Eastern reflector, 1 May 1889

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D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
a I. art
Trice. per rear.
not to
ten ard measures that are not consistent
of the party.
If want a paper from a
ion of the State send for the
G. Fowle. of Wake.
M. Holt,
of L
of Wake.
W. Mb, of Wake.
careful what you SOW, boys
i For seed will surely grow, boys
The dew will
The rain will splash.
The clouds will darken,
Aim the sunshine flush,
And the boy who sows goo seed to-day
Shall reap the crop to-morrow.
Be careful what you sow.
For every seed will grow, girls
Though it may fall
Where yon can not know.
Vet In summer and shade
It will surely
And the girl who sows good seed to-day
reap the crop to-morrow.
Bi careful what sow, boys
tor the weeds will surely grow, boys
If you plant bad seed
By the wayside high,
You must reap the harvest
By and by,
And boy who sows wild oats to-day
Must reap the same to-morrow.
Be careful what you sow. girls
For all the will grow, girls
And the girl who now, .
With a careless band.
Is scattering thistles
Over the land.
Must know that, whatever she sows to-
She reap the same to-morrow.
W. Sanderlin of sow
Superintendent of Public Instruction the briers and no
Sidney U. Finger of C ha. the
Attorney F.
on. of Buncombe.
than any else the irresistible
with it holds its
victims, and that do small effort or
tiny resolution can sever the chain
that binds yon to it. Ton have
friends, yon have those that with
brave hearts and willing bands are
to help yon. Then will yon
not make firm resolve to do
your whole duty in forsaking and
exterminating this mountain of
And now lathers I cal yon,
you in whose hands have been en-
trusted the care of immortal souls.
in whose homes God has
planted little to be
pruned and trained, think deeply
and earnestly of charge, it is a
solemn one. Children generally
think their father the greatest per
in the world, like to
say things that be says, and do
things that be does. Then fathers
beware, guard well your steps and
never by precept or example, do
anything that yon not have
them to do, live as you would nave
them to live and then if yon should
see your darling boy, through whom
you expect your honored name and
noble virtues handed down to
fallen. It must be
a pleasing consolation to know that
he received his injuries from other
For us come.
We may have good sheaves
To carry home.
For the seed we sow in our lives to-day than yours.
Shall grow and bear fruit to-morrow.
And now young men I
let me not admonish
Have They No Patriotism
Goldsboro Argus.
Have Southern Republicans no
patriotism or local The
Argus has but recently, in its Fourth
Anniversary issue, reviewed the
record of great
men, and patriot show-
that our section has not been
lacking in this regard; and yet the
nation's President, under the Re-
publican administration, who, ac-
cording to the genius of our form
of government, should know no
North, no South, no East, nor West
has snubbed the South so flatly
that even the members of his own
party in the South must surely feel
that his venom is too
against the of which
many of them are honored sons
more entitled to be recognized as
patriotic American citizens than
their Northern brothers the
because they have the courage
their and the manhood
to champion them actively in a sec-
that is largely Democratic, and
therefore the more or less
diced, as is always the case where
the membership of any party largely
For his Mr. Harrison has
For the Reflector.
Chief Justice . II. Smith, of
Associate S. Merrimon. of
Wake; Joseph J. Davis, of Franklin.
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonzo C. A very, of Burke.
First IT. Brown, of.
Second Philips, of of which
Thin G. Connor, of
Clark, of
Fifth A. Gilmer.
Sixth T.
Seventh C. of and the which I
j chosen members all from the North
torn to j and West, except one, Mr. Noble
yon, let me not admonish you that is, yon can count an Ohio
vain, some of you are endeared to i man living in Missouri as a South-
by the strongest ties of earthly I man. Mr. Cleveland called
A Novel View.
Wilmington Star.
Representative Oates, of
ma, takes a position that is at least
new to us. It is that the
only gives the the right
to vote not to bold office. He
says that this was the meaning and
intention of the framers of the
amendment. He holds that
it is only by permission of a State
that a can be allowed to bold
office at all. He thinks Harrison is
observing the spirit of that law. He
says it is competent for any State
Legislature to prescribe that all
shall be white. No denies
that this State can prescribe that
education shall be a test of
cation for electors. The Australian
method adopted in several States
operates in this way. In Mas-
education and a secret
ballot have been adopted- North
Carolina has full right under the
Constitution to adopt the same and
when the extreme Radicals in the
Congress shall begin again their
deviltry aimed at the South and shall
adopt another Force bill that shall
place the elections members
of the Congress
of the C. S. Marshals and
U. S. Inspectors, thus practically
destroying the freedom of election-.
then North Carolina and every
Durham Plant.
We said soon after the election
that the next political step taken
by the party wot Id
probably be the turning adrift the
of the South and
ting them party allies. Well, the
move has begun, and the first
has been fired by the white
of Alabama. The members
of that party have split the
On Wednesday about four hundred
of the most prominent Republicans
of that State assembled in
in Birmingham. They formed
the Republican Protection
Tariff League of and re-
solved that none but white men
should belong to it. The object of
the meeting was explained by the
chairman, who said it was to
the party in the State, and
that to do so the white
must break away from the
One delegate said be
not repudiate the his voice
was drowned by cries of him
While this convention was in
the were holding a
meeting in the same town. They
passed resolutions condemning the
What is Happening Around Us.
As Reflected from the State Press.
Thoughts for Reflection.
Select Morsels for Hours.
Adversity borrows its bitterest
sting from our
Come, merry month of the cuckoo and
Rev. J. S. bequeathed i .
his win to Wake Forest Col- J
Lo I, me DOt
. longer. May
her to my arms on the
thorn, no
throne; no gall. no glory; no cross.
no Penn
Durham The colored people
had a big at Smiths pond
Sunday. We learn that about sixty-
six were immersed.
Prof S- D. Bagley formerly
dent of the Littleton college, will
take charge of the Louisburg Fe-
male College.
Hookerton Clipper i We will
ways want the railroad, if we don't
get it but we think if it comes
ugh Greene county, it will come by
joy, and love is i
w hen we toll for all our kind.
Russell Lowell.
Religion is the best armor a man
can it is the worst cloak.
John Bunyan.
Southern State should call their of the white men and agreed
legislatures together and adopt the to the white Republicans
Australian method of voting and of mm
It may be presumption in me to and doubtless some of yon
attempt to say anything on a sub-
so much has been
vi. . .
three of his Cabinet officers from the time for holding the them and agree to consider
said, and so much done, that it
seems almost impossible to produce
anything that has not been said be-
have a sister whose love for you I Southern Lamar for State officers on a day
commenced in the folds of the and two of them were I from that on which the Fed-
she has untiringly rocked from the old Confederate Slates.
you in your soft and easy i In a brief but pointed
you to sleep with her childish I son of Cleveland and Harrison's ad
of fore. And if I should appear when
. or plagiarism or infringement, I feel
that natures will soothed with a sisters tender
In this cause every woman
feel herself deeply interested, and
Eighth a. Armfield.
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth G. of
M. Shipp. of
Twelfth H- Merrimon.
of Buncombe.
re Congress.
Sena B. Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of
Second P. Cheatham co. .
of j journey of life, she should never fail
Third W. of to hold up as a panacea for the
Fourth n. Bunn. of greatest majority of evils that
Nash. fair of ours is blighted with.
Fifth W. Brower. of . , ,
Rowland of instead of putting out and;
s n s. Henderson.; portraying to yon the many evils it
election shall occur.
Col. Oates is a lawyer and a Dem-
He he has studied the
question be propounds, and he be-
that bis constitution of the
fifteenth is the correct
one. We quote from an interview
and ; ministrations the Richmond Slate
and j shows that, Cleveland's Ad-
hand the four first-class for-
little cares. From that j missions filled with two
I would that retreat, she has j Southern men, of Mary-J as given in the
that mite might raise a barrier over you her love increased land, at Paris, and Lawton, He says.
which some leap, and at boyhood and Georgia, at St Petersburg, and one j legislative history of the
mate n monument to the great parted with you at the Western man, Pendleton, at Berlin, adoption of the amendment also
cause of temperance, whose summit bold of manhood, with a heart full j and Northern man, Phelps, at sustains this view. If the
; might reach to heaven itself. of and admiration. Can ; London. Lawton, rot finds fault with the omission to
for one moment realize the j being confirmed on of his cure their right to bold office they
pangs that rends and sinks her j disabilities not having been re- j have no one to blame for it
heart when she knows that that, moved, resigned, and of Republican friends.
Lawton fifteenth amendment to the
them beneath their notice.
Thus do the great
friends of the As long as
there was any chance of gaining
anything by their vote they were
petted and coddled in every way,
but now just as soon as come
to the conclusion that the
are of no to them they fling
them aside; they do not take even
the trouble that the whale did with
throw them on dry
ground, but cast them loose in the
Wilson Horace Shaw
colored, was put in jail last
day charged with burning the barn,
stables and two fine prop-
of Joshua
Wilson Mr. L. F. Lucas
of this county sold a lot of tobacco
last week that averaged him
per pound. There's money in it
farmers. Try it on a small scale
this year.
On Monday night, the instant
near Clayton, Macon county, W. P.
Wood's was destroyed by fire,
and his whole family, consisting of
his wife and five children, were
ed to death.
It Mating breath or echoing chord
To every hidden pang were given,
What endless pound,
As sad as earth, as sweet as leaven.
George MacDonald.
What we call the spirit of the age,
our forefathers called the end the
No life
Can be pure In its purpose and strong in
its strife
And all life not be purer stronger
thereby. Meredith.
Wilmington The spring
chicken of has naturalized in
the Wilmington market and has a
commercial value. He is all
and no to
larger than a swamp
smaller than a coot,
eight cents an ounce.
Sin has many tools, but a lie is
the which fits them
W. Holmes.
The nimble lie
Is like the second-hand upon a clock;
We see it while hour-hand of
Seems to stand still, and vet it moves
And wins at last, for the dock will not
Till it has reached the goal.
-H. W. Longfellow.
