Greenville, L-.
I have an el
I have an elegant line of
Robt. R. Fleming.
Of Interest to Ladies.
V to any ho
On Monday the day A. D.
; I sell the Court door
the tow of Greenville, to the highest
, bidder, fir cash, one tract land in
. j county containing about at more
. I or and bounded Situated
That embrace the very latest sues aid . adjoining
fashion. My goons are new and I ear- of
a complete stock. as- s
has been secured and all CO tho being Inherited
can be suited. My long .
In the
ability lo give satisfaction lo all. Your
I from his father by II. lo
business and many f , In bands ha-
have served, attests to. my j H. and
N. C.
which have been levied mi said laud as
the property of B.
A. K.
M, W. S.

M. R. Lang's Column.
Now to day.
May has almost gone.
The hog nuisance is to be abated.
have boon abundant
Mid cheap.
Next Saturday will the first
day of June.
Go to Feed Store for
your seed peas.
Commencements are getting to be
ail the go
Fresh Hemstitched
at M. Lang.
The cool nights of last week did
not help the crops much.
Bushels Seed Peas at the Old
Superior in Washington,
Beaufort county, this week.
Fulton Market Tickled at
the Old Brick Store.
The bad weather last week
ed the crops in some sections.
G will buy Point Lace, the best
at the Old Brick Store.
The liver gets on more booms
than else we know of.
The Cash will be paid for 10.000
i lbs. Beeswax at the old Brick Store
have become scarce and the
demand causes an advance in price.
Regular monthly session of the
Board County Commissioners
next Monday.
The hand employed at
Novella dancing school make
excellent music.
The had several bar-
of lime spread over the Streets
The young people had a very en-
German in Hall
last Thursday night.
German and Pearl Millet,
P,,.;. Timothy and Clover
Seed for .-ale by F. C. Clean
Tin- new town ordinances were
A young lady remarked the other
day. that the only decent envelopes
she find were at the
tor office. We have been carrying
a small supply of very nice cards,
envelopes and note paper. If the
Indies will call and what desire
is not kept in stock we will gladly
order it for them. Give the pat
to justify and we will order
a stock of stationary as to sup-
ply your wants at all times.
AC K would like few
minutes as no doubt there I something
in this column to Interest you. Our
stock of Summer Apparel is replete with
many new and seasonable novelties.
Matting, Scrim,
v Curtains. Bran and Wood
Curtain Hods. Linen Shades,
Oil Cloths, etc.
we can sail you in your
t robes.
have Fancy Striped and Dolled
and Lawns, short
Length Hemstitch
I and A
line of as,
and other fancy articles
the Ladies
BEAUTIFUL light weight
Woolen Fabrics, embracing
all the newest shades in
Serges, Beige,
Handsome Swiss and
Pique Skirting, both Plain and
Hemstitch, Hemstitch
Organdies, Fine French
and a complete lire of wash
goods as Batistes,
Lawns. Seersuckers,
Prims, etc An elegant assort-
oil Parasols, including all
that is new in this line. Several
styles and colon of
posted Saturday and have
i generally discussed since.
Boss Famous
The most
at the Old Brick Store.
If you want to know the
government Greenville means
read the
m n Ordinances.
another lot of
New Lea Stoves.
The rain and blow that nailed
evening extended only
about five miles South of town.
A coin tassel from the garden of.
Mr. L. Brown, was sent to the
last Wednesday, j
Sheriff Tucker brought us a very
peculiar shaped egg
which has been placed in
Several lawyers from
towns, employed on the case of
Smith vs Quint are in town
this week.
Was there any second to the
proposition made by the
that Greenville celebrate tin
Mr. E. B. is in town this
Dr. L. Best of is
Glad to see G. Sugg, of Snow
Hill, in town yesterday.
ii. Williams, Jr., has been
quire sick for a few days.
J. Williamson returned
Saturday from a visit to Wilson.
Savage returned home
Saturday from a visit to Whitakers.
Miss Lulu Kiel, of Bethel is visit-
the family of Mr. D. H. James.
Mr. Owen Dall, of Snow Hill,
spent several days in town the past
Miss Addie Randolph, returned
last week from a visit to relatives in
Mrs. K. C. Glenn Mrs. Dr. Zeno
I Brown and Miss Marshal are
among the sick.
Miss Cherry returned
home Monday Wake county
u here she has been teaching
Dr. F. H. Johnson, Presbyterian
will preach in
ville next, Sunday morning and
We were glad to a call
Mr. George of Snow Hill.
He has been spending the past week
Mrs. and
have been visiting Mrs. S. M.
. returned to Rocky Mount
last week.
Many of the citizens of the South.
era portion of the county arc here
this week as witnesses in the big
; suit being tried.
H. pastor
i of the Tarboro Presbyterian Church
j preached here in the Methodist
Sunday night.
Mr. L. H. of
will open a tin shop on or about the
1st of June, in the store
by Mr. II.
II. W. Brown, living
miles from town, was dangerously j
sick last. week. At last reports be
was slightly improving.
Mr. W. P-. Brown, of this place
and Mr. U. R. Cotton, of Falkland,
attended the Episcopal Convention
Wilmington last week.
Miss Jennie of Wash-
was married to Mr. Sib
Brown sit i o'clock Monday morning.