Better a cheap coffin and a plain
speak of is I useful, unselfish lite,
titan O .
than a grand procession and marble
sparrow after a MinA
Bis value is
The Gastonia Gazette published
that a citizen of that died
Only the free, pure spirit hears
The of the spheres.
He isn't dead and
says he
keep bound close to her . . , ,
, . , . brother is drinking, and if it tails Michigan, succeeded him.
heart those vital principles which- . . .
, , , . . , heavily on a sister what must was then sent to Austria, to which as first the
she feels and knows are most need-1 . . . . . I . j. ,, .
. . , ,,,,,, , . who is the last to be-; Kelley had been accredited. The; Senate declared that no State
and which through the whole ,. . . . .
the first to forgive, to her j Ministers to Austria, should deny the right to vote and
whose love is next to God, and to China and Spain and Japan, stand hold office, to any citizen on account
her to whom intemperance more in the next rank. Of these six the of race, color or previous condition
Eighth Cowles
Ninth G. Ewart of
Court A. More.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of H. James.
B. Cherry.
frequently than any other vice tor- South filled and if Kelley bad servitude,
row her cheeks with burning tears gone to Italy, the South would have
and shuts out forever all the fond had four. Lawton, of Georgia, as
hopes she has cherished for yon. we have seen, being at Vienna,
The House did not
agree to it in that form. It went
to a committee of conference on the
disagreeing vote of the two houses,
has done, I ask what has it,
not done All of have heard, i Then men, in the name of
some of have seen and though mother, and all that is good j Hubbard, of Texas, at Most I ham of Ohio, and another tile alliance.
the eye may
over Hie other sensitive powers,
vast sea of politics, to there flounder I from drinking to much whiskey, and
and drown. I the aforesaid citizen and wants
This course will most probably be f the Gazette,
in every Southern State.
What then will become of the
Will drop out of In Rutherford county Miss Emma
politics The Democrats do Roberts was to have married Jon-
want them. The Republicans for
have them. Who can tell what will ceremony to be performed
be the final result of this course T the two arose in front
The may and hold of minister who was to perform
the of power some of j ceremony the young lady fainted
the Southern States or they will be way ten minutes she
mere nonentities. was
N C.
N. C
it is certainly the one in which we
have most confidence and on
Dawson. Chair-; we lace
man. Mooring.
W. A. James. Jr. T. E. Keel.
and great say unto you
Arise cud turn from the
to which you are traveling
with lightning speed. Yon are
most important part of our
Mr. W. G.
will erect five brick stores and one
brick dwelling at an early day. This
is in right direction, and
if all our people will follow Mr.
of Health F. W. Brown.
Through its admission the noS Jon we expect
Board of Herding j thrill of love usually enters our be- leaders, our governors, and our
J. S. and J. D. Upon TOrt
fancies and too, the destiny. We call you because
same we behold the are strong, and your young
rending and destroying scenes are susceptible of
Can not our fair l supporting and sustaining
ladies do something to this yon now
dire calamity, to keep back l-his I
mighty scourge of j
Yes, yon can, and you will do
that the
M. Bernard.
C. Forbes.
B. C.
II DOt do
and P. Ward. J. J. yon reprove, with a loving hand bat him the
and A. T. too . . of dragging others down with
Curry, of Virginia, at Madrid, and j and the late John A. Logan, Bing- Good Missionary for
of the South American missions, can were conferees on the part
moreover, were given to Southern the House, and the late Roscoe Progressive Farmer.
men. of Vermont, A farmer drove of with
Now let us compare Cleveland's and another Republican were con load of supplies -a bale of Indiana; example our town will soon
policy the South with on part of the Senate. T, r. bag of Richmond be rebuilt with handsomer, more
Or these legislations there agreed to report the amend- meal and a sack of Milwaukee flour j and safe houses,
are twenty-nine- The heads of back to their respective houses and of j Snow The jail at
these legislations ware distributed j . the words and hold be had promised not less than I this IS ft prisoner. It is
as follows by out. was signed by per cent, profit and had given a j the has empty
North, West, Twenty-two of j five conferees, alone re- en on his crop to secure its pay-1 in twelve months. Frank
these twenty-nine beads of i to sign it, and as thus report.- and that, too, before his crop, who resides four miles
ed it. passed, and was to He passed a vacant lot, I f
for ratification, which it which all the virgin soil had i and i room burned last Friday
taken, but he saw as fin j about All of his
n. c.
Business Entrusted to will
Attended to.
D. L.
have been chosen by Harrison.
are distributed as
In temperance is one of the j North, West, South, Ho
Rev N. C.
D. D., Rector.
.- and night. Prayer every
night. Rev. R. B. John.
every Sunday.
night. Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. J. W.
zeal you can chase monster of to It fastens
intemperance until if not banished on finest and
be will be ashamed to lift his selects its prey the most richly
Greenville SKI, A. F. A.
M-, meets err-y T
night alter and Sunday at
Masonic T. M. W. M.
R. A. r. No. meet-
and ts at Ma-
Hall, F. W. Brown. H. P.
lodge. No. I. O. O. F.
every night. t. I.
N. G.
Lodge. No. K. H.
and thin Friday night,
D. D. D.
head, for, gates that steel
re- love can
My voice has ever been t de-
of this noble cause, ad I
have the happy of
knowing that I have been on
right side and I feel to-night that
it had presumption of an
of a the
of a or a
endowed minds. Then young e
shun it. Why will you touch the
intoxicating cup know
consequences, yon can not go into
it blindly. Why win yon throw
lite away, and a thousand times j and
worse a death of body is a j Harrison
mental death, a total obliteration of
that rich and that
God has given yon. And for what
not these fact Show who is better
able to find worth and talent in the
and give them recognition,
Cleveland or Harrison.
What is Harrison's position is a
dilemma that Southern Republicans
must decide. Harrison did either
one of two things. Either he was
aware of ability among Southern
Republicans, but refused to
or he did not believe that
there was much ability among
and so called few to places of honor
This is decidedly interesting. It I
is much more than that; it is
It it be true that
furniture was d except three
La Grange
We are
A Tl T-LA W,
Practice in the State and Federal Courts
J. BE.
Greenville, N. C.
-etc, with the wealth of a
ens, his pen, this this heart,, and murder it with
never stop until the last
making history, and
so he has utterly foiled to
Cleveland in giving the
Sooth recognition.
drunkard in the land be re-
old men my appeal is to you.
Pitt Council, No. A. L. of n., i Will you not quit drinking.
of its
Thursday C A. White, C.
lion Do yon not know that that
is the only superiority yes have
over your horse; and do yon not
know that intern and
stuns That it impairs your
age deformities
own, then do sot to it the de
of evil.- J not directly from hand of
that cannot d delude P-
memory, dethrones your
S P-. . Money
horns A. M. to T. m. or-
so to and . T . , Then seat Tar-
W . j-. . with the ides tut
without it, that health P, and
i i. . at J. p k. . ., . one thins know that ex.
Tar arrives Sun- demands it, tried to y
made a v
SO lips Um
a at. and at e. k. i . . w,.
J. P. M. II that of slight I heed .
lofty spirit that
Two Items that may Save
Your House.
Raleigh Can.
Keep your clean of soot
Always bars them oat when the
reef is wet. Keep powder of
constantly in the and
where yea dad it any
If at you year chin-r-
ea ire, throw one taU
of of the on year
fire the soot will be
ed instant
on it as ever greeted the eye in
any land. He met drays coming
from the depot loaded with corn,
to vote does not take with it toe j floor, potatoes, cabbage,
right to hold office, then what-t As broom com for the Deaf I
Col. Oates this is as to Asylum Broom Factory,
great many instances. He says a s fro Baltimore,
man may vote at years, but be
cannot become a State Senator
he is or A man cannot be
a Representative in Congress
until he is What then t A
State may proscribe that office-
holders must be white.
North Carolina Anniversary.
Wednesday of this week the
two-story residence Mr. Thorn
as Wooten. fire took place
while Mr. Wooten was in town on
And yet that man can find a mar-
for nothing but cotton. If be
lives three score years, and works o'clock m.
v c.
three hundred and sixty five days in
learn there was insurance
Wilmington Review.
The good people of
struck an excellent idea. They
each year, and works I d
each day, and lives on dry bread, be I
make no king. He and Company.
family will drag out a miserable ex- On Tuesday last
and he will die a poor, de- j woman who lived on Col. J.
pendant and slavish We j Johnston's farm in
may growl and complain and blame j township was burned to death. She
y a.
Practice in all the courts.
Greenville, N.
others tot oar troubles, and we may was burning brush on some land she
join all the was clearing and her clothing took
propose to celebrate the centennial that can be d -vised, bat hard times i This is the second death that
of by North Carolina will hover around oar firesides has lately in that section
of Federal Constitution. This long us we buy met and broad, the same cause. ------The
event occurred in on j hay, fertilizers and other farm
m. jib. a.
-a- at
Hesse, kt
Sparta, at t
tr h
i. P. C.
swim fide by side the ere
the week after yea are
will yes do
. m not to j
lathe tie
bin the sale of
an needle, that next week, under to
sex, year, or, I have heard shag waist the empire of of sad
h,, pd t, a ,, ex-President Davis to
third Marty hem Si, sates that Com
drunkards end fa-1-
the 21st day of November, 1789. It
is as excellent ides toe people
of the entire State, and especially
the Cape Fear section,
jots heart head in carrying it
oak. Is response to a there was
a large in
tors matter and the proposed
forth the
cad of all
were present,
Gross s act of
which the true patriotic
I to u. latter j
the a a
plies, attempt to pay for them
from the proceeds of one crop.
Pine Ragging.
have been
between the
company of sad
for immediate
rune region el
th South of
ring pine straw bagging for
the these
Hes win net he re in the interest
man Catholic Church at Halifax will
be consecrated on Sunday, May 5th,
by the Rev. Father Thomas F. Price
of Wilmington, and a train has been
chartered, to ran an that
day Item Wilmington to
sad return st reduced rates from
stations. A large attendance is
pooled. The building will have
completed by that time.
Among the names of the mis-
tresses of the White House have
been three two Marys
Civil Engineers, Surveyor
and Architects.
N. C
n. management. Ht
coW water room and at-
sen Table
et the best of the market.
two one one
say treat, Wit on j beth, one Margaret, one Sarah,
Dorothy, two
hat these witty tested Lei if one
begging last season toot it J Angela, one one
w Frances, now there tea
taste the When la

Eastern Reflector,
a J.
Publish fit
will to Democratic
men arc not consistent
th true principles the party.
H ran a
section tin- State send the
ii at i at
MAY 1st. 1-.
emails at-
to a matter that should
have the serious consideration of
our people. It is that an agent
is coming among the people of
Pitt county to solicit
for the purpose of building
a factory in another
Our Bethel correspondent
recently mentioned a similar
matter, that the people of that
Motion had subscribed to build
an oil mill in another county
when they might have had the
mill in their own county. We
would urge the people of Pitt
county to Hold what money they
have for investment to be used
in home enterprises. Our own
Democratic Nominees.
For Ward.
New York Star of the
gives out rumor that ex-Minis
Jarvis will go business in
The Star is mistaken.
has already located in
place very dear to
him and whose people have the very
highest love and admiration for
is engaged in the
pursuit of his profession, the law.
Some of the private lots in Cher-
Hill have a little attention,
but the unsightly condition of
the remainder of the plots de-
the appearance of the
whole. And the church
vies near by receive even less at-
than does Cherry Hill.
We would advise our citizens
when showing their friends
around town to the
a wide berth, else they
might create the impression
our people have no Christianity
because they pay no respect to
For four years the
has urged them to
improve and beautify
homes of the dead and not allow
Bethel Items.
county needs building up, and it them to always wear such air
will be no great while before
your help will be needed to
build both a cotton factory and
an oil mill here in Greenville.
The Alliance has
ready been calling for
to build a good flouring
mill, and various other
tries are needed. The man
shows bis home pride who helps
build OP his own county.
The Wards of the town are now
so arranged that nomination is
equivalent to an election, hence
the gentlemen nominated in the
Second and Third Wards, last
Friday night, will be elected,
and in their hands will be the
government of the town for
next year. We suppose
First and Fourth Wards will be
represented by but as
there is but one Councilman from
each of those Wards they will
have no voice in shaping the
fairs of the town, except as they
th the Democratic ma-
It being known then
of public neglect. We again
peal to the pride of the people,
in behalf of their dead, and ask
them to make the cemetery the
pride rather than the disgrace of
the town. Walk over to the
railroad and turn your eyes to-
ward Cherry Hill and if you
any pride it will almost
make your heart sick. People
cannot be blamed tor saying
would not like to be buried in
such a forsaken place. We
Are headquarters for all needed in the
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if y want anything in
Hardware. Agricultural Stoves
and Cooking Utensils. Carriage
and House Cutlery
CALLi us,
We can save you on any of these goods.
which we will soil factory Price,
ft Mil
hope Greenville will not have to at the dedication o
be judged by the standard the i at, died
North State has set up.
General item
Already one case of
has occurred in Florida in a small
town about one hundred miles
up the St. John river Jack-1 will they
already being besought by
Every precaution will
be taken to subdue the disease
and prevent its outbreak and
spreading this summer.
Farm work is at a stand still,
and been noon.
I do not think more than half
the I crop is planted m our section
Mr. John L. Kitchen, of Scotland
Seek, passed through northern
portion the county a days ago
soliciting to the stock
lie says he will pats through Green
and other sections
the county While I wish
the enterprise he is laboring all
the success it deserves, I sincerely
hope ho may not get a dollar subs
scribed in I lie county.
Friday and Saturday were
rainy, blustery days.
The people who went from here to
what was advertised for a grand
time at say the whole affair
was a grand failure and
One the victims at t u
depot this morning suggested
the place ought to be called
one thinks if the
people of consider that a
grand entertainment they not
been used to much.
Mrs. Mary wile
near Bethel, died last
Wednesday night. She leaves a
husband and four We
sympathize deeply with our neighbor
land motherless children in
i great bereavement. The loss of
true, good wife and mother is never
Mien Emma of Bethel, and
Mr. A House, of Halifax county,
married last Thursday at
o'clock P. M. at the residence of Mr.
A man from the country
came m a few days ago and
was informed by a friend that Ins
sweetheart was married and
to that lie ought to wear
crape on his hat to winch he agreed,
but not able to get a piece of
crape, a piece of black calico was
pinned around his hat and he went
on his way he says rejoicing.
There was a large crowd people
the dedication of the new Baptist
on Sunday, Mr.
the services, Dr. preached
the dedication which was
very ably delivered. The building
is handsomely and comfortably con-
reflects great credit on
the people in the community, a
church will be organized there soon. GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO,
to On buyers Pill counties, a lino the following
that tn Dot to be excelled In this market. Ami all guaranteed to be ind
coons of all kind. NOTIONS,
FURNISHING unit pool's and I
Oil and ism Ml
GOODS, Hooks, windows, and BLINDS, and
kind, Gin Hay, Rook Limb, and
Agent Clerk's o. N, T. which l in the trade Wholesale
jobber, price, cents per down, i; nor h ill. Dread Prep-
and Star Lyn at Prices, White bead pure
oil, Varnishes and i Pump, Sail and and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. I
in don.
WE are now fitted up in and are prepared to man-
upon short notice any kind or of
We also keep a nice line of
ready harness.
Come and see us. old stand
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
I will have weekly arrivals of the and freshest
I keep constantly on a splendid assortment of
Spring Display
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
We yield the palm to none.
Elihu A. White, or
ons county, who was the re-
publican congressional
date in this district against T- G.
Skinner, has been appointed by
the President as Internal
Collector for the fourth col-
district of North
We think county will Lave a
are already .-, of our
candidates for offices , people, invest their
will have to fill. For that at bone. Tell
son we write this article, trot out a canvasser
, I in opposition to John. Do
suggest to the prospective ht, track .,
to be how they him a week or two in ad-
themselves. Aid when of their man, for If they do,
be is a man of and energy,
and may stop some stock that the
it comes I
servant with a
of the people of Bethel
was there, alter the
and warm
greetings of old friends and
had the honor to partake
he Neck cotton hospitality of one
I of best citizens, which
one enjoyed immensely for
which we are very thankful. We
Hike and are quite sine
there are a number of people around
there who ought to Baptists. I
wonder if the goes to
The farmers this community
all done planting cotton.
The Alliance met at Bethel
day evening. A convention will be
held to-morrow night to nominate
candidates for various town of-
Miss Carrie James home
Friday evening, and retained to her
at Greenville this morning.
James Hotel will be darker
All your in good
me to vote put none
good men the places. The get.
of Policemen and are agents have . ,,
. . . . . . .,, . some oilier place
lo which importance attaches, the past week. a hue
for I he office of Police care j some ones gate in this vicinity, i D. u. is visiting
be taken to select men whose i
Characters who i a W good for
will demand the respect of pen- cheeky let we boys would like
The doctors had an interesting , , K,. of them.
and pleasant convention at to be ob. I Your correspondent
The convention , , . . speaks some inches high
lie Men are
next year will lie at countenance any wheat in this section
The following officers won j of the law. With the in-lea high and heading. I have taken
for the ensuing j of new into I sample stalks from some of the
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
GREENVILLE, N. C. Mar. 1887.
dent, Dr. Geo. G- Thomas, of
Secretary. Dr. J.
M. Hayes, of Tr
office there will dawn a now era for
Greenville, and no impediments to
and progress should be allow-
Dr. C. If. Pool, of Salisbury. ed in the under stewards.
Alliance in his let
fields near, and will send them to industrial
Some the stalks measured l. J . . ,. ,
Tell James to come m , o
. ,. i i. l ;,., Bethel .
again, we he ban. , paragraph is an error.
Miss Bailie Keel is teaching a . , . i .
vat school at Swamp lg
church inn Carolin township. i and there is no sue
part the property
holders. The originator of re-
lire adding to our goods as our customer and public
need. Hardware, Mechanics tools. Stove Tinware, Hash, Doors,
and putty. Axes, Hoe. Shovels end Rakes, Plow Castings of every kind.
Barrows. Barbed Fencing. and Heating and Stove of every
I size, Iron. Cucumber and Iron Drill pumps, Ice., c,
ate agents tor i--t cook stove now use. I he Is our
leader gives entire satisfaction. Our grades am good and well worth
fur I
for merchant
have been rewarded increased
All kinds Risks placed in
J. D. Williamson
Has Moved to One Door North Court House.
that parties who
have houses rent Greenville
have raised their prices. II that is the
. way they expect to induce people to ,,.
move to town and build it up year ago we started in had our motto
will themselves mistaken still cling to Hist car motto, realizing fact that i
It seems to us that might be a customer. By close attention t
My i- well with
we keep up Hie i. ind
Best material used in all work. All n i
We thank the public and our customers lac and art a
larger share In future.
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ran Horn. King
Also keep on i hill II i
year round, iii n as as i i.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking tbs people of this and
a continuance of tame.
The quiet and peaceful township,
let this week says has seldom been
around Greenville must get known in magisterial circles, till a
substantial hi
the front. A short while ago two
of her best white citizens
arrested, and convicted of cow j
stealing and were to
board a few the State
boarding This tune it is
other quiet white man who
port was doubtless bent mischief.
Pitt County Alliance.
What a rush my
Two millions
acres of land thrown to
and more than ten thous j prosperous before a
and people rushing in upon can looked for, and
new domain very first day. that we all help the farmers
Such was the scene last week I live more at home and become was
when the Government declared j more prosperous. the key
open for settlement, j note exactly, and the very one , J.
A regular grab came it was. the has for fused work he, and o
Everybody rushing in to be first times innumerable. And it is toW
at a desirable and set up the one we shall continue ,,. Many the no.