They make then home in
M- King attended
the the Grand Council
and the Grand Arch Chap- St. Louis, Mo. When he entered
tend Masons in Wilmington last j the ministry the Virginia;
I Conference, and filled some of its
chief appointments. He was
chaplain in Confederate army
and was greatly beloved by the
soldiers, because of his fidelity and
bravery. He received a painful and
Up With the Times
This town goes right ahead in the
buggy manufacturing business and
brings out many improvements
and as good work as any town can
boast. We saw a handsome top
buggy, the other day, made by the
Greenville Carriage Works for Mr.
J. R. Spier, that will compare with
any work to be found. This boggy
was fitted with a novel and
back boot, the invention of Mr.
that is the best thing of the
kind we ever saw.
A feast.
Our generous friend, Mr. N. R.
Cory, of came into our
office last Thursday, told us to
get a box and follow to his bug-
as he had some strawberries for
We started for an envelope
box when he accosted us to get
box that would hold
peck or half bushel. orders
were obeyed we his baggy
with the biggest and nicest lot of
strawberries we ever possessed.
what we call clever and our
friend has our very best thanks.
But a Stubborn Fact
Combination Worsteds in all styles
which we will close out at to cents per
yard. have several pieces of White
Lawn at cents. Only a few pieces
of Seersucker left which we will close
out at S cents per yard. yards fig-
Lawns at M cents per yard.
yards new style at . cents per
yard. yards i and Gilt in
colors from per yard.
Over yards Flouncing from to
cents yard. DO more of those cheap
Corsets at cents. Mrs. Cleveland
in society tome time
since without her has not put any
change on the sale of our Hurtles.
All of our Calico will he sold at cents
strictly. A big lot of Miss-Kit Clothing
which will be sold at panic prices.
pairs Sample Shoes to be closed
These goods will sold as
advertised. Our stock of Straw Hats
will be sold at half price.
Greenville, N. C.
All persons going to Washington
District Conference, please read,
Steamer Washington will leave
Washington Tuesday June 4th, at
A. M-, will touch sit
and Oregon Mills and reach Amity
of about P. M.
; Will return following
Fare for round trip two dollars.
Steamer Greenville will leave Tar-
Monday June on the arrival
will leave Greenville,
I day at A. M., and connect with
at Washington. Fare
to Washington from
91.60, from Greenville
Every member of Conference is
expected to attend. Visitors
ally invited and taken at same
G. A.
Bishop John C. who is
to preside over the Washington
at Amity Church
in Hyde county, will pass down
way and in the Methodist
Church here night. He
is a Virginian, but now resides in
Unity Of a
support of home institutions
goes a long ways in building up a
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as
tor of the estate of A.
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the estate to make
Immediate payment to the
and to all creditors of said estate to
sent properly authenticated
certainly have had a series of
storms during the hist week or two.
But the heaviest ram fall for a to the signed within twelve months
minutes was on Monday evening, j from the date of this notice or it will be
It came down in torrents for a while plead in bar of their recovery. This 2nd
the streets were flooded. t day May. i. i
lasted only a short, while.
On last Saturday while a couple
of men were skimming out in front
of Skinner's saw mill a log being
up on the. slide gave way
and went thundering down in the
water striking in the net and going
through demolishing it completely.
Nobody hurt a terrible scare for
the skimmers.
of L. A. Roberson,
privilege of
Can W bad ill K. C, at 890.00
per month. Address,
Beaufort, N. C.
Rev. G. L. Finch, who has been
holding a meeting at Allen's, three
miles above town, four
persons mill pond hist
Sunday afternoon. dangerous wound, losing one eye
Misses Carrie of Snow thereby. At the time bis election
and Hooker, of to the episcopacy, he was a
-pent last week with the family or In the theological department of
Col. I. A. Sugg. They are two He is one
charming young ladies and the ripest scholars and best
presence has been a of I preachers of Ins church. We are
much enjoyment. glad this community is to nave an
. i unity of bearing him.
e regret to hear the death of .
Mr. Manning, of Carolina
township, which occurred on Mon-
day evening. Mr- Manning was
several times elected as County
w office he was holding at
and f
I furnishers has gained
innumerable friends who rely
upon our taste to select the prop-
style and material. To select
a summer suit is no easy task as
you will admit.
the proper colors, cut
and textiles, proper prices
must bear an Important
We flatter ourselves
that we've bran able to combine
all these qualities and offer to
our friends a reliable line of sty-
well-made Clothing the
correct figures. the stout
men we will say should they
need thin coats have them.
Sizes 4- to Long
in Black
and Mohair. we
not be able to suit you in this
line we will take your measure for
a suit at low price and
tee a lit. A fresh line of Flannel
Dress Shirts just received. Our
line of
etc, is shore the. standard.
Department is lull at season-
able goods the prices. An in-
is invited,
for Sweet Scotch at the time of bis death.
Snuff. lb sold in Pitt Co., which
a guarantee of its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
People should prepare for listing
their taxes. The list takers for the
precincts will begin
first of June.
Flies an the BOX worse things to,
rats that have struck Any Col. F. II. Cameron Inspector Gen
as to how they may be got era of the State Guard, Col.
ten rid of effectively will be gladly John Cotton the First
received. wore in Greenville last In
lie afternoon the Guard was
ed on the Court House Square. Capt.
I Williams was sick and the company
; was in command of Lieut. Smith.
L. L. Nash returned
thanks are due for a very
pretty invitation to the commence-
of Oxford Female Seminary,
June and
A beautiful an-
the closing of Kinsey
School, 5th and 6th.
We overlooked acknowledging In
las-tissue a visit from lie v. J. L.
; and Mr. Leon Williamson,; Rev P. W. Battle, of
Academy. will deliver tho address.
Their visit was much enjoyed. Mr.
told us the Disciples were
I thinking of reviving the r
; their organ.
Space is reserved in for
Murphy Bedding, Merchandise
Broker, who solicit your patronage.
They are also dealers in hay, grain
mill feed,
to the
city yesterday afternoon from a vis,
it to Tarboro, Bethel and Greenville.
Mr. Nash spent a number of years
that section of the State and was
delighted with his visit to bis old
He done some no-
work among the people of
Greenville and Bethel and they
gave bin an ovation during his re-
cent visit among them. Mr. Hash
I is an indefatigable worker. He has
demonstrated it hen and we have
no doubt the he
received ill the Fast very
to him and were well
and Observer.
Lovelace Ware., and old colored
man this town who bore a good
name and was well died
This has lately turned out
fine specimens of job work.
We also prepared to do good
binding on small books. Come to
see us when you wane work.
The belled buzzard must be
a trip North for the summer.
The Orange. Va. it has
been spending a few days in that
vicinity, lint it may be the bird is
heading for Washington City to
look alter the defunct office seek-
R. Column.
That sudden change to blustery,
rainy, cool, and generally bad
last week, gave white a
set back for awhile. Overcoats were
, i n order a day or two.
Barber Fad
j How do you want your hair
want it cut smooth on
top like Mr. Van
Our people with Mr.
j Jessie who lives about two
miles North of town. His wife has
been down sick for about six weeks
and several of his children have
Greenville has excellent natural
drainage, as the late rains attest.
The streets would flow with water
dining the heavy but. in
j a few minutes after the rain ceases
I the water has disappeared.
On Thursday of next week June
an important communication of
Greenville Lodge no A. F. A.
M. will occur. The annual
of officers will be held. A full
attendance is desired.
Just look at. M. It. Lang's new ad-
to-day. Its a
and so ate the elegant goods it tells
about. A more superb stock
, can not be found. Lang knows just
how to please his customers.
Tailor sat down on us the
. other day with box of samples
j out of which ho said get our better; Orphan Asylum, last Thursday
to a quilt or a night. Some of the songs were ex-
rug. The thing be did and its S
beauty and variety can be by request charmed the.
when completed.
The first Thursday light in June
is the next meeting of the Kindness
association. Him time the
had been announced so
hat they might get to work. The
move out well, but it will re-
quire constant and activity
to accomplish much.
are entitled to the best that their
will bay, no every family
should have, at once, a of I he
best family remedy, Syrup of Figs,
to clean; e the when costive or
billions. For in hot
by all trading
returns thanks to
the Pitt county boys, Messrs. K.
Tucker, L. Fleming, W. T.
and J. J. also to
the marshals, for invitations to
Wake Forest College commence-
from June 10th to 13th. As
usual Wake Forest sends out the
handsomest invitation of the
tea son.
Thanks for an invitation to the
fourth annual commencement of
Greenville Institute, Jane 11th
Tuesday evening sit S o'clock
there will be recitations,
at the Opera House. Wednesday
at o'clock annual ad-,
by Kemp P Battle. Mr.
O. is chief with
Messrs U. M. U. C Edwards
and J- B. Walker, assistants.
Presents i . most form
or TUB
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak inactive
condition of the
It is the excellent remedy known to
none Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
at. hew h. t
Alter the 1st of June, for the summer.
I will deliver Milk at the following prices
to regular customers by the week
Gallon per day,
j .
i Quart
Milk delivered each, day
Prompt weekly payments will lie
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as
, of David Clark notice is
I hereby given to all persons indebted to
paid Intestate t some forward and make
immediate payment, and to all creditors
of said Intestate to present their
; fur payment within twelve months from
this date or this notice will he plead in
bar their recovery.
Wm. L.
of deed.
Tucker iv Murphy, attorneys.
to me are requested to come
forward settle their accounts once
by first of June. I also oiler my
stock of Dry Goods and Shoes at cost I
also cash groceries very low.
I remain yours.
T. M.
May N.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as Executor of
the Last Will and of Irene
Forbes notice w hereby given to all
persons indebted to said testatrix to
come forward and make Immediate pay-
and to all persons having claims
against said to present them to
the undersigned, properly authenticated
within twelve months this date, or
this notice will be plead bar of their
recovery, Alfred Forbes.
of Irene Forbes.
Tucker Attorneys.