It is a scene of dis- strike. Of course no town can ; about live dollars. He said,
Such a
My and Trim
hut. Mi-i has and l am
prepared to execute in the bid
and fashions any work to my
de ii have
so arrived and will be plea ed to
in you. M price b re
and to by no
Mrs. L. C. King,
I HI I V. I i -1.111 a y of ;,
t i om. i
. . Machines,
new -lock I.
i. ii
pay it he wants to, lie will not.
i We hear of another ease in which a
certain man fare a neighbor a milk
a mule, lie soon
has commenced the publication out corn and hay
of a series of articles on for their stock, and meat and
roads and Railroad Hour for their families, when
which promises to should make abundance of
quite an interesting series. The at home. It is along this j
articles are prepared especially that we so much admire the snit, but lost bis ease and about
for that paper
closest and bes
on the
The series
several months;
question which greatly agitated talk of a Business Association
the people of State during we solicited the co-operation of
our last Legislature, we i the and Alliance men.
will be one i
a privilege,
deed, as we will quite a crowd
in July mid of
in . mill;. , . . I .,
with his mule and ask. d to attend I
n U. trade back, and as We have learned that a gentle-
Ti. r. i. . man I New York who is
with the bagging says
that them
the readers of the Democrat i Let all people come together
world generally, think they
. I do without our cotton longer
Special Notice to the than we can their bagging, we
them to begin
hunting a substitute for
on the treat ahead of them. I and labor for the common
This live democratic journal j of our section,
has increased its circulation
per cent, under the management
of Mr. E E as editor.
In accordance with
No one thing stoat a
BO to a as the
prepared in.
The Republicans are even i
sending their to Wash- j
with their
thinking that their smiling
will produce a favorable I North
impression on the men of the
White House. This
If neat and well cared for,, d
is indication , on
and ; and as the grave- r.
or j
ill have but little use for their ;
factories next fall. thing i. s
sure, we will a substitute astonish yon in an
jute bagging, and pay less than Hue too numerous to mention,
There will a dinner per yard for it, or our cotton
body will be late, and very late getting
suggestions it baa been decided to
abandon plan of separate class
at approaching On ten
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Goods,
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly.
We are receiving spring and
Summer and hope
you will not fail to give
us call. We have a
specially attractive
fine of
at cents per yard,
will to be equal to any
will find cents.
We . had .
to In- iV
All end ii
A line of Goods that
at cents. And
many oilier things that we
offer at special prices
For Sale.
I will an Ha
eon i two
house, bugs
. .-------- .- l J
d price. Motions endless a . especial a ion to our Center Bind
Man, Bays Children, beats far. ,,
ard is neglected just to that extent
may you expect lo find the living
removed from pride of home, love
country, and veneration for their
occasion the members of
each class set together. It is
I hat every trustee
intending to be present
occasion, semi bis name at once I
to John Manning, Chairman, Chapel j
Hill. X. order that suitable ac
into market. We would be j
all our all patriotic
men would co-operate with us in j
this, similar fights, help us to
and our home
supplies necessities, then
dishing Goods, Shirts, and Collars. Hosiery a ales lino of
Scarfs. Shots, to lit all who favor m with their patrons. . rare to
this Una Shoes both in and price. lot f
SUppers from t.-i cent's up. We i-i call the attention of the Ladies to turn
line ti. and Uriah they act do if buy before
ll- ,
power i in I
J. N Ii VI
I i
until then may we
Hardware, Haas, Cattery,
Hoc. Plain, Shovels, Trice
Crockery. I -amps,
Willow ware.
Harness, and Whips.
very low degree of both. There
is not a well kept cemetery in
Hamilton Items-
Purvis spent last
Cherry Hill borne now.
week in town.
Several of our are at
Taking the above as a stat
may do by which lo judge the re- may be provided,
very well, we dare say that and Christianity of a
if were to send pen pictures town, would show a
of their characters, they would
not produce so good an effect,
that is, if President Harrison r
were disposed to do the fair thing
about these matters, we can-
not say whether he would do
this or not. Judging from what
the men of the press say about
him we feel inclined to jay he
would not, for they do not give
very flattering accounts of a
man of Mr.
nor those belonging the de-
one of them is a disgrace alike
to members of the church and
citizens. Instead of calling
these sacred plots for the burial
of loved ones cemeteries, j going in
merchants received
the most of new goods, but
don't seem to be selling many.
Miss Lizzie Parker has opened a
nice lot of millinery goods here.
big boom for which is
hoped for by many of its
Greenville's backbone is too Ax Road Chewing Hawkins; Groceries ,,
weak just at time much and Provisions, la due line we Tea, Coffee. Sugar. Molasses, Rice Lard
plow, and the
cotton plows. We will
also offer t; the trade
; has more merit than anything of
the kind put on the Mess Pork
Corm weekly I.
prediction, the very we can Pepper. Soap, both and toilet. Star Lye
it will and Bail Lye. Matches. Candles, Starch,
,. j, kind. Flour we buy low and sell l-v for the cash. If you need a bar-
a boom. Mark our
If a starts now
you of old woman's dance, it to sec us. are rook bottom it.
cannot last long, but strengthen j
its backbone by aiding
the farmers to fill then i carry Window Bash and Doom of different sizes In stock. Also the
mo-it corn cribs and at of in Greenville, Suite,
own et double and single. Lounges, Cots,
lofts from n get ; Children's and Beds and Cradles. What we have
Greenville, N. C.
In a more
then we shall have a boom
bowing or cattle
not got in line we have from several of the let in
will order anything you wish at moderate prices. Don't forest our
Climax stonewall PLOW'S when you on.-. We carry Castings
faded nil both country and town that will be I for these Plows in stock.
appointment last Sunday night I .,,,, .,.,. . to r nod
our and We can and will
good goods as we do.
one that will do every pa
account of a mating heart of old Pitt good, O you
to will a stop to or. treatment, will appreciate. y
. . I.- mo,. an- I sell as low as any one who sells as go.
who bad bard times, and our young men go-
at Bethel I leg West to make a living, but
On Monday IN d y of Hay i.
1889, I will I House
in the On lo highest
mad r for cash one in
containing ah
ed as i Situ ; p
Tow iii-hip adjoining the Dr. P.
ii. w. T. the
Lands others and known as tie-
Nick Williams and hind Corn
where John Peebles and I. B. Warren i
now live lo an in my A. Salt
hands for collection Wiley Sail
j have been levied on I Hides
j said land as of id j Bags
Balk Sid.-.
I ilk
i; u
Pitt ii
Sugar Cured
Brown St.
j sugar
Sail II

M. R. Lang's Column.
n a few weeks store which
I now occupy will have to
extensive repairs. In
order to the work-
men to work with more
I shall have
to reduce
To do this I shall offer
to those v, ho can avail them-
-h.-s the opportunity.
I shall offer for the
stock of
Fifth Month.
of roses.
House cleaning is in order.
Five in May.
The year is gone.
Town next Monday.
Yesterday was a legal
Small boy, dog, tin string,
The health of the town is excel-
is reported tor
County Commissioners meet next
This month the early
will begin.
The weather last week was beau-
until Thursday.
The April showers came thick
and fast last
The strawberry crop promises to
be huge and inviting.
The streets were last
the rain.
This is day of
There remain days.
The new peanut rooster at Cher-
is novel
Fulton Market Pickled Beef at
the Old Brick Store-
Candidates City Clerk are
looming up and last.
A good horse for sale for cash, or
on time by J. C. Lanier.
This is no for 1111-
but a
which must 1-e done lo
We carry a full line of Earle
Wilson's Collars and
Will be treated alike and no
goods will be reserved. We
invite those
In the above lines to examine
our prices and see that we
mean business.
um w aw
Of all kinds and
Our sister town. Washington,
will celebrate the 10th of May.
can increase
business by wise advertising.
In May we have live Wednesdays,
live Thursdays and Jive Fridays.
The new Baptist church at Mil-
was dedicated last
The candidates are j
rapport next
The Goldsboro is one
year old. success to it.
The gay and festive May fly has
made We foil Via.
the meeting of the
Association tomorrow
Cabbage plants for sale, both
early and late, apply to Allen War
This was visited by a
thunder storm about noon on Sun-
the best
trashing compound at the Old Brick
Mr. G M- Tucker told us Monday
that be would begin plowing his cot
ton yesterday.
Vouched package Pearline ,
i done the washing a small
four weeks. Old Brick Store.
Too much stench in the town just
after the lain week.
is needed.
This is the last warning we will
give about registration before the
I ton u election.
We have on hand Doors and
Windows which we will sell very
low. Co.
Yesterday was the Centennial
the inauguration of President Geo.
Boy Lace Flour. It is
guaranteed to lie the best
at Old Brick
We hear whispered around
there is a marriage on the
No, we won't
front of Messrs. Cherry I
stores has just received a new
extension awning.
Sheriff and Tax col-
will sell a number of tracts
land next Monday.
The Episcopal Sunday-school hail
an Buster party in the Opera House
last Wednesday night.
Too much water in river and
swamps is retarding both farm and
railroad work adjacent
I German and Pearl Millet, Or-
chard Timothy and Clover
i Seed for by K. C. Ghent.
Who's going to Wrightsville this
summer with the soldier boys
Don't all speak at once.
Received Boss Famous
j Lunch Milk Biscuit. The most pal-
at the Old Brick Store.
There is work ahead for Green
vine. Join the Business
lien and in She move.
18,000.1 Top House officials have
the game of dominoes to
while away the dull boom.
A nice line of best harness,
whips and at low prices at
D. Williamson's Carriage
Mr. J. M. attended court
at last week.
Miss Bynum spent a few
days in Greenville last week.
Bee. G. L. Finch made a visit last
week to his old home in Halifax
Miss Mattie Abrams, of
Mount, is visiting her sister,
M. Schultz.
We were pleased to see Mr. J. W.
in town last week. The same
Mr. W. G. Stokes has been
pointed Postmaster at
in this county.
Misses Ma and Lillie Mayo
Falkland, were in town a day or
two last week.
Governor will deliver
i the the close of Littleton
I Female College, May
Mrs. S. M- Schultz returned last
week from a brief visit to
Mount routing her parents.
Mr. Sidney Higgs has returned
I after a flying visit to old home
near Scotland Neck, last week.
Bear. Mr. j
minister at preached in
the Opera House here Sunday
Mr. G. W. Cos, a native of this
county who two years ago removed,
to Dunn, has been appointed Post-
master of that town.
Miss Lenna a beautiful
and accomplished young lady,
Pitt county, is visiting the family
of Mr. W. Cox. Dunn
Mr. L. II. a member of
the Greenville Guam, has gone to
the New York Centennial with the
Guards. We wish more
of oar boys had gone.
Mr. J. II. left with his
family last week for Durham. We
learn he will take charge of the
gallery that was owned by
his brother who died on the first
in st.
We were glad to have a call from
our friend Mr. H. L. Fennel, of
Wilmington, on Saturday. He came
to take bis wife and the young
lady back home. They left Mon-
last Friday night,
the down pouring of the j
Pad Boy. Any in-
formation leading to his recovery
will be highly appreciated by
L. of the Bethel
Church and F. M. of.
the were present
portions of last, week assisting in I
the meeting progressing in the
Methodist Church
Our young friend, Mr, C. C. Cobb, j
of the of Cobb Pros. Gil-
of Norfolk, was in town last
week. We were glad to have a call
from Charlie, and to learn that his
house is doing a good business.
Mr. J F. a Pitt
boy now resident of Richmond Va.,
and traveling salesman for the
drug house of
was in town last week, lie
two very neat pen wipers at the
office for the use of
That able, brilliant, and competent
advocate, the accomplished Col.
of Greenville, appeared as I
counsel eighteen cases at Greene
Court last week, and won every j
case. He is a good lawyer, and
better spirit or a bigger-hearted
man never lived, and we are glad
to this tribute to his
H Hit tor-
Senator Vance takes the cake.
He has lost two eyes year and
still good eye left. He has
his glass eye and had to
have put in.
Mr. W. B. of
township, takes the lead on wheat.
Last Saturday some stalks were
brought us his that
three feet in height were
nicely headed.
A note from Prof.
s us that the name of Lizzie
; Plow should have appeared in the
J roll of honor for the Institute that
; we published last week.
The Pad was
out of town las Sunday did not
attend Sunday-school, hence we
have no the
of the temple.
In the latest
Such as Cashmeres
Beige Zephyrs, both Lace and Hem-
stitched Dress Goods in the most delicate
shades, and Trimmings to match.
Pairs Sample Shoes at Cost
Dress and business suits to fit, and suit the
settled nest Monday and the. work m peculiar buyer. All Calico at per yard. V f
Greenville, N. C.
It takes very little energy to
catch a Mirror. True,
but just try to turn loose after
you have caught it. or out run it, j
either, yon will it a hard
The matter of constructing the
dam from the North cud of the
bridge has been delayed for some
time. We hope it will be definitely I
C. O. P.
Cotton Seed Lard,
Tor sale all Grocers, fend for Illus-
or how to provide a nod dinner for four
for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook Honk of pages
I-mo., containing one hundred Dinner
of Fan. with instructions how to
prepare each one. so that the for
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
additional recipes.
This valuable book will given
to any one sending or presenting the
tickets, representing the purchase of
I twenty pounds C. O.
SEED at our Branch Store, No.
W. St., N. Y.
Each pail of our Lard contains a ticket,
the number on which corresponds to the
number of pounds In the pail.
Tbs Cotton Oil Company, N. Y.
Broker. Greenville, N. C.
Be. L. Finch requests us to
announce that his appointments for
Falkland have been changed from
the second to tho first Sunday in the
mouth. He will preach there next
Sunday morning at o'clock.
A horse belonging to
Joyner fell in well on his
few miles above town,
morning. The animal was being
dug out when the report reached as
the damage it sustained was
not known.
We have received from J. II.
Moore, Principal, a very pretty in-
to commencement
N. C, 21st and 22nd. James
M. of New de-
livers the annual address.
News came last week that both
Mr. John Fleming and his wife were
dangerously sick at their home
township. Their
friends hen men glad to lean of
improvement In their condition on
in order and Alfred Forbes, It.
King, Tyson, K. Williams, Jr.,
Oscar Hooker. J. Murphy. J. S.,
I Smith and O. A. White were placed
before the convention.
A ballot was taken and It.
Jr., being the only candidate
who received a majority of the votes accepted to take
cast was declared one of the no mi-1 Miller
The convention then proceeded
to the selection of another
date, and on the ballot Alfred
Forbes received a majority of the
votes cast was declared the
other nominee.
On motion of I. the
nominations wore made unanimous.
On motion of G. I. King, J.
Murphy was re-elected member of
the Committee for the
ensuing year.
The bad weather interferes very
much with tho railroad work. All
the grading is completed except at
two or three places on creek and
swamp crossing, from which the
hands have been run out several
times of late by rains-
Sorry to learn that Bey. B. John
is quite
Voice. That is news to the home
folks. Instead of being sick the
good brother is hard at work an
nit cresting meeting to
point sin-sick souls to the. Great
John Collins lies buried in a earn
in Geneva with nothing to
mark bis grave but a small stone
with the J. C cut on it.
Durham Plant. a mistake.
John Collins lives right here in
Greenville and says he's -the same
his having sent for by
Miller, Attorney General, and
informed that they must be allowed.
The result was that Mr. Durham
has been informed by Secretary Win-
that his resignation as First
Controller of the Treasury has been
at once.
. . . dopes to have bet-
luck with the new Republican
; Controller in getting through the
; crooked vouchers of his New York
subordinate. Mr. retires
i from office with the respect of every
; body and a good conscience.
W. W. Dudley, of
fame, is said to be successfully en-
gaged in the very lucrative
of office brokerage this city,
lie has more callers every day than
the average cabinet officer. He
not go near tho White House,
but that is understood to be in def-
to a request of Harrison, who
The Third Ward meeting was held . is a great sticker for outside
in the Opera House and was called and does not diminish bis in-
to order by A. L. member of which is greater than that
the Executive Committee for that j of any other man, not even except-
It is now stated here that
son will probably extend the time
for the Mail Service to
come under the Civil Service law.
He has already extended the time
once, but the officials have
discovered that the time men-
I have an elegant line of
Cos Cotton Planter
Has been reduced from
And not depend on borrowing nor
trying to make one Planter do
the work two Planters, but
buy a plantar this season
and save the risk of
a stand of cotton
which may cost you
more than
On motion of F. G. James, A. L.
Blow was made permanent chair-
On motion of Charles G.
L. was made
Nominations were declared
older and the name.-, of D- D. Has
M. B Lang, Many Skinner, J.
That embrace the very latest style and
fashion. My goods are new and I car-
a complete stock. A competent as-
has been secured and all Tell bun not lo delay
can be suited. My long
in the business and the many
patrons I have served, attests to my
ability to give satisfaction to all.
patronage solicited.
Mrs. M. T.
This space reserved for
Greenville, X. C.
B. Cherry, T. J. Jarvis, A. j them time enough to all of
were the Democrats in the service with
Last week the editor received a
telegram from a Chinaman is
looking into the prospects Green-
ville as a good place to establish a
laundry. There is nothing like let-
ting our town lie known abroad
The business men can help the
accomplish much in this
Stocks and J. D. Williamson
placed before the con vent ion.
On the first ballot Lang
a majority of the voles cast
and was declared one of the
On the fourth ballot T. J.
was chosen as the other nominee.
On motion of F. G. James the
nominations were made unanimous.
A. L. Blow was elected member
of the Executive Committee, for
the coming year.
The Democrats held no meetings
the First and fourth
having Large
ties being left to them the
of one from each.
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
you Ere free to buy w here you please, but
if want to save money you come to
my factory on 4th street, rear H.
Cherry For convenience we
have an entrance through II. F.
Keels Stables street. I can give
but examine
now and see if his old planter
needs any repairs, and if so
order them at once or send
the Planter to me or leave
it with Mr. Alfred Forbes
with full particulars
and it will betaken
to factory, re-
paired, and re-
turned at a
Builder's Material.
Ti II him that I can furnish him
Timbers that he may need, either
dressed or undressed. Also I
furnish him with build-
Brackets and
for porches
and piazzas, in fact any
or trim-
that he may
need to build a
nice house.
Will Grind Your Corn.
Washington Letter.
our regular
Washington, d. c., April
Senator Harris, who been in
Schools i-i the
town pie to-day. And the
says add, pick-tick
As all know cleanliness is one the
first laws of nature. Keep your
premises clean and scatter lime pro
If any would like to buy a
nice portable soda fountain at
tho office and
Mr. A. Tyson is having his i
residence on Greene street j
and enlarged. It will be made
two stories.
Speaking prolific animals and
fowls. Mr. B. of this town-
ship told us the other day that of the
sow belonging to him had found pigs , has returned to Washing-
three tunes in ten mouths three j ,,, the Centennial
days. The tunes were in Jane, Dec I in alter which he ex-
ember and April, the segregate , to ,.,.
being twenty-two pigs. ; Committee.
, , . , It is a rare now when either
A Distinguished professional man Tanner or Assistant
or Washington, in making a remit- pardon
to the let all reverse at least
some very kind words that can but o- ate
a responsive chord la the of
canon. He says pensions. Home,
is well worth the money charged eyes will open wide
it. I regard it as the most estimates for pensions for
paper in the next fiscal year comes to be
Republicans, they have asked for
another and expect, to
get it.
Julian the new
British minister has arrival my expenses an
i being a Lord, he will probably for goods
know better how to mind his own
business than Lord
man whom be succeeds did.
The Republican congressmen for
the South are very much exercised
because they have none of
; the fat official plums either in Wash-
or abroad under this ad-
; ministration. Outwardly they show
i little signs of the trouble, but they
, hold meetings in secret at which ,
I they rage and make dire threats as i
I to what they do if they are not
It is not likely their
threats will seriously alarm any-
And further that I can hi
corn into good Meal and that
will convince him of
the same if he will
bring me his corn
to grind.