May 17th,
people were very much do-
lighted with the entertainment
given by the class from the Oxford
The rain Sunday evening damp-
the ardor even the Chris-
None but the Methodist
was at which place
Mr. of Tarboro.
was announced to preach, lie told
The past weeK lists brought many
items interest concerning several
of our exchanges. The Brat, which
came like bomb shell, was the an-
that Dr. T. II. Kings-
bury had withdrawn from the
staff of the Wilmington Star.
lie is the leading editor and ablest
writer in the State, and there was
for awhile sonic, as to
whether or not he would be called
to other fields. His place on the
Star has been supplied by
Duffy, formerly of tho Greensboro
Patriot, who ranks high as a writer
The Wilmington has
been purchased entire by that always
enterprising, go ahead newspaper
man, Mr. J. A. Don it z. Though he
I the r has been
as a dally for two years at an
j annual loss of has just
it in brand new set of
type and declares the new arrange-
such as to make the paper
j self-sustaining. The. latest success
of tho is announce
meat that Dr. has been
added to its editorial staff.
paper it is useless to make
further predictions as to its success.
The Tribune of is a new
venture, in journalism from Hay born
It makes a good beginning and
promises to be a faithful exponent
of our eastern section.
The Courier is with
pleasure added to our exchange list.
visited beautiful six
years ago, and the reminds
of many of the stirs
us Monday morning that his j minding and clever people,
aggregated six persons.
A force of charge of the
policemen have doing
work on the streets dining
the past week. The streets are
going to be kept good order.
And . are receiving
a share of attention,
all which the people ate- thankful.
The has arisen
from the ashes and is now coming
its usual size. An entire new
outfit had to be purchased, the
brethren went to work with a
to rise am. so they
have done.
Ail the very best
wishes of the for
Mil L
N. C.
Article Patent Per-
Pure Drags,
For ale by nil Grocers. Send for Illus-
or how to provide a good dinner for Pour
Persons for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook Book of
containing one Dinner
Hills of Fare, with instructions how to
prepare each one. so that the cost for
i tour persons cannot exceed one Hollar,
additional recipes.
This valuable hook will he given
; to any one sending or presenting the
tickets, represent the purchase of
twenty pounds of C. O.
SEED at our Store, No.
Ill St., X. Y.
Each pail of our Lard contains a ticket.
the number on which corresponds to the
number pounds In the pall.
; The Cotton Oil Protect
Broker, Greenville, N. C.
Are headquarters for all needed in the
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if y want anything in
Hardware. Agricultural Implements, Moves
and Cooking Utensils, Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money of these goods.
which will sell at factory Prices.
ft Ml Carrie Wife
WE are now fitted up in order are prepared to an
upon short notice any kind or style of
also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
will have weekly arrivals of the very nicest freshest
keep constantly band a assortment of
All your Want in above can supplied
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
N. C, Mar.
is space reserved for-
M Brokers,
KT. O.
J. It.
have just
turned New York
City with a full line of
White Goods, Laces
Embroideries, Swiss
Flouncing Specialty
Fine Clothing the
firm patron-
by H. Morris
Shoes, Hats,
We bought low for
cash and will sell at
panic prices.
Be sure to call.
Can now seen at my store. I have
the latest Styles and newest,
an experience of several years at
business me for doing all work
and well. I also do
at moderate prices. Will be glad to have
you call and examine my
B. A.
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
you free to buy where you please, but
If want to save money you come to
my factory on street, rear of B.
Cherry it Go's. For convenience we
have also an entrance through II. V.
Keel's Stables on 3rd street. lean give
That you over had in your life tor
810.01 to 916.09 less money than any one
else in the county can give you. Why I
I my expenses are less and pay the.
spot cash for goods and save tho
counts, and it you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had years
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. He-
pairing a Don't forget the
place on 4th street rear J. II. Cherry
far bestowed upon and lie for a continuation of the same, we offer
you to-day a line of goods -d in this market and
worth. We have now in stuck a nice line of Dress
Double and Single Width Cashmeres,
English Satin Stripe All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Goods,
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid,
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
Laces, etc.,
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly
Dress Linen and Piece A line Piece and
will astonish yon iii quality and price. Notions in endless variety embracing a
line tOO numerous to mention. Hats for Men. Boys and Children, dent's fur.
niching Goods, and Collars. Suspenders. Hosiery and a nice line of
Scarfs. Shoes, to tit who favor with their we pay special care to
this line and guarantee Shoes both in quality and price. A large lot Ladies
Slippers from 7.5 gents up. We especially call the attention of the Ladles to our
of Slippers and think they will not do themselves justice if they buy before
examining them.
Hoes. Flows. Shovels, Trace Chains.
and Fixtures,
Crockery, Glassware, I
Wood and Willow ware.
Harness, Bridles and Whips
Gad Ax and Ball Road Mills Snuff, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Groceries
and Provisions, in this line we carry Tea, Co flee. Sugar. Molasses, Lard
the very best we can buy, Pepper. Spice. Soap, both laundry and toilet. Star Lye
and Ball Lye. Matches. Candles, Starch, best grade of Kerosene Oil. Meats of differ-
kinds. Flour Which we buy low and sell low for the cash. If you need a bar-
rel of Flour come to see us, ire are rock bottom it.
Ufa carry Window Sash Doors of different in stock. Also the largest
of Furniture of any house in Greenville, embracing Suits, Bedsteads,
both double single. Lounges, Chairs of different kinds. Tables, Cots. Bed Springs
and Mattresses. Bureaus, Children's and Beds and cradles, what we have-
not got in this line we have from several of the best houses in this
country and will order anything you wish at moderate prices. Don't our
celebrated Climax and Stonewall PLOWS when you want one. We carry Castings
for these Plows In stock.