Of Pneumonia, on the 24th Say of
April, at her near Bethel, X
C, I. wife of
Geo. W. daughter of
the late Jno. W. in the 28th
year of her age. The same sad story of
a young wife snatched from the bosom
of a husband and the care of four
bright little girls repeated. The
gloom of this untimely death is keenly
felt by her many relatives and friends.
The scene
That you ever had your life for
810.00 to lest money than any one
else in the county can give you. why
I pay the
and saw dis-
count, and it you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had is years
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. forget the
place on street rear J. B. Cherry
On the 8th day of May A.
1880, will sell at the Court House door
the town of Greenville to the highest
bidder for cash one tract of land in
county containing about SO acres and
Bounded as follows ; Situated in
Dam Township adjoining the hums of
Case. Alfred
a stake In W. ; case and
line running to a
pine in Nichols line and
t; Case North and corner-
at a stake at
line, then running East to the Bee
Corner to Alfred Nichols Corner
Dennis Corner then hack to the
beginning to satisfy an execution In my
By complying with the above yon
will greatly oblige
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
her death bed were ex. M property of said Charles T.
heart-rending. She bore her ., A- sheriff,
tor twenty-one days with 8th 1880, By K. W. D. S.
Christian fortitude, inn was
to exclaim, hard ii is to
Ii Tar Transportation
Greenville, President
J. S. Greenville,
X. M. Gen
Cant. It. JONES,
People's Line for Havel on
The Steamer is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted specially for the comfort. M
and convenience of Ladles.
A Table furnished with the
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Wednesday
and Friday n. o'clock, a. m.
bands for collection against C. T. Case Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and which have been levied on said laud and Saturday t o'clock, a. m.
Freights received and through
Iii Lading given to all points.
J. t HI Agent
When I
Services appropriate to the Wash-
Centennial were held in
Methodist church at o'clock yes-
Some bad sidewalks in Greenville, i
In advance we predict tho new
will set matters right
When qualify.
You miss something pretty if you
fail to see the new millinery goods
at Mr. i;. A. Bee ad-
nest week.
made up for the next session of Con-
If there is not some high
old kicking among the
shall be very much mistaken.
The open row between Senators
Sherman and Quay over the
of patronage has been the
talk of the week in political circles.
Hear consider
as discreditable
Something to attract your attention
is the large new advertisement of J.
B. Cherry this paper. There
is no complete stock in Green
ville than that, to be found their
store, of which fact, you will be con-
upon reading their
And more courteous,
leave my poor lit lie
t lie end was near she asked her
to take her little children, with
and tears that touched deeply the
of all who beard her. She often
spoke of the hour of twelve o'clock, and
strange to relate, when that time came.
Greenville. X. C.
On Monday the 6th day of V.
1889, I will sell at the Court House
in the town of Greenville to
highest for cash one tract of land
Pitt county containing about
acres And bounded as fellows- Situated
that firm can nowhere be found,
nays to trade with such a house.
T. S. T.
The Tar
There must have been a thousand
drummers in town last week, more
or less. Heap more less, than more
though, we
The Staling is the name
new daily paper recently started
at by Mr. Theodore Hob-
good. It bids fair to success.
Some improvements arc being I
added to the of Mr. T. It. I
Cherry's residence on third street.
per for Sweet Scotch
lb sold in Pitt Co.,
ill be sold proportionately a guarantee of its superiority, at
i . ; the Old Brick Store,
low. Don t miss s
Does the public know that you arc
My name in this column a merchant doing business in
a- ii Greenville Let business man
is sufficient guarantee that all advertise in the
promises made above will be
upheld Van Stephens received, a
line nice toilet soaps, and know-
that a newspaper needs
soap scrubbing sent over a
cake. It was o. k.
The only 81.50 a
year. Try one year if yon
do not like it, we will give another
Skinner's mill just above town is
cutting timber for the railroad
from the embankment to the
river. The bridge will be iron.
Lookout, for the time has
for the ice cream and strawberry
parties. Woe lie the fellow who is
out of the necessary
The trade issue of the Rocky
Mount which came out last
week, was a fine publication. It
will do a good work for that section
A health
and strength renewed and of ease
a id comfort follows the
of as acts harmony with
oaten to effectually cleanse
system when costive or billions, j
M R. Lane's Column For sale in by
leading druggists.
Tho oyster season is over, there
being no in May, either cap or
lowercase, and we will have to con-
tent ourselves until September for
that delicious finite
V. L. Stephens, believes in having
fresh goods. week he is re
fresh frosts, confections and
light groceries. He has also put m
a line of the very best toilet soaps.
Bead his new advertisement in this
found doing anything for him again
the people of the country will know
Transportation claims that ho gave up
Company bold its annual meeting j one place to Sherman with the dis-
Thursday of last week. The I understanding that a
report of the General Manager should have place,
showed, the of the company and that while he was out of town
to be in a very prosperous condition j Sherman a march on him and
The company is out of debt and has had an Ohio man appointed to that
considerable money ahead in the very position. Sherman evidently
. earth, and gain for her a crown of glory
and dishonorable and when I in otherworld. Our heartfelt
she breathed her last and lay cold and ; adjoining the
hi death. One more soul had taken lands of Alfred Forbes, T. Cannon
its eternal She had been a j the Heirs and others and known
her of the Methodist church tor about I as the May lands also the puce known as
four years, and was a woman possessed the Hodge lands, adjoining the lands of
of those traits of character, Tucker,
to make her beloved and popular on this erg containing acres more or less also
the place known as the Summers Lands
adjoining the lands S. A. and
reaches out toward her bereaved
family. May their be her eternal
gain. G.
treasury. This speaks well for the
in of the company and we
are glad t he people on the line are
it so liberally. An
election of officers for the g
year was held, resulting in tho re-
election of the entire corps who
the past year.
were held by the
does not want lo quarrel with Quay.
This is the way he replied to Quay's
abuse Of the Senator felt
aggrieved be should have, come to
me and we might have settled the
matter without any or
I have always regarded
Quay as a personal friend,
and I am still his friend. would
be the last man in the world to say
one word calculated to hurt Mr.
others containing acres inure or less
also the place known as the Tyson
containing more
or less to satisfy an execution in my
hands for collection I.
lard and which have been levied on said
land a- the property of said j. I. Ballard.
J. A. K.
April 4th, By B. S.
Democrats of the Second and Third Sherman's soft
only two to which any , has effect on
interest last Friday
Quay who left here for his home
night for the purpose of nominating in . ,
i John Sherman has
a enemy; one who will
allow so scruples to stand in the way
voted next Monday.
The Second Ward met in the
Court House and the meeting was
called to order by J. Murphy,
member of tho Executive Commit-
tee for Second Ward.
Upon of it, Williams, Jr.,
of bis getting even.
When the new cabinet took office.
First Controller Durham, who has
made a proud record in that very
important office, tendered his
nation to Secretary to take
J. D. Murphy was made permanent; effect upon the appointment of his
chairman, and upon motion of J. successor. A few days ago in tin
Tucker, D. J. was made
Upon motion of B. W. King, it
was decided that the convention
select its by ballot.
regular course of business the
received through the
meat of Justice a batch of
presented by John John A.
port, the notorious supervisor
Upon motion of It. Jr., elections in New York aggregating
it was agreed that each elector vote j for
two candidates on one ticket the incurred by him during the late
two receiving a majority of the votes
cast to be the nominees.
presidential election. After careful
examination Mr. Durham refused to
Nominations wore then declared pass these vouchers,
i . h; most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, funning an agreeable
and effective laxative to
and the many ills de-
rending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
t is most excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
one is using it and all arc
delighted with it.
AT. K. Y.
have just re-
turned from New York
City with a full line of
White Goods, Laces
Embroideries, Swiss
Flouncing- a Specialty,
Fine Clothing the
firm patron-
by H. Morris
; Shoes, Hats,
We bought low for
cash and will sell at
panic prices.
Be sure to call.
The Classes will so arranged that
new pupil- can enter the first week in
Di Principal,
Miss r. De-
Mi-s M. and
mental Music.
Miss Rouse. and
Mrs. E. Book Keeping
Classical and Mathematical. Mu-
sic Painting Drawing.
Law. Buildings.
Healthy i
of Prepared Food for
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of first class
Music Department equal
in work to any College in the State.
New Pianos and Organs.
if nearly volumes,
purchased recently for
Kate- Moderate, from to for
Board and Tuition Tuition and
for Day Pupils the same as advertised
ill Pupils who do not board
with the Principal should hist
before engaging hoard elsewhere. For
further particulars, Address,
Water Mills.
The undersigned having leased
mills for ; number of them j
in thorough order, begs leave inform
the that he is to
Corn and wheat in a Ii manner,
Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
would inform merchant- that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill at prices delivered, I
want to at retail cam i
be supplied at my store in
where will also find a select
of Merchandise which will p
sold at lowest prices j
Robt, R. Fleming.
Of Interest to Lactic
complaints to . .

Washing Compound
SAVES the kind of labor that
Wears cut women, clothing and
If this is true, you want
Every grocer keeps it, and a
pennies will buy sufficient for a
families are now using it.
n Peddlers and some
inc. or Jedd but
Oil be found a supply of
Light Ml, Fruits,
Confections, Tobacco,
which will sold at very
PRICES. me a call.
-I hoar you are the willow
For if ill Marion
I find yon the merriest follow
I seen since I came to town.
Vet I thought that she loved you dearly.
Thai loved her well and true,
And every W you were to
What has happened between YOU
y. I am wearing the willow.
Yes happiest man in town,
Although the engagement i- broken
Between and the fair Miss Brown,
Yet she promised to give her
h a love that was fervent and
i But, alas I found out, without a
I of doubt,
She said just the MM to
; l
I eve her a beautiful
i asked for my face in the thing,
you wouldn't It would yon,
gave her a solitaire ring
, Are so I wearing the willow,
Hut wearing It
A girl of kind, if ho feel so In-
. dined
Can go to for me.
She wrote me the sweetest of letters,
; She add Was jealous and wrong.
But would you it, would you.