I's when yon come to town, we guarantee fair honorable
treatment, and will appreciate your kindness and We can and will
sell as as any one who Rs as good goods e do.
Yours truly,

Is better than any soap ; handier, finer, more effective,
more for the money, and in the form of a powder for
your convenience. Takes, as it were, the fabric in one
hand, the dirt in the other, and lays them
speaking, washing with little work. As it saves
the worst of the work, so it saves the worst of the wear.
It isn't the use of clothes that makes them old before
their time; it is nibbing and straining, getting the dirt
out by main strength. For scrubbing, house-cleaning,
washing dishes, windows and glassware, has
no equal. t
Over One Million Families Use it.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are
offering imitations which they claim to be
or the same as IT'S FALSE
they arc not, and besides are dangerous. is never peddled, but
Mid by ail good grocers. only by JAMES New
Any of the following I I I U U L I L
Any of the following .
sent post-paid on of
Tb most thrilling and instructive work on
M pages ; paper
r of
y a Kempis. Paper, eta
Selections from Ward. Mark Twain
others. pages; paper ; cloth
SI., AVa VoW.
HR Any book in the world furnishes
at s
I year's supplies Will find it to
their interest to get our prices before
is complete
in all its
Lowest Market Prices.
R. R.
I and
Sal So, Ho Noll,
Mar daily Fast Mail, daily I we buy direct from Manufacturers,
ex buy one A com.
S pin in
Ar Rocky Mount
Ar Wilson pin am
Lt am
Warsaw t It fl
Magnolia S n s.-,
Ar Wilmington i
in SB am
stock of
always on band and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we s.-ll at a close margin.
Greenville. N. C
No No
daily daily daily
ex Sun.
, Wilmington
Lt Magnolia am
Lt Warsaw
Ar 2.12
s to
Ar Selma O-l
Ar Wilson
Lt Wilson am pin 5-
Ar Rocky Mount s
Ar Tarboro
Lt Tarboro am
Ar pm pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train n Scotland Neck Branch
leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30
Returning, loaves Scotland
A. M. daily Sunday.
Train loaves Tarboro. X via
t Raleigh R. R. Sim-
MP M. M.
Williamston, X . P M. V M.
Returning leaves Williamston, X daily
except A M. A
M. arrive Tarboro. X . 1.1 M. SO
A M.
Train on Midland N C loaves
daily except Similar, A M.
arrive N Ml M.
leaves X C A M.
X O, l A M.
Train on Nashville leave
Mount at I M. arrive- III
M, Spring Hope 1.1 I M. Returning
loaves Spring I lope A M. Nashville
tat MA M. arrives Mount A
M daily,
Trillion Clinton haves Warsaw
Clinton at
P A M leave
ten at A M, and P. M. connect
lag at Warsaw with ind
Southbound I rain on Wilson Fayette-
Branch Is No. Northbound is
Train No. South will stop only at
Olson, and Magnolia.
Train No. makes dose connection at
for all points North daily. All
Tia Richmond, and daily
Tia Day Line.
Trains make close connection for ah
North via and Wash
All trains run solid between
and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers
I. R.
T. M.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad ,
In Effect A- M. A Dee.
No. No.
A car arrived and now for
sale by.
at Keel A Will sell them
or at reasonable terms on time. I bought
my stock for Catch and can afford to sell
as cheap as anyone. Give me a call.
Have just procured several
Vehicles and will lake passengers to any
It rates.
Sole, Feed d Mes.
Having associated B. S.
it me in the Undertaking business we
arc ready to serve the people in that
rapacity. All notes and accounts due
me for past have been placed in
the hands of Mr. for collect Ion.
p in
City a IS
Mixed Ft.
a in
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Tilt county Coffin. We arc fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Learned in reading.
,. to ;
it am of Win. A. Ham.
i w in Iliad
.,. A Judith
K ;. p r .,,. .
A. An., N. Y.
r. I i
What give up my trade. source of
For Ringing, mid prayer, and tears
have openly sold and sold by stealth
For more than a score of years,
W brandy, and rum and whiskey and
And cider and lager beer
And I have grown rich, lusty, and halo.
What care I, while I can near
The chink, chink in my money-till.
My heart shall grow harder and bolder
They may plead with me as women can
hey may kneel on my floor pray.
They may talk to me. but will not
Though they talk of the
The glasses shall clink, I will pour Hie
wine ;
An deal out brandy and beer.
I have bought the license ; it's mine
I use it while I can hear
The chink, chink, chink of my
I swear to heaven I'll sell it still.
I yield then to loneliness
W it It prayers as as the angels
When I tin nod the the hag-
Who plead for their sons in anguish
and love
Ah. they have grind their hundreds
and more.
And won the great heart and the
But lie of will soon
be o'er.
And if we stand still may lit
The chink, chink, chink In the
t ill.
And hold I he and have our will.
Clear the walks of the drive out
of each street.
Nor let. thorn be blocked with singing
Hush back to their homes these bands
that we meet.
Let them pray in their closets, what
do we care f
We have held so long the lease of the
With customers thronging it year by
year ;
If men will drink lire, let them tipple I
To ran or so long as I hear
The chink, chink, chink in my money-till.
To the miserable fools will sell it still.
Do think that I fear V Why talk-
ed with ghosts.
For years they have haunted my bed.
and children in mighty
As they came and went from the
And the himself, hideous and bold,
haunted me oft with a jeer,
Though I shuddered with I
thought of my gold.
While over din I could hear
The chink, chink, chink in my
I it then and I'll sell it still.
Harry friend of my
I saw him crushed by the t rain
And love of my heart's first
In a garret by a drunkard slain.
Did feel For a time. yes. oh,
I struggled with anguish and fear,
And said, while passing under the rod.
sell no more, but then I could hear
The chink, chink, chink In my money till,
And heart, it gets harder and hauler
We will organize NOB from the Fast to
the West,
up the votes and rattle, the gold.
Our friends we know, in dress.
Ami who cm and who can
be sold.
While distilleries flourish all over the
And breweries throw out a deluge of
And swell by each tippling
We have much to hope and little to
And the chink, chink, chink in
In silver and gold may jingle III.
The armies of temperance, they flourish
Their thousands they've gained and
damaged our cause,
must yield to their whims to preach,
sing, and pray.
But keep them away from the ballot
We must battle them well both secret
and bold.
Thus lures abroad both far and near.
Ah, men love to hear the jingle of gold
And men will drink, and while can
The chink, chink, chink in the money-till,
I sweat- by heaven I'll sell it still.
or Sharing, Cutting and Dressing Hair.
the Opera House, at which place
I recently located, and where I item
in line
with all the improved new
and comfortable chairs.
sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
For Sale.
Wednesday and
to with Wilmington
Weldon Train bound North, leaving
in., and Hash
ml A Danville Train West, leaving
p. m.
Train with Richmond A
arriving at
p. in., and with Wilmington and
Wildon Train at p. in
connects with end
Weldon Through Freight Train. ring
t D.-SO i. in and
A Train I
a. L. DU J
will sell my Center Bluff
consisting of two acres of land with
store house, large warehouse and tenant
house reasonable terms. Property
located at Center Bluff on Tar a
very location for mercantile
I have also a splendid
power steam saw grist mill that
will at sacrifice.
. N.
N. C. j
is a I'm in of Mood poison which is
not by pro-
as to its real nature
character, but it in evidently
in nature, may
develop without any
predisposition or evidence of such
existing poison. The knife or
tic salves, have heretofore been the
so-called remedies it, but all
honest practitioners will tell you
that this treatment tails to cure,
only hastens fatal results.
of cases of
cancers, a great many ca-
of cancers, have been
cured by the use of
Specific, forces the. poison out
through tho cancer itself, and the
of the skin.
My father had cancer; my
band had cancer, in fact died with
it. In 1875 n cHine on
nose, which steadily increased in I
size, and alarmed mo. I used
and other
finally tried to burn
it out, and more angry, until I de-
to try Swift's Specific. I
took the medicine, and it soon made
n complete cure. I know that a
cured me, because I discarded all
other remedies. This was several
years ago, and I have bad no sign
of a return of the cancer.
Mrs. T.
April 5th,
Treatise on Cancer mailed free.
Swift Co.,
Drawer Atlanta, G
Governor Lee, of Virginia, he
believes that one of tho
will be to make the
of the two great sections of the
better I each
We do not sec what there is to
about each other, that the
people, of all sections of tho
do not already know.
There is entirely too much hum-
bug about, the sentiment of
The country has too long,
nauseated with gush. The
public tires of this eternal
across tho bloody chasm.
and anon there is some re-
occasion on which men, who
fought on opposite sides in tho war,
rush others arms, fall up-
on the. necks of old
Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others
are just as good. Beware of
arc made of cheap and inferior materials and
give poor, weak, colon.
colors; cents each.
Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, directions
coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluing
cu, a etc. Sold by Druggists or by
WELLS, RICHARDSON CO., Burlington, ft.
n- Gilding or Fancy Articles,
Gold, Silver, Copper. Only
Gov. Jarvis at Home.
Elisabeth Economist.
We sec from tho Greenville
that Gov. Jarvis has been
elected as one of the
All Liver
frond lot kidney
benefit for i liver,
weep, pledging eternal friendship; Councilman of and took
part with interest at the first meet-
of tho board and his suggest ions
j to general welfare of
the were appreciated tho
Hoard and by the citizens who were
There is nothing more beautiful
country the in public life than the night of a
era of love, public servant laying aside the
j robes distinguished official
Tombs, k
I would call your
to the following ask
yon to remember can buy a
this house than any other in the
country. That it. is the most reliable
known having been represented
for over forty in this j
That the workmanship is second to none i
and has unusual for filling or-
promptly satisfactory.
Very respect fully.
Refer to P. w.
. M or walk, Conn.
I. C.
Or write direct tor prices.
Saw an. hi Eta
have received a nice line
---------the latest vies of
line of
declaring tho war over and all sec-
at newly established peace.
Blue coals and gray coats mingle
together at anniversaries of great
battles, make patriotic
drink national I and the
newspapers, for tho length and
breadth of I he
dawn of a
Surely, then say, the war is ; and entering the mote, humble
but often more use. life of a ,
But in i lie midst a up citizens with inter- Special attention paid to all watch, dock
jumps a radical to the ranks of private and less v
and announces that Confederates j distinguished There i
was a moral grandeur in the career
of John Adams, when ho re i
entered the House of l
of the United States, I
having been the of the
United States and there entered the
lists of and contended with
the youngest of the members of that,
hotly upon all questions of interest
to Ins country. It was the
obligation of renew-,
Be sure to writs me, soil save Solid
film a
Pr I hi. n Is
Re Mayor April o. 1868. by a large
H. W.
Warren Jersey,
States or America
and all i. I lie f. S.