Sue wrote the same to Tom Long
Then I spoke to my lady plainly,
And I'm wearing the willow, you know;
i But I think I Shall with a girl of
that kind.
decidedly hotter so.
old brick
For wiser by far. than that she
Should wear orange blossom for mo.
j I shall throw by the willow erelong,
But if I had made her my wife.
very much fear, it is only too clear,
I had worn the willow for life.
To all delinquent tax payer of the
County of for the years 1884, 1885
and 1887, take notice, that on
the 6th day of May. 1880, I shall
sale, before the Court House d
Greenville, the land of the
named persons, or so following
nay be to thereof, as
and cost, found , the
arc as
, I
delta ft the . I all
to seize personal property
j for taxes and cost
Mrs P. A., acres 1.43
Anderson. John, of acres
a r.
and Schedule.
SoT, No No
daily Fart Mail, daily
daily ox Sun.
Ar Rocky Mount
A r Tarboro
Ar Wilson
Lt Wilson
Ar Selma
Ar Wilmington
No No
daily daily
pm an
Wilmington II
am R pm
A r
Ar Wilson
Rocky Mount
Ar V,
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
Halifax for Scotland Keels at
Returning, leaves Scotland Neck
A. M. daily except Sunday.
Train leaves Tarboro. X via
A Raleigh K. R. daily except Sun-
day. 0-5 P V. P M. arrive I
P M. P M.
Returning leaves Williamston. daily
except Sunday. A II, Sunday A
M. arrive Tarboro, X C. A M,
A M.
Train on Midland N Branch leaves
daily except Sunday. A M.
arrive X C. a M. Re-
turning leaves KC A M.
arrive Goldsboro. N C. A M.
Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
at P M. -10
P M, Spring Hope P M. Returning
Spring Hope A M. Nashville
a M, arrives Mount A
If daily, except
Train on Branch leaves Warsaw
for except Sunday, at
ll AM leave
tan at A M. ST. connect- j
ht at Warsaw Nob. and ,
Wilson A j
Branch is No. Northbound Is I
To. Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilton. Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North daily. All
mil via Richmond, and daily except Sun-
day via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for all
North via Richmond and Wash-
All trains run solid between
tan and Washington, and have Pullman ;
Palace Sleepers attached.
J. R. Transportation
T. M. Passenger .
their year's supplies will find it to
their interest to got our prices before
chasing elsewhere. is complete
in branches.
TEAS, kc.
always at Lowest Market Pricks.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
j Wing you to buy at one profit. A
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
times. Our good are all bought and
for CASH, therefore, having no risk
run. we sell at a close margin.
S. M.
Greenville. N. C
-Throughout Christendom a young
man who has jilted by girl he
i loves is said be wearing the
The host in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Salt Rheum,
Son's. Chapped Hands,
Mains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions
and cures Piles, or no pay re-
quired. It guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
cents per box. by
A car load list arrived and now for
.-ale by.
at Keel King's old stand. Will sell them
or at reasonable terms on lime. I bought
my stock for and can afford to sell
as cheap as anyone. Give me a call.
Have just procured several
Vehicles and will take passengers to any
a reason i hie rate.
hi d
Having associated B. S. SHEPPARD
with me in the Undertaking business we
are ready to serve the people in that
rapacity. All notes and accounts due
me for past services have been placed in
bands of Mr. Sheppard for collection.
Fingers Came Off.
My little son, years was
I afflicted with a disease for winch
; the doctors had name. The nails
came Off fingers, and the fingers
Dante off his hands up to middle
joint. For three years he has
dreadfully, and has taken
quantities of medicine. lie is now
getting well under treatment of
Swift's Specific.
, Jan.
Pot two years had rheumatism
so had I hat it disabled me for work,
confined me to my bed for a
I whole year, during which lime I
could not even my to
I my head, and three months could
j not raise my self in bed ; was re-
in from to lbs.;
was treated by best physicians only
to worse. Finally I took
Swift's Specific, and soon began to
improve. After a while was at my
work, and the past five months
have been as well as I ever
the effects of Swift's Specific.
Ft. Ind., Jan. 8.1889.
John Ray.
Swift's Sped fie is a purely
table remedy, contains no Mercury.
Potash or other mineral, is harmless
to the most delicate infant. Our
treatise on and Skin Diseases
will be mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co.
Drawer Atlanta
keep on hand at all times a nice
stuck of Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
county Pine Coffin. We are fitted
up with nil conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Cherry. A. acres
W. J town lot
Mg. W. i town lot
Move, Melissa. acres
L. V., and one-sixth
town lot
Sermons, G . acres
Patrick, Charles, j town lot
Or. by 1.00
Patrick, Charles, J town lot
Cr. by
1887. M. R. acres
Daniel, I. D., town lot
J. F., acres
1885. J. P. acres
1881. F., acres
1887 Bridges, R K
1888 K R acres
Started. acres
May, Mrs Polly, Est acres
Mm land
ft Rattle,
1887 Teel R A acres Homo land
1887 Teel, A E acres Home land
1887 Tyson, Warren, SO acres
st on land
1881 Tyson, J C acres Pollard
1887 L P acres
1885 I. P
1881 L P acres
1887 W C acres
1887 Tyson, C V ac-es log
Adams, Shade. acres Indian
Well land
1887. Brown. C. O. SO acres Cow
Brown, A. T.,
1884 Brown, S. L. acres Cow
Evans, Mrs. Margaret,
I J. W., CO
1885. W.
Dixon, John acres
Mills, Richard, acres Cross
1887. Mills, W. B, Mrs, acres
Indian Wells
Patrick, Willis, acres Swift
Smith W., acres Clay
G. C av Root
Cl 2.00
Smith, Turner, acres
Tyson. B. F. acres Cow
1884. Harris. Started, acres Cross
las. Smith,
1884. Smith, Clay
E. S. acres Cow
1884. B L. P., Est
ores B Branch 25.18
1883. L. P., awes B
1885, acres 17.03
1885. V., acres C
is- v,.
1887. Cornelius, acres
C. Creek
i 1885. Joyner, Noah, heirs acres
P Road
1886. Joyner, Andrew, acres
1887. Noah, heirs acres
P. Road
Joyner, Andrew, acres
L. V., acres Mid-
Swamp 42- V
1886. Bullock. R. W., acres
1886. Carson. D. acres
1886. More. D. C. acres
Cherry Sallie L., acres
Elks, Mis. acres
Hunter, IV. TO., acres
Parties here advertised can settle
there taxes before day of sale by paving
cost of advertising.
April 1889. ex-Sheriff Co.
Celery Compound
Purifies the Blood,
Strengthens the Nerves,
Stimulates the Liver,
Regulates the Kidneys Bowels,
Gives Life and Vigor to every organ.
There's nothing like it
a tonic
now its
a new man.
I do not
Use It Now
I run It as
powerful ii same time most
It Is a nerve
I hare felt like a new man
If. K Dakota.
Edison's Mt-
.--moves in Two
minute, without pain or
injury to the skin. Cupids Gift
fies the complexion. Edison's Electric
Balm makes the Hair grow.
circulars for cent stamp,
West 14th St. N. Y.
Washington Letter.
our regular
Washington-, April
Chief Justice Fuller has
oil that the United States Supreme
Court would cease to hear
on inst. and adjourn
from then until the of May and
then adjourn for tho term.
All the laws passed by the last
Congress have been published in
book form by State Department
and copies may be obtained for
Is each.
would respectfully call your
to following address and ask
ran to remember that can buy a
this house cheaper than any other in the
country. That it is the most reliable
and best, known having been represented
for over forty year In tills vicinity.
That the workmanship i- second to none
and has unusual I lit fa for or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respectfully.
Refer to P. W. BATES,
1.3. ; N Conn,
Or write
I have just
m mm
a nice lino of
he latest of
I Which I can sell very Cheap. Violin
i Guitar and for sale
Special attention paid watch, clock
Owing to the funeral of the late repatriate.
John P. Usher, who was Secretary MOSES
of tho Interior from to
that Department was closed
day. This is a senseless and use-
less and is besides very j
costly to the Government.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad;
In Effect A. M. A Dec.
No. No.
p m
a in
Bead the Mr. C. Morris.
Newark. Ark., down with
Abscess of Lungs, and friend and
pronounced me an Incurable Con-
Began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, am
now on my third bottle, and aide to over-
see the work on my farm. It is the fin-
est medicine ever
Jesse Ohio,
it not been for Dr. King's New
Discovery tor Consumption I would have
died of Lung Troubles. Was given up
by doctors. Am now in best of
i fry it. Sample bottles at Brant's
I Drugstore,
On Monday the day of May, 1889.
at the Court House door in Greenville. I
j shall sell following tracts of land to
satisfy the taxes due for the year
East. West
No l.
lied Ft.
Pass- Train.
Mixed Ft.
Pass Train.
p m
4-5 Beat
La Grange
in Kinston
J Dover
I Core Creek
s Morehead
t Atlantic Hotel
pm Morehead Depot a m
Tuesday Thursday Saturday,
Wednesday and Friday.;
Train CO connects with Wilmington,
Weldon Train bound North,
m., and with Rich-
Danville Train West, leaving
Train connects with- Richmond
Danville Train, arriving at Goldsboro
p. m., and with Wilmington and
Train from North at p. in
Train connects with Wilmington and
Through Freight Train, leaving
Goldsboro at p. in and with Rich-
Danville Through Freight Train
leaves Goldsboro at p. m.
The every
week to bring trade total
of Greenville. Do the
in rotors ever try to draw
age to I be
Established in Baltimore in 1870.
Will a Rouse in
in September. 1887. for handling and
sale of cotton, thus giving our customers
their choice of the two markets.
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I haTe
everything in line
with aH the improved appliances; new
Rosen sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
Of the quality and prices of Milli-
goods now kept in stock by Mrs,
A. Sheppard with those to be had
will convince you that her
can in no be surpassed.
line of trimmed and
The very latest styles In trim-
and Notion.
is solicited.