Patent ill to
We arc opposite tho S. Of-
i el Patent
an obtain patents In . time
more remote
the in drawing i- we
an to free charge,
and make HO change mile, we ob-
Sn. the Money to
I, Hi. I . S. For
terms reference to
actual in your own State,
IV I . A. A o.,
l. C
are again in the saddle. The
of the whole North rings with
denunciations of the Southern
and anathemas of rebels. The
halls of Congress on occasions re-
sound with curses by the loyal camp-
followers and faithful suiters, tho
men of the South who were brave
and manly in behalf of the cause
they espoused, and as faithful
., , . i public lite.
tine to every obligation renew-1 ,
j , vis
ed allegiance the government
of the United States.
There is no better understanding
the sections of
c minion country, than has existed
for twenty years, in every relation
of life, save in that of and
in arena all the
in the world would prod ace no effect.
Tho Republican party is bound to
agitate on the. hues of
as as it for it could not
live other than as a sectional party.
Its adherents must wave the bloody
shirt, and rest in the strifes of the
war, or fail to arouse tho fever
the or attract support
to its standard.
it is not ignorance or
of each other that politically
estranges the North and the South.
They know one another full well,
aid in all matters of business arc as
as next door neighbors. In
all material things perfect harmony
one cud the United
States to tho other It is only in
campaign time that the war breaks
out again ; that old rebels conspire
the life of the nation, and
threaten tho whole of con-
govern men t.
We do not disparage tho
events the
is. We are glad to see them,
they begot, and promote pleasant
and pathetic friendships, but as for
contributing to a better understand-
between the that is all
bosh. What we do not each know,
after a of re-union is not
worth desirable to
I hat
distinguished example. Ho
gracefully from post of
Governor or North Carolina, in
which highest place of honor m the I
gift the people of the State,
won the plaudits of the people,
from a foreign minister of the Na- j
In n a I vein men t. to Hie humble
place of M alderman of the town
in which he lives and with
and interest engages in dis-
charge of his duties to his people at
Governor Jarvis is an
wise man and his value in the pub-
lie, service. Is appreciated and can- I
not spared by i lie people of
Carolina. Higher still
higher honors await, him, and the
humble and apparently unselfish ac
of the position of town
councilman of Greenville is a step
in the lino of progression.
Monroe Enquirer- The
hanging Charlie Armstrong, at
Shelby, was an account of
which publish elsewhere. It is
said that five thousand people, from
several different count is, witness-
ed Imagine In the crowd a
woman and child were thrown from
a wagon, and the child was crushed
to death. In gratifying a morbid
curiosity to see a human being pub
executed, of in in-
child was sacrificed.
Watchmaker AND
Greenville. ET. C.
full on .; i.,
D. J. Editor Proprietor.
colt Mm
l I
t i ,. i nil Ills an-
mil k mil Take in tune,
Clear a hair.
Pr m p growth.
Ks f- Gray
Per Year,
Newspaper ever in
Greenville, It the
II . II M i
The Utah is the only news-
in.; the
of the National and the
United Democracy Sew the
battle ground of the
Democracy, pure
i.- for the Stab.
Single the metropolitan
press, it has stood the men
, the great to redeem the
from years of
publican wastefulness and corruption
and despot ism to the South. For these
tour years past it has been unswerving
in its to the administration of
Cleveland. II is for him now
I for Cleveland foul
years more of Democratic honesty in our
national affairs, and of i nation-
pr. v.
for who like suit of De-
the St is Um- read.
m on the
Democratic platform. It
that any from the
in excess of the of a
Is essentially oppressive dishonest.
The schema fostered and championed
the making the
a miser.
and locking
them up in vaults lo serve no
but invite wasteful.
. the rights A uteri an ell
may call it
ii the Si
Sides and Hip,
Uterine sharp
rains, relieved in
minute th
con. plaster
Tin- and only Instantaneous pain
killing strengthening plaster, ; i
for l. At or of I
AMI Co.,
I chapped and oily skin
cured by
is called to as its
I large and growing circulation
makes it an excellent medium
through which to reach the people
from Ions-
The transition from long,
army painful sickness health
marks an epoch in the the
Such n remarkable event is
iii the memory and the
whereby the good health has boon attain-
ed is gratefully blessed. it is
that so much is heard in praise of
Hitters. So many they owe
their restoration to health, to the use of
tin Great Tonic. If you
are troubled with v Kidneys
or Stomach, of long or short Stead-
you will surely use of
Electric Hitters. Sold at and per
bottle at Drugstore.
We have the initial
of The Old a
published at Savannah,
Git, by Dans Bros. This publication
is lie only of its diameter in
tho south. Its object is to en-
courage, literature, music, art,
the domestic that
make homo happy, refined, and at-
tractive. This number contains the
latest serial II. Hitler
a complete history of the
dent Presbyterian church recently
destroyed by the Savannah,
a beautiful poem on the same, an
story by
farm dots, department, choice
instrumental music, list of
valuable premiums for agents, and
selected matter. The
of the. Independent Presbyterian
church and its old historic boll are
works of an. Tho attractive title
Washington Two of
the convicts engaged improving
the bend of river, escaped
from the pen last Saturday night,
stolen watch from one of the guards
also mule from a farmer in the
vicinity, broke into a store whore
they got a revolver and some
and then made for
parts unknown.
Many are they who have laughed t he
story of the green steamboat ll who
sat on the safety valve to prevent it
Yet thousands are repeating the
folly ever, day. They are troubled with
blotches, pimples, eruptions, salt-rheum,
boils, ulcers old notes,
are contenting themselves with sup-
pressing the symptoms without
cause. They on these safety-
valves by which Nature is driving out
instead of using Dr.
Golden Medical Discovery, which
cures by removing tho cause, which it in
the blood. It is a wonderful blood
and tonic.
Do you think proprietors of Dr.
Sage's Catarrh would offer, as
Tho moat and
DRINK In tho world. TRY IT.
your Druggist or for It.
they have done for many years, a stand-
, lug reward of for a ease of Catarrh
page cannot they did not
of tho magazine, its know that the
purposes, and varied lit-
and musical features will
make it an indispensable necessity
in household. The Juno
tier will contain stories, poems,
sketches, essays, and
department several brilliant
southern writers, noticeably
among are those from
Tho price of the
Is only fifty cents a year.
Sample premium lists
will be sent to address oil
plication. publishers
and Savannah,
lately and cure
Sold druggists, at only SO cents.
tiling has
a revival of trade at Kr-
Store their giving away to
their customers of f trial
of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Their trade is simply
enormous in this very valuable article
Ellison's Electric Spavin Cure from the fact that
Spavin. never disappoints. i , want,.
Splint, or Curb in hours without pain. Croup, and all throat
p illustrated and tea- diseases quickly cured. Yon
in rotter J sent on receipt or i test it by getting a
Mum U.
. .
Pea Pencil
Or the to the
States by for the equip-
of militia, North Carolina
will get 810,411.97.
Standard Medical Treatise
and Physical of the
Untold Miseries
I victim
for Work, tho or
Avoid pretenders.
It contain royal
full Kilt. only by
mall, concealed In plain
Fr. If apply now. Tho
author, Win, H. M. P., r.
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
of be consulted,
by mail or In at the of
or fetters for should
directed at above.
at, y. s.
Half in Two
minutes, permanently without pain or
injury skin,
lies flit; complexion. Electric
Hair prow.
for -J cent
West 14th St. N. Y.
I jut to
A reliable woman to
to Indies in this county. Dr.
Nichols, celebrated Spiral Spring
Corsets at SI and
No more broken Steels warranted
or money d. The
It always i Invention of Sells
No required
and absolutely rice. Agents
to IO weekly.
for and terms.
balling out of hair, end eradication of
dandruff is before the public.
the many who have ll with
wonderful success, I refer you to I fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of assertion
Latham, Greenville.
M, O.
Any one wishing to give It a for
above named can procure
It from inc. at my place of business, for
March 14th, C ,
Greenville, N. C.
have the easiest
ever iii-ed in the art. towels,
and satisfaction
In every instance. Call and be
waited on at their
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
What's This
Why another new discovery by
way of helping the
ed. calling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
j bottle of is Invaluable
for eradicating dandruff and causing Hip
I kinkiest hair to lie perfectly Soft and
glossy, only two or three application a
week is necessary, and a common
i all lo after the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
Preparation. Try a bottle and
convinced, only cents-.
n. k.
N. C.
We have ill.- largest
the kind to hi
State, orders for all classes
Of o R a i 1-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
I Is
. us your orders.
K. t .
id ha. I ha Israel
. , Its. , ii lbs
rails iii
. . fur
.- trial. SI.
Ml . if in
of American. V
i m . n . ii.,,, i. and the Star is a
gives Mm; lot y,,.,, ,, ,,, .
t lie money than Other paper wholesome, Its news service
published i. North
gives a variety the world Its
of news, NATIONAL, STATE in i, quick
, ii i . , ;, English, and mighty mien sling
and will devote it- they are.
self to the material advancement us the
of the section in which it best and
. same mailer
day's news is rich in
Send your name and got a articles, stories, snatches of current
literature, reviews, art criticism, etc.
inimitable humor sparkles
in its en inn us ; Will let delight-
letters are its choice
of the best known men and women
in literature and art are represented in
Its columns.
The is a large paper
giving the cream of the news the world
over, with special features which make
ii the most complete
The tinnier, the
business man too in to
daily will get more for his
dollar invested in Stab
than from any other It will
during Hi.- campaign.
the freshest and most
K for one year
Daily, Sunday, one year
day, six months
Sunday, months
edition, one year
St one year
A free of the lo
sender a ten.
Address. STAR
and Place New York.
A pro
lull i
as c ii
cl. a .
i n , i. ii.
i . for use
,. a year,
, hi rep
. ., to Mr
i .,. i
. ,,,. I i. .
. ,
. I . N. T
Dealer In Corn, Meal,
and Mill Feed.
Will of,
Corn and
I pay for my goods and can
if uh-tom
Call me at store J. s.

Eastern reflector, 29 May 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 29, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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