An editor received a letter from a
subscriber asking him to publish a
cure for apple tree worms. He re
plied he could not suggest a
en re mild be knew what ailed t lie
Little Women
are as a rule, possessed of happy
but when these sweet dispositions
Mined and irritable, in
of Lie long train of distressing
features peculiar to female complaints,
they are then not companionable to say
the least. It is duty, not only of lit,
tie women, but of all woven so afflicted,
to bring about the subjection, and
removal, of these painful maladies.
This is easily by the use of
Dr. Favorite Prescription, the
great specific for
I It is a positive cure for the most
and obstinate caws of
excessive flowing, painful menstruation,
unnatural suppression, or fall-
of the womb, weak back,
sensations, chronic con-
inflammation and ulceration of
the womb, inflammation, pain and ten-
in ovaries, and kindred ailments
All druggists.
The longest courtship yet record-
ed occurred in Island, and
lasted forty-one years. Fifty-five
days alter marriage both applied
for a divorce, claiming to have been
basely deceived.
Important to Ladle-.
A reliable woman wanted to introduce
direct to ladies in this county. Dr.
Nichols, celebrated Spiral Spring Clasp
Corsets retailing at and upwards.
No more Steels ; warranted
or money refunded. The
greatest invention of age. Sells on
sight. No experience required sample
and outfit absolutely free. Agents
average to weekly. Send
postage sample, and terms.
West 14th Street. NEW YORK.
John Anderson, acres
John If acres
I. E town lot
II Ellis, town lot
F Harris, town lot
It Moore. acres land
Luke Smith, town lot
T Williams, town lots
L w CH ye, town lot
W acres
Mary acres
J Bryan, acres
Cox, SO acres
J B Coward, acres
N or J N
Mary L Buck. acres
Henry Harris, acres
w II King acres
Sarah acres
Fannie Murphy, acres land
Up; . V
. or-
book five, .-. -V
coupler. for
I.-, ml
my bull
will on
ten -t
f lure to write mo,
elected a large
h. w.
warren Jersey,
ram Of
business it. the f. S.
i the
to; v. Kiev.
We arc the IT, S. Patent of-
in and
can patents in Mine than those
more remote from Washington.
the model ins ,, ,,
.- to free
we make change mile ob-
We Master, the
of the Order Did., and to
t . S. I-.,,,,,. For
advise terms and reference to
clients in your own or con n
. a. Snow a Co.,
D, c.
D. L WHICHARD, Editor d; Proprietor.
-c v .
i .-.
r l ft
y . j
the hair.
I r.
i-j Color.
SI I . . ;. . f
is be
roundly abused by the
for positions as special
agents of Department
because he has sent all the
cations to tho Civil Service Com-
missioners, and notified the
cants that they must a Civil
Service examination. These
are much sought after,
the impression had got out among
the Republicans that no
would be required.
John Sherman had a candidate
for Controller of the Currency, but
he got left, and the prize went to
ex-Congressman Lacy, of Michigan.
Verily these be times for
Ohio Republicans,
Another plum has been cap
lined by a newspaper man. The
fortunate individual is Robert P.
Potter, of the New York
Press, who has been appointed
of tho Census.
is certainly malting himself
solid with the Republican editors
and is doubtless log the wires for
a re-nomination.
Applications have been made to
the Controller of the Currency for
charters for several national banks
in Oklahoma, and that official is
much perplexed as to what he should
do. The law requires application
to be on one year before the
charter is granted, but this being
ft new country the think
an exception be made in
their favor. The question has been
referred to tho Attorney General
for an opinion.
Several years ago the
Department issued an order pros
train or trains
other than mail trains carrying let-
packages, etc. This older was
hard on newspapers, as
it often prevented their
important and also
prevented them from rending out
of paper-, in
to general requests from publishers Sharp sad
the order has been rescinded. i Back
Ache, I and best pains
ed in one minute by the
mm mm plaster
The first and only Instantaneous pain
i Kim,
. Bent on trill
low. Agent raid.
free. Mention this
i i
; i . i .
Pm . ; oil Ilia
. a doc
o c
I in n, i . a i c.-.
over published in
Greenville. Ii tarnishes the
and gives More Reading Matter for
the money than any other paper
published in North Carolina.
The Reflector gives a
LOCAL, and will devote it-
self to the material advancement
of the ion in which it
Send your name and get a
I is called to the as its
j large and growing circulation
j makes it an excellent medium
through which to roach people
The Department
is now
postmasters at the of a day.
Extra clerks have been detailed
from other branches of the Depart- j killing
First As- , for At or of
Amanda heirs and
acres land
John A Wilson, 0.1 acres land
Parker ft Singletary, acres land
J N acres land
H Hearne, acres land S
II L Kittrell, town lot
J E town lot
J E Langley, I town lot l
D Bryant acres land l
Greene Dudley, acres land
James Heath, acres land
Simon acres land
J J Bryan, acres land
acres land
win Coward, acres land
w C Gardner, t-2 land
S V acres land
M J acres land
acres land
Fannie Murphy, acres land
Lama acres land
II A acres land
Elsie Smith. acres land
G D Miller, acres land
parties here advertised can settle
their taxes before day of sale by pay-
of advertising
w. H.
Ex-Tax Collector.
t Owners.
Edison's Electric Spavin Cure
removes Bone Spavin,
Splint, or Cm b In hours without pain.
Particulars, illustrated circulars and
sent on receipt or cent stamp.
West 14th St.,
to help those in
office so as to increase the
of dismissals and appoint-
in the Railway Mail Service it is
almost as bad. The number of re-
in six weeks Is over
Secretary Noble says every
caution has been taken by the
to prevent lawlessness in
Oklahoma that the attempts of
the alarmists to scale people away
the new territory are absurd.
It is said that Senator
stole n march on his colleague, Sen-
getting J. A.
appointed postmaster at Chicago.
if this be true Mr. will be
more than ever.
Tho seem to
have the call this week. Mr.
of Iowa, has been appointed
Solicitor of the Treasury.
It is reported that Harrison
has stated that no in
tho presidential class will be
ed, without cause, until his
expires. It is also said
he has decided that all commissions
shall date from the date of
Both statements should be
taken with a grain of allowance.
Toe still waits
recognition from the
But ho is getting decidedly
impatient. May continue in the
same condition.
After keeping the IT. S. light
house bender, Holly, tied up to the
wharf hero for tines day, while two
which their moorings
in Chesapeake Bay during tho re-
cent storm, are floating mound on
dangering vessels, Mr. Harrison
went aboard for a pleasure
sail down the That's the
Republicans idea of protecting our
Pimples, blackhead-. CC
I I chapped and oily skin
cured Soap.
This Is what you ought to have. In fact,
you must have it, to fully enjoy life.
Thousands upon thousands of are
spent annually by Our In the hope
that they may attain this boon. vet
may be had by all. We guarantee
that Electric Bitters, If used according
to directions and the persisted In,
will bring you Good and oust
the demon Dyspepsia and Install instead
We Electric Bit-
for Dyspepsia and all of
Liver Stomach and Kidneys, Sold at
and per by Ernul
A Treatise on
Youth, ,. .
and of
Folly, Vice, or
for Work, or Social
full pit. only
concealed In plain wrapper,
If ion apply now. Tho
author, Wm. fl. P., K-
from Association,
for the on and
of may t conn.
mill or In at tho of
No. St., whom all
for or for advice be
directed above.
for baldness,
falling out of end eradication of
is before the
Among the many who have it with
I refer you fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to of my assertion
Eli. Latham, Greenville.
in. o.
Any one wishing to give It ft trial for
above named complaints can procure
it Iron at my place of business, for
Greenville, March 14th, C ,
Greenville, N.
the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. towels,
sharp ion guaranteed
In every instance. Call and be con-
Ladies waited on at their
a specialty.
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. By culling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure u
bottle of that is Invaluable
for eradicating dandruff and causing the
kinkiest hair to be perfectly soft and
glossy, only two or application a
week is necessary, and a common
brush is nil to be used alter the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
the Try B bottle and lie
convinced, only H
i V .
paper the
National Administration and the
i Democracy of the
political battle ground of the
pure and
simple, is enough for the Stab.
single handed the metropolitan
press, ii has stood the men called by
the to redeem
eminent from twenty-five rears of
wastefulness and corruption
and despotism to the South, For these
tour years past it has been unswerving
Its to I he administration of
rover is for him now
for Cleveland and four
years more of Democratic honesty In our
national affairs, and of continued nation-
who like that sort
is the paper to read.
The stab lands squarely on tho
National Democratic platform. It be-
exacted the
In excess the demands of a
. c
s essentially oppressive and dishonest.
The i mid championed by
the of the
a miner, wringing millions
annually the and locking
them up in vaults to serve no purpose
but and dishonesty,
it regards us a monstrous crime against
the inn Re-
publican may call it
taxation i the
for ii is robbery.
Through through Star is a
great newspaper, lie tone is pure and
wholesome, its news service
Knell presents an
tome of what worth knowing of
the world's of yesterday. Its
stories are told In good, quirk,
English, and interesting
reading they are.
The good as tho
m i e, and i about the
amount of t lie i Id. i tho
news h
articles, . Hatches of current
literature, reviews, ml criticism, etc,
In Its columns i tons delight-
letters are Its choice offerings.
Many of e Is known men and women
ill literature and art are represented in
Its column .
Tho is n large paper
giving of the news the world
over, with special features which make
ii the most complete
The the
tin- man too much occupied to
reads dally paper, will more for his
dollar Invested in the
than from any other pier, ii will be
ii during the
ind Hie Holiest and must re
for one year
Daily, Sunday, one year 9.00
day. months
Daily, six 8.00
edition, one year
St u, one year
A free of the Star to
the sender a club of
Broadway and Pm Place New York.
C, II.
n, ii.
Printers and Binders,
e have mo
establishment of the kind to be found in
the Slate. orders for all
road or School Print-
or Binding.
oil k
us orders.
K. C.
. v.
r i i
r M L dial. fl. i
r. i i
. . .
r. ,
., l-l
i r
Ca. .
C. D.
and Mill led.
Will pay for
Corn and Peas.
I pay CAM for my can
to tell at bottom
Call on me at the lore of J. S.

Eastern reflector, 1 May 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 01, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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